Jewish Standard, June 16, 2017
Jewish Standard, June 16, 2017
Jewish Standard, June 16, 2017
IN THIS Mitzvah
SUMM ER 2017
Rabbi Kenneth Emert of
Wyckoff s Beth Rishon
readies for retirement
Page 22
Teaneck, NJ 07666
1086 Teaneck Road
Jewish Standard
Melissa S., Closter, NJ, mother of two, entrepreneur, and breast cancer survivor
Rescue Service of trying to save money at their expense by Dedi Simhi of the Fire and Rescue Services. Everything will
providing them with firetrap uniforms that were inappro- be resolved. It will be taken care of, just not in this way.
priate and unsafe. I refuse to work like this.
All the firefighters in the country have taken off these It was not clear whether he was wearing polyester.
shirts, put them back in storage, and we will not wear Times of Israel Staff
ate her from most other Israeli pilots. The appearance of an advertisement in The Jewish Standard does
not constitute a kashrut endorsement. The publishing of a paid
Being a pilot has always been a dream of mine, she political advertisement does not constitute an endorsement of any
said in 2015, when she started her El Al training program. candidate political party or political position by the newspaper or
any employees.
My husband is very supportive, and he is helping realize The Jewish Standard assumes no responsibility to return unsolicit-
this dream. ed editorial or graphic materials. All rights in letters and unsolicited
editorial, and graphic material will be treated as unconditionally
Novak lives in a charedi neighborhood of Jerusalem assigned for publication and copyright purposes and subject to
and rarely grants interviews. JTA Wire Service JEWISHSTANDARDs unrestricted right to edit and to comment
editorially. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without
written permission from the publisher. 2017
Standardmarch 3, 2017 3
June 16,
If Sgt. Pepper symbolizes anything, it symbolizes the Israeli
culture of uniformity and its absolute normative sense, not to
say hetero-normative, of hegemonic groups within the main-
stream that seek to defend their values in an
ever-changing reality in which nothing is obvious.
Haaretz columnist Nissan Shor, explaining why the Beatles
are responsible for the occupation.
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Rabbi Harcsztark wins Covenant award
SAR founder cited for his success as educator and dreamer
ABIGAIL KLEIN LEICHMAN implemented, the one or two girls each
year who come from schools where they
abbi Naphtali (Tully) Harc- have been trained from their bat mitzvah
sztark of Teaneck put much to wear tefillin have been allowed to con-
thought into crafting a profile tinue to do so. Rabbi Harcsztark said he
of the ideal teacher in 2003, as wouldnt support the idea of a female stu-
he prepared to become the founding princi- dent had who not been trained in this way
pal of the SAR High School, a coeducational to begin wearing tefillin in high school,
modern Orthodox school in Riverdale, N.Y. and none has asked to do so.
There are a lot of people who go into We support women being as involved as
education because they love the material possible in learning and davening, he con-
they teach but theyre not necessarily inter- tinued. From a role-modeling perspective,
ested in teaching kids and all that goes on we have both men and women teaching
in kids lives, he said. Others go into edu- Gemara and Tanach Talmud and Bible
cation because they really enjoy spending and we have a beit midrash of five male
time with kids. and five female college graduates who learn
What were looking for are people who here part of the day with kids in groups.
care deeply about the content and also are Raised in Brooklyn, Rabbi Harcsztark
interested in getting involved in under- went to Yeshiva Universitys high school
standing what goes in the lives of kids and Rabbi Tully Harcsztark talks to students at SAR High School. COURTESY SAR HIGH SCHOOL for boys (MTA), received a B.A. from
in working together with other teachers. Yeshiva College, rabbinic ordination at
Modeling that very sort of fusion and High School, he spent nine years as associ- Dr. Bendheim said. He teaches that being Yeshiva Universitys Rabbi Isaac Elchanan
instilling an unusually strong fusion of gen- ate principal of Judaic studies at SAR Acad- open to new ideas, wherever they ema- Theological Seminary, and an M.A. in Jew-
eral and Judaic studies in the high school emy elementary school. He also was the nate from, is central to being someone ish history from its Bernard Revel Gradu-
led Rabbi Harcsztark to receive the Cov- spiritual leader of Congregation Keter Torah who can make the world a better place in ate School. He was a fellow at New York
enant Foundations 2017 award for excel- in Teaneck and he taught Judaic studies as a a uniquely Jewish way. Universitys Tikvah Center of Jewish Law
lence in Jewish education. (He was one of teacher at the Frisch School in Paramus. Rabbi Harcsztark readily acknowledges and Civilization in 2010-11 and was a LEAP
three recipients.) He introduced a concept he calls the that this approach is easier to accomplish Fellow at the Herbert D. Katz Center for
Each of the 2017 Covenant Award grand conversation into SAR High on paper than in practice. Advanced Jewish Studies at the University
recipients is a dreamer, and each brings Schools mission statement. This con- It is a very difficult balance to strike, he of Pennsylvania in 2015-16.
a breath of optimism for the field, Cove- versation between Torah and the world, said. There has to be a strong commitment Rabbi Harcsztark, who has lived in
nants executive director, Harlene Winnick as he puts it, is rooted in the belief that to both sides of it to halacha and learn- Teaneck for 25 years, co-founded Davar, a
Appelman, said. integrating secular and sacred scholarship ing Torah, and to an openness to hearing grassroots learning community dedicated to
The New York City-based Covenant enriches both. people in the broader sense. Often people bringing scholarly voices that dont usually
Foundation, a program of the Crown Fam- For example, biology classes learn about choose one significantly over the other, so get a platform in the context of community
ily Philanthropies, works to strengthen organ donation and genetic engineering either it becomes more difficult to take in shuls into the Teaneck community.
educational endeavors that perpetuate from scientific, ethical, and halachic per- the ideas that are out there, or Torah falls He and his wife, Rebecca, a clinical psy-
the identity, continuity and heritage of the spectives, while literature classes are taught by the wayside. Its a hard thing to pull off. chologist, have four children, who are
Jewish people. to compare the reading strategies and liter- You always feel like you have mixed results. 27, 24, and 17. The two youngest are twin
At the awards dinner, set for November 12 ary theory of biblical and secular texts. His own commitment to both sides of boys. One of them goes to the Torah Acad-
in Los Angeles, during the General Assem- Judaic and general studies teachers study it stirred some controversy in 2014, when emy of Bergen County and the other goes
bly of the Jewish Federations of North Amer- together, discuss and debate issues within he ruled that two female first-year students to SAR. The family belongs to Congrega-
ica, each recipient will receive $36,000, modern Orthodox education together, and at SAR could continue wearing tefillin at tion Rinat Yisrael.
along with $5,000 for his or her institution. attend Shabbaton weekends together. morning services, as they had done at their When the Covenant Foundation called
The other awardees this year are Mere- Our model of collaboration reflects Solomon Schechter day school. In Orthodox to say I was chosen for the award, they said
dith Englander Polsky of Matan in New York open thinking to our students, Rabbi practice, only males from bar mitzvah age they intended to invite not only my wife
and Temple Beth Ami Nursery School in Harcsztark said. It informs the way and up wear tefillin. and children but also my siblings and my
Rockville, Maryland, and Dr. Jane Shapiro, that teachers interact with students and Looking back, is he still comfortable with mother, who live in Israel, he said. I found
co-founder of Orot: Center for New Jewish encourages students to develop a voice that decision? Yes, he said. It was not a that very meaningful.
Learning in Skokie, Illinois. of their own, fostering a culture of profes- decision rooted in feminist principles but Ms. Appelman, the foundations execu-
The foundation cited Rabbi Harcsztark sional growth for teachers and an atmo- in inclusiveness. There are all kinds of very tive director, told him that the Crown fam-
for having imagined a new model of what sphere of vibrant learning for students. committed Jews, and I think its important ily is sensitive to the fact that the families
a Modern Orthodox high school could be Most importantly, we, as a school com- for adults in our community to recognize of Jewish communal professionals witness
one balancing tradition and modernity, and munity, engage the issues of the day femi- and embrace that. And to become that kind the daily difficulties involved in this calling
promoting vigorous dialogue and debate nism, sexual orientation, race in a trans- of adult, you have to see that as a kid. and should also have an opportunity to see
and made it a reality. Under his excep- parent and forthright manner through This particular school has different how communal work can lead to success
tional and visionary leadership for the past community meetings and class discussion. kinds of kids and we should embrace that and approbation.
16 years, SAR High School has become a Dr. Gail Bendheim, a member of SAR as long as we stay in the bounds of what This is about championing Jewish educa-
national model of Jewish education adapt- High Schools board of directors, nominated halacha can support. And I think it does in tion as a career, and I would like to encour-
ing to and embracing 21st century realities Rabbi Harcsztark for the Covenant Award. this case. age our graduates to go into Jewish educa-
and equipping students and teachers in Tully has fully internalized a mind- He stresses, however, that I was making tion, Rabbi Harcsztark said. I feel blessed
new, novel, and empowering ways. set centered on the constant dialogue a local decision for my school. to be working in a place where there are tal-
Before Rabbi Harcsztark, 52, founded SAR between the religious and the secular, T h e way t h i s r u l i n g h a s b e e n ented modern Orthodox educators.
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actions are no longer reliable, a patient must
ince last year, the Jewish Home has learn to move and speak consciously.
paid increasing attention to Parkin- I started to investigate the effects of music
sons disease, adding a number of on behavior, Mr. Kerten said. I put that into
new programs for patients, their martial arts at the dojo where he worked.
caregivers, and others in the community with People came who had problems with expres-
the disease. sion, concentration, posture, movement, and
That is actually quite a few people, said Carol breathing. It worked well with that.
Silver Elliott, the Jewish Home Familys presi- After a while, he realized that many of
dent and CEO. the people who came to him were suffer-
Were defining a broad and growing pro- ing from Parkinsons disease. So, he said,
gram for people with this condition, she said. 30 years ago he began to focus on that con-
And were not just reaching our patient pop- dition, leaving behind his other pursuits,
ulation. Estimating that some 10 percent of except for martial arts.
patients have the disease, she noted that the To that end, Mr. Kerten approached many
Jewish Home also serves others in the com- of Israels leading doctors who worked with
munity. There are people who come to our neurology and Parkinsons. Because he spe-
support groups, educational programs, and to Alex Kurten Carol Silver Elliott cialized in the arts of movement and behav-
Rock Steady Boxing, she said, noting that the ior, many of the doctors were skeptical at
boxing group will be added to the program at the Jewish are two genetic markers for Parkinsons, and theres a first. But soon his hands-on approach, demonstrated at
Homes Assisted Living facility in River Vale this week. higher prevalence in Ashkenazic populations. an international convention in Rome in 2004, received
In 2006, a young attorney in Indianapolis who was In December, the Jewish Home sponsored an educa- high marks.
diagnosed with Parkinsons and looking for a way to tional program on the disease. On June 28, it will offer If it didnt prove itself, I wouldnt have been able to
slow the progress of the disease began Rock Steady a second program. According to Ms. Elliott, physical keep up my work, he said, noting that Parkinsons is not
Boxing, Ms. Elliott said. One way to do that, he found, therapist and dance instructor Susan Lust a former only biochemical but a chronic behavioral disease.
was to engage in a boxing workout. Now, 11 years later, student of Alex Kerten, the Israeli author of Goodbye Much depends on awareness, he said, describing a
there are boxing programs for people with Parkinsons Parkinsons, Hello Life! put the Home in touch with Parkinsons instinct that comes into play in breathing
in many places. her former teacher. and facial expressions. By breaking down each of these
Were the first in Bergen County to use this program, This book focuses on patient-centered care, Ms. Lust movements and demonstrating different ways to breathe,
Ms. Elliott said, but research is showing that people said. I think it presents a new and powerful message to Mr. Kerten said, he has been effective in helping patients
improve with this. Although the reasons are not clear yet the health-care industry that patients, working with restore their healthy instinct.
it could be because of intense, repetitive physical activ- experts such as Alex Kerten, can take control of their The basis of martial arts is breathing, Mr. Kerten added.
ity, gains in coordination and confidence, or intellectual health. Ms. Kertens writings on the subject have been Im 72 years old and still on the mat. I breathe my rhythm
stimulation. It also helps participants work on their voices, cited by the National Parkinsons Association and the or I wouldnt be able to do it. You breathe according to
which generally is affected by Parkinsons. Michael J. Fox Foundation. what you have to do. He said that he has had business-
Weve added a number of therapeutic modalities for Mr. Kerten who lives in Herzliya, where his Gyro- men clients who come to him to learn to speak rhythmi-
people with Parkinsons, Ms. Elliott added, mentioning Kinetics Center is housed said that his story began when cally and expressively. Everything is movement heart,
Tai Chi, yoga, and dance among the offerings. Its very he was in his early 20s and went to Japan to study martial breathing, our digestive system. If youre aware of the
exciting. A lot of things are under way here for the care of arts. (He holds seven black belts.) When he returned to rhythm of movement, you can direct it.
people with Parkinsons. Israel, he worked with structuring and healing move- At his workshop on June 28 in River Vale, Mr. Kerten
The Jewish Home has trained 300 members of its staff ments, he said. He describes gyro-kinetics as a technique will give Parkinsons patients basic exercises to make
to know more about the issue. Spurred by a question that uses movement, music, proper breathing techniques, them aware of the acts they perform. His goal, he said, is
from a patients family member Why do you treat my and exercises to help people with Parkinsons take back to prove to them that they can do it differently.
husband as if he has dementia? We recognized that control of their lives. For more information, get in touch with the Jewish
we needed to help the staff understand more about Par- The body needs rhythm, expression, and movement, Home Family at Mr. Kertens
kinsons, Ms. Elliott said. We also learned through con- he said in a phone conversation, adding that he has been book, published by Divine Arts Media in 2015, is avail-
versations with the Michael J. Fox Foundation that there very influenced by the martial arts and the art of moving, able from Amazon.
Jews in America
Historian to talk about assimilation, identity, and distinct culture
JOANNE PALMER what Washington promised the Jewish
people. What he said was that minor-
ow integrated are Jews into ity cultures will be protected. Not just
American culture? majority cultures thats obvious but The Pew study
That seems like a fairly minority cultures.
easy question. Were pretty And it has been that pluralist Ameri- asked if you
well integrated. can way ever since then. think that angels
But what effect has that integration In his book, Dr. Rubin said, he traces
had on the Jews? a period of minimal anti-Semitism in and demons are
And how do those two questions play the United States in the beginning, and active in this
off each other? then the period of social anti-Semitism,
Dr. Richard Rubin, who retired after which was quite severe from the 1890s world. Sixty to
teaching at Swarthmore College for to after the Second World War. That was 70 percent of
almost three decades, specializing in the period of college quotas, of hotels
race and ethnicity in general and Jews in you couldnt go to, of all sorts of other Christians said
America in particular, will address those social inhibitions. yes. And Jews?
questions at Congregation Beth Sholom And then I cover the Jewish renais-
in Teaneck at a Teaneck-Hackensack sance in the United States, the beautiful Its somewhere
Hadassah meeting. (See box for more time when the whole Jewish world got in the 20s. These
details.) His talk will be based on his turned upside down in America, where
recent book, Jewish in America: Living Dr. Richard Rubin not only did they integrate into the are not small
George Washingtons Promise. business world and had all sorts of eco- differences.
There are two principal themes in said that Jews will be full citizens of nomic opportunities, but it was the end
the book, Dr. Rubin said. How inte- this country. No one had ever said that of quotas in universities and colleges,
grated are we? Remember that there before, and it wasnt said until many the end of the dishonor of not allowing 70 percent of Christians said yes. And
was a time, not so long ago, when there years later in France and Germany. people into hotels. Jews? Its somewhere in the 20s. These
were quotas that kept Jews out of some In England, Jews couldnt sit in the This started in the early 1960s, when are not small differences.
colleges. There is an evolving element of government until the 1850s. In France, the U.S. government, which had passed In fact, as with angels and devils, the
integration in Jewish life. it happened in the first decade of the no laws about Jews, started to pass laws differences between Jews and other
On the other hand, has integration that encompassed Jews. One of them groups can be stark. In 2008, about
brought about a large-scale assimila- was the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which 80 percent of Jewish people voted for
tion? Is there any distinctive Jewish ele- basically outlawed discrimination in Obama, Dr. Rubin said. Among Prot-
ment left?
Those two ideas are at the core of
You can count public places and in public organiza-
tions. Not only did it prevent discrimi-
estants, 35 percent voted for Obama.
He thinks that it had to do with race.
my book, he continued. That core me in as one of nation on the basis of race and gender, There have been many indications that
includes intermarriage, it includes
where and what Jews could do, and
those who is it also included religion.
But many Jews, particularly in Ortho-
Jewish people are more liberal about
race than other groups, he said.
when, and it compares, for example, trying to make dox communities, worry that as Jews Jews also tend to be liberal about
what it was like in Europe, when Jews
wanted to integrate but they were
the point that have integrated into American society,
the Jewish voice becomes smaller. They
abortion, he added. Approximately
90 percent of Jews approved of Roe v.
always a people apart. there is plenty are taken over by common beliefs, so Wade. In the United States as a whole,
The period hes discussing starts
around the 18th century, when Jews
of Jewish culture that the Jewish voice is hardly heard.
Dr. Rubins data for his look at more
it ranged from 36 percent to 44 percent
approval. There is no majority for it
started trickling out of the ghettos to left. The culture recent assimilation comes largely from among any group except for us.
which theyd been confined in Europe.
In America, on the other hand, there
is very strong. the huge Pew Foundation studies on
religion in America, which were so big
What I found is that Jews are very
distinctive, Dr. Rubin said. There is a
never was a ghetto, unless Jewish people that they incorporated a lot of informa- strong Jewish element that has survived
decided that they wanted to be in one, 1880s, not because of popular belief tion on Jews. It was an absolute gold integration on a high level. So there is
he said. That was from the beginning. but because of Napoleon, who for some mine, he said. Because Jews are only integration, but not assimilation.
The book begins with George Washing- reason, said that Jews could be citizens. about 2 percent of the United States At the heart of the book is the idea
tons promise, in the letter he wrote But it was with a caveat he said that as population, random samples have to be that American pluralism the plural-
to the Jews of Rhode Island thats Frenchmen they could have everything, very large before they can reach enough ism the country was founded on is
the famous 1790 letter to the Hebrew as Jews they could have nothing. Jews to see patterns in their answers. very deeply accepted by Jews. Jews are
Congregation of Newport where he That was diametrically opposed to Pews researchers did that. the poster children for this countrys
Jewish people today are the most ideals.
politically liberal, the most progressive, Dr. Rubin, who is 88 years old and
Who: Dr. Richard Rubin, author of Jewish in America: Living George
Washingtons Promise of any social group in the country, Dr. has seen a lot, is optimistic. The Jew-
Rubin said. They are the most tolerant ish people are unique in America, he
What: Will look at history to talk about whether American Jews are losing their
of other groups. And they are the most said. Jewish people have their own way
Jewish identity
this-worldly people, compared with the of looking at things. I dont know what
When: On Monday, June 19, at 1 p.m. rest of the country; the least likely to that is yet, but someday social scientists
Where: At Congregation Beth Sholom, 354 Maitland Ave. in Teaneck believe in miracles, the most scientifi- will identify it.
For whom: Teaneck-Hackensack Hadassah cally oriented. You can count me in as one of those
He offered an example. The Pew who is trying to make the point that
For more information: On the talk, call Minette Salzman at (201) 837-8157. On
study asked if you think that angels and there is plenty of Jewish culture left.
the book, go to
demons are active in this world. Sixty to The culture is very strong.
Anonymous Renee and Fred Gruenspecht
Susan Benkel Samuel Kent
Ella and Gerrard Berman Susan Klarreich
Pauline and Samuel Bograd Robert David Kessler (RDK)
Edward Epstein Lori Sackler
Sharry Friedberg Bernard Selling
Leon Sokol
celebrated at
Capitol, Knesset,
and Paramus
tate Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg
joined House Speaker Paul Ryan and Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in celebrat-
ing the 50th anniversary of the reunification of
Jerusalem last week.
Ms. Weinberg was with Mr. Ryan and Mr. Netanyahu
virtually. She spoke at the Ben Porat Yosef Yeshiva Day
School in Paramus. The others were on a simulcast that
featured Israeli and American leaders.
The broadcast last Wednesday was organized
nationally by Israels ambassador to the United
States, Ron Dermer. The speeches were delivered
at the U.S. Capitol and at the Knesset, in Jerusalem,
and those two venues broadcast a live stream of each
others activities.
Ben Porat Yosef was the New Jersey outpost for
the celebration; similar gatherings were held in the
other 49 states.
Speaker Ryan (R-Wis.) reflected on his personal expe-
rience visiting Jerusalems holy sites, and lauded the
bravery of Israeli troops who captured the eastern part
of the city during the Six-Day War in 1967.
After thousands of years in exile, the Jewish people
are finally back home home in their eternal, united
capital of Jerusalem, never to be divided again, he said.
Addressing American supporters of Israel, Mr. Netan-
yahu said: We know that you understand that the
story of Israel, in many ways, the rebirth of Israel and
our return to this land and to this city is a parable
for all humanity. Because if the Jews can overcome the
worst travails in history, that means there is hope for all
The U.S ambassador to Israel, David Friedman,
attended the broadcast at the Knesset.
An American military band opened the event at the
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JEWISH STANDARD JUNE 16, 2017 2 6/13/17 4:10 PM
As many Israelis of
my generation I do
have deep ties to that
period. Every Jew in
the world has deep
ties to Jerusalem.
Capitol with the Star-Spangled Banner and closed
with Yerushalayim Shel Zahal Jerusalem of Gold
a song whose final verse was written after the citys
reunification. Sheldon Adelson, the casino magnate
who is a major backer of pro-Israel and Republican
party causes, sat with Mr. Ryan and Mr. Dermer at the
Washington event. Ofer Shelah, a Knesset member with
the centrist Yesh Atid party was also at the Capitol, and
he talked about his feelings about the events of 1967.
My son now is a reserves paratrooper, a member of
the same brigade that freed Jerusalem, Mr. Shelah said.
As many Israelis of my generation I do have deep ties
to that period. Every Jew in the world has deep ties to
Ben Porat Yosefs eighth graders were at the Paramus
broadcast. Jason Shames, CEO of the Jewish Federation
of Northern New Jersey; Galit Peleg of the Israeli consul-
ate in New York; Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi, and
Mark Levenson, chairman of the New Jersey-Israel Com-
mission, all were there as well.
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Myrna Block, a member of the Jewish Home Family board; Gayle Gerstein, president of the Jewish
Home at Rockleigh; Cynthia Low; and Beth Shiffman, a member of the Jewish Home Assisted Living Jeffrey Goldsmith and outing co-chair Warren Feldman
board, with her husband, Howard
Lisa Mactas, Jewish Home at Rockleigh board member; Eli Ungar, Jew- Joanne Hassan Perlman, a
ish Home Family chair; and Marty Zaikov, Jewish Home Foundation board board member of the Jewish
Lou Romano Jr. and outing co-chair Howard Chernin member, with his wife, Lynne. Home at Rockleigh
Rella Feldman and Curtiss Pulitzer will chair a Norpac meeting during services at 7:30 p.m. on Friday night.
featuring Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) on Thursday, June Volunteers who have given their time and talents this fiscal
22, at 7:30 p.m., in Teaneck. For information, email Avi@NOR- year will be thanked and recognized in a special service. New or call (201) 788-5133. officers will also be installed and a special dessert oneg Shabbat
Senator Claire McCaskill will follow.
Mitchell Herman will receive the Rafes award. He was the shuls
chief negotiator during the last three years, a member of the pres-
idents and security committees, and a choir member.
The shul is at 950 Preakness Ave. For information, call (973) Mitchell Herman
2017 Louis Marshall awards din-
at labor history, the more interesting it became, he
aniel Wolff of Upper Nyack remembers being an said. It tends not to be talked about a whole lot here.
angry kid growing up in Westchester. His elders The labor movement arose when industrialism
told him he would grow up and out of his rage. was becoming strong and stronger. Big factories were
He didnt think so. being built. Workers essentially said, Whats my piece
It turned out he was right. Despite what my elders told of this? How did this end up being fair?
me when I was 13, my anger hasnt gone away, Mr. Wolff An awful lot of these workers were immigrants, he
said this week. continued. Jews and gentiles, people who had come
Mr. Wolff has, however, harnessed that anger, and the from Europe and had studied the idea of socialism,
result has been productive. This week his latest book, the idea of equal distribution of wealth. They came to
Grown-Up Anger: The Connected Mysteries of Bob Dylan, this new land that seemed to promise that, and they
Woody Guthrie, and the Calumet Massacre of 1913, was discovered it wasnt happening. They fought back.
published to wide acclaim. The book weaves together this history with biogra-
Mr. Wolff already has written books on topics ranging phies of Dylan and Guthrie. Mr. Wolff found the sing-
from the singer Sam Cooke to the city of Asbury Park; from ers to be good company.
New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina to the history of Ameri- Often when you write a book you become tired
can education. In 2013, Rockland County gave him its Liter- and angry with your subject matter, because it takes
ary Artist award. years, he said. I came to appreciate Dylan and Guth-
Grown-Up Anger begins as the author first hears Bob rie more than when I started. That surprised me. I was
Dylans hit Like a Rolling Stone, not all that long after his surprised by how sincere Bob Dylan is. He
bar mitzvah. I thought that was a great song, Mr. Wolff often gets pictured as a cynic, something of a
said. I thought that guy is telling the truth, and he seems recluse. He seems to have been in many ways
as angry as I am. a very straightforward guy, a Jewish kid from
Looking back more than 50 years later, where does Mr. Daniel Wolff a small little town in the Midwest who had
Wolff think his anger came from? I think it has to do with enormous dreams mostly inspired by music
justice and fairness, he said. Is it the Jewish tradition to be was a very patriarchal, con- that he went out to pursue. In some ways I
angry? I ask that as a question. trolling company. It was a think he did it in the gentlest way possible.
I had a privileged childhood. Personally I was fine. But it company town. Everyone Dylan and Guthrie have been inspirations
didnt seem like a fair world in many ways. The basic social went to the company school, to me on how as a grownup you act on anger.
inequity of haves and have-nots bothered me. It was some- shopped at the company I thought, let me try to lay this out for people.
thing people almost appeared not to notice, as if youre not store, and got buried in the It might help other people. I didnt know wed
to supposed to bring it up. It seemed to me very obvious. company graveyard. have the division in America we have now, but
But what about Bob Dylans anger? Mr. Wolff traces a They had a strike. The its not surprising.
line from Dylan to Dylans early idol and influence, Woody owners figured that if they When people tell you youll grow out of your
Guthrie. When Dylan recorded his first album, he sang a could hold out to winter, anger, it means adjusting to the inequitable status
L Shana
composition, Song to Woody, which borrowed the tune the strike would break. quo that people like Dylan and Guthrie encour-
L Shana
from Guthries 1941 song, 1913 Massacre. Which raised the The strike appeared to be pretty well over. aged me not to adjust to, Mr. Wolff said.
question: What inspired Guthrie that inspired Dylan that As a final gesture, the striking miners mostly immigrants Does he see Dylanesque anger on todays Ameri-
inspired me? had a Christmas party for their kids. Someone came in can scene?
The short answer is that Guthrie, who was born in 1912, and yelled Fire! in the crowded hall. By the end, 73 people Weve seen manifestations of it in Occupy and
learned about the 1913 Calumet massacre from a book. How 59 of them children had been smothered to death in Black Lives Matter, and in a bunch of efforts for
accurate that book was, and how accurate was Guthries the stairwell. everything from trying to solve the situation in the
rendering of it in a ballad, is one of the mysteries Wolff s Guthries song told the story in 10 stanzas. The final line Middle East to environmental matters. Both Guthrie
book explores. had the mourning strikers pointing an angry finger: See and Dylan came about at a time where a large social
The gist of the story, Mr. Wolff said, is that in 1913, the what your greed for money has done. movement was happening already. We dont have that
workers at the Calumet Copper Company in Michigan were Which is how a book that starts with an angry rock song kind of focused social protest right now, but I think
Wishing you a sweetyou
newa sweet
trying to organize into a union and getting nowhere. It
Wishing year. new year. came to explore the history of the labor movement, from theres an awful lot of people who are anxious to make
things better.
Jamie and Steven Dranow Larry A. Model Harvey Schwartz And his current project?
Gregg Brunwasser Jamie and Steven
Michael Dranow General
L. Rosenthal, Larry A.Manager
Model Harvey Schwartz
Gregg Brunwasser Michael L. Rosenthal, General Manager Im writing a bunch of poetry, he said. Often after
As your local Dignity Memorial providers, we wish you the best this Rosh Hashanah. a nonfiction project I do a lot of poetry as a break.
We reaffirm ourCandlelighting
As your local Dignity
commitment Memorial
of service
to the we wish you the best this Rosh Hashanah.
Jewish community. His most recent book of poems was The Name of
We reaffirm our commitment of service to the Jewish community.
June 16 ................................................. 8:13 Birds, published in 2015. Its not quite as benign as
Hellman Memorial
June Chapels
23Hellman Hellman-Garlick
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its 30th anniversary at an evening called award. There will be a special tribute to
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Cover Story
JOANNE PALMER My father guarded Eisenhower, Rabbi Theological Seminarys high school after-
Emert said. (That, of course, was President school program. He also was very active
ts the whole insider/outsider Dwight David Eisenhower.) As a result, a in his shuls USY group. During college, he
thing. guy showed up at our apartment one was a counselor on USY on Wheels, the
The question of whether a day with a slew of toys. They came trip that toured the United States, haul-
person feels that he or she with a truck, and it was a truckload ing high school students around the coun-
can fit easily and com- of toys. All kinds of toys. try in buses, and he also worked on USY
fortably inside a stereo- Like all police officers, his job Encampment, as the end-of-summer USY
type, or if that set of assumptions also often put Fred Emert in dan- leaders get-together was called.
somehow is a tight, even con- ger. He was shot in a hospital Rabbi Emert went to Queens College
straining fit, can be the question in Queens when I was in grade just a short walk away and then spent
that undergirds a lifetime of school, Rabbi Emert said. He a college year at the State University of
experiences. recovered, but it was a forma- New York in Stony Brook. He was fluent
It also combines (bear with tive experience for his sons. in Spanish, majored in that language,
me here, please) with the glass- The Emerts were active
half-full/glass-half-empty thing. Jews. My father was the presi-
If you dont quite fit into any dent of the Electchester Jewish
one box, are you doomed to live Center a Conservative shul
outside it entirely, or can you and Rabbi Aaron Pearl was Except there
make a career out of combin- my rabbi and my mentor grow- was that Jewish
ing boxes? Of balancing between ing up, Rabbi Emert said. (That
them? In other words, is it a bad relationship, always important thing. That
thing that you dont quite fit in, or to Rabbi Emert, took on addi- nagging pull.
can you turn that into a wonderfully tional significance when Rabbi
good thing? Pearl, who had moved to Wyckoff, That desire that
Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Emert, who is 65 recruited Rabbi Emert as his succes- never could sate
and about to retire after 22 years at Tem- sor but thats far in the future at this
ple Beth Rishon at Wyckoff, straddles the point in his story.) itself in Spanish.
Reform and Conservative worlds. (Ouch! Rabbi Pearl often was a guest on two
Sounds painful.) Hes a member of both late-night radio shows. One was a well- and decided that he wanted to teach
the Reform movements Central Council known, eclectic, eccentric talkfest hosted Romance languages. Everything seemed
of American Rabbis and the Conservative by the influential host who called him- straightforward.
movements Rabbinical Assembly. Beth detective, and a member of the NYPDs self Long John Nebel. The other was the Except there was that Jewish thing. That
Rishon is happily unaffiliated with either Shomrim Society, the association of Jewish equally influential Barry Gray. I would nagging pull. That desire that never could
movement, instead bridging the gaps city cops. We first lived on the Lower East stay up from midnight to five in the morn- sate itself in Spanish.
between them. Side, Rabbi Emert said. But then the fam- ing to listen to Rabbi Pearl on Long John, After his year at Stony Brook, Rabbi
So how did that happen? How, in a ily moved up and out to Queens. They set- Rabbi Emert said. And sometimes he Emert went to Israel to study. He was
world of deep division, does Rabbi Emert tled in Electchester, an apartment devel- would mention my name. there for a year and a half; when he came
manage his balancing act? Why does he opment (dont call it a project!) in Flushing Kenneth Emert went to Hebrew school home and returned to Queens College, he
even want to? Why does it seem to give built, as its name suggests, for members at his shul, and then to a regional Hebrew switched his major to Hebrew language
him such great joy? of the electricians union and their fami- high school at the Queensboro Hill Jew- and literature. And then I applied to rab-
Lets start at the beginning, with a happy lies. My father wasnt an electrician, but ish Center. (That shuls rabbi was Albert binical school, he said.
but unconventional family for a rabbi. he knew someone, Rabbi Emert said. Thaler, who for decades, as a summer job, He applied to the Hebrew Union Col-
Kenneth Emerts parents, Edith and We grew up in a very nice three-bedroom headed Camp Ramah Nyack, the day camp lege Jewish Institute of Religion in Man-
Fred, had five sons; Kenneth was the apartment. With one bathroom that has educated and thrilled thousands hattan, was accepted, and eventually was
fourth of them. Fred Emert, a New York Before his father made detective, his of metropolitan area kids.) He continued ordained there.
City police officer, eventually became a job included guarding important people. his Jewish education at Prozdor, the Jewish Why did this active Conservative Jew
decide to be ordained by the Reform We had people there who were really glatt
movement? It wasnt that he wasnt com- Reform, and to some of them I looked
fortable in either; its more that he felt at Orthodox. There were two factions, but I
home in both. A choice was necessary. I was able to move them slowly from a con-
was always on the left wing of the Conser- gregation that had very little to one that
vative movement, Rabbi Emert said. It was more mainstream Reform.
Edith and
was pretty much of a toss-up, which move- When he was in Rockford, Rabbi Emert
New York
ment to choose. And which school HUC earned his doctoral degree at a Christian
City Police
or the Conservative movements Jewish seminary, the University of Dubuque
Theological Seminary.
Fred Emert.
Part of his choice had to do with music.
When he was a child and a teenager, some
big Conservative shuls used organs at
Shabbat services, but music was far more I was the only
important to the Reform movement than
in the Conservative world. Rabbi Emert
rabbi in my class.
came from a musical family One of my In fact, I was the
brothers is an oboist in the Brazil Phil-
harmonic, he said and he plays piano,
only Jew in the
sings, and loves chazzanut, he said. class. And I was
Still, HUC was unfamiliar ground for
him, at least at first. I had a liturgical back-
the only rabbi
ground, he said. Although it has changed theyd ever had
a great deal since then, when he was a stu-
dent there HUC was classical Reform, with
in the seminary.
formal (its critics might say airless) ser-
vices and Protestant-influenced decorum. Theological Seminary. I wanted to really
At HUC, they did not know the siddur, understand Christianity more, he said.
Rabbi Emert said. And I kept kosher I That desire came from a program at an
still keep kosher and they were bringing evangelical church in Rockford. I said
in treif sandwiches. I had to put a barrier to the pastor, My tradition says that the
up when I ate in the cafeteria. righteous of all nations have a share in
I got a greater appreciation of Jewish the world to come. What does your reli-
music from HUC. And it also had a better gion say?
background in philosophy. I knew that there is no salvation out-
I didnt know if it was the right school side of Christ. The question of how does an
e for me when I went there, he said. And evangelical Christian answer that question
h then later, I knew it was the right one. authentically is what spurred me to go to The Emert brothers and their father.
Rabbi Emerts first congregation was a Dubuque. The question is how do we have
t small one in Smithtown, way out on Long a dialogue? What happens when theology
. Islands Suffolk County. It was Conserva- and basic human decency, the instinct to
tive, but to the left of the left of the left, he politeness, clash?
t said. I had never seen anything like that. The standard answer is that all of us
e Next, he went to Rockford, Illinois. It was can be saved, he said; it glosses over the
called the Rome of the Midwest, he said. fact that you must accept their savior for
. It had 500 churches in a town of 135,000 that to happen.
people. You are the rabbi not only for the At the seminary, I was the only rabbi in
Jewish community, but for the Christian my class. In fact, I was the only Jew in the
community as well. class. And I was the only rabbi theyd ever
He loved it. had in the seminary.
The synagogue was classical Reform. Rabbi Emert looked for textual answers
They almost didnt hire me because I to those questions. One question was
kept kosher, he said. But they wanted whether Jewish sources normative Juda-
me, I think, because they saw an ener- ism allow for interfaith dialogue. I found
getic spirit, and I think they were looking that yes, they do.
for authenticity. His dissertation is called Disquisition:
When I first got there, I said that this is Model for Jewish-Christian Dialogue. Its a
a synagogue, not a temple thats termi- text-based look at the history of interfaith
nology that often demarcates where in the relationships, from the talmudic period
Jewish world you stand. The Reform move- until after Vatican II.
ment has temples, the modern Orthodox Rabbi Emert was in Rockford for four
world has congregations, synagogues, and years. From there, his Midwestern tour
Here and at right, Rabbi Emert, young
shuls, and the Conservative movement has continued as he moved to Wichita, Kan-
and younger.
some of all of them. Someone there said sas, where he led a Reform synagogue
no. This is not a synagogue. It is a temple. that was more traditional than most. The
Dr. Alfred Gottschalk ordained Rabbi Emert. On Sukkot in Smithtown, Rabbi Emert shook Kenneth Emert as a young, earnest
his lulav. rabbinical student.
community was ready to do more, he would be full of spoiled brats. But it has
said. I kept kosher, but I didnt hit them the nicest kids, with parents who care so
over the head with kashrut. And I brought much about education. In the 22 years I
in Saturday morning services, instead have been here, I have never had any kid
of just Friday nights, and I brought in a talk back to me. Not once. Not ever.
cantor. This is a rabbis dream. These are very
There were some people there who educated, very good, very kind people. I Rabbi Emert
said, You took away my God they wouldnt trade them for anything. with his
were classical Reform and others who Its also been exactly right for him in partner,
embraced it. terms of observance. This is a unique Travis Lash.
It was sometime during his Midwestern congregation, Rabbi Emert said. It is
sojourn that Rabbi Emert joined the Rab- unaffiliated. It is independent. When they
binical Assembly. Very few rabbis belong join, people sometimes ask what it is, and
to both the CCAR and the RA, but his odd I say, Nit ahin; nit aher. Not this, and not
position at the cusp of the two movements that. Its own thing.
allowed him to do so. The service is traditional, he contin-
I feel an allegiance to both move- ued. It has a traditional tam a tradi-
ments, he said. I am eclectic. My service tional flavor.
in Wichita was more traditional than it is I have always stood for a high level
here in Wyckoff. You cant really label me. of Yiddishkeit. For not keeping the level
I choose the best, the more spiritual, the where it is, but for always bringing it up. to come to your house for dinner. for much of his life.
most spiritually elevating parts of both For never settling. My job is to bring peo- I dont put on airs. I wear jeans. But He is gay.
movements. ple from wherever they were to another on the other hand, on the bimah he still He knew that about himself for a very
When he was in Wichita, Rabbi Emert level. Never to settle for mediocrity. wears a robe. long time, so he never took the ultimately
was recruited for the opening about to be This is a class act, this synagogue. I I am a contradiction in many ways, tragic route that many gay men once took,
created at Beth Rishon through the retire- have been blessed. Rabbi Emert said. He believes in being marrying a woman, thus ruining two lives.
ment of his old mentor, Rabbi Pearl. He Hes upheld the standards he cares appropriate; informal when that makes But he did feel compelled to hide that
wasnt sure if it was the right move he about at Beth Rishon. sense, decorous when it is called for. I basic truth about himself. For many years
was for a while pretty sure that it wasnt Here, I dont allow non-Jews to be am a social worker with a degree from he was partnerless, but about 20 years ago
but he made it anyway. called to the Torah, or to light Shabbat can- Yeshiva Universitys Wurzweiler School of he met the great love of his life.
It was exactly the right move. dles. They dont stand next to the spouses Social Work and a teacher. And I am Ken Emert and Travis Lash never lived
I was 42 then, he said. I looked at the Torah service, as some liberal con- also a realist. together Rabbi Emert felt that he could
around, and saw that this was such a gregations will allow. In some ways, I am I am not Ken. I am Rabbi Emert, not make so public a statement but they
vibrant place. So many kids in the schools. more traditional than my colleagues. although some people take the liberty of were partners for 13 years. Mr. Lash, who
And theologically it was just right for me. He also does not perform interfaith mar- calling me Rabbi Ken. It is not being pomp- was Jewish, often would come to services
I could have gone to New York, been one riages. That is a highly controversial posi- ous; it is making clear that there is a time at Beth Rishon, and he was a fixture there
of 1,000 rabbis, or stayed in Wichita, and tion in the Reform world. (Rabbis who and a place for everything. The formality, on the holidays. Rabbi Emert did not try
been a big fish in a small pond. Wyckoff perform interfaith marriages are expelled the robe set a tone in the sanctuary. to hide the great affection between the
was perfect; not too big, not too small. from the RA, although the question of how I think that the democratization of the two men, but he never declared it publicly
Its also institutionally unaffiliated, which to deal with the obviously here-to-stay synagogue was both a negative and a pos- either. The people who knew, knew, but
is perfect for someone who is dually question of intermarriage is roiling the itive thing. We are set apart. We are klei I didnt tell people, he said. He let them
affiliated. Conservative world nonetheless.) kadosh holy vessels. It is a sacred role, figure it out or not. Its the one thing I
Its rare to hear a rabbi talk about his Rabbi Emert believes very strongly that and it is reinforced by the formality of the regret. I try to be authentic, and I was not
community with as much open-hearted a rabbi must combine absolute approach- robe in services. Still, in that insistence, authentic about this.
ardor as Rabbi Emert talks about his. ability with a sense of separateness. I try I know I am one of a dying breed, Rabbi Mr. Lash died four years ago, unexpect-
I was worried about this community to be real, he said. I try to be authen- Emert said. edly, of an aneurism. He was 54 years old.
when I first heard about it, he said. I tic. I told the search committee that you Despite his need for authenticity, Rabbi It was a huge, staggering blow to Rabbi
heard that it was rich, and I thought it shouldnt hire a rabbi who you dont want Emert felt compelled to keep one secret Emert, who realized that he could not
Divides: Visit
Mazal tov to our dear friend Borders and
Boundaries in
Contemporary Art
Englewood curator
brings exhibit
and click on
Rabbi Tzvee Zahavy
to Riverdale
Jewish museum page 28
treasures of the
hudson river
friday 6/16
4 - 9 PM
Opening Ceremony with
Mayor Michael McPartland
Dance performances by PEAK PAC education Minister Naftali Bennett, the architect of a new policy that could
Live reggae by Cheezy & the Crackers ban political opinions in israeli classrooms, at a Knesset meeting in Jerusa-
NY/NJ Baykeeper Discover Deck lem on June 12. YoNaTaN SiNdeL/FLaSH90
saturday 6/17
Israel considers ban
on political opinions in
college classrooms
12 - 5 PM
Captains Galley Outdoor Food Court
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A careful study of the code shows that Asa Kasher, an Israel Prize-winning
although it is defined as an ethical code philosopher at Tel Aviv University who
for appropriate behavior in the areas of wrote the initial version of the Israeli
Lebe Adelman Adam Duitz to Our Graduates Sara Muharremi Esther Seligson
David Adler Helena Dweck Marianna Najman- Ayelet Senderowicz
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We are proud of our graduates who will attend outstanding yeshivot The universities and colleges our graduates will attend reflect their
s and programs in Israel for the 2017-2018 academic year. commitment to learning, Jewish life and their individual aspirations.
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Midreshet Amit Yeshivat Ashreinu Artzi Barnard College Hunter College of the CUNY Rutgers University
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- Biomedical Education of the
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- Migdal Oz Yeshivat Maale Gilboa Nativ Columbia University Macaulay Honors College of Touro College Medical
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e Tiferet Yeshivat Torah VAvodah Cooper Union
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- We are proud of our students who will be serving in the University Pratt Institute Women, Syms School of
c Israel Defense Forces next year. Goucher College Princeton University Business
SAR High School: 503 West 259th Street Riverdale, New York 10471 718-548-2727
Rabbi Tully Harcsztark, Principal Nancy Lerea, Associate Principal Dr. Rivka Press Schwartz, Associate Principal
Dr. Mark Shinar, Director of General Studies Lisa Schlaff, Director of Judaic Studies Rabbi Allan Houben, Assistant Principal
Its not just what you learn. Its who you become.
Jewish Standard JUNE 16, 2017 29
Jewish World
Ban the necessary majority did not plan to vote in its favor. The freedom to express a different opinion, different
from page 28 As a leading voice of the right, Bennett has been accused thought, requires protection, he said. The voices of
topics. But critics have been most troubled by the limitations of attempting to strengthen right-wing views in education. the minority are essential to scientific research, to art
it would impose on how lecturers talk about politics on the Israels government has sought to reshape various Israeli and the humanities and social sciences.
job prohibiting opining on political candidates, parties, or institutions in its image, leading some to accuse it of under- In an interview with the Israeli newspaper Yediot
a recognized public dispute, a broad phrase that could be mining democratic values. Acharonot, Tel Aviv University President Yossi Klafter,
applied to many issues in Israel. At the Cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Benjamin Netan- the chair of the Committee of University Heads, called
The code also would prohibit lecturers from calling for yahu said he was considering legislation that would limit the the new code of ethics fundamentally wrong and
or supporting academic boycotts against Israeli educa- ability of left-wing advocacy groups to appeal to the High driven by political interests. Klafter said it would be
tional institutions a tactic used by pro-Palestinian activ- Court of Justice a prominent right-wing bugbear. Ear- used by interest groups to clash with academic fac-
ists around the world. Academic institutions are encouraged lier this month, Culture Minister Miri Regev threatened to ulty members on a daily basis.
to establish a unit to monitor political activity on campus defund a major arts festival for including nudity, which she Politicians from the left and center-left sought to
and field complaints about lecturers from students. Lec- said threatened Israeli values. And since May, Justice Min- portray the code as part of a larger anti-democratic
turers found to be speaking about politics inappropriately ister Ayelet Shaked has held up the appointment of a new trend. In a Facebook post, Zionist Union lawmaker
could be disciplined. Supreme Court president in a reported bid for greater influ- Erel Margalit said it simply aimed to silence voices
Bennett plans to bring the code for approval to the Coun- ence over other nominees to the bench. and make lecturers afraid.
cil for Higher Education, the state body for making higher Israeli President Reuven Rivlin may have been referring No one believes this document is aimed at improv-
education policy that he heads. But Haaretz reported that to any of these developments in his speech at the Knesset. ing the academy or benefiting students, he said. This
is a struggle not just for academic freedom but for free-
dom in general.
Zehava Galon, who heads the left-wing Meretz party,
tweeted that it is a Bolshevik code that undermines
education for democracy and pluralism.
Kasher dismissed much of the criticism that his code
is political. He said he was inspired in part by policies
of the Association of American University Professors,
which has maintained for a long time that teachers
are entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing
their subject, but they should be careful not to intro-
duce into their teaching controversial matter which
has no relation to their subject.
But AAUP is a professional group, not a state one. In
addition, it supports political activism by faculty out-
side the classroom, and discussion of controversial
material in the classroom, so long as it fosters genu-
ine debate and learning that is germane to the subject
matter of a course.
One university head who was not included in the
statement issued by his eight counterparts is defend-
ing the draft code.
Yigal Cohen Orgad, a former Knesset member from
the right-wing Herut party and the chancellor of Ariel
University in the West Bank, has not been accepted
as a member of the Committee of University Heads.
The committee publicly opposed Ariels successful but
top settler leader spoke out on
Monday against annexing the
West Bank, warning it could lead
to a system of apartheid.
The one-state solution has very difficult
questions that we need to be aware of and
we need to be willing to answer, said Oded
Revivi, the chief foreign envoy of the pro-
settlements Yesha Council.
I cant see in the modern world having
an apartheid state, he told the Times of
Israel on the sidelines of the Haaretz Peace
Conference in Tel Aviv. And if that means
giving equal rights to all the Arabs who live
between the Jordan [River] and the [Medi- Oded Revivi COURTESY OF AVI HYMAN COMMUNICATIONS Bezelel Smotrich WIKIPEDIA
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n 2 The Valley Chabad Womens Circle gathered to mark the shloshim the
conclusion of the 30-day mourning period for Leslie Rubel-Shinrod, a
Woodcliff Lake mom whose seventh grader attends Valley Chabad Hebrew
School. Seventy-five women came to the shloshim, at a private home in
3 Woodcliff Lake. Guest speaker Shimona Tzukernik discussed Faith Under
Fire How Do We Maintain Faith in the Face of Adversity and Realize
the Power of Our Minds in Shaping Our Lives? COURTESY VALLEY CHABAD
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DAILY LIFESTYLE ACTIVITIES TO ENRICH MIND, BODY & SPIRIT 168 RED SCHOOLHOUSE RD. National Council of Jewish Women volunteers celebrate the start of the
RN DIRECTOR OF WELLNESS PROGRAM CHESTNUT RIDGE, NY 10977 summer at Coney Island Day at the Jewish Home at Rockleigh.
NCJW brings boardwalk indoors
Come Fe
O Wm
The National Council of Jewish Women one resident, her arms filled with stuffed
Bergen County Section helped to make animals. She has 22 grandkids who will
a special day for the residents of the Jew- love them!
ish Home at Rockleigh at their annual The National Council of Jewish Women
VISIT US ON THE WEB AT PROMENADESENIOR.COM Coney Island Day on Monday, May 22. is a grassroots organization of volunteers
Ten NCJW volunteers ran the Carnival and advocates who turn progressive ide-
Games and helped the residents enjoy als into action. Inspired by Jewish values,
the event. The roulette and horse racing NCJW strives for social justice by improv-
Wishing you a
Wishing you a
games were the residents favorites and
everyone went away with prizes. There
will be a lot of happy grandkids, said
ing the quality of life for women, chil-
dren, and families and by safeguarding
individual rights and freedoms.
Happy Passover
Happy Passover
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Healthy Living & Adult Lifestyles
An elderly driver is tested for reaction time as part of the Jewish Homes assessment program. Richard S. Gertler, DMD, FAGD
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t seems like were living through historic times. o leak or not to leak. fake revelations about Mrs. Clinton turned off many of
This presidency, no matter what you think of That is the question apparently facing an inor- her would-be voters. However, she did win the popular
it (and no, were not going to do that again we dinate number of people in Washington these vote by a hefty margin of 3 million votes. Her loss thus
all know what each of us thinks of it) is unusual. days. This especially seems to be the case within properly could be attributed to poor campaign strategy,
Whether or not you think that the norms should be the various agencies that guard our national security. The which ignored several crucial states she needed to win
broken, it is hard to deny that they are falling like ply- leaks, however, also seem to be coming from within the in the Electoral College.
wood dominoes hit by a lead wrecking ball. White House and Congress. Anecdotal evidence, at least, Circling around the question of Russian interference is
So its instructive to think that 50 years ago, all suggests that the first six months of the Trump presidency the second question, the why of that interference. Was it
sorts of other norms were being broken, all at the has seen more leaks than any previous start-up presidency just another attempt by Russia to destabilize the worlds
same time. in recent memory. greatest democracy at its heart the election process?
It is an odd but true fact that the Six-Day War and So far, only one leaker has been identified and arrested. Or was it an attempt to put into the White House an
the reunification of Jerusalem the wild emotions It is alleged that a 25-year-old Georgia woman, Reality administration that would put Russian interests ahead
unleashed by that fact and crystallized by that pic- Leigh Winner, leaked a highly classified National Security of American ones?
ture (everyone knows THAT picture) happened just Agency report that concluded that Russian military intelli- A case in point is NATO. Vladimir Putin has declared
a month after the Beatles released Sgt. Peppers gence hackers did manage to break into some publicly that NATO is an ever-growing
Lonely Hearts Club Band, and another part of the voter records last year. threat to Russias security. The collapse of
world changed. Another leaker of sorts, by his own admis- NATO thus is a high Russian priority.
Maybe babies born this very month wont be able sion, is former FBI Director James Comey Until noon on January 20, standing in
to sing just about all the music from that album cer- of sorts because Comey caused non-classi- Russias way if it might try to eliminate
tainly they cant yet, but who knows what will be in fied memos he wrote himself to be leaked to this claimed threat was NATOs number
another few years but most of the rest of us can. a news outlet. He wrote them, they were not one supporter, the United States. Now, the
It was the Summer of Love; it was the summer of classified, and he no longer was a government United States is seen as a potentially desta-
the riots in Newark that upended that city and sent employee when they were leaked. bilizing influence inside NATO. For his part,
the remnants of the Jewish community there fleeing That being said, how would Jewish law view President Trump also has been unwilling to
to the suburbs, where many of them and their chil- the leaks and the leakers? Shammai offer any serious criticism of Putin or Rus-
dren live today. The question is not answered so easily. The Engelmayer sia, although others in his administration
It was, to quote from an entirely different time and fact of a leak itself is not the determining fac- have done so.
place, the best of times and the worst of times. tor. Many other issues are involved. Among Trumps attitude toward Russia and his
We dont know what will happen this summer. them are the circumstances that surrounded or encour- tepid views about Putin appear to be behind the flood of
Its already getting hot and humid; the season still is aged the leaks, whether theft of any kind was involved, leaks from the security agencies, and notably the FBI, the
new its not even summer officially yet, although whether the leaks were meant for personal gain, and CIA, and, most tellingly, the NSA itself. The fear seems to
Memorial Day has come and gone, so were in that whether the leaks violate any of the nuanced variables be that Russia has a pipeline into the White House that
odd neither-here-nor-there time and there hasnt attached to the laws of bad speech (lashon hara). there are one or more people there who are in Russias
been time for the deep lush greens to dry and In almost every instance, the overwhelming majority of pocket and capable of influencing the president of the
brown. There are no splotches on lawns yet. Every- leaks since January 20 have centered around the broad United States.
thing is verdant and lovely. issues of national security and U.S. international interests. There simply is too much smoke for the leakers, none of
Politically, thats not so true. Its really hot out Narrowly defined, they involve two questions: whom seem motivated by personal gain, to ignore. (The
already. Accusations of lying are flying back and forth; The first question is whether Russia in any way inter- media does not pay leakers, and they potentially could
most of us, entrenched in our positions, know who fered with and thereby changed the outcome of the 2016 serve time in federal prison if caught.)
we trust and who we do not trust. national election. It is almost universally accepted outside That brings us to Jewish law, which almost never is black
So heres hoping that this summer, 50 years on the Trump White House that Russia did interfere with the and white.
from Sgt. Pepper and the reunification of Jerusalem, election, and in a big way. One area of Jewish law is gneivat da-at, the theft of knowl-
that something good happens. That we can remember Whether that interference brought about a Trump vic- edge. The law is most often applied in financial matters. Mis-
it not for pending disaster but for something better. tory would require getting into the head of every person leading advertising or misinformation campaigns (some-
Its hard to imagine what that better thing might be, who voted for Donald Trump, or who voted for neither thing of which the Russians are guilty) qualify. However, it
but theres time yet. Trump nor Hillary Clinton. That is impossible. A convinc- also applies to stealing intellectual property. The materials
The Who, it turns out (thank you, my good ing circumstantial case can be made that the flood of being leaked are classified reports prepared by individuals
friend Google) recorded their version of Summer- for their employer, the United States Government. It is the
time Blues in 1967. Lets hope, in this season of Shammai Engelmayer is rabbi of Temple Israel Community governments intellectual property.
vibrant green, that there is, somehow, some cure Center | Congregation Heichal Yisrael in Cliffside Park and The way to avoid gneivat da-at in intellectual property
for those blues. JP Temple Beth El of North Bergen. matters is to properly cite the source of the information
Jewish Editor
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very so often my wife hears about the latest
hot show trending on Netflix, and somehow
we find the few hours we need on a weekend
to binge-watch over Shabbat leftovers. Our lat- I believe that parents
est Saturday evening interlude, however, took on a more
f being revealed, as long as the information itself is in the serious nature. Between the five children whom we are should see the mini-
r public domain. In the case of leaks, the source (a govern- blessed to raise, and my wifes interactions with children series as a wake-up
ment report of some kind) is revealed, but the material through her longtime position with the New York City
, is classified. Even citing the source, therefore, does not Department of Education, we heard many parental con- call. Its a way to enter
n cleanse the act of gneivat da-at. cerns about a new mini-series, called 13 Reasons Why. into dialogue with
On the other hand, there is the overarching ques- The show demonstrates the devastating impact bully-
tion of the need to know. Is the material being kept ing can have on a child by telling a teenage girls harrow- their own children.
t secret something the people need to know? It can ing story of victimization, which led to her tragic suicide.
be argued, quite convincingly, that the people have Along with her surviving peers, viewers listen to the 13 talking to them about the beauty of all within our midst,
? a need to know anything that could damage their recorded cassette tapes that she left behind, detailing her and the various customs and ways of life within our com-
national security. version of incidents that crippled her psyche so severely munity? Or are we poking seemingly innocuous fun at the
Because protection of life overrides nearly all other that they led her to take her own life. differences between Sephardim and Ashkenazim, and still
commandments, and potential threats to national secu- The shows concluding episode contains a copycat referring to each other, as we did 25 years ago in Brook-
rity inevitably lead to protection of life, the need to suicide attempt by one of her peers, who has listened to lyn, where I grew up around SYs and JDUBs? Are we, in
g these tapes. As a result, there is obvious com- the comfort of our own homes, still referring
f munal concern about potential unintended to former chasidim as Tuna Bagels and the
consequences resulting from sensitive kids Yeshiva world as Oreos? Are we discount-
misinterpreting the mini-series real goal, ing individuals for a minyan because we
It can be argued, quite and possibly seeing suicide as an option, a dont agree with the kind of yarmulke they
r way to escape the tortures of being bullied. wear (as happened to my own father not too
convincingly, that the However, from my years being a part of far from my childhood home)? Are we not
- people have a need to the Simon Wiesenthal Centers bullying pre- remembering that when the Nazis came to
, vention programs, I believe that parents our familys doors, they didnt care about
know anything that should see the mini-series as a wake-up call. anyones level of religious observance, finan-
- could damage their Its a way to enter into dialogue with their Michael cial position, or any other attribute that sep-
n own children. Cohen arates us. They recognized us as one people,
national security. The Simon Wiesenthal Center first opened one nation, one unified entity, to be driven
our Museum of Tolerance in 1993. In addi- off of the face of the earth.
f know would seem to override theft of knowledge. tion to teaching the lessons of the Shoah, we also deal with 13 Reasons Why should stand as a reminder of the
Take Comeys motive, for example, even though his contemporary issues anti-Semitism, hate, terrorism, complexities that our next generation faces. A gen-
leaking probably did not violate any law. He leaked and bullying. We built the museum because we know that eration ago, the school bell produced a much-needed
t his memos to influence the appointment of a special tolerance and respect are not automatically embedded reprieve for victims of bullying. In the world of social
prosecutor who would be independent of the admin- within us, but must be taught and experienced. media, it simply no longer marks that reprieve. Nights,
istration, and who would be charged with the task of Now also would be a good time to recognize and deal weekends it makes no difference. In todays world,
getting to the whole truth about Russia, its interfer- with bullying in our own ranks, albeit perhaps in a differ- we have to deal with YouTube, Facebook, and so many
f ence in our last election, and its possible ties to Trump ent form. other online platforms. At a time when the world is at its
and/or some of his associates. This motive is illustra- I went to a mainstream yeshiva and remember coming smallest, we must be as aware as possible of it.
tive of the motives of other leakers, including Reality home to my father in what likely was first grade, crying When we talk about the need to combat the rising
Leigh Winner. that my classmates said I wasnt kosher. Why? Because I levels of anti-Semitism and hate, let us all better under-
k Then there are the bad speech elements. Many of was short, I was a shrimp. It might sound ridiculous now stand the role of tolerance in that equation. It matters
the leaks involve such people as Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn it didnt to a six-year-old. both in the way we treat the outside world and in the
- (ret.), President Trumps fired national security adviser, In the past presidential campaign, I listened to middle way we treat each other. Let us not be fearful of the
- and Jared Kushner, Trumps son-in-law and senior school and high school students bullying each other in the realities brought to the fore in 13 Reasons Why, but
- adviser, among other Trump associates. Lashon hara back of our synagogues and around my own Shabbat table rather let us face that which needs to be faced and bet-
t makes no distinction between truth and falsehood. It is because they were either liberal nuts supporting a crook ter understand that which we will need to perpetually
as much lashon hara to tell Reuven a truth about Shi- or bigots supporting a harasser of women. These argu- examine.
mon that Shimon has no need to know, as it is to tell ments and behaviors obviously came from their parents,
Reuven a lie about Shimon. who, as is demonstrated in 13 Reasons Why, simply fail Michael Cohen of Englewood is the eastern regional
In the end, how Jewish law should judge the leaks and to notice the trickle-down effects of their actions. director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. He represents his
y the leakers must depend on what we finally learn about Are we in the Jewish world doing enough to teach tol- citys Second Ward on Englewoods City Council, and he
the underlying issues. erance and understanding to our own children? Are we belongs to Congregation Ahavath Torah there.
ears ago, a boss of mine assem- leadership capacities of young Jews to landsc ape. Thi s theme beyond. Just as we close
bled a large group of employees ensure a more vibrant, diverse, inclusive, served as an important one book and start anew,
and challenged us with one sen- and dynamic Jewish future. For exam- reminder of our role as we strive for interconnect-
tence made up of 10 two-letter ple, in addition to Foundation for Jew- ambassadors and commu- edness between all of our
words: If it is to be, it is up to me. ish Camp, participants range from Hil- nicators. Much has been work. The theme, Chang-
To be sure, I fully understand and lel International to Birthright Israel, JDC written in the last year ing the Frame, reminds
appreciate the role and responsibility we Entwine to Repair the World, and BBYO about the echo chambers in us of our roles and respon-
have as individual contributors. Each one to Moishe House, among others. We are which we operate. How can sibilities. As individuals
of us can make an important contribu- all deeply connected to Israel, and we are we effectively change this and as leaders, we have
tion and a meaningful difference indeed. all committed to making the world a bet- dynamic? As a community, Jeremy J. to be open, welcoming,
But I never really have been an individ- ter place. how can we encourage seri- Fingerman and inclusive of ideas and
ualist. I much prefer playing on a team. This Tzimtzum Forum derives its ous and meaningful conver- diverse points of view, affil-
My example and inspiration for leader- name from the kabbalistic concept that sations, conducted in a civil iations, and backgrounds.
ship comes directly from our own Jewish God steps back or contracts to create and inclusive way? We engaged in highly None of us will ultimately be success-
tradition and perhaps is summed up best space for a dynamic partnership and a interactive workshops to help each other ful by working alone. We must work
in three Hebrew words chazak, chazak, thriving relationship with human beings consider these topics on an individual, together to strengthen one another.
vnitchazaik in the work of creation. Tzimtzum con- organizational, and communal level. And so, back to the lesson from many
I always have loved the image, which notes the powerful essence of collabora- While each one of us has to be strong, moons ago, I would modify slightly but
repeats five times a year in Ashkenazic tive work in every enterprise, beginning our power as a Jewish community comes materially the sentence composed of
synagogues all across the world. As we with the creation of the world and con- when we work together. We need Jewish ten, two-letter words: If it is to be, it is
conclude the reading of each book of tinuing to this day. camps, BBYO, other youth movements, up to we.
the Torah, the entire congregation rises Spending quality time with colleagues, and teen experiences all to be strong We are all in this together. How much
and declares in unison Chazak. Chazak. removed from daily office pressures, if we are to inspire and motivate high more we accomplish when we come
Vnitchazaik. Be strong. Be strong. And provides space to share and compare, school graduates as they depart for col- together to work collaboratively to
we will strengthen one another. to consider and contemplate, and to be lege campuses. And we need all those achieve our common communal goals.
This valuable lesson was reinforced for inspired and challenged. I highly value who work on college campuses to be Chazak.
me this past week, when I participated this opportunity each year to learn from strong to stimulate and empower those
in the Tzimtzum Executive Forum, an each other and to grow stronger together. graduates as they pursue their own post- Jeremy J. Fingerman is the CEO of the
annual convening by the Schusterman This year, the Schusterman team pro- collegiate journeys. Foundation for Jewish Camp. He lives
Foundation of the CEOs of some of its vided a stimulating theme for Chang- By bringing us together each year, in Englewood with his family; he is vice
key grantee partners. Each organization ing the Frame based on the challenges the Schusterman Foundation leads by president of Congregation Ahavath
embodies the Schustermans commit- we all are confronting with communicat- example, with broad application for Torah there. Contact him at Jeremy@
ment to strengthening the identities and ing in todays rapidly changing media our entire Jewish community and far
he Jewish Federation of North- funding and communal investment. Thats the regional council model a federations board of gover-
ern New Jersey is working with the Hudson Regional Jewish Council. has the potential to show nors and professional leader-
the lower Hudson County Jew- From the Hudson Night Out, the kick-off local Jewish communal stake- ship been as foresighted, col-
ish community to create a new program of the Hudson Regional Jewish holders a responsive and local laborative, and creative in its
commonsense model of Jewish organiza- Council, to the councils regular monthly avenue for fundraising and forward thinking.
tional and communal giving and living. meetings, JFNNJ has made clear not only building Jewish community By engaging this devo-
The federation incorporated lower its commitment to the local Jewish com- that is an integrated function lution of authorit y and
Hudson thats Bayonne, Jersey City, munity but also to experimenting with of a Jewish federation. responsibility to the Hudson
and Hoboken into its area of opera- new forms and methodologies. The larger The top-down traditional Regional Jewish Council as an
tions because it realizes both the amaz- Jewish federation system is under threat approach of mainstream Joshua independent subsidiary, the
ing communal growth these communities from both a declining organizational Jewish organizations and Sotomayor- Jewish Federation of North-
are experiencing and that they are set to affiliation in the Jewish community and charities is, if not dying, Einstein ern New Jersey has shown its
continue to grow. More and more Jews from the desire of the systems remaining then in intensive care. Stand- commitment to an organic
are moving from New York City and the donors to direct their donations into spe- alone fundraising projects and bright Jewish future that
suburbs into the unique cultural milieu cific programs and projects rather than and programs have been all the rage, and federations across the country will learn
that these cities offer, and each year more into more general funds. many umbrella organizations, including from and come to adopt.
of them are settling down and raising JFNNJ has taken the lead in showing that Jewish federations, have stuck one foot
families. there is another way. Working with the Hud- into this new world by facilitating dedi- Joshua Sotomayor-Einstein is chairman of
Rather than just barging in and annexing son County Jewish community, it is making cated fundraising to the many amazing the Hudson County Young Republicans, a
the area, JFNNJ worked with local leaders clear that devolving powers and authority community-building and lifesaving proj- member of the Hudson County Regional
in a consultative process that resulted in a in other words, home rule is the way ects it supports and engages in. JFNNJs Council of the Jewish Federation of Northern
modern approach to facilitate the expan- to grow the communal infrastructure and approach to extending and adapting itself New Jersey, and a former contributor to
sion. It created a devolved and decentral- build a bright local Jewish future. Together to a new area, however, is unique in the Originally from Teaneck, he
ized board that exercises local control over with the JFNNJ and in fact as part of it Jewish federation world. Nowhere else has has lived in Hoboken for a decade.
A plea to forgive the spies used universally to determine the strengths and
The time to press the rest button on the millen- weaknesses of the enemy and retrieve essential
nia of heaping blame and outrage against the intelligence. It was essential to provide the Israel-
majority of the spies sent by Moses (on a mission ites with basic intelligence before they marched
to scout out the land of Canaan) as described in westward unknowingly into harms way.
the parasha of Shelach (which we read this year Further, it was God himself who commanded
on June 17) is long overdue. Moses to send the spies into Canaan. Send thou
To quickly summarize, Moses sent 12 spies, men that they may spy out the land of Canaan
at Gods command, to scout out the land of (Numbers 13:2).
Canaan before a military incursion. This inci- Perhaps most important of all, the unmitigated
dent occurred at a point when Israel was poised and widespread criticism of the spies ignores the
on the doorstep, just across the Jordan River, basic fact that they were right all along. The time
and were nearly ready to assume sovereignty of just was not right for an Israelite military incur-
the Promised Land. As instructed by Moses, the sion, as further borne out by the later events
spies stealthfully crossed over to Canaan. described below.
When the men returned to the camp it was Strangely, the clear evidence upholding the
with a mixed report, acknowledging the lands accuracy of the spies report has been all but
beauty and fertility, its ability to produce bounti- ignored and nearly lost in the onslaught of the
ful fruits and produce, but also adding a disheart- conventional and all-too-easy criticism of the President Donald Trump meets with the Emir of Qatar Sheikh, Tamim bin
ening note. They said that the inhabitants were spies evil report (except of course the contrar- Hamad Al Thani, in Saudi Arabia on May 21. SHEALAH CRAIGHEAD/WHITE HOUSE
fierce and the cities were fortified and very ian reports of both Joshua and Caleb).
great. They concluded that we are not able to For further proof of the merit of the spies dis-
go up against them, for they are greater than we
are, famously adding that we were like grass-
couraging report, especially that it was the wrong
time for any military incursions, we need look
Our friends in the Gulf
hoppers in their eyes. (See Numbers 13:28-33.) no further than the middle of Shelach, which
Only the encouraging reports of two of the describes a renegade band of Israelites who took amal Abdel Nasser and and Turkey to get to Europe and the
spies, Joshua and Caleb, stood in stark opposi- it upon themselves to ignore the spies warning Osama bin Laden must be Atlantic seaboard.
tion to the accounts given by the other 10 mem- (and even Moses warning) and take part in their turning in their graves. Lest I sound sympathetic to the
bers of the group. own unblessed military advance into Canaan. The decision by Saudi Qataris, let me make it clear that Im
Yes, the spies majority report was morale- Unfortunately, that ill-time incursion had disas- Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emir- not. Quite the reverse; on an admit-
drained, and it was not what Moses (or God, trous results for those Israelites involved. They ates, and Bahrain to sever links with tedly base level, Im pleased to see
for that matter) wanted to hear. As a result of were vanquished, proving to be no match for Qatar over its pro-Iranian foreign pol- Qatar is finally getting some comeup-
that report, the people were punished by God. the Canaanite and Amalekite alliance waiting for icy and deep ties to terrorism funding pance, not least because Ive written a
They had to wait a full 40 years, until a new them. (See Numbers 14:40-45.) would have been greeted with equal great deal about its shameful policies
generation arose, for Gods blessing to go forth Further, the merit of sending out spies to outrage by Nasser, the Egyptian dic- and practices in this column and for
into the Promised Land. Thats when Gods explore the layout of the land before engaging tator who personified Arab nation- other outlets.
promise to deliver the land to the nation of in what could be a disastrous military incursion alism at its height in the 1960s, and Like many other journalists, Ive
Israel was fulfilled. is underscored by the fact that in the haftarah bin Laden, the al-Qaeda written about the condi-
But the question remains was the spies ( Joshua 2:1-24), Joshua, some 39 years later, does leader who viewed tions of slavery endured
behavior so treacherous, so vile, that it merited the same thing. He sends out spies (including the global community by the thousands of
their near-universal condemnation? himself ) into Canaan before going into the land of Islam as an organic migrant workers who
This letter argues that it does not. Further, it is seeking military conquest. Unlike earlier, now whole locked in conflict labor in 100-degree heat
my view that the prevailing feeling against these the time is right. The people are a generation with the crusader West. on unsanitary, danger-
men is not only unwarranted by the facts, but away from a slave mentality. Indeed, its hard to ous construction sites,
it is grossly disproportionate to whatever their Parashat Shelach does say that the spies see how the diplomatic all so that the worlds
offense was. report caused extreme repercussions a huge crisis in the Arab world soccer apparatchiks
Firstly, the spies were not treacherous men panic, murmurings of rebellion, and all kinds could become more can sit in gleaming,
seeking purposely to foment rebellion or sabo- of mischief, all of which once again resulted in debasing, at least from Ben Cohen artificially cooled stadi-
tage Moses leadership. Not by a long shot. In the need for Moses heroic intercession by pray- the distinct vantage ums when Qatar hosts
fact, the men chosen to scout out the land were ing for the salvation of his people, and once points of Arab solidarity the 2022 FIFA World
described in the Torah as Naasim. They were again successfully stemming divine wrath and and global Islamism. In a week when Cup. Ive written about how Qatar
princely, one man one prince from each threatened retribution. Nowhere in Shelach is the world is marking the 50th anni- has lied about abolishing its kafala
tribe. (Numbers 13:2.) In fact, all 12 were in char- it written that any of those repercussions were versary of Israels victory during the system, through which these work-
acter the proverbial few good men. intended by the 10 spies. They delivered an inde- Six-Day War of June 1967 mourned ers are bonded to their employers,
The 12 therefore were seasoned and proven pendent report, as requested by Moses, based on in the Arab world as an unjust exten- when in fact it has made it even eas-
leaders of their people. They were not the type of their real perceptions, and arguably to protect sion of the Zionist occupation ier for employers to confiscate the
men who would be induced to change their spots their people from imminent military disaster. started in 1948 the apparent priority passports of these horribly abused
abruptly, and to wreak discord or sow seeds of Yes, the 10 men may have been spiritually for the leaders of key Arab countries migrants. Ive explained how lying is
unrest against Moses or God, for that matter. flawed people, but they were not detestable or is to punish a fellow Arab state. an official currency in Qatar, which
Their message was designed, in their eyes, to evil. The level of vitriol hurled against them is To make matters worse, Presi- finances its Al Jazeera broadcasting
protect the Israelites from what they perceived unwarranted and undeserved. It is time it is dent Donald Trump joined the cho- network to run a steady diet of fatu-
as a suicidal mission. past time to forgive the spies. rus against Qatars financial support ous conspiracy theories, hypocriti-
Furthermore, the spies were merely doing If Joseph was able to forgive his venge- for terrorism on Twitter only hours cal attacks on neighboring countries
their job. They did exactly as Moses asked, to ful brothers for their active and intentional after its four Arab adversaries with that would never be permitted upon
see the land, bring of its fruit, note whether the act of wrongdoing against him, which can be no sentimentality whatsoever shut Qatars own royal family, and whis-
people were strong or weak, few or many (Num- described, with a modern spin, as criminal kid- down their air, land, and sea connec- pering campaigns against opponents
bers 13:17-20). In other words, the true nature of napping, assault, and even attempted murder, tions with the emirate. As a result, like its recent anti-Semitic series on
the beast both environmental and human then certainly we finally can start embarking on planes departing from the airport the Zionist lobby dressed up as
were to be reported on by the spies. the road to forgiveness for the largely misun- in Doha the same airport lauded investigative journalism.
This strategy was deemed by Moses and derstood spies of Shelach. by Trump on the campaign trail as a Qatars support for Hamas, financ-
rightly so as essential information. As military Sam Z. Mallin model for Americas builders to fol- ing of BDS activities and anti-Zionist
intelligence it was a proper strategy, and it is still Teaneck low! now have to fly around Iran SEE FRIENDS PAGE 50
a nuclear deal with Iran would mean all of them dictatorships with appall- another major step backward when it
Friends any pressure on Qatar was limited. With ing human rights records, dismal levels comes to giving Arab states and Arab
Trump now in the White House, and with of public education, and media outlets leaders some legitimacy in the eyes of
propaganda in Europe and the United the Saudis jostling with Egyptians for first whose fabrications would have Trump their people. Such legitimacy comes from
States, and funneling of millions of dol- place in the burgeoning anti-Islamist/anti- tweeting 24/7 if he were an Arab leader. instituting democratic accountability, as
lars to the barbarians of Islamic State Iranian alliance with Washington, Qatar In the short term, this is the most prudent well as respect for basic human and labor
and jihadi groups in Syria are yet more suddenly looks much more vulnerable. path, as it presents a united front toward- rights, and greater tolerance for dissenting
reasons to hold back on any tears for its Since Arab royal families tend to prefer sthe Iranian regime and heralds the possi- speech, as part of the practice of govern-
privileged elite, stuck as they now are in a pragmatism over ideology, I wont be sur- bility of substantive peace between Israel ment in the region.
gilded cage. More importantly, millions of prised if the drama in the Gulf is resolved and the Arab Gulf states. After decades of corrupt and violent
people previously dazzled by Qatars rapa- through diplomacy though it seems hard But if we succeed in neutralizing the Ira- rule, the Arab world still is hostage to the
cious appetite in the worlds property and to conceive of that happening without sig- nian threat, a tall order in and of itself, will same fundamental conflicts that nurtured
financial markets are getting a rare glimpse nificant Qatari concessions on relations Americas pivotal role in such an alliance both Arabism and Islamism. That lasting
of the true nature of its rulers. with Iran and with Sunni Islamist organi- lead to political reforms among the allies reality, far more than Qatars temporary
The crisis has been long in the making. zations. As ever, there is a broader ques- themselves, so that relatively enlightened discomfort, is what defines the region
Four years ago, the Saudis led a group of tion about the state of the Arab world that Jordan becomes a preferred role model today and makes it so perilous. JNS.ORG
Arab states in withdrawing their ambassa- should trouble anyone especially the for the Arab peoples instead of brutalizing
dors from Doha because of Qatars gener- non-Arab peoples of the region, like the Egypt? Given the premium American pres- Ben Cohen writes a weekly column
ous support of the Muslim Brotherhood. Israelis and the Kurds, along with their idents from FDR to Trump have placed on Jewish affairs and Middle Eastern
But that initiative didnt lead to a change in friends in America who has an abiding upon their relationships with Sunni Arab politics. His work has been published in
Qatars position, because the ruling family strategic interest in this part of the globe. kings and dictators, we would be unwise Commentary, the New York Post, Haaretz,
knew that President Barack Obamas dis- At present, we are openly aligned with to bet on it. the Wall Street Journal, and many other
taste for the Saudis and desire to secure the Saudi-Egyptian bloc of Arab states In the last analysis, this represents publications.
At left, Members of Magen David Adom practice lifesaving techniques as part of their duties as Israels national disaster-relief organization. A helicopter and an
ambulance, right, are part of Magen David Adoms emergency response fleet.
Israel breakfast be sent to Israel and distributed. Who: Elie Y. Katz of Teaneck and his sister-in-law,
Jessica Katz of Passaic
FROM PAGE 15 Its important, Ms. Katz said, because when someone
creation in 2003. Ms. Katz and her friend Karen Thaler is dressed nicely, it gives them confidence, whether it is to What: Will host the first Breakfast for Israel
began Yad Leah by seeing a need and working to alleviate be successful at a job interview, or to help a teenager feel When: On Sunday, June 25, at 9:45 a.m.
it in one town in Israel. Now it has spread throughout the better about themselves. Where: At the Teaneck Jewish Center, 70 Sterling Place
country, serving more than 30 communities. Each school being honored has played different parts in
Why: To raise money for two Israeli organizations,
Ms. Thaler lives in Israel and saw the need for Yad Leah the two organizations. For example, Yeshivat Noam raised Magen David Adom and Yad Leah
firsthand. She began collecting clothing for donation. money for an MDA ambulance. Simone Tassler, a Frisch
Who will be there: Zev Brenner will be the master
Ms. Katzs work in the organization, however, began in senior from Paramus, worked in a more hands-on way.
of ceremonies; guest speakers will be Dani Dayan,
her kitchen, when she sorted through clothing that she She reached out to Yad Leah because, she said, I had a Israels consul general in New York, and New Jersey
received from donations from Americans. When she ran ton of free time because I just finished senior year, so my Lieutenant Governor (and Republican gubernatorial
out of space for those donations in her house, Yad Leah friends and I wanted to spend our time doing something candidate) Kim Guadagno. The school awards will
sought a bigger space. For the last two years, it has been productive. Frisch usually sends groups of kids to Yad be presented by Assemblyman Gary Schaer and
housed in a 6,000 square foot warehouse in Passaic. We Leah on Chesed Day and I had always heard about it, but Teanecks Mayor Mohammed Hameeduddin and
modeled the Yad Leah program after Pantry Packers in had never gone myself, so I was so happy to go. Councilman Mark Schwartz. The business award will
Israel, Ms. Katz said. It is a 90-minute experience, where The breakfast is celebrating the kids success and be presented to the IDT Corporation, which will be
represented by Shmuel Jonas.
volunteers learn about the organization and how it ben- encouraging future acts of chesed, Ms. Katz said. We also
efits the community. Then, they are hands-on participants hope this event will bring more recognition to the worthy For reservations: Go to;
reservation includes a raffle ticket for a $150 gift card
in sorting through the clothing and packaging it so it can organizations that need the support of the community.
to Nobu Wine & Grill
n the wake of the Leadership is not about engaging in a reconnaissance yet know, and how do we create opportunities for us to
2013 Pew Research mission from afar. Leadership requires countless, pains- become acquainted and familiar with them, while we
Center Portrait of taking hours of work on the ground, tremendous effort, work to integrate them further into the fabric of congre-
Jewish Americans, and a combination of thoughtful activities and visioning gational life?
a significant amount of from the sacred partnership of rabbis and lay leaders who Torah doesnt tell us that this task will be easy. In fact, just
conversation in the Jewish are willing to be the eyes and ears of the congregation. the opposite. Moses tells the spies take pains to bring back
community has focused Leadership requires that we ask deeper questions of some fruit of the land, but the Hebrew renders this senti-
on how to strengthen and ourselves and our communities, and that we continu- ment differently, using the word vhitchazaktem meaning,
maintain the vibrancy of ally listen to and respond to the needs of the people we strengthen yourselves. When our synagogues continue to
our synagogues. In Ber- Rabbi Paul represent and are called to serve. We cannot merely ask, engage deeply in the hard work of knowing the well-
gen County, we have seen Jacobson Where does our membership stand? Rather, we should being of all of our constituents, then we will strengthen
a decrease in the number Temple Avodat ask, in line with Sfornos thinking, How many people ourselves, and then, our synagogues will help guide us on
Shalom, River
of synagogues in the past Edge, Reform are on our roster and in our membership that we dont our journey toward the elusive Promised Land.
fifteen years, so the ques-
tion of synagogue survival
in our region is very real indeed.
Parashat Shelach Lecha yields some clever per-
spective on this subject. Moses sends men to perform
reconnaissance on the land of Canaan. Moses sends
twelve men on a mission instructing them to Go up
there into the Negev and on into the hill country, and
see what kind of country it is. Are the people who
dwell in it strong or weak, few or many? Is the coun-
try in which they dwell good or bad? Are the towns
they live in open or fortified? Is the soil rich or poor?
Is it wooded or not? And take pains to bring back some
fruit of the land (Numbers 13:17-20).
A variation on these kinds of questions arises in syn-
agogues all the time. Leadership both rabbinic and
lay is often focused with quantitative matters. Whats
our membership? How many people are attending ser-
vices, classes, religious school, and programs? Is every
demographic in the synagogue being provided with a
means for Jewish expression?How are our finances?
Are we projecting a surplus or a deficit? Where is it
necessary for us to cut costs?
These questions are similar to Moses asking the
spies to determine, whether the people who dwell
there are few or numerous. We need concrete data,
specific details, to understand how the business
of our synagogue is functioning, or in some cases,
not functioning.
But 16th century Italian commentator Ovadiah
Sforno offers a different perspective. He writes that
the spies have another purpose in their journey. They
should examine the land, To know (determine) if
the living conditions are good, as the wise men of
medicine have taught regarding the choice of resi-
dence, that one should observe the inhabitants of
the Land as to whether they are many or a few, for Vertu silk ties. Fine woven designer ties
a great number of people and their well-being (liter- in subtle textures and vibrant colors.
ally strength) indicates whether the climate and pro- Reg. $45 Sale $29.99 or 3 for $75.
duce of the Land are good, while the opposite denotes
the reverse (Sforno to Numbers 13:18, trans. Pelco-
vitz). Sfornos interpretation suggests that reconnais-
sance, leadership, and guiding the people toward the
Promised Land is about going deeper, learning more,
and gathering more information to understand what
the people are truly like.
Sfornos teaching can be applied, in a qualitative
way, to synagogue life today. Synagogue leadership MON.-THUR. 10AM-9PM FRI. 10AM-3PM
is not just about counting numbers, or people in the
pews, but is about understanding and appreciating the
well-being of those in attendance, or even the well-
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being of those who are not regularly in attendance.
sking people what they want I decided, once again, to ask him what
for a present is always tricky. he wanted.
That is why gift registries were Now, as some of you know, for the past
invented. Many, many years three years my dad hasnt been his usual
ago, on one pleasant afternoon, a distin- self. But we take it one day at a time, which
guished gentleman asked his distinguished is all you can do. And when I asked him
wife what she wanted for her birthday, the question about what he wanted, I just
and without missing a beat, she distin- expected the answer that I have been get-
guishably replied, This question again? If ting for the 40 or so years that I have been
you dont know what I want by now, you asking the question. But this year, when
will never know. Bye bye. I innocently asked, Hey dad, what do
The distinguished gentleman was so dis- you want for Fathers Day, his reply was,
traught that he decided to invent the gift What I want, you cannot get for me.
registry department, so that What? Had he finally real-
no man had to go through ized that I am never going
what he had gone through. to stop fighting with my
And now it is so easy! mother? (Sorry mom.) Had
Armed with our 20 percent he come to the depressing
off coupons, we head into realization that the doc-
Bed, Bath and Why-Is-There- tors just dont know what is
An-International-Food-Sec- wrong with him? This was
tion to buy gifts for engage- not the answer I wanted,
ments and weddings. Gift and my heart sank.
cards have become an easy Banji Umm, dad, what do Across Down
way to say, Wow, you really Ganchrow you mean by that? Very 1. Place for a priest but not a rabbi 1. Trees that were part of an Operation
7. Shofar source name in the 1982 Lebanon War
read the Torah well, go treat simple, my sweet father
10. Voice of Israel author 2. Hifsik!, to a sailor
yourself to something at replied. And he proceeded 14. Apprentice of The Donald, in a way 3. One that believes Ethiopia is the
Target! Find even babies have their to look through a pile of books and mag- 15. Before, to Burns or Lazarus Promised Land
own registry because you never know azines next to his beloved green chair 16. One who comes at the end of a bar 4. Like many a Jewish debate
which teething toy is the absolute right and pull out the familiar red soft-covered mitzvah, maybe 5. Actress Ione
17. Jezebel, e.g. 6. Hems partner
one. Gone is the fun of re-gifting that Whos Who in Baseball 2016 edition.
19. Salk had at least one good one 7. Alternative Drake song?
Mikasa vase that you got 30 years ago Now, for those of you who have no idea 20. First name in cosmetics 8. City directly south of Jerusalem
that came with the card from the origi- what this tome is, it is the official lifetime 21. Attempt to win an antique siddur 9. Moses and Aaron, e.g.
nal gifter. (True story we got a present records of major league players. There on Ebay 10. Son of Moses
that wished someone else a mazal tov. have been 101 editions of this gem pub- 22. Parsha with a mountain setting 11. Torquemada, e.g.
23. Jazzman Getz 12. No I wont shed ___
Come on people, if you are going to re- lished since 1912. But this year is the last
24. Sons of Leah 13. What Shabbat does Friday afternoon
gift, at least take the time to write out a year for this baseball/literary master- 25. Chasidic men arent known to 18. Item written on Peres on September
new card!) My fondest re-gifting memory piece. They are no longer publishing it. use them 30, 2016
is the picture frame that I received in a 26. Sadducees, for one 22. Tefillin or tallit item
Gap box for a graduation present. Gap 28. Kelloggs mascot who might have 24. The Ramban, e.g.
does not make picture frames, so being Gift cards had ancestors in the second plague
29. Williams in Spielbergs Poltergeist
25. Jamming (with Gene Simmons or
C Lanzbom)
true to my snarky personality (even all
of those years ago), the thank-you note
have become 32. ___ Tzuba (amusement park 27. Yadda, yadda, yadda
an easy way
near Jerusalem) 28. What some believe Ashers daughter
read, Thank you so very much for the 33. Ian Kinsler hopes to get a lot Serah never did
incredible Gap picture frame! What can
you do? If the giver of that gift is reading
to say, Wow, of them
36. Kosher palindrome
29. El Al craft
30. Have to pay back a gemach
this, now you know that I knew. You are you really 37. ?????
40. 6 or 60 in Isr. , e.g.
31. Kafka and Wiesel have used them
(with The)
totally busted.
Since Fathers Day is approaching, I
read the 41. The Binding of Isaac, for Abraham
43. Steve Ballmers Clippers, on
32. Chain returning to Israel (in kosher
form), familiarly
decided to ask my father what he wanted Torah well. the scoreboard
44. Get an Israel Bond, e.g.
34. ___ Now or Never (Elvis)
35. Performance from Alex Clare
for a gift. Every year, I ask my dad what
46. Daughter or ancestor of David 38. Alt. abbr. used in crosswords
he wants for his birthday or Chanukah, My father has 62 issues. I asked him if he 48. Bent one for Aleinu 39. Haifa to Safed dir.
or whatever the celebration is, and his wrote a letter to the editor and he said 49. Emotional one who might lose it 42. Goliath, compared to the
response usually is I just want shalom that people have tried, but the publish- under a Chuppah other Philistines
bayit. (Which is code for Please stop ers feel that with all of the online acces- 51. Kvetch 45. Kosher meat thats tough to
52. Sad days in Av come by
fighting with your mother.) This always sibility to players stats and history, there
56. Reef ring 47. B, C or Brooks
works well for me because it means that is no longer a need for Whos Who in 57. Source of 45-Down 48. Critic/writer Pauline
whatever I get him, whether it be slippers Baseball. He is very sad, and it made me 58. Begets 49. Tower site
that look like moose heads, or a book, it sad that he is sad. Another classic exam- 59. Make like Ben Stein in Ferris 50. What to do on Yom Kippur
isnt what he really wants, so it is lose-lose ple of how people are being replaced Buellers Day Off 51. It can distract people praying
60. Haman and Hitler, e.g. 53. Sendler who rescued Warsaw chil-
all around. (Though he never ever makes by technology.
62. Makes havdalah, e.g. dren
me feel like he doesnt absolutely love I guess this year I really will have to stop 63. YU dorm authority figures: Abbr. 54. Milhouse and Screech, e.g.
whatever it is that I do get him, which is fighting with my mom. 64. Tone of 14-Across 55. Starts of Shabbat and
why he is my favorite parent. Shh, dont 65. ...___they be removed from your Simchat Torah?
tell my mom.) Banji Ganchrow has not given husband #1 heart. (Ethics of the Fathers) 57. ___ Torah (Rabbis sermon)
66. Last word of a hit by Billy Joel or 58. Notable Ford role
Shalom bayit is something you can- good presents in the past, even though she
Bruno Mars 60. First Temple ___
not buy. It is something that you can try thought he would like a mezuzah. This year, 67. Bridget ___ Diary (2001 hit 61. U.S. pres. during the Six Day War
to obtain, but that is for a different col- she is hoping he will be happy. If not, you for Miramax)
umn altogether. In any event, this year will all hear about it in her next column. The solution to last weeks puzzle is on page 59.
hat might it mean to file a
grievance against God?
For the ancient rabbis
who lived through the
destruction of the Second Temple and the
subsequent persecution at the hands of
foreign oppressors, this question became
the basis of a uniquely Jewish theology of
confronting the Divine over the incom-
prehensible injustices they experienced
in their world.
Professor Dov Weiss Pious Irrever-
ence: Confronting God in Rabbinic Juda-
ism traces this development from its tal-
mudic beginnings into medieval times,
focusing on a particular midrashic col-
lection, Tanhuma-Yelammedu, that until
recently has received little academic
Weiss demonstrates how these rab-
bis, perhaps aware of how radical their
ideas were, composed midrashic inter-
pretations that placed their arguments
into the mouths of Biblical heroes
instead of just saying them directly.
Audaciously, the rabbis sometimes put
responses into the mouth of God. Some-
times, and even more audaciously, the
rabbis imagine God conceding the argu- Professor Dov Weiss adds new context to the voices of ancient rabbis.
ment by admitting mistakes. In other
words, instead of fleshing out their theol- rock. Many medieval rabbis were stu- sense, and that the idealized being it tells
ogy and theodicy in abstract, philosophi- dents of neoclassical philosophy who us about doesnt resemble the biblical God
cal terms, the rabbis continued the bibli- developed the conception of the perfect, at all.
cal tradition of interacting with God as a immutable, and generally indescribable Weiss, though, does take these bibli-
character in an ever-developing narrative. God with which we are more familiar. cal and rabbinic texts at face value. It
At the same time, though, Weiss tracks That God, by definition, cannot have a turns out, then, that when they used
an opposing tradition that insisted, in cor- change of mind, nor can that God pos- God-language the rabbis really were try-
respondingly ever-harsher tones, that it is sibly make a mistake. ing to describe how the world felt to
heresy to deny that Gods outcomes reflect Those who take this approach gen- them. A narrative God, as opposed to a
infallible supreme justice. The most influ- erally do not take narrative descrip- philosophic God, was their way to create
ential proponent of this position was the tions of God at face value, understanding a framework for living life. In the words
famous Rabbi Akiva, who was executed before Me. Other traditions ascribe par- them instead as metaphors or allegories of Donald Harmarn Akenson as cited by
by the Romans in 135 CE and whose last ticular sins to Rabbi Akiva or his followers, for abstract philosophic concepts. Most of Hazony, the biblical God was, for the Isra-
words were a declaration of faith. The though it is hard to imagine they were, on Maimonides Guide for the Perplexed, for elites, an embodiment of what is, of real-
midrashic and liturgical accounts of his balance, worse than the Hadrianic per- example, is the decoding of scriptural and ity. Weiss tells us that the rabbis took a
martyrdom, including one that remains secutions that prompted the Bar Kokhba rabbinic narratives into the philosophical similar approach. Their God was how they
an emotional highlight of the Yom Kip- revolt in the first place. In either case, God language he was more comfortable with. focused prayers, gave thanks, expressed
pur service, emphasize the obligation to essentially is on the side of the Romans, This approach, essentially an attempt to wonder, articulated hopes and mourned
accept Gods verdicts as just, no matter the and against the Judean rebels. understand God in the context of objec- and voiced grievances.
circumstances. In contrast, a tradition within which the tive reality, is severely limited. As Yoram To many contemporary minds, this may
Weiss does not address the politics of rabbis challenge God also is a tradition Hazony wrote in 2012, Philosophers have be inconceivable because it implies that
these schools directly, but it is worth not- that refuses to accept the status quo. This spent many centuries trying to get Gods an entire school of classical rabbis did not
ing that the more infallible God is, the school of thought does not seek to under- supposed perfections to fit together in a necessarily believe in God in the sense of
more that God tends to uphold the sta- stand why the world is as it is, but spends coherent conception, and then trying to a distinct Being (or non-Being) with defin-
tus quo. For example, one rabbinic tradi- more of its efforts demanding that it be get that to fit with the Bible. By now its able attributes and ascribable actions.
tion describes Moses challenging God for something better. reasonably clear that this cant be done. Instead, it sounds very much like J. R. Tolk-
allowing Rabbi Akivas gruesome death As the rabbinic tradition developed into In fact, part of the reason God-bashers iens insightful description of his fantasies
and, more broadly, the failure of the Bar the Middle Ages, the notion of God mak- like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris are as True Myth, explaining that something
Kokhba revolt to which God unsatisfy- ing a mistake would have been just as so influential is their insistence that the could still be true, even if it never actually
ingly responds, So has it been decreed nonsensical as God creating an unliftable doctrine of Gods perfections makes no SEE PIOUS PAGE 59
bestselling author of Congregation Ohav Seniors meet to eat:
Holocaust survivors Jewish In America: The discussion is How
to Dance the Hora. 475
Zedek holds a couples Singles 65+ of the JCC
Living George Rockland meets for
sponsored by Jewish Washingtons Promise, Grove St. (201) 444-9320
Shabbaton weekend.
dinner at State Line
912 Avenue C. Email
Family & Childrens Services of 1 p.m. 354 Maitland or
Rabbi Abe Unger, Family Restaurant,
Northern New Jersey, funded in Ave. Refreshments. bayonnesynagogue@ 96 Route 303 South,
part by the Claims Conference (973) 530-3996 or
(201) 837-8157.
Thursday Tappan, N.Y., 6 p.m.
Individual checks. Gene,
and the Jewish Federation of JUNE 22 (845) 356-5525.
North Jersey, meets at the JCC The Torah: JCC of Fort Saturday
Lee/Gesher Shalom Networking in Fair JUNE 24
of Paramus/Congregation Beth hosts The Torah in Time: Lawn: The Jewish Thursday
Tikvah on Wednesday, June 21, at Middle Ages and Early Business Network meets
Shabbat in Bayonne: JUNE 22
Modernity, with visiting for breakfast at the Ives
11:30 a.m. Kosher lunch and music scholar Eitan Kastner for Architecture offices,
Temple Beth Am offers
Singles meet in NYC:
by Moshe Katzburg. East 304 the shuls CSI Scholar 8:30 a.m. 14-25 Plaza
services followed by
Join a LChaim singles
a potluck luncheon,
Midland Ave. For information, call Fund program, 8 p.m. Road, Suite S-3-5. www.
10:30 a.m. Reservations party with dinner,
1449 Anderson Ave.
Shari Brodsky at (201) 837-9090, (201) 947-1735. requested. 111 Avenue rap session, and
entertainment by singer/
ext. 237, or email her at sharib@ B. (201) 858-2020 or
templebethambayonne@ comedian Billy Feldman Tuesday at Jerusalem Caf, 6 p.m.
35 W. 36th St. Yaacov,
JUNE 20 (732) 536-4125 or
Sunday (732) 252-3671, Monday
Shabbat in Pompton Shabbat in Teaneck: JUNE 25 or Wednesday after
Lakes: Congregation Temple Emeth offers 7 p.m.
Beth Shalom offers an musical services with
improvisational and the Temple Emeth Band, Book discussion in
interactive service Cantor Ellen Tilem, and Paramus: The JCC of
as part of the shuls Rabbi Steven Sirbu, Paramus/Congregation
monthly Lab Shul 8 p.m. 1666 Windsor Book club in Pompton Beth Tikvah offers a
series of experimental Road. (201) 833-1322 or Lakes: Congregation discussion by Carolyn
davening with music, Beth Shalom meets to Kaufman on Shulem
8 p.m. 21 Passaic Ave. discuss The Bridal Chair Deens memoir, All
Rabbi David Bockman, by Gloria Goldreich, Who Go Do Not
Bockmonides@gmail. 7:30 p.m. 21 Passaic Ave. Return, 10:30 a.m.
com, (973) 835-4845 or Book discussion Bockmonides@gmail. 304 East Midland Ave. in Tenafly: REAP com, (973) 835-4845 or Light refreshments.
(Retired Executives (201) 262-7691 or www.
and Professionals) at
100 minutes of
The shul is at 1449 Anderson Ave. For information, call (201) 947-1735.
Golfers practice during a
Play Fore! the Kids outing. DEADLINE
Leon Savetsky
Leon B. Savetsky, 89, died June 7.
Deutsch and Jerry Zwerling, and a
brother, Robert Klein, she is survived
by daughters, Sandra Kennedy ( John)
He was a labor law attorney. and Debi Webb (Ron); stepchildren, BELOVED ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF SINAI
He is survived by his wife, Barbara, Marian Sugano (Tom), and David
children, Adam, Carla (Peter), and Zwerling; former stepdaughter-in-law
Jacqueline, and grandchildren, Karen; nieces and nephews, and four
Zevulon and Jonah. step-grandchildren. His deep love for each individual student
Donations can be made to Memorial Donations can be made to Homeside
Sloan Kettering. Arrangements were Hospice, Clark. and dedication to them all were unparalleled
by Robert Schoems Menorah Chapel, Arrangements were by Robert and his warm, encouraging smile unmatched.
Paramus. Schoems Menorah Chapel, Paramus.
Apartment for Sale/Rent
FT Lee, N.J.
employment to care for elderly, or companion. Live-in/out. Experi- MICHAELS CAR
live-in or through the night $10.00 ence over 10 years. Reliable, hon- Polish Women SERVICE
Unique 2 Bdrm, 2 FBths, many hr. I drive. 20 yrs exp. 201-741- est. Drives. Lt housekeeping &
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all rooms. Open kitchen w/gran- Homes Offices Manhattan/NYC
ite counters, new hardwood flrs. CHHA Certified Nurses Aide/Long
time care - 15 years experience
LICENSED & INSURED Loving aide seeks position to
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Experienced References School Transportation
Indoor parking. Move-in condi-
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I will sell for $11,200. references, reliable and dependa- Creative nanny -Experienced, dependa- skills and knowledge relevant Over 15 Years Experience
4 gravesites for $6,000 ble, live-out, own car, flexible ble, reliable, trustworthy, loving and and enriching for this stage of
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companion, nurses aide/care- intelligent 646-288-6906 place, this is a chance to make
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Situations Wanted Live-in/out. Reliable. Excellent ref-
social outings Professional, reliable, nurtur- a variety of topics and enjoy
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A responsible CHHA/CNA woman
looking to care for elderly. Live-in
201-838-4829 Downsize and mature. Live-in/out. Week- Meetings are the last Wednes- Painting
Coordinator ends/nights. Bonded! 862-763- day of the month at 5:30 pm,
or out. Reliable! Pleasant! Experi- COMPANION: Experienced, kind, 0780 Rudys Restaurant,
enced! References. Waiting for Assist w/shopping, Hackensack, N.J. Cost is $27.
your call 347-816-1363
trustworthy person seeking part
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Warm, loving, caring, experienced, ments; occasional sleepovers. 973- paperwork, chasing and marketing of diverse Natalie 201-265-2087
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Resolve medical buyer of toys, hobbies, hard goods Home Improvements 30 yrs. exp. Free est. Ins.
Antiques insurance claims and bulk toys. Honest, hard work- No job too small or too big
er. email:[email protected] lic. #13VH06003700
Ad of Brooklyn, said.
from page 56 Asked if the Forward would publish an advertisement from
Robert Cohn, former editor of the St. Louis Jewish Light supporters of an imprisoned killer who targeted members of
and co-chair of the American Jewish Press Associations Com- other groups, such as Dylann Roof (convicted of murder, he
mittee on Ethics and Professional Standards, said that if the killed nine people at the Emanuel African Episcopal Method-
question of the Barghouti ad was brought to our commit- ist Church in Charleston, South Carolina) or Jeremy Christian
tee, I might question the judgment of one who accepted such (who was arrested in the recent Oregon train killings), Fed-
an ad, but would not want to be in a position to censure the derson did not directly address the question, but said that the
publisher. If someone like [former Ku Klux Klan leader] David newspaper is dedicated to free speech within and beyond
Duke wanted to place an ad, I would consider that to be cross- the Jewish community and is also committed to equal
ing a line. advertising access.
Several other editors likewise raised the question of Barghouti, a leader of a terrorist organization, the Palestin-
whether the Forward would accept an advertisement from ian Fatah movements Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, was con-
other extremist groups. If you substitute any other minority victed in 2004 of masterminding the murders of Jerusalem
for Israel or Jews, I seriously doubt the Forward or another motorist Yula Hen; Father Georgios Tsibouktzakis, a Greek
Jewish periodical would publish an ad advocating their anni- Orthodox priest; and three Israelis who were killed in an
hilation or glorifying those who do, said Ed Weintrob, editor attack at Tel Avivs Seafood Market restaurant. He also was
and publisher of the Jewish Star of Long Island. found guilty of an attempted suicide bombing in Jerusalems
Would the Forward, in the interests of freedom of expres- Malha Mall. Barghouti did not contest the charges, but instead This portrait of Palestinian terrorist Marwan
sion, accept ads from white supremacists? To ask the question delivered a speech in court accusing the judges of being as bad Barghouti is on the security fence between Israel
is to answer it, Jason Maoz, senior editor of The Jewish Press as those who drop bombs on Palestinian children. JNS.ORG and the West Bank. Eman via Wikimedia Commons
HarrisonRand honored
HarrisonRand (HR), New Jerseys oldest and only third-
generation owned and operated advertising agency,
received seven awards at the NJ Advertising Clubs Annual
Jersey Awards last week. HR has met with continual suc-
cess in the statewide advertising competition, earning
peer recognition and over 150 total awards since the
agency re-launched in 2009.
Work for Shuster Developments Hamilton House and
The Oakman won multiple awards in the Out-Of-Home
608 N FOREST DRIVE $1,590,000 category. In the Digital category, work for the Jersey City
Custom Colonial set on park like. 6 acres in scenic Strand section of Teaneck. Gourmet kitchen with double appliances, Medical Center RWJBarnabas Health was recognized.
grand public rooms, full guest accommodations on first floor. Master suite has balcony overlooking inground pool and In the Social category, work for the 200 Club of Bergen
views of the Ramapo Mountains. County was honored. HR also won awards in the Collat-
eral category for work done on behalf of Connell Foley,
V&N Realty 1401 Palisade Avenue Teaneck, New Jersey 07666 201.692.3700 while in the Public Relations category, work done on
Miriam Lambert
At the meeting of the
Eastern Bergen County
Board of Realtors meet- Advantage Plus
ing on May 24 at Glen- FORMER NJ 601 S. Federal Hwy
pointe in Teaneck, Mir- RESIDENTS Boca Raton, FL 33432
d iam Lambert, broker
SERVING BOCA RATON, Elly & Ed Lepselter
r associate with Fried- AND SURROUNDING AREAS (561) 302-9374
h berg Properties, was
m presented with the dis-
tinguished Good Neigh-
bor Award. Miriams dil-
SPECIALIZING IN ACTIVE ADULT, COUNTRY CLUB Meticulously maintained 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath colonial features family room w/
r teer hours and those that want to give back to the BY APPOINTMENT
Newer listing in Teaneck. 3 BR Colonial, spacious rooms
s community. By helping these young people under- throughout, beautiful liv rm w fpl, good-sized fdr, lg eat-in
kitchen. Private setting near Votee Park, NYC bus, Houses of
n stand the importance of volunteering, she is instill- Worship. $369K.
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