Lawsuit by Washington DC, Maryland Against President Trump
Lawsuit by Washington DC, Maryland Against President Trump
Lawsuit by Washington DC, Maryland Against President Trump
BRreNE. FnosH KanlA. RcrNEx
Attorney General of Maryland Attorney General for the District of Columbia
V. Claims 4T
the United States. The case involves unprecedented constitutional violations by the President
that have injured and threaten to cause continuing injury to the District of Columbia ("the
District") and the State of Marylancl ("Maryland") ancl their respective resiclents, including clirect
injury to the plaintiffs' interests in properties located in the District, in Prince George's County,
2. The lawsuit alleges violations by the President of two distinct yet related provisions
of the U.S. Constitution that seek to make certain that he faithfully seryes the American people,
free from compromising fnancial entanglements with foreign and domestic governments and
officials. The first provision, the Foreign Emoluments Clause, prohibits any "Person holding any
Ofice of Profit or Trust" from accepting "any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind
whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State," absent "the Consent of the Congress." LJ.S.
Const. art.I, $ 9, cl. B, The second, the Domestic Emoluments Clause, entitles the President to
receive a salary while in office and forbids him from "receiv[ing] within that Period any other
Emolument from the United States, or any of them." U.S. Const. art. II, $ l, cl. 7. Together,
these provisions help ensure that the President serves with undivided loyalty to the American
people, and the American people only. Our republican form of government demands no less.
oath to "faithfully execute" his office and "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the
United States." Since 1789, each President, regardless of temperament or ideology, has sought,
in his own way, to honor that solemn vow. Yet fundamental to a President's fidelity to that oath
is the Constitution's demand that the President, as the highest officeholder in the land,
disentangle his private finances from those of domestic and foreign powers. Never before has a
which renders him deeply enmeshed with a legion of foreign and domestic government actors,
violates the Constitution and calls into que stion the rule of law and the integrity of the country's
political system. Whatever the sincerity of the persons involved, foreign and domestic officials are
put in the position of considering whether ofnering benefits to businesses associated with the
President is important to maintaining goodwill. Ancl irrespective of whether such benefits affect
the Presiclent's decision-making or shift his foreign or domestic policy, uncertainty about whether
the Presiclent is acting in the best interests of the American people, or rather for his own encls or
personal enrichment, inflicts lasting harm on our democracy. The Framers of the Constitution
individual states in the Union, Congress, or other parts of the federal government. They ensure
that Americans do not have to guess whether a President who orders their sons and daughters to
die in foreign lands acts out of concern for his private business interests; they do not have to
wonder if they lost their job due to trade negotiations in which the President has a personal stake;
and they never have to question whether the President can sit across the bargaining table from
foreign leaders and faithfully represent the world's most powerful democracy, unencumbered by
6. With respect to the Foreign Emoluments Clause, the Framers were aware that
entanglements between American officials and foreign powers could pose a creeping, insidious
threat to the Republic. The theory underlying the clause, informed by English history and by the
Framers' experience, is that a federal officeholder who receives something of value from a foreign
government can be imperceptibly induced to compromise what the Constitution insists be his
only loyalty: the best interest of the United States of America. And rather than address such
corruption by punishing it after the fact, the Framers concluded tt ut tft" best solution was to
write a strict prophylactic rule into the Constitution itself, thereby guaranteeing that improper
incentives never undo this important safeguarcl of'American autonomy. Appliecl to Presiclent
Trump's diverse dealings, the text and purpose of the clause speak as one: absent the consent of
Congress, private enrichment through the receipt of benefits from foreign governments is
7, The Domestic Emoluments Clause was also designed to protect the government
from corruption. The Founders intencled the clause to serve as a guarantee that Congress, other
parts of the fecleral government, and the states "can neither weaken fthe President's] fortitude by
operating on his necessities, nor corrupt his integrity by appealing to his avarice."2 The Framers
further intended the clause to protect against self-dealing by ensuring that the President's service
I Norman L. Eisen, Richard Painter & Laurence H. Tribe, The Emolummts Clause: Its
Text, Meaning and Application to Donald J. Trum (Dec. 16, 2016), htq / /brook,gs/2hGlMbW; see
also Applicability of Emoluments Clause to Employment of Government Employees by Foreign
Public Universities, 18 Op. O.L.C. 13, lB (1994) ("Those who hold ofces uncler the Unitecl
States must give the government their unclouded judgment and their uncompromised loyalty,
That judgment might be biased, and that loyalty divided, if they received financial benefits from
a foreign government.").
z The Federalist No. 73 (Alexander Hamilton).
provide emoluments to the President, and protects them from reprisal for any refusal to do so. In
a similar vein, the provision safeguards the states and the District from unfair advantages certain
states may enjoy from opportunities to curry favor from the President by providing emoluments
both the Foreign Emoluments Clause ancl the Domestic Emoluments Clause by receiving
millions of dollars in payments, benefits, and other valuable consideration from foreign
governments and persons acting on their behalf, as well as federal agencies ancl state
governments. His repeated, ongoing violations include remuneration derived from: (a) leases of
entities; (c) other property interests or business dealings tied to foreign governments; (cl) hotel
accommodations, restaurant purchases, the use of venues for events, and purchases of other
services and goods by foreign governments and diplomats at hotels, restaurants, and other
(e) continuation of the General Services Administration lease for President Trump's Washington,
D.C. hotel despite his breach of the lease's terms, and potential provision of federal tax credits in
connection with the same property; and (f) payments from foreign-government-owned
broadcasters related to rebroadcasts and foreign versions of the television program "The
Apprentice" and its spinoffs. Moreover, President Trump, by asserting that he will maintain the
interests at issue, is poised to engage in similar constitutional violations for the duration of his
protections threaten the free and independent self-governance at the core of our democracy. The
President is making decisions every day with profound and far-reaching effects on American life,
from determining who can travel into the country to deciding whether the United States will
abandon global efforts to combat climate change; from proposing budgets to overseeing the
federal workforce; from evaluating who will pay more in taxes to choosing how people will access
health care. Yet Americans are left uncertain as to whether these decisions, with their sweeping
impact on foreign and domestic policy, are driven solely by unyielding loyalty to the country's
best interests, or rather are affected by self-interested motivations grounded in the international
and domestic business clealings in which President Trump's personal fortune is at stake.
I L The Presiclent's violations of the Emoluments Clauses undermine the trust the
American people are entitled to have in their government, It is fundamental to our system of sel
governance that our duly elected Presidents and the governments over which they preside will
always act in singular pursuit of our liberty, security, health, ancl well-being. President Trump's
myriad international and domestic business entanglements make him vulnerable to corrupt
influence and deprive the American people of trust in their chief executive's undivided loyalty.
12. The District and Marylancl have compelling interests in ensuring that the Foreign
and Domestic Emoluments Clauses are enforced ancl protect their residents as designed, The
President's disregard for these constitutional constraints has resulted in significant and ongoing
l3, The District and Maryland have other sovereign, quasi-sovereign, and proprietary
interests in preventing the defendant's violations of the Emoluments Clauses. The defendant, his
organization, and its affiliates have received presents or emoluments from foreign states or
instrumentalities and federal agencies, and state and local governments in the form of payments
to the defendant's hotels, restaurants, and other properties. The defendant has used his position
as President to boost this patronage of his enterprises, and foreign diplomats and other public
oflicials have made clear that the defendant's position as President increases the likelihood that
14. The defendant's ongoing constitutional violations harm the sovereign and quasi-
sovereign interests of the District and Maryland. Maryland has an interest in preserving its role as
a separate sovereign and securing observance of the terms under which it participates in the
federal system. That interest is harmed by the clefenclant's violations of both Emoluments
Clauses, but it carries particular force with respect to the Domestic Emoluments Clause, which
exists (at least in part) for the protection of "the United States and any of them." Indeed, as
government entities with authority to tax and regulate businesses and real estate, the District and
Maryland are harmed by perceived and/or actual pressure to grant special treatment to the
defendant and his extensive affiliated enterprises, or else be placed at a disadvantage vis--vis
other states and governments that have granted or will grant such special treatment. In addition,
the District and Maryland have an interest in protecting their economies and their resiclents,
who, as the defendant's local competitors, are injurecl by clecreased business) wages, ancl tips
resulting from economic ancl commercial activity diverted to the defendant and his business
enterprises clue to his ongoing constitutinal violations. Maryland is itself further injured by the
15. The defendant's ongoing constitutional violations also harm the proprietary
interests of the District and Maryland. The District and Maryland suffer direct financial harm in
their capacity as proprietors of businesses that compete with the defendant's businesses, to the
extent that businesses owned by him and/or his affiliated enterprises attract customers and divert
them away from businesses that the District and Maryland own, license, or tax.
16. The District of Columbia and Maryland bring this action to stop President
Trump's violations of the Emoluments Clauses. As a direct result of those violations, the District
and Maryland have been injured and will continue to be injured absent relief from this Court.
To prevent these injuries, they request that this Court enter a declaratory judgment that
President Trump has violated the Foreign and Domestic Emoluments Clauses and an injunction
17. The plaintif are the District of Columbia and the State of Marylancl.
sued, and is the local government for the territory constituting the permanent seat of the fecleral
government, The District is representecl by and through its chief legal officer, the Attorney
General for the District of Columbia. The Attorney General has general charge and conduct of
all legal business of the District ancl all suits initiatecl by and against the District and is responsible
19, The State of Maryland is a sovereign state of the United States of America. The
State is represented by and through its chief legal officer, the Attorney General of Maryland. He
has general charge, supervision, ancl direction of the State's legal business, and acts as legal
aclvisor and representative of all major agencies, boarcls, commissions, and official institutions of
state government. The Attorney General's powers and duties include acting on behalf of the
State and the people of Maryland in the federal courts on matters of public concern.
20. The clefendant is the President of the United States of America. He is being sued
21. This Court has subject-matterjurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. $$ l33l and 2201.
22, Venue is proper under 28 U.S.C. $ l39l(e)(l) because the defendant is "an officer
. . . of the United States . . . acting in his ofcial capacity or under color of legal authority," and
the District of Maryland is a 'Judicial district" in which "a substantial part of the events or
omissions g,rirg rise to the claim occurred," and (in any event) where one of "the plaintifffs]
23, The Foregn Ernolurnents Cluse. The origins of the Foreign Emoluments
Clause go back to at least 1651, when the Dutch broke with traditional European diplomatic
customs and prohibited their foreign ministers from accepting "any presents, directly or
indirectly, in any manner or way whatever."3 The Framers also hacl the benefit of earlier
thinking by those who drafted state constitutions, inclucling Maryland's,4 and by those who
craftecl the Articles of Confederation, which containecl the clause's predecessor: "[N]or shall any
person holcling any oflice of profit or trust under the Unitecl States, or any of them, accept of any
present, emolument, office, or title of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign
2+. The Foreign Emoluments Clause was not included initially at the Constitutional
Convention, but it was added without dissent at the request of Charles Pinckney, who "urged the
necessity of preserving foreign Ministers & other officers of the U.S. independent of external
3 sJohn Bassett Moore, A Digest of International Law $ 651 (1906) (quoting Dutch
Republic regulation),
+ See Md. Declaration of Rights of 177 6, an. 32 ("That no person ought to hold, at
the same time, more than one office of proft, nor ought any person, in public trust, to receive
any present from any foreign prince or state, or from the United States, or any of them, without
the approbation of this State,").
s Articles of Confederation of l78 l, art, VI, $ 1.
"It was thought proper, in order to exclude corruption and foreign influence, to prohibit any one
in office from receiving or holding any emoluments from foreign states."7 The Framers
recognized the perils of foreign influence and corruption, even in situations subtler than quid pro
quo bribery, and they therefore created a broad constitutional prophylactic rule applicable to
anything of value given by any foreign government to anyone holding an "OfIice of Profit or
25. Consistent with the intent of the Framers, the Foreign Emoluments Clause is
properly interpreted to cover monetary or nonmonetary transactions. Indeed, the text of the
clause bars the receipt of both a "present" and an "Emolument," which together cover anything
of value, including without limitation payments, transactions granting special treatment, and
transactions above marginal cost. The clause also explicitly bars the receipt of "any present [or]
Emolument . . . of argt kind uthateuer," emphasizing the breadth of conduct covered under the
26. The Foreign Emoluments Clause covers not only transfers of anything of value
from a king, prince, or foreign state individually, but also any transfer from instrumentalities or
agents of a foreign state. This is in keeping with the considered view of the Department of
Justice's Oflce of Legal Counsel, whose constitutional interpretations are instructive, though not
27. The Dornestc Ernolurnents Cl.use, The Framers also intended to prevent
the system of patronage, influence, and rent-extraction that predominated in the colonial
governors' ofTices through a Domestic Emoluments Clause applying to just the President. The
t Applicability of the Emoluments Clause and the Foreign Gifts and Decorations
Act to the President's Receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize, 33 Op. O.L.C. B (2009).
clause provides that the President's "Compensation" shall not be increased or decreased, and
that he may not receive any "other Emolument from the United States, or any of them," during
his term of ofce. The clause thus works to ensure that neither states nor the federal government
can "weaken his fortitude by operating on his necessities, nor corrupt his integrity by appealing
to his avarice."e And because the clause is specifically concerned with the federal government as
well as the states, it does not allow for Congress to consent to the President's receipt of adclitional
emoluments beyond his salary. This ban on additional emoluments, Alexander Hamilton wrote,
would ensure that the President woulcl have "n0 pecuniary inducement to renomce or desert the
indeendence intendedr him by the Constitution."l0 Further) as recognizecl by judicial authorities, the
ban "addressed the Framers' concern that the President should not have the ability to convert his
28, The Domestic Emoluments Clause reflects the Framers' particular concern about
making sure that the nation's powerful chief executive remains free from clistorting and
corrupting influences that might hinder his ability to faithfully execute his office. The clause
accordingly proscribes emoluments not only from states and the federal government, but also
hundreds of businesses throughout the world, including hotels and otherproperties. His business
The Federalist No. 73 (Alexander Hamilton).
l0 1/. (emphasis acldecl).
partnerships, and other entities that he owns or controls, in whole or in part, operating in the
United States and at least 20 foreign countries.ll His businesses are loosely organized under an
umbrella known as the "Trump Organization," consisting of the Trump Organization LLC
d/b/a The Trump Organization and The Trump Organization, Inc., both of which are owned
solely by him. But his interests also include scores of other entities not directly owned by either
Trump Organization entity but that he personally owns, owns through other entities, and/ or
controls,l2 The defendant also has several licensing agreements that provide continuing flows of
income. Through these entities and agreements, he personally benefts from business clealings,
ancl is (and will be) enriched by any business in which the entities he owns or controls engage
30. OnJanuary 11, 2017, the defendant announced a plan to turn "leadership and
management" of the Trump Organization over to his sons Eric Trump and Donald TrumpJr.,
as well as a longtime company executive.13 But the plan did not include relinquishing ownership of
3l, The defendant continues to own-ancl be well aware of the activities of-the
and other entities in which he retains an ownership interest. Although he formed a trust to hold
his business assets, he may obtain distributions from his trust at arry
rr Marilyn Geewax & Maria Hollenhorst, Trump's Businesses And Potential Conflicts:
Sortinglt Ozl, NPR (Dec. 5, 2016), http:/ /
t2 U,S. Office of Gov't Ethics, DonaldJ. Trump, 2016 Executive Branch Personnel
Public Financial Disclosure Report (May 16, 2016),
13 Donald Trum's News Conference: Full Transcrt and Video, N.Y. Times (Jan. I 1,2017),
http : / / / 2jkFUPK.
t4 David Kravitz & Al Shaw, Trump Law1er Coryfirms Pruident Can Pull Monel,t From His
32. The defendant's son, Eric Trump (who is also an advisor to the defendant's trust),
initially indicated that he would not communicate with his father concerning his business
interests. Eric Trump has now acknowledged, however, that he will provide business updates to
g3, The defendant has neither sought nor received "Consent of the Congress" with
respect to his receipt of presents or emoluments from foreign government officials, entities, or
Avenue, N.W., just blocks from the White House. The defendant owns ancl controls this hotel
35. The defenclant, through entities he owns, receives payments macle to the Trump
International Hotel by guests who stay in hotel rooms and patrons who use the hotel venues or
36. The restaurant BLT Prime is located in the Trump International Hotel. The
defendant, through various business entities, owns the restaurant, licenses the name from BLT
37, Since the election, the Trump International Hotel has specifically marketed itself
to the diplomatic community. On one occasion, barely a week after the election, it held an event
where it pitched the hotel to about 100 foreign diplomats,lz The hotel also hired a "director of
diplomatic sales" to facilitate business with foreign states and their diplomats and agents, luring
38. In addition, the defendant has repeatedly appeared at the hotel since his election,
adding further media attention to the property and raising its public pro{ile. Several figures in his
administration, including Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and Small Business Administration
Administrator Linda McMahon, have also lived or continue to live in the hotel.le
39. Diplomats and their agents have voiced their intent to stay at (or holcl events at)
the Trump International Hotel. "Believe me, all the clelegations will go there," one "Miclclle
Eastern diplomat" told the Washington Post about the hotel,2o An "Asian diplomat" agreed: "Why
wouldn't I stay at his hotel blocks from the White House, so I can tell the new president, 'I love
your new hotell' Isn't it rucle to come to his city and say, 'I am staying at your competitor?"'21
40. These statements have become reality. The Embassy of Kuwait, a foreign state,
held its National Day celebration at the Trump International Hotel on February 22, 2017.22
Upon information and belief, Kuwait paid for the venue, food, and other services providecl in
t7 Jonathan O'Connell & MaryJordan, Forforeign diploma, Trum hotel is lace to be,
Wash. Post (Nov. lB, 2016), http:/ /
IB Id.
re Julie Bykowicz, Trump Hotel Ma2 be Political Capital of the Nation's Capital, Associated
Press (Mar. 5, 20 I 7), http: / / apne,ws/ 2n2Rxfs.
20 Id.
2t Id.
22 Jonathan O'Connell, Kuwaiti Embass2 is latest to book Trump D.C, hotel, but ambassador
sa2s hefelt ho ressure', Wash. Post (Dec. 20,2016),;Jackie Northam,
Kuwait Celebration At Tnrmp Hotel Raises Conflict of Interut fuustions, NPR (Feb. 25, 2017),
http:/ /
connection with the celebration. The cost has been estimated at $40,000 to $60,000.23 Before the
election, a "save the date" reservation had been made with the Four Seasons hotel, where the
event had previously been held.2a According to one report, the Embassy of Kuwait moved the
event under pressure from the Trump Organization (though Kuwait's ambassador to the United
States denied being pressured).2s As a result, the Trump International Hotel or its controlling
entities have received one or more payments from Kuwait after l2:01 pm onJanuary 20,2017 .
+L Between January 23 and 26, 2017 and cluring February 2017, the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia, a foreign state, spent thousands of clollars on rooms, catering, and parking at the
Trump International Hotel. In a Foreign Agents Registration Act report filed with the
Department of Justice, an agent representing the Royal Embassy of the Kingdom of Saucli
Arabia reported paying the hotel $190,272 for lodging, fi78,204 for catering, and $1,568 for
parking between October 1,2016 and March 31,2017, using money received from Saudi
Arabia.26 Some of the payments were made after the defendant's inauguration as President.2T
Upon information and belief, Saudi Arabia paid at least $250 per night for each of the rooms it
rented through its agent between January 23 and26,2017,28 and paid the hotel for meals and
23 Julia Harte, Kuwait could ltay u to 860,000 for art2 at Trum Hotel in Washington,
Reuters (Feb. 2 7, 20 | 7 ), http : / / / 2oF ztKa.
2+ Jackie Northam, Kuwait Celebration At Trump Hotel Raises Coffict of Interest fuestions.
25 Judd Legum & Kira Lerner, Under political pressure, Kuwait cancels mqjor euents at Four
Seasons, switches to Trum's D.C. hotel, ThinkProgress (Dec. 19, 2016),
26 MSLGROUP Americas Inc. d/l/a Qorvis MSLGROUP, Supplemental
Statement Pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended, for six month
period ending 3/31/2017, filed }l4.ay 31, 20l7,http:/ /bit.lyl2rAQjgE; Chuck Ross, Saudis Spent
#270K At Trum Hotel In Inbb2ing Camaign Against 9/l I Bill, Daily Caller ([une +, 2017),
http : / / bitJyl 2 sSKB 7F.
27 Byron Tau & Rebecca Ballhaus, Trump Hotel Receiued fi270,000 From Lobbying
Camaign Tied to Saudis, Wall StreetJournal flune 6, 2017), ht://on,
28 Isaac Arnsclorf, Saudis foot tab at Trum hotel, POLITICO (Feb. 9, 2017),
other services provided in connection with the stay. Saudi Arabia paid for individuals to have
dinner at the hotel on January 23 and both breakfast and dinner on January 24.2e Upon
information and belief, at least one of the meals was provided by BLT Prime. Upon information
and belief, Saudi Arabia paid the hotel through its agent for similar expenses associated with a
visit in mid-February,3o As a result, the Trump International Hotel or its controlling entities have
received one or more payments from Saudi Arabia, through its agent, after l2:01 pm onJanuary
20,20t7 .
42. On or about April 6, 2017, Kaha Imnadze, the Ambassaclor and Permanent
Representative of Georgia to the United Nations, stayecl at the Trump International Hotel and
then tweeted his compliments about the hotel.3l Upon information and belief, the government of
Georgia, a foreign state, paid the hotel for his room and other services providecl in connection
with his stay. As a result, the Trump International Hotel or its controlling entities have received
+3. On information and belief, after 12:01 pm onJanuary 20,2017, the Trump
International Hotel or its controlling entities have received anc will continue to receive payments
4+. OnJanuary 20,2017, Trump Old Post Office LLC, the entity leasing the building
in which the Trump International Hotel is located and in which the defendant has a beneficial
interest, amended its governing agreement to provide that, during the defendant's presidency,
the company will not make any distributions of profts to any entity in which the defendant has a
beneficial interest and will credit these undistributed profits to n unrecovered capital
contribution account held for the benefit of the designated entities that defendant controls. This
amendment is immaterial to whether the defendant has violated the Foreign Emoluments
Clause. The defendant remains owner of approximately 77.5o/o of the Trump Old Post Office
LLC (the remaining shares are owned by three of his children), ancl thereby benefits from any
amounts deposited into the unrecovered capital contribution account. He further may receive
Trump OIcl Post Office LLC for business purposes, the ame nclment increasecl the value of one of
his assets.
+6. Prior to taking ofTice, President Trump's attorney promised that all profits earned
from foreign governments would be donated to the U.S. Treasury. The Trump Organization
later admitted, however, that it was not tracking all payments that it received from foreign
governments, and that it plans only to estimate, rather than calculate, such payments.32
47. Trump Tower is a mixed-use skyscraper on Fifth Avenue in New York City.
Through the use of various entities, the defendant owns and controls Trump Tower and, through
32 Ari Melber, et al., Trum Failing to Track Foreign Cash at His Hotels, NBC News (May
24, 20 | 7 ), http : / / nbcnews, to / 2q1N zv3x.
+8. One of the largest tenants of Trump Tower is the Industrial and Commercial
+9. After l2:01 pm onJanuary 20, 2017, Trump Tower or its controlling entities have
received one or more payments from ICBC under its lease. Trump Tower or its controlling
entities will continue to receive regular payments from ICBC under its lease agreement,
50, The defendant has repeatedly referenced ICBC's Trump Tower lease in
discussing his views of U.S.-China relations. During his presidential campaign inJune 2015, for
instance, the defendant stated: "I love Chinal The biggest bank in the world is from China. You
know where their United States headquarters is located? In this building, in Trump Tower."34
Similarly, in March 2016, when asked about China's territorial claims in the South China Sea,
the defendant tolcl the Washington Post,"I do deals with them all the time. The largest bank in the
51. The term of ICBC's Trump Tower lease runs until October 2019, before the end
of the defendant's term. As a result, any negotiations for a renewal or extension of the lease will
52. Trump Grill is a restaurant located inside Trump Tower that the defendant owns
through various business entities. Upon information and belief, tenants of Trump Tower,
including oflcials of China and other countries, have dined at Trump Grill as a result of their
33 Caleb Melby, et al., I[hen Chinese Bank's Trum Lease Endq Potential Conflict Begins,
Bloomberg (Nov. 28, 20 I 6), https: / /blo om,bg/ 2oQ07 -I 4.
34 Id.
35 Id.
36 Id.
tenancy in the Tower and the foreign states themselves may host events there. Accordingly,
foreign states or their instrumentalities likely have paid or will pay for services at Trump Grill.
The defendant has and will continue to receive payments from various foreign states through
Trump Grill.
53. Trump World Tower is a skyscraper on United Nations Plazain New York City,
corrlaining condominium units. Through the use of various entities, the defendant manages and
controls Trump World Tower and, through entities he owns, receives payments made by
residents of the Trump World Tower for common charges ancl handles rental transactions
5+. In 2001, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia paid $4.5 million to purchase a floor of
Trump World Tower.37 The annual common charges for building amenities for the floor totaled
$85,585 at the time . As of 2003, the most recent year for which information is publicly available,
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia paid monthly common charges of about $7,398-or $BB,7Bl per
year. The floor currently belongs to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for use by the Saucli Mission
to the United Nations, which upon information.and belief continues to pay common charges to
the defendant.3s
37 Stephen R. Brown, Donald Trump made mil.lions from Saudi Arabin, but trashes Hillary
Clinton for Saudi donations to Clinton Foundation, N.Y. Daily News (Sept, +, 2016),
http : / / nydn. us / 2bNEAq2.
38 Id.
55. In 2015, the defendant said about Saudi Arabia: "I get along great with all of
them. They buy apartments from me." He further noted: "They spend $40 million, $50 million'
56. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a foreign state, and the Saudi Mission to the
from the As of 2003, the most recent year for which information is publicly
available, the Mission paid monthly common charges of approximately $3,639-or $43,670 per
year. The units continue to belong to the Mission, which upgn information ancl belief continues
instrumentality of a foreign state, paid $4.235 million to purchase a unit in Trump World
Tower.4l As of 2003, the most recent year for which information is publicly available, the
common monthly charges for the unit purchased by the Mission were approximately $2,090 per
month-or $25,085 per year. The unit continues to belong to the Mission, which upon
information and belief continues to pay common charges to the defendant.
instrumentality of a foreign state, paid $1,995,000 to purchase a unit in Trump World Tower,
3e Id.
40 N.Y.C. Dep't of Finance, OfIce of the City Registrar, Condo, Unit Deed: 845
U.N. Ltd. P'ship To The Permanent Mission of India to the U.N. (Dec. 23, 2002),
http : / / gov/ 2pbBObx.
4t Max Abelson, Afghanistan BtEs 84.2 M, Trum Condo (with 'Peac{ulness and Views'),
Observer (Sept. I 1, 2009), 4n3.
and in 2012, it paid $8.375 million to purchase two additional units in Trump World Tower. As
of 2003, the most recent year for which information is publicly available, the common monthly
charges for the units purchased by the Mission were a total of approximately $5,660 per
month-or $67,920 per year. The units continue to belong to the Mission, which upon
60. The defendant, through entities he owns, receives payments macle to Trump
Worlcl Tower by tenants and owners of units in the building through their payment of common
charges and other fees. On information ancl belief,, these payments include management ancl
other fees paid to the building's management company, an entity owned by the clefendant.
61, Trump World Tower or its controlling entities will continue to receive regular
common charge payments from Saudi Arabia, India, Afghanistan, and tar, and those
63. Tenants of the Trump World Tower, including officials from Saudi Arabia, India,
Afghanistan, and Q,atar have patronized (or will patronize) the World Bar. Further, foreign states
or agents or instrumentalities of these or other foreign states have hosted and will host events at
the World Bar due to its location near the United Nations. By reason of his financial stake in
Trump World Tower, the defendant will either receive payments from foreign states made to the
World Bar, or the revenue that the World Bar receives, including from foreign states, affects the
amount of rent that the defendant is able to charge the World Bar.
Chinese tradernarks
6+. The defendant began to seek trademark protection in China for the use of his
name in connection with building construction services in 2006. His application was rejected by
the Trademark Office, and he subsequently lost his appeals to the Trademark Review and
Adjudication Board, the Beijing Intermediate People's Court, and the Beijing High People's
Court.a2 The defendant suffered his most recent court defeat in May 2015, the month before he
65. Three weeks after his election, on December 2,2016, the defendant spoke directly
with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen.a3 That conversation broke longstanding protocol and
suggested that the defendant might end the "One China" policy that the Unitecl States had
obscrved for decades. The clefendant further indicated before taking ofTrce that he might end the
66. On February 9,2017, however, the defendant spoke with Chinese President Xi
Jinping and pledged to honor the One China Five days later, on February L4, 2017,
China reversed its prior course and gave the defenclant trademark protection.
67. Chinese law prohibits awarding trademarks that are "the same as or similar to the
68. Even though China had denied the defendant trademark protection for more than
ten years, including in a ruling from an appellate court, and despite Chinese law barring the use
of foreign leaders' names as trademarks, China reversed course and decided to grant the
defendant the trademark he had sought and valued. But China did so only after he had been
42 Erika Kinetz, With Trum's win in China, will Trurn toilets get flusdl Associated
Press (Feb. | +, 20 | 7 ), http: / / / 2mfcKgN.
+3 Jordan Fabian & Neetzan Zimmerman, Trum nakes historlt with phone call to Taiwan
le ader,
-he Hill (D ec. 2, 20 | 6), http : / /bit.lyl 2prWnYu.
4+ Jordan Fabian & Evelyn Rupert, Trum romisu Chinese resident he'll honor 'one China'
policy, The Hill
(Feb. 9, 2017),; Laurel Raymond & Judd Legum,
Trum's trademark tests Chinese law,Think Progress (Feb, lB, 2017),http:/ /l:illy/2pXHZ'2.
+s Fabian & Rupert, Trump promises Chinue president he'll honor 'one China'policy,
46 Raymoncl & Legum, Trum's trademark tes Chinese law.
elected President, questioned the One China policy, was sworn in, and then re-affirmed the One
China policy.
69. The trademarks have considerable value because they gtu. the Trump
Organization the sole right to profit from the Trump brand in China. China's granting of these
70. When asked why the defendant changed his position on the One China policy,
ancl whether he hacl received something in exchange from China, White House Press Secretary
Sean Spicer answered: "The President always gets something," but did not elaborate.4T
7 |. The defendant earns royalties and other payments from the clistribution in other
countries of the television program "The Apprentice" ancl its spinof (including "The Celebrity
Apprentice" and "The New Celebrity Apprentice," for which he is still an executive proclucer),
and also from international versions of the programs produced in other countries. In some
instances, these payments originate from foreign governments or their agents or instrumentalities.
For instance, the defendant is paid for a version of the program "The Apprentice" that airs in the
United Kingdom,as The network that broadcasts "The Apprentice" and spinoff shows in the
72. After l2:01 pm onJanuary 20,2017, the defendant has received and will continue
to receive payments from foreign states via their payments for "The Apprentice" or its spinofs
41 Madeline Conway, Spicer on Trump's 'One China' agreunent: 'The resident always ge
s omething', POLITIC O (Feb, 2 7, 20 1 7 ), http : / /poli / 2prZpl7 .
48 Madeline Berg, Here's How Much Donald Trum Will Eam From Producing'CelebriEt
Apprentice', Forbes (Dec. I 3, 20 l6), ht://bit.lyl2pY0S9h.
and international versions. Such payments constitute presents or emoluments that the defendant
73. (Inted Arb Enrtes. The defendant's company is engaged in several real-
estate projects in the United Arab Emirates, including Dubai's Trump International Golf Club,
which opened on February lB, 2017.4e Upon information and belief, the defendant, through
various business entities, has a branding-and-management contract with the properff, and
7+. All services for the golf club, including electricity, water) ancl roads, "come at the
discretion of the government," ancl the "club's bar will neecl government approvals to serve
75. The golf club and other projects cannot be built or operated without permits,
utility, ancl other services and approvals, These discretionary approvals accorclingly confer value
on the defendant, through his financial stake in the company receiving them, in violation of the
projects in Indonesia, including redeveloping a resort in Upon information and belief, the
4e Sudarsan Raghavan, Trum's sons get red caret treatrnent at Dubai golf club oening,
Wash. Post (Feb. lB, 2017), http:/ /
s0 Jon Gambrell, Golf Club Shows Pifolls of His Presidenc2, Associated Press ([an. 3,
20 | 7 ), http : / / / 2j OgOVk.
5r lanJarrett, Pan Pacffic makes wE for Trum in BaLi, Travel Weekly (Feb. 17 , 2017),; Richard C. Paddock & Eric Lipton, Trum's Indonesia Projx, Still
Mouing Ahead, Create Potential Coqflicts, N.Y. Times (Dec. 31, 2016),;
Russ Choma, Tntm's Indonesian Business Partner Brags About His Access, Mother Jones (Feb, 10,
20 | 7), http: / /bit.lyl 2kuj qMC.
defendant, through various business entities, has a licensing-and-management agreement with
77. Completing the projects required or will require permits and approvals from the
Indonesian government. The defendant will receive value from these discretionary permits and
approvals through his financial stake in the company receiving them, in violation of the Foreign
Emoluments Clause.
78. Other, The clefendant also owns) operates, and licenses numerous other
businesses throughout the United States and abroad, including other hotels, other properties for
sale or lease, and golf courses ancl clubs.52 The clefendant, through his financial stake in the
company or companies receiving them, clerives value from the foreign permits and approvals
associated with the owning and operation of those businesses in violation of the Foreign
Emoluments Clause. In addition) revenues from foreign states'patronage of his hotels, golf clubs,
and other businesses may flow to the defendant. After 12:01 pm on January 20,2017, the
defendant, through at least one of his various businesses, properties, and other entities has
received one or more presents or emoluments from foreign states and will continue to do so.
79. As alleged above, the defendant owns and controls hundreds of businesses
throughout the country, including hotels and other properties. The defendant personally benefts
from the business dealings of these entities and agreements associated with them, and is and will
be enriched by their business with state governments or federal agencies within the scope of the
52 U.S, Ofice of Gov't Ethics, DonaldJ. Trump, 2016 Executive Branch Personnel
Public Financial Disclosure Report (May 16, 2016),
The District of Colurnbats Trurnp International Hotel
80. On August 5, 2013, Trump Old Post Ofice LLC, a business entity owned
primarily by the defendant, signed a 60-year lease with the General Services Administration
("GSA")-an independent agency of the United States, whose administrator is appointed by the
President-to open a hotel in the Old Post Office Building in the District of Columbia.
81, More than 76% of Trump OId Post Office LLC is owned by DJT Holdings LLC,
which is in turn owned almost entirelyby the DonaldJ. Trump Revocable Trust, of which the
defendant is the sole beneficiary. The Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C. is located at
this site. The defendant has not divested his interest in the lease since becoming Presiclent,
82. Section 37.19 of the Old Post Ofce lease states: "No... elected official of the
Government of the United States . . . shall be admitted to any share or part of this Lease, or to
any benefit that may arise therefrom." A violation of Section 37.19 is a non-monetary breach
ancl a default unless it is remedied within 30 days after notice from the GSA. Accorclingly, the
defendant has been in breach of the lease with the GSA since 12:01 pm onJanuary 20,2017,
83. Before the defendant's inauguration, the GSA's Deputy Commissioner indicated
to Representatives Blijah Cummings, Peter DeFazio, Gerald Connolly, and Andr Carson that
the defendant would be in violation of the lease unless he "fully divests himself of all financial
interests in the lease" for the Trump International Hotel, which he has not done. Short after
the inauguration, Norman Dong, a GSA official appointed by former President Obama, became
acting administrator. But less than a day later, the defendant replaced Mr. Dong with Tim
Horne, who had coordinated the GSA's transition with the defendant's campaign,53
53 Isaac Arnsdorf, Trum Pick lader r Federal Agenq,t Ouerseeing His D.C. Hotel,
B+. Several weeks later, on March 16, 20l7,the defendant released a proposed 2018
budget increasing GSA's funding, while cutting all (or nearly all) other non-defense-related
agencies' budgets.5a One week after that, on March 23, the GSA issued a letter stating that-
contrary to the lease's plain terms-Trump Old Post Ofice LLC "is in full compliance with
Section 37.19 fof the lease] and, accordingly, the lease is valid and in full force and eflect."ss A
significant portion of the letter reviews the purported financial benefits of the lease to the GSA
ancl taxpayers-even though those benefits are immaterial to the question of breach.
85. Attached to the March 23, 2017 letter was an amenclment to the agreement
governing the business of Trump OId Post Office LLC. This amendment is the basis of the
GSA's position that the tenant is in compliance with the lease, but the letter does not explain how
the amenclment brings the tenant into compliance. In fact, as described above, the amenclment
does not prevent the defendant from receiving "any benefit" from the lease, ancl Trump Old Post
86. In forbearing from enforcing the Old Post Office lease's default and termination
procedures, despite the tenant's breach of its terms, and in cooperating with the tenant in
attempting to create the appearance of compliance with the lease, the federal government has
87. Additionally, the defendant, through entities he owns, is seeking a $32 million
historic-preservation tax credit for the Trump International Hotel. Approval of this credit is at
55 Lefier from Kevin M. Terry, Contracting Oficer, United States Gen. Servs.
Aclmin,, to Donald J. Trump, Jr. (Mar. 23, 20 17), htp / / bit.lyl ZnhKfaB.
the discretion of the National Park Service, an instrumentality of the federal government now
under the defendant's authority.56 If approved, the tax credit would ofet approximately 20o/o of
the cost of rehabilitating the building in which the Trump International Hotel is operating.
88. On November 14, 2016, the defendant received approval from the National Park
Service for the second phase of the three-step-approval process. If fnal approval is granted, it
Mar-a-Lago Club
89. The Mar-a-Lago Club is a private club and estate located in Palm Beach, Florida.
It is comprised of 20 acres of land, with a main mansion of over 100 rooms, alongwith a beach
club, pools, tennis courts, and a 20,000 square foot ballroom for private events. The estate itself
was purchased by the clefendant in 1985. A decade later, in 1995, the defendant opened the club
as a hotel and resort for dues-paying members of the public. It is owned by the clefenclant clirectly
90. The defendant, through entities he owns, receives payments made to the Mar-a-
Lago Club by members and guests who join or visit the club, or rent space there , or pay for other
$200,000, plus tax, as well as $14,000 ayear in annual dues. This fee was doubled following the
defendant's election as President-an increase from $100,000 to $200, Since his election,
Eric Levitz, Trump Won the Presidenclt, Then Approual on a Tax Subsi for His Hotel
New York Mag. (Nov. 30, 2016), http:/ /nyrn.agl2oFFlo9.
57 Robert Frank, Mar-a-Lago Membersh Fee Doubles to ff200,000, CNBC San, 25,
20 1, 7 ), http : / / cnb. cx / 2kjIc2j.
the defendant has also attempted to capitalize on his ofice by advertising his private property to
92. The State Department and at least two U,S. Embassies-those located in the
United Kingdom and Albania-have promoted the Mar-a-Lago estate and club on their
respective websites by posting a 400-word blog post, originally written by Leigh Hartman for a
93. The State Department and embassies' actions have served to promote Mar-a-
Lago as the defendant's "Floricla estate" and claimed that it "has become well known as the
94. The State Department is an executive department within the federal government
95. ShareAmerica, the blog for which the post was originally written, is specifically
96. This post advertising Mar-a-Lago has since been removed from the websites of
the State Department and the embassies, but not before substantive, world-wide advertising of
97. The defendant has used his ofTcial position as President to promote his Mar-a-
Lago property. He has designated Mar-a-Lago as the "Winter White House," and also refers to it
as the "southern White House."61 Since taking office, he has visited Mar-a-Lago on at least seven
occasions, and has met with a number of foreign leaders there, including Japanese Prime
Minister Shinzo Abe and the President of the People's Republic of China, XiJinping.62
98. Upon information and belief, federal, state, and local governments) or their
instrumentalities, have made and will continue to make payments for the use of facilities owned
or operated by the defendant for a variety of functions. The defendant will receive a portion of
those payments, which constitute emoluments prohibitecl by the Domestic Emoluments Clause.
99. Although the exact extent of these emoluments is not currently known, examples
of current or potential violations include "public pension funds in at least seven U,S. states"-but
not the State of Marylancl or the District of Columbia-that "have invested millions of dollars in
an investment fund that owns a New York hotel and pays one of Presiclent Donald Trump's
companies to run it, according to a Reuters review of public records."63 And the defendant has
6l See, e,g., Briefingby Press Secretary Sean Spicer (Feb. 2,2017) ("Luckily, for
those of you who are going to be joining the President down to Florida this weekend, you'll get
some time to get a glimpse of summer at the 'Winter White House' in Mar-a-Lago."),; Remarks by President Trump in Listening Session with the National
Association of Manufacturers (Mar. 31, 2017) ("The President: . . . As you know the President of
China is coming to Florida, We're having a meetingbig meeting-at Mar-a-Lago. We call it
the Southern White House, which it actually is. It was originally built as the Southern White
House, a lot of people don't know."), http:/ /bitJy/2rUH1ZI.
62 Background Briefing by Senior Administration Oficials on the Visit of
President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China (Apr. +, 2017) ("SENIOR
ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL: . . . I'm certain it was President Trump's invitation that they
meet outside of Washington, D.C.-. . . you know, you've heard people refer to it as the 'winter
White House.' It's a place where he feels comfortable and at home, and where he can break the
ice with Xi Jinping without the formality, really, of a Washington meet-up."),
http : / / / 2nY Qy26.
t3 Julia Harte , Exclusiae: A New Tork hotel deal shows how some ublic ension funds he to
received (or will likely receive) a host of other potential emoluments from federal, state, andlor
Iocal governments.
100. Since the defendant's inauguration as President, goods and services sold by his
various Trump businesses have sold at a premium. The defendant's high office gives the Trump
brand greater prominence and exposure. Moreover, these goods and services provide (or have
the potential to provide) a unique benefit: access to, influence on, and the goodwill of the
101. Thus, for example, the starting rate for "guest rooms" at the defendant's Old Post
Office hotel increased to $500 on most nights, up hundreds of dollars from when the hotel first
102. Further, as discussed earlier, the initiation fee for membership at defendant's Mar-
a-Lago resort doubled from $100,000 to $200,000 shortly after he was elected.65
103. The plaintiffs'interests in this litigation are substantial. They are harmed by the
defendant's constitutional violations in at least two distinct ways. First, they have suffered (and
will continue to sufler) harm to their sovereign andlor quasi-sovereign interests, including
Maryland's interest in preserving its rightful status within our federal system; the plaintifs'
constitutional provisions designed to guard against corruption and to protect interests distinct to
the states themselves; the plaintifns' interest in protecting their economies and their residents from
6+ The Associated Press, Tntmp Hotel Ma2 Be Political Caital of Nation's Caital,
Fortune (Mar. 5, 20 1 7), htrp: / / / 2 rsCsXI.
65 Robert Frank, Mar-a-Lago membershipfee doubles to #200,000.
economic harm; and Maryland's interest in preserving its tax revenue. Second, the plaintiffs have
suffered (and will continue to suffer) proprietary and other financial harms as a result of the
that the defendant is in violation of the Emoluments Clauses and an injunction preventing his
agreed to enter the Union Before adopting the federal Constitution, Maryland and its sister
incorporated protections against public corruption into their own legal codes and constitutions,
with specific prohibitions on public officials accepting payments from federal, state, or foreign
governments. The Maryland Declaration of Rights, adopted August 14,1776, provides that "all
persons invested with the legislative or executive powers of government are the trustees of the
public," and contains a precursor to the U.S. Constitution's Emoluments Clauses.66 This
precursor combines the concerns of the two clauses into a single prohibition: "That no person
ought to hold, at the same time, more than one ofTice of profit, nor ought any person, in public
trust, to receive any present from any foreign prince or state, or from the United States, or any of
them, without the approbation of this State."67 The Maryland Constitution of 1776 further
provided for banishment "forever" as a potential punishment for a governor sharing "directly or
indirectly" in the profits of another oflce, and also prohibited the governor from receiving part of
consistent with the constitutions adopted by the other colonies at the time. The Pennsylvania
Constitution of 1776, which Benjamin Franklin helped draft, made clear "[t]hat government is,
or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection ancl security of the people, nation or
cornmunity; ancl not for the particular emolument or aclvantage of any single man, family, or sett
of men, who are apart only of that community."6e The South Carolina Constitution of 1776,70
and the Massachusetts Constitution of l7B0,7l contained similar prohibitions against corruption
of public oficials.
106. The prohibitions contained in the Domestic and Foreign Emoluments Clauses
were thus material inducements to the states entering the union. As a state sovereign, Marylancl
Emoluments Clause in particular reflects the Framers' deep concern that one or more of the
states (or the federal government) might seek to buy off the President so that he would exercise
power to their advantage and to the detriment of other states, thereby disrupting the balance of
power in the federalist system. Thus, the Domestic Emoluments Clause aims to prevent "the
United States, or any of them," from feeling compelled (or being compelled) to confer private
financial benefits on the President in order to compete for influence and favor.
l0B. The Disuict ancl Marylancl each have a governmental interest in the enforcement
of their respective laws regarding taxation, environmental protection, zoning, ancl land use as
they relate to real property that the defendant or the "Trump Organization" may own or seek to
acquire. The defendant and his affiliated enterprises have a large ancl expanding portfolio of real-
estate holdings, including a hotel in the District, and the defendant's Trump International
requirements under the laws of the District ancl Maryland, including tax laws that generate
revenue for the District, Maryland, and their instrumentalities. The defendant has boasted that
he has achieved success in real-estate acquisition and development by using his financial clout
waivers, and variances with respect to taxes and other requirements imposed by law.73
72 Md. State Dep't of Assessments and Taxation, Md, Business Express, Registration
for Trump Inte rnational Re alty, http : / / l:it,ly / 2 qXZW pQ"
73 Geraldine Baum, Tom Hamburger & Michael J. Mishak, Trum ltas thriued uith
L.A. Times (May 11, 2011),http:/ /;Jillian Kay Melchior,
gouemment's generosiE,
Donald Trum Has Mastered the Art of the Tax Break, National Review (Aug. 19, 2015) ("Trump has
long sought subsidies, tax breaks, and other preferential treatment from the government."),
Indications to date suggest that this longstanding practice of the Trump Organization did not
cease upon the defendant's election to the Presidency; rather, there is evidence that the
defendant's ascendancy to the highest ofice in the land has enhanced his organization's ability to
the Constitution presents the District and Marylancl with an intolerable clilemma: either (l) grant
the Organization's requests for concessions, exemptions, waivers, variances, ancl the like and
sufner the consequences, potentially including lost revenue and compromised enforcement of
environmental protection, zoning, ancl land use regulations, or (2) deny such requests and be
placed at a disadvantage vis--vis states and other government entities that have granted or will
agree to such concessions. Bither way, the result is the very type of injury that the Domestic
II l. Moreover, the District and Maryland, which rank first and fourth, respectively, in
per capita amount of federal government expenditures, are particular susceptible to injury
resulting from budgetary decisions that are subject to the corrupting influence of emoluments.T5
Federal funds make up approximately 25o/o of the District's fiscal year 20lB budget,76 and
Maryland is relying on federal funds for nearly 30% of the State government's budget for fiscal
year 2018.77 Federal government spending accounted for more than42o/o of the District's gross
domestic product and more than 2o/o of Maryland's in fscal year 2014.7 B Both the District and
Maryland are home to headquarters for federal agencies, Civilian federal agencies employ
approximately l7o/o of the workforce in the Districtie and l0% of Maryland's total workforce.B0
Federal agencies annually have spent more than $21 billion for procurement in the District and
more than $26 billion for procurement in Maryland.Bl Given this significance of federal
government spending and operations, and the President's significant role in determining how,
when, and where federal funds are spent, the conflict of interest inherent in the defendant's
receipt of emoluments clirectly and profoundly aflects the District and Maryland.
112. The plaintif seek to protect this distinct interest, ancl thereby vindicate their role
nd. ther econornes. The District is home to 680,000 residents, while the State of Maryland
is home to over 6.I million residents. Residents of both the District and Maryland participate in a
thriving hospitality industry that comprises a substantial part of the plaintifls' economies. For
77 Md. Dept. of Legislative Services, The 90 DE Reort: A Reuiew of the 2017 Legislatiue
Session at A-3, A-28,
78 Pew Charitable Trusts , Issue Brief Federal Spending in the States 2005 to 2014 (Mar. 3,
20 I 6) at 6, http: / /bit.lyl I QIOq43.
7s Office of Personnel Management, Data, Analysis & Documentation: Federal
Employment Reports (Sept. 2015), http:/ /; District of Columbia, Wage and
Salary Employment by Industry and Place of Work (Dec. 2015),http:/ /bit,lyl2raFJhF.
80 John Fritze, Trum's Budget Suges Mqjor Changes in Md., Baltimore Sun (Mar. 16,
20 17), http : / / 2r6n I Yk.
Br U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Consolidated Federal Funds Reortr Fiscal Tear 2010 (Sept,
20l l) at 37, +8,{Re.
example, in 2014, visitors to the District generated approximately $6,81 billion in spendings2 and
drove $3.86 billion in wages for 74,570 employees in the District's hospitality In
Maryland, tourists and travelers spent nearly $17 billion in 2015, yielding $5.7 billion in wages
for more than 140,000 employees,B5 including more than 72,000 hospitality industry workers
employed in the two Maryland counties that border the District of Columbia,86 Both the District
and Marylancl regulate competition and transparency in this industry through laws that prohibit
ll4. Residents of the District and Maryland are injured by the payment of presents
ancl emoluments to the defendant because it tilts the competitive playing field toward his
businesses; causes competing companies ancl their employees to lose business, wages, and tips;
and generates a range of market distortions that restrict and curtail opportunity, diminish
115. The District ancl Maryland have the authority and right to vindicate their interest
in providing and preserving a level playrng field in the hospitality industry, and in ensuring that
their residents are free from the injuries and competitive disaclvantages that flow from
82 Ofce of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, Hls4itali\
and Tourism, https: / / dmped. dc. gov/pagelhospitality-and-tourism.
83 Id.
8+ Id.
B5 Md. Tourism Development Boarcl , FY 2016 Tourism Deueloment Annual Reort [an,
+, 2017) at 3, http: / /bit.lyl2r0k3Ra.
B6 Md. Dept. of Commerce, Montgomer2 CountL, Md.: Brief Economic Fac (2017) at 2,
http:/ /bit,ly/2rE$v92; Md. Dept. of Commerce, Prince George's Count2, Md: Bri{ Economic Facts
(2017) at 2,http:/ / bit.lyl2sY6PBe.
116. Marylnd's soaeregn nterests n tx reuertues. The defendant's
violations of the Emoluments Clauses also injure Maryland's interest in preserving tax revenue
for the beneft of its residents, For example, National Harbor is a resort development with hotels,
a casino, restaurants, entertainment, a marina, and shops located on the Potomac River in Prince
George's County, Maryland. Although Maryland does not own National Harbor, the various
hotels and other businesses in the complex generate significant tax revenue for state and local
governments, through income tax assessed on the businesses and their employees, sales tax, hotel
ll7. The National Harbor development inclucles MGM National Harbor, a hotel,
entertainment, shopping, ancl casino complex that is subject to a Community Benefit Agreement
between MGM National Harbor, LLC, and the government of Prince George's County, a
subdivision of the State of Maryland.BT The Community Benefit Agreement sets goals
encouraging MGM National Harbor to hire Prince George's County residents, to contract with
minority business enterprises and other businesses located in the County, and to create
investment opportunities for County residents. The casino is operated under a gaming license
granted by the Maryland Lottery and Gaming Control Commission, a state government entity,
Under Maryland law, the state and local governments receive 56% of the proceeds generated by
MGM National Harbor's video lottery terminals and 20'/o of the gross proceeds generated by its
table games.B8 In the first four months of 2017, MGM National Harbor's casino proceeds
contributed more than $75 million in revenue to state and local government treasuries to fund
87 See County Council of Prince George's County, Md., Resolution No. CR-68-2014
various public purposes, including more than $55 million for the State's Education Trust Fund.Be
Any circumstance that impairs National Harbor's ability to attract visitors and guests will
diminish the revenues on which the state and local governments depend.
Those hotels and businesses suffer competitive harm by the clefendants' ongoing constitutional
I19. The Dstrct of Colurnbi. The District has a financial interest in properties,
venues, and other enterprises located within the District as owner) lender, or lancllorcl.
120, The District owns the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. The
Washington Convention and Sports Authority (also known as Events DC), is an instrumentality
of the government of the District of Columbia. Events DC operates event ancl conference venues
in the District, including the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, D.C. Armory, and
Carnegie Library,
l2l' The District, through Events DC, serves the diplomatic community and foreign
and state governments by providing services that compete with those owned or controlled by the
122. In fiscal year 2016, Events DC generated over $30 million in revenue from
building rental and ancillary charges. A portion of Events DC's revenue is based on demand for
B9 Id,
e0 Benjamin Freed, MGM Says lts National Harbor Resort Will 'Blow Awal' Donald
Trum's DC Hotel, Washingtonian ([an. 20, 2016),
123. On August 9, 2016, the Embassy of Colombia partnered with the U.S. Soccer
Foundation to host an Olympic watch party at the Carnegie Library for the soccer match
rnarkets its hotel rooms, event space, and food and beverage services to the diplomatic
126, The defendant, his family, ancl other members of the defendant's administration
have continued to promote his hotel properties, such as by making multiple appearances at those
L27. Since the defendant's inauguration, foreign governments (including the Embassy
of Kuwait and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) have held events at the hotel, and public officials
have stated that, since the defendant was elected president, they are more likely to pay for goods
and services at the defendant's properties in an attempt to curry favor with him.
Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C. and other properties owned or controlled by the
defendant or the Trump Organization has resulted in a competitive injury to the Walter E.
Washington Convention Center, D.C. Armory, and Carnegie Library,
er Olympic Watch Party, US Soccer Foundation website (last visitedJune 10, 2017),
http: / /bit,lyl2auRNlm.
92 -..,
T@ik Independence,Washington Diplomat Facebook page (last visitedJune 10,
20 I 7 ), http : / / bit.Lyl 2 rMR3z8.
129. The District's interest is further injured by the loss of the economic value of its
brands in comparison to defendant's brand, as foreign and state governments and their agents
and instrumentalities favor his businesses for reasons related to the defendant's receipt or
venues) and enterprises that clirectly compete with those owned or controlled by the defendant or
the Trump Organization. Maryland suffers economic loss because its enterprises are placed at a
competitive advantage as the result of the defenclant's ongoing violations of the Foreign and
l3l. Specifically, Marylancl has a direct financial interest in the Montgomery County
Conference Center, part of the Bethescla North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center located
in Bethesda, Marylanci. The site of the hotel and conference center is owned by the Montgomery
subdivision of the State of Maryland. The County Revenue Authority leased the conference
center portion of the site to Montgomery County and to the Maryland Stadium Authority, an
instrumentality of the State,e3 as equal tenants-in-common to develop the conference cente r. The
development of the conference center was funded through bonds issued by the Maryland
Stadium Authority, separate bonds issued by the County Revenue Authority, and direct
contributions from Montgomery County. The County Revenue Authority also leased the hotel
portion of the site to a consortium of private investors that funded the development of the hotel.
The hotel and conference center are overseen by a management committee that includes
representatives of Montgomery County and the Maryland Stadium Authority, and the fcility is
operated by Marriott Hotel Services, Inc., under an agreement with Montgomery County, The
conference center offers approximately 39,000 square feet of meeting space. In fiscal year 2016,
activities at the conference center generated, directly and indirectly, an estimated $45.9 million in
spending, andyielded estimated tax revenues of more than $2.7 million for the State and nearly
132. Furthermore, as explained above, the State of Maryland has su{fered financial
harm because it has a sovereign interest in the receipt of tax revenues from facilities (like the
National Harbor) that are in competition with businesses owned by the defendant andlor his
133. The declaratory ancl injunctive relief that the plaintif are seeking would remedy
these injuries by eliminating the plaintifls' competitive disadvantage vis--vis the clefendant.
Violations of the Foreign Ernoh"rnents Clause
(Declaratory and Injunctive Relief)
l3+. As discussed in detail above, the defendant has violated-and will continue to
violate-the Foreign Emoluments Clause. The phrase "Person holding any Ofce of Profit or
Trust," as used in the clause, includes the President. The phrases "present" and "Emolument . . .
of any kind whatever" together cover anything of value, including without limitation monetary
and non-monetary gifts or transactions, transactions granting special treatment) and transactions
above marginal cost. And the phrase "any King, Prince, or foreign State" includes any foreign
s4 Montgomery Couny Conference Center Economic and Fiscal ImpactAnasis FT 2016, Final
Reort (|an, 201 7) at l-2.
135. The defendant has accepted "presentfs]" or "Emolumentfs]" directly from-or
from agents or instrumentalities of-China, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Indonesia, Saudi
Arabia, Afghanistan, tar,India, Georgia, the United Kingdom, and other "foreign State[s],"
without seeking or obtaining "the Consent of the Congress" as required by the Foreign
Emoluments Clause.
International Hotel Washington, D.C., New York's Trump Tower ancl Trump World Tower,
restaurants the clefendant owns or that are located in his hotels or other properties, the television
program "The Apprentice" ancl its spinoffs and international versions, and other business ancl
137. As a direct result of these violations of the Foreign Emoluments Clause, the
plaintiffs, and their residents, have suflered significant harm. They also stand to suffer additional
l38. No plan announced by the defendant or his attorneys as of the date of this filing
can make this conduct constitutional or otherwise remedy these constitutional violations.
139, The District of Columbia and the State of Maryland are entitled to injunctive
and declaratory relief to stop the above-mentioned Foreign Emoluments Clause violations and
any other Foreign Emoluments Clause violations. This Court has the power to grant such relief
pursuant to its inherent authority to grant equitable relief and 28 U.S.C. $$ 1331 and 2201.
Violations of the Dornestic Ernolurnents Clause
(Declaratory and Injunctive Relief)
140. As discussed in detail above, the defendant has also violated-and will continue
to violate-the Domestic Emoluments Clause. As President, he is the sole subject of the clause.
The phrase "any other Emolument" under the clause covers remuneration beyond the
marginal cost. And the phrase "the United States, or any of them" includes ny prt of the
federal government, any state government, any local government, and any agent or
instrumentality thereof.
l+1,. The defendant is ancl will be accepting "any other Emolument" from "the
United States, or any of them." As described more fully in paragraphs 79 to 99 herein, the
defenclant has committed violations of the Domestic Emoluments Clause, and without this
l+2. As a direct result of these violations of the Domestic Emoluments Clause, the
plaintiffs, and their residents, have suffered significant harm, They also stand to suffer adclitional
l+9. No plan announced by the defendant or his attorneys as of the date of this fling
can make this conduct constitutional or otherwise remecly these constitutional violations.
l++. The District of Columbia and the State of Maryland are entitled to declaratory
and injunctive relief to stop and prevent the above-mentioned Domestic Emoluments Clause
violations and any other violations of the clause . This Court has the power to grant such relief
pursuant to its inherent authority to grant cquitable relief and 28 U.S.C. $$ l33l and 2201.
WHEREFORE, the District of Columbia and the State of Maryland respectfully request
that this Court enter a judgment in their favor and against the defendant, consisting o1
(") A declaratory judgment, stating that the defendant has violated and will continue
to violate the Foreign and Domestic Emoluments Clauses, as construed by this Court;
(b) injunctive relief, enjoining the defendant from violating the Foreign and Domestic
(.) such other and further relief as this Court may deem just and proper.
KnlA. Recwn*
Attorney General for the District of Columbia
Naraun O. Luoewny
Chief Deputy Attorney General
Fecleral Bar No. 12533
natalie.ludaway@dc. gov
SrBpHNr E. Lrros*
Senior Counsel to the Attorney General
stephanie.litos@dc. gov
441 Fourth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001
T: (202) 72+-1521
F: (202) 730-1837
BRraN E. FnosH
Attorney General of Maryland
STBvBN M. SuutveN
Federal Bar No. 24930
[email protected].
PerrucrB. HucHns
Federal Bar No. 19+92
[email protected]
Assistant Attorneys General
200 Saint Paul Place, 20th Floor
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
T: (al0) s76-6325
F: (al0) 576-6955
nbookbinder@citizensforethics. org
SrueRr C. McPHeu,*
smcphail@citizensforethics, org
Citizens for Responsibility and
Ethics in Washington
455 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., 6th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20001
T: (202)408-5565
F: (202) 5BB-5020