Cell Filled Concrete-Paper

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Journal of Structural and Transportation Studies

Volume 1 Issue 3

Plastic Cell Filled Concrete Road: A Review

Mr.Piyush Madke, Prof. Shrikant Harle

Department of Civil Engineering
Prof. Ram Meghe College of Engineering and Management
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Prof. Ram Meghe College of Engineering and Management Badnera-Amravati, India
E-mail - [email protected]
The aim is to carry out a review of Plastic Cell-Filled block pavement by the study of
previous experimental studies carried to satisfy the need of sustainable all weather roads
with accessible riding quality in rural areas with satisfactory life span and maintenance cost.
As Under the centrally sponsored scheme PMGSY various emerging new trends and
advanced materials and methods of construction are being adopted. Hence it becomes
necessary to study the effectiveness, functional and structural evaluation of Plastic cell-filled
concrete block pavements (PCCBP). The main role of the present work is to study the
pavement performance evaluation of cell-filled concrete block pavement. The pioneer of cell-
filled pavement is Prof.Visser1994,1999;visser and hall,1999,2003). This pavement can also
be known as Flexible-rigid cast-in-situ block pavement. A Low density poly-ethylene (LDPE)
plastic sheet of thickness 0.49 mm is used to construct the cell-filled pavements. In order to
evaluate the structural performance of the test sections with traffic passes, daily traffic
volume data, performance criterion to limit rutting under traffic repetitions. Non-destructive
structural evaluation using falling weight deflectometer by doing back calculation
analytically based on genetic algorithm and NDT can be done by Rebound Hammer Test.
Destructive test such as cone penetration to determine the compressive strength. The
evaluation of distress has been done considering pavement condition index(PCI) and found to
be satisfactory as per PCI Rating.

Keywords: Plastic cell-filled block pavement, sustainable, low density polyethylene,

structural evaluation, Pavement condition index.

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Journal of Structural and Transportation Studies
Volume 1 Issue 3

INTRODUCTION In recent times the reliance is shifting

In India, there are about more than 6 lakhs more on rigid pavements because of its
villages located in different terrain low maintenance cost, long service life and
conditions ,e.g. plains, hilly, and the smoother riding surface .
mountainous region, deserts, swamps,
coastal region etc. Providing good network Though it has high initial cost, but can also
of all-weather sustainable roads with fail due to various causes such as day and
accessible riding quality is very essential night variations in warping stresses,
for social, educational and economical seasonal changes in the modulus of sub-
development of any country. The grade reaction etc. Thus, as an alternative
Employment opportunities and basic for concrete pavements for better structural
amenities such as health, education, cannot performance and low maintenance cost, an
reach rural masses without a system of advanced pavement technology called
good road network [1-3] Plastic cell-filled concrete block pavement
(PCCBP) was developed in South Africa[.
Rural roads are given priority under a -Test results have been studied for
centrally sponsored scheme named pavement distress evaluation and non
PMGSY launched on 25 December 2000. destructive tests were carried on a certain
Under the National Rural Road test section.
Development Authority (NNRDA) in
Ministry of Rural Development. Although NEED OF STUDY
a lot of efforts were taken successful To check the reliability and feasibility
implementation of this scheme. Not more of the advanced technique of plastic
than 50% of the 6 lakh villages were cell-filled block pavement.
availed with all-weather roads. In rural To evaluate functional and structural
areas these roads were not considered as parameters of pavement distress.
engineering structures and sub-standard To study pavement deterioration
practices were carried out during the modeling in terms of pavement
construction of this pavements . Many of condition index (PCI).
the technical aspects of pavement design Find economical construction of rural
such as adequate compaction of subgrade, roads using PCCBP.
drainage, pavement thickness etc [4-8].

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Journal of Structural and Transportation Studies
Volume 1 Issue 3

LITERATURE REVIEW Subrat Roy, K.S. Reddy and B. B. Pandey

Yendrembam Arunkumar Singh et.al .et al.(2005) conducted an Investigation on
(2011) conducted a study on Plastic Cell- Cell-filled Pavement by constructing a
Filled Block Pavement for low volume test section and heavy vehicular traffic of
rural roads. He carried on various tests of nearly 400 trucks daily were passed from
pavement distress evaluation and it. The main conclusion drawn was that the
economical consideration by construction pavement is only suitable for low volume
a test section [9-12]. The conclusion drawn traffic and not suitable for heavy load
were that PCCBP can be economical traffic and foundation failure of shear
alternative to conventional rigid pavement occurred.
and the distress of pavement was within
permissible limit and rated good as per Yendrembam Arunkumar Singh,
pavement condition index(PCI). Teiborlang Lyngdoh Ryntathiang ,
Konjengbam Darunkumar Singh
Surender Singh, Dr.S.N.Sachdeva et.al .et.al.(2012) conducted a study on
(2015) conducted a study on thickness Structural Performance of Plastic Cell
Requirement of a Rigid Pavement with filled Concrete Block Pavement for Low
varying Conditions of Sub-Grade, Sub- Volume Roads and found that the elastic
Base and Shoulders and concluded that modulii of pavement increases with
subgrade strength has insignificant effect considerable increase in thickness of
on the slab thickness for all types of pavement.
subbase materials.
Hariprasad. M, H. S. Prakash Kumar,
Prof. Shrikant M. Harle, K. D. Dagwal Purushothama Das Heggade, Dr. B. V.
et.al (2016) carried a review study on Kiran Kumar(et.al) conducted a study on
plastic cell-filled block pavement by cell-filed concrete roads by a construction
constructing a test section and concluded test sections of various thickness in a place
that PCCBP is economical than flexible in Karnataka and observed that pavement
pavement considering over all cost of can be recommended for weak base and
construction and maintenance and found sub-base layers instead of flexible
the pavement to be good as per PCI rating, pavement, since it showed resistance to
the roughness due to cells make little structural durability [13-15].
difference in riding quality.

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Journal of Structural and Transportation Studies
Volume 1 Issue 3

W. K. Mampearachchi, A. Senadeera developed model can provide input for

(et.al) 2014 conducted a study on pattern mechanistic design of overlay for the
of laying of block pavements for medium design of overlay at highways and airports.
and heavy traffic and found that both
stretcher bond and herring bond both show S.Nazarian, D.Yuan (et.al.)1999 conducted
satisfactory results under Benkelman a study on Structural Field testing of
Beam Deflectometer (BBD) studies and Flexible Pavement Layers and studied
concluded though both show similar elastic moduli response of layers in
performance an ideal block laying pattern pavement and presented an approach for
was not found in the study. systematic assessment of layers, concluded
that Poissons ratio of each layer should be
Animesh Das(et.al)2008carried a study on considered along with the elastic moduli.
Interpretation of Falling Weight
Deflectometer data and proposed its Ansgar Emersleben, Norbert Meyer
suitability for pavement evaluation and (et.al.)2008 carried a study on the Use Of
concluded that FWD (impulse loading Geocells In Road Constructions Over Soft
method) efficiently used for estimation of Soil the layers were evaluated under FWD
in-situ stiffness values and thickness of the testing and concluded that layers with geo-
pavement layers. cell reinforcement showed lesser valued of
vertical stress deflections.
Halil Murat Algin (et.al.) 2007 conducted M.Y.Darestani, David P Thambiratnam
a study on interlock mechanism of block (et.al.)2006 carried a Study on Structural
pavement and studied various reasons Response of Rigid Pavements under
pavement failure such as soil failure Moving Truck Load with dynamic analysis
beneath pavement and concluded that and concluded that the base deflection in
chamfered block are preferred over non- Joint Reinforced Concrete Pavement
chamfered blocks due to edge restraint. decreases with reinforcement was located
close to bottom surface layer of the
Manik Barman, B.B.Pandey (et.al.)2008 concrete base.
conducted a study on advance method of
pavement evaluation of rigid pavement Shahbaz Khan,
using FWD and BACKRIGID calculations M.N.Nagabhushana(et.al)2013 studied
and concluded that the output of the failure of Rutting in Flexible Pavement

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Journal of Structural and Transportation Studies
Volume 1 Issue 3

and presented an approach of evaluation For Design of such pavements, vertical

with Accelerated Pavement Testing sub-grade strain should be the main
Facility and concluded that rain has performance criterion to limit rutting under
significant effect on the performance by traffic repetitions.
higher rate of increment in rutting of the
test section and also the change in air
voids were found less for bituminous
concrete than dense bituminous concrete.

Francesca Russo, Raffaele Mauro

Fig.1 Stretched plastic-cell
(et.al.)2012 carried a study on Rural
reinforcement(.Dagwal et.al)
Highway Design Consistency Evaluation
Model they conducted the study based on
The above figure 1 shows the schematic
two criteria such as average weighted
arrangement of the formwork of cells
speed, and standard deviation of operating
stretched along the carriage way and
speeds and concluded that the behavior of
tensioned by using steel pegs.
road under different speed varies with
length of road.
Each block consists of size 150150mm
and depth 100mm. The plastic strips are
formed by cutting of plastic in to 150mm
size. Strips are marked at 30 cm interval.
The concept of cell-filled pavement was
So that on straightening it should form the
developed in South Africa (Visser, 1994,
diamond of size 0.212m*0.212m.
1999; Visser and Hall, 1999, 2003) it
consists of plastic cells made of low
density polyethylene (LDPE) of 200 or
0.49mm thickness. These cells are filled
with cement concrete and well compacted
over granular sub-base or water bound
macadam surface . As each cell acts a
block these are also known as flexible-
rigid cast-in situ block pavement. Fig 2 Layout of the plastic cells and size of
each block.( Dagwal et.al.)

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Journal of Structural and Transportation Studies
Volume 1 Issue 3

During Compaction, cell walls get Low density Polyethylene

deformed and provide interlocking among For the construction of PCCBP Low
the blocks as shown fig 3 These pavements density polyethylene (LDPE) plastic cells
can also be known flexible-rigid / cast-in- are made of low density polyethylene
situ block pavement. which is having around 200 or 0.49 mm.
For making the plastic cell the plastic sheet
is cut into 150150mm and depth of
100mm.The LDPE cells are joined by
paddled sewing machine or either by heat

Coarse Aggregate
Fig 3 Plastic cell after compaction
Locally available coarse aggregate of size
(dagwal et.al)
20 mm & 10 mm are used for laying of
sub-base & sub grade layers. Some
The cell walls get deformed after
standard tests were performed previously
compaction and the plastic cells induce
on the aggregates for determination of
elastic behavior in pavement and thus it
engineering properties of the coarse
can be called as flexible-rigid pavement.
aggregate and values are thus obtained
moreover the mean values of test are taken
from literature review as shown below.

Table 1 Test conducted on Aggregates used in PCCBP(et.al.Dagwal,Y Singh)

Sr .No Name of test Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
1 Specific Gravity 2.7 2.68 2.65
2 Impact value 5.60% 5.54% 5.80%
3 Abrasion resistance 25.68% 26.8% 25.62%

Cement Portland cement (OPC) of grade 53 can be

The cement for the construction of PCCBP used for casting concrete blocks. The
test sections should be procured in a single standard consistency of the OPC cement
consignment and stored properly from should be 30-35mm. The initial and the
moisture and damp conditions. Ordinary final setting time should be nearly equal to

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Journal of Structural and Transportation Studies
Volume 1 Issue 3

30 and 600 minutes respectively. The road projects. Field moisture is convenient
standard tests such soundness, fineness test for village road projects. Field moisture
should be carried on the cement which is contents of sand and coarse aggregates
used for the construction of cell-filled were determined to be 3 and 1%,
block pavement. respectively. The optimum moisture
content for concrete mix was obtained as
Sand/ Fine aggregate 5% by weight of the total weight of coarse
Locally available fine aggregate or river aggregates, fine aggregates and cement
sand within permissible limits of bulk (MORD 2004). Concrete cubes of
density can be used if sand is not dimension 150mm x 150mm x 150mm in
available in much quantity then stone dust size (IS10086:1982) were casted. Steel
from quarry can be used as replacement cubical moulds 150 x 150 x 150 mm in
of sand. size (BIS 1959) were used for determining
the strength of mix proportions. The
Soil crushed aggregates of nominal sizes such
IS 2720 has laid some of the criterion in as 26.5 and 22.4 mm, 22.4 mm were used
terms of specific gravity plastic limit and in addition to single size pit run gravel was
liquid limit. The soil used for backfilling also considered to explore its use for rural
of the pavement and preparation sub-base connectivity at a lower cost since the
required beneath the pavement layers. material is cheap and easily available in
many adjoining areas. Cubical moulds
METHODOLOGY were filled with single size aggregates, and
Construction of test section of PCCBP cement-sand mortar was vibrated until all
Mix Composition and Strength of Cement voids were filled. Excess mortar was
Concrete removed by means of a straight edge. The
A minimum compressive strength of 30 cube strength was determined after 7 days
MPa is desirable for concrete block of curing in water. The average value of 7-
pavement for village roads (MORD 2004). day compressive strength was obtained as
Cement, sand and coarse aggregates were 38.6 MPa.
taken in the proportion of 1:1.25:2.5 by
volume as weigh batching is found Construction of Test Section
inconvenient in villages hence volume A test section with sub-base and surface
batching is generally preferred for village layers (cell-filled) was constructed. The

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Journal of Structural and Transportation Studies
Volume 1 Issue 3

length and width of the section are 10 m (MDD) of the soil. Compaction was done
and 4 m, respectively. From studies of at the optimum moisture content (~12%)
(et.al)Y Singh several test sections of using a 100 KN three wheeled roller in
varying thickness were constructed of size three layers of 100 mm each, maintaining
2.7*5.3 m. cross and longitudinal slopes. After
compaction the surface was levelled
Excavation manually to bring the surface to the
The excavation of the existing pavement required profile.
for the construction was done using an
earth excavator. The upper layers of the
existing pavement were removed and a
trench measuring 15 m in length and 7 m
in width and approximately 450 mm depth
was excavated (Figure 4) till sub-grade
soil layer. After excavation the loose Fig.5 Laying and Compaction of sub-
materials were properly removed and the grade. .(Y.A.Singh et.al)
natural soil was properly levelled.
The field density and the moisture content
of the compacted sub-grade soil was
determined by core cutter method and
were found to be 1880 Kg/m3 and ~12 %
respectively. The percentage field
compaction was found to be ~98% of the
standard laboratory compaction value.

Fig. 4 Excavation of existing

Water Bound Macadam (WBM) Coarse
pavement.(Y.A.Singh et.al)
In the earlier work 100 mm thick WBM
sub-base course was provided above the
Preparation of Sub-grade soil
prepared sub-grade soil layer. Crushed
The trench was backfilled with selected
stone aggregates and screenings
soil. Laboratory compaction test was
conforming to Grading 1and Grading A
conducted to determine optimum moisture
respectively as prescribed by MORTH
content (OMC) and maximum dry density
(2001) were used for WBM course. The

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Journal of Structural and Transportation Studies
Volume 1 Issue 3

materials were manually placed and spread placed that the inner dimension should be
uniformly over the prepared sub-grade 4m x 10m.Inside this form work the
soil. Laying and compaction (Figures 6) placing of plastic cells and concreting is
was done as per MORTH (2001). Rolling going to be done.
with copiously sprinkling of water and
sweeping with brooms for WBM was Laying and Concreting of Plastic cells
continued until the slurry that is formed After fixing the form work plastic of
will, after filling the voids between section 4m x 1m is laid. Such 10 sections
aggregates form a wave ahead of the are prepared for 10m x 4m road. These
moving roller indicating that the voids are plastic sections are stretched by the help of
fully filled and the layer is properly steel bars. After stretching the diamond
compacted (CPWD, 1996). shaped box of size 0.212m x 0.212m
should be formed. At the joining of two
sections steel bars are provided so that
there should be proper bonding between
two sections.

Concreting is done with the help of RMC.

Fig.6 Laying and Compaction of sub- Direct pouring of concrete on plastic and
grade.(Y.A.Singh et.al) labourers are used to carry out filling of
each section. After completion of filling
each section proper slope is given to the
road and finishing is carried out. While
pouring the cement proper is taken that it
should not get set.

Fig.7 Formwork of plastic-

cells.(Y.A.Singh et.al)

Fixing of Formwork
After the leveling with the roller, form Fig. 8 Laying of Concrete.(Dagwal et al)

work is placed on site. Form work is so

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Journal of Structural and Transportation Studies
Volume 1 Issue 3

traffic passes, daily traffic volume data

was collected. The design traffic is ranging
from 1 MSA -150 MSA and the traffic
growth is considered as 7.5% as per IRC
58.Only axles with weight of 3 tonnes and
above are considered to have an effect on
pavement performance.
Fig.9 Compaction of Concrete. .(Dagwal
et al)
Pavement Condition Survey
A survey of the surface of existing
Curing of the PCCBP test section
pavement after passage of traffic is
Casting of the whole test section can
collected so that damage on the pavement
complete in a single day and then allow
surface could be evaluated. The survey
the concrete to set overnight. Longer lane
vehicle equipped with cameras,
closure to ensure curing is a criticism for
deterioration measuring instruments are
concrete pavement. After removing water,
clean the pavement properly and collect
the initial surface deflection data of the test
Pavement distress
sections (using FWD) and non-destructive
External indicators of pavement
test such as rebound hammer test, pulse
deterioration caused by loading,
velocity test benkelmen beam
environmental factors, construction
deflectometer etc. before opening to the
deficiencies, or a combination therof.
regular traffic. Core samples collected
Typical distresses are depressions, rutting
from the test sections will show that the
and edge spalls of the test section.
compaction is proper and the thickness of
each section is maintained properly. The
Pavement condition index
PCCBP test section is ready to open to
It is a numerical rating of the pavement
normal traffic after 25 days from the day
condition that ranges from 0-100 with 0
of casting.
being the worst condition and 100 being an
ideal condition. It is an indicatorof
Pavement Distress Evaluation
roughness and skid resistance and not of
Traffic survey
structural capacity.
In order to evaluate the structural
performance of the test sections with

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Journal of Structural and Transportation Studies
Volume 1 Issue 3

Structural Evaluation Exposed cells

The distress type identified in the present The plastic cell wall gets exposed due to
study which are similar to interlocking the lose concrete is removed the plastic
concrete block pavement manual cells are exposed and subjected to wear
(ICPI,2007). under traffic.

Rutting Structural evaluation by Falling Weight

Rutting is a permanent surface Deflectometer Testing
deformation that occurs along the wheel A custom fabricated Falling Weight
path. It is caused by settlement of the Deflectometer (FWD), a non-destructive
underlying layers viz., sub-grade or sub- test (NDT) equipment which simulates the
base under traffic load. It can be located by short duration loading of the fast moving
visual assessment and is measured with a wheel can be used to record the surface
straight edge along wheel paths. After deflection data of the test pavement .
62000 ESAL the rut depth was found to BACKGA, a Genetic Algorithm (GA)
be nearly 15 mm reported by Y. kumar based back calculation software can be
et.al. used to calculate the pavement layer
elastic moduli from the recorded surface
FaultingIt is the gap between two or more deflection data. The purpose of FWD
cells in PCCBP. testing to asses the existing structural
condition of the pavement and strength of
Edge spalls the subgrade soils. In order to determine
The Edge spalls occurs when there is a homogeneous sections of pavement and
layer of concrete above the plastic cell top, subgrade strength based upon deflection
and is generally due to bad workmanship response.
with levels not flushed with the top of
cells. Pavement Coring and Subgrade boring
Identifying the location for coring and
Scaling boring, the pavement material types,
Scaling is the peeling of thin leveling thickness and visual condition are to be
cement mortar layer from the surface of determined. Usually borings to a depth of
pavement. 4 feet should be performed.
Basin Testing Location

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Journal of Structural and Transportation Studies
Volume 1 Issue 3

FWD testing should be conducted in the The pavement temperature is recorded

wheel path closest to the nearest shoulder. directly from temperature holes by an
This is to characterize the structural infrared thermometer which is fitted to the
condition of pavement where damage due FWD if not then can be measured with a
to truck loading should be greatest. hand held thermometer. At joints it is used
to asses the structural capacity of the
pavement, estimate the Strength of sub-
grade soils, asses load transfer at joints and
detect voids at joints. The load plate is of
300mm diameter. The limit of impulse
loading is from 20-100 KN. The analog
input modules (AIM) are obtained from
Fig 10 Deflection Basin Collected with
the recording of geophones and load cell.
Falling Weight Deflectometer. .(Y.A.Singh
This data is analyzed in Labview software.
The readings are calibrated and processed
to determine load in Kilo-Newton and
Cost Estimation(Y.singh et.al 2011 &
K.Dagwal et.al.2016)
Flexible Pavement-
i. Construction of 150 mm thick granular
Sub-base course=Rs169/m2
Fig.11 Working Principle of
ii. Providing and laying 150 WBM course
FWD.(Y.A.Singh et.al)
=Rs 237/m2
iii. Construction cost of 20mm thick hot
The sensor spacing to record pavement
mix asphalt layer =Rs 200/m2
deflection data is dependent on pavement
iv. Total cos=Rs 606/m2
type as well as the testing purpose. For
v. Routine Maintenance cost for 5 yr
basin testing on flexible pavements the
spacing should be
vi. Renewal cost of flexible pavement
after 5 yrs =Rs230/m2
in.,60in.72in., The no. drops are 14 at each
test location.

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Journal of Structural and Transportation Studies
Volume 1 Issue 3


i. Construction of 150mm WBM base i. From the literature review, it has been
course = Rs 203/m2 observed that no attempt has been
ii. Construction of 220mm thick P.C.C. taken to study the effect of PCCBP
slab= Rs 1190/m2 thickness on the structural performance
iii. Total cost =Rs 1393/m2 of pavements.
iv. Routine maintenance cost for 5 yrs ii. Very limited information is available
=Rs 16/m2 on the variation of elastic modulus of
v. Major repair cost =Rs 30/m2 blocks with block thickness.
iii. No standards have been developed
Plastic-Cell Filled Concrete Block such as codes or manuals as yet for the
Pavement(PCCBP) construction and evaluation of
i. Cost of Moorum sub-base 150 mm pavement condition index for different
thick (CBR>20) =Rs 60/m2 types of distress that PCCBP may
ii. Cost of construction for 150 mm thick have. All work done in this respect is
WBM =Rs 140/m2 of experimental nature.
iii. Cost of plastic cell formwork=Rs iv. The construction and maintenance of
70/m2 =Rs 70/m2 PCCBP was found economical as
iv. Cost of Cement concrete 100 mm compared to the conventional concrete
thick=Rs550/m2 and flexible pavement and also has
v. Total=Rs820/m2 satisfactory PCI.
vi. Routine maintenance cost for 5 yrs=Rs v. The structural evaluation of PCCBP
16/m2 shows that it is suitable for low volume
vii. Major repair after 5 yrs=Rs26/m2 village roads under limited axle load
repitions and not for very heavy traffic.
It can be seen from the above cost analysis The plastic-cell filled pavements can
of types of pavement that PCCBP is the also be used as overlay over the
most economical as compared to the existing pavement surface.
conventional flexible and rigid pavement
considering the initial cost, maintenance REFERENCES
cost and life cycle cost. 1. Yendrembam Arunkumar Singh., A
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Volume 1 Issue 3

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Volume 1 Issue 3

12. Ansgar Emersleben, Norbert Meyer 14. Shahbaz Khan, M.N.Nagabhushana

The Use Of Geocells In Road Rutting in Flexible Pavement: An
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