Efficacy and Safety of Mometasone Furoate Nasal Spray in Allergic Rhinitis Acute Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyposis PDF
Efficacy and Safety of Mometasone Furoate Nasal Spray in Allergic Rhinitis Acute Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyposis PDF
Efficacy and Safety of Mometasone Furoate Nasal Spray in Allergic Rhinitis Acute Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyposis PDF
KEYWORDS: allergic rhinitis n congestion n intranasal corticosteroids n mometasone Catherine B Small1 &
furoate n nasal allergies n nasal polyposis n rhinosinusitis Ariel Teper2
Author for correspondence:
Seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis, acute perennial allergic rhinitis, acute rhinosinusitis Division of Infectious Diseases,
rhinosinusitis and nasal polyposis are inflam- and nasal polyposis. Department of Medicine,
matory conditions of the nose and/or sinuses New York Medical College,
that produce bothersome symptoms and mark- Allergic rhinitis Westchester Medical Center,
edly affect patients quality of life [13] . These Allergic rhinitis affects approximately 13% Munger Pavilion, Room 245,
diseases frequently coexist, suggesting that each of the American population and 1729% of Valhalla, NY 10595, USA
may be a manifestation of an inflammatory pro- the European population, with the prevalence Tel.: +1 914 493 8865
cess within the continuous airway [35] . Clinical varying widely in different regions [5,28,29,201] . Fax: +1 914 594 4530
treatment guidelines for each of these condi- It is the most prevalent chronic allergic disease [email protected]
tions conclude that research evidence supports among children [202] , affecting approximately 2
Schering-Plough Research
treatment with an intranasal corticosteroid [59] . 40% by the age of 6 years [30] . Allergic rhinitis Institute, 2000 Galloping Hill
One of the most extensively investigated is generally classified as either seasonal or peren- Road, Kenilworth, NJ 07033,
intranasal corticosteroids for inflammatory nial [5,8,9] , and, as per the Allergic Rhinitis and USA
diseases of the nose and sinuses is mometa- its Impact on Asthma guidelines, it is now fur-
sone furoate nasal spray (MFNS). Mometasone ther subdivided into intermittent or persistent
furoate is a potent 17-heterocyclic cortico- disease [5,9] . Seasonal allergic rhinitis is an IgE-
steroid formulated in an aqueous suspension mediated response to outdoor seasonal allergens
for intranasal use with a metered-dose, manual such as molds or pollen [5,10] . Perennial allergic
pump nasal spray (FIGURE 1) [10] . In vitro testing rhinitis comprises a number of conditions that
has shown that mometasone furoate has a high result from either continuous or intermittent
binding affinity for the glucocorticoid recep- exposure to allergens, most commonly indoor
tor and is a potent stimulator of glucocorticoid allergens such as dust mites, molds, insects (cock-
receptor-mediated gene expression [11] . Owing roaches) and animal dander [5,9] . Both seasonal
to its anti-inflammatory properties, MFNS has and perennial allergic rhinitis are characterized
been proven to be effective for the prophylaxis by extensive infiltration of the nasal mucosa
and treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis [1216] , by inflammatory cells, such as eosinophils and
the treatment of perennial allergic rhinitis [1719] , basophils, as well as the release of inflammatory
as an adjunct to antibiotics in the treatment of mediators such as histamine, prostaglandins and
acute bacterial rhinosinusitis [20,21] or as mono- leukotrienes from mast cells [31] .
therapy in uncomplicated cases of acute rhi- Patients with allergic rhinitis typically report
nosinusitis [22,23] , and the treatment of nasal nasal itching, sneezing, rhinorrhea, postnasal
polyposis [2427] . drainage and nasal congestion [2] . Ocular symp-
The purpose of this review is to summarize toms which may also be present include itching,
the efficacy and safety of MFNS for seasonal and burning, tearing and redness of the sclera and
10.2217/THY.09.6 2009 Future Medicine Ltd Therapy (2009) 6(3), 393406 ISSN 1475-0708 393
Drug Evaluation Small & Teper
n Treatment of allergic rhinitis
O Since intranasal corticosteroids are considered
CH3 to be the most effective medications available
HO for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, as stated
CH3 in the guidelines, they are recommended as
first-line therapy, especially in patients with
Cl moderate-to-severe, persistent symptoms and
impaired quality of life; nasal congestion
and/or blockage; or continuing symptoms
despite treatment with histamine H1-receptor
Figure 1. Mometasone furoate.
antagonists (FIGURE 2) [9,33,202] .
Mometasone furoate nasal spray is one of
ocular mucosa [9,12] . Although allergic rhinitis is the most intensively studied intranasal cortico-
often considered a minor condition [32,33] , it can steroids for allergic rhinitis. More than 20 clini-
substantially impair the ability of patients to func- cal trials involving more than 6000 adults, ado-
tion at work [34] , in social situations [737,201,202] or lescents and children have assessed its efficacy
at school [38,39] . These patients also have a lower and safety [1215,17,4350] . Ten of these were ran-
quality of life and a greater degree of depression domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials
than those without allergic rhinitis [3740] . The evaluating the use of MFNS to treat the nasal
losses in workplace productivity attributed to the symptoms of seasonal and perennial allergic
disease in the USA, where most of the available rhinitis (TABLE 1) [1219,51,52] .
data have been collected, are estimated to be
between US$2.4 and US$4.6 billion annually n Seasonal allergic rhinitis
[41] ; in addition, direct and indirect expenditures To evaluate the clinical efficacy and optimum
associated with the treatment of allergic rhinitis therapeutic dose of MFNS, Bronsky et al. con-
in the USA are approximately US$1.5 billion and ducted a multicenter, double-blind, dose-rang-
US$2 billion, respectively, per year [40] . Costs of ing study involving 480 adults (18 years) with
treating allergic rhinitis are also reported to be moderate seasonal allergic rhinitis [13] . Subjects
high in other countries [42] . were randomly assigned to treatment with one
of four daily doses of MFNS (50, 100, 200 or
800 g) or placebo for 28 days. Treatment effi-
cacy was determined using a seven-point scale
Patient requires additional to assess severity of nasal (discharge, rhinorrhea,
long-term allergic rhinitis control stuffiness/congestion, sneezing or itching) and
Second-generation antihistamine non-nasal (eye itching, tearing, and redness and
and/or intranasal steroid plus itching of ears or palate) symptoms. Within
leukotriene receptor antagonist
and/or topical or oral decongestants
3 days of treatment, subjects in the 50, 200 and
800 g daily MFNS groups reported a signifi-
Additional symptom relief
necessary cant (p < 0.05) reduction of symptoms. By day 7,
all four doses were found to be significantly more
Second-generation antihistamine
plus intranasal steroid and/or effective than placebo (p 0.05). Since the two
topical or or oral decongestants lower doses provided less consistent relief, the
investigators concluded that 200 g daily was
Additional symptom relief
necessary py the appropriate MFNS dose for alleviating the
th era
no symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis.
Second-generation antihistamine mu A series of additional trials extended these
or intranasal steroid and/or im
topical or oral decongestants ec findings across a broad range of subjects. In the
double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled
Diagnosis of
allergic rhinitis trial of 121 adolescents (12 years) and adults
carried out by Meltzer et al., MFNS 200 g daily
was associated with a significant reduction in
mean total morning nasal symptom scores (con-
gestion, rhinorrhea, itching and sneezing) com-
Figure 2. Stepwise approach to treatment for allergic rhinitis.
pared with placebo (p = 0.02) after 1 week [16] .
Adapted with permission from [33] . At week 2, significant improvement was noted
in the active treatment group (p = 0.029). In
SAR studies
Hebert et al. (1996) 501 18 MFNS 100 g q.d. MFNS (both doses) and BDP more effective [15]
MFNS 200 g q.d. than placebo (p 0.01)
BDP 200 g b.i.d.
4 weeks
Graft et al. (1996) 349 12 MFNS 200 g q.d. MFNS and BDP initiated 4 weeks before [14]
BDP 168 g b.i.d. ragweed season decreased minimal symptom
Placebo days versus placebo (p < 0.01)
8 weeks
Bronsky et al. (1997) 480 1865 MFNS 50 g q.d. MFNS 200 g q.d. and 800 g q.d. consistently [13]
MFNS 100 g q.d. more effective than placebo (p < 0.05)
MFNS 200 g q.d.
MFNS 800 g q.d.
28 days
Meltzer et al. (1998) 121 12 MFNS 200 g q.d. MFNS improved total nasal symptom score [16]
placebo versus placebo (p = 0.024)
2 weeks
Meltzer et al. (1999) 679 611 MFNS 25 g q.d. MFNS 100 g q.d. (p = 0.03) and 200 g q.d. [51]
MFNS 100 g q.d. (p = 0.04) and BDP 84 g q.d. (p < 0.01) more
MFNS 200 g q.d. effective than placebo
BDP 84 g b.i.d.
4 weeks
Berkowitz et al. (1999) 239 1260 MFNS 200 g q.d. MFNS improved total nasal symptom score in [12]
Placebo 7 h versus placebo (p < 0.01)
1 day
Gawchick et al. (2003) 245 12 MFNS 200 g q.d. MFNS improved total nasal symptom score [52]
Placebo versus placebo (p 0.017)
14 days
PAR studies
Drouin et al. (1996) 427 12 MFNS 200 g q.d. MFNS and BDP improved total nasal symptom [17]
BDP 200 g b.i.d. score versus placebo (p 0.01)
12 weeks
Mandl et al. (1997) 474 12 MFNS 200 g q.d. MFNS and FP improved total nasal symptom [18]
FP 200 g q.d. score versus placebo (p < 0.01)
12 weeks
Bende et al. (2002) 438 18 MFNS 200 g q.d. MFNS and BDP improved total nasal symptom [19]
BDP 128 g q.d. score versus placebo (p < 0.002)
BDP 256 g q.d.
4 weeks
BDP: Beclomethasone dipropionate nasal spray; b.i.d.: Twice daily; FP: Fluticasone propionate nasal spray; MFNS: Mometasone furoate nasal spray;
PAR: Perennial allergic rhinitis; q.d.: Daily; SAR: Seasonal allergic rhinitis.
addition, MFNS was associated with a signifi- as young as 6 years old [51] . This multicenter,
cant improvement in nasal cytology, includ- double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging
ing a reduction in the numbers of eosinophils, study enrolled 679 children between 6 and
basophils and neutrophils. 11 years of age who received MFNS in doses
Meltzer et al. also confirmed that, when given of 25, 100 or 200 g daily or beclomethasone
in appropriate dosages, MFNS can alleviate the dipropionate (BDP) nasal spray 84 g twice-
symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis in children daily for up to 4 weeks. According to physician
evaluation of total nasal symptom scores at day significantly alleviates the symptoms of peren-
8, all three dosages of MFNS and the twice-daily nial allergic rhinitis [1719] . In the first study,
dosage of BDP nasal spray afforded significantly Drouin followed 427 subjects of 12 years or
greater relief than placebo (p 0.02). At 4 weeks, older with a documented allergy to at least one
both the 100 g (p = 0.03) and 200 g (p = 0.04) perennial allergen for 12 weeks [17] . At 15 days,
daily doses of MFNS were significantly more those receiving MFNS 200 g daily and BDP
effective than the 25 g daily dose. However, nasal spray 200 g twice-daily experienced sig-
MFNS 200 g daily provided no significant nificantly (p < 0.01) greater improvement in total
advantage over the 100 g daily dose, leading nasal symptoms (congestion, rhinorrhea, sneez-
the investigators to conclude that MFNS 100 g ing and itching) than the placebo group, which
daily is the most appropriate therapeutic regimen persisted throughout the study period [17] .
for children with seasonal allergic rhinitis [51] . Two additional studies concluded that MFNS
The efficacy of MFNS in the prophylaxis 200 g daily significantly reduces the nasal
of seasonal allergic rhinitis was established by symptoms of perennial allergic rhinitis (conges-
Grafts study of 349 subjects, 12 years or older tion, rhinorrhea, sneezing and itching), increases
with a moderate-to-severe allergy to ragweed the number of symptom-free days, and improves
pollen [14] . Four weeks before the predicted nasal patency as measured by peak nasal inspira-
start of ragweed season, subjects were randomly tory flow [18,19] . Mandl et al. found significant
assigned to receive MFNS 200 g daily, BDP and equivalent efficacy with MFNS 200 g
nasal spray 168 g twice-daily, or placebo for once-daily and fluticasone propionate nasal spray
8 weeks. Subjects receiving MFNS reported a sig- (FPNS) 200 g once-daily (p < 0.01 for both) in
nificantly higher proportion of minimal symp- reducing the total nasal symptom score in both
tom days compared with placebo (p < 0.01). The the morning and evening [18] . In the study by
MFNS group had a median duration of 27 days Bende et al., significant improvement in nasal
before experiencing a non-minimal symptom symptoms occurred within 4 h of the first MFNS
day (defined as a day when the total nasal 200 g dose (p = 0.014) [19] . At 10 days, peak
symptom score was 3 on a 12-point scale), nasal inspiratory flow improved significantly in
compared with a median duration of 10.5 days the MFNS group compared with the placebo
in the placebo group [14] . group (p < 0.01), although BDP nasal spray
Two additional retrospective analyses of data 256 g daily had a greater improvement than
pooled from four randomized, double-blind stud- MFNS in this study compared with placebo.
ies comparing MFNS 200 g daily (n = 494) with
placebo (n = 497) confirmed the efficacy of MFNS n Sensory perceptions of intranasal
in reducing the ocular symptoms of redness, tear- corticosteroids & compliance in
ing and itching commonly associated with sea- allergic rhinitis
sonal allergic rhinitis [53,54] . During a 2-week Despite the discomfort and impairment associ-
study period, MFNS significantly reduced total ated with allergic rhinitis, only 20% of patients
ocular and individual symptom scores compared are compliant with treatment [56] . One factor
with placebo (p < 0.05) [53] . Subjects with moder- contributing to the high rate of noncompliance
ate-to-severe symptoms experienced a significantly may be sensory perception [57,58] , since patients
greater reduction in total ocular symptoms than prefer agents that do not have any taste or scent
those taking placebo (p < 0.05). [58] . In a multicenter, randomized, double-blind,
The mechanism of action of intranasal crossover study, 100 subjects with allergic rhini-
corticosteroids in relieving ocular allergy symp- tis were randomized to an alcohol- and scent-free
toms is not well understood. It has recently been formulation of MFNS, 200 g daily, followed by
shown that a nasalocular reflex follows nasal 200 g daily of FPNS 30 min later, or vice versa
challenge with antigen and probably contributes [56] . Significantly more subjects preferred MFNS
to the ocular symptoms associated with allergic to FPNS (p < 0.05), and fewer subjects reported
rhinitis. In addition to reducing inflammation, scent or odor (immediately and 2 min after
intranasal corticosteroids may reduce ocular drug administration; p < 0.001), taste (imme-
allergy symptoms by attenuating this reflex diately after drug administration; p = 0.002),
mechanism [55] . and aftertaste (2 min after drug administra-
tion; p = 0.007) with MFNS than with FPNS.
n Perennial allergic rhinitis In addition, 47% reported that they would be
Three multicenter, randomized, double-blind, more likely to comply with a MFNS regimen
placebo-controlled trials confirmed that MFNS than with a FPNS regimen (p = 0.03) [56] .
Nasal polyposis
Symptomatic treatment Antibiotic Nasal polyposis is estimated to affect approxi-
mately 2.74% of the population [3,9,70] . Its preva-
lence increases to 715% in patients with asthma
and to 3696% in patients with aspirin sensitiv-
ity [3] . Symptoms include nasal obstruction, con-
No resolution of symptoms gestion, purulent nasal discharge and postnasal
No resolution or worsening within 35 days or symptoms
of symptoms? return within 2 weeks after
drip [71] . More than 75% of patients also have an
Suspect bacterial infection initial antibiotic? impaired sense of smell [72] . These symptoms have
Suspect resistant a marked impact on quality of life, interfering
pathogens with physical, social and normal daily activities.
The symptoms can also cause sleep disorders and
headaches, as well as impair patients moods and
their psychological well-being [73] .
Nasal polyposis is characterized by an eosi-
nophil-dominated inflammation of unknown
No resolution or worsening Use antibiotic with different cause and is often associated with asthma, aspi-
of signs and symptoms coverage for pathogens rin sensitivity or cystic fibrosis [9,71] . One possible
not covered with first
Sinus CT and ENT consult mechanism for the development of nasal polypo-
course of therapy
with sinus aspirate and sis involves bacterial colonization of the nasal cav-
sinus lavage ity, causing the synthesis and release of enterotox-
ins that act as superantigens to stimulate the local
immune system [74] . A hallmark of bilateral nasal
polyposis, which is observed in approximately
90% of adults with the condition, is a mixed cel-
Figure 3. Algorithm for differentiating viral and bacterial acute
rhinosinusitis. lular infiltrate with predominant eosinophilia [75] .
CT: Computed tomography; ENT: Ear, nose and throat. Increased levels of inflammatory mediators, such
Adapted with permission from [62] . as interleukin-5 [76] , eotaxin [77] and eosinophilic
cationic protein [78] are also present.
rhinosinusitis were excluded [23] . This study
compared MFNS 200 g once- or twice-daily n Treatment of nasal polyposis
for 15 days with amoxicillin alone or placebo Treatment objectives for nasal polyposis include
alone. MFNS 200 g twice-daily was superior to reducing or eliminating polyps, opening the nasal
both placebo alone (p < 0.001) and amoxicillin airway, improving or restoring sense of smell
monotherapy (p = 0.002) in improving symptom and preventing recurrence. Surgical removal
scores. In another study, MFNS monotherapy of polyps, with or without medical therapy, for
was also shown to provide a significantly greater more severe cases and medical therapy for mild-
improvement in patients health-related quality to-moderate cases are the usual treatment regi-
of life [22] . mens [79] . Although endoscopic surgery has been
Fokkens et al., on behalf of the European shown to be effective for reducing polyp size and
Academy of A llergolog y and Clinical temporarily improving nasal blockage [8082] , one
Immunology, recommends that adults with randomized, controlled study in 2001 reported
Sudden onset of two or more symptoms, one of which should At any point immediate
be either nasal blockage/obstruction/congestion or nasal referral/hospitalization if any
discharge: of the following occur:
anterior/post nasal drip; 3Periorbital edema
facial pain/pressure; 3"*($ $'e
reduction or loss of smell; 3',le vision
Examination: anterior rhinoscopy 3(+!$%'($ "a
X-ray/CT not recommended 3,-"*,$,"+0
3vere unilateral or
bilateral frontal headache
3rontal swelling
Symptoms less than 5 days Symptoms persisting or 3" &*'%&"& "+"*')
or improving thereafter increasing after 5 days focal neurologic signs
Symptomatic relief Topical steroids
Topical steroids
Figure 4. Treatment scheme for primary care for adults with acute rhinosinusitis.
Fever of greater than 38C and/or severe pain.
Adapted with permission from [3] .
that medical treatment alone with oral or topical Mometasone furoate nasal spray is the first
corticosteroids appeared to be sufficient to treat intranasal corticosteroid to be approved by the
most of the symptoms of nasal polyposis [81] . USA FDA for the medical treatment of nasal
Another study by Benitez and colleagues found polyposis [24] . Results of the first large-scale clin-
that subjects with severe nasal polyposis had a ical studies of MFNS for nasal polyposis were
significant improvement in their symptoms with published in 2005 and 2006. Three 4-month,
a short course of oral corticosteroids followed by multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled
intranasal corticosteroids [83] . In addition, the clinical trials enrolled 354, 310 and 298 patients,
postsurgical recurrence rate for nasal polyposis respectively [2426] , to evaluate the efficacy and
after 2 years is reported to be as high as 60% in safety of 200 g daily and 200 g twice-daily
some studies [8486] . At this time, the benefits dosing of MFNS. The twice-daily regimen of
of surgery over medical therapy have not been MFNS was chosen to help overcome the possible
established [81,82] . obstruction of drug distribution by polyps. In
Treatment with intranasal corticosteroids all three studies, subjects receiving either dos-
reduces the eosinophil-associated inflammation age of MFNS experienced significantly greater
of polyposis, thereby helping to control symptoms improvement than those receiving placebo in the
and reduce polyp size [9,2425,81,87] . Fokkens et al. reduction of the size and extent of endoscopi-
and the European Academy of Allergology and cally verified bilateral nasal polyps, as well as in
Clinical Immunology, as well as other authors, congestion/obstruction, loss of sense of smell,
concluded that intranasal corticosteroids are anterior rhinorrhea and postnasal drip (FIGURE 5)
generally effective for improving symptoms and [2426] . A statistically significant improvement
decreasing polyp size, although little improvement with both doses of MFNS was observed within
in sense of smell was reported [3,8890] . the first month of treatment and continued
Table 2. Summary of clinical studies of MFNS for the treatment of acute rhinosinusitis.
Author/year Subjects (n) Age (years) Treatment Effect on symptoms Ref.
Meltzer et al. 407 12 ACP 875 mg b.i.d. ACP + MFNS significantly better than [20]
(2000) + ACP + placebo (p 0.01)
MFNS 400 g b.i.d.
21 days
Nayak et al. (2002) 967 12 ACP 875 mg b.i.d. ACP + MFNS (both doses) significantly [21]
+ better than ACP + placebo (p 0.017)
MFNS 200 g b.i.d.
MFNS 400 g b.i.d.
21 days
Meltzer et al. 981 12 Amoxicillin 500 mg t.i.d. MFNS 200 g b.i.d. significantly better [23]
(2005) 10 days than placebo (p < 0.001) or amoxicillin
or (p = 0.002);
MFNS 200 g q.d. MFNS 200 g q.d. significantly better
15 days than placebo (p = 0.018)
MFNS 200 g b.i.d.
15 days
ACP: Amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium; b.i.d.: Twice daily; MFNS: Mometasone furoate nasal spray; q.d.: Daily; t.i.d.: Three-times daily.
up to the study end points at 4 months [2426] . effect on hyposmia or anosmia [81] , supporting
The twice-daily dosing regimen of MFNS was the importance of medical therapy in treating
superior to the once-daily dosing formulation this symptom [24] .
for improving the symptoms of congestion and For many patients, loss of sense of smell is
obstruction (p = 0.039) [2426] . one of the most disturbing symptoms of nasal
In one study, the overall change in bilateral polyposis [95] , and its return is therefore an
polyp grade score with MFNS represented a important therapeutic goal. However, change
clinically significant reduction of approximately in sense of smell may be more subjective than
30% relative to baseline [24] . Since reducing other symptoms, which may account for the
polyp size is thought to be a slow process, this observed placebo effect in many studies [27] .
degree of improvement in 4 months is notewor- Importantly, the improvement in sense of smell
thy. Incremental improvements in polyp grade seen with MFNS therapy corresponds to the
continued throughout the course of the study, increased improvement in polyp grade scores
suggesting that treatment with MFNS should be over time [24,26,27] .
maintained to achieve a full response. Response A recent ana lysis of the onset of symptomatic
to MFNS did not vary with the size of the effect of MFNS 200 g twice-daily revealed a
polyps. In addition, 57% of patients receiving rapid improvement in most symptoms of nasal
MFNS 200 g twice-daily were considered to polyposis from within 24 h after the first dose to
be improved based on its effect on polyp grade within 5 days of initiating therapy [27] . Subjects
and congestion/obstruction score, compared receiving this dose of MFNS experienced sta-
with 43% of patients receiving MFNS 200 g tistically significant (p < 0.05) improvement
daily and 34% of patients receiving placebo [24] . compared with placebo at day 2 for anterior
The significant improvement in loss of rhinorrhea, day 3 for nasal congestion, day 5
sense of smell associated with MFNS contrasts for postnasal drip and day 13 for sense of smell.
with previous studies regarding endoscopic Peak nasal inspiratory flow also improved sig-
surgery or other intranasal corticosteroids, in nificantly at day 2 (p = 0.031) [27] . The rapid
which sense of smell did not improve [84,9194] . onset of action of MFNS in nasal polyposis
Comparisons between medical and surgical may be due to the high topical potency of the
treatment indicate that surgery has very little drug in inhibiting the synthesis and release of
(LS mean bilateral polyp grade score)
Change from baseline
-1 -0.96
-1.2 -1.15 *p < 0.05 vs placebo
** **p < 0.001 vs placebo
-1.2 **
Change from baseline (LS mean
congestion/obstruction score)
-1.0 **
-0.8 -0.86
-0.61 -0.78 **
-0.6 -0.68 * -0.50
-0.4 -0.47 -0.48
-0.2 -0.32
1 2 3 4
Time (month)
*p < 0.01 vs placebo
**p < 0.001 vs placebo
p < 0.05 vs MFNS 200 g q.d. AM
Figure 5. Change from baseline in bilateral polyp grade score (A) and congestion/
obstruction score (B) following 4 weeks of treatment with MFNS.
b.i.d.: Twice daily; LS: Least squares; MFNS: Mometasone furoate nasal spray; q.d.: Once daily.
Adapted with permission from [24] .
proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1, IL-5, A pronounced placebo effect occurred in this
IL-6 and TNF [13,27,96] . Similar to the previous study, particularly for the end points of nasal
studies, the treatment effect of MFNS for all congestion/obstruction and sense of smell, and
symptoms persisted for at least 4 months [24,26,27] increased over time [27] . Such an effect, observed
and increased with the duration of therapy [27] . in many studies of nasal polyposis [24,26,27] , may
This improvement in symptom scores corre- be attributable to the inactive components of
sponds to the increased improvement in polyp MFNS. Thus, the use of placebo groups remains
grade scores over time. important for future trials of nasal polyposis [26,27] .
Executive summary
Mometasone furoate is a potent 17-heterocyclic corticosteroid formulated in an aqueous suspension for intranasal application with a
metered-dose, manual pump nasal spray.
Mometasone furoate nasal spray (MFNS) is safe and effective for the treatment and prophylaxis of seasonal allergic rhinitis and the
treatment of perennial allergic rhinitis, nasal polyposis, and as an adjunct to antibiotics for acute bacterial rhinosinusitis, as well as
monotherapy for acute uncomplicated rhinosinusitis.
Allergic rhinitis
When administered to patients with seasonal or perennial allergic rhinitis, MFNS reduces nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, nasal itching,
sneezing and postnasal drainage, as well as the ocular symptoms of itching, redness and tearing.
Acute rhinosinusitis
The rationale for using intranasal corticosteroids in acute rhinosinusitis resides in their anti-inflammatory properties.
The administration of MFNS together with an antibiotic significantly reduces the symptoms of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis, including
purulent rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, postnasal drip, headache, facial pain and cough.
MFNS has been found to be an effective monotherapy in cases of uncomplicated acute rhinosinusitis that are usually secondary to a viral
infection; its use could decrease the overuse of antibiotics in this disease.
Nasal polyposis
Nasal polyps are benign growths that develop in the nose and sinuses, causing obstruction and interfering with breathing. They often
lead to impairment or loss of sense of smell.
MFNS has been shown to reduce nasal polyp size, but a longer duration of therapy than that used for acute rhinosinusitis may be
MFNS 200 g twice-daily significantly improves nasal congestion/obstruction, rhinorrhea, postnasal drip and sense of smell in nasal
It has a rapid onset and provides lasting relief of most of the major symptoms of nasal polyposis within 25 days of initiating therapy.
Local adverse events associated with MFNS in patients from all age groups are mild in intensity, self-limiting and usually resolve without
discontinuation of therapy.
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