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Activities in Science

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What can you do to prevent dengue?

Objectives: 1. describe and classify Aedes aegypti,

2. discuss the life cycle of A. aegypti,

3. identify breeding places of A. aegypti,

4. explain the role of A. aegypti in spreading dengue, and

5. suggest ways of preventing dengue.

Materials Needed: sheet of paper, illustration of life cycle of Aedes aegypti


1. Study the different stages in the life cycle of Aedes aegypti below.

Q52. How does the adult of this mosquito look?



Q53. Describe the breeding place of A. aegypti.



Q54. In which places in your home, school or surroundings can this mosquito breed? Name at least 5.

-________________, ________________, ________________, ________________, ________________

Have you heard about kiti-kiti? These are the larvae or wrigglers.

Q55. What do you think will happen to a larva that is removed from water?



Q56. Based on your study of the life cycle of Aedes aegypti, how important is water to the mosquito?



2. Review your answers to Q54.

Q57. What can you do to stop the reproduction of the dengue virus-carrying mosquito? Name at least 5.



Q58. Into what group of arthropods would you classify the mosquito and why?


What is the importance of biodiversity to ecosystem

Objectives: 1. Differentiate low from high biodiversity,

2. give advantages of high over low biodiversity,

3. identify ecosystems with low and high biodiversity, and

4. predict what will happen to an ecosystem with low biodiversity.

Materials Needed: photos of different ecosystems, pencil/ballpen


1. Get photos of various ecosystems from your teacher.

2. Together with your groupmates, identify which of them have high or low biodiversity.

Q69. Which ecosystem/s have high biodiversity?low biodiversity?



3. Study the photo below.

Q70. Does it have a high or low biodiversity?



Q71. What will happen if a pest will attack banana plants?



Q72. What will happen if a strong typhoon comes and heavy flooding occurs?



Q73. How will this affect the helpers and owner of the plantation?


4. Examine the photo below

Q74. What biotic components are present in this ecosystem?



Q75. Describe some relationships and interactions that occur among these biotic components.



Q76. Predict the effect of the presence of many crown of thorns sea star to the ecosystem and its biotic



Q77. Why is high biodiversity advantageous over low biodiversity?



Q78. What is the importance of biodiversity to ecosystems?


How do you identify the components of a food chain in ecosystem ?

Objectives: 1. Distinguish between producers and consumers,

2. analyze the transfer of energy from one organism to another

3. construct a food chain in a given ecosystem.

Materials Needed: an article about Monfort Bat Cave, Activity Sheet


1. Read an article about Monfort Bat Cave

2. Read the following question, and write your answer on the space provided

Q2. What are the organisms found in the surrounding area of Monfort Bat Cave? List them down in the
table below.

Plants Animals
Q3. What group/s of organisms are considered as producers?



Q4. What part of the durian trees and other trees served as food for the bats?



Q5. The population of cave-dwelling bats is declining because they are being eaten by other organism.
What are these organisms that feed on bats?



Q6. Among the organism that feed on bats are there organism that possibly feed on the predators of
bats? ____ Yes ____No



3. Divide the organism into the following categories as shown in the table below:

Categories of organisms living in the Monfort Bat Cave

Producers 1st Order Consumer 2nd Order Consumer

4. Based on the Table 2, construct a food chain with at least 3 organisms representing the producer, 1st
& 2nd order consumer

Q7. You have just analyzed the transfer of energy by categorizing the organism according to their trophic
level. In your own words describe a food chain.


Q8. Without decomposers, will producers and consumers stay alive? Why?



___________________________________________________________________________________ .

Q9. Without the producers, will consumers stay alive? Why?




Making food webs

Think of the food your family ate for the supper last night. Make a food web based on your meal.
Remember, your food web must have producers, consumers, and decomposers.

Q10. To which group of organisms do you belong?



Q11. Which trophic level do you occupy?


Meat eaters vs. Plant eaters
What can you infer from the biomass pyramids below?

1. Study the following pyramid of biomass.

Q15. How much biomass of humans can 5000 kg of corn support?



2. This time, study the following pyramid of biomass.

Q16. How much biomass of chicken can 5000 kg of corn support?


Q17. How much biomass of humans can chicken support?


Q18. Which is more efficient in converting biomass of producers to biomass of consumers- a meat eater
or a plant eater? Give your explanation.

Part 1A. A gutsy game

Objectives: 1. Identify the organs that make up the digestive system; and

2. describe the function of each organ.

Materials Needed: game board (refer to the ff. page), a piece of die, tokens or playing pieces


1. Find a classmate with whom you can play the board game.

2. Choose a token for you and your classmate; place the tokens on the board`s starting line.

Q1. The game you are about to play is an analogy of the digestive system. What do the tokens


3. Take turns rolling the die.

4. The number on the die determines how many spaces you will move your token.

Q2. What do the spaces on the board game represent?


5. Follow the directions if there is anyon the space you land your token.

Q3. What do the directions on some of the spaces tell you about the digestive system?



6. The player who first makes it all the way through the digestive system and down to the finish line wins
the game.
Part 1B. A sweet break!

Objectives: 1. Describe the process of mechanical digestion; and

2. explain how the physical breaking down of food helps in its digestion.

Materials Needed: (2)100mL beakers or clear containers, warm water, 2 pieces of candies (hard candies)

Mortar and Pestle, paper towel


1. Fill the two beakers with warm water. Make sure that the amount of water placed in each glass is
about the same. Label the glasses A & B.

2. Prepare 2 pieces of candies. Wrap a piece of candy in a paper towel and crush it using a mortar and
pestle or any hard object like a piece of wood

3. Place one piece of candy into the glass of warm water labelled A and place the crushed pieces of
candy in the remaining glass of warm water labelled B.

4. Observe how long it takes for the whole candy in Glass A and the crushed pieces of candy in Glass B to

5. Record your observation.

Q5. How does crushing the candy to smaller pieces affects its dissolution?



Q6. What does crushing candy represent in the process of digestion?


How do enzymes affect digestion?

Objectives: 1. Explain how enzymes affect digestion; and

2. infer chemical changes in food as it undergoes chemical digestion.

Materials Needed: 1 Tbsp of granulated gelatin, 10 mL fresh pineapple juice, hot plate

10 mL bromeliad leaf juice, water, measuring cupspoon, markers

100mL graduated cylinder, 10mL graduated cylinder, test tube rack

3 test tubes, 3droppers,


1. Number and label the test tube (1-water, 2-fresh P. juice, 3 B. leaf juice).

2. Prepare 1 Tbsp of granulated gelatin in the measuring cup using 100 mL of boiling water.

3. Stir well with a spoon until the gelatin is dissolved.

4. Place 3 mL of water into test tube 1, 3 mL of fresh P. juice into test tube 2, and 3 mL of B. leaf juice
into test tube 3

5. Add 10 mL of gelatin mixture to each test tube. Shake well to mix thoroughly.

6. Refrigerate the sample overnight.

7. On day 2, check the contents of each test tube for solidification of the contents. Record your

How do the contents of the

Test tube Contents test tube look like on
Day 2 ?
Water and Gelatin
Fresh pineapple juice and gelatin

Bromeliad leaf juice


Q7. How did bromelain affect the protein in gelatin?



Q8. Which of your observation show this effect?



Q9. There are other kinds of enzymes in your digestive system. How do this enzymes affect digestion?


A journey into the digestive system

Objectives: 1. Infer how the organs of the digestive system work together to carry out digestion of food

and assimilation of nutrients; and

2. explain what happens to food as it gets digested.

Materials Needed: Video Clip: Journey of the D. S. link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3O1AdlC8bl

Writing materials


1. Your teacher will show a movie clip titled, Journey of the Digestive System

2. Take down notes as you watch the movie clip.

3. On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions.

Q16. What does the movie clip say about the digestion of food?



Q17. What changes happened to the food as it was moved through the digestive tract?


Am I eating right?

Objectives: 1. Make a record of your daily meals, and

2. determine if your food intake adequately meets nutritional requirements.



1. Record in a Daily Meal Journal what you eat for three days. Table 1 shows a sample meal record for
one day.

Table 1. Sample daily meal journal

Date Meal Food & Beverages Amount

March 18, 2017 Breakfast Rice 1 cups
Fried egg 1 pc
Milk 1 glass
Water 2 glass
Snack Nestea 1 glass
Siomai 4 pcs.
Lunch Rice 2 cups
Water 2 glass
Sinigang 1 cups
Snack Softdrink 1 bottle
Biscuit 1 pack
Dinner Rice 1 cup
Water 3 glass
Fried Chicken 2 pcs
Salad 1 cup
2. Interview your school nutritionist, school nurse, or barangay health worker on the kind and amount of
food that you should eat to meet your nutritional requirements.

3. Compare your entries in your daily meal journal with the recommended daily amount servings.

Daily Meal Journal

Date Meal Food & Beverage Amount

March 20, 2017 Breakfast Rice 1 cup
Hotdog 2 pcs (big)
Water 3 glass
Milk 1 glass
Snack Hamburger 1 pc
Lunch Rice 3 cups
Pork Chop 5 pcs
Dinner Rice 2 cups
Veggie`s 3 cups
Water 3 glass
Q1. Which food group in the Food Pyramid do you observe the greatest number of servings?

Q2. What did Conrad eat that belong to this food group?



Q3. Which food group/s do you see no servings?



Q4. Based on the Food Pyramid, how many servings from that group should Conrad have eaten?



Q5. What should Conrad include in his meals to ensure that he gets all the nutrients indicated in the
Food Pyramid?


What happens when nutritional needs are not adequately met?
A good diet is important for proper growth and development and for the prevention of diseases.
A number of health problems and diseases are caused by a poor diet.

Objectives: 1. analyze the consequences of an unhealthy diet.

2. demonstrate understanding of diseases that result from nutrient deficiency and their

prevention and treatment.


1. Using the table below as a guide, research on the sources of carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins
and mineral, the functions of these nutrients, and the health problems that result when the requirement
for these nutrients are not adequately met.

Nutrients Food Sources Functions Deficiency signs and




Vitamins and Minerals

2. Present your output to the class.

Insufficient intake of nutrients can cause nutrition disorders. These disorders may cause health
problems, especially in children, which may hinder growth and development.
Using essential concepts in nutrition to planning a menu
Objective: 1. Design a 3-day menu that reflects balanced meals and provides recommended daily

allowance to an active teenager, and

2. incorporate local produce in your menu.


1. Design a 3-day menu reflects balanced meals and provides the recommended daily allowance to an
active teenager.

2. Incorporate locally produced food products in your menu.

3. Present your output to the class.

Observing mitosis
Objectives: 1. Identify the different stages of mitosis in plant and animal cells, and

2. differentiate plant and animal cells.

Materials Needed: Prepared slides of onion root tip and white fish blastula, Compound microscope


1. Examine the onion root tip and white fish blastula slides under the microscope. Based on the
descriptions provided in the previous section, identify and draw from each slide the following:
interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Cells do not divide at the same time.
Therefore, you will find cells at the different stages of mitosis. With the LPO, locate and study the cells at
these stages, then switch to the HPO to study the chromosomes in detail.

2. Locate the centrioles at opposite sides of a mitotic cell. These form star-like structures called asters at
the poles of the spindles.

Q1. Where can you find these centrioles, in plant cells or animal cells?



3. Detect the presence of cleavage furrows in the mitotic cell of the white fish blastula. Cleavage furrow
grow inward in the cell membrane until the cell is divided into two.

Q2. Do you also find a cleavage furrow in mitotic plant cells?


Comparing mitosis & meiosis
Objectives: By the end of the activity, you should be able to differentiate mitosis from meiosis.


Complete the table below.

Mitosis Meiosis

Number of Daugther cell produced

Number of Chromosomes is halved.
(Yes or No)
Pairing of homologous chromosomes
take place. (Yes or No)
The daughter cells produced are always
identical In terms of genetical materials.
(Yes or No)

Tossing coins & probability

Objectives: After performing this activity, you should be able to predict the outcomes of crosses based
on the principle of probability.

Materials: 2 coins, a piece of paper, and a pencil or pen


1. On a piece of paper, make a chart similar to the one given below.

Head (H) Tail (h)



Ratio of the Combinations

2. Toss a coin. If a head comes up, mark column 1; if a tail, then mark column 2. Make 50 tosses of the

3. Get the total number of times each face of the coin appears. Calculate the percentage of the
appearance of each face. To compute the percentage:

(total/50) x 100%

Q1. What is the ratio of heads to tails?



4. Let us assume that the coin represents the genotype of a parent, and each face is an allele, with the
head as the dominant allele (H) and the tail as the recessive allele (h).

Q2. What is the ratio of the gametes of this parent with heterozygous genotype?


5. On the same piece of paper, make a chart similar to the one given below.

Head-Head Head-Tail Tail-Tail

(HH) (Hh) (hh)


Ratio of the Combinations

6. Toss the two coins together. If a head-head combination appears, mark column 1; if head-tail, mark
column 2; and if tail-tail, mark column 3. Make 50 tosses of the coins.

7. . Get the total number of times each face of the coin appears. Calculate the percentage of the
appearance of each face. To compute the percentage:

(total/50) x 100%

Q3. What is the ratio of a head-head, head-tail, and tail-tail combination when you make 50 tosses?



Q4. If you toss the same coins in 100,000 times, would you approximately get the same ratio?

Q5. Let the head (H) represent the dominant gene and the tail (h), a recessive gene. Compare the ratio
you obtained in this activity with the one obtained by Mendel in his monohybrid F2 generation pass. Are
they approximately similar?


Comparing genotypic and phenotypic ratios for a Mendelian trait
Objective: After performing this activity, you should be able to solve for the phenotypic and genotypic
ratios of any given cross.


Let D= dominant allele and d= recessive allele, while DD, Dd, and dd represent the homozygous
dominant, heterozygous dominant, and homozygous recessive genotypes, respectively. For each type of
cross, determine the genotypic and phenotypic ratios, respectively. The first cross was already done.

Cross Genotypic Ratio Phenotypic Ratio

1. DD x DD 100 % DD 100 % dominant
2. DD x Dd
3. DD x dd
4. Dd x Dd
5. Dd x dd
6. dd x dd

This table summarizes the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of typical Mendelian traits. Knowing
the Mendelian genotypic and phenotypic ratios can make solving genetic problems easier.
Filling up the Punnet Square for a dihybrid cross
Objectives: At the end of this activity, you should be able to use punnet square when solving for
dihybrid crosses


Given the cross RrYy x RrYy, copy and fill up the punnet square below. Base your answers to the
given questions on the completed diagram.

Q1. What are male gametes? Female gametes?



Q2. What proportion of the offspring will have the following phenotype: RY, Ry, rY, and ry?



Q3. How many kinds of genotype will the offspring have?



Q4. What is the probability that an individual will have a genotype of RRyy? RrYy? Rryy? RRYY?


Phenotypes and genotypes in incomplete dominance
Objectives: This activity will reinforce the genotypic and phenotypic ratios in a typical incompletely
dominant trait.


In four o`clock plants, R1 is the allele for red color and R2 is for white color. Two pink flowered
plants were crossed.

Q1. How many types of gametes will each parent produce?



Q2. What are the phenotypes of the offspring?



Another cross was made involving a red flowered plant and a pink flowered plant.

Q3. What would be the phenotypic and genotypic ratios of the offspring of this cross?


Inferring genotypes of ABO blood types based on the parental blood types
Objectives: By the end of this activity, you should be able to infer the unknown phenotypes of
individuals on the basis of the known phenotypes of their family members.


Given the blood types of the mother and the child, identify the possible blood types of the

Mother`s Blood Type Father`s Blood Type Child`s Blood Type



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