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IAJPS 2016, 3 (5), 444-449 Tamizhazhagan and Pugazhendy ISSN 2349-7750




Available online at: http://www.iajps.com Research Article


Tamizhazhagan V*, Pugazhendy. K
Annamalai University, Department of Zoology, Chidambaram, Cuddalore, India-608 002.
Aquatic ecosystem monitoring has been carried out in India based on either chemical or biological analysis.
Diatoms constitute a fundamental link between primary (autotrophic) and secondary (heterotrophic) production and
form a vital component of aquatic ecosystem. Particularly P H, Temperature, at the same time remaining parameters
of salinity, O2 and Co2 observation was slightly changed due to some pollutes. So in this study will be given
supporting to the future study among the fresh water ecosystem balance.

Key words: Physio-Chemical, Natural Pond, Culture Pond,

Corresponding author: QR code

Dr. K. Pugazhendy,
Assistant Professor
Department of Zoology
Annamalai University
Chidambaram, India 608 002
E-mail: [email protected]

Please cite this article in press as Tamizhazhagan and K.Pugazhendy, Physico- Chemical Parameters from the
Manappadaiyur and Swamimalai Fresh Water Ponds, Indo Am. J. Pharm. Sci, 2016; 3(5).

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IAJPS 2016, 3 (5), 444-449 Tamizhazhagan and Pugazhendy ISSN 2349-7750

INTRODUCTION: site water quality limitations may be alleviated

Diatoms constitute a fundamental link between through management, for example alleviating the
primary (autotrophic) and secondary (heterotrophic) problem of high pH and low calcium by applying
production and form a vital component of aquatic calcium sulfate (gypsum) to the water to increase
ecosystem. Diatoms generally range in size from 2- calcium concentration. Moreover, some pond water
200m and are composed of a cell wall composed quality variables are strongly influenced by pond
primarily of silica. Diatoms are amazing bottom soil characteristics. Fish do not grow well in
microscopically algae whose typical features are a ponds with acidic water, which usually are located on
siliceous coverage, called frustules, extremely diverse acidic soils, but acidity in ponds can be corrected by
in shape. Diatoms live in almost all types of liming.
superficial waters. Depending on their habitats, Water is an essential requirement of human and
diatoms are either planktonic (living suspended on activities development and it is one of the most
the water), benthic (growing associated to a delicate part of the environment. The physic-
substrate), or both planktonic and benthic. The algal chemical properties of water and diatom have been
species that develop in an area depend on different studied in different aquatic habitats the present study
environmental factors: temperature, pH, Dissolved reports on the physico-chemical properties of water
oxygen, Co2, salinity etc., Thus, the species that can and diatoms recorded in Manappadaiyur and
be found in a water body will inform about some Swamimalai pond situated near Thanjavur (Dt)
characteristics of the water. Tamilnadu. The aquatic ecosystem is a major
Aquatic ecosystem monitoring has been carried out in subdivision of the biosphere. Almost 71% of the
India based on either chemical or biological analysis. earths surface area is covered by water. In terms of
The chemical approach is useful in order to total volume of water, around 97% of the worlds
determine the levels of nutrients, metals, pesticides, water is saline. This means that less than 3% of the
radioactive substances, etc., while the biological water volume in the world is actually freshwater
approach aids in assessing the overall effect of the (Gleick, 1996). However, not all this freshwater is
chemical input on organisms. Because these readily available for use by humans and less than 1%
microscopic organisms depend on light and nutrients, of is used for drinking (Grey, 1994).
they populate the euphotic zone or the upper strata of There are different biological indicators that can be
freshwater lakes, reservoirs, ponds, and rivers. Many used to determine the ecological status of a water
micro- organisms feed on diatoms and in this way body: macro invertebrates, aquatic plants, and algae,
they are integrated into aquatic food webs. Diatoms especially diatoms,are all used in water quality
are frequently used as bio-indicators, and if they are research.
not investigated live they may be perceived simply as
glass boxes used to give information about water MATERIALS AND METHODS:
quality. It is worth the time to study the living Description of the Study Area:
communities and to note the other algae and the The hydrological condition of the pond water situated
interactions between the algae and other micro- near Thanjavur. The pond is situated near the east
organisms. and west Tamilnadu, India. My study area is starting
Water quality is important in pond aquaculture from Manappadaiyur (Nature pond) and Swamimalai
because water quality imbalances can cause stress, (culture pond). One of the most important features of
poor growth, and mortality of culture species .Water ponds is the presence of standing water, which
quality is strongly influenced by feed inputs, and provides habitat for wetland plants and animals.
ponds with high feeding rates frequently have more Method of Collection of Water Samples:
severe problems with low dissolved oxygen Water samples were collected from the fixed location
concentrations and excessive concentrations of in Manappadaiyur (nature pond) and Swamimalai
ammonia and nitrite than ponds with low or moderate culture pond at regular estimation of all the physico
feeding rates .Although many water quality problems chemical factors PH. The pond water temperature was
can be prevented by use of conservative feeding measured by Celsius thermometer. Dissolved oxygen
practices and efficient mechanical aeration, there are was determined by Winklers method as given by
other water quality concerns in pond aquaculture. Strickland and Parsons (1968). Water samples were
Natural characteristics of pond waters can greatly collected reagent bottles and fixed on the spot by
limit possibilities for fish culture. One naturally adding the reagent namely Hydrogen peroxide
occurring water quality imbalance is the case of pond followed by Hydrochloric acid and Sulphuric acid.
waters with high total alkalinity and low calcium Carbon-di-oxide was determined with the help of
concentration. Such waters often have excessively phenolphthalein indicator was present (or) absent
high pH, which can limit fish culture. Many times, water samples were collection in conical flask and

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IAJPS 2016, 3 (5), 444-449 Tamizhazhagan and Pugazhendy ISSN 2349-7750

few drops of phenolphthalein indication if the color researcher has to make a decision whether or not to
turns pink, free co2 is absent, the sample titrate 0.05 add more sample to the cover slip: the addition of
N sodium hydroxide. At the end point, a pink color more sample would reduce the time of analysis but
appears. Then the samples we brought to the diatom would be covered by more inorganic matter,
laboratory to determine the salinity was measured by which makes the identification of species harder.
standard methods (Body 1979 and 1995). After getting an appropriated number of diatoms on
The correlation co-efficient was calculated the cover slip, dispense a small drop of high
between the physical and chemical parameters of the refractive medium (such as NaphraxTM) on a slide
river using the formula, and place the cover slip on it, making sure that
N xy - (x) - (y) diatoms are in contact with the drop. Heat the
R= preparation for about one minute; some bubbles will
x2- (x2)- y2-(y)2
appear under the cover slip when the drop of high
Methods of Collection of Diatom Samples: refractive medium boils but they will disappear as the
Diatom samples were collected from the fixed slide cools again. Once cold, the cover slip should be
location, at nature pond water Manappadaiyur and closely adhered to the slide; if not, the preparation
culture pond water Swamimalai. Diatoms can be has to be heated again.
identified to species level though morphological
features of their frustules but these will hardly be RESULTS AND DISCUSSION:
seen without a previous treatment consisting of The observation was recorded between two stations
making all the organic matter disappear, leaving their from Manappadaiyur and Swamimalai of pond. Study
siliceous frustules empty. There are different of physic-chemical parameters correlation co-
techniques for diatom cleaning but the hydrogen efficient and diatoms are shown in table 1, 2, and 3.
peroxide method (30% H2 O2 solution) is the most The maximum water temperatures below 71F in
widely used. Firstly, if formaldehyde has been added, both two stations are same repeated value. John
it should be removed .the sample has to be Clegg (1986), reported by Water temperature is also
homogenized by shaking and a tube for important when using aquatic herbicides to treat plant
centrifugation has to be filled with it. Centrifuge the or algae growth. Aquatic herbicides are most
sample at 2,500 rpm for 15 minutes, remove the effective temperatures are between 60 and when
supernatant, refill the tube with distilled water and water 75F. The pH of water sample both stations
homogenize it again. This process should be repeated are recorded value of 7. A significant negative
3 times but after the first one the supernatant must be relation between temperature and pH (r=-0.3835) has
revised to prevent any loss of diatoms. been observed.
Once the supernatant is removed for the third time, Dissolved oxygen concentration of water sample I,
add a few drops of Hydrogen peroxide to the pellet. 6.77 ml/lit. Sample II, 3.38 ml/lit. The minimum
Be careful because a lot of foam may appear! Some level of Dissolved oxygen 3.38 mg/lit was found in
more peroxide has to be added carefully until half of station II which received the municipal sewage and
the tube is filled with it. Then, the tube can be either domestic water. The similar trend was also recorded
left covered for several days until bubbles stop in pond Sone and Dalmianagar (Bihar) by Singh and
flowing (or) heated in a sand bath (or) a hotplate at Singh (1995). A signification negative relation
about 90C during 1 to 4 hours. In both cases, the between Dissolved oxygen and water temperature r=
brownish suspension has to become whitish. After -0.2906 has been observed and also negative relation
that, add a few drops of HCL and repeat the between Dissolved oxygen and pH r=-0.4567. The
centrifuge process previously describe to remove all carbon-di-oxide levels of water sample I, 2.20 mg/lit.
the Hydrogen peroxide. The negative relation between Co2 and pH r=-0.4332
When diatoms are cleaned and suspended in water, and Dissolved oxygen r=0.3769. Salinity
dispense a few drops of this water on a cover slip and concentration of water sample I 0.437 ppt, sample II
let it dry. Once dried, examine the cover slip under 0.6296 ppt. Singh and Singh (1995) reported that the
the microscope to ensure that diatoms can be easy to higher level of salinity was due to increase in
count. A good number of valves are eight per field decomposition of organic matters. A signification
but it depends on their size and shape. If there are too negative relation between salinity and water
many, the sample must be diluted; if there are only temperature r=-0.0017, A positive relation between
few diatoms, add more drops and let the cover slip salinity and Co2 r= 0.0099.
dry again. If there are not enough diatom on the cover
slip but there is too much inorganic matter on it, the

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IAJPS 2016, 3 (5), 444-449 Tamizhazhagan and Pugazhendy ISSN 2349-7750

. Table: 1 Table: 2

S.No Parameters Value S.No Parameters Value

1. Temperature 28 1. Temperature 28

2. PH 7 2. PH 7

3. Dissolved oxygen 6.77 3. Dissolved oxygen 3.38

4. Co2 2.20 4. Co2 4.4

5. Salinity 0.4379 5. Salinity 0.626

Table 3: Correlation Co- Efficient Observed Between Two Ponds Physico- Chemical Parameters In Pond

Parameters Water PH Dissolved Co2 Salinity

Temperature Oxygen
Water parameter 1.0000

PH -0.3835 1.0000

Dissolved oxygen -0.2906 -0.4567 1.0000

Co2 -0.2906 -0.4332 0.3769 1.0000

Salinity -0.0017 0.0012 0.0054 0.0099 1.0000

Fig1: Two Ponds Physico- Chemical Parameters in Pond Water

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