Ocean Engineering
Ocean Engineering
Ocean Engineering
Ocean Engineering
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Sea state conditions for marine structures' analysis and model tests
Elzbieta M. Bitner-Gregersen a,n, Sheng Dong b, Thomas Fu c, Ning Ma d,
Christophe Maisondieu e, Ryuji Miyake f, Igor Rychlik g
DNV GL Strategic Research and Innovation, 1322 Hvik, Norway
Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China
Ofce of Naval Research, Arlington, VA, USA
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Ifremer, Brest, France
ClassNK, Tokyo, Japan
Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology, 41296 Gothenburg, Sweden
art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The study reviews, based on the state-of-the-art ndings, some uncertainties associated with wave data
Received 11 August 2015 and models currently used in design and operation procedures of ship and offshore structures. Although
Received in revised form the same basic principles prevail for hydrodynamic loads on ships and offshore structures, actual pro-
4 March 2016
blems and methods for assessing these loads in the design and operation stage are not the same. Dif-
Accepted 16 March 2016
ferent wave data and models are used for specifying design and operational criteria for these two types
Available online 8 April 2016
of platforms and different uncertainties are related to them. Wave data and models used to dene sea
Keywords: state characteristics are discussed and particular attention is given to the associated sources of un-
Uncertainties certainties. Some weaknesses of wave input used in design and operational procedures for marine
Wave data and models
structures are pointed out. Focus is also given on uncertainties related to model tests as tank testing is an
Design and operations of marine structures
important supporting tool for design and operation. Impact of some selected uncertainties on wave
description and wave loads is demonstrated by examples.
& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Engineering, Hirdaris (2014). It was found that the joint workshop
was mutually benecial for many common interests of academia
Enhancing safety at sea through quantication of uncertainties and the marine industry. Through the 1st Joint Workshop and
associated with wave description has been increasing within the discussion afterward, the structural loads on ships and offshore
shipping and offshore industries in the last decades, although the structures in waves was chosen as the topic of the 2nd Joint ITTC-
shipping industry has tended to lag behind the offshore industry. ISSC Workshop organized by ITTC Sea Keeping Committee which
This trend has also been recognised by the ISSC (International Ship took place on 30 August 2014 in Copenhagen. The workshop fo-
and Offshore Structures Congress) Committees I.1 Environment for cused on the wave-induced motions and structural loads on ships
some time and received special attention by the 2009, 2012 and and offshore structures, including a computational benchmark test
2015 Committees I.1 (see ISSC (2009, 2012, 2015)). for a large modern ship. The ndings which addressed wave de-
Today the demand for closer cooperation between metocean, scription presented at this workshop are reported herein.
hydrodynamic and structural groups is very high in marine en- Description of marine environment forcing conditions includes
waves, wind, current, sea water level and ice. For waves a sea state
gineering, and led to the initiation of the 1st Joint Workshop
is commonly dened by integrated wave parameters, such as
UMSOS (Uncertainty Modelling for Ships and Offshore Structures)
signicant wave height and wave period, wave spectra and/or
on uncertainty associated with assessment of ship and offshore
distributions of individual wave parameters (e.g. a distribution of
structures organised by ISSC I.1 and I.2 Committees and the ITTC
wave crest). Characteristics of a sea state are region and location
(International Towing Tank Conference) Sea Keeping and Ocean
dependent and for a limited period of time they vary in a sta-
Engineering Committees in Rostock, 8 September 2012. A Special
tionary way. They represent an important input to specication of
Issue with papers from this workshop was published in Ocean design and operational criteria of ships and offshore structures as
well as for the denition of model testing programs in tanks.
Corresponding author. Many marine structures' loads are waves dominated therefore
E-mail address: [email protected] (E.M. Bitner-Gregersen). wave description and uncertainties associated play a central role in
0029-8018/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
310 E.M. Bitner-Gregersen et al. / Ocean Engineering 119 (2016) 309322
the assessment of loads and responses of marine structures as well uncertainty by appropriate means.
as in model testing, and is also given focus herein. Although the Statistical uncertainty (sampling variability) is mostly related to
same basic principles prevail for hydrodynamic loads on ships and the quality and consistency of the analysed data sample. It is for
offshore structures, actual problems and methods for assessing instance due to a limited number of observations of a quantity, to
these loads in the design and operational stage are not the same. the existence of regions or time periods with missing data, or
Different wave data and models are used for dening design and other sampling biases.
operational criteria for these two types of structures and different Model uncertainty is due to imperfections and idealisations
uncertainties are related to them. Model tests represent an im- made in physical process formulations implemented in the models
portant supporting tool for marine structures' design and opera- as well as in choices of probability distribution types and tting
tions and for specication of model uncertainty. Wave input used techniques applied for estimation of distribution parameters (e.g.
in laboratory experiments will signicantly inuence loads and the least squared methods, the maximum likelihood method, the
motions of marine structures being tested. method of moments). Several errors can contribute to model un-
The present paper gives an overview of wave data and models certainty. Errors can be dened as the ratio between the true
dening sea states used currently for design and operations of ship quantity and the quantity as predicted by the model. A mean error
and offshore structures, and discusses associated uncertainties, value not equal to 1.0 expresses a bias whilst the standard devia-
viewing some of them in more details. The study is illustrated by tion expresses the variability of the predictions by the model.
selected examples and points out weaknesses of wave input ap- Experimental tests or the average values of recognised models (or
plied in assessment of loads and motions of marine structures. The weighted models) are often used as a reference value (the true
aim of these investigations is to bring further awareness within value).
the shipping and offshore industry to some of the uncertainties in Climatic uncertainty (or climatic variability) addresses the re-
wave description adopted in marine structures assessment, using presentativeness of a measured or simulated metocean variable
the state-of-the-art ndings. history for the future time period in the area for which design or
The study does not cover smaller crafts and marine renewable operational conditions need to be provided. The climate un-
energy structures as they were not addressed by the 2nd Joint certainty is due to the natural variability of met-ocean climate and
ITTC-ISSC Workshop, however, uncertainties associated with me- anthropogenic climate change, and can be regarded as a model
tocean description presented herein apply also to these types of uncertainty.
structures. Environmental description will be affected by all types of
The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 is dedicated to epistemic uncertainties but to a different degree depending on
denitions of uncertainties; Section 3 shows how the sea states data and models applied. Quantication of uncertainty of a con-
characteristics are established and discusses each step of this sidered quantity requires estimation of a systematic error (bias)
process. Uncertainties associated with wave data are addressed in and precision (random error), see Bitner-Gregersen and Hagen
Section 4 while in Section 5 assessment of sea state characteristics (1990). It is not an easy task because the true value , say, is usually
is given. Section 6 is dedicated to wave description in a sea state, unknown and needs to be assumed. Sparse literature system-
Section 7 to model tests and in Section 8 models used in design atically quantifying uncertainties can be found, although many
and operational procedures of marine structures are discussed. efforts have been made in comparing different environmental data
The paper closes with conclusions, recommendations and sources and models world-wide.
based on the analysis of long duration time series of wave data. To height and zero-crossing wave period. The data does not include
establish such a long-term statistical description of sea states, vi- any information about wave spectra. The use of visual observa-
sual observations, wave measurements (in-situ, remote sensing) tions requires an appropriate calibration versus accurate mea-
and hindcast datasets can be used. For a limited period of time and surements of the wave characteristics. BMT (1986) compared the
in a particular geographical region wave conditions vary in a sta- GWS marginal distributions for wave heights and wave periods
tionary way. In design it is commonly assumed that a sea state with instrumental Shipborne Wave Recorder and National Oceanic
remains stationary for 36 h. However, in coastal areas where and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) buoy data for different
wave-current interaction cannot be neglected and for the design of locations and concluded that the wave heights and periods for
marine energy converters, strongly affected by sea states varia- which statistics were given corresponded to measured values.
bility, a one-hour time step becomes a standard. However, the accuracy of the GWS data has been questioned in the
These long-term statistics can be used both for fatigue aging literature since the 1990s, especially concerning the wave period
analysis and for extrapolation of extreme values over a given re- as discussed, e.g. by Wing and Johnson (2010), Bitner-Gregersen
turn period not only for structural design exposed to unrestricted et al. (2014b, 2014d). Note also that the GWS Atlas was published
weather conditions but also for design criteria for structural parts in 1986 thus the last 30 years, when many severe storms occurred,
exposed to weather restricted conditions, such as e.g. for LNG is missing.
terminals criteria for the connecting mooring lines and fenders;
see Hagen et al. (2015). When planning and carrying out marine 4.2. In-situ measurements
operations both a threshold for signicant wave height (and/or
associated metocean parameters) and a required weather window Wave buoys, wave staff, radars, lasers, LASAR (an array of la-
represent important characteristics which are derived from long- sers) and step gauge remain the most widely used devices for in-
term statistics (Bitner-Gregersen, 2015). situ measurements. Also use of Lidar observations and satellite
Long-term statistics provide also input to description of wave data is growing in engineering applications. Wave data are af-
conditions in a sea state and to model tests, which are supporting fected by measurement, statistical (sampling variability) and
design and operation process of marine structures, as illustrated in model uncertainties Bitner-Gregersen et al. (2014a, 2014b) which
the owchart shown in Fig. 1. Each step in the owchart is affected are not fully quantied today. A question getting increasing at-
by associated uncertainties and the relevant ones need to be ac- tention in the last years is: Are these in-situ measurements actu-
counted for in assessment of marine structures loads and motions ally ground truth? This question was also raised during the 13th
to obtain satisfactory results. International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting and
4th Coastal Hazards Workshop which took place in Banff, Canada
(Jensen et al., 2013), but a nal answer still does not exist.
Specic issues for the most common wave measurement sys-
4. Uncertainties related to datasets
tems include:
4.1. Visual observations
Buoy Signicant wave height Hs is mainly derived from the
vertical motion of the wave buoys and uncertainties are related
Visual observations of waves collected from ships in normal
to the actual ability of the oat to accurately follow the free
service and summarized in the British Maritime Technology Global
surface, especially in steep waves when non-linear effects are
Wave Statistics (GWS) atlas (BMT, 1986) are used by the maritime
present and coupling with the mooring line may alter buoys
industry. The atlas includes scatter tables of signicant wave
dynamics (the buoy may "cut" the top of the wave off). When
considering buoys equipped with accelerometers, ltering in-
duced by the signal processing may also induce linearization of
the response. Major uncertainties are related to the estimation
of wave direction and directional spreading. Uncertainties as-
sociated with the various methods proposed for the estimation
of the directional distribution function are not well known and
still to be investigated. Whilst they likely get the dominant wave
direction, they will tend to smear energy in a given frequency
band if there are multiple systems that propagate at similar
headings. Accuracy on directions estimate is dependent on the
number of degrees of freedom and on the methods used to
derive the 2D spectrum. Three DOF buoys have difculty re-
solving directional wave energy due to the poor directional
resolution. Additionally, methods used for re-composition of the
directional function (Kahma et al., 2005), (Saulnier et al., 2011)
may induce alterations of the directional distributions. Para-
metric methods, introducing functions such as cos2s will impose
a particular shape to the distribution whilst the use of statistical
methods such as the Maximum Entropy Methods (MEM)
(Krogstad et al., 2004), (Benoit et al., 1997) may introduce
articial secondary peaks. It needs to be noted that some non-
linearities that would appear in an Eulerian frame of reference
are not seen in the Lagrangian one of a buoy (Prevosto et al.,
2000). For random Lagrange waves see also Lindgren and Pre-
vosto (2015).
X-Band Radar The dominant source of uncertainty for these
Fig. 1. Flowchart showing how sea state characteristics are specied. systems comes from the calibration. If there is an assumed
312 E.M. Bitner-Gregersen et al. / Ocean Engineering 119 (2016) 309322
Fig. 3. High frequency (HF) radar systems measure the speed and direction of
ocean surface currents in near real time.
sea states in-situ measurement data. Ability of wave models to generate high quality hindcast da-
tasets has largely improved over the last decade, thanks to new
Altimeters Apart from errors possibly induced by data pro- developments in both parameterization, introducing more con-
cessing and noise reduction, uncertainty on signicant wave sistent description of the physics based on observations, and nu-
height Hs derived from altimeters measurement is related to the merical choices (Roland and Ardhuin, 2014). Hindcast data quality
calibration process against buoys and inter-calibrations be- is usually validated against in-situ or remote sensing data (Bou-
tween sensors embarked on-board the various successive mis- diere et al., 2013) and generally only signicant wave height and
sions (Queffeulou, 2013). However, signicant wave height peak or mean period and peak or mean direction are considered,
derived from altimeter data is usually considered of good assessing standard metric errors such as mean bias, centered root
quality and is also used for calibration/validation of hindcast mean square error (CRMSE) and scatter index (S.I.). It should be
models. noted that such validation conducted on the sole global para-
SAR - Mainly because of their low cut-off frequency, Synthetic meters do not provide a full validation of the data as it does not
Aperture Radars are no good candidates for assessment of the account for the quality and accuracy of the spectral and directional
signicant wave height, especially when considering wind-sea distribution of the wave energy, which is also of prime importance
dominated or complex sea-states. However information they for design and fatigue studies, especially when considering areas
provide on spectral and directional characteristics of swells may and sites where complex sea states propagate. Such lack of vali-
be of interest, for instance for local in-situ datasets validation dation on the spectral and directional distribution of the energy
(Collard et al., 2005). certainly represents a major source of uncertainty and standard
validation methods are yet to be dened.
Accuracy of satellite data is discussed in details by ISSC (2009). Global parameters bias correction can be easily performed,
Remote sensing, apart from providing important metocean introducing a mean off-set. However, such a corrected hindcast
characteristics, has the ability to offer assessment of wave trains even though unbiased on average still can be corrupted by other
propagation across oceanic basins (see e.g. Young et al. (2013)). As types of errors, which may introduce a bias in the estimated return
the coverage offered by satellite altimeters and space-borne Syn- values of extreme sea states.
thetic Aperture Radars is still sparse and spectrally limited utili- In the extra-tropics these hindcasts can be expected to provide
zation of multiple mission satellite observations is strongly en- good estimates of wave climate, especially for the highest waves,
couraged. Further, investigations aiming at providing satellite whereas ship observations of the highest waves are notoriously
wave products for users need to continue as satellite observations unreliable, and may be subject to some fair-weather bias. Hindcast
represent large potential for the marine industry. models are somewhat less reliable in the tropics, however tropical
storms waves are identied as less extreme and usually do not
4.4. Hindcast data dene the design criteria for a sailing ship. However they will
affect offshore structural design.
Numerical wave models used for forecasting or building hind- Apart from assumptions adopted in the formulations describ-
cast data bases are under constant evolution, see e.g. ISSC (2012, ing the physics, quality of wave model hindcasts can be affected by
2015). The WAM model and the WAVEWATCH-III model are the the model resolution, in both space and time. A coarse resolution
most generalized and tested wave prediction models used for both of a wave model may give up to a few meters lower signicant
hindcasting and forecasting purposes in deep water. Although wave height (Hm0) extremes than a high resolution. Fig. 5 shows
both WAM and WAVEWATCH-III are 3rd generation (3G) wave the distribution of Hm0 in one location in the North Atlantic ob-
models, they now differ in a number of physical and numerical tained from the ERA-Interim database Fig. 5a having a resolution
aspects and may give different predictions. This is an indication of ca. 80 km 80 km (data are sampled every 6 h) and the NORA10
that a single best solution has not yet been accepted, Cavaleri database Fig. 5b having a resolution of 10 km 10 km (data are
et al. (2007). In shallow water the code SWAN is commonly sampled every 3 h). The data from one North Atlantic location
utilized. have been tted by a 3-parameter Weibull distribution. The
Fig. 5. Empirical and tted distributions of Hm0 for total sea in the North Atlantic location. a) ERA-Interim data; b) NORA10 data.
314 E.M. Bitner-Gregersen et al. / Ocean Engineering 119 (2016) 309322
estimated from the t 100-year extreme is, Hm0 19.5 m for the and Longuet-Higgins (1956)).
NORA10 data and Hm0 E16.5 m for the ERA-interim data. Further, Additionally, whenever observations of the ocean wave en-
high resolution of wave model may give up to 40% higher wave vironment are made, the questions of stationarity and ergodicity
steepness compared to the coarse resolution, Bitner-Gregersen need to be addressed.
and Toffoli (2015). Variability of the integrated wave parameters in time are ap-
Finally, quality of the forcing elds used as input when running proximated by long-distributions from which return period ex-
the wave models represents another source of uncertainties. For tremes are estimated. These return period estimates will be af-
instance, it was shown (Ardhuin et al., 2012) that including cur- fected by data uncertainty, model uncertainty (due to an adopted
rents in a wave model could result in error reductions by up to 30% distribution and procedure for tting distribution parameters,
on the evolution of the signicant wave height; even at locations climate uncertainty associated with the number of years con-
where currents are relatively weak but which are located down- sidered) and statistical uncertainty, if the number of data is lim-
wave of strong current gradients that cause large refraction effects. ited. Denition of sea states hazardousness clearly depends on the
Quality of wind forcing elds may also vary in time and regional particular application, e.g. steep sea states are dangerous for cap-
biases have been reported (Rascle and Ardhuin, 2013; Chawla sizing of small vessels, they are also critical for parametric roll.
et al., 2013). Additionally, validation of the wind highest speed Research efforts regarding rening models and estimation
range is usually considered less reliable. procedures of the long-term sea description continues, given
However, wave hindcast datasets, offering long time series of particular focus to the associated uncertainties; see e.g. ISSC (2009,
global parameters and complete spectral information on rened 2012, 2015). Effects associated with the variability of the prob-
grids at global and regional scales are considered the choice data ability of extremes as a function of season and of direction as well
sets for development of design and operation criteria of marine as in space have been pointed out recently, Feld et al. (2014), Jo-
structures, providing that prior validation against in-situ and sa- nathan et al. (2014) and Ewans and Jonathan (2014). There are
tellite data has been properly conducted. Uncertainties involved in statistically signicant differences between return values for dif-
hindcasts need to be in focus in engineering applications and ferent directions and seasons and they vary in space. In Mao and
carefully considered on a case by case basis. Rychlik (2012) the spatio-temporal model of signicant wave
Due to development of computers wave frequency-directional height due to Baxevani et al. (2008) combined with a transformed
spectra have started to be archived by some met-ofces opening Gaussian model was used to estimate extreme ship response when
new possibilities for environmental modelling as well as design sailing on a North Atlantic route.
and marine operations. Utilization of this information by the Implementation of seasonality, spatial and non-stationary sta-
marine industry is strongly recommended. For instance, when tistics in design needs still further investigations and attention to
investigating the response of an offshore structure, spectral these effects should be given.
hindcast databases, composed of time series of wave spectra, When developing design and operational criteria for ships and
whenever available, should be used preferably to sets of spectra offshore structures joint long-term models of signicant wave
built from analytical formulations such as JONSWAP (Hasselman height and wave period are often used for calculation of return
et al., 1973), because of the inability of such theoretical unimodal values. They are particularly required for a level III reliability
forms, characterized by a single set of three global parameters, to analysis (Madsen et al., 1986). Utilisation of a joint t for fatigue
correctly account for the spectral distribution of the wave energy calculations is shown by Olagnon and Gud (2010).
in the case of complex sea-states (Maisondieu and Le Boulluec, A review of joint long-term probabilities can be found in Bit-
2015). ner-Gregersen (2012, 2015). Various joint ts to wave data can be
found in the literature. Some of them utilise complete probabilistic
information obtained from simultaneous observations of the en-
5. Assessment of sea state characteristics vironmental variables as e.g., the Conditional Modelling Approach
(CMA), e.g. Bitner-Gregersen (2012). If the available information
Whether the dataset used for long-term assessment was ob- about the simultaneously occurring variables is limited to the
tained from in-situ measurement, remote sensing, hindcast model marginal distributions and the mutual correlation, then, as shown
or visual observations, additional uncertainty can raise from the by Der Kiureghian and Liu (1986), the Nataf (1962) model can be
methods used for estimation of the global parameters. used. The Nataf model should be used with care because it can
Signicant wave height Hs and spectral (or zero-crossing) wave give biased results, Bitner-Gregersen and Hagen (1999). Further,
period Tp (Tz) represent important parameters for design and op- joint ts may utilise all data from long series of regular observa-
erations of ships and offshore structures. They are used for vali- tions, or be based on the observations over some threshold level
dation of wave models, wave climate studies and calculations of (e.g. POT data). The global approach includes correlation among
extremes, as well as for weather forecasting purposes. Whether observations which in the event model maybe nearly in-
signicant wave height Hs is determined, using directly wave-by- dependent. For locations when two or more wave systems (wind
wave statistics of surface elevation time series (H1/3), 4*standard sea and swell or several swells) are present joint probabilities need
deviation (std) of the free surface time series or via calculation of to account for it not to obtain biased results, as suggested e.g. by
the zeroth moment of the spectrum (M0), the statistical un- Olagnon and Gud (2010), Kpogo-Nuwoklo et al. (2014) and Bit-
certainty that should be accounted for is present (Bitner-Gregersen ner-Gregersen (2012). Olagnon and Gud (2010) show how to
and Hagen, 1990; Bitner-Gregersen and Magnusson, 2014). Also Hs model several swell components. Modelling of two or more wave
computed via 4*std or by 4*sqrt(M0) would not necessarily be systems and specication of uncertainties related to different ap-
equal due to windowing/overlapping of segments during calcula- proaches still need further research.
tion of the spectrum and will depend on the spectrum adopted Recently attention has been given to the use of multivariate
(e.g. an empirical, the JONSWAP, 1973, or Pierson-Moskowitz copulas in establishment of joint probabilities, e.g. Tao et al.
(1964)). Each measuring system has a specic frequency band- (2013a, 2013b), and a bivariate equivalent maximum entropy
width it is able to measure, and no single system can measure the distribution (Dong et al., 2013a, 2013b, 2013c). Note that copula
entire wave spectrum. Further, Hs computed via 4*std of surface models do not utilize the complete probabilistic information ob-
elevation is only equal to the one calculated via 4*sqrt(M0) if the tained from simultaneous observations. A systemic comparison of
sea surface is a narrow-banded Gaussian process (see Cartwright approaches applied today for description of joint probabilities,
E.M. Bitner-Gregersen et al. / Ocean Engineering 119 (2016) 309322 315
including copulas models, using data from several ocean regions is wave amplitude and water depth). For intermediate water depths
still lacking and needs attention. the 2nd order shallow water theory is applicable whilst in deep
SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radars) images and hindcasts provide water the 2nd order deep water theory may be applied. Higher
wave spectra. Wave spectra can also be derived from in-situ order theories are needed for extraordinarily steep sea states to
measurements. SAR spectra do not include waves with a wave capture abnormal waves, also called freak or rogue waves. An
period shorter than about 10 to 11 seconds therefore are primarily example of an abnormal wave, being much higher and steeper
applicable for description of swell. Wave hindcast spectra include than the surrounding waves in the record, is shown in Fig. 6.
both wind-sea and swell components but an adopted procedure Extreme and rogue waves have been studied extensively in the
for partitioning wind-sea and swell in the wave spectra will affect past two decades, for a review see e.g. ISSC (2012, 2015). The in-
integrated parameters derived from them such as Hm0 and Tp/Tz for vestigations have been conducted theoretically, numerically, ex-
wind sea and swell, which eventually will impact return values perimentally and based on eld data. The occurrence of rogue
(Bitner-Gregersen, 2015). Empirical formulations of wave spectra waves, their generation mechanism, and detailed dynamic prop-
are used extensively in offshore engineering such as modied erties are now becoming clear. Three important review publica-
versions of the Pierson-Moskowitz, PM, (1964) spectrum and the tions have been issued recently: Dysthe et al. (2008), Kharif et al.
JONSWAP spectrum (Hasselman et al., 1973) for unimodal condi- (2009) and Osborne (2010, 2013), gathering signicant ndings
tions (one wave system), and the Ochi-Hubble (1976) and Tor- within the eld of extreme and rogue waves. The recent state-of-
sethaugen (1993, 1996) spectrum for bimodal sea states (DNV, the-art review on mechanisms responsible for generating these
2014). The two peak spectrum due to Guedes Soares (1984) can waves can be found in Onorato et al. (2013); see also Bitner-Gre-
also be used. The maritime industry has traditionally used the PM gersen et al. (2014c). For detail studies of some mechanisms gen-
spectrum (IACS, 2000) although recently the JONSWAP spectrum erating these waves see, e.g. Onorato et al. (2006a, 2006b), Hu
and a double peak spectrum have been applied, particularly for et al. (2010), Hu and Ma (2010, 2011), Cavaleri et al. (2012), Ma
evaluation of ship operational criteria. There is still uncertainty et al. (2013), Bitner-Gregersen and Toffoli (2014). These mechan-
about the form of the decay in the high frequency tail the isms can be classied as follows: linear Fourier superposition
(modied) PM and JONSWAP formulae have an f -5 tail decay, (frequency or angular linear focussing), wavecurrent interactions,
while eld data and the theory show an f -4 tail decay, Philips crossing seas, quasi-resonance nonlinear interactions (modula-
(1958, 1985), Kitaigorodskii (1983). As shown by Torsethaugen tional instability), shallow water effects and wind.
(1996) based on an analysis of eld data the high frequency tail of As demonstrated in the EC EXTREME SEAS project (EXTREME
a wave spectrum is changing with signicant wave height, but the SEAS, 2013), the numerical codes used satisfactorily for the de-
topic still needs further investigations. Use of f -5 or f -4 may have scription of rogue waves include: NLS (NonLinear Schrdinger)
signicant consequences for marine structures loads and re- equation [2D, 3D], Dysthe model [2D, 3D], HOSM (High-Order
sponses if they are sensitive to the high frequency spectrum tail Spectral Method) [2D, 3D] and Conformal Method [2D]. These
(see e.g. Bitner-Gregersen et al. (1992)). codes have been applied and enhanced in EXTREME SEAS and
Firm conclusions regarding modelling of the swell spectrum validated with eld and laboratory data.
have not been reached yet. Recent investigations carried out have Further, several eld observations including rogue waves have
shown that the swell spectrum have a triangular or lognormal been recorded in the different parts of the oceans showing that
shape (Forristall et al., 2013). Sampling variability makes it difcult these waves can occur in low, intermediate and high sea states;
to distinguish between those shapes or JONSWAP or Gaussian e.g. Haver and Anderson (2000), Nikolkina and Didenkulova
forms suggested by other authors. (2012), Didenkulova et al. (2013), Magnusson and Donelan (2013),
Sea state characteristics provide input to short-term wave de- Waseda et al. (2009a, 2009b, 2011, 2014), Wang et al. (2013), and
scription (phase-resolving models, statistical distributions) and Christou and Ewans (2014).
model tests which are discussed in the following sections. Most attention has been given in the last decade to quasi-re-
sonance nonlinear interactions (modulational instability), one of
the mechanisms responsible for generating rogue waves in deep
6. Wave description in a sea state water which can be identied by the Benjamin Feir Index, BFI, (see
e.g. Onorato et al. (2006a, 2013)). However, Toffoli et al. (2013)
Wave models in deep and nite water depth describing short- showed, based on experimental observations supported by nu-
term variations of water surface in a sea state may be categorized merical simulations, that a carrier wave becomes modulationally
into the following classes: linear wave models, Boussinesq, Ka- unstable even for relative water depths kph o1.36 (with k the
domtsevPetviashvili (KP) and Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) models, wavenumber of the plane wave and h the water depth), when it is
second order wave models, and higher-order wave models. For perturbed by appropriate oblique disturbances.
extreme waves in extremely shallow water, the Boussinesq equa- In current design practice (see Section 5) the wave spectrum is
tion model (or KdV model, or its generalisation the KP equation) or traditionally assumed to be constant and is usually modelled in
its higher order extension is usually adopted with a relevant non- terms of frequency spectra such as Pierson-Moskowitz, JONSWAP,
dimensional number, say Ursell number (ratio of wavelength, Torsethaugen, or Ochi, with a unimodal directional energy
Fig. 6. The wave prole time series during the Andrea storm as measured by the laser within 20 min with 5 Hz sampling frequency at the Ekosk eld 9 November 2007,
after Magnusson and Donelan (2013).
316 E.M. Bitner-Gregersen et al. / Ocean Engineering 119 (2016) 309322
spreading function, such as cosN() (see e.g. DNV RP C-20014). tanks may be induced by the chosen discretization parameters,
However, numerical experiments and eld measurements have both the number of components and the frequency step (Mc
demonstrated that the wave spectrum evolves as a result of non- Combes et al., 2010a, 2010b). In the case of wave tanks equipped
linear effects. For example, a frequency spectrum may experience a with multi-directional wave-makers, reproducibility of directional
broadening, as well as a downshift, of the spectral peak as a result properties of the wave spectrum can also be limited in both mean
of modulational instability. In the directional space, it has been direction and spreading depending on the control methods
shown that that nonlinear interactions spread energy outwards (Schffer and Steenberg, 2003) and geometric dimensions of the
from the spectral peak along two characteristic directions, in wave tank itself.
qualitative agreement with a theoretical model proposed by As a matter of fact, the size of the basin maybe a limiting factor
Longuet-Higgins (1976). As a result, the directional distribution in the ability to reproduce realistic sea states as reections on the
develops a bimodal form as the wave eld evolves. These effects walls of the tank can never be totally avoided, yielding a strong
have also been found in numerical simulations of NLS equations limitation in the duration of the time series of waves to be gen-
(Dysthe et al., 2003) and by HOSM simulations (Toffoli et al. 2010). erated. Hence, one of the main issues when performing experi-
The bimodal shape of the directional distribution was also shown ments is the reduction of the sampling variability, the uncertainty
in eld data by Ewans (1998), and resulted in a bimodal dis- due to limited number of data.
tribution being proposed that is currently used in the design of Sampling variability is an epistemic uncertainty and can be
offshore structures. reduced contrarily to the intrinsic uncertainty on sea surface ele-
The presence of rogue waves has an impact on statistics of vation which is always present. For stationary meteorological
surface elevation and associated wave parameters such as wave conditions, due to randomness of sea surface, wave parameters
height and wave crest (Toffoli and Bitner-Gregersen, 2011) which derived from a wave record will depend on which part of the wave
are important wave characteristics for engineering applications. It record is used in the analysis as well as on the length of the wave
needs to be noted that the effect of modulational instability is record (Bitner-Gregersen and Hagen, 1990; Bitner-Gregersen and
gradually suppressed when the wave energy spreading increases Magnusson, 2014). An error introduced by the limited length of a
and the second order wave theory is adequate to describe the wave record is an epistemic uncertainty and can be reduced by
statistical behaviour of ocean waves up to a particular probability increasing duration of wave measurements/numerical simulations.
level; for the review see ISSC (2012). Ideally a wave record should be innite to eliminate sampling
In changing climate growth of storm activity (intensity, dura- variability. Numerical simulations of water surface represent a
tion and fetch) and changes of storm tracks in some ocean regions good support to eld and model tests as they allow reducing
may result in secondary effects such as increased frequency of sampling variability by increasing duration of simulations when
occurrence of rogue waves, see e.g. Bitner-Gregersen and Toffoli wave input is kept constant and intrinsic variability is accounted
(2014, 2015). for. This is more difcult in nature, where stationarity of sea states
It needs to be mentioned that there exist abnormal waves is an issue, and in model tests due to the costs associated with
created by the displacement of an atmospheric pressure front/ repeated model test runs.
anomaly at the shallow water called meteo-tsunamis (Monserrat Model tests need to be repeated a sufcient number of times to
et al., 2006; Haslett and Bryant, 2009). Small crafts seem to be reduce sampling variability otherwise biased results may be ob-
often hit by these waves. tained, no matter how accurate the instrumentation used in the
experiment, see Johnson (2004), Guo et al. (2013), Bitner-Gre-
gersen et al. (2014b) and Bitner-Gregersen and Magnusson (2014).
7. Model tests Inaccuracy introduced in test results due to the limited data can be
accounted for in load and response analysis in terms of distribu-
Wave tank testing has been used for many years as part of the tion functions or standard deviations. The bootstrapping technique
standard design procedure, for the purpose of both numerical can be used to establish these uncertainties.
models validation and characterization of the loading and dynamic It needs also to be mentioned that to reect intrinsic variability
response of marine structures. Model testing is classically con- of linear and nonlinear numerical simulations of surface elevation
ducted in wave tanks on models at reduced scale, in either har- as well as waves generated in model basins, wave models and
monic wave, so as to assess the frequency response of the struc- laboratory wave makers have to account for random amplitude
ture, in irregular waves with the objective of assessing the re- and phase of a wave eld. Further, modulational instability occur
sponse of the structure to conditions corresponding to real or re- typically after 1030 wave lengths from a wave maker thus the
presentative sea states, or considering high and steep waves or scale of model tests should be considered carefully to be able to
wave packets for assessment of response to waves with rare generate abnormal waves in a basin (Onorato et al., 2004).
occurrence. Introduction of very steep waves such as rogue waves in tank
The ability of reproducing actual sea states in a wave tank can testing procedures (see Fig. 3) is rather new, even though research
be somehow limited because of both the chosen scaling law and on that topic has been conducted for many years.
the intrinsic limitations of the basin and the wave generator it is Recently extensive laboratory tests of extreme and rogue waves
equipped with. Such limitations may induce alteration of the ac- have been carried out by two research projects, EC EXTREME SEAS
and ShorCresT JIP (continuation of the CresT JIP), and the EC-Hy-
tually reproduced sea states, hence uncertainties on the loads and
dralab IV program. Some tests of the EC-Hydralab IV program were
responses of the tested structure.
utilised by EXTREME SEAS.
When testing in waves and investigated loads are dominated
In EXTREME SEAS (20092013) model tests have been carried
by gravity forces, scaling is conducted according to Froude law:
U out in the tank of Technische Universitt Berlin (TUB) and the
Fr = so that, in order to respect similitude, time is reduced as
gL Spanish basin Canal de Experiencias Hidrodinamicas de El Pardo
E where E is the length scaling factor. Hence the bandwidth of (CEHIPAR). In addition the project utilized model tests data from
the reduced wave spectrum may be lying out of the bounds of the experiments carried out world-wide in which the project partners
wave maker's bandwidth, inducing a frequency cut-off, usually in had participated. The rst phase of the tests consisted of gen-
the high frequency tail of the generated wave spectrum. Additional erating the target deterministic wave sequences with inserted
limitations in the statistical description of wave spectra in wave extraordinarily large waves and irregular waves with rogue waves
E.M. Bitner-Gregersen et al. / Ocean Engineering 119 (2016) 309322 317
(unidirectional and with varying directional spreading). Mea- reached about probability of occurrence of rogue waves. Sig-
surements, apart from water surface, also included kinematic nicant uncertainties associated with climate change projections
characteristics of these waves. In the second phase of the model still remain and further research is needed to quantify them and to
tests ship behaviour in extreme and rogue waves have been stu- agree on an approach allowing accounting for them in design.
died. Four ships have been investigated by the project: the LNG Further, open access to eld wave data, including rogue waves, and
Tanker, Product/Chemical Tanker, Cruise Ship and Large Container more detailed information about wave conditions when marine
Ship. The ships were instrumented so as to measure motions and accidents occur in accident databases are also called for to con-
wave induced loads. Both extraordinary rogue waves: the Draup- clude about the probability of occurrence of rogue waves. How-
ner wave and the Andrea wave have been reproduced in the tank ever, both rogue waves and climate change are under discussion
testing, the Draupner wave in the TUB tank while the Andrea wave for possible implementation in the revised version of the Norwe-
(see Fig. 3) in the CEHIPAR basin. At the Technical University of gian standard NORSOK (2007). It is worth to mentioning that the
Berlin breather solutions of the Nonlinear Schrdinger (NLS) oil company STATOIL has already introduced an internal require-
equation have been successfully produced with help of the Uni- ment accounting in a simplied way for rogue waves, see ISSC
versity of Torino and used for the rst time in sea-keeping tests (2013, 2015).
Clauss et al. (2012), opening up new perspectives in the metho- Rogue waves will impact both local and global loads as well as
dology of examining offshore structures and ships against rogue fatigue damage. More investigations quantifying effects of these
waves. abnormal waves on loads, motions and fatigue damage are still
Model tests in the CresT (20092011) and ShortCresT (2011 needed.
2014) JIP projects have been carried out in the MARIN and Imperial Use of the CFD methodology in analysis of marine structures is
College basins and were addressing offshore structures. The increasing within the shipping and offshore industry requiring a
ShortCresT investigations included long crested and short crested proper description of sea states as well as extreme and very steep
waves (short crested waves at different scales) and frequency waves.
spectra of eld and basin waves. Buchner and Forristal (2012)
observed in ShortCresT that short crested basin waves and eld 8.2. Ships
waves showed very similar behaviour. The nal results of the
CresT (2011) project are summarized in Buchner et al. (2011) while The majority of ocean-going ships are currently designed so as
of the ShortCresT project in Hennig et al. (2015). The Crest and to withstand the North Atlantic wave environment, which is re-
ShortCresT investigations of nonlinear waves in the basin are garded as the most severe. It is interesting to note that recent
generally conrming the ndings of EXTREME SEAS (2013), wave investigations of global wind and wave conditions are conrming
directionality plays an important role in generation of rogue the latter, see Cardone and Cox (2011) and Cardone et al. (2014).
waves. Visual observations of waves collected from ships in normal
Some aspects of uncertainties related to model tests can also be service and summarized in the British Maritime Technology Global
found in Qiu et al. (2014). Wave Statistics (GWS) atlas (BMT, 1986) are used for ship design
and operations. The average wave climate of four ocean areas in
the North Atlantic, with some correction introduced due to in-
8. Design and marine operations accuracy of zero-crossing wave period Bitner-Gregersen et al.
(1995), is recommended by the International Association of Clas-
8.1. General sication Societies (IACS 2000) for ship design.
The visual BMT data represent a sufciently long observation
New designs and operational decisions must be assessed/made history to provide reliable global climatic statistics over most of
according to recognised codes and standards, on the denition of the global ocean. Observations of wave height, period, and direc-
which the responsible authority, perhaps a classication society or tion have been collected from ships in normal service all over the
the user himself, will depend. To achieve recognition, an en- world since 1949, and are made in accordance with guidance notes
vironment parameters climatology must be demonstrated to be from the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO, 2001; WMO,
robust and of adequate accuracy, and consequently such codes and 2003). These data include some bad weather avoidance as ships
standards may lag behind the state-of-the-art. Not only informa- tend to avoid sailing into storms; today many ships receive
tion about the state-of-the-art wave data and models is important weather forecast from meteorological ofces. Thus this database is
in this process but also about associated uncertainties. probably biased towards lower wave heights, see e.g. Bitner-Gre-
Ships experience varying wave climate during a sailing route. gersen et al., (2014d). As mentioned in Section 4.1 the GWS Atlas
Unlike ship structures, offshore structures normally operate at was published in 1986 and the missing last 30 years data seem to
xed locations and often represent a unique design. Therefore to have impact on extreme values of signicant wave height. The
although the same basic principles prevail for hydrodynamic loads 100-year Hs reported by Grigorieva and Gulev (2006) using visual
on ships and offshore structures, actual problems and methods for observations up to 2006 is beyond 1819 m in the North Atlantic,
assessing these loads in the design and operation stage are not the ca. 2 m higher compared to the value given by the IACS scatter
same. Additionally different wave data and models are used for diagram, but the results are affected by an approach adopted to
specifying design and operational criteria for these two types of calculate the Hs extremes. Further, the mean Hs is also higher.
structures. Apart from uncertainties associated with the GWS data dis-
A design process for marine structures requires a check for cussed in Section 4 and the missing last 30 years, the limitation of
ultimate loads but also for fatigue damage. Operational criteria these data is due to a lack of information about directional wave
include not only metocean criteria related to daily marine opera- spectrum, as pointed out by Wing and Johnson (2010), and Bitner-
tions but also specication of weather conditions for deployment Gregersen et al., 2014b). Wing and Johnson (2010) have shown
and installation of offshore structures. that wave directionality have quite an unpredictable effect on the
At present climate change and rogue waves are not explicitly long-term ship motions and loads.
included in classication societies' rules and offshore standards It needs to be mentioned that revision of the IACS scatter dia-
due to a lack of sufcient knowledge about uncertainties asso- gram is under discussion within the maritime industry.
ciated with climate change projections and a full consensus In the design process, international standards are followed to
318 E.M. Bitner-Gregersen et al. / Ocean Engineering 119 (2016) 309322
calculate ship structural strength and ship stability during extreme Torsethaugen
events with a return period of 20/25 years; the Ultimate Limit S(f)_p
State (ULS) check corresponding to the maximum load carrying S(f)_s
12 S(f)_tot
resistance. Checks in the Accidental Limit State, ALS, (corre- S(f)_meas
based on location specic metocean climate. Note that Floating The intention of the paper is to put again attention on un-
Production Storage and Ofoading (FPSO) systems are designed for certainties associated with wave description as this is an im-
the North Atlantic wave environment if location specic wave portant input to assessment of loads and motions and fatigue
climate cannot be proved more appropriate. damage of ships and offshore structures as well as to model test-
Offshore structures (including FPSOs) follow a different ap- ing. Several of these uncertainties still require further research and
proach to ship structures and are designed for the 100-year return are not fully quantied herein.
period (ULS). The Norwegian offshore standards, being now under Effects of some of these uncertainties on assessment of loads
updating, (NORSOK, 2007) take into account extreme severe wave and responses is demonstrated putting particular focus on very
conditions by requiring that a 10000-year wave does not endanger steep waves, their impact is signicant. To be able to account for
the structure integrity (ALS). very steep waves in assessment of loads and responses of ship and
2nd order irregular waves are currently applied by the offshore offshore structures enhancement of currently used wave-structure
industry when assessing structural loads and responses, see e.g. interaction codes is necessary. Further, development of a con-
Stansberg (2012). Both linear and second order wave models are sistent procedure for inclusion very steep waves in CFD calcula-
not able to capture very steep waves such as rogue waves. tions is called for.
The prediction of horizontal velocities underneath measured The present study is not addressing smaller crafts and marine
irregular wave surface elevations is of importance for assessment renewable energy structures as they were not a part of the scope
of loads on offshore structures and slamming problems. Birknes of the 2nd Joint ITTC-ISSC Workshop. However, the identied
et al. (2013) addressed the topic using a simple case of unidirec- uncertainties related to the metocean description apply also to
tional waves in deep water. The results from three commonly used these structures. Use of renewable energy sources, especially off-
methods for calculating the crest kinematics (two second order shore wind energy, is expected to increase in the future. The ob-
wave models and the Wheeler stretching, see DNV, 2014) are served trends in the development of new sensors and data ac-
compared with the model test results. All three methods show a quisition techniques for renewable energy sector is expected to
reasonable agreement with model tests although the second order continue. With the increase of offshore wind energy installations,
models are clearly superior to the Wheeler method. However, reliable forecasts of the order of hours or minutes are also be-
when wave breaking is present the second order model is ex- coming increasingly important since the complex electrical net-
pected to underestimate the kinematics at the very top of the crest works are sensitive to large uctuations, which may occur at the
and the velocities can exceed the phase velocity. To obtain sa- onset of a storm. In addition, more information on the wind prole
tisfactory prediction of wave kinematics higher order potential in the lower atmospheric layer is needed for the design and ana-
theorys solutions (e.g. HOSM, Toffoli et al., 2012) and CFD meth- lysis of these structures. Further, non-stationarity and non-
ods need still further exploration, particularly for very steep and homogeneity of the wind eld needs to be accounted for.
breaking waves. Awareness of importance of accounting for uncertainties as-
Very steep and breaking waves are getting growing attention in sociated with environmental description in risk assessment of
offshore industry because of their impact on loads and responses ship, offshore and renewable energy structures is continuously
of offshore platforms. They have been addressed by the CresT increasing within the marine and renewable energy industry. Al-
(Buchner et al., 2011) and ShortCresT (Hennig et al., 2015) projects, though several data, statistical and model uncertainties have been
and in MARINTEK. In MARINTEK combination in a consistent reported during the period of the ISSC 2015 Committee I.1 a sys-
manner of CFD and model tests has intensively been studied in the tematic investigation of them is still lacking.
last years, e.g. Pakozdi et al. (2012), Stansberg et al. (2012). Com-
monly, extreme random wave events identied from numerical
simulations or model tests are isolated and modelled by CFD, Acknowledgement
Stansberg et al. (2012), Hennig et al. (2015). This methodology is
under development and attention to it will grow in the future. The authors would like to express their thanks to the 2015
Uncertainties in long-term description of sea states (Hs) may Committee I.1 Liaison Prof. Carlos Guedes Soares for following the
have major impact on the quality of fatigue life predictions, Committee I.1. Particular thanks are addressed to Prof. Yonghwan
however uncertainty in the chosen power spectral densities is also Kim, the Chairman of ITTC Sea Keeping Committee for organiza-
of importance, Bengtsson et al. (2009). tion of the 2nd Joint ITTC-ISSC Workshop and for supporting the
There are several applications where development of more study. The Committee would like also thanks Prof. Pandeli Te-
complex descriptions of sea states is needed, e.g. distributions of marel, the Chairman of ISSC 2015 I.2 (Loads) Committee, and Prof.
length of calm periods (ofoading operations); prediction of time Qiu Wei, the Chairman of ITTC Ocean Engineering Committee, for
of occurrence of dangerous sea states, etc. For these applications valuable discussions and collaboration.
models of evolution of sea states are needed. In addition to
hindcasts and meteorological forecasts one may also use prob-
abilistic models employing correlations between sea-state para- References
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