Gazdasági Nyelvvizsga Tételek
Gazdasági Nyelvvizsga Tételek
Gazdasági Nyelvvizsga Tételek
THE EUROPEAN UNION with a huge amount of money flowing through the worlds capital
The European Union (EU) is a supranational and intergovernmental union markets.
of 27 democratic member states. It was established under that name in There is a large number of mergers and takeovers, as it is only the big
1992 by the Maastricht Treaty. companies that can survive on the global market. By combining their
Three countries, Switzerland, Iceland and Norway, have decided to stay activities with their competitors they can increase their market share
out of the European Union. In May 2004 ten applicant countries joined. and cut costs. (e.g. R & D) Through synergy they operate more
The next phase of enlargement took place in January 2007 with the efficiently. They can also take advantage of the economies of scale by
accession of Bulgaria and Romania. offering more competitive prices and a wide selection of goods to
The Four Freedoms consumers. As a result domestic SMEs are squeezed out of the market,
The free movement of goods, services, labour and capital forms part of causing a number of bankruptcies.They can either become suppliers to
the substantive law of the EU. their big rivals or try to specialise in areas which are not covered by
The Schengen Agreement abolished passport control and customs checks MNCs (Multinational Corporations).
on many of the EUs internal borders, creating a single space of mobility Multinationals with their subsidiaries contribute to the growth of social
for EU citizens to live, travel, work and invest. welfare by locating their production in countries where the wages are
While the free movement of goods, services and capital has more or less low or where they can capitalise on the favourable taxes. Besides
been implemented, creating jobs they improve the infrastructure and increase state revenues
after the enlargement of 2004, only 3 old members Sweden , the UK by paying taxes.
and Ireland allowed foreign workers to take on jobs without a work On the other hand they are powerful enough to put pressure on the
permit. Most of the old members temporarily prohibit the inflow of government and force them to offer favourable conditions in return for
foreign workers, because they are afraid of the mass migration of cheap settling in their country.
labour. Anti-globalist movements protest against globalisation on the grounds
The single currency that it widens the gap between the poor and the rich part of the world,
The euro has been the official currency of the European Union in several and devastates national identity and sovereignty. Environmentalists
member states since 1999, although coins and bank notes werent raise their voices against the increased pollution occurring mainly in
introduced until 1 January 2002. Some of the old member countries defenceless countries.
decided against joining the eurozone at that time. Most of the new
members are preparing for the adoption of the euro. The single currency 3. MARKET STRUCTURES
is managed by the European Central Bank. Market economy
1. Countries wishing to accede to the eurozone have to meet certain The market economy is an economic system where the allocation of
requirements: the Maastricht criteria: resources on the market is determined primarily by supply and demand.
Price stability: inflation must be under the average of the three Private ownership enables individuals to possess factors of production.
countries with the lowest inflation, plus 1.5% In a market economy the state has a limited share in regulating and
The long-term interest rates should be within 2% of the average of intervening in the economy (e.g. providing welfare benefits).
the three countries with the lowest inflation Planned economy
The public deficit shouldnt exceed 3 % of GDP The planned economy is controlled and coordinated by the state. The
The national debt shouldnt exceed 60 % of GDP production and the allocation of resources are prescribed centrally by
2. ERM II (Exchange Rate Mechanism II) the state (pricing, production and distribution). In state-owned companies
Joining ERM II ensures that the participating countries orient their there is full employment leading to unemployment on the job. There is
policies towards stability and convergence, which will help them in their no competition on the market, therefore efficiency is not increased by
efforts to adopt the euro. A central rate is determined between the euro private entrepreneurs who are motivated by profits. The black economy
and each participating non-euro area currency, with a standard is strong because of the shortage economy.
fluctuation band of 15% above and below that rate, and each Staple commodities are subsidised. The social net is relatively
participating country has to hold its currency in this band without the strong
intervention of the National Bank for two consecutive years. Hungary There is not a big gap between the layers of society
has not joined the system yet. The 4 magic areas of economic policy
3. As a result of the introduction of the euro, transaction costs and Price stability
exchange rate risks are eliminated (there is no need to exchange the Low level of unemployment
national currency) and prices become more transparent. Apart from Balance of payments equilibrium
contributing to macroeconomic stability, it has further favourable Economic growth
economic impacts by attracting foreign direct investment (FDI). The six different models of mixed economies
Common Agricultural Policy Anglo-Saxon model USA, United Kingdom
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is a protectionist policy The state has only a small role in the economic processes; this is a
guaranteeing a minimum price to producers and also giving direct aid to relatively liberalised market structure.
them. German model Germany (Hungary)
Some countries in the EU have larger agricultural sectors than others, It is characterised by dynamic market competition and a wide social
notably Spain, Poland and Portugal, and consequently receive more network provided by the government (social market economy).
money under the CAP. They are net recipients. Overall, certain countries French model
make net contributions, notably Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. The state has a dominating role in the economy as it is not only a
The enlargement of the EU in 2004 increased the number of farmers regulator but a proprietor/owner as well (state capitalism).
from 7 to 11 million, and it also increased the agricultural land area by Austrian model Austria, Denmark, Finland, Norway
30% and crop production by 10-20%. The employers negotiate directly with the representatives of the
The 2004 entrants into the EU gained immediate access to price support employees / trade union. The government doesnt take part in the
measures (export refunds, intervention buying). However, direct negotiations, but it has to approve the decisions (social partnership).
payments to Hungary are being phased in over 10 years (2004-2013), Swedish model
starting at 25% of the rate paid to old member countries in 2004. The state regulates/supervises the labour market/ labour relations, and
Further enlargement cares about the social interests of workers. The government plays an
After the last enlargement (when Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU) especially important role in redistribution (the golden mean).
the union remained open, but countries wishing to join have to comply Japanese model
with strict requirements. Croatia and Turkey are the official candidate There is an excessive supply of capital, a strictly organised education
countries which have started accession negotiations with the EU. system and the utilisation of special methods in business management.