Classroom Management Plan Turn in

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Name: _Chelsea Griffith_______


Statement of Purpose
Our classroom will be a positive, safe, and nurturing learning environment where students and
the teacher have respect for each other. It will be a student-centered classroom where all
students try their best, help each other, and work together to solve problems. We will all work
hard to achieve our goals, be successful, and to try our best everyday.

1. Show respect to yourself and others
2. Be honest and kind
3. Keep your hands to yourself
4. Always try your best
5. Always be safe


1) Entering the classroom

Students are expected to hang their backpacks on the rack outside of the classroom. Students
need to gather all of their materials that will be needed for the day before lining up to enter the
classroom. I will inform students when they are all lined up outside of the door what I expect
them to do when they enter the classroom. There is no talking while students are waiting in
line. Students are expected to face forward with their materials ready for the school day.
Students will not be permitted to leave the classroom throughout the day to grab materials
from their backpacks because they forgot to bring them inside in the morning.

2) Restroom
Students will be given two bathroom tickets that they are able to use each month. These tickets
are only given out one time a month. Students will have to be selective when they use their
bathroom tickets and it will encourage them to use the bathroom on their recess and lunch
breaks instead of during class time. Students will write their name on the back of their ticket
before turning it in to me and using the restroom. They are to walk up quietly without making a
disruption and simply hand me one ticket to excuse them to use the restroom. This is to avoid
any students interrupting the lesson to ask to use the restroom. Students will not be given extra
tickets if they have used their two tickets for the month and still need to use the restroom.
These students will have to wait for the following month to receive two new tickets. For the
students that save their tickets they are able to use them in other months throughout the year.
At the end of the year they will enter a raffle to receive a reward from a prize box. The students
that do not waste their tickets will have a higher chance of winning something from the prize

3) Sharpening pencils
There will be two jars next to the pencil sharpener. One jar will have a label on it that says
Dull and the other jar will be labeled with Sharp. Students will not be allowed to sharpen
their own pencils or to ask the teacher to sharpen the pencil during the day. Instead, students
are supposed to place their broken or dull pencils in the Dull jar. I will always be sure that
there are enough pencils in the Sharp jar throughout the year that are sharp. I will also assign
a class job to a student that is in charge of sharpening these pencils at the end of the day during
clean up time. Other students will be responsible for their own jobs of the week such as janitor,
behavior marker, ect. This will keep students from interrupting lessons or leaving their seats to
sharpen their pencils. Students will simply place the pencil in the Dull jar and grab a sharp
pencil in exchange to quietly continue their work.

4) How to head papers

Students will almost always be given papers that have a designated place to put their names.
Next to the basket that students place their completed assignments will be a jar of yellow
highlighters. Students will be taught at the beginning of the school year to highlight their name
before turning in their assignment. I will also place a poster on the wall next to the basket and
jar of highlighters that explains the directions again to remind students. Students will be
informed how they are to highlight their names at the top of their assignment before
submitting their work. Highlighting names will provide an extra reminder for students to write
their name on their papers.

5) Asking questions
Students will use hand signals to ask questions. Students will learn these signals at the
beginning of the year and there will be a poster on the wall to remind students through out the
year what they need to signal to send the correct message to their teacher. Students will make
a fist with their thumb next to their pointer finger representing an a in sign language. This will
let the teacher know that the student has an answer to the question that was asked. Students
will use a fist with their pinky finger raised that represents the letter I in sign language. This
hand signal will inform the teacher that the student has a question. Students will form the
shape of the letter c with their hand to indicate that they have a comment to share with the
class. Students will pat their heart/shoulder area if they had the same answer or response that
a classmate has just shared with the class. This will avoid the raising of hands where students
simply say, that was what I was going to say. Instead the pat on the heart lets the teacher
know that those students shared a similar response.

6) Finishing work early

There will be a section in the classroom next to the completed assignment basket that is
designated to students that have finished their work earlier than the other students. There will
be a few folders that students can choose from like sight words, math, and writing practice.
Each folder will have a range of worksheets and activities for students to choose from to work
on during the extra time that other students are still working. These activities and worksheets
will be intentionally independent and not disruptive. Students are able to practice their sight
words, math skills, and writing.

Consequences Positive Behavior

I will use the clip up/clip down strategy to reinforce positive behavior. Students will clip up for
making good decisions, following classroom rules and policies. There are three levels that
students can clip up from at the beginning of each school day. Students begin every day on the
middle chart that says, I am Ready to Learn. At the end of the day, students are sent home
with their behavior marked on their Homework page that their parents are expected to sign.
The chart that students end on at the end of the day is the color that will be filled out on their
homework paper that their parents will see. This keeps parents aware of their childs behavior
in the classroom. It is also a way to promote positive behavior from students.
If students are making good decisions and following classroom rules, I will reinforce this positive
behavior by asking these students to clip up to the blue chart paper that says, I did a good
job. Students that clip up to this were making good decisions in the classroom that stood out
to the teacher. They were following the classroom rules and were rewarded for it. Students
who are asked to clip up from the blue chart will move up to the purple chart that says, I did a
great job! Students that clip up from the purple chart will move to the pink chart that says, I
was outstanding! If students continue to show positive behavior after clipping up to I was
outstanding they are able to pick a prize from the prize box.

Consequences Negative Behavior

A method to support the implementation of a comprehensive behavior management plan
I will use the clip up/clip down strategy to reinforce negative behavior. Students will clip down
for making bad decisions, and not following the classroom rules and policies. There are three
levels that students can clip down from at the beginning of each school day. Students begin
every day on the middle chart that says, I am Ready to Learn. At the end of the day, students
are sent home with their behavior marked on their Homework page that their parents are
expected to sign. The chart that students end on at the end of the day is the color that will be
filled out on their homework paper that their parents will see. This keeps parents aware of their
childs behavior in the classroom. It is also a way to promote positive behavior from students.
Students that clip down one space from the starting point move to the yellow chart that says, I
need to make better choices. Student on this chart are given a warning of changing their
behavior to make better choices. Students that clip down another space move to the orange
chart that says, I loose a privilege. I will make the decision of what privilege the student will
loose according the lesson and activity. Students that clip down another space move to the red
chart that says, Parent contact. I will reach out to the parents to discuss the behavior problem
and to strategize of ways we can support the student in improvement. If students continue to
demonstrate negative behavior that day and are asked to clip down after parent contact, they
will be sent to the principle.
Action Plan

Are Objectives How it will be completed date
I will create a three-ring binder that includes dividers of
There will be thirteen dividers in this folder
The first tab Introduction will include a greeting letter to the
substitute for being in my classroom for the day. Before the
Substitute The second tab Lesson Plans will include the lesson plans that school year
Folder are intended for that specific day. I will create these plans begins
according to the previous days lesson in ELA, Math, PE, and
Develop a Toolkit

other subjects.
The third tab Daily Procedures will include the daily routines
that students are used to in their school day. This includes the
bathroom tickets, attendance, pencil sharpening policy, hand
signals to answer questions, and highlighting their names on
finished assignments. I will do this on a printed document that has
clear headings and bullets that are quick and to the point but
detailed enough to understand.
The fourth tab labeled Dismissal will include the necessary
procedures when dismissing students at the end of the school day.
It will include the list of students that leave to go to an after school
program, the students that take the bus, and the students that get
picked up. It will explain that students need to be walked out to the
dismissal gate and need to show you their parent or babysitter is
there to pick them up before releasing them.
The fifth tab labeled Classroom management will include an
explanation of the regular classroom management that should be
implemented. It will inform the sub about the Clip up/Clip down
chart. It will give a brief explanation of when a child should clip
down or clip up and to leave specific behavior notes for all
students that did have to clip down that day.
The sixth tab labeled Bell Schedule will include a copy of the
times and schedule of the bells, lunch, and recess. I will use my
own copy provided from the front office to provide this schedule
in this tab. I will also include a minimum day schedule, rainy day
schedule (included with instruction for lunch and recess), and
assembly schedule.
The seventh tab labeled Roster will include a list of each student
in the class with a picture to match the name. There will be any
necessary IEP, 504, or behavior information next to the students
name and picture. I will use my own student profiles to create this
The eighth tab labeled Seating Charts will include the most
updated seating chart for the rug area and desk area that students
are expected to sit in. I will do this by drawing a map of the
classroom seating areas with students pictures and names in each
spot they are assigned to sit at.
The ninth tab labeled Students Pulled During the Day will
include a schedule of the days and times that specific students are
pulled out of the classroom. It will also have the contact
information of the location that these students are pulled out to.
For the students that go to speech I will include the room of the
speech area and the phone number in case it is needed.
The tenth tab labeled School Map will include a general map of
the school with specific locations emphasized. Locations such as:
library, computer lab, office, staff bathroom, ect. I will use a copy
of the school map provided by the office.
The eleventh tab labeled Emergency Procedures will include
what needs to happen during the earthquake, fire, and intruder
drill. It will provide a map of where to lead the students out of the
classroom and how to be sure all students are safely taken care of
in case of an emergency.
The twelfth tab labeled Emergency Lesson Plans will include
two back up lessons for each domain of the day. There will be two
ELA lessons, two Math lessons, two writing lessons, two PE
lessons, and two art lessons that will be detailed with where to find
the necessary materials and tools needed to execute these lessons
in case needed. There will also be a full day of lesson plans in case
of an emergency and I am not able to provide the lesson plans
prior to the day of absence.
The thirteenth tab labeled Time Fillers will include academic
activities and worksheets that the substitute can utilize if a part of
the lesson that was left ends too soon or does not work out
accordingly. These are back-up fillers that will help the substitute
fall back on if for any reason the lesson plans are not filled with
enough activities for the day.
I will write the rules for the classroom and classroom policies on
Make large chart paper or poster paper that will be displayed on the wall Before
posters for to remind students what the expectations are of them. school starts
rules and I will place the classroom policy rules on poster paper next to the
procedures area it is intended for. For example, for the highlighting name on
assignments policy, I will hand the poster that lists out what
students are expected to do next to the highlighters and the
completed assignments basket.
I will use these posters when teaching students about the
classroom rules and class policies so they know to refer back to
these throughout the year if needed.
I will need to assign titles of good behavior to colors and assign
Clip titles of bad behavior to colors. Before
up/Clip I will use normal paper size for each level of the Clip up/Clip school starts
down chart down chart.
For all students they will start on the green chart paper that says I
am ready to learn. For negative behavior below the ready to
learn paper is a yellow chart paper that says, I need to make
better choices. Below the yellow is an orange chart paper that
says, I loose a privilege. Below that is red chart paper that says,
Parent Contact.
For good behavior, students will clip up on the chart to the first
blue chart paper that says, I did a good job! Above that is a
purple chart paper that says, I did a great job! Above that is a
pink chart paper that says, I was outstanding!
I will attach these colored chart papers in that order with the labels
in the center.
I will laminate the chart to prevent any damage from students
clipping up or down.
I will buy the same number of clothespins as students. I will write
their names on the clothespins.
I will designate an area to hang the chart where it does not cause a
distraction from learning.

Early Create three ring binders that are labeled: Sight Word Practice,
finisher Math Practice, and Writing Practice. Beginning
work folder The Sight Word Practice will be filled with activities and reading of the
passages that provide extra practice for students on any level of school year
sight words. Examples would be worksheets like a sight-word
word search. I will print enough copies to last the entire year.
The Math practice will include a range of math skills that students
can practice. Worksheets that include addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and graphing.
The Writing practice folder will include writing prompts that
students can write about.
Pencil Put one label on a jar or basket big enough for extra sharp pencils
Sharpening to be places. I will place the sharp pencils in the basket at the Beginning
Policy beginning of the year and throughout the year. This basket will be of the
labeled Sharp. school year
I will place this basket next to the pencil sharpener. and
I will also place an empty basket that is labeled with the word throughout
Dull. the year for
This will also be placed next to the pencil sharpener maintenance
The policy rules will be displayed on a smaller poster next to the
baskets and pencil sharpener.
I will type the key parts of the plan on a word document that will
Create be given to the students at the beginning of the year. Before the
information I will use different colored papers for each plan to help students school year
sheet that differentiate between the behavior plan and the classroom policies.
Teach the plan

presents I will use bold headings to help guide students through

key parts of understanding the process and expectations.
the plan. Each step or key part will be clear and concise to be understood by
all students
The bottom of each information sheet will ask the student to sign
in compliance to the plan/policy.

I will designate a specific part of the lesson to teach the plan to

Teach the students during the first week of school. First week
aspects of The lesson will allow students to ask questions they may have and of school
the plan to to be able to explain the plan with details.
students I will use a PowerPoint displayed on the SmartBoard and provide
students with the information sheet already created.
Students will be encouraged to take notes and to ask any questions
during this lesson.
Ask students to sign in compliance to the plan or policy after
learning about it.

I will incorporate this in the lesson of teaching the plan to students

Devise role I will create mini role-play examples that students will act out to First week
play/examp demonstrate to the class what they should do and what they should of school
les not do.
Each example or role-play will include the correct way and the
incorrect way.

I will meet with my same grade level teachers to collaborate and

Discuss receive feedback for the plan. Before the
Share the plan

with grade- I will be seeking feedback to make any necessary adjustments to school year
level best create a safe learning environments for all students to learn. begins
teachers I will take the teachers feedback and adjust what is necessary
before creating the final draft of the plan.
I will make enough copies of the information sheets to give to the
Share the parents at back-to-school night. At back-to-
plan with I will designate enough time at back-to-school night to explain the school night
parents plan in detail with examples and allow for any questions that
parents may have.
Ask parents to sign the bottom of the information sheet in
compliance to the classroom management plan and policies.
I will also send the information sheet home to the parents that
were not able to make it to back-to-school night
These parents will also be asked to send a copy of the information
sheet and their signature back to school with their child
If students are struggling to follow the plan, I will plan mini
Conduct lessons that reteach the policies that they are struggling with. As needed
mini I will do this by bringing out the original information sheet and
lessons provide specific examples of what I expect from students
Review the plan

regarding the plan.

As needed,
Communic I will discuss individual students progress with the management throughout
ate with plan and policies at report card conferences. This will include all the year
parents students who follow the policies and plan and all students that are (report card
struggling to follow the plan. conferences
I will provide time to reflect with each student individually of his
Reflect or her cooperation with the classroom management plan. As needed,
with I will do this as needed through out the year by talking with and
students students about their behavior in the classroom and respect towards throughout
the classroom rules. the year
I will also talk with the students about areas they can improve on
as well as areas they are excelling in.

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