Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh
Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh
Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
accounts, pay bills, authorize fund transfers, or perform other activities. Like many
other m-commerce services, mobile banking services can be challenging and no single
company has all the expertise required to develop and deliver compelling services on
its own. Mobile banking is a term used for performing balance checks, account
transactions, payments, credit applications and other banking transactions through a
mobile device such as a mobile phone or Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). The
earliest mobile banking services were offered over SMS. With the introduction of the
first primitive smart phones with WAP(wireless application protocol) support
enabling the use of the mobile web in 1999, the first. European banks started to offer
mobile banking: on this platform to their customers. Mobile banking has until
recently (2010) most often been performed via SMS or the Mobile Web. Apple's
initial success with iPhone and the rapid growth of phones based on Google's Android
(operating system) have led to increasing use of special client programs, called apps,
downloaded to the mobile device.
1.2.1 Main Objective: The Main objective of this report is to fulfill the requirement
of BBA degree.
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
To make the Report more meaningful and presentable, two sources of data and
information have been used widely. Both primary and secondary data sources were
used to generate the report.
1.3.1Primary Sources
Primary data are root level data and are collected without correction. These data were
collected by
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
The scope of the study of limited to the issues related to the Mobile Banking in
Bangladesh. The research paper on will focus only on the banking facility provider of
the country through Mobile network.
1.5 Limitations
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
mobile devices such as mobile phones or personal digital assistant(s) (PDAs) (Georgi
& Pinkl, 2005)
Baten (2010) has analyzed economic prospects of e-banking and explained the
present scenario of banking sector in Bangladesh and also tried to demonstrate the
scope and benefits of e-banking compared with the existing system. He tried to
present actual situation of e-banking in the marketing point of view in Bangladesh.
The results of his study show that e-banking serves several advantages to Bangladeshi
banking sector. The study also shows that the Bangladeshi customers do not have
enough knowledge regarding e-banking rendered by banking sector in Bangladesh.
Despite huge prospects, only a few banks adopted mobile banking in Bangladesh
during the last few years.
Avasthi and Sharma (2000 - 2001) point out that advances in technology are set to
change the face of banking business, technology has transformed the delivery
channels by banks in retail banking and the technology based services has impacted
the markets of banks. The study also explored the challenges that banking industry
and its regulator face.
Bhasin (2001) analyzed the impact of IT on banking sector. It has transformed the
repetitive and overlapping systems and procedures into simple single key pressing
technology resulting in speed, accuracy and efficiency of conducting business and
enabling them to enter into the new activities.
Uppal (2010) has analyzed the explosion of mobile banking in Indian banking
industry where cell phone users are increasing at a very high rate. On the basis of
analysis, he concluded that the private sector banks are on the top in providing the M-
banking services to their customers and have high profitability as compared to other
bank groups under study except foreign banks. He also highlighted the benefits of m-
banking to customers as well as to bankers and suggests some strategies with the
requested actions like spreading awareness regarding m-banking and increasing its
area and scope to enhance m-banking services in India, particularly in rural and semi-
urban areas.
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Shastri (2001) analyzed the effect and challenges of new technology for banks.
Technology has brought a sea of change in the functioning of the banks. The earlier
manual system of preparing of vouchers and other activities is being replaced by
automation thereby saving a lot of time and effort. The use of ATMs and introduction
of e-banking network have significantly scenario.
Saxena (2000) also analyzed the importance of IT in the banking sector. According to
him, the future promises are even more exciting, interesting and challenging. The
internet has enabled us to talk to each customer individually, with different needs and
requirements. The IT will affect the productivity and profitability of the banks.
Vageesh (2000) highly appreciated the new private sector banks which have adopted
IT. The new private sector banks with their state-of-the-art technology and grandiose
plans to make inroads into e-banking are now darlings of the stock markets. Banks
like HDFC and ICICI are foraying into net banking offering great convenience to
customers on one hand and results in lower transaction cost for the banks on the other
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Islam (2005) explained the present scenario of banking sectors in Bangladesh and at
the same time he demonstrated the scope and benefits of E-banking compared with
the existing system. Then a feasible proposal has been made by using partial
utilization of the backbone network owned by Bangladesh Railway. He found out the
efficiency, security of the proposed infrastructure under various situation. WAP is a
non-proprietary (open), global standard that was introduced in its first version WAP
1.0 in 1998. It has been developed by the WAP Forum, a consortium of leading
manufacturers of mobile phones including Ericsson, Motorola and Nokia (WAP-
Forum, 2001).
However, there are several issues including the lack of adequate legal framework and
security of mobile transactions which tend to hamper the continued progress of
developing this sophisticated mobile banking application. Due to the issues raised in
this section and the importance of mobile banking, it is important that a study is
carried out to identify the prospects and challenges of mobile banking in a developing
country like Bangladesh.
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insurance can provide income for a family if a bread. winner becomes sick,. In many
developing countries, however, of 10 people do not have a bank account or access to
basic financial services. Poor people are often not considered viable customers by the
formal financial sector as their transaction, are small, and, many live in remote areas
beyond the teach of hanks branch networks. Informal banking services such as
microfinance .and village savings and loan. associations remain limited in their teach,
The fist mobile banking and payment initiatives were announced during 1999 (the
same year that deployed their first prototype). The first major deployment was made
by a 'company called Pay box (largely supported financially by Deutsche Bank). The
company was founded by two young German's and successfully deployed the solution
in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Spain and the UK. At about 2.003 more than a million
people weie registered on Pay box and the company were .rated by Gartner as the
leader in the field. Unfortunately Deutse he Bank withdraws their financial support:
and the company had to reorganize quickly. Ail but the operations in Austria closed
down. Another early starter and also identified as a leader in the field was a Spanish
initiative (backed by BBVA and. Telephoiiiea), called MoM Pago, The name was later
changed to Mobi Pay and all banks and mobile. operators in'Spain were invited to
join. The product was launched in 2003 and many retailers acquired to accept the
special USSD(Unstructured supplementary service data) payment confirmation.
Because of the complex shareholding and the constant political challenges of the
different owners, the product never fulfilled the promise that it had. With no
marketing support and no compelling reason lor adoption, this initiative is floundering
at the moment. Many other large players announced initiatives and ran pilots with big
fanfare, but never showed traction and all initiatives were ultimately discontinued.
Some of the early examples are the famous vending machines at the Helsinki airport
supported by a system from Nokia, Siemens made announcements in with listed and
high-flying German e-commerce company, Brofcat. Brokat also -won the lucrative
Vodafone contract to 2002, bat crashed soon afterwards when it runs out of funds.
'Israel {as can be expected) produced a large number of mobile payment start-ups. Of
the many, only one survived. Trivnet. Others like Adam tech (with a technically
sound solution called. Cell pay) and Pay disappeared after a number of pilots bit
without any successful production deployments. Initiatives in Norway, Sweden and
France never got traction. France Telecom launched m ambitious product based on a
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special mobile phone with an integrated card reader. The solution worked well, but
never became popular because of the unattractive, special phone that participants
needed in order to perform these payments. Since 2004, mobile banking and payment
industry lias come of age. Successful deployments with positive business cases and
big, strategic Impact have been seen recently.
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Bangladesh continues to grow fast, scaling a new height last year with 53 percent
growth year-on-year.
In 2015, the industry saw Tk 157,773.31 crore in transactions through mobile phones
-- the amount being more than half the country's national budget, according to a report
of Bangladesh Bank. In 2014, the mobile banking industry saw Tk 103,155.37 crore
in transactions. People are becoming increasingly comfortable with the banking
platform, analysts said. The average monthly transactions made through mobile
phones stood at more than Tk 13,147.77 crore last year, rising from Tk 8,596.28 crore
in 2014.
In the last couple of years, we have observed that people at the bottom of the
pyramid are also massively taking part in economic activities and that volume is
increasing significantly every day. This contribution directly impacted the transactions
in mobile banking, said Subhankar Saha, a BB executive director. The central bank
said the volume is quite natural and there is scope for further growth. Saha, who is
also the BB spokesperson, said they are expecting more than 30 percent growth in
2016. The central bank plans to strengthen security measures this year, Saha added.
There are about 3.19 crore mobile banking accounts and this figure will increase in
the coming days; the total volume of transactions will also rise, he said.
Of the total accounts, only 1.25 crore are active users, according to the BB report.
People are mainly using this modern banking channel to transfer money domestically.
But the opportunities to use this channel to deposit government fees and charges and
make purchases are yet limited, he said. Last year, the sector saw Tk 27,879.56 crore
in person-to-person money transfers, and the amount was only 17.67 percent of the
total transaction. The figures for business transaction, salary disbursement, and bills
payments were also nominal. Saha said entrepreneurs have to work in these areas.
However, the market leader in mobile financial services -- bKash -- said customer-
centric products along with the trust and confidence of common people have helped
the sector grow.
Besides fund transfer services, we are offering 'buy airtime' for mobile top-up,
merchant payments at shops, salary disbursement and different collection solutions
for corporate customers, which have contributed to our growth, said Zahedul Islam,
the spokesperson for bKash. Earlier in a report USAID said Bangladesh has a rapidly
growing mobile financial service industry, accounting for more than 8 percent of the
total registered mobile money accounts globally. The country launched such products
in 2011 and in five years, the market hit the highest position in the world so far.
Currently, 28 banks have approval for offering mobile financial service although 20
launched operations so far. Two leading operators hold around 90 percent market
share. Mobile banking refers to a system that enables bank customers to access
accounts and general information on bank products and services through Mobile
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You can make transactions or pay bills anytime. It saves a lot of time.
Mobile banking thorough cell phone is user friendly. The interface is also very
simple. You just need to follow the instructions to make the transaction. It also
saves the record of any transactions made.
Banking through mobile reduces the risk of fraud. You will get an SMS
whenever there is an activity in your account. This includes deposits, cash
withdrawals, funds transfer etc. You will get a notice as soon as any amount is
deducted or deposited in your account.
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Banking through cell phone benefits the banks too. It cuts down on the cost of
tele- banking and is more economical.
Banks can also promote and sell their products and services like credit cards,
loans etc. to a specific group of customers.
You can transfer money instantly to another account in the same bank using
mobile banking.
Mobile banking has an edge over internet banking. In case of online banking,
you must have an internet connection and a computer. This is a problem in
developing countries. However, with mobile banking, connectivity is not a
problem. You can find mobile connectivity in the remotest of places also
where having an internet connection is a problem.
Mobile banking is helping service providers increase revenues from the now
static subscriber base.
Service providers are increasingly using the complexity of their supported mobile
banking services to attract new customers and retain old ones.
The biggest advantage that mobile banking offers to 'banks is that It drastically cuts
down the costs of providing service to the customers. For example an average teller or
phone transaction costs about $2,36 each, whereas an electronic transaction costs only
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about $0.10 each. Additionally; this new channel gives the hank ability to cross-sell
then- other complex banking products and services such as vehicle loans, credit cards
For service provides, Mobile banking offers the next surest way to achieve growth.
Countries like Korea where mobile penetration is Hearing saturation, mobile banking
is helping service providers increase revenues from the now static subscriber base.
Service providers are increasingly using the complexity of their supported mobile
banking services to attract new customers and retain old ones,
A very effective way of improving customer service could IK. to inform, customers
better. Credit card fraud is one such area, A bank could, through the use of mobile
technology, inform owners each time purchases above a certain value have been made
oil their card. This way the owner is always informed when their card is used, and
how much money was taken for each transaction. Similarly, the bank could remind
customers of outstanding loan repayment dates, dates for the payment of monthly
installments or simply tell them that a bill has been presented and is up fur payment.
The customers can then click their balance on the phone and authorize the required
amounts for payment. The customers can also request for additional information.
They can automatically view deposits and withdrawals as they occur and also pre-
schedule payments to be made or cheques to be issued. Similarly, one could also
request far services; like stop chieque or issue of a cheque book over one's mobile
There are number of reasons that should persuade 'banks in favor of mobile phones.
They are set to become a crucial part of the total banking services experience for the
customers. About, they have the potential to bring down costs for the bank itself.
Through mobile messaging and other such interfaces., banks provide value added
services to the customer at marginal costs
2.5 Why Mobile Banking is Necessary:
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In low income people, m-banking may enable to use such kind of Banking where
Banking facilities cant reach till now the cost and safety of using m-banking is
comparatively low.
M-banking potentially brings new Customer where banking sector is running as like
as dog for there product marketing; these may be stronger than retail banks and better
placed to reach out to un-banked customers.
M-banking is still very new, whereas other forms of e-banking are quite well
established; the potential to influence and adapted to the customer may be higher
compare to former banking because a lot of people use mobile phone in our country
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PIN is the key for transaction of Mobile Banking. Only correct match of PIN & Mobile
Number can access the Mobile Account. PIN is needed to verify the A/C owner by the
system. If a PIN is disclosed, respective account is at risk; therefore, PIN should be handled
very carefully.
Mobile number is public and known to many people. Without knowing your check
digit, none will be able to deposit money at your account, thus it helps to keep your
mobile account confidential. On the other hand, a check digit eliminates typing error,
thus protects sending or depositing money to a wrong account.
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Mobile Ban king is a Banking process without bank branch which provides financial
services unities efficiently and at affordable cost. The aim of the service is to bring
more people under the umbrella of banking service, Bangladesh Bank governor Dr
Atiur Rahman inaugurated the service through deposit and withdrawal of money from
two banking outlets in the city. Government thinks it has a great prospect as, it is a
new technology HI digital Bangladesh. But in Bangladesh many people think
traditionally, because they cannot think it has any facility to use mobile banking. 69%
people feel mobile banking has prospect in Bangladesh whereas 31 % think it has no
prospect in Bangladesh as many people will not feel interest or have belief mobile
banking. Increasing faster transmission via GPRS 3G technology to be lunched soon
in Bangladesh is expected to bring in a mobile revaluation. Users are slowly getting
used to the concept of mobile in hand held device as digital cash or wallet to carry out
purchase. Presently low value M-commerce transecting are happening. To extent low
cost banking services to existing clients & un-banked individuals especially in rural
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Around 87% of the total population of Bangladesh is un-banked. To bring such a huge
population into the banking channel, DBBL is implementing a system to launch
mobile banking soon. The project is in its final stage now. With this facility any
person having a
mobile number will be able to use his number as a bank account. In this mobile
account they will be able to do the following:
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Number of Bank
Provider agents branches ATMs
bKash 135,000 155 300
DBBL Mobile Banking 116,000 136 3,005
mCash 862238 294 450
Mobile Banking 95274 100 720
UCash 105000 156 103
IFIC Mobile Banking 88891 120 49
Trust Bank Mobile Money 20000 152 152
Note: Includes 65,000 MobiCash agents .Includes 61,241 MobiCash agents .ncludes
300 FastTracks(Accordingly source UASID based on mfsinbangladesh Feb 2015)
The total value of monthly transactions made through mobile phones stood at $1.42
billion or Tk 11,104 crore in February 2015, according to the study, 'Mobile Financial
Services in Bangladesh.
Of the amount, cash-in transactions accounted for $595 million, cash-out $523 million
and person-to-person $265 million.
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Service provider %
bKash 58%
DBBL 16.60%
Mcash 8.50%
Ucash 7.70%
My Cash 3%
Other 6.10%
As per Bangladesh Banks reports, at the beginning of 2013, the total number of
agents was 60,000. At the end of February 2015, that number reached more than
540,000. the number of total unique agents would actually only be 180,000. In terms
of agent numbers, bKash is the market lead, followed by DBBL. The majority (57%)
have been agents for one year or less, which is common in high growth markets. This
can be attributed primarily to the recent expansion in MFS, including increased
competition in a market which is still dominated by a single player. According to
recent research conducted by the Helix Institute of Digital Finance, 86% of agents
stated that they foresee themselves continuing as agents in a year, indicating high
level of satisfaction.19 Furthermore, their research indicated that most of the agents in
Bangladesh are non-dedicated and have alternate revenue streams beyond what they
earn from being an MFS agent.
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More than 70% of the population of Bangladesh lives in rural areas where access to
formal financial services is difficult. Yet these are the people who are in most need of
such services, either for receiving funds from loved ones in distant locations, or to
access financial tools to improve their economic condition. Less than 15% of
Bangladeshis are connected to the formal banking system whereas over 50% has
mobile phones. These phones are not merely devices for talking, but can be used for
more useful and sophisticated processing tasks. bKash was conceived primarily to
utilize these mobile devices and the omnipresent telecom networks to extend financial
services in a secure manner to the under-served remote population of Bangladesh.
By providing financial services that are convenient, affordable and reliable, bKash
aims to widen the net of financial inclusion. bKash wants to provide a solution for
mobile financial services, built on a highly scalable mobile money platform, allowing
people of Bangladesh to safely send and receive money via mobile devices.
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bKash is dedicated to widening the net of financial inclusion among the people of
Bangladesh by facilitating money transfer through mobile phones. bKash provides
mobile financial services allowing customers to send, receive, and pay money from
their mobile phones.
Send and receive money, or make payments the fastest way there is! bKash enables
you to send money to anyone, using an advanced technology available on your own
mobile phone. The recipient will receive money instantly, no matter where s/he is.
Payments through bKash also makes your life easier as you do not have to go back
home or anywhere else for bringing cash when you need to buy something if you are
out of cash. Even if you don't have the required amount in your bKash Account,
someone else can easily send you the amount in times of need.
bKash is dedicated to widening the net of financial inclusion among the people of
Bangladesh by facilitating money transfer through mobile phones. bKash provides
mobile financial services allowing customers to send, receive, and pay money from
their mobile phones.
Send or receive money with minimal effort and cost. bKash provides the highest
benefit to its customers at an affordable cost, enabling everyone to access the formal
financial system of the economy. bKash is for everyone, and we do not distinguish
among our customers.
bKash is dedicated to widening the net of financial inclusion among the people of
Bangladesh by facilitating money transfer through mobile phones. bKash provides
mobile financial services allowing customers to send, receive, and pay money from
their mobile phones.
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Money in your bKash Account won't be lost even if you lose your mobile phone.
Every transaction is protected by your very own PIN and what's more, state-of-the-art
technology provided by VISA ensures your money is always safe and secure in our
system. bKash is a BRAC Bank subsidiary fully authorized by Bangladesh Bank to
provide mobile financial services throughout the country.
bKash is dedicated to widening the net of financial inclusion among the people of
Bangladesh by facilitating money transfer through mobile phones. bKash provides
mobile financial services allowing customers to send, receive, and pay money from
their mobile phones.
Easy, no queues, no waiting, bKash is the most convenient way of transferring money
anytime, anywhere. You can now send money instantly staying at home just by
pressing a few buttons on your mobile phone. Sending money has never been this
bKash is dedicated to widening the net of financial inclusion among the people of
Bangladesh by facilitating money transfer through mobile phones. bKash provides
mobile financial services allowing customers to send, receive, and pay money from
their mobile phones.
No matter where you are in Bangladesh, bKash is always with you. The service is
supported by the mobile networks of all leading telcos, and over 35,000 Agents, all of
which assures availability of bKash services even in the remotest areas of Bangladesh.
Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. In developing
countries, it focuses on improving peoples health with vaccines and other life-saving
tools and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme
poverty. In the United States, it seeks to significantly improve education so that all
young people have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Based in Seattle,
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Washington, the foundation is led by CEO Jeff Raikes and Co-chair William H. Gates
Sr., under the direction of Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett.
Fundamo is a wholly owned subsidiary of Visa Inc. and a leading platform provider of
mobile financial services for mobile network operators and financial institutions.
Fundamo's Enterprise Mobile Financial Services platform has been deployed in more
than 40 countries across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, offering mobile financial
services for person-to-person payments, bill payments, wireless airtime top-up, and
ticketing. Fundamo is headquartered in Cape Town, South Africa.
Dutch-Bangla Bank pioneered Mobile Banking in Bangladesh. It was the first bank to
offer banking facilities through a wide range of mobile phones. Rocket is a Banking
process without bank branch which provides financial services to unbanked
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Benefits of Rocket
Real time on-line banking, online banking available anytime, anywhere throughout
the country. Dutch-Bangla Bank Rocket currently allowing customers with some
essential services likes Customer Registration, Cash-in (cash deposit) , Cash-out (cash
withdrawal), Mobile Top-up, Person to Person Transfer (P2P) , Foreign Remittance,
Salary Disbursement, Balance Inquiry, Bill Payment, Merchant payment.
Dutch-Bangla Bank Rocket is convenient and secure way to send money and It is
much safer, speedy and safeguard against fraudulent transactions. Customer's money
is safe as no one can withdraw or deposit unwanted money without taking possession
of the mobile set, PIN and the check digit all together.
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SureCash is the leading payment platform for mobile phone users in Bangladesh.
Using this platform, a customer can make and receive various payments such as
education fees, utility bills, online purchase and personal remittance using own phone.
Currently SureCash is working with 6 local banks: First Security Islami Bank,
Bangladesh Commerce Bank, National Credit and Commerce Bank, Jamuna Bank,
National Bank and Rupali Bank. The service works with 550 payment partners and
more than 100,000 retail agents.
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expansion of internet and mobile app access across the country. That said, as of Q4
2014, a mere 6% of mobile subscribers were using 3G mobile broadband, although
that number grew at a rate of 232% over the past year.13 Mobile internet, however,
has reached more than 40% penetration by delivering mobile data services using 2G
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Account is opened
3.13 Necessity
A person who wants to open an account he/she should have some documents to open
an account, these are-
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
guidelines, the sector has shown significant growth (see chart on the following page
for key indicators). As Bangladesh is a bankled model, all of the MFS products on the
market are run by banks or their subsidiaries. Bangladesh Bank has allowed 28 banks
to offer MFS, of which 19 banks have already
started to work on their MFS products in some capacity. Detailed discussions with the
majority of those banks, however, have revealed that only 10 of them have gone
operational and are providing MFS on any sort of scale. The remaining banks are still
working on finalizing their transaction platforms, terms of engagement with partners,
business model, and strategies.
Those banks (also referred to as MFS providers) that already have MFS products on
the market include:
1. Rocket by Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
2. bKash by BRAC Bank Limited
3. mCash by Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited
4. Mobile Banking by Mercantile Bank Limited
5. UCash by United Commercial Bank Limited
6. IFIC Mobile Banking by IFIC BankLimited
7. Trust Bank Mobile Money by TrustBank Limited
8. OK banking by ONE Bank Limited
9. FSIBL FirstPay SureCash by FirstSecurity Islami Bank Limited
10. Hello by Bank Asia Limited
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US$1.17 for larger transactions Bill and merchant payments are free to the customer
across the providers highlighted, although the collection settlement fee paid by
business receiving these payments
ranges from 0.25% to 2%. In a move to counter-balance bKashs dominance in the
P2P and gain corporate users, a majority of providers are now offering free
disbursements for business to person (B2P) payments, compared to bKashs standard
charge of 0.5%.
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Mobile banking is not simply another delivery channel but represents a fundamental
shift in the paradigm of consumer banking.
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The case for donor support therefore rests on removing barriers such as these, thereby
making it more likely that transformational models of m-banking will emerge at all, or
at least, sooner; and that they will develop more rapidly than otherwise would be the
There is a lack of common technology standards for mobile banking. Many protocols
are being used for mobile banking. It would be a wise idea for the vendor to develop a
mobile banking application that can connect multiple banks. It would require either
the application to support multiple protocols or use of a common and widely
acceptable set of protocols for data exchange. There are a large number of different
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mobile phone devices and it is a big challenge for banks to offer mobile banking
solution on any type of device.
Security of financial transaction, being executed from some remote location and
transmission of financial information over the air, are the most complicated
challenges that need to be addressed jointly by mobile application developers,
wireless network service providers and the bank's IT department.
The following aspects need to be addressed to offer a secure infrastructure for
financial transaction over wireless network:
* Physical security of the handheld device. If the bank is offering smart-card based
security, the physical security of the device is more important.
* Security of the thick-client application running on the device. In case the device is
stolen, the hacker should require ID/Password to access the application.
* Authentication of the device with service provider before initiating a transaction.
This would ensure that unauthorized devices are not connected to perform financial
* User ID / Password authentication of bank's customer.
* Encryption of the data being transmitted over the air.
* Encryption of the data that will be stored in device for later / off-line analysis by the
Another challenge for the banks is to scale-up the mobile banking infrastructure to
handle exponential growth of the customer base. With mobile banking, the customer
may be sitting in any part of the world (a true anytime, anywhere banking) and hence
banks need to ensure that the systems are up and running in a true 24 x 7 fashion. As
customers will find mobile banking more and more useful, their expectations from the
solution will increase. Banks unable to meet the performance and reliability
expectations may lose customer confidence.
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Application Distribution
Due to the nature of the connectivity between bank and its customers, it would be
impractical to expect customers to regularly visit banks or connect to a web site for
regular upgrade of their mobile banking application. It will be expected that the
mobile application itself check the upgrades and updates and download necessary
patches. However, there could be many issues to implement this approach such as
upgrade / synchronization of other dependent components.
It would be expected from the mobile application to support personalization such as:
1. Preferred Language
2. Date / Time format
3. Amount format
4. Default transactions
5. Standard Beneficiary list
6. Alerts
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
Corporate MM
Action type Accounts Limitations End-user Limitations
A bank account
Mercantile Bank
Opening an account Free is required Free Free
Cash-in only
at agent points
BDT 25,000/day
5 times/day
Cash-in Free N/A Free 20 times/month
Business to Person (B2P)
payment Free N/A N/A N/A
Collection 0.25% (negotiable) N/A N/A N/A
General: BDT 25,000/day
Salaries: 3 times/day
Cash-out from agent N/A N/A 0.925% 10 times/month
Cash-out from ATM N/A N/A Salaries: Free Same as above
Cash-out from bank branch Free N/A 0.93% Same as above
BDT 10,000/day
20 times/day
Person to Person (P2P) BDT 5 per 25,000/month
transfer N/A N/A transaction 70 times/month
Merchant payment 1.50% N/A Free N/A
payment 1.50% N/A Free 10,000
N/A Mobile top-up N/A N/A Free per transaction
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
Analysis: From the figure 01, it is evident that, among 100 respondents, 44% ( the
height portion) of the respondents belongs to the age group of 20-30. The lowest
portion 13% belongs to the age group of 50+. The second height 26% respondents
belong to the age between 31-40.
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
Male 68 68%
Female 32 32%
Analysis: The total respondents were 100 in number and from the figure 02 it is evident
That, among 100 respondents 68 respondents were male and 32 were female.
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
Required 53 53%
Attractiveness 14 14%
Facilities 21 21%
Analysis: From the figure 03, it is evident that, among 100 respondents, 35%(the height
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
Portion) of the respondents belongs to the other professional like student. The lowest portion
10% belongs to Professional The second height 25% respondents belong to the Service
Required 53 53%
Attractiveness 14 14%
Facilities 21 21%
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
Analysis: From the figure 03, it is evident that, among 100 respondents, 53%(the height
portion) of the respondents belongs that they have require Mobile A/C. The lowest portion
12% belongs to the near from my place. The second height 21% respondents belong to the
No Formal Education 9 9%
SSC 25 25%
HSC 38 38%
Graduate 12 12%
Analysis: From the figure 05, it is evident that, among 100 respondents, 38%(the height
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
portion) of the respondents belongs that they are HSC level. The lowest portion 9% belongs
that havent no formal education. The second height 25% respondents belong to the SSC
Analysis: From the figure 9, it is evident that among 100 respondents, the highest
respondents 61 agreed with the statement that Mobile Banking is new but modern. The
second highest, 25 respondents also strongly believes that statements. For the data tables of
this analysis.
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
Analysis: From the figure 9, it is evident that among 100 respondents, the highest
respondents41 agreed with the statement that You feel safe in your transaction through
mobile. The second highest,29 respondents also strongly believes that statements. For the data
tables of this analysis.
4.2.2 Call center services are always available when you require
Analysis: From the figure 9, it is evident that among 100 respondents, the highest
respondents 52 agreed with the statement that Call center services are always available when
you require. The second highest, 27 respondents disagree believes that statements. For the
data tables of this analysis.
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
4.2.3 The Cost of cash In and out is affordable in case of Mobile Banking.
Analysis: From the figure 9, it is evident that among 100 respondents, the highest respondents
59 Strongly Disagreed with the statement that The Cost of cash In and out is affordable in
case of Mobile Banking. The second highest, 21 respondents also strongly Agree believes that
statements. For the data tables of this analysis.
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
Analysis: From the figure 9, it is evident that among 100 respondents, the highest
respondents 36 agreed with the statement that Available agent and branch for m-banking. The
second highest, 24 respondents also strongly believes that statements. For the data tables of
this analysis.
Analysis: From the figure 9, it is evident that among 100 respondents, the highest
respondents 31 agreed with the statement that M-banking is save your time.The second
highest, 29 respondents also strongly believes that statements. For the data tables of this
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
Analysis: From the figure 9, it is evident that among 100 respondents, the highest
respondents 58 agreed with the statement that Mobile Banking is new but modern. The
second highest, 25 respondents also strongly believes that statements. For the data tables of
this analysis.
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
Analysis: From the figure 25, it is evident that, among 100 respondent , the highest 38% waits
15 min, for deposit., 28% needs to below 10 min., 18% waits for 30 min. and 16% waits for
above 30 min.
4.2.9 In your experience, the approximate waiting time for cash out is
10 18 20
Belo 10Min 15 Min 30 Min Above 30 Min
Analysis: From the figure 25, it is evident that, among 100 respondent , the highest 50%
waits 15 min, for deposit., 18% needs to below 10 min., 12% waits for 30 min. and 20% waits
for above 30 min.
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
Analysis: From the figure 21, it is evident that, among 100 respondent , the highest 76% are
regular customer and 24% are irregular customers.
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
Analysis: From the figure 9, it is evident that among 100 respondents, the highest respondents
55 use this facility once a week. The second highest, 24 respondents also use this facility
more than once a week. For the data tables of this analysis.
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
1. Mobile as a technology provides all the support required to leverage Banking
2. Ease of availability* any time, any where,
3. Rapid growth of Mobile and wireless market.
1. Lack of awareness .about the new channel among the mobile users.
2.. Security concerns about the new channel
3. Mobile Handset operatability
4.Application distribution
1. Rapid increase in the Mobile user base and acceptance of the Mobile
technology even in Rural areas makes a bigger market available for mobile
banking to expand,
2. With technology advancements in Mobile handsets rich featusei can be
embedded in the application,
3. Lowering of Mobile Tarrifrates - GPRS, SMS
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
1. Regulatory restrictions by "Bangladesh Bank to launch Mobile banking as a
separate channel.
2, Acceptance of new technology by users.
3 Customer misuse of products and services
4. Traditional banking risks such as credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk are
also present in e-banking sectors.
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
5.1 Recommendation:
Continue Mobile Banking in the rural areas to increase the use of E-Money especially
in commercial applications. Continuous pilot testing of the other M-Banking services
to model cost effective ways of reaching more and more people in areas farther away
from bank. Develop a mobile banking website as information portal particularly for
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
5.2 Conclusion
For service providers, Mobile banking offers the next surest way to achieve growth.
Countries like Bangladesh where mobile penetration is nearing saturation, mobile
banking is helping service providers increase revenues from the now static subscriber
base. Also service providers are increasingly using the complexity of their supported
mobile banking services to attract new customers and retain old ones. For the fact is
that one day, in most of the world emerging markets, more people will use mobile
telephones than use fixed telephone lines. Businesses that are based on mobile
financial serviced will thus be a natural fit for these economies. What is more, there is
no need to wait for the next generation mobile networks; these businesses can be built
using today's technology. But to capture this significant opportunity, financial firms
and telecommunications companies will have to partnerships with one another and,
possibly, with merchants and retail chains as well. Mobile Banking in Bangladesh is
pioneer of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh and it has a lot of possibility to reach
customers door as well as banking in the hand of customers.
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
Web Site:
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
Sample of Questionnaire
Dear Respondent,
Demographic Information:
1 Age
2 Gender.
a) Male b) Female
3 Occupation.
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
a) Required b) Facility
5. Education level.
c) HSC d) Graduation
e) Post Graduation
a) Yes b) No
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Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh"
Yes No
Interview Guideline:
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