E-School Android Application
E-School Android Application
E-School Android Application
Kavita Ashtankar
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
DMIETR, Wardha, India
From last decade due to the development of the technology an education system in India has become so advanced. Smart class,
video conferencing is some of the examples of modern trends in educational system. These applications help the institute to move
forward for quick growth, fulfill their vision and accomplish their goals, E-way. The core idea of research project is to implement
application based on android for attendance management system for advancement of institution and educational system We have
seen over the years that the process of manual attendance has been carried out in schools, colleges and institutions .Such monitoring
and maintenance of the student attendance using traditional approach is really a hectic process, because of using pen and paper.
The problem with this approach is that it requires lots of paper work that is the part of our non-renewable natural resources. We
are in the digitalization era where we have to think about sustainable development. We are developing the android application (e-
school) which provides an alternate way. E-school application record the attendance using android mobile phone, maintain the
attendance in database for easy and proper evaluation of attendance. Application also provide services like generating result,
maintaining the fees structure and sends the sms to parents because parent can only get the information about their ward after the
interaction with teachers and it is not possible to them to visit the school monthly. So, we tried to bring the system which enables
parent to receive the academic performance of their ward of regularity on daily or monthly basis.
Keywords: Android, Attendance, Database, Monitoring, SMS
21st century is known as the age of science and technology. Technology has given us almost everything. Because of technology
people have an easy way of life. It is rapidly growing to solve and to satisfy the human wants. Every aspect in the world is getting
modernized or automated leaving behind all the primitive methods. One of the primitive method of, management and maintenance
of student information is cumbersome task for any institution. The students academic information consists of monitoring their
performance and progress periodically which seems to be a huge workload on lecturers to handle and update on the progress of
subjects for the respective classes. The traditional way of attendance is, recording manually in a log book and then converting into
desktop application. Such system can be tedious process and may often lead to errors while generation reports. Apart from this,
sometimes the attendance sheets are lost, misplaced or information wrongly entered due to various reasons. But Now-a-days things
are done over just a click of your computer or mobile and so automated modern system in schools, colleges and other education
system is the need of the hour. Therefore initiative has been taken to develop and deploy such a system at educational level which
can reduce the manual work and to achieve more efficiency in managing students information and minimize the gap between
teachers and parents of the students.
In proposed plan we have design a system i.e. Student attendance system to keep track of attendance including marks and fees
structure for easy and proper evaluation of student information.
Project architecture is divided into two parts i.e. front end and back end. Front end is categorized in client side and server side,
while back end contains MySQL database. Client module is act as individual module while server side and database are combined
together to form server side interface.
Client Side
In system, Android based Application and its hardware part act as client. To use the application, a teacher will first need to install
the apk file on their Android device. Once the application is started, the teacher will need to log in onto the application by supplying
their user id and password. Upon a successful authentication, the user will then be redirected to another page that prompts them to
select the class and section. The list of students registered in the selected group will be downloaded into the Android device from
an online database server. Based on the downloaded list of students, the application can then be used to check student attendance
by calling one by one. Once attendance is completed, the updated attendance list can then be uploaded by the teachers back to the
online database server. Teachers also can enter the test marks through this android device.
Server Side
At the server side the MySQL database can be maintained. For the purpose of demonstration of this application, we have used the
WAMP server using phpMyAdmin service. Server will store the data in the database.
The online database plays an important role in the system as without it, the user authentication will fail along with the data
extraction process. The database is composed of a number of tables, which are used to store different groups of records required
to manage the student details including attendance, marks, report card. Basically there are four relational tables specifically named
as; groups, teachers, class and students. The lecturer table stores the staffs information such as the staff username,
password and name, while class table stores the details of available classes, sections. The online web server can be deployed on
a computer, which is connected to the Internet. To allow public access, the server should be configured with a public IP address.
This server will be receiving requests from the client applications that are running on the Android devices, which also require
Internet access, especially when downloading list of students from the server and when uploading updated attendance records.
Retrieval algorithm is used to find the class attendance, student details that satisfy information need from within large collections
of school management data (usually stored on computers). Information retrieval is a problem-oriented discipline, which concerned
with the problem of the efficient transfer of information between human generator and human user.
User module
The purpose of user module is to login a user who has already registered earlier so that he/she can take attendance. The login screen
asks two details from user that is username and password. Only when the lecturer enters the correct user-id and password a
successful login message will be displayed and he/she will be able to login. If user is not registered then they have to register
themselves first by using required data and able to take the attendance which directly upload to the server and hence it reduce the
pen paper work.
Attendances Entry Module
In attendances module the class teacher will take attendance everyday by swiping over a student name to mark him absent or
present. Here teacher needs to select the details such as class, section Attendances of students will maintain on monthly basis and
store in centralized server, further which will used to send attendance to the guardian/parent through sms service.
This project will help the teachers to reduce their workload by reducing the time and calculations required to update the attendance
manually. Students and their parents will also view the attendance, marks and any other details via SMS. This project reduces the
communication gap between teacher and parents by sending SMS to parents. The android application will mark the attendance,
enter the marks to database. This new attendance system also reduces the work load of the administration staff.
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