FC Orth (SA) Intermediate Past Papers - 2012 Mar 28-3-2015

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FC Orth(SA) Intermediate


Incorporated Association not for gain
Reg No 1955/000003/08

Intermediate Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Orthopaedic Surgeons of South Africa

19 March 2012

Paper 1 Principles of Surgery in General & Orthopaedics (3 hours)

All questions are to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than
one is required for the one answer)
Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is
vir n vraag) geskryf word

1 Discuss the use of blood and blood products in orthopaedic surgery with reference
to methods to control blood loss and their complications. [100]

1 Bespreek die gebruik van bloed en bloedprodukte in ortopediese chirurgie met

verwysing na metodes om die bloed verlies en die komplikasies te beheer. [100]

2 a) An 18-year-old falls while playing rugby and presents with a deformity of the
forearm with no fracture evident on x-ray. Using the stress-strain diagram,
discuss how this phenomenon occurred. (50)
b) Discuss the pathophysiology and anatomy of acute haematogenous osteitis,
and using this, explain the clinical presentation and clinical signs of this
condition. (50)

2 a) n 18-Jaar-oud val terwyl n rugby wedstryd en presenteer met n gebuigde

voorarm. Daar is geen fraktuur duidelik op die x-strale.Met behulp van die
stres-stam diagram, bespreek hoe hierdie verskynsel kan plaasgevind. (50)
b) Bespreek die patofisiologie en die anatomie van akute haematogenous
ostiitis. Gebruik hierdie om die kliniese voorkoms en tekens van hierdie
toestand te verduidelik. (50)

3 Describe compartment syndrome including aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical

presentation and treatment. [100]

3 Beskryf kompartement sindroom etiologie, patogenese, kliniese voorkoms en

behandeling. [100]
FC Orth(SA) Intermediate


Incorporated Association not for gain
Reg No 1955/000003/08

Intermediate Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Orthopaedic Surgeons of South Africa

20 March 2012

Paper 2 Orthopaedic Surgery (3 hours)

All questions are to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than
one is required for the one answer)
Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is
vir n vraag) geskryf word

1 Discuss complex regional pain syndromes. [100]

1 Bespreek komplekse streeks-verbonde pyn sindrome. [100]

2 A 65-year-old lady, who had a previous pulmonary embolism, is scheduled for a total
knee replacement.
a) Pre-operative investigations and work-up. (50)
b) Intra-operative and post-operative management of this lady, especially to
prevent any thrombo embolic incident. (50)

2 n 65-Jarige vrou, met n vorige pulmonale embolisme is geskeduleer vir totale

a) Pre-operatiewe ondersoeke en opwerk. (50)
b) Intra-operatiewe en post-operatiewe behandeling van hierdie dame, veral om
enige trombo-emboliese insident te voorkom. (50)

3 Write short notes on the following

a) M.R.I. (50)
b) Carpal tunnel syndrome. (50)

3 Skryf kort aantekeninge oor die volgende

a) M.R.I. (50)
b) Karpale tonnel sindroom. (50)

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