Chief Information Officer

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Role Description

Chief Information Officer

Classification/Grade/Band Band 2
Work Contribution Stream: Professional/Specialist
Senior Executive Work Level Standards
ANZSCO Code 135111
PCAT Code 1226892
Date of Approval 28 February 2014

Primary purpose of the role

The Chief Information Officer develops organisationally aligned ICT strategies to enable the business to
achieve strategic and operational goals, and leads the organisations ICT capability to maximise returns
from ICT investments to improve operational effectiveness.

Key accountabilities
Provide vision, leadership and governance of the ICT strategy and architecture, ensuring alignment with
the NSW Government ICT Strategy and industry practice
Manage the provision of secure and stable ICT services to support business outcomes through effective
risk management strategies
Identify and evaluate opportunities for business-led innovation and development to deliver ICT solutions
that meet internal and external customer needs
Create and maintain highly professional, customer oriented, innovative and future-focused ICT
capability within the cluster
Develop, implement and maintain best practice change, people and financial management strategies and
Establish and maintain value-based stakeholder and strategic supplier relationships which meet business

Key challenges
Engage and influence decision makers to align ICT investment with business objectives
Maintain currency with industry best practice to ensure ICT solutions are fit for purpose

Key relationships
Who Why

Executive Provide expert strategic ICT advice to influence decisions regarding the
business initiatives, including innovation, change and business
Build strategic relationships and persuade executive to adopt strategies
where there are conflicting business interests and opinions

Who Why

Work team Inspire and motivate team, provide direction and manage performance


Vendors/service providers Negotiate and approve contracts and service agreements

Capabilities for the role

The NSW Public Sector Capability Framework applies to all NSW public sector employees. The Capability
Framework is available at
This role also utilises an occupation specific capability set which contains information from the Skills
Framework for the Information Age (SFIA). The capability set is available at
Capability summary
Below is the full list of capabilities and the level required for this role. The capabilities in bold are the focus
capabilities for this role. Refer to the next section for further information about the focus capabilities.

NSW Public Sector Capability Framework

Capability Group Capability Name Level
Display Resilience and Courage Advanced
Act with Integrity Advanced
Manage Self Advanced
Value Diversity Adept

Communicate Effectively Highly Advanced

Commit to Customer Service Advanced
Work Collaboratively Advanced
Influence and Negotiate Advanced
Deliver Results Advanced
Plan and Prioritise Advanced
Think and Solve Problems Advanced
Demonstrate Accountability Advanced
Finance Advanced
Technology Highly Advanced
Procurement and Contract Management Advanced
Project Management Advanced

Role Description Chief Information Officer 2

NSW Public Sector Capability Framework
Capability Group Capability Name Level
Manage and Develop People Advanced
Inspire Direction and Purpose Advanced
Optimise Business Outcomes Adept
Manage Reform and Change Advanced

Occupation / profession specific capabilities

Capability Set Category, Sub-category and Skill Level and Code
Strategy & Architecture - Information Strategy Level 7 - GOVN
IT Governance
Strategy & Architecture - Information Strategy Level 7- IRMG
Information Management
Strategy & Architecture - Advice & Guidance Level 7- CNSL
Strategy & Architecture - Business Strategy & Planning Level 7 - STPL
Enterprise & Business Architecture
Service Management - Service Strategy Level 7 - ITMG
IT Management

Focus capabilities
The focus capabilities for the role are the capabilities in which occupants must demonstrate immediate
competence. The behavioural indicators provide examples of the types of behaviours that would be expected
at that level and should be reviewed in conjunction with the roles key accountabilities.

NSW Public Sector Capability Framework

Group and Capability Level Behavioural Indicators
Personal Attributes Advanced Model the highest standards of ethical behaviour and reinforce them
Act with Integrity in others
Represent the organisation in an honest, ethical and professional
way and set an example for others to follow
Ensure that others have a working understanding of the legislation
and policy framework within which they operate
Promote a culture of integrity and professionalism within the
organisation and in dealings external to government
Monitor ethical practices, standards and systems and reinforce their
Act on reported breaches of rules, policies and guidelines
Relationships Advanced Promote a culture of quality customer service in the organisation
Commit to Customer Initiate and develop partnerships with customers to define and
Service evaluate service performance outcomes
Promote and manage alliances within the organisation and across
the public, private and community sectors
Liaise with senior stakeholders on key issues and provide expert

Role Description Chief Information Officer 3

NSW Public Sector Capability Framework
Group and Capability Level Behavioural Indicators
and influential advice
Identify and incorporate the interests and needs of customers in
business process design
Ensure that the organisation's systems, processes, policies and
programs respond to customer needs
Results Advanced Drive a culture of achievement and acknowledge input of others
Deliver Results Investigate and create opportunities to enhance the achievement of
organisational objectives
Make sure others understand that on-time and on-budget results
are required and how overall success is defined
Control output of business unit to ensure government outcomes are
achieved within budget
Progress organisational priorities and ensure effective acquisition
and use of resources
Seek and apply the expertise of key individuals to achieve
organisational outcomes
Business Enablers Advanced Apply a thorough understanding of recurrent and capital financial
Finance terminology, policies and processes to planning, forecasting and
budget preparation and management
Identify and analyse trends, review data and evaluate business
options to ensure business cases are financially sound
Assess relative cost benefits of direct provision or purchase of
Understand and promote the role of sound financial management
and its impact on organisational effectiveness
Involve specialist financial advice in review and evaluation of
systems and processes used to identify opportunities for
Respond to financial and risk management audit outcomes,
addressing areas of non-compliance
People Management Advanced Clarify purpose and benefits of continuous improvement for staff
Manage Reform and and provide coaching and leadership in times of uncertainty
Change Assist others to address emerging challenges and risks and
generate support for change initiatives
Translate change initiatives into practical strategies and explain
these to staff and their role in implementing them
Implement structured change management processes to identify
and develop responses to cultural barriers

Role Description Chief Information Officer 4

Occupation specific capability set (Skills Framework for the Information Age SFIA)
Category and Level and Code Level Descriptions

Strategy & Architecture Level 7 IT GOVERNANCE (GOVN) - Leads development and communication
Information Strategy GOVN of the organisation's policies for corporate governance of information.
Contributes to strategic plans for IT, which satisfy the current and
ongoing needs of the organisations business strategy, and the current
and future capabilities of IT. Promotes clear decision making, leading
to valid reasons for IT acquisitions. Monitors provision of IT services,
levels of service and service quality. Assures that the organisation's
business processes are compliant with relevant legislation, and that the
organisation operates according to the principles embedded in relevant
standards. Promotes IT policies, practices and decisions which
recognise the current and evolving needs of all the stakeholders

Strategy & Architecture Level 7 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (IRMG) Specifies at a strategic

Information Strategy IRMG level the business functions and data subjects needed to support future
business, thereby enabling the development of an Information
Architecture. Establishes and communicates the organisation's
information management strategy, developing it as an integrated part
of the business strategy. Directs information resources, to create value
for the stakeholders by improving the performance of the organisation,
whilst maintaining the principles of professional standards,
accountability, openness, equality and diversity and clarity of purpose.
Responsible for compliance with regulations, standards and codes of
good practice relating to information and documentation, records
management, information assurance and data protection

Strategy & Architecture Level 7 ENTERPRISE & BUSINESS ARCHITECTURE (STPL) Directs the
Business Strategy & STPL creation and review of an enterprise capability strategy to support the
Planning strategic requirements of the business. Identifies the business benefits
of alternative strategies
Directs development of enterprise-wide architecture and processes
which ensure that the strategic application of change is embedded in
the management of the organisation. Ensures compliance between
business strategies, enterprise transformation activities and technology
directions, setting strategies, policies, standards and practices

Role Description Chief Information Officer 5

Occupation specific capability set (Skills Framework for the Information Age SFIA)
Category and Level and Code Level Descriptions

Service Management Level 7 IT MANAGEMENT (ITMG) Sets strategy for management of

Service Strategy ITMG resources, including corporate telecommunications functions, and
promotes the opportunities that technology presents to the employing
organisation, including the feasibility of change and its likely impact
upon the business. Authorises allocation of resources for the planning,
development and delivery of all information systems services and
products. Responsible for IT governance. Authorises organisational
policies governing the conduct of management of change initiatives
and standards of professional conduct. Maintains an overview of the
contribution of programmes to organisational success. Inspires
creativity and flexibility in the management and application of IT. Sets
strategy for monitoring and managing the performance of IT-related
systems and services, in respect of their contribution to business
performance and benefits to the business

Role Description Chief Information Officer 6

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