Family-School Partnerships Framework PDF
Family-School Partnerships Framework PDF
Family-School Partnerships Framework PDF
A guide for schools and families
1. Introduction 2
2. Vision 4
3. Principles which underpin effective Family-School Partnerships 4
4. Supporting Structures 4
5. Key Dimensions of Family-School Partnerships 5
6. Suggested Strategies for School Communities in 8
Developing Partnerships
7. Suggested Strategies for School Systems in Developing Partnerships 14
8. Glossary 15
9. Appendices 16
10. The Elements of Best Practice 19
11. Case Studies 20
What are family-school partnerships?
Family-school partnerships are collaborative relationships and activities involving
school staff, parents and other family members of students at a school. Effective
partnerships are based on mutual trust and respect, and shared responsibility for the
education of the children and young people at the school.
How is this different from what every school does already?
Schools vary considerably in their commitment to family-school partnerships and the
energy and skills they apply to them.
Moving towards partnerships requires a significant change in attitudes by some
schools and families in order to create relationships where they see one another as
allies in education.
The Framework is based on existing good practice and provides an agreed national
approach to guide schools and families working on these issues.
The Framework recognises that many positive developments and innovations are
already occurring in schools and that a one size fits all approach to partnerships is not
feasible. Partnerships need to be underpinned by broad principles and strategies but
remain specific to school context, including family/community characteristics, school
size, levels of schooling and student needs.
Who is it for?
The Framework is intended for school systems, schools, school leaders (both staff
and parents), families and other interested people working together to develop
partnerships. The Framework is an opportunity to take stock and ask:
to what extent are partnerships occurring?;
in whose opinion are partnerships occurring?; and
is there evidence from staff and parents on the performance of partnerships?
Families and schools work together as partners in the education of
children and young people.
Supporting Structures
In order to create the conditions that enable effective family-school partnerships to be
developed and sustained, the following supporting structures need to be in place at
both systemic and school levels:
I. family-school action teams to plan, organise, implement and evaluate
II. school policies and procedures which explicitly state and clearly integrate the
principles and practices of effective partnerships;
III. support networks, to enable school communities to share ideas, issues and best
practice; and
IV. accountability to the community, to report on successes and drive improvement
in partnerships.
This family-school action team would:
audit existing arrangements and practices and collect information on the views,
experiences and wishes of teachers, parents, school leaders and students;
confirm that the school leaders and the parent network endorse the concept of
partnership and inform the school community;
develop plans for implementation, setting goals, timelines and success indicators
against the Key Dimensions of the Family-School Partnerships Framework;
arrange training for action team members;
implement agreed activities;
evaluate the effectiveness of the partnership activities;
continue to improve and coordinate practices against the Key Dimensions of the
Family-School Partnerships Framework; and
explore options for new partnerships.
Family-school communication needs to be taken seriously and must be valued,
recognised, and rewarded by schools and education systems. It is essential to provide
teachers and school leaders with education and training programs to prepare them
to communicate effectively with families in an approachable manner. It is equally
important to empower and encourage families to communicate effectively with
B. Connecting Learning at Home and at School
This key dimension emphasises:
understanding by families and schools of the overlap between the home and school
the connection between successful partnerships and the childs learning, including
the importance of high expectations from both teachers and parents to the childs
success at school;
families and schools working together to create positive attitudes to learning in
each child;
ensuring families are informed about and understand their childs progress;
families and schools valuing and using the skills and knowledge children bring both
from the home to the school and from the school to the home;
families and schools recognising and using learning opportunities in the home
parents working with teachers in the educational decision-making process for their
individual child; and
schools becoming a venue and agent for parental self-growth, learning and the
development of new skills.
Families and schools can reach mutual understanding of each others roles and
priorities in partnerships by:
exploring the nature of parent and familys role in the education of children to
develop mutual understanding;
offering strategies for family support and encouragement of childrens learning at
organising workshops/discussions/meetings and demonstrations around areas
such as literacy and numeracy, home and classroom work, raising resilience and
confidence in young people, transitions and careers and so on, depending on local
needs and priorities;
ensuring families understand school goals, curriculum and the social objectives of
ensuring schools understand family, parent and community priorities;
ensuring schools are sensitive to parents sensibilities;
ensuring schools are realistic, patient and brave;
establishing an environment where schools show leadership which is visible and
helping schools become a place that parents can call their own including creating
real roles for parents who come into the school;
building relationships; and
developing skills, such as communication, collaboration and conflict management.
E. Consultative Decision-Making
This key dimension emphasises that parents are entitled to be consulted and
participate in decisions concerning their own children.
Parents can play meaningful roles in the school decision-making processes. Training
and information to make the most of those opportunities can be provided as part of the
partnership activities.
An inclusive approach to school decision-making and parental involvement creates
a sense of shared responsibility among parents, community members, teachers and
school leaders. In turn, shared responsibility:
ensures that parents values and interests are heard and respected;
makes the school more accountable to its community;
ensures that the values and opinions of families are sought outside the formal
school structures; and
ensures that contact with Indigenous parents from within the community is sought
to ensure their engagement in school decision making.
F. Collaborating Beyond The School
This key dimension emphasises identifying, locating and integrating community
resources. The wider community provides services which can strengthen and support
schools, students and their families. Schools, families and students can assist the
community in return. Schools are increasingly collaborating with partners such as:
local businesses;
after-school care providers;
higher education;
foundations; and
other community-based agencies.
G Participating
This key dimension emphasises that families time, energy and expertise can support
learning and school programs in many ways. This may involve family members:
working with students on learning activities in classrooms;
participating in other school activities outside the classroom; or
participating in activities outside the school itself; and
supporting and valuing teachers.
Families participate in the school in a wide variety of ways and all contributions are
valuable. Participation may involve families having the opportunity to do something
that interests them and including activities that are not directly education-related.
Principle Key dimensions Suggested strategies
4, 5, 6, 7, A. Communicating A Family-School Action Team or Working Group can plan for
8 10 effective two-way communication between school and home,
for example:
- conduct a survey to assess communication needs;
- review the newsletter for relevance, ease of language and
scope to provide feedback;
- consider the placement of welcome signs around the
- review current school practice on inviting parent and family
participation and consider how this can be improved;
- consider working with parents and families to develop a
parent handbook of information on school rules, policies,
mission and goals, curriculum standards and assessment
procedures. Hold a launch event and publish it on the website
or provide it to new parents;
- find out parent and family time availability for participation
in schools events, workshops, etc.
- examine good front desk reception practice, including
bilingual office staff where appropriate and training in cultural
sensitivity and dealing with difficult people;
- set in place alternative methods of parent-teacher interviews
when personal circumstances prevent parents from attending
a face-to-face meeting, including options for telephone and
email contact;
- consider the appointment of a school contact person/s, such
as a parent-school liaison officer or an Indigenous home-
school liaison officer, to assist and support parents in their
interactions with the school (i.e. home/school liaisons);
- consider education and training programs for teachers
and school leaders that prepare them to communicate with
parents effectively and extend their reporting skills, including
training in Indigenous history and culture and in having
the ability to ensure cultural inclusiveness in their teaching
- investigate programs to welcome new families, including
induction kits developed by parents that are in user-friendly
language and font size;
- arrange for folders of student work to be sent home
regularly for review and comment;
- establish agreed strategies for dealing with incidents at
- appoint class-parent representatives, who can become a
welcoming informal network of support;
- involve students, especially older students, in interviews and
other communications from the school.
1, 2, 3, 5, B. Connecting A Family-School Action Team or Working Group can plan and
6, 7, 9 learning at home implement initiatives that explore links between learning at
and at school home and at school, for example:
- through newsletters, discussions, class meetings, etc that let
families know the school needs and values their input;
- examine the ways in which parents and families can
encourage, motivate and reinforce childrens learning at
- examine the links between home learning activities and
learning in the classroom;
- explore options for family involvement in the classroom;
- investigate the literacy/numeracy learning opportunities in
the home;
- examine the ways in which classroom practice recognises
the home environments of the students and uses texts and
other activities from home and the wider community to
ensure cultural inclusivity;
- review the schools homework policy, with homework
designed to guide parental support and provide tips for
families on how they can monitor and discuss schoolwork at
- consider the involvement of families in setting student goals
each year and in career planning;
- provide information for families on the skills required for
students in all subjects at each Year level;
- provide additional opportunities for discussions about
student progress between home and school;
- provide information and referral services to support parents
in their role as parents;
- provide cultural awareness training for school staff and
parents; and
- consider school support for after-school care and activities.
2, 4, 6, 10, C. Building A Family-School Action Team or Working Group can plan to
11 community and build a sense of community through the school for example:
- consider and implement ways in which the school can
become a community resource, eg for adult learning and
community meetings;
- provide a place for potential parents and students of the
school to meet and participate in programs, eg for early
literacy learning, health care, etc.;
- assist the resettlement of new migrants, through the work of
English as a Second Language teachers and families;
- invite people in the broader community to attend school
- invite local civic and service groups to become involved in
the school in a variety of ways, such as mentoring students
and speaking to classes;
- collaboratively develop community driven programs that
assist to revive and maintain Indigenous languages and
- create connections with local health and welfare services
to facilitate access to such support for the school community
- develop participative and inclusive approaches to the design
of values linked education across curriculum.
1, 3, 4, 5, E. Consultative A Family-School Action Team or Working Group can foster
7, 8 Decision-making family involvement in consultative decision-making,
for example:
- arrange for the school community to be consulted on new
school policies, eg assessment, reporting and curriculum
- encourage participation in the formal parents organisation in
the school and the school council or school Board and provide
appropriate induction and ongoing training and support;
- encourage participation in informal opportunities to
- seek out and include parent representatives from all racial,
ethnic, socioeconomic and other groups at the school;
- include students (along with parents) in decision-making
- provide for parent input to formal school reviews;
- offer training and support to parent leaders; and
- establish networks to link all families with parent
2, 6, 10, F Collaborating A Family-School Action Team or Working Group can plan for
11 beyond the school interaction with the wider community, for example:
- gather and provide information and access for students and
families on community health, cultural, recreational, social
support and other programs or services;
- gather and provide information on community activities that
link to learning skills and talents, including summer programs
for students;
- establish partnerships with other service agencies, eg
student health nurse;
- inform families of community programs for students, eg
tutoring, mentoring and business partnerships;
- invite past students to participate in school programs for
- establish partnerships with local businesses to provide work
experience and structured work placements for students;
- develop an outreach community service program by schools
and families e.g., recycling, musical performances and
voluntary work with seniors and cultural activities; and
- establish partnerships with local Indigenous community
organisations to develop the cultural responsiveness of
the school community and promote understanding of, and
participation in, important community events.
1, 3, 4, 6, G. Participating A Family-School Action Team or Working Group can plan the
7, 8, 9 support of volunteers and greater participation of families and
parents, for example:
- assess the volunteer needs of schools and list the many
ways parents and families can participate and interact with
school and the school community;
- develop a policy for recruitment, training, goal setting and
recognition for volunteers;
- ask family members how they would like to participate at
their childs school and respond in a timely manner to those
indications, i.e. establish a skills bank;
- invite family and community members to become involved
as guest teachers, guest speakers about their jobs/career
opportunities, excursion chaperones, tutors/mentors, sport
coaches, tuckshop helpers, and so on;
- implement flexible schedules for volunteers, assemblies and
events, so that all are able to participate;
- invite parents to volunteer to have students work shadow
- arrange working parties or committees for parent leadership
and participation, eg on safety or student behaviour;
- make sure parental involvement in childrens learning is a
recognised topic of staff meetings, professional development
and in the induction of new staff.
Suggested Strategies for School Systems in
Developing Partnerships
As a first step in developing excellent partnership programs, school systems
(government, Catholic and Independent schools) are encouraged to identify a
Partnerships Leadership Team to oversee and coordinate their work with families,
and to connect with the parent body in their system. Following are examples of
practices that system leadership teams, in partnership with the parent body, can use to
encourage strong partnerships initiatives in schools:
review or develop a policy on family-school partnerships;
write an annual Action Plan for partnerships;
provide resource materials to assist schools with partnership programs;
establish a clearinghouse of information on best practices and research findings;
conduct state-wide conferences to encourage the exchange of good practices and
solutions to challenges in implementing partnership programs;
work with universities to prepare new teachers to conduct effective partnerships;
consider the ability to develop and maintain partnerships when considering the
appointment of school leadership personnel;
celebrate and recognise excellent partnerships in schools, eg through awards;
identify a budget for partnership activities in schools;
provide cross-school training for school Principals, teachers and families to increase
their partnership skills;
publicise family-school partnership activities in the mass media;
work with business and industry to establish flexible leave policies so parents can
attend activities at their childrens schools;
support and consult regularly with parent groups at the system level;
explicitly seek and value the input of families; and
maintain outreach and sustainability.
Families In this paper, the term families is used to describe any of the
wide variety of home arrangements that people establish to care
for and rear children.
There is abundant evidence that Australian families are
undergoing rapid change. The diversity of families is evident in
the growth of non-traditional family structures. Family structure
can be defined in terms of parents relationships to children
in the household (for example, biological or non-biological),
parents marital status and relationships history (for example,
divorced, separated, remarried), the number of parents in the
family, and parents sexual orientation. (Wise, 2003)
Parents In this paper, the term parents includes all types of parental
figures including carers.
Partnership The central characteristics of effective family-school partnerships
sharing of power, responsibility and ownership, though with
each party having different roles;
a degree of mutuality, that begins with the process of
listening to each other and that incorporates responsive
dialogue and give and take on both sides;
shared aims and goals based on a common understanding of
the educational needs of children; and
commitment to joint action, in which parents, students and
teachers work together. (Bastiani, 1993)
The Australian Council of State School Organisations (ACSSO), the Australian Parents
Council (APC) and the Australian Government wish to thank and acknowledge the
following Family-School Partnerships Roundtable participants, who contributed to the
development of this Framework:
Atkinson, Ms Geraldine, Chairperson, Victorian Aboriginal Education Association
Incorporated, Victoria
Aulich, Hon Terry, Executive Officer, Australian Council of State School Organisations
(ACSSO), Australian Capital Territory
Avenell, Mr Ken, President, Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL),
Bain, Mr Chris, Principal Policy Officer, Strategic Policy and Education Futures Division
Queensland Department of Education and the Arts, Queensland
Beach, Mr Jack, Federal President, Isolated Childrens Parents Association of Australia
(ICPA), Queensland
Bloomfield, Ms Auriel, Executive Director, Change Management Team, Commonwealth
Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST), Australian Capital
Bosch, Ms Caz, Vice President, Federation of Parents and Friends Association of South
Australian Catholic School, South Australia
Boucher, Ms Susan, Australian Principals Associations Professional Development
Council (APAPDC), South Australia
Brierley, Mr Ted, Australian Secondary Principals Association (ASPA), Victoria
Brown, Mr Joe, Senior Policy Officer, Indigenous Education Division, Department of
Employment, Education and Training, Northern Territory
Bundy, Mrs Judith, President, Australian Council of State School Organisations
(ACSSO), South Australia
Carroll, Dr Tom, Carroll Communications, New South Wales
Cashen, Ms Jacinta, President, Victorian Council of State School Organisations
(VICSSO), Victoria
Clarke, Ms Helen, Manager, Stakeholder & Community Liaison Unit, Department of
Education and Training, Victoria
Clayton, Ms Kristy, Student, Hilliard Christian School, Independent Schools Council of
Australia (ISCA), Tasmania
Cuttance, Professor Peter, Centre for Applied Education Research (CAER), University of
Melbourne, Victoria
Dalton, Mr Ian, President, Tasmania Catholic Schools Parents and Friends Federation,
Daniels, Ms Rita, Executive Member, Association of Principals of Catholic Secondary
Schools of Australia (APCSSA), Australian Capital Territory
Day, Mrs Hazel, Executive Officer, Association of Heads of Independent Schools of
Australia (AHISA), Victoria
Draybi, Ms Debbie, Youth Deputy Chair, Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of
Australia (FECCA), New South Wales
Duffie, Ms Jan, Principal Research Fellow, Australian Institute of Family Studies,
(AIFS), Victoria
Dunne OAM, Mr Leo, President, Australian Parents Council (APC), Queensland
Flood, Mr Terry, Teacher, MacKillop College, National Catholic Education Commission,
Australian Capital Territory
Goos, Dr Merrilyn, Researcher, School of Education, University of Queensland,
Gouldson, Ms Sue, Manager, Officer of the Deputy Director-General, Department of
Education and Training, Western Australia
Hebblethwaite, Ms Judy, Director, Community Partnerships, Department of Education,
Henry, Ms Pauline, Manager Indigenous Education Direct Assistance and
Indigenous Education Strategic Initiatives Programs, Dubbo District Office,
Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST), New
South Wales
Kilvert, Dr Paul, Director, Learning Resources and Service, Department of Education
and Childrens Services, South Australia
Koppe, Ms Rosemarie, Centre for Innovative Education, Queensland University of
Technology, Queensland
Lonergan AM, Mrs Jo, Executive Director, Australian Parents Council (APC), New
South Wales
Macgregor, Mr Rupert, Project Manager, Australian Council of State School
Organisations (ACSSO), Australian Capital Territory
Mackay, Mr Tony, Facilitator, Incorporated Association of Registered Teachers of
Victoria, Victoria
Marsh, Ms Dominique, Parent Partner Liaison Officer, National Catholic Education
Commission (NCEC), Australian Capital Territory
McConchie, Mr Rob, Project Consultant, Solved at McConchie Pty Ltd, Australian
Capital Territory
McInnes, Mr Duncan, Executive Officer, Parent Council (NSW), New South Wales
Mercer, Dr Trish, Branch Manager, Quality Schooling Branch, Commonwealth
Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST), Australian Capital
Milson, Ms Beverley, Resource Manager, Primary Education and Early Childhood,
Department of Education and Training, New South Wales
Motley, Ms Ruth, Manager, Policy and Program Coordination, Department of Education
and Childrens Services, South Australia
Morrell, Ms Robin, Teacher, Alfred Deakin High School, Australian Capital Territory
Nicholas, Ms Emma, Student, Alfred Deakin High School, Australian Capital Territory
Norman, Mr Bev, Principal, Hilliard Christian School, Independent Schools Council of
Australia (ISCA), Tasmania
Norton, Ms Grainne, Parent/Community Educator, National Catholic Education
Commission (NCEC), New South Wales
ONeill, Mr Mark, Vice-President (ACT), Australian Council of State School
Organisations (ACSSO), Australian Capital Territory
Prout, Mr Ross, Assistant Manager, Community Partnerships and School Improvement,
Department of Education and Training, Australian Capital Territory
Purdie, Dr Nola, Principal Research Fellow, Learning Processes and Contexts Research
Program, Australian Council of Research (ACER), Victoria
Rhodes, Ms Anne, Executive Officer, Federation of Parents and Friends Association of
South Australian Catholic School, South Australia
Roediger, Ms Wendy, Teacher, Nyindamurra School, Independent Schools Council of
Australia (ISCA), Western Australia
Sheridan, Ms Lianne, Director, Learning and Improvement and Support Services,
Department of Education and Training, New South Wales
Smith, Mr Les, Treasurer, Australian Council of State School Organisations (ACSSO),
South Australia
Taylor, Ms Susan, Vice President (NT), Australian Council of State School Organisations
(ACSSO), Northern Territory
Terry, Mrs Judy, Federal Vice-President, Isolated Childrens Parents Association of
Australia (ICPA), Tasmania
Walsh, Ms Jan, Australian Primary Principals Association (APPA), Principal, Fadden
Primary School, Australian Capital Territory
Ware, Mr Dennis, Acting Manager, Cairns District Office, Department of Education,
Science and Training (DEST), Queensland
Zerna, Ms Jenice, Vice President (SA), Australian Council of State School Organisations
(ACSSO), South Australia
1. Tap into the interests of parents.
2. Break down the teacher/non-teacher barrier by allowing for activities
that are not directly education-related.
3. Use personal contact. It is the most effective form of communication.
4. Communicate, communicate, communicate.
5. Be a venue for, and agent of, parental self-growth.
6. Ask for, and value, the opinion of parents outside the formal school
7. Create an environment that encourages parental autonomy.
8. Emphasise the connection with the childs education.
9. Go out of your way to make parents feel welcome and valued.
10. Build bridges across cultural and language divides.
11. Be sensitive to parents sensibilities.
12. Be prepared to engage in community capacity-building.
13. Show leadership, be visible and available.
14. Be realistic, patient, and a bit brave.
15. Make it clear you think of parents as genuine partners.
16. Dont be frightened to ask parents to help solve big problems.
17. Open your mind to parents needs and attitudes.
18. Appoint a parent/community liaison person to the staff.
19. Create a place that parents can call their own.
20. Acknowledge and celebrate parents input.
Case Studies
The following case studies are provided for your reference
Early Learning Centre and Parent and Community Centre
The Early Learning Centre and the Parent and Community Centre are separate but
related initiatives.
The Early Learning Centre prepares children aged from birth to four years for
school, and at the same time educates their parents in how to assist with the childs
The Parent and Community Centre is a social support centre for parents and is open
to anyone in the community. The Centre consists of a converted classroom, which the
school has furnished in a homely manner with settees, easy chairs, dining table, and
computer. A weekly meeting is held in the Centre, with free child care provided in an
adjoining room. A small one-way window allows the parents to look in on their pre-
schoolers while they are being cared for.
This primary school of 280 students is located in a low socio-economic area where
unemployment is high and family dysfunction common. About half the students are
on the local equivalent of the Education Maintenance Allowance and there is a high
percentage of single parents.
Six years ago, two senior teachers initiated the two elements of the project. At the
time the school was looking for ways of arresting a long-term decline in enrolments
and of staving off the possibility of being merged with another school or closed. The
current Principal was new and almost one-third of the teaching staff had just been
replaced. The school had become estranged from its community and a cultural change
was under way to re-connect the school and community. The Early Learning Centre
and Parent and Community Centre was welcomed by the Principal as a means to
achieve the desired cultural change.
An experienced kindergarten teacher was enlisted to assist in setting up the Early
Learning Centre. In addition, a parent who is highly active in school-related activities at
a state and national level happened to work as a teachers assistant at the school. She
harnessed her energy to the cause and this clearly helped in maintaining momentum.
Engaging Parents
The teachers in the pre-Kinder program and in the early years of primary were
sensitive to what parents were saying about wanting to bring their toddlers into the
school, and creative in setting up a special program for them. They were also sensitive
to what parents said about their social isolation, and proposed setting aside a room
that could be used by parents as an informal meeting place.
The teachers obtained the support of the Principal, and at first provided leadership
to the parents in setting up the community room. Gradually they relinquished this
leadership role to the parents as the capacity to lead grew in some of the parents.
The school recognised that many of its parents had had bad experiences of school,
so took pains to ensure they could come and go without passing through the front
office, which is an intimidating place for some parents.
In summary, the school listened, responded to real needs, and created a welcoming
place which was easy for apprehensive parents to enter.
Researchers observations
Multicultural Learning Community
This project was designed to build a stronger community between the school,
with 90% of its students from non-English speaking backgrounds, and the parent
community. Its aims were to:
establish and maintain a play group for pre-school children and mothers of
children who will be entering the school in Kindergarten;
initiate a more comprehensive transition Program than in previous years,
beginning in Term 3 with Kindergarten Orientation, and continuing in Term 4 2005
for children who would enter Kindergarten in 2006;
conduct a series of eight bilingual workshops for parents with topics requested
by parents, eg parenting skills, road-safety, anti-bullying, bilingualism; and
conduct a parent excursion so that parents experienced the educational learnings
that children gained through such an event.
The primary school of 205 students serves a concentrated area of social disadvantage
in a high-density suburb of south-western Sydney. Ninety per cent of families are from
non-English-speaking backgrounds (including Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the
Pacific) and speak 16 different languages.
The school has a considerable commitment to supporting these families, providing
community language teachers, translating and interpreting services, and an English as
a Second Language (ESL) team.
In 2004 it set out to re-form its parents association, going out of its way to include
Asian and Middle Eastern parents by holding weekly parent meetings in Vietnamese
and Arabic.
Initially some staff had resisted the project, expressing concern about giving parents
a voice and empowering them to take on guided leadership roles. It was a priority of
the Principal to change this culture.
Engaging parents
This project was driven by the Principals conviction that the school had a mission to
reach out and involve parents who, because of language and cultural barriers, were
not engaged with the school. First she had to overcome doubt and resistance by some
staff to the idea of empowering parents. Then it was a matter first of listening closely
to what parents said their needs were.
The imaginative responsesEnglish language assistance, parent excursions to
interesting placesand the consequent creation of social networks among parents
from different cultural backgrounds resulted in parents being provided with something
they enjoyed, and could feel themselves benefiting from.
This enjoyment factor was important in engaging these parents and helping
them overcome their shyness. This was achieved not only by the activities already
mentioned but by creating a place where parents could come together to knit, sew or
Researchers observations
The parent excursions had a significant effect. The parents proudly recounted that
they were the largest adult group to go to the Powerhouse Museum. They strongly
requested that the school organise more of these in the next year. They commented
that more mothers had attended the second excursion.
The playgroup, linked with an extensive transition Program, helped both children and
Effective Partnerships in Action: Family Maths for Years
5 and 6
The school has had a strong commitment to homeschool partnerships in mathematics
for a number of years with the running of the Family Maths Program in Prep, Year 2 and
Year 4. The teachers and School Council agreed that this program, which had been so
successful and well supported by the parent community, be extended to Years 5 and 6.
However, it was agreed that the previous format of the programone-off theme
nights run by the teachers, with some parent involvement in administration and
organizationwas not adequate as it did not address the key objectives of the project:
For parents:
become informed about the teaching and learning of mathematics in Years 5 and 6;
have an opportunity to engage in hands on activities that their children were
doing in the classroom;
gain an insight into how children best learn mathematics, from recent research;
be informed as to the transition from Year 6 to Year 7, in relation to mathematics
For students:
have an opportunity to work with their parents in t he types of mathematics
activities they undertake at school;
provide them with assistance in mathematics through knowledgeable and
supportive parents; and
provide them with positive role models as they see adults using and exploring
For teachers:
build on the important links already established between home and school;
see improved student engagement and confidence in learning mathematics; and
gain further professional development.
It was decided to revamp the Family Maths Program by conducting four sessions over
four nights, three of which would be information nights for parents and the final night
would be a family maths night that would involve parents in the presentation of the
This primary school of 395 students is located in a comfortable middle-class enclave in
one of Melbournes most desirable eastern suburbs. It is an area of high
socio-economic families, with minimal numbers of people from non-English-speaking
backgrounds, and low proportions of Educational Maintenance Allowance recipients.
The school had a small number of international students for the first time in 2005.
Student achievement in all areas of the curriculum is very high, as indicated by the fact that
the school consistently performs above like-school and statewide benchmarks in numeracy,
literacy and the arts (visual and music). Family expectations for student achievement are
high and more than half the students go to independent schools after Year 6.
The challenge was to engage parents and families, many from professional
backgrounds, who had competing demands on their time.
The Family Maths Program over the past 15 years has attracted 95 % attendance by
families but it was felt it needed reviewing and extending for the reasons already
Engaging parents
Guiding and Supporting Teens: Taking a Triple Focus, Girls,
Boys and Parents
This project had three prongs that targeted twelve Year 9 girls, nine Year 9 boys
and their parents. The students were assessed by their teachers as being at risk of
disengaging more from school. They were experiencing social problems or isolation
or they demonstrated challenging behaviour problems. While the project built on two
existing programs for parents and girls, this was the first time the school had had the
opportunity of offering a boys program and a simultaneous parenting program that
targeted the parents of selected students.
Girls Going Greata seven-week program of 2.5 hours each week held during school
time and consisting of craft, companionship and learning behaviour strategies to
improve connecting and communicating with others. The female chaplain and School
Guidance Officer facilitated the program.
Boys Bouncing Backa seven-week program of two hours each week held during
school time where boys participated in school sessions and other active pursuits,
eg playing pool, laser force. The program included assisting the boys to develop
resilience, improving their communication, setting goals and practising anger
management. A Head of Department and a deputy Principal facilitated the program.
Teen Triple P (Ralph & Sanders, 2002)a four-week program of two hours per session
held once a fortnight for parents of the selected young people. The Positive Parenting
Program aimed to manage common developmental issues and teenager behaviour
problems such as disobedience, aggression, peer relationship problems, school-based
difficulties, family conflict and other everyday difficulties experienced by parents and
teenagers. The school chaplain and guidance officer facilitated the program.
This secondary school in Queensland has 950 students who come from families with
a lower-middle to middle socio-economic background. A large number of parents
experience financial hardship and find it difficult to meet costs associated with their
childs education. About half of the students live in single-parent or blended families.
The school has a reputation for supporting students who have challenging behaviours
and as such it often attracts students who have had difficulty in other schools.
Approximately 20% of students have English as a second language and the school has
a reputation for high levels of tolerance and inclusive practices. Young people with
physical and intellectual disabilities are integrated into the school, and staff work with
families to ensure positive outcomes.
Engaging parents
Personal contact was the key here. Many of the parents were disaffected by schooling
and needed direct personal encouragement from the school staff to become involved.
The school also provided programs which supported what parents were trying to do in
sometimes very difficult circumstances.
The program resonated with parents: it met their needs in this area. It was not so
much a case of finding out what the needs werethis much was fairly obviousbut of
persuading parents that the school could help them and was willing to do so. It took
the work of five dedicated staff to do this. A big lesson from this project is that in some
situations the commitment of time has to be almost open-ended.
The celebration at the end of the program seemed to cement the partnership.
Researchers observations
The project achieved it goals. There were five dedicated staff who took a keen interest
Guiding and Supporting Teens: Taking a Triple Focus, Girls, Boys and Parents
in the program succeeding and they supported the students to the highest degree,
always believing they were capable young people who could do well if given the
opportunity. Each time I visited the school I felt welcome and each member of staff
showed the highest level of support for the project. As a team they had worked out
ways of budgeting the funds so that the Year 9 boys and girls and their parents all
benefited. This project proved to be a way of connecting disaffected parents who
were not regular participants at the school. The celebration breakfast and dinner
brought these families together and some connections were made, with parents
planning to meet for dinner together at a later date. For some single parents this was
particularly welcomed. Making a personal telephone call to parents and inviting them
to participate in the parent program was a very good strategy.
Family and Community Capacity-building
The project consisted of a mosaic of no fewer than 20 initiatives encompassing
Programs on mental health, resilience, stress, learning habits, bullying, cross-cultural
tolerance, self-esteem, parenting skills, and academic performance.
The chief elements were called Parent Power Plus, and Forming Friendships.
Both of these elements involved parents as partners in decision-making and in
Parent Power Plus was an initiative of the schools psychologist and grew out of a
Program she had devised to engage Year 8 students in their schooling. It consists
of a weekly meeting at the school where parents can discuss issues relating to their
children and raise any matters they wish about what is happening in the school. It is
convened and chaired by a parent, with the Principal, school psychologist and chaplain
in attendance.
Forming Friendships consists of breakfasts for members of the various ethnic groups,
and a series of excursions to cultural sites such as places of worship.
This secondary school of 594 students serves one of Perths most economically and
socially deprived areas. It is located in a housing estate with high incidences of single
parents, teenage pregnancies, low income, unemployment and welfare dependency.
Its student body is drawn from some 50 nationalities. More than one-third of the
parents were born overseas, and 27 languages other than English are spoken at home.
The estate has also been the locus of serious cross-cultural violence between two large
ethnic groups, the Aboriginal community and the Vietnamese community, stemming
from the death of an elderly Vietnamese woman after a raid on her home by a group of
Aboriginal youths.
About five years ago this violence spilt over into the school community. At this point,
the school began a concerted effort to improve race relations. This led to the creation
in the school of the Forming Friendships Program. It is run by a Vietnamese woman
who has been engaged by the school to liaise with the Vietnamese community, with
help and support from an Aboriginal and Islander Education Officer and the schools
parent community generally.
Forming Friendships runs periodic breakfasts at which traditional foods are served,
giving those who attend a small taste of the other cultures with whom they share
the neighbourhood. It also promotes cross-cultural friendships and seeks to reduce
bullying and isolation among students. As part of the current project, there are plans
to conduct further cross-cultural activities.
Parent Power Plus has also become an important point of social connection generally
for some of the parents, who live in isolated and needy circumstances.
In addition to providing a bridge between parents and the school, it has evolved into
a source of educational advancement for parents. For example, some of the parents
expressed a wish to renew their own schooling and, with the concurrence of the Parent
Power group, the Principal arranged for a visitor from the local TAFE to come and speak
to them about how they might do this.
The Principal, who had been in the school for six years, had a clearly articulated
vision for the school and for enhancing the role of parents in it. The essence of this
vision was captured in a phrase, Engaged in Learning, and the first step in this was
community capacity-building.
Engaging parents
The school psychologist was in touch with a number of Year 8 parents over a wide
Retention and Participation Program
Engagement and Enrichment Through the Arts and Sport
Re-engagement Centre
These three separate but inter-related Programs make up a comprehensive suite of
Programs designed to:
overcome in younger students a reluctance to attend school;
remedy anti-social behaviour in a small but disruptive minority of students; and
keep students constructively engaged at school by providing them with
alternative studies tailored to their interests and designed to enhance their
employment prospects.
Each Program is in turn made up of a variety of elements. The Retention and
Participation Program consists of a Come To School Bus run, a morning nutrition
program, a Welcome Room for parents, a student mentor system and a volunteer
reading scheme.
The Engagement and Enrichment Program consists of music and sport initiatives, and
the creation of a reconciliation garden. The Re-engagement Centre is a kind of school-
within-a-school where at-risk students are located in two houses adjacent to the main
campus, with intensive lessons in very small groups, monitoring of their conduct by
community elders, and employment-related opportunities. It is intended to work with
the TAFE to offer practical courses in such fields as mechanical engineering and cattle
mustering. Students are selected into the centre on the basis of their risk profile. It is
not an easy option for students who simply misbehave.
This secondary school with an enrolment of 738 students serves an isolated
community. It draws students from a broad range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds,
most of whom come from blue-collar households. The professional and managerial
families in the town tend to send their children away to school.
Forty per cent of students come from Indigenous families, and another ten per cent
from Muslim families. There are also significant minorities of students from Middle
European backgrounds, and for many students English is a second language.
The cyclical nature of the mining industry, the isolation of the town and the harshness
of the climate combine to create a transient population among both students and
teachers. This has had a debilitating effect on school morale and on the image of the
school. The present Principal has declared that she is committed to the school for a
minimum of five years and this in itself appears to have had a positive impact.
The combination of economic disadvantage, ethnic diversity and transience has led
to troubling levels of student disengagement and, among a small minority, seriously
disruptive behaviour. This in turn discourages even keen students. The three elements
of the project are directed specifically at overcoming these negatives and creating
positive incentives for all students.
The school has attracted considerable financial and in-kind support from local
businesses, and benefits from a substantial investment in local education by a large
multi-national mining company. The schools linkages in these areas are strong.
Between our first and second visits, the school had a major behavioural incident as
a result of which 16 students had been suspended. The school convened a meeting
of parents and about 50 turned up to discuss the issues. What the staff feared would
turn into an unpleasant confrontation in fact turned out to be a most constructive
discussion, leading to the holding of a barbeque which many of the suspended
students attended. Their behaviour seemed to improve thereafter.
Retention and Participation Program Engagement and Enrichment Through the Arts and Sport Re-engagement Centre
Engaging parents
Many ways were used to reach out to the parents: a breakfast Program; taking teachers
out to Indigenous communities to show parents what their children had done in
school (rather than the conventional parentteacher meetings in the school); using
personal contact to bring parents in to forums to discuss specific ideas such as the Re-
engagement Centre, and when a crisis arose responding openly by inviting aggrieved
parents in to talk about the suspension of their children.
The school also employed a number of Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers
whose main responsibilities included staying in touch with Indigenous parents.
Again personal contact, an open culture from the Principal down, an obvious
willingness to be sensitive to parents needs, and a preparedness to put an effort into
finding creative solutions for students at risk all contributed to the engagement of
parents in this very demanding setting.
Researchers observations
As with so many of the disadvantaged schools observed in this study, this secondary
school appears to have benefitted from a Principal who is passionately and
energetically committed to giving students the best possible chance to break out of the
cycle of economic and social deprivation.
Her appointment nearly two years previously had led to changes of personnel among
the school leadership, most of whom are now women, and they appear to form a
cohesive and determined team. As it happens, it is women who also provide most
of the leadership among the parent body and in the Indigenous community. This
somewhat matriarchal network has a readily shared understanding of the causes and
consequences of the issues, and of what is needed to tackle them.
The school is also closely networked into the other relevant servicespolice, juvenile
justice, state welfare, the TAFE, and health providers.
A police officer is attached to the school as part of a pilot project by the WA Police
Service to assist with early intervention among young people. A youngish and friendly
man, he has none of the authoritarian bearing stereotypically associated with police
and has an easy relationship with the Principal.
The meeting to discuss the implementation of the Re-engagement Program was
chaired by an Aboriginal and Islander Education Officer and attended by various
agencies and six parents, one of whom was the father of a couple of tearaways
who freely admitted his boys were a problem, and explained their troubled family
background. The parents had significant input into the discussions.
There has been very significant progress towards the establishment of the Re-
engagement Centre, the breakfast Program is well under way and the other elements
of this multi-faceted project all seem to have moved along.
Welcome New Arrivals
This project was focused primarily on strategies to engage families with the school,
and in particular to find innovative ways to support new arrivals.
The project group was primarily focused on active strategies to make the transition to
school for new parents/families as smooth as possible.
A number of activities were implemented over the two to three months of the research,
appointment of project co-ordinator;
establishment of a two-tier buddy scheme;
teacher/staff skill register;
commencement of multilingual website;
Cook/Talk/Share Programs where different cultural groups hosted culinary
events for families; and
parent morning coffee meetings (run just prior to school assembly, so families
could combine the two events).
This primary school is a multi-campus 500-student primary school in the suburbs of
Adelaide, with a significant multicultural population. Its catchment includes substantial
areas classified as low socio-economically, although there are some high socio-
economic areas. About one-fifth of students receive government support.
The school is located on the fringes of Adelaide and attracts students from the
surrounding rural area as well as the suburbs.
It is one of the most ethnically diverse schools in South Australia with 45% of its
students coming from non-English-speaking backgrounds. More than 50 nationalities
are represented in the student body, including 1% Indigenous.
Few of the NESB families had traditionally become involved in school activities and the
main focus of this project was to engage them more effectively.
Engaging parents
This was an example of how a school was able to use its own position in the
community to create social networks among parents. +Its Buddy system connected
families who would otherwise probably not have become connected, overcoming
barriers of culture and language, and creating a welcoming atmosphere for new
Personal contact with parents by the project co-ordinatora parent appointed by
parentswas critical, as was the preparedness by the school to empower the parent
body in this way.
Also the Cook/Talk/Share activities were not overtly educational, nor did they require
any particular expertise. However, they provided an enjoyable social occasion, so once
again the enjoyment factor was important.
Researchers observations
The project appears to be truly driven by parents for the school community. The
results to date are promising, and the feedback thus far suggests that the partnership
project initiatives are sustainable, with a high level of parent involvement.
This school has unique language and communication issueswith a significant
number of families from non-English speaking backgrounds. Over 100 families are
Personality, Resilience and Learning Styles - Understanding
Our Children and Ourselves
The school held a conference for parents in this regional Victorian town and
surrounding areas around the topic of Personality, Resilience and Learning Styles
understanding our children and ourselves. The conference consisted of two sessions,
each lasting for four hours and held at a comfortable venue in the town, with lunch
The guest speaker was Dr Loretta Giorcelli, who is a consultant in the fields of
child development, special education and learning and behaviour in children and
adolescents. She covered a variety of topics relating to stages of child development,
parenting issues, understanding childrens temperament and learning styles, building
emotional resilience in children, learning and behaviour, and social skills in children.
The material also looked at familyschool relationships and ways parents can support
their children in their learning and school life.
A shorter bridging session was held between the two main presentations for several
interested parents, by the parent groups president who was the project co-ordinator.
This session provided an opportunity to discuss issues and ideas gained from the first
session and practical applications for these in family and school life.
The major initiators of the project were the Principal of the school and the project co-
ordinator. They worked closely with parents, teachers and children in the development
of a familyschool partnership that focused on:
coping with different personalities within the same family;
buoyancy and resilience;
developing advocacy and leadership skills (as parents and in the children);
meeting childrens emotional needs whilst dealing with stress in ones own
personal relationships;
sibling rivalry, competition and quarrelling;
self-esteem for the children and for parents;
peer pressure and the ways that children can deal with it;
breaking recurring patterns of poor child and parent reactions to given situations;
fatherchild relationships; and
step-parenting and the issues that may come from this in regard to discipline at
home and in school behaviour.
This is a primary school of 300 students in the Victorian goldfields, a rural area which
is also an important tourist destination. It serves a monocultural community of low to
medium socio-economic status, and the challenge was to broaden the communitys
valuing of difference.
The school was involved in the National Safe Schools Project, which focused on
community connectedness and on strengthening relationships at school. Two
principles issues emerged from its work in that project:
parent education; and
learning styles.
The school saw the present project as a way of extending and developing work that
had already begun in these areas.
Engaging parents
The appointment of a vibrant and energetic parent was of great importance in making
the project happen. Personal contact with parents by this person and a core team of
parent helpers was also most important.
This really did seem to be a joint enterprise of the Principal and the parent co-ordinator
where decision-making was genuinely shared.
Personality, Resilience and Learning Styles- Understanding Our Children and Ourselves
The activities were tailored to what parents had said would interest them, so again
listening to parents needs was important, as was the provision of an enjoyable venue,
a good meal and an interesting speaker.
Researchers observations
The major driver for this project was the president of the parent club who worked
closely with the Principal and with a core group of four or five parents. The project
co-ordinator is a social worker and was able to bring some of those skills into her work
with the parents, and in organising a number of activities that involve parents and the
The Principal fully supported the initiatives of the core group of parents. She also
noted that the other staff members were fully supportive of the project. The forum
where the guest speaker addressed the parents seemed an outstanding success. The
issues addressed were those that the project co-ordinator and the Principal had spoken
of earlier as being of concern in their particular school and community. Of particular
interest was the way that these two women worked with a group of 10 or 12 parents for
between-forum activities. This follows a successful professional development practice
of trialling strategies in the home and classroom, and then reporting back to the next
session for discussion, evaluation and further development.
The school seems to have met all the objectives it set for itself in this project and is
now looking for ways to take them further. The conferences/forums were an excellent
idea, and they were very well supported by parents not just from the town but some
of the surrounding areas and schools. Each conference attracted 50-plus people. The
conferences/forums were very professional, with the venue being attractive and the
catering excellent. Many books were ordered, at the speakers suggestion, for the
parent library.
A major reason for the number of parents attending and remaining involved was
the one-to-one invitation and talking to individuals that the project co-ordinator,
in particular, and the core group of four parents undertook: personal invitations to
parents; encouraging them to attend; and highlighting particular aspects of the forum/
conference that the parent might find interesting. It was very time-consuming but it
was also effective. They are trying to gradually extend relationships by using the core
group of parents to work in the wider school community.
Extending School and Family Partnerships Through School-
Based Projects
The project initiatives were essentially a continuation of existing projects.
The Fountain Project- A local artist has designed a water sculpture that represents
the school values and beliefs, and the parents and children are working together
to complete the mosaic tiling around the fountain.
Parent forum - Representatives from each year level encourage communication
and school involvement among parents within that classroom. The parent
representatives meet on a regular basis to achieve common goals for the school.
Minor initiatives - Recruitment and maintenance of Support-A-Reader Volunteers,
permaculture garden, healthy eating plan for the school canteen menu.
This primary school in regional Queensland has 411 students, and is situated in a
semi-rural community with a population of approximately 1500 people. It is a low
medium socio-economic area where approximately half of the students come from
single-parent families. The school values and encourages parental involvement and
believes the co-operation produces positive outcomes for their students.
The Principal has recently retired. When he first came to the school he inherited a
school that was somewhat fractured and separate from its community. He spent
much of his energy developing strong schoolcommunity relationships. A parent was
employed as a community enhancement officer to improve communication between
parents and the school.
The importance of this has been increased by the pressures of a large new housing
development, which is turning this semi-rural village into a town. In the face of this
social transformation, the school is anxious to bed down strong community ties to help
preserve the unity that has been developed in recent years.
The schools community enhancement officer plays a vital role in strengthening
parentschool relationships. She is instrumental in providing opportunities for
interaction between parents, school and the wider community.
A number of school-community projects have already been completed as a result of
the schools vision of learning and growing together.
The acting Principal has been at the school for a number of years and has continued to
foster the positive parentschool relationships.
Engaging parents
The appointment of a community enhancement officer was of critical importance here.
The school was alive to concerns in the community about the consequences of the
incipient housing development, which was going to transform their village, and was
prepared to be the venue of community capacity-building, using a range of initiatives
aimed at attacting the involvement of many people with different talents and interests.
It was similar in some ways to another school where a mural had been built. Fathers
became engaged when they were able to see it as a building project, not an arts
project. Here, people became involved because they were approched personally, the
school showed it understood their needs, and the various elements of the project
provided activities than a wide range of people could enjoy.
Researchers observations
This school has a vision of schoolcommunity partnerships. They have already set
things in motion by employing a school community enhancement officer to foster
strong communicative links and active community participation. This, together with
Raise-raising Achievement in Schools (E)
The project consists of training volunteer parents in basic classroom skills and in
special literacy and numeracy Programs, then rostering them into classrooms where
they work alongside teachers in block teaching of these core subjects.
This Catholic primary school of 408 students in an old inner suburb of Perth serves an
area that is being rejuvenated by a steady influx of young professional and middle-
class families. The school has a highly stable population, 80% of which are considered
to identify themselves clearly as Catholic. Only about 7% of households qualify for a
health card.
The school is growing steadily as it progressively introduces a second stream of
students. This will take the enrolments from 400 to about 600.
Over at least the past decade, the school has developed a culture in which parents have
been actively encouraged to participate in the delivery of education in partnership with
the teachers. There was a positive intention to try to bring parents into the classroom
as part of this.
About four years previously, a teacher of a Year 1 class was approached by a number
of parents wanting to assist in the classroom. She ran a workshop for as many of
her parents as wanted to come, and from those who attended she drew volunteers to
assist her as required. This is essentially the model that is now being expanded across
the school in the specific curriculum areas of literacy and numeracy. The former Year 1
teacher is now an Assistant Principal.
At the request of the teaching staff, the P&F resolved to provide additional resources
in the specific areas of literacy and numeracy. When the new resources had been
purchased, the teaching staff gave demonstrations to the P&F to show them what had
been bought and how it would be used.
The school now wanted to take this one step further and provide workshops to show
parents how to use these resources at home. The objective was to have consistency
between the teaching techniques used at home and those used at the school in literacy
and numeracy.
The present Principal inherited this culture of parent partnerships and, according to
the teaching staff and to the parent leadership group, has been responsible for both
placing sensible boundaries around it and deepening it. His message to parents is,
This is your school.
Engaging parents
This school has been engaging its parents for a decade or more. The culture of
openness to parents is well-established. The parents had been specifically invited by
the two key teachers in this project to come and talk about curriculum materials for use
in the classroom.
This well-educated parent community, accustomed to being part of the decision-
making in the school, responded enthusiastically and were then asked if they
would like to learn to use the materials themselves with a view to helping out in the
classroom. There was great appeal in this because it gave them a concrete way of
helping their children learn.
Researchers observations
This school had a feel about it; as soon as you walked into the place you had a sense
that it was an unusually positive environment. The Principal came straight out of his
office as soon as he heard my voice at the reception desk, shook my hand, took me in
The Parent Reference Group
The project consisted of establishing and maintaining a parent group within the school
community that is not bound by traditional structures or traditional relationships
between the school and parents. Its functions are to promote multiculturalism in
the community, increase participation by parents in the life of the school, improve
communication between the school and families, and reduce social differences.
The group holds regular informal Wednesday morning meetings, which parents are
encouraged to attend and meet with a community liaison worker. The group also
organises multicultural morning teas where a range of ethnic foods are sampled and
people from different ethnic groups in the community are brought together.
A parent centre in the new library is being set up, providing books, magazines and
electronic materials on parenting and primary education.
An advertising campaign, using posters and a column in the school newsletter, has
begun to inform the community of the existence and function of the parent group.
The school is situated in a suburb of lower socio-economic standing in outer western
Sydney. There is a diverse range of languages and cultures in the local community.
Sixty per cent of the children are from an NESB background and the figure for
Kindergarten in 2006 was expected to rise to 70%, reflecting increased migration into
the area. A community liaison worker has been employed five hours a week for a
number of years, undertaking pastoral work and occasional home visits.
The new school leadership proposed a project involving a body that would reach out to
parents and help them in their integration into the local culture and school community
and welcome their participation in school life.
A feeling was expressed that, while the school had traditional parent structures such
as a mothers club and a fathers club, anxieties and tensions had diminished their
effectiveness. Power had been exercised in these bodies by a limited few over a
number of generations. It was felt these parent groups merely served the schools
interests as fundraising bodies and that a new group was needed that could operate
outside traditional structures and whose ownership would lie in the hands of many
parents. In addition, traditional parent body structures in the school had not embraced
the multicultural aspects of the school community. A new parent group networking
with the community liaison worker would act as a voice for parents in passing on
information to the school community.
Engaging parents
It was the pastoral role of the community liaison worker which was seen as a bridge
into the partnerships. The person had been employed in this role for 20 years, and had
established good links with the various groups in the parent body. This demonstrates
the need to invest time in initiatives like this. Newsletters, advertisements and other
such devices were used as back-up but not as the primary vehicles of communication.
The parents had also become engaged because the new group had none of the old
power structures and was invited to play a role far wider than the conventional one of
Researchers observations
I feel there is an enormous tension between the school and the parents needs and
This statement by the community liaison worker indicates one of the motivations
driving a sea change currently underway in the school. There has been an
acknowledgment that in the past the school has not addressed its multicultural aspect
Connecting with Our New Arrivals
The project plan involved:
finding effective ways to consult with and engage the new migrant groups
primarily Africans of Sudanese origin;
increasing the level of involvement of the local Migrant Resource Centre in the
work of the school;
employing and training a Sudanese family member as an aide to assist in the
project deliverables; and
running some relevant activities to test effective engagement actions for the
Sudanese families.
This is a 200-student Catholic primary school in Tasmania serving a generally lower
socio-economic demographic. Traditionally it has not had a high level of involvement
by parents and families. Like a number of the other schools in Tasmania, it has had a
recent influx of migrants of African background, mainly Sudanese. This has presented
an enormous challenge for the school. However, by contrast with the existing
population, many members of the Sudanese community are tertiary educated and
come from professional backgrounds in Africa.
At the start of this project, the school had made some progress on its project.
However, for such a tiny school, it was an ambitious undertaking and the Principal
was finding resourcing the project a stretch. The grant money enabled the school to
employ and train a Sudanese parent in a liaison role.
By the end of the research period, a number of milestones had been completed. A
Sudanese parent had been appointed to the project role and was undergoing support
and training at the local Migrant Resource Centre.
By the end of the research period, this parent had already run some in-school activities.
Some had focused on information exchange and others were craft or food-based. She
had also co-ordinated the first parentteacher interviews for some of the Sudanese
families, which have already led to changes in strategy for some students and their
The project is very focused on improving the learning outcomes for the students, and
anecdotally this is already providing some positive outcomes.
A total of six gatherings had been run or were planned before the end of 2005, and
the schools ESL co-ordinator was attending so she could make positive connections
with the families.
Engaging parents
First, this school made a leap of imagination that many individuals and institutions find
difficult; it put itself in the shoes of the newly arrived migrants and reflected on what
they might need. The school then looked around for ways of meeting those needs.
Its own limited resources forced it to look outside. It identified English-language
tuition as critical and set about finding ways to meet that need. It also appreciated the
qualities within the Sudanese community, and the appointment of a Sudanese woman
to co-ordinate the project not only reflected this level of appreciation but created an
immediate bridge into the community. Once again the appointment of a parent in a
liaison role has proved pivotal.
Researchers observations
Due to the nature of the project, and difficulties getting the families into the school
(as well as the obvious language issues), I have not been able to meet with any of the
Sudanese families. In hindsight, this was an ambitious project, which has nonetheless