Morphometric Analysis of Kelo Basin For Environmental Impact Assessment
Morphometric Analysis of Kelo Basin For Environmental Impact Assessment
Morphometric Analysis of Kelo Basin For Environmental Impact Assessment
Abstract:- The Chhattisgarh region is characterized by non-perennial streams, which actually are rain-fed rivers. They
carry water only during and immediately after rain. During the dry season either they may cease to flow entirely, or there is
hardly any water in most of the drainage channels. Clearly, watersheds with a higher proportion of area drained by non-
perennial streams will tend to have lower soil moisture retention and water harvesting capability than those areas where
perennial streams pre-dominate. Ceteris paribus, areas with proportionately more perennial streams should be fewer
droughts vulnerable. Catchment areas can be described by their stream channel patterns, as viewed from maps or from
the air. Each stream has its characteristic channel, based on the topographical obstacles encountered, as it seeks the
`path of least resistance' in its journey towards the sea. Stream patterns may develop randomly on uniform soils, or in
response to weaknesses in the underlying geology .
the prevailing climate, geology, geomorphology, basin. The basin characteristics of Kelo basin where
structural antecedents of the catchment. The proposed opencast /underground mine will be located.
relationship among various drainage parameters and No part of the drainage will be diverted. Drainage
the aforesaid factors are well recognized by many analysis of Kelo River has been evaluated and
workers [5-9]. The drainage basin analysis is important compared with model proto basin study (Figure-1).
in any hydrological investigation as assessment of Model for Indian Coal Field had developed rainfall
groundwater potential, groundwater management, runoff recharge model on three different proto basins
pedology and environmental assessment. Hydrologists for opencast mining areas, underground mining areas
and geomorphologists have recognized that certain and non-mining areas. Before using the model for
relations are almost important between runoff present mine, it is imperative here to compare the basin
characteristics, and geographic and geomorphic characteristic of these three proto basins with Kelo
characteristics of drainage basin systems. Various basin where the study area is located. Morphometric
important hydrologic phenomena can be correlated analysis of Kelo basin along with data of Model study
with the physiographic characteristics of drainage is placed in Table-1 and Table-2.
basins such as size, shape, slope of drainage area,
drainage density, size and length of the contributories Table 1. Morphometric Analysis Of Kelo Basin
etc. [10]. Geology, relief and climate are the primary
determinants of running water systems functioning at Order of Stream (U) NU Log NU
the basin scale [11]. Geographical Information System
(GIS) techniques are now-a-days in use for assessing 1 594 2.77
various terrain and morphometric parameters of the 2 152 2.18
drainage basins and watersheds, as it provide a flexible 3 37 1.57
environment and an important tool for the
4 12 1.08
manipulation and analysis of spatial information.
5 0 0.0
The objective of the present study was to analyze the
linear, areal and relief morphometric attributes of Kelo
drainage basin .This study is attempted to use the
morphometric technique vis-a-vis GIS to give an insight
of the different geo-hydrological characteristics of the
drainage basin to help in the identification of ground
water potential zones and overall management of the
basin with focus on groundwater.
Linear aspects of the basins are closely linked with
the channel patterns of the drainage network wherein
the topological characteristics of the stream segments
in terms of open links of the network system are
analyzed. The morphometric investigation of the linear
parameters of the basins includes Order of stream U Fig 1. Bifurcation Ratio: Kelo River
(number) bifurcation ration Rb(number),basin length
L(Km),Dia. of circle with basin area D (Km), catchment Table 2. Basin Characteristics
area Au (Km2),elongation ration D/L Re, Area of circle
having same perimeter of basin Ac (Km2), form factor
(Au/L2) Rf, Circulatory ratio (A/Ac) Rc, Drainage
density d.
Surface flow
rainfall in m
surface flow
runoff Area
(re Zone)
m2 x 106
Pre mining
1.639 6.39 0.25 2.62
Post Opencast
mining 1.639 4.42 0.15 1.09
1.639 1.97 0.23 0.74
in different condition. The same is applied in the study contribution of the Kelo river will balance the impact.
area and the output is placed in Table-4. Thus, the impact on drainage will be temporary and will
be restored after mining operations.
Table 4. Rainfall Infiltration Relation (Annual)
(Unit Area Basis) REFERENCES
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