Coronary Microvascular and Endothelial Function Regulation: Crossroads of Psychoneuroendocrine Immunitary Signals and Quantum Physics (Part C)
Coronary Microvascular and Endothelial Function Regulation: Crossroads of Psychoneuroendocrine Immunitary Signals and Quantum Physics (Part C)
Coronary Microvascular and Endothelial Function Regulation: Crossroads of Psychoneuroendocrine Immunitary Signals and Quantum Physics (Part C)
Abstract [Part C]
This third part shows the other side of the coin. After explaining the factors that regulate endothelial and coronary microvascular function (part A and B), we describe
different methods and aspects that can be integrated with conventional medicine with considerable impact in terms of therapeutic effectiveness and of health care
costs. We talk about nutrition and herbal medicine, exercise, mind-body disciplines, attention to emotions and to the psycho-social background of patients. And this
is the answer to the crisis of the Western therapeutic model suggested by a relatively new current of thought in medicine: the Integrative Medicine.
What can be concretely done to modulate endothelial physical activity lead to the release of IGF-1, TNF, IL-4, IFN and the
function in a healthy way? production of Brain Derived Natriuretic Factor (BDNF), promoting
neurogenesis and mnemonic capacities [3]).
The search for circuits, diagrams of relationships between organs
and cells, the drawing of functional maps in the human body that are Alimentation and Herbal Medicine
detached from the fixity of the organ anatomy, lead the recognition Results from recent researches indicate that the active ingredients
of the importance of continuous cross-talk between cells, organs and of foodstuffs and herbs affect the expression of genes related with
systems in both physiological and pathological conditions, based on neurotransmitters, hormones and cytokines in the PNEI network [4,5].
the fine regulation of the levels of a large number of interconnected Therefore, PNEI interaction network and its modulation by aliments
messenger molecules. Thus, it is possible to interpret the pathological and plants open out new mechanisms to understand clinical results on
phenomenon as an alteration in the communication between the cells, health achieved by nutrition and herbal medicine and enriches current
an imbalance in intercellular signalling [1]. These alterations of signals research on complex diseases as well as systems biology.
and dialogues, determine, over time, new balances and compensations
within the PNEI network, with the possible final appearance of Epidemiological and clinical studies have demonstrated that natural
symptoms and the state we call disease. Each symptom is, after products, in daily diet or phytomedical preparations, may improve
all, a message in PNEI terms. Nowadays is possible and we should vascular function by enhancing NO production and bioavailability [6].
understand the different messages to provide care. We must continue Phyto-ingredients in tea, cocoa, pomegranate and soy are known to
our researches free, in order to learn how to read these messages positively influence eNOS activity and/or endothelial function, in vitro
properly, resisting, sometimes, the temptation to write before knowing and in vivo and could be considered as valuable and low-cost tools for
how to read. the prevention or treatment of cardiovascular diseases [7].
From what is described up to now, it appears clear that the Foods that we introduce in the diet are not only a source of calories
endothelial function can be understood as an epiphenomenon of a but are important modulators of the nervous system [8-12], the
endocrine [13-16] and immune systems [17,18]. Some diets heighten
cellular stress condition, more than a primitive pathological condition.
the inflammatory state, promoting development of diseases, through
The regulation of coronary flow reserve and endothelial function in
perturbations of host-microbe interactions [19-21]. Berer et al.
general, clearly shows the importance of PNEI factors in physiological
but also pathological conditions and suggests the need to explore new
therapeutic horizons [2].
The key to preventing and treating many disease processes relates Correspondence to: Carlo Dal Lin, MD, Department of Cardiac, Thoracic
and Vascular Sciences, Padua University School of Medicine, Via Giustiniani
to the modulation of allostatic load of each individual. This strategy
2, 35100 Padua, Italy, Tel: +39-049 8218642, Fax: +39-049 8211802; E-mail:
relates to the ordinary life of each person and is independent of any [email protected]
form of drug therapy.
Key words: endothelial function, coronary microcirculation, coronary flow reserve,
It is important to underline the concept of stress management and cardiovascular disease, psychoneuroendocrineimmunology, epigenetics, stress,
not stress elimination. Obviously, the stress response is important in allostatic load, integrative medicine, complementary and alternative medicine
an acute objective danger scenario. Furthermore, a bit of chronic stress Received: August 28, 2015; Accepted: September 18, 2015; Published:
is healthy (for example, a positive stimulating stress or a moderate September 24, 2015
demonstrated that the commensal gut flora-in the absence of pathogenic can maintain immune health, especially with low to moderate load
agents-is essential in triggering immune processes, leading to a volumes and intensity programmes [56]. In particular, it is important
relapsing-remitting autoimmune diseases [22-25]. Thus, a proper diet to employ a gradual and periodised increase in training volumes and
(such as Mediterranean diet [26-29] and Vegan [30,31] or Vegetarian loads, adding a variety to limit training monotony and stress, avoiding
diets [32-38]), acting on the different axes of the PNEI network, have excessively heavy training loads that could lead to exhaustion, illness
positive effects in terms of treatment and prevention of various diseases or injury [56]. The direct link between physical activity and immune
[39], including cardiovascular ones [40-42]. In particular, it has been activity has been demonstrated by some interesting works of Nieman
shown that an intensive nutrition education intervention, brings in et al. [57-64] . The Authors demonstrated that walking five days a week,
6-12 months to a lasting change in the eating habits of the patients, 45 minutes at a time and for 15 weeks, halves sick days for respiratory
being able to get good benefits in terms of cardiovascular prevention infections and revealed that a moderate daily physical activity of 30-
(improved glycemic control, dyslipidemia, obesity and reduction of 45 minutes, invigorates the immune system, while if it is prolonged
major cardiovascular events, such as myocardial infarction and stroke) to 90-180 minutes, after initial stimulation, making the body more
[43-45]. susceptible to infections [65]. Chronic diseases such as cardiovascular
disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer are associated with persisting low-
Finally, a recent meta-analysis by Schwingshackl et al. [46]
grade systemic inflammation. It has been demonstrated that regular
showed that the Mediterranean diet is accompanied by a decrease
exercise induces anti-inflammatory effects with elevated levels of anti-
of inflammation parameters with an improvement in endothelial
inflammatory cytokines and suppression of TNF production [66].
function. Similar results seem to be achieved also with the use of certain
plants used in traditional Chinese [47] or Ayrvedic medicine [48]. Bergh et al. have recently shown that exercise, to be an effective
advantage in terms of prevention and treatment of cardiovascular
The example of the diet can also be applied to the world of herbal
diseases, must be accompanied by a good psychological resistance
medicine. The purpose of this work is not to explain the complex
ability to stress [67]. In fact,low-stress resilience in adolescence is
therapeutic effect of individual herbal compound(for this purpose
associated with increased risk of CVD in middle age. The association
please consult Firenzuoli et al. [49], or any herbal medicine book). We
remains after adjustment for physical fitness: higher physical fitness
only limit ourselves to provide a list of the main herbs that currently
is inversely associated with CVD risk; however, this is significantly
find a concrete clinical application in CVD prevention and treatment,
attenuated by low-stress resilience [67].
regulating endothelial function: dark chocolate, coffee, cocoa, green and
black tea, Vitis Vinifera, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Ginkgo Biloba, blueberry Mind-body therapies for the prevention and treatment of
(Vaccinium myrtillus) and cranberries, Garlic (Allium sativum), cardiovascular diseases
nutmeg oil, curcumin, soy beans, Paeonia lactiflora, Papaverine,
Ginseng (Panax notoginseng), Hypericum, Vinca minor, Selenium, What is written in the DNA code could change its phenotypic
Ephedra, Licorice, Mistletoe (Vischium album), Hawthorn (Crataegus expression in response to the environment [68,69,70], through PNEI
monogyna or Crataegus oxycantha), olive leaves (Olea europea), network mediators. The cardiovascular balanceis is influenced by this
Ligustium wallichii, Jatropha podagrica, Stephania tetrahedron, Salvia network (stress response) [71], whose organization is then transmitted
miltiorrhiza, Uncaria rhyncophylla, Artemisia capillaris, Peucedanium to the offspring through epigenetic signatures [72] explaining the
praeruptorin, the family of the Gentianaceae, Paeonia suffruticosa, familiarity of many cases of CVD or why migrants acquire the same
Equisetum arvense, hawkweed (Hieracium pilosella), couch grass CVD risk of the new region they are living in [73,74].
(Triticum repens) and ribes nigrum, birch (Betulla alba), Orthosiphon, Thus, individual lifestyle and the surrounding environment are
Guarana, Rutaceae family (Citrus, Barosma betulina, Ruta graveolens), so important because can effectively modify the transgenerational
Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum), Cypress (Cupressus inheritance of stress axis balance and/or its activation and function
sempervirens) and Amamelide (Hamamelis virgininana), Centella during our life (with all the consequences on our health) [75].
asiatica, Sweet Clover (Melilotus officinalis), Birch sap, Bermuda grass
(Cynodon dactylon), the Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) and the The effects of physical exercise, diet and smoking cessation on
Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) or Hawkweed (Hieracium pilosella) [49]. CVD prevention and treatment are well known. However, tests have
shown that myocardial ischemia can be elicited by mental stress in a
In future it will be important to study precisely the effects of herbs laboratory and in everyday life and that ischemia induced by mental
on the PNEI network; effects that will indirectly affect the cardiovascular stress is associated with an increased risk for future cardiac events in
system and its state of health [49]. patients with coronary artery disease (Figure 1 shows the survival curves
according to coronary heart disease related to perceived stress impact).
Physical activity Behavioral and stress management interventions offer additional
The aerobic exercise has been widely shown to be an important factor benefit over and above standard medical care in cardiac patients with
in cardiovascular prevention, being able to reduce oxidative stress and evidence of myocardial ischemia [76], especially considering the lack
inflammatory parameters, to improve blood pressure, glyco-metabolic of efficacy of standard beta-blocker therapy on low heart rate-related
and insulin control and to optimize the sympathetic/parasympathetic ischemia during mental stress [77], or the inability of the standard
balance acting on endothelial function in positive terms [50]. Regular ergometric tests (exercise or pharmacological stress) to exclude the
physical activity and normal weight are both important indicators for a presence of inducible ischemia because not able to detect the form of
decreased risk of mortality from all causes, cardiovascular diseases and myocardial ischemia induced by mental stress [78].
cancer: in particular physical activity has a strong independent effect on Our inner dialogue modulates cardiovascular function: At the
mortality [51] according to the fitness level and physical activity patterns same event, people experience different emotional reactions and a
[52]. Nowadays also neurologists and immunologists are studying the same person during his/her life and maturation could react differently
effects of physical exercise on the psychoneuroimmunologic networks in similar, specific situations. Between event and emotion there is no
modulation [53-55]. Walsh et al. demonstrated that physical training automatic link.
practice of keeping alive the attention from moment to moment movements in yoga, thai chi, qigong, or mental content as in guided
[94]. Wanting further clarity on the meaning of the term, thats what imagery, or mindfulness meditation proper. Or an unchanging or
meditation is NOT [95]: it is not a mystical practice, although it has repetitive object is constantly held in focus, such as in mantra meditations
historically developed in religious contexts, mainly in the East. We like Transcendental Meditation (TM) or Benson meditation, breathing
must not forget that Eastern doctrines are not only a series of rites and meditation like Zazen, ostinato drumming, rhythmic dancing, jogging/
ceremonies seemingly esoteric, but also a sophisticated and millennial flow, etc. In practice both categories frequently overlap, and normally
mental functioning study. It is not a form of passivity or contemplative the ability to keep ones attention focused on a steady object is the
life but, on the contrary, something you can apply to the action, so precondition for the capacity to constantly attend to moving objects.
much so that it was used to optimize the efficiency of samurai soldiers All techniques are usually conducted with an attitude of intentionally
or rock climbers performance (please see directed or focused concentration and attention, which is called mindful
rock-warriors-way-mental-training-for-climbers-2/). Although, often, awareness. As a consequence, they have the potential to elicit the so-
the meditation is seen as an escape from the world. It is not another called relaxation response, whose property is responsible for some
term for relaxation. Meditation causes a feeling of well being and of the observed clinical, medical or therapeutic effects of meditation,
relaxation. But this is not its primary purpose. As it involves accepting particularly in stress-associated diseases, including cardiovascular,
all the moods that we live, it can also mean living feelings of anxiety immune, proinflammatory or neuroendocrine diseases, including
and discomfort in order to change them. Meditation does not focus anxiety or depression (Figure 2).
on content, but on the understanding of the content. It is not simply
The Transcendental Meditation (TM) program has been
a technique that aims to enhance the attention, though its practice is
found to decrease coronary heart disease risk factors (hypertension,
focused on the use of attention and might result in a significant attentive
diabetes, atherosclerosis,use of cigarettes and alcohol) and associated
capacity development. It is not a cognitive rebuilding technique,
cardiovascular morbidity and mortality [98,92,99] leading to
although its practice often allows to rethink and reformulate the
angina symptom improvements due to the reduction of anxiety and
meaning of situations. Its not a problem-solving technique, although
depression-related, chronic sympathetic activation [100]. Furthermore,
it often allows to find appropriate solutions to real problems.
reduced health insurance claims were observed [92]. Moreover,
What then is meditation in its essence? What then remains of an American Heart Association scientific statement provided a
it, once purified of all mystical and religious aspects? It remains the class of recommendation of Class IIB, Level of Evidence B for TM
fundamental teaching of not reacting to the contents of the mind as if implementation in clinical practice, based on the available level of
they were reality [96]. We tend to confuse our thoughts about reality evidence from published literature [101]. The practice of meditation is
with reality itself. To use the psychological language, we tend to confuse accompanied by physiological peculiarities. We can observe a reduction
the cognitive world with the real world. in oxygen consumption, in the cardio-respiratory frequency of and
blood pressure; the skin impedance increases and functional changes
No human being has a direct and objective perception of reality.
in brain activity happens (increasing in high-frequency, synchronized
We believe that thoughts arise in reaction to real events, but they are
gamma waves in the electroencephalogram). Its also possible to assess
often linked to the latter only indirectly and in a distorted way. With
structural changes in the brain, with thickening of the areas delegated
the practice of meditation is possible to understand that thoughts are
to the memory, attention, interoception, sensory processing as well as
just thoughts, while the physical reaction is based on the belief that
self-regulation and autoregulation [102,97]. Along with meditation
they are the reality with capital R. Meditating, we realize that thoughts
practice, daytime secretion of pituitary hormones changes [103].
come and go, and the problem is that often we react to them too early,
emotionally and with behaviors or actions. Neutralizing the reaction, Mediation is associated with dopamine production regulation,
we distance ourselves from being drawn into the vortex of actions and and brains motivation and reward systems activation [97]; meditation
reactions triggered mainly by negative thoughts. Behaviorally, when reduces cortisol levels [104], increases peripheral melatonin levels
we feel bad, we tend to react distracting or looking for actions that goes [105], determines norepinephrine and epinephrine reduction and rise
to cover the discomfort: make a phone call, open the fridge and eat, in vagal tone [106], with obvious consequences on blood pressure, heart
read the paper, we immerse ourself in the social networks, turn on rhythm and anxiety lowering, and with improvement in the quality of
the television and we can go on until smoking and or alcoholism. We life in patients with optimally treated heart failure [107]. Serotonin and
find hard to pay attention to what is not pleasant. We try to protect testosterone increase [108], and is possible to notice changes in growth
ourselves, and from moment to moment, we have to decide between hormone levels and thyroid stimulating hormone balance[109,110].
the wonderful world inside our heads and the reality of the here and Acetylcholine and morphine levels augment in meditators increasing
now, whatever it is. Cognitively negative thoughts, if not recognized the activity of the constitutive nitric oxide-producing enzymes and
consciously, trigger the production of automatic routines, judgments, determining and anti-inflammatory effect through NF-kB inhibition
emotions, physical reactions and moods that tend to feed thereself in a [97].
vicious cycle of judgment and compensation.
In summary, mediation can counteract stress at the mental [111],
Esch describes [97]: Meditation can be defined as willfully and physical, physiological and molecular level [112], restoring and
purposefully regulating ones own attention, either for the purpose harmonizing the brain circuits [113,114], modifying the activity of the
of relaxation, exploring oneself or personal growth and trascedence. DMN [115] (Figure 2), and the neuro-immune-[116-118] endocrine
Mediation can operationally be divided into two categories. Either one [119] secretion.This particular state of consciousness induce temporal
is focusing attention on changing object such as physical sensations in DNA transcriptome changes in energy metabolism, insulin secretion
the body scan, progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training, or and inflammatory pathways [120]. This counteracts mononuclear cell
Figure 2. Top. Brain networks associated with mind wandering and attention. The brain can be divided into two-large scale distributed network: the default mode network, in which is
associated mind-wandering activity, and the attention network that is associated with focused states demanding attentional resourses. Down. The process of attention during meditation. A
theoretical model of dynamic cognitive states experienced by a non-expert practioner during a session of meditation. When attempting to sustain focus (FOCUS) on an object (breathing,
mantra, images, etc.), an individual inevitably loses this focus and experiences wandering of attention (MIND WANDERING). At some time during mind wandering, the practitioner
becomes aware that his/her mind is not on the object (AWARENESS), at which point he/she disengages from current train of thought and shifts attention back to the object (SHIFT), where
it stays focused again for some period of time (FOCUS). Whith practice, the time spent during the focused and conscious thought increases. There are various methods of meditation with
a common experiential goal. It 's like climbing a mountain: there are several trails, slopes, ascent velocities and path lengths, but the summit is the same. Modified from Schmidt et al. [97].
activation due to psychosocial stress [121,122]. Meditation has proven related to psychophysiological changes (anger or fear reaction control),
to be a factor that can greatly increase the positive effects of dietary and in DMN and stress axis balance.
control and exercise on cardiovascular health, being able to determine
There is a postural coding for emotions with precise muscular
an initial regression of atherosclerotic disease [123,124]. patterns associated with specific emotions (the so-called Body Action
The practice of meditation is often associated with breath control Coding System) [129]. Briefly,on the one hand, specific muscles are
and breathing patterns are important for cardiovascular health [125]. activated to express certain emotions, on the other, it was also found
Bernardi et al. studied this phenomenon showing how rhythmic that the same muscles automatically responded to the perception of
formulas such as the rosary and yoga mantras can synchronize and emotion, without any overt movement [130], and this could be part of a
reinforce inherent cardiovascular rhythms and modify baroreflex reflex starting from our mirror neurons [131]. In this way, our feelings
sensitivity improving prognosis in heart disease. Bernardi et al. draw in the body a rest or usual body posture through the repetition
demonstrated that recitation of yoga mantras and of the rosary (that of expressed or perceived emotions. Many Yoga [132,133-152], Thai
was introduced in Europe after the Crusades, as a result of contact with Chi, Pilates or rock climbing practices act in this scenario, combining
Arabs who had been influenced by Tibetan and Indian traditions) slowed breathing exercises, meditation and movement, releasing muscular
respiration to almost exactly 6/min, and enhanced heart rate variability tensions within particular body areas, with benefits in physical and
and baroreflex sensitivity. They conclude that rosary recitation might mental health [139,153-157]. At cardiovascular level, the practice of
be viewed as a religious practice as well as a health practice [125]. yoga has proven useful in the control of arrhythmias [158].
Greater religious fervor is not necessarily accompanied by benefits in As in the case of nutrition and exercise, the practice of meditation is
terms of CVD and health [126], probably because of a continual sense accompanied with an improvement in endothelial function [142,159-
of guilt, mortification, self-judgment etc., that constantly activate the 163].
stress axis. Moreover, the amount of carbohydrates or proteins we eat
could change our breathing pattern, as commonly demonstrated by Recent studies revealed that massage therapy [164-166] attenuates
respiratory ratio variation, which is easily assessed during a standard production of inflammatory cytokines [167] and stress hormones
cardiopulmonary test [127]. [168-172], reducing endothelial dysfunction [173] and promoting
angiogenesis [174,175].
Some forms of meditation that aim to change individual inner
dialogue, teaching emotional forgiveness to replace negative unforgiving An interesting perspective on the field of mind-body therapies
emotions, show important health and well-being consequences [128] concerns biofield. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) National
Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) lymphocyte DNA damage, antioxidant status, and lipid profiles
describes biofield therapies as intended to affect energy fields that [192]. Water seems to change shape according to electromagnetic
purportedly surround and penetrate the human body [176]. Biofield influences of an observer/experimenter who manifests its positive
therapies seek to work with the human bodys putative vital energy field, or negative intention [193-195]. Is possible to measure the personal
which has been described across cultures as chi, qi, ki, and prana, such electromagnetic changing according to various psychological profiles
that changes in the field interact with and lead to changes in physiology using electroencephalography [111,196,197], electrocardiography
as well as mood [176]. This theory has its roots in traditional medical [198,199,200], functional brain MRI [201-203] or electrical cutaneous
practices such as Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine. resistance [204]. The studies about the therapeutic effect of magnetized
water are limited and experimentally poorly designed [192]. Thus,
While known physiological mechanisms appear to contribute
further scientific analysis is required to confirm these intriguing data.
to the beneficial effects of physical touch, a barrier to the acceptance
of biofield therapies is the lack of a proven biological mechanism to Currently, it has been found some anatomical and physiological
explain non-contact healing [177]. Electromagnetic energy represents correspondences between the energy current systems described in
nowadays the bridge between atomic and cellular levels, and currently Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine (called meridians or
its therapeutic applications in oncology are under investigation [178]. srotas) [181,193-196] , that reflect precise locations where the cutaneous
Given the electrical charge inherent in all the molecules and atoms electrical impedance varies, as well as endocrine, nervous and immune
that make up our body, it is clear that every human being produces activity [197,198]. Finally, research is under way to explain the genetic
a magnetic field. We measure it continually in our clinical practice basis of pathophysiological-energetic models theorized in Chinese and
through electrocardiograms or magnetic resonances. Ayurvedic Medicine [205,211,212].
According to some scientists, the electromagnetic energy performs We would like to make a clarification on the last part of this
the function of a kind of mold that give shape to the physical body paragraph, related to bioenergetic medicine. We know that some
[179]. In the 40s, Harold S. Burr,a Professor of Anatomy at the Yale references cited do not belong to newspapers of high caliber and
University School of Medicine, studied the shape of the magnetic fields have some methodological limitations. However, we think that the
(which he called vital fields or energy fields) surrounding the plants cited studies can still represent a starting point for further research and
and animals. He described quite surprising phenomena. According to analysis in the light of what is expressed in this manuscript. We want to
Burrs studies, the electric field of a bud or a salamander embryo does point out that the description of a phenomenon must be able to stand
not reflect the original seed or embryo shapes, but rather resembles the alone. Neither the fame of a scientist nor the fancy name of a magazine
adult plant or animal [179]. The same would occur in the human body. are necessarily synonymous of reliability or plausibility [213-215], but
We know that if you spread iron filings on a piece of paper hanging the scientific method by which the data of a study are produced. The
above a magnet, iron filings spread according to the lines of force theory of relativity is not less scientific if it is announced by Micky
of the magnetic field of the magnet. If this filing is thrown away and Mouse instead of Einstein.
we throw a new, this also take the same form. The molecules and cells
that make up the human body seem to behave in a similar manner Music
and their turnover would follow the lines of force of the individual Acoustic studies conducted in the anechoic chamber (Or-
electromagnetic field [179]. It would seem that a vibrational field field Laboratories, please visit
precedes the appearance of dense matter and is not merely a reflection of DesKrHa1U;;https://
the same. Burr provided evidence for this belief both with sophisticated reveal how the sound is cru-
electrical measurements, and also demonstrating the extraordinarily cial to maintain neuronal and brain balance. Through the sound seems to
significant hypothesis that the appearance of physical illness (cancer, in be possible to regain sight [216,217], through the optimization of sound
his studies) occurs after a measurable change in the organisms electric frequencies we can improve neuronal performance [218]; as explained and
field [179]. These findings have not been confirmed by other works; shown in the aforementioned videos, the prolonged sitting in an anechoic
however, with the technology available today, it could be possible to environment can cause serious psychological and physical imbalances.
design new studies aimed at confirming what was reported by Burr.
The sounds are formed by perceptible vibrations. From what has
We have already seen that in quantum physics, the same DNA been described using the quantum physics look applied in molecular
molecule oscillates and produces a small magnetic field that can be biology, if our ears were able to hear the full range of frequencies, then
interested by outside influences [180]. Further studies are needed to we could hear the music of the flowers and plants, mountains and
determine what happens in the case of using biofield therapies [181]; valleys, the song of the sky and stars [219], as well as the symphony
studies that are likely to affect and be addressed to thinner layers of of our bodies: in absolute silence condition a man, in his being made
matter. Interestingly, even in order to see the activity of thought as a force of beats, breathing, yawning, becomes music (Figure 3 and please see
field that can interact with matter, it has been described a correlation
between brain electrical activity between two human beings separated
in space [182,183,184-186]. Creath et al. demonstrated that sound Beyond this consideration, like language, music is a human
vibrations (music and noise) as well as biofields (bioelectromagnetic universal involving perceptually discrete elements organized into
and healing intention [187-190]) both directly affect living biologic hierarchically structured sequences [220].
systems, using a seed germination bioassay to detect the effects caused The scientific literature produced allows to state that music
by various applied energetic conditions [191]. An interesting hypothesis appreciation represents a good stress reduction technique: music
that could biologically explain these work could address the molecular comprehension is able to improve quality of life, and shapes the DMN
behavior of water contained in every human cell and plant. Its known [221,222]. Listening to music improves sports performance, heart
that the magnetized water changes its hexagonal structure leading to rate and heart rate variability [223], decreases the level of anxiety
significant biologic and therapeutic effects at the level of blood glucose, [224] in coronary artery disease patients even to a greater extent than
orally administered midazolam [225] and is able to lower cortisol, According to the second factors, myocardial infarction ranges in
adrenocorticotropic hormone, prolactin, adrenaline, noradrenaline, case of social wild competitiveness and uncertainty [251,252], economic
atrial natriuretic peptide and tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) insecurity, social isolation and low social status [71]. In particular,
levels [226]. Music efficacy has been also verified in the Emergency among young post-myocardial infarction patients, higher levels of
Department in order to reduce noise stress [227]. both cognitive and somatic depressive symptoms, especially regarding
economic conditions, are associated with a higher propensity to
Classical music and meditation music show the greatest benefit on
develop myocardial ischemia with mental stress, but not with physical
health, whereas other types of sound vibrations (such as heavy metal
(exercise or pharmacological) stress [78]. Moreover, it is possible to
music or techno) are not only ineffective but possibly dangerous and can
observe higher mortality from circulatory diseases and ischemic heart
lead to stress and/or life-threatening arrhythmias [228,229,230,231].
disease according to unemployment condition either directly in the
Interestingly, as revealed by Sleight et al., these effects are independent
unemployed person [253], both in the family closer (such as the wives
from individual music taste [232].
of the men seeking work [254]). Higher rates of myocardial infarction
The positive effects of classical and meditation music are related to and stroke development have been described in married women with
a lower plasmatic levels of all the hormones involved in a stress reaction low social support [255].
[226,233-235]. Furthermore,the immune system seems to appreciate
Furthermore, cumulative exposure to psychological trauma was
and respond to sound vibrations of classical and meditative music,up-
associated with an increased risk of recurrent cardiovascular events
regulating anti-inflammatory cytokines and modifying the number
and mortality, independent of psychiatric comorbidities and health
and characteristics of circulating B and T cells [120,236].
behaviors [256]. Theres a strict relation between outbursts of anger,
Finally, we have to consider that the developing field of social dynamic that easily occurs in modern economic world, and risk of
epigenetics is now helping us to describe how communication and acute myocardial infarction [257,258].
emotion, prime hallmarks of music, can be linked to a transmissible,
Finally, high perceived stress is associated with greater risks of
biochemical change [237]. The response of a human being to voice and
CVD and death for individuals with low but not high income [259]
music begins during fetal life, as shown by Al-Qahtani [238].
and the risk of coronary heart disease increases also among individuals
The benefits of music are accompanied by an improvement in reporting adverse impact of stress on their health (Whitehall II
endothelial function [239-241]. prospective cohort study, over 18 years of follow-up) [260]. Thus,
international economic and health strategies should act in order to
Pysical environment, society and economy
improve our surrounding environment, making it healthier.
Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality are deeply influenced
Is 993 thousand billion dollars, the value of the global wealth of
by the physical (for example by cold, hot, humid, sunny or windy
paper at the end of 2013, about 13 times the world gross product.
climates [71] or by urban or rural environments [242]) and social
Of those 993,000 billion dollars only 283,000 are primary finance,
environments. Considering the first factors, it is interesting to note
i.e., stocks, bonds and bank assets; all the rest, 710 000 billion
the importance of the quality of the air we breathe. Indoor negatively-
dollars, are derivatives traded outside regulated markets, of which
charged air conditions affects the human PNEI network [243] and the
only a small portion is related to transactions that have to do with
mere presence of fine pollution particles is associated with endothelial
the real economy. (please visit:
dysfunction [242], impacting cardiovascular health and beyond [244],
affari-e finanza/2014/10/27/news/finanza_un_trilione_di_dollari_
related to chronic exposure to these elements. Again, these findings
che_soffoca_leconomia_reale-99097465/). This kind of economy,
show that not exist, in nature, threshold values of safety, and that our
aimed solely at maximizing profit, undermines peoples health, is not
body works, compensating, beyond alleged safety limits imposed by
sustainable (as the global crisis has shown) and will not help to save
the laws relating to precise values of fine dust that it is permitted to
the environment in which we live. The problem, as raised by Thomas
circulate in the air. Another important consideration is the noise and
Aquinas in his Summa Theologiae (please visit:
the constant exposure to urban traffic that increase the incidence of
myocardial infarction [245]. On the contrary, it has been shown to
del-Pensiero:-Economia), is the right profit. In terms of public health
reside in a forest rule in a positive and healthy way the PNEI network
this has been the subject of study by Pretty et al. who reported that
(for example, reducing inflammation and oxidative stress) [246,247],
increases in gross domestic product in western economic systems
so much to coin the term of forest therapy, with ongoing clinical
beyond a threshold of basic needs do not lead to further increases in
trials [248-250]. Certainly, we can continue to ignore these factors. We
well-being, demonstrating that material consumption often results
can, for example, continue to pollute the air having faith in medicines
in negative health externalities [261]. If environmentally sustainable
to cure us from pollution or that genetic engineering will allow to
consumption were increasingly substituted for material consumption,
infect us with artificial genes from whose expression we will become
involving non-material consumption became more prevalent (healthy
able to breathe polluted air . Or we will rely on the technology that will
food, active body, healthy mind, community links, contact with nature
allow us to create machines able to clean up the air or make us live in
and low attachment to possessions), then well-being would increase
futuristic diving suits able to filter it and make it healthy. But will this
regardless of levels of gross domestic product [261]. It is possible to
be technological advancement? Or a sad compensation?
explain these considerations according to what we have seen so far
about epigenetic modifications acting from the endothelial function to load, we should simply use the term endothelial regulation. Indeed,
all the human being. it is as if we were observing an engine that can work, for example, from
1000 rpm to 10,000 rpm. If we look it at 2000 rpm or 8000 rpm, it is
A last consideration is important in terms of public health: think of
not dis-functioning, but its simply working at those levels. And this,
food waste. Our planet provides everything all people need: everyday
as we have seen, concerns a rich network of relationships, which can
a huge amount of food is thrown in the trash, as reported at the Expo
be modulated to regulate the functioning of the biological processes
2015, currently under way. (Please visit:
Given the influence of stress on endothelial function and the ease
The integrative medicine
of instrumental measurement of this parameter, it will be possible
The drugs and the actual western health organization aim to manage to use it as a simple tool to determine if these or further alternative
acute symptoms or to solve problems related to the exhaustion phase, techniques have a real therapeutic effect [268]. Verify the effect of
as part of the broader reaction to stress described. This approach, a medium such as meditation, mind-body therapies or music is
however, as clearly pointed out by Marvasati et al. [262], it is not ideal particularly hard. Numerous subjective bias are lurking and difficult
in a chronic setting, and is economically unsustainable. In this view, to measure or inevitable. Moreover, different meta-analyses of high-
Integrative Medicine (Figure 3) has emerged as a new therapeutic quality studies can arrive at different conclusions based on authors
model that is patient centered, healing oriented [263]. Such patient selection of studies [272]. Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) can only
care emphasizes the therapeutic relationship and uses therapeutic be done, by definition, with patients and individuals who are willing to
approaches originating from both conventional and alternative be randomized. Thereby such trials are excluding the potentially most
medicine such as meditation [142,162,265], music listening [225,239], beneficial therapeutic agent: conscious choice and active engagement.
alimentation [265,266] or physical exercises [161,267]. All these Thus, by default, RCTs can only test and describe what is the minimum
lifestyle and behavioral aspects, counteracting the stress response, have effect on people who use a certain intervention, as if it were delivered
a positive effect on our health and on our cardiovascular system [268]. to them as a passive recipient, like a medication. However, music
listening or playing is no medication. It requires active involvement
Integrated medicine is a humanistic and preventive medicine,
and the decision to dedicate regularly a specific amount of time, over a
that leverages the resources of the sick person, offering diagnostic and
larger period in order to change ones habits, attitudes and physiologic
therapeutic plans that integrate modern tools of biomedicine with the
responses. This can only be assessed in long-term comparative cohort
ancient traditions of the East and West, providing a growing scientific
studies that in other conditions and occasions have shown reliable
verification [269]. It is a medicine integrated and not alternative,
results comparable to RCTs [273]. In order to explore correctly many
because it is stupid and devoid of any foundation conceives an
faces of the so called alternative medicines, the scientific inputs
alternative medicine to the set of practices and knowledge emerged
should conform to the basic ancient principles and philosophies
over the past centuries in the biomedicine field. It s required, instead,
of the considered remedies, investigating them as they are: such
an integration of those knowledge that, at the end of quotation, can
research will require the already discussed whole system biology
make a difference (as widely reported in this paper) [270,271]. It will
and physics approaches, global participation with protocols evolved
be possible to maximize the efficiency of health services, reduce the
through intense interface with modern science, and regulatory reforms
consumption of drugs, and increase the level of prevention and the
to eliminate cultural and economic barriers [274]. In Table 1 are
level of citizens participation in the management of their health. The
reported many evidences about the therapeutic effect of the Integrative
integration must also be a scientific integration, making everything
Medicine approach in different diseases. In Table 2 are presented some
possible to assess the degree of evidence of effectiveness existing in the
epigenetic mechanisms that can control chronic inflammation linked
various medical practices, currently defined as unconventional. It is
to endothelial dysfunction. These factors are related to the disciplines
to return to have, between the arrows available for the doctors bow,
involved in Integrative Medicine paradigm.
some ancient therapeutic tools but scientifically valid. The healthcare
provider will recover wisdom and balance, will be a lifestyle teacher, Conclusion: pay attention to the roots. It is really
master of prevention and not a simple prescriber. He will know deeply possible to heal a tree ignoring the forest surrounding
the body language, made of hormones, neuropeptides and cytokines; it? What you sow grows, what grew was sown
will master the powerful substances derived from scientific progress in
We are living in a delicate moment for medicine and science in
course, but will be able to get the help of herbs, natural substances, his
general: unsustainable costs, poor outcomes, frequent medical errors,
hands, his words, music and meditation techniques. He will be again a
poor patient satisfaction and worsening health disparities, all point to
guardian and a maintainer of life [71]. The doctor will know how to
the need for transformation [275,276]. For more than ten years now, it
do therapy in the etymological sense of the term. The term therapy
is known that most of the population (2/3 of adults), also in Western
comes from the greek therapeia which literally means to assist
countries, resort to natural, complementary and alternative remedies
someone in his path.
to keep their health [277].
In this work we have often used the term endothelial dysfunction
In 2005, the United States spent an estimated 5.6% of its total health
to conform to the scientific literature produced up to now. In fact,
expenditures on biomedical research, more than any other country,
considering the PNEI network, epigenetics and the concept of allostatic
but less than 0.1% on research in health services. From an economic
Figure 3. An example of Cardiovascular Integrative Medicine Approach. The figure depicts heart failure and the therapeutic options. At the left, in A is represented the problem: horses
(the heart) have to carry a coach and its load (blood) along a climb (vascular resistances). A way to afford the problem is to whip horses (B) to make them do an harder work. This is the
case of an acute decompensated heart, when we can use inotropic agents. Another way to solve the problem is to change the street (C): we can choose a longer way but less steep, so less
work for our horses. We can reduce vascular resitances with vasodilator drugs. Another way to face the scenario is to curb horses (D): they will walk on the same climb but slower, thus with
less fatigue and preserving energies. Betablockers are the agents we use for this reason. Obviously they are a mainstay for the chronic therapy of heart failure and are contraindicated in the
acute setting. Another solution is to reduce the load of the coach (E). This is the role of diuretics and ultrafiltration. Nowadays, we can mechanically assist the heart function, in a partial
way, with ventricular assistance devices (VAD) or with total artificial heart (G and H respectively). Moreover, as in the example I we can resynchronize the marching step (i.e., cardiac
contraction) through a cardiac resynchronization therapy or CRT. Heart transplantation (F) remains the treatment of choice for many patients with end-stage HF with severely impaired
functional capacity despite optimal medical therapy.
Next to all these solutions, we can integrate another one: we can take care of the horse before getting sick, keeping it healthy. If the horse becomes ill, we can associate to all pharmacological
and surgical remedies a meticulous care of food, herbal medicine, adequate physical activity, a particular attention to emotions and to psychosocial stress, as well as methods of relaxation,
meditation and music appreciation.
perspective, biotechnology and medical device companies were most the one highlighted in this way, multiplied by millions of people, it can
productive, as measured by new diagnostic and therapeutic devices per have a very important effect on the cost / benefit ratio of a drug.
dollar of research and development cost. Productivity declined for new
Is it really possible to heal a tree without curing the grass and the
pharmaceutical drugs [278].
forest that surround it? Fruit depends on the branch, the branch on the
Furthermore a lot of drug therapy studies are built with the bias of trunk and the trunk on the roots and the soil in which they are planted
important economic interests leading to a selling sickness behavior in [282]. What we are comes from our roots and from what we are rooted
the public and private health systems [279,280]. in. Choose the roots and you will decide the fruits.
A recent study by Hutchins et al .[281] revealed that one in three What is the answer for patients asking us if it is possible in their
Americans said they would prefer to risk living less long than to take future to discontinue beta-blocker therapy after an acute coronary
a pill daily to prevent CVD. In addition, about 21% of the participants syndrome or the onset of arrhythmia? They are asking about what kind
to this study, also would pay $ 1,000 or even more if this would allow of change is necessary to restore health, not just a way to get back into
to avoid the pill daily. These data show that, even ignoring entirely the balance!
aspect relating to the side effects, the simple act of having to take a pill
Sometimes, during the days I work in hospital, I am under the
every day can have a strong impact on the quality of life of a person
impression that the therapies that have been scientifically demonstrated
and his perceived stress. Considering the fact that many adults take
as a valid method are somehow and sometimes like taking a yellowed
multiple medications every day, the effect is likely staff multiplied; at
apple and painting its peel red. We have to continue the therapy because
the population level, even a small reduction in quality of life such as
we are focused on its color and on the mechanisms that regulate it,
Healing a tree taking care of its fruits, its roots, the grass and the forest surrounding it
without considering the roots, the soil and the surrounding area in Such concept was subsequently repeated and integrated in the Ottawa
which the tree is planted. By changing these elements, the color of the Charter of 1986 during the first International Conference on Health
apple will change by itself. Promotion.
Let us think about what we described so far and the results of This work aims to be an opportunity to invite anyone interested
psychological and behavioral therapies, the effects of music and in building an international task-force involving cardiologists,
meditation and all the alternative therapies that are emerging neurologists, immunologists, endocrinologists, psychologists and
nowadays (the scientific evidence of their results is shown in Table 1 psychiatrists, sociologists, geneticists, biologists, physicists and bio-
and 2) and that our patients often ask us about. What are we supposed engineers to organize research on those factors that are effective
to tell them? Standard of care drugs may not always protect our patients in modulating the psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune network that
during their lives [77]! As well, some established diagnostic practices constitutes a human being.
are not effective to properly stratify the risk of a patient [78], or lead to
As sir William Osler said [284]: the good physician treats the
overdiagnosis and overtreatments [283].
disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.
Integrative medicine has emerged as a potential solution to Medicine is the science of uncertainty and the art of probability. One
the crisis in the healthcare of the US and western countries. It of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take
provides care that is patient-centered, healing-oriented, emphasizes medicine. It is much more important to know what sort of a patient
therapeutic relationship and uses therapeutic approaches originating has a disease than what sort of a disease a patient has. The value of
from conventional and alternative medicine. Initially driven by experience is not in seeing much, but in observing wisely. He who
consumer demand, the attention that integrative medicine places on studies medicine without books sails an uncharted sea, but he who
understanding persons as a whole and assisting with lifestyle change studies medicine without patients does not go to sea at all. Observe,
is now being recognized as a strategy to address the epidemic of record, tabulate and communicate. Use the five senses. Learn to see,
chronic diseases bankrupting our economy. For integrative medicine learn to feel, learn to smell, and know that only through practice
to flourish in our countries, new providers, new provider models, you become expert. Acquire the art of detachment, the virtue of the
a realignment of incentives and a commitment to health promotion method, the accuracy and quality, but above all the grace of humility.
and disease management will be required [270]. The contemporary In truth, there are not specializations in medicine, since to fully know
doctor must take into account the physical, psychological and social many of the most important diseases you must be familiar with their
environment of each patient. It is not so sure that life expectancy will manifestations in many organs. The desire to take medicine is perhaps
continue to grow, if we continue to ignore these factors. The World what most distinguishes human beings from animals. Patients need
Health Organization has declared, since 1946, that health is a state of rest, food, fresh air and exercise - the so called quadrangle of health.
complete physical, mental and social welfare and not merely the absence The young doctor starts with 20 medications for each disease, the old
of disease or infirmity, asking the governments to work responsibly, one ends up with a single medicine for 20 diseases. The more one is
through a program of health education suitable for achieving that aim. ignorant, the more it is dogmatic.
Table 2. Epigenetic mechanisms that regulate chronic inflammation linked to endothelial dysfunction.
high-fat or glucose meal or smoking contributes to a postprandial inflammatory state linked [303,359]
to atherosclerosis progression
5) L-Glutamine, L-arginine, and omega-3 decrease the proinflammatory prostaglandin 2 (PGE2) levels and the number of T cells;
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) [303 ,360-362]
omega-3 intake prolongs life and decreases NF-kB levels
6) Vitamins:
B complex and C vitamins and iron; maintains an effective Th1 cytokine-mediated immune response and avoids a shift to an anti-
inflammatory Th2 cell-mediated immune response
may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and enhance immune status;
Vitamin E regulates of redox-sensitive transcription factors and affects production of cytokines and
selenium, copper, and zinc prostaglandins
7) Probiotics improve the intestine's immunologic barrier, through intestinal immunoglobulin A responses;
mediate an immune regulation, through balance control of proinflammatory and anti- [368]
inflammatory cytokines
9) Male starving some days before IGF-1 and glucocorticoids in the offspring
fecundation [370]
Phytherapy (examples)
Echinacea purpurea promotes macrophages, polymorphonuclear leukocytes and natural killer cells activation in
upper respiratory diseases;
narigenin and astragaloside IV inhibit the path of TLR4-NF-KB
Physical activity increases levels of BDNF, IGF-I and other GF;
stimulates neurogenesis;
induces analgesia and sedation through the endocannabinoid systems activation; [75,53 ,296,372,373]
induces elevated levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines and suppression of proinflammatory
cytokines and TNF production;
regular practice of Tai Chi augments resting and vaccine-stimulated levels of cell- mediated
immunity to varicella zoster virus in older adults
accelerates the course of HIV disease progression altering the pituitary-adrenal hormones
alters GF, IGF-1 and substance P levels, improves symptoms in patients with rheumatoid
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