Advertisement For The Non Teaching Positions For IISER Berhampur
Advertisement For The Non Teaching Positions For IISER Berhampur
Advertisement For The Non Teaching Positions For IISER Berhampur
The Institute is looking for dedicated and committed candidates to fill-up the
following vacancies on Regular with initial contract basis and /or on Deputation
SN Name of the Post (s) PB GP No. of Vacancies
OBC PwD UR Total
I Superintending IV 8,700 I 1
2 Dy. Registrar m 7,600 I 1
J Executive Engineer ilI 6,600 I 1
4 Assistant Librarian m 6000 1 I
5 Assistant Registrar ilI 5,400 I I 2
6 Scientific Officer UI 5,400 2 2
7 Technical Officer m 5,400 1 I
8 Physical Education II 4,600 1 I
9 Jr. Superintendent il 4,200 I I 2
10 ASO cum Transport II 4,200 I I
l1 Scientific Assistant il 4,200 I I
I2 Lab. Technician I 2,800 I I 2
13 Office Assistant (MS) I 2,800 1 3 4
Total I 3 t6 20
(D Three posts out of the above positions are reserved for PwD (a,b, c, d, & e sub-
categories) candidates as per rules.
(ii) Also, preference will be given to Sc/ST/OBC/Ex-Servicemen/women
candidates subj ect to eligibility/suitability.
For further details and submission of applications through online mode, please visit
Institute's website The last date for s sion
of online applicationsis0Tl0ll20lT at 1700 Hrs. X
Advt. No. NT- 0lllT.Date: 0710412017
TgreTr gE 3u{crH Trerf{ q{flqr
qRdril lEr$FT
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Berhampur
(Mentored by IISER Bhopal)
The essential, desirable qualifications and experience for the above post(s), as per serial
Number. are as under:
Description of Experience:
Name of Post/Cadre
1 5.600'39. 1 00) GP: 5.400/-
Experience description :
Advt. No. NT- 0l / l'7 , Dared: 0'1/04/201'1 Page 9 of 4J
Name of Post/Cadre Office Assistant (Multi Skill)
Scale ofPay PB-I (Rs. 5,200-20,200) GP: Rs.2,8001
No. of Posts. 3-UR, 1-OBC
Age Limit for UR positions 30 Years
Qualifications Bachelor's Degree with at least 55ok marks in any discipline
with sufficient typing speed, proficiency in office application
like Word. Excel, Power Point etc.
Experiences 2 years of relevant experience in handling Office works &
equipments/knowledge of computer applications in any
Central / State Go'"'t. or similar organized services / Semi-
Gort. / PSU / Gol't. Autonomous organization / Gort.
Universities / Go!t. Institute of national importance, with a GP
of Rs. 2000/- having worked in Persomel department /
Finance & Accounts Department / Secretariat / Stores &
Purchase wing / Academic section of any Central or State
Golt. organizations / PSU / Govt. Autonomous organizations /
Gor.t. Universities / Gor.t. Institutes of national imporlance.
rrsER, BHopAL lK,, |r.t,,,0,.
The Institute may offer the positions on direct probation, optionally, wherever
specifically announced. In the case of appointments directly on probation on regular
basis wherever applicable, without any provision for any initial contract, the following
standard provisions shall be inserted in the offer letter:
Provided that the Controlling Authority may extend the period of probation in
accordance with the instructions issued by the Government from time to time.
2. Provided further that any decision for extension of a probation period shall be
taken ordinarily within eight weeks after the expiry of the previous probationary
period and communicated in writing to the concemed officer together with the
reasons for doing so within the said period.
4. If, during the period of probation or any extension thereof, as the case may be
Institute is of the opinion that an officer is not fit for permanent appointrnent,
Institute may discharge or revert the officer to the post held by him prior to his
appoinblent in the service, as the case may be.
In case of Group 'B' & 'C' employee recruited on initial contract of five years
with subsequent provision for absorption, the employee should eam a
minimum of "Very Good" in all the four quarters and/or in the Annual
Performance Assessment Reports (APAR) of previous two assessment years
for becoming eligible for conflrmation besides undergoing evaluation tbrough
Personal Presentation & self-appraisal. The employee fulfilling the above
criteria can be considered for permanent absorption/confirmation on
completing a minimum of one year of service after initial appointment on
probation / contract in lieu of separate probation.
0) (i) any Group 'A' employee who is recruited on one year probation, should
eam at least "Very Good" in all the four quarters and/or in the Annual
Performance Assessment Reports (APAR) for becoming eligible for
absorption/confirmation besides evaluation through Departmental
Confirmation Committee (DCC).
(ii) In case of Group 'A' employee recruited on initial contract of five years
with subsequent provision for absorption/confirmation, the employee should
eam a minimum of "Very Good" in all the four quarters and./or in the Annual
Performance Assessment Reports (APAR) of previous two assessment years
for becoming eligible for pormanent absorption/confirmation besides
evaluation through Personal Presentation & self-appraisal. The employee
fulfilling the above criteria can be considered for permanent
absorption/confirmation on completing a minimum of one year of service after
initial appointment.
IV. Relaxations:
1. Any relaxations in respect of Group B and C positions in terms of age and number
of years of experience excep the educational qualifications, in exceptionally
meritorious cases 01 to attmct more number of candidates in professional,
tecbnical and scientific nature of posts may be recommended by the Shortlisting
Committee for the approval of the Director. In case of Group A positions, it is
strictly the Board of Govemors to accord such relaxations in iustifiable
4. Before resorting to relaxation of Recruitment Rules, the Institute shall explore the
feasibility of frlling up a post by other methods of recruitment provided in the
v. Methods of Recruitment:
As per the Statutes No. 16.1, all the posts at the Institute shall normally be filled by
adverlisement. Therefore, all the Non-Teaching Positions sanctioned for the Institute
shall be filled up through advertisement in the following methods of recruitment
through selection only as per the various methods of recruitment available in
Govemment of India system as follows as per the practical requirements of the
Institute from time to time in each case:
1. Direct Recruitment
a) From All India level open advertisement from open market, upto 75Vo of
vacancies, at each instance: All the vacancies in the posts canying GP ofRs.
7600/- and above shall be filled up through A11 India Level Open
advertisement on 75:25 ratio (Direct recruits versus Deparhnental Candidates).
25%o shall be earmarked for departmental candidates. The Institute
may release a separate advertisement for the limited departmental direct
recruitment, if deemed necessary. There may also be a
advertisement for both the departmental candidates and the candidates from
open market, whenever the feeder grades are not commensurate to the
vacancies (i.e. 3 to 5 times of the number of vacancies, earmarked for the
d eparhnental feeder grades).
It may so happen that the Institute may not be able to fill up the vacancies caused by
the incumbents being away for a duration of one year or more due to proceeding on
deputation, study leave etc. In order to avoid such a contingency, the vacancies
caused by the incumbent being away on deputation or long illness or study leave or
under other circumstances for a duration of one year or more may be filled on
deputation basis from officers of Central Govemment/State
Govemment/Autonomous BodieslPSUs etc.
3. Transfer-on-Absorption
b. The Institute also invites applications from the regular officers working in Central
and State Govt. departments, Subordinate, Attached Offices and Autonomous
bodies under Cenhal Gor.t. (being audited by C&AG), Central PSUs, Joint
Ventures or any other form of organization between Central Golt. and State Govt.
with minimum 50% stake held by Central Govt. on permanent Absorption basis
against the regular post.
d. The candidates joining on absorption basis shall be extended the benefits of:
(i) Protection of pay in pay band, basic pay, Grade Pay, allowaaces, perks, counting
of past service for the purpose of extension of financial up-gradation under
MACP/CAS any career up-gradation scheme in vogue in the Institute etc., will be
done as per Institute rules / recommendations of the selection committee.
(ii) The service benefits as available in the parent cadre shall be protected subject to
availability of similar service benefits after absorption at the lnstitute.
(iii) The extension of Pay Band / Pay I Grade Pay / Basic Pay acquired through
MACP/Financial up-gradation through ACP / or any promotion at the parent
'organtzation as on date of absorption / deputation or during deputation, including
extension of pay, allowances, service benefits, counting of past service shall be
done as per Govt. of India rules / Institute rules on negotiation basis/as per the
recommendations of the selection committee.
(vi) Candidates working on the same Pay Band and Grade Pay or higher Pay Band /
Grade Pay shall be considered for absorption in the sanctioned and advertised
substantive Pay Band I Ctrade Pay only. However, on proper transfer of service
and counting of the past service any financial upgradation in higher Pay Band /
Grade Pay shall be extended under MACP/CAS through a separate DPC after
absorption from the effective date if
already placed/extended by the parent
organization before absorption or from the actual date on which the
upgradatiorVassessment falls due under MACP / CAS.
(vii) The above terms and conditions, shall be applicable to deputation also.
4. Re-employment
Re-employrnent of the govemment servants as per the existing rules shall also be a
method of recruitment, as per the Govemment of India Rules in vogue from time to
5. Short-term Contract
"Short-term contract" is also a form of deputation and this applies to offtcers from
non- Govemment bodies, e.g. Universities, recognized Research Institutions, Public
Undertakings, etc. for teaching, research, scientific and technical posts. This method
is also adopted, if it is considered desirable.
In cases where the method of promotion is by'selection' and the field of promotion
or feeder grade consists of only one post, the method of recruitment by "deputation
(including short-term contract) / promotion" shall be followed, so that the
departmental candidate is considered along with outsiders. If the deparbnental
caldidate is selected for appointment to the post; it is to be treated as having been
(i) The Institute may fill up posts through selection under limited
departmental quota of upto 507o of vacancies: At each instance, upto 50%
of the total vacancies under Group B and C and the entry level posts of Group
A, i.e. PB-3, GP- Rs. 5400/- may be filled through selection under limited
departmental quota, only in case of availability of sufficient candidates
from feeder cadres.
In respect of departmental quota, normally the feeder grade should range
from 3 to 5 times the number of earmarked posts in the higher grade. In case
of non-availability of feeder cadre, the advertisement shall be released in a
consolidated manner through All India level Direct Recruitment, otherwise
than by Open Competition where the departmental candidates also will be
encouraged to compete with the open market candidates. The posts unfilled
under limited departmental quota shall be frlled up through open market, in a
simultaneous manner through the same Selection Committee.
All the Institute employees of IISER Berhampur who are working on regular
scales in the Institute service against the regular positions will be treated as
departmental candidates and all the relaxations in terms of Qualifications /
Age / Experience duly treating them as departrnental candidates for promotion
shall be made applicable as per Golt. of India rules for Promotion/Assessment
under RCPS / MACP as applicable to autonomous Institutes of tlle
Govemment of India. The rules for promotion through selection / MACP of
the Govt. of India shall be made applicable in case of intemal departrnental
caadidates through a separate advertisement for departrnental candidates,
wherever a minimum of three candidates are available from the feeder cadre.
Otherwise, the position shall be advertised through Open recruitment for
which the departrnental candidates shall also be eligible to compete along with
open market candidates.
(iD Age relaxation for Departmental Candidates: There is no upper age limit
for the regular Institute employees of IISER Berhampur who are fieated as
departmental candidates for all the nosts.
The educational qualifications prescribed for direct recruits shall also apply in
the case of departmental candidates applying through direct recruitment
methods and departrnental quota also. The full educational qualifications, for
professional, scientific and technical posts, shall be insisted upon, in the
interest of administrative efficiency, even in case of intemal candidates for
both direct recruitment as well as limited departrnental quota.
vI. Age and other relaxations for direct recruits and departmental candidates
for Direct Recruitment :
1. Age relaxation :
1. The age limit mentioned in the advertisement is with reference to tlle unreserved
vacancies, there will be relaxation as per the standard rules of Golt. of India in
respect ofthe reserved positions.
2. The SC/ST/OBC candidates who apply against unreserved (UR) posts will not
be eligible for age relaxation.
7. Crucial date for calculation of the age limit: The crucial date for determining the
ageJimit shall be the closing date for online submission of applications from
candidates in India.
8. Upper age limit for direct recruitment: The upper age limits for different posts
depend upon the nature of dufies, educational qualifications and experience
requirements. Broadly, the following criteria may be followed:
(ii) Posts having Grade Pay Rs. 7600/- 5 5 years
(iiD Posts having Grade Pay Rs. 6600/- 45 years
(iv) Posts havinq Grade Pay Rs. 5400f 40 vears(*)
(v) Posts having Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-, 4600/- & 3 5 years
(vD Posts having Grade Pay Rs. 1800/-, 19001, 18 to 30 years.
2000/-,24001- &2800L
* The maximum age limit for the posts including and above GP: 54001 of
Scientific Offrcer, (GP : 5400/-) Medical Officer (GP : 5400) I Research
Engineers (GP:5400/-) having suitable higher qualifications like Ph.D or
research experience or Govt. or Corporate Experience shall be considered upto
the age of 55 years.
\III. Reserwations:
3. Candidates belonging to OBC (.{CL) category, but coming in creamy layer will
not be entitled to the benefits ofreservation and should apply as General Category
5. Age should not exceed the limit as on normal closing date of online submission of
completed application. However, age relaxation will be considered in case of
SC/ST/OBC QrICL)/PwD and Ex-servicemen as applicable in Central
6. Only the shortlisted candidates will be called for Screening Test / interview. The
Institute shall reimburse to and fro second class sleeper train fare by the shortest
route or actua.l bus fare on production of tickets in respect to SC/ST/PwD
candidates only.
Bank Details
Mode of Payment:
1. Online payment shall be made through SBI I-Collect only: The payment
options through Intemet Banking (all banks) and Debit Card/Credit Card will be
available under SBI Collect. Detailed instructions and step wise guideline for
payment is available at the link given below:
!3gent instructions
2. The self-attested printout of SBI Collect Receipt must be enclosed (with personal
details appended overleaf) as proof of payment offee.
3. Applicants desiring to apply for more than one post should fiIl-in and send
separate applications for each post along-with the prescribed fee.
4. Fee is exempted for all Women candidates as per Govt. of India orders No.
39020103/2009-Estt (B) dated 03 108/2010.
IX. Qualifrcations and Experience ( A condition must have been complied with'
without any deviation to avoid rejection of candidature):
1. The minimum educational qualifications and experience required for direct
recruitrnent are indicated duly dividing them into two parts, viz., "Essential
Qualifications" and "Desirable Qualifications". These requirements vary fiom post
to post depending upon tle scale ofpay and the nature ofduties.
(ii) The candidate should enswe that the (a) Graduate degree and (b) Post
graduate degree should have been obtained from a University or any
Institution set up rmder an act of Parliament or an authorised Institution
approved by the appropriate Regulatory Agency to issue Bachelors and
Master's degrees.
(iiDPGruG diplomas shall be treated as mere UG/PG diplomas only, but not
UGIPG Degrees unless the nomenclature itself is used as Degree by the
authority empowered with degree ganting status under the Act of
Parliament or through the affrliated regulatory bodies like UGC etc. No
Under Graduate or Post Graduate diploma, irrespective of tle number of
years of study or the Institute / University offering such diplomas shall be
considered as a Bachelors or Master's degree unless specifically notified by
UGC or included in the latest UGC's Gazette Notification dated July 5,
2014 on the specification of the Degrees enclosed with this Advertisement.
No interpretations or equivalency certificates issued by any other agency
other than UGC notification shall be entertained in this resard.
(ii) The candidates currently working in the similar Pay Band and Grade Pay of
the post advertised or who previously worked in the same Grade Pay or Pay
Band similar to the post advertised shall also be eligible to be considered for
shortlisting against the post applied for subject to the condition that the total
residency period in the required group of post is sufficient when all the
of Dy. Registrar the required
experience put together. ( Example: For the post
experience of 5 years as Assistant Registrar in the Group A, PB-III, GP :
(iii)The candidates working in higher Pay Band./Grade Pay shall also be eligible
to apply against the post advertised subject to fulfilling the minimum
residency period in the desired position or higher position put together.
(iv) The cardidates working on regular basis with specified Pay Scales / Grade
Pay in the Gol't. organisations shall be given preference. Wherever sufficient
number of candidates are not available with Golt. experience, the candidates
from non-government area with equitable grade and experience may be
10. The acadernic qualifications prescribed should have been obtained from recogrized
Universities/Institutions and recognized./approved by the relevant authorities e.g.
UGC/AICTE as applicable. Further, the duration of all educational qualification
must be as per UGC norms.
ll. Tlping Knowledge: ln respect of Group 'C' posts, if the lnstitute considers typing
knowledge as essential, the skill tests shall only be conducted only on computers
and sufficient typing speed may be demanded as an 'essential' qualification.
12. Relaxation Clause: Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Competent
Authority / Director in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
Ifthe number of applicants shortlisted for attending the interview is less than 5 for
each vacancy at Level-l of shortlisting, the lnstitute shall relax the age and
experience, but not the essential academic qualifications, to enslte and encourage
more number ofpeople to compete at interview level.
x. Online applications:
1) After submitting the online application, the printed proforma of the online
application duly signed on all sheets and enclosures be submitted through speed
/registered post only.
3) The candidates should produce the NOC / service certificate from their current
employer lorganization in the prescribed proforma only with aa unambiguous
certificate that (i) no vigilance case is pending/being contemplated against him/her
(ii) the applicant will be relieved after completion of notice period as per the terms
and conditions of his appointnent or 3 months whichever is less. For deputation
5) The duly signed print version of the online application should be sent through
Registered/Speed Post to the offrce of the Registrar. Application received after the
last date may not be considered. The lnstitute shall not be responsible for postal
delay, if any. Envelope containing application should be superscribed the post
applied for.
7) Candidates are advised to keep a copy of the print-out of the online application form
and e-receipt ofpayment for their record.
2. The application submitted through online module should be printed and signed on
each sheet before sending the same by Speed Post, failing which the candidatue
stands rej ected.
3. Handwritten and unsigned applications, which are not in the prescribed proforma
of application, will be summarily rejected.
6. The Institute reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any
reason whatsoever.
7. The application form without the attested copies of all relevant certificates (both
experience and professional qualifications in prescribed proforma) will summarily
be rejected.
10. The applicants shall have to enclose the hierarchy and list of pay scales, the
equivalence factor in terms of 6h / 7h CPC and Central Golt. hierarchy duly
certified by the employer, in case the applicant is not working in 6tn / 7m CpC
stnrcture under Golt. of India for extension of any benefit of equivalence on par
with 7' CPC structure. Without the equivalence certificate no claims of the
applicant shall be considered under circumstances.
11. The experience gained in pay scales in regular pay structure against sanctioned
posts shall only be considered.
XU. RecruitmentMethodology:
The Shortlisting Committee shall devise its own criteria for shortlisting the candidates
and optimize the number for inviting them for Screening Test followed by interview. The
decision of Shortlisting Committee is final in terms of shortlisting criteria. The shortlisted
candidates shall be conveyed by speed post or email for attending the selection process.
In the event of number of applications being 1arge, the shortJisting committee of the
Institute will adopt a shortJisting criteria to restrict the number of candidates to be called
for screening test and or interview to a reasonable number by one or more of the
following methods:
1. On the basis of higher educational qualifications than the minimum prescribed in the
2. On the basis of higher experience in the relevant fie1d than the minimum prescribed
in the adverti sement.
3. On the basis of desirable qualifications and / or desirable experience.
4. By counting experience before or after the acquisition of essential qualifications.
5. Rejecting the incomplete applications.
6. By holding a Screening Test ofqualifying nature only for shortlisting the Candidates.
The interview-cum-personal discussion/presentation by the shortlisted candidates will be
the decisive point for selection of the candidate. The selection committee at its own
discretion may also arralge for a group discussion of the candidates invited for
interviews, besides asking them to make a Power Point Presentation (PPT) before the
selection committee. However, the committee may dispense with the Power Point
Presentation (PPT) and or the group discussion, at its own discretion and conduct the
interview alone.
The selection committee shall draw a merit list of the successfirl candidates in the
interview from each category. If required, the selection committee also may draw a
waiting list with sufficient number of eligible candidates from each category who may be
given the offer of appointnent subject to their meeting/fulfilling all eligibility
requirements only in case the selected candidates refuse or fail to join within the
stipulated time, which may be 3-6 months in normal circumstances. The waitlist will
stand ceased, once all the selected candidates have accepted and joined the positions
offered. The waitlist is not a panel of candidates for filling the future vacancies arising out
of resignations/ removals/ retirements/ promotions etc. after the interviews/selections are
completed against each advertisement.
The activation of waiting list will not be automatic but subject to approval of the
competent authority/as per Institute requirements.
At this level the Institute may conduct screening test/computer skill tests of qualiffing
nature only for all candidates shortlisted in Level-l screening to further shortlist the
candidates and bring them on a common platform. However, no weightage shall be
passed on to the next level that is Level-3. The screening test of any nature would be
of qualiffing type only and is independent in itself. To ensure availability of required
number of candidates from reserved category (SC/ST/OBC/PwD etc.) a relaxed
criteria with lower cut-off marks (SC/ST:10%, OBC/PwD: 5%) may be applied.
The qualifring test will be used only for the purpose of optimising the number of
candidates attending the interview and the same would be of qualifying nature to
shortJist at least three people for each position available. If sufficient number of
candidates are not available for attending the interview after shortlisting at level-2,
the selection committee may decide to invite all the people present in the qualifying
test for personal discussion-cum-interview, in order to encourage more participation
in the final level of selection Drocess.
PART-II (Compulsorv) Post specific, based on domain area / Cadre of the Post
(qualifring nature onM
Domain Theoretical Objective / Descriptive / 60 1Hr.to3
Knowledge Demonstrative type of screening test to Hrs.
assess the theoretical domain duration
knowledge of the candidate in the 100 per session
relevant area specific to the job.
For Example:
1) The minimum Cut off percentage in the Composite type of Screening Test mentioned
at item No. I above is 50% UR category, 45/o for OBC and 40%o for SC/ST. Only
those securing marks above the minimum cut off percentage of marks shall be eligible
for attending the qualiffing tlpe of Computer / Skill Test.
2) The minimum Cut off percentage in various qualifuing tests common for all
categories (UR/SC/ST/OBC/PwD) are as per the details mentioned under the point
No: IL Computer Skill Test is of quatifying nature without any weightage for
The l't Statutes ofIISERs which received the assent of the Hon'ble President oflndia
on August 6,2014 vide Statutes No. 16.10 states that "The Selection Committee shall
examine the credentials of all persons who have applied and may also consider other
suitable names suggested, f any, by a member of the Selection Committee or brought
otherv)ise to the notice of the Committee. The Selection Committee may interview dny
of the candidates, as it thinl<s rtL and shall, at the discretion of its Chairperson, cause
a written test or tests including an oral presentation to be held for all or some of the
candidates as the Chairperson may think fit, and shall mqke its recommendations to
the Chairperson, Board or the Director, qs the case may be, with the names of the
selected candidates being arranged in order of merit. "
Therefore, the screening tests of general nature are only for the purpose of shortlisting
the candidates for interview and optional at the discretion of the Selection Committee.
The screening tests are purely of qualifying nature without any composite weightage,
purely in order to reduce the number of candidates to be invited for the interview
based on which selections are made.
Therefore, all the selections are made through the recommendations of the Selection
Committee based on performance in interview which is intended to test various
aspects of personality quotient, domain knowledge and suitability of the candidates
for ready deployment for job / assignment with relevant experience, following non-
availability of long term induction training or job intemships or apprentice /
probationary officer.
The shortlisted candidates from the level 1 and 2, will be called for personal interview
before the selection committee on a given date and time conveying through Notice
Boards/lnstitute website and intimation through e-mail and speed post. There will not
be any request entertained for change of date of screening test/interview by the
individual candidates under any circumstances. The selection committee shall draw a
panel of selected and waitlisted candidates based on the performance in the interview
on conmon consensus basis in the order of merit for all Groups A, B & C positions.
The results of the interview will be notified through Institute website after approval of
the competenVappointing authority. No correspondence will be entertained during the
process of the selection. The candidates should keep a regular watch for the related
information on recruitment process available on the website only.
The activation of waiting list will not be automatic but subject to approval of the
competent authority/as per Institute requirements.
Provided that the Board may, for sufficient reasons, relax the medical
requirements in any particular case or class of cases, subject to such conditions,
if ary, as may be laid down by the Board.
2. At any time, by giving notice of not less than three months in writing to the
appointing authority, al employee may resign from service on the terms and
conditions and rules and regulations laid down by the Cenhal Govemment from
time to time for its own employees.
3. Every employee of the Institute shall devote his whole time to the service of the
Institute and shall not engage, directly or indirectly, in any trade or business or
political party activity or any other work which may interfere with the proper
discharge of his duties, other than the academic work and consultative practice
undertaken with the prior permission ofthe Director, and/or in accordance with
the procedures laid down by the Board from time to time in this behalf.
4. The appointing authority shall have the power to terminate the services of any
member of the staff without notice and without any cause assigned thereto
during the period of probation.
5. The appointing authority shall have the power to retire or terminate the services
of any member of the staff by giving three months' notice or on payment of
three months' salary in lieu thereof, if certified on medical grounds, by the
medical authority nominated by the Board, his retention in service is considered
not viable or undesirable by such appointing authority.
i. The employee shall submit his application through proper channel ald
produce a medical certificate from medical authority as may be specified by
the Board in this behalf;
ii. Provided that the medical report issued by the medical authority shall not be
later than the date of retirement.
8. The Board shall have the power to terminate the services of any member of the
staff on grounds of retrenchment or economy by giving to the person concemed
six months' notice in writing or on payment of six months' salary in lieu
Provided that the appointing authority may for sufficient reasons, either reduce
this period or call upon the employee concemed to continue till the end of the
academic session in which the notice is received.
10. The employees of the lnstitute shall be entitled to travelling and daily
allowances as per their entitlement as specified by the Central Govemment or
12. The employees of the Institute shall be govemed by the Conduct Rules as
framed under these Statutes, in addition to the conduct rules specified under
Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 as laid down by the Central
Govemment for its employees from time to time.
13. The above posts are as per the Central Govemment pay scale and carry
a.llowalces like House Rent, Transport, and Children's Education as admissible
to Central Govemment employees of the respective scale posted in Berhampur.
The employees are covered by New Pension Scheme of Gol't. of India and will
be eligible for other benefits like Medical, LTC, etc. as per the Institute norms.
15. The employee has to perform such duties as may be assigned to him,4rer by the
Head ofthe Department or any other competent authority.
16. An employee of IISER Berhampur cannot contract plural marriage without the
prior approval of the competent authority. A declaration in this respect may,
therefore, has to be given to the Institute on selection. In case of violation, the
Institute reserves the right to withdraw the offer of appointment.
18. All the appointments will be made on provisional basis and shall be subject to
production of certificates in original related to caste/academic
qualifications/experience and other credentials for verification through proper
channels. If the verification reveals that the claims of the candidate on reserved
category/PwD category, academic qualifications, experience and other
credentials axe false, the services ofsuch candidates will be terminated forthwith
without assigning any frrther reasons and without prejudice to such further
action as may be taken under the provisions of the Indian Penal Code for
production of false certificates.
The temporary employees of the Institute shall be govemed by the following terms
and conditions as mentioned in Statutes No. 19:
2. The other terms and conditions of service of such employee shall be such as may
be specified by the appointing authority in his letter of appointnent.
XV. Transferability:
All the employees of the Institute whetler permanent / temporary, are subject to be
posted in any department / disciplines / schools whether on the same permanent
campus or off the campus. Presently, the Institute has its permanent campus located at
Berhampur, Odisha which is the Head Quarters for all the employees for all purposes.
However, the Institute, based on the need may station / post the employees anywhere
in India abroad on Govemment of India mission, on short term long term /
deputation basis. In future if the Institute is asked by the Govemment of India to open
Extension Centres / Outreach Cenhes / International Collaboration Centres / Customs
Clearance Counters / Off campus units etc., the employees may be deputed to work at
those places, treating such places as their temporary Head Quarters.
In order to equip and train the supporting staff members capable of working in multi-
tasking environment including handling national and intemational level programmes
and activities and work at such places beyond the permanent Head Quarters, the
employees are subject to transfer as per the Institute policies. For instance, the
employees of IIT Kharagpur are liable to be posted at its extension centres in
Bhubaneswar and Kolkata. The employees of IIT Bombay were posted at IIT
Gandhinagar, Transit Campus for mentoring purpose tempor'arily. The employees of
IIIT Allahabad may be posted at its Amethi extension cente, etc.
XVI. Terms and conditions for Persons with benchmark Disabilities (PwD) as
per the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act,2016, December 27,2016 :
Question Papers and Answer Sheets will not be provided in BRAILLE. Visually
handicapped, including blind and partially blind, candidates with visual disability
of forty percent and above may bring their own TAYLOR FRAME AND
BRAILLE SLATE WITH PAPER for solvins Arithmetical problems. No
Only such persons would be eligible for reservation who suffers from not less that
40 per cent of relevart disability. Candidates have to submit a Disability
Certificate issued by Medical Board constituted either by Central or State
Govemment is only acceptable.
XVII. Nationality / Citizenship: A candidate must be either (i) a citizen of India, OR (ii)
a subject of Nepal, OR (iii) subject of Bhutan, OR (iv) a Tibetan refugee who came
over to India before lst January,1962 with the intention of permanently settling in
India, OR (v) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from pakistan, Burma,
Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of
Tanzanta (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzlbar), Zambia, Malawi, Zahe, Ethiopia
and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India. Provided that a
candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iiD, (iv) & (v) above shall be a person in
whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Govemment of
India. A candidate in whose case a certiflcate of eligibility is necessary may be
admitted to the examination / interview conducted by the Institute but on final
selection the offer of appointment may be given only after the necessary eligibility
certificate has been issued to him/her by the Govemment of India.
XVIII. Travelling Allowance for joining the post: No joining time pay or travelling
allowance will be allowed on joining the post or on leaving the service of IISER
Berhampur. However, the Institute may admit the claim for reimbursement of TA
for self and family and cost of transportation ofthe personal effects as per Govt. of
India Rules, in case of Joining the Institute on Deputation /Technical
resignation {Permanent absorption etc. from central/State Govt. or autonomous
organisations/Govt. organisations, in eligible cases only.
e) Domain area ltrade related subjects as per the area of expertise required.
The Institute reserves the right to revise/reschedule/cancel/suspend the recruitment
process without assigning any reason. The decision of the Institute shall be fina.l and
no appeal shall be entertained.
The Institute has right to not to fill the vacancy/vacancies and no correspondence in
this regard will be entertained. In case of cancellation ofthe advertised positions, the
recruitment fee shall be refunded by the Institute.
o. Canvassing in any form and,/or bringing any influence, political, or otherwise, will
be treated as a disqualification for the post applied for.
7. Depending on Institute requirements from time to time, the vacancies will be frlled
up in different timeslots.
8. Against the sanctioned Pay Band,/Grade PaylPosts equivalent positions may be filled
from a different cadre/post or a lower position in the same cadre/post, with the
approval of the Director.
o The Institute reseryes the right to withdraw any advertised post(s) at any time
without giving any reason. The number ofvacancies may change. Any consequential
vacancy arising subsequent to the advertisement ard upto the date of interview may
also be filled during the interview.
10. Any legal proceedings in respect ofany matter of claim or dispute arising out ofthis
advertisement and / or an application in response thereto can be instituted only in
Odisha at courts/tribunals/ forums under the jurisdiction of Berhampur/Odisha only
shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction to try aly such cause/ dispute.
11. The date of determining the eligibility of all candidates in every respect shall be the
normal closing date for online submission ofapplications.
lJ. The candidates applyrng for the examination should ensue that they fulfrl all the
eligibility conditions for admission to the examination. Their admission at all stages
of the examination will be purely provisional, subject to their satisfring the
prescribed eligibility conditions. if, on verification, at any time before or after the
written examination, it is forlnd that they do not firlfil any of the eligibility
conditions, their candidature for the examination will be cancelled by the IISER
15. Al1 the appointments are subject to verification of caste certificates, credentials,
academic qualifications, experience, conduct, medical fitness followed by police
verification of the selected candidates. During the period of Institute service, if the
Institute, on its verification, finds any discrepancy in the claims made by the
candidate, besides departmental proceedings, suitable legal action shall also be
initiated as per Govemment of India Rules.
16. The competent authority reserves the right to extend the closing date for receipt of
applications and also reserves the right to postpone/cancel the recruitment exercise
for anylall the posts at any stage.
18. Photographs: One recent (not earlier than tlree months from the date of application)
colour passport size photograph with clear front view of the candidate without cap,
scarf and sun glasses should be pasted on the application form in the space provided.
One identical extra colour pass port size photograph should be enclosed with the
application indicating candidates name and date of birth on the reverse of the
photograph. Candidate may note that Institute may reject the candidature at any
stage for pasting old/unclear photograph on the application and actual physical
appearance of the candidate.
19. Candidates must carry at least one photo bearing Identity Proof in original such as
Driving Licence, Voter Card, Aadhaar Card, Identity Card issued by
University/College, Income Tax Pan Card to the examination center, failing which
they shall not be allowed to appear for the examination.
21. Experience Certificate from employer must mention Pay Scale, GP, Duration, Post
and all other work experience related details which candidate has claimed in his,/her
application. It is the responsibility of the candidate to provide conclusive
documentary proof(s) in support of experience claimed without which no weightage
shall be given. Experience certificate should be strictly in the prescribed proforma or
cover all the entries as per the proforma failing which strictly rendered invalid and
such application shall not be considered under any circumstances.
Advt. No. NT- 01/17 , Dated: 07 /04/2017 Page 40
22. The applicants shall have to enclose the hierarchy and list of pay scales, the
equivalence factor in terms of 6tr I 7h CPC and Central Govt. hierarchy duly
certified by the employer, in case the applicant is not working in 6fr I 7h CPC
structure under Govt. of India for extension of any benefit of equivalence on par
with 7n CPC structure. Without the equivalence certificate no claims of the applicant
shall be considered under circumstances.
23. Candidates will be considered only for those posts applied for.
25. In case of any inadvertent mistake in process of the selection which may be detected
at any stage, the Institute reserves the rights to modifr/withdradcancel any
communication made to the candidates(s).
Ifany candidate is found to possess mobile phone or any other means of wireless
communication, in working or switched off mode, hislher candidature shall be
cancelled forthwith and he/she will be debarred from the IISER Berhampur
examination for a period of three years or more.
Candidates are warned that they should not fumish any particulars that are false or
suppress any material information while frlling in the application form. Candidates
are also warned that they should in no case attempt to alter or otherwise tamper with
any entry in a document or the attested certified copy submitted by them nor should
they submit a tamperedlfabicated document. If there is any inaccuracy or any
discrepancy, in filling OMR Sheet, they will not be evaluated.
(i) In possession of mobile phone & accessories and other electronic gadgets
within the premises of the examination centers, whether in use or in switched
off mode and on person or otherwise.
(ii) Involved in malpractices.
(iii) Using unfair means in the examination hall.
(iv) Obtaining support for his/her candidature by any means.
(v) Impersonate/Procuring impersonation by any person.
(vi) Submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered
28. IISER Berhampur decision final: The decision of the IISER Berhampur in all
matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, penalty for
false information, mode of selection, conduct of examination(s), allotment of
examination centers, selection and allotment of posts/organizations to selected
candidates will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry I
correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
29. In case of any dispute arises on account of interpretation in version other than
English, English version will prevail.
Registrar's Office
Attn: Recruitment Cell
Room No. : 201
Transit Campus: Industrial Training Institute (ITI) Berhampur
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Berhampur
Engineering School Road, Berhampur - 760 010
Ganjam District, Odisha, India
Email : "Recruitment Cell" <recruitment@iiserbpr. ac. in>
No hard copy of the application shall be considered, if received, beyond the 1700 Hrs
(IST) on 1510512017.
Date: 07104D017
sep' enopat / Bwtrqn DLry
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