Scarborough Fair - Voice
Scarborough Fair - Voice
Scarborough Fair - Voice
3 j
Easy Waltz
&b 4
. .
Are you go - ing to Scar - bor - ough Fair?
&b n .
Pars - ley, sage, rose - mar - y and thyme;
re - mem - ber me to one who lives there, for
&b ..
. .
she was once a true love of mine.
2. Bid her make me a cambric skirt, 3. Have him find me an acre of land,
parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme; parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
sewn without seams or fine needlework, lying between sea foam and sea sand,
if she would be a true love of mine. or hell not be a true love of mine.