SAAMI ITEM 202-Sporting Ammunition
SAAMI ITEM 202-Sporting Ammunition
SAAMI ITEM 202-Sporting Ammunition
Properties &
Recommendations for
Storage & Handling
Tests also show that the whizzing sound heard in the vicinity of
ammunition fires are caused by primers expelled from the burn-
ing cartridges. The pops and bangs are exploding primers;
the propellant powders burn inefficiently and make little noise.
NFPA 495
Chapter 11
Small Arms Ammunition and Primers, Smokeless
Propellants, and Black Powder Propellants 11-2.3 Small arms ammunition shall be separated from
materials classified by the US Department of
Transportation as flammable liquids, flammable
11-1 Basic Requirements. solids, and oxidizing materials by a distance of 15 ft
(4.6 m) or by a fire partition having a fire resistance
11-1.1 In addition to all other applicable requirements of this of at least 1 hour.
code, intrastate transportation of small arms ammu-
nition, small arms primers, smokeless propellants, 11-2.4 Small arms ammunition shall not be stored together
and black powder shall comply with US Department with Division 1.1, Division 1.2, or Division 1.3
of Transportation Hazardous Materials Regulations, Explosives, except where the storage facility is suit-
49 CFR, Parts 100-199. able for the storage of explosive materials.
11-1.2 This chapter applies to the channels of distribution of 11-2.5* Small arms ammunition that has been exposed to fire
and to the users of small arms ammunition, small or damaged by exposure to water shall not be
arms primers, smokeless propellants, and black returned to commercial channels for reasons of con-
powder. sumer safety. The manufacturer shall be contacted to
obtain recommendations for disposal of damaged
11-1.3 This chapter does not apply to in-process storage ammunition.
and intra-plant transportation during manufacture.
11-1.4 This chapter applies to the transportation and storage Reprinted with permission from NFPA 495: Explosive Material Code,
of small arms ammunition and components. Copyright 1996, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA
02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of
the National Fire Protection Association on the referenced subject which is
11-1.5 This chapter does not apply to safety procedures in represented only by the standard in its entirety.
the use of small arms ammunition and components.