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Facilities Instructions, Standards, and Techniques Volume 4-5

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

U.S. Department of the Interior

Bureau of Reclamation
Denver, Colorado September 2013
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09-16-2013 Draft Implementation Date: 01-01-2014

FIST 4-5, Corrosion and Cathodic Protection



Bureau of Reclamation
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P.O. Box 25007
Denver CO 80225-0007
Power Resources Office
Bureau of Reclamation
Mail Code 86-61600 11. SPONSOR/MONITORS REPORT
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Available from the National Technical Information Service, Operations Division,
5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161

This document provides field personnel the principles they need for a clearer understanding of basic corrosion processes and
methods to deal with them. It further describes some simple situations in which they might design and install a cathodic
protection system using site forces. The document also describes general cathodic protection monitoring procedures. In most
circumstances, however, field personnel should seek some level of participation and assistance from corrosion professionals.
Corrosion, corrosion mitigation, corrosion principles and concepts, oxidizer, oxidation, reduction, polarization,
depolarization, passive, corrosion cell, galvanic series, concentration cell, pH cell, stray current corrosion, attenuation,
cathodic protection, coatings, galvanic anode cathodic protection, impressed current cathodic protection, anodes, rectifier,
test station, junction box, bond box, service life.

OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES Power Resources Office

a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE UL 88 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)
UL UL UL 303-445-2922
SStandard Form 298 (Rev. 8/98)
P Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239-18
Facilities Instructions, Standards, and Techniques Volume 4-5

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory

U.S. Department of the Interior

Bureau of Reclamation
Denver, Colorado September 2013

This written material consists of general information for internal use only by
Bureau of Reclamation operations and maintenance staff. Information contained
in this document regarding commercial products or firms may not be used for
advertising or promotional purposes and is not to be construed as an endorsement
or depreciation of any product or firm by the Bureau of Reclamation.
Acronyms and Abbreviations
AC Alternating current
CP Cathodic protection
CSE Copper sulfate electrode
DC Direct current
D&S Directive and Standard
ERI Electrical resisting imaging
FIST Facilities Instruction, Standards, and Techniques
HMWPE High molecular weight polyethylene
HSCI High-silicon cast iron
ICCP Impressed current cathodic protection
IR Infrared
PPM Parts per million
SOP Standard Operating Procedures
TSC Technical Service Center
UV Ultraviolet

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Table of Contents

Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................................................. iii

1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose....................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Scope .......................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Reclamation Standard Practices ................................................................. 1
1.4 Effect of Section Headings ........................................................................ 2
2.0 General ............................................................................................................ 2
2.1 Corrosion Terms ........................................................................................ 2
2.2 Forms of Corrosion .................................................................................... 2
2.3 Taking Action and Getting Help ................................................................ 3
3.0 Corrosion Principles and Concepts .............................................................. 4
3.1 Soil and Water Corrosivity Factors............................................................ 4
3.1.1 Water ................................................................................................. 4
3.1.2 Oxidizers ........................................................................................... 5
3.1.3 Ionizable Chemicals .......................................................................... 5
3.1.4 Temperature ...................................................................................... 6
3.1.5 Chemical Changes Due to Corrosion ................................................ 6
3.2 Metal/Alloy Susceptibility Factors ............................................................ 7
3.2.1 The Metal or Alloy............................................................................ 7
3.2.2 Passive Films .................................................................................... 7
3.2.3 Ferrous Corrosion Products .............................................................. 8
3.3 Corrosion Cell Concept.............................................................................. 8
3.3.1 Microcells and Macrocells ................................................................ 9
3.3.2 Common Corrosion Cells ............................................................... 10
4.0 Specific Corrosion Issues............................................................................. 11
4.1 Galvanic Series and Coupling Metals/Alloys .......................................... 11
4.1.1 Acceptable and Unacceptable Couples ........................................... 11
4.1.2 Specificity of Galvanic Series ......................................................... 12
4.1.3 Why Some Alloys Are Listed Twice .............................................. 13
4.1.4 Reference Electrodes ...................................................................... 13
4.1.5 Minimizing Galvanic Corrosion ..................................................... 14
4.1.6 Electrical Isolation .......................................................................... 15
4.2 Concentration Cell Corrosion .................................................................. 16
4.2.1 Corrosion in Cementitious Materials and the pH Cell .................... 17
4.2.2 Minimizing pH Cell Corrosion ....................................................... 18
4.3 Stray Current Corrosion ........................................................................... 18
4.3.1 Detection of Stray Currents ............................................................ 19

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

5.0 Indicators of Corrosive Environments....................................................... 20

5.1 Soil Corrosivity ........................................................................................ 20
5.2 Water Corrosivity..................................................................................... 21
6.0 Protective Coatings ...................................................................................... 22
6.1 Coating Variety................................................................................... 22
6.2 Selection and Application of Coatings ............................................... 23
6.3 Coatings in Conjunction with Cathodic Protection ............................ 23
7.0 Cathodic Protection Design Considerations .............................................. 24
7.1 Cathodic Protection Equipment .......................................................... 24
7.2 Cathodic Protection Criteria ............................................................... 25
7.3 Structure Current Requirements ......................................................... 26
7.3.1 Current Requirements per Exposed Area ....................................... 26
7.3.2 Exposed Metal ................................................................................ 27
7.4 Cathodic Protection System Capacity ................................................ 28
7.4.1 Cathodic Protection Circuit Resistance .......................................... 30
7.4.2 Anode Grounding Resistance ......................................................... 30
7.4.3 Protected Structure Grounding Resistance ..................................... 33
7.4.4 Wiring and Structure Linear Resistance ......................................... 34
7.4.5 Installation and Placement of Anodes............................................. 36
7.4.6 Test Stations, Junction Boxes, and Bond Boxes ............................. 38
7.4.7 Attenuation...................................................................................... 40
7.4.8 Anode Service Life Efficiency and Utilization ............................ 41
8.0 Sacrificial/Galvanic Anode Systems ........................................................... 43
8.1 Principles of Operation ............................................................................ 43
8.2 Galvanic Anodes ...................................................................................... 44
9.0 Impressed Current (Rectifier) Systems ..................................................... 45
9.1 General Description ................................................................................. 45
9.2 Rectifiers .................................................................................................. 47
9.3 Impressed Current System Installation .................................................... 48
10.0 CP System Maintenance and Testing........................................................ 49
10.1 General ................................................................................................... 49
10.1.1 Buried vs. Immersed Structures .................................................... 49
10.1.2 General Safety............................................................................... 50
10.2 Personnel ................................................................................................ 51
10.3 Equipment Used for Testing .................................................................. 51
10.3.1 Voltmeter ...................................................................................... 51
10.3.2 Reference Electrode or Cell .......................................................... 51
10.3.3 Reference Cell Calibration............................................................ 52
10.4 Galvanic Anode Systems ....................................................................... 53
10.4.1 Monthly Checks ............................................................................ 53

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

10.4.2 Yearly Inspections ........................................................................ 54

10.5 Impressed Current Systems.................................................................... 56

10.5.1 Safety ............................................................................................ 57
10.5.2 Monthly Checks ............................................................................ 57
10.5.3 Yearly Inspections ........................................................................ 58
Appendix A Simple GACP Designs ................................................................ 63
Appendix B Failed Pipe Reporting Form ...................................................... 71
Appendix C References ................................................................................... 77
Appendix D Definitions ................................................................................... 79
Appendix E Sample CP Data Forms .............................................................. 83

Table 1 Galvanic Series of Metals Exposed to Seawater .................................. 12
Table 2 Typical Current Requirements for Bare Steel....................................... 27
Table 3 Properties of Magnesium and Zinc Anodes .......................................... 29
Table 4 Galvanic Anode Grounding Resistances Used for FIST 4-5 ................ 32
Table 5 Estimated Specific Coating Resistances for Pipe Grounding Resistance
Calculations......................................................................................................... 34
Table 6 Maximum Allowed Current Per Galvanic Anode ................................ 43
Table 7 GACP Inspection and Maintenance Checklist...................................... 56
Table 8 ICCP Inspection and Maintenance Checklist ....................................... 61

Figure 1 The corrosion cell .................................................................................. 9
Figure 2 Anode to cathode area ratio ................................................................ 14
Figure 3 The use of isolating joints to prevent galvanic corrosion .................... 16
Figure 4 Installation of galvanic anode .............................................................. 37
Figure 5 Typical test station with board exposed .............................................. 39
Figure 6 Typical junction box ............................................................................ 39
Figure 7 Typical galvanic anode cathodic protection system installation ......... 43
Figure 8 Typical galvanic anodes ...................................................................... 45
Figure 9 Typical ICCP system installation ........................................................ 45
Figure 10 Typical ICCP anodes ......................................................................... 46
Figure 11 Typical rectifier cabinet ..................................................................... 47
Figure 12 Typical rectifier board inside a cabinet ............................................. 47
Figure 13 Wasps occupying a junction box ....................................................... 50
Figure 14 Copper/copper sulfate reference cell and components ...................... 51

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

1.0 Introduction
The Bureau of Reclamation operates and maintains multiple hydroelectric power
plants, switchyards, pumping plants, and associated facilities in the 17 Western
United States. These facilities are critical to the electric power and water delivery
systems on which many rely. Operating and maintaining the complex electrical
and mechanical equipment which these facilities house is essential to ensure
reliability. In fulfilling this responsibility, Power Operation Managers must
ensure the safe and sound operation of all structures and equipment.

1.1 Purpose
This volume provides basic information concerning:

Corrosion of submerged and buried metals encountered in various

installations, including electric power.
The application of corrosion mitigation methods, particularly cathodic
protection (CP).

Mitigating corrosion is important from both an operational and cost standpoint.

Among other consequences, ignoring corrosion can shorten structure life, increase
equipment or system out-of-service time, and increase maintenance. In addition
to the dollar cost, the loss of critical material and human effort are also quite
important. Measures such as cathodic protection help diminish such losses.

1.2 Scope
This document provides field personnel the principles they need for a clearer
understanding of basic corrosion processes and methods to deal with them. It
further describes some simple situations in which they might design and install a
cathodic protection system using site forces. The document also describes general
cathodic protection monitoring procedures. In most circumstances, however, field
personnel should seek some level of participation and assistance from corrosion

1.3 Reclamation Standard Practices

Refer to the Reclamation Manual Directive and Standard (D&S) FAC 04-14,
Power Facilities Technical Documents, for more details concerning Reclamation
Standard Practices.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

1.4 Effect of Section Headings

Section headings or titles appearing in this document are inserted for convenience
only and must not be construed as interpretations of text or a standard practice.

2.0 General

2.1 Corrosion Terms

For the convenience of the reader, Appendix D at the end of this document
defines corrosion along with a number of corrosion-related terms frequently used
in this Facilities Instructions, Standards, and Techniques (FIST) document and in
corrosion work. Several are described more in terms of practical corrosion
concepts rather than as formal definitions. NACE/ASTM G193 contains
additional definition.1

2.2 Forms of Corrosion

Corrosion, though commonly associated with metals, can affect any material of
construction and takes many forms. Corrosion of metals occurs as the result of
their tendency to revert to their natural state an ore. Commonly identified forms
associated with corrosion of a metal in an electrolyte include:

General corrosion in which metal loss is more or less even.

Galvanic corrosion in which electrically connecting dissimilar metals
causes accelerated corrosion of one while reducing corrosion of the other.
Crevice corrosion such as corrosion at mating surfaces or under deposits.
Pitting corrosion which leaves pinholes in a surface.
Intergranular corrosion in which the borders of metal crystal grain
boundaries are attacked, causing grains of metal to drop out, and leaving a
sugary appearance.
Selective leaching wherein a component of an alloy selectively corrodes,
leaving a mechanically weak structure with essentially original
Erosion corrosion wherein velocity combines with corrosion to produce
synergistic damage.
Stress corrosion in which corrosion and stress combine to crack a metal.
Hydrogen damage in which hydrogen, such as produced by corrosion in
an acid, may embrittle or blister a metal.

The reader may also see other classifications such as microbial-induced corrosion
or stray current corrosion. In addition, many of the types described above have

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

sub-categories for specific forms of corrosion or for a specific metal. For

instance, cavitation corrosion is a special form of erosion corrosion, and
dezincification of brass and graphitic corrosion of gray cast iron are both forms of
selective leaching.

A full treatment of each type of corrosion and its intricacies is beyond the scope
of this document.

2.3 Taking Action and Getting Help

This document will restrict itself to some of the more common forms and
mechanisms of corrosion that the reader is likely to encounter with ferrous metals
in soil and water environments and which they might address using cathodic
protection. However, cathodic protection is not the best approach to every
corrosion problem. For instance, seal welding a crevice may be the best solution
to crevice corrosion. It is not possible to adequately access such areas to prepare
the surface and apply a coating, and cathodic protection currents do not penetrate
crevices very well. Different corrosion problems have different solutions; hence
the importance of understanding corrosion mechanisms in order to take proper
actions. [When faced with an unfamiliar corrosion issue, the reader must
seek aid from a Technical Service Center (TSC) or similar corrosion
professional.] While this document may not allow the reader to handle all
corrosion problems on their own, it will allow them to discuss corrosion more
effectively when contacting that professional.

Incorporating corrosion mitigation measures into the design of a structure at

construction is the best and most economical strategy. This approach may require
advanced notice to permit corrosivity testing and evaluation of data as well as
some added construction expense, however, if this is not done and significant
structural corrosion occurs after construction, the labor and expense can be
significantly greater. After construction, repairing corrosion damage can
necessitate re-mobilizing and sometimes re-excavating to reach the problem area,
equipment downtime, and other corollary expenses. After repairs, a retrofit
method of controlling the corrosion still needs to be developed in order to prevent
recurring repair costs. Involve a corrosion professional as early in the project as

When faced with corrosion damage, one should perform a preliminary

examination to define the extent, severity, and characteristics of corrosion in the
environment in question. This information can provide a clue as to what
corrosion mechanism is at work or what further testing may be needed. Personnel
should expose enough of the corroding surface to permit adequate examination at
various locations. When reporting suspected corrosion damage, provide such
information as:

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

The specific alloy involved (e.g., 304 or 316 stainless steel).

As much information as possible regarding the environment surrounds the
damaged part, including temperature, pH, chloride content, and any other
such information that may already be available.
The appearance of the damage (e.g., pitting, general corrosion, cracking,
The type and condition of any protective coatings.
Photos of the area in question, if possible.

[Report pipe corrosion damage using the form at the end of Technical
Memorandum No. MERL-2011-35, Guidelines for Reporting Corroded Pipe.2
A copy of this form is reproduced at the end of this document in
Appendix B.]

3.0 Corrosion Principles and Concepts

3.1 Soil and Water Corrosivity Factors

The corrosion of a metal, whether immersed or in soil, involves a wet
environment. Soil is like a wet sponge holding moisture against a buried
structure. This moisture in corrosion nomenclature is known as the electrolyte,
and it has several important components, including:

Ionizable chemicals

These components of the electrolyte can have a strong influence on corrosion rate.
However, temperature and the chemical that corrosion itself causes are also
important. These factors will be explored further in the following paragraphs.

3.1.1 Water
Bare ferrous pipe kept in a dry storage area will suffer little or no significant
corrosion, but will show rust shortly after immersion or exposure to rain or dew.
This is because a significant amount of dissolved oxygen in the water has rapidly
reacted with the metal. Even though there is plenty of oxygen in the air around a
pipe, it generally reacts with the metal at a very slow or even negligible rate under
ambient dry conditions. The water allows oxygen and other corrosives to readily
interact with the metal in ways they cannot otherwise.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

3.1.2 Oxidizers
The component of an electrolyte that does the actual corrosion damage is called
an oxidizer. Among this class of dissolved chemical, oxygen is very commonly
encountered. Oxidizers like oxygen in solution steal electrons away from the
metal atom, and having done so, the oxidizer acquires a negative charge and is
said to be reduced. A reduced oxidizer is spent and will not react with additional
metal. The attacked metal atom, having lost one or more electrons, acquires a
positive charge and is said to become oxidized, and it is thereby freed from its
position in a rigid metal structure. Because of this mechanism, the corrosion
reaction in an electrolyte is described as an oxidation-reduction, or a redox
reaction. In this manner, a buried or immersed structure corrodes atom by atom.

The corrosion reaction products of iron or steel with oxygen accumulate as rust.
Since the reacted oxidizer, like oxygen that has formed rust, is no longer available
to do further damage, fresh oxidizer must constantly be replenished at the metal
surface to keep corrosion going. Hence, anything that blocks or makes the
migration of an oxidizer to the metal surface more difficult, such as certain
corrosion products, will slow down corrosion. Whatever brings oxidizers to the
surface, such as a flowing electrolyte, will accelerate corrosion.

Oxygen is not the only oxidizer dispersed in water. Carbon dioxide in the air
forms carbonic acid when it enters water, and acids can also oxidize iron and
steel. Likewise, dissolved air pollutants such as oxides of sulfur and nitrogen will
also form corrosive acids, as can decomposing organic matter. Fortunately,
naturally occurring dissolved acids are often too dilute to significantly corrode
ferrous metal. The corrosion products formed when acid attacks ferrous metals
are hydrogen gas and a metal salt, such as iron carbonate which forms when
carbonic acid attacks ferrous pipe. Dissolved oxygen in combination with an acid
can be particularly corrosive. There are many other soluble materials in soil, and
some may also be oxidizers that can cause corrosion. Dissolved chemicals will
tend to be at equilibrium concentrations in rain, lakes, streams, ground water, and
the like and will tend to return to equilibrium as those components are consumed.
Hence, there should always be a ready supply of some level of oxidizers in the

Charge balance is central to redox reactions. For every electron given up by the
corroding metal, an oxidizer must take in an electron. Furthermore, nature
requires that charge balance must be maintained at every point in the electrolyte;
positive charges and negative charges cannot accumulate at separate locations.
Ionizable chemicals are important in maintaining this charge balance.

3.1.3 Ionizable Chemicals

Salts, acids, and bases break apart to some extent in water. When they do, the
atomic electrons that these compounds shared and that held them together are not
divided evenly between the atoms or groups of atoms. The dissociated particles
therefore acquire a positive or negative charge, with the sum of positive and

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

negative charges canceling out. Even pure water itself dissociates to a small
extent. The fact that water has a pH of 7 reflects this dissociation. These charged
particles are called ions or radicals, and the materials from which they came are
said to be ionizable. Ions and radicals that carry a positive charge are called
cations while those carrying a negative charge are called anions.

Ionizable materials play an important role in both corrosion and in cathodic

protection. Oxidation and reduction portions of an overall corrosion reaction can
take place in separate locations because intervening ions and radicals will migrate
to maintain charge balance. Some ionizable materials, such as acids, are
oxidizers. Since rocks, pebbles, and grains of soil have very high electrical
resistance, current in soil is through the interstitial soil electrolyte.3 Ions and
radicals reduce the electrical resistance of moisture and carry the current of a
cathodic protection system through the electrolyte.

The more ionizable chemicals in soil moisture or water, the more conductive it is
(i.e., the lower its resistivity) and often the more corrosive it may be. A good
comparison is sea water versus fresh water. The former is highly conductive and
typically much more corrosive than the latter. However, there are exceptions to
the resistivity/corrosivity correlation, as in the case of concrete and similar
cementitious materials.

Of the ionizable chemicals, chloride salts in particular strongly and adversely

impact corrosion. They increase the conductivity of electrolytes, and also affect
how corrosion products perform. The chloride ion is a very small, penetrating
anion associated with passive film breakdown (described below), pitting, and
crevice corrosion. Even small amounts of chloride ion can be quite detrimental.

3.1.4 Temperature
Temperature can have a significant impact on corrosion. Elevating the
temperature generally accelerates corrosion, everything else being constant. It
can even determine whether particular forms of corrosion will develop. However,
raising the temperature sufficiently can reduce the solubility of gasses such as
oxygen in an electrolyte and may even dry out a metallic surface in extreme
situations. If this occurs, corrosion may actually slow down or halt.
Temperatures on buried or immersed Reclamation structures are typically not
elevated or too variable.

3.1.5 Chemical Changes Due to Corrosion

During corrosion, oxidation and reduction reactions cause chemical changes at
their respective sites. Reduction reactions consume oxidizers, tending to decrease
their concentration at cathodic locations. At the same time, oxidation products
accumulate and may deposit on anodic sites, making it more difficult for
additional oxidation to take place. These effects are called polarization. In some
instances, early stage corrosion may even cause the metal to form a passive film

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

that resists further corrosion, as explained further below. Hence, corrosion rates
are typically greatest at the onset.

Anything that reduces these chemical changes at anodic or cathodic sites is said to
depolarize that site. A simple way of depolarizing a surface is by agitating a
solution, which will sweep reaction products away and refresh the reactants.
Increasing the temperature or introducing certain chemicals can have a similar

3.2 Metal/Alloy Susceptibility Factors

The environment alone does not determine how rapidly metallic materials will
corrode. The specific metal or alloy and the corrosion products formed in a
specific environment have a big influence.

3.2.1 The Metal or Alloy

Metals and alloys differ in how readily they cede electrons to an oxidizer hence,
in how easily they corrode. The ones that hold on more tightly are said to be
more noble or cathodic, while the ones that easily give up electrons are said to be
more active or anodic.

If a more noble metal and a more active one are electrically connected together
(e.g., through a wire or by direct contact) in an electrolyte:

The more active metal will tend to provide at least some of the electron
oxidizer demand at the surface of the noble metal.
The more active metal will supply some additional electrons to oxidizers
at its own surface.

As a result, the anodic metal corrodes more rapidly while protecting the noble
metal. This is typical of galvanic corrosion and, as will be seen, is the basis for
galvanic anode cathodic protection. This differing tendency to lose electrons
demonstrates itself as a voltage difference between the two metals.

3.2.2 Passive Films

Some corrosion products can form an effective barrier that prevents additional
oxidizers from reaching a metallic surface, stifling corrosion. Such protective
corrosion products are called passive films, and the metal surface is said to be
passivated. Passivation is the mechanism whereby stainless steel and a number of
other alloys resist corrosion. However, not all corrosion products in all
environments form effective passive films. The metal and environment need to
be correctly matched. Rust, even if thick, is not an effective passive film in most
instances; further corrosion often takes place even under a thick rust layer. Steel
rebar in a high pH concrete environment can passivate. However, chloride ion in

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

sufficient quantity will induce passive film breakdown of iron or steel in concrete,
as will carbonation of the concrete by dissolved carbon dioxide.

3.2.3 Ferrous Corrosion Products

Oxides of iron or steel are collectively termed rust, which actually consists of a
number of ferrous mineral forms. Depending on its precise make-up, rust can
take up to an order of magnitude more volume than the original metal from which
it formed. The outsized thickness of rust formed on steel often causes alarm and
concern for excessive metal loss that, when actually measured, turns out to be
tolerable. However, this voluminous corrosion product can have deleterious
results, as when steel encased in concrete corrodes. For instance, when rebar in
concrete corrodes, the steel corrosion products cause cracking and spalling of the
concrete. This damage then allows corrosives to more readily reach the rebar,
causing accelerated corrosion until the reinforced concrete is extensively damaged
and weakened.

Gray cast iron and ductile cast iron corrosion products behave somewhat
differently from the rust on steel. Gray cast iron composed of iron in an
interconnected network of graphite flakes. As a result, when a gray cast iron pipe
buried in soil corrodes, it often suffers selective leaching; the iron corrodes while
the graphite flake network remains intact. This is called graphitic corrosion. The
corroded iron may dissolve away, but rust will more often remain in the voids of
the graphite flake network. Little or no corrosion product expansion results. The
corroded pipe has essentially the same dimensions as the original metal, but with
very little strength. A screw driver or shovel can easily break through graphitic
corrosion products. Ductile iron is also composed of iron and graphite, but the
graphite is in discrete nodules. Unlike gray cast iron, the graphite network is not
interconnected and continuous; the corrosion products are essentially graphite
spheres floating in a continuous network of rust. Nonetheless, a corroded ductile
iron pipe will also often suffer severe corrosion while retaining the looks of an
uncorroded pipe, until one cleans out the pockets of corrosion.

3.3 Corrosion Cell Concept

The corrosion cell is a way of visualizing the various processes taking place
during corrosion and described above. It is especially relevant when talking about
galvanic or concentration cell corrosion, but it can be applied even to general
corrosion of a single metal. The elements of a corrosion cell are shown in
Figure 1. Its basic components include:

An electrolyte for ion flow between these electrodes
An external metal path for current flow between these electrodes

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

The following discussion will refer to these components. The principles of this
simple model are also useful when considering cathodic protection.

Figure 1. The corrosion cell.

3.3.1 Microcells and Macrocells

The corrosion cell envisions oxidation and reduction as occurring simultaneously,
but at separate locations. The anodic locations where mainly oxidation takes
place are called anodes while the cathodic locations where mainly reduction takes
place are called cathodes. As a result of the different reactions taking place at
these separate locations, the anodes and the cathodes create a potential or voltage
difference between them. Since these electrodes are in the same electrolyte, this
model creates a battery out of the corrosion process. Current can pass when
anodes and cathodes are connected by an electron carrying path. This electron
path may consist of the anodes and cathodes being in direct contact or being
spaced but connected by an external wire or the like.

Even general corrosion of a single metal has been described using this model.
The term mixed potential theory was coined to describe it. At any point in time,
mixed potential theory visualizes anodic points and cathodic points on a single
piece of metal in an electrolyte; the locations of these anodes and cathodes
randomly change over time. The result is more or less an even metal loss over the

Corrosion cells in which tiny anodes and cathodes are in close proximity to each
other are termed microcells. In addition to general corrosion of a metal, pitting
corrosion and intergranular corrosion are other examples of microcells.

Similarly, larger discrete cells can exist and develop a voltage difference. These
are often referred to as macrocells. Examples of macrocells include:

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Two distinct metals connected together and in the same soil or water a
galvanic cell.
A large metallic structure in different electrolytes or soil conditions a
concentration cell.

As discussed previously, the reactions at anodic and cathodic sites change the
surrounding chemistry and can affect corrosion. These changes are also reflected
in the voltage difference between anodes and cathodes. The voltage difference
between anodic sites and cathodic sites becomes less as the result of anodic sites
becoming less anodic and cathodic sites becoming less cathodic.

3.3.2 Common Corrosion Cells

Corrosion cells are quite common. Different metals used to construct a structure
can serve as anode, cathode, and the necessary metallic conductor between the
two. The immersed environment or soil moisture constitutes the electrolyte
required to complete the cell circuit. The following are a few examples in which
buried or immersed structures satisfy the essential requirements for a complete
corrosion cell:

a) Buried iron or steel will be anodic to copper ground mats or to brass bolts
or other copper alloy parts.
b) An immersed or buried steel plate with mill scale may suffer accelerated
corrosion at metal exposed through the scale because the steel anodic to
mill scale.
c) Weld areas of a welded pipe may suffer accelerated corrosion because the
weld metal is of slightly different composition or may contain impurities
that make them anodic to nearby base metal.
d) The bottom of a pipeline may corrode while the top remains largely
undamaged because higher oxygen concentration in the soil moisture
(electrolyte) at the top of the pipe creates an oxygen concentration cell
with the bottom of the pipe being the anode.
e) A pipe passing through different types of soil develops voltage
differences, suffering areas of greater and lesser corrosion.
f) The soil side of buried iron steal areas passing through concrete may
suffer accelerated corrosion because the ferrous metal in concrete is at a
more noble potential than the ferrous metal in the soil.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

4.0 Specific Corrosion Issues

Reclamation personnel observe some types of corrosion more frequently than
others. These deserve additional mention.

4.1 Galvanic Series and Coupling Metals/Alloys

Metals and alloys have different tendencies to corrode in any given environment.
An experimental list called a galvanic series shows this tendency by placing the
metals and alloys in order of susceptibility. The potential of a metal or alloy with
respects to a standard reference cell determines its position in the order. Some
galvanic series are simple lists, like Table 1, while others may be in graphical
form, with boxes indicating a range of potentials observed for an alloy. ASTM
G82-98 (Standard Guide for Development and Use of a Galvanic Series for
Predicting Galvanic Corrosion Performance) details the development and use of
a galvanic series.4 A galvanic series also suggests the consequences of joining
two metals or alloys.

Note that in Table 1, graphite, a form of carbon and non-metal, will also develop a
potential in an electrolyte. It is quite noble and can induce galvanic corrosion of a
number of metals or alloys.

A galvanic series must not be confused with the electromotive series. The latter
provides potentials for pure metals and other materials referenced to standard
reversible conditions. While the electromotive series can be valuable research
tool, its use in engineering applications is somewhat limited.

4.1.1 Acceptable and Unacceptable Couples

A considerable voltage difference results from electrically coupling two metals
widely separated in a galvanic series. This voltage produces a relatively large
amount of what is called galvanic current, indicating large amounts of galvanic
corrosion. The more active or anodic metal of the galvanic cell suffers
accelerated corrosion while corrosion of the more noble or cathodic metal slows
down. On the other hand, metals or alloys close together in the galvanic series
produce only a small voltage difference when connected together; little galvanic
corrosion results. Therefore, immersed or buried metals close together in a
galvanic series (e.g., copper and copper alloys) can often be used in direct contact
without significant damaging effects, while widely separated metals (e.g., steel
and copper) cannot. However, a number of details need to be considered,
including the robustness of the parts, the relative surface areas of exposed metal,
etc. As a result, it is not possible to provide a voltage difference between metals
useful in all instances.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Galvanic Series of Metals Exposed to Seawater

Active or Corroding End

(-) Magnesium
Magnesium Alloys
| Zinc
| Galvanized Steel
| Aluminum 1100
| Aluminum 6053
| Alclad
| Cadmium
| Aluminum 2024
| Mild Steel
| Wrought Iron
| Cast Iron
| 410 SS (Active)
| 304 SS (Active)
| 316 SS (Active)
| Lead-Tin Solders
| Lead
| Tin
| Muntz Metal
| Manganese Bronze
| Naval Brass
| Nickel (Active)
| Yellow Brass
| Admiralty Brass
| Red Brass
| Copper
| Silicon Brass
| 70-30 Cupro Nickel
| G-Bronze
| M-Bronze
| Silver Solder
| Nickel (Passive)
| 67Ni-33Cu (Monel)
| 410 SS (Passive)
| Titanium
| 304 SS (Passive)
| 316 SS (Passive)
| Silver
| Graphite
(+) Platinum
Noble or Passive End
Table 1. Extracted from NACE Corrosion Engineers Reference Book, 3 Ed.;
R. Baboian (Editor).

4.1.2 Specificity of Galvanic Series

There is an important caveat to note when referring to a galvanic series. A given
galvanic series is not totally valid for every environment and temperature. Sea
water at room temperature is probably the most common galvanic series
environment found in literature. Other environments, temperatures, and
Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

conditions could yield different orderings. The only way to be certain is to devise
a galvanic series for a specific environment, or to perform confirming tests.
Nonetheless, one can often gain a general idea from a series as to which metal or
alloy is likely to be more active or more noble in a couple and how substantial this
difference may be.

Zinc provides a good case example for this warning. This metal is considerably
more active than steel in the galvanic series of Table 1 and should sacrificially
protect steel. However, elevating the temperature about 180oF, such as in a
domestic hot water tank, or introducing nitrates, bicarbonates, or carbonates can
cause the potential of zinc to become nobler than that of steel.5 When this
happens, the steel will sacrificially protect zinc.

Table 1 is a typical galvanic series tabulation. Like most galvanic series, it was
experimentally developed for typical sea water at a given temperature, flow rate,
and other specific conditions.

4.1.3 Why Some Alloys Are Listed Twice

Another peculiarity in this galvanic series is that some alloys that form a passive
film are shown in two locations with passive and active indicated next to the
alloy. As long as the alloy has not begun to corrode, it will have a more noble
potential; if corrosion initiates (e.g., pitting), a more anodic potential will develop.
Thus a stainless steel that may resist corrosion in moving sea water will display a
passive potential under that condition and will be in a more noble position in the
galvanic series. However, if flow stops and that stainless steel begins to pit, it
will demonstrate an active potential and its position in the galvanic series above
will change. Once the alloy has become active, it may not repassivate and regain
its more noble potential.

4.1.4 Reference Electrodes

To place the members of a galvanic series in order, researchers need a stable
reference point. A standard reference electrode or cell provides this baseline.
The standard hydrogen electrode is the primary reference cell to which all others
are compared, however, it can be difficult to use, not very rugged, and is strictly a
laboratory device. Reference cells for field work typically consist of a metal
surrounded by a standard solution in a plastic tube that has a porous plug at the
end. Though they are quite stable, care must still be taken not to contaminate
them and to control their temperature, or to compensate for variations in reference
cell temperature. A copper/copper sulfate reference cell is most commonly used
for soil or fresh water testing. When salt water is involved, a silver/silver chloride
reference cell may be employed instead. In addition, zinc, normally in a chemical
backfill, is sometimes used as a reference particularly when there is a need for a
permanent, in-place reference. The voltage difference between a reference
electrode and a metal or alloy is termed the metal potential, or sometimes the
structure-to-electrolyte potential (e.g., pipe-to-soil potential).

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Figure 2. A steel fastener holding a stainless steel ladder demonstrates undesirable

anode (fastener) to cathode (ladder) area ratio.

4.1.5 Minimizing Galvanic Corrosion

One can eliminate or minimize galvanic corrosion in the design process. The
following design principles will help accomplish this:

a) Avoid immersing or burying metals and alloys that are electrically

continuous if they are widely separated galvanically. Note, however, that
galvanic corrosion will not occur in a dry condition.
b) For buried or immersed applications, select metal and allow combinations
from groups as close together as possible in the galvanic series if they
must be connected (e.g., stainless steels with stainless steels; copper alloys
with copper alloys, etc.). A minimal voltage driving force will produce
minimal corrosion.
c) Electrically isolate different metals or alloys from one another in an
electrolyte, especially if they are far apart in the galvanic series. Without
electrical contact, current will not flow and galvanic corrosion will not
d) Avoid combinations where the area of the more anodic metal is relatively
small compared with the area of the more anodic metal (e.g., steel bolts
fastening a stainless steel ladder in a sump rapid corrosion of the bolts).
A large anode to cathode area ratio will tend to spread corrosion over a
wide area, minimizing the depth of corrosion penetration. A small anode
to cathode area ratio will remove much more metal from a small area,
intensifying the depth of penetration. Figure 2 demonstrates this principle.
e) Apply a dielectric coating to the more cathodic or noble metal, not just the
active one that you expect to corrode. Since coating tend to have defects
or holidays, coating the cathode helps maximize the anode to cathode
area ratio. Coating only the more active metal can result in deep pits.
f) The more anodic member in a galvanic couple should be robust. This will
not eliminate galvanic corrosion, but the anodic member may last longer
since it can endure more corrosion before failing.
g) Consider using cathodic protection to control galvanic attack.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Note that dissimilar metal corrosion can only occur if:

Both metals are in electrolyte.

Current can flow between the metals through the electrolyte.
The metals are in electrical contact, either by direct contact with one
another or through a wire or the like.

4.1.6 Electrical Isolation

There are basically two ways to electrically isolate parts. First, do not connect
them together, either directly or through a separate device (e.g., wire). Secondly,
if they must be mechanically connected together, install electrical isolating
materials at their juncture to prevent current flow. Electrical isolation can prevent
a portion of a structure from sacrificing itself in a galvanic couple. It can also
isolate a structure being cathodically protected from others that one does not
intend to protect; additional metal to protect means an added drain on a cathodic
protection system.

NACE SP 0286 describes the equipment and principles for electrical isolation of
cathodically-protected pipelines.6 This specialized equipment includes flange
isolation kits (incorporate an isolating gasket, isolating washers, and bolt sleeve
isolators), monolithic isolation units for weld applications, and isolating unions
for threaded applications. Isolation materials, especially buried or immersed, can
absorb moisture, which will reduce their electrical resistance. As a minimum,
coatings must be applied to resist moisture absorption. Thick coating systems
such as wax tapes have been used in some Reclamation buried applications.
Placing the isolation in a vault instead of direct burial is ideal as it prevents
deterioration of isolating materials and improves access should repairs be needed.

A typical example of a situation where isolation would be useful is shown in

Figure 3. Figures 3A and 3B show an installation subject to severe soil corrosion.
In Figure 3A, which shows the conceptual arrangement, the direct connection of
dissimilar metals provides an ideal path for the flow of current from the iron to
the copper through the soil (electrolyte). The iron in this case is the anodic or
sacrificial metal. In Figure 3B, which shows the practical situation that
demonstrates the concept, a copper grounding mat is connected directly to the
steel pipe, both being in a common electrolyte, the soil. The flow of current in
this case is from the steel pipe to the copper grounding mat through the soil. The
steel pipe is the anodic, or the sacrificial metal. The condition depicted in Figures
3C and 3D is identical to that shown in Figures 3A and 3B with the exception that
the wire connection in Figure 3D has been isolated from the copper grounding
mat by the installation of electrical isolation material at a joint. Under this
condition, the galvanic component of corrosion has been eliminated, and only
corrosion due to the aggressive soil around the pipe takes place. The examples in
Figures 3E and 3F are identical to the examples in Figures 3C and 3D except that
a sacrificial anode of magnesium has been added to protect the steel pipe from

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

soil corrosion. Since the magnesium anode is the least noble of the three metals
(magnesium, steel, and copper) in the ground (electrolyte), it could have been
used even without the electrical isolation. However, without isolation, the copper
would have demanded current from the anode in addition to the steel pipe. As a
result of using isolation, less anode material is required for this application.

Figure 3. The use of isolating joints to prevent galvanic corrosion.

In some instances, there may be a need for alternating current (AC) grounding
that conflicts with the need for electrical isolation. For instance, if in Figure 3 had
there been some AC-induced current on the pipeline or some requirement that the
pipe be grounded against AC or fault currents, then an isolation device would
have prevented this safety feature. Direct current (DC) decoupling devices
provide an alternate solution in such cases. These devices block the flow of DC
current while allowing the flow of AC. In this instance, placing a DC decoupling
device between the motor and the ground mat instead of a flange isolation kit, or
across the isolated flange, would block the draining of cathodic protection current
while allowing any AC pick up by the pipeline to drain to the grounding mat. DC
decouplers can allow the passage of steady-state AC, AC fault currents, and even
lightning currents. Solid state DC decouplers are more popular these days,
displacing polarization cells that were formerly used for a similar purpose.

4.2 Concentration Cell Corrosion

Connecting different metals or alloys is not the only way to develop an
electrochemical voltage difference. The same metal in two different
environments will develop differing potentials. Thus, if an immersed steel
structure extends from a quiet region of water into a region that is being aerated, a

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

potential or voltage difference will develop between the two regions. A similar
effect occurs when buried pipe passes through different soils; potential differences
develop at different points on the pipe. These differing potentials can accelerate
corrosion at the more anodic points. A common concentration cell effect involves
iron or steel partially encased in cementitious material like concrete or mortar and
partially in soil.

4.2.1 Corrosion in Cementitious Materials and the pH Cell

Concrete, mortar, and other cementitious materials, though rigid, are porous and
will retain moisture. As it would in soil, this moisture will have dissolved
materials in it and constitutes and electrolyte. The chemistry of cementitious
electrolytes, however, can be quite different from the typical soil environment.
In particular, the type and quantity of alkalies in cementitious materials often
produce an elevated pH that would be quite unusual for a soil. The excess of
calcium hydroxide in the cement is largely responsible for this. Calcium
hydroxide has a saturated pH of 12.5 at 77oF (25oC).7

The alkalinity of cementitious materials has two major impacts on iron and steel
corrosion. First, embedded iron and steel can undergo passivation at high pH,
stifling the corrosion process. This is commonly observed in concrete, which has
a typical pH around 12.5. Secondly, carbonic acid or other environmental acids
dissolved in groundwater will react with the alkalies in the cementitious material.
This reaction neutralizes their acidity so that they are no longer corrosive.
Unfortunately, this neutralization can slowly consume the alkalinity of the
cementitious material, eventually destroying the passivity of encased iron and
steel, especially if the cementitious covering is shallow.

Carbon dioxide, which forms carbonic acid in water, can react with the calcium
hydroxide to form calcium carbonate, which has an equilibrium pH of 9.4 at 77oF
(25oC).7 This process is called carbonation, and the resulting pH is too low to
develop and maintain passivation on iron or steel. The thicker and less porous the
layer of cementitious material over the iron or steel, and the more buffering
capability it contains, the longer it is able to neutralize acids and maintain a low
corrosion rate.

The electrochemical potential developed by steel or iron encased in high pH

concrete or mortar can be similar to that typically developed by copper in soil.8
Since Table 1 above shows that a galvanic couple of copper and steel should
corrode the steel, a similar effect might be expected from coupling steel in
concrete to steel in water or soil. This is in fact observed when encased ferrous
metal leaves concrete and enters soil or water; the metal outside the concrete
suffers accelerated corrosion. This particular type of concentration cell has been
termed a pH cell. Exposed metal immediately outside the concrete encasement is
especially vulnerable since the electrolyte resistance path between that area and
encased metal is least.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

4.2.2 Minimizing pH Cell Corrosion

A concentration cell such as a pH cell resembles a galvanic couple in a number of
ways, and one can also deal with either in a similar fashion. As in the case of
galvanic corrosion, the more exposed cathodic metal there is in a concentration
cell (metal in the cementitious material in this case), the worse the concentration
cell effect is expected to be. Hence coatings can be helpful. Isolating anodic
areas from cathodic areas can eliminate a concentration cell or a galvanic couple.
Cathodic protection can also control pH cell and other concentration cell

While cathodic protection can be employed without isolating the encased metal
from that in the soil, the encased metal may needlessly drain a considerable
amount or current. Coating the encased metal will minimize the cathode to anode
area ration and reduce cathodic protection current requirements. Isolation joints
and measures previously described to control galvanic couples are also often
useful in dealing with concentration cells like pH cells. Isolating within the
cementitious material can minimize the amount of coupled metal within the
concrete that will draw CP current; but subsequent testing and repair of the
isolation joint will be difficult. Isolating at or just outside the encasement
eliminates these problems, but may leave a stub projecting from the concrete to
the point of isolation. This stub may still suffer pH cell corrosion at any holidays
in the coating, and the isolating material may absorb moisture and deteriorate.
A thick coating system such as a wax filler and wax tape has sometimes been
used to eliminate such holidays and protect the isolating material. Isolating
within a vault has the benefit of minimizing the amount of encased metal needing
to be cathodically protected while helping to keep the isolating materials dry and
readily available for testing or replacement if needed.

pH cell corrosion may also occur where a structure rises from concrete into the
air. This is particularly a concern when there is puddling at that location due to
condensation, precipitation, etc. Sloping concrete or mortar up to a vertical
ferrous structure may help prevent such puddling. Coating the concrete as well as
the metal around the area where the metal emerges may be helpful, especially if a
layer of carbonated concrete is not yet present. Carbonation of concrete at the air
interface can eliminate the passivating ability of that concrete. As a result, bare
metal just below the surface may start to rust. Coating the metal for a distance
into the concrete when that metal is first installed may able be helpful.

4.3 Stray Current Corrosion

If current flowing through an electrolyte encounters a ferrous structure not
electrically connected to its source, it may still flow onto that structure. This is
because metals are low resistance paths as compared to electrolytes, and current
prefers paths of low resistance. This current has to flow onto a structure by
drawing electrons from the metal; current, by convention is the flow of positive

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

charge and is opposite from the flow of electrons or negative charge. To draw
electrons out of the metal, the current must produce a reduction reaction in the
electrolyte at the point of entry. The reduction reaction is normally hydrogen
evolution or oxygen reduction in aqueous electrolytes. Because the metallic
structure in question is not connected to the original source of the current, the
current has to re-enter the electrolyte in order to complete its path. To re-enter the
electrolyte, the current must produce an oxidation reaction at the point. This
oxidation reaction will be corrosion of the ferrous structure, which releases
positive metal ions into the electrolyte and the electrons needed by the reduction
reaction where the current enters. This type of corrosion is called stray current
corrosion. Note that stray current corrosion is not a function of the corrosivity of
the environment. A metal can be made to corrode by this method even in a
benign environment.

Cathodic protection systems on foreign structures are a common source of DC

stray current corrosion. However, DC stray currents may also emanate from
high-voltage DC systems (when operating in an emergency monopolar mode for
maintenance may impact at a great distance), from electrical substations or from
street railway systems.

High-voltage AC may also cause stray current corrosion. This sometimes occurs
when a three-phase overhead transmission system parallels a buried metallic
pipeline. Corrosion, if it is to occur, is normally in the area where the
transmission line and the pipeline paths eventually diverge. Because of canceling
effects, a buried high-voltage cable containing the three conductors is very
unlikely to cause high-voltage AC stray current corrosion. Fault currents, as from
lightning strikes, are also considered under the topic of stray AC currents.

Telluric currents resulting from sun spot activity are a special case of stray current
corrosion. These currents cause problems especially nearer northern and southern
regions of the globe and near the equator. Solar activity associated with telluric
currents is approximately on an 11-year cycle.9

4.3.1 Detection of Stray Currents

Reclamation usually determines the presence of stray current corrosion during
potential surveys on structures. Where current gets onto a pipeline, the potential
is typically more protective (i.e., more negative potential). Where current jumps
off the pipeline, there is usually a potential shift in the positive direction. When
uncovering a structure such as a pipe that has been damaged due to stray current
effects, the damage will typically be localized a large, deep pit, for example.

DC stray current corrosion will more likely be a problem if:

The structure passes near the anode bed of a foreign structure, placing it in
the anode voltage gradient field.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

The structure crosses or approaches a cathodically protected foreign

The foreign structure is under impressed current cathodic protection.

Intermittent DC stray current, as from a rail system, may require recording

instruments operating over many hours or days to detect an occurrence.

High-voltage AC stray current corrosion will usually occur where either an

pipeline or the overhead line diverge from their parallel paths.

Request the services of a corrosion specialist when stray current corrosion is


5.0 Indicators of Corrosive

After the fact, determining that one has a corrosion problem is relatively simple.
The challenge is to determine ahead of time that there is an issue in order to take
timely measures. The most reliable method is to perform site corrosion testing to
determine the corrosion susceptibility of a metal in the environment; this may
include field corrosion coupon testing, chemical analysis of the environment, and
resistivity testing. However, project requirements may not allow sufficient time
for an exhaustive study.

5.1 Soil Corrosivity

High soil corrosivity and low soil resistivity, an electrical property of materials
expressed in ohm-cm, generally coincide. This is because low soil resistivity
typically results from high levels of dissolved salts in the electrolyte. When an
electrolyte contains much dissolved salt, its low resistivity and resistance allow
corrosion cells to readily express themselves, even at long distances. However,
environments that have a low resistivity because of other chemical constituents
may not be as corrosive. Concrete, for instance, can have a very low resistivity
due to its high alkalinity; however, this high alkalinity allows embedded steel to
passivate in concrete. Hence, steel rebar in a low resistivity concrete usually
suffers very little corrosion.

When experience with corrosion in a specific soil location is not available,

Reclamation routinely relies on a soil resistivity assessment. The specific method
that Reclamation uses is described in Technical Memorandum No. MERL-05-19
(The 10% Soil Resistivity Method).10 This technique is specific to Reclamation
and is intended to be used along with Technical Memorandum No.8140-CC-

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

2004-1 (Corrosion Considerations for Buried Metallic Water Pipe).11 The first
document uses raw field resistance data that has been computer processed using
an electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) inversion routine; this provides the geo-
electric structure along the pipeline alignment. A statistical treatment is then
applied to the layer resistivity readings along the run of pipe; the end result is
termed the 10 percent probability. Resistivities along a pipeline will typically
vary randomly by 3 or 4 orders of magnitude from location to location along the
alignment. [Do not use the Barnes Layer Method of determining layer soil
resistivities unless a TSC geophysicist or corrosion professional recommends
doing so in a particular situation.] The second document recommends
minimum corrosion mitigation measures based on the 10 percent probabilities
determined in the first document. A corrosion specialist may also employ
experience with similar materials in the same or similar soil, if available. At
times, additional data (e.g., chloride or sulfate concentration, etc.) may be useful.

Soil resistivity readings along the structure and at anode locations are also
essential in designing cathodic protection systems. These resistivities are
determined separate from the 10 percent probability value.

[To avoid data acquisition methods unacceptable to Reclamation (e.g.,

Barnes Layer) and arrive at suitable soil resistivity numbers, coordinate with
a TSC corrosion professional or geophysicist when such data is needed.]

5.2 Water Corrosivity

Because of rapid diffusion and convection, bodies of water are often more
uniform in composition than soils. However, some variations may still exist. For
instance, deep waters may be less aerated than those near the surface; variations
may also be present if a location in the water is being aerated or if there is an
outfall nearby.

Indicators such as the Langelier Index have sometimes been used to help assess
water corrosivity. The belief was that the tendency of water to form scale on the
surface of a metal indicated that it would not be corrosive. However, this is not
always true, and the use of such indices for natural waters in not reliable.

Analysis of pH, chloride content, and resistivity (conductivity) provide an idea as

to the corrosivity of waters. Corrosion significantly accelerates at low pH. While
pH 4 and below may be considered quite corrosive, even somewhat less acidic pH
can be of concern. Chloride levels in the 10s of parts per million (ppm) raise
alarm, and 100 ppm chlorides and higher can be expected to be significantly
damaging. Conductivity readings are usually more readily obtained than
resistivity readings in the case of water. Conductivity is mathematically the
inverse of resistivity and is usually measured in micro-siemens per meter or per
centimeter (1S/cm = 1/1,000,000 -cm). Technical Memorandums Nos.
MERL-05-19 and 8140-CC-2004-1 are not intended for use in immersed
Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

applications, and no similar documents are available at this writing. However,

corrosivity in waters generally parallels conductivity. The more conductive
waters are generally more corrosive.

Due to the geometric variety of anodes that might be used for protecting
immersed structures, this document will not provide basic design algorithms for
that situation. [Seek the assistance of a TSC corrosion specialist or similar
when assessing water corrosivity and designing cathodic protection systems
for immersed structures.] As in soil, reliable resistivity (conductivity) readings
are essential when designing a cathodic protection system for water.

6.0 Protective Coatings

6.1 Coating Variety

Protective coatings are a common corrosion mitigation measure. They are often
one of the few effective and economical protection measures against atmospheric
corrosion. They include galvanizing, mortar, and organic coating systems.

Galvanizing, a zinc coating, isolates the ferrous metal beneath from exposure to
atmospheric corrosives. Furthermore, during periods of wetness (e.g., rain or
dew) it can act galvanically (see galvanic table above) to protect substrate metal at
scratches and nicks in the galvanizing. Galvanizing used in atmospheric
exposures can often provide 30 to 50 years of service life. Performance in
immersion or buried service often does not provide nearly as much service life
and is quite variable. Galvanizing may even passivate in some waters, causing it
to accelerate corrosion of exposed ferrous metal.

Mortar coatings can help the ferrous metal beneath to passivate. However, such
coatings are somewhat fragile and thin. Damage at a mortar coating can lead to
pH cell corrosion at the metal exposed to soil. Problem areas for mortar-coated
pipe are often found at girth weld seams. Such welds are performed in the field
after installation, and the mortar coating is repaired at that time. Field repairs may
not be as effective as shop mortar coatings.

Organic coatings isolate the ferrous metal from a corrosive environment. Unlike
galvanizing and mortar coatings, organic coatings are commonly electrically
isolating barriers and are often called bonded dielectric coatings. If the barrier is
intact, corrosion cannot progress since the metal does not see the corrosive
electrolyte. However, bonded dielectric coatings, especially thin coatings (e.g.,
less than 0.040 in.), are usually not perfect. They typically have pores and defects
as applied and may be damaged during installation or in service; stray currents

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

such as lightning arc strikes can create major defects in them. They also
deteriorate at varying rates with time. Defects in a coating are called holidays.

Buried or immersed structures are often protected with a combination of a bonded

dielectric coating and cathodic protection.

6.2 Selection and Application of Coatings

Coating technology is a specialized field and is ever evolving. Not only are
manufacturers constantly researching and developing coatings with improved
characteristics, but state and federal environmental regulations have outlawed or
severely restricted the use of some older coating systems. As a result, coatings
that were formerly popular have in many cases been replaced with newer coatings
that are more environmentally friendly. Among coatings generally no longer in
use within Reclamation are red lead and chromate primers, vinyl paint, and a
number of high-VOC coating systems. Some coatings allowed in one jurisdiction
may not be allowed in others.

Factors critical to coating performance include:

Surface cleaning and preparation prior to coating.

The environmental conditions (e.g., temperature and humidity) when
applying the coating.
The blending and curing of a specific coating.

Short-cuts have ruined many a coating that otherwise would have provided many
years of service. Coating manufacturers are well aware of this and usually
provide detailed instructions for coating applications. Employing trained and
experienced personnel helps ensure good coating performance. Having an
inspector separate from the application vendor helps as well.

Given the importance of a good coating system, the significance associated with
the details of its application, and the developments that are ongoing, site
personnel are strongly advised to work with a TSC coatings specialist for proper
selection and application.

6.3 Coatings in Conjunction with Cathodic Protection

Coatings and cathodic protection complement each other. Where possible, one
can use them in combination to achieve the optimal economy and protection. The
coating protects everywhere but at holidays. This minimizes the amount of
current a cathodic protection system must provide and distributes that current
further and more evenly. With undercutting of the coating by corrosion mitigated,
a coating can last longer.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

However, the coating system must be compatible with cathodic protection and the
level of cathodic protection must not be excessive. For instance, the normal
elevated pH produced on a structure by cathodic protection can damage zinc-rich
primers, and these primers may also lead to inaccurate corrosion monitoring
readings. [Zinc-rich primers must therefore be avoided on cathodically
protected structures.] However, even normally compatible coatings may
disband due to excessive levels of cathodic protection. Corrosion can then take
place at the disbondments where cathodic protection currents may not reach. As
described later, Reclamation employs protection criteria that limit the polarized
potential of a protected structure to prevent cathodic disbondment.

7.0 Cathodic Protection Design

Cathodic protection uses direct current to mitigate metal corrosion in an
electrolyte. Cathodic protection makes the protected metal surface the cathode of
a galvanic or electrolytic cell. The passage of current then causes the electrolyte
surrounding a protected structure to become more basic (high in pH). This
protective current may come from:

A more active metal such as zinc or magnesium.

An external source of power such as a rectifier.

The use of cathodic protection is an economic consideration. Cathodic protection

usually in conjunction with protective coatings, can allow a long service life
equivalent to that from using more expensive alloys. Cathodic protection,
however, may not be practical for some structures, such as the interior surfaces of
small diameter pipelines. There may be instances when other corrosion
mitigation measures are preferable.

Cathodic protection designs are customized for each application. Furthermore,

they require specialized knowledge and training. Although this document will
describe methods for using cathodic protection to protect the exterior of buried
structures, [site personnel are strongly advised to get a corrosion professional
experienced in cathodic protection involved before attempting even simple
installations.] Such personnel include Cathodic Protection Specialists certified
by NACE International and are available at the Materials Engineering Research
Laboratory (MERL) of the Reclamation TSC.

7.1 Cathodic Protection Equipment

The basic equipment needed for cathodic protection work includes:

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Galvanic anodes, or impressed current anodes and a rectifier.

Junction boxes where multiple anodes may come together.
Test stations for electronic access to cathodically protected structures.
Shunt resistors used for measuring current by application of Ohms Law.
Variable resistors used to adjust current throughout.
A high-impedance (10 megohm minimum) portable voltmeter.
A reference cell usually a copper/copper sulfate electrode (CSE).
Wire leads.

This document will explain how to properly use this equipment to accomplish
common cathodic protection tasks.

7.2 Cathodic Protection Criteria

NACE International is recognized worldwide as a premier professional society
and standards setting organization concerned with corrosion control. NACE has a
number of industry standards dealing with cathodic protection. These include:

SP 0100, Cathodic Protection to Control External Corrosion of Concrete

Pressure Pipelines and Mortar-Coated Steel Pipelines for Water and
Wastewater Service.12
SP 0169, Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged
Metallic Piping Systems.13
RP 0193, External Cathodic Protection of On-Grade Carbon Steel
Storage Tank Bottoms.14
RP 0196, Galvanic Anode Cathodic Protection of Internal Submerged
Surfaces of Steel Water Storage Tanks.15
RP 0285, Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by
Cathodic Protection.16
RP 0290, Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Reinforcing Steel in
Atmospherically Exposed Concrete Structures.17
RP 0388, Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Internal Submerbged
Surfaces of Carbon Steel Water Storage Tanks.18

These standards generally include either of two main criteria for protection of
ferrous metal that Reclamation usually employs for ensuring effective cathodic
protection, especially when the protected structure cannot be observed:

A polarized potential equal to or more negative than -0.850V with respect

to a standard saturated copper/copper sulfate reference cell.
0.100V of polarization more negative than the native potential of the
protected structure.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

These criteria were derived semi-empirically and have served the industry well
for many years. Note that these values involve determining polarized
electrochemical potential values (i.e., with extraneous voltage drop errors
eliminated). IR drop, a major voltage drop error, results when measuring voltage
in a resistive soil or water medium with current flowing.

Special instances may require adjustments to the usual criteria. For instance,
microbial-induced corrosion calls for a minimum -0.950V(CSE) polarized potential
criterion instead of the usual -0.850V(CSE). With some higher strength steels, the
0.100V of polarization may not be usable as it may subject a structure to stress
corrosion cracking. Too negative a potential may also cause either hydrogen
embrittlement or high pH corrosion of some metals.

Reclamation primarily uses the first criterion. The latter is typically used when
structures are poorly coated and protecting them to the primary criterion is not
economically justifiable. The second is also sometimes used for ferrous structures
embedded in concrete. Additionally, Reclamation generally limits polarized
potentials to a value no more negative than -1.100V(CSE) to prevent damage to

An effective cathodic protection design proved sufficient current per area of

exposed metal to induce the stated range of electrochemical potential values.
These current densities may be based on experience or actual testing.

7.3 Structure Current Requirements

By supplying electrons to a corroding structure, one can induce reduction
reactions to take place, stifling corrosion, an oxidation reaction. The polarized
potential of the structure will then reflect this corrosion mitigation. How much
current is needed to supply the correct amount of electrons and how to supply it
become the issues.

7.3.1 Current Requirements per Exposed Area

The amount of current needed to protect a structure depends on two main factors:

The amount of exposed surface area of the metal.

The depolarizing capabilities of the environment.

This is fairly intuitive. The more exposed metal in an environment, the more
corrosion (oxidation) will be taking place. The more readily oxidizers can reach
the surface of a metal and reaction products can be removed, the more rapidly
exposed metal corrodes. Therefore, current requirements for cathodic protection
are normally stated in units of current per area (e.g., mA/ft2), and they can vary
significantly with conditions. Table 2 is a partial list of typical current
requirement values for exposed steel.19

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

For most soils, a current density between 1 and 3 mA/ft2 of bare steel is usually
effective. Water tends to require more current, in part due to the depolarizing
action of eddies and flow. Obviously, if a structure is already in the soil,
performing a current requirement test will provide a more accurate estimate of the
current needed at that time. One can then augment this amount to compensate for
additional coating deterioration in the future. It is a relatively simple matter to
reduce the current on a cathodic protection system that has some excess capacity;
it is often not possible to increase the current on an undersized system.

Pipe is usually considered a smooth cylinder. Determining its surface area in that
instance is then a simple exercise in geometry. However, in some instances a
surface may be textured, uneven, or otherwise rough. Centrifugally cast ductile
iron pipe is a good example; it has a bumpy textured surface, unlike smooth sand
cast ductile iron fittings. A 1 foot by 1 foot textured surface may effectively
expose more than a square foot of metal. A rough or textured surface may also be
more difficult to coat as compared to a smooth surface. When faced with such
surfaces, a cathodic protection designer may need to make more conservative
assumptions than those suggested in this document. Examples in this document
assume a smooth surface condition unless otherwise noted.

Environment Current Requirement


Dry, well aerated soil 0.4 1.5

Well-aerated neutral soil 23

Wet soil, moderate/severe conditions 2.5 6

Highly acidic soil 5 15

Soil supporting active sulfate reducing Up to 42

Dry concrete 0.5 1.5

Stationary fresh water 5

Moving fresh water 56

Highly turbulent fresh water containing 5 15

dissolved oxygen

Table 2. Typical current requirements for bare steel.

7.3.2 Exposed Metal

On a cathodically protected coated structure, most of the current flows to the
metal exposed at pinholes, scratches, and other defects in the coating. There will
be some minor current flow through the coating itself. However, since dielectric

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

coatings normally have very high resistivities, the electrical current path through
the coating can usually be ignored, unless there is extensive coated surface area.

A newly installed structure with an excellent coating needs very little current for
cathodic protection. However, coatings deteriorate over time due to soil stresses
and other such factors. In order to supply sufficient current over the long term,
Reclamation cathodic protection designs anticipate this deterioration. A design
that assumes 2 percent exposed metal is typical; however, in some instances as
little as a 1 percent exposure and as much as 5 percent exposure have been
assumed. The exact number depends upon how conservative the designer wants
to be. The amount of effectively coated surface is termed the coating efficiency
2 percent exposed metal is equivalent to a 98 percent efficiency.

To provide an example, assume a designer wanted to protect 100 feet (l) of newly
coated 2-foot diameter (d) standard wall pipe being buried in a wet, moderately
corrosive soil. Based on past experience, the designer feels that the cathodic
protection system should protect for a 98 percent coating efficiency. Based on
Table 2, the designer should need about 2.5 mA/ft2 of exposed metal. Therefore,
the cathodic protection system should provide as a minimum:

(Total pipe surface area) x (2 percent exposed metal) x (2.5 mA/ft2 of

exposed metal) = amount of current


2.5 2.5
() (0.02) = ( 2 100) (0.02)
2 2
= 31.4

7.4 Cathodic Protection System Capacity

Ohms Law relates the voltage or driving force and the electrical resistance of a
DC circuit to how much current will flow. It may be stated as follows, where E is
the voltage driving force, R is the circuit resistance in ohms, and I is the amperage

E/R = I
R = E/I
E = IR

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Having determined the minimum amount of current that a cathodic protection

system must provide, a designer can determine the circuit resistance that must be
achieved with a galvanic anode system.

Galvanic anode literature from suppliers normally provides the open circuit
potential of their anode materials. The amount of driving voltage in a working
galvanic circuit is then the difference in potentials between the anode and the
minimum polarized potential of the protected structure (e.g., -0.850V(CSE)).
Designers sometimes employ the anode open circuit potential when taking this
difference. A more conservative approach is to account for polarization of the
anode by reducing that potential by 0.05V to 0.10V. For iron or steel, the driving
voltage differences with various types of anodes in soil or water are approximate
as given in Table 3.

Anode Type Typical Anode Open Conservative Driving

Circuit Potential Voltage Between Anode
and Protected Iron or
(V(CSE)) Steel (V)

High potential magnesium 1.75 0.85

Standard potential 1.55 0.65

Zinc 1.10 0.20

Table 3. Properties of magnesium and zinc anodes. Note: 50 mV of anode polarization

had been included in the driving voltages.

Thus, for the pipe example above, the designer would need to achieve a circuit
resistance of no more than:

= 0.85 0.031 = 27.4

with high potential magnesium anodes, or:

= 0.65 0.031 = 21.0

with standard potential magnesium anodes, or:

= 0.20 0.031 = 6.45

with zinc anodes.

The driving voltage of an impressed current cathodic protection system, which

uses an external source of DC current, can be set as needed. However, a high
circuit resistance will require more power from a rectifier. A low circuit
resistance is desirable since it is more economical. An impressed current system

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

also normally needs an additional 2V simply to counteract the back-voltage from

the anode and carbonaceous backfill used with impressed current anodes (see
Section 8 below).

Thus, designing a cathodic protection system with minimum circuit resistance can
determine whether a galvanic anode system can be used; and circuit resistance is
key to designing an impressed current system that will perform economically.

7.4.1 Cathodic Protection Circuit Resistance

The electrical resistance of a cathodic protection circuit is the sum of:

Anode grounding resistance.

Structure grounding resistance.
Linear structure resistance and bond resistances between electrically
connected parts of a structure.
Resistance of the wiring connecting the anode and structure (usually minor
constituents of resistance).
Other resistances, such as contact resistances (e.g., where cables are
mechanically connected) and fringing resistances (e.g., where cables are
thermite bonded to structure); however, if properly accomplished, these
are normally so minor as to be negligible.

7.4.2 Anode Grounding Resistance

Anodes come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials. They include discs,
coated wires, and conductive cables. The most popular types, especially for soil
service, typically resemble long cylinders. These cylinders may be installed
vertically in augured holes or laid down horizontally in a trench. To estimate
resistance to ground, a number of equations have been developed that consider:

The orientation of an anode (horizontal or vertical).

Anode dimensions
Resistivity of the environment.
The number of anodes and their spacing if several are connected together
in a common anode bed.

Some important aspects of anode grounding resistance are as follow:

Anode grounding resistance is directly proportional to soil or water

resistivity. For example, grounding resistance of an anode doubles if the
environment resistivity doubles.

Grounding resistance is often almost inversely proportional to anode

length; the longer the anode, the lower the resistance.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Anode diameter is also inversely proportional to grounding resistance;

however, it is usually less significant than the anode length.

Mounting an anode on a dielectric surface (e.g., a coated surface) instead

of remotely can double its grounding resistance. Installing an anode close
to such a structure may also increase its resistance, but to a lesser degree.

Incorporating multiple anodes into a single protective anode bed can

significantly reduce overall anode bed grounding resistance. This effect
results from parallel grounding resistances providing multiple current
paths, which is similar to providing multiple parallel resistors. However,
unlike parallel resistors, parallel anodes in close proximity mutually
interfere with each other. As a result, the overall resistance of multiple
anodes is sometimes greater than would be anticipated of multiple

Designing an effective anode bed can therefore be complex, requiring a thorough

understanding of cathodic protection. A thorough treatment of the subject is
beyond the scope of this document. However, for sites wishing to undertake
limited minor designs and installations on their own, simplified algorithms will be
provided here for a commonly-used magnesium anode (either high-potential or
standard potential) size and for a commonly used zinc anode size. [These
algorithms must only be used under the following circumstances:

When protecting a mild steel structure in soil; different anodes of

widely varying sizes would likely be used in water.

Using a 32-pound, prepackaged (see below under Galvanic Anodes)

magnesium anodes, having packaged dimensions 28 in. long and 8 in.
in diameter. The bare magnesium material inside the package will
have an effective diameter of 7.16 in. and a length of 19.875 in.
(approximately 3.11 ft2 of surface area).

Alternately when the driving voltage requirement is very low, using

prepackaged 15-pound zinc type II anodes, having packages
dimensions 38 in. long and 5 in. in diameter. The bare zinc material
inside the package will have an effective diameter of 1.78 in. and a
length of 30 in. (approximately 1.17 ft2 of surface area).

Burying anode(s) either vertically or horizontally.

Burying anodes at least as deep as the spring line of a pipe or at a

similar orientation to other buried protected structures, but not less
than 3 feet below ground surface to the nearest point on an anode.

Anodes not closer than one anode length from a structure.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

The maximum number of anodes employed will be six (6).

Anodes in a multiple anode bed being spaced 16 feet apart.

When calculations based on the driving voltage difference and overall

circuit resistance show that galvanic anode cathodic protection will
provide the needed current.

Note that any outer plastic or other dielectric packaging around the inner
water permeable packaging must be removed before burying an anode!]

For anodes under these circumstances, site personnel will still need to obtain the
soil resistivity () in ohm-cm at the location of the anode bed. They may then
conservatively estimate the anode bed grounding resistance from Table 4 below.
Hence, a single magnesium anode in 2,000 ohm-cm soil would have a grounding
resistance of:

R1,Mg = (0.00467cm-1)(2000 ohm-cm) = 9.34 ohm

While a single zinc anode in the same soil would have a grounding resistance of:

R1,Zn = (0.00479cm-1)(2000 ohm-cm) = 9.58 ohm

[For any other installation, the site must hire a NACE-certified Cathodic
Protection Specialist, or a Corrosion Specialist with a strong background in
cathodic protection, or a professional engineer qualified in cathodic
protection to provide the design and assist with installation.]

Number of Mg Anode Grounding Zn Anode Grounding

Anodes Resistance Equation () Resistance Equation ()

1 0.00467 0.00479

2 0.00242 0.00248

3 0.00170 0.00174

4 0.00132 0.00135

5 0.00109 0.00111

6 0.00093 0.00095

Table 4. Galvanic Anode Grounding Resistances Used for FIST 4-5. Note: is soil
resistivity around the pre-packaged anode(s).

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

7.4.3 Protected Structure Grounding Resistance

One can measure the grounding resistance of an in-place structure such as a
coated pipe in the field. This measurement procedure is best left to a corrosion
professional and involves:

Applying a current to the structure.

Measuring the difference in potential in the area of interest when the
current is applied and when it is interrupted. The potential at several
locations may need to be considered, especially on longer structures.
Determining the current in the section of the pipe of interest.
Applying Ohms Law.

The designer obviously needs to make electrical contact with the pipe through test
stations or the like in order to make this determination. However, if a design is
needed for a new section of coated pipe being installed, this technique is not
usually practical. Furthermore, the pipe grounding resistance will decrease over
time due to coating deterioration.

Studies, as might be expected, have shown that areas of pipe with a superior
coating application have greater electrical grounding resistance. The exact
resistance, however, varies with the soil resistivity, since more current will leak
into a low-resistivity soil. By taking the resistance of a coated pipe, multiplying
that number by the area, and normalizing the result to 1000 -cm soil, corrosion
professionals have developed characteristic numbers for coated pipe of varying
coating quality. These quantities are termed the average specific coating
resistance (rc). The inverse is called the average specific coating conductance
(g). Given a coating efficiency, one can review past findings and get a general
idea as to what the average specific coating conductance is for a pipe in question.
With this quantity, knowledge of the soil resistivity around the pipe in question,
and knowing the surface area of the pipe (As), one can estimate the grounding
resistance of that structure. The pipe grounding resistance may be calculated by
this method as:


A typical table of specific coating resistances is provided in Table 5 below.20

Hence, if the 100 feet of 2-foot diameter pipe noted above is in 2,000 ohm-cm soil
and a cathodic protection system is to be designed to protect it even when there is
2 percent coating damage (98 percent coating efficiency), then the pipe grounding
resistance for design purposed could be estimated as:

= {(538 2 )/[() (2) (100)]}

(2000 1000 ) = 1.71

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Coating Estimated Percent Estimated Average Specific Coating

Efficiency Exposed Metal Resistance (rc) in 1000 -cm Soil
(%) (%) (-ft2)

99 1 1076

98 2 538

97 3 359

96 4 269

95 5 229

90 10 127

80 20 63.3

Table 5. Estimated Specific Coating Resistances for Pipe Grounding Resistance


7.4.4 Wiring and Structure Linear Resistance

A number of sources provide resistances for cable of various gauges. Wire or
cable used in cathodic protection is normally stranded copper. Common cable
sizes used within Reclamation include:

Galvanic anode cables AWG #12 (1.6200 /1000ft).

Bonding cable between sections of a structure, such as pipeline sections
if they are not welded to one another AWG #6 (0.4030 /1000ft) or
Structure cable leading to a test station or rectifier AWG #6 (0.4030
Test cable leading to a test station AWG #12 (1.6200 /1000 ft).

Reclamation normally tries to keep the calculated increase in electrical resistance

due to joint bonds per 1,000 feet of pipe at or below 150 percent of the electrical
resistance of 1,000 continuous feet of pipe. The percent increase is calculated as

Percent increase in electrical resistance = (1 + Rb/Rp) x100.

Rb = Resistance in ohms of joint bonds per 1,000 feet of pipe.
Rp = Resistance of 1,000 continuous feet of pipe.
For metallic cylinder pipe, Rp = 0.22/(weight of steel cylinder per foot),
or 0.86/(weight of ductile iron cylinder per foot). For reinforced concrete
pipe, estimate the weight of steel per foot and employ the Rp formula for
steel pipe, dividing by the weight of steel in the concrete cylinder per foot.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

When bonding sections of pipe or other structures, Reclamation employs at least

two bonds about 1 foot in length to ensure continuity should one be lost. Larger
diameter pipe may require several large bonding cables per section in order to
reduce structure linear resistance. [Bonds must be so located not to damage
internal pipe linings, gaskets, or the like when thermite welding.] Tabs
welded onto the pipe before lining application may sometimes be needed for
attaching bonds and protecting linings.

If our example welded pipe described above is connected to an anode via 50 feet
of #12 cable and 20 feet of #6 cable, then the circuit resistance of the wiring is:

#12 = 50. = 0.081

#6 = 20. = 0.008

= 0.089

Pipe or similar structure resistance is a function of the material of construction

resistivity (), the cross-sectional area of the wall (A), and the length of the
current path (l), or:

= /

The resistivity of steel is approximately 1.344x10-5 ohm-cm.

Thus if the 100-foot welded pipe used in this example has a wall thickness of
0.375 in., the resistance between the ends of the pipe is:

(1.344 105 ) 100 30.5

= = 0.000453
[(24 . ) (23.625) ] 4 6.45 2
2 2

[Buried or immersed cable or wiring must have insulation that will resist
moisture and deterioration.] Reclamation employs cables with high molecular
weight polyethylene (HMWPE) insulation in these instances. HMWPE resists
water intrusion and soil abrasion. For impressed current applications, anode
cable insulation often combines an HMWPE outer insulation with an inner
fluropolymer insulation layer (Halar or Kynar) to resist damage by chlorine
generation at the anode.

[Any metal exposed to electrolyte at a buried or immersed cable connection

must be adequately coated.] Galvanic or impressed current anodes should be
ordered from the manufacturer with the designated cable (i.e., length and gauge)
already attached, and the manufacturer must protect the anode to cable connection

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

from exposure to the electrolyte. Cathodic protection work normally requires a

metallurgical bonding process such as thermite welding (e.g., Cadweld,
ThermOweld, etc.) to attach leads to a structure. A suitable protective coating,
such as Bitumastic 50, Royston Caps, or the like is then used to protect any
exposed metal.

7.4.5 Installation and Placement of Anodes

A low resistivity soil, such as clay, is usually a good site in which to place anodes.
Such soil minimizes anode grounding resistance, optimizing current flow.
However, when a protected structure passes through soils of greatly varying
resistivity, the anode bed may need to be placed in the higher resistivity soil. If
this is not done, too little current may flow to that part of the structure in the high-
resistivity region. A cathodic protection designer needs to know both the soil
resistivity profile through which the structure passes and the resistivity of the
anode bed soil. Resistivity variations are often negligible in immersed

In soil, galvanic anodes employ a chemical backfill and impressed current anodes
use a carbonaceous backfill to reduce the contact resistance between the anode
and the surrounding soil. A sacrificial anode chemical backfill typically consists
of bentonite clay, gypsum, and sometimes sodium sulfate. Galvanic anodes for
soil use are usually ordered prepackaged with the chemical backfill in a cloth bag
around the anode, and impressed current anodes for similar use are more often
supplied bare. [Note that any outer impermeable bag (e.g., plastic) must be
removed before bedding a prepackaged anode.] If anodes that are not pre-
packaged are used in soil, chemical backfill for galvanic anodes or coke breeze
for impressed current anodes must be tamped around the anodes as shown
typically in Figure 4 (disregard the dimensions). Earth backfill should be placed
over the chemical backfill or coke breeze and well tamped in 6-inch to 1-foot lifts
to ensure good contact. [An installed galvanic anode must not be wetted until
there is at least a foot of well-tamped soil over the chemical backfill. If the
anode does not already have compacted soil around it, the backfill will
expand and may later shrink back from the surrounding soil.]

Reclamation typically buries anode leads a minimum of 2.5 feet below ground
surface, surrounded on all sides by at least 6 inches of sand, and with a warning
tape 1 foot above the leads. For added reliability, these leads should be
continuous (no splices) until they reach a junction box, test station, or other
similar protected point above ground. [All leads must be installed with slack so
as not to apply stress to the connection at the anode or at the structure.]
[Once they come above ground, leads must be protected against damage by a
conduit, test station pipe, or the like.] Conduits also serve to protect leads in
immersed situations. For immersed situations, PVC conduit will normally resist
corrosion better than metal conduit.

Relative to a protected structure, there are two basic placement styles for anodes:

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Closely distributed along a structure.

Near remote earth.

Figure 4. Installation of galvanic anode. Close Distributed Anodes

Closely distributed anodes are either directly mounted on the structure to be
protected, or quite close to it. By doing this, the designer places the structure in
the strong voltage gradient field of the anodes. As a result, current from the
anode has an intense impact, but only on a limited area of structure. Magnesium
anodes placed too closely can damage the structure coating; zinc galvanic anodes
should not, however, since their driving voltage is sufficiently low. The designer
can position multiple anodes so that their voltage gradient fields overlap near their
limits. In this way, the anodes have an additive impact at the overlap so that no
location on the protected structure is below the desired level of protection.
Closely distributed anodes are sometimes used to protect a hot spot, a problem
area not adequately protected otherwise. Potential testing can be difficult with
directly mounted or connected anodes, since it is not possible to take instant-off
readings that provide polarized potentials. Design considerations employing close
distributed anodes are somewhat different from those for anodes placed near
remote earth and will not be covered in any great detail in this document.

Closely distributed anodes not directly on a protected structure may be considered

to form approximately a 120 cone of protection. The amount of protection at an
intersecting plane perpendicular to the cone is about half that at the center of the
circle formed by the intersection. Therefore, when distributing anodes closely
about a structure, one must place them so that the cones overlap at their limits,

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

additively doubling the protection at that limit and equalizing the protection
across the structure.

[Sites wishing to undertake minor close distributed anode designs and

installations on their own using the previously described anodes must:

Space these anodes 4 feet, 8 inches from the surface of the structure to
be protected.
Space these anodes 16 feet from one another.
Place the first and last anodes at the limits of the protected structure.
Perform previously described calculations to confirm that the anode
array will provide the needed amount of current.]

A large, buried pipe, tank, or similar structure may require strings of distributed
anodes on each side and at multiple locations around the structure to achieve an
even current distribution and adequate cathodic protection everywhere. With
anodes spaced 4 feet, 8 inches from a structure, a site may expect any part of a
structure 8 feet away from an anode to have about half the protection seen directly
under than anode. Remote Earth Anodes

At remote earth from an anode, the voltage gradient field is virtually
indistinguishable from point to point. Although true remote earth is theoretically
an infinite distance away, being within 5 percent of remote earth may be
considered sufficient for the purposes of cathodic protection work. Placing the
anodes previously described at least 28 feet from the nearest point of a structure
to be protected will meet or exceed this criterion. Note, however, that this
distance only applies to these two anode sizes.

In narrow rights-of-way, there may be insufficient lateral distance to place anode

beds at remote earth. In such instances, cathodic protection designers sometimes
use deep well anode beds with an impressed current rectifier. Deep wells place
impressed current system anodes in a vertical arrangement beginning at least
100 feet below ground. Deep wells are more costly than shallow anode beds and
their design must be left to corrosion professionals.

7.4.6 Test Stations, Junction Boxes, and Bond Boxes

Test stations, as shown in Figure 5, provide above-ground electrical contact for
testing an inaccessible structure. With galvanic anode systems, they may also
serve as the connection points between anodes and the structure. In such
situations, the test station will contain shunt resistors to allow measurement of
current by application of Ohms Law and may contain variable resistors to reduce
the current drawn from an anode, limiting the current to only that necessary to
maintain proper protection. For test stations used exclusively for testing,
Reclamation normally requires at least two leads from a structure. One lead,
usually a #12 AWG stranded cable with HMWPE insulation, provides a test

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

connection while a larger #6 AWG stranded cable with HMWPE insulation

permits hot spot protection should it be required in the future. Test stations at
electrical isolation joints typically have two sets of such cables, one set from each
side of the isolation joint. Test stations at intersections with foreign pipes or other
structures may have two leads from the foreign structure ([connections to a
foreign structure must be permitted by the owner of that structure]), two
leads from the Reclamation structure, and a connection from an in-place reference
cell about 1 foot below the Reclamation structure. Through a test station, an
examiner can gain information as to whether the cathodic protection system is
working properly, whether the anodes have been consumed, etc. The leads should
be continuous and without splices.

Figure 5. Typical test station with board exposed.

Figure 6. Typical junction box.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

When a cathodic protection system employs multiple anodes, the recommended

procedure is to bring the leads from these together in an above-ground junction
box. Junction boxes can serve a function similar to test stations, but they provide
much more room. They typically contain a phenolic panel with an attached buss
bar. Anode leads pass through a conduit connected to the junction box. The leads
can then connect to resistance shunts and often variable resistors that then connect
to the buss bar. A single lead from the structure in the case of a galvanic anode
system or from the positive side of the rectifier in the case of an impressed current
system connects to the buss bar. If the junction box is to serve as a test station, a
separate test lead from the protected structure will also be connected to the board
for testing. [Cables and cable connections must always be labeled, at least in
boxes where multiple cables are involved.] Use printed factory-supplied labels
and apply a clear shrink sleeve over cable leads. A typical junction box is shown
in Figure 6 above.

If multiple structures are collectively protected by one cathodic protection system,

their leads may similarly join to a common header in an above ground box,
sometimes termed a bond box. A bond box should be similarly constructed and
configured like the previously described junction box.

[Junction boxes and bond boxes must be 16-gauge galvanized steel and meet
NEMA 3R requirements as a minimum.]

7.4.7 Attenuation
As discussed previously, a cable from a cathodic protection system supplies
electrons to a protected structure. These electrons support reduction reactions at
exposed metal sites. If a long pipeline has a poor coating, has high linear
resistance, and is in low-resistivity soil, the electrons will have difficulty traveling
down the pipeline; they will instead leak out to the soil soon after entering the
protected structure and be rapidly consumed in producing reduction reactions.
As a result, cathodic protection levels near the lead connected to the structure will
be acceptable, but will rapidly drop off the further one gets from that point. This
effect is called attenuation.

Increasing the current throughout to compensate for attenuation will:

Increase protection levels near the connection to the structure (these levels
may soon exceed prudent limits).
Improve protection further down the pipeline only by a small amount.

Such structures require additional rectifiers and/or anode beds if recoating and
reducing linear resistance are not options. These rectifiers/anode beds need to be
spaced so that each cathodic protection system adds to the needed amount of
supplemental protection at the limit of the adjacent system.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Large anode bed designs must also consider attenuation. One can reach a point at
which an additional anode provides no increase in protective current.

Further discussion of attenuation is beyond the scope of this document.

7.4.8 Anode Service Life Efficiency and Utilization

Cathodic protection anodes have a limited life. Galvanic anodes protect by
sacrificially oxidizing (corroding). Impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP)
anodes, being usually made of corrosion-resistant materials, oxidize
environmental components around them. However, the environment ICCP
anodes produce eventually leads to their consumption as well.

Electrochemical reactions, like all chemical reactions, occur in fixed proportions.

For example, when a magnesium atom oxidizes it releases two electrons, so that
the following proportions hold:

MgMg+2 + 2e-

Knowing this stoichiometry and the amount of time (t) a current (I) flowed, one
can apply Faradays Law to determine the mass (W) of anode consumed as a
result of this current. Faradays Law may be stated as:


where M is the atomic mass of the anode material, n is the number of electrons in
the reaction, and F is Faradays constant (96,500 coulombs per equivalent;
equivalents being M/n). Note that each amp of current is equivalent to 1 coulomb
per second.

Knowing this relationship, the theoretical consumption rate (Cr) due to galvanic
action for magnesium will be 8.76 lb/A-yr., while that of zinc will be 23.5 lb/A-yr.
However, in addition to galvanic action, some anode material also gets used up
due to direct reaction with the environment. This latter corrosion is termed self-
corrosion or autogenous corrosion.

The percent of galvanic anode consumed by galvanic action alone is termed anode
efficiency (E). Magnesium anodes are about 50 percent efficient if the anode
current density (current flow divided by the surface area of the anode metal) is
20 mA/ft2 or greater. This means that, under these current density conditions,
about twice as much magnesium anode material is needed for a given service life
than Faradays Law would predict. Zinc anodes are much more efficient,
providing 90 percent efficiency when their current density is 5 mA/ft2 or greater.
Galvanic anode efficiency is zero when no current is passing and all corrosion is
autogenous. Assuming linear efficiency relationships between zero current

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

density and the limits stated previously provide conservative estimates of anode
efficiency when galvanic current is low.

ICCP anodes have no efficiency values as such. However, manufacturers and

various technical references provide maximum permissible current densities and
consumption rates. Values may vary with the environment, given the differing
oxidation reactions that can take place (e.g., a high-chloride environment versus a
chloride-free environment). Conservative assumptions are usually the wise path.

Utilization (U) is another factor that determines the service life of an anode.
Utilization is the percent or fraction of the original mass that will be considered
the end of a service life. A utilization factor allows some margin of error to help
ensure that an anode will be refreshed before it is completely used up.
Reclamation usually applies an 85 percent utilization factor; however, 90 percent
has sometimes been used as well.

Combining this information, the service life (L) of a sacrificial anode weighing
W pounds and passing A amps, may be calculated as:

As an example, if a single 32-pound magnesium anode protects a pipe while

providing 62 mA of current, then the current density of the magnesium anode
would be about 20 mA/ft2 (62 mA/3.11 ft2 = 20 mA/ft2). The efficiency of the
anode should then be about 50 percent. One would therefore calculate the service
life at 85 percent utilization of the anode to be:

= = 25.0

Reclamation normally strives for a minimum 20-year service life.

Rearranged, this algorithm can conservatively provide an estimate of the

maximum current an anode can pass and still provide 20 years of service. Table 6
provides this maximum current information for a 20-year service life of a
32-pound magnesium anode and of a 15-pound zinc anode based on assumptions
in this document. [Sites installing their own GACP systems per this document
must not exceed these maximum currents per anode.]

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Anode Type Max. Current for 20-yr. Service Life


8 in. X 28 in. bag; 32 lb. of Magnesium 0.0776

5 in. X 38 in. bag; 15 lb. of Zinc 0.0244

Table 6. Maximum allowed current per galvanic anode. Note: Assumes utilization factor
of 85 percent, magnesium efficiency of 50 percent, and zinc efficiency of 90 percent.

8.0 Sacrificial/Galvanic Anode Systems

8.1 Principles of Operation

As described previously, oxidizers such as oxygen in an electrolyte rob a metal of
electrons causing corrosion. A galvanic series shows that some metals are active
and readily give up electrons while others are noble and jealously hold on to
them. If two such metals are electrically connected and in a corrosive electrolyte,
the more active metal will tend to provide the electrons demanded by oxidizers
about its surface as well as those about the surface of the more noble metal. Since
the more noble metal does not need to supply all those electrons, it does not
corrode as rapidly. This is the principle for galvanic or sacrificial anode cathodic
protection. Corrosion still takes place; we have simply sacrificed one metal in
place of another we value more. Figure 7 shows a typical installation with a pipe
being protected by a magnesium anode. All the cables, including a test cable, are
run through a test station.

Figure 7. Typical galvanic anode cathodic protection system installation.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Note that, by convention, current is defined as the flow of positive charge.

Therefore, current in the electrolyte flows from the anode to the cathode or
protected structure. In the wire, or external circuit, current flows from the
structure to the anode; however, the flow of electrons, or negative charge, is in the
opposite direction from the anode to the structure in the wire.

8.2 Galvanic Anodes

Table 1 shows that magnesium, zinc, and aluminum are high on the list as anodic
metals, and are significantly separated from iron and steel in the galvanic series.
As expected, these anodic metals are commonly used to protect iron or steel.
However, aluminum anodes are only used in high-chloride environments;
aluminum and its alloys tend to passivate in the absence of chlorides.

[Only galvanic anode material specifically alloyed for that use must be used
for cathodic protection.] ASTM B843 (Standard Specification for Magnesium
Alloy Anodes for Cathodic Protection) lists three groups of magnesium alloys
the AZ63, the AZ31, and M1.21 The M1 alloy is a high-potential material that is
about 200 mV higher in potential than other magnesium anode alloys. The
standard potential magnesium anode has an open circuit potential of about
-1.55 V (CSE). Either alloy is applicable to soil or fresh water. ASTM B418
(Standard Specification for Cast and Wrought Galvanic Zinc Anodes) lists two
types of zinc anodes Type I and Type II.22 Type I, along with a Mil Spec.
A-18001K anode, is intended for use in seawater and brackish water at
temperatures less than 50oC. Type II and high-purity zinc anode is intended for
soil and fresh water. Zinc anodes have an open circuit potential of about
-1.100 V (CSE). Aluminum anodes are available in a Type I for open seawater and
Type II for seawater/mud applications. Because of the high saline environments
required when using aluminum and their rarity within Reclamation, nothing
further will be mentioned here regarding aluminum anodes.

Sacrificial anodes for immersion service expose bare metal to the electrolyte
while anodes for buried service are pre-packaged in, or otherwise surrounded by,
a chemical backfill (see 7.4.5 above, Installation and Placement of Anodes).

Sacrificial anodes provide a relatively small driving voltage when connected to

steel (see Table 3) and subsequently generate relatively small amounts of current.
Sacrificial anode systems are generally used with a combination of:

Low-resistivity environments.
Small surface areas of metal to be protected.

Typical galvanic anodes are shown in Figure 8.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Figure 8. Typical galvanic anodes; note the bagged anode for buried installation.

9.0 Impressed Current (Rectifier)


9.1 General Description

External power sources can also deliver cathodic protection DC current to a
structure. Figure 9 shows a typical ICCP system installation with a rectifier
passing current through a set of anodes to protect a buried pipe; note the test

Figure 9. Typical ICCP system installation.

ICCP systems usually introduce current into the electrolyte through anodes made
of corrosion-resistant material such as graphite, high-silicon cast iron (HSCI),
platinized titanium (Ti) or niobium (Nb), or mixed metal oxide on Ti or Nb.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

However, in some instances, scrap iron, abandoned structures, driven steel

anodes, and other such materials have been used. Figure 10 below shows some
typical ICCP system anode materials. The galvanic potential of the anode is no
longer the driving force when using an ICCP system.

Figure 10. Typical ICCP anodes.

Impressed current systems have a number of advantages. Because they can

induce much greater driving voltages, they can supply much more current than
galvanic anodes. As a result, ICCP systems can protect structures with large
surface areas. They can also protect structures in higher-resistance environments,
where sacrificial anodes produce too low a voltage to be effective. The cost per
ampere is also less for impressed current systems than for galvanic anode
systems. However, impressed current systems also have disadvantages.

The typical ICCP rectifier operates on 110 V AC or greater input power. This can
present personnel safety concerns not relevant with low-power galvanic anode
systems. Allowing too great a power input from an ICCP system can damage the
coating on a structure, a phenomenon called cathodic disbondment. Too much
current can also produce enough hydrogen at a structure to cause hydrogen
embrittlement of some metals. This is usually an issue with high-strength steels
and certain alloys. Furthermore, while not commonly observed, misconnecting
the positive and negative sides of an ICCP system can make the structure the
anode and result in highly accelerated corrosion of that structure. This is not even
possible with galvanic anode systems. Impressed current systems have more parts
that can break down and generally require more maintenance and upkeep than
galvanic systems. They can be accidentally turned off and may be susceptible to
lightning strikes and power outages.

The most common DC current source for impressed current cathodic protection is
a rectifier. However, if electrical power is not available, other DC power sources
are available. These include:

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Engine generator sets

Thermoelectric generators
Solar power supplies
Wind-driven generators
Fuel cells

Reclamation rarely uses devices other than rectifiers.

9.2 Rectifiers
The typical rectifier has two basic components. The first component is a step-
down transformer to control the driving voltage. The second component is a
rectification section, most commonly a diode bridge, to convert the AC input
current to DC output current. In addition, there are gauges, connectors, fuses, taps
to adjust the secondary output on the transformer, and other accessories to make
the system safe and workable. Figure 11 shows a typical rectifier cabinet as it
might appear in the field. Figure 12 shows a typical board inside the cabinet.

Figure 11. Typical rectifier cabinet.

Figure 12. Typical rectifier board inside a cabinet.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

The most often used rectifier within Reclamation is a simple air-cooled, single-
phase AC input rectifier with full-wave DC output. However, rectifiers are
available in a variety of configurations, including:

Three-phase rectifiers to meet large power requirements (these are usually

economical when the power required exceed 2000 watts).
Oil-cooled rectifiers for severe environmental conditions such as regions
of high temperature, dust, or salt air.
Half-wave or center-tapped bridge rectifiers.
Silicon-controlled rectifiers.
Rectifiers with selenium stack rectification sections (these are usually
older units).
Switching-mode rectifiers (these began to immerge in the 1970s).
Pulsed rectifiers that deliver current in high frequency pulses (1,000
to 5,000 pulses per second) at relatively high voltage, but at a low
(15 percent) duty cycle (these are sometimes found on well casings).

The typical Reclamation rectifier is usually set up to provide a constant DC

voltage output. However, rectifiers may also be ordered from a supplier to
provide a constant DC current output. Some rectifiers are also made to monitor
the potential of a structure and automatically adjust the DC voltage output to
achieve a set potential; these are known as potential-controlled rectifiers.

[Consult a certified Cathodic Protection Specialist when installing a new or

replacement rectifier or when repairing a rectifier.]

9.3 Impressed Current System Installation

The installation of an impressed current cathodic protection system follows many
of the same principles as those for a sacrificial system. A significant difference is
that a DC current source is installed between the structure and the anode bed. An
ICCP system also uses different anode materials. The anode bed is usually a
remote type; but ICCP systems may use a distributed anode arrangement in some
instances. Multiple anode leads connect to a common header in an above-ground
junction box. Here each anode lead connects to a shunt resistor to permit current
flow measurement. Junction boxes often also contain variable resistors to adjust
and balance the current through each anode. From the junction box, usually
below the rectifier, a common anode cable travels to the positive (+) terminal of
the rectifier. The structure cable connects to the negative (-) terminal of the

Most constant voltage rectifiers have exposed taps on the secondary side of the
rectifier transformer. Taps allow the output voltage to be increased or decreased
in increments. Some rectifiers have knobs that allow varying the voltage
continuously anywhere within the operating range. These accessories allow

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

setting a voltage that will provide the necessary current for adequate cathodic
protection without exceeding prescribed electrochemical potential limits. In
setting this voltage, one normally starts at the lowest setting, increasing it in small
steps. The impact on structure potential is measured in between increases until
the desired effect is achieved.

[The design and installation of an impressed current system can call for
specialized knowledge and considerable cathodic protection experience. Site
personnel must employ a NACE-certified Cathodic Protection Specialist, or a
Corrosion Specialist with a strong background in cathodic protection, or a
P.E. qualified in cathodic protection.]

10.0 CP System Maintenance and


10.1 General
Cathodic protection systems require periodic attention to ensure that they function
properly. Some checks only require visual observations. Others require a
portable high-impedance voltmeter, leads in good condition, and a calibrated
reference cell (usually a copper/copper sulfate reference cell). Timely
inspections, good record keeping, and acting on the recommendations of the
qualified cathodic protection professional who has reviewed the records can head
off problems. Operation and maintenance of cathodic protection systems, coating
systems requirements, as well as record keeping are covered further in NACE
International SP 0169.13

The following will describe common requirements for maintaining cathodic

protection systems in functional order. [However, every system must have
specific written procedures and documentation forms (see Appendix E for
general examples).] MERL has a list of most-known cathodic protection systems
and of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)/Designers Operating Criteria;
contact MERL to identify any in your area of responsibility. Where they dont
presently exist; MERL can develop SOPs for a given installation.

10.1.1 Buried vs. Immersed Structures

Cathodic protection systems may be installed on buried or immersed structures.
Buried structures are always in contact with their electrolyte; immersed structures
may be dewatered at times, removing the electrolyte. [Since a cathodic
protection system will not operate without the electrolyte, the testing
procedures described below must not be performed during those times. If a

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

structure is to be dewatered, turn off an ICCP system rectifier, and turn it

back on when the structure is re-immersed.]

In addition, once re-watered, a cathodically protected structure will require some

time to reach a steady-state potential. Readings may not be reliable until pump
columns, trashracks, and other immersed structures have been energized for
30 days. The same is true of recently installed immersed or buried systems.

Potential readings on immersed structures are often taken at 3- or 5-foot elevation

intervals and at several horizontal locations on or very near a structure. The
locations of readings will be described in the specific cathodic protection SOP.

Potential readings on buried structures are typically individual measurements

taken directly over the structure at the test stations. However, on structures such
as pipelines, occasional (e.g., 10 years) close interval surveys allow assessment of
cathodic protection effectiveness between the usual test points and are a good
procedure for locating and addressing trouble spots or inadequately protected
locations on a structure before problems develop.

10.1.2 General Safety

ICCP systems present more electrical safety concerns (see 10.6.1) than GACP
systems. This is due to the low DC voltages involved in the latter. An exception
might be made for lightning strikes and the like, however. On the other hand,
insects such as wasps and spiders present a common safety concern for any
system. Insects and vermin have been known to occupy rectifier cabinets,
junction boxes, and sometimes test stations. It is important to anticipate these and
not be surprised by them, as shown in Figure 14. Ensuring that equipment is
screened and that there are no unused or unsealed openings will minimize this

Figure 13. Wasps occupying a junction box. Note the failure to properly connect the
conduit at the bottom, providing easy access for the wasps.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

10.2 Personnel
Individuals performing maintenance and testing of cathodic protection systems
must, as a minimum, have a general understanding of such systems. Maintenance
and testing of impressed current systems in particular require a higher level of
appreciation for electrical and electronic components and associated hazards.
[Only trained and qualified personnel are to perform the required
maintenance and testing on cathodic protection systems.]

10.3 Equipment Used for Testing

10.3.1 Voltmeter
[The voltmeter used for cathodic protection testing must have high input
impedance of 10 megohm or greater. The leads must be in good condition
with no nicks in the insulation. A lead with damaged insulation in contact
with the electrolyte can cause false readings. Since most cathodic protection
readings involve DC voltage, the setting on a multi-function meter must be
adjusted to take such readings.]

Figure 14. Copper/copper sulfate reference cell and components.

10.3.2 Reference Electrode or Cell

A CSE provides the baseline for most electrochemical potential measurements in
soil or fresh water. To obtain the standard sign convention, connect the structure
to the positive terminal of a typical digital voltmeter and the reference cell to the
negative terminal. Place the tip of the reference cell on wetted soil of in water
containing the structure of interest; it is usually preferable to locate the cell over
or near the structure when taking readings. Reference cells, replacement
components, and copper sulfate are available from any reputable cathodic
protection supply company. Figure 13 shows a typical reference cell and its

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

CSEs or copper sulfate reference cells are fairly stable and quite rugged for field
use. However, [precautions must be taken to ensure they remain in

If the solution becomes contaminated, especially by chlorides, the CSE

will not provide accurate readings. Check the calibration regularly
(see 10.3.3).

A CSE provides a correct baseline at a cell temperature of 77oF (25oC).

The baseline will be about 0.5 mV too negative for every degree
Fahrenheit (or 0.9 mV/oC) the cell is colder than this temperature (add
-0.5 mV to the potential reading/degree Fahrenheit colder than 77oF) and
0.5 mV positive for every degree Fahrenheit the cell is warmer (add
+0.5 mV to the potential reading/degree Fahrenheit warmer than 77oF).
Keep the reference cell temperature close to 77oF (25oC) or measure the
reference cell temperature and make corrections to the readings as needed.
Note that the outside temperature may not be the cell temperature.

Sunlight or other ultraviolet (UV) shining through a clear tube has been
shown to affect the readings; hence it is best to put opaque tape over areas
of clear tube when taking readings.

If the solution becomes cloudy, clean the reference cell, replace the
solution, and recalibrate.

10.3.3 Reference Cell Calibration

[Testers must ensure that reference cells are properly calibrated as follows
before setting out to take readings:

Obtain at least two cells; three would be preferable.

Obtain distilled or deionized water and reagent-grade copper sulfate


Disassemble the cells and drain any remaining copper sulfate solution
and crystals, and properly dispose.

Rinse the reference cell components to ensure they are clean. Do

three final rinses with distilled or deionized water.

Using inert grit paper (do not use steel wool or grit paper
contaminated by foreign metals), abrade the surface of the copper
rods from the centers of the cells to obtain a bright surface. When
completed, rinse the rods with distilled or deionized water.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Reassemble the cells, placing reagent-grade copper sulfate crystals in

the bottom and filling them with distilled or deionized water, or
(preferably) pre-saturated copper sulfate solution. Ensure that the
copper sulfate has formed a saturated solution before proceeding;
there must always be excess copper sulfate crystals in the bottom of a
reference cell tube to ensure saturation.

The assembled reference cells must be allowed to reach room

temperature. If there is a clear window on the reference cells, cover
with opaque electrical tape or the like to prevent UV effects.

Immerse the tips of the reference cells in a container of water and

take a DC voltage reading between sets of cells with a high-impedance
voltmeter. If two cells are employed, the voltage difference between
them must be no more than 5 mV. If this range is not achieved,
repeat the cleaning procedures, refill the cells, and retest until a 5 mV
difference or less is achieved. If three cells are employed and one is
outside the 5 mV range, eliminate this one and proceed.

Of the two reference cells within the 5 mV range, set one aside as a
reference standard and use the other in the field. Keep the reference
standard at least at the end of each work period (e.g., a shift) to
ensure that the field reference is not drifting excessively due to
contamination, temperature extremes, etc. Keep the porous cell tips
from plugging with salt deposits by placing a few drops of water in the
protective end caps, or by keeping the tips in a container of water.]

10.4 Galvanic Anode Systems

There are comparatively few things that can go wrong with galvanic anode
cathodic protection systems. The damage that one will typically see includes:

Damage to the above-ground junction boxes or test stations where anodes

join the structure cable; barriers may help minimize this occurrence.
Damage to buried cables from excavation, farm equipment, etc.

In addition, soil conditions may change somewhat over time, anodes may be
consumed, and structure coatings will deteriorate. These conditions may require
adjustments. [The following procedures must there be followed for GACP

10.4.1 Monthly Checks

[To ensure that the equipment is intact, personnel must examine exposed
galvanic anode cathodic protection system components on a monthly/
bi-monthly basis. This examination must include:

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Familiarization with the cathodic protection system as designed and

as built.
Looking for damage to test stations and/or junction boxes.
Opening test stations and/or junction boxes to verify connections are
Cleaning out any debris found in test stations and/or junction boxes.
Making or scheduling repairs if needed.

A bi-monthly schedule may be used if monthly checks are repeatedly

acceptable. Personnel must be aware of any safety issues (see 10.1.2).]

10.4.2 Yearly Inspections

[In addition to the monthly checks (see 10.4.1), trained personnel must do the
following galvanic anode cathodic protection system training and inspection
on a yearly basis. Take Potential Readings

At each test station, take electrochemical potential readings of the protected
structures. To take electrochemical potential readings:

1. Obtain a portable high-impedance voltmeter (see 10.3.1). Set the

voltmeter to DC volts for structure potential readings.

2. Obtain a calibrated copper/copper sulfate reference cell (see 10.3.2

and 10.3.3).

3. Connect the structure (e.g., accessed through the test station test lead)
to the positive terminal of the typical digital voltmeter for correct sign
convention. Connect the negative voltmeter terminal to the CSE.

4. Press the ceramic plug of the CSE into the soil or immerse in the
water above or near the structure. It is desirable and sometimes
essential to wet the soil before applying the CSE to reduce contact

5. Since currents in the electrolyte can cause voltage drop errors called
IR drop, galvanic anode connections to the structure need to be
momentarily interrupted while taking readings. However,
interrupting cathodic protection current for more than a few seconds
at a time could result in some depolarization of the structure and
readings that are somewhat in error. A current interrupter may be
useful when taking these readings, but potentials on sacrificial anode
systems are often taken while manually interrupting the current. Any
other currents flowing through the soil in the area of a reading must
also be interrupted while taking potential readings. This could

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

include such locations as cathodically protected foreign structures

crossing over or under a pipe being tested (requires coordination with
foreign structure owner).

6. Take electrochemical potential readings with current flowing and

with current interrupted. Record the sign, the numerical value of the
potential, and the type of reference electrode used (e.g., -0.920 V(CSE)).
Prepared data sheets (see Appendix E for general examples)
indicating the date, the station at which each reading is taken, the
tester, and other pertinent information make the inspection and reiew
procedure more efficient. Measure Anode Current

Measure the current flowing through each anode and record on the data
sheets. This also requires a portable high-impedance voltmeter, normally set
to take DC millivolt readings. These readings are taken with current flowing
by measuring the voltage across the anode shunt resistor connection tabs and
employing Ohms Law to calculate the current. For instance, if 6 millivolts
(0.006 V) is measured across a 10-milliohm (0.010 ) resistor, then the
amperage flow is:

= .

The tester records the actual millivolt reading, the resistance value of the
resistor, and the current obtained after the application of Ohms Law. Review and Maintain Records

Have the data sheets from the annual potential survey reviewed by a
qualified corrosion professional, such as a Cathodic Protection Specialist.
The reviewer must be provided the record of previous inspection results with
which to compare to the latest findings. The reviewer may then recommend
adjustments if needed.

The site must maintain a file of annual inspections along with

recommendations and actions taken. Good records can show trends before a
problem develops. Repairs and Adjustments

Make or schedule repairs and adjustments as recommended by the corrosion
professional reviewing the findings of the potential survey. The cathodic
protection system must maintain the protection criteria described in the
specific equipment SOP and generally described in this publication (see 7.2).]

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection GACP Checklist

The following table summarizes the inspections and maintenance that structures
protected by galvanic anode cathodic protection must undergo, as detailed in
previous paragraphs:

GACP Recommended Interval Reference


[General Monthly & Annually Reclamation Practice

condition of test (FIST 4-5; sub-para. 10.4.1 and
stations, junction 10.4.2)
boxes, and other
Remove debris Monthly & Annually Reclamation Practice
(FIST 4-5; sub-para. 10.4.1 and
Structure-to- Annual Reclamation Practice
electrolyte (FIST 4-5; sub-para.
Current output of Annual Reclamation Practice
anodes (FIST 4-5; sub-para.
Update and Annual Reclamation Practice
Review of (FIST 4-5; sub-para.
Repairs and Monthly & Annually] Reclamation Practice
adjustments when (FIST 4-5; sub-para. 10.4.1 and
Table 7. GACP Inspection and Maintenance Checklist.

10.5 Impressed Current Systems

ICCP systems are also subject to test stations and buried cable damage. However,
the consequences of damaged test stations and their cables are not generally as
serious with ICCP systems since they do not contain leads carrying the protective
current. Nonetheless, it is important to maintain test stations since they are
needed for routing monitoring. Damage to rectifier leads is obviously serious
since it can eliminate cathodic protection to the structure.

What ICCP systems have that sacrificial anode systems do not have is a rectifier
or similar DC power source (see 9.1 General Description (of impressed current
systems)). Although rectifiers are relatively simple and generally reliable
equipment, they are subject to power interruptions and failure of electrical
components that are not an issue with sacrificial anode systems. Rectifiers can be
put out of service by someone simply tripping the circuit breaker supplying AC
power, or by lightning strike. In spike of lightning arrestors normally installed in
rectifiers, lightning strikes can still damage rectifier components or completely

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

destroy the unit. [The following procedures must therefore be followed for
ICCP systems.]

10.5.1 Safety
Most Reclamation rectifiers are single-phase 120 V AC input voltage; some could
be 3-phase and higher voltage. Personnel dealing with ICCP systems must
therefore be more safety conscious than when working with GACP systems.

[For protection of personnel, the cabinet of a rectifier must be grounded per

NEC and local standards.] However, it is good procedure not to jump to this
assumption but to verify that the case is grounded and not energized before taking
hold of it. A small handheld AC voltage detector is useful for this purpose.
Alternately, one can ground one side of a portable voltmeter (e.g., place the
reference cell in the ground or connect to a rod or structure in the ground) then
contact the cabinet with a probe connected to the other terminal of the voltmeter
set to read AC (never bridge across contact points with extended arms); an
ungrounded energized case will show a voltage difference.

[When changing tap settings or performing other functions involving contact

points on the front panel of a rectifier, de-energize the unit by tripping the
circuit breaker at the AC input. When working behind a rectifier front
panel, de-energize the unit at the circuit breaker board or at an intervening
cut-off switch and follow all lock-out/tag-out procedures (see FIST 1-1,
Hazardous Energy Control Program).]

Rectifiers, junction boxes, and the like are normally kept padlocked to prevent
unauthorized tampering. [They must be relocked following testing or
maintenance work. In some instances, it may be desirable to fence in a
rectifier and lock the area to prevent unauthorized access altogether.]

[Wasps and other insects may next in CP enclosures (see 10.1.2 above),
especially those that havent been properly sealed. CP workers must be
ready for them.]

10.5.2 Monthly Checks

[In addition to the condition of the test stations and junction boxes, personnel
must verify monthly/bi-monthly that the rectifier of an ICCP system is
energized and that no one has made unauthorized adjustments. Monthly/
bi-monthly checks therefore include:

Familiarization with the cathodic protection system as designed and

as built.

Verifying that the rectifier tap settings are in the positions recorded
on the last inspection sheet.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

Verifying that there is DC voltage and current output. Confirming

that there is voltage across the rectifier current shunt (see,
part 4), that the current gauge on the panel indicates current flow
(be certain the gauge is not frozen in place), or that a warning light
(if present) indicates current flow will accomplish this. Ideally,
DC voltage and current output should be measured and compared to
prior findings.*

Looking for scorch marks and indications of excess heat that could
indicate present or imminent component failure.

Looking for damage to test stations and/or junction boxes.

Opening test stations and/or junction boxes to verify connections are


Cleaning out any debris found in the rectifier cabinet, test stations,
junction boxes, and bond boxes.

Making or scheduling repairs as needed.

A bi-monthly schedule may be used if monthly checks are repeatedly

acceptable; however, long intervals between checks are not generally
recommended given the possibility of rectifiers losing power due to lightning,
etc. Personnel must be aware of any safety issues (see 10.5.1).]

*Note: DC voltage and amperage gauges on the panel are usually not very
accurate and sometimes fail. A gauge that indicates current flow may simply
have failed in that position and may not be indicating actual current flow. These
gauges tend to last longer if there is a switch to take them out of the circuit when
not needed and if this switch is left in the off position following readings. This
switch can sometimes be used to determine if the gauge is frozen in place. A
portable voltmeter is normally more reliable. A voltage reading across the DC
output terminals with a portable voltmeter is informative but will not indicate if
current is flowing. A rectifier can hold a voltage across its terminals even when
one or both leads are broken and no DC current is flowing.

10.5.3 Yearly Inspections

[As in the case of a sacrificial anode system, trained personnel must do a
more thorough inspection of an ICCP system on a yearly basis. In addition
to the monthly checks (see 10.5.2), trained personnel must do the following
ICCP inspection on a yearly basis.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection Take Potential Readings

At each test station, take electrochemical potential readings of the protected
structures with current flowing and with current interrupted. To take
electrochemical potential readings:

1. Obtain a portable high-impedance voltmeter (see 10.3.1). Set the

voltmeter to DC volts for structure potential readings.

2. Obtain a calibrated copper/copper sulfate reference cell (CSE)

(see 10.3.2 and 10.3.3).

3. Install a current interrupter in the DC output circuit of the rectifier.

Potential readings taken with the current interrupted will eliminate
IR drop error. However, interrupting output current for more than a
few seconds at a time could result in some depolarization of the
structure and readings that are in error. Unlike the situation when a
galvanic anode system is involved, a current interrupter is more
essential when performing these tests on an impressed current
cathodic protection system. A typical interruption cycle is 10 seconds
on and 3 seconds off, but other long-on, short-off cycles may be used.
The rectifier must be shut off while connecting an interrupter in the
circuit. Where multiple rectifiers are connected to a long pipeline or
similar structure, it may be necessary to interrupt multiple rectifiers
simultaneously in order to obtain IR-free readings. As in the case of a
sacrificial anode system, any other currents flowing through the soil
in the area of a reading must also be interrupted while taking
potential readings; this could again include instances of cathodically
protected foreign structures crossing over or under a pipe being tested
(coordinate with the foreign structure owner).

4. Connect the structure (e.g., accessed through the test station test lead)
to the positive terminal of the typical digital voltmeter for correct sign
convention. Connect the negative voltmeter terminal to the CSE.

5. Press the ceramic plug of the CSE into the soil or immerse in the
water above or near the structure. It is desirable and sometimes
essential to wet the soil before applying the CSE to reduce contact

6. Take electrochemical potential readings with current flowing and

with current interrupted. Record the sign, the numerical value of the
potential, and the type of reference electrode used (e.g., -0.920 V(CSE)).
Prepared data sheets (see Appendix E for general examples)
indicating the date, the station at which each reading is taken, the
tester, and other pertinent information make the inspection and
review procedures more efficient.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection Measure Anode Current

Measure the current flowing through each anode and record on the data
sheets. This also requires a portable high-impedance voltmeter, normally set
to take DC millivolt readings. These readings are taken with current flowing
by measuring the voltage across the anode shunt resistor connection tabs and
employing Ohms Law to calculate the current. For instance, if 6 millivolts
(O.006 V) is measured across a 10 milliohm (0.010 ) resistor, then the
amperage flow is:

= .

The tester records the actual millivolt reading, the resistance value of the
resistor, and the current obtained after the application of Ohms Law. Take Rectifier Readings

Trained personnel must record settings and take DC measurements as found
and as left, if any action was taken. Adjustments should not generally be
made unless approved by a corrosion professional. An exception to this
general rule may be made if the rectifier is found to have tripped off.
Perform these activities with the rectifier on and:

1. Record the coarse and fine tap settings. If the rectifier has an
infinitely variable knob, record the knob setting.

2. Record the voltage and the amperage from the gauges on the rectifier
panel. If these gauges are supplied with an on/off switch, turn them
on to take readings and off again when done; this will help ensure
their reliability when needed. (See note in 10.5.2 regarding panel

3. Measure and record the voltage across the rectifier DC output

connections with a portable voltmeter.

4. Measure and record the voltage across the rectifier shunt connections
with a portable voltmeter and convert to amperage. Rectifier shunts
are normally rated in A/mV; therefore, multiply the shunt rating by
the millivolts read to obtain the total rectifier DC amperage output.
For instance, with a 10A/50 mV rectifier shunt a millivolt reading of
10 mV across the shunt would mean that the rectifier is passing 2A.
The total rectifier amperage should be in close agreement with the
sum of anode currents. Review and Maintain Records

Have the data sheets from the annual potential survey reviewed by a
qualified corrosion professional, such as a Cathodic Protection Specialist.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection

The reviewer must be provided the record of previous inspection results with
which to compare to the latest findings. The reviewer may then recommend
adjustments if needed.

The site must maintain a file of annual inspections along with

recommendations and actions taken. Good records can show trends before a
problem develops. ICCP Checklist

The following table summarizes the inspections and maintenance that structures
protected by impressed current cathodic protection must undergo, as detailed in
previous paragraphs:

ICCP Procedure Recommended Interval Reference

[General Monthly & Annually Reclamation Practice

condition of (FIST 4-5; sub-para. 10.5.2 and
rectifier, test 10.5.3)
stations, junction
boxes, and other
Remove debris Monthly & Annually Reclamation Practice
(FIST 4-5; sub-para. 10.5.2 and
Structure-to- Annual Reclamation Practice
electrolyte (FIST 4-5; sub-para.
Current output of Annual Reclamation Practice
anodes (FIST 4-5; sub-para.
Rectifier tap Monthly & Annual Reclamation Practice
settings, D.C. (FIST 4-5; sub-para.
voltage, and
current output
Update and Annual Reclamation Practice
Review of (FIST 4-5; sub-para.
Repairs and Monthly & Annually] Reclamation Practice
adjustments when (FIST 4-5; sub-para. 10.5.2 and
Table 8. ICCP Inspection and Maintenance Checklist.

Corrosion and Cathodic Protection


Appendix A Simple GACP Designs

General Considerations
The designer of a cathodic protection system needs to consider a number of
factors, including:

What kind of system should be used galvanic or impressed current?

If impressed current, what rectifier specifications (e.g., volts and amps)?
Should anodes be placed at remote earth or should a distributed design be
What service life is needed?
What type of anode should be used?
What size of anode should be used?
How many anodes?
Will this system cause interference corrosion on other structures; or will
the cathodic protection on other structures induce corrosion on this one?

Along with these factors, specific data should include:

Information as to aggressiveness of the environment, including chemistry,

flow conditions, and resistivity.
Soil or water resistivity around the structure to be protected and where
anodes may be located.
The dimensions of the structure protected.
The type and quality of coating on the structure.
Electrical isolation points and whether other structures are electrically
continuous with one in question.
The location of other structures with relation to the one in question, and
the cathodic protection system specifications on those structures.

The following examples are for small, simple, buried structures that might be
protected using either the 32-pound magnesium anode or the 15-pound zinc anode
previously described in this document. In keeping with previous editions of this
document, the examples are intended for site personnel who may wish to attempt
in-house cathodic protection for such structures. Note, however, that there is no
short-cut for obtaining reliable soil resistivity readings and that these readings are
crucial to a correct design. The simplified calculations use conservative
assumptions associated with the data tabulated herein. Given the low voltage
nature of galvanic anode systems, interference corrosion on other structures while
possible is unlikely. Site personnel may nonetheless find it useful to have a


MERL corrosion professional review their design calculations prior to proceeding

with ordering materials and installation.

[For cathodic protection of larger structures requiring the use of more than
six anodes, an impressed current rectifier system, or for immersed
applications, site personnel must obtain the specialized assistance of a
corrosion professional.]

Problem 1:
A new 4-inch (D) schedule 40 (0.237 inch wall thickness) coated welded steel
pipe 150 feet long will be buried 6 feet below ground in a sandy clay soil. The
new pipe will be electrically isolated at both ends. Determine if site personnel
can use the galvanic anodes described in this document to protect this pipe. If so,
design the system. The anodes need to provide the usual Reclamation 20-year

Required data:
Soil resistivity in ohm-centimeters for possible anode locations and around
the structure.
Pipe protective coating efficiency or percent bare design basis.
Current density needed for protection.

Data and assumptions for this problem:

1. Soil resistivity testing indicates that two locations each about 30 feet away
from the subject pipe have soil resistivities of 1,572 ohm-centimeters on
the northwest side and 2,593 ohm-centimeters on the southeast side in the
5- to 10-foot layer of soil. Soil resistivity readings taken along the pipe
run indicate an average and relatively consistent soil resistivity of 2,019
2. The coating is new and in excellent condition. The maintenance
supervisor suggests that customary coating deterioration be assumed. It
will therefore be assumed that the cathodic protection system must be
conservatively designed to protect the pipe with 2 percent bare metal
(98 percent coating efficiency, or 0.02 bare fraction) of metal exposed
through the coating.
3. Based on tabulated data (see Table 2), it appears that a cathodic protection
system will need to provide 2 mA/ft2 of bare steel for adequate protection.

1. The responsible site engineer first determines the amount of current that
will be needed given the data and base assumptions. The cathodic
protection current (I) required is the product of estimated area of bare steel
(Abare) in square feet times the required current per square foot. If:

= ()(0.02)



For 150 feet of 4-inch pipe:

2 4
= (150)(0.02) = 6.28 0.00628
. 12/

The engineer, seeing that such a small amount of current is needed, is

confident that galvanic anodes can be used to protect the pipe.

2. The engineer next determines the individual resistances that make up the
cathodic protection circuit. Indications are that there is a likely anode bed
site on the northwest side of the pipe that has low resistivity, which should
minimize the anode grounding resistance. Knowing the area, the engineer
also knows that this location is also about 10 feet from a building and that
the test station and/or junction box could be placed near the building for
protection. The engineer therefore decides to place an anode bed in that
location and proceeds to estimate the cathodic protection system circuit

A. Pipe grounding resistance:

Since the design is to protect the pipe at 98 percent coating efficiency

(2 percent bare steel), the tabulated values (see Table 5) above allow
an estimate of pipe grounding resistance as follows:

2019 cm
1000 cm (538 sq. ft)
= = 6.92
12in 150ft
B. Anode grounding resistance:

The engineer is not certain which anode to use and will therefore
consider either magnesium or zinc. The grounding resistances based
on Table 4 above are:

RMg anode = 0.00467 =0.00467(1572 -cm) = 7.34


RZn anode = 0.00479 =0.00479(1572 -cm) = 7.53


C. Cable resistances:

Since the tentative location of the test station and/or junction box is
about 40 feet from the pipe and the engineer needs to bring the
structure cable up about 5 feet, in addition to some slack, the engineer
decides to allow for 50 feet of #6 AWG cable from the pipe. Since
plans are to have the anode bed near the test station, 20 feet of #12
AWG cable will be assumed from either anode. Total cable resistance
is calculated as:

0.4030 1.6200
= 50ft + 20ft = 0.0526
1000ft 1000ft
D. Pipe metal resistance:

The engineer plans to connect the cathodic protection to one end of the
pipe, leaving a maximum of 150 feet for the cathodic protection
current to travel through steel. A quick estimate shows that this
resistance will be negligible:

(1.344105 ) 15030.5

= = 0.003
((4.5)2 (4.026)2 ) 6.45. .

4 . .

E. Total circuit resistance:

With the selected magnesium anode, total circuit resistance is:

= + + +
= 6.92 + 7.34 + 0.0526 + 0.003
= 14.3

The alternative zinc anode would provide a total circuit resistance of:

= + + +
= 6.92 + 7.53 + 0.0526 + 0.003
= 14.5

3. Based on this circuit resistance and knowing that a structure potential of at

least -0.850 V(CSE) is needed with a magnesium anode providing a driving
voltage of 0.65 V (see Table 3), the engineer now uses Ohms Law to
determine whether a single anode will provide the required current:


= 0.0455
Hence, the engineer has plenty of capacity with a single 32-pound anode,
magnesium anode. A variable resistor should be installed in the circuit to
control the structure potential. If instead a single 15-pound zinc anode
were used, the amount of current the system could supple would be:

= 0.0138
This system would still have the capacity to generate about twice the
current needed. Note too that either one of these anodes will provide in
excess of 20 years of service life since the maximum current output for
that longevity has not been exceeded (see Table 6).

The site engineer recommends to the maintenance supervisor that they

install a single 15-pound prepackaged zinc anode, indicating the site
30 feet from the pipe and on the northwest side where the anode is to be
bedded at or below the spring line of the pipe. The test station is to be
placed near the building for damage protection and a 100-milliohm shunt
(will make current measurements easier) and a variable resistor are to be
supplied in the test station.

Problem 2:
Determine the cathodic protection requirements, including the amount of current
needed and the type and number of anodes, to cathodically protect 80 feet (L) of
new 4-inch (D) schedule 40 (0.237 inch wall thickness) coated welded steel pipe
buried in the ground. There is a retaining wall 10 feet to one side of the pipe and
a road 15 feet on the other; the anodes must be kept between these features. Road
salts used to deal with icing in the winter have made the soil in the area severely
corrosive. The pipe is buried 6 feet below ground and is electrically isolated at
both ends.

Required data:
Soil resistivity in ohm-centimeters for possible anode locations and around
the structure.
Pipe protective coating efficiency or percent bare design basis.
Current density needed for protection.


Data and assumptions for this problem:

1. Soil resistivity readings taken throughout the area between the road and
the retaining wall indicate an average soil resistivity of 760 ohm-
centimeters without much variation.
2. The pipe is new and well-coated, but it will be assumed that the cathodic
protection system will eventually need to protect the pipe with 2 percent
bare metal (0.02 fraction bare) exposed through the coating.
3. Based on Table 2, it appears that a cathodic protection system may need to
provide 6 mA/ft2 of bare steel for adequate protection since this appears to
be very corrosive soil.

1. The site engineer knows a remote anode system cannot be employed since
anodes cannot be placed at least 28 feet from the pipe; a distributed anode
system will therefore be considered. The engineer first determines the
amount of current needed given the data on hand and the base
assumptions. The cathodic protection current (I) required is the product of
estimated area of bare steel (Abare) in square feet times the required current
per square foot. If:

= ()(0.02)



For 80 feet of 4-inch pipe:

6 4
= (80)(0.02) = 10.1 0.0101
. 12/

2. In order to protect 80 feet of pipe with anodes every 16 feet, the engineer
must employ 6 anodes (one at either end, each covering the first 8 feet of
pipe from the ends and 4 more anodes between these). Given that the pipe
is only 4 inches in diameter, anodes should not be needed on both sides of
the pipe; they will, however, be staggered. The engineer next determines
the individual resistances that make up the cathodic protection circuit.

A. Pipe grounding resistance:

Since the design is to protect the pipe at 98 percent coating efficiency

(2 percent bare steel), Table 5 allows an estimate of pipe grounding
resistance as follows:


538 2 760
= = 4.88
12 80

B. Anode grounding resistance:

He estimates the combined grounding resistance of the 6 anodes based

on Table 4 above as:

= 0.00093 = 0.00093(760 cm) = 0.707

Or for six zinc anodes:

= 0.00095 = 0.00095(760 cm) = 0.722

C. Cable resistances:

The tentative location of the test station/junction box will be near the
center of the pipe, where the 6 anode leads will connect to about
10 feet of #6 AWG cable from the pipe. The engineer assumes an
average of 25 feet of #12 AWG cable from each anode (some will
actually be shorter and some will be longer). Since these short runs of
cable are in parallel, the engineer estimates the combined resistance of
the cables to be 1/6 the resistance of one anode cable, so that the
combined cable resistance is approximately:

0.4030 1 1.6200
= 10ft + 25ft = 0.0108
1000ft 6 1000ft
D. Pipe metal resistance:

The engineer plans to connect the cathodic protection to the center of

the pipe, leaving only a maximum of 40 feet for the cathodic
protection system to travel through steel, and 2 parallel paths (one in
each direction). A quick estimate of one side shows that this
resistance will again be negligible:

(1.344105 ) 4030.5

= 1/2{ }
((4.5)2 (4.026)2 ) 6.45. .
. .
= 0.0004


E. Total circuit resistance:

With magnesium anodes, total circuit resistance is:

RMg total = Rpipe + Ranode + Rcable + Rmetal = 4.88 + 0.707 +

0.0108 + 0.0004 ohm = 5.60

The alternative zinc anodes would provide a total circuit resistance of:

RZn total = Rpipe + Ranode + Rcable + Rmetal = 4.88 + 0.722 +

0.0108 + 0.0004 ohm = 5.61

3. Based on this circuit resistance and knowing that a structure potential of

-0.850 V(CSE) needs to be held with standard potential magnesium anodes
having a -1.550 V(CSE) potential, the engineer now uses Ohms Law and
Table 3 to determine whether 6 closely distributed anodes will provide the
required current and the minimum 20-year service life:

E/Rtotal = I

(0.650 V)/5.60 = 0.116 A total

0.116 A/6 anodes = 0.0193 A/anode

Hence, since only 0.0101 A is needed to protect the pipe, the engineer has
plenty of capacity and adequate service life with 32-pound standard
potential magnesium anodes; variable resistors will be installed in the
circuit to control the structure potential.

If instead six 15-pound zinc anodes were used, the amount of current the
system could supply and the individual current per anode would be
(see Table 3):

(0.200)/5.61 = 0.0357 A total

0.0357 A/6 anodes = 0.00594 A/anode

Since only 0.0101 A is needed to protect the pipe, the engineer again
would have plenty of current and the design would meet a minimum 20-
year service life. The engineers recommendation, therefore, calls for a
close distributed zinc anode cathodic protection system with 6 anodes
spaced 4 feet, 8 inches from the pipe and spaced 16 feet apart. Since there
are only 6 anodes, all the cables will be run to a junction box where each
anode will pass through a 0.100 shunt resistor and a variable resistor for
balancing anode currents. A separate test lead will be provided on the
junction box board. The junction box will be placed near the retaining
wall where it should be out of harms way.


Appendix B Failed Pipe Reporting

(See sub-paragraph 2.3, Taking Action and Getting

(A useful form for reporting a failed pipe to the

Technical Service Center)







Appendix C References
1. NACE/ASTM G193-10b Standard Terminology and Acronyms Relating to
Corrosion, NACE International/ASTM International 2010.

2. Technical Memorandum No. MERL-2011-36, Guidelines for Reporting

Corroded Pipe. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.

3. Geophysics Foundations: Physical Properties: Electrical Resistivity of

Geological Materials. F. Jones UBC Earth and Ocean Sciences, 12:55:11.

4. ASTM G82-98(2009), Standard Guide for Development and Use of a

Galvanic Series for Predicting Galvanic Corrosion Performance.

5. Mars G. Fontana. Corrosion Engineering, Third Ed. McGraw-Hill, 1986.

6. NACE SP286-2007, Standard Practice Electrical Isolation of Cathodically

Protected Pipelines; NACE International, 2007.

7. R. Weast, S. Shelby. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 47th ed.

Chemical Rubber Co., 1966.

8. A.W. Peabody, R. Bianchetti. Peabodys Control of Pipeline Corrosion, 2nd

ed. NACE International, 2001.

9. NACE Course Manual, CP Interference. NACE International, 2007.

10. Reclamation Technical Memorandum No. MERL-05-19, The 10% Soil

Resistivity Method. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Service Center,
Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory, 2005.

11. Reclamation Technical Memorandum No. 8140-CC-2004-1, Corrosion

Considerations for Buried Metallic Water Pipe. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,
Technical Service Center, 2004.

12. NACE, International SP 0100, Cathodic Protection to Control External

Corrosion of Concrete Pressure Pipelines and Mortar-Coated Steel Pipelines
for Water and Wastewater Service. NACE International, 2008.

13. NACE SP 0169-2007, Standard Practice - Control of External Corrosion on

Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems. NACE International,

14. NACE, International RP 0193, External Cathodic Protection of On-Grade

Carbon Steel Storage Tank Bottoms. NACE International, 2001.


15. NACE, International RP 0196, Galvanic Anode Cathodic Protection of

Internal Submerged Surfaces of Steel Water Storage Tanks. NACE
International, 2004.

16. NACE, International RP 0285, Corrosion Control of Underground Storage

Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection. NACE International, 2002.

17. NACE, International RP 0290, Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of

Reinforcing Steel in Atmospherically Exposed Concrete Structures. NACE
International, 2000.

18. NACE, International RP 0388, Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of

Internal Submerged Surfaces of Carbon Steel Water Storage Tanks. NACE
International, 2001.

19. L.L. Shrier, R.A. Jarman, G.T. Burstein. Corrosion Control, Volume 2.
Newness-John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1963.

20. NACE Course Manual, CP 3 Cathodic Protection Technologist Course

Manual. NACE International, 2004.

21. ASTM B843-07, Standard Specification for Magnesium Alloy Anodes for
Cathodic Protection.

22. ASTM B418-08, Standard Specification for Cast and Wrought Galvanic Zinc

22. FIST 1-1, Hazardous Energy Control Program. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,
January 2012.


Appendix D Definitions
Negatively charged ions in the electrolyte. Anions are attracted to and move
toward the anode under influence of a potential gradient. Some may react at the

The electrode of an electrochemical cell at which oxidation occurs. The metal
that corrodes in a galvanic cell or the positive terminal of an electrolytic cell.

The electrode of an electrochemical cell at which reduction is the principle
reaction. The metal which is protected by an anode of a galvanic cell; the
negative terminal of an electrolytic cell.

Cathodic protection
A technique to reduce the corrosion rate of a metal surface by making that surface
the cathode of an electrochemical cell.

Positivity charged ion in an electrolyte. Cations are attracted to and move toward
the cathode under influence of a potential gradient. Some may react at the

A liquid, liquefiable, or mastic composition that, after application to a surface, is
converted into a solid protective, decorative, or functional adherent film.

Concentration cell
A corrosion cell whose voltage gradient is the result of inhomogeneities or
differential chemical conditions at sites on the structure within the electrolyte.

The deterioration of a material, usually a metal, that results from a chemical or
electrochemical reaction with its environment.

Corrosion cell
Consists of an anode and a cathode which are electrically connected for electron
flow and immersed for ion flow. Dry and wet cell batteries are common
examples (when shorted across the terminals).


Corrosion monitoring system

Consists of bonded or welded joints for structure electrical continuity, insulating
fittings at required locations where electrical isolation of a structure is desired,
and tests stations for electronic access to a structure to determine potentials, etc.

Current interrupter
A device installed in the output circuit of a rectifier which provides a means of
opening and closing the circuit at programmable intervals.

Electrical resistivity
The resistance offered to the passage of current between the opposite faces of a
unit cube of the material. Units are resistance times distance, such as ohm-
centimeters, ohm-meters, ohm-feet, or the like.

The medium (such as an aqueous solution, moist soil, or solution of chemicals)
through which the current (positive charge) of a corrosion cell flows (i.e., from
the anode to the cathode by migration of anions and cations).

Electron flow
Flow of electrons in the external circuit; in the opposite direction to
conventional current flow.

External circuit
The part of a corrosion cell circuit in which electrons flow through the metal of
the anode, cathode, and metallic conductor between them (the metallic part of the

Galvanic cell
A corrosion cell in which there is an anode made of a different material than the

Galvanic series
A list of conductive materials, especially metals and alloys, arranged according to
their corrosion potentials in a given environment.

Galvanic-type corrosion
Corrosion similar to that produced by a galvanic cell.

Internal circuit
The part of a corrosion cell circuit in which the current flows through the
electrolyte via ions or radicals (the solution part of the circuit).


An electrically charged atom (e.g., Na+, Cl-, etc.); sometimes used when speaking
of radicals as well.

Local cell corrosion

An electrochemical cell created on a metallic surface because of a difference in
potential between adjacent areas on that surface.

Long-line corrosion
Current flowing through the earth between an anodic and a cathodic area that
returns along an underground metallic structure. (Usually used only where the
areas are separated by considerable distance and where the current flow results
from concentration cell action).

Mill scale
The oxide layer formed during hot fabrication or heat treatment of metals.

Mixed potential
A potential resulting from two or more electrochemical reactions occurring
simultaneously on one metal surface.

Noble metal
A metal with a standard electrode potential more positive than that of hydrogen.
Of two metals in a corrosion cell, the one with a potential more in the noble
direction will be the cathode.

The change from the corrosion potential as a result of current flow across the
electrode/electrolyte interface.

In cathodic protection work, the voltage difference between a structure and a
reference electrode, all in a continuous electrolyte.

An electrically charged group of atoms (e.g., OH-, SO4-2, etc.); sometimes loosely
referred to as ions.

Reference electrode
An electrode having a stable and reproducible potential, which is used in the
measurement of other potentials.


Shunt resistor
A calibrated resistor placed within a circuit to determine the current flow;
calibration is typically expressed in ohms or amperage/millivolt.

Static potential
The potential of a metal before any polarization and with no current flowing
through the electrolyte where the potential is measured; sometimes also called
native potential.

Stray current corrosion

Corrosion resulting from current flowing through paths other than the intended
circuit. Corrosion results when this current enters the electrolyte (e.g., ground
return to a foreign cathodic protection system, streetcar line, railway system, etc.).

In cathodic protection work, an item that could be monitored and/or cathodically
protected (e.g., buried pipeline, submerged pump column, etc.) or an item foreign
to such an article (i.e. a foreign structure).

Test station
A location with electronic connection to a structure for cathodic protection

The formation of localized corrosion products scattered over the surface in the
form of knob-like mounds called tubercles.


Appendix E Sample CP Data Forms

(See sub-paragraph 10.1)





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