Apr 30, 2016
A couple of months ago, ESRI released a bridge library to connect ArcGIS and R. This library was developed with the purpose of
facilitating management and processing of ArcGIS data for R users, and at the same time making easier for ArcGIS users to
incorporate all the power of R analysis tools into their workflows.
This bridge library sounds quite promising so Ive written a brief tutorial to learn, and also to test, the capabilities of this bridge
between two of the leading players in the fields of GIS and data analysis. Below I describe how to install the required library and how
to create and execute a tool that combines Arc datasets and functionalities from R packages for addressing species distribution
modeling within ArcGIS environment. Lets start!
Install the R ArcGIS Bridge
First, go to and enter into r-bridge-install. Click the Download ZIP button to download the repository
content into the file and then unzip it in a local folder.
Start ArcMap (for ArcGIS 10.3.1 or later) as administrator and use the Catalog window to navigate to the folder where the unzipped
file is located. You must see the R Integration Python Toolbox with four scripts in it. Double click the Install R bindings script and
then just click OK to run it. This script downloads and installs the latest version of an R package called arcgisbinding which provides
classes and functions for importing, managing and exporting ArcGIS datasets in R. To check that the R ArcGIS bridge has been
successfully installed, run the R Version and R Installation Details scripts.
If you open R or RStudio you will find that the arcgisbinding package has been installed to your R library. Note that the R ArcGIS
bridge can also be installed using ArcGIS Pro 1.1 (or later).
The video below shows the step-by-step installation of the R ArcGIS bridge:
Also note that, alternatively, you can download the Windows binary zip file of the arcgisbinding package and install it into R
Create an R script
We are going to follow the templates in the scripts folder in the r-sample-tools repository to create an script for species distribution
modeling using functionality provided by the arcgisbinding and the dismo R packages. First, we need to load the required packages
and read the input and output parameters:
occurrence_dataset = in_params[[1]]
continuous_rasters_folder = in_params[[2]]
biome_raster = in_params[[3]]
model = in_params[[4]]
out_raster = out_params[[1]]
out_table = out_params[[2]]
out_shp = out_params[[3]]
Next, we are going to open the input (points) shapefile dataset (e.g., occurrence data of the studied species) using the
function from the arcgisbinding package, and convert the resulting dataset to an SpatialPointsDataFrame object using
and arc.data2sp:
d <-
occurrence <- arc.data2sp(
Then well proceed to read the raster files. As does not open raster datasets yet (up to version of arcgisbinding),
Im following the next work-around for this tutorial: a set of continuous rasters files (e.g., temperature, precipitation) are read from a
folder that contains all of them, while a categorical raster (e.g., biome) is read from a separate file.
There are several models that can be implemented for species distribution modeling. For the bioclim model, for example, we can use
the following code:
if(model == "bioclim"){
fitmodel <- bioclim(subset(presvals, select = -c(biome)))
p <- predict(predictors, fitmodel)
For the implementation of domain, glm (generalized linear models) and mahal (Mahalanobis) models, see the complete script in
this link. Other modeling methods such as MaxEnt or randomForests can also be easily implemented in this script.
Finally, well use arc.write to export an output table and a shapefile with data resulting from the extract step above. To export the
predicted species distribution raster object, well have to use writeRaster from the raster package:
Now lets create a toolbox in ArcGIS for an interactive execution of our script. In the Catalog window, navigate to Toolboxes - My
Toolboxes and right-click My Toolboxes. Go to New, click Toolbox and provide a name for your new toolbox.
Then right-click the new toolbox, and go to Add - Script. In the Add Script windows, provide a name and a label, and select the
script we created previously.
In the last Add Script window, we are required to provide the properties of the input and output parameters of our script. In this case,
we have four inputs and three outputs. Enter the Display Name and the Data Type properties of each parameter as shown in the
picture below. Also be sure to define the Direction property of each parameter (i.e., Input or Output) appropriately. When done,
click Finish.
Load the data and run the R ArcGIS tool
For this tutorial we are going to use sample data consisting of a set of eight continuous raster files (i.e., bioclimatic variables from the
WorldClim database, including temperature and precipitation), one categorical raster file (corresponding to terrestrial biomes data
from WWF), and a points shapefile containing occurrence records (presence) of three-toed sloths (Bradypus sp.), a tree-living
mammal species found in South and Central America. This shapefile was generated from data installed with the dismo package. The
goal of this exercise will be to model the spatial distribution of Bradypus sp. using climate and biome data as predictors.
After loading the data in ArcMap, go to the previously created toolbox in the Catalog window, right-click the script and click Open
(or just double-click it). In the open interface, select the occurrence dataset (i.e. the bradypus feature layer), the folder containing the
continuous rasters, and the biome raster file. Then enter the model you want to run and provide the parameters for the output files (i.e.,
the predicted raster, and the table and shapefile outputs). Execute the script by clicking OK. You should find the expected output files
in the paths you defined previously.
Thats it! For more info, see the creation and execution of the R ArcGIS species distribution modeling tool in the video below:
Final remarks
The R ArcGIS bridge offers several interesting features that enable the integration between ArcGIS and the R language. First, package
installation can be conducted from the R ArcGIS tool, eliminating additional work for users. A second attractive functionality is the
ability of producing several outputs at once, which improves the efficiency of these tools by allowing the creation of several tables,
graphs and datasets through the same script. Additionally, debugging the script is facilitated by errors being printed and shown in the
typical Arc tools execution window.
Perhaps the main drawback of the R ArcGIS bridge to date is the lack of native support for opening and writing raster datasets through and arc.write respectively, although there are work-arounds as the one shown above. This is a much needed feature that I
expect developers at ESRI incorporate in future versions of the arcgisbinding package. On the other hand, creating a graphic
interface for an R script in QGIS is much simpler than in ArcGIS, but Arc toolboxes are not complicated to create and offer a great
To learn more about species distribution modeling and the models implemented in the script, I invite you to read the Species
distribution modeling with R vignette from the dismo package. You can find the complete R script for this post in this link and
download the toolbox and the datasets used in this tutorial from this GitHub repository.
The arcgisbinding package is still in beta release and some issues may be found, so let me know about your experience with the R
ArcGIS bridge if you try this tutorial. Have fun!
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Kamrul Islam Sujon 4 months ago
Very helpful and instructive. Thank you for your nice work.
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Ali Mod Kamrul Islam Sujon 4 months ago
So glad you find it helpful. Thank you Kamrul for appreciating my work!!
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Hi, thanks for the blog post! I installed the R ArcGIS Bridge but when trying to reproduce your code I notice that the first function
(tool_exec) is not complete. There is { opening the function but it stops without the end. What do I miss?
Hi Marco. Thanks for commenting on my blog. The complete script can be found in this link:
It should work well. Please let me know if it doesn't!
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This is super awesome! I was really hoping that I could use the dplyr sql queries through the console though. Would I have to create a
whole toolbox for that?
Ali Mod Josiah Parry 4 months ago
Thanks a lot for your comment Josiah! You're question is quite interesting. I wonder whether it's possible to use rpy2 to
execute R commands from the Python console in ArcGIS. Please see this link for more on Python interfaces for the R
language: I have never tried it but it would be great to make it work. On the other hand, I am
not sure what you're planning to do exactly but I think a toolbox may not be the most efficient/flexible approach. Alternatively,
you may try working with Python and R using Jupyter notebook as shown here:
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Thank you very much for the update! And thanks also for stopping by my blog. I'll check out the new arcgisbinding version as
soon as I can. Best regards