An Analysis of The English Textbook For The Second Year Students of Junior High School Based On The KTSP Curriculum in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Sragen

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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education

in English Department





The major issues of this study are the material in the English textbook entitled

English in Focus appropriate or not with KTSP Curriculum and what are the
strength and weakness in the English textbook entitled English in Focus. The
objective of this study is to describe the materials in English textbook entitled
English in Focus based on the KTSP Curriculum or not and to describe the
strength and weakness in the English textbook entitled English in focus. The
research is descriptive qualitative research. The writer uses data source English
textbook, namely English in Focus for the second year students of Junior High

School published by Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional and the

data of this research are the materials found in the English textbook English in
Focus. The result of the study is first, the writer analysis every skill in the
textbook, the skill include Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. In the
Listening skill has 21 material the 18 materials are appropriate or 85,7% and 3
materials are not appropriate or 14,3%. Speaking skill has 21 materials, the 20
materials are appropriate or 95,3% and 1 material is not appropriate or 4,7%.
Reading skill has 6 materials, the 5 materials are appropriate or 83,3% and 1
material is not appropriate or 16,7%. Writing skill has 4 materials, the all of
materials are appropriate or 100%. Based on the result of analysis above, the
writer can find 90,4% the content of English in Focus textbook appropriate with
KTSP Curriculum. Second, the writer finds the strength and weakness the English
textbook English in Focus. Based on the result analysis the above, the material
in the English textbook appropriate with KTSP curriculum but some material in
the content of KTSP Curriculum is not in the textbook. For that the English
textbook can help the teaching in process teaching learning.

Keyword: textbook, KTSP Curriculum


Isu utama dalam penelitian ini apakah materi dalam buku teks Bahasa Inggris
berjudul English in Fokus sesuai atau tidak dengan kurikulum KTSP dan apa
saja kelemahan dan kekurangan buku Bahasa Inggris berjudul English in Focus.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan materi yang ada di buku

Bahasa Inggris berjudul English in Focus sesuai atau tidak dengan kurikulum

KTSP dan untuk mendeskripsikan kekuatan dan kelemahan buku Bahasa Inggris

berjudul English in Focus. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini
adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Penulis menggunakan sumber data dari buku Bahasa

Inggris dengan nama English in Focus untuk kelas 8 Sekolah Menengah

Pertama yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

dan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah semua materi yang ada pada
buku teks Bahasa Inggris berjudul English in Focus. Hasil dari penelitian ini
adalah pertama, penulis telah menganalisa semua materi yang ada di buku teks
berdasarkan 4 kemampuan, meliputi kemampuan mendengarkan, berbicara,
membaca dan menulis. Pada kemampuan mendengarkan terdapat 21 materi, 18
materi sesuai atau 85,7% dan 3 materi tidak sesuai atau 14,3%. Pada kemampuan
berbicara terdapat 21 materi, 20 materi sesuai atau 95,3% dan 1 materi tidak
sesuai atau 4,7%. Pada kemampuan membaca terdapat 6 materi, 5 materi sesuai
atau 83,3% dan 1 materi tidak sesuai atau 16,7%. Pada kemampuan menulis
terdapat 4 materi dan semua materi tersebut sesuai. Berdasarkan analisa di atas,
penulis menemukan 90,4% materi yang ada pada buku teks English in Focus
sesuai dengan kurikulum KTSP. Kedua, penulis menemukan kekuatan dan
kelemahan pada buku teks Bahasa Inggris berjudul English in Focus.

Berdasarka hasil analisis di atas materi yang ada dalam teks Bahasa inggris sesuai
dengan kurikulum KTSP tetapi hanya beberapa materi yang ada dalam isi
kurikulum KTSP tidak ada pada buku teks. Untuk itu buku teks Bahasa Inggris ini
dapat membantu guru Bahasa Inggris dalam proses belajar mengajar.

Kata kunci: buku teks, kurikulum KTSP

Looking at the science and technology development, language has an important
rule for human life. By using language people can express their ideas, emotion,
and desires, and it is used as a medium to interact with others to fulfil their daily
need. English has been the most important language in International
communication. People all over the world speak by using language when they
meet each others in every international meeting, workshop, or conference. All
countries in the world have set the language as one of the compulsory subject
studied at school. English becomes one of the most popular languages in the world
and most widely applied into the official language in several states. Mastering the
English language is very exciting because we can communicate with friends from
other countries, reading English book, traveling around etc, as International.

Nowadays, people live in globalization era, so they need to learn English
language. In Indonesia, English is learned formally by students in elementary
school for the first time. Through teaching English, the government hopes
students can acquire knowledge and technology to build our country. Richards

(1985:2) states that In countries where English is not an official language it may
still have a significant role to play. It may be an important school subject and it
may be necessary to pass an examination in English to enter a university. It may
be the language of certain courses at a university, or at least of a large percentage
of the students textbooks. It may be needed for people who work in tourism,
business, and for some sections of the civil service.

The success of English language teaching can be seen by how far the learners can
communicate in the target language. The other thing that the teachers should know
well is the curriculum. This is because curriculum is considered to be the main
source for teachers to determine the way, how to teach, and what the material to
take the time allotment and also deal with testing devices. So we need textbook
which is appropriate with curriculum. Richards (2001: 1) states that Teaching
materials is a key component in most language programs. Whether the teacher
uses a textbook, institutional prepared material or make use of his or her own
materials, instructional materials generally serve as the basis for much of the
language input learners receive and the language practice that occurs in the

In education, we need textbook to help students to learn the material which is

given by the teacher. Textbook is one of many learning resources used in learning.
It can provide information and subject matter in the form of printed media.
Buckingham (1958) in Tarigan (1993: 11) states that A textbook is a book which
usually used by teacher to support the teaching learning process in school and
universities. Cunningsworth (1995) in Richards (2001: 1) summarizes the role of
materials (particularly coursesbooks) in language teaching as: (1) A resource for
presentation materials (spoken and writer); (2) A source of activities for learner
practice and communicative interaction; (3) A reference source for learners on
grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc; (4) A source of stimulation and ideas for
classroom activities; (5) A syllabus where they reflect learning objectives which
have already been determined; (6) A support for less experienced teachers who
have yet to gain in confidence.

Book is a source of knowledge. It can help students to increase knowledge and

help them to understand what has been taught by teacher. In selecting of textbook,
they must be careful because teacher needs to select whether the book is

appropriate for learners or not. There are several textbooks which have
undeserved reading materials and the images selection. So, good textbook is when
it has the perfection of teaching in their subject. However, good textbook is the
textbook which is match with the curriculum at the school.

In Indonesia curriculum is always changed every period of government. Indonesia

has 10 time change of curriculum. For the first time in 1947, Indonesia use lesson
plans 1947 curriculum, second in 1952 use lesson plans unraveled 1952
curriculum, third in 1964 use lesson education 1964, forth in 1968 use 1968
curriculum, fifth in 1975 use 1975 curriculum, sixth in 1984 use 1984 curriculum,
seventh in 1994 use 1999 curriculum, eighth in 2004 use KBK curriculum, nine in
2006 use KTSP curriculum, and the last in 2013 use 2013 curriculum.

According Caswel and Campbell in Susilo (2007:81) curriculum is to be

composed of all the experiences children have under the guidance of the teacher.

Ronald C. Doll in Susilo (2007: 81) the commonly accepted definition of the
curriculum has changed from content of courses of study and list of subject and
courses tool the experiences which are offered of learners under the auspices or
direction of the school. Curriculum classified into two: the curriculum as a plan
and functional curriculum. According Beauchamp in Susilo (2007: 81-82) a
curriculum is a written document which may contain many ingredients, but
basically it is a plant for the education of pupils during their enrollment in given
school. According Lawrence Stenhouse in Nurgiyantoro (1988: 3) curriculum is
the planned composite effort of any school to guide pupil learning toward
predetermined learning outcome. So, curriculum is the plan and role about
content and learning materials in teaching learning activities.

Curriculum cant escape in the educational process. If the curriculum fails then
education was also declared a failure. In teaching learning activity we need
textbook and the textbook related with curriculum in the school. According Olivia
(1992) in Susilo (2007: 80) states that Curriculum is that which is taught in
school, is a set of subject, is content, is a program of studies, is a set of materials,
is a course of study, is a sequence of courses, is a set of performance objective, is
everything that goes on within the school, including extra class activities,
guidance, and interpersonal relationships, is that which is taught both inside and
outside of school directed by the school, is everything that is planned by school
personal, is a series of experiences undergone by learners in school and is that
which an individual learner experiences as a result of schooling. Curriculum is
divided into the curriculum as a plan with curriculum as functional. According
Hollis L. Caswell and Doak S. Campbell in Susilo (2007:80-81) states that

Curriculum as all the experiences children have under the guidance of teacher.

According Beauchamp in Susilo (2007: 81-82) states that A curriculum is a
written document which may contain many ingredients, but basically it is a plant
for the education of pupils during their enrollment in given school. He found that
the curriculum is an educational plan or teaching.

One of the schools that still use KTSP curriculum is SMP Muhammadiyah 1
Sragen. In the process of teaching and learning SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Sragen
uses English textbook entitled English in Focus BSE from Ministry of Education.
English in Focus BSE is a book arranged by the national editorial team and has
been rated by the National Education Standard Agency. KTSP curriculum is
curriculum which is developed and implemented in some educational institution in
Indonesia. KTSP curriculum sets in UU No. 20 in 2003 about National System of
Education and PERPU No. 19 in 2005 about National Standards of Education.
KTSP curriculum preparation begins in 2007/2008 academic year with as the
references content standards and competency standards.

KTSP curriculum is decentralized, it means that all the rules have been made by
the central government, in KTSP curriculum some regulations in the curriculum
was developed and submitted to be decided by the parties in the area or school.
Though the freedom to develop at every level of the education, curriculum
development should be in accordance with the National Standard which are set by
the BSNP. It is stated in the regulation of the Minister of National Education No.
23 in the 2006 about Standard of Graduates Competency on every level of the
education. KTSP curriculum development involves teachers, staff and member
school of committee and experts from local universities. With the involvement of
school committees for curriculum development, KTSP curriculum is prepared to
be in accordance with the aspiration of society, situations, environmental
conditions and community needs.

English in Focus is a textbook used by SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Sragen.

It is a book which is published by government. Although the contents of the book
are in accordance with the KTSP curriculum, there are some materials which have
not been delivered. So, teachers must find additional material from other sources
like the other book or internet. In English in Focus textbook, there is at least a
vocabulary on every chapter, the questions and reading text are not varied, and at
least recount text.

Selecting a good textbook is also important. A good textbook should be suitable

with the curriculum in order to support the success of teaching learning process.
Many school use textbook to support teaching learning activities but the problem
is whether the textbook is consistent with the KTSP curriculum or not

and then the whether it is appropriate with criteria of good textbook or not. As we
know, there are some problems on the content of his textbooks which are not
appropriate for students. It is because there are problems on the material,
presentation, illustration and language. Besides that, we need to be careful in
choosing textbook, because there are several passages in the textbook which are
not supposed to be involved on a student textbook. Ought to we must choose a
good textbooks for our students because textbooks can help students in teaching
learning activity.


The research type applied in this study is descriptive qualitative type. The object
of the research is English textbook entitled English in Focus written by Artono
Wardiman, Masduki B Jahur, M. Sukirman Djusma. The data of this study is
materials which taken from English in Focus English textbook. The method of
collecting data in this study is documentation and interviewing. The techniques of
data collection are the following: reading material of the KTSP Curriculum,
reading the material of the English in Focus textbook, finding the material in the
English in Focus related with the KTSP Curriculum, matching the material in the
English in Focus textbook accordance with KTSP Curriculum and interviewing
some teacher who understand about English textbook they uses. In collecting data,
the writer uses documentation, and interview method. To find the validity of the
data sources, the writer uses document and rater (informant). So the result of this
research will be valid.


This chapter consists of research finding and discussion of analysis English

textbook entitled English in Focus for grade VIII Junior High School. The
research finding consists of the description of the appropriateness of the contents
each skill in the English textbook with the content standard of KTSP curriculum
and the strength and weakness English in Focus textbook. To describe the
appropriateness of the content, the writer presents the content standard of KTSP
curriculum, the contents in the English textbook and the appropriate between the
content in the English textbook with the content standard of KTSP curriculum.

3.1 Research Finding

The English textbook that the researcher used consists of 6 chapters. Each chapter
consists of 4 skills; they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The material
is this book is divided into two semesters. Chapter 1 until chapter 3 is the

materials for the first semester and chapter 4 until chapter 6 are materials for
second semester.

This book consists of listening skill, speaking skill, reading skill, and writing skill.
In this research, the writer wants intents to analyze all of materials in the English
textbook. Then, the findings of the research are described the appropriateness of
the content of listening, speaking, reading and writing skill.

3.1.1 The Appropriateness between Material of English Textbook Entitled

English in Focus and KTSP Curriculum

In this analysis the writer want to discussed about appropriateness material in the
English textbook entitled English in Focus and KTSP Curriculum. The English
textbook English in Focus has 6 chapters and each chapter consists of 4 skill;
they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Also, in KTSP Curriculum the
material discussed appropriate 4 skills; they are listening, speaking, reading, and

Based on the analysis of listening skill the appropriate materials there are three
and the less appropriate materials there are three. So, in every chapter in the
listening skill is appropriate with content of KTSP Curriculum and content of

English in Focus textbook but some material is less complete. We can see table
from the competencies of Listening Skill as follow:

Chapter 1

Less Appropriate
Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 4

Less Appropriate

Chapter 5


Chapter 6

Less Appropriate

Based on the analysis of speaking skill the appropriate materials there are five and
the less appropriate materials there are one. So, in every chapter in the speaking
skill is appropriate with content of KTSP Curriculum and content of
English in Focus textbook but some material is less complete. We can see table
from the competencies of Speaking Skill as follow:

Chapter 1


Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Less Appropriate

Chapter 6


Based on the analysis reading skill the appropriate materials there are five and less
appropriate there are one. So, in the reading skill materials the content is
appropriate with KTSP Curriculum but some material not in the textbook and the
material must be developed more. We can see table from the competencies of
Reading Skill as follow:

Chapter 1


Chapter 2


Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Less Appropriate

Chapter 5


Chapter 6


Based on the analysis writing skill the appropriate materials there are six.. So, in
the reading skill materials the content is appropriate with KTSP Curriculum. We
can see table from the competencies of Reading Skill as follow:

Chapter 1


Chapter 2

Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Chapter 5


Chapter 6


3.1.2 The Strength and Weakness in the English Textbook Entitled English
in Focus.

Textbook cant be separated from the world of education. Textbook is whose

subject matter specific learning material in accordance with the curriculum. In the
textbook certainly there have strength and weakness. For that the writer want
explained the strength and weakness textbook entitled English in Focus. The
strength and weakness in the English textbook entitled English in focus as

The Strength in the English Textbook. 1. The layout of the book is interesting.
In the textbook English in Focus the layout of the book is interesting. We can
find easily find the material quickly.

The textbook is not too large.

The size of textbook is A4. So, it can easier for students to carry books.

The vocabulary is easy to learn.

The vocabulary is easy to learn. So, the students can easier to learn and know the
meaning of word.

There is an interesting illustration.

In the textbook English in focus have some illustration to describe material and
make students interesting with material.

b. The Weakness in the English Textbook.

In the one dialog have some material.

The writer find in the one dialog have some material. It is can make the students
dont understand the material they will learned. The example one dialog have
some materials in the practice 2 page 28, the practice 2 page 34, practice 2 page
48, and practice 2 page 53.
Some material in the content of KTSP Curriculum cant find in the English


The writer fined some materials in the content of KTSP Curriculum is not in the
English textbook entitled English in Focus. The example in the content of KTSP
curriculum there are material to response the meaning in the short functional in
the text but some chapters there is no such material. We can see in the Listening
Skill chapter one, four, six, Speaking Skill chapter one, five, six, Reading Skill
chapter for, five and Writing Skill chapter four.

The illustration picture is not color

In the illustration picture is not color, so it is make the students not interesting. If
the illustration picture was colorful, the students certainly more interested to learn.
Because, this book for the students in the junior high school.


The writer has presented all of material in the textbook based four skill, there are
Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skill. In the Listening skill is has 21
materials include 18 appropriate and 3 not appropriate. Speaking skill has 21
materials include 20 appropriate and 1 not appropriate. Reading skill has 6
materials include 5 appropriate and 1 not appropriate. Writing skill has 4 materials
and the all of materials are appropriate.

The writer uses the formula as stated by Arikunto (1993: 208) to score the degree
of compatibility. The formula is as follow:





Not Appropriate






Very Good






Very Good





Very Good



Very Good





Very Good

To conclude the criteria of the textbook, the writer uses the percentage of

Criterion Referenced Evaluation as suggested by Nurgiyantoro (1987: 630), it is

as follow:

Interval Percentage ( % )


- 100

Very Good

55 - 75


40 - 54


- 39

The criteria of the English in Focus textbook with 90,4% appropriate with KTSP
Curriculum is Very Good. For table the above the writer can draw every skill as

Also the writer has observed the strength and weakness of textbook. For that the
writer fined some strength and weakness textbook entitled English in Focus.
According Greene and Petty 1971 In Tarigan (1993: 20-21) have made the way to
arrange the textbook with 10 criteria. Good textbook have certain qualities, they
are: The textbook must be interested and attractive toward the learners, the
textbook must be able to motivate the learners, the content of textbook must be
illustrative, the textbook should consider the linguistic aspect, the content of
textbook must be related to the other branch of science, the textbook must stimulate
the personal activity of the learners, the content of textbook must be clear in written
to avoid the children to be confused in using textbook, the textbook must have the
clear point of view because it will be the

learners point of view, the textbook must be able to give the balance and
emphasized on the value of the learners, and the textbook must be able to respect
to the differences of the individual.

For that the written finds some strength and weakness of the English textbook.
The strength of English textbook can make the English textbook entitled

English in Focus can make the book still feasible for use and weakness of the

English textbook can make the evaluation to be more quality books again.


After analyzing the English textbook entitled English in Focus for Grade VIII
Junior High School with content standard and the strength and weakness of

English textbook, the writer finds that some material in every skill of textbook is
appropriate with the content of KTSP Curriculum but some materials is not

From the result of the analyzing English textbook, the writer concludes that the
content of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skill in the English textbook
are some appropriate with content of KTSP Curriculum and the English textbook
have less weakness of textbook. So, it can be used to English teacher in teaching
English lesson for grade VIII of Junior High School.

Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 1988. Dasar-Dasar Pengembangan Krikulum Sekolah.

Yogyakarta: BPFE Yogyakarta.

Richards, Jack C. 1985. The Context of Language Teaching. Manoa: Universities

of Hawai.

Richards, Jack C. 2001. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. New

York. Cambridge University Press.

Susilo, Muhammad Joko. 2007. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan.

Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Tarigan, H.G. and Djago Tarigan. 1993. Telaah Buku Teks Bahasa Indonesia.
Bandung: Angkasa.

Wardiman, Artono, dkk. 2008. English in Focus for grade VIII Junior High
School. Surakarta: CV. Putra Nugraha.


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