Paris Agreement (Worldwide, 2015)

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Paris Agreement Your name


The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference took place in Paris, France, 30 Novem-
ber12 December 2015. The representatives of 196 countries attended. They negotiated the
final version of an international agreement to combat climate change. (A draft agreement had
been written a few weeks earlier at the Bonn Climate Change Conference, which was held 19
23 October 2015 in Germany.) This agreement came to be called simply the Paris Agreement.
Through the Paris Agreement, nations agreed to work to limit global rise in temperature
to 2C (3.6F) and to pursue additional efforts to limit temperature rise to 1.5C (2.7F). These
goals would be achieved as countries identified and set their own national targets for limit-
ing greenhouse gas emissions. These targets, called nationally determined contributions or
NDCs, are not recorded in the agreement, though Article 4, Paragraph 12 states that these
NDCs will be recorded in a public registry. There is no enforcement mechanism in the Paris
Agreement, and no means of penalizing a country that fails to meet its targets, though the
agreement states that nations should report on their progress toward meeting their NDCs
(see Article 13, Paragraph 7). Additionally, an assessment of international progress toward
achieving the goals established in the agreement is to take place every five years beginning
in 2023. The agreement calls this process a global stocktake (see Article 14).
On 22 April 2016 Earth Day the representatives of 174 nations signed the agreement
at United Nations Headquarters in New York. The agreement was to enter into force after
at least 55 countries responsible for at least 55% of global greenhouse gas emissions joined.
This was achieved and the agreement went into effect on 4 November 2016.

1 The Parties to this Agreement,

Being Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, hereinafter
referred to as the Convention,

Pursuant to the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action established by decision 1/CP.17 of the
5 Conference of the Parties to the Convention at its seventeenth session,

In pursuit of the objective of the Convention, and being guided by its principles, including the
principle of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in
the light of different national circumstances,

Recognizing the need for an effective and progressive response to the urgent threat of climate
10 change on the basis of the best available scientific knowledge,

Also recognizing the specific needs and special circumstances of developing country Parties, espe-
cially those that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, as provided
for in the Convention,
Taking full account of the specific needs and special situations of the least developed countries The Paris Agreement
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15 with regard to funding and transfer of technology,

Recognizing that Parties may be affected not only by climate change, but also by the impacts of
the measures taken in response to it,

Emphasizing the intrinsic relationship that climate change actions, responses and impacts have
with equitable access to sustainable development and eradication of poverty,

20 Recognizing the fundamental priority of safeguarding food security and ending hunger, and the
particular vulnerabilities of food production systems to the adverse impacts of climate change,

Taking into account the imperatives of a just transition of the workforce and the creation of de-
cent work and quality jobs in accordance with nationally defined development priorities,

Acknowledging that climate change is a common concern of humankind, Parties should, when
25 taking action to address climate change, respect, promote and consider their respective obliga-
tions on human rights, the right to health, the rights of indigenous peoples, local communities,
migrants, children, persons with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations and the right to
development, as well as gender equality, empowerment of women and intergenerational equity,

Recognizing the importance of the conservation and enhancement, as appropriate, of sinks and
30 reservoirs of the greenhouse gases referred to in the Convention,

Noting the importance of ensuring the integrity of all ecosystems, including oceans, and the
protection of biodiversity, recognized by some cultures as Mother Earth, and noting the impor-
tance for some of the concept of climate justice, when taking action to address climate change,

Affirming the importance of education, training, public awareness, public participation, public
35 access to information and cooperation at all levels on the matters addressed in this Agreement,

Recognizing the importance of the engagements of all levels of government and various actors, in
accordance with respective national legislations of Parties, in addressing climate change,

Also recognizing that sustainable lifestyles and sustainable patterns of consumption and produc-
tion, with developed country Parties taking the lead, play an important role in addressing cli-
40 mate change,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1

For the purpose of this Agreement, the def- 50 May 1992;

initions contained in Article 1 of the Con- (b) Conference of the Parties means
45 vention shall apply. In addition: the Conference of the Parties to the Con-
(a) Convention means the United vention;
Nations Framework Convention on Cli- (c) Party means a Party to this
mate Change, adopted in New York on 9 55 Agreement.
Article 2 perature goal set out in Article 2, Parties The Paris Agreement
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aim to reach global peaking of greenhouse
1. This Agreement, in enhancing the im- gas emissions as soon as possible, recogniz-
plementation of the Convention, including ing that peaking will take longer for devel-
60 its objective, aims to strengthen the global 110 oping country Parties, and to undertake
response to the threat of climate change, in rapid reductions thereafter in accordance
the context of sustainable development and with best available science, so as to achieve
efforts to eradicate poverty, including by: a balance between anthropogenic emis-
(a) Holding the increase in the global sions by sources and removals by sinks of
65 average temperature to well below 2 C 115 greenhouse gases in the second half of this
above pre-industrial levels and pursuing century, on the basis of equity, and in the
efforts to limit the temperature increase to context of sustainable development and ef-
1.5 C above pre-industrial levels, recog- forts to eradicate poverty.
nizing that this would significantly reduce
70 the risks and impacts of climate change; 120 2. Each Party shall prepare, communi-
(b) Increasing the ability to adapt to cate and maintain successive nationally
the adverse impacts of climate change and determined contributions that it intends to
foster climate resilience and low green- achieve. Parties shall pursue domestic miti-
house gas emissions development, in a gation measures, with the aim of achieving
75 manner that does not threaten food pro- 125 the objectives of such contributions.
duction; and
(c) Making finance flows consistent 3. Each Partys successive nationally de-
with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas termined contribution will represent a pro-
emissionsandclimate-resilientdevelopment. gression beyond the Partys then current
80 130 nationally determined contribution and re-
2. This Agreement will be implemented flect its highest possible ambition, reflect-
to reflect equity and the principle of com- ing its common but differentiated respon-
mon but differentiated responsibilities and sibilities and respective capabilities, in the
respective capabilities, in the light of differ- light of different national circumstances.
85 ent national circumstances. 135
4. Developed country Parties should
continue taking the lead by undertaking
Article 3 economy-wide absolute emission reduc-
tion targets. Developing country Parties
90 As nationally determined contributions to 140 should continue enhancing their mitiga-
the global response to climate change, all tion efforts, and are encouraged to move
Parties are to undertake and communicate over time towards economy-wide emission
ambitious efforts as defined in Articles 4, 7, reduction or limitation targets in the light
9, 10, 11 and 13 with the view to achieving of different national circumstances.
95 the purpose of this Agreement as set out 145
in Article 2. The efforts of all Parties will 5. Support shall be provided to develop-
represent a progression over time, while ing country Parties for the implementation
recognizing the need to support develop- of this Article, in accordance with Articles
ing country Parties for the effective imple- 9, 10 and 11, recognizing that enhanced
100 mentation of this Agreement. 150 support for developing country Parties will
allow for higher ambition in their actions.

Article 4 6. The least developed countries and

small island developing States may prepare
105 1. In order to achieve the long-term tem- 155 and communicate strategies, plans and ac-
tions for low greenhouse gas emissions de- mined contributions, Parties shall promote The Paris Agreement
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velopment reflecting their special circum- environmental integrity, transparency, ac-
stances. curacy, completeness, comparability and
consistency, and ensure the avoidance of
160 7. Mitigation co-benefits resulting from 210 double counting, in accordance with guid-
Parties adaptation actions and/or eco- ance adopted by the Conference of the Par-
nomic diversification plans can contribute ties serving as the meeting of the Parties to
to mitigation outcomes under this Article. this Agreement.

165 8. In communicating their nationally 215 14. In the context of their nationally de-
determined contributions, all Parties shall termined contributions, when recognizing
provide the information necessary for clar- and implementing mitigation actions with
ity, transparency and understanding in ac- respect to anthropogenic emissions and re-
cordance with decision 1/CP.21 and any movals, Parties should take into account,
170 relevant decisions of the Conference of the 220 as appropriate, existing methods and guid-
Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties ance under the Convention, in the light of
to this Agreement. the provisions of paragraph 13 of this Ar-
9. Each Party shall communicate a na-
175 tionally determined contribution every five 225 15. Parties shall take into consideration in
years in accordance with decision 1/CP.21 the implementation of this Agreement the
and any relevant decisions of the Confer- concerns of Parties with economies most af-
ence of the Parties serving as the meeting fected by the impacts of response measures,
of the Parties to this Agreement and be particularly developing country Parties.
180 informed by the outcomes of the global 230
stocktake referred to in Article 14. 16. Parties, including regional economic
integration organizations and their mem-
10. The Conference of the Parties serving ber States, that have reached an agreement
as the meeting of the Parties to this Agree- to act jointly under paragraph 2 of this Ar-
185 ment shall consider common time frames 235 ticle shall notify the secretariat of the terms
for nationally determined contributions at of that agreement, including the emission
its first session. level allocated to each Party within the rel-
evant time period, when they communicate
11. A Party may at any time adjust its ex- their nationally determined contributions.
190 isting nationally determined contribution 240 The secretariat shall in turn inform the
with a view to enhancing its level of ambi- Parties and signatories to the Convention
tion, in accordance with guidance adopted of the terms of that agreement.
by the Conference of the Parties serving as
the meeting of the Parties to this Agree- 17. Each party to such an agreement shall
195 ment. 245 be responsible for its emission level as set
out in the agreement referred to in para-
12. Nationally determined contributions graph 16 of this Article in accordance with
communicated by Parties shall be recorded paragraphs 13 and 14 of this Article and
in a public registry maintained by the sec- Articles 13 and 15.
200 retariat. 250
18. If Parties acting jointly do so in the
13. Parties shall account for their national- framework of, and together with, a re-
ly determined contributions. In accounting gional economic integration organization
for anthropogenic emissions and removals which is itself a Party to this Agreement,
205 corresponding to their nationally deter- 255 each member State of that regional eco-
nomic integration organization individu- the implementation of their nationally de- The Paris Agreement
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ally, and together with the regional eco- termined contributions to allow for higher
nomic integration organization, shall be ambition in their mitigation and adapta-
responsible for its emission level as set out tion actions and to promote sustainable
260 in the agreement communicated under 310 development and environmental integrity.
paragraph 16 of this Article in accordance
with paragraphs 13 and 14 of this Article 2. Parties shall, where engaging on a
and Articles 13 and 15. voluntary basis in cooperative approach-
es that involve the use of internationally
265 19. All Parties should strive to formulate 315 transferred mitigation outcomes towards
and communicate long-term low green- nationally determined contributions, pro-
house gas emission development strategies, mote sustainable development and ensure
mindful of Article 2 taking into account environmental integrity and transparency,
their common but differentiated respon- including in governance, and shall apply
270 sibilities and respective capabilities, in the 320 robust accounting to ensure, inter alia, the
light of different national circumstances. avoidance of double counting, consistent
with guidance adopted by the Conference
of the Parties serving as the meeting of the
Article 5 Parties to this Agreement.
275 325
1. Parties should take action to conserve 3. The use of internationally transferred
and enhance, as appropriate, sinks and res- mitigation outcomes to achieve nation-
ervoirs of greenhouse gases as referred to in ally determined contributions under this
Article 4, paragraph 1(d), of the Conven- Agreement shall be voluntary and autho-
280 tion, including forests. 330 rized by participating Parties.

2. Parties are encouraged to take ac- 4. A mechanism to contribute to the

tion to implement and support, including mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions
through results-based payments, the exist- and support sustainable development is
285 ing framework as set out in related guid- 335 hereby established under the authority and
ance and decisions already agreed under guidance of the Conference of the Parties
the Convention for: policy approaches and serving as the meeting of the Parties to this
positive incentives for activities relating to Agreement for use by Parties on a volun-
reducing emissions from deforestation and tary basis. It shall be supervised by a body
290 forest degradation, and the role of conser- 340 designated by the Conference of the Parties
vation, sustainable management of forests serving as the meeting of the Parties to this
and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in Agreement, and shall aim:
developing countries; and alternative poli- (a) To promote the mitigation of
cy approaches, such as joint mitigation and greenhouse gas emissions while fostering
295 adaptation approaches for the integral and 345 sustainable development;
sustainable management of forests, while (b) To incentivize and facilitate par-
reaffirming the importance of incentiv- ticipation in the mitigation of greenhouse
izing, as appropriate, non-carbon benefits gas emissions by public and private entities
associated with such approaches. authorized by a Party;
300 350 (c) To contribute to the reduction of
emission levels in the host Party, which will
Article 6 benefit from mitigation activities resulting
in emission reductions that can also be used
1. Parties recognize that some Parties by another Party to fulfil its nationally de-
305 choose to pursue voluntary cooperation in 355 termined contribution; and
(d) To deliver an overall mitigation in proaches to sustainable development is The Paris Agreement
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global emissions. hereby defined to promote the non-market
approaches referred to in paragraph 8 of
5. Emission reductions resulting from this Article.
360 the mechanism referred to in paragraph 4 410
of this Article shall not be used to demon-
strate achievement of the host Partys na- Article 7
tionally determined contribution if used by
another Party to demonstrate achievement 1. Parties hereby establish the global goal
365 of its nationally determined contribution. 415 on adaptation of enhancing adaptive capac-
ity, strengthening resilience and reducing
6. The Conference of the Parties serving vulnerability to climate change, with a view
as the meeting of the Parties to this Agree- to contributing to sustainable development
ment shall ensure that a share of the pro- and ensuring an adequate adaptation re-
370 ceeds from activities under the mechanism 420 sponse in the context of the temperature
referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article is goal referred to in Article 2.
used to cover administrative expenses as
well as to assist developing country Parties 2. Parties recognize that adaptation is
that are particularly vulnerable to the ad- a global challenge faced by all with local,
375 verse effects of climate change to meet the 425 subnational, national, regional and inter-
costs of adaptation. national dimensions, and that it is a key
component of and makes a contribution
7. The Conference of the Parties serving to the long-term global response to climate
as the meeting of the Parties to this Agree- change to protect people, livelihoods and
380 ment shall adopt rules, modalities and pro- 430 ecosystems, taking into account the urgent
cedures for the mechanism referred to in and immediate needs of those developing
paragraph 4 of this Article at its first session. country Parties that are particularly vul-
nerable to the adverse effects of climate
8. Parties recognize the importance of in- change.
385 tegrated, holistic and balanced non-market 435
approaches being available to Parties to 3. The adaptation efforts of developing
assist in the implementation of their na- country Parties shall be recognized, in ac-
tionally determined contributions, in the cordance with the modalities to be adopted
context of sustainable development and by the Conference of the Parties serving as
390 poverty eradication, in a coordinated and 440 the meeting of the Parties to this Agree-
effective manner, including through, inter ment at its first session.
alia, mitigation, adaptation, finance, tech-
nology transfer and capacity-building, as 4. Parties recognize that the current need
appropriate. These approaches shall aim for adaptation is significant and that great-
395 to: 445 er levels of mitigation can reduce the need
(a) Promote mitigation and adapta- for additional adaptation efforts, and that
tion ambition; greater adaptation needs can involve great-
(b) Enhance public and private sector er adaptation costs.
participation in the implementation of na-
400 tionally determined contributions; and 450 5. Parties acknowledge that adaptation
(c) Enable opportunities for coordi- action should follow a country-driven,
nation across instruments and relevant in- gender-responsive, participatory and fully
stitutional arrangements. transparent approach, taking into consid-
eration vulnerable groups, communities
405 9. A framework for non-market ap- 455 and ecosystems, and should be based on
and guided by the best available science actions referred to in paragraph 7 of this The Paris Agreement
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and, as appropriate, traditional knowledge, Article, taking into account the provisions
knowledge of indigenous peoples and local of paragraph 5 of this Article.
knowledge systems, with a view to integrat-
460 ing adaptation into relevant socioeconomic 510 9. Each Party shall, as appropriate, en-
and environmental policies and actions, gage in adaptation planning processes and
where appropriate. the implementation of actions, including
the development or enhancement of rel-
6. Parties recognize the importance of evant plans, policies and/or contributions,
465 support for and international cooperation 515 which may include:
on adaptation efforts and the importance (a) The implementation of adapta-
of taking into account the needs of devel- tion actions, undertakings and/or efforts;
oping country Parties, especially those that (b) The process to formulate and im-
are particularly vulnerable to the adverse plement national adaptation plans;
470 effects of climate change. 520 (c) The assessment of climate change
impacts and vulnerability, with a view to
7. Parties should strengthen their coop- formulating nationally determined priori-
eration on enhancing action on adaptation, tized actions, taking into account vulner-
taking into account the Cancun Adapta- able people, places and ecosystems;
475 tion Framework, including with regard to: 525 (d) Monitoring and evaluating and
(a) Sharing information, good prac- learning from adaptation plans, policies,
tices, experiences and lessons learned, in- programmes and actions; and
cluding, as appropriate, as these relate to (e) Building the resilience of socioeco-
science, planning, policies and implemen- nomic and ecological systems, including
480 tation in relation to adaptation actions; 530 through economic diversification and sus-
(b) Strengthening institutional ar- tainable management of natural resources.
rangements, including those under the
Convention that serve this Agreement, to 10. Each Party should, as appropriate, sub-
support the synthesis of relevant informa- mit and update periodically an adaptation
485 tion and knowledge, and the provision of 535 communication, which may include its pri-
technical support and guidance to Parties; orities, implementation and support needs,
(c) Strengthening scientific knowl- plans and actions, without creating any addi-
edge on climate, including research, sys- tional burden for developing country Parties.
tematic observation of the climate system
490 and early warning systems, in a manner 540 11. The adaptation communication re-
that informs climate services and supports ferred to in paragraph 10 of this Article
decision-making; shall be, as appropriate, submitted and up-
(d) Assisting developing country Par- dated periodically, as a component of or in
ties in identifying effective adaptation conjunction with other communications or
495 practices, adaptation needs, priorities, sup- 545 documents, including a national adapta-
port provided and received for adaptation tion plan, a nationally determined contri-
actions and efforts, and challenges and bution as referred to in Article 4, paragraph
gaps, in a manner consistent with encour- 2, and/or a national communication.
aging good practices; and
500 (e) Improving the effectiveness and 550 12. The adaptation communications re-
durability of adaptation actions. ferred to in paragraph 10 of this Article
shall be recorded in a public registry main-
8. United Nations specialized organiza- tained by the secretariat.
tions and agencies are encouraged to sup-
505 port the efforts of Parties to implement the 555 13. Continuous and enhanced interna-
tional support shall be provided to devel- 4. Accordingly, areas of cooperation and The Paris Agreement
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oping country Parties for the implementa- facilitation to enhance understanding, ac-
tion of paragraphs 7, 9, 10 and 11 of this tion and support may include:
Article, in accordance with the provisions (a) Early warning systems;
560 of Articles 9, 10 and 11. 610 (b) Emergency preparedness;
(c) Slow onset events;
14. The global stocktake referred to in Ar- (d) Events that may involve irrevers-
ticle 14 shall, inter alia: ible and permanent loss and damage;
(a) Recognize adaptation efforts of (e) Comprehensive risk assessment
565 developing country Parties; 615 and management;
(b) Enhance the implementation of (f ) Risk insurance facilities, climate
adaptation action taking into account the risk pooling and other insurance solutions;
adaptation communication referred to in (g) Non-economic losses; and
paragraph 10 of this Article; (h) Resilience of communities, liveli-
570 (c) Review the adequacy and effec- 620 hoods and ecosystems.
tiveness of adaptation and support provid-
ed for adaptation; and 5. The Warsaw International Mechanism
(d) Review the overall progress made shall collaborate with existing bodies and
in achieving the global goal on adaptation expert groups under the Agreement, as
575 referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article. 625 well as relevant organizations and expert
bodies outside the Agreement.

Article 8
Article 9
580 1. Parties recognize the importance of 630
averting, minimizing and addressing loss 1. Developed country Parties shall pro-
and damage associated with the adverse ef- vide financial resources to assist develop-
fects of climate change, including extreme ing country Parties with respect to both
weather events and slow onset events, and mitigation and adaptation in continuation
585 the role of sustainable development in re- 635 of their existing obligations under the Con-
ducing the risk of loss and damage. vention.

2. The Warsaw International Mechanism 2. Other Parties are encouraged to pro-

for Loss and Damage associated with Cli- vide or continue to provide such support
590 mate Change Impacts shall be subject to 640 voluntarily.
the authority and guidance of the Confer-
ence of the Parties serving as the meeting 3. As part of a global effort, developed
of the Parties to this Agreement and may be country Parties should continue to take the
enhanced and strengthened, as determined lead in mobilizing climate finance from a
595 by the Conference of the Parties serving as 645 wide variety of sources, instruments and
the meeting of the Parties to this Agree- channels, noting the significant role of
ment. public funds, through a variety of actions,
including supporting country-driven strat-
3. Parties should enhance understanding, egies, and taking into account the needs
600 action and support, including through the 650 and priorities of developing country Par-
Warsaw International Mechanism, as ap- ties. Such mobilization of climate finance
propriate, on a cooperative and facilitative should represent a progression beyond pre-
basis with respect to loss and damage as- vious efforts.
sociated with the adverse effects of climate
605 change. 655 4. The provision of scaled-up financial
resources should aim to achieve a balance financial resources through simplified ap- The Paris Agreement
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between adaptation and mitigation, tak- proval procedures and enhanced readiness
ing into account country-driven strategies, support for developing country Parties, in
and the priorities and needs of developing particular for the least developed countries
660 country Parties, especially those that are 710 and small island developing States, in the
particularly vulnerable to the adverse ef- context of their national climate strategies
fects of climate change and have significant and plans.
capacity constraints, such as the least devel-
oped countries and small island developing
665 States, considering the need for public and 715 Article 10
grant-based resources for adaptation.
1. Parties share a long-term vision on the
5. Developed country Parties shall bien- importance of fully realizing technology
nially communicate indicative quantitative development and transfer in order to im-
670 and qualitative information related to para- 720 prove resilience to climate change and to
graphs 1 and 3 of this Article, as applicable, reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
including, as available, projected levels of
public financial resources to be provided 2. Parties, noting the importance of tech-
to developing country Parties. Other Par- nology for the implementation of miti-
675 ties providing resources are encouraged to 725 gation and adaptation actions under this
communicate biennially such information Agreement and recognizing existing tech-
on a voluntary basis. nology deployment and dissemination ef-
forts, shall strengthen cooperative action
6. The global stocktake referred to in Ar- on technology development and transfer.
680 ticle 14 shall take into account the relevant 730
information provided by developed coun- 3. The Technology Mechanism estab-
try Parties and/or Agreement bodies on ef- lished under the Convention shall serve
forts related to climate finance. this Agreement.

685 7. Developed country Parties shall pro- 735 4. A technology framework is hereby es-
vide transparent and consistent informa- tablished to provide overarching guidance
tion on support for developing country to the work of the Technology Mechanism
Parties provided and mobilized through in promoting and facilitating enhanced ac-
public interventions biennially in accor- tion on technology development and trans-
690 dance with the modalities, procedures and 740 fer in order to support the implementation
guidelines to be adopted by the Conference of this Agreement, in pursuit of the long-
of the Parties serving as the meeting of the term vision referred to in paragraph 1 of
Parties to this Agreement, at its first ses- this Article.
sion, as stipulated in Article 13, paragraph
695 13. Other Parties are encouraged to do so. 745 5. Accelerating, encouraging and en-
abling innovation is critical for an effec-
8. The Financial Mechanism of the Con- tive, long-term global response to climate
vention, including its operating entities, change and promoting economic growth
shall serve as the financial mechanism of and sustainable development. Such effort
700 this Agreement. 750 shall be, as appropriate, supported, includ-
ing by the Technology Mechanism and,
9. The institutions serving this Agree- through financial means, by the Financial
ment, including the operating entities of Mechanism of the Convention, for collab-
the Financial Mechanism of the Conven- orative approaches to research and develop-
705 tion, shall aim to ensure efficient access to 755 ment, and facilitating access to technology,
in particular for early stages of the technol- hance the capacity of developing country The Paris Agreement
PAGE 10 OF 16
ogy cycle, to developing country Parties. Parties to implement this Agreement. De-
veloped country Parties should enhance
6. Support, including financial support, support for capacity-building actions in de-
760 shall be provided to developing country 810 veloping country Parties.
Parties for the implementation of this Ar-
ticle, including for strengthening coopera- 4. All Parties enhancing the capacity of
tive action on technology development and developing country Parties to implement
transfer at different stages of the technolo- this Agreement, including through region-
765 gy cycle, with a view to achieving a balance 815 al, bilateral and multilateral approaches,
between support for mitigation and adap- shall regularly communicate on these ac-
tation. The global stocktake referred to in tions or measures on capacity-building.
Article 14 shall take into account available Developing country Parties should regu-
information on efforts related to support larly communicate progress made on im-
770 on technology development and transfer 820 plementing capacity-building plans, poli-
for developing country Parties. cies, actions or measures to implement this

Article 11 5. Capacity-building activities shall be

775 825 enhanced through appropriate institution-
1. Capacity-building under this Agree- al arrangements to support the implemen-
ment should enhance the capacity and abil- tation of this Agreement, including the
ity of developing country Parties, in partic- appropriate institutional arrangements es-
ular countries with the least capacity, such tablished under the Convention that serve
780 as the least developed countries, and those 830 this Agreement. The Conference of the
that are particularly vulnerable to the ad- Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties
verse effects of climate change, such as small to this Agreement shall, at its first session,
island developing States, to take effective consider and adopt a decision on the initial
climate change action, including, inter alia, institutional arrangements for capacity-
785 to implement adaptation and mitigation 835 building.
actions, and should facilitate technology
development, dissemination and deploy-
ment, access to climate finance, relevant Article 12
aspects of education, training and public
790 awareness, and the transparent, timely and 840 Parties shall cooperate in taking measures,
accurate communication of information. as appropriate, to enhance climate change
education, training, public awareness,
2. Capacity-building should be country- public participation and public access to
driven, based on and responsive to national information, recognizing the importance
795 needs, and foster country ownership of 845 of these steps with respect to enhancing ac-
Parties, in particular, for developing coun- tions under this Agreement.
try Parties, including at the national, sub-
national and local levels. Capacity-building
should be guided by lessons learned, includ- Article 13
800 ing those from capacity-building activities 850
under the Convention, and should be an 1. In order to build mutual trust and
effective, iterative process that is participa- confidence and to promote effective im-
tory, cross-cutting and gender-responsive. plementation, an enhanced transparency
framework for action and support, with
805 3. All Parties should cooperate to en- 855 built-in flexibility which takes into account
Parties different capacities and builds upon climate change actions under Articles 4, 7, The Paris Agreement
PAGE 11 OF 16
collective experience is hereby established. 9, 10 and 11, and, to the extent possible, to
provide a full overview of aggregate finan-
2. The transparency framework shall cial support provided, to inform the global
860 provide flexibility in the implementation 910 stocktake under Article 14.
of the provisions of this Article to those
developing country Parties that need it in 7. Each Party shall regularly provide the
the light of their capacities. The modali- following information:
ties, procedures and guidelines referred to (a) A national inventory report of
865 in paragraph 13 of this Article shall reflect 915 anthropogenic emissions by sources and
such flexibility. removals by sinks of greenhouse gases, pre-
pared using good practice methodologies
3. The transparency framework shall accepted by the Intergovernmental Panel
build on and enhance the transparency on Climate Change and agreed upon by
870 arrangements under the Convention, rec- 920 the Conference of the Parties serving as the
ognizing the special circumstances of the meeting of the Parties to this Agreement;
least developed countries and small island and
developing States, and be implemented in (b) Information necessary to track
a facilitative, non-intrusive, non-punitive progress made in implementing and
875 manner, respectful of national sovereignty, 925 achieving its nationally determined contri-
and avoid placing undue burden on Par- bution under Article 4.
8. Each Party should also provide infor-
4. The transparency arrangements under mation related to climate change impacts
880 the Convention, including national com- 930 and adaptation under Article 7, as appro-
munications, biennial reports and biennial priate.
update reports, international assessment
and review and international consultation 9. Developed country Parties shall, and
and analysis, shall form part of the experi- other Parties that provide support should,
885 ence drawn upon for the development of 935 provide information on financial, technol-
the modalities, procedures and guidelines ogy transfer and capacity-building support
under paragraph 13 of this Article. provided to developing country Parties un-
der Articles 9, 10 and 11.
5. The purpose of the framework for
890 transparency of action is to provide a clear 940 10. Developing country Parties should
understanding of climate change action in provide information on financial, technol-
the light of the objective of the Convention ogy transfer and capacity-building support
as set out in its Article 2, including clarity needed and received under Articles 9, 10
and tracking of progress towards achieving and 11.
895 Parties individual nationally determined 945
contributions under Article 4, and Parties 11. Information submitted by each Party
adaptation actions under Article 7, includ- under paragraphs 7 and 9 of this Article
ing good practices, priorities, needs and shall undergo a technical expert review,
gaps, to inform the global stocktake under in accordance with decision 1/CP.21. For
900 Article 14. 950 those developing country Parties that need
it in the light of their capacities, the review
6. The purpose of the framework for process shall include assistance in identify-
transparency of support is to provide clar- ing capacity-building needs. In addition,
ity on support provided and received by each Party shall participate in a facilitative,
905 relevant individual Parties in the context of 955 multilateral consideration of progress with
respect to efforts under Article 9, and its re- sive and facilitative manner, considering The Paris Agreement
PAGE 12 OF 16
spective implementation and achievement mitigation, adaptation and the means of
of its nationally determined contribution. implementation and support, and in the
light of equity and the best available science.
960 12. The technical expert review under this 1010
paragraph shall consist of a consideration 2. The Conference of the Parties serving
of the Partys support provided, as relevant, as the meeting of the Parties to this Agree-
and its implementation and achievement of ment shall undertake its first global stock-
its nationally determined contribution. The take in 2023 and every five years thereafter
965 review shall also identify areas of improve- 1015 unless otherwise decided by the Confer-
ment for the Party, and include a review of ence of the Parties serving as the meeting
the consistency of the information with the of the Parties to this Agreement.
modalities, procedures and guidelines re-
ferred to in paragraph 13 of this Article, tak- 3. The outcome of the global stocktake
970 ing into account the flexibility accorded to 1020 shall inform Parties in updating and en-
the Party under paragraph 2 of this Article. hancing, in a nationally determined man-
The review shall pay particular attention to ner, their actions and support in accordance
the respective national capabilities and cir- with the relevant provisions of this Agree-
cumstances of developing country Parties. ment, as well as in enhancing international
975 1025 cooperation for climate action.
13. The Conference of the Parties serving
as the meeting of the Parties to this Agree-
ment shall, at its first session, building on Article 15
experience from the arrangements related
980 to transparency under the Convention, 1030 1. A mechanism to facilitate implemen-
and elaborating on the provisions in this tation of and promote compliance with the
Article, adopt common modalities, proce- provisions of this Agreement is hereby es-
dures and guidelines, as appropriate, for tablished.
the transparency of action and support.
985 1035 2. The mechanism referred to in para-
14. Support shall be provided to develop- graph 1 of this Article shall consist of a
ing countries for the implementation of committee that shall be expert-based and
this Article. facilitative in nature and function in a man-
ner that is transparent, non-adversarial and
990 15. Support shall also be provided for the 1040 non-punitive. The committee shall pay par-
building of transparency-related capacity ticular attention to the respective national
of developing country Parties on a continu- capabilities and circumstances of Parties.
ous basis.
3. The committee shall operate under
995 1045 the modalities and procedures adopted by
Article 14 the Conference of the Parties serving as the
meeting of the Parties to this Agreement at
1. The Conference of the Parties serving its first session and report annually to the
as the meeting of the Parties to this Agree- Conference of the Parties serving as the
1000 ment shall periodically take stock of the 1050 meeting of the Parties to this Agreement.
implementation of this Agreement to as-
sess the collective progress towards achiev-
ing the purpose of this Agreement and its Article 16
long-term goals (referred to as the global
1005 stocktake). It shall do so in a comprehen- 1055 1. The Conference of the Parties, the su-
preme body of the Convention, shall serve as Parties to this Agreement shall be convened The Paris Agreement
PAGE 13 OF 16
the meeting of the Parties to this Agreement. by the secretariat in conjunction with the
first session of the Conference of the Parties
2. Parties to the Convention that are not that is scheduled after the date of entry into
1060 Parties to this Agreement may participate 1110 force of this Agreement. Subsequent ordi-
as observers in the proceedings of any ses- nary sessions of the Conference of the Par-
sion of the Conference of the Parties serv- ties serving as the meeting of the Parties to
ing as the meeting of the Parties to this this Agreement shall be held in conjunction
Agreement. When the Conference of the with ordinary sessions of the Conference
1065 Parties serves as the meeting of the Parties 1115 of the Parties, unless otherwise decided by
to this Agreement, decisions under this the Conference of the Parties serving as the
Agreement shall be taken only by those meeting of the Parties to this Agreement.
that are Parties to this Agreement.
7. Extraordinary sessions of the Confer-
1070 3. When the Conference of the Parties 1120 ence of the Parties serving as the meeting
serves as the meeting of the Parties to this of the Parties to this Agreement shall be
Agreement, any member of the Bureau of held at such other times as may be deemed
the Conference of the Parties represent- necessary by the Conference of the Parties
ing a Party to the Convention but, at that serving as the meeting of the Parties to this
1075 time, not a Party to this Agreement, shall 1125 Agreement or at the written request of any
be replaced by an additional member to be Party, provided that, within six months of
elected by and from amongst the Parties to the request being communicated to the
this Agreement. Parties by the secretariat, it is supported by
at least one third of the Parties.
1080 4. The Conference of the Parties serving 1130
as the meeting of the Parties to this Agree- 8. The United Nations and its special-
ment shall keep under regular review the ized agencies and the International Atomic
implementation of this Agreement and Energy Agency, as well as any State mem-
shall make, within its mandate, the deci- ber thereof or observers thereto not party
1085 sions necessary to promote its effective im- 1135 to the Convention, may be represented at
plementation. It shall perform the functions sessions of the Conference of the Parties
assigned to it by this Agreement and shall: serving as the meeting of the Parties to this
(a) Establish such subsidiary bodies as Agreement as observers. Any body or agen-
deemed necessary for the implementation cy, whether national or international, gov-
1090 of this Agreement; and 1140 ernmental or non-governmental, which is
(b) Exercise such other functions as qualified in matters covered by this Agree-
may be required for the implementation of ment and which has informed the secretari-
this Agreement. at of its wish to be represented at a session of
the Conference of the Parties serving as the
1095 5. The rules of procedure of the Confer- 1145 meeting of the Parties to this Agreement as
ence of the Parties and the financial proce- an observer, may be so admitted unless at
dures applied under the Convention shall least one third of the Parties present object.
be applied mutatis mutandis* under this The admission and participation of observ-
Agreement, except as may be otherwise ers shall be subject to the rules of procedure
1100 decided by consensus by the Conference 1150 referred to in paragraph 5 of this Article.
of the Parties serving as the meeting of the
Parties to this Agreement.
* A Medieval Latin phrase
Article 17 that means the necessary
6. The first session of the Conference of changes having been made.

1105 the Parties serving as the meeting of the 1155 1. The secretariat established by Article 8
of the Convention shall serve as the secre- member of the bureaux of those subsidiary The Paris Agreement
PAGE 14 OF 16
tariat of this Agreement. bodies representing a Party to the Conven-
tion but, at that time, not a Party to this
2. Article 8, paragraph 2, of the Conven- Agreement, shall be replaced by an addi-
1160 tion on the functions of the secretariat, and 1210 tional member to be elected by and from
Article 8, paragraph 3, of the Convention, amongst the Parties to this Agreement.
on the arrangements made for the function-
ing of the secretariat, shall apply mutatis
mutandis to this Agreement. The secretar- Article 19
1165 iat shall, in addition, exercise the functions 1215
assigned to it under this Agreement and by 1. Subsidiary bodies or other institutional
the Conference of the Parties serving as the arrangements established by or under the
meeting of the Parties to this Agreement. Convention, other than those referred to
in this Agreement, shall serve this Agree-
1170 1220 ment upon a decision of the Conference
Article 18 of the Parties serving as the meeting of the
Parties to this Agreement. The Conference
3. The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and of the Parties serving as the meeting of the
Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Parties to this Agreement shall specify the
1175 Body for Implementation established by 1225 functions to be exercised by such subsidiary
Articles 9 and 10 of the Convention shall bodies or arrangements.
serve, respectively, as the Subsidiary Body
for Scientific and Technological Advice 2. The Conference of the Parties serv-
and the Subsidiary Body for Implementa- ing as the meeting of the Parties to this
1180 tion of this Agreement. The provisions of 1230 Agreement may provide further guidance
the Convention relating to the function- to such subsidiary bodies and institutional
ing of these two bodies shall apply mutatis arrangements.
mutandis to this Agreement. Sessions of the
meetings of the Subsidiary Body for Sci-
1185 entific and Technological Advice and the 1235 Article 20
Subsidiary Body for Implementation of
this Agreement shall be held in conjunc- 1. This Agreement shall be open for sig-
tion with the meetings of, respectively, the nature and subject to ratification, accep-
Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Techno- tance or approval by States and regional
1190 logical Advice and the Subsidiary Body for 1240 economic integration organizations that
Implementation of the Convention. are Parties to the Convention. It shall be
open for signature at the United Nations
4. Parties to the Convention that are not Headquarters in New York from 22 April
Parties to this Agreement may participate 2016 to 21 April 2017. Thereafter, this
1195 as observers in the proceedings of any ses- 1245 Agreement shall be open for accession
sion of the subsidiary bodies. When the from the day following the date on which it
subsidiary bodies serve as the subsidiary is closed for signature. Instruments of rati-
bodies of this Agreement, decisions un- fication, acceptance, approval or accession
der this Agreement shall be taken only by shall be deposited with the Depositary.
1200 those that are Parties to this Agreement. 1250
2. Any regional economic integration
5. When the subsidiary bodies estab- organization that becomes a Party to this
lished by Articles 9 and 10 of the Conven- Agreement without any of its member
tion exercise their functions with regard to States being a Party shall be bound by all
1205 matters concerning this Agreement, any 1255 the obligations under this Agreement. In
the case of regional economic integration proval or accession. The Paris Agreement
PAGE 15 OF 16
organizations with one or more member
States that are Parties to this Agreement, 4. For the purposes of paragraph 1 of this
the organization and its member States Article, any instrument deposited by a re-
1260 shall decide on their respective responsi- 1310 gional economic integration organization
bilities for the performance of their obliga- shall not be counted as additional to those
tions under this Agreement. In such cases, deposited by its member States.
the organization and the member States
shall not be entitled to exercise rights under
1265 this Agreement concurrently. 1315 Article 22

3. In their instruments of ratification, ac- The provisions of Article 15 of the Conven-

ceptance, approval or accession, regional tion on the adoption of amendments to the
economic integration organizations shall Convention shall apply mutatis mutandis to
1270 declare the extent of their competence with 1320 this Agreement.
respect to the matters governed by this
Agreement. These organizations shall also
inform the Depositary, who shall in turn Article 23
inform the Parties, of any substantial modi-
1275 fication in the extent of their competence. 1325 1. The provisions of Article 16 of the
Convention on the adoption and amend-
ment of annexes to the Convention shall
Article 21 apply mutatis mutandis to this Agreement.

1280 1. This Agreement shall enter into force 1330 2. Annexes to this Agreement shall form
on the thirtieth day after the date on which an integral part thereof and, unless oth-
at least 55 Parties to the Convention ac- erwise expressly provided for, a reference
counting in total for at least an estimated to this Agreement constitutes at the same
55 per cent of the total global greenhouse time a reference to any annexes thereto.
1285 gas emissions have deposited their instru- 1335 Such annexes shall be restricted to lists,
ments of ratification, acceptance, approval forms and any other material of a descrip-
or accession. tive nature that is of a scientific, technical,
procedural or administrative character.
2. Solely for the limited purpose of
1290 paragraph 1 of this Article, total global 1340
greenhouse gas emissions means the most Article 24
up-to-date amount communicated on or
before the date of adoption of this Agree- The provisions of Article 14 of the Conven-
ment by the Parties to the Convention. tion on settlement of disputes shall apply
1295 1345 mutatis mutandis to this Agreement.
3. For each State or regional economic in-
tegration organization that ratifies, accepts
or approves this Agreement or accedes Article 25
thereto after the conditions set out in para-
1300 graph 1 of this Article for entry into force 1350 1. Each Party shall have one vote, except
have been fulfilled, this Agreement shall as provided for in paragraph 2 of this Ar-
enter into force on the thirtieth day after ticle.
the date of deposit by such State or regional
economic integration organization of its 2. Regional economic integration orga-
1305 instrument of ratification, acceptance, ap- 1355 nizations, in matters within their compe-
tence, shall exercise their right to vote with 1380 date on which this Agreement has entered The Paris Agreement
PAGE 16 OF 16
a number of votes equal to the number of into force for a Party, that Party may with-
their member States that are Parties to this draw from this Agreement by giving writ-
Agreement. Such an organization shall not ten notification to the Depositary.
1360 exercise its right to vote if any of its mem-
ber States exercises its right, and vice versa. 1385 2. Any such withdrawal shall take effect
upon expiry of one year from the date of
receipt by the Depositary of the notifica-
Article 26 tion of withdrawal, or on such later date as
1365 may be specified in the notification of with-
The Secretary-General of the United Na- 1390 drawal.
tions shall be the Depositary of this Agree-
ment. 3. Any Party that withdraws from the
Convention shall be considered as also hav-
1370 ing withdrawn from this Agreement.
Article 27 1395

No reservations may be made to this Agree- Article 29

1375 The original of this Agreement, of which
1400 the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Rus-
Article 28 sian and Spanish texts are equally authen-
tic, shall be deposited with the Secretary-
1. At any time after three years from the General of the United Nations.

DONE at Paris this twelfth day of December two thousand and fifteen.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized to that effect, have signed
this Agreement.

Layout and introduction 2017 Dustin Tyler Joyce. All rights reserved. |
Copies of this document may be made only by the original purchaser for use in a classroom or other educational setting.
This copyright notice should appear on all copies made.
Source of text: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Definition of mutatis mutandis from Unabridged, based on the Random House Dictionary

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