Arturo Leon CV May 20 2014

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Assistant Professor of Water Resources Engineering, Ph.D., P.E.

School of Civil and Construction Engineering, Oregon State University
220 Owen Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331| (541)-737-2606 | [email protected]
Research webpage:

A. Education and Employment Information

A1. Education
2007 Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

2000 M.S., Hydraulic Engineering

National University of Engineering, Peru

1998 C.E., Civil Engineering

Nat. Univ. of San Cristobal de Huamanga, Peru

1996 B.S., Civil Engineering

Nat. Univ. of San Cristobal de Huamanga, Peru

A2. Professional Experience

Jan. 2011present Assistant Professor
School of Civil and Construction Engineering/ Water Resources
Oregon State University
Sep. 2009Dec. 2010 Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
Boise State University
Mar. 2007Aug. 2009 Post-doctoral Research Associate
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Aug. 2002Mar. 2007 Research Assistant
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
20002002 Staff Engineer
Hydrologic and Hydraulic Engineering
Knight Piesold Consulting S.A.
19992000 Staff Engineer
Hydrologic and Hydraulic Engineering
1998 Assistant Engineer
Hydraulic Engineering
Agua y Agro Asesores Asociados

19972001 Teaching Assistant
Department of Civil Engineering
National University of Engineering

B. Teaching, Advising, and Other Assignments
B1. Instructional Summary
B1.1. Credit Courses Commented [cmp1]: List chronologically . Information must
be complete for all courses.
Number Course Title Term/Year Credits Enrollment
CE 313 Hydraulic Engineering Winter 2011 4 127
Hydrology Spring 2011 4 70/8
Unsteady flows in Rivers and
CE 505 Fall 2011 4 6
Pipe Networks
CE 313 Hydraulic Engineering Winter 2012 4 72
Hydrology Spring 2012 4 66
Stormwater Management and
CE 540 Fall 2012 4 9
CE 313 Hydraulic Engineering Winter 2013 4 96
Hydrology Spring 2013 4 70
Unsteady flows in Rivers and
CE 540 Fall 2013 4 11
Pipe Networks
CE 313 Hydraulic Engineering Winter 2014 4 70
Stormwater Management and
CE 540 Winter 2014 4 5

B1.2. Non-Credit Courses and Workshops

1. Leon, A. S. (2013) short course on Flow Dynamics in Combined Storm-sewer Systems.

Modeling needs and Application of the Illinois Transient Model (ITM), 8 hours, held at City
of Portland, Environmental Services, Portland, OR, October 25, 2013.
2. Leon, A. S. (2010) short course on Modeling of flows in Combined Storm-sewer Systems,
4 hours, held at the ASCE EWRI World Environmental & Water Resource Congress,
Providence, Rhode Island, May 16, 2010.
3. Leon, A. S. (2010) short course on Unsteady flow modeling using HEC-RAS, 16 hours,
held at Montgomery Watson and Harza Engineering (MWH), Denver, Colorado, August 21
and 23, 2010.

B1.3. Course and Curriculum Development

New Courses:
Stormwater Management and Modeling (CE 540). Newly developed course at OSU that
covers the analysis and design of various components of stormwater collection systems
including, stormwater inlets, storm sewers, combined sewers, detention, infiltration basins,
stormwater wetlands, flow regulators, culverts, drainage channels, erosion and sediment

control, and stormwater pump facilities. This course also covers concepts and methodologies
for sediment transport in drainage systems, distributed stormwater control and management
and reuse systems. Finally, this course presents an introduction to the Illinois Transient
Model (ITM), which was developed by the class instructor. The ITM model is intended for
the modeling of transient and non-transient flows in storm sewers, combined sewers or in
general closed-conduit systems. The ITM model was used for the analysis of combined sewer
systems in the United States of cities like Chicago and Dallas and currently is being used in
countries such as Switzerland, New Zealand and Mexico.
Unsteady Modeling of River and Pipe Networks (CE 540). Newly developed course at
OSU that covers the introduction and analysis of unsteady open-channel flows (e.g., rivers)
and pressurized flows (e.g., full-pipe flows). Strong emphasis is given to the application of
efficient numerical techniques and computational procedures to river routing, flooding, and
storm-water conveyance. This course focus primarily on one-dimensional unsteady flows,
although a brief introduction to two-dimensional flows is also presented. This course
involves six computerlabs using three software: HEC-RAS (USACE), ITM (Arturo Leon)
and TELEMAC-2D (EDF-LNHE, Paris).
B1.4. Team or Collaborative Efforts
Prof. Mohamed Ghidaoui (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China)
Prof. Bas Jonkman (Delft University of Technology)
Prof. Nigel Wright (University of Leeds)
Prof. Marcelo Garcia (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Prof. James Guo (University of Colorado at Denver)
Prof. Leonardo Nania (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Prof. Venkataramana Sridhar (Virginia Tech)
Prof. Peter Goodwin (University of Idaho at Boise)
Prof. Arthur R. Schmidt (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Prof. Xiaofeng Liu (Pennsylvania State University)
Prof. Ximing Cai (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Dr. Juan A. Gonzalez-Castro (South Florida Water Management District, Florida)
Prof. Jose G. Vasconcelos (Auburn University, Alabama)
Prof. Christopher Hoyle (Oregon State University)
Prof. Nathan Gibson (Oregon State University)
M.S. Carmen Bernedo, Montgomery Watson and Harza, Colorado

B1.5. International Teaching


B2. Student and Participant Evaluations Commented [cmp2]: Show every course youve taught, in
chronological order. If data is missing, state that but dont leave
any courses off the list. Be sure to show separate values for the 400
# Re- Student College Required and 500 level responses of joint courses.
Enroll- spond- Evaluation Averages* /Elective If you began teaching before Winter 2003, make a copy of the
table to use for courses prior to that date. In that table, change the
Course No. Term ment ing (#1/#2) (#1/#2) heading row to show that the old (#12) rather than the new (#1 and
CE 313 Winter 2011 127 - 3.8/4.1 4.5/4.7 -0.7/-0.6 Required #2) comparisons were in effect.

CE 412/512 Spring 2011 70/8 - 3.4/3.5 4.7/4.8 -1.3/-1.3 Required

CE 505 Elective
Fall 2011 6 - -/- -/- -/-
CE 313 Winter 2012 72 71 4.1/4.2 4.5/4.7 -0.4/-0.5 Required
CE 412/512 Spring 2012 66 58 3.10/3.10 4.2/4.3 -1.1/-1.2 Required
CE 540 (1) Fall 2012 9 8 5.10/5.50 4.9/5.0 +0.2/+0.5 Elective
CE 313 Winter 2013 96 58 3.90/4.10 4.3/4.4 -0.4/-0.3 Required
CE 412/512 Spring 2013 63 58 4.60/4.90 4.2/4.3 +0.3/+0.4 Required
CE 540 (2) Fall 2013 11 10 5.50/5.90 5.0/5.2 +0.5/+0.7 Elective
CE 313 Winter 2014 68 61 5.00/5.30 Required
Not available because evaluations are NOT Elective
CE 540 (1) Winter 2014 5 collected for courses that have fewer than 6

(1) Stormwater Management and Modeling

(2) Unsteady Flows in Rivers and Pipe Networks
College averages are shown separately for each level (e.g., 300,400, 500) taught.
* Review Questions from Student Evaluations:
Question 1. The course as a whole was
Question 2. The instructors contribution to the course was
1= Very Poor, 2 = Poor, 3 = Fair, 4 = Good, 5 = Very Good, 6 = Excellent
*** No evaluation was performed

B4. Advising
B4.1. Graduate Advisees Completed
Student Degree Thesis Graduated
Christopher Gifford- M.S. A Novel Framework for Fall 2013
Miears Uncertainty Propagation in River
Systems based on
Performance Graphs using Two-
dimensional Hydrodynamic
Akemi E. Kanashiro M.S. A new framework for flooding Fall 2012
control in regulated river systems

B4.2. Graduate Advisees Current Commented [c3]: List PhD students first, then MS. Dont
include MEng students (they go in B4.3). If student is only part-
Student Degree Expected Graduation time, indicate that after the name.

1. Parnian Hosseini PhD 2015

2. Luis Gomez PhD 2015
3. Yunji Choi PhD 2015
4. Julia Rask MS 2014
5. Ali Alnahit MS 2016
6. Ibrahem Elayeb MS 2016

B4.3. Graduate Thesis or Project Committees Commented [cmp4]: Clearly separate graduated from current.
List name, degree, year (if completed), and department if outside of
EECS. Omit any subsections that dont apply
MEng Advisor:

Minor Professor or Committee Member:

1. Perry Morrow, Water Resources Science, Water Resources Graduate Program, MS, 2013
2. Jeff Knowles, Civil Engineering, MEng, 2013
3. Jake Taylor, Civil Engineering, MEng, 2012
4. Kevin Heath, Civil Engineering, MEng 2012
5. Owen Haskell, Civil Engineering, MEng 2012
6. YunJi Choi, Undergraduate University Honors Thesis (Title of Thesis: Flow dynamics in
complex storm-water systems under extreme storm events), 2012
7. Thilini Jaksa, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Boise State University, MS, 2011

1. Grant Livingston, Water Resources Engineering, Water Resources Graduate Program,
MS 2013-2015
2. Kelli Walters, Civil Engineering, MS 2012-2014
3. Amir, Javaheri, Civil Engineering, Ph.D. 2012-2015

Graduate Council Representative:

1. Nathan Germann, M.S., Mechanical Engineering (Defended on 10/02/2013)

B4.4. Undergraduate Research Assistants Commented [p5]: List formal assistantships (paid) only,
including name and year.
1. Tim Lloyd, School of Civil and Construction Engineering, OSU (Winter 2014, Spring
2. Emiko Fukuchi, School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, OSU
(Fall 2013 Spring 2014)
3. YunJi Choi, School of Civil and Construction Engineering, OSU (Winter 2012 Summer
4. YunJi Choi, Kelley Research Funding, School of Civil and Construction Engineering,
OSU, (Summer 2011)
5. Jeffrey Knowles, School of Civil and Construction Engineering, OSU, (Summer 2011)
6. Hadi Mirsadeghi, STEM program, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Boise State University,
(Summer-Fall 2010)
7. Esther Contreras, STEM program, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Boise State University,
(Summer 2010)
B4.5. Postdoctoral Trainees
1. Duan Chen, PhD, May 2013-Present

B4.6. Other Advising

Professional mentor, Engineers Without Borders (EWB), Oregon State University Chapter,
Winter 2011 - Present. During this period, I advised and reviewed technical reports for two
international projects of EWB, Oregon Chapter.

B5. Other Instruction Related Assignments


C. Scholarship and Creative Activity
C1. Publications Commented [cmp6]: May be formatted in styles accepted by
the large professional organizations in your field, as long as
elements include all authors, date, pages, and (if a joint publication)
C1.1. Refereed Books & Book Chapters candidates contribution. Entries in each section should re-start
numbering from 1, with most recent publications appearing first.
1. Leon, A. S., Oberg N., Schmidt, A. R., and Garca, M. H. (2011). The Illinois Transient
Model. A state-of-the-art model for simulating the flow dynamics in combined storm-sewer
systems. Urban Water Systems, Monograph 19 (primary author).
2. Leon, A. S. (2009) Improved Modeling of Transient Flows in Storm-sewer Systems, ISBN
978-3-639-15213-5, VDM Verlag Dr. Mller, Germany (primary author).
3. Leon, A. S., Ghidaoui, M. S., Schmidt, A. R., and Garca, M. H. (2007). An efficient finite-
volume scheme for modeling water hammer flows.'' Contemporary Modeling of Urban
Water Systems, Monograph 15 (primary author).
4. Leon, A. S. (2000) Local scour around cylindrical piers in non-cohesive beds (In Spanish),
Distribuidora Lopez G., Lima, Peru (primary author).
5. Leon, A. S., and Coronado F. (1998) The hydraulic design of a bottom rack-type intake in
supercritical regime (In Spanish), W. H. Editores S.R. Ltda., Lima, Peru (primary author).

C1.2. Refereed Journal Publications

Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers:
1. Gibson, N. L., Gifford-Miears, C., Leon, A. S., Vasylkivska, V. S. (2014). Efficient
computation of unsteady flow in complex river systems with uncertain inputs. International
Journal of Computer Mathematics, DOI: 10.1080/00207160.2013.854336 (provided
significant text and discussion)
2. Leon, A. S., Kanashiro, E. A., Valverde, R., and Sridhar V. (2014) Dynamic Framework for
Intelligent Control of River Flooding - Case Study. Journal of Water Resources Planning
and Management, 140(2), 258--268 (primary author)
3. Leon A. S., Kanashiro E. A., and Gonzalez-Castro J. A. (2013), Fast Approach for
Unsteady Flow Routing in Complex River Networks Based on Performance Graphs,
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 139(3), 284-295 (primary author)
4. Leon, A. S. and Gifford-Miears, C. H. and Choi, Y. (2013) Well-balanced scheme for
modeling open-channel and surcharged flows in steep-slope closed conduit systems.
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 139(4), 374-384 (primary author)
5. Leon, A. S., Oberg N., Schmidt, A. R., and Garca, M. H. (2011). The Illinois Transient
Model. A state-of-the-art model for simulating the flow dynamics in combined storm-sewer
systems. Urban Water Systems, Monograph 19 (primary author)
6. Leon, A. S., Liu, X., Ghidaoui, M. S., Schmidt, A. R., and Garcia, M. H. (2010) Junction
and drop-shaft boundary conditions for modeling free-surface, pressurized, and mixed free-
surface pressurized transient flows. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 136(10), 705-715
(primary author)

7. Leon, A. S., Ghidaoui, M. S., Schmidt, A. R. and Garcia, M. H. (2010) A Robust two-
equation model for transient mixed flows. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 48(1), 44-56
(primary author)
8. Leon, A. S., Ghidaoui, M. S., Schmidt, A. R. and Garcia, M. H. (2009) Application of
Godunov-type schemes to transient mixed flows. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 47(2),
147-156 (primary author)
9. Leon, A. S., Ghidaoui, M. S., Schmidt, A. R. and Garcia, M. H. (2008) Efficient second-
order accurate shock-capturing scheme for modeling one and two-phase water hammer
flows. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 134(7), 970-983 (primary author)
10. Leon, A. S., Ghidaoui, M. S., Schmidt, A. R., and Garca, M. H. (2007). An efficient finite-
volume scheme for modeling water hammer flows.'' Contemporary Modeling of Urban
Water Systems, Monograph 15 (primary author)
11. Leon, A. S., Ghidaoui, M. S., Schmidt, A. R. and Garcia, M. H. (2006) Godunov-type
solutions for transient flows in sewers. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 132(8), 800-813
(primary author)

Journal Discussions:
12. Nania, L. S., Gmez, M., Dolz, J. and Leon, A. S. (2010). Discussion to Experimental and
numerical modelling of symmetrical four-branch supercritical cross junction flow by
Emmanuel Mignot, Andr Paquier, and Nicolas Riviere. Journal of Hydraulic Research,
48(6), 826-828. doi:10.1080/00221686.2010.512813 (provided significant text and
13. Leon, A. S., and Ghidaoui, M. S. (2010) Closure to Discussion of Application of Godunov-
type schemes to transient mixed flows. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 48(5), 688-689
(primary author)
14. Leon, A. S., Ghidaoui, M.S. (2010). Discussion of Numerical oscillations in pipe-filling
bore predictions by shock-capturing models by J. G. Vasconcelos, S. J. Wright, and P. L.
Roe. J. Hydraulic Engng., 136(6), 392-393 (primary author)
15. Leon, A. S., Nania, L. S. and Sridhar, V. (2010). Discussion of Potential Dangers of
Simplifying Combined Sewer Hydrologic/Hydraulic Models by J. P. Cantone and A. R.
Schmidt. J. Hydrological. Engng., 15, 587-588 (primary author)

C1.3. Peer-Reviewed Archival Conference Publications Commented [p7]: Must include page numbers
None (See other peer-reviewed publications)
1. Leon, A. S., Valverde, R., and Gonzalez-Castro, J. A. (2012). A robust, numerically
efficient model for unsteady flow routing in topologically complex river networks. In
proceedings of ASCE-EWRI World Environmental & Water Resource Congress, 1119-1128,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, May 20-24, 2012 (primary author).
2. Leon, A. S., Kanashiro E. A., Gichamo, T. Z., Valverde, R., and Gifford-Miears, C. H.
(2012). Towards the intelligent control of river flooding. In proceedings of ASCE-EWRI
World Environmental & Water Resource Congress, 1687-1696, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
May 20-24, 2012 (primary author).

3. Bernedo, C. E., Julien, P., Leon, A. S. (2011). Dam Breach Analysis in Tailings Storage
Facilities (TSF) In Proceedings of the ASCE-EWRI World Environmental and Water
Resources Congress, 2216-2224, Palm Springs, CA, May 2011 (provided significant text and
4. Leon, A. S., Kanashiro E.A. (2010). A New Coupled Optimization-Hydraulic Routing
Model for Real-Time Operation of Regulated River Systems, In Proceedings of Watershed
Management, 213-224, ASCE-EWRI, August 23-27, 2010, Madison, Wisconsin (primary
5. Leon, A. S., Choi, N. J., Schmidt, A. R., and Garca, M. H. (2010). Flow Dynamics in
Combined Storm-Sewer Systems: Application of the Illinois Transient Model (ITM) to the
Calumet TARP System in Chicago, Illinois. In Proceedings of ASCE-EWRI World
Environmental & Water Resource Congress, 3703-3717, Providence, Rhode Island, May 16-
20, 2010 (primary author).
6. Leon, A. S., Liu, X. Ghidaoui, M. S., Schmidt, A. R., and Garca, M. H. (2009). Boundary
Conditions for Simulating Complex Storm-sewer Systems in Free Surface, Pressurized, and
Mixed Flow Conditions. In Proceedings of ASCE-EWRI World Environmental & Water
Resource Congress, 5557-5567, Kansas City, Missouri, 2009 (primary author).
7. Leon, A. S., Nana, L. S., Schmidt, A. R., and Garca, M. H. (2009). A Robust And Fast
Model For Simulating Street Flooding. In Proceedings of ASCE-EWRI World
Environmental & Water Resource Congress, 5364-5373, Kansas City, Missouri, 2009,
(primary author).
8. Leon, A. S., Ghidaoui, M. S., Schmidt, A. R., and Garca, M. H. (2008). A Shock-capturing
Approach for Simulating Gravity Flows, Pressurized Flows and the Simultaneous
Occurrence of Gravity and Pressurized Flows. In Proceedings of 10th International
Conference on Pressure Surges, 489-502, BHR Group, 14-16 May, 2008, Edinburgh, United
Kingdom (primary author).
9. Leon, A. S., Ghidaoui, M. S., Schmidt, A. R., and Garca, M. H. (2008). A finite volume
model for mixed free surface-pressurized flows in drainage systems. In Proceedings of
World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, CD-ROM Edition (10 pages), Hawaii,
USA, May 13-16, 2008. Permalink: (primary
10. Leon, A. S., Catao-Lopera, Y. A., Liu, X., Schmidt, A. R., and Garca, M. H. (2008).
Experimental and CFD modeling of a vortex flow restrictor. In Proceedings of World
Water and Environmental Resources Congress, CD-ROM Edition (10 pages), Hawaii, USA,
May 13-16, 2008. Permalink: (primary author).
11. Leon, A. S., Ghidaoui, M. S., Schmidt, A. R., and Garca, M. H. (2007). Godunov-type
solutions for two-phase water hammer flows. In Proceedings of Fifth International
Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, CD-ROM Edition (7 pages), Tempe, Arizona,
USA. Dec. 4-7, 2007 (primary author).
12. Leon, A. S., Ghidaoui, M. S., Schmidt, A. R. and Garcia, M. H. (2006) An efficient
numerical scheme for the modeling of two-phase bubbly homogeneous air-water mixtures.
In Proceedings of World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, CD-ROM Edition,
P32 (10 pages), Nebraska, 2006 (primary author).

13. Leon, A. S., Ghidaoui, M. S., Schmidt, A. R., and Garca, M. H. (2005). Importance of
numerical efficiency for real time control of transient gravity flows in sewers. In
Proceedings of XXXI IAHR Congress, 1106-1115, Seoul, Korea (primary author).
14. Schmidt, A. R., Ghidaoui, M. S., Leon, A. S., and Garca, M. H. (2005). Review of sewer
surcharging phenomena and models. In Proceedings of XXXI IAHR Congress, 257-258,
Seoul, Korea (provided significant text and discussion).

C1.4. Other Peer-Reviewed Publications Commented [cmp8]: Cite page numbers when applicable;
otherwise list the total page count.
The following papers appeared in proceedings that were distributed primarily to attendees (as
CDs, printed volumes, availability through a public website, etc.).
1. Gomez, L. A., Lee, H. W, and Leon, A. S. (2014). A real options-based framework to
evaluate investments in river flood control under uncertainty. In proceedings of ASCE-
ICVRAM-ISUMA Conference, Liverpool, UK, July 13-16, 2014.

C1.5. Papers Currently under Review

1. Nania L. S., Leon, A. S., and Garcia, M. H. (2014). Quasi-2D flow modeling of dual
drainage in urban areas. Application to a catchment in the Metropolitan Area of Chicago,
IL. Journal of Hydrological Engineering, Under review (developed the hydraulic code and
provided significant text and discussion).
2. Chen D., Leon, A. S., Chen, Q., and Li R. (2014). Optimizing operation of multi-objective
reservoir with ecological and environmental purposes: Application of a Pseudo Parallel
Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Under review
(provided significant text and discussion)
3. Leon, A. S., Zhu, L. (2014). A dimensional analysis for determining optimal discharge and
optimal penstock diameter in impulse and reaction water turbines. Submitted to Journal of
Renewable Energy (primary author).
C1.6. Non-Refereed Conference Proceedings:
1. Vasylkivska, V., Gibson, N. L., Hoyle, C., Leon, A. S. (2014). Optimal control of multi-
reservoir river systems using reliability-constrained robust design. 11th International
Conference on Hydroinformatics. Update this presentation.
2. Gibson, N., Gomez, L., Leon, A. S., and Vasylkivska, V. (2014). A Domain Decomposition
Method for Unsteady Flow Routing in Complex River Systems. 16th SIAM Conference on
Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Portland OR, February 18-21, 2014.
3. Leon, A. S., Gifford-Miears, C., and Gibson, N., Hoyle, C. (2013). Development of a State-
of-the-Art Computational Framework for the Optimal Control of Multi-Reservoir Systems
Under Uncertainty, Presented in the 2013 AWRA Annual Water Resources Conference,
Portland OR, November 4-7, 2013.
4. Chen, D., Leon, A. S., Chen, Q. and Li, R. (2013). Pareto-Optimal Solutions and
Operational Strategies for a Multi-Objective Reservoir with Ecological and Environmental
Purposes: A Case Study of Qingshitan Reservoir, Presented in the 2013 AWRA Annual
Water Resources Conference, Portland OR, November 4-7, 2013.

5. Leon, A. S., Gifford-Miears, C., and Gibson N. (2013). A Framework for Propagation of
Uncertainty in River Systems, Presented in the ASCE-EWRI World Environmental &
Water Resource Congress, Cincinnati OH, May 19-22, 2013.
6. Alam M., and Leon, A. S. (2013). Upper Limit of Extractable Hydropower. 2013 Water
Research Symposium, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, May 13, 2013.
7. Choi, Y., and Leon, A. S. (2013). Towards Predicting the occurrence of geysers and CSOs
in combined sewer systems - An experimental, theoretical and numerical approach. 2013
Water Research Symposium, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, May 13, 2013.
8. Choi, Y., Leon, A. S. (2012). Towards predicting the occurrence of geysers and CSOs in
combined sewer systems - an experimental, theoretical and numerical approach. Presented
in the 2012 Sustainable Stormwater Symposium, Portland, Oregon, September 19-20, 2012.
9. Bernedo, C. E., Salas, J., and Leon, A. S. (2012). Challenges of safe and sound designs:
Hydrologic design criteria in areas affected by El Nio phenomenon Can conventional
hydrology be applied? In proceedings of the 2012 Dam Safety Conference, Association of
State Dam Safety Officials, Denver, CO., September 16-21, 2012.
10. Leon, A. S., Gibson, N. L., and Gifford-Miears, C. H. (2012). Toward reduction of
uncertainty in complex multi-reservoir river systems. In proceedings of the XIX
International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR),
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, June 17-21, 2012.
11. Leon, A. S., Kanashiro, E. A., Gichamo, T. Z., and Valverde, R. (2012). Towards the
intelligent control of river flooding. Harmonizing long-term objectives (e.g., irrigation,
hydropower) with the flooding objective. In proceedings of the XIX International
Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR), University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, June 17-21, 2012.
12. Choi, Y., and Leon, A. S. (2012). Minimizing Geysers and CSOs in the Portland Combined
Sewer System. 2012 Water Research Symposium, Oregon State University, Corvallis,
Oregon, May 18, 2012.
13. Gifford-Miears, C. H., and Leon, A. S. (2012). Applicability of Three Dimensional
Modeling in the Construction of Hydraulic Performance Graphs for Unsteady Flow Routing
in Complex River Networks. 2012 Water Research Symposium, Oregon State University,
Corvallis, Oregon, May 18, 2012.
14. Gomez, L.A., and Leon, A. S. (2012). Improving the Computational Efficiency of the
Hydraulic Performance Graphs for Unsteady Flow Routing in Complex River Networks.
2012 Water Research Symposium, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, May 18,
15. Gibson, N. L., Leon, A. S., and Gifford-Miears, C. H. (2012). Toward Reduction of
Uncertainty in Complex Multi-Reservoir River Systems. SIAM (Society for Industrial and
Applied Mathematics) Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Raleigh, North Carolina,
April 2-5, 2012.
16. Leon, A. S., Kanashiro, E. A., Valverde, R., Gifford-Miears, C. H., Gichamo, T. Z., Gomez
L., and Rask, J. (2012) A Computationally Efficient and Robust Approach for Multi-
objective Operation of Multi-reservoir systems Subjected to Multiple Constraints. Reservoir

System Modeling Technologies Conference, Bonneville Power Administration, February 21-
22, 2012, Portland, Oregon.
17. Gibson, N. L., Gichamo, T. Z., Valverde, R., Gifford-Miears, C. H., and Leon, A. S. (2012)
Towards reduction of uncertainty in the operation of reservoir systems. Reservoir System
Modeling Technologies Conference, Bonneville Power Administration, February 21-22,
2012, Portland, Oregon.
18. Leon, A. S., and Gichamo, T. Z. (2011). A novel physically-based framework for the
intelligent control of river flooding. Oregon Water Conference, Corvallis, Oregon, 2011.
19. Leon, A. S. (2006) Towards modeling for real-time control of combined-sewer-overflow
systems: Application to the Calumet TARP System in Chicago, Illinois. Proc., Illinois
Water Conference, October 4-5, 2006. Edited by Jennifer Fackler, Illinois Water Resources
20. Leon, A. S. (2006). Efficient numerical modeling of one and two-phase transient flows (In
Spanish). Proc., I International Congress of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Environment.
Organized by Instituto de la Construccin y Gerencia, Lima, Peru.
21. Leon, A. S. (2006). New numerical model for the simultaneous simulation of unsteady free
surface and pressurized flows. (In Spanish). Proc., I International Congress of Hydraulics,
Hydrology and Environment. Organized by Instituto de la Construccin y Gerencia, Lima,
22. Leon, A. S. (2004). Special topics in unsteady flows and its applications to Hydraulic
Engineering (Key Note speaker - in Spanish). Proc., I Conference in Hydraulics of Rivers
and Channels, Lima, Peru.
23. Leon, A. S. (2003). One-dimensional modeling of the intrusion of contaminants for
conservative substances in non-permanent and non-uniform flows (In Spanish). Proc., XIV
National congress of Civil Eng., Iquitos, Peru.
24. Leon, A. S. (2002). Alternative of hydraulic design for intakes in steep rivers and large
transport of boulders. (In Spanish). Proc., Instituto de la Construccin y Gerencia, Lima,
25. Leon, A. S. (1999). Local scour around cylindrical piers in non-cohesive beds (In
Spanish). Proc., XII National congress of Civil Eng., Hunuco, Peru.

C1.7. Posters
1. Leon, A. S., Gifford-Miears C. and Gomez L. (2013). Unsteady flow routing using
Performance Graphs based on two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations Poster presented
in the ASCE-EWRI World Environmental & Water Resource Congress, Cincinnati OH, May
19-22, 2013
2. Leon, A. S. and Choi Y. (2013). A new numerical model that preserves lake at rest
conditions in open-channel and surcharged flows in steep-slope closed conduit systems
Poster presented in the ASCE-EWRI World Environmental & Water Resource Congress,
Cincinnati OH, May 19-22, 2013

3. Gomez, L., Lee, H. W, and Leon, A. S. (2013). A real options-based framework to evaluate
investments in river flood control under uncertainty. Poster presented in the Water Research
Symposium, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, May 13, 2013.
4. Gomez, L., and Leon, A. S. (2013). The OSU Rivers Model and its Comparison with the
Unsteady HEC-RAS Model. Poster presented in the Water Research Symposium, Oregon
State University, Corvallis, Oregon, May 13, 2013.
5. Leon, A. S., Gichamo, T. Z., Valverde, R., and Rask, J. (2012). Hydraulic performance
graph-based model for unsteady flow simulations in topologically complex river networks.
Poster presented in the XIX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water
Resources (CMWR), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, June 17-
21, 2012.
6. Choi, Y., and Leon, A. S. (2012). Design, Analysis and Implementation of Multipurpose
River Research Facility at O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory. Poster presented in
the 2012 Water Research Symposium, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, May 18,
7. Bernedo C., Salas, J. and Leon, A. S. (2012). Considering climate uncertainties to
determine hydrologic design criteria Does traditional Rainfall-Frequency Analysis works?
Poster presented in the ASCE-EWRI World Environmental & Water Resource Congress,
Albuquerque, NM, May 20-24, 2012.

C1.8. Thesis
Leon A. S. (2006) Improved Modeling of Unsteady Free Surface, Pressurized and Mixed Flows
in Storm-sewer Systems., Ph.D. thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign. Advisors: Dr. Marcelo Garca (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and
Dr. Mohamed Ghidaoui (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology).

Leon, A. S. (2000) Local scour around cylindrical piers in non-cohesive beds (In Spanish).,
Advisor: Dr. Francisco Coronado (Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)).


Leon, A. S. (1998) The hydraulic design of a bottom rack type intake in a supercritical
regime and software applications (In Spanish). Advisors: Prof. Erasmo Matos, Dr. Francisco
Coronado (MIT).

C1.9. Professional Reports

1. Leon, A. S., and other nine authors (2013). Development of a state-of-the-art computational
framework and platform for the optimal control of multi-reservoir systems under uncertainty
- Stage gate 3, Report prepared for the Bonneville Power Administration, US Department
of Energy (primary author).

2. Leon, A. S., and Choi Y. (2013). Prediction and quantification of CSOs in combined sewer
systems under extreme storm events: Extreme events, Flow dynamics, Reduction of CSOs,
Progress Report prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (primary author).
3. Leon, A. S., and other nine authors (2013). Development of a state-of-the-art computational
framework and platform for the optimal control of multi-reservoir systems under uncertainty
- Stage gate 2, Report prepared for the Bonneville Power Administration, US Department
of Energy (primary author).
4. Leon, A. S., and Oberg, N. (2013). User's manual for Illinois Transient Model-two equation
model v. 1.3. A Model for the Analysis of Transient Free surface, Pressurized and Mixed
flows in Storm-sewer Systems, Oregon State University, Corvallis.
5. Leon, A. S., and other nine authors (2012). Development of a state-of-the-art computational
framework and platform for the optimal control of multi-reservoir systems under uncertainty
- Stage gate 1, Report prepared for the Bonneville Power Administration, US Department
of Energy.
6. Leon, A. S., and Oberg, N. (2009). Illinois Transient Model Programmer's Manual,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
7. Leon, A. S., Oberg, N., Choi, N.J., Schmidt, A., and Garca, M.H., 2009. "Transient Analysis of the
Calumet TARP System" Report prepared for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater
Chicago. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Civil Engineering Studies, Hydraulic
Engineering Series.
8. Catao-Lopera Y. A., Oberg N., Choi N. J., Schmidt, A. R., Leon, A. S., and Garcia, M. H. (2009).
Hydraulic Conveyance Analysis of the Tarp Calumet System." Report prepared for the Metropolitan
Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Civil
Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series.
9. Leon, A. S., and Oberg, N. (2009). User's manual for Illinois Transient Model-two equation
model v. 1.1. A Model for the Analysis of Transient Free surface, Pressurized and Mixed
flows in Storm-sewer Systems, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
10. Oberg, N., Schmidt, A., Leon, A. S., Waratuke, A., and Garca, M.H., 2008. "Illinois Hydraulic
Conveyance Analysis Program: ICAP." Report prepared for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation
District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Civil
Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series No. 81, ISSN: 0442-1744.
11. Leon, A. S., Christensen, D. R., Schmidt, A. R., and Garca, M. H. (2007). Illinois Transient
Model (One-equation model) user's manual. A Model for the Analysis of Unsteady Free
surface, Pressurized and Mixed flows in Storm-sewer Systems, University of Illinois at
12. Garca, M. H., Leon, A. S., Ancalle, C. (2007) Sedimentation analysis of Valenciano
reservoir, Juncos, Puerto Rico, Prepared by CA Engineering for CSA Group, San Juan,
Puerto Rico.
13. Garca, M. H., Leon, A. S., Ancalle, C. (2007) Safe yield Analysis of Valenciano reservoir,
Juncos, Puerto Rico, Prepared by CA Engineering for CSA Group, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

14. Leon, A. S., Schmidt, A. R., Ghidaoui, M. S. and Garca, M. H. (2006) Review of sewer
surcharging phenomena and models." University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Civil
Engineering Studies, Hydraulic Engineering Series No. 78
15. Garca, M. H., Nio, Y., Abad, J. D., Cantero, M., Leon, A. S., Manzini, S., Sequeiros, O.
(2003) Sedimentation management in combined sewer overflow storage reservoirs using
water jets." University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Report to Metropolitan Water
Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.

C1.10. Research Media Coverage

1. Leon was awarded an EPA Early Career Award. See more at:
prestigious-awards/, April 10, 2012. Also appeared in IWW-OSU.
2. Leon research was featured in the OSU College of Engineering site. See more at
3. Student-built model simulates water flow in Graf Hall, Daily Barometer newspaper, October
25, 2011.
4. Leon recognized as one of the most successful professionals of all times of the Universidad
Nacional San Cristobal de Huamanga, Universidad Nacional San Cristobal de Huamanga,
July 06, 2009.
C2. Professional Meetings, Symposia, and Conferences
C2.1. Presentations to Professional Groups (includes presentations of papers cited in C1.3)

1. Invited Talk, Technology Innovation Summit, Bonneville Power Administration, Portland OR

Development of a computational framework and platform for the optimal control of multi-
reservoir systems under uncertainty, January 30, 2014.
2. Contributed Talk, AWRA Annual Water Resources Conference Portland OR Development
of a State-of-the-Art Computational Framework for the Optimal Control of Multi-Reservoir
Systems Under Uncertainty, November 4-7, 2013.
3. Contributed Talk, City of Portland, Environmental Services, OR Flow Dynamics in
Combined Storm-sewer Systems. Modeling needs and Application of the Illinois Transient
Model (ITM), October 25, 2013.
4. Contributed Talk, ASCE-EWRI World Environmental & Water Resource Congress,
Cincinnati OH A Framework for Propagation of Uncertainty in River Systems, May 19-22,
5. Invited Talk, EPA RESEARCH FORUM: Extreme Event Impacts on Air Quality and Water
Quality with a Changing Global Climate, Arlington, VA Prediction and quantification of
CSOs under extreme storm events: Flow dynamics and Reduction of CSOs, February 27,

6. Invited Talk, Technology Innovation Summit, Bonneville Power Administration, Portland OR
Development of a computational framework and platform for the optimal control of multi-
reservoir systems under uncertainty, January 30, 2013.
7. Contributed Talk, XIX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water
Resources (CMWR), Urbana IL Toward Reduction of Uncertainty in Complex Multi-
reservoir River Systems, June 17-21, 2012.
8. Contributed Talk, XIX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water
Resources (CMWR), Urbana IL Towards the Intelligent Control of River Flooding.
Harmonizing Long-term Objectives (e.g., irrigation, hydropower) with the Flooding
Objective, June 17-21, 2012.
9. Contributed Talk, ASCE-EWRI World Environmental & Water Resource Congress,
Albuquerque NM A Robust, Numerically Efficient Model for Unsteady Flow Routing in
Topologically Complex River Networks, May 20-24, 2012.
10. Contributed Talk, ASCE-EWRI World Environmental & Water Resource Congress,
Albuquerque NM Towards the Intelligent Control of River Flooding, May 20-24, 2012.
11. Invited Talk, Reservoir System Modeling Technologies Conference, Bonneville Power
Administration, Portland OR A Computationally Efficient and Robust Approach for Multi-
objective Operation of Multi-reservoir systems Subjected to Multiple Constraints, February
21-22, 2012.
12. Invited Talk, Winter Seminar Series, Department of Mathematics, Oregon State University,
Towards the intelligent control of river flooding. Harmonizing long-term objectives with the
flooding objective, Corvallis, OR, February, 2012.
13. Invited Talk, Universidad Nacional San Cristobal de Huamanga, Real-time Control of
Multi-Objective and Multi-Reservoir Systems, Ayacucho, Peru, December 2011
14. Invited Talk, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Real-time Control of Multi-Objective and
Multi-Reservoir Systems, Lima, Peru, December 2011.
15. Invited Talk, Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Towards Real-time Control of
Multi-objective and Multi-Reservoir Systems, Portland, Oregon, October 2011.
16. Invited Talk, Ecosystem Informatics at Oregon State University (IGERT), Towards Real-
time Control of Multi-objective and Multi-Reservoir Systems, 2011.
17. Contributed Talk, Oregon Water Conference, Corvallis OR A Novel Physically-based
Framework for the Intelligent Control of River Flooding, May 2011.
18. Invited Talk, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Modeling of Combined Sewer Systems,
Lima, Peru, 2010.
19. Invited Talk, Montgomery Watson and Harza Engineering (MWH), Modeling of Unsteady
Flows using HEC-RAS, Denver, CO, 2010.
20. Invited Talk, Oregon State University, Towards Real-time Control of Reservoir Systems,
Corvallis, OR, 2010.
21. Invited Talk, University of Idaho, Application of Genetic Algorithms to the Operation of
Reservoir Systems, Boise, Idaho, 2010.
22. Contributed Talk, Watershed Management Conference, Theme: "Innovations in Watershed
Management Under Land Use and Climate Change", Madison WI A New Coupled

Optimization-hydraulic Routing Model for Real-time Operation of Highly Complex
Regulated River Systems, August 23-27, 2010.
23. Contributed Talk, ASCE-EWRI World Environmental & Water Resource Congress,
Providence RI Flow Dynamics in Combined Storm-Sewer Systems: Application of the
Illinois Transient Model (ITM) to the Calumet TARP System in Chicago, Illinois, May 16-
20, 2010.
24. Contributed Talk, ASCE-EWRI World Environmental & Water Resource Congress, Kansas
City MO A Robust and Fast Model for Simulating Street Flooding, 2009.
25. Contributed Talk, ASCE-EWRI World Environmental & Water Resource Congress, Kansas
City MO Boundary Conditions for Simulating Complex Storm-sewer Systems in Free
Surface, Pressurized, and Mixed Flow Conditions, May 17-21, 2009.
26. Invited Talk, Boise State University, Towards Real-time Control of Combined Sewer
Systems, Boise, ID, 2009.
27. Contributed Talk, 10th International Conference on Pressure Surges, BHR Group,
Edinburgh, United Kingdom A Shock-capturing Approach for Simulating Gravity Flows,
Pressurized Flows and the Simultaneous Occurrence of Gravity and Pressurized Flows,
May, 2008.
28. Contributed Talk, World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Honolulu HI A
Finite Volume Model for Mixed Free Surface-pressurized Flows in Drainage Systems, May
13-16, 2008.
29. Contributed Talk, World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Honolulu HI
Experimental and CFD Modeling of a Vortex Flow Restrictor, May 13-16, 2008.
30. Contributed Talk, 5th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Tempe AZ
Godunov-type Solutions for Two-phase Water Hammer Flows, December 4-7, 2007.
31. Contributed Talk, World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Omaha NE An
Efficient Numerical Scheme for the Modeling of Two-phase Bubbly Homogeneous Air-
water Mixtures, May 2006.
32. Contributed Talk, Illinois Water Conference, Urbana IL Towards Modeling for Real-time
Control of Combined Sewer Overflow Systems: Application to the Calumet TARP System in
Chicago, Illinois, October 4-5, 2006.
33. Contributed Talk, I International Congress of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Environment,
Lima, Peru Efficient Numerical Modeling of One and Two-phase Transient Flows (In
Spanish), 2006.
34. Contributed Talk, I International Congress of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Environment,
Lima, Peru New Numerical Model for the Simultaneous Simulation of Unsteady Free
Surface and Pressurized Flows (In Spanish), 2006.
35. Invited Talk, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, A mathematical and numerical
model for the simultaneous occurrence of free surface and pressurized flows, Urbana, IL,
36. Contributed Talk, XXXI IAHR Congress, Seoul, Korea Importance of Numerical Efficiency
for Real-Time Control of Transient Gravity Flows in Sewers, September 2005
37. Invited Talk, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Transient flows in Combined Sewer
Systems, Lima, Peru, December 2005.

38. Invited Talk, I Conference in Hydraulics of Rivers and Channels, Lima, Peru Special
Topics in Unsteady Flows and its Applications to Hydraulic Engineering, 2004.
39. Invited Talk, I Conference in Hydraulics of Rivers and Channels, Lima, Peru Special
Topics in Unsteady Flows and its Applications to Hydraulic Engineering, 2004.
40. Invited Talk, Universidad Nacional San Cristobal de Huamanga, Unsteady transition
between free surface and pressurized flows (In Spanish), Ayacucho, Peru, 2004.
41. Contributed Talk, XIV National congress of Civil Engineering, Iquitos, Peru One-
dimensional Modeling of the Intrusion of Contaminants for Conservative Substances in Non-
permanent and Non-uniform Flows (In Spanish), 2003.
42. Contributed Talk, Instituto de la Construccin y Gerencia, Lima, Peru Alternative of
Hydraulic Design for Intakes in Steep Rivers and Large Transport of Boulders (In Spanish),
43. Contributed Talk, XII National congress of Civil Engineering, Hunuco, Peru Local Scour
around Cylindrical Piers in Non-cohesive Beds (In Spanish), 1999.

C2.2. Participation at Invitational Workshops

ExCEEd Teaching Workshop, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), United
States Military Academy at West Point, New York, July 22-27, 2012.
CMMI CAREER Proposal Writing Workshop, National Science Foundation, University
of Nevada, Reno, March 26, 2012

C3. Grant and Contract Support
At Oregon State University
Agency & Dates PI (and coPIs) Title Total My Share Commented [p9]: Show most recent first
Budget Commented [p10]: list the PI first, then the coPIs (just like an
authors list for publications
CCE OSU (2014) Arturo Leon Support for transportation $10,000 $10,000
of donated equipment
from North West
Research Associates
Oregon Best (2014) Arturo Leon Support for installation of $21,173 $21,173
donated equipment from
North West Research
Pac-Trans UTC Meghna Improving sustainability $25,000 $12,500
07/2013-06/2014 Babbar-Sebens of urban streets via rain
and Arturo gardens How effective
Leon are these practices in the
Pacific Northwest?
Bonneville Power Arturo Leon Development of a state- $553,782 $274,000
Administration, US (PI); Nathan of-the-art computational (this (this
Department of Energy Gibson and framework and platform amount amount
10/2012-09/2015 Christopher for the optimal control of has been has been
Hoyle multi-reservoir systems increased increased
under uncertainty and will be and will be
reflected reflected
in the next in the next
few few
months). months).
Add the Add the
$17,000 $17,000
U.S. Environmental Arturo Leon Prediction and $265,528 $265,528
Protection Agency (PI) quantification of CSOs in
06/2012-05/2015 combined sewer systems
under extreme storm
events: Extreme events,
Flow dynamics,
Reduction of CSOs
RERF - OSU Arturo Leon Multi-purpose river $59,950 $59,950
03/2012-12/ 2013 (PI) hydraulics research
Federal Highway Hans Tritico Development and $49,531 $4,250
Administration/CTME (PI); Arturo Demonstration of an
03/2012-12/ 2012 Leon and Jose Improved Ranking
Vasconcelos Algorithm for Fish
Passage through Culverts

Northwest Hydraulic Arturo Leon Omaha Combined Storm- $2,000 $2,000
Consultants Inc. Sewer System

Totals $993,964 $656,401

At previous institutions
Agency & Dates PI (and coPIs) Title Total My Commented [p11]: Show most recent first
Budget Share Commented [p12]: list the PI first, then the coPIs (just like an
authors list for publications
NSF EPSCoR Arturo Leon Water Resources in a $100,000 $100,000
program Changing Climate
NSF EPSCoR Arturo Leon Water Resources in a $20,000 $20,000
program Changing Climate -
2010 supplement
NSF EPSCOR REU Arturo Leon Engaging undergraduate $8,000 $8,000
2010 students in the operation
and management of
regulated river systems
Northwest Hydraulic Arturo Leon Dallas combined storm- $4,000 $4,000
Consultants Inc. sewer system
Totals $132,000 $132,000

C3.1. Donations
North West Research Associates (2014). Received equipment include two flumes, various tanks
and a wide array of hydraulic instrumentation. Total value of received equipment = $423,466.

C3.2. Proposals Currently under Review

Agency PI (and coPIs) Title Budget Duration

NSF Leon, Gibson, A novel framework for the intelligent $398,186 Oct 13 /
Hoyle control of river flooding: flow Sept 16
dynamics, uncertainty, robust
optimization, and controlled flooding

NSF Leon CAREER: Towards control of $400,000 April 14/

imminent river flooding (To be March19
submitted in July of 2013)

C4. Patents Filed and In Process


C5. Other Scholarship and Creative Activities

C5.1 Development of Computational Models
More available at or by request
OSU-Hydro turbines (2013): Matlab code for determining optimal flow discharge and
optimal penstock diameter when designing impulse and reaction turbines for hydropower
systems. This code is based on the paper A dimensionless analysis for determining optimal
discharge and penstock diameter in impulse and reaction water turbines by Leon A. and Zhu
L. (2013).
Code for real-time operation of multi-objective and multi-reservoir systems that accounts for
uncertainty and flexibility (2012-Present). This model is named OSU-Reservoir-Operation
and couples hybrid optimization algorithms with a robust and numerically efficient hydraulic
routing approach (OSU-Rivers). This model allows for scalable parallelization and has an
integrated platform with a user-friendly graphical interface.
OSU-Rivers (2011-Present): Code for unsteady flow routing of complex rivers systems
based on the performance graphs approach. This model is named OSU-Rivers. This model is
robust and numerically efficient and is recommended for simulation of regulated river
systems in real-time conditions.
Illinois Transient Model (2004-Present): The Illinois Transient Model (ITM) is a
multipurpose Finite Volume (FV) model to analyze transient flows in closed-conduit systems
ranging from dry-bed flows to gravity flows, to partly gravity-partly surcharged flows (mixed
flows) to fully pressurized flows (waterhammer flows). In the ITM model, the free surface
region is modeled using the 1D Saint-Venant equations and the pressurized region is
modeled using the 1D compressible waterhammer equations. The current version of the ITM
model (V. 1.3 December, 2012) has features that make this model superior with respect to
other models for analyzing transient flows in complex closed-conduit systems. The ITM
model was used for the analysis of combined sewer systems in the United States of cities like
Chicago and Dallas and has been used in countries such as New Zealand and Mexico.
Annel2 (2002-Present): Matlab code for computing the steady water surface profile in
circular and trapezoidal series channels.
Code for modeling overland flows, street flows, Curb-and-grate inlet flows and pipe flows
(July-December 2008). For the street and pipe flows a Finite volume-shock-capturing scheme
was used. Collaborator: Prof. Leonardo Nania (Spain).
Code for modeling the development, propagation, coalescence and release of air pockets in
pipelines (2007-2008, Finite volume method & shock-capturing schemes)
Code for the solution of the 2D shallow water equations (2004, Finite volume method &
shock-capturing schemes)
Code for modeling two-phase waterhammer flows in complex networks (2004, Finite volume
method & shock-capturing schemes)

Code for modeling unsteady free surface flows in complex networks (2004, Finite volume
method & shock-capturing schemes)
Code for the 1D modeling of sediment transport in rivers (2004, Finite differences)
Code for modeling one-phase waterhammer flows in complex networks (2003, Finite volume
method & shock-capturing schemes)
Code for the 1D modeling of transport of contaminants in channels in series (2003, Finite
Code analyzing the hydraulic conveyance of tunnel networks (2003)
Code for the design of intakes in supercritical flows (1998)
Code for the design of channels and energy dissipators (1997).

C5.2 Innovation, technology transfer and non university approved activities (including
Leon (PI): Submitted a proposal to the Technology Resources Fund (TRF) for the purchase of
water-related teaching equipment, $87,036, 2013 (not funded)

D. Service
D1. University Service
Coordinator of the 2013 Water Resources Engineering Ph.D. Qualifying Examination (Five
students took this exam)
Member of CCE Graduate Committee, AY 2012-2014
Coordinator of the Water Resources Engineering focus area, AY2011-2013
Chair of Subcommittee for Graduate Admissions & Recruiting, AY2012
Search Committee for a Construction Engineering Faculty, AY 2011
Search Committee for CCE Acting Head, November 2011

Participated as panelist in the International Visitor Leadership Program, A greening of
America with a focus on renewable energy: A Project for Germany, June 26, 2013.
Participated in a featured story for the web page of the OSU College of Engineering. The
featured story is available at
Served as 'dunkee' in the 2012 ENGR Carnival Dunk Tank. All proceeds go to Linn-Benton
Food Share.
Designed and managed the construction of a new 10m recirculating flume in the second floor
of Graf Hall at Oregon State University. This flume serves as instructional facility for various
undergraduate and graduate courses in Civil and Construction Engineering and
Environmental Engineering.

Judge for student presentations and posters, Water Resources Research Symposium, May 12,
Judge for student presentations and posters, Water Resources Research Symposium, May 13,
Served as executive committee member of the Institute for Water and Watersheds (IWW).
IWW is the Oregons federally-designated water resources research institute (2011-Present).
Served as professional mentor of Engineers Without Borders (EWB), Oregon State
University Chapter, 2011- Present.
Obtained funds for the construction of the Multi-purpose river hydraulics research facility
located at the O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory (OSU-RERF). This new research
facility will be used for the construction of hydraulic models, 2012-2013.

D2. Service to the Profession
D2.1. Journal Editorships

D2.2. Conference and Workshop Organization

Organized the Reservoir Operation session of the 2013 AWRA Annual Water Resources
Conference, NOVEMBER 4-7, 2013, Portland, OR.
Organized and chaired the 2012 Spring Hydrology Seminar Series of the Institute of Water
and Watersheds (IWW) at Oregon State University. Theme: Innovations in International
Waters. April-June 2012.

D2.3. Conference Program Committees

Moderator of Columbia River Passage session, 2013 International Conference on
Engineering & Ecohydrology for Fish Passage.
Moderator of Modeling and Design session, 2013 International Conference on Engineering
& Ecohydrology for Fish Passage.
Reviewer of 14 abstracts presented to the 2013 International Conference on Engineering &
Ecohydrology for Fish Passage.
Reviewer of 4 abstracts presented to the 2013 AWRA Annual Water Resources Conference,
Advisory Board of the 2013 International Conference on Engineering & Ecohydrology for
Fish Passage, 2013
D2.4. Reviewing
National Science Foundation (NSF), Geomorphology and Land Use Dynamics program
International Journal of Hydraulic Research (IAHR)
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE
Journal of Computational Hydraulics International (CHI).
Journal of Water Resources Management, Springer
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE
Water Science and Technology

D2.5. Other
Task Committee member on Eco-Hydraulics, ASCE-EWRI (May 2013-Present)
Task Committee member on Low Impact Development - Combined Sewer (LID-CS) Areas,
ASCE (January 2012-Present)

Review panel member of the Fall Low Salinity Habitat (FLaSH) Studies and Adaptive
Management Plan, Delta Science Program, State of California, 2012
Committee member of the Oregon Seismic Resiliency, Water and Waste Water System task
group (2012-Present)
Professional Engineer in the State of Idaho (PE 14251), 2010
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Professional Member (2009- Present )
American Geophysical Union (AGU), Member (2012- Present )
International Association for Hydraulic Research (IAHR), Professional Member (2009-
American Water Resources Association (AWRA), Professional Member (2009- Present )
Professional Engineer in Peru (CIP 58619), 2001

D3. Service to the Public Commented [cmp13]: Include any service-related roles outside
the University or professional organizations.

D3.1. Professionally Related

Intel Engineering Summer Scholars (IESS) program, 2013. IESS is a bridge program for
high achieving underrepresented minority freshman in Engineering. On September 17th from
9am 10am, we had the visit of about 30 students including peer mentors. We participated
demonstrating the dangers of submerged hydraulic jumps (downstream of dams) for kayakers
and boaters in rivers. These activities took place in the small recirculation flume in Graf Hall.
Engineers Without Borders, Oregon State University Chapter (2011-present). Provided
technical support in two international water-related projects.
Advocates for Women in Science, Engineering and Mathematics (AWSEM), 2012.
On February 28th and 29th, 2012 (4:30 p.m-6pm), we had the visit of over 50 combined
middle school and high school women along with a few teachers and OSU student mentors.
This was an opportunity for the middle- and high school students to learn about the
Transportation and Water Resources areas of Civil Engineering. I participated demonstrating
the dangers of submerged hydraulic jumps (downstream of dams) for kayakers and boaters in
rivers. For this purpose, I have used the recirculating flume located in the second floor of
Graf Hall.
Engineers Without Borders, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Chapter
(2005-2006). Provided technical support to the Enugu State Project (Water development in

D3.2. Other Public Service

Volunteer for Marys River Clean-up, event organized by OSU Hydrophiles Service, 2012.

Commented [cmp14]: List any formal awards or prizes. Do
E. Awards not list membership in clubs, societies, or honoraries.

E1. National and International Awards

Inducted as Diplomate, Water Resources Engineer (D.WRE) of the American Academy
of Water Resources Engineers (AAWRE), a subsidiary of the American Society of Civil
Engineers (ASCE). The D.WRE certification is the highest post-license certification
available in the water resources engineering profession. The D.WRE represents strong
professional ethics, a commitment to life-long learning and continuing professional
development, June 2, 2014.
ASCE ExCEEd Teaching Fellowship ($2,075), 2012
Recipient of the chalk award for best teaching improvement in my workshop group during
ASCE ExCEEd Workshop, 2012, New York.
Recipient of an EPA Early CAREER Award, 2012
Named honorary member of the Society of Peruvian Engineers (Colegio de Ingenieros del
Peru), Ayacucho, Peru, 2011
Listed in Marquis Who's Who in America, 2007-Present
Listed in Marquis Who's Who in the World, 2009-Present
Medal and Diploma recipient of one of the two most outstanding graduates of all times in the
Civil Engineering Department of the Universidad Nacional San Cristobal de Huamanga.
Awarded by the Chancellor of the University, 2008.
Fellowship CONCYTEC (National Council of Science and Technology, Consejo Nacional
de Ciencia y Tecnologa), Lima, Peru, 1997-1998

E2. State and Regional Awards


E3. University or Community Awards

1. Travel grant to the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China (two weeks),
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004
2. First student in obtaining the degree of Master in Sciences since the Master program was
chartered in 1976, National University of Engineering, Lima, Peru, 2000
3. Award for best GPA during the five years of studies at the National University of San
Cristobal de Huamanga, Ayacucho, Peru, 1996
4. Selected to attend to the National Annual Conference of Executives (Conferencia Anual de
Ejecutivos) in recognition for outstanding academic achievement, Lima, Peru, 1996
5. Best undergraduate student award (5 years in a row), National University of San Cristobal de
Huamanga, Ayacucho, Peru, 1992-1996
6. Valedictorian, Colegio Nacional San Juan, Ayacucho, Peru, 1990


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