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STAR-EP-01 160
160-A-EE-V113000E002-G04080-1001 0/371
DALEXWA0002PE1412 MAN-0001

VENDOR: ALFA LAVAL PO:G224504080 EQ.TAG:160E-002 REV 0 1 2 3








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ITEM : 160E-002




For any question / clarification please send to :

Alfa Laval Packinox services
BP 30187
71105 Chalon-sur-Sane Cedex (France)
Phone : (33) 3 85 90 48 54
Fax : (33) 3 85 90 48 06
Email : [email protected]

Nom Entit Date

REVISION D Name Entity Date
Rdacteur Alexandra SMIRNOVA Services 6/4/2016


Approbateur Dominique SABIN Services management 6/4/2016

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Document validated electronically in accordance with quality system and applicable without signatures

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden
without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
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Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision
Revision Application date Subject of the revision
A 4/2/2016 Cration / First issue
B 2/3/2016 Traduction
C 17/3/2016 Modifications as per client comments
D 6/4/2016 Final issue

Number Revision Title
Alfa Laval Packinox description of 3 expansion bellows
SAIEXWA0001/10001 C
combined feed / effluent H/E
Alfa Laval Packinox installation recommendations for 3
SAIEXWA0002/10002 E
expansion bellows combined feed / effluent H/E
Alfa Laval Packinox start-up & operations & shutdown
B recommendations for 3 expansion bellows combined feed /
effluent H/E
Alfa Laval Packinox inspection & test & maintenance
SAIEXWA0005/10005 B recommendations for 3 expansion bellows combined feed /
effluent H/E
Alfa Laval Packinox thermal & hydraulic performances
SAIEXWA0006/10006 A troubleshooting for 3 expansion bellows combined feed /
effluent H/E
Alfa Laval Packinox mechanical troubleshooting for 3
SAIEXWA0007/10007 A
expansion bellows combined feed / effluent H/E
Alfa Laval Packinox instructions for chemical cleaning of 3
SAIEXWA0008/10008 E
expansion bellows combined feed / effluent H/E
Alfa Laval Packinox procedure for spray bar installation,
SAIEXWA0009/10009 C removal & cleaning for 3 expansion bellows combined feed /
effluent H/E
Alfa Laval Packinox on site tightness testing for 3 expansion
SAIEXWA0010/10010 D
bellows feed / effluent H/E
Alfa Laval Packinox instructions for 3 expansion bellows
SAIEXWA0011/10011 A combined feed / effluent H/E on site hydrotest in vertical
Alfa Laval Alfa Laval Packinox nitrogen pressure
SAIEXWA0012/10012 A verification & refilling for 3 expansion bellows combined
feed / effluent H/E
ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX 3 Expansion Bellows
SAIEXWA0017/10017 B Combined Feed / Effluent Heat Exchanger - Nitrogen
Alfa Laval Packinox combined feed / effluent H/E technical
SASEXWA0001/10001 B
specification for filters

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden
without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
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Item 160E-002



Nom Entit Date

REVISION A Name Entity Date
Rdacteur Sylvain GOMET Etudes 14/4/2015

Vrificateur(s) Laure GUICHARD Etudes 14/4/2015

Reviewer(s) Antoine PECHBERTY Etudes 21/4/2015

Approbateur Dominique SABIN Services 22/4/2015

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Document validated electronically in accordance with quality system and applicable without signatures

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden
without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
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Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revision Application date Subject of the revision
A 22/4/2015 Cration / First issue

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que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

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ITEM N : 160E-002
Process specification : Spec STAR SOCAR ref 160-E-EE- Case : Design
0012002 en rv 0 date du 13/08/2013 contenant la spec UOP
956952-416 (10 pages).

FLOW RATES kg/h lb/h WEIGHTS t lbs

Liquid Feed 142040 313144.65 Bundle Weight 44 97 003
Recycle Gas 27981 61687.56 Exchanger Weight 109 240304
Combined Feed 170021 374832.21
Reactor Effluent 170016 374821.18

Liquid Feed Inlet 147.8 298 SHELL
Recycle Gas Inlet 113.0 235 Internal Diameter 2840
Combined Feed Inlet 110 230 Bundle wall to Vessel Space 573
Combined Feed Outlet 486 908 BELLOWS Inches
Reactor effluent Inlet 521 971 Combined Feed Outlet 32
Reactor Effluent Outlet 120 249 Effluent Inlet 34
Hot Approach (Guaranteed) 36.1 65 Effluent Outlet 40
Combined Feed Inlet *


Combined Feed Inlet 5.39 78.19 Spray Bars (N1 / N2) 2 (16 inches)
Reactor Effluent Inlet 3.14 45.49
NOZZLES Inches Rating
Combined Feed Pressure Drop - - Recycle Gas Inlet (E1) 46 150
Reactor effluent Pressure Drop - - Combined Feed Outlet (S1) 36 300
Both sides Pressure Drop 0.862 12.51 Reactor Effluent Inlet (E2) 36 300
Reactor Effluent Outlet (S2) 42 150
LEAK TEST DATA Manhole - Hot side TH1 40 300
Combined Feed Density (kg/m3) 2.81
Combined Feed Heat Capacity (J/kg.C) 3769.09
Absolute Combined Feed Pressure (bar abs) 5.99 VOLUMES m3
Absolute Effluent Pressure (bar abs) 3.97 Feed + Shell Side 76
Effluent Side 18
LIFTING DATA Design Differential
Bar Psi
Minimum Recycle Gas flow Rate (kg/h) 14005 Feed Bellows & Header Boxes 2 29.01
Recycle Gas Molar Weight Effluent Bellows & Header
6.2 5.297 76.82

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

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Nom Entit Date

REVISION C Name Entity Date
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Services 9/1/2009

Vrificateur(s) Franck ALENDA Etudes 9/1/2009


Approbateur Dominique SABIN Services management 9/1/2009

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden
without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
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Document validated electronically in accordance with quality system and applicable without

Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revision Application date Subject of the revision
A 20/10/2004 First issue
B 4/10/2007 up date
C 9/1/2009 up grade according to client comments

1 - General Description

2 - Bundle

2.1. General description

2.2. Design & Manufacturing
2.3. Recycle Gas vs. Combined Feed & Effluent Pressures (Reverse Pressure)
2.4. Fluid distribution in combined feed & effluent channels

3 - Pressure vessel

4 - Others Components

4.1. Expansion Bellows

4.2. Spray Bar Liquid Naphtha Injection System
4.3. Header Boxes

5 - Installation

5.1. General
5.2. Insulation

6 Spare Parts

Appendix No. 1 - Nozzles orientation

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que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

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Appendix No. 2 - Supports

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que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

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1 General Description

The PACKINOX Heat Exchanger is a very large welded plate Heat Exchanger composed
essentially of a welded plate heat transfer bundle and of a pressure vessel (see general
sketch on heading page).

In operations the welded plate bundle is always protected and kept under positive external
pressure by the highest pressure stream (the recycle gas, which is fed directly into the
pressure vessel).

The other secondary components are :

- headers to allow fluid distribution inside the welded plate bundle,
- expansion bellows to compensate different thermal expansion between the bundle and
the pressure vessel,
- spray bars for liquid feed injection.

The PACKINOX Heat Exchanger is installed vertically and hot effluent from the last reactor
enters the Heat Exchanger at the top and flows downward as it is being cooled (Flow path =
Effluent inlet, hot end bellows, effluent header, plate bundle, cold end bellow, effluent

The cold combined feed enters the Heat Exchanger at the bottom and rises as it is being
heated (Flow path = Recycle gas inlet + venturi (vapour), liquid feed + spray bars (liquid),
plate bundle, feed header, hot end bellows, feed outlet).

2 - Bundle

2.1. General description

True counter current heat transfer takes place inside the bundle, which is made of thin
stainless steel corrugated plates formed by explosion, stacked and edge welded together.

The PACKINOX Heat Exchanger bundle is designed to optimize the thermal and hydraulic
performance of the Exchanger :

The base components are long corrugated stainless steel (SA240TP321, 304 or equivalent)
thin plates, which provide high thermal and hydraulic efficiency, high heat transfer rate,
high flow turbulence and low pressure drop.

The plate design in term of length, width, corrugation angle and gap is customized
according to process specification.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

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without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
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2.2. Design & Manufacturing

Long corrugated plates are formed by explosion under water (see photo No. 1) rather than
by metal-to-metal stamping. Explosion forming provides a very smooth surface and
constant thickness of the corrugated plates, which significantly reduces fouling. In addition,
due to the explosion forming method, the stresses are evenly distributed on the plate and
consequently the stress peaks are much lower than for plates formed by stamping method.

Photo No. 1 : Corrugated

plate coming out of the
forming pool

Each individual odd or even plate is equipped with longitudinal and inlet & outlet spacers
(see figure No. 1). The inlet & outlet spacer design depends on plate width.

The assembly of odd and even plates gives alternate channels for combined feed and
effluent. Fluids distribution inside the channels is ensured by header boxes and inlet &
outlet spacers (see details in point 2.3.).

Plates are stacked, then welded to each other along the edges (welded wall), providing for a
tight, stiff and rugged bundle assembly (see photo No. 2).

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Photo No. 2 : Bundle undergoing welding of plate-to-plate edges ("welded wall")

The chevron pattern of the plate corrugations provides tens of thousands of plate-to-plate
contact points eliminating plate vibration at all flow rates.

Because the chevron pattern of each plate is the diametrical opposite of the plates above
and below it, flow turbulence and distribution are further enhanced.

Homogeneous flow distribution means even temperature distribution across the bundle
eliminating the uneven thermal stresses resulting from bad distribution.

Plates are subjected to very low mechanical stresses. Because the bundle is suspended
vertically from a unique header box support system (see general schematic on heading
page), each plate supports only its own weight.

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Figure No. 1 : Typical Arrangement of plates

Effluent inlet


Distribution area

Thermal exchange area Longitudinal

(Corrugations partially Closure Strip

Distribution area

Inlet & Outlet

Closure Strips
Effluent outlet
Combined feed outlet

Distribution area

Thermal exchange area

(Corrugations partially
Closure Strips
Inlet & Outlet
Closure Strips
Distribution area

Combined Feed Inlet

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
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without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
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2.3. Recycle Gas vs. Combined Feed & Effluent Pressures (Reverse Pressure)

See detailed drawings for point 2.4. ( figure No. 2).

P1 : Pressure vessel side Pressure = Recycle Gas inlet Pressure,
P2 : Combined feed Pressure,
P3 : Reactor Effluent Pressure.
In operations P1 P2 > P3 is always ensured.
Considering that the welded plate bundle has no resistance to internal pressure, reverse
pressure such as P3 > P1 will damage it and this shall be avoided during any transient
operations (see details in operations & regeneration if applicable recommendations).

Note that P1 is always > P2 because the recycle gas flows from the Recycle Gas inlet,
through the pressure vessel, to the combined feed side of the bundle.

2.4. Fluid distribution in combined feed & effluent channels

The schematics hereafter (see figure No. 2) explain how the feed stream and effluent stream
are directed to alternating channels in the plate bundle. The schematics are not to
proportion, a typical bundle having usually a lot more than 100 channels

External plates (on which are welded the header

boxes and the bundle supports).

Bundle corrugated plates.

Inlet & Outlet closure strips.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
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Figure No. 2 : Plate bundle cross section Fluid distribution in channels

Pressure vessel Side :

Effluent Channel P3
Combined Feed Channel P2 Combined Feed Channel P2
Effluent Channel P3


Pressure vessel Side : Pressure vessel Side :

Pressure vessel Side : Recycle Gas P1

Channel ends

Plate corrugations
are not represented
Effluent Channel

Effluent Channel

Effluent Channel

on this drawing

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
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3 - Pressure vessel

The bundle is enclosed inside the pressure vessel, which is pressurized with the recycled
gas, the fluid at the highest pressure.
In normal operations there is no fluid circulation inside the pressure vessel, which is used
solely to withstand the operating pressure and to protect the bundle. The pressure vessel
uses a fully welded construction for the safest possible operation.

The pressure vessel, made of low alloy steel (1.25 Cr. - 0.5 Mo. or 2.25 Cr.- 1.0 Mo.) is
designed to withstand the pressure difference between the unit operating pressure (design
pressure) and the atmosphere, plus a full vacuum at the vacuum design temperature.

Pressure vessel wall thickness is calculated using graded temperature zones.

A manhole is provided near the top of the pressure vessel, while the lower portion of the
Exchanger is accessible through the recycle gas nozzle (on some design a second manhole
will be provided near the bottom of the pressure vessel).

The recycle gas nozzle and/or manhole(s) permit in-situ cold and hot side expansion
bellows replacement, should this become necessary.
Nozzle orientation & names are customised (see typical arrangement in appendix N 1).
External support for insulation, platform and ladders are customised.

4 Other components

4.1. Bellows
Bellows compensate for the thermal differential expansion between the stainless steel
bundle and the low alloy pressure vessel. The bellows are located inside the pressure vessel,
between the bundle inlet and outlet pipes and the pressure vessel nozzles.
Bellows materials are typically :
C - INCOLOY 800 or 800 H for hot part,
- INCONEL 625 for cold part.

4.2. Spray Bar Liquid Naphtha Injection System

The cold feed is made up of two streams, the recycle gas and the liquid feed. The recycle
gas is fed directly into the bottom of the pressure vessel where it flows into the bottom of
the bundle through a venturi-shaped bundle inlet.
The liquid feed is injected directly into the bundle through spray bars (see figure No. 3)
ensuring homogeneous mixing with recycle gas and even distribution within the bundle.

The advantages of the spray bar(s) Liquid Feed Injection System have been proven with
refiners throughout the world and spray bar(s) is a standard ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX
feature since 1987. They are especially recommended when low pressure drop in the
combined feed Heat Exchanger is required.

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Figure No. 3 : Spray Bar Drawing

Vessel side
Bundle Pressure

Liquid feed inlet

Recycle gas inlet

External plate

Welded Wall

Spray bars inject

thousand of liquid Recycle Gas inlet
droplets in combined
feed channels into plate bundle
through venturi
Recycle Gas
distribution grids

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
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4.3. Header boxes

Header boxes (see figure No. 4, 5 & 6 + photo No. 5) are used at the inlets and outlets of
the plate bundle. The geometry of the header boxes is customised according to the plate
bundle dimensions. Hot side header boxes will be either concentric or "side by side" as per
following drawings.

Figure No. 4 : Hot Side concentric Header Box

From E2 Nozzle
To S1 Nozzle (Effluent inlet)
(Combined Feed outlet)

Combined Feed
outlet header

Effluent inlet header


Welded Wall

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
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Figure No.5 : Hot "side by side" Header Box

To S1 Nozzle
(Combined Feed outlet)
From E2 Nozzle
(Effluent inlet)

Combined Feed
outlet header
Effluent inlet


Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
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This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden
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Figure N6 : Bottom side Header Box

External Welded
Plate Wall

Effluent outlet header

Feed inlet header From E1 Nozzle

(Recycle Gas Inlet)

To S2 Nozzle
(Effluent Outlet)

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
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Photo No. 5 : View of Effluent Inlet header box under welding

5 - Installation

Detailed recommendations for PACKINOX Heat Exchanger installation are described in

the document SAIEXWA0002 entitled PACKINOX Installation Recommendations for 3
Expansion Bellows Combined Feed / Effluent Heat Exchanger.

5.1. General

The PACKINOX Heat Exchanger is installed vertically. The pressure vessel is fitted with
4 brackets, Conical or cylindrical skirt (customized design) to be anchored to
foundations (see typical sketches in appendix N 2).

Lifting cover flanges are mounted on the top inlet and outlet nozzles.
Tailing lugs are fixed to the mounting brackets, skirt or bottom heads.
Both devices ensure easy handling and erection of the Heat Exchanger.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
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This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden
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5.2. Insulation

Insulation must be sufficient to ensure no detectable thermal loss to the atmosphere and no
risk to personnel.

Insulation clips and earth or grounding connections are welded to the pressure vessel.
These attachment clips are installed on the pressure vessel circumferential welds to
facilitate insulation removal for inspection of these welds.

6 Spare Parts

The following spare parts are recommended for PACKINOX Heat Exchangers :
Such spare parts may be included in the contract for Heat Exchanger supply or ordered

Description Recommended Quantity Delivery

Process Expansion bellows for : 1 of each recommended as spare 15 weeks
- combined feed outlet, capital spare parts.
- effluent inlet,
- effluent outlet.
Liquid Feed Distributor(s) = Spray 1 set (1 or 2 spray bars according to 9 weeks
bar(s) the Heat Exchanger design) is
recommended as capital spare parts.
Gaskets for blind flanges : 200% as commissioning spare parts. 10 weeks
- auxiliary nozzles, 200% as operation spare parts.
- manhole(s),
- spray bar(s) holder(s)
Bolts for blind flanges : 20% (with a minimum of 4 of each 12 weeks
- auxiliary nozzles, kind) as commissioning spare parts.
- manhole(s), 20% (with a minimum of 4 of each
- spray bar(s) holder(s) kind) as operation spare parts.

Note : Material & size are not described as they are customized project by project. Details
are provided in Heat Exchanger Drawings and Manufacturer book.

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Appendix No. 1 (1/2) : Nozzles orientation (top part of the Heat Exchanger).
Nozzles orientation is typical and does not represent the site reality.
Orientation is customized project by project.

Radial nozzle layout

(standard layout)

Parallel nozzle layout

(optional layout)

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Appendix No. 1 (2/2) : Nozzles orientation (bottom part of the Heat Exchanger).
Nozzles orientation is typical and does not represent the site reality.
Orientation is customized project by project.

Radial nozzle layout

(standard layout)

Parallel nozzle layout

(optional layout)

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Appendix No. 2 : Heat Exchanger Supports

4 Brackets :

Conical skirt :

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Cylindrical skirt :

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Nom Entit Date

REVISION E Name Entity Date
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Services 4/1/2011

Vrificateur(s) Franck ALENDA Etudes 4/1/2011


Approbateur Dominique SABIN Services management 4/1/2011

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Document validated electronically in accordance with quality system and applicable without signatures

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly
forbidden without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
Page 2 sur 22


Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revision Application date Subject of the revision
A 20/10/2004 Replace SA/ACX 002 E Rev. E procedure 'PACKINOX Heat
Exchanger installation recommendations for Catalytic Reforming
Units' and SA/ACX 005 E Rev. B procedure 'PACKINOX Heat
Exchanger installation recommendations for Petrochemicals
processes Units'
B 20/10/2004 General update after comments on Rev. A
C 14/1/2008 Up grade following Feed Back
D 5/1/2010 Differential pressure alarm modification
E 4/1/2011 Up date according to Client comments

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n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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Page 3 sur 22

1 - Introduction

2 - General

3 - Transportation / Handling

4 - Inspection before installation

5 - Lifting and installation

5.1 Heat Exchanger depressurisation

5.2 5.3 Blinds removal

5.4 Spray Bars installation

5.5 Internal visit

5.6 Connection of Process nozzles

6 - Surrounding equipments

6.1. External platforms

6.2. Piping spool pieces

6.3. Liquid Feed Filters

6.4. Liquid Feed line

6.5. Spray Bar(s) Installation & Removal & Back flush

6.6. Liquid Feed interlock

6.7. Degasing valve

6.8. Draining valve

6.9. Compressor line

6.10 Miscellaneous

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7 - Instrumentation

7.1. Flow rates

7.2. Pressures

7.3. Pressure drops

7.4. Feed vs. Effluent differential pressure

7.5. Temperatures

8 - Appendixes
Appendix No. 1 : Typical Nitrogen Blanketing Connections for shipping

Appendix No. 2 Surrounding equipments table

Appendix No. 3 Instrumentation table

Appendix No. 4 Liquid Feed Filters / Spray Bars Surrounding equipments


Appendix No. 5 PACKINOX Heat Exchanger Surrounding equipments

Appendix No. 6 PACKINOX Heat Exchanger instrumentation

Appendix No. 7 PACKINOX Check-list for installation

Appendix No. 8 Installation of a "Chinese hat" type filter at PACKINOX Heat

Exchanger Effluent inlet

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1 - Introduction

This procedure gives recommendations for installing a 3 Expansion Bellows PACKINOX

Combined Feed / Effluent Heat Exchanger.
Except for spray bar(s), none of the equipment described in this procedure is included in the
ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX scope of supply. However filters, instrumentation, may be
included in ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX scope of supply on a Project by Project basis.

This procedure reflects the field experience acquired by ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX Services in
numerous installations. ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX Services is available to provide advice and
assistance when necessary.

This procedure is to be considered as a guideline to the Company installing the heat exchanger.

The following topics are discussed in this procedure :

- General
- Transportation / Handling
- Inspection before Installation
- Lifting and Installation
- Equipments
- Instrumentation devices
- Appendices.

Heat Exchanger weight, design differential pressure, in addition to drawings are described on
Heat Exchanger nameplate.

For heavy bundles (>80 tons), additionnal recommendations are described in the procedures
SAIEXWA0014, for bundles of weight between 80t & 100t, and 0015, for bundle of a weight
>100t, included in the PACKINOX Operating Manual.

2 - General

The PACKINOX Heat Exchanger is pressurised with nitrogen, at a suitable pressure to avoid
oxygen entrance during transportation, before shipping (see typical sketch in Appendix 1).

Nitrogen pressure is guaranteed for 3 months storage. Nitrogen pressure may vary with
temperature (decrease when temperature decreases).

Nitrogen blanketing is described in the procedure SAIEXWA0012. This procedure is provided

with final Operating Manual.

If storage is longer than 3 months ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX must be informed and nitrogen
pressure verification (refilling if needed) as described in SAIEXWA0012 procedure shall be done
every 3 months.

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Page 6 sur 22

On site storage procedure is customer's responsibility.

3 Transportation / Handling

As per "Instructions for Transportation and Handling" and "Transportation Drawing".

These documents are customised and provided during project execution.

See below photo No. 1, typical transportation of a PACKINOX Heat Exchanger.

Photo No. 1:

- Photo No.1 : Transportation -

4 Inspection before installation

External Visual examination of the vessel to check that no damages during transportation and
handling occurred.

Note : No welding, no grinding and no shocks are permitted on the vessel.

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5 Lifting and installation

Lifting and Installation shall be performed using lifting blinds on nozzles E2 & S1 and tailing lug.

Note : Lifting accessories such as Slings, Shackles, Sling spreaders, shall be adequate for
lifting, taking into account the Heat Exchanger weight. After vertical installation the following
steps shall be followed :

5.1. Depressurise Heat Exchanger (delivered under nitrogen pressure)

Open Valve Vc on Effluent Outlet Nozzle (see drawing in Appendix No. 1).

Note : Although the PACKINOX is dried before delivery, some remaining water
(demineralized water used for hydro test) may flow out of the Effluent side.

Remove Nitrogen balancing line (from S1 to E2 nozzles at the top of the Heat Exchanger)

5.2. Remove blinds on auxiliary nozzles

- Blinds of drain U2, vent U1, auxiliary nozzles A1, A2, A4, (and in some cases A3) and
on spray bar holder N1 & N2 shall be removed.

Note : The PACKINOX Heat Exchanger is delivered with temporary gaskets. Service
gaskets shall be installed.

- Visual examination of flange faces,

- Installation of service gaskets on drain U2, vent U1, auxiliary A1, A2, A4, (and in some
cases A3)
- Installation of valves and associated piping when required.

5.3. Remove blinds on process nozzles

Lifting blinds on Combined Feed Outlet nozzle S1 & Effluent Inlet nozzle E2 and
Transportation blinds for Recycle Gas Inlet nozzle E1 & Effluent Outlet nozzle S2 shall be
Note : Although the PACKINOX is dried before delivery, some remaining water
(demineralized water used for hydro test) may flow out of the Heat Exchanger from
Recycle Gas Inlet nozzle (E1) and Effluent Outlet nozzle (S2).
Visual examination of the flange faces shall be done.

5.4. Spray Bars Installation

Except specific case, spray bars are delivered outside the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger.
They shall be installed on site and the conical grid with gasket shall be installed on vessel
nozzles M1/M2 according to procedure SAIEXWA0009 entitled "PACKINOX Combined
Feed / Effluent Standard Heat Exchanger Procedure for Spray Bar Cleaning, Removal and
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5.5. Internal Visit

- Remove blind on Manhole TH,

- Check Oxygen before entering the PACKINOX,
- If necessary, ventilate by blowing air through Recycle Gas Inlet nozzle,
- More detailed inspection (bellows, ) is customer's decision,
- Visual examination of Manhole Flange face,
- Close the Manhole using service gasket.

Note : The PACKINOX Heat Exchanger is delivered with temporary gaskets, also on the
Manhole. Service gaskets shall be installed.

5.6. Connection of Process Nozzles

- All incoming piping to the PACKINOX must be at least cleaned and flushed with dry air
or nitrogen. In case of doubt on pipe cleanliness, a more efficient cleaning shall be
performed (chemical cleaning, sand blasting).
- Ensure liquid feed piping between Spray Bar and feed filters is thouroughly chemically
- PACKINOX recommends to pressurise the exchanger with nitrogen until start up. This
shall be done by the same way as for Heat Exchanger delivery (balance line between feed
outlet and effluent inlet with nitrogen introduction by recycle gas nozzle)  see drawing
in Appendix No. 1 and procedure SAIEXWA0012.

Note : Check-list as provided in Appendix No. 7 shall be followed, filled-up and returned to

6 Surrounding equipments

PACKINOX recommends to install the following equipments for easier access & maintenance
(see table in Appendix No. 2 and drawing in Appendix No. 5).

6.1. External Platforms

- At manhole(s) level to facilitate access inside the PACKINOX for internal visit and
- At spray bar(s) level to facilitate mounting and cleaning of spray bars. In addition
sufficient space shall be allowed for mounting & removing spray bar (see drawing in
Appendix No. 5).

6.2. Piping spool pieces

6.2.1. Mandatory
- At Recycle Gas Inlet nozzle E1 as it is used as manhole for access to the bottom of

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- At Effluent Outlet S2 for easier foulant sampling and installation of blind flange
for chemical cleaning and vacuum leak test.
6.2.2. Recommended
- At Combined Feed Outlet S1 for easier inspection from the top
- At Effluent Inlet E2 for easier inspection from the top. However space for
spectacle blind installation shall be managed. This blind is used for vacuum leak

6.3. Liquid Feed Filters (see Photo No.2 and drawings in Appendix No.4)

To avoid plugging of the PACKINOX spray bars during operation, two filters should be
installed in the liquid feed line upstream of the spray bars as shown in Appendix No. 4. The
Filters should be installed, with bypasses as shown, so each filter can be cleaned in turn
without stopping the unit.

ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX strongly recommends to install basket type Filters, because
screen Filters (such as "Y" type filters) are not sufficient to retain solid particles which can
be present in start up & normal operation.

The filters should be basket type with a sieve fitted inside a stiffening basket. The design
of the stiffening basket is the responsibility of the filters Manufacturer.

- Photo No.2 : Liquid Feed Filters -

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For the detailed design of filters, our specification SASEXWA0001 entitled "PACKINOX
Combined Feed / Effluent Heat Exchanger Technical Specification for filters"- can be

The filters lines should be fitted with differential pressure gauges as shown in Appendix No.
4. When the pressure drop across the in-service filter becomes greater than 1 bar (14.5 psi),
switch feed from the dirty filter to the clean filter.
The dirty filter can then be cleaned without shutting down the system.
Once the dirty filter has been cleaned, it should be returned to the stand-by condition until
the other filters has a pressure drop greater than 1 bar (14.5 psi).

6.4. Liquid feed line (see drawing in Appendix No. 4)

PACKINOX recommends installing stainless steel piping from the filters to the spray bars.
This will avoid possible fouling of the spray bars due to rust or foreign particles being
introduced in the feed after filtration.
In any case PACKINOX recommends cleaning this piping before first start up using
compressed air to blow out foreign particles like non adherent rust, dust, sand etc...
A chemical cleaning of the line is more efficient to avoid plugging with rust or foreign

6.5. Spray Bar Installation & Removal & Back flush (see drawing Appendix No.4)

The method for installing and removing the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger spray bars is
given in procedure SAIEXWA0009 entitled "PACKINOX Combined Feed / Effluent Heat
Exchanger Standard Procedure for Spray Bar Cleaning, Removal and Installation".

To allow easy installation and removal of the spray bars, sufficient space must be provided
adjacent to the spray bars as shown in Appendix No. 4. The required area is specific to
individual PACKINOX exchangers and will be supplied upon request.

The liquid feed line must be fitted with a removable elbow, as shown in Appendix No. 4.

As an option and at customer's decision, Spray Bar Back Flush system should be installed.
Procedure for back flush operation if installed is described in procedure SAIEXWA0009
entitled "PACKINOX Combined Feed / Effluent Heat Exchanger Standard Procedure for
Spray Bar Cleaning, Removal and Installation".

6.6. Liquid Feed Interlock (see drawing Appendix No.4)

If the circulation of the liquid is made by a Feed Pump, the Valve or the Feed Pump must be
automatically cut when the recycle gas compressor shuts down (closing time is depending
of the diameter of line, the maximum allowable is 3 sec./inch).

6.7. Degasing valve (see drawing in Appendix No.5)

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A valve (V1) covered by a blind flange, must be installed on the vent (U1) to permit
hydrocarbons to be purged, especially during shut down. For the PACKINOX Heat
Exchangers installed in semi-regenerative units, this valve permits flushing oxygen out of
the shell, during start up and after catalyst oxy-chlorination.
Connection to the flare is customer's decision.

6.8. Draining valve (see drawing in Appendix No. 5)

A valve (V2) can be installed on drain (U2) to allow the draining of the pressure vessel.
Connection to slope or other device is customer's decision.

6.9. Compressor line

In order to prevent any reverse pressure due to compressor stop and/or surge, a check-valve
shall be installed.
Non slam type check-valve is highly recommended.

6.10. Miscellaneous

Because channels in the exchanger bundle are small (2.5 to 6 mm), the last reactor outlet
must be design to prevent catalyst migration (center pipe with additional Johnson type
screen for radial reactors, )
If not, PACKINOX recommends to install an additional protection (such as "Chinese hat"
type filter) at PACKINOX Heat Exchanger Effluent inlet to avoid any migration of foreign
material  see Photo No.3 and details in Appendix No. 8.

- Photo No.3 : Effluent Filter -

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7 Instrumentation

PACKINOX recommends installing the instrumentation to follow up thermal & hydraulic &
mechanical performances of the heat exchanger (see drawing in Appendix No. 4 and 6).
All data are reported to the Control Room and stored with DCS system.
All data should be measured and recorded using quality sensors and equipment calibrated to the
accuracy as specified in this procedure (see Appendix N3).

7.1. Flow rates

F1 : Recycle Gas flow rate
F2 : Liquid Feed flow rate

7.2. Pressures
P1 : Recycle Gas inlet pressure (at discharge of the Recycle Gas compressor is acceptable
with potential correction in case on intermediate equipment such as check valve)
P2 : Liquid Feed inlet pressure (used to monitor spray bars pressure drops). Measurement
shall be done as close as possible of the spray bars and at a similar level to avoid any liquid
P3 : Effluent inlet pressure
P4 : Effluent outlet pressure (in most cases, Px Pressure at separator is acceptable)

7.3. Pressure drops

7.3.1. By specific differential pressure measurements
DPR1 : Pressure Drop on the Combined Feed stream (used to monitor possible fouling of
the Combined Feed stream)

DPR2 : Pressure Drop on the Effluent stream (used to monitor possible fouling of the
Effluent stream).

Note :
The sum of DPR1 and DPR2 is the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger total pressure drop, one of
the design & guarantee parameter.

DPR3 : Liquid Feed filters(s) pressure drop (used to monitor the possible fouling of the
Liquid Feed Filters most often at start-up).
Alarm shall be fixed at 1 bar (14.5 psi).

7.3.2. By calculation between pressures measurements

DPR4 = P2 P1 : Spray Bar pressure drop (used to monitor the possible fouling of the
spray bars).
Alarm shall be fixed when value is reaching 5 bars (72.5 Psi).
If this value is reached spray bar cleaning shall be done either by back flush (see point 6.5.
and SAIEXWA0009 entitled "PACKINOX Combined Feed / Effluent Heat Exchanger
Standard Procedure for Spray Bar Cleaning, Removal and Installation" or during shutdown.

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7.4. Feed vs. Effluent differential pressure

DPR 5 : Differential pressure between Combined Feed and Effluent streams.

The value will be given by calculation between Recycle Gas inlet pressure P1 and Effluent
outlet pressure P4 (Pressure at separator Px is acceptable).
Alfa Laval Packinox recommends fixing the alarm at 90% design differential pressure.
Feed vs. Effluent differential pressure is customised according to process conditions.
Feed vs. Effluent differential pressure is indicated on the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger
Name Plate.

7.5. Temperatures
Temperatures measurements shall be as close as possible of the PACKINOX Heat

T1A : Recycle Gas inlet temperature.

T1B : Liquid Feed inlet temperature

T2 : Combined Feed outlet temperature

T3 : Effluent inlet temperature

Note :
The difference between T3 and T2 (Effluent inlet temperature - Combined Feed outlet
temperature) is called the "Hot Approach Temperature =HAT" and is the most useful
parameter for monitoring in service thermal performance.

T4 : Effluent outlet temperature

T5 : Skin Temperature of the vessel hottest part (top head or first shell).
This parameter is useful to detect any failure in top end expansion bellows (as relatively
cold Recycle Gas will flow inside the pressure vessel and this which will cause the pressure
vessel wall to become cooler).
Following the requirements of specific vessel codes & regulations additional skin
temperature attachments may be installed on other parts of the vessel.

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Appendix No. 1 : Typical Nitrogen Blanketing connections for shipping

Nitrogen balancing line Pressure Gauge to be connected

Vb Connection for Nitrogen refilling

S1 E2

A1 A2


Effluent Circuit

M or




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Appendix No. 2 : Surrounding equipments table

Equipment Mandatory Recom'd Remarks

2 liquid feed filters in Yes Avoid plugging spray-bars.
parallel (see Appendix No. 4)
Liquid feed line from filters Yes Avoid plugging spray-bars with rust or
to Heat Exchanger inlet in scales.
stainless steel (see Appendix
No. 4)
Platform + maintenance Yes Permit easy maintenance work (removal
space at spray bars (see & installation) of spray bars.
Appendix No. 4)
Removable elbow at spray Yes Permit easy maintenance work (removal
bars & installation) of spray bars.
Back flush system of spray Yes Permit on-line cleaning of spray bars.
bars (see Appendix No. 4)
Valve (V1) on the Vent U1 Yes Permit HC flush out of the shell during
(see Appendix No. 5) shut down and oxygen after catalyst
oxy-chlorination (fixed bed process
Valve (V2) on the drain U2 Yes Permit draining of the vessel (low
(see Appendix No. 5) point).
Removable elbow on the Yes Manway for inspection of the bottom
Recycle Gas inlet nozzle E1 part of the heat exchanger.
Removable elbow on the Yes Permit easy maintenance work
Combined Feed outlet nozzle (installation of blind flanges for
S1 cleaning, testing, ).
Removable elbow on the Yes Permit easy maintenance work
Effluent inlet nozzle E2 (installation of blind flanges for
cleaning, testing, ).
Permit visual inspection in case of any
plugging of material from reaction
Removable elbow on the Yes Permit easy maintenance work
Effluent outlet nozzle S2 (installation of blind flanges for
cleaning, testing, ).
Platform at the manhole(s) Yes Permit safe access to top manhole(s).
Liquid feed interlock Yes If the naphtha feed is made using a
dedicated reformer feed pump, then
liquid flow must be cut automatically
when the compressor trips or shutdown.

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Page 16 sur 22

Appendix No. 3 : Instrumentation table

All these data shall be :

- with reading in Control Room,
- recorded on DCS system.

See drawings in Appendixes No. 4 and 5

F1 Recycle Gas flow rate +/- 0.5 t/h

+/- 1% Nm3/h
F2 Liquid Feed flow rate +/- 0.5 t/h (m3/h)
P1 Recycles Gas inlet pressure +/- 0.1 bar (1.45 psi)
P2 Liquid Feed inlet pressure +/- 0.1 bar (1.45 psi)
P3 Effluent inlet pressure +/- 0.1 bar (1.45 psi)
P4 or Px Effluent outlet or unit separator pressure +/- 0.1 bar (1.45 psi)
DPR1 Pressure drop of combined feed stream +/- 0.01 bar (0.145psi)
Alarm at 90% of 2 bars 1.8 bars
(26.1 psi)
DPR2 Pressure drop of effluent stream +/- 0.01 bar (0.145 psi)
DPR Pressure drop of heat exchanger By calculation
DPR3 Pressure drop on Liquid Feed Filters +/- 0.01 bar (0.145 psi)
Alarm at 1 bar (14.5 psi)  switch
DPR4 Pressure drop of spray bar(s) By calculation
P2 P1
Alarm at 5 bars (72.5 psi)  clean
spray bars (back flush or other
DPR5 Combined Feed vs. Effluent differential By calculation
pressure P1 Px
Alarm value is defined in para. 7.4

T1A Recycle Gas inlet temperature +/- 1C (1.8F)

T1B Liquid Feed inlet temperature +/- 1C (1.8F)
T2 Combined Feed outlet temperature +/- 1C (1.8F)
T3 Effluent inlet temperature +/- 1C (1.8F)
HAT Hot End Approach temperature By calculation
T3 T2
Alarm if higher than 80C (144F).
T4 Effluent outlet temperature +/- 1C (1.8F)
T5 Skin of the shell temperature +/- 5C (9F)

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n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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Page 17 sur 22

Appendix No. 4 : Liquid Feed Filters / Spray bar(s) Surrounding equipments Instrumentation.
For the purpose of this drawing only 1 spray bar is represented (number of spray bars 1 or 2 varies
with the Heat Exchanger size).

Space to keep free for spray bar

removal : L x W x 1000 mm
Line to Flare / Slope L and W being Heat Exchanger

Back Flush Closing Removable elbow at

valve No. 2 spray bars inlet
Liquid feed line
from Filters

Back Flush Closing valve No. 1

Filters details Liquid feed line
to spray bar(s)
Filters T1B P2
pressure drop
Liquid Feed Liquid Feed
inlet inlet pressure
Liquid Feed
interlock Valves to permit
Filters switching in
Liquid feed line Stainless steel pipes type 304L or
from pump(s) equivalent.
Carbon steel pipes

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Page 18 sur 22

Filters general design

Dimension, position and orientation of nozzles to be confirmed on detailed drawings.

Rep. Diam. Rating Description

(mm) Lbs (RF)
A Inlet
B Outlet
C Drain
D Vent

Rep. Distance.
X ?
Y ?
Z ?





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n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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Page 19 sur 22

Appendix No. 5 : PACKINOX Heat Exchanger surrounding equipments.

Degassing valve
V1at U1 vent
S1 E2


A1 A2
Removable elbow
at Effluent inlet
Removable elbow
TH E2 nozzle
at Combined Feed
outlet S1 nozzle


Platform at
manhole level

Removable elbow &

pipe at Spray Bar(s)
inlet N1/N2 nozzles
N or

Platform at
spray bars level
Removable elbow
at Effluent outlet
Removable elbow S2 nozzle
at Recycle Gas U2 A4
inlet E1 nozzle


Draining valve
V2 at U2 drain
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Page 20 sur 22

Appendix No. 6 : PACKINOX Heat Exchanger instrumentation.

S1 E2
Combined Feed T2 T3 Effluent inlet temperature
outlet temperature
P3 Effluent inlet pressure
A1 A2


T5 Vessel skin temperature

Feed stream
pressure drop

Instrumentation for spray

bar filters is detailed in
Appendix No. 4.
DPR2 Effluent stream
Liquid Feed inlet pressure drop
N or
temperature N1/N2

Liquid Feed
inlet pressure

Spray Bars DPR4

pressure drop U2 A4

Combined Feed
vs. Effluent S2 T4 Effluent outlet temperature
differential pressure
Recycle Gas inlet T1A
P1 DPR5 Effluent outlet pressure
temperature Px
(separator pressure)
Recycle Gas inlet pressure
(compressor discharge)

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Page 21 sur 22

Appendix No. 7 : PACKINOX Check-List for installation (to be filled up and sent back to


1 External Visual Examination of the No welding, no shocks permitted.
2 Lifting of the Heat Exchanger. Use of adequate equipment.
Use notified "Sling points".
3 Depressurize Nitrogen contained in The H/E is pressurized with nitrogen for
the Exchanger (opening of Effluent transportation and storage. Although the
Outlet Nozzle S2). PACKINOX is dried before delivery,
some remaining water (demineralized
water used for hydro test) may flow out
from the shell.
4 Removal of Nitrogen piping.
5 Removal of Transport/lifting blind Visual examination of flange faces.
flanges on Process nozzles. Installation of service gaskets.
6 Remove blinds on drain U2, vent U1, Visual examination of flange faces.
auxiliary nozzles A1, A2, A4 Installation of service gaskets.
7 Installation of valves and associated
piping when required.
8 Install Spray Bar, connect and flush According to SAIEXWA0009.
pipe from liquid feed filters. Verify incoming pipes cleanliness.
Verify fitting of conical grid.
9 Opening of the Manhole(s). Visual Examination of flange face.
Check Oxygen & Nitrogen before
Installation of service gasket
10 Internal Visual Examination. At customer's decision.
11 Connect process pipes. The pipes (especially exchanger inlets)
must be properly cleaned and flushed with
dry air (or nitrogen). Ensure liquid feed
piping between spray bars and feed filters
is thoroughly chemically cleaned.
Install operating gaskets.
12 It is recommended to pressurise the Nitrogen Pressurisation as specified in the
exchanger with nitrogen until start up. contract.
If no contractual indication, the standard
recommended value is 100mbar at 20C.
Check the nitrogen pressure every month.
 procedure SAIEXWA00012.

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Page 22 sur 22

Appendix No. 8 : Installation of a "Chinese hat" type filter at PACKINOX Heat Exchanger
Effluent inlet

Specific instrumentation for pressure drop monitoring shall be added :

DPR6 : Effluent filter pressure drop (used to monitor the possible plugging of the filter most
often at start-up).
Alarm shall be fixed at 1 bar (14.5 psi).

Detailed specification (recommended size) is included in ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX procedure

SASEXWA0001 entitled "PACKINOX Combined Feed / Effluent Heat Exchanger Technical
Specification for filters".


S1 E2

"Chinese hat" type filter to be
located as close as possible of
PACKINOX Heat Exchanger
A1 A2

Note : This sketch shows the standard orientation of the conical filter.
The conical filter may be orientated in the opposite direction, as per Client's decision.

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Nom Entit Date

REVISION B Name Entity Date
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Services 29/1/2008

Franck ALENDA Etudes 29/1/2008

Dominique SABIN Services management 29/1/2008
Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Document validated electronically in accordance with quality system and applicable without signatures
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is
strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its
Page 2 sur 13


Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revision Application date Subject of the revision
A 20/10/2004 Replace SA/OPX001 E Rev. D procedure 'PACKINOX Heat
Exchanger start-up & test procedure'
B 29/1/2008 Up grade following return of experience

1 - Introduction

2 - Start-up

2.1. Start-up
2.2. Start-up with electrolytic H2
2.3. Start-up (cold climates)

3 Operations

3.1. Performances test & test-run

3.2. Performances monitoring
3.3. Operating limits
3.4. Double phase flow lifting Vertical entrainment
3.5. Regeneration (if applicable)

4 - Unit Upset Conditions

4.1. Complete shut down

4.2. Liquid Feed pump trip

5 Shutdown

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its
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Appendix No. 1 : Operating data for performances test

Appendix No. 2 : Test-run data Physical & Transport properties

Appendix No. 3 : Operating data for performances monitoring (typical


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divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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1 - Introduction

This procedure gives recommendations for the start-up, operations and shutdown for 3
expansion bellows PACKINOX Heat Exchangers.

2 Start-up

2.1. Start-up :
Start-up procedure for PACKINOX Heat Exchanger differs from a conventional heat
exchanger start-up procedure on the following points only :

a) Clean and flush all incoming piping (recycle gas line from compressor, liquid feed line
from filters and effluent line from reactor) before start-up. The gap between plates in
the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger varies from 2.5 to 6 mm. Dirt or foreign materials
entering into the plate bundle could partially block the channels.

b) As the pressure of the combined feed (equal to recycle gas pressure) must always be
greater than the pressure of the effluent stream, the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger must
only be pressurised by the recycle gas nozzle (E1). Vacuum must only be applied at the
effluent outlet nozzle (S2).
Ensure the rate of temperature increase or decrease is 50C/h 5C/h (90F/h 9F/h)
while keeping the PACKINOX inside the operating limits defined in point 3.3.

c) As the bundle is constructed of Stainless Steel, the simultaneous presence of chlorides

and liquid water should always be avoided.
Corrosion may result if it is exposed to chlorides + water over extended periods.
Note: For semi-regenerative catalytic reformers, the chlorine gas present during
catalyst regeneration does not cause any corrosion problems, as water condensation
does not occur inside the bundle.
Always keep the temperature of the effluent outlet above the water dew point. (see
PACKINOX Combined Feed/Effluent Heat Exchanger Recommendations during
Regeneration SAIEXWA0005).
The exchanger must be flushed with nitrogen after regeneration or following a shut
down when it has been subject to contact with air.

d) When reactor reaches the temperature of initial reaction, start injecting the liquid feed
in the PACKINOX heat exchanger. Linearly increase the rate of liquid feed injection
from 0 to 60% in 5 minutes (-0/+1min), after which 100% liquid feed rate may be
injected. Initial liquid feed rate may be modified after consulting the process licensor.

Note :
Any purge (nitrogen or other gas) shall be done when PACKINOX Heat Exchanger is in cold
state (temperature lower than 150C).

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Page 5 sur 13

2.2. Start-up with electrolytic H2 :

In case of start up with electrolytic H2, if there is no impact on the recycle gas compressor, a
recommended practice is to add about 20% (volume) of N2 in order to obtain a higher gas
"shilling" density, between 0.2 and 0.25.

2.3. Start-up (cold climates) :

Customised specification (taking into account specific project requirement) shall be used in
addition of these recommendations.

3 Operations

3.1. Performances test & test-run :

The performances test and/or test-run is conducted to verify the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger
thermal & hydraulic performances compliance with the guarantees.

It could be conducted by two ways :

3.1.1. Performances test :

The following steps shall be done :
a) Operate the unit on a stable mode as close as possible of the design conditions for liquid
feed, recycle gas and reactor effluent inlet.
As close as possible of the design conditions means :
- Inlet flow rates, temperatures & pressures same than design
- Similar physical & transport properties than design.
Physical & transport properties include = density, = dynamic viscosity, = thermal
conductivity, Cp = specific heat.

b) Fill up the performances test table (see example in Appendix No. 1) with signature of both
parties if ALFA LAVAL PACKINOXs representative is present on site for the performances

3.1.2. Test-run :
The following steps shall be done :
a) Operate the unit on a stable mode at any normal conditions for liquid feed, recycle gas and
reactor effluent inlet.

b) Fill up the performances test table (see example in Appendix No. 1) with signature of both
parties if ALFA LAVAL PACKINOXs representative is present for the test-run.

c) Take necessary samples for feed, recycle gas, product to generate complete set of design
data (see test-run data in Appendix No. 2). These data are either generated by software such
as PRO-II, or by process licenser. ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX has not the capability to
generate such data.

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Page 6 sur 13

3.2. Performances monitoring :

To evaluate performances over the time, ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX requires the
transmission on a regular basis of daily average operating data (see typical example in
Appendix No. 3).
Daily average data easily collectable from refinery systems represents the best compromise
as compared to spot data more difficult to analyse.
At receipt of these data, ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX will issue a Performances analysis
memo with any recommendations for future operations, maintenance
See as well document SAIEXWA0006 A for PACKINOX Thermal & Hydraulic
performances troubleshooting for 3 Expansion Bellows Combined Feed / Effluent Heat

3.3. Operating limits :

The PACKINOX Heat Exchanger following operating limits shall not be overtaken (see
Typical example in Appendix N 4) :
HAT : 80C (144F) for continuous operations (long term operations days or months),
HAT : 100C (180F) for spot operations (transient conditions for few hours).

Guidelines for temperatures steps, applicable for Heat Exchangers designed after January
2002 and for unlimited number of cycles, shall be followed :

Heating /Cooling rate Maximum Maximum Acceptable Stabilisation Period

Acceptable Duration Temperature Step before restarting
Heating / Cooling
1 50C/h N/A N/A N/A
2 80C/h 45 minutes 60C 30 minutes
3 100C/h 30 minutes 50C 45 minutes
4 160C/h 15 minutes 40C 1 hour

Extended guidelines can be issued for a limited number of cycles upon request.

3.4. Double phase flow lifting Vertical entrainment :

See Equipment Record Card for operating limitation when flows (recycle gas and/or liquid
feed) are reduced.
The minimum Recycle Gas flow rate is defined in the E.R.C.
At minimum Recycle Gas flow rate, the Liquid flow rate can vary from 50% to 120%.

If flow velocity is lower than PACKINOXs criteria unstable, slug flow may be observed with
associated potential consequence on overall performances and mechanical integrity of the
PACKINOX Heat Exchanger.

If long term operation at reduced capacity is planned, it will be highly recommended to

contact ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX Services.
Values indicated in E.R.C. are customized project by project.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
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Page 7 sur 13

Below sketch indicates consequences of process parameters on the vertical entrainment at a

minimum Recycle gas flow rate. All other parameters remain in the conditions given in
Equipment Record Card :

Parameters acceptable variations :


Recycle Gas Inlet
Liquid feed Inlet
Recycle Gas Inlet
Recycle Gas Molar

When 2 parameters are simultaneously close to the Red Zone, there is a risk of bad
operation and of degradation of the Heat exchanger.

3.5. Regeneration (if applicable) :

Applicable for fixed bed (semi-regenerative) reforming units.
See detailed procedure PACKINOX Combined Feed/Effluent Heat Exchanger
Recommendations during Regeneration SAIEXWA0005.

4 Unit Upset Conditions

4.1. Complete shut down

Upset conditions can be created when the unit restarts with equipments (heaters, reactors,
Packinox H/E,.) at different temperatures.

For example after a complete unit shut down, when the unit is hot (such as, but not limited to,
Recycle gas compressor trip)
In these conditions, high heat transfer can create thermal transient conditions and generate
high thermal stresses in the equipments (including the Packinox H/E).

In case of upset conditions, the End user as to refer to the Process Licensor Operating

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
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Page 8 sur 13

4.2. Liquid Feed pump trips :

In such a case operations shall be continued with recycle gas compressor running (+
precautions to avoid temperatures increase in the reaction zone).
However and in order to avoid thermal shock in the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger at liquid
feed pump restart, the same procedure than a regular start-up shall be applied (see point

5 - Shutdown

Shutdown procedure for PACKINOX heat exchangers differs from conventional heat
exchanger shutdown procedure on the following points only :

a) The exchanger must only be pressurised by the recycle gas nozzle (E1) or at compressor
discharge and vacuum must only be applied at the effluent outlet nozzle (S2) or at separator &
compressor suction.

b) The cooling rate is 50C/h 5C/h (90F/h 9F/h). The recycle gas compressor must
operate until the loop temperature is low enough as about 150C.

c) In case of maintenance shutdown, the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger shall not be exposed to
atmosphere and must be filled with nitrogen to protect the austenitic Stainless Steel bundle
from corrosion.
For maintenance see detailed procedure SAIEXWA0005 A for PACKINOX Inspection &
Test & Maintenance for 3 Expansion Bellows Combined Feed / Effluent Heat Exchanger

Note :
In case of unit maintenance shutdown it is recommended to keep the PACKINOX Heat
Exchanger under nitrogen atmosphere and not opened to the atmosphere.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
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Page 9 sur 13

Appendix No. 1 : Operating data for performances test (typical example)

Measurement Type + Estimated distance

Measured Value
Accuracy from Heat Exchanger
Temperature (C or F) T1B Control Room : TI144 Approximately 40 m.

Pressure (kg/cm or barg or Psi) P2 Local (0 40 barg) At spray bars inlet

20,5 barg

Flow Rate (m3/h or bpsd or t/h) F2 Control Room :

94,5 m3/h FC002
Temperature (C or F) T1A 39C Control Room : TI014 Approximately 60 m.
34C Local (0 300C) Approximately 10 m.
Pressure (kg/cm or barg or Psi) P1 Control Room : PI001 Approximately 10
19,7 barg
Local (0 40 barg) meters
20,0 barg
Spray Bars pressure drop (kg/cm or bar Difference between P2
or Psi) DPR4 0,8 bar and P1
Flow Rate (Nm3/h or t/h) F1 Control Room : FI001
60 300 Nm3/h


Temperature (C or F) T2 Control Room : TI145 Approximately 2
459,4C meters
Pressure (kg/cm or barg or Psi) P3 19,4 barg Control Room : PI030
= Reactor No. 1 Inlet
19,8 barg Local (0 40 barg)
Pressure drop (kg/cm or bar or Psi) Difference between P3
DPR1 0,3 bar and P2
Temperature (C or F) T3 Control Room : TI156 Approximately 50
492,5C meters
Pressure (kg/cm or barg or Psi) P4 Control Room : PI034
18.1 barg
= Reactor No. 3 Inlet
Local (0 40 barg) Approximately 3
17.9 barg
Hot End Approach Temperature - HAT Calculated T3 T2
33,1 C


Temperature (C or F) T4 Local (0 200C) At PACKINOX outlet

Pressure (kg/cm or barg or Psi) P5 Local (0 25 barg) At PACKINOX outlet

17,5 barg

Pressure drop (kg/cm or bar or Psi) Difference between P4

DPR2 0,6 bar and P5
Heat Exchanger Pressure drop (kg/cm DPR1 + DPR2
or bar or Psi) - DPR 0.9 bar

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its
Page 10 sur 13

Appendix No. 2 : Test-run data Physical & Transports properties

(MM kcal/h)















Mass gas











Before Mixing

After Mixing
Recycle Gas

Dew Point


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divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its
Page 11 sur 13

(MM kcal/h)
















Mass gas








Dew Point


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divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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Page 12 sur 13

Appendix No. 3 : Operating data for performances monitoring (typical example)

Date Flows Temperatures Pressure Drops Inlet Pressures

Liquid Recycle Recycle Liquid Combined Reactor Effluent Skin Feed Effluent Recycle Liquid Reactor
Feed Gas Gas Feed Feed In Out Stream Stream Gas Feed Effluent
In In Out
13FC1 13FR7 13TIM221 13TI4N 13TIM220 13TIM247 13TIM219 13TIM234 PDI507 PDI502 PI342 PI024 PI347
(m3/h) (Knm3/h) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (bar) (bar) (barg) (barg) (barg)
08/07/02 88,2 45,06 65 144 451 493 115 387 0,47 0,24 9,9 12,5 8,1
09/07/02 90,0 44,24 66 145 452 494 116 388 0,48 0,25 10,4 12,9 8,5
10/07/02 90,0 44,02 66 144 451 492 116 387 0,47 0,25 10,4 13,0 8,5
11/07/02 90,0 44,24 67 143 448 490 115 386 0,47 0,25 10,4 13,0 8,5
12/07/02 90,0 43,44 66 143 445 487 115 385 0,47 0,26 10,4 12,9 8,5
13/07/02 90,0 44,27 67 143 444 486 116 385 0,47 0,26 10,4 12,9 8,5
14/07/02 90,0 45,05 67 143 446 488 115 386 0,48 0,25 10,5 12,9 8,5
15/07/02 90,0 45,11 67 143 447 489 116 386 0,48 0,25 10,4 13,0 8,5
16/07/02 90,0 44,52 67 143 449 491 116 386 0,47 0,28 10,4 13,0 8,5
17/07/02 90,0 44,29 67 143 447 489 116 386 0,47 0,25 10,4 13,0 8,5
18/07/02 88,9 44,85 67 143 446 488 115 387 0,47 0,22 9,8 11,5 8,0
19/07/02 83,4 46,30 66 144 446 488 114 386 0,47 0,22 9,8 11,5 8,0
20/07/02 80,0 42,58 64 144 447 488 114 386 0,42 0,22 9,8 11,5 8,0
21/07/02 82,6 41,29 64 143 447 488 115 386 0,42 0,24 10,1 12,0 8,3
22/07/02 87,3 42,60 66 143 445 488 116 386 0,45 0,25 10,2 13,0 8,4
23/07/02 90,0 44,33 68 142 444 487 116 386 0,49 0,26 10,3 13,1 8,4
24/07/02 90,0 44,60 68 143 446 488 116 386 0,49 0,26 10,4 12,9 8,5
25/07/02 90,0 45,29 68 143 449 491 116 387 0,50 0,26 10,3 13,1 8,5
26/07/02 90,0 45,22 69 143 450 492 116 387 0,49 0,26 10,8 13,4 8,5
27/07/02 90,1 43,90 67 142 449 491 116 387 0,47 0,26 10,5 13,2 8,5
28/07/02 90,0 43,02 66 142 447 489 116 387 0,46 0,26 10,4 13,0 8,5
29/07/02 90,0 42,69 66 142 447 490 116 387 0,46 0,26 10,4 13,0 8,5
30/07/02 90,0 43,26 67 142 449 492 116 388 0,47 0,28 10,4 13,0 8,5
31/07/02 90,0 44,06 67 142 451 493 116 388 0,48 0,26 10,4 13,1 8,5

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
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Appendix No. 4 : Operating Limits PETRONOR (REPSOLYPF) Somorrostro Refinery - P2-E1-C PACKINOX Heat Exchanger Platformer
No. 2 Unit (Typical Example)

HAT Normal : 30C @ design conditions

HAT Maximum 80C
To Furnace

From last reactor

DP feed side
Normal : 0.35 bar
Maximum 1 bar


DP effluent side
DP Spray bars Normal : 0.55 bar
Maximum see DPR5
Normal : 1 bar
Maximum 6 bars DPR4
Effluent outlet

Recycle gas inlet

(Compressor discharge) DPR5 Maximum Differential : 7.6 bars

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers.
Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this
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Nom Entit Date

REVISION B Name Entity Date
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Services 19/2/2007

Vrificateur(s) Dominique SABIN Etudes 19/2/2007


Approbateur Dominique SABIN Services management 4/10/2007

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Document validated electronically in accordance with quality system and applicable without signatures

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval
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Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revision Application date Subject of the revision
A 23/11/2004 Replace SA/MPX 001 Rev. C procedure 'Inspection Program for the
PACKINOX Heat Exchanger during Shutdown'
B 4/10/2007 Up grade following feed back


1 - Introduction

2 Visual Inspection

3 Testing & Examination

4 - Maintenance

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval
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1 - Introduction

This procedure provides recommendations for inspection, test, examination and maintenance of 3
Expansion Bellows PACKINOX Combined Feed / Effluent Heat Exchanger.

This procedure reflects the field experience acquired by ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX Services in
numerous installations.
ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX Services is available to provide advice and assistance when

The following topics are discussed in this procedure :

- Inspection : Type, Frequency
- On site testing & examination including :
- On site tightness test
- On site hydraulic test
- Maintenance including :
- Spray Bars : Installation, Removal, Cleaning,
- Cleaning,
- Repair.

2 Visual Inspection

2.1. Inspection Program :

The PACKINOX Heat Exchanger requires very limited inspection, however the following
preventive visual inspections should be performed during scheduled maintenance shutdown.

Description Paragraph Every Others

5 years
Top Expansion Bellows (visual
2.2. Yes
Bottom Expansion Bellows (visual
2.2. Yes
Spray Bar(s) Expansion Bellows
2.3. Yes

(visual inspection)
Bundle Supports & Guidance system
2.2. Yes
(visual inspection)
Welded Walls (visual or camera
2.2. Yes
Visual or camera (borescope)
2.4. Yes
inspection of Effluent Inlet & Outlet
Internal inspection of the vessel

walls & welds Will depend on

External Inspection of the vessel walls local regulations
& welds (after removing insulation)
The given inspection intervals are only intended as a guide, if necessary these intervals may be
extended to fit with convenient shutdown schedules.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
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This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval
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2.2. Internal inspection & visit :

Purge operating gases and fill the heat exchanger with nitrogen gas.
- Depressurize unit by separator or recycle gas compressor suction down to atmospheric
When the vessel wall temperature is less than 60C/140F (T5 measurement located at the top of
pressure vessel) :
- Perform a chemical cleaning of the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger with ammonia water
solution + rinse + drying as per ALFA LAVAL PACKINOXs procedure SAIEXWA0008.
- Open the top manhole,
Note : For Heat Exchangers with bottom manhole, open the manhole or for Heat Exchangers
without bottom manhole remove the recycle gas inlet elbow (E1) on the bottom of the
exchanger (used as manhole).
- Ventilate the shell side of the heat exchanger with dry air (dew point less than -20C/- 4F),
- When the temperature inside the shell is acceptable (25 to 30C/77 to 86F), check
explosivity and oxygen content before entering,
- For health and safety reasons, ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX recommends inspector wears a
dust mask and safety glasses to protect against dust.

2.2.1. TOP SIDE:

- Enter the Heat Exchanger through the top manhole at the top side (inside platform is installed
at the bundle supports level).
- Perform inspection of the header exterior, connecting pipes, bundle supports & pressure
vessel top head interior.
- Visually examine the S1 (combined feed outlet) & E2 (effluent inlet) expansion bellows (see
Photo No.1) for space between waves and signs of cracking, particularly the first and the last
waves (failure is indicated by cracks or presence of linear defects). Use liquid penetrant in
case of doubt.

Visual examination of
Top Bellows (effluent
inlet & Feed outlet):
- No waves
- No cracks (Dye
penetrant in case of

- Photo No.1 : Top Side Bellows -

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
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This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval
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- Visually examine the bundle & vessel supports (fixed and sliding points see Photos No. 2 &3).

- Photo No.2 : Bundle support / Fixed Point -

- Photo No.3 : Bundle support / Sliding Point -

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celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval
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2.2.2 WELDED WALL (see Photo No.4 and below sketch) :

- Photo No.4 : Welded wall -

- Install a ladder, safety belt

and lighting for welded wall
Welded wall
- Visually inspect & check the Man
welded walls especially the
welds at the corners of External side plate
reinforcing external plates. If
such visual inspection gives
any reason for doubt,
perform a local liquid
penetrant examination. A

2.2.3. BOTTOM SIDE :

- Enter the Heat Exchanger bottom part through recycle gas inlet nozzle or the lower manhole.
- Perform inspection of the header exterior, connecting pipes, vessel cold head interior.
- Visually examine the S2 (effluent outlet) expansion bellows waves (see photo No.5) for space
between waves and signs of cracking, particularly the first and the last waves (failure is
indicated by cracks or presence of linear defects). Use liquid penetrant in case of doubt.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval
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Visual examination of
Effluent outlet Bellows :
- No waves deformation
- No cracks (Dye
penetrant in case of

- Photo No.5 : Bottom Side Bellows -

- Visually check the gap at the guidance system.

The gap between the guidance and the bundle shall be 5mm > gap < 10mm
(See Photo No.6 and belowx sketch)

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval
Page 8 sur 13

Mini :
Maxi :
10 Vessel
- Photo No.6 : Plastic Wedge -


Plastic wedge

2.3. Spray Bars :

- Remove the spray bar(s) as per procedure SAIEXWA0009 (see Photo No.7),
- Clean the spray bar(s) as per procedure SAIEXWA0009 (see Photo No.8),
- Visually examine the spray bar(s) expansion bellows for space between waves and indications
of cracking, particularly the first and the last waves (failure is indicated by cracks or presence
of linear defects). Use liquid penetrant in case of doubt.
- Reinstall the spray bar(s) as per procedure SAIEXWA0009.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval
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- Photo No.7 : Spray Bar before cleaning -

- Photo No.8 : Spray Bar after cleaning -

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celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval
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2.4. Inspection of effluent inlet & outlet section :

This inspection is complementary of the operation performances evaluation and will allow to
visually check the presence of :
- plugging material (migrating from incoming piping or from reactor) at effluent inlet,
- any material deposition such as ammonium salt at reactor effluent outlet.
If any material is found, detailed analysis shall be performed to know the major components (Fe,
S, Cl, ).

Such inspection could be performed :

a) either by the means of borescope and through specific 2 nozzles installed on effluent inlet
& outlet process nozzles (see Photo No.9),

- Photo No.9 : Borescope inspection -

b) or visually after removing connecting pipes if removable elbows are installed.

2.5. Vessel inspection :

The frequency of vessel inspections depends on the Refinery Inspection Department,
governmental authorities and/or local regulations requirements.

Inspection for the pressure vessel is defined by the pressure vessel construction code (i.e. ASME
VIII div. 1, BS 5500, CODAP, etc....).

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval
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3 Testing & Non destructive examination

3.1. Test Program :

This test program is complementary to the inspection described in point 2.
The PACKINOX Heat Exchanger requires very limited testing & non destructive examination,
however the following preventive (or mandatory according to some vessel codes) inspections
should be performed during the scheduled maintenance shutdown.

Description Paragraph Every Others

10 years
Top Expansion Bellows (dye penetrant 3.2. Yes
non destructive examination)
Bottom Expansion Bellows (dye 3.2. Yes

penetrant non destructive examination)

Spray Bar(s) Expansion Bellows (dye 3.2. Yes
penetrant non destructive examination)
Plate Bundle tightness test 3.3. Yes
Non destructive examination of the 3.4.
vessel internal walls & welds Will depend on

Non destructive examination of the 3.4. design code &

vessel external walls & welds local
Vessel hydraulic pressure test in 3.5. regulations
vertical position

The given inspection intervals are only intended as a guide, if necessary these intervals may be
reduced or extended to fit with convenient shutdown schedules.

3.2. Internal visit for expansion bellows dye penetrant non destructive examination :
As described in point 2.2.

- Photo No.10 : Top side Bellows Dye Penetrant test -

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
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This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval
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- Photo No.11 : Spray Bar Bellows Dye Penetrant test -

3.3. On site tightness test :

See detailed procedure SAIEXWA0010.

3.4. Vessel tests & non destructive examination :

The frequency of vessel tests & non destructive examinations is defined by the pressure vessel
construction code (i.e. ASME VIII div. 1, BS 5500, CODAP, etc....), governmental authorities
and/or local regulations requirements.

3.5. On site hydraulic (pressure) test :

See detailed procedure SAIEXWA0011.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval
Page 13 sur 13

4 Maintenance

4.1. Maintenance Program :

Paragraph Others
Spray Bars cleaning 4.2. Spray Bars cleaning shall be
investigated if measured spray
bars pressure drop is higher than
2 bars = 30 Psi at nominal feed
flow rate.
Cleaning method (back flush if
possible or during shutdown)
shall be decided case by case.
Heat Exchanger cleaning 4.3. Heat Exchanger cleaning need &
method shall be confirmed by
based on operating performances
Repair 4.4. Heat Exchanger repair need &
method shall be confirmed by
based on unit parameters

4.2. Spray Bars Cleaning :

See detailed procedure SAIEXWA0009.

4.3. Cleaning :
See detailed procedures :
SAIEXWA0006 : "Thermal & Hydraulic performances troubleshooting for 3 Expansion Bellows
Combined Feed / Effluent Heat Exchanger"
SAIEXWA0008 : "On site cleaning of 3 Expansion Bellows Combined Feed / Effluent Heat

4.4.Repair :
See detailed procedures :
SAIEXWA0006 : "Thermal & Hydraulic performances troubleshooting for 3 Expansion Bellows
Combined Feed / Effluent Heat Exchanger"
SAIEXWA0007 : "Mechanical troubleshooting for 3 Expansion Bellows Combined Feed /
Effluent Heat Exchanger" which includes guidelines for repair.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval
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Nom Entit Date

REVISION A Name Entity Date
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Services 18/11/2004

Vrificateur(s) Dominique SABIN Etudes 18/11/2004


Approbateur Gilles CAZIN Services management 8/12/2004

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Document validated electronically in accordance with quality system and applicable without signatures

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is
strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its
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Rvision Date Objet de la rvision

Revision dapplication Subject of the revision
Application date
A 8/12/2004 First issue

1 - Introduction

2 - Performances key indicators

3 - Performances troubleshooting - Compensations - Solutions to avoid new


3.1. Fouling

3.2. Plugging

3.3. Expansion Bellows & Welded wall failure

3.4. Spray bar(s) plugging

3.4.1. PACKINOX Heat Exchangers designed & fabricated before 2002,

3.4.2. PACKINOX Heat Exchangers designed & fabricated after 2002.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is
strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its
Page 3 sur 14

1 Introduction

This document describes potential thermal & hydraulic performances troubleshooting on

PACKINOX Heat Exchanger.
The procedure includes as well :
- compensations to solve the observed troubleshooting,
solutions to avoid such troubleshooting, to avoid new occurrence.

2 Performances Key Indicators

It is recommended to provide to PACKINOX Services, operating data as per the attached table
(see next page).
Daily average data would be the best.
These operating parameters shall especially be sent to PACKINOX as soon as any change is

The parameters to monitor are :

- HAT (Hot Approach Temperature) = T3 - T2 = Effluent (Hot Stream) Inlet Temperature

- Combined Feed (Cold Stream) Outlet Temperature.

- P1 = DPR1 = P Combined Feed (Cold Stream) Pressure Drop.

- P2 = DPR2 = P Effluent (Hot Stream) Pressure Drop.

- P Spray Bars = DPR4 = P2 P1 = Liquid Feed inlet Pressure Recycle gas inlet
Note : For P2 = Liquid Feed inlet Pressure : if not taken at spray bars inlet, pressure shall
be corrected of any liquid column height.

- T Shell = T5 = Pressure Vessel Skin Temperature.

Note : Following the requirements of specific vessel codes & regulations additional more
than one skin temperature attachments may be installed on the vessel. In this case the
most sensible point is the measurement located at the hottest part of the vessel.

Refer to SAIEXWA0002 Installation Recommendations for 3 Expansion Bellows Combined

Feed / Effluent Heat Exchanger for details on instrumentation.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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Typical operating data transmitted to PACKINOX

Date Flows Temperatures Pressure Drops Inlet Pressures

Liquid Recycle Recycle Liquid Combined Reactor Effluent Skin Feed Effluent Recycle Liquid Reactor
Feed Gas Gas Feed Feed In Out Stream Stream Gas Feed Effluent
In In Out
13FC1 13FR7 13TIM221 13TI4N 13TIM220 13TIM247 13TIM219 13TIM234 PDI507 PDI502 PI342 PI024 PI347
(m3/h) (Knm3/h) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (bar) (bar) (barg) (barg) (barg)
08/07/02 88,2 45,06 65 144 451 493 115 387 0,47 0,24 9,9 12,5 8,1
09/07/02 90,0 44,24 66 145 452 494 116 388 0,48 0,25 10,4 12,9 8,5
10/07/02 90,0 44,02 66 144 451 492 116 387 0,47 0,25 10,4 13,0 8,5
11/07/02 90,0 44,24 67 143 448 490 115 386 0,47 0,25 10,4 13,0 8,5
12/07/02 90,0 43,44 66 143 445 487 115 385 0,47 0,26 10,4 12,9 8,5
13/07/02 90,0 44,27 67 143 444 486 116 385 0,47 0,26 10,4 12,9 8,5
14/07/02 90,0 45,05 67 143 446 488 115 386 0,48 0,25 10,5 12,9 8,5
15/07/02 90,0 45,11 67 143 447 489 116 386 0,48 0,25 10,4 13,0 8,5
16/07/02 90,0 44,52 67 143 449 491 116 386 0,47 0,28 10,4 13,0 8,5
17/07/02 90,0 44,29 67 143 447 489 116 386 0,47 0,25 10,4 13,0 8,5
18/07/02 88,9 44,85 67 143 446 488 115 387 0,47 0,22 9,8 11,5 8,0
19/07/02 83,4 46,30 66 144 446 488 114 386 0,47 0,22 9,8 11,5 8,0
20/07/02 80,0 42,58 64 144 447 488 114 386 0,42 0,22 9,8 11,5 8,0
21/07/02 82,6 41,29 64 143 447 488 115 386 0,42 0,24 10,1 12,0 8,3
22/07/02 87,3 42,60 66 143 445 488 116 386 0,45 0,25 10,2 13,0 8,4
23/07/02 90,0 44,33 68 142 444 487 116 386 0,49 0,26 10,3 13,1 8,4
24/07/02 90,0 44,60 68 143 446 488 116 386 0,49 0,26 10,4 12,9 8,5
25/07/02 90,0 45,29 68 143 449 491 116 387 0,50 0,26 10,3 13,1 8,5
26/07/02 90,0 45,22 69 143 450 492 116 387 0,49 0,26 10,8 13,4 8,5
27/07/02 90,1 43,90 67 142 449 491 116 387 0,47 0,26 10,5 13,2 8,5
28/07/02 90,0 43,02 66 142 447 489 116 387 0,46 0,26 10,4 13,0 8,5
29/07/02 90,0 42,69 66 142 447 490 116 387 0,46 0,26 10,4 13,0 8,5
30/07/02 90,0 43,26 67 142 449 492 116 388 0,47 0,28 10,4 13,0 8,5
31/07/02 90,0 44,06 67 142 451 493 116 388 0,48 0,26 10,4 13,1 8,5

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3 Performances Troubleshooting Compensations Solution(s) to avoid

new occurence

The immediate impact of thermal & hydraulic performances trroubleshooting will be :

a) Increase of fuel consumption at Heater No. 1,


b) Increase of power consumption at Recycle Gas Compressor.

Plugging and/or fouling have an impact on Heat Exchanger mechanical behaviour by

creating channeling with associated thermal & mechanical stresses.
In each troubleshhoting the associated potential impact on Heat Exchanger mechanical
behaviour is described in term of mechanical severity (Low, medium and high).

Potential thermal & hydraulic performances troubleshooting are (see details in next pages) :

- FOULING = Regular deposit into the Heat Exchanger.

- PLUGGING = Localised at the inlet section of the Heat Exchanger. One shot


- SPRAY BARS PLUGGING (Spray Bars = Liquid Feed Distributors) = most often One
shot phenomenon and at start-up.

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3.1. Fouling - Low to Medium Mechanical Severity : a) Chemical cleaning

See details next page for Cleaning
P1 or P2 : Regular increase (such as + 0.2 to 0.5 kg/cm in one
year) Questionnaire & Steps
See Procedure : SAIEXWA0008
HAT : Regular increase (such as + 10 to 20C or more in one year The heat exchanger has FOULING. for site implementation)
see below curve)
This can occur on effluent stream (P2
b) Heat Exchanger protection
T Shell : Normal increase) and/or combined feed stream
(filters, feed quality, )
(P1 increase).
See Procedures :

SAIEXWA0002 Installation
Hot Approach Temperature (C)


Recommendations for 3 Expansion
40 Design - 43C

Bellows Combined Feed / Effluent
20 Heat Exchanger
SAIEXWA0003 Start-up &

Operations & Shutdown for 3

1/1/00 20/2/00 10/4/00 30/5/00 19/7/00 7/9/00 27/10/00 16/12/00 4/2/01 26/3/01

Expansion Bellows Combined Feed /

Effluent Heat Exchanger

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Cleaning Questionnaire & Steps to be followed as soon as a fouling is detected :

Details for on site chemical cleaning (material, procedure, .) are described in procedure
SAIEXWA0008 PACKINOX procedure for cleaning 3 Expansion Bellows Combined Feed /
Effluent Heat Exchanger.

1. Fill up operating table as per paragraph 2,

2. Collect any information from operators (problems in upstream unit, heavy product sent into
the process unit, reactor, )

3. Is it possible to perform an on-line cleaning with solvent (such as naphtha, aromatics, )

after unit cooling down to warm temperature (in the range of 60C (140F) to 80C (176F),
keeping hydrogen circulation ? YES / NO

4. Should this be possible to collect a fouling product sample in PACKINOX or surroundings

equipment such as naphtha filters, drain, (if inspection of the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger
is possible) and to analyse them for elements such as C, S, Fe + iron oxides, iron sulphides,
ammonium salts,

5. Based on above points, confirm & describe the most probable fouling product :





- OTHERS (Heavy Products, Iron Chlorides) YES / NO

6. Based on above points PACKINOX will confirm the Heat Exchanger sides to be cleaned and
cleaning agents to be used :

- Feed side only,

- Effluent side only,
- Both sides.


AMMONIUM SALTS Ammonia Water solution + Oxygen Scavenger
LIGTH GUMS POLYAROMATICS Aromatic solvent (toluene, LCO, )
IRON OXIDES EDTA + Corrosion Inhibitor + Oxygen
OTHERS To be confirmed by PACKINOX

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3.2. Plugging - High Mechanical Severity :

a) Visual (or borescope) examination

P1 or P2 : Rapid increase (such as + 0.5 k/cm or more in a few of inlet sections

days very often at start-up see below curve) + Vacuum cleaning, back blowing,
manual cleaning
HAT : No significant increase
(See photos in Appendix No. 3)
The heat exchanger (or inlet filter if
T Shell : Normal
included into P measurement) is b) Heat Exchanger protection (filters,

PLUGGED. feed quality, )
See Procedure : SAIEXWA0003
Pressure Drops (bars)

Start-up & Operations & Shutdown

0,60 + 0.4 kg/cm in 2
days for 3 Expansion Bellows Combined

Feed / Effluent Heat Exchanger


03/02/01 08/02/01 13/02/01 18/02/01 23/02/01 28/02/01 05/03/01 10/03/01 15/03/01 20/03/01 25/03/01 30/03/01

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Heat Exchanger plugged (Reactor Effluent Inlet)

Heat Exchanger after mechanical cleaning

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Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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3.3. Expansion Bellows and/or Welded Wall failure - Low Mechanical

Severity :
a) Chemical cleaning with ammonia

P1 or P2 : Stable or small increase Important Recycle Gas (H2) to Plate water solution (see procedure
Bundle by-pass (most likely crack on SAIEXWA0008 PACKINOX
HAT : Rapid increase (such as + 10C in one day) procedure for cleaning 3 Expansion
expansion bellows or on the welded wall)
T Shell : Rapid decrease (such as 100C in one day see below Bellows Combined Feed / Effluent Heat
curve) Exchanger) then replacement of
expansion bellows, or welded wall crack

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Welded Wall Observed Failure

Expansion Bellows Observed Failure

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Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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3.4. Spray Bar(s) plugging a) Check spray bars DP (DPR4)

3.4.1. PACKINOX Heat Exchangers designed & fabricated a.1.) Check liquid feed filters
before 2002 Medium to High Severity : a.2.) Back flush spray bars (if possible)
a.3.) Remove and clean the spray bars
Liquid Feed control valve : Full opening.
see procedure SAIEXWA0009
P1 or P2 : Stable Distribution problem Spray Bar(s) Installation & Removal &
Spray bars (liquid feed distributors) are Cleaning .
HAT : Rapid increase very often at start-up (such as + 10C in one
In this case the spray bars DP (DPR4) b) Heat Exchanger protection
T Shell : Normal cannot go over 6 bars (maximum (filters, feed quality, )
allowable differential pressure for see procedures :
expansion bellows). SAIEXWA0002 Installation
SAIEXWA0003 Start-up & Operations
& Shutdown

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Spray Bars (Liquid Feed Distributors) Plugging

Impact of spray bars cleaning on operations :

In this case Hot Approach Temperature has been improved by 10C (50 40C = 90 72F)
at same liquid feed flow rate.

Hot End Approach Temperature + Naphtha Flow Rate vs. Time - Impact of Process Modifications + Spray Bars Replacement

70,0 35 000

65,0 31 500

60,0 28 000

55,0 24 500

50,0 21 000

45,0 17 500

40,0 14 000

35,0 10 500

30,0 Hot End Approach Temperature 7 000

25,0 Naphtha Flow Rate 3 500

20,0 0
6/11/99 14/2/00 24/5/00 1/9/00 10/12/00 20/3/01 28/6/01 6/10/01 14/1/02

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3.4. Spray Bar(s) plugging a) Check spray bars DP (DPR4)

a.1.) Check liquid feed filters
3.4.2. PACKINOX Heat Exchangers designed & fabricated
after 2002 Low Severity : a.2.) Back flush spray bars (if possible)
a.3.) Remove and clean the spray bars
Spray bars (liquid feed distributors)
Liquid Feed control valve : Full opening. see procedure SAIEXWA0009
conical filter is PLUGGED.
Spray Bar(s) Installation & Removal &
P1 or P2 : Stable In this case the spray bars DP (DPR4)
Cleaning .
cannot go over 10 bars (maximum
HAT : Stable
allowable differential pressure for conical
c) Heat Exchanger protection
T Shell : Normal filter).
(filters, feed quality, )
see procedures :
SAIEXWA0002 Installation
SAIEXWA0003 Start-up & Operations
& Shutdown

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de PACKINOX. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de PACKINOX, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises
pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

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Nom Entit Date

REVISION A Name Entity Date
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Services 18/11/2004

Vrificateur(s) Dominique SABIN Etudes 18/11/2004


Approbateur Gilles CAZIN Services management 19/11/2004

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Document validated electronically in accordance with quality system and applicable without signatures

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation.
Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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forbidden without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
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Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revision Application date Subject of the revision
A 19/11/2004 First issue


1 - Introduction

2 - Mechanical performances key indicators

3 - Mechanical troubleshooting - Compensations - Solutions to avoid new


3.1. Expansion Bellow & Welded wall failure

3.2. Cross channel contamination

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
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Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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1 - Introduction

This document describes potential mechanical troubleshooting on PACKINOX Heat Exchanger.

The procedure includes as well :
- compensations to solve the observed troubleshooting,
- solutions to avoid such troubleshooting new occurrence.

2 Mechanical performances key indicators

Two types of indicators may be used to detect any mechanical troubleshooting :

A. Thermal & hydraulic performances as described in SAIEXWA0006.

The parameters to monitor being :

- HAT (Hot Approach Temperature) = T3 - T2 = Effluent (Hot Stream) Inlet Temperature -

Combined Feed (Cold Stream) Outlet Temperature.

- P1 = DPR1 = P Combined Feed (Cold Stream) Pressure Drop.

- P2 = DPR2 = P Effluent (Hot Stream) Pressure Drop.

- P Spray Bars = DPR4 = P2 P1 = Liquid Feed inlet Pressure Recycle gas inlet Pressure.
Note : For P2 = Liquid Feed inlet Pressure : if not taken at spray bars inlet, pressure shall be
corrected of any liquid column height.

- T Shell = T5 = Pressure Vessel Skin Temperature.

Note : Following the requirements of specific vessel codes & regulations additional more
than one skin temperature attachments may be installed on the vessel. In this case the most
sensible point is the measurement located at the hottest part of the vessel.

B. Unit performances. The unit parameters to follow are depending of the process units and are
mainly product quality :

Catalytic Reforming Units :

Octane number,
Naphthene content into the product.

Paraxylene production Units :

Product quality & purity.

LAB production Units :

Product & quality purity.

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PACKINOX knows of 4 methods that can be used in-service for determining the exchanger
inter-circuit leakage :
1. Quantitative chemical analysis of 2 samples : naphtha-feed & stabilised reformate
2. Quantitative chemical analysis of 3 samples : naphtha-feed & 2 de-pentanized products at
exchanger effluent inlet & product separator,
3. Chemical tracer (Phenol or Cresol) Continuous tracer injection,
4. Radioactive Tracer injection Slug injection.

Methods 1 and 2 are used for Catalytic Reforming units.

3 Mechanical Troubleshooting Compensations Solution(s) to avoid new


Potential mechanical troubleshooting are (see details in next pages) :


This troubleshooting, its compensation and the solution(s) to avoid new occurrence are fully
described in procedure SAIEXWA0006 for Thermal & Hydraulic troubleshooting.


The immediate impact of cross channel contamination troubleshooting will be a decrease in
product quality & purity.

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3.1. Expansion Bellows and/or Welded Wall failure - Low Mechanical

Severity :

P1 or P2 : Stable or small increase

HAT : Rapid increase (such as + 10C in one day)

T Shell : Rapid decrease (such as 100C in one day see below


a) Chemical cleaning with ammonia

water solution (see procedure
Important Recycle Gas (H2) to Plate SAIEXWA0008 PACKINOX
Bundle by-pass (most likely crack on procedure for cleaning 3 Expansion
expansion bellows or on the welded Bellows Combined Feed / Effluent
wall). Heat Exchanger) then replacement of
expansion bellows, or welded wall
crack repair.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes
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Welded Wall Observed Failure

Expansion Bellows Observed Failure

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Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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3.2. Cross channel contamination :

Based on PACKINOXs experience cross channel contamination has always been the consequence of specific
a) Repair of the PACKINOX Heat
conditions such as but not limited to :
Exchanger with guidelines
- plugging at effluent, which creates an uneven flow & temperature distribution in the plate bundle with as provided in Appendix No. 1
consequence thermal & mechanical stresses,
b) Avoid the cause (cause being
- unit restart with high temperature difference between reaction zone and PACKINOX Heat Exchanger identified after performances
(compressor shutdown without unit cooling down, ).
analysis + observed defects).

In any case and if cross channel contamination is suspected operating table in as per paragraph 2 of
SAIEXWA0006 shall be filled up and any information from operators (problems in upstream unit, black product
sent into the process unit, problem in the reaction zone, compressor surge, ) shall be collected.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes
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Appendix No. 1 : Guidelines for the repair of a PACKINOX Heat Exchanger

Introduction :

PACKINOX team (supervisor + welders) is trained and qualified by PACKINOX for

fabrication and repair of welded plates heat exchangers.
They all have medical authorisation to work in confined space.
Because we had few repair experiences, we do not have any safety specifications. However,
the workers going to site are aware of main safety rules in refineries (work permits,).

Description of the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger is provided into SAIEXWA0001.

The inspection & repair is performed according to the scenario described next page.

Repair must be performed after cleaning with ammonia water solution + rinse or soda ash
(for stainless steel protection against potential corrosion with simultaneous presence of
chloride, oxygen and liquid water).

You will find a list of required equipment in point F.

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que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298
du 11-3-1957.

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See Details in
paragraph A

See Details in
paragraph B


See Details in
paragraph C C


in paragraph D EXAMINATION


See Details in
paragraph E


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que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298
du 11-3-1957.

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A - Cleaning

Step Description
A PACKINOX Heat Exchanger Cleaning and Drying
As per document SAIEXWA0008.

B Vacuum Test

Step Description
B PACKINOX Heat Exchanger Vacuum Test
As per document SAIEXWA0010.

Examination & inspection and repair :

Entry permit is required Open manhole + E1 process nozzle and vent for ventilation.
Check O2 content + explosivity. Client will provide a manhole guard.

In case of repair hot permit is required.

C Expansion Bellows Examination Replacement if required

Step Description
C Bellows Visual Examination.
C.1. Expansion Bellows Cleaning.
C.2. Visual Inspection of the waves. Use liquid penetrant in case of doubt.
C.3. In case of defects Replacement of Expansion Bellows.

D Welded Wall Examination Repair if required

Number Description
D Welded Walls Visual Inspection :
- After installation of a scaffolding in the shell,
- With a rope ladder and a safety harness.
D.1. Visual Inspection of the two welded walls.
D.2. In case of defects Repair of welded wall(s).

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E Bundle Repair

The main steps scenario are :

E1 Hot side Work & Inspection (Feed Outlet + Effluent Inlet Headers),
E2 Repair of observed defects,
E3 Cold side Work & Inspection (Feed Inlet + Effluent Outlet Headers),
E4 Channels detection by smoke test,
E5 Channels plugging,
E6 Closure of opened Windows.

Access to channel ends is possible :

- via process nozzles (when large enough and when there are removable spools),
- or after cutting working windows in the headers (see point 2).
Note : all the repair should be possible via nozzles. Only the feed inlet headers might be
cut (thickness 5 mm).

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du 11-3-1957.

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Number Description
E.1. Hot side Work & Inspection Feed Outlet Header Effluent Inlet
Opening of a working window in Feed Outlet Header.
Feed outlet window shall be around 750 mm by 450 mm (as big as possible
so that cutting of the effluent window behind is possible).
Opening of a working window in Effluent Inlet Header
see below drawing.


Window in feed outlet

header unless access is
possible via S1)
Window in feed outlet
header unless access is
Window in effluent inlet
possible via S1)
header unless access is
possible via E2

(external plate)

Feed inlet channels

Feed inlet channels

Window in header Window in
feed inlet feed inlet
header header

(Recycle gas
inlet) S2 (Effluent outlet)
big enough to
access channels

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E.2. Repair of observed defects (longitudinal and / or transversal defects).

Temporary closure of Effluent Inlet with Stainless Steel sheet (2 mm) or
Working Window and to B Vacuum test(s).
No defects go to E.6. Closure of working windows
Defects go to E.3. to continue the repair

E.3. Cold side Work & Inspection Feed Inlet Header Effluent Outlet
Opening of a working window in Effluent Outlet and Feed Inlet Header.
Cleaning of channels ends
Visual inspection of channel ends.
Repair of any observed defects (longitudinal and / or transversal defects).
Temporary closure of Working Window and to B Vacuum test(s).
No defects go to E.6. Closure of working windows
Defects go to E.3. to continue the repair

E.4. Channel(s) detection by smoke test.

Installation of aluminium tape on channel ends in Feed Outlet and Feed Inlet
Temporary closure of Effluent headers windows with Stainless Steel sheet (2
mm) and go to B Vacuum test(s).
Pull 200 mbar vacuum on effluent side and wait 10 minuts.
During vacuum test, smoke injection is performed in Feed Outlet Header.
Each Feed channel shall be drilled before injection of smoke and if smoke is
suck in the channel, this channel has a leak with Effluent.
It is necessary to close the last hole before to check a new Feed channel.
All leaking channels are so localised.
see below schematic drawing.

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du 11-3-1957.

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E2 blinded
S1 open

Windows in
feed outlet




S2 Vacuum

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du 11-3-1957.

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E.5. Channel(s) plugging.

Works in Feed Outlet, Feed Inlet Headers and Effluent Inlet Header:
Installation of T-shaped spacer (at every extremity of the area to plug) and
fusion welding with end channels.
Inside every header, installation of a stainless steel thin plate on the T-shaped
spacers and fusion welding with filler metal.
Near the plugged area, installation and fusion welding of stiffeners with end
channels, with filler metal.
see below schematic drawing.

Blocking one channel

with a T-shaped spacer Blocking several adjacent channels

Thin plate

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du 11-3-1957.

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E.6. Closing of windows.

Grinding the bevels on every working window.
Weld back strip on all opened working windows as per below schematic
drawing :

Back up strip


F List of Repair Equipments

Dry compressed air for grinders (7 - 8 bars = 101 to 116 psi) and for test (instrument
air is OK).
TIG Welding machine (water cooled preferably if the headers have to be re-welded).
If possible : TIG welding machine with HF and remote control (+ self arching torch if
Filler metal (SS 347) : diameter 2.4 and 3.2 mm.
Argon for welding.
Grinding machines and grinding disks for stainless steel.
At least 2 Stainless steel sheets (SS 321 or 304) for tests (thickness 1.5 to 2 mm,
1meter x 1 meter).
Dye penetrant test material.
Rope ladder for welded walls inspection (length of the bundle) & safety harness.
One or two skilled welders qualified on GTAW for stainless steel to assist headers
welding (if headers have been cut).
One or two welders to assist in grinding operations (if it is required to cut headers).
Vacuum pump.
Specific stainless steel pieces for the repair (provided by PACKINOX).

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Nom Entit Date

REVISION E Name Entity Date
Rdacteur Fernando FONSECA Services 6/11/2015

Vrificateur(s) Franck ALENDA Etudes 6/11/2015


Approbateur Dominique SABIN Services management 20/11/2015

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Document validated electronically in accordance with quality system and applicable without signatures

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without Alfa
Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
Page 2 sur 15


Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revision Application date Subject of the revision
B 26/11/2004 Complete revision.CHR02Addition of circulation mode.
C 5/6/2008 Up grade according to Return of Experience
D 15/8/2008 Change of Circulation Mode
E 20/11/2015 Diagrams update + precision for washing instructions


1 - Introduction

2 - Chemical Cleaning Methods

3 Fill and Drain Method

3.1. Connections

3.2. Equipments

3.3. Duration

3.4 Fill and drain instructions

4 Circulation Method

4.1. Connections

4.2. Equipments

4.3 Duration

4.4 Circulation instructions

5 Rinsing

6 Acceptance Criteria

7 Drying

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1 - Introduction

This document gives recommendations to perform a safe cleaning of a 3 expansion bellows

PACKINOX Heat Exchanger regardless of the chemical solution used.
The choice of the adequate chemicals depends on the fouling/plugging products present in the
Heat Exchanger and is discussed in SAIEXWA0006 with the summary in Appendix No. 1.

This procedure reflects the field experience acquired by the ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX's
Client Assistance Service in numerous installations.
ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX Services is available to provide advice and assistance when

The following topics are discussed in this procedure:

Chemical Cleaning methods
Fill and drain procedure
Circulation procedure

2 Chemical Cleaning Methods

There are 2 possible methods to chemically clean a PACKINOX Heat Exchanger:

Fill and drain method (Shell & Feed side and Effluent side are filled and drained
Circulation method :
Circulation method may be used to clean only the Shell & Feed side or Shell & Feed +
Effluent side (in such a case Shell & Feed side and effluent side are connected in

Both methods are explained here after in the document.

The choice of the method depends on the installation, available equipment, chemical product(s)
used, side(s) to be cleaned.

Regardless of the method, it is very important to follow closely PACKINOXs

recommendations and particularly to keep in mind that:

Shell + Combined Feed side Pressure

than Effluent side Pressure.

So in all cases:

Always fill Shell + Combined Feed side first, then Effluent side.
Always drain Effluent side first, then Shell + Combined Feed side.

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Even if only Effluent side has to be cleaned, the Shell + Combined Feed side also MUST
be filled (with water + ammonia for instance).

Never keep the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger open to atmosphere unless it has been previously
washed with water + ammonia (or soda ash).

3 Fill and Drain Method

The PACKINOX Heat Exchanger must be prepared as per diagram in Appendix No. 2.

3.1. Connections:
3.1.1. Recycle gas inlet (E1):
The recycle gas inlet nozzle (E1) shall be equipped with a blind flange ( see below photo)
fitted with:
a 3 to 4 diameter nozzle for filling and draining of Shell + Combined Feed side,
and a valve V2,
a to 1 diameter nozzle to connect a transparent plastic tube (liquid level tube),
and a valve V6.

Nitrogen inlet

Liquid level
connection Fill and drain nozzle

3.1.2. Liquid Feed Inlet (M or M1 & M2):

The liquid feed inlet nozzles (M or M1 and M2) will be equipped with a blind flange fitted
with a nozzle ( to 1 diameter) for Nitrogen injection and a valve V8.

3.1.3. Shell Drain (U2):

A 2 diameter (or bigger when possible) pipe (or hose) will be connected to the shell drain
(for the filling and draining of shell side), and a valve V3.

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3.1.4. Effluent Outlet (S2):

The Effluent Outlet nozzle (S2) will be equipped with a blind flange (see photo in point
3.1.1.) fitted with:
A 3 to 4 diameter nozzle for filling and draining of effluent side and a valve V4.
A to 1 diameter nozzle for the nitrogen injection and a valve V5.
A to 1 diameter nozzle to connect a transparent plastic tube (liquid level tube) and a
valve V7.

Note: The 2 auxiliary nozzle A4 (when existing) can be used for one of these connections

3.1.5. Combined Feed Outlet (S1) / Effluent Inlet (E2) / Shell vent (U1):
Must be open to atmosphere.
For safety and/or environment reasons, a hose may be connected to these nozzles in order to
collect overflowing liquid (see Appendix No. 2).

3.2. Equipments:
The following pieces of equipment will be necessary:
Connecting pipes and hoses (as per schematic drawing in Appendix No. 2),
Valves (as per schematic drawing in Appendix No. 2),
A pump with a 50 m3/hr minimum capacity,
Tank(s) for the chemical cleaning solution storage,
Tank(s) for the draining of the Heat Exchanger (when cleaning solution cannot be sent to

3.3. Duration:
In addition to the cleaning criteria defined in Appendix No. 1, the duration of the cleaning of a
PACKINOX Heat Exchanger using the fill and drain method depends on:
Pipes diameter to save time, the pipes diameter should be as big as possible, especially
shell side.
Pump capacity: note that Feed side includes the Shell and so the volume is often more
than 50 m3
Availability of the cleaning solution: how long does it take to fill one tank? Is it possible
to have several tanks?
Draining capacity: sewer? Tank(s)? Truck(s)?

Water supply is maybe the criteria the most important to reduce cleaning duration.
Ensure a good water flow rate from water network or good truck rotation if
supplied by tanker truck.

3.4. Fill and drain instructions:

The fill and drain sequences (including levels) shall be repeated until the drainage solution
analyses are conform to targets defined in Appendix No. 1.
The Chlorides (Cl-) contents in the chemical solution and pH of the solution shall be checked
and recorded before starting the filling up.

Drained solution musnt be used to fill and wash again some side of the Packinox heat

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Operation No. Instruction(s)

Shell + Combined Feed side filling up
1 Ensure valves V6 & V7 (liquid level tubes) are open, vent U1, E2 and
S1 are open and all other valves are closed.
2 Start the feed pump.
3 Open valves V1 then V2 and V3 to start to fill up the Shell +
Combined Feed side.
4 Monitor the cleaning solution level in the transparent plastic tube
connected to E1 (via V6).
5 When Shell + Combined Feed side level reaches the required level,
close valve V2 and V3.

Effluent side filling up

6 Open valve V4 to start to fill up the effluent side.
As the Effluent side volume is much smaller than the Shell + Combined
Feed side; the level increase is much faster.
7 Monitor the cleaning solution level in the transparent plastic tube
connected to the Effluent outlet (via V7).
8 When the solutions level in Effluent side is around 300 mm (1 foot)
below the solution already in the Shell + Combined Feed side, close V4.
Note : Ensure level in the Effluent side of the Heat Exchanger is never
higher than level in the Shell + Combined Feed side to avoid bundle
reverse pressure.
9 Stop the feed pump and close V1.

Nitrogen Bubbling
10 Close valves V6 and V7 (to avoid any liquid projection during bubbling).
11 Open valves V5 and V8 to start nitrogen bubbling.
12 Maintain bubbling with nitrogen during 30 minutes.
Close valves V5 and V8.
13 Open valves V6 and V7.

Effluent side draining

Caution: Always drain the Effluent side first.
14 Ensure all vents (U1, S2, and E2) are still open, all other valves are
15 Open valves V4 and V9 to drain the Effluent side.
16 While draining, take a liquid sample at valve V10 (beginning of draining,
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middle, end of draining) and check pH & Chlorides.

17 When Effluent side is empty, close valves V4.

Shell + Combined Feed side draining

Caution: Always drain the Shell + Feed side after the Effluent side has been emptied.
18 Ensure all vents (U1, S2, and E2) are open, all other valves are closed.
19 Open valves V2, V3 and V9.
20 While draining, take a liquid sample at valve V10 (beginning of draining,
middle, end of draining and check pH & Chlorides.

21 When Shell + Combined Feed side is empty, close valves V2, V3 and

Repeat all steps until until the drainage solution analyses are
conform to targets defined in Appendix No. 1.

For the 1st filling only (shell/feed and effluent), solution level must be higher than the top of
the expansion bellows (at top side), and should be maintened for 30min.
Then, drain until the level reach the bottom of the expansion bellows (end channels at top of
the bundle) and begin the nitrogen bubbling.
For the following batchs, maintain the level at Top of the the bundle.

4 Circulation Method

The PACKINOX Heat Exchanger must be prepared as per diagram in Appendix No. 3.

4.1. Connections:
4.1.1. Recycle gas inlet (E1):
The recycle gas inlet nozzle (E1) shall be equipped with a blind flange ( see photo in point
3.1.1.) fitted with:
a 3 to 4 diameter nozzle for filling and draining of Shell + Combined Feed side, and a
valve V4,
a to 1 diameter nozzle to connect a transparent plastic tube (liquid level tube), and a
valve V7.

4.1.2. Liquid Feed Inlet (M or M1 & M2):

The liquid feed inlet nozzles (M or M1 and M2) will be equipped with a blind flange fitted
with a nozzle ( to 1 diameter) for Nitrogen injection and a valve V9.

4.1.3. Shell Drain (U2):

A 2 diameter (or bigger when possible) pipe (or hose) will be connected to the shell drain (for
the filling and draining of shell side), and a valve V5.

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4.1.4. Effluent Outlet (S2):

The Effluent Outlet nozzle (S2) will be equipped with a blind flange (see photo in point
3.1.1.) fitted with:
A 3 to 4 diameter nozzle for filling and draining of effluent side and a valve V6.
A to 1 diameter nozzle for the nitrogen injection and a valve V10.
A to 1 diameter nozzle to connect a transparent plastic tube (liquid level tube) and a
valve V8.

Note: The 2 auxiliary nozzle A4 (when existing) can be used for one of these connections

4.1.5. Combined Feed Outlet (S1)

Must be connected to circulation tank by the 2 Auxiliary cleaning nozzles A1
A valve V16 must be installed on the line
A valve V17 for venting (to break syphon phenomenom) must be installed on the line

4.1.6. Effluent Inlet (E2):

Must be connected to circulation tank by the 2 Auxiliary cleaning nozzles A2
A valve V18 for venting (to break syphon phenomenom) must be installed on the line

4.1.7. Shell vent (U1):

Is to be fitted with a valve V15.

4.2. Equipments:
The following pieces of equipment will be necessary:
Connecting pipes and hoses (as per diagram in Appendix No. 3),
Valves (as per schematic drawing in Appendix No. 3),
A pump with a 50 m3/hr minimum capacity,
Filters (mesh 100 to 250 microns) : 2 filters in parallel (as shown in sketch in Appendix
No. 3),
A circulation tank,
Tank(s) for the chemical cleaning solution storage,
Tank(s) for the draining of the Heat Exchanger (when cleaning solution cannot be sent to

4.3. Duration:
In addition to the cleaning criteria defined in Appendix No. 1, the duration of the cleaning of a
PACKINOX Heat Exchanger using the circulation method depends on:
Pipes diameter to save time, the pipes diameter should be as big as possible, especially
shell side.
Pump capacity : note that Feed side includes the Shell and so the volume is often more
than 50 m3
Availability of the cleaning solution: how long does it takes to fill one tank? Can you
have several tanks?
Draining capacity: Sewer? Tank(s)? Truck(s)?

Water supply is maybe the criteria the most important to reduce cleaning duration.
Ensure a good water flow rate from water network or good truck rotation if supplied by
tanker truck.

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4.4. Circulation instructions:

Operation Instruction(s)
Shell + Combined Feed side filling up
Ensure Valves V7 & V8 (liquid level tubes) are open, valve V15 on
vent U1 and V16 are open and all other valves are closed.
2 Open valves V1, V2a and V2b then start the pump.
3 Open valves V3, V4 and V5.
Monitor the cleaning solution level in the transparent plastic tube
connected to E1 (via V7).
5 When Feed side is totally liquid full, close valve V4 and V5.
6 Close the vent V15.

Effluent side filling up

7 Open valve V6- Close valve V18
Monitor the cleaning solution level in the transparent plastic tube
connected to the Effluent outlet (via V8).
9 When Effluent side is totally liquid full, close valve V6.
10 Stop the pump and close V3.

Circulation Shell + Feed side

11 Start the pump
12 Open Valve V3 then Valve V4 to start circulation Shell + Feed side.
Take a sample every two hours via valve V12 and check pH & Cl- if
Check the filter regularly. When the filter is plugged, switch to clean the
filter and collect sample from dirty filter.
When cleaning Feed side is completed (check comments paragraph 4.4.1
below) stop feed pump and close valves V4 and V3
16 Open vent valve V17 to break eventual syphon phenomenom

Circulation Effluent side

16 Close valve V16 and V18
17 Start the pump.
Open Valve V4, then valveV3 and Valve V6 to start circulation in
Effluent side
Take a sample every two hours via Valve V13, check pH & Cl- if
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Check the filter regularly. When the filter is plugged, switch to clean the
filter and collect sample from dirty filter.
When cleaning Effluent side is completed (check comments paragraph
4.4.1 below), close valves V4 the V3 and stop the pump.
Close Valves V2a and V2b (or V2c and V2d depending of the filter used
at that moment) and valve V1.
23 Open vent valve V18 to break eventual syphon phenomenom

Effluent side draining

Caution: Always drain the Effluent side first.
23 Open valve V6 and Valve V11 to start draining.
While draining, take a liquid sample at valve V14 (beginning of draining,
middle, end of draining).
25 When Effluent side is empty, close valves V6.

Shell + Feed side draining

Caution: Always drain the Shell + Feed side after the Effluent side has been emptied.
26 Open vent at valve V15 and valve V16
27 Open valves V4, V5 and Valve V11.
While draining, take a liquid sample at valve V14 (beginning of draining,
middle, end of draining. Check pH ans Chlorides.

Repeat all steps until until the drainage solution analyses are
conform to targets defined in Appendix No. 1.

Analysis to be done on sample depends on the purpose of the cleaning: remove salts, iron
oxides, gums, etc see Appendix No. 1.

The cleaning of one side is considered as over when the drained solution analyses are
conform to targets See para 6.

When it becomes too dirty or saturated, it is necessary to refresh the cleaning solution:
Drain the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger : steps 21 to 27,
Resume the cleaning from step 1.

During circulation, it is recommended to stop the pump and to perform a bubbling in

order to obtain a mechanical effect :
Stop the circulation pump
Combined Feed side : Open valve V9
Effluent side : Open valve V10
Maintain the bubbling during 30 mn
Close valves V9 and V10
Restart the circulation pump
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5 Rinsing

Rinsing with demineralized water /condensates is mandatory:

Before opening and entering into the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger in all cases except if
NA2CO3 (2% wt.) is used,
After all inspection & repair work are completed and before unit restart if NA2CO3 (2%
wt.) is used.

Same steps as cleaning (Fill & Drain or Circulation) shall be followed for rinsing.

6 Acceptance Criteria


AMMONIUM SALTS Chloride content in the drained solution : 20 ppm higher

than in the clean solution
Chlorides content in drained water (after rinsing) shall be
lower than 20 ppm.
No change in pH
LIGTH GUMS Cleaning is completed when the solution is clear
POLYAROMATICS No foreign materials
IRON OXIDES No change in pH
No change in Fe concentration.
OTHERS To be confirmed by PACKINOX

7 Drying

Drying is:
Mandatory if the cleaning is done prior opening and entering into the PACKINOX Heat
Highly recommended (to avoid any catalyst poisoning with water) after cleaning the
PACKINOX Heat Exchanger with water solution (ammonia water, EDTA solutions,).

It shall be done when the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger has been completely drained :
Remove flanges on E1 (recycle gas inlet), U2 (Shell drain) and S2 (Effluent outlet).
Install blowers in nozzles S1 (Feed outlet) and E2 (Effluent inlet).
Blow Nitrogen or dry air, at a maximum of 80C (176F) from the top to the bottom
during at least 12 hours.

Note: Connections could also be installed at the 2 vents A1 and A2 (instead of S1 and E2
nozzles). In such the case A1 and A2 nozzles must be blinded.

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APPENDIX No. 1: Cleaning solution to be used

Cleaning solutions

Prior an inspection or a repair work, cleaning with ammonia water solution + oxygen
scavenger shall be done before opening the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger to atmosphere.


AMMONIUM SALTS Ammonia Water solution + Oxygen Scavenger
Demineralised water or condensates,
Aqueous ammonia solution (0.2% wt.)
or NA2CO3 (2% wt.),
Oxygen scavenger (carbohydrazide or
equivalent), % is given by the product
Temperature below 70C (160F).

LIGTH GUMS POLYAROMATICS Aromatic solvent (toluene, LCO, )

Any solution compatible with Stainless steel
(Contact PACKINOX in case of doubt).
IRON OXIDES EDTA + Corrosion Inhibitor + Oxygen
Scavenger (carbohydrazide or equivalent)
Citric acid
Any solution compatible with Stainless steel
(Contact PACKINOX in case of doubt).
Procedure to be established according to Unit
OTHERS To be confirmed by PACKINOX

Parameters to be monitored and end of cleaning criteria


AMMONIUM SALTS Monitor in drained solution, pH, Cl- and Fe.
Chlorides content in the drained solution: 20 ppm
higher than in the clean solution.
Chlorides content in drained water (after rinsing)
shall be lower than 20 ppm.
LIGTH GUMS Monitor solid debris, gums & carbon content in solution,
IRON OXIDES Monitor pH and Fe.
OTHERS To be confirmed by PACKINOX

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Caution: This is a diagram Refer to Alfa Laval Packinox drawings for the correct nozzles location

Level for initial filling (no bubbling)

Level for washing after initial filling


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Caution: This is a diagram Refer to Alfa Laval Packinox drawings for the correct nozzles location

Water level tube Water level tube

(Feed side) (Effluent side)

V18 E2 S1
9 V16 Circulation feed side
A2 A1


Circulation effluent side


Sampling points
N V12
t E
r 1 V13
E1 o U2
A4 V8
e S2
n Nitrogen
V4 i V6 V10
V2a V2b
n V5 solution
t V3 V2c V1 Circulation
Filters tank

V14 Drainage
Sampling point

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Dry hot Air or N2 Injection Dry hot Air or N2 Injection

Or Or

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Nom Entit Date

REVISION C Name Entity Date
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Services 14/9/2012

Vrificateur(s) Franck ALENDA Etudes 18/9/2012


Dominique SABIN Services management 18/9/2012
Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Document validated electronically in accordance with quality system and applicable without signatures
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without
Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
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Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revision Application date Subject of the revision
A 19/11/2004 Replace SA/MPX 101 Rev.D procedure 'Spray bar cleaning, removal
& installation'
B 1/10/2007 Up graded following feed back
C 18/9/2012 up dated as per Client feed back


1 - Introduction

2 - Purpose

3 Procedure for installation & Removal

3.1. Spray Bar Tool

3.2. Spray Bar Installation

3.3. Spray Bar Removal

4 Spray Bar Cleaning

4.1. Back Flush Method

4.2. Air / Water Cleaning

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
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1 - Introduction

This procedure specifies the spray bars installation, removing and cleaning operations for a
PACKINOX Combined Feed / Effluent Heat Exchanger. Any equipment described in this
procedure is included in the PACKINOX scope of supply.

This procedure reflects the field experience acquired by PACKINOX Services in numerous
PACKINOX Services is available to provide advice and assistance when necessary.
For the first spray bar installation or cleaning, we recommend to contact PACKINOX

2 - Purpose

This document aims at describing operations for installation, removal and cleaning of spray
Proper operation of the spray bars is critical to the exchanger's performance.
The spray bars should be removed and cleaned :
- when higher than normal pressure drop is developed in service
- when requested by maintenance & inspection procedure.
The spray bars fit to the corresponding spray nozzle and cannot be interchanged (see detail
The corresponding nozzle flange and spray bar are match-marked for easy identification.

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3 Procedure for Installation & Removal

3.1. Spray bar Tool

PACKINOX provides a special spray bar tool shown in detail No. 2.

This tool is used to insert, remove and handle the spray bar.
This tool stiffens the spray bar and the double expansion bellows.
The tool avoids bending the expansion joint during transportation, storage & installation.

3.1.1. Spray bar tool insertion

Before inserting or removing the spray bar in the PACKINOX heat exchanger, insert the
spray bar tool inside the spray bar as follows:
- Slowly and carefully slide the tool into the spray bar through the liquid feed inlet flange
as shown in detail No. 2.
- Push the tool all the way into the spray bar.

3.1.2. Spray Bar Tool Removal

Slowly pull the tool out of the spray bar assembly.

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3.2. Spray Bar Installation

Before installing the spray bars in the heat exchanger, insert the spray bar tool in the spray
bar following the procedure in 3.1.1 above. Then proceed as follows:
- Install the gasket between the nozzle flange and the spray bar flange, see detail No. 3.
- Lift the spray bar using the lifting lug marked "J"
- Install spray bar through nozzle(s) M1 & M2, putting the lower portion of the spray
bar on the half cylindrical guide (which is inside the bottom header as shown in
details No. 3).

- Push the spray bar assembly into the exchanger sliding the spray bar along the guide,
until the partial spherical joint butts against its conical seat and the locating pin holes on
the pipe flanges are aligned (see detail No. 4).
(Note : At this point, there will be about 10mm (1/2 in) gap between the nozzle gasket
and the spray bar)

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- Insert the bolts in the flanges and tighten using the "crossover method"
- Remove the spray bar tool (see detail No. 5).

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- Unhook the lifting device from the lifting lug marked "J"
- Install the conical grid with the Metalloplastic gasket


Conical Grid

- Connect the system piping to the spray bar flange.

3.3. Spray Bar Removal

- Disconnect the system piping from the spray bar flange.

- Insert the spray bar tool following the procedure in 3.1.1 above, to straighten the double
bellows and movable portion of the spray bar (see above detail No. 2).
- Hook a lifting device to the lifting lug marked "J"
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- Remove the bolts from the spray bar to nozzle flange.

- Slowly pull the spray bar assembly out of the heat exchanger.
- Place the spray bar assembly on a flat surface and support the end opposite to the
flange, so the spray bar is relatively horizontal and totally stable.

4 Spray Bar Cleaning

The spray bar should be periodically cleaned at intervals depending on process conditions.
Normally, spray bars are cleaned during each turnaround.
Depending on the type and amount of deposits observed on the spray bar, the cleaning can
be :
- Back Flush in operation.
- Air and Demineralized water flush (Use of a pressure washer such as a
KRCHER is a good method to remove deposits found in the ends of the spray
bars) + Mechanical cleaning to unblock plugged spray bar holes.

4.1. Back Flush Method :

4.1.1 - Back flush device (see typical sketches below) :
When PACKINOX Heat Exchanger is equipped with 2 spray bars, PACKINOX
recommends installing back flush facility on each spray bar.
Line to flare / slope shall be 1 or 2.

Line to Flare / Slope

Back Flush Closing

valve No. 2 : V2
Removable elbow
at spray bars inlet
Liquid feed line
from Filters

Back Flush Closing valve No. 1 : V1

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To flare or


Liquid Feed


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4.1.2 - Back Flush Procedure :

This procedure remains general and shall be adapted considering the particular installation
of each unit (1 or 2 spray bars, back flush facility on each individual spray bars, ).
The main steps are :
CASE 1 Back flush facility for one spray bar :
a) Stop the Liquid Feed flow,
b) Close the valve(s) V1,
c) Open the valve(s) V2,
d) Keep the flow to the flare for 30 seconds to 1 minute,
e) Close the valve V2,
f) Open the valve V1,
g) Restart Liquid Feed flow.

CASE 2 Back flush facility for each individual spray bar :

a) Check that V2a & V2b are closed
b) Close the valve(s) V1a,
c) Open the valve(s) V2a,
d) Keep the flow to the flare for 30 seconds to 1 minute,
e) Close the valve V2a,
f) Open the valve V1a,
g) Close the valve(s) V1b,
h) Open the valve(s) V2b,
i) Keep the flow to the flare for 30 seconds to 1 minute,
j) Close the valve V2b,
k) Open the valve V1b.

Note :
During back flush operation (opening of reverse flow to flare) a small decrease of unit
operating pressure will be observed (with associated potential impact on any gas make-up
stream, ).
Effluent stream pressure versus Combined Feed pressure shall as well be monitored to
avoid any reverse pressure (Combined Feed pressure shall always be higher than
Effluent pressure).

4.2. Air /Water + Mechanical Cleaning :

Clean the spray bar as follows:

- Remove the spray bar from the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger following the procedure
in 3.3. above.
- Place the spray bar on a flat surface and support the end opposite the flange so the spray
bar is relatively horizontal, and totally stable.
- Remove the end cap,
- Unblock any plugged spray bar holes by pushing a cylindrical steel tool, a piece of
welding wire for example, with a cross sectional diameter less than 3mm (1/8 in) through
the hole.
- After all holes are cleared, blow away the dirt and other particles from each hole using
compressed air and/or a demineralised water spray (see detail No. 6). If water is used to
clean the spray bar, the spray bar must be completely dried with oil free compressed air
before reinstallation.

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- Replace and re-bolt the end cap before reinstalling the spray bar in the heat exchanger.
Note : There is not a gasket between the spray bar and the end cap.
- Reinstall the spray bar in the heat exchanger following the procedure in 3.2 above.

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Nom Entit Date

REVISION D Name Entity Date
Rdacteur Laure GUICHARD Etudes 25/1/2008

Vrificateur(s) Dominique SABIN Services 25/1/2008


Approbateur Dominique SABIN Services management 25/1/2008

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without
Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
Page 2 sur 17

Document validated electronically in accordance with quality system and applicable without signatures

Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revision Application date Subject of the revision
B 15/04/2003 Change in leak rate calculation description and nozzles identification.
C 14/1/2005 Corrections
D 25/1/2008 Addition of the method using characteristics of the pump


1. Introduction ...........................................................................................................3
2. Purpose...................................................................................................................3
3. Test by Pressure in Shell and Combined Feed Side..............................................4
4. Test by vacuum in Effluent Side............................................................................5
5. Leak Rate Calculation ...........................................................................................7
6. Storage Conditions After Test .............................................................................14

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without
Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
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1. Introduction

This procedure describes the on site tightness testing instructions of a PACKINOX

Combined Feed / Effluent Heat Exchanger installed in vertical position.

This procedure reflects the field experience acquired by PACKINOX Services in numerous
PACKINOX Services is available to provide advice and assistance when necessary.
For the execution of the first test, we strongly recommend to contact PACKINOX

2. Purpose

The purpose of this test is to evaluate any cross channel leakage between the combined
feed and effluent streams during shutdown.

This procedure describes 2 test methods :

1 Under pressure in Shell + Combined Feed side,
2 Under vacuum in Effluent side.

Recommended test is 2 Under vacuum in Effluent side as this is exactly the same test
than performed at end of fabrication. The differential pressure to be used during this test
(0.2 bar or 2.9 Psi) is also the differential pressure used by PACKINOX for end of
fabrication test and this will allow easy follow-up in the Heat Exchanger lifetime.

Note :
If the differential pressure within the plate bundle is reversed (effluent pressure higher than
combined feed pressure), mechanical damage may result.
The plate bundle is designed to resist to differential pressure in one direction only (P
Combined Feed > P Effluent).

Please note that the nozzles tags are sometimes customised by project and there could be
some differences between the tags in this procedure and drawings.

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3. Test by Pressure in Shell and Combined Feed Side

See detailed schematic drawing in Appendix No.1.

- The PACKINOX Heat Exchanger must be isolated from the other equipment of the unit.
- S1 (combined feed outlet), TH (manhole), U1 (vent), U2 (drain), M or M1 and M2
(liquid feed Inlet), A1 (Auxiliary) nozzles are blinded.
- The recycle gas inlet (El) is fitted with the pressurizing pump and with a water
manometer able to measure 2000 mm (6 ft 3/4 in.) of water column.
- The effluent system remains at atmospheric pressure : E2 (effluent inlet) and S2 (effluent
outlet) nozzles are opened to atmosphere.
- The pressurisation gas can be nitrogen or dry air : (dew point < - 20C / - 4F).

3.1. Measuring of Pressure Loss in the Shell + Combined Feed side

The list of operations is as follows :

Operation No. Instruction(s)

1 Open valve V1 to pressurise the shell + combined feed side.
2 Increase pressure gradually from 0 to 0.2 barg / 2.9 psig / 2000 mm
(6 ft 3/4 in) H2O.
The pressurization rate shall be 0.01 barg/min / 0,145 psi/min / 100
mm/min (0,34 in/min) H2O.
Increase requires about 20 minutes if network air is used.
3 Once shell + combined feed side pressure has reached 0.2 barg / 2.9
psig / 2000 mm (6 ft 3/4 in.) H2O, close valve V1.
4 Wait 10 minutes for pressure stabilisation in the shell + combined
feed side.
5 Open valve Vl to compensate for any pressure loss (if needed).
6 Close valve Vl as soon as feed + combined feed side pressure reaches
again 0.2 barg / 2.9 psig / 2000 mm (6 ft 3/4 in) H2O.
7 Note temperature. The temperature may be recorded by thermocouple
Start the test for a 20 minutes holding time.

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8 During the test, record the loss of pressure in the table below :

Time (minutes) Shell + Combined Shell + Combined

Feed Pressure Feed
(mm of water) Pressure Loss
(mm of water)
0 2000 0
5 1900 100
10 1700 300

Should the pressure loss be fast (full pressure lost in less than 20
minutes), the test & calculation shall be stopped for a 50% pressure
loss (0.1 barg / 1.45 psig / 1000 mm (3 ft 3/8 in) H2O.

Time (minutes) Shell + Combined Shell + Combined

Feed Pressure Feed
(mm of water) Pressure Loss
(mm of water)
0 2000 0
z 1000 1000

9 According to temperature and pressure variation, the accuracy of the

test is variation of 10 mm (3/8 in) of water.
10 Open valve V1 to depressurise shell + combined feed side.
Depressurisation rate shall be 10 mbar/min / 0,145 psi/min / 100
mm/min (0,34 in/min) H2O.
11 Estimate the operating cross channel leakage between the feed and
effluent streams as per method described in point 5.

4. Test by vacuum in Effluent Side

See detailed schematic drawing in Appendix No.2.

4.1. Preparation

- The PACKINOX Heat Exchanger must be isolated from the other equipment of the unit.
- The Shell + Combined Feed side is at atmospheric pressure : E1 (Recycle gas inlet), S1
(Combined feed outlet), TH (Manhole), U1 (vent), U2 (drain), M or M1 and M2 (Liquid
feed Inlet) nozzles are opened.
- S2 (Effluent Outlet) nozzle is fitted with the vacuum pump and with a water manometer
able to measure 2000 mm (6ft 3/4 in.) of water column.
- E2 (Effluent Inlet), A2 and A4 (Auxiliary) nozzles are blinded.

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4.2. Measuring of Pressure Increase / Vacuum Loss in the Effluent side

The list of operations is as follows :

Operation No. Instruction(s)

1 Open valve V1 to pull vacuum in the effluent side.
2 Decrease pressure gradually from 0 to 0.2 barg / 2.9 psig) / 2000 mm
(6 ft 3/4 in.) H2O.
The depressurization rate shall be 0.01 barg/min / 0,145 psi/min /
100 mm/min ( in/min) H2O.
Decrease requires about 20 minutes.
3 Once effluent side vacuum has reached 0.2 barg / 2.9 psig / 2000 mm
(6 ft 3/4 in.) H2O, close valve V1.
4 Wait 10 minutes for vacuum stabilisation in the effluent side.
5 Open valve Vl to compensate for any vacuum loss (if needed).
6 Close valve Vl as soon as effluent side vacuum reaches again 0.2 barg
/ 2.9 psig / 2000 mm (6 ft 3/4 in) H2O.
7 Note temperature. The temperature may be recorded by thermocouple
Start the test for a 20 minutes holding time.
8 During the test, record the loss of vacuum in the table below :

Time (minutes) Effluent Pressure Effluent Pressure

(mm of water) Increase (mm of
0 - 2000 0
5 - 1950 50
10 - 1900 100

Should the vacuum loss be fast (full pressure lost in less than 20
minutes), the test & calculation shall be stopped for a 50% pressure
loss (0.1 barg / 1.45 psig / 1000 mm (3 ft 3/8 in) H2O.

Time (minutes) Effluent Pressure Effluent Pressure

(mm of water) Increase (mm of
0 - 2000 0
z - 1000 1000

9 According to temperature and pressure variation, the accuracy of the

test is variation of 10mm (3/8 in) of water.
10 Open valve V1 to pressurise effluent side. Pressurisation rate shall be
10 mbar/min / 0,145 psi/min / 100 mm/min ( in/min) H2O.
11 Estimate the operating cross channel leakage between the feed and
effluent streams as per method described in point 5.

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If the vaccum cannot be maintained at the value of -200 mbarg / 2000 mm H2O,
Rev D decrease the pressure as far as possible and maintain the value for at least 30

5. Leak Rate Calculation

Two transpositions from test results to cross channel leak rate in operation are possible :
- Simplified method (Bernoulli equations) as described in point 5.1.
- Accurate method (Saint-Venant equations) as described in point 5.2.

The following process data and constant shall be used for the accurate method. The
simplified method requires less of these data (only a part of them).

5.1. Process data :

- Total effluent flow rate, M& effluent in kg/h,

- Feed temperature at hot side, Top in C,
- Feed absolute pressure at hot side, Pfeed op in bar a,
- Effluent absolute pressure at hot side, Peffluent op in bar a,
- Density of feed vapor at hot side, op in kg/m3,
- Specific heat of feed vapor at hot side, Cpop in J/(kg.C),

5.2. Constant :
- 20920 is a constant,
- r for air = 287 J/(kg.C)
- r for Nitrogen = 297 J/(kg.C)
- for Air & Nitrogen = 1.4
- Density of dry air at 0C (32F) = 1,293 kg/m3 (0.0805 lb/ft3) @ 1 atm

P( Pa abs)
For other temperature and pressure : =
287 (T (C ) + 273.15)

- Density of Nitrogen at 0C (32F) = 1,250 kg/m3 (0.0805 lb/ft3) @ 1 atm

P( Pa abs)
For other temperature and pressure : =
297 (T (C ) + 273.15)

5.3. Test Data :

- V is the volume (tested volume) occupied by the pressurisation/vacuum gas (m3),
- t is the time of the test (minutes),
- Pmeasured is the difference of pressure from the beginning to the end of the test
(bar) :

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Page 8 sur 17

the loss of pressure of shell + feed side (pressure test) - the loss of
vacuum of effluent side (vacuum test).

- Ttest is the temperature of the fluid during the test (C),

- Peffluent test is the effluent pressure during the test (bar a),
- Pfeed test is the feed pressure during the test (bar a),
- Ptest is the average of the tested volume (V) pressure during the test (bar a).
- vide (mbar) is the maximum void value reached and maintained in the case of
Rev D -200 mbar cannot be reached.

5.4. Formula for leak rate estimation (R) :

The formula for the leak rate calculation is :


Where :
FB is the Basic Factor (the same for both simplified and accurate
method) :
- If the pressure has been decreased and maintained at -200
mbarg / -2000 mm H2O
V 1 Pmeasured
FB = 20920
Rev D t M effluent (Ttest + 273.15)

- Otherwise
FB = 100
( 0.109 vide + 39.633) test vide
1000 rtest (Ttest + 273.15)

N.B. : This formula is only valid for Packinox Services pumps Midiflex M200 or
PIAB Round or a pump with the same characteristics (see Appendix 3)

FC is the Correction Factor to translate the test result in operating leak

rate. The calculation of this factor depends on the chosen method
(simplified or accurate)

5.4.1. FC calculation by simplified method (Bernoulli equations)

FC =
(P feed op Peffluent op ) op
(P feed test Peffluent test ) test

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5.4.2. FC calculation by accurate method (Saint-Venant equations)

( op +1)
op 2
op 1 2 ( op 1)
Machop . Pfeed op 10

r .(T + 273.15)
1 +

op op
FC =
( test +1)
test 2 test 1 2
2( test 1)
Machtest . Pfeed test 10
) 1 + Machtest
rtest .(Ttest + 273.15) 2

where (for both test and operating values):

( 1)

Peffluent 2 Peffluent

If > 0.5283 Mach = 1 < 1,
Pfeed 1 Pfeed

If 0.5283 Mach = 1 ,
Pfeed 10 5
r= , [J.kg-1.C-1],
(T + 273.15)
Cp r

5.4.3. Examples of leak rate calculations

Calculations for both test by pressure and test by vacuum will be done. For each of these
tests, calculations for both simplified and accurate methods will be described. Process data for the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger tested

- M& effluent = 100000 kg/h,

- Top = 450 C,
- Pfeed op = 10 bar a,
- Peffluent op = 6 bar a,
- op = 4 kg/m3,
- Cpop = 3000 J/(kg.C), Calculations for test by pressure in shell and combined feed side
(with air) Test data

- V = 6 m3,
- t = 20 minutes,
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- Pmeasured = 0.03 bar,

- Ttest = 25 C,
- Peffluent test = 1 bar a
- Pfeed test = 1.2 bar a Basic Factor (FB) calculation

V 1 Pmeasured 6 1 0.03
FB = 20920 = 20920
t M& effluent (Ttest + 273.15) 20 100000 (25 + 273.15)

FB = 6.315 10 6

We also calculate the average of feed pressure during the test :

AV Pmeasured 0.03
Pfeed test = Pfeed test = 1.2 = 1.185 bar a
2 2 Correction Factor (FC) calculation by simplified method

FC =
(P feed op Peffluent op ) op
feed test )
Peffluent test test

AV 5
Pfeed test 10 1.185 10 5
test = = = 1.385 kg / m 3
287 (Ttest + 273.15) 287 (25 + 273.15)

FC =
(10 6) 4 = 7.902
(1.185 1)1.385 Correction Factor (FC) calculation by accurate method

1 ( op +1 )
op 2
op 1 ( )
( )
2 op 1
Machop . Pfeed op 10
5 1 + Machop2
r .(T + 273.15) 2
op op
FC =
( test +1)
test 2 test 1 2
2( test 1)
Machtest . Pfeed test 10
) 1 + Machtest
rtest .(Ttest + 273.15) 2

( test 1)

Peffluent test 1 2 Peffluent test


= = 0.844 > 0.5283 Machtest = 1
Pfeed 1.185 test 1 Pfeed


test = 1.4

2 1 1.4 = 0.498 < 1
Machtest = 1
1.4 1 1.185

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Page 11 sur 17

( op 1)

Peffluent op 6 2 Peffluent op op
= = 0.600 > 0.5283 Machop = 1
Pfeed op 10 op 1 Pfeed op

Pfeed op 105 10 10 5
rop = = = 345.7 J/(kg.C)
op (Top + 273) 4 (450 + 273.15)
Cpop 3000
op = = = 1.13
Cpop rop 3000 345.7

2 6 1.13 = 0.965 < 1
Machop = 1
1.13 1 10

5 2 1.13 1 2 (1.131)
1.13 2
0.965. 10 (
10 )
345.7 (450 + 273.15) 1 +

FC = (1.4 +1)
= 6.137
5 2 1.4 1 2 (1.41)
1.4 2
( )
0.498. 1.185 10 287 (25 + 273.15) 1 + 2 0.498

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Page 12 sur 17 Leak rate calculation

R = FB FC = 6.315 10 6 FC

R = 6.315 10 6 7.902 = 4.99 10 5 , by simplified

R = 6.315 10 6 6.137 = 3.88 10 5 , by accurate
method Calculations for test by vacuum in effluent side Test data

- V = 6 m3,
- t = 20 minutes,
- Pmeasured = 0.03 bar,
- Ttest = 25 C,
- Peffluent test = 0.8 bar a
- Pfeed test = 1 bar a Basic Factor (FB) calculation

V 1 Pmeasured 6 1 0.03
FB = 20920 = 20920
t M effluent (Ttest + 273.15)
& 20 100000 (25 + 273.15)

FB = 6.315 10 6

We also calculate the average of effluent pressure during the test :

Pmeasured 0.03
ffluent test = Peffluent test + = 0.8 + = 0.815 bar a
2 2 Correction Factor (FC) calculation by simplified method

FC =
(P feed op Peffluent op ) op
(P feed test )
ffluent test test

Pfeed test 105 1 105

test = = = 1.169 kg / m 3
287 (Ttest + 273.15) 287 (25 + 273.15)

FC =
(10 6) 4 = 8.601
(1 0.815)1.169

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Page 13 sur 17 Correction Factor (FC) calculation by accurate method

( op +1)
op 2
op 1 2 ( op 1)
Machop . Pfeed op 10

r .(T + 273.15)
1 +

op op
FC =
( test +1)
test 2 test 1 2
2( test 1)
Machtest . Pfeed test 10
) 1 + Machtest
rtest .(Ttest + 273.15) 2

( test 1)
Peffluent test test
PeAV 0.815 2
ffluent test
= = 0.815 > 0.5283 Machtest = 1
Pfeed test 1 test 1 Pfeed test

test = 1.4

2 0.815 1.4
Machtest = 1 = 0.549 < 1
1.4 1 1

( op 1)

Peffluent op 6 P
2 effluent op op
= = 0.600 > 0.5283 Machop = 1
Pfeed op 10
op 1 Pfeed op

Pfeed op 105 10 10 5
rop = = = 345.7 J/(kg.C)
op (Top + 273) 4 (450 + 273.15)
Cpop 3000
op = = = 1.13
Cpop rop 3000 345.7

2 6 1.13
Machop = 1 = 0.965 < 1
1.13 1 10

1.13 2
1.13 1 2 (1.131)
0.965 . 10 (
10 5
345.7 (450 + 273.15) 1 +
0.965 2

FC = = 6.808
5 2 1.4 1 2 (1.4 1)
1.4 2
0.549 . 1 (
10 )
287 (25 + 273.15) 1 + 2 0.549 Leak rate calculation

R = FB FC = 6.315 10 6 FC
R = 6.315 10 6 8.601 = 5.43 10 5 , by simplified
R = 6.315 10 6 6.808 = 4.30 10 5 , by accurate

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Page 14 sur 17

6. Storage Conditions After Test

In order to avoid any ingress of moisture in the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger, it shall be
kept under dry air or nitrogen atmosphere before unit restart.

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APPENDIX 1 : Isolation and connection Drawing for Airtightness test in Pressure

U1 E2 : Effluent Inlet
S1 : Combined Feed Outlet

A1 A2



Effluent Circuit

M or M1/M2
Liquid Feed Inlet

E1 : Recycle Gas Inlet

Water Manometer A
S2 : Effluent Outlet

Pressurizing system
or Air supply

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Page 16 sur 17

APPENDIX 2 : Isolation and connection Drawing for Vacuum test in Effluent side

U1 E2 : Effluent Inlet
S1 : Combined Feed Outlet

A1 A2



Effluent Circuit

M or M1/M2
Liquid Feed Inlet

E1 : Recycle Gas Inlet

S2 : Effluent Outlet


Water Manometer
Vacuum Pump

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Page 17 sur 17

APPENDIX 3 : Characteristics of the pump PIAB Round M200

Flowrate of sucked up air :

Rev D Feeding pressure : 0.6 MPa

Vacuum level (-kPa) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Flowrate of sucked 40 28 18.5 9.6 4.8 3.6 2.4 1.3 0.6 0.1
up air (Nl/s)

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Nom Entit Date

REVISION A Name Entity Date
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Services 19/11/2004

Vrificateur(s) Dominique SABIN Etudes 19/11/2004


Approbateur Gilles CAZIN Services management 8/12/2004

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Document validated electronically in accordance with quality system and applicable without signatures

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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Page 2 sur 11


Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revision Application date Subject of the revision
A 8/12/2004 First issue

1 - Introduction

2 Reference

3 Equipment

4 Minimum Temperature

5 Inspection(s) prior and after hydro test Acceptance Criteria(s)

6 Test Instructions

7 Test Performance

8 Examination during the test at Inspection Pressure

9 Acceptance criteria

10 Intervention of the Inspection agency

11 Documents to be set up after the test

12 Drying requirements

Appendix No. 1 : Schematic Drawing

Appendix No. 2 : Position of valves during test

Appendix No. 3 : Typical board for pressure increase / decrease record.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
Page 3 sur 11

1 - Introduction

This procedure specifies the hydro test conditions & instructions of a 3 Expansion Bellows
PACKINOX Combined Feed / Effluent Heat Exchanger installed in vertical position.

This procedure reflects the field experience acquired by PACKINOX Services in numerous
PACKINOX Services is available to provide advice and assistance when necessary.

Note :
Hydro test may as well be performed with naphtha.

2- Reference

Fabrication drawings + Hydro test schematic drawing in appendix No. 1.

Applicable local regulations.
The test pressure P1 is defined in General Arrangement Drawings.

3 Equipment

Pressurising and display devices (see details and schematic drawing in Appendix No. 1) :

Hydraulic pump with a 2" min. diameter outlet equipped with a pressure gauge
capable of a pressure greater than P1.
2" diameter hoses (as defined in schematic drawing) with sufficient length, and able
to operate at a service pressure equal to twice P1.
Isolating valve and necessary connections for 2" diameter hose (service pressure =
twice P1).
Valves, check valves and necessary connections able to operate at a service pressure
equal to twice P1.
Seal gaskets for process nozzles (type of gasket defined on the fabrication drawings).
Bolting material corresponding to the set of pressure vessel nozzle flanges.
Material : ASTM 193 B7 ASTM B94.2H or equivalent quality (otherwise specified).
The service blinds shall be used for the hydrostatic test on blind flanges such as
manhole(s) and nozzles, which these devices are intended for.
On the other nozzles, test blinds shall be used.
Skin thermowell for measurement of the vessel wall temperature.
Calibrated test pressure gauges (one of them being mandatory and located at the
highest point of the vessel).

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Page 4 sur 11

Notes :
1- The pressure gauges shall be selected so that their graduations cover preferably twice
the test pressure and as mandatory requirement 1.5 time P1. A calibration report issued
since less than 6 months is necessary at the date of the test.
2- The test blinds receiving the above described test equipment shall be equipped with a
2" diameter 6 000 lbs coupling, in which a Briggs or NPT 2" threaded hole shall be
3- The in service bolting material and gaskets shall not be used for the test unless
otherwise specified.
4- The water used for hydro-test shall have less than 5ppm chlorides.
5- Source of water to be used for hydro testing shall be tested for chlorides as close as
practical to the test date.

4 Minimum Temperature

The minimum temperature of the water and wall vessel is defined under the conditions
required in the Code and/or local regulations.

5 Inspection(s) prior and after hydro test Acceptance Criteria(s)

Any inspection prior and after hydro test shall be performed under the conditions
required in the Code and/or local regulations.
Acceptance criteria(s) shall be in accordance to the conditions required in the Code
and/or local regulations.

6 - Test Instructions

Equipments described in paragraph 4 shall be installed according to the hydrostatic

sketch in Appendix 1.
The position of the valves during the test is described in Appendix No. 2.
Tables to record pressure increase and decrease are provided in Appendix No. 3.

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The list of operations is as follows ( see schematic test diagram in point 7.) :

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Operation No. Instruction(s)

Open valves V1, V3, V4 & V5.
1 The water fills up the Shell & Feed circuit of the
PACKINOX Heat Exchanger.
When some water flows out by top vent (valves V3 & V5),
Close V3 & V5 and V1.
Open valve V2.
3 The water fills up the Effluent circuit of the PACKINOX
Heat Exchanger.
When some water flows out by top vent (valve V4), then close
V2 and V4.
Check the correct installation of the measuring equipment and
the connections on the blinds.
Check the pressure vessel wall temperature. Pressurisation shall
not be performed as long as the wall and water have not the
6 required temperature.
The outside vessel wall shall be dry and free of any mark of
Open valves V1 & V2.
The Shell & Feed and Effluent circuits of the PACKINOX
Heat Exchanger are pressurised.
The Heat Exchanger shall be pressurised to a value not
exceeding 0.5 bars (7.25 Psi) and the tightness of all nozzles
shall be checked.
If any leakage is detected, the bolts shall be tightened until a
correct tightness is obtained.
Reach the P1 pressure at 1 bar/min (14.5 Psi/min) or with a 5
minutes step every 5 bars (72.5 Psi).
Note : The pressure read on gauge M4 should always be lower
than the pressure read on gauge M2.
In no case P(M2) P(M4) shall be higher than Heat Exchanger
Design Differential Pressure.
8 When P1 is reached close valves V1 and V2.
Visual examination shall be performed by inspector with the
minimum time required by Code and/or Local regulation.
The holding time shall be in accordance to the conditions
required in the Code and/or local regulations (minimum 30
See test diagram.

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With valves V1 & V2 & V6, depressurise to P2 : inspection

pressure (if needed by Local regulation).
Note :
10 The pressure read on gauge M3 should always be lower than the
pressure read on gauge M2.
In no case P(M2) P(M3) shall be higher than Heat Exchanger
Design Differential Pressure.
Close valves V1 & V2 & V6 when inspection pressure is
reached and maintain the pressure during the time for inspection
11 (if required by Local regulation).
For acceptance criteria see paragraph 9.
With valves V1 & V2 & V6, depressurise to atmospheric
Note : The pressure read on gauge M3 should always be lower
than the pressure read on gauge M2.
In no case P(M2) P(M3) shall be higher than Heat Exchanger
Design Differential Pressure.
When atmospheric pressure is reached, open valves V3 and V4
to empty the Heat Exchanger by gravity.

Details on pressures :

P1 : Test pressure in Feed circuit and inside pressure vessel at the highest point of vessel
read on gauge M4.
P2 : Inspection pressure (generally equal to the Heat Exchanger design pressure) at the
highest point of vessel read on gauge M4.

P'1 : Test pressure in Feed circuit and inside pressure vessel on bottom read on gauge M2

P'1 = P1+ static pressure due to static height of water where :

Total height in meters

P static (in bars) = ------------------------------------- x g
with g = 9,81 (to be corrected with local conditions).

P'2 : Witness pressure in the same circuits on bottom, read on gauge M2

P'2 = P2 + static pressure due to static height of water.

Design differential Pressure : specific project by project and defined in General

Arrangement Drawing.
The values read on gauge M2 are only for operator help.
Pressures read on gauge M3 and M4 at the highest points of vessel are the values
concerned by the code (or local regulations) and shall be respected.

7 Test Performance
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Page 8 sur 11

The test shall be performed in presence of :

- Customer representative
- Representative of regulation in force.

The pressure shall be increased according to the following test diagram.

Pressure Holding Time

Test Pressure Inspection Time

Inspection Pressure

1 bar/min or 5 min. step every 5 bars

14.5 Psi/min or 5 min. step every 72.5 Psi


8 - Examination during Test at Inspection Pressure

Throughout the inspection, the pressure shall be maintained at P2.

A visual examination of the welds and the entire surface of the component shall be
carried out.

9 - Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance criteria(s) shall be in accordance to the conditions required in the Code

and/or local regulations.
At minimum :
- At the inspection pressure P2, the vessel examination shall not reveal any
However, sweating or slight leak due to poor tightness of the flange/blind gaskets
shall be allowed provided that the inspection agency and the regulation
representative accept them.
- Back at atmospheric pressure, the vessel examination shall not reveal permanent

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10 - Intervention of the Inspection Agency

Acceptance criteria(s) shall be in accordance to the conditions required in the Code

and/or local regulations.
At minimum when the pressure test has been proved to be satisfactory, a hydrostatic test
report shall be issued and signed by the authorized representative(s).

11 - Document to be set up after the test

Test report.
Minimum requirement on the report :
- Fluid used
- Fluid quality
- Temperature recording
- Test pressure recording
- Holding time recording
- Inspection Pressure
- Equipment used, pressure gauges references and calibration certificates

12 - Drying Requirements

The water shall be removed as completely as possible by draining, blowing with clean air
free of oil.
The surfaces are dried by purging with dry air free of oil or gaseous nitrogen at ambient
temperature to remove humidity.
During drying, nozzles marked E1 S1 E2 S2 shall be opened.

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Page 10 sur 11

Appendix No. 1 :
Schematic Drawing V3 V4
M3 M4


S1 : Combined Feed Outlet U1 E2 : Effluent Inlet

A1 A2


Effluent Circuit

N or

E1 : Recycle Gas Inlet


V2 S2 : Effluent Outlet


Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
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Page 11 sur 11

Appendix No. 2 : Position of valves during test.

Steps Operation V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6
1 Feed & Shell Side filling up O C O O O C
2 Feed & Shell Side filling up completed C C C O C C
3 Effluent Side filling up C O C O C C
4 Effluent Side filling up completed C C C C C C
7 Pressurisation O O C C C C
8&9 Holding Time at Test Pressure C C C C C C
10 Depressurisation to Inspection Pressure O O C C C O
11 Holding Time at Inspection Pressure C C C C C C
Depressurisation to Atmospheric
12 O O C C C O
13 Draining O O O O O O

Legend : O = Valve position "Open"

C = Valve position "Closed"

Appendix No. 3 : Typical board for pressure increase / decrease record.

Feed Pressure Effluent Pressure

(bar or Psi) (bar or Psi)
5 min.
10 min.
15 min.
20 min.
25 min.
30 min.
35 min.
40 min.
Stage of 30 min.
75 min.
80 min.
85 min.
90 min.

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Nom Entit Date

REVISION A Name Entity Date
Rdacteur Pierre TANCA Mthodes 2/12/2004

Vrificateur(s) Didier BAYLLY Etudes 8/12/2004


Approbateur Gilles CAZIN Services management 8/12/2004

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Document validated electronically in accordance with quality system and applicable without signatures

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
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Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
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Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revision Application date Subject of the revision
A 8/12/2004 First issue


1 - Purpose

2 Heat Exchanger Verification

3 Nitrogen Pressure Verification

4 Nitrogen Refilling

4.1. Additional equipment

4.2. Nitrogen refilling

4.3. Security tagging

5 Opening of the Heat Exchanger

Appendix No. 1 : Heat Exchanger equipment

Appendix No. 2 : Typical Nitrogen Pressure Verification report

Appendix No. 3 : Nitrogen Pressure vs. Temperature

Appendix No. 4 : Recommended manometer gauges

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
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Page 3 sur 9

1 - Purpose

This specification has for purpose to define the conditions of verification and complement
of nitrogen blanketing of the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger for short or long time storage.

2 Exchanger verification

The nitrogen blanketing of the exchanger has been done in accordance with the specification and
may differs project by project (in term of connections, nozzle names, equipment supplied or not
supplied with the Heat Exchanger).
For delivery and storage, the Heat Exchanger should likely be as per typical sketch in Appendix
No. 1 :
The nozzles E2 (Effluent Inlet) and S1 (Combined Feed Outlet ) or their auxiliary
A nozzles, are connected with a 2 pipe minimum.
This 2 pipe is equipped with a Va valve (its operating lever is removed and
fastened on it, for safety reason). A plug can complete the tightness.
A Vb valve (its operating lever is removed and fastened on it, for safety reason) or
only a plug, is assembled on the flange of the vent nozzle U1. For some cases it
can also be assembled on the E1 Recycle Gas Inlet nozzle.
A Vc valve (its operating lever is removed and fastened on it, for safety reason) or
only a plug, is assembled on the flange of the S2 effluent outlet nozzle.
All the other nozzles are closed either with their final blinds or with temporary

The nitrogen pressure shall be in accordance to the Temperature chart as pressure is a direct
function of the temperature (see Appendix No. 3).

3 Nitrogen Pressure Verification

For long storage duration (over 3 months), a verification of the nitrogen pressure shall be made
once a month in the workshop and each 15 days on site. A control report (see Appendix No. 2)
shall be filled up for each verification.

The control of the nitrogen pressure can be done as following :

Equip the Va valve with a manometer Ma (class 1,6 or better) with scale in
accordance with the required nitrogen pressure (see Appendix No. 3).
Measure the temperature of the vessel skin.

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Page 4 sur 9

After installing in place the operating lever, open the Va valve and check the
nitrogen pressure :

a) The pressure is in accordance to the chart : close the valve, remove the
operating lever and the manometer in the case of a single verification. In
case of long storage, the operating lever and the manometer can be let on
b) The pressure is not in accordance to the chart : it is so necessary to refill
the Heat Exchanger with nitrogen as defined in paragraph 4 up to the level
defined in Appendix No. 3 chart.

4 Nitrogen Refilling

4.1. Additional equipment

See schematic drawing in Appendix No. 1

Nitrogen source : Can be nitrogen bottle or network nitrogen.

Da : Pressure reducer from nitrogen bottle & source to be connected to the Vb valve
(1/2 ).

4.2. Nitrogen refilling

Same steps than for point 3 Nitrogen Pressure Verification.
Connect nitrogen source to Da and to Vb.
Adjust the Da reducer pressure to obtain an outlet pressure of 0.5 bars (7.25 Psi).
After installing in place its operating lever, slowly open the Vb valve to fill up the
exchanger with nitrogen to a pressure equal to the Appendix No. 3 chart nitrogen
When the pressure is reached, close the Vb valve.
Check the tightness of the flanges and connections.
Close the Va valve.
Remove the Ma manometer (can be let in place in case of long storage).
Remove the Da pressure reducer.
Remove operating lever of the Va & Vb valves, and fasten it to the pipes (can be
let in place in case of long storage).
Connect tight plugs on Va (not required if manometer is let in place) & Vb valves.
Fill up the report (see Appendix No. 2) with the room temperature and the nitrogen
pressure obtained.

4.3. Security tagging

On the manholes and nozzles, stick security labels indicating :


5 Opening of the Heat Exchanger

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Same steps than for point 3 Nitrogen Pressure Verification.

After installing in place its operating lever, slowly open the Vc valve to drain the
Heat Exchanger and decrease the nitrogen pressure in the exchanger (reading on the
Ma manometer)
When the nitrogen pressure reaches atmospheric pressure, remove all blinds &
covers and ventilate till complete elimination of nitrogen into the Heat Exchanger.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
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Page 6 sur 9

Appendix No. 1 : Heat Exchanger equipment


Recycle Gas Inlet


Can be fitted up on Feed Inlet nozzle E1


Auxiliary nozzle
Auxiliary nozzle



Feed Outlet
Effluent Inlet




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Appendix No. 2 : Typical Nitrogen Pressure Verification report

Room temperature C

Nitrogen pressure inside the exchanger mbar

Inspector Q.A. Section Insp. Agency



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Appendix No. 3 : Nitrogen Pressure vs. Temperature Represented Pressure : 100 mbars at 20C

T N2 P T N2 P
(C) (mbar) (F) (psi)
-10 -15,2 14 -0,22
-8 -7,6 17,6 -0,11
-6 0,0 21,2 0,00
-4 7,6 24,8 0,11
-2 15,2 28,4 0,22
0 22,8 32 0,33
2 30,3 35,6 0,44
4 37,9 39,2 0,55
6 45,5 42,8 0,66
8 53,1 46,4 0,77
10 60,7 50 0,88
12 68,3 53,6 0,99
14 75,9 57,2 1,10
16 83,5 60,8 1,21
18 91,1 64,4 1,32
20 98,6 68 1,43
22 106,2 71,6 1,54
24 113,8 75,2 1,65
26 121,4 78,8 1,76
28 129,0 82,4 1,87
30 136,6 86 1,98
32 144,2 89,6 2,09
34 151,8 93,2 2,20
36 159,3 96,8 2,31
38 166,9 100,4 2,42
40 174,5 104 2,53

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Appendix No. 4 : Recommended manometer gauges

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que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298
du 11-3-1957.

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Nom Entit Date

REVISION B Name Entity Date
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Services 22/12/2010

Vrificateur(s) Franck ALENDA Etudes 22/12/2010


Approbateur Dominique SABIN Services management 22/12/2010

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Document validated electronically in accordance with quality system and applicable without signatures

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
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Page 2 sur 9


Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revision Application date Subject of the revision
A 2/7/2010 First Issue
B 22/12/2010 Document up dating


1. Introduction

2. Purpose

3. Heat exchanger preparation

4. Nitrogen filling by purging method

5. Nitrogen filling by vacuuming method

6. Nitrogen pressure checking

7. Heat exchanger opening

Appendix No. 1 : Heat exchanger equipment (for purging method)

Appendix No. 2 : Heat exchanger equipment (for vacuuming method)

Appendix No. 2 : Nitrogen pressure vs. temperature

Appendix No. 4 : Nitrogen pressure filling report

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval
Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
Page 3 sur 9

1. Introduction

This procedure describes the conditions & instructions of nitrogen filling of a PACKINOX
Combined Feed / Effluent Heat Exchanger.

This procedure reflects the field experience acquired by PACKINOX Services in numerous
PACKINOX Services is available to provide advice and assistance when necessary.

2. Purpose

This specification has for purpose to define the conditions of nitrogen filling of the PACKINOX
Heat Exchanger for short or long time storage.

This procedure describes 2 nitrogen filling methods :

1. Nitrogen filling by purging method
2. Nitrogen filling by vacuuming method.

Note : if the differential pressure within the plates bundle is reversed (effluent pressure higher than
combined feed one), mechanical damage may result.

Please, note that the nozzles tags are sometimes customised by project and there could be some
differences between the tags in this procedure and drawings.

3. Heat exchanger preparation

The vessel must be emptied, drained and dried before nitrogen filling up.

For nitrogen filling, the Heat Exchanger shall be prepared as per typical sketch in Appendix No. 1 :

Blind all the process nozzles (E1, S1, E2 & S2) and spray bars nozzles (N1 & N2),
Ensure that all the auxiliaries nozzles are blind (U1, U2, A1, A2 & A4),
Connect nozzles E2 and S1 or their auxiliaries (A1 & A2) with a balancing line (2" pipe
at least),
Equip this balancing line with a V3 valve, a M1 manometer (range from 0 to 200 mb)
and with a T1 thermometer (range from 10 C to 40 C),
Equip S2 blind (or A4 auxiliary) with a V1 valve,
Equip U2 drain or U1 vent (or even E1 blind) with a V2 valve.

Note : all the valves shall be nitrogen-tight and equipped with removable handle to avoid any
unintentional operation.

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Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
Page 4 sur 9

4. Nitrogen filling by purging method

See detailed schematic drawing in Appendix No. 1.

The list of operations is as follows :

Operation No. Instruction(s)

1 Connect the nitrogen source (nitrogen bottle or plant nitrogen web) to V2
2 Fit the M1 manometer (for nitrogen pressure checking) to V3 valve,
3 Ensure that V1 & V3 are opened and V2 closed.
4 Adjust the nitrogen source reducer to obtain a maximum outlet pressure
of 0.5 b (7,25 psi) .
5 Open V2 valve and perform a nitrogen flushing, at least 3 times of the
Heat Exchanger total volume (Vessel & Feed side + Effluent side).
6 Close V1 : once Heat Exchanger pressure has reached the require one
(nitrogen pressure inside the heat exchanger is defined in the chart
according to the temperature  see Appendix No. 3), close V2 valve.
7 Check tightness of blinds and piping connections.
8 Remove V1, V2 & V3 handle and fasten them on piping.
9 Disconnect the nitrogen source.
10 Plug V1 & V2.
11 Fill up the report (see Appendix No. 4) with the room temperature and
the nitrogen pressure reached.

5. Nitrogen filling by vacuuming method

See detailed schematic drawing in Appendix No. 2.

The list of operations is as follows :

Operation No. Instruction(s)

1 Connect the vacuum pump (P1) trough V1 valve to S2 nozzle,
2 Connect the nitrogen source (nitrogen bottle or plant nitrogen web) to V2
3 Fit the M2 manometer (for vacuum checking) to V3 valve,
4 Ensure that V1 & V2 are closed and V3 opened.
5 Start the vacuum pump (P1).
6 Open V1 valve to pull vacuum in the Heat Exchanger.
7 Decrease pressure gradually from 0 to - 0.8 barg (- 2.9 psig).
The depressurization rate shall be 0.01 barg/min (0,145 psi/min).
Depressurization requires about 80 minutes.
8 Once Heat exchanger vacuum has reached - 0.8 barg (- 2.9 psig), close
V1 valve.
9 Wait 1h00 for vacuum stabilisation.
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Page 5 sur 9

10 Disconnect vacuum pump (P1).

11 Adjust the nitrogen source reducer to obtain a maximum outlet pressure
of 0.5 b (7,25 psi) .
12 Remove M2 manometer and fit the M1 one (for nitrogen pressure
13 Note temperature on T1 thermometer.
14 Open V2 valve to release the depressurization of the Heat Exchanger.
The pressurization rate shall be 0.01 barg/min (0,145 psi/min).
15 Once Heat exchanger pressure has reached the require one (nitrogen
pressure inside the heat exchanger is defined in the chart according to the
temperature  see Appendix No. 3), close V2 valve.
16 Check tightness of blinds and piping connections.
17 Remove V1, V2 & V3 handle and fasten them on piping.
18 Disconnect the nitrogen source.
19 Plug V1 & V2.
20 Fill up the report (see Appendix No. 4) with the room temperature and
the nitrogen pressure reached.

6. Nitrogen pressure checking

The methods of nitrogen pressure checking (and eventual nitrogen adding) are defined in the
procedure SAIEXWA0012.

7. Heat exchanger opening

See detailed schematic drawing in Appendix No. 1.

The list of operations is as follows :

Operation No. Instruction(s)

1 Remove plug on V1 valve.
2 Fit operating handle (if necessary) on V1 valve.
3 Slightly open V1 valve, on S2 nozzle, in a view to release the heat
exchanger nitrogen pressure (check with M1 manometer).
4 Once nitrogen pressure reaches atmospheric one, remove nitrogen balancing
line (from S1 to E2 nozzles or from A1 to A2).
5 Remove all blinds on auxiliary nozzles (U1, U2, A1, A2 & A4).
6 Remove all blinds on process nozzles (E1, E2, S1 & S2) and spray bars
nozzles (N1 & N2).
7 Ventilate till the oxygen content inside the exchanger is acceptable.

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Page 6 sur 9

Appendix No. 1 : Heat Exchanger equipment (for purging method)

Can be fitted on U2 drain nozzle

or E1 recycle gas inlet nozzle
V3 T1

Can be fitted on A1 & A2

auxiliaries nozzles
S1 Combined feed outlet
E2 Effluent inlet
A1 Auxiliary
A2 Auxiliary

TH Manway
U1 Vent

N1 & N2
Spray bar
liquid feed Inlet

S2 Effluent Outlet

A4 Auxiliary
E1 Recycle gas inlet
Can be fitted on
A4 auxiliary nozzle

U2 Drain V1

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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Page 7 sur 9

Appendix No. 2 : Heat Exchanger equipment (for vacuuming method)

Can be fitted on U2 drain nozzle

or E1 recycle gas inlet nozzle
V3 T1
M2 M1

Can be fitted on A1 & A2

auxiliaries nozzles
S1 Combined feed outlet
E2 Effluent inlet
A1 Auxiliary
A2 Auxiliary

TH Manway
U1 Vent

N1 & N2
Spray bar
liquid feed Inlet

S2 Effluent outlet

A4 Auxiliary
E1 Recycle gas inlet
Can be fitted on A4
auxiliary nozzle

U2 Drain V1

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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Page 8 sur 9

Appendix No. 3 : Nitrogen pressure vs. temperature

T N2 P T N2 P
(C) (mbar) (F) (psi)
-10 -15,2 14 -0,22
-8 -7,6 17,6 -0,11
-6 0,0 21,2 0,00
-4 7,6 24,8 0,11
-2 15,2 28,4 0,22
0 22,8 32 0,33
2 30,3 35,6 0,44
4 37,9 39,2 0,55
6 45,5 42,8 0,66
8 53,1 46,4 0,77
10 60,7 50 0,88
12 68,3 53,6 0,99
14 75,9 57,2 1,10
16 83,5 60,8 1,21
18 91,1 64,4 1,32
20 98,6 68 1,43
22 106,2 71,6 1,54
24 113,8 75,2 1,65
26 121,4 78,8 1,76
28 129,0 82,4 1,87
30 136,6 86 1,98
32 144,2 89,6 2,09
34 151,8 93,2 2,20
36 159,3 96,8 2,31
38 166,9 100,4 2,42
40 174,5 104 2,53
Example given : 100 mb at 20 C

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de PACKINOX. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de PACKINOX, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes
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Page 9 sur 9

Appendix No. 4 : Nitrogen pressure filling report

Room temperature C

Heat exchanger nitrogen pressure mbar

Insp. Insp.
Inspector Q.A. Section
Supervisor Agency



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Nom Entit Date

REVISION B Name Entity Date
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Services 1/7/2008

Vrificateur(s) Patrice RAGUET Etudes 11/7/2008


Approbateur Dominique SABIN Services management 2/9/2008

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Document validated electronically in accordance with quality system and applicable without signatures
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its
Page 2 sur 10

Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision
Revision Application date Subject of the revision
A 20/10/2004 Replace SA/STD1000 E Rev. C procedures 'Technical Specification
for Liquid Feed Filters (Basket type)'
B 2/9/2008 Up date

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its
Page 3 sur 10


1 Introduction

2 - Purpose

3 - Filter characteristics

3.1. Main characteristics

3.1.1. Basket filters

3.1.2. Conical filters

3.2. Other requirements for filters

3.2.1. Painting
3.2.2. Documentation

3.3. Recommended extent of Supply

3.3.1. Basket filters

3.3.2. Conical filter

Annex No. 1 - Characteristics of the filters

Annex No. 2 - Typical design of Basket filters

Annex No. 3 - Typical design of Conical filter

Annex No. 4 - Data sheets for Basket filters

Annex No. 5 - Data sheet for Conical filter

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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Page 4 sur 10

1 - Introduction

In accordance with PACKINOX recommendations for installation :

- SAIEXWA0002 for 3 Expansion Bellows Combined Feed / Effluent PACKINOX Heat
- SAIEXWA0102 for 4 Expansion Bellows Combined Feed / Effluent PACKINOX Heat
And in order to protect the PACKINOX against risks of plugging and fouling during
operation, two kinds of filters can be installed :
- 2 filters in parallel on the Liquid Feed line upstream to the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger
combined feed circuit. These filters should be installed, with bypasses, so each filter can
be cleaned in turn without stopping the unit.
PACKINOX strongly recommends to avoid the screen filters (such as "Y" type filters)
because they are not sufficient to retain solid particles which can be present in start up
& normal operation.

- 1 conical filter on the Effluent line upstream to the PACKINOX Heat Exchanger
Effluent circuit.
Because channels in the exchanger bundle are small (2.5 to 6 mm), the last reactor
outlet must be design to prevent catalyst migration.
As an option and at customer decision, additional protection (such as conical filter)
could be added at PACKINOX Heat Exchanger Effluent inlet to avoid any migration
of foreign material.

These filters may be called strainers in litterature & brochures :

And "Chinese hat" filter = "Witch's hat" filter = conical filter

This specification reflects the field experience acquired by PACKINOX Services in numerous
installations. PACKINOX Services is available to provide advice and assistance when

2 -Purpose

This specification provides recommendations for the design and/or supply of filters to be
installed on the Liquid Feed line and/or on the Effluent line.
These filters could be supplied by PACKINOX.
Especially in case of basket filters supply, PACKINOX recommends to use, as first choice, the
following Company :
Zone artisanale BP 17
Tel. : (33) 3 89 77 92 04
Fax : (33) 3 89 77 19 85

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
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Page 5 sur 10

3 Filters Characteristics

3.1. Main Characteristics :

The main characteristics (including material, mesh size...) of the various filters are indicated
in Annex No. 1.
For design and fabrication of these filters, the data sheets enclosed in Annex No. 4 for the
Basket filters and in Annex No. 5 for the Conical filters must be totally filled up.

3.1.1. Basket filters

To avoid any risk of internal by-pass, the filters must be equipped of a specific device
granting the right position of the basket on its seat. The filters of EF type (see in schematic
drawing in Annex No. 2) are equipped with a spring for this feature and have proven their
The filters shall be provided with an inside magnetic element.

3.1.2. Conical filters

The conical filters will be as per schematic drawing in Annex No. 3.

3.2. Others requirements for filters

3.2.1. Painting of carbon or low alloy steel.

The standard protection of external surfaces against corrosion shall be as minimum a primer
(25m of inorganic zinc).

3.2.2. Documentation :
The following documents shall be included as minimum :
- General Drawing
- Material certificates
- Pressure part calculation
- Welding book
- Inspection certificates
- Operating and maintenance book

3.3 Recommended extent of Supply

3.3.1. Basket filters

For one set of 2 filters, the recommended extent of supply is as follows :
- 2 filters body,
- 2 baskets,
- 2 spare baskets,
- 10% of spare bolting (with a minimum of 2 of each kind)
- Documentation as defined in para 3.2.2

3.3.2. Conical filter

For one filter, the recommended extent of supply is as follows :
- 1 conical filter (body + internal)
- Documentation as defined in para 3.2.2
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
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Page 6 sur 10

Annex No. 1 - Characteristics of the filters

Internal part (filtration element) Body

Process Location Packinox
Quantity Pressure drop
Type Material Mesh size Misc. Material Misc.
clean maxi
Stainless steel 0.20 /
Type EF 2 in 380 m Carbon See client
Liquid Feed basket type 304(L)/ 0.30 5 bars -
CCR (annex No. 2) parallel Mesh 40 steel specn
316/321 bars
Effluent - 0 - - - - - - - -

Stainless steel 0.20 /

Type EF 2 in 380 m Carbon See client
Liquid Feed basket type 304(L)/ 0.30 5 bars -
(annex No. 2) parallel Mesh 40 steel specn
Fixed Bed 316/321 bars
Reformer Stainless steel L mini : Low alloy
< 0.10 See client
Effluent Annex No. 3 1 conical type 304(L)/ 1000 m 5 bars 1200 / Stainless
bars specn
316/321 mm steel
Stainless steel 1000 m
2 in Basket or 0.20 Stainless See client
Liquid Annex No. 3 type 304(L)/ See Note 5 bars -
Parallel Conical bars steel specn
316/321 Below
HDT Stainless steel L mini :
< 0.10 10 Stainless See client
Effluent Annex No. 3 1 conical type 1000 m 1200
bars bars steel specn
304(L)/321 mm

Note : A 25 filtration is mandatory (see Process licensor specification)on the Feed line, upstream to the pump
If a 25 filter does not exist, Please contact PACKINOX or Licensor

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers.
Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly forbidden without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this
document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
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Annex No. 2 - Typical design of Basket filters

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utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation.
Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly
forbidden without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
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Annex No. 3 - Typical design of "Conical" filter

Installation in the piping as close as possible of the PACKINOX effluent inlet nozzle.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation.
Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly
forbidden without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
Page 9 sur 10

Annex No. 4 - Data sheets for Basket filters

Typical case (to be filled up according to unit in term of design conditions)

Process data sheet No. 935028-416 Rev.1

Job No. 400-E1
Quantity : 1 + 1 spare (to be installed in parallel by the client)
Design Temperature 150C
Full vacuum temperature ambiant
Design Pressure 4.0 bars.g
Hydrotest pressure 5.2 bars.g
Nature of the fluids Hydrocarbons
Flow Rates for 1 filter Nominal 73345 kg/hr
Minimum -
Maximum -
Dynamic Viscosity (cP) 0.416
Density (kg/m3) 661
Filtration Rating (m mesh size) 380 m
Pressure drop in clean conditions (bars) 0.20
Pressure drop in dirty conditions (bars) 1.0
Crush Differential Pressure 5 Bars
Impact test According to ASME VIII Div.1 last edition only
Construction Code ASME VIII DIV.1 last edition
Joint coefficient 0.85 (NDE : 10% RT + PT)
Material : Vessel / basket Killed Carbon Steel / Stainless steel
Vessel Corrosion allowance 3 mm
Overall dimensions limitations if any -
Process Nozzles Inlet : WN 6 150# RF Outlet : WN 6 150# RF
Additional nozzles Vent : WN 2 150# RF Drain : WN 2 150# RF
PWHT Yes : 695 +/- 10C
Non Destructive Examinations According to ASME VIII Div.1 last edition
ASME Stamp Yes
Material Certificates 3.1.B
Complementary equipments (skid, Magnetic bar.
instrumentation, valves,)
External Painting SA 2.5 + Primer : 70m of inorganic Zinc
Spare parts per filter - 1 stainless steels basket
- 1 set of gaskets for blind tapes
- 10% of bolts for blinds.
PACKINOXs scope : Is only limited to the filter, complementary equipment and spare parts
described here above
Documentation - for approval (1 ex.) : G. A. D.
(in English) - as final (2 ex.) : G. A. D. (as built) + U1 form + Certificate of conformity.
All the requirements for filter purchasing (design, fabrication, inspection, documentation) are included in this
document. No other documents are necessary as technical complement.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation.
Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
This document belongs and is the exclusive property of Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly
forbidden without Alfa Laval Packinox SAS prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
Page 10 sur 10

Annex No. 5 - Data sheet for "Conical" filter

Typical case (to be filled up according to unit in term of design conditions, line size, )

Process data sheet No. 3684-416-0

Job No. 9PE0212
Quantity : 1
Design Temperature 460C
Full vacuum temperature ambiant
Design Pressure 18.6 bars.g
Hydrotest pressure According to ASME B31.3 last edition
Nature of the fluids Hydrocarbons
Flow Rates for 1 filter Nominal 206364 kg/hr
Minimum -
Maximum -
Dynamic Viscosity (cP) 0.019
Density (kg/m3) 3.91
Filtration Rating (m mesh size) 1000 m
Pressure drop in clean conditions (bars) 0.10
Pressure drop in dirty conditions (bars) 1.0
Crush Differential Pressure 10 bars
Impact test According to ASME B31.3 last edition only
Construction Code ASME B31.3 last edition
Material : Pipe / Basket 1.25Cr-0.5Mo / 304 type Stainless steel
Pipe Corrosion allowance 3 mm
Overall dimensions limitations if any Total length : 1200 mm
Pipe flanges WN 30 600# RF
PWHT Yes : 695 +/- 10C
Non Destructive Examinations According to ASME B31.3 last edition
Stamp Not applicable
Material Certificates
Complementary equipments (skid, instrumentation, -
External Painting SA 2.5 + Primer : 70m of inorganic Zinc
Spare parts per filter -
PACKINOXs scope : Is only limited to the filter, complementary
equipment and spare parts described here above
Documentation - for approval (1 ex.) : G. A. D.
(in English) - as final (2 ex.): G. A. D. (as built) + Certificate of conformity.
All the requirements for filter purchasing (design, fabrication, inspection, documentation) are included in this document.
No other documents are necessary as technical complement.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de PACKINOX. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de PACKINOX, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298
du 11-3-1957.

This document belongs and is the exclusive property of PACKINOX. Any use other than those expressly authorised and any copy is strictly
forbidden without PACKINOX prior written consent. Users of this document shall take all necessary precautions to prevent its disclosure
Sayfa 1/22



Nom Entit Date

REVZYON C Ad Blm Tarih
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Servis 9/1/2009

Vrificateur(s) Franck ALENDA Tetkik 9/1/2009


Approbateur Dominique SABIN Servis ynetimi 9/1/2009

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 2/22

Belge kalite sistemi gereince elektronik olarak onaylanmtr ve imzasz olarak uygulanr.


Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revizyon Uygulama tarihi Revizyon konusu
A 20/10/2004 Birinci basm
B 4/10/2007 gncelleme
C 9/1/2009 mteri yorumlarna gre ykseltme

1 - Genel Aklama

2 - Paket

2.1. Genel aklama

2.2. Tasarm ve malat
2.3. Geri Dnm Gaz - Birleik Besleme ve Atk Su Basnlar (Ters Basn)
2.4. Birleik besleme ve atk su kanallarndaki sv datm

3 - Basn tank

4 - Dier Bileenler

4.1. Genleme Krkleri

4.2. Pskrtme ubuu Sv Nafta Enjeksiyon
4.3. Ana Boru Hazneleri

5 - Montaj

5.1. Genel
5.2. zolasyon

6 Yedek Paralar

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 3/22

Ek No. 1 - Giri azlarnn yn

Ek No. 2 - Destekler

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 4/22

1 - Genel Aklama

PACKINOX Is Eanjr, temelde bir kaynakl plakal s transfer paketi ve bir basn
tankndan oluan ok byk bir kaynakl plakal Is Eanjrdr (ilk sayfadaki genel izime

almalarda, kaynakl plaka paketi daima koruma altndadr ve en yksek basn akm
(dorudan basn tankna beslenen geri dnm gaz) ile pozitif d basn altnda tutulur.

Dier ikincil bileenler:

- kaynakl plaka paketi ierisindeki sv datmn salayan ana borular
- paket ile basn tank arasndaki farkl termal genlemeyi dengelemek iin genleme
- sv besleme enjeksiyonu iin pskrtme ubuklar.

PACKINOX Is Eanjr dikey olarak monte edilir ve son reaktrden kan scak atk su Is
Eanjrne st blmden giri yapar ve aaya doru akarak soutulur (Ak yolu = Atk su
girii, scak u krkleri, atk su ana borusu, plaka paketi, souk u kr, atk su k).

Birleik souk besleme Is Eanjrne alt blmden giri yapar ve ykselirken stlr (Ak
yolu = Geri dnm gaz girii + venturi (buhar), sv besleme + pskrtme ubuklar (sv),
plaka paketi, besleme ana borusu, scak u krkleri, besleme k).

2 - Paket

2.1. Genel aklama

Patlama ile biimlendirilen, istiflenmi ve ular birbirine kaynaklanm ince paslanmaz

elikten oluklu plakalardan oluan paketin ierisinde doru gsterge akml s transferi

PACKINOX Is Eanjr paketi, Eanjrn termal ve hidrolik performansn optimize etmek

iin tasarlanmtr:

Temel bileenler olan uzun oluklu paslanmaz elik (SA240TP321, 304 veya edeeri) ince
plakalar yksek termal ve hidrolik verim, yksek s transfer hz, yksek ak trblans ve
dk basn d salar.

Plakann uzunluk, genilik ve oluk as ve boluk tasarm proses zelliklerine gre


2.2. Tasarm ve malat

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 5/22

Uzun oluklu plakalar, metalleri birbirine presleme yerine su altnda patlama ile (bkz Foto
No. 1) biimlendirilir. Patlama ile biimlendirme yntemi, przsz bir yzey ve oluklu
plakalar iin sabit bir kalnlk salar ve bu da kirlenmeyi nemli lde azaltr. Ayrca,
patlama ile biimlendirme yntemi nedeniyle, gerginlik plaka zerinde eit olarak datlr
ve dolaysyla gerginlik artlar, presleme yntemi ile biimlendirilen plakalardan ok daha

Foto No. 1 : Oluklu plaka

biimlendirme havuzundan

Her bir tek veya ift plaka, uzunlamasna ve giri ve k ara paralar monte edilir (bkz
ekil No. 1). Giri ve k ara para tasarm plaka geniliine baldr.

Tek ve ift plakalarn montaj birleik besleme ve atk su iin farkl kanallar salar.
Kanallar ierisindeki sv datm ana boru hazneleri ve giri ve k ara paralar ile temin
edilir (ayrntl bilgi iin bkz: madde 2.3.).

Plakalar istiflenir, ardndan kenarlar boyunca birbirine kaynaklanr (kaynakl duvar), bu

sayede szdrmaz, sert ve dayankl bir paket montaj salanm olur (bkz. foto No. 2).

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 6/22

Foto No. 2 : Plaka kenarlarnn kaynaklanmas devam eden paket ("kaynakl duvar")

Plaka oluklarnn zikzak biimi plakalar arasnda binlerce temas noktas salayarak tm
ak hzlarnda plaka titreimini giderir.

Her bir plakann zikzak biimi alttaki ve stteki plakalarla ap boyunca zt olduundan,
ak trblans ve datm daha fazla artrlm olur.

Homojen ak dalmnn anlam, paket zerindeki scaklk dalmnn kt dalm

sonucu oluan eit olmayan termal gerilimi gidermesidir.

Plakalar ok dk mekanik gerilime maruz kalr. Paket benzersiz bir ana boru haznesi
destek sisteminde dikey olarak asl olduundan (ilk sayfadaki genel emaya bakn), her bir
plaka sadece kendi arln tar.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 7/22

ekil No. 1 : Tipik plaka dzenlemesi

Atk su girii


Datm alan

Termal Deiim Alan Boylamsal

(Oluklar ksmen Kapatma eridi

Datm alan

Giri ve k
Atk su k eritleri
Birleik besleme k

Datm alan

Termal Deiim Alan

(Oluklar ksmen
Kapatma eritleri
Giri ve k
Datm alan

Birleik Besleme Girii

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 8/22

2.3. Geri Dnm Gaz - Birleik Besleme ve Atk Su Basnlar (Ters Basn)

Madde 2.4. ayrntl izimlerine bakn. ( ekil No. 2).

P1: Basn tank tarafndaki Basn = Geri Dnm Gaz giri Basnc,
P2: Birleik besleme Basnc,
P3: Reaktr Atk Su Basnc.
almalarda P1 P2 > P3 eitlii daima salanr.
Kaynakl plakal paketin dahili basnca hi direnci olmad dikkate alndnda, P3 > P1
gibi ters basn ona zarar verecektir ve her trl geici ilemler srasnda bundan
kanlacaktr (letim ve yeniden retim varsa tavsiyeler).

Geri Dnm Gaz giriinden gelen, basn tankndan geerek paketin birleik besleme
tarafna giden geri dnm gaz ak nedeniyle P1 deerinin daima > P2 olduunu

2.4. Birleik besleme ve atk su kanallarndaki sv datm

Bundan sonra gelen emalar (bkz. ekil No. 2) besleme akm ve atk su akmnn plaka
paketindeki farkl kanallara nasl ynlendirildiini aklamaktadr. emalar belirli bir orana
gre yaplmamtr, tipik bir paket genellikle 100'den fazla kanala sahiptir

D plakalar (zerine ana boru hazneleri ve paket

desteklerinin kaynakland)

Paket oluklu plakalar.

Giri ve k kapatma eritleri

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 9/22

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 10/22

ekil No. 2 : Plaka paket kesiti Kanallardaki sv datm

Basn tank taraf: Geri

Dnm Gaz P1

Atk Su Kanal P3
Birleik Besleme Kanal P2 P33P3 Birleik Besleme Kanal P2
Atk Su Kanal P3


Basn tank taraf: Geri Basn tank taraf: Geri

Dnm Gaz P1 Dnm Gaz P1

Kanal ular
Basn tank taraf: Geri Dnm
Gaz P1

Bu izimde plaka
Atk Su Kanal

Atk Su Kanal

Atk Su Kanal


Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 11/22

3 - Basn tank

Paket, geri dnm gaz, en yksek basnca sahip sv ile basnlandrlm olan basn
tanknn ierisinde yer almaktadr.
Normal almalarda basn tank ierisinde sv sirklasyonu yoktur, sadece alma
basncna dayanm salamak ve paketi korumak iin kullanlr. Mmkn olan en gvenli
alma iin basn tanknda tam kaynakl bir yap kullanlr.

Dk alaml elikten (1,25 Cr. - 0,5 Mo. veya 2,25 Cr.- 1,0 Mo.) yaplan basn tank,
nite alma basnc (tasarm basnc) ila atmosfer art vakum tasarm scaklndaki tam
vakum deerler toplam arasndaki basn farkna dayanacak ekilde tasarlanmtr.

Dereceli scaklk blgeleri kullanlarak basn tank duvar kalnl hesaplanr.

Basn tanknn st ksmna yakn bir yerde bir giri delii mevcuttur, Eanjrn alt
ksmna ise geri dnm gaz giri az aracl ile eriim salanr (baz tasarmlarda
basn tanknn alt ksmna yakn bir yerde ikinci bir giri delii mevcuttur).

Geri dnm gaz giri az ve/veya giri delii/delikleri, gerekli olmas halinde souk ve
scak taraftaki genleme krklerinin yerinde deitirilmesine izin vermektedir.
Giri aznn yn ve adlar zeldir (tipik dzenleme iin bkz. ek N 1).
Yaltm, platform ve merdivenler iin zel d destek mevcuttur.

4 Dier bileenler

4.1. Krkler
Krkler, paslanmaz elik paket ile dk alaml basn tank arasndaki termal genleme
farkn dengeler. Krkler basn tanknn iinde, paket girii ve k borular ile basn
tank giri azlar arasnda yer alr.
Krkler tipik olarak u malzemelerden oluur :
C - scak ksm iin INCOLOY 800 veya 800 H,
- souk ksm iin INCONEL 625.

4.2. Pskrtme ubuu Sv Nafta Enjeksiyon Sistemi

Souk besleme iki akmdan oluur, geri dnm gaz ve sv besleme. Geri dnm gaz
dorudan basn tanknn altna beslenir, buradan bir zikzak biimli paket giriinden
geerek paketin altna doru akar.
Sv beslemesi pskrtme ubuklar vastasyla dorudan pakete enjekte edilir (bkz. ekil
No. 3) geri dnm gaz ile homojen bir karm ve paket iinde eit dalm temin edilir.

Pskrtme ubuunun/ubuklarndaki Sv Besleme Enjeksiyon Sisteminin avantajlar

dnya apndaki gelitirmeciler tarafndan kantlanmtr ve pskrtme ubuu/ubuklar
1987'den beri standart ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX zelliidir. Birleik beslemeli Is
Eanjrnde dk basn d gerektiinde zellikle tavsiye edilirler.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 12/22

ekil No. 3 : Pskrtme ubuu izimi


Sv besleme

Geri dnm
gaz girii

D plaka


Pskrtme ubuklar
birleik besleme Plaka paketine
kanallarna binlerce
sv damlac enjekte venturiden Geri
eder Dnm Gaz
Geri Dnm girii
Gaz datm

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 13/22

4.3. Ana boru hazneleri

Ana boru hazneleri (bkz. ekil No. 4, 5 ve 6 + foto No. 5) plaka paketinin giri ve
klarnda kullanlmaktadr. Ana boru haznelerinin geometrik yaps plaka paket
ebatlarna gre zel olarak yaplr. Scak taraf ana boru hazneleri aadaki izimlerdeki
gibi e merkezli veya "yan yana" olacaktr.

ekil No. 4 : Scak taraf e merkezli Ana Boru Haznesi

E2 Azndan
S1 Azna (Atk su girii)
(Birleik Besleme k)

Birleik Besleme
k ana boru

Atk su girii ana




Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 14/22

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 15/22

ekil No.5 : Scak "yan yana" Ana Boru Haznesi

S1 Azna
(Birleik Besleme k)
E2 Azndan
(Atk su girii)

Birleik Besleme
k ana boru
Atk su girii
ana boru

D Plaka

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 16/22

ekil N6 : Alt ksm Ana Boru Haznesi

D Kaynakl
Plaka Duvar

Atk su k ana boru

Besleme girii ana E1 Azndan

boru (Geri Dnm Gaz
S2 Azna
(Atk Su k)

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 17/22

Foto No. 5 : Atk Su Giri ana boru haznesinin kaynak ilemi srasnda grnm

5 - Montaj

PACKINOX Is Eanjrnn montajna ilikin ayrntl neriler, 3 Genleme Kr

Birleik Besleme/Atk Su Is Eanjr iin PACKINOX Montaj nerileri balkl
SAIEXWA0002 belgesinde aklanmtr.

5.1. Genel

PACKINOX Is Eanjr dikey olarak monte edilir. Basn tank 4 balant paras,
Konik veya silindirik etek ile (zel tasarm) balanr ve taban zerine sabitlenir (tipik
izimler iin bkz. ek N 2).

Kaldrma kapak flanlar st giri ve k azlarnn zerine monte edilir.

Tutucu trnaklar, montaj desteklerine, etee veya alt balklara sabitlenir.
Her iki cihaz, Is Eanjrnn kolay tanmasn ve kolay monte edilmesini salar.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 18/22

5.2. Yaltm

Yaltm, atmosfere alglanabilir s kayb olmamasn ve personel iin risk bulunmamasn

salayacak yeterlilikte olmaldr.

Yaltm klipsleri ve topraklama balantlar basn tankna kaynaklanr. Bu balant

klipsleri, kaynaklarn denetimi iin yaltmn karlmasn kolaylatrmak zere basn
tank evresindeki kaynaklar zerine monte edilir.

6 Yedek

PACKINOX Is Enjrleri iin aadaki yedek paralar tavsiye edilir:

Bu yedek paralar Is Eanjr tedarik kontratna dahil edilmi ya da ayr olarak sipari
edilmi olabilir.

Aklama nerilen Miktar Teslim

letme Genleme krkleri: yedek para olarak her birinden 1'er 15 hafta
- birleik besleme k, adet nerilir.
- atk su girii,
- atk su k iin.
Sv Besleme yedek para olarak 1 takm (Is 9 hafta
Distribtr/Distribtrleri = Eanjr tasarmna gre 1 veya 2
Pskrtme ubuu/ubuklar pskrtme ubuu) nerilir.
Kr flan contas: letmeye alma yedek paras olarak 10 hafta
- yardmc azlar, %200.
- giri delii/delikleri, altrma yedek paras olarak %200.
- pskrtme ubuu tutucusu
Kr flan cvatalar: letmeye alma yedek paras olarak 12 hafta
- yardmc azlar, %20 (her trden minimum 4 adet).
- giri delii/delikleri, altrma yedek paras olarak %20
- pskrtme ubuu tutucusu (her trden minimum 4 adet).

Not: Malzeme ve ebatlar projeye gre zel olarak belirlendii iin tanmlanmamtr.
Ayrntl bilgi Is Eanjr izimlerinde ve retici klavuzunda verilmitir.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 19/22

Ek No. 1 (1/2) : Giri azlarnn yn (Is Eanjrnn st blm).

Giri azlarnn yn tipiktir ve montaj sahasndaki gerek durumu gstermemektedir.
Ynler projeye gre zel olarak belirlenmektedir.

Radyal az
yerleimi (standart

Paralel az yerleimi
(istee bal yerleim)

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 20/22

Ek No. 1 (2/2) : Giri azlarnn yn (Is Eanjrnn alt blm).

Giri azlarnn yn tipiktir ve montaj sahasndaki gerek durumu gstermemektedir.
Ynler projeye gre zel olarak belirlenmektedir.

Radyal az
yerleimi (standart

Paralel az yerleimi
(istee bal yerleim)

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 21/22

Ek No. 2 : Is Eanjr Destekleri

4 Balant paras:

Konik etek:

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 22/22

Silindirik etek:

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 1 / 23


Nom Entit Tarih

REVZYON E Ad Varlk Tarih
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Servis 4/1/2011

Vrificateur(s) Franck ALENDA Tetkik 4/1/2011


Approbateur Dominique SABIN Servis ynetimi 4/1/2011

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Belge kalite sistemi gereince elektronik olarak onaylanmtr ve imzasz olarak uygulanr.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 2 / 23


Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revizyon Uygulama tarihi Revizyon konusu
A 20/10/2004 SA/ACX 002 E Rev. E prosedr 'PACKINOX Is Eanjr Katalitik
Dzeltme Birimleri iin montaj nerileri' ile SA/ACX 005 E Rev. B
prosedr 'PACKINOX Is Eanjr Petrokimyasal ilem Birimleri
iin montaj nerileri'ni deitir
B 20/10/2004 Rev. A'ya ilikin yorumlarn ardndan genel gncelleme
C 14/1/2008 Geri Bildirim sonras ykseltme
D 5/1/2010 Diferansiyel basn alarm deiiklii
E 4/1/2011 Mteri yorumlarna gre gncelleme

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 3 / 23

1 - Giri

2 - Genel

3 - Nakliye/Tama

4 - Montaj ncesi kontroller

5 - Kaldrma ve montaj

5.1 Is Eanjrnn basncn alma

5.2 5.3 Kapaklarn karlmas

5.4 Pskrtme ubuklarnn montaj

5.5 Dahili ziyaret

5.6 Proses giri az balants

6 - evre ekipmanlar

6.1. Harici platformlar

6.2. Boru spul paralar

6.3. Sv Besleme Filtreleri

6.4. Sv Besleme hatt

6.5. Pskrtme ubuklar Montaj, Skm ve Geri Ykama

6.6. Sv Besleme kenetlemesi

6.7. Gaz giderme vanas

6.8. Tahliye vanas

6.9. Kompresr hatt

6.10 eitli

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 4 / 23

7 - Kontrol aletleri yerleimi

7.1. Ak hzlar

7.2. Basn deerleri

7.3. Basn dleri

7.4. Besleme - Atk Su diferansiyel basn

7.5. Scaklklar

8 - Ekler
Ek No. 1 : Sevkiyat iin Tipik Nitrojen rts Balantlar

Ek No. 2 evre ekipmanlar tablosu

Ek No. 3 Kontrol aletleri yerleim tablosu

Ek No. 4 Sv Besleme Filtreleri / Pskrtme ubuklar evre

ekipmanlar Kontrol aletleri yerleimi

Ek No. 5 PACKINOX Is Eanjr evre ekipmanlar

Ek No. 6 PACKINOX Is Eanjr enstrmantasyon montaj

Ek No. 7 PACKINOX montaj kontrol listesi

Ek No. 8 PACKINOX Is Eanjr Atk Su giriine bir "in apkas" tipi

filtrenin monte edilmesi

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 5 / 23

1 - Giri

Bu prosedr 3 Genleme Kr PACKINOX Birleik Besleme/Atk Su Is Eanjrnn montaj

iin neriler sunmaktadr.
Pskrtme ubuklar haricinde, bu prosedr dahilinde tanmlanan ekipmanlardan hi biri ALFA
LAVAL PACKINOX tedarik kapsamnda deildir. Ancak filtreler, enstrmantasyon montaj, vb.
Projeye bal olarak ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX tedarik kapsamna alnabilir.

Bu prosedr, ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX Services tarafndan ok sayda montaj ileminde

kazanlan deneyimi yanstmaktadr. ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX Services gerektiinde neri ve
yardm salayabilir.

Bu prosedr, s eanjrn monte eden irket iin bir rehber olarak dikkate alnacaktr.

Bu prosedr dahilinde aadaki konular ele alnmaktadr:

- Genel
- Nakliye/Tama
- Montaj ncesi kontroller
- Kaldrma ve Montaj
- Ekipmanlar
- Kontrol aletlerinin yerleimi
- Ekler.

Is Eanjr arl, tasarm diferansiyel basn..., izimlere ek olarak Is Eanjr rn etiketinde


Ar paketler (>80 ton) iin, SAIEXWA0014 prosedrlerinde ek neriler tanmlanmtr, arl

80t ila 100t aras olan paketler ve 0015, arl >100t olan paket PACKINOX Kullanm
Klavuzuna dahil edilmitir.

2 - Genel

PACKINOX Is Eanjr, sevk edilmeden nce, nakliye srasnda oksijen giriini nlemek zere,
uygun bir basn deerinde nitrojen ile rondelasn (Ek 1'deki genel izime bakn).

Nitrojen basnc 3 aylk depolama iin garantilidir. Nitrojen basnc scakla gre deiebilir
(scaklk derse der).

Nitrojen rts SAIEXWA0012 prosedrnde tanmlanmaktadr. Bu prosedr nihai Kullanm

Klavuzunda verilmitir.

Eer depolama 3 aydan daha uzun ise, ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX bilgilendirilmelidir, bylece
SAIEXWA0012 prosedrnde akland gibi 3 ayda bir nitrojen basn dorulamas (gerekirse
dolumu) yaplr.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 6 / 23

Yerinde depolama prosedr mterinin sorumluluundadr.

3 - Nakliye/Tama

"Nakliye ve Tama Talimatlar" ve "Nakliye izimi" gereince yaplr.

Bu belgeler zeldir ve proje uygulamas srasnda salanr.

Alttaki foto No. 1'de, bir PACKINOX Is Eanjrnn tipik nakliye eklini grebilirsiniz.

Foto No. 1 :

- Foto No.1 : Nakliye -

4 - Montaj ncesi kontroller

Nakliye ve tama srasnda herhangi bir hasar olumadn kontrol etmek iin tankn dnn
grsel olarak kontrol edilmesi.

Not: Tank zerinde kaynak, zmparalama veya darbeye izin verilmez.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 7 / 23

5 - Kaldrma ve montaj

Kaldrma ve Montaj ilemleri, E2 ve S1 azlar zerindeki kaldrma kapaklar ve tutucu trnaklar

kullanlarak gerekletirilmelidir.

Not: Sapan, Kilit, Sapan Tutucu, vb. kaldrma aksesuarlar Is Eanjr arl dikkate alnarak
yeterli kaldrma kapasitesine sahip olmaldr. Dikey montajn ardndan aadaki admlar

5.1. Is Eanjrnn Basncn Alma (nitrojen basnc ile sevk edilir)

Atk Su k azndaki Ve Vanasn an (Ek No. 1'deki izime bakn).

Not: PACKINOX sevk edilmeden nce kurutulmu olmasna ramen, kalan bir miktar su
(su testi iin kullanlan saf su) Atk su blmnden kabilir.

Nitrojen dengeleme hattn (Is Eanjrnn st ksmdaki S1 ila E2 azlarndan) karn.

5.2. Yardmc azlardaki kapaklar karn

- Tahliye U2, havalandrma U1, yardmc azlar A1, A2, A4, (ve baz durumlarda A3) ve
pskrtme ubuu tutucu N1 ve N2 kapaklar karlmaldr.

Not: PACKINOX Is Eanjr geici contalarla gnderilir. Servis contalar monte


- Flan yzeylerinin grsel incelemesi,

- Tahliye U2, havalandrma U1, yardmc A1, A2, A4, (ve baz durumlarda A3) eleri
zerine servis contalarnn monte edilmesi.
- Gerekli hallerde vanalarn ve ilgili borularn montaj.

5.3. Proses azlarndaki kapaklar karn

Birleik Besleme k az S1 ve Atk Su Giri az E2 zerindeki kaldrma kapaklar ve

Geri Dnm Gaz Giri az E1 ve Atk Su k az S2 iin nakliye kapaklar
Not: PACKINOX sevk edilmeden nce kurutulmu olmasna ramen, kalan bir miktar su
(su testi iin kullanlan saf su), Is Eanjrnden Geri Dnm Gaz Giri az (E1) ve
Atk Su k az (S2) araclyla kabilir.
Flan yzeylerine grsel muayene yaplmaldr.

5.4. Pskrtme ubuklarnn Montaj

zel durumlar haricinde, pskrtme ubuklar PACKINOX Is Eanjrnn dnda

gnderilir. Yerinde monte edilmelidir ve "PACKINOX Birleik Besleme/Atk Su Standart
Is Eanjr Pskrtme ubuu Temizleme Prosedr" balkl SAIEXWA0009

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 8 / 23

prosedrne uygun olarak tank azlar M1/M2 zerine contal konik zgara monte

5.5. Dahili Ziyaret

- TH Giri delii zerindeki kapa karn,

- PACKINOX'a girmeden nce Oksijeni kontrol edin,
- Gerekirse, Geri Dnm Gaz Giri azndan hava fleyerek havalandrn,
- Daha ayrntl denetim (krkler, vb.) mterinin kendi kararna braklmtr,
- Giri delii Flan yzeyinin grsel incelemesi,
- Giri deliini servis contas kullanarak kapatn.

Not: PACKINOX Is Eanjr, Giri delii zerinde de geici contalarla gnderilir. Servis
contalar monte edilmelidir.

5.6. Proses giri az balants

- PACKINOX ierisine giren tm borular en azndan kuru hava veya nitrojen ile
temizlenmi ve ykanm olmaldr. Borularn temizlii konusunda pheniz varsa, daha
etkili bir temizlik (kimyasal temizlik, kumlama, vb) yaplmaldr.
- Pskrtme ubuu ile besleme filtreleri arasndaki sv besleme borularnn kimyasal
maddelerle temizlenmi olduundan emin olun.
- PACKINOX eanjrn balatma zamanna kadar nitrojen ile basnlandrlmasn
nermektedir. Bu ilem Is Eanjrnn sevkiyat ile ayn yolla yaplmaldr (besleme
k ile atk su girii arasndaki hatt, geri dnm gaz giri azndan nitrojen vererek
dengeleyin) Ek No. 1'deki izime ve SAIEXWA0012 prosedrne bakn.

Not: Ek No. 7'de verilen kontrol listesi izlenecek, doldurulacak ve PACKINOX'a gnderilecektir.

6 - evre ekipmanlar

PACKINOX , daha kolay eriim ve bakm iin aadaki ekipmanlar monte etmenizi
nermektedir (Ek No. 2'deki tablo ve Ek No. 5'teki izime bakn).

6.1. Harici Platformlar

- Dahili ziyaret ve denetim iin, PACKINOX iine eriimi kolaylatrmak iin giri delii
- Pskrtme ubuklarnn montajn ve temizliini kolaylatrmak iin pskrtme
ubuklar seviyesinde. Ayrca, pskrtme ubuu montaj ve skm iin yeterli boluk
braklmaldr (Ek No. 5'teki izime bakn).

6.2. Boru spul paralar

6.2.1. Zorunlu
- PACKINOX alt ksmna eriim iin giri delii olarak kullanldndan, Geri
Dnm Gaz Giri az E1'de,
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 9 / 23

- Kolayca kirletici madde rnei almak ve kimyasal temizlik ve vakum sznt testi
iin kr flan montaj iin atk Su k S2'de.
6.2.2. nerilen
- stten kolay denetim iin Birleik Besleme k S1'de
- stten kolay denetim iin Atk Su Girii E2'de Yine de gsterili kapaklarn
montaj iin braklacak boluklar ynetilmelidir. Bu kapak vakum sznt testi iin

6.3. Sv Besleme Filtreleri (bkz. Foto No.2 ve Ek No.4'teki izimler)

PACKINOX pskrtme ubuklarnn alma srasnda tkanmasn nlemek iin,

pskrtme ubuklarnn yukar doru sv besleme hattna Ek No. 4'te gsterilen ekilde iki
filtre taklmaldr. Her bir filtrenin nite durdurulmadan srayla temizlenebilmesi iin
filtreler, gsterilen ekilde yan geili olarak monte edilmelidir.

Szge filtreler ("Y" tipi filtre gibi) balatma veya normal alma srasnda ortaya
kabilecek kat paracklar tutmada yeterli olmadndan, ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX
iddetle sepet tipi Filtre taklmasn nerir.

Filtreler, bir takviye sepetin iine monte edilmi olan szgece sahip sepet tipi filtre
olmaldr. Takviye sepetinin tasarm filtre reticisinin sorumluluundadr.

- Foto No.2 : Sv Besleme Filtreleri -

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 10 / 23

Ayrntl filtre tasarm iin, "PACKINOX Birleik Besleme/Atk Su Is Eanjr Filtreler

iin Teknik zellikler"- balkl SASEXWA0001 teknik zellik belgemiz kullanlabilir.

Filtre hatlarna, Ek No. 4'te gsterilen ekilde diferansiyel basn gstergeleri monte
edilmelidir. alr durumdaki filtrenin etrafndaki basn d 1 bar (14.5 psi)
deerinden daha byk olduunda, beslemeyi kirli filtreden temiz filtreye geirin.
Ardndan kirli filtre sistem kapatlmadan temizlenir.
Kirli filtre temizlendikten sonra, dier filtrelerdeki basn d 1 bar (14.5 psi)
deerinden daha byk olana kadar bekleme durumuna geri getirilmelidir.

6.4. Sv besleme hatt (Ek No. 4'teki izime bakn)

PACKINOX filtrelerden pskrtme ubuklarna doru paslanmaz elik borular monte

edilmesini nerir. Bu ekilde pskrtme ubuklarnda pas veya filtreleme sonras besleme
ileminde girebilecek yabanc paracklar nedeniyle oluan muhtemel kirlenme
Her durumda, PACKINOX ilk altrmadan nce bu borularn basnl hava ile yapm
pas, kir, kum, vb. yabanc paracklar flenerek temizlenmesini nerir.
Pas veya yabanc paracklar nedeniyle tkanmay nlemek iin hattn kimyasal maddelerle
temizlenmesi daha etkili bir yoldur.

6.5. Pskrtme ubuu Montaj, Skm ve Geri Ykama (Ek No.4'teki izime bakn)

PACKINOX Is Eanjr pskrtme ubuklarnn montaj ve skm iin kullanlacak

yntem "PACKINOX Birleik Besleme/Atk Su Is Eanjr Pskrtme ubuu Standart
Temizlik, Skm ve Montaj Prosedr" balkl SAIEXWA0009 prosedrnde verilmitir.

Pskrtme ubuklarnn kolayca monte edilmesini ve sklmesini salamak iin, pskrtme

ubuklarnn etrafndan, Ek No.4'te gsterilen ekilde yeterli boluk salanmaldr. Gerekli
alan bilgisi her bir PACKINOX eanjre zeldir ve istek zerine gnderilecektir.

Sv besleme hatlarna, Ek No. 4'te gsterilen ekilde karlabilir dirsekler monte


stee bal olarak, mterinin talebi zerine, Pskrtme ubuu Geri Ykama sistemi
monte edilecektir. Varsa, geri ykama sisteminin alma prosedr "PACKINOX Birleik
Besleme/Atk Su Is Eanjr Pskrtme ubuu Standart Temizlik, Skm ve Montaj
Prosedr" balkl SAIEXWA0009 prosedrnde aklanmtr.

6.6. Sv Besleme Kilidi (Ek No.4'teki izime bakn)

Sv sirklasyonu bir Besleme Pompas ile yaplyorsa, geri dnm gaz kompresr
kapandnda Vana veya Besleme Pompas otomatik olarak kesilir (kapanma sresi hattn
apna baldr, izin verilebilir maksimum sre 3 san/in eklindedir).

6.7. Gaz giderme vanas (Ek No.5'teki izime bakn)

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 11 / 23

zellikle kapatma srasnda hidrokarbonlarn temizlenmesine izin vermek iin,

havalandrma (U1) zerine bir Kr flan ile kapatlm bir vana (V1) monte edilmelidir.
Yar-rejeneratif nitelere monte edilen PACKINOX Is Eanjrleri iin, bu vana balatma
srasnda ve katalizr oksi-klorlamann ardndan gvdeden dar oksijen pskrtmeye izin
Konik blme balant mterinin kararna braklr.

6.8. Tahliye vanas (Ek No. 5'teki izime bakn)

Basn tanknn tahliye edilmesini salamak iin tahliye azna (U2) bir vana (V2) monte
edilebilir. ev ya da baka bir cihaza balant kurulmas mterinin kararna braklr.

6.9. Kompresr hatt

Kompresrn durmas ve/veya ykselmesi nedeniyle oluan herhangi bir ters basnc
nlemek zere, bir ek vana monte edilebilir.
Darbesiz tip ek vana iddetle tavsiye edilir.

6.10. eitli

Eanjr paketindeki kanallar kk olduu iin (2,5 ila 6 mm), son reaktr k, katalizr
geiini nleyecek ekilde (radyal reaktrler iin ilave Johnson tipi szgeli merkezi boru,
) tasarlanm olmaldr.
Byle deilse, PACKINOX yabanc madde geiini nlemek iin PACKINOX Is
Eanjr Atk Su giriine ek koruma ("in apkas" tipi filtre gibi) monte edilmesini nerir
Foto No.3 ve Ek No. 8'deki ayrntl bilgilere bakn.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 12 / 23

- Foto No.3 : Atk Su Filtresi -

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 13 / 23

7 Enstrmantasyon

PACKINOX s eanjrnn termal, hidrolik ve mekanik performanslarn izlemek iin

enstrmantasyon montaj yaplmasn nerir (Ek No. 4 ve 6'daki izime bakn).
Tm veriler Kontrol Odasna bildirilir ve DCS sistemine kaydedilir.
Tm veriler kalite sensrleri ve bu prosedrde belirtilen hassasiyet ayarlarna gre ayarlanm olan
ekipmanlar kullanlarak llmeli ve kaydedilmelidir (bkz. Ek N3).

7.1. Ak hzlar
F1 : Geri Dnm Gaz ak hz
F2 : Sv Besleme ak hz

7.2. Basn deerleri

P1: Geri Dnm Gaz giri basnc (Geri Dnm Gaz kompresr tahliye blmnde
kabul edilebilir - ek vana gibi ortam ekipman zerinde olmas durumunda potansiyel
dzeltmelerle birlikte)
P2: Sv Besleme girii basnc (pskrtme ubuklar basn dn izlemek iin
kullanlr). Herhangi bir sv ykselmesini nlemek iin, lm pskrtme ubuklarna
mmkn olduu kadar yakn ve ayn seviyede yaplmaldr.
P3: Atk su girii basnc
P4 : Atk su k basnc (ou durumda, Seperatrdeki Px Basnc kabul edilebilir)

7.3. Basn dleri

7.3.1. Spesifik diferansiyel basn lmleri
DPR1 : Birleik Besleme akm zerindeki Basn D (Birleik Besleme akmnn olas
kirlenmesini izlemek iin kullanlr)

DPR2 : Atk su akm zerindeki Basn D (Atk su akmnn olas kirlenmesini

izlemek iin kullanlr)

DPR1 ve DPR2 toplam, PACKINOX Is eanjrnn toplam basn ddr, tasarm ve
garanti parametrelerinden biri.

DPR3 : Sv Besleme filtresi/filtrelerinin basn d (Sv Besleme Filtrelerinin olas

kirlenmesini izlemek iin kullanlr en sklkla balatmada).
Alarm 1 bar (14.5 psi) deerinde sabitlenmelidir.

7.3.2. Basn lmleri arasndaki hesaplamalar ile

DPR4 = P2 P1 : Pskrtme ubuu basn d (pskrtme ubuklarnn olas
kirlenmesini izlemek iin kullanlr)
Alarm 5 bar (72.5 psi) deerine ulatnda sabitlenmelidir.
Bu deere ulalrsa, pskrtme ubuu temizlii geri ykama (madde 6.5. ve "PACKINOX
Birleik Besleme/Atk Su Is Eanjr Pskrtme ubuu Standart Temizlik, Skm ve
Montaj Prosedr" balkl SAIEXWA0009 belgesine bakn) veya kapatma srasnda

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 14 / 23

7.4. Besleme - Atk Su diferansiyel basn

DPR 5 : Birleik Besleme ile Atk su akmlar arasndaki diferansiyel basn

Deer, Geri Dnm Gaz giri basnc P1 ve Atk Su k basnc P4 arasndaki hesaplama
ile elde edilir (Seperatrdeki Px Basnc kabul edilebilir).
Alfa Laval Packinox alarmn %90 tasarm diferansiyel basncnda sabitlenmesini nerir.
Besleme - Atk Su diferansiyel basn deeri proses koullarna gre zelletirilir.
Besleme-Atk Su diferansiyel basn deeri PACKINOX Is Eanjr rn Etiketinde

7.5. Scaklklar
Scaklk lmleri PACKINOX Is Eanjrne mmkn olduu kadar yakn olmaldr.

T1A : Geri Dnm Gaz giri scakl.

T1B : Sv besleme giri scakl

T2 : Birleik Besleme k scakl

T3 : Atk su giri scakl

T3 ile T2 (Atk su giri scakl - Birleik Besleme k scakl) arasndaki farka "Scak
Yaklam Scakl (Hot Approach Temperature) =HAT" denir ve alma srasndaki
termal performans izlemek iin en faydal parametredir.

T4 : Atk su k scakl

T5 : Tankn en scak parasnn (st hazne ya da ilk kaplama) yzey scakl.

Bu parametre, st u genleme krklerindeki herhangi bir arzay saptamada faydaldr
(nispeten souk Geri Dnm Gaz basn tanknn iine akaca ve bu da basn tank
duvarnn soumasna neden olaca iin).
zel tank kodlar ve dzenleme gereksinimini takiben, tankn dier ksmlarna ek yzey
scakl atamanlar monte edilebilir.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 15 / 23

Ek No. 1 : Sevkiyat iin Tipik Nitrojen rts balantlar

Nitrojen dengeleme hatt Balanacak Basn Gstergesi

Vb Nitrojen dolum balants

S1 E2

A1 A2





M veya




Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 16 / 23

Ek No. 2 : evre ekipmanlar tablosu

Ekipman Zorunlu neri Aklamalar

2 sv besleme filtresi Evet Pskrtme ubuklarnn tkanmasn
paralel (bkz. Ek No. 4) nler.
Filtrelerden Is Eanjr Evet Pskrtme ubuklarnn pas veya apak
girilerine, paslanmaz nedeniyle tkanmasn nler.
elikten sv besleme hatt
(bkz. Ek No. 4)
Pskrtme ubuklarnda Evet Pskrtme ubuklarna kolayca bakm
platform + bakm boluu almas (skm ve montaj) yapmay
(bkz. Ek No. 4) salar.
Pskrtme ubuklarnda Evet Pskrtme ubuklarna kolayca bakm
karlabilir dirsek almas (skm ve montaj) yapmay
Pskrtme ubuklarnda geri Evet Pskrtme ubuklarnn evrimii
ykama sistemi (bkz. Ek No. temizliini salar.
Havalandrmada (U1) Vana Evet Kapatma ilemi srasnda d katmandan
(V1) dar HC kn ve katalizr
(bkz. Ek No. 5) oksiklorlama sonras oksijen salar
(sabit yatakl proses birimleri).
Tahliye aznda (U2) Vana Evet Tankn tahliye edilmesini salar (alak
(V2) (bkz. Ek No. 5) nokta).
Geri Dnm Gaz giri Evet Is eanjrnn alt ksmnn
aznda (E1) karlabilir denetlenmesi iin giri delii.
Birleik Besleme k Evet Kolay bakm almas salar (temizlik,
aznda (S1) karlabilir test, vb. iin kr flanlarn monte
dirsek edilmesi)
Atk su giri aznda (E2) Evet Kolay bakm almas salar (temizlik,
karlabilir dirsek test, vb. iin kr flanlarn monte
Tepkime blmnden gelen malzemeler
herhangi bir tkanmaya neden olmas
durumunda grsel denetim salar.
Atk su k aznda (S2) Evet Kolay bakm almas salar (temizlik,
karlabilir dirsek test, vb. iin kr flanlarn monte
Giri delii/delikleri Evet stteki giri deliine/deliklerine gvenli
seviyesinde platform eriim salar.
Sv Besleme kilidi Evet zel bir dntrc besleme pompas
kullanlarak nafta beslemesi yaplrsa,
kompresr durduunda veya
kapandnda sv ak otomatik olarak

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 17 / 23

Ek No. 3 : Enstrmantasyon (Kontrol aletlerinin yerleimi) tablosu

Bu verilerin tm:
- Kontrol Odasndan okunacaktr,
- DCS sistemine kaydedilecektir.

Ek No. 4 ve 5'teki izimlere bakn.

F1 Geri Dnm Gaz ak hz +/- 0,5 t/sa

+/- %1 Nm3/sa
F2 Sv Besleme ak hz +/- 0,5 t/sa (m3/sa)
P1 Geri Dnm Gaz giri basnc +/- 0,1 bar (1.45 psi)
P2 Sv Besleme giri basnc +/- 0,1 bar (1.45 psi)
P3 Atk su girii basnc +/- 0,1 bar (1.45 psi)
P4 veya Atk su k veya nite seperatr basnc +/- 0,1 bar (1.45 psi)
DPR1 Birleik besleme aknn basn d +/- 0,01 bar (0,145 psi)
Alarm 2 barn %90'nda 1,8 bar
(26,1 psi)
DPR2 Atk su aknn basn d +/- 0,01 bar (0.145 psi)
DPR Is eanjrndeki basn d Hesaplama:
DPR3 Sv Besleme Filtrelerindeki basn d +/- 0,01 bar (0.145 psi)
Alarm 1 bar'da (14,5 psi)
filtreleri deitir.
DPR4 Pskrtme ubuklarndaki basn d Hesaplama:
P2 P1
Alarm 5 bar'da (72,5 psi)
pskrtme ubuklarn temizle
(geri ykama veya dier aralarla).
DPR5 Birleik Besleme - Atk Su diferansiyel Hesaplama:
basn P1 Px
Alarm deeri para. 7.4'de belirtilir

T1A Geri Dnm Gaz giri scakl +/- 1C (1,8F)

T1B Sv besleme giri scakl +/- 1C (1,8F)
T2 Birleik Besleme k scakl +/- 1C (1,8F)
T3 Atk su giri scakl +/- 1C (1,8F)
HAT Scak U Yaklam scakl Hesaplama:
T3 T2
Alarm : deer 80C (144F)'den
yksek ise.
T4 Atk su k scakl +/- 1C (1,8F)
T5 Gvde yzey scakl +/- 5C (9F)

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 18 / 23

Ek No. 4 : Sv Besleme Filtreleri / Pskrtme ubuklar evre ekipmanlar Enstrmentasyon

(Kontrol aletleri yerleimi)
Bu izimde sadece 1 pskrtme ubuu gsterilmitir (1 veya 2 pskrtme ubuu says Is
Eanjr ebadna gre deiir).

Pskrtme ubuunun sklmesi

iin braklmas gereken boluk: U
Konik/Eik blme x G x 1000 mm
giden hat U ve G deerleri Is Eanjrnn

Geri Ykama Pskrtme

Kapatma vanas ubuklar giriinde
No. 2 karlabilir dirsek
Filtrelerden kan
sv besleme hatt

Geri Ykama Kapatma vanas

No. 1
Filtre ayrntlar Pskrtme
kan sv besleme
Filtreler hatt T1B P2
basn d
Sv besleme Sv Besleme
DPR3 giri scakl giri basnc

Sv Besleme
kenetlemesi alma srasnda
Filtre deitirmeyi
salayan vanalar
Pompalardan Paslanmaz elik borular 304L tipi
kan sv besleme veya edeeri.
hatt Karbon elik borular

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 19 / 23

Genel filtre tasarm

Azlarn boyutlar, konumu ve yn ayrntl izimlerde teyit edilecektir.

Rep. ap Kapasite Aklama

(mm) Lbs (RF)
A Giri
B k
C Tahliye
D Havalandrma

Rep. Mesafe
X ?
Y ?
Z ?





Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 20 / 23

Ek No. 5 : PACKINOX Is eanjr evre ekipmanlar.

U1 havalandrma
azndaki gaz
giderme vanas
S1 E2

A1 A2
Atk su giriindeki
karlabilir dirsek
Birleik Besleme
TH E2 az
k (S1) azndaki
karlabilir dirsek


Giri delii

Pskrtme ubuk
girii N1/N2
karlabilir dirsek N veya
ve boru N1/N2

seviyesindeki Atk su k S2
platform azndaki
Geri Dnm karlabilir dirsek
Gaz girii E1 U2 A4
karlabilir dirsek
V2 S2

U2 tahliye
azndaki tahliye
vanas (V2)
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 21 / 23

Ek No. 6 : PACKINOX s eanjr enstrmantasyon (kontrol aletleri yerleimi).

S1 E2
Birleik Besleme T2 T3 Atk su giri scakl
k scakl
P3 Atk su girii basnc
A1 A2


T5 Tank yzey scakl

Besleme akm
basn d

Pskrtme ubuu
filtreleri iin kontrol
aletlerinin yerleimi
ayrntl olarak Ek No.4'te
verilmitir. DPR2 Atk su ak
basn d
Sv besleme giri
N veya
scakl N1/N2

Sv Besleme
giri basnc

Pskrtme DPR4
ubuklar U2 A4
basn d

Birleik Besleme
- Atk Su diferansiyel S2 T4 Atk su k scakl
Geri Dnm Gaz T1A
DPR5 Atk su k basnc
giri scakl P1 Px
(separatr basnc)
Geri Dnm Gaz giri basnc
(kompresr boaltma)

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 22 / 23

Ek No. 7 : PACKINOX montaj kontrol listesi (doldurulacak ve PACKINOX'a gnderilecektir).


1 Gvde Harici Grsel Kontrol. Kaynak ve darbeye izin verilmez.
2 Is eanjrnn kaldrlmas. Yeterli kapasiteye sahip ekipman kullann.
Belirtilen "Kaldrma noktalarn" kullann.
3 Eanjrde yer alan Nitrojen basncn Is Eanjr nakliye ve depolama iin
drme (Atk su k az S2'nin nitrojen ile basnlandrlm durumdadr.
almas). PACKINOX sevk edilmeden nce
kurutulmu olmasna ramen, kalan bir
miktar su (su testi iin kullanlan saf su)
gvdeden kabilir.
4 Nitrojen borularnn karlmas.
5 Proses giri azlarndaki Flan yzeylerinin grsel incelemesi.
Nakliye/kaldrma kr flanlarnn Servis contalarnn monte edilmesi.
6 Tahliye U2, havalandrma U1, Flan yzeylerinin grsel incelemesi.
yardmc azlar A1, A2, A4 Servis contalarnn monte edilmesi.
zerindeki kapaklar kaldrn
7 Gerekli hallerde vanalarn ve ilgili
borularn montaj.
8 Pskrtme ubuunu takn, sv SAIEXWA0009 uyarnca.
besleme filtrelerinden gelen boruyu Gelen borularn temizliini dorulayn.
balayn ve ykayn. Konik zgaralarn takl olduunu
9 Giri delii/deliklerinin almas. Flan yzeyinin grsel incelemesi.
Girmeden nce Oksijen ve Nitrojeni
kontrol edin.
Servis contasnn monte edilmesi.
10 Dahili Grsel nceleme. Mterinin kararna braklr.
11 Proses borularn balayn. Borular (zellikle eanjr girileri)
dzgnce temizlenmi ve kuru hava (veya
nitrojen) ile ykanm olmaldr.
Pskrtme ubuklar ile besleme filtreleri
arasndaki sv besleme borularnn
kimyasal maddelerle iyice temizlenmi
olduundan emin olun.
alma contalarn monte edin.
12 Eanjrn balatma zamanna kadar Szlemede belirtilen ekilde Nitrojen ile
nitrojen ile basnlandrlmas Basnlandrma.
nerilir. Szlemede belirtilmemise, nerilen
standart deer 20C'de 100mbar
eklindedir. Nitrojen basncn her ay
kontrol edin.
SAIEXWA00012 prosedr.
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 23 / 23

Ek No. 8 : PACKINOX Is Eanjr Atk Su giriine bir "in apkas" tipi filtrenin monte

Basn d izleme ilemi iin zel enstrmantasyon eklenmelidir:

DPR6 : Atk su filtresi basn d (filtrelerin olas tkanmasn izlemek iin kullanlr en
sklkla balatmada).
Alarm 1 bar (14.5 psi) deerinde sabitlenmelidir.

Ayrntl bilgi (tavsiye edilen ebat) ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX'un "PACKINOX Birleik
Besleme/Atk Su Is Eanjr Filtreler iin Teknik zellikler" balkl SASEXWA0001
prosedrnde bulunabilir.


S1 E2

"in apkas" tipi filtre,
mmkn olduu kadar yaknna
U1 yerletirilir
A1 A2

Not: Bu izimde konik filtrenin standart yn gsterilmektedir.

Konik filtre, Mteri talebine bal olarak tersi ynde olabilir.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis
d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi
n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 1 / 14



Nom Entit Date

REVZYON B Ad Blm Tarih
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Servis 29/1/2008

Franck ALENDA Tetkik 29/1/2008

Dominique SABIN Servis ynetimi 29/1/2008
Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Belge kalite sistemi gereince elektronik olarak onaylanmtr ve imzasz olarak uygulanr.
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan
kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 2 / 14


Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revizyon Uygulama tarihi Revizyon konusu
A 20/10/2004 Replace SA/OPX001 E Rev. D procedure 'PACKINOX Heat
Exchanger start-up & test procedure'
B 29/1/2008 Up grade following return of experience

1 - Giri

2 - Balatma

2.1. Balatma
2.2. Elektrolitik H2 ile balatma
2.3. Balatma (souk iklimler)

3 almalar

3.1. Performans testi ve Deneme almas

3.2. Performans izleme
3.3. altrma limitleri
3.4. ki fazl akm kaldrma - Dikey srkleme
3.5. Yeniden retim (varsa)

4 - nitedeki Arza Durumlar

4.1. Tam kapanma

4.2. Sv Besleme pompasnn durmas

5 Kapanma

Ek No. 1 : Performans testi iin alma verileri

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan
kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 3 / 14

Ek No. 2 : Deneme almas verileri Fiziki ve Nakliye zellikleri

Ek No. 3 : Performans izleme iin alma verileri (genel rnek)

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan
kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 4 / 14

1 - Giri

Bu prosedrde, 3 genleme kr PACKINOX Is Eanjrleri iin balatma, altrma ve

kapatma nerileri verilmektedir.

2 Balatma

2.1. Balatma:
PACKINOX Is Eanjr iin balatma prosedr, geleneksel s eanjrlerinin balatma
prosedrnden sadece aadaki hususlarda farkldr:

a) Balatma ileminden nce tm giri borularn (kompresrden gelen geri dnm gaz
hatt, filtrelerden gelen sv besleme hatt ve reaktrden gelen atk su hatt) temizleyin
ve ykayn. PACKINOX Is Eanjrndeki plakalar aras boluk 2,5 ila 6 mm arasnda
deimektedir. Plaka paketine giren pislik veya yabanc maddeler kanallar ksmen

b) Birleik besleme basnc (geri dnm gaz basncna eittir) daima atk su akm
basncndan daha byk olmaldr, PACKINOX Is Eanjrnn basnlandrma ilemi
sadece geri dnm gaz girii (E1) ile yaplmaldr. Vakumlama ilemi sadece atk su
k aznda (S2) uygulanmaldr.
PACKINOX'u madde 3.3'te belirtilen alma snrlar dahilinde tutarken, scaklk art
veya azalma orannn 50C/sa 5C/sa (90F/sa 9F/sa) olmasn salayn.

c) Paket Paslanmaz elikten yaplm olduundan, klorr ve sv haldeki suyun ayn

anda bir arada bulunmasndan daima kanlmas gerekir.
Klorr + su birlikteliine uzun sre maruz kalmas halinde korozyon oluumuna yol
Not: Yar-rejeneratif katalitik dntrclerde, katalizr rejenerasyon srasnda ortaya
kan klorin gaz, paket ierisinde su youmas olumad iin korozyon sorunlarna
yol amaz.
Atk su knn scakln daima su youma noktasnn zerinde tutun. (bkz.:
PACKINOX Birleik Besleme/Atk Su Is Eanjr, Rejenerasyon srasnda neriler
Eanjr rejenerasyon sonrasnda ya da hava ile temasa maruz kaldnda kapanmann
hemen akabinde nitrojen ile ykanmaldr.

d) Reaktr balang tepkimesinin scaklna ulatnda, PACKINOX s eanjrne sv

beslemesini enjekte etmeye balayn. Lineer olarak sv besleme enjeksiyon hzn 5
dakikada (-0/+1dak) 0'dan %60'a karn, bunun ardndan %100 sv besleme hz
enjekte edilebilir. Balang sv besleme hz, prosesin lisans sahibine danarak


Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan
kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 5 / 14

Tm gazdan arndrma ilemleri (nitrojen veya dier gazlar) PACKINOX Is Eanjr souk
durumdayken (scaklk 150C'dn dkken) yaplmaldr.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan
kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 6 / 14

2.2. Elektrolitik H2 ile balatma:

Elektrolitik H2 ile balatma durumunda, geri dnm gaz kompresr zerinde herhangi bir
etkisi yoksa, 0,2 ila 0,25 aras daha yksek gaz "shilling" younluu elde etmek zere
yaklak %20 (hacmin) orannda N2 eklenmesi tavsiye edilen bir uygulamadr.

2.3. Balatma (souk iklimler):

Buradaki nerilere ek olarak zel olarak gnderilen teknik zellikler (zel proje
gereksinimleri de dikkate alnarak) kullanlmaldr.

3 almalar

3.1. Performans testi ve deneme almas:

PACKINOX Is Eanjr termal ve hidrolik performanslarnn garanti edilenler ile uyumlu
olduunu dorulamak zere performans testi ve/veya deneme almas yrtlr.

ki ekilde yrtlebilir:

3.1.1. Performans testi:

Aadaki admlar uygulanr:
a) niteyi sv besleme, geri dnm gaz ve reaktr atk su girii iin tasarm koullarna
mmkn olduu kadar yakn, dengeli bir modda altrn.
Tasarm koullarna mmkn olduu kadar yakn u anlama gelmektedir:
- Giri ak hzlar, scaklklar ve basnlar tasarm ile ayn
- Tasarm ile ayn fiziki ve nakliye zellikleri.
Fiziki ve nakliye zellikleri arasnda: = younluk, = dinamik viskozite, = termal
iletkenlik, Cp = zel s.

b) Performans testi tablosu (Ek No. 1'deki rnee bakn) doldurulur ve ALFA LAVAL
PACKINOXun temsilcisi performans testinin yapld yerde bulunuyorsa her iki tarafa

3.1.2. Deneme almas :

Aadaki admlar uygulanr:
a) niteyi sv besleme, geri dnm gaz ve reaktr atk su girii iin normal koullarda,
dengeli bir modda altrn.

b) Performans testi tablosu (Ek No. 1'deki rnee bakn) doldurulur ve ALFA LAVAL
PACKINOXun temsilcisi deneme almasnn yapld yerde bulunuyorsa her iki tarafa

c) Tam takm bir tasarm verisi oluturmak iin gereken besleme, geri dnm gaz, rn
rneklerini aln (Ek No. 2'deki deneme almas verilerine bakn). Bu veriler ya PRO-II vb.
bir yazlm tarafndan ya da bir proses lisans sahibi tarafndan oluturulur. ALFA LAVAL
PACKINOX bu tr verileri oluturacak kapasiteye sahip deildir.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan
kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 7 / 14

3.2. Performans izleme:

Zaman ierisinde performanslar deerlendirmek iin, ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX, 'gnlk
ortalama' alma verilerini dzenli bir ekilde iletilmesini ister (Ek No. 3'teki genel rnee
Artma sistemlerinden kolayca toplanabilen gnlk ortalama verileri, analizi daha zor olan
nokta verileriyle kyaslandnda en uygun durumu gstermektedir.
Bu veriler alnrken, ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX gelecekteki altrmalar, bakm, vb. iin
neriler ieren bir Performans analiz Notu yaynlar.
Ayrca PACKINOX 3 Genleme Kr Birleik Besleme/Atk Su Is Eanjr iin Termal
ve Hidrolik performans sorun giderme konulu SAIEXWA0006 A belgesine bakn.

3.3. altrma limitleri:

PACKINOX Is Eanjr aadaki alma snrlarn amamaldr (Ek N 4'teki genel rnee
bakn) :
HAT : devaml alma iin 80C (144F) (gnler veya aylar sren uzun sreli altrma),
HAT : nokta ilemler iin 100C (180F) (bir ka saatlik geici durumlar).

Ocak 2002 tarihinden sonra tasarlanm olan Is Eanjrleri iin uygulanabilen scaklk
admlaryla ilgili ve snrsz devir says iin ynergeler izlenmelidir:

Istma/Soutma hz Maksimum Kabul Maksimum Kabul Istma/Soutma

Edilebilir Sre Edilebilir Scaklk Adm ilemini yeniden
balatmadan nce
gereken Dengeleme
1 50C/sa Uygulanamaz Uygulanamaz Uygulanamaz
2 80C/sa 45 dakika 60C 30 dakika
3 100C/sa 30 dakika 50C 45 dakika
4 160C/sa 15 dakika 40C 1 saat

stek zerine, snrl saydaki devir iin geniletilmi ynergeler yaynlanabilir.

3.4. ki fazl akm kaldrma - Dikey srkleme:

Ak (geri dnm gaz ve/veya sv beslemesi) azaltldnda alma limitleri iin Ekipman
Kayt Kartna(Equipment Record Card) bakn.
Minimum Geri Dnm Gaz ak E.R.C'de belirtilmitir.
Minimum Geri Dnm Gaz ak hznda, Sv ak hz %50 ila %120 arasnda deiebilir.

Ak hz PACKINOXun denge kriterlerinden daha dkse, PACKINOX Is Eanjrnn

genel performans ve mekanik btnl hakkndaki ilgili potansiyel sonular arasnda
vanadan ak gzlemlenebilir.

Dk kapasite ile uzun sreli alma planlanyorsa, ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX Services
ile irtibata gemeniz iddetle tavsiye edilir.
E.R.C.'de belirtilen deerler projeye zeldir.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan
kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 8 / 14

Aadaki izimde, minimum Geri Dnm gaz akndaki dikey srklemede oluan proses
parametrelerine ilikin sonular gsterilmektedir. Dier tm parametreler Ekipman Kayt
Kartnda verilen koullarda muhafaza edilir:

Kabul edilebilir parametre eitleri:


Geri Dnm
Gaz Giri
Scakl T-10C
Sv besleme Giri
Geri Dnm Gaz
Giri Basnc
Geri Dnm Gaz
Molar Arl

2 parametre ayn anda "Krmz Blge"ye yakn olduunda, Is Eanjrnn kt almas ve

bozulmas riski vardr.

3.5. Yeniden retim (varsa):

Sabit yatakl (yar rejeneratif) dzeltme birimleri iin geerlidir
PACKINOX Birleik Besleme/Atk Su Is Eanjr, Rejenerasyon srasnda neriler
SAIEXWA0005 blmne bakn.

4 - nitedeki Arza

4.1. Tam kapanma

nite farkl scaklklardaki ekipmanlarla (stclar, reaktrler, Packinox H/E (Is Ej.) ile
yeniden balatldnda arza durumlar oluabilir.

rnein, nite tam olarak kapandktan sonra, nite scakken (rn. Geri dnm gaz
kompresrnn durmas, vb.)
Bu gibi durumlarda, yksek s transferi geici termal koullar oluturabilir ve ekipmanlarda
(Packinox Is Ej. dahil) yksek termal gerilim yaratabilir.

Arza durumlarnda, Son kullanc Proses Lisans Sahibinin Kullanm klavuzlarna


Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan
kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 9 / 14

4.2. Sv Besleme pompasnn durmas:

Bu tr bir durumda, almalar geri dnm gaz kompresr alr durumda
srdrlmelidir (+tepkime blgesinde scaklk artn nlemek zere gerekli nlemler).
Buna ramen sv besleme pompas yeniden balatldnda PACKINOX Is Eanjrnde
termal oku nlemek iin, normal bir balatma ile ayn prosedr uygulanacaktr (bkz. madde

5 - Kapatma

PACKINOX Is Eanjr iin kapatma prosedr, geleneksel s eanjrlerinin kapatma

prosedrnden sadece aadaki hususlarda farkldr:

a) Eanjrn basnlandrma ilemi sadece geri dnm gaz giri deliinden (E1) ya da
kompresr boaltma azndan yaplmaldr ve vakum ilemi sadece atk su k delii (S2)
veya separatr ve kompresr emi azlarndan yaplmaldr.

b) Souma hz 50C/sa 5C/sa (90F/sa 9F/sa) eklindedir. Geri dnm gaz

kompresr, dng basnc yaklak 150C gibi yeterince dk deerde olana kadar

c) Bakm iin kapatlmas durumunda, PACKINOX Is Eanjr hava ile temas ettirilmemeli
ve stenitli Paslanmaz elik paketi korozyondan korumak iin nitrojen ile doldurulmaldr.
Bakm hakknda ayrntl bilgi iin PACKINOX 3 Genleme Kr Birleik Besleme/Atk
Su Is Eanjr iin Denetim, Test ve Bakm konulu SAIEXWA0005 prosedrne bakn.

nitenin bakm iin kapatlmas durumunda, PACKINOX Is Eanjrnn nitrojenli hava
ierisinde korunmas ve hava ile temas ettirilmemesi nerilir.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan
kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 10 / 14

Ek No. 1 : Performans testi iin alma verileri (genel rnek)

lm Tr + Is Eanjrnden
lm Deeri
Hassasiyeti tahmini uzaklk
Scaklk (C veya F) T1B Kontrol Odas: TI144 Yaklak 40 m.

Basn (kg/cm veya bar veya Psi) P2 Lokal (0 40 bar) Pskrtme ubuklar
20,5 bar giriinde
Ak Hz (m3/sa veya bpsd veya t/sa) Kontrol Odas: FC002
F2 94,5 m3/sa


Scaklk (C veya F) T1A 39C Kontrol Odas: TI014 Yaklak 60 m.
34C Lokal (0 300C) Yaklak 10 m.
Basn (kg/cm veya bar veya Psi) P1 19,7 bar Kontrol Odas: PI001 Yaklak 10 metre
20,0 bar Lokal (0 40 bar)
Pskrtme ubuklarnn basn d P2 ile P1 arasndaki
(kg/cm veya bar veya Psi) DPR4 0,8 bar fark
Ak Hz (Nm3/sa veya t/sa) F1 Kontrol Odas: FI001
60.300 Nm3/sa


Scaklk (C veya F) T2 Kontrol Odas: TI145 Yaklak 2 metre

Basn (kg/cm veya bar veya Psi) P3 19,4 bar Kontrol Odas: PI030
= Reaktr No. 1 Girii
19,8 bar Lokal (0 40 bar)
Basn d (kg/cm veya bar veya P3 ile P2 arasndaki
Psi) DPR1 0,3 bar fark
Scaklk (C veya F) T3 Kontrol Odas: TI156 Yaklak 50 metre

Basn (kg/cm veya bar veya Psi) P4 18,1 bar Kontrol Odas: PI034
= Reaktr No. 3 Girii
17,9 bar Lokal (0 40 bar) Yaklak 3 metre
Scak U Yaklam Scakl - HAT T3 T2 ile hesaplanr
33,1 C


Scaklk (C veya F) T4 Lokal (0 200C) PACKINOX knda

Basn (kg/cm veya bar veya Psi) P5 Lokal (0 25 bar) PACKINOX knda
17,5 bar

Basn d (kg/cm veya bar veya P4 ile P5 arasndaki

Psi) DPR2 0,6 bar fark
Is Eanjr Basn d (kg/cm DPR1 + DPR2
veya bar veya Psi) DPR 0,9 bar

Ek No. 2 : Deneme almas verileri Fiziki ve Nakliye zellikleri

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan
kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 11 / 14

(MM kcal/h)

















Mass gas











Before Mixing

After Mixing
Recycle Gas

Dew Point


Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan
kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 12 / 14

(MM kcal/h)


















Mass gas








Dew Point


Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan
kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 13 / 14

Ek No. 3 : Performans izleme iin alma verileri (genel rnek)

Date Flows Temperatures Pressure Drops Inlet Pressures

Liquid Recycle Recycle Liquid Combined Reactor Effluent Skin Feed Effluent Recycle Liquid Reactor
Feed Gas Gas Feed Feed In Out Stream Stream Gas Feed Effluent
In In Out
13FC1 13FR7 13TIM221 13TI4N 13TIM220 13TIM247 13TIM219 13TIM234 PDI507 PDI502 PI342 PI024 PI347
(m3/h) (Knm3/h) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (bar) (bar) (barg) (barg) (barg)
08/07/02 88,2 45,06 65 144 451 493 115 387 0,47 0,24 9,9 12,5 8,1
09/07/02 90,0 44,24 66 145 452 494 116 388 0,48 0,25 10,4 12,9 8,5
10/07/02 90,0 44,02 66 144 451 492 116 387 0,47 0,25 10,4 13,0 8,5
11/07/02 90,0 44,24 67 143 448 490 115 386 0,47 0,25 10,4 13,0 8,5
12/07/02 90,0 43,44 66 143 445 487 115 385 0,47 0,26 10,4 12,9 8,5
13/07/02 90,0 44,27 67 143 444 486 116 385 0,47 0,26 10,4 12,9 8,5
14/07/02 90,0 45,05 67 143 446 488 115 386 0,48 0,25 10,5 12,9 8,5
15/07/02 90,0 45,11 67 143 447 489 116 386 0,48 0,25 10,4 13,0 8,5
16/07/02 90,0 44,52 67 143 449 491 116 386 0,47 0,28 10,4 13,0 8,5
17/07/02 90,0 44,29 67 143 447 489 116 386 0,47 0,25 10,4 13,0 8,5
18/07/02 88,9 44,85 67 143 446 488 115 387 0,47 0,22 9,8 11,5 8,0
19/07/02 83,4 46,30 66 144 446 488 114 386 0,47 0,22 9,8 11,5 8,0
20/07/02 80,0 42,58 64 144 447 488 114 386 0,42 0,22 9,8 11,5 8,0
21/07/02 82,6 41,29 64 143 447 488 115 386 0,42 0,24 10,1 12,0 8,3
22/07/02 87,3 42,60 66 143 445 488 116 386 0,45 0,25 10,2 13,0 8,4
23/07/02 90,0 44,33 68 142 444 487 116 386 0,49 0,26 10,3 13,1 8,4
24/07/02 90,0 44,60 68 143 446 488 116 386 0,49 0,26 10,4 12,9 8,5
25/07/02 90,0 45,29 68 143 449 491 116 387 0,50 0,26 10,3 13,1 8,5
26/07/02 90,0 45,22 69 143 450 492 116 387 0,49 0,26 10,8 13,4 8,5
27/07/02 90,1 43,90 67 142 449 491 116 387 0,47 0,26 10,5 13,2 8,5
28/07/02 90,0 43,02 66 142 447 489 116 387 0,46 0,26 10,4 13,0 8,5
29/07/02 90,0 42,69 66 142 447 490 116 387 0,46 0,26 10,4 13,0 8,5
30/07/02 90,0 43,26 67 142 449 492 116 388 0,47 0,28 10,4 13,0 8,5
31/07/02 90,0 44,06 67 142 451 493 116 388 0,48 0,26 10,4 13,1 8,5

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan
kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 14 / 14

Ek No. 4 : alma Limitleri PETRONOR (REPSOLYPF) Somorrostro Rafinerisi- P2-E1-C PACKINOX Is Eanjr Platform No. 2
nitesi (Genel rnek)

HAT Normal : 30C (tasarm

HAT koullarnda)
(C) Maksimum 80C

Son reaktrden

DP besleme taraf
Normal: 0,35 bar
Maksimum 1 bar


DP atk su taraf
DP Pskrtme Normal: 0,55 bar
ubuklar Maksimum bkz. DPR5
Normal: 1 bar DPR4
Maksimum 6
Atk su k

Geri dnm gaz girii

(Kompresr tahliye) DPR5 Maksimum Diferansiyel: 7,6 bar

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers.
Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm
tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 1 / 13



Nom Entit Date

REVZYON B Ad Birim Tarih
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Hizmetler 19/2/2007

Kontrol Dominique SABIN Ettler 19/2/2007

Approbateur Dominique SABIN Hizmetler ynetimi 4/10/2007

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Belge, kalite sistemine gre elektronik olarak onaylanmtr ve imzasz olarak geerlidir

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 2 / 13


Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revizyon Uygulama tarihi Revizyonun konusu
A 23/11/2004 Deitirme SA/MPX 001 Rev. C 'Kapatma srasnda PACKINOX Is
Eanjr iin Kontrol Program' prosedr
B 4/10/2007 Aadaki geri bildirime ykseltme


1 - Giri

2 Grsel Kontrol

3 Test ve nceleme

4 - Bakm

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 3 / 13

1 - Giri

Bu prosedr 3 Genleme Kr PACKINOX Kombine Besleme / Atk Su Is Eanjrnn

kontrol, test, inceleme ve bakm iin neriler sunar.

Bu prosedr, ok sayda montaj srasnda ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX Services tarafndan elde
edilen saha tecrbesini yanstr.
ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX Services gerektiinde neri ve yardm almak iin kullanlabilir.

Bu prosedrde aadaki konular ele alnmtr:

- Kontrol: Tip, Frekans
- Yerinde test ve kontrol:
- Yerinde szdrmazlk testi
- Yerinde hidrolik testi
- Bakm:
- Pskrtme ubuklar: Montaj, Skm, Temizlik,
- Temizlik,
- Onarm.

2 Grsel Kontrol

2.1. Kontrol Program:

PACKINOX Is Eanjr ok snrl kontrol gerektirir. Ancak planl bakm nedeniyle kapatma
srasnda aadaki koruyucu grsel kontroller gerekletirilmelidir.

Aklama Paragraf Her Dier

5 yl
st Genleme Krkleri (grsel
2.2. Evet
Alt Genleme Krkleri (grsel
2.2. Evet
Pskrtme ubuu (ubuklar)
2.3. Evet
Genleme Krkleri (grsel kontrol)

Paket Destekleri ve Klavuz sistemi

2.2. Evet
(grsel kontrol)
Kaynakl duvarlar (grsel veya
2.2. Evet
kameral kontrol)
Grsel veya kameral (boroskop)
2.4. Evet
kontrol - Atk Su Giri ve k
Tankn i kontrol
(duvarlar ve kaynaklar) Yerel

Tank duvarlarnn ve kaynaklarnn ynetmeliklere

dardan kontrol (yaltm 2.5. baldr
skldkten sonra)
Verilen kontrol aralklar sadece yol gsterme amal olup gerekirse bu aralklar uygun kapatma
programlarna gre uzatlabilir.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 4 / 13

2.2. kontrol ve ziyaretler:

alma gazlarn temizleyin ve s eanjrn azot gaz ile doldurun.
- Ayrc ile nitenin basncn drn veya geri dnm gaz kompresr emiini atmosfer
basncna drn.
Tank duvar scakl 60C/140F'ten dk olduunda (basn tanknn st ksmnda yer alan T5
- PACKINOX Is Eanjrn amonyakl su zeltisi ile kimyasal olarak temizleyin + durulayn
+ kurutun (ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX prosedr SAIEXWA0008 gereince)
- st giri kapan an,
Not: Alt ksmda giri kapa olan s eanjrleri iin kapa an veya alt ksmda giri kapa
olmayan s eanjrleri iin eanjrn altndaki geri dnm gaz giri dirseini (E1) (giri
kapa olarak kullanlr) skn.
- Is eanjrnn d muhafaza tarafn kuru hava ile (youma noktas -20C/- 4F'ten az)
- D muhafaza iindeki scaklk kabul edilebilir (25 ila 30C/77 ila 86F) olduunda, ieri
girmeden nce patlama riskini ve oksijen ieriini kontrol edin.
- Salk ve gvenlik nedenleriyle, ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX denetinin bir toz maskesi ve
gvenlik gzl takarak toza kar nlem almasn nerir.

2.2.1. ST TARAF:

- Is eanjrne st tarafta yer alan st giri kapandan girin (i platform paket destek
seviyesinde monte edilir).
- Ana borunun dn, balant borularn, paket desteklerini ve basn tank st kapann iini
- S1 (kombine besleme k) ve E2 (atk su girii) genleme krklerini grsel olarak kontrol
edin (bkz. Res. No.1) - dalgalanmalar ve atlama izleri arasndaki boluu, zellikle de ilk ve
son dalgalar inceleyin (atlaklar veya dorusal kusurlarn olmas arza gstergesidir).
pheniz varsa sv penetrant kullann.

st krklerin grsel
olarak kontrol (atk su
girii ve Besleme
- Dalga deformasyonu
- atlak yok (pheniz
varsa boya penetrant

- Resim No.1: st Ksm Krkleri -

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 5 / 13

- Paketi ve tank desteklerini grsel olarak kontrol edin (sabit ve kayar noktalar - bkz. Resim No. 2
ve 3).

- Resim No.2: Paket destei / Sabit nokta -

- Resim No.3: Paket destei / Kayar nokta -

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 6 / 13

2.2.2 KAYNAKLI DUVAR (bkz. Resim No.4 ve aadaki izim) :

- Resim No.4: Kaynakl duvar -

- Kaynakl duvar kontrol iin

bir merdiven, emniyet
kemeri ve aydnlatma
kullann. Kaynakl
Giri duvar
- Kaynakl duvarlar, zellikle
de takviye d plakalarn D kenar plakas
kelerindeki kaynaklar
grsel olarak kontrol edin ve
inceleyin. Bu tr bir grsel
kontrol herhangi bir nedenle
phe uyandryorsa, yerel A
sv penetrantl inceleme

2.2.3. ALT TARAF :

- Is Eanjrnn alt ksmna geri dnm gaz giri azndan veya alt giri kapandan girin.
- Ana borunun dn, balant borularn, tank souk kapan iini inceleyin.
- S2 (atk su k) genleme krklerinin dalgalanmalarn grsel olarak kontrol edin (bkz.
Res. No.5) - dalgalanmalar ve atlama izleri arasndaki boluu, zellikle de ilk ve son
dalgalar inceleyin (atlaklar veya dorusal kusurlarn olmas arza gstergesidir). pheniz
varsa sv penetrant kullann.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 7 / 13

Atk su k
krklerinin grsel
- Dalga deformasyonu
- atlak yok (pheniz
varsa boya penetrant

- Resim No.5: Alt Ksm Krkleri -

- Klavuz sistemindeki boluu grsel olarak kontrol edin.

Klavuz ve paket arasndaki boluk 5mm > boluk < 10mm olmaldr.
(Bkz. Resim No.6 ve aadaki izim)

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 8 / 13

10 Tank
- Resim No.6: Plastik kama -


Plastik kama

2.3. Pskrtme ubuklar:

- Pskrtme ubuunu (ubuklarn) prosedr SAIEXWA0009'a gre skn (bkz. Resim No.7),
- Pskrtme ubuunu (ubuklarn) prosedr SAIEXWA0009'a gre temizleyin (bkz. Resim
- Pskrtme ubuu (ubuklar) genleme krklerini grsel olarak kontrol edin -
dalgalanmalar ve atlama izleri arasndaki boluu, zellikle de ilk ve son dalgalar inceleyin
(atlaklar veya dorusal kusurlarn olmas arza gstergesidir). pheniz varsa sv penetrant
- Pskrtme ubuunu (ubuklarn) prosedr SAIEXWA0009'a gre yerine takn.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 9 / 13

- Resim No.7: Pskrtme ubuu, temizleme ncesi -

- Resim No.8: Pskrtme ubuu, temizleme sonras -

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 10 / 13

2.4. Atk su giri ve knn kontrol:

Bu kontrol alma performans deerlendirmesini tamamlar ve aadaki unsurlarn varln
grsel olarak kontrol etme imkan salar:
- atk su giriinde tkama malzemesi (giri boru hattndan veya reaktrden tanan),
- reaktr atk su knda her trl malzeme tortusu (rn. amonyum tuzu)
Herhangi bir malzeme bulunursa, ana bileenleri (Fe, S, Cl, ) belirlemek iin detayl analiz

Bu tip bir kontrol aadaki ekillerde gerekletirilebilir:

a) atk su giri ve k proses memelerine taklm boroskop ve zel 2" memeler zerinden
(bkz. Resim No.9),

- Resim No.9: Boroskop kontrol -

b) veya sklebilir dirsekler monte edilmise balant borular skldkten sonra grsel olarak.

2.5. Tank kontrol:

Tank kontrollerinin skl Artma nceleme Departman, resmi kurumlar ve/veya yerel
ynetmeliklerde yer alan taleplere gre belirlenir.

Basn tank kontrol basn tanklar yap ynetmelii (rn. ASME VIII div. 1, BS 5500,
CODAP, vb....) tarafndan tanmlanr.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 11 / 13

3 Test ve bozucu olmayan inceleme

3.1. Test Program:

Bu test program 2. blmde aklanan kontrollere tamamlayc niteliktedir.
PACKINOX Is Eanjr ok snrl test ve bozucu olmayan kontrol gerektirir. Ancak planl
bakm nedeniyle kapatma srasnda aadaki koruyucu (veya baz tank ynetmeliklerine gre
zorunlu) kontroller gerekletirilmelidir.

Aklama Paragraf Her Dier

10 yl
st Genleme Krkleri (boya 3.2. Evet
penetrant bozucu olmayan kontrol)
Alt Genleme Krkleri (boya 3.2. Evet

penetrant bozucu olmayan kontrol)

Pskrtme ubuu (ubuklar) 3.2. Evet
Genleme Krkleri (boya penetrant
bozucu olmayan kontrol)
Plaka Paketi szdrmazlk testi 3.3. Evet
Tank i duvarlar ve kaynaklarnn 3.4.
bozucu olmayan kontrol Tasarm
Tank d duvarlar ve kaynaklarnn kurallarna ve

bozucu olmayan kontrol yerel
Dikey konumda tank hidrolik basn 3.5. ynetmeliklere
testi baldr

Verilen kontrol aralklar sadece yol gsterme amal olup gerekirse bu aralklar uygun kapatma
programlarna gre uzatlabilir veya ksaltlabilir.

3.2. Genleme krkleri boya penetrant bozucu olmayan kontrol iin dahili ziyaret
2.2. blmnde akland gibi

- Resim No.10: st taraf Krk Boya Penetrant testi -

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 12 / 13

- Resim No.11: Pskrtme ubuu Krk Boya Penetrant testi -

3.3. Yerinde szdrmazlk testi:

Bkz. ayrntl prosedr SAIEXWA0010.

3.4. Tank testleri ve bozucu olmayan inceleme:

Tank testlerinin ve bozucu olmayan kontrollerin skl basn tanklar yap ynetmelii (rn.
ASME VIII div. 1, BS 5500, CODAP, vb....) tarafndan, resmi kurumlar ve/veya yerel
ynetmeliklerde yer alan taleplere gre tanmlanr.

3.5. Yerinde hidrolik (basn) testi:

Bkz. ayrntl prosedr SAIEXWA0011.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 13 / 13

4 Bakm

4.1. Bakm Program:

Paragraf Dier
Pskrtme ubuklar temizlii 4.2. Nominal besleme ak hznda
llen pskrtme ubuu basn
dm 2 bar = 30 Psi
deerinden daha yksekse
pskrtme ubuu
Temizlik yntemi (mmknse
veya kapatma srasnda ters
ykama) duruma gre
Is Eanjr temizlii 4.3. Is Eanjr temizlik ihtiyac ve
PACKINOX tarafndan alma
performans analizine gre
Onarm 4.4. Is Eanjr onarm ihtiyac ve
PACKINOX tarafndan nite
parametreleri analizine gre

4.2. Pskrtme ubuklar temizlii:

Bkz. ayrntl prosedr SAIEXWA0009.

4.3. Temizlik:
Bkz. ayrntl prosedrler:
SAIEXWA0006 : "3 Genleme Kr Kombine Besleme / Atk Su Is Eanjr iin Termal ve
Hidrolik performanslar sorun giderme"
SAIEXWA0008 : "3 Genleme Kr Kombine Besleme / Atk Su Is Eanjr yerinde

4.4. Onarm:
Bkz. ayrntl prosedrler:
SAIEXWA0006 : "3 Genleme Kr Kombine Besleme / Atk Su Is Eanjr iin Termal ve
Hidrolik performanslar sorun giderme"
SAIEXWA0007 : "3 Genleme Kr Kombine Besleme / Atk Su Is Eanjr iin mekanik
sorun giderme" (onarm konusunda talimatlar ierir).

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que
celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 1 / 14



REVZYON Nom Entit Date

A Ad Birim Tarih

Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Hizmetler 18/11/2004


Kontrol Dominique SABIN Ettler 18/11/2004

Approbateur Gilles CAZIN Hizmetler ynetimi 8/12/2004

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Belge, kalite sistemine gre elektronik olarak onaylanmtr ve imzasz olarak geerlidir

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve
kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm
nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 2 / 14


Rvision Date Objet de la rvision

Revizyon dapplication Revizyonun konusu
Uygulama tarihi
A 8/12/2004 Birinci basm

1 - Giri

2 - Temel performans

3 - Performanslar sorun giderme - Dengelemeler - Yeniden olumasn

nlemek iin zmler

3.1. Pislenme

3.2. Tkanma

3.3. Genleme Kr ve kaynakl duvar hatas

3.4. Pskrtme ubuu (ubuklar) tkanmas

3.4.1. PACKINOX Is Eanjrleri - 2002'den nce tasarlanan ve retilenler

3.4.2. PACKINOX Is Eanjrleri - 2002'den sonra tasarlanan ve retilenler

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve
kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm
nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 3 / 14

1 Giri

Bu belgede, PACKINOX Is Eanjr zerindeki potansiyel termik ve hidrolik

performanslarn sorun giderme ekilleri aklanmtr.
Prosedr ayrca aadaki konular ierir:
- gzlenen sorunlar zmek iin gerekli dengelemeler,
bu tr sorunlar ve yeniden
olumalarn nlemek iin

2 Temel performans

Ekteki tabloya gre PACKINOX Services'a alma verilerinin iletilmesi nerilir (bir sonraki
sayfaya baknz).
Gnlk ortalama veriler en iyi veriler olacaktr.
Bu alma parametreleri zellikle herhangi bir deiim gzlenir gzlenmez PACKINOX'a

zlenmesi gereken parametreler:

- HAT (Scak Yaklam Scakl) = T3 - T2 = Atk Su (Scak Ak) Giri Scakl -

Kombine Besleme (Souk Ak) k Scakl.

- P1 = DPR1 = P Kombine Besleme (Souk Ak) Basn Dm.

- P2 = DPR2 = P Atk Su (Scak Ak) Basn Dm.

- P Pskrtme ubuklar = DPR4 = P2 P1 = Sv Besleme giri basnc Geri dnm

gaz giri basnc.
Not: P2 iin = Sv Besleme giri basnc : pskrtme ubuklar giriinde alnmazsa,
basn herhangi bir sv stun yksekliine dzeltilmelidir.

- T Kabuk = T5 = Basn Tank Kabuk Scakl.

Not: zel tank ynetmelikleri ve kurallar izlenerek tank zerine birden fazla kabuk
eklentisi monte edilebilir. Bu durumda, en hassas nokta tankn en scak noktasndaki

Enstrmantasyon ile ilgili ayrntl bilgi iin bkz. SAIEXWA0002 "3 Genleme Kr
Kombine Besleme / Atk Su Is Eanjr iin Montaj nerileri"

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve
kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm
nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 4 / 14

Date Flows Temperatures Pressure Drops Inlet Pressures

Liquid Recycle Recycle Liquid Combined Reactor Effluent Skin Feed Effluent Recycle Liquid Reactor
Feed Gas Gas Feed Feed In Out Stream Stream Gas Feed Effluent
In In Out
13FC1 13FR7 13TIM221 13TI4N 13TIM220 13TIM247 13TIM219 13TIM234 PDI507 PDI502 PI342 PI024 PI347
(m3/h) (Knm3/h) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (bar) (bar) (barg) (barg) (barg)
08/07/02 88,2 45,06 65 144 451 493 115 387 0,47 0,24 9,9 12,5 8,1
09/07/02 90,0 44,24 66 145 452 494 116 388 0,48 0,25 10,4 12,9 8,5
10/07/02 90,0 44,02 66 144 451 492 116 387 0,47 0,25 10,4 13,0 8,5
11/07/02 90,0 44,24 67 143 448 490 115 386 0,47 0,25 10,4 13,0 8,5
12/07/02 90,0 43,44 66 143 445 487 115 385 0,47 0,26 10,4 12,9 8,5
13/07/02 90,0 44,27 67 143 444 486 116 385 0,47 0,26 10,4 12,9 8,5
14/07/02 90,0 45,05 67 143 446 488 115 386 0,48 0,25 10,5 12,9 8,5
15/07/02 90,0 45,11 67 143 447 489 116 386 0,48 0,25 10,4 13,0 8,5
16/07/02 90,0 44,52 67 143 449 491 116 386 0,47 0,28 10,4 13,0 8,5
17/07/02 90,0 44,29 67 143 447 489 116 386 0,47 0,25 10,4 13,0 8,5
18/07/02 88,9 44,85 67 143 446 488 115 387 0,47 0,22 9,8 11,5 8,0
19/07/02 83,4 46,30 66 144 446 488 114 386 0,47 0,22 9,8 11,5 8,0
20/07/02 80,0 42,58 64 144 447 488 114 386 0,42 0,22 9,8 11,5 8,0
21/07/02 82,6 41,29 64 143 447 488 115 386 0,42 0,24 10,1 12,0 8,3
22/07/02 87,3 42,60 66 143 445 488 116 386 0,45 0,25 10,2 13,0 8,4
23/07/02 90,0 44,33 68 142 444 487 116 386 0,49 0,26 10,3 13,1 8,4
24/07/02 90,0 44,60 68 143 446 488 116 386 0,49 0,26 10,4 12,9 8,5
25/07/02 90,0 45,29 68 143 449 491 116 387 0,50 0,26 10,3 13,1 8,5
26/07/02 90,0 45,22 69 143 450 492 116 387 0,49 0,26 10,8 13,4 8,5
27/07/02 90,1 43,90 67 142 449 491 116 387 0,47 0,26 10,5 13,2 8,5
28/07/02 90,0 43,02 66 142 447 489 116 387 0,46 0,26 10,4 13,0 8,5
29/07/02 90,0 42,69 66 142 447 490 116 387 0,46 0,26 10,4 13,0 8,5
30/07/02 90,0 43,26 67 142 449 492 116 388 0,47 0,28 10,4 13,0 8,5
31/07/02 90,0 44,06 67 142 451 493 116 388 0,48 0,26 10,4 13,1 8,5

PACKINOX'a aktarlan tipik alma verileri

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve
kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm
nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 5 / 14

3 Performanslar sorun giderme - Dengelemeler - Yeniden olumasn

nlemek iin zmler

Termal ve hidrolik performans sorunlarnn anlk etkisi unlardr:

a) Istc No. 1'de yakt tketimi art


b) Geri Dnm Gaz Kompresrnde g tketimi art.

Tkanma ve/veya pislenme, ilgili termal ve mekanik gerilimlerle kanallama oluturarak

s eanjrnn mekanik davran zerinde bir etki yaratr.
Her bir sorunda, s eanjrnn mekanik davran zerindeki ilgili potansiyel etki
mekanik nem asndan (dk, orta ve yksek) aklanmtr.

Potansiyel termal ve hidrolik performans sorunlar unlardr (ayrntlar iin sonraki sayfalara
baknz) :

- PSLENME = Is Eanjrne dzenli tortu girii.

- TIKANMA = Is Eanjrnn giri blmne yerleik olarak. "Tek seferlik" bir olaydr.



- PSKRTME UBUKLARININ TIKANMASI (Pskrtme ubuklar = Sv Besleme

Datclar) = ounlukla "Tek seferlik" bir olaydr ve balangta meydana gelir.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve
kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm
nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 6 / 14

3.1. Pislenme - Dk - Orta Mekanik nem: a) Kimyasal temizlik

Ayrntl bilgi iin bir sonraki
P1 veya P2 : Dzenli art (rn. + 0.2 ila 0.5 kg/cm - bir yl
iinde) sayfada "Temizlik Sorular ve
Admlar" balna bakn
HAT : Dzenli art (rn. + 10 ila 20C veya daha fazla - bir yl Is eanjr PSLENMTR. Bkz. Prosedr: SAIEXWA0008
iinde aadaki eriye baknz)
Bu, atk su ak (P2 art) ve/veya (site uygulamas iin)
T Shell : Normal kombine besleme ak (P1 art)
b) Is Eanjr korumas
zerinde olabilir.
(filtreler, besleme kalitesi, )
Bkz. Prosedr:
SAIEXWA0002 "3 Genleme Kr
Kombine Besleme / Atk Su Is
Eanjr iin Montaj nerileri"
SAIEXWA0003 "3 Genleme Kr
Kombine Besleme / Atk Su Is
Eanjr iin Balatma, altrma ve

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes
prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi
kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 7 / 14

Pislenme meydana geldiinde Temizlik Sorular ve Admlar izlenmelidir:

Yerinde kimyasal temizlik (malzeme, prosedr, .) ile ilgili ayrntl bilgi SAIEXWA0008
PACKINOX 3 Genleme Kr Kombine Besleme / Atk Su Is Eanjr temizlik
prosedrnde aklanmtr.

1. alma tablosunu paragraf 2'ye gre doldurun,

2. Operatrlerden bilgi toplayn (yukar ynl birimde sorunlar, proses nitesine gnderilen ar
rn, reaktr, )

3. nite lk bir scakla (60C (140F) ila 80C (176F) aralnda) dtkten sonra hidrojen
sirklasyonunu muhafaza ederek solvent ile (rn. nafta, aromatik, ...) evrimii temizlik
uygulamak mmkn m? EVET / HAYIR

4. PACKINOX veya evre donanmlarda - rn. nafta filtreler, dren, ...- pislenmi rn rnei
almak (PACKINOX Is Eanjrnn kontrol yaplabiliyorsa) ve bu rnekleri C, S, Fe +
demir oksit, demir slfit, amonyum tuzlar vb. elementler asndan analiz etmek mmkn

5. Yukardaki hususlara gre, en muhtemel kirlenme rnn onaylayn ve aklayn:





- DER (Ar rnler, Demir klorr) EVET / HAYIR

6. Yukardaki hususlara gre PACKINOX, Is Eanjrnde temizlik ve kullanlacak temizlik

maddeleri konusunda karar verir:

- Sadece besleme taraf,

- Sadece atk su taraf,
- Her iki taraf.


AMONYUM TUZLARI Amonyak su zeltisi + Oksijen tutucu
HAFF GAMLAR POLAROMATK Aromatik solvent (toluen, LCO, )
DEMR OKSTLER EDTA + Korozyon nhibitr + Oksijen
DER PACKINOX tarafndan teyit edilecek

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation.
Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama
Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri
Sayfa 8 / 14

3.2. Tkanma - Yksek Mekanik nem :

a) Giri blmlerinde grsel (veya

P1 veya P2 : Hzl art (rn. + 0.5 k/cm veya daha fazla, bir ka boroskoplu) inceleme
gn iinde - ok sk balangta aadaki eriye bakn) + Vakumlu temizlik, ters fleme,
manuel temizlik
HAT : nemli bir art yok
(Bkz. Ek iinde Resim No. 3)
Is eanjr (veya P lmne
T Shell : Normal
dahil edilirse giri filtresi) TIKALI. b) Is Eanjr korumas (filtreler,

besleme kalitesi, )
Bkz. Prosedr: SAIEXWA0003
Pressure Drops (bars)

3 Genleme Kr Kombine
0,60 2 gnde + 0.4
kg/cm Besleme / Atk Su Is Eanjr iin

Balatma, altrma ve Kapatma


03/02/01 08/02/01 13/02/01 18/02/01 23/02/01 28/02/01 05/03/01 10/03/01 15/03/01 20/03/01 25/03/01 30/03/01

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes
prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi
kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 9 / 14

Is Eanjr tkal (Reaktr Atk Su Girii)

Mekanik temizleme sonras Is Eanjr

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation.
Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama
Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri
Sayfa 10 / 14

3.3. Genleme Krkleri ve/veya Kaynakl Duvar hatas - Dk

Mekanik nem:
a) Amonyakl su zeltisi ile kimyasal

P1 veya P2 : Sabit veya kk art nemli Geri Dnm Gaz (H2) - Plaka temizlik (bkz. SAIEXWA0008
Paketi baypas (byk olaslkla prosedr PACKINOX 3 Genleme
HAT : Hzl art (rn. + 10C - bir gnde) genleme krnde veya kaynakl Kr Kombine Besleme / Atk Su Is

T Shell : Hzl d (rn. 100C - bir gnde aadaki eriye duvarda atlak) Eanjr temizlii), ardndan genleme
baknz) krnn deiimi veya kaynakl
duvar atlann onarm.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes
prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi
kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 11 / 14

Kaynakl Duvar - Gzlemlenen Hata

Genleme Kr Gzlemlenen Hata

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation.
Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama
Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri
Sayfa 12 / 14

3.4. Pskrtme ubuu (ubuklar) tkanmas a) Pskrtme ubuklarn DP

(DPR4) kontrol edin
3.4.1. PACKINOX Is Eanjrleri - 2002'den nce
tasarlanan ve retilenler Orta - Yksek nem: a.1.) Sv besleme filtrelerini kontrol
Sv Besleme kontrol valfi: Tam alma. a.2.) Ters ykama pskrtme ubuklar
P1 veya P2 : Stabil Datm sorunu
a.3.) Pskrtme ubuklarn skn ve
Pskrtme ubuklar (sv besleme
HAT : Hzl art balangta ok sk (rn. + 10C - bir gnde) temizleyin
datclar) TIKANMI.
bkz. prosedr SAIEXWA0009
T Shell : Normal Bu durumda, pskrtme ubuklar DP
Pskrtme ubuu (ubuklar)
(DPR4) 6 bar' aamaz (genleme
Montaj, Skm ve Temizlii .
krkleri iin izin verilen maksimum
diferansiyel basn).
b) Is Eanjr korumas
(filtreler, besleme kalitesi, )
bkz. prosedr:
SAIEXWA0002 Montaj nerileri
SAIEXWA0003 Balatma, altrma
ve Kapatma
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes
prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi
kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 13 / 14

Pskrtme ubuklar (sv besleme datclar) tkanm

Pskrtme ubuklar temizliinin ilemler zerindeki etkisi:

Bu durumda, Scak Yaklam Scakl 10C (50 40C = 90 72F) iyiletirilmitir

- ayn sv besleme ak orannda.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation.
Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama
Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri
Sayfa 14 / 14

3.4. Pskrtme ubuu (ubuklar) tkanmas a) Pskrtme ubuklarn DP (DPR4)

kontrol edin
3.4.2. PACKINOX Is Eanjrleri - 2002'den sonra a.1.) Sv besleme filtrelerini kontrol
tasarlanan ve retilenler Dk nem:
Pskrtme ubuklar (sv besleme
Sv Besleme kontrol valfi: Tam alma. a.2.) Ters ykama pskrtme ubuklar
datclar) konik filtre TIKANMI.
P1 veya P2 : Stabil Bu durumda, pskrtme ubuklar DP
a.3.) Pskrtme ubuklarn skn ve
(DPR4) 10 bar' aamaz (konik filtreler
HAT : Stabil temizleyin
iin izin verilen maksimum diferansiyel
bkz. prosedr SAIEXWA0009
T Shell : Normal basn).
Pskrtme ubuu (ubuklar)
Montaj, Skm ve Temizlii .

c) Is Eanjr korumas
(filtreler, besleme kalitesi, )
bkz. prosedr:
SAIEXWA0002 Montaj nerileri
SAIEXWA0003 Balatma, altrma
ve Kapatma

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de PACKINOX. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de PACKINOX, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises
pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge, PACKINOX irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama PACKINOX irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn
nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 1 / 16



Nom Entit Date

REVZYON A Ad Birim Tarih
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Hizmetler 18/11/2004

Kontrol Dominique SABIN Ettler 18/11/2004

Gilles CAZIN Hizmetler ynetimi 19/11/2004
Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Belge, kalite sistemine gre elektronik olarak onaylanmtr ve imzasz olarak geerlidir

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation.
Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama
Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri
Sayfa 2 / 16


Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revizyon Uygulama tarihi Revizyonun konusu
A 19/11/2004 Birinci basm


1 - Giri

2 - Temel mekanik performans gstergeleri

3 - Mekanik sorun giderme - Dengelemeler - Yeniden olumasn nlemek iin


3.1. Genleme Kr ve kaynakl duvar hatas

3.2. apraz kanal kirlilii

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation.
Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama
Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri
Sayfa 3 / 16

1 - Giri

Bu belgede, PACKINOX Is Eanjr zerindeki potansiyel mekanik sorun giderme ekilleri

Prosedr ayrca aadaki konular ierir:
- gzlenen sorunlar zmek iin gerekli dengelemeler,
- bu tr sorunlarn yeniden olumasn nlemek iin zmler.

2 - Temel mekanik performans gstergeleri

Mekanik sorunlar tespit etmek ve gidermek iin iki tip gsterge kullanlabilir:

A. Termik ve hidrolik performanslar - SAIEXWA0006 iinde akland gibi.

zlenmesi gereken parametreler:

- HAT (Scak Yaklam Scakl) = T3 - T2 = Atk Su (Scak Ak) Giri Scakl - Kombine
Besleme (Souk Ak) k Scakl.

- P1 = DPR1 = P Kombine Besleme (Souk Ak) Basn Dm.

- P2 = DPR2 = P Atk Su (Scak Ak) Basn Dm.

- P Pskrtme ubuklar = DPR4 = P2 P1 = Sv Besleme giri basnc Geri dnm gaz

giri basnc.
Not: P2 iin = Sv Besleme giri basnc : pskrtme ubuklar giriinde alnmazsa, basn
herhangi bir sv stun yksekliine dzeltilmelidir.

- T Kabuk = T5 = Basn Tank Kabuk Scakl.

Not: zel tank ynetmelikleri ve kurallar izlenerek tank zerine birden fazla kabuk eklentisi
monte edilebilir. Bu durumda, en hassas nokta tankn en scak noktasndaki lmdr.

B. Birim performanslar. zlenecek birim parametreleri proses birimlerine ve temel olarak

rn kalitesine baldr:

Katalitik Dnm Birimleri:

Oktan says,
rne giren naften ierii.

Paraksilen retim birimleri:

rn kalitesi ve saflk.

LAB retim birimleri:

rn kalitesi ve saflk.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation.
Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama
Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri
Sayfa 4 / 16

PACKINOX, eanjrn devreleri arasndaki kaaklar belirlemek iin servis iinde

kullanlabilecek 4 yntem sunmaktadr:
1. 2 rnein kantitatif kimyasal analizi: nafta-beslemesi ve stabil reformate rn,
2. 3 rnein kantitatif kimyasal analizi: nafta-beslemesi ve 2 pentan alnm rn - eanjr
atk su giriinde ve rn ayrcda,
3. Kimyasal izleyici (Fenol veya Kresol) - Srekli izleyici enjeksiyonu,
4. Radyoaktif izleyici enjeksiyonu - Slag enjeksiyonu.

Yntem 1 ve 2 Katalitik Dnm birimleri iin kullanlr.

3 - Mekanik sorun giderme - Dengelemeler - Yeniden olumasn nlemek

iin zm (zmler)

Potansiyel mekanik sorunlar unlardr (ayrntlar iin sonraki sayfalara baknz):


Bu sorun, telafisi ve tekrar olmamas iin zm termal ve hidrolik sorun giderme iin
kullanlan SAIEXWA0006 prosedrnde detayl olarak aklanmtr.


apraz kanal kirlilii sorununun ani etkisi rn kalitesi ve saflnda bir azalma eklinde olur.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation.
Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama
Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri
Sayfa 5 / 16

3.1. Genleme Krkleri ve/veya Kaynakl Duvar hatas - Dk

Mekanik nem:

P1 veya P2 : Sabit veya kk art

HAT : Hzl art (rn. + 10C - bir gnde)

T Shell : Hzl d (rn. 100C - bir gnde aadaki eriye


a) Amonyakl su zeltisi ile kimyasal

temizlik (bkz. SAIEXWA0008
nemli Geri Dnm Gaz (H2) - Plaka
prosedr PACKINOX 3 Genleme
Paketi baypas (byk olaslkla
Kr Kombine Besleme / Atk Su
genleme krnde veya kaynakl
Is Eanjr temizlii), ardndan
duvarda atlak).
genleme krnn deiimi veya
kaynakl duvar atlann onarm.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes
prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi
kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 6 / 16

Kaynakl Duvar - Gzlemlenen Hata

Genleme Kr Gzlemlenen Hata

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation.
Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama
Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri
Sayfa 7 / 16

3,2. apraz kanal kirlilii:

PACKINOX'un deneyimlerine gre apraz kanal kirlilii her zaman aadaki tip zel koullarn bir sonucudur a) PACKINOX Is Eanjrnn Ek
(ancak bunlarla snrl deildir): No. 1'deki talimatlara gre
- atk suda tkanma - plaka paketinde eit olmayan bir ak ve scaklk dalm oluturur, bunun sonucu olarak da
termal ve mekanik zorlamalar meydana gelir, b) Nedenin nlenmesi (neden,
performans analizi + kusurlarn
- reaksiyon blgesi ve PACKINOX Is Eanjr arasnda yksek scaklk fark ile nitenin yeniden balatlmas
(nite soumadan kompresr kapanmas, ). gzlemlenmesinden sonra
Her durumda ve apraz kanal kirlenmesinden pheleniliyorsa, SAIEXWA0006 paragraf 2'ye gre alma tablosu
doldurulmal ve operatrlerden bilgi toplanmaldr (yukar ak nitesindeki sorunlar, proses birimine gnderilen
siyah rnler, reaksiyon blgesindeki sorunlar, kompresr gerilim dalgalanmas, ).

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes
prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi
kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 8 / 16

Ek No. 1: PACKINOX Is Eanjrnn onarm iin talimatlar


PACKINOX ekibi (gzetmen + kaynaklar), kaynakl plakal s eanjrlerinin retimi ve

onarm iin PACKINOX tarafndan eitilir ve nitelikli hale getirilir.
Ekip elemanlar kapal alanda almak iin tm tbbi alma izinlerine sahiptir.
Onarm tecrbemiz olduu iin gvenlik ile ilgili talimatlara sahip deiliz. Bununla birlikte,
sahaya almaya giden iiler rafinerilerdeki temel gvenlik kurallarn (alma izinleri, ...)

PACKINOX Is Eanjr ile ilgili aklama SAIEXWA0001 iinde verilmitir.

nceleme ve onarm, bir sonraki sayfada aklanan senaryoya gre gerekletirilir.

Onarm ilemi amonyakl su zeltisi ile temizledikten + duruladktan veya sodyum

karbonat uyguladktan sonra (klorr, oksijen ve sv suyun ayn anda mevcut olmas ile
potansiyel korozyona kar paslanmaz elik korumas iin) gerekletirilmelidir.

F maddesi altnda gerekli donanmlarn bir listesini bulabilirsiniz.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de PACKINOX. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de PACKINOX, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298
du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge, PACKINOX irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama
PACKINOX irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 9 / 16

Ayrntlar iin bkz.
paragraf A

Ayrntlar iin bkz. EDLEBLR
paragraf B


Ayrntlar iin bkz.
paragraf C C


Ayrntlar iin bkz. GRSEL
paragraf D KONTROL


Ayrntlar iin bkz.
paragraf E


Ce document est la proprit exclusive de PACKINOX. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de PACKINOX, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298
du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge, PACKINOX irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama
PACKINOX irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 10 / 16

A - Temizlik

Adm Aklama
A PACKINOX Is Eanjr Temizleme ve Kurutma
SAIEXWA0008 belgesine gre.

B Vakum Testi

Adm Aklama
B PACKINOX Is Eanjr Vakum Testi
SAIEXWA0010 belgesine gre.

Kontrol, inceleme ve onarm:

Giri izni gereklidir Ak giri delii + E1 proses memesi ve havalandrma delii. O2

ieriini + patlama riskini kontrol edin. Mteri bir giri delii korumas salayacaktr.

Onarm durumunda scak izni gereklidir.

C - Genleme Kr Kontrol Gerekirse deitirin

Adm Aklama
C Krklerin Grsel Kontrol.
C.1. Genleme Krkleri Temizlii.
C.2. Dalgalarn grsel kontrol. pheniz varsa sv penetrant kullann.
C.3. Hasar durumunda Genleme krklerinin deitirilmesi.

D Kaynakl Duvar Kontrol Gerekirse onarn

Numara Aklama
D Kaynakl Duvarlarn Grsel Kontrol:
- D kabuk iinde bir iskele montajndan sonra,
- Bir ip merdiven ve emniyet kemeri ile.
D.1. ki kaynakl duvarn grsel kontrol.
D.2. Hasar durumunda Kaynakl duvarn (duvarlarn) onarm.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de PACKINOX. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de PACKINOX, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298
du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge, PACKINOX irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama
PACKINOX irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 11 / 16

E Paket Onarm

Temel admlar unlardr:

E1 Scak taraf alma ve nceleme (Besleme k + Atk Su Giri Balklar),

E2 Gzlemlenen kusurlarn onarlmas,
E3 Souk taraf alma ve nceleme (Besleme Girii + Atk Su k Balklar),
E4 Duman testi ile kanallarn alglanmas,
E5 Kanallarn tkanmas,
E6 Ak pencerelerin kapanmas.

Kanal ularna eriim mmkndr:

- Proses memeleri zerinden (yeterince byk olduunda ve sklebilir spullar
- veya balklarda alma pencerelerini kesme ileminden sonra (bkz. madde 2).
Not: tm onarm ilemleri memeler zerinden yaplabilmelidir. Sadece besleme giri
balklar kesilebilir (kalnlk 5 mm).

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de PACKINOX. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de PACKINOX, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298
du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge, PACKINOX irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama
PACKINOX irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 12 / 16

Numara Aklama
E.1. Scak taraf alma ve nceleme Besleme k Bal Atk Su Giri
Besleme k Balnda bir alma penceresi ama.
Besleme k penceresi yaklak 750 mm x 450 mm olmaldr (atk su
penceresinin kesimi mmkn olacak kadar byk)
Atk Su Giri Balnda bir alma penceresi ama
aadaki izime baknz.


Eriim S1 zerinden
mmkn olduunda
besleme k
Eriim S1 zerinden balndaki pencere
mmkn olduunda
besleme k Eriim E2 zerinden
balndaki pencere mmkn olduunda
atk su giri
balndaki pencere

(harici plaka)

Besleme giri
Besleme giri kanallar kanallar

Atk su
Besleme giri Besleme
balndaki giri
pencere balndaki

dnm gaz S2 (Atk su k)
girii) kanallara eriim iin
yeteri kadar byk

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de PACKINOX. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de PACKINOX, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298
du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge, PACKINOX irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama
PACKINOX irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 13 / 16

E.2. Gzlemlenen kusurlarn onarlmas (boyuna ve/veya enine kusurlar).

Paslanmaz elik sa (2 mm) veya alma Penceresi ve B Vakum test(ler)i ile
Atk Su Giriinin geici kapatlmas.
Kusur yok E.6.'ya gidin alma pencerelerinin kapatlmas
Kusurlar onarma devam etmek iin E.3.'e gidin

E.3. Souk taraf alma ve nceleme Besleme Giri Bal Atk Su k

Atk Su k ve Besleme Giri Balnda bir alma penceresi ama.
Kanal ularnn temizlenmesi
Kanal ularnn grsel kontrol.
Gzlemlenen kusurlarn onarlmas (boyuna ve/veya enine kusurlar).
alma Penceresi ve B Vakum test(ler)i geici kapatma.
Kusur yok E.6.'ya gidin alma pencerelerinin kapatlmas
Kusurlar onarma devam etmek iin E.3.'e gidin

E.4. Duman testi ile kanaln (kanallarn) alglanmas.

Besleme k ve Besleme Giri Balklarndaki kanal ularnda alminyum
bant montaj.
Paslanmaz elik sa (2 mm) ve B Vakum test(ler)i ile Atk Su balk
pencerelerinin geici kapatlmas.
Atk su tarafnda 200 mbar vakum ekin ve 10 dakika bekleyin.
Vakum testi srasnda, Besleme k Balnda duman enjeksiyonu
Dumann enjeksiyonundan nce her bir besleme kanal delinerek almaldr
ve duman kanalda emilirse, bu kanal atk sulu bir szntya sahiptir.
Yeni bir besleme kanal kontrol edilmeden nce son delik kapatlmaldr.
Tm sznt yapan kanallar bu nedenle blgeseldir.
aadaki ematik izime baknz.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de PACKINOX. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de PACKINOX, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298
du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge, PACKINOX irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama
PACKINOX irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 14 / 16

E2 kapakl
S1 ak

Besleme k


Atk su k


S2 Vakum

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de PACKINOX. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de PACKINOX, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298
du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge, PACKINOX irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama
PACKINOX irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 15 / 16

E.5. Kanal(lar)n tkanmas.

Besleme k, Besleme Giri Balklar ve Atk Su Giri Balndaki
T-ekilli ara para montaj (tkanma alannn her snrnda) ve u kanallarla
fzyon/eritme kayna.
Her balk iinde, paslanmaz elik ince plaka montaj, T-ekilli
ara paralarda ve dolgu metali ile fzyon/eritme kayna.
Tkal alann yaknnda, u kanallar ve dolgu metali ile takviyelerin montaj
ve fzyon/eritme kayna.
aadaki ematik izime baknz.

T-ekilli ara para ile bir

kanaln bloke edilmesi Birka bitiik kanaln bloke edilmesi

nce plaka

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de PACKINOX. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de PACKINOX, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298
du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge, PACKINOX irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama
PACKINOX irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 16 / 16

E.6. Pencerelerin kapatlmas.

Her alma penceresinde eimlerin talanmas.
Aadaki ematik izime gre tm ak alma pencerelerinde kaynak srt

Destek tas


F - Onarm Ekipmanlar Listesi

Kuru basnl hava (7 - 8 bar = 101 ila 116 psi) - talayclar iin ve test amal
(enstrman havas OK).
TIG Kaynak makinesi (balklarn tekrar kaynaklanmas gerekiyorsa tercihen su
Mmknse: HF ve uzaktan kumandal (+ mmknse kendinden kemerleme alomeli)
TIG kaynak makinesi.
Dolgu metali (SS 347): ap 2.4 ve 3.2 mm.
Kaynak iin Argon.
Talama makineleri ve talama diskleri - paslanmaz elikten.
En az 2 Paslanmaz elik levha (SS 321 veya 304) - testler iin (kalnl 1.5 - 2 mm, 1
metre x 1 metre).
Boya penetrant test malzemesi.
Kaynakl duvarlarn incelenmesi iin ip merdiven (paketin uzunluu) ve emniyet
Balklarn kaynatlmasnda yardmc olma amal (balklar kesilmise) paslanmaz
elik iin GTAW (gaz tungsten ark kayna) konusunda nitelikli bir veya iki kaynak.
Talama ilemlerinde yardmc olmak iin bir veya iki kaynak (balklarn kesilmesi
Vakum pompas.
Onarm iin zel paslanmaz elik sa paralar (PACKINOX tarafndan salanr).

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de PACKINOX. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de PACKINOX, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298
du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge, PACKINOX irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama
PACKINOX irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 1 / 15



Nom Entit Date

REVZYON D Ad Birim Tarih
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Hizmetler 12/8/2008

Kontrol Franck ALENDA Ettler 14/8/2008

Approbateur Dominique SABIN Hizmetler ynetimi 15/8/2008

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Belge, kalite sistemine gre elektronik olarak onaylanmtr ve imzasz olarak geerlidir

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval
Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 2 / 15


Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revizyon Uygulama tarihi Revizyonun konusu
B 26/11/2004 Komple revizyon. CHR02 sirklasyon modunun eklenmesi.
C 5/6/2008 Tecrbenin geri dnne gre ykseltme
D 15/8/2008 Sirklasyon modunun deitirilmesi
E 20/11/2015 ematik izimlerin gncellenmesi + ykama talimatlarnn


1 - Giri

2 - Kimyasal Temizleme Yntemleri

3 - Doldurma ve Boaltma Yntemi

3.1. Balantlar

3.2. Ekipmanlar

3.3. Sre

3.4 Doldurma ve boaltma talimatlar

4 Sirklasyon Yntemi

4.1. Balantlar

4,2. Ekipmanlar

4.3 Sre

4.4 Sirklasyon talimatlar

5 Durulama

6 Kabul Kriterleri

7 Kurutma

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval
Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 3 / 15

1 - Giri

Bu belgede 3 Genleme Kr PACKINOX Is Eanjrnn kullanlan kimyasal madde

zeltisine baklmakszn doru ekilde temizlenmesi ile ilgili neriler verilmitir.
Yeterli kimyasal madde seimi s eanjr iindeki tkayc/kirletici rnlere baldr ve
SAIEXWA0006 iinde bu konu ele alnmtr (Ek No.1'deki zet ile birlikte).

Bu prosedr, ok sayda montaj srasnda ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX Mteri Destek

Servisi tarafndan elde edilen saha tecrbesini yanstr.
ALFA LAVAL PACKINOX Services gerektiinde neri ve yardm almak iin

Bu prosedrde aadaki konular ele alnmtr:

- Kimyasal temizleme yntemleri
- Doldurma ve boaltma prosedr
- Sirklasyon prosedr
- Durulama
- Kurutma

2 Kimyasal Temizleme Yntemleri

Bir PACKINOX Is Eanjrn kimyasal olarak temizlemek iin 2 yntem vardr:

- Doldurma ve boaltma yntemi (D kabuk ile Besleme taraf ve Atk su taraf
bamsz olarak doldurulur ve boaltlr),
- Sirklasyon yntemi:
Sirklasyon yntemi sadece D kabuk ve Besleme taraf veya D kabuk ve Besleme
+ Atk su tarafn temizlemek iin kullanlabilir (byle bir durumda D kabuk ve
Besleme taraf ve Atk su taraf paralel balanmtr).

Her iki yntem de belgenin ilerleyen blmlerinde aklanmaktadr.

Yntem seimi montaja, mevcut ekipmana, kullanlan kimyasal rn(ler)e, temizlenecek
taraf(lar)a baldr.

Yntem ne olursa olsun, PACKINOX'un nerilerini tutmak son derece nemlidir. zellikle
u hususu dikkate aln:

D kabuk + Kombine Besleme taraf basnc

Atk Su taraf basncndan

Her durumda:

Daima d kabuk + Kombine Besleme tarafn nce, atk su tarafn daha

sonra doldurun.
Daima atk su tarafn nce, kabuk + Kombine Besleme tarafn daha
sonra boaltn.
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval
Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 4 / 15

Sadece atk su tarafnn temizlenmesi gerekse bile, kabuk + Kombine Besleme taraf da
doldurulmaldr (rn. su + amonyak ile).
nceden su + amonyak ile (ya da soda kl ile) ykanmadka PACKINOX Is Eanjrn
asla atmosfere (ak havaya) maruz brakmayn.

3 - Doldurma ve Boaltma Yntemi

PACKINOX Is Eanjr Ek No. 2'deki ematik izime gre hazrlanmaldr.

3.1. Balantlar:
3.1.1. Geri dnm gaz girii (E1):
Geri dnm gaz giri az (E1) bir kr flan ile donatlmaldr ( aadaki fotorafa
baknz). Bu flanta:
3 ila 4 apnda k az, D kabuk + Kombine Besleme tarafnn doldurulmas
ve boaltlmas iin ve bir V2 vanas,
ila 1 apnda k az, effaf plastik boru balamak iin (sv seviye borusu)
ve bir V6 vanas mevcuttur.

Azot girii

Sv seviyesi Doldurma ve
boru balants boaltma bal

3.1.2. Sv Besleme Girii (M veya M1 ve M2):

Sv besleme giri azlar (M veya M1 ve M2) Azot enjeksiyonu iin boru giri azl (
ila 1 apl) bir kr flan ve bir V8 vanas ile donatlmaldr.

3.1.3. D Kabuk Boaltma (U2):

D kabuk boaltma ucuna 2 apl (veya mmknse daha byk) bir boru ve bir V3
vanas balanmaldr (kabuk tarafnn doldurulmas ve boaltlmas iin).

3.1.4. Atk Su k (S2):

Atk su k az (S2) bir kr flan ile donatlmaldr (3.1.1. altndaki fotorafa baknz).
Bu flanta,

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval
Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 5 / 15

3 ila 4 apnda k az, atk su tarafnn doldurulmas ve boaltlmas iin ve bir
V4 vanas,
ila 1 apnda k az, azot enjeksiyonu iin ve bir V5 vanas,
ila 1 apnda k az, effaf plastik boru balamak iin (sv seviye borusu)
ve bir V7 vanas mevcuttur.
Not: Bu balantlardan biri iin 2" yardmc giri az (mevcut olduunda) kullanlabilir.

3.1.5. Kombine Besleme k (S1) / Atk Su Girii (E2) / D kabuk havalandrma (U1):
Atmosfere ak olmaldr.
Gvenlik ve/veya evresel nedenlerle, taan svy toplamak iin bu balant ularna bir
hortum balanabilir (bkz. Ek No. 2).

3.2. Ekipmanlar:
Aadaki ekipman paralar gerekli olacaktr:
- Balant borular ve hortumlar (Ek No. 2'deki ematik izime gre),
- Vanalar (Ek No. 2'deki ematik izime gre),
- 50 m3/saat minimum kapasiteli bir pompa,
- Kimyasal temizlik zeltisi depolama iin tank(lar),
- Is Eanjrnn boaltlmas iin tank(lar) (temizlik zeltisi kanalizasyona

3.3. Sre:
Ek No. 1'de tanmlanan temizleme kriterlerine ek olarak, PACKINOX Is Eanjr
temizlik sresi kullanlan doldurma ve boaltma yntemine gre aadakilere baldr:
- Boru ap zaman kazanmak iin, borularn ap mmkn olduunca byk olmaldr -
zellikle kabuk tarafnda.
- Pompa kapasitesi: Besleme tarafnn Kabuu ierdiini ve bylece hacmin genellikle 50
m3'ten daha byk olduunu unutmayn
- Temizlik zeltisinin kullanlabilirlii: bir tankn doldurulmas ne kadar srer? Birden
fazla tanknz var m?
- Boaltma kapasitesi: kanalizasyon? Tank(lar)? Kamyon(lar)?

Su temini belki de temizlik sresini ksaltmak iin en nemli kriterdir.

Suyun adan iyi bir ak hzyla geldiinden veya tankerle tedarik
ediliyorsa kamyon rotasyonunun iyi olduundan emin olun.

3.4. Doldurma ve boaltma talimatlar:

Doldurma ve boaltma sralar (seviyeler dahil), drenaj zelti analizi Ek No. 1'de
tanmlanan hedeflere uygun oluncaya kadar tekrarlanmaldr.
Kimyasal zelti klorid (Cl-) ierii ve zeltinin pH deeri doluma balamadan nce
kontrol edilmeli ve kaydedilmelidir.

Boaltlan zelti, Packinox s eanjrnn herhangi bir tarafn

doldurmak veya ykamak iin tekrar kullanlmamaldr.

lem No. Talimat(lar)

D kabuk + Kombine Besleme taraf doldurma
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval
Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 6 / 15

1 V6 ve V7 (sv seviye borular) vanalarnn, U1 havalandrmasnn,

E2 ve S1'in ak ve dier tm vanalarn kapal olduundan emin olun.
2 Besleme pompasn altrn.
3 V1 vanasn, ardndan V2 ve V3 vanalarn aarak Kabuk + Kombine
Besleme tarafn doldurun.
4 E1'e bal olan (V6 zerinden) effaf plastik borudaki temizlik
zeltisinin seviyesini izleyin.
5 D kabuk + Kombine Besleme taraf istenen seviyeye ulatnda V2
ve V3 vanasn kapatn.

Atk su tarafn doldurma

6 Atk su tarafn doldurmaya balamak iin V4 vanasn an.
Atk su taraf hacmi D kabuk + Kombine Besleme tarafndan ok daha
kk olduu iin seviye art daha hzldr.
7 Atk su kna bal olan (V7 zerinden) effaf plastik borudaki
temizlik zeltisinin seviyesini izleyin.
8 Atk su tarafndaki zelti seviyesi D kabuk + Kombine Besleme
tarafndaki zelti seviyesinin yaklak 300 mm (1 foot) altnda
olduunda V4 vanasn kapatn.
Not: Paket ters basncn nlemek iin Is Eanjrnn atk su tarafndaki
seviyenin D kabuk + Kombine Besleme tarafndaki seviyeden daha
yksek olduundan emin olun.
9 Besleme pompasn durdurun ve V1'i kapatn.
Azot kabarcklanmas
10 V6 ve V7 vanalarn kapatn (kabarcklanma srasnda sv
projeksiyonunu nlemek iin).
11 Azot kabarcklanmasn balatmak iin V5 ve V8 vanalarn an.
12 30 dakika boyunca azot kabarcklanmasn srdrn.
V5 ve V8 vanalarn kapatn.
13 V6 ve V7 vanalarn an.
Atk su tarafn boaltma
Dikkat: Her zaman atk su tarafn nce boaltn.
14 Tm havalandrma deliklerinin (U1, S2 ve E2) ak, dier tm vanalarn
kapal olduundan emin olun.
15 Atk su tarafn boaltmak iin V4 ve V9 vanalarn an.
16 Boaltma srasnda, V10 vanasndan bir sv rnei aln (boaltmann
balangcnda, ortasnda ve sonunda) ve pH-klorid deerlerini kontrol
17 Atk su taraf boaldnda, V4 vanasn kapatn.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval
Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 7 / 15

D kabuk + Kombine Besleme taraf boaltma

Dikkat: Her zaman D kabuk + Kombine Besleme tarafn Atk su tarafndan sonra
18 Tm havalandrma deliklerinin (U1, S2 ve E2) ak, dier tm vanalarn
kapal olduundan emin olun.
19 V2, V3 ve V9 vanalarn an.
20 Boaltma srasnda, V10 vanasndan bir sv rnei aln (boaltmann
balangcnda, ortasnda ve sonunda) ve pH-klorid deerlerini kontrol
21 D kabuk + Kombine Besleme taraf boaldnda V2, V3 ve V9
vanalarn kapatn.

Yalnzca ilk doldurma iin (d kabuk, besleme ve atk su) zelti seviyesi genleme
krklerinin st kenarndan (st taraftaki) yksek olmal ve bu seviye 30 dakika boyunca
Daha sonra, zelti seviyesi genleme krklerinin alt ksmna (paketin st ksmndaki son
kanallar) gelene kadar zeltiyi boaltn ve azot kabarcklanmasna balayn.
Daha sonraki gruplar iin zelti seviyesini paketin st ksmnda tutun.

4 Sirklasyon Yntemi

PACKINOX Is Eanjr Ek No. 3'deki ematik izime gre hazrlanmaldr.

4,1. Balantlar:
4.1.1. Geri dnm gaz girii (E1):
Geri dnm gaz giri az (E1) bir kr flan ile donatlmaldr ( 3.1.1.'deki fotorafa
baknz). Bu flanta:
3 ila 4 apnda k az, D kabuk + Kombine Besleme tarafnn doldurulmas
ve boaltlmas iin ve bir V4 vanas,
ila 1 apnda k az, effaf plastik boru balamak iin (sv seviye borusu)
ve bir V7 vanas mevcuttur.

4.1.2. Sv Besleme Girii (M veya M1 ve M2):

Sv besleme giri azlar (M veya M1 ve M2) Azot enjeksiyonu iin boru giri azl (
ila 1 apl) bir kr flan ve bir V9 vanas ile donatlmaldr.

4.1.3. D Kabuk Boaltma (U2):

D kabuk boaltma ucuna 2 apl (veya mmknse daha byk) bir boru (veya hortum)
ve bir V5 vanas balanmaldr (kabuk tarafnn doldurulmas ve boaltlmas iin).

4.1.4. Atk Su k (S2):

Atk su k az (S2) bir kr flan ile donatlmaldr (3.1.1. altndaki fotorafa baknz).
Bu flanta,
3 ila 4 apnda k az, atk su tarafnn doldurulmas ve boaltlmas iin ve bir
V6 vanas,
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval
Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 8 / 15

ila 1 apnda k az, azot enjeksiyonu iin ve bir V10 vanas,

ila 1 apnda k az, effaf plastik boru balamak iin (sv seviye borusu)
ve bir V8 vanas mevcuttur.
Not: Bu balantlardan biri iin 2" yardmc giri az (mevcut olduunda) kullanlabilir.

4.1.5. Kombine Besleme k (S1) / Atk Su Girii (E2):

2" yardmc temizlik giri az ile sirklasyon tankna balanmaldr.

4.1.6. D kabuk havalandrma (U1):

Bir V15 vanas ile donatlmaldr.

4.2. Ekipmanlar:

Aadaki ekipman paralar gerekli olacaktr:

- Balant borular ve hortumlar (Ek No. 3'deki ematik izime gre),
- Vanalar (Ek No. 3'deki ematik izime gre),
- 50 m3/saat minimum kapasiteli bir pompa,
- Filtreler (100 ile 250 mikron ll) : Paralel 2 filtre (Ek No. 3'teki izimde gsterildii
- Bir sirklasyon tank,
- Kimyasal temizlik zeltisi depolama iin tank(lar),
- Is Eanjrnn boaltlmas iin tank(lar) (temizlik zeltisi kanalizasyona

4,3. Sre:
Ek No. 1'de tanmlanan temizleme kriterlerine ek olarak, PACKINOX Is Eanjr
temizlik sresi kullanlan sirklasyon yntemine gre aadakilere baldr:
- Boru ap zaman kazanmak iin, borularn ap mmkn olduunca byk olmaldr -
zellikle kabuk tarafnda.
- Pompa kapasitesi: Besleme tarafnn Kabuu ierdiini ve bylece hacmin genellikle 50
m3'ten daha byk olduunu unutmayn
- Temizlik zeltisinin kullanlabilirlii: bir tankn doldurulmas ne kadar srer? Birden
fazla tanknz var m?
- Boaltma kapasitesi: Kanalizasyon? Tank(lar)? Kamyon(lar)?

Su temini belki de temizlik sresini ksaltmak iin en nemli kriterdir.

Suyun adan iyi bir ak hzyla geldiinden veya tankerle tedarik
ediliyorsa kamyon rotasyonunun iyi olduundan emin olun.

4,4. Sirklasyon talimatlar:

lem No. Talimat(lar)

D kabuk + Kombine Besleme taraf doldurma
V7 ve V8 (sv seviye borular) vanalarnn, U1 havalandrmasndaki
1 V15 vanasnn ve V16'nn ak ve dier tm vanalarn kapal
olduundan emin olun.
2 V1, V2a ve V2b vanalarn an, ardndan pompay altrn.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval
Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 9 / 15

3 V3, V4 ve V5 vanalarn an.

E1'e bal olan (V7 zerinden) effaf plastik borudaki temizlik
zeltisinin seviyesini izleyin.
5 Besleme taraf tamamen sv dolu olduunda, V4 ve V5 vanasn kapatn.
6 V15 havalandrmasn kapatn.
Atk su tarafn doldurma
7 V6 vanasn an.
Atk su kna bal olan (V8 zerinden) effaf plastik borudaki temizlik
zeltisinin seviyesini izleyin.
9 Atk su taraf tamamen sv dolu olduunda, V6 vanasn kapatn.
10 Pompay durdurun ve V3' kapatn.
Sirklasyon D kabuk + Besleme taraf
11 Pompay altrn.
D kabuk + Besleme taraf sirklasyonunu balatmak iin V3 vanasn,
ardndan V4 vanasn an.
V12 vanasndan her iki saatte bir rnek aln ve gerekirse pH ve Cl
deerlerini kontrol edin.
Filtreyi dzenli olarak kontrol edin. Filtre tkandnda, filtre temizliine
gein ve pis filtreden rnek toplayn.
Besleme taraf temizlii bittiinde (aada 4.4.1. paragraf madde 2'deki
15 kriterlere bakn) besleme pompasn durdurun, V4 ve V3 vanalarn
Sirklasyon Atk su taraf
16 V16 vanasn kapatn.
17 Pompay altrn.
Atk su taraf sirklasyonunu balatmak iin V4 vanasn, ardndan V3 ve
V6 vanasn an.
V13 vanasndan her iki saatte bir rnek aln ve gerekirse pH ve Cl
deerlerini kontrol edin.
Filtreyi dzenli olarak kontrol edin. Filtre tkandnda, filtre temizliine
gein ve pis filtreden rnek toplayn.
Atk su taraf temizlii bittiinde (aada 4.4.1. paragraf madde 2'deki
kriterlere bakn) V4 ve V3 vanalarn kapatn ve pompay durdurun.
V2a ve V2b vanalarn (veya kullanlan filtreye bal olarak V2c ve V2d)
ve V1 vanasn kapatn.
Atk su tarafn boaltma
Dikkat: Her zaman atk su tarafn nce boaltn.
23 Boaltmaya balamak iin V6 ve V11 vanasn an.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval
Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 10 / 15

Boaltma srasnda, V14 vanasndan bir sv rnei aln (boaltmann

balangcnda, ortasnda ve sonunda).
25 Atk su taraf boaldnda, V6 vanasn kapatn.
D kabuk + Besleme taraf boaltma
Dikkat: Her zaman D kabuk + Besleme tarafn Atk su tarafndan sonra boaltn.
26 V15 ve V16 vanasndaki havalandrmay an.
27 V4, V5 ve V11 vanalarn an.
Boaltma srasnda, V14 vanasndan bir sv rnei aln (boaltmann
28 balangcnda, ortasnda ve sonunda). pH ve klorid deerlerini kontrol

4.4.1 Yorumlar:
1. rnek zerinde yaplacak analiz, temizliin amacna baldr: tuzlar, demir oksitleri,
gamlar, vb. giderme bkz. Ek No. 1.

2. Boaltlan zelti analizleri hedeflere uygun olduunda bir tarafn temizlii bitmi
saylr bkz. para 6.

3. ok pislendiinde veya satre olduunda temizlik zeltisi deitirilmelidir.

- PACKINOX Is Eanjrn boaltn: adm 21 ila 27,
- Adm 1'den itibaren temizlie devam edin.

4. Sirklasyon srasnda, mekanik bir etki elde etmek iin pompann durdurulmas ve
kabarcklanma uygulamas nerilir:
- Sirklasyon pompasn durdurun.
- Kombine Besleme taraf: V9 vanasn an.
- Atk su taraf: V10 vanasn an.
- 30 dak. boyunca kabarcklanmay devam ettirin.
- V9 ve V10 vanalarn kapatn.
- Sirklasyon pompasn yeniden balatn.

5 Durulama

Minerali alnm su ile durulama aadaki durumlarda zorunludur:

- PACKINOX Is Eanjrn amadan ve iine girmeden nce, NA2CO3 (%2 a.)
kullanlmas durumu hari tm durumlarda.
- NA2CO3 (%2 a.) kullanlmas durumunda tm kontrol ve onarm ileri
tamamlandktan sonra ve cihaz tekrar altrlmadan nce.
Durulama iin baz admlar - rn. temizlik (Doldurma ve Boaltma veya Sirklasyon)

6 Kabul Kriterleri

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval
Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 11 / 15


AMONYUM TUZLARI zeltinin klorid ierii, temiz zelti ieriinden

maksimum 20 ppm daha yksek olmaldr
Boaltlan suyun klorid ierii (durulama sonrasnda) 20
ppm'den daha dk olmaldr.
pH'te deiiklik yok
HAFF GAMLAR zelti temiz olduunda temizlik tamamlanr
POLAROMATK Yabanc madde yok
DEMR OKSTLER pH'te deiiklik yok
Fe konsantrasyonunda deiiklik yok.
DER PACKINOX tarafndan teyit edilecek

7 Kurutma

- PACKINOX Is Eanjr almadan ve iine girilmeden nce temizlik ilemi
yaplmsa zorunludur,
- PACKINOX Is Eanjr su zeltisi ile (amonyakl su, EDTA zeltileri,... )
temizlendikten sonra yaplmas iddetle nerilir (suda katalizr zehirlenmesini
nlemek iin).

PACKINOX Is Eanjr tamamen boaltldnda yaplmaldr:

- E1 (geri dnm gaz girii), U2 (d kabuk boaltma) ve S2 (atk su k) zerindeki
flanlar skn.
- S1 (Besleme k) ve E2 (Atk su girii) ularna fleyicileri monte edin.
- 12 saat boyunca yukardan aaya doru maksimum 80C (176F)'de azot veya kuru
hava fleyin.

Not: Balantlar ayrca 2 apndaki A1 ve A2 havalandrmalarna da yerletirilebilir (S1

ve E2 ular yerine). Byle bir durumda A1 ve A2 ular kreltilmelidir.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval
Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 12 / 15

EK No. 1: Kullanlacak temizlik zeltisi

1. Temizlik zeltisi

Bir kontrol veya onarm ilemine balarken, PACKINOX Is Eanjrn ak havaya
maruz brakmadan nce amonyakl su zeltisi + Oksijen tutucu uygulanmaldr.


AMONYUM TUZLARI Amonyak su zeltisi + Oksijen tutucu
- Minerali alnm su veya kondensatlar,
- Sulu amonyak zeltisi (%0.2 a.) veya
NA2CO3 (%2 a.),
- Oksijen tutucu (karbonhidraz veya
- 70C (160F)'den dk scaklk.
HAFF GAMLAR POLAROMATK Aromatik solvent (toluen, LCO, )
Paslanmaz elik uyumlu herhangi bir zelti
(phe durumunda PACKINOX ile irtibata
DEMR OKSTLER EDTA + Korozyon nhibitr + Oksijen
tutucu (karbonhidraz veya edeeri),
Sitrik asit
Paslanmaz elik uyumlu herhangi bir zelti
(phe durumunda PACKINOX ile irtibata
AIR KARBON KR Karbon arndrma
nite yaplandrmasna gre gerekletirilecek
DER PACKINOX tarafndan teyit edilecek

2. zlenecek parametreler ve temizlik kriterlerinin sonu


AMONYUM TUZLARI Boaltlan zelti, pH, Cl- ve Fe izlenmelidir.
zeltinin klorid ierii, temiz zelti
ieriinden 20 ppm daha yksek olmaldr.
Boaltlan suyun klorid ierii (durulama
sonrasnda) 20 ppm'den daha dk
HAFF GAMLAR POLAROMATK zelti iindeki kat artklar, gamlar ve
karbonlar izlenmelidir,
DEMR OKSTLER pH ve Fe izlenmelidir.
DER PACKINOX tarafndan teyit edilecek

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval
Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 13 / 15


Dikkat: Bu ematik bir izimdir, balant ularnn doru konumlar iin Alfa Laval
Packinox izimlerine bavurun.

Kanalizasyona Kanalizasyona
S1 E2
(Kpk veya sv tamas (Kpk veya sv
durumunda) tamas durumunda)
A1 A2

lk doldurma seviyesi
TH (kabarcklandrma yok)

lk doldurmadan sonra ykama

seviyesi (kabarcklandrma var)

Sv seviyesi Sv seviyesi
borusu borusu
(Besleme taraf) (Atk su taraf)

E1: Geri dnm gaz

S1: Kombine Besleme
E2: Atk Su Girii
Azot girii S2: Atk Su k
M1, M2: sv beslemesi
V8 U1: Havalandrma
U2: Boaltma

V6 U2 A4

3 ila 4 V7
Azot girii
V3 V4
V2 V5
Besleme Pompas
Drenaj Tanktan
V10 V9 V1
Numune alma 3 ila 4
noktas (Temizlik zeltisi enjeksiyonu)
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval
Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 14 / 15


Dikkat: Bu ematik bir izimdir, balant ularnn doru konumlar iin Alfa Laval
Packinox izimlerine bavurun.
Su seviyesi Su seviyesi borusu
borusu (Atk su taraf)
(Besleme taraf)

V18 V15 S1 V17

V16 Sirklasyon besleme taraf
A2 A1


Sirklasyon atk su taraf


Numune alma
noktalar V13

E1 U2 A4 V8
V4 V6 V10 Temizlik
V2a V2b
V5 zeltisi
V3 V2c V1 Sirklasyon
Filtreler tank

V14 Numune alma noktas

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval
Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 15 / 15

Kuru scak Hava veya N2 Enjeksiyonu Kuru scak Hava veya N2 Enjeksiyonu


E2 S1

A2 U1 A1
2 2




Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval
Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 1 / 11



Nom Entit Tarih

REVZYON C Ad Blm Tarih
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Servis 14/9/2012

Vrificateur(s) Franck ALENDA Tetkik 18/9/2012


Approbateur Dominique SABIN Servis ynetimi 18/9/2012

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Belge kalite sistemi gereince elektronik olarak onaylanmtr ve imzasz olarak uygulanr.
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 2 / 11


Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revizyon Uygulama tarihi Revizyon konusu
A 19/11/2004 SA/MPX 101 Rev.D 'Pskrtme ubuu temizlk, skm ve montaj'
prosedr deiiklii
B 1/10/2007 Geri Bildirim sonras ykseltildi
C 18/9/2012 Mteri geri bildirimine gre gncellendi


1 - Giri

2 - Ama

3 Montaj ve skm prosedr

3.1. Pskrtme ubuu Arac

3.2. Pskrtme ubuklarnn Montaj

3.3. Pskrtme ubuunun Sklmesi

4 Pskrtme ubuu Temizlii

4.1. Geri Ykama Yntemi

4.2. Haval/Sulu Temizleme

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 3 / 11

1 - Giri

Bu prosedrde, PACKINOX Birleik Besleme/Atk Su Is Eanjr iin0 pskrtme

ubuu montaj, skm ve temizlik ilemleri hakknda bilgi verilmektedir. Bu prosedrde
tanmlanan tm ekipmanlar PACKINOX tedarik kapsamndadr.

Bu prosedr, PACKINOX Services tarafndan ok sayda montaj ileminde kazanlan

deneyimi yanstmaktadr.
PACKINOX Services gerektiinde neri ve yardm salayabilir.
lk pskrtme ubuu montaj veya temizlii iin, PACKINOX Services ile irtibata
gemenizi neririz.

2 - Ama

Bu belge ile pskrtme ubuu montaj, skm ve temizlik ilemlerinin aklanmas

Pskrtme ubuklarnn dzgn almas, eanjrn performans iin ok nemlidir.
Pskrtme ubuklar u durumlarda sklerek temizlenmelidir:
- alma srasnda normalden daha yksek bir basn d gelitiinde
- bakm ve denetim prosedr buu gerektirdiinde.
Pskrtme ubuklar uygun pskrtme azlarna monte edilir ve yerleri deitirilemez (bkz.
Detay N1).
Kolay tanmlama iin, ilgili az flan ve pskrtme ubuu iaretlenmitir.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 4 / 11

3 Montaj ve Skm prosedr

3.1. Pskrtme ubuu Arac

PACKINOX Detay No. 2'de gsterilen, zel bir pskrtme ubuu arac salamaktadr.
Bu ara, pskrtme ubuunu yerine monte etmek, skmek ve tutmak iin kullanlr.
Bu ara pskrtme ubuunu ve ift genleme krklerini destekler.
Ara genleme balantsnn nakliye, depolama ve montaj srasnda bklmesini nler.

3.1.1. Pskrtme ubuu aracnn yerletirilmesi

Pskrtme ubuunu PACKINOX s eanjrne monte etmeden nce, pskrtme ubuu

aracn aadaki gibi pskrtme ubuunun iine yerletirin:
- Arac, detay No.2'de gsterildii gibi, sv besleme giri flanndan yavaa ve dikkatle
pskrtme ubuunun iine doru kaydrn.
- Arac pskrtme ubuunun sonuna kadar itin.

3.1.2. Pskrtme ubuu Aracnn Sklmesi

Arac yavaa pskrtme ubuundan ekerek karn.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 5 / 11

3.2. Pskrtme ubuu Montaj

Pskrtme ubuklarn s eanjrne monte etmeden nce, pskrtme ubuu aracn
stteki 3.1.1 prosedrn izleyerek pskrtme ubuuna yerletirin. Daha sonra
aadaki yolu izleyin:
- Giri az flan ile pskrtme ubuu flan arasna conta takn, bkz. ayrnt No. 3.
- Pskrtme ubuunu sadece "J" ile gsterilen kaldrma sapn kullanarak kaldrn.
- Pskrtme ubuunun alt ksmn yarm silindirik klavuz (detay No. 3'te gsterildii
gibi alt ana boru ierisinde bulunan) zerine yerletirerek, pskrtme ubuunu M1
ve M2 azlarndan monte edin.

- Pskrtme ubuunu klavuzun iine doru kaydrarak, ksmi kresel kt ek konik

yuvasna denk gelecek ekilde ve pim delikleri ile boru flanlar hizalanacak ekilde
pskrtme ubuu montaj donanmn eanjr ierisine itin (bkz. detay No. 4).
(Not: Bu noktada, giri az contas ile pskrtme ubuu arasnda yaklak 10 mm (1/2
in) mesafe olacaktr.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 6 / 11

- Cvatalar flanlara yerletirin ve "gei yntemi" ile skn

- Pskrtme ubuu aracn karn (bkz. detay No. 5).

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 7 / 11

- Kaldrma aracn "J" ile gsterilen kaldrma sapndan karn.

- Konik zgaray metalli plastik conta ile monte edin

Metalli plastik

Konik Izgara

- Sistem borularn pskrtme ubuu flanna balayn.

3.3. Pskrtme ubuunun Sklmesi

- Sistem borularnn pskrtme ubuu flan ile balantsn kesin.

- ift kr ve pskrtme ubuunun hareketli blmn dzeltmek iin, pskrtme
ubuu aracn stteki 3.1.1 prosedrn izleyerek yerletirin (bkz. stteki detay No. 2).
- Kaldrma aracn "J" ile gsterilen kaldrma sapna ilitirin.
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 8 / 11

- Pskrtme ubuu ile giri az flan arasndaki cvatalar karn.

- Pskrtme ubuu donanmn yavaa ekip s eanjrnden karn.
- Pskrtme ubuu donanmn dz bir yzey zerine yerletirin ve pskrtme ubuu
nisbeten yatay ve tamamen dengede olacak ekilde flann karsndaki ucu destekleyin.

4 Pskrtme ubuu

Pskrtme ubuu, proses koullarna bal olarak dzenli olarak temizlenmelidir.

Normalde, pskrtme ubuklar her yn deiimi srasnda temizlenir.
Pskrtme ubuunda grlen tortu tr ve miktarna bal olarak, temizlik u ekilde
- alma srasnda geri ykama.
- Hava ve saf su ile ykama (pskrtme ubuklarnn ularnda bulunan tortular
gidermek iin KRCHER gibi basnl ykama arac kullanm iyi bir yntemdir)
+ pskrtme ubuundaki tkanm delikleri amak iin mekanik temizlik.

4.1. Geri Ykama Yntemi:

4.1.1 - Geri ykama arac (alttaki genel izime bakn) :
PACKINOX Is Eanjr 2 pskrtme ubuu ile donatlm olduunda, PACKINOX her
bir pskrtme ubuuna geri ykama sistemi kurulmasn nerir.
Konik/Eik blme giden hat 1 veya 2 olmaldr.

Konik/Eik blme
giden hat

Geri Ykama
Kapatma vanas No.
2: V2 Pskrtme
Filtrelerden kan
sv besleme hatt

Geri Ykama Kapatma vanas No. 1: V1

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 9 / 11


veya Eik



Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 10 / 11

4.1.2 - Geri Ykama Prosedr :

Bu prosedr geneldir ve her bir nitenin montajna zel olarak uyarlanmaldr (1 veya 2
pskrtme ubuu, her bir pskrtme ubuunda geri ykama sistemi, vb.).
Ana admlar yledir:
OLAY 1 Bir pskrtme ubuu iin geri ykama sistemi:
a) Sv Besleme akmn durdur,
b) V1 vanalarn kapat,
c) V2 vanalarn a,
d) Konik blmn akmn 30 saniye ila 1 dakika aras muhafaza et,
e) V2 vanasn kapat,
f) V1 vanasn a,
g) Sv Besleme akmn yeniden balat.

OLAY 2 Her bir pskrtme ubuu iin geri ykama sistemi:

a) V2a ve V2b'nin kapal olduunu kontrol et
b) V1a vanalarn kapat,
c) V2a vanalarn a,
d) Konik blmn akmn 30 saniye ila 1 dakika aras muhafaza et,
e) V2a vanasn kapat,
f) V1a vanasn a,
g) V1b vanalarn kapat,
h) V2b vanalarn a,
i) Konik blmn akmn 30 saniye ila 1 dakika aras muhafaza et,
j) V2b vanasn kapat,
k) V1b vanasn a,

Geri ykama ilemi srasnda (konik blmn tersine olan akmn almas), nite alma
basncnda kk bir azalma grlr (herhangi bir gaz takviye akm zerindeki ilgili
potansiyel etki ile birlikte).
Herhangi bir ters basnc nlemek iin, atk su akm basnc - Birleik Besleme basnc
oran da izlenmelidir (Birleik Besleme basnc daima Atk Su basncndan yksek

4.2. Hava /Su + Mekanik Temizlik:

Pskrtme ubuklarn u ekilde temizleyin:

- Pskrtme ubuunu PACKINOX Is Eanjrnden stteki 3.3. prosedrn
izleyerek karn.
- Pskrtme ubuunu dz bir yzey zerine yerletirin ve pskrtme ubuu nisbeten
yatay ve tamamen dengede olacak ekilde flann karsndaki ucu destekleyin.
- Utaki kapa karn,
- Tm tkanm pskrtme ubuu deliklerini maksimum 3mm (1/8 in)'lik kesit apna
sahip silindirik bir elik alet, rnein bir para kaynak telini delikten ieri iterek an.
- Tm delikler aldktan sonra, her bir delikteki kir ve dier paracklar basnl hava
ve/veya saf su pskrtme yntemi ile temizleyin (bkz detay No. 6). Pskrtme ubuunu
temizlemek iin su kullanlyorsa, prktme ubuu yeniden monte edilmeden nce
yasz basnl hava ile tamamen kurutulmaldr.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 11 / 11

- Pskrtme ubuunu yeniden s eanjrne monte etmeden nce utaki kapa yerine
takn ve cvatalayn.
Not: Pskrtme ubuu ile u kapak arasnda conta yoktur.
- Pskrtme ubuunu s eanjrne stteki 3.2. prosedrn izleyerek yeniden monte

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 1 / 17


Nom Entit Tarih

REVZYON D Ad Blm Tarih
Rdacteur Laure GUICHARD Tetkik 25/1/2008

Dominique SABIN Servis 25/1/2008

Approbateur Dominique SABIN Servis ynetimi 25/1/2008

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 2 / 17

Belge kalite sistemi gereince elektronik olarak onaylanmtr ve imzasz olarak uygulanr.

Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revizyon Uygulama tarihi Revizyon konusu
B 15/04/2003 Sznt hz hesaplama tanm ve giri az tanmnda deiiklik
C 14/1/2005 Dzeltmeler
D 25/1/2008 Pompa zelliklerinin kullanm yntemine ekleme


1. Giri .................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Ama................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Gvde ve Birleik Besleme Tarafnda Basn ile Test ................................................... 4
4. Atk Su Tarafndaki vakumlu test ................................................................................... 5
5. Sznt Hz Hesaplamas ................................................................................................... 7
6. Test Sonras Depolama Koullar .................................................................................. 13

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 3 / 17

1. Giri
Bu prosedrde, dikey konumdaki bir PACKINOX Birleik Besleme/Atk Su Is Eanjrne
ait yerinde szdrmazlk testi ynergeleri aklanmaktadr.

Bu prosedr, PACKINOX Services tarafndan ok sayda montaj ileminde kazanlan

deneyimi yanstmaktadr.
PACKINOX Services gerektiinde neri ve yardm salayabilir.
lk testin yrtlmesi iin, PACKINOX Services ile irtibata gemenizi iddetle tavsiye

2. Ama
Bu testin amac, kapatma ilemi srasnda birleik besleme ile atk su akmlar arasnda
herhangi bir kesien kanal sznts olup olmadn deerlendirmektir.

Bu prosedrde 2 test yntemi aklanmaktadr:

1 Basn altnda Gvde + Birleik Besleme tarafnda,
2 Vakum altnda Atk Su tarafnda.

'retim sonunda' gerekletirilen test ile ayn olduunda, test 2 Vakum altnda Atk su
tarafnda seenei tavsiye edilir. Bu test srasnda kullanlacak diferansiyel basn (0,2 bar
veya 2,9 Psi) ayn zamanda PACKINOX tarafndan retim sonu testi iin kullanlan
diferansiyel basntr ve bu Is Eanjrnn tm kullanm mrnde kolay takip

Plaka paketindeki diferansiyel basn tersine evrilirse (atk su basnc birleik besleme
basncndan daha yksek), mekanik hasar oluabilir.
Plaka paketi sadece tek yndeki diferansiyel basnca dayanacak ekilde tasarlanmtr (P
Birleik Besleme > P Atk Su).

Giri az etiketlerinin kimi zaman projeye gre zelletirildiini ve bu prosedr ve

izimlerdeki etiketler arasnda baz farklar olabileceini unutmayn.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 4 / 17

3. Gvde ve Birleik Besleme Tarafnda Basn ile Test

Ek No.1'deki detayl ema izimlerine bakn.

- PACKINOX Is Eanjr nitenin dier tehizatndan yaltlm olmaldr.
- S1 (birleik besleme k), TH (giri delii), U1 (havalandrma), U2 (tahliye), M veya
M1 ve M2 (sv besleme girii), A1 (Yardmc) azlar kapatlm.
- Geri dnm gaz giriine (El) basnlandrma pompas ve 2000 mm (6 ft 3/4 in.) su
stunu lebilen bir su basn leri monte edilmitir.
- Atk su sistemi atmosferik basnta kalr: E2 (atk su giri) ve S2 (atk su k) azlar
ak ve hava alyor.
- Basnlandrma gaz nitrojen veya kuru hava olabilir: (youma noktas < - 20C / -

3.1. Gvde + Birleik Besleme tarafndaki Basn Kaybnn llmesi

lem listesi yledir:

lem No. Ynerge/Ynergeler

1 Gvde + birleik besleme tarafn basnlandrmak iin V1 vanasn
2 Basnc kademeli olarak 0 ila 0,2 bar / 2,9 psig / 2000 mm (6 ft 3/4
in) H2O eklinde artrn.
Basnlandrma hz 0,01 bar/dak / 0,145 psi/dak / 100 mm/dak
(0,34 in/dak) H2O olmaldr.
Devredeki hava kullanlrsa art iin yaklak 20 dakika gerekir.
3 Gvde + birleik besleme tarafndaki basn 0,2 bar/2,9 psig / 2000
mm (6 ft 3/4 in) H2O deerine ulatnda, V1 vanasn kapatn.
4 Gvde + birleik besleme tarafndaki basncn dengelenmesi iin 10
dakika bekleyin.
5 Herhangi bir basn kaybn karlamak iin (gerekirse) V1 vanasn
6 Besleme + birleik besleme tarafndaki basn tekrar 0,2 barg / 2,9
psig / 2000 mm (6 ft 3/4 in.) H2O deerine ular ulamaz V1
vanasn kapatn.
7 Scakl not edin. Scaklk kayd termokupl Tl tarafndan yaplabilir.
20 dakikalk bekleme sresi iin testi balatn.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 5 / 17

8 Test srasnda, alttaki tabloya basn kaybn kaydedin:

Sre (dak) Gvde+Birleik Gvde+Birleik

besleme Basnc besleme
(mm su) Basn kayb
(mm su)
0 2000 0
5 1900 100
10 1700 300

Basn kayb hzl olursa (20 dakikadan ksa srede tam basn kayb),
%50 basn kayb (0.1 barg / 1.45 psig / 1000 mm (3 ft 3/8 in) H2O)
iin test ve hesaplama durdurulmaldr.

Sre (dak) Gvde+Birleik Gvde+Birleik

besleme Basnc besleme
(mm su) Basn kayb
(mm su)
0 2000 0
z 1000 1000

9 Scaklk ve basntaki deiikliklere gre, test hassasiyeti 10 mm (3/8

in) su deiimi eklindedir.
10 Gvde + birleik besleme tarafndaki basnc gidermek iin V1
vanasn an.
Basn giderme hz 10 bar/dak / 0,145 psi/dak / 100 mm/dak (0,34
in/dak) H2O olmaldr.
11 Besleme ile atk su akmlar arasndaki iletim kesien kanal szntsn
madde 5'te tanmlanan ynteme gre tahmin edin.

4. Atk Su Tarafndaki vakumlu test

Ek No.2'deki detayl ema izimlerine bakn.

4.1. Hazrlk

- PACKINOX Is Eanjr nitenin dier tehizatndan yaltlm olmaldr.

- Gvde + birleik besleme tarafndaki basn atmosferik basntr: E1 (geri dnm gaz
giri), S1 (birleik besleme k), TH (giri delii), U1 (havalandrma), U2 (tahliye), M
veya M1 ve M2 (sv besleme giri) azlar alr.
- S2 (Atk Su k) azna bir vakum pompas ve 2000 mm (6ft 3/4 in.) su stunu
lebilen bir su basn leri monte edilmitir.
- E2 (Atk Su Giri), A2 ve A4 (Yardmc) azlar kapanr.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 6 / 17

4.2. Atk Su tarafndaki Basn Art/Vakum Kaybnn llmesi

lem listesi yledir:

lem No. Ynerge/Ynergeler

1 Atk su tarafndaki vakumu ekmek iin V1 vanasn an.
2 Basnc kademeli olarak 0 ila 0,2 bar / 2,9 psig / 2000 mm (6 ft 3/4
in) H2O eklinde azaltn.
Basn giderme hz 0,01 bar/dak / 0,145 psi/dak / 100 mm/dak
(in/dak) H2O olmaldr.
Azaltma iin 20 dakika gerekir.
3 Atk su tarafndaki vakum 0,2 bar/2,9 psig / 2000 mm (6 ft 3/4 in)
H2O deerine ulatnda, V1 vanasn kapatn.
4 Atk su tarafndaki vakum dengemesi iin 10 dakika bekleyin.
5 Herhangi bir vakum kaybn karlamak iin (gerekirse) V1 vanasn
6 At su tarafndaki vakum tekrar 0,2 barg / 2,9 psig / 2000 mm (6 ft
3/4 in.) H2O deerine ular ulamaz V1 vanasn kapatn.
7 Scakl not edin. Scaklk kayd termokupl Tl tarafndan yaplabilir.
20 dakikalk bekleme sresi iin testi balatn.
8 Test srasnda, alttaki tabloya vakum kaybn kaydedin:

Sre (dak) Atk Su Basnc Atk Su Basn Art

(mm su) (mm su)
0 - 2000 0
5 - 1950 50
10 - 1900 100

Vakum kayb hzl olursa (20 dakikadan ksa srede tam basn kayb),
%50 basn kayb (0.1 barg / 1.45 psig / 1000 mm (3 ft 3/8 in) H2O)
iin test ve hesaplama durdurulmaldr.

Sre (dak) Atk Su Basnc Atk Su Basn Art

(mm su) (mm su)
0 - 2000 0
z - 1000 1000

9 Scaklk ve basntaki deiikliklere gre, test hassasiyeti 10mm (3/8

in) su deiimi eklindedir.
10 Atk su tarafn basnlandrmak iin V1 vanasn an. Basnlandrma
hz 10 bar/dak / 0,145 psi/dak / 100 mm/dak (in/dak) H2O
11 Besleme ile atk su akmlar arasndaki iletim kesien kanal szntsn
madde 5'te tanmlanan ynteme gre tahmin edin.

Vakum -200 mbar / 2000 mm H2O deerinde muhafaza edilemezse, basnc

Rev D mmkn olduunca azaltn ve deeri en az 30 dakika koruyun.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 7 / 17

5. Sznt Hz Hesaplamas
Test sonular ile alma srasndaki kesien kanal sznt hz arasnda iki deitirme
- Madde 5.1.'de tanmland ekilde basit yntem (Bernoulli denklemleri).
- Madde 5.2.'de tanmland ekilde hassas yntem (Saint-Venant denklemleri).

Aadaki proses verileri ve sabiti hassas yntem iin kullanlacaktr. Basit yntem iin
bunlardan daha az veri gerekir (bunlarn sadece bir blm).

5.1. Proses verileri:

- Toplam atk su ak hz, M effluent (kg/sa),

- Scak taraftaki besleme scakl Top (C),
- Scak taraftaki besleme mutlak basnc Pfeed op (bar a),
- Scak taraftaki atk su mutlak basnc Peffluent op (bar a),
- Scak taraftaki besleme buhar younluu op (kg/m3)
- Scak taraftaki besleme buharnn zel ss Cpop (J/(kg.C)),

5.2. Sabit:
- 20920 bir sabittir,
- r (hava iin) = 287 J/(kg.C)
- r (Nitrojen iin) = 297 J/(kg.C)
- (Hava ve Nitrojen iin) = 1,4
- Kuru havann 0C (32F)'deki younluu = 1,293 kg/m3 (0.0805 lb/ft3) @ 1 atm

P( Pa abs)
Dier scaklk ve basn deerleri iin:
287 T (C ) 273 .15

- Nitrojenin C (32F)'deki younluu = 1,250 kg/m3 (0.0805 lb/ft3) @ 1 atm

P( Pa abs)
Dier scaklk ve basn deerleri iin:
297 T (C ) 273 .15

5.3. Test Verileri:

- V basnlandrma/vakum gaz tarafndan igal edilen hacimdir (test hacmi) (m3),
- t test sresidir (dakika),
- Pmeasured testin balangcndan sonuna basn farkdr (bar) :

gvde+besleme tarafndaki basn kayb (basn testi) - atk su

tarafndaki vakum kayb (vakum testi).

- Ttest test srasndaki sv scakldr (C),

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 8 / 17

- Peffluent test test srasndaki atk su basncdr (bar a),

- Pfeed test test srasndaki besleme basncdr (bar a),
- AV
Ptest test srasnda test edilen hacim (V) basncnn ortalamasdr (bar a).
- vide (mbar), -200 mbar deerine ulalamamas durumunda ulalan ve
Rev D korunan maksimum boluk deeridir.

5.4. Sznt hz tahmin (R) forml :

Sznt hz hesaplamas iin forml yledir:


FB Temel Faktr (basit ve hassas yntem iin ayn) :
- Basn -200 mbar/-2000 mm H2O deerine azaltlr ve bu deer
V 1 Pmeasured
FB 20920
Rev D t M effluent Ttest 273 .15

- Aksi takdirde
0.109 vide 39 .633 test
FB 100 vide
1000 rtest Ttest 273 .15

N.B.: Bu forml sadece Packinox Services pompalar Midiflex M200 veya PIAB
Round veya ayn zelliklere sahip bir pompa iin geerlidir (bkz. Ek 3)

FC test sonucunu alma sznt hzna evirmek iin kullanlan

Dzeltme Faktrdr. Bu faktrn hesaplamas seilen ynteme
baldr (basit ya da hassas).

5.4.1. Basit yntem (Bernoulli denklemleri) ile FC hesaplamas

P feed op Peffluent op op
P feed test Peffluent test test

5.4.2. Hassas yntem (Saint-Venant denklemleri) ile FC hesaplamas

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 9 / 17

op 1
op 2 op 1 2 op 1

Machop . Pfeed op 10 1 2

rop .Top 273.15

test 1
5 test 2 test 1 2 test 1
Machtest .Pfeed test 10
r .T 273.15 1 Mach 2
test test 2

burada (hem test hem de alma deerleri iin):


Peffluent P
2 effluent
Eer 0.5283 Mach 1 1,
1 Pfeed

Eer 0.5283 Mach 1 ,
Pfeed 105
r , [J.kg-1.C-1],
(T 273.15)

Cp r

5.4.3. Sznt hz hesaplama rnekleri

Hem basn testi hem de vakum testi iin hesaplama yaplacaktr. Bu testlerin her biri iin,
hem basit hem de hassas yntemler iin hesaplamalar tanmlanr. Test edilen PACKINOX Is Eanjr proses verileri

- M effluent = 100000 kg/sa,

- Top = 450 C,
- Pfeed op = 10 bar a,
- Peffluent op = 6 bar a,
- op = 4 kg/m3,
- Cpop = 3000 J/(kg.C), Gvde ve birleik besleme tarafndaki basn testi (hava ile) iin
hesaplamalar Test verileri

- V = 6 m3 ,
- t = 20 dakika,
- Pmeasured = 0,03 bar,
- Ttest = 25 C,
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 10 / 17

- Peffluent test = 1 bar a

- Pfeed test = 1,2 bar a Temel Faktr (FB) hesaplamas

V 1 Pmeasured 6 1 0.03
FB 20920 20920
t M effluent Ttest 273.15 20 100000 25 273.15
FB 6.315 10 6

Ayrca test srasnda besleme basnc ortalamasn da hesaplanr:

Pmeasured 0.03
test Pfeed test 1.2 1.185 bar a
2 2 Basit yntem ile Dzeltme Faktr (FC) hesaplamas

P feed op Peffluent op op
feed test
Peffluent test test

test 10 1.185105
AV 5
test 1.385 kg / m3
287 (Ttest 273.15) 287 (25 273.15)

10 6 4 7.902
1.185 11.385 Hassas yntem ile Dzeltme Faktr (FC) hesaplamas

op 1
2 op 1
Machop .Pfeed op 10
1 op

rop .Top 273.15

test 1
5 test 2 test 1 2 test 1
Machtest .P AV
feed test 10
r .T 273.15 1 Mach 2
test test 2

test 1

Peffluent test 1 P
2 effluent test test
0.844 0.5283 Machtest 1
1.185 AV
test 1 Pfeed test
feed test

test 1.4

2 1 1.4 0.498 1
Machtest 1
1.4 1 1.185

op 1

Peffluent op 6
2 Peffluent op op
0.600 0.5283 Machop 1
Pfeed op 10
op 1 Pfeed op

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 11 / 17

Pfeed op 105 10 105

rop 345.7 J/(kg.C)
op (Top 273) 4 (450 273.15)
Cpop 3000
op 1.13
Cpop rop 3000 345.7

2 6 1.13
Machop 1 0.965 1
1.13 1 10

5 2 1.13 1

0.965 . 10 10 1.13

345.7 450 273.15 1 0 .965 2

2 1.131

FC 6.137
1.4 1
5 2 1.4 1

0 .498 . 1.185 10 1.4

287 25 273.15 1 0. 498 2

2 1.4 1


Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 12 / 17 Sznt hz hesaplamas

R FB FC 6.315 10 6 FC

R 6.315106 7.902 4.99 105 , basit yntem ile

R 6.315106 6.137 3.88 105 , hassas yntem ile Atk su tarafndaki vakum testi hesaplamalar Test verileri

- V = 6 m3 ,
- t = 20 dakika,
- Pmeasured = 0,03 bar,
- Ttest = 25 C,
- Peffluent test = 0,8 bar a
- Pfeed test = 1 bar a Temel Faktr (FB) hesaplamas

V 1 Pmeasured 6 1 0.03
FB 20920 20920
t M effluent Ttest 273.15
20 100000 25 273.15
FB 6.315 10 6

Ayrca test srasnda atk su basnc ortalamasn da hesaplanr:

Pmeasured 0.03
ffluent test Peffluenttest
PeAV 0.8 0.815 bar a
2 2 Basit yntem ile Dzeltme Faktr (FC) hesaplamas

P feed op Peffluent op op
P feed test
ffluent test test

Pfeed test 105 1105

test 1.169 kg / m3
287 (Ttest 273.15) 287 (25 273.15)

10 6 4 8.601
1 0.8151.169

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 13 / 17 Hassas yntem ile Dzeltme Faktr (FC) hesaplamas

op 1
2 op 1
Machop .Pfeed op 10
1 op

rop .Top 273.15

test 1
5 test 2 test 1 2 test 1
Machtest .Pfeedtest 10 r .T 273.15 1 2 Machtest

test test

test 1
Peffluent test test
PeAV 0.815 2
ffluent test
0.815 0.5283 Machtest 1
Pfeed test 1 test 1 Pfeed test

test 1.4

2 0.815 1.4
Machtest 1 0.549 1
1.4 1 1

op 1

Peffluent op 6 P
2 effluent op op
0.600 0.5283 Machop 1
Pfeed op 10
op 1 Pfeed op

Pfeed op 105 10 105
rop 345.7 J/(kg.C)
op (Top 273) 4 (450 273.15)
Cpop 3000
op 1.13
Cpop rop 3000 345.7

2 6 1.13
Machop 1 0.965 1
1.13 1 10

5 2 1.13 1

0.965 . 10
10 1.13
345.7 450 273.15 1 0.965 2

2 1.131

FC 6.808
1.4 1
5 2 1.4 1

0.549 . 1
10 1.4

287 25 273.15 1 0.549 2

2 1.4 1

2 Sznt hz hesaplamas

R FB FC 6.315 10 6 FC
R 6.315106 8.601 5.43105 , basit yntem ile
R 6.315106 6.808 4.30 105 , hassas yntem ile

6. Test Sonras Depolama Koullar

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 14 / 17

PACKINOX Is Eanjrne nem girmesini nlemek iin, nite yeniden balatlmadan nce
kuru hava veya nitrojenli hava altnda tutulmaldr.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 15 / 17

EK 1 : Basn altnda Hava Geirmezlik testi iin Yaltm ve balant izimi

U1 E2: Atk Girii

S1: Birleik Besleme k

A1 A2






M veya M1/M2
Sv Besleme

E1 : Geri Dnm
Gaz Girii
Su Basn ler A
4S2: Atk k

sistemi veya Hava

EK 2 : Atk su tarafndaki Vakum testi iin Yaltm ve balant izimi

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 16 / 17

U1 E2: Atk Girii

S1: Birleik Besleme k

A1 A2






M veya M1/M2
Sv Besleme

E1 : Geri Dnm
Gaz Girii A4
S2: Atk k

Su Basn ler

EK 3 : PIAB Round M200 pompasnn zellikleri

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 17 / 17

Emilen havaya ait ak hz:

Besleme basnc: 0.6 MPa

Rev D
Vakum seviyesi (- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Emilen havaya ait 40 28 18,5 9,6 4,8 3,6 2,4 1,3 0,6 0,1
ak hz (Nl/s)

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 1 / 10



Nom Entit Tarih

REVZYON A Ad Blm Tarih
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Servis 19/11/2004

Vrificateur(s) Dominique SABIN Tetkik 19/11/2004


Approbateur Gilles CAZIN Servis ynetimi 8/12/2004

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Belge kalite sistemi gereince elektronik olarak onaylanmtr ve imzasz olarak uygulanr.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 2 / 10


Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revizyon Uygulama tarihi Revizyon konusu
A 8/12/2004 Birinci basm

1 - Giri

2 Referans

3 Ekipman

4 Minimum Scaklk

5 Su testinden nceki ve sonraki kontroller Kabul Kriterleri

6 Test Ynergeleri

7 Test Performans

8 Kontrol Basncndaki test srasnda deerlendirme

9 Kabul kriterleri

10 Denetleme kuruluunun mdahalesi

11 Test sonras dzenlenecek belgeler

12 Kurutma gereksinimleri

Ek No. 1 : ematik izim

Ek No. 2 : Test srasnda vanalarn konumu

Ek No. 3 : Basn art/azalma kayd iin tipik kart.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 3 / 10

1 - Giri

Bu prosedrde, dikey konumda monte edilmi bir PACKINOX Birleik Besleme/Atk Su

Is Eanjrne ait su testi koullar ve ynergeleri aklanmaktadr.

Bu prosedr, PACKINOX Services tarafndan ok sayda montaj ileminde kazanlan

deneyimi yanstmaktadr.
PACKINOX Services gerektiinde neri ve yardm salayabilir.

Su testi de nafta ile birlikte gerekletirilebilir.

2- Referans

malat izimleri + Su testi ematik izimi ek No. 1'dedir.

Yrrlkteki yerel dzenlemeler.
Test basnc P1 Genel Dzenleme izimlerinde belirtilir.

3 Ekipman

Basnlandrma ve grntleme cihazlar (ayrntlar ve ematik izimler Ek No.1'de


P1'den byk basn deerindeki kapasiteye sahip bir basn ler ile donatlm olan
2" min. apl ka sahip olan hidrolik pompa.
Yeterli uzunlukta ve P1'in iki katna edeer servis basncnda alabilecek kapasitede
2" apl hortumlar (ematik izimlerde belirtilen ekilde).
Yaltm vanas ve 2" apl hortum iin gerekli balantlar (servis basnc = P1'in iki
Vanalar, ek vanalar ve P1'in iki katna edeer servis basncnda alabilecek
kapasitede gerekli balantlar.
Proses giri azlar iin szdrmazlk contalar (conta tipi imalat izimlerinde
Basn tank az flanlarna uygun balant elemanlar.
Malzeme: ASTM 193 B7 ASTM B94.2H veya edeer kalitede (aksi
Hidrostatik test iin, bu cihazlarn kullanm amacna uygun olan giri delikleri ve
azlar gibi kapaklarn flanlarnda servis kapaklar kullanlmaldr.
Dier azlarda, test kapaklar kullanlmaldr.
Tank duvarnn scakln lmek iin yzey termoveli.
Kalibre edilmi test basn leri (bir tanesi zorunludur ve tankn en yksek
noktasnda yer alr.)

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 4 / 10

1- Basn lerler, kapasiteleri tercihen P1'in 1,5 kat kadar zorunlu gereksinim olan test
basncnn iki kat kadarn kapsayacak ekilde seilmelidir. Test tarihinde, 6 aydan
ksa sre nce yaplm olan kalibrasyon testi gereklidir.
2- Yukarda belirtilen test ekipmanlarnn alnd test kapaklar 2" apl 6 000 lbs kaplin
(Briggs veya NPT 2" vida delii alm olmaldr.)
3- alma iin kullanlan balant elemanlar ve contalar aksi belirtilmedike test iin
4- Su testi iin kullanlan suyu klorit miktar 5ppm'den az olmaldr.
5- Su testi iin kullanlacak su kayna, test tarihine mmkn olan en yakn zamanda
kloridler asndan test edilmelidir.

4 Minimum Scaklk

Suyun ve tank duvarnn minimum scakl Yasadaki ve/veya yerel dzenlemelerdeki

gerekli koullar altnda belirtilir.

5 Su testinden nceki ve sonraki kontroller Kabul Kriterleri

Su testinden nce ve sonra yaplacak tm kontroller Yasadaki ve/veya yerel

dzenlemelerdeki gerekli koullara uygun olarak gerekletirilmelidir.
Kabul kriterleri Yasadaki ve/veya yerel dzenlemelerdeki gerekli koullara uygun

6 Test Ynergeleri

Paragraf 4'te tanmlanan ekipmanlar Ek 1'deki hidrostatik izimine uygun olarak monte
Test srasnda vanalarn alaca konum Ek No. 2'de tanmlanr.
Basn art ve azalmalarnn kaydedilecei tablo Ek No. 3'te verilmitir.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 5 / 10

lem listesi yledir ( madde 7'deki ematik test emasna bakn.) :

lem No. Ynerge/Ynergeler

V1, V3, V4 ve V5 vanalarn an.
1 PACKINOX Is Eanjrnn Gvde ve Besleme devresi su
ile dolar.
st havalandrmadan bir miktar su aktnda (V3 ve V5
vanalar), V3, V5 ve V1 vanalarn kapatn.
V2 vanasn an.
PACKINOX Is Eanjrnn Atk su devresi su ile dolar.
st havalandrmadan bir miktar su aktnda (vana V4), V2 ve
V4' kapatn.
lm cihazlarnn doru ekilde monte edildiini ve kapak
balantlarn kontrol edin.
Basn tanknn duvar scakln kontrol edin. Duvar ve su
gerekli scakla sahip deilse basnlandrma yaplmamaldr.
D tank duvar kuru olmal ve zerinde nem belirtisi
V1 ve V2 vanalarn an.
PACKINOX Is Eanjrnn Gvde ve Besleme devreleri
Is Eanjr 0,5 bar (7.25 Psi) deerini amayan miktarda
basnlandrlr ve tm azlarn szdrmazl kontrol edilir.
Herhangi bir sznt tespit edilirse, cvatalar doru szdrmazlk
7 elde edilene kadar sklr.
1 bar/dak'da (14.5 Psi/dak) veya her 5 bar (72.5 Psi)'de 5 dakika
ile P1 basncna eriir.
Not: M4 sayacndaki basn deeri daima M2 sayacndaki
basn deerinden dk olmaldr.
Hi bir durumda P(M2) P(M4) Is Eanjr Tasarm
Diferansiyel Basncndan daha yksek olmamaldr.
8 P1 deerine ulaldnda V1 ve V2 vanasn kapatn.
Yasa ve/veya Yerel dzenlemelerdeki minimum zaman
gereksinimlerine uygun olarak deneti tarafndan grsel
deerlendirme yaplacaktr.
Bekleme sresi Yasadaki ve/veya yerel dzenlemelerdeki
gerekli koullara (minimum 30 dakika) uygun olmaldr.
Test emasna bakn.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 6 / 10

V1, V2 ve V6 vanalarnda, basnc alarak P2 deerine getirin:

kontrol basnc (Yerel dzenlemeler gerektiriyorsa)
10 M3 sayacndaki basn deeri daima M2 sayacndaki basn
deerinden dk olmaldr.
Hi bir durumda P(M2) P(M3) Is Eanjr Tasarm
Diferansiyel Basncndan daha yksek olmamaldr.
Kontrol basncna eriildiinde V1, V2 ve V6 vanalarn kapatn
ve denetim sresi boyunca basnc koruyun (Yerel dzenlemeler
11 gerektiriyorsa).
Kabul kriterleri iin paragraf 9'a bakn.
V1, V2 ve V6 vanalar iin, basncn alarak atmosferik basnca
Not: M3 sayacndaki basn deeri daima M2 sayacndaki
basn deerinden dk olmaldr.
Hi bir durumda P(M2) P(M3) Is Eanjr Tasarm
Diferansiyel Basncndan daha yksek olmamaldr.
Atmosferik basnca eriildiinde, V3 ve V4 vanalarn an ve Is
Eanjrnn yer ekimi sayesinde boalmasn salayn.

Basnlar hakknda ayrntl bilgi:

P1 : Tankn en yksek noktasnda, M4 sayacnda okunan, Besleme devresi ve basn

tanknn indeki test basnc.
P2 : Tankn en yksek noktasnda, M4 sayacnda okunan, kontrol basnc (genelde Is
Eanjr tasarm basncna eittir).

P'1 : Tankn altndaki M2 sayacnda okunan, Besleme devresi ve basn tanknn indeki
test basnc.

P'1 = P1+ suyun statik ykseklii nedeniyle oluan statik basn, burada :

Toplam ykseklik (metre)

P statik (bar) = ------------------------------------- x g
g = 9,81 (yerel koullara gre dzeltilir).

P'2 : Alttaki ayn devrelerde, M2 sayacnda okunan Witness basnc.

P'2 = P2+ suyun statik ykseklii nedeniyle oluan statik basn.

Tasarm diferansiyel Basnc: projeye zeldir ve Genel Dzenleme iziminde belirtilir.

M2 sayacnda okunan deerler sadece operatr yardm iindir.
Tankn en yksek noktalarnda M3 ve M4 sayacnda okuna basn deerleri yasa (veya
yerel dzenlemeler) ile ilgili deerlerdir ve mutlaka dikkat edilecektir.

7 Test Performans

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 7 / 10

Test yaplrken hazr bulunacak olanlar yledir:

- Mteri temsilcisi
- Yrrlkteki dzenlemenin temsilcisi

Aadaki test emasna uygun olarak basn artrlr.

Basn Bekleme Sresi

Test Basnc Denetim Sresi

Kontrol Basnc

1 bar/dak veya 5 dak. adm/5 bar

14,5 Psi/dak veya 5 dak. adm /72,5 Psi


8 - Kontrol Basncndaki test srasnda deerlendirme

Kontrol boyunca, basn P2'de tutulmaldr.

Kaynaklar ve bileenlerin yzeylerinin tamam iin grsel deerlendirme yaplmaldr.

9 Kabul kriterleri

Kabul kriterleri Yasadaki ve/veya yerel dzenlemelerdeki gerekli koullara uygun

- P2 kontrol basncnda, tank deerlendirmesi srasndan herhangi bir sznt
Buna ramen, denetim kuruluu ve dzenleme temsilcisinin kabul etmesi
kouluyla, flan/kapak contalarnn szdrmazl kt olduundan youma veya
hafif szntya izin verilebilir.
- Atmosferik basnca geri dnlrse, tank deerlendirmesi srasnda kalc hasar

10 Denetleme Kuruluunun mdahalesi

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 8 / 10

Kabul kriterleri Yasadaki ve/veya yerel dzenlemelerdeki gerekli koullara uygun

Minimum dzeyde, basn testi sonucu baarl olursa, su testi raporu yaynlanr ve yetkili
temsilciler tarafndan imzalanr.

11 Test sonras dzenlenecek belgeler

Test raporu.
Rapor iin minimum gereksinimler:
- Kullanlan sv
- Sv kalitesi
- Scaklk kayd
- Test basn kayd
- Bekleme sresi kayd
- Kontrol Basnc
- Kullanlan ekipman, basn lerlerin referans ve kalibrasyon sertifikalar

12 Kurutma

Su tahliye yoluyla, yasz temiz hava ile pskrtlerek mmkn olduu kadar tamamen
Nemlilii gidermek iin, yzeyler ortam scaklnda, yasz hava veya gaz halindeki
nitrojen ile kurutulur.
Kurutma srasnda E1 S1 E2 S2 iaretli azlar alacaktr.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 9 / 10

Ek No. 1 : ematik
izim V3 V4
M3 M4


S1: Birleik Besleme k U1 E2: Atk Girii

A1 A2





N veya

E1 : Geri Dnm
Gaz Girii

V2 S2: Atk k


Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 10 / 10

Ek No. 2 : Test srasnda vanalarn konumu.

lem V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6
Besleme ve Gvde Taraf dolumu
1 O C O O O C
Besleme ve Gvde Taraf dolumu
2 C C C O C C
3 Atk Su Taraf dolumu yaplyor C O C O C C
4 Atk Su Taraf dolumu tamamland C C C C C C
7 Basnlandrma O O C C C C
8 ve 9 Test Basncnda Bekleme Sresi C C C C C C
10 Basncn Kontrol Basncna drlmesi O O C C C O
11 Kontrol Basncnda Bekleme Sresi C C C C C C
Basncn Atmosfer Basncna
12 O O C C C O
13 Tahliye O O O O O O

Aklama: O = Vana konumu "Ak"

C = Vana konumu "Kapal"

Ek No. 3 : Basn art/azalma kayd iin tipik kart.

Besleme Atk Su Basnc (bar

Basnc (bar veya Psi)
veya Psi)
5 dak.
10 dak.
15 dak.
20 dak.
25 dak.
30 dak.
35 dak.
40 dak.
30 dak. Aamas
75 dak.
80 dak.
85 dak.
90 dak.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve
kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 1 sur 9 / 9


REVZYON Nom Entit Tarih

A Ad Birim Tarih
Rdacteur Pierre TANCA Mthodes 2/12/2004

Kontrol Didier BAYLLY Ettler 8/12/2004

Approbateur Gilles CAZIN Hizmetler ynetimi 8/12/2004

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 2 sur 9 / 9

Belge, kalite sistemine gre elektronik olarak onaylanmtr ve imzasz olarak geerlidir


Revizyon Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revizyon Uygulama tarihi Revizyonun konusu
A 8/12/2004 Birinci basm


1 - Ama

2 Is Eanjr Dorulamas

3 Nitrojen Basnc Dorulamas

4 Nitrojen Dolumu

4.1. Dier ekipmanlar

4.2. Nitrojen dolumu

4.3. Gvenlik etiketleri

5 Is Eanjrnn Almas

Ek No. 1 : Is Eanjr ekipmanlar

Ek No. 2 : Tipik Nitrojen Basn Dorulama raporu

Ek No. 3 : Nitrojen Basnc - Scaklk

Ek No. 4 : Tavsiye edilen manometre sayalar

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 3 sur 9 / 9

1 - Ama

Bu teknik zellikler belgesinin amac, PACKINOX Is Eanjrnn ksa veya uzun sreli
depolanmas iin nitrojen rt ile rtlmesine ilikin dorulama ve tamamlama koullarn

2 Eanjr dorulamas

Eanjrn nitrojen rts ile rtlmesi teknik zelliklere gre yaplr ve projeye gre deiebilir
(balantlar, azlarn adlar, Is Eanjr ile birlikte gnderilen ve gnderilmeyen ekipmanlar
Sevkiyat ve depolama iin, Is Eanjr Ek No:1'deki tipik izimle benzer olmaldr.
E2 (Atk su giri) ve S1 (Birleik besleme k) azlar ya da yardmc A azlar,
minimum 2 boru ile balanr.
Bu 2 boru, bir Va vanas ile donatlmtr (gvenlik nedeniyle, altrma kolu
karlr ve bunun zerine balanr). Bir tapa ile szdrmazlk tamamlanabilir.
U1 havalandrma aznn flan zerine bir Vb vanas (gvenlik nedeniyle,
altrma kolu karlr ve bunun zerine balanr) veya sadece bir tapa monte
edilir. Baz durumlar iin, sadece E1 Geri Dnm Gaz Giri azna monte
S2 atk su k aznn flan zerine bir Vc vanas (gvenlik nedeniyle, altrma
kolu karlr ve bunun zerine balanr) veya sadece bir tapa monte edilir.
Dier tm azlar ya nihai kapaklar ya da geici kapaklar ile kapatlr.

Basn scakln dorudan bir ilevi olduundan, nitrojen basnc Scaklk izelgesine uygun
olmaldr (bkz. Ek No. 3).

3 Nitrojen Basnc Dorulamas

Uzun sreli (3 aydan uzun) depolama iin, ayda bir kez atlyede ve 15 gnde bir yerinde bir
nitrojen basnc dorulamas yaplmaldr. Her dorulama ilemi iin bir kontrol raporu (bkz. Ek
No. 2) doldurulmaldr.

Nitrojen basncnn kontrol u ekilde yaplabilir:

Va vanasna, nitrojen basn gereksinimleri ile uyumlu kapasiteye sahip bir Ma

manometresini (1,6 snf veya zeri) monte edin (bkz. Ek. No. 3).
Tank yzey scakln ln.

altrma kolunu yerine monte ettikten sonra, Va vanasn an ve nitrojen

basncn kontrol edin:
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 4 sur 9 / 9

a) Basn izelgeye uygun: tek bir dorulama olmas durumunda vanay

kapatn, altrma kolunu ve manometreyi karn. Uzun sreli depolama
durumunda, altrma kolu ve manometre yerinde braklabilir.
b) Basn izelgeye uygun deil: Is Eanjrne paragraf 4'te belirtilen
ekilde, Ek No. 3 izelgesinde belirtilen seviyede nitrojen dolumu yapmak
son derece gereklidir.

4 Nitrojen Dolumu

4.1. Dier ekipmanlar

Ek No. 1'deki ematik izime bakn

Nitrojen kayna: Nitrojen tp ya da nitrojen hatt olabilir.

Da : Nitrojen tp ve kaynandan kan bir basn indirgeyici Vb vanasna
balanmaldr (1/2 ).

4.2. Nitrojen dolumu

Madde 3'teki Nitrojen Basnc Dorulama ile ayn admlar.
Nitrojen kaynan Da ve Vb'ye balayn.
Da basn indirgeyiciyi 0,5 bar (7.25 Psi) d basn elde edecek ekilde ayarlayn.
altrma kolunu yerine monte ettikten sonra, Vb vanasn yavaa aarak
eanjr Ek No. 3 izelgesindeki nitrojen basncna eit olan basn deerine kadar
nitrojen ile doldurun.
Basn deerine eriildiinde, Vb vanasn kapatn.
Flanlarn ve balantlarn szdrmazln kontrol edin.
Va vanasn kapatn.
Ma manometresini karn (uzun sreli depolama durumunda yerinde braklabilir)
Da basn indirgeyiciyi karn.
Va ve Vb vanalarnn altrma kolunu karn ve borulara sabitleyin (uzun sreli
depolama durumunda yerinde braklabilir)
Szdrmaz tapalar Va (manometre yerinde braklyorsa gerekmez) ve Vb
vanalarna balayn.
Elde edilen oda scakl ve nitrojen basn deerlerini rapora kaydedin (bkz. Ek
No. 2)

4.3. Gvenlik etiketleri

Giri delikleri ve azlar zerine, u ibareleri ieren gvenlik etiketleri yaptrn:


5 Is Eanjrnn Almas

Madde 3'teki Nitrojen Basnc Dorulama ile ayn admlar.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 5 sur 9 / 9

altrma kolunu yerine monte ettikten sonra, Vc vanasn yavaa aarak Is

Eanjrn tahliye edin ve eanjrdeki nitrojen basncn azaltn (Ma
manometresindeki deer)
Nitrojen basnc atmosferik basnca ulatnda, tm kapaklar karn ve Is
Eanjrndeki nitrojenin tamam kana dek havalandrn.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 6 sur 9 / 9

Ek No. 1 : Is Eanjr ekipmanlar


Atk Su
Geri Dnm
Gaz Girii

Besleme Giri az E1 zerine monte


Yardmc az
Yardmc az


Atk Su Girii





Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 7 sur 9 / 9

Ek No. 2 : Tipik Nitrojen Basn Dorulama raporu

Oda scakl C

Eanjr ierisindeki nitrojen basnc mbar

Denetleyen Q.A. Blm Denet. Kurulu



Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS
irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 8 sur 9 / 9

Ek No. 3 : Nitrojen Basnc - Scaklk Temsili Basn: 20C'de 100 mbar

T N2 P T N2 P
(C) (mbar) (F) (psi)
-10 -15,2 14 -0,22
-8 -7,6 17,6 -0,11
-6 0,0 21,2 0,00
-4 7,6 24,8 0,11
-2 15,2 28,4 0,22
0 22,8 32 0,33
2 30,3 35,6 0,44
4 37,9 39,2 0,55
6 45,5 42,8 0,66
8 53,1 46,4 0,77
10 60,7 50 0,88
12 68,3 53,6 0,99
14 75,9 57,2 1,10
16 83,5 60,8 1,21
18 91,1 64,4 1,32
20 98,6 68 1,43
22 106,2 71,6 1,54
24 113,8 75,2 1,65
26 121,4 78,8 1,76
28 129,0 82,4 1,87
30 136,6 86 1,98
32 144,2 89,6 2,09
34 151,8 93,2 2,20
36 159,3 96,8 2,31
38 166,9 100,4 2,42
40 174,5 104 2,53

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter
sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli
tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 9 sur 9 / 9

Ek No. 4 : Tavsiye edilen manometre sayalar

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de PACKINOX. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de PACKINOX, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298
du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge, PACKINOX irketine aittir ve irketin zel mlkiyetindedir. Aka yetkilendirilenlerin dndaki herhangi bir kullanm ve kopyalama
PACKINOX irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan yaplamaz. Bu belgeyi kullananlar belgenin ifasn nlemek iin gerekli tm nlemleri almaldr.
Sayfa 1 / 10



Nom Entit Tarih

REVZYON B Ad Blm Tarih
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Servis 22/12/2010

Vrificateur(s) Franck ALENDA Tetkik 22/12/2010


Approbateur Dominique SABIN Servis ynetimi 22/12/2010

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Belge kalite sistemi gereince elektronik olarak onaylanmtr ve imzasz olarak uygulanr.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr.
Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 2 / 10


Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision

Revizyon Uygulama tarihi Revizyon konusu
A 2/7/2010 lk Bask
B 22/12/2010 Belge gncelleme


1. Giri

2. Ama

3. Is Eanjrn hazrlama

4. Pskrtme yntemiyle nitrojen dolumu

5. Vakumlama yntemiyle nitrojen dolumu

6. Nitrojen basn kontrol

7. Is Eanjrnn almas

Ek No. 1 : Is eanjr ekipmanlar (pskrtme yntemi iin)

Ek No. 2 : Is eanjr ekipmanlar (vakumlu yntemi iin)

Ek No. 2 : Nitrojen Basnc - Scaklk

Ek No. 4 : Nitrojen basnc dolum raporu

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr.
Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 3 / 10

1. Giri

Bu prosedrde bir PACKINOX Birleik Besleme/Atk Su Is Eanjrne nitrojen dolumu iin

koullar ve ynergeler tanmlanmaktadr.

Bu prosedr, PACKINOX Services tarafndan ok sayda montaj ileminde kazanlan deneyimi

PACKINOX Services gerektiinde neri ve yardm salayabilir.

2. Ama

Bu teknik zellikler belgesinin amac, PACKINOX Is Eanjrnn ksa veya uzun sreli
depolanmas iin nitrojen dolumuna ilikin koullar tanmlamaktr.

Bu prosedrde 2 nitrojen dolum yntemi aklanmaktadr:

1. Pskrtme yntemiyle nitrojen dolumu
2. Vakumlama yntemiyle nitrojen dolumu.

Not: Plaka paketindeki diferansiyel basn tersine evrilirse (atk su basnc birleik besleme
basncndan daha yksek), mekanik hasar oluabilir.

Giri az etiketlerinin kimi zaman projeye gre zelletirildiini ve bu prosedr ve izimlerdeki

etiketler arasnda baz farklar olabileceini unutmayn.

3. Is Eanjrn hazrlama

Tank itrojen dolumundan nce boaltlmal, tahliye edilmeli ve kurutulmaldr.

Nitrojen dolumu iin, Is Eanjr Ek No:1'deki tipik izime gre hazrlanmaldr:

Tm proses azlarn (E1, S1, E2 ve S2) ve pskrtme ubuu azlarn (N1 ve N2)
Tm yardmc azlarn kapatlm olduundan emin olun (U1, U2, A1, A2 ve A4),
E2 ve S1 azlarn ve yardmclarn (A1 ve A2) bir dengeleme hatt (en az 2" boru) ile
Bu dengeleme hattna bir V3 vanas, bir M1 manometresi (0 ila 200 mb) ve bir T1
thermometre ( 10 C ila 40 C) monte edin,
S2 kapana (veya A4 yardmcs) bir V1 vanasn monte edin,
U2 tahliye veya U1 havalandrma (veya hatta E1 kapak) azna bir V2 vanas monte

Not: tm vanalar nitrojen szdrmaz olmal ve yanllkla altrmay nlemek iin karlabilir kol
monte edilmelidir.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr.
Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 4 / 10

4. Pskrtme yntemiyle nitrojen


Ek No. 1'deki ayrntl ematik izime bakn

lem listesi yledir:

lem No. Ynerge/Ynergeler

1 Nitrojen kaynan V2 vanasna balayn (nitrojen tp ya da tesisin nitrojen
2 M1 manometresini (nitrojen basn kontrol iin) V3 vanasna monte edin,
3 V1 ve V3'n ak ve V2'nin kapal olduundan emin olun.
4 Nitrojen kayna indirgeyiciyi, 0,5 b (7,25 psi) maksimum k basnc
elde edecek ekilde ayarlayn.
5 V2 vanasn an ve en az Is Eanjrnn toplam hacminin 3 kat kadar
(Tank ve Besleme taraf + Atk su taraf) nitrojenle ykama ilemi
6 V1'i kapatn : Is Eanjrnn basnc gereken deere ulatnda (s
eanjr iindeki nitrojen basnc, scakla gre izelgede belirtilmitir
bkz. Ek No. 3), V2 vanasn kapatn.
7 Kapak ve boru balantlarnn szdrmazln kontrol edin.
8 V1, V2 ve V3 kolunu karn ve borularn zerine sabitleyin.
9 Nitrojen kayna balantsn kesin.
10 V1 ve V2'yi kapatn.
11 Ulalan oda scakl ve nitrojen basn deerlerini rapora kaydedin
(bkz. Ek No. 4)

5. Vakumlama yntemiyle nitrojen


Ek No. 2'deki ayrntl ematik izime bakn

lem listesi yledir:

lem No. Ynerge/Ynergeler

1 Vakum pompasn (P1) V1 vanasndan S2 azna balayn,
2 Nitrojen kaynan V2 vanasna balayn (nitrojen tp ya da tesisin nitrojen
3 M2 manometresini (vakum kontrol iin) V3 vanasna monte edin,
4 V1 ve V2'nin kapal ve V3'n ak olduundan emin olun.
5 Vakum pompasn (P1) balatn.
6 V1 vanasn aarak Is Eanjrndeki vakumu ekin.
7 Basnc kademeli olarak 0 'dan - 0,8 bar (- 2.9 psig) deerine azaltn.
Basn giderme hz 0,01 bar/dak / 0,145 psi/dak olmaldr.
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr.
Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 5 / 10

Basn giderme iin yaklak 80 dakika gerekir.

8 Is eanjr vakum - 0,8 bar (- 2,9 psig) deerine ulatnda, V1 vanasn
9 Vakum stabilizasyonu iin 1sa bekleyin.
10 Vakum pompas (P1) balantsn kesin.
11 Nitrojen kayna indirgeyiciyi, 0,5 b (7,25 psi) maksimum k basnc
elde edecek ekilde ayarlayn.
12 M2 manometresini karn ve M1 olan monte edin (nitrojen basn
kontrol iin)
13 T1 termometresindeki scaklk deerini not edin.
14 Is Eanjrnn gaz giderme ilemini salamak iin V2 vanasn an.
Basn giderme hz 0,01 bar/dak (0,145 psi/dak) olmaldr.
15 Is Eanjrnn basnc gereken deere ulatnda (s eanjr iindeki
nitrojen basnc, scakla gre izelgede belirtilmitir bkz. Ek No. 3),
V2 vanasn kapatn.
16 Kapak ve boru balantlarnn szdrmazln kontrol edin.
17 V1, V2 ve V3 kolunu karn ve borularn zerine sabitleyin.
18 Nitrojen kayna balantsn kesin.
19 V1 ve V2'yi kapatn.
20 Ulalan oda scakl ve nitrojen basn deerlerini rapora kaydedin
(bkz. Ek No. 4)

6. Nitrojen basn kontrol

Nitrojen basn kontrol yntemleri (ve tabiki nitrojen takviyesi) SAIEXWA0012 prosedrnde

7. Is Eanjrnn

Ek No. 1'deki ayrntl ematik izime bakn

lem listesi yledir:

lem No. Ynerge/Ynergeler

1 V1 vanasndaki tapay karn.
2 altrma kolunu (gerekirse) V1 vanasna monte edin.
3 S2 azndaki V1 vanasn hafife an, s eanjr nitrojen basncn serbest
brakmak zere (M1 manometresini kontrol edin).
4 Nitrojen basnc atmosferik deere ulatnda, nitrojen dengeleme hattn
karn (S1 ila E2 veya A1 ila A2 azlarndan)
5 Yardmc azlardaki tm kapaklar (U1, U2, A1, A2 ve A4) karn.
6 Proses azlar (E1, S1, E2 ve S2) ve pskrtme ubuu azlar (N1 ve N2)
zerindeki tm kapaklar karn.
7 Eanjr iindeki oksijen ierii kabul edilebilir dzeyde olana kadar
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr.
Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 6 / 10


Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr.
Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 7 / 10

Ek No. 1 : Is eanjr ekipmanlar (pskrtme yntemi iin)

U2 tahliye az veya E1 geri

dnm gaz giri azna
V3 T1

A1 ve A2 yardmc azlarna
S1 Birleik besleme k
E2 Atk su girii
A1 Yardmc
A2 Yardmc

TH Giri
U1 Delii

N1 ve N2
sv besleme
S2 Atk Su k

A4 Yardmc
E1 Geri dnm
A4 yardmc azna
gaz girii

U2 V1

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr.
Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 8 / 10

Ek No. 2 : Is eanjr ekipmanlar (vakumlu yntemi iin)

U2 tahliye az veya E1 geri

dnm gaz giri azna
V3 T1
M2 M1

A1 ve A2 yardmc azlarna
S1 Birleik besleme k
E2 Atk su girii
A1 Yardmc
A2 Yardmc

TH Giri
U1 Delii

N1 ve N2
sv besleme
S2 Atk su k

A4 Yardmc
E1 Geri dnm gaz girii
A4 yardmc azna

U2 V1

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles
expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr.
Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 9 / 10

Ek No. 3 : Nitrojen Basnc - Scaklk

T N2 P T N2 P
(C) (mbar) (F) (psi)
-10 -15,2 14 -0,22
-8 -7,6 17,6 -0,11
-6 0,0 21,2 0,00
-4 7,6 24,8 0,11
-2 15,2 28,4 0,22
0 22,8 32 0,33
2 30,3 35,6 0,44
4 37,9 39,2 0,55
6 45,5 42,8 0,66
8 53,1 46,4 0,77
10 60,7 50 0,88
12 68,3 53,6 0,99
14 75,9 57,2 1,10
16 83,5 60,8 1,21
18 91,1 64,4 1,32
20 98,6 68 1,43
22 106,2 71,6 1,54
24 113,8 75,2 1,65
26 121,4 78,8 1,76
28 129,0 82,4 1,87
30 136,6 86 1,98
32 144,2 89,6 2,09
34 151,8 93,2 2,20
36 159,3 96,8 2,31
38 166,9 100,4 2,42
40 174,5 104 2,53
rnek: 20 C'de 100 mb

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de PACKINOX. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de PACKINOX, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes
prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge PACKINOX irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, PACKINOX irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm
tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 10 / 10

Ek No. 4 : Nitrojen basnc dolum raporu

Oda scakl C

Is eanjr nitrojen basnc mbar

Denet. Denet.
Denetleyen Q.A. Blm
Gzetmen Kurulu



Ce document est la proprit exclusive de PACKINOX. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de PACKINOX, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes
prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge PACKINOX irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, PACKINOX irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm
tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 1 sur 11 / 11



Nom Entit Tarih

REVZYON B Ad Blm Tarih
Rdacteur Alex SIMONATO Servis 1/7/2008

Vrificateur(s) Patrice RAGUET Tetkik 11/7/2008


Approbateur Dominique SABIN Servis ynetimi 2/9/2008

Document valid lectroniquement conformment au systme qualit et applicable sans visa
Belge kalite sistemi gereince elektronik olarak onaylanmtr ve imzasz olarak uygulanr.
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan
kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 2 sur 11 / 11

Rvision Date dapplication Objet de la rvision
Revizyon Uygulama tarihi Revizyon konusu
A 20/10/2004 SA/STD1000 E Rev. C prosedrleri "Sv Besleme Filtreleri (Sepet
tipi) iin Teknik zellikler'' deitirin.
B 2/9/2008 Gncelleme

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan
kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 3 sur 11 / 11


1 Giri

2 - Ama

3 - Filtre zellikleri

3.1. Temel zellikler

3.1.1. Sepet filtreler

3.1.2. Konik filtreler

3.2. Dier filtre gereksinimleri

3.2.1. Boyama
3.2.2. Belgeler

3.3. Tavsiye edilen Tedarik kapsam

3.3.1. Sepet filtreler

3.3.2. Konik filtreler

Ek No. 1 - Filtrelerin zellikleri

Ek No. 2 - Sepet filtrelerin tipik tasarm

Ek No. 3 - Konik filtrelerin tipik tasarm

Ek No. 4 - Sepet filtrelerin veri sayfalar

Ek No. 5 - Konik filtrelerin veri sayfalar

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan
kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 4 sur 11 / 11

1 - Giri

PACKINOX montaj nerileri uyarnca:

- 3 Genleme Kr Birleik Besleme/Atk Su PACKINOX Is Eanjr iin
- 4 Genleme Kr Birleik Besleme/Atk Su PACKINOX Is Eanjr iin
Ve PACKINOX'u alma srasnda tkanma ve arzalanma risklerine kar korumak zere, iki
tip filtre monte edilebilir :
- PACKINOX Is Eanjr birleik besleme devresine gelen yukar akml Sv Besleme
hattndaki 2 paralel filtre. Her bir filtrenin nite durdurulmadan srayla temizlenebilmesi
iin bu filtreler yan geili olarak monte edilmelidir.
Szge filtreler ("Y" tipi filtre gibi) balatma veya normal alma srasnda ortaya
kabilecek kat paracklar tutmada yeterli olmadndan, PACKINOX iddetle
szge filtreden kanlmasn nerir.

- PACKINOX Is Eanjr Atk su devresine gelen yukar akml Atk Su hattndaki 1

konik filtre.
Eanjr paketindeki kanallar kk olduu iin (2,5 ila 6 mm), son reaktr k,
katalizr geiini nleyecek ekilde tasarlanm olmaldr.
Yabanc madde geiini nlemek iin istee bal olarak, mterinin talebi zerine
PACKINOX Is Eanjr Atk su giriine ilave koruma (rnein konik filtre)

Bu filtreler kaynaklarda ve brorlerde szge olarak anlyor olabilir:

Ve "in apkas" filtresi = "Cad apkas" filtre = konik filtre

Bu teknik zellikler belgesinde, PACKINOX Services tarafndan ok sayda montaj ileminde

kazanlan deneyimi yanstmaktadr. PACKINOX Services gerektiinde neri ve yardm

2 - Ama

Bu teknik zellikler belgesinde Sv Besleme hatt ve/veya Atk Su hattna monte edilen
filtrelerin tasarm ve/veya tedarii iin neriler verilmektedir.
Bu filtreler PACKINOX tarafndan tedarik edilebilir.
zellikle sepet filtrelerin tedariinde, PACKINOX ilk seenek olarak u Firmann rnlerini
kullanmanz nerir :
Zone artisanale BP 17
Tel. : (33) 3 89 77 92 04
Faks: (33) 3 89 77 19 85

3 Filtre zellikleri
Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan
kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 5 sur 11 / 11

3.1. Temel zellikler:

eitli filtrelere ait temel zellikler (malzeme, a boyutu vb. dahil) Ek No. 1'de belirtilir.
Bu filtrelerin tasarm ve imalat iin, Sepet filtreler iin Ek No. 4'te ve Konik filtreler iin Ek
No. 5'te bulunan veri sayfalar tamamen doldurulmaldr.

3.1.1. - Sepet filtreler

Dahili baypas nlemek iin, filtrelere sepetin yuvasnda doru bir konumda olmasn garanti
eden zel bir aygt monte edilmelidir. EF tipi filtrelere (Ek No. 2'deki ematik izime bakn)
bu zellik iin bir yay monte edilir ve bunlarn etkinlii kantlanmtr.
Filtreler, iinde manyetik bir eleman ile birlikte tedarik edilecektir.

3.1.2. - Konik filtreler

Konik filtreler Ek No. 3'teki ematik izimlere uygun olmaldr.

3.2. - Dier filtre gereksinimleri

3.2.1. Karbon veya dk alaml elik boyama.

D yzeyler iin korozyona kar standart koruma minimum bir astar (25m of inorganik
inko) olmaldr.

3.2.2. Belgeler :
Minimum olarak aadaki belgeler dahil edilir:
- Genel izimler
- Malzeme sertifikalar
- Basn para hesaplamas
- Kaynak kitab
- Denetim sertifikalar
- Kullanm ve bakm klavuzu

3.3 Tavsiye edilen Tedarik kapsam

3.3.1. - Sepet filtreler

2 filtrelik bir takm iin, aadaki gibi tedarik kapsam nerilir:
- 2 filtre gvdesi,
- 2 sepet,
- 2 yedek sepet,
- %10 yedek balant paralar (her trden minimum 2 olmak kaydyla)
- 3.2.2 parametrelerinde tanmlanan belgeler

3.3.2. - Konik filtreler

Bir filtre iin, aadaki gibi tedarik kapsam nerilir:
- 1 konik filtre (gvde + i para)
- 3.2.2 parametrelerinde tanmlanan belgeler

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS,
tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa
divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan
kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 6 sur 11 / 11

Ek No. 1 - Filtrelerin zellikleri

para (filtrele eleman) Gvde

lem Konumu Packinox Miktar
nerisi Basn d
Tip Malzeme A boyutu et. Malzeme et.
bo Maks.
Paslanmaz 0,20/0
EF Tipi elik tipi 380 m ,30 Karbon
Sv Besleme 2 paralel sepet 5 bar - zelliklerin
CCR (Ek No. 2) 304(L)/ A 40 ubukl elik
e bak
Paraxylene 316/321 ar
Atk su - 0 - - - - - - - -

0,20 / mteri
EF Tipi elik tipi 380 m Karbon
Sv Besleme 2 paralel sepet 0,30 5 bar - zelliklerin
Sabit (Ek No. 2) 304(L)/ A 40 elik
bars e bak
Yatakl 316/321
Dntr Paslanmaz Dk
L mini : mteri
c elik tipi < 0,10 alaml/P
Atk su Ek No. 3 1 konik 1000 m 5 bar 1200 zelliklerin
304(L)/ bars aslanmaz
mm e bak
316/321 elik
1000 m mteri
Sepet veya elik tipi 0,20 Paslanma
Sv Ek No. 3 2 paralel Aadaki 5 bar - zelliklerin
Konik 304(L)/ bar z elik
nota bakn e bak
HDS / 316/321
HDT Paslanmaz L mini : mteri
< 0,10 Paslanma
Atk su Ek No. 3 1 konik elik tipi 1000 m 10 bar 1200 zelliklerin
bars z elik
304(L)/321 mm e bak

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers.
Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm
tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 7 sur 11 / 11

Not: Pompaya doru giden besleme hattnda 25 filtre zorunludur (Proses lisans sahibi zelliklerine bakn)
25 filtre yoksa, ltfen PACKINOX veya Lisans sahibi ile irtibata gein.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers.
Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm
tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 8 sur 11 / 11

Ek No. 2 - Sepet filtrelerin tipik tasarm

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation.
Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm
ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 9 sur 11 / 11

Ek No. 3 - "Konik" filtrelerin tipik tasarm

Borulardaki montaj PACKINOX atk su giri azna mmkn olduu kadar yakn olmal.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation.
Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm
ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 10 sur 11 / 11

Ek No. 4 - Sepet filtrelerin veri sayfalar

Tipik durum (niteye gre tasarm koullar asndan doldurulmaldr)

Proses veri sayfas No. 935028-416 Rev.1

No. 400-E1
Miktar: 1 + 1 yedek (mteri tarafndan paralel olarak monte edilecek)
Tasarm Scakl 150C
Tam vakum scakl ortam
Tasarm Basnc 4.0 bar.g
Su testi basnc 5,2 bar.g
Svlarn doal yaps Hidrokarbonlar
1 filtre iin Ak Hzlar Nominal 73345 kg/sa
Minimum -
Maksimum -
Dinamik Viskozite (cP) 0,416
Younluk (kg/m3) 661
Filtreleme Hz (m a boyutu) 380 m
Bo durumdaki basn d (bar) 0,20
Kirli durumdaki basn dl (bar) 1,0
Ezilme Diferansiyel Basnc 5 bar
Darbe testi ASME VIII Bl.1 son basma uygun
Yapm Kodu ASME VIII BL.1 son basm
Balant katsays 0,85 (NDE : %10 RT + PT)
Malzeme: Gvde/sepet Oksijeni giderilmi Karbon elii / Paslanmaz elik
Tank Korozyon pay 3 mm
Varsa tam l snrlar -
Proses Azlar Giri: WN 6 150# RF k: WN 6 150# RF
Ek azlar Havalandrma: WN 2 150# RF Tahliye: WN 2 150# RF
PWHT Evet: 695 +/- 10C
Hasarsz Deerlendirme ASME VIII Bl.1 son basma uygun
ASME Damgas Evet
Malzeme sertifikalar 3.1.B
Tamamlayc ekipmanlar (kzak, Manyetik ubuk
enstrmentasyon, vanalar, vb.)
D Boyama SA 2.5 + Astar: 70m inorganik inko
Filtre bana yedek para - 1 paslanmaz elik sepet
- 1 takm kapak band contas
- kapaklar iin cvatalarn %10'u.
PACKINOXun kapsam: sadece filtreler, tamamlayc ekipman ve burada yukarda belirtilen
yedek paralar ile snrldr.
Belgeler - onay iin (1 r.) : G. A. D.
(Trke) - nihai (2 r.) : G. A. D. (kurulmu olan) + U1 formu + Uygunluk Sertifikas.
Filtre alm iin tm gereksinimler (tasarm, imalat, denetim, belge) bu belgeye dahil edilmitir. Teknik olarak
tamamlayc baka belge gerekmez.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de Alfa Laval Packinox SAS, tre
utilis d'autres fins que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation.
Loi n57298 du 11-3-1957.
Bu belge Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, Alfa Laval Packinox SAS irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm
ve kopyalanmas yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar
Sayfa 11 sur 11 / 11

Ek No. 5 - "Konik" filtrelerin veri sayfalar

Tipik durum (niteye gre tasarm koullar, hat boyutu,vb. asndan doldurulmaldr)

Proses veri sayfas No. 3684-416-0

No. 9PE0212
Miktar: 1
Tasarm Scakl 460C
Tam vakum scakl ortam
Tasarm Basnc 18.6 bar.g
Su testi basnc ASME B31.3 son basma uygun
Svlarn doal yaps Hidrokarbonlar
1 filtre iin Ak Hzlar Nominal 206364 kg/sa
Minimum -
Maksimum -
Dinamik Viskozite (cP) 0,019
Younluk (kg/m3) 3,91
Filtreleme Hz (m a boyutu) 1000 m
Bo durumdaki basn d (bar) 0,10
Kirli durumdaki basn dl (bar) 1,0
Ezilme Diferansiyel Basnc 10 bar
Darbe testi Sadece ASME B31.3 son basma uygun
Yapm Kodu ASME B31.3 son basm
Malzeme: Boru/Sepet 1.25Cr-0.5Mo / 304 tipi Paslanmaz elik
Boru Korozyon pay 3 mm
Varsa tam l snrlar Toplam uzunluk: 1200 mm
Boru flanlar WN 30 600# RF
PWHT Evet: 695 +/- 10C
Hasarsz Deerlendirme ASME B31.3 son basma uygun
Damga Uygulanamaz
Malzeme sertifikalar
Tamamlayc ekipmanlar (kzak, enstrmentasyon, -
vanalar, vb.)
D Boyama SA 2.5 + Astar: 70m inorganik inko
Filtre bana yedek para -
PACKINOXun kapsam: sadece filtreler, tamamlayc ekipman ve burada
yukarda belirtilen yedek paralar ile snrldr.
Belgeler - onay iin (1 r.) : G. A. D.
(Trke) - nihai (2 r.): G. A. D. (kurulmu olan) + Uygunluk Sertifikas.
Filtre alm iin tm gereksinimler (tasarm, imalat, denetim, belge) bu belgeye dahil edilmitir. Teknik olarak
tamamlayc baka belge gerekmez.

Ce document est la proprit exclusive de PACKINOX. Il ne pourra, sans l'autorisation pralable crite de PACKINOX, tre utilis d'autres fins
que celles expressment prvues ni tre communiqu des tiers. Toutes prcautions utiles seront prises pour viter sa divulgation. Loi n57298
du 11-3-1957.

Bu belge PACKINOX irketine aittir. Aka yetki verilenler dnda, PACKINOX irketinin nceden yazl izni olmadan kullanm ve kopyalanmas
yasaktr. Bu belgeyi kullananlar, ifa edilmesini nlemek iin gerekli tm tedbirleri almaldrlar

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