Comments On The Valuation of Derivative Assets
Comments On The Valuation of Derivative Assets
Comments On The Valuation of Derivative Assets
University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
In the case of a derivative cash stream over time with density q(T, M) (i.e.,
q(7;M,)dT is paid in the time interval [7:T+dT]), (1) is generalized
(denoting the present by T=O) to
*I wish to thank Meir Schneller for introducing me to the topic and Victor Konrad and Mark
Rubinstein for helpful comments on a previous version of this paper. Valuable suggestions by
the referee, Douglas Breeden, have helped improve this paper. I remain solely responsible for all
errors. Partial support from the Dean Witter Grant to the School of Business, University of
California, Berkeley, is gratefully acknowledged.
J.F.E.- D
332 A. Bick, Valuation o/derivative assets
In section 2,an alternative proof for the valuation formula (1) is presented.
The reason for this is twofold: first, while BL implicitly assume the existence
of c*, at each point, this paper will generalize the formula for the case in
which &/ax may not exist in some points. (The economic interpretation of
this case will be discussed in section 3.) For example, (1) is obviously not true
if c is piecewise linear in the exercise price [see, e.g., Cox, Ross and
Rubinstein (1979, eq. (6)) or Cox and Ross (1976, eq. (29)) for such cases].
Even if J2c/ax2 is continuous, (1) implies that the current price of a bond
which pays one dollar at time T is - &/iix [(T,O+,, which is not necessarily
true (see section 3).
Second, while BLs proof is intuitively appealing, it is not complete from a
formal point of view. They implicitly use an approximation theorem which
states that the given continuous-state economy (in which Mr. can obtain
any non-negative value) can be approximated by a discrete-state economy
(in which M, can obtain only integer non-negative multiples of some AM) in
the sense that price systems will converge to the price system in the given
economy as AM-O. While it is plausible that such a theorem can be proved
under certain conditions2 this problem can be circumvented altogether by
remaining in the given economy and approximating on portfolios. The
method employed here is to construct the derivative security explicitly from
the call options, thus generalizing the known piecewise-linear case [see
Garman (1976), Cox and Rubinstein (1982)], and then the implied valuation
formula will turn out to be mathematically equivalent to the generalized BLs
Section 3 deals with the relation between investors beliefs and the
structure of call options prices (as a function of the exercise price). In section
4, the valuation formula will be written for the BlackkScholes case, and it
will be shown that this is consistent with the continuous-trading-strategy
approach. The usefulness of this formula will be demonstrated in sections 5
and 6, where it will be employed to price compound options and call options
on a stock with constant dividend yield, respectively.
Consider a future time T which will be held fixed throughout this section
(and hence omitted from the notation). The following securities, among other
securities, are assumed to be traded in a perfect financial market:
They assume (p. 622) that the underlying securitys value at time T has a continuous
probability distribution, but they do not establish the relation between these two properties.
For example, Cox, Ross and Rubinstein (1979) apply the central limit theorem in a special
A. Bick, Valunlion of derivativemsds 333
(a) The cost of the derivative asset, which pays q(M) ut time T and zero at
any other time, is given by6
Wd=qW - c
where D(q) is the set of discontinuity points of q, D(q+) is the set of points a,
in which
(b) Assume that c has a continuous second derivative with respect to the
exercise price except in a finite set of points in which the left- and right-hand
31n BLs derivation the underlying asset is a portfolio, but here the analysis is restricted to the
case of a stock. In the case of a portfolio that can obtain only non-negative values (as is the case
for the market portfolio, which is used by BL) the analysis will be identical.
41n the sequel, call option will always mean European.
If this set is allowed to be discrete (possibly infinite). the analysis will be similar with the
addition of some further technical points. A similar remark would apply to D(c) in part (b).
Here y-(u) means lim,_,_q(x), etc.
6This derivative asset need not be traded in the market and its cost V(q) (which is not
necessarily linite) is to be understood as the limit of the costs of the approximating portfolios (in
a sense to be explained below). Of course, if it is traded, then by arbitrage considerations Y(q)
must be its current market price.
334 A. Bick, Valuation of derivative assets
1 (0)+ B)+aE&r,J
%I) = qWWy + q(OW+ qbW+(4 -c- (a)), (3)
Proof (a) Suppose first that q is continuous. Consider a portfolio of all the
call options with weight function q. The portfolios cost will be
and its payout at time T, given a realization of M, will be
/ q(y)(M-y)dy=/q(y)(M-y)dy+j(q(y)(M-y)dy
=q(M)-q(O)-q+(O)M-(q+(a)-q_(a))(M-a) if a<M.
Thus q(M) can be produced by holding q(0) bonds, q+(O) call options with
zero exercise price (or q+(O) shares of the underlying stock, if it is certain that
the stock does not pay dividends in the time interval [0,7j), q+(a)-q-(a)
call options with exercise price a, and all call options weighted by q. The
cost of this portfolio is given by (2) [where in this case D(q) is one point and
the second and third terms are zero].
Next, if q is not continuous, it can be written in the form
Notice that the second term in (3) can be considered as a part of the summation (the third
term) as B = -c_(O) in the following sense: for x ~0, a portfolio of one call option with exercise
price zero and --x bonds can be considered as a call option with exercise price x, as it will pay
M - x = max (A4 - x, 0). Its price is c(x) = c(0) - rB, hence c_(0) = - B.
A. Bick, Valuation of deriootiue assets 335
:t;;x,)=,_, lim n[max(M -x,0)-max(M -x- l/n,O)],
:t;e::se}=_, lim n[max (M -x + l/n, 0) -max (M -x, O)],
and Q is a continuous function that has the same derivatives as q and such
that Q(0) = q(0).It is clear that the cost of xCX,,,(M) is
and the cost of x,_,) (M) is -c_(x). It is left to the reader to conclude the
(b) Transforming eq. (2) into the form (3) is only a matter of calculus.
Again, suppose for the sake of simplicity that there is only one positive point
a in which c or q do not necessarily have a continuous second derivative and
in which q is continuous on the left but not necessarily on the right. The
origin may possibly be another discontinuity point of q. The reader can
verify that integration by parts twice gives
% qW&Wy= -q+tO)ctO)+q+(O)c+tO)-(q+(a)-q~ta))c(a)
+ q +6+?+(a)- qtw (4 + 7
Integrate Iz and I.separately and then add and take the limit as b-co.
This limit is zero for a large set of functions q. as (a) lim,,, c(x)=0 is a very plausible
assumption because lim,,, max(M-x,0)=0 for each M, and (b) lim,,,xc(x)=O ~ to prove
this, recall that c is convex [see Smith (19?6)] and see Taylor (1955, problem 10, p. 642), or
Polya and Szegij (1972, problem 113).
336 A. Bick, Valuation of dmivative assets
OThe latter case requires that the stock does not pay dividends, so that tt can be considered
as a security which pays M, at time T and zero at any other time. Again, this condition is not
required for the formula to be true for other derivative assets which pay only at time T
A. Bick, Valuation of derivative assets 337
where the summation is on the mass points of MT (as viewed by the ith
More specilically, c(T..~)=[,(7;ui)+(u,~x)Ai for a,. , <xzu,, where U, , and ~1, are two
adjacent mass points of M, and A, is the price of the derivative asset x,.,, , ,(Mr) (see section 2).
Eq. (5) is similar to eq. (5) in Brennan (1979) which is derived for a two-date model with a
finite number of securities. This can be generalized to our case by applying a variational method:
let di,,d,,,d,,,. ,. be the cash stream, as viewed by investor i at time I =O, resulting from his
optimal strategy (which is assumed to exist). Construct a new feasible strategy by combining this
optimal strategy with c times the following zero-investment strategy: Invest $1 in purchasing
I/c(T,x) units of the (7;x)-call option and -.$I in selling short l/B, units of the T-bond. The
zero-investment strategy pays D,(M,, x) = max (M, - x, O)/r( 7; x) - l/B, at time 7: Hence, because
of optimality,
02 ds r=l
,Fr Wi,(&)l +EiCUi,(dir+ED,(M,,x))l
I 1 I
= E~CW~AM~X)I.
Substituting D,(Mr,x) from above and rearranging will yield eq. (5)
338 A. Bick, Valuation of derivative assets
Differentiation yields
C,,(7;x)=1;.T(X)KiTEiCUfT(diT) (54
lk M. T.x) = %Wax2
geometric Brownian motion, and, for the sake of simplicity, it does not pay
dividends in the relevant time interval, then the Black-&holes (1973) formula
implies that the price at time t of a European call option with maturity at
time T 2_t and exercise price x is
(e- TmL)/xoF)n(d2).
Hence, as BL observe, eq. (1) implies that the value at time t of a derivative
asset, which pays q(S,) at time T and zero at any other time, is
Recall that in this model a call option with any exercise price can be
produced by continuously trading the stock and a bond [see Merton (1977)],
and thus assumption (ii) (in section 2) is satisfied. It is interesting to note that
(7) can also be proved directly without using BLs valuation formula: Merton
(1977)14 shows that one can construct a continuous trading strategy of the
stock and a bond that pays (in our notation) q(S,) at time T and zero at any
other time. Merton shows that the portfolios value, at any time t and for
any S=S,, coincides with the unique twice-continuously differentiable
function F(t, S) that solves the differential equation
rF, (8)
Proof (outline). It is known that c(t, S, I,x) as in (6) satisfies (8), and this
implies that
To see that the boundary condition is satisfied, take fixed t, S and T and
substitute w= fid,(t,S, T,y) in (7) to obtain
Vq(trS)=e-T-) _[ q(Se (9)
As t-+T, the second factor in the integrand tends to the Dirac function at
w=O [see, e.g., Schuss (1980, p. 22)], i.e., the integral will tend to q(S). Q.E.D.
15After having written this paper it was brought to the authors attention that this proposition
was also proved in an unpublished paper by Black (1974). who also recognized (7) as the value
of a general derivative asset in the Black-Scholes case.
A. Bick, Valuation of deriuative assets 341
where S,.=S(c*, u,., Tm) is substituted from (6). Let V be the value of 0,. for
which S,, - K = 0. Then [see Smith (1976, eq. (45))]
c,= q4 4
d,(t,u, Tm)-(JSIIZr)x
JFw2 >
Merton (1973, p. 171) [see also Smith (1976, p. 26)] modified the Black-
Scholes model for the case of a constant dividend yield. It will now be
demonstrated that this result can also be obtained from Black-Scholes
formula (with no dividends) and BLs valuation formula.
The continuous dividend stream is assumed to have a density of 6S,, where
6 is a positive constant and S, is the stocks price. This can be used to
16The following identities, which are readily verified from the detinitions, are used in the
and the same formula is true with r-u/2 on the LHS and d, instead of d, in both sides.
342 A. Bick, Valuation of derivative assets
purchase 6 new shares per each share held. Fix a current time t, and a future
time 7: Then reinvestment of dividends will transform one share at time t, to
a(t)=e(-) shares at time t> t, (as da/a=ddt), regardless of the path of S.
S~=ed(-ro)SI, the value of a continuously reinvested position, is assumed to
follow a geometric Brownian motion with instantaneous variance of return
Now, the Black-Scholes model can be applied to 9; and call options on S^,
(which can be produced from ,$ and a bond). The value of such a (7, x)-call
option, t(t,,S, TX), is given by (6) with the obvious modification of notation.
The unprotected (I;x)-call option on S, can be viewed as a derivative asset of
St with payoff at time T max(S,-x,O)=max(e~sSr-xX,O), where z = T-t,.
It follows from (7) that its current price is
Breaking this into two terms, substituting w=d,(t,, S, 7; y) in the first and
w = d2(t0, S, 7: y) in the second, results in
which is identical to eq. (53) in Smith (1976). In the case where s=_/(t)
depends on the time (but not on the stocks price) one obtains the same
formula only with ftf(t)dt instead of 6~.
Appendix 1
= -Tc"(z)[q'+(a)(z-a)+q+(a)]dz+ jc(z)q(z)dz
Appendix 2
c(M+AM)-c(M) C(M)-c(M-AM)
w =& 4(M) AM
To prove (b), let AM+0 in (12). The discontinuity points of c will give
v(q)= f dnAV(W
= dW + q(Ok(A)/A- dW(WA
See footnote 7 for the interpretation of negative exercise price. It can also be verified directly
from arbitrage considerations that P(0) = [c(dM) - c(O)]/dM + B.
See also footnote 19.
A. flick, Valuation of derivative assets 345
q((k+W-qNk+ l)A)_d(k+W)-q(kA)
l)A) A A
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