Iq Eq CQ
Iq Eq CQ
Iq Eq CQ
As the entry-level IT jobs could be easily outsourced offshore, the demand for U.S. employees
who have high-level technical skills as well as competent management and communication skills
is growing among the U.S. companies. This article presents how IT educators can use a model of
integrating students intelligence quotient (IQ), emotion quotient (EQ), and creativity quotient
(CQ) as a foundation for designing integrated IT courses that would help students to achieve
synergistic transformational success and to meet market demand. First, the paper presents the
need for the IQ+EQ+CQ integration in the IT education and its theoretical foundations. Second,
the integrated 3Q model is introduced with examples of how to apply the model to designing and
delivering integrated IT courses. Third, empirical testing methods were presented. Finally, the
implications of this integrated 3Q model are discussed.
Keywords: CQ, EQ, IQ, integration, IT courses, synergistic transformational success, and
competitive advantage
With the advancement of the Internet and Web technologies, global communication and online
collaboration become more convenient and less expensive than ever before. This advancement
creates an opportunity for companies to maximize their shareholder value by minimizing costs
through outsourcing knowledge-based jobs such as online technical support, customer services,
and software programming around the world at lower prices, which was not possible before the
Internet era. A ComputerWorld report indicates that offshore outsourcing is so mainstream that
more than 80% of U.S. companies have been involved in high-level discussions about the
information technology (IT) offshore outsourcing and 40% companies have completed some
kind of pilot programs or been using near-shore or offshore IT services [17]. The IT outsourcing
has been broadened now to include farming out tasks, services, or functions, such as system
programming, application development, systems and application maintenance, network
management, end-user computer support, and technical support services, to venders or service
providers [15].
Coupled with the offshore outsourcing opportunity for U.S. companies, comes the threat of
losing jobs to U.S. IT professionals. The U.S. IT workers are now facing a situation similar to
that in the manufacturing industries, which have lost jobs over the past several decades, as
companies have either improved automation or moved manufacturing plants overseas for cheap
labor. A recent Gartner study predicts that as many as 50% of the IT operational jobs in the U.S.
could disappear over the next two decades because of advanced technologies and offshore
outsourcing [2, 18]. However, demands for employees who have IT architecture skills as well as
project management and communication skills are growing among U.S. companies. Many
technology executives want to hire entry-level IT employees who have current technical skills,
can communicate well, think critically, and work in a multicultural world [10, 18]. IT executives
and educators are warning that the U.S. isnt producing IT experts in quantity and quality that it
needs to remain the leader of the global IT market [19].
To meet the new demand from the U.S. IT industry, educators need to upgrade IT curricula. This
article presents how IT educators can use a model of integrating students IQ, EQ, and CQ as a
foundation for designing integrated IT courses. Such courses would enable students not only
learn IT knowledge and skills but also apply critical thinking, innovation, project management,
and communication skills to their hands-on real-world projects. In the following sections, I will
first present the need for integrating IQ, EQ, and CQ in the IT education. Second, I will illustrate
how to apply an integration model to designing and delivering integrated IT courses with
examples. Then, the methods for empirical testing of the model will be presented. Finally, I will
discuss the implications of this integrated 3Q model.
In the IT career hierarchy (see Figure 1), entry-level IT jobs have a higher need for technical
skills and lower need for management and communication skills. But as such entry-level jobs are
mostly outsourced overseas, now U.S. companies require U.S. IT students to possess a good
combination of skill sets in technology, innovation, management, and communication. Upon
graduation, our students should be competent in doing high-level work on IT architecture,
strategy, project management, business process innovation, systems integration, as well as
managing people and services around the globe through the use of IT [5, 14].
& Communication Skills
Need for Management
Project managers
Team leaders
Professional staff
EQ Success CQ
Empathy Curiosity
Leadership Brainstorming
Communication Commitment
Teamwork Innovativeness
Management Creative solution
them to hands-on learning activities and real-world projects, such as software engineering,
systems design, collaborative project management, report writing and oral presentations. These
continuous applications of the IQ+EQ+CQ integration would synergistically transform students
into well-rounded IT professionals, whom the U.S. companies need in order to maintain their
competitive advantages in the global IT market.
Next section will discuss through examples how to apply the model of the IQ+EQ+CQ
integration to designing and delivering integrated IT courses.
Figure 3 illustrates the model for designing and delivering integrated IT courses on the basis of
the IQ+EQ+CQ integration. This model can be applied to a series IT courses such as software
engineering, Web design and development, systems analysis and design, database design and
management, and information systems management, to name just a few.
Information Technology Course
IT Project Life Cycle and Management
Defining Planning Execution Delivery
Goals Schedules Progress reports Train customer
Specs Budgets Changes Transfer docs
Tasks Resources Quality Project
IQ+EQ+CQ Responsi- review
Risks Forecasts
Integration bilities Staffing
Empathy Curiosity
Leadership Brainstorming Build project team Collaborate teamwork Write final report
Communication Lead project activities Facilitate innovations Present oral report
Write project proposal Solve problems Offer workshop
Teamwork Innovativeness Present oral proposal Write progress reports Write Project
Management Creative solution review report
Communication Activities
For example, the Web design and development course requires students to learn (a) how to
design corporate Internet sites, intranets, and extranets; (b) how to select and install various
servers; (c) how to design and develop interactive, data-driven B2E, B2C, and B2B applications;
and (d) how to manage sever farms and security. Such learning activities require high intellectual
competence, creative thinking and innovative solutions, effective project management, and good
communication skills. By incorporating the model as shown in Figure 3 into the course design
and introducing students to how IT professionals have innovatively advanced Web technologies
and applications that are changing the way people live, study, work, and do business, the
instructor can inspire students in exploring their IQ, EQ, and CQ potentials early in the semester
for generating innovative ideas of new We applications.
Following the introduction stage, the instructor brings the project management and
communication activities (see Figure 3) to students and continues to nurture and mentor them in
applying their IQ, EQ, and CQ potentials to the hands-on learning projects. For instance,
mentoring students how to use personal software process (PSP) and team software process (TSP)
logs, how to work in virtual teams, and how to create reusable components for Web applications
would not only boost students productivity but also inspire them in brainstorming innovative
ideas or solutions and turning them into new Web applications.
Take the Information Systems Management (ISM) course as another example. This course
requires students to integrate their learning from management and communication courses into
IS management at both strategic and operational levels. Therefore, it is ideal to incorporate the
model of the IQ+EQ+CQ integration into the course design. To start with, the instructor needs to
present this model to students and explain how students could develop their IQ, EQ, and CQ
potentials in an integrated manner to transform themselves synergistically into well-rounded IT
professionals who are able to do high-level technical work as well as to manage people and
services around the globe through the use of IT.
When designing this integrated ISM course, the instructor can incorporate real-world cases and
projects into learning activities, which require students to practice (a) how to manage an IT
project from defining to planning, to execution, and to delivery; (b) how to build project teams,
lead project activities, run meetings, collaborate teamwork, facilitate innovations, solve
problems; and (c) how to write project proposal, progress report, final report, and deliver oral
presentations (see Figure 3).
To facilitate students to effectively and efficiently apply their skills of team building,
collaboration, communication, and innovative problem solving to the strategic and operational
management of information systems, the instructor needs to nurture students with inspirational
examples and guidelines. For instance, students are often inspired by the real-world cases of
innovative practices in IT management, such as total quality management, build to order, just-in-
time inventory, enterprise resource planning, supply chain management, and customer relation
management. Similarly, oral presentation guidelines and sample IT project proposals, progress
reports, and project reports would also assure students continuous improvement of professional
To test the impact of the model on student learning outcomes, instructors can employ either
quantitative or qualitative research methods according to their research objectives. For example,
an experimental study can be undertaken to test the model by using a control group design.
While the treatment group is taught through the implementation of the model, the controlled
group is not. By comparing the two groups performance outcomes, such as qualities of project
management, teamwork, creative solutions, oral and written reports, and software products, the
researchers can show how the differences indicate the efficacy of the model.
Qualitative case-study approach can also be used to examine in depth how students perform and
communicate during the implementation of the model. For instance, researchers can employ
Gardners seven-lever approach [8], which investigates how students behave in (a) reason, (b)
research, (c) resonance, (d) representational redescriptions, (e) resources and rewards, (f) real
world events, and (g) resistances, when they are motivated to apply their IQ, EQ, and CQ
potentials to hands-on learning activities and real-world projects.
Finally, instructors can also survey students to determine whether or not they believe that the
implementation of the model has prepared them well for the rigors of their IT career.
Applying the IQ+EQ+CQ integration model to designing and delivering integrated IT courses
would have the following pedagogical implications.
2. Bringing the IQ+EQ+CQ integration into classroom would not only inspire IT students
interest in exploring their potentials in these three domains but also help them realize the
great value of applying their IQ, EQ, and CQ potentials synergistically to advancing their
IT careers.
1. Baumgarner, J. (2003). 10 steps to a more creative office. Retrieved November 1, 2004, from
2. Carmel, E. & Agarwal, R. (Summer 2002). The maturation of offshore sourcing of
information technology work. MIS Quarterly Executive, (2),
3. Cooper, R. (1997) Executive EQ. New York: Grosset/Putnam.