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Answer key Unit 5

Test Standard Level


1  Listen and write T (true) or F

16 morning and we had breakfast together.
(false). Then we visited the zoo in the afternoon.
Charlie: What did you do after the zoo?
CD 1 Track 16
Sandra: I wanted to have an ice cream, but my
Wendy: Welcome to this weeks show, everybody.
granny said it wasnt hot enough. So we
With us today weve got Sean, a tourist
had some lemonade instead.
guide living and working in Edinburgh.
Charlie: And did you have a birthday cake on
Sean: Hi, Wendy.
Sandra: Yes! It was pink with lots of strawberries. It
Wendy: Youre here to talk to us about a popular
was delicious, too.
street in Edinburgh, Sean.
Charlie: Did you open lots of presents?
Sean: Yes, Princes Street. The architect who
Sandra: Yes, after the cake I opened all my
designed the street was James Craig. He
was very young when he did this, only 22
Charlie: Heres my present! I hope you like it.
years old.
Happy birthday, Sandra!
Wendy: Did he also design the other two big
Sandra: Oh, thanks, Charlie!
streets: Queen Street and George Street?
Sean: Yes, thats right. Actually, he planned Answers: 1 d 2 c 3 a 4 e
all of the New Town the streets, the CD1

gardens and the squares. 3 18 Listen and write Adam or Lucy.

Wendy: Which street is bigger? CD 1 Track 18
Sean: George Street. People started building Adam: Last weekend I didnt have a very good
the New Town in 1767. Princes Street was time. I wanted to go to the lake with my
finished early in the 19th century. friends. I went to Roberts house on my
Wendy: And, why is it called Princes Street? new bicycle my dads present for my last
Sean: At first, James Craig wanted to call it Saint birthday. Jimmy was there, too. It started
Giles Street after the saint who protects to rain a lot and we stayed inside playing
the city. But in the end they called it computer games in Roberts room
Princes Street after two of the sons of Lucy: I visited Kelly and Tricia last Saturday. They
King George: Prince George and Prince live in London and I always have a great
Frederick. time with them. It was sunny and we went
Wendy: Thats great, Sean. Thank you. shopping. We looked for a present for my
Sean: Sure. Bye, Wendy. sister, Nicola. Its her birthday next month.
Answers: 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 F We really liked a blue dress in a shop, but
it was very expensive. I hope I can find
something in Oxford.

2  Listen and number the pictures


about Sandras birthday in the Answers: 1 Adam 2 Lucy 3 Lucy 4 Adam 5 Adam
correct order. Theres one picture
you dont need to use. Reading
CD 1 Track 17
Charlie: Hi, Sandra! Did you have a nice birthday 4 Read and complete the sentences
last weekend? with one or two words.
Sandra: It was fantastic! Answers: 1 likes 2 Loch Ness 3 looked for 4 lunch
Charlie: Your birthday party was on Sunday, 5 miss
wasnt it?
Sandra: Yes, but I started celebrating on Saturday!
I went to my grandparents house in the

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Answer key Unit 5
Test Standard Level

5 Read and write T (true) or F (false). Speaking

Answers: 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 F
10 Look and name the everyday
6 Where did they go? Read and write activities. Use the verbs in the boxes
E (Edinburgh), G (Glasgow) or S below.
Answers: 1 S 2 G 3 S 4 E 5 S 11 N
 ow say what he/she did last
week. Ask questions using the
Writing verbs in the boxes below.activities.
Use the verbs in the boxes below.
7 W
 hat did Mario and Sylvia do in Answers:
Edinburgh last summer? Look at the Part 1 1 help at home 2 work hard 3 talk to friends
4 share 5 look after (a pet / the dog)
example. Write questions using the Part 2 Pupils own answers.
words in brackets. Look and write
the short answers.
1 Did they stay/sleep in a castle? No, they didnt.
(example) 2 Did Sylvia go shopping? Yes, she did.
3Did Mario take photos in the castle? No, he didnt.
4 Did they go to/visit the zoo? Yes, they did. 5 Did
they see a koala? Yes, they did.

8 What did they do? Look and complete

the sentences using the verbs below
in the past simple. Write two or
three words in each gap.
1 watched TV / played video games 2 cleaned her
teeth / read a/her book 3 listened to music / walked
to school

9 Read and write the correct words.

Answers: 1 went 2 had 3 walked 4 didnt 5 looked
for 6 do

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