2016 Catalog For Web
2016 Catalog For Web
2016 Catalog For Web
e hun
d orga
Locate and preserve heirloom varieties. Each of us has an important role to play in maintaining
genetic diversity. Thank you for joining this effort.
Create a network of growers devoted to
preserving heirlooms. John Torgrimson
Executive Director
| 3
A Non-Profit Community
4 | www.seedsavers.org
Protecting Food Diversity
with your Support
Our seed vault is important, but it
isnt enough. We rely on thousands
of gardeners like you to grow and
save seeds too - to protect rare
varieties, to share seeds with friends
and neighbors, and to adapt seeds to
garden conditions across the country.
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 5
The Heritage Farm Collection
How a family heirloom is introduced to
the Seed Savers Exchange Catalog S ince our first seed catalog offering in
1994, we have included rare, heritage
varieties from our seed bank and shared
Generations of selection and care result in a the stories behind these seeds. It was not
unique seed variety long ago that the seed industry considered
heirloom varieties unmarketable and it is
those attitudes that allowed fine, historic
varieties like Halbert Honey watermelon
Over Seeds are re-grown to
to disappear from the marketplace (see page
Variety enters Increase stock in our
seed bank 9). This year, we are pleased to re-introduce
SSEs Collection
via donation Display in our gardens
this watermelon along with several family
or the seed Collection heirlooms from our Heritage Farm Collection
Evaluate for height, size,
exchange varieties flavor and color never before made widely available.
were grown
in 2015
Share with members Preservation of these seeds and the stories
through the seed exchange behind them depends on people who grow
food, place it on their tables, and save seed for
the next season. Thank you for participating
in this vital tradition and supporting Seed
Savers Exchange.
HOME Farmers
buy large quantities of seed
sow seeds,
harvest food, Retail Locations
buy seed packets to
Enrico Rao
save and share sell to home growers
Eruca sativa
seeds through Dark green, oval-shaped leaves
the seed Seed Companies
Peppery but slightly sweet flavor with succulent texture
Quick to bolt in summer - best grown in the fall
exchange buy seeds to distribute This family heirloom arugula was passed down from
Enrico Rao to his grandson Ric. Enrico immigrated to
the United States as a boy from Ali Superiore, Sicily and
was later drafted to serve in the U.S. Army during World
Some seeds go on to become favorites in the SSE Catalog, War I. He was wounded and, while hospitalized in Paris,
while others continue to be offered through the seed exchange granted leave to visit his Sicilian family who gave him the
and maintained in our collection. seeds of this arugula to take home to the United States.
0106 Seed Packet (250 seeds) $3.75
6 | www.seedsavers.org
Brinker CarrierPhaseolus vulgaris
Pole beans that require trellising and mature mid-season
Tender, nearly stringless snap beans grow to 5 long
Large, white dry beans have buttery texture
Fred Brinker of West Virginia donated this bean to SSE. His great-
grandparents, Jerome and Hepzibah Brinker, grew it in Mason
County, WV during the late 1800s and after 4 generations, the
Brinker family still grows the bean. They shared the variety with
their neighbors the Carrier family. In the 1950s, the Brinkers thought
that the bean variety had been lost, but it was restored to them by the
Carriers, hence the shared name. It can be used as a snap bean for
canning and freezing, a shelling bean, and as a dry bean.
0108 Seed Packet (50 seeds) $3.75
We are glad you can help us keep the bean seed from being lost.
Fred Brinker
Pink Plume
Apium graveolens
Small, compact plants with an abundance of stalks and leaves
Dark purple blush of color on inner stalks and leaf tips
Thin, solid stalks are sweet with an intense fennel-like flavor
In 1894 the Peter Henderson & Co. seed house of New York
introduced Pink Plume celery. Its beautiful appearance and
intense flavor inspired gardeners and seed companies to add
it to their collections. By 1903 over 100 seed houses across
North America were offering this variety.
0110 Seed Packet (250 seeds) $3.75
Vigna unguiculata
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 7
Grandma Hadleys Lactuca sativa
Butterhead with heavy dark purple tinge on leaf edges
Moderate sized plants grow to 6 tall by 11 in diameter
Buttery and crisp leaves are slightly sweet
Pam Andrew of Arizona received this variety of lettuce in the 1980s from her
great-aunt, Flossie Cramer, of Crawford County, IL. Flossie remembered her own
grandmother, Emma Hadley, growing the lettuce when Flossie was a child (around
1915). Pam donated the seeds of this variety to Seed Savers Exchange in 1988; it
was a family favorite used in a wilted lettuce salad with hot bacon dressing.
0114 Seed Packet (250 seeds) $3.75
Hot Bacon Dressing
Lima Bean
Wicks Wick B. Smith
Phaseolus lunatus date unknown
Pole bean that climbs vigorously and grows slightly curved pods
Flat seeds are either white with dark purple mottling or solid purple
Fresh shelling limas are sweet, while dry limas are also nutty
In 2004 Helen & H. Lee Thomas of West Virginia donated the seeds
of this variety to Seed Savers Exchange. They had grown Wicks
lima bean since the 1960s after receiving it from H. Lees grandfather,
Wick B. Smith of Sandyville, West Virginia. Wick farmed, taught in a
one-room schoolhouse, and was an avid gardener who had grown this
variety of lima since at least the 1930s.
0115 Seed Packet (25 seeds) $3.75
Abelmoschus esculentus
Green plants with red leaf veins and red leaf stems
Pale green pods are prickly, short, and stocky with 8 to 9 ridges
Very fruity flavor - a staff favorite at SSE
We have this variety of okra in our collection thanks to Lois Padgett of
Arkansas, who donated it in 2004. She began growing this okra shortly after
she and her husband Jim married in 1952. It was given to them by Jims
grandmother, Nancy Williams. Although no one knows exactly when Nancy
began growing the okra, she was raising it and cooking with it in the 1940s.
0116 Seed Packet (25 seeds) $3.75
8 | www.seedsavers.org
Igleheart Yellow Cherry Tomato
Solanum lycopersicum Tasting
Winner of the 2015 SSE Tomato Tasting
Yellow cherry tomatoes with a sweet, rich flavor and moderate acidity
Indeterminate plants have fruit that ripens all season
The ballots are in Igleheart Yellow Cherry tomato was elected the best
tasting tomato at Seed Savers Exchange in 2015! The parents of James Igleheart
of Indiana received the seeds of this tomato variety from their Italian gardener.
Diane, James wife, grows the tomatoes and serves them to guests. In Dianes
words: I tell people to take a tomato from the cocktail tray, push it in the
ground and next year they will have a plant.
0118 Seed Packet (25 seeds) $3.75
Missouri Pink Love Apple Solanum lycopersicum
This variety came to our attention when SSE member Ron Thuma of
Kansas listed it in the seed exchange. He received it in 1992 from George
and Bessie Jennings of Waverly, Kansas. The Jennings claimed that their
ancestor Grandpa Barnes grew the variety during the 1860s, but only
as an ornamental plant as he thought tomatoes were poisonous. Grandpa
Barnes daughter, Anise (Barnes) Jennings kept the variety in the family.
0117 Seed Packet (25 seeds) $3.75
Halbert Honey Citrullus lanatus
at0001Bedford Pippin
A cross between King of the Pippins and
Ribston Pippin from the Laxton Bros. Nursery
in England around 1913. Medium, conical fruits
are yellow with a dark red blush and darker red
Apple Picking with cat at the Lomen Orchard, Decorah, Iowa - Early 1900s stripes. The flesh is firm, crisp, and flavorful with
spicy notes. Good for fresh eating and cooking;
slow to brown when cut. The trees are medium
Rediscovering Heirloom Apples spreading growers. The fruit ripens in late Sept
to Oct in Zone 4.
10 | www.seedsavers.org
Apple Trees Ship Spring 2017
Orders must be
placed before
March 1, 2016
$49.50 per tree
Contiguous United States Only.
Cannot ship to PO, APO or FPO Boxes.
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 13
members offer 4 varieties
members offer 1747 varieties
0337Bountiful 0339Burpees
In 1898 Abel Steele of Ferguson,
Ontario won a $25.00 prize
Introduced in 1894 by W.
for naming this new variety Atlee Burpee who obtained
from Peter Henderson & its stock seed from N. B.
Company, previously known Kenney. Burpee proclaimed
as New Green Bush Bean No. it the only totally stringless
1. Heavy crops of excellent green podded bean. Produces
quality, brittle, stringless 6-7" pods that are 5" long. Bush
pods. Productive plants grow habit , snap, 46-50 days.
up to 18" tall. Bush habit, snap, 1,100 seeds/lb.
45-50 days. 1,300 seeds/lb.
Seed Packet (50 seeds) $2.99
Seed Packet (50 seeds) $2.99
1 lb. $7.50 | 5 lb. $33.75
1 lb. $7.50 | 5 lb. $33.75
10 lb. $60.75
10 lb. $60.75
We know we are fortunate to have almost 900 acres here at Note: While not all of the seed we sell is currently Certified
Heritage Farm, but even that can be limiting when you factor Organic, you can be assured even the conventional seed is
in the isolation distances required for many varieties. To UNTREATED, non-GMO, and non-hybrid.
1437Hidatsa Red
(aka Hidatsa Indian Red) Originally grown by 0203Hidatsa Shield Figure
1426Good Mother Stallard the Hidatsa tribe in the Missouri River Valley From the Hidatsa tribe who raised corn, squash,
Family heirloom that has been enjoyed for of North Dakota. Introduced in Oscar Wills beans, and sunflowers in the Missouri River
generations. Introduced to SSE members by Pioneer Indian Collection of seeds (1915). Dark Valley of North Dakota. Shield Figure beans
Glenn Drowns. Maroon beans splashed with red seeds reminiscent of kidney beans. Productive are described in Buffalo Bird Womans Garden
white, 5-6 seeds per pod. Wonderful rich meaty sprawling bush plants will climb to three feet (1917). This very productive variety was boarded
flavor, great for soups. Very productive. Pole habit, if given support. Bush habit, dry, 80-100 days. onto Slow Food USAs Ark of Taste in 2005.
dry, 85-95 days. 680 seeds/lb. 1,300 seeds/lb. Pole habit, dry, 90 days. 600 seeds/lb.
_____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1 lb.
(50 seeds) _$7.50 |_5 lb.
10 lb.
_ $33.75 $60.75
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
_1 lb.
(50 seeds) _$11.00 |_5 lb.
10 lb.
_ $49.50 $89.10
Seed Packet
_1 lb.
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$11.00 |_
5 lb.
_ $49.50
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 15
1438Hutterite Soup
The Hutterites are a communal branch of
Anabaptists who follow the teachings of Jakob 0908Ideal Market 1173Ireland Creek Annie
Hutter. This is one of their heirloom beans, which Introduced to the seed trade in 1914 as Black English heirloom grown since the 1930s on
makes an excellent creamy white soup. Green- Creaseback by Van Antwerps Seed Store of Ireland Creek Farm in British Columbia.
yellow seeds with a distinctive dark ring around Mobile, Alabama. Reintroduced in 1924 by Chris Superb flavor, makes its own thick sauce when
the eye. Very productive plants. SSE member Reuter Seed Co. of New Orleans, Louisiana as stewed. Stocky 24" plants produce abundantly
Dorothy Beiswenger obtained the seed from a Reuters Ideal Market. Very early and productive and reliably. Bush habit, dry, 70-75 days.
Hutterite Colony in Forest River, ND. Bush habit, 5" snap bean. Excellent quality, stringless, fine 950 seeds/lb.
dry, 85-90 days. 1,400 seeds/lb. texture. Pole habit, snap, 65-70 days. 1,900 seeds/lb.
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet
|_1 lb.
|_5 lb.
10 lb.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1 lb.
(50 seeds) _$7.50 |_5 lb.
10 lb.
_ $33.75 $60.75
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1 lb.
(50 seeds) _$7.50 |_5 lb.
10 lb.
_ $33.75 $60.75
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$14.00 _ $63.00 $113.40
0041Lazy Wife
Introduced in 1885 by W. Atlee Burpee, and
0205Kentucky Wonder Bush 0605Kentucky Wonder Pole recently donated to SSE by former Burpees
(aka Improved Commodore) Selected from This bean was first marketed in 1864 as Texas Pole, catalog manager Derek Fell. As noted in the
Kentucky Wonder pole bean. A standard for the then renamed and introduced in 1877 as Kentucky original Burpees description, the pods are green,
home and market gardener. Tender, stringless, Wonder by James J. H. Gregory & Sons. Vigorous entirely stringless, of extra fine flavor, exceedingly
round, fleshy 8" pods have fine quality and 5-7' plants yield clusters of 7-10" stringless pods. rich and buttery when cooked. Beans are round,
excellent flavor. Heavy yields over an extended Great flavor, an all-time favorite. Pole habit, snap, and polished-white in color. Late maturing vines
period. Bush habit, snap, 65 days. 900 seeds/lb 58-64 days. 1,200 seeds/lb. bear heavily and continuously until frost. Pole
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ habit, snap or shell, 80-100 days.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1 lb.
(50 seeds) _$7.50 |_5 lb.
10 lb.
_ $33.75 $60.75
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1 lb.
(50 seeds) _$7.50 |_5 lb.
10 lb.
_ $33.75 $60.75
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
(ak a A mi sh Knuttle) L ong hi stor y of
1175Lina Siscos Bird Egg having been circulated in the Carolinas, and 1462Painted Pony
Family heirloom brought to Missouri by covered described in catalogs as far back as the early A great dual purpose bean. Long thin pods are
wagon in the 1880s by Linas grandmother. Lina 1800s. Cutshort-ty pe bean packed with stringless when young and good for snap beans.
Sisco was one of the six original members of SSE, small square seeds that are white speckled The dry beans are excellent for soups and retain
which was founded in 1975. Large tan bean with with rose. Prized for delicious flavor despite their markings when cooked. Very productive.
maroon markings. Horticultural type used as a strings. Also excellent as a dry bean. Pole habit, Bush habit, 60 days for snaps, 80 days for dry
dry bean. Bush habit, dry, 85 days. 1,100 seeds/lb. snap or dry, 100 days. 1,700 seeds/lb. beans. 1,100 seeds/lb.
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1 lb.
(50 seeds) _$7.50 |_5 lb.
10 lb.
_ $33.75 $60.75
Seed Packet
|_1 lb.
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$11.00 |_5 lb.
_ $49.50
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1 lb.
(50 seeds) _$11.00 |_5 lb.
10 lb.
_ $49.50 $89.10
16 | www.seedsavers.org
1486Pencil Pod Golden Wax 1505Provider
Old-t ime favor ite introduced in 1900. Introduced in 1965 by horticulturist Dr. Hoffman 0102Purple Podded Pole
Excellent quality stringless pods are 5-7" of the U.S. Vegetable Laboratory in South Heirloom variety discovered by Henry Field
long with delicious wax bean flavor. Good Carolina. Known as the most dependable early in an Ozark garden in the 1930s. Plants climb
for freezing or canning. Vigorous plants are green bean. Round straight pods (5-8" long) vigorously to 6' and are very productive.
15-20" tall. Bush habit, wax, 50-65 days. borne heavily on compact plants. Excellent High quality, meaty, stringless 5-7" red-
1,100 seeds/lb. flavor, one of the best for freezing and canning.
_______________________________________________________________ purple pods that blanch to light green.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1 lb.
(50 seeds) _$7.50 |_5 lb.
10 lb.
_ $33.75 $60.75
Germinates well in cool soil. Disease resistant.
Bush habit, snap, 50-55 days. 1,200 seeds/lb.
Pole habit, snap, 68 days.
_______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet (50 seeds) $2.99
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1 lb.
(50 seeds) _$7.50 |_5 lb.
10 lb.
_ $33.75 $60.75
Conventional bulk seed available online.
| |_ | | |_ |
Seed Packet _1 lb. 5 lb. 10 lb. Seed Packet _1 lb. 5 lb. 10 lb.
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$7.50 _ $33.75 $60.75
_______________________________________________________________ $2.99 (50 seeds) _$12.50 _ $56.25 $101.25
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1 lb.
(50 seeds) _$7.50 |_5 lb.
10 lb.
_ $33.75 $60.75
1515Turkey Craw
Heirloom from Virginia, North Carolina, and
Tennessee. Original seed said to have been found
1442Tigers Eye in a wild turkeys craw. Stringless 6" pods enclose
Originally from Chile or Argentina. Wonderfully
1506Sultans Green Crescent rich flavor and smooth texture. Very tender skins attractive brown seeds with tan flecks and brown eye
Rarely offered and almost extinct. Reintroduced almost disappear when cooked. Great for chili rings. Used as a snap bean or a dry bean; excellent
in 2008 by SSE. Distinct curled green snap or refried beans. Can also be used as fresh shell canned or frozen. From the Wanigan Associates
bean. Stringless, excellent flavor. Very prolific. beans. Productive 24" plants. Bush habit, shell or Collection organized by the late John Withee. Pole
Pole habit, snap, 75 days. 1,000 seeds/lb. dry, 80-90 days. 650 seeds/lb. habit, snap or dry, 80-100 days. 1,100 seeds/lb.
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1 lb.
(50 seeds) _$14.00 |_5 lb.
10 lb.
_ $63.00 $113.40
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1 lb.
(50 seeds) _$11.00 |_5 lb.
10 lb.
_ $49.50 $89.10
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1 lb.
(50 seeds) _$11.00 |_5 lb.
10 lb.
_ $49.50 $89.10
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 17
Runner Bean
members offer 41 varieties
Lima Bean
members offer 141 varieties
offer 112 varieties
18 | www.seedsavers.org
Aaron Keefer
Heirlooms on the Menu
Aaron Keefer, culinary gardener
at The French Laundry, describes
growing heirloom varieties for
restaurant dishes.
| |_ |
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet _1/4 oz. 1 oz. 4 oz.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1/4 oz.
(100 seeds) _$9.00 |_1 oz.
4 oz.
_ $18.00 $43.20
$2.99 (100 seeds) _$7.00 _ $18.00 $43.20
Pre-1840 Italian historic variety, introduced
to the U.S. before 1865. Named for a fishing
town near Venice. Uniquely beautiful flesh
has alternating red and white concentric
rings that resemble a bulls-eye. A feast for
the eyes; wonderful for fresh eating and
pickling. Retains markings if baked whole
The species Beta and sliced just before serving. 50 days.
vulgaris includes 2,300 seeds/oz.
common table _____________________________________________________________
beets, Swiss
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1/4 oz.
(100 seeds) _$6.50 |_1 oz.
4 oz.
_ $12.00 $24.00
chard, sugar
beets, and
fodder beets.
20 | www.seedsavers.org
offer 16 varieties
members offer 13 varieties
| |_ |
_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Seed Packet _1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$2.99 (100 seeds) _$6.00 _ $9.00 $15.00
Seed Packet (100 seeds) $2.99
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1/4 oz.
(100 seeds) _$5.25 |_1/2 oz.
_ $8.50 $3.75|
1 oz.
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 21
members offer 21 varieties
members offer 68 varieties
When saving
seeds from
carrots, keep in
mind that wild
carrot, or Queen
Annes lace,
is also Daucus
22 | www.seedsavers.org
offer 14 varieties
Grower Spotlight
Jess Babcock and the Organic Farm School
From 2009 to 2012 Jess Babcock was Lead Instructor at Greenbank
a valued and ambitious member of Farm on Whidbey Island, WA
our Seed House team at Seed Savers (greenbankfarm.biz/ofs). The non-
Exchange, where her contributions profit farm school was established
were many and her responsibilities in 2008 to train new farmers in
diverse. Today she is the Organic sustainable agriculture. Jess says,
Farm Schools Farm Manager and Our goal at the Organic Farm School
goes beyond teaching students how
to grow food we teach them how
to become successful farm business
0367Golden 0007Hop
Bantam Improved McConnell Speckled
The original strain of Golden This variety gets its name
Bantam was introduced by W. from Wade Hopkins (Hop)
Atlee Burpee in 1902. This McConnell, who operated a
improved strain was selected general store in Scott County,
Virginia and introduced this
for longer ears and greater unique corn to local farmers. Ears
tenderness. Produces an early average 6-8" long on 12' stalk and
main crop for home gardeners produce a single kernel color
and market growers. Excellent red, white, or striped. The all-
sweet flavor, ideal for freezing white kernels are traditionally
and fresh eating. 70-85 days. used for cornmeal and hominy.
________________________________________ Dent corn. 100 days.
Seed Packet (100 seeds) $2.99
_______________________________________ Seed Packet (100 seeds) $2.99
4 oz. $20.00 | 8 oz. $32.63
1 lb. $52.63
24 | www.seedsavers.org
Sorghum offer 31 varieties
Participate in our
educational events and
26 | www.seedsavers.org
2016 Calendar of Events
On the Farm
March 5 Start with a Seed* Plant the seeds for a successful
summer of gardening. This workshop will walk through the
basics of at-home seed starting, from varietal selection to
germination techniques.
April 2 & 9 Apple Grafting / Apple School* Learn how to
graft and care for apple trees. Discuss apple histories, practice
apple propagation, and take home three grafted trees to begin
your very own orchard.
May 7 Spring Garden School* and Plant Sale Discover
rare family heirlooms and historic commercial varieties offered
exclusively at Heritage Farm. This is the first day of spring
transplant sales at the Lillian Goldman Visitors Center. Ongoing
workshops will help your garden bloom.
June 4 The Garden Ecosystem* Fruitful gardeners know
that producing healthy plants starts with a healthy environment.
Learn best practices for improving soil quality, managing pests,
and promoting pollinators during this hands-on workshop.
July 2 Weed Dating Lend a hand at Heritage Farm during
this gardening field day. Dig up some weeds and uncover new
friendships while enjoying a summer Saturday in Iowa.
July 15, 16, and 17 Conference & Campout* Cultivate
community, knowledge, and an appreciation of seeds during
the 36th Annual Conference & Campout. Gardeners, educators,
and agricultural leaders will converge on Heritage Farm for a
weekend of classes, tours, and great food.
August 6 Cooking with Heirlooms* Savor the diversity
of heirloom fruits and vegetables in this culinary workshop.
Experience the garden with all of your senses as we sample new
varieties and recreate classic recipes.
August 6 Benefit Concert Join us for a concert under
the stars & among the gardens with singer-songwriter
Mason Jennings, joined by folk rock artists The Pines
and the ethereal voice of Pieta Brown. Ticket sales
support SSE's non-profit mission to protect and promote
America's garden and food heritage.
August 19, 20, and 21 Seed School* Learn how to grow,
harvest, store, and save seeds while discussing the importance of
preserving crop diversity in your own back yard. Discover how
to engage your community in seed stewardship through seed
libraries, seed swaps, and community gardens.
September 3 Tomato Tasting Sample dozens of heirloom
and open-pollinated tomatoes - including favorites and rare
varieties from SSEs seed bank - while learning how to save
tomato seeds and put tomatoes away for the winter.
October 15 Harvest Festival Experience autumns bounty
at Heritage Farm. Squash takes center stage this time of year, but
save room for workshops on food preservation and seed saving.
December 10 Winter on the Farm Trade your gardening
gloves for knitted mittens. Its time for winter on the farm.
Apple cider, frosted trees, and dreams of next years flowers are
sure to put a twinkle in your eye.
*Registration required. Visit seedsavers.org/events for details and registration.
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 27
members offer 184 varieties
0865A & C Pickling
(aka Ace) Introduced in 1928 by Abbott & Cobb
of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Uniformly straight
10" fruits hold their dark green color for a long time.
Very productive. Excellent variety for home or market
gardens. 50-55 days. 1,100 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
|_1/2 oz. |_1 oz.
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$7.75 | 4 oz.
_ $13.00 $44.00
(Cucumis melo) (aka Snake Melon, Serpent Cucumber)
Looks and tastes like a cucumber but botanically a melon.
Crunchy flesh is burpless, never bitter, and makes great
pickles. Prolific output, performs especially well in hot
climates. Light green ribbed fruits grow up to two feet
A & C Pickling Armenian long; they grow straight when trellised but tend to twist
when grown on the ground. 50-75 days. 890 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
|_1/2 oz. |_1 oz.
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$6.25 | 4 oz.
_ $10.50 $35.75
0916Boothbys Blonde
Heirloom from the Boothby family of Livermore,
Maine. Heavy producer of oval, creamy yellow, warty
fruits with black spines. Excellent crisp sweet flavor,
no need to peel. Best when eaten at 4" long. Very good
for bread and butter pickles. 55-60 days.
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
Introduced to American gardeners by SSE in 1992.
Originated in Russia where its short vines (up to 5'
long) and ease of growing made it perfect for dacha
or second-home gardens near Moscow. Produces
bumper crops for fresh eating and pickling. 45-50
days. 900 seeds/oz.
Boothbys Blonde Bushy Seed Packet
|_1/2 oz. |_1 oz.
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$7.75 | 4 oz.
_ $13.00 $44.00
Donated to SSE in 1989 by Graham and Margaret
Collier of Tennessee. Margarets parents acquired
this variety from a group of migrant people traveling
through Indiana sometime around 1910. Short,
blocky fruit, 2-5" long, 1-2" diameter. Pale white-
green tender skin. Crisp, moist flesh. Subtle flavor is
slightly sweet and not bitter. 50-60 days.
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
1443Crystal Apple
(aka Apple Shaped) A prolific and sweet flavored
Cucumbers are cucumber that is shaped like an apple when mature.
eaten as immature This historic variety was introduced by the Arthur
fruits. Wait to Yates seed house of Sydney, Australia. By the 1930s,
harvest seeds from American seed houses such as Ferry Morse Seed Co.
offered it. Very tender creamy white skin. Good for
cucumbers until the market or home gardeners. 65 days. 1,000 seeds/oz.
fruits have changed Collier Crystal Apple ____________________________________________________________________
0365Early Fortune
(aka Special Dark Green) Introduced around 1910 by the
Jerome B. Rice Seed Company of Cambridge, New York.
Originated with George Starr of Royal Oak, Michigan,
who discovered it in a crop of Davis Perfect (now extinct).
Fruits measure 8" long. 55-60 days. 1,100 seeds/oz.
Double Yield Early Fortune Seed Packet
|_1/2 oz. |_1 oz.
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$7.75 _ $13.00
28 | www.seedsavers.org
Introduced to SSE in 1982 by Clarice Cooper of
Kansas and her late husband Auburn. Family heirloom
dating to 1913 from Clarices grandfather Edmonson;
still being maintained by Clarice. White-green
blocky 4" fruits mature to a deep red-orange. Crisp
and flavorful even when large; rarely bitter. Good
for slicing, salads, and pickling. Hardy and prolific,
disease and drought resistant. 70 days. 850 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
|_1/2 oz. |_1 oz.
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$7.75 _ $13.00
1567Holland White
Uniform white cucumber first offered by Glenn
Drowns in the 1995 SSE Yearbook. Sweet, crunchy
flesh. SSE evaluated over 200 cucumber varieties
in 2009, and this one scored near the top for flavor.
60 days. 800 seeds/oz. Edmonson Holland White
Seed Packet
|_1/2 oz. |_1 oz.
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$7.75 | 4 oz.
_ $13.00 $44.00
1191Japanese Climbing
Japanese in origin; listed by Thorburn in 1892. A
distinct climbing sort with strong grasping tendrils,
ideal for growing on a trellis or fence but can also
be grown on the ground. Tender, crisp, and slightly
tart fruit up to 9" long. Excellent for both slicing and
pickling. 58-65 days. 950 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99 | 1/2 oz. $7.75
1350Jelly Melon
(aka Kiwano, African Horned Cucumber) Originated
in semi arid Africa near the Kalahari desert. Thorny
oval fruits are filled with greenish-gold gel and lots of
seeds; very high in vitamin C. The flavor is reminiscent
of pomegranate and citrus. The primary market niche
is for garnishes and decorative fruits. 120 days.
____________________________________________________________________ Japanese Climbing Jelly Melon
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
1575Little Potato
(aka Khira Balam) Originally from India. Introduced
into the 1997 SSE Yearbook by Indiana member Robert
F. Bruns who got his seed from the USDA. Nearly
round 3" fruits with brown russetted skin are borne
heavily on robust semi-bush plants. Delicious lemon
flavor. Stays crisp in storage. 70 days. 1,400 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
|_1/2 oz. |_1 oz.
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$7.75 _ $13.00
Introduced in 1927 by Jerome B. Rice Seed Company
of Cambridge, New York. Preferred by market growers
as a straight pack sort for shipment to high grade
markets. Green-black tapered fruits are 12" long by
2" in diameter. 62-80 days. 900 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
|_1/2 oz. |_1 oz.
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$7.75 _ $13.00
____________________________________________________________________ Little Potato Longfellow
1192Mexican Sour Gherkin
(Melothria scabra) Newly rediscovered heirloom.
Produces abundant crops of 1" fruits reminiscent
of tiny watermelons that fall off the vines when ripe.
Sweet cucumber flavor contrasted by a surprising
sourness, as if they are already pickled. Great for
growing on a trellis. 60-70 days.
Seed Packet
| 250 seeds |
$2.99 (25 seeds) $7.50
$12.50 | 1,000_
0918Miniature White
Popular yellow-white miniature eating cucumber. Best
eaten when fruits are less than 3" long. Mild sweet
flavor, no need to peel. Productive vines rarely exceed
3' in length; suitable for container gardening. 50-55
days. 1,300 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
|_1/2 oz. |_1 oz.
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$7.75 | 4 oz.
_ $13.00 $44.00
Mexican Sour Gherkin Miniature White
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 29
Popular Russian variety. Heavy set of uniform fruits
that mature at relatively the same time, making it
a good processing variety. Fruits are 5" long by 2"
in diameter, one of our favorites at Heritage Farm.
Resistant to extreme weather conditions. 50-60 days.
1,200 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
|_1/2 oz. |_1 oz.
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$7.75 | 4 oz.
_ $13.00 $44.00
1356Parisian Pickling
(aka Improved Bourbonne) A French heirloom
used in the late 1800s to manufacture gherkins
(cornichons). Listed in 1892 by James J. H. Gregory
of Marblehead, Massachusetts. Dark green color, firm
Parade Parisian Pickling thick flesh, inconspicuous seeds. Can be used small
for pickling (50 days) or larger for slicing (70 days).
1,000 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
|_1/2 oz.
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$7.75 |_1 oz.
4 oz.
_ $13.00 $44.00
1475Poona Kheera
Originally from Poona, India, this very unusual
cucumber matures into what looks like a large russet
potato. Smooth-skinned fruits turn from white to
golden-yellow to russet brown and may be eaten at any
stage, skin and all. Tender, crisp, and delicious. Hardy
disease resistant vines produce an early crop with good
yields. 55 days. 1,000 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
|_1/2 oz. |_1 oz.
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$7.75 _ $13.00
1532Russian Pickling
First offered in the 1991 SSE Yearbook by Daniel L. Flyger
from South Dakota who said the seed was brought to
Poona Kheera Russian Pickling Hutchinson County, SD by Schwartzmeer Deutsch
(aka Black Sea Germans) in the 1870s. Daniel originally
received his seeds from his neighbor, Viola Neuharth.
Early maturing smooth green pickling cucumber with
a delicious sweet flavor and good crunch. 50-55 days.
1,100 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
|_1/2 oz.
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$7.75 |_1 oz.
4 oz.
_ $13.00 $44.00
0213True Lemon
(aka Lemon, Garden Lemon) Heirloom listed in the
1894 catalog of Samuel Wilson of Mechanicsville, PA.
Once a popular market variety in Australia. Short and
plump, resembles a lemon in size, shape, and color;
mature fruits even have a faint lemony flavor. Used for
pickling, slicing, and in salads. Very easy to digest. Rust
and drought resistant, extremely productive. 58-70
days. 700 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
|_1/2 oz. |_1 oz.
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$7.75 | 4 oz.
_ $13.00 $44.00
True Lemon S uyo Long
30 | www.seedsavers.org
members offer 128 varieties
0619Applegreen 0034Diamond
Developed by the late Professor Elwyn Meader Collected from the Ukraine by SSE in 1993. Fruits
in New Hampshire in 1964. Productive upright 0369Casper are set in clusters of 4-6 on 2' tall plants. Dark
2-3' plants. Oval fruits are 5" in diameter with pale Our favorite white variety for fresh eating in the purple fruits with green tinted flesh are 9" long by
green skin and mild white flesh. Non-acid flavor, early summer. Compact plants produce snow- 3" in diameter. Excellent texture and flavor, rarely
no need to peel. Extra-early and productive, does white 6" by 2" diameter fruits with mild flesh. bitter. Disease resistant. 70 days from transplant.
well even in cool and wet conditions. 62-70 days Peeling is not necessary if eaten when small. 70 6,500 seeds/oz.
days from transplant. 6,500 seeds/oz.
from transplant. 6,100 seeds/oz.
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet
| |_ | |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$14.00 $22.40 $35.70 $57.00
Seed Packet
| |_ |
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$14.00 $22.40 $35.70 $57.00 |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
Seed Packet
| |_ |
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$10.00 $16.00 $25.50 $40.75 |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
0620Pingtung Long
(aka Ping Tung Long) Beautiful heirloom
from Pingtung, Taiwan. Slender fruits up to
0370Florida High Bush 1196Listada de Gandia 12" long with shiny dark lavender skin. Hardy,
Standard market variety bred in Florida in the Introduced into southern France around 1850. vigorous, disease resistant plants. 65-75 days from
early 1900s for the commercial trade. Vigorous, Stunning 8" oval fruits are white with purple transplant. 8,000 seeds/oz.
upright, well-branched plants bear continuously
throughout the season. Large purple-black pear-
stripes. Small 14" plants produce heavy yields of
high quality thin-skinned fruits with mild white
Seed Packet
| |_ | |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$14.00 $22.40 $35.70 $57.00
shaped fruits with white flesh are held high off the flesh. Thrives in very hot weather. 80-90 days from
ground. Disease and drought resistant. 75-85 days transplant. 5,600 seeds/oz.
from transplant. 6,700 seeds/oz.
_______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet
| |_ | |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
Seed Packet
$2.99 | |_ | |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
(25 seeds) _$14.00 $22.40 $35.70 $57.00
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$14.00 $22.40 $35.70 $57.00
0621Thai Green
Heirloom from Thailand. Long slender 12" fruits
have tender light green skin that does not require
peeling. Fine quality mild white flesh absorbs
flavors well. Prolific and drought resistant. 70-80
days from transplant.
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
1373Broadleaf Czech
Hint of pastel red blush on bulb skins with large,
creamy colored cloves. Sweet and mild flavor
when cooked. Full, pungent garlic flavor when raw.
Originally obtained from the Gatersleben Seed
Bogatyr Broadleaf Czech Bank (#146). Softneck, 10-14 cloves per bulb
2 Bulbs
$9.00 |_ 5 Bulbs
_$21.00 |_ 10 Bulbs | 25 Bulbs
_$39.00 $90.00
0857Chesnok Red
(aka Shvelisi) Originates from the village of
Shvelisi, Republic of Georgia. Beautiful purple
striped paper with red cloves, easy to peel. Good
lingering taste, retains flavor well when cooked.
Rated as one of the very best for baking or roasting.
Hardneck, 8-10 cloves per bulb
2 Bulbs
$9.00 |_ 5 Bulbs
_$21.00 |_ 10 Bulbs | 25 Bulbs
_$39.00 $90.00
Not a true garlic but actually a type of
leek. Huge cloves and much milder flavor
than regular garlic. Bulbs can grow
3-5" in diameter and up to one pound dry weight
Chesnok Red Elephant under ideal conditions. Bulbs average 4-6 cloves
2 Bulbs
$10.20 |_ 5 Bulbs
_$24.00 |_ 10 Bulbs | 25 Bulbs
_$45.00 $105.00
1038Georgian Crystal
From the Gatersleben Seed Bank (#6819), also
known as Cichisdzhvari. Beautiful fat bulbs with
large cloves. Mild flavor when raw, smooth and
buttery when roasted. Excellent storage qualities.
Hardneck, 4-6 cloves per bulb
2 Bulbs
$9.00 |_ 5 Bulbs
_$21.00 |_ 10 Bulbs | 25 Bulbs
_$39.00 $90.00
1198Georgian Fire
Obtained from the Gatersleben Seed Bank (#6822)
in eastern Germany. Described by chefs as a truly
white hot garlic. Raw taste is strong with a hotness
that is not at all unpleasant. Great for salsa and
salads. Hardneck, 4-6 cloves per bulb
Georgian Crystal Georgian Fire _______________________________________________________________
2 Bulbs
$9.00 |_ 5 Bulbs
_$21.00 |_ 10 Bulbs
0919German Red
Large rocambole garlic that grows well in colder
regions of the country. Purple-brown clove
wrappers, easy to peel. Strong full-bodied flavor.
Excellent keeper. Hardneck, 8-10 cloves per bulb
32 | www.seedsavers.org
0854Inchelium Red 1199Music 1473Pskem River
Found growing on the Colville Indian Reservation Italian variety brought to Canada by Al Music in Originally collected by SSE member John Swenson
in Inchelium, Washington. Light purple blotching the 1980s from his homeland. Bright white bulbs in 1989 from the Pskem River Valley in Uzbekistan.
on very large bulbs. Compound bulbs have large with a hint of pink and brown on clove skins. Beautiful purple striped cloves, full flavor. Hardneck,
outer cloves as well as medium cloves in the Large cloves are easy to peel. Rich, sweet, and 45 large cloves per bulb.
center of the bulb. Rated the best tasting garlic caramelly when roasted. Delicious and spicy raw
by the Rodale Institute in 1990. Softneck, 12-16 flavor. Hardneck, 4-6 cloves per bulb.
2 Bulbs
$9.00 |_ 5 Bulbs
_$21.00 |_ 10 Bulbs | 25 Bulbs
_$39.00 $90.00
cloves per bulb.
_______________________________________________________________ 2 Bulbs
|_ 5 Bulbs
|_ 10 Bulbs | 25 Bulbs
2 Bulbs
$9.00 |_ 5 Bulbs
$9.00 _$21.00 _$39.00 $90.00
How to Order
Place your order online at
or call (563)382-5990.
If you find a particular variety is listed
as Sold Out, please check back in
August to see if more garlic is available
based on our actual harvest. Garlic will
ship beginning September 12, 2016
and continue until sold out.
United States addresses only.
0856Samarkand Cannot ship to Washington.
1351Russian Giant (aka Persian Star) Collected in Samarkand,
Pleasantly mild flavor, very large cloves are easy Uzbekistan by long-time SSE member John Additional details can be found on the
to peel. Consistently one of the largest garlics we Swenson. Pleasant flavor with a mild spicy zing. online order page.
grow at Heritage Farm, both the plants and bulbs. Good all-purpose variety that produces reliable
Hardneck, 4-7 cloves per bulb. yields year after year. Hardneck, 8-12 cloves per bulb. This seal means that the garlic is
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
2 Bulbs
$9.00 |_ 5 Bulbs
_$21.00 |_ 10 Bulbs
2 Bulbs
$9.00 |_ 5 Bulbs
_$21.00 |_ 10 Bulbs
_$39.00 $90.00
25 Bulbs
certified organic. See page 14 for details.
(C. pepo) (aka Dancing)Sent to SSE by member
Junior Gordon whose seeds were from his 1053Ten Commandments 1055Warted Mixture
brother in Hickman County, Tennessee. Years (C. pepo) (aka Crown of Thorns) Softball-sized (C. pepo) Colorful mixture of heavily warted 3-4
ago children would carry these gourds in their gourds have ten fingers that point towards ounce fruits. Good range of colors and many
pockets to play with at school where they would the blossom end. Select mixture of bright multicolors. Extremely sturdy stems, long keepers,
spin them on their desks. Hard shelled when dried, striped, mottled, multicolored decorative gourds. colors fade in storage. 90-100 days.
great ornamental. 90-100 days. Excellent for fall displays. 95 days.
________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet
$2.99 (25 seeds) | _250 Seeds
$7.50 $11.75 | 1,000
Seed Packet
$2.99 (25 seeds) | _250 Seeds | 1,000
$9.25 $30.00
Seed Packet
$2.99 (25 seeds) | _250 Seeds | 1,000
$8.50 $19.00
34 | www.seedsavers.org
members offer 54 varieties
Kohlrabioffer 13 varieties
Vienna Vienna
(Brassica oleracea) (aka Early (Brassica oleracea) (aka Early
Purple Vienna, Di Vienna W hite Vienna, Di Vienna
Violetto) Purple-skinned Bianco) Pre-1860 variety.
above ground bulbs with crisp Pale green above ground
white flesh. Sweet turnip- globes with crisp white flesh.
like flavor. Excellent raw or Sweet and mild with a flavor
steamed. Best harvested at reminiscent of turnips. Best
2" diameter. Slightly larger harvested at 2" diameter.
and later than White Vienna. Excellent raw or steamed.
55-70 days. 10,000 seeds/oz. 50-65 days. 8,200 seeds/oz.
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Seed Packet (500 seeds) $2.99
_______________________________________ Seed Packet (500 seeds) $2.99
1/2 oz. $7.50 | 1 oz. $13.00
_______________________________________ 1/2 oz. $7.50 | 1 oz. $13.00
4 oz. $34.50
_______________________________________ 4 oz. $34.50
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 35
Arugulaoffer 13 varieties
members offer 11 varieties
Mustardoffer 49 varieties
1564Trs Fine 0031Myers Family
Marachre Heirloom
(Cichorium endivia) Quick (Brassica juncea) Lonnie Craft,
growing miniature French whose family grew this mustard
frise type endive. Narrow since about 1915, donated the
finely curled leaves can be seeds to SSE. Lonnies great-
uncle, Scott Myers of Forrest
grown for baby leaves or County, MS passed the seeds
larger mature leaves. Excellent down. The green leaves of this
delicate flavor when harvested mustard are smooth, frilled, and
young. 30 days baby greens, 50 flavorful; sweet & spicy. Best
days mature.
suited for fall planting; bolts in
Seed Packet (100 seeds) $2.99 spring. Matures in 40-50 days.
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99
Asian Greens
members offer 43 varieties
1557Mizuna 1558Tatsoi
(Brassica rapa) Elegant Japanese salad green with (Brassica rapa) Emerald spoon-shaped leaves form
narrow white stems and bright green lacy-edged 1560Prize Choy a compact rosette. Fast growing and vigorous. Mild
leaves. Delicious spicy flavor. Livens up any (Brassica rapa) Beautiful upright pac choy with flavor gets sharper as the leaves mature. Popular as
salad mix; also excellent in stir-fries and soups. succulent white stems and lush green leaves. This a baby leaf for salads; also excellent when added to
Cut leaves as needed at any stage or harvest the strain is especially uniform, vigorous, and bolt soups or stir-fries. Cut leaves as needed at any stage
whole head. 21 days baby greens, 40 days mature. resistant. Delicious mild flavor. Excellent in stir- or harvest the whole head. 21 days baby greens,
16,000 seeds/oz. fries. 45-50 days. 14,000 seeds/oz. 45 days mature. 12,000 seeds/oz.
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet (500 seeds) $2.99 | 1/2 oz. $7.75
_______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99 | 1/2 oz. $7.75
Seed Packet (500 seeds) $2.99 | 1/2 oz. $7.75
36 | www.seedsavers.org
members offer 440 varieties
Historic French head lettuce Pollination bags made
with wavy green leaves tinged from breathable fabric
with maroon. Best grown can be used to contain
either as an early or late crop. lettuce seeds as they
Butterhead, 50-60 days. mature. For more seed
35,000 seeds/oz. saving supplies for
purchase see page 108.
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99
1/8 oz. $7.00 | 1/4 oz. $11.50
1/2 oz. $18.50 | 1 oz. $29.50
0378Bronze Arrowhead
Introduced as Bronze Beauty by Germains Seed 0844Bunte Forellenschluss
Co. Awarded the bronze medal at the 1947 The butterhead companion to the Forellenschluss 0380Crisp Mint
All American Selections. Hailed as the finest, romaine. Bunte means colorful in German. Unique mint-like leaves with excellent flavor.
most colorful and most delicious leaf lettuce Sweet apple-green leaves splashed with maroon, Compact heads grow upright to a height of 10".
for the home garden. Our favorite oakleaf type. forms a loose 8-10" head. Butterhead, 40-55 days. A real standout, one of our best varieties. Romaine,
Looseleaf, 40-50 days. 25,000 seeds/oz. 23,000 seeds/oz. 45-55 days. 24,400 seeds/oz.
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$4.75 |_$7.75 | |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$12.50 $20.00
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(250 seeds) _$4.75 |_$7.75 | |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$12.50 $20.00
Seed Packet
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$7.00 |_ | |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$11.50 $18.50 $29.50
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 37
1546Ella Kropf 0381Flame 0105Forellenschluss
Donated to SSE in 2005 by Maynard Kropf, Introduced to gardeners in 1988 by Harris Moran. (aka Speckled Trout Back) Gorgeous Austrian
grandson of Amish Mennonites Samuel and Ella Described as distinctly red; slow bolting; a fast heirloom with green leaves speckled with maroon.
May Kropf. They acquired it circa 1930 from mover for markets demanding unique vegetables. Superior flavor; holds very well in the summer
a man in Stewardson, Illinois, and it became a Although a relatively recent introduction, we offer heat. Our all-time favorite! Romaine, 55 days.
family favorite. Tender green softball-sized heads this variety since it is a garden rarity. Looseleaf, 34,000 seeds/oz.
with round leaves and pleasantly sweet flavor. 60 days. 23,000 seeds/oz. _______________________________________________________________
Butterhead, 50-60 days. 26,000 seeds/oz.
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$4.75 |_$7.75 | |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$12.50 $20.00
Seed Packet
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$7.00 |_ | |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$11.50 $18.50 $29.50
Seed Packet
| |_ | |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$7.00 $11.50 $18.50 $29.50
0772 Grandpa Admires
Gold Rush In 1977, 90-year-old Chloe
Lime- green leaves are L ow r y gave t h i s f am i l y
strikingly frilled, curly, and heirloom to SSE. It is named
crinkled. Adds unique texture after her grandfather, George
to salads. Holds without Admire, who was a Civil War
bolting for an extended period. veteran. Bronze-tinged leaves
Mild, fresh flavor. Looseleaf, form large loose heads. Mild
50-60 days. 31,000 seeds/oz.
_______________________________________ flavor, slow to bolt, even in
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99 extreme heat. Butterhead,
60 days. 22,800 seeds/oz.
1/8 oz. $7.00 | 1/4 oz. $11.50
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
1616Gulleys Favorite
Donated to SSE in 1992 by Lucille Reeves of
0217Green Oakleaf Oklahoma. In her donation letter, Lucille stated
Known as Baltimore or Philadelphia Oakleaf in that this variety was reported to have been grown 0219Lolla Rossa
the 1880s. Withstands hot weather, never bitter. by the Gulley family of Oklahoma since about (aka Lollo Rosso) Beautiful magenta leaves with
Excellent quality even in late summer. Looseleaf, 1890. Round, dark green leaves with a moderate tiny frills, light green bases. Mild flavor. Small 5-8"
50 days. red tinge and slightly undulating edges. Crisp leaves. Excellent for cut-and-come-again lettuce
_______________________________________________________________ texture, good flavor. SSE staff favorite. Butterhead, when thickly sown. The leaves make a wonderful
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99
_______________________________________________________________ 60 days. 35,000 seeds/oz. garnish. Looseleaf, 55 days. 37,000 seeds/oz.
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Conventional bulk seed available online. Seed Packet
| |_ | |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$7.00 $11.50 $18.50 $29.50
Seed Packet
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$7.00 |_ | |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$11.50 $18.50 $29.50
38 | www.seedsavers.org
1548Mantilia 0384Mascara 0220Merveille des Quatre Saisons
Large chartreuse butterhead introduced to the One of the most beautiful varieties in SSEs (aka Marvel of Four Seasons) French heirloom
seed trade by Renee Shepherd. First offered in the collection of over one thousand lettuces. Curly described in Vilmorins The Vegetable Garden
2005 SSE Yearbook by Margaret Lauterbach of frilled oakleaf-shaped leaves retain their dark (1885). Pretty red bibb-type rosette with a crisp
Boise, Idaho. Scored in the top ten in SSEs 2010 red color in hot weather. Mild flavor. Looseleaf, texture and excellent flavor. Does well in all sorts
lettuce tasting of over 70 varieties. Mild, tender, 65 days. 26,000 seeds/oz. of climates and can withstand heat. The dark red
and sweet. Slow to bolt. Butterhead, 60 days. _______________________________________________________________ color develops best in cool spring or autumn
| |_ | |
Seed Packet _1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz. weather. Butterhead, 60 days. 26,000 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99
_______________________________________________________________ $2.99 (250 seeds) _$4.75 $7.75 $12.50 $20.00
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$4.25 |_
$6.25 |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$9.75 |
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 39
0977Red Velvet 0631Reine des Glaces 0386Rossa di Trento
Absolutely striking appearance. Tops of leaves are (aka Ice Queen) Slow-bolting variety that is ideal for A beautiful savoyed red-tipped cutting lettuce
solid maroon, and the backs are green tinged with summer plantings. Dark green lacy leaves stay crisp from Milan, Italy. Winner of the 2010 lettuce
maroon. SSE is proud to have reintroduced this even on hot days. Medium to dark green crisp heart. tasting at SSE. Resists bolting and is widely
variety in 2002. Slow to bolt. Looseleaf, 55 days. Use as a leaf lettuce after heads are cut. Crisphead, adapted for outdoor plantings but also performs
28,000 seeds/oz. 62 days. 29,000 seeds/oz. well in a greenhouse. Can be grown nearly year-
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
round in mild climates. Looseleaf, 45-60 days.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(250 seeds) _$7.00 |_ | |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$11.50 $18.50 $29.50
Seed Packet
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$4.75 |_
$7.75 | |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$12.50 $20.00
30,000 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(250 seeds) _$4.25 |_
$6.25 |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$9.75 |
0223 0388Sanguine
Rouge dHiver Ameliore
(aka Red Winter) French Rare French variety introduced
historic variety described in in 1906 by C.C. Morse & Co. as
Vilmorins The Vegetable Garden Strawberry Cabbage Lettuce.
(1885). Produces a compact Stunning sanguine or blood
10-12" head with a green red speckles. Plants average 8"
heart and brown-red leaves. in diameter. Tender texture and
For spring, summer, and fall excellent quality. Butterhead,
planting. Romaine, 60 days. 60 days. 32,800 seeds/oz.
33,000 seeds/oz. _______________________________________
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99 _______________________________________
oz. $4.75 | 1/4 oz. $7.75
1/8 oz. $7.00 | 1/4 oz. $11.50 _______________________________________
1/2 oz. $18.50 | 1 oz. $29.50
1/2 oz. $12.50 | 1 oz. $20.00
1024Seed Savers Mixture
This is a well-balanced mixture of cutting lettuces: Flame
Forellenschluss, Grandpa Admire's, Lolla Rossa, Forellenschluss
Pablo, and at least four more of our favorite Mascara on each packet
varieties. Enjoy a flavorful and colorful bouquet when purchasing
of lettuces at 40-45 days. 25,000 seeds/oz.
Pablo this collection
Seed Packet
| |_ | |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$4.75 $7.75 $12.50 $20.00
40 | www.seedsavers.org
0634Slobolt 0039Speckled 0635Tango
A garden standard since 1946. Large thick Family heirloom sent to SSE in 1983 by SSE A widely adapted variety, often used in lettuce
clusters of light green frilled leaves are produced member Mark Reusser. His father obtained it from mixtures for market. Uniform attractive plants
all summer. As its name suggests, this variety is Urias Martin, whose Mennonite ancestors likely form tight erect rosettes. Deeply cut pointed
very slow to bolt. Pleasing flavor, never bitter. brought it in the early 1800s from Pennsylvania to leaves. Very slow to bolt. Tender texture, tangy
Looseleaf, 45-55 days 24,000 seeds/oz. Ontario. Juicy thick leaves are green tinged with red. flavor, vitamin rich. Looseleaf, 45-60 days.
Mild flavor. Looseleaf, 40-55 days. 27,000 seeds/oz. 38,000 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
| |_ | |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$4.75 $7.75 $12.50 $20.00
_______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$7.00 |_ | |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$11.50 $18.50 $29.50
Seed Packet
| |_ |
_1/8 oz. 1/4 oz. 1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$7.00 $11.50 $18.50 $29.50|
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 41
members offer 184 varieties
1204Bidwell Casaba
This melon hails from Chico, California. Grown
by General John Bidwell (1819-1900), a CA State 1407Boule dOr
0040Amish Senator and U.S. Representative who procured
Amish heirloom first offered in the SSE Yearbook his stock seed from the USDA in 1869. Amy (aka Golden Perfection) Famous French melon
in 1983. Oval fruits are 9" long and weigh 4-7 Goldman, author of Melons for the Passionate listed by Vilmorin in 1885. Sweet smooth winter
pounds. Sweet orange flesh is very juicy with Grower, says the flesh tastes like heavenly orange melon with a hard rind. Pale green flesh is an
full muskmelon flavor and a rather thick rind. sherbet. An enormous melon14" long by 9" absolute delight. Fruits will keep for several weeks
Produces good crops under almost any conditions wide and weighing 16 pounds. So big you wont if kept cool and dry. Very hard to find. 95-110 days.
at Heritage Farm. 80-90 days. 1,100 seeds/oz. believe its real! 90-95 days. 530 seeds/oz. 500 seeds/oz.
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1/2 oz.
(25 seeds) _$9.25 |_1 oz.
4 oz.
_ $14.50 $41.00
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1/2 oz.
(25 seeds) _$6.50 |_1 oz.
4 oz.
_ $10.25 $28.75
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1/2 oz.
(25 seeds) _$6.50 |_1 oz.
4 oz.
_ $10.25 $28.75
42 | www.seedsavers.org
0364Hearts of Gold 0211Jenny Lind 0362Minnesota Midget
Developed by Roland Morrill of Benton Harbor, (aka Shippers Delight, Jersey Button) Once Extra-early variety bred by the University of
Michigan; the variety name was trademarked a leading early green-fleshed muskmelon for Minnesota at St. Paul in 1948; introduced by
in 1914. Similar to Hoodoo, which it replaced. home gardens and nearby markets. Named for Farmer Seed and Nursery Company. Capable of
Once very popular in Michigan. Aromatic the Swedish Nightingale, a coloratura soprano producing two cropsan excellent choice for
fruits typically weigh 2-3 pounds and have firm, promoted to stardom in the United States during northern gardeners. Vines seldom over 3' long;
juicy, flavorful, high quality flesh. 70-90 days. the early 1850s. Notable for the prominent button suitable for growing in containers. Round 4" fruits
900 seeds/oz. on the blossom end; flesh is soft, juicy, and mild have thick golden-yellow flesh that is edible to the
_______________________________________________________________ rind and deliciously sweet. Resistant to fusarium
flavored. Weighs up to 2 pounds. 70-80 days.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1/2 oz.
(25 seeds) _$9.25 |_1 oz.
4 oz.
_ $14.50 $41.00
900 seeds/oz.
wilt. 60-75 days. 1,200 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1/2 oz.
(25 seeds) _$9.25 |_1 oz.
4 oz.
_ $14.50 $41.00
Seed Packet
$2.99 |_1/2 oz.
(25 seeds) _$9.25 |_1 oz.
4 oz.
_ $14.50 $41.00
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 43
0931Schoons Hard Shell 1509Sweet Granite 1370Tigger
Introduced around 1947 by F. H. Woodruff and Released in 1966 by the late Professor Elwyn Meader Armenian heirloom. Baker Creek Heirloom Seed
Sons of Milford, Connecticut. Muskmelon with of the University of New Hampshire. An early Company brought this stunning variety to our
handsome rope like netting and a very hard shell, variety well suited for direct seeding in far northern, attention. Vibrant yellow fruits with dark orange
great shipper. Almost round 6" fruits weigh 5-8 coastal, and mountain climates. Oblong, sweet, zigzag stripes. The fragrance is heavenly and the
pounds. Thick apricot-colored flesh is sweet and orange-fleshed fruits have light netting and weigh fruit similar to Queen Annes Pocket Melon.
very flavorful. Excellent for home and market 2-3 pounds. Fruits keep 1-2 days after However, Tigger is heavier (about 1 pound), and
gardens, keeps well. 88-95 days. 800 seeds/oz. slipping. 65-80 days. 1,100 seeds/oz. the white flesh is mildly sweet. Ornamental, for
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet
|_1/2 oz.
|_1 oz.
4 oz. Seed Packet
$2.99 |
_1/2 oz.
(25 seeds) _$9.25 |_1 oz.
4 oz.
_ $14.50 $41.00
specialty markets. 85 days. 1,200 seeds/oz.
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$9.25 _ $14.50 $41.00
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$6.50 |
_1/2 oz.
1 oz.
4 oz.
_ $10.25 $28.75
1225Prickly Caterpillar
(Scorpiurus muricatus) Unusual legume native
to southern Europe. Described by Fearing 0622Garden Huckleberry 1045Sunberry
Burr in Field and Garden Vegetables of America (Solanum melanocerasum) Upright 3-4' branched (Solanum burbankii) (aka Wonderberry)
(1863). Pods are narrow and twisted like a plants produce hundreds of " purple-black Apparently bred by Luther Burbank in the early
caterpillar rolled up on itself. Low-growing berries in clusters. Best when picked after berries 1900s; distributed by John Lewis Childs as
plants with tiny yellow flowers make a beautiful turn from glossy to dull black. Tasteless when raw Wonderberry. Great controversy ensued over
ground cover. Caterpillars may be added to and unsweetened; best used in mock blueberry the plants provenance and true identity, and
salads to surprise unsuspecting diners, but are pies and preserves. Use about 1 pound of berries Burbanks reputation was badly damaged. Prolific
generally not meant to be eaten because they to cup of sugar for best flavor. Good for bushy plants loaded with small, slightly sweet, dull
are so spiky. Can be grown in containers if freezing and canning. 75-80 days from transplant. blue berries. 50-75 days.
space is tight. Great historic novelty. Annual. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99 | 1,000 seeds $25.25
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(50 seeds) $4.75 |
500 seeds 1,000
$7.50 | |
2,500 5,000
$14.25 $21.00
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(50 seeds) $4.75 |
500 seeds 1,000
$7.50 | |
2,500 5,000
$14.25 $21.00
members offer 123 varieties
0392Ailsa Craig
Named after Ailsa, a small round island 0395Red Wethersfield
off the coast of Scotland that is solid rock. (aka Dark Red Beauty) Listed as Large Red
in 1834 by Hovey & Co. of Boston; the name
Introduced in 1887 by Dav id Murray, 1454Long Red Florence Wethersfield was first ascribed to this onion
gardener for the Marquis of Ailsa. Ailsa Uncommon Italian heirloom. Beautiful long around 1852 by the American Seed Garden
Craig is globe-shaped and solid. Large straw- bottle-shaped bulbs, attractive color. Flavor of Wethersfield, Connecticut. Large flattened
colored onions with small necks average 2 is mild and sweet. Best for fresh eating. Can globes with purple-red skin. Mildly pungent
pounds. Best for fresh use, not extended be sown in spring and fall in milder climates. flesh with red concentric circles. Best used for
storage. Long-day type. 100 days from Long-day type. 100-120 days from transplant. salads and garnishes, not for extended storage.
transplant. 7,500 seeds/oz.
8,400 seeds/oz. Long-day type. 100 days from transplant. .
Seed Packet
|_1/4 oz.
$2.99 (100 seeds) _$8.75 |_1 oz.
_ $22.50
Seed Packet
_1/4 oz.
$2.99 (100 seeds) _$4.75 |_1 oz.
_ $10.75
Seed Packet (100 seeds) $2.99
0394 1347
Yellow Borettana Yellow of Parma
(a k a C i p o l l i n i) It a l i a n Imported from Italy. A top
heirloom that is traditionally quality late maturing onion
pickled. Flat bulbs with yellow- with golden globe-shaped
bronze skin grow up to 4" in bulbs weighing an average
diameter. Firm sweet flesh of 1 pound. One of the best
with a delicate flavor. Best used for storage. Long-day type.
fresh during the summer; ideal 110 days from transplant.
for kabobs when harvested at 7,700 seeds/oz..
2" diameter. Long-day type.
60 days from transplant. Seed Packet (100 seeds) $2.99
7,500 seeds/oz.
1/4 oz. $4.75 | 1 oz. $10.75
Seed Packet (100 seeds) $2.99
1/4 oz. $5.50 | 1 oz. $13.00
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 45
members offer 321 varieties
0939Amish Snap
Superb snap pea reportedly grown in the Amish
Peas are community long before present snap pea
types. Vines grow 5-6' tall and are covered in
self-pollinating, 2" translucent green pods. Yields over a 6-week
which makes them period if kept picked. Delicate and sweet even
a great choice for when the seeds develop. Snap, 60-70 days .
Seed Packet (50 seeds) $2.99
new seed savers. _______________________________________________________________
0940Asparagus Pea
(Lotus tetragonolobus) (aka Winged Pea) A legume
not related to either asparagus or peas; most likely
from northwest Africa. Mentioned as early as
1734 by celebrated gardener and botanist Philip
Amish Snap Asparagus Pea Miller. Beautiful red flowers on low growing plants
that spread laterally along the ground. Uniquely
flavored pods are best steamed whole when small.
Thrives in poor soil. Edible podded, 60-75 days.
Seed Packet (50 seeds) $2.99
1176British Wonder
A large-podded dwarf pea of good quality and
yield. Introduced in England by Taber and
Cullen circa 1890; W. Atlee Burpee introduced
Blue Podded Shelling British Wonder Champion of England it in America in 1904. Probably a selection from
American Wonder. Short vines grow 3' tall and
require trellising. Shell, 50-55 days. 2,000 seeds/lb.
Seed Packet
|_1 lb.
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$11.00 |_5 lb. | 10 lb.
_ $45.00 $82.50
Conventional bulk seed available online.
1524Champion of England
1840s heirloom from the family of Robert
Woodbridge, brought to SSE by Ben Gabel and
Kate McEvoy. Roberts grandmother got the seed
from the head gardener at a big country house
during the war and grew it in her garden in the
village of Pickworth, Lincolnshire, England. A
traditional tall pea that reaches heights of 10
feeta great return for a small space. Eight to
ten peas per pod. Shell, 60-75 days. 2,000 seeds/lb.
Seed Packet
|_1 lb.
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$11.00 |_5 lb. | 10 lb.
_ $45.00 $82.50
0230-Golden Sweet
Collected at a market in India. Tall 6' plants
with beautiful bicolored purple flowers and
bright lemon-yellow pods. Best eaten when
small, excellent for stir-fry. Seeds are tan with
purple flecks, can be dried and added to soups.
One of the few yellow edible podded peas in
SSEs collection of 1,200 peas. Edible podded,
60-70 days. 1,900 seeds/lb.
46 | www.seedsavers.org
0400Green Arrow
members offer 71 varieties
(aka Green Shaft) An English main crop variety
and standard home and market variety. Slim 0397Clemson Spineless
pointed pods are 4-5" long and contain 8-11 Still the most popular open-pollinated variety
small deep green peas. Pods are almost always on the market. Vigorous plants grow 3-5' tall,
borne in doubles. Very heavy reliable production. exceptionally uniform straight deep-green
Medium vines grow 24-28" tall. Shell, 62-70 days. spineless ribbed pods are ideally harvested
2,200 seeds/lb.
_______________________________________________________________ when 3" long. Fine quality. AAS winner in 1939.
Seed Packet
|_1 lb.
$2.99 (100 seeds) _$5.75 |_5 lb.
10 lb.
_ $26.25 $47.50
50-64 days. 500 seeds/oz.
0399Red Burgundy
(aka Burgundy) Bred by Leon Robbins at
Clemson University after eight years of careful
selection. Introduced in 1983; AAS winner in
1988. Stunning 4' plant with burgundy accents
and tender burgundy pods up to 6" long. Good
yields. 55-60 days. 500 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
|_ 4 oz.
$2.99 (100 seeds) _$8.70 |_8 oz. | 1 lb.
_ $15.00 $26.50
0642Silver Queen
One of the unique varieties in SSEs okra
collection. Ivory-green pods grow to 7" long
on vigorous 6' tall plants. Tender when young,
delicious flavor. Great producer at Heritage Farm.
80 days. 480 seeds/oz. Hill Country Red
Seed Packet
|_ 4 oz.
$2.99 (100 seeds) _$8.70 |_8 oz. | 1 lb.
_ $15.00 $26.50
0643Star of David
(aka Old Fashioned Okra) Israeli heirloom. Thick
pods are best picked at about 3" long. Named
1177Tom Thumb because cross-sections of pods look like the Star
Originated in England and introduced in the of David. Tall 7' plants have purple coloration
United States in the mid-nineteenth century. on leaves. 60-75 days.
Several strains of Tom Thumb peas have existed
Seed Packet (100 seeds) $2.99
and over time further reductions in height _______________________________________________________________
Seed maturity
in peppers is
indicated by a
color change in
the fruit.
Nineteenth century African American heirloom
0236Feher Ozon Paprika first offered by William Woys Weaver in the
Originated in Hungary. All-around excellent 1995 SSE Yearbook. Weavers grandfather 1042Garden Sunshine
paprika pepper for quality and performance. received the seeds in the 1940s from Horace Creamy yellow 8" bell-shaped peppers
Extremely productive plants produce 3" by 4-5" long Pippin of West Chester, PA. Two-foot tall plants hold for weeks before turning to orange and
fruits that have exceptionally sweet flesh, up to 12 have beautiful variegated foliage; 3" long fruits then red, extended harvest period. Best used
fruits per plant. 80-85 days from transplant. Sweet. are striped and colorful. Traditionally used in when yellow or orange. Highly productive
5,000 seeds/oz. oyster and crab houses around Chesapeake 16" plants. Remarkably dependable sweet
Bay. 80 days from transplant. Medium hot. pepper. 80-100 days from transplant. Sweet.
Seed Packet
$2.99 (50 seeds) $6.50 |
250 seeds 500
$8.50 | |
1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$22.75 $38.25
Seed Packet (50 seeds) $2.99
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 49
0237Georgia Flame 0650Golden Treasure 1306Habanero, Mustard
A piquant pepper from the Republic of Georgia, Italian heirloom variety, excellent for frying, (C. chinense) This uniquely colored habanero
up to eight inches long, with thick, crunchy flesh. roasting, and fresh eating. Nine-inch long fruits showed up as an off-type in the garden of
Two-foot high plants produce copious amounts ripen from green to shiny yellow. Sweet medium- SSE member James Weaver of Kutztown,
of fruit throughout the season. An excellent thick flesh and tender skin. 80 days from transplant. Pennsylvania. Productive 32" plants produce
salsa pepper. 90 days from transplant. Hot. Sweet. fruits that ripen from light green with a tinge of
3,800 seeds/oz. purple to mustard orange to bright orange. Not for
_______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
_______________________________________________________________ the timid! 95-100 days from transplant. Very hot.
Seed Packet
$2.99 (25 seeds) $7.75 |
250 seeds 500
| |
1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$12.50 $45.00 $90.00
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
Seed Packet
$2.99 | |
250 seeds 500
(50 seeds) $7.25 $9.75 | |
1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$27.50 $45.75
Seed Packet (50 seeds) $2.99
Seed Packet
250 seeds
$2.99 (50 seeds) $7.25 | 500
$9.75 | 1/2 oz.
$27.50 $45.75 |
1 oz.
_______________________________________________________________ Transplants available See page 73.
0013Kalmans Hungarian Tomato 1343King of the North 0044Marconi Red
Seed donor Joe Cavanaugh obtained this variety The best red bell pepper we know for northern Prolific Italian heirloom prized for its gigantic
in the mid-1990s from Kalman Lajvort of gardeners where the seasons are cool and short. sweet red fruits. Delicious 12" long peppers are
New Jersey. Kalman brought the seeds when Blocky uniform fruits are excellent for stuffing or excellent eaten fresh or fried. 70-90 days from
he immigrated from Hungary to the United fresh eating. Great sweet flavor. Our stock is from transplant. Sweet.
States. Red tomato-shaped fruit are flattened Fedco Seeds in Waterville, Maine. 70 days from Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
and highly ribbed. Fruit 2-3 in diameter. transplant. Sweet. 3,600 seeds/oz.
Moderately sweet and flavorful with crisp _______________________________________________________________ Conventional bulk seed available online.
thick flesh 65-75 days from transplant. Sweet.
Seed Packet
$2.99 (50 seeds) $7.25 |
250 seeds 500
$9.75 | |
1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$27.50 $45.75
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
_______________________________________________________________ Transplants available See page 73.
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 51
0402Miniature Chocolate Bell 0842Miniature Red Bell
Short stocky plants covered with lovely 2" long (See description at left)
miniature bell peppers with an excellent fresh _______________________________________________________________ 1043Napoleon Sweet
flavor. One of three miniature bell peppers from Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(25 seeds) $7.75 |
250 seeds 500
| |
1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$12.50 $45.00 $90.00
Eight-inch elongated bells are as mild as apples.
Fruits stand upright on 2' plants and ripen from
Ohio SSE member, Lucina Cress. She stuffed
these peppers with cabbage, pickled and canned green to red. Best used when green or just turning
them, and then sold them at her church fundraiser. 0873Miniature Yellow Bell to red. Listed in 1923 by L. L. Olds Seed Company
Great for salads. 90 days from transplant. Sweet. (See description at left) and described as Possibly the most productive of
4,400 seeds/oz. _______________________________________________________________ all the large peppers, bears consistently until frost.
_______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet
| |
250 seeds 500
| |
1/2 oz. 1 oz. Remarkably early for a large fruited pepper. 70-90
Seed Packet
$2.99 (25 seeds) $7.75 |
250 seeds 500
| |
1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$12.50 $45.00 $90.00
$2.99 (25 seeds) $7.75 $12.50 $45.00 $90.00
_______________________________________________________________ days from transplant. Sweet.
_______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet
$2.99 (25 seeds) |
250 seeds
$7.75 | 500
52 | www.seedsavers.org
0408Santa Fe Grande 0045Sheepnose Pimento 1216Sweet Chocolate
(aka Caribe) Fiery hot conical peppers with thick Tomato-type peppers are exceedingly flavorful (aka Choco) Early bell pepper bred by Elwyn
firm walls grow to 3" long. Stunning fruits ripen with sweet juicy flesh. Very meaty, good for Meader and introduced by the University
from yellow to orange to red. Sturdy 3' plants with canning. An Ohio heirloom from the family of of New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment
continuous heavy yields. Excellent for pickling, Nick Rini. Keeps for an extended period when Station in 1965. Ripens from green to chocolate
salsa, and hot pepper vinegar. Introduced in 1965 refrigerated. 70-80 days from transplant. Sweet. on the outside and brick red inside. Thick sweet
by Petoseed Co. 75-80 days from transplant. _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99 flesh. Great for gardeners in short season areas.
Medium hot. 4,300 seeds/oz. _______________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________ 60-85 days from transplant. Sweet.
Seed Packet
$2.99 (50 seeds) $5.75 |
250 seeds 500
$7.75 | |
1/2 oz. 1 oz.
$18.50 $30.75
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
Transplants available See page 73.
Drying Peppers
Thin-walled peppers,
such as cayennes and
habaneros, are easy
to dry. After harvest,
the fruits should be
allowed to dry in a
protected location
until the flesh is
brittle enough to
break apart easily.
1398Wenks Yellow Hots In the southwestern
Three-inch long wax peppers with thick walls, 1432Wisconsin Lakes United States and
ripens from yellow to bright orange then red. Developed in the 1960s at the University other dry climates,
Grown by the late Erris Wenk, one of the last of Wisconsin at Madison by Professor O. B. chiles are strung
large truck farmers in Albuquerques South Valley. Combs. Great choice for an early maturing together into what is
A great variety for canning and pickling. 80 days b el l p ep p er. R el iabl e y i el d s o f t h i c k- known as a ristra and
from transplant. Medium hot.
walled 4-6 oz. fruits that ripen from green then hung to dry.
to red. 75-85 days from transplant. Sweet.
Seed Packet
$2.99 (25 seeds) |
250 seeds
$7.75 | 500
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 53
radish Radish
members offer 80 varieties
1601China Rose
An historic variety introduced in the U.S. circa
1850. Dark pink 5" roots fade to pale pink at
the tips. Very hardy fall/winter radish; also
grows well in the spring. Pure white flesh is
f i r m an d rel at i vel y m i l d . 5 0 - 6 0 d ay s.
3,100 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
|_1 oz.
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$7.00 |_4 oz.
_ $19.50
Conventional bulk seed available online.
1513Cincinnati Market
(aka Long Scarlet) Historic variety described
in Vilmorins The Vegetable Garden (1885); now
becoming scarce. Deep red radishes are 6" long
China Rose Cincinnati Market and tapered. Flesh is tender, crisp, and mild.
Medium tops are good for bunching. 25-30 days.
2,500 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
|_1 oz.
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$5.25 |_4 oz.
1 lb.
_ $14.75 $28.75
0420French Breakfast
(aka Radis Demi-long Rose a Bout Blanc) A
very early market garden radish of French origin.
Listed by James J. H. Gregory of Marblehead,
Massachusetts in 1875. Oblong and blunt, rose-
scarlet with a white tip. White crisp flesh with a
Early Scarlet Globe French Breakfast mildly pungent flavor. Sow in the spring or fall
and pick when small. 20-30 days. 3,000 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
|_1 oz.
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$7.00 |_4 oz. | 1 lb.
_ $19.50 $38.00
Named for the Greek god of the sun. Pale yellow
sweet spring radish with white flesh. Similar to
the Small Early Yellow Turnip Radish described
in Vilmorins The Vegetable Garden (1885).
30-35 days. 3,000 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
|_1 oz.
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$7.00 |_4 oz. | 1 lb.
_ $19.50 $38.00
1310Plum Purple
Released by the Alf Christianson Seed Company
in 1985. Unique deep purple round roots. Firm
white flesh is sweet and mild all season long and
never pithy. Hardy and adaptable. Exceptional
variety for the novelty market and also for the
home gardener. 25-30 days. 2,400 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
|_1 oz.
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$7.00 |_4 oz.
_ $19.50
0654Rat-Tailed Radish
Native to South Asia. Grown for the crisp,
pungent, edible seedpods (up to 6 inches long)
and not for the roots. Pods should be gathered
before fully mature and eaten raw, pickled, or
chopped in salads. 50 days. 1,800 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
|_1 oz.
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$18.25 |_4 oz.
_ $29.25
Plum Purple Rat-Tailed Radish
54 | www.seedsavers.org
members offer53 varieties
members offer 5 varieties
Sandwich Island
( Tra g o p o g o n p o r r i f ol i u s) (a k a
Sandwich Island) Pre-1900 native
of the Mediterranean. Known as
Vegetable Oyster due to its uncanny
oyster-like flavor. Long tapered
roots average 8-10" long and 1" in
diameter. Creamy white skin and
white flesh. Upright grass-like leaves.
120 days.
Seed Packet (100 seeds) $2.99
members offer 16 varieties
members offer 47 varieties
1602White Icicle
Icicle radishes date from the early 1900s. Long
slender white roots average 4-6" in length. Crisp
white flesh is pungent but pleasant. 25-30 days.
2,500 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
|_1 oz.
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$7.00 |_4 oz.
_ $19.50
Some early-maturing
radishes reach full size
in as few as 22 days, but 1607Zebrune 0423Purple Top White Globe
Shallot from France where it is called Cuisse de Poulet (Brassica rapa) Listed in the 1885 retail catalogue
most annual radishes du Poitou, which translates as leg of the chicken. A of James J. H. Gregory. Uniform smooth white
need 4 months or more type of Eschalion, or banana shallot, so named for globes are best for eating when 3-4" in diameter
to produce mature its distinctive torpedo shape. Pink-brown bulbs are but remain in good condition until quite large.
sweet, mild, and a must for gourmet cooking. Bulbs Sweet, mild, fine-grained white flesh. Large tops
seeds. keep well in storage. Productive and resistant to make delicious greens. Excellent quality, stores
bolting. 100 days from transplant.
_______________________________________________________________ very well. 45-65 days. 13,500 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
$2.99 (100 seeds) |
1,000 seeds
$7.50 | 5,000
Seed Packet
|_1/4 oz. |_1/2 oz. | 1 oz.
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$4.25 _ $7.50 $12.50
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 55
Join Seed Savers Exchange
Help save Americas heirloom seeds
Receive a 10% discount on all
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Reciprocal Admissions Program Membership Levels:
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many public gardens around the country Sustainer (1 year) $50 receive the same
through the American Horticultural Society. Contributor (1 year) $100 The greater your
contribution, the
Benefactor (1 year) $250
more support you
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non-profit work.
highlighting the organizations work. Steward (1 year) $500
Lifetime $1500
All memberships are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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58 | www.seedsavers.org
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(Mon-Fri) 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Central Time in the Contiguous US
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2016 Order Form By mail at 3094 North Winn Road, Decorah, IA 52101-7776
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Apple Trees, Garlic, Potatoes, and Transplants
(for order confirmation & tracking information) Order online or call 563-382-5990
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SSE reserves the right to substitute a similar variety in case of a crop failure or shortage. Please check here if you prefer no substitutions.
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Satisfaction guaranteed
Your seeds have been germination tested and found to meet or exceed the Federal standards for interstate commerce. We will be happy to honor all reasonable
requests for replacement/reimbursement due to poor germination, or due to concerns you may have about other plants or products from this year's catalog.
| 61
members offer 435 varieties
German-bred potato. Creamy yellow flesh
with relatively low starch. Heavy yields
of medium-sized, oval potatoes with buff
colored skin. Excellent when harvested as
new potatoes. Great for soups, boiling or
frying. Maintains new potato qualities for
months in root cellar. 95 days.
2.5 lb. bag
$12.50 |_ 5 lb. bag
_ $20.00 | 25 lb. bag
Popular red-skinned mid-season variety
introduced from Holland in 1962. Deep
golden flesh with moist creamy texture,
delicate flavor. Good disease resistance, very
reliable and easy to grow. An excellent choice
for a general cooking potato. 95-100 days.
Carola Desiree
2.5 lb. bag
$12.50 |_ 5 lb. bag
_ $20.00 | 25 lb. bag
1361French Fingerling
Rose-colored skin covers creamy yellow
flesh. Very versatilegood for any type
of preparation. Peeling is not necessary.
Rumored to have been smuggled into
America in a horses feedbag in the 1800s.
90-110 days.
2.5 lb. bag
$17.25 |_ 5 lb. bag
_ $28.50 | 25 lb. bag
1362German Butterball
First place winner in Rodales Organic
Gardening Taste Off. A good choice
for roasting, frying, and especially for
mashed potatoes. Russeted skin and
buttery yellow flesh. Always one of our
favorite all-purpose potatoes. Excellent
for long-term storage. Very good yields.
100-120 days.
2.5 lb. bag
$12.50 |_ 5 lb. bag
_ $20.00 | 25 lb. bag
Delicious German potato with low glycemic
level. Uniform medium-large oblong tubers
have smooth yellow skin and light yellow
flesh. Firm waxy texture is excellent for
boiling and salads. High yield potential. SSE
staff favorite. 90-110 days.
2.5 lb. bag
$12.50 |_ 5 lb. bag
_ $20.00 | 25 lb. bag
La Ratte Nicola
62 | www.seedsavers.org
1367Purple Viking 0849Rose Finn Apple
Unique taste and smooth texture make this Exceptional waxy texture. Perfect for German
variety a favorite for many. Slightly sweet potato salad, steamed, boiled, grilled, roasted,
flavor gets sweeter with longer storage. Snow or fried. An excellent yielder at Heritage Farm.
white flesh is perfect for mashing, but is also We find that steady watering throughout the
excellent for any preparation. Beautiful purple season will minimize knobbiness. Good
skin with red-pink marbling. Average tubers keeper. 80-100 days.
are 3-4" in diameter, with potential for larger
tubers. Excellent storage qualities. 80-100 days.
2.5 lb. bag
$17.25 |_
_ $28.50
5 lb. bag
| 25 lb. bag
2.5 lb. bag
$12.50 |_ 5 lb. bag
_ $20.00 | 25 lb. bag
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 63
offer 41 varieties
1411Red Malabar Spinach
Spinach (Chenopodium capitatum) (aka
(Basella rubra) Tropical heat- Strawberry Blite) Grown in
loving vine from India. Not Europe for centuries. Very
a true spinach, but similar showy compact 18" plants
in flavor and usage. Free- are grown for their nutritious
branching climber with red leaf triangular toothed leaves
veins and stems. Will regrow and tender shoots, used in
rapidly if sprouts are cut to salads or steamed. Shiny red
eat as greens. Pinch tips to mulberry-like fruits are edible
encourage branching. Stems and can be added to salads or
can be cut and rooted. 50-70 used to make dyes. Becoming
days. scarce. Self-seeding annual,
90 days.
Seed Packet (50 seeds) $2.99
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99
5000 seeds $6.75 | 10,000 seeds. $12.50
50,000 seeds. $52.50
Chard Rolls
filled with Winter Vegetables
Select nice, large leaves for stuffing. The chard stems along with root vegetables fill these plump bundles. Serves 4
2 tablespoons olive oil Heat the oil in a large skillet. Add the chard stems,
8 large chard leaves, stems removed & finely diced onion, other root vegetables, garlic, and tarragon.
1 onion, finely diced Season with the salt and a little pepper to taste. Cover
and cook over medium heat until tender, 20 to 25
3 carrots, finely diced minutes. Add the lemon juice.
8 ounces potatoes, finely diced
Plunge the chard leaves into simmering water for
6 to 8 cups additional finely diced vegetables, such 4 minutes, then set on a towel to drain. Cut away the
as parsnips, parsley root, and celery root thick part at the base of each leaf. Place the leaves,
1 plump clove garlic, minced smooth side down, on the counter. Place 2 heaping
2 teaspoons chopped tarragon or teaspoon dried tablespoons of filling just above the notch of each
teaspoon sea salt leaf, then fold the sides over the filling and roll up the
leaves. Keep the remaining filling in the skillet and
Freshly milled pepper set the rolls right on top of it. Add the water to the
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice pan and cover. Simmer for 10 minutes. Serve the rolls
1 cup water or basic vegetable stock with the extra vegetables and their juices.
Recipe from Deborah Madison's The New Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone. To order the book see page 106.
64 | www.seedsavers.org
Swiss Chard
members offer 19 varieties
Swiss Chard
members offer 125 varieties
offer 23 varieties
1413Purple de Milpa
The tomatillo that grows wild in Mexican Harvesting
cornfields. Very small (3/4") purple-tinged fruits tomatillos for seed
borne on 3-4' tall plants. Fruit typically does is essentially the
not burst through husk when ripe. Sharp flavor same as harvesting
preferred by some cooks over other tomatillos. the fruit for use in
70-90 days from transplant. the kitchen. Pick
Seed Packet
| 250 seeds | 1,000 the fruit when
$2.99 (25 seeds) $9.75 $32.50
_______________________________________________________________ the husk is straw
colored and dry.
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 65
members offer 396 varieties
0240Amish Pie
(Cucurbita maxima) Heirloom obtained by James
Robinson from an Amish gardener in Maryland.
Introduced commercially by SSE in 1999. One of
the best processing pumpkins we have ever grown
at Heritage Farm. Pale orange flesh measures up to
5" thick, and the largest fruits weigh 60-80 pounds.
Firm moist flesh is excellent for making pies and
for freezing. 90-105 days.
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
1433Boston Marrow
(C. maxima) (aka Autumnal Marrow) Once
the standard early squash, introduced in 1831.
Excellent table quality: flesh is thick, flaky, and
free from fiber. Striking red-orange skin, average
fruits weigh 10-20 pounds. 90-110 days.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(25 seeds) _$10.00 |_
_250 seeds 1,000
_ $36.00 $76.50
1344Burgess Buttercup
(C. maxima) Introduced in 1932 by Burgess Seed
& Plant Co. of Bloomington, Illinois. Buttercup
has set the benchmark over the years for all
other small winter squash. Flattened dark green
Boston Marrow Cornfield Pumpkin turbans with a distinctive button on the blossom
end. Typical fruits weigh 3-5 pounds. Super
sweet brilliant orange flesh with very fine eating
qualities. Rind is thin but very hard, medium
length keeper. 85-100 days.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(25 seeds) _$10.00 |_
_250 seeds 1,000
_ $36.00 $76.50
0972Cornfield Pumpkin
(C. pepo) First offered by SSE member Glenn
Drowns in the 1984 Yearbook from USDA seed.
Our top choice for use as both a carving pumpkin
and for fall decorations. Fruits are flattened, light-
colored, thin-skinned, and weigh 12-15 pounds.
Very sturdy stems rarely break off. Traditionally
grown as a dual crop planted with field corn. 90 days.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(25 seeds) _$10.00 |_
_250 seeds 1,000
_ $36.00 $76.50
Burgess Buttercup
66 | www.seedsavers.org
0876Fordhook Acorn
(C. pepo) (aka Early Fordhook) Introduced in 1890
by W. Atlee Burpee of Philadelphia. Belonged to
the Fordhook Group of squashes which includes
Delicata, Perfect Gem, and Table Queen. Vining
plants produce 1 pound acorn squashes that are
grainy but not coarse and mildly sweet. Good shelf
life. Once thought to be extinct. 85 days.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(25 seeds) _$7.50 |_
_250 seeds 1,000
_ $25.50 $54.25
0973Galeux dEysines
(C. maxima) (aka Galeuse dEysines, Courge
Brode Galeuse) A French historic variety squash
from the Bordeaux region; noted in Vilmorins Les
Plantes Potageres (1883). Seed carried by La Ferme
de Ste. Marthe and collected by SSE member Amy Fordhook Acorn Galeux dEysines
Goldman at the 1996 Tranzault Pumpkin Festival.
Attains weight of 10-20 pounds. Best used for
beautiful table centerpieces or eaten in stews and
soups. Harvest squashes when slightly immature
as they tend to crack. 90 days.
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
0410Golden Hubbard
(C. maxima) (aka Golden Warted Hubbard, Red
Hubbard) Introduced by D. M. Ferry in 1898 but
attributed to J.J. Harrison of Storrs & Harrison Co. of
Painesville, Ohio. Starchy, nutty, fine-grained flesh
good for baking and roasting. Fruits are 8-12 pounds and
store well. An all-time American favorite. 90-100 days.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(25 seeds) _$10.00 |_
_250 seeds 1,000
_ $36.00 $76.50
1345Golden Zucchini
(C. pepo) Introduced in 1973 by W. Atlee Burpee
of Philadelphia, bred from genetic material Golden Hubbard Golden Zucchini
supplied by Dr. Oved Shifress. This vivid yellow
fruit was the first commercial B (bicolor gene)
cultivar. Crisp and mild-flavored zucchinis are
borne prolifically on bush plants. 50-55 days.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(25 seeds) _$7.50 |_
_250 seeds 1,000
_ $27.00 $57.50
1309Musquee de Provence
(C. moschata) (aka Potiron Bronze de Montlhry)
An historic variety cheese pumpkin from the South
of France, introduced to American gardeners in
1899 by Vaughans Seed Store in Chicago. Gorgeous
squashes, up to 20 pounds in weight, look like wheels
of cheese, and ripen from green to burnt sienna. Deep
Marina di Chioggia orange flesh is dense and of superb table quality. Very
long shelf life. Intolerant of cold. 110 days.
Seed Packet
$2.99 (25 seeds) | _ 250 seeds
1221Pattison Panach,
Jaune et Verte
(C. pepo) (aka Variegated Scallop, Yellow and
Green) Sent to SSE by French member Bruno
Defay. Creamy white scallop squash with green
stripes, borne on bush plants with high yields.
Good eating qualities when young, rock-hard
ornamental when fully mature. 55-70 days.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(25 seeds) _$7.50 |_
_250 seeds 1,000
_ $25.50 $54.25
Conventional bulk seed available online.
1222Pattison Panach,
Verte et Blanc
(C. pepo) (aka Variegated Scallop, Green and
Musquee de Provence Pattison Panach, Jaune et Verte White) French heirloom that was listed by
Vilmorin in the 1800s. Excellent eaten young
when fruits are sea foam green; dark green stripes
appear as they continue to mature. Keep picked
clean for best yields. 60-70 days.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(25 seeds) _$7.50 |_
_250 seeds 1,000
_ $25.50 $54.25
1359Pennsylvania Dutch
(C. moschata) Gorgeous and enormousfruits
weigh 10-20 pounds. Very easy to prepare since
the seeds are all contained neatly in the bottom
bulb of the fruit. Simply cut the long curved
neck into rings and bake. Sweet dark orange
flesh, excellent for pies or soups. Good keeper.
100-110 days.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(25 seeds) _$7.50 |_
_250 seeds 1,000
_ $27.00 $57.50
0877Queensland Blue
(C. maxima) An Australian Blue squash directly
imported into the United States in 1932 from
Arthur Yates and Company of Sydney. Dark
blue-green ribbed rind with flesh that is meaty,
sugary, brilliant orange, and abundant. Striking
gray foliage. Late to mature, long shelf life. 110-
120 days.
Seed Packet
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$10.00 |_
_250 seeds 1,000
_ $36.00
(C. maxima) (aka Pikes Peak) Introduced by Hiram
Sibley & Co. of Rochester, New York in 1888.
Superb banana squash with thick sweet flesh. James
J. H. Gregory found it simply magnificent. Winner
of the SSE staff taste test in 2014. Hard-rinded,
inversely pear shaped, excellent keeper. 110 days.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(25 seeds) _$10.00 |_
_250 seeds 1,000
_ $36.00 $76.50
1528Silver Bell
(C. maxima) A selection from Blue Banana bred and
introduced by Ferry-Morse Seed Co. in 1956. Small
bell-shaped squash average four pounds. Silvery
gray-blue shell turns pink in storage. Delicious deep
orange, dry, sweet flesh. Good keeper. 100-105 days.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(25 seeds) _$7.50 |_
_250 seeds 1,000
_ $27.00 $57.50
Sibley Silver Bell
1459Silver Edged
(C. argyrosperma) Grown primarily for its nutritious
silver seeds which are easy to extract and hull. Seeds
are delicious when roasted and are an important
ingredient in Latin American cuisine. Beautiful
white fruits with green mottled stripes may be round
or pear-shaped. Unpalatable flesh. 110 days.
Seed Packet
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$12.50 |_
_250 seeds 1,000
_ $45.00
1529Strawberry Crown
(C. maxima) Mary Schultz of Monroe, Washington
found this variety in Brazil in the late 1980s. She
gave it to Glenn Drowns who introduced it to
SSE in 1991. Beautiful brown bicolor squash with
a blush of salmon at the crown. Fruits average
6 pounds. 90 days.
Seed Packet
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$12.50 |_
_250 seeds 1,000
_ $45.00
1619Sweet Fall
(C. maxima) Donated to SSE in 1998 by Ortha and
Wallace Broeker of Nebraska. Wallace remembers
his uncle Rob growing this variety back in the 1930s.
This Hubbard type squash has teardrop-shaped fruit
and attractive salmon and blue-green skin. Fruits
average 4 lbs. and are very sweet, with a unique
flavor. 100 days.
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
__________________________________________________________________ Summer Crookneck Sweet Fall
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 69
The story of
'Thelma Sanders'
In 1979, member Evert Pettit
of Van Buren, Missouri listed
several varieties in the Seed
Savers Exchange Yearbook.
Evert specifically noted that he
also hoped to locate a sweet
0244Table Queen 1224Thelma Sanders potato squash he had grown
(C. pepo) (aka Des Moines, Danish) Set the (C. pepo) (aka Thelma Sanders Sweet Potato) near Benton, Illinois in 1917.
standard for acorn squash; started the rage for Originally from Thelma Sanders of Kirksville, Evert described that old squash
small individual fall squashes. Domesticated Missouri. The seed was passed from Evert Pettit
by Native North Americans from primitive to Sue and Tom Knoche, Ohio squash collectors. as, cantaloupe-sized, deeply
indigenous forms. Introduced by the Iowa Seed All these seed stewards were among SSEs earliest scalloped, smooth thin yellow when
Company of Des Moines, Iowa in 1913. Petite members. Wonderful cream-colored acorn squash. ripe skin, small gourd-like seed, very
(1 pound), furrowed, soft shelled, high quality Sweet chestnut flavor, enormously productive.
fruits with sweet orange flesh. Excellent for baking. Thelma described this good keeper as better than productive and delicious.
80-90 days. sweet potatoes. 85-90 days.
_______________________________________________________________ A year later, Evert was still
Seed Packet
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$5.25 |_
_250 seeds 1,000
_ $18.00 $38.25
Seed Packet
|_250 seeds |_1,000
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$7.50 _ $25.50
_______________________________________________________________ looking for the squash, but
new member Thelma Sanders
of Kirksville, Missouri listed
a yellow squash in the 1980
Yearbook which she described
as early, acorn-shaped, keeps all
winter, fine meated, better than
sweet potatoes.
70 | www.seedsavers.org
Share seeds through our Seed Exchange
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 71
pepper transplants
Ancho Gigantea Bull Nose Bell Jalapeo, Traveler Strain Joe's Long Cayenne
King of the North Orange Bell Sweet Chocolate Tollis Sweet Italian
tomato transplants
TP0010Amish Paste
TP0011Black Krim
TP0012Brandywine (aka Red Brandywine) How to Order
TP0013Cherokee Purple
TP0014German Pink
TP0015Gold Medal
TP0016Italian Heirloom
TransplantsPlace your order online at
TP0017Mexico Midget
TP0018SSE Tomato Sampler seedsavers.org/transplants
Having a hard time deciding? Let us send you six plants
of our choice for $18.75 plus shipping. A good value
or call (563)382-5990.
and a great way to try a full assortment.
For complete tomato descriptions, see pages 74-82. All transplants
Tomato or Pepper
Ground Cherry $ 75 Samplers
TP0019Aunt Mollys Ground Cherry
For complete ground cherry description, see page 44.
Requires a minimum
order of 4 plants 6 plants total
Please mix varieties Our choice of
as you like varieties
Aunt Molly's Ground Cherry Additional details can be found on the online order page.
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 73
members offer 5762 varieties
0107Amish Paste
First listed in the 1987 SSE Yearbook by Thane
Earle of Whitewater, WI. Commercialized by Tom
Hauch of Heirloom Seeds, who acquired it from
the Amish near Lancaster, PA. Bright red 8-12 0249Aunt Rubys German Green 1227Austins Red Pear
ounce fruits vary in shape from oxheart to rounded Family heirloom from Ruby Arnold of Greeneville, Introduced to SSE by Dale Aust in of
plum. Delicious flesh is juicy and meaty, excellent Tennessee. Introduced to SSE in 1993 by Bill Washington. A real standout among all of
for sauce or fresh eating. One of Slow Food USAs Minkey of Darien, Wisconsin. Large beefsteak SSEs red pears due to its superior flavor. Large
Ark of Taste varieties. Indeterminate, 85 days from fruits weigh one pound or more. Sweet juicy 2" red tomatoes with elongated neck. Very
transplant. 13,500 seeds/oz. flesh with a hint of spiciness. Ready to harvest productive. Occasionally a plant with yellow fruit
_______________________________________________________________ when soft to the touch and yellow-green in color. appears. Indeterminate, 80 days from transplant.
| |_ | |
Seed Packet _250 seeds 500 seeds 1/8 oz. 1/2 oz. Indeterminate, 80-95 days from transplant.
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$7.25 $10.75 $14.25 $27.50 _______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
| |
_______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet _250 seeds 500 seeds
Transplants available See page 73. $2.99 (25 seeds) _$9.75 $13.75
_______________________________________________________________ Conventional bulk seed available online.
0661Beams 1609Black
Yellow Pear Cherry
Introduced to SSE in 1983 by Vigorous regular leaf plants
John Hartman of Indiana. Our covered in clusters of 1" round
favorite when we compared cher r y tomatoes. Dusky
25 different yellow pears in purple-black fruits bursting
1998. Endless supply of 1" with rich flavorsweet and
fruits with great flavor. Ideal complex. Indeterminate, 65-75
for salads. Indeterminate, days from transplant.
70-80 days from transplant.
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
21,000 seeds/oz. _______________________________________
_______________________________________ 250 seeds $9.75 | 500 seeds $13.75
Seed Packet (50 seeds) $2.99
250 seeds $7.25 | 500 seeds $10.75
1/8 oz. $14.25 | 1/2 oz. $27.50
74 | www.seedsavers.org
0019Black Sea Man 1228Blondkpfchen 1479Brandywine
Russian heirloom from Marina Danilenko. (aka Little Blonde Girl) East German heirloom (aka Red Brandywine) The original Brandywine
Small plants produce medium-sized brown-pink obtained by Seed Savers Exchange from introduced by Johnson and Stokes in 1889 from seeds
fruits with olive green shading. Well marbled Gatersleben Seed Bank. Small golden-yellow they received from a customer in Ohio. Named after
flesh is attractive when blanched and peeled. 1" fruits borne in giant clusters, excellent sweet Brandywine Creek in Chester County, Pennsylvania.
Rich flavor. Potato leaf foliage. Determinate, taste. Enormous yields and rarely a cracked fruit. Large vines produce deep red 8-12 ounce fruits.
75 days from transplant. Bears until frost. Indeterminate, 75-80 days from Excellent flavor. Very productive. Indeterminate, 80
days from transplant. 8,900 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$9.75 |
_250 seeds 500 seeds
Seed Packet
$2.99 | |
250 seeds 500
(25 seeds) $9.75 | |
1,000 2,500
$13.75 $19.25 $34.00
Seed Packet
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$7.25 |_
$10.75 | |
_250 seeds 500 seeds 1/8 oz. 1/2 oz.
$14.25 $27.50
Transplants available See page 73.
0427Brandywine 0253Cherokee
(Sudduths Strain) Purple
(aka Pink Brandywine) This Introduced by North Carolina
strain was obtained by tomato SSE member Craig LeHoullier
collector Ben Quisenberry of
Big Tomato Gardens in 1980 in 1991 from seed obtained
from Dorris Sudduth Hill from J. D. Green of Tennessee.
whose family grew it for over Uniquely colored dusty rose-
100 years. Large pink beefsteak brown fruits weigh up to 12
fruits to 2 pounds. Incredibly ounces. Delicious sweet flesh.
rich, delightfully intense tomato Indeterminate, 75-90 days
flavor. Potato leaf foliage. from transplant.
Indeterminate, 90 days from _______________________________________
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 75
1230Currant, Sweet Pea 0027David Davidson's 1552Dester
(S. pimpinellifolium) The best red currant tomato Given to SSE by member Robert Bell, who Winner of SSEs 2011 Tomato Tasting and
we offer to gardeners. Hundreds of fruits per indicated the variety is a Tennessee heirloom runner-up in 2012. Donated to SSE by Missouri
plant. Excellent tomato flavor with a hint of wine. from David Davidson. Mid-size orange globe farmer Larry Pierce, who received his seeds
Fruits are borne in trusses of 10-12 on plants tomatoes grow in clusters of up to 7 fruits. from an Amish woman in Seymour, Missouri.
with a spreading habit. Great for use as a garnish. Variable shape with some ribbing and pointed She originally got her seeds from a doctor
Introduced by SSE in 2004. Indeterminate, 75-80 tips. Great flavor with hints of citrus. Keeps she worked for whose family had brought the
days from transplant.
well. Indeterminate, 90 days from transplant.
seeds with them from Germany. Luscious
pink beefsteaks weighing up to one pound.
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(25 seeds) $9.75 |
250 seeds 500
| |
1,000 2,500
$13.75 $19.25 $34.00
Seed Packet
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$9.75 |
_250 seeds 500 seeds
_______________________________________________________________ Indeterminate, 70-80 days from transplant.
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
and rich flavor. Indeterminate, 75-85 Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
days from transplant.
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
250 seeds $9.75 | 500 seeds $13.75
| |_ | |
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
Seed Packet _250 seeds 500 seeds 1/8 oz. 1/2 oz.
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$7.25 $10.75 $14.25 $27.50
Seed Packet
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$7.25 |_
$10.75 | |
_250 seeds 500 seeds 1/8 oz. 1/2 oz.
$14.25 $27.50
76 | www.seedsavers.org
0440German Pink 0825Gold Medal 1231Green Grape
One of the two original Bavarian heirlooms from Listed in Ben Quisenberrys 1976 seed list as, A selection made from Thomas Wagners
Diane Ott Whealys family that started SSE. Potato Large, yellow, streaked red; firm and smooth. Very Thompson Seedless Grape. Unique olive yellow
leaf plants produce large 1-2 pound beefsteak fruits. little acid. The sweetest tomato you ever tasteda 1" cherry tomatoes on very productive plants.
Meaty flesh with few seeds, very little cracking gourmets joy when sliced. Our finest bicolored Addictive spicy sweet flavor. Determinate, 80-90
or blossom scars. Full sweet flavor. Excellent for tomato and one of our all-time favorites. Winner days from transplant. 29,200 seeds/oz.
canning, freezing, and slicing. Indeterminate, of SSE's 2008 Tomato Tasting. Indeterminate,
85 days from transplant. 12,700 seeds/oz. 90 days from transplant. 13,700 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$8.75 |_
$12.25 | |
_250 seeds 500 seeds 1/8 oz. 1/2 oz.
$17.25 $33.50
| |_ | |
Seed Packet _250 seeds 500 seeds 1/8 oz. 1/2 oz.
Seed Packet
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$7.25 |_
$10.75 | |
_250 seeds 500 seeds 1/8 oz. 1/2 oz.
$14.25 $27.50
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$7.25 $10.75 $14.25 $27.50
Transplants available See page 73. Transplants available See page 73.
0444Hungarian Heart
Said to have originated in a village 20 miles from 0826Italian Heirloom
Budapest around 1900. Jerry Muller of Alabama Winner of SSEs 2012 Tomato Tasting.
(formerly of Tennessee) was the first SSE member to 1232Isis Candy Cherry Outstanding heirloom from Italy. Plants
offer this variety; in 1988 he listed his seed source as Gorgeous bicolor cherry tomatoes are red with a are loaded with red fruits weighing over a
Ed Simon of Pennsylvania. Huge pink oxheart fruits spectacular cats eye starburst on the blossom end. pound. One of the most productive varieties
weigh upwards of one pound. Very few seeds and Rich, sweet, fruity flavor. Plants are loaded with we have grown at Heritage Farm. Excellent
almost no cracking. One of our favorites for fresh full tomato flavor. Ideal for slicing and
1" fruits in clusters of 6-8. Bred by SSE member canningvery little waste and easy to peel.
eating, canning, and for making roasted tomato
sauce. Indeterminate, 85 days from transplant. Joe Bratka of New Jersey. Indeterminate, 70-80 Indeterminate, 70-80 days from transplant.
days from transplant. 15,500 seeds/oz.
14,300 seeds/oz.
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$9.75 |
_250 seeds 500 seeds
Seed Packet
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$7.25 |_
$10.75 | |
_250 seeds 500 seeds 1/8 oz. 1/2 oz.
$14.25 $27.50
Seed Packet
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$9.75 |_
$13.75 | |
_250 seeds 500 seeds 1/8 oz. 1/2 oz.
$14.25 $27.50
0011Kanner Hoell
Tomato seeds are Donated by Reverend C. Frank Morrow of
typically collected Minnesota. In his donation letter, Reverend
Morrow states that the variety originated in
from fruits that are Germany and has been in his family since
suitable for eating, 1916. Red beefsteak fruit 4-5" in diameter,
1 lbs. Double fruit common. Good flavor,
as long as there are low acid, moderately sweet. Indeterminate,
no signs of rot on the 80-90 days from transplant.
ripened fruit. Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
78 | www.seedsavers.org
1611Mamie Browns Pink 0259Martinos Roma 0109Mexico Midget
Donated to SSE in 1995 by Alicia Brown- Italian heirloom with pretty rugose (puckered) Winner of SSEs 2014 Tomato Tasting. Hundreds
Matthes of Iowa. This variety was a favorite foliage. Very heavy set of mild 2-3 ounce fruits of -" dark red cherry tomatoes on each
of Alicias grandmother, Mamie Brown, who perfectly suited for making sauce, salsa, and plant. Huge tomato flavor for such small fruits.
grew it in her West Virginia garden. Large, pink paste. Tends to fall off the vine when fully ripe. Great for salads or selling in pints. Plants
beefsteak type with a perfect sweet/acid flavor Determinate, but requires trellis. 75 days from produce throughout the entire growing season.
balance. Indeterminate, 80-90 days from transplant. transplant. Indeterminate, 60-70 days from transplant.
| | | |
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(25 seeds) $9.75 |
250 seeds 500
| |
1,000 2,500
$13.75 $19.25 $34.00
Seed Packet
250 seeds 500
(25 seeds) $9.75
1,000 2,500
$13.75 $19.25 $34.00
Transplants available See page 73.
0446Moonglow Lifter (Halladays)
W i n n e r o f S S E s 2 0 0 7 Kentucky family heirloom
To m a t o Ta s t i n g . grown since the 1930s by three
Un i f o r m b r i g h t o r a n g e generations of James Halladays
globes with solid family. In a trial of 25 Mortgage
flesh, few seeds, and mild Lifter types, Halladays produced
sweetness. Excellent keeper. the best crops of 1-2 pound pink
Indeterminate, 85 days from beefsteak fruits. Exceptionally
transplant. meaty and typically crack-free.
Great old-fashioned tomato
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
_______________________________________ flavor. Indeterminate, 80-90 days
250 seeds $9.75 | 500 seeds $13.75
from transplant. 11,300 seeds/oz.
$19.25 | 2,500 $34.00
_______________________________________ Seed Packet (50 seeds) $2.99
250 seeds $7.25 | 500 seeds $10.75
1/8 oz. $14.25 | 1/2 oz. $27.50
80 | www.seedsavers.org
1530Rosso Sicilian 1484Sheboygan 1236Siberian
(aka Russo Sicilian Togetta) Italian heirloom Grown since the early 1900s by Lithuanian Introduced through SSE in 1984 by Will Bonsall,
brought by a Sicilian man to the U.S. in 1987; immigrants in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Pink paste originally from the Lowden Collection. Dwarf
given to Ann Fuller of Mitchell, Indiana, who said type 4-6 ounce fruits. Excellent flavor. Heavy sprawling plants with early fruit set. Egg-shaped
its slices look like red-petaled flowers (rosso means yields, great for canning. Indeterminate, 80 days 2" fruits with good strong flavor. Not the same
red). Striking crayfish red costoluta (ribbed) fruits from transplant.
as Siberia, which is inferior in all respects.
Determinate, 70 days from transplant
weigh up to 6 ounces. Firm pithy flesh is perfect for Seed Packet
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$9.75 |
_250 seeds 500 seeds
making tomato sauce or paste. Thin skin bruises
easily. Determinate. 70-90 days from transplant.
_______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(25 seeds) $9.75 |
250 seeds 500
| |
1,000 2,500
$13.75 $19.25 $34.00
Seed Packet
$2.99 (25 seeds) _$9.75 |
_250 seeds 500 seeds
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 81
0265Tommy Toe 1183Trophy 1234-Ukrainian Purple
Exceptionally vigorous plants yield hundreds of Introduced in 1870 by Colonel George E. (aka Purple Russian) Original stock of this variety
large red cherry tomatoes throughout the season. Waring, Jr., of Rhode Island. Sold for five came from Irma Henkel in the Ukraine. Plum-
The superb flavor won it top billing over 100 other dollars per packet (equivalent to eighty dollars shaped fruits are 3-4" long and weigh 6 ounces,
varieties in an Australian taste test. Indeterminate, today). Gardeners paid the exorbitant price generally crack-free. Great flavor, sweet and meaty.
70 days from transplant. 13,000 seeds/oz. hoping to win the $100 grand prize at the local Plants are very productive. Indeterminate, 80 days
_______________________________________________________________ fair. Sweet 5-7 ounce tomatoes are ideal for from transplant. 11,800 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$7.25 |_
$10.75 | |
_250 seeds 500 seeds 1/8 oz. 1/2 oz.
$14.25 $27.50
slicing. Indeterminate, 80 days from transplant.
11,300 seeds/oz.
Seed Packet
| |_ | |
_250 seeds 500 seeds 1/8 oz. 1/2 oz.
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$7.25 $10.75 $14.25 $27.50
Seed Packet
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$7.25 |_
$10.75 | |
_250 seeds 500 seeds 1/8 oz. 1/2 oz.
$14.25 $27.50
Additional Tomatoes:
Full Descriptions Online
1314Cream Sausage
1481Hartmans Yellow
0025Plum Lemon 1059Wisconsin 55
1620White Tomesol 1453Powers Heirloom Bred by JC Walker at the University of Wisconsin
Pale yellow-white 8 ounce fruits with a pretty in the 1940s. Excellent all-purpose tomato, great
blush of pink on the blossom end. Color will 0980Roman Candle for canning. Does best on rich soils. Remembered
darken proportionately with the amount of as one of the best home and market tomatoes
sun exposure. Flavor is sweet, rich, and mild. 1485Trucker's Favorite in the Madison, Wisconsin area. Indeterminate,
Indeterminate, 80 days from transplant. 80 days from transplant.
_______________________________________________________________ 1318Variegated _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet
| |
_250 seeds 500 seeds
$2.99 (50 seeds) _$7.25 $10.75
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(25 seeds) $9.75 |
250 seeds 500
| |
1,000 2,500
$13.75 $19.25 $34.00
82 | www.seedsavers.org
Local Gardens are Delivering
In the early 1900s Chelsea, Iowa was famous for melons
grown on the sandy hills north of town. Farmers would
fill their horse-drawn triple box wagons in the field,
Blacktail Mountain Chelsea haul them to town, and sell the melons right from the
wagons. Today SSE member Marvin Kucera is the only
person growing this watermelon in Chelsea. Sweet,
pink-fleshed, 15-20 pound fruits with white seeds
will keep for several weeks once picked. 90-100 days.
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
1239Chris Cross
Family heirloom from Montrose, Iowa that was
once thought to be lost. The result of a cross
between Hawksbury and Dixie Queen made by
Chris Christensen in 1950. Reliable yields of 15-20
pound nearly round pale green fruits with jagged
dark green stripes. Moderately sweet. 85-90 days.
Seed Packet
| 250 seeds | 1,000
$2.99 (25 seeds) $13.00 $27.50
0778Cream of Saskatchewan
Watermelon varieties Brought to Saskatchewan by Russian immigrants.
Does well in cool northern climates. Round fruits
can be adequately up to 10" in diameter, 4-10 pounds. A rare treat with
maintained by growing Chris Cross Cream of Saskatchewan
sweet white flesh, exceptional flavor. Pale green skin
relatively few plants with dark stripes. Very thin rind, must be handled
- a population size with carestrictly garden to table. 80-85 days.
of 5 to 10 plants is ______________________________________________________________________
recommended to
Seed Packet
| 250 seeds | 1,000
$2.99 (25 seeds) $8.25 $20.00 | 2,500
conserve the genetic 1107Golden Midget
diversity of a An outstanding little watermelon, with golden-yellow
variety. rind and salmon pink flesh. Pleasantly sweet, about
3 pounds in weight. Bred by Elwyn Meader and
Albert Yaeger at UNH in 1959; a cross between
New Hampshire Midget and Pumpkin Rind. Has a
built-in ripeness indicator: fruits turn yellow when
ready. Very early variety, ripening in just 70 days.
Seed Packet
| 250 seeds | 1,000
$2.99 (25 seeds) $13.00 $24.60 | 2,500
An extraordinary watermelon offered by the Willhite Seed
Company in the early 1980s. Fiery orange flesh is sugary,
delicious, and crisp. Large oblong fruits average 25 pounds.
A reliable producer and Heritage Farm favorite. 90-100 days.
Seed Packet
| 250 seeds | 1,000
$2.99 (25 seeds) $13.00 $27.50 | 2,500
1500Petite Yellow
A deliciously sweet and refreshing small icebox
watermelon. Ideal for small familiesand small
refrigerators. Early maturity, adapted to short-
season areas. Excellent market variety. 65-80 days.
__________________________________________________________________________ Orangeglo Petite Yellow
Seed Packet
| 250 seeds | 1,000
$2.99 (25 seeds) $13.00 $27.50 | 2,500
A midseason variety bred by Asgrow Seed Company and
introduced in 1972. Peacock-type with uniform mildly sweet
pink flesh and hard rind. Resistant to fusarium wilt. Well
suited for shipping. 95 days.
Seed Packet
| 250 seeds | 1,000
$2.99 (25 seeds) $13.00 $27.50 | 2,500
0454Sweet Siberian
A Siberian heirloom imported in 1901. J.C. Robinson
Seed Co. listed it in The Cucurbits Illustrated
(1937). Obtained from the USDA by SSE member
Glenn Drowns; reintroduced in 1987 by his Sand
Hill Preservation Center in Calamus, Iowa. Green
oblong watermelons weigh about 10 pounds. Flesh
is very sweet, juicy, and apricot-colored. 80-85 days.
Seed Packet
| 250 seeds | 1,000
$2.99 (25 seeds) $13.00 $27.50 | 2,500
Stone Mountain Sweet Siberian
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 85
Midwestern Prairie Mixes
Formulated for Seed Savers Exchange by our neighbors at Shooting
Star Native Seeds (shootingstarnativeseed.com).
Each package contains enough seed to plant 1,000 square feet.
We recommend seeding the Grass Mix along with the Wildflower
Mix to maximize prairie diversity and inhibit weed pressure. Best
sown in Spring or late Fall.
Dry Prairie Mix (Suitable for dry Midwestern
soils, NOT for desert climates). These mixes will thrive on
slopes and well-drained uplands. Mature plants will range from
2 to 4 feet.
1627Dry Wildflower Mix 20 varieties per packet
0.8 oz. (30,000 seeds) $10.00
1628Dry Grass Mix 6 varieties per packet
3.2 oz. (50,000 seeds) $10.00
0962Lupine 0964Prairie
(Lupinus perennis) Blazingstar
Lupines dense spires of (Liatris pycnostachya) One
bright blue flowers signal of the most spectacular
the coming of spring. and majestic of the prairie
Lupine is the only food plants. Large spikes of
plant for the larvae of the tightly bunched magenta
endangered Karner Blue flowers bloom from the
butterfly. Plants grow top to the bottom of the
2' tall on sandy loams stalk. An excellent cut or
to very dry sandy soils. dried flower. Grows 3-4'
Will not grow well in clay tall. Perennial. Hardy to
soils. Perennial. Hardy to zone 4.
zone 4. _____________________________________
___________________________________ Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
86 | www.seedsavers.org
American Prairie Seeds
(Asclepias tuberosa) Beautiful bright orange flowers cover the plant from mid-
summer until early fall. Attracts bees, hummingbirds, moths, and butterflies.
Blooms reliably from seed the first year if sown early. Plants will reach 2-3'
0283Black-Eyed Susan tall in dry sandy soil and in well-drained loams. Perennial. Hardy to zone 4.
(Rudbeckia hirta) Best known of all the prairie flowers and Seed Packet (50 seeds) $2.99 | 1,000 seeds $20.00
the easiest to grow. A single plant can produce hundreds
of blooms over the summer and into the fall. Excellent
cut flower with 6-10 days of vase life. Plants grow 2-3'.
Self-seeding biennial or hardy annual. Hardy to zone 3.
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99 | 1,000 seeds $5.50 | 2,500 $12.25
1106Red Milkweed
( A s c l e p i a s i n c a r n a t a) P r e f e r r e d f o o d s o u r c e o f Mo n a r c h
caterpillars. Often found growing near Joe-Pye Weed. Bright pink
and red vanilla-scented flowers appear in June and July. Grows 5'
tall on moist soils with good drainage. Perennial. Hardy to zone 4.
Seed Packet (50 seeds) $2.99 | 1,000 seeds $15.00
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 87
members offer 66 varieties
When stored
under cool,
dry conditions,
sunflower seeds
can be expected to
remain viable for
six years.
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 89
Display Gardens at Heritage Farm
0292Love-Lies- 1066Calendula
Bleeding Mixture
( A m a ra n t h u s c a u d a t u s ) (Calendula officinalis)
Recorded in South America Spectacularly colorful and
before the 16th century, often diverse mixture of varieties in
referred to as Inca W heat. many shapes and colors, great
for borders or mass plantings.
Grown for use as a cereal and in This European native has been
ancient religious ceremonies. used for thousands of years
Long red ropelike seed- in creams to soothe irritated
bearing trusses give plants skin and other inflammatory
an ornamental and graceful problems. Self-seeding hardy
appearance. Great for long- annual, 20-24" tall.
lasting displays. Tender annual,
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99
3-4' tall. _______________________________________
1,000 seeds $4.50 | 5,000 $14.25
Seed Packet (500 seeds) $2.99
1,000 seeds $4.25 | 5,000 $12.75
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 91
1065Spider Flower Mixture 1261Cup and Saucer Vine 1327Sea Shells Cosmos Mixture
(Cleome hassleriana) (aka Cleome) Introduced (Cobaea scandens) This sizeable climbing annual (Cosmos bipinnatus) Exotic tubular flowers in
from the West Indies to England in 1817. produces large bell-shaped flowers on vines up to shades of pink, red, and white. Bright colorful
Airy blossoms in a mix of rose, pink, purple, 20'. Rare white-flowered variety. Multiple tendrils blooms on tall stems with typical ferny cosmos
and white. Flowers are followed by narrow grasp easily to rough surfaces like stone walls or foliage. A real eye-catcher in any garden. Very easy
4-5" intriguing seedpods which resemble spider a trellis. Can also be grown in large pots. Plants to grow from seed. Half-hardy annual, 4-5' tall.
legs. Moderately thorny stems. Very easy to prefer sunny areas and a light rich soil. Half-hardy Seed Packet (100 seeds) $2.99
maintain. Self-seeding, half-hardy annual, 3-4' tall. annual.
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99 | 1,000 seeds $4.25
_______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet (10 seeds) $2.99 | 250 seeds $16.75
0837Sensation 0788Diablo
Cosmos Mixture Cosmos
(C. bipinnatus) This summer (C . s u l p h u r e u s ) D i a b l o
bloomer is a good choice for translates as Devil in Spanish.
northern gardeners. Large, Native to Mexico, introduced
sturdy plants have beautiful into English horticulture late
ferny foliage and a w ide in the 18th century. This scarlet
mixture of colors. Grows well strain is beautiful when planted
in light dry soils. AAS winner in a random pattern and lasts
in 1936. Half-hardy annual, up to a week when cut for
4-5' tall. arrangements. AAS winner in
1974. Half-hardy annual, 2-3'
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99
_______________________________________ tall bushy plants.
1,000 seeds $4.25 | 5,000 $12.75
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99
1,000 seeds $4.25 | 5,000 $12.75
92 | www.seedsavers.org
0474Ruby Moon Hyacinth Bean 0836Amado Coneflower 0986California Poppy Mixture
(Dolichos lablab) Striking dark violet stems, (Echinacea purpurea) Beautiful 4" flower with a (Eschscholzia californica) First noted on
leaf veins, and pods with beautiful lilac colored center cone that is tipped with green and gold. the Pacific coast by Dr. Johann Friedrich
blossoms extending above the foliage on long Blooms the first season if sown early. Very nice Eschscholtz, who was the leader of a Russian
straight stems. In Asia and Africa, hyacinth beans when mixed in garden borders or with plantings expedition in 1815. Officially designated
are grown for food and can be eaten if prepared of purple coneflowers. Perennial in zones 3-9, the state flower of California on December
properly. We do not recommend growing for food, 2-3' tall. 12, 1890. Spectacular long-lasting display of
but rather as an ornamental. Vines grow 10-15' if Seed Packet (50 seeds) $2.99
lively colors. Self-seeding annual, 12-16" tall.
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
given proper support. Half-hardy annual.
_______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet (1,000 seeds) $2.99 | 5,000 seeds $7.50
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $5.00
1071Globe 1072Strawflower
Amaranth Mixture
(Gomphrena globosa) Native (Helichrysum bracteatum)
to Brazil but thrives almost Australian native that was
anywhere. Balanced mixture of introduced to Europe in
5-7 colors attracts a multitude 1799. Large papery flowers
of butterflies. Very easy to used extensively in dried
grow from seed, exceptionally
productive. Excellent cut arrangements and as a long-
flower, both fresh and dried. lasting cut flower. Cutting
Half-hardy annual, 24-30" tall. promotes bud formation, so
_______________________________________ cut often. Mix of 8-10 colors.
Seed Packet (100 seeds) $2.99
Annual, 30-36" tall.
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 93
1272Sunrise Serenade 1274White Cypress Vine 1275Bunny Tails
Morning Glory (Ipomoea quamoclit) This annual plant produces (Lagurus ovatus) Great ornamental grass for
(Ipomoea purpurea) Highly sought after old masses of five-pointed small white flowers. children and adults alike. It is hard to resist
heirloom that was unavailable for many years, Normally only available in red. Feathery fern-like touching the fluffy flower head, as soft as a bunnys
but recently brought back into circulation. foliage reaching a height of 15-20'. Hundreds of tail! Easy to grow, very drought tolerant once
Very unusual double ruby-red flowers, strong blooms throughout the season, a favorite with established. Dwarf habit. Annual, 6-12" tall.
climber. Truly the most dramatic morning glory hummingbirds. For sunny spots, fences, or pots. _______________________________________________________________
available to gardeners. Sure to attract attention, Half-hardy annual.
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99 | 1,000 seeds $8.50
unique within the genus. Half-hardy annual.
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
Seed Packet
$2.99 (100 seeds) |
1,000 seeds
$4.25 | 5,000
94 | www.seedsavers.org
0282Bells of Ireland 0015Perfect Mix 0052Night-Scented Tobacco
(Moluccella laevis) Great conversation piece in any (Nicotiana alata) (aka Flowering Tobacco) Showy (Nicotiana sylvestris) Often referred to as
garden. Interesting spikes of green bell-shaped waves of trumpet-shaped 3" flowers. Perfect Mix Woodland Tobacco, this 5' tall plant has 3-4"
calyces surrounding the insignificant white of fuchsia, white, purple, salmon, lavender, rust, hanging trumpet-shaped white blossoms. Flowers
flowers, quite fragrant. Excellent for cutting; color and bronze flowers. Developed at The Institute open in the evening releasing a pleasant sweet
and shape are preserved nicely when dried. Native of Vegetable Breeding and Seed Production fragrance. Tender perennial, grown as an annual.
to the Mediterranean region. Half-hardy annual, west of Moscow. Self-seeding annual, 5-6' tall. _______________________________________________________________
18-36" tall.
_______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99 | 1,000 seeds $4.25
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99 1,000 seeds $10.50
0291 0987Ladybird
Love-in-a-Mist Poppy
Oxford Blue (Papaver commutatum) Bright
(Nigella damascena) First fire engine red blossoms with
appeared in England around conspicuous black spots. Easily
1570. Some very imaginative distinguishable poppy, one of
folk names include Love- our favorites at Heritage Farm
Entangle and Jack-in-Prison. each summer. Very easy to
Intriguing striped seedpods grow. To avoid self-seeding,
dry well. It is hard to resist seedpods should be picked off
popping the seedpods when before they mature and shatter.
they are green because they Self-seeding annual, 12-18" tall.
pop li ke little bal loons! _______________________________________
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 95
0051Kiss-Me-Over-the-Garden-Gate 0472Gibsonii Castor Bean 0129Painted Tongue
(Polygonum orientale) Eye-catching heirloom heavily (Ricinus communis) Introduced into English (Salpiglossis sinuata) Spectacular Chilean relative
laden with pendulous dark pink catkins. Makes gardens in the 16th century. Stately quick- of the petunia, introduced in 1824. Branching
handsome dried bouquets, but nice as a fresh cut grow ing ornamental plant w ith tropical 12-24" stems with 2" striped trumpet-shaped
flower too. Exotic and beautiful when the plants appearance. Large red-tinged foliage and brightly flowers in a wide range of almost metallic colors.
are swaying in the summer breeze. Difficult to colored seedpods, a real head-turner. Listed in
transplant; sow in place. Self-seeding annual, 6-9' 1896 catalog of R. & J. Farquhars. Seeds and Salpiglossis comes from two Greek words meaning
tall. Germination may take up to 2 months. Start seedpods are poisonousplease use caution! trumpet and tongue, referring to the velvet-like
seeds in early spring. Annual, 6-8' tall. blossoms. Annual.
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet (100 seeds) $2.99
_______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
_______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99 | 1,000 seeds $4.25
0791 1081
Color Mixture Red Marietta
Pincushion Marigold
(S cab i os a at rop ur p urea) (Tagetes patula) Continuous
Mixture of white, blue, maroon, succession of beautiful 2"
and red. Great long-lasting cut blooms provide a spectacular
splash of color all summer.
flower. Benefits from partial Perfect for borders or scattered
shade in the South. Sweetly throughout the garden. Classic
scented blooms attract many marigold aroma. Annual, 12-
butterflies and hummingbirds. 18" tall.
Annual, 24-30" tall.
_______________________________________ Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99
Seed Packet (100 seeds) $2.99
_______________________________________ 1,000 seeds $4.25 | 5,000 $12.75
96 | www.seedsavers.org
1286Milkmaid Nasturtium 1287Black Velvet Nasturtium 0993Empress of India Nasturtium
(Tropaeolum majus) This is the closest to white (T. minus) Intense velvety-black flower, a (T. minus) A classic Victorian nasturtium with dark
of any nasturtium available to gardeners, unique completely unique color within this genus. blue-green foliage. Brilliant crimson flowers on 12-
within the genus. Many years of selection have Dwarf 10-12" plants are ideal for containers. 14" plants. Suitable for containers. The flowers and
gone into producing this pale cream to yellow- For a great contrast, try adding blossoms leaves can be used as a garnish or as a peppery
white variety. A great conversation piece in any to your fresh spring salads. Hardy annual.
addition to salads and pastas. Hardy annual.
garden. Hardy annual. |
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99 1,000 seeds $40.50 |
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99 1,000 seeds $19.50
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet (25 seeds) $2.99
(Verbena bonariensis) (aka Purple Top)
Introduced to England from South America
1470Star of the Veld 0306Zulu Prince Daisy around 1725. Stiff stems with dark green
(Ursinia anethoides) Beautiful annual from South (Venidium fastuosum) (aka Monarch of the Veld) leaves support an endless succession of purple
Africa. Massive explosion of long-lasting 2" African native. Silver-tinged foliage is finely lobed flowers up to and even after the first light
golden flowers atop silvery foliage. Well suited for and silky in appearance. Tolerant of heat, sun, frost. Thrives in warm dry soil, very easy to
the garden and excellent for containers. Drought and drought. Does best in warm dry conditions. grow. Great for subtle borders where height
tolerant. Annual, 16" tall. Beautiful creamy white blooms until frost. Annual, is needed. Tender perennial, usually grown
Seed Packet (100 seeds) $2.99
2' tall. as an annual, 3-4' tall.
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet (100 seeds) $2.99
_______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 97
0996Johnny Jump-Up 0997Historic Pansies Mix 0080Gift Zinnia
(Viola x williamsiana) (aka Heartsease) Native to (Viola x wittrockiana) None of the original pansies (Zinnia elegans) Obtained during the 1991 coup
Spain and the Pyrenees Mountains. Truly a classic introduced in the 1800s by the Vilmorin Company from breeders at the Moscow branch of the
garden flower that never goes out of fashion. of Paris still exist by their true names. Fortunately Vavilov Institute, and grown at Heritage Farm
Like all violas, can be used as an edible garnish for gardeners, seedsman Kees Sahin kept a every summer since. Upright 3' plants, 3-4" flowers
with cheeses or salads. Plants are exceedingly collection of 13,000 violas in the Netherlands. (both singles and doubles) are brilliant red with
free-blooming from spring through late autumn. Kees re-assembled a mixture closely resembling an occasional orange blossom. Annual.
Self-seeding biennial, 5-6" tall. the original Bambini Mixture from Vilmorin. The
_______________________________________________________________ Seed Packet (100 seeds) $2.99
flowers are reminiscent of little smiling faces with _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet
$2.99 (250 seeds) |
1,000 seeds
$4.25 | 5,000
distinct whiskers. Self-seeding biennial, 6-8" tall.
Seed Packet (50 seeds) $2.99
Giant Zinnia
(Z. elegans) Beautiful large-flowered strain of
zinnia from Ernst Benary, one of the oldest
German seed companies (founded in Erfurt
in 1843). Fully double blossoms are 4-5"
across and come in a wide array of colors.
Magnificent when in bloom. Long stems are
ideal for cutting. Annual, 3-4' tall.
Seed Packet (100 seeds) $5.00
Additional Flowers:
Full Descriptions Online
1322Mixed Bachelor's Buttons
(Centaurea cyanus)
98 | www.seedsavers.org
Seed Collections
Savings of
These collections make excellent gifts for your gardening friends or a great value for yourself. on each packet
Each collection contains one packet of each variety. We reserve the right to substitute seed varieties in case of shortages. when purchasing
this collection
Collection includes six (6) individual packets: Collection includes six (6) individual packets:
Autumn Beauty Cherokee Trail of Tears bean
Lemon Queen Chioggia beet
Taiyo Dragon carrot
Teddy Bear A & C Pickling cucumber
Valentine SSE Lettuce Mixture
Velvet Queen German Pink tomato
Seed Saving Collection
Seed saving is simple for the new or experienced gardener with this
collection. Excellent starter kit with step-by-step seed saving instructions
for six popular vegetables that can be grown side by side in one garden.
item 1634 | $14.35
Collection includes six (6) individual packets:
Amish Paste tomato Grandpa Admire's lettuce
Green Arrow pea Lolla Rossa lettuce
Calypso bean Provider bean
Additional collection
Children's Seed Collection See page 107
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 99
members offer 259 varieties
| | |
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet _ 1,000 seeds_ 5,000 10,000
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99 1,000 seeds $4.25
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99 | 1,000 seeds $4.25
_______________________________________________________________ $2.99 (250 seeds) _$4.25 $7.25 $12.75
0272Mrs. Burns Lemon Basil 0274Purple Dark Opal Basil 0829Thai Basil
(O. basilicum) Heirloom strain from New Mexico. (O. basilicum) Most likely the same basil Vilmorin (O. basilicum) Spicy anise-clove scent and flavor.
Intense citrus aroma, popular for vinegars and referred to in 1885 as Large Purple Sweet Basil. Most commonly used in Thai or Vietnamese
seafood dishes. Plants are 12-18" tall with a neat Beautiful lilac flowers with dark red stems. Excellent cooking. Attractive plants are 12-18" tall with
habit, small green leaves, and white flowers. Dries contrast with green basil. Spectacular as a garnish, medium green leaves and purple stems and
nicely. The finest strain of lemon basil available. in salads, or for adding color to basil vinegars. blossoms. Good for container gardening.
Annual. Very uniform, all purple Italian strain. Annual. Annual.
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(250 seeds) _$4.25 | |
_ 1,000 seeds_ 5,000 10,000
$7.25 $12.75
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(250 seeds) _$4.25 | |
_ 1,000 seeds_ 5,000 10,000
$7.25 $12.75
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(250 seeds) _$4.50 |
_ 1,000 seeds_ 5,000
100 | www.seedsavers.org
0457Borage 0459Catnip 0811German Chamomile
(Borago officinalis) Beautiful blue star-shaped (Nepeta cataria) First grown in America in the (Matricaria recutita) Native to Europe, Africa,
flowers hang in clusters. The leaves are covered late 1700s. Euphoric effect for cats. Makes a and Asia. Chamomile has a very pleasant
with stiff white hairs that give the plant a wooly tasty herbal tea for humans. Bushy plants spread fragrance and was a popular strewing herb in
appearance. Bees love the abundant bright flowers, 2-3' when mature. Very drought tolerant once medieval England. Graceful plants are 12-20"
which are great for floating in cool drinks at plants are established. Perennial in zones 3-9. tall with endless masses of 1" attractive daisy-like
summer parties. Plants grow 2-3' tall and self-sow flowers that can be used to make tea. Annual.
readily. Annual. |
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99 1,000 seeds $5.75
Packet (250 seeds) $2.99 | 1,000 seeds $5.75
Seed Packet
$2.99 |
(100 seeds) _$8.50 |
_ 1,000 seeds _ 5,000
(Coriandrum sativum) No Mexican meal
1243Chives 1244Garlic Chives is complete without this multi-purpose 0462Cumin
(Allium schoenoprasum) Delicate (A. tuberosum) Mild garlic-flavored herb. The fresh leaves are called cilantro, (Cuminum cyminum) Native to
onion-flavored foliage is good for flattened leaves. Beautiful white star- and the seeds are used as a spice called Egypt. Low-growing plant seldom
fresh eating or cooking, excess freezes shaped flower clusters are a pleasant coriander. Successive sowings ensure a exceeding 6" in height. Seeds are
well. The lavender-pink flowers are surprise in late August. Perennial in continuous supply. Slow bolting strain. used as a flavoring in soups, stews,
also edible and attractive. Plants will zones 4-8.
50-55 days to first leaf harvest, 90-120 curry powder, and pastries and are
self seed. Perennial in zones 3-9.
________________________________________________ Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99 days for seed. Annual, 1-2' tall.
still being used in the manufacture of
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99
________________________________________________ |
1,000 seeds $4.25 5,000 $12.50 Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99
some liqueurs. Self-seeding annual.
1,000 seeds $5.75 | 5,000 $12.50
1,000 seeds $4.25 | 5,000 $7.25
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99
10,000 $17.50
________________________________________________ 10,000 $12.75
| | Seed _______________________________________________________________
Seed Packet _ 1,000 seeds_ 5,000 _______________________________________________________________
$2.99 (250 seeds) _$4.25 $7.25 Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99
102 | www.seedsavers.org
0464Lemon Balm 0810Lemon Mint 0816Lovage Magnus'
(Melissa officinalis) A favorite of French King (Monarda citriodora) (aka Lemon Bee Balm, (Levisticum officinale) Very uniform selection
Charles V in the 14th century. Strong lemon- Horsemint) Used by Native Americans for of lovage with green-yellow flowers. The leaves,
scented leaves are used for making tea. Said to medicinal and culinary purposes. Citrus-flavored stems, and seeds all taste like celery. Used
have a calming effect and is also soothing for upset leaves can be minced and added to fruit jellies. extensively in preparing soups and salads.
stomachs. Perennial in zones 4-9. Beautiful purplish bracts, 24-30" tall. Aromatic Perennial in zones 3-8.
_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
and colorful in fall. Excellent bee forage plant.
Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99 | 1,000 seeds $5.75
_______________________________________________________________ Self-seeding annual. Seed Packet (250 seeds) $2.99 | 1,000 seeds $5.75
Seed Packet (100 seeds) $2.99 1,000 seeds $4.25
104 | www.seedsavers.org
Bulk Seed Availability Seed Savers Exchange, Inc.
Founded in 1975 by
Diane Ott Whealy and Kent Whealy
(for Commercial Growers and Wholesalers)
Board of Directors
David Cavagnaro Rosalind Creasy
Keith Crotz Larry Grimstad
Neil Hamilton Rob Johnston, Jr.
Jovan Sage Hope Shand Rowen White
Special Advisor to the Board:
Amy P. Goldman Fowler, PhD
Martin Teitel
John Torgrimson Executive Director
Diane Ott Whealy Vice President
Lynne Rilling, CPA Deputy Director-Admin
Jim Edrington Facilities Manager
Tim Johnson, PhD Seed Bank Mgr.
Tor Janson Collection Curator
Kelly Tagtow Marketing & Development Dir.
Phil Jahnke Sauer Seed House Operational Mgr.
Heidi Cook Visitors Center Supervisor
Cindy Goodner Fundraising Coordinator
Karen Anderson Paul Kadlec
Bill Musser Cindy Williams
Steven Burg Dan Bussey Alex Enriquez
Katharyn Gove Amy Holmgren
Many of the varieties promoted in Phil Kauth, PhD Steffen Mirsky
this catalog are also available in larger Hannah Oakley Korbin Paul
Emily Rocksvold Zach Row-Heyveld
quantities than those listed. Gabe Smith Phillip Smith
Sara Straate Bryan Stuart
If you are interested in receiving a quote
on availability and pricing, please submit
Seed House
Lisa Blaess Dianne Burke
a list of desired items and quantities to
Aaron Burmeister Kathy Greentree
[email protected]. Trisha Hageman Lou Ann Hall
Katie Ann Hershberger Jordan Nelson
Laura Ollendick Constance Oliver
Tara Oyloe Kathy Rosendahl
Safe Seed Pledge Sarah Stevens Kevin Storey
Rachel Swartzentruber Therese Vang
Tom Wahlberg Joshua Wennes
Agriculture and seeds provide the basis upon which our lives depend. We must
Rochelle Wiedenhoeft Jennifer Zoch
protect this foundation as a safe and genetically stable source for future gener-
ations. For the benefit of all farmers, gardeners, and consumers who want an
alternative, we pledge that we do not knowingly buy or sell genetically engineered
Education & Marketing
Lauren Bonney Toby Cain
seeds or plants. The mechanical transfer of genetic material outside of natural Otter Dreaming Katherine Johnson
reproductive methods and between genera, families, or kingdoms poses great Abe Mendez Grant Olson Beth Ryan
Jeanine Scheffert Pat Torgrimson
biological risks as well as economic, political, and cultural threats. We feel that Gabrielle White
genetically engineered varieties have been insufficiently tested prior to public
release. More research and testing is necessary to further assess the potential
risks of genetically engineered seeds.
Tim Abbott Corey Cordell
Richard Jensen Greg Thorson
Cover photo by Lauren Bonney of the diverse varieties grown at Seed Savers Exchange Heritage Farm.
Suzanne Ashworth Dan Beard
Clive Blazey David Ellis, PhD
Sincere thanks to the following photographers for their beautiful images: Jessica Babcock, Clive Blazey, Lauren Joel Girardin Jim Henry
Bonney, Toby Cain, David Cavagnaro, Rosalind Creasy, Trisha Hageman, Tim Johnson, Grant Olson, Jim Lindsay Lee Lee Zieke Lee
Richardson, Silver Moon Photography, Aaron Whaley, Becky Whaley, Kent Whealy. Line art courtesy of Robert Craig LeHoullier Beth Lynch, PhD
Becker Memorial Library. Deborah Madison Laura Merrick, PhD
Phil Sponnenberg, PhD John Swenson
Seed Savers Exchange, Seed Savers Exchange logo (hands sharing seeds),
Passing On Our Garden Heritage, Heritage Farm, are trademarks of Seed Savers Exchange, Inc.
106 | www.seedsavers.org
The Backyard Orchardist (Second Edition) The Tao of Vegetable Gardening Children
By Stella Otto. The By Carol Deppe
first edition of this book New Inspired and informed New Oh Say Can You Seed?
was the go-to book for by the philosophy and All about flowering plants
novice and experienced wisdom of Tao Te Ching,
home orchardists for this book explores the By Bonnie Worth Illustrated by Aristides Ruiz
(Cat in the Hats Learning Center Library Series)
over 2 decades. This practical methods as well
expanded and updated as the deeper essence of With the able assistance of
editionorganized gardening. Designed for Thing 1 and Thing 2 and
into 6 easy-to-follow gardeners of all levels, a fleet of Rube Goldbergian
sections systematically it focuses on some of vehicles the Cat in the Hat
guides readers through the most popular home examines the various parts
the first steps of gard en vegetabl es of plants, seeds, and flowers;
planning , planting , tomatoes, green beans, basic photosynthesis and pol-
and pruning the home peas, and leaf y greens. The book offers a lination; and seed dispersal.
orchard. The pests and disease sections are wealth of specific and valuable garden advice Hardcover, 48 pages.
Item# CH0108 $8.99
extensively illustrated and offer solutions, both on topics as diverse as: Establishing a Do-
biological and synthetic. Softcover, 320 pages. It-Yourself Seed Bank with information on
Item# RB0216 $24.95 preparing seeds for long-term storage and how
to "dehybridize" hybrids. Softcover, 288 pages.
Item# RB0096 $24.95 Compost
By Ben Raskin
A family guide to mak-
ing soil from scraps
The New Seed-Starters Handbook with information about
By Nancy Bubel. This easy-to-use reference book explains everything you kitchen and garden
need to know on starting seeds successfully, including the latest research, best composting. Includes
growing media, gardening materials, plus sources for seeds and hard-to-find pull-out activities, a
gardening supplies. A popular book at Heritage Farms gift shop and a great ad- worm measuring chart, a fresh version of Worms
dition to any library to ensure success in starting seeds. Softcover, 385 pages. and Ladders game, a step-by-step guide to build-
Item# RB0143 $18.95 ing your own compost heap and resolving prob-
lems. Great for families to learn all about the gar-
The Gardeners A-Z Guide to Growing Organic Food den-to-plate cycle together. Hardcover, 48 pages.
By Tanya L. K. Denckla. This comprehensive book provides in-depth Item# RB0374 $16.95
information about growing, harvesting, and storing 765 varieties
of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and nuts, plus organic remedies for 201 Childrens Seed Collection
garden pests and diseases. For easy reference, plants and pests are Adults and children are fascinated with the
arranged alphabetically. Fully illustrated. Softcover, 496 pages. stories of the seeds in our collection. This
Item# RB0291 $24.95
collection includes seeds that tell the story
of Grandpa Admire and his granddaughter
Chloe, how sunflowers traveled from Central
America to all corners of the globe and back
Carrots Love Tomatoes again, and the adventures of Tom Thumb. In
By Louise Riotte. First published in 1975, this much-loved classic has
taught generations of gardeners how to use plants to provide protection addition to four seed packets, the Childrens
from pests and beneficial relationships. A complete reference guide Seed Collection includes My Garden has a
for gardeners on companion planting, including practical informa- Story, a ten-page booklet to help children
tion on soil improvement and garden plans. Softcover, 219 pages. learn to plant, save seed, and tell their
Item# RB0269 $14.95 own seed story. This collection is a fun
Great Garden Companions introduction to gardening and seed saving,
By Sally Jean Cunningham. A practical book that teaches gardeners a com- and a great way to teach children where their
panion planting system. Chapters on organic soil, pest control, attracting food comes from. item 1566 $14.35
beneficial insects, and companion plants. Charts to find the best combina-
tions of plants. 60 color photos and 200 illustrations. Softcover, 288 pages. Includes booklet and one packet each
Item# RB0264 $17.95 of the following seeds:
Taiyo sunflower
Drunken Botanist Edible Landscaping Tom Thumb popcorn
The Plants that Create the By Rosalind Creasy. Gardeners are looking to Grandpa Admires lettuce
Worlds Great Drinks grow clean, delicious Rattlesnake bean
By Amy Stewa rt produce at home, plus
Ever y great drink sav ing money and
begins with a plant. An natural resources.
entertaining exploration This book presents
of the dazzling array of everything you need
herbs, flowers, trees, grains, to know to create an
and fungi that humans inviting home land-
scape that will yield 10 page
have through ingenuity,
insp irat ion and sheer mouthwatering veg- booklet
desperation contrived into alcohol over the etables, fruits, nuts,
centuries. A fascinating concoction of biology, and berries as well as
chemistry, history, etymology, and mixology culinary uses for them.
with more than fifty drink recipes and growing Presented in a full-color format, featuring more
tips for gardeners. Hardcover, 381 pages. than 300 photographs. Softcover, 428 pages.
tem# RB0036 $39.95
Item# RB0354 $19.95
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 107
Supplies and Resources for
Glassine Envelopes
Perfect for small seeds like lettuce and carrots, glassine envelopes
are air and water resistant.
50 Envelopes (1.75 x 2.75") | Item# PD0012 $5.00
108 | www.seedsavers.org
organic selections
Heirloom Non-GMO
Non-Hybrid Untreated
Phone: 563-382-5990 | 109
Planting and Seed Saving Guide
The chart on the following pages will help you plant, grow, and save seeds from your garden. We encourage you
to try saving seeds from one of your favorite varieties this year, especially if you have never saved seeds before.
When saving seed in your home garden, keep these tips in mind:
Start with
open-pollinated or
how your plants produce Know
when your seeds
are ready to harvest.
heirloom seeds, like Some can be harvested when
the ones offered in this Self-pollinating plants, like most the fruits are ripe enough to
catalog. varieties of peas, beans, tomatoes, and eat, but others need to stay
lettuce, will almost always produce on the vine longer.
seeds identical to the parent seeds.
If you are saving seeds from a
your plants are
Insect-pollinated plants, like
melons, are slightly more difficult to
variety that is rare, or if you intend
to share your seeds with others,
annuals or biennials. save seeds from because insects can take the time to learn more about
Annuals produce seed transfer pollen between different seed saving in order to protect
in their first year of life. varieties. the unique flavor and appearance
Biennials usually require of your variety. For detailed
two growing seasons to Wind-pollinated crops such as
information on planting, growing,
produce seed. corn require isolation by distance
and saving seeds for every crop in
or the use of techniques such as
our catalog, go to seedsavers.org.
hand-pollination can help maintain
varieties characteristics.
110 | www.seedsavers.org
seed savers exchange planting and seed saving guide
Plant Type Latin Name Plant Seeds Planting Notes Days to In-Row Planting Primary How to Save Seeds
Germ. Spacing Depth Pollination
Arugula Eruca sativa Outdoors as soon as Sow in spring and late summer. 3 to 10 1-6" 1/4" Annual Insects Plants will form flower stalks. Harvest seeds when they are very
soil can be worked hard and pods are dry and brittle. Split pods to remove seeds.
Asian Brassica rapa Outdoors after danger Sow in spring and late summer. 4 to 7 6" 1/4" Annual Insects Plants will form flower stalks. Harvest seeds when they are very
Greens of frost has passed hard and pods are dry and brittle. Split pods to remove seeds.
Bean Phaseolus Outdoors 4-6 weeks Harvest frequently for increased yields. 7 to 14 2" 1" Annual Self Harvest seeds when they are very hard and pods are dry and
vulgaris after last frost Some varieties require support. brittle. Split pods to remove seeds.
Beet & Beta vulgaris Outdoors as soon as Direct sow seeds 2" apart and thin. 5 to 10 6-12" 1/2" Biennial Wind In year 2, increase spacing between plants to 12-18". After flower-
Swiss soil can be worked ing, harvest seeds from dried flowers.
Broccoli & Brassica Indoors 4-6 weeks Transplant outdoors just before last frost. 3 to 10 24" 1/4" Biennial Insects After flowering in year 2, harvest seeds when they are very hard
Cauliflower oleracea before transplanting and pods are dry and brittle. Split pods to remove seeds.
Cabbage Brassica Indoors 4-6 weeks Transplant outdoors just before last frost. 7 to 12 24-36" 1/4" Biennial Insects After flowering in year 2, harvest seeds when they are very hard
oleracea before transplanting and pods are dry and brittle. Split pods to remove seeds.
Carrot Daucus carota Outdoors as soon as Direct sow 2 seeds per 1" apart and thin. up to 2-4" 1/4" Biennial Insects In year 2, increase spacing between plants to 10-12". After flower-
soil can be worked 14 ing, harvest seeds from dried flowers.
Celery Apium Indoors 10-12 weeks Transplant outdoors just before last frost. 10-20 8-10" 1/8" Biennial Insects In year 2, increase spacing between plants to 24". After flowering,
graveolens before transplanting harvest seeds from dried flowers.
Collard Brassica Indoors 4-6 weeks Transplant outdoors just before last frost. 3 to 10 24" 1/4" Biennial Insects After flowering in year 2, harvest seeds when they are very hard
oleracea before transplanting and pods are dry and brittle. Split pods to remove seeds.
Corn Zea mays Outdoors after danger Direct sow seeds 4" apart and thin. For 4 to 21 8" 1" Annual Wind Allow ears to dry on plants. Harvest before hard frost.
of frost has passed increased yield, plant in blocks of 3-6 rows,
rather than one long row.
Cucumber Cucumis Outdoors after danger Make 12" hills 6' apart in all directions. Plant 4 to 10 see notes 1" Annual Insects Harvest fruit past edible stage when skin is tough and discolored
sativus of frost has passed 6-8 seeds per hill; thin to 3-4 plants per hill. at left and seeds are plump. Remove seeds, rinse, and dry.
Eggplant Solanum Indoors 6-8 weeks Transplant outdoors 4-6 weeks after last 10 to 18-24" 1/2" Annual Self, Harvest fruit past edible stage when skin is tough and discolored
melongena before transplanting frost. 14 Insects and seeds are hard. Remove seeds, rinse, and dry.
Endive Cichorium Indoors 4-6 weeks Transplant outdoors just before last frost. 5 to 7 8" 1/4" Annual Self Plants will form flower stalks. Harvest seeds when they are very
endivia before transplanting hard and pods are dry and brittle. Split pods to remove seeds.
Gourd Cucurbita pepo; Outdoors after danger Make 12" hills spaced 6' apart in all direc- 3 to 10 see notes 1" Annual Insects Harvest dry fruit before hard frost. Separate seeds from pulp.
Lagenaria of frost has passed tions. Plant seed 1" deep with 6-8 seeds per at left
siceraria hill; thin to 3-4 plants per hill.
Kale Brassica Indoors 4-6 weeks Transplant outdoors just before last frost. 3 to 10 24" 1/4" Biennial Insects After flowering in year 2, harvest seeds when they are very hard
oleracea before transplanting and pods are dry and brittle. Split pods to remove seeds.
Kohlrabi Brassica Outdoors after danger Sow in spring and late summer. Can be 3 to 10 9-12" 1/4" Biennial Insects In year 2, increase spacing between plants to 24". After flowering,
oleracea of frost has passed transplanted. harvest seeds when they are very hard and pods are dry and brittle.
Leek Allium Indoors 8-10 weeks Transplant outdoors just before last frost. 5 to 7 6" 1/4" Biennial Insects In year 2, increase spacing between plants to 12". After flowering,
ampeloprasum before transplanting harvest seeds from dried flowers.
Lettuce Lactuca sativa Outdoors as soon as Sow seeds 1" apart and thin. Can be trans- 7 to 14 see notes 1/8" or Annual Self Plants will form flower stalks. After flowers open and form feathery
soil can be worked planted. Looseleaf: 6-8" apart; Romaine: at left surface chaff, shake seed heads into bag. Seeds mature at different rates
10" apart; Crisphead: 10-12" apart. sow repeat throughout season.
seed savers exchange planting and seed saving guide
112 |
Plant Type Latin Name Plant Seeds Planting Notes Days to In-Row Planting Primary How to Save Seeds
Germ. Spacing Depth Pollination
Lima Bean Phaseolus Outdoors after danger Tolerates heat. 7 to 18 2" 1" Annual Self, Harvest seeds when they are very hard and pods are dry
lunatus of frost has passed Insects and brittle. Split pods to remove seeds.
Melon Cucumis melo Outdoors after danger Create 12" diameter hills 6' apart. Plant 6-8 4 to 7 see notes 1/2-1" Annual Insects Remove seeds from ripe fruit, rinse, and dry.
of frost has passed seeds per hill; thin to 3-4 plants per hill. at left
Okra Abelmoschus Outdoors after danger Sow seeds 2" apart after soil has warmed. 6 to 18 12-18" 1/2" Annual Self, Collect pods when they are hard and brittle. Split pods to
esculentus of frost has passed; Thin to 12-18" apart. Tolerates heat and Insects remove seeds after completely dry.
can start indoors drought.
Onion & Allium cepa Indoors 8-10 weeks Transplant outdoors just before last frost. 4 to 10 6" 1/4" Biennial Insects In year 2, increase spacing between plants to 8". After
Shallots before transplanting flowering, harvest seeds from dried flowers.
Pea Pisum sativum Outdoors as soon as Tolerates cool weather. 7 to 14 2-3" 1/2-1" Annual Self Harvest seeds when they are very hard and pods are dry
soil can be worked and brittle. Split pods to remove seeds.
Pepper Capsicum spp. Indoors 6-8 weeks Keep soil warm while seeds sprout. Trans- 14 to 18 12-24" 1/4" Annual Self, Harvest fruit up to 2 weeks past edible stage. Remove
before transplanting plant outdoors 4-6 weeks after last frost. Insects seeds, rinse, and dry. Wear gloves if peppers are hot.
Potato Solanum Outdoors 2-3 weeks Plant in light, loose, well-drained soil. 14 to 28 12-24" 6-8" Annual Self, Save best tubers to plant next spring.
tuberosum after last frost Insects
Radish Raphanus Outdoors as soon as Plant every 3-4 weeks for a continual 3 to 12 2-3" 1/2" Annual Insects Plants will form flower stalks. Harvest seeds when they are
sativus soil can be worked harvest. very hard and pods are dry and brittle. Split pods to remove
Runner Phaseolus Outdoors after danger Provide support for vines. 5 to 10 2" 1" Annual Self, Harvest seeds when they are very hard and pods are dry
Bean coccineus of frost has passed Insects and brittle. Split pods to remove seeds.
Rutabaga Brassica napus Outdoors after danger Tolerates cool weather. 3 to 10 6-8" 1/2" Biennial Insects In year 2, increase spacing between plants to 18. After
of frost has passed flowering, harvest seeds when they are very hard and pods
are dry and brittle.
Salsify Tragopogon Outdoors as soon as Dig roots in late fall. 20 to 24 2-3" 1/2" Biennial Insects In year 2, increase spacing between plants to 6". Collect
porrifolius soil can be worked seed heads when dry.
Soybean Glycine max Outdoors after danger Tolerates heat. 5 to 7 6-12" 1" Annual Self Harvest seeds when they are very hard and pods are dry
of frost has passed and brittle. Split pods to remove seeds.
Spinach Spinacia Outdoors as soon as Sow in spring and late summer. Tolerates 7 to 14 6-8" 1/2" Annual Wind Plants will form flower stalks. Harvest seeds from dried
oleracea soil can be worked cool weather. flowers when seeds are very hard
Squash Cucurbita pepo Outdoors after danger Create 12" diameter hills 6' apart. Plant 6-8 5 to 10 see notes 1" Annual Insects Harvest fruit past edible stage when skin is tough and
(Summer) of frost has passed seeds per hill; thin to 3-4 plants. at left discolored. Remove seeds, rinse, and dry.
Squash C. pepo, Outdoors after danger Create 12" diameter hills 6' apart. Plant 6-8 5 to 10 see notes 1" Annual Insects Harvest ripe fruit before hard frost.
(Winter) C. maxima, of frost has passed seeds per hill; thin to 3-4 plants. at left Remove seeds, rinse, and dry.
C. moschata,
C. argyrosperma
Tomato & Sol. lycopersicum, Indoors 4-6 weeks Some varieties require support. Mulch 7 to 14 24-48" 1/4" Annual Self, Harvest fruit up to 2 weeks past edible stage. Remove
Tomatillos Physalis before transplanting base of plants to protect from disease. Insects seeds, ferment for 2-3 days, rinse, and dry.
Turnip Brassica rapa Outdoors as soon as Tolerates cool weather. 3 to 10 4-6" 1/4" Biennial Insects In year 2, increase spacing between plants to 12. After
soil can be worked flowering, harvest seeds when they are very hard and pods
are dry and brittle.
Watermelon Citrullus lanatus Outdoors after danger Create 12" diameter hills 8 apart. Plant 6-8 4 to 10 see notes 1/2" Annual Insects Remove seeds from ripe fruit, rinse, and dry.
of frost has passed seeds per hill; thin to 3-4 plants. at left
"If youre serious about
saving your own seeds,
youll want to own this
wonderful resource."
Mother Earth News
Filled with advice for the home gardener and the seasoned horticulturist alike,
The Seed Garden: The Art and Practice of Seed Saving provides straightforward
instruction on saving seeds.
More than
75 Crop
"The Seed Garden strips the mystery from Created by Seed Savers Exchange in collaboration with
the procreation of plants and allows the Organic Seed Alliance, bringing together decades of expert
gardener to understand the importance of
seed saving knowledge.
saving seeds for next years garden."
Aaron Keefer
Softcover, 8.5 x 11, 390 pages
Item# SB0005 $29.95
Culinary gardener at The French Laundry
| 113
Seed Savers Exchange T-Shirts
Wear your support for Seed Savers Exchange. Locally printed
100% organic cotton t-shirts made in the USA with logo printed
on the front and back. Adult shirts are unisex and available in both
long and short sleeves. Youth shirts are available in short sleeves.
Adult Long-Sleeved Adult Short-Sleeved
Sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL Item# PD0626-B $19.75
Item# PD0625-GB $23.75 (Black)
(Galaxy Blue)
Item# PD0626-GB $19.75
Item# PD0625-N $23.75 (Galaxy Blue)
Item# PD0626-N $19.75
SSE Market Bag
(Natural) Made with 100% natural
unbleached cotton, these
Logo printed on the back
of all T-shirts sturdy washable 15" x 16"
Youth Short-Sleeved Sizes: S, M, L $14.75 bags are perfect for a trip to
Item# CH0118-B Item# CH0118-N Item# CH0118-GB the farmers' market or your
(Black) (Natural) (Galaxy Blue)
local grocery store.
Item# PD0005 $12.95