PWC Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2016 en
PWC Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2016 en
PWC Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2016 en
Emerging Trends
in Real Estate
2 Chapter 1 Emerging Trends in Canada: Changing Opportunities
4 Emerging Trends in Canadian Real Estate
11 Markets to Watch in 2016
16 Property Type Outlook
20 Expected Best Bets for 2016
95 Interviewees
Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2016 reflects the views of individuals who completed
surveys or were interviewed as a part of the research process for this report. The
views expressed herein, including all comments appearing in quotes, are obtained
exclusively from these surveys and interviews and do not express the opinions of
either PwC or ULI. Interviewees and survey participants represent a wide range of
industry experts, including investors, fund managers, developers, property compa-
nies, lenders, brokers, advisers, and consultants. ULI and PwC researchers personally
interviewed 404 individuals and survey responses were received from 1,465 individu-
als, whose company affiliations are broken down below.
To all who helped, the Urban Land Institute and PwC extend sincere thanks for sharing
valuable time and expertise. Without the involvement of these many individuals, this
report would not have been possible.
Architects/designers 3.56
This years top-ranked property subsectors reflect the changing
Insurance company 3.51
nature of Canadas real estate market. Warehouses, fulfillment real estate lenders
centers, and neighborhood shopping centers are among the top- Commercial bank 3.48
ranked this year. Each is a classic defensive play in times of slower real estate lenders
economic growth, and even minor negative economic growth CMBS lenders/issuers 3.43
yet each of these sectors is also ideally positioned to capitalize
Property managers 3.38
on periods of stable domestic consumer demand and increased
exports, especially to the United States. In our view, to interpret this 1 2 3 4 5
as a sign of firms battening down the hatches in preparation for Abysmal Poor Fair Good Excellent
an economic storm would be to miss the larger pointwhich is
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2016 survey.
that opportunities are changing, but they still exist. Note: Based on Canadian investors only.
We see other signs of real estate players responding posi- and more people are choosing to rentpermanently, in some
tively to changes in their markets and identifying new growth cases. Even some retirees are opting to rent after they sell their
opportunities. Investor interest in medical office and health care homes, rather than buy a smaller home. Developers are keen to
properties is perking up as an aging baby boomer generation meet this growing demand with new purpose-built rental units.
makes increasing demands on the health care sector. As the However, some of our interviewees expressed concern with the
rise in housing prices continues to outpace Canadians income number of purpose-built rental projects announced in Toronto,
growth, especially in markets like Toronto and Vancouver, more citing concerns with whether the numbers really do work yet.
Mixed-use developments with residential and retail real estate Emerging Trends in Canadian Real Estate
space have also grown beyond a trend and have become a The real estate market in Canada has nine lives. Every time a
requirement in and around Toronto and Vancouver. correction should have happened, something else goes wrong
locally or worldwide and causes a distraction.
Caution and prudence characterize todays Canadian real estate
players. Many of our survey respondents suspect that Canadas Caution Rules as Firms Position Themselves for the Next
real estate markets are due for a breather after so many years of Business Cycle
economic and real estate expansionand theyre acting accord-
How long can Canadas real estate market continue to grow?
ingly. Some are slowing their acquisition efforts in Canada, and
Its a question many in the industry are asking these days.
focusing their attention on existing holdings and opportunities in
The Canadian economy and real estate market have grown
the United States and other foreign markets. Landlords are con-
consistently or stayed stable in the seven years since the global
centrating on bringing in new tenantsand extending the leases
economic downturn, and the 13 years leading up to it. Some
of existing ones. In Calgary, industry players are settling into a
respondents suspect a downturn is comingsooner rather
than later.
Its a line of thinking that is convincing real estate companies that respondents believe that the Canadian market is due for
to adopt a more prudent, defensive position. With competition a breather.
for high-quality properties intensifying, large real estate players
are slowing their pace of acquisitions in Canada; while they opt Liquidity Everywhere, but Nothing to Buy
to wait and see where the Canadian market is heading, they While theres a lot of liquidity in the Canadian market, there isnt
are looking to the United States and elsewhere for opportuni- much to invest it in. Respondents talk about the severe lack of
ties. Some companies, including real estate investment trusts high-quality product available for purchase right now, given
(REITs), are culling non-core property holdings to capitalize on the current cost of capital. Prized, top-tier Canadian proper-
high valuations and raise capital for redevelopment or inten- ties are increasingly in the hands of pension funds, institutional
sification projects. Landlords are working to sign tenants to investors, and REITs, which in some cases are selling their Tier
longer-term leases. And most companies are taking the long 2 assets to help fund the purchases. As a result, transaction
view when it comes to their business strategy. volumes have picked up for secondary assets and value-added
plays. While this creates a steady supply of product, respon-
However, this heightened level of caution appears to be driven dents point out that the properties often are older and require
by pragmatism, not pessimism. True, respondents are con- investment to suit current market needs.
cerned about the impact of low energy prices on western
Canadas markets. While many feel that U.S. and European Office Leasing: Yield Is King, but the Rules Are Changing
economic performance is less than ideal, others see opportuni-
The workplace has to be viewed as a stimulus to productivity.
ties in those markets as well as in South America. Few seem to
With so little top-tier product available, respondents are maxi-
mizing their existing holdings. Yield is king, and companies
Exhibit 1-4 Real Estate Capital Market Balance Forecast
are focused on attracting new tenants to existing office proper-
tiesand extending the leases of existing tenantsin order to
Equity capital for investing
generate stable income.
6% 26% 68%
Yet respondents say that leasing itself is changing, in part
as a response to tenants own business challenges. Instead
of ten- to 15-year leases, respondents say that tenants want
leases of ten years or less. Tenants are also reducing space
18% 32% 51% per employee, and some tenants are sharing offices, or opting
for value over high-end, luxury amenities. Respondents report
2014 that it is becoming increasingly critical to engage the tenants
human resources groups and others in organizations to secure
24% 38% 37% new leasing. Some tenants are declining traditional property
management services like cleaning, choosing to engage their
2013 own, often less costly, suppliers.
Debt capital for acquisitions Debt capital for renancing Debt capital for development
2016 2016 2016
2012 2012
office properties located near or on transportation hubs, may currency should make the countrys non-energy exports more
also benefit. competitive. If gas pump savings should materialize, this too
could boost business and consumer spending, potentially
Lower Oil Prices Have Mixed Impact on Canadian benefiting retailers, among others. This could, in turn, drive
Real Estate activity in industrial, office, and commercial real estate, espe-
The sharp drop in oil prices has led some to speculate that cially in the east.
eastern Canada will regain its position as Canadas economic
engine. However, the impact of the energy sector downturn on Foreign Investment: Canada Retains Its Allure
Canadian real estatein Alberta and elsewhereis just starting There will always be one guy who needs it more than
to be felt. someone else.
Oxford Economics May 2015 report, Canada: The Negative Global investors continue to see Canada as a safe haven for
Impact of Lower Oil Prices, forecast a 20 percent drop in energy their capital, and the lower Canadian dollar only adds to the
sector investment this year, and indeed Canadian energy allure. Many respondents expect foreign investment to continue
companies have postponed or shelved many projects in light to flow into Canadian real estatenot only into traditional mar-
of business conditions. Yet on the real estate side, investors kets like Vancouver, Calgary, and Toronto, but also into Montreal
appear to be biding their time. There are little to no large real and even Saskatoon, where interest in farmland and develop-
estate purchases or sales taking place in Alberta, although firms ment land is rising.
are putting space up for sublet. Albertas experience with boom-
and-bust cycles has taught companies that sometimes the best Foreign investors face numerous hurdles in entering the
strategy is to simply hold. Canadian market. As a result, they are determined to ensure that
they realize a good return on their investments. Interest in hotel
Elsewhere, low energy prices may prove a boon to certain and office properties is rising, and observers expect that foreign
sectors and their related real estate markets. Canadas weaker
Exhibit 1-6 Foreign Direct Investment in Canada Exhibit 1-7 Average Home Size, by Country
2016 Price Price to 2015 Price Price to 2014 Price Price to 2013 Price Price to
income ratio income ratio income ratio income ratio
Vancouver $921,900 11.6 : 1 $889,100 11.6 : 1 $813,200 10.8 : 1 $767,400 10.4 : 1
Toronto $639,300 7.0 : 1 $614,400 7.0 : 1 $563,500 6.6 : 1 $521,800 6.3 : 1
Calgary $441,700 3.9 : 1 $451,300 3.9 : 1 $459,500 4.0 : 1 $436,600 4.0 : 1
Canada $440,100 5.7 : 1 $435,800 5.7 : 1 $407,000 5.5 : 1 $381,700 5.3 : 1
Ottawa $375,400 3.9 : 1 $368,300 3.9 : 1 $360,700 3.9 : 1 $356,400 4.0 : 1
Edmonton $357,100 4.3 : 1 $366,700 4.3 : 1 $361,300 4.4 : 1 $343,600 4.3 : 1
Montreal $344,000 5.0 : 1 $336,800 5.0 : 1 $331,800 5.1 : 1 $324,100 5.1 : 1
Saskatoon $297,800 4.5 : 1 $297,800 4.5 : 1 $297,900 4.6 : 1 $287,500 4.6 : 1
Halifax $285,200 3.8 : 1 $279,200 3.8 : 1 $275,300 3.8 : 1 $274,200 3.9 : 1
Winnipeg $279,200 3.5 : 1 $275,200 3.5 : 1 $271,900 3.5 : 1 $268,500 3.7 : 1
* The price to income ratio is the ratio of the metro-area average home price to the median income.
Source: TD Economics, Canadian Regional Housing Outlook, August 2015.
retirement homes. Notes: Figures are for instrastructure funded or under construction. Investment is in
2014 dollars.
* Canadas federal government has pledged C$1.53 billion for the LRT Green Line. Source:
With housing affordability likely to remain an issue for some Tories Announce $1.5B for Green Line LRT Project. July 24, 2015. The Calgary Herald. http://
time, rentals are expected to continue to be in demand. These
properties offer investors steady income and stable cash flows; Suburbs Resilient in the Face of the Urbanization Trend
in the current environment, that is an attractive proposition.
Respondents expect to see more condos redeveloped into There is just a different mind-set about the suburbs. Tell me
rental properties; they also expect to see more purpose-built where the kids are going to go to school downtownthere are
multi-unit rentals come on stream, since the current, aging no high schools downtown. Not everyone is going to be able
stock of multi-unit residential is not well suited to the demand for to come into the city until there are major changes. Families will
high-quality rental units. Further cap-rate compression for multi- continue to want to be in the suburbs.
residential product in eastern Canada is making a compelling
case to build rather than buy. Some observers, however, have The urbanization trend remains strong in Canada, but respon-
raised concerns about new players entering the multi-residential dents dismiss suggestions that the suburbs are in decline. Every
market and competing with established players; multi-residential day, noted one commenter, people choose to exchange their
is a unique segment, and new players may find themselves fac- small urban spaces for larger suburban living quarters.
ing greater-than-expected challenges.
Suburbs around the Greater Toronto Area are also becoming
more expensive due to government policies, immigration, and
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Abysmal Poor Fair Good Excellent Abysmal Poor Fair Good Excellent
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2016 survey.
Note: Based on Canadian investors only.
and infrastructure. Renovating an office to suit a tenant is no Overall, respondents rank Vancouver as the top invest-
longer just a matter of moving some walls around: as office den- ment, development, and housing market in Canada this year.
sities rise and per-worker square footage drops, big investments However, investor interest is definitely moving eastward as well,
in air conditioning, heating, washrooms, and other facilities are with four eastern markets in the top five. Several interviewees felt
often needed. Some believe the real estate sector is underesti- that the stable industrial outlook in both Toronto and Montreal
mating the cost impact of these technology-driven changes. positions those markets to benefit from U.S. economic growth
and a lower Canadian dollar.
As well, the increasingly critical role of technology in tenants
businesses is matched by their growing dependence on a 4
stable supply of electricity. Outages are no longer a tempo-
rary inconvenience; they can bring a companys business to a 3.62
complete and costly halt. Landlords report that their commercial
tenants are demanding that they guarantee uninterrupted power,
including immediate backup supplies in case of outages. Some
tenants want these promises written into their leases. 3 fair
After three years of topping the Canadian markets to watch list, 2
08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Calgary and Edmonton have slipped to mid-table as Vancouver,
Toronto, and Montreal rise to the top. Vancouver
2016 expected
Buy Hold Sell cap rate
Warehouse industrial 59.6% 21.3% 19.1% 5.9%
Medical office 54.3 31.9 13.8 6.4
Fulfillment center 52.4 42.9 4.8 6.0
Neighborhood/community shopping centers 42.2 36.1 21.7 6.1
Limited-service hotels 37.8 35.1 27.0 7.3
Apartment rentalaffordable 35.0 40.0 25.0 5.6
Apartment rentalmoderate income 35.0 38.8 26.3 5.3
Central city office 33.3 41.7 25.0 5.5
Student housing 32.4 47.3 20.3 6.0
Full-service hotels 27.0 48.6 24.3 6.8
Apartment rentalhigh income 26.3 32.5 41.3 4.7
Suburban office 25.0 41.7 33.3 6.6
R&D industrial 23.8 50.0 26.2 6.6
Regional malls 18.1 60.2 21.7 5.4
Power centers 13.1 44.0 42.9 6.4
Institutional rent for single family 10.3 47.1 42.6 6.0
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2016 survey.
Note: Based on Canadian investors only.
Vancouver continues to be an in-demand marketplace to be for Rental developments are in the works in Surrey, Richmond, and
all real estate. There is a lot of available capital. The number of Burnaby; in Vancouver, some estimate that as many as one in
purchasers for large-dollar land deals has increased significantly three condo buildings is aimed at the rental market. In retail, out-
from a few years ago, when there were maybe three bidders; now let and destination malls are proving popular, but traditional retail
there are six or sevenquite a lot of foreign money as well. in Vancouvers downtown is seeing some softening. There also
are some concerns about office vacancy rates, which at 10.4
Vancouvers economic growth may have hit a recent peak in percent in the second quarter of 2015 are Vancouvers highest
2014, but growth in 2015 and 2016 is still expected to remain in a decade. The high cost of living is making it harder to attract
strong, with gross domestic product (GDP) growth at 3.1 per- head offices and other major firms to the city, and its not at all
cent in 2015 and forecast GDP growth of 3.2 percent in 2016, clear how long it will take for the market to absorb all the space
according to the Conference Board of Canada. Manufacturing, that is available nowor becoming available in the next year.
transportation, and warehousing are likely to drive this growth in
2016, owing to the Canadian dollars weakness against the U.S. 4
dollar. The construction sector will be kept busy by a number
of larger-scale mixed-use development projects in 2016; some 3.58
observers believe that the industry could also benefit should the
low Canadian dollar attract further additional foreign interest in
Vancouver housing.
3 fair
From a real estate perspective, more of the same seems to be
Vancouvers mantra. Foreign investment still flows into Greater
Vancouvers residential sector, though some foreign investors Toronto
are now diversifying into the retail, office, hospitality, and even
agricultural sectors. The ongoing flow of international investment
is still driving up prices, particularly for single-family homes; this poor
has some Vancouver-area employers worried about their ability 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
to attract and retain staff who are being priced out of the market.
It is also giving rise to concerns that governments will come Toronto
under pressure to bring foreign investment under some degree Toronto achieved its strongest economic growth in four years
of control. in 2014 at 2.9 percent, and 2015 and 2016 are expected to be
good 3 fair 3.02
3 fair 2.94 2
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
According to the Conference Board of Canadas spring 2015
report of 13 CMAs, Metropolitan Economic Trends, Saskatoons
poor economic growth rate is expected to see a significant drop in
08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2015, bringing it to 1.8 percent from the 6.1 percent in 2014,
a level just below the national average of 1.9 percent. The
Ottawa ripple effect of the slowdown in primary industry and utilities
Public sector austerity measures have kept the government- could cause slower growth across all sectors of the Saskatoon
dominated economy of Ottawa relatively stagnant in recent economy. Lower demand for housing is likely to slow residential
years. The outlook for 2015 and 2016 is a bit brighter: the federal construction, and commercial construction is likely to proceed
government has recently announced that it is in a surplus posi- cautiously as well. Real estate sales volumes are projected
tion and expects to remain in surplus for 20152016. Further to shrink in 2016 from 6.1 percent to 3.3 percent, and this is
public spending cuts are expected to be minimal, according to expected to slow activity in finance, insurance, real estate, and
an article published in the Globe and Mail on August 28, 2015. other parts of the service sector. Yet while the energy sectors
The regions goods production sector is projected to expand by demands for manufactured goods are projected to be slow for
1.7 percent in 2015 and by 2.5 percent in 2016. the next couple of years, demand from the agriculture and tim-
ber sectors could in fact support manufacturing growth above
According to the Conference Board of Canada, the business the national average of 2.7 percent.
services sector also is set to grow significantly faster in 2015
2016 by 2.4 percent and 2.6 percent, respectively, buoyed by
a strong technology sector and heightened investor interest in
a number of Ottawa startups. Slow demand for single-family
homes and a possible oversupply of multi-residential units are
clouding the forecast for residential building, but the construc-
tion industry should be well supported by infrastructure projects
in 2016.
4 Edmonton
Edmontons economy finds some stability due to public sector
employment, bit it is expected to be hit hard by the drop in oil
prices, tipping into recession in 2015 before showing signs of
recovery in 2016if oil prices stabilize and start to recover,
according to a spring 2015 report on 13 CMAs published by
the Conference Board of Canada. Primary industry and utilities
3 fair 2.95 will contract significantly, and this will spill over into manufactur-
ing, transportation and warehousing, construction, and trade.
Manufacturers closely linked with oil extraction will struggle into
Winnipeg 2016; others, however, could benefit from the lower Canadian
dollar and lower transportation costs. High-profile projects in
poor the city core may sustain the construction industry to an extent,
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 but this may be offset by a slowdown in business invest-
ment and residential activity. While new condo towers rise up
Winnipeg alongside the citys new arena, provincial museum, and other
Winnipegs economy is expected to continue its steady growth developments, it will be critical to add retail and other ameni-
at 2.1 percent in 2015 and 2.5 percent in 2016, according to the ties to increase the appeal for people to move into Edmontons
Conference Board of Canada. The local manufacturing sector, downtown core. Respondents also expressed concerns about
which does not depend as heavily on the oil extraction indus- occupancy rates and pricing in the existing office buildings, with
try, is benefiting from the lower Canadian dollar and reduced the number of new additions to Edmontons office sector.
energy and transportation costs, and this should spark growth
in U.S. exports. The retail and wholesale sectors should remain 4
stable in the current economic environment, and business and
personal services also are expected to do well.
a mixed-use development, is seen to be strong, since integrat- suggest that institutional investors and large REITs that have
ing retail and mixed-use developments can help appeal to a been focused on this segment are the players most likely to stay
targeted demographic. An influx of luxury brands is providing a with rental property holdings over the long term.
welcome boost to the retail market in Vancouver, Toronto, and
even Calgary to some extent. Single-Family Homes
We need to be able to create affordable housing in the city to
Recent retailer exits from Canada and other recent chain be a socially responsible and competitive city.
closures are creating sizable challenges for some retail real
estate investors. The loss of anchor tenants is opening the door Respondents are keenly aware of widespread concerns over the
for shopping centers smaller retail tenants to break their own lack of affordable housing, especially single-family homes. They
leasesor lower their rents. Meanwhile, new anchor tenants are frustrated by the popular opinion that they realize massive
are not easy to find, compelling some players to look at repo- profit margins on residential developments and therefore must
sitioning these larger spaces. Ultimately, investors in these be able to absorb rising building costs, development charges,
anchorless shopping centers and suburban big-box retail and other government-mandated costs. It is simply not true, they
spaces may face limited growth prospects in the years ahead. assert, and they make it clear that increases in development
charges and other costs, as well as government policy impact
Purpose-Built Multi-Residential Rentals on supply, have a direct impact on home prices and housing
Faced with rising and increasingly unaffordable housing prices, affordability. Developers believe that if the trend continues,
Canadians across the country are instead choosing to rent. Canadians will grow more comfortable with living in smaller
And its not just those priced out of the market who are renting: spaces, like many of their peers around the world (see exhibit
downsizers and retirees also are driving demand for rentals as 1-7). Either that, or they will come to terms with commuting long
they opt to turn their equity into cash. Rental demand is likely to distances in order to find affordable housing. There isnt much
remain strong in locations such as Montreal, where a tradition- of an alternative. Some interviewees also suggested that a need
ally strong rental market already existsas well as centers like exists for better communication among government, industry,
Toronto, with its housing prices and solid population growth. It is and consumer groupsand better information about what is
likely that we will see more condominium developments convert really happening in Canadas housing marketsin order to
to rentals in the face of market demand. Purpose-built multi- address the affordability issue.
residential units have been largely owned by the private sector
historically, and oftentimes the properties have long since paid Condominiums
for themselves. Now, some investors question whether returns There is a real trend of people accepting smaller living spaces.
on purpose-built multi-residential rentals justify the cost, and The design of the space must be efficient and well thought out.
Development/ Local
Strength of Investor Capital redevelopment Public/private development
Average local economy demand availability opportunities investment community
Montreal 4.09 3.91 4.50 4.36 4.00 3.74 4.00
Development prospects
It used to be that the president or CEO made all the decisions
3.43 2016 on leases and real estate. Now companies must listen to, under-
Industrial/distribution 3.40 2015
3.18 2014
stand, and adapt to what employees want.
3.33 Canadas office segment will see millions of square feet in new
Multifamily 3.28
office space come on stream over the next couple of years.
Concerns over finding tenants for this new space vary across
the country, and the numbers tell the tale. According to two
Hotels 3.00
2.36 JLL reportsOffice Market Overview: Canada Second Quarter
2015 and The Canadian Quartet: Look Forward: Summer 2014
vacancy rates are up across the country, rising slightly in Toronto
Ofce 2.80
2.93 (5.7 to 7.3 percent) and Montreal (9.4 to 10.6 percent) and spik-
ing more sharply in Calgary (2.5 to 9.8 percent) and Vancouver
(5.9 to 10.4 percent). And while preleasing rates have improved
Retail 2.60
3.13 in Torontofrom 56 percent last year to 67.4 percent this year
they have dropped in Calgary (75 to 67.1 percent), Vancouver
Single family 3.29
(60 to 36.6 percent), and Montreal (58 to 43.8 percent).
1 2 3 4 5
Abysmal Poor Fair Good Excellent Industry players are particularly worried about the prospects
for the older properties left behind. Of chief concern is that
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
Note: Based on Canadian investors only.
these older buildings are not well suited to the needs of the
modern workplace. Where once presidents and CEOs made
As single-family detached homes become increasingly unaf- office space decisions, today it is just as likely to be the human
fordable for many Canadians, respondents have noted that resources team. Private offices are shrinking to make way for
people are growing more comfortable with the idea of living in large, open collaborative spaces; bike racks and showers
smaller spaces. Demand is good, with both younger Canadians are needed more than parking spaces; sustainability, energy
and older retirees eager to purchase condos and embrace the efficiency, and multipurpose or outdoor spaces are becoming
urban-core lifestyle. The drivers for international investor interest must-haves. Older offices, designed with yesteryears work-
place needs and attitudes in mind, must be upgraded to stand little time or desire to handle the administrative side of their
a hope of competing. practices, so some property owners are stepping in and offering
administrative, technology, and other services to fill that need.
Alternative Property Types and Secondary Markets
With intense competition for top-tier properties limiting opportu- Senior Housing and Assisted Living
nities and putting pressure on yields, investors are searching the An aging population is also driving demand for retirement
market for overlooked or underserved niches. Shifting demo- homes and assisted living complexes. Despite the fact that
graphic and economic trends are driving interest in a number of some sizable Canadian REITs are focused on this market seg-
alternative property types. ment, the current senior housing market in Canada remains
highly fragmented among a number of smaller players, and
Health Care Real Estate some see opportunities for consolidation. The low Canadian
Health care as a real estate class is becoming more accepted dollar is also piquing foreign investors interest: Some U.S.
globally, and more dollars are being invested in health care real companies are already looking for acquisition opportunities in
estate entities. Quebec. Outstanding deals remain in short supply, however,
and cap rates remain low.
Investors are starting to pay much more attention to medical
office and health care real estate opportunities as aging, health- Respondents anticipate that baby boomers will upend tradi-
conscious baby boomers begin to fuel a sharp rise in demand tional thinking in this sector. Rather than gradually moving from
for health care services. While U.S. investors have backed a downsized home to an assisted living facility and then on to
health care developments for some time nowsome of the a full-care nursing home, some boomers may demand care
largest U.S. REITs focus on health careCanadians have been continuityand higher-quality carein a single location. The
slow to embrace the segment. problem is that much existing senior housing facilities can-
not accommodate such demands, which could open up new
Health care is seen by some respondents as an ideal defensive opportunities.
play. Demand for health care services is continually growing,
and rents are stable or rising. Not surprisingly, competition for Student Housing
attractive health care properties is increasing. Canadas growing student population needs affordable accom-
modation, and many universities are eager to offer guaranteed
Yet as governments and health care practitioners strive to con- housing as a selling point to prospective first-year students.
trol costs and improve efficiencies, the nature of health care real
estate is changing. The key trend is toward fewerbut larger The problem? Universities cannot afford to build the housing
medical offices. Individual doctors offices are increasingly a they so desperately want. In some cases, investors and devel-
thing of the past: more and more doctors are sharing spaces opers are stepping in to meet the demand. Pension funds and
and costs, and even co-locating with labs, walk-in clinics, and institutional investors have entered into joint ventures to build
other complementary health care services in the same building. new student housing properties. Elsewhere, developers have
converted hotels into student residences, capitalizing on the
This consolidation or concentration is giving property owners similarities between the layouts of the two kinds of properties.
the opportunity to provide additional services beyond traditional Student housing remains very much a niche market, however,
property management. Many health care professionals have and one that is sensitive to demographic shifts. Some respon-
Condos and rental apartments are still a good bet. The mar-
ket for condominiums remains solid in many parts of the country,
particularly in Greater Vancouver and the Greater Toronto Area,
especially as single-family home prices continue to rise. Yet its
Every major college and NFL football team sees its game plan
Exhibit 2-2 Emerging Trends Barometer 2016
shaped by its offensive and defensive coordinators, working in
concert with the head coach. The coordinators are expected
to have both technical and strategic skills, the ability to work excellent
under pressure, and the capacity to adjust to rapidly changing
Sell Hold
conditions. good
For the offense, the coordinator is charged with marshalling the
teams resources to maximize opportunities and to translate
them into points on the road to victory. For the defense, the
coordinator is constantly assessing risks, both before and dur- poor
ing the game, and countering them. In limiting the competitions
advantages, the defensive coordinator seeks to put his team abysmal
in the best position on the field by managing adversity and,
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2016 survey.
Exhibit 2-1 U.S. Real Estate Returns and Economic Growth Note: Based on U.S. respondents only.
GDP change
3.86 3.61
Private real estate 3.52
owners/developers 3.18 Insurance company 3.63
real estate lenders 3.51
2.84 3.32
Institutional real
estate owners/ 3.85
3.81 3.59
3.76 Real estate consultants 3.33
Real estate 3.46 2.87
investment managers 3.18 2.67
3.80 3.55
Commercial builders 3.68 Commercial bank 3.57
3.49 real estate lenders 3.43
3.14 2.76
3.62 3.52
Homebuilders/residential 3.56
land developers 2.64 3.45
CMBS lenders/issuers 3.29
1.66 2.74
Architects/designers 3.27 Property managers 3.44
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Abysmal Poor Fair Good Excellent Abysmal Poor Fair Good Excellent
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
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40 2016 Top 20 Notable others
So as we discuss the top trends for 2016, we will be empha- compression, and so provide an opportunity for superior yields.
sizing granularity, the weaving together of several strands of Investors themselves are demonstrating greater risk tolerance,
change, and the continuing capacity of the economy and the moving gradually from defense to offense as their playing field
real estate markets to surprise by their flexibility, resilience, and position improves. And, lastly, the inexorable expansion of data
innovation as both local and macro forces compel ever-greater availability has generated more confidence that decisions about
open-mindedness about the future. secondary market opportunities can be grounded in good
statistical evidence.
1. 18-Hour Cities 2.0
The 18-hour cities have been consistently making headway in
Last year, Emerging Trends identified the rise of the 18-hour city. replicating pieces of what makes the gateway cities so attrac-
This year, the real estate industry is expressing growing confi- tive. The development and application of technology make it
dence in the potential investment returns in these markets. We possible for these markets to offer the benefits of a larger urban
are finding a tangible desire to place a rising share of investment area at a significantly lower cost. In addition, a number of the
capital in attractive markets outside the 24-hour gateway cities. markets in the top 20 rankings of this years survey are consis-
tently tagged as cool markets that are expanding on their own
Global as well as domestic investors are casting wider nets as unique culture.
they look at U.S. real estate markets. One such investor, at a
large international institution, marveled at the number of second- Should the market be concerned that this wider investor interest
ary markets that are suddenly hip. Austin, Denver, San Diego, could diminish in the face of a downturn? Although 18-hour
and San Antonio are examples, and rightly so. They rank in cities and all higher-growth markets have historically been more
the top ten markets for entrepreneurship in the 2015 Kauffman volatile than their gateway counterparts, there are factors that
Foundation study, and all four are in Emerging Trends 2016s list could diminish the volatility going forward. During the current
of top 20 markets for real estate investment and development. economic expansion, the capital markets have demonstrated a
much greater degree of restraint when it comes to funding new
What supports this trend? To start, strengthening U.S. macro- development. So the 18-hour cities face lower-than-average
economic performance is bolstering absorption and improving supply pressure, compared with history. Investors, meanwhile,
occupancy in the majority of American real estate markets. have become more sophisticated. And the greater information
Secondly, the 18-hour cities have seen more moderate cap-rate across all markets, mentioned above, allows investors to have
Major Nonmajor
15% 13.5%
13.0% 13.4%
12.1% 11.7%
Apartment Industrial Retail CBD ofce Suburban ofce
Sources: Moodys and Real Capital Analytics.
a laser focus on their investment, focused on more precisely Many feel that time is on the suburbs side. They argue that the
defined areas and asset characteristics within a submarket or deferral of marriage and family formation by millennials, and the
neighborhood. The belief that anywhere in the market is good related preference for downtown living in denser, more active
is likely a thing of the past. mating markets, is just that: deferral. Eventually, the logic goes,
generation Y will follow the baby boomers path and head to the
An ever-restless search for returns persists, and deals are suburbs in the child-rearing years. That may very well be, and
framed on a risk/reward matrix. As an executive with a private numbers are on the side of that argument as well. Survey results
equity investor explained in his interview, In Nashville, we from ULI earlier in 2015 show that a smaller number of millen-
bought an office building for a 7.25 cap. We plan to redo the nials prefer to live in the city than currently do and, conversely,
lobby, roll the leases to market, hold for four years, and then sell. a larger number of millennials prefer to live in the suburbs than
Nashville is a strong secondary market with some risk, but the currently do. Another ULI survey shows that six out of ten gen-Y
price was much more reasonable than core assets in primary respondents expect to live in a detached single-family home
markets. Thats an 18-hour city story, a deal that works in a five years from now (although these results did not specifically
vibrant downtown that is drawing residents and businesses indicate location). It should be pointed out that, overall, there is
to the core. a slightly larger group of millennials who ultimately prefer city
living (37 percent) to suburban living (29 percent), but the gap
Going forward, this trend should intensify. More capital is avail- between the two locations is expected to be smaller than cur-
able than a handful of 24-hour markets can absorb. rent location patterns (46 percent and 24 percent, respectively).
There is enough of this 80 millionplus generation intending to
relocate to the suburbs to make an impact.
2. Next Stop: the Suburbs . . . What Is a
Suburb? An economist with a national real estate data firm observed,
The suburbs are a long way from dead, said one interviewee however, that this group wont move to the suburbs of their
emphatically. Another industry veteran counseled, There are parents. The attractive suburbs will be more like the airline hub-
only about ten dynamic downtowns in the county; the rest of the and-spoke model. These diet urban locations will offer urban
areas, people are in the suburbs. As prices have risen in the and suburban benefits. The critical descriptors seem to be sub-
core gateway markets, it is apparent that a fresh look at subur- urbs that are close-in, transit-oriented, and mixed-use. A 2015
ban opportunities is gaining favor. National Association of Realtors/Portland State University study
Exhibit 2-7 Current and Desired LocationCities, Suburbs, Rural/Small Towns, by Generation
29% 30%
24% 23%
Downtown/ 27%
near downtown
Other city 73%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Source: UDR/Lachman Associates Survey, Gen Y and Housing, Urban Land Institute, November 2014.
80% 39%
54% 53%
70% 53% 59% 65% Medium-sized city
Big city
46% 52% 47%
20% 47% 41%
Current Desired Current Desired Current Desired Current Desired
Millennials Gen Xers Baby boomers War/silent
Source: Urban Land Institute: America in 2015: A ULI Survey of Views on Housing, Transportation, and Community, 2015.
Note: Drawn from response to America in 2015 survey question: If you could live anyplace in the next five years, would it be a rural area, a small town, a medium-sized city, a big city,
a suburb within a 20-minute drive of a city, a suburb farther than a 20-minute drive to a city, or something else?
Exhibit 2-10 Detail of Current and Desired Suburban LocationSuburbs within 20 Minutes vs. Farther Than
20 Minutes from City, by Generation
30% 32%
24% 24% 22%
10% 21% 19% 19%
Current Desired Current Desired Current Desired Current Desired
Millennials Gen Xers Baby boomers War/silent
Source: Urban Land Institute: America in 2015: A ULI Survey of Views on Housing, Transportation, and Community, 2015.
Note: Drawn from response to America in 2015 survey question: If you could live anyplace in the next five years, would it be a rural area, a small town, a medium-sized city, a big city,
a suburb within a 20-minute drive of a city, a suburb farther than a 20-minute drive to a city, or something else?
found that millennials prefer walking over driving by 12 percent- As in all real estate discussions, location matters and general-
age points (see trend 7). One investment manager said that izations based on U.S. averages are less relevant. Where the
transportation, not affordability or schools will be the key driver jobs are growing will shape the trend of residential choices over
in a world where two-income households are the social norm. time. It would be a mistake to paint that trend with too broad a
brush. But the suburbs may adopt Mark Twains legendary com-
So, how do these cross currents sort themselves out? ment that reports of his death were greatly exaggerated.
Still, the suburbs, obviously, are not starting from scratch. Even With office-using jobs, as tallied by a national brokerage firm,
in the big metro areas, suburbs represent a major share of the accounting for 39 percent of the employment gain, both central
existing jobs base. In the top 40 metro areas, 84 percent of business district (CBD) and suburban office absorption has
all jobs are outside the center-city core. That is the basis for been brisk, bringing vacancy down 90 basis points and rents
optimism for the suburban future. The configuration (and recon- up 2.9 percent year-over-year. The outlook for the year ahead is
figuration) of suburban commercial real estate will play a role in more of the same.
building on the existing employment base.
Redesign of office space to do away with walls and cubicles
And the configuration of the suburbs is not standing still. More and the rethinking of work that goes along with itremain
suburban downtowns are densifying, especially if they have prominent in the minds of our interviewees. It is no longer an
a 20-minute transportation link to center-city jobs, Main Street issue of overall space per employee compression. Some see
shopping, and their own employment generators. These sub- the redesign as a way to accommodate an alteration in work
urbs exhibit many of the attributes of an 18-hour city. These are style itself; others view it as a workforce capture toolkey
typically in metro areas where close-in suburbs can both access to attracting and keeping the desired talent; and for others,
center-city job growth and act as employment nodes in their its both. And hip, cool open spaces are not just for startups.
own right. And they have the advantage of being less costly Corporate space is accommodating a mix of open areas and
than the densest coastal markets. Three out of four millennials a variety of private or semiprivate configurations.
preferred such close-in (within 20 minutes of the city) locations
if they considered suburban choices. Interestingly, one veteran of the insurance industry remarked,
Insurance companies, decades ago, had these big open
In Texas, San Antonio joins Dallas and Houston in suburban- offices with desks next to each other. The floor plan was like
dominated job growth. San Diego and Phoenix are in this club 100,000 square feet, with big signs that hung from the ceiling
as well. Denvers growth marginally favors its suburbs. And that said Area 1-J or Area 3. It was old-school: they had the
even in cities like Chicago, which has been seeing a trend of regular employee dining room and the officers dining room, but
corporate in-migration from suburb to center, suburban offices in both cases employees could get lunch for free. I just went to a
have been marking positive absorption and a slow but measur- social media companys building in San Francisco. It reminded
able decline in vacancies. Granularity trumps generalizing in me that whats old is new again: open space and a cafeteria
the discussion of the future of suburbs, as it does in other trends where lunch is free.
discussed in this report.
Entrepreneurial businessesoften seen as the key to a vibrant
local economyurban or suburban, also are contributing to
changes in office space, as startups have special space needs.
Total Under 35 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 and older
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Table 19: Homeownership Rates by Age of Householder: 1994 to Present.
As the market sorts itself out, a reasonable expectation is for Housing is a field where it pays to look under the equator. By
the homeownership rate to settle in a narrow range around its that, we mean that the tendency of analysts (as well as investors
50-year average of 65 percent. In the short run, that means the and developers) to focus on averages or medians can gravely
advantage remains with investors and developers in the rental miss key statistical points that can illuminate both opportunities
housing sector. Over the longer haul, though, it means that and risks in the marketplace. The impact of big data on real
housing demand will be greater across all residential segments. estate should improve the situation, but only if the data are used
to the fullest. Superior profit potential has skewed recent hous-
Economic and demographic factors are influencing the housing ing production toward the luxury end of product. What is not so
market as it deals with issues around providing the type of hous- obvious is that a shortfall of supply in the mid-to-lower end of the
ing desired by the peak of the baby boom generation, aging residential market is putting upward pressure on pricing for such
millennials, a population making an urban/suburban choice, and units, exacerbating already severe affordability issues.
finding a way to provide affordable housing to support a vibrant
workforce. Affordable and workforce housing is ranked higher in impor-
tance in Emerging Trends surveys this year than in the last five
Cohousing solutions, micro housing, and other design trends years, and the Issues to Watch section later in this chapter
are addressing some of the scarcity and lifestyle issues shaping looks at some looming regulatory issues of concern to the indus-
household preferences. One company, for example, is target- try. The pressures already exist, and are building. Since housing
ing an age segment as young as the late 40s, who may want affects everyone, it is no wonder that voters will be pushing poli-
community amenities like catered meals, happy hours, shared ticians for action. Creative ideas, though, will likely depend upon
recreationand who might become the market for more senior- the real estate sectors savvy if they are going to be effective.
oriented facilities in later decades of life. We see a trend toward
greater diversity in demand and supply across different sectors Getting ahead of the pressures would be a salutary trend for the
of the housing market, not to mention the migration of hous- industry. Elements of success would mean developing housing
ing styles from one target market to another. An example is the products targeted to a variety of income-range cohorts. Some
expansion of the student housing model of renting by the bed would be rental, some ownership, some rent-to-own. Sharp
being applied to a nonstudent market. The concept of renting pencils will be needed to delineate the amounts and the form of
your own bedroom and bathroom in a group setting may well government supports. Tax credits, flexible zoning, public/private
appeal to millennials even after they have graduated. finance tools, and land trusts are all possible avenues to be
explored. Developing improved housing options for everyone,
74 percent said they foresee substantive risks to their citys A number of the cities that ranked in the top 20 in the
water supply in the short or long term. Emerging Trends survey (see chapter 4) were those asked
Of the 245 expected climate change effects disclosed by by CDP about their strategies for reducing climate change
these cities, 58 percent were deemed current or short-term. related risks. These include the following:
The public sector takes action. Cities dont just see these City Strategies to Reduce Climate ChangeRelated
challenges; they are acting to address them. Many of their Risks to Infrastructure, Citizens, and Business
strategies could have impacts on real estate, including the
following: Atlanta Creating incentives for water-efficient equip-
ment and appliances to lessen the risk of more
Addressing energy use Addressing water risks intense droughts.
Setting citywide green- Water use restrictions Austin Setting a 140-gallon-per-capita daily water goal
house gas (GHG) reduction and revising the water conservation code to
targets address long-term drought conditions.
Setting citywide renew- Water conservation Denver Developing a recycled-water program that uses
able energy and electricity incentives treated wastewater for irrigation and other non-
targets potable uses to combat water scarcity.
Taking specific actions to Water metering New York Published A Stronger, More Resilient New York,
reduce GHG emissions which led to the passage of more than a dozen
Stormwater manage-
from the building sector via: new laws to make new construction in the
ment, including fees or
Building codes and floodplain more resilient to increasingly strong
ordinances, or green infra-
standards storms and associated flooding.
structure incentives
Building performance Phoenix Increasing the tree canopy from 9 percent to 25
Use of nonpotable water
rating and reporting percent to counteract the effect of hotter summers.
inside (e.g., via permitting
Energy efficiency and graywater systems) Seattle Providing incentives and technical assistance
Use of nonpotable for green roofs to absorb more intense rainfall.
On-site renewable energy
water outside (e.g., for
*Including through codes Disclosure about risks (and actions to address threats) provides
and incentives the real estate industry with important transparency around
market conditions; it can help cities and businesses align their
efforts to address climate change together; and it helps asset
Top markets move to increase resilience. Municipal owners in developing strategies for their own portfolios.
leaders are acting for many reasons, and some of the very
The urbanization trend and gen-Y preferences already are 6. Infrastructure: Network It! Brand It!
suggesting that existing parking represents a suboptimal use of
The U.S. is losing the battle globally, when it comes to infra-
land. In both 24-hour cities and 18-hour cities, that is foment-
structure, complained one investment manager interviewed this
ing change. In the highly dense San Francisco market, a pilot
year. What is our problem?
program is using variable, demand-responsive fees for both
metered and garage parking. In Minneapolis, the traditional
The conventional approach to infrastructure improvement is
one-parking-spot-per-unit rule is giving way to a zero-parking
utterly disheartening. The most recent (2013) American Society
requirement for small (i.e., with fewer than 50 units) apartment
of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Infrastructure Report Card give the
developments and a 50 percent reduction in required parking
United States a grade of D+. At present, state-by-state updating
for larger buildings outside downtown, provided they are within
is going on, and the results are not showing much improve-
a quarter-mile of mass transit running at 15-minute frequencies
ment. Arizona rates a C, as does Georgia. ASCE scores Utah
or greater. Seattle has a new apartment development with a
a bit better at C+, but Illinois, Iowa, and Virginia get only a C.
walk score of 98 (walkers paradise level) with little parking
And none of these states is in the oldest region of the nation
to start with, but even that little amount is thought to provide
the New England/Mid-Atlantic corridoror the heart of the
excess capacity.
factory belt in Ohio and Michigan. The ASCE estimate of $3.6
trillion in infrastructure spending needed by 2020 seems way,
And in Los Angeles, the avatar of the automobile-oriented city,
way out of reach.
development consultants are thinking about the citys expanding
mass transit. If there is a transit line coming, how do you think
Clearly, there is a lot of need to play defense, to prioritize urgent
about parking in the short run, and can the parking structure be
repair and maintenance, and to tackle critical needs in areas
reused for something later? We are looking at a project right now
like water supply and distribution, aviation, highway bottlenecks
where there will be an extension of one of the train/subway lines,
and rail safety. With voters in many parts of the country loathe
but it could be ten to 15 years away. So youre going to have to
to approve local and state bond issues, public financing is a
build the parking structure, but maybe there is a way to build the
tough sell. Yet it can be done, as Colorado has demonstrated
parking structure where it can convert to something else in the
in passing bond referendums repeatedly, and as the state of
future. In the inner-ring Washington, D.C., suburb of Bethesda,
Washington is now doing to address its transportation needs.
Maryland, surface parking lots in business parks are already
giving way to mixed-use developments with an emphasis on
Many have put hope in public/private partnerships and in vehicles
multifamily housing.
like infrastructure real estate investment trusts (REITs). But the
REIT market has focused more on clearly commercial assets, like
Even if we still have a ways to go before we reach the point
cellphone towers, energy pipelines, transmission networks, and
where we forget that the gas is on the right and the brake is on
solar generation than on roads, dams, bridges, and hazardous
the left, we will be seeing change trending in the parking pat-
waste disposal. So public moneywhere availableneeds to go
terns of real estate developments. How cool would it be, that
almost exclusively to urgent needs, rather than toward important
development consultant mused, if I looked out my window and
future needs.
saw a park instead of a parking lot?
Green infrastructure, another creative instance, is a growing This, not incidentally, fits hand in glove with the phenomenon of
field with aspects of both offense and defense. On offense, an specialty restaurants buoying shopping centers, generating traf-
expanding set of tools is available for water management for fic, holding customers for longer periods, and creating buzz.
both local governments and private developers. Permeable Foodies are at the sweet spot of retailers desired demograph-
pavement, green rooftops, greener parking lots, rainwater har- icsupscale, knowledgeable, and spending-oriented.
vesting, and other strategies are being employed in New York,
Philadelphia, Chicago, Milwaukee, and Seattle, among other In the Ironbound neighborhood of Newark, a 69,000-square-
large and midsized cities. With the recent evidence of increased foot former steel factory is being converted into the worlds
storm severity and frequency, these are not only quality-of- largest indoor vertical farm. The $30 million investment has
life tactics; they also have the defensive strength of dealing attracted institutional capital as well as public dollars from the
preemptively with potentially massive repair and replacement city of Newark and the state of New Jersey. The Ironbound is
needs. Many localities support private efforts with either rebates poised to be for Newark what revitalizing neighborhoods have
or tax advantages, as in Portland, Oregons Grey to Green initia- been just across the harbor in Brooklyn.
tive. State and local governments, commendably, have stepped
up while Congress has dawdled. What is the trend here? Are we likely to see barns and silos
dotting our cityscapes? No, that is hardly the point. What is
As the need to do more with little (lets not concede less) importantand trendingis the new vision that has urban land
becomes more acute, a greater attention to innovative solutions as that most precious and flexible of resources. The idea that
to Americas massive infrastructure needs is likely to mark the the end of one productive use of a real estate asset spells the
latter half of this decade and beyond. extinction of value and the sunsetting of opportunity is an idea
whose time is over. Just as the reinvention of the suburbs is an
emergent story for the decade ahead, so is the creative adapta-
7. Food Is Getting Bigger and Closer tion of inner-city uses.
This may be the ultimate in niche property types: adaptive use
with a vengeance (or at least with veggies). Vegetables arent the only things sprouting. So is productive
activity in places that have long lain fallow.
The classic theory of urban places relegates agriculture to
the hinterlands, as virtually every kind of vertical construction
has superior highest-and-best-use characteristics, bringing 8. Consolidation Breeds Specialization
greater investment returns to land value than growing food. This If size matters, that is not the same as bigger is better.
is absolutely true in most cases. But there are places in more The playing field itself is changing. While size and scale have
cities than we might imagine where neighborhood land is cheap brought advantage over the years, the evolutionary trends in
or older buildings sit idle, and where median incomes are low development, equity investment, and lending are showing that
and the need for fresh food is high. Some are the hollowed out small can be powerful as well.
areas of Detroit as well as Camden and Newark, New Jersey.
But there is a surprisingly significant level of activity in places This works on many levels. Developers find it hard to access the
like Brooklyn, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C., best capital unless they have scale; but this means fitting the
where foodies of all generations abound. quality demands of conservative lenders. That requires niche
13 years 9.0%
The community lenders themselves must watch their portfolios
so they dont grow to a size that tips them into more regulations.
Right now, those banks are a go-to source of development
35 years 31.7%
financing, and local developers are increasingly knocking on the
doors of those banks for projects in the $20 million to $50 million
510 years 32.9% range. Many real estate projects are right in that size class.
10+ years 26.4% What it meansand what the trend looks like going forwardis
another instance of how granularity is the texture of the industry.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Or, to change the metaphor, the sharpness of your picture is
Percentage of total survey respondents really dependent on the density of its pixels. Success will be a
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
matter of high resolution operations in 2016 and beyond.
Note: Based on U.S. respondents only.
lenders can fund the smaller projects, and small developers with 9. We Raised the Capital; Now, What Do
their lenders may be accessing the most innovative parts of the We Do with It?
business. Also: think brokerage and fund management.
The flow of capital into U.S. real estate continues to increase.
Total acquisition volume for the 12 months ending June 30,
Firms may find themselves in the middle and will need to choose
2015, was $497.4 billion, up 24.6 percent year-over-year. While
which sidesmaller or largerthey wish to be on. A Chicago
this pace of growth is probably not sustainable, investors across
developer who had long operated as an independent with
the board (with the exception of the government-sponsored
the capacity to execute high-end urban construction recently
enterprises [GSEs]) are anticipated to have capital availability
moved under the umbrella of a large firm with cross-border
in 2016 that is equal to or greater than 2015 levels. With pricing
businesses. He said, The builders and owners of property
already near record levels in a number of markets and property
now are entirely different. Small builders just arent designed to
types, where will this new capital be invested?
withstand cycles. He also cited the pursuit costs of deals
not only having substantial equity that will stay at risk, but also
Additional markets. Capital is expected to begin to flow
the length of time that capital is at risk. With the average pursuit
more freely to 18-hour cities, as discussed in Trend 1.
of a significant deal taking a minimum of 18 months and millions
of dollars, I just need deeper pockets behind me to do busi-
ness I used to be able to accomplish with resources I could put
together myself. Big projects are the domain of big organiza- Exhibit 2-16 Potential Investment Universe, by Market
tions, especially in an era of lower leverage.
At the same time, large lenders are more cautious in the greater Flex
Big six
regulatory scrutiny they face. If you are designated a systemi-
cally important financial institution (SIFI), you face hurdles that Industrial
limit activities that might have been your norm in the years be-
fore the global financial crisis. Retail
As the historically more powerful banks are now more regu-
lation-constrained, community and regional banks are more
active. A Midwest banker with a regional footprint felt his
SIFI-designated competitors were somewhat handicapped by Total
capital surcharges, while the community and smaller banks
were being encouraged to lend as a way to promote macroeco- $0 $400 $800 $1,200 $1,600 $2,000
nomic growth. However, he noted that the smaller banks are US$ billions
$500 Entity
$ billions
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Source: Real Capital Analytics.
Note: Based on independent reports of properties and portfolios $2.5 million and greater. Before 2005, RCA primarily captured sales valued at $5 million and above.
Alternative assets. The definition of what constitutes real Real estate will not be standing pat.
estate is likely to continue expanding. We have seen the
expansion of REITs to include cell towers and outdoor adver- We see greater inclination to order off the full menu, rather
tising. Retailers and restaurants continue to look at unlocking than taking prix fixe options, a continuation of our observation
the potential value in their real estate holdings so that they in Emerging Trends 2015 that everyone is in everyone elses
can devote the capital to their core business. Discovering business. As investors seek to balance capital conservation
a way for private investors to creatively and profitably invest with capital growth, it will be harder to characterize investors as
in infrastructure could also expand the real estaterelated exclusively core, value-add, or opportunistic. Rather, the provid-
investable universe. ers and the intermediaries of real estate capital are looking at
the entire spectrum, moving deeper into the geography and the
Old is new again. Renovation and redevelopment are property-type mix available in the United States.
not new concepts, but the fervor with which the market is
embracing older space is making the market consider a A broker with a large national office practice told us, It is an
wider range of potential investments. Reports from markets extremely competitive market for placing capital. That competi-
about the popularity of office space housed in rehabbed tion is driving money more and more into a discovery process, a
industrial space demanding rents above new Class A prod- process many describe using the term granularity. Drilling down
uct serve only to support this idea. Much of this is related to into markets and submarkets, working with smaller assets within
the changing work environment discussed in Trend 3. Other the larger markets, specialized property typesthese are all
uses for obsolete urban industrial space include last mile examples of the search to identify thriving niche opportunities.
distribution facilities and even urban farming as discussed As that broker also remarked in his interview, More capital will
in Trend 7. be moving into the middle marketassets in the $10 million to
$25 million range in primary, secondary, and tertiary markets.
Alternative property types. Institutional investor inter- This market is attractive to those managing family wealth and
est begins to expand to alternative property types that to other investors. As much as the big players capture headline
date have been dominated by a more limited investor set. attention, there is plenty of roomand plenty of capitalat work
Property types such as medical office and senior housing off the front pages of the news.
could potentially see a benefit from changing demograph-
ics. Data centers and lab space may be positioned to be in
demand due to technological changes.
10. Return of the Human Touch
We are passing from the dazzle era of technology and big
data, to the more difficult tasks of wise application. The idea
that expertise in slicing and dicing numbers is the skill most car? Of your HVAC system? Of your financial reporting? You bet.
needed in real estate financial analysis has been exposed as Real estate attention to countermeasures will be on the rise.
inadequate. The global financial crisis did not get triggered
because of a lack of mathematical aptitude. The folks who got In a world mesmerized by what can be downloaded onto a
us all into trouble knew math just fine. What they lacked was the smartphone, weve run the danger of falling in love with our toys.
good judgment to foresee consequences and the conscien- The next step is a greater skepticism of apps without the man-
tious determination to prudently manage to standards other than agement of human judgment interface. Attention to individual
short-run profits. For such tasks, computers are of little help. decision making is needed as much as ever. Could we call this
trend the return of the humans?
The industry is trending toward more intensively active manage-
ment, even by beta investors building institutional portfolios.
Investment by algorithm, with equations constructed on varia-
Issues to Watch
tions in historical data, can be out of date in the blink of an eye Listing the top trends affecting real estate in the near-term
in a fast-changing world. In business, the element of trustan and mid-term future can hardly cover all the ground worth the
intangible but real factormatters most in difficult times. Those industrys attention. Physical, financial, regulatory, demographic,
who have had to cope with severe dislocation get this. That is and social forces are much too complex for that. So we think it
why being a fiduciary counts for so much. worthwhile to point out a few other topics to keep on the radar
Risk management of hacking issues also is of critical concern in
a more internet-dependent business world. With both business 1. Interest rates. The era of rising rates now appears to be
and government computer systems vulnerable, attention to launched, after years of anticipation. Agreement is wide-
cybersecurity will penetrate ever more deeply into the real estate spread that the variables are the degree and timing of
business. This will be even more important as the internet of change. Of course, the black swan factor of unforeseen
things grows more prevalent. Can a hacker take control of your events always existsespecially any economic or geopoliti-
cal occurrence raising the specter of deflation, which could
postpone the anticipated period of rising Treasury rates, and
those rates benchmarked against Treasuries. The underly-
Exhibit 2-18 Prospects by Investment Category/Strategy, ing question is how the generation whose entire business
2016 career has been shaped by a low-interest-rate environment
will respond to the upward movement in the price of money.
Value-add Will higher rates alter behaviors, to what degree, and at what
investments threshold? Keep an eye on such questions.
Movers within same metropolitan area
Total Millennial Generation X Baby boomer
Source: U.S. Census Bureau.
nitty-gritty asset management. The amount of information tant decline in driving licenses among the young are forcing a
available at the submarket and property levels surpasses even hard look at conventional parking ratios. This is not just about
the greediest wish list of a generation ago. The advantage suburban surface parking, although there are bound to be reuse
belongs not to those who can get the data (pretty much every- opportunities in that sector. It is about rethinking the way that
body), but those who can use the data. user preferences, new technologies, and urban form interact.
Middle-Income Multifamily Housing Live/work/play downtowns need fewer parking slots per 1,000
The real estate industry has a chance to provide creative square feet of office space or per multifamily unit. Developments
answers for the excluded middle of American households. in the path of planned mass transit should consider temporary
Theres a good chance to do solid business, too. The upper versus permanent parking needs. Planning and zoning require-
end of the multifamily housing market is saturated with prod- ments should be revisited in light of the emerging trends in
uct, sometimes at ridiculously low cap rates. That should turn transportation and land use.
development attention to midpriced units in or near growing
employment centers to find a competitive edge. Affordable Go Long on REITs Priced Substantially below NAV
housing can be a viable enterprise. REITs live in parallel universesthe real estate markets and the
stock markets. The occasional mismatch between valuations in
Governments need to help: equity supports, middle-class tax these two arenas can lead to substantial arbitrage opportunities,
benefits, and incentives for upgrading dilapidated older hous- and 2016 is shaping up to be one of those periods. Volatility and
ing are all in the public interest. The luxury market is thin, and price correction in stocks have caught REITs in a more general-
picked over. The heavily subsidized low end is complicated, ized downdraft. But improved property market fundamentals
low-margin, and politicized. But millions of households need have bolstered the value of the sticks-and-bricks
mid- to higher-density housing in the middle-income range, in
urban and suburban settings. Thats opportunity writ large for In a period of low cap rates, REITs are high-dividend equity
those able to target it. instruments. Those looking for low leverage will find it on REIT
balance sheets. Search out REITs with solid A properties,
Plan Your Parking for Change especially if they are in the 24-hour or 18-hour markets, for a
The advent of autonomous vehicles, the shift to walkability and great combination of offense (alpha returns due to pricing arbi-
transit proximity as a location preference, and the concomi- trage) and defense (high-quality buildings in top markets).
Real estate is the meeting place for all three forms of capital: or a mixed-use development in Los Angeless central business
physical capital, financial capital, and human capital. When real district (CBD)invariably makes headlines. When a televised
estate people speak about capital, though, the rule is follow presidential debate explores the strategic use of bankruptcy by
the money. The discussion moves on many levels: Sources a casino owner, with 24 million viewers tuned in, a new level of
of equity and debt capital. Strategies. Motivation. Pricing and public awareness has been reached.
returns. Timing and structure. Expectations. Risk.
The big picture is this: In many ways, it appears that worldwide
Capital markets and real estate markets are in the minds of capital accumulation has rebounded fully from the global finan-
a much broader public than just the property development, cial crisis. The recovery of capital around the globe has been
investment, and service industry. The nonfiction best-seller extremely uneven. And the sorting-out process has favored
list has seen titles such as Hernando de Sotos The Mystery the United States and the real estate industry, affecting prices,
of Capital (2000) and Thomas Pikettys Capital in the Twenty- yields, and risk management for all participants in the market.
First Century (2014). The very nature of real estate projects
makes them public events and subjects of reports in the print In the view of a Wall Street investment adviser, There is going
and electronic media. International investmentwhether in a to be a long wave of continued capital allocation towards
Manhattan condominium, a suburban office park in Houston, our business, even though interest rates in the U.S. are defi-
Exhibit 3-1 Anticipated Inflation and Interest Rate Changes in 2016 and 2021
70% Increase substantially
Exhibit 3-2 Availability of Capital for Real Estate in 2016 Exhibit 3-3 Moodys/RCA Commercial Property Price Index,
by Major/Nonmajor Markets
Equity source
Foreign investors 3.90
225 Major markets
Private equity/opportunity/hedge funds 3.60 (all property)
Institutional investors/pension funds 3.60 National
(all property)
Private local investors 3.50
Private REITs 3.31
Public equity REITs 3.26
Lending source Nonmajor markets
75 (all property)
Securitized lenders/CMBS 3.65
Nonbank nancial institutions 3.59 Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jun
2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 15
Mezzanine lenders 3.58
Sources: Moodys and Real Capital Analytics.
Insurance companies 3.48 Notes: Major markets are defined here as Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New
York City, and Washington, D.C. The Moodys/RCA Commercial Property Price Index is based
Commercial banks 3.44 on repeat-sales transactions that occurred anytime through the month before the current
report. Updated August 2015; data through June 2015.
Mortgage REITs 3.33
The close-up picture is this: Americas real estate market con- The Debt Sector
tains many niches, with tremendous diversity of participants and The 2016 Emerging Trends survey indicates a dramatic pivot
asset types. One size definitely does not fit all. That diversity is a point in refinancing expectations. A year ago, 35 percent of the
key strength because it promotes liquidity, price discovery, and respondents anticipated an undersupply of such capital. Now,
opportunities to enter or exit the market. 35 percent say they expect an oversupply of money for refinanc-
ing. (In balance responses are roughly the same.) The 2016
Even in terms of an industry-wide concern such as regulation, refinancing expectation resembles what the acquisition financ-
impacts will vary considerably. Reaction to rules on banking, ing projections were a year ago.
including Dodd-Frank and Basel III, is changing the lending
landscape. Smaller investors, meanwhile, care a lot about If oversupply for acquisition debt was the consensus last year,
1031 exchanges and the potential impact of proposed respondents think that 2016s environment will be even more
legislation limiting or eliminating the tax deferral benefit so. But, for development, debt capital is forecast to remain
of like-kind exchanges. Many developers, meanwhile, have disciplined.
been using capital made available under the EB-5 program,
which has pretty much become mainstream, according to a With the exception of the government-sponsored enterprises
West Coast investment manager. (EB-5 grants a visa that can (GSEs), debt capital availability is expected to grow at a moder-
lead to permanent residency in the United States for those mak-
Less rigorous Remain the same More rigorous Debt capital for acquisitions
ate pace from all sources. That could signal that this recovery
is hitting its mature phase.
Year-over-year change
Year-over-year 200%
Total ($ billions)
mercial real estate loans expose bank lenders to higher capital $150 150%
reserving requirements for acquisition, development, and con-
struction lending that are anything but extremely conservative.
$100 50%
One banker interviewed noted that banks will need to rebuild
their systems to accommodate these new rules and believed 0%
that it would reduce the volume of lending and/or raise its price. $50 50%
Others, however, think that this is exactly the point. Disciplined
lending by banks that have strong capital foundations are $0 150%
1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015*
essential not only for solid real estate market performance, but
Source: Commercial Mortgage Alert.
also for the well-being of the financial system itself. As the head
* Total through June 30, 2015.
of an international institutional investor remarked, The bubble
was created by overlending. Even though experience teaches
that the next recession will not look like the last one, it is in no ance in 2016 is in line with the trend of recovery in securitized
ones interest to have a replay of the global financial crisis. lending. He believes CMBS is a financing source thats very
valuable for commodity real estate and some single-asset real
On the ground, banks are doing business. A lender with a estate. An investment adviser described such structured finance
national commercial real estate program says, Regulation is as very efficient for secondary and tertiary markets, a key attri-
largely good, but requires a lot of work, but that the result is bute as investment activity accelerates beyond the high-priced
that new deals are not priced to perfection. There is cushion gateway markets in the years ahead. An analyst specializing in
against risk. This lender cited loan-to-values (LTVs) of 75 percent the structured-debt world says, CMBS is no longer in a domi-
with partial recourse, but 65 percent or lower with no recourse. nant position, which is probably good for the market.
Nevertheless, spreads have been reduced, which is a clear sign
of competition for real estate lending among the banks. Not only past history, but also going-forward concerns about
credit quality are the critical issues for CMBS in the year ahead.
An executive with an analytics firm focused on the debt mar- An institutional investor cautioned, The CMBS market is where
kets reflected, Smaller banks are back in business and have folks are really looking as to whether that sector will have more
resolved most of their problems. Extend-and-pretend actually discipline or not. So far its the sector where were seeing the
worked pretty well for banks. It allowed banks to address most erosion of underwriting, mostly in conduit loans. He identi-
problems over time as the markets recovered, rather than using fies as concerns rating agency [independence], loan-to-value
a mark-to-market approach. [levels], and percent of loans with interest only are certainly
objective measures that show that theres been erosion in
One Midwest developer/owner said, Credit is very available. underwriting.
Banks are becoming more like the life companies, with longer
loans available. I have found commercial banks very accommo- One important area of ambiguity is in the alignment of the
dating. The competition is cutting both ways, apparently, since interests of the originators of CMBS and the purchasers of the
a developer in the Southeast reported accessing construction bonds. One post-crash reform is the practice of originators hold-
funding from an insurance company willing to then provide the ing some of the risk on their own books.
takeout financing.
Conduit lenders are looking to provide capital for deals that are
CMBS good, but not so pristine as to pass muster as portfolio assets
A West Coast consultants forecast of $125 billion to $135 billion to be held on the books for liquidity ratio and capital reserving
in new commercial mortgagebacked securities (CMBS) issu- purposes. But, to be marketable as a securities issuance, the
Keeping future defaults at a de minimis level is an objective of The National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts
paramount importance. Conservativism in lending is the overrid- (NAREIT) Index for M-REITs was down 2.2 percent in total
ing investment philosophy, for sure. returns year-to-date through July 2015, compared with a
Standard & Poors 500 gain of 3.4 percent. The holdings of
That conservatism is a factor to take into account in under- mortgage REITs are fixed-income assets and hence are particu-
standing the very thin spreads in insurance company lending. larly sensitive to movements in interest rates. Since the public
The spread is not only profit margin, but also payment for risk. markets are anticipatory, reflecting the expectation of rising
Managing risk at the asset level by strict underwriting, and at the interest rates into 2016, the year ahead is unlikely to see this
portfolio level by sophisticated diversification, helps keep the segment of the debt markets expanding aggressively.
appropriate risk premium for life company lenders lower than
that for those taking more idiosyncratic risk in their mortgage Borrowers seeking to access M-REIT debt capacity should
products. anticipate a preference for variable-rate instruments and a
requirement for higher yield-to-maturity coupon rates. For those
REIT Debt borrowers willing and able to work with such terms, the M-REITs
The trend for REITs is evolutionary rather than a distinct break may be a more flexible, if more expensive, source of mortgage
in pattern. This market has been steady and should remain that money than either the regulated banking sector or the core-
way, says a noted Wall Street analyst following this sector. asset-oriented life companies in the near future. Borrowers can
be expected to fall into the value-add and opportunistic buckets
Publicly traded REITs have access to debt capital in the cor- of investment style, financing turnaround acquisitions, as well as
porate finance sector, sources that are not typically available at development. If borrowers are willing to take on (and hedge) the
the property level per se. REITs have been successfully issuing interest rate risk, M-REITs can price loans more competitively
commercial paper, for instance, for short-term capital needs. than if they hold that risk as lenders.
This has supplemented their use of lines of credit, and the com-
mercial paper is often backed by the companys line of credit. Bespoke Lending
This is a useful bridge financing tool, as long as the REITs funds Debt funds are growing like dandelions, one Emerging
from operations (FFO) will support repayment. The rating agen- Trends interviewee said. There is more mezzanine debt out
cies monitor this closely. there than there are deals, said another, and they are high-
priced. A national-scale investor/owner remarked, Private debt
Such access to debt in the public markets is likely to be more funds can make loans outside of the Basel IIIregulated environ-
important, as bankers interviewed suggest that large loans to ment. Protections against bad actors is an expense; its not free.
large REITs are going to be limited by the tighter regulations in
the banking sector. Here is where the complex ecology of the debt space benefits
the market as a whole: Evolution is all about successful adap-
As a provider of debt capital, it is the 40-plus mortgage REITs tation. In the early phase of the global financial crisis, many
(market capitalization of about $70 billion) that supplement the investors saw the Resolution Trust Corporation era as the model
banks, life companies, CMBS, and private debt funds in fun- to be emulated. These investors were disappointed as fire-sale
neling mortgage money to the real estate investment markets. pricing failed to materialize. In the end, it is hard to fault the strat-
Mortgage REIT (M-REIT) assets are vastly weighted toward the egy of patience in 20092012. But it has left a residue of capital
residential sector, and they have been contributors to the strong seeking placement.
performance of the multifamily arena through the purchase
of U.S. agency (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) bonds during Space in the capital stack is opening up as larger institutional
the period of conservancy that began in 2008. The market for lenders are increasingly sticking with safe loans on top-quality
agency debt is very largeover $6 trillionand mortgage assets. A lot of U.S. real estate sits below that top tier, fall-
REITs have about a 5 percent share. ing either into the value-add category or in secondary or
tertiary markets currently off the radar screen of the most
The most recent Federal Reserve data (issued June 11, 2015) risk-averse lenders. That could prove to be a great oppor-
show mortgage REITs holding $166.2 billion in commercial tunity for bespoke lenders if the economy and the property
property mortgages, or roughly half the level of the life insurance markets continue to improve in the next few years.
companies. This was down about $5 billion from year-end 2014,
indicating net sales and lower production by the M-REITs.
Excellent 5
Good 4
Fair 3
Poor 2
Abysmal 1
Private direct Publicly listed Publicly listed Publicly listed Commercial Investment-grade
real estate property companies homebuilders nonreal estate mortgagebacked corporate bonds
investments or REITs securities securities
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
Note: Based on U.S. respondents only.
Nevertheless, it is difficult to be entirely sunny when 64 percent significance and guide decisions. That is where the institutional
of the survey respondents characterize the market as oversup- investors are today, and where they are headed tomorrow.
plied with equity capital, and 34 percent believe that equity Modern portfolio theory is just the foundation of institutional real
underwriting standards will become less rigorous in 2016. estate investment operations. Besides running the numbers on
Balancing those figures is the mild retreat in the outlook for portfolio allocations, there is still significant room forindeed, a
change in capital availability: still growing, but not so vigorously requirement forgood judgment.
as in 2015.
With core properties in the gateway markets so richly priced,
This year, we find equity seeking to stay disciplined while investors with deep pockets are searching for alpha using
dealing with a very competitive environment where all capital all investment styles, including value-add and opportunistic
sources are geared up for transactions. In the current market development. You do have to dollar-cost-average over the
situation, it is not hard to raise money; it is harder to find cycle, said the head of this firm, while affirming that one cannot
good deals, and hard competition when you do find one, effectively raise capital in a competitive market by being merely
said an investment banking interviewee. average. Even with holding periods typically longer than a single
cycle, institutions are constantly culling their portfolios, taking
Institutional Investors profits (or cutting losses), and redeploying capital to improve
It is in institutions nature to have long memories. Experienced yield. In the first half of 2015, for example, Real Capital Analytics
managers often ask themselves, Have I seen this movie tallied $55.7 billion in institutional acquisitions, and an even
before? Awareness of cyclical risk and opportunity is embed- greater $74.5 billion in dispositions.
ded in their DNA, yet there is a deep understanding that the
next recession will probably not look like the last one. As Another very large-scale institution stressed that core-only
long-term portfolio holders, the institutional investors who make strategies in 2016 face pricing conditions reflecting 4 percent
up the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries cap rates and a 6 percent internal rate of return (IRR) over ten
(NCREIF) data contributors are both fact- and theory-driven. years. Such returns do not satisfy actuarial requirements, and so
They would have to be, with $426 billion invested in 6,863 prop- this investor is, by its own reckoning, one of the nations top four
erties as of the first quarter of 2015. value-add investors, while still holding a huge core portfolio. In
the value-add space, executives of that institution maintain, they
A Chicago-based investment consultant commented in his can achieve yields that are in the 7 to 10 percent range while
interview, Real estate is just knocking on the door of the big- continuing to deploy their capital prudently. That means explicit
data era. That means more than just access to information; it criteria for the value-add underwriting, including a demonstrated
means having systems and algorithms in place to sift out the case for cash-flow growth, in markets of proven liquidity, and
Exhibit 3-10 U.S. Buyers and Sellers: Net Acquisitions, by Source and Property Sector, 2Q 2014 to 2Q 2015
Office Industrial Retail Apartment Hotel
US$ billions
Cross-border Institutional/equity fund Listed REIT Private User/other
Source: Real Capital Analytics.
that the scope of the REIT industry has not yet fully expanded and new development feasibility, the private funds should
and that more growth lies ahead. attract additional capital oriented to the higher yields in those
alpha-oriented purchases. By the way, private equity investors
Private Equity are not alone in this perspective. A REIT executive with assets
Since 2001, annual acquisition activity from private purchasers across the Sun Belt remarked, We are looking for good growth,
has grown faster than any other equity capital source (with the good tenant mix, rents moving upward in markets like Charlotte,
exception of cross-border investors). In the 12 months ending Atlanta, Miami, Austin, and Phoenix.
June 2015, private real estate investors bought $216 billion of
U.S. property, or 43.5 percent of the total gross investment flow One global investor argues, We are getting a better appre-
for that period. That compares with a 20.1 percent share for insti- ciation for how many great American cities there areand
tutional investors, a 14.1 percent share for REITs, and an 11.7 how many American cities are doing great thingssec-
percent share for international investors. This is clearly the major ondary cities showing hip, amenitized, urban, walkable,
capital source for commercial property investment. transit-oriented development. The chief investment officer
of one private equity firm says, We have many investments in
The trend should be for increasing activity. At least three rea- secondary markets. Markets with hospitals, universities, trade
sons exist for such an outlook. First, private equity capital is ports, and strong infrastructure generate higher quality of life,
exceptionally nimble, compared with capital sources where such as Austin, Charlotte, Charleston, Dallas, Denver, Nashville,
decisions must go through investment committee processes. and Raleigh.
Second, private equitys reach is deeper into the broad U.S.
market since it is unencumbered by allocation decisions driven Does that mean that private equity investors are at risk of
by portfolio considerations and by minimum deal size param- overpromising and underdelivering? Not necessarily. Very few
eters typical of the largest investors. investors put much credibility in projections of 20 percent or
higher returns these days. A banker specializing in the private
Third, as a consequence, in an environment where core and equity space told us, What I have seen over the last three years
core-plus assets are priced to perfection, private equity can is a lowering of expectation on return. Generally, that means a
provide higher yields because it accesses more opportu- realistic expectation in the low to mid-teens.
nistic investments. If, as some think, many secondary and
tertiary markets are approaching the point of real rent increases This is another reason to feel that the risk of an asset bubble
in real estate is not especially high for 2016: across the board,
+ +Q
Exhibit 3-12 Global Real Estate Investment in the United
evident and investors think about return of capital as a primary
States as a Percentage of Total Sales
considerationand return on capital only once loss mitigation
requirements are satisfied. This may be a powerful explanatory Total sales $420.8 billion
factor in low cap rateseven more powerful than the zero-inter- Global investment 10.9%
discussion of sifting through opportunity and risks across the Total sales $1,051.8 billion months
Global investment 10.2%
entire spectrum of metropolitan economies and property types.
The era of big data means that fewer secrets are out there, fewer
hidden gems that no one is aware of. But the ability to execute
swiftly is a competitive advantage, as is a willingness to move Past 3
into smaller markets. As that equity fund executive said, Were years
not in the salty six, referring to the gateway markets of New
York City; Boston; Washington, D.C.; Seattle; the Bay Area; and
southern California.
The most likely behavior for the private equity fund in the next
couple of years is heightened activity, and greater deal velocity Source: Real Capital Analytics, as of June 2015.
on the sell side. Alpha investors make money by booking profits
and moving on. Between 2011 and 2012, while many other
investor groups were reluctant to buy on the come, private offer when going out to raise fresh capital for deals in the years
funds placed $202 billion into real property assets. Price recov- ahead.
ery now makes those purchases look very smart.
International Investors
A REIT CEO marvels, Private equity has a ton of money. I Where the money is coming from and how it is deployed can
would say the fastest-growing source of capital is private equity be characterized by a single word: expanding. A Washington,
at the moment. A good track record is the best argument to D.C., private investor says, Funds for real estate are growing
every day, and international money is coming in droves. And,
US$ billions
$10 64%
$5 51%
42% 58% 58%
25% 23% 39%
Canada Singapore Norway China Germany Switzerland Japan Israel Australia South Korea U.A.E.
Source: Real Capital Analytics, as of June 2015.
Exhibit 3-13 Global Investment in U.S. Office Sector, Exhibit 3-15 Global Investment in U.S. Multifamily Sector,
by Five Largest Country Sources by Five Largest Country Sources
$16 $10
3 years 12 months 3 years 12 months
$14 $9
$8 Previous 12 months
$12 as a percentage of 3-year total
Previous 12 months
$10 as a percentage of 3-year total
US$ billions
US$ billions
$8 $5
$6 $4
60% $3
57% $2
$2 32% 46%
31% $1 33% 47% 38%
$0 $0
Canada Norway Germany China Hong Kong Canada Switzerland Israel United Bahrain
Source: Real Capital Analytics, as of July 31, 2014.
Source: Real Capital Analytics, as of June 2015.
Exhibit 3-14 Global Investment in U.S. Retail Sector, Exhibit 3-16 Global Investment in U.S. Industrial Sector,
by Five Largest Country Sources by Five Largest Country Sources
$4 100%
$8 Previous 12 months
3 years 12 months as a percentage of 3-year total
3 years 12 months
$3 Previous 12 months $6 93%
as a percentage of 3-year total
US$ billions
US$ billions
$1 32% 37% 51% $2
$1 24% 48%
$0 0%
Australia Canada Switzerland Germany Netherlands
Singapore Norway Canada U.A.E. Germany
Source: Real Capital Analytics, as of June 2015.
Source: Real Capital Analytics, as of June 2015.
yes, the gateway markets are still high on the list of top markets A small firm that has been intermediating offshore real estate
in the Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate (AFIRE) capital for a quarter-century said this in its Emerging Trends
annual survey. But, as an investment manager who had just interview: Our investors dont like the pricing in the gateways.
returned from Singapore told us, World capital cannot be Weve made investmentsvalue-add and opportunisticin
contained by the limited opportunities in just six coastal Orlando, St. Louis, and other markets, often in the suburbs
markets. A fresh eye and open-mindedness are key attributes where the flood of capital hasnt arrived yet. This firm invests
in putting that money to work in 2016. international equity alongside some of the largest U.S. institu-
$4 Crowdfunding
3 years 12 months
Watchful waiting continues to be the dominant perspective on
Previous 12 months
as a percentage of 3-year total crowdfunding by most of the Emerging Trends interviewees
$3 commenting on the topic. As discussed in chapter 2, it has
85% recognized potential but carries risks that make many nervous.
A model of capital raising still in its infancy (though with some
US$ billions
Summing It Up
For 2016, and likely for some time thereafter, the background
music for the Emerging Trends capital markets interviews was
Youve Got to Accentuate the Positive. Without ignoring risk,
the spirit of the industry right now is fairly upbeat. Some further
duration to the upcycle is expected, and it is the rare person
seeing any immediate recession for the economy or for the
industry. Many indeed are inclined to think that we may have
a long top to this recovery.
There are those with greater concerns, and they are taking
some defensive moves by shortening investment horizons,
shifting toward the income component of total return instead of
expecting appreciation, and moving down the leverage scale
to conserve capital. Undoubtedly, such a prudent approach will
prove wise eventually, but will it leave money on the table (yes)
and for how long?
For the latter years of this decade, it seems safe to say that the
amassing of capital oriented to real estate will continue, but at a
lesser pace than it has been from 2012 to 2015. The era ahead
will be all about finding the best way to occupy the individual
niche in a way that preserves capital and nourishes it in a way
that promotes sustainable investment growth.
As the results of the Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2016 survey tion where demographics may drive future growth, and new
were tabulated, it became evident that this was going to be a markets that appear to be in a position to move up a class in the
year of movement. Markets moved up and down in the rankings. investment strata.
A new market moved into the top position, while last years num-
ber one fell to number 30. Markets entered the top ten and 20 Another perspective on this market is to play some solid
spots for the first time while markets traditionally in the top five or defense. The traditional big six markets have offered inves-
ten slipped to lower positions. This result provoked the following tors some perception of relative security since the days of the
question: Did it all make any sense? Great Recession. These markets, however, have become so
highly valued on a global perspective that pricing has risen to
Emerging Trends in Real Estate is a combination of an in-depth levels that could make them slightly less attractive to a typical
online survey and face-to-face interviews for a reason: It gives domestic investor. This position is not how everyone views these
readers a more complete and well-rounded perspective of markets. A number of interviewees offered very logical positions
what market participants are thinking, or, to put it another way, for why they like the relative security of these top markets, and
a method to the madness. also where they see room for upside.
Through the iterative process of reconciling survey results with The result is whether one decides to play offense or defense,
interview notes, it became clear that markets were moving in this real estate cycle is giving everyone a wide array of choices
the rankings as a result of market participants feeling either the in a number of markets. It all comes down to calling the proper
need to take a more offensive approach to the market, or to set play and executing it to perfection.
up a desirable defensive position.
growth potential seems to be the reason behind the movement slipped slightly, dropping just out of the top 20 and ending up
of markets within and into the top 20 for 2016. The market may at number 26.
be poised to take a more offensive approach in 2016 as the
economy strengthens and real estate fundamentals improve. The consensus for the movement of these markets seems
to be related to their current pricing rather than their rela-
The movement was not all in a positive direction, however. tive attractiveness as markets. A number of interviewees and
Houston provided the most dramatic move, falling from number survey respondents feel that these are still excellent defensive
one to number 30. Concern over what the fall in the price of oil investment markets. The final big-six marketWashington,
combined with the current level of new development gave sur- D.C.slipped again this year to number 24. Survey respon-
vey respondents pause for 2016. San Francisco, a perennial top dents remain cautious about the economic condition of the
market, slipped from number three to number eight. Other big- market and the amount of new supply still being delivered.
six markets slipping in the top 20 include Los Angeles, Boston,
and the Manhattan submarket of New York City. Chicago Notable moves outside the top 20 include Tampa Bay/St.
Petersburg and Columbus, Ohio, which moved into the top 30.
for 2016 is the affordability and ease of doing business. Dallas/ housing stock will be needed. It will be interesting to watch the
Fort Worth, Atlanta, Nashville, and Portland are all seeing com- market determine what that housing stock will look like.
pany relocations to augment organic employment growth.
Fall in Oil Prices Affects Energy-Dependent Markets
Housing Outlook Continues to Improve Last years interviews and surveys were conducted with oil
A driving component behind the improved outlook for a number prices climbing steadily toward $100 a barrel, so it was no sur-
of markets is the housing market. Last year, we commented that prise when Houstonwhich had been in the top ten in previous
housing was ready to step off the roller coaster. It appears that yearsmoved to the number-one spot. What a difference a
in a majority of markets, housing has indeed stabilized and is year can make! As oil prices have plummeted into the $40-per-
poised to begin a sustained upward trajectory. Another 2015 barrel range, survey respondents are not confident in Houston
trend was that peak levels of millennials and baby boomers real estate for the coming year. Houston drops to number 30 in
would be making housing decisions in the next five years. This this years survey, a drop that exceeds that of Washington, D.C.,
could have a significantly positive impact on housing: millennials which fell out of the top 20 in the 2014 survey. Healthy debate is
buying their first homes and baby boomers either downsizing or good, and there are some differences of opinion on the out-
retiring to a new home or perhaps purchasing a second home. look for Houston. One interviewee summed it up thusly: The
Houston situation would make a great science experiment. We
The locales that will benefit the most from the movement of will get to see if all of the economic diversification that has taken
these two generational titans are still subject to a certain amount place over the past 20 to 30 years can help offset an oil price
of speculation, but one thing is certain: most markets will need shock. Other interviewees see the perceived weakness in the
to add housing to keep up with any type of increase in demand. Houston market as potentially a buying opportunity in what they
The increase in housing stock, both single-family and multifam- feel is still a vibrant market. The bottom line: Houston may be in
ily, has lagged household growth in many markets. When one for an interesting couple of years, with detractors and cheerlead-
factors in that the number of home purchases is quickly getting ers debating its future.
back to average historical levels, it becomes apparent that more
The Top 20 Markets market remains very strong in Dallas/Fort interest, plenty of available capital, and a
Worth. The view of market participants strong local development community.
Dallas/Fort Worth (1). Impressive
in the Dallas/Fort Worth market is the
employment growth is the story behind
highest in the South region and one of Austin (2). One of the inaugural 18-hour
the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan
the strongest in the nation. The market cities, the Texas state capital has become
areas rise to the top of this years sur-
continues to benefit from strong investor a perennial favorite among survey respon-
vey. Multiple survey respondents and
dents. This optimism has been rewarded
interviewees mentioned the strong job
by continued strong economic and real
growth driving the local economy. This
estate performance. Austin continues to
job growth is supported by a business- 5 excellent
benefit from diverse job creation ranging
friendly environment along with an 4
attractive cost of doing business and
good 3.87 from service jobs to higher-end STEM and
technology, advertising, media, and infor-
cost of living that has allowed the Dallas/
mation (TAMI) positions. Austin remains
Fort Worth market to enjoy the benefits of
an attractive place to live for all genera-
corporate relocations.
Dallas/Fort Worth tions. If there is a concern about Austin, it
may be that the market is growing faster
Survey respondents were positive regard-
ing all property types in the Dallas/Fort
3 fair than the local infrastructure.
Minneapolis/St. Paul 60 20 20
Portland, OR 59 33 7
Austin 53 37 10
53 29 18
Atlanta 3 fair
Los Angeles 51 41 7
Nashville 50 45 5
Boston 49 29 22
San Diego 48 44 7
Dallas/Fort Worth 48 33 20
47 32 21 2
San Jose
46 28 26 04 06 08 10 12 14 16
San Francisco
Seattle 45 33 23
This is similar to many of the faster-
Phoenix 44 40 16
growing affordable markets in the survey.
Charlotte 44 41 16
Industrial, to serve the growing local
Orange County 43 43 14
economy, and hotels, to handle growing
Chicago 42 19 39
numbers of business and leisure travel-
Raleigh/Durham 37 47 15
ers, are the two highest-rated commercial
New YorkManhattan 34 40 26
sectors. The local view of the Charlotte
Denver 33 45 17 market is very strong, with the only sec-
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% tor not scoring in the good-to-excellent
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2016 survey.
range being development opportunities.
Note: Cities listed are the top 20 rated for investment in the office sector; cities are listed in order of the relative percentage
of buy recommendations.
Seattle (4). The Seattle market has
become so popular with domestic and
retail centers. The perception of the local potential shortcoming perceived by global investors that in interviews it is
real estate market by Austin respondents the local market is in public and private not unusual for it to be added to the list
remains very good, with all categories investment. of top six markets. Clearly, 2016 survey
in the good-to-excellent range. The only respondents feel the same way. Seattle
Charlotte (3). The largest city in North has a diverse industry base and is ben-
Carolina continues to embody many of efiting from growth in the TAMI industries.
5 excellent the components of an 18-hour city that One interviewee noted that Seattle is one
4 the Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2015
good of those markets where the growth has
3.82 report introduced. Good job and popula- been strong enough, long enough, that
tion growth along with the development of the only potential risk is being able to
urban centers continues to make the mar- sustain its current pace.
ket attractive to residents. Interviewees
generally feel good about the Charlotte The 2016 outlook for all the commercial
3 fair market, although some did express con- sectors of the Seattle market is relatively
Austin cern that the concentration of the financial strong with the exception of hotels. The
services industry may not offer the same outlook for hotels is good, just not as
level of growth as other more technology- good as that for the rest of the market. A
oriented markets. growing population base and legitimate
constraints on supply make the single-
poor Housing is the sector that has the stron- family housing market the most attractive
04 06 08 10 12 14 16 gest 2016 outlook in the Charlotte market.
Atlanta (5). Interviewees and survey 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
respondents agree that the Georgia Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2016 survey.
state capital is solidly in a sweet spot Note: Cities listed are the top 20 rated for investment in the retail sector; cities are listed in order of the relative percentage
with regard to growth and new supply. of buy recommendations.
higher. That may explain why even with The 2016 outlook for investment by
a market back at peak levels, survey Portland property type is led by the
5 excellent
respondents still feel like it belongs in industrial and office sectors. The two 4 good
the top ten. commercial property types are higher
than both of the residential-related sec-
Every real estate sector in San Francisco tors. Portland survey respondents feel
could arguably be called hot, but survey good about their local market, but do see
respondents like the outlook for hotel and some room for improvement in public and
single-family residential for 2016. The rest private investment and the local develop- 3 fair
of the national market may have some ment community. Raleigh/Durham
reservations about the San Francisco
market, but that does not seem to apply Los Angeles (10). As the largest big-six
to the local market. The local outlook market on the West Coast, Los Angeles
score for San Francisco is the highest in continues to be a favorite among inter-
the surveya score that is even more viewees and survey respondents. Pricing poor
impressive when one considers that the and fundamentals are strong, but are 04 06 08 10 12 14 16
outlook for development opportunities is relatively mild compared with those in
only fair. San Francisco. Interviewees remarked Raleigh/Durham (11). The Raleigh/
on the potential for future growth in select Durham metro area built on its strong
Portland, Oregon (9). Along with a Los Angeles neighborhoods. position in last years survey and has
few other select markets, Portland may been added to a large number of top
arguably have been at the forefront of the Two property sectors typically viewed as market lists. The concentration of edu-
attributes that make up the core of what undersupplied in Los Angeles have the cational facilities along with a growing
constitutes an 18-hour city. As such, it is highest outlook score in this years survey. technology sector is driving the economy,
definitely a market that interviewees like Multifamily has the highest score, fol- and the development of attractive urban
to hold up as an example of what they lowed closely by retail. In some respects, centers is making the cities within the
like to see in market characteristics. That the Los Angeles local outlook matches Raleigh/Durham area appealing as
being said, there is still some hesitation the national opinion of the marketgood places to live. Interviewees are drawn to
among all national investors to embrace and steady. While the outlook for the local the growth in the STEM industries and the
Portland as a true primary market. It will economy is just good, investor demand potential this adds to longer-term growth.
be interesting to see whether 2016 is and capital availability are stronger,
the beginning of Portlands rise from top matching more closely what interviewees The single-family residential market was
secondary market to primary market. and all survey respondents seem to think selected by survey respondents to have
about Los Angeles. the best outlook for 2016. This is likely
driven by the expectations for strong
5 excellent 5 excellent household growth in the market. The
4 local Raleigh/Durham market is optimistic
4 good good 3.87 about 2016: The overall local outlook is in
3.71 the good-to-excellent range, driven by a
Portland very strong outlook for the local economy
and investor demand.
Vancouver Calgary
Seattle Winnipeg
Portland, OR
Boise St. Paul
Des Moines
San Francisco
Salt Lake City
San Jose East Bay Kansas City
Las Vegas
Dallas/Fort Worth
San Antonio
Portland, ME
Madison Milwaukee Detroit Westchester, NY/Faireld, CT
Northern New Jersey
New Yorkother boroughs
New YorkBrooklyn
Chicago Cleveland Pittsburgh
New YorkManhattan
Indianapolis Washington, DC Philadelphia
Columbus Baltimore
MD suburbs
Washington, DCDistrict
St. Louis Cincinnati Richmond
Washington, DCNorthern VA
Virginia Beach/Norfolk
Charlotte Raleigh/Durham
Nashville Greenville
Atlanta Leading U.S./Canadian Cities
Overall Real Estate Prospects
Generally good
Jacksonville Fair
Generally poor
New Orleans Deltona/Daytona
Note: Numbers represent metro-area overall
country rank.
Tampa/ Palm Beach
St. Petersburg
Fort Lauderdale
Cape Coral/Fort Myers/Naples
Minneapolis/St. Paul 70 20 10
San Diego 69 17 14
Los Angeles 63 28 9
Portland, OR 52 32 16
San Jose 47 32 21
Chicago 45 30 24
poor 45 26 29
2 Denver
04 06 08 10 12 14 16 44 17 39
Northern New Jersey
Dallas/Fort Worth 43 36 21
will be interesting to see how this could
Austin 43 36 21
change the dynamic between the two
Honolulu 43 43 14
Bay Area metro areas. One thing that
Boston 41 36 23
interviewees did agree on is that San
Nashville 41 27 32
Jose is still the most desirable technol-
Seattle 40 30 30
ogy campus location.
Columbus 33 33 33
kets in the country, it is not surprising that 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
San Jose multifamily housing and single- Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2016 survey.
family housing were selected by the Note: Cities listed are the top 20 rated for investment in the multifamily sector; cities are listed in order of the relative percentage
of buy recommendations.
survey as the two property types with the
best outlook for 2016. The local outlook According to this years survey, the the highest residential-related property
among San Jose market participants is Boston office sector had the highest type. Slipping out of the overall top ten
very good, but somewhat bifurcated. The outlook score of all Boston property sec- has not diminished the local real estate
local economy, investor demand, and tors for 2016. Multifamily came in as the communitys confidence in the Boston
capital availability all received very strong second-highest property type score and market. The overall score is one of the
scores, while the other components were top in the survey and is led by a strong
merely good. 5 excellent outlook for investor demand and capital
4 availability.
Boston (13). It was a relatively quiet good
year for the Massachusetts state capital. Orange County (14). Orange County
Survey respondents still like the market, appears to have fully rebounded from
but it did slip out of the top ten this year. the collapse of the subprime mortgage
Interviewees remarked that Boston is industry that drove growth until the global
becoming an increasingly neighborhood- financial crisis. The market is now more
driven market. It continues to be viewed 3 fair reliant on the traditional small busi-
as one of the top lab markets in the coun- nesses that make up a large percentage
try, and good growth in STEM industries of the tenant base. A number of these
should support that position. Interviewees firms are involved with foreign trade, so
also like the continued concentration in they continue to benefit from a growing
education and medical employment in local economy. One question posed by
the market. 2
interviewees is the following: What impact
04 06 08 10 12 14 16
New YorkManhattan
Orange County
San Diego
poor poor poor
2 2 2
04 06 08 10 12 14 16 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 04 06 08 10 12 14 16
could a strong dollar have on this sector Retail is the highest-scoring sector private investment and the availability of
of the economy? for New York in the 2016 survey, with development opportunities.
the multifamily sector a close second.
As in other higher-cost housing markets, Investor demand and capital availability Phoenix (17). Phoenix is back to being
the multifamily sector is the highest-scor- are viewed by the local New York market a high-growth market, having shaken
ing property type for Orange County in this as definite strengths for 2016. If there is a off many of the ill-effects from the global
years survey. As in the other West Coast weakness in the market, it is in the avail- financial crisis. Interviewees like the
markets, the local Orange County respon- ability of development opportunities and growth potential there, especially in
dents see strength in investor demand and public/private investment cooperation. sectors that will benefit from the growing
capital availability. The outlook for the local population base. Some concern exists,
economy in 2016 is also good, but the San Diego (16). In this years survey, San however, that the potential for new devel-
outlooks for the other local market compo- Diego moved up from number 20 in last opment could be starting prematurely.
nents are scored relatively lower. years survey. A number of interviewees
have started adding San Diego to their The 2016 outlook for the commercial and
New YorkManhattan (15). Manhattan list of markets that they see as having residential sectors in Phoenix are fairly
remains one of the top global markets the potential to outperform in 2016. The even. The sectors that stand to benefit
for investment, but the competition from typical reason given is the concentration directly from stronger population growth
global capital may be hurting its position in life sciences and technology. These
with survey respondents. Several inter- industries are seen as having significant 5 excellent
viewees remarked that the competition tailwinds because of the aging of the U.S.
for assets is so intense that the market population. 4 good
is out of reach for a number of investors.
This may force investors to seek other Survey respondents feel the most opti- 3.61
areas for opportunities; it certainly does mism toward the residential real estate
not diminish the health of the market for sector, with single-family and multifamily
other segments who still view Manhattan as the leading sectors for the market. The
as an attractive place in which to do local market outlook for San Diego is one 3 fair
business. If an area for concern exists, it of the lowest for a top-20 market. Local
is the cost of doing business there. With respondents feel relatively good about
a number of new projects underway, will the local economy, investor demand, and
the market be able to afford to attract capital availability. The real weakness in
the quality of worker needed to keep the the 2016 local outlook comes from public/
economy growing? 2
04 06 08 10 12 14 16
Dallas/Fort Worth 59 26 15
Minneapolis/St. Paul (18). Minneapolis/ Los Angeles 57 37 6
St. Paul is the highest-ranked midwestern St. Louis 57 21 21
market in this years survey. Minneapolis Detroit 57 28 15
is enjoying strong growth in the education Inland Empire 55 41 4
and medical sectors along with being a Portland, OR 48 48 5
regional center for STEM employment. San Jose 47 47 7
A vibrant neighborhood culture is the 43 52 4
reason cited most often by interviewees 42 44 14
Salt Lake City
for being attracted to Minneapolis/St. 40 47 13
Paul, making the region attractive to an 39 47 13
educated workforce.
Baltimore 38 42 20
Phoenix 33 56 11
The commercial real estate sectors are
Washington, DC 31 62 8
seen as offering the best opportuni- Northern VA
ties in 2016. Industrial has the highest 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
score because the Minneapolis/St. Paul Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2016 survey.
industrial market benefits from a stron- Note: Cities listed are the top 20 rated for investment in the industrial sector; cities are listed in order of the relative
percentage of buy recommendations.
ger local and regional economy. Unlike
many other markets in this years survey, lower compared with the outlook for the ism component in the market. It remains
the single-family sector is actually one rest of the top 20. While the local econ- to be seen if the strong dollar and an
of the lower-rated components of the omy and investor demand are perceived economic slowdown in Latin America
market. The local market outlook is as good, the local development com- will be a headwind to Miamis continued
perceived as relatively strong, although munity and public/private investment are improvement. Local market participants
seen as somewhat weaker than the rest
5 excellent of the market. 5 excellent
4 4
good Miami (19). Miami remains in the top 20 good
this year, and the outlook from survey
3.59 respondents and interviewees alike
seems to be more optimistic. Interviewees
cited the potential for continued growth in
the Miami economy along with com-
3 fair paratively strong supply constraints as
3 fair
reasons for optimism.
feel very good about the local economy in force that must compete for qualified
Miami and rate overall prospects as good workers.
5 excellent
to excellent. If an area of concern exists, it 4 good
is one of success: the lowest-rated com- The local housing market, both single-
ponent of the local market is the availability family and multifamily, is viewed as
of development opportunities. offering two of the best investment
opportunities, with the other commercial 3.34
San Antonio (20). San Antonio moves sectors viewed as offering good potential
into the top 20 this year, but not without a for 2016. The local view is good for San 3 fair
few questions. The economy is exhibiting Antonio, although survey respondents
San Antonio
strong growth, but concerns exist about would like to see the opportunity for more
negative implications resulting from the public and private investment opportu-
fall in oil prices and any negative reper- nities. Respondents in San Antonio, a
cussions this could have on the local secondary market, are not as confident in
economy. On a positive note, a reduction continued investor demand and capital poor
in labor demand for the oil fields could availability as respondents in many of the 04 06 08 10 12 14 16
provide a boost to the San Antonio labor primary markets.
Perspectives on Regions
The outlook for U.S. regions for 2016 reflects the continued Exhibit 4-7 Local Outlook: West Region
improvement in the outlook for more markets. The West and
South regions both exhibit improved outlooks for all property San Francisco 4.31
types, and local market participants on average feel more posi- Seattle 4.31
Denver 4.23
tive about the current environment. The general positive feeling
San Jose 4.22
for 2016 continues the positive outlook reported for 2015. The
Salt Lake City 4.21
Northeast and Midwest regional average results also are gener- Tacoma 4.13
ally positive, with any decline in outlook from 2015 limited to a Orange County 4.02
few property types. Los Angeles 3.94
Portland, OR 3.93
West Region Oakland/East Bay 3.92
Boise 3.92
The 20 markets that make up the West region have an average
San Diego 3.88
rank of 33 in this years survey. This is the highest average rank Honolulu 3.67
of all four U.S. regions represented. The region includes four of Phoenix 3.67
the top ten markets and an impressive eight of the top 20. Las Vegas 3.60
Inland Empire 3.39
Survey respondents like the multifamily sector as the highest- Sacramento 3.30
scoring property type in the region. Multifamily markets pro- Albuquerque 3.13
Tucson 3.04
jected to easily outperform the regional average include San
Spokane 2.94
Jose, Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Honolulu.
1 2 3 4 5
After multifamily, survey respondents like industrial, single-family Weak Declining Average Improving Strong
housing, retail, hotel, and office in the West region. Industrial Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2016 survey.
markets expected to outperform the regional average include Note: Average score of local market participants opinions on strength of local economy,
investor demand, capital availability, development and redevelopment opportunities, public/
the following: Los Angeles, Denver, the Inland Empire, Salt Lake private investments, and local development community.
2016 Population (age 1635) Business costs Total employment Location quotient****
5 -year GMP per Per capita 5-year
annual net 2016 GMP capita 5-year Cost of disposable disposable 2016 as % 2018 as % Business & Education
Total 20152016 migration % of total 5-year per capita projected doing income income 20152016 of previous of previous professional & health Goods Ofce
Market (millions) % change (000s) population growth ratio* growth business** ratio*** growth % change peak peak services services Energy producing using
United States 324.11 0.8% 27.2% 2.2% 1.00 2.3% 100% 1.0 10.8% 2.2% 105.2% 109.3% 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Albuquerque 0.91 0.1% (0.41) 27.1% 0.6% 0.83 3.7% 92% 0.8 0.9% 2.0% 98.5% 101.5% 1.1 1.0 0.2 0.7 1.0
Atlanta 5.82 1.9% 91.37 27.6% 10.5% 0.97 3.3% 90% 0.9 8.6% 3.2% 108.5% 114.6% 1.3 0.8 0.6 0.7 1.3
Austin 2.06 3.0% 44.03 31.6% 16.3% 1.03 7.7% 102% 1.0 6.5% 2.5% 125.9% 133.7% 1.2 0.8 0.5 0.9 1.1
Baltimore 2.81 0.5% 4.53 27.7% 3.8% 1.14 2.8% 106% 1.2 9.7% 1.6% 105.9% 108.2% 1.2 1.2 0.4 0.7 1.1
Birmingham 1.16 0.6% 5.05 26.3% 3.0% 0.85 2.1% 95% 1.0 10.1% 2.4% 100.3% 104.3% 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.9 1.0
Boise 0.69 1.9% 7.96 26.6% 5.9% 0.79 3.7% 85% 0.9 14.9% 2.3% 106.4% 111.5% 1.0 1.0 0.2 1.1 1.0
Boston 4.80 0.7% 15.25 28.4% 2.9% 1.43 3.3% 123% 1.3 11.1% 2.0% 108.2% 111.7% 1.3 1.3 0.5 0.8 1.3
Buffalo 1.13 0.2% (3.53) 26.4% 4.7% 1.20 2.3% 91% 0.9 5.8% 1.3% 104.7% 106.4% 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9
Cape Coral/Fort Myers/
1.10 3.7% 43.19 20.6% 14.7% 0.66 6.3% 94% 1.2 14.8% 4.3% 108.5% 117.9% 0.9 0.8 0.1 0.9 0.9
Charleston 0.75 1.6% 8.27 29.2% 6.3% 0.80 0.3% 99% 0.9 9.0% 2.3% 112.5% 116.8% 1.1 0.7 0.4 0.9 1.0
Charlotte 2.47 1.8% 42.72 26.8% 12.0% 0.97 2.6% 90% 0.9 6.0% 2.5% 110.2% 115.4% 1.2 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.2
Chicago 9.61 0.4% (12.62) 27.9% 2.4% 1.09 3.3% 99% 1.1 11.9% 1.8% 102.2% 105.5% 1.3 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.2
Cincinnati 2.17 0.6% 4.89 26.5% 1.4% 0.97 3.0% 100% 1.0 10.2% 2.3% 104.5% 108.3% 1.2 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.1
Cleveland 2.06 0.2% (5.56) 24.6% 2.2% 1.04 5.9% 98% 1.0 12.7% 1.9% 100.3% 103.6% 1.0 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0
Columbia 0.83 1.5% 9.56 29.3% 1.3% 0.87 1.5% 93% 0.9 11.4% 2.5% 105.9% 110.9% 0.9 0.8 1.1 0.9 1.0
Columbus 2.04 1.1% 11.91 28.8% 7.1% 1.03 1.8% 96% 1.0 9.7% 2.5% 110.2% 115.5% 1.2 1.0 0.6 0.8 1.2
Dallas/Fort Worth 7.25 2.1% 60.26 18.9% 10.8% 0.78 5.8% 97% 0.7 10.2% 2.6% 115.8% 123.4% 1.3 0.8 0.7 0.9 1.4
Deltona/Daytona 0.64 2.5% 18.72 21.8% 6.6% 0.54 1.8% 88% 0.8 11.6% 3.2% 101.4% 107.9% 0.8 1.3 0.2 0.8 0.8
Denver 2.85 1.6% 26.19 28.3% 10.0% 1.13 0.1% 97% 1.2 11.5% 2.3% 113.9% 120.0% 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.2
Des Moines 0.62 0.9% 2.11 27.3% 6.6% 1.21 2.4% 85% 1.0 10.2% 1.9% 110.5% 114.3% 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.8 1.4
Detroit 4.30 0.1% (5.31) 25.1% 0.1% 0.93 4.1% 98% 1.0 16.3% 2.2% 101.3% 105.1% 1.4 1.0 0.7 1.2 1.2
Fort Lauderdale 1.93 1.7% 28.75 25.8% 9.7% 0.84 1.3% 100% 1.0 12.4% 3.0% 104.4% 110.0% 1.3 0.8 0.2 0.6 1.3
Greenville 0.89 1.4% 9.86 26.5% 2.1% 0.78 1.5% 89% 0.9 10.7% 2.6% 107.8% 112.7% 1.2 0.8 1.8 1.3 1.1
Hartford 1.22 0.4% 2.50 26.4% 0.0% 1.52 5.2% 107% 1.2 8.5% 1.4% 102.7% 105.0% 1.0 1.1 0.4 1.0 1.2
Honolulu 1.00 0.6% 0.35 29.5% 3.3% 1.04 0.5% 162% 1.1 8.3% 1.7% 104.8% 108.1% 1.0 0.9 0.1 0.6 0.9
Houston 6.75 2.0% 75.87 29.0% 9.0% 1.26 5.4% 101% 1.2 9.4% 1.7% 117.8% 124.5% 1.1 0.8 3.1 1.4 1.0
Indianapolis 2.01 1.0% 9.46 27.2% 6.2% 1.03 3.0% 89% 1.0 14.4% 1.6% 109.0% 112.8% 1.1 0.9 1.2 1.0 1.1
Inland Empire 4.55 1.2% 19.18 29.3% 1.9% 0.65 0.3% 103% 0.7 5.3% 2.5% 106.5% 111.0% 0.8 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.7
Jacksonville 1.47 1.8% 22.43 27.1% 7.8% 0.84 0.8% 94% 1.0 17.8% 3.5% 104.5% 111.0% 1.1 1.0 0.2 0.7 1.2
Kansas City 2.10 0.6% 3.07 26.5% 5.2% 0.96 1.3% 95% 1.0 10.5% 2.2% 105.7% 109.7% 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.8 1.2
Las Vegas 2.17 2.5% 43.59 28.0% 11.9% 0.83 0.2% 93% 0.9 4.8% 4.0% 102.0% 106.0% 1.0 0.6 0.2 0.6 0.9
Los Angeles 10.26 0.7% (0.76) 30.2% 4.7% 1.17 1.9% 107% 1.0 12.8% 2.3% 104.6% 108.8% 1.0 1.2 0.6 0.8 1.1
Louisville 1.29 0.7% 5.35 25.9% 4.0% 0.93 3.1% 88% 0.9 8.4% 2.4% 107.9% 112.9% 1.0 0.9 0.7 1.2 1.0
Madison 0.64 0.8% 1.92 30.2% 2.0% 1.22 1.4% 98% 1.1 12.9% 2.1% 109.3% 113.8% 0.9 0.8 1.0 0.9 1.0
Memphis 1.36 0.7% 3.13 27.8% 0.6% 0.89 3.4% 90% 1.0 12.6% 2.9% 100.0% 105.1% 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.8 1.0
Miami 2.73 1.3% 28.68 27.2% 9.4% 0.84 0.5% 111% 0.9 13.3% 3.1% 107.9% 113.9% 1.0 1.0 0.3 0.5 1.1
Milwaukee 1.58 0.3% (2.03) 26.7% 0.4% 1.03 4.2% 102% 1.1 10.9% 2.2% 100.7% 105.5% 1.1 1.2 0.8 1.3 1.1
Sources: Moodys Analytics, U.S. Census Bureau, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
* Metro GMP per capita divided by national GMP per capita.
** Cost of doing business: national average = 100 percent.
*** Market per capita disposable income divided by national per capita disposable income.
**** Location quotient measures employment concentration by market: (metro industry employment as a percentage of metro total)/(national industry employment as a percentage of national total).
2016 population (age 1635) Business costs Total employment Location quotient****
5 -year GMP per Per capita 5-year
annual net 2016 GMP capita 5-year Cost of disposable disposable 2016 as % 2018 as % Business & Education
Total 20152016 migration % of total 5-year per capita projected doing income income 20152016 of previous of previous professional & health Goods Ofce
Market (millions) % change (000s) population growth ratio* growth business** ratio*** growth %change peak peak services services Energy producing using
United States 324.11 0.8% 27.2% 2.2% 1.00 2.3% 100% 1.0 10.8% 2.2% 105.2% 109.3% 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Minneapolis/St. Paul 3.57 1.1% 15.77 27.4% 6.4% 1.14 0.7% 105% 1.1 0.4% 2.2% 106.9% 111.0% 1.2 1.1 0.7 1.0 1.2
Nashville 1.84 1.4% 17.65 28.4% 7.6% 0.98 2.2% 94% 1.1 11.2% 3.0% 116.7% 122.3% 1.1 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.1
New Orleans 1.27 0.8% 6.35 27.8% 4.5% 0.99 1.2% 89% 1.0 19.9% 1.4% 105.3% 105.9% 0.9 1.0 1.9 0.8 0.9
New YorkBrooklyn 2.66 0.8% (6.88) 31.7% 11.2% 0.48 3.6% 135% 0.9 9.6% 1.9% 126.5% 130.4% 0.6 2.3 0.1 0.6 0.9
New Yorkother boroughs 7.16 0.4% (5.36) 27.4% 3.3% 0.29 2.1% 93% 1.0 2.3% 1.6% 109.3% 112.1% 0.8 1.6 0.5 0.8 0.9
New YorkManhattan 1.65 0.3% (3.48) 35.5% 10.8% 5.06 3.4% 160% 2.6 8.9% 1.4% 109.6% 112.1% 1.5 0.8 0.0 0.2 1.8
Northern New Jersey 2.52 0.2% (4.90) 24.8% 2.0% 1.30 6.9% 106% 1.3 13.2% 1.8% 99.1% 102.2% 1.3 0.9 1.5 0.8 1.3
Oakland/East Bay 2.79 1.2% 17.65 27.4% 9.9% 1.07 1.8% 108% 1.3 10.2% 2.8% 105.5% 110.5% 1.2 1.1 0.7 1.0 1.1
Oklahoma City 1.36 0.9% 5.18 29.3% 2.6% 0.92 4.5% 84% 1.0 11.2% 2.1% 111.5% 115.7% 1.0 0.9 2.1 1.0 0.9
Omaha 0.92 1.0% 2.40 27.8% 3.4% 1.04 3.2% 94% 1.1 6.6% 2.0% 108.0% 112.1% 1.1 1.0 0.6 0.9 1.2
Orange County 3.20 0.9% 8.83 28.2% 5.0% 1.40 0.6% 110% 1.2 9.9% 2.5% 104.2% 108.6% 1.3 0.8 0.6 1.2 1.3
Orlando 2.46 3.0% 66.10 29.0% 13.5% 0.95 4.3% 107% 0.9 15.2% 4.1% 111.1% 119.6% 1.2 0.8 0.2 0.6 1.2
Palm Beach 1.47 2.6% 41.01 22.8% 10.7% 0.81 4.0% 97% 1.3 19.3% 3.5% 106.3% 113.1% 1.3 1.0 0.1 0.6 1.3
Philadelphia 6.09 0.3% 1.50 27.1% 0.8% 1.07 4.3% 103% 1.2 13.0% 2.0% 102.2% 105.8% 1.1 1.4 0.9 0.8 1.1
Phoenix 4.71 2.4% 82.53 27.6% 8.3% 0.83 2.4% 98% 0.9 10.2% 4.2% 103.7% 111.5% 1.2 1.0 0.3 0.9 1.3
Pittsburgh 2.36 0.1% 6.78 24.8% 0.5% 1.08 5.8% 98% 1.1 12.8% 1.8% 105.2% 107.8% 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.0
Portland, ME 0.53 0.4% 1.50 23.4% 1.2% 0.90 3.4% 108% 1.0 1.1% 2.1% 102.6% 105.8% 0.9 1.3 0.6 0.9 0.9
Portland, OR 2.41 1.3% 20.31 27.4% 10.6% 1.37 12.9% 91% 1.0 17.3% 3.0% 109.2% 115.2% 1.1 0.9 0.4 1.2 1.1
Providence 1.62 0.3% 1.87 26.6% 0.3% 0.90 3.7% 111% 1.0 2.8% 1.4% 100.6% 102.8% 0.9 1.4 0.7 1.0 0.9
Raleigh/Durham 2.52 1.8% 45.42 27.6% 11.4% 0.97 2.1% 85% 0.9 4.7% 2.9% 109.9% 116.1% 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.1
Richmond 1.28 0.9% 6.60 27.6% 3.2% 1.07 1.3% 91% 1.0 10.4% 3.0% 105.3% 110.6% 1.1 1.0 0.7 0.7 1.1
Sacramento 2.30 1.2% 16.72 27.9% 4.7% 0.98 2.7% 112% 1.0 9.8% 2.5% 102.3% 106.8% 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.7 0.9
Salt Lake City 1.18 1.3% 2.47 31.0% 3.3% 1.20 7.0% 87% 0.9 14.0% 2.5% 113.4% 118.1% 1.2 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.3
San Antonio 2.41 1.8% 25.67 29.0% 3.9% 0.83 5.1% 88% 0.9 5.1% 2.6% 119.1% 125.3% 0.9 1.0 0.5 0.8 1.1
San Diego 3.34 1.1% 12.69 31.0% 5.4% 1.16 1.5% 123% 1.1 11.3% 2.5% 107.9% 112.5% 1.2 0.9 0.5 0.9 1.1
San Francisco 1.65 1.0% 8.37 29.7% 16.5% 1.97 3.3% 121% 1.9 21.8% 1.9% 119.5% 124.3% 1.8 0.8 0.6 0.5 1.7
San Jose 1.99 1.0% 5.43 27.9% 12.1% 1.65 1.8% 129% 1.6 17.5% 3.3% 119.3% 124.5% 1.5 1.0 0.2 1.4 1.5
Seattle 2.92 1.3% 20.61 28.8% 13.5% 1.57 1.1% 103% 1.4 13.2% 2.6% 111.8% 116.8% 1.1 0.8 0.2 1.2 1.2
Spokane 0.70 1.1% 5.59 26.7% 2.5% 0.86 2.0% 85% 0.9 12.5% 2.2% 105.2% 109.3% 0.8 1.2 0.6 0.9 0.8
St. Louis 2.82 0.2% 0.08 26.3% 1.0% 0.94 3.5% 93% 1.0 12.8% 2.2% 100.7% 104.4% 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.9 1.1
Tacoma 0.85 1.3% 5.61 28.7% 6.9% 0.77 2.3% 90% 1.0 14.1% 2.2% 107.5% 111.6% 0.6 1.2 0.6 0.9 0.7
Tampa Bay/St. Petersburg 3.01 1.7% 53.28 24.5% 7.7% 0.84 0.7% 101% 0.9 16.8% 3.4% 104.3% 110.2% 1.2 1.0 0.3 0.7 1.3
Tucson 1.04 1.6% 13.09 27.5% 1.7% 0.74 1.4% 96% 0.8 9.4% 3.4% 99.2% 106.0% 1.0 1.1 0.5 0.8 0.9
Virginia Beach/Norfolk 1.74 0.7% 3.14 30.7% 0.5% 0.99 2.5% 92% 1.0 9.5% 2.3% 100.5% 104.4% 1.0 0.9 0.2 0.9 0.9
Washington, DCDistrict 0.68 1.2% 2.89 38.2% 15.0% 2.69 3.7% 120% 1.6 15.1% 1.4% 112.0% 114.8% 1.5 1.1 0.0 0.2 2.5
Washington, DC
2.31 1.0% 9.59 27.3% 8.1% 0.96 2.1% 99% 1.2 9.4% 1.1% 102.2% 104.2% 1.3 0.9 0.3 0.7 1.4
MD suburbs
Washington, DC
2.96 1.2% 8.84 28.0% 10.7% 1.01 2.7% 112% 1.3 10.4% 2.1% 108.4% 113.2% 2.0 0.7 0.2 0.5 1.9
Northern VA
Westchester, NY/
1.93 0.3% (1.27) 24.5% 1.0% 1.11 0.0% 125% 1.7 12.9% 1.5% 101.9% 104.3% 1.1 1.2 0.4 0.7 1.2
Faireld, CT
Households Median home prices 2016 single-family home year-to-year change Multifamily metrics
3-year Rent as % of Space under
2016 total projected 20152016 2016 as Affordability Rent/cost of household construction as
Market (000s) growth 2016 price % change % of peak index* Permits Starts Completions Sales Walk Score ownership** income % of inventory
United States 123,852 4.8% $231,644 4.0% 104.4% 157.48 38.2% 38.5% 24.5% 13.8% 51 0.8 31.4% 1.4%
Albuquerque 358 1.8% $190,834 3.1% 103.8% 166.63 4.4% 7.8% 3.0% 13.5% 40 0.8 26.8% 0.6%
Atlanta 2,139 8.2% $175,742 2.8% 102.7% 207.88 8.1% 8.9% 8.7% 10.3% 46 0.9 23.2% 2.1%
Austin 780 9.2% $261,292 1.0% 150.6% 154.42 1.7% 1.7% 1.8% 13.9% 35 0.7 26.4% 3.2%
Baltimore 1,078 4.1% $267,943 4.1% 96.0% 168.54 26.5% 26.6% 43.6% 9.4% 66 0.8 26.3% 1.1%
Birmingham 459 4.2% $180,947 1.4% 109.7% 174.41 4.8% 4.5% 11.7% 8.4% 33 0.7 21.0% 0.5%
Boise 263 7.8% $197,869 3.4% 97.8% 168.11 32.3% 28.7% 22.4% 17.9% 37 0.7 22.5% 4.8%
Boston 1,860 3.7% $421,677 3.2% 104.6% 125.18 16.8% 22.3% 34.9% 15.4% 80 0.8 37.6% 1.0%
Buffalo 470 0.7% $133,313 2.5% 135.5% 275.48 29.0% 36.8% 36.0% 10.3% 65 1.2 26.7% 0.4%
Cape Coral/Fort Myers/
479 15.8% $337,048 5.5% 80.8% 107.89 33.5% 34.7% 48.8% 15.1% 36 0.6 35.6% 1.3%
Charleston 296 7.3% $243,238 2.2% 114.7% 149.91 7.1% 8.6% 19.2% 9.5% 34 0.8 30.1% 2.6%
Charlotte 961 8.2% $207,105 0.1% 141.4% 166.43 4.7% 4.8% 7.0% 12.7% 24 0.8 26.7% 3.6%
Chicago 3,570 3.0% $226,848 2.9% 83.3% 175.49 4.1% 7.6% 0.9% 13.0% 75 0.9 29.7% 0.4%
Cincinnati 856 4.1% $153,344 2.2% 107.5% 235.69 32.8% 30.4% 33.2% 12.8% 50 1.0 24.4% 0.5%
Cleveland 857 1.9% $128,416 3.2% 96.3% 273.35 41.6% 46.3% 20.2% 11.9% 57 1.1 23.8% 0.2%
Columbia 326 7.0% $157,232 2.6% 111.8% 214.35 15.4% 16.4% 23.1% 8.4% 35 0.9 25.4% 1.7%
Columbus 808 5.7% $168,117 1.6% 114.5% 215.38 68.3% 72.9% 24.1% 13.4% 40 0.9 24.2% 1.4%
Dallas/Fort Worth 1,741 8.7% $220,403 2.5% 138.4% 167.64 1.0% 3.3% 15.6% 14.1% 44 0.9 29.2% 2.7%
Deltona/Daytona 270 11.0% $160,004 7.3% 77.8% 175.13 93.5% 87.8% 66.0% 13.9% 13 1.0 32.6% 0.5%
Denver 1,147 7.7% $364,488 4.3% 146.0% 116.64 27.5% 25.7% 23.9% 11.4% 56 0.7 31.5% 2.6%
Des Moines 246 5.7% $179,098 0.4% 124.0% 222.63 6.8% 6.0% 17.9% 16.3% 42 0.8 21.3% 2.1%
Detroit 1,722 2.8% $103,931 6.3% 69.3% 348.53 18.8% 23.3% 32.8% 22.7% 52 1.2 18.9% 0.7%
Fort Lauderdale 788 8.2% $301,874 3.5% 82.3% 108.28 109.3% 108.3% 142.3% 13.8% 54 0.8 42.4% 0.6%
Greenville 361 6.6% $179,119 2.1% 118.2% 176.54 16.0% 16.8% 20.4% 14.1% 41 0.9 31.7% 2.4%
Hartford 481 2.8% $247,175 5.2% 96.1% 192.96 33.5% 41.8% 53.7% 13.0% 68 0.8 25.1% 0.4%
Honolulu 330 3.8% $756,688 1.9% 120.0% 62.66 21.6% 18.3% 18.7% 10.0% 63 0.4 36.1% 0.7%
Houston 2,364 8.5% $217,964 2.4% 146.2% 161.60 4.2% 5.0% 9.9% 13.2% 44 1.0 30.8% 2.6%
Indianapolis 787 4.4% $149,715 1.2% 125.8% 231.42 19.6% 28.7% 2.7% 12.3% 29 0.9 23.9% 1.8%
Inland Empire 1,421 7.6% $303,682 3.3% 75.6% 111.21 54.0% 48.6% 41.6% 12.2% 39 0.7 37.1% 1.0%
Jacksonville 572 8.5% $202,504 3.3% 105.2% 177.70 28.7% 30.3% 38.4% 13.8% 26 0.7 25.1% 1.3%
Kansas City 836 4.3% $167,742 1.4% 108.3% 230.24 51.8% 55.8% 17.5% 14.6% 32 0.7 18.2% 1.2%
Las Vegas 809 9.5% $226,312 4.7% 71.4% 143.06 39.7% 38.3% 22.2% 13.0% 39 0.7 26.2% 1.3%
Los Angeles 3,382 3.7% $492,913 4.7% 88.5% 71.61 24.3% 21.0% 17.3% 9.7% 50 0.7 54.4% 1.0%
Louisville 526 4.3% $155,053 2.5% 112.9% 226.95 58.2% 57.4% 44.8% 17.4% 31 0.8 20.8% 0.9%
Madison 272 4.9% $247,960 2.1% 111.2% 169.59 23.5% 27.5% 29.0% 11.8% 47 0.7 26.8% 1.5%
Memphis 518 4.0% $150,593 2.8% 105.9% 205.04 30.8% 27.3% 7.0% 8.9% 33 0.8 22.5% 1.1%
Miami 960 6.8% $291,010 3.5% 77.6% 89.91 63.2% 59.7% 67.7% 13.5% 76 0.9 49.4% 1.6%
Milwaukee 642 3.1% $219,063 3.0% 99.8% 168.02 43.6% 45.8% 24.9% 11.0% 59 0.7 25.5% 0.3%
Minneapolis/St. Paul 1,422 6.1% $225,009 1.3% 96.7% 192.06 44.9% 49.2% 45.6% 18.5% 65 0.8 24.3% 1.3%
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Moodys Analytics, WalkScore, U.S. Federal Reserve, Reis, CoStar, Bureau of Economic Analysis.
* Affordability is the percentage of the median home price that can be puchased with the median income for the market.
** Market apartment rent divided by median mortgage payment, taxes, insurance, maintenance.
Households Median home prices 2016 single-family home year-to-year change Multifamily metrics
3-year Rent as % of Space under
2016 total projected 20152016 2016 as Affordability Rent/cost of household construction as
Market (000s) growth 2016 price % change % of peak index* Permits Starts Completions Sales Walk Score ownership** income % of inventory
United States 123,852 4.8% $231,644 4.0% 104.4% 157.48 38.2% 38.5% 24.5% 13.8% 51 0.8 31.4% 1.4%
Nashville 726 6.1% $200,533 1.9% 114.2% 175.11 7.2% 9.1% 21.4% 10.8% 26 1.0 31.4% 3.0%
New Orleans 495 4.9% $182,061 2.9% 105.6% 173.77 31.6% 27.7% 5.9% 10.8% 56 1.0 33.4% 0.4%
New YorkBrooklyn 953 4.2% $453,082 3.5% 103.2% 60.32 21.9% 26.7% 16.4% 12.5% 97 0.8 65.8% 2.1%
New Yorkother boroughs 2,416 3.3% $428,327 3.0% 97.4% 89.18 49.3% 53.7% 33.9% 11.2% 83 0.9 51.0% 1.2%
New YorkManhattan 781 2.5% $1,414,809 3.2% 108.6% 31.28 21.1% 25.9% 16.4% 12.5% 100 0.3 43.0% 1.5%
Northern New Jersey 906 2.6% $416,623 4.3% 97.0% 125.44 16.5% 22.9% 1.5% 19.1% 78 0.5 26.1% 2.3%
Oakland/East Bay 994 4.3% $831,416 4.9% 109.9% 64.09 11.3% 11.9% 24.6% 11.6% 69 0.5 45.4% 0.8%
Oklahoma City 530 5.3% $160,769 1.5% 129.9% 203.43 25.0% 20.0% 0.5% 12.6% 32 1.0 26.4% 0.9%
Omaha 358 5.2% $158,541 1.5% 114.8% 230.16 20.9% 25.9% 2.0% 10.1% 41 1.0 23.7% 1.2%
Orange County 1,057 4.7% $751,259 3.4% 106.0% 63.42 14.2% 12.4% 35.3% 11.3% 51 0.5 40.8% 1.7%
Orlando 958 13.1% $202,710 3.5% 75.4% 155.81 39.6% 40.0% 54.2% 15.6% 39 0.8 30.9% 3.1%
Palm Beach 624 11.7% $314,983 3.1% 82.0% 113.66 69.1% 73.0% 84.4% 14.7% 40 0.8 40.7% 0.7%
Philadelphia 2,322 2.8% $232,826 3.2% 101.7% 185.76 28.6% 37.2% 27.5% 20.1% 77 0.8 26.9% 1.2%
Phoenix 1,790 10.7% $226,370 4.2% 84.7% 144.20 27.4% 27.4% 36.4% 10.8% 52 0.7 27.8% 1.8%
Pittsburgh 1,008 0.5% $148,931 1.9% 129.3% 254.59 96.6% 80.6% 12.0% 19.6% 60 1.0 25.3% 0.8%
Portland, ME 222 2.9% $250,545 3.5% 102.7% 150.94 17.5% 23.7% 33.9% 12.9% 63 0.9 36.9% 0.7%
Portland, OR 982 7.0% $320,580 4.4% 114.5% 125.86 25.8% 24.4% 26.8% 14.6% 57 0.6 28.5% 1.7%
Providence 639 2.0% $257,146 3.0% 88.2% 147.32 29.3% 35.8% 57.6% 12.8% 76 0.9 35.1% 0.1%
Raleigh/Durham 996 8.7% $191,884 0.8% 111.9% 192.61 4.0% 3.3% 7.5% 12.8% 29 0.9 27.6% 2.0%
Richmond 502 4.9% $231,112 2.4% 102.9% 160.58 37.4% 37.0% 35.7% 18.7% 49 0.7 23.4% 1.1%
Sacramento 843 5.4% $312,593 6.7% 83.6% 125.85 36.7% 36.5% 53.3% 11.1% 33 0.6 28.3% 0.6%
Salt Lake City 395 5.8% $259,864 3.1% 127.5% 150.12 54.1% 46.2% 32.3% 19.0% 55 0.7 23.8% 3.9%
San Antonio 863 7.7% $198,246 1.8% 140.3% 162.41 20.9% 21.0% 11.2% 13.5% 34 0.8 25.0% 1.0%
San Diego 1,172 5.1% $574,481 5.7% 95.7% 72.03 22.5% 26.7% 20.7% 11.2% 49 0.5 41.6% 1.6%
San Francisco 625 3.5% $1,256,732 4.5% 141.3% 47.94 31.7% 28.3% 32.5% 12.4% 84 0.3 41.0% 1.4%
San Jose 664 4.0% $1,024,654 5.3% 133.0% 59.42 11.0% 10.5% 9.9% 13.3% 48 0.4 37.8% 2.3%
Seattle 1,175 6.6% $441,913 4.2% 113.0% 112.73 30.8% 23.7% 4.4% 10.8% 71 0.5 26.3% 2.7%
Spokane 283 5.9% $198,399 4.2% 102.8% 167.99 1.8% 2.6% 47.2% 10.9% 36 0.7 22.9% 4.2%
St. Louis 1,137 3.0% $151,300 0.7% 102.7% 247.10 39.0% 48.4% 30.3% 14.2% 60 0.8 19.7% 0.6%
Tacoma 325 6.4% $248,072 5.1% 96.2% 158.68 30.4% 26.9% 5.9% 9.8% 51 0.9 33.7% 1.0%
Tampa Bay/St. Petersburg 1,272 8.1% $178,463 5.1% 79.1% 183.31 31.4% 34.5% 50.9% 13.5% 46 0.9 31.0% 1.6%
Tucson 430 8.4% $196,207 4.9% 80.2% 149.25 28.3% 24.1% 15.4% 9.7% 39 0.7 27.8% 1.0%
Virginia Beach/Norfolk 665 4.6% $214,806 2.8% 91.7% 165.50 29.6% 29.6% 30.3% 17.6% 38 0.8 26.0% 1.6%
Washington, DCDistrict 293 4.1% $377,891 2.0% 101.7% 116.13 5.8% 2.1% 58.4% 7.9% 74 0.7 33.5% 2.1%
Washington, DC
841 6.0% $389,611 1.3% 91.3% 127.95 38.9% 38.9% 54.2% 13.4% 47 0.7 25.5% 0.8%
MD suburbs
Washington, DC
1,106 6.3% $376,357 1.6% 91.1% 139.44 45.3% 48.2% 43.1% 21.3% 56 0.7 25.7% 2.1%
Northern VA
Westchester, NY/
697 2.8% $546,391 4.5% 94.4% 106.20 4.4% 10.1% 100.0% 12.9% 51 0.6 32.6% 0.6%
Faireld, CT
42 Salt Lake City 3.17 3.06 3.76 3.10 3.06 3.06 4.21
City, and Portland. Single-family housing markets expected to outlook scores for 2016 are Seattle, San Francisco, Denver, San
outperform the regional average include Seattle, Tacoma, San Jose, and Salt Lake City.
Francisco, and Denver. Retail markets with the highest outlook
scores for 2016 are San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, and South Region
San Jose. Survey respondents expect San Francisco, Los The 29 markets that make up the South region have an average
Angeles, Seattle, San Jose, and San Diego to be the top hotel rank of 37 in this years survey. The region is home to Dallas/Fort
markets in the region. Finally, Seattle is projected to be the top Worth, the number-one market, and also seven of the top 20
West region office market, followed by Los Angeles, Portland, markets.
San Francisco, San Jose, Phoenix, and San Diego.
Survey respondents like the 2016 outlook for housing markets in
The average local market outlook score for the West region is the South region. The single-family sector has the highest aver-
the highest of all four regions. The markets with the top local age score of all property types. Markets that are expected to
significantly outperform the average include Dallas/Fort Worth,
46 Cape Coral/Fort Myers/Naples 2.94 3.05 2.94 3.70 3.23 3.36 3.50
51 Washington, DCMD suburbs 2.42 3.31 3.36 3.07 3.14 3.36 3.28
52 New Orleans 3.12 3.12 2.83 3.40 2.98 2.98 3.59
Richmond 3.26
to be the top hotel market in the region, followed by Raleigh/
Houston 3.25
Durham, Dallas/Fort Worth, and Atlanta.
Columbia 3.21
Birmingham 3.19
The average local market outlook score for the South region
Louisville 3.17
is the second highest for all four U.S. regions, trailing only the
Memphis 3.13
West region. The markets with the top local outlook scores for
2016 are Dallas/Fort Worth, Austin, Charleston, Nashville, Miami,
1 2 3 4 5
Weak Declining Average Improving Strong Raleigh/Durham, and Palm Beach.
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2016 survey.
Note: Average score of local market participants opinions on strength of local economy,
Midwest Region
investor demand, capital availability, development and redevelopment opportunities, public/
private investments, and local development community. The 13 markets that make up the Midwest region have an aver-
age rank of 41 in this years survey. This ranks the region third
Austin, Houston, and Charlotte. The multifamily sector is the out of the four U.S. regions represented. The highest-ranked
second-highest-scoring property type in the region. Multifamily market in the region is Minneapolis/St. Paul, the only Midwest
markets projected to easily outperform the regional average market represented in this years top 20.
include Dallas/Fort Worth, Austin, Orlando, Nashville, and Cape
Coral/Fort Myers. Survey respondents like the 2016 outlook for industrial markets
in the Midwest region. Industrial markets that are expected to
After housing, survey respondents like industrial, retail, hotel, significantly outperform the regional average include Detroit,
and office in the South region. Industrial markets expected to Chicago, and Indianapolis.
outperform the regional average include the following: Dallas/
Fort Worth, Atlanta, Charlotte, and Nashville. Retail markets with After industrial, survey respondents like multifamily, office,
the highest outlook score are Austin, northern Virginia, Dallas/ retail, single-family housing, and hotel in the Midwest region.
Fort Worth, and Nashville. Survey respondents expect Charlotte
Multifamily markets expected to outperform the regional aver- The Massachusetts state capital is joined by Manhattan as the
age include the following: Indianapolis, Chicago, Minneapolis/ only two Northeast region markets in this years top 20.
St. Paul, Columbus, Cleveland, and Cincinnati. Office markets
expected to outperform the regional average include Chicago, Survey respondents like the 2016 outlook for retail markets in
Minneapolis/St. Paul, Cleveland, and Indianapolis. Retail the Northeast region. Retail markets that are expected to sig-
markets with the highest outlook scores are Minneapolis/St. nificantly outperform the regional average include Manhattan,
Paul, Indianapolis, and Chicago. Survey respondents expect northern New Jersey, Brooklyn, Pittsburgh, and New York Citys
St. Louis, Columbus, and Kansas City to be the top housing other boroughs.
markets in the Midwest region. Finally, Minneapolis/St. Paul is
projected to be the top Midwest region office market, followed After retail, survey respondents like multifamily, industrial,
by Columbus and Kansas City. single-family housing, hotel, and office in the Northeast region.
Multifamily markets expected to outperform the regional average
The average local market outlook score for the Midwest region include northern New Jersey, Manhattan, Boston, and Brooklyn.
is the third highest out of the four U.S. regions. The markets Industrial markets expected to outperform the regional average
with the top local outlook scores for 2016 are Columbus, include northern New Jersey, Baltimore, Boston, Manhattan,
Minneapolis/St. Paul, Madison, Indianapolis, and Kansas City. and Pittsburgh. Housing markets with the highest outlook scores
are Boston, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh. Survey respondents
Northeast Region expect Boston; Portland, Maine; Baltimore; and Pittsburgh to be
The 13 markets that make up the Northeast region have an the top hotel markets in the Northeast region. Finally, Boston is
average rank of 45 in this years survey. This ranks the region projected to be the top Northeast region office market, followed
number four out of the four U.S. regions represented. Coming in by Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Pittsburgh.
at number 13, the highest-ranked market in the region is Boston.
Boston 4.21
Pittsburgh 3.87
Philadelphia 3.69
Portland, ME 3.33
Buffalo 3.25
Baltimore 3.15
Hartford 2.90
Providence 2.62
1 2 3 4 5
Weak Declining Average Improving Strong
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2016 survey.
Note: Average score of local market participants opinions on strength of local economy,
investor demand, capital availability, development and redevelopment opportunities, public/
private investments, and local development community.
225 OfficeCBD
100 Officesuburban
75 Industrial
Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jun
2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2015
Sources: Moodys and Real Capital Analytics.
Note: Updated August 2015; data through June 2015.
The market reflects this basic economic principle as it allocates nomic recovery. While manufacturing employment has indeed
capital. Capital allocation, in turn, prices the various economic declined, real (inflation-adjusted) output from U.S. industry is
uses as expressed in the expected return. In many places, now 85 percent greater than in 1987.
trends will still drive activity toward sites where the land has a
low basis, and for this reason the interviewees who believe that Such trends have not been lost on the real estate industry.
the suburbs are not dead can be vindicated. But for other Secular trends are goosing demand, in the words of one insti-
places, most notably the 24-hour and 18-hour cities, highest tutional investment manager.
and best use is best realized by increased density.
Enthusiasm for the industrial property type is manifest. A public
Remarkably, this explains why real estate can at the same time pension fund manager sees industrials with a longer runway for
be considered as a fixed asset, but also behave as one of the appreciation and income growth because of the economic land-
most dynamic and innovative forms of capital. scape in this country. The senior asset manager for a global
fund said, Im bullish on industrials. And the chief executive
Industrial of an investment management firm succinctly put it thusly:
Industrials rule.
We are a knowledge-driven society and a knowledge-driven
economy whose innovations and growth are based on a
The basic motivations are relatively easy to understand: Investors
Moores Law technology curve. It is a creative class economy
like the value-for-price relationship in a property type where the
where more attention is paid to apps than to appliances,
average cap rate is 6.9 percent. They like the downside protec-
where artificial intelligence is more interesting than hands-on
tion afforded by the triple-net leases that are typical in this sector.
knowledge, where algorithms trump the lessons of praxis.
They like the cash-in-hand quality of industrials. National Council
of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF) data show recent
Yet, over time, the American economy has become more and
capital appreciation at an 8.1 percent annual rate.
more an economy that is about stuff. Look to the truck conges-
tion on our highways and the containers flowing through our
The results of the Emerging Trends survey not only place indus-
ports for tangible evidence. Measure the shift in consumption
trials at the top of the commercial property sector for investment
expenditures from the low 60 percent of gross domestic product
and development prospects next year in 2016, but also posted
(GDP) range that typified the 1960s to todays approximately
the highest score achieved for industrial properties in our sur-
70 percent. Look at the annualized growth of retail sales, which
veys as tracked since 2004.
has outstripped GDP growth throughout the most recent eco-
Our industry consensus believes that supply/demand funda- an industrial segment category for the first time this year, and
mentals are sound for the sector. The lead researcher for a large rated that segment above warehouse/distribution and R&D/flex
brokerage says, Actually, we will see a pickup in absorption as for investment potential in 2016. A prominent consultant urges
some of this industrial space completes, just because people a look at industrial in the new economy. He says, Warehouse
are having trouble finding the product they want. Even with all facilities for the new economy are the new retail; they bypass the
this new supply coming on the industrial front, we think there is retail channel and go directly to consumer from warehouse.
a wave of absorption that comes with it. A major life company
asset manager endorses that viewpoint: Were seeing good, Emerging Trends interviewees distinguish between the macro
strong demand. There is new construction, but it seems to be patterns and the on-the-ground differences in facilities size
being absorbed at the pace that its being built. A global asset and local market configurations. Youve seen construction in
manager agrees, saying, With the warehouse distribution for large space, but we havent built as much small space [under
[online retailers] combined with the traditional, I think there is 200,000 square feet]. There is a real shortage in that area, and
going to be a lot of demand. that is usually the product that is fairly close in. So as we look
to same-day delivery, those smaller warehouses are what you
That demand is itself fairly diverse. Technology, seen as disrup- need, close to the urban center. We have heard a lot about the
tive to real estate by many, has been a positive influence on smile states (the two coasts linked by the Sun Belt), but there
the industrial real estate sector. The internet has been a major are investors examining opportunities other than ports and bulk
driver as e-commerce has expanded the need for fulfillment distribution. One investment banker observes, Industrial in the
centers. Survey respondents were given fulfillment centers as right spot is still a very attractive segment. The corridor from
Exhibit 5-4 Prospects for Niche and Multiuse Property Types in 2016
Infrastructure Self-storage
Self-storage Infrastructure
Exhibit 5-5 U.S. Industrial Property Total Returns Exhibit 5-6 Change in Supply and DemandU.S. Industrial
60% 3% Occupancy
20-year average
40% 92%
Percentage of inventory
20% 90%
Annual return
1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015* 0%
1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015* 2017* 2019*
2% 82%
60% Source: CBRE Econometric Advisors.
* Forecast.
Midwest with the highest total returns in industrials among all
Sources: NCREIF Fund Index Open-End Diversified Core (ODCE); NAREIT Equity U.S. regions.
REIT Index.
* Returns as of June 30, 2015.
Construction is definitely accelerating in this sector, but it is
Milwaukee to the Wisconsin/Illinois border has seen tremen- coming off a lengthy period of virtually no development at all. So
dous growth in the industrial area. That perspective is echoed attention to high year-over-year change is less meaningful than
by a private equity executive who favors light industrials in infill consideration of the absolute amount of new space being pro-
locations. First-quarter 2015 data from NCREIF showed the vided in the vast (about 14 billion square feet) national industrial
Warehouse industrial
Two additional considerations should be highlighted: The first
is the rotation forward of investor appetite for R&D/flex space,
poor both by owner-users (particularly the big Silicon Valley brand
names) and by traditional investors from the institutional and
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
private equity sectors. The second is the targeting of industrial
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
property portfolios as a way to put money to work at scale by
* First year in survey.
sovereign wealth funds, real estate investment trusts (REITs),
U.S. warehouse industrial and pension funds.
2016 Prospects Ranking
In the more globalized, institutionalized real estate environ-
Investment prospects 3.78 2 ment, size does matter, especially in the efficiency of capital
Development prospects 4.04 1 deployment. However, we should have already learned that
Buy Hold Sell when the big guys concentrate on the biggest assets in the
54.4% 26.9% 18.8%
biggest markets, that opens up viable niches elsewhere.
Expected capitalization rate, December 2016 6.1% Entrepreneurs have often nimbly seized such opportunities,
in the computer field, in transportation, and in finance as well.
U.S. R&D industrial A niche-sensitive investment ecology will shape real estate
2016 Prospects Ranking trends over the foreseeable future.
Percentage of inventory
the trigger on deals.
1% 96%
An analyst with one of the major housing data firms believes that
the size of generation Y (a very interesting cohort) should sup- 0% 94%
1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015* 2017* 2019*
port expanding housing demand for both rentals and ownership
housing. It is not an either/or proposition. The demographic 20-year average
1% 92%
forces are very positive to support residential construction, occupancy
support multifamily, while serving a growing need for additional
single-family housing stock. 2% 90%
Source: REIS Inc.
Some adopt the Baseball Hall of Famer Wee Willy Keelers
advice: Keep your eye on the ball and hit em where they
aint. A West Coast investment manager reported an invest- 30%
ment program on Floridas Gulf Coaststill rebounding from
Sources: NCREIF Fund Index Open-End Diversified Core (ODCE); NAREIT Equity
the subprime mortgage crisiswhere good-quality apartment REIT Index.
complexes have been acquired at 7.5 percent cap rates at * Returns as of June 30, 2015.
Such conditions surely influence the buy/rent decision. Many young families, workforce housingand how that housing
have spoken of the trauma felt by millennials who saw their fami- changes . . . in size of home, style of home, where they are
lies net worth evaporate in the housing debacle. Those scars, located, and how theyre constructed.
they feel, will be very slow to heal. Moreover, the tenuous situa-
tion they experience in terms of job security gives them pause That challenge will not be going away in 2016, 2017, or 2018.
when contemplating a long-term mortgage commitment. Jobs It is safe to label it an emerging trend.
are not sticky anymore, declares an executive with a global
investment and asset manager, and this impacts on the home
purchase and mortgage decision.
Mind the gap! Thats the gap between CBD and suburban
With such factors in mind, many long-term investors align with offices, the top and bottom lines respectively in Moodys/RCA
an institutional investor who concludes for the years ahead, Commercial Property Price Index in exhibit 5-2. One property
We are still bullish on the apartment sector, although there type diverging on two separate tracksand the gap has been
are certainly markets with emerging supply issues. Overall, we widening.
think that the demographic tailwind for rental apartments
and continued urbanization is a longer-term trend that will The breadth of the U.S. office market is one of its greatest
make multifamily a good sector for a long time. strengths. Having options provides value. Secondary office
markets are experiencing higher levels of investment for just
Design, price, and user preferences. A Chicago-based this reason, somewhat greater volatility priced by higher yields,
developer described the difference between product for mil- and the ability to accommodate fast-growing companies with a
lennials and baby boomers this way: The gen Y product is a volume of new construction at costs much lower than that avail-
700-square-foot apartment at $2,000 per month, but empty able in the primary downtowns. Interviewees spoke of pocket
nesters need 1,500 square feet. This is another instance where markets, conversions and redevelopments, and opportunities
granular market analysis is absolutely required. to reposition struggling suburban office parks with vast parking
into more effective mixed use.
Lest we think this is simply the case in the largest U.S. cities,
listen to a Nashville housing investor/developer: My key demo- Where? Quite a few interviewees find themselves overweighted
graphic is women in their 60s, whose social life centers on their in office at this stage of the cycle. Almost universally, that
jobs and their church affiliations. They need a low-maintenance concentration of investment has been in the downtowns of the
home with enough size and community amenity to be happy at largest cities. Research has validated the claims that 24-hour
this stage in life. The micro unit is not the answer for this group. cities would provide superior returns over time. New studies of
And a West Coast investor wonders about the durability of the vibrancy have extended the connection between live/work/
market for such a product: When people are successful, they play locations and commercial real estate performance into the
dont want to be crammed into micro units. category of 18-hour cities introduced in Emerging Trends 2015.
So even as we see a push in demand coming from new house- Institutional investors with a long-range perspective have been
hold formation, as jobs become more plentiful and release looking past the high prices for core office assets in gateway
boomerang kids into the housing market, there will be a need markets, doubling down on offices in Boston, Chicago, D.C.,
for a range of developmentnot just luxury. A challenge for the New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Even at higher
industry is making the economics of affordable housing work. prices, CBD has topped suburban office in total returns over the
As one investment manager noted, both ends of the income one-, three-, five-, ten-, and 20-year time horizons in the NCREIF
inequality spectrum need to be satisfied: We need to ask where Property Index. No wonder that one interviewee specializing
workers will be living. in office investment sales said, Tenants want to be in urban
locations, so investors want to be there, too. There is a good
One consultant from the Carolinas maintains, We are going degree of due diligence being done on deals, so we are not get-
to have to deal with affordable housing in a more holistic way. ting out over our skis.
A private developer in Florida defines the issue even more
sharply: Affordable housing is much more than simply a It is not just the insurance companies and pension funds,
real estate issue. It is a significant cultural issue. Products though. A variety of buyer types is represented in the current
will be delivered that will accommodate millennials, small/ wave of downtown office acquisitions. A private owner/investor
told us, Sell noncore assets; invest in quality office. One inter-
Medical office*
40% NCREIF ODCE good
Central city office
Annual return
1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015* Suburban office
occupancy 88%
2% 2016 Prospects Ranking
towns and their nearby suburbs cannot expand indefinitely. At space, drop-in space, meeting space, some offices. If you do
some point, a price advantage stimulates demand. it right, it increases productivity. If you do it cheaply, you run
into problems.
That countertrend is already quietly underway. First-half 2015
transaction data put suburban office sales volume at $39.8 A Texas developer sketched out an office property he had
billion, versus $31.6 billion for CBD office. Both in southern repositioned as millennium space, people stacked in 50 square
California and the Bay Area, suburban office sales were in feet each. But then you go back and look at the common space
the billions, led by Silicon Valley. Similarly, Seattles suburbs and see it is not so much a difference in the quantity of space
saw $1.8 billion in investment. This is not just a West Coast as in the uses of that space. There was a Zen room, space to go
story. Boston, New Jersey, and the northern Virginia suburbs mellow out. I imagine after sitting next to someone five feet away
of Washington, D.C., also broke the billion-dollar barrier. And you might need a space like that, what I would call common
so did Sun Belt suburbs around Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, and nonfunctioning space.
Productivity and employee experience are both design values in
Costs count. An interviewee whose firm is closely associated the densification discussion. The concept is not space reduc-
with high-rise urban office properties wondered, At what point tion for its own sake, in most cases. It is about collaboration and
does the cost of living in some citiesdriven by housing interaction. Its about attracting the talent, said the manager of
expensecut off the flow of young employees? I need to a Seattle firm. Companies want to induce interactions and, lo
think about places with a more manageable cost of living, and behold, people are happier. Attract and retain talent. Thats
secondary marketsPittsburgh, Minneapolis, Austin. You good business. Form follows function.
give up the excitement of Manhattan or San Francisco, but
somethings gotta give. It is always healthy when a thoughtful Another seasoned building owner thinks it comes back to the
sense of limits enters the discussion of market trends. venerable economic concept of agglomeration, and consid-
ers the technological revolution an ally to real estate investors.
Drawing a bright line between all downtowns and all suburbs Technology has been very good for officenet, net, net.
probably does not make sense. A value-add investor describes Access to high-speed connections caused people to cluster
his firms approach this way: We are conservative in core where those connections exist. More and more of the world is on
markets and looking for opportunities in second-ring urban a screen, but you only really make money on information that
neighborhoods. We are focused on urbanizing suburbs. That is not out in the market. Thats why people in Silicon Valley
means places with a historic retail core on Main Street, with want to have lunch in little pubs. Tech has made person-to-
mixed-use potential, but without the high density of the true person interactionprivatelyway more valuable.
urban experience. Other interviewees were enticed by close-in
suburbs, with great attention to submarket distinctions, while Why? How does this translate into a bottom line? Employers talk
dismissing the plain-vanilla suburban business park: They have about building a culture of collaboration, liberating the workday
nothing. There is no reason for people to be there, in the words from the 9-to-5 limits and keeping workers in the workplace
of a major private equity executive. A specialist in the commer- longer (as well as closer). Again, the issue is productivity: Does
cial real estate debt markets says, in contrast, Suburban office being in the office for 12 hours translate into 12 hours of work, or
needs to be near transit or walkable to be viable. just eight hours of output? There has recently been pushback.
One interviewee maintains, At some point, the novelty will wear
How? Costs are very much part of the densification discussion, off. An institutional investor believes, We are going to see the
and space compression is still trending in the minds of many. pendulum swing back a little on this dense open-office con-
But here, too, we find some sense of limits, and greater nuance figuration. Im hearing more and more evidence that some of
in the thinking of building owners and managers as the actual the new dense-space configurations are simply less productive
operation of redesigned space is fleshed out by experience. than those that do have more privacy.
The buildout is actually more expensive if you do it right, said Like every emergent trend, densification will either prove its
one senior officer about an installation that combined open- worth over time, or it wont. Most probably, the very large office
space planning with other functional elements. Somebody who market provides plenty of options along the space/design
needs private time for calls, for writing, needs a place to go. spectrum, and individual firms will demand varying designs for
You end up with a lot of glass and a lot of light. You have open their spaces. One interviewee, an investment banker, observed
Percentage of inventory
ter of the lower Manhattan TAMI beehive. 2%
There is a lot of room for change. Some see steady growth
ahead in the medical office field, recognizing that we are 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015* 2017* 2019* 60%
just at the beginning of the aging of the baby boomers. Both 1% 20-year average
private equity firms and more institutional players are seeing occupancy
2% 55%
the need for more suburban medical office development and
even large-scale medical campuses as the health care industry
consolidates. The provision of insurance to millions of additional 4% 50%
Americans under the Affordable Care Act actually appears Source: CoStar Portfolio Strategy.
Hotels 40%
ging sectors. That is why the income inequality issue is vitally 40%
relevant for merchants and for shopping center investors. That
is especially true for centers designed for the shrinking number 20%
of middle-class households. One investment manager sees a
Annual return
tremendous number of dead malls to be dealt with over the
next few years. A major financing firm sifts the sands this way: 0%
1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015*
In the Midwest, the best retail locations have largely bounced
back, but B and B-minus centers are overbuilt and need to be 20%
redeployed. A Chicago-based builder/owner looked at his
home metro area and said, Suburbs are a wasteland around
Chicago. Schaumberg and Naperville are dying for dollars. 40%
As Pew Research data show, over the past three decades 60%
wealth for middle-income households has hardly moved the
Sources: NCREIF Fund Index Open-End Diversified Core (ODCE); NAREIT Equity
needle, while upper-income household wealth has doubled, REIT Index.
in real dollar terms. * Returns as of June 30, 2015.
that it is tricky. . . . It will take some time to sort out.
NCREIFs data for retail look excellent, for example. A longtime
monitor of institutional trends says, Retail is still a top performer
[for this class of investor] in spite of all the negative talk. Retail 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015* 2017* 2019*
assets have turned in the highest total returns of all property 90%
types in two of the last three years, and also lead the long-term 1%
performance measures of the ten- and 20-year time horizons. Occupancy
2% 88%
Yet, according to the first-quarter 2015 NCREIF discussion of
Source: REIS Inc.
its retail index, lackluster retail sales growth, limited new store * Forecast.
openings and continued store closures, and an overhang of
crippled retail centers burden the shopping center picture. percent since the trough of the Great Recession, they are still
Nevertheless, the NCREIF datas focus on higher quality, 7.5 percent below their prior peak (exhibit 5-2). The situation in a
more institutional properties . . . insulates it from these trends. half-dozen major markets is the exception, as these urban areas
Meanwhile, those centers in the bottom third of trade area have seen prices move 4.1 percent above preglobal financial
demographics languish. crisis levels.
The upshot is that both demand and supply in the retail sector Generally speaking, transaction volume for retail has been rising
have lagged behind their long-run averages in this recovery, annually throughout the present decade, and hit $91.3 billion for
and are projected to remain sub-par a while longer (exhibit the 12 months ending June 2015. A large private equity investor
5-18). While investment prices for retail assets have risen 62 reflects, I thought retail was really quiet after the recession.
Expected capitalization rate, December 2016 6.3% A veteran mall developer, looking at center city retail opportuni-
ties, argues, It depends on the neighborhood. Retailers are
U.S. power centers choosy about which area of the city they are going. Different
neighborhoods dictate different uses in the retail project. Still,
2016 Prospects Ranking
there can be surprises. One investor has a deal in the south
Investment prospects 3.00 15 Bronx where he saw beyond its 1970s reputation and found a
Development prospects 2.61 15 high-volume transportation hub and great population density,
Buy Hold Sell with local employment generators including a college, the
9.9% 41.0% 49.1%
county courts, and a major hospital. Spots supporting high-rise
Expected capitalization rate, December 2016 6.5% multifamily development and investmentthink South Lake
Union in Seattle, Bunker Hill in Los Angeles, Fountain Square in
U.S. regional malls Cincinnatifit the description of the kind of walkable, amenity-
laden neighborhoods that support high street retailing.
2016 Prospects Ranking
Investment prospects 2.79 16 Neighborhood/community centers. Emerging Trends survey
Development prospects 2.04 16 respondents concluded good investment prospects for
Buy Hold Sell smaller shopping centers in 2016, according them the best
9.3% 44.2% 46.5%
outlook score in the past dozen years (exhibit 5-19). On the buy/
Expected capitalization rate, December 2016 6.0% hold/sell decision, such centers are favored as a buy by 37.5
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2016 survey. percent of our sample, versus just 21.4 percent making sell
Note: Based on U.S. respondents only. recommendations. This is in line with the empirical evidence
showing increasing transaction volume and falling capitalization
In the past year and a half, it seems to be picking up. National
rates for such assets.
players are looking to do deals in this market. Capital trends
discussed in chapter 3 give every indication that retail property
A Midwest developer sees these smaller shopping centers
investment activity will again be brisk in 2016. As one experi-
experiencing a shift in tenant mix. Grocery store wars are in
enced investor said in her interview, What weve gotten right
Residential starts came in at 1.2 million for the months of June Single familyhigh income
and July 2015, the best construction activity for housing since Multifamily condominiums
late 2007. More telling, the growth was spurred by single-family
Single familyrental
housing after apartment development had provided the momen-
tum during the past several years. The elements of a housing Second and leisure homes
development trend toward greater normalcy are falling into Affordable/workforce housing
place, after the catastrophic bursting of the mortgage-induced
Manufactured-home communities
bubble of a decade ago.
Abysmal Fair Excellent
The inventory of finished new homes for sale is 5.4 months, right Development prospects
in line with historical averages, and price increases are begin-
Inll and urban housing
ning to reflect scarcity on the supply side. This condition sets
the stage for further gains in 2016, since there is a shortage of Senior/elderly housing
ready-to-build housing lots. Banks skittishness about land and Single familymoderate income
development loansa major source of losses during the finan-
Single familyhigh income
cial crisishas meant that builders have not been able to get
the pipeline for production anywhere near historical capacity. Multifamily condominiums
Second and leisure homes
The CEO of a private equity firm focused on land develop-
Single familyrental
ment picks housing as a best bet over the next three years.
Residential, residential, residential. Single-family, multifam- Affordable/workforce housing
ily, and single-family to be rented. Its a safe bet that you will Manufactured-home communities
outstrip inflation by a couple of percent by doing that. You will Abysmal Fair Excellent
get above-normal historical returns by doing residential, all
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2016 survey.
three legs of the stool. Note: Based on U.S. respondents only.
AIG Global Real Estate Barclays Capital Canyon Capital Realty Advisors
Robert Gifford Ross Smotrich Jonathan P. Roth
Maria Stamolis
Allied Properties Real Estate Basis Investment Group LLC
Investment Trust Mark K. Bhasin CapRidge Partners
Michael Emory Steve LeBlanc
Bell Partners
Alston & Bird LLP Durant Bell Capright
Jason W. Goode Jules H. Jay Marling
Bentall Kennedy (Canada) LP
Rosemarie A. Thurston Remco Daal Carey Watermark Investors Inc.
Alterra Group Limited Paul Zemla Michael Medzigian
Robert Cooper Berkshire Group Carmel Partners
Amacon Chuck Leitner Christopher Beda
Bob Cabral Michael LaHorgue
BlackRock Dennis Markus
American Realty Capital Jack R. Chandler
Hospitality Trust Inc. CBRE
Blackstone Richard Barkham
Ed Hoganson Ken Caplan Tom Frye
Amicus Investors Bluerock Real Estate LLC Anthony Long
Steve Utley James G. Babb III Jeanette Rice
Bob Sulentic
Angelo, Gordon & Co. BMO Harris Bank William C. Yowell III
Reid Liffmann Hans C. Geyer
Mark Maduras Aaron Lanski CBRE Commercial Tri-State Region
Adam Schwartz John Petrovski Mary Ann Tighe
Gordon Whiting
Bosa Development Group CBRE Econometric Advisors
Apartment Investment and Nat Bosa Jeffery Havsy
Management Company
Ernie Friedman Boston Properties Charles River Realty Investors
Mike LaBelle Brian Kavoogian
APG Asset Management US Inc. Owen D. Thomas
Steven Hason Charter Homes & Neighborhoods
Brandywine Realty Trust Robert P. Bowman
Apollo Global Management Tom Wirth
Colburn J. Packard The Chevy Chase Land Company
The Bristol Group Thomas Regnell
The Armour Group Limited James Curtis
Scott McCrea Choice Properties REIT
Brixmor Property Group John Morrison
Aspac Developments Ltd. Michael Pappagallo Bart Munn
Gary Wong
Broccolini Construction Inc. CIBC World Markets
Aspen Properties Ltd. Michael Broccolini Benjamin Tal
Greg Guatto Paul Broccolini
Scott Hutcheson Citi Private Equity Services
Emilio Minotti Michael Dwyer
AvalonBay Communities Inc. Bucksbaum Retail Properties
Kevin OShea Clarion Partners
John Bucksbaum Doug Bowen
Avison Young Build Toronto Inc. Stephen J. Furnary
David Eyzenberg Bill Bryck Hugh McDonnell
Richard Hanson Tim Wang
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Kees Hage ners, real estate brokers, appraisers, attorneys, engineers, financiers,
Global Real Estate Leader academics, students, and librarians.
Luxembourg, Luxembourg ULI relies heavily on the experience of its members. It is through mem-
ber involvement and information resources that ULI has been able to
Uwe Stoschek
set standards of excellence in development practice. The Institute has
Global Real Estate Tax Leader
long been recognized as one of the worlds most respected and widely
European, Middle East & Africa Real Estate Leader
quoted sources of objective information on urban planning, growth, and
Berlin, Germany
Craig Hughes
U.K. and Global SWF Real Estate Leader
London, U.K. Patrick L. Phillips
Global Chief Executive Officer, Urban Land Institute
K.K. So
Asia Pacific Real Estate Tax Leader Kathleen B. Carey
Hong Kong, China Chief Content Officer