K53 Heavy Motor Vehicles Volume 2 Code C1, C, EC1 EC Part1 PDF

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Department of Transport

Practical driving test for motor vehicle drivers

Volume 2

Heavy Motor Vehicles

Codes C1, C, EC1 & EC

August 2005

1 THE TEST .................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Purpose of the test ........................................................................................ 1
1.2 Format of the test .......................................................................................... 1
1.3 Item format ................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Method .......................................................................................................... 1
1.5 Type of vehicle ............................................................................................. 1
1.6 Ethics ............................................................................................................ 1

2. TEST REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 2

2.1 Material ......................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Requirements for the yard test ..................................................................... 2
2.3 Requirements for the road test ..................................................................... 2

3. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TEST ............................................................. 3

3.1 Yard test ....................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Road test ...................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Collision ........................................................................................................ 5
3.4 Mechanical failure ......................................................................................... 6
3.5 Deferred test ................................................................................................. 6

4. TEST REPORT ............................................................................................ 7

5. SCORING METHOD .................................................................................... 12

6. MODULES .................................................................................................... 16

7. GLOSSARY ................................................................................................. 73

8 TECHNICAL DATA ...................................................................................... 84

1.1 Purpose of the test

This is a practical test to determine the ability of heavy motor vehicle drivers. The full test
consists of two separate parts, namely a yard test and a road test, jointly measuring the
proficiency of a vehicle driver as regarding his/her handling of the vehicle, obedience to traffic
rules, and coping with traffic problems in the practical driving situation. The test shall be used by
driving licence testing centres to measure the proficiency level of drivers in order to obtain a
driving licence. Only on the successful completion of test can a driving licence be authorised.
Instructors possessing the necessary knowledge and skills can also make use of this test to
determine training requirements.

1.2 Format of the test

The test is administered on prescribed manoeuvres and on the pre-established routes and is
marked on the standard test report (See page 9) by an examiner for driving licences who is
trained and registered as prescribed. Should the test be terminated for any reason at any stage,
the full test will have to be repeated. (This includes the yard test and road test)

1.3 Item format

The items are classified under separate categories clearly indicated on the test report. During
the test the examiner marks the incorrect responses in the appropriate category by placing a
mark in the space opposite the appropriate item.

1.4 Method

Directly after the successful completion of the yard test, which is conducted under supervision
of an examiner who is fully conversant with the contents of this document, can the road test be
administered on public roads, and shall be done on the same day. Every test shall be completed
in full before another test can be conducted by such examiner.

1.5 Type of vehicle

The test is designed for the testing of drivers of:

(a) motor vehicles of which T(Tare)/ GVM (gross vehicle mass) exceeds 3500 kg,
(b) articulated vehicle and combinations of vehicles of which GCM (gross combination
mass) of the drawing vehicle exceeds 3500 kilograms and
(c) combinations of vehicles of which the (GVM) of the trailer exceed 750kg.
(d) Vehicles with a minimum total length of 6 metres.

1.6 Ethics

Use of cellular phones and smoking is not permissible. (Examiner and applicant, as well as
Inspectorate / Provincial monitor if applicable)

2.1 Material

The following are required in order to conduct this test:

! a roadworthy heavy motor vehicle or combination of motor vehicles with a seat next to the
driver supplied by the applicant. (No load is required)
! a test report, (in triplicate and numbered in book form)
! a pen,
! a clipboard, and
! a stop watch.

2.2 Requirements for the yard test

This section of the test shall be administered in an area that is closed to other traffic and persons.
The technical data for the manoeuvres is as prescribed. (See page 83)

No vehicle shall be marked either on the inside or outside in such a manner to aid a learner driver
during the practical test.

The test shall commence with pre-trip inspections.

All of the following manoeuvres shall be done, however, can be done in any sequence.
(a) Alley docking, (to the right)
(b) Reverse in straight line,
(c) Left turn, and
(d) Incline start.

The technical data for the manoeuvres is as prescribed.(See page 83)

2.3 Requirements for road test

The road test can only commence on successful completion of the yard test.
Every driving licence testing centre shall have at least two pre-established routes.
The test shall be conducted on anyone of these routes.
The following features shall be included in every test route:

(a) A road, with more than one lane in the same direction, containing at least two controlled
intersections and clearly demarcated road markings where a lane change shall be done.

(b) At least one intersection controlled by four-way stop signs.

(c) At least four intersections controlled by stop signs or traffic lights.

(d) At least two intersections controlled by yield sign(s) -

(i) where the applicant shall yield right of way at one of the intersections; and
(ii) where the applicant has right of way at one of the intersections.

(e) None of the intersections forming part of a test route may be crossed more than twice from
the same direction.

(f) At least 65% of the test route shall consist of public roads in an urban area.

(g) A right turn shall be made at least at two of the intersections mentioned in (c)

(h) Crossing of two-way traffic shall be made at least at two intersections.

(i) Flashing green arrow indicators for turning vehicles shall not form part of the crossings
mentioned in (g) and (h).

Testing shall only be conducted during normal office hours on weekdays, from 07:00 to 17:00 and
Saturdays from 07:00 to 13:00. No testing shall take place on Sundays and Public holidays.

The examiner for driving licences shall not comment on, mention, or discuss any error made by the
applicant during the test, nor may he/she assist the applicant during the execution of any manoeuvre
or action.
The examiner shall record all the relevant information required on the test report.

The examiner shall not pose any questions to test the applicant's theoretical knowledge during the
practical test.
The examiner shall not allow anyone to hinder or anything to instruct or obstruct an applicant during a
test and the applicant shall be under his/her direct supervision at all times.

Only the examiner, representatives of the Inspectorate / Provincial monitors or supervisor of examiners
may accompany applicants during tests.

From the commencement of the yard test to the completion of the road test, the following items shall be
marked throughout:

! Violation of traffic law,

! Uncontrolled / Dangerous action, and
! Collision / Mechanical failure.

Any travelling to be done in the vehicle being used for the test may only be done after completion of the
pre-trip inspection and shall be driven by the applicant.

Should the applicant at any stage fail the test and in the opinion of the examiner, it would be unsafe for
the applicant to continue driving, the examiner may drive such vehicle when returning to the driving
licence testing centre.

On completion of the test the applicant shall sign the test report and a copy shall be handed to the
applicant after it has been discussed with him/her


Before the commencement of the yard test the examiner shall inform the applicant of the

(a) that the yard test (the pre-trip inspections and manoeuvres) shall be completed within
20 minutes, (stopwatch time)
(b) stopping shall be permitted at any stage during certain manoeuvres,
(c) observation shall be done and signals given as though on a public road,
(d) wearing of a seatbelt shall not be necessary during the yard test,
(e) should the test be terminated at any stage, the full test shall have to be repeated,
(f) all road traffic signs, signals, rules and markings shall be obeyed,
(g) touching any obstacle or mounting of a kerb shall not be permissible,
(h) no uncontrolled or dangerous action shall be permitted,
(i) the push and pull method of steering is not required during the yard test, and
(j) questions may be asked pertaining the above.

! The examiner shall guide the applicant to the starting point of every yard test
manoeuvre, and instruct him/her to apply the parking brake, select neutral and cancel
signal. (If applicable)
! All errors made during both the 1st and the 2nd, attempt shall be recorded. (entering and
! The instructions and explanation to conduct a manoeuvre during the yard test shall only
be given whilst the vehicle is stationary prior to the commencement of that specific

3.1.1 Pre-trip inspection

A physical pre-trip inspection shall be executed irrespective of the weather conditions on

instruction and under the supervision of the examiner for every test.

Interior (Module 1)

(a) The examiner shall request the applicant to enter the vehicle and operate the lights,
(dipped beam and main beam) direction indicators, brake lights, wipers and horn on
(b) The examiner shall request the applicant to proceed with the pre-trip inspection.
(c) The examiner may allow minor defects to be rectified, however, no extra time shall be
allowed and the stop watch shall not be stopped.
(d) Should any of the items indicated on the test report under the headings Pre-trip
inspection be inoperative, the vehicle will be considered unroadworthy and the
examiner shall circle the black block under the heading ROADWORTHINESS on the
test report, make a cross in the FAIL block and immediately discontinue the test.

Exterior (Module 2)

(a) The examiner shall accompany the applicant around his/her vehicle, where the
applicant shall conduct a pre-trip exterior inspection, prior to entering the vehicle, whilst
the engine is idling.
(b) The examiner may allow minor defects to be rectified, however, no extra time shall be
allowed and the stopwatch shall not be stopped.
(c) Should any of the items indicated on the test report under the headings Pre-trip
inspection be inoperative, the vehicle will be considered unroadworthy and the
examiner shall circle the black block under the heading ROADWORTHINESS on the
test report, make a cross in the FAIL block and immediately discontinue the test.

3.1.2 Alley docking (to the right) (Module 17)


The examiner shall inform the applicant of the following:

(a) stopping is permissible at any stage, and

(b) One forward movement may be permitted for each attempt. (Only for combinations of
(c) a 2nd (final) attempt may be made if the 1st attempt was unsuccessful, provided that no
obstacle or boundary line has been touched.

The examiner shall instruct the applicant to:

(a) stop to the right of the boundary line with the front end of the vehicle immediately above
or over the 14m starting line and
(b) reverse to the right into the demarcated area without touching any obstacle or
boundary line and stop, where indicated.(The rear-end of the vehicle shall be passed
the 3rd set of obstacles)


The examiner shall instruct the applicant to steer out of the demarcated area without touching
any obstacles and stop where indicated.

3.1.3 Reverse in a straight line (Module 16)

The examiner shall instruct the applicant to:

(a) stop with the front-end of the vehicle immediately above or over the starting line,
(b) reverse the vehicle within the demarcated area without stopping,
(c) complete the manoeuver in one attempt without touching any side boundary lines, and
(d) stop with the rear wheels of the vehicle within or beyond the 5m stopping zone.

3.1.4 Left turn (Module 15)

The examiner shall instruct the applicant to:

(a) steer the vehicle around the bend without stopping, mounting the kerb or touching any
boundary lines, and
(b) this manouevre is completed when the steering axle of the drawing vehicle, is on the
left-hand side of the road, adjacent to the 45 line, where it meets the broken centre

3.1.5 Incline start (Module 18 and 19)

The examiner shall instruct the applicant:

(a) to stop where indicated without allowing the vehicle to move backwards,
(b) to move off without rolling back, and
(c) that only one attempt shall be permissible

3.2 Road test

3.2.1 Prior to the commencement of the road test the applicable information and instructions shall be
given to the applicant whilst the vehicle is stationary and the engine is switched off.

3.2.2 Following a pre-established test route, the examiner shall not give any instruction to carry out
an illegal action, and shall instruct the applicant:

(a) well in advance,

(b) in a clear, concise and audible manner,
(c) if necessary, repeat any instruction,
(d) giving, as far as possible, one instruction at a time,
(e) that, if he/she has a physical disability, he/she shall nevertheless attempt to check the
appropriate blind spot,
(f) that, should the test be terminated at any stage, the full test shall have to be repeated,
(this includes the yard test and road test)
(g) that the wearing of the seatbelt is now compulsory as well as the push and pull
method of steering, and
(h) all road traffic signs, signals, rules and markings shall be obeyed.

3.2.3 A lane change and at least one of the hand signals shall be executed irrespective of the weather
conditions on instruction of the examiner during every test.

3.2.4 For the purpose of this test the following shall constitute a road test:

(a) The duration of the road test shall exceed 20 minutes.

(b) The pre-established test route which complies with minimum requirements shall be
completed, and
(c) when 45 minutes has elapsed, provided the minimum requirement have been met on
such test route have been met.

3.3 Collision

3.3.1 Should the applicant cause a collision or be involved in a collision which is considered to have
been avoidable, circle the black block under the heading COLLISION/MECH.FAIL. on the test
report and make a cross in the FAIL block and immediately discontinue the test.

3.3.2 Should the collision be considered to have been unavoidable a cross shall be indicated in the
white block under the heading COLLISION/MECH.FAIL., and the applicant shall be given the
option of completing the test if the vehicle is still roadworthy.

3.3.3 If the vehicle is unroadworthy and/or the applicant wishes to have the test deferred, a cross shall
be made in the block marked "DEFERRED" and the test discontinued, provided that no black
block was circled prior to the collision.

3.4 Mechanical failure

3.4.1 Should the test in progress be terminated due to mechanical failure of the vehicle, the test shall
be deferred, and a cross shall be made in the DEFERRED block, provided that no black block
was circled prior to the mechanical failure.

3.5 Deferred test

3.5.1 Should a test be deferred, the reason shall be recorded under GENERAL REMARKS.

3.5.2 Should the test be deferred at any stage the applicant shall again be subjected to a full test.

The various responses which will be tested are indicated on the test report by means of abbreviations.
The meanings of these abbreviations are listed on the reverse side of the prescribed test report.




Acc. ! Acceleration Mir. whilst cnr. ! Mirrors whilst cornering
Adj.Mir. ! Adjust mirrors Move ! Moving off
Aut. ! Automatic transmission
N. ! Neutral
B.kerb. ! Bumps kerb Needless ! Needless stopping / gear changing
B.sp. ! Blind spots No.att. ! Number of attempts
Br. ! Braking No.mve. ! Number of movements
Br. press ! Brake pressure
Obs. ! Observation
Ch.R/L ! Check right and left for cross traffic Obstacles ! Touches obstacle/s
Choke ! Operation of choke Obstr. ! Obstructions
Cl.sp. ! Clear space Op.horn ! Operation of horn
Coasts ! Coasting Op.ind. ! Operation of indicator
Count.st ! Counter steers Op.lts. ! Operation of lights
Coup. ! Couplings Op.wip. ! Operation of wipers

D ! "Drive"(automatic transmission) P. ! Park(automatic transmission)

Dec. ! Deceleration P.br. ! Application of parking brake
Dis.cl. ! Disengage clutch P.br.rat ! Application of parking brake without using release
Drs. ! Doors mechanism
Dub. CLT ! Double declutch Pos. ! Positioning of vehicle
Pos. turn ! Position for turning

Eng.c. ! Engine compartment

Ent. ! Entering freeway Rides ! Riding the clutch
Ex. ! Exiting freeway Roll ! Lets vehicle roll
Ext. ! Exterior of vehicle
Exht.br ! Exhaust brake Seat. ! Seat adjustment
Eyes ! Keep eyes on the road Sig. ! Signal intention
Sig.can. ! Cancels signal
F.cap. ! Fuel cap Slips ! Slipping the clutch
Fast ! Too fast for conditions Slow ! Too slow for conditions
Fol.dist. ! Following distance Sm/co. ! Smooth and co-ordinated
Stall. ! Stalls engine
Gear ! Gear changing/selection Str.eng ! Starts engine
Strad. ! Straddles
Hand.L. ! Hand signal to indicate intention to turn to the left
Hand.R. ! Hand signal to indicate intention to turn to the right T. line ! Touch line / road marking
Hand.S. ! Hand signal to indicate intention to stop or reduce Tyr. ! Tyres
speed suddenly
Horn ! Use of horn Un.veh. ! Observe under vehicle for obstructions

Int. ! Interior of vehicle Veh.ent. ! Vehicle entrances and driveways

W.T.L. ! Waits too long

Len./Ref. ! Lenses and reflectors Wand. ! Wanders
Ln.Chng. ! Lane changing in an intersection Warn lts/gauges ! Warning lights and gauges
Wheel ! Rim, Tyre and wheel-nuts etc
M.kerb ! Mounts kerb Wheels ! Wheels straight for turning
Man. ! Manual transmission Whilst cnr. ! Whilst cornering
Mech.Fail. ! Mechanical failure Wide/Cut ! Steering too wide/cutting
Method ! Steering method Wip ! Windscreen wipers
Mir. ! Mirrors

NAME _____________________________________________ ID No________________________________________________ CODE APPLIED FOR ______ C1 C
L/LIC. No. ________________________________ CODE ___________ PLACE ISSUED ________________________________ EXPIRY DATE ____________________________________

VEHICLE MAKE ________________________________ AUT. MAN. REGISTRATION No. ____________________________________________________

PHYSICAL DISABILITIES____________________________________________ APPOINTMENT TIME _________________________ WEATHER WET DRY


Roll .. (3) Mir .
ROADWORTHINESS (5) P.br .. (5) Bl.sp .
Remarks. .. (1) P.br.rat .. (5) Sig .
.. (1) N/D .. (4) Sig.can .
.. (5) Obs .. Remarks .
(5) Sig .. .
(1) Gear .. .
Remarks.... .. (1) Stall .. OVERTAKING Left Right
.. (4) Sig.can .... (3) Mir .. .
.. Remarks .. (5) Bl.sp .
.. (5) Sig .
ROAD TEST (4) Sig.can .
(5) Cl.sp .
Remarks...... (2) P.br .. .
.. (1) P.br.rat ..
.. (1) N/P ..
(1) Str.eng .. (3) Mir .
COLLISION/MECH. FAIL. (1) Warn lts/gauges .. (5) Bl.sp .
Remarks.. (2) Br.press .. (5) Sig .
.. Remarks .. (3) Ln.chng .
.. (5) Ch.R/L .
(4) Pos.turn .
MOVING OFF (3) Wheels .
COURTESY (5) Obs .. (4) Sig.can .
(1) Lack of .. (5) Sig .. Remarks .
Remarks.. (1) Gear .. .
.. (1) W.T.L. .. .
(1) Move ..
YARD TEST (1) Stall ..
PRE-TRIP INSPECTION (int) (4) Sig.can .. (3) Mir .
(1) Un.veh .. Remarks .. (5) Fast .
(2) Drs .. (5) Slow .
(1) P.br .. (1) Acc .
(1) N/P .. STEERING (1) Dec .
(1) Obstr .. (1) Method .. (1) Exht.br .
(1) Seat .. (5) Obs .. (2) Br .
(2) Adj.mir .. (4) Wide/Cut .. (5) Fol.dist .
(1) Op.lts .. (2) Wand .. Remarks .
(1) Op.ind .. (2) Pos .. .
(1) Op.wip .. (2) Strad ..
(1) Op.horn .. Remarks ..
Remarks. .. STOPPING
.. (3) Mir .
CLUTCH (5) Bl.sp .
(1) Sm/co .. (5) Sig .
PRE-TRIP INSPECTION (ext) (1) Slips .. (2) Br .
(1) Wip .. (1) Rides .. (1) Exht.br .
(1) Wheel .. (3) Coasts .. (1) Dis.cl .
(1) Eng.c .. (1) Dub.CLT .. (5) Cl.sp .
(5) Coup .. Remarks .. (2) P.br .
(1) Len/Ref .. (1) N/D/P .
(1) F.cap .. (4) Sig.can .
Remarks. .. GEAR CHANGING (1) Needless .
.. (1) Gear .. Remarks .
(1) Sm/co .. .
(5) Eyes ..
ALLEY DOCKING (4) Whilst cnr ..
Roll .. (1) Needless .. FREEWAYS Ent Ex
(2) P.br .. Coasts .. (3) Mir .
(1) P.br.rat .. Remarks .. (5) Bl.sp .
(5) Obs .. (5) Sig .
(5) Sig .. (4) Sig.can .
(1) Gear .. SIGNALLING (5) Cl.sp .
(1) Move .. (3) Mir .. Remarks .
(1) Stall .. (5) Bl.sp .. .
(1) Count.st . .. (3) Hand.R ..
Obstacles .. (3) Hand.L ..
T. line .. (3) Hand.S .. GENERAL REMARKS
No.att .. (1) Horn ..

(4) Sig.can .. Remarks ..

Remarks. .. ..


(3) Mir ..

(5) Bl.sp. ..

(5) Sig .. STOPWATCH

(4) Sig can ..
(1) Mir.whilst cnr ..
M.kerb/T.line .. ACTUAL TIME
No.att .. EXAMINER NAME (print) ...
......Min .... Min EXAMINER INFRA No.
Roll ..
(5) Obs .. 20
(1) Gear ..
(1) Move .. DATE OF TEST
(1) Stall ..
No.att ..




Acc. ! Acceleration Move ! Moving off
Adj.Mir. ! Adjust mirrors
Aut. ! Automatic transmission N. ! Neutral
Needless ! Needless stopping / gear changing
B.kerb. ! Bumps kerb No.att. ! Number of attempts
B.sp. ! Blind spots No.mve. ! Number of movements
Br. ! Braking
Br. press ! Brake pressure Obs. ! Observation
Obstacles ! Touches obstacle/s
Ch.R/L ! Check right and left for cross traffic Obstr. ! Obstructions
Choke ! Operation of choke Op.horn ! Operation of horn
Cl.sp. ! Clear space Op.ind. ! Operation of indicator
Coasts ! Coasting Op.lts. ! Operation of lights
Count.st ! Counter steers Op.wip. ! Operation of wipers
Coup. ! Couplings
P. ! Park(automatic transmission)
D ! "Drive"(automatic transmission) P.br. ! Application of parking brake
Dec. ! Deceleration P.br.rat ! Application of parking brake without using release
Dis.cl. ! Disengage clutch mechanism
Drs. ! Doors Pos. ! Positioning of vehicle
Dub. CLT ! Double declutch Pos. turn ! Position for turning

Eng.c. ! Engine compartment R. ! Right

Ent. ! Entering freeway Rides ! Riding the clutch
Ex. ! Exiting freeway Roll ! Rolling
Ext. ! Exterior of vehicle
Exht.br ! Exhaust brake Seat. ! Seat adjustment
Eyes ! Keep eyes on the road Sig. ! Signal intention
Sig.can. ! Cancels signal
Slips ! Slipping the clutch
F.cap. ! Fuel cap Slow ! Too slow for conditions
Fast ! Too fast for conditions Sm/co. ! Smooth and co-ordinated
Fol.dist. ! Following distance Stall. ! Stalls engine
Stop ! Stopping
Gear ! Gear changing/selection Str.eng ! Starts engine
Strad. ! Straddles
Hand.L. ! Hand signal to indicate intention to turn to the left
Hand.R. ! Hand signal to indicate intention to turn to the right T. line ! Touch line / road marking
Hand.S. ! Hand signal to indicate intention to stop or reduce Tyr. ! Tyres
speed suddenly
Horn ! Use of horn Un.veh. ! Observe under vehicle for obstructions

Int. ! Interior of vehicle Veh.ent. ! Vehicle entrances and driveways

L. ! Left W.T.L. ! Waits too long the road

Len./Ref. ! Lenses and reflectors Wand. ! Wanders
Ln.Chng. ! Lane changing in an intersection Warn lts/gauges ! Warning lights and gauges
Wheel ! Rim, Tyre and wheel-nuts etc
M.kerb ! Mounts kerb Wheels ! Wheels straight for turning
Man. ! Manual transmission Whilst cnr. ! Whilst cornering
Mech.Fail. ! Mechanical failure Wide/Cut ! Steering too wide/cutting
Method ! Steering method Wip ! Windscreen/wipers
Mir. ! Mirrors
Mir. whilst cnr. ! Mirrors whilst cornering

NAME _____________________________________________ ID No________________________________________________ CODE APPLIED FOR ______ EC1 EC
L/LIC. No. ________________________________ CODE ___________ PLACE ISSUED ________________________________ EXPIRY DATE ____________________________________

VEHICLE MAKE ________________________________ AUT. MAN. REG No. ______________________________________ REG.No. _________________

PHYSICAL DISABILITIES____________________________________________ APPOINTMENT TIME _________________________ WEATHER WET DRY


Roll .. (3) Mir .
ROADWORTHINESS (5) P.br .. (5) Bl.sp .
Remarks. .. (1) N/D .. (5) Sig .
.. (5) Obs .. (4) Sig.can .
.. (5) Sig .. Remarks .
(1) Gear .. .
(1) Move . .. .
Remarks.... .. (4) Sig.can .... OVERTAKING Left Right
.. Remarks .. (3) Mir .. .
.. (5) Bl.sp .
.. ROAD TEST (5) Sig .
(4) Sig.can .
STARTING (5) Cl.sp .
Remarks...... (1) N/P .. .
.. (1) Choke ..
.. (1) Str.eng ..
(1) Warn lts/gauges .. INTERSECTION / VEH.ENT
(2) Br.press .. (3) Mir .
COLLISION/MECH. FAIL. Remarks .. (5) Bl.sp .
Remarks.. (5) Sig .
.. (3) Ln.chng .
.. MOVING OFF (5) Ch.R/L .
(5) Obs .. (4) Pos.turn .
(5) Sig .. (3) Wheels .
COURTESY (1) Gear .. (4) Sig.can .
(1) Lack of .. (1) W.T.L. .. Remarks .
Remarks.. (1) Move .. .
.. (1) Stall .. .
Roll .. ..
YARD TEST (4) Sig.can ..
(1) Un.veh .. (5) Fast .
(2) Drs .. STEERING (5) Slow .
(1) P.br .. (1) Method .. (1) Acc .
(1) N/P .. (5) Obs .. (1) Dec .
(1) Obstr .. (4) Wide/Cut .. (1) Exht.br .
(1) Seat .. (2) Wand .. (2) Br .
(2) Adj.mir .. (2) Pos .. (5) Fol.dist .
(1) Op.lts .. (2) Strad .. Remarks .
(1) Op.ind .. Remarks .. .
(1) Op.wip ..
(1) Op.horn ..
.. (1) Sm/co .. (3) Mir .
(1) Slips .. (5) Bl.sp .
(1) Rides .. (5) Sig .
PRE-TRIP INSPECTION (ext) (3) Coasts .. (2) Br .
(1) Wip .. (1) Dub.CLT .. (1) Exht.br .
(1) Wheel .. Remarks .. (1) Dis.cl .
(1) Eng.c .. .. (5) Cl.sp .
(5) Coup .. (2) P.br .
(1) Len/Ref .. (1) N/D/P .
(1) F.cap .. GEAR CHANGING (4) Sig.can .
Remarks. .. (1) Gear .. (1) Needless .
.. (1) Sm/co .. Remarks .
(5) Eyes .. .
(4) Whilst cnr ..
ALLEY DOCKING (1) Needless ..
Roll .. Coasts .. FREEWAYS Ent Ex
(2) P.br .. Remarks .. (3) Mir .
(1) P.br.rat .. .. (5) Bl.sp .
(5) Obs .. (5) Sig .
(5) Sig .. (4) Sig.can .
(1) Gear .. SIGNALLING (5) Cl.sp .
(1) Move .. (3) Mir .. Remarks .
(1) Stall .. (5) Bl.sp .. .
(1) Count.st . .. (3) Hand.R ..
Obstacles .. (3) Hand.L ..
T. line .. (3) Hand.S .. GENERAL REMARKS
No.att .. (1) Horn ..

(4) Sig.can .. Remarks ..

Remarks. .. ..


(3) Mir ..

(5) Bl.sp. ..

(5) Sig .. STOPWATCH

(4) Sig can ..
(1) Mir.whilst cnr ..
M.kerb/T.line .. ACTUAL TIME
No.att .. EXAMINER NAME (print) ...
......Min .... Min EXAMINER INFRA No.
Roll ..
(5) Obs .. 20
(1) Gear ..
(1) Move .. DATE OF TEST
(1) Stall ..
No.att ..
When marking the incorrect response during the test it shall be indicated with a ( ). (See examples)
Any incorrect response made by the applicant during the test shall be marked on the test report by
placing a mark opposite the appropriate item.

5.1 With regard to certain responses only one error can be marked - e.g. should the applicant not
carry out any one of the items under "PRE-TRIP INSPECTION" Exterior or Interior, one mark
shall be indicated in the appropriate space.

(2) Adj. mir ..... ........ 2
5.1.1 Should the applicant fail to check mirror or blind spot or both for the yard test, he/she shall only
be penalise once for observation.

5.2 With regard to certain other responses, more than one error can be marked - e.g.: should the
applicant make three lane changes without signalling, three marks shall be indicated in the
appropriate space.

(5) Sig ...... ........ 15
5.3 With regard to certain other responses should an error be made where there is a black block
a circle shall be drawn around such block and the test discontinued - e.g.: should the applicant
touch any obstacle whilst executing the alley-dock to the right, a circle shall be drawn around
the black block. This indicates an immediate failure and the test shall be terminated.

Obstacles ................

5.4 On completion of the test the examiner shall count the number of marks opposite each item,
multiply by the value indicated in brackets to the left of the item, and enter the total number of
penalty points in the relevant block to the right of the item.

(3) Mir. ...... ........ 9
5.5 All the values of each item in each section shall be added and the total number of penalty points
entered in the larger block at the bottom right-hand corner of that section.


(1) Gear ..... ......... 2

(1) Sm/co .... ...... 3
(1) Eyes ...................

Remarks .................. 5
5.6 The total number of penalty points indicated in the larger blocks of each section shall be added
indicating an overall number of points which shall be entered in the block "PENALTY POINTS"
at the bottom centre of the test report.


5.7 Indicate the result of the test by means of a cross in the appropriate block "PASS", "FAIL" or


5.8 In any section of the test report under "Remarks" the examiner may enter any comments which
may assist the applicant.

(2) Wand ..................

(2) Pos ...... ........ 6

(2) Strad ..................
Remarks: ...Keeps too far left 6
5.8.1 Should a circle be drawn around any black block, a remark regarding the error shall be made in
that section under Remarks.

5.9 Time limits and cut-off points

5.9.1 Yard Test

! The duration of the yard test shall not exceed 20 minutes for codes EC1 and EC.
! The duration of the yard test shall not exceed 20 minutes for code C1 and C.
! The DURATION of the test shall always be reported in full minutes and should
therefore be rounded off to the previous full minute.

Example - codes EC and EC1:

20 minutes 1 second shall count as 20 minutes.

20 minutes 59 seconds shall also count as 20 minutes.
21 minutes or more shall mean that the applicant fails.

Example - codes C1 and C:

20 minutes 1 second shall count as 20 minutes

20 minutes 59 sec seconds shall also count as 20 minutes
21 minutes or more shall mean that the applicant fails.

! An applicant fails the yard test and the test shall be discontinued if:

(a) he/she has been allocated more than the 20 penalty points for codes EC1 and
EC or in the case of code C1 and C, when more than the 20 penalty points has
been allocated,
(b) he/she exceeds the time limit of 20 minutes, (pre-trip inspections and yard test
manoeuvres for codes EC1 and EC)
(c) he/she exceeds the time limit of 20 minutes, (pre-trip inspections and yard test
manoeuvres for code C1 and C) or
(d) a circle was drawn around any black block.

5.9.2 Road Test

! The road test shall commence only when the applicant has passed the yard test and the
necessary instructions for the road test have been given whilst the vehicle was
stationary and the engine switched off.

! The duration of the road test shall exceed 20 minutes and not be longer than 45
minutes. If for any reason beyond control, the duration of the test is more than 45
minutes, no more penalty points shall be recorded, however, all errors that normally lead
to immediate failure shall be recorded. (Violation of traffic law, uncontrolled / dangerous
action and collision / mechanical failure)

! The duration of the test shall always be reported in full minutes and should therefore be
rounded off to the next minute. The road test shall not be less than 20 minutes and
therefore 19 minutes and 59 seconds or less is not permissible.

Example 20 min 1 sec shall become 21 minutes.

40 min 59 sec shall become 41 minutes.
19 minutes and 59 seconds or less is not permissible.

! The stopwatch shall be stopped after the applicant has stopped the vehicle after
completing the pre-established test route, however, marking shall continue until the
applicant has closed his/her door from the outside where the test shall end.

! The permisible maximum penalty points allowed in order to pass the road test shall be
calculated as follows: DURATION in minutes x 5.
! It can be determined whether an applicant has passed or failed with the aid of the table
on page 13.

! An applicant fails the road test if:

S he/she has exceeded the permissible maximum penalty points allowed, or

S a circle was drawn around any black block.

! Should the test be terminated, the shortest route shall be taken when returning to the
driving licence testing centre.

5.9.3 Recording of time

The stopwatch shall be started after completion of instructions for:

! the pre-trip inspections,

! every yard test manoeuver, or

! the road test,

and stopped at the completion of:

! the pre-trip inspections,

! every yard test manoeuver, or

! the road test.

ACTUAL TIME - See definition in Glossary.

STOPWATCH - See definition in Glossary.

DURATION - See definition in Glossary.


STOPWATCH 14:54 21:48


DURATION 14 min 22 min

Duration of road test in X5= Maximum penalty points
minutes allowed
21 .............................................. 105
22 .............................................. 110
23 .............................................. 115
24 .............................................. 120
25 .............................................. 125
26 .............................................. 130
27 .............................................. 135
28 .............................................. 140
29 .............................................. 145
30 .............................................. 150
31 .............................................. 155
32 .............................................. 160
33 .............................................. 165
34 .............................................. 170
35 .............................................. 175
36 .............................................. 180
37 .............................................. 185
38 .............................................. 190
39 .............................................. 195
40 .............................................. 200
41 .............................................. 205
42 .............................................. 210
43 .............................................. 215
44 .............................................. 220
45 ............................................... 225
Maximum penalty points
................................................ 20 (Code C1 and C)
allowed for yard test
Maximum penalty points
................................................ 20 (Codes EC1 and EC)
allowed for yard test

The various sections of the test report are covered by a number of Modules which describe the ideal
execution of each section of the test.


1. Pre-trip inspection - interior ..................................................................................... 16

2. Pre-trip inspection - exterior .................................................................................... 17
3. Starting procedure - manual transmission ............................................................... 19
4. Starting procedure - automatic transmission ........................................................... 20
5. Mirrors - use of ........................................................................................................ 21
6. Signalling ................................................................................................................ 22
7. Signalling - hand signals (turning left) ..................................................................... 23
8. Signalling - hand signals (turning right) ................................................................... 24
9. Signalling - hand signals (stop or sudden reduction of speed) ................................ 25
10. Signalling - horn ...................................................................................................... 26
11. Clutch - use of ......................................................................................................... 27
12. Moving off - manual transmission ........................................................................... 28
13. Moving off - automatic transmission ........................................................................ 29
14. Steering .................................................................................................................. 30
15. Left turn ................................................................................................................... 31
16. Reverse in straight line ........................................................................................... 32
17. Alley docking - to the right ....................................................................................... 33
18. Incline start - manual transmission .......................................................................... 35
19. Incline start - automatic transmission ...................................................................... 36
20. Speed control ......................................................................................................... 37
21. Gear changing - up (manual transmission) ............................................................. 38
22. Gear changing - down (manual transmission) ......................................................... 39
23. Gear changing - up (automatic transmission)(manual selection) ............................ 40
24. Gear changing - down (automatic transmission)(manual selection) ........................ 41
25. Following other vehicles .......................................................................................... 42
26. Lane changing ........................................................................................................ 43
27. Stopping - in traffic (manual transmission) .............................................................. 44
28. Stopping - in traffic (automatic transmission) .......................................................... 45
29. Stopping - for parking (manual transmission) .......................................................... 46
30. Stopping - for parking (automatic transmission) ...................................................... 47
31. Traffic control signals .............................................................................................. 48
32. Intersections - turning left ........................................................................................ 49
33. Intersections - turning right ..................................................................................... 50
34. Intersections - proceeding straight .......................................................................... 51
35. Intersections - stop signs ........................................................................................ 52
36. Intersections - yield signs ........................................................................................ 53
37. Intersections - uncontrolled ..................................................................................... 54
38. Intersections - traffic lights (flashing red) ................................................................ 55
39. Intersections - traffic lights (steady red) .................................................................. 56
40. Intersections - traffic lights (green) .......................................................................... 57
41. Intersections - traffic lights (flashing amber) ........................................................... 58
42. Intersections - traffic lights (steady amber) ............................................................. 59
43. Intersections - roundabout ...................................................................................... 60
44. Block pedestrian crossing -uncontrolled .................................................................. 61
45. Level crossing - guarded ......................................................................................... 62
46. Level crossing - unguarded ..................................................................................... 63
47. Overtaking - to the left of a hazard .......................................................................... 64
48. Overtaking - to the right of a hazard ........................................................................ 65
49. Being overtaken - on the left hand side ................................................................... 66
50. Being overtaken - on the right-hand side ................................................................ 67
51. Freeways - entering ................................................................................................ 68
52. Freeways - exiting .................................................................................................. 69
53 Freeways - passing off and on ramps ..................................................................... 70

Module 1:

Pre-trip inspection - interior

1. Ensure (from driver's seat) that parking brake is applied.

2. Ensure gear lever is in neutral position. (In "P" or N for automatic transmission)
3. Check for obstructions.
4. Check for warning lights and gauges, where applicable.
5. Check seat adjustment for correct driving position.
6. Check all mirrors for maximum rear view vision.
7. Turn ignition key to be on position without starting the engine.
8. Check electric window operation, if applicable.
9. Check all instruments on instrument panel and mention any changes.
10. Check operation of front and rear lights, indicators, horn and wipers.
11. Switch ignition off and return all switches to off position.
12. Check steering for excessive free play.
13. Check pressure on brake and clutch pedals.
14. Return wipers to normal position, where applicable.
15. Check that all doors are properly closed and that passengers are conversant with the operation
of doors.
16. Fasten seatbelt and request passengers to fasten seatbelts.
17. Ensure the passengers are conversant with the operation release mechanism of seatbelts.

Note A:
The examiner shall request the applicant to operate the lights, direction indicators, horn and wipers,
where these shall be checked for operation, by such examiner.

Note B:
The examiner may allow minor defects to be rectified, however, no extra time shall be allowed. (The stop
watch shall not be stopped)

Note C:
Item 1 and 2 as well as 5 and 6 shall be checked in sequence.

Module 2:

Pre-trip inspection - exterior

1. Check under vehicle on approach for obvious leaks, obstructions, etc.
2. Unlock all doors
3. Inspect vehicle for possible damage, preferably from top to bottom, left to right in an anti-
clockwise direction.
4. Check right-hand rearview mirror for damage, cleanliness and stability.
5. Check right-hand portion of the windscreen for damage and cleanliness.
6. Check right-hand wiper blades for wear, stability and cleanliness and leave in extended position.
7. Check right-hand front wheel: tyre tread for wear and damage, sidewall damage, inflation, valve
cap, oil, grease leaks and wheel nuts.
8. Check right front side lenses and reflectors for damage, cleanliness and stability.
9. Check front of vehicle for damage and security of bonnet, grill and bumper.
10. Mention that oil, water, brake fluid and fanbelt should be checked.
11. Check front registration plate for damage, cleanliness, stability and validity.
12. Check left front lenses and reflector as described in item 8.
13. Check left front wheel as described in item 7.
14. Check left-hand portion of windscreen as described in item 5.
15. Check left wiper blades as per item 6.
16. Check Certificate of Clearance/Roadworthiness disc and Operator Certificate (if applicable) for
17. Check left-hand exterior mirror as described in item 4.
18. Check left-hand door(s) for operation of door(s) and window winder(s). (If manually operative)
19. Check seat belts for stability and damage.
20. Check information plate for damage, cleanliness, stability and validity. (If applicable)
21. Check left rear wheel as described in item 7
22. Check left rear of cab and windows (if applicable) for damage, cleanliness and stability.
23. Check tilt cab locking device if applicable.
24. In case of an articulated vehicle check the service lines and couplings for damage and stability.
25. Check for air leaks.
26. Check batteries and holder for damage and stability.
27. Check air tanks for damage and stability and test for water in tanks (if applicable)
28. In the case of an articulated vehicle check the trailer for clearance certificate and registration plate
for validity.
29. In the case of a trailer check the left front reflector for damage, cleanliness and stability.
30. In the case of a truck-tractor check the left rear wheels. Tread for wear or damage, side walls,
tyre pressure, dust cap, oil and grease leaks, wheelnuts and objects between double wheels.
31. Mention that spare wheel, jack and wheel spanner should be checked.
32. In the case of a truck-tractor, check the left rear lenses and reflectors and per item 8.
33. In the case of a truck-tractor check the chevron for damage, cleanliness, stability and validity.
34. Check left door, drop sides and or windows for damage, cleanliness and stability.
35. Check the left reflectors as per item 8.
36. In the case of a trailer check the left support leg for stability.
37. In the case of a trailer check the information plate as per item 20.
38. Check spare wheels in respect of tread wear and damage, sidewalls, pressure, dust cap and
39. Ensure that the trailer park brake is off. (If applicable)
40. Check left rear wheels as per items 7.
41. Check left rear lenses and reflectors as per item 8.
42. Check rear doors, dropsides or windows as per item 34.
43. Check rear chevron as per item 33.
44. Check rear registration plate and light as per item 11.
45. Check rear bumper for damage and stability.
46. Check rear right-hand lenses and reflectors as per item 8.
47. Check right-hand rear wheels as per item 7.
48. In the case of a semi-trailer check the right-hand support leg as per item 36.

49. Check right-hand doors, dropsides or windows as per item 34.
50. In the case of a truck-tractor check the rear registration plate and light as per item 11.
51. In the case of a truck tractor, check the rear right-hand lenses and reflectors as per item 8.
52. In the case of an articulated unit, check the fifth wheel coupling plus safety lockpin.
53. In the case of a truck tractor check the right-hand rear wheels as per item 7.
54. Check the rear of the vehicle and exhaust for damage and stability.
55. Check fuel tank and cap for stability.
56. Check right-hand rear of cab and windows as per item 5.
57. Check right-hand door(s) as per item 18.
58. Check right-hand front wheel as per item 7.

Note A:
On approach to the vehicle the examiner shall request the applicant to conduct a pre-trip exterior
inspection whilst the engine is idling to ascertain amongst others if there are any leaks in the braking

Note B:
The examiner may allow minor defects to be rectified, however, no extra time will be allowed.(The stop
watch shall not be stopped)

Note C:
The applicant shall not be penalised for the following:

S should he/she fail to execute the pre-trip inspection in an anti-clockwise direction,

S should he/she fail to raise the windscreen wipers from the windscreen,
S when he/she checks one wheel and later only refers to the other wheels,
S when he/she fails to check both sidewalls of a tyre for damage, and
S when checking those parts of the vehicle which he/she has to check it is not expected of him/her
to make mention of all the properties of that particular part.

For example, when the wheels are checked, it is not expected of him/her to check the tyre tread for wear
and for damage to the sidewall, and tyre pressure and the valve-cap etc.

When it is clear to the examiner that the applicant has paid attention to the specific parts (Whether
mentioned or not) he/she shall be credited.

Note C applies only to Module 2.

Module 3:

Starting procedure - manual transmission

1. Ensure that parking brake is applied.
2. Ensure that gear-lever is in neutral position.
3. Ensure that all instruments are in non-function position.
4. Turn ignition key to on position without starting engine.
5. Check dashboard instruments for malfunction.
6. Apply choke if necessary or ensure choke is cancelled.
7. Select engine control switch to on (Diesel vehicles only).
8. Use pre-heater if required (Diesel vehicles only).
9. Turn ignition key to start engine.
10. Release hold on key as soon as engine starts.
11. Check dashboard instruments for systems malfunction.
12. Build up air pressure by letting engine idle until appropriate instruments indicate that air pressure
is correct.
13. Cancel operation of choke, where applicable.

Module 4:

Starting procedure - automatic transmission

1. Ensure that parking brake is applied.
2. Ensure that gear selector is in P or N position.
3. Check that all gauges and warning lights are in non-function position.
4. Turn ignition key to on position without starting engine.
5. Check dashboard warning lights and gauges for malfunction.
6. Apply choke if necessary or ensure choke is cancelled.
7. Select engine control switch to on (Diesel vehicles only).
8. Use pre-heater is required (Diesel vehicles only).
9. Turn ignition key further to start engine.
10. Release hold on key as soon as engine starts.
11. Check dashboard warning lights and gauges for systems malfunction.
12. Build-up air pressure by letting engine idle until appropriate instruments indicate that air pressure
is correct.
13. Cancel operation of choke, where applicable.

Module 5:
Mirrors - use of
1. Adjust rear view mirrors for maximum rear view vision only whilst vehicle is stationary. (Articulated
vehicles shall be straight).
2. Check rear view mirrors on approach to any hazard.
3. Check rear view mirrors approximately every 5- 8 seconds.
4. Checking of rear-view mirrors should be of sufficient duration to determine traffic situations to the
5. Check mirror in the direction of turn to ensure the vehicle follows the correct course.

Note A:
Care should be taken not to look in mirrors for too long a period.

Note B:
In the case of an enclosed cabin both exterior rear-view mirrors shall be checked.

Note C:
When it is clear that the applicant has only made a minor adjustment to the rear-view mirror he/she shall
not be penalised, otherwise he/she shall be penalised for:


(1) Method .................................................

Note D:
In the case of the applicant making an adjustment to any rear-view mirror whilst the vehicle is stationary,
he/she shall not be penalised.

Note E:
When the applicant looks for too long in the rear-view mirrors he/she shall be penalised for:


(5) Obs .......................................................

It is not expected of the applicant to use exterior mirrors for observation to the rear. In the test allowance
is made for the use of exterior mirrors in the case where:
the vehicle is not fitted with an interior rear-view mirror, and/or
the interior rear-view mirror for some reason does not provide enough vision.

Module 6:

1. Check rear view mirrors and appropriate blind spot.
2. Signal in good time and for sufficient duration.
3. Replace hand to appropriate position on steering wheel, as necessary.
4. Ensure that signal is cancelled after completing manoeuvre or that presence has been
established, for example, when using the horn.

Note A:
Care should be taken not to signal too early or where it could create confusion to other road users.

Note B:
Use of direction indicators or hand signals within an intersection should be avoided unless necessary.

Note C:
Brake lights are a signal that can be kept on (especially at night) and it is not necessary to cancel these
after the vehicle has been brought to a complete standstill.

Note D:
The checking of blind spots is not necessary when the brake lights, headlights or horn are used as a

Note E:
When a signal is cancelled too soon, the applicant shall not be penalised for:

(4) Sig can ................................................

but for

(5) Sig ......................................................

due to the fact that the signals duration was insufficient.

Note F:
Brake lights are considered a signal. The rearview mirrors shall be checked before braking commences.
No blind spots should be checked before braking.

Module 7:

Signalling - hand signals

(turning left)
1. Check rear view mirrors and blind spot in the left.
2. Signal intention using direction indicators.
3. Check blind spot to the right.
4. Extend right arm sideward from shoulder.
5. Turn forearm in a vertical and downward position from elbow.
6. Move forearm in a circular anti-clockwise motion.
7. Retract arm in good time.
8. Replace hand to appropriate position on steering wheel before braking, gear selection or

Note A:
This signal should be given in good time and for sufficient duration prior braking, gear changing or

Note B:
This signal should be used in conjunction with direction indicators which shall be activated prior to the
hand signal.

Note C:
The applicant shall not be requested to repeat this signal if carried out satisfactorily the first time.

If not carried out satisfactorily the first time, the applicant shall be requested to attempt to execute this
signal once more.

Only two attempts are permissible, however, if not successful at the 2st attempt penalty points will again
be allocated and the test continued.

Module 8:

Signalling - hand signals

(turning right)
1. Check rear view mirrors and blind spot to right.
2. Signal intention using direction indicators.
3. Check blind spot to the right.
4. Extend right arm sideward fully horizontal from shoulder with palm of hand to the front.
5. Retract arm in good time before braking and/or gear selection, if applicable, and before
negotiating manouevre.
6. Replace hand to appropriate position on steering wheel.

Note A:
This signal should be given in good time and for sufficient duration prior to the manouevre.

Note B:
This signal should be used in conjunction with direction indicators which should be activated prior to the
hand signal.

Note C:
The applicant shall not be requested to repeat this signal if carried out satisfactorily the first time.

If not carried out satisfactorily the first time, the applicant shall be requested to attempt to execute this
signal once more.

Only two attempts are permissible, however, if not successful at the 2nd attempt penalty points will again
be allocated and the test continued.

Module 9:

Signalling - hand signals

(stop or sudden reduction of speed)
1. Check rear view mirrors and blind spot to the right.
2. Extend right arm sideward from shoulder with forearm vertical and upward and with palm of
hand to the front.
3. Retract arm in good time.
4. Replace hand to appropriate position on steering wheel before braking, gear selection or

Note A:
This signal should be given in good time and for sufficient duration prior to braking or sudden reduction
of speed.

Note B:
Brake lights are a signal that can be kept on (especially at night) and it is not necessary to cancel this
after the vehicle has been brought to a complete standstill.

Note C:
The applicant should not be requested to repeat this signal if carried out satisfactorily the first time.

If not carried out satisfactorily the first time, the applicant shall be requested to attempt to execute this
signal once more. Only two attempts shall be permissible.

Only two attempts shall be permissible, however if not successful at the 2st attempt, penalty points shall
again be allocated and the test continued.

Module 10:

Signalling - horn
1. Check rear view mirrors.
2. Signal only when necessary, in good time and only for sufficient duration.
3. Replace hand to appropriate position on steering wheel.

Note A:
Air horn should preferably not be used in built-up areas.

Module 11:

Clutch - use of
1. Depress clutch pedal.
2. Obtain clutch control.
3. Avoid unjustified Slipping of clutch.
4. Avoid unjustified Riding of clutch.
5. Avoid unjustified Coasting.
6. Remove foot completely from clutch pedal except for purpose of gear changing, stopping,
justified, Slipping, Riding or Coasting.
7. Disengage clutch completely just before vehicle is brought to a complete standstill, without
laboring or stalling the engine.
8. Double de-clutch, if necessary.

Note A:
When coming to a stop, the brake pedal shall be depressed before disengaging the clutch, in order to
prevent coasting. This is not a requirement in stop-start traffic or when stopping on an incline.

Note B:
The foot may not rest on the clutch pedal whilst the vehicles engine is running except in stop-start traffic.

Note C:
If the applicant continuously Rides the clutch during the road test, he/she shall be penalised every
5-8 seconds for:


(1) Rides ...................................................

The applicant shall remove his/her foot completely from the clutch pedal after stopping and selecting
neutral. Should the applicant not do so he/she shall be penalised for every 5-8 seconds for:


(1) Rides ..................................................

Module 12:

Moving off / proceed

(manual transmission)
1. Obey all traffic signs, signals, rules and markings.
2. Check rear view mirrors and appropriate blind spot, if applicable.
3. Signal intention, if applicable.
4. Ensure there is clear space beyond intersection before entering.
5. Ensure intersection is clear before entering.
6. Maintain clear space behind vehicle ahead before moving off. (Approximately 4 - 5 metres).
7. Select gear.
8. Obtain clutch control.
9. Observe.
10. Release parking brake, if applicable.
11. Move off.
12. Accelerate as necessary.
13. Cancel signal, if applicable.

Note A:
Should the vehicle roll, a circle shall be drawn around the black block Roll and the test shall be

Note B:
Observation and gear selection can be simultaneously.

Note C:
Numbers 7, 8 and 9 may be done in one flowing movement.

Note D:
Observation shall be done before moving off, including during stop-start traffic.

Note E:
During moving off, the applicant shall not cause the wheels of the vehicle to spin. Should the applicant
do so he/she shall be penalised for:


(1) Move ...................................................

Module 13:

Moving off / proceed

(automatic transmission)
1. Obey all traffic signs, signals, rules and markings.
2. Check rear view mirrors and appropriate blind spot.
3. Signal intention, if applicable.
4. Ensure there is clear space beyond intersection before entering.
5. Ensure intersection is clear before entering.
6. Maintain clear space behind vehicle ahead before moving off.
7. Select gear if necessary.
8. Observe.
9. Release parking brake.
10. Move off.
11. Accelerate as necessary.
12. Cancel signal, if applicable

Note A:
Should the vehicle roll, a circle shall be drawn around the black block Roll and the test shall be

Note B:
Observation shall be done before moving off, including during stop-start traffic.

Note C:
During any moving off action the applicant shall not cause the wheels of the vehicle to spin. Should the
applicant do so he/she is penalised for:


(1) Move ...................................................

Module 14:

1. Position hands on steering wheel in a ten-to-two or quarter-to-three position with palms of hands
and thumbs on circumference of steering wheel.
2. Keep both hands on steering wheel except for the purpose of gear changing, signalling or
operating controls or devices.
3. Steer in a controlled manner to avoid cutting or negotiating corners or bends too wide.
4. Steer to turn to the left or right by using the pull-and-push method.
5. Steer smoothly.
6. If possible do not wander or straddle lane markings.
7. Adjust positioning with due regard to moving or stationary hazards.
8 Keep at least one hand on the steering wheel at all time
9. Do not turn steering wheel whilst vehicle is stationary.
10. Counter steer when necessary.

Note A:
The push-and-pull method of steering is not required during the yard test.

Note B:
If, the applicant continuously make a steering method fault such as, for example, resting his/her hand
on the gear-lever knob, he/she shall be penalised every 5 - 8 seconds for:


(1) Method ................................................

Module 15:

Left turn
1. Check rear-view mirrors and blind spot to the left.
2. Signal intention.
3. Check blind spot to the left.
4. Steer to and position vehicle in appropriate lane.
5. Check rear-view mirrors.
6. Decelerate.
7. Select correct gear.
8. Check blind spot to the left.
9. Steer into appropriate lane.
10. Check rear-view mirrors whilst turning to ensure safe follow through of vehicle round the bend.
11. Accelerate smoothly.
12. Cancel signal.
13. Check rear-view mirrors.

Note A:
Only one attempt will be allowed.

Note B:
This manoeuvre only commences once the vehicle is in motion, therefore should the vehicle stop after
having moved off for any reason before the manoeuvre is completed a circle shall be drawn around a
black block no att. and the test discontinued.

Note C:
Vehicles C1, shall not touch the centre line and shall keep left of such line.
If C1 vehicle touch the boundary lines or centre line, they shall be marked as follows:


Mount kerb/T. line ............................................

the test will be discontinued

Note D:
Vehicles C, EC and EC1 may not touch the outer boundary lines of this manoeuvre.
If C, EC and EC1 vehicles touch the boundary lines, they shall be marked as follows:


Mount kerb/T .line ............................................

the test will be discontinued.

Note E:
This manouevre is completed when the steering axle of the drawing vehicle, is on the left-hand side of
the road, adjacent to the 45 line, where it meets the broken center line.

lu 16

e in s
traight line
S Position the vehicle at the starting point.
S Apply parking brake.
S Select neutral. (or P for automatic transmission)

1. Select reverse gear.

2. Obtain clutch control.
3. Observe.
4. Release park brake.
5. Move off.
6. Keep vehicle in straight line as indicated, without touching the side boundary lines.
7. Stop where indicated.
8. Apply parking brake.
9. Select neutral, (or P for automatic transmission)
10. Release clutch pedal if manual transmission.

te A:
Only one attempt will be allowed.

te B
Should the vehicle roll, a circle shall be drawn around the black block Roll and the test shall be

te C:
Should the vehicle stop for any reason after having moved off before the manoeuvre is completed a
circle shall be drawn around a black block No.att. and the test discontinued.

te D:
Stop with the rear wheels of the vehicle within the 5 m stopping zone or beyond.

te E:
Should the incorrect gear be selected when moving off from the starting point, this shall not be regarded
as an attempt.

te F:
Should the vehicle coast during this manoeuvre, it shall be regarded as an Uncontrolled action and a
circle shall be drawn around a black block and the test discontinued.

Module 17:

Alley docking - to the right

S Position vehicle at starting point
S Cancel signal if applicable.
S Apply parking brake.
S Select neutral (or P for automatic transmission) wait for instructions


1. Check rear view mirrors and blind spot to right.

2. Signal intention.
3. Select gear.
4. Obtain clutch control (Manual transmission).
5. Observe.
6. Release parking brake.
7. Move off.
8. Check the blind spot to the left before the vehicle changes direction.
9. Steer into demarcated area, without touching any obstacle.
10. Stop vehicle within demarcated area.
11. Apply parking brake.
12. Select neutral (or P for automatic transmission).
13. Cancel signal.


14. Check rear-view mirrors and appropriate blind spot.

15. Signal intension.
16. Select gear.
17. Obtain clutch control (Manual transmission).
18. Observe.
19. Release parking brake.
20. Steer out of demarcated area, without touching any obstacles.
21. Cancel signal.

Note A:
If this manouevre cannot be completed at the 1st attempt as described in item 10, the vehicle shall again
be positioned in the original starting point from where a 2nd (final) attempt may be made, provided that
no obstacle or boundary line has been touched(stop-watch shall not be stopped)

Note B:
Stopping at any stage is permissible but no forward movement for a rigid vehicle shall be permissible
during a single attempt.

Note C:
In the case of an articulated vehicle only one forward movement shall be allowed during each attempt.

Note D:
Should the vehicle roll, a circle shall be drawn around the black block Roll and the test shall be

Note E:
Stopping and moving off in the same direction is not regarded as another movement. Stopping is
permitted at any stage during a movement, however, an observation shall be done before moving off
if stationary for longer than 5 seconds.

Note F:
It is expected of the applicant while reversing, to check the opposite blind spot before the vehicle
changes direction.

Note G:

(1) Count st ..............................................

is meant that the applicant turns the steering while the vehicle is stationary.

Note H:
Should the signal cancel automatically, whilst entering or leaving, the applicant shall not be penalised
for not reactivating it again.

Note I:
In all cases the rear end of the vehicle shall be at least passed the 3rd set of obstacles.

Note J:
Should the incorrect gear be selected when moving off from the starting point, this shall not be regarded
as an attempt.

Module 18:

Incline start (manual transmission)

1. Stop where indicated without allowing the vehicle to move backwards.
2. Apply parking brake.
3. Select neutral.
4. Check rear view mirrors and appropriate blind spot if applicable.
5. Signal intention, if applicable.
6. Select gear.
7. Obtain clutch control.
8. Observe.
9. Release parking brake.
10. Move off without rolling back.
11. Cancel signal, if applicable.

Note A:
If the vehicle is equipped with a foot operated parking brake the sequence shall be to select neutral with
the service brake depressed and then to apply the parking brake.

Note B:
Should the applicant spin the wheels when moving off, he/she shall be penalised for:


(1) Move ...................................................

Note C:
Only one attempt shall be permitted.

Note D:
Should the vehicle roll, a circle shall be drawn around the black block Roll and the test shall be

Module 19:

Incline start
(automatic transmission)
1. Stop where indicated without allowing the vehicle to move backwards.
2. Apply parking brake.
3. Check rear view mirrors and appropriate blind spot if applicable.
4. Signal intention, if applicable.
5. Observe.
6. Release parking brake.
7. Move off without rolling back.
8. Cancel signal, if applicable.

Note A:
Should an applicant not change into neutral, he/she shall not be penalised. It is, however, expected of
him/her to use the parking brake.

Note B:
Should the applicant spin the wheels when moving off he/she shall be penalised for:


(1) Move ...................................................

Note C:
Only one attempt shall be permitted.

Note D:
Should the vehicle roll, a circle shall be drawn around the black block Roll and the test shall be

Module 20:

Speed control
1. Check rear view mirrors.
2. Adjust speed (select appropriate gear) as required, in accordance with traffic pattern, gradient
of road, surface, visibility and speed restriction.
3. Accelerate, if necessary.
4. Decelerate, if necessary.
5. Make use of the engine or exhaust brake if necessary.
6. Brake, if applicable.

Note A:
If the speed of the vehicle increases considerably without application of the accelerator and if continuous
use of the service brake is necessary, brake to the appropriate speed before a lower gear is engaged
in order to minimise an increase in speed.

Repeat this procedure as necessary.

Avoid selecting a lower gear to assist or replace braking, in order to reduce the speed of a vehicle.

Note B:
If during the road test, the applicant drives too slowly for the circumstances, he/she shall be penalised
every 5 - 8 seconds for:


(5) Slow ....................................................

Note C:
Make use of the engine exhaust brake in accordance with traffic pattern or gradient of the road.

Module 21:

Gear changing - up
(manual transmission)
1. Maintain speed.
2. Place left foot clutch pedal.
3. Start depressing clutch approximately to contact point.
4. Release accelerator pedal smoothly and completely whilst depressing clutch pedal completely.
5. Place right on accelerator pedal.
6. Select gear.
7. Replace hand to appropriate position on steering wheel.
8. Start releasing clutch pedal slowly and smoothly approximately to contact point.
9. Depress accelerator pedal smoothly and progressively whilst releasing clutch pedal completely.
10. Remove foot completely from clutch pedal.

Note A:
Gears should be changed, where possible, whilst travelling on a straight course.

Note B:
Numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6 may be done in one flowing movement.

Note C:
Numbers 8, 9 and 10 may be done in one flowing movement.

Module 22:

Gear changing - down

(manual transmission)
1. Check rear view mirrors.
2. Release accelerator pedal smoothly.
3. Brake if necessary to appropriate speed for circumstances (braking shall be completed before
lower gear may be selected).
4. Remove right foot completely from brake pedal.
5. Place right foot on accelerator pedal.
6. Depress clutch pedal fully.
7. Select gear.
8. Replace hand to appropriate position on steering wheel.
9. Release clutch pedal to contact point.
10. Depress accelerator pedal smoothly and progressively whilst releasing clutch pedal completely.
11. Remove foot completely from clutch pedal.

Note A:
If the speed of the vehicle increases considerably without application of the accelerator and if continuous
use of the service brake is necessary, brake to the appropriate speed before a lower gear is engaged
in order to minimise an increase in speed.

Should an applicant fail to select a lower gear with a 2st attempt, it shall be regarded as coasting.

Avoid selecting a lower gear to assist or replace braking to reduce the speed.

Note B:
Gears should be changed, where possible, whilst travelling on a straight course.

Note C:
An appropriate gear shall be selected before descending a steep gradient.

Note D:
If an ascending gradient is being negotiated where road speed reduces despite continuous application
of the accelerator pedal, then the change down to a lower gear shall be carried out before the speed
drops to a point where the use of the lower gear will not serve its purpose or the engine starts labouring.

Note E:
Make use of the engine/exhaust brake in accordance with traffic pattern or gradient of the road.

Module 23:

Gear changing - up
(automatic transmission)(manual selection)
1. Maintain speed.
2. Select gear.
3. Replace hand to appropriate position on steering wheel.
4. Accelerate.

Note A:
Manual selection should only be necessary if a lower gear is required, in order to negotiate a steep

Note B:
Gears should be changed, where possible, whilst traveling on a straight course.

Module 24:

Gear changing - down

(automatic transmission) (manual selection)
1. Check rearview mirrors
2. Release accelerator pedal smoothly.
3. Brake if necessary to appropriate speed for circumstances (braking shall be completed before
changing down)
4. Select gear.
5. Replace hand to appropriate position on the steering wheel

Note A:
If the speed of the vehicle increases considerably without application of the accelerator and if continuous
use of the service brake is necessary, brake to the appropriate speed before a lower gear is engaged
in order to minimise an increase in speed.

Repeat this procedure, as necessary.

Avoid selecting a lower gear to assist or replace braking, in order to reduce the speed of the vehicle.

Note B:
Gears should be changed, where possible, whilst travelling on a straight course.

Note C:
An appropriate gear shall be selected before descending a steep gradient.

Note D:
Make use of the engine/exhaust brake in accordance with traffic pattern or gradient of the road.


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