An Evaluation of Concrete Compressive Strength Using Computer Tomography Scan Method
An Evaluation of Concrete Compressive Strength Using Computer Tomography Scan Method
An Evaluation of Concrete Compressive Strength Using Computer Tomography Scan Method
2, 2015
Dauda Dahiru
Compressive strength represents a basic standard by which the quality of concrete is assessed. However, in
view of the inherent shortcomings of the compressive strength test, current trend is towards performance
oriented test using Non Destructive Methods, NDT. This is a report on a research carried out on the
assessment of concrete strengths using computer tomography (CT) scan method. First, a preliminary
investigation of the various properties of the materials used for the production of concrete samples was
carried out. Concrete samples were then prepared, cured and subjected to computer tomography (CT) scan
test at the end of the following curing periods: 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 56 days. Samples were then subjected to
compressive strength test. Results showed compressive strength is related to the Hounsfield value by a
correlation of 0.863. Correlation test, multiple regression analysis and graphs were used to analyze the results.
Part of the conclusion drawn from the analysis is that CT scan is good in evaluating concrete strength. It was
recommended that where CT scan is used, the following equation can be used to determine that compressive
strength, y = 5.6 + 0.00711X t .
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These tests were undertaken in accordance to the of each constituent to be used in the production of
following British standards: BS 812 (1990), BS 882 concrete samples. Mixing machine, a horizontal rotary
(1992) and BS 933 (1997). drum mixer, and manual compaction method were
employed in the production of pieces of 150 mm x 150
Water mm x 150 mm concrete cubes. Details of the materials
Water used for mixing was clean, fresh water, free needed for a batch of 6 concrete cubes are presented in
from injurious oils, chemicals and vegetable matter or Table 2.
other impurities.
Table 2. Quantity of materials required for a
Equipment Used batch of 6 concrete cubes
In the course of carrying out the various Types of Quantity of Material
S. No.
experiments, certain equipment were used. Details of Material Required (kg)
the types of equipment used are presented in Table 1. 1 Cement 7.09
2 Sand 15.50
Table 1. Types of tests and description of 3 Coarse 30
equipment used Aggregates
Description of 4 Water 3.25
Type of Test
Equipment/Device Used
Compressive Universal compressive testing Computed Tomography Scan - (CT Scan)
strength machine, produced by Saml The test was carried out at the Department of
Denison & Son, Ltd., Houslet Radiology, Ahmadu University Teaching Hospital,
Foundry, Leeds, England, U.K. Zaria, Nigeria. Samples of concrete cubes were
subjected to CT scan after each required curing period.
Computer Nix high speed computer
tomography tomography scanner manufactured Also, two 150 mm x 300 mm concrete cylinders were
scan by clinical equipment company produced and three (3) steel reinforcement pieces were
put in one cylinder whereas four (4) pieces were placed
in 2004.
in the other cylinder. The procedure is as follows:
The sample was removed from the curing tank,
dried and weighed. It was, then, placed in the CT scan
machine/device. Brain protocol was used for the test.
Trail Mix
Using AX IAL scan, with 2 mm slice thickness, a
A trail mix was carried out in order to determine the
scanogram was taken for the sample as the base which
most suitable water-cement (W/C) ratio and
allows to plan so as to get the next series scan. The
compaction method. An absolute volume method of
series scans were used to obtain images of internal
batching with a nominal mix ratio of 1:2:4 and three
structure of the concrete. The radiation exposure factor
(3) different W/C ratios of 0.4, 0.5 and 0.60 were used.
used was 120 kVp with standard time of 300 MAs. The
The samples were tested to destruction after 7days.
images of concrete samples produced by the CT scan
were then used to:
Final Mix Design
1. Determine the Hounsfield values.
The final mix design entails the use of absolute
2. Calculate the density of the concrete samples using
volume batching with a nominal mix of 1:2:4 and a
the processed CT scan images by obtaining the
water-cement ratio of 0.50 to determine the proportion
readings using densitometer from such images.
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An Evaluation of Concrete Dauda Dahiru
Determination of the Hounsfield Values the image, and the Hounsfield values were immediately
The Hounsfield values were obtained directly from displayed at the left hand side of the image, as shown
the computer by placing the cursor of the computer on in Figure 1.
Vertical, Horizontal
and Diagonal Lines
Drawn to Determine
the Hounsfield Value
Determination of Density from Images of Concrete pulse velocity test, rebound hammer, determination of
Samples on the Films Developed radiation attenuation coefficient of concrete cube and
The images from the film produced by the CT scan CT scan), were followed by the destructive
were used to determine the density. The summary of compression test. A Universal Compression Testing
the procedure is as follows: Machine with a capacity of 3000kN was used for that
An instrument used for the determination of purpose.
density, called densitometer (type X), was used. The
unit was switched on, a digital readout was displayed. Compressive strength of concrete specimens was
Then, the probe-tip of the unit was placed against the determined by placing, one after the other, 150 mm x
light source to be used, and slight forward pressure was 150 mm x 150 mm concrete cubes centrally in between
applied. The density reading of the film, including the the platens of the testing machine. The concrete sample
base fog, is now displayed on the Digit-X. The unit was placed in such a way that the axis of the specimen
was kept at right angles to the light source at all times is aligned with the axis of the loading device. There
during measurement. After each reading, the probe tip was no packing used in between the bearing surface of
was removed from the source and the zero buttons the machine and the specimen. Concrete cubes were
were pressed so that the instrument would display 0.00. then subjected to increasing load and pressure applied
The same procedure was repeated for all readings. At to the samples, until the specimen failed. Load was
least 2 minutes were given before taking readings on a applied without jerking or shock. The rate of loading
new film. was 0.233 MPa per second. The test was undertaken at
the Concrete Laboratory, Department of Civil
Compressive Strength Test Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
The aforementioned NDT procedures (ultrasonic
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Table 3. CT scan number from the images of concrete samples in the computer
A total of ten readings were recorded for each of standard deviation were calculated.
the samples tested. The average of the results and the
Table 5. Hounsfield values from the images of concrete samples in the computer and
densitometer readings from processed CT scan images
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An Evaluation of Concrete Dauda Dahiru
CT scan numbers ranged from 1612.30 to 3186.20. used to predict the compressive strength which is the
The density obtained from the densitometer readings most important index for gauging the quality of
ranged from 0.08 to 0.40. concrete.
Additionally, a formula for assessing the
RESULT OF CT SCAN TEST characteristic strength of concrete cubes was
determined. The formula is as follows:
Relationship between Hounsfield Value, C = 0.008 N
Densitometer Readings and Compressive Strength where: C = Characteristic strength.
Correlation test was used to analyze the results of N = CT scan number.
CT scan test and compressive strength test. Result of The two formulae obtained from the regression
the correlation test is summarized in Table (6). analysis and the graph of characteristic strength of
concrete cubes against the CT scan number were used
Table 6. Correlation of compressive strength to convert the CT scan test result into the characteristic
against Hounsfield value, densitometer strength. Thereafter, the values determined were used
reading and weight to plot three graphs. These graphs are:
Hounsfield Densitometer Weight i. The graph of concrete cube characteristic strength
Value Reading obtained from the destructive (compressive strength)
0.863** 0.207 0.283 ii. The graph of CT scan test results converted into
characteristic strength using the formula obtained
Note: * Correlation is significant at 0.05 level.
from the regression analysis (y=5.6+0.00711X 1 ).
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y = 46.450 403X 1 R
where y = Compressive Strength. The readings obtained from the processed CT scan
X 1 = Hounsfield value.
R R images were also converted into the compressive
It follows that when CT scan is used, quite apart strength by analyzing the concrete cube compressive
from the examination of the internal structure, it can be strength and the test result of CT scan. The
used to predict the compressive strength which is the compressive strength obtained and the concrete cube
most important characteristic of concrete. compressive strength are shown in Table 8.
Table 7. Characteristic strength obtained from Table 8. Compressive strength obtained from
CT scan results using the formulae readings from processed CT scan images using the
derived from the analysis formula derived from regression analysis
Regression From Regression Analysis Concrete Cube
Cube Age
Age Analysis Graph (y = -78.5122+381.86X) Compressive Strength
(y=5.6+0.00711X) (C=0.008N) 1 47.96 18.89
1 17.06 12.90 18.89 3 1.68 20.00
3 22.73 19.27 20.00 7 16.95 23.86
7 25.84 22.77 23.86 14 51.32 24.89
14 26.76 23.81 24.89 21 51.32 29.33
21 26.87 24.30 29.33 28 152.74 30.89
28 28.25 25.49 30.89
Characteristic Strength
20 Regression Analysis
15 Graph [C=0.008N]
10 Con Cube
Characteristic Strength
1 3 7 14 21 28
Curing Days
Figure (2): Characteristic strength obtained from CT scan results using the formulae derived from the analysis
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An Evaluation of Concrete Dauda Dahiru
Looking at Figure 2, it can be noted that, although characteristic strength. This again confirms an
the three graphs are not exactly the same, they are very important observation made earlier, stating that the CT
close to each other assuming similar form. This is scan result can be used to determine the strength of
particularly so in case of the two graphs drawn from concrete.
the result of analysis of the CT scan test result and the
Regression Analysis -
Con. Cube
1 3 7 14 21 28
Figure (3): Result of processed CT scan image converted into strength and
concrete cube characteristic strength
Figure 3 shows the graph of the result of processed strength. The value of such correlation is 0.863.
CT scan image converted into strength using regression 3. The equation that can be used to predict
analysis equation and the graph of concrete cube characteristic strength (y) given the Hounsfield
characteristic strength. Looking at the two graphs, it value, is:
will be noted that they are at variance to each other. y = 5.60 + 0.00711X 1 .
This implies that the regression equation cannot give where y = characteristic strength.
an accurate estimate of characteristic strength of X 1 = Hounsfield value.
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