Dental Management of COPD Patient: SS Rahman1, M Faruque2, MHA Khan3, SA Hossain4
Dental Management of COPD Patient: SS Rahman1, M Faruque2, MHA Khan3, SA Hossain4
Dental Management of COPD Patient: SS Rahman1, M Faruque2, MHA Khan3, SA Hossain4
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases have increased in prevalence
and the rate of death of this chronic inflammatory disease of the airways
has also risen despite recent advances in medical treatments. The dental
health care professionals must be prepared to treat more medically
compromised individuals. Because dental professionals operate at the
origin of the upper airway and many dental procedures are deemed
stressful, patients with chronic respiratory diseases are at special risk.
This article will review the patho-physiology and discuss the recognition
and management of dental patients with these diseases and provide an
understanding on how to avoid precipitating factors that could initiate
an acute episode in the dental care setting. The most important factor in
preventing COPD is helping patients stop smoking.
1. Sheikh Shahidur Rahman MPH, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Dental Surgery, Khulna Medical College, Khulna.
2. Mohammad Faruque MMED, Director, (Dental), DGHS, Dhaka.
3. Md. Haider Ali Khan MPH, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Dental Public Health, Dhaka Dental College, Dhaka
4. Shaikh Amir Hossain FCPS, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Medicine, Khulna Medical College.
can lead to lung damage and COPD if exposed to smoke or management of patients with moderate to severe chronic
other lung irritants. If anyone has this condition and smoke, obstructive pulmonary disease.
COPD can worsen very quickly. Because COPD cannot be cured, medical treatment is directed at
reducing the degenerative effects of the disease and managing the
Clinical presentation acute and chronic symptoms of chronic bronchitis or emphysema.
The signs and symptoms of COPD include Smoking cessation is the single most important therapy for
An ongoing cough or a cough that produces large patients with obstructive airway disease and proves to be the
amounts of mucus (often called smokers cough) greatest challenge for the patient and the physician in managing
Shortness of breath, especially with physical activity. the disease.16 The smokers should give advice to stop smoking
Wheezing (a whistling or squeaky sound when you six weeks before dental procedure. Patients offered a professional
breathe) and reassuring environment with short, focused dental treatments
Chest tightness. early in the day, placing a patient in a reclined position or the use
However, not everyone who has these symptoms has of rubber dam can contribute to a severe respiratory compromise.
COPD. Some of the symptoms of COPD are similar to the Low-flow supplemental oxygen administration via nasal canula at
symptoms of other diseases and conditions. If COPD is rates of 2 to 4 L/minute is appropriate even in patients with severe
severe and develops corpulmonale results right sided disease. Oxyen theapy is an important therapeutic agent for
cardiac failure leads to swelling in ankles, feet, legs, a hypoxemic patients. It can improve survival in COPD patients
bluish' colour on lips due to a low blood oxygen level and when uses continuously.17
shortness of breath. As a group, patients with asthma, bronchitis and chronic
COPD symptoms usually slowly worsen overtime. At first, restrictive or obstructive pulmonary disease are best managed
if symptom is mild, may not notice, or may adjust lifestyle with local anaesthesia for out patient procedures.18 The selection
to make breathing easier. For example, anyone may take the of local anesthetic is important when treating COPD. Many local
elevator instead of the stairs. Severity of symptoms are anaesthetic solutions contain sulfites which precipitate acute
depends on how much lung damage. If patient keep asthmatic attacks and allergic reactions.19 These compounds are
smoking, the damage will occur faster than if stop smoking. found in local anaesthetic preparations containing epinephrine and
Some severe symptoms may require treatment in a hospital. levonordefin and the preparations should not be used. If the
If patient with the help of family members or friends, are patient is treated with local anaesthesia the bronchodilator inhaler
unable - should seek emergency care if should be kept ready for use in case of emergency. If there is an
Having a hard time catching breath or talking Lips or acute attack on the table patients can use nebuliser with
fingernails turn blue or gray bronchodilator like salbutamol. From the surgeons point of view
the most important aspect is the patient's respiratory reserve and
Not mentally alert his ability to tolerate general anaesthesia. Outpatient general
Heart beat is very fast anaesthesia is not recommended for most patients with COPD.20
The recommended treatment for symptoms that are Sedation can be considered, but potent sedatives, barbiturates or
getting worse is not working. narcotics should be avoided as they can depress the respiratory
Patients with suspected history of the disease or with known drive. Nitrous oxide and high flow rates of oxygen are
disease status should be evaluated and should undergo some contraindicated because their use can result in respiratory
routine investigation. These are depression. Anticholinergic or antihistamines can alter
i) Thorough clinical history including risk factor tracheobronchial secretion leading to air flow disturbance. When
ii) Lung function test the symptoms associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease are continuous or more severe and their management with
iii) Spirometry/Lung volume studies
the bronchodilators is suboptimal, the use of sustained release
iv) Chest X-ray or chest CT scan theophylline is considered. Theophylline has been shown to
v) An arterial blood gas test improve respiratory muscle function, stimulate the respiratory
Patient with COPD may have other debilitating medical centre and improve mucocilliary clearance.21 Patients with co-
condition like hypertension, myocardial infarction, can existing cardiac disease, corpulmonale and pulmonary
complicate and make the prognosis worst and thus should hypertension may benefit from the improved cardiac output,
be carefully investigated along with medical complaints.15 reduced pulmonary vascular resistance and improved myocardium
perfusion that theophylline can produce.
Dental management protocol When antibiotic therapy is indicated, patients taking theophylline
The primary objective for the dental surgeon in the should not be given macrolides (i.e. erythromycin, azithromycin
management of a patient with a medical condition is to and clarithromycin) ciprofloxin, clindamicin, which can lead IV
prevent any complications related to that condition as a methylxanthine toxicity. In cases of using NSAIDS, at anti-
result of dental treatment. The COPD patient can be treated inflammatory doses respiration is stimulated by peripheral and
for his or her dental needs when the dental health central action. Salicylate causes respiratory depression.
practitioner has developed a risk assessment that is As acetaminophen and Cox-2 inhibitors do not precipitate
individualized for the patient. This assessment begins with bronchospasm, it can be used for these patients. The use of
an appropriate understanding of the patient's medical corticosteroids has limited applications in the treatment of COPD
history. The health history questionnaire and a given that the disease process is primarily one of tissue
comprehensive interview by the dental surgeon is the degeneration and destruction with little or no reversible
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