Xypex C 1000

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ADMIX C-1000

Xypex is a unique chemical treatment for the water- Resists extreme hydrostatic pressure from either
proofing, protection and improvement of concrete. positive or negative surface of the concrete
XYPEX ADMIX C-1000 is added to the concrete mix at Becomes an integral part of the substrate
the time of batching. Xypex Admix C-1000 consists of Highly resistant to aggressive chemicals
portland cement, very fine treated silica sand and various Can seal static hairline cracks up to 0.4 mm
active, proprietary chemicals. These active chemicals Allows concrete to breathe
react with the moisture in fresh concrete and with the Non-toxic
by-products of cement hydration to cause a catalytic Less costly to apply than most other methods
reaction which generates a non-soluble crystalline Permanent
formation throughout the pores and capillary tracts of Added to the concrete at time of batching and
the concrete. Thus the concrete becomes permanently therefore is not subject to climatic restraints
sealed against the penetration of water or liquids from Increases flexibility in construction scheduling
any direction. The concrete is also protected from
deterioration due to harsh environmental conditions. PACKAGING
Xypex Admix C-1000 is packaged in 20 lb. (9.1 kg)
XYPEX ADMIX C-SERIES pails, 60 lb. (27.2 kg) pails and 50 lb. (22.7 kg) bags.
The Admix C-Series has been specially formulated Admix C-1000 is also available in cartons containing
to meet varying project and temperature conditions. 10 lb. (4.5 kg), 12 lb. (5.5 kg), and 15 lb. (6.8 kg)
Xypex Admix C-500 is specifically formulated to meet soluble bags. For specific projects, contact the manufac-
modern concrete practices that incorporate additives turer for availability of custom sized packaging.
such as fly ash and slag. For most concrete mix designs
adding the Admix C-500 will have minimal or no effect STORAGE
on setting time. Xypex Admix C-1000 is designed for Xypex products must be stored dry at a minimum
typical Portland cement-rich concrete, where normal to temperature of 45F (7C). Shelf life is one year when
a mild retarded set is desired. Xypex Admix C-2000 stored under proper conditions.
is designed for projects where extended retardation
is required due to high ambient temperatures or long DOSAGE RATES
ready-mix delivery times. See Setting Time and Strength Xypex Admix C-1000: 2% - 3% by weight of cement
for more details. Consult with a Xypex Technical Xypex Admix C-1000 NF (No Fines Grade): 1% - 1.5%
Representative for the most appropriate Xypex Admix by weight of cement
for your project.
Note: Under certain conditions, the dosage rate for
No Fines Grade may be as low as 0.8% depending on
the quantity and type of total cementitious materials.
Sewage and Water Treatment Plants Consult with Xypexs Technical Department for
Secondary Containment Structures assistance in determining the appropriate dosage rate
Tunnels and Subway Systems and for further information regarding enhanced
Underground Vaults chemical resistance, optimum concrete performance,
Foundations or meeting the specific requirements and conditions
Parking Structures of your project.
Swimming Pools
Pre-Cast Components

Concrete Waterproofing by Crystallization DAT-ADM1

PERMEABILITY JIS Chemical Durability Test Japanese Utility Company,
In-house Test Report, Tokyo, Japan
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers CRD C48-73 Permeability of
Concrete Aviles Engineering Corp., Houston, USA Concrete samples containing Xypex Admix were tested
Two concrete samples containing Xypex Admix at 3% against five samples containing other admixtures and
and 5% respectively, and an untreated control sample against a control sample, to determine resistance to corro-
were tested for water permeability. Both the treated and sion and deterioration caused by contact with aggressive
untreated samples were subjected to a pressure of chemicals. All samples were soaked in a 5% sulfuric acid
150 psi (350 ft. waterhead). Results showed moisture solution at 20C for six months. Various evaluations and
and permeated water throughout the untreated sample measurements were assessed every month during the test
after 24 hours. However, the Xypex Admix samples period, including: photographic comparisons, relative
showed no leakage, and water penetration of only dynamic modulus of elasticity, percentage change in
1.5 mm after 120 hours (5 days). length, weight and flexural rigidity. Although the Xypex
Admix sample was subjected to acid conditions well
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers CRD C48-73 Permeability of outside its published range, the results confirmed Xypex
Concrete Setsco Services, Pte Ltd, Singapore with the best performance among the seven samples tested.
Six Xypex Admix-treated and six untreated concrete
Sulfuric Acid Resistance Test Aviles Engineering
samples were tested for water permeability. Pressure was
Corporation, Houston, USA
gradually increased over five days and then maintained
at 7 bars (224 ft. waterhead) for 10 days. While the six Concrete samples containing Xypex Admix at different
reference samples showed water leakage beginning on the dosage rates (3%, 5% and 7%) were tested against untreated
fifth day and increasing throughout the test period, the control samples for Sulfuric acid resistance. After immer-
Xypex Admix samples showed no water leakage at any time sion in the Sulfuric acid, each sample was tested for
during the test. weight loss on a daily basis until a weight loss of 50% or
a definite response trend was obtained. The percentage
DIN 1048 Water Impermeability of Concrete DICTU S.A. weight loss of the samples containing Xypex Admix
Dept. Of Engineering and Construction Mgt., Santiago, Chile tested significantly lower than the control samples.
Concrete samples 120 mm thick containing Xypex
Sulphate Resistance Test Taywood Engineering Ltd.,
Admix were tested with the same size reference samples
Perth, Australia
for water impermeability. Samples were subjected
to hydrostatic pressure for 28 days. Water totally perme- Xypex Admix-treated concrete samples were immersed
ated the untreated samples but no water penetration was in an ammonium-sulphate solution and tested for
detected in any of the Xypex Admix-treated samples. resistance in a harsh environment. The performance of
the Xypex-Crystalline-Technology was compared with
COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH five other concretes, including one containing a sulphate-
ASTM C 39 Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete resistant cement. Each of the test samples was cured for
Specimens HBT Agra, Vancouver, Canada seven days and then placed in an ammonium-sulphate
Concrete samples containing Xypex Admix at various solution (132 g/l) for 180 days. The rate of corrosion
dosage rates (1%, 2% and 5%) were tested against an was determined by measuring weight loss, and length
untreated concrete control sample. Compressive strength change was noted on a weekly basis. The Xypex-
test results after 28 days indicated a significant strength Crystalline-Technology substantially improved concrete
increase in the samples incorporating Xypex Admix. The performance as compared to the reference concrete and
compressive strength increase varied between 5% and tested very similar to the sulphate-resistant concrete. The
20% (depending on the Xypex Admix dosage rate) over Xypex Admix-treated samples also provided the highest
that of the reference sample. level of protection as measured by change in length.

ASTM C 39 Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete FREEZE/THAW DURABILITY

Specimens Kleinfelder Laboratories, San Francisco, USA ASTM C 666 Freeze/Thaw Durability Independent
At 28 days, the compressive strength test of the concrete Laboratory, Cleveland, USA
containing Xypex Admix measured 7160 psi as compared After 300 freeze/thaw cycles, the Xypex Admix-treated
to the reference sample at 6460 psi (a 10% increase). samples indicated 94% relative durability.

X Y P E X A D M I X C - 1 0 0 0 P R O D U C T D A T A
NSF 61 Drinking Water System Component-Health Effects The setting time of concrete is affected by the chemical and
NSF International, Ann Arbor, USA physical composition of ingredients, temperature of the
Exposure testing of potable water in contact with Xypex- concrete and climatic conditions. Xypex Admix C-1000 is
treated samples indicated no harmful effects. designed for typical Portland cement-rich concrete, where
normal to a mild retarded set is desired. Concrete contain-


DIRECTIONS FOR USE ing the Xypex Admix C-1000 may develop higher ultimate
Xypex Admix C-1000 must be added to the concrete at strengths than plain concrete. Trial mixes should be carried
the time of batching. The sequence of procedures for out under project conditions to determine the setting time
addition will vary according to the type of batch plant and strength of the concrete dosed with Xypex Admix
operation and equipment: C-1000. Consult with a Xypex Technical Representative
for the most appropriate Xypex Admix for your project.
Xypex Admix in powder form to the drum of the LIMITATIONS
ready-mix truck. Drive the ready-mix truck under the When incorporating Xypex Admix, the temperature
batch plant and add the balance of the materials in of the concrete mix should be above 40F (4C).
accordance with standard concrete batching practices.
Mix materials for a minimum of 5 minutes to ensure TECHNICAL SERVICES
that the Xypex Admix has been thoroughly dispersed For more instructions, alternative installation methods, or
throughout the concrete. information concerning the compatibility of the Xypex
treatment with other products or technologies, contact the
Technical Services Department of Xypex Chemical
Xypex Admix with water to form a very thin slurry
Corporation or your local Xypex Representative.
(e.g. 15 - 20 lb./6.75 - 9 kg of powder mixed with
3 gallons/13.6 litres of water). Pour the required amount of
material into the drum of the ready-mix truck. The
aggregate, cement and water should be batched and mixed Xypex is alkaline. As a cementitious powder or mixture,
in the plant in accordance with standard practices (taking Xypex may cause significant skin and eye irritation.
into account the quantity of water that has already been Directions for treating these problems are clearly detailed
placed in the ready-mix truck). Pour the concrete into the on all Xypex pails and packaging. The Manufacturer also
truck and mix for at least 5 minutes to ensure even maintains comprehensive and up-to-date Material Safety
distribution of the Xypex Admix throughout the concrete. Data Sheets on all its products. Each sheet contains
health and safety information for the protection of
3. PRECAST BATCH PLANT Add Xypex Admix to the rock workers and customers. The Manufacturer recommends
and sand, then mix thoroughly for 2 - 3 minutes before you contact Xypex Chemical Corporation or your local

adding the cement and water. The total concrete mass Xypex representative to obtain copies of Material Safety
should be blended using standard practices. Data Sheets prior to product storage or use.

Cementitious Crystalline
Concrete Waterproofing 07160
1. It is important to obtain a homogeneous mixture of WARRANTY
Xypex Admix with the concrete. Therefore, do not add The Manufacturer warrants that the products manufac-
dry Admix powder directly to wet concrete as this may tured by it shall be free from material defects and will be
cause clumping and thorough dispersion will not occur. consistent with its normal high quality. Should any of
the products be proven defective, the liability to the
2. Concrete containing the Xypex Admix does not
Manufacturer shall be limited to replacement of the product
preclude the requirement for design of crack control,
ex factory. The Manufacturer makes no warranty as to
construction joint detailing and measures for repairing
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and
defects in concrete (i.e. honeycombing, tie holes, cracks
this warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed
beyond specified limits).
or implied. The user shall determine the suitability of the
For further information regarding the proper use of product for his intended use and assume all risks and
Xypex Admix for a specific project, consult with a Xypex liability in connection therewith.
Technical Representative.
13731 Mayfield Place, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada V6V 2G9
Tel: (604) 273-5265 Fax: (604) 270-0451
ISO 9001:2000
E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.xypex.com
FM 63167 XYPEX is a registered trademark of Xypex Chemical Corporation.

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