Lessonplan Past Participles

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Name of Subject : Grammar Meaning and Discourse

Semester :4
Course Type : Compulsory
Prerequisite : Advanced English Grammar
This course seeks to prepare students for college-level academic or workforce study by accomplishing the
following objectives:
a. Students build on the syntactic knowledge that they have gained in previous study of English grammar,
while being introduced to more advanced structures as well as the finer nuances involving tense and aspect
of English verbs.
b. Students strengthen their abilities to produce the new grammatical structures in a variety of
communicative contexts
Learning Objectives
After completing of this subject, students are expected to be able to:
a. Use and discuss the advanced rules of English sentence structure
b. Apply the rules in a variety of context and genres
c. Analyze errors in advanced structure problems and correct them
Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, students should be able to:
a. Analyze the past participle as adjective in sentence
b. Accurately distinguish between past participle as verb and as an adjective in sentence
c. Use the past participle as adjective in expressing their idea on the sentence

Material Teaching
Past Participles as Adjective
Past Participles can be a part of speech or adjective. The past participle is the form of the verb that
appears with have/has/had and be also it often ends in ed, but there are also many irregular past
participle in English. Example:

The family has purchased a television

The poem was written by Paul

For the example above, we can see that the past participle purchased and written are accompanied
by has and was. Past participle is an adjective wen its not accompanied by some for of be or have/ has.
The family purchased yesterday was expensive
The poem written by Paul appeared in the Magazine

In the first sentence purchased is an adjective rather than a verb because it isnt accompanied by form of
be or have/has
Media Equipment
Equipment : White board, Board marker, screen, projector and laptop
Media : Teachers material and Kahoot application
Learning Method
The Grammar-Translation Method is a way of studying a language that approaches that language first
through detailed analysis of its grammar rules

Teaching Activities
Activity Description Time Source
Opening Opening 5 minutes
1. The teacher enters the classroom, greets the students
and starts learning activities by praying together
2. Teacher checks the students attendances list and
readiness in learning English
3. Teacher warm up students related to the topic:
Teacher: well students, I want you read this short up
sentences and gain information about it. Teachers
Student: Yes sir, I knew who she is. She is novelist material
4. Keep interaction to the students and bring them to
conversation to the teacher.
Teacher: do you find different pattern of the

Main Observing 20 Teachers

Activity 1. Students are given short sentence about JK Rowling by minutes PPT
using Projector and guided them to the topic today lesson
2. With guidance from their teacher, students are expected to
analyze the pattern of the sentences.
3. Students catch the meaning and tell to the teacher what it
is about.
4. Teacher explain to their students that today lesson is Past
Participles as adjective.
1. By guidance from their teacher students are expected to
have question that related to the topic
2. Students ask about the differences similar pattern on the
1. Teacher gives explanation by using board marker about
today topic and checks students understanding.
2. Teacher invites students to joint kahoot.com
3. Teacher gives quiz through Kahoot.com
4. Teacher ask students about difficulty of the question
5. Students get feedback from their teacher about what they
6. Students revise their work by influencing from students
and teacher.
1. Students analyze and compare any kinds of pattern to
their language
2. Students get feedback from the teacher about problem that
they had
1. Students practice to make sentence by using past
participle as adjective
2. Students read aloud to the class about their short sentence
Closing 1. Teacher and students conclude the result of today 5 minutes
2. Teacher give motivation to their students after
classroom activity
3. Teacher close classroom today


The assessment is done by observation students during teaching and learning process. Its refer
to how the students answer and respond to the teachers question, also how the students do
worksheet and assignment teacher given.
No Indicators Assessment Type Instruments

1 Students answer correctly through Written Multiple choice

quiz through Kahoot.com

E. References
Azhar, Betty.2010. Basic English Grammar. New York: Pearson education.
Brown, Douglas.2004.Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. New York: Person education
Brown, Douglas.2004. Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices. New York: Person
Wilma Yulia, 2012. Pengertian, ungsi dan contoh kalimat past participle. Online:
https://www.wordsmile.com/pengertian-contoh-kalimat-past-participle accessed at 14 July 2017.
Irregular and regular verb. Online: https://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/irregular-verbs-list.htm
accessed at 14 July 2017

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