Studying in Turkey
Studying in Turkey
Studying in Turkey
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ying in turkey for erasmus
The Centre for EU Education and Youth Programmes
Studying in Turkeyy
for erasmus
Studying in Turkey
for erasmus
studying in turkey for erasmuss
Prepared by the Centre for EU Education and was still related to the State Planning Organi-
Youth Programmes (Turkish National Agency); zation and was named as The Centre for EU
the purpose of this publication is to facilita- Education & Youth Programmes acting as the
te mobility of students and staff between the Turkish National Agency.
higher education institutions of Turkey and the
higher education institutions of other count- Beginning from 2002, Turkey entered a prepa-
ries participating in the Erasmus programme. ratory phase for almost 18 months for the well
establishment of the programmes. On 1st Ap-
Turkish National Agency ril 2004, after finishing this phase successfully
Turkey became the 31st participating country
to the Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci and Youth
The Centre for EU Education Youth Program-
Programmes -as they were named back then-
mes (Turkish National Agency) is a public body
. For each following year Turkeys total bud-
established for the implementation of the Life-
get increased gradually to help the beneficia-
long Learning Programme and Youth in Acti-
ries to implement the programmes. However
on Programme in Turkey. The Centre receives
in 2006 -the year of the second phase of the
applications, evaluates and finances the pro-
Community Programmes consisting the period
jects and activities under these programmes. It
2000-2006 - Turkish National Agency had al-
is located in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey.
ready managed to spread the words across the
country and gathered more applications than
The process of Turkeys membership to the
the existing yearly budget. Due to this success
European Union education and youth prog- during the planning of the third phase of the
rammes started back in 1999 with the candi- programmes (2007-2013) Turkey managed to
dacy in Helsinki Summit. It took almost 2 years its yearly budget to a level of 53 million Eu-
for Turkey to decide the route for joining the ros per year. This size of the budget Turkey be-
EU Community Programmes. In 2002 a small came the 7th largest country among the 31
department was established under the Sta- countries participating countries. For the third
te Planning Organization. In 2003 this depart- phase (2007-2013) Turkey 7 % of the total
ment was turned into an independent body Programme Budget which is holds almost 8
due to the funding structure of the program- billion Euros in total.
mes. Though being independent, this body
studying in turkey for erasmus
Background Hgher Education in Turkey
During the preparatory period, the Agency la- Turkey with a large number of student popula-
unched a massive promotion campaign throug- tions offers great potential for student mobility.
hout Turkey in order to inform potential bene- There were approximately 1,023,228 short-cycle
ficiaries about the programmes. As soon as Tur- or pre-bachelors; 1,152,265 first-cycle or underg-
key joined the Community programmes in 2004, raduate; 140,043 second-cycle or postgraduate;
Turkish HEIs quickly participated in Erasmus Prog- and 66,732 third-cycle or doctoral degree stu-
ramme in greater extend. Since the start of the Li- dents enrolled at more than 150 higher educa-
felong Learning Programme (LLP) in 2007, now tion institutions (HEIs) in Turkey for the acade-
129 Turkish higher education institutions possess mic year 2009/10. HEIs consist of 101 state uni-
Erasmus University Charter enabling them to take versities; 52 foundation universities; 9 foundati-
part in the Erasmus programme. During the full on vocational school of higher education; 3 mili-
participation period of six consecutive academic tary academies, 1 military medical school; 1 mili-
years (2004-2010), Turkish HEIs have managed to tary professional school of higher education and
send approximately 30,000 students abroad and 1 Police Academy with around 100,000 academic
received 9,000 whereas they sent 6,500 teaching staff. There were approx 20,000 foreign students
staff abroad, receiving 4,300. registered at Turkish universities during the aca-
demic year 2009/10. Admission to the universiti-
es is through a centrally held university entrance
examination administered by the Student Selec-
tion and Placement Centre (SYM). The students
become entitled to apply for the central entran-
ce examination after completing primary (8 suc-
cessive years) and secondary school (minimum 4
years) education.
ties like Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir are for in ex- education area. Universities are the principle hig-
cess. As of August 2007, there are around 40 her education institutions in Turkey. They en-
higher education institutions in Istanbul, 14 in joy academic autonomy and the status of pub-
Ankara and 7 in Izmir. Majority of the foundati- lic legal entity. The universities offer two years
on (private) HEIs have been established in these pre-bachelors (short cycle); 4 year bachelors (first
three major cities. cycle); 5 year for some disciplines, such as vete-
rinary medicine and dentistry courses (master le-
Turkish Higher Education System vel) and 6 years medical courses. After comple-
In 1981, in accordance with the new Higher Edu- ting at least a 4-year bachelor degree, the stu-
cation Law (No: 2547), the administration of hig- dents are admitted at the accredited universi-
her education in Turkey was comprehensively ties for a master degree. The minimum period
restructured. The system thereby became cent- for a student to complete a master program-
ralised, with all higher education institutions me (second cycle) is two years for master with
tied to the Council of Higher Education (CoHE thesis and a year and half for master without
or YK). After this restructuring, all institutions thesis. In the master with thesis programmes
of higher education were designed as universi- students are requested to attend at least a one-
ties. Expansion of higher education throughout year-course and submit a dissertation. Possessi-
the country was achieved, application to higher on of a master degree is traditionally necessary
education was centralised, and a central univer- for admission to a doctoral degree (third cycle).
sity exam and placement were introduced. In ad- However, there are some universities which ac-
dition to public universities, the first non-profit cept students to a PhD degree without a master
foundation university in Turkey started to provi- diploma. The minimum period for a PhD degree
de education for students in 1986.
Turkey, Turkish News Agency, Ankara, 2005.
Historical sites, AEGEAN REGION
2 Hitit Heykeli, CORUM
Climate ldeniz, Fethiye/MULA
ecause Turkey is located in different climate
zones, it is possible to enjoy the four sea-
sons and different climates simultaneously Turkey's cultural fabric is a mosaic of diverse cultures rooted
in the country. People can go to the sea and deeply in history. By virtue of its geographical position, Turkey
see snowy mountains at the same time too. Turkey is has been at the axis of the cultures of the East, the West, the
also affected by the Mediterranean climate in which Middle East, the Mediterranean world and Islam. Anatolia, in
summers can be hot and arid. However, thanks to its fact, is one of the world's oldest human habitats.
location in the Eastern Mediterranean basin and its
surface roughness, the country has dry subtropical Anatolia's cultural variety is such that we can see great cultural
areas as well as regions with abundant precipitation. differences even in areas geographically quite close to each
other. This galaxy of cultures can be observed all around the
country in its music, food, architecture and traditions. Turkish
traditional blue tiles, for instance, are quite famous. One of
the most famous mosques in Turkey is the Blue Mosque of Is-
tanbul. Students may wish to visit Miniatrk in Istanbul where
they will be able to see many monuments and historical build-
ings in miniature size.
Miniatrk, STANBUL
Political Structure
Turkey is a parliamentary democratic state with a single chamber. The Grand National Assembly is comprised of 550 members who are elected di-
rectly for five year terms. The Members of the Assembly elect the President of the Republic for a seven year term. Turkey is a secular state and is
the only country among Islamic countries to practice secularism.
tudents may wish to go shopping in old traditional
markets as well as modern shopping malls. However,
they can also find many items in the local markets.
Supermarkets and many shops are open until at least
10:00 pm. There are even some 24 hours open shops and
restaurants in many cities. Hence, people may no difficultiy in
finding their needs. Since Turkey is on bridge between east
Traditional Bazaar in Bursa
and west, it has and influence from each culture. Hence, every
city has a spice bazaar. In big cities, there is a mobile vegetable
and fruit market once in a week where people can buy fresh
and cheaper groceries. It is advisable to learn where and when
these markets are taking place.
Residence Permit
Students should obtain Acceptance Letter from the host institution be- 4. 70 TRY (equals to approx 38 euro for the residence permit booklet)
fore they arrive in Turkey. As can be seen from the table above, students 5. You need to write a standard letter for residence permit which you
from many countries can obtain their visas at the airport by paying the can find in model form in the following webpage:
stated visa fees. Within 15 days of their arrival, they should go to the For-
eign Relations Department at the Local Police Headquarters and sub- along with an application form:
mit the following documents in order to obtain the residence permit: (this
form should be filled and printed in two copies and in double sided).
1. Student certification (issued by the host university, stating the start Note that the requirements listed in the previous documents are not
and the end of the study period in Turkey) necessary for Erasmus students since the Turkish National Police inform
all police departments about the procedures.
2. Photocopies of relevant pages of the student passport (showing the
validity period of the passport and entrance date stamp at the airport) The residence permit is issued within a day to a week depending on the
volume of work at the relevant police department. No additional cost is
3. 4 coloured pictures required from international students.
he Academic year generally starts in mid-September and
ends in mid June, with a 2-4 weeks winter term break in Jan-
uary /February. Some universities also run summer schools
during the months of July and August.
Turkish universities are in line with the Bologna Process in many aspects:
for example, Turkish universities have been using a three-cycle system
since early 1970s. A typical bachelor degree can be earned in 4 years.
Graduate programs consist of masters and doctoral programs and are
coordinated by institutes for graduate studies. Master's programs are
specified as "with thesis" and "without thesis". Access to doctoral
Clock Tower, ZMR programs requires a master's degree. However, in certain disciplines,
such as medical science, veterinary medicine, and dentistry, a degree
can be achieved in either 5 or 6 years minimum.
Turkey offers a healthy and welcoming environment for stu- By this way, I visited the beautiful Istanbul, cooked manti with
dents. Many universities have appointed advisers and offer some women in a village, learnt common Turkey and French
services to help international students adjust to life in Turkey. history in Canakkale, and discovered the existence and mean-
Some universities have introduced orientation programs to ac- ing of the Turning Men (Whirling Dervishes) in Konya
quaint international students to their academic programmes. (Mevlana) and many other trips are still waiting for me.
One French Erasmus student who studied in Turkey in the ac- Of course, one of the main important aspects of an Erasmus
ademic year of 2005/06 has this to report about her experi- exchange is to meet with new people. This point cannot just be
ence of studying in Turkey: described. Everyone will create his own experience, live it. But
Erasmus this great traveller gave his name to the well- I can say that for me, Turkish people are responsible for a big
known exchange program which allows students from Europe part of the well going of my adventure.
to discover different countries, cultures, civilisations and peo-
ple all around Europe. I have taken this opportunity! And I am Right now, this adventure is going really well and I will keep
now in Turkey, spending one of my 5 years education school souvenirs forever, for sure!
Well, I can say that all my wishes were fulfilled! Everything was
so new, different just amazing! It is a real chance to live with
Turkish people, and not just be there as a tourist. Indeed Turk-
ish culture is so rich. I am speaking about food, history, geo-
graphical and political issues, religion, disparities in life styles
(it is very interesting to compare some families who are living
with old Ottoman culture and new students generation who
are more modern but also very different than in Europe). I love
travelling in Turkey. Everywhere, I learn.
any universities provider students
with access to high speed internet
connections and have up-to-date
computer labs while computers are also
available in each department. When students
register for the semester, they need to sign
up for a computer account as well. They then
get a password and an e-mail account. Stu-
dents can register for their courses online at
many universities.
Almost all universities organise orientation programmes
for incoming students to show them around the campus
and the city. They can also take cultural courses as well as
benefit from tips offered on how to survive and enjoy
themselves in the city. During this programme, local stu-
dents help incoming ones until they settle down at the
Each university has its own library storing relevant books and
periodicals. However, many universities subscribe to databanks
which provides access to tens of thousands of periodicals. The
universities benefit from an inter library-loan system which
facilitates lending or borrowing books from other libraries
throughout Turkey. Students may wish to search online library
catalogues of the university and can reserve books via the in-
ternet. In big cities, students may wish to visit other universi-
ties and their libraries for study purposes.
urkey is internationally famous for its rich "cuisine".
The food served, however, will vary from geograph-
ical region to region. One can only conclude that
the evolution of the rich and varied cuisine was not
an accident. As was the case with other grand cuisines of the
world, the delectable and different dishes that can be tasted
are the result of the combination of three key elements: a nur-
turing environment; regional differentiation; and the legacy
of an imperial tradition. Hundreds of cooks specializing in dif-
ferent types of dishes, all eager to please the royal palate, no
Brek doubt played their part in perfecting the Cuisine that we can
savour today. The Palace Kitchen, supported by a complex so-
cial structure, a vibrant urban life, specialization of labour,
trade, and total control of the Spice Road led to the evolution
of a splendid culinary culture in the capital of a mighty Empire.
Food that of the People", an observation which also holds for the
King's food. Thus, the reign of the Ottoman Dynasty during
600 years, and a seamless cultural transition into present-day
modern Turkey has led to the evolution of a grand Cuisine
through differentiation, refinement and perfection of dishes,
as well as their sequence and combination of meals.
It is only rarely that all the three conditions listed above meet
as they do in French, Chinese and Turkish Cuisine. Turkish Cui-
sine also benefits from being at the cross-roads of Far-East and
Mediterranean food habits. All these unique characteristics
and history have bestowed upon Turkish Cuisine a rich and
varied number of dishes, which can be prepared and combined
with other dishes in meals of almost infinite variety, but always
in a non-arbitrary way. This has led to development of regional
cooking styles. Needless to say, Turkish Cuisine is an integral
aspect of the nations culture and part of the rituals of every-
day life. It reflects spirituality, in forms that are specific to it,
through symbolism and practice .
i Kebap Yaprak Sarma
li Kfte
n each region and in each city, cultural
events take place all year long. They can take
part in diverse festivals or in religious or of-
ficial holiday events and attend shows and
concerts. Students also have the opportunity to go
to cinemas, theatres, concerts, and can entertain Turkey has a rich traditional of popular/rock music. Music has always
themselves while in the campus by being part of stu- been an important tool to express feelings, happiness, sadness, and re-
dent clubs and attending entertainment events organ- flections etc. of Turkish people. However most of the songs are about
ized for them, including pop concerts. Students may love!
even get the opportunity to participate in traditional
Turkish wedding parties. One of the most internationally popular Turkish singers is Tarkan who
sings also in English and who gave concerts throughout Europe in sum-
mer 2006. Sezen Aksu is also quite popular among young and middle-
aged people because of her sentimental songs. Another popular singer
Sertab Erener has brought the first-ever Eurovision Song Contest Award
to Turkey in 2003 and the song Everyway That I Can became a sum-
mer smash across Europe that year.
Almost all branches of sports and arts are played in Turkey.
The country has characteristics of four climates which allow
people to enjoy various sports. Universities offer all sorts of
sports and recreation facilities to their students. International
students may take part in sports activities on their own or can
join any one of the student group events. The favourite sport
is football and it is enjoyed throughout the country. One of the
most famous derbies in the world is that between two Turkish
clubs: Fenerbahce and Galatasaray. Hakan kr is one of the
most famous Turkish football players in the globe. Famous
Turkish players who now play in many European football clubs
include Fatih Tekke, Emre Belzolu, Nihat Kahveci, and
Yldray Batrk. However, basketball is also quite popular and
a number of Turkish international basketball players play reg-
ularly in NBA League, for example, Hidayet Trkolu, Mehmet
Okur and Hseyin Beok.
ublic transportation is widely available in
the cities and is relatively cheap. Buses or
minibuses (dolmu) and underground (in
Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Bursa) trains pro-
vide regular services. Inter-city transportation is also
easily accessible and students get discounts from
Cost of
many bus companies. International students may use
term breaks or other official holidays to explore the
country, to visit internationally popular tourist and
cultural sites by making use of special fares. Travel-
ling by coach is quite cheap and comfortable since
Estimated living expenses for international students can be as low as
there are many competitive bus companies available
350 to 500 euro per month. Students should set aside about 100-150
in almost all cities. Recent competitions between air-
euro for books each semester. However, cost of living will depend on the
lines companies have resulted in price reduction in
city. Living cost in major big cities like Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir is in-
local flights. Hence, even air travel is worth consider-
evitably higher than in the smaller cities.
ing when travelling across the country.
Students are advised to buy a health insurance package which will cover
health expenses that they may incur during their study in Turkey. All
higher education institutions have medical centres where they treat stu-
dents for minor illness. Some universities even have medical faculties
and hospitals where students are treated free of charge. However,
whether an Erasmus incoming student can be treated in these hospi-
tals free of charge has to be ascertained by consulting the rules of part-
ner institutions.
International students from certain countries must obtain a valid stu-
dent visa from the nearest Turkish Consulate in their country. They
should make sure that there is enough time for the Embassy/Consulate
staff to issue visas. The passport expiry date should be later than the
time that a person intends to stay in Turkey. A full list of Turkish Em-
bassies or Consulates can be found at the end of this booklet. This visa
is required for registration at the university and must be obtained before
entering Turkey.
However if a student wishes to stay longer than the period stated above,
they need to apply for a student visa at the Turkish embassies or Con-
sulates in the respected countries prior to departure.
Some Useful Phrases
and Words
Studying in Turkeyy
for erasmus
Political and Regional Map of Turkey
Studying in Turkey
for erasmus
Marmara Region
Medicine, Health Sciences Acbadem University has three laboratories which
are specially desinged for the health sciences stu-
UNIVERSITY dents. these are; two multidisciplineary labs and
Acbadem University aims to educate professio- one anatomy laboratory in the Maltepe Campus.
nals who can represent our country and compete all the laboratories provide high technological
in the international arena especially in the health equipments for the students. Additionally, the-
sciences. Meanwhile, our students know the art re are two computer labs which are specially de-
of communication and acquire a positive pers- signed for our students and academic staff with
pective, both of which are the pivotal points in over 70PCs. The library of the Acbadem Univer-
the health care. This university targets to educate sity is categorising and organising its resources
a modest number of people, who are focusing by using a catalogue and a grading system which
mostly on research and academic work while pro- were adopted Anglo American Cataloguing Ru-
viding the best health care. Acbadem University les. The library materials are available on an inter-
took it upon itself to perform in accordance with library system. All materials which can not be fo-
the principles of team work, equality and ethical und in our library can be accessed through the
values, to keep the scientific thought in the foref- ILL-Inter-Library-Loan.
ront, to make possible the development of new
ideas and concepts, to secure the diffusion of STUDENT LIFE
knowledge by systematic education and teaching The university campus is located in Maltepe on the
and to reach a level of professional proficiency Asian side of Istanbul. The university will move to
and academic recognition in the national and in- its new campus, which will be located more cent-
ternational areas within the framework of current rally in the Kozyata region of Istanbul in 2011.
Date of Foundation : 2007
laws concerning educational institutions. The classrooms and laboratories all are equipped
EUC Number : 255115
with modern technology. A set menu and an
Erasmus ID : TR ISTANBU27
CITY a la carte restaurant are available on the cam-
Foundation University
The Acbadem University is located in Istanbul, pus and similar restaurants can be found in the
No. of Faculties : 2
where the continents of Europe and Asia meet. neighbourhood of the Maltepe Campus itself. Re-
No. of Institutes : 3
This city is not only one of the most significant search laboratories, wireless internet access, and
No. of Research Centers : 1
developing metropolitan cities but also; it hides the rich library archieve are at the service of the
No. of Vocational Schools : 1
a very powerful historical background from the students. Students can benefit from all facilities of
Conservatory : None
prehistoric times to the Ottoman Empire. In re- the Maltepe Cultural Center, nearby.
No of Short Cycle Student : 156
lation with this; the city of Istanbul was the ca- Additionally, the new campus of the Acbadem
No of 1st Cycle Student : 203
pital city of the two empires, which are Byzanti- University is still in process of construction which
No of 2nd Cycle Student :
um and Ottoman Empires. Today, with its cheer- will be completed in the 2010-2011 academic
No of 3rd Cycle Student :
ful and tolerant citizens and with the help of de- year. The mobility of the students is planned to be
Academic Staff : 187
veloping technology, Istanbul becomes the center started in 2010-2011 academic year.
Research Assistant : 4
of education, art, culture and businness. In relati-
No. of Lecturers : 5
on with this, Istanbul offers great exhibitions, mu- INTERNATIONALISATION
seums, palaces, historical bazaars, concerts, festi- The International Office of the Acibadem Uni-
vals and indispensable hospitality of the Turkish versity has been establihed and it began to work
Acbadem University International Office
people to its visitors. from the beginning of the first academic year.
Glsuyu Mah. Fevzi akmak Cad. Divan
Sokak No:1 Maltepe/Istanbul The Erasmus Charter, which is needed to be ta-
+90 (216) 458 08 32 ACCOMODATION ken to attend this programme, had been acqu-
+90 (216) 589 84 88 The construction of the dormitories is going to be ired in 2009. For the conduction and improve-
[email protected] finished in the academic year of 2010-2011. ment of the educated health proffessionals and academic projects, Acbadem University is conti- nuing to sign bilateral agreements with the repu-
table universities.
The educational language of the School of Me-
dicine is English. The students also have Medical
English classes 5 hours per week.The language of
the instruction of the Faculty of Health Sciences
is Turkish. However, its compulsory that all the
students take English and professional English
36 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY lab, digital design lab, mechatronics lab, micropro-
Arts & sciences, communication, economics & ad- cessor lab, network lab, three computer labs, two
ministrative sciences, engineering, architecture & project development labs, software lab, 14 in to-
design, law tal, and state-of-the-art communication facilities,
which include radio and television broadcasting
UNIVERSITY studios, photography dark rooms, professional edi-
Baheehir University was founded in 1998 as a ting suites, a fully-equipped live broadcast van, and
foundation university by Baheehir Uur Educati- movie production opportunities.The PCs are all
onal Institutions. connected to the network and to the Internet with
Baheehir University is aiming to take its place a 24-hour uninterrupted service, which gives users
among the leading universities in the world with its access to electronic mail, as well as to library, aca- Date of Foundation : 1998
strong academic staff, research and educational- demic and business information world wide. EUC Number : 221853
instructional programs on international level, study Erasmus ID : TR ISTANBU08
abroad opportunities and modern technical infrast- STUDENT LIFE Foundation University
ructure. Baheehir University encourages its stu- The central campus is strategically based on the No. of Faculties : 6
dents to be productive, investigative and intellectu- shore of Europe in Beikta, only minutes from No. of Institutes : 2
al individuals, who are respectful of human rights one of another central points of Istanbul. It has No. of Research Centers : 6
and freedoms with social responsibility to serve hu- the magnificent view of the Bosphorus from the No. of Vocational Schools : 1
manity and who are adorned with creative thinking entrance of the Golden Horn too the far beyond Conservatory : None
in line with universal knowledge and values. the first Bosphorus Bridge, overlooking the Asian No of Short Cycle Student : 960
Campus is located in Beikta at the heart of Istan- shore. All the units (faculties, vocational technical No of 1st Cycle Student : 5.843
bul, the city, where Europe meets Asia. school, institutes, research centers, etc.) are in the No of 2nd Cycle Student : 2.673
Beikta Campus. Mecidiyeky Campus, which is No of 3rd Cycle Student : 18
CITY quite close to Beikta, houses the English Prepa- Academic Staff : 111
Istanbul maintains a distinguished position among ratory School. Research Assistant : 117
the metropolis of the world with its unique geog- No. of Lecturers : 116
raphical location and a cultural heritage of thou- INTERNATIONALISATION
sands of years. As one of the most energetic cities As family members of Bahcesehir University, we
in the world Istanbul continually gets to be an att- are trying to reach our goal to be the number one Contact:
raction center. The name of Istanbul will be associ- international university in Turkey. We are welco- raan Cad. No:4 Beikta stanbul
ming more and more students each year. It is very Turkey
ated with culture and arts all over the world. Being
+90 (212) 381 01 93
selected as a European Capital of Culture will give crucial for us to allow our international students to
+90 (212) 381 00 36
a boost to the citys economic relations with Euro- have best experience in Istanbul, by giving them
[email protected]
pe as well as contributing to its cultural relations. the best education possible and by helping them
to expand their visions.
ACCOMODATION Welcome to the Heart of Istanbul
Our University has five dormotory buildings with
an occupancy of 300 students each. Two of the LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
dormotories are located within walking distance As a higher education institution integrated into an
from the university and the other three dormotori- international community, we aim to educate our
es are located in the downtown area about 10 - 15 students to: extract knowledge from information;
minutes away by bus. be inquisitive and critical; be competent in another
You can find the detailed information about the foreign language other than English;have initiative
dormotories with this link: and leadership ability.
Baheehir University has computer labs, smart
classrooms, physics lab, chemistry lab, electronics
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 37
Medicine, Education, Engineering and Architectu- The Central Library provides 27.434 reference bo-
re, Arts and Sciences, Economics and Administra- oks, 498 periodicals, 979 thesis, 24 e-databases,
tive Sciences, Architecture, Fine Arts, Veterinary, 14.061 e-thesis, 46.466 e-books, 94.780
Marine Sceinces, Tourism and Hotel Manage- e-periodicals and 1.120 multimedias in service of
ment, Health, Physical Education and Sports, the students and researchers. Students and rese-
Applied Sceines, Vocational Education. archers have the possibility to access the resour-
ces from the computers in the library. It is also
UNIVERSITY possible to access the library on the website of the
The BAU campus is located at 17 km from the university on
city center on approximately 5000 hectares of The students can use the internet in all the com-
land on Balkesir-Bigadi highway. Most faculties puter labs at each unit of the university.
are located on this campus, however, Necatibey
Education Faculty, Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of STUDENT LIFE
Economics and Administrative Sciences, School of The students of Balkesir University are provided
Physical Education and Sports are located in the with many facilities, ranging from scholarships to
city center. Bandrma campus hauses Bandrma accommodation and research. Banks, post offices,
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Scien- restaurants and canteens are available for student
ces, Bandrma School of Health, Marine Sciences use within most faculties. An extensive program
and Bandrma Vocational School. of conferences, lectures, sports meetings and to-
urnaments, musical and theatrical performances,
CITY exhibitions, dancing and folklore displays and ot-
The city of Balkesir is located on the westen part her events ensure that it is possible to find somet-
of Turkey between Bursa and Izmir. The city has hing going on almost any day of the year.
some 250.000 population. The climate is typical
mediterranean with mild and humid winters and INTERNATIONALISATION
Date of Foundation : 1992 dry summers. The city is one of the major domes- The International office is responsible for the co-
EUC Number : 222718 tic tourist destinations in Tukey with extraordinary ordination and organization of all the internati-
Erasmus ID : TRBALIKES01 natural and cultural resources. The city is located onal academic activities of our university. With
State University on the center of a triangle comprising three of the the purpose of mutual research and practise,
No. of Faculties : 9 most important cities in Turkey, namely Istanbul, exchanging academics, students, and publica-
No. of Institutes : 5 Bursa and Izmir. The city has a vibrant cultural life tions and sharing knowledge and thechnology,
No. of Research Centers : 12 and the university leads the changes to turn the Balkesir University has siter universities in Poland,
No. of Vocational Schools : 16 city into an educational capital of the region. Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Romania, Bel-
Conservatory : None gium, Holland, Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Czech
No of Short Cycle Student : 10.931 ACCOMODATION Republic, Italy, Greece.
No of 1st Cycle Student : 13.442 The students of BAU accommodate at public and
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 532 private dormitories. They supply comfortable ac- LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 170 commodation for students. In the area where dor- The education language is Turkish except Ban-
Academic Staff : 574 mitories are located, the students can find sports drma Faculty of Economics and Administrative
Research Assistant : 155 facilities such as football, basketball, volleyball, Sciences. The education language in Bandrma
No. of Lecturers : 66 table tennis and billiards. There are a lot of private Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
dormitories in Balkesir. Also an additional dorm is English.
with the capacity of 170 was completed and ser-
ved the students.
BA Uluslararas likiler Aratrma ve
Uygulama Merkezi Rektrlk Binas, 6. Kat,
a Kamps, 10145, Balkesir
+90 (266) 612 14 00
+90 (266) 612 14 52
[email protected]
38 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 39
AREAS OF STUDY been growing rapidly in the last few decades. In
Beykoz Vocational School of Logistics has initiated terms of logistics, Turkey, given its geopolitical po-
new projects on designing and developing educa- sition in todays globalized world, is expected to
tional programs in the belief that this is a key factor become the logistics base for major players of the
in providing first-class education. global trading. The Municipality of Beykoz , which
BEYKOZ In order to determine the most up-to-date prog- is renowned as the pearl of Istanbul has a his-
rammes in the sector, BVSoL initially carried out torical background that dates back as far as to 700
research on the Need Analysis of Employee and B.C. It is well documented that Beykoz was one of
Employee Abilities. The educational programmes the Sultans favorite places in the Ottoman Empi-
and course contents of Beykoz Vocational School re. Kavack, on the other hand, has become one
At Beykoz Vocational School of Logistics almost
40% of the students attend English Preparatory
School which necessitates get accreditation in
English Proficiency. Thus, they are able to use the-
ir English skills while pursuing thier studies along
with their social lives.
40 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
Economics and Administrative Sciences: Econo- The university has a central library with a collecti-
mics, Business Administration, Public Administra- on of 36.000 books and periodicals provided from
tion Engineering: Computer Engineering, Electric- public and private institutions. Data base suppli-
Electronics Engineering, Mechanical and Manufac- ed by TBTAK EKUAL with the help of e-library
turing Engineering, Chemical and Process Engine- system is put into the service of the users.
ering Science and Letters: Chemistry, Geography, Besides Technical Laboratories of Vocational Scho-
Mathematics Graduate School of Social Sciences: ols an important Central Research Laboratory is be-
Business Administration, Economics, Public Admi- ing established in campus of Bilecik University. Wit-
Graduate School of Applied Sciences: Computer
Engineering, Electric-Electronics Engineering, Mec-
hin the University, incoming students can be pla-
ced in this Research Centre under the Erasmus
hanical and Manufacturing Engineering In almost all the buildings of the campus, computer
Vocational Schools: Computer Programming, laboratories are accessible by the students.
Electric, Electrical Energy Conduction Power Gene-
ration and Distribution, Electronic Communication STUDENT LIFE
Technology, Electronic Technology, Food Techno- Social and cultural activities place great importan-
logy, Construction Technology, Chemical Techno- ce at Bilecik University besides education and sci-
logy, Automation and Control Technology, Machi- entific researches. Within this scope, scientific me-
ne Technology, Metallurgy Technology, Automotive etings such as conference, seminar, panel, sympo-
Technologies, Landscaping and Ornamental Plants, sium and numerous cultural activities such as de-
Quality Control in Manufacturing, Banking and In- monstrations, exhibitions, theatres and concerts
surance, International Commerce. are carried out. There are 34 student clubs es-
tablished by the students. Student clubs regularly
UNIVERSITY present musical and poem performances, arran-
Bilecik University, founded on 29th May 2007, ge conferences and panels and organize tourna-
started its educational activities with the assignati- ments. Students find the opportunity to express
on of Prof. Dr. Azmi ZCAN as Rector in December themselves by preparing activities in the clubs in
Date of Foundation : 2007
2007. Bilecik University started its educational acti- which they are members. Various sportive faciliti-
EUC Number : 251925
vities with three Faculty and six vocational Schools es are also arranged in our University. Students can
Erasmus ID : TR BILECIK01
and two Institutes. Today 8.000 students attend receive tennis, basketball, football, folk dance and
State University
whole University. Turkish music trainings from the trainers speciali-
No. of Faculties : 3
sed in their fields in the central campus which has
CITY roofed sports hall, tennis court, roofed astro turf, No. of Institutes : 2
Province of Bilecik is located at the southeast of basketball and volleyball courts. No. of Research Centers : 1
Marmara Region at the intersection locality of Mar- No. of Vocational Schools : 6
mara Region, Black Sea Region, Central Anatolia INTERNATIONALISATION Conservatory : None
Region and Aegean Region. The oldest known na- The international strategy vision of Bilecik Univer- No of Short Cycle Student : 4.447
mes of the province are Agrilion and Belekoma. sity is to be an international university, to provide No of 1st Cycle Student : 2.047
Province of Bilecik is the land where the Ottoman opportunities for academic staff to work in rese- No of 2nd Cycle Student : 130
Empire is founded. The province is founded aro- arch projects at the international level by research No of 3rd Cycle Student :
und the Sakarya river and is known with the ric- collaborations thus to enhance its international re- Academic Staff : 230
hes of small ponds and creeks and carries the tra- putation as a leading research university. The exis- Research Assistant : 43
ces of ancient ages. ting plan of internationalization policy is based on No. of Lecturers : 18
Bilecik, is a small, green and peaceful province the effort to increase the number of student and
where 45,000 people living in it while experien- staff mobility, improving the curriculum, active
cing the cultural heritage of the Ottoman Empire. participation in European research. Contact
Habitants and visitors can easily travel to Istanbul, Bilecik University 11210 Bilecik /
which is the biggest city in Turkiye, to Bursa, which LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Turkey
is famous for its history and its fabulous mountain The medium of instruction is Turkish yet teaching +90 (228) 216 01 01
Uluda, to Antalya and Bodrum, the coast cities in English plays an essential role. While technical Eng- +90 (228) 216 02 87
Mediterranean and Aegean Regions, and to Anka- lish is taught in technical and engineering depart- [email protected]
ra, the capital with the help of airport in Yeniehir, ments, vocational English is also taught in other so-
which is a half an hour far away. cial departments. Establishing School of Foreign
Languages is on the agenda.
Accommodation in Bilecik is quite reasonable for
incoming visitors. A government dormitory next
to the campus is available to visitors while priva-
te hostels also provide service. Students also may
rent houses. The dormitory of Credit and Dormito-
ries Agency which is located in the central campus
in Glmbe has 1,164 bed capacities, of 666 for
female students and 498 for male students. The-
re are also private hostels and flats for students in
the city centre.
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 41
Social Sciences, Humanities, Natural Sciences, There is a specific residence known as Superdorm
Engineering, Business Studies, Education. situated at the Ucaksavar Campus for International
students. All the rooms in the Superdorm are equ-
UNIVERSITY ipped with phone and Internet lines. TV lounges,
Boazii University was formally established as a recreational areas, laundry and study halls are
state university in 1971. It has its origins in Robert among the facilities provided to students living on
College, founded in 1863 as one of the first Ameri- campus.
can Colleges outside the United States. Today, Bo-
azii Universitys highest standards in education LABORATORIES
and research are acknowledged throughout the The Boazii University Library holds approximately
world. Its excellence and well-deserved academic 500.000 volumes in English, Turkish, French, Ger-
reputation attracts the best students in the country. man and other languages. The library subscribes
It is endorsed by the European Universities Associ- to over 1400 foreign and domestic periodicals and
ation (EUA) and the Faculty of Engineering is the 14 newspapers. The library provides students with
universitys first ABET-accredited faculty. The flexi- access to over 6800 online databases and electro-
bility of its academic programs, the wide range of nical journals. The Boazii University Computer
courses offered, and the emphasis on interdiscipli- Center provides computing facilities in support of
nary curricula are significant advantages that cha- research, education and administration. There are
racterize and distinguish the institution. Moreover, many computer labs in all the campuses.
the universitys academic programs are enhanced
by a strong tradition of extra-curricular activities, STUDENT LIFE
which play an important role in campus life. A wide range of extracurricular activities enables
students to develop their abilities and leadership
Date of Foundation : 1971
CITY skills. There are 37 student clubs, each serving dif-
EUC Number : 221206
Located on both continents of Asia and Europe ferent interests and talents. Additionally Boazii
Erasmus ID : TR ISTANBU01
which is separated by the Bosphorous Straits, Istan- University provides many sports opportunities. The-
State University
No. of Faculties : 4 bul has long been a settlement area from prehisto- re is a sports complex on Ucaksavar Campus which
No. of Institutes : 6 rical times. The foundations of Istanbul of our days includes a soccer field, a track and gym with trai-
No. of Research Centers : 14 were laid during the Roman Empire. The city be- ning equipment. There are basketball and tennis
No. of Vocational Schools : 2 ars the characteristics of being a capital city for two courts, outdoor and indoor swimming pools.
Conservatory : None Great Empires; the Byzantium and the Ottoman
No of Short Cycle Student : Empires. In both of these periods, Istanbul has pre- INTERNATIONALISATION
No of 1st Cycle Student : 8732 served its features of being a political and religious There are about 500 international students enrol-
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 1638 center and has become the religious center of both led at different departments of Boazii University.
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 739
Christianity and the Islam religions. Therefore, it is Taking advantage of the university wide practice of
Academic Staff : 486
one of the few cities in the world which houses di- instruction in English, the university has been ac-
Research Assistant : 371
verse cultures rich from the standpoint of historical tively supporting the expansion of bilateral agree-
No. of Lecturers : 82
and religious values. Istanbul is, by nature an inter- ments with European and other international ins-
national culture center. The city houses many mu- titutions. Every semester Boazii University hosts
Contact: sic, film and art festivals throughout the year. around 120 exchange students coming from ma-
Boazii University, International Relations inly Europe, Japan, U.S.A., Canada and Australia.
Office, Boazii University, Bebek, 34342,
+90 (212) 359 74 21 LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
+90 (212) 265 32 48 Language of instruction at Boazii University is
[email protected] English. All the courses except the Turkish Langua- ge courses are offered in English.
42 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY are provided. There are more than 20 such hostels
Horticulture, Plant Protection, Landscape Archi- in Canakkale. Also, students can stay in a University
tecture, Field Crops, Agricultural Economics ,Ag- Guest House for up to one week while they search
ricultural MechanizationFarm Structers And Irr- for suitable accommodation.
gation, Soil Science, Animal Science, Turkish Lan-
guage And Literature, Physics, Geography, Wes-
tern Languages And Literature, History, Archeo- The library has a subscription to the data bases and
logy, Sociology, Biology, Mathematics, Art History, possesses approximately 100,000 books, is capab-
Chemistry, Business Studies, Economics, Interntio- le of accessing scientific journals and many perio-
nal Relations, Public Management, Public Finance,
Labour Economics And Industrial Relations, Econo-
metrics, Computer And Instructonal Technologes
The university is connected to the worldwide infor-
mation retrieval system and computer facilities are
Educaton, Educatonal Scences, Fne Arts Educat-
on, Elemantary Educaton, Secondary Scence And
Mathematcs Educaton, Secondary Socal Subjects
offered to students in the various locations.
Laboratories : Computer, Biology, Chemistry, Ana-
tomy, Physics, Production, Microbiology, Langua-
Educaton, Specal Educaton, Turkish Language ge, Physiology. An observatory is also within the
Educaton, Foreign Language Education , Compu- COMU assets.
ter Engineering, Food Engineering, Geological En-
gineering, Geophysical Engineering, Environmen- STUDENT LIFE
tal Engineering, Acting, Cinema And Television, Students enjoy the academic life and social life
Textiles Design, Painting, Ceramics, Traditional Ce- and visit many historical places in Canakkale pro-
ramics, Graphic Design. vince. They can relax in various cafes located on
campuses and have delicious but quite cheap din-
UNIVERSITY ners. When night falls, most of the socialising takes
anakkale Onsekiz Mart University was founded in place on or near the seafront, where there are ca-
1992 and has expanded rapidly over the last few fes, bars, tea gardens and discos to suit everyones
years and currently has wide variety of program- taste. Dardanos Campus is a former holiday village
mes. It is an modern university carrying out scho- situated just a few miles from the city, on a quiet
larly research and providing regional, national and bay overlooking the Dardanelles and the Gallipoli Date of Foundation : 1992
international dimensions to training in all its educa- Peninsula. The campus offers excellent opportuniti- EUC Number : 220030
tional programmes, while taking into account the es for water sports such as wind surfing, the beach
Erasmus ID : TR CANAKKA01
resources of the area in which it is situated. and catering facilities as well. There are sport faci-
State University
In order to attain the universitys educational, sci- lities, tenis courts, basketball courts, football area
entific, cultural, and social goals, the university has etc. on many of the campuses. There are several No. of Faculties : 12
recently introduced a new marking and assessment student groups they can join and attend activities. No. of Institutes : 2
system, updated the contents of courses, introdu- anakkale is a small city and and many students No. of Research Centers : 22
ced new programmes, increased facilities for fore- walk or cycle or catch a frequent citybuses. No. of Vocational Schools : 11
ign languages and computer training, and moder- Conservatory : Yes
nised and extended the library. anakkale Onsekiz INTERNATIONALISATION No of Short Cycle Student : 5.319
Mart University is a dynamic, progressive, modern anakkale Onsekiz Mart University is aware of the
No of 1st Cycle Student : 12.861
university of international standards. importance of encouraging, developing and sup-
porting educational, cultural and scientific coo- No of 2nd Cycle Student : 917
CITY peration with overseas higher education instituti- No of 3rd Cycle Student : 204
The province of anakkale lies in the northwest of ons and others. The international outlook of the Academic Staff : 791
Turkey with its shores touch both Europe and Asia. university is based on the concepts of developing Research Assistant : 258
It includes the legendary ancient cities of Troy and a knowledge society and of life-long learning No. of Lecturers : 88
Assos and the World War I battlefields of Gallipoli. COMU has therefore already made it its purpose
There are also many Ottoman structures still stan- to take steps on the path to international coope-
ding: castles, bridges, mosques, mansions and Tur- ration.
kish baths. Contact:
anakkale has firmly embraced the new millenium LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION anakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi
when it comes to the essentials of living. You will anakkale Onsekiz Mart University has developed Erasmus Ofisi Rektorluk Binasi B Blok
have no difficulty finding an internet cafe, fax faci- an International Programme which includes cour-
Oda:515 Terzioglu Kampusu 17020
lities, cornflakes, cashpoints or a launderette and it ses in English, German and French. The contents,
anakkale TURKEY
as one of the lowest crime rates in Turkey. ECTS credts and other details of the courses are
+90 (286) 218 00 18
Those who are enraptured by history will find published on our website.
+90 (286) 218 19 49
plenty to slake their thirst in the area. There are
[email protected]
also lots of uncrowded corners where the visitor
can paddle along the shore, stretch out on the
sand, scuba dive, or just sit in the shade, sip so-
mething exotic, and gaze out to sea hoping for a
glimpse of some playful dolphins.
When night falls, most of the socialising takes pla-
ce on or near the seafront, where there are cafes,
bars, tea garden are visited.
Most common accommodation option is renting
a room at private houses, sharing with other stu-
dents. Rents vary according to location, size and fa-
cilities. Private student hostels, under the supervisi-
on of Ministry of Education, are a popular second
option. They are comfortable and most amenities
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 43
Communication, English Language and Literature, Like Turkish students foreign students may find ac-
Psychology, Physics, Chemistry, Humanities, Pub- commodation at the dormitories of the institute
lic Relations, Management, International Relati- of Student Loans and Dormitories as well as other
ons, Economics, Finance, International Trade and privately run dormitories. Flats or rooms for rent,
Management, Computer Engineering, IT Techno- which may easily be found in the University neigh-
logy, Electronics and Communication Engineering, borhood, are generally popular with students. The
Control Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, In- average cost of living in the area is $ 400-500 a
dustrial Engineering, Architecture, Graphics, Fine month.
Dou University was founded by the Act of Parlia-
ment, 4281, passed by Turkish Grand National As-
In the library, services such as consultation, access
to information, use of internet, use of visual and
audio information sources and electronic database,
sembly on 9 July 1997. lending, supply publications between libraries etc.
The highly acclaimed academic qualifications, ex- are provided. As for the Information Technology
perience, and intellectual background of the aca- Center, it provides for students four fully-equipped
demics, combined with their enthusiasm for cons- computer laboratories, a multimedia laboratory es-
tant research and self-improvement, result in the- pecially for multimedia applications, an IT labora-
ir valuable contribution to science and hence in the tory for advanced computer studies, a Macintosh
efficiency, high quality, and success of the educati- laboratory for graphic studies, a Labview labora-
on offered at Dou University. The research, deve- tory for Electronics and Communications experi-
lopment and academic publication activities carri- ments and a multimedia classroom for lessons with
ed out by our academic staff to help students parti- visual content.
cipate in life as much as they can, are fully suppor-
ted and encouraged by our university. In terms of STUDENT LIFE
the quantity of academic publications (as determi- Our students explore areas of their own interest in
ned by SCI + SSCI + AHCI index), Dou University Student Clubs they establish, which are regularly
ranked 14th place among 93 universities, 78 places monitored by the Dean of Students. For the effecti-
Date of Foundation : 1997 above other universities. ve realization of these activities, the Student Coun-
EUC Number : 220681 cil and its students representatives cooperate with
Erasmus ID : TR ISTANBU12 CITY the Student Clubs in coordinated meetings. Since
Foundation University Dou University functions as a city university, and the academic year 2004-2005, Student Job Servi-
No. of Faculties : 23 is located in one of the most beautiful neighbo- ce Program has also been established to help stu-
No. of Institutes : 2 urhoods of Istanbul, Acbadem/Kadky, giving the dents gain professional life experience by encoura-
No. of Research Centers : students the opportunity to explore the magnifi- ging them to participate in the work environment
No. of Vocational Schools : 1 cent city after leaving the school premises. The city, at university, to foster their social and cultural de-
Conservatory : None which connects two continents with the charming velopment, to familiarize them with the manageri-
No of Short Cycle Student : 1.107 beauty of the Bosphorus, is an honoured and dis- al and organizational structures of different units
tinctive metropolis with a high number of palaces, of university, and to provide them with a certain
No of 1st Cycle Student : 2.658
mosques, museums, concert halls, art centres, and amount of income.
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 195
a wide range of facilities. In this cradle of civiliza-
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 28
tion, universities roles as leading institutions in te- INTERNATIONALISATION
Academic Staff : 305 achingthe culture in question attaches importance Since its establishment Dou University has taken
Research Assistant : 76 to their being located in the city centre. During the concrete steps towards internationalization and
No. of Lecturers : 78 day, after completing their academic studies at uni- Europeanization, thus continuously increasing its
versity, students continue to receive education in good reputation in national and international high
the city. Consequently, they learn the art of living level academics circles. The University being cons-
Contact: in a metropolis by indulging in numerous cultural cious of its social responsibility is sharing and will
Dou niversitesi - Acbadem, activities held attheatres, cinemas, exhibitions, bo- continue to share its cumulative expertise arising
Kadky, 34722 stanbul okstores, and have the opportunity of joining vari- from the internalization process with other hig-
+90 (216) 544 55 21 ous sports activities. her education and civil society institutions in Tur-
+90 (216) 544 55 42 key and abroad.
[email protected] LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Those admitted to programs whose medium of ins-
truction is English must study compulsory English
Prep Program. Prep school year is not included in
the period of the Undergraduate Program of four
Students who succeed in the English Proficiency
Examination or present the successful test sco-
re accepted by the university document, of one of
the national or international foreign language tests
accredited by the University will continue their edu-
cation starting from the first year.
44 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 45
AREAS OF STUDY municipalities of Istanbul organize numerous na-
Education, American Culture and Literature, Bio- tional and international festivals of culture and art.
logy, Geography, Modern Turkic Dialects and Li-
terature, Chinese Language and Literature, Philo- ACCOMODATION
sophy, Physics, English Language and Literature, There are 8 dormitories with a capacity of 1150
Spanish Language and Literature, Chemistry, Mat- beds at Fatih University. Two of are located in
hematics, Psychology, Russian Language and Lite- the campus for male freshman students. Out-of-
rature, Sociology, History, Turkish Language and campus dormitories are located in neighborhood
tal Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engine- en, study halls, free internet, round-the-clock hot
ering, Industrial Engineering, Genetics and Bioen- water. For further information and virtual tours,
gineering, Faculty of Medicine, The School of Nur- please visit;
sing, Accounting and Data Applications, Banking
and Insurance, Business Management, Child Deve- LABORATORIES
lopment, Computer Programming, Foreign Trade, There are 71 science and engineering laboratories
Public Relations and Promotion, Accounting and throughout the Faculty of Engineering and Faculty
Tax Applications, Applied English-Turkish Interpre- of Arts & Sciences. Furthermore, Fatih University
tation, Business Management, Computer Program- Bionanotechnology Laboratories, which constitute
ming, Graphic Design, Marketing, Office Services the first and unique center in Turkey, and Industri-
and Secretarial Training, Public Relations and Pro- al Automation Laboratories are utilized for advan-
motion, Technology ced research activities.
All PhD programs are offered in English. Depart-
ments offering master and bachelor degrees have
two parallel curriculums, one is totally in English
and the other one is totally in Turkish. Exceptions
are Law and Medicine Schools where only %30 of
the curriculum is taught in English.
Moreover, Russian, Chinese, and Spanish are used
as instruction languages in corresponding linguis-
tic departments.
46 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
April 1992 with the signing of an agreement bet- ACCOMODATION
ween the Turkish and French governments crea- We dont have acoomodation facilities Housing:
ting an integrated educational system, which inc- Galatasaray University does not have a dormitory.
luded a primary school, a secondary school, and On the other hand, on the Admissions Office and
the university-level Galatasaray Educational Institu- Erasmus office boards, there can be small adverti-
tion. On 6 June 1994 this institution became Gala- sements for apartments to share.
tasaray University, pursuant to Law Number 3993
and the additional protocol published in the Offi- LABORATORIES
cial Gazette. Galatasaray University is a state uni- 2 libraries, 3 laboratories, 5 computing services
versity and the first and only institution of higher
education in Turkey to be established by internati- STUDENT LIFE
onal agreement. There is an Erasmus Students Club to help the fo- Date of Foundation : 1992
reign students for their accommodation and with EUC Number : 221789
CITY any other problems. Please contact the responsible Erasmus ID : TR ISTANBU02
Istanbul, with a cultural, historical, economic, and before your arrival : H. Baran BINGL ( hbbingol@
State University
scientific accumulation of thousands of years since )
its foundation, has been home to many significant No. of Faculties : 5
civilizations in the world history, such as East Ro- INTERNATIONALISATION No. of Institutes : 2
man Empire and Ottoman Empire. Being decorated Increase the number of students participating in No. of Research Centers : 6
with myriad masterpieces of art belonging to the- the Erasmus Programme in French universities, Inc- No. of Vocational Schools : 1
se civilizations, the city is unique and inspiring. It is rease the number of students participating in the Conservatory : None
like an open-air museum sheltering the prominent LLP/Erasmus Programme in European Universities,
No of Short Cycle Student :
works of art of both the Turkish culture and civi- Carry out exchanges of academic staff,
lization and of the other cultures and civilizations No of 1st Cycle Student : 1.530
of the world. Moreover, the cultural and art events LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION No of 2nd Cycle Student :
held in Istanbul offers the inhabitants and visitors French and Turkish No of 3rd Cycle Student :
invaluable facilities such as cinemas, theatres, bal- Academic Staff : 252
let and concert halls, and shopping centers. The Research Assistant : 114
municipalities of Istanbul organize numerous na- No. of Lecturers : 104
tional and international festivals of culture and art.
raan Cad. NO: 36 Ortaky 34357
Istanbul TURKEY
+90 (212) 227 51 49
+90 (212) 259 20 85
[email protected]
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 47
AREAS OF STUDY 200-250 Euro per month according to the district
Gebze Institute of Technology (GIT) was establis- and the size of the flat.
hed as a graduate school in 1992 to provide acade-
mic studies at graduate level. In 2001 GIT accepted LABORATORIES
its first group of undergraduate students in Elect- The Library has an impressive collection of more
than 10000 books, and is subscribed to 8 elect-
ronics, Computer, Materials Science and Engine-
ering, Physics and Mathematics.GIT gives particu- ronic databases, 9705 on-line periodicals and 33
lar attention to educate future scientists with ad- print-periodicals. Library services are free of char-
vanced technological skills. With its state of the ge. GIT has 5 research centres and 37 Research
art laboratory facilities and academic personnel, and/or Teaching Laboratories fully equipped with
GIT addresses the technical problems of the nati- the state of the art technology. Every department
onal industry to develop and implement new tech- has its own computer network and computer labo-
nologies. ratories for its students.
stanbul Cad. No:101 41400 ayrova
Gebze Kocaeli TURKEY
+90 (262) 605 10 00 1527
+90 (262) 653 84 90
[email protected]
48 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY 22 female.The dormitory building, which is plan-
Architecture, business administration, fine arts, he- ned according to the basic needs of male and fe-
alth sciences, engineering, nursing, arts and scien- male students, offers a clean and cozy family at-
ces, sport school and conservatory. mosphere with its contemporary infrastructure and
modern look.
Hali University is a foundation university, which LABORATORIES
was founded in 1998 by Our-Children Leukemia Our University boast many spacious computer labs
Foundation, which obtained much love and res- and smart classrooms, anatomy lab, biology lab,
pect both in Turkey and over the world as a result electronics lab, digital design lab, performing arts
of the remarkable works it has carried out success- lab, network lab, labs for Nursing and Midwifery,
fully for 25 years. Our university founded by Prof. software lab, photography dark rooms, professio-
Dr. Gndz Gedikolu in accordance with the law nal editing suites, lab. for Conservatory. Also Fa-
number 4324, dated January 14, 1998 and with culty of Architecture has special workshop areas
mission and principles specified in the foundation for planning and constructing the latest techniques
bill always aims at the beter. Hali Universitys mo- in modern architecture design, and there are two
dern republican vision is in the line with globalizing physics research labs.
world it embraces Contemporary Quality Princip-
le in Education to educate its students as specia- STUDENT LIFE
lists who know, use and produce science and tech- Hali University provides a real university life for
nology. students. An academic life full of social and cultu-
Our vision is to graduate creative, assertive, inquisi- ral activities is the leading educational components
tive students with high qualifications who have na- granted for the students of Hali University.
tional and universal moral and ethical values, who
are knowledgable in theory and practice; respon- Our University hosts wealth of drama, music, vi- Date of Foundation : 1998
sible individuals willing to contribute to the peace sual arts and other cultural events each year. The EUC Number : 222694
and welfare of our country and the world. University has Theatre; it keeps Hali at the cutting Erasmus ID : TR ISTANBU15
edge of the arts scene. Hali offers something for Foundation University
CITY everyone, whatever their interests; and on your do- No. of Faculties : 8
Hali University is located in Istanbul. Istanbul is orstep, the social, cultural and career opportunities No. of Institutes : 3
a unique city at the meeting point of Europe and are among the best in the Istanbul. Besides all the No. of Research Centers : 2
Asia, and on the edge of two continents. It is a city opportunities for participating in art shows, theat- No. of Vocational Schools :
of synthesis, where the culture, art and religions of rical events, and musical entertainment througho- Conservatory : Yes
both East and West meet in an atmosphere of to- ut the academic year, Hali University hosts many No of Short Cycle Student :
lerance. internationally noted speakers from around the No of 1st Cycle Student : 4.097
Istanbul is a grand monument to the heydays of world sharing information on a broad cross-section No of 2nd Cycle Student : 460
Oriental cultures supremacy. Istanbul, with its po- of topics and interests. These exhibitions and spe- No of 3rd Cycle Student : 10
pulation of around 13 million, honors and preser- akers enrich the academic experience for our stu- Academic Staff : 252
dents and teachers alike, but are also open to the Research Assistant : 55
ves the legacy of its past whilst looking forward to
No. of Lecturers : 32
a modern future. Although first settlements in Is- community, free of charge.
tanbul were observed in prehistoric periods, con-
tinual settlements started in the colonial period. INTERNATIONALISATION Contact
The foundations of Istanbul were laid during re- International Office welcomes international stu- Bykdere cad. no:101
cent times as being the former capital city of the dents to our programs, as well as those coming for 34394 Mecidiyeky-Istanbul
three successive empires, Roman, Byzantine and only a 1 or 2 semester exchange.We provide infor- +90 (212) 275 20 20
Ottoman. It has been a political and religious cen- mation and gives support to students from other +90 (212) 274 81 22
ter for centuries.Istanbul, with its natural beauties countries, as well as to Hali University students [email protected]
and rich history, has high local and international who consider studying abroad at another partner
tourism potential, and from this viewpoint one of university for Exchange purposes.We also help new
the most fascinating, glorious and attractive cities students adjust to Hali University as well as Istan-
of the world bul. Every year Halic hosts 20 exchange students
throughout the world.
The university attaches great importance to its stu- LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
dents accomodation needs. The dormitory with a The medium of instruction at Halic
60-student capacity offers service to 54 students University is both Turkish and Eng-
who come from cities out of stanbul and as well as lish.
International Students; 32 of whom are male and
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 49
AREAS OF STUDY torical sights, and offers various museums, modern
Economics, Management (Program: Manage- art galleries, theaters, a symphony orchestra, opera
ment, International Trade), International Relati- and ballet companies.
ons (Program: International Relations, Political Sci-
ence), Information Technologies (Programs: In- ACCOMODATION
formation Technologies, Management Informati- On our campus, students enjoy a variety of housing
on System, Physics, Mathematics (Programs: Mat- options. Some dormitories have rooms with two
hematics, Mathematical Engineering), Humaniti- and three beds and a private bathroom, while ot-
es and Social Sciences (Programs: Science, Techno- hers have three and four beds, where students use
logy and Society; Art, Culture and Society), Psycho- common bathroom facilities at each end of their
The Preparatory Program (Hazrlk) is a program de-
signed to prepare students who aspire to enter Isik
University for doing their academic work in Eng-
lish. All courses at Ik University are conducted in
English.The main objective of the Preparatory Prog-
ram is to develop students English language skills
so they are ready for their degree programs.
50 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY administration, security and medical staff provide
Psychology, Mathematics and Computer Scien- 24-hour services.
ce, the Turkish Language and Literature Translati-
on and Interpreting in English, Fashion and Textile LABORATORIES
Design, Graphic Design, Business Administration Our library endeavors to constantly improve its
(Turkish), Business Administration (English), Inter- performance as an active supporter and provi-
der for the universitys effective, innovative, and
national Relations (Turkish), International Relati-
ons (English), Visual Communication Design, Pub- student-centered approach to education, and as
lic Relations and Advertisement Radio Television an indispensable element in the academic process
and Cinema, Industrial Engineering, Electrical and based on this approach. According to the license
Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, agreements between stanbul Arel University Lib-
Architecture Industrial Product Design, Nutrition rary, ANKOS, EKUAL and the relevant publishers,
and Dietetics Nursing, Banking and Finance Acco- electronic databases can only be used for the pur-
unting and Information Systems, Tourism and Ho- pose of private study and research. AREL univer-
tel Management. sity has 6 laboratories and computer centres.
Students have the chance to live in dormitories
built and designed as villas. Each of the villas is
fully-furnished; living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens
and bathrooms. In every villa, computer rooms,
printers, drawing tables, satellite TV and free in-
ternet access are available for all students. In ad-
dition, there is a swimming pool with sports facili-
ties and common recreation areas. The dormitory
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 51
stanbul Aydn University has been estabished by IAU offers a university life with colorful social and
Anadolu Educational and Cultural Fuandation cultural activities as well as academic ones. au of-
(AKEV) in 2007. IAU has 35 departments in 8 fa- fers all the opportunities of modern education with
culties (Faculty of Arts and Science, Faculty of En- modern classrooms, libraries, computer foreign
gineering and Architecture, Faculty of Economics language, food technologies, jewellery designing,
and Administration, Facuity of Fine art, Faculty of fashion, and radio-TV programming labs, confe-
ols one of which is called Anadolu BIL Professional ture. IAU is the member institutions of Microsoft It
School of Higher Education (ABMYO) founded by Academy. IAU also has the technical equipments
AKEV in 2003. ABMYO offers associates degree in for online education. IAU library offers an impressi-
36 programs. ve collection of boks, periodicals, visual and sound
recording materials.
stanbul is Europes most papulous city (the worlds STUDENT LIFE
3rd largest city proper and 20th largest urban area) IAU gives special emphasis on its students to de-
and Turkeys cultural and financial center. The city velop a socially active personality. Since the first
covers 27 districts of the stanbul province. It is lo- day of their establishments IAU student commit-
cated on the Bosphoruk Strait and encompasses tee and clubs which play an important role to crea-
the natural harbor known as the Golden Horn, in te this social atmosphere, have taken part in activi-
the northwest of the country. It extends both on ties. There are 35 student clubs. IAu students have
the European and on the Asian side of the Bospho- the opportunity to play sports like basketball, vol-
rus, and is thereby the only metropolis in the world leyball, handball, and football in university s open
Date of Foundation : 2007 which is situated on two continents. In its long his- and close gyms. There are also congresses, meting
EUC Number : 227685 tory, stanbul served as the capital city of the Ro- and negatiation lounges where cultural events like
Erasmus ID : TR ISTANBU25 man Empire (330-395), the East Roman (Byzantine) drama, cinema and congress can be performed.
Foundation University Empire (395-1204 and 1261-1453), the Latin Em-
No. of Faculties : 73 pire (1204-1261), and the Otoman Empire (1453- INTERNATIONALISATION
No. of Institutes : 7 1922). The city was chosen as joint european Capi- In 2005, Anadolu BIL Professional School of Higher
No. of Research Centers : 7 tal of Culture for 2010. The historic areas of stan- Education received Erasmus Charter and the char-
No. of Vocational Schools : 1 bul were added to the UNESCO World Heritage List ter has been extended to 2013, IAU has been re-
Conservatory : None in 1985 request. gularly exchanging student and staff with many
No of Short Cycle Student : 7.614 Not provide an on-campus accomodation, inco- EU universities. Cooperation agreements have
No of 1st Cycle Student : 3.003 ming students are directed to different alternatived been signed with more than 20 universities in USA
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 581 ranging from renting houses to staying in dormito- and in European countries in regaard with degree
No of 3rd Cycle Student : ries in the closest environment on request. completion, master educations, and summer scho-
Academic Staff : 377 ols as well as joint research programs.
Research Assistant : 20
No. of Lecturers :
Beyol Mah. nn cad. No:38
Kkekmece / Sefaky - STANBUL
+90 (212) 425 61 51
+90 (212) 424 08 80
[email protected]
52 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY of room choices. The dormitory is equipped with
Architecture, Industrial Design, Interior Design, computer and study rooms, kitchenettes and la-
Comparative Literature , Computer Science, Eng- undry facilities. Daily room cleaning, breakfast and
lish Language Teacher Education, Financial Mathe- shuttle service to campuses are provided. There
matics, History, Mathematics, Music, Psychology, are also two residence halls with single and doub-
Sociology, Advertising, Art Management, Cultu- le room choices.
ral Management, Film and Television, Manage-
ment of Performing Arts, Media and Communicati- LABORATORIES
on Systems, Photography and Video, Public Relati- Bilgi Library offers an impressive collection of bo-
ons, Television Reporting and Programming, Visual oks, periodicals, e-books, e-journals, academic in-
Communication Design, Business Administration,
Business Informatics, Business-Economics, Econo-
mics, Economics and Management Honors, Euro-
ternet resources, music scores, audio-visual and
sound-recording collections. Computer laboratori-
es provide spaces where students can do their as-
pean Union Studies, International Finance, Interna- signments and undertake research. Film producti-
tional Relations, International Trade and Business, on, post-production, ensemble and recording stu-
Marketing Management, Mathematics and Econo- dios are available.
mics Honors, Political Economy and Social Philo-
sophy, Political Science, Bioengineering, Compu- STUDENT LIFE
ter Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engine- Students at Bilgi participate in numerous extra-
ering, Energy Systems Engineering, Industrial Engi- curricular activities, including various student clubs
neering, Law. and sports. They are also engaged in University
governance via the Student Union. The University
UNIVERSITY provides emergency medical and psychological co-
Istanbul Bilgi University is a private, non-profit insti- unseling services free of charge.
tution and functions under the aegis of the Turkish
Higher Education Council. BILGI offers undergra- INTERNATIONALISATION Date of Foundation : 1996
duate and graduate programs in the social scien- Istanbul Bilgi University maintains exchange prog- EUC Number : 222195
ces, business, law, communications, the arts, arc- rams with numerous universities in Europe, North Erasmus ID :
hitecture and engineering. BILGI is a city university America and Asia. It offers double degree master Foundation University
with 3 campuses located in central city neighbor- programs with distinguished European universiti- No. of Faculties : 6
hoods, offering easy access to the social and cultu- es. In 2006, Bilgi joined the Laureate International No. of Institutes : 3
ral activities in Istanbul. Innovative academic prog- Universities Network, which operates 40 campus- No. of Research Centers : 15
No. of Vocational Schools : 15
rams and their curricula allow students to take based and online universities in North America La-
Conservatory : None
many elective courses and pursue their intellectual tin America, Europe and Asia, and cooperates with
No of Short Cycle Student : 506
interests alongside their major fields of study. Stu- these universities for student and faculty exchan-
No of 1st Cycle Student : 6.387
dents are encouraged to take part in university go- ges.
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 2.323
vernance, participate in student clubs and engage
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 94
in voluntary work. Numerous community develop- LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
Academic Staff : 307
ment programs and courses bring students and fa- The medium of instruction at Bilgi is English, except Research Assistant : 131
culty into direct contact with local communities. for the Faculty of Law, which conducts most of its No. of Lecturers : 59
courses in Turkish. Before being admitted to their
CITY degree programs, students must demonstrate their
Istanbul is a dynamic metropolis of more than 12 proficiency in English. Students whose level of Eng- Contact
million people; the commercial, financial, artistic, lish is not sufficient to begin undergraduate study International Office
cultural and education center of Turkey. Histori- will have to enroll in Bilgis English Language Pre- Kurtulu Deresi Cad. No: 47 Dolapdere
cally, Istanbul was the capital of Byzantine and Ot- paratory Program. Istanbul 34440 Turkey
toman Empires and holds more than 2,000 years +90 (212) 311 51 17
+90 (212) 253 47 02
of diverse heritage. Istanbul is truly an extraordi-
[email protected]
nary city, the only one in the world built on two
continents. The bridges over the Bosphorus that
connect the European and Asian sides symbolize
its epithet, crossroads of cultures. Today, Istan-
bul retains its rich cosmopolitan character and is
a great place to study as an international student.
With its many museums, galleries, concert halls,
year around festivals and lively night life, Istanbul
has been branded as one of the coolest cities in
the world
Bilgi operates a dormitory for men and women lo-
cated in the Golden Horn area, offering a variety
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 53
Medicine, Psychology, Nursing, Physiotherapy Istanbul Bilim University is supportive of its stu-
and Rehabilitation, Nutrition and Dietetic, Midwi- dents in relation to their accomodation problems
fery, Health Institutes Management, Paramedic, too, as this of importance for the healthy continu-
Medical Imaging Techniques, Anaesthesia, Me- ation of their studies. Since the university is loca-
dical Laboratory Techniques, Medical Documen- ted in the centre of the city, the students can ac-
tation and Secreterial, Health Business Enterprise comodate in various dormitories around the uni-
versity (in walking distance) and the some of the
UNIVERSITY students can accomodate in hospital campuses.
Istanbul Bilim University (IBU), which was founded
by Turkish Cardiology Foundation to provide tra- LABORATORIES
ining and education in health sciences, has been There are Multidisciplinary Laboratories, Mole-
established on 28th March 2006. The Medical Fa- cular Biology and Genetics Laboratory, Histology
culty, The Institute of Health Sciences, Florence and Embriology Laboratory, Cell Culture Labora-
Nightingale Hospital School of Nursing and He- tory and Anatomy Laboratory. There is a compu-
alth Services Vocational Schools had been functi- ting laboratory that has 100 computers and uni-
oning under the Kadir Has University between versity library including 1574 books, medical peri-
the years 1998-2006. All of the health related tra- odicals and medical databases. The university has
ining and educational programs were attached to membership in online academic publishing and
IBU and after then Faculty of Arts & Science, Scho- research databases that enables access for acade-
ol of Health (Midwifery, Nutrition and Dietician, mic staff and the students.
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Health Institu-
tes Management), Institute of Social Sciences was STUDENT LIFE
Date of Foundation : 2006
established. Avrupa Florence Nightingale Hospi- The university is placed in the very center of the
EUC Number : 247381
Erasmus ID : TR ISTANBU26 tal Clinical Research Center is the teaching hos- city so its very easy for the students to plan the-
Foundation University pital of IBU. The Florence Nightingale Group Hos- ir social activities out of the university as well as
No. of Faculties : 4 pitals which are accredited with Joint Commissi- in the university.There are 9 student clubs which
No. of Institutes : 2 on International, are affiliated with IBU. Qualified are Chess Club, Theatre Club, Music Club, Pho-
No. of Research Centers : 1 health professionals take important roles in stu- tography Club, Environmental Health Education
No. of Vocational Schools : 1 dents placements. Club, Culture and Literature Club, Dance Club,
Conservatory : None Tourism and Travel Club and Sports Club
No of Short Cycle Student : 229 CITY
No of 1st Cycle Student : 936
Istanbul is the only city in the world to be sited on INTERNATIONALISATION
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 43
two continents; Europe and Asia and the meeting IBU considers internalisation to be great impor-
No of 3rd Cycle Student :
place for many people and cultures. In its long tance for integration to the European Higher Edu-
Academic Staff : 111
Research Assistant : 73 history, Istanbul has served as the capital city of cation Area.The Florence Nightingale Group Hos-
No. of Lecturers : 2 the Roman Empire (330-395), the Eastern Roman pitals which are accredited with Joint Commission
(Byzantine) Empire (395-1204 and 1261-1453), International and their qualified health professio-
the Latin Empire (1204-1261), and the Ottoman nals take important roles in student placement of
Contact Empire (1453-1922). The city was chosen as joint health sciences departments throughout the prac-
Bykdere Cad. No:120 34394
European Capital of Culture for 2010. Istanbul is tical education.The exchange activities as part of
Esentepe isli/stanbul
+90 (212) 275 75 82 going to a modern future with preserving magni- the Bilateral Agreements keep going for 18 prog-
+90 (212) 213 92 07 ficence of history with proud. rams in different countries.
English is one of the most important languages in
medical sciences and facilitates following up the
advancements in health sciences. The university
and affiliated hospitals lay stress on foreign lan-
guages for creating the international patient care
environment and transcultural care. The medi-
cal staff and students are encouraged to improve
their foreign language proficiency and to use it in
the care and to track the medical improvements.
54 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY encompasses the use of campus computing, net-
Arts and sciences, statistics, mathematics, psycho- work services and document services. Divisions
logy, commercial sciences, banking and finance, services include providing computational equip-
busness administration tourism management, in- ment, their hardware and software maintenance,
ternational relations, international trade, law, com- maintenance of software resources such as langu-
municaton, public relations, media and communi- age compilers, utilities and application programs.
cation systems, visual communication design, engi-
neering and design, computer engineering, indust-
rial engineering, interior architecture and environ-
The libraries offer a comprehensive and flexible
range of reference services with trained librarians.
The libraries hold over 25,000 items all of these bo-
mental design , fashion and textile design, Vocati-
onal school, Computer technology and program-
ming program, Foreign trade program, Internati-
oks and journals and subscribed various databases.
onal logistics program, Accounting program, Avi-
ation logistics , Ground handling service manage-
ment in aviation
Istanbul Commerce Community is welcomed to
Cemile Sultan Koru Tesisleri, a social facility of Is-
tanbul Chamber of Commerce in Kandilli and the
students and faculty can benefit from all the activi-
UNIVERSITY ties such as swimming, fitness center and badmin-
Founded in 2001, Istanbul Commerce University is ton in this facility. Home to more than 20 student
a comprehensive, independent, multi-campus uni- clubs, head of departments assist student leaders
versity located in Istanbul. Istanbul Commerce Uni- in any way they can.
versity offers a school in an opportunity-rich, city
environment. Students have easy access to both Istanbul Commerce University views athletics and
parts of Istanbul and benefit from myriad social, recreation as an integral part of the educational ex-
cultural and professional opportunities. perience. The 250 square-meter, Fitness and Rec-
Our mission is to educate business leaders who will reation Center has been a recognizable landmark
be an asset to our economy with the principles of of the Istanbul Commerce community. Mens in-
Constitution in mind and always follow the global tercollegiate varsity sports include basketball, vol-
developments in science and technology, to rejoi- leyball, tennis, soccer and swimming. Women par-
ce in discovery and in critical thought and to pursue ticipate in volleyball, tennis and swimming. Istan-
excellence in a spirit of productive cooperation. We bul Commerce University competes at the Turkish
Date of Foundation : 2001
ensure quality and impact of our research and teac- University Sports Federations League.
hing for the business community, promote strong EUC Number : 223577
linkages with alumni, industry and the business INTERNATIONALISATION Erasmus ID : TR ISTANBU10
community and the spirit of enterprise and innova- Our goal with objectives of the Bologna Declarati- Foundation University
tion in everything we do. We guide our students to ons is to investigate and study legal, political, eco- No. of Faculties : 5
explore their capabilities and interests and to deve- nomic, social and cultural aspects of the Europe- No. of Institutes : 3
lop their full intellectual and human potential. an Union ERASMUS Education Coordination in an
No. of Research Centers : 3
interdisciplinary approach which aims improve-
No. of Vocational Schools : 1
CITY ment in Turkey - European Union relationships. ITI-
Sometimes described as the crossroads of Europe CU supports incoming and outgoing students and Conservatory : None
and Asia, Istanbul - formerly Constantinople - is a teachers mobility. International Relations Office is No of Short Cycle Student : 5.000
vast, heaving metropolis with an imperial history responsible for the academic cooperation with the No of 1st Cycle Student : 700
that stretches back for more than 1,500 years. It universities in the U.S and other European count- No of 2nd Cycle Student :
is the cultural heart of the nation and a land brid- ries. No of 3rd Cycle Student :
ge spanning two continents. Istanbuls unique po-
Academic Staff : 150
sition on the Bosphorus Strait with a rich and vari- LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
ed history, Istanbuls architectural inheritance is se- Medium of instruction is Turkish, supported by Research Assistant : 45
cond to none. Fine examples are visible throughout English. Students take the Proficiency Exam. Stu- No. of Lecturers :
the city with stunning Ottoman mosques, classical dents who pass the exam continue the freshman
columns, Byzantine structures, ancient city walls year, while failing students continue to the English
and fine Orthodox churches. The city has become Prep Classes. English is a compulsory credited cour-
increasingly cosmopolitan of late: the arts and mu- se in all undergraduate programs. We have 2 prog-
sic scene is flourishing, and new bars, clubs, pri- rams that are taught in English: Aviation Logistics
and Ground Handling Service Management in Avi- Prof. Dr. Bulent Pamukcu
vate art galleries, restaurants and designer fashion
outlets are opening all the time. Istanbul has been ation. We offer elective courses such as German, Selman- Pak Cad. 34672
applauded loud for its successful hosting of inter- Italian, Spanish, Russian, etc. skdar/Istanbul/Turkey
national organizations, such as Formula 1 and the +90 (216) 553 94 22
Red Bull Air Race. Istanbul has numerous historic +90 (216) 532 55 06
shopping centers, such as the Grand Bazaar. [email protected]
Our dormitory is located in Kadkoy, the hub of Is-
tanbul. It has a total accommodation capacity of 75
persons. The rooms have a common kitchen and
private bathroom. The dormitory features reading
and sitting rooms, TV rooms, laundry rooms. Stu-
dents can make use of hot water 24 hours a day.
Cleanliness and hygiene are the most important
characteristics of our dormitory.
All lab rooms are fully wired with high-speed inter-
net access. There are language, computer, physics,
electronics, communication, media workshop lab,
radio-TV, animation and fashion studio. IT Division
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 55
AREAS OF STUDY on the Bosphorus peninsula, with Halic (Golden
Banking and Insurance Program, Printing and Pub- Horn) in the northwest of the country. It is the only
lishing Technologies Program, Computer Program- city placed on two continents: European and Asi-
ming Program, Office Management and Secreta- an Regions. With a unique location, between the
rial Program, Child Development Program, Fore- Balkans and Anatolia, the Black Sea and the Me-
ign Trade Program, Graphic Design Program, Pub- diterranean, Istanbul embraces both western and
lic Relations and Publicity Program, Business Mana- eastern cultures. The meeting point of European
gement (English) Program, Business Management culture and traditional eastern values, Istanbul has
Program, Logistics Program, Stocks and Capital been the capital of three magnificient empires in
history: Roman Empire (330-395), Byzantine Empi-
Markets Program, Accounting and Tax Applicati-
on Program, Marketing Program, Radio and Tele- re (395-1453), and Ottoman Empire (1453-1922).
vision Technologies Program,Tourist Guiding Prog-
ram, Tourism and Hospitality Management Prog- ACCOMODATION
ram, Applied English-Turkish Translation Program Istanbul Kavram Meslek Yuksekokulu does not
own a dormitory, however there are signed agree-
INSTITUTION ments between Kavram and several private dormi-
Istanbul Kavram Vocational School was founded in tories which are close to 2 main campuses and ot-
2007 and it is a part of Kavram Education Founda- her city centers.
tion. With a 35 year education backround Kavram
Education Corporation fundamentally make a gre- LABORATORIES
at conribution to Turkish education system by edu- There are 2 Computer Labs in both 2 campuses,
cating eligible students with Kavram Training Cen- with a capacity of 50 computers. Library of Kavram
ter which give courses from elemantary students to is located in the ili Campus.
high school students about high school and univer-
sity entry exam. Istanbul Kavram Vocational Scho- STUDENT LIFE
ol Project considered as a primary project to prepa- There are 21 active student clubs within the scho-
re the infrastructure of Istanbul Kavram University ol. There is also a futball team. Students enjoy be-
Date of Foundation : 2007
EUC Number : 254616
Erasmus ID : TR ISTANBU30
Foundation HEI
No. of Faculties : 13
No. of Institutes : 1
No. of Research Centers :
No. of Vocational Schools : 1
Conservatory : None
No of Short Cycle Student : 550
No of 1st Cycle Student :
No of 2nd Cycle Student :
No of 3rd Cycle Student :
Academic Staff : 53
Research Assistant : 0
No. of Lecturers : 3
Istanbul Kavram Meslek Yksekoku-
lu, Byk Dere Cad., Esentepe Mah.,
No:114, isli/Istanbul
+90 (212) 216 09 10
+90 (212) 216 09 14
which is thought to be established in the near futu- ing at the center of Istanbul and close to all activiti-
[email protected]
re by Kavram Education Foundation. stanbul Kav- es all around the city. ram Vocational School starts education in 2007-
2008 academic year and Istanbul Kavram Univer- INTERNATIONALISATION
sity establishment starts. There are several programs which allow Kavram to
There are currently 16 2-year programs in 13 internationalise. With Erasmus Exchange program-
branches of disciplines. Kavram Vocational School ram, Kavram aims to Exchange students in the aca-
has two main campuses. Umraniye Campus is loca- demic year 2010-2011. Moreover, the YES prog-
ted at the center of Anatolian Side of Istanbul. ili ram allows Kavram graduates to continue their
Campus is located in the European Side. education in several reputable universities in the
UK, with distance learning programs.
The distinguishing features of the city of Istanbul LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
are its geographic location, unique natural beauty, Medium of Instruction at Kavram is mainly Turkish.
and the great historical and cultural heritage which There is only one program, namely Business Admi-
has come to symbolize the city. Istanbul is located nistration, which all the classes thought in English.
56 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 57
Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural and Engi- Engineering and psychology departments have la-
neering Sciences, Communication Sciences, Busi- boratories with the latest technology equipments.
ness and Administrative Sciences. EHR Library has a large amount of book collec-
tions, e-books, journals and audio/video archive.
With open shelf system, EHR Library serves both
Istanbul ehir University (EHR) is a recently foun- university students and general public. EHR Lib-
ded, non-profit, private higher education instituti- rary aims to become the largest university library
on established by the Foundation for Science and in Turkey targeting one million book collection in
Arts (Bilim ve Sanat Vakf / BSV) in 2008. Its foun- near future. In EHR every degree student is pro-
der BSV is a renowned NGO functioning for more vided with an Apple Macbook laptop computer
than 20 years in the field of social sciences, orga- upon enrollment. Smart classrooms facilitate the
nizing many (inter)national academic activities and students experience the flexibility and quality of
offering free seminars in related areas. With its yo- education. Wireless Internet connection is availab-
ung and qualified teaching staff, dynamic interdis- le in every corner at campuses.
ciplinary curricula and eclectic programs, the wide
range of elective courses, rich library and research- STUDENT LIFE
focused agenda, Istanbul ehir University aims at A vivid atmosphere in EHRs campuses is waiting
becoming a distinguished HEI of Turkey and its ne- for students. Sports-friendly campuses are equip-
ighboring regions in higher education and rese- ped with sports halls, soccer fields, tennis and bas-
arch. ketball courts. Students are encouraged to take
part in various activities of student clubs which
CITY contribute to further improvement of students abi-
Date of Foundation : 2008 With its centuries long tradition of multicultural lities and skills.
EUC Number : N/A life Istanbul offers a welcoming and comfortab-
Foundation University le environment for international students. Also, as INTERNATIONALISATION
No. of Faculties : 4 Turkeys economic-financial center, Istanbul is the As a new HEI, EHR gives priority to internationali-
No. of Institutes : 2 metropolis with highest number of universities in zation through academic cooperation with univer-
No. of Research Centers : 4 the region. sities abroad and exchange programs. It encoura-
No. of Vocational Schools : ges each and every student to acquire a passport.
Conservatory : None EHR has two campuses in Istanbul. The Altuni- EHR aims to become a center of excellence in
No of Short Cycle Student : zade Campus is situated in the centre of Istanbul, Erasmus activities in near future. It has signed mo-
No of 1st Cycle Student : 330 close to the famous Bosphorus Bridge, which con- bility contracts with prestigious US universities. In-
No of 2nd Cycle Student : nects the two continents. The 75 acres (sixty foot- ternational students constitute 10% of all student
No of 3rd Cycle Student : ball fields-wide) Dragos Campus is located in Mal- body at EHR. A high rate of scholarships is ava-
Academic Staff : 53 tepe district with a fascinating view of the Princes ilable for international degree students at EHR.
Research Assistant : 10 Islands in the inland Marmara Sea.
ACCOMODATION Students with insufficient English proficiency go
Dormitories are composed of double and quad ro- through one year English Preparatory Programme.
Contact oms which are equipped with 24-hour wireless In- School of Languages offers many languages cour-
Istanbul ehir University, International ternet access and phones. Smart study halls, TV lo- ses such as German, French, Arabic, Russian, Persi-
Relations Office, Kubak Cad. No.27, unges, sports halls, laundries and many other faci- an EHIR Library has a rich book collection in vario-
Altunizade-skdar / Istanbul, Turkey. lities offer a comfortable atmosphere to students. us languages of the world. It has a multimedia unit
+90 (216) 444 40 34 International students are provided with accom- where students can interactively improve their fo-
+90 (216) 474 53 53 modation at the dormitories. reign languages. Last but not least, a multicultural
[email protected] atmosphere created by the international students is very much valued at Istanbul ehir University.
58 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
Aircraft Teaching, Architecture, Bioengineering,
Boat Construction and Boat Machinery Enginee-
halls in European standards; international airport
with a passenger capacity of 20 millions annually
and its transportation, it stands ona of the most
ring, Boat Machinery Business Engineering, Che-
mistry, Chemistry Engineering, Civil Engineering,
Computer Engineering, Control Engineering,
busiest airport in the world.
Data System Engineering, Department of City and ITU has on-campus housing facilities with a capa-
Regional Planning, Economy, Ecological Engine- city of 3000, offering high quality accommodati-
ering, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Enginee- on to its students. ITU dorms are located in con-
ring, Industrial Products Design, Enterprise Engi- venient locations allowing students to enjoy cam-
neering, Food Engineering, Geological Enginee- pus life.
ring, Geophysical Engineering, Industrial Engine-
ering, Interior Design, Machine Engineering, Ma- LABORATORIES
nagement, Mathematics Engineering, Metallurgi- ITU Libraries hold over 1 million items including
cal and Materials Engineering, Meteorology En- books, periodicals, electronic resources, digital
gineering, Mining Engineering, Landscape Archi- media collections, musical recordings, and vari-
tecture, Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, ous documents. ITU Music Library has a unique
Physics Engineering, Products Engineering, Sea collection of recordings and materials on Turkish,
Technology Engineering, Space Engineering, Te- Classical and Contemporary Music. Services inc-
Date of Foundation : 1773
lecommunication Engineering lude state-of-the art technologies such as cam-
EUC Number : 220510
puswide gigabit ethernet, wireless internet, VPN,
Erasmus ID : TR ISTANBU04
UNIVERSITY VOIP and interactive user services. ITU is the nati-
onal internet access gate for all educational ins- State University
Istanbul Technical University (ITU) is the oldest
Technical University in Turkey providing conti- titutions in Istanbul and the Marmara Region. No. of Faculties : 13
nuous education since 1773. Throughout its his- ITU Open-Access Labs have up-to-date computer No. of Institutes : 6
tory, ITU has established a longstanding tradition systems and specific software for student use. ITU No. of Research Centers : 12
of both defining and creating an innovative app- Computing Center continuously plans and moni- No. of Vocational Schools : 1
roach to methods of engineering and architectu- tors both software and hardware maintenance for Conservatory : Yes
re in Turkey. With a history stretching back over effective and efficient use. No of Short Cycle Student : 798
236 years, providing technical education within a No of 1st Cycle Student : 18.047
modern educational environment and strong aca- STUDENT LIFE No of 2nd Cycle Student : 5.205
demic staff, ITU is strongly identified with archi- With over 100 active student clubs and organiza- No of 3rd Cycle Student : 1.929
tectural and engineering education in Turkey. The tions on campus, plus the varied resources of cos- Academic Staff : 1.081
efforts and expertise of ITU graduates have been mopolitan Istanbul, student life at ITU is exciting, Research Assistant : 828
major contributors in the planning and constructi- educational, interactive and fun. Student led acti- No. of Lecturers : 168
on of Turkeys roads, bridges, dams, factories, bu- vities and organizations include the ITU Solar Car
ildings, energy plants, communication networks, Teams, ITU Solar Boat Team, pSAT Orbital Satelli-
villages and cities. It provides its students with te Team, Annual Rock Festival, ITU Spring Festival, Contact
modern educational facilities while retaining tra- theater performances, ITU polyphonic choir, and EU Centre Erasmus Office Ayazaa
ditional values, as well as using its strong interna- dancing troupes. Kamps Otomasyon Binas Kat: 2
tional contacts to mould young, talented individu- Maslak 34469 Istanbul
als who can compete in the global arena. INTERNATIONALISATION +90 (212) 285 71 83
ITU has more than 135 international partnership +90 (212) 285 62 42
CITY agreements and is the first university to introdu- [email protected]
Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey and 5th lar- ce the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
gest city proper in the world with a population in Turkey. ITU has received the Erasmus Univer-
of 12.8 million, also making it the second largest sity Charter and became the leading university in
metropolitan area in Europe by population, and Turkey with its involvement in EU exchange prog-
the largest metropolitan city proper. Istanbul is rams. ITU has also initiated Dual Degree Prog-
also a megacity, as well as the cultural, economic, rams with US Universities, and has nearly 1500
and financial centre of Turkey. The city was cho- full-time enrollment in 12 programs.
sen as joint European Capital of Culture for 2010.
It is located on the Bosphorus Strait and encom- LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
passes the natural harbour known as the Golden Since 1996, %30 of classes are taught in English
Horn, in the northwest of the country. It extends and full English programs are coming 2010. Fo-
both on the European (Thrace) and on the Asian reign Language Education Programs have been
(Anatolia) sides of the Bosphorus, and is thereby restructured with the cooperation of the Univer-
the only metropolis in the world that is situated sity of Connecticut. Apart from Turkish instruc-
on two continents. Istanbul has a mild climate, so tors, 40 American and British instructors teach at
it is possible to live all four seasons. Apart from its this program. There are also French, German, Rus-
historical and natural beauties the city is quite as- sian, Spanish, and Italian classes on offer as elec-
sertive with its hotels, fair, congress and meetings tive courses.
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 59
AREAS OF STUDY ters, cinemas, concerts and a lively environment
Medicine, Law, Science (mathematics, physics, bi- in every topic.
ology, molecular biology and genetics, astronomy
and space sciences) Letters (languages and litera- ACCOMODATION
ture, history, geography, anthropology, archaeo- In a large metropolitan area like Istanbul, finding
logy, history of art, philosophy, psychology, soci- economic and suitable accommodation is one of
the biggest problems. Our University is working
ology, information and documentation manage-
ment, theatre critique and dramaturgy, protecti- meticulously to find a solution to this problem by
on and restoration of mobile cultural assets) Eco- opening new halls of residence. A limited num-
nomics, Forestry, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Business ber of students are given accommodation at the
The language of instruction at Istanbul University
is in Turkish. Cerrahpaa Faculty of Medicine, Fa-
culty of Economics and Business Administration
have seperate departments in which the language
of instruction is English. In foreign language de-
partments of Hasan Ali Ycel Faculty of Education
and Faculty of Letters students are also instructed
in target language besides Turkish.
60 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
There are some private and public dormitories for
students of Krklareli University in both Kavakl
town and Krklareli city center.
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 61
Science, Engineering, Management, Economy, In- Kadir Has University have selected labs such as
ternational Relations, Law, Literature, Communi- Physics Lab, Chemistry Lab, Electronics Lab
cation and Arts Computer Network Laboratory; Industrial Engine-
ering Laboratory; Software Development Labora-
UNIVERSITY tory; Microprocessor Lab; Control and Automati-
KADR HAS Kadir Has Universitys main purpose is provi- on Laboratory; Faculty of Engineering Computer
ding a parallel study of research and discussion Laboratory (Lab 1 and Lab-2); Faculty of Arts Fa-
of the worlds leading universities. The most im- culty of Engineering-Computer Science Labora-
portant targets for our students are interdiscipli- tory (Lab-3); FEAS Computer Laboratory (Lab-4);
nary training with equipments, preparing them Computer Lab (Lab-5); Mac Lab Communications
for the future development of social and cultu- Department; Faculty of Fine Arts Mac Lab. Quali-
ral areas to sustain their right to make a call to fied library services provided scientific and intel-
learn while multi-faceted assessment. The essen- lectual activities within the Kadir Has University of
ce of the philosophy in Kadir Has University aca- Central Library at Campus Cibali thousand squa-
demic life is preparing successful and happy indi- re meter area inwhich at least 225 users are being
viduals as pioneers in society with the humor of served at the same time.
self-confidence, questioning, tolerance and ready
to cooperate at all levels. STUDENT LIFE
Kadir Has University is a cultural, social and sport
CITY activities center for its students. As the Univer-
Kadir Has University main campus is located in the sity is situated on the shores of Halic, our stu-
heart of Istanbul on Golden Horn/ Halic area (Is- dents are actively interested in water sports, like
tanbul Historical Peninsula) The English prepara- rowing. Actually University has 36 active student
tory school and vocational schools are located at social clubs.
the Bahcelievler and Selimpasa campuses, respec-
tively. The Kadir Has main campus The Tekel Ci- INTERNATIONALISATION
bali buildings, once used as Tekels tobacco de- The International Office and EU Erasmus Office
Date of Foundation : 1997 pot and cigarette factory, have been restored ac- provides information and gives support to stu-
EUC Number : 220824 cording to the way they were originally, and they dents from other countries, as well as to Kadir Has
Erasmus ID : TR ISTANBU16 have been fitted out as the central campus of our University students, who consider studying abro-
Foundation University university. In a historically very important district ad at another institute of higher learning.This in-
No. of Faculties : 6 of Istanbul, the buildings now carry the mark of volves, among other things, support and feed-
No. of Institutes : 2 history, scientific education and research. The Ci- back to the university management on internati-
No. of Research Centers : 5 bali campus houses classrooms, labs, a central lib- onalisation issues, developing agreements for the
No. of Vocational Schools : rary as well as all faculties, institutes, the rectora- academic exchange and research co-operation on
te and the deans offices. a central level.
Conservatory : None
No of Short Cycle Student : 457
No of 1st Cycle Student : 2.936 Kadir Has University housing facilities first will be- Mainstream English, Occasionally Turkish
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 437 gin serving in 2010-2011 academic year.
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 168
Academic Staff : 152
Research Assistant : 28
No. of Lecturers : 64
Kadir Has Campus Kadir Has Cad.
34083 Cibali Istanbul
+90 (212) 533 65 32
+90 (212) 533 65 15
[email protected]
62 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY Institution, the KOU Foundation and some priva-
Architecture and Design, Arts and Sciences, Com- te enterprises. The dorms offer central heating, hot
munication, Dentistry, Economics and Administra- water, full-time security, study rooms and laundry
tive Sciences, Education, Fine Arts, Law, Medicine, for common use.
Technical Education, Engineering.
UNIVERSITY The main library is located at Umuttepe cam-
Kocaeli University (KOU) is a state university in Ko- pus and has about 70,000 books, 1000 periodi-
caeli, Turkey. The first step for KOU was the Aca- cals; 600 in Turkish and 400 in foreign languages.
demy of Engineering and Architecture of Kocaeli The working hours of the main library are: Mon-
founded in 1976. In 1992, it was founded as Koca- Fri 08:30 - 21:15; Sat 10:00 -15:45. The university
eli University and became an independent instituti- has some more libraries in various other campuses,
on since then. KOU has 45728 students and 1095 too. Besides, there are several PC pools and labo-
academic staff with 299 short cycle programmes ratories at the faculties which offer fast and up-to-
Date of Foundation : 1992
at 19 vocational schools, 121 undergraduate prog- date technology. The largest of them has 120 com-
EUC Number : 219929
rammes at 11 faculties and 6 colleges, 81 masters puters and it is located at the main library. Electro-
Erasmus ID : TR KOCAELI02
and 39 PhD programmes at 3 graduate schools. nic databases and periodicals can be accessed free
of charge from State University
The academic year of the University is composed of
two semesters, the first term generally begins on No. of Faculties : 11
the last week of September and ends in the middle STUDENT LIFE No. of Institutes : 3
of January and the second term begins in the midd- There are 100 active student clubs within KOU. No. of Research Centers : 24
le of February and ends in mid-June. KOU has es- Their interest areas range from environment to phi- No. of Vocational Schools : 19
tablished International Relations and EU Unit over- losophy, education technologies, international re- Conservatory : Yes
sees KOUs participation in the LLP mobility sche- lations, various kinds of arts (theatre, fine arts, folk No of Short Cycle Student : 19.455
mes. KOU is also a member of EUA and signed the dance etc.) and sports (underwater sports, moun- No of 1st Cycle Student : 24.792
Magna Charta Universitatum in 2006. taineering etc). Through such clubs, KOU students No of 2nd Cycle Student : 1.043
can enrich their social lives by adding an enjoyable No of 3rd Cycle Student : 438
CITY dimension to their studies. At Umuttepe Campus, Academic Staff : 1.095
zmit is a city of 371.725 inhabitants and it is the there is a Social Center with cafes where the stu- Research Assistant : 717
central administrative unit of Kocaeli province, dents can eat, play games, listen to music and have No. of Lecturers : 172
which inhabits 1.5 million residents. In Turkey, access to Internet. KOU offers various sports activi-
some province centers bear different names than ties to the students via its School of Physical Educa-
their provinces; hence is the Kocaeli/zmit distinc- tion and Sports located at Umuttepe Campus.
tion. The vocational schools and most of the col-
Kocaeli niversitesi Uluslararas
leges of KOU are located in various districts of the INTERNATIONALISATION
likiler Birimi Umuttepe Kampusu
city. However, all the faculties (except for the Fa- KOU is aware of the significance of internationa-
Merkez Ktphane Binas 2. Kat 41380
culty of Architecture which lies in zmit city centre, lisation for attaining the objective of high quality
only 20 minutes from Umuttepe campus) are lo- education. Erasmus mobility constitute the basis +90 (262) 303 10 45
cated at KOUs central campus, Umuttepe, which of internationalisation. Further, EILC in Turkish or- +90 (262) 303 10 44
is just outside Izmit, Kocaeli. zmit is the industrial ganized by KOU twice a year contributes to the ef- [email protected]
center of Turkey with thousands of factories of va- forts to boost the mobility. The number of students
rious size, including Turkeys greatest factory, the and staff benefiting from the exchange has increa-
Tupras (an oil refinery), automobile, machinery, sed gradually. In addition to Erasmus, academic co-
and a number of heavy industries. The region ge- operation with non-European countries have been
nerates 13% of national output of manufactured established.
goods, has 13% of national trade and has the hig-
hest per capita GDP at USD 7800. With its ancient LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
heritage, zmit also bears cultural and historical sig- Medium of instruction in Kocaeli University is Tur-
nificance in the region. kish. Howeveri as of 2010 - 2011 academic year,
30% of the courses in some departments will be
ACCOMODATION offered in English. Further, KO also offers some
The halls of residence and dormitories are run by courses in English for exchange students.
various bodies, namely the HE Credits and Dorms
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 63
Business Administration, Economics, Internatio- Ko University dormitories have a capacity of
nal Relations, Archeology and Art History, English 2,334 students, and the campus includes 102
and Comparative, Literature, History, Media and apartments constructed for faculty housing. The-
Visual Arts, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, re are single, double or quadruple room opti-
Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Molecular Bio- ons available. In every dormitory, there is cent-
logy and Genetics, Chemical & Biological Engine- ral heating system, 24h internet connection, cab-
ering, Computer Engineering, Electrical & Electro- le TV and 24h hot water. In every room, there is a
nics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mecha- bed, a closet, a drawer, a study table, an armcha-
nical Engineering, Law, Medicine, Nursing ir, a chair, book shelves, a mini fridge and a night
lamp for every student.
Ko University was founded in 1993 as a non- LABORATORIES
profit private university located in Istanbul. The With its central location on campus, the SunaKra
mission of Ko University is to be a center of ex- Library has an exemplary collection of books, jour-
cellence, one that strives to provide a world-class nals, newspapers, electronic resources and mate-
education to its students, create new knowledge rials in other media. Coverage is international in
via the research of its faculty, apply the acquired scope and comprehensive in subject matter. Pub-
knowledge for the benefit of society, and equip lications in Turkish, English, French, German and
its students with the highest sense of ethics, soci- Italian are routinely acquired. Designed to accom-
al responsibility and good citizenship. modate the latest electronic and multimedia reso-
At Ko University students acquire the intellectu- urces, as well as traditional library materials and
al courage to inquire and question while concur- services, in an inviting and service-oriented at-
rently developing the character necessary to ser- mosphere. Circulates approximately 6,500 items
ves custodians of democratic values and freedom. per month, holds over 280,000 materials in to-
Date of Foundation : 1993 Guided by the highest standards of academic and tal. Subscribes to roughly 36,000 electronic jour-
EUC Number : 222696 interpersonal development, the institution col- nals and 45,000 electronic books. Serves around
Erasmus ID : TR ISTANBU17 lectively imparts the critical thinking necessary to 32,000 visitors per month during the busy period.
Foundation University analyze knowledge, the creativity to nurture and
No. of Faculties : 6 surpass this knowledge, and the curiosity for life- STUDENT LIFE
No. of Institutes : 7 long learning. Ko University is committed to supporting social
No. of Research Centers : 7 and cultural activities that contribute to student
No. of Vocational Schools : 1 CITY enrichment. There are more than 60 student clubs
Conservatory : None Although it is not the capital, Istanbul is the lar- and associations. Attracting leading artists in the
No of Short Cycle Student : gest city in Turkey as the leading industrial, com- fine and performing arts, Ko University is home
No of 1st Cycle Student : 3.261 mercial and cultural center. Population of the city to modern exhibition and performance facilities,
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 350 is estimated to be more than 15 million. Istan- including the 370-seat Sevgi Gnl Auditorium
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 64 bul sprawls over an enormous area on both banks and a 310-seat Engineering Auditorium, and of-
Academic Staff : 400 of the Bosphorus Strait (Boazii). The Bospho- fers cultural activities and art events throughout
Research Assistant : 127 rus runs north to south, from the Black Sea to the the year. The university also exhibits both perma-
No. of Lecturers : 17 Sea of Marmara, through the middle of Istanbul, nent and temporary collections that date from an-
splitting the city in half and causing it to stradd- cient times to the present day. Ko University also
le two continents: Asia and Europe. Unlike many provides outdoor facilities, including an olympic-
other European cities, Istanbul does not branch size soccer field, a swimming pool, an ice skating
out from a main Town Hall or central square. Ins- rink, tennis courts and a basketball court. Other
Contact: tead, Istanbul is a cobbled-together collection of facilities include cafeterias, canteens, cafes, hair
Ko University Rumelifeneri Yolu, various landmarks and patches of land, all inter- dresser, full service bank, ATM machines, super-
34450 Saryer / Istanbul / Turkey connected by twisty alleys. The city is the chief market, dry cleaning, bookstore, post office, App-
+90 (212) 338 12 80
seaport and commercial and financial center of le Store and 24-hour computer labs.
+90 (212) 338 12 67
Turkey. A large share of the trade of Turkey pas-
[email protected]
ses through Istanbul. Istanbul is also the head- INTERNATIONALISATION quarters of the Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Conscious of the increasingly globalized marketp-
church and the archdiocese of the Patriarch of the lace and inherent value of internationalization,
Armenians in Turkey. Ko University considers the foundation of a no-
table international presence to be a necessity in
the 21st century. Hence, the university values and
actively pursues a diverse campus, where diffe-
rent thoughts, cultures, values and personalities,
not only co-exist, but also mutually contribute to
the expansion of the individual and the collective.
Language of instruction is 100 percent English.
64 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY three bedroom flats and studio flats which consist
Architecture, Communication, Economics and of a bedroom, living room, bathroom, toilet and a
Administrative Sciences, Education, Engineering, kitchen. There is a common recreation room in all
Fine Arts, Law, Medicine, Literature. residence halls and health center. There is laundry
hall, computer hall, dining halls and free wireless
UNIVERSITY Internet service on campus.
Maltepe University is located at Marmara Eitim
Ky (Marmara Education Village).
The Campus extends over an area of 10 hectares.
The University Library (Information and Documen-
It comprises of faculty buildings, indoor/outdoor
sports facilities, an Olympic size swimming pool
and social-cultural activity centers. The principle
tation Center) is constantly developing its databa-
se subscription, taking into consideration the ne-
eds of faculties and departments. There are app-
of education of Maltepe University can be sum- roximately 35,000 books, and about 1000 nati-
marized as Free in Thought, Modern in Science. onal and international periodicals in the library.
The medium of instruction is Turkish. However, The libraries of Faculty of Architecture and Medi-
departments offer a wide variety of elective cour- cine also contain books and periodicals on related
ses in English both for Erasmus and other students topics. The computer center provides computing
of Maltepe University. facilities in support of research, education and ad-
There is also a food and beverage lab for the To- ministration. Campus network operator is on duty
urism and Hotel Management students. The com- 24 hours a day.
puter center provides computing facilities in sup-
port of research, education and administration. STUDENT LIFE
There is free ambulance service at the 24-hour Socal facltes A wide range of extra-curricular
open health center on the campus. activities enables students to develop their abili-
ties and leadership skills.
CITY There are 36 student clubs, including the Erasmus
Istanbul, one of the most beautiful cities in the Club, each serving different interests and talents. Date of Foundation : 1997
world, is a bridge between Europe and Asia. It is a Students are encouraged to take part in these EUC Number : 220066
mixture of the historical and mystical elements of clubs which necessitate cooperative work. The Erasmus ID : TR ISTANBU18
the East-Roman, Byzantium and Ottoman Empires university encourages and supports the clubs and
Foundation University
with the modern Turkish Republic. It is the largest provides activities in accordance with their objec-
No. of Faculties : 9
and most crowded city in Turkey with more than tives. Modern cafes provide pleasant settings for
No. of Institutes : 3
15 million inhabitants. Istanbul is a city which ne- chatting, having fun time and watching TV.
No. of Research Centers : 6
ver sleeps. It has got the fast moving pace of an
No. of Vocational Schools : 1
international city. It is the heart of most economic INTERNATIONALISATION
Conservatory : None
deals with its trade, technology and banking ac- Maltepe University has been involved in seve-
No of Short Cycle Student : 599
tivities. It is also a city with a vast historical back- ral bilateral and multinational cooperation prog-
No of 1st Cycle Student : 4.168
ground. The famous Bosphorus that divides two rams. One of the largest cooperation programs is
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 706
continents, the mosques and palaces, the rem- the LLP-Erasmus Program among European Union
Programs for Education and Training, Youth, Cul- No of 3rd Cycle Student : 62
nants of three Empires gives it a special standing
among its peers. It is a city of the world represen- ture and Citizenship in 2007-2013. Academic Staff : 348
ting different cultures blended together, each ad- The LLP-Erasmus Office has been established to Research Assistant : 150
ding its own aura of richness. coordinate the exchange programs and joint pro- No. of Lecturers : 129
jects. ECTS system is used as the credit standard.
The student residence halls on the premises of the LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Contact:
Marmara Eitim Ky are three storey buildings The medium of teaching is both Turkish and Eng- Maltepe University,
which can house up to 1000 students. There are lish. Marmara Eitim Ky
34857 Maltepe, Istanbul - Turkey
+90 (216) 626 11 35
+90 (216) 626 11 34
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 65
AREAS OF STUDY further alternatives. There is also a guest house of
Educational Sciences, European Studies, Dentistry the University in the Gztepe Campus, for limited
(English), Pharmacy, Arts and Sciences, Enginee- number of guests.
ring (English), Fine Arts, Law, Economics and Admi-
nistrative Sciences (Turkish, English, German and LABORATORIES
French), Theology, Communication, Health Scien- The Central Library is located in Goztepe Campus.
ces, Technical Education, Medicine (English), Ban- All students may use this library. Besides, different
king and Insurance, Physical Education and Sports. faculties have their own libraries. Total number of
books in these libraries is approximately 490,000.
UNIVERSITY These libraries are subscribed to over 700 periodi-
60,000, located in several different campuses scat- IT infrastructure and a large number of computer
tered throughout the most important city of our laboratories at their faculties/departments. Interna-
country, Istanbul, following a great tradition has tional students may get free access to Internet at
been one of the leading institutions of higher edu- these laboratories.
cation in Turkey for 124 years. The university, with
its 13 faculties, 4 schools and 4 vocational scho- STUDENT LIFE
ols of higher education, 11 institutes, and 31 re- As Marmara University is located on both, Asia and
search centers, is situated in 13 different locations, Europe, sides of Istanbul; students enjoy an active
66 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 67
AREAS OF STUDY way. The villages of arky, Mrefte and Kumba
Agricultural Economics; Agricultural Biotechno- are particularly popular with Turkish tourists. The
logy; Animal Science, Biosystem Engineering, Fi- inland areas are fertile farmland, growing crops
eld Crops, Food Engineering, Horticulture, Land- including wheat, sunflowers, cherries, etc.
scape Architecture, PLant Protection, Soil Scien-
ce, Civil Engineering, Environmental Enginee- ACCOMODATION
ring, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Te- Namk Kemal University provides students in the
As the academic language is monolingual, multi-
lingualism is observed only in social interactions.
Students try to learn better about other European
languages and culture.
68 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY suitable housing options. There are study halls, TV
Arabic Translation and Interpreting, Chinese Trans- rooms and a round the clock medical centre. Res-
lation and Interpreting, English Translation and In- taurants and cafeterias serve breakfast, lunch, and
terpreting, German Translation and Interpreting, dinner. Laundry and cleaning services are provided.
Russian Translation and Interpreting, Psychology,
Sociology, Applied Mathematics, Banking and Fi- LABORATORIES
nance, Business Administration, Health Manage- In addition to its library, with more than 25000 bo-
ment, International Logistics, International Relati- oks and 150 periodicals, and with access to several
ons, International Trade, Management and Infor- online databases, e-books, the university also bo-
mation System, Computer Engineering, Electri- asts several computer, electrical and mechanical la-
cal and Electronics Engineering, Architecture, Au- boratories and one simultaneous interpretation lab
tomotive Engineering, Civil Engineering, Energy which are open to students for individual study and
Engineering, Food Engineering, Geomatics Engi- practice. Film production studios, fashion design
neering, Industrial Engineering, Mechatronics En- workshops and several studios for artistic creation
gineering, General Law Degree, Arts and Design are also available for student use. Wireless internet
Management, Fashion Design, Film and Televisi- connection and student e-mails are available for
on, Industrial Products Design, Interior Architectu- each student.
re, Photography and New Media, Plastic Arts, Ur-
ban Design & Landscape Architecture, Visual Com- STUDENT LIFE
munication Design, Nursing, Nutrition and Diete- With the aim of providing its students with a rich
tic, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Accoun- range of extra-curricular activities that are consis-
ting Information Systems, Gastronomy, Informati- tent with the educational aims of the university,
on Systems and Technologies students are encouraged from the outset, to set
up their own clubs, to participate in artistic, spor-
UNIVERSITY ting and social activities. In addition to numerous
Okan University has earned a distinct place clubs, students have formed various sports teams
amongst the Turkish universities since its foundati- that take part in competitions. The Okan Spring
on in 1999. Whilst growing rapidly, it has brought Festival has already become a tradition. Students
a new spirit to the academic world with its well also take active part in the governance of the uni- Date of Foundation : 1999
qualified faculty, small class sizes, application- versity through student councils and unions. Okan EUC Number : 228266
oriented, quality education and contemporary also offers medical care and psychological support
Erasmus ID : TR ISTANBU22
programmes. to its students.
Foundation University
Okan University is an institution closely integrated Okan University campus with its facilities, from
into business life, which therefore offers solutions movie theatres, sports centres, cafs, restaurants No. of Faculties : 5
for the future concerns of its students by presen- to semi-olympic swimming pool, offers its students No. of Institutes : 2
ting training programmes in their related fields and the charm of the city life on a campus. No. of Research Centers : 7
stable career opportunities after graduation. No. of Vocational Schools : 1
Our mission is to contribute to the development of INTERNATIONALISATION Conservatory : None
our students by raising their consciousness about Okan University gives utmost importance to the No of Short Cycle Student : 1.200
universal values and social problems, to render internationalisation of its programs and its faculty. No of 1st Cycle Student : 3.600
them successful and competent within their cho- It has established several protocols and bilateral No of 2nd Cycle Student : 583
sen fields and to prepare them for domestic and agreements with universities from Russia, China,
No of 3rd Cycle Student :
international competition. the USA and many countries in Europe. The uni-
Academic Staff : 168
versity also participates in international and Euro-
CITY pean projects and offers dual degrees. Moreover, Research Assistant : 55
Okan University is located in Istanbul, which is one Okan University has been an active participant in No. of Lecturers : 74
of the most historical and cultural capitals of the the Erasmus program. The number of exchange
world. Every year, several international festivals students and staff increases every year.
take place in Istanbul, the European Capital of Contact:
Culture for 2010. Istanbul hosts distinguished in- LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Erasmus Office Okan niversitesi
ternational artists in its annual International Film, Today global markets necessitate knowledge of Akfrat Kamps
Jazz, Music and Theatre. Situated at the crossroads several languages. Within this perspective, seve- +90 (216) 677 16 30
between the West and the Orient, and with its ma- ral departments at Okan University not only offer +90 (216) 677 16 47
gical atmosphere, Istanbul offers the best of both their curricula in two languages, English and Tur- [email protected]
worlds and provides a lively social and cultural life kish, but also provide its students with the chance
for students. of learning German, Russian and Chinese as a se-
Okan University campus, which is located on the cond language. These languages are taught by na-!/
outskirts of Istanbul, in Akfrat Kurtkoy, is only 30 tive speakers of the related language in fully equip- okanedu
minutes away from the centre of Istanbul and is ped classes and language labs.
very near to Sabiha Gokcen Airport and to Formu-
la 1 Istanbul Park. Since there are regular bus ser-
vices between the campus and Istanbul Okan stu-
dents may benefit both from the quietness of the
suburbs and the exciting possibilities of the met-
Okan University offers accommodation for 1000
students in three fully equipped dormitories on Ak-
frat Campus. Students can choose to stay in sing-
le, double or rooms for four people. Housing Of-
fice counsellors also help students find their most
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 69
Business Administration (BA, MBA, EMBA, PhD),
tation links provide an easy access to the central
parts of Istanbul.
Electrical-Electronics Engineering (BSc, MSc, PhD),
Industrial Engineering (BSc), Mechanical Engine- LABORATORIES
ering (BSc), Computer Engineering (BSc), Hotel Labs are the lifeblood of education at zyein.
Management (BSc). From freshman to graduation, students are expo-
sed to real life situations in various state-of-the-
UNIVERSITY art labs and spaces. The library collection at OzU
zyein University (OzU) is a non-profit, state- includes a wide variety of resources in print and
recognized higher education institution in Istan- electronic format, such as books, journals, da-
bul, Turkey. OzU welcomed its first students in tabases, and multimedia resources. Most of the
2008 at its Altunizade city campus, and will grow electronic resources are available from off campus
into Turkeys first green campus university with a locations 24/7. Every OzU student receives a por-
LEED certificate. Although OzU is young, our fa- table computer and student account upon enrol-
culty is experienced at what we want to achie- ment to the university and has full access to the
ve: we produce creative, original, useful and app- Internet via wireless access points throughout the
licable knowledge relevant not only within the campus. The student account also provides access
context of Turkey, but also on a regional and in- to a range of online services such as student email
Date of Foundation : 2007 ternational scale. OzU is a research university with and Moodle, a virtual learning environment.
EUC Number : 253808 a publication record of international claim, the
Erasmus ID : TR ISTANBU31 highest number of patents per faculty member STUDENT LIFE
Foundation University in Turkey and an unprecedented track record in We at OzU believe that student clubs help form
research grants. With its excellent facilities, high the backbone of a lively, colorful university en-
No. of Faculties : 3
academic standards and active learning method, vironment while serving to cultivate individuals
No. of Institutes : 2
OzU aspires to educate the most sought-after gra- with multiple interests. Students at OzU are en-
No. of Research Centers : 3 duates in Turkey and beyond. Last, but not least, couraged to start and participate in clubs with the
No. of Vocational Schools : 1 OzU is the choice in Turkey for students who are organizational and financial support of the uni-
Conservatory : None interested in obtaining university level education versity. Some examples of the existing clubs inclu-
No of Short Cycle Student : in entrepreneurship. de: dance club, cinema club, outdoor sports club,
No of 1st Cycle Student : 383 social responsibility club, photography club, thea-
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 11 CITY ter club, debate society, technology and innovati-
No of 3rd Cycle Student : Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture is on club, and business and economy club. The Stu-
often characterized as the only city in the world dent Council, a student organization that repre-
Academic Staff : 72
to embrace two continents, the bridge that con- sents the entire student body to the university ad-
Research Assistant : 16 nects East with West. While studying at zyein ministration, generates proposals and participates
No. of Lecturers : University, you can explore the city once known in governance of student-related issues. As one of
as the capital of capital cities, having served as the its core values, social responsibility is integrated
axis upon which the Roman, Byzantine and Otto- into the very fabric of OzUs educational program,
man Empires revolved. The city has been home to with the university seeking to increase awareness
more than 120 emperors and sultans over a span of social problems and involving both faculty and
of 1600 years, and there are still remnants of the- students in developing real, sustainable solutions.
International Office zyein University Kubak Cad.
ir former wealth and glory: palaces and villas,
No: 2 34662 Altunizade, skdar, stanbul Turkey
churches and mosques, fountains and theaters, INTERNATIONALISATION
+90 (216) 559 23 07
private schools and bathhouses. Today, from the The Bologna process has served as an essential
+90 (216) 559 24 70
depths of this historical Istanbul, a new, modern, framework for the design of all OzU educational
[email protected] dynamic Istanbul has been born, gaining acclaim programs. To facilitate the mobility of people, and popularity among many, especially students. transparency, and recognition of qualifications, Alongside ancient minarets and Roman city walls curriculum development is based on the QF-EHEA have emerged shiny shopping malls and skyscra- and only the ECTS is used for credit allocation.
pers; integrated amongst the narrow streets and The student mobility ratio of the first graduating
cobbled walkways are bars and nightclubs ringing class will be over 30%. Of the academic staff
out the latest music sensations. 25% are international and degree seeking fore-
ign students are planned to represent 15% of the
ACCOMODATION student body.
zyein University has residence halls to house
students in the amlca neighborhood of Istan- LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
bul, ten minutes away from our Altunizade cam- The medium of instruction at zyein University
pus. The residence halls offer a modern, comfor- is English. In addition, the Hotel Management
table living environment and feature facilities and students are required to obtain a second foreign
services to ensure an efficient study atmosphere. language, such as Russian, Spanish, Arabic or Chi-
International students are given priority in hou- nese. The students in other programs are encou-
sing arrangements. A shuttle bus connects the re- raged to study foreign languages as an elective
sidence halls to the campus and public transpor- option.
70 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY water running 24 hours a day in Han Hostel. There
Architectural Restoration, Child Care, Graphic De- is a kitchen, living room and TV room on every floor
sign, Photography and Cinematography, Printing for the use of students. Han has security personnel
and Publishing Technologies, Public Relations, Ra- which are on site 24/7 which are supported with
dio and Television, Visual Communication security system and CCTV cameras. Han Caf pro-
Plato College of Higher Education was founded by
vides nutritious meals all day which are carefully
prepared under the guidance of dieticians. PLATO COLLEGE
businessmen and academicians to generate quali-
fied human resource in the fields of art, media and
design in 2009. Plato College offers the opportu-
The Information Resources Centre (IRC) has been
established on the basis of supporting Plato
nity to acquire the skills and approach to make a
difference in students careers. It also allows stu-
dents to gain competence in the application of
Colleges education and research activities by pro-
viding the necessary knowledge and literature in
the fields of media, art and design. The IRC, which
theory and use of technology through interaction is located in the Balat campus of Plato, is equipped
with select representatives of the art and business with state of the art equipment to support and qu-
world. The curriculum of Plato College has been icken the research of its users. The IRC gives servi-
designed in line with current needs, potential de- ce to its users with 1500 books, 22 periodical pub-
velopments and prioritizing programmes that have lications and 13 e-magazine memberships. Along-
market value. The educational atmosphere is en- side a wide range of multimedia collection, the IRC
riched by first class facilities, a strong faculty, an also has an extensive thematic magazine & news-
international collaboration network and professio- paper archive. There is a Mac lab with 30 Mac com-
nal contacts. puters provided for the use of students and staff
along with a PC lab with 60 PCs.
The god and human, nature and art are toget- STUDENT LIFE
her in there, they have created such a perfect pla- A wide range of extracurricular activities enable
ce that it is valuable to see. Lamartines famous students to develop their abilities and leadership Date of Foundation : 2009
poetic line reveals his love for Istanbul, describing skills. These activities include: the cinema club, Pla- EUC Number : N/A
the embracing of two continents, with one arm to News (the quarterly newspaper which is prepa- Foundation HEI
reaching out to Asia and the other to Europe. Is- red solely by students), (the web- No. of Faculties : 8
tanbul, once known as the capital of capital citi- site which is updated by students), regular talks
No. of Institutes :
es, has many unique features. It is the only city in with well known speakers from the sector, active
No. of Research Centers : 1
the world to straddle two continents, and the only part in photograph and video shoots, talks with di-
No. of Vocational Schools :
Conservatory : None
No of Short Cycle Student : 43
No of 1st Cycle Student :
No of 2nd Cycle Student :
No of 3rd Cycle Student :
Academic Staff : 30
Research Assistant :
No. of Lecturers : 6
Ayvansaray Caddesi No.33
Balat 34087 Istanbul/Turkey
+90 (212) 444 76 96
+90 (212) 621 45 03
[email protected]
one to have been a capital during two consecuti- rectors, visits to film and soap sets, attendance to LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
ve empires - Christian and Islamic. Once was ca- art exhibitions, arrangement of industry based tra- Plato College of Higher Education gives great
pital of the Ottoman Empire, Istanbul still remains ining for students during the summer, sports tour- importance to multilingualism and multicultu-
the commercial, historical and cultural pulse of Tur- naments (basketball, football, ping pong). ralism. With this view Plato College offers prog-
key, and its beauty lies in its ability to embrace its rammes both in Turkish and English. It is open
contradictions. Ancient and modern, religious and INTERNATIONALISATION to students from all nationalities and backgro-
secular, Asia and Europe, mystical and earthly all Plato College is supported by a global education unds who wish to study in the fields of art, me-
co-exist here. The city houses many national and fund, Riva Education Group, which also includes dia and design.
international music, film and art festivals throug- University of Management and Design (UMD) and
hout the year. Its variety is one of Istanbuls grea- other forthcoming international HEIs, allowing for
test attractions. ongoing student and faculty exchange. Plato Col-
lege will take active part Erasmus Exchange Prog-
ACCOMODATION ramme. Plato College is an Edexcel approved insti-
There are private or shared rooms with free inter- tute which offers BTEC qualifications to all its stu-
net access and en-suite bathrooms which have hot dents.
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 71
AREAS OF STUDY only metropolis in the world that is situated on two
Fundamental Sciences, Naval Architecture and Ma- continents. In its long history, Istanbul has served
rine Engineering,Navigation Engineering, as the capital city of the Roman Empire, the Eastern
Marine Engineering.PUSEM (The continuing edu- Roman Empire, the Latin Empire, and the Ottoman
cation unit of Piri Reis Maritime University) : Stu- Empire. The city was chosen as joint European Ca-
dents who graduate from two year maritime tech- pital of Culture for 2010. Historic areas of Istanbul
nology colleges and the students of technical uni- were added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in
versities may take the necessary complementary 1985. Tuzla is a town of stanbul, which Piri Reis
courses and certificates, at PUSEM, to qualify to Maritime University is located.
work in the merchant marine industry. PUSEM ex-
alified people who want to work on board of ships university.
as seaman, engineer and captain in the maritime
The current research activities going on the above Physics, Chemistry, Diesel engine, Workshop, En-
departments: Marine internal combustion engines, gine Maintanance Lab.,Refrigeration, Hydraulics
marine engineering, Maritime Education&Training and pneumatics, Electricity and electronics Lab.
(MET), strategic planning and optimum usage of Measurement and instrumentation, Bridge simula-
MET facilities; Physical meteorology, cloud see- tor, Engine room simulator, ARPA radar simulator,
ding and statistics; Liquid state physics, condensed GMDSS and communication simulator Library and
matter physics, molten salts, Atomic and Molecu- Computing Services: Piri Reis Maritime University
lar Physics. Library aims to support education programs, meets
the information needs of its academic and admi-
UNIVERSITY nistrative staff and students, and cooperates with
Piri Reis Maritime University (PRMU) has been es- the other institutions at the national and interna-
tablished by the support and sponsorship of the tional level.
whole maritime sector of Turkey, approximately The Library has a shelving capacity of 15.000 volu-
7500 companies in 2008. The Turkish Chamber mes and seating capacity for 15 patrons. There are
Date of Foundation : 2008 of Shipping (the highest non-governmental aut- 8 internet access points within the Library, inclu-
EUC Number : hority of the maritime sector) has played a funda- ding a group study room.
mental role through the Turkish Maritime Educa-
Foundation University
tion Foundation (TUDEV) in supporting all Mariti- STUDENT LIFE
No. of Faculties : 4
me Education&Training (MET) institutes. TUDEV Music club, maritime club, sail club, basketball,
No. of Institutes : 2 established its own Maritime Training Centre (TU- waterpolo, football clubs and folk dance activiti-
No. of Research Centers : DEV MTC) in 1995. Since then, more than 1800 es are the current social clubs. These activities are
No. of Vocational Schools : officers for merchant vessels have been trained in planned for technical and social development of
Conservatory : None compliance with IMO (International Maritime Or- students. Students also initiated a chapter of Ro-
No of Short Cycle Student : ganization) regulations and it has also been invol- tary Club International. Our sick-bay operates du-
No of 1st Cycle Student : 370 ved in a number of EU LdV projects. However, due ring the weekdays with a specialist medical doc-
No of 2nd Cycle Student : to recent developments, TUDEV MTC has transfor- tor and a nurse.
med into a university status, leading to the estab- A Student Guidance Service is provided by a spe-
No of 3rd Cycle Student :
lishment of PRMU in 2008. cialist psychologist during week days between
Academic Staff : 35
09.00-17.00 hours.
Research Assistant : 2 CITY The messroom serves for all the students, lecturers
No. of Lecturers : 19 Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey and 5th largest and personnel. Meals to Turkish Standards Institu-
city proper in the world with a population of 12.8 te standards, in cooperation with the leading com-
Contact: million, also making it the second largest metropo- panies in the catering sector ensure reliability and
Piri Reis niversitesi 34940 litan area in Europe by population, and the largest quality, meeting Turkish tastes and also achieving
Tuzla Istanbul-Turkey metropolitan city proper. Istanbul is also a mega- EU quality standards.
+90 (216) 581 00 64 city, as well as the cultural, economic, and financi-
+90 (216) 581 00 51 al centre of Turkey. It is located on the Bosphorus INTERNATIONALISATION
Strait and encompasses the natural harbour known PRMU has been involved in a number of EU LdV
[email protected]
as the Golden Horn, in the northwest of the co- projects. Also, the present Rector of PRMU is the
untry. It extends both on the European and on the founding chair of the International Association of
Asian sides of the Bosphorus, and is thereby the Maritime Universities.
PRMUs teaching is conducted in English. Team te-
aching and project and problem based teaching
are encouraged. PRMU offers the unique opportu-
nity for students to immerse themselves in the Eng-
lish language in a student-centred learning envi-
ronment. Our vision is to create autonomous lear-
ners who will continue to learn independently out-
side the classroom, thus gaining the confidence to
use English in any setting.
72 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
Undergraduate degree programs Biological Scien-
ces and Bioengineering Computer Science and En-
the old with new invigorates the city. Istanbul, be-
ing the most crowded and cosmopolitan city of T UNIVERSITY
gineering Cultural Studies, Economics Electronics ACCOMODATION
Engineering, Management Manufacturing Systems Dorm buildings have been designed to provide the
Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering warmth and comfort of a family environment. Dor-
Mechatronics, Social and Political Sciences Visual mitories capacity consists of 2421 beds. All foreign
Arts and Visual Communications Design. students are guaranteed accommodation on cam-
pus. Dorm rooms, accommodating 2 or 4 students
GRADUATE PROGRAMS are equipped with showers, closets, personal telep-
Biological Sciences and Bioengineering Computer hones and 24 hours unlimited access to the Inter-
Science and Engineering Conflict Analysis and Re- net. Students can benefit from free laundry servi-
solution Cultural Studies Economics Electronics En- ces. Each building has TV, gym and study rooms.
gineering European Studies Executive MBA History LABORATORIES There are more than 88 fully equ-
Industrial Engineering Information Technology ipped labs dedicated to research and teaching labs
Leaders for Industry Program Management (Ph.D.) as well as special-purpose rooms and studios. The
Masters in Finance (MIF) Materials Science and En- information center( SU library) has 93.610 volumes Date of Foundation : 1996
gineering Mathematics MBA Mechatronics Physics of books, 37.924 e-book, 37.924 multimedia re- EUC Number : 220939
Political Science Visual Arts and Visual Communi- sources, 40.197journal subscriptions. The Univer- Erasmus ID : TR ISTANBU20
cations Design Turkish Studies sity provides a laptop to all full-time students as
Foundation University
well as 24-hour unlimited Internet access, over
No. of Faculties : 3
UNIVERSITY 11.767 connection ports on campus. These mo-
Sabanci University is a private, independent young dern amenities, offer a comfortable and productive No. of Institutes : 1
university with a state-of-the art campus and loca- environment for conferences and networking acti- No. of Research Centers :
ted in Istanbul. The University seeks to provide its vities supporting its educational and research ob- No. of Vocational Schools :
students with an education that uses their creati- jectives.Computers / Student:1,11 Internet Con- Conservatory : None
ve intelligence as entrepreneurs and researchers in nection Points:11.290 Internet Connection Capa- No of Short Cycle Student :
perceiving and constructing knowledge as desig- city: 116 Mbps Wireless Coverage Area:Indoor: No of 1st Cycle Student : 2.420
ners of our information age. Students at Sabanci 171.405 m2 Outdoor: 70.596 m2
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 361
University have the privilege and freedom to de-
sign their own undergraduate programs by choo- STUDENT LIFE No of 3rd Cycle Student : 197
sing courses among a wide range of course pools Students are very active in enriching the campus Academic Staff : 322
and with the support of the University Counseling life by organizing social activities on campus thro- Research Assistant : 8
system. Through the implementation of its inventi- ugh 50 student clubs. Performing Arts center cont- No. of Lecturers :
ve faculty programs and the establishment of clo- ributes to the cultural lives of our students and
se links with the State, business community, NGOs employees in particular, and to the people of Is- Contact
and other institutions of higher learning, SU has tanbul in general, and brings art to a wide audien- Sabanc University, International
fostered an environment conducive to research. It ce. The various sports facilities on campus, open to
Relations Office, 34956 Orhanl
has the distinction of being the first university in all university members, consist of a multi-purpose
Tuzla Istanbul Turkey
Turkey accepted for membership in the European sports hall with tennis court and basketball field,
+90 (216) 483 96 44
Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). a football field, fitness programs such as aerobic,
+90 (216) 483 97 15
step, and jogging, table tennis rooms, a conditi-
CITY oning room, squash courts, basketball, volleyball [email protected]
Istanbul is Europes third and worlds 21st biggest fields, handball, bodybuilding as well as cardio-
city. Istanbul is enlisted among the safest cities in exercise and aerobic rooms.
the world despite its highly dense population. This The main dining hall serves 3 meals daily with a va- anasayfa/anasayfa.phpNA
gives a sense of peace to citizens and visitors alike ried selection of courses and has a seating capa-
as the citys historical heritage carries them thro- city of 900. Additionally, there are cafes in the Uni-
ugh the ages. versity Center and the dormitories. There is also a dents and 17% of our faculty members are in-
Coming forward with its unique historical accumu- Health Center serving the community 24 hours, 7 ternational.
lation and splendid natural beauties, as well as suc- days a week.
cessfully undersigning several international events LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
in recent years, Istanbul has been selected as the INTERNATIONALISATION The medium of instruction at SU is English. Addi-
2010 European Culture Capital. Istanbul has of- As one of the leading Turkish universities in edu- tionally, all university communications and servi-
ten harkened to the countrys soul: This city embra- cation, research and community outreach SU valu- ces provided at the university are bilingual. Inter-
ces two continents, one arm reaching out to Asia es the importance of internationalization and aims national students and staff may also atttend Tur-
and the other, Europe. The former capital of three to enhance its international profile as a world-class kish language courses with credits, which are of-
successive empires Roman, Byzantine, and Otto- university. Under the framework of European mo- fered both in fall and spring semesters. The School
man Istanbul today honors and preserves the le- bility programmes, 500 students from 22 countri- of Languages also offers a diverse range of foreign
gacy of its past while creating a vibrant future. Its es came to SU and 513 of our students went ab- language courses in line with the preferences of
endless variety never ceases to fascinate visitors road since 2003; making us one of the most acti- the SU students (i.e., Spanish, Russian, Japanese).
and long-time inhabitants alike. Intermingling of ve universities in Turkey. Currently, 6% of our stu- For details visit:
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 73
SAKARYA AREAS OF STUDY room, Chess and Backgammon Tables, laundry,
74 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY ter of education and culture both during the Ot-
Medical Sciences,Basic sciences, Surgical Sciences, toman period and since the founding of the Re-
Building Science, History of Architecture, Restora- public.Besides,to be mentioned is the Trakya Uni-
tion, Structure, Thermodynamic, Construction and versity Sultan Bayezid II Complex and Health Care
Manufacturing, Energy, Theory of Machine and Museum
Dynamics, Mechanic, Computer Software, Com-
puter Hardware, Computer Sciences,Food Engine- ACCOMODATION
ering, General Biology, Botany, Zoology, Hydrobio- There are student hostels for both girls and boys
logy, Molecular Biology, Ecology, Basic And Indust- belonging to the Association of Credit and Hos-
rial Microbiology, Analytical Chemistry,Inorganic tels in Edirne, Kean. Besides there are priva-
Chemistry, Physicochemistry, Organic Chemistry, te hostels and boarding houses in Edirne. But stu-
Algebra and Numbers Theory, Geometry, Analysis dents often choose to come together in 3 or 4 and
and Theory of Functions, Basics of Mathematics rent flats. Incoming Erasmus students are generally
and Mathematical Logic, Topology, Applied Mat- accommodated in our university hotel. Upon desi- Date of Foundation : 1982
hematics, General Physics, Atomic and Molecular re, the students can easily find other means of ac-
Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, High Energy commodation such as private dormitories, boar- EUC Number : 220634
and Plasma Physics, Nuclear Physics, History Art, ding houses, or share accommodation with other Erasmus ID : TR EDIRNE01
Classical Archaeology, Albanian, Bosnian, Bulgari- students. State University
an, Pre-Historic Period, Modern History, Contem- No. of Faculties : 8
porary History, History of Turkish Republic, General LABORATORIES
No. of Institutes : 4
Turkish History, Medieval History, Bulgarian, Eng- Each unit has its specialized laboratories for the
lish, German, Greek, Romanian and Russian Trans- specific purpose where students achieve the trai- No. of Research Centers : 15
lation and Interpretation, Older Turkish Literature ning courses. The total number of these laboratori- No. of Vocational Schools : 9
es is 125.The number of the computers in the com- Conservatory : Yes
UNIVERSITY puting labs is 1797.There are 15 research centers. No of Short Cycle Student : 10.222
Trakya University was established on July 20,1982 Each unit has its own Library but the Central Library
with a Decree to Article 41.Edirne Medical functioning within the Presidency of Library and No of 1st Cycle Student : 12.460
Faculty,which used to be an affiliation to Istan- Documentation Department provides the main lib- No of 2nd Cycle Student : 1.239
bul University,the Engineering and Architecture rary service. Here you have an access to online da- No of 3rd Cycle Student : 259
Faculty,which originated from Edirne State Aca- tabases, catalogue search, electronic reviews and Academic Staff : 1.352
demy of Engineering and Architecture,and Edirne, periodical editions. Wireless internet connection
Research Assistant : 525
Krklareli, Tekirda, anakkale Education Higher and student e mails are available for each student.
Schools were incorporated in the structure of Trak- No. of Lecturers : 94
ya University.Trakya University has units in 4 admi- STUDENT LIFE
nistrative districts.It consists of 8 faculties,4 insti- There are various student sports, social and cultu-
tutes, 4 colleges, 1 conservatory, 9 vocational col- ral events, and guidance. Students can use several Contact
leges, 15 research and application centers, 1 kin- sports centers available on and off campus. Sports Trakya University Rectorate
dergarten, 5 departments depending on Rectora- branches include judo, tennis, karate, taekwondo, International Relations Department
te and 1 distance education center. A member of wrestling, swimming, volleyball, basketball, tab- Erasmus Office Edirne - TURKEY
BUA, having protocols with 42 Balkan University le tennis, chess, handball, rugby, baseball, soft- +90 (284) 223 33 00
Libraries,Trakya University was the founding mem- ball, American football and football. On the cam- +90 (284) 223 42 03
ber of The Balkan Countries Librarians Union.Also pus, there are outdoor courts for tennis and bas-
ketball. They make team and these teams take part [email protected]
Balkan Application and Research Center was fo-
unded to search the mutual history and cultural va- in some inter-faculties games throughout the Uni-
lues of Balkan countries; to serve the values and versity. There are also many other students clubs anasayfa-erasmus.html
culture of Turkey in the Balkans. where students can actively take part in the orga-
nized activities of the club. Just to mention some
CITY of the clubs is as follows: Photography,Theater,C
Edirne is situated in Thrace in Turkeys Marmara inema,Modern Dance,Folk Dance, Archeology,Ch versities in 15 European Union countries. There
Region.The city was founded 5th century BC by ess,Taekwondo,Karate, etc. The Trakya University are established academic relations and collabo-
Odrysians from Thrace.Murat I, who conquered Spring Festival, which has already become a tradi- ration in teaching and different scientific fields
it in 1361,renamed it Edirne,and made it the se- tion, is held every May. Moreover, students have of mutual interests.
cond capital of the Ottoman Empire.It remained an opportunity to learn more about our neighbors,
the capital until Istanbul was captured by Mehmet Balkan culture and languages with the help of Bal- LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
II in 1453.Edirne has a rich historical heritage due kan excursions. In Trakya University, the language of instructi-
to its location between Europe and Asian Anato- on is Turkish. However, there are English and
lia.Architectural treasures include the walls and to- INTERNATIONALISATION German Language Teaching departments un-
wers from the Edirne Castle built by Roman Em- Trakya University as a member of EUA, IAU and der the frame of Education Faculty and Bulgari-
peror Hadrianus.Situated on the Greek (7 km) and BUA carries out tasks to conduct studies and pro- an, German, English, Greek, Romanian and Rus-
Bulgarian (20 km) borders,Edirne is famed for its vides consulting and coordination services in the sian Translation and Interpretation Departments
many mosques,the elegant domes and minarets. international platform. Trakya University has 14 under the frame of Letters Faculty. In the Balkan
One of the most important monuments is the Seli- functioning Protocols of Cooperation with 43 co- Languages Center; Bulgarian, Greek, Albanian,
miye Mosque,built in the 16th-century by Turkeys untries, which are mostly the Balkan Countries, Croatian and Bosnian Language and Literature
greatest architect,Mimar Sinan.It has been a cen- and 57 Erasmus Bilateral Agreements with 43 uni- have been taught.
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 75
Aeronautical and Space Engineering, Electronics Specially equipped lecture rooms and laborato-
Engineering, Computer Engineering and Indust- ries support each academic section. (Lecture ro-
rial Engineering oms, amphitheatre, map classroom, language la-
boratories, language learning center, physics la-
UNIVERSITY boratory, computer laboratories, control labora-
Turkish Air Force Academy (TUAFA) was founded tory, communication laboratory, electronics labo-
in 1951 in Eskiehir. Giving its first graduates on ratory aerodynamics laboratory, aviation labora-
30 August 1953, the Academy was later moved tory, and materials and products laboratory). Lib-
to Izmir in 1954. On 14 February 1967 The Aca- rary and Culture Center have more than 50.000
76 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY The Internet speed at UU is 200 Mbps. Internet
Medicine, Economics and Administrative Scien- connection is provided to 3672 computers on the
ces, Engineering and Architecture, Veterinary Me- campus and 1000 off the campus. Wi-fi is availab-
dicine, Agriculture, Education, Theology, Arts and le in all buildings for free.
Sciences, Law, Fine Arts. There are laboratories in each academic unit and
they are constantly being renovated.
Uluda University (UU) is a public and non-profit STUDENT LIFE
institution located on one of the largest campuses UU organizes various activities for the students to
in Turkey. UU is among the major universities with enhance their cultural and artistic skills. Student
regard to student and academic staff numbers. societies organize various cultural, sports and arts
UU is committed itself to teaching, research, and events like musical performances, exhibitions,
the enhancement of the learning, and continues competitions, festivals and conferences. Various
to disseminate its knowledge and expertise to sports and recreation activities such as aerobics,
the benefit of scientific community and the pub- archery, roller-skating, badminton, fencing, bas-
lic. The quality of academic education is of vital ketball, volleyball, athletics, karate, tae kwon do,
importance for the University. UU was selected judo, body shaping, gymnastics and tennis are
by European University Association (EUA) as one available. UU is famous for its Spring Fest in May.
of the eight universities privileged with the task Bursa is a popular winter attraction in Turkey. Mo-
of implementing the Bologna Declaration in Eu- unt Uluda is located in the city center. Some pos-
rope among 137 European universities in 2002. sible activities are skiing, trekking, sightseeing the
In order to keep up with recent improvements in historical places in Bursa which are famous for
higher education at the international level, UU their unique architecture. There are various muse-
collaborates with international educational or- ums, theatres, restaurants, cafs, bars and night-
ganizations. UU still continues its success in this clubs in the city center, as well. Exhibitions, films,
manner. festivals and concerts are also held on a regular
Date of Foundation : 1975
basis. The annual International Bursa Festival is
EUC Number : 220820
CITY held in June-July.
Erasmus ID : TR BURSA01
Bursa, the fourth biggest city of Turkey, is loca-
State University
ted on the north-west skirts of Mount Uluda INTERNATIONALISATION
No. of Faculties : 10
(Olympus) and the south-east of the Marmara In 2003, UU was announced to be the best in the
No. of Institutes : 3
Sea. The city was first founded and developed by Institutional Review Programme in terms of ca-
No. of Research Centers : 18
the Byzantine Empire and then it was captured pacity for change and was regarded as a model
No. of Vocational Schools : 14
by the Ottoman Empire and consequently made in Quality Culture Project of EUA. There are 250
Conservatory : Yes
the capital. The city became more urbanized and bilateral agreements with 23 EU countries under
No of Short Cycle Student : 10.975
the population started to live in settlements aro- Erasmus Programme. Every year, an average of
No of 1st Cycle Student : 27.592
und the city centre after Turkey became a repub- 270 students go to EU universities and around 45
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 1.541
lic. Bursa has an important place in automotive, students come to UU. Likewise, around 20 UU te-
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 529
machinery, textile and food industries owing to a aching staff go to EU universities to give lectures
Academic Staff : 1.268
strong agricultural background. The export share each year and a similar number of foreign staff
Research Assistant : 846
of the industrial products is 50-60 % and of the come to teach at UU.
No. of Lecturers : 165
agricultural products is 30-40 %. There are pro-
jects related to the construction of new seaports, LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
airports and railway connection, which will be of At UU, the medium of instruction is mainly Tur-
great help for the tourism sector. kish. The departments of English, German and
French Language Teaching conduct classes in Contact:
Uluda niversitesi Rektrlk Uluslararas
ACCOMODATION the respective languages. English package cour-
likiler Ofisi, 16059, Grkle/Bursa - TRKYE
Incoming students are lodged in the campus ses are available for incoming students. Incoming
+90 (224) 294 00 72
dorm. Students stay in double rooms, and they students are also offered Turkish courses. +90 (224) 294 00 80
share kitchen and bathroom with three other stu- [email protected]
dents. Students are provided with bed; kitchen
utensils and bed stuff is not available. The dorm
costs approximately 150 ? per month. Students
who do not choose to stay in the campus dorm
can hire a flat or arrange a room at private dor-
mitories in Grkle, a town next to the campus.
UU Library has a collection of over 90.000 printed
books, 541 printed periodicals, 23.669 full-text
journals, 38.381 e-books, 3 million thesis abs-
tracts, one e-encyclopedia, over 1000 local and
international movies and albums as of 2009. The-
re are 5915 printed masters, doctorate and ex-
pertise theses in total. The library has subscription
to 4 national and 6 local newspapers. The library
also has a section for the visually impaired.
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 77
Economics and Administrative Sciences (iibf@ya- There are public and priviate student hostel oppor-, Business Administration (English), So- tunities for students. Also, if student wishes they
cial Work, International Relations (English), Labor can rent a flat easly.
Economics and Industrial Rel., Economics, Enginee-
ring ([email protected]), Process Enginee- LABORATORIES
ring, Polymer Engineering, Computer Engineering There is a central library which has update books,
Head, Energy Systems Engineering, Industrial En- magazines and online database.
gineering, Faculty of Law ([email protected]), There is a General Chemistry labrotory at the Ya-
Armutlu Community Collage (armutlumyo@yalo- lova Community Collage. There are environment,, Food Processing, Aquaculture Facility, fuel, scanning, materials, nanotechnology, motor
Cinarcik Community Collage (cinarcikmyo@yalo- test, general physic, general chemistry labrotories, Child Care and Youth Service (No stu- at Engineering Faculty.There are microbiology, fis-
dent will be accepted at 2010 - 2011 term), Private heries technology and analysies, fisheries and catc-
Security and Protection (No student will be accep- hing, chemistry and water analysies labrotories at
ted at 2010 - 2011 term), Justice, Nursery and Care the Armutlu Community Collage. Also there are 3
Services (No student will be accept. units such as ornamental Fish Facility, Aquacultu-
re facility and Algae Culture facility at this commu-
UNIVERSITY nity collage.
We are moving ahead with departments which There are 5 computer labrotories:Foreign Langua-
meet the requirement of indutsry and social life of ges Department (1);Faculty of Engineering (1);Ar-
this era.We take the lead by our social sciences de- mutlu Community Collage (1)Yalova Community
partments like social works and international rela- Collage (2)
tinos department and hybrid engineering depart-
ments such as Polymer, Energy Systems, Chemical STUDENT LIFE
Date of Foundation : 2008
and Process Engineering. Our strength is the young Student life is an important and dynamic compo-
EUC Number : N/A
and active academic staff in the faculties and com- nent of an active university experience. Yalova Uni-
State University munity collage.Besides, Community Collages in versity offers many student organisations, clubs
No. of Faculties : 3 Yalova are talking us tho the future. We have ra- and recreational activities to help students engage
No. of Institutes : 2 pidly developed. in university life and to become active members of
No. of Research Centers : 1 the Yalova community. There are 17 student clubs
No. of Vocational Schools : 4 CITY and 4 groups on different topics for the students.
Conservatory : Yok Yalova is a small city that is between three met- Yalova is green, troustic city on coast line. So, the-
No of Short Cycle Student : 1.506 ropolis cities: Istanbul, Kocaeli and Bursa. Yalova re are many public places among natural beauties.
No of 1st Cycle Student : 444 is the entrance gate to Anatolia from Istanbul and Also, Yalova is in the middle of 3 metropols. It is
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 137 Trace. Yalova is on the way to Aegean and Me- easy to access Istanbul, Bursa and Kocaeli.
No of 3rd Cycle Student : diterranean coasts of Turkey from Europe, Trace
Academic Staff : 158 and Istanbul. The ferry-boats and sea-buses carry INTERNATIONALISATION
Research Assistant : 40 20,000 people from Istanbul to Yalova and same Yalova Universitys main perspective is to arrange
No. of Lecturers : 20 amount from Yalova to Istanbul. international activities and contribute to the glo-
It has long beaches and great mountain which are bal co-operation.Yalova University has good coo-
Contact: attacking tourists attention. Yalova is located in the perations with universities around the world. Stu-
Yalova niversitesi Rektrl ehit northwest of Turkey and in the southeast of the dent and academicians exchanges, double diplo-
mer Faydal Cad. No:254 Arboretum Marmara Region. Yalova is only 69 km to Bursa, ma programmes, common activities and internati-
ici 77100 Yalova Turkiye 176 km. to Istanbul, 65 km. to Izmit (Kocaeli) and onal projects has been organising actively. Yalova
+90 (226) 814 30 00 102 km. to Sakarya (Adapazar) provinces by high- University Foreign Affairs Central Office is serving
+90 (226) 813 09 42 way. By ferry-boat it takes only 40 minutes to Kar- as a Eurodesk Local Relay. Also, Yalova University
[email protected] tal and Pendik (Anatolian / Asian side of Istanbul) is member of Euromed Annual University Forum. and around 60 minutes to Yenikap (European side of Istanbul) from Istanbul. Yalova is only 847 sq. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
km.s and it is the smallest province of Turkey. Yalo- Yalova University teaching english to its all stu-
va has a coast-line of 105 km. on the Marmara Sea. dents at the begining of their study life. Foreign
Population of the Yalova is 168,593. Languages Department aims to become one of the
best academic foreign language establishments
that excels in all aspects of education together
with its modern physical structure, intact faciliti-
es and competent academic staff. The instructors,
who follow the latest innovations in their field, fol-
low a student centered methodology that allows
the students to use self-learning strategies.
78 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY the war. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk founded the Re-
Arts & Sciences Anthropology, Philosophy, History, public of Turkey in 1923. Modernization and secu-
Turkish Language and Literature Psychology, Mat- lar reforms modeled on western European democ-
hematics, English Language - Literature Sociology, racies, social and legal systems were giant steps to-
Physics, Translation & Interpreting Studies Faculty ward the westernization of Turkey.
of Commerce International Finance, Information Studying in the cradle of civilization and at the
Systems & Technologies International Business & crossroads of the modern world, Istanbul offers a
Trade, International Logistics & Transportation To- unique experience.
urism and Hospitality Management, Management
Informations Faculty of Communication Adverti- ACCOMODATION
sing Design and Communication, Journalism Vi- The lodgings on campus can accommodate 4400
sual Communication & Design, Radio TV Cinema students with separate residence halls for men and
Studies Public Relations & Publicity Dentistry, Eco- women conveniently located on the main campus.
nomics & Administrative Sciences Economics Eco- All rooms are double occupancy and provide pri- Date of Foundation : 1996
nomics, Business Administration, International Ma- vate bathrooms, internet access, in-house snack EUC Number : 220854
nagement Business Administration (German), Bu- bars, TV rooms, laundry facilities, visitor salons, Erasmus ID : TR ISTANBU21
siness Informatics (German) Political Science & In- and study lounges Foundation University
ternational Relations, Public Administration Politi- No. of Faculties : 12
cal Science & International Relations (French) Fa- LABORATORIES No. of Institutes : 9
culty of Education Computer Education & Instructi- The Central Library was first established in 1996
No. of Research Centers : 9
on, English Language. and is situated in the Rectors Building with access
No. of Vocational Schools :
to 3,255 electronic journals, 786 journal subscripti-
UNIVERSITY ons, and 45 online databases. These databases of- Conservatory : None
Yeditepe University was established in 1996 by fer seamless access to more than 18 million full- No of Short Cycle Student :
the Istanbul Education and Culture Foundation (IS- text and full-image articles. The Library of Cong- No of 1st Cycle Student : 14.500
TEK). Yeditepe refers to the legendary Seven Hills ress cataloguing system is used with on-line cata- No of 2nd Cycle Student : 2.800
of Istanbul, since the city was established. In its logue and contains presently over 200,000 books. No of 3rd Cycle Student : 780
early years Yeditepe University offered educational Photocopy and printing services are available; pri- Academic Staff : 1.210
programs in various campuses on the Asian side of vate reading areas are equipped with internet ac-
Research Assistant : 120
Istanbul. Since the summer of 2000, the University cess computers so students are linked to the rest of
is located in a new purpose built campus at Ka- the world from the hilltops of Anatolia. No. of Lecturers : 332
ysdagi, also on the Asian side. With is highly dis- There are 147 professional laboratories and 34
tinguished academic and administrative personnel, computer labs. University provides 24 hour unlimi-
many of whom have made outstanding contributi- ted internet access to all full- time students. Contact:
ons to Turkish society, the University has deservedly Yeditepe University 26 Austos
earned a leading position in the echelons of the Hig- STUDENT LIFE Yerleimi nn Mahallesi Kayda
her Educational System in Turkey. The Universitys At Yeditepe University campus, various cultural Caddesi 34755 Ataehir stanbul
aim is to educate the youth as enlightened individu- and art events are planned throughout the year. +90 (216) 578 05 31
als, fully capable of dealing with the demands of the The campus has both indoor and outdoor sports +90 (216) 578 06 14
contemporary modern world, versed in cultural fi- facilities. The indoor sports complex has volleyball, [email protected]
elds, equipped with technological skills and dedica- basketball, tennis courts, squash and fitness cen-
ted to the ideals of secularism, process and creativity ter, two half-Olympic swimming pools, table ten-
inspired by Ataturks principles. nis area, etc. The outdoor sports complex has the
same facilities as well as a carpet and mini soccer fi-
CITY eld. There are four main restaurants in the Student
Modern Turkey has a history dating back to the Social Centre and a classy pastry caf. Nine cafete- ements with universities in the USA, Canada and
arrival of Turks into Anatolia (Asia Minor) in the rias and snack bars are located in the surrounding over 270 bilateral agreements within the frame-
10th century from Central Asia. Present day Tur- faculty buildings. Within the Social Centre students work of LLP/Erasmus. There are also over 30 part-
key spans two continents and 900 years of history, will find the campus bookstore, banking services, a ner institutions from the Asian continent and non-
rich in cultural expansion, conquests and defeats, travel agency, coiffures, market and a general acces- Erasmus countries. Each academic year new and
historical sites and treasures, culminating in a vib- sory store. The large spacious lobbies on all levels different exchange programs are offered to part-
rant kaleidoscope of civilizations and cultural inf- are multi-purpose areas where students promote ner schools. More than 200 undergraduate and
luences. university and club sponsored activities, such as to- graduate exchange students join to a significant
Istanbul has always been and continues to be a bo- urnaments, travel excursions, international fairs, se- number of foreign students per semester.
oming commercial centre and the largest city in mester- break events, spring festivals and concerts.
Europe. The War of Independence began in 1919 LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
which united Turkey within its current borders. A INTERNATIONALISATION English,German,Italian,French
National Assembly was established in 1920 during Presently, Yeditepe University has exchange agre-
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 79
80 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
Undergraduate programmes are offered in ten fa- YTU has two main libraries in Beikta and Da-
culties: Faculty of Architecture: Architecture, City vutpaa campuses. Besides, there are sprecialized
and Regional Planning. libraries in the Faculty of Architecture, Arts and
Faculty of Arts and Design: Art (Including Combi- Design, Education, Economics and Administrative
ned Arts, Art Management, Photography and Vi- Sciences, Institute of Social Science and in Vocati-
deo Programmes), Communication Desing (Inclu- onal Schools. YTU Main Library collection includes
ding Interactive Media Design Programme), Music approximately 35.000 printed materials and has
and Performing Arts (Including Music, Audio De- subscriptions with 596 periodicals. 59 online da-
sign and Modern Dance Programmes). tabases are available at the moment. Our library is
Faculty of Arts and Sciences: Western Languages a member of ANKOS (Anatolian University Librari-
and Literature, Turkish Language and Literature,
Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics,
Statistics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology.
es Consortium), besides Inter Library Loan System
(ILL) is available. YTU has 97 laboratories in total,
18 of which are computer laboratiories. 55 labo-
Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engine-
ering: Chemical Engineering, Metallurgical and
Materials Engineering, Mathematical Enginee-
ratories for different fields of study are in Beik-
ta, 31 in Davutpaa and 11 in Maslak Campus. UNIVERSITY
ring, Bioengineering. STUDENT LIFE
Civil Engineering: Civil Engineering, Environmen- YTU has numerous canteens and 5 dining halls
tal Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry available for students in each campus. The stu-
Engineering. dents are offered a variety of menus for lunch and
Economic and Administrative Sciences: Business dinner which are also appropriate for their bud-
Administration, Economics, Political Science and get.
International Relations. There is a variety of sports activities in service for
students, including basketball, football, tennis,
UNIVERSITY judo, karate, taek-wando and fitness. Sports ac-
Yldz Technical University (YTU) is a major pub- tivities are mostly available in Davutpaa Cam-
lic university with high aspirations, in engineering pus which comprises two football grounds, two
and social science. YTU was founded in 1911 as gymnasiums, one football ground, one fitness sa-
The Conductors (Technicians) School of Higher loon, two tennis courts, three basketball grounds
Education, in order to meet the science officer and one swimming pool. Besides, there is a bas-
(conductor or technician) requirement for techni- ketball ground at Beikta Campus, two gymnasi-
Date of Foundation : 1911
cal services. Today, it is one of the four techni- ums and one football ground in Maslak Campus.
cal universities in Turkey. 35 undergraduate prog- Student activities are mostly organised by 35 stu- EUC Number : 222221
rammes, most of which are based on engineering dent clubs, including cinema, theater, music, dan- Erasmus ID : TR ISTANBU07
education, provided in ten faculties. Besides, gra- ce, maritime, mountain climbing, ecology, ethics, State University
duate programmes are performed by two institu- philosophy and so on. Medical Center, Cinema, No. of Faculties : 10
tes, Institute of Science and Technology and Insti- Post-Office, Bank, Bookstore are located at the No. of Institutes : 2
tute of Social Science. There are three vocational campuses and are at service.
No. of Research Centers : 11
schools School of Vocational Studies, School of
Foreign Languages, 15 vocational programmes in INTERNATIONALISATION No. of Vocational Schools : 3
total. YTU has devoted itself to a leading role thro- International activities at Yldz Technical Univer- Conservatory : None
ugh international partnerships in order to make sity are organised by three offices: European Uni- No of Short Cycle Student : 2.087
scientific, socio-cultural and socio-economic de- on Office (LLP/ERASMUS Student Mobility), Inter- No of 1st Cycle Student : 17.742
velopments. Currently YTU has 438 international national Relations Office (Foreign Students from No of 2nd Cycle Student : 2.082
students excluding Erasmus incoming students. Non-European countries), Foreign Student Offi- No of 3rd Cycle Student : 779
ce (Foreign Students from neighbouring countri-
Academic Staff : 946
CITY es who study in Turkey within the frame of inter-
stanbul is one of the most enchanting and lively governmental agreements). YTU is a member nu- Research Assistant : 542
metropolises in the world. The Bopshorus, the merous university associations such as; EUA, EAIE No. of Lecturers : 91
strait connecting the Black Sea and the Marma- and Black Sea Universities Association.
ra Sea, is an important passage between Europe
and Asia. This is the only city stretching over two LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Contact:
continents. With a population of nearly 13 milli- Department course plans offered at YTU are 70% Yldz Teknik niversitesi AB Ofisi
on, Istanbul is the most populated city of Turkish Turkish and 30% in English. One year preparatory Koordinatrl Rektrlk Binas,
Republic, and is the center of commercial, edu- class in English is compulsory for whole depart- 34349 Yldz, Beikta/STANBUL
cational and cultural activities across the country. ments. In addition to this, there are a couple of +90 (212) 383 20 69
Founded over 2500 years ago, it soon became an departments, such as Foreign Languages Educa-
+90 (212) 236 71 92
important commercial center owing to its strate- tion and Western Languages and Literatures, that
gic location where lands and seas meet. The city have course plans completely in English. For Eras- [email protected]
of Istanbul is encircled with fortifications built in mus Exchange students, courses in English could
the 5th century CE and stretches over 7 hills, each be given in case required by at least three underg-
of which was crowned with a sultans mosque, raduate or one graduate student.
adorned with Turkish monuments. Under the sha-
dow of the Roman, Byzantine and Turkish histori-
cal monuments deliberately preserved the city has
a very vivid and colorful daily life. For more infor-
YTU offers accommodation in two dormitories in
Maslak and Davutpaa Campuses. The dormitory
in Maslak Dormitory has a capacity of 544, Davut-
paa Dormitory has a capacity of 1000 students in
total. For breakfast and dinner, optional menu is
offered to the students. Laundry, sports hall, TV
room, computer rooms for personal computers
are available.
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 81
Aegean Region
AREAS OF STUDY management certificates have a capacity of app-
The departments on Bachelor Degree include Me- roximately 150,000 beds. Around 1 to 1,5 million
dicine, Veterinary Medicine, Education (Science tourists visit Aydn every year.
Education, Music Science Education, Pre-school
Education, Art Science Education, Primary School ACCOMODATION
Science Education, Social Sciences Education; Sci- Adnan Menderes University students have various
ence and Arts (Archeology, Biology, Philosopsy, accommodation opportunities.
Physics, French Language and Literature, Che- Students can also stay at private hostels and gu-
nomics and Administrative Sciences (Economics, with different capacities. Beside the dormitori-
Business Administration, Public Administration, es and hostels students can stay at flats or apart-
Finance, Social Work, International Relations; and ments they rent with their friends.
The language of instruction is Turkish at Adnan
Menderes University. The foreign students need
to attend classes with Turkish students, but the
professors always help the students with the lan-
guage and course materials in English.
84 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 85
AREAS OF STUDY rade is held in Manisa. Mesir Paste (Mesir Macunu
Economics and Administrative Sciences, in Turkish) traditional delicacy.
Medicine,Sciences and Arts, Education, Enginee-
ring, School of Applied Sciences, Manisa School ACCOMODATION
of Health, School of Tobacco Expertise, Students are welcome to stay at state dormitories
that are only 5 minutes in walking distance to the
UNIVERSITY school and private dormitories. Students pay only
Celal Bayar University (CBU) is currently ranked in about 100 TRY. per semester for state dormitories
the top three Turkish universities located in the (2-5 students in each room). Private dormitories
western part of Turkey in terms of teaching and offer single or double rooms about 150-200 (inc-
research. CBU is located in one of the major in- luding heat and electricity).
dustrial cities of Turkey, Manisa. The University is
a relatively new university, founded in 1992. Ho- LABORATORIES
wever, it is dynamic and eager to develop itself The university has several libraries (over 65000
both domestically and internationally. There are books) and computer labs at campuses (Uncuboz-
23.000 students and 27 academic programs. Our ky and Muradiye Campuses).
university with 5 faculties, 4 colleges, 15 occupa-
tional colleges, 3 institutes, 6 research and prac- STUDENT LIFE
tice centers and 1 research and practice hospital Every spring we have annual spring festival on the
exists in total of 34 departments. The University campus for two weeks. Students perform various
considers itself very strong in the areas of Econo- shows and games during the festival. Many con-
mics, Business Administration, Arts and Sciences ferences, symposiums, meetings in special topics
Programs, Applied Sciences (particularly Internati- are held at Sleyman Demirel (Uncubozky
onal Trade), Engineering and Medicine. campus) and Sinema (Main Campus) Conven-
tion Centers. Fall semester and spring semester
Date of Foundation : 1992
CITY usually begin in mid September and February,
EUC Number : 224011
CBU is located in one of the major industrial cities respectively.
Erasmus ID : TR MANISA01
of Turkey, Manisa. Manisa is on the main route
which links stanbul to zmir. It is 30 km from z-
No. of Faculties : 5 mir. Manisa is a city full of historical and natural CBU has developed mandatory English language
No. of Institutes : 4 beauties. It is a developed and an ideal educatio- preparation courses (one year) for students who
No. of Research Centers : 10 nal city for those who wish to study in a university are accepted to the College of Business Administ-
No. of Vocational Schools : 15 without the chaos of a big city and to take ad- ration and Economics and School of Applied Sci-
Conservatory : None vantage of social events such as cinemas, thea- ences. Although CBU is in the infant period, it has
No of Short Cycle Student : 9.782 ters, part-time job opportunities. In addition, it is a reasonable number of academic staff that had
No of 1st Cycle Student : 12.140 only 30 kms away from zmir and the surrounding their higher education abroad and that are alre-
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 558 towns such as eme, Foa and Kuadas, are att- ady familiar with the student and staff mobility
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 206 ractive centers, Sites of the University of Celal Ba- programmes.
No. of Academic Staff : 667 yar are located on different campuses. There are
No. of Research Assistans : 481 public buses in the town which travel to all of the- LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
No. of Lecturers : 71 se sites. There are transport services for students The medium of instruction at Celal Bayar Univer-
studying at the Manisa Muradiye campus. In every sity is Turkish and English.
March, Manisa International Mesir Festival, a pa-
Contact :
Office of International Relations
Rektrlk Binas
stasyon Mevkii, 45040 MANSA
+90 (236) 237 28 86
+90 (236) 237 24 42
[email protected]
[email protected]/international/eng
86 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
Total number of libraries in the University is 14 oc-
cupying 7.214 m2 with a capacity of 2000 readers.
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 87
Arts and Sciences, Economics and Administrative There is a wide range of accommodation options
Scences, Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Tech- for students: staying in public or private dormi-
nical Education, Medicine, Physical Training and tories with their modern buildings including ca-
Sport Sciences, Health Sciences, Applied Sciences. tering facilities, bathrooms in each room; and in
hostels, furnished rooms or shared-flats with ot-
UNIVERSITY her students. At main campus there are dormi-
Founded in 1992, Dumlupnar University (DPU) tories which offer a warm and friendly service to
Turkish, English (at the Department of Western
88 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY teens where students can have breakfast and other
Medical Sciences Natural, Sciences Engineering Sci- meals for a nominal cost. Shop it is located on cam-
ences, Agricultural Sciences Social, Sciences pus area where students can and can find sports
facilities as well as the places for outdoor sports
UNIVERSITY activities.
Ege University is one of Turkeys leading campus
universities with a major commitment to education, LABORATORIES
Central Library is located on Campus and has a col- Date of Foundation : 1955
research, cultural and social activities.It aims to achi-
eve excellence and highest quality in undergraduate lection of 300.000 books and 450 periodicals. EUC Number : 221398
and graduate education, in research and in public There are 66 databases. Online resources afford ins- Erasmus ID : TR IZMIR02
service. Ege University is the University of Choice for tant access to 31060 e-journals and 41220 e-books State University
intelligent, motivated students who are willing to are accessible through INTERNET. It has a firm com- No. of Faculties : 11
learn and accept responsibility and wish to receive mitment to provide a wide range of computational No. of Institutes : 8
high quality education in an atmosphere where ide- services and a comprehensive computer education. No. of Research Centers : 27
as are freely exchanged. Being a university with an There are multimedia labs with full accessed with No. of Vocational Schools : 7
international perspective, the educational system is audiovisual devices.
Conservatory : Yes
based on the principle of creative teaching and par- Ege University provides Internet connections thro-
No of Short Cycle Student : 11.541
ticipatory learning. The University embraces many ughout the Campus 24 hours a day. Ege University
has 730 modern and full-fledge laboratories offe- No of 1st Cycle Student : 29.014
diverse fields and disciplines of study. The educati-
onal process is enriched by a number of other acti- ring extensive opportunities for training and rese- No of 2nd Cycle Student : 2.621
vities, parallel to the core studies, such as seminars, arch. The students learn to put into practice the No of 3rd Cycle Student : 2.136
lectures by invited scholars, educational visits, as skills and theory studied in their courses. No. of Academic Staff : 3.179
well as summer schools and conferences that are No. of Research Assistans : 1.148
organized by the Universitys Departments. STUDENT LIFE No. of Lecturers : 182
Social and cultural activities are designed for the en-
CITY joyment of students and staff and to develop new
Izmir is the third largest city in Turkey and one of its and existing interests. Ege University offers opportu- Contact :
principal industrial, commercial, cultural and tourist nities for personal, cultural, social and professional Ege University Rectorate,
centers. The city is situated in the Aegean Region development that complement the richly complex International Office, Genclik Cad.
near the seacoast and hence is a very accessible city and challenging academic life. Ege University ensu- No:12 35040 Bornova / IZMIR
with excellent road and rail links and an airport to res that students with special needs have access to +90 (232) 339 90 91
national and international destinations. The clima- the same quality of educational provision by provi- +90 (232) 311 43 55
te is mild and in the summer the constant and ref- ding alternative teaching and learning approaches. [email protected]
reshing sea provides breeze to its beneficiaries. Lo- Additionally curricular materials are provided.
cated on the bay of the same name, zmir is a mo- Believing that physical fitness aids mental alertness,
dern city brimming with life. For many years Izmir University strives to provide its students with facili-
has enjoyed a reputation as a cosmopolitan city cul- ties for a variety of sports. There are 56 student as-
ture. With its natural beauties, historical and cultu- sociations, which are active in many diverse fields of
ral values, Izmir where various civilizations flouris- interest.
hed and people have lived together in tolerance and and Youth Programs. Ege Un. carries out dual
brotherhood acquire her name from an Amazon qu- INTERNATIONALISATION diploma program with several European Univer-
een called Smyrna. International and European cooperation plays an sities.
important role in the strategic development of Ege
ACCOMODATION University. It has developed 73 collaborative and LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
Accommodation is available in Student Village for 270 LLP/Erasmus bilateral agreements with many Ege University aims to increase the number of
1000 students.There are separate buildings for male European and Unions with other countries. It up- curricula taught in a foreign language.
and female students.In all rooms furnish, bedding holds its commitment to coordinate and implement
and internet connection is available. There are can- European Unions new Life Long Learning (LLP)
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 89
AREAS OF STUDY The city hosts an international arts festival during
Gediz University includes the following faculties June and July, and the Izmir International Fair, is
and departments: held in the beginning of September every year. Iz-
School of Economics and Administrative Scien- mir is served by national and international flights
ces: Management, Economics, International Rela- through the Adnan Menderes International Air-
zmir tions, Political Science & Public Administration, In- port and there is a modern metro line running
ternational Trade & Marketing. from the southwest to the northeast.
School of Engineering and Architecture: Com- Izmir called as the pearl of the Aegan due to its
puter Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Indust- natural and historical places. Izmir incorporates
rial Engineering, Mechanical Enginering, Archi- the nearby ancient cities of Ephesus, Pergamum,
tecture Sardis and Klazomenai.
School of Law
Vocational School: Child Development, Bussi- ACCOMODATION
ness Adminstration, Mechatronics, Electronic In- Gediz University does not only provide accommo-
tercommunication Technologies, Public Relations, dation for students but International Office help
Logistics, Foreign Trade, Banking and Insurance, international students to find suitable accommo-
and Graphic Design dations. Public and private dormitories and ren-
tal houses are available nearby campus area. Stu-
UNIVERSITY dents need to indicate their accommodation pre-
Gediz University was founded by Sipahi Educa- ferences in the application form.
tion, Health and Sports Foundation in 2008 and
welcomed its first students on September 2009. LABORATORIES
Gediz University is carrying education on anka- Gediz University Library support the academic
ya campus temporarily and plan to move its new programs of Gediz through instruction, collec-
campus by 2010/2011 academic year. Our new tions, technology and services that enable stu-
campus is now under construction in Seyrek and dents and faculty to access recorded knowled-
after its completion it will have modern labs, clas- ge and information resources. Library is cons-
Date of Foundation : 2008 ses, conference halls, social facilities, library, cine- tructed on 1350 m2 area and has a capacity to
EUC Number : ma hall, cafeteria, food court, fitness center and meet requirements of all our students and aca-
Foundation University a bookshop. As a fourth foundation university in demic staff. School of engineering and architec-
No. of Faculties : 11 Izmir, Gediz University has the largest campus in ture has a number of modern laboratory facilities
No. of Institutes : 1 Izmir. which is equipped with best equipments. Gediz
No. of Research Centers : 1 The mission of Gediz University is the creation, University provides campus-wide wireless internet
No. of Vocational Schools : 1 dissemination, preservation, and application of access. Students can use this service free of char-
Conservatory : None knowledge for the betterment of our global soci- ge with their laptops.
No of Short Cycle Student : 78 ety. To fulfill this mission, Gediz University is com-
No of 1st Cycle Student : 301 mitted to academic freedom in its fullest terms: STUDENT LIFE
No of 2nd Cycle Student : we value open access to information, free and li- The Center for Student Involvement serves as an
No of 3rd Cycle Student : vely debate conducted with mutual respect for in- advocate for students in all areas of campus life,
No. of Academic Staff : 113 dividuals. supports extracurricular activities, and mainta-
ins the community living standards for all natio-
No. of Research Assistans : 14
CITY nal and international students. Gediz University is
No. of Lecturers : 28
Gediz University is located on the west coast of home to several student organizations that repre-
Turkey, Izmir. Turkeys third largest city and se- sent academic, cultural, political, professional, so-
Contact: cond most important port, Izmir is the center of cial, spiritual, and recreational interests. Students
Hrriyet Blv. No:16/1 ankaya, zmir tourism in the region. The total population of the can easily start their own student organization or
+90 (232) 484 34 34 city was 3,795,978 by the end of 2008. Its origins suggest a new event idea.
+90 (232) 425 68 13 go back to the third millennium B.C.E., and it ma-
[email protected] intained its prominence during Hittite, Greek, Ro- INTERNATIONALISATION man, and Byzantine domination. During the fo- When Gediz University was established in 2008, it was decided that internationalization is the main
urteenth century, Izmir became an Ottoman city
and then it became part of the Republic of Tur- priority of our university. Based on this aim, the
key in 1923. current strategy plan focuses on the following is-
sues: student and academic staff mobility, inter-
national cooperation, implementation of ECTS in
all field of studies and issuing Diploma Supple-
ment (DS), and the establishment of a qualifica-
tion framework for all study fields on the basis of
learning outcomes.
To facilitate the study of international students,
the language of instruction is English in most of
Gediz Universitys academic departments . Almost
all of Gediz Universitys academic staff have recei-
ved their Ph.D.s abroad and/or had an experience
in international exchange programs.
90 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY pital city of education, immediately embraces uni-
Mathematics, Psychology, Translation and Interpre- versity students with its sunny climate that lasts 300
tation (English), Sociology, Psychology (Dual Diplo- days and the sea surrounding the city. With its histo-
ma Program SUNY-Fredonia), Economics, Business rical streets, lively bazaars, nearby treasures ranging
Administration, International Relations and Europe- from Ephesus to esme and Foa to Bergama (Per-
an Union, International Trade and Finance, Logistics gamon), and its unique cuisine.
Management, Business Administration (Dual Dip-
loma Program SUNY-New Paltz), Economics (Dual ACCOMODATION
Diploma Program SUNY-Cortland), Public Relations The on-campus dormitory accommodates 480 stu-
and Advertising, Media and Communication, Pub- dents and there are 240 rooms and one handicap-
lic Relations and Advertising (Dual Diploma Program ped room. There is central air conditioning system
SUNY-Fredonia), Fashion Design, Industrial Design, in the building and geothermal energy is used for
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, heating and hot water. There are receptionists, secu- Date of Foundation : 2001
Architecture, Visual Communication Design, Soft- rity staff, cafeteria, and laundry available in the dor- EUC Number : 220981
ware Engineering, Computer Engineering, Industri- mitory for 24 hours. The students can benefit from
the Medical Office of the University in the daytime, Erasmus ID : TR IZMIR04
al Systems Engineering, Electronics and Telecommu-
nications Engineering, Computer Engineering (Dual and the general hospital or other policlinics nearby Foundation University
Diploma Program SUNY-Fredonia), Software Engi- at night. No. of Faculties : 5
neering (Dual Diploma Program SUNY-Fredonia), No. of Institutes : 2
Global Trade and Business (Dual Diploma Associa- LABORATORIES No. of Research Centers : 8
te Program (DDAP)- Scottish Qualification Authority IUE owns a computer based library and a documen-
No. of Vocational Schools : 1
-SQA), Retail Management (Dual Diploma Associa- tation center. The library consists of printed and
te Progr electronic information resources. The information Conservatory : None
systems of the university have the capacity to fol- No of Short Cycle Student : 114
UNIVERSITY low the latest developments. The university campus No of 1st Cycle Student : 5832
zmir University of Economics (IUE) is the first foun- is designed in such a way as to allow Internet access No of 2nd Cycle Student : 157
dation University of Izmir and the Aegean Region, from all parts of the campus including the library, No of 3rd Cycle Student : 28
which is established by Izmir Chamber of Commer- classrooms, cafeteria, restaurant and dormitories. All
the computers used in IUE have Internet access. The No. of Academic Staff : 433
ce Education and Health Foundation. The Mission of
IUE is to educate and equip qualified students with computer & graphic laboratories and free computer No. of Research Assistans : 91
leadership attributes, entrepreneurial capabilities, areas are open to general use. No. of Lecturers : 130
critical thinking skills and the ability to contribute va-
luable research in a variety of sciences. The Vision of STUDENT LIFE
IUE is to become a preeminent institution of higher IUE gives importance to the enrichment of acade- Contact :
learning at the forefront of education on a universal mic programs with cultural, artistic, and sportive ac- zmir University Of Economics
level and to pioneer valuable research in a variety of tivities. For this reason, IUE has various student clubs office of international affairs
disciplines. At IUE, 27 undergraduate programs, 18 that promote social life. The activities of the student Sakarya Cd. No:156 35330
master programs, 5 associate degree programs and clubs aim to provide physical, mental, cultural and Balova/zmir/Turkey
3 PhD. Programs are offered in 5 Faculties, 3 Scho- aesthetic development for our students and impro- +90 (232) 488 83 50
ols, and 2 Graduate Schools. Additionally, there are ve their skills. Football, basketball and volleyball fi- +90 (232) 488 82 71
8 Research Centers at the university. IUE has close elds are available on campus. Student life is enriched [email protected]
relations and bilateral agreements with universities by various activities such as student conferences, ca-
from various countries to provide our students the reer days, spring fest, and other organizations. Care-
chance of studying abroad. er Guidance Center which is established to create a
career consciousness in the students by introducing
CITY them to the business life provides the students with rees (with State University of New York-SUNY),
Beautiful Izmir is Turkeys third largest city and se- the opportunity of planning their future during the- and for master degrees (with University of Aber-
cond most important port. The city is a busy com- ir education. IUE also established Disability Support tay Dundee).
mercial and industrial center as well as the gateway Center for the students who have a disability that
to the Aegean Region. Turkeys Aegean shores are may hinder their academic or social life. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
among the loveliest landscapes in the country. The The medium of instruction at IUE is English for all
province of Izmir has a long history, dating back to INTERNATIONALISATION programs. Moreover, each student has to choo-
the 3rd millennium BC when it was one of the most IUE places great emphasis on international coope- se a second foreign language out of 8 alternati-
advanced cultural centers in Western Anatolia. To- ration and has partners in Europe, Asia and Uni- ves (German, Italian, Spanish, French, Greek, Por-
day, this modern city still retains traces of its anci- ted States. Apart from the full time students from tuguese, Japanese, and Russian) to study during
ent, Ottoman and Levantine past. Economic activiti- China, Panama, Greece, Syria, Japan, Thailand, and their undergraduate degree. With this advan-
es, textiles, food and automotive industries are in the Serbia, IUE also hosts Erasmus students from vari- tage, both IUE students and incoming students
lead as well as agriculture. Tourism is also well deve- ous European countries. IUE also has dual diploma get the chance of accessing international educa-
loped in the city and throughout the region. Izmir, programs for associate degrees (with Scottish Qu- tion opportunities, which help them develop the-
which today has 7 universities and is becoming a ca- alification Authority-SQA), for undergraduate deg- ir personal skills and competencies.
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 91
AREAS OF STUDY airport. Visitors can also travel around the city by
Arts and Sciences, American Culture and Literatu- means of buses, subway, ferries and taxis. Izmir is
re, English Language Teaching, Mathematics and famous for not only its industry but also its touristic
Computer, Science, Psychology, Law, Economics places within a few hours of reach.
and Administrative Sciences,Business Administrati-
on (English), Business Administration, International ACCOMODATION
Relations (English), International Relations, Tourism Students can get detailed information about ac-
Management (English), International Trade and commodation facilities during application and re-
Finance (English), Engineering, Computer Engine- gistration stages. Izmir University students have the
ering (English), Electronics and Telecommunica- advantage of living in the city center; either in ren-
tion Engineering (English), Industrial Engineering tal apartments near the campus or in private and
(English), Software Engineering (English), Vocati- state dormitories, most of which are in close proxi-
onal School, Program of Tourism and Hotel Ma- mity to our university. Moreover, the dormitory of
nagement, Program of Computer Programming, Fatih College, the high school owned by the foun-
Program of Electronics and Communication , Tech- ders of the university, provides a limited capacity of
nology, Program of Accountancy and Taxation, accommodation to our students.
School of Health, Nursing (Turkish)
UNIVERSITY At IZU, education is supported by comprehensive
Izmir University (IZU) was founded in 2007 as an ex- laboratories such as the engineering lab, nursing
tention to Doanata Education and Culture Foun- skills lab, analog and digital electronics lab, com-
dation and began providing education in the aca- munications lab, and computer assisted langua-
demic year 2008/2009 as the third foundation uni- ge learning laboratories. The library serves in an
versity in Izmir. Being a city university, IZU serves in area of 330 m2. MITOS open access system is used
the city center and is situated in a 15,000 m2 area and electronic databases such as EBSCOhost, IEEE/
consisting of 3 blocks connected to each other. IZU IEE Electronic Library, Elsevier ScienceDirect, Taylor
aims at becoming a research-oriented university & Francis, WOS (Art & Humanities Citation Index,
with an international focus, emphasizing graduate Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation In-
studies and life-long learning as well as short-cycle dex) are available. Library of Congress classification
Date of Foundation : 2007
and first cycle degrees. To fulfill its social respon- system is used in our library and medical books are
EUC Number :
sibilities and serve the community better, IZU pro- classified according to the National Library of Me-
Foundation University dicine classification system. The campus allows wi-
vides life-long learning and instrumental programs
No. of Faculties : 5 in its continuing education centre. IZU also provi- reless internet access.
No. of Institutes : 2 des financial and volunteer support to several edu-
No. of Research Centers : 1 cational NGOs. Social Responsibility Centre enhan- STUDENT LIFE
No. of Vocational Schools : 1 ces social and economic cohesion. The campus is In order to encourage students to participate in so-
Conservatory : None handicapped-friendly and the Disabled Unit helps cial, cultural, artistic and sportive activities in their
No of Short Cycle Student : 211 those with special needs. spare time and to contribute to their social and in-
No of 1st Cycle Student : 616 dividual development, various student clubs are fo-
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 1 CITY unded with the support of administrative/academic
Izmir is the third most populous city of Turkey and advisors. By carrying out various performances, de-
No of 3rd Cycle Student :
has the countrys largest port after Istanbul. It lies bates and concerts in accordance with the annual
No. of Academic Staff : 43 plan, these clubs have an active role in making the
on the coast of the Aegean Sea. Once the ancient
No. of Research Assistans : 22 city of Smyrna, it is now a modern, developed, and institutional identity of Izmir University come into
No. of Lecturers : 21 busy commercial center, set around a huge bay prominence and helping it to be recognized by the
which is surrounded by mountains The city cen- public. Students have the opportunity to use the
Contact: ter has a population of approximately 3,500,000. semi-olympic swimming pool and gymnastics halls
Izmir University Izmir has outstanding features in terms of industry, (basketball, volleyball, tennis, step-aerobic) in Fatih
International Relations Office trade, culture, health, tourism and transportati- College, the high school that is owned by Doana-
Gursel Aksel Bulvari No: 14 35350 on. Consequently, the city plays a vital role in the ta Education and Culture Foundation.
kuyular-Izmir TURKEY countrys economy. The city hosts an international
+90 (232) 246 49 49 arts festival during June and July and the Izmir In- INTERNATIONALISATION
+90 (232) 224 09 09 ternational Fair, in which various fair and exhibition As a young university founded in 2007, IZU is in
[email protected] the process of forming strong international links.
events take place, opens its doors to visitors in Sep-
tember every year. Adnan Menderes Airport, loca- IZU has initiated cooperation processes with several
ted 16 km south of Izmir, serves as an international universities in Europe for the Erasmus program and
elsewhere to attract full time/exchange students
and staff. Internationalization is part of IZUs foun-
ding strategy and great importance is IZUs to the
promotion of the Erasmus Program, implementati-
on of the Bologna Process and enhancement of Eu-
ropean Education and Research Areas.
The medium of instruction at IZU is English and Tur-
kish. Foreign language education which is provided
during the first year at the faculties is completely
English to support professional training. The Eng-
lish preparatory year provided by the School of Fo-
reign Languages and elective second foreign lan-
guage courses provide students with strong foreign
language skills to prepare them for mobility.
92 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 93
AREAS OF STUDY and warm and rainy in winter. The world of enter-
Archaeology, Biology, Chemistry, History, Mathe- tainment virtually moves from big cities to the re-
matics, Philosophy, Physics, Sociology, Statistics, gion as soon as summer begins and many festi-
Translation Studies, Turkish Language and Litera- vals, performances and concerts take place. Mug-
ture, Turkic Dialects and Literate, Economics, Bu- la today, is not only a city of natural/historical re-
siness Administration, Public Administration, La- sources but a university city moving towards be-
bour Economics, Hospitality Management, Tra- coming a centre for education and culture.
vel Management, Educational Sciences, Elemen-
Although main language of instruction is Turkish,
some departments offer courses in English. Entire
degree programmes in the Faculty of Engineering
are conducted fully in English.
94 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
Students accommodation requirements are met by
student dormitories located next to the main cam-
pus with a total capacity of 4.150 students. Baths
and toilets are available in students rooms and hot
water is available for 24 hours. Breakfast, lunch and
dinner are served in these dormitories everyday.
Also there are private apartments and dormitories
with high quality facilities around the campus.
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 95
AREAS OF STUDY tory of Republican Turkey, a sugar refinery, was set
Undergraduate (Bachelors) Degrees - (First Cycle) up here through a private sector initiative among
Education:Computer and Educational Technology, local businessmen. It is found that the first settle-
Educational Sciences (Educational Programmes ment in the region had begun after 4000 B.C.
and Teaching Educational Management, Planning
and Economy Psychological Counseling), Primary ACCOMODATION
(Elementary) Education, (Primary School Teacher Uak University offers plenty of housing opportu-
Education Elementary Social Sciences Teacher Edu- nities for its students including furnished state dor-
cation, Mathematics Education, Social Sciences mitories, private dormitories, flats, apartments and
96 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 97
The Mediterranean Region
Medicine, Agriculture, Arts and Sciences, Eco- Akdeniz University presents several choices of ac-
nomics and Administrative Sciences, Enginee- commodation for incoming Erasmus students.
ring, Education, Fine Arts, Law, Communicati- Students can stay at the University dormitory or
on, Aquaculture, Business Administration, Tou- apartment hotels. There is the option of renting
rism and Hotel Management, Physical Education a flat with students from Akdeniz University, or
and Sports. with other Erasmus students. Akdeniz University
also has a Guest House which is located in the
UNIVERSITY campus, and which is suitable for short term vi-
Akdeniz University, a campus university to the sits, for which an early reservation should be
west of Antalya city centre, is an institution which made.
is dedicated to bringing illumination and enligh-
tenment to society. It was founded in 1982 and LABORATORIES
has steadily progressed to its present position as With an area of 4,505 square meters, the library
one of the nations leading education institutions. has an infrastructure capable of serving 450 pe-
The university, after 28 years of development, ople simultaneously. By making available its spe-
now provides a modern standard of education in cial collections, fifteen individual study rooms,
15 faculties and 12 vocational schools, as well as computers with uninterrupted internet connecti-
post-graduate and doctorate programs in 4 gra- ons, and facilities for free photocopying of perio-
duate schools. dicals, the library is successfully fulfilling its role
The primary goal of Akdeniz University is to pro- of highlighting the scientific studies conducted at
duce graduates who are well-qualified, modern the university. It contains 45,000 volumes of pub-
and democratic in outlook. We help them to be at lished books, subscriptions to 296 published peri-
peace with the community, able to see the nati- odicals, and 2,184 pieces of written research. The
onal and universal perspective while maintaining library also provides 24-hour access to 53,000 pe-
respect for the highest cultural values and an app- riodicals and 48,000 e-books from 65 databases
reciation of Atatrks principles and reforms. They all over the world. Wireless internet connections
will have a purpose for the future, and be able to are also provided throughout the campus.
Date of Foundation : 1982 solve problems and use the knowledge they have
EUC Number : 220189 gained in their professional and personal develop- STUDENTLIFE
Erasmus ID : TR ANTALYA01 ment. Akdeniz University offers a wide range of faciliti-
State University es for social, cultural and sporting activities where
No. of Faculties : 15 CITY students can develop their own skills and talents.
No. of Institutes : 4 Akdeniz University is located in Antalya, a city on There are 58 student clubs in which students can
the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Situated on gain experience of group tasks, and where they
No. of Research Centers : 34
coastal cliffs and surrounded by mountains, An- can meet as members and share their ideas and
No. of Vocational Schools : 12
talya is one of the tourism capitals of Turkey and work together. The campus facilities include fo-
Conservatory : Yes the world, and a modern city with broad boule- otball pitches and tennis courts, a climbing wall,
No of Short Cycle Student : 10.478 vards decorated with palm trees, an international an indoor swimming pool and indoor sports sta-
No of 1st Cycle Student : 13.262 award-winning port, and a mixture of fine verna- diums, as well as playing areas for basketball, vol-
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 1.101 cular architecture and modern shopping malls. leyball, handball, badminton, and beach volley-
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 714 The natural environment of Antalya is extraordi- ball. The campus is close to the city centre, and
No. of Academic Staff : 1.155 narily generous. Spring water gushes out from public transport links the campus to every part of
No. of Research Assistans : 799 between the rocks, and the sweet perfume of the city. The buildings in the campus area are all
No. of Lecturers : 120 orange blossom pervades the city in the spring- within walking distance of each other.
time. From the sea cliffs, you cannot gaze long With the aim of preventing the loss of our rich
enough at the deep translucent blue of the Medi- cultural heritage, Akdeniz University organizes
Contact :
terranean, and the purple silhouettes of the surro- the International Mediterranean Youth Festival in
International Relations Office (Erasmus
unding mountains spread before the evening sun. May every year. We are happy to welcome stu-
Office)Dumlupnar Boulvard Rectorate 6th Floor
Antalya region, known as Pamphilia in ancient ti- dents from all over the world to this great annu-
Campus 07058 Antalya / TURKEY
mes, has also witnessed many civilizations since al event.
+90 (242) 310 15 75
the era of the primitive men in the Karain Cave,
+90 (242) 310 66 29
starting as Psidia and Lykia, and passing through INTERNATIONALISATION
[email protected]
the centuries with the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzan- Akdeniz University attaches the greatest impor-
tine, Selchuk and tance to internationalisation. Our involvement in
the Erasmus programme has made our university
into an international institution which has been
selected twice by the Turkish National Agency as
the university applying best practice in the imple-
mentation of the Erasmus programme. Akdeniz
University was also placed third among the uni-
versities from 23 countries when it was awarded
the Erasmus Lifelong Learning Prize by the Euro-
pean Commission.
Mainly Turkish, English course package is provi-
100 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
International Relations, International Finance, Pub- ACCOMODATION
lic Relations, International Trade, Management (Bu- Our international office arranges the accomodation
siness Administration), Tourism and Hotel Manage- of exchange students. In addition, the accomodati-
ment, English Language Teaching, English Langua- on is provided for the exchange students for free by
ge Literature, Mathematics and Computer, Law a University. Currently, the University offers acco-
modation to its students at Soli Apart Hotel in Mer- Date of Foundation : 1997
UNIVERSITY sin. There is free transportation from Soli Apart Ho- EUC Number : 224504
a University is an foundation university, nonpro- tel to a University for the students, which is pro- Erasmus ID : TR MERSIN02
fit institution founded by the Bayboan Education vided by the university.
Foundation University
Foundation in 1997. It is the first Foundation Uni-
No. of Faculties : 3
versity in the Mediterranean of Turkey. At present LABORATORIES
No. of Institutes : 1
there are 2,300 students studying at a University. In order for students to effectively benefit from the
No. of Research Centers : 2
There are 175 academic staffs. This stimulates fle- research and self-development activities that are a
necessity in modern education, our library has many No. of Vocational Schools : 1
xibility and efficient use of resources and promotes
good fellowship between the staff and the students. texts and resource books and provides a comfortab- Conservatory : None
The university provides varied opportunities for edu- le and modern atmosphere for students and aca- No of Short Cycle Student : 450
cation, which are not limited to within the cam- demic staff. As well as domestic and foreign da- No of 1st Cycle Student : 1.800
pus walls. Faculty members share their knowledge ily newspapers and magazines, all types of perio- No of 2nd Cycle Student : 45
and experience with students, in an atmosphere of dicals, bulletins and other publications required by No of 3rd Cycle Student :
warmth and friendship, enabling them to gain self- the academic departments are available. a Uni- No. of Academic Staff : 110
confidence and become equipped for a career of versity Library is working to offer thehighest possib- No. of Research Assistans : 10
further study. a University, situated on 330.000 le quality service by providing all the resources stu- No. of Lecturers : 55
m2 of parkland was founded with the aim of provi- dents need to successfully complete their studies at
ding modern higher education at a global standard. the University. Currently, there 300 computers are Contact :
At ag University the medium of instruction is Eng- available to our students at campus. Erasmus Office, a University,
lish. Adana Mersin Karayolu zeri,
STUDENTLIFE 33800, Yenice, Mersin, Turkey
CITY As a University, one of our basic aims is to edu- +90 (324) 651 48 00
a University is located between two major cities, cate our students in such a way that they could be- +90 (324) 651 48 11
Adana and Mersin. The locality of Mersin is one of come sophisticated individuals equipped with vari- [email protected]
the most ancient regions of Anatolia, but Mersin is ed social features. For that reason, we give a speci-
one of the newest cities of Turkey with a population al importance to social, cultural and sports activities.
of 1.000.000. The Mediterranean climate, coupled There are over 20 clubs in which students can parti-
with rich agricultural lands and the use of the latest cipate, and compete in national events.
techniques in greenhouse production, provides for
several harvests of farm products each year. Mer- INTERNATIONALISATION
sin is Turkeys third largest sea port and a free trade a University is a member of European Universiti-
zone, and is at the center of a busy transportation es Association (EUA) and has already signed many
network. It is possible to take a ferry from Mersin to cooperation agreements with universities in Euro-
Magusa in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus pe and USA.
and from Taucu to Kyrenia. One can fly to every
major city in the country and abroad from Adana LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
Airport, 60 km to the Northeast. Adana is now inha- English
bitating about 1.400.000 (including the immediate
suburbs receiving municipal services), whereas the
Provincial Population is about 1.950.000.
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 101
also one of the 16 state universities that provide Center carries out various activities to train acade-
MA and PhD programs for students coming from mic staff and students, to organize seminars and
other universities throughout the country, ukuro- courses, to support scientific and technical rese-
va University takes its place among the ten top uni- arch and practices, and to provide solutions to the
versities in Turkey. The university has one of the lar- computer-related problems of the public and priva-
gest and best equipped teaching hospitals of So- te institutions. The library also acts as the European
uth and South-East Turkey, and is a leading institu- Union Documentation Center. The center is a part
tion for agricultural studies with its research farm of the wide network of EDCs in Europe and world
Date of Foundation : 1973 and about 3000 acres land on campus. ukurova wide, under competence of the Education and Cul-
EUC Number : 221382 University was one of the universities listed in the ture Directorate General of the European Commis-
Erasmus ID : TR ADANA01 Worlds Top 500 Universities ranked by the Times sion in Brussels.
State University Higher Education supplement in 2007-2008 aca-
No. of Faculties : 60 demic year. STUDENT LIFE
The university has a powerful infrastructure supp-
No. of Institutes : 3
CITY lying opportunities in various branches of sports such
No. of Research Centers : 24 With a history dating back to 6000 BC, Adana is as athletics, basketball, handball, football, volleyball,
No. of Vocational Schools : 9 one of the oldest settlements in Anatolia and is the cycling, swimming, tennis, table tennis, judo, karate,
Conservatory : None fifth-largest city in Turkey. Stretching over an area wrestling, gymnastics, dancing, cross country, wa-
No of Short Cycle Student : 7.725 of 14.030 square kilometers, Adana has been un- ter polo.
No of 1st Cycle Student : 22.347 dergoing a rapid development in an attempt to be- There are different alternatives for eating at the cam-
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 3.677 come a metropolitan city. It is situated in the most pus, appealing every taste. The Central Cafeteria,
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 919 fertile agricultural area of the whole country that furnished with modern and hygienic kitchen faciliti-
is fed by the life-giving waters of the Seyhan Ri- es, offers lunch for students and the university emp-
No. of Academic Staff : 1.228
ver. Adanas prosperity has long come from the fer- loyees. Besides, there are also cafes, various buffets
No. of Research Assistans : 645 tile valleys behind it and its position as a bridge- and canteens serving for lunch and fast food. Spen-
No. of Lecturers : 133 head on the Anatolian-Arabian trade routes. Also ding time joyfully at ukurova University is not diffi-
its population boom can be attributed to its ferti- cult, thanks to various student clubs, centers, and co-
le plains, rivers and highlands. Additionally, besi- urses that can be joined. A mini cinema on the cam-
Contact : des having created a major textile industry, the city pus offers all students the chance to watch movi-
ukurova Unversty, Internatonal Offce, is also an importing trading center for gold. Due es for a minimum fee. Furthermore, theater, dance,
01330, Saram, Adana, Turkey to its being in the heart of that fertile land, Ada- and concert performances are presented througho-
+90 (322) 338 64 11 na has been an important city for many civilizations ut the year.
+90 (322) 338 64 11 for centuries dating back to the Hittites, one of the
[email protected] most important Anatolian civilizations. The precio- INTERNATIONALISATION
Http://nternational.Cu.Edu.Tr/En us River Seyhan is spanned by the ancient Takp- ukurova University is a member of EUA and IAUP
Www.Cu.Edu.Tr r Ston Bridge. and is Takpr Stone Bridgein collaboration with
over 70 foreign universities. The cooperation pro-
ACCOMODATION tocols are carried out in the areas of the exchange
AREAS OF STUDY An individual student hall on campus is available of invitations to scholars for lectures, sharing of
Agriculture, Dentistry, Economics and Administra- for the limited numbers of Erasmus participants. At experience, exchange of faculty members, researc-
tive Sciences, Engineering and Architecture, Edu- the halls, each room is fully equipped and has a hers and students, and conduct mutual research
cation, Fine Arts, Fisheries, Medicine, Science and kitchen, a bath, air-conditioning and internet con- projects. ukurova University is also one of the 141
Letters, Theology, Tourism, Conservatory, Law, nection. The halls also have a laundry room. members of EMUNI University. The University par-
and Communication There are on and off campus dormitories well ticipates in the European Union Programmes since
equipped with amenities to meet students requ- 2003.
UNIVERSITY irements such as food, communication, health,
Situated on the fertile land of the ukurova Re- library, sports and safety and security precautions. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
gion, ukurova University has become the symbol The Departments of Mechanical Engineering and
of contemporary education of knowledgeable LABORATORIES Electrics and Electronics Engineering offer courses
students with its academic structure. The Univer- There are many central and departmental research, only in English whereas some of the departments of
sity has great contributions to society in qualitati- training and application laboratories at ukurova the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Scien-
ve sense, both on national and international levels University. Each department has its own computer ces offer courses partly in English. The courses of the
through its excellent programs in the field of soci- application laboratory. departments of French, English and German Langu-
al sciences, applied sciences and medicine. Being The Computer Sciences Research and Application age Teaching are offered in the related languages.
102 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY harden the milk. Sahlep gets the milk harden and
The university is located on four campuses: Forestry process of beating the ice cream provide it to be-
and the College of Physical Education are located come solid.
on Bahcelievler area in downtown; Medicine and
Kahramanmaras College of Helath Services are on At high plateaus in Kahramanmara where there is
the Medical Campus; Theology, Higher Vocational transhumance, butter, cheese and yoghurt are the
Schools, student dormitories and social facilities main food both in summer and winter. Meat and
are located on Karacasu campus site; Rectorate,
Sciences and Letters, Economics and Administrative
Sciences, Engineering and Architecture, Education,
pounded wheat are also important in the local cuisi-
ne. The main traditional meat meals are: sac ST MAM
Fine Arts and Agriculture are situated on Avsar cam-
pus with modern buildings and infrastructures.
The university provides dormitories for 1550 stu-
dents on Karacasu Campus in addition to that, dor-
UNIVERSITY mitory in Goksun Higher Vocational School is avai-
Our vision is to reach international standards on lable. Students requiring accomodation should fill in
education and training, research, publication and the Housing Application Form enclosed to the Exc-
application, to have its place among all other uni- hange Student Application Form. Erasmus incoming
versities having the best reputation in the world; to students are also offered accomodation in the uni-
teach students the access to knowledge by means versity residence. There are dormitories in Kahra-
of modern technology instead of loading them with manmaras which are managed privately.
information; to contribute to the scientific, techno-
logical and cultural life of our country and region LABORATORIES
by integrating the university with all the segments Around 1,500 personal computer, more than a do-
of the society, and to strengthen the collaboration zen of notebooks, 8 servers and hundreads of prin-
among the university, industry and society; to beco- ters are in service in various units at KSU. Additio-
me a modern university that possesses universal va- nally, BAUM with 2 computer laboratories and more Date of Foundation : 1992
lues, fits globalizing world conditions, utilizes exis- than 50 computers serves to the staff and students. EUC Number : 221773
ting physical structures, machinery, equipments, in- The number of publications in the university library- Erasmus ID : TR KARAMA01
telligence and knowledge accumulation by using totals up to 29,207. The number of books transfer- State University
initiating ideas, creates additional financial sources, red as electronic data in to the computer system is No. of Faculties : 9
and applies developed and modern management 47,000. Moreover, about 23,500 electronic journals No. of Institutes : 3
techniques and methods. are available. No. of Research Centers : 15
No. of Vocational Schools : 8
CITY STUDENT LIFE Conservatory : None
The univeristy is located in Kahramanmara in the Atatrk Culture and Sports Centre covering an area
No of Short Cycle Student : 6.781
Eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey is one of of approx 4,200 m2 consists of Fine Arts, Exhibiti-
No of 1st Cycle Student : 7.035
the most important pieces in Anatolias rich cultural on Hall, Staff and Student Cafeteries, Fitness Hall,
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 1.033
mosaic with a civilized past going back thousands of Tennis Courts, Football and Volleyball grounds. The
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 113
years. Besides its traditions, its culinary culture and centre is open to staff and students during week-
No. of Academic Staff : 530
its flora and fauna, which are richer than those of days; however, tennis courts and football areas can
many an entire European country, it is also one of be used at weekends. No. of Research Assistans : 200
the worlds major water basins. Its fertile soil and No. of Lecturers : 66
highly defensible geographical situation made Ma- INTERNATIONALISATION
ra an attractive target of new conquerors in every The university has been performing student- Contact :
period of history. One of the tastes that is equated exchange, cooperative education programs with Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University
with the name of city is beated ice cream. Sahlep many foreign universities and institutions. Within Rectorate
which is specially harvested and ground is used to Erasmus content, we have around 50 agreements Avsar Campus 46100 Kahramanmaras
+90 (344) 219 11 25
+90 (344) 219 14 11
[email protected]
Although native language is basicly used as for
teaching language, english is accepted as se-
cond language for incomin students. MSc and
PhD students are normally follow the classes in
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 103
AREAS OF STUDY 8 kms from the city; the Salda Lake is a rarely visi-
Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, founded in 2006, ted camping area with forested surrounding and
is located in the Mediterranean Region in the so- a delightful beach. This a must to see. For fishing,
Date of Foundation : 2006 uth of Turkey. The campus area covers a land of Golhisar Lake is excellent. All of these lakes provi-
EUC Number : 238341 approximately 6000 acres which is located 9 km de a rare beauty of nature.
Erasmus ID : to the south of Burdur. The University has got Sta-
State University te Student Hostels which can accommodate 4000 ACCOMODATION
No. of Faculties : 3 students. State hostels, Private hostels, Hotels
No. of Institutes : 3
No. of Research Centers : 1 CITY LABORATORIES
No. of Vocational Schools : 5 Burdur is a small province in the hinterland of the University Labs, University Library, Public Library
Conservatory : Yes region. Although it lacks the turquoise coast, it
No of Short Cycle Student : 11.500 is of interest with its natural beauties and histo- STUDENT LIFE
No of 1st Cycle Student : 3.000 rical remains dating as far as 6000 BC. The ther- Students can take sports such as tracking, foot-
No of 2nd Cycle Student : mal resorts also are attractive for those who like ball, tennis, swimming. The university has got
No of 3rd Cycle Student : spas. The most appealing feature of Burdur is in- clubs such as Latin Dances, Chess, Tracking, Bird
No. of Academic Staff : 261 suyu the second largest cave of the world. It is 12 Observation and other youth clubs.
No. of Research Assistans : 8 kms from Burdur. There are millions of stalacti-
No. of Lecturers : tes and stalagmites as well as nine pools in the INTERNATIONALISATION
cave which is 597 m long and it is good for wan- Full time internet access is available to all of the
dering in little boats. Since the water in the cave students.
is curing for diabetes it is widely visited by diabe-
Contact :
15100- Burdur - TURKEY tics. For naturelovers and worshippers of swim- LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
+90 (248) 2122700 ming and beaches there are plenty of opportuniti- Turkish
+90 (248) 2122718 es.The Centik beach is by the side of Lake Burdur,
[email protected]
104 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
Engineering, Arts and Sciences, Medicine Fine The Central Library uses the U.S. Library of
Arts, Business Administration and Economics, Congress-Categorization System and the British-
Architecture, Communication, Aquaculture, American Catalogue Regulations. The library ser-
Technical Education, Health, Jewelry Design And vices offered our students and academic staff are
Technology, Physical Education And Sports, To- information and guidance borrowing, cataloging,
urism And Hotel Management, Education, Phar- classifying, and scanning and electronic informa-
macy. tion network.
UNIVERSITY Computing Services
Mersin University was founded in 1992 and star- iftlikky and Yeniehir Campuses and the Medi-
ted education programs in 1993-1994. The Uni- cal School Hospital have internet connections and
versity began with 4 faculties, 1 college, 4 vocati- all students can use the computer laboratories.
onal schools and 2 Institutes. Currently with its 11
faculties, 6 schools, aims to fulfill the needs and
expectations of the society by providing high qu-
The sport facilities at the university include an ar-
ality education and training in almost every dis-
tificial football field/pitch two tennis courts, two
cipline. The University has had about 10 thou-
basketball volleyball and handball courts, one mi-
sand graduates, has broadened its current acae-
niature golf and a temporary gymnasium and
dic staff to more than 1.000 academiicans, and
swimming pool. There are 56 scientific, sports, so-
enrolls 20.000 students.
cial and cultural student clubs. The annual cultu-
The main campus of The University is located in
ral and sports festival is held in the months of Ap-
iftlikky, with branches in Tece and Yeniehir.
All these campuses are modern with their com- ril and May. Students from other universities are
fortable and healthy atmosphere. In addition, the invited to join in the festivities. The festival inclu-
university has sports and reserach centers, situa- de such thing as sports competitions, conferences
ted in the city center and other towns, which ser- and panels, drama presentations, concerts, films
ve the students and academic staff. and slide shows-all prepared by students clubs.
There is also smart class and university radio.
INTERNATIONALISATION Date of Foundation : 1992
The City of Mersin is the center of the Mersin Re-
The overall objective of the Universitys strategy is EUC Number : 220970
gion, which covers an area of 15.859 square kilo-
meters, roughly corresponding to two percent of to prepare students for life in a multicultural com- Erasmus ID : TR MERSIN01
Turkeys total land. Located in the land of anci- munity and to facilitate their future employment. State University
ent `Clicia, the population of the city is 500.000, The long term goals of the University of Mersin No. of Faculties : 11
with 1.500.000 in the province. The name of the is to become an integrated, high quality higher No. of Institutes : 3
province was changed from el to Mersin in June, education institution with an international and in- No. of Research Centers : 14
2002. tercultural curriculum, mobile academic staff and No. of Vocational Schools : 11
The Mediterranean climate, coupled with rich ag- students, recognizing study achievements in ac- Conservatory : None
ricultural lands and the use of latest techniques im cordance with the principles of ECTS and Lisbon No of Short Cycle Student : 13.509
greenhouse production, provide for several har- Convention. No of 1st Cycle Student : 12.424
vests of farm products ecah year. Industrial deve- No of 2nd Cycle Student : 737
lopments in the formation of fertilizer and food LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION No of 3rd Cycle Student : 166
processing plants, as well as an important oil ra- At School of Tourism and Hotel Management, No. of Academic Staff : 744
finery complex have increased employement op- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engine-
purtunities. Mersin is Turkeys third largest sea No. of Research Assistans : 477
ering and Department of Architecture the langu-
port and a free trade zone, and is at the center No. of Lecturers : 130
age of instruction is %30 English. Other depart-
of a busy transportation network. In recent years ments will give instruction %30 English in the co-
along the western coast, many new tourist comp- ming days. In addition of this Mersin University Contact :
lexes and summer villages have emerged. The co- Mersin University, D likiler ube
Department of Translation (German and French)
astal area is also very rich in archeological sites, Mdrl, iftlikky Kampusu,
Department of English Language and Literature,
including Uzuncabur, Kanldivane. 33343 Mezitli/Mersin/Trkiye
and also at Department of English Language Te- +90 (324) 361 00 01
aching Education instruction is in one these Eng- +90 (324) 361 05 73
lish, German and French languages. [email protected]
Information concerning accommodation in the
state and/or private dormitories as well as rental
properties in the summer houses of residents who
live in the areas can be obtained from the Student
Affairs Office.
At present, the state dormitories in Mersin hou-
se 558 female students and 650 male students
for the total of 1.208 people. At iftlikky near
the campus private dormitories with a capacity of
more than one thousand have been opened.
In schools, faculties and research centers there are
many labs, used for conducting research. General
English and Vocational English classes are also of-
fered in language labs.
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 105
gineering, Petroleum&Gas Engineering, Sculpture, dormitories or flats near the main campus. There
Painting, Graphic Design, Fisheries, Medicine, Ant- are many privately run dormitories and one state
hropology, Archaeology, Biology, Chemistry, His- dormitory in Antakya. Flats for rent are very cheap
tory, Mathematics, Physics, Veterinary, Nursing, compared to the ones in other European countries,
Physical Therapy&Rehabilitation, Tourism&Hotel so they are very popular among students. Especially
Management, Travel Management, Tourism Ani- Erasmus students choose flats instead of dormitori-
mation, Civil Air Transportation Management, es since they are more comfortable.
Physical Education Teacher Training.
Date of Foundation : 1992 LABORATORIES
EUC Number : 222219 Central library covers a space of 2700 m2 in its tem-
Mustafa Kemal University (MKU) was formally es-
Erasmus ID : TR HATAY01 porary building. It is visited by many students every
tablished in Hatay in 1992. MKU has become an
State University day because it is easy to find any book you look
education and science center through continuous
No. of Faculties : 12 development. The main campus of the university is for. There are various kinds of books for almost all
No. of Institutes : 5 named Tayfur Sokmen Campus and located about branches. There are also branch Librance in faculti-
No. of Research Centers : 10 15 km to the Antakya city center. MKU has 12 fa- es. MKU libraries have about 4500 volumes of bo-
culties, 5 four-year colleges, 15 two-year vocatio- oks. An on-line system enable the access to the lib-
No. of Vocational Schools : 15
nal schools, 3 post-graduate institutes, 10 research rary catalogues from offices and from all the librari-
Conservatory : Yes
centers, and 1 music conservatory. It has had a gre- es. MKU has many laboratories in faculties and vo-
No of Short Cycle Student : 11.336 cational schools. Moreover; there are many com-
at development and is still developing itself. It has
No of 1st Cycle Student : 9.993 many facilities for students and staff. Furthermore puter laboratories at MKU and the students can use
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 527 it contributes to the economy of the city. It has built wireless internet in every building in the university.
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 68 new buildings at the main campus and most of the
No. of Academic Staff : 960 faculties moved to the main campus. About one STUDENT LIFE
No. of Research Assistans : 288 year ago the Faculty of Education and the Faculty MKU offers a vivid campus life presenting social,
No. of Lecturers : 24 of Fine Arts were near the Rectorate Building in the scientific and cultural environment for students.
city center; however, they are at the main campus There are more than 15 active student clubs spon-
now. With its new hospital and new schools, our soring concerts, excursions, conferences and scien-
Contact : university continues its quality education. tific activities. Every year, the Spring Festival brings
Mustafa Kemal University Rectorate
a wonderful atmosphere to MKU and to the city,
Building, Foreign Affairs Department, CITY
Urgenpasa Str. too. Students can take part in sports and recreati-
Hatay is one of the 81 provinces in Turkey and An-
31040 Antakya-Hatay/TURKEY onal facilities including indoor and outdoor volley-
takya is the central city of the Hatay province. It is
+90 (326) 221 58 15 a place where culture and history meet. Antakya, ball, basketball matches and MKU has tennis co-
+90 (326) 221 58 15 the biblical city called Antioch, lies on the Asi Ri- urts, soccer fields, olympic swimming pool, etc.
[email protected] ver (Orontes) on a fertile plain surrounded by grand mountains. In Roman times, the city continued to INTERNATIONALISATION thrive with commerce and culture. It featured por- MKU is a research university of international stan-
minently in early Christianity and St. Barnabas, St. ding and it tries to expand its current international
AREAS OF STUDY Paul and St. Peter all visited the city. The Antakya mission and profile. MKU has more than 50 exc-
Food Engineering, Horticulture, Field Crops, Plant Museum has one of the richest collections of Ro- hange or cooperation programmes with different
Protection, Soil Science, Zootechnics, Agricultu- man mosaics in the world. These fantastic paintings universities and research institutions in Europe, Ja-
ral Economics, Agricultural Machinery, Agricul- in stone were uncovered at excavations in Antak- pan, USA and Syria. The students of MKU participa-
tural Structures&Irrigation, Business Administra- ya. Outside the town, the Grotto of St. Peter is the te intensively in international activities such as AE-
tion, Public Administration, Economics, Landsca- cave church from which the apsotle preached for GEE and AIESEC.
pe Architecture, Primary Education, Computer the first time and where he established the Chris-
Technologies Education, Educational Sciences, tian community. In 1983, the church was declared LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
Science Education, Turkish Language Educati- a holy site by Vatican. Other sightseeing places inc- MKU gives importance to English language as well
on, English Language Education, Arts and Crafts lude a bustling bazaar and the Mosque of Habib-i as Turkish. This is because of the fact that English is
Education, Special Education, Chemistry Educa- Neccar. The castle of Antioch, set high above the
the language of the world and it enables students
tion, Biology Education, History Education, Mec- city also offers a magnificient view over the town.
to be active in international activities and projects.
hanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Compu-
It also helps them to understand different cultures
ter Engineering, Electrical&Electronics Enginee- ACCOMODATION
and to reflect our culture.
ring, Geophysics Engineering, Mechatronics En- Every student can easily find accommodation at the
106 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY Four students share a dorm room which is furnis-
Energy Systems Engineering, Chemical Enginee- hed with four beds, a study desk with two chairs,
ring, Food Engineering, Geodesic and Photog- two lamps, and a night light. Having only one ent-
rammetry Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mecha- rance, the dormitory has a central cafeteria, a di-
nical Engineering, Production Engineering, Com- ning hall and an internet cafe. Student Affairs Of-
puter Engineering, Electrical and Electronics En- fices and study rooms are also available in each
gineering, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Calculus,
Turkish Language and Literature, Econometrics,
Economics, Business Administration, Public Ad-
ministration, Public Finances, International Relati-
ons, Management Information Systems.
Indoor training service area including a hall with a
capacity of 500 people at the central campus, 57 KORKUT ATA
classes, 13 computer labs located in the vocatio-
UNIVERSITY nal schools, 8 vocational training and the work-
Higher education in Osmaniye started in 1976. shop labs for education is available at the univer-
Osmaniye Vocational School established under sity.
the Ministry of National Education, merged with
ukurova University in 1982. The university inc- STUDENT LIFE
ludes the following units, Faculties (Engineering, The University has a total of twelve outdoor sports
Science and Literature, Economics and Administ- facilities for football, volleyball, and basketball
rative Sciences), Institutes (Science, Social Sci- and tennis courts in Kadirli, Bahce and Dzii Vo-
ences), Administration affiliated units (Atatrk cational Schools.
Principles and Revolution History Section, Physical There are 12 scientific, sports, social and cultu-
Education and Sports Department, Fine Arts De- ral student clubs: Atatrks Thought Club, History
partment, Turkish Language Department, Foreign Club, Technology and Thought Club, Conversati-
Languages Department) on Club, Renewable Energy Club, EU Club, Chess
Club, Sports Club, Music Club, Theatre Club, Me- Date of Foundation : 2007
CITY dia Communications Club and Young Business EUC Number : 256396
Osmaniye cannot boast of its antiquity, as it is one Administration Club. The annual cultural and Erasmus ID : TROSMANIY01
of the contemporary towns of Turkey. It is situa- sports festival is held in May. During the festival State University
ted at the southern most part of the country, just in concern, facilities such as sports competitions, No. of Faculties : 3
north of the Gulf of Iskenderun in the Mediterra- drama presentations and concerts are held at the No. of Institutes : 2
nean Sea. Quite recently, Osmaniye was a district central campus. No. of Research Centers :
of Adana but in 1996 it attained the status of a No. of Vocational Schools : 5
province. The approximate population of Osma- INTERNATIONALISATION Conservatory : None
niye is 190,000 and is still expanding. OKU aspires to produce ethical, well-educated, No of Short Cycle Student : 3.537
Osmaniye experiences a Mediterranean type of responsible, sophisticated, and competent citi- No of 1st Cycle Student : 328
climate and thus can surely boast of rich and fer- zens who will contribute to society in a variety of No of 2nd Cycle Student :
tile vegetation. Osmaniye`s economy mainly rests professional fields. In this respect, the university No of 3rd Cycle Student :
upon agriculture and forestry. In days gone by the endeavours to become an international instituti- No. of Academic Staff : 64
financial position of Osmaniye was basically gu- on hosting students and academic staff from va- No. of Research Assistans : 36
arded and supported by woodworking and car- rious countries. It has signed bilateral agreements No. of Lecturers : 17
pentry. In recent years, the town has been exce- within the framework of the LLP / Erasmus Prog-
Contact :
edingly noted for its ample agricultural producti- ramme and it will accept its first exchange stu-
Osmaniye Korkut Ata University
on of cotton, wheat, corn, soybeans and pistachi- dents in Academic Year 2011-2012. International Affairs Office
os. Recently in several districts of Osmaniye, Kilim Fakiusagi Campus 80000
weaving is gaining a favourable economical mo- LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION OSMANIYE / TURKEY
mentum. Some of the major constituencies of Os- Courses which are currently offered in Turkish will +90 (328) 825 18 18
maniye include Bahe, Duzii, Kadirli, Hasanbeyli, be offered through the medium of English with the +90 (328) 825 00 97
Sumbas and Toprak. participation of international students in classes. [email protected]
The dormitory consisting of 3 main buildings (two
for male and one for female students) is 500 me-
ters away from OKU. Each building consists of five
floors with 18 rooms and two hallways.
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 107
Engineering and Architecture, Civil Engineering, There are state dormitories in the main campus
Mechanical Engineering, Geological Engineering, whish include laundries, TV rooms, studing rooms
Mining Engineering, Geophysical Engineering, En- and computer laboratories. There are also private
vironmental Engineering, Textile Engineering, Elect- dormitories and apartments in the city centre. For
ronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Archi- Erasmus students, international office provides
tecture, Urban and Regional Planning Department,
apartments in the city centre.
Industrial Engineering, Computer Engineering, Food
Engineering, Arts&Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Bi-
ology, Mathematics, History, Turkish Language and
Literature, Sociology, Geography, Philosopy, Wes- SDU Information Center is four flatted in 8000m2
tern Language and Literature, Archeology, Statistic, with the sitting capacity of 950 persons. There are
Date of Foundation : 1992
Eastern Language and Literature, Psychology, Art 70.000 hard copy, 40.000 electronic books, 1310
EUC Number : 220540 periodicals, 2000 CD-DVD collections, 25 000
history, Economic&Administrative Sciences, Econo-
Erasmus ID : TR ISPARTA01 mics, Business Administration, Public Administrati- electronic magazine and 31 on-line data base subs-
State University on, Econometrics, Labour Economics and Industrial cription for scientific researches in the library. In
No. of Faculties : 14 Relations, Public Finance, International Rel the Information centre, whole publications can be
No. of Institutes : 5 search from OPAC(Online Public Access Catalog).
No. of Research Centers : 34 UNIVERSITY The thesis prepared in Suleyman Demirel University
No. of Vocational Schools : 17 Sleyman Demirel University is a state university has been avaible on the electronic bases since 2001.
Conservatory : None located in Isparta. Although it was established offi- All library services are accessible for 24 hours on
cially on July 11, 1992, SDU has a thirty years past.
No of Short Cycle Student : 19.757 internet. There are 73 computer laboratories with
The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture is the
No of 1st Cycle Student : 20.289 internet connection in the campus. And there is a
first faculty in the university which was formerly
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 1.986 Central Research Laboratory to support interdisipli-
known as Isparta State Engineering and Architec-
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 779 ture Academy founded in 1976. Today SDU has nary research activities.
No. of Academic Staff : 994 14 Faculties, 17 Vocational High Schools, 2 Higher
No. of Research Assistans : 545 Schools and 5 Graduate Schools, 34 Research Cen- STUDENT LIFE
No. of Lecturers : 152 ters. As a forward looking university, SDU believes Within the University, student activities are organi-
in the impotance of an academic environment com- zed by various student clubs. In the main campus
bining education with research and technology. The there are 3 football fields, 5 tennis courts, outdoor
Contact :
University is committed to produce science, art and and indoor basketball grounds, volleyball grounds
Sleyman Demirel University
technology at international level and provide well- and a sports center which is available throughtout
International Relations and Erasmus Office educated contemporary individuals serving to com- the year between the hours of 10:00-18:00. There
nr / Isparta / Turkey munity and humanity. is also a swimming pool open for students, teaching
+90 (246) 211 11 19
staff and administrative staff.
+90 (246) 211 17 10 CITY
[email protected] Isparta is located in the Mediterranean Region of
INTERNATIONALISATION Turkey. It is 425 km in the south west of capital
SDU believes that strong international relations
Ankara; 130 km in the north of Antalya which is a and global corporation are both essential in scien-
worldwide known tourism centre The city is located
in the Lake District including Egirdir, Burdur, Kovada tific development. SDU is member of IAU and EUA
and Glck crater lakes. and participated in the EUA Institutional Evaluation
The region is rich in natural beauties such as rivers, Programme. SDU plays active role in LLP/Erasmus
canyons, national parks, and forests and it is very and implements Bologna Reforms to improve the
convenient for sports activities like aqua sports, mo- quality in academic mobility. ECTS is used in all units
untain climbing and paragliding. In addition, Davraz and presented on-line ( Diplo-
mountain skiing center, which is only 30 km away ma Supplement Label was awarded to SDU in 2006.
from the city center, makes the city still more att-
ractive. On the other hand, Isparta, being an im- LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
portant centre of the world cultural heritage, might Our normal education programme is based on Tur-
be considered an open air museum with medre-
kish language but we also announce courses in Eng-
ses, foundation libraries and mosques of Ottoman
lish in every start of semester at our web site. In ad-
and Seljuk Periods as well as antic city remnants of
dition we have preparation classes in English for
Psidia-Antiochia, Sagalassos, Adada, Seleukeia Side-
ra, Men Temple and Limenia Island. some departments.
108 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
Intentionally left blank
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 109
Central Anatolia Region
AREAS OF STUDY tinuous like Eastern Anatolia Region. Summers are
Aculty of Arts and Science, Anthropology, Archaeo- hot and dry, spring is precipitating and autumn is
logy, Biology, Geography, Philisophy, Physics, Che- less rainy.
mistry, Mathematics, History, Turkish Language and Studies performed in Krehir and its environs, show
Literature, Economics and Administrative Sciences, that background of the city reaches till Ancient
Economics, Management, Public Management, Fi- Bronze Age (3000 - 2000 B. C.). Then Hittites, Frigs,
nance, Inter Relations, Agriculture, Agriculturel Bi- Persians, Macedonians, Romans, Byzantium, Seljuki-
otechnology, School of Higher Education, School of an and Ottomans are reigned in the region.
Physical Education and Sports, Physical Education Ahilik, which had a great role on economical and
and Sports Teaching Trainer Education, Sports Me- commercial life of Anatolia for centuries, had been
School of Higher Education, Vocational education Accommodation problems of our students are sol-
ved with dormitories affiliated to the Directorate of
UNIVERSITY Higher Education Scholarship and Accommodati-
Ahi Evran University (AEU) is a very new, small size on Institution and also with private apart hotels and
but a deep-rooted university in the center of Kirse- dormitories. The capacities of these dormitories are
hir. It was first established in 1961 as a Male Pri- shown below. The total student quota of the dor-
mary Teacher Institution. The University was for- mitories is approximately 3200. Incoming students
mally established in 2006 including two faculties will be supported by the International Relation of
(Faculty of Education and Faculty of Arts and Scien- the University to solve their accommodation needs.
ces), two schools (School of Health and School of
Physical Education and Sports) and four vocational LABORATORIES
schools. The University extended our study areas by The Central Laboratory of the University is being
activating Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Medici- constructed now. It was planned the construction
ne, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Scien- studies will be finished in 2011. The University has
Date of Foundation : 2006
ces and School of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. computer laboratories and libraries in each educa-
EUC Number : 233319
Today, the University has approximately 11000 stu- tional units.
Erasmus ID : TR KIRSEH01
dents from different parts of the country and three
State University
different campuses at the center of the city. In 2007, STUDENT LIFE
No. of Faculties : 7
AEU handed Standard Erasmus University Charter Krehir has many visiting areas and touristic places.
No. of Institutes : 2
for exchanging of students and teaching staff in the Students can visit around the Capadocia region. In
No. of Research Centers : 3
mobility programs. Exchange potential of our insti- addition, Krehir has the most modern spa-centers
No. of Vocational Schools : 5
tution has been increasing day by day. of the central Anatolia. Furthermore, students can
Conservatory : None
go to the different cafes and pubs in their spare ti-
No of Short Cycle Student : 4.780
CITY mes. Finally, the University has many different stu-
No of 1st Cycle Student : 4.746
Krehir city, which is a scene for various civilizati- dent clubs which sometimes arrange student activi-
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 392
ons for thousands of years is not only drawing at- ties such as competition and visitings. Students have
No of 3rd Cycle Student :
tention with various historical pieces of art, underg- a chance to learn the Turkish Folk Dances by joining
No. of Academic Staff : 275
round cities, but also with its rich thermal sources, these clubs.
No. of Research Assistans : 104
Seyfe Lake (Bird Paradise) like natural beauties. To-
No. of Lecturers : 35
tal population of the city is 253239. The city is loca- INTERNATIONALISATION
Contact : ted between the Cappadocia region and the capi- The University handled Erasmus Standard University
Ahi Evran niversitesi Rektrl, D tal city Ankara. Charter in 2007. Students of the Ahi Evran Univer-
likiler Ofisi, 40100, Krehir/Trkiye Terrestrial climate is dominant in Kirehir. Whi- sity is benefiting from Erasmus Exchange activities.
+90 (386) 211 40 78 le winters are passing cold and hard, it is not con- The University has also partnerships in Erasmus Mul-
+90 (386) 211 40 79 tilatarel Projects. In addition to this, our students has
[email protected] also been participating in Youth projects.
Medium of instruction is only Turkish in the Univer-
sity. However, students can benefit from the Eras-
mus Intensive Language Courses arrange in neigh-
bour cities of Krehir to learn English.
112 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
Economics And Administarive Sciences (Business In each department where applied studies are con-
Administration, Public Administration), Enginee- ducted, there are well-equipped laboratories. The
ring (Mechnanical Engineering, Environmental En- construction of a central laboratory building is un-
gineering, Geological Engineering, Civil Enginee- der way to be completed by the end of 2010. Our
ring, Cartographic Engineering), Science And Let- library is temporarily located at the third floor of
ters (Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, the Faculty of Science and Letters. In addition to
History), Education (Elementary Science Education, a humble collection, which is expanding daily, our
Elementary Education, Elementary Social Sciences university library offers access to several online da-
Education, Elementary Mathematics Education, tabases in various disciplines. Information Techno-
Guidance And Psychological Counselling), Vocati- logy (IT) services for educational and research acti-
onal School (Electrics, Automotive, Mechanics, Da- vities at our University are Provided by the Admi-
iry Science, Mushroom Science, Horticulture, Tou- nistrative Office of Information Technology. There
rism And Hotel Management, Office Management are several computer labs on campus which provi-
And Assistance, Accounting, Computer Techno- de access to the Internet.
logy And Programming, Animal Science And He-
lath, Environmental Protection And Control, Natu- STUDENT LIFE
ral Gas And Infrastructure, Public Rellations, Land- Special emphasis is put on extra-curricular activi-
scaping And Gardening, Security Services), Health ties in Aksaray University. Therefore, several soci-
Servces (Medical Documentation Assistance, Me- al and cultural activities are organized on and off
dical Laboratory, Medical Assistance) campus throughout the year both by university ad-
ministration and by student organizations, as well
UNIVERSITY as an annual spring festival. There are both indo-
Aksaray University is founded on March 17th, or and outdoor sports facilities on campus. Vario-
2006. The University has a young and dynamic te- us sports courses are offered to students and tour-
aching faculty profile having post-graduate degre- naments are organized during the academic year.
es from different national universities, as well as Our students represent our University at national
from the universities in Europe and in tthe United and international sports competitions with great
States. Internationalization has been a major objec- success, and with their performances at internatio-
tive of Aksaray University since its establishment. nal events, they contribute to the promotion of our Date of Foundation : 2006
Aksaray University recognizes that educational es- country abroad. With its catering facilities offering EUC Number : 242331
tablishments play a vital role in the process of in- meals from a wide selection of the rich and delicio-
Erasmus ID : TR AKSARAY01
ternational understanding and cooperation. There- us cuisine of Central Anatolia, Aksaray University is
State University :
fore, it is dedicated to provide its students an en- self-sufficient in addressing the needs of students
riched education with an international dimension and faculty members. No. of Faculties : 4
and is constantly striving to expand and improve No. of Institutes : 2
its already prominent reputation for international INTERNATIONALISATION No. of Research Centers : 6
involvement. Aksaray University pays much attention to reach No. of Vocational Schools : 7
and to maintain high standards in higher educa- Conservatory : None
CITY tion and supports international cooperation. Thus, No of Short Cycle Student : 3.052
Aksaray is a city in the Central Anatolian region the vision of Aksaray University is to become a pi- No of 1st Cycle Student : 3.441
of Turkey. Its adjacent provinces are Konya along oneering institution in national and international No of 2nd Cycle Student : 142
the west and south, Nide to the southeast, Nev- platforms. Apart from EU, Aksaray University has
No of 3rd Cycle Student :
ehir to the east, and Krehir to the north. It co- collaboration with universities in Central Asian Tur-
No. of Academic Staff : 288
vers an area of 7,626 km2. Aksaray is one of the kish Republics like Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan and
four provinces in the much-visited area of Cap- in Eastern Europe such as Albania. No. of Research Assistans : 134
padocia, along with Nevehir, Nide and kayseri. No. of Lecturers : 21
Also the 3,268 m inactive volcano Mt. Hasan (Ha- LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
Contact :
san Da) stands between Aksaray and Nide. The Turkish is the medium of instruction in Aksaray
Aksaray Universitesi, Dis liskiler Ofisi,
2400 km2 salt lake, Tuz Gl, lies within the boun- University however, instructors have concerns rela-
ktisadi ve dari Bilimler Fakltesi, Zemin kat,
daries of Aksaray, a large area of sline marsh with ted to the English-medium instruction such as the
F Blok, 68100, Aksaray
a maximum depth of 1 meter. According to the resources provided in English as they are aware of
+90 (382) 280 16 30
address-based census in 2008, population of Ak- the fact that English has been a concern of the edu-
+90 (382) 280 16 30
saray has been accounted as 370.528. The district cational field in Turkey.
[email protected]
covers an area of 4,589 km2, and the average ele-
vation is 980 m, with the highest point being Mt.
Hasan at 3,268 m.
Most students live in the dorms of the Higher Edu-
cation Credits and Dormitories Institution, as well
as in privately-owned student residences located
near the campus area. Breakfast and dinner are
served in the cafeteria located in the dorm buil-
ding. The rooms at the dorm are shared by maxi-
mum 5 students and have the followinng utilities
included in the monthly fee: hot water 24 hours
a day, wireless internet connection, study rooms.
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 113
UNIVERSITY faculty members to reach thousand of on-line jour-
Anadolu University is one of the biggest universiti- nals and research tools. One of the strengths of AU
es of Turkey. It has two campuses servingmany fa- is the highly developed communication technolo-
cilities; such as swimming pool, sportcenters, com- gies and the computer network as result of the dis-
puter laboratories and internetcafes, movie theat- tance learning programs. There are all the neces-
res, concert halls, private airport,cafeterias and res- sary labs in engineering departments with the la-
taurants, and a hospital. Students, whoprefer Ana- test technologies.
dolu University will benefit from a welldeveloped
technological infrastructure, qualified teaching- STUDENT LIFE
21st century, in a very friendly environment. ce of Anadolu University students and staff. The-
se shops include bookstores, mail and parcel ser-
CITY vices, banks, ATMs, hairdressers, and intercity bus
It is possible to follow the values of the culture of ticket services.
the region, and development in Eskiehir which is Each year, University holds a Spring Festival during
one of the important cities of Turkey. There are va- which different social and cultural activities are
rious monuments and works worth seeing in Eski- held. Also International Day is organized annually
ehir Centrum, an area popular with young peop- by exchange students.
le. Eskiehir has received immigrants from different All students can participate in different sports acti-
regions of the world: The Caucasus, the Balkans, vities. University has Indoor Swimming Pool, Foot-
and Macedonia - and from different cities of Ana- ball Field, Tennis Courts, Sports Center, Yunusem-
tolia itself. Consequently, the city enjoys a cultural re Campus Sports Hall, Open-air Sports Facilities,
diversity that may only exist in few other places in ki Eyll Sports Facilities and Porsuk Sports Hall.
Turkey. Today, Eskiehir fascinates its inhabitants ESN is an international student organization with
Date of Foundation : 1958 the aim of helping exchange students to integra-
with its shopping centers, sports facilities, enter-
EUC Number : 220126
taining places, schools, theatre and cinemas, histo- te in their environment and culture. Various cul-
Erasmus ID : TR ESKSEH01
rical places and museums which are all in easy re- tural and historical trips, such as stanbul, Cappa-
State University
ach on its well-developed transportation facilities. docia, ancient Phrygian City Yazlkaya, are orga-
No. of Faculties : 12
There are two universities more than 40.000 stu- nized by ESN.
No. of Institutes : 9
dents in total which means five percent of the city
No. of Research Centers : 38
No. of Vocational Schools : 3
Conservatory : Yes After the EUC, AU has become an Erasmus Part-
No of Short Cycle Student : 3.233 ACCOMODATION ner with 330 European Universities and 582 agre-
No of 1st Cycle Student : 17.953 There are several available accommodation options ements in different areas. Before then, AU had al-
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 1.043 for Erasmus Students; staying in a private dormi- ready many protocols with very well known uni-
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 752 tory or in a hostel and sharing an apartment with versities of the world and Europe to exchange stu-
No. of Academic Staff : 1.746 Turkish students. Erasmus students choosing this dents & teaching staff besides of being partners in
No. of Research Assistans : 376 option will easily solve their accommodation prob- several scientific projects. Under the framework of
No. of Lecturers : 184 lem because there are lots of Turkish students wil- Erasmus Program, AU has most 363 outgoing, 165
ling very much to host foreign students. incoming students and 76 outgoing, 90 incoming
teaching staff for the Academic year 2009-2010.
Contact :
Anadolu University Yunus Emre Campus, LABORATORIES
Student Center, Office for International Anadolu University Library and Documentation LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
Affairs 26470, Eskiehir TURKIYE Center is spread on a 12 thousand square meters. Anadolu University is aware that the language is
+90 (222) 330 74 37 It has a 700 study seat capacity, 10 reading and a crucial component, fostering communication in
+90 (222) 335 36 16 study halls and 25 carrels. Around 10 thousand bo- a fruitful educational setting. For that reason, The
[email protected]
oks are added each year to already existing prin- University offers a good number of courses offered ted volumes. The database enables students and in foreign languages in a wide variety of fields, for
exchange students. Most of the Departments offer
courses in foreign languages ranging from %30 to
%70, while some of the Departments are totally
in English such as Business Administration, Econo-
mics and Faculty of Architecture and Engineering.
114 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
Anthropology, Western Languages and Literature, Ankara University, because of the unique conditions
Information and Document Management, Geog- of its history, operates in a multi-campus system,
raphy, Modern Turkish Dialect and Literature, Lin- like many established universities in other metropo-
guistics, Eastern Languages and Literature, Anci- lises. As a result of this, each Faculty has its own
ent Languages and Cultures, Philosophy, Folklore, specialized library instead of a central one. The to-
Psychology, Sociology, History of Art, History, Theat- tal number of books in the Faculty libraries is app-
re, Turkish Language and Literature, Dentistry, Phar- roximately 660.000. The number of subscriptions to
macy, Educational Sciences, Computer Education international scientific journals is 721. Total number
and Instructional Technologies, Elementary Educa- of volumes amounts to 66.100. All libraries offer
tion, Special Education, Mental Retardation, Cultu- adequate reading and study rooms. There are also
re of Religion and Ethics Education, Astronomy and over 30.000 graduate theses as well as 17.000 volu-
Space Sciences, Biology, Statistics, Physics, Mathe-
matics, Chemistry, Law, Divinity, Radio, TV and Ci-
nema, Journalism, Public Relations, Computer En-
mes of manuscripts, 15.000 of which are at the Fa-
culty of Letters. UNIVERSITY
gineering, Electronic Engineering, Physical Engi- STUDENT LIFE
neering, Food Engineering, Geophysical Enginee- Sport Facilities for students in Ankara University are
ring, Geological Engineering, Chemical Enginee- planned, managed, and organised by Directorate
ring, Nutrition and Dietetics, Health Education, He- of Health, Culture and Sports. There are 5 covered
alth Administration, Business Administration, Eco- Gymnasium and 1 Olympic swimming pool in An-
nomics, International Relations, Labour Economics kara University. In addition, there are open football
and Industrial Relations, Public Administratio fields, volleyball courts, basketball fields and tennis
courts in each faculty.
Ankara University was founded by Atatrk himself Indoor Activities
in order to set foundation for his teachings and re- Gymnasium of Cebeci Campus
volutions on which those would get stronger and Gymnasium of Faculty of Political Sciences
spread wider, and for those principles that are the Gymnasium of Physical Education and Sports
expressions of a modern society, science and enligh- Gymnasium of Veterinary Medicine
tenment are hold dear and protected. Gymnasium of Faculty of Health Education
Ankara University is a comprehensive public univer- The Olympic Pool comprises of a 50-metre heated
sity, located in the capital of the country. Being the pool, sauna, fitness center, cafeteria and terrace for Date of Foundation : 1946
first higher education institute of the Republic, it has sunbathe. Here you will also find products with An-
EUC Number : 222193
established a reputable image both within the co- kara Universtiy logo in a Gift Shop. The pool is open
untry and in the international arena, with its vast ex- 7 days in a week. Erasmus ID : TR ANKARA01
perience for 66 years, its highly qualified academic Additionally there are recreational centers in Ma- State University
staff and students, and its well - established teac- navgat/olakl (a summer vacation resort at the Me- No. of Faculties : 14
hing, learning and research facilities. The University diterranean) and Ilgaz (winter sports center) whe- No. of Institutes : 12
takes great pride not only in its graduates but also in re the students and academicians can enjoy them-
No. of Research Centers : 32
their contributions in serving the nation. selves.
No. of Vocational Schools : 10
The history of Ankara and its surroundings stretches Ankara University holds a number of successful No of Short Cycle Student : 2.647
back to the Hatti civilisation of the Bronze Age. Two partnerships with number of prestigious universities No of 1st Cycle Student : 28.775
thousand years before the Jesus, the Hittites beco- across the globe. These partnerships vary from stu-
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 4.088
me the dominant power of the region, and were dents and staff exchanges and research collabora-
then followed by the Phyrgians, Lydians and Per- tion to partnership models. Ankara University sta- No of 3rd Cycle Student : 3.275
sians. In the 3rd Century BC, a Celtic race known ted in its strategic plan that further development of No. of Academic Staff : 3.412
as the Galatians made Ankara their capital city. The partnership and exchange with universities in other No. of Research Assistans : 1.098
name Ankara comes from the word Ancyra, which countries should increase. In this regard, new con- No. of Lecturers : 285
means anchor. As the capital city and as the se- nections have been established in recent years with
cond largest city in the country with the population Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia.
of 5 million, Ankara is an ideal environment with its Contact :
cultural and historical richness as well as social op- LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Ankara niversitesi
portunities for those who will spend and academic The language of instruction at Ankara University is AB Eitim Programlar Koordinatrl
life. In Ankara, there are different opportunities for Turkish. Nevertheless, supportive language courses Tandoan Kampusu evket Aziz Kansu
students to improve themselves. Several universiti- and seminars are offered for international students. Binas 1.Kat 06100 Beevler Ankara
es give Ankara a large student population. The city +90 (312) 215 90 01
has much to offer in terms of concerts, operas, the- +90 (312) 212 60 54
atrical performances and has many historical areas. [email protected]
Yldrm Beyazt Dormitory for International Stu-
dents Location: Ankara University Faculty of Agri-
culture Campus, 06110, Dkap/ANKARA
[email protected]
3 people rooms, each room includes beds, working
tables, wardrobes, fridge, TV, telephone
Common usage: Shared bathrooms WCs are in
each floor (specific times in a day)
Internet room, fitness, TV room, laundry, table ten-
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 115
AREAS OF STUDY student dormitories offering the best service. For
Engineering, Law, Management, Economics, Inter- only female students, Atlm made an agreement
national Relations, Public Relations, Tourism Ma- with a dormitory which only serves for Atlm stu-
nagement, International Logistics and Transporta- dents in the city center. The Public Relations Office
tion, Political Science, Arts&Sciences, Art, Design directs the students to the dormitories that are on
and Architecture, MSc and PhD programs in Social the service routes.
and Natural Sciences, Associate degree programs
in Computer Technologies and Programming, To-
urism and Hospitality Management, e-MBA
Atlm University was founded by the Atlm Foun-
dation on 15 July 1997 as a campus university in
ncek, one of the fastest developing residential are-
as of Ankara. Since its establishment, the univer-
sity has been following the path of innovation and
improvement. Atlm University currently offers 33
undergraduate programs in 5 faculties, 23 master
and 4 PhD programs in 2 graduate schools, 2 onli- LABORATORIES
ne associate degree and e-MBA programs in its vo- Atlm is one of the leading universities in terms
cational school. By spending your university days at of technological facilities offered to the students
Atlm you will get the opportunity to; pursue your with 46 laboratories belonging to different depart-
university education in a foreign language, partici- ments for scientific research and the recently es-
pate in education programs at international stan- tablished Metal Forming Center of Excellence
dards, attend lectures in small classes and modern aiming internationally coordinated research and
laboratories equipped with the latest technology, development facilities in metal forming technolo-
communicate with faculty members on a one-to- gies. There are also 7 general computer laborato-
one basis and have a real education and discus- ries. There is a contemporary library providing a
sion atmosphere supported by a variety of social wide range of information with the book collecti-
Date of Foundation : 1997 on that is shelved in accordance with the Library of
EUC Number : 221051 Congress Classification System. The collection con-
Erasmus ID : TR ANKARA05 CITY tains 49360 books, 47047 E-books, 15900 E- jour-
Foundation University The capital city Ankara, in which the Turkish Parli- nals, and 1593 periodicals.
No. of Faculties : 5 ament, the ministries, foreign embassies are loca-
No. of Institutes : 2 ted is a center of cultural activities like opera, bal- STUDENT LIFE
No. of Research Centers : 11 let, theatres, concerts. Long ago, in the 3rd cen- According to the interests and abilities of the stu-
No. of Vocational Schools : 1 tury BC, the Galatians were the first to make Anc- dents, social, cultural and sports activities are orga-
yra of those times, their capital. Much later on, in nised at the university campus. There are clubs and
Conservatory : None
1923, M. Kemal Ataturk chose the same district to societies that students can participate in to spend
No of Short Cycle Student : 153
be the capital of newly founded Turkey, and An- their time efficiently. The Atlm University campus
No of 1st Cycle Student : 4.322 is located 20 kilometres away from the city cent-
kara thereafter held to be the strategic heart of
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 463 the country. Todays modern city, situated at the re. The campus is conveniently served by free bu-
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 46 core of Anatolia, hides an ancient site behind, da- ses. There are also minibuses following the Ulus-
No. of Academic Staff : 376 ting back even to prehistorical times. The remains Glba-ncek route. Atlm has 3 cafeterias and 2
No. of Research Assistans : 52 from Urartian, Phrygian, and Hittite periods have canteens, accommodating up to 1000 people at a
No. of Lecturers : 106 beautified the area here, now fascinating the visi- time. In addition, special ceremonies and organi-
tors by enlivening the respective periods. Ankara zations are held upon request in Atlm Garden du-
Contact : today, is a center of history, culture, and also na- ring summer with its pool and restaurant areas wit-
International Relations Office, Atlm University, ture the Ethnographical Museum and the Sculptu- hin the campus.
Kzlcasar Mah, 06836, ncek, Ankara re and Painting Museum are noteworthy for their
+90 (312) 586 82 28 wide collections of artifacts from the area. INTERNATIONALISATION
+90 (312) 586 80 91 Atlm University exchanges students and academic
[email protected] ACCOMODATION staff within the LLP/Erasmus Programme and Eras- Since Atlm University does not have a dormitory mus Mundus External Cooperation Window Lot- or student hotel within the campus yet, university 12 Programme and has 56 Bilateral Agreements
has conducted extensive research to identify the with different countries in both Europe and Asia.
Atlm aims at developing the existing collaborati-
ons with different countries and finding new part-
ners. The university was awarded Extended Eras-
mus University Charter in 2007. Besides, Atlm has
a sister university in U.S.A, University of Incarna-
te Word.
English; except for Faculty of Law and Art, Faculty
of Design and Architecture (Turkish)
116 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY ment, and houses all foreign embassies. Ankara and
American Culture and Literature, Statistics and its surroundings stretch back to the Hatti civilization
Computer Sciences, Turkish Language and Litera- of The Bronze Age to the Hittites, Phyrgians, Lydions
ture, Accounting and Financial Management, Ban- and Persians. Ankara has a vibrant cultural and ar-
king, Insurance and Risk Management, Manage- tistic life with many select ballet, theatre, opera and
ment Information Systems, International Trade To- folk dance performances. The mausoleum of the
urism and Guidance, Tourism and Hotel Servi- Atatrk, Ankara Castle, Augustus Temple, Caracalla
ces, Communication Design, Information Mana- (Roman) Baths, Museum of Anatolian Civilizations,
gement, Public Relations, Radio, Cinema and Te- State Art and Sculpture Museum, Ethnography Mu-
levision, Dentistry, Economics, Management, Poli- seum. Date of Foundation : 1993
tical Science and International Relations, Compu- EUC Number : 221037
ter Education and Instructional Technology Com- ACCOMODATION Erasmus ID : TR ANKARA06
puter Education and Instructional Technology, Gu- Bakent University provides campus dormitory for Foundation University
idance and Psychological Counseling, Early Childho- Bakent University students, with a capacity of 500 No. of Faculties : 11
od Education, Elementary Mathematics Education, beds, eight of which are for disabled students. Sing-
English Language Education, Secondary Education le and double rooms are available. Dormitory ac- No. of Institutes : 7
Science and Mathematics Fields Education, Secon- commodation is guaranteed for international stu- No. of Research Centers : 12
dary Education Social Fields Education, Turkish Lan- dents according to their preferences. In order to fa- No. of Vocational Schools : 6
guage Education, Biomedical Engineering, Compu- cilitate lives of the students a bunk bed, a wardrobe, Conservatory : Yes
ter Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Enginee- a study table, a bookcase and a bathroom are avai-
No of Short Cycle Student : 756
ring, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Enginee- lable in rooms. There are also rooms for laundry, TV
ring, Art History and Museology, Fine Arts, Interi- and study in each floor. No of 1st Cycle Student : 6.076
or Architecture. No of 2nd Cycle Student : 248
LABORATORIES No of 3rd Cycle Student : 91
UNIVERSITY Bakent University Library collections are housed at No. of Academic Staff : 1.463
Bakent University is the first Foundation University the center of the campus. The library aims to sup-
No. of Research Assistans : 456
of Turkey generating science and service in health. port Bakent Universitys education programs, as
Although the roots of the university relies on health well as to meet needs of its students. The library has No. of Lecturers : 150
institutions, it acquired an outstanding characteris- three sections for periodicals, references and books
tic in a period of over a decade, enclosing numerous which are arranged in respect of subject and placed Contact :
science fields with 11 Faculties, 7 Institutes, 11 Re- open shelves. The aim of the Computer Center is to
International Relations Coordination Office
search Centers, a State Conservatory, 3 Vocational make our students benefit from all the advantages
Balica Kampusu Eskiehir Yolu 20. Km.
Schools and 138 associate, bachelor?s and master?s of computer technology. The centre provides a high
and PhD programs. Playing an operative role in sci- quality service to the all units of the university, using 06810 Ankara
entific and technological progress, educating stu- gigabyte Ethernet technology. +90 (312) 234 10 10
dents donated with the features of leadership, of- +90 (312) 234 10 43
fering a high quality of education have always took STUDENT LIFE [email protected]
place among the fundamental objectives of the uni- Within the dynamic Campus life of Bakent Univer-
versity. Bakent University, which designates scien- sity, which actually promotes an ideal atmosphere
tific production, perfecting learning and responding designed to meet students needs not only on aca-
to requirements of the community as its essence demic activities but also social and cultural events,
strategies, aims to be leader within the higher edu- sports facilities and guidance activities take place.
cation system with its various practices in national Due to the location of Campus, outdoor facilities implementation of European and trans-national
and international arena. (walking, jogging, training) table tennis, billiards, university agreements and projects. It promotes
chess, handball and outdoor soccer are presented. the mobility activities within the framework of
CITY Outdoor tennis courts, basketball and football fields LLP.
Bakent University campus, located 20 km west and fully equipped sports center are located to prac-
of the Turkeys capital city Ankara centre, on the tice the above mentioned activities LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
main highway to Eskiehir, is built on 681 acres of In Bakent University medium of instruction is
land 148 acres of which is used for construction INTERNATIONALISATION in Turkish. However, all students have to attend
purposes. Ankara is the capital of Turkey and the Bakent University has been awarded Extended the English Prep School or pass the exam given
countrys second largest city after Istanbul. The city Erasmus University Charter in 2007 with which the by the Prep School. In most of the lectures Eng-
has a mean elevation of 850 meters (2,790 ft), and opportunity to participate in the European Union lish text books are used in English and exams,
as of 2007 the city had a population of 5 million, Youth and Education Programs right along with the projects and term papers are required to prepa-
which includes eight districts under the citys admi- LLP including Student and Teaching Staff Mobility re in English. Also, in all departments academic
nistration. Ankara is an important commercial and and student placement activities. The International English courses are compulsory. We offer diffe-
industrial city. It is the center of the Turkish Govern- Relations Coordination Office is in charge of the rent module programs for exchanges students
to cover their needs
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 117
AREAS OF STUDY well as the home of the Turkish Parliament
Archaeology and History of Art, American and 13 Universities.
Culture and Literature, English Language
and Literature, Philosophy, Computer Engi- ACCOMODATION
neering, Electrical and Electronics Enginee- More than 4200 students live in dormitories
ring, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial En- on campus. Single, double, triple and four-
gineering, Economics, International Relati- person rooms are available. Dormitory space
ons, Political Science, Psychology, History, is guaranteed for international students. Al-
ture and Environmental Design, Landscape lounges, study halls, recreational areas, art
Architecture and Urban Design, Law, Che- studios, pay phones, linen and dry cleaners.
mistry, Mathematics, Molecular Biology and
Genetics, Physics, Banking and Finance, Ac- LABORATORIES
counting and Information Systems, Transla- Bilkents modern, fully networked library
tion and Interpretation, Tourism and Hotel branches have a rich collection of books
Management, Computer Technology and and over three thousand periodicals. Stu-
Information Systems, Business Information dents have access to numerous on-line da-
Management, Computer and Instructional tabase and electronic journals, microfilms,
Technology Teacher Education CD ROMs. audio and videocassettes, pri-
vate istening/viewing rooms. Librarys Eu-
UNIVERSITY ropean Commission publications. Compu-
Each year, more than 1,600,000 high-school ter Center maintains high performance file
graduates take the national university place- and computation serves, around 100 UNIX
Date of Foundation : 1986 ment examination. Bilkent gets many of the workstations and more than 20 general-
EUC Number : 220844 very best of these students. The faculty is purpose labs equipped with personal com-
Erasmus ID : TR ANKARA07 comprised of academic staff from 43 diffe- puters.
Foundation University rent countries. Most of them were working
No. of Faculties : 9 in prominent universities in North America STUDENT LIFE
No. of Institutes : 6 and Europe when they received offers from A fundamental objective of Bilkent Univer-
No. of Research Centers : 17 Bilkent University. sity is to ensure the academic development
No. of Vocational Schools : 5 of students while providing a campus envi-
Conservatory : Yes
CITY ronment in which students are given the to-
No of Short Cycle Student : 667
Bilkents large, modern, residential campus ols to enhance the social, artistic and ath-
No of 1st Cycle Student : 10.402
is situated within Turkeys young and vib- letic skills. Students are encouraged to par-
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 843
rant capital city, Ankara. ticipate in a wide range of clubs and acti-
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 487
The city, located on the high Anatolian pla- vities. There are two fully equipped sports
No. of Academic Staff : 1.000
No. of Research Assistans : 250 in, id the hub of governmental activities for halls, tennis and soccer fields and number
No. of Lecturers : 550 all of Turkey and, as host to embassies and of restaurants, cafeterias and coffee shops
variety of international organisations, is a on the campus. Bilkent Symphony Orchest-
gateway to the rest of the world. Ankara is ra (BSO) performs regularly at the University
Contact : a modern city with a population of over 5 Concert Hall.
Office of International Exchange Programs, million, maintaining the traces of civilizati-
Registrars Office, 06800 Bilkent / Ankara / Turkey INTERNATIONALISATION
ons dating back to Bronze Age to the Hit-
+90 (312) 290 24 35
tites, Phrygians, Lydians, and Persians. The Bilkent University has exchange agreements
+90 (312) 266 47 87
[email protected] Romans and the Byzantines have also left with over 170 major Universities in Europe, their marks in the region. Ankara is a center USA and Canada. In 2009-2010, 208 Bilkent for opera, ballet, jazz and modern dance as students have spent their semesters at diffe-
rent universities in the US and Europe. 177
international exchange students have been
hosted at Bilkent.
118 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 119
AREAS OF STUDY available short term leasing option apartments in
Medicine, Dentistry, Health Sciences, Enginee- reasonable prices at the downtown.
ring, Science And Letters, Education, Fine Arts,
Theology, Technical Education, Economics And LABORATORIES
Administrative, Sciences, Communication The University Library offers many facilities to stu-
dents. It is possible to have an access to many ca-
UNIVERSITY talogue databases and other information ressour-
The University is located at the eastern part of the ces through the libraray web pages. The compu-
enrolled students, Cumhuriyet University opera- has at least one computer hall which provide stu-
tes in several locations serving in many fields of dents access to internet and a wide range of app-
scientific disciplines. As a team, we strive to shape lications and utility software. All science depart-
the Universitys programs and activities to achieve ments have a research laboratories with a vario-
the highest standards of excellence in teaching, in us facilities.
research and in public service. Erasmus projects
are viable force to expand the programs for this STUDENT LIFE
purpose. The university has several programs that During the academic year, Cumhuriyet University
may be pursued in connection with foregin insti- offers many symposiums, conferences, panels.
tution undergraduate degrees which makes the Since our university appreciates the students opi-
University an excellent place for Erasmus prog- nions, we support students to establish students
rams. Cumhuriyet University offers associate, clubs and organizations. There are more than 30
graduate and postgraduate degrees in different different student clubs and organizations from
fields from arts to medicine. The University stri- chess club to bird watchers club. These clubs or-
ves to create an acedemic environment where the
faculties are committed to mentor students and
inspire them to learn.
Date of Foundation : 1974 Sivas is one of the important cities, which has
EUC Number : 220713 been the cradle of prominent civilization and
Erasmus ID : TR SIVAS01 the centre of science and cultere with its famo-
us historical sites. Sivas, being at the junction
State University
of the Persia and Baghdad caravan routes, was
No. of Faculties : 11 once a busy commercial center. Sivas is the ge-
No. of Institutes : 3 ometric centre of Anatolia and is known as the
No. of Research Centers : 10 place where the Turkish Republic was founded.
No. of Vocational Schools : 14 Besides its historical treasures, the city posseses
Conservatory : None several other specialities, one of which is an inte-
resting, natural SPA of the town of Kangal. It is a
No of Short Cycle Student : 8.856
thermal spring, filled with tiny fishes (doctor fish)
No of 1st Cycle Student : 14.238 living in the hot waters, which provides a different
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 816 type of cure for some skin disorders. It is the only
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 187 cure center in the world for psoriasis. Lakes are
No. of Academic Staff : 848 the interesting places for picnicking, boating and
No. of Research Assistans : 535 fishing. Another important characterisics of this
town which is located 68 kms South of Sivas, is ganize different activities. One can easly acces to
No. of Lecturers : 57
the renowned Kangal Dog. These sheep dogs many sport facilies (swimming pool, tennis courts,
have proven their loyalty and success and are con- minigolf, basketball and football fields etc.)
Contact : fidently used in the area by the police force.
International Relations Office Rektrlk ACCOMODATION The internaliasation in both education and rese-
58140 Sivas - TURKEY Since Cumhuriyet University values the exchan- arch is established by several alliances. Cumhuri-
+90 (346) 219 10 10 ge programs, our International Office will do all yet University has international partnership agree-
+90 (346) 219 12 70 the necessary arrangements for our exchange stu- ment with more than 50 universities across Euro-
[email protected] dents and researches. There are several options pe. ECTS credit system has also been established for exchange students, such as a couple of yo- and in operation. University sends more than 150 uth hostels, a new student hotel located all in the students abroad per year within the framework of
campus In addition, there are close-by hotels, and Erasmus mobility and vocational programme
Educational language at the Cumhuriyet Univer-
sity is Turkish. However, Faculty of Science and
Letter has French, English and German Laguage
and Literature Departments.
120 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 121
Economics, Business Administration, Political Sci- Our university has 2 girls dormitories which hold
ences & Public Administration, International Re- 540 students. There are also dormitories which
lations, Graphic Design, Painting, Ceramic, Philo- can hold 432 male and 432 female students be-
sophy, Sociology, History, Turkish Language and longing to Credit and Dormitories Institution,
Literature, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathema- There are some other dormitories and hostels run
ankr Karatekin University (CKU) is a newly es- Our library has 20.000 volume printed publicati-
tablished university founded upon the institutio- ons. Our library has subscribed to more than 20
nal experience and capacity of the Ankara Univer- different e-magazines and e-publications in vari-
sity dating back to 1976.The main strategic objec- ous contents. We let our users to access to the
tives of CKU are development and assurance of electronic resources within and out of the cam-
high quality research and teaching, promotion of pus.
student and staff mobility, promotion of interna-
tional ties with partner institutions, involvement
in European trends (ERA, EHEA), and contribution
to social, cultural and economic life of the region.
The official education language at CKU is Turkish.
In Dual Degree Programs the education language
is English. We are also planning to receive fore-
ign students to teach Turkish to study at our uni-
122 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY the large curves of the Kzlrmak River and the wide
Erciyes University (EU) is named after Mount Erciyes. skirts of Erciyes Mountain. The climate is typically
Although the University s main campus and Smer continental; the summers are long and pleasantly
Campus are located in the city-center, there is also a hot with cool nights; there is little rainfall or humi-
campus in nearby town named Develi. The Univer- dity. The winters are cold with some rain and snow.
sity has a highly-developed research hospital as well Kayseri is a popular tourist haven for skiing and win-
as three specialized hospitals, namely cardiology, ter sports. Mt. Erciyes (3916 m) is an ideal place for
nephrology/transplantation, and oncology. This climbing and winter sports, located approximately Date of Foundation : 1978
year there are 20,261 under-graduate students, 350 25 km to the South of Kayseri. Mt. Erciyes ski center EUC Number : 221354
of whom are from the Central Asian Turkic Repub- has a chairlift, baby lifts and there are modern ho- Erasmus ID : TR KAYSERI01
lics and other foreign countries. Our post-graduate tels and EU Ski Center located in a close proximity State University
study programs are becoming more and more po- to the center. In the kayseri area there are many na- No. of Faculties : 16
pular. As of fall 2007 semester there were 1,501 tural wonders such as Ala National Park, Kapuzba- No. of Institutes : 7
Master students and 493 Doctorate students. EU is Waterfalls and Sultan Sazl. In nearby Greme, a
No. of Research Centers : 19
an active member of European University Associati- popular tourist area and Soanl Valley, famous for
its handmade dolls and historical churches, is 80km No. of Vocational Schools : 6
on (EUA) and participated in their Instituonal Review
Program of EUA in 2004. Results from this can be from Kayseri. Conservatory : None
seen on our web-site: No of Short Cycle Student : 5.503
Eu continues to be in the top 5 among Turkish uni- LABORATORIES No of 1st Cycle Student : 19.278
versities in terms of the number of internatinally ci- There are several accommodation options availeb- No of 2nd Cycle Student : 2.070
ted articles and research. le for Exchange students; staying in a private dormi- No of 3rd Cycle Student : 683
tory close to campus or sharing an apartment with No. of Academic Staff : 1.915
UNIVERSITY Turkish students. For those students that choose pri-
No. of Research Assistans : 748
Kayseri, with a population of over a million peop- vate accomodation near campus, it is just a short
No. of Lecturers : 147
le; is an industrial and trade center located in the bus ride or within walking distance. No matter whe-
middle of Turkey. Kayseri is situated in the heart of re students stay, they can easily commute to and
Central Anatolia and 320km from Ankara (the capi- from campus by using public transportation.
tal of Turkey). The city is located on a plain between Contact :
the large curves of the Kzlrmak River and the wide STUDENT LIFE Erciyes niversitesi, Uluslararas Ofis
skirts of Erciyes Mountain. The climate is typically Kadir Has Library, located on the main campus, is 38039 Kayseri / Trkiye
continental; the summers are long and pleasantly both a library and documentation center. It conta- +90 (352) 437 68 75
hot with cool nights; there is little rainfall or humi- ins a large and rich facility of books, journals, elect- +90 (352) 437 38 74
dity. The winters are cold with some rain and snow. rical journas. Many faculties and colleges have the- [email protected]
Kayseri is a popular tourist haven for skiing and win- ir own libraries. Wireless internet service are availab-
ter sports. Mt. Erciyes (3916 m) is an ideal place for le at tha Faculity of Engineering, Kadir Has Library
climbing and winter sports, located approximately and Sabanci Cultural Center. EU Computer Services
25km to the South of Kayseri. Mt. Erciyes ski center provides each students and staff member with an
has a chairlift, baby lifts and there are modern ho- invidual e-mail account. There are various swimming pool with a work-out center. On
tels and EU Ski center located in a close proximity the main campus thera are postal, banking, la-
to the center. In the kayseri area there are many na- INTERNATIONALISATION undry, hairdresser and cafeteria services.
tural wonders such as Ala National Park, Kapuzba- Computer rooms are located on-campus where stu- EU International Office (IO) coordinates activiti-
Waterfalls and Sultan Sazl. In nearby Greme, a dents have access to the Internet and workstations es regarding LLP including Erasmus, Youth, FP7
popular tourist area and soanl Valley, famous for equipped with IBM compatibles running with the and AEGEE. EU has sent and received students
its handmade dolls and historical churches is 80km lastest Microsoft operating systems. and academics staff from varrious European Co-
from Kayseri. EU aims at providing its students with a rich cam- untries. EU welcomed USA, Assian and Europe-
pus environment. Music concerts, theatres,sports, an contries ambassadors/ educational attachs,
ACCOMODATION festivals, broadcast (Campus FM), publication (Cam- research directors and scholars. Since 2004, EU
Kayseri, with a population of over a million peop- pus Newspaper) and other cultural activities are ava- has been an active EUA member and continu-
le; is an industrial and trade center located in the ilable on campus. Students have the opportunity to es to be an active participant in EUA activities.
middle of Turkey. Kayseri is situated in the heart of use sports facilities for playing basketball, volleyball,
central Anatolia and 320 km from Ankara (the capi- badminton and handball. There are outdoor courts, LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
tal of Turkey). The city is located on a plain between mini football fields and an indoor semi-Olimpic size Most courses are in Turkish but some in English.
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 123
AREAS OF STUDY dergraduate and graduate students of ESOGU as
Education, Business And Management, Enginee- the most convenient and the cheapest option.
ring, Architecture, Agricultural Sciences, Turkish
Language And Literature, Mathematics, Natural LABORATORIES
Sciences, Medicine, Social Sciences A number of research centres and computer labo-
ratories are located within the campus. The main
Eskiehir Osmangazi University (ESOGU) was ori-
ginally founded as the Medical and Engineering
library of the University comprises thousands bo-
und volumes and research materials. Collection of
leading research databases is accessible through
Eskiehir is located in the west part of Anatolia.
Date of Foundation : 1993 The city was founded in the 1st millennium BC by
EUC Number : 224175 the Phrygians along the banks of the Porsuk River.
Erasmus ID : TR ESKISEH02 Therefore, it is one of the oldest settlements in
State University this region, and it has magnificent historical pla-
No. of Faculties : 9 ces. Besides the Archaeological Museum and the
No. of Institutes : 4 Ottoman House Museum, the city has the Meers-
No. of Research Centers : 12 chaum Museum in which the best meerschaum
No. of Vocational Schools : 3 stone works including many examples of smoking
pipes are displayed. There are also three signifi-
Conservatory : None
cant tombs around Eskisehir including the Sheik
No of Short Cycle Student : 753
Edibali Tomb, the Kumbet Baba Tomb, and the
No of 1st Cycle Student : 15.011 Cupola of Alemsah. Other historical sites include
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 1.248 the Phrygian Valley, the Falcon Fortress, the Un- STUDENT LIFE
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 268 finished Monument, and the Gerdek Rock. The There is an outstanding sports complex offering
No. of Academic Staff : 609 city, owing to the railway and highway intersecti- indoor and outdoor sporting activities. A radio
No. of Research Assistans : 496 ons, developments in agriculture and industry, as channel broadcasts on the net and a news ma-
No. of Lecturers : 67 well as the abundant mining resources, has now gazine is published by students in order to give
become one of the leading and important econo- information on social and cultural activities in the
mic centres of the region and Turkey. campus. For all students, psychological consul-
Contact : tancy and guidance services are provided. In the
Eskiehir Osmangazi University, International ACCOMODATION main campus, post office, banking, laundry, dry-
Relations Office, 26480 Meelik, Eskiehir/Trkiye There are two types of accommodation: Student cleaning, hair-dressing, cafeterias, promenade
+90 (222) 229 04 33 Dormitories supervised and administered by the and art gallery are available
+90 (222) 229 03 14 Turkish Governments Office of Dormitories and
[email protected] private accommodation options in town (stu- INTERNATIONALISATION dent flats). Adjacent to Universitys main campus, ESOGU has strong links with higher education Dumlupnar Dormitory is preferred by both un- institutions all around the world. ESOGU obtai-
ned the Erasmus University Charter in 2004, and
the Extended University Charter in 2007. For
now, ESOGU has 45 Erasmus Partners through
bilateral agreements. ECTS credits of all courses
are determined. Through international academic
and cultural information exchange, ESOGU has
the opportunity to revise its quality criteria in a
broader perspective
The medium of instruction at ESOGU is Turkish. In
the Departments of Electrical-Electronics Engine-
ering and Computer Engineering, all courses are
offered in English. In many departments, compul-
sory and elective courses are also offered in both
Turkish and English.
124 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 125
AREAS OF STUDY ged accommodation facilities. The dormitories in
Medicine and Health Sciences, School of Nursing, school of medicine have rooms for four students.
Dental Medicine, Rehabilitation and Care, Biome- There are studio flats for visiting students and ot-
dical and Clinical Engineering, detailed knowled- her visiting academic staff. Their rental prices are
ge on Nuclear Biologic Chemical Weapons, Phar- about 100-150 EU per month. There are also flats
maceutical Sciences, Aerospace Medicine, Sea or studios for rent around the campus, their ren-
GLHANE and Undersea Medicine and related sciences. tal prices are between 150-250 Euro per month.
Gulhane Military Medical Academy (GMMA) is GMMA has one of the richest libraries in Ankara.
composed of School of Medicine, School of Nur- The GMMA library has a capacity for 300 readers.
dical and Clinical Engineering, Centre of Rehabi-
litation and Care, and two Training Hospitals lo-
cated in Ankara and Istanbul. GMMA is a unique
military institution with scientific autonomy and
trains military physicians and other health person-
nel for Turkish Armed Forces (TAF). It carries out
scientific research and publications, gives vocati-
onal, undergraduate, and postgraduate training
and education, and whose training hospitals serve
as the tertiary reference centres for the 43 military
hospitals of TAF. It was the only health instituti-
on in Turkey to celebrate its centennial in 1998.
GMMA also has residency and fellowship prog-
Date of Foundation : 1898 rams in all medical branches for physicians of the
EUC Number : 224783 TAF and foreign countries in the training hospitals
located in Ankara and stanbul.
State HEI
It is incorporated in computer network of librari-
No. of Faculties : 1
CITY es at home and abroad. There are PC facilities for
No. of Institutes : 1
Ankara is situated 860 meters above sea level in students in school of medicine, vocational schools
No. of Research Centers : 1
the centre of the Anatolian region, which is the and in departments of hospitals and in dor mito-
No. of Vocational Schools : 2 ries. Students have full free access to the internet.
heartland of Turkey. This region is flanked by mo-
Conservatory : untains to the north. Running parallel to the Black Students have also free access to many online bo-
No of Short Cycle Student : 196 Sea Coast, and to the south lie Toros Mountains, oks and journals by way of library. There are many
No of 1st Cycle Student : 789 which continue to the Mediterranean Coast. An- fully eguipment laboratories for pre-clinical scien-
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 14 kara gained prominence under the leadership of ces and computer laboratories.
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 50 Ataturk during the national resistance which fol-
No. of Academic Staff : 542 lowed World War I. It was declared the capital of STUDENT LIFE
No. of Research Assistans : 447 the new Turkish Republic on October 13th 1923 In GMMA there exist a gymnasium, football fi-
No. of Lecturers : 16 when the National War of Independence freed elds, tennis courts, basketball courts, cafeteria
Turkey from foreign occupation. Ankara has de- and library equipped with computers all have in-
Contact : veloped into a lively and modern metropolis offe- ternet connection. Many students clubs are active
Prof.Tbp.Tuamiral Hayati BLG supporting conferences, concerts, displays, excur-
ring most of the cultural and social amenities avai-
Gulhane Military Medical Academy
lable in capitals elsewhere across Europe. Ankaras sions and scientific activities. Students may join,
Erasmus Institutional Coordinator
modern facade belies its historic origins which are at their own will, various social activities inclu-
Glhane Askeri Tp Akademisi
thought to date back to around 1200 BC. Occup- ding drama, music, arts, photography, literature,
Gs Hastalklar AD 06018 Etlik/Ankara/Turkey
ying one of the most prominent parts of the city is folklore, not only ball sports also mountain clim-
+90 (312) 304 44 01
+90 (312) 304 20 10 Anitkabir, the magnificent mausoleum construc- bing, diving, parachute jumping, environmenta-
[email protected] ted to commemorate Ataturk. lism and scientific research. ACCOMODATION INTERNATIONALISATION
GMMA provides various safe, secure and mana- Foreign students from a wide range of countri-
es including Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekis-
tan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Albania, Bulgaria,
Romania, Pakistan, Israel, Tunisia, Jordan, Bosnia-
Herzegovina and Macedonia. are being admitted
to GMMA for a long time for both undegradu-
ate and postgraduate education. With the onset
of Erasmus University Charter, a bilateral teaching
staff mobility agreement has been signed with
Ulm University in Germany.
Turkish is the only language used in all of the edu-
cational areas in our institution.
126 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 127
AREAS OF STUDY Cave, Kraman, Ermenek (Firan) and Mennan cast-
Business Management, Public Administration, les, Binbirkilise, Hatuniye, Emir Musa, Ibrahim Bey
Economics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Turkish old theological schools (medrese) for alms and Tol
Language and Literarure, History, Sociolgy, Nur- Medrese, Gaferyad (Ermenek, Kazimkarabekir)
sing, Physical Education and Sports, Food Tech- and Yollarbasi (Ilisra) village Grand Mosques, Haci
nology, Organic Farming, Pets and Experimental, Beyler, Aktekke (Valide Sultan), Arapzade, Pasha,
Computer Programming, Banking and Insurance, ACCOMODATION
Accountaing and Taxing Applications, Local Ad- KMU and private entrepreneurs in Karaman of-
ministrations, Childcare fer a vast range of accommodation choices for
Karamanolu Mehmetbey University (KMU), loca-
both undergraduate, postgraduate students and
teaching staff. Some of the accommodation has
KMU considers internationalization as the cor-
nerstone of its education and research. The exc-
hange of knowlodge and recognition of diversity
in cultural and social values are thus supported by
any means available.
Mainly Turkish, some courses are taught in Eng-
128 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 129
Electrical - Electronics Engineering, Computer KTO Karatay University (KU) has founded the first
Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Business nano-technology laboratory that was ever set in
Administration, International Trade, Law. the region. In addition, there is a state-of-the-art
Technology Centre established on campus. Furt-
UNIVERSITY hermore, KU has established a Continuous Edu-
Konya Chamber of Commerce has founded KTO cation Center that serves the school and the sur-
cation for quality teaching and intensive research
toward educational, commercial and industrial
communities. KU is focused on educating the
future leaders and professionals of Turkey. KU
employs teaching staff many of whom received
their graduate and doctoral degrees in the US and
Europe In line with developments of the Bologna
Process, KUs main objective is to become integra-
ted into the European Higher Education Area. Pla-
cement activities are obligatory for the Faculties
of Engineering and Economics, Business and Ad-
ministrative Sciences. These faculties require ob-
ligatory placement schemes prior to graduation,
other faculties are also involved in placement ac-
tivities in order to provide students with practice-
oriented knowledge, as well as to strengthen the
theoretical background they obtain throughout
their education.
At KU, the medium of instruction at the Faculty
of Engineering is English. As with the Faculty of
Business and Administrative Sciences, all newly-
enrolled students are required to attend one-year
intensive English preparatory program. In additi-
on to English as a foreign language, we offer ad-
ditional foreign language courses at this faculty.
As for the Faculty of Law, the medium of instruc-
tion is Turkish. However, we offer various English
courses throughout the course of study at this fa-
130 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY are so soft that the people of the villages at the he-
Aeroplane Technology, Applied English-Turkish art of the Cappadocia Region carved out rocks to
Translation and Interpretation, Architectural Res- form houses, churches, monasteries. The Greme
toration, Banking And Insurance, Civil Aviation Open Air Museum is the most visited site of the mo-
Transportation Management (English), Civil Aviati- nastic communities in Cappadocia and is one of the
on Transportation Management (Turkish), Civil Avi- most famous site in Turkey.
ation Cabin Services, Culinary Arts, Foreign Trade
(English), Horse Training, Hosting (English), Hos- ACCOMODATION Date of Foundation : 2005
ting (Turkish), Internet and Web Technologies, Lo- CVC provides secure and clean accommodation fa- EUC Number : 248155
gistics, Marketable Securities and The Capital Mar- cilities. 3 and 4 star hotels have been rented and Erasmus ID : TR NEVSEHI01
ket, Organic Agriculture, Tourism and Travel Servi- modernized for our students to stay at. Our dormi- Foundation HEI
ces (English) tory buildings provide accommodation for 300 stu-
No. of Faculties : 17
dents and meet all their needs including wireless in-
No. of Institutes :
INSTITUTION ternet connection.
No. of Research Centers :
Cappadocia Vocational College is the first higher Dormitory rooms are single, double and three-bed
education institution established directly accor- rooms with a bathroom. Additionally, there is a la- No. of Vocational Schools : 1
ding to Turkeys economical development objecti- undry, an ironing section and a study hall on every Conservatory :
ves. CVC is established through the efforts of lke floor. No of Short Cycle Student : 680
Education and Welfare Foundation whose members No of 1st Cycle Student :
set their heart on Cappadocia. The founders are vo- LABORATORIES No of 2nd Cycle Student :
lunteers of education who came together and direc- The school offers internet access to all of the stu- No of 3rd Cycle Student :
ted their financial and other resources in order to dents and staff in all of the premises, including two No. of Academic Staff : 42
transform the magnificent legacy of the Great Cap- computer labs, one of which can be used by stu- No. of Research Assistans :
padocia (comprising of five Turkish cities; Nevehir, dents at all times. The students are given an e-mail No. of Lecturers : 5
Kayseri, Nide, Aksaray and Krehir) into the fun- address on registration. The library ande Documen-
damental dynamics of sustainable development, to tation Unit is housed in the Medrese building with
resolve the problems of the regions people through a collection of nearly 10.000 books and 2000 dvds, Contact :
education and to transform the Cappadocia Region and periodicals. niversite Meydan Mustafapaa-rgp
from an out-migrant to an inmigrant region by inc- 50420 NEVEHR
reasing the life quality of the people. The objective STUDENT LIFE +90 (384) 353 50 09
of the school is therefore to equip the students with The school offers many extra-curricular activities +90 (384) 353 51 25
high level of contemporary economical abilities sui- such as student clubs, sports activities including ri- [email protected]
ted for the modern world. CVC is currently located ding, orienteering and trekking. The campus is outs-
in Nevehir, Cappadocia. tanding and distinguished, composing of restored
historical buildings and the transportation is easy
CITY being very close to Kayseri and Nevehir airports.
Cappadocia being one of the most important to- The region is protected by the UNESCO Cultural He-
urism centers of Turkey is visited every year by ritage with its fascinating geography and unique
hundred thousands of tourists coming from every historical monuments.
part of the world. The area is a famous and popular Practical trainings take place at prestigious sec- of Russian International Academy of Tourism
tourist destination, as it has a lot of unique geolo- tor institutions during the period of education. The (RMAT) .The International Relations Unit of the
gical, historic and cultural features. The region is in scholarship opportunities are diverse. school has been coordinating EU programs and
the southwest of the major city of Kayseri, and is Erasmus workplacements.
joined to Ankara and Istanbul by road, rail and air. INTERNATIONALISATION
The Cappadocia region is largely underlain by se- CVC has made several educational collaborative LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
dimentary rocks formed in Lakes and streams, and agreements with respected universities of Russian The medium of instruction in Turkish. Howe-
ignimbrite deposits erupted from ancient volcanoes Federation, and Japan and hosted four internatio- ver, some programs have 30% English courses.
approximately 9 to 3 million years ago {late Miocene nal ceramics symposia, organized theFirst Inter- A second foreign language-French,Japanese or
to Pliocene epochs). The rocks of Cappadocia near national Regional Development and Educational Russian is compulsory in these programs with
Greme has eroded into hundreds of spectacular Cooperation Workshopwith Erciyes University and prep classes.
pillars and minaret-like forms. The volcanic deposits also hosted a delegation organized by the Rector
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 131
AREAS OF STUDY dustry, and has impressive monuments that ref-
Engineering and Architecture, Computer Engine- lect its history. Kayseri has always been a popular
ering, Electric/Electronic Engineering, Industrial option as a base to trade.
Product Design, Arts and Sciences, English Langu- Kayseri is a modern city and offers many different
age and Literature, Mathematics, Economics and
Administrative Sciences, Business administration,
International Trade and Business, Economics, Law
Our university was established Kayseri on
19/08/2008. It is a Foundation University . first
student was accepted in 2009. Currently, we
have four faculties with 12 departments such as
Date of Foundation : 2008 Both male and female students are provided dor-
mitories in the city centre in which they can live
EUC Number : 256366
peacefully, safely, hygenically and happily during
Erasmus ID : TR KAYSERI02
their education. Dorm rooms are furnished for
Foundation University
between 2-4 students.
No. of Faculties : 4
Arts and Sciences, Engineering and Architecture,
No. of Institutes : 2
Faculty of Economics and Administrative , Scien- LABORATORIES
No. of Research Centers : 1 Our universities has laboratories and central lib-
ces and the Law to English language course is
No. of Vocational Schools : provided. Which has a modern campus in the city rary. We are giving every student a laptop compu-
Conservatory : center to the upper level of our university stu- ter. Internet access is unlimited.
No of Short Cycle Student : dents are offered opportunities.
No of 1st Cycle Student : 806 The aim of Meliksah University is to train and edu- STUDENT LIFE
No of 2nd Cycle Student : cate students to question,research be empathetic In each faculty,there are cafeterias and canteens
No of 3rd Cycle Student : towards environment and life, be able to think prepared for our students Indoor leisure and out-
No. of Academic Staff : 51 analyticall and be promote ideals in our country. door sports fields have been prepared for our stu-
No. of Research Assistans : 4 dents.
No. of Lecturers : 20 CITY
Kayseri has been one of the most important tra-
de centre in Anatolia over the history. Located in
Contact : the right centre of the country, it has the feel of a
internatinal office Melikah university modern, busy city but also has a strong traditional
Talas / KAYSER atmosphere. The setting is spectacular, with the
+90 (352) 207 73 00 mountains of Erciyes and Kara Dagi in the back-
+90 (352) 207 73 49 ground, a snow-capped volcano and green fields,
[email protected] and the nearby Sultansazligi bird sanctuary. The
city is also well known for its textile and carpet in-
Our universities has signed double degree and
students exchange agreements with American
and Europian University s. Such as University of
Leeds Metropolitan ,University of East London.
Our university accepts about 50 foreign students
in 2010 to 2011.
Our university is committed to English language
education. For this purpose native English teac-
hers are employed.
132 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 133
AREAS OF STUDY up-to-date computing and networking resources.
Engineering, Natural and Applied Sciences, Archi- Students benefit the use of software available on
tecture, Design, Regional Planning, Teacher Edu- central servers, dial-up connections outside the
cation, Economics and Administrative Sciences, campus, the FTP service, etc.
Political Science and International Relations, Hu-
Middle East Technical University (METU) currently
has 5 faculties, and 5 graduate schools. METU is
the leading technical university in Turkey in terms
of the number of publications in international jo-
urnals, and the amount of funds generated from
international research projects. Almost all of fa-
culty members have international experience, and
the majority with PhD degrees received from pres-
tigious universities abroad. METU has the largest
volume in contract research sponsored by public
and private organizations on the national scene.
The Universitys science park, METU-Technopolis
as the first operational science park in Turkey,
that hosts around 259 high tech R&D compani-
es has been a major undertaking to foster strong STUDENT LIFE
links with industry and support entrepreneurial There are various sports and recreational activi-
activity. ties in METU and the students can choose from
a wide array of challenges for all skill levels. Pla-
CITY ces for Sports Activities: Outdoor and Indoor (Oly-
Ankara is the capital city of Turkey, located in the mpic) Pool, 3 Gymnasia (fitness, squash, sauna),
Date of Foundation : 1956 Central Anatolian Region, and at the heart of Tur- Football Stadium (12,000 seats for spectators and
EUC Number : 220496 key. a running track with 6 lanes), Tennis Courts, Out-
Erasmus ID : TR ANKARA04 door Basketball & Volleyball Grounds, Ping pong
State University Tables, Artificial Football Field. Amateur Student
No. of Faculties : 5 Clubs: 82 student clubs ranging from Aeronauti-
No. of Institutes : 5 ca to Bird Watching Club.
No. of Research Centers : 42
No. of Vocational Schools : 1 INTERNATIONALISATION
As attested by 350 active exchange or coopera-
Conservatory : None
tion programs with universities and research ins-
No of Short Cycle Student :
titutions, METU leads the national universities in
No of 1st Cycle Student : 15.793 terms of depth and breadth of international ties.
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 4.337 Moreover, the University is a member of many
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 2.804 networks and associations to include EAU, EAIE,
No. of Academic Staff : 1.210 ACCOMODATION SEFI, EMUNI, CEASAR, UNESCO-International As-
No. of Research Assistans : 1.362 There are 18 dormitories and resident facilities sociation of Universities, Digital Education Net-
No. of Lecturers : 111 for students on campus, which can accommodate work, and Black Sea Universities Network.
nearly 7,000 students.
Contact :
Uluslararas birlii Ofisi
METU library has one of the largest collections
Ktphane Binas, Solmaz zdemir Salonu
(predominantly in English) in Turkey, it conta-
Orta Dou Teknik niversitesi
ins 412.000 books and 173.767 bound periodi-
06531 Ankara, Trkiye
cals and subscribes to 56.158 electronic and 1441
+90 (312) 210 22 98
print journal subscriptions, 133 online databases,
+90 (312) 210 71 76
over 510 books CDs, 1400 doctoral dissertations
[email protected]
and 15.000 masters theses. The METU Computer
Center offers all its students and faculty access to
English as the language of instruction in all its
degree programs has greatly facilitated METUs
efforts to accommodate international students
and researchers. METU hosts over 1500 interna-
tional students from nearly 80 different countri-
es studying toward myriad of academic degrees.
134 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY raphical forms of the region. Hattians and then in
Science and Arts:Biology, Archeology, Physic, Mo- order Hittites, Frigs, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks
dern Turkish Dialects, Chemistry, Sociology, Japa- and Ottomans were attracted by the charm of this
nese Language and Literature, Educational Sci- region. In course of time, these cave houses be-
ences, History, Turkish Language and Literature. came underground cities that included water so-
Economics and Administrative Sciences:business, urces, food stores, wineries and places of wors-
economics, international relations, tourism mana- hip owing to they would need to live undergro-
gement and motel, tourist guiding and public ad- und for a long time. Nevehir is the most impor-
ministration.Tourism:Tourism Management, To- tant centre of the Cappadocia Region which is a
urism Guidance, Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, unique natural beauty at the hearth of Anatolia.
Recreation Management.Semra and Vefa Kk The region has been appreciated by the internati-
Health High School:Nursing.Nevsehir Vocational onal associations too.
School:Front Office and Secretary Services, Mar-
keting and Foreign Trades, Hotel-Restaurant and ACCOMODATION
Catering Services, Travel-Tourism and Entertain- Students to come can accommodate in the go-
ment Services, Accounting and Tax, Computer vernmental student hostels nearby the university
Technology, Electrics and Energy, Automation campus, in addition to several guesthouses and
and Design. private hostels in the vicinity.
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 135
Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Geolo- Milli Piyango Dormitory accommodates a total of
gical, mining), Natural Science(Chemistry, Physics, 700 students. In the city centre, there are two more
Biology), Mathematics, Letters (Turkish language dormitories, which are Sabanci Girls Dormitory,
and literature, History, Sociology), Economics and accommodating 480 female, and the HECDI dormi-
Business administration, Public administration. tory, accommodating 648 male and 1.498 female
Nide University has a young and dynamic teaching
students. Students attending Vocational Schools are
also provided with dormitories.Besides there are pri-
vate dormitories and hostels available in the town
nicative and willing to make close and sincere fri- The library, provides modern services and accom-
ends with students is beneficial for students care- modates 200 readers. The library collection consists
er and individual developments. On the other hand, of 20000 books. 10.000 periodicals, a total of 400
students have the chance to find parttime works theses and 300 manuscripts. In addition, the library
within the university if they wish. Nide University has adequate number of PC and CD-ROM databa-
is also one of the important universities of in Tur- ses. Beyond that, on line access to other databases
key on account of scientific researches. Many rese- around the world. The computer laboratories have
arch projects of the university are being supported equipped with the up-dated technology. There are
by Scientific Research Projects Unit, European Union 33 laboratories at the university, each one specifized
FP7, State Planning Organization and The Scientific for a different subjects, from Hydraulic and Environ-
& Technical Research Council of Turkey. Nide Uni- mental Engineering Laboratory to Computer Soft-
versity consists of two institutes, four faculties, two ware Laboratory and from Microprocessor Labora-
colleges, five vocational high schools, and four de- tory to Energy System Laboratories.
partmental headships directly attached to the recto-
rate, two applied research centers and one conser- STUDENT LIFE
Date of Foundation : 1992 vatory of music. Students can use several sports centers available
EUC Number : 248085 on and off campus. They may choose one of such
Erasmus ID : TR NIGDE01 CITY sports branches like football, basketball, volleyball,
State University Nide, geographically in the middle of big cities that judo, tennis, karate, taekwondo, wrestling, swim-
No. of Faculties : 6 are developed on various fields, is located very con- ming etc. to be trained and then they make team
No. of Institutes : 2 venient on account of highway and railway arrival. and these teams take part in some inter-faculties
No. of Research Centers : Nide is regarded as a part of Cappadocia which is games throughout the University. They can join a
No. of Vocational Schools : 6 a well-known touristic place with its historical and number of student clubs like theather, folk dance,
natural wonders. It is an important touristic town chess, aviation, etc.Students can test cultural foods
Conservatory : None
famous for its Kemerhisar, an ancient site of the during the academic year and also in the spring fes-
No of Short Cycle Student : 6.145
Roman city of Tyana, Roman aqueducts, Gumus- tival which takes place every May.
No of 1st Cycle Student : 9.055
ler Monastery, Kavlaktepe underground city, ruins
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 618 from the time of ancient Christianity, monuments of INTERNATIONALISATION
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 42 the Seljucks and other Anatolian civilizations, Mo- Nide University has been involved in European exc-
No. of Academic Staff : 631 unt Demirkazk that has a worldwide fame for mo- hange programmes since 2005. It has established
No. of Research Assistans : 164 untaineering & climbing, Aladaglar National Park, strong relationships with several universities in Euro-
No. of Lecturers : 47 the Bolkars and also Ciftehan Thermal Springs. Nig- pe. The university also developed partnerships with
de, turning into a university town in parallel with the some East Asian and the USA universities. Some of
foundation and development of Nide University, is our scientific researchers have been carrying out
Contact : an attractive city for university students on account projects within the European research schemes.
Nide niversitesi Uluslararas likiler of economic life conditions, cheap and easy trans- University sports teams have been joining interna-
Ofisi, Merkez Yerleke, Bor Yolu zeri, portation, and adequate accommodation, hospita- tional sports activities since 1998.
Nide, 51240 bility of town people, low crime rate.
+90 (388) 225 21 48 LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
+90 (388) 225 23 85 Turkish (English in Electrical & Mechanical Engine-
[email protected] ering)
136 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY dents are placed in modern flats and halls of re-
International Relations, Political Science, Europe- sidences. Students can also live in private accom-
an Studies, Economics, Business Administration, modation, cheap and modern buildings near the
Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering, History, Educa- campus. A special arrangement for accommoda-
tion, Teacher Training, Veterinary Science, Com- tion can be available for Erasmus students. Aca-
munications, Social Sciences, Theology, Che- demic staff are offered places in Universitys Gu-
mistry, Physics, Agriculture, Technical and Voca- est House with no charge, with provides the com-
tional Education fort of a four star hotel.
As the largest University in Turkey, Seluk Univer- Students and researchers have free access to in-
sity offers a wide range of opportunities to its stu- ternet via computer labs around the campus. The
dents and staff in terms of a home like environ- University has put more than 10.000 computers
ment both physically and emotionally. Rapid de- into service of its students in all programs. The-
velopments in infrastructure and research facili- refore, the University invests in labs and techni-
ties make the University an attractive institution. cal equipment quite a substantial amount of its
Besides, tremendous social and sport facilities are resources. Science laboratories, farms, greenhou-
also worth mentioning in this regard. Through se and other R&D facilities imply that Seluk Uni-
mobilizing its TV channel and radio station, the versity has the real capacity to foster an excellent
University applies professional managerial techni- academic culture and necessarily success. A new
ques and methods in education and training. The information and Communication Centre with ad-
University has the real potential to establish nati- ditional 2000 new computers also provides full-
onal and international ties with other educational time support to universitys students and research
establishments. The University is an international community.
institution, dedicated to the concept of widening
international co-operation as a fundamental basis STUDENT LIFE
for high quality teaching, research and learning. Shopping centers and social facilities in and aro-
The vision of the University is that technical sup- und the campuses pose a good indicator of so-
cialization among students. Olympic swimming Date of Foundation : 1975
port, combined with social attractions, helps cre-
ate a home for them. pool, sport halls, football pitches, horse riding EUC Number : 220554
centre and walking paths are provided for stu- Erasmus ID : TR KONYA01
dents. The subsidized student meal and other State University
scholarships and supports are a part of the regular No. of Faculties : 21
student-caring policy of the university. Concerts, No. of Institutes : 5
bale and theatres are also social side of the Uni- No. of Research Centers : 20
versity. State Conservatory, the TV channel and No. of Vocational Schools : 27
the radio station play an important role to enrich Conservatory :
student life. No of Short Cycle Student : 28.140
No of 1st Cycle Student : 42.265
INTERNATIONALISATION No of 2nd Cycle Student : 2.719
The University has already had a good reputati- No of 3rd Cycle Student : 1.266
on in its co-operation with international educati- No. of Academic Staff : 3.272
onal institutions. Co-operations and bilateral ag- No. of Research Assistans : 1.270
reements with different universities all over the No. of Lecturers : 143
world are as follows: over 150 agreements with
universities in the EU, Russia, Ukraine, USA, South
Korea, Egypt, Central Asian Republics. The Uni- Contact :
versity has exchanged a good number of students Seluk University
and academics with European and American uni- LLP/Erasmus Coordination Office
CITY versities. Rectore Building K:2 Campus 42003
The city, where the University established, has got Seluklu Konya/Turkey
marvellous historical and natural resources. As LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION +90 (332) 223 25 51
Turkish, English, German, Arabic +90 (332) 241 40 82
was the capital city of the Anatolian Seljuk Empi-
[email protected]
re. Konya is famous for its Whirling Dervishes and
Sufi Orders. Besides, the first known human one
of the most populated settlement, atalhyk, is
within the boundaries of city. The city has a wide
range of social and cultural attractions to keep
busy everyday life of students and academics. Its
international airport, railway and motorway con-
nections make sure that the city is accessible from
the major airports and Mediterranean costs. The
beach is only three hours by bus. The reception
of the local people is quite warm. Therefore, Eras-
mus students and academics would certainly feel
at home during their study program in Konya.
The University has the determination to provide
accommodation to its students. Exchange stu-
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 137
AREAS OF STUDY 10 universities. Streets are filled with students of all
Arts and Sciences: Mathematics, History, Turkish ages. Shopping centers with movie theatres, food
Language and Literature, Fine Arts: Art and De- courts, restaurants, and many activities are conveni-
sign, Visual Communication Design, Industrial ently located all around the city.
Design, Interior Architecture Law Economics and
Adminisrative Sciences: Economics, Business Ad- Transportation in the city is very easy with many bus
ministration, International Relations, Internatio- routes and an expanding subway system.
nal Business, Engineering:Computer Engineering,
Electric and Electronical Engineering, Industrial ACCOMODATION
Enginering,Mechanical Engineering TOBB ETU offers accommodation for1032 students
in four fully equipped dormitories on the campus.
UNIVERSITY Students can choose to stay in single or double
TOBB ETU was founded through a generous en- room. Dormitory rooms are equipped with showers,
dowment provided by a powerful union of 1.2 milli- closets, personal telephones and 24 hours unlimited
on members spread around the country named the access to internet.There are study halls, TV rooms,
Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of sport center, restaurants , kitchenettes,laundry and
Turkey (TOBB). cleaning services in the dormitory.
138 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
In the main campus of the Academy, there is one
Lbrary and several laboratories including a shooting
polygon. The students can have access to compu-
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 139
AREAS OF STUDY fortable service.
Management, Economics, Political Science and The university provides a laptop for every student
International Relations along with access to the wireless internet throug-
hout the campus, in addition to the computer and
UNIVERSITY research labs where the students can easily con-
Entrepreneur, respectful to the people Guided by duct their studies.
the Independent and free thought, freedom of
religion and conscience, free enterprise principle STUDENT LIFE
of Turgut Ozal who has significantly contributed Listed below are some examples of communiti-
to the leap of Turkey to the developed countries es supported with specialists in social, artistic and
level, Turgut Ozal University; has a mission to acti- cultural fields: Politics, Management, Economy,
vate innovative, entrepreneurial and responsible, Scientific Research, Computer, Movie, Photog-
equipped with ethical values and global knowled- raphy, Mountaineering, Traveling, Swimming,
ge, constantly improving by continuous learning Music, Folk Dance.
students, faculty members, researchers, alumni Among the cultural activities programmed for
and stakeholders, institutions and individuals that the students are: Monthly Conferences, Care-
will generate knowledge and utilize this know- er Interviews, Panel and Interviews on Actuality,
ledge in practice to add value to the society. Our Culture-Art Interviews, On-campus Presentations
vision is to become a globally known university and Discussions, National and International Stu-
involved in continuous development, aligned dents Conferences.
with the universal university criteria in terms of The students are also provided with the opportu-
higher education quality, productive scientific ac- nity to benefit from the sports education suppor-
tivities, stakeholder interaction, cooperation and ted by the licensed experts in the fields of: Basket-
satisfaction-oriented services it provides. ball, Soccer, Volleyball, Squash, Dart, Swimming,
Tennis, Billiard, Bowling.
Advantages of Studying in Ankara
Programs in the university are offered both in
English and Turkish.
140 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 141
AREAS OF STUDY University, however for the fact that it is located
The history of Ufuk University is based on the fact in the very center of the city, students are eligib-
that it is located in the capital of Turkey so that it le to benefit from approximately 30 private dor-
can target a wide range of students throughout mitories.
Turkey. It was based upon the foundation of Tur-
kish Traffic Accidents Assistance Foundation aco- LABORATORIES
ording to the 130th article of Turkish Constituti- There are ten laboratories of certain purposes.
on. Ufuk University is founded on 18 December There are three libraries (central campus, faculty
1999. The date of initial education is the 2002- of medicine and prep school). Also there is a com-
2003 Academic Year. Approximately 20% of the puter lab that consists of 200 computers.
registered students receive scholarship which are
Date of Foundation : 1992
covered from the Do. Dr. Ufuk Ege Fund. The
EUC Number : N/A
education in Ufuk University continues in five Fa- STUDENT LIFE
Erasmus : TR ANKARA09
culties, four Institutes and four Vocational Scho- A medical center that two doctors are constantly
Foundation University
ols. In addition to that Ufuk University funds two working is available for students. Also students
No. of Faculties : 5
Research Centers. are eligible to benefit from the Medical School
No. of Institutes : 4
Hospital facilities. Besides, a Phycological Consul-
No. of Research Centers : 2
CITY taion Unit operated by an Academic Staff is also
No. of Vocational Schools : 4
Ufuk University is located in the Capital of Tur- established for the students. There are three libra-
Conservatory : None
key, Ankara. The central campus is on Eskiehir- ries for students from various faculties. There are
No of Short Cycle Student : 788
Konya-Samsun public highway and in the Balgat many student communuties that serve a variety of
No of 1st Cycle Student : 267
district which is a very central area in the city. It is purposes. There are also many symposiums and
No of 2nd Cycle Student :
1 km away from the city center and 500mt away congresses that elaborate diffrerent topics.
No of 3rd Cycle Student :
from central bus station and subway.
No. of Academic Staff : 107
No. of Research Assistans : 60
ACCOMODATION At the moment there are no international agree-
No. of Lecturers :
Ufuk University includes two cafeterias that could ments with foreign universities.
serve for up to 400 persons. In addition to that a
food court that could serve up to 200 persons is LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
Contact :
also available. There are no dormitories for Ufuk Turkish is the official language of instruction.
Mevlana Bulvar No. 88-86, 06520
+90 (312) 2044400
+90 (312) 2872390
[email protected]
142 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
Intentionally left blank
Black Sea Region
AREAS OF STUDY primarily in the service of master students. Dormi-
Art and Sciences, Education, Economics, Manage- tory rooms are for maximum 8 people. There are
ment, International Relations, Engineering, Medi- canteens, hairdresser and barber services, and la-
cine, Language, Sport Sciences, Nursing, Poultry undry service. In the main campus, there are also
and Gastronomy modern state dormitories holding 600 girls and
600 boys.
Abant zzet Baysal University was founded in Bolu LABORATORIES
1992. It is a unique university model in Turkey Equipped with the state-of-the art technology
for not being a purely state university nor a fo- laboratories and workshops are on zzet Baysal
kish Government and the zzet Baysal Foundati- ter journals. Also, there are theses and a series
on. Academic Units of AIBU are spread out to a of audio and visual materials. Publication scan-
large area. zzet Baysal Campus is the central one ning is possible both inside and outside the lib-
and is only 8 kms to the city centre. The Univer- rary through a computer system consisting of suf-
sity accepts unreservedly that creating an acade- ficient number of terminals. Computers are avai-
mic ground for social, cultural, scientific, econo- lable in the faculties and laboratories with inter-
mic and technological development in an inter- net connection.
national context is essential for its mission. Thus,
AIBU aims to be a dynamic institution focusing at
excellence, which will bring the development of
our society and mankind to the highest univer-
sal standards. Excellent educational infrastructu-
re, including a modern library and computer fa-
cilities with internet connection, creates a unique
research environment.
Date of Foundation : 1992
EUC Number : 221362 CITY
Erasmus ID : TR BOLU01 Bolu is an impressive Anatolian city where the
State University blue sky encloses the green forests that are liste-
No. of Faculties : 7 ning to the whisper of the wind on the misty pe-
No. of Institutes : 3 aks of gorgeous mountains. The city, which is lo-
cated between the roads from the capital city An-
No. of Research Centers : 8
kara to the world famous metropolitan stanbul,
No. of Vocational Schools : 9
has been the host of many civilizations for cen-
Conservatory : None turies. From glorious lakes like Abant, Yedigller,
No of Short Cycle Student : 3.518 Glck and fascinating creeks to picturesque vil-
No of 1st Cycle Student : 9.620 lages and stunning sunsets... Bolu bursts with be- STUDENT LIFE
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 615 auty. Together with the Turkish hospitality, the The campuses offer extensive social and cultural
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 149 region welcomes large numbers of tourists from facilities. Cultural activities such as symposium,
No. of Academic Staff : 869 all around the world every year. Combined with panel, conference, concert and film shows are
No. of Research Assistans : 273 outdoor sports like rafting, trekking, hiking, pa- performed in the Culture Centre. The Sport Cent-
No. of Lecturers : 57 rachuting, the natural beauties provide various re, consisting of a twin-dome hall with its indoor-
tastes and excitement. Kartalkaya, which is one outdoor sport areas, hosts every kind of sports ac-
of the most famous ski-centres of Turkey, offers tivity. Cultural activities are organized by students
Contact : first-class service and is only 25 kilometres to the during the Spring Festivities for a week. Trans-
Abant zzet Baysal University Golkoy Kampus centre as well. portation is provided by public and private buses.
14280 Bolu, TURKEY Lunch is served regularly under control of dietici-
+90 (374) 254 10 94 ACCOMODATION ans for an economical charge
+90 (374) 253 46 77 Boys and girls dormitories holding 1360 people
[email protected] are located on zzet Baysal Campus. The applica- INTERNATIONALISATION tions are made during the registrations. There are The AIBU has also been providing undergradua- private dormitories holding 80 people which are te education for students from the recently estab-
lished republics of the former Soviet Russia under
some fields since 1995. There are also cooperati-
ve studies with some German universities in the
field of education. In addition, Having the Eras-
mus University Charter, Abant Izzet Baysal Univer-
sity is a member of European University Associa-
tion since 2006.
Turkish; Biology, Maths, Chemistry and Physics in
146 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY If you want to see a fascinating antic city where his-
Education tory and nature mingles and where you can see the
Primary Education, Elementary Mathematics Educa- best marble, apples, cherries, peaches and okras of
tion, Elementary Science Education, Classroom Edu- the world, Amasya is waiting for you with its cosy
cation, Early Childhood Education, Social Know- and hospitable people.
ledges Education, Educational Science, Guidan-
ce and Psychological Consultancy, Computer and ACCOMODATION
Instructional Technologies, Computer and Instruc- Besides some private dormitories The General Di-
tional Technologies Education, Physical Education rectorate of Students Credits and Dormitories has Date of Foundation : 2006
and Sports, Physical Education and Sports Educa- 5 public dormitories in Amasya. 1068 female and EUC Number : 239699
tion, Turkish Education, Turkish Education Science 618 male for a total of 1686 students can stay in Erasmus ID : TR AMASYA01
and Literature; Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Bi- the public dormitories. In these dormitories students State University
ology, English Prep-School Architecture; Architectu- have facilities such as restaurant, cafe, laundry, rea- No. of Faculties : 4
re, Urban and Regional Planning Technology Higher ding room, internet, billiards. Around the dormito- No. of Institutes : 2
Education School, of Health Sciences; Nursing, Mid- ries, there are basketball, volleyball grounds. No. of Research Centers :
wifery Higher Education School; Construction Tech- No. of Vocational Schools : 3
nologies Program, Electricity Program, Electronic LABORATORIES Conservatory : None
Technology Program, Survey and Cadastre Program, In addition to its Central Library with more than No of Short Cycle Student : 2.982
Technology of Electronic Communication Program. 15000 books and several periodicals Amasya Uni- No of 1st Cycle Student : 3.145
versity subscribes some online academic databa- No of 2nd Cycle Student :
UNIVERSITY ses. Almost all academic and administrative units No of 3rd Cycle Student :
Amasya University is one of the state universities of Amasya University are equipped with computers
No. of Academic Staff : 134
of the Further and Higher Education of Republic of and internet connections. Also there are some com-
No. of Research Assistans : 11
Trkiye. The first educational institution of Amasya puter laboratories for students to reach internet in
No. of Lecturers : 8
University was Amasya Teachers Training College the University.
established in 1974. Today there are four Faculties,
two Institutes and three Vocational Higher Schools STUDENT LIFE Contact :
within the University. Moreover, we hope that the The University supports all student culbs in various Eitim Fakltesi eyh Cui Mh.
Muhsin Yazcolu Cd. No:5 05189
first graduate programs at the field of Science Edu- arias such as sports, culture, art and science. These
cation and Primary School Education are going to clubs contrubite students to enlarge their social and +90 (358) 252 71 91
begin in the next academic year. The University has culturel abilities. Some of these clubs are: Mounta- +90 (358) 252 71 91
strong leadership, academicians and well-educated ineering and Winter Sports, Poetry and Folk Dance. [email protected]
students to open it further cooperations with Euro- Our student clubs organize several activities within
pean Higher Education Institutions. Amasya and participate other festivals and competi- uid/uib.asp
tions in other cities of Turkey and abroad.
Located in the region of Middle Black Sea, Amasya INTERNATIONALISATION courses about foreign languages within the cur-
is founded on the slopes of Mt. Harena in Yeilr- The internationalism is a major concept of the Uni- riculum of the several departments and the Fa-
mak Valley. The city was hosted to Hittite, Frig, Kim- versity to improve the quality of education, researh culty of Science and Art has preparatory classes
mer, Lydia, Persia, Rome, Byzantine, Danismend, and innovation. All of the academic staff and admi- in English.
Selcuklu, Ilhanli and Otoman Civilizations in history nistrative units of the University are aware of the im-
from the Antic Ages to present. With its over 7000 portance of the concept. The students of the Uni-
year historical background it became a capital of a versity are prepared to be familiar with other Euro-
kingdom, trained scientists, artists, poets, and beca- pean cultures and to have international carrier by
me a training city for sultans sons. The first step of mobility.
the Independence War of Turkey also took place in
Amasya. Along with these historical and cultural ric- LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
hes, Amasya especially attracts attention with Yal- The education language of the University is ma-
boyu houses build along the both sides Yeilrmak. inly in Turkish. However, there are some selective
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 147
AREAS OF STUDY ve tourism areas of Artvin are introduced to the
Forest Engineering, Forest Industrial Enginee- participants. Artvin is one of the places of which
ring, Landscape Architecture, Nursing, Elemen- the best patterns of wood and stone architecture
tary Science Education, Elementary Education, Jo- are found, local music and dance are appreciated
Artvin oruh University is a state university with
versity staff. In the city Artvin there are two dor-
mitories which are funded by the Turkish govern-
ment with a capacity of 200 mixed students and
more than 2500 students. 120 female students. In addition to this, a dormi-
It has undergraduate, graduate and doctorate tory with a capacity of 500 students is being built
programmes (in some programmes). Both Faculty near Seyitler Campus. There are also private dor-
of Forestry and Faculty of Education are old units mitories which are active in the city.
of the University and have more than fifteen years
of teaching and research experiences. LABORATORIES
Established in 1993, Faculty of Forestry has three Artvin oruh University has a main library offe-
departments. These are: Department of Forestry, ring over 5000 books in many different areas. It is
Wood Science and Landscape Architecture. Foun- open from 8:00 to 17:00 and provides a quiet and
ded in 2003, Faculty of Education has two depart- peaceful place for the students to study.
ments. These are Elementary Education and Ele- The university has 6 computer laboratories with
mentary Science Science Education about 200 computers which are used for educa-
Faculty of Arts and Sciences was founded in 2007 tional purposes. We have both wireless and fu-
Date of Foundation : 2007 and has five departments. These are: chemistry, nicular internet connection in the building. The
EUC Number : 253664 physics, biology, mathematics and philosophy. university buildng includes a distance education
Erasmus ID : TR ARTVIN01 The university has three vocational schools and classwith a capacity of 40 students.
State University one School of Health. Furthermore, the university has lots of laboratori-
No. of Faculties : 3 Institutes of Social Sciences and Natural Scien- es for different academic units such as; chemistry,
No. of Institutes : 2 ces have been established and Natural Sciences is physics, biology, soil ecology etc. We also have art
No. of Research Centers : actively getting students into both graduate and and music rooms inside the main building, too.
No. of Vocational Schools : 3 doctorate levels.
Conservatory : None
CITY Artvin oruh University supports students activiti-
No of Short Cycle Student : 1.201 es in social, cultural and sports events. The Direc-
Surrounded by Ardahan, Erzurum, Rize, and the
No of 1st Cycle Student : 1.036 Republic of Georgia, Artvin is located in the Eas- torate of Health Culture and Sports is in charge of
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 64 tern Black Sea Part of the Black Sea Region. Artvin organizing cultural activities and helping students
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 3 is of great importance in terms of natural tourism establish new student clubs. The university offers
No. of Academic Staff : 100 thanks to its wide range of natural values such several opportunities for the students to spend
No. of Research Assistans : 79 as snowy peaks of mountains, interesting style of their leisure time. The students can take part in
No. of Lecturers : 9 wood architecture, green plateaus, intact and na- fine-arts activities like drawing and they exhibit
tural forests, crater lakes at the peaks of high mo- their pieces at the university.
untains, oruh Valley and canyons. Climbing to Artvin oruh University hosts many organizations
Contact :
Kakar and Karal Mountains, trekking in the sce- like seminars, conferences and panels in which
Seyitler Campus 08000, ARTVN
nic beauties of several vicinities of the region, raf- students can take part. Being in a city with natu-
+90 (466) 215 10 00
ting and canoe sports on the oruh River and Bar- ral beauties, students often go trekking in spring
+90 (466) 215 10 23
hal Stream reveal the potential tourist industry of months and skiing in winter months with lots of
[email protected]
the region. Several festivals are organized in Art- other activities. Like the citizens in Artvin, the stu-
vin and surrounding area. In these organizations, dents like the folk dance and the university has
natural beauties, historical artifacts and alternati- championships in dancing.
Artvin oruh University attaches great importan-
ce to internalization knowing that being a good
university means being good both nationally and
internationally. We have many Erasmus bilateral
agreements with European Universities together
with Cooperation Protocols with non-European
Universities such as the ones in America and Ge-
orgia. We aim to be one of the best ranking uni-
versities in Caucasia and we have strong relations-
hip with Caucasian Universities.
Medium of instruction at Artvin Coruh University
is mainly Turkish.
148 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 149
AREAS OF STUDY There will be a small hotel on the campus whe-
Natural Sciences: Molecular Biology and Genetics re exchange students and visiting academics can
Chemistry, stay in very reasonable rate. There are also many
Engineering: Architecture, Computer Enginee- private accommodations within easy reach of the
ring, Electrical And Electronics Engineering main campus. These are all shared accommodati-
Business Studies: Economy, Management, Inter- on and include all kinds of cooking facilities.
national Trade and Business
Education: Preschool Education, Psychological LABORATORIES
Counseling and Guidance, The library is situated on the main campus and
will include subscriptions to all major on-line data
UNIVERSITY bases and on-line books and thesis in related fi-
Languages of instruction in CBUN are Turkish and
English. All the courses are offered in two langu-
150 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY way line between Sivas and Samsun passes through
Gaziosmanpasa University, a state university in To- the Artova, Zile and Turhal districts of the province.
kat founded in 1992, offers high quality education
in five faculties (Agriculture, Economics and Admi- ACCOMODATION
nistrative Sciences, Art and Sciences, Education, and Dormitory at the campus.
Medicine), three graduate schools, 14 vocational
schools and three research centers. Although the LABORATORIES Date of Foundation : 1992
official teaching language of the University is Tur- n order to make knowledge accesible, Gazios- EUC Number : 224939
kish the university has a School of Foreign Language manpasa University continually updates its labi- Erasmus ID : TR CORUM01
serving the English language needs of students by rary system. Gaziosmanpasa University collections State University
offering one-year preparatory course. The university are haused in a four story beulding at the campus. No. of Faculties : 5
has approximately 13,000 undergraduate and gra- Computer terminals are available at the library. The No. of Institutes : 3
duate students. library alsohas a significant electronics journal col- No. of Research Centers : 6
lectio No. of Vocational Schools : 14
Conservatory : None
STUDENT LIFE No of Short Cycle Student :
Social events and campus activities are as much a No of 1st Cycle Student : 1000
part of college life as academics Gaziosmanpa- No of 2nd Cycle Student :
sa University supports extracurricular activitiesthat No of 3rd Cycle Student :
enable the enhancement of social, cultural, artistic No. of Academic Staff : 608
and individual skills of the students. Twenty three No. of Research Assistans : 250
students clubs are already established. No. of Lecturers :
In our university, on agriculture, health, educational, Contact :
Taliftlik Campus, Rectoral Office,
and basic sciences; national and international studi-
EU Education and Youth Programmes office,
es have been planed. Our university organizes the 60240 Tokat
CITY resarch projects acording to local area and develop- +90 (356) 252 11 32
Tokat, a city of 828.027 people, (according to 2000 ments on international sciences. +90 (356) 252 16 26
census), is the capital of the Tokat Province of Tur- [email protected]
key. The province lies in the mid Black Sea region LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
of Anatolia but Tokat city occupies a more inland Turkish
site. Tokat produces tobacco, cereals and sugar be-
ets and specializes in horticulture. It mines minerals
like lignite, antimony and marble and its industri-
es include manufacture of copper utensils, tanning
and calico printing. The city and the province have a
rich past. Roaming the city, you get a feel of the ti-
mes gone by. Two more historically important cities
of Tokat are Niksar, once the capital of the Danish-
mend Turks, and Zile, 67 kilometers west of Tokat. It
is in Zile that Julius Caesar is said to have uttered his
famous words; veni, vidi,vici. By road you can reach
Tokat from every province of the country. Air Trans-
portation is available at Tokat Airport, 17 kilome-
ters from Tokat. There are regular flights from Istan-
bul . Tokat has good rail connections also. The Rail-
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 151
es, Supervision of Buildings, Health Institutions Ad- whole city centre are so safe and comfortable for
ministration, Child Development. the students.
Hitit University, characterised by its high standards LABORATORIES
in education, internationally competitive research Our universitys library which started to service in
and entrepreneurial approach began education on 2006, provides different kinds of research opportu-
17th March 2006. Universality of science and free- nities principally through books and various audio-
Date of Foundation : 2006 dom of thought are the academic principles of Hi- visual materials. In Central Library where specialized
tit University, with the motto of The Sun of Know- staff services to the library users, students can reach
EUC Number : 238203
ledge Enlightening Civilization. Hitit University is every kind of sources they want as soon as possib-
Erasmus ID : TR CORUM01 an open, student-oriented, democratic and pluralis- le. Central Library offers an opportunity to benefit
State University tic university. from library services to the academic and administ-
No. of Faculties : 53 The mission of Hitit University is to raise individu- rative staff and students. There are 5 library units
No. of Institutes : 2 als devoted to the principles of Mustafa Kemal Ata- under The Department of Library and Documenta-
trk, The Founder of Turkish Republic. Hitit Univer- tion. The number of resources of these units is: Fa-
No. of Research Centers : 2 culty of Theology 18854, Faculty of Economics and
sity wants to be a knowledge-centre for conducting
No. of Vocational Schools : 4 pioneering and innovative research that passes the Administrative Sciences-1550, Faculty of Enginee-
Conservatory : None quality test of the national and international scien- ring-1179, Vocational School-3309, Health Scho-
No of Short Cycle Student : 2.965 tific and academic world, Hitit University wants to ol-1615.
No of 1st Cycle Student : 3.330 offer everybody with the appropriate competences
the opportunity to acquire scientific knowledge, at- STUDENT LIFE
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 74 titudes and skills to realise his or her role in society. In every field of life, cultural and artistic activities are
No of 3rd Cycle Student : organized at Hitit University. As part of student fes-
No. of Academic Staff : 90 CITY tivals held every year, spring festivals and various en-
No. of Research Assistans : 65 orum is a province in the Black Sea region of Tur- tertainment programmes, the students get the op-
key, but lying inland and having more characteristics portunity to have fun as much as they can. Moreo-
No. of Lecturers : 9 ver, at different times of year, the cultural visits to
of Central Anatolia than the Black Sea coast. The
town today is generally tidy and pleasant, with a lo- Turkeys historical and touristic areas are organized.
cally popular countryside. With its important archa- Our university, which participates in both national
Contact :
eological sites going back 5,000 years and a unique and international fairs, arranged many scientific or-
epni mah. Fen Lisesi cad. No:56
natural beauty, orum is attractive to the students. ganizations such as conferences, speeches, sympo-
ORUM - TRKYE siums in the academic years of 2009-2009. The stu-
Within the city, there is a good range of shops, cafs
+90 (364) 219 19 37 dent clubs such as European Students Forum Club,
and restaurants, with a cuisine that includes a vari-
+90 (364) 219 20 13 Nature Club, and Hitit Social Youth Club also hold
ety of pastries.
[email protected] orum is a landlocked northern Anatolian city that various scientific, cultural and artistic activities. The is the capital of the orum Province of Turkey. o- exhibitions prepared by different departments are rum is located inland in the central Black Sea Regi- organized for the students. The students can open
on of Turkey, and is approximately 244 km (152 mi) an exhibition if they have artistic works. For the stu-
from Ankara and 608 km (378 mi) from Istanbul. dents of our university, there are some course prog-
AREAS OF STUDY orum is primarily known for its Phrygian and Hit- rammes.
Biology, Turkish Language and Literature, Physics, tite archaeological sites, its thermal springs, and its
Chemistry, History, Economics, Business Administ- native dried chick-pea snacks known nationally as INTERNATIONALISATION
ration, Public Administration, Public Finance, Ba- leblebi. As well as the archeological and other histo- Since the academic year of 2007 - 2008 our stu-
sic Islamic Sciences, Philosophy and Religion Sci- ric sites, the countryside surrounding orum offers dents have had the opportunity to study in different
ences, Islamic Arts and History, Industrial Engine- many places to escape for p countries within the frame of Erasmus Programme
ering, Food Engineering, Chemical Engineering, as well as international students have been coming
Medicine, Coaching Education, Recreation, Sports ACCOMODATION to Hitit University. Erasmus Program enables student
Management, Nursing, Leather Technology, Cont- University students are placed in the dormitory for and teaching staff mobility between European co-
rol and Automation Systems, Crafts, Accommoda- 1000 people by The Institution of Loans and Dormi- untries and thus encourages the intercultural inte-
tion Services, Computer Programming, Office Ma- tories. Another option for housing is private dormi- raction. Every academic year, our university has app-
nagement and Secretarial Training, Electrics, Tech- tories. orum is a convenient city to live in for stu- roximately 15 international students. ECTS is used
nology of Electrics, Traditional Crafts, Map and dents. Some students choose to stay at rental apart- to evaluate the grades of Erasmus students.
Cadastre, Construction Technologies, Machinery, ments with their friends.
Furniture and Decoration, Accounting and Taxing There are also apart houses which serve as alternati- LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
Applications, Automotive Technologies, Marke- ve accommodations for the students to stay in. The- English language courses and vocational English are
ting, Ceramics and Glass Work, Textile Technologi- se apart houses that are prevalent throughout the taught at Hitit University.
152 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY is relatively cheaper than many EU countries. The
Technical Education, Science and Letters, dormitory has its laundry and dining hall.
Engineering, Business and Administrative Scien- Besides, students have the chance to live in Stu-
ces, Fine Arts and Design, Technology, Medicine, dents Houses which are quite near to the campus.
Management, Health Care, Physical Education They share the rooms with a roommate and each
and Sports, Tourism, Restoration, Radio and Tv, room includes private bathroom, kitchen, perso-
Textile, Music, Architecture and Painting. nal desks and wardrobes. There are also some fa-
cilities for students such as laundry, dining hall
UNIVERSITY and TV rooms.
Among the recently established state universiti-
es, located on the Western Black Sea Region of LABORATORIES
Turkey, Karabk University has 8 faculties (Tech- The faculties and the vocational schools have the-
nical Education, Technology, Science & Letters, ir own libraries and computer laboratories. In the-
Fine Arts & Design, Engineering, Medical, Mana- se laboratories, computer courses and thinternet
gement, Economics and Administrative Sciences), service are provided for all the students of the uni-
1 School of Health Technology, 1 School of Pysi- versity. In the main library students are able to get
cal Education and Sport, 2 Higher Schools of Vo- 128.000 e-books and about 35.000 books.
cational Education, 1 Institute of Natural & Appli-
ed Sciences and 1 Institute of Social Sciences and STUDENT LIFE
offers a wide range of graduate and undergradu- Students at Karabk University participate in the
ate programs. various activities such as recreational sport clubs,
One of the aims of Karabk University is to incre- cultural clubs, chess club, folk dances club, dra-
ase participation of population in workforce and ma clubs, dancing clubs, photograph club, table
its education level as well as provide opportuniti- tennis additionally in-door sports (basketball, vol-
es to working individuals to enable them to imp- leyball). Students can find ways of entertainment
rove their capacities related to accessing know- to meet their needs by joining one of these clubs.
ledge about their jobs. The university has a very active Student Council.
Throughout the year students make activities inc- Date of Foundation : 2007
luding exhibitions, concerts, etc. EUC Number : 249262
Erasmus ID : TR KARABUK01
Karabk Universitys International Relations offi- No. of Faculties : 8
ce was established to manage and develop inter- No. of Institutes : 2
national institutional connections, staff and stu- No. of Research Centers : 5
dent exchanges and research programs. It is cru- No. of Vocational Schools : 5
cial that KBU involve in cooperative activities with
Conservatory : None
universities having EUC to improve and innova-
No of Short Cycle Student : 5.097
te the quality of education. Major objective of the
No of 1st Cycle Student : 6.075
university is to become an integrated institution
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 520
with the international curriculum in accordance
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 13
with the principles of ECTS.
No. of Academic Staff : 227
LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION No. of Research Assistans : 93
Karabk Province is in the Black Sea region of Tur- In most of the departments medium of instruc- No. of Lecturers : 39
key. The population is 100,749. As a result of the tion is Turkish but in Computer Engineering and
Contact :
revolution decision of the Great Leader Atatrk Mechanical Engineering medium of instruction is
100. Yl Mahallesi
on the manner of industrialization, Karabk pro- English. And in Electrical and Electronic Enginee-
International Relations Office
vince was chosen for the foundation of the first ring and Automative Engineering 30% is English.
78050 Karabk/TURKEY
integrated iron - steel facility namely Kardemir +90 (370) 433 66 87
(Karabk Iron and Steel Works), of Turkey. As the +90 (370) 433 66 97
60 % of the Karabk Province is covered with fo- [email protected]
rests, the city has a suitable medium for hunting
sport. It hosts numerous natural trekking areas.
The canyons hold a peculiar place among the na-
tural beauties of Karabk. Mencilis Cave is loca-
ted at the Bulak village. With its 6,5 km length, it
is the 4th largest cave of our country Safranbolu
is the focus of interest not for Turkey, but also for
the whole world with its historical values. Safran-
bolu is a sample city which reflects all the qualities
of the traditional Turkish social life and which pre-
serves the cultural legacy created through its long
historical past, within its environmental texture.
There is a public dormitory on campus which can
accommodate nearly 1000 students and its price
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 153
AREAS OF STUDY both historical and natural places of interest to suit
Architecture, Interior Architecture, Urban and Re- everyone taste.
gional Planning, Communication, Public Relations
and Advertising, Dentistry, Economics and Admi- ACCOMODATION
nistrative Sciences, Labour Economics and Industri- Karadeniz Technical University has seven halls of re-
al Relations, Econometrics, Economics, Business Ad- sidence on its campusses. Besides these, there are
ministration, Public Administration, Public Finance, also many private accommodations within easy re-
International Relations, Education, Computer and ach of the main campus. These are all shared ac-
commodation. In addition, there are fully furnished
Instructional Technologies Education, Fundamen-
tals of Guidance, Music Education, Arts Education, self-contained rooms built for the international stu-
Elementary, Science Education, Elemenary Mathe- dents and staff, both on the main campus and on
matics Education, Early Childhood Education, Class- the Fatih campus. The university has recently built a
room Education, Social Sciences Education, Biology very high standard-conference hotel which will also
Education, Physics Education, Chemistry Education, serve as a hostel for incoming students.
Mathmematics Education, Secondary Social Science
Education, Hearing with Obstacles Education, Men- LABORATORIES
tal with Obstacles Education, Turkish Education, En- The main library is equipped with all facilities a stu-
gineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical and dent may need. It has subscriptions to major on-line
Electronics Engineering, Civil Engineering. data bases with hundreds of periodicals, as well as
on-line books and thesis. All students, after enrol-
UNIVERSITY ling in the University, area given full access to the
The university is one of the largest state universiti- library where services of surfing on internet, compu-
es in Turkey with one of the best campus settings. ting, catalogue-search and photocopying are provi-
The main campus is situated along the Black Sea co- ded. The library is open from eight- in the morning
ast, covers and area of 400 acres, and can be iden- to nine oclock in the evening during weekdays, and
tified from its surroundings by its atmosphere. The from nine- to five oaclock during the weekends.
university is in a very easy reach by road, sea, and Students are provided computing facilities in mo-
air. It is only five minutes away from the internati- dern computer labs. Wireless internet connection
Date of Foundation : 1955 onal airport which receives tens of daily domestic is provided throughout the main campus for those
EUC Number : 221082 and international flights. Firms of many inter-city co- who have notebook computers.
Erasmus ID : TR TRABZON01 aches bring the students directly into the campus
State University which has all the facilities a student may be in need STUDENT LIFE
No. of Faculties : 15 of. The health centre is equipped with basic faciliti- Students can take advantage of a dining hall with a
No. of Institutes :4 es, and the university research hospital is in five mi- capacity of 800 seats on the main campus, and nu-
No. of Research Centers : 15 nutes walk. merous snack bars and cafeterias serving a range of
No. of Vocational Schools :8 snacks, and hot and cold beverages. The university
Conservatory : Yes CITY is one of the richest not in the country, but in the
No of Short Cycle Student : 7.086 Trabzon, historically and socio-culturally, is the most world, in the provision of social and sports facilities
No of 1st Cycle Student : 29.383 important centre of Eastern Black Sea Region, and to its students. They can benefit from sport faciliti-
has a history of approximately 5000 year. Due to es of all kind, from football to swimming. They can
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 2.510
this still-ongoing significance, the city is easily acces- also find ways of entertainment to suit their needs
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 764
sible by all means of transport. Trabzon airport con- by joining one of many student clubs with activities
No. of Academic Staff : 974
nects the town to major cities both in Turkey, and such as climbing, chess, and aviation.
No. of Research Assistans : 811
in Europe. There are frequent coach services from
No. of Lecturers : 61 Trabzon to almost any parts of the country. The city INTERNATIONALISATION
is located in an area where green and blue embrace KTU is one of the first universities in Turkey to join
Contact : each other, and has got a rich culture in various as- the Erasmus program. Over the past few years, it has
D likiler Birimi, Rektrlk pects. The local features are dominant even today, realised an enormous increase in international acti-
61080 Trabzon, Turkey and most of the traditions have been kept alive. This vities with universities around the globe. The num-
+90 (462) 377 33 48 is especially reflected in its own traditional hand- bers of bilateral agreements and outgoing and inco-
+90 (462) 325 32 32 crafted works, the folk dances, original architectu- ming exchange students have increased steadily. To
[email protected] enhance such exchanges we have taken all the me-
ral structure and the clothing style. The sea and fish are the two major aspects of life in Trabzon, whe- asures required, which helped the university receive
re spending a free day means a lot with a variety of diploma supplement and ECTS labels. KTU is one of
the two ECTS holders in the country.
Teaching language at KTU is mainly Turkish, but
there are also departments with 30% of the cour-
ses being taught in English. Currently the students
of 22 first cycle degree programmes, and all of the
second and third cycle programmes must show the
required qualifications in English to be able to start
the degree courses. A complete list of the courses
and their teaching media is given in the information
packages of each department to be found at http://
154 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
Froresty, Nursing, Education, Pyhsical Education There are two dormitories belonging to Credit
&Sport, Bussiness Managment, Biology, Pyhsics, and Dormitories Institution, one near the Kuzey-
Philisophy,History, kent Campus and the other in the city centre. The
capacity of the former is 312 male and 400 fema-
UNIVERSITY le students and the capacity of the latter is 244 fe-
Kastamonu University was founded on the ba- male students. Apart from these dormitories the-
sis of the law no 5467 which was enacted on 1st re are many private dormitories with several fa-
March, 2006 , and the university is composed of cilities, especially in the city centre and near the
Faculty of Science and Arts, Faculty of Educati- campus.
on, Faculty of Forestry, School of Health, School LABORATORIES
of Physical Education and Sports and Vocational
School of Higher Education. Today, the University
is proud to employ 178 faculty instructors (pro-
Kastamonu University library is a collection of so-
urces, resources, and services,Central Library of
Kastamonu University in order that the teaching
fessors, associates professors etc.), and 159 ad- staff and scholars of Kastamonu Univesity reach
ministrative personnel. It is a great pleasure to of- the latest and accurate information in the cour-
fer education to 7.092 students. Kastamonu Uni- se of their studies.
versity, whose foundation and construction works
are still ongoing, pursues its educational activiti- STUDENT LIFE
es with 4 faculties, 2 schools, 4 vocational scho- Social and cultural activities in Kastamonu Univer-
ol, 2 institutes. sity are performed both in university and in the
faculties and school of higher education. In order
for the students to spend their spare time in the
best way, artistic activities are exhibited and ama-
teur works are promoted and supervised. Works
prepared and exhibited by the students are open
to public. Spring festival and the Newroz festi-
val are regularly celebrated in our university. Du-
ring these festivals, students stand for sales and
presentation, sports activities, movies and theat- Date of Foundation : 2006
re shows, various contests, panels, conferences, EUC Number : 245197
symposiums, fashion shows and concerts attract Erasmus ID : TR KASTAMO01
many visitors. In addition, Kastamonu University State University
hosts entertainment programmes, concerts, ex- No. of Faculties : 4
hibitions, movies, productions and other cultural No. of Institutes : 2
activities throughout the year.
No. of Research Centers :
No. of Vocational Schools : 6
CITY Kastamonu University serves coordination and No of Short Cycle Student : 3.878
It is not definitely known when Kastamonu was consultancy in international platform through No of 1st Cycle Student : 3.047
first founded. However, some sources dating coordinating with academic and administrative No of 2nd Cycle Student : 167
back to the Early Middle Ages refer to the provin- units of the university. No of 3rd Cycle Student :
ce. There are also some archeological findings da- We have a high opinion of educating our stu- No. of Academic Staff : 178
ting back to about 100,000[citation needed] ye- dents as individuals who are knowledgeable and No. of Research Assistans : 31
ars that suggest the region was inhabited then. well-equipped in his/her field, devoted to social No. of Lecturers : 23
There are theories that the word Kastamonu deri- and universal values, sensitive to and interested
ves from Castra Comnenus, the Latin name of the in cultural and artistic acquisitions and benefici-
Contact :
Byzantine castle built by the Comnenus dynasty. al to his/her country in particularly and humanity
Cumhuriyet Meydan 37200
During the Ottoman reign, the province boun- in general.
Kastamonu - Turkey
daries were expanded up to reach Istanbul. The
+90 (366) 280 10 26
sultans heirs were often sent to rule the provin- LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
+90 (366) 280 10 38
ce as governors to gain experience. After the First Turkish
[email protected]
World War, during the battles of the Turkish War
of Independence, Kastamonu played an impor-
tant role in the supply of ammunition and troops
to the nebolu-Ankara front, transporting the war
machines that would arrive to nebolu by sea from
Istanbul and the Soviets. When the Greeks noti-
ced this activity, the nebolu port was bombarded
from the sea on June 9, 1921.
Ilgaz Mountain (highest peak 2587 m.
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 155
AREAS OF STUDY to this Samsun has a long history and its myths go
Short Cycle back even longer.
Tourism and Hotel Management, Accounting and The delta of Kzlrmak is considered as one of the
Tax Implementations, Secretarial Studies, Agricul- most important wildlife habitat in the world.
tural Machinery, Printing Technologies, Computer
Programming, Child Development, Electrics, Elect- ACCOMODATION
ronics, Handcrafts, Electronics Technology, Grap- Incoming Erasmus students are accommodated in
hic Design, Machinery, Decorative Arts, Automotive our university hotel Omtel Tepe with a special dis-
Technology, Greenhousing, Industrial Electronics, count. Upon desire, the students can easily find ot-
Organic Agriculture, Medical and Aromatic Plants, her means of accommodation such as private dor-
Tobacco Growing and Processing, Physiotherapy, mitories, boarding houses, or share accommodati-
Construction Technology, Mapping and Cadastre, on with other native or foreign students.
Construction, Food Technology, Marketing, Furni-
ture and Decoration, Anaesthetics, Opticianary, Pa- LABORATORIES
ramedics, Medical Documentation, Medical Labora- Almost all departments at OMU are equipped with
tory, Medical Visualisation computers. There are a total of 5469 computers
(desktop and laptop) and 1850 printers for the use
First Cycle of students, academic and administrative staff. The
Medicine, Environmental Engineering, Electrical main University Library has a shelving capacity of
and Electronical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Sur- 120,000 volumes and seating capacity for 400 re-
veying Engineering, Computer Engineering, Materi- aders. It has 60000 volumes of printed and 50000
al Science and Engineering, Industrial Engineering, volumes of electronic books, 700 multimedia reso-
Mechanical Engineering, Food Engineering, Theo- urces, 43000 print and electronic journals and 40
logy, Computer and Instructional Technologies Edu- online databases. There is also a voice library equip-
cation, Early Childhood Education, Social Scie ped with 500 voice books for visually impaired stu-
dents and staff. The library has a chess room and wi-
UNIVERSITY reless internet connection. The university has an in-
With the vision of reaching the ultimate in scien- ternet centre, which students and staff can use free
tific and technological innovations, quality in tra- of charge.
ining, education and stakeholder satisfaction, On-
dokuz Mays University (OMU aims to contribute to STUDENT LIFE
the economic and cultural development of the regi- There are 45 Student Clubs actively involved in va-
on and raising questioning and analytically oriented rious areas of sport, music, dance, theatre, environ-
students; our mission is to provide scientific, educa- ment and science. Some of our student clubs are:
Date of Foundation : 1975 Astronomy, Ecological Living, Photography and Tra-
tional and health services to its stakeholders, using
EUC Number : 220260 the developing technologies while remaining dedi- velling, Bird Watching, Aviation and Mountainee-
Erasmus ID : TR SAMSUN01 cated to the universal ethical values with an innova- ring, Winter Sports, Search and Rescue Club. The
State University tive, quality seeking, leader mentality. International Relations Student Club is one of the
No. of Faculties : 12 Our university is a modern local university with fa- most active clubs. Besides assisting our incoming in-
culties and schools spread across seven counties of ternational students for their easy and harmonious
No. of Institutes : 4 adaptation to campus life, the club also organises
Samsun. The Universitys first and largest faculty,
No. of Research Centers : 16 the Faculty of Medicine, is also a university hospital. social and cultural activities, such as, campus and
No. of Vocational Schools : 9 Similarly, the Faculty of Dentistry is a Dental Hospi- city tours, sightseeing trips, visits to neighbouring
Conservatory : Yes tal. Serving the inhabitants of the entire Black Sea cities, etc.
No of Short Cycle Student : 5.494 Region, both faculties provide treatment in all areas Students can participate in 10 different branches
of health and dental care. of sport in the indoor and outdoor complexes situ-
No of 1st Cycle Student : 18.250 ated in the various campuses. The University has 6
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 1.279 CITY football fields, 5 gymnasiums, 10 basketball, 10 vol-
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 504 The central campus of OMU is located in Samsun, leyball and 4 tennis courts and a swimming pool of
No. of Academic Staff : 836 a city with an international harbour in the North of Olympic standards. Every year, traditional sport ac-
No. of Research Assistans : 920 Turkey on the coast of the Black Sea. tivities, competitions and excursions are organised
Historically known as Amissos, Samsun is the lar- by the University.
No. of Lecturers : 222
gest city on the Black Sea coast with a population of
approximately 1.3 million. It is a major commercial INTERNATIONALISATION
Contact : port, an industrial and agricultural city. Samsun is si- OMU gives great importance to the improvement of
International Relations Office tuated between two river deltas jutting out into the the quality of education and research and accepts
55139 Kurupelit Samsun-TURKEY Back Sea, in the counties of Bafra and aramba. In the demands of the students in preparing them for
+90 (362) 312 19 19 the west of the city lies the Kzlrmak (Halys), one an international career. Since the mobility of stu-
+90 (362) 457 60 25 of the longest rivers of Anatolia and in the east lies dents is considered as an important tool for realising
[email protected] the Yeilrmak (Iris), a river that passes some re- this, we give our students the opportunity to beco- markable towns on its way to the sea. In the past, me familiar with other European and non-European
page/ people were always attracted by the combination of cultures and educational systems through Erasmus fertile ground and shallow waters for a harbour, due and other international mobility. OMU is an accredi-
ted European Voluntary Service institution.
Our language of instruction is Turkish. However, we
have a special arrangement for incoming Erasmus
students. Some departments offer courses in Eng-
lish and these courses can vary each year.
Furthermore, the Department of Foreign Langua-
ges in the Faculty of Education offers programs in
French, German and English.
156 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 157
AREAS OF STUDY of Frtna River, classified as the first class area where
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Turkish Language and structural development is prohibited, has the phe-
Literature, History, Mathematics, Sociology, Primary nomenal view of the Glacial Lakes, besides those of
Teaching, Educational Sciences, Fine Arts, Religious ancient forests that host several sources as well as
Culture and Moral Knowledge, Computer and Teac- endemic species. If you want the excitement of the
Date of Foundation : 2006 hing Technologies, Turkish Teaching, Physical Edu- adventures you experience to stay with you for a li-
cation and Sports, Basic Islamic Knowledge, Philo- fetime, you must pay a visit to Rize.
EUC Number : 236769
sophy and Religious Sciences, Islamic History and Its
Erasmus ID : TR RIZE01
Art, Economics, Enterprise, Finance, Medical Scien- ACCOMODATION
State University There are dormitories directed by Higher Education
ces, Fisheries.
No. of Faculties : 8 Credits and Hostels Institution both for males and
No. of Institutes : 3 UNIVERSITY females. Moreover, we offer the guest house of our
No. of Research Centers : 2 Rize University that has a nine years past as a part of university located in the main campus for incoming
No. of Vocational Schools : 4 Karadeniz Technical University, was established in students.
Conservatory : None 2006. Although being a new university, it has more
No of Short Cycle Student : 4.994 than 8000 students. As a young university. It has ai-
No of 1st Cycle Student : 2.647 med to provide contemporary and qualified educa- LABORATORIES
tion. There are 3 institutes, 6 faculties, 6 vocatio- We have a main library and computer laboratories
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 203
nal schools. (free internet) for student use. All departments and
No of 3rd Cycle Student :
vocational schools have their own laboratories whe-
No. of Academic Staff : 396
CITY re students can study or do research. Zoology, Mole-
No. of Research Assistans : 81 Rize is the favor and the name of the Turkish Tea is cular Biology, Biochemistry, Organic-Inorganic Che-
No. of Lecturers : 36 located in the North east coast of Turkey and settled mistry, Water Quality, Fish Nutrition, Fish Diseases
between the hills covered with tea fields and Black- laboratories were other available ones.
sea. As a result of its strategic location, it hosted se-
Contact :
International Office, Rize University, veral empires in history and contributed a lot to this STUDENT LIFE
53100 Rize TURKEY city. This land witnessed several empires like Pontus, Students are encouraged to have their own clubs
+90 (464) 223 61 26 Byzantine, Seljuk and the Ottomans which were the of their interests like theatre, cinema, mountaine-
+90 (464) 223 53 76 sources for the rich and authentic culture of Rize. ering, bird watching, diving Currently, there are 24
[email protected] The Kackar summit, the fourth highest point in Tur- students clubs. In the main campus, a closed sports key, is 3937 meters high and houses several places center is at the service of staff of the university and which gained worldwide significance like the Valley students. Football, basketball, volleyball, hand-
ball, table tennis, chess and folklore are among the
sports activities students take part in. The region is
rich in natural beauties and it is very convenient for
sports activities like heliski, mountain climbing, and
paragliding or rafting.
Rize University has bilateral agreements with uni-
versities abroad for students and academic staff to
benefit from the advantage of Exchange programs.
Besides, the university has joint projects with Euro-
pean universities and its vision is to be among the le-
ading universities of the world.
The main language of instruction is in Turkish and to
a lesser extent in English.
158 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY The Forest Camp, Tatlca Waterfalls containing 28
Educational Sciences, Pre-School Teacher Trai- stunning cascades) are only some of the count-
ning, Primary School Teacher Training, Elemen- less beauties.
tary Science Teacher Training, Biology, Statis-
tics, Mathematics, Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, ACCOMODATION
Nursing, Accounting, Computer Technology and There are two state owned dormitories with the
Programming, Electricity, Machinery, Industrial capacity of 650 students and there are several pri-
Electronics, Textile, Construction, Map and Ca- vate dormitories as well. Such dormitories inclu-
dastral Survey, Tourism and Hotel Management de rooms shared by 2 to 4 students, and are ai-
med at housing students who cannot afford to
UNIVERSITY pay for better accommodation. Students who do
Sinop University is a state university the origin of not want to stay in dormitories can select to stay
which dates back to the foundation of Faculty of in private accommodation in apartment blocks.
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences in 1982. This pi-
oneering Faculty together with Faculty of Sci- LABORATORIES
ences and Letters, Faculty of Education, Scho- All the faculties and vocational schools have the-
ol of Health Studies, Vocational Schools, Institu- ir own science and computer laboratories and de-
te of Natural and Applied Sciences and Institute partmental libraries. In addition, there is one cent-
of Social Sciences have formed Sinop University ral library in the Rectorate Building. Online access
in 2007. to many databases around the world is provided
Sinop University applied to European Commissi- along with a loan service actively bringing all your
on for Erasmus University Charter in November needs to you. All the science and computer labo-
2007 and thus, Erasmus student and staff exchan- ratories have equipped with the up-to-date tech-
ge program at our university has been carried out nology.
since then. Our University dedicates itself not only
for quality education supported by the technolo- STUDENT LIFE
gical advances but also social life of students pro- There are various recreational, social and sport
clubs at Sinop University. Many concerts, exhibi- Date of Foundation : 2007
viding a vision for their future. It is also ready to
embrace international students with their educa- tions, contests and competitions are arranged by EUC Number : 249867
tional and cultural belongings to mix with Turkish the University. Several sport centers are available Erasmus ID : TR SINOP01
hospitality. for students on and off campus. They may choose State University
one of such sports branches like football, basket- No. of Faculties : 4
ball, volleyball, judo and diving. The diving club is No. of Institutes : 1
one of the most preferred by students. No. of Research Centers :
No. of Vocational Schools : 4
Sinop University International Relations Office ac- No of Short Cycle Student : 1.012
tively manages and develops international con- No of 1st Cycle Student : 1.342
nections since the foundation of the University. It No of 2nd Cycle Student : 54
has undertaken student and staff exchange prog- No of 3rd Cycle Student : 16
rams in many European countries. On the other No. of Academic Staff : 210
hand, Sinop University involves in several coope- No. of Research Assistans : 56
rative activities with some universities and scienti- No. of Lecturers : 10
fic bodies in European and Non-European count-
Contact :
Erasmus Kurum Koordinatrl, Sinop ni-
versitesi Rektrl, 57000 Sinop, Turkey
A selection of ordinary courses are offered in Eng-
+90 (368) 271 57 57
lish for International Students.
+90 (368) 271 57 63
CITY [email protected]
Sinop is located at the extreme northern point of
the Black Sea Region and is unique with its narro-
west feature of the Boztepe Peninsula in Turkey.
The province is also one of the most beautiful na-
tural seaports, one of the oldest cities of the Black
Sea Region and is the birth place of the philosop-
her Diogenes. The city provides unbelievable bea-
uties to its visitors with the beaches which lie one
each other. There are many places to see; Sinop
Castle, Old Sinop Prison, Archeological Museum,
Ethnographic Museum (Aslan Torun Bey Konak),
Beaches and the Promenade places (i.e. Hamsilos
Bay, Natural protection site of Sarkum, Akliman
Locality with its long beaches, Karakum Locality,
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 159
Medicine, Biology, Chemistry, Mining Engineering, In the Main Campus, there is a network with appro-
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Economics, ximately 4000 meters fiber optic. 50 Mbit/sec mb in-
Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering ternet speed is reachable via Ulakbim. Since the Fa-
culties and Vocational Schools have their own com-
UNIVERSITY puter laboratories, students can obtain free compu-
The University was established in Zonguldak in ac- ter and internet services.
cordance with the Law no. 3837 issued on July 11th Our University has buildings on 11 different cam-
1992 and was incorporated as Zonguldak Karael- puses and a library is established on each campus.
mas University on January 1st, 1993. The library collections consist of books, printed ma-
Zonguldak Karaelmas University is situated in the terials, audio-visual and electronic sources mostly
Date of Foundation : 1992 coastline where splendid green harmony of The on Mechanical Engineering, Mining, Geodesy, Geo-
EUC Number : 220856 Black Sea ends and wonderful sea-blue begins. logy, Arts and Sciences, Electric, Construction, Arc-
Erasmus ID : TR ZONGULD01 When the foundation laws of its faculties and de- hitecture, Medicine, Economics, Business, Accoun-
State University partments are taken into consideration, Zonguldak ting, Fine Arts, Music and Foreign Languages in ad-
No. of Faculties :8 Karaelmas University may be called a region univer- dition to materials on various disciplines.
No. of Institutes :3 sity. Located in the vicinity of the western Black Sea
No. of Research Centers : 10 Region, the University operates in Zonguldak and 5 STUDENT LIFE
nearby towns (Alapl, Ereli, aycuma, Devrek, Gk- Social, cultural and sports facilities are organised ac-
No. of Vocational Schools :6
ebey), in 8 different campuses and 17 active Higher cording to the interests and abilities of the students
Conservatory : Yes
Education Institutions in total which consist of with in order to spend the spare time efficiently. The stu-
No of Short Cycle Student : 5.683 7 Faculties, 2 Schools, 1 Conservatory, 3 Institutes dents identify the activities they want to be involved
No of 1st Cycle Student : 7.898 and 6 Vocational Schools. in by filling a form during the registration and they
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 511 are provided with the opportunities related to their
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 89 CITY interests and abilities.
No. of Academic Staff : 833 The Main University Campus is located in Zongul- As the students are provided with opportunities
No. of Research Assistans : 302 dak, a charming city with a population of 106.000 to do sports in the branches of basketball, volley-
No. of Lecturers : 89 which is famous for its coal called The Black Dia- ball, taekwan-do, football and road race, the teams
mond. The city is attractive for students with its na- chosen in the elections that take place on the Main
ture: its pine forests and the sea. The nearby towns Campus participate in the competitions among the
Contact : Karabk, Bartn, Amasra, Ereli and Alapl have also other universities every year. The students are able
Uluslararas likiler Ofisi, Rektrlk Binas many tourist attractions. The wooden walking sticks to play basketball, volleyball, tennis and lawn pitch
Kat 6. 67100 ncivez/Zonguldak produced in Devrek are world-famous. Safranbo- football matches in the indoor and open sports
+90 (372) 257 40 10 lu, as a rarely preserved example of traditional Ot- centres. They have also the opportunities to do road
+90 (372) 257 62 15 toman architecture until today, attracts many tou- race, taekwondo, cycling, caving and nature sports.
[email protected]
rists every year. The nearby big industrial enterpri- There are gyms, billiards and table tennis on the ses such as Ereli Demir elik and Karabk Karde- Main Campus
php?lang=en mir and operating ports enliven the economic life. Many small industrial enterprises in aycuma are INTERNATIONALISATION
developing rapidly. Therefore, the economic and An international Relations Office has been establis-
socio-cultural fabric of the region fully responds to hed to contribute to the process of integration with
expectations of the university students. European Union and to constitute the necessary inf-
rastructure for the application of European educa-
ACCOMODATION tion programs such as LLP-Erasmus. Our universiti-
There are no problems regarding the accommoda- es from different countries an important portion of
tion of the students. The students enrolled in the our academic staff had finished their graduate stu-
departments of the faculties on the Main Campus dies in different countries.
live in the dormitories belonging to the Institution
of Higher Education Credit and Hostels, and the stu- LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
dents on the other campuses are accommodated in Courses are in Turkish.
the dormitories on the related campuses. The dor-
mitories provide hot water, breakfast and appeti-
sers. The study rooms in the dormitories enable stu-
dents to study in a relaxed atmosphere.
160 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
Intentionally left blank
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 161
Eastern Anatolia Region
AREAS OF STUDY dents for their nutrition to eat cheap, healthy and
Social sciences and humanities, Azerbaijan Tur- qualified food. Our university holds the capacity
kish and Literature, Modern Turkish Dialects of giving food to approximately 1000 students
&Literatures, History, Turkish Language and Lite- every day. Food menus are prepared by taking
rature, Archaeology, Western Languages and Li- into consideration the energy and food require-
teratures, Information Management, Geography, ment of the students in fully hygienic conditions.
Date of Foundation : 2008
Science of Translation, Eastern Languages and Ardahan University has dormitories for 500 boys
EUC Number : 256460
Literatures, Philosophy, Caucasian Language and and 300 girls providing them to be able to conti-
Erasmus ID : TR ARDAHAN01
Literature, Psychology, History of Art, Sociology, nue their lives in a comfortable environment.
State University
Economics & Admnstratve Sciences, Business
No. of Faculties : 3
Administration, Economics, Political Science and LABORATORIES
No. of Institutes : 2
Public Administration, Engneerng, Civil Enginee- Within the campus, there is an equipped health
No. of Research Centers : 2
ring, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engine- center concerning our students health problems
No. of Vocational Schools : 2
ering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering. and there is a modern library supported by Project
Conservatory : None
of the European Union which contains 20.000
No of Short Cycle Student : 1.050
UNIVERSITY books and also online subscriptions.
No of 1st Cycle Student : 1.100
Ardahan University has already taken the first step
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 10
for becoming an international university worldwi- STUDENT LIFE
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 6
de with its foundation under the 5765 law that is Ardahan University, a transition point opening to
No. of Academic Staff : 96
accepted in 22th May 2008 by the Turkish Natio- Cenral Asia and Caucasus, organizes collective
No. of Research Assistans : 10
nal Assembly. scientific, social, cultural and sportive activities by
No. of Lecturers : 6
The aim of Ardahan University is to serve our co- the agreements made with the countries in the
untry and its people with its democratic and mo- region and tries to bring an international pers-
Contact :
dern structure in this informative age. There are pective to our students. In Ardahan University,
Rectorship of Ardahan University,
already 96 academicians, totally 2150 students the basic needs required for the activities of the
International Office, 75000 Ardahan, TURKEY
+90 (506) 546 68 25 including 1100 students of bachelor degrees, Student Council and Student Clubs whose mem-
+90 (478) 211 29 73 1050 students of associate degrees and 120 ad- bers are chosen by students, are fulfilled by our
[email protected] ministrative personals. university. We invite you to see Ardahans mag- In our university, at present, there are three facul- nificent nature just as an unspoken tale and its ties: One graduate school, two vocational scho- cultural richness.
ols, two institutes and also a research institute of
Central Asia and Caucasu Ardahan University as- INTERNATIONALISATION
pires to educate students who have a broad vision Bilateral Agreements with different countries wit-
taking science as a guide, being reverent to hu- hin the context of Erasmus and Bologna
manity and labor, accepting diversity as richness
in favor of our country, region and all humanity. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
In the department of Azerbaijan Turkish and Lite-
CITY rature Azerbaijani Language is used as an educa-
Ardahan is a province founded in 27 May 1992. It tion language. As for English, it is also taught in
is placed in the northeast of Turkey. different departments. Turkish is mother tongue.
Assistant Prof. Zeki UYANIK, International Office
Ardahan University takes great care about stu-
164 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY private dorms and student guesthouses around the
Accommodation Management, Agricultural Bio- campuses.
technology, Agricultural Buildings & Irrigation, Ag-
ricultural Economics, Agricultural Machinery, Ani- LABORATORIES
mal Science, Aquaculture, Archaeology, Basic Art The university boasts a well designed library in the
Education, Biology, Business Administration, Cera- main campus with over 300.000 volumes with au-
mics, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Cinema TV, dio visual, and electronic publications, and 550 se-
Civil Engineering, Computer Education & Instructi- ats for readers. The library is one of the richest in
onal Technology, Computer Engineering, Econo-
metrics, Economics, Educational Sciences, Electrical-
Electronics Engineering, English Language & Litera-
the country in terms of its entries, historical books
and collections. There are 345 laboratories estab-
lished within academic units, provided for the use
ture, English Language Teaching, Environmental of the students as well as for teaching and rese-
Engineering, Fashion Design & Textile, Field Crops, arch. These laboratories are equipped with the la-
Fine Arts Teaching, Food & Beverage Management, test technologies. Computer Sciences Application
Food Engineering, French Language & Literature, and Research Center provides computer education,
French Language Teaching, Geography, Geology related written and electronic material and consul-
Engineering, German Language & Literature, Ger- tancy services for the academics, students, and pub-
man Language Teaching, Graphic Design, History, lic. In addition to those in faculties, the center has 3
History of Art, Horticulture, Industrial Engineering, labs with a total of 260 computers.
Information & Documentation Management, Inter-
national Relations, Journalism, Labor Economics & STUDENT LIFE
Industrial Relations. One of the priorities of Atatrk University is to make
students active participants in social, cultural, and
UNIVERSITY artistic events, rather than mere spectators. Free co-
Founded in 1957, Atatrk University is one of the urses open every year in order to give all students
citys most significant resources. Since its estab- the opportunity to improve their skills in Turkish
lishment, it has served as a hub of educational and folk dances, Turkish folk music, western music, tra-
cultural excellence for the region. As its very name ditional musical instruments and theater. Moreover,
suggests, it was Mustafa Kemal Atatrk who first there are free cinema shows, concerts, cultural car-
openly declared in 1937 the necessity to establish a nivals, music and folk dance shows, cinema days,
university in Eastern Anatolia in the form of a regi- street carnivals, celebrations and commemorations,
Date of Foundation : 1957
onal university. Immediately after its establishment, exhibitions, panels and symposiums presented for
Atatrk University was twinned with the University students. Traditionally, intramural sports compe- EUC Number : 227810
of Nebraska. Great strides have been made since titions are held every spring during the Spring Erasmus ID : TR ERZURUM01
the establishment of the university with the initial Festival in many branches between the faculties State University
enrolment of 135 students to over 39.000 at pre- and schools. In addition to those located in the city, No. of Faculties : 17
sent. Atatrk University has over 160 thousand there are on-campus canteens, cafes, resting halls, No. of Institutes : 7
graduates as of 2009. In addition, the university a patisserie, restaurants, sports halls, tennis courts,
No. of Research Centers : 18
currently has approximately 13.000 students in dis- a bowling alley, a movie theatre, an art gallery, bar-
tant learning. An institution of higher education for bers and hairdressers which provide services for the No. of Vocational Schools : 10
over half a century, our university continues to serve students Conservatory : None
the region with 50 academic units. Our university No of Short Cycle Student : 6.795
also provided the foundations of many universities INTERNATIONALISATION No of 1st Cycle Student : 26.657
in Turkey. Right after its foundation, Ataturk University was No of 2nd Cycle Student : 2.956
twinned with the University of Nebraska. Since
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 1.435
CITY then, the University has been expanding its collabo-
ration with many partner universities in the US, Eu- No. of Academic Staff : 1.355
Atatrk, the founder of modern Turkey, was hosted
in Erzurum at the beginning of the Turkish indepen- rope and Asia. Since the awarding of EUC in 2006, No. of Research Assistans : 878
dence movement on 23 July 1919. It is the city in volume of Erasmus mobility has been growing every No. of Lecturers : 133
which the foundations of the Turkish Republic were year. The University organizes international winter
first laid, thus making it one of the most significant and summer schools each year and has been sen- Contact :
cities of the Eastern Anatolia. ding and receiving students from all over the world Atatrk niversitesi D likiler Ofisi
Erzurum has for many centuries played a significant through other bilateral cooperation agreements.
Rektrlk Binas No:415 25240
role as a crossroad where many civilizations conver-
ged as one. You may see markings all around the LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
city from many ancient civilizations, such as Urar- The language of instruction is Turkish, however, +90 (442) 231 10 58
tians, Persians, Romans, Arabs and Byzantines. The there are courses designed for Erasmus students +90 (442) 231 10 39
city is characterized by many historical sites, which and taught in English, French and German. Courses [email protected]
provide a unique appearance to the surroundings. in language and literature departments are also ins-
One of these is the Double Minaret Medrese, dating tructed in English, French, German or in other res-
back to the 13th century. Erzurum is also a globally- pective languages.
known center for winter sports. Palandken Moun-
tain, on the edge of the city, offers some of the best
winter recreational activities in all of Turkey, where
skiing is possible until mid April.
Atatrk University offers a vast range of accom-
modation choices for students and teaching staff.
Apart from those who live in on-campus dormito-
ries, some choose to live in private accommodati-
on, which is only a short bus ride distance to the
campus. The dormitories have a total accommoda-
tion capacity of 9642 beds. Female and male dor-
mitories are provided for students in the main cam-
pus, Oltu, Pasinler, spir and Akale. There are also
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 165
of Economics, Business Administration, Public coming students are provided lodging and boar-
Finance, Public Administration, Nursing and Mid- ding at a very low subsidized cost in the university
wifery. dormitories located on campus. Visitor academics
are also provided bed and breakfast in the same
UNIVERSITY manner. There are canteens, laundry service and
The institution which was opened as Fema- dining hall. Dormitory rooms are for maximum 4
Date of Foundation : 2007 le Teacher Training School in the educational people. There are also 4 private dormitories for
EUC Number : 256553 year 1967-1968, has maintained the mission of students in the province.
Erasmus ID : TR AGRI01 bringing up teachers by turning into a two-year
State University training institute beginning from the educati- LABORATORIES
No. of Faculties : 4 onal year 1977-1978. It was linked on Atatrk Our library on the campus has a total floor area
University Kazm Karabekir Faculty of Education of 201 m2 and It has a 85 study seat capacity. Our
No. of Institutes : 2
with name of Ar Graduate School of Educati- library has 12.449 registered books and it is plan-
No. of Research Centers :
on and maintained education until 2007. There ning to increase the number of books in a near fu-
No. of Vocational Schools : 3
are 4 faculties, 3 vocational schools and 2 gra- ture. There are also 228 periodicals and 400 the-
Conservatory : None
duate schools. brahim een University of Ar, ses. Ten computer laboratories with internet ac-
No of Short Cycle Student : 666
which is a newly established University (2007) in cess are available at the university units. There are
No of 1st Cycle Student : 1.983 the outskirts of Ar Mountain, has become the also thirteen science laboratories in various sub-
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 8 symbol of the progress in the region. The location jects for teaching and research purposes.
No of 3rd Cycle Student : of the city makes the university more important
No. of Academic Staff : 136 as an istitution bridging civilizations. Within this STUDENT LIFE
No. of Research Assistans : 61 role in the region, our vision is to be an academic Cultural activities such as panel, symposium, con-
No. of Lecturers : 8 centre that links the European culture with the ference and film shows are performed in the Con-
countries in the Middle East, the Far East, and the ference Hall. The Sport Centre in the Faculty of
Contact : Middle Asia. Education hosts sports activity. Student clubs are
brahim een University of Ar active in various fields such as theatre, art and cul-
International Relations Unit CITY ture, photography and natural sports. Every year,
Rektrlk Binas, 04100 Ar Located in Eastern Turkey with a population of the university holds a traditional Spring Festival.
+90 (472) 215 16 70 91100, near to Noahs Ark on Ar Mountain Tournaments such as football, volleyball, basket-
+90 (472) 215 11 82 which is high stratovolcano, the highest mounta- ball, table tennis, badminton and chess are orga-
[email protected] in in Turkey. Rising up to a height of 5165 m., nized and students have the opportunity to play Ar Mountain is the main peak of Turkey and the various sports by attending tournaments. Lunch symbol of the city. Economy is based on agricul- is served every noon in all faculties and vocational
ture, animal husbandry, tourism and trade. The schools. There are public and private buses from
city is located on a 1,650 m. high plateau. Urar- the campuses to the city.
tu civilization has created the most rooted in this
AREAS OF STUDY area. Ar attracts tourists to the mountain, for INTERNATIONALISATION
Elementary Education, Turkish Language Edu- climbing and trekking in summers, and skiing in The International Relations Unit is responsible for
cation, Fine Arts Education, Physical Training, winters; and also some are keen to see places of the coordination and organization of internatio-
Educational Sciences, Computer Education interest such as shak Paa Palace and the second- nal academic activities of our university. Our uni-
and Instructional Technology, Mathematics, largest meteor crater in the world. The Ishak Paa versity was awarded Standart Erasmus University
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Turkish Language Palace is one of the most important historical mo- Charter in 2010. The priority of the University is
and Literature, History, Eastern Languages and nument to be seen in Ar. to increase its teaching staff and student mobility
Literatures, Sociology, Russian Language and within the lifelong learning programmes in the
Literature, Chinese Language and Literature, ACCOMODATION first place in order to internationalise its staff and
English Language and Literature, Departments There are 1000 places available for male and fe- students. Thus, the university also aims to increa-
male students in the University Dormitories. All in- se the number of its bilateral agreements.
166 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY Kalatepe peak (3,250 m) on the Bingl Mountains,
Letters and Science, Economics, Administrative Sci- near the town of Karliova is a great place to watch
ences, Agricultural Sciences, Architecture, Engi- the magnificent sunrise, especially between the
neering including departments of Biology, Physics, 15th of July and the 15th of August. The history of
Chemistry, Turkish Language and Literature, Eng- the city begins with the Urartians, and continues un-
lish Language and Literature, Eastern Languages
and Literatures, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology,
Mathematics, History, Economics, Business Admi-
der the hegemony of the Persians, the Seljuks and
then the Ottomans. BNGL
nistration, Public Administration, Food Engineering, ACCOMODATION
Agricultural Constructions, Agricultural Irrigation, Available
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 167
168 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY activities such as mountain sports, slope parachu-
Physical Education and Sports Teaching, Compu- ting etc., skiing, rafting, trekking, so on. Besides,
ter and Educational Technologies Teaching, Educa- Erzincan is famous for black Cimin Grape, Erzincan
tional Sciences, Fine Arts Educatio,Music Education, Tulum cheese and Cooper handcrafts. As for trans-
portation, Erzincan is positioned on the motorway
Primary Education, Elementary Science Teaching,
Elementary Mathematics Teaching, Social Sciences of Ankara-Yozgat-Sivas-Erzincan-Erzurum. There is a
Teaching, French Language Teaching, Turkish Lan- coach station available in the city center.
guage Teaching, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mat-
hematics, Turkish Language and Literature, Geog-
raphy, History, Law, Economics, Business Administ-
ration, Public Management, Medicine, Nursing, Ci-
There are seven dormitories (five of them five-
storeyed, two of them four-storeyed). They have
vil Aviation Management, Tourism and Hotel Mana- 2520 bed capacity in total. The rooms are for three
gement, Electrics, Rail System Management &Tech- or four. There are cafeteria, stationary, hair dresser,
nologies, Postal Services, Office Management, Aqu- internet cafe etc. within dormitory area. The close
aculture & Fishery, Architectural Restoration, Logis- proximity of the dormitories to the academic depart-
tics, Automotive Technologies ments and social facilities is also an advantage for
Erzincan University, having the vision of being a LABORATORIES
world university in Anatolia, is founded in 2006. It There are 45.000 books within the libraries of Erzin-
comprises 4 faculties, 8 vocational school of higher can University. One main Library has been formed in
education, 2 schools of higher education and 3 ins- the campus of Rectorate Building. There are com-
titutions. Erzincan University with its 264 academic puter laboratories enabling students have access to
and 218 administrative staff serves to 10.000 stu- internet and various libraries in almost all faculties.
dents. Additionally Erzincan University has University There exist laboratories in the departments of natu-
Techno-Polis; Center for Biological Variety Research, ral and applied sciences, nursing and medicine. Date of Foundation : 2006
Development and Application; East Anatolia Rese- EUC Number : 247689
arch and Information Center for Eartquakes; Center STUDENT LIFE Erasmus ID : TR ERZINCA01
for Strategic Research; Center for International and New but experienced Erzincan University does its State University
EU project training; Turkish Folk Sciences Research best to offer a broad variety of activities to its stu-
No. of Faculties : 145
and Application Center. dents. There is one gym next to Building of Rectora-
No. of Institutes : 10
te and one in students residence campus in which
No. of Research Centers : 4
CITY any kind of sports can be played. There exist vario-
No. of Vocational Schools : 11
Erzincan, with a population of 314.000, is situated us student clubs & societies. These societies organi-
Conservatory : None
on Erzincan Plateu surrounded by Munzur and Kes- ze various kinds of activities during a year. At the
No of Short Cycle Student : 3.694
hish Mountains Range, in Eastern part of Turkey. end of each academic year, a youth fest is held at
No of 1st Cycle Student : 3.841
Its positioned on the motorway of Ankara-Yozgat- the campus.
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 404
Sivas-Erzincan-Erzurum. Though it is located betwe-
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 4
en Sivas and Erzurum, having rather cold climate, INTERNATIONALISATION
Having the vision of a world university in Anatolia, No. of Academic Staff : 224
with its 1200m altitude Erzincan has a warm clima-
te. Therefore, various kinds of fruits and vegetables Erzincan University emphasizes internationalization No. of Research Assistans : 111
are grown in Erzincan. The history of Erzincan dates since its foundation. To this aim, Erzincan University No. of Lecturers : 30
back to 4000BC. Excavations around the city suggest became a member of EUA, Magna Charta Univer-
that many ancient civilizations existed such as Urarti- sitatum, and BSUN. Besides, in Erzincan University Contact :
ans, Meds, Persians, Romans, Arabs and Byzantians. Ld Vinci and Erasmus are also applied. Erzincan Uni- Uluslararasi Iliskiler Koordinatorlugu
In Erzincan you have the chance to involve in social versity awarded Extended EUC in 2008.Beginning Erzincan Universitesi Rektorluk Binas
Kat:3 No:302 Fatih Mah. 24100
Erzincan /TURKEY
+90 (446) 226 66 66
+90 (446) 226 66 57
[email protected]
Medium of instruction is Turkish; however, the-
re are some course offerings held in English&
French, specially for incoming students accor-
ding to the student(s wish and academicians ca-
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 169
170 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY all classrooms are designed to provide state of art in-
Students and academic staff may undertake rese- teractive presentations and data shows. The Inter-
arch studies through any of the disciplines as Arts net Center provides free, fast and anonymous access
and Sciences, Business Studies, Management Scien- with more than 500 dialups at the same time, the
ce; Law, Engineering, Geology, Humanities, Mathe- biggest in Turkey. All academic and administrative
matics, Medical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences. staff has free Internet connections from their offices.
nn University, named after the second President
Our unique Campus is in complete green and pro-
of Turkish Republic, smet nn, is one of the lea- vides a friendly environment for those enjoying jog-
ding Institutions in the country. Due to both natural ging, walking or just resting. There are 7 tennis co-
and industrial potential of the region, this University urts, 4 football fields (turf), an all facility gymnasi-
has been among those that are given priority by the um, and 3 volleyball-basketball courts all designed
government and private sector. for day and night sport activities. There are 35 stu-
dent activity organizations from Slope Parachuting
CITY to English Language Club.
Malatya, where our University is located, is a leader
for its world-famous apricot fruit. Of the World dry- INTERNATIONALISATION
apricot production, 90 % originates from this regi- Inonu University is a devoted institution for EU Prog-
on. The city is located at the Upper Firat river basin rammes such as Erasmus, Comenius and LdV. Ino-
area of the Eastern Anatolian Region. The area had nu University is committed to principles of respect,
been inhabited since the Neolithic ages, mainly be- equity and tolerance. We preserve the confidentia-
cause of its geographic position at the crossroads of lity of personal information related to students, staff
major trade routes; the famous Route of Kings and and participants in research studies. Our policy is to
the Silk Road. It is a busy modern city in a huge ferti- ensure that activities within the University and rela-
le region with a major agricultural industry due to its tions with those outside are conducted in ways that
rich water sources. It is a popular base from which are sensitive to the ethnic, religious and social back- Date of Foundation : 1975
Nemrut Dagi, one of the most famous touristic si- grounds of students and staff. EUC Number : 220466
tes in Turkey, is within one day trip. Another interes- Erasmus ID : TR MALATYA01
ting day trip is to Eski Malatya (Old Malatya), 12-km LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION State University
north of the modern city, which is a ruined Roman Our students who will be Erasmus grantee will have No. of Faculties : 14
town with remains of some old city walls, mosques to know English. On the other side, although our No. of Institutes : 4
and caravanserais. language of tuition still entirely Turkish, our Teac- No. of Research Centers : 12
No. of Vocational Schools : 9
Conservatory : Yes
No of Short Cycle Student : 8.696
No of 1st Cycle Student : 11.853
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 1.064
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 598
No. of Academic Staff : 478
No. of Research Assistans : 430
No. of Lecturers : 132
Contact :
Inonu University International Office,
Main Campus, Malatya
+90 (422) 341 00 41
+90 (422) 341 10 71
[email protected]
ACCOMODATION hing Staff can give the courses English for the inco-
The University recognizes the special accommodati- ming students. They can specify and give the cour-
on needs of international students. Here you find a ses to the incoming students.
place to call your own while you are in Eastern Ana-
tolia. Students normally choose from one of two
types of student housing: On-Campus Accommoda-
tion and Off-Campus Rental Accommodation where
students have access to catered accommodation or
self-catered accommodation, respectively.
The university houses beautiful buildings with class-
rooms and laboratories that provide state of art pre-
sentations for teaching and quality research. Almost
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 171
Contact :
Paaayr Campus 36000 Kars, TURKEY
+90 (474) 242 68 00 - 72
+90 (474) 242 68 47
[email protected]
172 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY which are administered and run by Turkey Higher
Arts and Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Philosophy, Education Credit and Hostel Institution. One is for
Physics, Mathematics, History, Education, Elemen- our female students and the other one is for male
tary Education Programs, Early Childhood Educa- students. Each has a 288 bed capacity. There is
tion, Elementary Mathematics Education, Elemen- also a 100 bed capacity public hostel for our female
tary Science Education, Elementary Education, So- students in Malazgirt. Besides, there are many pri-
cial Studies Education, Turkish Education, Religious vate hostels in the city centre. Another accommo-
Culture and Ethics Education, Economic and Admi- dation alternative for our students is to rent houses
nistrative Sciences, Communication, Institutes, Ins- for reasonable prices.
titute of Social Sciences, Institute of Natural Scien-
ces, Electronics and Automation, Electronics Tech- LABORATORIES
nology Program, Electric and Energy, Electric Prog-
ram, Motor Vehicles and Transportation Technolo-
gies, Automotive Technology Program, Mechani-
We have a central library and an Internet House
which a open for 24 hours .There are libraries and
laboratories at each faculty and vocational scho-
cal and Metal Technologies, Mechanics Program, ol. There is a library and a physics, a chemistry, a
Construction biology and an optics laboratory at the Faculty of
Education. At the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, we
UNIVERSITY have a library, a computer laboratory, two che-
MSU is one of the 17 new universities which were mistry laboratories, two biology laboratories and a
established in 2007. The mission of MSU is to train joint laboratory (physics and chemistry). A health
individuals who think scientifically, use technology, laboratory is used at the Health College. A compu-
search and produce, who are sensitive to problems ter and a food laboratory, a mechanics workshop,
in society, respectful of human and moral values
an electric, an automative, an industrial electronics
and who possess adequate professional knowled-
and a construction workshop serve our students at
ge and skills.The vision of MSU is to become a lea-
our Vocational School. There is a computer labora-
ding university at national and international arena
tory at Malazgirt Vocational School.
with its high quality education and professionally Date of Foundation : 2007
trained, well-equipped individuals. It aims to foster EUC Number : 251688
university- society cooperation by being integrated Erasmus ID : TR MUS01
There are a great deal of student clubs varying
to all sectors of society, to contribute to the tech- State University
from music to folklore, football to art. Each club
nological and cultural life in the region and the co- No. of Faculties : 4
performs the mission within the scope of its me-
untry and to become a modern university posses- No. of Institutes : 2
ans and approach by organizing regular activities.
sing universal values. Our university is making ste- No. of Research Centers :
These activities contribute significantly to student
ady progress with its mission and vision summa- No. of Vocational Schools : 2
life here.
rized above. Conservatory : None
As for sports facilities, there is a basketball field,
No of Short Cycle Student : 1.125
a football field and a tennis court at Vocational
CITY No of 1st Cycle Student : 887
School, and there is a sports hall at the Faculty
Mu is a province in Eastern Turkey. It is 8196 km2 No of 2nd Cycle Student :
in area, and has a population of 488,997. It is di- of Arts and Sciences. Our students currently enjoy
No of 3rd Cycle Student :
vided into six districts -Bulank, Hasky, Malazgirt, themselves this way. However, we plan to move to
No. of Academic Staff : 50
Varto, Korkut and the capital Mu, located on Mu our campus soon which means providing our stu-
No. of Research Assistans : 71
Plain. As dating back to the 6th AD, it has been dents with more opportunities and facilities for va-
No. of Lecturers : 51
a cradle for many civilizations such as Armenian, rious activities.
Byzantine and Seljuk. Hence, it shelter various his- Contact :
torical structures. It represents a cultural mixture INTERNATIONALISATION
Mu Alparslan University International
not only with its past but also with its present. Pe- We have been running LLP programmes since
Relations Office stasyon Cad. 49100 Mu
ople of several different origins live in Mu which 2008. We carried out Erasmus student and staff
+90 (436) 213 00 13
means that one can face different cultures and lan- mobility activities in the academic year 2009-2010.
+90 (436) 213 00 28
guages here. We have partnerships with different higher edu-
[email protected]
As for the economy of the city, it is mainly based cations from Spain, Germany, Austria, Poland, Lit-
on agriculture, and the city is developing day in day huania and Bulgaria.We are in the effort of ma-
out in every aspect. The city has many attractive fe- king Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, Comenius and
tures. Tulips growing themselves on Mu Plain, de- Transversal Program projects with probable
licious traditional food and hospitability of people partners from Austria and Lithuania. Be-
are only some of those features making it worth sides, we are planning to get involved in
visiting. some other types of European projects
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 173
AREAS OF STUDY students for their accommodation and with any ot-
Engineering, Economics and Administrative Scien- her problems. In the city centre, there are dormitori-
ces, Fisheries, History, Literature, Sociology, Vocati- es of State Scholarships and Dormitories Institution
onal & Technical Education for male and female students. Another opportunity
for the students is renting apartment flat.
Tunceli University aims to educate young people who LABORATORIES
are independent, contemporary, receptive to scienti- The main library of our University is giving services
fic way of thinking, respectful to human rights, sen- and has a total of 5,000 books, various CDs, 50,000
sitive to local, national and world problems, produc- e-books. All departments of the university are equip-
tive, peacekeeping, self-satisfied and adaptive. Tun- ped with computers. The computer system provides
celi University, which consisted of 5 faculties, 1 voca- access to the major online databases. In the main
tional school and 2 institutes was established based Library Center, the computers connected to the in-
on the Act 5765 issued in 22.05.2008 ternet are being used. Students can benefit from the
internet service free of charge as well.
Various civilizations had lived in Tunceli region, STUDENT LIFE
which is Upper Frat division of the Eastern Anato- Students will find almost all kind of sport activiti-
lian Region, since first ages. Pertek Castle, which re- es in Tunceli. Tunceli province has a unique natu-
Contact :
Atatrk Mah. Muhlis Akarsu Cad. Tunce-
mained from Medieval Age and still in good conditi- ral environment and there is no industrial pollution.
li niversitesi Rektrlk Merkez/Tunceli
on, and especially Munzur Valley National Park sho- You will always find fresh air, clean water and orga-
+90 (428) 213 17 94
uld be seen. nic and delicious foods. For a better communicati-
+90 (428) 213 18 61
on between the students and giving them the op-
[email protected]
ACCOMODATION portunity to amuse themselves social and sports ac-
There are some available accommodation options tivities are organized. There is a students committee
for Erasmus students in the Tunceli university guest- dealing with the problems of the students and brin-
house. International relation Office helps the foreign ging forward suggestions to the university administ-
rative board.
Our University has links with many European univer-
sities as well as bilateral agreement between eight
universities in USA. We have students and teaching
staff exchanges as well as participating transnational
projects. Our University has started exchanging stu-
dents with the LLP/Erasmus Program and also accep-
ting international students.
Some of lectures will be given in English. Based on
necessity extra lectures can be given in English.
174 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 175
Southeastern Anatolia Region
AREAS OF STUDY 172 male students can accomodate in the bor-
Architecture, Agriculture, Economics and Admi- ders of the campus at Adyaman University. A
nistrative Sciences, Educational Sciences, Engine- new dormitory for 1000 students are being cons-
ering, Fine Arts, Health Sciences, Medicine, Na- tructed and it will be available for 2011. Besides,
tural Sciences, Social Sciences, Tourism, Vocatio- downtown there is also a dormitory, being well
nal Schools. equipped with amenities to meet students requ-
The Adyaman University was founded in 2006. LABORATORIES
Currently, with its 7 Faculties, 3 Schools of Hig- The Adyaman university provide central rese-
her Education, 5 vocational schools and 2 Institu- arch laboratory to students on basic and applied
tes, Adyaman University is shown as a model for sciences. Beside this, each department has well-
newly-founded universities by Higher Education equiped laboratory facilities. The Central Library
Council. It aims to educate qualified individuals of Adyaman University aims to be an important
with its excellent programs in social, applied and information center that provides all sorts of infor-
medical disciplines. Apart from equipping its stu- mation sources that would be actively beneficial
dents with necessary knowledge in related fields, for improving education and research activities of
it also strives to train individuals who are tuned our university personnel and students. The univer-
to all global, social and technological changes. In sity offers an Internet Center on the campus, ava-
that sense, with a goal of teaching them how to ilable during every weekdays. The endeavors for
learn, students keep the pace with the world aro- better service for students in both qualitative and
und them and adjust themselves to all kinds of quantative sense has been continuing. Also, each
changes. Although it is considered to be a new faculty and vocational school has its own compu-
university, Adyaman University has grown consi- ter laboratories.
derably with newly-founded faculties and vario-
us facilities. 355 academic and 202 administrati-
ve staffs are currently working for the Adyaman
Date of Foundation : 2006
EUC Number : 240969
Adyaman is one of the oldest settlements in Ana-
Erasmus ID : TR ADIYAMA01
tolia with its history dating back to 40.000 B.C.
State University Historical findings indicate that between 7.000
No. of Faculties : 10 and 3000 B.C. Paleolithic, Neolithic and Chalco-
No. of Institutes : 2 lithic Ages reigned in the area. It has been the
No. of Research Centers : 2 host of many civilizations, including Hittite, Persi-
No. of Vocational Schools : 5 an Kommagene, Roman and Byzantine. Founded
Conservatory : Yes at its present place, in the 7 th century by the Um-
No of Short Cycle Student : 8.874 mayyads, Adyaman later housed several empires
No of 1st Cycle Student : 4.443 and states, including Anatolian Seljuks and finally
the Ottomans.
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 120
No of 3rd Cycle Student : Various panel discussions, conferences, seminars,
The region between the Taurus Mountains and
No. of Academic Staff : 242 the Euphrates was named as Commagene during forums and symposiums are held at the universty.
No. of Research Assistans : 95 the Hellenistic and Roman times. The Commage- Every year, spring festivals and graduation cere-
No. of Lecturers : 18 ne became an independent kingdom in 1st B.C. monies are held and concerts are carried out. The-
In Adyaman, there are also historical sites belon- re are many student groups which are formed ac-
ging to that time such as Mount Nemrut. With its cording to their interests. These student groups
Contact :
gorgeous statues, Mount Nemrut is added to the carry out some concerts, theatres or such kind
Altnehir Mh. Atatrk Bulvar No:1
World Culture Heritage list by UNESCO. Cende- of cultural activities. Student Clubs and Societies
re Bridge that was constructed by 92 great hewn share their activities among themselves each day
+90 (416) 223 38 37
stones and on two main rocks is another gorgeo- and weeks as well as they represent our university
+90 (416) 223 38 39
us Roman artifact in the region. in related areas. Also, in our campus area, the-
[email protected]
re exist football fields, basketball, volleyball and
ACCOMODATION tennis courts for our student sports activities. The
There is a big dormitory where 468 female and Adyaman University Student Council is a democ-
ratic organization formed for and by the students
to contribute to the development of the Univer-
sity, to solve problems, convey opinions, and
bring forth suggestions to the relevant units in ac-
cordance with their level of priority.
International Office was founded in 2006. It has
been organizing bilateral agreements in Eras-
mus, Comenius, Leonardo, and Grundtvig prog-
rams for our staff and students with various uni-
versities in Europe. With the spirit it has raised
among students and staff in Adyaman Univer-
sity, it works as the window for Adyaman Uni-
versity opening to cross-border cultures and pe-
ople. With its highly-motivated staff, it works as
a liason between European Institutions and Ad-
yaman University.
178 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
AREAS OF STUDY onal centres that one can enjoy every minute of his
SCIENCE AND LETTERS: Biology, Physics, Chemistry, spare time. Along the Turgut Ozal Bulverde, you can
Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets, see the latest clothes shops, multi purposed markets
History, Mathematics. and technology stores where you can buy whate-
ver you like. Along the river Tigris you can enjoy
- ENGINIRING FACULTY: Geological Engineering, many caves, carved into the rocks of on both side
Mechanical Engineering, of the river.
Education, Automotive Education ACCOMODATION
- ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATIVE Although Batman University does not provide any
SCIENCES: None Department. private accommodation facilities for the students,
- FINE ARTS: None Department YURTKUR (University Students Dormitory and Ac-
- TECHNOLOGY: None Department commodation Providing Association) has 2 blocks
INSTUTIONS: Institute of Science, Institute of of dormitories, for male and female students. They
Social Science are clean, quiet and present many opportunities and
- VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS: 1-BATMAN VOCATONAL enough for students. However a great many stu- Date of Foundation : 2007
COLLEGE dents can find student houses and flats in private
sector close to the university campus. The university EUC Number : 253096
Banking and Insurance, Office Management and supplies lunch for the students with economic prices. State University
Administrative Assistant, Child development, Elect- No. of Faculties : 7
ricity, Technology of Electronically Communicati- LABORATORIES No. of Institutes : 2
on, Technology of Electronic, Industrial Electronic, Foreign Language, Basic Science, Drafting Drawing No. of Research Centers :
Installation of Gas Technology, Public Relation and Room, Basic Electronics, Power Systems, Electrical
Publicity, Mapping and Cadastre, Confection, Air Machines, Electrical Installation and Control Work- No. of Vocational Schools : 2
Conditioning Technology, Construction Techno- shop, Computerized Drawing and Design, Soil Mec- Conservatory : None
logy, Machine Program, Accounting, Accounting hanics, Construction Materials, General Chemistry, No of Short Cycle Student : 2.123
and Tax Applications, Automotive Technology, Re- Petrochemical Analytical instruments Laboratories. No of 1st Cycle Student : 404
fining and Petro Chemical Technology. The library of which area is 127 m2 with three com-
No of 2nd Cycle Student :
puters by which students can reach one of the 7350
UNIVERSITY books online on different scientific subjects they No of 3rd Cycle Student :
Batman University, established on 28 May 2007, is look for is cool. With 5 computer labs for IT Servi- No. of Academic Staff : 21
located on fertile lands of Mesopotamia, the crad- ces having Thin-Client type computers supported by No. of Research Assistans : 69
le for ancient civilizations. With its young and ener- Linux and Windows operating systems are designed No. of Lecturers : 52
getic academic staff, it is candidate to be the world to serve physically, visually and audible disabled. 5
university. To catch up fast developing century, it clever classes support syncron/asyncron education
makes use of cutting-edge technologies and teac- nationally/internationally. Contact :
hing materials. The board of the university has set Kltr Mahallesi,
their goals to be the motor of universities in the STUDENT LIFE Trkiye Petrolleri A.O. Bulvar,
Middle East with its modern physical facilities at Our University has nearly three thousand students 72100 Batman, Trkiye
new campus. By being one of the members of EDU- from different cities of Turkey who share very good
ROAM, our university supports its students in the +90 (488) 217 36 99
relations with each other in a peaceful and friendly
field of international education. Since one of the +90 (488) 215 72 01
atmosphere. The university provides not only day te-
most important cultural heritage, HASANKEYF, lies aching but night school education as well. The stu- [email protected]
very close to the university, our rector gives a lot of dents are arm in arm on the walking path, and are
importance to rescue as many findings and monu- having warm conversations under the shadowy tre-
ments as possible. Like Batman University, Batman es in the garden. When they are thirsty, they can en-
is a new and modern city and owns very successful, joy all kinds of local and national soft drinks in the
eager and entrepreneur people to whom university airy canteen where they can discuss their difficulties ned agreements to nearly 25 European Universi-
will have great contribution to set right path for tra- in some courses and find solutions. All around the ties, mutual trend of which seems to be increa-
de, industry and economy. year, there are many social activities some of which sing every other day, yet we haven?t succeeded
presented by them. We must mention that students in sending or receiving any students or academi-
CITY live many unforgettable memories during spring cians within this context. Foreign Language will
The city of Batman is located on the bank of the festivals and graduation ceremonies when both pa- be given as a support.
Batman River. It is surrounded by the RAMAN Mo- rents and students and academicians are very exci-
untains, in which first oil reserves of TURKEY were ted. There is beach volley court where the students LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
found. With its approximately 400.000 population feel on the coast while playing. In their free time, At the University of Batman, the students are
Batman is a shining star in the south eastern part of the students do not miss the films shown at modern very enthusiastic about learning a second fore-
Anatolia. The original village, LUH, of which back- cinemas in the town centre. ign language, especially English. They are lucky
ground goes back prehistoric times is the first settle- since they have four experienced, energetic and
ment place of the city. After petroleum was found, INTERNATIONALISATION skilful English lecturers the only goal of whom is
the destiny of Batman changed and this trend has Within the context of international office and Eras- to teach English in the best way. Also they have
been going on with non-stop speed. Fast growing mus coordinator-ship newly established depart- a language lab where they can learn the langua-
city centre is receiving so many immigrants that it ments, we toil to start students and academicians ge in interactive way. All are aware that Langu-
has become one of the biggest cities of the region. exchange between the universities. Since the bure- age is a must for a successful life; therefore uni-
Now modern city possesses such parks and recreati- au commenced its work in January 2010, it has sig- versity is subsidizing the cost of English courses
for everybody.
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 179
AREAS OF STUDY city walls of black basalt forming a 5.5 km circ-
Archaeology, Anthropology, Contemporary Tur- le around the old city.The history of the city goes
kish Languages, Eastern Languages and Litera- back to as far as 3000BC. It has always been re-
tures, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, His- garded as the cradle of 26 different civilizations.
tory, Turkish Language and Literature, Law, Eco- One can feel the past in the present in this histo-
nomics, Business Administration, Public Admi- rical city. The name of the University comes from
ronics Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mining En- organizations and fairs are held in Diyarbakr.
gineering, Mechanical Engineering, Medicine,
Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry, Agriculture, Bi- ACCOMODATION
ology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology D with its experience in LLP including Erasmus
Teaching, Chemistry Teaching, Mathematics Te- provides affordable and safe housing for its exc-
aching, Physics Teaching, Turkish Language and hange staff and students. D not only provides
Literature Teaching, Geography Teaching, History accommodation at its student dormitories but
Teaching, Educational Sciences, German Langu- also discount rates at its guest house for interna-
age and Literature Education, French Language tional students. If incoming students prefer, our
and Literature Education, English Language and international office helps them to find individu-
Literature Education, Fine Arts, Turkish Educati- al housing on their own. Another opportunity
on, Computer and Technology Education, Primary for the students is staying at private dormitories
Education, Physical Education and Sports Educati- which are controlled by the Ministry of Educati-
on, Religious Culture and Ethics Education on in the city.
As one of the most predominant universities in All faculties, schools and institutes have their own
the South Eastern region of Turkey, D with 11 education and research laboratories and all class-
Date of Foundation : 1974 faculties, 3 institutes, 10 research centers, and 9 rooms are designed to provide state of art inte-
EUC Number : 221767 vocational schools, offers degrees in quite vario- ractive presentations and data shows. The main
Erasmus ID : TR DIYARBA01 us areas from engineering to medicine and edu- library of D is giving service on the campus for
State University cation. D is a state university with approxima- the students and academic staff. The main lib-
No. of Faculties : 11 tely 20.000 students. D is located in Diyarbakr rary has a total of 60.000 books 11.000 volumes
No. of Institutes : 3 and founded in 1974. With its schools spread ac- of periodicals, 1500 theses, 210 various CDs and
ross several towns, it makes vital contributions to 30.000 e-books. Besides the main library, most of
No. of Research Centers : 10
the needs of the region. D has entered into a ra- the faculties have their own computer laboratori-
No. of Vocational Schools : 9
pid development process for education-teaching, es where student can access internet to do their
Conservatory : Yes
health and research,for social and cultural activiti- school work and research.
No of Short Cycle Student : 4.153 es aimed for the region. All faculties and research
No of 1st Cycle Student : 11.987 centres have great roles in collaborating with the STUDENT LIFE
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 1.227 community to increase the regions overall higher The students of D have the opportunity to pur-
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 191 educational level, enhance its qualities of life and sue their sporting or recreational interests on the
No. of Academic Staff : 1.509 support its economic development. As part of Bo- campus. Students can benefit from recreational
No. of Research Assistans : 601 logna process,D has been restructuring its prog- and sports areas such as basketball, football, vol-
No. of Lecturers : 74 rams and adapting flexible and student centered leyball fields, tennis courts, swimming pools, fit-
curriculums to make exchange programs more ef- ness centre and 2 sports halls during their leisu-
Contact : fective and possible. re time. The teams of tennis, boxing, basketball,
Dicle niversitesi Kamps Yabanc Diller football, volleyball, wrestling, athleticism, ping-
Yksekokulu Kat:4 21280 Diyarbakr, Turkey CITY pong and hand-ball teams join sports competi-
+90 (412) 28 84 52 Diyarbakir is located on a transition zone con- tions held between universities every year. The-
+90 (412) 248 82 98 necting the mountainous northern areas and the re are many student clubs in various areas which
[email protected] plains of Mesopotamia, with a population over a have opportunity to organize concerts, parties
million people. Located in the south-east of Tur- and recreational trips.
fice/en/index.html key, it is one of the largest and modern cities with
its churches, mosques, inns, ancient bridges and INTERNATIONALISATION
We recognize that active participation to LLP/Eras-
mus Program is integral part of our universitys ef-
forts to comply with the requirements of Euro-
pean Higher Education Area. The University en-
sures that curricula is up to date and transparent
with regard to the labor market needs, monitors
the use of ECTS, provides Erasmus students with
transcripts with accurate information. D is active
in Erasmus Program since 2004 and has Extended
Erasmus University Charter in 2009.
180 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
In campus, students have access to computer labs
and central library. In library webpage, student can
access a large number of online journals, Periodi-
cals, books and other online resources.
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 181
AREAS OF STUDY Osmanbey Campus. The library provides students
Education, Arts and Sciences, Fine Arts, Economic and staff a comfortable and modern atmosphe-
and Administrative Sciences, Theology, Enginee- re with computer and internet facilities. There are
ring, Medicine, Agriculture, Veterinary Science. twenty computer laboratories and three internet
cafes at our university.
UNIVERSITY Computer laboratory and the internet services of
Harran University receives its name from the his- all the faculties and schools are open all day long.
torical town of Harran, southeast of the city an- Our university is keeping up withe the modern
lurfa. University of Harran is known to be one of age with its capacity of approximately two thou-
the first universities of the world and of the most sands computers in use.
important centers in history where many world-
famous scholars had studied. In 1992, University STUDENT LIFE
of Harran was re-established. Its activities are pur- There are dining halls that have six thousands pe-
sued at three campuses. The Yeniehir Campus ople capacity, both for students and the staff in
with its 48 000 sqm. of land, encompassing the Osmanbey, Yenisehir and Eyyubiye Campuses.
Rectorate, Faculty of Medicine, the Polyclinics of There are laboratories general and dental polic-
Research and Training Hospital and Sport Center. linic in the Medical Center. Folk Dances, Turkish
The Eyyubiye Campus with 982 000 sqm. land, Folk Music, Art, Handcraft, Photography, Chess,
where the Faculty of Veterinary, Vacational High Poetry and theater clubs display their work at the
School, Cafeteria, Animal Hospital are situated. national level. Various panel discussions, forums,
The Osmanbey Campus, 18 kilometers away from conferences, concerts and festivals are held in
the city, is still under construction on a land of every academic year.
about 27km2. the Faculties of Engineering, Eco-
nomic & Administrative Sciences,Theology, Ag-
riculture, Education, Arts and Science, Fine Arts
have been functioning on this campus.
Date of Foundation : 1992 anlurfa, where the university is located, is one
EUC Number : 221484 of the oldest cities in Turkey with its history, da-
Erasmus ID : TR SANLIUR01 ted back to 9000 years B.C. Located at the centre
State University of so called the Fertile Crescent in archaeological
No. of Faculties : 9 and biblical literature.It has an immense cultural
No. of Institutes : 3 background, as it is on the cross-road of the rich
Anatolian and Mesopotamian Cultures. Another
No. of Research Centers : 10
feature of anlurfa is that it is just at the cent-
No. of Vocational Schools : 10
re of GAP (South East Anatolian Project) which is
Conservatory : None one of the largest integrated agriculture and rural
No of Short Cycle Student : 4.910 programs of the World. Important development
No of 1st Cycle Student : 5.597 have taken place in anlurfa since the commen-
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 204 cement of the project.
No of 3rd Cycle Student : 44 INTERNATIONALISATION
No. of Academic Staff : 484 ACCOMMODATION Our University aims at internationalization thro-
No. of Research Assistans : 283 The accomodation problem of Harran University ugh various contacts. Some contacts and bilateral
No. of Lecturers : 50 students has been solved to a greater extend. agreements have already been established with
For male students there are two state dormitori- the following Universities, Cologe University, Dur-
es at the main campus. There are also two other ham University, Newcastle University,Universitat
Contact : dormitories for our female students. In all dormi- de Leida, Universidad Del Pais Vasco, Technolo-
63300 anlurfa / TURKEY tories dining areas, cafeterias, breakfast and din- gical Educational Institute of Kalamata, Universita
+90 (414) 313 55 13 ner services are provided. degli Studi di Sassari, Uniwersytet Technologiczno
+90 (414) 313 55 13 Przyrodniczy, Technical University of Lodz , Bialy-
[email protected] LABORATORIES stok University of Technology. Library services at our university are carried out by the Male Library and Documentation Center. The LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION
central library of our university is located at the The Department of Foreign Languages has al-
ways aimed to provide a good level of educati-
on for the first year students at basic level since its
foundation in 1995.English, French and German
are given as basic curriculum lessons.This Depart-
ment is responsible for coordinating these lessons
in different departments of Harran University.The
main purpose of these courses is to teach and de-
velop an understanding of basic English princip-
les and concepts.
182 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 183
Classroom Teaching, Primary Math Teaching, Sci- Our university has a dormitory with 900 students
ence, Social Sciences, Computer Education and capacity for boys and girls in the centrum. Also,
Instructional Technology, Turkish Teaching, Arts we have a dormitory for Eruh vocational school
and Science, Math, Biology, Chemistry, Enginee- with a capacity of 350 for boys and 100 for girls.
ring and Architecture, Chemical Engineering, Si- And, 60 students at Kurtalan Vocational school. A
irt Vocational School, Computer Programming, new dormitory, capacity of which is 750, is under
Child Development, Electrics, Traditional Hand construction now and will be finished in 2 years.
Crafts, Food Technology, Business Management,
Chemistry Technologies, Machinery, Machinery LABORATORIES
Painting Construction, Furniture and Decorati- We have a rich library that includes myriad books.
on, Tax Accounting Practices, Health, Nursing, Si- We have access to connect to libraries of other
irt Health Vocational School, Paramedics, Medical universities by internet. We have student labora-
Documentation taries for BA students and some research labora-
tories, especially for chemistry. We have 2 large
UNIVERSITY computer laboratories and a language laboratory.
Siirt University was founded as educational de-
partment as a part of Dicle university in 1976. It
becomes an educational faculty of Dicle Univer-
sity in 1992. Siirt University was established by act
number 5662 on 29th May 2007. Siirt University
carries on its activities with 3 faculties, 5 vocatio-
nal schools and 2 institutions.
Date of Foundation : 2007
EUC Number : 256986 CITY
Erasmus ID : TR SIIRT01 Located at the crossroads of Mesopotamia and
State University Anatolia, Siirt has felt the impact of many gre-
No. of Faculties : 3 at civilizations.One active archeological excava-
No. of Institutes : 2 tion at Trbe Hyk, which reveals traces of a
No. of Research Centers : 3 5000-year-old culture. Stone tools found around
No. of Vocational Schools : 5
Eruh suggest that the region was settled even be-
Conservatory : None
fore this. Siirt is known to have been established
No of Short Cycle Student : 1.584
by the Hurrians, the first rulers of the region, who
No of 1st Cycle Student : 2.137
No of 2nd Cycle Student : 13 held sway from 3000- 260 BC.With the division of
No of 3rd Cycle Student : the Roman Empire, Siirt and its environs came un-
No. of Academic Staff : 127 der Byzantine rule, and suffered frequent attacks
No. of Research Assistans : 55 by the Sassanids. The entire province is located
No. of Lecturers : 9 in the Tigris river basin, and serves as an impor- STUDENT LIFE
tant catchment area for the river.Siirt is a valuab- There are 2 sport halls and conference halls. The-
le place to be seen with its highlands, caves, cli- re are many active student clubs. Sport tourna-
Contact :
Siirt niversitesi, AB ofisi Siirt / Merkez mate, cuisine, hand made products, natural beau- ments have been realized in spring. We have
+90 (484) 223 25 60 ties, historical creations, Islamic saints died in city. spring festivals. Also, there are coffee houses, ci-
+90 (484) 223 19 98 Thermal springs, tombs, historical Mosques, Cast- nemas, swimming pools and many other facilities
[email protected] les and bridges are take important place in histo- for our students.
rical and touristic values of Siirt city.
We have newly included in Erasmus Exchange
Programme so We do not have any incoming or
outgoing students.
Medium of instruction is Turkish.
184 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
rnak University provides accommodation for stu-
dents, its capacity about 300. the building consists
of 8 floor and 30 flats. Rooms have central heating
system and internet connection.
rnak University Library holds nearly 10,000 vo-
lumes in its collection. It has subscription 10 jour-
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 185
Engineering, Law, Economics and Administrative Zirve University offers to all students and acade-
Sciences, English Language, Education, Commu- mic staff a solid information technology infrast-
nication, Marine Engineering, Nanotechnology, ructure with internet connection. On the day of
Middle East Studies, International Relations, Eco- registration an e-mail address is given to each stu-
dent. Zirve University library gives all students ac-
cess to on-line academic databases. Library has
over 6000 sources including books and periodi-
Zirve University is a foundation university and it cals. Also Zirve University has modern laborato-
is founded in 2009. Since then it has constantly ries prepared according to the latest technologi-
expanded its intellectual capacity and maintained cal developments.
its commitment to provide high quality university
education by focusing on the fundamental acade-
mic disciplines. Zirve University offers 25 acade-
mic programs in its five faculties, two institutes,
one education center, English Preparatory Prog-
ram, and one Vocational School.
Zirve University is located in Gaziantep, southern
Turkey. Gaziantep is probably the site of the Hel-
lenistic city of Antiochia ad Taurum (Antioc-
hia in the Taurus Mountains). A few km on the
north are the ruins of Greek and Roman Doliche
(Turkish:Dlk). Gaziantep is one of the most de-
veloped provinces of the region and is also one of
the oldest, its history reaching as far back as the
Date of Foundation : 2009
Hittites. The surroundings of the city are also full
EUC Number : 256458
of valuable Hittite remains. Some of the other his-
Erasmus ID : TR GAZIANT02
torical remains are the Belkis (Zeugma), and Kar- STUDENT LIFE
Foundation University gam Ruins. Dlk, which is close to the city cen- Zirve University gives importance to the enrich-
No. of Faculties : 25 ter, has camping facilities in a natural setting. Ga- ment of academic programs with cultural, artis-
No. of Institutes :2 ziantep is the sixth largest city in Turkey. The city tic, and sportive activities. For this reason, stu-
No. of Research Centers :2 is a busy commercial and industrial center. Tex- dents at Zirve University participate in numero-
No. of Vocational Schools :1 tile and food industries are the leading industries us extracurricular activities, including various stu-
Conservatory : None of the city. Tourism is also becoming an emerging dent clubs and sports. Concerts, art exhibitions,
No of Short Cycle Student : 101 economic activity in the city and throughout the festivals, conferences, and chess tournaments are
No of 1st Cycle Student : 337 region. In other words, the city has a wide range organized on a regular basis. As for sports activiti-
No of 2nd Cycle Student : of social and cultural attractions to enrich the da- es, students have the opportunity to join all kinds
No of 3rd Cycle Student : ily lives of students. of sports, organized by professional trainers. Ot-
No. of Academic Staff : 54 her recreational facilities include a very large and
No. of Research Assistans : 17 ACCOMODATION modern student cafeteria, smokers corner, ATM,
No. of Lecturers : 33 Zirve University provides its students with fema- tennis courts, basketball and volleyball fields etc.
le and male dormitories that are modern and In addition to all, at weekends, students will have
have high standards are single, double and qu- a chance to join to the tours such as, Aleppo-
Contact :
adruple room options. Rooms are equipped with Syria, St.Pierre Church-Hatay, Nemrut-Adyaman,
Kzlhisar Campus 27260 Gaziantep / Turkey
+90.342 444 4 978 (444 4 ZRV) all kinds of conveniences to meet any accommo- Balklgl-anlurfa, Zeugma (Ancient Mosaic
+90 (342) 211 66 66 dation need. They are free and limitless internet City)-Gaziantep.
+90 (342) 211 66 77 access and telephones with extension line. Ca-
[email protected] fes and restaurants at the university serve the stu- INTERNATIONALISATION
[email protected] dents. Our international office will help the exc- Zirve University offers joint degrees and maintains hange students arrange their accommodation. Exchange programs with numerous universities in North America and Europe, particularly with the
Erasmus Program. Zirve University offers a wide
array of courses in English during the academic
year and organizes summer programs and intern-
ships for international students.
English, except in the Faculty of Law, Faculty of
Education and Faculty of Communication.
186 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
Intentionally left blank
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 187
Information about the following institutions had not been obtained by the time this publication was sent for printing:
188 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
Studying in Turkey
for erasmus
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 189
Information about the following institutions had not been obtained by the time this publication was sent for printing:
190 w w w . u a . g o v . t r
Studying in Turkey
for erasmus
w w w . u a . g o v . t r 191
studying in turkey for erasmuss
ABANT ZZET BAYSAL UNIVERSITY ...................... 146 ANKAYA UNIVERSITY ....................................... 121
ACIBADEM UNIVERSITY ...................................... 36 ANKIRI KARATEKN UNIVERSITY ....................... 122
ADIYAMAN UNIVERSITY ..................................... 178 UKUROVA UNIVERSITY..................................... 102
ADNAN MENDERES UNIVERSITY ......................... 84 DCLE UNIVERSITY .............................................. 180
AFYON KOCATEPE UNIVERSITY ......................... 85 DOU UNIVERSITY ........................................... 44
ARI BRAHM EEN UNIVERSITY .................................166 DOKUZ EYLL UNIVERSITY ................................. 87
AH EVRAN UNIVERSITY ...................................... 112 DUMLUPINAR UNIVERSITY .................................. 88
AKDENZ UNIVERSITY ......................................... 100 DZCE UNIVERSITY ............................................ 45
AKSARAY UNIVERSITY ........................................ 113 EGE UNIVERSITY ................................................. 89
AMASYA UNIVERSITY ......................................... 147 ERCYES UNIVERSITY .......................................... 123
ANADOLU UNIVERSITY ...................................... 114 ERZNCAN UNIVERSITY ....................................... 169
ANKARA UNIVERSITY ......................................... 115 ESKEHR OSMANGAZ UNIVERSITY ................... 124
ARDAHAN UNIVERSITY ....................................... 164 FATH UNIVERSITY .............................................. 46
ARTVN ORUH UNIVERSITY ............................... 148 FIRAT UNIVERSITY............................................... 170
ATATRK UNIVERSITY ........................................ 165 GALATASARAY UNIVERSITY ............................... 47
ATILIM UNIVERSITY............................................. 116 GAZANTEP UNIVERSITY ..................................... 181
BAHEEHR UNIVERSITY ................................... 37 GAZOSMANPAA UNIVERSITY ........................... 151
BALIKESR UNIVERSITY ........................................ 38 GAZ UNIVERSITY................................................ 125
BARTIN UNIVERSITY ............................................ 149 GEBZE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY.................... 48
BAKENT UNIVERSITY ......................................... 117 GEDZ UNIVERSITY .............................................. 90
BATMAN UNIVERSITY ........................................ 179 GLHANE MILITARY MEDICAL ACADEMY .......... 126
BEYKENT UNIVERSITY ......................................... 39 HAL UNIVERSITY.............................................. 49
BEYKOZ VOCATIONAL SCHOOL OF LOGISTICS .............40 HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY ..................................... 127
BLECK UNIVERSITY............................................ 41 HARRAN UNIVERSITY.......................................... 182
BLKENT UNIVERSITY........................................... 118 HTT UNIVERSITY................................................ 152
BNGL UNIVERSITY ........................................... 167 IIK UNIVERSITY.................................................. 50
BTLS EREN UNIVERSITY ..................................... 168 STANBUL AREL UNIVERSITY ............................... 51
BOAZ UNIVERSITY ........................................ 42 STANBUL AYDIN UNIVERSITY ............................. 52
BOZOK UNIVERSITY ............................................ 119 STANBUL BLG UNIVERSITY ............................... 53
CANK BAARI UNIVERSITY................................. 150 STANBUL BLM UNIVERSITY............................... 54
CELAL BAYAR UNIVERSITY ................................. 86 STANBUL COMMENCE UNIVERSITY ................... 55
CUMHURYET UNIVERSITY .................................. 120 STANBUL KAVRAM VOCATIONAL SCHOOL .................56
A UNIVERSITY ................................................ 101 STANBUL KLTR UNIVERSITY........................... 57
ANAKKALE ONSEKZ MART UNIVERSITY .....................43 STANBUL EHR UNIVERSITY .............................. 58
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Studying in Turkey
for erasmus
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