Honeywell Stt3000

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STT 3000 Series STT250

Smart Temperature Transmitter

Models STT25D, STT25M, STT25S, STT25H, STT25T

Operator Manual

Issue 16 November 2012 EN1I-6190

Honeywell Process Solutions

1. OVERVIEW ..........................................................................................................1
1.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 1
1.2 CE CONFORMITY (EUROPE) NOTICE ...................................................... 2
2. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ..........................................................................3
2.1 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ............................................................... 3
3. THEORY OF OPERATION ..................................................................................4
3.1 BASIC OPERATION ................................................................................ 4
3.2 CONFIGURATION TOOLS ........................................................................ 5
3.2.1 Smart Field Communicator (SFC) for STT25M and STT25D Models........................................ 5
3.2.2 HART Communicator Model 375, 475 or MC Toolkit FDC for STT25H (HART5/HART6)
Models............................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.2.3 HART Communicator Model 375, 475 or FDC Toolkit for STT25T (HART5/HART6)
Models............................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.2.4 HART Communicator Model 375 and 475 for STT25S Model...................................................10
3.2.5 Smartline Configuration Toolkit (SCT)..................................................................................................12
3.2.6 STT250 Firmware DD Compatibility matrix....................................................................................13
4. BENCH CHECK INSTALLATION/COMMISSIONING ....................................... 15
4.1 UNPACKING........................................................................................ 15
4.2 EQUIPMENT........................................................................................ 15
4.3 INSTALLATION ..................................................................................... 15
4.4 GROUNDING AND SHIELDING TECHNIQUES ............................................ 17
4.5 STT250 CONFIGURATION ................................................................... 17
4.5.1 Analog Output Configuration (based on STS103) for STT25M and STT25D Models.........17
4.5.2 DE Digital Output Configuration .............................................................................................................20
4.5.3 HART Configuration (Models STT25H and STT25S) ...................................................................21
4.5.4 HART Configuration (STT25T HART5/HART6 Models)..............................................................36
4.6 MOUNTING ......................................................................................... 40
4.6.1 DIN Rail Mounting......................................................................................................................................40
4.6.2 Mounting Module in Housing..................................................................................................................40
4.7 COMMISSIONING ................................................................................... 2
4.8 START UP .......................................................................................... 45
4.9 ADVANCED DIAGNOSTICS .................................................................... 45
4.9.1 Install Date....................................................................................................................................................45
4.9.2 Time in service ............................................................................................................................................45
4.9.3 Error Log .......................................................................................................................................................45
4.9.4 Calibration records .....................................................................................................................................45
4.9.5 Power up diagnostics................................................................................................................................45
4.9.6 PV / SV monitoring.....................................................................................................................................45
4.9.7 Sensor short detection (only for RTD)..................................................................................................46
4.9.8 Model number.............................................................................................................................................46

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 5iii

4.9.9 Serial number ..............................................................................................................................................46
4.10 ENHANCED DD ................................................................................... 47
4.10.1 Status Indication..........................................................................................................................................47
4.10.2 Manufacturer logo and Device Image..................................................................................................47
4.10.3 Wiring Diagrams.........................................................................................................................................48
4.10.4 Trend Charts................................................................................................................................................49
4.10.5 Gauge charts...............................................................................................................................................49
4.10.6 Horizontal bar chart ....................................................................................................................................49
4.11 CVD COEFFICIENTS FOR RTD .............................................................. 50
5. MAINTENANCE/TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................... 51
5.1 MAINTENANCE .................................................................................... 51
5.2 TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................. 51
5.2.1 Troubleshooting with SFC (STT25M and STT25D Models)........................................................51
5.2.2 Troubleshooting with HART communicator (STT25H, STT25S, and STT25T Models).....54
5.3 RECOMMENDED PARTS ........................................................................ 59
5.4 WIRING AND INSTALLATION DRAWINGS NUMBERS ................................... 60
6. INDICATION METERS ....................................................................................... 61
6.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 61
6.2 CONNECTION INFORMATION ................................................................. 61
6.3 INSTALLATION/COMMISSIONING ............................................................ 62
6.3.1 DE Transmitter (STT25D Model) Operating in 6 Byte Output Mode..........................................62
6.3.2 DE Transmitter (STT25D Model) Operating in 4 Byte Digital Output or in 4-20 mA Analog
6.3.3 DE Transmitter (STT25D and STT25M Models) Operating in 4-20 mA Analog Output
6.4 DIAGNOSTIC AND TROUBLESHOOTING.................................................... 63
6.4.1 Analog Meter ...............................................................................................................................................63
6.4.2 Smart Meter .................................................................................................................................................63
6.4.3 4-20 mA Analog Mode Calibration of Smart Meter (DE Transmitter STT25D and STT25M
Models only).................................................................................................................................................65
7. APPENDIX A ...................................................................................................... 66
A.1 OVERVIEW.......................................................................................... 66
A.2 FEATURES AND BENEFITS .................................................................... 66
A.3 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................ 66
A.4 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE .................................................................. 67
A.5 WIRING REFERENCE ............................................................................ 68
A.6 FM CONTROL DRAWING 46188466-201............................................... 69
A.7 CSA CONTROL DRAWING 46188466-202 ............................................ 77
8. CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................ 97
8.1 IECEX CERTIFICATION ........................................................................ 97
8.2 SAEX CERTIFIED EQUIPMENT (SOUTH AFRICA) ..................................... 99

iv Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual


Figure 1: Operating Areas ............................................................................... 3

Figure 2: Bench Check Wiring Connections ................................................. 15
Figure 3: Output Sensor Wiring Connections (STT25M, STT25D, STT25H,
and STT25S models) ............................................................................. 16
Figure 4: Input Sensors Wiring Connections (STT25T Model) .................... 16
Figure 5: Flow Chart for analog and DE Configuration ............................... 19
Figure 6: Specific Flow Chart for DE Configuration .................................... 20
Figure 7 HART 5 DD Menu Structure for STT25H and STT25T
Configuration ......................................................................................... 28
Figure 8 HART 6 DD Menu Structure for STT25H, STT25S and STT25T
Configuration ......................................................................................... 35
Figure 9: DIN Rail Mounting ........................................................................ 40
Figure 10: Wall Mounting Dimensions ........................................................... 1
Figure 11: Pipe Mounting Dimensions ............................................................ 2
Figure 12: Spring Loading and Sensor Assembly ........................................... 1
Figure 13: Aluminium Direct Head Mount Housing Dimensions ................... 2
Figure 14: Cast Iron Direct Head Mount Housing Dimensions....................... 2
Figure 15: Meters Connections...................................................................... 61
Figure 16: Horizontal Style Bargraph............................................................ 63
Figure A17: Typical wiring of transient protector to STT250 transmitter.... 68

Table 1 - When SENSOR FAIL is set in STT250 ................................... 59

Table A2 Electrical Characteristics ............................................................... 66
Table A3 Transient Protector Installation ...................................................... 67

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual v

vi Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual
1.1 Introduction
The STT250 Series Smart Temperature Transmitter is a microprocessor based unit
suitable for accepting a wide variety of thermocouple and resistance temperature
detector sensor inputs or direct ohm or milli-volt inputs and providing a 2 wire 4-20 mA
Analog, digital DE, or analog HART proportional output.
The transmitter offers high accuracy and stability together with wide flexibility to suit a
wide range of applications. All adjustments and operational settings are implemented
through the Smart Field Communicator (DE) or the HART communicator (HART).
Both field communicators access the transmitter by connecting across the 4-20 mA
wiring in parallel with the STT250 anywhere along the wiring up to 1500 meters from the
transmitter for both the DE and HART protocol versions.
Note: 1500 m is the maximum HART cable length but may be restricted by cable
capacitance limits.
Model STT25M provides a 4-20mA analog output and is configurable with the
Honeywell Smart Field Communicator (SFC) or the PC based Smartline
Configuration Toolkit (SCT). The terminal assembly is black for visible
Model STT25D provides both the 4-20mA analog output as in Model STT25M or the
digital DE protocol for digital integration to the Honeywell control system or other
compatible interfaces. The terminal assembly is black for visible differentiation.
Model STT25H provides the output per the HART communication protocol.
STT25H supports both version HART5 and HART6 protocol. The terminal assembly
is blue for visible differentiation.
Model STT25S provides the output per the HART communication protocol and
TUV SIL 2 safety rating. The terminal assembly is blue for visible differentiation
(with SIL certification). Only HART6 protocol for STT25S.
Model STT25T can be configured to have average/ difference of 2 inputs. The
STT25T can be used for redundant switchover (except for RTD/RTD) and used with
split range (switches over from one sensor to the other at a user-defined value, so
as to use accuracy region of both sensors). The STT25T can also be used as an
indication of sensor degradation. STT25T can be used as a single input transmitter
for all sensor types (thermocouple, mv, rtd,ohms). STT25T supports both version
HART5 and HART6 protocol. It is configurable with the HART hand held
communicator or a PC based HART maintenance system (such as Honeywells
FDM and Experion system). STT25T HART6 version carries SIL certification.
The STT250 series is based on a rugged compact package with encapsulated
electronics for high reliability and includes facilities for spring loading of the sensor at a
33 mm pitch in accordance with DIN 43729. The unit is available either for DIN rail
mounting or supplied in a variety of enclosures for direct sensor, pipe or wall mounting
(See Figure 9 through Figure 14).
HART is a Registered Trademark of HART Communication Foundation.

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 1

The STT3000 Smart Temperature Transmitters are manufactured under at least one of
the following patent numbers: 4.734.873, 4.592.002, 4.587.466, 4.553.104, 4.494.183

Model table
Protocol HART6 HART5 & HART5 & 4-20 mA 4-20 mA
HART6 HART6 analog OR analog
Configuration MCToolkit, MCToolkit, MCToolkit, MCToolkit, MCToolkit,
Tool Emersons Emersons Emersons SFC & SCT, SFC & SCT,
375/475, 375/475, 375/475, Honeywells Honeywells
Honeywells Honeywells Honeywells FDM, FDM,
CodeWrights CodeWrights CodeWrights
Terminal Blue Blue Blue Black Black
Whether SIL Yes No Yes (HART6 No No
certified? version only)

1.2 CE Conformity (Europe) Notice

About conformity This product is in conformity with the protection requirements of

and 2004/108/EC , the EMC Directive. Conformity of this product
special conditions with any other CE Mark Directive(s) not referenced in this
manual shall not be assumed.
Deviation from the installation conditions specified in this
manual, and the following special conditions, may invalidate
this products conformity with the EMC Directive.
You must use shielded, twisted-pair cable such as Belden
9318 for all signal/power wiring.
You must connect the shield to ground at the power supply
side of the wiring only and leave it insulated at the
transmitter side.

The emission limits of IEC 61000-6-4, Electromagnetic
Compatibility Generic Emission Standard for Industrial
Environments, are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference when this equipment is operated in
an industrial environment. Operation of this equipment in a
residential area may cause harmful interference. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and may cause interference to radio and television
reception when the equipment is used closer than 30 meters
(98 feet) to the antenna(e). In special cases, when highly
susceptible apparatus is used in close proximity, the user may
have to employ additional mitigating measures to further reduce
the electromagnetic emissions of this equipment.

2 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

2.1 Environmental Conditions

Parameter Reference Rated Operative Transportation

Condition Condition Limits And Storage

Ambient temperature C 23 C 2 -40 to +85 -40 to +85 -50 to +100


Rack mounted % RH 10 to 55 5 to 95 5 to 100 5 to 100

In field housing % RH 10 to 55 5 to 100 5 to 100 5 to 100

Supply voltage Voltage range 10.8 to 35 Vdc at the transmitter terminals

Output current - Standard Over linear range 3.8 to 20.8 mA. Failsafe limits < 3.6 and >21.1 mA

Output current Over linear range 3.8 to 20.5mA. Failsafe limits < 3.6 and >21.1 mA

Load resistance 0 to 1110

Vibration Maximum of 4g over 15 to 200Hz (restricted to 3g with indication


Shock Maximum of 40g.

CE MARK compliance:
In compliance with EMC directive 89/336/ECC:
- without shielded wires 10 V/m, 0.2% of Max span
- with shielded wires and mounted in metallic housing: 10 V/m,
0.1% of max span.

Figure 1: Operating Areas

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 3

3.1 Basic Operation
As shown in Figure 2, the transmitter is powered via the 2 wire, 4-20 mA signal
connected to the + and - terminals on the output side of the module. Inputs are sampled
and the input sampling/output update rate is once per second, digitized by the A/D
converter. Data is then transferred across the galvanic isolation interface (both power
supply and signal interface of the A/D converter are galvanically isolated), compensated
for cold junction or resistance lead length. The process value is post read validated for
sensor wiring and signal integrity against reference values. Digital data is then
linearized and ranged to the lower and upper range values held in non volatile memory
and converted back to an analog signal. Any configuration changes are held in non
volatile memory so that they are secured against power failure. If a custom configuration
was not specified, the data programmed into the non volatile memory of the unit at the
manufacturing location is the default shipping data shown below.
Sensor type mV mV TC/TC, mV mV
Sensor fault detection ON
Tag I. D. Short Tag
Latching Disabled
Line filter 50 Hz (Europe) - 60 Hz (Americas)
Output type Non-linear
Write protect Disabled (1)
Password 0000
Damping 0 second
LRV (Lower Range Value) 0 mV -20 mV
URV (Upper Range Value) 45 mV 150mV
Input Sampling/ Once per second
Output update rate
Output mode Analog
Digital DE conf. 6 byte/Single rng.-S V N/A
Long Tag NA Long Tag (for HART6 model only)

The data can be configured in the field by connecting a Communicator across the
4-20 mA input or by connecting to a PC via a HART or DE modem. The fail-safe link
between the U and D terminals determines where the output will drive when the STT250
detects an open sensor input or critical failure. The unit will drive upscale above 21.1
mA for open sensor input or critical error when the fail-safe link is in the U position and
downscale to below 3.6 mA in the D position.
The output of the STT250 can be configured for either analog or digital modes for DE
protocols (with the exception of STT25M, which is analog-only). This improves
performance by avoiding conversion to/from an analog signal and offers full database
integration of field transmitters with the central control system.

(1) To protect the integrity, write protect is software configurable and accessible through
a password. The fall-back password is an algorithm based on the unit serial number. If
the password is lost, contact your regional Technical Assistance Center (TAC) with the
unit serial number.

4 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

3.2 Configuration Tools
3.2.1 Smart Field Communicator (SFC) for STT25M and STT25D
As previously indicated, the SFC communicates by connecting across the 4-20 mA
wiring. DE Communication is by 16 mA pulses which disturb the 4-20 mA output signal.
When in analog mode, ensure that receiving instruments are not on automatic control.
The SFC does not feed 16 mA pulses into the loop but instead merely uses the power
on the 4-20 mA wires and switches it through a field effect transistor output switch. The
SFC always acts as a master and the transmitter as a slave. When the transmitter is
operating in the digital DE mode, there is no wake-up pulse required and the SFC
communication does not disturb the PV signal. Consequently, there is no need to put
the loop on manual control when operating in the DE mode.
Supported Commands:
Read/write ID (e.g. TID 250)
Select a sensor type (e.g. Pt100)
Select linear/non linear reading (i.e. Linear for C etc., Non linear for
and V)
Enable/disable sensor break detection
Set damping time (e.g. 0 second)
Set LRV and URV
Read URL (upper range limit), LRL (lower range limit) and span
Read process value and cold junction value in engineering units
Read output in % of span
Read STT250's software version
Read fail-safe direction configured by link
Set/reset user calibration to specific sensor
Set 0 and 100% output calibration
Force output current
Read/write scratch pad
Select broadcast type 4 or 6 bytes (Digital DE only). 6 bytes broadcasts PV and
transmitter database while 4 bytes broadcasts PV only
Enable/disable write protect
Select 50 Hz/60 Hz power line filter
Enable/disable latching. Latching means the alarm needs acknowledgment. Press
"STATUS" key to acknowledge the alarm.
If latching is disabled, the STT250 will leave the alarm mode as soon as the alarm
cause disappears.
Change to NAMUR output levels

Not available on STT25D

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 5

3.2.2 HART Communicator Model 375, 475 or MC Toolkit FDC for
STT25H (HART5/HART6) Models
Connect the HART Communicator by attaching the leads in parallel with the input (24V)
terminals of the device. HART Communication consists of a high frequency carrier
superimposed onto the 4-20 mA signal. The HART transmitter transmits by modulating
the 4-20 mA DC loop current with a 1 mA p-p AC current signal. This modulated signal
permits communications without disturbing the output signal. Thus, it is unnecessary to
put the loop on manual control with Model STT250 Models.
Model STT25H
Supported Commands:
Read/write ID
Select sensor type
Select PV/SV units
Select damping time
Set LRV and URV
Read URL and LRL
Read analog output
Read % Output
Read Process Value (PV)
Read Cold Junction (CJ) Value
Read fail-safe direction
Set/reset user calibration
Set 0% and 100% output calibration
Force output current
Enable/disable latching
Read device status
Set/clear write protect
Read/write message, descriptor, date
Lock/Unlock device (HART6 Models)
Read/Write Long tag (HART6 Models)
Read/Write polling address
Read/Write loop current mode (HART6 Models)

Advanced Diagnostics

Read Install Date

Write Install Date
Read Calibration Date and Time
Write Correct LRV Date and Time
Write Correct URV Date and Time
Read Time in service value
Read first set of Error log data
Read second set of Error log data
Read Error Log option status
Write Error Log option status
Reset Error Log
Read PV tracking data
Read SV tracking data

6 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

Advanced Diagnostics (continued)

Write high and low alarm limits for PV and SV

Reset tracking data
Read power up count
Reset power up count value
Read device model number

RTD Adapter Supported Commannds

Write Sensor adapter values Enable/Disable and positive coefficients (applicable

when sensor is RTD)
Read Sensor adapter values Enable/Disable and positive coefficients (applicable
when sensor is RTD)
Write Sensor adapter values Negative coefficients (applicable when sensor is
Read Sensor adapter values Negative coefficients (applicable when sensor is

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 7

3.2.3 HART Communicator Model 375, 475 or FDC Toolkit for STT25T
(HART5/HART6) Models
The HART Communicator communicates by connecting across the 4-20 mA wiring.
Communication is by a high frequency carrier superimposed onto the 4-20 mA signal.
The HART transmitter transmits by modulating the 4-20 mA DC loop current with a 1
mA p-p AC current signal. This modulated signal does not disturb the output signal (PV)
since the average value of the communication signal is zero. Therefore, it is
unnecessary to put the loop on manual control with the STT25T model.
Model STT25T (HART6 model with SIL certification)
Supported Commands:
Read/write ID
Select Dual Mode TC/TC, RTD/RTD
Select sensor type
Select PV/SV units
Select damping time
Set LRV and URV
Read URL and LRL
Read analog output
Read Sensor1 and Sensor2
Read % Output
Read Process Value (PV)
Read Cold Junction (CJ) Value
Read fail-safe direction
Set 0% and 100% output calibration
Force output current
Enable/disable latching
XS Delta detection ON/OFF
Set Delta Alarm
Read Delta
Match PVs
Read device status
Set/clear write protect
Select Loop Control Mode Average, Difference, Sensor1, Sensor2, Redundant
and Split-Range
Lock/Unlock device (HART6 Models)
Read/Write Long tag (HART6 Models)
Read/write message, descriptor, date
Read/Write polling address
Read/Write loop current mode (HART6 Models)

8 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

RTD Adapter Supported Commannds

Write Sensor1 adapter values Enable/Disable and positive coefficients (applicable

when sensor1 is RTD)
Read Sensor1 adapter values Enable/Disable and positive coefficients (applicable
when sensor1 is RTD)
Write Sensor1 adapter values Negative coefficients (applicable when sensor1 is
Read Sensor1 adapter values Negative coefficients (applicable when sensor1 is
Write Sensor2 adapter values Enable/Disable and positive coefficients (applicable
when sensor2 is RTD)
Read Sensor2 adapter values Enable/Disable and positive coefficients (applicable
when sensor2 is RTD)
Write Sensor2 adapter values Negative coefficients (applicable when sensor2 is
Read Sensor2 adapter values Negative coefficients (applicable when sensor2 is

Advanced Diagnostics
Read Install Date
Write Install Date
Read Calibration Date and Time
Write Correct LRV Date and Time
Write Correct URV Date and Time
Read Time in service value
Read first set of Error log data
Read second set of Error log data
Read Error Log option status
Write Error Log option status
Reset Error Log
Read PV tracking data
Read SV tracking data
Write high and low alarm limits for PV and SV
Reset tracking data
Read power up count
Reset power up count value
Read device model number
Read Sensor1 and Sensor2 limits
Read middle range value (MRV)
Write middle range value (MRV)
Read Loop Control option value
Write Loop Control option value
Read hysteresis
Write hysteresis value
Read damping value for bump less transfer (applicable to Split Range option)
Write damping value for bump less transfer (applicable to Split Range option)

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 9

3.2.4 HART Communicator Model 375 and 475 for STT25S Model
The HART Communicator communicates by connecting across the 4-20 mA wiring.
Communication is by a high frequency carrier superimposed onto the 4-20 mA signal.
The HART transmitter transmits by modulating the 4-20 mA DC loop current with a 1
mA p-p AC current signal. This modulated signal does not disturb the output signal (PV)
since the average value of the communication signal is zero. Thus, it is unnecessary to
put the loop on manual control with Model STT25S. (with SIL certification)
Supported Commands:
Read/write ID
Select sensor type
Select PV/SV units
Select damping time
Set LRV and URV
Read URL and LRL
Read analog output
Read % Output
Read Process Value (PV)
Read Cold Junction (CJ) Value
Read fail-safe direction
Set/reset user calibration
Set 0% and 100% output calibration
Force output current
Enable/disable latching
Read device status
Set/clear write protect
Read/write long tag ID
Read/write loop current mode
Lock/unlock device
Read/write message, descriptor, date
Read/Write polling address
Advanced Diagnostics
Read Install Date
Write Install Date
Read Calibration Date and Time
Write Correct LRV Date and Time
Write Correct URV Date and Time
Read Time in service value
Read first set of Error log data
Read second set of Error log data
Read Error Log option status
Write Error Log option status
Reset Error Log
Read PV tracking data
Read SV tracking data
Write high and low alarm limits for PV and SV
Reset tracking data
Read power up count
Reset power up count value
Read device model number

10 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

RTD Adapter Supported Commannds

Write Sensor adapter values Enable/Disable and positive coefficients (applicable

when sensor is RTD)
Read Sensor adapter values Enable/Disable and positive coefficients (applicable
when sensor is RTD)
Write Sensor adapter values Negative coefficients (applicable when sensor is
Read Sensor adapter values Negative coefficients (applicable when sensor is

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 11

3.2.5 Smartline Configuration Toolkit (SCT)

The SCT supports several Smartline products which use the DE protocol, including the
STT350, STT25M and STT25D. Since the STT25M and STT25D configuration/data are
a subset of the STT350, most functions are supported by the current version of the SCT
software. The only confusion which may occur is if you try to configure the STT25_ for
functions which are available only with the STT350 transmitter, as shown below.

Sensor types C, D, Ni/NiMo, Radiamatic, Pt500, Ni500, Cu10 and Cu25 are only
available with STT350.
External cold junction compensation is only available with STT350.
SCT does not support HART protocol and should not be used with Model STT25H,
STT25S, and STT25T.
The STT25M cannot be changed from analog to digital DE mode.

To access to the new functionalities of the STT25M and STT25D, you need a SCT3000
Version 5.11.302 or greater.

12 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

3.2.6 STT250 Firmware DD Compatibility matrix

This compatibility matrix includes a listing of the DD files that should be used with a
revision of the transmitter firmware.

MC Toolkit/FDC FDM HCF DD DD files for

Device Name
HCF DD Files Files Emerson 375/ 475
STT25S 020x.fm8 1709020x.hdd
STT25H 030x.fm6
030x.fm8 1704030x.hdd
(HART5) 030x.fm8
STT25H 010x.fm6
010x.fm8 170B010x.hdd
(HART6) 010x.fm8
STT25T 020y.fm6
0202x.fm8 1702020y.hdd
(HART5) 020y.fm8
STT25T 010y.fm6
0102x.fm8 170C010y.hdd
(HART6) 010y.fm8
x=1 for the initial release and will increment for subsequent updates
y=2 for the initial release and will increment for subsequent updates

Location of the DD files

The HCF DD files and Emerson DD files are located at:

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 13

DD Installation Instructions

MC Toolkit FDC625: Copy the files to the following Library folder structure under
FDC625 installation directory on the Pocket PC.
For example \ Library\000017\0004 is for STT25H
\ Library\000017\0009 is for STT25S
Refer to the above firmware table for sub folders for the other device types.

For Rosemount 375 (with system software versions prior to 3.2) copy
the files to the 375 Easy Upgrade Utility installation folder:
C:\Program Files\375 Easy Upgrade Utility\PC Database\DD\HART

For both the 375 (with system software versions 3.2 and greater) and the
475 copy the files to the Field Communicator Upgrade Utility installation
C:\Program Files\Field Communicator Easy Upgrade Utility 3.3\PC

Update the DD files on the SD Card following the Easy Upgrade instructions

14 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual


4.1 Unpacking
Unpack the unit and verify the contents are as ordered.

4.2 Equipment
If a bench check is intended, the equipment needed is:
an input sensor(s) suitable for the required application or an equivalent calibrator
which can simulate milli-volts, resistance temperature detector, thermocouple or
resistance (ohms) inputs,
a nominal 24 Vdc power supply with less than 100 mV peak ripple and able to
supply at least 40 mA,
a Smart Field Communicator (SFC) with STT25M or STT25D or HART
Communicator (model 375 or 475) with STT25H, STT25S, or STT25T,
connection wiring and 250 ohms resistor,
a Digital Voltmeter (DVM) with range covering 0-5 Vdc. If a high speed sampling
DVM is used, a 1 Hz (160 msec.) averaging filter is recommended.
NOTE: If you are going to check calibration using a thermocouple input, ensure
that the cold junction temperature is stabilized. After connecting and powering up
all equipment, including the transmitter, protect the transmitter from air drafts and
allow at least 1 hour before taking readings.

4.3 Installation
Connect the equipment as in Figure 2 and Figure 3 and. For more detailed wiring
drawings, refer to drawings listed in Section 5.4
ATTENTION: Do not connect power supply to sensor wiring terminals.


250 ohms +
4-20 mA
+ 24 Vdc
- -
Power supply

Figure 2: Bench Check Wiring Connections

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 15


White White White


Red Red Red

Red Red
2 wires RTD 3 wires RTD 4 wires RTD
or 2 wires ohm or 3 wires ohm or 4 wires ohm

Single T/C and mV

2 wires 3 wires 4 wires

Potentiometer wiring 46188466-201
Figure 3: Output Sensor Wiring Connections (STT25M, STT25D,
STT25H, and STT25S models)

Figure 4: Input Sensors Wiring Connections (STT25T Model)

16 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

4.4 Grounding and Shielding Techniques
The current output signal will operate in either a floating or grounded system. If the
signal appears noisy or erratic, it is recommended to ground the loop at the negative
terminal of the power supply.
Shielding should only be connected to ground at one point to avoid ground loops.

4.5 STT250 Configuration

NOTE: If the transmitter is Model STT25D and configured for digital DE output, the DVM
will not display the output during the bench check. The output can be changed to 4-20
mA analog for calibration checks. Remember to change the mode back to digital DE at
the completion of the check.
4.5.1 Analog Output Configuration (based on STS103) for STT25M and
STT25D Models
1. Turn on the power supply and the SFC. On power up, the SFC will display "Self
Check" for a few seconds, verify proper operation and display "put loop in
2. Press ID button. The transmitter will respond with a display of its name, typically
"STT TagNo XXXXXXXX". "STT" cannot be changed since it identifies the type of
transmitter. The current name XXXXXXXX has a cursor under the first letter
showing that it can be changed to an 8 character alpha-numeric tag number by
using number and letter keys.
NOTE: Even though the transmitter is working properly, the SFC may display
"CRITICAL STATUS" and an error message when you press "STATUS".
The error messages are "INPUT OPEN" "UNCERTAIN READING" "I/P OUT OF
The "CRITICAL STATUS" message is caused by one of the following:
You have not connected a sensor to the input.
There is an open circuit in the sensor, connecting wiring or terminal connections.
You have connected a T/C or other milli-volt source to the T/C terminals and the
transmitter is configured for RTD input (or vice versa).

3. Press "Status" to verify "Status Check = OK" is displayed.

4. Press "Conf" to access the transmitter database and configure it as required. As
mentioned earlier, the default shipping mode of engineering units is 0-45 mV input,
mV range.
You can now customize the unit to your specific application. The flow chart in Figure 5
gives a simplified overview of selections and key strokes.

See SFC Operating Card 34-ST-11-16 for more details on Latching, NAMUR and Write
Protection functionalities.

In summary: - Press "Next" (or ) and "Prev" (or ) to scroll through the
different categories.
- Press "Menu Item" to access the possible selections of any
category: the key steps on to the next selection while the
key steps back to the previous selection.
Note that with the "Menu Item" key you can only move to the right.

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 17

5. When a desired configuration item appears on the SFC display, this item may be
configured in the SFC "Hold" memory by pressing "Enter".
When you have completed configuring all items accessible via the "STT Conf" Key,
or you try to exit via the "CLR" Key, the SFC will ask "Download Change?". Press
"Yes" (Enter) and the changes will be down-loaded from the SFC to the transmitter,
or press "No" (CLR) and the SFC hold memory will be erased.
6. Having now configured the input type etc., press "LRV" and key in the required
temperature for 4 mA output (e.g. 100C [212F]).
7. Press "Enter" to load this into the transmitter and repeat with "URV" for the 20 mA
output (e.g. 500C [932F]).
Note that if the input type is changed or the output type is changed from linear to
non-linear (or vice versa), the LRV and URV values will default to factory set
values and the unit selection (C/F) will default to C.
Your STT250 is now configured for your applications.
You can check out the performance by varying the input and observing the output
response on the DVM.

18 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

Keys Shift Menu 1 Menu 2

PROBE (J, K, etc...)
CJ Ext / Int
Line Filter
Next Inp Fault Det
O/P Linear


DAMP C Enter

LRL * Not available on STT25D





--> M

7 N

8 O
<-- Q A <--> DE
4 R
6 T


1 V

2 W

0 Z


Figure 5: Flow Chart for analog and DE Configuration

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 19

4.5.2 DE Digital Output Configuration
The STT25D transmitter can operate in either an analog or a digital DE communications
mode. You can use the Smart Field Communicator (SFC) to set transmitter operation
mode as analog or digital DE communications. Note that STT25D transmitters are
factory set for analog communications operation.
This addendum outlines additional steps for the Configuration Flow Chart in
Figure 6 of this Operator Manual to configure parameters for DE communications mode
and change transmitter operation from analog to digital DE communications. The DE
configuration parameters are:
- Type of transmitter operation,
- Message format,
- Failsafe mode for the digital control system.
Use the following flow chart to supplement in Figure 6 to configure the DE mode
parameters and to set your STT25D for DE communications operation.

1. Not all failsafe mode selections apply for given type of transmitter operation.
2. SET LRV and SET URV commands are available on STT25D.
3. CONFIG NAMUR command is not available on STT25D.

Keys Shift Keys Menu 1 Menu 2

I 1
operation (single
range, dual range
STDC, single range
Message format
(W/O DB - 4 bytes
W/DB - 6 bytes)
Failsafe mode
(B/O Lo, B/O Hi,

<-- A <--> DE Change to DE? Are you
Enter Enter sure?

Figure 6: Specific Flow Chart for DE Configuration

1: These parameters are only required for older applications with ST/DC interface
cards. They are not used in STI, STIM or STI-MV interface card installations except for
selection of with/ without Secondary Variable (SV).

2: You cannot change to DE with a STT25M. If you attempt to do so, an "INVALID

REQUEST" message will appear.

20 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

Operating card (34-ST-11-16) included with the STS103 covers the smart transmitter
functions included in the STT250 (e.g. damping, calibration, output mode etc.). Since
the SFC is a universal configuration tool for a wide range of Honeywell transmitters,
some proposed menu items are not possible with the STT250, as listed in Section 3.2.
In this case, the download will result in an invalid request response.
Additional configuration notes:
1. This series mode filter should match the local AC supply frequency. It is set to
60 Hz for United States and to 50 Hz for other countries.
2. Sensor fault detection "ON" will drive the output upscale or downscale as selected
in the event of an open input condition or in response to most electronic
malfunctions. Sensor fault detection "OFF" will give an indeterminate output with an
open input condition.
3. "O/P linear" will always read in degrees (C, F, R or K, as selected) for T/C and
RTD inputs. "O/P non linear" will read in milli-volts for T/C inputs and in ohms for
RTD inputs.

4.5.3 HART Configuration (Models STT25H and STT25S)

1. Turn on the power supply and the HART Communicator.
2. On power up, the communicator will display "375 Field Communicator" or "475
Field Communicator". Then select HART Application and -> to search for
devices. When devices are found they will display as "STT250: xxxxxxxx"
(xxxxxxxx represents the tag) and "On-line".
The process value, output current, LRV and URV are displayed a few seconds later.
NOTE: Even though the transmitter is working properly, the HART Communicator may
display "Input Open".
- Press "NEXT". "Ignore next 50 occurrences of status" is displayed.
- Confirm with "YES" to correct the problem.
The cause is probably one of the following:
You have not connected a sensor to the input.
There is an open circuit in the sensor, connecting wiring or terminal connections.
You have connected a T/C or other milli-volt source to the T/C terminals and the
transmitter is configured for RTD input (or vice versa).
3. Press to select "Device setup" menu.
4. Select an appropriate menu to access transmitter parameters and settings.
As mentioned earlier, the default shipping mode for units is -20 to 150 mV input,
-20 yo 150 mV range.

You can now customize the unit to your specific application. The flow chart in Figure 7
gives a simplified overview of selections and key strokes.

In summary: - pressing selects a menu,

- pressing or accesses the selections of any
- pressing steps back to the previous menu.
You can check out the performance by varying the input and observing the output
response on the DVM.

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 21

Additional note :
This line filter should match the local AC supply frequency.

HART 5 DD Menu Structure for STT25H and STT25T Configuration

Sensor1 (25T
Sensor2 (25T
CJ Temperature
Delta (25T Only)
MRV (25T Only)
Loop Controlled
by (25T only)
Loop Control
Mode (25T only)

Bar chart for AO

PV AO %ge

PV Gauge Chart
Device Process PV Meter
Setup Variables Sensor1 Gauge
Chart (25T Only)
Sensor 1 Meter
Gauge charts (25T Only)
Sensor2 Gauge
Chart (25T Only)
Sensor 2 Meter
(25T Only)
mA Gauge Chart
mA Meter

PV Trend
Trend of PV
CJ Trend
Trend of CJ
Sensor 1 Trend
Trends (25T Only)
Trend of S1
Sensor 2 Trend
(25T Only)
Trend of S2
AO Trend
Trend of AO

22 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

Critical 1
Critical 2 (25T
Device status Non-Critical
Device Status

Error Log
Show Error
Error Log
Reset Error

Power Up
Power Up Count
Count Reset Power
Up Count
setup Time In
(continued) Service

PV High-Low
PV Low Value
PV High Value
PV High-Low
Alm &
PV Low Alarm
PV Low Alarm
Monitoring PV tracking
PV High Alarm
PV High Alarm
Change PV
Alarm Limits
Reset PV

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 23

CJ High-Low
CJ Low Value
CJ High Value
CJ High-Low
Alm &
CJ Low Alarm
Diagnostics CJ Low Alarm
Monitoring CJ Tracking
(continued) Counter
CJ High Alarm
CJ High Alarm
Change CJ
Alarm Limits
Reset CJ

Master Reset
Loop Test
Write Protect

Apply Values



MRV (25T
Enter Values

Correct Input
LRV (Not
LRV Correct :
History of
LRV corrects
LRV Correct :
(Not 25T)

24 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

Correct Input
URV (Not 25T)
Correct :
History of URV
corrects (Not
Calibration Correct :
(continued) Previous
Reset Corrects
(Not for 25T)
D/A Trim

Sensor Limit
Values (25T

Install Date
Dev id
Model Number
Device Namur
Hysteresis band
(25T only)1
Transfer (25T
Poll Addr
Line Filter
MRV (25T only) 2
Honeywell logo
Device image

Sensor Selection
(Not for 25T)
Sensor Type
(Not for 25T)
Mode Selection
(25T only)
Mode (25T only)
Sensor 1 Type
Code (25T only)
Sensor 2 Type
Code (25T only)

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 25

Select PV Unit
(not 25T)
Select sensor
unit (25T only)
Select CJ Unit
(Not for 25T)
Loop Control
Mode (25T

Delta (25T
Delta Alarm
(25T only)
Match PV
(25T only)
(25T only) 5
Device Sensor RTD
Setup Configuration adapter 1
(continued) (continued) Selection
+ve Coeffs
B-Postv rng
C-Postv rng
D-Postv rng
E-Postv rng
RTD Adapter (1)
(for S and H, it F-Postv rng
is only for 1 (1)
sensor)6 G-Postv rng
Sensor1 -ve
B-Negtv rng
C-Negtv rng
D-Negtv rng
E-Negtv rng
F-Negtv rng
G-Negtv rng

26 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

adapter 2
+ve Coeffs

B-Postv rng
C-Postv rng
D-Postv rng
E-Postv rng
Sensor RTD Adapter (2)
Configuration (for S and H, it F-Postv rng
(continued) is only for 1 (2)
sensor) 6 G-Postv rng
Sensor2 -ve
B-Negtv rng
Device C-Negtv rng
Setup (2)
(continued) D-Negtv rng
E-Negtv rng
F-Negtv rng
G-Negtv rng

Break detect
XSDelta detect
(25T only)
Latching alarm
Latch clear
Alarm direction
Suspect Input
(not 25T)

Dev id
Review Tag
Serial Number
Poll address

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 27

Num req preams
Power Up Count
Install Date
Write Protect
Universal Rev.
Field Dev Rev
Software Rev.
Hardware Rev.
DD Revision

Sensor1 (25T
Sensor2 (25T
Delta (25T
Controlled by
(25T only)
Loop Control
Mode (25T

Figure 7 HART 5 DD Menu Structure

for STT25H and STT25T Configuration
Hysteresis, Damp-bumpless transfer are applicable to STT25T only and also depending on loop
control option selected
Depending on loop control option selected
Wire connection - for other variants than 25T, Applicable for RTD sensor type only
Compensation - Applicable for TC sensor type only
Damp bumpless transfer - applicable for STT25T in redundant and split range loop control options
RTD Adapter - Applicable only if sensor is RTD type

28 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

HART6 DD Menu Structure for STT25H, STT25S and STT25T Configuration

Sensor1 (25T
Sensor2 (25T
Delta (25T
MRV (25T
Controlled by
(25T only)
Loop Control
Mode (25T

Bar chart for

Device Process PV AO %ge
Setup Variables
PV Gauge Chart
PV Meter
Sensor1 Gauge
Chart (25T Only)
Sensor1 Meter
Gauge charts (25T Only)
Sensor2 Gauge
Chart (25T Only)
Sensor2 Meter
(25T Only)
mA Gauge Chart
mA Meter

PV Trend
Trend of PV
CJ Trend
Trend of CJ
Sensor1 Trend
Trends (25T Only)
Trend of S1
Sensor2 Trend
(25T Only)
Trend of S2
AO Trend
Trend of AO

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 29

Critical 1
Critical 2 (25T
Device Status

Error Log Flag

Error Log Show Error Log
Reset Error Log

Power Up Count
Power Up
Reset Power Up

Time In

PV High-Low
PV Low Value
PV High Value
PV High-Low
Alm & Counter
PV Low Alarm
Device Diagnostics Limit
setup PV Low Alarm
(continued) PV tracking Counter
PV High Alarm
PV High Alarm
Change PV
Alarm Limits
Reset PV
Variables Tracking
Monitoring Values
CJ High-Low
CJ Low Value
CJ High Value
CJ High-Low
Alm & Counter
CJ Low Alarm
CJ Low Alarm
CJ Tracking Counter
CJ High Alarm
CJ High Alarm
Change CJ
Alarm Limits
Reset CJ

30 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

Master Reset
Loop Test

Write Protect

Services Write
Write Protection Protection

Apply Values



MRV (25T
Enter Values
Setup Calibration

Correct Input
LRV (Not 25T)
LRV Correct :
History of LRV
corrects (Not
LRV Correct :
Correct Input
URV (Not 25T)
URV Correct :
History of URV
corrects (Not
URV Correct :
Calibration Previous
(continued) Reset Corrects
(Not for 25T)
D/A Trim

Sensor Limit
Values (25T

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 31

Install Date
Dev id
Model Number
Hysteresis band
(25T only)
Device Transfer1 (25T only)
Configuration Poll Addr
Line Filter
Loop current Mode
MRV (25T only)2
Honeywell logo
Device image
Long Tag
Final Assembly
Device Change Counter
(continued) Sensor Selection
(Not for 25T)
Sensor Type (Not
for 25T)
Mode Selection
(25T only)
Mode (25T only)
Sensor 1 Type
Code (25T only)
Sensor 2 Type
Code (25T only)
Select PV Unit (not
Select sensor Unit
Select CJ Unit
Wire Connection
(Not for 25T) 3
Loop Control Mode
(25T only)
Delta (25T only)
Delta Alarm (25T
Match PV (25T only)
Transfer (25T only) 5
Wiring diagrams

32 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

adapter 1
+ve Coeffs
B-Postv rng
C-Postv rng
D-Postv rng
E-Postv rng
RTD Adapter F-Postv rng
(for S and H, it is (1)
only for 1 sensor) 6 G-Postv rng
ve Coeffs
B-Negtv rng
C-Negtv rng
Sensor (1)
Configuration D-Negtv rng
(continued) (1)
E-Negtv rng
F-Negtv rng
G-Negtv rng
adapter 2
+ve Coeffs
B-Postv rng
RTD Adapter (2)
(for S and H, it is C-Postv rng
only for 1 sensor) 6 (2)
D-Postv rng
E-Postv rng
F-Postv rng
G-Postv rng

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 33

Sensor2 -
ve Coeffs
B-Negtv rng
C-Negtv rng
Sensor RTD Adapter (2)
Configuration (for S and H, it is D-Negtv rng
(continued) only for 1 sensor) (2)
(continued) E-Negtv rng
F-Negtv rng
G-Negtv rng

Break detect
XSDelta detect
(25T only)
Latching alarm
Latch clear
Alarm direction
Suspect Input (not
Device STT25T)
(continued) Model
Device Distributor
Setup Manufacturer
Dev id
Serial Number
Poll address
Loop Current Mode
Long Tag
Final Assembly
Config Change
Num req preams
Power Up Count
Install Date
Write Protect
Universal Rev.
Field Dev Rev
Software Rev.
Hardware Rev.
DD Revision

34 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

Sensor1 (25T
Sensor2 (25T
Delta (25T
Controlled by
(25T only)
Loop Control
Mode (25T

Figure 8
HART 6 DD Menu Structure for STT25H, STT25S and STT25T Configuration

Hysteresis, Damp-bumpless transfer are applicable to STT25T only and also depending on loop
control option selected
Depending on loop control option selected
Wire connection - for other variants than 25T, Applicable for RTD sensor type only
Compensation - Applicable for TC sensor type only
Damp bumpless transfer - applicable for STT25T in redundant and split range loop control options
RTD Adapter - Applicable only if sensor is RTD type

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 35

4.5.4 HART Configuration (STT25T HART5/HART6 Models)
1. Turn on the power supply and the HART Communicator.
2. On power up, the communicator will display "375 Field Communicator" or "475
Field Communicator". Then select HART Application and -> to search for
devices. When devices are found they will display as "STT250: xxxxxxxx"
(xxxxxxxx represents the tag) and "On-line".
The process values (PV1, PV2), Delta (PV1- PV2) and % Range are displayed a
few seconds later.
NOTE: Even though the transmitter is working properly, the HART Communicator may
display "Input Open".
- Press "NEXT". "Sensor 1 failed or "Sensor 2 failed" message (or both) is displayed.
- Press "NEXT" again. "Ignore next 50 occurrences of status" is displayed.
- Confirm with "YES" to correct the problem.
The cause is probably one of the following:
You have not connected a sensor to the input.
There is an open circuit in the sensor, connecting wiring or terminal connections.
You have connected a T/C or other milli-volt source to the T/C terminals and the
transmitter is configured for RTD input (or vice versa).
3. Press to select "Device setup" menu.
4. Select an appropriate menu to access transmitter parameters and settings
As mentioned earlier, the default shipping mode for units is -20 to 150 mV input,
-20 to 150 mV range.

You can now customize the unit to your specific application. The flow chart in Figure 7
HART 5 DD Menu Structure for HART 5 and Figure 8 for HART 6 DD Menu Structure
for STT25T Configuration gives a simplified overview of selections and key strokes.

In summary: - pressing selects a menu,

- pressing or accesses the selections of any
- pressing steps back to the previous menu.

36 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual Examples of configuring dual and TC/TC input modes

EXAMPLE: How to configure the transmitter in TC/TC sensor cross-checking

mode with a delta alarm value set and linked to an alarm level on
the loop

1. When device is loaded, following screen is 2. Following screen is viewed.

viewed initially. Press 1 (or press ) to
select Device setup.

3. Press 6 (or use DOWN arrow key) to select 4. First menu on this page is Mode selection.
Sensor Configuration. Press 1 (or) to enter this method.

5. Warning will be displayed. Press OK. 6. Select TC/ TC mode and press ENTER.

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 37

7. Select Sensor 1 & Sensor 2 type code (say 8. Select unit for PV (say deg C).
TC K).

9. Warning will be displayed. Press OK. 10. Verify on sensor configuration menu that
mode is TC/TC, sensor1 & sensor2 are

11. In sensor configuration menu, press 12. Enter desired value of Delta Alarm. Hit
DOWN arrow key 10 times to reach Delta ENTER.
Alarm. Press to enter.

38 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

13. You will come back to Sensor configuration 14. Now, press to return to Device Setup
menu. A star is indicated on left hand side of menu. Press 7 (or use DOWN arrow key)
Delta Alarm. It means that this value is not to reach to Alarm.
sent to the device. Press SEND button to
change the configuration of device.

15. In the alarm menu, option 1 is XSDelta 16. Make this detection ON. Hit ENTER.
detect. (NOTE: Make sure that device loop
control mode is Redundant mode. XS Delta
Detection is not displayed in other Loop
control modes.) Press to enter.

17. Now, send this to device. Verify that this value is sent and alarm is

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 39

In the examples above the Device is now configured to have both inputs as TC K type.
The Device is in redundant mode, so both sensors are at the same location. The
read-out will be the same for sensor1 and sensor2. If one of the sensors degrades and
starts showing erroneous values, the difference between 2 sensors goes above the
configured limit to 10, XSDelta detect will be set ON.
The device in example is in redundant mode and XS Delta detect is ON, so the device
will switch to sensor2 and if sensor2 is ok, the device will function normally. If sensor2 is
also "bad", the device current value will be set to burnout value.

4.6 Mounting
4.6.1 DIN Rail Mounting
If the STT250 is to be installed on DIN Rail then the main considerations are electrical
connections and mechanical fixing. Electrical connections are identical to the bench test
instructions (Section 4.3) except that thermocouple wire is likely to be used with
thermocouples. Mechanical fixing of the module is by means of the snap-in DIN Rail
Clips which are screwed to the bottom lugs of the module.

(1.22) "G" DIN RAIL




44.4 46188464-201

Figure 9: DIN Rail Mounting

4.6.2 Mounting Module in Housing

The STT250 module can be installed in a variety of housings suitable for direct head
mounting, 2'' (50mm) pipe mounting or wall mounting.
Ensure that the installation location is suitable for reliable transmitter operation (e.g. for
high temperature applications, a thermowell extension is recommended to minimize
failure rates due to high ambient temperatures near the transmitter).

40 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

Figure 10: Wall Mounting Dimensions

See table below for Dimensions A & B

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 41

Figure 11: Pipe Mounting Dimensions

See table below for Dimensions A & B

42 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

Dimensions for
Figure 10 & Figure 11
Dimensions Aluminium Stainless Steel
Without integral meter 70.30 mm 104.00 mm 99.00 mm 157.50 mm
[2.768 inch] [4.094 inch] [3.898 inch] [6.201 inch]
With integral meter 99.00 mm 157.50 mm 99.00 mm 157.50 mm
[3.898 inch] [6.201 inch] [3.898 inch] [6.201 inch]






Figure 12: Spring Loading and Sensor Assembly

Spring loading is available worldwide with direct head mounting. In North America, the
spring loading is typically included in the sensor/thermowell assembly and is available
with all housings. For non-North American spring loading as shown in Figure 12, simply
include the springs under the 33 mm pitch mounting screws, pass the screws through
the module and sensor mounting plate and snap in the retaining circlip to the screws to
hold the assembly together. Guide the sensor assembly through the housing sensor
entry and screw down the 33 mm screws until the limit is reached as the sensor presses
against the bottom of thermowell.
For wall or 2'' pipe mounting, the temperature sensor can be remote from the STT250
field mount housing or integral to the housing. For remote installations, the sensor
wiring should be run in shielded, twisted pair wiring and connected via one of the
housing wiring entries. For explosionproof/flameproof installations, ensure that the cable
entries are fitted with flameproof adaptors and that the wiring grade complies with local
Note that for internal spring loading applications including flameproof requirements, the
direct head mount housing should be ordered with the sensor to incorporate the flame
trap. Then connect the sensor wiring to the appropriate input terminals. Ensure that you
have selected the desired failsafe link direction (up/down). Connect the output 2 wire
signal to power connections. Screened, twisted pair wiring is recommended but not
essential. The connection route to the receiving device may be run in multicore cable
without any cross talk concerns for either HART or DE protocol units.

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 43

However, ensure that no digital I/O signals co-exist in the same multicore as HART
protocol signals since these signals can cause interference. Galvanic isolation of
input/output circuits enables use with grounded or ungrounded probes. This enables
connection of the output signal to ground (e.g. at safety barriers), without creating a
ground loop.
Screw down the housing cover securely.

1/2" NPT
BB section

or M20
AA section

(33) (40)
2 x M3

2 x M4

1/2" NPT

(Dimensions in millimeters) 46188452-0XX

Figure 13: Aluminium Direct Head Mount Housing Dimensions

AA section
BB section
( 104)

2 x M4

NPT or
33 mm
2 x M4

1/2" NPT
46188453 -0XX

Figure 14: Cast Iron Direct Head Mount Housing Dimensions

For more detailed installation drawings, refer to the list in section 5.4.

4.7 Commissioning
Commissioning is carried out after installation and wiring have been completed. Power
up the STT250 transmitter and verify via the SFC or HART Communicator that it is
configured as required. If a bench check and configuration were completed, the
procedure will be clear. If no bench check and configuration was done, refer to Section
4.4 and carry it out now. Verify also that the receiving device is actually receiving the
output signal and use the SFC or HART Communicator in output mode to vary the
output signal and verify loop calibration. If small errors exist in the loop then they should
be identified and the out of specification device calibrated. However, if no adjustment is
possible (e.g. with voltage developing resistors or active barriers) then the STT250
output can be recalibrated to compensate for loop zero and span errors. For calibration
of the STT250, refer to the SFC Operating Guide 34-ST-11-16.

44 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

4.8 Start Up
Start up the process, check that the STT250 environment is still as expected (i.e. local
temperature and vibration are not excessive), housing cover is tightly sealed and
mountings are secure.
If the process operates at a slightly different condition from expected then the range of
the STT250 can be easily changed by keying in a new URV/LRV setting via the
SFC(DE) or the HART Communicator and rescaling the receiving device.

4.9 Advanced Diagnostics

4.9.1 Install Date
Install date is written at the time of installation. Once it is written by the
installation engineer, it will be read only after that.

4.9.2 Time in service

Minutes counter will be maintained in device NVM which will be provided to host
application. Time in Service value will start accruing from the time of initial power-up at
the customer site.

4.9.3 Error Log

Log of recent critical errors will be maintained in device NVM. Last 10 critical errors will
be recorded in this log. Host application will display the meaning of these errors.
Hardware Failure
Input open
Factory calibration corrupted
User configuration corrupted
XS Delta Critical (STT25T only)
Watchdog reset
Ambient temperature out of range
Cold start bit set Power cycle

4.9.4 Calibration records

Last 2 calibration dates and times for LRV, URV and Input calibration will be recorded in
device NVM in the format as MM/DD/YYYY, HH/MM/SS.

4.9.5 Power up diagnostics

The count of how many times power fail occurred will be evaluated and time since last
power on will be stored in NVM.

4.9.6 PV / SV monitoring
The variables listed below will be stored in NVM:
- Number of times PV/SV exceeded user-configured alarm limits.
- Maximum/minimum PV/SV
- A timestamp indicating the last time the PV/SV exceeded the user-configured
alarm limits.

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 45

4.9.7 Sensor short detection (only for RTD)
An informational status indicating that a connected RTD sensor has failed due to a short

4.9.8 Model number

Displays the ordering Model Number of the device

4.9.9 Serial number

Displays the serial number of the device

46 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

4.10 Enhanced DD
All the DDs for new STT250 series transmitters are enhanced DDs. Enhanced DD
means the DDs use the latest DD technology of using classic GUIs and different
enhancements like graphs, charts, images, trends etc. The STT250 series DDs have
now all these things implemented to simplify the user understanding about the process
behavior in the simplest possible ways.
Make a note that these features are host dependent and display of those may vary host-
to-host. (e.g. Trends, gauge charts look differently on MC-Toolkit and 375/475. Also the
features related to it like zoom in/out, shifting on X-Y axis etc. may be provided by some
hosts but may not be by others.)
The used Enhanced DD features are summarized as given below:

4.10.1 Status Indication

It shows devices overall status i.e. good, bad or warning. Whenever any Critical status
flag sets, Bad image is shown. When PV gets saturated or input is out of
specifications, the Warning image is shown; else Good image is shown. The images
are as shown below:

Good Bad Warning

The location to view these images is:

Online Device Setup Diagnostics Device Status Device Status Image

4.10.2 Manufacturer logo and Device Image

Manufacturer logo and device images are now included as a part of DD as shown

Device Image Honeywell Logo

The location to view these images is:

Online Device Setup Device Configuration Manufacturer Logo
Online Device Setup Device Configuration Device Image

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 47

4.10.3 Wiring Diagrams
Sensor wiring diagrams are included in the STT250 series DDs to quickly give user, an
idea about the sensor wirings to be done.
It is as shown below:

The location to view these images is:

Online Device Setup Sensor Configuration Wiring Diagrams

48 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

4.10.4 Trend Charts
Trend charts are used as the part of DDs, to show the continuous variations in the
process values as shown below:

The location to view these charts is:

Online Device Setup Process Variables Trend Charts

4.10.5 Gauge charts

Gauge charts are used to display different values in the form of analog meters, as
shown below:

The location to view these charts is:

Online Device Setup Process Variables Gauge Charts

4.10.6 Horizontal bar chart

Horizontal bar charts are used to show the % range of PV value, as shown below:

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 49

The location to view this chart is:
Online Device Setup Process Variables Bar chart for AO

4.11 CVD coefficients for RTD

RTD sensors with Callendar van Dusen coefficients are expensive and they are used
in critical applications. For other applications normal sensor is used. To get improved
RTD accuracy, RTD sensors with CVD coefficients can be used.
If RTD sensor with Callendar van Dusen coefficients to be used, the RTD Adapter
option has to be enabled. After enabling this option, the Callendar van Dusen
coefficients for the respective RTD sensor must be used to calculate the RTD Adapter
constants required to be stored in device NVM for improved RTD accuracy. A Microsoft
Excel utility provided by Honeywell, is required to generate these RTD Adapter
constants. Using this utility, total 14 constants - 7 for positive RTD range and 7 for
negative RTD range are generated. Different commands are provided for enable/disable
of RTD Adapter option and for entering these constants to the device NVM storage.
For STT25T model, if both the sensors are RTD type then two sets of these constants
are required to be generated and used appropriately for the respective sensor. The
STT25T model is provided with additional commands to enter these RTD Adapter
constants to the device NVM storage for both the RTD sensors.
The RTD Adapter feature is available for all STT250 HART models using RTD as
* CVD (Callendar-Van Deusen)

50 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

5.1 Maintenance
Maintenance of the STT250 is limited to ensuring that connections, seals and mounting
are tight and secure. There are no moving parts or adjustments, thus, the only reason to
open the housing is to inspect for corrosion or conductive dust entry which could later
affect reliable operation.
WARNING The transmitter module itself should NEVER be opened.

5.2 Troubleshooting
5.2.1 Troubleshooting with SFC (STT25M and STT25D Models)
Troubleshooting the STT250 loop is greatly simplified by connecting the SFC in the
termination area near the receiving instrument. Also connect a DVM, at the termination
area for the receiving instrument, to confirm a similar signal is coming from the field and
power is available on the two wires of the 4-20 mA loop. This isolates the problem to
either field loop or receiving instrument/power supply/wiring/safety barriers etc. If the
original symptom was an unstable input, it could be a loose connection on the receiving
side. Assuming the above confirms a field loop problem, the likely causes/actions are
given below.
For any step the first action is to hook up the SFC to the transmitter and press "ID", then


No input or low "INPUT OPEN" (with Bad sensor wire Check out field
input downscale fail-safe) connection. wiring and
"I/P OUT OF SPEC" connections.
(indicates that the input Incorrect Ensure that the
is below LRL) transmitter is in its
operating voltage.
"HI RES/LO VOLTS" voltage operating
which indicates an open
circuit loop Verify that the 250
ohms resistor is in

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 51

High input "INPUT OPEN" (with Bad sensor wire Check field wiring and
upscale fail-safe) connection. connections for partial
short circuit.
Check STT250
connections are correct
"I/P OUT OF SPEC" polarity.
(indicates that the Incorrect Check that the
input is above URL or
operating transmitter is in its
below LRL)
voltage. voltage operating area
and line resistance is
not excessive.
Unstable "STATUS CHECK = Bad sensor wire Check connection and
onscale input O.K." since any connection. wiring for intermittent
identified problem connections.
would give upscale or
downscale fail-safe.
Intermittent Check that sensor fault
open circuit of detection is "ON", this
sensor. allows detection of a
bad sensor.

Wiring disturbed Protect wiring by using

by strong appropriate grounding,
electromagnetic shielding etc.
Fail-safe "CRITICAL STATUS" A fail-safe The SFC will indicate
output signal output signal the source of the
(critical status) problem by displaying
can be caused the appropriate error
by several message.

52 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

Incorrect "STATUS The most common error is Check the
output signal CHECK = O.K." changing the sensor appropriate sensor
with but does not wiring after probe type wiring and power
simulating correspond to selection or after power- cycle when it is
device value set by up. correct.
simulating device
Remember when
configuration to first
connect sensor
wiring correctly,
then change
"INVALID "INVALID If the LRV is changed, the Reduce the URV or
REQUEST" REQUEST" URV tries to change by SPAN before
when the same amount to changing the LRV.
changing maintain the same SPAN.
LRV or URV If this new URV exceeds
the URL then this
message appears.
Non-critical "USER CORR Transmitter has been When performing a
status ACTIVE" trimmed for particular Reset Correct
message, sensor range. This can be command or a
without # sign done by keying in sensor type
LRV/URV, CORRECT, change, the
ENTER with exact LRV transmitter will lose
and URV input values to this sensor
enable improved accuracy correction and fall
over the specifications. back to the original
factory calibration.
Remember that successful communications with the STT250 result in many useful
pieces of data. With the initial I.D. response, the user can confirm that the:
1. Transmitter is powered
2. Line resistance is correct
3. Wires run to the correct unit. If not, the unit connected can be identified by the
tag number.

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 53

5.2.2 Troubleshooting with HART communicator (STT25H, STT25S,
and STT25T Models)
communicator CAUSE
Remember that successful communications with the STT250 result in many useful
pieces of data. With the initial I.D. response, the user can confirm that the:
1. Transmitter is powered
2. Line resistance is correct
3. Wires run to the correct unit. If not, the unit connected can be identified by the tag
Incorrect None The most common Check the appropriate
output signal error is changing the sensor wiring and power
with sensor wiring after cycle when it is correct.
simulating probe type selection or Remember when
device after power-up.
changing configuration to
first connect sensor
wiring correctly, then
change configuration.
When "VALUES TOO If the LRV is changed, Make sure that:
changing HIGH OR TOO the URV tries to change
LRV or URV LOW" by the same amount to
maintain the same and that
SPAN. If this new URV URV <=URL
exceeds the URL then
this message appears.
Status is set "USER CORR Transmitter has been When performing a Reset
to ACTIVE" trimmed for particular Correct command or a
sensor range. This can sensor type change, the
CORR be done by keying in transmitter will lose this
LRV/URV, CORRECT, sensor correction and fall
ENTER with exact LRV back to the original
and URV input values factory calibration.
(STT25H and to enable improved
STT25S) accuracy over the

54 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

High input "I/P OUT OF Incorrect operating Check STT250
SPEC" voltage. connections are correct
(indicates that polarity.
the input is Check that the transmitter
above URL or
is in its voltage operating
below LRL)
area and line resistance is
not excessive.
Unstable None Bad sensor wire Check connection and
onscale input connection. wiring for intermittent
Since any
identified connections.
problem would
give upscale or Check that sensor fault
Intermittent open
downscale fail-
circuit of sensor. detection is "ON", this
safe. allows detection of a bad
sensor. (This option is not
available on STT25T)
Wiring disturbed by
Protect wiring by using
appropriate grounding,
electromagnetic shielding etc.

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 55

Critical status
A fail-safe output signal can be caused by several reasons. The HART
communicator will indicate the source of the problem by displaying the appropriate
error message.
Fail-safe "HARDWARE An internal problem Try to restart the device.
output signal ERROR" linked to the devices If the problem persists,
electronics is causing contact your vendor.
a bad measurement
Fail-safe "NVM CALIB The diagnostic of the Try to restart the device.
output signal FAILED" calibration area If the problem persists,
stored in the non perform a Master Reset
volatile memory has and re-calibrate the
failed device.
Fail-safe "NVM CONF The diagnostic of the Try to restart the device.
output signal FAILED" configuration area If the problem persists,
stored in the non contact your vender.
volatile memory has
Fail-safe "SENSOR Bad sensor wire Check for incorrect field
output signal FAIL" connection. wiring and connections or
for partial short circuit.
The two sensors are
Refer to : broken or badly
connected (STT25T
Table 1 - only)
FAIL is set
in STT0
Fail-safe "XS DELTA - The value of delta The transmitter works in
output signal CRITICAL" (delta = PV1-PV2) is ambient temperature
higher than the alarm conditions out of its
(STT 25T only) specification, but the
level set by the user
AND the option "XS measurement quality may
delta detection" has be degraded.
been turned ON.

56 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

Non-Critical status
The HART communicator can indicate some problems or information by displaying
messages which are not associated to a fail-safe output signal, these are "non-critical-
The following "CJ OVER TEMP" The ambient The transmitter works
message is temperature in ambient
displayed measured is out of temperature
the transmitter conditions out of its
specifications specification, the
(-40C to 85C or measure can be
-41F to 185F) perverted
The following "OUTPUT PV > URV or Check your process
message is SATURATED" PV< LRV temperature. Adapt
displayed. the span.
Output fixed at
20.8 or 3.8 mA.
(20.5 if
The following "IN OUTPUT The output is fixed Clear output mode to
message is MODE" at a specific value return to normal
displayed and not operation.
representing the
applied input.
The following "SENSOR1 Sensor 1 is not Check the wiring for
message is FAILED" reporting a valid Sensor 1 and test for
displayed (STT25T only) input and may be failure.
The following "SENSOR2 Sensor 2 is not Check the wiring for
message is FAILED" reporting a valid Sensor 2 and test for
displayed input and may be failure.
(STT25T only)
The following "XS DELTA NON The value of delta If you do not want to
message is CRITICAL" (delta = PV1-PV2) see this non critical-
displayed (STT25T only) is higher than the status, change delta
alarm level set by alarm value.
the user AND the
option XS delta
detection has
been turned OFF
The following "INPUT OUT OF Check sensor Check sensor is ok
message is SPEC" wiring connections and to the sensor
displayed and invalid wiring connections
operating voltages and device operating
for the device conditions.

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 57

Communicator CAUSE

Critical Statuses (these apply only for SIL approved units):

Fail-safe output RAM FAILURE The device has Try to restart the
signal detected device. If the status
corruption in a persists, contact your
RAM memory vendor.
Fail-safe output ROM FAILED The device has Try to restart the
signal detected device. If the status
corruption in a persists, contact your
ROM memory vendor.
Fail-safe output FLOW CONTROL The device has Try to restart the
signal FAULT detected an device. If the status
interruption in the persists, contact your
proper flow of vendor.



Informational Status

The following INPUT OPEN (1/2) The device is Verify the applicable
message is indicating an open sensor wiring and
displayed connection for check the sensor for
sensor input. For failure.
STT25T devices,
the relevant input
will be specified
(Input 1 or Input 2)
The following RTD SHORT (1/2) The device is Verify the applicable
message is indicating a sensor wiring and
displayed shorted connection check the sensor for
for an RTD sensor failure.
input. For STT25T
devices, the
relevant input will
be specified (Input
1 or Input 2)

58 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

Table 1 - When SENSOR FAIL is set in STT250

No. Condition Status Messages

> Critical - Sensor fail
1 Input is MV OR TC type & in Open state.
> Info - Input Open
Input is RTD or OHM type and is in open > Critical - Sensor fail
state (any of 3 wires OR sensor itself) > Info - Input Open
Input is RTD or OHM type and is in > Critical - Sensor fail
shorted state > Info - RTD Short

5.3 Recommended Parts

STT250 Electronics Module Order from the Model
Selection Guide to include
options as required.
Replacement Smart meter 30757178-501
Replacement Analog meter 30756997-501
Meter mounting bracket kit 46188056-502
Diode for Analog Meter 46188432-501
HEAD MOUNT HOUSINGS (Cable/Conduit entry
noted. All have NPT sensor entry)
Aluminium head mount housing (M20) 46188452-501
Aluminium head mount housing (1/2"NPT) 46188452-502
Flame proof cast iron head mount housing (M20) 46188453-501
Flame proof cast iron head mount housing 46188453-502
sensor and cable/conduit entries)
Field mount housing base - Aluminium beige epoxy- 46188472-501
polyester hybrid painted
Field mount housing end cap - Aluminium beige 30752006-501
epoxy-polyester hybrid painted
Field mount housing meter cap - Aluminium beige 30755956-501
epoxy-polyester hybrid painted
Field mount housing base - Aluminium beige epoxy 46188472-502
Field mount housing end cap - Aluminium beige 46188471-501
epoxy painted
Field mount housing meter cap - Aluminium beige 46188471-502
epoxy painted

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 59

Adaptor plate to install module in field mount housing 46188423-501
Accessories kit (DIN rail clip, terminal screws, fail-safe link,
spring loading mounting set) 46188465-501
Spring loading mounting set 46188416-501
DIN rail mounting clip (top hat/"" or "G" rail) 46188431-501
Carbon steel mounting bracket for 2" pipe 30755905-001
(for use with field mount housing)
Stainless steel mounting bracket for 2" pipe 30671907-001
(for use with field mount Housing)
1/2"NPT to M20 x 1.5 conduit adaptor (flameproof EEx d) 46188203-501
1/2"NPT to 3/4"NPT conduit adaptor 51196567-501
Transient protector (external to housing) 30755970-501
Stainless steel wired-on customer ID tag 46188051-001
Surge Protector 46188660-001
SFC operating card 34-ST-11-16
English operator manual EN1I-6190
French operator manual FR1I-6190
Spanish operator manual SP1I-6190

5.4 Wiring and Installation Drawings Numbers

FM external wiring diagram 46188466-201

CSA external wiring diagram 46188466-202
Meter connections 46188461-201
Spring loading and sensor assembly 46188463-201
Pipe mounting dimensions 46188468-201
Wall mounting dimensions 46188467-201
Typical wiring of transient protector to STT25_ 46188469-201
DIN rail mounting 46188464-201
Aluminium direct head mount housing 46188452-0XX
Cast-iron direct head mount housing 46188453-0XX

60 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual


6.1 Introduction
Integral meters are supplied already installed by the factory and provide a display of the
transmitter output. Table II selection _ _ M gives a 4-20 mA analog output on a moving
coil display to 2% accuracy. A diode fitted across the meter enables loop continuity in
the event of a moving coil failure. To ensure adequate loop power availability in this
event, add 0.7 V power supply to the loop in addition to 10.8 V for the transmitter (i.e.
11.5 V minimum supply Volts).
Table II selection _ _ S is the Smart Meter with LCD which accepts either the Digital DE
or the 4-20 mA analog signal. Regardless of signal type, the Smart Meter displays a
large bargraph accurate to 3% and visible from 10 meters away. The 4 digit display
shows the output in % of span or in engineering units (except with STT25H and
STT25S HART). With the 4-20 mA signal, this digital display is accurate to 0.5% of
span. With the Digital DE signal, the display has no error; displaying the digital output
exactly within its resolution of 0.05% for a 199.9 reading range, 0.5% for a 1999
reading range and 5% for a 19990 reading range.
The Smart Meter includes various status message and engineering unit information on
the LCD screen.
The Smart Meter obtains its power in series with the transmitter and requires
2.25 V power supply in addition to the transmitters 10.8 V (i.e. 13.05 V minimum supply
Volts). The minimum loop operating current is <3.8 mA.

6.2 Connection Information

The addition of a meter changes the user wiring connections, because a serial
connection of the meter in the negative 4-20 mA signal line from the transmitter is
required. Wire the meter as shown in Figure 15.


0 % 100


Figure 15: Meters Connections

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 61

6.3 Installation/Commissioning

After wiring the meter as shown in Figure 15 and powering up the transmitter loop,
verify that the display operates as expected. The Smart Meter may require access to its
configuration push button which is accessible via a hole on the side of the indication
meter. This push button enables configuration of the preferred engineering unit and
meter zero/span calibration for a 4-20 mA signal.
When the loop power is applied, the Smart Meter runs a self test diagnostic for about 10
seconds to determine correct loop operation and, if a digital DE signal is present,
whether it is a 4 or 6 byte PV signal. Since most transmitters supplied with the Smart
Meter operate in 6 byte digital DE output mode, this approach is covered first. If
diagnostic displays are present on the meter (e.g. "OUTPUT MODE", "BAD XMTR
STATUS" or "FAULT-LAST KNOWN VALUE") refer to Diagnostic and Troubleshooting
(Section 6.4).

6.3.1 DE Transmitter (STT25D Model) Operating in 6 Byte Output Mode

Press button on the side of the meter to scroll through the display codes to the preferred
engineering unit selection. The display codes are EU1, EU2, ..., EUF (and CAL).
For the STT25D: EU1 gives C displayed on the LCD screen
EU2 gives F displayed on the LCD screen
EU3 converts to K (add on the stick-on label)
EU4 converts to R (add on the stick-on label)
EU5 converts to mV (add on the stick-on label)
EU6 converts to Volts (add on the stick-on label)
EU7 converts to Ohms (add on the stick-on label)
EU8 to EUF gives % (of span) displayed on the LCD screen.
Ignore "CAL" at this stage or refer to Section 6.4.3.
Press and hold the button until the desired display code appears. Release the button
and the display reverts to the selected unit display. The Smart Meter is now configured
for use. Replace the meter cap.

6.3.2 DE Transmitter (STT25D Model) Operating in 4 Byte Digital

Output or in 4-20 mA Analog Mode
In these cases, the output signal does not include the transmitter database; only the %
of span output signal. Part of this database, (e.g. LRV/URV), is required to enable an
engineering unit display. Accordingly, press the "ID" key on the SFC. If the transmitter
responds "DE XMTR XXXXXXXX" then also press the "SHIFT", "ID" keys. This enables
the Smart Meter to recognize that the temperature units should be used and the
necessary part of the database to convert to the preferred engineering units. Now
configure the required engineering units as described in Section 6.3.1 above.

6.3.3 DE Transmitter (STT25D and STT25M Models) Operating in 4-20

mA Analog Output Mode
The Smart Meter is factory calibrated to convert the received 4-20 mA signal to a 0 to
100% of span display. Regardless of the transmitter's actual PV output, a display of
0.0% output means that the meter requires recalibration. Refer to Section 6.4 for the
recalibration procedure.

62 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

6.4 Diagnostic and Troubleshooting
6.4.1 Analog Meter
The Analog Meter is an irreparable item. If it reads at the bottom of the scale with a
known input, check that the connections are good and that the voltage across the
meter/diode terminals is 0.5 to 0.7 V. This reading confirms that the delicate moving coil
connections have been damaged and that the meter should be replaced.
6.4.2 Smart Meter
Every time power is cycled to the transmitter/meter combination, the Smart Meter runs a
self test to check internal operations and switches on all display segments as shown in
Figure 16 for up to 10 seconds. This enables confirmation of their operation.

(0 to 100%)


(-19990 to +19990) INDICATOR


Figure 16: Horizontal Style Bargraph Failed self test

If the self test fails, the display will go blank (i.e. revert to the unpowered display
showing only the basic bargraph outline). Note that some of the temporarily switched on
segments should only be seen with an STT250 in this initial self check e.g. "K" for a
1,000 engineering unit multiplier (only for readings over 20,000), "GPH", "GPM",
"mmHg", "PSI", "%", "FLOW" and "inH20" (only used for flow and pressure
ANALOG" is switched on the LCD if the transmitter output signal is 4-20 mA analog.
The "Normal" display should have a partially switched on bargraph corresponding to the
transmitter % of span output signal and the corresponding digital display in % of the
selected units.

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 63 Meter Fault Conditions
The various possible fault conditions with corrective action are:

1. At power up, the LCD stays completely blank. Either the self check failed or the
meter is not receiving power. Check the connections.
Note that the Smart Meter requires 2.25 Volts supply in addition to the minimum
10.8 Volts for the STT250 transmitter (i.e. minimum of 13.05 V across the
meter/transmitter terminals). Verify adequate loop power is available.
2. At power up after showing all LCD segments, the display shows "BAD XMTR
STATUS" and "_ _ _" instead of the digital engineering unit display. This means that
the meter received a critical status diagnostic message from the transmitter at
power up. Use the configuration tool to determine the critical status cause and
3. After successful power up, the display shows "BAD XMTR STATUS" and the
bargraph flashes. This means that a critical status condition occurred during
operation. The display value may not be correct. Use the configuration tool to
determine the cause and correct.
4. After successful power up, the display shows "FAULT-LAST KNOWN VALUE" and
the bargraph flashes. This means that the on-going self diagnostics of the meter
detected an internal fault or that communications from the transmitter were lost or
that 5 or more corrupted messages were received from the transmitter operating in
the digital output mode. Cycle the power to see if the condition self clears. If it
recurs, check loop wiring for adequate loop power, ensure presence of the 250 ohm
communications resistor and minimize electrical noise in the loop.
5. After successful power up, the display shows "OUTPUT MODE" and the bargraph
flashes while the digital display flashes a value 0.0% to 100.0%. This means that
the transmitter went to fixed output mode while operating as a digital output device.
Connect the configuration tool and press "OUTPUT", "CLEAR" to revert to normal
6. The display shows "ANALOG", "0.0%" and no bargraph segments switch on. This
means that the Smart Meter requires calibration to the transmitter operating in
4-20 mA analog output mode. See Section 6.4.3.

64 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

6.4.3 4-20 mA Analog Mode Calibration of Smart Meter (DE Transmitter
STT25D and STT25M Models only)
Calibration is beneficial to ensure display accuracy with a 4-20 mA analog signal. It is
unnecessary to recalibrate the meter since all Smart Meters are factory calibrated
before shipment. However, the facility is included in case recalibration for time drift or
transmitter end point offsets are required.
Basically, accurate 4 and 20 mA signals are provided to the meter with the "CAL"
configuration button selected. The 4 and 20 mA signals can be conveniently provided by
using the configuration tool to switch the transmitter to "OUTPUT MODE".

The full calibration procedure for a Smart Meter is:

Step 1 - Put control loop to Manual and use the configuration tool to establish
communications. Put the transmitter into 0% output mode by pressing "OUTPUT",
"0", "ENTER" for "0.0%" on SFC.
Step 2 - Press and hold side button on meter. Release the button when "CAL"
appears on the display. The meter will now carry out a zero (LRV) calibration and
revert to normal operation. Press "OUTPUT", "CLEAR" to revert transmitter to
continuous output operation.
Step 3 - Change output mode value to 100% by pressing "OUTPUT", "1", "0", "0",
Step 4 - Press and hold side button on meter. Release button when "CAL" appears
on the display. The meter will now carry out a span (URV) calibration and revert to
normal operation. Press "OUTPUT", "CLEAR" to revert transmitter to continuous
output operation. Return loop to Automatic operation.

ATTENTION - If "bAd" appears on the meter display after Step 2 or 4 then the
4 mA or the 20 mA signal was not within the meter's acceptable accuracy range and
calibration was aborted. Check the mA values and repeat calibration steps as required.

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 65

A.1 Overview
Honeywell's transient protectors external to housings (part number 30755970-501) are
designed to protect STT 3000 transmitters from damaging transients induced by
lightning or heavy electrical equipment.
Transient protectors divert induced surge current around the transmitter. This reduces
the voltage potential between the housing and the internal electronic components from
several thousand volts to a low and safe level.

A.2 Features and Benefits

The weatherproof transient protectors are sealed in epoxy in a inch stainless steel
pipe nipple. This is done to ensure that their performance is not affected by severe
environmental conditions.
Other benefits of transient protectors are:
Two stage protection,
A common chamber, three-element, gas tube which assures ultra-fast and
balanced clamping,
A solid-state portion which holds the clamping voltage at a very low, safe level,
Symmetric construction which assures equal performance in either polarity in
surges or loop current.

A.3 Electrical Characteristics

Table A2 lists the electrical characteristics of transient protectors.

Table A2 Electrical Characteristics

Parameter Specification
Compatibility 4-20 mA loops
Supply voltage 28 Vdc maximum
Resistance to loop added 44 ohms
DC clamping level L-L (line to line) 36 V 10%
L-G (line to ground) 200 to 350 V
Impulse clamping level L-L 50V maximum
L-G 800 to 1000 V
Surge 500A, 10 x 1,000 s 400 Min.

66 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

A.4 Installation Procedure
The procedure in Table A3 outlines the steps for installing a transient protector
external to an STT 3000 Series STT250 transmitter mounted inside a field mount
housing with a 1/2"NPT conduit entry. For direct head mount housings, the ground
terminal referred to in step 7 below may not exist and another means of direct ground
connection will need to be devised. For proper protection, the green ground wire must
be securely connected to a local ground in as direct a path as possible.
The transient protector is designed for conduit type wiring installations where an
additional terminal box can be added to connect output wiring. In non-conduit
installations, it is recommended that a suitable terminal box is also used.
Refer to Figure A17 for typical wiring connections.

Table A3 Transient Protector Installation

Step Action
1 Unscrew housing cap.
2 Apply pipe joint tape or compound suitable for operating environment to
threads on transient protector. Leave first two threads clean.
3 Hold transient protector so end with three wires points toward the right-hand
conduit connection in transmitter's housing.
4 Feed three wires through conduit connection and screw protector into
5 Connect red wire to positive (+) terminal of STT250 transmitter.
6 Connect black wire to negative (-) terminal of STT250 transmitter.
7 Connect green wire to ground terminal inside housing.
ATTENTION: be sure to keep green wire short and straight.
8 Replace housing cap.
9 Connect the housing to a suitable earth ground using a #6 Nickel-clad
copper wire.
10 Observing polarity, connect field wiring to two wires on other end of
transient protector. Red wire is positive (+) and black wire is negative (-).

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 67

A.5 Wiring Reference

Figure A17 shows a typical wiring scheme of a transient protector to

the STT 3000 Series STT250.

Ground Terminal GREEN (Ground)

RED (+)
Lightning Protection
RED (+)

Earth Ground

Figure A17: Typical wiring of transient protector to STT250 transmitter

68 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

A.6 FM Control Drawing 46188466-201

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 69

70 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual
Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 71
72 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual
Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 73
74 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual
Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 75
76 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual
A.7 CSA Control Drawing 46188466-202

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 77

78 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual
Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 79
80 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual
Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 81
82 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual
Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 83
84 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual
STT 3000 Series STT250 Smart 9/07
Temperature Transmitter, Addendum
Models STT25H,STT25S, STT25D, (to Operator Manual
STT25M, STT25T EN1I-6190)

Overview ATEX Directive 94/9/EC

The ATEX Directive 94/9/EC is a European CE Mark directive concerning products
that are designed for use in potentially explosive environments. This New
Approach directive is based on, and is an expansion of, European Norms (EN,
CENELEC standards).
On June 30, 2003, the ATEX (ATmospheres EXplosibles) directive will replace
directives currently in effect, and from that time, only products with the ATEX
certification and with ATEX labeling will be approved for free movement in the EU
(European Union) and EFTA (European Free Trade Association) countries. As
defined in the directive, free movement refers to:
placing a product on the market, and/or
placing a product into service.
The ATEX Directive 94/9/EC is a living (set of) document(s), subject to further
change and refinement, whose details are beyond the scope of this addendum.
Further information can be obtained in the Official Journal of the European
Communities No L100/1, and in related publications such as Guidelines on the
Application of Directive 94/9/EC. Both of these items are available at:
Products that have been previously certified under the EN and CENELEC European
Norms, and which comply fully with all standards in the New Approach directive
have, by application, received certification under ATEX Directive 94/9/EC.
The Honeywell STT 3000 Series STT250 Smart Temperature Transmitter is now
ATEX certified, and all units manufactured currently and in the future will include
labeling that includes all markings required under the ATEX directive.

Inclusions To ensure that all required information will be available to the user, the following
items are included with this Addendum for reference:
1. Declaration of Conformity ATEX CE0344 (Honeywell document number
51453718 Revision A).
2. Certificate of Manufacturer II 3 G EEx nA ATEX CE (Honeywell document
number 51453719 Revision A).

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 85

Purpose and This Addendum includes information required under the ATEX Directive regarding:
Content of
this 1. The appearance and meaning of each certification mark (CE Mark) that
appears on the label(s) affixed to the product.
2. Instructions for installation and use of the product.

Information required for installation and use of this product is given in

EN1I-6190 STT 3000 Series 250 Smart Transmitter Models STT25M,

STT25H, STT25S,STT25D, STT25T Operator Manual

of which this Addendum is a part.

Details regarding certification marks that appear in labeling for this product are
given in this addendum.


The publication cited above and the functioning and construction

(except for labeling) of the devices described therein are essentially
unchanged. The purpose of this addendum is to provide details on
the purpose and appearance of the labels attached to each device
under ATEX Directive 94/9/EC.


Before installing the equipment in a potentially explosive

atmosphere, please read the information provided in this Addendum,
which supports the ATEX certifications for this product.

CE Conformity The STT 3000 Smart Temperature Transmitter, Models STT250, are in conformity
with the protection requirements of the following European Council Directives:
94/9/EC, the Explosive Atmospheres (ATEX) Directive, and 2004/108/EC, the
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive.

In conformity with the ATEX directive, the CE mark on the certification nameplate
includes the Notified Body identification number 0344 (KEMA 01ATEXQ3199)
adjacent to the EC Type Examination Certificate number.

Deviation from the installation conditions in this manual may invalidate this
products conformity with the Explosive Atmospheres, Pressure Equipment, and
EMC Directives.

Conformity of this product with any other CE Mark Directive(s) shall not be

86 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

Equipment and systems covered by this certificate are as follows:
Temperature is measured with an externals sensor (thermocouple or resistor (RTD) sensor.
The output from the transmitter is a 4-20 mA signal via the two-wire field connections. Letter
designations in the model number specify the communications protocol:

Device Name Transmitter Output

STT25M 4-20 mA
HART-5 protocol and 4-20 mA
HART-6 protocol and 4-20 mA
STT25S HART-6 protocol and 4-20 mA

STT25D Digital DE / 4-20 mA

Dual Input, HART-5 / 4-20 mA
Dual Input, HART-6 / 4-20 mA

The process variable can be observed locally when the ME, SM or EU indicators (when
compatible with the communications protocol) installed in the metal enclosure.

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 87

Marking, Honeywells Model STT 3000 Smart Temperature Transmitter, with the
following nameplates attached, has been certified to comply with Directive
ATEX Directive 94/9/EC of the European Parliament and the Council as published in the Official
Journal of the European Communities No. L 100/1 on 19-April-1994.

The following information is provided as part of the labeling of the transmitter:

Name and Address of the manufacturer: Honeywell, Automation India

Ltd. 56 & 57 Hadapsar Industrial Estate, Pune 411013, India.

Notified Body identification: KEMA Quality B.V., Arnhem, the


For complete model number, see the Model Selection Guide 34-44-16-03
for the particular model of temperature transmitter.

The serial number of the transmitter is located on the module label. For
models STT25M and STT25D the serial number is 10 characters (0
through 9) long. The last two characters are fixed 37. The first character
(0) is a B. Characters 2 and 3 are the week of manufacture and the single
character 4 is the year of manufacture. The serial number consists of
characters 1, 5, 6, and 7.

For models STT25H, STT25S and STT25T the new serial number has
characters 0 through 3 as the serial number, characters 4 and 5 are the
week of manufacture and characters 6 and 7 are the year of manufacture.

Apparatus The user must determine the type of protection required for installation the
Marked with equipment. The user shall then check the box [] adjacent to the type of
Multiple Types of protection used on the equipment certification nameplate. Once a type of
protection has been checked on the nameplate, the equipment shall not then be
Protection reinstalled using any of the other certification types.

88 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

Label 50019638-001, ia, 4-20 mA / DE, is mounted on the module. The following is a representation of this label:

Label 50019639-001, ia, 4-20 mA / DE, is mounted on the module. The following is a representation of this label:

Nameplate 50019640-001, (ia) 4-20 mA / DE / HART, nameplate. The following is a representation of this nameplate:

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 89

Nameplate 50019641-001, (d) 4-20 mA / DE / HART, nameplate. The following is a representation of this nameplate:

Nameplate 50019642-001, (d) 4-20 mA / DE / HART, nameplate. The following is a representation of this

Nameplate 50019643-001, 4-20 mA / DE / HART, multiple certification nameplate. The following is a

representation of this nameplate:

90 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

Identification of Entries Cap- M105x2;
Cable entry- 1/2"NPT (Z) and M20x1.5
Adaptor- 1/2" NPT to M20x1.5 and 1/2 "NPT to 3/4" NPT

Specific Field wiring terminals, (+ , ): Ui 30 V, Ii 165 mA,

Parameters Pi 1.2 W
for Intrinsic Without local analog meter, ME:
Ci 17 nF, Li 45 H
Safety With local analog meter, ME:
Ci 17 nF, Li 195 H
With local smart digital meter, SM:
Ci 17 nF, Li 45 H
With local EU meter,EU:
Ci 17 nF, Li 45 H
Sensor entry terminals (1, 2, 3, & 4)
Uo 10.5 V Io 40 mA

Co 2.08 F Lo 20mH

Special The Smart Temperature Transmitter is an intrinsically safe apparatus that can be
installed in potentially explosive atmospheres.
for safe use, The supply terminals (+, -) must be connected only to a certified associated
intrinsically safe apparatus.
Intrinsic The sensor entry terminals (1, 2, 3, and 4) must be connected only to certified
Safety (X) intrinsically safe equipment or according to paragraph 1.3 of standard EN 50014.
The electrical parameters (U, I, and P) of the associated apparatus connected to the
power terminals (+, -) must not exceed the following values:
Ui 30V Ii 165 mA Pi 1,2 W
The electrical parameters (L and C) of the apparatus connected to the sensor entry
terminals (1, 2, 3, and 4) (cabling parameters included) must not exceed the following
Cext = 2 H Lext = 2 mH
o o
Certification ambient operating temperature : -50 C to 85 C
Standard specification ambient limits : -40oC to 85 oC.
Temperature classifications:

IS (ia) 4 20 mA / DE Flameproof (d)

T6 up to Ta 40C T6 up to Ta 80C

T5 up to Ta 55C T5 up to Ta 85C

T4 up to Ta 90C

Enclosure classification: IP 66/67, Type 4X

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 91

Special conditions for Ambient operating temperature: -50 to 85C
safe use, Flameproof

Specific Parameters for Supply Voltage: 11-30 Vdc

Non-Sparking Zone 2
Installation Supply Current: 23 mA

(Honeywell certified) Ambient Temperate Limits: -50oC to 85oC

Temperature Classification: T6 at Ta 80oC

T5 at Ta 85oC

Special Conditions for

The installation of this equipment in Zone 2 hazardous areas
Safe Use, Non-Sparking must comply with VDE specification 0165, EN 60079-14, EN
Zone 2 Installation 60079-15 and/or valid national standards for installation and
(Honeywell certified)
Before commissioning of this equipment, it must be verified
that the power supply voltage cannot exceed the 35 Vdc
maximum for 4-20 mA analog, DE, and HART equipment.

The electronic assemblies in these units are non-repairable

items, and if faulty, must be replaced. The electrical power
supply must be switched off before any replacement and
during any time that the wiring terminations are being
connected or disconnected.

92 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

51453718, Revision A

ATEX 0344
We declare under our sole responsibility that the following products,

STT 3000 Series STT250 Smart Temperature Transmitter,

Models STT25M, STT25H, STT25S, STT25D, STT25T

to which this declaration relates, are in conformity with the protection requirements of Council
Directive: 94/9/EC (ATEX Directive) on the approximation of the laws of the Member States
concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres,
and 89/336/EEC (EMC Directive) as amended by 92/31/EEC, 93/68/EEC and 2004/108/EC on the
approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to Electromagnetic Compatibility.
The models covered by this Declaration and evidence of conformity with the ATEX Directive are
listed below. Conformity to the ATEX Directive is in accordance with the following European

EN 60079-0-2004 Electrical Apparatus for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres -

General Requirements
EN 61241-0-2004 Electrical Apparatus for use in presence of combustible dust- Part
0-General Requirements
EN 60079-1-2004 Electrical Apparatus for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres -
Flameproof Enclosure d
EN 61241-1-2004 Electrical Apparatus for use in presence of combustible dust- Part
1-Protection by enclosurestD
EN 60079-11-2007 Electrical Apparatus for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres -
Part11-Intrinsic Safety "i"
EN 60079-26-2004 Special Requirements for Construction, Test and Marking of
Electrical Apparatus of Equipment Group II, Category 1 G
EN 61010-1-2001 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for
Measurement, Control & Laboratory Use, Part1: General Requirements
EN 61326-1997+A1+A2 Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and
Laboratory Use EMC Requirements

Notified EC Type Examination Certificates Production Quality Assurance

LCIE Groupe Bureau Veritas 0081 KEMA Quality B. V. 0344
33, Avenue du Gnral Leclerc, Utrechtseweg 310
92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses,France 6812 AR Arnhem,The Netherlands

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 93

Certificate Protection Configuration Description
Models STT25M, 4-20 mA,
STT25H, 4-20 mA/HART5,
STT25H, 4-20 mA/HART6,
LCIE 06 ATEX 6066X Module only ia
Ex ia IIC, T6 to T4 STT25D, 4-20 mA/DE, and
STT25T, Dual Input, and 4-
20 mA/HART
Models STT25M, 4-20 mA,
STT25H, 4-20 mA/HART5,
Ex d IIC, T6 or T5 Module mounted in STT25S, 4-20 mA/HART6,
LCIE 06 ATEX 6067X
Ex tD A21 T80c or d enclosure only STT25D, 4-20 mA/DE, and
T95c STT25T, Dual Input, and 4-
20 mA/HART

Manufacturing Honeywell Automation India Ltd.

Locations: 56 & 57 Hadapsar Industrial Estate ,Pune,411013 India

The authorized signatory to this declaration, on behalf of the manufacturer, and the
Responsible Person is identified below.

Honeywell Automation India Ltd.

56&57 Hadapsar Industrial Estate Bhavesh Varia
Pune,411013, India Product Safety & Approvals Engineering
Issue Date: 11

94 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

HON 06 ATEX 51453719, Revision A
Certificate of Manufacturer


This certificate applies to the following equipment:

STT 3000 Series STT250 Smart Temperature Transmitter,
Models STT25M, STT25H,STT25S, STT25D, STT25T, (Module)
This equipment has no arcing or sparking parts and no ignition-capable hot surfaces, and therefore conforms to
Clause of VDE 0165/2.91 and EN60079-14 for operation in Zone 2 hazardous areas, providing that the
following conditions are observed. The equipment contains no intrinsically safe or energy-limiting components. The
Model STT250 is a 2-wire device that receives its power and signal carrier from the same 4-20 mA signal current.
Model STT250 supports thermocouple and 2-, 3-, and 4-wire RTD sensor inputs. Model STT25T supports dual
thermocouple inputs. In normal operation, the maximum current is 23 mA.
Conditions for the application of the above equipment in Zone 2 hazardous areas:
1. This equipment is in compliance with the EHSRs of the ATEX Directive 94/9/EC, EN 50021 plus a review
against EN 60079-15 which showed that there were no changes which materially affected the state of
technological progress with respect to this product.

2. Before commissioning this equipment, it must be verified that the power supply voltage cannot exceed the 30
Vdc maximum for the STT15S transmitters.

3. The temperature transmitter is a non-repairable item, and if faulty, must be replaced. The electrical power
supply must be switched off before any replacement and during any time that the wiring terminations are being
connected or disconnected.

4. The technical data supplied by the manufacturer must be adhered to. Install per Operator manual EN1l-6190.

5. The temperature transmitter module shall be installed in enclosure IP 54 minimum.

Certificate Protection Description

Models STT25M, 4-20 mA,

STT25H, 4-20 mA/HART 5,
Ex ia IIC STT25S, 4-20 mA/HART6,
STT25D, 4-20 mA/DE
and STT25T, Dual Input and 4-20 mA/HART

Specifications for Use in Zone 2

Supply Voltage: 9 to 30 Vdc

Supply Current: 23mA
Ambient temperature limits: -50 to 85 C
Temperature Classification: T6 at Ta 80oC, T5 at Ta 85oC

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 95

Manufacturer: Honeywell Automation India Ltd.
56&57 Hadapsar Industrial Estate
Bhavesh Varia
Honeywell Automation India Ltd.
Product Safety & Approvals
56 &57 Hadapsar Industrial Estate Engineering,
Pune,411013 India

Issue Date: 11

96 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual


8.1 IECEx Certification

IECEx is a single global certification Framework based on the International Electrotechnical

Commission's international standards. It caters to countries whose national standards are
either identical to those of the IEC or else very close to IEC standards. The IECEx is truly
global in concept and practice, reduces trade barriers caused by different conformity
assessment criteria in various countries, and helps industry to open up new markets. The
goal is to help manufacturers reduce costs and time while developing and maintaining
uniform product evaluation to protect users against products that are not in line with the
required level of safety.

The aim of the IECEx Scheme and its Programs is to ease international trade of Explosion
Protected Equipment (termed Ex equipment) by eliminating the need for duplication of testing
and certification, while preserving safety. IECEx operates as an International Certification
System covering products and services associated with the
Ex industries.


Equipment and systems covered by this certificate are as follows:

Temperature is measured with an externals sensor (thermocouple or resistor (RTD) sensor.

The output from the transmitter is a 4-20 mA signal via the two-wire field connections. Letter
designations in the model number specify the communications protocol:

STT25M 4-20 mA
HART-5 protocol and 4-20 mA
HART-6 protocol and 4-20 mA
STT25S HART-6 protocol and 4-20 mA
STT25D Digital DE / 4-20 mA
Dual input HART-5 / 4-20 mA
Dual input HART-6 / 4-20 mA

The process variable can be observed locally when the ME, SM or EU indicators (when
compatible with the communications protocol) installed in the metal enclosure.
The transmitter module may also be installed in a flameproof stainless steel or aluminum
enclosure. The aluminum alloy contains < 6% magnesium.


Ambient operating temperature: 40C to +85C

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 97

For the intrinsic safety model:
The temperature transmitter is an intrinsically safe apparatus; it can be placed in
potentially explosive atmosphere.
Connection of equipment:
- the power terminal blocks (+ and ) shall only be connected to a certified
associated intrinsically safe equipment
- the sensor entry terminal blocks (1,2 , 3 and 4) shall only be connected to a
certified intrinsically safe equipment or according to paragraph 5.7 of IEC 60079-1
(Ed.5) standard
These combinations shall be compatible regarding the intrinsic safety rules
The electrical parameters of the apparatus connected to the power terminal blocks (+
and ) shall not exceed the following values:
Ui 30 V; li 100m A; Pi 1.2 W
Indicator Li Ci
Without indicator 0 H 17 nF
With indicator ME 150 H 17 nF
With indicator SM or EU 0 H 17 nF
The electrical parameters of the apparatus connected to the sensor entry terminal
blocks (1, 2, 3 and 4) shall not exceed the following values:
Uo 10.5 V; lo 40 mA; Po 0.2 W; Co 2.08 F; Lo 20 mH
The aluminum enclosure shall be protected against any impact or friction to be used in
zone 0 (according to IEC 60079-0 requirements)#

98 Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual

8.2 SAEx Certified Equipment (South Africa)

This Honeywell equipment is certified as Explosion Protected Apparatus (EPA) to be

installed in South Africa and must be certified by a South African ATL (Approved Test
Laboratory). In South Africa, all EPA used in Group II shall be covered by an IA certificate
(certificate issued by an ATL).

STT250 EQUIPMENT: SAEx S/08-371X (R1) (LCIE 06 ATEX 6066 X)

Equipment and systems covered by this certificate are as follows:

Temperature is measured with an externals sensor (thermocouple or resistor (RTD) sensor.

The output from the transmitter is a 4-20 mA signal via the two-wire field connections. Letter
designations in the model number specify the communications protocol:

STT25M 4-20 mA
STT25H (HART5) HART-5 protocol and 4-20 mA
STT25H (HART6) HART-6 protocol and 4-20 mA
STT25S HART-6 protocol and 4-20 mA
STT25D Digital DE / 4-20 mA
STT25T (HART5) Dual input HART-5 / 4-20 mA
STT25T (HART6) Dual input HART-6 / 4-20 mA

The process variable can be observed locally when the ME, SM or EU indicators (when
compatible with the communications protocol) installed in the metal enclosure. The
transmitter module may also be installed in a flameproof stainless steel or aluminum
enclosure. The aluminum alloy contains < 6% magnesium.

This certificate (which requires annual renewal) covers all units sold / used /
purchased from the date of this certificate to its expiration date.
The apparatus must be additionally marked in a clear, legible, visible and indelible
manner with the SAEx marking details above.
This certificate of approval only covers the equipment as certified above and does not
include any scheduled additions or variations / amendments / new issues to the
certificate(s), made after the above date.
The equipment does not need to be retested when used on the conditions and with
such restrictions as prescribed by ITACS and in this approval.
The ITACS certification must remain valid.
The bearing of the requirements in the ARP 0108 (or regulations) and SANS 10108 on
the certification of the equipment must remain unchanged.
The quality assurance notification must remain valid.

Smart Temperature Transmitter STT250 Operator Manual 99

Sales and Service
For application assistance, current specifications, pricing, or name of the nearest Authorized
Distributor, contact one of the offices below.


(TAC) Honeywell Process Solutions, Honeywell Process Honeywell do Brasil & Cia
hfs-tac- Phone: + 80012026455 or +44 Phone: +(55-11) 7266-
[email protected] (0)1202645583 Phone: 1-800-423-9883 1900
FAX: +44 (0) 1344 655554 Or 1-800-343-0228 FAX: +(55-11) 7266-1905
Honeywell Limited Email: (Sales)
Phone: +(61) 7-3846 1255 sc-cp-apps-
[email protected] Email: (Sales) Email: (Sales)
FAX: +(61) 7-3840 6481
[email protected] [email protected]
Toll Free 1300-36-39-36 or
Toll Free Fax: or or
1300-36-04-70 (TAC)
hfs-tac-support@honeywell. (TAC) (TAC)
China PRC - Shanghai com hfs-tac- hfs-tac-
Honeywell China Inc. [email protected] [email protected]
Phone: (86-21) 5257-4568
Fax: (86-21) 6237-2826

Honeywell Pte Ltd.
Phone: +(65) 6580 3278
Fax: +(65) 6445-3033

South Korea
Honeywell Korea Co Ltd
Phone: +(822) 799 6114
Fax: +(822) 792 9015

Honeywell Process Solutions

1860 West Rose Garden Lane EN1I-6190 Revision 15
Phoenix, Arizona 85027 November 2012 2012 Honeywell International Inc.

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