In Other Worlds.-Spivak
In Other Worlds.-Spivak
In Other Worlds.-Spivak
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One: Literature
1. The Letter as Cutting Edge 3
Notes 269
Gayatri Spivak is often called a feminist Marxist deconstructivist. This might
seem a rebarbative mouthful designed to fit an all purpose radical identity. To
any reader of this remarkable book it will come to seem a necessarily complex
description, limning not an identity, but a network of multiple contradictions,
traces, inscriptions. The book does not merely state that we are formed in con-
stitutive contradictions and that our identities are the effects of heterogenous
signifying practices: its analyses start from and work towards contradiction and
heterogeneity. Illumination is a necessarily transitory and conjunctura! moment.
Any foreword to this work is, of necessity, asked to address the three fields of
feminism, Marxism, and deconstruction. However, much of the force of Spivak's
work comes from its reiterated demonstration that these fields can only be under-
stood and used in a constant attention to their interpenetration and re-articu-
lation. Any simplifying foreword thus runs the risk of reducing the potential of
this productive work. The task is, however, worth undertaking exactly because
these texts are of importance to anyone concerned with our understanding of
culture. Better: with the relation both of culture and its interpretation to the
other practices that shape our lives.
What aid to the reader, then, is proposed by a foreword? Lurking somewhere,
no doubt, is the fear that these essays are "difficult." Difficulty is, as we know,
an ideological notion. What is manually difficult is just a simple job, what is
easy for women is difficult for men, what is difficult for children is easy for
adults. Within our ascriptions of difficulty lie subterranean and complex eval-
uations. So if Spivak's work is judged to be difficult, where is that difficulty
held to reside? Although these texts have been published in learned journals,
their effectivity to date has largely issued from their delivery as spoken ad-
dresses. Judgments of difficulty have thus tended to remain at the level of
speech, of rumor. It may be of use to dispel some of those rumors, to enable
the reader to engage more quickly with the pleasures and challenges of Spivak's
Let us quickly enumerate the ways in which these texts are not difficult. They
are not difficult stylistically: this is periodic English at its most pleasurable, in-
terpolated with the occasional sharp American idiom, elegant and concise. Nor
is the difficulty that all too typical obscure, omniscient, and irritating academic
manner, which classes epochs and cultures with a whimsical aside and no ref-
erence to sources. Not for Spivak an analysis of Chinese culture based on a few
second-hand sources, nor the empty rhetoric of "since Plato." Every analysis is
car~fully annotated, by someone who is, at least in this, a model product of an
Indian undergraduate and an American graduate education-probably the most
scholarly combination on this planet. Indeed one of the minor uses of this text
is the way the footnotes offer an annotated bibliography to several of the most
interesting Marxist and feminist debates of the past two decades.
There is another, more subtle way in which the whispered rumor of difficulty
is often intended. What we are talking of is a "difficult woman," a "difficult
native." Spivak, herself, describes so well what is at stake here in "Explanation
X Foreword Foreword xi
and Culture: Marginalia" that I would find it impossible to improve on her acute three "oppositional" positions and locating Spivak' s work in terms of them. The
account of the structures of an academic conference, and the corridors of knowl- problem is also to stress the provisionality of this categorization; to remember/
edge and tables of learning where the marginal aside is made with central pur- encode the fact that this homogeneity is, in each case, wrested from a hetero-
pose. All that is worth stressing here is that one doesn't need the substantive, geneity which is forever irreducible to it but which cannot be grasped except as
carefully erased from the academic conscious, to grasp the meaning of the ad- a limit, an excess beyond which, for a particular discourse, intelligibility fades. ,.
jective. What is at stake here is tone, gesture, style-a whole opera and ballet Such a thought is indebted to the work of Jacques Derrida, and Gayatri Spival< l
of sexist racism which continues to dominate the academic theater and which is still probably best known as the translator of his most famous work, Of Gram~J
should be challenged every moment it appears-especially given th~ dif~culty matology. She is, therefore, obviously a deconstructionist. She says so herself.
that, when challenged, it vociferously denies its own existence. , ,- And yet this extraordinary collection of essays, gathering together some of her
There remain, however, two real levels of difficulty in these texts, and al- most important work of this decade, lacks the defining features of deconstruction
though these two levels cannot finally be theoretically separated they can be in America.
differentiated at a practical level. The first is unavoidable-it is the difficulty This paradox is merely an index of the poverty with which Derrida's thought
which is inevitably involved in any serious attempt to reflect and analyze the has been received in the US. Norman Mailer, in one of his characteristically
world within publically available discourses. No matter how great the commit- acute asides, remarked that Kerouac was an "Eisenhower kind of gypsy," and
ment to clarity, no matter how intense the desire to communicate, when we are deconstruction-US style has been a "Reagan kind of radical theory." Its sigriif-(
trying ourselves to delineate and differentiate the practices and objects which icance and importance in the United States is entirely in terms of the devel-
are crucial to understanding our own functioning and for which we as yet lack opment of the academic discipline of literary criticism; indeed, it has becomeJl
an adequate vocabulary, there will be difficulty. Only those supremely confident dominant method of contemporary literary education. It subjects texts to the
of their own understanding-those who would deny all reality to history or the rigorous forms of analysis developed by Jacques Derrida, analyses which tease
unconscious or matter-can bask in the self-satisfied certainty of an adequate out the fundamental oppositions which underpin and make possible any par-
language for an adequate world. This should never be taken as a carte blanche ticular discourse and which show how those oppositions are always themselves
for a willed esotericism which figures an equally complacent certainty in the caught up in their own operations-how they become the vanishing point of a
inadequacy of language: the literary countersign of technocratic stupidity. How- discourse's own intelligibility.
ever, there will be a certain difficulty in reading any work which is genuinely Derrida elaborated this work in the context of Heidegger' s meditation on Being ,
trying to grapple with some of our most urgent problems which do not yet- and in an attempt to recapture the revolutionary potential of a series of the key:
and this constitutes their most problematic intellectual aspect-have the clarity texts of literary modemism-Mallarme, Artaud, Joyce, a project which found
of the already understood. To deny this real level of difficulty in Spivak's work its rationale in the situation of France in the 1960s. An adequate account of that
would be misleading. period does not exist-we even lack the most banal elements of a positivist
With much of such difficult work there are, however, immediate reference cultural history. What can be said with some certainty, however, is that it was
points within existing disciplines and arguments, which easily serve as an initial in large part a reaction both to the sudden advent of consumer capitalism under -'
orientation. But this does not prove to be the case with Spivak's essays. However De Gaulle and the widely perceived exhaustion within the French Communist ,
pleasurable the style and however detailed the references, Spivak's texts radi- Party. In the decade after 1956, France went through one of those periods of
cally transgress against the disciplines, both the official divisions of anthropol- accelerated and overdetermined change which were, in retrospect, to be phe-
ogy, history, philosophy, literary criticism, sociology and the unofficial divisions nomenally rich in social contradiction and cultural production. If one wanted to
between Marxism, feminism, deconstruction. There are few ready-made cate- emblematically grasp this commitment both to radical politics and the analysis
gories or reading lists into which her arguments fall. This is no accident: one of of the new and complex text of consumer capitalism, the preeminent theoretical -:7
the major arguments of this book is that the academy is constituted so as to be text would be Roland Barthes's Mythologies (1957). Culturally one could gesture
unable to address the most serious of global questions, and that, in fact, many towards Jean-Luc Godard and his films of the mid-sixties such as Deux ou trois
of the most radical critiques remain completely within terms set out by the con: , chases que je sais d'elle (1966). Politically one could think of the Situationists and
stituted academy. Spivak's theme here is large: the micro-politics of the academy_ texts such as Guy Debord's Society of the Spectacle and Raoul Van Eigen's The
and its relation to the macro-narrative of imperialism. But this is a theme without Revolution of Everyday Life.
a subject: one that lacks reading lists, introductory guides, and employment These are, admittedly, very disparate figures but all, at different levels, at-
opportunities. It is not easily located in relation to the established subject di- tempted to grapple with the elaborate signifying systems of advanced capitalist
visions (what is a literary critic doing discussing economic theory?) nor vis-a- society-the immense network of significations, from advertising hoarding, to
vis what are becoming the relatively well-mapped fields of Marxist, feminist, magazine, to television-the circulation of signs in which the subject is con-
and deconstructionist criticism. stantly figured and refigured. The concept of text developed in that period-
There is, therefore, some point in providing crude categorizations of these and associated concepts such as deconstruction-found a specific intellectual
xii Foreword Foreword xiii
and political purpose in the attempt to both articulate the reality of the dominant and Derrida is best captured in their respective attitudes toward the pathos of
culture and to escape its stereotyped identifications. deconstruction: "the enterprise of deconstruction always in a certain way falls
It is easy, particularly for one who lived through its boundless excitement and prey to its own work" writes Derrida in a comment which surfaces frequently
energy to recall this time as a simple golden age. To do so is to ignore its manifold m these essays. But what has become for Derrida, the abiding question, is, for
problems. It too simply assumed the intellectual arrogance of both vanguard Spivak, a limit which cannot obscure the value, however provisional, of the
politics and vanguard art; and although I would argue that much of its initial\ rigorous analyses that deconstruction enables.
emphases came from the explosion of consumer culture in France, it never ac- r' To !?".asp the of Spivak's work necessitates going beyond the binary
tively engaged with that culture but instead postulated another ractlcal .::ultural,\ opposition between First World intellectual production and Third World physical
space constituted largely by a neo-surrealist canon. Its contemporary te'Xts"wen( exploitation. Running across both in further contradiction/production is her sit-
theoretical rather than literary. Most importantly, it never really articulated a uation as a female academic and as one who has played a significant part in that
new politics or that thoroughgoing revision of the Marxist heritage that it explosion of feminist theory and practice which has marked the last twenty
promised. years.
By the time this project was transported to America in the 1970s-following Spivak's feminism may well seem as initially unreadable as her deconstruc-
its dubious success in France-it was transported as an individual-Derrida- tion. This stems from her conjunction of a rejection of any essentialism with an
and its terms were altered. The project was divorced from its attempt to refind em~hasis on the crucial importance of examining and reappropriating the ex-
the revolutionary force of modernism, in which the institutions of art were al- penence of the female body. While Spivak avoids the sterile debates of decon-
ways in question, and relocated within a much safer and domesticated Roman- struction, or comments on them only obliquely, she is a willing participant in
ticism, where art retained a clearly delineated institutional space. "Text," far fen:inist debates, but a participant who problematically combines positions
from being a concept-metaphor with which to deconstruct both individual and which are often held to be antithetical. Many feminists have wished to stress
society in order to grasp their complex of contradictory determinations, became an essential feminine, an area repressed by male domination but within which
a metonym for literature, conceived in all its exclusive and elitist forms: textuality it is possible to find the methods and values to build a different and better
became little more than a fig-leaf behind which one could hide all difficult ques- society. The most notable opponents of such a view have been those influenced
tions of education and class. Deconstruction came simply to name the last priv- by psychoanalysis, and specifically its Lacanian version, who stress sexuality as
ileged defense of the canon in a way brilliantly described in the second essay a construction produced through familial interaction. Neither male nor female
in this collection. It was reduced to a powerful method which would reveal the se~uality can be understood as such, but only in their interdefinability as the
sameness and the greatness of the major literary texts. child seeks to locate itself in the complicated exchanges within the nuclear
In her long third essay on Wordsworth, Spivak dots the i's and crosses the family.
t's on this particular development within the literary academy, reintroducing The psychoanalytic thesis thus proposes both a fundamental bisexualitv, a
into one of the privileged texts of American deconstruction the sex and politics bisexual~ty which finds its prima~ articulation in the dialectic between b~ing
that Wordsworth is at such pains to erase in his attempt to construct an art and havmg the phallus. All questions of direct access to the body are bracketed
which will be troubled by neither. But if Spivak is critical of the domestication ~or psycho_analysis by the need for the body to be represented or symbolised-
of deconstruction, she is not concerned with returning to its radical origins. mdeed, fallure of such a representation entails psychosis. Thus for Lacan the
Independently of any deconstructionist doubt about the originality of origins, r~al is that to which we do not have access and whose disappearance from the
Spivak shows no enthusiasm for the project of modernism or the attempt in the fi~ld of consciousness is the condition of intersubjectivity. Feminists who accept
sixties to revive its radical potential (she would probably want to criticize the this account do not question political struggle and the need to supersede male
original project and its renewal in feminist terms). The enormous contemporary do~ination, but they argue that it must find its forms and aims in specific sit-
interest of these essays is that they develop some of the concepts and approaches uations and cannot be elaborated in relation to an essential feminine nature.
of the sixties in the context of two concrete but very different dimensions: the Spivak's opposition to essentialism is, in the first instance, deconstructive rather
development of the university in the advanced world and the developing forms ~han psychoanalytical. Woman, like any other term can only find its meaning
of exploitation in the Third World. Spivak's determination to hold both of these m a complex series of differentiations, of which the most important, or at least
situations, both of her situations, in constant tension, in a perpetual decon- the most immediate, is man. It is as ludicrous, in deconstructive terms, to talk
structive displacement, is what provides many of the astonishing insights and of an essential feminine as it is to talk of any other essence. It is not ludicrous,
pleasures of In Other Worlds. Deconstruction, for Spivak, is neither a conservative however, on this account totalk of the specificity of the female body. If decon-
aesthetic nor a radical politics but an intellectual ethic which enjoins a constant.. struction is critically sensitive to any account which bases itself on a privileged
attention to the multiplicity of determination. At the same time, Spivak is ab- mom:nt of experience, it is exactly to allow full force to the heterogeneity of
solutely committed to pinpointing and arresting that multiplicity at the moment ~xpenence. It fol~ows that, for a woman, that heterogeneity must importantly
in which an enabling analysis becomes possible. The difference between Spivak mdude the expenence of her bodv, an experience which has been subject to the
xiv Foreword Foreword XV
most rigorous male censorship down the ages and finds a particularly shocking, expanded to account for imperialism, makes more sense-as Spivak indicates
but for Spivak exemplary, form in the practice of clitoridectomy. in many telling asides. In the essay "Scattered Speculations on the Theory of
Spivak develops the experience of the female body in two radically different Value" these asides are located within a thoroughgoing argument which fully
directions. On the one hand she wishes to stress the clitoris as the site of a retains Marx's account of exploitation grounded in the theory of surplus value.
radical excess to the cycle of reproduction and production, and on the other, tQ> The argument is both extraordinarily complex and interesting, and all I can hope
emphasize that the reproductive power of the womb is crucially absent from to do here is indicate its major vectors.
any account of production in the classical Marxist texts. Further she argues that Spivak clearly realizes that to retain the theory of surplus value it is necessary
it is only when the excess of the clitoris has been taken into accotgtt ~hat it will to retain its basis, which Marx had adopted from classical economics: the now
be possible to situate and assess uterine social organisation. It would be''difficult much questioned labor theory of value. She accomplishes this by a thorough
to overestimate the skill with which Spivak weaves these themes together in re-reading of the first section of Capital volume I, supplemented by the Grun-
relation to the classic Marxist theme of production. drisse. Her most audacious move is to deny that Marx ever adopted the labor
Before moving on to Marxism, what of psychoanalysis? Only the briefest and theory of value in that "continuist" reading which proceeds in relations of rep-
most provisional of answers is possible. This is partially because Spivak is never resentation and transformation from labor to value to money to capital. Instead,
interested in psychoanalytic theory as such but rather its use by literary theo:i:y Spivak argues, we have to understand Marx' s account of value not as indicating
as a radical fabulation with which to explicate the functioning of texts. Spivak the possibility of labor representing itself in value but as an analysis of the ability
would seem to accept an account of the child's acquisition of a sexual identity of capital to consume the use value of labor power. By concentrating on use-
which would place that acquisition in the social interplay of desire. She would, value as the indeterminate moment within the chain of value-determinations,
however, explicitly, object to the phallus being made the crucial term in this Spivak breaks open that chain, redefining labor within a general account of
relation and, implicitly, to the description of the family as the only site of sig- value, which makes labor endlessly variable both in relation to technological
nificant desire. While it is clear that, for Spivak, the womb must be considered change and to political struggles, particularly those around feminism. Even if I
in this exchange, she does not indicate how the relation to the clitoris would have understood it correctly, the argument is too complex to do full justice to
figure, nor how she would displace the primacy of vision, which awards the it here. Suffice to indicate one reservation and one consequence. The reservation
penis pride of visible place in any psychoanalytic account. But, as I have said, is that in order to explain the continuing exploitation of the third world, Spivak
psychoanalysis is not one of Spivak's most urgent concerns, and it may remain stresses the contradiction whereby capital has to produce more absolute and
for others to develop further her extraordinarily suggestive comments in psy- less relative surplus value. But it is not clear to me that this distinction survives
choanalytic terms. her critique of the "continuist" account of value. What is clear, however, is that
Marxism is, however, an urgent concern, one that insists throughout these while Marx has perfectly grasped the constitutive crisis of capitalism, he has not
pages. But it is a Marxism which will be alien to at least a few Marxist critics. provided an account of any other mode of production; for if there is no fixed
For this is a Marxism crucially grounded in Third World experience and is there- relation between value and labor it is impossible to understand the appropriation
fore a Marxism which concentrates on imperialism and exploitation, one that is of surplus outside a full understanding of the organization of value within a
both critical of, and finds no use for, the normative narrative of the modes of particular communicy. This consequence may be seen as endorsed by Spivak
production. While most recent Marxist cultural criticism in the developed world because, for her, normative accounts of mode of production have impeded third
has been occupying itself with revising the crude economistic models of base world struggles.
and superstructure, it has also been prone to a repression of economics; it has If she wishes to retain Marx as a theoretician of crisis she is happy to bracket
conveniently forgotten the necessicy of locating those cultural analyses within him as a philosopher of history. This is not simply because the Asiatic mode of
the organization of production and its appropriation of surplus. Often Marxism production offers a classically inadequate account of historical Asian societies
now means nothing more than a commitment to a radical or socialist politics but because the notion of a "transition" to capitalism has crippled liberation
and the adoption of the classic mode of production narrative-the transitions movements, forcing them to construe their struggles in relation to the devel-
from slave, to feudal, to capitalist orders. This, it must be stressed, is not meant opment of a national bourgeois class. For Spivak, the attempt to understand
simply as a condemnation but as a description of the difficulcy of analyzing subaltern classes only in terms of their adequation to European models has been
contemporary developed countries in the terms elaborated in Capital: the prob- deeply destructive. The political project becomes one of letting the subaltern
lems posed by the analysis of the enormous middle class; the decline in factory speak-allowing his or her consciousness to find an expression which will then
production; and, above all, the growth of computerized production in the last inflect and produce the forms of political liberation which might bypass com-
ten years. In this context the claim that labor power is no longer the major pletely the European form of the nation. It is this momentous project that pro-
productive element within the developed economies becomes plausible. duces a context for Spivak's final essays.
From a Third World perspective, however, such a plausibilicy is itself seen as This work takes place in, and in relation to, the historical collective called
the management of a crisis and the classic Marxist analysis of exploitation, as Subaltern Studies. While Spivak endorses the group's abandonment of the modes
xvi Foreword Foreword xvii
of production narrative, she argues that such renunciation is not enough. As texts can be useful to such struggles that they will be effective. No guarantees
long as notions of discipline and subjectivity are left unexamined, the subaltern for such effectivity can be given in advance. These essays on cultural politics
will be narrativized in theoretically alternative but politically similar ways. To cannot be understood simply as a set of analyses; it is only insofar as they serve
avoid this dominating disablement, historians must face the contemporary cri- as an aid to action that they could possibly complete their own undoing. That
' tique of subjectivity both in relation to the subaltern (it cannot be a question of action is multiple and heterogenous. I have not the competence to speak of India
restoring the subaltern'sconsciousness but of tracing the subject effects of sub- ?r the Third World nor the scope to speak of the variety of political struggles
~!!2:) and in relation to themselves (as they recognize the subject effects of m the advanced world. Suffice to say the full significance of this work will rest
their own practice). It is only when the full force of contemporary a,~tihumanism on events outside its control, and whether it will come to mean something for
has met the radical interrogation of method that a politically consequent his- what comes after is not in any individual's power of choice.
torical method can be envisaged. It seems necessary for me, however, to end this foreword by going beyond
It is such a method that Spivak employs in the final reading of Mahasweta the limits of Spivak' s text, with some specific comments on the micro-politics
De vi's magnificent and terrible story "Breast Giver." Here Spivak demonstrates of the university in the developed world. It immensely diminishes the potential
the importance of undoing the distinction between literary criticism and history of this book to limit it to the one world of the Western academy. But of course
or, which is the same undoing at another level, the distinction between imag- it is not one world-any one world is always, also, a radical heterogeneity which
inary and real events. This is not the aesthetic stupidity of "all history is liter- radiates out in a tissue of differences that undoes the initial identity. One could
ature." Put crudely, the thesis is no more than Marx's dictum that ideas become perhaps talk here of the dialectic between theory and politics where theory (like
a material force when they grip the masses. But what Spivak argues is that to travel) pulls you out of the true and politics (like homecoming) is what pulls
understand this process the analyst of culture must be able to sketch the real you back. One could perhaps turn to Wittgenstein here and, misquoting, argue
effects of the imaginary in her object of study while never forgetting the im- that "differences come to an end" -in other words that particular identities,
aginary effect of the real (the impossibility of fully grasping her situation) in her whatever their provisionality, impose themselves in specific practices.
own investigation. But where Lacan understands that real entirely in relatio11 There is one formal identity and specific practice that I share with Spivak: it
to a castration which sets the imaginary in place, Spivak understands that real, is not simply that we are both university teachers, but that from this year we
as the excess of the female body which has to be placed in its cultural and are teachers in the same department of English in the same university of Pitts-
economic specificity and only thus can an imaginary be figured. burgh. If one limits oneself to the simple and most obvious point, one might
The force of Mahasweta's text resides in its grounding in the gendered sub- begin by reflecting on the limitations imposed by the very notions of a discipline
altern's body, in that female body which is never questioned and only exploited. of "English." The construction of English as an object of study is a complex
The bodies of Jashoda and Dopdi figure forth the unutterable ugliness and cru- history, but it relates to the academic division of the social world enacted by
elty which cooks in the Third World kitchen to produce the First World feasts capitalist imperialism in the nineteenth century and neo-colonialism in the twen-
that we daily enjoy. But tl}~se women's bodies are not yet another blank signifier tieth. You can study literature, primitive societies, advanced societies, past so-
for masculine signifieds/These women articulate (better construct) truths which cieties, foreign societies, economic forces, political structures. You can even, if
~~E;?ak of our as well as' their situation. The force of Spivak's reading resides in you move outside the Ivy League, study television and film. You are, howeve'r,
its attention to the dialectic between real and imaginary which must be read in disciplinarily constrained not to presuppose a common subject matter. The
these texts and in its attention to how that dialectic reflects back on the imaginary world automatically divides into these categories.
and real of contemporary theory. Spivak's courage lies in confronting both sides Of course, it is true that much vanguard research crosses disciplines, but this
of this dilemma-reading Mahasweta's text with the full apparatus of conteriF' is written out of the undergraduate and graduate curricula. If, however, the
porary Western critical discourses while also, at the same time, using that text humanities and social sciences are to get any serious grip on the world, if they
to read the presuppositions of that critical apparatus. Any other position but are to enable their students to use their studies, then it is imperative that there
this would involve that simple acceptance of a subject-position which is, for is a general recasting of the humanities and social sciences. On the one hand
Spivak, the inevitable sign of bad faith. The force of Spivak's work lies in her students must confront the enormous problems facing the world, on the other
absolute refusal to discount any of the multiplicity of subject-positions which they must understand the relation of their own situation to those problems. The
she has been assigned, or to fully accept any of them. In that sense Spivak is degree of micro-political resistance to any such educational reform will be con-
always in "another world" -always allowing herself to be pulled out of the true, siderable. The individual fiefs that will fall, the networks of power and patronage
This is the ever movable ground of these texts, and as one reads one is both that will dissolve are not negligible. But daily such fiefs disappear, daily net-
illuminated by the thought and moved by the exhilarating and painful adventure works dissolve.
that subtends it. But this text is not simply a personal odyssey, it is also the Underlying this resistance will be a genuine problem: has not knowledge ad-
trace of a series of struggles: of leftist politics in Bengal, of the sixties within the vanced to the point where the data is so vast and the specialties so complex that
American university system, of feminism worldwide. It is only insofar as these any possible program, which is not technically and specifically limited, will sim-
xviii Foreword Foreword xix
ply produce graduates who know a little about everything but have mastered of differing composition courses may seem like a fall from the sublime to the
nothing? This problem, however, carries with it the seeds of its own solution. ridiculous. It is one of the delights of this book that it shrinks from neither: "I
It is true that knowledge is expanding exponentially, but the problem then be- think less easily of "changing the world" than in the past. I teach a small number
comes one of training students in the use and analysis of data. Within the social of the holders of the can(n)on male or female, feminist or masculist, how to read
field it would become the task of confronting the organization of data that the their own texts, as best I can." Any reader of these texts of Spivak will be better
child/citizen is offered in the most unified way by television, and beginning to able to construe and construct the contradictory texts that constitute their own
consider the specific form of that organization. From that analysis it would then lives.
be possible to chart a way through the various disciplines in relation to the
problems encountered and the questions produced. I am not prollosmg a media:
studies for all in which pitifully thin analyses of pitifully thin programs become. Colin MacCabe
the privileged object of knowledge. I am, however, proposing a pedagogy which University of Pittsburgh
would take as its starting point the public organization of social data as the way 14th February 1987
to provide a possibility of judging and checking both the data and the organi-
zation. Such a pedagogy would be genuinely deconstructive in that the position
of the analyst would never be a given but the constantly transformed ground
of the inquiry. This would clearly break with many of the educational devel-
opments of the past few years in that the role of the individual teacher would
become much more important as the specific starting point of inquiry would be
negotiated between teacher and student. At the same time there would have to
be generally agreed and assessed levels of common competence attained within
these specific programs. Obviously this suggestion involves a detailed elabo-
ration of curricula and methods. It is a project to be counted in decades rather
than years, and it would be unwise to underestimate the time scale. One point
must be stressed again and again. If this critique is seriously to address education
then it will be crucial, as Spivak herself writes in this volume, that one qualifies
students to enter society at the same time as one empowers them to criticize it.
The most important problem is, however, neither the micro-political con-
servatism of any institution nor the genuine problem of elaborating an educa-
tional program which emphasized both individual specificity and public com-
petence. It is that such a project will encounter powerful macro-political
resistance. The accusation of "politicization" and of "bias" will be made again
and again. It is a powerful accusation and one which when it refers to the in-
culcation of dogma, or the specific promotion of party position, finds a justifiably
large public response. What will be objected to, however, is the school and the
university carrying out their historically approved and socially sanctioned func-
tion of enabling students to think and empowering them to act. There are vast
interests who do not want a people educated about race or ecology or the media,
about the various forms of exploitation and domination. And these interests,
as Spivak constantly points out, are not forces to be located simply outside the
university; any First World university teacher must acknowledge a certain iden-
tification with those interests.
One of the great virtues of these essays is the commitment to teaching and
education that runs through them. Spivak is rare in combining an understanding
of many of the most crucial problems facing the globe and the species with an
interest in considering the detailed questions of specific educational situations.
From the lofty heights of the development of imperialism, the study of sexuality,
and the impossibility of representing Being to discussing the mundane merits
Author's Note
There would have been no "other worlds" for me if something now called
deconstruction had not come to disrupt the diasporic space of a post-colonial
academic. I am, then, in Jacques Derrida's debt.
Paul de Man blessed me with his encouragement at many stages of the writing
of most of these essays. The often conflictual companionship of Michael Ryan
during the earlier part of the decade had its own productive energy. It remains
for me to thank my students for their support and their persistence.
I am grateful to the following for permission to reprint in this volume essays
previously published: Yale French Studies for "The Letter as Cutting Edge" and
"French Feminism in an International Frame"; Social Text for "Finding Feminist
Readings: Dante-Yeats"; Praeger Publishers for "Unmaking and Making in To
the Lighthouse," originally published in Women and Language in Literature and Soci-
ety; Texas Studies in Literature and Language for "Sex and History in The Prelude
(1805), Books Nine to Thirteen"; The University of Illinois Press for "Feminism
and Critical Theory," originally published in For Alma Mater; College English for
"Reading the World: Literary Studies in the 80s"; Humanities in Society for "Ex-
planation and Culture: Marginalia"; Critical Inquiry, published by the University
of Chicago Press, for "The Politics of Interpretations" and "'Draupadi' by Ma-
hasweta Devi"; Diacritics for "Scattered Speculations on the Question of Value";
and Subaltern Studies for "Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing Historiography."
As is customary for collections such as this one, I have made hardly any
2 .I
. In Other Worlds
1. The letter as Cutting Edge
I If one project of psychoanalytical criticism is to "submit to this test [of the
status of speaking] a certain number of the statemel),tS. of the philosophic tra-
I dition,"1 the American common critic might well fix J:ler'glance upon Chapters
Twelve and Thirteen of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Biographia Literaria. These two
I chapters are invariably interpreted as an important paradigmatic statement of
I flt(e union of the subject and object in the act of the mind, of the organic !mag-
I ination, and the autonomous self. Over the last fifty years New Criticism-the
I 'line of I. A. Richards, William Empson, and then of Brooks, Ransom, Tate, and
I vWimsatt has "founded [itself] on the implicit assumption that literature is an
!',autonomous activity of the mind." 2 It is not surprising that this School, which
I has given America the most widely accepted ground rules of literary pedagogy,
is also often a running dialogue with the Coleridge who is taken to be the prophet
I of the sovereign subject. I quote a passage from Richards, as he proposes to
discuss Chapters Twelve and Thirteen: "In beginning now to expound Cole-
I ridge's theory of the Imagination, I propose to start where he himself in the
I of Biographia ... really started: that is, with a theory of the act of knowledge, or
consciousness, or, as he called it, 'the coincidence or coalescence of an OBJECT
I with a SUBJECT."'3
The testing of these two chapters of the Biographia by the American common
1llll1111 critic by the rules of new psychoanalysis is therefore not without a certain plau-
I sibility, not to say importance. As I describe that testing, I shall imply its ide-
ology-an ideology of "applying" in critical practice a "theory" developed under
other auspices, and of discovering an analogy to the task of the literary critic in
any interpretative situation inhabiting any "science of man." At the end of this
essay, I shall comment on that ideology more explicitly. For reasons that should
I ~
become dear as the essay progresses, I shall make no attempt to "situate" Cole-
ridge within an intellectual set, nor deal with the rich thematics of his so-called
The Biographia Literaria is Coleridge' s most sustained and most important theo-
retical work. It is also a declared autobiography. The critic who has attended to
I the main texts of the ':~':"" psychoanalys!s has learned that any act of language
is made up as much by its so-called substance as by the cuts and gaps that
substance serves to frame and/or stop up: "\IV'e.canconceiveor11leshuHil1g
[fermeture] of the unconscious by the action of something which plays the role
11 of diaphragm-shutter [obturateur]-the object a, sucked and breathed in, just
I where the trap begins." 4 These problematics might play interestingly in a de-
clared autobiography such as Coleridge's. Armed with this insight, the critic
I discovers, in Coleridge's text, logical and rhetorical slips and dodges, and what
looks very much like a narrative obturateur. The text is so packed, and thoroughly
rI commented upon, that here I outline the simplest blueprint of these moments.
The entire Biographia inhabits the narrative structure of pre-monition and post-
ponement (today we might say differance-certainly avoidance and longing) that
so many Romantic works share. "Intended in the first place as a preface to the -
we read closely, we will see that the "not more difficult is it to reduce them" sees in the next chapter, that can only be performed by deferment and
and the "still less dare a favorable perusal be anticipated" do not match: "Taking dissimulation.
[thes~ te~s]_there~ore in mass, and unexamined, it requires only a decent ap- Indeed, in this section of Chapter Twelve, Coleridge is preparing us system-
prenticeship m logtc, to draw forth their contents in all forms and colours, as atically for the analysis of Chapter Thirteen, the chapter to come, and giving us
the professors of legerdemain at our village fairs pull out ribbon after ribbon the terms for its analysis-a chapter which he warns most of us against reading,
fro~ t~eir mouths. And not. more difficult is it to reduce them back again to and which is not going to be there for any of us to read anyway. And all through
theu different genera .... Still less dare a favorable perusal be anticipated from Chapter Twelve, Coleridge grapples with the most patent contradiction in his
the proselytes of that compendious philosophy ... " (163) The rhetoric of "more theory: The possible priority of the object must be rejected out of hand and the
and less" is there to beguile us. In itself a device to announce the absence of a identity of the subject and object, although it may be seen as no more than a
thirlg in its proper measure, here deflected and defective, it leadS U'~fflto further compulsive project, must be presented as the theorem of philosophy. This "iden-
dissimulative plays of presence and absence. tity" is itself an infinite and primary property of self-representation and self-sig-
"But," writes Coleridge in the next paragraph, "it is time to tell the truth." nification, both concepts that are constituted by separation from the self. Yet,
A negative truth, presented in halting alternatives: "it is neither possible or despite all this, the identity must be seamless. Now this is of course not a con-
necessary for all men, or for many, to be PHILOSOPHERs" (164). After this divisive tingency peculiar to Coleridge. If confronted at random with "mind is only what
move, Coleridge leaves the place of spontaneous consciousness vacant of or it does, and its act is to make itself the object of its own consciousness," who
inaccessible to human knowledge: "we divide all the objects of human knowl- would assign a proper author?
edge into those on this side, and those on the other side of the spontaneous In the passage I cited above Coleridge comes close to suggesting that the . .
consciousness" (164). driving force of the philosopher's project is desire. Elsewhere Coleridge will not
Coleridge then assumes what is recognizably the language of philosophical openly declare that the force that would bring the object and the subject, as well
exposition. And here the reader repeatedly meets what must be called logical as the divided ground of the self, into unity, is also desire, a desire that Lacan
slippages. will analyze into the desire of the other and the desire to produce the other as
In Chapter Twelve, simply breaking ground for the grand demonstration of well as to appropriate the other, the object, the object-substitute, as well as the
Chapter Thirteen, Coleridge submits that "there are two cases equally possible. image of the subject or subjects-a play of all that masquerades as the "real."
EITHER THE OBJECTIVE IS TAKEN AS THE FIRST, . . . OR THE SUBJECTIVE IS TAKEN AS THE FIRST." Yet Coleridge's desire for unitary coherence seems constantly to be betrayed by
For. "th~ conceptio~ of na~e does not apparently involve the eo-presence of a discourse of division. First the division between a principle and its manifes-
an mtelligence makmg an ideal duplicate of it, i.e. representing it" (175). So far tation. "This principle [of identity] manifests itself ... " (183). The manifes-
so good. Yet a few pages later, Coleridge designates the ground of the first tation of identity is itself given in two pieces, not one, connected by an alter-
alt~rnative as prejudice, and that of the second simply as ground. The reason native, supported by the possibility of translation, which would contradict its
bemg one of compulsion; otherwise thought disappears. uniqueness, and, given the multiplicity of languages, would make it in principle
open-ended. The first piece is the Latin word sum, suggesting on the page its
English graphic equivalent: "sum." Its translated substitute breaks the unitary
THAT THERE _EXIST THINGS WITHOUT US ... remains proof against all attempts sum into two: "I am." "This principle, and so characterized, manifests itself in
to ren:ove 1t by grounds or arguments ... the philosopher therefore com- the SUM or I AM."
pels hzmself to treat this faith as nothing more than a prejudice ... The Soon Coleridge neatly turns the table. A few pages back, as we have noticed,
other po~i~o~ ... is groundless indeed .... It is groundless; but only he was suggesting that the objective and the subjective positions are alternatives,
because_ It. IS Itself the ground of all other certainty. Now the apparent and "to demonstrate their identity is the office and object of ... philosophy."
con~_adiction ... ~h: transcendental philosopher can solve only by the sup-
Now, with the most sweeping of intermediate steps, and certainly nothing like
position ... that It IS not only coherent but identical ... with our own a demonstration, Coleridge asserts: "It may be described therefore as a perpetual
immediate self-consciousness (178; italics mine). Self-duplication of one and the same power into object and subject" (183). The
following THESis, punctuated by "therefores" and "it follows" -es, does not in
fact depend upon or look forward to proofs presented in the text, and is stated
with such uncharged assurance that it has all the force of law:
Up~n this fundamental, compulsive, and necessary desire, the philosopher's
desu~ for coherence and the possibility of knowledge-the desire for the One,
Colendge la~s the cornerstone of his argument. And then suggests that to dem- for herein consists the essence of a spirit, that it is self-representative ....
on~trate the !~entity of_ the two positions presented in the passage above is "the It must follow that the spirit in all the objects which it views, views only
office and object of philosophy!" (175-178). An office and object, as the reader itself .... It has been shown, that a spirit is that, which is its own object,
8 In Other Worlds The Letter as Cutting Edge 9
yet not originally an object, but an absolute subject for which all, itself affirm an absolute something that is in and of itself at once cause and effect
included, may become an object. It must therefore be an Acr.... Again ... , subject and object, or rather the identity of both. But as this is in-
the spirit ... must in some sense dissolve this identity [of subject and conceivable, except in a self-consciousness, it follows ... that ... we arrive at
object], in order to be conscious of it. ... But this implies an act, and it . . . a self-consciousness in which the principium essendi does not stand
follows therefore that intelligence or self-consciousness is impossible, ex- to the principium cognoscendi in the relation of cause to effect, but both
cept by and in a will. . . . Freedom must be assumed as a ground of phi- the one and the other are eo-inherent and identical (187).
losophy, and can never be deduced from it (184-185).
Here Coleridge glosses over the possibility that if the principle of being (es-
"'"'~ Torget what is
In all this barrage of compulsive argumentation, one tends to sence, truth) is not the cause of the principle of knowing, the two principles
written three pages before, where Coleridge describes the strategy of the imag- might very well be discontinuous rather than identical, simply on the ground
ination that might produce such arguments: that such a discontinuity would be "inconceivable." But in an argument about
knowing and being, inconceivability and unreasonableness are not argument
enough. One must allow the aporia to emerge. Especially since, a page earlier,
Equally inconceivable is a cycle of equal truths without a common and cen- Coleridge had excused himself precisely on the ground of the difference, rather
tral principle.... That the absurdity does not so immediately strike us, than the identity, between these two principles: "We are not investigating an
that it does not seem equally unimaginable, is owing to a surreptitious act absolute principium essendi; for then, I admit, many valid objections might be
of the imagination, which, instinctively and without our noticing the same, started against our theory; but an absolute principium cognoscendi" (186). The
not only fills up the intervening spaces, and contemplates the cycle ... difference-at the sensible frontier of truth and knowledge 7-that must be cov-
as a continuous circle giving to all collectively the unity of their common ered over by an identity worries Coleridge.
orbit; but likewise supplies ... the one central power, which renders the And it is this gap between knowing and being that the episode of the im-
movement harmonious and cyclical (181). aginary letter occludes. At the end of Chapter Twelve, Coleridge invokes, in a
sentence that seems strangely unrelated to the rest of the page, an overtly the-
ological rather than merely logical authority for thinking unity rather than dif-
Does it help our critic to speculate that the instinctive, surreptitious, and un- ference: "I will conclude with the words of Bishop Jeremy Taylor: he to whom
noticed imagination, filling up the gaps in the centerless cycle of equal-infi- all things are one, who draweth all things to one, and seeth all things in one,
nitely substitutable-truths, each signifying the next and vice versa, might fol- may enjoy true peace and rest of spirit" (194). But by the end of Thirteen, the
low the graph that Lacan has plotted in "La Subversion du sujet et la dialectique imaginary friend, the self's fiction, takes the place of God's instrument, the good ,
du desir?" Would Coleridge have welcomed Lacan's notion of the points de cap- Bishop. A fallen discourse of "being as mere existence," the autobiographical
iton-quilting buttons: "by means of which the signifier stops the otherwise anecdote, a letter from the world of others, interrupts the discourse of knowing, 1
indefinite sliding of signification?"6 and prevents the movement whereby its presentation would (if it could) be r
The critic cannot know the answer to that question. But she can at least see identical with its proof, and halts on a promise: a promise to read and to write.-!
that for Coleridge, if the controlling imagination or self-consciousness is not A reader of Lacan can interpret this textual gesture yet another way: the erup-
taken as performing its task of fixing those conditions of intelligibility, what tion of the Other onto the text of the subject. Read this way, what is otherwise
results is chaos, infinite way stations of sliding signification. Coleridge, in an seen as merely an interruption of the development of the argument about the
older language, calls this fixing or stabilizing the location of ground. "Even when imagination may not only be seen as a keeping alive, by unfulfillment, of the
the Objective is assumed as the first, we yet can never pass beyond the principle desire that moves the argument, but also as the ruse that makes possible the
of self-consciousness. Should we attempt it, we must be driven back from establishment of the Law of the imagination. The author's friend, the self split;
ground to ground, each of which would cease to be a Ground the moment we and disguised as the Other, can in this view be called the "Legislator," he who
pressed on it. We must be whirl'd down the gulf of an infinite series." But at once dictates the author's course of action and makes it possible for the law
whereas Lacan or Derrida would see the protective move against such a threat to be erected. Seeking to bring his text to the appropriate conclusion-the ex
as simply that, and perhaps as a "characteristic" of text or subject, Coleridge cathedra paragraphs on the Imagination-the subject in this view must ask the
speaks of it in the language of necessity and norm: Other (no longer the object but what seems another subject) "What is y~ur
wish?" (My wish is that you should suppress this chapter.) "By means of which
is yet more marked than revealed the true function of the Father which at bottom
But this would make our reason baffle the end and purpose of all reason, is to unite (and not to oppose) a desire to the Law." 8 Coleridge's text desires
namely, unity and system. Or we must break off the series arbitrarily, and to be logically defective and yet be legislative. The path to such conclusions as
10 In Other Worlds The letter as Cutting Edge 11
"the IMAGINATION, then ... " and so forth, is paved with logical dissimulation. desire to present the complete development of his theory of the Imagination,
By demanding that the path be effaced, the Lawgiver allows the unac~o~ even as it encourages and promises further writing and reading. It is an instru-
ledgeable desire to be united with the Law (rather than the argument, wh1ch 1s ment with a cutting edge.
the text's ostensible desire) of the Imagination. The richness of the text is in- The critic knows that, in psychoanalytic vocabulary, all images of a cutting
creased when we realize that the Law in question is not any law, but the Law that gives access to the Law is a mark of castration. It is the cut in Coleridge's
of the sovereignty of the Self, and that Coleridge's text narrates this legislation discourse that allows the Law to spring forth full-fledged. The removal of the
in terms of an author who, rusingly, "fathers" the Legislator rather than vice phallus allows the phallus to emerge as the signifier of desire. "Castration means
versa, and that that fathering is disavowed. A labyrinth of mirrors here ... that, in order to attain pleasure on the reversed scale of the Law of desire,
[orgasmic] pleasure [jouissance] must be refused." 13 As subsequent critical re-
ception of Coleridge has abundantly demonstrated, the letter, by denying the
In Coleridge our critic seems confronted with an exemplum. Mingling the full elaboration of a slippery argument, has successfully articulated the grand
theory and the narrative of the subject, Coleridge's text seems to engage mo!!L conclusion of Chapter Thirteen with what came before. Thus is castration, as a
profitably with the work of the new psychoanalysis. The double-edged play of psychoanalytic concept, both a lack and an enabling: "let us say of castration
the desire for a unitarian theory and a desire for discontinuity seems accessible that it is the absent peg which joins the terms in order to construct a series or
to that work. a set or, on the contrary, it is the hiatus, the cleavage that marks the separation
If our critic does follow the ideology I have predicted for her, she will proceed of elements among themselves." 14
to search through the basic texts of Lacan for the meaning of her reading, and
realize that she has related Coleridge's chapters to the two great psychoanalytic
themes: castration and the Imaginary, the second specifically articulated by As American common critics read more and more of the texts of the new
La can. psychoanalysis, and follow the ideology of application-by-analogy, exegeses like
Although inevitably positioned and characterized by its place in the "sym- this one will proliferate. 15 And so will gestures of contempt and caution against
bolic" world of discourse, the subject nonetheless desires to touch the "real" su~h appropriations by critics closer to the French movement. I propose at this
world by constructing object-images or substitutes of that "real" world and of pomt to make a move toward neutralizing at once the appropriating confidence
itself. This is the place of the Imaginary, and, according to Lacan, all philo- of the former and the comforting hierarchization of the latter and ask what this
sophical texts show us its mark. "In all that is elaborated of being and even of sort of use of a psychoanalytic vocabulary in literary criticism might indeed
essence, in Aristotle for example, we can see, reading it in terms of the analytic imply.
experience, that it is a question of the object a." 9 Coleridge, by declaring carefully It is conceivable that a psychoanalytic reading of a literary text is bound to
that he will write on knowing, not being, does not seem to have escaped that plot the narrative of a psychoanalytic scenario in the production of meaning,
mark. For all discourse, including the authors of discourses, are discourses of using a symbologicallexicon and a structural diagram. Literary critics with more
being in a certain way, and must therefore harbor the fascinating antagonist of than the knowledge of the field normally available to the common critic, as well
discourse, the production of the Imaginary. Hence Lacan's question: "Is to have as the great psychoanalysts using literature as example seem to repeat this pro-
the a, to be?" 10 cedure. As a matter of fact, Freud on The Sand-Man, or Lacan on "The Purloined
The "friend" who shares in the responsibility of authorship might be a spec- Letter" are more than most aware of this bind. The tropological or narratological
ular (thus objectified) as well as a discursive (thus subjectivized) image of the crosshatching of a text, given a psychoanalytic description, can be located as
subject. "The I is not a being, it is a presupposition with respect to that which stages in the unfolding of the psychoanalytic scenario. There are a few classic
speaks." 11 "That subject which believes it can have access to [or accede to] itself scenarios, the most important in one view being the one our critic has located
by being designated in a statement [enonce], is nothing other than such an object. ~ Coleridge: the access to law through the interdict of the father-the passage
Ask the person inflicted with the anguish of the white page, he will tell you mto the semiotic triangle of Oedipus: "The stake [setting into play-en jeu] of
who is the turd of his fantasy." 12 analysis is nothing else-to recognize what function the subject assumes in the
The curious detail of the "friend's" letter that suddenly describes the missing order of symbolic relations which cover the entire field of human relations, and
chapter in terms of money and number of pages and reduces the great thought whose initial cell is the Oedipus complex, where the adoption of one's sex is
on thought to a massy thing also fits into these thematics. Lacan says again and decided." 16
again that the imaginary is glimpsed only through its moments of contact with To plot such a narrative is to uncover the text's intelligibility (even at the
the symbolic. That sentence in the letter might indeed be such a moment. extreme of showing how textuality keeps intelligibility forever at bay), with the
The letter as a whole is the paradigm of the "symbolic," a message conveyed help of psychoanalytic discourse, at least provisionally to satisfy the critic's de-
in language-a collection of signifiers, a representative signifier, if such a thing sire for mastery through knowledge, even to suggest that the critic as critic has
can be said. As we have seen, it halts the fulfillment of the author's apparent a special, if not privileged, knowledge of the text that the author either cannot
12 In Other Worlds The Letter as Cutting Edge 13
have, or merely articulates. The problematics of transference, so important to equally struggling with the difficulty (impossibility?) of placing their discourse
Freud and Lacan, if rigorously followed through, would dismiss such a project on a level with their discoveries and their programs." 22 What can criticism do?-
as trivial, however it redefines the question of hermeneutic value. Lacan explains but name frontier concepts (with more or less sophistication) and thus grant itself
the transference-relationship in terms of the Hegelian master-slave dialectic, a little more elbow room to write intelligibly: Bloom's Scene of Instruction, de
where both master and slave are defined and negated by each other. And of Man's Irony, Kristeva's chora, Lacan's reel. Or try frontier styles: Lacan's Socratic
the desire of the master-here analyst or critic-Lacan writes: "Thus the desire - seminars of the seventies, Derrida's "diphallic" Glas, and~ alas, the general air
of the master seems, from the moment it comes into play in history, the most 9f CO_Y-1}!!~ in essays like this one. At least double-bir\(fcntlcfsm, nere usmg~'a
off-the-mark term by its very nature." 17 psyChoanalyticvocaowaij;11Wi1es us to think-even as we timidly or boister-
What allows the unconscious of patient and analyst to play is not the desire ously question the value of such a specular invitation-that Coleridge was thus -
of the master but the production of transference, interpreted by master and slave double-bound: Imagination his frontier-concept, the self-effacing/affecting lit- '
as being intersubjective. Lacan cautions as much against a misunderstanding of erary (auto)biography his frontier style.
transference as he emphasizes its importance in analysis. It is not a simple dis- There is yet another angle to the appropriation of the idea of transference to
placement or identification that the neutral analyst manipulates with care. He the relationship between text and critic: "It is fitting here then, to scrutinize the
is as much surrendered to the process of transference as the patient. The analyst fact-which is always dodged, and which is the reason rather than the excuse
can neither know nor ignore his own desire within that process: "Transference for transference-that nothing can be attained in absentia, in effigie . ... Quite
is not the putting into action that would push us to that alienating identification on the contrary, the subject, in so far as it is subjected to the desire of the analyst,
which all conformization constitutes, even if it were to an ideal model, of which desires to deceive him through that subjection, by winning his affection, by
the analyst in any case could not be the support." 18 "As to the handling of himself proposing that essential duplicity [faussete] which is love. The effect of
transference, my liberty, on the other hand, finds itself alienated by the doubling transference is this effect of deceit in so far as it is repeated at present here and
that my self suffers there, and everyone knows that it is there that the secret now." 23 Philosophically naive as it may sound, it cannot be ignored that the
of analysis should be looked for." 19 book cannot think it speaks for itself in the same way as the critic. Now Jacques
I do not see how literary criticism can do more than decide to deny its desire Derrida has shown carefully that the structure of "live" speech and "dead"
as master, nor how it can not attend to the conditions of intelligibility of a text. writing are inter-substitutable. 24 But that delicate philosophical analysis should
The text of criticism is of course surrendered to the play of intelligibility and not be employed to provide an excuse for the will to power of the literary critic.
unintelligibility, but its decisions can never be more self-subversive than toques- After all, the general sense in which the text and the person share a common
tion the status of intelligibility, or be more or less deliberately playful. Even structure would make criticism itself absolutely vulnerable. The Derridean move,
when it is a question of isolating "something irreducible, non-sensical, that func- when written into critical practice, would mean, not equating or making ana-
tions as the originally repressed signifier," the analyst's function is to give that logical the psychoanalytic and literary-critical situation, or the situation of the
irreducible signifier a "significant interpretation." "It is not because I have said book and its reader, but a perpetual deconstruction (reversal and displacement)
that the effect of interpretation is to isolate in the subject a heart, a Kern, to use of the distinction between the two. The philosophical rigor of the Derridean
Freud's expression, of non-sense, that interpretation is itself a nonsense." 20 As move renders it quite useless as a passport to psychoanalytic literary criticism.
Serge Leclaire stresses in Psychanalyser, the psychoanalyst cannot get around Nor will the difference between text and person be conveniently effaced by
the problem of reference. On the other hand, it seems to me important that, in refusing to talk about the psyche, by talking about the text as part of a self-
the service of intelligibility, using a text as the narrative of a scenario or even propagating mechanism. The disjunctive, discontinuous metaphor of the sub-
the illustration of a principle, the new psychoanalysis would allow us to doubt ject, carrying and being carried by its burden of desire, does systematically mis-
the status, precisely, of the intelligence, the meaning of knowledge, the knowl- guide and constitute the machine of the text, carrying and being carried by its
edge of meaning. "As it [the Hegelian dialectic] is deduced, it can only be the burden of "figuration." One cannot escape it by dismissing the former as the
conjunction of!he symbolic with a real from which there is nothing more to be residue of a productive cut, and valorizing the latter as the only possible concern
expected. __ . __. : This eschatological excursion is there only to designate what a of a "philosophical" literary criticism. This opposition too, between subject
- yawning chasm separates the two relations, Freudian and Hegelian, of the sub- "metaphor" and text "metaphor," needs to be indefinitely deconstructed rather
ject to knowledge." 21 than hierarchized.
Like philosophical criticism, psychoanalytical criticism of this sort is in the And a psychoanalytic procedure, which supplements the category of substi-
famous double bind. All precautions taken, literary criticism must operate as if tution with the category of desire and vice versa, is a way to perform that de-
the critic is responsible for the interpretation, and, to a lesser extent, as if the . . construction. The transference situation will never more than lend its aura to
writer is responsible for the text. "If then psychoanalysis and philosophy both the practice of literary criticism. We know well that all critical practice will always
find themselves today obliged to break with 'sense,' to 'depart' radically from . be defeated by the possibility that one might not know if knowledge is possible,
the epistemology of presence and consciousness, they both find themselves by its own abyss-structure. But within our little day of frost before evening, a
14 In Other Worlds
psychoanalytical vocabulary, with its charged metaphors, gives us a little more 2. Finding Feminist Readings:
turning room to play in. If we had followed only the logical or "figurative" (as
customarily understood) inconsistencies in Chapters Twelve and Thirteen of the Dante..veats
Biographia Literaria we might only have seen Coleridge's prevarication. It is the:
thematics of castration and the Imagination that expose in it the play of the , The fiction of mainstream literary criticism-so generally "masculist" that
presence and absence, fulfillment and non-fulfillment of the will to Law. The the adjective begins to lose all meaning (on this level of generality you could
psychoanalytical vocabulary illuminates Coleridge' s declaration that the Biogra- call it "capitalist," "idealist," or "humanist," as long as you show how)-is that
phia is an autobiography. The supplementation of the category of substitution rigorous readings come into being in a scientific field, or in the field of legalistic
by the category of desire within psychoanalytic discourse <YJo"Y:~ .~s to examine demonstration of validity. The other view, coming from a mind-set that has
not only Coleridge's declaration but also our own refusal to take it seriously. been systematically marginalized, may just as well be called "feminist": that the
production of public rigor bears the strategically repressed marks of the so-called
"private" at all levels. It is not enough to permit the private to play in the
In the long run, then, the critic might have to admit that her gratitude to Dr. reservations marked out by the subdivisive energy of criticallabor: the olympian
Lacan would be for so abject a thing as an instrument of intelligibility, a formula. or wryly self-deprecatory touch of autobiography in political polemic or high
that describes the strategy of Coleridge's two chapters: "I ask you to refuse what journalism. It might, on the contrary, be necessary to show the situational vul-
I offer you because that is not it." 25 nerability of a reading as it shares its own provenance with the reader. This is
especially the case with feminist alternative readings of the canon that will not
find their comfort in citing the demonstrable precedents of scientific specialism.
1977 rwomen must tell each other's stories, not because they are simpleminded crea-
::1 tures, but because they. must ca~l into que~tio~ the mo~e~ of criticism. as r:eutral
Ltheorem or science. Thts essay 1s an exerctse m allegonzmg such a sttuation. It
is hoped that the reader will learn the point of the awkward, elaborate yet mar-
ginal "autobiography" before he gets to the straight reading.
the reply from the audience amply demonstrated, to know the limits of judgment deconstructive morphology, Derrida's project was there taking the necessary
is not to be able to help judging. "La Vita nuova should not be judged, for it, risk of "demonstrating" how theory is necessarily undermined-as it is oper-
like all poetic texts, deconstructs itself" is, after all, a judgment, even in the ated-by practice. 4 Rather than disclaim responsibility, Derrida was, I felt, now
colloquial sense; indeed, "the text deconstructs itself" is also a judgment, if only trying to write the limits of responsibility in different ways. He put it without
in the philosophical sense. rancor, carefully preserving a legalistic metaphor of undisclosed hierarchies: "As
I confess that I was preoccupied that evening with computing the "practical" always with a language, it is the marriage of a limitation with an opportunity."
reasons for making the judgment in the colloquial sense rather than the enclosure Most of Derrida's work after Glas bears this mark of "historical" (auto)-bi-
of metaphysics that made philosophical judgments inescapable at the limit. Both ography. The essay from which I quote above begins: "I am introducing here-
speaker and respondent were confronting tenure-decisions a~the time. The in- me (into) a translation," and ends: "not in order to decide with what intonation
stitutional judgments involved in those decisions were carried out at least par- you will say, in the false infinity so variously declined of I-me: ME-psycho-
tially (and crucially) in terms of that very field of poetic language where judg- analysis-you know.'' 5
ment is supposed forever to be suspended or abandoned. As I walked out of In my opening paragraph, I suggested that feminist alternative readings might
the lecture room, I recalled the arrogance and anguish of the two women's well question the normative rigor of specialist mainstream scholarship through
judgments-expressed often in conversation-of the judges of their worth as a dramatization of the autobiographical vulnerability of their provenance. It is
judges of poetic texts. no surprise, then, that as I pondered the exchange between my two colleagues,
"The poetic text should not be judged because it deconstru~ts itself," when the "Ume" that I felt compelled to introduce in the space between deconstruction
used uncompromisingly to close rather than complicate discussion seemed, in in the narrow and in the general senses (in itself not a hard distinction) was the
that light, a wholesale exculpation of the text of one's trade, giving to the text subject of feminism. It is not one "subject" among many. It is the "object par
a way of saying "I am not what I am not what I am not what I am not" and so excellence" as "subject." As such, the "gesture" of "reapply(ing) to a corpus
on indefinitely or until the moment of suspended animation. When used in this the law with which it constitutes its object" can have for a woman a certain
way, the slogan seemed to fit only too well into the dreary scene of the main- violence which is somewhat unlike the subtle language-displacement of the sub-
stream pedagogy and criticism of literature in the United States-hedged in as ject of psychoanalysis as critic. 6
it is by "the autonomy of the text," "the intentional fallacy," and, indeed, "the With the "subject" of feminism comes an "historical moment." No doubt any
willing suspension of disbelief." In such a case, the fear of what is taken to be historical moment is a space of dispersion, an open frame of relationships that
the vocabulary and presuppositions of deconstruction that pervades mainstream can be specified only indefinitely. Yet, as I argue above, the practice of decon-
American orthodoxy at the present time might be no more than a localized struction, like all practice and more so, undermines its theoretical rigor at every
historical paradox. Is this how the situation of deconstruction should be turn. Therefore, the trace of the self that struggles to define a historical moment,
understood? shoring up a space of dispersion even as that space gives the struggle the lie,
All that summer and fall the problem haunted me, and that Christmas I must also go willy-nilly on record. 7 The answer from the audience had decided
thought I had a formulation for it: deconstruction in the narrow sense domes- to reduce that struggle out of the ordered field of deconstructive literary criticism.
ticates deconstruction in the general sense. It is thus that it fits into the existing My task became to articulate a reading that was irreducibly marked and defined
ideology of American literary criticism, which has already assimilated phenom- by the subject and "historical moment" of feminism.
enology's privileging of consciousness and is about to assimilate structuralism's Thus it was that I came to teach La Vita nuova at a Summer Institute that year.
apparent scientism. Deconstruction in the general sense, seeing in the self pe"f1 The specified title was "Recent Theories of Interpretation." I remarked on the
haps only a (dis)figuring effect of a radical heterogeneity, puts into question th~ first day that my task was to articulate a reading that was irreducibly marked
grounds of the critic's power. Deconstruction in the narrow sense, no more than "Jand defined by the subject and historical moment of feminism. All but two of
a chosen literary-critical methodology, locates this signifying or figuring effect the men sought their pleasure and instruction elsewhere and dropped the class.
in the "text's" performance and allows the critic authority to disclose the econ- Assisted by that group of enthusiastic young women and two men, I read La
omy of figure and performance. Vita nuova, Yeats's "Ego Dominus Tuus" (which takes its title from La V ita nuova),
'><,I had read Derrida's Glas from summer 1976 to spring 1977. I thought I saw and A Vision (which might recall The Divine Comedy in its title). 8 What we most
there a different way of coping with the sabotaging of deconstruction in the especially remarked was that, apart from any tropological or performative de-
general sense by deconstruction in the narrow sense. Since the two are complicit construction launched by the language of these writings, there was also a nar-
and inseparably intermingled, the critic must write the theoretically impossible J]!tive 2-L~E!lf-deconstruction as their scenario; and, curiously enough, woman
historical biography of that very self that is no more than an effect of a structural was often the means of this project of the narrative. 9
resistance to irreducible heterogeneity. I read Glas as an autobiography, "about" As a group, the class agreed to produce papers that would fit together in a
Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, Genet et al. 3 Since a faith in the autobiographical collection. I wrote a paper (Sections I to V of this essay) for the same deadline
self or in the authority of historical narrative is thoroughly questioned by the as the class, and it, like the rest of the papers, was subjected to class criticism.
18 In Other Worlds Finding Feminist Readings: Dante-Veats 19
argued that tradition and convention allowed Dante to use this paradox of choos- whose root, namely that of the miracle, is the miraculous Trinity itself.
ing passivity, another greater question looms: Why such traditions and con- Perhaps someone more subtle than I could find a still more subtle reason
ventions? A feminist-materialist analysis, menaced as it is constituted by de- [ragione], but this is the one which I see and which pleases me the most
constructive erasures, seems called for. (sec. 29, p. 62; D 127).
Beatrice, then, is said to make Dante act so. The story of Dante's extraordinary
self-indulgence thus fabricates an excuse. Yet Beatrice herself does not act: she
gives a greeting that is merely reported (sec. 3, p. 5; D 36). Her next gesture is Dante cannot describe this deprivation of Beatrice's property and identity in
the withholding of a greeting, and this withholding, too, is bypassed in Dante's her glorification. But he also cannot allow his passivity to remain a full mar~
narrative (sec. 10, p. 16; D 55). She is Dante's agent because S~E)'s a non-agent; The masculine figure of Love permits Dante to regain control. In Section Nine,
by being an object who apparently regulates the subject's action, she allows the Love vanishes into him in a daydream. It is an unemphatic move, but it does
subject to deconstruct its sovereign motive and to disguise its masochism/ reverse the reverse identification that Beatrice is made to perform in the initial
In the dream following Beatrice's withholding of a greeting, Love appears It is, however, the play between Sections 24 and 25 that reflects the most
again, suggests in Latin that the Beatrice episode might be a simulacrum, and resolute refusal-recuperation of control on Dante's part. In the former, Dante
tells Dante not to write her directly, but only through Love's mediation, for it places the simulacra within the letter of the true and divine text and associates
is time to do away with simulacra (sec. 12, p. 17; D 58). Before the middle of Beatrice with a Christ who is not named. "These ladies [Giovanna alias Pri-
the book, and while Dante is engaged in writing a poem, Beatrice's death is mavera, and Beatrice] passed dose by me, one of them following the other, and
reported (sec. 28, p. 60-61; D 125). it seemed that Love spoke in my heart and said: 'The one in front is called
Her beatification is a reduction of her proper name to a common noun, a Primavera ... meaning she will come first on the day that Beatrice shows herself
possible word in the language, not necessarily indicating Miss Portinari, but after the fantasy [l'imaginazione] of the faithful (one). [Here too the proper name
signifying "she who gives blessing." (I interpret thus the ambivalent statement Primavera-Spring-is rendered into the common language as prima vem1- "will
that introduces her in La Vita nuova: "[She] was called Beatrice even by those come first."] And if you will also consider her first [prima] name, you will see
who did not know what her name was" (sec. 2, p. 3), and the accompanying that this too means Primavera, since the name Joan (Giovanna) comes from the
disclosure of the poet's "animal spirit'': "Apparuit iam beatitudo vestra" -now name of that John (Giovanm) who preceded the True Light'" (sec. 24, p. 52; D
your beatitude has appeared (sec. 2, p. 4; D 34). 110-111).
The common signification of her name as meaning "she who gives blessing" This is a moment of name-changing, a reminder of similitude and the authority
allows her to be placed within the anagogic Christian story, to be kicked upstairs of origins (as in Joan from John) rather than identity. "Love seemed to speak
or sublated, so that she can belong to God, the absolute male who might seem again and say these words: 'Anyone of subtle discernment, by naming Beatrice
to stand outside the triangulated, analytical circuit of Love-Beatrice-Dante. The would name Love [quella Beatrice chiamarebbe Amore], because she so greatly re-
deprivation of her proper-ty, to put it formulaically, is her beatification. Her sembles me."'
"proper name," that which is most proper to her, is emptied of its proper sig- In Section 25, which immediately follows this magnificent sublation, Dante
nification as her index, and restored back to the "common" language, where, asserts his own craftsmanly control. He places the figure of Love within the
miraculously, it becomes her definitive predication in terms of a non-indexical poetic tradition. He has been speaking, he says, of Love as if it were a thing in
meaning accessible to dictionaries. The work is completed by death; through a itself and a bodily substance. This is, of course, patently false. He cites examples
numerological fantasy that does not resemble Schreber's or Wolfson's merely from Virgil, Lucan, Horace, and Ovid, and explains that the figure named Love
by virtue of the authority of the historical Imaginary of Christian doctrine; ending allowed to exist, here as in any text, through poetic license. There is a further
thus: of the screw: "The first poet to begin writing in the vernacular was moved
so by a desire to make his words understandable to ladies who found
verses difficult to comprehend" (sec. 25, p. 54-55; D 115). This is an ar-
This number was she herself-! say this by the law of similitudes [per against those who compose in the vernacular on a subject other than
similitudine dico]. What I mean to say is this: the number three is the root since composition in the vernacular was from the beginning intended for
of nine for, without any other number, multiplied by itself, it gives nine: \E!,ent of love. At one stroke, Love (Master) and women are both brought
as we see manifestly [come vedemo manifestamente] that three times three is under control. Some measure of superiority is still granted to the gentlemen's
nine. Therefore, if three is by itself [per se medesimo] factor of nine, and Latin club, for Love speaks to Dante, though not invariably, in Latin. We re-
by itself the factor of miracles is three, that is, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, member with chagrin that Beatrice's august name had been given in the di-
who are Three in One, then this lady was accompanied by the number minutive ("mona Bice" rather than Beatrice) in the previous exalting section.
nine so that it might be understood that she was a nine, or a miracle, And indeed, it is in the profession of writing that Dante comes into his own.
22 In Other Worlds Finding Feminist Readings: Dante-Yeats 23
The story of The New Life is openly declared to be a frame for a collection of the theme of the poem-the urge to seek either the self or its opposite. Clearly
poems previously composed, whose priority is, of course, deconstructe~ by all this and more.
placing it within the book's frame, and so on indefinitely. 15 The truth, or the As a female reader, I am haunted rather by another question: Why are the
adequation to truth of the frame narrative is disclosed through the following names of the speakers, Hie and Ille, in Latin, not a very common thing in Yeats?
set: Memory is called a book whose privileged reader, though not the writer, is Is this Yeats' s version of Dante's dream? Where then, apart from those two lines
the autobiographer. Yet, we are in his power, for what we read in La V ita nuova in the poem:-"He found the unpersuadable justice, he found I The most exalted
is merely his own decision as to what is the gist of the pages in the book of lady loved by a man"-is the woman?
Memory. This is the deconstructor's final gesture of retrieval. As author, he There are, as usual, at least two ways of constructing an answer to this ques-
almost (though not quite) abdicates his sovereignty. "It is my intenti9p to copy tion, a long way and, not surprisingly, a short. A long answer would be to say:
into this little book the words I find written under that heading [lncipit vita nova- it is indeed love that is Yeats's lord, but a love as much launched into the sym-
the New Life begins]" (p. 3; italics mine; D 33). But the privilege of that collective bolic order of literary history-coming via Dante-as God, the true Lord, is at
readership is still in effect precariously maintained when textuality is said to the end of La Vita nuova. One could then begin to formulate a feminist-psycho-
extend beyond the bounds of the bound book. The very first poem within analytic genealogy of the objectification of beloved (Maud Gonne), patroness
Dante's tale, and many of the others, are written for the brotherhood of fellow- (Augusta Gregory), of the Mask and Anima as names for that mysterious female
writers and the fellow-servants of Love. (In my opening pages, I suggest that "thing" fallen or raised into multiplicity, of all this as a refusal of action, the
a certain use of the slogan "the text deconstructs itself" is an example of this broaching of an ideology of victimage, disappointment, deception, the slow
abdication-recuperation topos, whereby the readership is recuperated even as forging of a defeatist hero over against the folly of collective action, until the
individual sovereignty is disclaimed.) foolish and cowardly demos is shown to triumph in the name of comfort and
But even as author, rather than merely as one of many readers, Dante exercises brute loyalty in Yeats's very last poems.
authority. It is of course abundantly clear that he is himself written into the The short way, on the other hand, would be to remember that "Ego Dominus
anagogic text, even as Beatrice is put in her place here. Yet without Dante's Tuus" is the headpiece of a longer prose text, also with a Latin title-Per Arnica
book in hand, that text cannot be evoked in this instance. Thus, although the Silentia Lunae ("By the friendly silence of the moon")-its two parts titled in
business of that higher text and Beatrice remains the first cause, nearly every Latin as well-"Anima Hominis" (man's soul), "Anima Mundi" (world's soul);
section of La V ita nuova begins with: "moved by this thought I decided to write the whole text framed by two letters to a woman, her name disguised as a
a few words." In addition, Dante analyzes each of his poems very strictly before masculine name, "Maurice," within quotation marks. These letters are, indeed,
or after he cites it, and when he does not, is careful enough to mention that "purloined or prolonged," as in Lacan's etymological fantasy in the essay to
that is only because the poem is obviously clear to all readers. It is not surprising which I have already referred. I will not pursue that trajectory, for that will lead
that the book ends with a promise to write further: "I hope to write of her that us back to the long way. I will propose rather that Yeats' s technique of allusion-"-
which has never been written of any other woman." In Dante's text, Beatrice all that Latin is a sort of meta-narrative sign-here allows him to keep the woman
is fully sublated into an object-to be written of, not to. out, to occlude, to neutralize, and thus to continue that entire history of the
And then the woman is promoted yet further. She contemplates the One, but sublation and objectification of the woman.
she does not understand him, for his predication is in Latin: "qui est per omnia To keep the woman out. Here the third woman in Yeats's life plays a role.
secula benedictus." Thus, finally caught within the history of literary practice- She was caught on the rebound within the institution of marriage, and had a
that entre-deux between Latin and the vernacular-He is allowed to remain the masculine nickname, "Georgie Yeats." She was the transparent medium
agent. "And then it may please the One who is the Lord of graciousness that through which the voices of Yeats's instructors, themselves at first dependent
my soul ascend to behold the glory of its lady" (sec. 42, p. 86; D 164). upon his own text, travelled: "On the afternoon of October 24th 1917," Yeats
writes in A Vision, "four days after my marriage, my wife surprised me by
attempting automatic writing .... The unknown writer took his theme at first
from my just published Per Arnica Si/entia Lunae" (p. 8). We are back to "Ego
3. Dominus Tuus." Is it the unknown writer who is Yeats's lord, is it Yeats who is
his wife's lord? We are caught in another labyrinth of "I," "you," and mastery.
From such a text does Yeats borrow the title of his poem. What does the title
conceal? Yeats's poem breaks into two voices, each the other's accomplice. Once
again the self-separation of auto-erotism, a longing for the self expressed in two 4.
ways. I resist here the hermeneutic seduction to show how that is so. Are the
two together Ego? Does the title describe, rather, the relationship between those The entire problematics of the objectification of woman is neutralized, en-
two voices, each claiming lordship over the other? Or, is the title descriptive of crypted, dispersed, and thus operated by the allusion in Yeats's title. In Dante,
24 In Other Worlds Finding Feminist Readings: Dante-Yeats 25
the point was not simply that the image came from outside, but that the image Does the imagination dwell the most
was of an unwilling Beatrice eating the poet's heart. Yeats' s poem silently points Upon a woman won or woman lost?
to that image while ostensibly discoursing on the provenance of poetry. If on the lost, admit you turned aside
It is not by chance that Per Arnica Silentia Lunae is the agent, or non-agent, of From a great labyrinth out of pride,
A Vision. Even the non-Latinist female reader recognizes that the moon in the Cowardice, some silly over-subtle thought
title is feminine, and remembers, of course, that the moon is Yeats's celebrated Or anything called conscience once.
sign for subjectivity. This, then, is a subjective text, and the poet is of the moon/
woman's party! I seem almost to lose my argument. I recover it, in part, by ("The Tower," 11. 113-118)
pointing out that it is when the moon is silent that the poet speaks. "'An~~ then
I remind myself that Milton's shadow is all over Yeats's work. Milton's B1ind
Samson, absorbed with Delilah as Homer with Helen or Raftery with Mary In Per Arnica as well, it is literary history rather than allegoric system that
Hines-all those eyeball-less poets singing of women-sings: declares the silence of the moon to be friendly. The phrase is Virgilian, comes
from Dante's guide. The Virgilian line is given in full within Yeats's text, in the
opening sentence of "Anima Mundi," after an invocation of ruins, broken ar-
The Sun to me is dark chitraves: "A Tenedo tacitae per arnica si/entia lunae" (The Aeneid, II, 255-256).
And silent as the Moon, To read and undo that long problematic sentence in Yeats is another temp-
When she deserts the night tation I resist. I ask instead, who came from Tenedos by the friendly silence of
Hid in her vacant interlunar cave. the quiet moon? It is a moment of great cunning. The Argives arrive and free
the Greeks from the wooden horse. Troy is destroyed. It is this scene of carnage
(Samson Agonistes, 11. 86-89) in the name of the transgressing woman as sexual agent that is hidden behind
that line. Yet, Helen is mentioned only twice, and incidentally, in the second
book of the Aeneid. The hero recounts a dream of the mutilated Hector passing
"Vacant" (meaning "vacationing") is almost Latin here, and the silence of the the relay to himself, Aeneas. The audience of one is Dido, a "lady in love,"
moon, within the outlines of Yeatsian allegory, is anything but friendly, for it dressed in Helen's clothes brought from Aeneas's ship, caught in the in-fighting
is the dark of the moon, close to pure objectivity, when what is not the self (moderated by a benign Zeus) between spiteful Juno and Venus; part of the
takes over .16 Indeed, the objective sun is inaccessible, "the sun to me is dark." story is a justification (provided by Aeneas's dead wife in yet another dream)
The Miltonic allusion carries a charge which complicates Yeats's "system." It is for Aeneas's desertion of his wife in the face of the advancing Greek army.
as if the poet wishes to force a personal "meaning" out of the impersonal truth Whatever one makes of this mise-en-scene, the matter is a transaction between
of "allegory," to operate forcibly in spite of allegorical calculation. In these well- men, on the occasion here of a fallen woman, the harlot queen, as much a
known lines from "The Tower," he repeats the gesture more openly: stereotype as the virgin mother. It is a transaction from Homer to Virgil to Dante
to Milton to Yeats. Fill in the interstices and you have the Great Tradition of
European poetry. 17 It is not for nothing that Yeats, allowing textuality though
But I have found an answer in those eyes not ostensibly the sovereign author, to triumph, looks for a reader at the end
That are impatient to be gone; of "Ego Dominus Tuus." What had been mere "magical shapes" has become,
Go therefore; but leave Hanrahan, through the poem, "characters" to be deciphered. The figure of writing passes
For I need all his mighty memories. the relay to a mysterious future reader. And now,
This attempt at reading will bring me back to some worl~ing hypothe~:s. sub-
mitted at the opening of this essay: there remains the articulated speCifiCity of
the "somethings" that the text might mean, and with ~~~eh it ruse~. Thes~ a:e
the "minimal idealizations" which constitute the possibility of readmg. Wtthm
a shifting and abyssal frame, these idealizations and things are the "m~terial"
to which we as readers, with our own elusive historico-politico-econorruco-sex-
ual determinations, bring the machinery of our reading and our judgm~nt. The
machinery is to look for identities and differences-to make connections. To
Unmaking and Making in To The Lighthouse
3. Unmaking and Making in To The proposition, the irreducible form of the logic of non-contradiction, the simplest
Li thouse and most powerful sentence. Within this allegory, the second part of the book
is the place of the copula. That too yields a suggestive metaphor. For the copula
is not only the pivot of grammar and logic, the axle of ideal language, the third
This essay is not necessarily an attempt to illuminate To the Lighthouse and
person singular indicative of "to be"; it also carries a sexual charge. "Copulation"
lead us to a correct reading. It is rather an attempt to use the book by the
happens not only in language and logic, but also between persons. The meta-
deliberate superimposition of two allegories-grammatical and sexual-and. by
phor of the copula embraces Mr. Ramsay both ways. As the custodian of the
reading it, at moments, as autobiography. This modest attempt at understandmg
logical proposition ("If Q is Q, then R ... "), he traffics in the copula; and, as
criticism not merely as a theoretical approach to the "trut~" o~ a text, but at the
father and husband, he is the custodian of copulation. Lily seeks to catch Mrs.
same time as a practical enterprise that produces a .readmg .1s part of~ ~uch
Ramsay with a different kind of copula, a different bridge to predication, a
larger polemic.* I introduce To the Lighthouse i~to th1s p~lermc ~y readll_ll? 1t as
different language of "Being," the language not of philosophy, but of art. Mr.
the story of Mr. Ramsay (philosopher-theonst) and L1ly (artist-practitioner)
Ramsay has seemingly caught her in the copula of marriage.
around Mrs. Ramsay (text).
A certain rivalry and partnership develop between Lily and Mr. Ramsay in
Part III. But this rivalry and partnership do not account for Part II, where the
search for a language seems strangely unattached to a character or characters.
Virginia Woolfs To the Lighthouse can be read as a project to catch the es.sen~e
One is tempted to say, this is the novel's voice, or, here is Woolf. I will suggest
of Mrs. Ramsay. A certain reading of the book would show how the pro!e~t IS
that, in this strange section, the customary division between work and life is
undermined; another, how it is articulated. I will suggest that the undermmmg,
itself vague, that the language sought here is the language of madness.
although more philosophically adventurous, .is set asi~e by Woolf's book; that
Within the grammatical allegory of the structure of the book, it would run
the articulation is found to be a more absorbmg pursmt.
thus: the strongest bond, the copula in the proposition, the bastion of language,
\ , 1 On a certain level of ge~er~lity the project to catch the esse~ce of Mrs. Ramsay
' ''is articulated in terms of fmdmg an adequate language. The first part of the book
the place of the "is," is almost uncoupled in the coupling part of To the Lighthouse.
How does that disarticulation and undermining take its place within the artic-
V v ("The Window") looks at the language of marriage: is Mrs. Ramsay's "reality"
ulation of the project to catch the essence of Mrs. Ramsay in an adequate
to be found there? The third part of the book ("The Lighthouse") uncovers the language?
language of art: Lily catches Mrs. Ramsay in her p~inting. Or at .least,. a. ges~e
on the canvas is implicitly given as a representation of a poss1ble VISion (Im-
plicitly of Mrs. Ramsay or the picture itself): 1. The Window
Why should language be an ally for her, or promise any adequation to her :'One" can be both "identity" (the word for the unit), and "difference" (an
selfhood? Her discourse with "life," her "old antagonist" -her "parleying" ~mpersonal agent, not she herself); "in a sense" might be understood both "id-
(92)-though not shared with anyone, is "for the most part" a bitterly hostile Iomatically" and "literally" (meaning "within a meaning").
exchange. Her sexuality the stage for action between son and husband, does But are not the last words on Mrs. Ramsay in "The Window." Mostly
not allow her more than the most marginal instrument and energy of self-sig- she ~emat~~ the protector (13), the manager (14), the imperialist governor of
nification: "There was scarcely a shell of herself left for her to know herself by; m~n s stenhty (126). At the end of her section she mingles charmingly, as women
all was so lavished and spent; and James, as he stood stiff between her knees, will, the. notions o~, love, beaut:, in the eye of the male beholder, and power.
felt her rise in a rosy-flowered fruit tree laid with leaves and dancing boughs By ~efusmg to say I love you, she has taken away his power to deny it by
into which the beak of brass, the arid scimitar of his father, the egotistical man, saymg "you were right," she has triumphed: '
plunged and smote, demanding sympathy" (60). It is not surprising that, when
she feels free (both to "go" and "rest"), "life sank down for a moment," and
not only language, but personality and selfhood were lost: "This core of darkness She never could. sa~ what she felt .... He was watching her. She knew
could go anywhere .... Not as oneself did one find rest ever ... but as a wedge what he was thmking. You are more beautiful than ever. And she felt
of darkness losing personality ... " (96). he.rself very beautiful. ... She began to smile, for though she had not
Any dream-dictionary would tell us that knitting stands for masturbation. A satd a word, he knew, of course he knew, that she loved him ....
text-dictionary would alert us that one knits a web, which is a text. Wool uses ."Yes, you w~re right." ... And she looked at him smiling. For she had
the image of Mrs. Ramsay's knitting (an auto-erotic textuality) strategically. It triumphed agam. She had not said it: Yet he knew (186).
34 In Other Worlds Unmaking and Making in To The Lighthouse
And what of the language of academic philosophy, Mr. Ramsay:s tool _for
speculation, adumbrate a relationship between life and book that I cannot theo-
making a connection between subject and predicate? Words come easily to him.
reti~ally prese~t, _consider_th~ case made, and give a certain reading.
Woolf shows him to us as he plans a lecture (67). He assimilates the leaves of
Smce the pnnting date mside the cover of To the Lighthouse is 1927 it seems
the trees into leaves of paper: "Seeing again the ... geraniums which had so
cle_ar tha_t the war in "Time Passes" is the Great War of 1914-1918. The ;omewhat
often decorated processes of thought, and bore, written up among their leav_es,
emgmatic sentence that begins its last section is, "then indeed peace had come"
as if they were scraps of paper on which one scribbles notes in the rush of readmg
(213). Lily, the time-keeper of the book, tells us that the events of "The Window"
... " (66). And he finds them dispensable: "He picked a leaf sharply .... He
were "ten years ago [in 1908]." Shortly thereafter, Mrs. Ramsay "died rather
threw away the leaf" (67). . . suddenly" (194).
The most celebrated formulation of Mr. Ramsay IS through the 1mage of the
The Stephen family (the "real" Ramsays) had visited Talland House in St.
keyboard-alphabet. Here is the traditional copul~r propositio~ in the* serviee"of
Ives (the "real" location of To the Lighthouse) for the last time in 1894. Julia Ste-
the logic of identity and geometrical proof: If Q IS Q, then R IS ... . . .
phen (the "real" Mrs. Ramsay, Virginia Woolf's mother) died in 1895. In a certain
"For if thought is like the keyboard of a piano, "-is it? never mmd, this IS
sense, "Time Passes" compresses 1894-1918-from Mrs. Stephen's death to the
the exclusivist move, taking for granted a prior proposition, that lets the copula end of the war.
play-" divided into so many notes, or like the alphabet is _ra_nged ~n twe~ty
six letters all in order, then his splendid mind had no sort of difficulty m ru,~run_g For Woolf those years were marked by madness. She broke down after he~
over those letters one by one ... until it had reached, say, the letter A. Q ts m?ther:s death i~ 18~5, aft~r her father's death in 1904, once again in 1910,
bnefly_ m 1912: lmgenngly m 1913, most violently in 1915 (as "Time Passes"
an interesting letter, starting "questions," "quid," "quod," "quantity," "qual-
ostensibly begms). From 1917 on, there was a period of continued lucidity. In
ity," and of course, "q.e.d." "Q he could demonstrate. If Q then is Q-R-...
1919 (as :'Time ~asses" ostensibly ends) Night and Day was published. In the
'Then R ... "' (54). .
"But after Q? What comes next?" After the discourse of demonstration, the ne~t sec~on, I wtll argue that it is significant that Night and Day is "about" her
pamter-sister Vanessa Bell.
language of "q," comes the discourse of desire. If onl~ he could reach_ R! Could
identify the place in thought with the initial letter of his own name, ~Is father's I should like to propose that, whatever her writing intent, "Time Passes"
narrates the production of a discourse of madness within this autobiographical
name and his son's! If Mrs. Ramsay repeatedly endorses the copulation of mar-
riage_:_as in the case of the Rayleys-for the sake of a materialist genealogy, roman a clef. In the place of the copula or the hinge in the book a story of
unhinging is told.
Mr. Ramsay would exploit the copulation of philosophy for the sake of pater-
Perhaps_ t~is ~nhingi~g or "desecrating" was not unsuspected by Woolf her-
nalistic appropriation.* But the Rayleys' marriage comes to nothing, and Mr.
Ramsay is convinced "he would never reach R" (55). self. ?ne IS 1~v1ted to mterpre~ the curious surface of writing of Virginia Ste-
phen s 1899 dmry as a desecration of the right use of reason. It was written in
"a minute, spidery, often virtually illegible hand, which she made more difficult
to read by glui~g her I;'ages on to or between Dr. Isaac Watt's Logick!or!the right
2. Time Passes use of Re_asonlwzth a va_nety of r_ules to guard against error in the affairs of religion and
h~rrm_n life as well as m the sczences . ...
Virginia bought this in St. Ives for its
I do not know how to read a roman a clef, especially an autobiographical one. bmdmg and its format: "'Any other book, almost, would have been too sacred
I do not know how to insert Woolf's life into the text of her book. Yet there is to undergo the desecration that I planned."' 2
a case to be made here. I will present the material of a possible biographical At the beginnin? of "Time P~sses," the sense o~house as the dwelling-place
pf reason and of h ht as the stgn of reason are firmly implied. It 1s within fiiiS'
amewor that "certain airs" an an 'immense darkness" begin to descend
* It is not insignificant that he draws strength for his splendid burst of thinking from a g_lance at
that safe symbol, his wife-and-child as a functioning unit: "Without hzs dzstmguzshmg ezther ~zs (189, 190). Human agency is attenuated as the house is denuded of human
son or his wife, the sight of them fortified him and satisfied him and consecrated ~zs effort to am~e occupancy. "There was scarcely anything left of body or mind by which one
at a perfectly clear understanding of the problem which now engaged the energzes of hzs splendzd could say, 'This is he' or 'This is she.' Sometimes a hand was raised as if to
mind" (53). ~utch_ somet~ng or ~ard off something, or somebody laughed aloud as if shar-
*Here are bits of Mrs. Ramsay's maternalistic endorsement of marriage. "Divining, ;hrough her ~ng a Joke wrth nothmgness .... Almost one might imagine them" (190). The
own past, some deep, some buried, some quite speechless feelzng that one ha~ for ~ne s mothe~ at $oothmg power ~f .Mrs. R~msay's civilized language is wearing away into in-
Rose's age" (123). "All this would be revived again in the lives of Paul and Mmta; the Rayleys - The dtsmtegration of the house is given through the loosening of
she tried the new name over . ... It was all one stream . ... Paul and Minta would_ carry it on shawl she had ';rapped _around the death's head: "With a roar, with a rup-
when she was dead" (170-71). As for Mr. Ramsay's enterprise, the irony is sharpened if we re_mmd as after centunes of quiescence, a rock rends itself from the mountain and
ourselves that Virginia Stephen's father was engaged in compiling The Dictionary of National
crashing into the valley, one fold of the shawl loosened and swung to
Biography. fro" (195-96).
36 In Other Worlds
Unmaking and Making In To The Lighthouse
(The covering of the death's head by the .s~awl in "The \V_indo~" is a mar-
velous deceptive deployment of undecidability. ~am, the gtrl-child, must be envelops sound: "The swaying mantle of silence which, week after week in the
reminded of the animal skull; James, the male child, not; Mrs. Ramsay covers empty room, wove into the falling cries of birds, ships hooting, the drone and
it, draws Cam's attention to what is under, and James's to what is over, and hum of the fields, a clog's bark, a man's shout, and folded them round the house
puts them to sleep by weaving a fabulous tale.) . . . in silence" (195). "The empty rooms seemed to murmur with the echoes of the
There are glimpses of the possibility of an accession to tru~h m ~s cunously fields and the hum of the flies . . . the sun so striped and barred the rooms"
dismembered scene; but at the same time, a personal access 1s derued:
The ~ast imag~ brings us back to the vague imagery of guilt and torture, a
humaruty-excludmg tone that is also heard when the narcissism of light and
It seemed now as if, touched by human penitence and all its toil,~viJI.e ~ature turns to masturbation: "The nights now are full of wind and destruc-
goodness had parted the curtain and displaye~ behin~ it, si_ngle, d1stinc'r, ~on .... Also the sea tosses itself ['tossing off is English slang for masturba-
the hare erect; the wave falling; the boat rocking, which, did we deserve tion~, and should any sleeper fancying that he might find on the beach an answer
them, should be ours always. But alas, divine goodness ~tching the c?rd, to hi.s doubts, a sharer of his solitude, throw off his bed-clothes and go down
draws the curtain; it does not please him; he covers his tr~asures ~ a by him~elf to walk on th~ sand, no im~ge. with semblance of serving and divine
drench of hail, and so breaks them, so confuses them that 1t seems rm- promptitude comes readily to hand bringmg the night to order and making the
possible that their calm should ever return, or that we should ever compose world reflec~ the co~pass of his soul" (193). Nature is occupied with itself and
from their fragments a perfect whole or read in the littered pieces the clear cannot proVIde a ffilrror or a companion for the human seeker of the copula
the word that binds. '
words of truth (192-93).
It is .the ,"fY~r that brings this narrative of estrangement to its full destructive
potential: D1d Na~e s~pplem~nt what man advanced? ... With equal com-
I cannot account for, but merely record that strange twinge of guilt: "it does plac~nce she saw h1s rmsery, his meanness, and his torture. That dream of
not please him." The guardian of the truth behind the veil is ~o.l?nger the shanng, completing, of finding in solitude on the beach an answer was then
beautiful but lying mother; it is rather the good God-father, for divme good- but a reflection in a mirror, and the mirror itself was but the surface' glassiness
ness" is a "he" and he "covers his treasures," hides his genitals, in what would which forms in quiescence when the nobler powers sleep beneath? ... to pace
the beach was impossible; contemplation was unendurable" (201-2).
customarily be a "feminine" gesture. This sexual shift-for the aut~or of ~o .the
Lighthouse is a woman-also indicates a denial of access. The next ~1t of wnting Before this .large-scale estrangement, there was some possibility of truth in
about a vision of truth is given as "imaginations of the strangest kind-of flesh ~e never-~filled always troping and uncoupling narcissism of the light, and
turned to atoms." Man and woman are rendered to "gull, flower, tree, ... and m the bo~ess. hand clasp of loveliness and stillness with their "scarcely dis-
the white earth itself" (199). "Cliff, sea, cloud, and sky" must "assem~le out- turb~d ... mdiffer~nce" and their "air of pure integrity" (195). There was com-
wardly the scattered parts of the vision within" (198). Human agency 1~ now fort m ~e vouchsafing of an answer (however witless) to the questions of subject
dispensable. And access to truth is still denied. For "if questioned," the uruverse an~ ObJect: "The mystic, the visionary, walking the beach on a fine night ...
seemed "at once to withdraw." asking themselves 'What am 1,' 'What is this?' had suddenly an answer vouch-
In another move within the same paragraph, "the absolute good" is seen ~s safed them, (they.could not say what it was) so that they were warm in the frost
and had comfort m the desert" (197-98; italics are mine).
"something alien to the processes of domestic life," processes that would, m
the manner of Mrs. Ramsay, keep the house of reason in order. Thr?ugh a silent Indeed, "Time Passes" as a whole does not narrate a full encroachment of
gap between two sentences, Wool brings us back to those domestic processes, the discourse of madness. Even in the passage that describes what 1 call a large-
as if to ward off the menace of madness at any price. By way of a logically scale estrangement, there is a minute trace of comfort, hardly endorsed by the
unacceptable "moreover," "the spring," one of the agents in the outer world, author. It is perhaps marked in the double-edged fact that in this woman's book
constitutes a domestic and feminine image recalling not only Mrs. Ramsay but complacent and uncooperating nature is feminine, and she shares with th~
pointing genealogically, in the next sentence, to her daug~ter Prue. Yet he~e human mind the image of the mirroring surface. In the following passage, how-
too, only the dark side of domesticity may be seen: "Prue d1ed that summer m ever, the absence .of a copula ~etween "nature" and "mind," leading to a lustful
some illness connected with childbirth" (199). wantonness of blind copulation cum auto-eroticism, seems the very picture of
madness rampant:
Earlier in that paragraph "the minds of men" are called "th.ose mirrors ...
those pools of uneasy water." And indeed, as human agency 1s turned down,
light begins a narcissistic troping that produces _an extra-~uman te~t: "Now, day
after day, light turned, like a flower reflected m water: 1ts sh~rp lffia~~ on the Ustening (had there been any one to listen) from the upper rooms of the
wall opposite" (194). Mrs. Ramsay's shawl is changed mto a sllent wnting that empty house only gigantic chaos streaked with lightning could have been
heard tumbling and tossing, as the winds and waves disported themselves
38 In Other Worlds Unmaking and Making in To The Lighthouse 39
like amorphous bulks of leviathans whose brows are pierced by no light description of Mr. Ramsay preparing his lecture. Lily would create the copula
of reason, and mounted one on top of another, and lunged and plunged through art, predicate Mrs. Ramsay in a painting rather than a sentence. Before
in the darkness of daylight (for night and day, month and year ran shape- reading that story, I must once again present certain halting conclusions that
lessly together) in idiot games, until it seemed as if the universe were would link life and book.
battling and tumbling, in brute confusion and wanton lust aimlessly by It seems clear to every reader that "Virginia Wool" is both Cam and Lily
itself .... The stillness and the brightness of the day were as strange as Briscoe. In Cam at seven, as in "The Window," she might see, very loosely
the chaos and the tumult of night, with the trees standing there, looking speaking, a kind of pre-Oedipal girlhood: "I think a good deal about ... how
up, yet beholding nothing. The mirror was broken (202-3). I was a nice little girl here [at St. Ives] .... Do you like yourself as a child? I
like myself, before the age of 10, that is-before consciousness sets in." 3 Cam
is tied up with James (as Shakespeare with Shakespeare's sister in A Room of
The disappearance of reason and the confusion of sexuality are consist~~tty One's Own), a shadow-portrait of Virginia's brothers Thoby and Adrian. Together
linked: "Let the poppy seed itself and the carnation mate with the cabbage" Cam-James go through an Oedipal scene that involves both father and mother
(208). Now all seems lost. "For now had come that moment, that hesitation as givers of law and language, and thus they allow Virginia Woolf to question
when the dawn trembles and night passes, when if a feather alight in the scale the orthodox masculinist psychoanalytic position.* But that is not my subject
it will be weighed down ... the whole house ... to the depths to lie upon the here. I must fix my glance on Lily.
sands of oblivion" (208-9). Lily is the same age (43) as Wool when she began To the Lighthouse. Lily has
But the feather does not fall. For in the long "wanton lust" passage it is a just gone through the gestatory ten years taken over by "Time Passes," and
coupling that only seems onanistic. The differentiation of night and day, if almost Wool has a special feeling for decades:
obliterated (itself a possible copulation-night is day is night is day), is restored
in the last image of the eyeless trees. Further, the possibility of a perspective
from "the upper rooms of the empty house" of reason is broached. And Mrs. Every 10 years, at 20, again at 30, such agony of different sorts possessed
McNab the charwoman is allowed the hint of a power to recuperate the mirror. me that not content with rambling and reading I did most emphatically
She stands in front of the looking glass, but we are not sure she contemplates attempt to end it all .... Every ten years brings, I suppose, one of those
her image. The copula is uncertain. Does she say "I am I [my image]," as Nar- private orientations which match the vast one which is, to my mind, gen-
cissus said iste ego sum? All we have is a parenthesis: "(she stood arms akimbo eral now in the race. I mean life has to be faced: to be rejected; then
in front of the looking glass)'' [203]. accepted on new terms with rapture. And so on, and so on; till you are
Thus Mrs. McNab halts disaster in the allegory of a reason menaced by mad- 40, when the only problem is to grasp it tighter and tighter to you, so
ness, an ontology on the brink of disaster by the near-uncoupling of the copula. quick it seems to slip, and so infinitely desirable is it. (L II.598-99)
She is related to "a force working; something not highly conscious" (209). Once
again, the copula between her and this description is not given. They simply
inhabit contiguous sentences.
But Lily is a painter. She "is" also Virginia's artist-sister Vanessa Bell. There
The house is rehabilitated and peace comes as "Time Passes" comes to an
is that curious incident between Lily and Mr. Ramsay, where, "in complete
end. But the coupling between "Window" and "Lighthouse" (or the predication
silence she stood there, grasping her paintbrush" (228). It is a situation often
of Mrs. Ramsay's "is-ness") remains open to doubt. When "the voice of the
repeated between Vanessa and Leslie Stephen. 4 There is also the fact that this
beauty of the world" now entreats the sleepers to come down to the beach, we
book is the laying of a mother's ghost, and it is to Vanessa that Virginia directs
know that there are times of violence when a sleeper may entreat and be brutally
the question: "Why did you bring me into the world to go through these or-
refused. And indeed the voice murmurs "too softly to hear what it said-but
deals?" (L 11.458).
what mattered if the meaning were plain?" (213). Is it? Wool does not make
Lily begins or finishes her painting just after "peace had come." At the "ac-
clear what the "this" is in that further entreaty the voice "might resume": "why
tual" time of the Armistice, Virginia was finishing a book about Vanessa: "The
not accept this, be content with this, acquiesce and resign?" (214). We are free
guns n(!ve been going off for half an hour, and the sirens whistling; so I suppose
to say that "this" is the limits of language.
we are at peace .... How am I to write my last chapter in all this shindy? ...
I don't suppose I've ever enjoyed any writing so much as I did the last half of
Night and Day ... Try thinking of Katharine [the heroine] as Vanessa, not me"
3. The lighUu:n.mse
In the third section Woolf presents the elaborate story of the acquisition of a The references to Freud are elaborated in my discussion of Luce Irigaray' s reading of Freud's
vision of art. We must compare this to the affectionately contemptuous and brief "Femininity" later in this essay.
In Other Worlds Unmaking and Making in To The Lighthouse 41
it's an ecstasy." But all one got was the past tense of "there she sat," the in- (Leslie Stephen died nine years after his wife, without ever returning to St.
substantiated present perfect of "I have had my vision," the negative subjunctive Ives. One could almost say that he is brought back to life in To the Lighthouse
of "he would never reach R," the adverbial similetic clauses of "as if he were so that the unfinished business of life can be settled, so that he can deliver
saying 'there is no God,' ... as if he were leaping into space" (308). The pro- Vanessa-Virginia's vision.)
visional copula, always a linear enterprise, a risky bridge, can only be broached I am thinking, of course, of the double structuring of the end of the book. As
by deleting or denying the vacillation of "Time Passes," by drawing a line Lily paints on the shore, Mr. Ramsay must sail to the lighthouse. "She felt
through the central section of To the Lighthouse. "With a sudden intensity, as if curiously divided, as if one part of her were drawn out there- ... the light-
she saw it clear for a second, she drew a line there, in the centre" (310). house looked this morning at an immense distance; the other had fixed itself
It would be satisfying to be able to end here. But in order to add a postscript doggedly, solidly, here on the lawn" (233-34). Mr. Ramsay on his boat is the
to this allegorical reading of To the Lighthouse, I must dwell a moment2n Lily's tool for the actualization of her self-separation: a sort of shuttling instrumental
sexuality. Is she in fact androgynous, self-sufficient? copula. It is always a preserved division, never an androgynous synthesis. "So
I would like to remind everyone who cites A Room of One's Own that "one much depends, Lily thought, upon distance" (284). With the same sort of modal
must be woman-manly or man-womanly" is said there in the voice of Mary uneasiness as in "I have had my vision," she can only say "he must have reached
Beton, a persona. 5 Wool must break her off in mid-chapter and resume in her it" (308) rather than "he has," when Mr. Ramsay springs upon the rock.
authorial voice. Who can disclaim that there is in her a longing for androgyny, Let ~e say at once that I must read the alternating rhythm of Lighthouse-
that artificially fulfilled copula? But to reduce her great texts to successful artic- canvas m the last part of the book as a copulation. To sleep with father in order
ulations of that copula is, I believe, to make a mistake in reading.
In an uncharacteristically lurid and unprepared for passage Lily holds the fear
of sex at bay:
to make a baby (a painting, a book) is supposed to be woman's fondest wish.
~~t, here a~ well, Wool~ gives that brutal verdict a twist. For the baby is mother
It IS a sublimated version of Mrs. Ramsay that Lily would produce-whereas
Freud's point is that the emergence of this wish is to learn to hate the mother.
Woolf's emphasis falls not on the phallus that reappears every other section;
Suddenly ... a reddish light seemed to burn in her mind, covering Paul but on the workshop of the womb that delivers the work. In fact, in terms of
Rayley, issuing from him .... She heard the roar and the crackle. The the text, Mr. Ramsay's trip can begin because Lily "decides" it must. "She de-
whole sea for miles round ran red and gold. Some winey smell mixed with cided .t~at th~re in that very distant and entirely silent little boat Mr. Ramsay
it and intoxicated her .... And the roar and the crackle repelled her with was sitting with Cam and James. Now they had got the sail up; now after a
fear and disgust, as if while she saw its splendour and power she saw too little flagging and hesitation the sails filled and, shrouded in profound silence,
how it fed on the treasure of the house, greedily, disgustingly, and she she watched the boat take its way with deliberation past the other boats out to
loathed it. But for a sight, for a glory it surpassed everything in her ex- sea" (242).
perience, and burnt year after year like a signal fire on a desert island at
the edge of the sea, and one had only to say "in love" and instantly, as
happened now, up rose Paul's fire again (261).
4. Postscript
The erotic charge that I would like to see between Virginia and Lily-Vanessa ,l<J1o~!~~g~_C!s..noncontradiction (identity) is putinto question in "The Win-
does not preclude the fact that Wool makes Lily Briscoe repress, exclude, rather dow"; it is shown to be based on nothing mor~ immutable than "if Q is then
than accommodate or transcend, this vision of Rayley as phallus in order to get Q," and ~r. R.amsay's "Character" is shown to be weak and petulant. Marriage
on with her painting. And the relationship she chooses-as Mr. Ramsay chooses as copulation Is also devalorized in "The Window"; it is shown to be a debili-
to say "If Q is Q ... ,"-is gently derided for its prim sensitive exclusivism: tating and self-deceived combat, and Mrs. Ramsay's "character" is shown to be
"She loved William Bankes. They went to Hampton Court and he always left at once manipulative and deceitful, and untrusting of language. "Time Passes"
her, like the perfect gentleman he was, plenty of time to wash her hands" (263). allegorically narrates the terror of a (non-human or natural) operation without
'V Has she no use for men then? My point is precisely that she makes use of a copula. "The Lighthouse" puts into question the possibility of knowledge (of
l\ them. They are her instruments. She uses Tansley's goad-"They can't write, Mrs. Ramsay) as trope; for a metaphor of art is also a copula (the copula is, after
. they can't paint" -to keep herself going. And she uses Mrs. Ramsay's imagining all, a metaphor) that joins two things.
of Charles Tansley to change her own. "If she wanted to be serious about him Lily d~es no.t q~estion this impasse, she merely fights it. She makes a copula
she had to help herself to Mrs. Ramsay's sayings, to look at him through her by drawmg a line m the center, which can be both an invitation to fill in a blank
eyes" (293). "Through William's eyes" (264) she gets Mrs. Ramsay in grey. But or a deliberate erasure. If the latter, then she erases (while keeping legible) that
her most indispensable instrument is Mr. Ramsay. very part of the book that most energetically desires to recuperate the impasse,
44 In Other Worlds Unmaking and Making in To The Lighthouse
to achieve the undecidable, to write the narrative of madness,-"Time I know, of course, that the text of Freud has to be banalized in order to be
Passes" -for that section is "in the centre." presenb~d as a sexist text. I know also that, in that very text that Irigaray reads,
;,reud hm!s at h~s ?wn fallibility ~n a sentence that is no mere rhetorical gesture:
But Lily's "line in the centre" is also part of a picture, the picture is part of
'a book, there is a product of some kind in the story as well as in our ~ands. I If you reJect thts 1dea as fantastic and regard my belief in the influence of lack
can read this more fully as an allegory of sexual rather than grammatical pro- of penis on the configuration of femininity as an idee fixe, I am of course def-
duction: it is not only that Lily decides to copulate, she also shows us he~ womb- enceless."9 But I do not write to dispraise Freud, simply to take a hint from
ing. A great deal of the most adventurous.criticis~ in philosophy and literature Irigaray's reading of Freud.
for the last 15 years has been involved With putting the authonty of the prop- I am proposing, then, that it is possible to think that texts such as Woolf's
osition (and, therefore, of the copula) into question.* This questioning has been can allow us to develop a thematics of womb-envy. I hasten to add that I do
often misunderstood as an invitation to play with the copula. I reserve. the,.,t;?c- n~t advance ":omb-envy as a "new" or "original" idea. From Socrates through
casion for arguing that this "new criticism" in fact asks for ~hat might ~e called Ntetzsche, philosophers have often wished to be midwives or mothers. I am
the "feminine mode of critical production."* Here I am reading To the Ltghthouse only placing it beside the definition of the physical womb as a lack. I speculate
as if it corrects that possible misunderstanding. As if it suggests that, for anyone that th~ womb has always been defined as a lack by man in order to cover over
(and the generic human examplar is a woman) to play with the copula is to go a lack m man, the lack, precisely, of a tangible place of production. Why does
toward the grim narrative of the discourse of madness and war. One must use man say he "gives" a child to a woman? Since we are in the realm of fanciful
the copula as a necessarily limited instrument and create as ~est one can. sex-vocabularies, ~t is not absurd to suggest that the question of "giving" might
(This is not as far-fetched as it might sound. In a recent essay m Screen,. St~phen be r~-formul~ted 1f one thought of the large ovum "selecting" among millions
Heath collects once again the evidence to show how close the queshonmg of of microscopic spermatozoa, dependent for effectiveness upon the physiological
the copula comes to the psychoanalytic description of hysteria, "the female ail- cycle~ of the wom~n. Freud finds the ovum "passive." 10 It is just as appropriate
ment," where the patient is not sure if she has or has not a penis. 6 And Derrida, to pomt out that, If one must allegorize, one must notice that the uterus "re-
trying to catch Jean Genet's mother Mme. Genet in his book Glas, as Lily t:ie.s leases,'.' "activates" the ovum. It is simply that the grave periodic rhythm of the
to "catch" Mrs. Ramsay, stops at the fetish, of which no one may be sure tf It womb Is not the same as the ad hoc frenzy of the adjudicating phallus. And so
signifies the possession or lack of a penis. 7 In this part of my essay. I am sug- forth. I hope the allegoric parallels with To the Lighthouse are clear. I am of course
gesting that To the Lighthouse, in its emphasis not merely on copulation but on not discounti~g penis-envy, but simply matching it with a possible envy of the
gestation, rewrites the argument from hysteria or fetishism.) . . womb. As Michel Foucault has written, "it's not a question of emancipating
In her reading of Freud's late essay "Femininity" the French femmist Lu~e truth from every system of power ... but of detaching the power of truth from
Irigaray suggests that Freud gives the girl-child a growth (':"arped) by pems- the forms of hegemony (social, economic, and cultural) within which it operates
envy (pre-Oedipally she is a boy!) because the Father (a certam Freud) needs to
at the pres~nt ti~e." 11 This might be the secret of "the rivalry and partnership'r ~
seduce through pronouncing the Law (42, 44), because once "grown," she must
between Lily Bnscoe and Mr. Ramsay that I mention on the opening page of
console and hide man's anguish at the possibility of castration (6, 74) and because the essay.
she is made to pay the price for keeping the Oedipus complex going (98). And
To conclude, then, To the Lighthouse reminds me that the womb is not an
then Irigaray asks, why did Freud not articulate vulvar, vaginal, uterine stages
(29, 59), why did he ignore the work of the production of the child in the womb? ~mptin~ss or a mystery, it~-~_p_l~_t!_(J(I'!<:J!:i.l1c:_tion. What the hysteron produces
IS not srmply the contemptible text of hysteria, an experimental madness that
(89). 8
deconstructs the copula. As a tangible place of production, it can try to constrqct (
the copula, however precarious, of art. I am not sure if this ennobling of art~-
* Once again I am thinking of th~ deconstructive criticism of Jacques Derrida. The pr~osition is an alternative is a view of things I can fully accept. I can at least honor it as an
dismantled most clearly in Speech and Phenomena and Other Essays on Husserl s Theory attempt to articulate, by using a man as an instrument, a woman's vision of a;_
of Signs, trans. David Allison (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1973). Among other
woman;* rather than to disarticulate because no human h-;;:cr can catch a vision;-'
texts in the field are jacques J..acan, "La Science et la verite," Ecrits (Paris: Seuil, 1966), pp. 855- 'Oecause, perhaps, no vision obtains.
77 and Gilles Deleuze, Logique du sens (Paris: Minuit, 1969).
* It is from this point of view that the many helpful readers' reports on this study troubled me as
well. They reflected the desire for theoretical and propositional explicitr:ess that, via YV_ool( and th:
"new criticism," I am combating here: "There is something coy about thzs paper and al!tts copulas,
but at the same time, the reading of Wolf [sic] is genuinely suggestive and I found myself ever
convinced IJy the power of what seemed a pun [it is in response to this that I wrote my first paragrap~].
It is difficult to understand just what the author's interest in language (as a formal system, wzth
copulae, etc.) is concerned with, where it comes from and why she thinks it should lead to the sorts This aspect of the book allows me to justify our use of theories
of insights she discovers. Some sort of theoretical explicitness would help here!" 1Jy men.
Sex and History in The Prelude (1805): Books Nine to Thirteen 47
4. Sex and History in The Prelude possible, however, without the unity of something being taken for granted. It is
not possible to attend to the trace fully. One's own self-contained critical position
(1805): Books Nine to Thirteen as attendant of the trace also leads back and forward. It is possible to read them
as references, to consolidate them as one's "history" and "politics." Since the
Whatever the "truth" of Wordsworth's long life (1770-1850), Books Nine trace cannot be fully attended to, one possible alibi is to pay attention to the
through Thirteen of the 1805 version of his autobiographical poem The Prelude texts of history and politics as the trace-structuring of positions, knowing that
present the French Revolution as the major cris~s of the poet'~ poetic formation. those two texts are themselves interminable.
As one critic has put it, "his allegiance to revolutionary enthustasm was ~o str?n_g
that, when, as he saw it, the revolutionary government resorted to nationalistic
war (and after he had set up residence with his sister, as they ha~so,J,ppg Wordsworth's Exorcism of Illegitimate Paternity; Sexual Self
desired), Wordsworth was thrown into_ a catastro~hic de~ression t~at has_le~ Establishment to Restore Imagination
many modern critics to treat the Revolution (or havmg a child by a~d ,~esertin?
Annette Vallon, one is never quite sure) as the trauma of h1s hfe. As th1s It is commonly acknowledged that the story of Vaudracour and Julia, as told
analysis reminds us, the "revolution" in Wordsworth's life also involved two in Book Nine of The Prelude (1805), is a disguised version of the affair between
women. As in the critic's sentence, so also in The Prelude, the story of Annette Wordsworth and Annette Vallon. The real story is much more banal: Annette
is in parenthesis, the desertion in quotation marks. "His sister" -and indeed did not have a chance to begin with. She was romantic and undemanding. Plans
Wordsworth does not name her-is also in parenthesis. for marriage were tacitly dropped over the years. No money was forthcoming
The consecutive parts of The Prelude were not consecutively composed. ~he even after Wordsworth received his modest legacy. Annette got deeply involved
account in the text is not chronological. I have taken the textual or narrative in the Royalist resistance and died poor at seventy-five. The story is told in detail
consecutivity imposed by an authorial decision as given. Such a decision is, after in Emile Legouis's William Wordsworth and Annette Vallon. 2 "It is only fair to add
all, itself part of the effort to cope with crisis. that Wordsworth made some provision for his daughter from the time of her
As I read these books of The Prelude, I submit the following theses: marriage in February, 1816. This took the form of an annuity for 30, which
continued until 1835 when the annuity was commuted for a final settlement of
1. Wordsworth not only needed to exorcise his illegitimate paternity 400." 3 In "Vaudracour and Julia" the woman is in a convent, the child dead
but also to reestablish himself sexually in order to declare his in infancy, and the man insane.
imagination restored. . It is not my concern in this section to decide whether Wordsworth can be
2. He coped with the experience of the French Revolution by excused or if Annette was worth his attentions. It is rather to remark that, in
transforming it into an iconic text that he could write and read. these books of The Prelude, one may find textual signs of a rejection of paternity,
3. He suggested that poetry was a better cure for the oppression of of a reinstatement of the subject as son (rather than father) within Oedipal law,
mankind than political economy or revolution and that his own life had and then, through the imagination, a claim to androgyny.
the preordained purpose of teaching mankind this lesson. The acknowledgment of paternity is a patriarchal social acknowledgment of
the trace, of membership in what Yeats has called "those dying generations."
My critique calls for a much more thorough reading of the history and poli~cs Through this acknowledgment, the man admits that his end is not in himself.
of the French Revolution and the Englishreaction than I am able to provtde This very man has earlier accepted sonship and admitted that his origin is. not
here. in himself either. This makes it possible for the man to declare a history. Words-
I sometimes use the Derridian words "trace" and "trace-structure" in the worth the autobiographer seems more interested at this point in transcending
following way. In our effort to define things, we look for origins. Every origin or coping with rather than declaring history-in producing a poem rather than
that we seem to locate refers us back to something anterior and contains the a child. He deconstructs the opposition and cooperation between fathers and
possibility of something posterior. There is, in other words, a trace of something sons. The possibility of his being a father is handled in the Vaudracour and Julia
else in seemingly self-contained origins. This, for the purposes of my argument, episode. The rememoration-the symbolic reworking of the structures-of his
"is" the! trace-structure. being a son is constructed in the famous "spots of time" passages. Then, since
The tr~ce, since it breaks up every first cause or origin, cannot be a transcen- mothers are not carriers of names, by means of Nature as mother, Wordsworth
dental principle. It would thus be difficult to distinguish clearly between the projects the possibility of being son and lover, father and mother of poems, male
trace as a principle and cases of the trace, such as writing or a stream. l?e trace- and female at once.
structure does not simply undermine origins; it also disrupts the urufied and I will try to show this projection through the reading of a few passages. But
self-contained description of things. By isolating three theses in Wo~dsworth:s first I should insist that I am not interested in a personal psychoanalysis of
work, I am inconsistent with the notion of the trace-structure. No dtscourse 1s William Wordsworth, even if I were capable of undertaking such a task. The
48 In Other Worlds
Sex and History in The Prelude (1805): Books Nine to Thirteen
thematics of psychoanalysis as a regional science should be considered as part
And shunning even the light of common day;
of the ideology of male universalism, and my point here would be that Words-
Nor could the voice of Freedom, which through France
worth is working with and out of that very ideology. If indeed one wished to
Soon afterwards resounded, public hope,
make a rigorous structural psychoanalytic study, one would have to take into
Or pers~nal memory of his own deep wrongs,
account "the death ofWordsworth's mother when Wordsworth was eight." One
R~use him: but in those solitary shades
would have to plot not only "the repressions, fixations, denials, and distortions
His days he wasted, an imbecile mind.
that attend such traumatic events in a child's life and the hysteria and uncon-
scious obsessions that affect the life of the grown man, and more than likely_, (IX, 926-33)
his poetic practice" 4 but also the search for "the lost object" and the ,~c?urse !!
to fetishism in the text as signature of the subject. ., ~
The story of Vaudracour and Julia begins as a moment of dissonance in the
story of the French Revolution, marking a deliberate postponement or I~ this autobiography of origins and ends, Vaudracour simply lives on, wastin
substitution: his days; th~ open-ended temporality does not bring his life to a dose. In thi~
sto~ of the JUdgment of France, he remains unmoved by the voice of Freedom
!n this account of the growth of a poet's mind, his mind remains imbecile Thi~
I shall not, as my purpose was, take note IS the c?unterplot of the origin of the prelude, the author's alias. The a~thor
Of other matters which detain'd us oft sta~ds m contrast to, yet in complicity with, the testamentary figures of the
In thought or conversation, public acts, endmgs of the later books, who are in fact sublated versions of Vaudracour.
And public persons, and the emotions wrought At the end of Book Ten an acceptable alter ego is found. He is quite unlike
Within our minds by the ever-varying wind th~ Vaudracour who marks the story of guilt. This is of course Coleridge the
Of Record or Report which day by day ~nen~ ~o whom The Prelude is addressed. Rather than remain suspended fn an
Swept over us; but I will here instead mdefirute temporality, this sublated alter ego looks toward a future shaped b
Draw from obscurity a tragic Tale the author: y
Not in its spirit singular indeed
But haply worth memorial ...
(IX, 541-50; italics mine) Thou wilt stand
Not as an Exile but a Visitant
Not only does the story not have its proper place or singularity, but its nar- On Etna's top.
rative beginning is given as two random and not sufficiently differentiated (X, 1032-34)
choices out of plural possibilities: "Oh/Happy time of youthful Lovers! thus/My
story may begin, Oh! balmy time .. ." (IX, 554-55). In the final version of The
Prelude (1850), its revisions dating probably from 1828, the beginning is even
less emphatic: "(thus/The story might begin)" is said in parenthesis, and the ~nlike the fic~~e V?udracour in his uncomfortable suspension, Coleridge, now
story itself is suppressed and relegated to the status of nothing but a trace of a m degraded Sicily, ts the parallel of Wordsworth, then in unruly France. Words-
record that exists elsewhere: "So might-and with that prelude did begin/The ~orth. had not been able to find a clue to the text of the September Massacres
m Pans:
record" (IX, 557-58 [1850]). If in the serious public business of The Prelude such
a nonserious theme as love and desertion were to be introduced, the 1850 text
asks, "Fellow voyager! I Woulds't thou not chide?" (IX, 563-64).
The end of Book Nine in both versions gives us an unredeemed Vaudracour,
who, situated in an indefinite temporality, remains active as an unchanging pre- upon these
And other sights looking as doth a man
text at the same time as the prospective and retrospective temporality of Books Upon a volume whose contents he knows
Ten to Thirteen puts together a story with an end. The mad Vaudracour is Ar~ memorable, but from him lock'd up,
"always there": Bemg written in a tongue he cannot read,
So that he questions the mute leaves with pain
Thus liv'd the Youth And half upbraids their silence.
Cut off from all intelligence with Man,
(X, 48-54)
In Other Worlds Sex and History in The Prelude (1805): Books Nine to Thirteen 51
That failure seems recuperated in all the textual examples-Empedocles,_ ~ ends Book Nine, I have tried to suggest that Vaudracour, the unacknowledged
chimedes, Theocritus, Comates-brought to bear upon contempor~ry ~tcily, self as father, helps, through his disavowal and sublation, to secure the record
of the progress and growth of the poet's mind. Let us now consider Words-
precisely to transform it to a pleasant sojo~ for. Cole~dge .. lmagmation, a
faculty of course denied to Vaudracour's tmbecile mmd, ts even further worth's use of Oedipal signals.
There is something like the use of a father figure by a son-as contrasted to
empowered: acknowledging oneself as father-early in the next book (X, 467-515). Words-
worth recounts that he had felt great joy at the news of Robespierre's death. Is
by pastoral Arethuse there a sense of guilt associated with ecstatic joy at anyone's death? We are free
Or, if that fountain be in truth no more, to imagine so, for, after recounting this excess of joy, Wordsworth suddenly
Then near some other Spring, which by the name recalls the faith in his own professional future felt by a father figure, his old
teacher at Hawkshead. (As is often the case in The Prelude, there is no causal
Though gratulatest, willingly deceived,
connection between the two episodes; however, a relationship is strongly sug-
Shalt linger as a gladsome Votary,
gested.) The memory had come to him by way of a thought of the teacher's
And not a Captive.
epitaph, dealing with judgments on Merits and Frailties, written by Thomas
(X, 1034-38; italics mine) Gray, a senior and meritorious member of the profession of poetry. This in-
vocation of the tablets of the law of the Fathers finds a much fuller expression
in later passages.
As I will show later the end of Book Eleven welcomes Coleridge as a com- In a passage toward the beginning of Book Eleven, there is once again a scene
panion in an Oedipal, scene, and the end of Book Twelve cites Coleridge _as of disciplinary judgment. Of the trivium of Poetry, History, Logic, the last has,
guarantor that in Wordsworth's early poetry glimpses of a future world supenor at this point in Wordsworth's life, seemingly got the upper hand. As for the
to the revolutionary alternative are to be found. other two-"their sentence was, I thought, pronounc' d" (XI, 94). The realization
The end of Book Thirteen, the end of The Prelude as a whole, is a fully negating of this inauspicious triumph of logic over poetry is given in a latent image of
sublation of Vaudracour. If his life was a waste of days, by trick of grammar self-division and castration:
indefinitely prolonged, the poet's double is here assured
If Vaudracour had remained unchanged by revolution as an imbecilic mind, here Memories of the "spots of time" bring enablement out of this predicament.
the poet expresses a hope, for himself and his friend, that they may The details are explicit and iconic. 5 The poet has not yet reached man's estate:
"When scarcely (I was then not six years old)/My hand could hold a bridle" (XI,
280-81). As he stumbles lost and alone, he accidentally discovers the anonymous
Instruct ... how the mind of man becomes natural inscription, socially preserved, of an undisclosed proper name, which is
A thousand times more beautiful than all that remains of the phallic instrument of the law:
. . . this Frame of things
(Which, 'mid all revolutions in the hopes
And fears of men, doth still remain unchanged) The Gibbet-mast was moulder' d down, the bones
(XIII, 446-50) And iron case were gone; but on the turf,
Hard by, soon after that fell deed was wrought
Some unknown hand had carved the Murderer's name.
Julia is obliterated rather quickly from the story. By recounting these succ~s The monumental writing was engraven
sive testamentary endings and comparing them to Vaudracour's fate, which In times long past, and still, from year to year,
In Other Worlds Sex and History in The Prelude (1805): Books Nine to Thirteen 53
. . . I shook the habit off
By superstition of the neighbourhood Entirely and for ever, and again
The grass is clear' d away; and to this hour
In Nature's presence stood, as I stand now
The letters are all fresh and visible. A sensitive, and a creative soul. '
(XI, 291-99; italics mine)
(XI, 254-57; italics mine)
At the time he left the spot forthwith. Now the memory of the lugubrious dis-
Although the "habi~" has a complicated conceptual antecedent dispersed in the
covery of the monument of the law provides
argument of the thtrty-odd previous lines, the force of the meta hor stron 1
suggests a sexual confrontation, a physical nakedness. One hunfr.ed fifty li~e~
later,. Words~orth welcomes Coleridge into the brotherhood in language that
A virtue by which pleasure is enhanced purgmg the Image of all sexuality, still reminds us of the earlier passage: '
That penetrates, enables us to mount
When high, more high, and lifts us up when fallen.
(XI, 266-68) Behold me then
Once more in Nature's presence, thus restored
Or otherwise, and strengthened once again
(With memory left of what had been escaped)
Many passages in these later books bring the French Revolution under control
To habits of devoutest sympathy.
by declaring it to be a felix culpa, a necessary means toward Words worth's growth
as a poet: this is such a suggestion. Nothing but the chain of events set off by (XI, 393-97; italics mine)
the Revolution could have caused acts of rememoration that would abreactively
fulfill memories of Oedipal events that childhood could not grasp.
As in the case of the memory of the teacher's grave, a metonymic though not
logical or metaphoric connection between the second spot of time and the actual ~story and ~aternity are here fully disclosed as mere traces, a leftover memo
father is suggested through contiguity. Here Wordsworth and his brothers perch :{~~n~es.ts (1.3~6),. or one among alternate methods of restoration (11.39,2
on a parting of the ways that reminds us of the setting of Oedipus' crime: "One . t at IS certam IS that a man, stripped and newly clothed stands in front
of two roads from Delphi,/another comes from Daulia." 6 Ten days after they of N ature. ,
arrive at their father's house, the latter dies. There is no logical connection be- It is irlte~esting to note that Wordsworth's sister provides a assa e into the
tween the two events, and yet the spiritual gift of this spot of time is, precisely, rememora~on of these Oedipal events, and finally into the acc~ssim~ to andro-
that "the event/With all the sorrow which is brought appear'd I A chastisement" gyny. Unlike the male medtators who punish, or demonstrate and justify the
law-the teacher, t~e .mur~er~r, the father, Coleridge-Dorothy Wordsworth
(XI, 368-70).
One might produce a textual chain here: joy at Robespierre's judgment (averted restore.s her. brother .s rmagmation as a living agent. And, irldeed, William, iri-
by a father figure); the self-castrating despair at Poetry's judgment at the hand terlardmg his compliments with the patronage typical of his time and h
of Logic (averted by a historical reminder of the judgment of the Law); final of ours, does call .her "wholly
cati . . free" (XI' 203) . 7 It rs
. cunous,
. t h en, that
, per
the aps
acceptance of one's own gratuitous, metonymic (simply by virtue of temporal on of her relationship with Nature, strongly reminiscent of "Tintem Abb ,
proximity) guilt. Now, according to the canonical Oedipal explanation, "Words- should be entirely in the conditional: ey,
worth" is a man as son. And just as the murderer's name cut in the grass can
be seen to this day, so also this rememorated accession to manhood retains a
continuous power: "in this later time ... unknown to me" (XI, 386, 388). It is
Her the birds
not to be forgotten that the false father Vaudracour, not established within the
And every flower she met with, could they but
Oedipal law of legitimate fathers, also inhabits this temporality by fiat of
Have known her, would have lov'd. Methought such charm
grammar. Of sweetness did her presence breathe around
Near the end of Book Eleven, Coleridge, the benign alter ego-akin to the
That all the trees, and all the silent hills
brothers at the recalled "original" event-is once again called forth as witness
And every thing she look' d on, should have had
to the Oedipal accession. Earlier, Wordsworth had written:
54 In Other Worlds Sex and History in The Prelude (1805): Books Nine to Thirteen 55
An intimation how she bore herself presence of Nature, such an inscription seems to embrace places historically
Towards them and to all creatures. "outside" and existentially "inside" the poet. We locate a passage between the
account of the discovery of the name of the murderer and the account of the
(XI, 214-21) death of the father:
The only indicative description in this passage is introduced by a controlling Oh! mystery of Man, from what a depth
"methought." Proceed thy honours! I am lost, but see
Although Wordsworth's delight in his sister makes him more like <?.?d than In simple childhood something of the base
like her-"God delights I In such a being" (XI, 221-22)-she provides a'pos- On which thy greatness stands, but this I feel,
sibility of transference for him. The next verse paragraph begins-"Even like That from thyself it is that thou must give,
this Maid" (XI, 224). Julia as object of desire had disappeared into a convent, Else never canst receive. The days gone by
leaving the child in Vaudracour's hands. Vaudracour as the substitute of the Come back upon me from the dawn almost
poet as father can only perform his service for the text as an awkward image Of life: the hiding-places of my power
caught in an indefinitely prolonged imbecility. Dorothy as sister is arranged as Seem open; I approach, and then they close;
a figure that would allow the poet the possibility of a replaying of the Oedipal I see by glimpses now; when age comes on,
scene, the scene of sonship after the rejection of premature fatherhood. If the May scarcely see at all, and I would give,
historical, though not transcendental, authority of the Oedipal explanation, es- While yet we may, as far as words can give,
pecially for male protagonists, is given credence, then, by invoking a time when A substance and a life to what I feel:
he was like her, William is invoking the pre-Oedipal stage when girl and boy I would enshrine the spirit of the past
are alike, leading to the passage through Oedipalization itself, when the object For future restoration.
of the son's desire is legally, though paradoxically, defined as his mother. 8 Na-
ture sustains this paradox: for Nature is that which is not Culture, a place or (XI, 329-43; italics mine)
stage where kinships are not yet articulated. "One cannot confound incest as
it would be in this intensive nonpersonal regime that would institute it, with
incest as represented in extension in the state that prohibits it, and that defines We notice here the indeterminacy of inside and outside: "from thyself" probably
it as a transgression against persons .... Incest as it is prohibited (the form of means "from myself," but if addressed to "mystery of man," that meaning is,
discernible persons) is employed to repress incest as it is desired (the substance strictly speaking, rendered problematic; there are the "I feel"s that are both
of the intense earth)." 9 subjective and the subject matter of poetry; and, of course, the pervasive un-
Wordsworth would here clear a space beyond prohibitions for himself. Dor- certainty as to whether memory is ever inside or outside. We also notice the
othy carries the kinship inscription "sister" and provides the passage to Nature double inscription: womb or depths that produce the subject and vagina where
as object choice; Wordsworth, not acknowledging paternity, has not granted the subject's power finds a hiding place. Consummation is as yet impossible.
Annette access to a kinship inscription (she was either Madame or the Widow The hiding places of power seem open but, upon approach, dose. It is a situation
Williams). The text of Book Eleven proceeds to inscribe Nature as mother and of seduction, not without promise. It is a palimpsest of sex, biographic me-
lover. The predicament out of which, in the narrative, Dorothy rescues him, morialization, and psychohistoriography.
can also be read as a transgression against both such inscriptions of Nature: Dorothy is in fact invoked as chaperon when Nature is his handmaiden (XIII,
236-46). And when, in the same penultimate passage of the entire Prelude, she
~s apostrophized, William claims for the full-grown poet an androgynous plen-
I push' d without remorse itude which would include within the self an indeterminate role of mother as
My speculations forward; yea, set foot well as lover:
On Nature's holiest places.
(X, 877-79) And he whose soul hath risen
Up to the height of feeling intellect
Shall want no humbler tenderness, his heart
The last link in this chain is the poet's accession to an androgynous self- Be tender as a nursing Mother's heart;
inscription which would include mother and lover. Through the supplementary Of female softness shall his life be full,
56 In Other Worlds Sex and History in The Prelude {1805): Books Nine to Thirteen 57
Of little loves and delicate desires,
and negative condition of possibility of disavowal, his sublation into Coleridge,
Mild interests and gentlest sympathies rememorating through the mediation of the figure of Dorothy his own Oedipal
(XIIT, 204-10) ' accession to the Law, Imagination as the androgyny of Nature and Man-
l'Woman shut out. I cannot but see in it the sexual-political program of the Great
Tradition. If, in disclosing such a programmatic itinerary, I have left aside the
irreducible heterogeneity of Wordsworth's text, it is also in the interest of a
This intimation of androgynous plenitude finds its narrative opening in the
certain politics. It is in the interest of suggesting that, when a man (here Words~
last book of The Prelude through the thematics of self-separation and autoero-
ticism, harbingers of the trace. The theme is set up as at least twofold, and worth) addresses another man (Coleridge) in a sustained conversation on a
seemingly universal topic, we must learn to read the microstructural burden of
grammatically plural. One item is Imagination, itself "another name" for ~~e the woman's part.
other qualities of mind, and the other is "that intellectual love" (XIII, 186), ~1th
no grammatical fulfillment of the "that" other than another double construction,
twenty lines above,where indeed Imagination is decla~e~ to ~e anot~er name
for soQ1ething else. Of Imagination and intellectual love 1t IS said _that .they are Transforming Revolution into Iconic Text
each in each, and cannot stand I Dividually" (XIII, 187-88). It IS a p1cture of
indeterminate coexistence with a strong aura of identity ("each in each," not To help introduce this section, let us reconsider those lines from Book Ten:
"each in the other"; "dividually," not "individually"). In this declaration of
theme, as he sees the progress of the representative poet's life in his own, Words-
worth seems curiously self-separated. "This faculty," he writes, and we have
already seen how pluralized it is, "hath been the moving soul I Of our ~or:g upon these
And other sights looking as doth a man
labour." Yet so intrinsic a cause as a moving soul is also described as an extnnsic
Upon a volume whose contents he knows
object of pursuit, the trace as stream:
Are memorable, but from him lock'd up,
Being written in a tongue he cannot read,
So that he questions the mute leaves with pain
We have traced the stream And half upbraids their silence.
From darkness, and the very place of birth
In its blind cavern, whence is faintly heard (X, 48-54)
The sound of waters.
(XIII, 172:-75)
The contents of the book of revolution must be transformed into a personal
memory. The autobiographer assures us that, at twenty-two, he knew them to
be "memorable." He uses strong language to describe the task of learning to
The place of birth, or womb, carries a trace of sound, testi~g to so~e pre-
read them. It would be to transgress an interdiction, for the book is "lock'd up"
vious origin. The explicit description of the origin as place of birth clarifies t~e from him.
autoerotic masculinity of "then given it greeting, as it rose once more I With
In Book Nine help in reading the text of the landscape and, then, of the
strength" (XIII, 179-80). For a time the poet had "lost sight of it bewilder' d and
landscape of revolution, comes from Tasso, Spenser, and the Milton of Paradise
engulph'd" (XIII, 178). The openness of the two adjecti:vel~dverbs k~eps the Lost. As his despair thickens, Wordsworth begins to identify with Milton's per-
distinction between the poet as subject (inside) and Imagmation as obJect (out-
sonal position, as described, say, in Samson Agonistes. The sleepless city artic-
side) indeterminate. The autoerotic image of the s~bject gre~ting the s~o~gly ulates its guilt through Macbeth. His own guilt by transference (including per-
erect phallus that is his moving soul slides quickly mto a logtcal contradiction.
haps the unacknowledged guilt of paternity) makes him echo Macbeth's
No rising stream can "reflect" anything in its "solemn breast," le: alone '_'the
nightmares. He admires and sympathizes with the Girondists because they iden-
works of man and face of human life" (XIII, 180-81). It is after this pluralized tified with the ancient Greeks and Romans.
and autoerotic story of Imagination as trace that Wordsworth assures "Man"
A little over halfway through Book Ten, Wordsworth does a double take which
that this "prime and vital principal is thine I In the recesses of thy nature" and
seems to purge the experience of the revolution of most of what one would
follows through to the openly androgynous claims of li~es ~04-_10, cited above_.
commonly call its substance. In line 658, he "reverts from describing the conduct
The itinerary of Wordsworth's securing of the Imagmation IS worth re~api
of the English government in 1793-4, to recount his own relation to public events
tulating. Suppression of Julia, unemphatic retention of Vaudracour as sustamed
from the time of his arrival in France (Nov. 1791) till his return to England. He
In Other Worlds Sex and History In The Prelude (1805): Books Nine to Thirteen 59
is therefore traversing again the ground covered by Books IX and X, 1-227" (de posed directions. Ludwig Feuerbach also seems not to have known how to read
a social text, and Marx proposes the following:
Selincourt, p. 583). . .
This gesture of distancing seems to mark an important advance m the cham
I am now describing. Instead of leaning on the great masters of art and poetry
for models by means of which to organize the discontinuous and alien landscape the s~n~uous world around [us] is not a thing given direct from all eternity,
and events in the latter half of Book Ten Wordsworth begins to compose icons remammg ever the same, but the product of industry and of the state of
out of Engllsh and natural material. The vision of t?e sacrifice on Sarum Plain society; and, indeed, in the sense that it is an historical product, the result
can be seen as the last link in this chain. (The great tcon of the ascent of Mount of the activity of a whole succession of generations, each standing on the
Snowdon in Book Thirteen triumphantly takes us back to a time before Words- shoulders of the preceding one, developing its industry and its inter-
worth's experience in France.) Since we have looked ~t the occlu~ed Q\a~ of course, and modifying its social system according to the changed needs.
the thematics of paternity, sonship, and androgyny, this overt and mdeed offtm Even the objects of the simplest "sensuous certainty'' are only given [us]
ostensive effort should not occupy us long. This section will involve little more through social development, industry and commercial intercourse. [Be-
than fleshing out, through a reading of a few passages, of what.I ~ve sum- cause he lacks this approach] Feuerbach sees [in Manchester] only factories
marized in the last two paragraphs. It remains merely to add that this ts of c~u:se and machines, where a hundred years ago only spinning-wheels and
rather different from a consideration of Wordsworth's own declared political weaving-looms were to be seen, or in the Campagna of Rome he finds
allegiance at the time of the composition of ~ese Boo~s. 10
only pasture lands and swamps, where in the time of Augustus he would
The sensible or visible is not simply the gtven of tmmedtate expenence. It have found nothing but the vineyards and villas of Roman capitalists. 11
carries the trace of history. One must learn to read it. Wordsworth records this
impulse in a reasonable way when he judges his initial response to French
Confronted with a little-known historical text, Wordsworth's solution is to
events as follows:
disavow historical or genealogical production and attempt to gain control
through a private allusive positing of resemblance for which he himself remains
I was unprepared the authority and source; at least so he writes almost a decade later. Most of
With needful knowledge, had abruptly pass'd these "resemblances," being fully implicit, are accessible, of course, only to a
reader who is sufficiently versed in English literary culture. For example, Words-
Into a theatre, of which the stage
~orth make~ his task of describing the French experience "resemble" the open-
Was busy with an action far advanced.
mg of Paradtse Lost, Book IX, where Milton turns from the delineation of sinless
Like others I had read, and eagerly
Sometimes, the master Pamphlets of the day; Paradise to describe
Nor wanted such half-insight as grew wild
Upon that meagre soil, help'd out by Talk
And public News; but having never chanced foul distrust, and breach
To see a regular Chronicle which might shew, Disloyal on the part of Man, revolt,
(If any such indeed existed then) And disobedience; on the part of Heav'n
Whence the main Organs of the public Power Now alienated, distance and distaste,
Had sprung, their transmigrations when and how Anger and just rebuke, and judgment giv'n.
Accomplish' d, giving thus unto events (de Selincourt, p. 566)
A form and body ...
(IX, 91-106)
It must be pointed out that the "sin" is not just France's against Paradise, which
Wordsworth will judge. It could more "literally" be Wordsworth's own carnal
As far as the record in The Prelude is concerned, Wordsworth never did go in knowledge, which this text must subliminally obliterate.
search of an originary, formalizing as well as substantializing chronicl~ of the Michel Beaupuy makes an attempt to fill Wordsworth in on the sources of the
power structure of the French Revolution. Instead h~ so~ght alternate liter~ry trouble, and on the hope for the future. As Wordsworth commemorates
historical cases within which he could insert the histoncal and geographical conversations, which for him came closest to a "regular Chronicle" of the
landscape. If I quote Marx in his middle twenties here, it is only b~cau~e we he gives them apologetic sanction, for Coleridge' s benefit, in the name
should then witness two textualist solutions to similar problems, gomg m op- of Dion, Plato, Eudemus, and Timonides, who waged a "philosophic war I Led
In Other Worlds Sex and History in The Prelude (1805): Books Nine to Thirteen 61
an~, Wordsw?rth ,~oes on, "on these spots with many gleams I look'd 1 Of
by Philosophers" (II, 421-22). Indeed, Wordsworth's sympathies were with the
Girondists because they "were idealists whose speeches were full of references chivalrous delig~t! (IX, 500-01). Beaupuy in the written text is able to produce
to ancient Greece and Rome" (de Selincourt, p. 576). Here too it is interesting a su~ary o~, his argum:nt onlr by metaphorizing the object of the French
~ev~lution as a hunger-bttten Grrl" . . . "'Tis against that 1Which we are fight-
to compare notes with Marx: mg' (IX, 510, 517-18). Here is the summary:
Luther put on the mask of the apostle Paul; the Revolution of 1789-1814 All institutes for ever blotted out
draped itself alternately as the Roman republic and the Roman empire; That legalised exclusion, empty pomp
and the revolution of 1848 knew no better than to parody at some _Oints Abolish' d, sensual state and cruel power
1789 and at others the revolutionary traditions of 1793-5. In the same wayr Whether by the edict of the one or few
the beginner who has learned a new language always retranslates it into And finally, as sum and crown of all, '
his mother tongue: he can only be said to have appropriated the spirit of Should see the People having a strong hand
the new language and so be able to express himself in it freely when he In making their own Laws, whence better days
can manipulate it without reference to the old, and when he forgets his To all mankind.
original language while using the new one. 12
(IX, 525-32)
A new and unknown language has been thrust upon William Wordsworth. ~s admirable summary is followed by a proleptic rhetorical question that re-
Even as its elements are being explained to him, he engages in a bizarre "re- mm_ds. us that d~e process was suspended under the Reign of Terror. As a
translation" into the old. What he describes much more carefully than the sub- ~evta~on from th1s theme, the story of Vaudracour and Julia is broached. One
stance of the conversation is when "from earnest dialogues I slipp'd in thought Is. rermnded ~h~t Be,~upuy, the only good angel on the Revolutionary side, is
I And let remembrance steal to other times" (IX, 444-45). In these interstitial ~self a deviation, of other mold," and that his own retranslation of the events
moments, the proferred chronicle is sidestepped through the invocation of mto art an~ sexual courtesy (in an unwitting display of class and sex prejudice)
"straying" hermit and "devious" travelers (IX, 446, 448). Next the poet reports serves, as 1t were, to excuse his Revolutionary sentiments:
covering over the then present discourse with remembered stories of fugitive
maidens or of "Satyrs ... I Rejoicing o'er a Female" (IX, 460-61). Geography,
instead of being textualized as "the result of the activity of a whole succession He thro' the events
of generations, each standing on the shoulders of the preceding one," is "re- Of that great change wander' d in perfect faith,
translated" into great literary accounts of the violation or flight of women. The As through a Book, an old Romance or Tale
sight of a convent "not by reverential touch of Time I Dismantled, but by violence Of Fairy, or some dream of actions ...
abrupt" (IX, 469-70) takes its place upon this list and prepares us for Julia's tale. ... Man he lov' d
The verse paragraph that intervenes between the two does give us something As Man; and to the mean and the obscure ...
like an insight into Beaupuy's discourse. Let us consider the strategy of that Transferr'd a courtesy which had no air
paragraph briefly. Of condescension, but did rather seem
First, invocation of an unrememorated castle (third on the list after Romorentin A passion and a gallantry, like that
and Blois)-"name now slipp'd I From my remembrance" (IX, 483-84)-inhab- Which he, a Soldier, in his idler day
ited by a nameless mistress of Francis I. This visual object, as Wordsworth re-
Had pay'd to Woman[!]
members, gives Imagination occasion to inflame two kinds of emotions: one
was, of course, "virtuous wrath and noble scorn" though less so than in the (IX, 303-06, 311-12, 313-18; italics mine)
case of "the peaceful House I Religious" (IX, 496, 492-93); the other was a
is the pass~ge through the long Book Ten that allows the poet of The Prelude
mitigat[ion of] the force himself as generative subject. The literary-historical allusions and
Of civic prejudice, the bigotry, trlllnS1atic:ms of Book Nine change to icons of the poet's own making. In an
So call it, of a youthful Patriot's mind move, Wordsworth tells the tale of lost control by interiorizing lit-
In Other Worlds Sex and History in The Prelude (1805): Books Nine to Thirteen 63
erary analogues. We have seen how, in t~e final passages .about the androgynous Most melancholy at that time, 0 Friend!
Were my day-thoughts, my dreams were miserable;
Imagination, the distinction between i~sid~ and. out~ide iS allo':ed to ':aver. As
Through months, through years, long after the last beat
Wordsworth tries to transform revolution mto iComc text, agam the bmary op-
Of these atrocities (I speak bare truth,
position between the inside of literary memory and the outside of the external
As if to thee alone in private talk)
scene is no longer sufficient. The distinction begins to waver in a use of Shake-
I scarcely had one night of quiet sleep
speare that has puzzled many readers. . . . . Such ghastly visions had I of despair
Book Ten, lines 70-77, is worth considenng m all1ts versions. And tyranny, and implements of death,
And long orations which in dreams I pleaded
Before unjust Tribunals, with a voice
"The horse is taught his manage, and the wind Labouring, a brain confounded, and a sense,
Of heaven wheels round and treads in his own steps, of treachery and desertion in the place
Year follows year, the tide returns again, The holiest that I knew of, my own soul.
Day follows day, all things have second birth;
(X, 369-81; italics mine)
The earthquake is not satisfied at once."
And in such a way I wrought upon myself,
Until I seem' d to hear a voice that cried,
To the whole City, "Sleep no more." The image of the victorious republic is that of a Herculean female infant (Annette
bore a daughter, Caroline) who had throttled the snakes about her cradle. I am
suggesting, of course, that even as Wordsworth seeks to control the hetero-
Most of it is within quotation marks, the poet "wrighting" upon himself. About geneity of. the revolution through literary-historical and then iconic textuality,
two years after the completion of the 1805 Prelude,. the quotation marks were the occlusiOn of the personal guilt of the unacknowledged paternity is still at
lifted and thus the sense of a unique sleepless mght was removed. As the work.
pass;ge stands in 1805, the exigency see~s to _be more to. invo~e Shakespe~re Shakespearean echoes are scattered through the pages of The Prelude. Most
than to achieve coherence. The lines begm with a peculiarly mapt quotation of the time, however, Milton helps Wordsworth get a grip on the Revolution.
from the lighthearted opening of As You Like It, where Orlando complains that I have already mentioned that Book Nine opens with a Miltonic echo. Words-
w~rth .de~cribe~, the beginning .of the Reign of Terror in words recalling the
his brother's horses are treated better than he. Wordsworth wrests the line from
its context and fits it into a number of sentences, all either quotations or self- Miltomc hnes, So spake the Frend, and with necessitie, I The Tyrant's plea,
ex~s'd his devilish deeds" (Paradise Lost, IV, 394-95; de Selincourt, p. 579).
quotations (thus confounding the insid~ of the self ':ith t~e outside), which
Li':es 117-202 o.f Book Ten are limpid in their conscious sanctity. These are
seem to echo two different kinds of sentiments: that wild thmgs are tamed and
the hnes that end m recounting that Wordsworth left France merely because he
that things repeat themselves. The sentences do not .seem t? provide m~ch solace
was short of funds and that this was by far the best thing that could have hap-
against the massacres, guaranteeing at once therr tammg ~nd therr retur~, pened because this way his future contributions as a poet were spared. Here
though perhaps the idea of a wild thing obeying the law of its own return iS Wordsworth speaks of himself as comparable to an angel and of his courageous
itself a sort of taming. , f~r France, not in the voice of Shakespeare's guilty Macbeth, but as Mil-
In the allusion to Macbeth that follows, however, the result of becoming so ton s samtly Samson, undone by a woman:
agitated seems to be an acknowledgment of the guilt of the murder of a father/
king. The voice in Shakespeare had seemingly cried, "Sleep no more!" to all the
house because Macbeth had murdered Duncan. Although in Wordsworth's eyes
it is Paris who is guilty of killing the king, the Shakespearean refe.rence "':h~re But patience is more oft the exercise
the guilty Macbeth is himself the speaker implicates Wordsworth .m t~e ~ng Of saints, the trial of their fortitude,
of his own paternity through the rejection of his fustborn. A pecuhar lme m the Making them each his own Deliverer
collection of sayings stands out: "All things have second birth." When in an And Victor over all
extension of the Macbeth passage nearly two hundred lines later, he c~n?de~ to That tyrannie or fortune can inflict.
Coleridge that although the infant republic w~s doing well, all the. inJUStices
involved in its inception gave him sleepless mghts, an overprotesting paren- (Samson Agonistes, 1287-91; de
Selincourt, p. 577)
thesis stands out in the same unsettling way:
64 In Other Worlds
Sex and History in The Prelude (1805): Books Nine to Thirteen
Indeed, it is the language of Paradise Lost that helps give the joy at Robespierre's
death the authority of just condemnation: "That this foul Tribe of Moloch was ~~~n;asion s~a~e resulted in a torrent of broadsheets and ballads
Patrio ti.corm a tting background for Wordsworth's smug and sonor~u s.
o'erthrown, I And their chief Regent levell'd with the dust" (X, 469-70). sonnets:
We have so far considered some examples of allusive textualization and also
of the interiorization of literary allusion. Let us now turn to the composition of
The point is often made that it was not so much the experience of the French It is not to be thought of that the Flood
Revolution, but the fact of England's warring with France, that finally brought Of British freedom, which, to the open sea
Wordsworth to despair. Wordsworth's initial reaction to the Revolution matched Of the world's praise from dark antiquity
a good English model: "There was a general disposition among the miCtdle:and Hath flowed, "with pomp of waters, unwithstood," ...
upper classes to welcome the first events of the Revolution-even traditionalists
argued that France was coming belatedly into line with British notions of the
'mixed constitution."' 13 In addition, Wordsworth claims three personal reasons
for sympathy: "born in a poor district," he had never, in his childhood, seen
"Not to. be tho~ght of"; and yet, at this very time, freedom of the ress
~;d~~I~~e:~~n!'er~f e~~~~ ~~~~I;rf:!:~ti~~ino!Jeolitical organi~atio~
did the common Englishman's "birth-right" consist l.nJ~nScee. "Ytyhatf, then,
The face of one, who, whether Boy or Man, erty'" d M cun o prop-
. . answere ary Wollstonecraft: "Behold the defi 'ti f E
Was vested with attention or respect ghsh liberty."1s m on o n-
Through claims of wealth or blood
(IX, 223-25)
It might be remembered that th l ti f fi
The Prelude is not unmixed wit~ :ha ono 't rstfcomposition at the inception of
own. e secun y o a legacy and a place of one's
At Cambridge he had seen that "wealth and titles were in less esteem I Than This "revolutionary" nati li . 1
talents and successful industry" (IX, 234-35). (A superficial but understandable fledged icons that will situa~;a ~~ artic~ at_es itself in one of the first full-
analysis.) And all along, "fellowship with venerable books ... and mountain readership, and students of th:~ I cs ~~ hi~tory for Wordsworth, his select
liberty" prepared him to are scattered through lines 254 to ~~an/~ pe~I~d. !'he components of the icon
l ck d fl o oo en. a tree, a steeple a congre
Op]po~;itipo:un fe owers. The ~vert argument begins by setting up a srr'ong bina -
hail appel~ati~~~ep:~o:~:::u~~:n~ords;;orth. uses the honorable but eo~
As best the government of equal rights
And individual worth.
than an "ide t
of a "natural" ti b t tural sentiment, based on the assump-
.e ~~en man .and the soil (as if indeed he were a tree),
conjuncture ~~!~C:g i~:~~~ti~~t:~~~~::u:o~~~o:! and :co-
(IX, 246-48)
'"t"h'e'',~n~rench policy is ~!ready dubbed "unnatural strife I In m;l~~na.:::~~t~;
based on S:~!~~a~:~ ~~~t ~~::~~~~~~ ~,c;~:!~~~~~tifi.catio~ for the icon
Support for idealistic revolutionary principles based on such intuitive-patriotic a;:~e, or an organism "literally" rooted in the ~oil thea:~:;~~r ~;. ~a.n
grounds would be ill prepared for England's French policy. Fortunately for s component of the icon has more than a sanctlon by analogy: IC rs
Wordsworth's long-term sanity, the martial conduct of the French, the "radi-
calization of The Revolution," and the fear of French invasion provided him
with a reason to withdraw into the ideology-reproductive "passive" politics that
is apolitical and individualistic, as it allowed Pitt to become "the diplomatic I, who with the breeze
Had play' d, a green leaf on the blessed tree
architect of European counter-revolution." 14 If the reverence due to a poet is
Of my beloved country; nor had wish' d
laid aside for a moment and Wordsworth is seen as a human being with a superb
For happier fortune than to wither there
poetic gift as defined by a certain tradition, then his ideological victimization
Now from my pleasant station was cut ~ff
can be appreciated:
And toss'd about in whirlwinds. '
66 In Other Worlds Sex and History in The Prelude (1805): Books Nine to Thirteen 67
A limited and controlling play is changed by the war into an untimely death is to blame. The condemned gesture is still the act of cutting or rending. But
which, in an induced motion, imitates life. Just as the subjectivistic element of the icon ends with an ambiguous image. At first it is alleged that, at the time,
the anti-Vietnam War movement was not for communist principles but a cleaner the French Revolution was considered a higher advent than nationalism-just
America, so also Wordsworth's icon casts a vote here not for revolutionary prin- as Christ was greater than John the Baptist. Then this very thought is "judged"
ciples but an England worthy of her name. in the following lines:
The tree is a natural image. The next bit of the icon secures the social and
legal dimension. Although the situation is a church, the iconic elements are
steeple, congregation, Father worship. Wordsworth's practice is different when A time in which Experience would have pluck' d
he wants to invoke transcendental principles. Here the preparation slides us Flowers out of any hedge to make thereof
into a situation where Wordsworth feels alienated because, unlike the41simple A Chaplet, in contempt of his grey locks.
worshippers" (sharing in "mountain liberty") who gave him his taste for rev-
(X, 289-90)
olution, he cannot say, "God for my country, right or wrong." The power of
the icon, with the status of conceptual-literal-metaphoric lines made indeter-
minate, wrests our support for Wordsworth's predicament without questioning
its strategic structure; indeed indeterminacy is part of both the rhetorical and This is indeed a contemptuous picture of a revolution that goes against any
the thematic burden of the passage, as the opening lines show: established institution. The image of age pretending to youthful self-adornment
is unmistakable in tone. The force of the whirlwind has been reduced to weaving
a chaplet, cutting off a leaf to plucking flowers. The coherence of a historical or
It was a grief, revolutionary argument is on its way to being successfully rejected as mere folly.
Grief call it not, 'twas anything but that, I now turn to what in my reading is the place where the chain stops and the
A conflict of sensations without name, mind triumphs over the French Revolution: Book Twelve, lines 298-353, the
Of which he only who may love the sight reverie on Sarum Plain.
Of a Village Steeple as I do can judge The lines are addressed to that certain Coleridge who, as "Friend," is witness,
When in the Congregation, bending all interlocutor, and alter ego of The Prelude. They are an apology for a hubristic
To their great Father, prayers were offer'd up, professional concept of self: poets like prophets can see something unseen be-
Or praises for our Country's Victories, fore. This is not a unique and self-generative gift, for poets are connected in "a
And 'mid the simple worshippers, perchance, mighty scheme of truth" -a "poetic history" that is presumably other and better
I only, like an uninvited Guest than "history as such," which by implication here, and by demonstration else-
Whom no one own' d sate silent, shall I add, where in The Prelude, has failed in the task of prediction and prophecy. The gift
Fed on the day of vengeance yet to come? is also a "dower" from an undisclosed origin, but the Friend is encouraged to
establish something like a relationship between that gift or "influx" and a work
(X, 264-75; italics mine) of Wordsworth's (not necessarily The Prelude?), whose origin is caught in a neg-
ative which necessarily carries the trace of that which it negates. The thing ne-
gated (logically "prior") would, in this case, seem paradoxically to imply a chron-
It is not by chance that the responsibility for such a mishap is thrown on an ological posteriority: "the depth of untaught things." This vertiginous
unspecified "they": deployment of indeterminacy and traces culminates in the hope that this work
will deconstruct the opposition between Nature and Art-"might become I A
power like one of Nature's." Yet to be like one of Nature's powers, bringing in
Oh much have they to account for, who could tear the entire part-whole/identity problem, makes even that possible deconstruction
By violence at one decisive rent indeterminate. Such a collocation of indeterminacy, where nothing can be fixed,
From the best Youth in England, their dear pride, is the antecedent of the deceptively simple and unified word "mood" to which
Their joy, in England. was "raised" and which is, presumably, both the origin and the
matter of what I am calling an iconic recuperation of the events of 1791-
(X, 276-79) 93. (The date of the "actual" walk is July-August, 1793.)
It is by now no longer surprising that the immediate setting of the reverie is
also marked by tracings and alternations. The ranging walks took place either
We are no longer sure whether the warmongers of England or revolution itself without a track or along the dreary line of roads. The trace-structure here is not
68 In Other Worlds Sex and History in The Prelude (1805): Books Nine to Thirteen 69
the obstreperous heterogeneous material or opening of political history; a vaster Throughout the region far and near, pervades
time scale seems to make the experience safe for poetry: "through those vestiges The monumental hillocks.
of ancient times I ranged." The disingenuous line "I had a reverie and saw the
past'' carries this overwhelming and conditioning frame. (XII, 331-35)
In his vision of Sarum Plain, the poet sees multitudes and "a single Briton."
This Briton is a subject-representative or alter ego of great subtlety. He is also
the object of Wordsworth's attentive reverie. There is the same sort of self-de- "History'' ha~ at last come alive and animated the native landscape. And indeed
constructive ego splitting as in the autoerotic passage on the Imagination as the next few unages are of a collective possibility of reading; no longer a reverie
object of attention that I discussed earlier. He is not necessarily singular though but actu~l ?eom~tric. sh~pes which figure over a precultural soil-the very image
"single," as the following words make clear: "Saw . . . here and there, fA ~le of the ongmary mstitution of a trace, what Heidegger would call"the worlding
Briton.... " The relationship between him and the prophetic voice is one of of. a worl~. " 17 The pr~c_ultural space of writing is as carefully placed within a
metonymic contiguity, not of agency or production. The voice itself, though "of miSe-en-abtme as the ongm of Wordsworth's unspecified work a few lines earlier:
spears" and thus war-making, is "heard" like that prophetic "voice of the turtle," "unti~' d ground" ~atching "untaught things." This particular inscription is not
announcing peace and safety from God's wrath: a revolution controlled and a rermnder of Oedipal law but a charming and pleasant access to science. The
soothed into the proper stuff of poetry. The consciousness that produced the principle of figuration is multiple: "imitative form," "covert expression," "im-
voice is itself undermined and dispersed into a compound image and common aging fo;th" of the constellations. This principle, the relationship between rep-
nouns that hold encrypted the proper name of the leader of Wordsworth' s call- resentation and represented, is finally itself figured forth as that connection
ing, Shakespeare: among poets (the Druids and Wordsworth) with which the argument began:
The voice of spears was heard, the rattling ,spear . I saw the bearded Teachers, with white wands
Uplifted, pointing to the starry sky
~by arms of mighty bone, in strength
Alternately, and Plain below.
Long moulder' d of barbaric majesty.
(XII, 349-51)
(XII, 324-26)
The icon is sealed at the beginning of the next verse paragraph: ''This for the
I have already remarked upon Wordsworth's use of a metonymic or sequen- past'' (XII, 356). .
tial, rather than a metaphoric or consequential, rhetoric. Here that habit seems The intolerable trace-structure of history is thus brought under control by the
specifically to blur the relationship between selves and voices. Imagination, or authorial positing of the elaborate trace-structure of the Imagination and the
Poetry, is presented as an august trace, other and greater than what can be brotherhood of poets. The control is emphasized all through the next ver8e'"
uttered by a mere individual. Since the poet carefully orchestrates this presen- paragraph, the closing lines of Book Twelve. Coleridge is called forth to testify
tation, the intolerable trace-structure of history as catastrophe can now be tamed. ~tat this time Wordsworth began to produce good poetry. But even Coleridge
The relationship between Shakespeare's encrypted name and the poet's suc- IS ~uperseded, for "the mind is to herself I Witness and judge." Out of the self-
cessful invocation of a darkness that took or seemed to take (the rhetoric of eVIdence of such supreme self-possession, and by way of an elaborate iconic
alternation yet again) all objects from his sight to produce a highly precarious s.~lf-deconstruction, Wordsworth competes successfully with the revolution and
"center'' where the icon is finally visible is thus predictably metonymic: "It is r~cords the articulation of a new world; the double privilege matches the acces-
the sacrificial Altar." At last the carnage of the French Revolution is recon- Sion to androgyny:
structed into a mere image of a generalized "history'' on the occasion of a highly
deconstructive and self-deconstructed Imagination. Wordsworth can now
"read" the September Massacres: I seem'd about this period to have sight
Of a new world, a world, too, that was fit
To be transmitted and made visible
It is the sacrificial Altar, fed To other eyes, as having for its base
With living men, how deep the groans, the voice That whence our dignity originates
Of those in the gigantic wicker thrills (XII, 370-74)
In Other Worlds Sex and History in The Prelude (1805): Books Nine to Thirteen 71
Of whom we read [a curious distinction!], the man whom we behold
d so on. Reading Romantic poetry will bring about what the French_ Revolution With our own eyes.
~~uld not accomplish. What we need to learn from is "'An unp~blis~ed Po~m (XII, 84-87)
on the Growth and Revolutions of an Individual Mind,'" as Colendge s ~e~c~p
tion of The Prelude has it "as late as February 1804" (de Selincourt, p. xxvt; 1tahcs
mine). l d h Man as a category is of course always an abstraction, whether we see him, read
Yet a postscript must be added. These books of The Pre u e ave cunous mo- of him, or make him a part of "public welfare," which last, according to Words-
ments when what is suppressed projects into the scene. Vaudracour and the worth in this passage, is "plans without thought, or bottom' d on false thought
murderer's name operate unceasingly as textual time passes. An~ elsew~ere the I And false philosophy" (XII 74-76). Without pursuing that point, however, let
poet apologizes most unemphatically for ha~ng neglecte~ de~ails of till\e ~~d us insist that although, following his rhetorical bent, Wordsworth does not
place and for not having given his sister her nghtful place m hts poem. If these equate the true wealth of nations with individual male dignity, but leaves them
two i~ems are seen as hardly displaced representatives of the m~tte~ of France suggestively contiguous on a list, there can be no doubt that he here recounts
and the matter of woman, the poet is here excusing the very constitutive burden the history of someone who seriously and with experience, knowledge, and wis-
of these Books: dom confronts the problems of social justice and political economy. He refers
to "the Books I Of modern Statists" (XII, 77-78), most specifically, of course,
to Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations, first published in 1776. 18 (In the 1850
Since I withdrew unwillingly from France, version of The Prelude, the phrase-"The Wealth of Nations" -is put within
The Story hath demanded less regard quotation marks, as the title of a book.)
To time and place; and where I lived, and how Quite appropriately, though always by implication, Wordsworth finds the
Hath been no longer scrupulously mark' d. increasing of the wealth of nations, as understood by classical economists, to be
Three years, until a permanent abode a hollow goal. Adam Smith was a proponent of the labor-command theory of
Receiv' d me with that Sister of my heart value: "The value of any commodity, therefore, to the person who possesses
Who ought by rights the dearest to have been it, and who means not to use or consume it himself, but to exchange it for other
Conspicuous through this biographic Verse, commodities, is equal to the quantity of labour which it enables him to purchase
Star seldom utterly conceal'd from view, or command. Labour, therefore, is the real measure of the exchangeable value
I led an undomestic Wanderer's life of all commodities." 19 His method of increasing the wealth of a nation is there-
fore greater division of labor, greater specialization, deregulation of trade, eco-
(XIII, 334-43)
nomic interaction between town and country, the establishment of colonies-
all based on a view of human nature reflected in the following famous passage:
(The sister, incidentally, disappears completely from the ~850 versio~.) I com-
ment on a comparable narrative intrusion at the end of this next section. Man has almost constant occasion for the help of his brethren, and it is
in vain for him to expect it from their benevolence only. He will be more
likely to prevail if he can interest their self-love in his favour, and shew
Poetry as Cure for Oppression: A life Preordained to Teach This lesson them that it is for their own advantage to do for him what he requires of
them ... It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or
w ordsworth offers his own poetry as a cure for human oppression and suf- the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own
interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-
fering because it teaches one where to look for human value. .
In lines 69-158 of Book Twelve the ostensible grounds for such a sugges~on love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their
are researched and presented. The narrative has just pa_ssed thr~~gh the Oe~t_Pal advantages.Z0
encounters. Now Wordsworth is ready to undertake hts. own_ cr.ttique of pohtical
economy. His conclusion is that the true wealth of nations ts m
predictably does not concern himself with the practical possibilities
of laissez-faire capitalism. He implicitly questions its presuppositions regarding
human nature-which he considers an aberration. He does not, however, sug-
The dignity of individual Man, that the production of commodities requires and produces this aberrant
Of Man, no composition of the thought, of human nature. He posits, rather, a subjective theory of human value,
Abstraction, shadow, image, but the man
72 In Other Worlds Sex and History in The Prelude (1805): Books llline to Thirteen 73
where the work of salvation would consist of disclosing that man's essential ~el~ different magnitudes; and this difference was what the capitalist had
wealth lay inside him. m mmd when he was purchasing the labour-power. 21
He therefore asks: Why is the essential individual who is the standard of
measurement of this subjective theory of value (yet, curiously enough, not an
abstraction) so rarely to be found? Wordsworth poses a rhetorical question: "Our Whether ~e ~as stu~bled upon the crucial question of social injustice or not,
animal wants and the necessities I Which they impose, are these the obstacles?" Wordsworth s Ideologtcal preparation and predilection lead him to a less than
(XII, 94-95). If this question were answered in the affirmative, then the entire useful answer. The ground rules of the academic subdivision of labor would
occluded chain of the nonacknowledgment of paternity might, even in so seem- m~ke m~st ~f ~s at this point piously exclaim, "One does not judge poets in
ingly self-assured a passage, be making itself felt; in other words, Wordsworth ~Is way. This IS only Wordsworth's personal story, and since this is poetry, it
would then be in the most uncharacteristic position of "taking himself a~"'iin !s not even t~~,t-th~ 'I:
of The Prelude is to be designated 'the speaker,' not
Wordsworth. Suffice It to say that I am deliberately wondering seeing if in-
example," making of his animal nature the inevitable reason for the failure of
perfectibility. If in the negative, then Wordsworth's case against political justice, deed J?Oetry can get away a posteriori with a narrative of political investigation
against Godwin, Adam Smith, and the French Revolution is won. As in all when It never in fact "irreducibly intends" anything but its own "constitution."
rhetorical questions, the questioner obliquely declares for one alternative: "If Although
not, then others vanish into air" (XII, 96). And the asymmetry of the rhetorical
question constitutes The Prelude's politics as well as the condition of its
an intermixture of distinct regards
And truths of individual sympathy ... often might be glean'd
The position, then, is that social relations of production cannot touch the inner From that great City,
resources of man. The corollary: Revolutionary politics, seeking to change those
social relations, are therefore superfluous; poetry, disclosing man's inner re- (XII, 119-20)
sources, is the only way. Although Wordsworth cannot ask how there will come
to pass a set of social relations in which everyone will have the opportunity and
Wordsworth "to frame such estimate [of human worth],"
education to value poetry for its use, he does ask a preliminary question that
seems appropriate if the poet is to disclose the wealth of man:
... chiefly look' d (what need to look beyond?)
Among the natural abodes of men,
how much of real worth Fields with their rural works.
And genuine knowledge, and true power of mind (XII, 105-08)
Did at this day exist in those who liv' d
By bodily labour, labour far exceeding
Their due proportion, under all the weight "yYhat need,". ir:deed! Wordsworth is tracing out a recognizable ideological cir-
Of that injustice which upon ourselves CUit here, decidmg t~at the peculiarities of one's own locale give the universal
By composition of society norm. (In fact, even m terms of rural England, the situation in Cumberland and
Ourselves entail Westmorland was not representative.) 22 "Feuerbach's 'conception' of the sen-
suous world [in the Principles of A Philosophy of the Future] is confined on the one
(XII, 98-105; italics mine) ~and, t? mere co~temp~atior: of it, and on the other to mere feeling; he posits
Man mstead of real histoncal man.' 'Man' is really 'the German."' 23
There i~ someth!ng to ad~ire in Wordsworth's impulse. Not only does he ask
If this question is asked rigorously, we arrive at the problem of human alien- the question of disproportionate labor, he also emphasizes that the excluded
ation in the interest of the production of surplus-value: ~argins of the ~uman norm are where the norm can be properly encountered;
his own thematics are of depth and surface:
The fact that half a day's labour is necessary to keep the worker alive There [I] saw into the depth of human souls,
during twenty-four hours does not in any way prevent him from working Souls that appear to have no depth at all
a whole day. Therefore the value of labour-power and the value which To vulgar eyes.
that labour-power valorizes [verwertet] in the labour-process, are two en- (XII, 166-68)
74 In Other Worlds Sex and History in The Prelude (1805): Books Nine to Thirteen 75
This is all the more laudable because of the deplorable consequences of the "T~e goal of et~ical criticism is transvaluation, the ability to look at contemporary
vagrancy laws, some of them of Tudor origin, that began to be sharply felt as social values w1th the detachment of one who is able to compare them in some
a result of the rise of industrial capitalism. It is noteworthy, however, that at degree with the infinite vision of possibilities presented by culture." 27
the crucial moment of decision in The Prelude Wordsworth does not speak of the
Wordsw~rth's ch~ice of the rural s~~itary as theme, then, is an ideologically
dispossessed "small proprietors" of the Lake Country, of whose plight he had
~ym~tomahc move m answer to a cntical question about political economy. It
considerable knowledge, nor of "an ancient rural society falling into decay." 24 Is neither to lack sympathy for Wordsworth's predicament nor to underestimate
The ideologically benevolent perspective Wordsworth had on these vagrants ~~~h.!:! verbal grandeur" of the poetry to be able to recognize this program.
would not allow him to argue here for a fairer distribution of labor or wealth, / We have so far considered Wordsworth's suggestion that poetry is a better
but would confine him to the declaration that virtue and intellectual strength
are not necessarily the property of the so-called educated classes-and cl:"!~flge
~ure for ~uman ~p~ression or. suffering than revolution. His second suggestion
IS that h1s own hfe 1s preordamed to teach this lesson. In making my previous
even that declaration by an "if" and a personal preference: 25 arguments, I have am-fly presented the elements of this well-known suggestion.
So much so, that I will not reformulate it here. Suffice it to mention that this
particular chain of thought in The Prelude is rounded off most appropriately, in
If man's estate, by doom of Nature yoked paragra~h of exquisite beauty, where Wordsworth expresses an uncon-
With toil, is therefore yoked with ignorance, vmcmg uncertamty about that very telos of his life; even as he finds, in the
If virtue be indeed so hard to rear, "priv~te" memory of the "public" poetic records of his "private" exchange with
And intellectual strength so rare a boon Colendge, a sufficient dialogic justification for The Prelude:
I prized such walks still more.
(XII, 174-78)
To thee, in memory of that happiness
It will be known, by thee at least, my Friend,
It is of course worth noticing that the conditions for prizing the walk are askew. Felt, that the history of a Poet's mind
In terms of the overt argument of this part of The Prelude, we are not sure whether Is labour not unworthy of regard:
Wordsworth thinks the first "if" is correct; this uncertainty makes the "there- To thee the work shall justify itself.
fore" rhetorically undecidable, since the declared charge of the argument sug-
gests that the last two "if's" are false suppositions. But I prefer to ask simpler (XIII, 406-10)
questions: Why is the doom of Nature not equally exigent upon everyone, and
why should a man who does not want to reduce Man (sic) to a homogenizing
abstraction be unable to entertain the question of heterogeneity? Yet, just as there is a moment when France and Dorothy jut into the text as
If, indeed, one continues the analogy, it looks like this: Wordsworth will work apology when all seemed to have been appeased (p. 350), so also is there a
on the human wealth represented by the solitaries and produce poetry which moment wh.en,. in this final book, something apparently suppressed juts into
will teach others to be as wealthy as the originals. It should be repeated that the scene. Life IS seen to have a telos or at least a place that is distinct from the
such an analogy ignores such questions as "Who reads poetry?" "Who makes poet's self. And such a life is seen as capable of launching an unanswerable or
Laws?" "Who makes money?" as well as "What is the relationship between the at least unanswered reproach. There is even a hint that The Prelude might be
interest on Wordsworth's capital and the production of this theory?" The great- an excuse. If the passage I quote above narrates a poetic career, this passage
ness of Marx was to have realized that, within capitalism, that interest is part the career of The Prelude not just as text but as discourse:
of a surplus the production of which is the sole prerogative of wage labor and
that production is based on exploitation. "Productive labor" and "free labor"
in this context are not positive concepts; they are the bitter names of human 0 Friend! the termination of my course
degradation and alienation: the "'productive' worker cares as much about the Is nearer now, much nearer; yet even then
crappy shit he has to make as does the capitalist himself who employs him, and In that distraction and intense desire
who also couldn't give a damn for the junk." 26 Within the historical situation I said unto the life which I had lived,
of the late eighteenth century, to offer only poetry as the means of changing Where art thou? Hear I not a voice from thee
this definition of "productive" is class-bound and narrow. Since it denies the Which 'tis reproach to hear? Anon I rose
reality of exploitation, it need conceive of no struggle. An example of this attitude
As if on wings, and saw beneath me stretch' d
can still be found in the official philosophy of current Departments of English: Vast prospect of the world which I had been
In Other Worlds
sex. As Luce Irigaray and others have shown, Freud does not take the womb readings.
into account. 10 Our mood, since we carry the womb as well as being carried by In the matter of race-sensitive analyses, the chief problem of American fern-
it, should be corrective. 11 We might chart the itinerary of womb-envy in the criticism is its identification of racism as such with the constitution of racism
production of a theory of consciousness: the idea of the womb as a place of America. Thus, today I see the object of investigation to be not only the history
production is avoided both in Marx and in Freud. (There are exceptions to such "Third World Women" or their testimony but also the production, through
a generalization, especially among American neo-Freudians such as Erich great European theories, often by way of literature, of the colonial object.
Fromm. I am speaking here about invariable presuppositions, even among such long as American feminists understand "history" as a positivistic empiricism
exceptions.) In Freud, the genital stage is preeminently phallic, not clitoral or scorns "theory" and therefore remains ignorant of its own, the "Third
82 In Other Worlds Feminism and Critical Theory
World" as its object of study will remain constituted by those hegemonic First work that sees that the "essential truth" of Marxism or feminism cannot be
World intellectual practices. 13 separated from its history. My present work relates this to the ideological de-
My attitude toward Freud today involves a broader critique of his entire velopment of the theory of the imagination in the eighteenth, nineteenth, and
project. It is a critique not only of Freud's masculism but of nuclear-familial twen~eth centuries. I am inter~sted in class analysis of families as it is being
psychoanalytical theories of the constitution of the sexed subject. Such a critiq~e praeticed by, among others, Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, Heidi Hartman, Nancy
extends to alternative scenarios to Freud that keep to the nuclear parent-child H~sock, an~ :Annette Kuhn. I am myself bent upon reading the text of inter-
model, as it does to the offer of Greek mythical alternatives to Oedipus as the national ferrurusm as operated by the production and realization of surplus-
regulative type-case of the model itself, as it does to the romantic notion that v~ue ..My own earlier concern with the specific theme of reproductive (non)
an extended family, especially a community of women, would neces~xsure alienation seems to me today to be heavily enough touched by a nuclear-familial
the ills of the nuclear family. My concern with the production of colonial'Cfis- hysterocentrism to be open to the critique of psychoanalytic feminism that I
course thus touches my critique of Freud as well as most Western feminist chal- suggest above.
lenges to Freud. The extended or corporate family is a socioeconomic (indeed, On the ?ther ~nd, if sexu~l reproduction is seen as the production of a prod-
on occasion political) organization which makes sexual constitution irreducibly ~ct by .an me~uctbly determmate means (conjunction of semination-ovulation),
complicit with historical and political economy. 14 To learn to read that way is m an meduably determinate mode (heterogeneous combination of domestic
to understand that the literature of the world, itself accessible only to a few, is and politico-civil economy), entailing a minimal variation of social relations then
not tied by the concrete universals of a network of archetypes-a theory that two original Marxist categories would be put into question: use-value ~s the
was entailed by the consolidation of a political excuse-but by a textuality of m~a~~e of co~unist production and absolute surplus-value as the motor of
material-ideological-psycho-sexual production. This articulation sharpens a gen- pn~tiv~ (capttalist) accumulation. For the first: the child, although not a com-
eral presupposition of my earlier remarks. modity, IS also not produced for immediate and adequate consumption or direct
Pursuing these considerations, I proposed recently an analysis of "the dis- exchange. For the second: the premise that the difference between subsistence-
course of the clitoris." 15 The reactions to that proposal have been interesting in wage .and labor-power's potential of production is the origin of original accu-
the context I discuss above. A certain response from American lesbian feminists mulation can only be advanced if reproduction is seen as identical with sub-
can be represented by the following quotation: "In this open-ended definition sistence; in fact, the reproduction and maintenance of children would make
of phallus/semination as organically omnipotent the only recourse is to name the heterogeneous the original calculation in terms of something like the slow dis-
clitoris as orgasmically phallic and to call the uterus the reproductive extension p~~ement of value fro~ fixed capital to commodity. 18 These insights take the
of the phallus .... You must stop thinking of yourself privileged as a hetero- cntique of wage-labor m unexpected directions.
sexual woman." 16 Because of its physiologistic orientation, the first part of this , When , I earlie~ touched upon the relationship between wage-theory and
objection sees my naming of the clitoris as a repetition of Freud's situating of women s work, I had ~ot yet read the autonomist arguments about wage and
it as a "little penis." To the second part of the objection I customarily respond: as best developed m the work of Antonio Negri. 19 Exigencies of work and
"You're right, and one cannot know how far one succeeds. Yet, the effort to of ~cholarship and ex~erience pennitting, I would like next to study
put First World lesbianism in its place is not nec~ssarily reducible .to pride in relationship between domestic and political economies in order to establish
female heterosexuality." Other uses of my suggestion, both supportive and ad- subversive power of "women's work" in models in the construction of a
verse, have also reduced the discourse of the clitoris to a physiological fantasy. subject." Negri sees this possibility in the inevitable consum-
In the interest of the broadening scope of my critique, I should like to reem- th~t socialized capitalism must nurture. Commodity consumption, even
phasize that the clitoris, even as I acknowledge and honor its irreducible phys- realizes surplus-value as profit, does not itself produce the value and there-
iological effect, is, in this reading, also a short-hand for women's excess in all persist~nt~y exacerbat~s crisis. 20 .It is through reversing and displacing this
areas of production and practice, an excess which must be brought under control wtthm consumensm, Negn suggests, that the "revolutionary subject"
to keep business going as usual. 17 Mainstream English Marxists sometimes think that such an
My attitude toward Marxism now recognizes the historical antagonism be- can ?e brought abo~t by f?Olitical interventionist teaching of literature.
tween Marxism and feminism, on both sides. Hardcore Marxism at best dismisses Fre~ch mtell~ctuals think this tendency is inherent in the "pagan tradi-
and at worst patronizes the importance of women's struggle. On the other hand, which pluraltZes the now-defunct narratives of social justice still endorsed
not only the history of European feminism in its opposition to Bolshevik !;ra1ditiional Marxists in a post-industrial world. In contrast, I now argue as
Social Democrat women, but the conflict between the suffrage movement and
the union movement in this country must be taken into account. This historical
problem will not be solved by saying that we need more than an analysis of
capitalism to understand male dominance, or that the sexual division of labor I;, is women's work that has continuously survived within not only the
as the primary determinant is already given in the texts of Marx. I prefer the of capitalism but other historical and geographical modes of pro-
In Other Worlds Feminism and Critical Theory 85
duction. The economic, political, ideological, and legal heterogeneity of erature "well" is in itself a questionable good and can indeed be sometimes
the relationship between the definitive mode of production and race- and productive of harm and "aesthetic" apathy within its ideological framing. My
class-differentiated women's and wives' work is abundantly recorded .... suggestion is to use literature, with a feminist perspective, as a "nonexpository"
Rather than the refusal to work of the freed Jamaican slaves in 1834, which theory of practice.
is cited by Marx as the only example of zero-work, quickly recuperated Drabble has a version of "the best education" in the Western world: a First
by imperialist maneuvers, it is the long history of won:'-en's work which Class in English from Oxbridge. The tradition of academic radicalism in England
is a sustained example of zero-work: work not only outside of wage-w?rk, is strong. Drabble was at Oxford when the prestigious journal New Left Review
but, in one way or another, "outside" of the definitive modes of production. was being organized. I am not adverse to a bit of simple biographical detail: I
The displacement required here is a transvaluation, an uncatastrophisJm: began to re-read The Waterfall with these things in mind as well as the worrying
plosion of the search for validation via the circuit of p~o~ucti~ty. Rather thoughts about sex, race, and class.
than a miniaturized and thus controlled metaphor for civil society and the Like many woman writers, Drabble creates an extreme situation, to answer,
state, the power of the oikos, domestic economy, can be used as the model presumably, the question "Why does love happen?" In place of the mainstream
of the foreign body unwittingly nurtured by the polis. 21 objectification and idolization of the loved person, she situates her protagonist,
Jane, in the most inaccessible privacy-at the moment of birthing, alone by
choice. Lucy, her cousin, and James, Lucy's husband, take turns watching over
With psychoanalytic feminism, then, an invocation of history and .politics her in the empty house as she regains her strength. The Waterfall is the story of
leads us back to the place of psychoanalysis in colonialism. With Marxist fem- Jane's love affair with James. In place of a legalized or merely possessive ardor
inism, an invocation of the economic text foregrounds the operations of the New toward the product of his own body, Drabble gives to James the problem of
Imperialism. The discourse of race has come to claim its importance in this way relating to the birthing woman through the birth of "another man's child." Jane
in my work. . looks and smells dreadful. There is blood and sweat on the crumpled sheets.
I am still moved by the reversal-displacement morphology of decons~cti?n, And yet "love" happens. Drabble slows language down excruciatingly as Jane
crediting the asymmetry of the "interest" of the historical moment. Investigating records how, wonders why. It is possible that Drabble is taking up the challenge
the hidden ethico-political agenda of differentiations constitutive of knowledge of feminine "passivity" and making it the tool of analytic strength. Many an-
and judgment interests me even more. It is also the deconstructive view that swers emerge. I will quote two, to show how provisional and self-suspending
keeps me resisting an essentialist freezing of the concepts of gender, race, and Jane can be:
class. I look rather at the repeated agenda of the situational production of those
concepts and our complicity in such a production. This aspect of deconstruction
will not allow the establishment of a hegemonic "global theory" of feminism. I loved him inevitably, of necessity. Anyone could have foreseen it, given
Over the last few years, however, I have also begun to see that, rather than those facts: a lonely woman, in an empty world. Surely I would have loved
deconstruction simply opening a way for feminists, the figure and discourse of anyone who might have shown me kindness .... But of course it's not
women opened the way for Derrida as well. His incipient discourse of woman true, it could not have been anyone else .... I know that it was not in-
surfaced in Spurs (first published as "La Question du Style" in 1975), which also evitable: it was a miracle .... What I deserved was what I had made:
articulates the thematics of "interest" crucial to political deconstruction. 22 This solitude, or a repetition of pain. What I received was grace. Grace and
study marks his move from the critical deconstruction of phallocentrism to "af- miracles. I don't much care for my terminology. Though at least it lacks
firmative" deconstruction (Derrida's phrase). It is at this point that Derrida's that most disastrous concept, the concept of free will. Perhaps I could
work seems to become less interesting for Marxism. 23 The early Derrida can make a religion that denied free will, that placed God in his true place,
certainly be shown to be useful for feminist practice, but why is it that,. w~e~ arbitrary, carelessly kind, idly malicious, intermittently attentive, and him-
he writes under the sign of woman, as it were, that his work becomes sohpsistic self subject, as Zeus was, to necessity. Necessity is my God. Necessity lay
and marginal? What is it in the history of that sign that allows this to happen? with me when James did [pp. 49-50].
I will hold this question until the end of this essay.
in another place, the "opposite" answer-random contingencies:
In 1979-80, concerns of race and class were beginning to invade my mind. I loved James because he was what I had never had: because he belonged
What follows is in some sense a check list of quotations from Margaret Drabble's to my cousin: because he was kind to his own child: because he looked
The Waterfall that shows the uneasy presence of those concerns. 24 Reading lit- unkind: because I saw his naked wrists against a striped tea towel once,
86 in Other Worlds Feminism and Critical Theory 87
seven years ago. Because he addressed me an intimate question upon a impermanence, and thus falling in with the times? Neither. The melodramatic
beach on Christmas day. Because he helped himself to a drink when I did and satisfactory ending, the accident which might have killed James does not
not dare to accept the offer of one. Because he was not serious, because in fact do so. It merely reveals all to Lucy, does not end the book, a~d reduces
his parents lived in South Kensington and were mysteriously depraved. all to a humdrum kind of double life.
Ah, perfect love. For these reasons, was it, that I lay there, drowned was These are not bad answers: necessity if all fails, or perhaps random contin-
it, drowned or stranded, waiting for him, waiting to die and drown there, gency; an attempt not to rivalize women; blood bonds between mothers and
in the oceans of our flowing bodies, in the white sea of that strange familiar daughters; love free of social security. The problem for a reader like me is that
bed [p. 67]. the entire questioning is carried on in what I can only see as a privileged at-
~osph~re. I am n?t saying, of course, that Jane is Drabble (although that, too,
IS tru~ .m a complicated way). I am saying that Drabble considers the story of
If the argument for necessity is arrived at by slippery happenstance from thought s.o _pnvileged ~ wom~n the most worth telling. Not the well-bred lady of pulp
to thought, each item on this list of contingencies has a plausibility far from fiction, but an Impossible princess who mentions in one passing sentence toward
random. the beginning of the book that her poems are read on the BBC.
She considers the problem of making women rivals in terms of the man who It is not that Drabble ~oes not want to rest her probing and sensitive fingers
possesses them. There is a peculiar agreement between Lucy and herself before ?n. th~ .problem of class, If not race. The account of Jane's family's class prejudice
the affair begins: IS inCISively told. Her father is headmaster of a public school.
I wonder why people marry? Lucy continued, in a tone of such academic There was one child I shall always remember, a small thin child ... whose
flatness that the topic seemed robbed of any danger. I don't know, said father, h~ prou~ly t?ld us, was standing as Labour Candidate for a hope-
Jane, with equal calm .... So arbitrary, really, said Lucy, spreading butter less seat m an Immment General Election. My father teased him unmer-
on the toast. It would be nice, said Jane, to think there were reasons .... ciful~y, asking questions that the poor child could not begin to answer,
Do you think so? said Lucy. Sometimes I prefer to think we are vic- making elaborate and hideous semantic jokes about the fruits of labour,
tims .... If there were a reason, said Jane, one would be all the more a throwing in familiar references to prominent Tories that were quite wasted
victim. She paused, thought, ate a mouthful of the toast. I am wounded, on such ... t~nder ears; and the poor child sat there, staring at his roast
therefore I bleed. I am human, therefore I suffer. Those aren't reasons ?eef ... tur~ng redder and redder, and trying, pathetically, sycophant-
you're describing, said Lucy .... And from upstairs the baby's cry reached Ically, to smile. I hated my father at that instant [pp. 56-57].
them-thin, wailing, desperate. Hearing it, the two women looked at each
other, and for some reason smiled [pp. 26-27].
Yet Drabble's Jane. is m~de to sh~re the lightest touch of her parents' prejudice.
The part I have ehded 1s a mocking reference to the child's large red ears. For
This, of course, is no overt agreement, but simply a hint that the "reason" for her the most important issue remains sexual deprivation, sexual choice. The
female bonding has something to do with a baby's cry. For example, Jane records Waterfall, the name of a card trick, is also the name of Jane's orgasms James's
her own deliberate part in deceiving Lucy this way: "I forgot Lucy. I did not ~~~ I
think of her-or only occasionally, lying awake at night as the baby cried, I would But .perhaps Dr~bble is i~o~~c when she creates so class-bound and yet so
think of her, with pangs of irrelevant inquiry, pangs endured not by me and in analytic a Jane? It IS a possibility, of course, but Jane's identification with the
me, but at a distance, pangs as sorrowful and irrelevant as another person's autho:; of the narrative makes this doubtful. If there is irony to be generated
pain" [p. 48; italics mine]. here, It must come, as they say, from "outside the book."
Jane records inconclusively her gut reaction to the supposed natural connec- Rather than imposing my irony, I attempt to find the figure of Jane as narrator
tion between parent and child: "Blood is blood, and it is not good enough to helpful: Dr.abble m~nipulates her to examine the conditions of production and
say that children are for the motherly, as Brecht said, for there are many ways determmation of microstructural heterosexual attitudes within her chosen en-
of unmothering a woman, or unfathering a man .... And yet, how can I deny ~losure. This e~closure is important because it is from here that rules come. Jane
that it gave me pleasure to see James hold her in his arms for me? The man I IS made to _re.ahze that ther~ are no fixed new rules in the book, not as yet. First
loved and the child to whom I had given birth" [p. 48]. World femmists are up agamst that fact, every day. This should not become an
The loose ending of the book also makes Jane's story an extreme case. Is this excuse but should remain a delicate responsibility: "If I need a morality, 1 will
love going to last, prove itself to be "true," and bring Jane security and Jane ~reate one: a ne~ ladder, a new virtue. If I need to understand what I am doing,
and James happiness? Or is it resolutely "liberated," overprotesting its own if I cannot act Without my own approbation-and I must act, I have changed,
88 In Other Worlds Feminism and Critical Theory 89
I am no longer capable of inaction-then I will invent a morality that condones of the structural unconscious and speak without role playing. Having taken note
me. Though by doing so, I risk condemning all that I have been" [pp. 52-53]. of the frame, I will thus explain the point Jane is making here and relate it to
If the cautions of deconstruction are heeded-the contingency that the desire what, I suppose, the critical view above would call "the anthropomorphic
to "understand" and "change" are as much symptomatic as they are revolu- world": when one takes a rational or aesthetic distance from oneself one gives
tionary-merely to fill in the void with rules will spoil the case again, for women oneself up to the conveniently classifying macrostructures, a move dramatized
as for human beings. We must strive moment by moment to practice a taxonomy by Drabble's third-person narrator. By contrast, when one involves oneself in
of different forms of understanding, different forms of change, dependent per- the microstructural moments of practice that make possible and undermine
haps upon resemblance and seeming substitutability-figuration-rather than every macrostructural theory, one falls, as it were, into the deep waters of a
on the self-identical category of truth: first person who recognizes the limits of understanding and change, indeed the
precarious necessity of the micro-macro opposition, yet is bound not to give up.
The risks of first-person narrative prove too much for Drabble's fictive Jane.
Because it's obvious that I haven't told the truth, about myself and James. She wants to plot her narrative in terms of the paradoxical category-"pure
How could I? Why, more significantly, should I? ... Of the truth, I haven't corrupted love" -that allows her to make a fiction rather than try, in fiction, to
told enough. I flinched at the conclusion and can even see in my hesitance report on the unreliability of categories: "I want to get back to that schizoid
a virtue: it is dishonest, it is inartistic, but it is a virtue, such discretion, third-person dialogue. I've one or two more sordid conditions to describe, and
in the moral world of love .... The names of qualities are interchangeable: then I can get back there to that isolated world of pure corrupted love" [p. 130].
vice, virtue: redemption, corruption: courage, weakness: and hence the To return us to the detached and macrostructural third person narrative after
confusion of abstraction, the proliferation of aphorism and paradox. In exposing its limits could be an aesthetic allegory of deconstructive practice.
the human world, perhaps there are merely likenesses .... The qualities, Thus Drabble fills the void of the female consciousness with meticulous and
they depended on the supposed true end of life .... Salvation, damna- helpful articulation, though she seems thwarted in any serious presentation of
tion .... I do not know which of these two James represented. Hysterical the problems of race and class, and of the marginality of sex. She engages in
terms, maybe: religious terms, yet again. But then life is a serious matter, that microstructural dystopia, the sexual situation in extremis, that begins to
and it is not merely hysteria that acknowledges this fact: for men as well seem more and more a part of women's fiction. Even within those limitations,
as women have been known to acknowledge it. I must make an effort to our motto cannot be Jane' s "I prefer to suffer, I think"-the privatist cry of
comprehend it. I will take it all to pieces. I will resolve it to parts, and heroic liberal women; it might rather be the lesson of the scene of writing of
then I will put it together again, I will reconstitute it in a form that I can The Waterfall: to return to the third person with its grounds mined under.
accept, a fictitious form [pp. 46, 51, 52].
The categories by which one understands, the qualities of plus and minus, are
revealing themselves as arbitrary, situational. Drabble's Jane's way out-to re- It is no doubt useful to decipher women's fiction in this way for feminist
solve and reconstitute life into an acceptable fictional fonn that need not, per- students and colleagues in American academia. I am less patient with literary
haps, worry too much about the categorical problems-seems, by itself, a clas- texts today, even those produced by women. We must of course remind our-
sical privileging of the aesthetic, for Drabble hints at the limits of self- selves, our positivist feminist colleagues in charge of creating the discipline of
interpretation through a gesture that is accessible to the humanist academic. women's studies, and our anxious students, that essentialism is a trap. It seems
Within a fictional form, she confides that the exigencies of a narrative's unity more important to learn to understand that the world's women do not all relate
had not allowed her to report the whole truth. She then changes from the third to the privileging of essence, especially through "fiction," or "literature," in
person to first. quite the same way.
What can a literary critic do with this? Notice that the move is absurdity twice In Seoul, South Korea, in March 1982, 237 woman workers in a factory owned
compounded, since the discourse reflecting the constraints of fiction-making by Control Data, a Minnesota-based multinational corporation, struck over a
goes on then to fabricate another fictive text. Notice further that the narrator demand for a wage raise. Six union leaders were dismissed and imprisoned. In
who tells us about the impossibility of truth-in-fiction-the classic privilege of July, the women took hostage two visiting U.S. vice-presidents, demanding
metaphor-is a metaphor as well. 25 reinstatement of the union leaders. Control Data's main office was willing to
I should choose a simpler course. I should acknowledge this global dismissal release the women; the Korean government was reluctant. On July 16, the Ko-
of any narrative speculation about the nature of truth and then dismiss it in rean male workers at the factory beat up the female workers and ended the
turn, since it might unwittingly suggest that there is somewhere a way of speak- dispute. Many of the women were injured and two suffered miscarriages.
ing about truth in "truthful" language, that a speaker can somewhere get rid To grasp this narrative's overdeterminations (the many telescoped lines-
In Other Worlds Feminism and Critical Theory 91
agers watched while the South Korean men decimated their women. The man-
sometimes noncoherent, often contradictory, perhaps discontinuous-that
agers denied charges. One remark made by a member of Control Data man-
allow us to determine the reference point of a single "event" or cluster of
ageme~t, as reported in Multinational Monitor, seemed symptomatic in its self-
"events") would require a complicated analysis. 26 Here, too, I will give no more
pr_otecti_ve cruel~: "Although 'it's true' Chae lost her baby, 'this is not the first
than a checklist of the overdeterminants. In the earlier stages of industrial cap-
m1sc~mage _s~~ s ~ad. She's had two before this"' 28 However active in the pro-
italism, the colonies provided the raw materials so that the colonizing c~untries
duction of CIVilization as a by-product, socialized capital has not moved far from
could develop their manufacturing industrial base. In~ige~ous pr~ducti~n ':"as
t~e presuppositions of a slave mode of production. "In Roman theory, the ag-
thus crippled or destroyed. To minimize circ~l~~~n ti~e, mdustnal ca~Itahsm
ncultural slave was designated an instrumentum vocale, the speaking tool, one
needed to establish due process, and such civilizing mstruments as railways,
grade away from the livestock that constituted an instrumentum semi-vocale and
postal services, and a uniformly graded system of educa.tion. This, together with
two from the implement which was an instrumentum mutum." 29 '
the labor movements in the First World and the mechamsms of the welfare state,
One of Control Data's radio commercials speaks of how its computers open
slowly made it imperative that manufacturing itself be carried out on the soil
the door to knowledge, at home or in the workplace, for men and women alike.
of the Third World, where labor can make many fewer demands, and the gov-
~e acronym of this computer system is PLATO. One might speculate that
ernments are mortgaged. In the case of the telecomm~mications indus~, mak-
t~~ noble name helps to dissimulate a quantitative and formula-permutational
ing old machinery obsolete at a more rapid pace than It takes to absorb Its value
VISion of knowledge as an instrument of efficiency and exploitation with an aura
in the commodity, this is particularly practical. of the unique and subject-expressive wisdom at the very root of "democracy."
The incident that I recounted above, not at all uncommon in the multinational
The undoubted historical-symbolic value of the acronym PLATO shares in the
arena complicates our assumptions about women's entry into the age of com-
effacement of class-history that is the project of "civilization" as such: "The slave
puter~ and the modernization of "women in development," especially ~n te~s
mode o~ p~od~ction ':"hich underlay Athenian civilization necessarily found its
of our daily theorizing and practice. It should make us confront the discontin-
most p~stine 1deolo~cal e~pression in the privileged social stratum of the city,
uities and contradictions in our assumptions about women's freedom to work
whose mtellectual heights 1ts surplus labour in the silent depths below the polis
outside the house, and the sustaining virtues of the working-class family. The
made possible." 30
fact that these workers were women was not merely because, like those Belgian
"Why i_s it," I asked above, "that when Derrida writes under the sign of
lacemakers, oriental women have small and supple fingers. It is also because
woman h1s work becomes solipsistic and marginal?"
they are the true army of surplus labor. No one, including their me_n, will agitate
His d~scover~ of the figure of woman is in terms of a critique of propriation-
for an adequate wage. In a two-job family, the man saves face tf the woman
proper-mg, as m the proper name (patronymic) or property. 31 Suffice it to say
makes less, even for a comparable job. here that, by thus differentiating himself from the phallocentric tradition under
Does this make Third World men more sexist than David Rockefeller? The
the aegis of a(n idealized) woman who is the "sign" of the indeterminate of
nativist argument that says "do not question Third World mor~s" is of course
unexamined imperialism. There is something like an answer, which mak~~ prob-
~at whi~~-h~s im-propriety as i~s property, Derrida cannot think that the ;ign
woman IS u~determmate by virtue of its access to the tyranny of the text of
lematic the grounds upon which we base our own intellectual and pohtical ac-
the proper. It IS this tyranny of the "proper" -in the sense of that which pro-
tivities. No one can deny the dynamism and civilizing power of socialized cap-
duces both property and the proper name of the patronymic-that I have called
ital. The irreducible search for greater production of surplus-value (dissimulated
the suppression of the clitoris, and that the news item about Control Data
as, simply, "productivity") through technological advancement; the correspond-
illustrates. 32
ing necessity to train a consumer who will need what_ is prod~ced and th_us help
. Derrida has written a _ma~cally orchestrat~d book-La carte postale-on phi-
realize surplus-value as profit; the tax ~reaks ass~~Iated With_ supp~;~~~ h~~
losophy as telecomm_umcabon (Control Data s business) using an absent, un-
manist ideology through "corporate philanthropy ; all conspue to CIVIhze.
nam~d, and sexually mdeterminate woman (Control Data's victim) as a vehicle,
These motives do not exist on a large scale in a comprador economy like that
to remterpret the relationship between Socrates and Plato (Control Data's ac-
of South Korea, which is neither the necessary recipient nor the agen~ of so-
ronym) taking it through Freud and beyond. The determination of that book is
cialized capital. The surplus-value is realized elsewhere. T~e nuclear farmly ~oes
parable of my a~gum:n~. Here deconstruction becomes complicit with an es-
not have a transcendent ennobling power. The fact that Ideology and the Ide-
bours:ems femm1sm. The_ following paragraph appeared recently in Ms:
ology of marriage have developed in the West since the English r~volution ~f
Data 1s among those enlightened corporations that offer social-service
the seventeenth century has something like a relationship to the nse of men-
... Kit ~etchum, former treasurer of Minnesota NOW, applied for and
tocratic individualism. 27 got a ~11 year with pay to work at NOW's national office in Washington, D.C.
These possibilities overdetermine any generalization about universal par~nt-
She writes: 'I commend Control Data for their commitment to employing and
ing based on American, Western European, or laundered anthropologtcal
women .... ' ~hy not suggest thi~ to your employer?" 33 Bourgeois
speculation. . .
Socialized capital kills by remote control. In this case, too, the Amencan man- ""'"''"'"::;''n, because of a blmdness to the multmational theater, dissimulated by
92 In Other Worlds
"dean" national practice and fostered by the dominant ideology, can participate
in the tyranny of the proper and see in Control Data an extender of the Platonic
mandate to women in general.
The dissimulation of political economy is in and by ideology. What is at work
and can be used in that operation is at least the ideology of nation-states, na-
tionalism, national liberation, ethnicity, and religion. Feminism lives in the mas-
ter-text as well as in the pores. It is not the determinant of the last instance. I
think less easily of "changing the world" than in the past. I teach a small number
of the holders of the can(n)on, male or female, feminist or masculist, how to
read their own texts, as best I can.
The point of these far-flung digressions has been, then, that a ~terary study The after-dinner speech demands by definition a certain vague euphoria. If
that can graduate into the 80s might teach itself to attend to the dialectical and
think I have fulfilled that demand only too well, let me hasten to assure
continuous crosshatching of ideology and literary language. Further, that such
that I am well aware of the complicated organizational assumptions un-
an activity, learned in the classroom, should slide without a sense of rupture
my suggestions. To mention only a few of the heavies: faculty devel-
into an active and involved reading of the social text within which the student
fundamental curricular revision, overhauling of disciplinary lines until
and teacher of literature are caught.
"English literary studies" changes drastically in meaning. I am indeed
The after-dinner speech as genre allows me to add another story. Toward the
enough to look forward to a struggle for such painstaking and painful
beginning of May this year, Sir James Cavenham, the English financier, was nsf1Drrrtati,01 But I do not suggest that the struggle should begin at the ex-
102 In Other Worlds
pense of our students' immediate futures. I think rather that our efforts should 7. Explanation and Culture: Marginalia
be on at least two fronts at once. We should work to implement the changes
even as we prepare our students to fit into the job market as it currently exists. I tried writing a first version of this piece in the usual disinterested academic
It is merely that we should not mistake the requirements of the job market for ~tyle. I gave up.after a few pages and after some thought decided to disclose a
the ineffable determinants of the nature of literary studies. little o~ the undisclosed margins of that first essay. This decision was based on
To explain what I mean, I will offer you a final example, a diffident and humble a certam program at least implicit in all feminist activity: the deconstruction of
one, the description of a course that I found myself designing on my feet- the opposition between the private and the public.
largely because of the predilections I have elaborated so lengthily above. It is a According to .~e expla~ations th~t constitute (as they are the effects of) our
required course for incoming graduate students: Practical Criticism. . culture, th~ political, socral, ~rofess10nal, economic, intellectual arenas belong
You will have gathered that I am deeply doubtful of the isolationist kteology to th~ public ~ector. Th~ ~motional, sexual, and domestic are the private sector.
of practical criticism-to explicate the text as such, with all "outside knowledge" Certam practices of religion, psychotherapy, and art in the broadest sense are
put out of play, 3 even as I think its strategies are extremely useful in interpreting said to inhabit the private sector as well. But the institutions of religion, psy-
and changing the social text. How can one launch a persistent critique of the cho~erapy, and ~rt, as well as the criticism of art, belong to the public. Feminist
ideology without letting go of the strategy? I put together a working answer to practice, at least smce.the European eighteenth century, suggests that each com-
the question while I taught the course for the first time. partme~t of the I;'ublic sector also operates emotionally and sexually, that the
We begin with a situational definition of "practical criticism": a criticism that domestic sphere IS not the emotions' only legitimate workplace. 1
allows for departmental qualification for the PhD. (My department no longer In the interest of the effectiveness of the women's movement, emphasis is
has the qualifying examination, but the standards for qualification remain im- oft~n placed .upon a reversal of the public-private hierarchy. This is because in
plicitly the same.) A little over the first half of the course is a criticism workshop, or~ary seXISt households, educational institutions, or workplaces, the sus-
where we read each other's work and learn to write in the approved institutional l: tammg e:"planation still r~mains that the public sector is more important, at once
way, trying to cope with its difficulties and to reveal its subtleties. The rest of !Lmore ra~o~al and m~sten~us, .and, generally, more masculine, than the private.
the course is given to readings and discussions of texts that offer fundamental & ~he ferm~st, reversmg this hierarchy, must insist that sexuality and the emo-
critiques of the ideology that would present this technique as the description of " tions are, ~~ fa~t, so. much more important and threatening that a masculinist
the preferred practice of the critic-the list can be wide enough to accommodate pohtics IS obliged, repressively, to sustain all public activity. The most
Percy Shelley, Walter Benjamin, and Michel Foucault. What I hope to achieve ......."'...... sedimentation of this repressive politics is the institutionalized sex
through such a bicameral approach is to prepare the student for the existing dislcrimiJrtation that seems the hardest stone to push.
situation even as I provide her with a mind-set to change it. A very minor The shifting limit .tha~ prevents this feminist reversal of the public-private
individual effort that looks forward to the major collective efforts that are on from freezmg mto a dogma or, indeed, from succeeding fully is the
my mind. 4 lllsipl2tc.em.ent of the opposition itself. For if the fabric of the so-called public
I have so far tried to follow the notes of the talk I gave at the ADE Seminar IS woven of the so-called private, the definition of the private is marked
in Iowa City. I would like to end by recalling a moment after the talk. Lawrence a public potential, since it is the weave, or texture, of public activity. The
Mitchell, chairman of the English department at the University of Minnesota, reversed; it is . It is according to thrs":
and a friend of long standing from his graduate student days at the University structure of then that I write:
of Iowa, asked if perhaps my critical attitude did not reflect the fact that I, like d~construction of the opposition between the private and the public is im-,
him-he was born in England-was an outsider? I have thought about that m all, a~d explicit in some, feminist activity. The peculiarity of decon-
question. Even after nineteen years in this country, fifteen of them spent in full- practice must be reiterated here. Displacing the opposition that it ini-
time teaching, I believe the answer is yes. But then, where is the inside? To al:'parently qu~sti~ns, it is always different from itself, always defers itself.
define an inside is a decision, I believe I said that night, and the critical method neither a constitutive nor, of course, a regulative norm. If it were either
I am describing would question the ethico-political strategic exclusions that fei_Irinist activity w?uld articulate or strive toward that fulfilled displacemen;
would define a certain set of characteristics as an "inside" at a certain time. "The public (male) and pnvate (female): an ideal society and a sex-transcendent hu-
text itself," "the poem as such," "intrinsic criticism," are such strategic defi But deconstruction teaches one to question all transcendental idealisms ..
nitions. I have spoken in support of a way of reading that would continue to terms of ~s pe~uliarity of deconstruction then that the displacement ot?
break down these distinctions, never once and for all, and actively inten::1ret public-pnvate marks a shifting limit rather than the desire for a '
"inside" and "outside" as texts for involvement as well as for change. 5 reversal.
any rate, this i~ the explanation that I offer for my role at the Explanation
Culture Symposium and for the production of this expanded version of my
. The explanatory labels are "feminist," "deconstructivist."
104 In Other Worlds Explanation and Culture: Marginalla
We take the explanations we produce to be the gro~nds of our action; ~ey
are endowed with coherence in terms of our explanation of a self. Thus willy- essary-:-for the structure or means of production of explanations is, of course,
nilly, the choice of these two labels to give myself a shape produces be~~en a very l~p.ort~t part. of the ideology of Cllltural explanations that cannot be
them a common cause. (Alternatively, the common cause between fenurus~ clearly diStinguished, m fact, from the explanations themselves. It seemed an
and deconstruction might have made me choose them as lab_els ~or myself.) .~s unrecognizable principle to this group of pleasant and gifted scholars. It didn't
common cause is an espousal of, and an attention to, margmality-a susp1oon help that ~y.manner in such situations is high-handed, and my sentences hope-
that what is at the center often hides a repression. . lessly penod~c and Anglo:!ndi~n. Every intervention was read as an expression
All this may be merely a preamble to admitti~g t~at at th~ ac~al symposmm of personal pique or fear. Don t worry, no one will bother you on the big public
I sensed, and sensing Cllltivated, a certain margmality. Our Intelligent and con- da~" I ~~pt myself from gnashing my teeth, because that would only show that
scientious moderator seemed constantly to summarize me out of th~ grQQp. I s~ legitimated. the male right to aggression. In fact, I was quite tough in public, \
After hearing us make our preliminary statements, he said that we were all haVIng been tramed before the hard-won triumphs of the latest wave of the I
interested in culture as process rather than object of study. No, I would not women's mo~ement,. indeed, initially in a place out of comparison more sexist~ ,,
privilege process. After the next batch of short speeches, he said that it was than academic Amenca; mr ar~ents ha~ not be~n in the interest of my per- :.
evident that we wanted to formulate a coherent notion of explanation and culture sonal s~fety but rather agamst their masculist practice, mistaken as the neutral
that would accommodate all of us. No, I would not find unity in diversity; and uru~ersal practice of intellectuals. In fact, I was assured at one point that
sometimes confrontation rather than integration s~emed ~refe~able. Ler~y male ~mmal~ fought, even in play. I believe I did say that I knew it only too
well; It was JUSt that I thought some of it was Cllrable.
Searle, an old friend, spoke of the model of explanation havmg Yielded to ~
terpretation and threw me a conspirator's look. George Rqusseau. spo~e of. dis- Following the precarious and unrigorous rule of the deconstruction of the
trusting the text, and I wondered if he had thought to declare. solidanty Wlth a public and the private, I spoke of my marginality at the public session. I did
deconstructor by publicly aligning himself with w~t. Paul. Ricoeur has c~lled n~t reserve my ~sts f?r the privacy of the bedroom or the kitchen table (in
"the hermeneutics of suspicion." 2 But I was not satisfied Wlth hermeneutics- this case, the collegial dinner, lunch, or corridor chat), where decent men re-
the theory of "interpretation rather than explanation" -"suspicious" ~r not, as pri~anded their wives. (It would take me too far afield to develop and present
long as it did not confront the problem of the critic's practice in ~ny radical way. the Idea, based on a good deal of observation, that the academic male model
for behavior .toward their so-called female equals was that of the bourgeois hus-
} "rthought the desire to explain might be a symptom of the desrre to have a ~elf band.) I received no personal criticism "in public," of course. Taken aside, I was
that can control knowledge and a world that can be known; I thought to g~ve
' oneself the right to a correct self-analysis and thus to avoid all thought of symp- told I ha~ used my power unfairly by posing as marginal; that I could criticize
tomaticity was foolish; I thought therefore that, willy-~y, th~r~ was no the establishment only because I spoke its language too well (English, mascu-
out but to develop a provisional theory of the practical politics of <,;w,<ucu P?Wer p~y?). ~oth of these kinds of remark would have produced lively
profitable discusSion a~ut explanation and Cllltural persuasion if, in fact,
explanations. . . . .
The group repeatedly expressed interest m my po~t o~ Vlew ~ecause 1t had been put to me m public. But in this case, one kind of situational
peared singular. But the direct question of what this pomt of Vlew was ~pJiarulncm wa~ culturally prohibited, except as the exceptional, but more "real"
of margmal communication.
never posed or was posed at the end of a three-hour session given over to
correct definition of the role, say, of cognition in aesthetics. Is a poem About the worst of these asides even I feel obliged to remain silent.
A picture? And so on. But I had no use for these phantasmic su~divisions Now when a Jacques Derrida deconstructs the opposition between private
nition, volition, perception, and the like) of the labor of consoous~ess . public, margin and center, he touches the texture of language and tells how
as an object of interpretation of which I was a part. A ~e.constructi~e pomt old words woul~ no~ resemble t:hemselves any more if a trick of rereading,
view would reverse and displace such hierarchies as cogrutive-aesthetic. I learned. The trick 1s to recogruze that in every textual production, in tfie '
bleat out sentences such as these in the interstices of the discussion. of evtherytexplanati?n, there is the itinerary of ~SQ,Il~~,~tly th~~~
participants would turn to me, at .b.est, and explai~ what I me~nt or didn't . . ,,., "~,..!:li.texp.Wn., The question then becomes: What'ffithis ex-~
At worst the discussion of cogrution and aesthetics would srmply resume. . is constituted by and as it effects a desire to conserve the expla-
one occa~ion I had captured the floor with a rather cunning, if mis~ded Itself; what are the "means devised in the interest of the problem of a
objective knowledge"?3
of illustrations from Nietzsche. The response was a remark that N1etzsche
, a worthless philosopher, although rather fun. I countered hotly that cheap above that the will to explain was a symptom of the desire to have a
ision was out of place in a scholarly discussion. I was assured that fun was and a ~orld. In other w?~ds, on the general level, the possibility of expla- .
essential element in all proper philosophers, and no harm had been meant. came~ t~e presup~o~Ition of an explainable (even if not fully) universe
This exchange illustrates yet another way I had solidly put myself in the a~ exp~g. (even If rmperfectly) subject. These presuppositions assure
gin. I questioned the structure of our proceedings whenever I felt it to be being. Exp~g, we exclude the possibility of the radically heterogeneous.
a more speofic level, every explanation must seCllre and assure a certain
In Other Worlds Explanation and Culture: Marginalia 107
are. This is the meaning of femal .
xkind of being-in-the world, which might as well be called our politics. The general the vast majority of women is off:r:~kerusm: that po~er withheld from
and specific levels are not clearly distinguishable, since the guarantee of sov- any truly qualified woman ea . to few' so that It may appear that
ereignty in the subject toward the object is the condition of the possibility of reward; hence that J'ustice b:segdam acces~ to leadership, recognition, and
. on ments actually .1 Th
politics. Speaking for the specific politics of sexuality, I hoped to draw our at- woman IS encouraged to see herself diff prevai s. e token
tention to the productive and political margins of our discourse in general. I as. exceptionally talented and deserv: . erent from most other women,
hoped to reiterate that, although the prohibition of marginality that is crucial in Wlder female condition and sh . g; ~d to separate herself from the
the production of any explanation is politics as such, what inhabits the prohib- separate also: perhaps ~ven as s~~:gpeerctehivedthby "ordinary"
r an emselves. 7 women as
ited margin of a particular explanation specifies its particular politics. To learn
this without self-exculpation but without excusing the other side either is in my
view so important that I will cite here a benign example from Derrida befor~.he
~ offering me their perplexity and cha . m
became playful in a way disturbing for the discipline. 4 acting out the scenario of tokenis . grm, y colleagues on the panel were
In Speech and Phenomena (1967), Derrida analyzes Edmund Husserl's Logical ~n most of them, but never ~~o:~e C:: good ~s ~e are (I was less learned
Investigations I. In the last chapter of the book, he produces this explanation: difference? The putative center welc~me y o ~ou .msist. on emphasizing your
"The history of metaphysics therefore can be expressed as the unfolding of the order better to exclude the . A s selective inhabitants of the margm iif7
structure or schema of an absolute will to hear-oneself-speak."5 la . margm. nd it is the t h 1
exp nation; or, the center is defined d cen er t at offers the official I
Now this is indeed the product of the careful explication of Husserl through can express. an reproduced by the explanation that it \
the entire book. This is also, as we know, one of the architraves of Derrida's
thought. Yet if Speech and Phenomena is read carefully, by the time we arrive at
I have so far been explainin our s . .
called a masculist centralism ~y .rn:"posium m terms of what had better be
this sentence we know that the role of "expression" as the adequate language
of theory or concept is precisely what has been deconstructed in the book. There- of the
I have been attempting, not wi~:ting attention to a feminist marginality,
in all e center for ourselves, b~'?...E.Q..~t_at the
fore, when Derrida says, "can be expressed as," he does not mean "is." He QISiPlciCe the between . That would not merely reverse
proffers us his analytical explanation in the language that he has deconstructed. liU\OCenc~e (pushing all guilt to the mma~gtn ~nd center. But in effect such pure
Yet he does not imply that the explanation is therefore worthless, that there is
a "true" explanation where the genuine copula ("is") can be used. He reminds
woul~ put the very law of displaceme~ra:S~ ~ n?t poss~b~~' and, paradoxically,
question. The only way I can ho t e ureduability of the margin into
us rather that all explanations, including his own, claim their centrality in terms is by not remaining outsi'de . thpe o su?gest how the center itself is margm'al
of an excluded margin that makes possible the "can" of the "can be expressed" m e margm and ti
center. I might do it rather by im li ti pom .ng my accusing finger at
' and allows "is" to be quietly substituted for it. politics make it margm'al s p ea 'ng my~elf m that center and sensing
The implications of this philosophical position cannot remain confined to aca- mce one s vote IS at th lim' f
can use herself (assumin . e It or oneself, tlle
between the center (inside) and t~e o;:ris. one~s
demic discourse. When all my colleagues were reacting adversely to my
cations of marginality, they were in fact performing another move within gm outside) anddisposal)
at( own as a
!bus narrat~
center (public truth)-margin (private emotions) set. They were inviting me
terms of which all of us at the s . . .
the center at the price of exacting from me the language of centrality.
;.uaw~~a is the politics of an advanced ea . . ymposmm as humanists are
th:t the practice of capitalism is intimat~:t~tec~ocracy. sI should insist
"Several of our excellent women colleagues in analysis," Freud wrote,
plaining femininity, "have begun to work at the question [of femininity] ...
For the ladies, whenever some comparison seemed to turn out unfavourable t . As I speak of how huma . t hy ed Wlth the practice of mas-
Ih russontemarginof eh .
their sex, were able to utter a suspicion that we, the male analysts, had ope these opening pa es will . su a society are
unable to overcome certain deeply rooted prejudices against what was fpTni11inl . rather than being a speciafintereste~d the reader repeatedly how
and that this was being paid for in the partiality of our researches. We, on mtegration of the humaniti H ' rmght p~ove a model for the ever-
other hand, standing on the ground of bisexuality, had no difficulty in inside our group at the symp~:l~r~, h?wever, m th~ interest of speaking
argument. ' will speak of this marginalization as
impoliteness. We had only to say: 'This doesn't apply to you. You're an
tion, on this point you're more masculine than feminine."' there are a mathematician and a h . . .
That passage was written in 1932. Adrienne Rich, speaking to the studetltl uutnatust enclave in the academ Th p ystast .u:~ our midst, we represent
physicist, a philosopher of scie~~e ~smath:matiaan is a philosopher, and
sense and intellectual foresight . hi :~c they represent acts of private
of Smith College in 1979, said:
ideological change. These cone: ~s b ?es not reproduce itself as a col-
There's a false power which masculine society offers to a few women who old-fashioned chambers and b gu .~g a flavor of pure science into
ecome practiang humanists much more easily
"think like men" on condition that they use it to maintain things as they
In Other Worlds Explanation and Culture: Marglnalla 109
and in-house financial distributions that affect choice of research and specialty,
than we could become practicing theoreticians of science. Together we represent faculty life- and class-style: these "items of evidence" are often brushed aside
the humanist enclave in the academy. t di hi of culture H as I have as we perform our appointed task of producing explanations from our seemingly
d 1 mingly the cus o ans p isolated scholarly study with its well-worn track to the library. 11
Our assigne ro e ts, s~e ; f culture as systems of habit are constituted
argued the concept and se -cOJ.~cep o n as they make these explanations pos- It is a well-documented fact that technological capitalism must be dynamic in
by the production of explanations eve db th official explanations in terms order to survive and must find newer methods of extracting surplus value from
sible, our role is to pro~uce and b7 prod~c~ e~p:asizing a continuity or a dis- labor. Its "civilizing" efforts are felt everywhere and are not to be dismissed
of the powers that police the ~ntire soae : on a seemingly judicious choice and ignored. In every humanistic discipline and every variety of fine art, the
continuity with past explan~tions, de~n~gproduce the official explanations, exigencies of the production and reproduction of capital produce impressive and
P ermitted by the play of this power. s w f "bili"ty of a kn"bwl~.,~_, exquisite by-products. In our own bailiwick, one of them would be such a group
ffi 1 d logy the structure o poss1 ""'b~
we reproduce. the o aa 1 eo ' Our circumscribed productivity cannot be as ourselves, helping to hold money in the institutional humanistic budget,
whose effect ts that very .structure. e are a art of the records we keep. producing explanations in terms of pure categories such as cognition, episte-
dismissed as a mere keep~g of recor~~ ~ e are !ntten into the text of tech- mology, the aesthetic, interpretation, and the like; at the other end might be
It is to belabor the o~vtous to s;; a ~ s deliberately less well recognized the tremendous exploitable energy of the freshman English machine as a panacea
nology. It is no less obvtous: thou~:ome olla~orators in that text we also write for social justice. Between the two poles (one might find other pairs) the hu-
(as perhaps in our sympos:::),1 Asa~~ every text in existence, no sovereign manities are being trashed. 12
it, constitutively if not regu ve Y 1 Th st powerful technocrat is in that (I have not the expertise to speak of the hard sciences. But it would seem that
individual writes it with full conbtro .
sense also a victim, although in rute su ;nn
;f ~og his victimhood cannot be corn-
f the world Our own victim-
the gap between the dazzling sophistication of the technique and the brutal
precritical positivism of the principle of its application in the practice of tech-
pared to that of the poor and ~ppr:se~ t a;:~s~ the name ~f the disinterested nology indicates the opposite predicament. For, as we hear from our friends
hood is also not to be ~ompare to . s i: is th~ onl ound whose marginality and colleagues in the so-called "pure sciences" and as we heard from the "pure
pursuit and perpetratihon of hrti~~aru::'~nd therefor:I~ill write about it, broadly scientists" on the panel, the sophistication there extends to ontology, episte-
I can share with the ot er pa apan ' mology, and theories of space and time. Here the marginalization is thus pro-
duced by excess rather than lack [a distinction that is not tenable at the limit].
and briefli' . th" b 'ef and broad sense is the discoveries of science applied
Techno ogy m lS n f t h lo into society cannot be located as an While the main text of technocracy makes a ferocious use of the substantive
to life uses .. The advent orf e~ ~~~ ;rmate" to find in the so-called industrial findings of a certain kind of "science," what is excluded and marginalized is
"event." It is, however, pe_ ~c~ y :r~ uncertain a moment of sociological rup precisely the workings of the area where the division of labor between "the
revolution, whose o~n ~e~tions t be competltors and substitutes rather than Jciences" and "the humanities" -excellent for the purposes of controlling and
ture when these applications ~~nd~ tinction cannot be strictly totalized or mas- utilizing the academy for ideological reproduction-begins to come undone.)
Perhaps [putting together a collective novel sequentially] is an impossible expects its poets to seem to choose to ignore it and thus allows its businessmen
assignment ... because the best theory of art requires a single creator or, to declare: "Solid business practices transcend ideology if you are willing to
if more than one, that each have some control over the whole. But what work for it." 4
about legends and jokes? I need not push that question further because Both Hayden White and Said concentrate upon ideological formations-the
I am interested only in the fact that the assignment makes sense, that each former with respect to a group identity called "a discipline," the latter with
of the novelists in the chain can have some idea of what he or she is asked respect to the discipline in the service of the group identity called "the state."
to do, whatever misgivings each might have about the value or character I shall not linger on their arguments here. It is my feeling, however, that in the
of what will then be produced. [P. 193] absence of an articulated notion of ideology as larger than and yet dependent
upon the individual subject, their essays sometimes seem a tirade against the
folly or knavery of the practitioners of the discipline. The relationship between
That Dworkin has made fiction and the law each other's tenor and vehiclti"Is art and ideology-in this case, bourgeois ideology in the broader sense-is T. J.
in itself significant. In this passage yet another possibility is implicit. Legends Clark's explicit subject matter. In his comments on Terry Eagleton, Clark sug-
and jokes are phenomena where the condition-effect relationship with ideology gests that, "in the years around 1910, ... it was possible for Marxist intellectuals
(in the U.S. the preferred word in this case is "culture") is readily granted. The . . . to see themselves as bourgeois . . . [and oppose] the ideologies of a bour-
point might be to see that the difference between these phenomena and the geois elite" (pp. 148-49, n. 6). The critical practice Clark describes is close to
novel is, in the ideological view, one of degree rather than of kind. The single what I suggest as an alternative to Davie's conviction of "bypassing" the ide-
author also has only "some idea" of what he is asked to do, for the entire idea ological network or Said and White's ideology-free accusations.
is spread like a map across the text of ideology. The nonexhaustive constitution It is Wayne Booth who pronounces the word "ideology" most often; and in
of the subject in ideology (which is in turn constitutive of ideology) would in- his essay, it is the word "language" that performs the curious function of cov-
dude, in this revised version of Dworkin's argument, the so-called ideology- ering over the absence of a broader concept of ideology. In Mikhail Bakhtin's
free language of Western European and U.S. law. It is only a homogeneous, text, language is not immediately understood as verbal discourse. Ideology as
isomorphic, and adequate cause-and-effect view of social production that would language is an effect that assumes a subject for its cause, defining it within a
advance the doubtful claim that "liberalism can ... be traced [to] ... a discrete
certain convention of signification. For Booth, language as ideology is the expres-
epistemological base ... [which] could be carried forward into aesthetic theory
sion of a (group) subject who must constantly assure us, and himself, that he
and there yield a distinctive interpretive style" (p. 200). The view I am describing
is not merely of the group but also unique. There is a moment in the essay when
would suggest that such items are related as the interanimating complicity of
Booth is almost within reach of Bakhtin's position, a position that today would
the shifting components of an ideological system. The productive undecidability
call itself the politics of textuality, seeing that the network of politics-history-
of the borderlines of politics, art, law, and philosophy, as they sustain and are
society-sexuality, and the like, defines itself in ideology by acknowledging a
sustained by the identity of a composite entity such as the state, is operated by
textual or weblike structure. Booth's language, however, like Toulmin's, artic-
the heterogeneous and discontinuous concept of ideology. Lacking such a con-
cept, Dworkin is obliged to indicate it in the name of a unifying philosophy. It ulates Bakhtin's position within a vocabulary of free choice: "Each language we
is the strength of his essay that the unification is not seen as a necessarily sub- take in is a language, something already blessed or cursed with symbolic richness,
lating synthesis: "I end simply by acknowledging my sense that politics, art, with built-in effects of past choices, invitations to new choices, and a knowledge
and law are united, somehow, in philosophy" (p. 200). that some choices are in fact better than the others" (I quote from an earlier
If Dworkin, without pronouncing the word, seems to make room for a broader version of the essay). Bakhtin's implicit dialectical hinging of subject and lan-
concept of ideology, Donald Davie would choose to "bypass" its workings: guage in/of ideology seems to elude Booth here.
"Doubtless such interrelations exist, and doubtless they can be exploited to sin- When Booth thinks of ideology as beliefs and practices rather than, strictly
ister purpose. Rather than inveighing against this, or (with [Stanley] Fish) more speaking, language or voice, it is possible for him to hint at this dialectical struc-
or less blithely acquiescing in it, we can best spend our time bypassing the ture: "Ideology springs from and in turn influences systems of belief and human
network altogether, as the truly independent and illuminating interpreters al- practice" (p. 50).* Yet he constantly reduces the situation of art and ideology to
ways have" (p. 43). the conscious-unconscious opposition that I invoked at the outset as one of the
One cannot of course "choose" to step out of ideology. The most responsible substitutes for ideology upon the Anglograph scene. Bakhtin is laudable because
"choice" seems to be to know it as best one can, recognize it as best one can, he "plac[es] as high a value as he does on the deliberate introduction of counter-
and, through one's necessarily inadequate interpretation, to work to change it, ideologies," whereas "conventional Marxists [hold that] ... selves and societies
to acknowledge the challenge of: "Men make their own history, but they do not
choose the script" (italics mine). 3 In fact, I would agree with Edward Said that Booth has since changed the word "ideology" to "art" in this sentence.-Editor's note, Critical
the ideological system that one might loosely name as contemporary U.S.A. Inquiry
In Other Worlds The Politics of Interpretations 123
are radically dependent on the ideologies of art'' (earlier version). Here con- deconstruction cannot promise. A number of arguments that Cavell undoubt-
sciousness and the unconscious are understood with reference to a pre-psy- edly can anticipate might be advanced here: there is no disillusion without il-
choanalytic model, as if they belonged to a continuous system where the mark lusion; a true knowledge of illusions can lead to a knowledge of reality only as
of good practice was to raise the unconscious into consciousness. The strongest that which is not illusion; to predicate reality as the death of illusion is to ignore
diagnosis of ideological victimization in this view is: "I confess, with consid- the syntax or practice that passes from illusion to reality via dis-illusion; not to
erable diffidence, that I think the revelation [of Rabelais' double standard] quite ac~owle~ge that deconstruction distinguishes itself from dialectics precisely by
unconscious" (p. 65). The sense of ideology as free choice is the goal: "The this attention to the syntax that is otherwise ignored in the interest of the se-
question we now face, then, as believers in feminist (or any other) ideology, is mantics of reality is not to speak of deconstruction at all. 7 I shall not dwell upon
this: Am I free, in interpreting and criticizing a work of art, to employ that these arguments here but suggest that Cavell's interpretation of voice and writ-
ideology as one element in my appraisal of the artistic value of that wo~?" (p. ing is also in the interest of this ideological requirement.
56). ' Cavell writes: "For me it is evident that the reign of repressive philosophical
It is not too far from the truth to suggest that this freedom of choice by a srstematizing-sometimes called metaphysics, sometimes called logical analy-
freely choosing subject, which operates the essays of Toulmin, Davie, Dworkin, SIS-has depended upon the suppression of the human voice. It is as the re-
and Booth, is the ideology of free enterprise at work-recognizably a politics covery of this voice (as from an illness) that ordinary language philosophy is
of interpretation. That is why we accepted as common sense that the best theory ... to be understood" (p. 173). Derrida admires this project and relates it to
of art required a single author. Within a broad concept of ideology, the subject Nietzsche's attention to the force of language rather than its signification alone.
does not lose its power to act or resist but is seen as irretrievably plural. In that What Derrida critiques is what Cavell seems to be showing here: the tendency
perspective, all novels are seen to be composed as serials by various hands. common to most radical philosophies, including speech-act theory, to perceive
Dworkin's analogy between literature and the law can, in that perspective, be their task as the restoration of voice. The systematic philosophies, on the other
read differently as a case of this politics of interpretation, just as the novelist and hand, although their aura seems to be altogether mediated and therefore akin
his reader, requiring a single creator and therefore overlooking the novel's being to the common understanding (here Cavell' s) of writing, develop systems which
an effect within a larger text, are another case. In a serial novel by various hands depend upon phonocentrism as their final reference. Thus the commonsense
of the kind Dworkin presupposes, the narrative is supposed to advance while perception-that systematic philosophies suppress and radical philosophies re-
preserving some presumed unity, whereas in a series of interpretations of the ~tore. voi~e-depends upon varieties of phonocentric assumptions. "Writing"
same law, we have not progress but repetition-each repetition presumably m this VIew becomes the name for that which must be excluded so that the
claiming to be most adequate to the ipseity of the law in question. Lawyers, interiority of a system can be defined and guarded. ''The essential predicate of
even when they, like Dworkin, grant the actual plurality of interpretations, are [the] specific difference'' between writing and the field of voice is seen in such a
bent on the search for the "real" law, the "proper'' law, the ''best" interpre- reading as "the absence of the sender [and] of the receiver (destinateur), from
tation, its single true intention. As cases of ideology formation, Dworkin' s anal- the mark that he abandons." 8 The place of such an understanding of writing
ogy and its attendant definition of authorship seem to betray their "politics"- within a self-professed project of the restoration of speech should be clear.
free enterprise and the rule of law. Writing as the name of that which must be excluded as the other in order to
"Betray their 'politics."' A better formulation of this is to be found in Pierre conserve the identity of the same can be related to Macherey's other formulation:
Macherey: "We always eventually find, at the edge of the text, the language of "What is important in the work is what it does not say. This is not the same as
ideology, momentarily hidden, but eloquent by its very absence.'' 5 Let us con- the careless notation 'what it refuses to say,' although that would in itself be
sider moments on the edges or borders of some of these essays, the ideological interesting.... But rather than this, what the work cannot say is important
traces that allow them to define their interiors. Such a gesture will yield a hint because there the elaboration of the journey is acted out, in a sort of journey
of their politics as well, a politics of the freely choosing subject who, divining to silence."9 It is not surprising that, within a definition of writing as a deliberate
his own plurality, breaks his theory as he takes a stand. withholding of voice, the one sense of "turn"-in Thoreau's "You only need
Such a definitive moment comes at the end of Stanley Cavell's piece: "If de- sit still long enough in some attractive spot in the woods that all its inhaQitants
construction, as in de Man's recommendation of it, is to disillusion us, it is a may exhibit themselves to you by turns"-that Cavell does not (cannot?) men-
noble promise and to be given welcome. Disillusion is what fits us for reality, tion is "trope," the irreducible turn of figuration that is the condition of (im)-
whether in Plato's terms or in D. W. Winnicott's. But then we must be assured possibility of any redemption of voice.
that this promise is based on a true knowledge of what our illusions are" (p. It is in terms of saving the freely choosing subject whose concept insinuates
178). I am not altogether convinced by Cavell's reading of deconstruction in this itself into the most radical commun(al)ist politics of collectivity that Said uses
essay, especially when he associates de Man and Derrida without much differ- as a code word suggesting (I cannot be sure, since the word hangs unex-
entiation. 6 I will merely remark that the assurance to the subject of true knowl- on the borders of his essay) linguistic reductionism at a second remove.
edge, a self-evident ideological requirement for self-evidence, is the one thing The thumbnail explanation of ecriture as the excluded other that I have given
In Other Worlds The Politics of Interpretations 125
tina~onalis~ ne~ork, shows itself most brutally as war and most divisively as
above would have helped his general argument: "A principle of silent exclusion
!he m~octrination of the labor force. The mechanics of that denial are implicit
operates within and at the boundaries of discourse; this has now become so
m Davte' s lament:
internalized that fields, disciplines, and their discourses have taken on the status
of immutable durability" (p. 16).
Since I find myself more than usually sympathetic with Said's position, I must
By thus loftily declaring ourselves "citizens of the world" [which is of
point out another mark of ideology at work in his essay. The essay is written
co~s~ not what I suggest above] we cut ourselves off not just from the
by a subject who is not only freely choosing but is also a star within a star system.
maJonty of our fellow-citizens at the present day but from the far more
There is no recognition or support here for the thousands of teachers and stu-
numerous multitude of the dead. For there can be no doubt that to Virgil
dents across the country who are attempting to keep alive a critical cultural
and Dante and Machiavelli, to Milton and Wordsworth, to Washington
practice. Their track is to be picked up not only in journals such as Radical Teacher
and Jefferson and Wait Whitman, the patria was meaningful, and its claims
or Radical America but in course syllabi, in newsletters, and increasingly""'n th~
upon us were real and must be honoured, in just the ways that this sort
rolls of young teachers denied tenure. In order to recognize these workers, pe-
of modem enlightenment refuses to countenance. [P. 29]
dagogy as political interpretation must be seriously considered. A phenomenon
cannot be nonexistent when a political spectrum extending from Michael Har-
rington to U.S. News and World Report accounts for its workings. 10 Said's state-
The march of capital has cut Davie off from the network that sustains and is
ment that "the Left [is] in a state of intellectual disarray" is indeed true with
sustained by a full~fledge~ patriotic ideology. He undoubtedly has no objection
respect to political sectarianism (p. 3). But if our own field of work is seen as
!o the mode of s~cromat~nal production (since his deliberate stance is to bypass
outside of generalizations such as "high culture here is assumed to be above
1t) ~hat shores him up m Tennessee or in front of a high-toned audience in
politics as a matter of unanimous convention" and also outside of the perspective
Chicago. Nearly all the candidates on his list had intervened in rather than
of self-described Marxist "celebrities" (the third item in the title of Regis Debray's
bypasse~ social relations of production in their time. At any rate, it was within
Teachers, Writers, Celebrities, which Said cites) who seem obliged to hear them-
that ~ntire network tha~ the "patriotism" of earlier generations could find its
selves as lonely personalities proselytizing in the wilderness, then the exten~ of
function and place. Davte as expatriate, consumer, taxpayer, voter, and investor
our predicament, that all this effort goes awry, is seen as a much more menacmg
~as (been) m~ved into so different a network that merely to hang on to the one
problem. 1tem on the list t~at seems sentimentally satisfying will produce, at best, a self-
An awareness of solidarity with the ongoing pedagogic effort would have
congratulatory srmulacrum of community with the illustrious dead.
allowed Said to step out of the chalk circle of the three thousand critics and
. By f?rce o.f the ideology appropriate to his place in the world, Davie unwit-
recognize that the task-"to use the visual faculty (which also happens to be
tingly mhab1ts a country different from merely England. Let us look for a mo-
dominated by visual media such as television, news photography, and com-
ment at the way he outlines that country, reminding ourselves that it is at those
mercial film, all of them fundamentally immediate, 'objective,' and ahistorical)
~orders of discourse where metaphor and example seem arbitrarily chosen that
to restore the nonsequential energy of lived historical memory and subjectivity
1deology breaks through.
as fundamental components of meaning in representation"-is attempted every
day by popular-culture teachers on the Left (p. 25). I ~uote Tabloid as a me~onY?':
"Many of our articles over the past months have gtven examples of this daily
For when a poet or a literary scholar, British or American or Australian
subversion-women in the home mutating the 'planned' effect of TV soap op-
addresses not his fellow-Britons or his fellow-Americans or fellow-Aus:
eras, political activists creating pirate radio stations, the customization of cars,
tralians but the international community of literary scholars, that intention
clothing, etc. " 11 shows up at once in the sort of English that he uses. [P. 29, italics mine]
One of the most productive moments at the "Politics of Interpretation" sym-
Must w.e assume that British English, American English, and New Zea-
posium as an exchange between Davie and Said. Davie singled .ou~ Said's. work
land English are on the way to becoming distinct languages, as Romanian
for Palestine (Lebanon in Davie's script) as an example of patriotism. Satd ap-
and Portuguese once became distinct languages by diverging differently
propriately amended that praise by suggesting that he was w~rkin?. for the
from the parent stock of Roman Latin? (P. 35]
Palestinian state to establish itself so that he could then become 1ts cntic. Con-
sciousness of national identity is marked by the use to which it is put. The thin
line between national liberation and maintenance of the ideology of the state
p~int is not. that the case would be altered (as indeed it would, in interesting
must be kept clean by the critic's vigilance. Otherwise, Davie's endorsement of
if th.e Canbbean, the Indian subcontinent, and Kenya-Uganda-Tanganyika
patriotism becomes the condition and effect of a political ideology that denies
colorual name for Tanzania)-also English speaking-were introduced into
the workings of an economic multinationalism. The production of archaic pol-
company. The point is that a discourse such as Davie's, ignoring the dif-
itico-nationalist explanations, irreducibly asymmetrical with the economico-mul-
In Other Worlds The Politics of Interpretations 127
can represent its exc~uded other as an analysis that privileges interpretation. It
ference between the linguistic self-concept of national liberation an~ patrioti~m, should also be mentioned, of course, that the indivisibility and inevitability of
"naturally" or "only by chance" excludes them ~om ;,he Enghsh-sl?eaki~g the archaic (Christian). mother comes close to a transcendental guarantee. To
Union. Indeed, to alter one of Davie's sentences a little: [my] ~u~ges~on will know her for what she ts, rather than to seek to transform her, is the psychoan-
seem bizarre except to those . . . who [are involv~d wtth adiDis~I?n mt.o and alyst's professional enterprise.
granting degrees from U.S. English departments] (p. 35). Dav1e s entire ar-
I ~annot ~retend that the born-again recovery of Christianity and particularly
gument would have to be recast if the candidate were not "Georges [fro~]
M~nolatry 1~ the latest ~el <:Juel~ is not disturbing to me. Not only does Kristeva
Bucharest" or "Lucille in Vincennes" but Echeruo from Nigeria ?r To~heed m
f~Il .to questio~ the soc10histoncal symptomaticity of psychoanalysis as a dis-
Pakistan. Of course "all the languages are precious, every one. Is umqu~, and
ctplma.zy practice but .sh~ has this to say about the abject mother of psycho-
so no one is replaceable by any other" (p. ~9). Bu~ if one exa~mes the figures analysts and the mess1amc role of psychoanalysis as sublation of Christianity:
of foreign-language enrollment in the Chromcle of Htgher Educatwn o~ comrarable
journals, one knows instantly that they a~e not in fact equally pre~10us, and the
demand depends on the politico-economic text. One need only think of t~e case
Our cultural orb is centered around the axiom that "the Word became flesh."
of Japanese, Arabic, and Persian in recent years. From a somewhat dtfferent
Two thous~nd years after a tireless exploration of the comings and goings
point of view, one might think of the status of a Shakespeare. scholar who has
between discourse and the object [traditional interpretation] to be named
read all of his Shakespeare in Bengali and a scholar of B~n~ali cultur~ wh~ has
~r interpre.ted, an o?ject which is the solicitor of interrogation, we have
had a semester's Bengali in a U.S. graduate school. (This IS not an 1~agmary
fin~lly achieved a discourse on discourse, an interpretation of interpre-
e ample although it "will seem bizarre except to those of us who [are mvolved
X ' 1 l] ") tation. For the psychoanalyst, this vertigo in abstraction is, nevertheless,
in judging fellowship applications on the national eve . ~ means of protecting us from a masochistic and jubilatory fall into nature,
There is disciplinary ideology in Davie's certainty of the .secure r~l.e of the
mto the full and pagan mother. [P. 87, italics mine]
poet in contemporary society; in Said's convicti.on that th: hte~a_rY c~tic rather
than the other human scientists are the custodians of sociopolitical ~nterpreta
tion; and, malgre tout, in White's admonition that "t~ ~ppeal to soc10l?gy, an-
~o is the excluded other that privileges interpretation? Not the writer, in
thropology, or psychology for some basis for dete~mmg an appropnate per-
th~s case Louis Ferdinand Celine, whose abject-transcending paranoia, other-
spective on history is rather like basing one's notion of the sound~ess of a
Wise kno~.n ~s.anti-Se~tism, the analyst-critic interprets for us through a some-
building's foundations on the structural properties of its second or thud story"
~hat posttiVIstic analysts of sentence structure. The ideological scapegoat, hang-
(p. 130). . . . . . . . . . d. J li Kri - mg out on the borders, is that old favorite, Karl Marx. Kristeva makes an
But the most interesting stgn of diSCiplinary pnvilegmg IS foun m .': a s unproblem~tic ~nalogy be~ee~ the single-person situation of analysis and the
teva's "Psychoanalysis and the Polis." At the end or center of d~lirium, ~c
vastly m~~tudmous, mul~-rac1al, and multinational (including "pagan" cul-
cording to Kristeva, is that which is desired, a .hol~ow ~here ~ean~~g empties political arena and gtves us a species of Reichian diagnosis of the revo-
out in not only the presymbolic but the preobjective, the ab-Jec~. (A decon-
lutionary leader's promise of a utopia in the place of abjection. The psychoan-
structive critique of thus "naming" an undifferentiated telos of desue before the
alys~ by contrast is polytopian (not merely the Second Coming of the Hebraic
beginning of difference can be launched but is not to ~y purpose ~ere.) The
Chnst but perhaps also the fulfillment of the Hellenic Homer, who asked the
desire for knowledge involved in mainstream interpretation (whtch Kristeva calls
full pagan mother-Muse to sing in him the poly-tropic-much tricking, in many
"Stoic" by one of those undocumented sweeping generalizations ~ommo~ to a
tr~pes-Ody~s:us, at the beginning of his epic). It would be interesting to follow
certain kind of "French" criticism) shares such a hollow center and IS thus linked
this homog~mzmg analo?Y and as~: .Who i~ politics takes the place of the analyst
with delirium. Certain kinds of fiction writers and, one pr~sum~s, analys~~ds
and social engineers try to dominate, transform, and extermmate Improper ~b
who,. knowmgly, sometimes participates m the patient's delirium and draws
back JUSt enough to offer the healing interpretation which, "removing obvious,
jects" awakened in the place of the abject. The psych~analyst, ho~ever, wms
un:meai<tre, realistic meaning from discourse ... [reveals] every phantasm ...
out over both mad writer and man of politics. "Knowmg that he ~s co~stantly
an to return to the unnameable" (pp. 85-86)? White argues that the
in abjection [none of the problems of this position is discussed 1~ Kristeva's
. of. history as sublimely meaningless is "conventionally associated
text]1z and in neutrality, in desire and in indifference, the analyst builds~ strong
the tdeologtes of fascist regimes" (p. 130). "Such a mobilizing interpretation
ethics, not normative but directed, which no transcender:ce g~a~antees (P: 92;
italics mine). This is the privileged position of synt~es1s within a restramed
be called revolution or demagogy," Kristeva writes (p. 86). How can one
such an alternative seriously?
dialectic: the psychoanalyst persistently and symm~~cally su~~ates ~he contra- At any rate, to prove that political interpretations cannot be true, Kristeva
diction between interpretation and delirium. To pnvllege ~el~um ~mterpreta
. as follow~: "Unlike the analytic dynamic, however, the dynamic of po-
tion as delirium) in the description of this symmetrical synthesis IS to IDISr~~resent
mterpretation does not lead its subjects to an elucidation of their own (and
the dialectic presented by the essay, precisely in the interest of a politics that
The Politics of Interpretations 129
In Other Worlds
The ideological exclusion of a "Marx" as other operates also in White's ess
its own) truth .... Of course, no political discourse can pass into nonmeaning. Althoug~ no t~xtual analysis is forthcoming, the assertion that Marx was ~~~
Its goal, Marx stated explicitly, is to reach the goal of interpretation: interpreting terested m ma~g sen~e out of history seems to be indisputable. But I am trou-
the world in order to transform it according to our needs and desires" (pp. 86- bled when White subnuts that this urge to explain history arose in the nineteenth
87). One might of course wonder if leading a subject to truth is not a species cen~ry, that Marx was caught up in that specific moment of historiography's
of transformation of the subject or, yet, if what Marx says about politics is nec- pra~tice, and t~at the Jews regarded history as a meaningless sublime spectacle
essarily the truth of all political discourse. until_the establishment of Israel. Surely the grand plans of Judeo-Christian ps _
Let us rather investigate Marx's "explicit statement." Is it the eleventh of cho~10graphy ~nd historiography should not be thus dismissed! I am not su~
Marx's Theses on Feuerbach that Kristeva quotes in the epigraph? "Up until now gesting,. as Kris~eva does for psychoanalysis, that the discipline of history in
philosophers have only interpreted the world. The point now is to change it [Die E~r~p: IS a f~lfillment of these earlier plans. I am merely indicating that the
Philosophen haben die Welt nur verschieden interpretiert, es kommt drauf an, discipline of history did not sudde~y fall upon previously virgin ground.
sie zu veriindern]" (italics mine). As close a reader as Kristeva should note that _Whatever the ~t~ of _the as~er~10n that the pursuit of meaning links Marx
the relationship between interpretation and change in that statement is exceed- With the b~urgems histonan (as It lmks him with the anti-Semitic writer in "Ps _
ingly problematic. Ankommen auf in this context probably means "what matters" choanalysis a~d the Polis"), it seems bizarre to place him within the chanie
(within philosophic effort). Even in the most farfetched reading, such as ."ad- from the su~hme to the beautiful without some textual consideration. On the
vent" (ankommen, or arrival), a contrastive juxtaposition can hardly be avmded. other h~n~, If on: sees White's and Kristeva's moves as part of a contemporary
"To interpret ... in order to transform" (italics mine) seems wishful thinking. a~ademic-Ideologtcal network of explaining Marx away by the most general pos-
The point can also be made that these theses, aphoristic statements parodying Sible ~eans as a forec_losur~ of ~xc!usion, it becomes less odd. Some questions
and imitating Luther, were written in 1845. Marx had not yet seen a "revolution," remam. Does the s~b!Ime histonan s promise of a perception of meaninglessness
not even 1848. It would be like taking an epigraph from Studies in Hysteria, basing no; assum~ a prelim~na~ understanding of what meaning in/of history might
an entirely unfavorable comparison upon it, and clinching the case with "Freud be Accord~ng _to White, the theorists of the sublime had correctly divined that
has explicitly stated .... " whatever dignity and freedom human beings could lay claim to could come only
I have suggested that in Kristeva's essay psychoanalysis is shown to sublate by way of what Freud called a 'reaction-formation' to an apperception of histo '
the contradiction between interpretation and delirium. When Kristeva claims meaninglessness" (p. 128). I will not bring up once again the vexed questio;o~
that political discourse cannot pass into nonmeaning, it remains to be asked how the passag~ from. individual to group psychology here. I will sum up this part
it can be posited that the Hegelian dialectic-Marx's morphology-does not of my readmg With the following suggestion: If, for political reasons touched
accommodate a negative moment, a passing into nonmeaning, in order to accede upon by Clark and Said in their different ways, it is expedient to valorize the
to truth. I have suggested elsewhere that Marx's theory of practice goes beyond sa~an~ who can apperceive meaninglessness, then both Kristeva and White in
this restrained dialectic. 13 But I have tried to show here that even if Marx is th~lr ~Ifferen~ ways: claim "meaninglessness" too easily. I have tried to indi~ate
not given the benefit of that doubt and even on Kristeva's own terms, it would this m my discussion of Kristeva. In White, "confusion" "uncertainty" d
be inadvisable to attempt to critique Marx with so little textual evidence. If one " 1 h" , , an
mo~a anarc y are equated with meaninglessness. Such a loose colloquial use
wishes to support a major component of one's argument on Marx, he demands depnves the word of any theoretical value.
at least as much attention as Celine.
I am not altogether comfortable with Louis Althusser's theory of the episte-
mological cut in Marx' s work, although I am moved by his explanations in Essays By way of conclusion I will consider woman as the ideologically excluded
in Self-Criticism. It is, however, well known that the generation influenced by other. Althoug~ I ~ave some problems with Booth's essay, let me at the outset
Althusser's teaching, dissatisfied with the failure of 1968 and the subsequent express my sohdanty with his effort to correct this situation.
move on the French Left toward a nonrevolutionary Eurocommunism, turned Almost ~ll t~e personal pronouns in all the essays are "he." I am not askin
away from the Capital and Marx's later writings as endorsed by Althusser and ~or theqmc~ fix of a mandatory "he or she." Just as, if the West Indian wer~
toward, especially, the 1844 manuscripts, as had Jean-Paul Sartre an intellectual ~traduced 1_nto Davie's script or the Arab academic style into Cavell's hilarious
half-generation before Althusser; unlike Sartre, this younger generation sought list of (Enghsh, French, and U.S.) academic styles, the argument itself would
to find in these manuscripts negative proof of an irreducible will to power. When have to accommodate _an otherwise unwitting race privileging-I think in twenty
Kristeva writes "this abject awakens in the one who speaks archaic conflicts with r,ear~, t~e Ja~anese _will come to inhabit these lists "naturally" -so also, if the
his own improper objects, his ab-jects, at the edge of meaning, at the limits of she IS senou~ly mtroduce~ into these essays, the general argument might
the interpretable [and] it arouses the paranoid rage to dominate those objects, n~ed to change Its shape. I believe it is with this sense of things that I find myself
to transform them," she is writing not only of Celine's anti-Semitism but also VIolated b~ the impregnable agent of an apparently benign statement such as
of the revolutionary impulse (p. 91). What is at stake here is a politics of the followmg by White: "But imagination is dangerous for the historian, because
130 In Other Worlds The Politics of interpretations
he cannot know that what he has imagined was actually the case, that it is not
n~ptials .... ~he ha.d a rope about her neck to recall the violence used by the
a product of his 'imagination' in the s~nse in .w~~ that te~ is. use~ to char- gt~nts on th~ first wtves. Her hands were bound in token of the subjection of
acterize the activity of the poet or wnter of fiction (p. 123; ttalics rmne). The
wtves to therr husbands. . . . The heavy stones tied to her feet denoted the
masculist critic might well say, What am I going to do if an objection is brought stability of marriage.)"16
against the very grain of my prose? Indeed, the feminist critic would urge, if
Davie' s first stab comes when he reproaches feminists for not differentiating
he became aware that the indefinite personal pronoun is "produced-producing" among women of different countries:
rather than "natural," then he would also realize that, in this specific case, for
example since woman's place within the discipline and as subject of history is
different from man's all along the race-class spe~m, and ~ince a wo~~n's right Where is it acknowledged, for instance, in the vocabulary of feminism that
to "imagine" history is fraught with perils of a different kind, the validt~ ()f t!!,e
"woman," as conceived by an American writing about Italians, cannot
critic's entire argument is put into question by that objection. As long as fem-
help but be significantly different from "woman" as conceived by an Italian
inism is considered a special-interest glamorization of mainstream discourse (and
looking at Americans? Or again, an Italian woman may well, we must
I am grateful again to Booth for revealing the way feminist apppro_aches are
supp~se, ~e an Ita~an p.atriot; but where, in the current vocabulary of
discussed in "academic locker rooms"), this problem will go unrecogruzed. And
fermrusts, ts that drmenston of her "woman-ness" allowed for? Let it be
within the tacitly acknowledged and bonded enclosure of ~asculis~ knowledg~-pr~ acknowledged only so as to be deplored; but let it in any event be ac-
duction, a partial (masculist) account of inte~ectu~ histoty will, eve~ ~s tt cn- knowledged. At the moment, it isn't. [P. 34]
tiques the narrative mode of "doing history,' perststently rmply that 1t ts larger
than the "whole"-the latter being an account that will confront the funda-
mental problem of sexual difference in material and id.eologic~ production.. No
This is of course a ridiculous mistake. The heterogeneity of international fem-
history of consciousness can any longer be broached wtthout this co~~ntation.
inisms and women's situations across race and class lines is one of the chief
The problem cannot be solved by noticing celebr~ted .fe~le practiti?ners of concerns of feminist practice and theory today. To document this claim would
the discipline, such as Hannah Arendt. The collective sttu~tion of the tdeolo?-
be to compile a volume of bibliographical data. 17 And no feminist denies that
ically constituted-constituting sexed subject in the production of an~ as the stt-
women's as well as men's consciousness can be raised with reference to such
uational object of historical discourse is a structural problem that obvtously goes notions as patriotism or total womanhood.
beyond the recognition of worthy exception~. This critiq~e .sho~~ not ~e under- The second stab is with respect to Said's mother:
stood as merely an accusation of personal guilt; for the shifting limits of tdeology,
as I have suggested earlier, are larger than the "indi:ndual .consciousne~s.;'
Understood as such, my desperation at the smooth uruversality .of Dwor~.s
w_hen his Pale~~an parents married, they had to register the marriage
discussion of law as interpretation will not seem merely tendentious. For 1t ts
wtth the authonties of what was at that time a British mandate. The British
not a questioning of the power of Dworkin' s thesis; it is an ~cknowled~e~t
officer, having registered the marriage, then and there tore up Mrs. Said's
that if woman as the subject in law, or the subject of legal mterpretation, ts
Palestinian passport, explaining that by doing so he made one more va-
allo.:Ved into the argument in terms of the differential ethico-political dimension
~ncy in the quota of permitted immigrants to Palestine from among the
of these relationships, then the clarity might have to be seen .as .narrow and dtspossessed of war-devastated Europe. The feminist response to this-
gender-specific rather than universal. .<I ~m of co~se n~t ~entionmg the pos- , Aha, it was the wife's passport that was destroyed, not the husband's"-
sibility that the eruption of Judeo-Christian sanctions wtthin the recent debate
wholly fails to recognize the outrage that Mrs. Said felt, which her son
on abortion shows how questions of sexual difference challenge the secular foun-
now feels on her behalf. For if the law had been such that the husband
dation of Western law. 14
took his bride's name, so that it was the man's passport that was de-
Let us consider Davie' s two quick stabs at feminists before turning to woman stroyed, the outrage would have been just the same. [P. 34]
in the essays by Kristeva, Said, and Booth. By way of introduction, let us insist
that the word "patria" is not merely masculine in gender but name~ the fa~er
as the source of legitimate identity. (The appropriation of mother figures m to
H I may descend into unseemly levity for a moment, I will quote my long-
this naming is similarly related to the place of Are~dt,in White's essay) .one deceased father: "If Grandmother had a beard, she would be Grandfather." For
way of explaining this would be to look again at Vtco s fable of the ongm of
the point is precisely that in a patriarchal society there are no such laws. 18
civil society-the patricians-in The New Science. 15 Here I shall point at the ac-
.. Said calls for a criticism that would account for "quotidian politics and the
companying "hieroglyph or fable of Juno hanging in ~e air with a rope aro~nd
.struggle for power" (p. 14). At its best, feminist hermeneutics attempts precisely
her neck and her hands tied by another rope and wtth two heavy stones tied
Part of th~ attempt has been to articulate the relationship between phal-
to her feet. . . . Ouno was in the air to signify the auspices essential to solemn ;locracy and capttal, as well as that between phallocracy and the organized Left.
In Other Worlds The Politics of Interpretations 133
I refer Said to two representative titles: Zillah R. Eisenstein's Capitalist Patri~r~hy best hope? Perhaps because, unlike the race and class situations, where academic
and the Case for Socialist Feminism and the collection Beyond the Fragments: Femmzsm people are not likely to get much of a hearing, the women's struggle is one they
can support "from the inside." Feminism in its academic inceptions is accessible
and the Making of Socialism. .
I have been commenting on the politics of exclusion. The deliberate politics
an? subject to correction b~ a.uthoritative men; whereas, as Clark has rightly
of inclusion can also turn into an appropriative gesture. We see it happen in pomted out, for the bourgeois mtellectual to look to join other politico-economic
Terry Eagleton's Waiter Benjamin; or, Towards a Revolutionary Criticism. "Let us struggles is to toe the line between hubris and bathos.
Perhaps a certain caution can be recommended to Kristeva as well. I have
briefly imagine," Eagleton writes,
suggested that she lacks a political, historical, or cultural perspective on psy-
choanalysis as a movement. I would also suggest that the notion that the ultimate
what shape a "revolutionary literary criticism" would assume. It '"Y~uld object-before-objectity is invariably the Mother is fraught with the monolithic
dismantle the ruling concepts of "literature," reinserting "literary" texts figure of Woman rather than women heterogeneously operating outside of mas-
into the whole field of cultural practices. It would strive to relate such culist kinship inscriptions. No neologism is merely etymological. No nomen-
"cultural" practices to other forms of social activity, and to transform the clature is ideologically pure. It is therefore necessary to question, paleonymi-
cultural apparatuses themselves. It would articulate its "cultural" analyses cally, why the archaic mother is called, precisely, ab-ject. (The argument that it
with a consistent political intervention. It would deconstruct the received can mean "thrown away from" -as "object" means "thrown toward" -by its
hierarchies of "literature" and transvaluate received judgments and as- Latin derivation is not enough.)
sumptions; engage with the language and "un~onscious" of ~terary texts,
to reveal their role in the ideological construction of the subject; and mo-
bilize such texts, if necessary by hermeneutic "violence," in a struggle to I have tried to read some aspects of the interpretive politics that seemed to
transform those subjects within a wider political context. If one wanted a produce and was produced by the symposium on "The Politics of Interpreta-
paradigm for such criticism, already established within the present, there tion." I have pointed first at the usefulness of a broader notion of ideology and
then p:oceede~ to notice some of the marks of ideology at work: conserving the
is a name for it: feminist criticism. 19
so~e~eign subject; excluding a monolithic Marx(ism); and excluding or appro-
pnating a homogeneous woman. But perhaps the strongest indicator of another
Just as Eagleton earlier accommodates deconstruction as .a J?roperty of ~he item on the ideological agenda-the implicit race idiom of our politics-is the
dialectic, so does he accommodate feminism as a movement within the evolution explicit charge I failed to fulfill.
of Marxist criticism. 20 The vexed question of how to operate race-, class-, and In a report on our symposium in the Chicago Grey City Journal, Ken Wissoker
gender-analyses together is not even considered, for the sa~~ spa~e of fe~nist said about my inclusion in the panel: "She was there, I assume, because she
critique within "cultural practice" is assured even as that cn~que IS ne.utralized translated Derrida's Of Grammatology." 21 Reading those words, Elizabeth Abel's
by such a situating gesture. In a moment, however, the motives for this acc~m l~ng and gracious letter of invitation to me came to mind. It was my point of
modation may themselves be situated within an ideologi~al ground. Havmg VIew. as a Third World ~eminist that she had hoped would enhance the pro-
praised feminist criticism (carrying his own name on the hst by pro~y: see n. ceedmgs. Apart from a pious remark that the maids upstairs in the guest quarters
20) for its revolutionary-Marxist potential, Eagleton proceeds to trash It m t~ee were wo~en of color and a show of sentiment, involving Thomas Macaulay,
paragraphs: his main contention, feminism is theoretically thin, or separatist. when Said and I held the stage for a moment, the Third World seemed ex-
orbitant to our concerns. As I reflect upon the cumulative politics of our gath-
Girls, shape up!
If I were writing specifically on Eagleton on feminism, I should question .this ering, that seems to strike the harshest note.
unexamined vanguardism of theory. In the present context, other questions
seem pertinent. First, where does this undifferentiated, u~documented,. mo~
olithic feminist criticism hang out? The gesture of constituting such an object m 1982
order that it may be appropriated and then devalued has something like a re-
lationship with the constitution of a monolithic Marx, Marxism, Marxist critics
that we have encountered in most of these essays. Davie's reprimand that we
do not distinguish among women becomes all the more ris~ble in this contex~.
Even to Booth's benevolent impulse one must add the cautionary word, lest It
share a niche with Eagleton's strategy here: woman's voice is not one voice to
be added to the orchestra; every voice is inhabited by the sexual differential.
Why is it that male critics in search of a cause find in feminist criticism their
French Feminism In an International Frame 135
9. French Feminism in an International think of so-called Third World women in a broader scope, one found oneself
caught, as my Sudanese colleague was caught and held by Structural Function-
Frame alism, in a web of information retrieval inspired at best by: "what can I do for
A young Sudanese woman in the Faculty of .sociology at a Saudi ~rabi~n I sensed obscurely that this articulation was part of the problem. I re-articu-
University said to me, surprisingly: "I have wntten a structural functi~nalist lated the question: What is the constituency of an international feminism? The
dissertation on female circumcision in the Sudan." I was ~,ea.dy .to forgtve, the fo~?wing fragmentary and anecdotal pages approach the question. The com-
sexist term "female circumcision." We have learned to say clitondectomy' be- plicity of a few French texts in that attempt could be part both of the problem-
the "West" out to "know'' the "East" determining/a "westernized Easterner's"
cause others more acute than we have pointed out our mistake.
But Structural Functionalism? Where "integration" is "social control [which]
~!:~!!~!!lpt to "know her own worlciJ'; ~meffifug"1ike~a'SOtu
defines and enforces ... a degree of solidarity''? Where "interaction, se~n from,the tion,-reversmg anC1dtspbl'cihgTiforuy oyjuxtaposing "some French texts" and
side of the economy," is defined as "consist[ing] .of the supply of mcome a~~
a "certain Calcutta") the ironclad opposition of West and East. As soon as I
write this, it seems a hopelessly idealistic restatement of the problem. I am not
wealth applied to purposes strengthening the persistence of ~tural patte~s.'
Structural functionalism takes a "disinterested" stance on soaety as functionmg in a position of choice in this dilemma.
structure. Its implicit interest is to applaud a system-in this case. se~u~l-be To begin with, an obstinate childhood memory.
cause it functions. A description such as the one below makes It difficult to .I am walking al~ne in my grandfather's estate on the Bihar-Bengal border one
~nter aft~rnoon m 1949. Two ancient washerwomen are washing clothes in the
credit that this young Sudanese woman had taken such an approach to
nver, beating the clothes on the stones. One accuses the other of poaching on
clitoridectomy: her part of the river. I can still hear the cracked derisive voice of the one accused:
"You fool! Is this your river? The river belongs to the Company!"-the East
In Egypt it is only the clitoris which is amputated, and usually not com- India Company, from whom India passed to England by the Act for the Better
pletely. But in the Sudan, the operation consists in t~e ~omplete remo~al Government of India (1858); England had transferred its charge to an Indian
Governor-G~neral in 1947. India would become an independent republic in 1950.
of all the external genital organs. They cut off the. clitons: th~ two maJOr
outer lips (labia majora) and the two minor inner lips (l~bta mmora). T~en For these Withered women, the land as soil and water to be used rather than a
the wound is repaired. The outer opening of the vagina IS t?e only portion map to be learned still belonged, as it did one hundred and nineteen years before
left intact not however without having ensured that, durmg the process that date, to the East India Company.
of repairi~g, some narrowing of the opening is carried out with a few ~xtra I was precocious enough to know that the remark was incorrect. It has taken
stitches. The result is that on the marriage night it is necessary to Widen me thirty-one years and the experience of confronting a nearly inarticulable
the external opening by slitting one or both ends with a sharp scalpel or question to apprehend that their facts were wrong but the fact was right. The
Company does still own the land.
razor so that the male organ can be introduced. 2
I sh~uld not co~sequen~y patronize and romanticize these women, nor yet
entertain a nostalgta for bemg as they are. The academic feminist must learn to
In my Sudanese colleague's research I found an allegory of my own ideological learn from them, !o speak to them, to suspect that their access to the political
~d sexual scene 1s not merely to be corrected by our superior theory and en-
victimage: h Cal lightened compassion. Is our insistence upon the especial beauty of the old
The "choice" of English Honors by an upper-~lass young ~oman m t e -
cutta of the fifties was itself highly overdetennmed. Becommg a profe~sor of .necess~rily to be preferred to a careless acknowledgment of the mutability of
English in the U.S. fitted in with the "brain drain:" In due c?urse, a comffiltment sexuality? What of the fact that my distance from those two was, however mi-
to feminism was the best of a collection of accessible scenanos. The.m~rph~~ogy cro,Io~;ic<tlly you defined class, class-determined and determining?
of a feminist theoretical practice came clear through Jacques Dem~a s,cnti~u~ , then, can one learn from and speak to the millions of illiterate rural and
' of phallocentrism and Luce Irigaray' s rea~~g of ~reud. (The stumbling chmce . women who live "in the pores of' capitalism, inaccessible to the
dynamics that allow us our shared channels of communication, the
of French avant-garde criticism by an und1stingws~e~ I~ League Ph. D.
in the Midwest is itself not without ideology-cntical mterest.) ".--,-=-...-",.,-.,..-~:-.,'1.. ~hn,ihCI>n of common enemies? The pioneering books that bring First World
began by identifying the "female academic" ~n? feminism ~s ~uch. GradlJaJily news from the Third World are written by privileged informants and
I found that there was indeed an area of femmist scholars~p m the l!~ th?t only be deciphered by a trained readership. The distance between "the
was called "International Feminism": the arena usually defined as femm1sm m world," her "own sense of the world she writes about," and that
England, France, West Germany, Italy, an? that p~rt of the Third World the non-specialist feminist is so great that, paradoxically, pace the subtleties
easily accessible to American interests: Latin Amenca. When one attempted reader-response theories, here the distinctions might easily be missed.
In Other Worlds french feminism In an International frame 137
individualistic rather than systematic subverters in order to summon timeless
This is not the tired nationalist claim that only a native can know the sce~e. "truths" resembles .the task of the literary critic who explicates the secrets of
The point that I am trying to make is that, in ord~r to le~m enough about 'fhl_rd the ~v~nt-garde artist of western Europe; the program of "symptomatic and
World women and to develop a different re.adership, the ~~ense heterogene~ 1 se~otic rea~ing" -here called "listening'' -adds more detail to that literary-
of the field must be appreciated, and the Frrst World fenurust must learn to st~EJ cntical task. The end of this chapter reveals another line of thought active in
feeling privileged as a woman. . . the ~oup I m~ntion above: to bring together Marx and Freud: "An analyst
These concerns were well articulated in my fenurusm ~hen~ came consaous of history and politics? A politician tuned into the unconscious? A
across Julia Kristeva's About Chinese Women. 3 Here agam I.found .a~ Wlth my woman perhaps ... " (p. 38).
~own ideological victimage, "naturalization" transformed mto p~vilege. Kristeva is certainly aware that such a solution cannot be offered to the name-
/ French theorists such as Derrida, Lyotard, Deleuze, and the like, have at one ~ess wo~en of the Third World. Here is her opening description of some women
time or another been interested in reaching out to all that is not the Westt,because m HUXIan Square: "An. enormous crowd is sitting in the sun: they wait for us
they have, in one way or another, questioned the millenni~y ch~rishe~ excel- wo~dlessl_r, perfectly still. Calm eyes, not even curious, but slightly amused or
lences of Western metaphysics: the sovereignty of the subJect'S mten~on, the a~ous: m ~ny case, piercing, and certain of belonging to a community with
power of predication and so on: There is a m?re ~r less va~ely .amc_ulated which ~e will never.have anything to do" (p. 11). Her question, in the face of
conviction that these characteristics had something like a relationship Wlth the ~hose silent women, IS about her own identity rather than theirs: "Who is speak-
morphology of capital. The French fe~st ~eo~ that makes its way to us mg, then, bef~re. the stare of the peasants at Huxian?" (p. 15). This too might
comes to a readership more or less familiar Wlth this e~clave.. . . be a charactenstic ~f the group of thinkers to whom I have, most generally,
During the 1970s, the prestigious journal Tel Quel-~steva IS .on the editonal attached her. In s~1te of the~ ~ccasional interest in touching the other of the
committee-pursued an assiduous if som~~hat eclectic .mterest m t.he matter of
West, of .~etaphys1cs, of cap1tali~~' th~ir repeated question is obsessively self-
China. 4 Before I consider that interest as It IS deployed m About ~hmese .women, centered. 1f we are not what offiaal h1story and philosophy say we are, who
let us look briefly at the solution Kristeva offers Frenchwomen m the first part then are we (not), how are we (not)?
of her book: It ~s therefore not surprising that, even as she leaves the incredibly detailed
terram of the problem of knowing who she herself is exactly-the speaking
We cannot gain access to the temporal scene, i.e., to politi~al affairs,. except
~eading, lis~~ning,"I" a~ this particul~r mo~ent-she begins to compute the real:
~ty of who they' are m terms of mzllenma: "One thing is certain: a revolution
by identifying with the values considered to b~ ~asculine (do~ance, m the rules of kinship took place in China, and can be traced to sometime around
superego, the endorsed communicative word that mstitutes stable soaal ex- B.C. 1000" (p. 46).
change) ... [We must] achieve this identification in order to escape a smug The sweepin~ histori.ographical scope is not internally consistent. Speaking
polymorphism where it is so easy and comf~rtable for a ~oman h~re to of modem . ~a, . Kriste:va asserts drastic socio-sexual structural changes
remain; and by this identification [we must] gam entry to s~~ expenence. thr~ugh legtslation m a ~nsk repo~orial t~ne that does not allow for irony (p.
[We must] be wary from the first of the premium on ~rassism that such 1~~, p. 128). Yet, speaking of anaent China, she finds traces of an older ma-
an integration may carry with it: to reject the validity of homologous trilineal and matrilocal society (evidence for which is gleaned from two books
woman, finally virile: and to act, on the socio-politico-J:Ust?rical s~age, as by Marcel Granet, dating from the twenties and thirties, and based on "folk
her negative: that is, to act first with all those who swtm aga~st the dance and leg~nd': [p .. 47]--:-and U!vi-Strauss's general book on elementary
tide " all those who refuse . . . But neither to take the role of revolutionary structures of kinship) lingenng through the fierce Confucian tradition to this
(male or female): to refuse all roles ... to summon this timeless "truth"- very day because, at first: it seems t~ be speculatively the more elegant argument
formless neither true nor false, echo of our pleasure, of our madness, of
(p. 68~. In ten pages this speculative assumption has taken on psychological
our preg'nancies-into the order of speech an~ social symbolism. But ho~? By causality (p. 78).
listening; by recognizing the unspoken m speech, eve~ revoluti~~ry ~ another seventy-odd pages, and always with no encroachment of archival
speech; by calling attention at all times t~ what~ver ~emams unsatisfied, eVIdence, spe~tion has become historical fact: "The influence of the powerful
repressed, new, eccentric, incomprehensible, disturbmg to the status quo sys~em of matrilinear descent, and the Confucianism that is so strongly affected
(p. 38; italics mine). by 1t, ea~ hardly b.e discounted" (p. 151). Should such a vigorous conclusion
not call mto ques~on the authority of the following remark, used, it seems,
at that pomt the author needs a way of valorizing the women of the
This is a set of directives for class- and race-privileged literary women "mn~~,~~ today over the women of the cities: "An intense life-experience has
can ignore the seductive effects of identifying. with the ':~ues ~f the other them from a patriarchal world which hadn't moved for millennia into a modem
while rejecting their validity; 5 and, by identifying the political Wlth the nnive,rsP where they are called upon to command" (p. 193; italics mine)? Where
and linguistic, ignore as well the micrology of political economy. To act
138 In Other Worlds French Feminism in an International Frame
then are those matrilocal vestiges that kept up women's strength all through
"all the manuals of the 'Art of the Bedchamber'-which date back to the first
those centuries? 7
It is this wishful use of history that brings Kristeva dose to the eighteenth- c~~~7 A. D." and "a novel of the Qing Dynasty ... The Dream of the Red Pa-
vzlwn. (p. 61, 7?). Let us forget that there is no attempt at textual analysis, not
century Sinophiles whom she criticizes because "they deformed those sys::ms
in order to assimilate them into their own" (p. 53). In the very next page, the e:en m translation. We must still ask, are these manuals representative or mar-
gmal, "n~;~al" or "perve:se:," have they a class fix? Further, is the relationship
essential problem" of the interpretation of C~inese ~hough~, defi~e~ (u2der
betw:en lite~ature and life so .unproblematic as to permit The Dream to be
cover of the self-deprecatory question) as a species of diffe!ential sem.lOtics: T~e
heterogeneity of this Li [form and content a~ on~e] defies s~mbo~sm, and iS
desc?be~ as . an accu~ate portrait of noble families" because it "is currently
actualized only by derivation, through a combmation of opposmg signs ( + and ~tudied m Chma as evtdence of the insoluble link between class struggle and
mtralinter-familial attitudes?" (pp. 78-79). How may it differ when a Chinese
-, earth and sky, etc.), all of which are of equal val~e. In other worcl~, th~re
is no single isolatable symbolic principle to oppo~e itself and a~s~rt itself as
pers~n ~ith a "Chinese experience" studies it in Chinese, apparently in this
transcendent law." Even as the Western-trained Thud World fermmst deplores way. !s it ?nly the West that can afford its protracted debate over the repre-
the absence of the usual kind of textual analysis and demonstration, she is ~entationali.ty of realism? Similar questions haunt the reader as Kristeva launches
treated to the most stupendous generalizations about Chinese writing, a ~opos mto a r~nmng summary of the female literati of China since 150 A. D., in terms
of dommant .th~mes. She offers this impressionistic comment on a poet who,
of that very eighteenth century that Kristeva scorns: "Not only .has Chi~es:
writing maintained the memory of matrilinear pre-histo7Y (collective and mdi- we are .told, iS among the greatest, not only in China, but in the literature of
vidual) in its architectonic of image, gesture, and sound; it ~as been able as. well the. entire world" (p. 50): "Li Qingzhao breathes into these universal traits of
to integrate it into a logico-symbolic code capable o~ ensunng t~e n:ost duect,
C~nese poetry a musicality rarely attained by other poets: the brilliantly inter-
twmed rhythms and alliterations, the shape of the characters themselves, create
'reasonable,' legislating-even the most bureaucratlc-commumca~on: ~ll the
qualities that the West believes itself unique in honou~g and that it attributes a lan~~ge where the least aural or visual element becomes the bearer of this
to the Father" (p. 57). Kristeva's text seems to authonz~, here and .elsewhere, symbiOSiS between body, world, and sense, a language that one cannot label
the definition of the essentially feminine and the essentially masculine as non- 'm~sic' ~r '~eanin~' because. it .is both at once." The poem is then "quoted"
logical and logical. At any rate, this,mo~eme~t ~nds with :he conclu-
tw~ce-first m Enghsh transcnption and literal translation, and next in "a trans-
sion that "the Chinese give us a 'structuralist or wamng (contradictory) por- lati~n (fron; .a French version by Philippe Sollers)." What would happen to
trait" (p. 57).
Lou~s: Labe m such a quick Chinese treatment for a Chinese audience with a
vestigtal sense of ~uropean culture as a whole? What is one to make of the gap
Kristeva prefers this misty past to the present. Most of her acco~nt of the
latter is dates, legislations, important people, important places. There iS no tr~n between ~he last lines of the two translations: "This time I how a single word 1
sadness is enough" and "this time one I word death won't be enough?" What
sition between the two accounts. Reflecting a broader Western cultural practice,
the "classical" East is studied with primitivistic reverence, even as the "con- wo~ld happe_n to "Absent thee from felicity awhile" in a correspondingly "free"
Chmese vers10n?
temporary" East is treated with realpolitikal contempt. . .
On the basis of evidence gleaned from lives of great women mduded m trans- As we come to the literatures of modern China, all the careful apologies of
the opening of the ?ook seem forgotten: "Let us examine the findings of a few
lated anthologies and theses of the troisieme cycle (I take it that is w~at ."third
researchers on family psychology or its representation in modern fiction as a
form thesis'' p. 91] indicates) and no primary research; and an unquestionmg a~
me~ns of understanding the forms these feudal I Confucian mores take in
ceptance of Freud's conclusions ~bout the "pre:oedip~l". sta~;, and no a~alyttc
experience of Chinese women, Kristeva makes this prediction: If the q~estion [of ~hmese ~lture toda~" (p. 95) .. A~ far ~s I c~n tell, the author's source of literary
finding a channel for sexual energy in a socialist society through ~anous for~s
mfor~ati~n-a few Simple statistics-Is a smgle article by Ai-Li S. Chin, "Family
of sublimation outside the family] should be asked one day, and if the anal~sis ~ela~ons m ~od;rn Chinese Fiction," in M. Freedman, ed., Family and Kinship
of Chinese tradition that the Pi Lin Pi Kong [against Lin and Kong] Campaign ~~ Chmese Soctety. It seems startling, then, that it can be said with apparent ease:
seems to have undertaken is not interrupted, it's not altogether impossible that A~e t~ese .[mother-daughter] problems intensified by those passionate and ar-
chaic nvalrtes between women which, in the West, produce our Electras who
China may approach it with much less prudishness and fetishistic neurosis than.
the Christian West has managed while clamouring for 'sexual freedom'" (p. 90). us~rp t~eir mot~ers' roles by murdering them in the names of their fa;hers?
Chm~se lt~erature ts not explicit here" (p. 146; italics mine).
Whether or not the "Christian West" as a whole has been clamoring for
This bnngs us to a certain principled "anti-feminism" in Kristeva's book which
freedom, the prediction about China is of course a benevolent one; my point
be related .to what has been called "the New Philosophy" in France. 9 "The
that its provenance is symptomatic of a c~lonialist ben.evolenc~.
Electras-depnved forever of their hymens-militants in the cause of their fa-
The most troubling feature of About Chmese Women iS that, m ~he context of
China, Kristeva seems to blunt the fine edge of her approach to literature. thers, frigid with exaltation-are dramatic figures where the social consensus
draws many conclusions about "the mother at the centre" in ancient China ~orn~r~ a~r, woman who wants to escape her condition: nuns, 'revolutionaries,'
femimsts (p. 32). I think such a sentiment rests upon certain unexamined
140 In Other Worlds French Feminism in an International Frame
questions: What is the relationship between myth (the story of Electra), the socio-
literary formulation of myths (Aeschylus's Oresteia, written for a civic compe-
efit~d. from its advantages and been subjected to its censorshi havin
left It masmuch as it is possible to leave the world of one's child:~ d ~
tition with choruses, owned by rich citizens, playing with freelance troupes) and
"the immutable structures" of human behavior? What hidden agenda does r,ro?a~ly ~~t without bearing its "birthmarks" -for me what see:s ~:~e
Freud's use of Greek myth to fix the father-daughter relationship-specially at . rru~su:g' m the system is, indeed, the stubborn refusal to admit anything
IS missmg (p. 156).
the end of "Analysis Terminable and Interminable"-contain? Although Kris-
teva sometimes speaks in a tone reminiscent of Anti-Oedipus, she does not broach
these questions, which are the basis of that book. 10
This principled "anti-feminism," which puts its trust in the individualistic Who isbspeaking here? An effort to answer that question might have revealed
critical avant-grade rather than anything that might call itself a revolt~ctionary ~ore_a out_ the mute women of Huxian Square, looking with u lifi d
the mcurs1on of the West." q a e envy at
collectivity is part of a general intellectual backlash-represented, for instance,
by Tel Quel's espousal of the Chinese past after the disappointment with the
Communist Party of France during the events of May 1968 and the movement
toward a Left Coalition through the early 1970s. _I a~, sug~e~tinJ?, then,. that a deliberate application of the doctrines of French
The question of how to speak to the "faceless" women of China cannot be ~Igh Femmism to_ a different situation of political specificity might mi fir
asked within such a partisan conflict. The question, even, of who speaks in front , however, International Feminism is defined within a West E s e.
t t th h . ern uropean con-
of the mute and uncomprehending women in Huxian Square must now be ar- fex: . e eterogeneity becomes manageable. In our own situation as academic
ticulated in sweeping macrological terms. The real differences between "our em~usts, ~e can begin thinking of planning a class. What one does not know
Indo-European, monotheistic world ... still obviously in the lead" (p. 195) and can e ~or ed up. There are experts in the field. We can work by the practical
the Chinese situation must be presented as the fact that the "Chinese women assumption t_hat there is no serious communication barrier between them and
whose ancestresses knew the secrets of the bedchamber better than anyone ... ~s. No anguish over uncharted continents, no superstitious dread of maki
are similar to the men" (p. 198). Thus when Chinese Communism attacks the alse_ st~rts, no questions to which answers may not at least be entertained ng
tendencies-"pragmatic, materialistic, psychological" -that "are considered , With_in such a context, after initial weeks attempting to define a d
'feminine' by patriarchal society," it does not really do so; because in China the Amencan" d "E li h" f n name an
. an. .an ng s eminism, one would get down to the uestion
pre-patriarchal society has always lingered on, giving women access to real of what IS specific about French feminism. We shall consider the fact ihat the
rather than representative power. I have indicated above my reasons for thinking most acces~Ible s~a~? of French feminism is governed by a philosophy that
that the evidence for this lingering maternal power, at least as offered in this argues the unpossibihty of answering such a question.
book, is extremely dubious. Yet that is, indeed, Kristeva's "reason" for sug- F W~ r;w _h~ve the indispensable textbook for this segment of the course New
gesting that in China the Party's suppression of the feminine is not really a tirenc ~e;r;mzsms: A~ Anthology, edited by Elaine Marks and Isabelle de Cour-
suppression of the "feminine": "By addressing itself thus to women, [the Party] vr?n: n the Umted States, French feminism or, more specificall French
appeals to their capacity to assume the symbolic function (the structural con- ~mmtst t~eo~, has so far been of interest to a "radical" fringe in Ffe~ch and
straint, the law of the society): a capacity which itself has a basis in tradition, b o~parative LI~erature d_epartments rather than to the feminists in the field A
since it includes the world prior to and behind the scenes of Confucianism" (p. 199;
italics mine).
;:o su~h as this has an Interdisciplinary accessibility. This is somewhat unllke
Fr:~;~e,~~Engl~nd, where Marxist feminism has used mainstream (or masculist)
My final question about this macrological nostalgia for the pre-history of the . t eory - at least Althusser and Lacan-to explain the consti"tuti f
East is plaintive and predictable: what about us? The "Indo-European" world th e subJect (of" d 1 . on o
.. I eo ogy or sexua1tty)-to produce a more specifically "f t"
whose "monotheism" supports the argument of the difference between China cntique of Marx's theories of ideology and reproduction.12 errums
and the West is not altogether monotheistic. The splendid, decadent, multiple, t ~ec~use of a predominantly "literary" interest, the question in French feminist
oppressive, and more than millennia! polytheistic tradition of India has to be ex s t ~seems most relevant and urgent is that of a specifically feminine dis-
written out of the Indo-European picture in order that this difference may stand. ~ourse.. t the crossroads _of sexuality and ideology, woman stands constituted
The fact that Kristeva thus speaks for a generalized West is the "naturalization (1~ that 1s the word) as object. As subject, woman must learn to "speak 'oth
transformed into privilege" that I compared to my own ideological victimage. w1se '" " ke d"bl er-
:,_ oGr mha. au l e [what] ... suffers silently in the holes of discourse"
As she investigates the pre-Confucian text of the modern Chinese woman, her aut Ier, p. 163).
own pre-history in Bulgaria is not even a shadow under the harsh light of the ~e relationship between this project of "speaking" (writing) a d Kri t ,
Parisian voice. I hold on to a solitary passage:
proJe~tb~f "listening". (readi~~) is clear. Such a writing is generall~ thou~~':o~
mva~a Y, attempted m femm1st fiction or familiar-essay-cum- rose- oem s
as C1~ous s Prep~ratifs de noces. au dela de l' abime or Monique ~ittin~' s Les~~~
For me-having been educated in a "popular democracy," having ben- Body. As such It has strong ties to the "evocative ma<ric" of th
o- e prose poem
142 In Other Worlds French Feminism in an International Frame
endorsed by Baudelaire-the power of indeterminate suggestion rather than
determinate reference that could overwhelm and sabotage the signifying con-
te~s ?f ~~rtre ~nd his anthropologistic reading of Heidegger, can be called an
antz-sczentific anti-humanism. (Sartre does not remain the butt of the attack for
ventions. Baudelaire is not often invoked by the French theorists of feminist or
long. ~n echo of the .importa~ce of Sartre as the chief philosopher of French
revolutionary discourse. Is it because his practice remains caught within the humarusm, however, IS heard m Michele Le Doeuff's "Simone de Beauvoir and
gestures of an embarrassingly masculist decadence (linked to "high capitalism" Existentialism," presented on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of The
by Waiter Benjamin, A Lyric Poet in the Era of High Capitalism?) 14
Sec~nd Sex~ New Yor~. 19 Le Doeuff's essay reminds us that, just as the current
anti-humarust move m French philosophy was "post-Sartrean" as well as
"post-structura~st," so also .the discourse-theorists in French feminism marked.-(
The important figures for these theorists remain Mallarme and Joyce. Julia a rupture, precrsely, from Stmone de Beauvoir.) ,__,
Kristeva and Helene Cixous, the two feminist discourse-theorists who ijfe most In "Ends of Man," Derrida is describing a trend in contemporary French phi-
heard in the u.s., do not disavow this. Kristeva seems to suggest that if women losophy rather than specifically his own thoughts, though he does hint how his
can accede to the avant-garde in general, they will fulfill the possibilities of their ~wn ~pproach is distinct from the others'. "Man" in this piece is neither dis-
discourse (p. 166). Cixous privileges poetry (for "the novelists [are] allies of
tingwshed from woman nor specifically inclusive of her. "Man" is simply the
representation" [p. 250]) and suggests that a Kleist or a Rimbaud can speak as hero of philosophy:
women do. Older feminist writers like Duras ("the rhetoric of women, one that
)< is anchored in the organism, in the body'' [p. 238]-rather than the mind, the
~place of the subject) or Sarraute are therefore related to the mainstream avant-
garde phenomenon of the nouveau roman. . . . Th~re is [in existentialism) no interruption in a metaphysical familiarity
In a certain sense the definitive characteristic of the French fenumst proJect w~ch so naturally relates the we of the philosopher to "we-men," the total
of founding a woman's discourse reflects a coalition with the continuing tradition honzon o~ humanity. Although the theme of history is eminently present
of the French avant-garde. It can be referred to the debate about the political . . the history of the concept of man is never questioned. Everything
potential of the avant-garde, between Expressionism and Realism. 15 takes place as though the sign "man" had no origin, no historical cultural
It is also an activity that is more politically significant for the producer/wnter linguistic limit (p. 35). ' '
than the consumer/reader. It is for the writer rather than the reader that Herbert
Marcuse's words may have some validity: "There is the inner link between di-
alectical thought and the effort of avant-garde literature: the effort to break the Any extended consideration of Derrida' s description would locate the land-
power of facts over the word, and to speak a language which is not the language . mark texts. Here suffice it to point at Jean-Fran~ois Lyotard's Economie libidinale
of those who establish, enforce and benefit from the facts." 16 As even a quick since it establishes an affinity with the French feminist use of Marx. 20 '
glance at the longest entries for the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries in For Lyotard, the Freudian pluralization of "the grounds of man" is still no
the PMLA bibliographies will testify, the "political" energy of avant-garde pro- more than a "political economy," plotted as it is in terms of investments (German
duction, contained within the present academic system, leads to little more than Besetzung, English "cathexis," French investissement-providing a convenient
the stockpiling of exegeses, restoring those texts ba~ ~o propositional disco~se. ~~~o?Y) of the,li~ido. In terms of a "libidinal" economy as such, when the
In fact, given this situation, the power of a Les Guerzlleres or a Tell Me a Rzddle libidinal. Marx 1s taken within this "libidinal cartography" (p. 117) what
(to mention a non-French text)-distinguishing them from the "liberated texts" emerg~s ~s a powerful "liter~-critical" exegesis under the governing allegory
supposedly subverting "the traditional cmt:tponents of discourse," but in fact of the libtdo, cross-hatched With analogies between "a philosophy of alienation
sharing "all the components of the most classic pornographic literature" (Benoite ~nd ~ p~ychoanalysis. of the signifier" (p. 158), or "capitalist society" and "pros-
i!:Q~t1..P...:.?lt::::is what they talk about, their substantive revision o~, ra.ther th~n
titutio~ .<P 169) :"':~~ has, admittedly, very little to do with the micrological
(their apparent formal allegiance to, the European avant-garde. This differential and shifting specificrties of the class-struggle and its complicity with the eco-
"'will stubbornly remain in the most "deconstructive" of readings. . nomic text of the world-market. 21
The search for a discourse of woman is related not merely to a literary but
I have alre~~y s:I;'oken of ~e ~'Ne~ Philosophical" reaction to the possibility
also the philosophical avant-garde which I mentioned with reference to About of a Left Coalition m 1978. W1thm this capsule summary such a reaction can be
Chinese Women. The itinerary of this group is set out in Jacques Derrida's "The called anti.-humanist (~gainst the P.~vileged subject), anti-scientific (against psy-
Ends of Man.'117 Louis Althusser launched a challenge against Sartre's theory choanalysts and Marxtsm as specrfic or "regional" practices) and anti-revolu-
of humanistic practice and his anthropologistic reading of ~rx ~th his ow':' tionary (against collectivities).
"Feuerbach's 'Philosophical Manifesto'" in 1960. 18 Althusser s position was scz-
. It is within this context of ~..<m!!!!l:!~tion_Q{Jhe_g~p.eral sign of "man" As
entific anti-humanism. The challenge in Fr~nch p~os~phy describe~ by Derri~a 1t exists within the "metaphysical" tradition (a deconsttUctiontnaFcari ""pro-
in his essay (which makes a point of bemg wntten m 1968), agam largely m duce" -Derrida commenting on Blanchot-"a 'female element,' which does not
In Other Worlds French Feminism in an International Frame 145
coupl~d with the son)." Later, Cixous deploys the Derridian notion of restance
signify female person")22 that the following statements by Kristeva about the ~rem~m~),or minimal ideal~ation, giving to woman a dispersed and differentiaP
specific sign "woman" should be read: Identity. She does not eXIst, she may be nonexistent; but there must be some-
thing of her" (p. 92). 26 She relates man to his particular "torment his desire to~
~e (at) t~e ,?ri~in" (p. 92). She uses the theme of socio-political a~d ideological
On a deeper level [than advertisements or slogans for our demands], how- textuality with a sureness of touch that places her within the Derridian-Fou-
ever, a woman cannot "be"; it is something which does not even bel~ng cauldian problematic: "men and women are caught in a network of millennia!
in the order of being. It follows that a feminist practice can only be n~gativ:,\ cultural determinations of a complexity that is practically unanalyzable: we can
at odds with what already exists .... In "woman" I see something that ~o mor~ talk about 'woman' than about 'man' without being caught within an
cannot be represented, something above and beyond nomencl.atur~~ a11A l~eologtcal theater where the multiplication of representations, images reflec-
ideologies .... Certain feminist demands revive a ~nd of. naive roman" ~ons: myths, identific~tions constantly transforms, deforms, alters each ~erson's
ticism, a belief in identity (the reverse of phallocentrtsm), 1 ~e compa~e rmagmary order and m advance, renders all conceptualization null and void"
them to the experience of both poles of sexual difference as ts fo~nd m <p 96).~7 "We ~nQ J.IlOr~-~~ll<aJ:.out 'woman' than about'J.Il!;!n.':~ This sen-
the economy of Joycian or Artaudian prose .... I pay. dos~ attenti~n to ti~ent Is matched. ~y the passage tromKiistevili quote ~bove-to make my
the particular aspect of the work of the avant-~arde which ~1ssolves Iden- pomt that the ~eci~lOn not to search for a woman's identity but to speculate
tity, even sexual identities; and in my theoretical formula~ons I try to go about a woman s discourse by way of the negative is related to the deconstruc-
against metaphysical theories that censure what I JUSt labeled a tion:-of man's insistence upon his own identity as betrayed by existing models
"woman" -that is what, I think, makes my research that of a woman (pp. of discourse-launched by mainstream French anti-humanism
137-38). Ci~ous relates th~ idea of this over-determined ideological tl~eater to the im-
possible het~rogene~ty of "eac~.person'~ imaginary order." She is referring here
to t~e ~a~aman.notion of the rrremedmbly deceptive" Imaginary, a "basically
I have already expressed my dissatisfaction with the presuppos~tion of. the narCis~~stic relation o,~ the sub)ect t~ his [sic] ego"; a relationship to other subjects
necessarily revolutionary potential of the avant-garde, literary or philo~op~c~l. as my. counterparts ; a relationship to the world by way of ideological reflexes
There is something even faintly comical about Joyce rising above sexualidenti~es a relationship. to meaning in terms of resemblance and unity. 28 To change th~
... and bequeathing the proper mind-set to the women's m~vem~~t. The pomt stock of Imagtnary counterparts which provides the material for sublation into
might be to remark how, even if one kno~s h?w to und? 1d~titie~, one does the symbolic dimension is an important part of the project for a woman's dis-
not necessarily escape the historical determmations of seXIsm. Yet It must also ~ourse: "Assuming the real subjective position that corresponds to this discourse
be acknowledged that there is in Kristeva' s text an .double l:'rogra~ fo~ _ IS another matter. C?ne would c~t ~hrough all the heavy layers of ideology that
women which we encounter in the best of French femimsm: agamst sexism, have borne down.smce ~he b~gtx:"mgs of the family and private property: that
where women unite as a biologically oppressed caste; and for feminism, where ~an be done only m the Imagtnation. And that is precisely what feminist action
human beings train to prepare for a transformation of cons~iousness. . IS all about: to change the imaginary in order to be able to act on the real to
Within this group of male anti-humanist avant-garde philosophers, Demda cha~ge the very forms of language which by its structure and history has b~en
has most overtly investigated the possibilities of "the name of woman" as a subject to a law that is patrilinear, therefore masculine" (Catherine Clement
corollary to the project of charging "the ends of man." In ~f Grammatology. he pp. ~~.0-31). 2~ In,~he following remark by Antoinette Fouque, the space betwee~
rrelates the privileging of the sovereign subje~t not ~nly With phonocentrtsm ~~e Ideologtcal and the "symbolic" is marked by the Imaginary order:
r (primacy of voice-consciousness) and logocentrtsm (pnmacy ~f the word as ~aw), Wom~n canno.t allow themselves to deal with political problems while at the
: but also with phallocentrism (primacy of the phallus as arbiter of [legal] Iden- ~a~e time blotting out the unconscious. If they do, they become, at best, fern-
tity).24 In texts such as "La double seance" 25 (the figure of.the hymen as both mists capable of attacking patriarchy on the ideological level but not on a sym-
':inside and outside), Glas (the project of philosophy as desrre for the mother), bolic level" (p. 117).
(Eperons (woman as affirmative deconstruction), "The Law. of <:,enre" (th~ fem~le Now Cixous, as the most Derridian of the French "anti-feminist" feminists
(element as double affirmation) and "Living On: Border Lmes (double mvagm- knows t~at the ~e-in~cription of the Imaginary cannot be a project launched b;
ation as textual effect) a certain textuality of woman is established. a sov~reign s':~Ject; JUSt as she knows that "it is impossible to define a feminine
Helene Cixous is most directly aware of this line of thought in Derrida. She prac~ce o~ wnting, and this is an impossibility that will remain" (p. 253). There-
mentions Derrida' s work with approval in her influential "Laugh of the Med.u~a" fore, m CIXous the Imaginary remains subjected to persistent alteration and the
(p. 258) and "Sorties" (p. 91). Especially in the l~tter, ~he uses the. ?emd1an's grasp upo~ it rem~ins always deferred. This is a classic argument
methodology of reversing and displacing hierarchized bmary oppositions. The Within the French anti-humamst deconstruction of the sovereignty of the subject.
text begins with a series of these oppositions and Cixous .says of women: "s~e It takes off from Freud's suggestion that the I (ego) constitutes itself in obligatory
does not enter into the oppositions, she is not coupled w1th the father (who IS
In Other Worlds French Feminism in an International Frame 147
iniscent of the Freud who silenced female psychoanalysts by calling them as
. . "I " st be read as an anaseme of "where it was there good as men. 35 The question of the political or historical and indeed ideological
pursuit of the 1t (1d): am m11~ h d ] Most obviously of course, it relates
sha nib ecome "[woeswarso zc weren.
b li '
der' s asp upon the stuff of th e differential that irreducibly separates the male from the female critic of phal-
to La.can's. admonition ~at. th~SFlik~ b~~~ns in :holstery [points de capiton ]. locentrism is not asked. 36 And, occasionally the point of Derrida' s insistence
lmag~.nary 1S random an pom s. . f "The Laugh of the Medusa" she does that deconstruction is not a negative metaphysics and that one cannot practice
. beuins the peroration o free play is lost sight of: "To admit," Cixous writes, "that to write is precisely
Yet, as Ctxous o . h ctice of deciphering every code as refernng
take on Lacan. She quethstions t te ~as the mother-who-has-the-phallus: "And to work (in) the between, questioning the process of the same and of the other
to the Name-of-the-Fa er or 1 s a ' , , gnifi n of the Phallus.' without which nothing lives, undoing the work of death-is first to want the
what about the libido? Haven'~ I_ read [Lac~~r~ :::r;~te o:~~e the theoretical, two [le deux] and both, the ensemble of the one and the other not congealed in
30 If the New Women, arnvmg now, d d sequences of struggle and expulsion or some other form of death, but dynamized
.. . f th sgnifier fingerprinted remonstrate , an
they're called in by the cops o e 1 ' osed to kno~ assigned 'by f~e to infinity by an incessant process of exchange from one into the other different
brought into the line_ of order ~at~he~a~ :~~s always for~ed for the benefit subject" (p. 254). Much of Derrida' s critique of humanism-phallocentrism is con-
of tri~elj' to a ,P~e~s.e P~; m t r:-~:::.bered to the string that leads back, ~ cerned with a reminder of the limits of deconstructive power as well as with the
of a pnvileged s1gmfier. e are ew twist to the place of the phallic impossibility of remaining in the in-between. Unless one is aware that one can-
not to the Name-of-the Father, then, for a n h 11 ' t b the "privileged sig- not avoid taking a stand, unwitting stands get taken. Further, "writing'' in Der-
2 63) 31 A he exposes the p a us o e rida is not simply identical with the production of prose and verse. It is the
mother'' (pp. 26 - . ss th D da's critique of the Lacanian phallus as
nifier," she takes her place Wl em f Truth" and with his artic- name of "structure" which operates and fractures knowing (epistemology),
fi r'' "The Purveyor o , Glas 32 I believe
the "transcendenta1 s1gm e m h r t f man's enterpnse m .
being (ontology), doing (practice), history, politics, economics, institutions as
~~:ti~nn~! ::~!~~~~;~e~~~~d:x::~:~!~;~i:;cf;?!~,a~;~Y;~~~~~e~~
such. It is a "structure" whose "origin" and "end" are necessarily provisional
and absent. "The essential predicates in a minimal determination of the classical
writes: "Don't remam wtthin t e psyc. o derisive takeoff on the notion that concept of writing'' are presented and contrasted to Derrida's use of "writing''
ftlie choice o~. th: ~:~~~e~g;:. ~!::s:Oes not relate to the subject-object but
in "Signature Event Context." 37 Because Cixous seems often to identify the Der-
I woman as o. JeC ~ . Wh h writes "YouonlyhavetolookattheMedusa ridian mode of writing about writing with merely the production of prose and
~o ~e eye-object d1~e~~~p 25~~ si :elieve ~he is rewriting the arrogance o~ "you verse, a statement like" ... women are body. More body, hence more writing''
(p. 258) remains confusing.
stra1ght on to see e . ' ini statue in Rome to understand tmme-
only have to go and l~ok at _the ~~~~or the assa e is followed by an invocation In a course on International Feminism, the question of Cixous' s faithfulness
diately she [St. Teres~] 1S c~mt;;l. olation "ks th~ jitters that give them a hard- to, or unquestioning acceptance of, Derrida, becomes quickly irrelevant. It suf-
specific sets: geno-text, h E High Art of Renaissance and Another variety of anti-"feminism" that should be yet further distinguished:
sties, thCehri~~~~:~~:;:gy;a~!~~;h\:e a;:s::~~ personal experience, as they
"The social mode of being of men and women and of women is in no way linked
aroque, .nf )34 with their nature as males and females nor with the shape of their sex organs"
th th mystery of pregnancy-1 ancy , " 215; italics mine). These are the "radical feminists" who are interested in
cope Wl e . t t sk what it means to say some men,
Like Kristeva Cixous also seems no o a . . .1 In this a feminist materialism and who are not programmatically or method-
' b "women" m this speoa sense.
;:~;:~~n~ :~~~~n~fg~;;~;~en~ for "bisexuality," she is sometimes
influenced by the critique of humanism. Unlike them, I certainly
In Other Worlds French Feminism in an International Frame 149
' d' rse out of hand. But I have, C. It can appear attenuated, especially if one is bludgeoned into thinking
would not r~jelct thtte seda~~:~: ;~mq~; ~f :~~~ua search as expressed by the so. But there is a considerable lag between the reality of the class strug-
just as certam y, a en e gle and the way in which it is lived mythically, especially by intellectuals
"radical feminists": for whom it is hard to measure the reality of struggles directly, because
they are in a position where work on language and the imaginary has
't seems a primordial importance and can put blinkers on them (pp. 292, 294-
The so-called explored language extolled by some women wn ers a ated 95).
to be linked, if not in its least by its style, to;~~:~~~~~ ~irect
by literary sfchthoolsbogdoyvel~Sned byn~: :~~=~~~r~~~a~~e ~t is equivalent to
language o e h t s Cixous answers with a vague charge against the denial of poetry by advanced
denying the reality and the strength of social medlations ... t a opfres capitalism.
us in our bodies (p. 219). In the long run, the most useful thing that a training in French feminism can
give us is politicized and critical examples of "Symptomatic reading" not always
following the reversal-displacement technique of a deconstructive reading. The
It would be a mistake (at least for ~hose~~~~;;~ ~:e~~~~~b~~i~~~;~e:h;~~~~~~ method that seemed recuperative when used to applaud the avant-garde is pro-
ductively conflictual when used to expose the ruling discourse.
field) to ignore thes: ~s~te w~rn~;s~ll be neither a woman nor a man in the There are essays on Plato and Descartes in Irigaray's Speculum de !'autre femme,
that the radical femmls~s ere o-b Person in the body of a woman" (p. where the analysis brilliantly deploys the deconstructive themes of indetenni-
present his~~r~al me';~~~ ~:~~~s:USc~~= potential of personne in French (so':'e- nacy, critique of identity, and the absence of a totalizable analytic foothold, from
226)-can, 1 t e won . e e) is not attended to, lead to the sort of obsesswn a feminist point of viewY There are also the analyses of mainly eighteenth-
one and, at the sa~e ti~e no on ty that is both the self-duping and the op- century philosophical texts associated with work in progress at the feminist
with ?ne's prope~ ~entitJ:: p;~se~s particularly so because, neither in France philosophy study group at the women's Ecole Normale at Fontenay-aux-Roses.
presslve power o umams the curious example of Derrida, has mainstream There is the long running commentary, especially on Greek mythemes-marked
nor in ~he U:S., apar.t from d uch to do with the practical critique of pha~o by an absence of questioning the history of the sign "myth," an absence, as I
acad~mlC atntill-hlunmtha:t~msh:he 7ssue seems to be the indeterminacy of n:e~nmgf have argued in the case of About Chinese Women, which in its turn marks a
centrism a a .. f d tity and vaneties o
d linguistic determination, in France the cntique o 1 en historico-geographic boundary-to be found in La jeune nee. The readings of
an . 1 1 f the structures of power. Marx, generally incidental to other topics, suffer, as I have suggested above,
micrological and geneal.o~ca a~a yses ot against the sort of gallic attitu-
We should also be vigilant,. lt see:~A~:~an literary criticism since the turn from a lack of detailed awareness of the Marxian text. The best readings are of
dinizing that has been a tr:nd m ~ng"F eh" feminist eager to insert herself/ Freud. This is because Freud is at once the most powerful contemporary male
of the century. An Amencan-sty e r~n .nd one of the tone of The Symbolist philosopher of female sexuality, and the inaugurator, in The Interpretationof
himself int? a ~tar Chamber' can at wors ;~7tl can em hasize our own tendency Dreams, of the technique of"symptomatic reading." Irigaray' s "La Tache aveugi~ ,,{
Movement m Literature by Arth~r . l .f.
ta offer grandiose solutions With httle po tica specl lCl ,
'ty couched in the stra- d'un vieux reve de symetrie" (Speculum) has justifiably become a classic. More-
detailed, more scholarly, more sophisticated in its methodology, and perhaps
tegic form of rhetorical questlo~s. t of the final exchange between Catherine more perceptive is Sarah Kofman's L'enigme de la femme: la femme dans les textes
Cl~~;n~~~~ ~~=~~~~x~~~~~ Z:}e~~: nee, an exchange that is often forgotten: de Freud. 42
This book exposes, even if it does not theorize upon, the possibility of being
a deconstructor of the metaphysics of identity, and yet remaining caught within
a masculist ideology; an awareness that I have found lacking in Kristeva and
l stru le is this sort of enormous machine whose system is Cixous. Kofman comments on Freud's ideological betrayal of his own sympathy
H. ~ec~i~:~ by J~rx and which therefore functions t~day. But. its rhythm for women's mutism. She reveals the curious itinerary of Freud's progress to-
isesnot always the same, it is a rhythm that lS sometimes most wards his final thoughts upon female sexuality: three moments of the discovery
attenuated. of woman as the stronger sex-three subsequent long movements to sublate
that strength into its unrecognizable contrary: the demonstration that woman
is indeed the weaker sex. She deconstructs the "fact" of penis-envy through an
One can sense the frustration in Clement's response: whi~h ,~ould be directed
analysis of the self-contradictory versions of the pre-oedipal stage. How is a sex
possible that is despised by both sexes? This is the masculist enigma to which
equally well at a Lyotard or all of the "poetic revolutionanes :
in Other Worlds French Feminism in an international Frame 151
heed the best lessons of French anti-humanism, which discloses the historical
Freud, like Oedipus, sought a solution. Like Oedipu~'s mask of blindness, bi- dangers of a subjectivist normativity; and it is also to legitimate the view of
d d t is envy is Freud's screen-solution. culture as general exchange of women, constitutive of kinship structures where
olo~, re uced' o pen - thod of oneirocritique to show its ideological limits,
. Usl~g Freu _s own me . 1 moments to demonstrate the ethico-political women's object-status is clearly seen as identified with her reproductive
Isolating seemmgly margma t lization L' enigme de la femme is a fine ex- function. 45
agenda in Freud's attempts a norma ' . " . th' se de The double vision that would affirm feminism as well as undo sexism suspects
ample of French feminist critical practice of "symptomatic -f mf IS dcaby th~ a pre-comprehended move before the reproductive coupling of man and woman,
. b yond the texts so ar avore
constructive-readmg. If we can m~~ e f this critique with the "specificity" before the closing of the circle whose only productive excess is the child, and
French feminists and relate the morp o ogy 0 . h whose "outside" is the man's "active" life in society. It recognizes that "nature
of other discourses that spell out and establish t~e po~er ;.~~~:gp~~a:a:c~~s~ had programmed female sexual pleasure independently from the needs of pro-
will indeed have gained an excellent strategy or un er . h b duction" (Evelyne Sullerot, p. 155).
d 43 This is no doubt a benefit for female academics, women :V. o, Y
vangua: . 'th the world's women at large, are already infinitely pnvileged. Male and female sexuality are asymmetrical. Male orgasmic pleasure "nor-
~~~:t;~to~n:~ today the discourse of the world's privileged so~tf'eties dict_ates mally" entails the male reproductive act-semination. Female orgasmic pleasure
(it is not, of course, the "same" pleasure, only called by the same name) does
h fi'.
ti' n of the rest this is not an inconsiderable gi t, even m a
' not entail any one component of the heterogeneous female reproductive sce-
classroom. nario: ovulation, fertilization, conception, gestation, birthing. The. cgtoris es-
ca~.J;gprQdU!;tiY.~Jranting. In legally defining woman as object of exchange;
s soon as one ste s out of the classroom, if indeed a "teacher" ever fully passage, or possession in terms of reproduction, it is not only the womb that,>
A e dan ers rath! than the benefits of academic feminism, French or othe.r- is literally "appropriated"; it is the clitoris as the signifier of the sexed subject '
can, th g . . tent Insti'tutional changes against sexism here or m that is effaced. All historical and theoretical investigation into the definition of
e become more ms1s h Th' d
;::n~e ma mean nothing or, indirectly, further harm for women m t e .rr woman as legal object-in or out of marriage; or as politico-economic passageway
World 44 /his discontinuity ought to be recognized and worked ~t. Othberw~s:, for property and legitimacy would fall within the investigation of the varieties
. f' d b th estioator as subj'ect. To brmg us ac 0 of the effacement of the clitoris.
the focus remams de me Y f.!ll:~" 13 .-....... - -- "French" and
my initial concerns, let me insist that h~r~, the dtfference ~en;~len nd inefficient Psychological investigation in this area cannot only confine itself to the effect
"Anglo-American" feminism is superftctal. However un east e a . l of clitoridectomy on women. It would also ask why and show how, since an at
it may sound I see no way to avoid insisting that there has to be a s~mHu taneou~ least symbolic clitoridectomy has always been the "normal" accession to wom-
, 1 ho am I? but who is the other woman. ow am anhood and the unacknowledged name of motherhood, it might be necessary
othe~ fo~:~ ~~:~~:~ s~e name ~e? Is this part of the problematic I discuss? to plot out the entire geography of female sexuality in terms of the imagined
~a:e~nJ iteis. the absence of such unfeasible but crucial questions that make~ t~e possibility of the dismemberment of the phallus. The arena of research here is
,~ l .' d an" as "sub]' ect" see the investigators as sweet and sympat e c not merely remote and primitive societies; the (sex) objectification of women by
eo omze worn d d' g on
creatures from another planet who are free to come a~~ g~; ?r, "epe~a~n a the elaborate attention to their skin and fa~ade as represented by the immense
her own socialization in the colonizing cultures, see f~mtms~ a~. ~ complexity of the cosmetics, underwear, clothes, advertisement, women's mag-
vanguardist class fix, the liberties it fights for as luxuries, finall~ td~tifi:ble ~~~ azine, and pornography networks, the double standard in the criteria of men's
"free sex" of one kind or another. Wrong, of course. My pomt a~ een t and women's aging; the public versus private dimensions of menopause as op-
there is something equally wrong in our most sophisticated researc ' our mos posed to impotence, are all questions within this circuit. The pre-comprehended
benevolent impulses. h f t 's suppression or effacement of the clitoris relates to every move to define woman
"One of the areas of greatest verbal concentration am?~g Frenc emtmsds 1- as sex object, or as means or agent of reproduction-with no recourse to a
the descri tion of women's pleasure" (New French Femzmsms, p. 37} .. Para ox subject-function except in terms of those definitions or as "imitators" of men.
ically enoKgh, it is in this seemingly esoteric area of conce~~ t~at ,: ~~~:o;~ The woman's voice as Mother or Lover or Androgyne has sometimes been
of re-affirming the historically discontinuous yet common obJect -the caught by great male writers. The theme of woman's norm as clitorally ex-centric
the sexed subject as woman. t th' k from the reproductive orbit is being developed at present in our esoteric French
If it is indeed true that the best of French feminism encourages. us ~ m group and in the literature of the gay movement. There is a certain melancholy
of a double effort (against sexism and for femin~sm, ~ith the hnes, ~:e:~~ exhilaration in working out the patriarchal intricacy of Tiresias's standing as a
h'fti g) that double vision is needed in the consideration of ~ome~ s p prophet-master of ceremonies at the Oedipal scene-in terms of the theme of
~~cti~e freedom as well. For to see wom:n's libera~~n ~: !~e~:c:!;:~~ :e!t:~~ the feminine norm as the suppression of the clitoris: "Being asked by Zeus and
ductive liberation is to make countersextsm an en m 1 s , . Hera to settle a dispute as to which sex had more pleasure of love, he decided
lishment of women's subject-status as an unquestioned good and mdeed not to
In Other Worlds French Feminism in an International Frame 153
for the female; Hera was angry and blinded him, but Zeus recompensed him complex network of advanced capitalist economy hinges on home-buying, and
by giving him long life and power of prophecy" (Oxford Dictio~ary). 46 that the philosophy of home-ownership is intimately linked to the sanctity of
Although French feminism has not elaborated these poss1~1htie:, !h~re IS some the nuclear family, shows how encompassingly the uterine norm of womanhood
sense of them in women as unlike as Irigaray and the Questwns femzmstes group. supports the phallic norm of capitalism. At the other end of the spectrum, it
Irigaray: "In order for woman to arrive at the point where she can enjoy her this ideologico-material repression of the clitoris as the signifier of the sexed
pleasure as a woman, a long detour by the analysis of ~h~ various systems of subject that operates the specific oppression of women, as the lowest level of
oppression which affect her is certainly necessary. By clauru~g to reso~ ~o plea- the cheap labor that the multi-national corporations employ by remote control
sure alone as the solution to her problem, she runs the nsk of m1ssmg the in the extraction of absolute surplus-value in the less developed countries.
reconsideration of a social practice upon which her pleasure depends" (p. 105). Whether the "social relations of patriarchy can be mapped into the social re-
Questions feministes: "What we must answer is-not the false problem .. A which lations characteristic of a mode of production" or whether it is a "relatively
consists in measuring the 'role' of biological factors and the 'role' of social factdrs autonomous strucmre written into family relations"; whether the family is a
in the behavior of sexed individuals-but rather the following questions: (1) in place of the production of socialization or the constimtion of the subject of ide-
what way is the biological political? In other words, what is the political function ology; what such a heterogeneous sex-analysis would disclose is that the repres-
sion of the clitoris in the general or the narrow sense (the difference cannot be
of the biological?" (p. 227). .
If an analysis of the suppression of the clitoris in general as the suppression absolute) is presupposed by both patriarchy and family. 48
of woman-in-excess is lifted from the limitations of the "French" context and
pursued in all its "historical," "political," and "social" dimensions, then Q~es
tions feministes would not need to mak~ a binary op~os~tion sue~ as t~e fol~ow~g; I emphasize discontinuity, heterogeneity, and typology as I speak of such a
"It is legitimate to expose the oppress1on, the mutilation, the functionahzation sex-analysis, because this work cannot by itself obliterate the problems of race
and the 'objectivation' of the female body, but it is also dangerous to put the and class. It will not necessarily escape the inbuilt colonialism of First World
female body at the center of a search for female identity" (p .. ~18). It wou~d ~e feminism toward the Third. It might, one hopes, promote a sense of our common
possible to suggest that, the typology of the subtrac~on o~ ex~s10n of the ~hto~s yet history-specific lot. It ties together the terrified child held down by her grand-
in order to determine a biologico-political female 1denhty 1s opposed, m dis- mother as the blood runs down her groin and the "liberated" heterosexual
continuous and indefinitely context-determined ways, by both the points of view woman who, in spite of Mary Jane Sherfey and the famous page 53 of Our Bodies,
above. It would also not be necessary, in order to share a detailed and ecstatic Ourselves, in bed with a casual lover-engaged, in other words, in the "freest"
analysis of motherhood as "ultimate guarantee. o_f so_ciality,'~ to atta~k feminist of "free" activities-confronts, at worst, the "shame" of admitting to the "ab-
collective commitments virulently: "A true fem1rune mnovation ... IS not pos- normality" of her orgasm: at best, the acceptance of such a "special" need; and
sible before maternity is clarified .... To bring that about, however, we must the radical feminist who, setting herself apart from the circle of reproduction,
stop making feminism a new religion, an ente~prise o~ a sect." 47 .
systematically discloses the beauty of the lesbian body; the dowried bride-a
The double vision is not merely to work agamst sexism and for femrmsm. It body for burning-and the female wage-slave-a body for maximum exploi-
is also to recognize that, even as we reclaim the excess of the clitoris, we c~nnot tation. 49 There can be other lists; and each one will straddle and undo the ide-
. fully escape the symmetry of the reproductive definition. One cannot wnte off ological-material opposition. For me it is the best gift of French feminism, that
what may be called a uterine social organization (the arrangement o~ the wo~ld it cannot itself fully acknowledge, and that we must work at; here is a theme
in terms of the reproduction of furore generations, where the uterus IS the ch1ef_ that can liberate my colleague from Sudan, and a theme the old washerwomen
agent and means of production) in favor of a clitoral. The ute_rine soc~al orga- \ by the river would understand.
ru.zation should, rather, be "simated" through the understandmg that 1t has SO-J
far been established by excluding a clitoral social organization. (The restoration
--of a continuous bond between mother and daughter even after the "facts" of 1981
gestation, birthing, and suckling is, indeed, of great i~~ortance as a ~ersistent
effort against the sexism of millennia, an effort of repamn_g psycholog1ca~ d~m
age through questioning norms that are supposedly self-eVIdent and descnphve.
Yet, for the sake of an affirmative feminism, this too should be "situated": to
establish historical continuity by sublating a natural or physiological link as an end
in itself is the idealistic subtext of the patriarchal project.) Investigation of the
effacement of the clitoris-where clitoridectomy is a metonym for women's defi-
nition as "legal object as subject of reproduction" -would persistently seek .to
de-normalize uterine social organization. At the moment, the fact that the entire
Scattered Speculations on the Question of Value
1o. Scattered Speculations on the
the former and the insurmountable difficulties of the latter that led Marx to I will presently go on to argue that the complexity of the notion of use-value
question philosophical justice itself.) Keeping this in mind, let us flesh the see- also problematizes the origin of the chain of value. Let us now consider the
thing chain with names of relationships: discontinuities harbored by the unified terms that name the relationships be-
tween the individual semantemes on that chain. Such resident discontinuities
also textualize the chain.
Value representation -+ Money trans{onlultion -+ Capital. First, the relationship named "representation" between Value and Money.
Critics like Goux or Marc Shell comment on the developmental narrative entailed
by the emergence of the Money-form as the general representer of Value and
(My account here is a rough summary of "The Chapter on Money," and section establish an adequate analogy between this narrative on the one hand and nar-
1 of "The Chapter on Capital" in the Grundrisse.) This chain is "textual'"' in tbe ratives of psycho-sexuality or language-production on the other. (See Marc Shell,
general sense on at least two counts. 6 The two ends are open, and the unified Money, Language, and Thought: Literary and Philosophical Economies From the Me-
names of the relationships harbor discontinuities. dieval to the Modern Era. It should be remarked that Shell's narrative account of
Exigencies of space will not permit elaboration of what is at any rate obvious- the history of money is less subtle than Marx' s analysis of it.) My focus is on
from the details of everyday life, through the practical mechanics of crisis-man- Marx' s effort to open up the seemingly unified phenomenon of Money through
agement, to the tough reasonableness of a book like Beyond the Waste Land (eds. the radical methodology of the dialectic-opening up, in other words, the seem-
Samuel Bowles, et al.)-that the self-determination of capital as such is to date ingly positive phenomenon of money through the work of the negative. At each
open-ended at the start. That moment is customarily sealed off in conventional moment of the three-part perspective, Marx seems to indicate the possibility of
Marxist political economic theory by extending the chain one step: an indeterminacy rather than stop at a contradiction, which is the articulative
driving force of the dialectical morphology. Here is the schema, distilled from
the Grundrisse:
Labor representation -+ Value represeniation -+ Money trans{onlultion -+ Capital. Position: The money commodity-the precious metal as medium of universal
exchange-is posited through a process of separation from its own being as a
commodity exchangeable for itself: "From the outset they represent superfluity,
In fact, the basic premise of the recent critique of the labor theory of value is the form in which wealth originally appears [ursprunglich erscheint] [Grundrisse
predicated on the assumption that, according to Marx, Value represents Labor. 7 166; translation modified]." As it facilitates commodity exchange "the simple fact
Yet the definition of Value in Marx establishes itself not only as a represen- that the commodity exists doubly, in one aspect as a specific product whose
tation but also a differential. What is represented or represents itself in the natural form of existence ideally contains (latently contains) its exchange value,
commodity-differential is Value: "In the exchange-relation of commodities their and in the other aspect as manifest exchange value (money), in which all con-
exchange-value appeared to us as totally independent of their use-value. But if nection with the natural form of the product is stripped away again-this dou-
we abstract their use-value from the product of labor, we obtain their value, as ble, differentiated existence must develop into a difference [147]." When the traffic
it has just been defined. The common element that represents itself (sich darstellt) of exchange is in labor-power as a commodity, the model leads not only to
in the exchange-relation of the exchange-value of the commodity, is thus value" difference but to indifference: "In the developed system of exchange . . . the
[Capital I 128; translation modified]. Marx is writing, then, of a differential rep- ties of personal dependence, of distinctions, of education, etc. are in fact ex-
resenting itself or being represented by an agency ("we") no more fixable than ploded, ripped up ... ; and individuals seem independent (this is an inde-
the empty and ad hoc place of the investigator or community of investigators pendence which is at bottom merely an illusion, and it is more correctly called
(in the fields of economics, planning, business management). Only the contin- indifference [Gleichgultgkeit-im Sinneder Indifferenz-Marx emphasizes the phil-
uist urge that I have already described can represent this differential as repre- osophical quality of indifference]"[163].
senting labor, even if "labor" is taken only to imply "as objectified in the com-
modity." It can be justly claimed that one passage in Capital I cannot be adduced
to bear the burden of an entire argument. We must, however, remember that Negation: Within circulation seen as a constantly repeated circle or totality,
we are dealing here with the definitive passage on Value upon which Marx placed money is a vanishing moment facilitating the exchange Of two commodities.
his imprimatur. For ease of argument and calculation, it is precisely the subtle Here its independent positing is seen as "a negative relation to circulation," for,
open-endedness at the origin of the economic chain or text seen in this passage "cut off from all relation to [circulation], it would not be money, but merely a
that Marx must himself sometimes jettison; or, for perspectivizing the argument, simple natural object" [217]. In this moment of appearance its positive identity
must "transform." (For a consideration of the "transformation" problem in this is negated in a more subtle way as well: "If a fake were to circulate in the
sense, see Richard D. Wolf, et al., "Marx's (Not Ricardo's) 'Transformation place of a real one, it would render absolutely the same service in circulation
Problem': A Radical Conceptualization," History of Political Economy 14:4 [1982].) as a whole as if it were genuine" [210]. In philosophical language: the self-
160 In Other Worlds Scattered Speculations on the Question of Value
adequation of the idea, itself contingent upon a negative relationship, here be- Marx' s resolution:
tween the idea of money and circulation as totality, works in the service of a
functional in-adequation (fake = real).
Negation of negation: Realization, where the actual quantity of money matters The capital-relation presupposes a complete separation between the work-
and capital accumulation starts. Yet here too the substantive specificity is con- ers and the ownership of the conditions for the realization of their
tradicted (as it is not in unproductive hoarding). For, "to dissolve the things labor .. . .So-called primitive accumulation, therefore, is nothing else than
accumulated in individual gratification is to realize them" [234]. In other words, the histoncal process of divorcing the producer from the means of pro-
logical progression to accumulation can only be operated by its own rupture, duction. Capital I 874-75]
releasing the commodity from the circuit of capital production into consumption
in a simulacrum of use-value.
I am suggesting that Marx indicates the possibility of an indeterminacy rather This me,thod of displac~g que~tions of origin into questions of process is part
than only a contradiction at each of these three moments constitutive of the of ~arx s ge~eral ~egelian hentage, as witness his early treatment, in the Eco-
chain nomtc and Phzlosophzcal Manuscripts, of the question: "Who begot the first man
and nature in general?" [Early Writings 357]. '
When, however, capital is fully developed-the structural moment when the
Value representation--+ Money transformation--+ Capital. process of. extraction, appropriation, and realization of surplus-value begins to
opera~e With no extr~-economic coercions-capital logic emerges to give birth
to capital as such. This moment does not arise either with the coercive extraction
This textualization can be summarized as follows: the utopian socialists seemed of ~urplus-value in pre-capitalist modes of production, or with the accumulation
to be working on the assumption that money is the root of all evil: a positive of ~terest capital or merchant's capital (accumulation out of buying cheap and
origin. Marx applies the dialectic to this root and breaks it up through the work selling de~r~ .. The mo~e~t, as Marx emphasizes, entails the historical possibility
of the negative. At each step of the dialectic something seems to lead off into of the definitive predication of the subject as labor-power. Indeed, it is possible
the open-endedness of textuality: indifference, inadequation, rupture. (Here to s~g?~st that .the "~eei~g" of labor-power may be a description of the social
Derrida' s implied critique of the dialectic as organized by the movement of se- possibility o~ this Here the subject is predicated as structually super-
mantemes and by the strategic exclusion of syncategoremes ["White Mythology" adequate to It~el~, de~tively productive of surplus-labor over necessary labor.
270] would support the conduct of Marx' s text.) And be~ause It IS this necessary possibility of the subject's definitive super-
Let us move next to the relationship named "transformation between Money adequation that is the origin of capital as such, Marx makes the extraordinary
and Capital," a relationship already broached in the previous link. (This is not sugge~~on that Capital co~sumes the us~-value of labor-power. If the critique
identical with the "transformation problem" in economics.) An important locus of.political economy wer~ srmply a question of restoring a society of use-value,
of discontinuity here is the so-called primitive or originary accumulation. Marx' s this would be an aporetic moment. "Scientific socialism" contrasts itself to a
own account emphasizes the discontinuity in comical terms, and then resolves "~topian s~cialism:' committed to such a restoration by presupposing labor out-
it by invoking a process rather than an origin: Side of capital log~c or wage-labor. The radical heterogeneity entailed in that
pres_uppositi~n wa~ dealt with. only very generally by Marx from the early Eco-
;wmzc and l!hzlosophzcal ~anuscnpts onwards. Indeed, it may perhaps be said that,
We have seen how money is transformed into capital; how surplus-value m revolutionary pr~Cti~e, .the "interest'' in social justice "unreasonably" intro-
is made through capital, and how more capital is made from surplus-value. duces the f~rce of illog~c mto the good use-value fit-philosophical justice-be-
But the accumulation of capital presupposes surplus-value; surplus-value ~een Capi~l and Free Labor. If pursued to its logical consequence, revolu-
presupposes capitalist production; capitalist production presupposes the ~on~ ~ractice .must be persistent because it can carry no theoretico-teleological
availability of considerable masses of capital and labor-power in the hands Justification. It. Is pe~ha~s not altogether fanciful to call this situation of open-
of commodity producers. The whole movement, therefore, seems to turn ende~ness a.n ~sertio~ mto textuality. The more prudent notion of associated
around in a never-ending circle, which we can only get out of by assuming labor m maxnruzed socral productivity working according to "those foundations
a "primitive" [urspriinglich: originary] accumulation ... which precedes of the fo~s that are common to all social modes of production" is an alternative
capitalist accumulation; an accumulation which is not the result of the that restricts the force of such an insertion [Capitallii 1016].
capitalist mode of production but its point of departure. This primitive In the contin~st romantic anti-capitalist version, it is precisely the place of
accumulation plays approximately the same role in political economy as use-value (and simple exchange or barter based on use-value) that seems to offer
original sin does in theology. Adam bit the apple, and thereupon sin fell the mo~t secure anchor of social "value" in a vague way, even as academic
on the human race. [Capital I 873] econormcs reduces use-value to mere physical co-efficients. This place can hap-
162 In Other Worlds Scattered Speculations on the Question of Value 163
pily accommodate word-processors (of which more later) as well as independent can only lead to "idealist" analogies between capital and subject, or commodity
commodity production (hand-sewn leather sandals), our students' complaint and subject.
that they read literature for pleasure not interpretation, as well as most of our The concept of socially necessary labor is based on an identification of sub-
"creative" colleagues' amused contempt for criticism beyond the review, and sistence and reproduction. Necessary labor is the amount of labor required by
mainstream critics' hostility to "theory." In my reading, on the other hand, it the worker to "reproduce" himself in order to remain optimally useful for capital
is use-value that puts the entire textual chain of Value into question and thus in terms of the currenl price-structure. Now if the dynamics of birth-growth-
allows us a glimpse of the possibility that even textualization (which is already family-life reproduction is given as much attention as, let us say, the relationship
an advance upon the control implicit in linguistic or semiotic reductionism) may between fixed and variable capitals in their several moments, the "materialist"
be no more than a way of holding randomness at bay. predication of the subject as labor-power is rendered indeterminate in another
For use-value, in the classic way of deconstructive levers, is both outskle a11.<i way, without therefore being "refuted" by varieties of utopianism and "ideal-
inside the system of value-determinations (for a discussion of deconstructive ism." This expansion of the textuality of value has often gone unrecognized by
"levers," see Derrida, Positions 71). It is outside because it cannot be measured feminists as well as mainstream Marxists, when they are caught within hege-
by the labor theory of value-it is outside of the circuit of exchange: "A thing monic positivism or orthodox dialectics. 9 They have sometimes tried to close off
can be a use-value without being a value" [Capital I 131]. It is, however, not the expansion, by considering it as an opposition (between Marxism and fem-
altogether outside the circuit of exchange. Exchange-value, which in some re- inism), or by way of inscribing, in a continuist spirit, the socializing or ideology-
spects is the species-term of Value, is also a superfluity or a parasite of use- forming functions of the family as direct means of producing the worker and
value: "This character (of exchange) does not yet dominate production as a thus involved in the circuit of the production of surplus-value for the capitalist.
whole, but concerns only its superfluity and is hence itself more or less super- They have also attempted to legitimize domestic labor within capital logic. Most
fluous . . . an accidental enlargement of the sphere of satisfactions, enjoy- of these positions arise from situational exigencies. My own involvement with
ments .... It therefore takes place only at a few points (originally at the borders them does not permit critical distance, as witness in the last page of this essay.
of the natural communities, in their contact with strangers)" [Grundrisse 204]. That these closing off gestures are situationally admirable is evident from the
The part-whole relationship is here turned inside out. (Derrida calls this "in- practical difficulty of offering alternatives to them.
. vagination." See "The Law of Genre," Glyph 7 [1980]. My discussion of "in-
vagination" is to be found in Displacement: Derrida and After, ed. Mark I<rupnick
186-89). The parasitic part (exchange-value) is also the species term of the whole, Let us consider the final item in the demonstration of the "textuality" of the
thus allowing use-value the normative inside place of the host as well as ban- chain of value. We have remarked that in circulation as totality, or the moment
ishing it as that which must be subtracted so that Value can be defined. Further, of negation in Marx's reading of money, money is seen as in a negative relation
since one case of use-value can be that of the worker wishing to consume the to circulation because, "cut off from all relation to (circulation) it would not be
(affect of the) work itself, that necessary possibility renders indeterminate the money, but merely a simple natural object." Circulation as such has the mor-
"materialist" predication of the subject as labor-power or super-adequation as phological (if not the "actual") power to insert Money back into Nature, and to
calibrated and organized by the logic of capital. In terms of that necessarily banish it from the textuality of Value. Yet it is also circulation that bestows tex-
possible "special case," this predication can no longer be seen as the excess of tuality upon the Money-form. Textuality as a structural description indicates the
surplus labor over socially necessary labor. The question of affectively necessary work of differentiation (both plus and minus) that opens up identity-as-ade-
labor brings in the attendant question of desire and thus questions in yet another quation. Circulation in the following passage does precisely that with the re-
way the mere philosophical justice of capital logic without necessarily shifting stricted circuit of adequation within the money-form itself: "You may turn and
into utopian idealism. toss an ounce of gold in any way you like, and it will never weigh ten ounces.
If a view of affectively necessary labor (as possible within the present state of But here in the process of circulation one ounce practically does weigh ten
socialized consumer capitalism) as labor as such is proposed without careful at- ounces." Marx describes this phenomenon as the "Dasein" of the coin as "value
tention to the international division of labor, its fate may be a mere political sign" [Wertzeichen]. "The circulation of money is an outer movement [aulBere
avant-gardism. This, in spite of its sincere evocations of the world economic Bewegung] . ... In the friction with all kinds of hands, pouches, pockets, purses
system, is, I believe, a possible problem with Antonio Negri's theory of zero- . . . the coin rubs off. . . . By being used it gets used up" [A Contribution to the
work. 8 The resistance of the syncategoremes strategically excluded from the Critique of Political Economy 108; the translation of "Dasein" as "the work it per-
system so that the great semantemes can control its morphology (Derrida) can forms" seems puzzling].
perhaps be related to the heterogeneity of use-value as a private grammar. For If in its first dialectical "moment," circulation has the morphological potential
Derrida, however, capital is generally interest-bearing commercial capital. Hence of cancelling Money back into Nature, in its third "moment" it is shown to run
surplus-value for him is the super-adequation of capital rather than a "materi- the risk of being itself sublated into Mind: "The continuity of production pre-
alist" predication of the subject as super-adequate to itself. This restricted notion supposes that circulation time has been sublated [aufgehoben]. The nature of
In Other Worlds Scattered Speculations on the Question of Value 165
capital presupposes that it travels through the different phases of circulation.not of value. Nietzsche in The Genealogy of Morals gives us two moments of the
as it does in the idea-representation [Vorstellung] where one concept turns mto separation and transformation of an item from within the common circuit of
the other at the speed of thought [mit Gedankenschnelle], in ~o time, but ra~er exchange. They are worth mentioning because The Genealogy of Morals is
as situations which are separated in terms of time" [Grundnsse 548; translation Nietzsche's systematic attempt at a "critique of moral values," a "put[ting] in
modified]. By thus sublating circulation into Mind, production (of Value). a.s question [in Frage stellen]" of "the value of these values" [Grundrisse 348; trans-
continuous totality would annul Value itself. For Value would not be value if 1t lation modified]. The Nietzschean enterprise is not worked out on what I call
were not realized in consumption, strictly speaking, outside of the circuit of a "materialist" subject-predication as labor-power, but rather by way of a critique
production. Thus capital, as the most advanced articulatio? of value "presul?- of the "idealist'' subject-predication as consciousness, through the double de-
poses that it travels through different ~hases." The .sch~me ~s made problematic terminants of "philology'' and "physiology'' [Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Mor-
by the invagination of use-value, as d1Scusse~ earlier m this ess~y. als and Ecce Homo 20]. Because it is a reinscription of the history of value as
Has circulation time of capital been sublated mto the speed of Mind (an'a more) obliterated and discontinuous semiotic chains-ongoing sign-chains-discon-
within telecommunication? Has (the labor theory of) Value become obsolete in nected references to money (guilt and punishment as systems of exchange), and
micro-electronic capitalism? Let us mark these tantalizing questions here. I shall to the inscription of coins, abound. The more crucial moment, the separation of
consider them at greater length below, the money-commodity, is touched upon once at the "beginning" and once at
The consideration of the textuality of Value in Marx, predicated upon the the inauguration of the "present," as the separation of the scapegoat and the
subject as labor-power, does not answer the onto-phenom~ological questi?n sublation of that gesture into mercy respectively. That sublation is notoriously
"Whatis Value?," although it gives us a sense of the complextty of the mechamcs the moment of the creditor sacrificing himself for the debtor in the role of God's
of evaluation and value-formation. It shows us that the Value-form in the general son in the Christ Story [On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo 77, 72]. (Any
sense and in the J)alTOw-the economic sphere as commonly understood being notions of "beginning" and "present'' in Nietzsche are made problematic by the
the latter-are irreducibly complicitous. It implies the vanity of dismissing con- great warning against a successful genealogical method: "All concepts in which
siderations of the economic as "reductionism." I have already indicated various an entire process is semiotically concentrated elude definition; only that which
proposed formulations that have the effect of neutralizing these suggestions: to has no history is definable" [ibid. 80].)
find in the development of the money-form an adequate analogy to the psy- I think there can be no doubt that it is this separation rather than inscription
choanalytic narrative; to see in it an analogy to. metaphor or lan~ge; to sub- or coining that is for Marx the philosophically determining moment in the dis-
sume domestic or intellectual labor into a notion of the production of value course of value. Attention to Marx's concept-metaphor of the foreign language
expanded within capital logic. What narratives ~f valu~-f~~tion .em~rge when is interesting here. Often in our discussion of language the word seems to retain
consciousness itself is subsumed under the matenalist' predication of the a capital "L" even when it is spelled in the lower case or re-written as parole.
subject? . Using a necessarily pre-critical notion of language, which suggests that in the
If consciousness within the "idealist'' analogy is seen as necessarily super- mother tongue "word" is inseparable from "reality," Marx makes the highly
adequate to itself by way of intentionality, we ea~ chart the e~ergence of ad sophisticated suggestion that the development of the value-form separates
hoc universal equivalents that measure the production of value m w?at we may "word" and "reality" (signifier and signified), a phenomenon that may be ap-
loosely call "thought." Like the banishment of the money-commodity from the preciated only in the learning of a foreign language: "To compare money with
commodity-function, these equivalents can no longer themselves be treated as
language is ... erroneous .... Ideas which have first to be translated out of
"natural examples." (Because these analogies are necessarily loose, one cannot
their mother tongue into a foreign language in order to circulate, in order to
be more specific in that last phrase.) One case of such a universal equivalent is
become exchangeable, offer a somewhat better analogy; but the analogy then lies
"universal humanity'' -both psychological and social-as the touchstone of
value in literature and society. It is only half in jest that one would propose that not in language, but in the foreignness of language" [Grundrisse 163. If this were
the "credit'' of certain "major'' literatures is represented by capital-accumulation a technical discussion where it was necessary to respect the specificity of the
in terms of the various transformations of this universal equivalent. "Pure the- vocabulary of linguistics, I would not of course, equate word/reality and signifier/
ory," within the Althusserian model of "theoretical production," may be seen signified.] It is certainly of interest that, using a necessarily post-monetary notion
as another case of a universal equivalent. The relativization of Value as a regres- of Value-in-exchange, which must suggest that "political economy [is] ... con-
sion into the narrative stage where any commodity could be "cathected" as the cerned with a system of equivalence [systeme d'equivalence] ... [between a spe-
value-form is, to follow Goux's analogy, the Freudian stage of polymorph?us cific] labor and [a specific] wage [un travail et un salaire]," Saussure shows us
perversion, and can be channeled into aesthetics as varied as those of symbolism that, even in the mother tongue, it is the work of difference that remains ori-
ginary, that even as it is most "native," language is always already "foreign,"
and post-modernism.
I have already commented on Goux's gloss on the Freudo-Lacanian narrative that even in its "incorporeal essence," "the linguistic signifier ... [is] constituted
of the emergence of the phallus-in-the-genital-stage as the universal equivalent not by its material substance but only [uniquement] by the differences that sep-
166 In Other Worlds Scattered Speculations on the Question of Value 167
arate its acoustic image from all others" [Course in General Linguistics 79, 118- preserve the comprador theater in a state of relatively primitive labor legislation
19]. and environmental regulation. Further, since the optimal relationship between
The binary opposition between the economic and the cultural is so deeply fixed and variable capital has been disrupted by the accelerated rate of obso-
entrenched that the full implications of the question of Value posed in terms of lescence of the former under the rapid progress within telecommunications re-
the "materialist" predication of the subject are difficult to conceptualize. One search and the attendant competition, the comprador theater is also often
cannot foresee a teleological moment when these implications are catastrophi- obliged to accept scrapped and out-of-date machinery from the post-industrialist
cally productive of a new evaluation. The best one can envisage is the persistent economies. To state the problem in the philosophical idiom of this essay: as the
undoing of the opposition, taking into account the fact that, first, the complicity subject as super-adequation in labor-power seems to negate itself within tele-
between cultural and economic value-systems is acted out in almost every de- communication, a negation of the negation is continually produced by the shift-
cision we make; and, secondly, that economic reductionism is, indeed..a very ing lines of the international division of labor. This is why any critique of the
real danger. It is a paradox that capitalist humanism does indeed tacitly mal<e labor theory of value, pointing at the unfeasibility of the theory under post-
its plans by the "materialist'' predication of Value, even as its official ideology industrialism, or as a calculus of economic indicators, ignores the dark presence
offers the discourse of humanism as such; while Marxist cultural studies in the of the Third WorldY
First World cannot ask the question of Value within the "materialist" predication It is a well-known fact that the worst victims of the recent exacerbation of the
of the subject, since the question would compel one to acknowledge that the international division of labor are women. They are the true surplus army of
text of exploitation might implicate Western cultural studies in the international labor in the current conjuncture. In their case, patriarchal social relations con-
division of labor. 10 Let us, if somewhat fancifully, invoke the word-processor tribute to their production as the new focus of super-exploitation (see June Nash
again. It is an extremely convenient and efficient tool for the production of and Maria Patricia Fern{mdez-Kelly, eds., Women, Men, and the International Di-
writing. It certainly allows us to produce a much larger quantity of writing in vision of Labor). As I have suggested above, to consider the place of sexual re-
a much shorter time and makes fiddling with it much easier. The "quality" of production and the family within those social relations should show the pure
writing-the "idealist'' question of value-as well as the use-value of manual (or free) "materialist'' predication of the subject to be gender-exclusive.
composition-affectively necessary labor-are rendered irrelevant here. (It is of The literary academy emphasizes when necessary that the American tradition
course not to be denied that the word-processor might itself generate affective at its best is one of individual Adamism and the loosening of frontiers. 13 In terms
use-value.) From within the "idealist'' camp, one can even say, in the wake of of political activism within the academy, this free spirit exercises itself at its best
a trend that runs from Professor A. B. Lord to Father Walter J. Ong, the fol- by analyzing and calculating predictable strategic effects of specific measures of
lowing: we were not in on the "inception" of writing, and can copiously deplore resistance: boycotting consumer items, demonstrating against investments in
the harm it did to the orality of the verbal world; we are, however, present at countries with racist domestic politics, uniting against genocidal foreign policy.
the inception of telecommunication, and, being completely encompassed by the Considering the role of telecommunication in entrenching the international di-
historical ideology of efficiency, we are unable to reckon with the transforma- vision of labor and the oppression of women, this free spirit should subject its
tions wrought by the strategic exclusions of the randomness of bricolage operated unbridled passion for subsidizing computerized information retrieval and theo-
by programming (see A. B. Lord, The Singer of Tales; Walter J. Ong, Orality and retical production to the same conscientious scrutiny. The "freeing" of the sub-
Literacy). ject as super-adequation in labor-power entails an absence of extra-economic
These are not the objections that I emphasize. I draw attention, rather, to the coercion. Because a positivist vision can only recognize the latter, that is to say,
fact that, even as circulation time attains the apparent instantaneity of thought domination, within post-industrial cultures like the U.S., telecommunication
(and more), the continuity of production ensured by that attainment of apparent seems to bring nothing but the promise of infinite liberty for the subject. Eco-
coincidence must be broken up by capital: its means of doing so is to keep the nomic coercion as exploitation is hidden from sight in "the rest of the world."
labor reserves in the comprador countries outside of this instantaneity, thus to These sentiments expressed at a public forum drew from a prominent U.S.
make sure that multinational investment does not realize itself fully there leftist the derisive remark: "She will deny the workers their capuccino!" I am
through assimilation of the working class into consumerist-humanism. 11 It is not in fact suggesting that literary critics should be denied word-processors. My
one of the truisms of Capital I that technological inventions open the door to point is that the question of Value in its "materialist'' articulation must be asked
the production of relative rather than absolute surplus-value [Capital I 643-54. as the worker and the word-processing critic actively forget
"Absolute surplus-value" is a methodologically irreducible theoretical fiction.] the actual price-in-exploitation of the machine producing coffee and words. This
Since the production and realization of relative surplus-value, usually attendant is certainly not required of every literary critic. But if the literary critic in the
upon technological progress and the socialized growth of consumerism, increase U.S. today decides to ask the question of Value only within the frame allowed
capital expenditure in an indefinite spiral, there is the contradictory drive within by an unacknowledged "nationalist'' view of "productivity," she cannot be ex-
capitalism to produce more absolute and less relative surplus-value as part of pected to be taken seriously everywhere. (The real problem is, of course, that
its crisis management. In terms of this drive, it is in the "interest" of capital to she will be taken seriously, and the work of multinational ideology-reproduction
168 In Other Worlds Scattered Speculations on the Question of Value 169
will go on.) H my position here is mistaken for an embarrassing economic de- to question the "materialistic" predication of the subject; that the post-modem,
terminism, the following specification may be made: "There is a short-of and a in spite of all the cant of modernization, reproduces the "pre-modem" on an-
beyond of [economic determinism]. To see to it that the beyond does not become other scene. In Professor Levitt's article the two views remain in an unresolved
the within is to recognize ... the need of a communicating pathway (parcours). and distanced structural parataxis. To quote: "Today money is simply electronic
That pathway has to leave a wake (sillage) in the text. Without that wake or impulses. With the speed of light [so much for Marx's impossible limit for cir-
track, abandoned to the simple content of its conclusions, the ultra-transcen- culation: speed of thought] it moves effortlessly between distant centers (and
dental text" -the discourse of textuality in the economic that I have been at even lesser places). A change of ten basic points in the price of a bond causes
pains to explicate and disclose-"will so closely resemble the pre-critical text"- an instant and massive shift of money from London to Tokyo. The system has
economic determinism-"as to be indistinguishable from it. We must npw med- profound impact on the way companies operate throughout the world" [Levitt
itate on upon the law of this resemblance" [Derrida, Of Grammatology 61J. I have 101].
done no more in this essay than to encourage such a meditation, to suggest The perspective here is unifocal and generally uncritically read (if read at all)
that, following Marx, it is possible to put the economic text "under erasure," by literary academics. I have been trying to explicate not only the parataxis
to see, that is, the unavoidable and pervasive importance of its operation and yet above, but also the exploitation condensed and monumentalized in a seemingly
to question it as a concept of the last resort. (Incidentally, this also emphasizes scientific phrase such as "scale-efficient conditions" below (incidentally, "value"
that putting "under erasure" is as much an affirmative as a negative gesture.) as used here is the unified continuist version that would be consonant with the
In 1985, Waiter Benjamin's famous saying, "there has never been a document Marxian definition of value relieved of its historical, ethical, or philosophical
of culture which was not at one and the same time a document of barbarism" charge): "The most endangered companies in the rapidly-evolving world tend
[Illuminations 256] should be a starting rather than a stopping-point for Marxist to be those that dominate rather small domestic markets with high value-added
axiological investigations. A "culturalism" that disavows the economic in its products for which there are smaller markets elsewhere. With transportation
global operations cannot get a grip on the concomitant production of barbarism. costs" -the only costs specified-"proportionately low, distant competitors will
H, on the other hand, the suggestion is made that in the long run, through now enter the now-sheltered markets of those companies with goods produced
the multinationals, everyone will have word-processors and capuccino (not to more cheaply under scale-efficient conditions" [Levitt 94]. These "globalizers"
mention guns and butter), the evaluating critic must be prepared to enter the also have their human universals: "an ancient motivation-to make one's money
debate between Samir Amin and the late Bill Warren, some of the broad strokes go as far as possible. This is universal-not simply a motivation but actually a
of which I have outlined above [see Warren, Imperialism: Pioneer of Capitalism; need" [Levitt 96]. Yet, in an insane parody of the basic paradox of humanistic
Amin, "Expansion or Crisis of Capitalism?"]. She must be prepared to admit education, Levitt describes the epistemic violence of the universalizing global
that the unification churches being projected by the mechanisms of Euro-cur- market: "The purpose of business is to get and keep a customer. Or, to use
rency and "the globalization of markets" (we read it as "global crisis") do not Peter Drucker's more refined construction, to create and keep a customer." 15
lend much credibility to this uninstructed hope. This is how economic reductionism operates. The disavowal of the economic
is its tacit and legitimizing collaborator. In its verdict on "the multinational
mind" as opposed to the globalizing mind is to be heard the managerial version
Perhaps a word on "The Globalization of Markets," an article by Theodore of shock at denying the workers of the First World their capuccino: "the mul-
Levitt, Edward W. Carter Professor of Business Administration and head of the tinational mind, warped into circumspection and timidity by years of stumbles
marketing area at the Harvard Business School, is in order here. The piece is and transnational troubles, now rarely challenges existing overseas practices.
exemplary of many of the attitudes I have tried to define. Since Professor Levitt More often it considers any departure from inherited domestic routines as mind-
writes from the point of view of big business ("people and nations" in the pas- less, disrespectful, or impossible. It is the mind of a bygone day'' [Levitt 101; italics
sage cited below) he is not concerned with the active divisiveness of the inter- mine].
national division of labor. Here is his theory of the relationship between money I should like to construct a narrative here using "The Wiring of Wall Street,"
and the division of labor, and his theory of money as a unified concept, reached an article in the New York Times Sunday magazine for October 23, 1983. (I choose
in turn byway of "experience" as a fetishized concept: "Nobody takes scarcity the New York Times because the broad spectrum that contains the Sunday sup-
lying down; everyone wants more. This in part explains division of labor and plements of newspapers, Scientific American, Psychology Today, as well as the
specialization of production. They enable people and nations to optimize their National Enquirer, constitutes part of an ideological apparatus, through which
conditions [a deliberately vague word] through trade. The median [sic] is usually the consumer becomes knowledgeable, the subject of "cultural" explanation.
money. Experience teaches that money has three special qualities: scarcity, dif- Could one suggest that organs such as the Harvard Business Review are also part
ficulty of acquisition, and transience. People understandably treat it with re- of the apparatus, in that through them the investor-manager receives his "ide-
spect."14 What I have been arguing is that this primitive notion of money must ology"? As I suggest in note 15, feminist individualist consumerism is being
work complicitously with the contemporary sublation of money where it seems appropriated within the same apparatus.)
170 In Other Worlds Scattered Speculations on the Question of Value 171
After telecommunication, Wall Street seems to have been saved by reconcil- ja~?' "The Auth~r ~s Producer," Reflections: Essays, Aphorisms, Autobiographical
iation (rather than deconstruction) of the binary opposition between the im- Wrztmgs 230]. This IS to be found in Deleuze and Guattari's bold notion of
mediate self-proximity of voice-consciousness and the visible efficiency of writ- originarily unworkable machines. It can be said for Derrida that, by positioning
ing. As Georg Simmel already observes of the stock exchange at the end of the citationality as originary, he has radicalized bricolage as the questioning of all
last century, it is the place where the circulation of money can be most speeded ideologies of adequation and legitimacy. 16 These positions are now trickling
up: the "twofold condensation of values into the money form and of monetary down into a reckoning with the emergent ideological possibilities of the post-
transactions into the form of the stock exchange makes it possible for values to modem cultural phenomenon within a post-modem political economy. 17
be rushed through the greatest number of hands in the shortest possible time" It is not even this possibility of a cultural theoretical practice, which sabotages
[Simmel506]. "The start of a solution of the market's major dilemma, the man- the radically reconciling text of the post-modem stock exchange, that I empha-
agement of time, appeared in 1972 when the New York Stock Exchange, the AIR~r size within this narrative. My critique can find an allegorical summary in a pas-
ican Stock Exchange, and their member firms organized the Securities Industries sage about the old ticker-tape machine. "A holdover from the storied past is
Automation Corporation.... Not long ago, the executives kept up with their the old stock ticker. Fifteen minutes after trading has commenced, the ticker-
investments on a monthly or weekly schedule; today, the reporting can be in- a bit of technology that dates back to 1867-has already fallen behind the hectic
stantaneous because of the computer'' [''The Wiring of Wall Street'' 47]. It is worth trading by six minutes. Speed it up to match today's trading volume, and it
remarking that, even as time is thus being managed on the post-industrial cap- would be a blur'' [''Wiring'' 47].
italist front, high Marxist theory contests the labor theory of value by bracketing We cannot forget that Capital I is "a bit of technology that dates back to 1867,"
time as a vehicle of change: "No changes in output and ... no changes in the its date of publication. I have attempted to show that the Marxist historical
proportions in which different means of production are used by an industry are narrative-"the storied past"-is far from a holdover. When it is expanded to
considered, so that no question arises as to the variation or constancy of returns" accommodate the epistemic violence of imperialism as crisis-management, in-
[Sraffa, Production of Commodities v]. If money then circulates at the speed of cluding its current displacements~ it can allow us to read the text of political
consciousness by way of the computer, it at the same time accedes to the visible economy at large. When "speeded up" in this way it does not allow the irred-
efficiency of writing. "'We had this amorphous, unorganized, mostly invisible ucible rift of the International division of labor to blur. "The Wiring of Wall
market prior to 1971' says Gordon S. Macklin, president of the [National] As- Street" speaks first of "time management" and next quotes Peter Solomon of
sociation [of Securities Dealers]" ["Wiring'' 73]. Lehman Brothers "offer[ing] an explanation: 'Computers have shown us how
This reconciliation of the opposition between consciousness and writing ob- to manage risk'" ["Wiring" 47]. The inconvenient and outdated ticker of Marxist
viously does not "refute" Freud's late proto-deconstructive model of the psyche theory discloses the excluded word between "time" and "risk" in the manage-
as the Wunderblok or the mystic writing pad (see Derrida, "Freud and the Scene ment game: crisis.
of Writing," Writing and Difference). If anything, the silicon chip appears to give Let us retrieve the concept-metaphor of the text that we left behind a few
"a plastic idea" to that pure virtuality, that difference as such which Derrida pages back. Within this narrative replay of my argument in the previous pages
calls "the work of dead time" [the warning against the formation of a plastic it may be pointed out that, whereas Lehman Brothers, thanks to computers,
idea is to be found in Freud, The Standard Edition, vol. 4, 281: the Derrida passage "earned about $2 million for ... 15 minutes of work," the entire economic text
is in Of Grammatology 68]. would not be what it is if it could not write itself as a palimpsest upon another
But this is not the objection I emphasize here. I point out, rather, that the text where a woman in Sri Lanka has to work 2,287 minutes to buy a t-shirt.
computer, even as it pushes the frontiers of rationalization, proves unable to The "post-modem" and "pre-modem" are inscribed together. It should also be
achieve bricolage, to produce a program that will use an item for a purpose for remarked that Simmel argued nearly a hundred years ago that a developed
which it was not designed. (This is the celebrated problem of programming a ~oney-form naturally promotes "the individual": "if freedom means only obey-
computer to build nests with random materials, as a bird does, that exercises mg one's own laws, then the distance between property and its owner that is
Douglas Hofstadter and others.) And it is well-known that radical proto-decon- made. possible by the money form of returns provides a hitherto unheard-of
structive cultural practice instructs us precisely to work through bricolage, to "re- freedom" [Simmel 334]. The best beneficiary of this "post-modernization" of
constellate" cultural items by wrenching them out of their assigned function. Wall Street is, predictably, the individual small investor in the United States.
When Waiter Benjamin writes: "What we require of the photographer is the And the apparently history-transcendent "individual subject" who will "have
ability to give his picture the caption that wrenches it from modish commerce to hold to the truth of postmodernism . . . and have as its vocation the invention
and gives it a revolutionary use-value [Gebrauschswert ], " he is implicitly "bri- and projection of a global cognitive mapping" Uameson, "Postmodernism, or
coling'' or tinkering with a continuist notion of use-value (I need not repeat my the C~tural Logic of Late Capitalism" 92] will be, as long as no attempt is made
earlier argument) even as he recommends bricolage as cultural practice. This rec- to specify the post-modern space-specific subject-production, no other than a version
ommendation can be traced from his earliest theory of allegory as the cathexis of this unpromising individual.
(or occupation) of ruins and fragments by the irreducible alterity of time [Ben- It is within this framework of crisis-management and regulation, then, that I
172 In Other Worlds Scattered Speculations on the Question of Value 173
would propose to pursue the evaluation of the pervasive and tacit gesture that admirably just. Within the discipline of economics, which must keep any tex-
accepts the history of style-formations in Western Europ~an ca~o~callitera~ tualized notion of use-value out, it seems crucial to suggest that "Marx . . .
as the evaluation of style as such. I am not recommending vaneties of reactive affirms the interdependence of value and value form ([understood as] price of
nostalgia such as an unexamined adulation of working class culture, an osten- pro~uction), an interdependence which cannot be expressed by treating the
tatious rejection of elitist standards, a devotion to all non-Judaeo-Christian my- relation between the two concepts as merely a functional relation between de-
thologies, or the timid evocation of "poetry being written in Nicaragua." In fact, pendent and independent variables. " 19 As I move more conclusively into the
the version of historical narrative I am sketching here can be expanded to show
en.closure of my own di~ciplinary discourse, perhaps it might not be inappro-
that, in such nostalgic evaluative norms as the list above, the history of the pnate to suggest that this essay does no more than point at the confused ide-
epistemic violence of imperialism as crisis-mana?e~ent ea~ s~ operate. ~e~lar ological space of some varieties of such an interdependence.
periodization should rather be seen in its role Within the histoncal normalization I will now appropriate yet another item on the threshold of this essay: the
required by the world-system of political economy, engaged in the production Derridean concept of "interest" as in "scrupulous declaration of interest." Der-
and realization of Value, the "post-modem" its latest symptom. Such evalua-
rida' s own understanding of surplus-value as capital-appreciation or interest is,
tions would accommodate the "materialist" articulation of Value within what I as I have suggested above, restricted. I simply wrest it back from that "false"
described earlier as the practical position of Value in our discipline in the narrow metaphor and "literalize" it. 20 If and when we ask and answer the question of
sense, underlining the role of exploitation in understanding domination. 18 value, there seems to be no alternative to declaring one's "interest'' in the text
of the production of Value.
I offer this formula because the problem of "how to relate a critique of 'foun-
In "Marx's (not Ricardo's) 'Transformation Problem,"' Richard A. Wolf,
dati?~alism,'.which like its object is interminable and may always go astray, to
Bruce Brothers, and Antonino Collari suggest that when "Marx ... considers a cntique of Ideology that allows for at least provisional endings and ends in
a social object in which the processes of circulation constitute effective precon- research and 'political' practice" remains with us [Dominick LaCapra, Lecture
ditions for the process of production, . . . the relevant magnitude must be the given at Wesleyan University, 1984]. The early Derrida assured us that "decon-
price of production of the consumed means of production and not the abstract struction falls a prey to its own critique" and went largely unheeded [Of Gram-
labor time physically embodied in them" [Wolf et al., "Marx's 'Transformation ma~ology 24]. The later Derrida, miming this precaution interminably, has been
Problem,'" 574]. I have so far been arguing, among other things, that to set the wntten off as, at best, a formal experimentalist or, at worst, uninteresting and
labor theory of value aside is to forget the textual and axiological implications repetitive. It should be clear from the last few pages that I can endorse Jean-
of a materialist predication of the subject. The passage I quote, however, seems Fran~ois Lyotard's benevolent "paganism" as an axiological model as little as I
to be an appropriate description of the perspectival move which provisionally
can J~gen Habermas's Europocentric rationalism. [Jean-Fran~ois Lyotard, In-
must set that theory aside. As a result of this move, "the equivalence of exchange structrons pai'ennes; Rudiments pai'ens with Jean-Loup Thebaud, Au juste. Jiirgen
must be constructed out of the processes specific to competitive capitalism which Habermas, Communication and the Evolution of Society.] One of the more inter-
tend to establish a proportional distribution of unpaid labor .time in the form of esting solutions offered is Dominick LaCapra' s "historiography as transference."
an average rate of profit on total capital, no longer assumed as in volume 1" Yet there, too, there are certain desires to appropriate the workings of the un-
["Marx's 'Transformation Problem"' 572; italics mine, and I have conflated three
conscious of which we should beware. For "repetition-displacement of the past
sentences]. Thus the authors situate the specific arena of the labor theory of into the present" (LaCapra's version of transferential historiography) may be
value but go on to suggest that, since "Marx's focus [was] on class relations as too continuist and harmless a version of the transactions in transference. And
his object of discourse ... simultaneously, however, the concept of value re-
it might not be enough simply to say that "it is a useful critical fiction to believe
mains crucial to the quantification of prices of production. Price on production, that the texts or phenomena to be interpreted may answer back and even be
as an absolute magnitude of labor time, can be conceived only as a specific deviation
co~~~cing eno~gh to lea~ one to change one's mind" [LaCapra, History and
from value'' [''Marx's 'Transformation Problem"' 575; italics mine]. Crrticzsm 73]. Given Lacan s elaborate unfolding of the relationship between
I have not touched the topic of the value-price relationship in these pages. transference and the ethical moment, I can do no better here than to reiterate
Further, I have questioned the mechanics of limiting the definition of value to
a~ ~~rlier doubt, expressed not in terms of historiography but rather of literary
the physical embodiment of abstract labor time. I would in fact argue ~t the cnticrsm:
premises of Capital I are themselves dependent upon a gesture of reduction that
may be called a construction [Capital I 135]. Generalizing from Wolff's and his
co-authors' position, I would find that Marx's focus on class (mode of produc-
Nor will the difference between text and person be conveniently effaced
tion) must be made to accommodate his reach of crisis (world system). Yet Wolf
by refusing to talk about the psyche, by talking about the text as part of
and his co-authors' perspectival situation of the labor theory of value and con-
a self-propagating mechanism. The disjunctive, discontinuous metaphor
current definition of price of production as deviation or differential seem to us
of the subject, carrying and being carried by its burden of desire, does
174 In Other Worlds Scattered Speculations on the Question of Value
systematically misguide and constitute the machine of text, carrying and
in. the groups, they still represent the levels and changes in the stock-
being carried by its burden of "figuration." One cannot escape it by dis- pnces reasonably well. [178]
missing the former as the residue of a productive cut, and valorizing the
latter as the only possible concern of a "philosophical" literary criticism.
This opposition too, between subject "metaphor" and text "metaphor,"
I ~ay ab~v~ t~at "t~e ~ull implications of the question of Value posed within
needs to be indefinitely -deconstructed rather than hierarchized. [Spivak,
the _matenalist predica~on of th~ ~ubject cannot yet be realized." I must now
"The Letter as Cutting Edge," see pp. 3-14 above
admit. what many _Marxist theoreticians admit today: that in any theoretical for-
mulation, the honzon ~f fu~l :ealization must be indefinitely and irreducibl
postpor:~d. On that honzon It IS not utopia that may be glimpsed [see Jameso y
The formula-" scrupulous declaration of interest in the text of the prdtluction The P_olttt~al Unconscious: Narrative As A Socially Symbolic Act 103]. For uto i~
of Value"-that I offer comes out of the most problematic effect of the sovereign ar~ hi~toncal attempts at topographic descriptions that must become dissi~u
subject, the so-called deliberative consciousness. Thus, there is no guarantee in latlve If att~~pts are made to represent them adequately in actual social practice
deconstruction for freezing this imperative into a coercive theoretical universal, !he complicity between idealisms and materialisms in the production of theo
though it is of course subject to all the constraints of ethico-logical grounding. IS ~etter ac~owledged, even as one distances oneself from idealism, if 0~
The encroachment of the fictive (related, of course, to the textual) upon this designates this open end by the name of the "apolcalyptic tone ,zl Thi t
operation cannot be appreciated without passing through the seemingly delib- announces the pluralized apo~alypse of the practical moment, in ~ur par~c~~;
erative, which, even in the most self-conscious transferential situation, can, at case the set or ~nsemble of I_deology-critical, aesthetic-troping, economically-
any rate, only be resisted rather than fully avoided. aware performative or operational value-judgment. My careful language here
In closing, I will invoke the very threshold, the second paragraph of this essay, s~ould make clear that the practical moment is not a "fulfillment." In the plur-
where I write: "The 'idealist' and the 'materialist' are both exclusive predica- ahzed apocal~pse, the bod_y does not rise. There is no particular need to see this
tions." All predications are exclusive and thus operate on the metonymic prin- as the ~hematics of ca.stration. Why not affirm as its concept-metaphor the er-
ciple of a part standing for the putative whole: "As soon as one retains only a f~rmative and operational evaluation of the repeated moves of the body's ~ur
predicate of the circle (for example, return to the point of departure, closing off vival and co_m~ort,. h.istorically named woman's work or assigned to domestic
the circuit), its signification is put into the position of a trope, of metonymy if labor when It IS mmimally organized? Why appropriate the irreducible non-fit
not metaphor'' [Derrida, "White Mythology" 264]. In this sense, the "idealist" betweer: theory ~nd practice (here in the grounding and making of Value 1udg-
and the "materialist" predications of the subject are metonyms of the subject. ments) mto Oedipus's hobble?
Writing of the constitution of the subject as such, Lacan writes: "The double- I offer, then, no pa~~ular apology for this deliberate attempt to show the dif-
triggered mechanism of metaphor is the very mechanism by which the symptom ference_ be~een pre-cntical economism and the role of the economic text in the
... is determined. And the enigmas that desire seems to pose for a 'natural fdetermmation of Value; and, further, to plot some of the "interests" in its
philosophy' ... amount to no other derangement of instinct than that of ... oreclosure.
metonymy" ["The Agency of the Letter in the Unconscious," Ecrits 166-67]. In
so far as the two predications are concepts of the subject, they are unacknow-
ledged metaphoric substitute-presentations of the subject. Between metaphor
and metonymy, symptom and desire, the political subject distances itself from
the analyst-in-transference by declaring an "interest" by way of a "wild" rather
than theoretically grounded practice. Lest I seem, once again, to be operating
on an uncomfortable level of abstraction, let me choose a most non-esoteric
source. Here is the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Modern Economics on the encroach-
ment of the fictive upon the deliberative in the operation of the economic text:
Translator's Foreword
I translated this Bengali short story into English as much for the sake of its
villain, Senanayak, as for its title character, Draupadi (or Dopdi). Because in
Senanayak I find the closest approximation to the First-World scholar in search
of the Third World, I shall speak of him first.
On the level of the plot, Senanayak is the army officer who captures and
degrades Draupadi. I will not go so far as to suggest that, in practice, the in-
struments of First-World life and investigation are complicit with such captures
and such a degradation. 1 The approximation I notice relates to the author's care-
ful presentation of Senanayak as a pluralist aesthete. In theory, Senanayak can
identify with the enemy. But pluralist aesthetes of the First World are, willy-
nilly, participants in the production of an exploitative society. Hence in practice,
Senanayak must destroy the enemy, the menacing other. He follows the ne-
cessities and contingencies of what he sees as his historical moment. There is
a convenient colloquial name for that as well: pragmatism. Thus his emotions
at Dopdi's capture are mixed: sorrow (theory) and joy (practice). Correspond-
ingly, we grieve for our Third-World sisters; we grieve and rejoice that they
must lose themselves and become as much like us as possible in order to be
"free"; we congratulate ourselves on our specialists' knowledge of them. Indeed,
like ours, Senanayak's project is interpretive: he looks to decipher Draupadi's
song. For both sides of the rift within himself, he finds analogies in Western
literature: Hochhuth's The Deputy, David Morrell's First Blood. He will shed his
guilt when the time comes. His self-image for that uncertain future is Prospero.
I have suggested elsewhere that, when we wander out of our own academic
and First-World enclosure, we share something like a relationship with Sen-
anayak's doublethink. 2 When we speak for ourselves, we urge with conviction:
the personal is also political. For the rest of the world's women, the sense of
whose personal micrology is difficult (though not impossible) for us to acquire,
we fall back on a colonialist theory of most efficient information retrieval. We
will not be able to speak to the women out there if we depend completely on
conferences and anthologies by Western-trained informants. As I see their pho-
tographs in women's-studies journals or on book jackets-indeed, as I look in
the glass-it is Senanayak with his anti-Fascist paperback that I behold. In inex-
tricably mingling historico-political specificity with the sexual differential in a
literary discourse, Mahasweta Devi invites us to begin effacing that image.
My approach to the story has been influenced by "deconstructive practice"
I clearly share an unease that would declare avant-garde theories of interpre-
tation too elitist to cope with revolutionary feminist material. How, then, has
the practice of deconstruction been helpful in this context?
The aspect of deconstructive practice that is best known in the United States
180 in Other Worlds "Draupadi"
is its tendency toward infinite regression. 3 ~e aspect .that interes.t~ me most .is,
however, the recognition, within deconstructive practice, of proVISional a~~ ~ skepticism regarding the content on the part of the bourgeois readership; some
tractable starting points in any investigative effort; its disclosure of compliaties accusations of extremism from the electoral Left; and admiration and a sense of
where a will to knowledge would create oppositions; its .~sist~nce that ~ dis- solidarity on the part of the nonelectoral Left. Any extended reception study
closing complicities the critic-as-subject is herself compliat ~th t~~ object of would consider that West Bengal has had a Left-Front government of the united
her critique; its emphasis upon "history" and upon ~e et~co-political a~ the electoral Communist parties since 1967. Here suffice it to say that Mahasweta
"trace" of that complicity-the proof that we do not inhabit a dearly ~efined is certainly one of the most important writers writing in India today.
critical space free of such traces; and, finally, the acknowledgment that 1ts own
discourse can never be adequate to its example. 4 This is dearly not the place to
elaborate each item upon this list. I should, however, point out that in my Any sense of Bengal as a "nation" is governed by the putative identity of the
introductory paragraphs I have already situated the figure of Se?ana~ak in terms Bengali language. 9 (Meanwhile, Bengalis dispute if the purest Bengali is that of
of our own patterns of complicity. In what. follows, the relations~p between Nabadwip or South Calcutta, and many of the twenty-odd developed dialects
the tribal and classical characters of Draupadi, the status of Draupadi at the end are incomprehensible to the "general speaker.") In 1947, on the eve of its de-
of the story, and the reading of Senanayak's proper name ~~ht be seen as parture from India, the British government divided Bengal into West Bengal,
produced by the reading practice I have descnbed. The compliaty of law and which remained a part of India, and East Pakistan. Punjab was similarly divided
transgression and the class deconstruction of the ':gentlemen revolutionaries," into East Punjab (India) and West Pakistan. The two parts of Pakistan did not
although seemingly minor points in the interpretation of the story as such, take share ethnic or linguistic ties and were separated by nearly eleven hundred
on greater importance in a political context. miles. The division was made on the grounds of the concentration of Muslims
I cannot take this discussion of deconstruction far enough to show how Dop- in these two parts of the subcontinent. Yet the Punjabi Muslims felt themselves
di's song, incomprehensible yet trivial (it is in fact about beans of different to be more "Arab" because they lived in the area where the first Muslim em-
colors), and ex-orbitant to the story, marks the place of that other that can be perors of India had settled nearly seven hundred years ago and also because of
neither excluded nor recuperated. 5 their proximity to West Asia (the Middle East). The Bengali Muslims-no doubt
in a class-differentiated way-felt themselves constituted by the culture of
"Draupadi" first appeared in Agnigarbha ("Womb of Fire"), .a collec~on of Bengal has had a strong presence of leftist intellectualism and struggle since
loosely connected, short political narratives. As Mahasweta pomts out ~ h~r the middle of the last century, before, in fact, the word "Left" entered our
introduction to the collection, "Life is not mathematics and the human bemg 1s political shorthand. 10 West Bengal is one of three Communist states in the India~
not made for the sake of politics. I want a change in the present social system Union. As such, it is a source of considerable political irritation to the central
and do not believe in mere party politics." 6 government of India. (The individual state governments have a good deal more
Mahasweta is a middle-class Bengali leftist intellectual in her fifties. She has autonomy under the Indian Constitution than is the case in the U.S.) Although
a master's degree in English from Shantiniketan, the famous experimental ~ni officially India is a Socialist state with a mixed economy, historically it has re-
versity established by the bourgeois poet Rabindranath Tagore. Her repu~tion flected a spectrum of the Right, from military dictatorship to nationalist class
as a novelist was already well established when, in the late '70s, she publis~ed benevolence. The word "democracy" becomes highly interpretable in the con-
Hajar Churashir Ma ("No. 1084's Moth~r''). This.nove~, t~e only one .to be 1ID- text of a largely illiterate, multilingual, heterogeneous, and unpoliticized
minently published in English translation, remams w1thin the e;cess.Ively sen-
timental idiom of the Bengali novel of the last twenty-odd years. Yet m Aranyer In the spring of 1967, there was a successful peasant rebellion in the Naxalbari
Adhikar ("The Rights [or, Occupation] of the Forest"), a serially publis~ed novel area of the northern part of West Bengal. According to Marcus Franda, "unlike
she was writing almost at the same time, a significant change is noticea~le. It most other areas of West Bengal, where peasant movements are led almost solely
is a meticulously researched historical novel about the Munda ~surrection of by middle-class leadership from Calcutta, Naxalbari has spawned an indigenous
'1899-1900. Here Mahasweta begins putting together a prose that 1s a collage of agrarian reform leadership led by the lower classes" including tribal cultivators. 11
literary Bengali, street Bengali, bureaucratic Bengali, tribal Bengali, and the lan- This peculiar coalition of peasant and intellectual sparked off a number of Nax- X
guages of the tribals. . . albaris all over India. 12 The target of these movements was the long-established
Since the Bengali script is illegible except to the approXliD~tely twenty-five oppression of the landless peasantry and itinerant farm worker, sustained
percent literate of the about ninety million speakers of Bengali, a large number through an unofficial government-landlord collusion that too easily circum-
of whom live in Bangladesh rather than in West Bengal,, one ca~ot spe~ o! vented the law. Indeed, one might say that legislation seemed to have an eye
to its own future circumvention.
the "Indian" reception of Mahasweta's work but only of 1ts Bengali reception.
Briefly, that reception can be described as a general recognition of excellence; It is worth remarking that this coalition of peasant and intellectual-with long
histories of apprenticeship precisely on the side of the intellecual-has been
182 In Other Worlds "Draupadi"
recuperated in the West by both ends of the polarity that constitutes a "political padi. It is either that as a tribal she cannot pronounce her own Sanskrit name
spectrum." Bemard-Henri Levy, the ex-Maoist French "New Philosopher," has (Draupadi), or the tribalized form, Dopdi, is the proper name of the ancient
implicitly compared it to the May 1968 "revolution" in France, where the stu- Draupadi. She is on a list of wanted persons, yet her name is not on the list of
dents joined the workers. 13 In France, however, the student identity of the move- appropriate names for the tribal women.
ment had remained clear, and the student leadership had not brought with it The ancient Draupadi is perhaps the most celebrated heroine of the Indian \ /
sustained efforts to undo the privilege of the intellectual. On the other hand, epic Mahabharata. The Mahabharata and the Ramayana are the cultural credentials X
"in much the same manner as many American college presidents have described o! the so-called Arya_n civilizatio~ of India. The tribes predate the Aryan inva-
the protest of American students, Indian political and social leaders have ex- smn. They have no nght to hermc Sanskrit names. Neither the interdiction nor
plained the Naxalites (supporters of Naxalbari) by referring to their sense of t~e significanc.e of the. name, however, must be taken too seriously. For this
alienation and to the influence of writers like Marcuse and Sartre whfc:h has
seemingly dominated the minds of young people throughout the world in the
pious, domesticated Hindu name was given Dopdi at birth by her mistress, in
the usual mood of benevolence felt by the oppressor's wife toward the tribal
1960s."14 bond servant. It is the killing of this mistress's husband that sets going the events
It is against such recuperations that I would submit what I have called the of the story.
theme of class deconstruction with reference to the young gentlemen revolu- And yet on the level of the text, this elusive and fortuitous name does play
tionaries in "Draupadi." Senanayak remains fixed within his class origins, which ~ role. To speculate upon this role, we might consider the Mahabharata itself in
are similar to those of the gentlemen revolutionaries. Correspondingly, he is It~ colonialis~ func~on in the interest of the so-called Aryan invaders of India,
contained and judged fully within Mahasweta's story; by contrast, the gentle- It Is an accretive epic, where the "sacred" geography of an ancient battle is slowly
men revolutionaries remain latent, underground. Even their leader's voice is expanded ~y succeeding generations of poets so that the secular geography of
only heard formulaically within Draupadi's solitude. I should like to think that ~he expandmg Aryan colony can present itself as identical with it and thus justify
it is because they are so persistently engaged in undoing class containment and Itsel. 16 The complexity of this vast and anonymous project makes it an incom-
the opposition between reading (book learning) and doing-rather than keeping parably more heterogeneous text than the Ramayana. Unlike the Ramayana, for
the two aesthetically forever separate-that they inhabit a world whose au- exa:nple, the Mahabhar~ta contains cases of various kinds of kinship structure and
thority and outline no text-including Mahasweta's-can encompass. vanous styles of mamage. And in fact it is Draupadi who provides the only K
example of polyandry, not a common system of marriage in India. She is marrielf,
to the five s~ns of th~ imp~tent Pandu. Within a patriarchal and patronymic 1 i, \
In 1970, the implicit hostility between East and West Pakistan flamed into context, sh~7 IS exceptional, mdeed "singular" in the sense of odd, unpaired, 1 V \
armed struggle. In 1971, at a crucial moment in the struggle, the armed forces uncoupled. Her husbands, since they are husbands rather than lovers are
of the government of India were deployed, seemingly because these were al- legitimately pluralized. No acknowledgment of paternity can secure the Name
liances between the Naxalites of West Bengal and the freedom fighters of East ~f.the Fa~h~: for the.child of ~u~h a mother. Mahasweta's story questions this
Bengal (now Bangladesh). "If a guerrilla-style insurgency had persisted, there .smgulanty b~ plac~ng ?opdl first in a comradely, activist, monogamous mar-
forces would undoubtedly have come to dominate the politics of the movement. nage and then m a Situation of multiple rape.
It was this trend that the Indian authorities were determined to pre-empt by . IX: the e~ic, Draupad~'s legitimized pluralization (as a wife among husbands)
intervention." Taking advantage of the general atmosphere of jubilation at the m smgul~nty (as a poss~ble mother or harlot) is used to demonstrate male glory.
defeat of West Pakistan, India's "principal national rival in South Asia" 15 (this She provides the occasion for a violent transaction between men, the efficient
was also the first time India had "won a war" in its millennia! history), the cause of the crucial battle. Her eldest husband is about to lose her by default
Indian prime minister was able to crack down with exceptional severity on the in a ga~e of dice. He had staked all he owned, and "Draupadi belongs within
Naxalites, destorying the rebellious sections of the rural population, most sig- that all .(Mahabharata 65:32). Her strange civil status seems to offer grounds for
nificantly the tribals, as well. The year 1971 is thus a point of reference in Sen- her predicament as well: "The Scriptures prescribed one husband for a woman
anayak' s career. Drau~adi is depe.ndent .on ~any husbands; therefore she can be designated ~ 1'
This is the setting of "Draupadi." The story is a moment caught between two prostitute. T~~re IS nothing Improper in b~nging ~er, clothed or unclothed, into
deconstructive formulas: on the one hand, a law that is fabricated with a view the (65:35-36). The enemy chief begrns to pull at Draupadi's sari.
to its own transgression, on the other, the undoing of the binary opposition Draupadi sllentl?' ~ray~ to the incarnate Krishna. The Idea of Sustaining Law
between the intellectual and the rural struggles. In order to grasp the minutiae (D~arma) matenahzes Itself as clothing, and as the king pulls and pulls at her )
of their relationship and involvement, one must enter a historical micrology that san, there seems to be more and more of it. Draupadi is infinitely clothed and \
no foreword can provide. cannot be publicly stripped. It is one of Krishna's miracles. )
Draupadi is the name of the central character. She is introduced to the reader Ma~as:veta's story .re"':ri~es this episode. The men easily succeed in stripping
between two uniforms and between two versions of her name. Dopdi and Drau- Dopdi-m the narrative It IS the culmination of her political punishment by the
184 In Other Worlds "Draupadi"
representatives of the law. ,~he remains publicly~J!Gike~Lat her own insistence.~\ structural functionalism of institutionalized Hinduism. 18 I have been unable to
Rather than save her modestrffi!ougnofnelmplicit intervennonof,a bEmigmlfl.d' reproduce this in my translation.
divine (in this case it would have been godlike) comrade, the story insists that Mahasweta uses another differentiation, almost on the level of caricature: the
this is the place where male leadership stops. Sikh an_d the Beng~li. (Sikhism was founded as a reformed religion by Guru
It would be a mistake, I think, to read the modern story as a refutation of the Nanak m the late fifteenth century. Today the roughly nine million Sikhs of
ancient. Dopdi is (as heroic as) Draupadi. She is also what Draupadi-written India live chiefly in East Punjab, at the other end of the vast Indo-Gangetic Plain
into the patriarchal and authoritative sacred text as proof of male power-could from Bengal. The tall, muscular, turbanned, and bearded Sikh, so unlike the
not be. Dopdi is at once a palimpsest and a contradiction. slight and supposedly intellectual Bengali, is the stereotyped butt of jokes in
There is nothing "historically implausible" about Dopdi's attitudes. WJ:.t,en we the same ~ay a~ the Polis~ co~munity in North America or the Belgian in
first see her, she is thinking about washing her hair. She loves her husband ana France.) AIJan Smgh, the diabetic Sikh captain who falls back on the Granth-
keeps political faith as an act of faith toward him. She adores her forefathers sahib (the Sikh sacred book-I have translated it "Scripture") and the "five Ks"
because they protected their women's honor. (It should be recalled that this is ?f th~ Si_kh religion, is presented as all brawn and no brains; and the wifyTI
thought in the context of American soldiers breeding bastards.) It is when she rmagmative, corrupt Bengali Senanayak is of course the army officer full of a
crosses the sexual differential into the field of what could only happen to a woman Keatsian negative capability. 19
{that she emerges as the most powerful "subject," who, still using the language The entire energy of the story seems, in one reading, directed toward breaking
/ of sexual "honor," can derisively call herself "the object of your search," whom the apparently clean gap between theory and practice in Senanayak. Such a
l.the author can describe as a terrifying superobject-"an unarmed target." clean ~-rea~ is not ~ossible, of course. The theoretical production of negative
As a tribal, Dopdi is not romanticized by Mahasweta. The decision makers capability iS a ~racti_ce; the practice of mowing down Naxalites brings with it a
among the revolutionaries are, again, "realistically," bourgeois young men and theory of the histoncal moment. The assumption of such a clean break in fact
women who have oriented their book learning to the land and thus begun the depends upon the assumption that the individual subject who theorizes and
long process of undoing the opposition between book (theory or "outside") and practices is in full control. At least in the history of the Indo-European tradition
spontaneity (practice or "inside"). Such fighters are the hardest to beat, for they ~n _gene~al, su_ch a _sovereign subject is also the legal or legitimate subject, who
are neither tribal nor gentlemen. A Bengali reader would pick them out by name iS identical With his stable patronymic. 20 It might therefore be interesting that
among the characters: the one with the aliases who bit off his tongue; the ones Senanayak is not given the differentiation of a first name and surname. His
who helped the couple escape the army cordon; the ones who neither smoke patronymic is identical with his function (not of course by the law of caste): the
nor drink tea; and, above all, Arijit. His is a fashionable first name, tinsel San- common noun means "army chief." In fact, there is the least hint of a doubt if
skrit, with no allusive paleonymy and a meaning that fits the story a bit too it is a proper name or a common appellation. This may be a critique of the man' 8
well: victorious over enemies. Yet it is his voice that gives Dopdi the courage apparent!~ self-ad~quate identity, which sustains his theory-practice juggling
to save not herself but her comrades. act. If so, it goes With what I see as the project of the story: to break this bonded
Of course, this voice of male authority also fades. Once Dopdi enters, in the identity with the wedge of an unreasonable fear. If our certitude of the efficient-
final section of the story, the postscript area of lunar flux and sexual difference, information-retrieval and talk-to-the-accessible approach toward Third-World
she is in a place where she will finally act for herself in not "acting," in challenging wo~en can be broken by the wedge of an unreasonable uncertainty, into a
the man to (en)counter her as unrecorded or misrecorded objective historical feeling that what we deem gain might spell loss and that our practice should
monument. The army officer is shown as unable to ask the authoritative on- be forged accordingly, then we would share the textual effect of "Draupadi"
with Senanayak.
tological question, What is this? In fact, in the sentence describing Dopdi's final
summons to the sahib's tent, the agent is missing. I can be forgiven if I find in
this an allegory of the woman's struggle within the revolution in a shifting
The _italicized wor~s i~ the translation are in English in the original. It is to
historical moment.
be noticed that the fighting words on both sides are in English. Nation-state
As Mahasweta points out in an aside, the tribe in question is the Santa!, not
politics combined with multinational economies produce war. The language of
to be confused with the at least nine other Munda tribes that inhabit India. They
war-offense and defense-is internationaL English is standing in here for that
are also not to be confused with the so-called untouchables, who, unlike the
nam~less an~ heterogeneous world language. The peculiarities of usage belong
tribals, are Hindu, though probably of remote "non-Aryan" origin. In giving to bemg obliged to cope with English under political and social pressure for a
the name Harijan ("God's people") to the untouchables, Mahatma Gandhi had few centuries. Where, indeed, is there a "pure" language? Given the nature of
tried to concoct the sort of pride and sense of unity that the tribes seem to the s~ggle, there. is no_thing bizarre in "Comrade Dopdi. " 21 It is part of the
possess. Mahasweta has followed the Bengali practice of calling each so-called undomg of oppos1tes-mtellectual-rural, tribalist-internationalist-that is the
untouchable caste by the name of its menial and unclean task within the rigid wavering constitution of "the underground," "the wrong side" of the law. On
In Other Worlds "Draupadl" 187
the right side of the law, such deconstructions, breaking down national dis- Page 193: "Champabhumi" and "Radhabhumi" are archaic names for certain
tinctions, are operated through the encroachment of king-emperor or capital.. areas of Bengal. "Bhumi" is simply "land." All of Bengal is thus "Bangabhumi."
The only exception is the word "sahib." An Urdu word meaning "friend," It Page 194: The jackal following the tiger is a common image.
came to mean, almost exclusively in Bengali, "white man." It is a colonial w~rd Page 194: Modern Bengali does not distinguish between "her'' and "his." The
and is used today to mean "boss." I thought of Kipling as I wrote "Burra Sahib" "her'' in the sentence beginning "No comrade will ... "can therefore be con-
sidered an interpretation. 22
for Senanayak. . . . . . . Page 195: A sari conjures up the long, many-pleated piece of cloth, complete
In the matter of "translation" between Bengali and English, 1t IS agam Dopdi
with blouse and underclothes, that "proper'' Indian women wear. Dopdi wears
who occupies a curious middle space. She is the only one who uses the word
a much-abbreviated version, without blouse or underclothes. It is referred to
"counter" (the "n" is no more than a nasalization of the diphthong "ou"). As
simply as "the cloth."
Mahasweta explains, it is an abbreviation for "killed by police in an encotmter.~'
the code description for death by police torture. Dopdi does not understand
English, but she understands this formula and the word. In her use of it at the Draupadl
end, it comes mysteriously close to the "proper" English usage. It is the me~
acing appeal of the objectified subject to its politico-sexual enemy-the proVI- Name Dopdi Mejhen, age twenty-seven, husband Dulna Majhi (deceased), dom-
sionally silenced master of the subject-obj~,ct diale~c-:-to e~count~r-; icile Cherakhan, Bankrahjarh, information whether dead or alive and/or assist-
"counter" -her. What is it to "use" a language correctly' without knowmg' ance in arrest, one hundred rupees . . .
it? An exchange between two liveried uniforms.
We cannot answer because we, with Senanayak, are in the opposite situation. FIRST LIVERY: What's this, a tribal called Dopdi? The list of names I brought
Although we are told of specialists, the meaning of Dopdi' s song remains un- has nothing like it! How can anyone have an unlisted name?
disclosed in the text. The educated Bengali does not know the languages of the SEcoND: Draupadi Mejhen. Born the year her mother threshed rice at Surja
tribes, and no political coercion obliges him to "know" it. What one might ~alsely Sahu (killed)'s at Bakuli. Surja Sahu's wife gave her the name.
think of as a political "privilege" -knowing English properly-stands m the FIRST: These officers like nothing better than to write as much as they can in
way of a deconstructive practice of language-using it "corre~ly'' through a English. What's all this stuff about her?
political displacement, or operating the language of the other s1de. SECOND: Most notorious female. Long wanted in many ...
It follows that I have had the usual "translator's problems" only with the Dossier: Dulna and Dopdi worked at harvests, rotating between Birbhum, Surd-
peculiar Bengali spoken by the tribals. In general we educated Bengalis h~ve wan, Murshidabad, and Bankura. In 1971, in the famous Operation Bakuli, when
the same racist attitude toward it as the late Peter Sellers had toward our English. three villages were cordonned off and machine gunned, they too lay on the ground,
It would have been embarrassing to have used some version of the language of faking dead. In fact, they were the main culprits. Murdering Surja Sahu and his
D. H. Lawrence's "common people" or Faulkner's blacks. Again, the specificity son, occupying upper-caste wells and tubewells during the drought, not sur-
is micrological. I have used "straight English," whatever that may be. rendering those three young men to the police. In all this they were the chief
Rather than encumber the story with footnotes, in conclusion I shall list a few instigators. In the morning, at the time of the body count, the couple could not
items of information: be found. The blood-sugar level of Captain Arjan Singh, the architect of Bakuli,
rose at once and proved yet again that diabetes can be a result of anxiety and
depression. Diabetes has twelve husbands-among them anxiety.
Page 188: The "five Ks" are Kes ("unshorn hair''); kachh ("drawers down to Dulna and Dopdi went underground for a long time in a Neanderthal darkness.
the knee"); karha ("iron bangle"); kirpan ("dagger''); kanga ("comb"; to be worn The Special Forces, attempting to pierce that dark by an armed search, compelled
by every Sikh, hence a mark of identity). . . . quite a few Santals in the various districts of West Bengal to meet their Maker
Page 190: "Bibidha Bharati" is a popular radio program, on which listeners against their will. By the Indian Constitution, all human beings, regardless of
can hear music of their choice. The Hindi film industry is prolific in producing caste or creed, are sacred. Still, accidents like this do happen. Two sorts of
pulp movies for consumption in India and in all parts of the world ~here there reasons: (1), the underground couple's skill in self-concealment; (2), not merely
is an Indian, Pakistani, and West Indian labor force. Many of the films are ad- the Santals but all tribals of the Austro-Asiatic Munda tribes appear the same
aptations from the epics. Sanjeev Kumar is an id~lized act~r. Since_it was ~hna to the Special Forces.
who rescued Draupadi from her predicament m the ep1c, and, m the film the In fact, all around the ill-famed forest of Jharkhani, which is under the juris-
soldiers watch, Sanjeev Kumar encounters Krishna, there might be a touch of diction of the police station at Bankrajharh (in this India of ours, even a worm
is under a certain police station), even in the southeast and southwest corners,
textual irony here.
Page 191: "Panchayat" is a supposedly elected body of village self-government. one com~s across hair-raising details in the eyewitness records put together on
188 in Other Worlds "Draupadi"
the people who are suspected of attacking police stations, stealing guns (since I should mention here that, although the other side make little of him Sen-
the snatchers are not invariably well educated, they sometimes say "give up anaya~ .is not to be trifled with. Whatever his practice, in theory he respedts the
your chambers" rather than give up your gun), killing grain brokers, landlords, opposition. Respects them because they could be neither understood nor de-
moneylenders, law officers, and bureaucrats. A black-skinned couple ululated mo~shed if they were treated with the attitude, "It's nothing but a bit of im-
like police sirens before the episode. They sang jubilantly in a savage tongue, pertinent game-playing with guns." In order to destroy the enemy, become one. Thus
incomprehensible even to the Santals. Such as: he unde~st~od them by (theoretically) becoming one of them. He hopes to write
on all this m the future. He has also decided that in his written work he will
demolish the gentlemen and highlight the message of the harvest workers. These
Samaray hijulenako mar goekope mental processes might seem complicated, but actually he is a simple man and
is as pleased as his third great-uncle after a meal of turtle meat. In fact, he knows
that, as in the old popular song, turn by turn the world will change. And in
and, every world he must have the credentials to survive with honor. If necessary
he will show the future to what extent he alone understands the matter in its
p~oper perspective. He knows very well that what he is doing today the future
Hende rambra keche keche will forget, but he also knows that if he can change color from world to world,
Pundi rambra keche keche he can represent the particular world in question. Today he is getting rid of the
young by means of "apprehension and elimination," but he knows people will soon
forget the memory and lesson of blood. And at the same time, he, like Shake-
This proves conclusively that they are the cause of Captain Arjan Singh' s speare, believes in delivering the world's legacy into youth's hands. He is Pros-
diabetes. pero as well.
Government procedure being as incomprehensible as the Male Principle in At any rate, information is received that many young men and women, batch
Sankhya philosophy or Antonioni's early films, it was Arjan Singh who was by batch and on jeeps, have attacked police station after police station, terrified
sent once again on Operation Forest Jharkhani. Learning from Intelligence that and elated the region, and disappeared into the forest of Jharkhani. Since after
the above-mentioned ululating and dancing couple was the escaped corpses, escaping from Bakuli, Dopdi and Dulna have worked at the house of virtually
Arjan Singh fell for a bit into a zombielike state and finally acquired so irrational every landowner, they can efficiently inform the killers about their targets and
a dread of black-skinned people that whenever he saw a black person in a ball- announce proudly that they too are soldiers, rank and file. Finally the impene-
bag, he swooned, saying "they're killing me," and drank and passed a lot of trable forest of Jharkhani is surrounded by real soldiers, the army enters and
water. Neither uniform nor Scriptures could relieve that depression. At long splits the battlefield. Soldiers in hiding guard the falls and springs that are the
last, under the shadow of a premature and forced retirement, it was possible to only source of drinking water; they are still guarding, still looking. On one such
present him at the desk of Mr. Senanayak, the elderly Bengali specialist in com- search, army informant Dukhiram Gharari saw a young Santa} man lying on his
bat and extreme-Left politics. stomach on a flat stone, dipping his face to drink water. The soldiers shot him
Senanayak knows the activities and capacities of the opposition better than as h_e lay. As the .303 threw him off spread-eagled and brought a bloody foam
they themselves do. First, therefore, he presents an encomium on the military to his mouth, he roared "Ma-ho" and then went limp. They realized later that
genius of the Sikhs. Then he explains further: Is it only the opposition that it was the redoubtable Dulna Majhi.
should find power at the end of the barrel of a gun? Arjan Singh's power also What does "Ma-ho" mean? Is this a violent slogan in the tribal language?
explodes out of the male organ of a gun. Without a gun even the "five Ks" come Even after much thought, the Department of Defense could not be sure. Two
to nothing in this day and age. These speeches he delivers to all and sundry. tribal-specialist types are flown in from Calcutta, and they sweat over the dic-
As a result, the fighting forces regain their confidence in the Army Handbook. It tionaries put together by worthies such as Hoffmann-Jeffer and Golden-Palmer.
is not a book for everyone. It says that the most despicable and repulsive style Finally the omniscient Senanayak summons Chamru, the water carrier of the
of fighting is guerrilla warfare with primitive weapons. Annihilation at sight of camp. He giggles when he sees the two specialists, scratches his ear with his
any and all practitioners of such warfare is the sacred duty of every soldier. "bidi," and says, the Santals of Maldah did say that when they began fighting
Dopdi and Dulna belong to the category of such fighters, for they too kill by at the time of King Gandhi! It's a battle cry. Who said "Ma-ho" here? Did
means of hatchet and scythe, bow and arrow, etc. In fact, their fighting power someone come from Maldah?
is greater than the gentlemen's. Not all gentlemen become experts in the ex- The problem is thus solved. Then, leaving Dulna's body on the stone, the
plosion of "chambers"; they think the power will come out on its own if the ~oldiers climb the trees in green camouflage. They embrace the leafy boughs
gun is held. But since Dulna and Dopdi are illiterate, their kind have practiced like so many great god Pans and wait as the large red ants bite their private
the use of weapons generation after generation. parts. To see if anyone comes to take away the body. This is the hunter's way,
190 In Other Worlds "Draupadi"
not the soldier's. But Senanayak know~th ate~h ~~edr:w
b testhe
prey be dispatched
with a corpse How many are left? Is there anyone at all?
by th~ aXftr:;:~o~:~!r~~eh:a;:~~ h:v:almost deciphered Dop~i'ssong., The answer is long.
as bait. . . nd But no one comes to clmm Dulna s Item: Well, action still goes on. Moneylenders, landlords, grain brokers, anony-
The soldie~ get gomg ~t hishcomn;: s~ffle and, descending, discover that mous brothel keepers, ex-informants are still terrified. The hungry and naked
corpse. At rught the soldiers s oot ~o ulatin on dry leaves. Improvidently are still defiant and irrepressible. In some pockets the harvest workers are getting
they have killed. ~~ hedgehogs kam gets a knife in the neck before he a better wage. Villages sympathetic to the fugitives are still silent and hostile.
enough, the soldiers JUngle sc~ut D ture Be!rin Dulna's corpse, the soldiers These events cause one to think. ...
can claim th.e rew~d for ~uln~ s ~ferru~ted in t~eir feast, begin to bite them. Where in this picture does Dopdi Mejhen fit?
suffer shooting pams as t e an s, m has come to take the corpse, he slaps his She must have connections with the fugitives. The cause for fear is elsewhere.
When Senanayak hears that no one d h t "What?" Immediall:!ly ORe
. . b k of The Deputy an s ou s, . The ones who remain have lived a long time in the primitive world of the forest.
---<' antz-Fasczst paper a~ .copy . . h . as naked and transparent as Ar- They keep company with the poor harvest workers and the tribals. They must
of andspeaali~ts
the tribal
chimedes' up, ~
says, Getruns szr.'~~vea ~-:covered the meaning of that 'hende have forgotten book learning. Perhaps they are orienting their book learning to
e" the soil they live on and learning new combat and survival techniques. One can
rambra' stuff. It'~~unD:pdi :~tk~es. In the forest belt of Jharkhani, the
d 'la
0'- shoot and get rid of the ones whose only recourse is extrinsic book learning and
Thus the searc o~ . . buncle on the government's backside. sincere intrinsic enthusiasm. Those who are working practically will not be ex-
eration continues-will continu~. It IS a car t to burst with the appropriate herb. terminated so easily.
Not to be cured by the te~t~d o~tm:;:~;~f the forest's topography, are caught Therefore Operation Jharkhani Forest cannot stop. Reason: the words of warn-
In ~he firstpha:~ ~~: ~f~::'~~fation they are shot at the taxpayer's exp~nse. ing in the Army Handbook.
~as~~~ 1:~o~~onfrontation, their eyeballs, intestines, .stomachs,he~rts, ~~!~
a~d so on become the food of fox, vulture, .hyena, wilkldcat, ant, an wo ' 2.
ff h il to sell therr bare s e etons.
the untouchables go o a)p yt b tured in open combat in the next phase.
They do not allow themse ves o e capstworth courier. Ten to one it's Dopdi. Catch Dopdi Mejhen. She will lead us to the others.
Now it seems that they havthaefouhndbaltrud No d~ubt it is she who is saving the Dopdi was proceeding slowly, with some rice knotted into her belt. Mushai
Dopdi loved Dulna more n er oo .
fugitives now. Tudu's wife had cooked her some. She does so occasionally. When the rice is
"They" is also a hypothesis. cold, Dopdi knots it into her waistcloth and walks slowly. As she walked, she
Why? picked out and killed the lice in her hair. If she had some kerosene, she'd rub it
How man went originally? . ress into her scalp and get rid of the lice. Then she could wash her hair with baking
The answ:r is silence. About that there are many tales, many books m p . soda. But the bastards put traps at every bend of the falls. If they smell kerosene
Best not to believe everything. . in the water, they will follow the scent.
How many killed in six years' confrontation?
She doesn't respond. She never responds when she hears her own name. She
~ a~~:re~~:Jr~:~~ons are the skeletons discovered with arms =ken ~r has seen in the Panchayat office just today the notice for the reward in her name.
sever:d? Could armless men have fought? Why do the collarbones s e, w y Mushai Tudu's wife had said, "What are you looking at? Who is Dopdi Mejhen!
Money if you give her up!"
areTwo ~nd ribs
legskinds crushedS?ilence. Hurt rebuke in the eyes. Shame on you! Why
of answer.
"How much?"
bring this up? What will be will be. . . Oh God!
ft . th f st? The answer IS silence.
How many le . m .. e ore . . t .
A legion? Is it JUStifiable to mam am a large battalion in that wild area at the Mushai's wife said outside the office: "A lot of preparation this time. A-ll
new policemen."
taxpayer's "Wild area" is incorrect. The battalion is provided with Hm.
Ans~er: j~~~~ arran ements to worship according to religion, opportu- Don't come again.
s~pe~s~~ n to "Bibidha ~harati"
and to see Sanjeev K~mar an~ the Lord
~h~a f:c:~to-face in the movie This Is Life. No. The area IS not wild. Mushai's wife looked down. Tudu says that Sahib has come again. If they
catch you, the village, our huts ...
How many are left?
They'll burn again.
The answer is silence.
Yes. And about Dukhiram ...
m umer wonas
gun. Surja was tied up with cow rope. His whitish eyeballs turned and turned,
he was incontinent again and again. Dulna had said, I'll have the first blow,
The Sahib knows?
brothers. My greatgrandfather took a bit of paddy from him, and I still give
Shomai and Budhna betrayed us.
him free labor to repay that debt.
Where are they?
Dopdi had said, His mouth watered when he looked at me. I'll put out his
~:~~t~o~~h~a~~-something. Then said, Go home. I don't know what will eyes.
happen, if they catch me don't know me. Surja Sahu. Then a telegraphic message from Shiuri. Special train. Army. The jeep
didn't come up to Bakuli. March-march-march. The crunch-crunch-crunch of gravel
~~~~~~~~~::::ny times can I run away? What will they do if they catch under hobnailed boots. Cordon up. Commands on the mike. Jugal Mandal, Satish
me? They will counter me. Let them. Mandal, Rana alias Prabir alias Dipak, Dulna Majhi-Dopdi Mejhen surrender sur-
Mushai's wife said, We have nowhere else to go. render surrender. No surrender surrender. Mow-mow-mow down the village. Putt-putt
Do di said softly I won't tell anyone's name. putt-putt-cordite in the air-putt-putt-round the clock-putt-putt. Flame
Do~di knows, ha~ learned by hearing so often and so long, howDon~~:~o~: thrower. Bakuli is burning. More men and women, children ... fire-fire. Close canal
If . d nd body give way under torture, op 1 approach. Over-over-over by nightfall. Dopdi and Dulna had crawled on their stom-
to terms with torture. mt~ .a d hi When they counter you, achs to safety.
off hehr todngue. ti!ehda~;~~1~y~~: ~ey:~~~~~e;: are :.shed, your sex is a terrible They could not have reached Paltakuri after Bakuli. Bhupati and Tapa took
your an s are l twenty-two
wound. Killed by police in an encounter ... unkno~n ma e ... age . Do.di' them. Then it was decided that Dopdi and Dulna would work around the Jhark-
hani belt. Dulna had explained to Dopdi, Dear, this is best! We won't get family
A h lked thinking these thoughts, Dopdt heard someone calling, p .
s~: d~d:?t respond. She doesn't respond if called by her own name. Here her and children this way. But who knows? Landowner and moneylender and po-
licemen might one day be wiped out!
name is Upi Mejhen. But who calls? . h . d H ring "Dopdi" they
S . f p'don are always furled m er mm . ea Who called her from the back today?
tifm~~ as~:d~ehog's. Walking, she unrolls the film of known faces in ~er Dopdi kept walking. Villages and fields, bush and rock-Public Works Depart-
s . edn Who? No Shomra Shomra is on the run. Shomai and ~udhna arefa so ment markers-sound of running steps in back. Only one person running. Jhark-
mm . ' h B k li Is 1t someone rom hani Forest still about two miles away. Now she thinks of nothing but entering
on the run, for other reasons. Not Golok, e ts m ~ u . Ma'hi
Bakuli? After Bakuli her and Dulna's names were Upt Mejhen, Mata~ J the forest. She must let them know that the police have set up notices for her
Here ~o one but Mu~hai and his wife knows their real names. Among e young again. Must tell them that that bastard Sahib has appeared again. Must change
tlemen not all of the previous batches knew . 0 hideouts. Also, the plan to do to Lakkhi Bera and Naran Bera what they did to
gen , tr bl d time Dopdi is confused when she thinks about tt. p- Surja Sahu on account of the trouble over paying the field hands in Sandara
That was a ou e dib b t d' tw tubewells must be cancelled. Shomai and Budhna knew everything. There was the urgency
t. B k li in Bakuli. Surja Sahu arranged with Bid a u o tg o
era wn a u . . the corn ound of his two houses. No water anywhere, of great danger under Dopdi's ribs. Now she thought there was no shame as a
~~~u~~:~n;~!~h::.1~nlimited ~ater at Surja Sahu's house, as clear as a crow's Santa! in Shomai and Budhna's treachery. Dopdi's blood was the pure una-
dulterated black blood of Champabhumi. From Champa to Bakuli the rise and
eye. th. . b rning set of a million moons. Their blood could have been contaminated; Dopdi felt
Get your water with canal tax, every ~g ts. u 7
What's my profit in increasing cultivation wtth tax money. proud of her forefathers. They stood guard over their women's blood in black
armor. Shomai and Budhna are half-breeds. The fruits of the war. Contributions
Everything's on fire. lti ti n
Get out of here. I don't accept your Panchayat nonsense. Increa~e cu va ?h to Radhabhumi by the American soldiers stationed at Shiandanga. Otherwise,
with water. You want half the paddy for sharec:opping. Everyon,e lS happydwtt crow would eat crow's flesh before Santa! would betray Santal.
free paddy. Then give me paddy at home, gwe me money, I ve learne my Footsteps at her back. The steps keep a distance. Rice in her belt, tobacco
leaves tucked at her waist. Arijit, Malini, Shamu, Mantu-none of them smokes
lesson trying to do you good.
or even drinks tea. Tobacco leaves and limestone powder. Best medicine for
What good did you do?
Have I not given water to the village? scorpion bite. Nothing must be given away.
You've given it to your kin Bhagunal. Dopdi turned left. This way is the camp. Two miles. This is not the way to
the forest. But Dopdi will not enter the forest with a cop at her back.
Don't you get water?
No The untouchables don't get water. '1 S ti h I swear by my life. By my life Dulna, by my life. Nothing must be told.
Th~ quarrel began there.ln the drought, human patience catche~ east y.? a ~d The footsteps turn left. Dopdi touches her waist. In her palm the comfort of
and Jugal from the village and that young gentleman, ~as Rana his name., sa a half-moon. A baby scythe. The smiths at Jharkhani are fine artisans. Such an
. 1 d on't give a thing put htm down. edge we'll put on it Upi, a hundred Dukhirams-Thank God Dopdi is not a
a landowmng money en er w ded at night' Surja Sahu had brought out his
Surja Sahu' s house was surroun
194 In Other Worlds "Draupadi"
gentleman. Actually, perhaps they have understood scythe, hatchet, and knife Arijit's voice. Just as you must know when you've won, you must also ac-
best. They do their work in silence. The lights of the camp at a distance. Why knowledge d~feat and start the activities of the next stage.
is Dopdi going this way? Stop a bit, it turns again. Huh! I can tell where I am Now Dopdi spreads her arms, raises her face to the sky turns toward the
if I wander all night with my eyes shut. I won't go in the forest, I won't lose forest, and ululates with the force of her entire being. Once 'twice thre ti
him that way. I won't outrun him. You fucking jackal of a cop, deadly afraid At the t~ird. burst the birds in the trees at the outskirts of the fore~t aw:ker:~~
of death, you can't run around in the forest. I'd run you out of breath, throw flap therr wmgs. The echo of the call travels far.
you in a ditch, and finish you off.
Not a word must be said. Dopdi has seen the new camp, she has sat in the
bus station, passed the time of day, smoked a "bidi" and found out how many 3.
police convoys had arrived, how many radio vans. Squash four, onions"sevep,
peppers fifty, a straightforward account. This information cannot now be passed Draupadi .Mejhen was apprehended at 6:53 P.M. It took an hour to get her to
on. They will understand Dopdi Mejhen has been countered. Then they'll run. camp. Questi?rung took another hour exactly. No one touched her, and she was
Arijit's voice. If anyone is caught, the others must catch the timing and change allowed to Sit on a canvas camp stool. At 8:57 Senanayak's dinner hour a _
their hideout. If Comrade Dopdi arrives late, we will not remain. There will be a proached, ~n? saying, "Make her. Do the needful," he disappeared. p
sign of where we've gone. No comrade will let the others be destroyed for her .T~en ~ billion moons pass. A billion lunar years. Opening her eyes after a
own sake. rnillio~ hgh~ years, Dr~upadi, strangely enough, sees sky and moon. Slowly the
Arijit's voice. The gurgle of water. The direction of the next hideout will be blood1~d ~ailheads shift from her brain. Trying to move, she feels her arms and
indicated by the tip of the wooden arrowhead under the stone. legs still tied to four posts. Something sticky under her ass and waist. Her own
Dopdi likes and understands this. Dulna died, but, let me tell you, he didn't ~lood. ,?nly the gag has been removed. Incredible thirst. In case she says
lose anyone else's life. Because this was not in our heads to begin with, one wat~r she catches her lower lip in her teeth. She senses that her vagina is
was countered for the other's trouble. Now a much harsher rule, easy and clear. bleedmg. How many came to make her?
Dopdi returns-good; doesn't return-bad. Change hideout. The clue will be such . Shaming her, a tear trickles out of the corner of her eye. In the muddy moon-
that the opposition won't see it, won't understand even if they do. light she lowers her lightless eye, sees her breasts, and understands that indeed
Footsteps at her back. Dopdi turns again. These three and a half miles of land she's been m~de ~p right. Her breasts are bitten raw, the nipples to~. Ho~
and rocky ground are the best way to enter the forest. Dopdi has left that way many? Four-five-six-seven-then Draupadi had passed out.
behind. A little level ground ahead. Then rocks again. The army could not have She turns her eyes and sees something white. Her own cloth. Nothing else
struck camp on such rocky terrain. This area is quiet enough. It's like a maze, Suddenly she hopes against hope. Perhaps they have abandoned her. For th~
every hump looks like every other. That's fine. Dopdi will lead the cop to the foxes to de~rour. But she hears the scrape of feet. She turns her head, the guard
burning "ghat." Patitpaban of Saranda had been sacrificed in the name of Kali leans on ~s bayonet and leers at her. Draupadi closes her eyes. She doesn't
of the Burning Ghats. hav~ to wa~t Ion~. Again the process of making her begins. Goes on. The moon
Apprehend! vomits a bit of l~ght and goes to sleep. Only the dark remains. A compelled
A lump of rock stands up. Another. Yet another. The elderly Senanayak was ~tpread-eagled still body. Active pistons of flesh rise and fall, rise and fall over
I .
at once triumphant and despondent. If you want to destroy the enemy, become one. Then morning comes.
He had done so. As long as six years ago he could anticipate their every move.
He still can. Therefore he is elated. Since he has kept up with the literature, he . Then Draupadi Mejhen is brought to the tent and thrown on the straw Her
piece of cloth is thrown over her body.
has read First Blood and seen approval of his thought and work.
Dopdi couldn't trick him, he is unhappy about that. Two sorts of reasons. Six
The,~, after br~akfas~, after reading the newspaper and sending the radio mes-
years ago he published an article about information storage in brain cells. He bsage D:aupad1 MeJhen apprehended," etc., Draupadi Mejhen is ordered
rought m.
demonstrated in that piece that he supported this struggle from the point of Suddenly there is trouble.
view of the field hands. Dopdi is a field hand. Veteran fighter. Search and destroy.
Draupadi sits up as soon as she hears "Move!" and asks, Where do you wa t
Dopdi Mejhen is about to be apprehended. Will be destroyed. Regret. ~~~ n
Halt! To the Burra Sahib's tent.
Dopdi stops short. The steps behind come around to the front. Under Dopdi's Where is the tent?
ribs the canal dam breaks. No hope. Surja Sahu's brother Rotorti Sahu. The two Over there.
lumps of rock come forward. Shomai and Budhna. They had not escaped by Draupadi fixes her red eyes on the tent. Says, Come, I'll go.
train. The guard pushes the water pot forward.
196 In Other Worlds
Draupadi stands up. She pours the water down on the ground. Tears her 12. Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing
piece of cloth with her teeth. Seeing such strange behavior, the guard says,
She's gone crazy, and runs for orders. He can lead the prisoner out but doesn't
know what to do if the prisoner behaves incomprehensibly. So he goes to ask
his superior. Change and Crisis
The commotion is as if the alarm had sounded in a prison. Senanayak walks
out surprised and sees Draupadi, naked, walking toward him in the bright sun- The work of the Subaltern Studies group offers a theory of change. The in-
light with her head high. The nervous guards trail behind. sertion of India into colonialism is generally defined as a change from semi-
What is this? He is about to cry, but stops. feudalism into capitalist subjection. Such a definition theorizes the change within
Draupadi stands before him, naked. Thigh and pubic hair matted with dry the great narrative of the modes of production and, by uneasy implication,
blood. Two breasts, two wounds. within the narrative of the transition from feudalism to capitalism. Concurrently,
What is this? He is about to bark. this change is seen as the inauguration of politicization for the colonized. The
Draupadi comes closer. Stands with her hand on her hip, laughs and says, colonial subject is seen as emerging from those parts of the indigenous elite
The object of your search, Dopdi Mejhen. You asked them to make me up, don't which come to be loosely described as "bourgeois nationalist." The Subaltern
you want to see how they made me? Studies group seems to me to be revising this general definition and its theo-
Where are her clothes? rization by proposing at least two things: first, that the moment(s) of change be
Won't put them on, sir. Tearing them. pluralized and plotted as confrontations rather than transition (they would thus
Draupadi's black body comes even closer. Draupadi shakes with an indom- be seen in relation to histories of domination and exploitation rather than within
itable laughter that Senanayak simply cannot understand. Her ravaged lips bleed the great modes-of-production narrative) and, secondly, that such changes are
as she beings laughing. Draupadi wipes the blood on her palm and says in a signalled or marked by a functional change in sign-systems. The most important
voice that is as terrifying, sky splitting, and sharp as her ululation, What's the functional change is from the religious to the militant. There are, however, many
use of clothes? You can strip me, but how can you clothe me again? Are you a other functional changes in sign-systems indicated in these collections: from
man? crime to insurgency, from bondsman to worker, and so on.
She looks around and chooses the front of Senanayak's white bush shirt to The most significant outcome of this revision or shift in perspective is that
spit a bloody gob at and says, There isn't a man here that I should be ashamed. the agency of change is located in the insurgent or the "subaltern."
I will not let you put my cloth on me. What more can you do? Come on, counter (In fact their concern with function changes in sign-systems-the phrase "dis-
me-come on, counter me-? cursive displacements" is slightly shorter-extends beyond the arena of insur-
Draupadi pushes Senanayak with her two mangled breasts, and for the first gent or subaltern activity. In more than one article Dipesh Chakrabarty discusses
time Senanayak is afraid to stand before an unarmed target, terribly afraid. how the "self-consciously socialist discourse" of the left sector of the indigenous
elite is, willy-nilly, attempting to displace the discourse of feudal authority and
charge it with new functions. 1 Partha Chatterjee shows Gandhi "political[ly])
1981 appropriat[ing] the popular in the evolving forms of the new Indian state"
(3.156). The meticulously documented account of the emergence of Gandhi-
far from a "subaltern" -as a political signifier within the social text, spanning
many of the essays in the three collections, is one of the most stunning achieve-
ments of these studies.)
the project, Guha seems to radicalize the historiography of colonial India operated by alienation- Verfremdung as well as Entiiu'iBerung. Derrida's reading
through a combination of Soviet and Barthesian semiotic analysis. The discur- of Hegel as in Glas would question the argument for the inalienability even of
sivity (cognitive failure) of disinterested (successful and therefore true) histo- Absolute Necessity and Absolute Knowledge, but here we need not move that
riography is revealed. The Muse of History and counter-insurgency are shown far. We must ask the opposite question. How shall we deal with Marx's sug-
to be complicit (2.1-42 & EAP). gestion that man must strive toward self-determination and unalienated practice
I am suggesting, of course, that an implicitly evolutionist or progressivist set and Gramsci's that "the lower classes" must "achieve self-awareness via a series
of presuppositions measuring failure or success in terms of level of consciousness of negations"? 10
is too simple for the practice of the collective. If we look at the varieties of activity
treated by them, subaltern, insurgent, nationalist, colonialist, historiographic,
it is a general field of failures that we see. In fact the work of the collective is Formulating an answer to this question might lead to far-reaching practical
making the distinction between success and failure indeterminate-for the most effects if the risks of the irreducibility of cognitive "failure" and of "alienation"
successful historical record is disclosed by them to be crosshatched by cognitive are accepted. The group's own practice can then be graphed on this grid of
failure. Since in the case of the subaltern they are considering consciousness "failures," with the concept of failure generalized and re-inscribed as I have
(however "negative") and culture (however determining); and in the case of the suggested above. This subverts the inevitable vanguardism of a theory that
elite, culture and manipulation-the subaltern is also operating in the theatre otherwise criticizes the vanguardism of theory. This is why I hope to align them
of "cognition." At any rate, where does cognition begin and end? I will consider with deconstruction: "Operating necessarily from the inside, borrowing all the
later the possible problems with such compartmentalized views of conscious- strategic and economic resources of subversion from the old structure, borrow-
ness. Here suffice it to say that by the ordinary standards of coherence, and in ing them structurally, that is to say without being able to isolate their elements
terms of their own methodology, the possibility of failure cannot be derived and atoms, the enterprise of deconstruction always in a certain way falls prey
from any criterion of success unless the latter is a theoretical fiction. 8 to its own work." 11
This is the greatest gift of deconstruction: to question the authority of the
investigating subject without paralysing him, persistently transforming condi-
A word on "alienation," as used by members of this group, to mean "a failure tions of impossibility into possibility. 12 Let us pursue the implications of this in
of self-cognition," is in order here. our particular case.
The group, as we have seen, tracks failures in attempts to displace discursive
fields. A deconstructive approach would bring into focus the fact that they are
To overestimate ... [the]lucidity or depth [of the subaltern consciousness] themselves engaged in an attempt at displacing discursive fields, that they them-
will be . . . ill-advised ... This characteristic expression of a negative selves "fail" (in the general sense) for reasons as "historical" as those they ad-
consciousness on the insurgent's part matched its other symptom, that is, duce for the heterogeneous agents they study; and would attempt to forge a
his self-alienation. He was still committed to envisaging the coming war practice that would take this into account. Otherwise, refusing to acknowledge
on the Raj as the project of a will independent of himself and his own role the implications of their own line of work because that would be politically
in it as no more than instrumental ... [In their own] parwana [procla- incorrect, they would, willy-nilly, "insidiously objectify" the subaltern (2.262),
mation] ... the authors did not recognize even their own voice, but heard control him through knowledge even as they restore versions of causality and
only that of God (EAP 28). self-determination to him (2.30), become complicit, in their desire for totality
(and therefore totalization) (3.317), with a "law [that] assign[s] a[n] undiffer-
entiated [proper] name" (EAP 159) to "the subaltern as such."
To be sure, within his progressivist narrative taxonomy Hegel describes the
march of history in terms of a diminution in the self-alienation of the so-called
world historical agent. Kojeve and his followers in France distinguished between Subaltern Studies and the European Critique of Humanism
this Hegel, the narrator of (a) history, and the speculative Hegel who outlined
a system of logic. 9 Within the latter, alienation is irreducible in any act of con- A "religious idiom gave the hillmen [of the Eastern Ghats] a framework, within
sciousness. Unless the subject separates from itself to grasp the object there is which to conceptualize their predicament and to seek solutions to it'' (1.140-1).
no cognition, indeed no thinking, no judgment. Being and Absolute Idea, the The idiom of recent European theories of interpretation seems to offer this col-
first and last sections of The Science of Logic, two accounts of simple unalienability, lective a similar framework. As they work their displacement, they are, as I
are not accessible to individual or personal consciousness. From the strictly phil- suggest above, expanding the semantic range of "reading" and "text," words
osophical point of view, then, (a) elite historiography (b) the bourgeois nation- that are, incidentally, not prominent in their vocabulary. This is a bold trans-
alist account, as well as (c) re-inscription by the Subaltern Studies group, are action and can be compared favorably to some similar attempts made by his-
202 In Other Worlds Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing Historiography 203
torians in the United States. 13 It is appropriately marked by attempts to find mate signified or ground, there is a force at work here which would contradict
local parallels, as in the concept of atide5a in Guha's work, and to insert the local such a metaphysics. For consciousness here is not consciousness-in-general, but
into the general, as in the pervasive invocation of English, French, German, and a historicized political species thereof, subaltern consciousness. In a passage
occasionally Italian insurgency in EAP, and in the invocation of the anthropology where "transcendental" is used as "transcending, because informing a hege-
of Africa in Partha Chatterjee's work on modes of power. monic narrative" rather than in a strictly philosophical sense, Guha puts this
It is the force of a crisis that operates functional displacements in discursive admirably: "Once a peasant rebellion has been assimilated to the career of the
fields. In my reading of the volumes of Subaltern Studies, this critical force or Raj, the Nation or the people [the hegemonic narratives], it becomes easy for
bringing-to-crisis can be located in the energy of the questioning of humanism the historian to abdicate the responsibility he has of exploring and describing
in the post-Nietzschean sector of Western European structuralism, for our group the consciousness specific to that rebellion and be content to ascribe to it a
Michel Foucault, Roland Barthes, and a certain Levi-Strauss. These structuralists transcendental consciousness . . . representing them merely as instruments of
question humanism by exposing its hero-the sovereign subject as author, the some other will" (2.38).
subject of authority, legitimacy, and power. There is an affinity between the Because of this bestowal of a historical specificity to consciousness in the nar-
imperialist subject and the subject of humanism. Yet the crisis of anti-human- row sense, even as it implicitly operates as a metaphysical methodological pre-
ism-like all crises-does not move our collective "fully." The rupture shows supposition in the general sense, there is always a counterpointing suggestion
itself to be also a repetition. They fall back upon notions of consciousness-as- in the work of the group that subaltern consciousness is subject to the cathexis
agent, totality, and upon a culturalism, that are discontinuous with the critique of the elite, that it is never fully recoverable, that it is always askew from its
of humanism. They seem unaware of the historico-political provenance of their received signifiers, indeed that it is effaced even as it is disclosed, that it is
various Western "collaborators." Vygotsky and Lotman, Victor Turner and Levi- irreducibly discursive. It is, for example, chiefly a matter of "negative con-
Strauss, Evans-Pritchard and Hindess and Hirst can, for them, fuel the same sciousness" in the more theoretical of these essays. Although "negative con-
fire as Foucault and Barthes. Since one cannot accuse this group of the eclecticism sciousness" is conceived of here as an historical stage peculiar to the subaltern,
of the supermarket consumer, one must see in their practice a repetition of as there is no logical reason why, given that the argument is inevitably historicized,
well as a rupture from the colonial predicament: the transactional quality of inter- this "negative," rather than the grounding positive view of consciousness,
confficting metropolitan sources often eludes the (post)colonial intellectual. should not be generalized as the group's methodological presupposition. One
I remind the reader that, in my view, such "cognitive failures" are irreducible. view of "negative consciousness," for instance, sees it as the consciousness not
As I comment on the place of "consciousness" in the work of Subaltern Studies, of the being of the subaltern, but of that of the oppressors (EAP chap. 2, 3.183).
it is therefore not my intent to suggest a formula for correct cognitive moves. Here, in vague Hegelian limnings, is the anti-humanist and anti-positivist po-
sition that it is always the desire for/of (the power of the Other) that produces
an image of the self. If this is generalized, as in my reading of the "cognitive
The Problem of Subaltern Consciousness failure" argument, it is the subaltern who provides the model for a general theory
of consciousness. And yet, since the "subaltern" cannot appear without the
I have been trying to read the work of the group against the grain of their thought of the "elite," the generalization is by definition incomplete-in phil-
theoretical self-representation. Their figuration of peasant or subaltern con- osophical language "non-originary," or, in an earlier version of "unursprun-
sciousness makes such a reading particularly productive. glich," non-primordial. This "instituted trace at the origin" is a representation
To investigate, discover, and establish a subaltern or peasant consciousness of the deconstructive critique of simple origins. Of the practical consequences
seems at first to be a positivistic project-a project which assumes that, if prop- of recognizing the traces of this strategy in the work of the group I will speak
erly prosecuted, it will lead to firm ground, to some thing that can be disclosed. below.
This is all the more significant in the case of recovering a consciousness because, Another note in the counterpoint deconstructing the metaphysics of con-
within the post-Enlightenment tradition that the collective participates in as in- sciousness in these texts is provided by the reiterated fact that it is only the texts
terventionist historians, consciousness is the ground that makes all disclosures of counter-insurgency or elite documentation that give us the news of the con-
possible. sciousness of the subaltern. "The peasants' view of the struggle will probably
And, indeed, the group is susceptible to this interpretation. There is a certain never be recovered, and whatever we say about it at this stage must be very
univocal reflection or signification-theory presupposed here by which "peasant tentative" (1.50); "Given the problems of documenting the consciousness of the
action in famine as in rebellion" is taken to "reflect ... a single underlying jute mill workers, their will to resist and question the authority of their employers
consciousness" (3.112); and "solidarity" is seen as a "signifier of consciousness," can be read only in terms of the sense of crisis it produced among the people
where signification is representation, figuration, propriation (stringent de-lim- in authority" (3.121); "It should be possible to read the presence of a rebel con-
itation within a unique and self-adequate outline), and imprinting (EAP 169). sciousness as a necessary and pervasive element within that body of evidence"
Yet even as "consciousness" is thus entertained as an indivisible self-proxi- (EAP 15). To be sure, it is the vocabulary of "this stage," "will to resist," and
204 In Other Worlds Subaltern Studies: Deconstructlng Hlstorlography 205
"presence." Yet the language seems also to be straining to acknowledge that that of the insurgent. It should be possible therefore to read the presence
the subaltern's view, will, presence, can be no more than a theoretical fiction of a rebel consciousness as a necessary and pervasive element within that
to entitle the project of reading. It cannot be recovered, "it will probably never body of evidence (EAP 15).
be recovered." If I shifted to the slightly esoteric register of the language of
French post-structuralism, I could put it thus: "Thought [here the thought of
subaltern consciousness] is here for me a perfectly neutral name, the blank part Reading the work of Subaltern Studies from within but against the grain, I
of the text, the necessarily indeterminate index of a future epoch of difference. " 14 would suggest that elements in their text would warrant a reading of the project
Once again, in the work of this group, what had seemed the historical pre- to retrieve the subaltern consciousness as the attempt to undo a massive his-
dicament of the colonial subaltern can be made to become the allegory of the toriographic metalepsis and "situate" the effect of the subject as subaltern. I
predicament of all thought, all deliberative consciousness, though the elit~ pro- would read it, then, as a strategic use of positivist essentialism in a scrupulously
fess otherwise. This might seem preposterous at first glance. A double take is visible political interest. This would put them in line with the Marx who locates
in order. I will propose it in closing this section of my paper. fetishization, the ideological determination of the "concrete," and spins thenar-
The definitive accessibility of subaltern consciousness is counterpointed also rative of the development of the money-form; with the Nietzsche who offers us
by situating it in the place of a difference rather than an identity: "The terms genealogy in place of historiography, the Foucault who plots the construction
'people' and 'subaltern classes' have been used as synonymous throughout this of a "counter-memory," the Barthes of semiotropy and the Derrida of "affirm-
[introductory] note [to 1]. The social groups and elements included in this cat- ative deconstruction." This would allow them to use the critical force of anti-
egory represent the demographic difference between the total Indian population and humanism, in other words, even as they share its constitutive paradox: that the
all those whom we have described as the 'elite'" (1.82; italics author's). I refer the essentializing moment, the object of their criticism, is irreducible.
reader to an essay where I have commented extensively on the specific coun- The strategy becomes most useful when "consciousness" is being used in the
terpointing here: between the ostensible language of quantification-demographic narrow sense, as self-consciousness. When "consciousness" is being used in
difference-which is positivistic, and the discourse of a definitive difference- that way, Marx's notion of un-alienated practice or Gramsci's notion of an "ide-
demographic difference-which opens the door to deconstructive gestures. 15 ologically coherent," "spontaneous philosophy of the multitude" are plausible
I am progressively inclined, then, to read the retrieval of subaltern conscious- and powerful. 17 For class-consciousness does not engage the ground-level of
ness as the charting of what in post-structuralist language would be called the
consciousness-consciousness in general. "Oass" is not, after all, an inalienable
subaltern subject-effect. 16 A subject-effect can be briefly plotted as follows: that
description of a human reality. Oass-consciousness on the descriptive level is
which seems to operate as a subject may be part of an immense discontinuous
itself a strategic and artificial rallying awareness which, on the transformative
network ("fext'' in the general sense) of strands that may be termed politics,
level, seeks to destory the mechanics which come to construct the outlines of
ideology, economics, history, sexuality, language, and so on. (Each of these
strands, if they are isolated, can also be seen as woven of many strands.) Dif- the very class of which a collective consciousness has been situationally devel-
ferent knottings and configurations of these strands, determined by heteroge- oped. "Any member of the insurgent community"-Guha spends an entire
neous determinations which are themselves dependent upon myriad circum- chapter showing how that collective consciousness of community develops-
stances, produce the effect of an operating subject. Yet the continuist and "who chooses to continue in such subalternity is regarded as hostile towards
homogenist deliberative consciousness symptomatically requires a continuous the inversive process initiated by the struggle and hence as being on the enemy's
and homogeneous cause for this effect and thus posits a sovereign and deter- side" (EAP 202). The task of the "consciousness" of class or collectivity within
mining subject. This latter is, then, the effect of an effect, and its positing a a social field of exploitation and domination is thus necessarily self-alienating.
metalepsis, or the substitution of an effect for a cause. Thus do the texts of The tradition of the English translations of Marx often obliterates this. Consider,
counter-insurgency locate, in the following description, a "will" as the sovereign for example, the following well-known passage from the Communist Manifesto:
cause when it is no more than an effect of the subaltern subject-effect, itself "If the proletariat in struggle [im Kampfe] against the bourgeoisie is compelled
produced by the particular conjunctures called forth by the crises meticulously to unite itself in a class [sich notwendig zum Klasse vereint], and, by means of a
described in the various Subaltern Studies: revolution, it makes itself the ruling class, and, as such, sweeps away by force
the old conditions of production, it thus sweeps away the conditions of class
oppositions [Klassengegensatz] and of classes generally, and abolishes its own
It is of course true that the reports, despatches, minutes, judgements, lordship [Herrschaft] as a class."18 The phrases translated as "sweeps away,"
laws, letters, etc. in which policemen, soldiers, bureaucrats, landlords, "sweeps away," and "abolishes" are, in Marx's text "aufhebt." '"Aufheben'
usurers and others hostile to insurgency register their sentiments, amount has a twofold meaning in the language: on the one hand it means to preserve,
to a representation of their will. But these documents do not get their to maintain, and equally it also means to cause to cease, to put an end to. . . .
content from that will alone, for the latter is predicated on another will- The two definitions of 'Aufheben' which we have given can be quoted as two
206 In Other Worlds Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing Hlstoriography 207
dictionary meanings of this word." 19 In this spirit of "maintain and cause to of consciousness, that would fall prey to an anti-humanist critique, within a
cease," we would rewrite "inversive" in the passage from EAP as "displacing." historiographic practice that draws many of its strengths from that very critique.
It is within the framework of a strategic interest in the self-alienating displacing
move of and by a consciousness of collectivity, then, that self-determination and
an unalienated self-consciousness can be broached. In the definitions of "con- Historiography as Strategy
sciousness" offered by the Subaltern Studies group there are plenty of indica-
tions that they are in fact concerned with consciousness not in the general, but Can a strategy be unwitting? Of course not fully so. Consider, however, state-
in this crucial narrow sense. ments such as the following: "[a] discrepancy ... is necessarily there at certain
Subaltern consciousness as self-consciousness of a sort is what inhi!Pits "the stages of the class struggle between the level of its objective articulation and
whole area of independent thought and conjecture and speculation . . . on-the that of the consciousness of its subjects"; or, "with all their practical involvement
part of the peasant" (1.188), what offers the "clear proof of a distinctly inde- in a rebellion the masses could still be tricked by a false consciousness into
pendent interpretation of [Gandhi's] message" (3.7), what animates the "par- trusting the magical faculties of warrior heroes ... ";or yet, "the peasant rebel
ley[s] among ... the principal (insurgents] seriously to weigh the pros and cons of colonial India could do so [learn his very first lesson in power] only by trans-
of any recourse to arms" (2.1), indeed underwrites all invocations of the will of lating it backwards into the semi-feudal language of politics to which he was
born" (EAP 173, 270, 76). A theory which allows a partial lack of fit in the
the subaltern.
Subaltern consciousness as emergent collective consciousness is one of the fabrication of any strategy cannot consider itself immune from its own system.
It must remain caught within the possibility of that predicament in its own case.
main themes of these books. Among the many examples that can be found, I
If in translating bits and pieces of discourse theory and the critique of humanism
will cite two: "what is indubitably represented in these extracts from Abdul
back into an essentialist historiography the historian of subalternity aligns him-
Majid [a weaver]'s diary is a consciousness of the 'collective'-the community.
self to the pattern of conduct of the subaltern himself, it is only a progressivist
Yet this consciousness of community was an ambiguous one, straddling as it
view, that diagnoses the subaltern as necessarily inferior, that will see such an
did the religious fraternity, class qasba, and mohalla" (3.269). "[The tribe's] con-
alignment to be without interventionist value. Indeed it is in their very insistence
sciousness of itself as a body of insurgents was thus indistinguishable from its upon the subaltern as the subject of history that the group acts out such a trans-
recognition of its ethnic self' (EAP 286). The group places this theory of the lating back, an interventionist strategy that is only partially unwitting.
emergent collective subaltern consciousness squarely in the context of that ten- If it were embraced as a strategy, then the emphasis upon the "sover-
dency within Western Marxism which would refuse class-consciousness to the eignty, ... consistency and ... logic" of "rebel consciousness" (EAP 13) can
pre-capitalist subaltern, especially in the theatres of Imperialism. Their gesture be seen as "affirmative deconstruction": knowing that such an emphasis is theo-
thus confronts E. J. Hobsbawm' s notion of the "pre-political" as much as func- retically non-viable, the historian then breaks his theory in a scrupulously de-
tionalist arguments from "reciprocity and moral economy" between "agrarian lineated "political interest." 20 If, on the other hand, the restoration of the sub-
labourers" and "peasant proprietors," which are "an attempt to deny the rele- altern's subject-position in history is seen by the historian as the establishment
vance of class identities and class conflict to agrarian relations in Asia until a of an inalienable and final truth of things, then any emphasis on sovereignty,
very recent date" (3.78). Chakrabarty's analysis of how historically unsound it consistency, and logic will, as I have suggested above, inevitably objectify the
is simply to reverse the gesture and try to impose a Marxian working-class con- subaltern and be caught in the game of knowledge as power. Even if the dis-
sciousness upon the urban proletariat in a colonial context and, by implication, cursivity of history is seen as a fortgesetzte Zeichenkette, a restorative genealogy
as Guha shows, upon the rural subaltern, takes its place within this cannot be undertaken without the strategic blindness that will entangle the ge-
confrontation. nealogist in the chain. Seeing this, Foucault in 1971 recommended the "historical
For readers who notice the points of contact between the Subaltern Studies sense," much like a newscaster's persistently revised daily bulletin, in the place
group and critics of humanism such as Barthes and Foucault, the confusion arises of the arrogance of a successful genealogy. 21 It is in this spirit that I read Subaltern
because of the use of the word "consciousness," unavoidably a post-phenom- Studies against its grain and suggest that its own subalternity in claiming a positive
enological and post-psychoanalytic issue with such writers. I am not trying to subject-position for the subaltern might be reinscribed as a strategy for our times.
clear the confusion by revealing through analysis that the Subaltern Studies What good does such a re-inscription do? It acknowledges that the arena of
group is not entertaining "consciousness" within that configuration at all, but the subaltern's persistent emergence into hegemony must always and by defi-
is rather working exclusively with the second-level collective consciousness to nition remain heterogeneous to the efforts of the disciplinary historian. The his-
be encountered in Marx and the classical Marxist tradition. I am suggesting, torian must persist in his efforts in this awareness, that the subaltern is neces-
rather, that although the group does not wittingly engage with the post-struc- sarily the absolute limit of the place where history is narrativized into logic. It
turalist understanding of "consciousness," our own transactional reading of is a hard lesson to learn, but not to learn it is merely to nominate elegant solutions
them is enhanced if we see them as strategically adhering to the essentialist notion to be correct theoretical practice. When has history ever contradicted that prac-
208 In Other Worlds Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing Historlography 209
tice norms theory, as subaltern practice norms official historiography in this case? ebration of the fragment. Not only because of their devotion to semiotics, but
If that assumption, rather than the dissonant thesis of the subaltern's infantility also because they are trying to assemble a historical bio-graphy of those whose
were to inhabit Subaltern Studies, then their project would be proper to itself in active lives are only disclosed by a deliberately fragmentary record produced
recognizing that it can never be proper to "subaltern consciousness"; that it can elsewhere, the Subaltern Studies group cannot follow Barthes here. They must
never be continuous with the subaltern's situational and uneven entry into po- remain committed to the subaltern as the subject of his history. As they choose
litical (not merely disciplinary, as in the case of the collective) hegemony as the this strategy, they reveal the limits of the critique of humanism as produced in
content of an after-the-fact description. This is the always asymmetrical rela- the West.
tionship between the interpretation and transformation of the world which Marx The radical intellectual in the West is either caught in a deliberate choice of
marks in the eleventh thesis on Feuerbach. There the contrast is between the subalternity, granting to the oppressed either that very expressive subjectivity
words haben interpretiert (present participle-a completed action-of,interereti- which s/he criticizes or, instead, a total unrepresentability. The logical negation
eren-the Romance verb which emphasizes the establishment of a meaning that of this position is produced by the discourse of post-modernism, where the
is commensurate with a phenomenon through the metaphor of the fair exchange "mass is only the mass because its social energy has already frozen. It is a cold
of prices) and zu veriindern (infinitive-always open to the future-of the German reservoir, capable of absorbing and neutralizing any hot energy. It resembles
verb which "means" strictly speaking, "to make other''). The latter expression those half-dead systems into which more energy is injected than is withdrawn,
matches haben interpretiert neither in its Latinate philosophical weight nor in its those paid-out deposits exorbitantly maintained in a state of artificial exploita-
signification of propriety and completion, as transformieren would have done. tion." This negation leads to an emptying of the subject-position: "Not to arrive
Although not an unusual word, it is not the most common word for "change" at the point where one no longer says I, but at the point where it's no longer
in German-verwandeln. In the open-ended "making-other''- Ver-iinderung-of of any importance whether one says I or not." 25 Although some of these Western
the properly self-identical-adequately interpretiert-lies an allegory of the intellectuals express genuine concern about the ravages of contemporary neo-
theorist's relationship to his subject-matter. (There is no room here to comment colonialism in their own nation-states, they are not knowledgeable in the history
on the richness of "es kommt darauf an," the syntactical phrase that joins the of imperialism, in the epistemic violence that constituted/effaced a subject that
two parts of the Eleventh Thesis.) It is not only "bad" theory but all theory that was obliged to cathect (occupy in response to a desire) the space of the Impe-
is susceptible to this open-endedness. rialists' self-consolidating other. It is almost as if the force generated by their
Theoretical descriptions cannot produce universals. They can only ever pro- crisis is separated from its appropriate field by a sanctioned ignorance of that
duce provisional generalizations, even as the theorist realizes the crucial im- history.
portance of their persistent production. Otherwise, because they desire perhaps It is my contention that, if the Subaltern Studies group saw their own work
to claim some unspecified direct hand in subaltern practice, the conclusions to of subject-restoration as crucially strategic, they would not miss this sympto-
the essays become abrupt, inconclusive, sometimes a series of postponements matic blank in contemporary Western anti-humanism. In his innovative essay
of some empirical project. One striking example of this foreclosed desire is where on modes of power, Partha Chatterjee quotes Foucault on the eighteenth century
Das, in an otherwise brilliant essay, repudiates formalization as thwarting for and writes:
practice, even as he deplores the lack of sufficient generalization that might have
allowed subaltern practice to flourish (2.227).
Louis Althusser spoke of the limit of disciplinary theoretical production in the Foucault has sought to demonstrate the complexities of this novel regime
following way: "[A] new practice of philosophy can transform philosophy. And of power in his studies of the history of mental illness, of clinical practice,
in addition it can in its way help [aider a sa mesure] in the transformation of the of the prison, of sexuality and of the rise of the human sciences. When
world. Help only.... " 22 In his trivializing critique of Althusser, E. P. Thompson one looks at regimes of power in the so-called backward countries of the
privileges the British style of history-teaching as against the French style of world today, not only does the dominance of the characteristically 'mod-
philosophy-teaching. 23 Whatever position we take in the ancient quarrel be- ern' modes of exercise of power seem limited and qualified by the per-
tween history and philosophy, it is incumbent upon us to realize that as disci- sistence of older modes, but by the fact of their combination in a particular
plines they must both remain heterogeneous to, and discontinuous with, sub- state and formation, it seems to open up at the same time an entirely new
altern social practice. To acknowledge this is not to give way to functionalist range of possibilities for the ruling classes to exercise their domination
abdication. It is a curious fact of Michel Foucault's career that, in a certain phase (3.348-9).
of his influential last period, he performed something like an abdication, refused
to "represent" (as if such a refusal were possible), and privileged the oppressed
subject, who could seemingly speak for himself. 24 The Subaltern Studies group, I have written earlier that the force of crisis is not systematically emphasized
methodical trackers of representation, cannot follow that route. Barthes, after in the work of the group. The Foucauldian example being considered here, for
he "situated" semiology, turned in large measure to autobiography and a eel- instance, can be seen as marking a crisis within European consciousness. A few
210 In Other Worlds Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing Historiography 211
months before I had read Chatterjee's essay, I wrote a few sentences uncannily Undeniably, for it has passed into his works, and Capital demonstrates it,
similar in sentiment upon the very same passage in Foucault. I write, of course, Marx owes to Hegel the decisive philosophical category of process. He
within a workplace engaged in the ideological production of neo-colonialism owes him yet more, that Feuerbach himself did not suspect. He owes him
even through the influence of such thinkers as Foucault. It is not therefore nec- the concept of the process without subject . . . The origin, indispensable to
essarily a mark of extraordinary acumen that what I am calling the crisis in the teleological nature of the process . . . must be denied from the start,
European consciousness is much more strongly marked in my paragraph, which so that the process of alienation may be a process without subject. . . .
I take the liberty of quoting here. My contention below is that the relationship Hegel's logic is of the affirmed-denied Origin: first form of a concept that
between First World anti-humanist post-Marxism and the history of imperialism Derrida has introduced into philosophical reflection, the erasure. 27
is not merely a question of "enlarging the range of possibilities," as Chatterjee
soberly suggests above. "'
As Chakrabarty has rightly stated, "Marx thought that the logic of capital
could be best deciphered only in a society where 'the notion of human equality
Although Foucault is a brilliant thinker of power-in-spacing, the awareness has already acquired the fixity of a popular prejudice'" (2.263). The first lesson
of the topographic reinscription of imperialism does not inform his pre- of ideology is that a "popular prejudice" mistakes itself for "human nature,"
suppositions. He is taken in by the restricted version of the West produced the original mother-tongue of history. Marxist historiography can be caught
by that reinscription and thus helps to consolidate its effects. Notice, for within the mother-tongue of a history and a culture that had graduated to bour-
example, the omission of the fact, in the following passage, that the new geois individualism. As groups such as the Subaltern Studies collective attempt
mechanism of power in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (the to open up the texts of Marx beyond his European provenance, beyond a ho-
extraction of surplus-value without extra-economic coercion is its Marxist mogeneous internationalism, to the persistent recognition of heterogeneity, the
description) is secured by means of territorial imperialism-the Earth and very goal of "forget-[ting] his original [or 'rooted' -die ihm angestammte Sprache]
its products-'elsewhere.' The representation of sovereignty is crucial in language while using the new one" must be reinscribed. 28 A repeated acknowl-
those theatres: 'In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, we have the edgment of the __complicity of the new and the "original" is now on the agenda.
production of an important phenomenon, the emergence, or rather the I have tried to indicate this by deconstructing the opposition between the col-
invention, of a new mechanism of power possessed of highly specific pro- lective and their object of investigation-the subaltern-on the one hand; and
cedural techniques ... which is also, I believe, absolutely incompatible by deconstructing the seeming continuity between them and their anti-humanist
with the relations of sovereignty.... 'I am suggesting that to buy a self- models on the other. From this point of view, it would be interesting if, instead
contained version of the West is symptomatically to ignore its production of finding their only internationalism in European history and African anthro-
by the spacing-timing of the imperialist project. Sometimes it seems as if pology (an interesting disciplinary breakdown), they were also to find their lines
the very brilliance of Foucault' s analysis of the centuries of European im- of contact, let us say, with the political economy of the independent peasant move-
perialism produces a miniature version of that heterogeneous phenome- ment in Mexico. 29
non: management of space-but by doctors, development of administra-
tions-but in asylums, considerations of the periphery-but in terms of
the insane, prisoners, and children. The clinic, the asylum, the prison, the You can only read against the grain if misfits in the text signal the way. (These
university, seem screen-allegories that foreclose a reading of the broader are sometimes called "moments of transgression.") I should like to bring the
narratives of imperialism. 26 body of my argument to a close by discussing two such moments in the work
of this group. First, the discussion of rumor; and, second, the place of woman
in their argument.
Thus the discourse of the unified consciousness of the subaltern must inhabit
the strategy of these historians, even as the discourse of the micrologized or
"situated" subject must mark that of anti-humanists on the other side of the Rumor
international division of labor. The two following remarks by Ranajit Guha and
Louis Althusser can then be seen as marking not a contradiction but the fracture The most extensive discussion of rumors, to be found in EAP, is not, strictly
of a discontinuity of philosophic levels, as well as a strategic asymmetry: "Yet speaking, part of the work of the group. I think I am correct, however, in main-
we propose," writes Guha in the eighties, "to focus on this consciousness as taining that Guha' s pages make explicit an implicit set of assumptions about the
our central theme, because it is not possible to make sense of the experience of nature and role of subaltern means of communication, such as rumor, in the
insurgency merely as a history of events without a subject" (4.11). Precisely, "it mobilization of insurgency, present in the work of the entire group. It also points
is not possible." And Althusser, writing in 1967: up the contradiction inherent in their general practice, which leans toward post-
212 In Other Worlds Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing Historiography 213
structuralism, and their espousal of the early semiological Barthes, Levi-Strauss, from their internal and external context and also from themselves, inas-
Greimas, and taxonomic Soviet structuralists such as Vygotsky, Lotman, and much as the very iterability which constituted their identity does not per-
Propp. mit them ever to be a unit of self-identity?31
Steven Ungar plots Barthes's trajectory from semiology through semioclasty
to semiotropy in Roland Barthes: the Professor of Desire. 30 Any use of the Barthes
of the first period would have to refute, however briefly, Barthes's own refu- For the burden of the extended consideration of how the exigencies of theory
tation and rejection of his early positions. forbid an ideological manipulation of naive psychologism and empiricism, we
One of the enterprises made problematic by the critique of the subject of should turn to Derrida's "Signature Event Context," from where the long pas-
knowledge identified with post-structuralist anti-humanism is the desire to pro- sage above is taken. Here suffice it to say that this line of thinking can be made
duce exhaustive taxonomies, "to assign names by a metalinguistic operation" consonant with the argument that the abstract determines the "concrete. " 32 That
(2.10). I have already discussed this issue lengthily in another part of my essay. argument is not about chronological but logical priority. And it is a pity that,
All of the figures listed above would be susceptible to this charge. Here I want thanks to Engels's noble efforts to make Marx accessible, "determination" in it
to point at their common phonocl;!ntrism, the conviction that speech is a direct is most often reduced to "causality." I cannot belabor this historical situation
and immediate representation of voice-consciousness and writing an indirect here. Suffice it further to say that by this line of argument it would not only
transcript of speech. Or, as Guha quotes Vygotsky, '"The speed of oral speech appear that to "describe speech as the immediate expression of the self" marks
is unfavourable to a complicated process of formulation-it does not leave time the site of a desire that is obliged to overlook the complexity of the production
for deliberation and choice. Dialogue implies immediate unpremeditated utter- of (a) sense(s) of self. One would, by this, also have to acknowledge that no
ance"' (EAP 261). speech, no "natural language" (an unwitting oxymoron), not even a "language"
By this reckoning the history of writing is coincident with the inauguration of gesture, can signify, indicate, or express without the mediation of a pre-
and development of exploitation. Now there is no reason to question this well- existing code. One would further begin to suspect that the most authoritative
documented story of what one might call writing in the "narrow" or "restricted" and potentially exploitative manifestations of writing in the narrow sense-the
sense. However, over against this restricted model of writing one must not set codes of law-operate on an implicit phonocentrism, the presupposition that
up a model of speech to which is assigned a total self-identity based on a psy- speech is the immediate expression of the self.
chological model so crude as to imply that the space of "premeditation" is con- I would submit that it is more appropriate to think of the power of rumor in
fined to the deliberative consciousness, and on empirical "evidence" so im- the subaltern context as deriving from its participation in the structure of ille-
pressionistic as "the speed of oral speech." gitimate writing rather than the authoritative writing of the law-itself sanc-
By contrast, post-structuralist theories of consciousness and language suggest tioned by the phonocentric model of the spirit of the law. "Writing, the outlaw,
that all possibility of expression, spoken or written, shares a common distancing the lost son. It must be recalled here that Plato always associates speech and
from a self so that meaning can arise-not only meaning for others but also the law, logos and nomos. Laws speak. In the personification of Crito, they speak to
meaning of the self to the self. I have advanced this idea in my discussion of Socrates directly." 33
"alienation." These theories suggest further that the "self" is itself always pro- Let us now consider EAP 259-64, where the analysis of rumor is performed.
duction rather than ground, an idea I have broached in my discussion of the (These pages are cited in 3.112, n. 157.) Let us also remember that the mind-
"subject-effect." If writing is seen in terms of its historical predication, the pro- set of the peasants is as much affected by the phonocentrism of a tradition where
duction of our sense of self as ground would seem to be structured like writing: sruti-that which is heard-has the greatest authority, as is the mind-set of the
historian by the phonocentrism of Western linguistics. Once again, it is a ques-
tion of complicity rather than the distance of knowledge.
The essential predicates in a minimal determination of the classical concept If, then, "rumor is spoken utterance par excellence" (EAP 256), it must be seen
of writing ... [are that] a written sign ... is a mark that remains that its "functional immediacy" is its non-belonging to any one voice-conscious-
[reste], ... [that] carries with it a force that breaks with its context, ... ness. This is supposed to be the signal characteristic of writing. Any reader can
[and that] this force of rupture is tied to the spacing ... which separates "fill" it with her "consciousness." Rumor evokes comradeship because it belongs
it from other elements of the internal contextual chain ... Are these three to every "reader" or "transmitter." No one is its origin or source. Thus rumor
predicates, together with the entire system they entail, limited, as is often is not error but primordially (originarily) errant, always in circulation with no
believed, strictly to 'written' communication in the narrow sense of the assignable source. This illegitimacy makes it accessible to insurgency. Its "ab-
word? Are they not to be found in all language, in spoken language for solute" (we would say "indefinite," since "fictive source[s] may be assigned to
instance, and ultimately in the totality of 'experience' insofar as it is in- it") "transitivity," collapsed at origin and end (a clear picture of writing) can be
separable from this field of the mark, which is to say, from the network described as the received model of speech in the narrow sense ("the collaterality
of effacement and of difference, of units of iterability, which are separable of word and deed issuing from a common will") only under the influence of
214 In Other Worlds Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing Historiography 215
phonocentrism. In fact the author himself comes closer to the case about fifteen plinary-critical historian together, and only a reading against the grain discloses
pages later, when he notices the open verbality of rumor being restricted by the the espousal of illegitimacy by the first and the third? Or, to quote Terry
insurgents-who are also under the influence of phonocentrism-by an apoc- Eagleton:
alyptic horizon. Subaltern, elite authority, and critic of historiography become
complicit here. Yet the description of rumor in its "distinctive features [of] ...
anonymity and transitivity" (EAP 260) signal a contradiction that allows us to Marx is a metaphysician, and so is Schopenhauer, and so is Ronald Re-
read the text of Subaltern Studies against its grain. agan. Has anything been gained by this manoeuvre? If it is true, is it
The odd coupling of Soviet structuralism and French anti-humanism some- informative? What is ideologically at stake in such homogenizing? What
times produces a misleading effect. For example, the applicability to rumor of differences does it exist to suppress? Would it make Reagan feel uncom-
Barthes's suggestion that ascription of an author closes up writing, shdttld alert fortable or depressed? If what is in question for deconstructionism is me-
us to rumor's writing-like (scriptible) character rather than oblige us to displace taphysical discourse, and if this is all-pervasive, then there is a sense in
Barthes's remark to speech via Vygotsky. Dialogue, Vygotsky's example, is the which in reading against the grain we are subverting everything and
privileged example of the so-called communication of direct verbality, of two nothing. 35
immediately self-present sources or "authors." Dialogue is supposed to be "un-
premeditated" (although theories of subject-effect or the abstract determination
of the concrete would find this a dubious claim). Rumor is a relay of something Not all ways of understanding the world and acting upon it are equally me-
always assumed to be pre-existent. In fact the mistake of the colonial authorities taphysical or phonocentric. If, on the other hand, there is something shared by
was to take rumor for speech, to impose the requirements of speech in the elite (Reagan), colonial authority, subaltern and mediator (Eagleton/Subaltern
narrow sense upon something that draws its strength from participation in writ- Studies) that we would rather not acknowledge, any elegant solution devised
ing in the general sense. by means of such a refusal would merely mark a site of desire. It is best to
The Subaltern Studies group has here led us to a theme of great richness. The attempt to forge a practice that can bear the weight of that acknowledgment.
cross-hatching of the revolutionary non-possessive possibilities in the structure And, using the buried operation of the structure of writing as a lever, the stra-
of writing in general and its control by subaltern phonocentrism gives us access tegic reader can reveal the asymmetry between the three groups above. Yet,
to the micrology or minute-scale functioning of the subaltern's philosophical since a "reading against the grain" must forever remain strategic, it can never
world. The matter of the "blank paper falling from heaven" or the use of ap- claim to have established the authoritative truth of a text, it must forever remain
parently "random" material "to ... convey ... the Thakur's own command dependent upon practical exigencies, never legitimately lead to a theoretical
in writing" (EAP 248-9), for instance, can provide us a most complex text for orthodoxy. In the case of the Subaltern Studies group, it would get the group
the use of the structure of writing in the fable of "insurgent consciousness." off the dangerous hook of claiming to establish the truth-knowledge of the sub-
The matter of the role of "the reading aloud of newspapers" in the construction altern and his consciousness.
of Gandhi as a signifier is perhaps too quickly put to rest as a reliance on "spoken
language," when, through such an act, "a story acquires its authentication from
its motif and the name of its place of origin rather than the authority of the Woman
correspondent" (3.48-9). I have dwelt on this point so long that it might now
suffice to say no more than that the newspaper is exploitative writing in the The group is scrupulous in its consideration towards women. They record
narrow sense, "spoken language" is a phonocentric concept where authority is moments when men and women are joined in struggle (1.178, EAP 130), when
supposed to spring directly from the voice-consciousness of the self-present their conditions of work or education suffer from gender or class discrimination
speaker, and the reading out of someone else's text as "an actor does on the (2.71, 2.241, 243, 257, 275). But I think they overlook how important the concept-
stage" is a setting-in-motion of writing in the general sense. To find corrobor- metaphor woman is to the functioning of their discourse. This consideration will
ation of this, one can see the contrast made between speaker and rhetor in the bring to an end the body of my argument.
Western tradition from the Platonic Socrates through Hobbes and Rousseau to In a certain reading, the figure of woman is pervasively instrumental in the
J. L. Austin. 34 When newspapers start reporting rumors (3.88), the range of shifting of the function of discursive systems, as in insurgent mobilization. Ques-
speculative possibilities becomes even more seductive. The investigator seems tions of the mechanics of this instrumentality are seldom raised by our group.
herself beckoned by the circuit of "absolute transitivity." "Femininity" is as important a discursive field for the predominantly male in-
Without yielding to that seduction, the following question can be asked: what surgents as "religion." When cow-protection becomes a volatile signified in the
is the use of noticing this misfit between the suggested structure of writing-in- re-inscription of the social position of various kinds of subaltern, semi-subaltern,
general and the declared interest in phonocentrism? What is the use of pointing and indigenous elite groups, the cow is turned into a female figure of one kind
out that a common phonocentrism binds subaltern, elite authority, and disci- or another. Considering that in the British nineteenth century the female access
216 In Other Worlds Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing Historiography 217
to "possessive individualism" is one of the most important social forces, what It was not uncommon for a 'superior' Patidar to spend his dowry money
does it mean to imply that "femininity" has the same discursive sense and force and return his wife to her father so that he could marry for a new dowry.
for all the heterogeneous groups meticulously documented by Pandey? Anal- Amongst Patidars, it was considered very shameful to have to take back
ogous research into the figure of the "worker" is performed by Chakrabarty. a daughter [!] . . . Cols were formed to prevent ruinous hypergamous
No such luck for the "female." marriages with 'superior' Patidar lineages .... Here, therefore, we dis-
On the most "ancient and indigenous" religious level, a level that "perhaps cover a strong form of subaltern organization within the Patidar caste
gave [the rebellious hillmen] an extra potency [sic] in times of collective distress which provided a check on the power of the Patidar elite .... Even Ma-
and outside oppression" (1.98), all the deities are man-eating goddesses. As this hatma Gandhi was unable to break the solidarity of the Patidar gol of
pre-insurgent level of collectivity begins to graduate into revolt, the sacrifices twenty-one villages.
continue to be made to goddesses rather than gods. And, even as this 4evel pf
subaltern-led revolt is contrasted to the "elite struggles of the earlier period"
(1.124), we notice that in that earlier period the struggles began on two occasions I do not see how the crucial instrumentality of woman as symbolic object of
because men would not accept female leadership: exchange can be overlooked here. Yet the conclusion is: "the solidarity of the
Cols was a form of class solidarity" (1.202, 203, 207). As in the case of the in-
surgent under colonial power, the condition of the woman gets "bettered" as
With the deposition in 1836 of Ananta Bhupati, the 17th Zamindar of Gol- a by-product, but what's the difference? Male subaltern and historian are here
gonda, the Collector of Vishakhapatnam installed Jamma Devamma, united in the common assumption that the procreative sex is a species apart,
widow of the 15th Zamindar, in his place. This was an affront to the mut- scarcely if at all to be considered a part of civil society.
tadars and mokhasadars of Gudem who were not consulted ... and who These are not unimportant questions in the context of contemporary India.
protested that they had never before been ruled by a woman. . . . In Just as the ulgulan of 1899-1901 dehegemonized millennarian Christianity in the
Rampa, the death of the Mansabdar Ram Bhupati Dev in March 1835 was Indian context, so also did the Adivasis seem to have tapped the emergent
followed by a revolt of muttadars against the daughter who had been ap- possibilities of a goddess-centered religion in the Devi movement of 1922-3, a
pointed as the successor (1.102). movement that actively contested the re-inscription of land into private prop-
erty. 36 In the current Indian context, neither religion nor femininity shows emer-
gent potential of this kind.
In terms of social semiosis, what is the difference between man-eating god- I have left till last the two broad areas where the instrumentality of woman
desses, objects of reverence and generators of solidarity on the one hand, and seems most striking: notions of territoriality and of the communal mode of
secular daughters and widows, unacceptable as leaders, on the other? On the power.
occasion of the "culture of sugarcane" in Eastern UP, Shahid Amin speaks of
the deliberate non-coincidence created between natural inscription (script as
used when referring to a play) of the harvest calendar and the artificial inscription Concept-metaphors of Territoriality and of Woman
of the circuit of colonial monopoly capital. It is of course of great interest to
wonder in what ways the composition of the peasantry and landownership The concept of territoriality is implicit in most of the essays of the three vol-
would have developed had the two been allowed to coincide. Yet I think it umes of Subaltern Studies. Here again the explicit theoretical statement is to be
should also be noticed that it is dowry that is the invariably mentioned social found in EAP. Territoriality is the combined "pull of the primordial ties of kin-
demand that allowed the demands of nature to devastate the peasant via the ship, community" which is part "of the actual mechanics of ... autonomous
demands of empire. Should one trouble about the constitution of the subaltern mobilization" (EAP 118). On the simplest possible level, it is evident that notions
as (sexed) subject when the exploitation of sexual difference seems to have so of kinship are anchored and consolidated by the exchange of women. This con-
crucial a role on so many fronts? Should one notice that the proverb on 1.53 is solidation, according to Guha, cuts across the religious division of Hindu and
sung by a young daughter who will deny her lover's demands in order to pre- Muslim. "In Tamil Nadu ... with all four [subdivisions of the Muslim com-
serve her father's fields? Should one notice this metaphoric division of sexuality munity] endogamy helps to reinforce their separate identities in both kinship
(in the woman's case, sex is of course identical with selfhood or consciousness) and territorial terms" (EAP 299). In "Allahabad ... the Mewati ... effect[ed]
as property to be passed on or not from father to lover? Indeed, in a collective a massive mobilization of their close knit exogamous villages" (EAP 316). In all
where so much attention is rightly paid to the subjectivity or subject-positioning these examples woman is the neglected syntagm of the semiosis of subalternity
of the subaltern, it should be surprising to encounter such indifference to the of insurgency.
subjectivity, not to mention the indispensable presence, of the woman as crucial Throughout these pages it has been my purpose to show the complicity be-
instrument. These four sentences should illustrate my argument: tween subject and object of investigation-the Subaltern Studies group and sub-
218 In Other Worlds Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing Historiography 219
alternity. Here too, the historians' tendency, not to ignore, but to re-name the questions of the subject-constitution of the subaltern female gain a certain
semiosis of sexual difference "class" or "caste-solidarity" (EAP 316), bears some- importance.
thing like a relationship with the peasants' general attempt to undo the dis-
tinction between consanguinity and eo-residence. Here, as in the case of the
brutal marriage customs of the Patidars, the historian mentions, but does not The Communal Mode of Power and the Concept of Woman
pause to reflect upon, the significance of the simple exclusion of the subaltern
as female (sexed) subject: "In each of these [rebel villages] nearly all the pop- Although Partha Chatterjee' s concept of the communal mode of power is not
ulation, barring females acquired by marriage, claimed descent from a common pa- as pervasively implicit in all the work of the group, it is an important sustaining
trilineage, consanguinal or mythical, and regarded themselves as members of argument for the enterprise of Subaltern Studies. Here the importance of com-
the same clan or gotra. This belief in a shared ancestry made the villag~, assert munal power structures, based largely on kin and clan, are shown to embrace
itself positively by acting as a solidarity unit and negatively by operating an far-flung parts of the pre-capitalist world. And, once again, the crucial syntag-
elaborate code of discrimination against aliens" (EAP 314; italics mine). matic and micrologically prior defining importance of sexual difference in the
Although it was unemphatically and trivially accepted by everyone that it was deployment of such power is foreclosed so that sexuality is seen only as one
the woman, without proper identity, who operated this consanguinal or mythic element among the many that drive this "social organization of production"
patrilineage; and although, in the historian's estimation, "these village-based (2.322). The making-visible of the figure of woman is perhaps not a task that
primordial ties were the principal means of rebel mobilization, mauza by mauza, the group should fairly be asked to perform. It seems to this reader, however,
throughout northern and central India in 1857" (EAP 315), it seems that we may that a feminist historian of the subaltern must raise the question of woman as
not stop to investigate the subject-deprivation of the female in the operation of a structural rather than marginal issue in each of the many different types and
this mobilization and this solidarity. It seems clear to me that, if the question cultures that Chatterjee invokes in "More on Modes of Power and the
of female subaltern consciousness, whose instrumentality is so often seen to be Peasantry."
crucial, is a red herring, the question of subaltern consciousness as such must If in the explanation of territoriality I notice a tension between consanguinal
be judged a red herring as well. and spatial accounts shared by subaltern and historian alike, in the case of "the
"Territoriality acted to no small extent in putting the brakes on resistance communal mode of power" we are shown a clash between explanations from
against the Raj" (EAP 331). What was needed for this resistance was a concept kinship and "political" perceptions. This is a version of the same battle-the
of "nation." Today, after the computerization of global economics, concepts of apparent gender-neutralizing of the world finally explained through reason, do-
nationhood are themselves becoming problematic in specific ways: mestic society sublated and subsumed in the civil.
The clash between kinship and politics is one of Chatterjee's main points.
What role does the figure of woman play here? In the dispersal of the field of
The mode of integration of underdeveloped countries into the interna- power, the sexual division of labor is progressively defined from above as power-
tional economy has shifted from a base relying exclusively on the exploi- sharing. That story is the underside of the taxonomy of power that Chatterjee
tation of primary resources and labor to one in which manufactures have unfolds.
gained preponderance. This movement has paralleled the proliferation of Thus there might be other ways of accounting for the suggestion that "the
export-processing zones (EPZs) throughout the world. More than a uni- structure of communal authority must be located primarily in ideology." Our
formly defined or geographically delimited concept, the export-processing account would notice the specifically patriarchal structures producing the dis-
zone provides a series of incentives and loosened restrictions for multi- cursive field of the unity of the "community as a whole." "It is the community
national corporations by developing countries in their effort to attract for- as a whole which is the source of all authority, no one is a permanent repository
eign investment in export oriented manufacturing. This has given rise to of delegated powers" (2.341). If the narrative of "the institutionalization of com-
new ideas about development which often question preexisting notions of munal authority" (2.323) is read with this in mind, the taxonomy of modes of
national sovereignty. 37 power can be made to interact with the history of sexuality.
Chatterjee quotes Victor Turner, who suggests that the resurgence of com-
munal modes of power often generates ways to fight feudal structures: "resis-
If the peasant insurgent was the victim and the unsung hero of the first wave tance or revolt often takes on the form of ... communitas" (2.339). This is par-
of resistance against territorial imperialism in India, it is well known that, for ticularly provocative in the case of the dehegemonization of monarchy. In this
reasons of collusion between pre-existing structures of patriarchy and trans- fast-paced fable of the progress of modes of power, it can be seen that the idea
national capitalism, it is the urban sub-proletarian female who is the paradig- of one kind of a king may have supplemented a built-in gap in the ideology of
matic subject of the current configuration of the International Division of Labor. 38 community-as-a-whole: "a new kind of chief whom Tacitus calls 'king' (rex) who
As we investigate the pattern of resistance among these "permanent casual" -s, was elected from within a 'royal clan"' (2.323). The figure of the exchanged
220 In Other Worlds Subaltern Studies: Deconstructlng Hlstoriography 221
woman still produces the cohesive unity of a "clan," even as what emerges is priation is more powerful, because undecidable, than the question ti esti
a "king." And thus, when the insurgent community invokes monarch against [what is it], than the question of the veil of truth or the meaning of Being.
feudal authority, the explanation that they are re-cathecting or re-filling the king All the more-and this argument is neither secondary nor supplemen-
with the old patriarchal ideology of consanguinity, never far from the metaphor tary-because the process of propriation organizes the totality of the pro-
of the King as Father, seems even less surprising (3.344). cess of language and symbolic exchange in general, including, therefore,
My point is, of course, that through all of these heterogeneous examples of all ontological statements [enonces]. 40
territoriality and the communal mode of power, the figure of the woman, moving
from clan to clan, and family to family as daughter/sister and wife/mother, syn-
taxes patriarchal continuity even as she is herself drained of proper identity. In I quote these passages, by Levi-Strauss and Derrida, and separated by twenty
this particular area, the continuity of community or history, for subaltern artd years, as a sign of the times. But I need not add that, in the latter case, the
historian alike, is produced on (I intend the copulative metaphor-philosoph- question of being and the ontological statement would relate to the phenome-
ically and sexually) the dissimulation of her discontinuity, on the repeated emp- nality of subaltern consciousness itself.
tying of her meaning as instrument.
If I seem to be intransigent here, perhaps the distance travelled between high
structuralism and current anti-humanism can best be measured by two cele- Envoi
brated passages by two famous men. First the Olympian dismissal, ignoring the
role of representation in subject-constitution: In these pages, I have repeatedly emphasized the complicity between subject
and object of investigation. My role in this essay, as subject of investigation,
has been entirely parasitical, since my only object has been the Subaltern Studies
These results can be achieved only on one condition: considering marriage themselves. Yet I am part of their object as well. Situated within the current
regulations and kinship systems as a kind of language.... That the 'mes- academic theatre of cultural imperialism, with a certain carte d' entree into the
sage' ('message'] should be constituted by the women of the group, which elite theoretical ateliers in France, I bring news of power-lines within the palace.
are circulated between class, lineages, or families, in place of the words of Nothing can function without us, yet the part is at least historically ironic.
the group, which are circulated between individuals, does not at all change What of the post-structuralist suggestion that all work is parasitical, slightly
the identity of the phenomenon considered in the two cases . . . This to the side of that which one wishes adequately to cover, that critic (historian)
ambiguity [between values and signs] is clearly manifested in the critique and text (subaltern) are always "beside themselves"? The chain of complicity
sometimes addressed to the Elementary Structures 1)/ Kinship as an 'anti- does not halt at the closure of an essay.
feminist' book by some, because women are there treated as objects....
[But] words do not speak, while women do. The latter are signs and pro-
ducers of signs; as such, they cannot be reduced to the status of symbols 1985
or tokens. 39
13. Breast-Giver One afternoon, leaving the owner of the shop, Kangalicharan was returning
home with a handful of stolen samosas and sweets under his dhoti. Thus he
by Mahasweta Devi returns daily. He and Jashoda eat rice. Their three offspring return before dark
Translated by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and eat stale samosas and sweets. Kangalicharan stirs the seething vat of milk
in the sweet shop and cooks and feeds "food cooked by a good Brahmin" to
My aunties they lived in the woods, in the forest their home they did make. those pilgrims at the Lionseated goddess's temple who are proud that they are
Never did Aunt say here's a sweet dear, eat, sweetie, here's a piece of cake. not themselves "fake Brahmins by sleight of hand." Daily he lifts a bit of flour
and such and makes life easier. When he puts food in his belly in the afternoon
he feels a filial inclination toward Jashoda, and he goes to sleep after handling
Jashoda doesn't remember if her aunt was kind or unkind. It is as if she were her capacious bosom. Coming home in the afternoon, Kangalicharan was think-
Kangalicharan' s wife from birth, the mother of twenty children, living or dead, ing of his imminent pleasure and tasting paradise at the thought of his wife's
counted on her fingers. Jashoda doesn't remember at all when there was no large round breasts. He was picturing himself as a farsighted son of man as he
child in her womb, when she didn't feel faint in the morning, when Kangali's thought that marrying a fresh young thing, not working her overmuch, and
body didn't drill her body like a geologist in a darkness lit only by an oil-lamp. feeding her well led to pleasure in the afternoon. At such a moment the Haldar
She never had the time to calculate if she could or could not bear motherhood. son, complete with Studebaker, swerving by Kangalicharan, ran over his feet
Motherhood was always her way of living and keeping alive her world of count- and shins.
less beings. Jashoda was a mother by profession, professional mother. Jashoda Instantly a crowd gathered. It was an accident in front of the house after all,
was not an amateur mama like the daughters and wives of the master's house. "otherwise I'd have drawn blood," screamed Nabin, the pilgrim-guide. He
The world belongs to the professional. In this city, this kingdom, the ama~eur guides the pilgrims to the Mother goddess of Shakti-power, his temper is hot
beggar-pickpocket-hooker has no place. Even the mongrel on the path or side- in the afternoon sun. Hearing him roar, all the Haldars who were at home came
walk, the greedy crow at the garbage don't for the upstart amateur. out. The Haldar chief started thrashing his son, roaring, "You'll kill a Brahmin,
Jashoda had taken motherhood as her profession. you bastard, you unthinking bull?" The youngest son-in-law breathed relief as
The responsibility was Mr. Haldar's new son-in-law's Studebaker and the he saw that his Studebaker was not much damaged and, to prove that he was
sudden desire of the youngest son of the Haldar-house to be a driver. When better human material than the money-rich, culture-poor in-laws, he said in a
the boy suddenly got a whim in mind or body, he could not rest unless he had voice as fine as the finest muslin, "Shall we let the man die? Shouldn't we take
satisfied it instantly. These sudden whims reared up in the loneliness of the him to the hospital?"-Kangali's boss was also in the crowd at the temple and,
afternoon and kept him at slave labor like the khalifa of Bagdad. What he had seeing the samosas and sweets flung on the roadway was about to say, "Eh
done so far on that account did not oblige Jashoda to choose motherhood as a Brahmin!! Stealing food?" Now he held his tongue and said, "Do that sir." The
profession. . youngest son-in-law and the Haldar-chief took Kangalicharan quickly to the
One afternoon the boy, driven by lust, attacked the cook and the cook, smce hospital. The master felt deeply grieved. During the Second War, when he
her body was heavy with rice, stolen fishheads, and turnip greens, and her body helped the anti-Fascist struggle of the Allies by buying and selling scrap iron-
languid with sloth, lay back, saying, "Yah, do what you like." Thus did the then Kangali was a mere lad. Reverence for Brahmins crawled in Mr. Haldar's
incubus of Bagdad get off the boy's shoulders and he wept repentant tears, veins. If he couldn't get chatterjeebabu in the morning he would touch the feet
mumbling, "Auntie, don't tell." The cook-saying, "What's there to tell?"- of Kangali, young enough to be his son, and put a pinch of dust from his chapped
went quickly to sleep. She never told anything. She was sufficiently proud that feet on his own tongue. Kangali and Jashoda came to his house on feast days
her body had attracted the boy. But the thief thinks of the loot. The boy got and Jashoda was sent a gift of cloth and vermillion when his daughters-in-law
worried at the improper supply of fish and fries in his dish. He considered that were pregnant. Now he said to Kangali-"Kangali! don't worry son. You won't
he'd be fucked if the cook gave him away. Therefore on another afternoon, suffer as long as I'm around." Now it was that he thqught that Kangali's feet,
driven by the Bagdad djinn, he stole his mother's ring, slipped it into the cook's being turned to ground meat, he would not be able to taste their dust. He was
pillowcase, raised a hue and cry, and got the cook kicke~ out. Anot~e.r afternoo~ most unhappy at the thought and he started weeping as he said, "What has
he lifted the radio set from his father's room and sold It. It was difficult for h1s the son of a bitch done." He said to the doctor at the hospital, "Do what you
parents to find the connection between the hour of the afternoon and the b~y's can! Don't worry about cash."
behavior, since his father had created him in the deepest night by the astrologtcal But the doctors could not bring the feet back. Kangali returned as a lame
calendar and the tradition of the Haldars of Harisal. In fact you enter the six- Brahmin. Haldarbabu had a pair of crutches made. The very day Kangali returned
teenth century as you enter the gates of this house. To this day you take your home on crutches, he learned that food had come to Jashoda from the Haldar
wife by the astrological almanac. But these matters are mere blind alleys. Moth- house every day. Nabin was third in rank among the pilgrim-guides. He could
erhood did not become Jashoda's profession for these afternoon-whims. only claim thirteen percent of the goddess's food and so had an inferiority corn-
In Other Worlds Breast-Giver 225
talk. Haldarbabu is such a patriot that, if his nephews or grandsons read the
plex. Inspired by seeing Rama-Krishna in the movies a couple of times, he called
lives of the nation's leaders in their schoolbook, he says to his employees, "Non-
the goddess "my crazy one" and by th~ book of the Kali-worshippers kept his
sense! why do they make 'em read the lives of characters from Dhaka, My-
consciousness immersed in local spirits. He said to Kangali, "I put flowers on
m~nsmgh, Jashore? Harisal is made of the bone of the martyr god. One day it
the crazy one's feet in your name. She said I have a share in Kangali's house,
will emerge that the Vedas and the Upanishads were also written in Harisal."
he will get out of the hospital by that fact." Speaking of this to Jashoda, Kangali
Now his employees tell him, "You have had a change of heart, so much kindness
said, ''What? When I wasn't there, you were getting it off with Nabin?" Jashoda
for a West Bengali, you'll see there is divine purpose behind this." The Boss is
then grabbed Kangali's suspicious head between the two hemispheres of the delighted. He laughs loudly and says, "There's no East or West for a Brahmin.
globe and said, "Two maid servants from the big house slept here every day
If there's a sacred thread around his neck you have to give him respect even
to guard me. Would I look at Nabin? Am I not your faithful wife?" ...
when he's taking a shit."
In fact Kangali heard of his wife's flaming devotion at the big house as w~ll.
Thus all around blow the sweet winds of sympathy-compassion-kindness. For
Jashoda had fasted at the mother's temple, had gone through a female ritual,
a few ~ay~, whenever Nabin tries to think of the Lionseated, the heavy-breasted,
and had travelled to the outskirts to pray at the feet of the local guru. Finally
~n~d-hipped body of Jashoda floats in his mind's eye. A slow rise spreads
the Lionseated came to her in a dream as a midwife carrying a bag and said,
m his body at the thought that perhaps she is appearing in his dream as Jashoda
"Don't worry. Your man will return." Kangali was most overwhelmed by this.
just as sh~ appeared in Jashoda's as a midwife. The fifty percent pilgrim-guide
Haldarbabu said, "See, Kangali? The bastard unbelievers say, the Mother gives
says to him, "Male and female both get this disease. Bind the root of a white
a dream, why togged as a midwife? I say, she creates as mother, and preserves
forget-me-not in your ear when you take a piss."
as midwife." Nabin doesn't agree. One day he tells Kangali, "As the Mother's son I won't
Then Kangali said, "Sir! How shall I work at the sweetshop any longer. I can't
m~e a ra?<et with Sh~ti-power. But I've thought of a plan. There's no problem
stir the vat with my kerutches.* You are god. You are feeding so many people
With making a Hare Krishna racket. I tell you, get a Gopal in your dream. My
in so many ways. I am not begging. Find me a job." Aunt brought a stony Gopal from Purl. I give it to you. You announce that you
Haldarbabu said, ''Yes Kangali! I've kept you a spot. I'll make you a shop in
got it in a dream. You'll see there'll be a to-do in no time, money will roll in.
the corner of my porch. The Lionseated is across the way! Pilgrims come and
Start for money, later you'll get devoted to Gopal."
go. Put up a shop of dry sweets. Now there's a wedding in the house. It's my
Kangali says, "Shame, brother! Should one joke with gods?"
bastard seventh son's wedding. As long as there's no shop, I'll send you food."
"Ah get lost, " Nabin scolds. Later it appears that Kangali would have done
Hearing this, Kangali's mind took wing like a rainbug in the rainy season.
well to listen to Nabin. For Haldarbabu suddenly dies of heart failure. Shake-
He came home and told Jashoda, "Remember Kalidasa's pome? You eat because
speare's welkin breaks on Kangali and Jashoda's head.
there isn't, wouldn't have got if there was? That's my lot, chuck. Master says
he'll put up a shop after his son's wedding. Until then he'll send us food. Would
this have happened if I had legs? All is Mother's will, dear!"
Everyone is properly amazed that in this fallen age the wishes and wills of
the Lionseated, herself found by a dream-command a hundred and fifty years
Haldarbabu truly left Kangali in the lurch. Those wishes of the Lionseated
ago, are circulating around Kangalicharan Patitundo. Haldarbabu's change of
that were manifesting themselves around Kangali via-media Haldarbabu disap-
heart is also Mother's will. He lives in independent India, the India that makes
peared ~to the blue like the burning promises given by a political party before
no distinctions among people, kingdoms, languages, varieties of Brahmins, va-
the elections. an? beca~e ~agically invisible like the heroine of a fantasy. A
rieties of Kayasthas and so on. But he made his cash in the British era, when
European Witch s bodkin pncks the colored balloon of Kangali and Jashoda's
Divide and Rule was the policy. Haldarbabu's mentality was constructed then.
dreams and the pair falls in deep trouble. At home, Gopal, Nepal, and Radharani
Therefore he doesn't trust anyc;me-not a Panjabi-Oriya-Bihari-Gujarati-Mara-
whine interminably for food and abuse their mother. It is very natural for chil-
thi-Muslim. At the sight of an unfortunate Bihari child or a starvation-ridden
dren to cry so for grub. Ever since Kangalicharan's loss of feet they'd eaten the
Oriya beggar his flab-protected heart, located under a forty-two inch Gopal
fancy food of the Haldar household. Kangali also longs for food and is shouted
brand vest, does not itch with the rash of kindness. He is a successful son of
at for trying to put his head in Jashoda's chest in the way of Gopal, the Divine
Harisal. When he sees a West Bengali fly he says, "Tchah! at home even the
So~. Jas~oda is fully an Indian woman, whose unreasonable, unreasoning, and
flies were fat-in the bloody West everything is pinched-skinny." All the temple
unmtelligent devotion to her husband and love for her children, whose unnat-
people are struck that such a man is filling with the milk of humankindness
ur~l renunciation an~ forgiveness have been kept alive in the popular con-
toward the West Bengali Kangalicharan. For some time this news is the general
soousness by ~ll Indian women from Sati-Savitri-Sita through Nirupa Roy and
Chand Osmaru. The creeps of the world understand by seeing such women that
the old Indian tradition is still flowing free-they understand that it was with
* Underclass Bengali pronunciation for "crutches." [GCS]
226 In Other Worlds Breast-Giver 227
such women in mind that the following aphorisms have been composed-"a They too breed every year and a half. So there is a constant epidemic of blanket-
female's life hangs on like a turtle's" -"her heart breaks but no word is ut- quilt-feeding spoon-bottle-oilcloth-Johnson's baby powder-bathing basin.
tered" -"the woman will burn, her ashes will fly I Only then will we sing her The Mistress was out of her mind trying to feed the boy. As if relieved to see
I praise on high." Frankly, Jashoda never once wants to blame her husband for Jashoda she said, "You come like a god! Give her some milk, dear, I beg you.
the present misfortune. Her mother-love wells up for Kangali as much as for His mother's sick-such a brat, he won't touch a bottle." Jashoda immediately
the children. She wants to become the earth and feed her crippled husband and suckled the boy and pacified him. At the Mistress's special request Jashoda
helpless children with a fulsome harvest. Sages did not write of this motherly stayed in the house until nine p.m. and suckled the Mistress's grandson again
feeling of Jashoda's for her husband. They explained female and male as Nature and again. The Cook filled a big bowl with rice and curry for her own household.
and the Human Principle. But this they did in the days of yore-when they Jashoda said as she suckled the boy, "Mother! The Master said many things.
entered this peninsula from another land. Such is the power of the Incijan soil He is gone, so I don't think of them. But Mother! Your Brahmin-son does not
that all women turn into mothers here and all men remain immersed in the spint have his two feet. I don't think for myself. But thinking of my husband and
of holy childhood. Each man the Holy Child and each woman the Divine Mother. sons I say, give me any kind of job. Perhaps you'll let me cook in your
Even those who deny this and wish to slap current posters to the effect of the household?"
"eternal she" -"Mona Lisa" -"La passionaria" -"Simone de Beauvoir," et cet- "Let me see dear! Let me think and see." The Mistress is not as sold on
era, over the old ones and look at women that way are, after all, Indian cubs. Brahmins as the Master was. She does not accept fully that Kangali lost his feet
It is notable that the educated Babus desire all this from women outside the
home. When they cross the threshold they want the Divine Mother in the words
and conduct of the revolutionary ladies. The process is most complicated. Because
because of her son's afternoon whims. It was written for Kangali as well, other-
wise why was he walking down the road in the blazing sun grinning from ear
to ear? She looks in charmed envy at Jashoda's mammal projections and says,
he understood this the heroines of Saratchandra always fed the hero an extra "The good lord sent you down as the legendary Cow of Fulfillment. Pull the
mouthful of rice. The apparent simplicity of Saratchandra's and other similar teat and milk flows! The ones I've brought to my house, haven't a quarter of
writers' writings is actually very complex and to be thought of in the evening, this milk in their nipples!"
peacefully after a glass of wood-apple juice. There is too much influence of fun Jashoda says, "How true Mother! Gopal was weaned when he was three. This
and games in the lives of the people who traffic in studies and intellectualism one hadn't come to my belly yet. Still it was like a flood of milk. Where does ''vv'/
in West Bengal and therefore they should stress the wood-apple correspond- it come from, Mother? I have no good food, no pampering!"
ingly. We have no idea of the loss we are sustaining because we do not stress This produced a lot of talk among the women at night and the menfolk got
the wood-apple-type-herbal remedies correspondingly. to hear it too at night. The second son, whose wife was sick and whose son
However, it's incorrect to cultivate the habit of repeated incursions into bye- drank Jashoda's milk, was particularly uxorious. The difference between him
lanes as we tell Jashoda's life story. The reader's patience, unlike the cracks in and his brothers was that the brothers created progeny as soon as the almanac
Calcutta streets, will not widen by the decade. The real thing is that Jashoda gave a good day, with love or lack of love, with irritation or thinking of the
was in a deft stick. Of course they ate their fill during the Master's funeral days, accounts at the works. The second son impregnates his wife at the same fre-
but after everything was over Jashoda clasped Radharani to her bosom and went quency, but behind it lies deep love. The wife is often pregnant, that is an act
over to the big house. Her aim was to speak to the Mistress and ask for the of God. But the second son is also interested in that the wife remains beautiful
cook's job in the vegetarian kitchen. at the same time. He thinks a lot about how to combine multiple pregnancies
The Mistress really grieved for the Master. But the lawyer let her know that and beauty, but he cannot fathom it. But today, hearing from his wife about
the Master had left her the proprietorship of this house and the right to the rice Jashoda's surplus milk, the second son said all of a sudden, "Way found."
warehouse. Girding herself with those assurances, she has once again taken the "Way to what?"
rudder of the family empire. She had really felt the loss of fish and fish-head.* "Uh, the way to save you pain."
Now she sees that the best butter, the best milk sweets from the best shops, "How? I'll be out of pain when you burn me. Can a year-breeder's health
heavy cream, and the best variety of bananas can also keep the body going mend?"
somehow. The Mistress lights up her easychair. A six-months' babe in her lap, "It will, it will, I've got a divine engine in my hands! You'll breed yearly and
her grandson. So far six sons have married. Since the almanac approves of the keep your body."
taking of a wife almost every month of the year, the birth rooms in a row on The couple discussed. The husband entered his Mother's room in the morning
the ground floor of the Mistress's house are hardly ever empty. The lady doctor and spoke in heavy whispers. At first the Mistress hemmed and hawed, but
and Sarala the midwife never leave the house. The Mistress has six daughters. then she thought to herself and realized that the proposal was worth a million
rupees. Daughters-in-law will be mothers. When they are mothers, they will
suckle their children. Since they will be mothers as long as it's possible-pro-
*Hindu widows become vegetarians in West Bengal as a sign of lifelong mourning. [GCS] gressive suckling will ruin their shape. Then if the sons look outside, or harass
228 In Other Worlds Breast-Giver 229
the maidservants, she won't have a voice to object. Going out because they c~ lentil soup, and pickled fish, and by constantly feeding Nabin a head-curry with
get it at home-this is just. If Jashoda becomes the infants' suckling-mother, j the head of the goat dedicated to the Lionseated he tamed that ferocious can-
her daily meals, clothes on feast days, and some monthly pay will be enoug~ nabis-artist and drunkard. As a result Nabin inserted Kangali into the temple
The Mistress is constantly occupied with women's rituals. There Jashoda can of Shiva the King. Jashoda, eating well-prepared rice and curry every day, be-
act as the fruitful Brahmin wife. Since Jashoda's misfortune is due to her son, came as inflated as the bank account of a Public Works Department officer. In
that sin too will be lightened. addition, Mistress-Mother gave her milk gratis. When}ashoda became pregnant,
Jashoda received a portfolio when she heard her proposal. She thought of her she would send her preserves, conserves, hot and sweet balls.
breasts as most precious objects. At night when Kangalicharan started to give
Thus even the skeptics were persuaded that the Lionseated had appeared to
her a feel she said, "Look. I'm going to pull our weight with these. Take good
Jashoda as a midwife for this very reason. Otherwise who has ever heard or
care how you use them." Kangalicharan hemmed and hawed that night, of
seen such things as constant pregnancies, giving birth, giving milk like a cow,
course, but his Gopal frame of mind disappeared instantly when he saw the
without a thought, to others' children? Nabin too lost his bad thoughts. De-
amount of grains-oil-vegetables coming from the big house. He was illu-
votional feelings came to him by themselves. Whenever he saw Jashoda he called
minated by the spirit of Brahma the Creator and explained to Jashoda, "You'll
out "Mother! Mother! Dear Mother!" Faith in the greatness of the Lionseated
have milk in your breasts only if you have a child in your belly. Now you:ll
have to think of that and suffer. You are a faithful wife, a goddess. You wtll was rekindled in the area and in the air of the neighborhood blew the electrifying
influence of goddess-glory.
yourself be pregnant, be filled with a child, rear it at your breast, isn't this why
Mother came to you as a midwife?" Everyone's devotion to Jashoda became so strong that at weddings, showers,
Jashoda realized the justice of these words and said, with tears in her eyes, namings, and sacred-threadings they invited her and gave her the position of
"You are husband, you are guru. If I forget and say no, correct me. Where after chief fruitful woman. They looked with a comparable eye on Nepal-Gopal-Neno-
all is the pain? Didn't Mistress-Mother breed thirteen? Does it hurt a tree to bear Boncha-Patal etc. because they were Jashoda's children, and as each grew up,
fruit?" he got a sacred thread and started catching pilgrims for the temple. Kangali did
So this rule held. Kangalicharan became a professional father. Jashoda was not have to find husbands for Radharani, Altarani, Padmarani and such daugh-
by profession Mother. In fact to look at}ashoda now even the skeptic is convinced ters. Nabin found them husbands with exemplary dispatch and the faithful
of the profundity of that song of the path of devotion. The song is as follows: mother's faithful daughters went off each to run the household of her own
Shiva! Jashoda's worth went up in the Haldar house. The husbands are pleased
because the wives' knees no longer knock when they riffle the almanac. Since
Is a Mother so cheaply made? their children are being reared on Jashoda's milk, they can be the Holy Child
Not just by dropping a babe! in bed at will. The wives no longer have an excuse to say "no." The wives are
happy. They can keep their figures. They can wear blouses and bras of "Eu-
ropean cut." After keeping the fast of Shiva' s night by watching all-night picture
Around the paved courtyard on the ground floor of the Haldar house over a shows they are no longer obliged to breast-feed their babies. All this was possible
dozen auspicious milch cows live in some state in large rooms. Two Biharis look because of Jashoda. As a result Jashoda become vocal and, constantly suckling
after them as Mother Cows. There are mountains of rind-bran-hay-grass-mo- the infants, she opined as she sat in the Mistress's room, "A woman breeds,
lasses. Mrs. Haldar believes that the more the cow eats, the more milk she gives. so here medicine, there bloodpeshur, * here doctor's visits. Showoffs! Look at
Jashoda's place in the house is now above the Mother Cows. The Mistress's me! I've become a year-breeder! So is my body failing, or is my milk drying?
sons become incarnate Brahma and create progeny. Jashoda preserves the Makes your skin crawl? I hear they are drying their milk with injishuns.* Never
progeny. . heard of such things!"
Mrs. Haldar kept a strict watch on the free flow of her supply of milk. She The fathers and uncles of the current young men of the Haldar house used
called Kangalicharan to her presence and said, "Now then, my Brahmin son? to whistle at the maidservants as soon as hair grew on their upper lips. The
You used to stir the vat at the shop, now take up the cooking at home and give young ones were reared by the Milk-Mother's milk, so they looked upon the
her a rest. Two of her own, three here, how can she cook at day's end after maid and the cook, their Milk-Mother's friends, as mothers too and started
suckling five?" walking around the girls' school. The maids said, "Joshi! You came as The God-
Kangalicharan's intellectual eye was thus opened. Downstairs the two Biharis dess! You made the air of this house change!" So one day as the youngest son
gave him a bit of chewing tobacco and said, "Mistress Mother said right. We was squatting to watch Jashoda's milking, she said, "There dear, my Lucky! All
serve the Cow Mother as well-your woman is the Mother of the World."
From now on Kangalicharan took charge of the cooking at home. Made the
children his assistants. Gradually he became an expert in cooking plantain curry, * Underclass Bengali pronunciation for "blood pressure" and "injections." [GC$]
230 In Other Worlds Breast-Giver 231
this because you swiped him in the leg! Whose wish was it then?" "The Lion- dies in the neighborhood, it's Basini who can weep most elaborately. She is an
seated's," said Haldar junior. old maidservant of the house. But Jashoda's meal ticket was offered up with
He wanted to know how Kangalicharan could be Brahma without feet? This the Mistress. She astounded everyone by weeping even more elaborately.
encroached on divine area, and he forgot the question. "Oh blessed Mother!," Basini wept. "Widowed, when you lost your crown,
All is the Lionseated's will! you became the Master and protected everyone! Whose sins sent you away
Mother! Ma, when I said, don't eat so much jackfruit, you didn't listen to me
at all Mother!"
3. Jashoda let Basini get her breath and lamented in that pause, "Why should
you stay, Mother! You are blessed, why should you stay in this sinful world!
Kangali's shins were cut in the fifties, and our narrative has reached .the The daughters-in-law have moved the throne! When the tree says I won't bear,
present. In twenty-five years, sorry in thirty, Jashoda has been confined twenty alas it's a sin! Could you bear so much sin, Mother! Then did the Lionseated
times. The maternities toward the end were profitless, for a new wind entered turn her back, Mother! You knew the abode of good works had become the
the Haldar house somehow. Let's finish the business of the twenty-five or thirty abode of sin, it was not for you Mother! Your heart left when the Master left
years. At the beginning of the narrative Jashoda was the mother of three sons. Mother! You held your body only because you thought of the family. 0 mis-
Then she became gravid seventeen times. Mrs. Haldar died. She dearly wished tresses, o daughters-in-law! take a vermillion print of her footstep! Fortune will
that one of her daughters-in-law should have the same goud fortune as her be tied to the door if you keep that print! If you touch your forehead to it every
mother-in-law. In the family the custom was to have a second wedding if a morning, pain and disease will stay out!"
couple could produce twenty children. But the daughters-in-law called a halt at Jashoda walked weeping behind the corpse to the burning ghat and said on
twelve-thirteen-fourteen. By evil counsel they were able to explain to their hus- return, "I saw with my own eyes a chariot descend from heaven, take Mistress-
bands and make arrangements at the hospital. All this was the bad result of the Mother from the pyre, and go on up."
new wind. Wise men have never allowed a new wind to enter the house. I've After the funeral days were over, the eldest daughter-in-law said to Jashoda,
heard from my grandmother that a certain gentleman would come to her house "Brahmin sister! the family is breaking up. Second and Third are moving to the
to read the liberal journal Saturday Letter. He would never let the tome enter his house in Beleghata. Fourth and Fifth are departing to Maniktala-Bagmari.
home. "The moment wife, or mother, or sister reads that paper," he would say, Youngest will depart to our Dakshireswar house."
"she'll say Tm a woman! Not a mother, not a sister, not a wife."' If asked what "Who stays here?"
the result would be, he'd say, "They would wear shoes while they cooked." It "I will. But I'll let the downstairs. Now must the family be folded up. You
is a perennial rule that the power of the new wind disturbs the peace of the reared everyone on your milk, food was sent every day. The last child was
women's quarter. weaned, still Mother sent you food for eight years. She did what pleased her.
It was always the sixteenth century in the Haldar household. But at the sudden
Her children said nothing. But it's no longer possible."
significant rise in the membership of the house the sons started building new
"What'll happen to me, elder daughter-in-law-sister?"
houses and splitting. The most objectionable thing was that in the matter of
"If you cook for my household, your board is taken care of. But what'll you
motherhood, the old lady's granddaughters-in-law had breathed a completely
do with yours?"
different air before they crossed her threshold. In vain did the Mistress say that
there was plenty of money, plenty to eat. The old man had dreamed of filling
"It's for you to say. You are the mother of twelve living children! The daugh-
half Calcutta with Haldars. The granddaughters-in-law were unwilling. Defying
ters are married. I hear the sons call pilgrims, eat temple food, stretch out in
the old lady's tongue, they took off to their husbands' places of work. At about
the courtyard. Your Brahmin-husband has set himself up in the Shiva temple,
this time, the pilgrim-guides of the Lionseated had a tremendous fight and some
unknown person or persons turned the image of the goddess around. The Mis- I hear. What do you need?"
tress's heart broke at the thought that the Mother had turned her back. In pain Jashoda wiped her eyes. "Well! Let me speak to the Brahmin."
she ate an unreasonable quantity of jackfruit in full summer and died shitting Kangalicharan's temple had really caught on. "What will you do in my
and vomiting. temple?" he asked.
"What does Naren's niece do?"
"She looks after the temple household and cooks. You haven't been cooking
at home for a long time. Will you be able to push the temple traffic?"
"No meals from the big house. Did that enter your thieving head? What'll
Death liberated the Mistress, but the sting of staying alive is worse than death. you eat?"
Jashoda was genuinely sorry at the Mistress's death. When an elderly person "You don't have to worry," said Nabin.
232 In Other Worlds Breast-Giver 233
"Why did I have to worry for so long? You're bringing it in at the temple, Nabin said, "Shut up, Joshi. God gave me ability, and intelligence, and only
aren't you? You've saved everything and eaten the food that sucked my body." then could the thing be done through me."
"Who sat and cooked?" "Mother's glory has disappeared when you put your hands on her."
"The man brings, the woman cooks and serves. My lot is inside out. Then "Glory disappeared! If so, how come, the fan is turning, and you are sitting
you ate my food, now you'll give me food. Fair's fair." under the fan? Was there ever an elettiri* fan on the porch ceiling?"
Kangali said on the beat, "Where did you bring in the food? Could you have "I accept. But tell me, why did you bum my luck? What did I ever do to you?"
gotten the Haldar house? Their door opened for you because my legs were cut ''Why? Kangali isn't dead."
off. The Master had wanted to set me up in business. Forgotten everything, you "Why wait for death? He's more than dead to me."
cunt?" "What's up?"
"Who's the cunt, you or me? Living off a wife's carcass, you call that a,;manJ" Jashoda wiped her eyes and said in a heavy voice, "I've carried so many, I
The two fought tooth and nail and cursed each other to the death. Finally was the regular milk-mother at the Master's house. You know everything. I've
Kangali said, "I don't want to see your face again. Buzz off!" never left the straight and narrow."
"All right." "But of course. You are a p~rtion of the MOther."
Jashoda too left angry. In the meantime the various pilgrim-guide factions "But Mother remains in divine fulfillment. Her 'portion' is about to die for
conspired to turn the image's face forward, otherwise disaster was imminent. want of food. Haldar-house has lifted its hand from me."
As a result, penance rituals were being celebrated with great ceremony at the "Why did you have to fight with Kangali? Can a man bear to be insulted on
temple. Jashoda went to throw herself at the goddess's feet. Her aging, milkless, grounds of being supported?"
capacious breasts are breaking in pain. Let the Lionseated understand her pain ''Why did you have to plant your niece there?"
and tell her the way. "That was divine play. Golapi used to throw herself in the temple. Little by
Jashoda lay three days in the courtyard. Perhaps the Lionseated has also little Kangali came to understand that he was the god's companion-incarnate
breathed the new wind. She did not appear in a dream. Moreover, when, after and she his companion."
her three days' fast, Jashoda went back shaking to her place, her youngest came "Companion indeed! I can get my husband from her clutches with one blow
of a broom!"
by. "Dad will stay at the temple. He's told Naba and I to ring the bells. We'll
get money and holy food every day." Nabin said, "No! that can't be any more. Kangali is a man in his prime, how
"I see! Where's dad?" can he be pleased with you any more? Besides, Golapi's brother is a real hood-
lum, and he is guarding her. Asked me to get out. If I smoke ten pipes, he smokes
"Lying down. Golapi-auntie is scratching the prickly heat on his back. Asked
twenty. Kicked me in the midriff. I went to speak for you. Kangali said, don't
us to buy candy with some money. So we came to tell you."
talk to me about her. Doesn't know her man, knows her master's house. The
Jashoda understood that her usefulness had ended not only in the Haldar
master's house is her household god, let her go there."
house but also for Kangali. She broke her fast in name and went to Nabin to "I will."
complain. It was Nabin who had dragged the Lionseated's image the other way. Then Jashoda returned home, half-crazed by the injustice of the world. But
After he had settled the dispute with the other pilgrim-guides re the overhead her heart couldn't abide the empty room. Whether it suckled or not, it's hard
income from the goddess Basanti ritual, the goddess Jagaddhatri ritual, and the to sleep without a child at the breast. Motherhood is a great addiction. The
autumn Durgapuja, it was he who had once again pushed and pulled the image addiction doesn't break even when the milk is dry. Forlorn Jashoda went to the
the right way. He'd poured some liquor into his aching throat, had smoked a Haldaress. She said, "I'll cook and serve, if you want to pay me, if not, not.
bit of cannabis, and was now addressing the local electoral candidate: "No of- You must let me stay here. That sonofabitch is living at the temple. What disloyal
ferings for the Mother from you! Her glory is back. Now we'll see how you sons! They are stuck there too. For whom shall I hold my room?"
win!" "So stay. You suckled the children, and you're a Brahmin. So stay. But sister,
Nabin is the proof of all the miracles that can happen if, even in this decade, it'll be hard for you. You'll stay in Basini's room with the others. You mustn't
one stays under the temple's power. He had turned the goddess's head himself fight with anyone. The master is not in a good mood. His temper is rotten
and had himself believed that the Mother was averse because the pilgrim-guides because his third son went to Bombay and married a local girl. He'll be angry
were not organizing like all the want-votes groups. Now, after he had turned if there's noise."
the goddess's head he had the idea that the Mother had turned on her own. Jashoda's good fortune was her ability to bear children. All this misfortune
Jashoda said, ''What are you babbling?" happened to her as soon as that vanished. Now is the downward time for Jash-
Nabin said, "I'm speaking of Mother's glory."
Jashoda said, "You think I don't know that you turned the image's head
yourself?" Underclass Bengali pronunciation for "electric." [GCSJ
234 In Other Worlds Breast-Giver 235
oda, the milk-filled faithful wife who was the object of the reverence of the local Jashoda said with her eyes closed, "Like a stone tit, with a stone inside. At
houses devoted to the Holy Mother. It is human nature to feel an inappropriate first the hard ball moved about, now it doesn't move, doesn't budge."
vanity as one rises, yet not to feel the surrender of "let me learn to bite the dust "Let's show the doctor."
since I'm down" as one falls. As a result one makes demands for worthless "No, sister daughter-in-law, I can't show my body to a male doctor."
things in the old way and gets kicked by the weak. At night when the doctor came the eldest daughter-in-law asked him in her
The same thing happened to Jashoda. Basini's crowd used to wash her feet son's presence. She said, "No pain, no burning, but she is keeling over."
and drink the water. Now Basini said easily, "You'll wash your own dishes. The doctor said, "Go ask if the nipple has shrunk, if the armpit is swollen like
Are you my master, that I'll wash your dishes. You are the master's servant as a seed."
Hearing "swollen like a seed," the eldest daughter-in-law thought, "How
much as I am."
As Jashoda roared, "Do you know who I am?" she heard the eldest daughter- crude!" Then she did her field investigations and said, "She says all that you've
said has been happening for some time."
in-law scold, "This is what I feared. Mother gave her a swelled head. Look here,
"How old?"
Brahmin sister! I didn't call you, you begged to stay, don't break the peace."
"If you take the eldest son's age she'll be about about fifty-five."
Jashoda understood that now no one would attend to a word she said. She
The doctor said, ''I'll give medicine."
cooked and served in silence and in the late afternoon she went to the temple
Going out, he said to the eldest son, "I hear your Cook has a problem with
porch and started to weep. She couldn't even have a good cry. She heard the
her breast. I think you should take her to the cancer hospital. I didn't see her. But
music for the evening worship at the temple of Shiva. She wiped her eyes and
from what I heard it could be cancer of the mammary gland."
got up. She said to herself, "Now save me, Mother! Must I finally sit by the
Only the other day the eldest son lived in the sixteenth century. He has arrived
roadside with a tin cup? Is that what you want?" at the twentieth century very recently. Of his thirteen offspring he has arranged
The days would have passed in cooking at the Haldar-house and complaining the marriages of the daughters, and the sons have grown up and are growing
to the Mother. But that was not enough for Jashoda. Jashoda's body seemed to up at their own speed and in their own way. But even now his grey cells are
keel over. Jashoda doesn't understand why nothing pleases her. Everything covered in the darkness of the eighteenth- and the pre-Bengal-Renaissance nine-
seems confused inside her head. When she sits down to cook she thinks she's teenth centuries. He still does not take smallpox vaccination and says, "Only
the milk-mother of this house. She is going home in a showy sari with a free the lower classes get smallpox. I don't need to be vaccinated. An upper-caste
meal in her hand. Her breasts feel empty, as if wasted. She had never thought family, respectful of gods and Brahmins, does not contract that disease."
she wouldn't have a child's mouth at her nipple. He pooh-poohed the idea of cancer and said, "Yah! Cancer indeed! That easy!
Joshi became bemused. She serves nearly all the rice and curry, but forgets You misheard, all she needs is an ointment. I cc:n't send a Brahmin's daughter
to eat. Sometimes she speaks to Shiva the King, "If Mother can't do it, you to a hospital just on your word."
take me away. I can't pull any more." Jashoda herself also said, "I can't go to hospital. Ask me to croak instead. I
Finally it was the sons of the eldest daughter-in-law who said, "Mother! Is didn't go to hospital to breed, and I'll go now? That corpse-burning devil re-
the milk-mother sick? She acts strange." turned a cripple because he went to hospital!"
The eldest daughter-in-law said, "Let's see." The elder daughter-in-law said, ''I'll get you a herbal ointment. This ointment
The eldest son said, "Look here? She's a Brahmin's daughter, if anything will surely soothe. The hidden boil will show its tip and burst."
happens to her, it'll be a sin for us." The herbal ointment was a complete failure. Slowly Jashoda gave up eating
The eldest daughter-in-law went to ask. Jashoda had started the rice and then and lost her strength. She couldn't keep her sari on the left side. Sometimes
lain down in the kitchen on the spread edge of her sari. The eldest daughter- she felt burning, sometimes pain. Finally the skin broke in many places and
in-law, looking at her bare body, said, "Brahmin sister! Why does the top of sores appeared. Jashoda took to her bed.
your left tit look so red? God! flaming red!" Seeing the hang of it, the eldest son was afraid, if at his house a Brahmin
"Who knows? It's like a stone pushing inside. Very hard, like a rock." died! He called Jashoda's sons and spoke to them harshly, "It's your mother,
"What is it?" she fed you so long, and now she is about to die! Take her with you! She has
"Who knows? I suckled so many, perhaps that's why?" everyone and she should die in a Kayastha* household?"
"Nonsense! One gets breast-stones or pus-in-the-tit if there's milk. Your Kangali cried a lot when he heard this story. He came to Jashoda's almost-
youngest is ten." dark room and said, "Wife! You are a blessed auspicious faithful woman! After
"That one is gone. The one before survived. That one died at birth. Just as I spurned you, within two years the temple dishes were stolen, I suffered from
well. This sinful world!"
"WeH the doctor comes tomorrow to look at my grandson. I'll ask. Doesn't
look good to me." Second caste [GCS]
236 In Other Worlds Breast-Giver 237
boils in my back, and that snake Golapi tricked Napla, broke the safe, stole As Jashoda lay down, she lost sense and consciousness with fever. Kangali
everything and opened a shop in Tarakeswar. Come, I'll keep you in state." came at the proper time: but seeing Jashoda he lost his grip. Finally Nabin came
Jashoda said, "Light the lamp." and rasped, "Are these people human? She reared all the boys with her milk
Kangali lit the lamp. and they don't call a doctor? I'll call Hari the doctor."
Jashoda showed him her bare left breast, thick with running sores and said, Haribabu took one look at her and said, "Hospital."
"See these sores? Do you know how these sores smell? What will you do with Hospitals don't admit people who are so sick. At the efforts and recommen-
me now? Why did you come to take me?" dations of the eldest son, Jashoda was admitted.
"The Master called." "What's the matter? 0 Doctorbabu, what's the problem?"-Kangali asked,
"Then the Master doesn't want to keep me."-Jashoda sighed and said, weeping like a boy.
"There is no solution about me. What can you do with me?" "Cancer."
"Whatever, I'll take you tomorrow. Today I clean the room. Tomorrow for
"You can get cancer in a tit?"
"Are the boys well? Noblay and Gaur used to come, they too have stopped." "Otherwise how did she get it?"
"All the bastards are selfish. Sons of my spunk after all. As inhuman as I." "Her own twenty, thirty boys at the Master's house-she had a lot of
"You'll come tomorrow?" milk-''
"Yes-yes-yes." "What did you say? How many did she feed?"
Jashoda smiled suddenly. A heart-splitting nostalgia-provoking smile. "About fifty for sure."
Jashoda said, "Dear, remember?" "Fif-ty!"
"What, wife?" "Yes sir."
"How you played with these tits? You couldn't sleep otherwise? My lap was "She had twenty children?"
never empty, if this one left my nipple, there was that one, and then the boys "Yes sir."
of the Master's house. How I could, I wonder now!" "God!"
"I remember everything, wife!" "Sir!"
In this instant Kangali's words are true. Seeing Jashoda's broken, thin, suf- "What?"
fering form even Kangali's selfish body and instincts and belly-centered con-
"Is it because she suckled so many-?"
sciousness remembered the past and suffered some empathy. He held Jashoda's
hand and said, "You have fever?" "One can't say why someone gets cancer, one can't say. But when people
"I get feverish all the time. I think by the strength of the sores." breast-feed too much-didn't you realize earlier? It didn't get to this in a day?"
"Where does this rotten stink come from?" "She wasn't with me, sir. We quarreled-"
"From these sores." "I see."
Jashoda spoke with her eyes closed. Then she said, "Bring the holy doctor. "How do you see her? Will she get well?"
He cured Gopal' s typhoid with homeopathy." "Get well! See how long she lasts. You've brought her in the last stages. No
''I'll call him. I'll take you tomorrow." one survives this stage."
Kangali left. That he went out, the tapping of his crutches, Jashoda couldn't Kangali left weeping. In the late afternoon, harassed by Kangali's lamenta-
hear. With her eyes shut, with the idea that Kangali was in the room, she said tions, the eldest son's second son went to the doctor. He was minimally anxious
spiritlessly, "If you suckle you're a mother, all lies! Nepal and Gopal don't look about Jashoda-but his father nagged him and he was financially dependent
at me, and the Master's boys don't spare a peek to ask how I'm doing." The on his father.
sores on her breast kept mocking her with a hundred mouths, a hundred eyes. The doctor explained everything to him. It happened not in a day, but over
Jashoda opened her eyes and said, "Do you hear?" a long time. Why? No one could tell. How does one perceive breast cancer? A
Then she realized that Kangali had left.
hard lump inside the breast toward the top can be removed. Then gradually the
In the night she sent Basini for Lifebuoy soap and at dawn she went to take a
bath with the soap. Stink, what a stink! If the body of a dead cat or dog rots in lump inside becomes large, hard, and like a congealed pressure. The skin is
the garbage can you get a smell like this. Jashoda had forever scrubbed her expected to turn orange, as is expected a shrinking of the nipple. The gland in
breasts carefully with soap and oil, for the master's sons had put the nipples in the armpit can be inflamed. When there is ulceration, that is to say sores, one
their mouth. Why did those breasts betray her in the end? Her skin bums with can call it the final stages. Fever? From the point of view of seriousness it falls
the sting of soap. Still Jashoda washed herself with soap. Her head was ringing, in the second or third category. If there is something like a sore in the body,
everything seemed dark. There was fire in Jashoda's body, in her head. The there can be fever. That is secondary.
black floor was very cool. Jashoda spread her sari and lay down. She could not The second son was confused with all this specialist talk. He said, "Will she
bear the weight of her breast standing up. live?"
238 In Other Worlds Breast-Giver 239
presence of her chest? What a smell, what treachery? Knowing ~ese b~ast~ to
14. A Literary Representation of The
be the rice-winner, she had constantly conceived to keep them filled wtth milk. Subaltern: A Woman's Text From the
The breast's job is to hold milk. She kept her breast clean with perfumed soap,
she never wore a top, even in youth, because her breasts were so heavy. Third World1
When the sedation lessens, Jashoda screams, "Ah! Ah! Ah!"-and looks for
the nurse and the doctor with passionate bloodshot eyes. When the doctor A historian confronts a text of counterinsurgency or gendering where the
comes, she mutters with hurt feelings, "You grew so big on my milk, and now subaltern has been represented. He unravels the text to assign a new subject-
you're hurting me so?" position to the subaltern, gendered or otherwise.
The doctor says, "She sees her milk-sons all over the world." , . A teacher of literature confronts a sympathetic text where the gendered sub-
Again injection and sleepy numbness. Pain, tremendous pain, the cancerts altern has been represented. She unravels the text to make visible the assignment
spreading at the expense of the human host. Gradually Jashoda's left breast bursts of subject-positions.
and becomes like the crater of a volcano. The smell of putrefaction makes ap- These two operations are similar but not identical. By way of a teaching strat-
proach difficult. egy for Mahasweta Devi's "Stanadayini" [Breast-Giver], this paper circulates
Finally one night, Jashoda understood that her feet and hands were getting among the similarities and differences. 2 By its end, I will hope to have impor-
cold. She understood that death was coming. Jashoda couldn't open her eyes, tuned the reader at least to entertain the following propositions:
but she understood that some people were looking at her hand. A needle
pricked her arm. Painful breathing inside. Has to be. Who is looking? Are these
her own people? The people whom she suckled because she carried them, or a. The performance of these tasks, of the historian and the teacher of liter-
those she suckled for a living? Jashoda thought, after all, she had suckled the ature, must critically "interrupt" each other, bring each other to crisis, in order
world, could she then die alone? The doctor who sees her every day, the person to serve their constituencies; especially when each seems to claim all for its own.
, who will cover her face with a sheet, will put her on a cart, will lower her at b. The teacher of literature, because of her institutional subject-position, can
the burning ghat, the untouchable who will put her in the furnace, are all h~r and must "re-constellate" the text to draw out its usP. She can and must wrench
milk-sons. One must become Jashoda" if one suckles the world. One has to dte it out of its proper context and put it within alien arguments.
friendless with no one left to put a bit of water in the mouth. Yet someone was c. If thus placed in the arguments from Western Marxist-Feminism, Western
supposed' to be there at the end. Who was it? It was who? Who was it? Liberal Feminism, and French high theory of the Female Body, "Stanadayini"
Jashoda died at 11 p.m. can show us some of their limits and limitations.
The Halder-house was called on the phone. The phone didn't ring. The Hal- d. This might have implications for the current and continued subalterniza-
dars disconnected their phone at night. tion of so-called "third world" literatures.
Jashoda Devi, Hindu female, lay in the hospital morgue in the usual way,
\ went to the burning ghat in a van, and was burnt. She was cremated by an
untouchable. The paper will also touch upon the always tendentious question of elite meth-
Jashoda was God manifest, others do and did whatever she thought. Jashoda's odologies and subaltern material. I suppose it needs to be said that the problem
death was also the death of God. When a mortal masquerades as God here of "what to do" about the gendered subaltern cannot be solved in any interpre-
\ below, she is forsaken by all and she must always die alone. tive essay, historical or literary. A paper such as this one can perhaps give an
idea of the extent and politics of the problem somewhat more soberly than
invocations of the immediacy of the need for social justice or the ineluctability
1987 of a woman's domain.
Foucault, it is no longer too avant-garde to suspect or admit that "events" are This understanding of a statement does not entail ignoring what it is that
never not discursively constituted and that the language of historiography is sentences report or tell. It is the precondition for the analysis of how the what
always also language. is made. That is what a "discursive formation" is: "the formation of objects, the
formation of enunciative modalities, the formation of concepts, the formation
of strategies." 7 Not even the simplest reporting or telling can avoid these ma-
The fact that every object is constituted as an object of discourse has nothing neuvers. Foucault asks us to remember that what is reported or told is also
to do with whether there is a world external to thought, or with the realism/ reported or told and thus entails a positioning of the subject. Further, that any-
idealism opposition. An earthquake or the falling of a brick is an event one dealing with a report or a tale (the material of historiography or literary
that certainly exists .... But whether their specificity as objects is con- pedagogy) can and must occupy a certain "I" -slot in these dealings. The par-
structed in terms of "natural phenomena" or "expressions of the wrath ticularity of this "I" -slot is a sign. It may for instance signify a sociopolitical,
of God" depends upon the structure of a discursive field. What is denied psycho-sexual, disciplinary-institutional or ethno-economic provenance. Hence,
is not that such objects exist externally to thought, but the rather different Foucault uses the word "assigned": "the position of the subject can be as-
assertion that they would constitute themselves as objects outside any signed." There may be a hidden agenda in covering over this rather obvious
discursive condition of emergence. 3 thing. For the purposes of this essay, the ''!''-slots (subject-positions) to be kept
in mind are: author, reader, teacher, subaltern, historian.
It is well-known that Foucault was finally disaffected from this project. 8 But
The thought of "how events exist" can itself be complicated in different ways many of the subalternist historians are, in my judgment wisely, working within
via say, Heidegger or particle physics; and I remain troubled by anything that its wider implications. One of these implications is that the archival or archae-
claims to have nothing to do with its opposition. 4 A voiding these perils, how- ological work of historiography might resemble a certain work of reading which
ever, one might still posit an active relationship between historical and literary is usually associated with literary interpretation if it is detached from its psy-
representation as discursive formations. With this in mind, let us consider a chologistic or characterological orthodoxy. In this view, it is as if the narrativ-
celebrated passage in the early Foucault, which establishes "discourse" in the izations of history are structured or textured like what is called literature. Here
sense in which Laclau and Mouffe use it above. one must re-think the notion that fiction derives from truth as its negation. In
The problem examined in the Foucauldian passage is not merely if events exist the context of archival historiography, the possibility of fiction cannot be
outside of discourse but also if language (sentences, propositions, signs) exists derived. 9
only to report events. Foucault is making a distinction between language as That history deals with real events and literature with imagined ones may
sentence, proposition, and sign and what he calls "statement" [enonciation]. now be seen as a difference in degree rather than in kind. The difference between
Among other things, a statement is "a function of existence" of language "on cases of historical and literary events will always be there as a differential mo-
the basis of which one may ... decide ... whether or not [it] 'make[s] sense' ." 5 ment in terms of what is called "the effect of the real" .10 What is called history
A "statement" involves the positioning of a subject (the place of the "I"): will always seem more real to us than what is called literature. Our very uses
of the two separate words guarantees that. 11 This difference can never be ex-
haustively systematized. In fact, the ways in which the difference is articulated
The subject of the statement should not be regarded as identical with the also has a hidden agenda. The historians' resistance to fiction relates to the fact
author of the formulation. It is not in fact the cause, origin, or starting- that the writing of history and of literature has a social connotation even when
point of the phenomenon of the written or spoken articulation of a sen- these activities do not resemble what we understand by them today; and that
tence ... it is not the constant, motionless, unchanging arena [foyer] of historiography and literary pedagogy are disciplines.
a series of operations ... It is a determined [determinee] and vacant place Mahasweta Devi's own relationship to historical discourse seems clear. She
that may in fact be filled by different individuals .... If a proposition, a has always been gripped by the individual in history. Up to and including Hajar
sentence, a group of signs can be called "statement," it is not in so far as Churashir Ma (1973-74) her prose belonged to the generally sentimental style of
there had been [dans la mesure ou il ya eu] one day someone to utter [proferer] the mainstream Bengali novel of the fifties and the sixties. To this reader it seems
them or to deposit somewhere their provisional mark [en deposer que/que as if the vision of Hajar Churashir Ma-the bringing-to-crisis of the personal
part la trace provisoire]; it is in so far as [dans la mesure ou] the position of the through a political event of immediate magnitude (the "climactic phase of the
subject can be assigned. To describe a formulation qua statement does not annihilation of the urban naxalites") pushed Mahasweta from what was per-
consist in analyzing the relations between the author and what he says ceived as "literary" or "subjective" into an experiment with a form perceived
(or wanted to say, or said without wanting to); but in determining what as "historical." 12 The stories of Agnigarbha (collected in 1978) mark the site of
position can and must be occupied by any individual if he is to be the this difficult move. In Aranyer Adhiknr (1977) the prose is beginning to bend into
subject of it. 6 full-fledged "historical fiction," history imagined into fiction. The division be-
244 In Other Worlds A literary Representation of the Subaltern 245
tween fact (historical event) and fiction (literary event) is operative in all these take the risk of putting to one side that all too neat reading, and unravel the
moves. Indeed, her repeated claim to legitimacy is that she researches thor- text to pick up the threads of the excluded attempt.
oughly everything she represents in fiction. . .. This takes me to a general argument implicit within the study of the subaltern
Fiction of this sort relies for its effect on its "effect of the real." The plausibility in the context of decolonization: if the story of the rise of nationalist resistance
of a Jashoda ("Stanadayini"), a Draupadi ("Draupadi," Agnigarbha), a Birsha to imperialism is to be disclosed coherently, it is the role of the indigenous
Munda (Aranyer Adhikar) is that they could have existed as subalterns in a specific subaltern that must be strategically excluded. Then it can be argued that, in the
historical moment imagined and tested by orthodox assumptions. When the initial stages of the consolidation of territorial imperialism, no organized political
subalternist historian imagines a historical moment, within which shadowy resistance was forthcoming. Through access to the cultural aspects of imperi-
named characters, backed up by some counter-insurgent or dominant-gender alism, the colonized countries acceded to sentiments of nationhood. It was then
textual material, have their plausible being, in order that a historical narrative that genuine anti-imperialist resistance developed. 15
can coherently take shape, the assumptions are not very different. Those who As in the case of the opposition between fact and fiction, there is a certain
read or write literature can claim as little of subaltern status as those who read paratheoretical good sense in this. The exclusions that must operate in order to
or write history. The difference is that the subaltern as object is supposed to be preserve that good sense are at least two-fold. First, if nationalism is the only
imagined in one case and real in another. I am suggesting that it is a bit of both discourse credited with emancipatory possibilities in the imperialist theater, then
in both cases. The writer acknowledges this by claiming to do research (my one must ignore the innumerable subaltern examples of resistance throughout
fiction is also historical). The historian might acknowledge this by looking at the imperialist and pre-imperialist centuries, often suppressed by those very
the mechanics of representation (my history is also fictive). It is with this sug- forces of nationalism which would be instrumental in changing the geo-political
gestion that I submit the following pages to the Subaltern Studies collective. I conjuncture from territorial imperialism to neo-colonialism, and which seem
hope it will be admitted that my brief is very different from saying that history particularly useless in current situations of struggle. 16 Secondly, if only the eman-
is only literature. cipatory possibilities of the culture of imperialism are taken into account, the
distortions in the ideals of a national culture when imported into a colonial
theater would go unnoticed. 17
Citizens of the nation must give something to the nation rather than merely
2. The Author's Own Reading: A Subject Position take from it, the gist of Mahasweta's own reading of "Stanadayini," is one of
the many slogans of a militant nationalism. It can accommodate sentiments ex-
By Mahasweta Devi' s own account, "Stanadayini': i~ a parable of Ind~a after tending from "sat koti santanere he mugdha janani, rekhechho bangali /core manush
decolonization. 13 Like the protagonist Jashoda, India IS a mother-by-hue. All karoni. ["Fond mother, you have kept your seventy million children Bengalis
classes of people, the post-war rich, the ideologues, the indigenous bureaucracy, but haven't made them human"-Tagore] to "Ask not what your country can
the diasporics, the people who are sworn to protect the new state, abuse and do for you" Gohn F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address). In spite of the best possible
exploit her. If nothing is done to sustain her, nothing given back to her, and~ personal politics, the reading Mahasweta Devi offers of her own story, entailing
scientific help comes too late, she will die of a consuming cancer. I suppose 1f her subject-position as writer, signifies that narrative of nationalism that is per-
one extended this parable the end of the story might come to "mean" something ceived as a product of the culture of imperialism. This too obliges me to set it
like this: the ideological construct "India" is too deeply informed by the goddess- aside and to wonder what her text, as statement, articulates that must in its turn
infested reverse sexism of the Hindu majority. As long as there is this hegemonic be set aside so that her reading can emerge.
cultural self-representation of India as a goddess-mother (dissimulating the pos-
sibility that this mother is a slave}, she will collapse under the burden of the
immense expectations that such a self-representation permits. 3. The Teacher and Reader(s}: More Subject-Positions
This interesting reading is not very useful from the perspective of a study of
the subaltern. Here the representation of India is by way of the subaltern as Mahasweta' s text might show in many ways how the narratives of nationalism
metaphor. By the rules of a parable the logic of the connection b~~~~n the tenor have been and remain irrelevant to the life of the subordinate. The elite culture
and the vehicle of the metaphor must be made absolutely explicit. Under the o~ nationalism participated and participates with the colonizer in various ways. 18
imperatives of such a reading, the "effect of the real" of the vehicle m:ust nec- In Mahasweta's story we see the detritus of that participation. In a certain sense,
essarily be underplayed. The subaltern must be seen only as the vehicle of a we witness there the ruins of the ideas of parliamentary democracy and of the
greater meaning. The traffic between the historian and the writ~r that : have nation when bequeathed to the elite of a colonized people outside the suppos-
been proposing could not be justified if one devoted oneself to this readmg. In edly "natural" soil of the production of those ideas. Some of us would speculate
order that Mahasweta's parable be disclosed, what must be excluded from the that, used as a teaching tool (from within the subject-position of the teacher in
story is precisely the attempt to represent the subaltern as such. I will therefore a certain discursive formation), stories such as this can deconstruct those ideas
246 In Other Worlds A literary Representation of the Subaltern
even in their natural habitat. It is for us important that, in "Stanadayini," the deconstructive position would oblige us to admit that "truths" are constructions
piece of flotsam least susceptible to those ideas is the subaltern as gendered as well, and that we cannot avoid producing them.
subject, a subject-position different from the subaltern as class-subject. In or- W~thout venturing up to the perilous necessity of asking the question of true
thodox literary-critical circles, the authority of the author's reading still holds a readmgs or true fee~in~s, then, ~'will propose an alternative. Let us jealously
certain glarnor. By way of Foucault, I have therefore taken some pains to explain guard the orthodoxy s nght to be moved" by literature "naturally," and tremble
why I focus on the subaltern as gendered subject rather than as an allegorical ~~fore the,~uthor's authority. By a slightly different argument, let us consider
seme for Mother India. ht~rature as a use of. language w~ere the transactional quality of reading is
If "the need to make the subaltern classes the subject of their own history socially guaranteed. A literary text exists between writer and reader. This makes
[has, among other] themes ... provided ;:;. fresh critical thrust to much recent literature peculiarly susceptible to didactic use. When literature is used didact-
writing on modern Indian history and society," then a text about the ically, it is generally seen as a site for the deployment of "themes," even the
(im)possibility of "making" the subaltern gender the subject of its own story ~heme of the. undoin~ o~ t~ematicity, of unreadability, of undecidability. 23 This
seems to me to have a certain pertinence. 19 Toward the end of this essay, I will IS not a particularly ehte approach, although it may be called "unnatural."
discuss the need to put the "im" of "impossible" in parentheses. On the one hand, Marxist literary criticism as well as a remark like Chinua
Accounts of history and literary pedagogy, as they appropriate and dissem- Achebe's "all art is propaganda, though not all propaganda is art" can be taken
inate reports and tales, are two ways in which mind-sets are set. 20 The reading as cases of such a "th~matic" approach. 24 On the other hand, some "elite" ap-
of "Stanadayini" presented here, assigning the subject-position to the teacher/ proaches (dec~nstruc~ve, structuralist, semiotic, structuralist-psychoanalytic,
reader, can be helpful in combating a certain tendency in literary pedagogy that phenomenolo~cal,. discourse-theoretical; though not necessarily feminist,
still shapes, by remote control, the elite in the most prestigious Indian educa- reader-responsist, mtertextual, or linguistic) can also be accommodated here.
tional institutions: the so-called radical teaching of literary criticism and literature (Any reader nervous about the fact that Mahasweta Devi has probably not
in the United States and perhaps also in Britain. read much of the material critically illuminated by her text should stop here.)
This dominant radical reader in the Anglo-U.S. reactively homogenizes the
Third World and sees it only in the context of nationalism and ethnicity. The
dominant reader in India who is resistant to such homogenization, and who is 4. (Elite) Approaches: "Stanadayini" in Marxist Feminism
to be distinguished from students of reading theory in elite Indian institutions,
inhabits a reading practice that is indistinguishable from the orthodox position An allegorical or parabolic reading of "Stanadayini" such as Mahasweta's own
in the Anglo-U.S. The Indian reader, a faceless person within the sphere of would reduce the complexity of the signals put up by the text. Let us consider
influence of a post-colonial humanistic education (I use this awkward termi- ~nother reductive allegorical or parabolic reading. This reading can be uncovered
nology because sociologists, economists, doctors, scientists, et cetera are not m terms o~ a so-c~~ed Marxist-feminist thematics. Peculiar to the orthodoxy of
outside of this sphere), takes this orthodox position to be the "natural" way to U.S. Marxist-femmism and some, though not all, British varieties these the-
matics unfold in a broadly pre-Althusserian way. 25 '
read literature. The position is undergirded by the author's account of her "orig-
inal vision." In this particular case, that account (the reading of the story as a Here .is a representative generalization: "It is the provision by men of means
parable) would forbid the fulfillment of another assumption implicit in the or-
o~ ~ubs1stence .to .women during the child-bearing period, and not the sex di-
VISIOn of labor m Itself, that forms the material basis for women's subordination
thodox position, the psychologistic or characterological assumption that we in class society. " 26
"feel" the story as if it is gossip about nonexistent people. The general reader
If ~ne teaching. "Stanadayini" as the site of a critical deployment of
can straddle such contradictions easily. The historians, anthropologists, soci-
Ma~st.-femmist thematics, one would point out that the text reverses this gen-
ologists, and doctors among them can know or show that any group's perception
eralization. The protagonist subaltern Jashoda, her husband crippled by the
of the "natural" meanings of things may be discursively constructed through youngest son of a wealthy household, becomes a wet-nurse for them. Her re-
an erring common sense. When, however, it comes to their own presuppositions peated gest~tion and lactation support her husband and family. By the logic of
about the "natural" way to read literature, they cannot admit that this might the production ~f value~ they are both means of production. By the logic of
be a construction as well, that this subject-position might also be assigned. Given sexual ~eproduction, he IS her means of production (though not owned by her)
that this way of reading has been in control for at least a couple of centuries in as the field-beast or the beast of burden is the slave's. In fact, even as it reverses
post-Enlightenment Europe, and has served to distinguish our indigenous elite the Marxist-feminist generalization I quote above, Jashoda's predicament also
from the uneducated, to read thus certainly engages our affects. 21 I will not enter undoes, by placing within a gender-context, the famous Roman distinction in-
the abstruse arguments about the historicity or phenomenality of affects. 22 Nor voked by ~arx, between i~strumentum vocale ("the speaking tool" -Jashoda: the
will I suggest that there is a correct way to train our affects. Indeed, it is not woman-wife-mother) and ~~str~m~ntum semi-v?c~le (the working beast-Kangali,
only "false consciousness" that is "ideological." A Foucauldian or, in this case, the man-husband-father). This IS worth noticmg because one of the most im-
In Other Worlds A Literary Representation of the Subaltern 249
portant Marxist-feminist critiques of the labor theo~ of valu~ is that it do~s not This account of the deployment of some Marxist-feminist "themes" introduces
take sexual reproduction into account when speaking of sooal reproduction or a stutter in the pre-supposition that women's work is typically non-productive
the reproduction of labor-power. 28
of value. I am not considering women's insertion into the labor-process. In that
The political economy or the sexual division of labor changes considerably. by narrative woman is less than the norm of "free labor." I am half-fantasizing,
the sale of Jashoda' s labor-power, which is specific to the female of the speoes. rather, about an area where the product of a woman's body has been historically
One may even call this a moment of transition from one mode of social repro- susceptible to idealization-just as, in the classical Marxian argument, the reason
duction to another. Or perhaps one could call it the moment of the emergence why the free (male) laborer becomes a "proletarian" under capitalism is not that
of value and its immediate extraction and appropriation. These changes take he has nothing but his body but that, his product, being a value-term, is sus-
place within extended domestic economy. One might therefore call it a transition ceptible to idealization. The commodity, by the same token, is susceptible to
from the domestic to the "domestic." "Stanadayini" stalls the classic En'gelsiap- being transformed to commodity-capital. 31 Yet the word "proletarian"-"one
feminist narrative, which sees the family as the agent of transition from domestic who serves the state with nothing but his [sic] offspring" (OED)-continues to
to civil, private to public, home to work, sex to class. It should be pointed out carry an effaced mark of sexuality. Am I then proposing to endorse some weird
that it also displaces the new Marxist-feminist critique of ~uch a posi~~n (~hich theory where labor-power is replaced by the power of gestation and lactation?
I quote below) by bringing back the focus on the mothenng female: The Iden- Or am I suggesting that the study of this particular female activity, professional
tification of the family as the sole site of maintenance of labor power overstates mothering, as it is to be found, for example, in Fanny Fay-Sallois's excellent
its role at the level of immediate production. It fetishizes the family at the level Les Nourrices aParis aux XIX siecle, be included in any study of the subaltem~2
of total social reproduction, by representing generational replacement as the I am suggesting both less and more. I see no particular reason to curtail the
only source of renewal of society's labor f?rc~." 29 "
usefulness of classical Marxist analysis, within its own limits, by a tendentious
The emergence of (exchange) value and 1ts ~mmediate appropnation m Stan- requirement for uncritical inclusiveness. Any critique of strategic exclusions
adayini" may be thematized as follows: , . . should bring analytical presuppositions to crisis. Marxism and feminism must
The milk that is produced in one's own body for ones own children. Is a use- become persistent interruptions of each other. The "mode of existence" of lit-
value. When there is a superfluity of use values, exchange values anse. That erature, as of language, is where "the task of understanding does not basically
which cannot be used is exchanged. As soon as the (exchange) value of}ashoda's amount to recognizing the form used, but ... to understanding its novelty and
milk emerges, it is appropriated. Good food and constant sexual servicing are not to recognizing its identity ... The understander, belonging to the same
provided so that she can be kept in prime condition for optimum lactation. The language community, is attuned to the linguistic form not as a fixed, self-identical
milk she produces for her children is presumably through "nec~ss~ry labor." signal, but as a changeable and adaptable sign.... The ideal of mastering a
The milk that she produces for the children of her master's family IS through language is absorption of signality by pure semioticity." 33
"surplus labor." Indeed, this is how the origin of this transition is described in As the user, occupying different instituted "I"-slots, understands the sup-
the story: "But today, hearing from his wife about Jashoda's surplus [in English posedly self-identical signal, always supposedly indicating the same thing, she
in the original] milk, the second son said all of a sudden, 'way found'" .<2'!-~ persistently distances herself, in heterogeneous ways, from that monumental-
In order to keep her in prime condition to produce surplus, the sexual diVISIOn ized self-identity, the "proper meaning." 34 We can use "Stanadayini," a dis-
of labor is easily reversed. Her husband is relegated to housework. "Now take cursive literary production, from the perspective of Marxist-feminist thematics
up the cooking at home and give her a rest," says the Mistress. "Two of her by considering how it helps us distance ourselves from two self-identical prop-
own, three here, how can she cook at day's end after suckling five?" (p. 228) ositions that ground much of subaltemist analysis implicitly:
This particular parabolic or allegoric reading is not necessarily disqualified by
the fact that Jashoda's body produces a surplus that is fully consumed by the a. that the free worker as such is male (hence the narrative of value-emergence
owners of her labor-power and leads to no capital accumulation (as it would have and value-appropriation; the labor power specific to the female body is suscep-
if the milk had been bottled and sold in the open market at a profit), although tible to the production of value in the strict sense);
rearing children is indirectly an "investment in the ~ture." Like the econo~y b. that the nature of woman is physical, nurturing and affective (hence the
of the temple (which will provide the husband a patriarchal escape route~, this professional-mother).
domestid"domestic" transition survives in a relatively autonomous way m the
pores of a comprador capitalism whose outlines are only shado~y. indicated
in Mahasweta's story. If within this pre-capitalist surplus-appropnation we as- A good deal of feminist scholarship has reasonably and soberly analyzed and
sumed Jashoda's milk to be standing in for the "universal equivalent" in the revised these propositions in recent years. 35 I will consider two provocative ex-
restricted "domestic" sphere, we might get away with pronouncing that the amples at the end of this section. Such painstaking speculative scholarship,
situation is what Marx, with obviously unwitting irony, would describe as "sim- though invaluable to our collective enterprise does, however, reason gender into
ple reproduction."30 existing paradigms. 36 By contrast, emphasizing the literariness of literature, pe-
250 In Other Worlds A Literary Representation of the Subaltern 251
dagogy invites us to take a distance from the continuing project of reason. With- the story as a proto-nationalist parable about Mother India, it is the failure of
out this supplementary distancing, a position and its counter-position, both held this exchange that is the substance of the story. It is this failure, the absence of
in the discourse of reason, will keep legitimizing each other. Feminism and the child as such, that is marked by the enigmatic answer-question-parataxis
masculism, benevolent or militant, might not then be able to avoid becoming toward the conclusion: "Yet someone was supposed to be there at the end. Who
opposing faces of each other. 37 was it? It was who? Who was it? Jashoda died at 11 p.m." (p. 240).
Resuming, then, our fabulation with Marxist-feminist thematics on the oc- By dismantling (professional) motherhood and suckling into their minute par-
casion of "Stanadayini," let us consider Jashoda's "alienation" from her breasts: ticulars, "Stanadayini" allows us to differentiate ourselves from the axiomatics
of a certain "Marxist-feminism" which is obliged to ignore the subaltern woman
as subject.
She thought of her breasts as most precious objects. At night when Kan-
galicharan [her husband] started to give her a feel she said "Look. I'm
going to pull our weight with these. Take good care how you use them." If Lise Vogel, from whom I drew my representative generalization, signals a
Jashoda had forever scrubbed her breasts carefully with soap and oil, for certain orthodoxy, Anne Ferguson, in "On Conceiving Motherhood," shows us
the master's sons had put the nipples in their mouth. Why did these a way out of it via the question of affect:
breasts betray her il, the end? .... Knowing these breasts to be the rice-
winner she had constantly conceived to keep them filled with milk (pp.
228, 236, 240). Although different societies have had different modes of sex/affective pro-
duction at different times, a cross-cultural constant is involved in different
modes of bourgeois patriarchal sex/affective production. This is that
Just as the wage-worker cannot distinguish between necessary and surplus women as mothers are placed in a structural bind by mother-centered
labor, so the gendered "proletarian" -serving the oikos rather than the polis with infant and small child care, a bind that ensures that mothers will give more
nothing but her (power to produce) offspring-comes to call the so-called sanct- than f!l_e_yg_~tin the sex/affective parenting triangle in which even lesbian
ity of motherhood into question. At first Mahasweta broaches it derisively: ~single parents are subjected. 38
Is a Mother so cheaply made? "Mothers will give more than they get." If this broad generalization is broadened
Not just by dropping a babe. (p. 228) so that the distinction between domestic ("natural" mother) and "domestic"
(waged wet-nurse) disappears, this can certainly serve as a constant for us and
can be a good tool for our students. 39 Yet it should also be acknowledged that
Finally it becomes part ofJashoda's last sentient judgment: '"If you suckle you're such a broadening might make us misrepresent important details. A text such
a mother, all lies! Nepal and Gopal [her own sons] don't look at me, and the as "Stanadayini," even if taught as nothing but sociological evidence, can show
Master's boys don't spare a peek to ask how I'm doing.' The sores on her breast how imprecise it is to write: "In stratified class and caste societies, different
kept mocking her with a hundred mouths, a hundred eyes" (p. 236). economic classes and racial/ethnic groups may hold different sex/gender ideals,
By contrast, her final judgment, the universalization of foster-motherhood, is although when this happens the lower classes are usually categorized as inferior
a "mistake": "The doctor who sees her every day, the person who will cover her male and female types by nature.'' 40 (I am referring, of course, to the class-
face with a sheet, will put her on a cart, will lower her at the burning ghat, the subalternity of the Brahmin and the grotesque functioning of caste markers
untouchable who will put her in the furnace, are all her milk-sons" (p. 240). within subalternity. Jashoda is a complicit victim of all these factors.) It is possible
Such a judgment can only be "right" within the pieties of Mahasveta' s own that it is not only "the relationship between the three domination systems [class,
nationalist reading. racial/ethnic, and sex/gender]" that is "dialectical" but that in the theaters of
decolonization, the relationship between indigenous and imperialist systems of
domination are also "dialectical," even when they are variously related to the
The Marxian fable of a transition from the domestic to the "domestic" mode Big Three Systems cited above. Indeed, the relationship might not be "dialec-
of social reproduction has no more than a strained plausibility here. In order to tical" at all but discontinuous, "interruptive."
construct it, one must entertain a grounding assumption, that the originary state It is often the case that revisionist socialist-feminism trivializes basic issues in
of "necessary labor" is where the lactating mother produces a use value. For the Marxist system. 41 Ferguson writes, for example: "My theory, unlike one
whose use? If you consider her in a subject-position, it is a situation of exchange, tendency within classic marxist theory, does not privilege the economic realm
with the child, for immediate and future psycho-social affect. Even if we read (the production of things to meet human material needs and the manner in which
252 In Other Worlds A Literary Representation of the Subaltern 253
the social surplus gets appropriated) as the material base for all human domi- 5. Elite Approaches: "Stanadayini" in Liberal Feminism
nation relations .... The production of things and the production of people ...
interpenetrate. " 42 There is a tendency in the U.S. towards homogenizing and reactive critical
This is an excellent advance on generalizations such as Vogel's. But it is an descriptions of Third World literatures. There is a second tendency, not nec-
oversimplification of Marx's view of the economic sphere. That sphere is the essarily related to the first, to pedagogic and curricular appropriation of Third
site of the production of value, not things. As I have mentioned earlier, it is the World women's texts in translation by feminist teachers and readers who are
body's susceptibility to the production of value which makes it vulnerable to vaguely aware of the race-bias within mainstream feminism: "Black and Third
idealization and therefore to insertion into the economic. This is the ground of World feminist organizations are thus developing within different racial and
the labor theory of value. It is here that the story of the emergence qf value ethnic communities as an attempt to resolve intra-community the social crisis
from Jashoda' s labor-power infiltrates Marxism and questions its gender~specific of the family and personal intimacy presently occurring across racial/ethnic lines.
presuppositions. The production of people through sexual reproduction and Influential members and groups within the white women's movements are pres-
affective socialization, on the other hand, presupposes mothers embodied not ently seeking to make coalitions with black feminists, in part by dealing with
as female humans but only as mothers and belongs properly speaking to the the racism within the white women's movement." 46
sphere of politics and ideology (domination). 43 Of course it interpenetrates the There are problems with this basically benevolent impuls;c which are increas-
economic sphere (exploitation), the sphere of the production of value, of the ingly under scrutiny. 47 The ravenous hunger for Third World literary texts in
sustained alienation of the body to which the very nature of labor-power makes English translation is part of the benevolence and the problem. Since by trans-
lating this text I am contributing to both, I feel obliged to notice the text's own
the body susceptible. In spite of the greatest sympathy for the mother, Fergu-
relationship to the thematics of liberal feminism. This will permit me also to
son's ignoring of the mother's body obliges her to ignore the woman as subject
touch directly the question of elite approaches to subaltern material.
of the production of value. "Stanadayini'"s lesson may be simply this: when
Resisting "elite" methodology for "subaltern" material involves an episte-
the economic as such (here shown in terms of the woman's body) enters in,
mological/ontological confusion. The confusion is held in an unacknowledged
mothers are divided, women can exploit, not merely dominate. Ideology sus-
analogy: just as the subaltern is not elite (ontology), so must the historian not
tains and interpenetrates this operation of exploitation.
know through elite method (epistemology).
Anna Davin's meticulous "Imperialism and Motherhood" shows us the de-
This is part of a much larger confusion: can men theorize feminism, can whites
velopment of sex/affective control within the context of class-struggle. ("Im- theorize racism, can the bourgeois theorize revolution and so on. 48 It is when
perialism" and "War" here are political signifiers used for ideological mobili- only the former groups theorize that the situation is politically intolerable. There-
zation.)44 In Davin's account, the great narrative of the development of fore it is crucial that members of these groups are kept vigilant about their as-
capitalism is untroubled by discontinuities and interruptions. She describes the signed subject-positions. It is disingenuous, however, to forget that, as the col-
construction of the British National Subject on the bodies of British mothers. 45 lectivities implied by the second group of nouns start participating in the
Public opinion is under active construction so that the working of the privates production of knowledge about themselves, they must have a share in some of
may be adjudicated. Mutatis mutandis, echoes of these arguments from eugenics the structures of privileges that contaminate the first group. (Otherwise the
and educated mothercraft can be heard among the Indian indigenous elite today. ontological errors are perpetuated: it is unfortunate simply to be a woman-now
The space where Jashoda, burdened by her ideological production, nourishes a man; to be a black-now a white; and to be subaltern-now elite-is only the
her cancer, is not accessible to that narrative. fault of the individual.) Therefore did Gramsci speak of the subaltern's rise into
In Davin's essay, the central reference point is class. The oikos is fully a met- hegemony; and Marx of associated labor benefitting from "the forms that are
aphor for the polis. Foster-mothers are Virgin Mothers. Christianity, the official common to all social modes of production." 49 This is also the reason behind one
religion, gives a little help to the ideology of the secular state. of the assumptions of subalternist work: that the subaltern's own idiom did not
The lack of fit between this neat narrative and the bewildering cacophony of allow him to know his struggle so that he could articulate himself as its subject.
"Stanadayini" permits us to ask: why globalize? Why should a sociological study If the woman/black/subaltern, possessed through struggle of some of the struc-
that makes astute generalizations about sex/affective production in the United tures previously metonymic as men/white/elite, continues to exercise a self-mar-
States feel obliged to produce a "cross-cultural constant"? Why should a study ginalized purism, and if the benevolent members of the man/white/elite partic-
that exposes gender-mobilization in Britain purport to speak on the relationship ipate in the marginalization and thus legitimate the bad old days, we have a
between imperialism and motherhood? Why, on the contrary, does "Stanaday- caricature of correct politics that leaves alone the field of continuing subalter-
ini" invoke the singularity of the gendered subaltern? What is at stake here? nization. It is the loneliness of the gendered subaltern that is staged in
How are these stakes different from those of imperialism as such? The story will "Stanadayini."
make us come back to these questions. (The position that only the subaltern can know the subaltern, only women
254 In Other Worlds A literary Representation of the Subaltern 255
can know women and so on, cannot be held as a theoretical presupposition then reflects back upon the declarative sentence about secular India that opens
either, for it predicates the possibility of knowledge on identity. Whatever the the passage we are reading: "He lives in independent India, the India that makes
political necessity for holding the position, and whatever the advisability of no disti~ctions among people, kingdoms, languages ... " (p. 224). The reader
attempting to "identify" (with) the other as subject in order to know her, knowl- cannot find a stable referent for the ill-treated Mother India of Mahasweta's
edge is made possible and is sustained by irreducible difference, not identity. reading.
What is known is always in excess of knowledge. Knowledge is never adequate Even in the archaic "East Bengal" that seems to be the space of Haldarkarta's
to its object. The theoretical model of the ideal knower in the embattled position "national" identity (Mah~~weta's word is "patriotism"), Dhaka, Myrnensingh,
we are discussing is that of the person identical with her predicament. This is Jash?r-:the celeb~ated .cities, towns, areas are found wanting. "Harisal," the
actually the figure of the impossibility and non-necessity of knowledge. He:re man s brrthplace, IS claimed as the fountainhead of that most hegemonic con-
the relationship between the practical-need for claiming subaltern identity- struct, the cultural h~ritage of ancient India: "One day it will emerge that the
and the theoretical-no program of knowledge production can presuppose iden- Vedas a~d t~e Uparushads were also written in Harisal" (p. 225). Of course a
tity as origin-is, once again, of an "interruption" that persistently brings each lot ?f thts,_relies for ~f~~ct on the.pec:uliar humor of the two Bengals. But surely
term to crisis.) to tie, as Stanadaym1 does, this kmd of molecular chauvinism to the divisive
By drawing attention to the complicity between hegemonic (here U.S.) and ~pe~ations of im~eriali~~ is to warn against its too-quick definition as Hegel's
orthodox (here Indian) readings, I have been attempting to attend to the con- childhood of history, transferred to Adorno's caution in Minima Moralia
tinuing subalternization of Third World material. At this point, I hope it will against "pre-capitalist peoples," percolated into Habermas's careless admission
come as no su:rprise that a certain version of the elite vs. subaltern position is that his defense of the ethico-politics of modernism had to be alas Eurocentric
pe:rpetuated by non-Marxist anti-racist feminism in the Anglo-U.S. toward Third or i~to Krist.eva's ~mpassioned call to protect the future of th: Eur~pean illusio~
World women's texts in translation. (The group covers the spectrum from anti- agamst the mcurs10ns of a savage Third World. 5
Marxism through romantic anti-capitalism into co:rporatism-I will call the en- ~is. appropria~on of .a "national" identity is not the "taking on [of] an es-
semble "liberal feminism" for termiPological convenience.) The position is ex- sentialist temptation for mternationalist purposes." 51 Internationalist stakes are
acerbated by the fact that liberal feminist Third Worldist criticism often chooses a .re_mote pr~sence here. This "national" self-situation is marked by a contra-
as its constituency the indigenous post-colonial elite, diasporic or otherwise. diction: ~ failure of the desire for essence. First it seeks to usu:rp the origins of
Brahmm~sm:, the ~edas and the Upanishads. Next it declares itself dissolved by
a Brahmm: There s no East or West for a Brahmin. If there's a sacred thread
If Mahasweta's text displaces the Marxist-feminist terms of the analysis of around his neck [the sign of being a Brahmin] you have to give him respect even
domestic labor, it also calls into question this liberal-feminist choice. It dram- when he's ta~r:g a shit" (225). T_hls two-step standing in for identity, is a cover
atizes indigenous class-formation under imperialism and its connection to the for the brutalizmg of the Brahrmn when the elite in caste is subaltern in class.
movement towards women's social emancipation. In the strong satiric voice of (In the case of class-manipulation, "poverty [is] the fault of the individuals not
authorial comment she writes of the patriarch Haldarkarta: "He made his cash an intrin~ic t:art of a class society"; in the case of caste-manipulation, the im~licit
in the British era, when Divide and Rule was the policy. Haldarbabu's mentality assumption IS the reverse: the Brahmin is systemically excellent, not necessarily
was constructed then .... During the Second War ... he helped the anti-Fascist so as an individual. )52
struggle of the Allies by buying and selling scrap iron" (224, 223). The mind-
set of the imperialist is displaced and replicated in the comprador capitalist. If
"East and West" meant a global division for the imperialist, within the minute .I ~~ve g~ne :hrough the rich texture of the description of Haldarkarta as "pa-
heterogeneous cartography of this post-colonial space, the phrase comes to in- ~ot (natlona~sm reduced to absurdity) because, although he is a patriarch, it
dicate East and West Bengal. East Bengal (today's Bangladesh) has a phantas- IS through then access to the circuit of his political, economic, and ideological
matic status as a proper name, an indigenous division now merely alluding to production ("he had made his cash in the British era ... [his] mentality was
the imperial and pre-imperial past. Haldarkarta identifies in no way with the const~cte~ then") .that the Haldar women move into a species of reproductive
parts of "India" outside of this "Bengal":-"he doesn't trust anyone-not a ~manctpation seemmgly outside of patriarchal control. Jashoda the "proletarian"
Punjabi-Oriya-Bihari-Gujarati-Marathi-Muslim" (p. 224). IS only useful at the first stage:
This sentence is an echo of a well-known line from the Indian national anthem,
an obvious cultural monument: "Punjab-Sindhu-Gujarat-Maratha-Dravida-Ut-
kala [Orissa]-Banga [Bengal]." A national anthem is a regulative metonym for Jashoda's wort:h w;ent up in the Haldar house. The husbands are pleased
the identity of a nation. Mahasweta's mocl.dng enumeration, describing the b~cause t~e ~ves knees no longer knock when they riffle the almanac.
country metonyrnically even as it alludes to that regulative metonym, the an- Smce therr children are being reared on Jashoda's milk, they can be the
them, measures the distance between regulation and constitution. This measure Holy Child in bed at will. The wives no longer have an excuse to say "no."
256 In Other Worlds A literary Representation of the Subaltern 257
The wives are happy. They can keep their figures. They can wear blouses is possible to appreciate the situational force of this as an attempt to ensure that
and bras of "European cut." After keeping the fast of Shiva' s night by women's problems are not demeaned. But if this so-called correction is enter-
watching all-night picture shows they are no longer obliged to breast-feed tained theoretically, then the call to unity might carry the imprint of the academic
their babies. (p. 229) or corporatist class among women.
But the transition from domestic to "domestic" has no place in the greater nar- In this context, Mahasweta's own reading can be extended into plausibility.
rative where women's ideological liberation has its class fix: "In the matter of The granddaughters-in-law leave the household (a relic of imperialism) and thus
motherhood, the old lady's granddaughters-in-law had breathed a completely deprive Jashoda of her means of livelihood, however grotesque. This can be
different air before they crossed her threshold .... The old man had dreamed decoded as the post-Independence Indian diaspora, specifically as part of the
of filling half Calcutta with Haldars. The granddaughters-in-law were unwilling. "brain drain." It is a tribute to the story that no direct "logical" or "scientific"
Defying the old lady's tongue, they took off to their husbands' places of work" connection exists between this departure and Jashoda's disease and death, just
(p. 230). as none can be established between the nature of Jashoda's labor and her end.
Another step, and we are free to fantasize an entry into the world of many Strictly speaking, whatever the pathology of her disease, what would have saved
of Bharati Mukherjee's heroines, Indian wives whose husbands' places of work her is better medical care. I have tried to show so far that the pre-history and
are in the United States. 53 If they start going to school on the side, we have the peculiar nature of her disease, since they involve unequal gendering, are crucial
privileged native informants of liberal third worldist feminism. Can we not imag- if "Stanadayini" is to become a text for use.
ine the Haldar daughters of this generation going off to graduate school on their Jashoda's story is thus not that of the development of a feminine subjectivity,
own, rebels and heroines suckled on}ashoda's milk, full fledged feminists, writ- a female Bildungsroman, which is the ideal of liberal feminist literary criticism.
ing pieces such as "The Betrayal of Superwoman": This is not to say that Jashoda is a "static" character. To go back to my opening
remarks, the development of character or the understanding of subjectivity as
growth in consciousness is beside the point of this parable or of this represen-
We must learn to be vocal in expressing, without guilt or embarrassment, tation of the subaltern. That road not taken is marked by the progress of the
what our careers mean to us. It is not something on the side that we can granddaughters-in-law. To place the subaltern in a subject-position in her history
abandon at will to take up career moves of a husband that we were not
is not necessarily to make her an individualist.
included in discussing .... We must reach out to other women who think
they are alone, share our experiences and be each other's support. We
need to accept ourselves as Women Who Never Learned To Do Macrame
Inhabiting the shifting line between parable and representation, undoing the
and Do Not Plan Their Weekend Social Life until Friday Afternoon. We
opposition between tenor and vehicle, Mahasweta's Jashoda also expands the
are sad. But we are glad. This is what we will always be. 54
thematics of the woman's political body. Within liberal feminism, the feminist
body politic is defined by the struggle for reproductive rights.
There is a complete absence of a sense of history or of subject position in this It is of course of central importance to establish women's right to practice or
passage written by a woman of the Indian diaspora in the United States. Ma- withhold reproduction. A text such as "Stanadayini," by posing the double scene
hasweta's Jashoda dies in the 1980s, of the history that allows this diasporic of Jashoda as both subaltern (representation rather than character) and parabolic
woman to say "this is what we will always be." The critical deployment of liberal sign, reminds us that the crucial struggle must be situated within a much larger
feminist thematics in Mahasweta' s text obliges us to remember that "we" in this network where feminism is obliged to lose the clear race- and class-specific con-
passage might be parasitical not only upon imperialism (Haldarkarta) but upon tours which depend upon an exclusive identification of woman with the repro-
the gendered subaltern Gashoda) as well. Fiction and its pedagogy can here ductive or copulating body. (Black and Hispanic working-class women in the
perform the ideological mobilization of a moral economy that a mere benevolent U.S. have already made this point with reference to the ignoring of enforced
tracing of the historical antecedents of the speaker might not be able to. The sterilization in favor of the right to abortion; but this is still to remain within
two must go together as each other's "interruption," for the burden of proof the identification of woman with the body defined minimally.) When the wom-
lies upon historical research. It is to belabor the obvious to say that structures an's body is used only as a metaphor for a nation (or anything else) feminists
of logical and legal-model scholarly demonstrations alone cannot bring about correctly object to the effacement of the materiality of that body. Mahasweta's
counter-hegemonic ideological production. own reading, taken too literally, might thus transgress the power of her text.
It might be worth mentioning here that the left fringe of liberal feminism But, in that shadow area where Jashoda is a signifier for subalternity as such,
would like to correct Marxism by defining woman as a sexual class. 55 Again, it as well as a metaphor for the predicament of the decolonized nation-state
258 In Other Worlds A literary Representation of the Subaltern 259
"India," we are forced, once again, to distance ourselves from the identity of than the story of the growth of an individual mind that knows) of Hegel that
Woman with the female copulative and reproductive body. the early Lukacs used so brilliantly as charts of "immanent meaning"; the Marx-
In the story, having children is also accession to free labor, the production of ian notion of ideology; and the Barthesian notion of the writable text that is not
surplus that can be appropriated with no apparent extra-economic coercion. readable as such. 63 Fredric Jameson has recently expanded this specifically La-
(Almost incidentally, "Stanadayini" undoes the line between consenting and canian position into the "political unconscious." 64
coercive sexual intercourse (rape) without the facile reference to free libidinal If we take Lacan at his word here, this knowing-place, writing itself and writ~,
choice. 56 ) As such the solution to Jashoda' s problem cannot be mere reproductive ing us, "others" the self. It is a map of the speaking being that is beyond its:
rights but productive rights as well. And these rights are denied her not just own grasp as other. Thought is where this knowing-program, the mapping of\
by men, but by elite women as well. This is the underlying paradox of population knowledge, exceeds itself into and thus outlines the deliberative consciousness.
control in the Third World. 57 To oppose reproductive rights with the casuistical Since this epistemograph is also what constitutes the subject (as well as "others"
masculist pseudo-concern about the "right to life" cannot be relevant here or it), knowing in this para-subjective sense is also being. (If we understand this;
elsewhere. 58 Yet to oppose productive rights with the so-called "right to work" being-that-is-a-map-of-the-known as the socio-political and historical ensemble,
laws cannot be the only issue either, precisely because the subject here is female, collectively constituting the subject but not fully knowable, this would produce
and the question is not only of class but of gender. materiality preceding or containing consciousness.) 65 It is in this sense that Lacan
Again, "Stanadayini" can offer no precise answers, no documented evidence. writes: "As against the being upheld by philosophical tradition, that is the being
Taught as a text for use, it can raise constructive questions, corrective doubts. residing in thought and taken to be its correlate, I argue that we are played by
jouissance. Thought is jouissance . ... There is a jouissance of being." 66
Thought, as jouissance, is not orgasmic pleasure genitally defined, but the
6. "Elite" Approaches: "Stanadayini" in a Theory of Woman's Body excess of being that escapes the circle of the reproduction of the subject. It is
the mark of the Other in the subject. Now psychoanalysis can only ever conceive-
Used as a teachable text, "Stanadayini" calls into question that aspect of West- of thought as possible through those mechanics of signification where the phal-
ern Marxist feminism which, from the point of view of work, trivializes the lus comes to mean the Law by positing castration as punishment as such. Al-
theory of value and, from the point of view of mothering as work, ignores the though the point is made repeatedly by Lacan that we are not speaking of the
mother as subject. It calls into question that aspect of Western Liberal Feminism actual male member but of the phallus as the signifier, it is still obviously a
which privileges the indigenous or diasporic elite from the Third World and gendered position. Thus when thought thinks itself a place that cannot be
ic:l~mtifies Woman with the reproductive or copulative body. So-called Feminist known, that always escapes the proof of reproduction, it thinks according to
"Theory," generally associated with developments in France of the last thirty Lacan, of the jouissance of the woman. 67
years, is perceived as unrealistic and elitist by the two former groups. 59 I do not If one attempted to figure this out without presupposing the identity of the
wish to enter that sterile quarrel. I submit that if "Stanadayini" is made to in- male-gendered position and the position of the thinking (speaking) subject, the
tervene in some thematics of this esoteric theoretical area, it can show up some singularity and asymmetry of woman's jouissance would still seem undeniable
of the limits of that space as well. in a heterosexually organized world. It would still escape the closed circle of the
I will keep myself restricted to the question of jouisJance as orgasmic pleasure. theoretical fiction of pleasured reproduction-in-copulation as use-value. 68 It
If to identify woman with her copulative or reproductive body can be seen as would still be the place where an unexchangeable excess can be imagined and
minimalizing and reductive, woman's orgasmic pleasure, taking place in excess figured forth. This, rather than male-gendered thought, is woman's jouissance in
of copulation or reproduction, can be seen as a way out of such reductive iden- the general sense.
tifications. There is a great deal of rather diverse writing on the subject. 60 I cannot agree with Lacan that woman's jouissance in the narrow sense, "the
Mahasweta's text seems to be silent on the issue. I have heard a Bengali wo- opposition between [so-called] vaginal satisfaction and clitoral orgasm," is "fairly
man writer remark in public, "Mahasweta Devi writes like a man." I will there- trivial." 69 We cannot compute the line where jouissance in the general sense shifts
fore consider a man's text about women's silence: "A Love Letter," by Jacques into jouissance in the narrow sense. But we can propose that, because jouissance
Lacan. 61 is where an unexchangeable excess is tamed into exchange, where "what is this"
In this essay Lacan gives a rather terse formulation of a point of view that he slides into "what is this worth" slides into "what does this mean?" it (rather
developed throughout his career: "The unconscious presupposes that in the than castration) is where signification emerges. Women's liberation, womeri's/
speaking being there is something, somewhere, which knows more than he access to autobiography, women's access to the ambivalent arena of thought,J
does." 62 If this is taken to mean that the subject (speaking being) is more like must remain implicated in this taming. Thus, to call Mahasweta's preoccupation
a map or graph of knowing rather than an individual self that knows, a limit in "Stanadayini" with jouissance in the general sense "writing like a man" is to
to the claim to power of knowledge is inscribed. The formulation belongs with reduce a complex position to the trivializing simplicity of a hegemonic
such experiments as those epistemographs (maps of stages of knowing rather gendering.
260 in Other Worlds
A literary Representation of the Subaltern 261
Jouissance in general: Jashoda's body
Susan Sontag's Illness As Metaphor. 72 It is interesting to see how differe~t t~e
In "Stanadayini" Jashoda's body, rather than her fetishized deliberative con- history of cancer as metaphor is in t~e con!ext of the last c?uple,?f cen~nes 1~
the Anglo-U.S. The emphasis there 1s basically psychologtstic: the disease iS
sciousness (self or subjectivity), is the place of knowledge, rather than the in-
what speaks through the body, language for dramatizing the mental." 73 From
strument of knowing. This cannot be an argument. Literary language, as it is
within this history, Sontag calls for a "de-metaphorization" of the disease. This
historically defined, allows us no more than to take a persistent distance from
the rationalist project, shared by the social sciences, radical or otherwise. This
brings up two widely separated issues: philosophically, ~an anything
lutely de-metaphorized? and politically, is it nec~ssary m order t~ bnng the
b: abso-
distancing is a supplement to the project. It could never have the positive role
theatre of decolonization into such a de-metaphonzed arena of reality, to drag
of an opposition. The role of Jashoda's body as the place w~ere the,~inister
it through the various stages of comprador capitalism: until it can gradu~te !nto
knowledge of decolonization as failure of foster-mothering is figured forth pro-
"expressive individualism" so that it can begin to ~uahfy for demetaphon~ation?
duces cancer, an excess very far from the singularity of the clitoral orgasm.
In other words, the political aspect of this suggestion must confront us wtth the
The speech of the Other is recorded in a cryptic sentence. It is a response to
argument for "development." There can be no doubt that situ~tional age~ts of
Jashoda's last "conscious" or "rational" judgment: '"If you suckle you're a
"development," especially counter-diasporic indigenous service professionals
mother, all lies' .... The sores on her breast kept mocking her with a hundred
like "Stanadayini'"s doctor, are often selfless and good. Yet it must be noticed
mouths, a hundred eyes." (236)
that, if we were to read him characterologically, he would be the only character
This is the only time the Other "speaks." The disease has not been diagnosed
who had so internalized bureaucratic egalitarianism as to judge Jashoda by an
or named yet. The Other inhabits a hundred eyes and mouths, a transformation
absolute standard: "The doctor understood that he was unreasonably angry
of the body's inscription into a disembodied yet anthropomorphic agency, which
because Jashoda was in this condition. He was angry withJashoda, with Kangali,
makes of the breast, the definitive female organ within the circle of reproduction,
with women who don't take the signs of breast cancer seriously enough and
(a) pluralized almost-face. 70 (The metonymic construction common in Bengali
finally die in this dreadful and hellish pain" (p. 239). , .. ,
colloquial usage should literally be translated "in a hundred mouths" et cetera,
Engaging the thematics of the jouissance of the female body, Stanadaymi
"meaning," of course, also with.) Does the Other agree or disagree with Jash-
can be read not only to show (a race-and-class-specific) gendering at work in
oda's judgment about the identity of the mother, so crucial to the story? "Mock-
Lacanian theory. It can also make visible the limits of a merely structural psy-
ing" tells us nothing.
Consider for a moment the phrase that I have translated, "kept mocking": choanalytic strategy of reading. " . .
In "A Love Letter," Lacan rewrites "I think, therefore I am m the followmg
Byango korte thaklo.
The first noticeable thing here is the lack of synchronization between Jashoda' s way: "There is ... an animal which finds himself s~eaki~~ [taken to I;resu~e
or entail 'thinking'], and for whom it follows that, by Inhabiting [occupymg with
judgment and the response. The latter is sustained-"kept mocking" -as if Jash-
desire and mastery, besetzend, cathecting] the signifier, he is its subject." 74 If one
oda's remarks were merely an interruption. (We recall that the remarks had
is sympathetic to the critique of the sovereign subject, one does.not.have trouble
been made in the mistaken assumption that her husband was still in the room.
accepting this as a persistent caution. "From then on, everything 1s played out
Even as normal intersubjective exchange, it is a failure.) One may put discourse
for him on the level of fantasy, but a fantasy which can perfectly well be taken
into the mouth and eyes of a displaced and disembodied Other. One cannot
apart so as to allow for the fact that he knows a great deal more than he thinks
fabricate an intersubjective dialogue with it. The status of the cancer as the
when he acts."
figuring of the jouissance of the subaltern female body as thought-in-decoloni-
zation is thus kept intact here. Knowledge is played out or mapped out on the entire map of the speaking
being, thought is the jouissance or excess of being. We have already drawn out
Let us focus on the word byango- translatable loosely as "mock[ery ]". The
word ango-body (with organs) as opposed to deho-the body as a whole- the implications of this position in our discussion o!Jashoda's bo.dy as.t~e plac_e
of knowing in the text. But, in order "to take apart the fantasy mhabiting this
makes itself felt within it. The Sanskrit source word vyangya meant, primarily,
text "perfectly" one would have to part company with the psychoanalytic
deformed. The secondary meaning-mockery-indicated the specific mockery
that is produced by a contortion of the body, by deforming one's form. Modern
I have speculated elsewhere that a narrative of sanctioned suicide (rather than
Bengali has lost the sense that, in Sanskrit, would consolidate the reading that
castration) might begin to limn a "Hindu" phantasma~c order. 75 Rat~er than
I am trying to produce: the implicit meaning that can only be understood through
the stories of Oedipus (signification) and Adam (salvation), the multiple nar-
(gestura!) suggestion. 71 When language de-forms itself and gestures at you,
ratives of situated suicide might then regulate a specifically "Hindu" sense of
mocking signification, there is byango. The limit of meaning, the jouissance of the
the progress of life. (These narratives are "regulative psychobiographies.")
female body politic, is marked in this sentence.
When we begin to consider the question of a "p~rfect" ~nalysis,. we have. to
This is altogether different from using the cancer simply as another metaphor
invading the metaphor of the sexually undifferentiated body politic, listed in analyze the subalternization of indigenous psychobiogra~hic n~rrahve~. T~~ ~n
stitutionalization of psychoanalysis, the establishment of tts claim to sctentifiCity
262 In Other Worlds A Literary Representation of the Subaltern 263
(within which one must situate Lacan's critique), and its imposition upon the itive or negative value of the statement becomes undecidable: "When a mortal
colonies, has its own history. 76 A question similar to some I have already posed plays God here below, she is forsaken by all and she must always die alone."
emerges here also: should the access to hegemony of an indigenous (here Over against what might be seen as the "serious" laying out of the thematics
"Hindu") regulative psychobiography lie through the necessary access to an of woman's jouissance in the general sense, there is rather a strange moment that
institutionalization, like that of psychoanalysis, entailing the narrative of im- might be read as indicating the inscrutability of woman's jouissance in the narrow
perialist political economy? Within feminist "theory," we are caught in only the sense.
gendering rather than the overtly imperialist politics of psychoanalysis. "Stanadayini" opens with a general description of Jashoda as a professional
Given such matters, it might be interesting to measure the distance between mother. Immediately following, there is a brief narrative sequence, embedded
La can' s connecting of woman's jouissance and the naming of God on the one in other, even briefer, references, the logical irrelevance of which the text is at
hand, and the end of "Stanadayini" on the other. Lacan moves the question; pains to point out: "But these matters are mere blind alleys. Motherhood did
"can the woman say anything about jouissance?" asked by a man, to the point not become Jashoda's profession for these afternoon-whims." (p. 222).
where the woman also confronts the question of the Other: The sequence deals with the cook. Like Jashoda, she loses her job as a result
of the youngest Haldar-son's clandestine activities: "He stole his mother's ring,
slipped it into the cook's pillowcase, raised a hue and cry, and got the cook
for in this she is herself subjected to the Other just as much as the man. kicked out" (p. 222). We do not know the end of her story. In terms of narrative
Does the Other know? ... If God does not know hatred, it is clear for value, the cook is the real marginal. It is in her voice that the inscrutability of
Empedocles that he knows less than.mortals .... which might lead one woman's pleasure announces itself: "One afternoon the boy, driven by lust,
to say that the more man may ascribe to the woman in confusion with attacked the cook and the cook, since her body was heavy with rice, stolen
God, that is, in confusion with what it is she comes from, the less he hates, fishheads and turnip greens and her body languid with sloth, lay back, saying,
the lesser he is, and since after all, there is no love without hate, the less 'Yah, do what you like.' [Afterwards] ... he wept repentant tears, mumbling
he loves. 77 'Auntie, don't tell.' The cook-saying, 'What's there to tell?'-went quickly to
sleep" (p. 222).
(I am not suggesting that we should give in to our body's depradations and
At the end of Mahasweta's story Jashoda herself is said to "be God manifest." refuse to testify-just as, at the other end of the scale of cultural control-no
This is inconsistent with the logic of the rest of the narrative, where Jashoda is one would suggest that the text about sex-affective production called King Lear
dearly being played by the exigencies of the Haldar household. It is also a sud- invites people to go mad and walk about in storms. If what we are combating'
den and serious introduction of the discourse of philosophical monotheism in as teachers is liberal-nationalist-universalist humanism with its spurious de-
what has so far been a satiric indexing of the ideological use of goddesses ( Singh- mands for the autonomy of art and the authority of the author, we must be
abahini or the Lionseated) and mythic god-women (the "original" Jashoda of ready to admit that the demand that plots be directly imitable in politically correct
Hindu mythology). Here at the conclusion the gender of the agent is unspecified. action leads to the extravagances of "socialist'' or "feminist" realism and a new
(The English translation obliges us to choose a gender.) Is it possible that, be- Popular Front.)
cause Mahasweta Devi does not present this conclusion from a male-gendered In the voice of the marginal who disappears from the story, in between the
position, we are not reduced to man's affective diminution when he puts woman uncaring "do what you like" and "what's there to tell," Mahasweta might be
in the place of God? Is it possible that we have here, not the discourse of cas- marking the irreducible inscrutability of the pleasure of the woman's body. 79
tration but of sanctioned suicide? "Jashoda was God manifest, others do and This is not the rhapsodic high artistic language of elite feminist literary exper-
did whatever she thought. Jashoda's death was also the death of God" (p. 240). imentation. Escaping the reducible logic (including the authorial reading and the
Does Jashoda's death spell out a species of icchamrityu-willed death-the most pedagogic interventions) of the story, this exchange is clothed in slang. As Gau-i
benign form of sanctioned suicide within Hindu regulative psychobiography? tarn Bhadra has pointed out, it is in the unfreezable dynamic of slang that subf
Can a woman have access to icchamrityu-a category of suicide arising out of altern semiosis hangs out. 80
tatvajnana or the knowledge of the "it"-ness of the subject? The question of What, indeed, is there to tell? The cook, a non-character in the story, could
gendering here is not psychoanalytic or counterpsychoanalytic. It is the question not have intended the rhetorical question seriously. It is almost as if what is told,
of woman's access to that paradox of the knowledge of the limits of knowledge the story of Jashoda, is the result of an obstinate misunderstanding of the rhe-
where the strongest assertion of agency, to negate the possibility of agency, torical question that transforms the condition of the (im)-possibility of answer-
cannot be an example of itself as suicide?8 "Stanadayini" affirms this access ing-of telling the story-into the condition of its possibility. 81 Every production
through the (dis)figuring of the Other in the (woman's) body rather than the of experience, thought, knowledge, all humanistic disciplinary production, per-
possibility of transcendence in the (man's) mind. Read in the context of iccham- haps especially the representation of the subaltern in history or literature, has
rityu, the last sentence of the text becomes deeply ambivalent. Indeed, the pos- this double bind at its origin.
I J I l [
The influential French feminist theorist Julia Kristeva has proposed a rewriting of the final cause of the entire chain of events in the first part of the narrative
of the Freudian version of the Oedipal family romance. She theorizes an "abject" into the will of the Lionseated is an example of how the latter is used to dis-
mother who, unequally coupled with the "imaginary'' father, offers a primary simulate Jashoda's exploitation. For the sufficient cause is, as we well know,
narcissistic model which allows the infant to speak. 82 The focus here is unwav- the cheating and spoiled youngest Haldar son with the genital itch. In the fol-
eringly on the child-and, since Kristeva is an apologist for Christianity-upon lowing passage, it is he who is the subject of the gaze, the object being the
the Holy Child. If some details of the iconography of the abject mother seem suckling Jashoda, a sort of living icon of the mythic Jashoda the Divine (Foster)
to fit Jashoda's predicament, we should, I think, resist the seduction of a lexicon Mother suckling the Holy Child. The man (the one above) thus masquerades f
that beckons to a coherent reading by strategically excluding the entire political as the one below, so that the subaltern can be dissimulated into an icon. OIS:"
burden of the text. There can be no similarity between Kristeva's positin~ of a placed into that iconic role, she can then be used to declare the will of the
pre-originary space where sexual difference is annulled-so that a benignly dominant Female, the goddess Lionseated: "One day as the youngest son was
Christian agape can be seen to pre-date Eros on the one hand, and the sinister squatting to watch Jashoda's milking, she said, 'There dear, my Lucky. All this
vision of the failure of social cement in a decolonized space where questions of because you swiped him in the leg. Whose wish was it then?' 'The Lionseated's,'
genital pleasure or social affect are framed, on the other. 83 said Haldar junior'' (pp. 229-30).
One cannot of course compare analytical discussions of ideology with psy- Mahasweta presents Jashoda as constituted by patriarchal ideology. In fact,
choanalytical reconstructions of interpellation. 84 Kristeva's discussions of the her outspoken self-confidence in the earlier part of the story comes from her
place of the Virgin within cultural Subject-representation and constitution are, ideologi~l ~onviction. 88 If the text questions the distinction between rape and
however, so close to isomorphic generalizations that I think they might be pro- consenting mtercourse, Jashoda the subaltern does not participate in this ques-
ductively contrasted to Mahasweta's critique of the nationwide patriarchal mo- tioning. "You are husband," she will say, "you are guru. If I forget and say no,
bilization of the Hindu Divine Mother and Holy Child. Her treatment of an active
correct me. Where after all is the pain? ... Does it hurt a tree to bear fruit?"
polytheism focusses the possibility that there are many accesses to the mother-
(p. 228) (She is given the same metaphor of the "naturalness" of woman's re-
child scene. The story plays itself out between two cultural uses of it. The
figure of the all-willing Lionseated, whose official icon of motherhood trium- productive function-one ideological cornerstone of gendering-when she re-
proaches the granddaughters-in-law for "causing" the Old Mistress's death
phant is framed by her many adult divine children, democratically dividing the
governance of the many sectors of the manifest world, is reflected in the temple through their refusal to bear children.) She also accepts the traditional sexual
quarter of Calcutta. The figure of the all-nurturing Jashoda provides the active division of labor: "The man brings, the woman cooks and serves. My lot is inside
.Princip~'!ID<.lL~~ ~~x~~ ideology;(As in the case of her earlier short story
out.... Living off a wife's carcass, you call that a man?" (p. 232).
f 'lJJraiipadi," Mahasweta mooilliestne figure of the mythic female as opposed Indeed, Mahasweta uses Jashoda the subaltern as a measure of the dominant
\~the full-fledged goddess. Kristeva points at the Virgin's asymmetrical status sexual ~deology of "India." (Here gender uniformity is more encompassing than
as the Mother of God by constructing the imaginary father and the abject class difference.) Over against this is a list of Western stereotypes, where a
mother. 85 Mahasweta introduces exploitation/domination into that detail in the certain Western feminism ("Simone de Beauvoir'' serves Mahasweta as a me-
mythic story which tells us that Jashoda is a foster-mother. By turning fostering tonym) is also situated:
into a profession, she sees mothering in its materiality beyond its socialization
as affect, beyond psychologization as abjection, or yet transcendentalization as
the vehicle of the divine. Jashoda is fully an Indian woman, whose unreasonable, unreasoning, and
unintelligent devotion to her husband and love for her children, whose
unnatural renunciation and forgiveness have been kept alive in the pop-
1. Considerations Specifically of Gendering ular consciousness by all Indian women. . . . Her mother-love wells up
as much for Kangali as for the children. . . . Such is the power of the Indian
A few more remarks on the economy of the Lionseated and Jashoda are in soil that all women turn into mothers here and all men remain immersed
order here. in the spirit of holy childhood. Each man the Holy Child and each woman
A basic technique of representing the subaltern as such (of either sex) is as the Divine Mother. Even those who wish to deny this and wish to slap
;c the object of the gaze "from above." 86 It is noticeable that whenever Jashoda is current posters to the effect of the "eternal she,"-"Mona Lisa,"-"La pas-
represented in this way in "Stanadayini," the eye-object situation is deflected sionaria," -"Simone de Beauvoir'' -et cetera over the old ones and look
into a specifically religious discourse. In Hindu polytheism the god or goddess, at women that way are, after all, Indian cubs. It is notable that the educated
as indeed, mutatis mutandis the revered person, is also an object of the gaze, Babus desire all this from women outside the home. When they cross the
; "from below." Through a programmed confounding of the two kinds of gaze threshold they want the Divine Mother in the words and conduct of the
goddesses can be used to dissimulate women's oppression. 87 The transformation revolutionary ladies (pp. 225-26).
266 in Other Worlds A literary Representation of the Subaltern 267
Here the authority of the author-function is elaborately claimed. We are re- suspended before kinship inscription, the sisters of the two unnamed parents,
minded that the story is no more than the author's construction. The allusion suspended also on the edge of nature and culture, in Bangan, a place whose
to another school of Bengali fiction places the story in literary history rather than name celebrates both forest and village. 91 If the narrative recounts the failure
the stream of reality. In an ostentatious gesture, the author recovers herself and of affect, a counter-narrative (yet another non-story) of these curious, affectless, ,
resumes her story: "However, it's incorrect to cultivate the habit of repeated presumably fostering aunts threatens the coherence of our interpretation in yet
incursions into bye-lanes as we tell Jashoda's life story" (p. 226). That Jashoda's another way.
name is also an interpellation into patriarchal ideology is thus given overt au- It is the powerful title which holds together the reading that we have been
thorial sanction through the conduct of the narrative. In terms of that ideology, developing in these pages. It is not "Stanyadayini," the word we expect, mean-
the fruit of Jashoda's fostering is the Krishna whose flute-playing phallocentric ing "the suckler" or "wet-nurse." It is, rather, "Stanadayini," -the giver of the
eroticism, and charioteering logocentric sublation of militarism into a model of breast, of the alienated means of production, the part-object, the distinguishing
correct karma, will be embraced in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Bengali organ of the female as mother. The violence of this neologism allows the cancer
nationalism as images of the private and the public. 89 to become the signifier of the oppression of the gendered subaltern. It is the
The end of the story undoes this careful distancing of the author from the parasite feeding on the breast in the name of affect, consuming the body politic,
gender-ideological interpellation of the protagonist. Even when Mahasweta Devi "flourishing at the expense of the human host" (p. 240). The sentence is in
predicates her at the end by way of the defilement of institutional English on English in the Bengali text, which allows for the word "human." The represen-
the name-tag for unclaimed corpses in the morgue ("Jashoda Devi, Hindu fe- tative or defining human case, given in English and the objective language of
male"), a certain narrative irony, strengthening the author-function, seems still science, is here female.
intact. 90 It is the three propositions at the very end that call into question the "Much third world fiction is still caught in realism" (whereas the international
strategically well-advertised ironic stance of the author-function. literatures of the First World have graduated into language games) is a pre-
The language and terminology of these conclusive propositions remind us of dictable generalization. This is often the result of a lack of acquaintance with
those high Hindu scriptures where a merely narrative religion shifts, through the language of the original. Mahasweta' s prose is an extraordinary melange of
the register of theology, into a species of speculative philosophy: "Jashoda was street slang, the dialect of East Bengal, the everyday household language of
God manifest, others do and did whatever she thought. Jashoda's death was family and servant, and the occasional gravity of elegant Bengali. The deliber-
also the death of God. When a mortal plays God here below, she is forsaken ately awkward syntax conveys by this mixture an effect far from "realistic,"
by all and she must always die alone" (p. 240). although the individual elements are representationally accurate to the last de-
It is a common argument that the subaltern as historical subject persistently gree. (I have not been able to reproduce this in the translation.) In addition, the
translates the discourse of religion into the discourse of militancy. In the case structural conduct of the story has a fabulistic cast: the telescoped and improb-
of the subaltern as gendered subject, "Stanadayini" recounts the failure of such able list of widespread changes in the household and locality brought about by
a translation. It undoes the hierarchical opposition between the Hinduism of the transition from domestic to "domestic," and the quick narrative of the thirty
philosophical monotheism (largely bred in its contemporary outlines by way of years of decolonization with its exorbitant figures, are but two examples.
the culture of imperialism) and that of popular polytheism. It suggests that the What is most interesting for my purposes, however, is that the text's own
arrogance of the former may be complicitous with the ideological victimage of comment on realism in literature should be given in terms of gendering. Just as
the latter. This is managed through making indeterminate the distinction be- a naive understanding of a realistic style is that it is true to life, so is it a politically
tween the author-function and the protagonist's predicament. If, therefore, the naive and pernicious understanding of gendering that it is true to nature. Ma~
story (enonce) tells us of the failure of a translation or discursive displacement hasweta's rendering of the truth of gendering in realism is so deliberately mys-.
from religion to militancy, the text as statement (enonciation) participates in such terious and absurd that it is almost incomprehensible even to the native speaker.
a translation (now indistinguishable from its "failure") from the discourse of The reference is to Saratchandra Chatterjee, the greatest sentimental realist in
religion into that of political critique. Bengali literature. No ethnographic or sociologicaJ explication of the "conno-
"Stanadayini" as statement performs this by compromising the author's tation" of "wood apple nectar" would do the disciplinary trick here:
"truth" as distinct from the protagonist's "ideology." Reading the solemn as-
senting judgment of the end, we can no longer remain sure if the "truth" that
has so far "framed" the ideology has any resources without it or outside it. Just Because he understood this the heroines of Saratchandra always fed the
as in the case of the cook's tale, we begin to notice that the narrative has, in hero an extra mouthful of rice. The apparent simplicity of Saratchandra's
fact, other frames that lie outside a strictly authorial irony. One of these frames, and other similar writers' writings is actually very complex and to be
we remember, renders the world's foster mother motherless within the text. The thought of in the evening, peacefully after a glass of wood apple nectar.
text's epigraph comes from the anonymous world of doggerel and the first word There is too much influence of fun and games in the lives of the people
invokes mashi pishi-aunts-not mothers, not even aunts by marriage, but aunts who traffic in studies and intellectualism in West Bengal and therefore
268 In Other Worlds
Speaking in code, then, we might say that to diagnose all Third World lit- 1 Jacques Lacan, "A Jakobson," Le Seminaire de ]acques Lacan, ed. Jacques-Alain
erature in English translation, by way of a sanctioned ignorance of the original, Miller, Livre XX, Encore (1972-1973), Paris, 1975, p. 25. All references to Lacan
as a realism not yet graduated into language-games, is a species of "stress upon are in my translation.
the wood-apple-type-herbal remedies correspondingly." Such a minimalizing
reading would docket Mahasweta's story as nothing more than a "realistic"
2Paul de Man, "Form and Intent in the American New Criticism," Blindness
picture of Indian gendering. and Insight: Essays in the Rhetoric of Contemporary Criticism (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1971), p. 21.
3 Ivor Armstrong Richards, Coleridge on Imagination (Bloomington: Indiana
In his account of the Subaltern Studies Conference (January 1986) where an University Press, 1960), p. 44. On Coleridge's central role in propagating "or-
earlier version of this paper was read, and where Mahasweta presented her own ganistic formalism," the received opinion is nicely stated in the passage below:
reading of "Stanadayini," David Hardiman comes to the following conclusion: "This organistic formalism has many antecedents: it started in Germany late in
"[Mahasweta's] down-to-earth style made for excellent theatre, with Gayatri the eighteenth century and came to England with Coleridge .... Coleridge,
being upstaged." 92 I have obviously taken Mahasweta's reading, "not unsur- Croce, and French symbolism are the immediate antecedents of modern English
pisingly," as Hardiman writes, "greatly at variance with Gayatri Spivak's," se- and American so-called New Criticism." Rene Wellek, Concepts of Criticism, ed.
riously enough to engage with it in writing; and I have commented elsewhere Stephen G. Nichols, Jr. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1963),
on the implicit benevolent sexism of some subalternist work. 93 Yet I must poit;tt p. 354.
out that Hardiman's gesture is explicitly masculist: turning women into rivals
4 Lacan, "Analysis and truth," The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis,
by making them objects of the gaze. Beyond this particular male voyeurism,
beyond the ontological/epistemological confusion that pits subaltern being trans. Alan Sheridan (New York: W.W. Norton, 1981), pp. 144-145. The dis-
against elite knowing, beyond the nativist's resistance to theory when it is re- crepancy between the object a and the unconscious is contained in La can' s optic
cognizably different from her or his own unacknowledged theoretical position, metaphor, which accommodates the idea of the angle of incidence.
I hope these pages have made clear that, in the mise-en-scene where the text 5 "Introduction," Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Biographia Literaria, ed. J. Shaw-
persistently rehearses itself, writer and reader are both upstaged. If the teacher
clandestinely carves out a piece of action by using the text as a tool, it is only cross, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1907), vol. 1 (hereafter cited in the text
by page reference alone), p. v.
in celebration of the text's apartness (etre-a-l'ecart). Paradoxically, this apartness
makes the text susceptible to a history larger than that of the writer, reader, 6 Lacan, "La Subversion," Ecrits (New York: W.W. Norton, 1977), p. 303.
teacher. In that scene of writing, the authority of the author, however seduc-
tively down-to-earth, must be content to stand in the wings. 7 1bid., p. 294.
8 Ibid., p. 824.
catch the play in French: both, "Is to have the a being?" and, "Is to have the
a, to be the a?" The (sup)posing of the subject for the subject relates to what is
in question in Coleridge's text here.
11 "Ronds de ficelle," Ibid., p. 109.
12 "Subversion," Ecrits, pp. 314-15.
13 1bid., p. 324. I am moved by Derrida's argument, general rather than psy-
into the labyrinth by denying the very gift it offers. Need I mention that this 3 In "Glas-Piece: A Compte-rendu," Diacritics 8:3 (Fall 1977).
formula-taken from one of Lacan's recent seminars-invokes the entire La-
4 "What must be included in the description, i.e., in what is described, but
canian thematics of the unconscious producing its own slippage as it positions
the subject by the production of the sliding signifier? The locus classicus is still also in the practical discourse, in the writing that describes, is not merely the
the much earlier "L'instance de la lettre dans l'inconscient ou la raison depuis factual reality of corruption and of alternation [de l'ecart], but corruptability"
Freud," Ecrits, pp. 146-173 (translated by Jan Miel as "The Insistence of the Oacques Derrida, "Limited lnc," trans. Samuel Weber, Glyph 11 [1977], p. 218).
Letter in the Unconscious," Structuralism, ed. Jacques Ehrmann [New York: Dou- 5 Jacques Derrida, "ME-PSYCHOANALYSIS: An introduction to the Trans-
bleday, 1970], pp. 101-37). lation of 'The Shell and the Kernel' by Nicolas Abraham," trans. Richard Klein,
Diacritics 9:1 (Spring 1979), pp. 6, 4, 12. Italics mine.
2. Finding Feminist Readings: DanteYeats 6 Ibid., p. 8.
1 Dante's Vita nuova: A Translation and an Essay, trans. Mark Musa (Bloom- 7 A pre-deconstructive model of this is to be found in Heidegger's notion of
ington: Indiana University Press, 1973); further references are given as page the constitutive status of the necessary conflict between labor's worlding of a
Notes to Pages 19-27 273
272 Notes to Pages 17-19
Infant conflict in the Pattern of Adult Behaviour, ed. Melanie Klein, et al. [London:
world and the self-secluding being of the earth; a non-deconstructive one in
Tavistock, 1955], pp. 310, 313). The part-object that is metonymic of the mother
Deleuze and Guattari's formulation of the productive status of the ruptures be-
is of course the breast, as here the phallus is the metonym of the male. The
tween desire-production, disjunctive synthesis, recording, and conjunctive syn-
curious thing, as I mention in note 11, is that Dante "object"-ifies himself so
thesis. Cf. Martin Heidegger, "Origin of the Work of Art," Poetry, Language,
that Beatrice can be filled with his distanced "subject"-ivity.
Thought, trans. Albert Hofstadter (New York: Harper & Row, 1971); and Gilles
Deleuze and Fe!ix Guattari, Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, trans. Rob- 14 Trans. Jeffrey Mehlman, Yale French Studies 48 (1972); "Le Seminaire sur
ert Hurley, et al. (New York: Viking, 1977). La Lettre volee," Ecrits (Paris, 1966). The question Lacan does not ask would be:
8 The Rev. H. F. Cary's translation of the Commedia (New York, 1816), which
what is Freud that he needed to describe the woman's desire in this way? It is
a question asked by Luce Irigaray in "La Tache aveugle d'un vieux reve de
Yeats is known to have used, was entitled The Vision. Yeats thought of himself
as a subject, like Dante, of phase seventeen of the moon. Cf. Richard Ellman, symetrie," Speculum: de !'autre femme (Paris, 1974). Maria Torok's essay "La Sig-
Yeats: the Man and the Masks (New York: W.W. Norton, 1948), pp. 236-37. The nification de 'l'envie du penis' chez la femme," in Nicolas Abraham, L'ecorce et
relationship between the definite and indefinite articles in the two titles is worth le noyau (Paris: Flammarion, 1978), seems, in the final analysis, unable to ask
this question. She certainly takes the work of Melanie Klein and Ernest Jones
forward by suggesting that the penis is no more than an idealized part-object,
9 A reading such as Felman's expertly describes the scenario but does not that although its fetishization requires the complicity of the woman its insti-
see the sexist charge. tutionalization is to man's advantage. But she never questions the sociality of
what she seems to assume is the universally vicious imago of the mother-anal
10 A Vision (New York, 1961), p. 44. or phallic-and ends her piece praising analysis because "it is meant to serve
11 It is difficult to find systematic definition in Lacan. I therefore quote An- the cure" of penis-envy in women, with the highly ambiguous and possibly
thony Wilden, "Culture and Identity: the Canadian Question, Why?", Cine- ironic condition that "the analyst be herself free from the phallo-centric preju-
Tracts 2. ii (Spring 1979), p. 6. I feel a certain solidarity with Mr. Wilden. As I dice, as old as humanity" (p. 171, italics mine).
translated the early Derrida, so he the early Lacan. He too seems to resist the 15 For the deconstructive singularity of the frame or margin, see Jacques Der-
elitist championship of his author, and to transpose the author's work into ov-
rida, "The Purveyor of Truth," trans. Willis Domingo, et al., Yale French Studies
ertly political and situational categories that often lack "refinement of style."
52 (1975); "Le Facteur de la verite," Poetique 21 (1975); and "Le Parergon," in
12 The classic argument for enabling incorporation-identifications is "Mourn- La Write en peinture (Paris, 1978).
ing and Melancholia," The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, trans. 16 I am referring to the symbological fantasmagoria developed by Yeats in A
James Strachey (London: Hogarth Press, 1957), vol. 14; Gesammelte Werke (Lon-
don, 1940), vol. 10. Incorporation as verbal cryptomania, traces of which one Vision and most of his mature poetry.
may find in Dante's text, is discussed in Nicolas Abraham and Maria Torok, 17 As evinced, for example, in a title such as the following: Henry Walcott
Cryptomanie: le verbier de l'homme-au-loup (Paris: Flammarion, 1976). Derrida's Boynton, The World's Leading Poets: Homer, Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare, Milton,
introduction to this book has been translated as "Fors: The Anglish Words by Goethe (New York: Ayer Co. Pubs., 1912). Hugo and Verlaine on the matter of
Nicolas Abraham and Maria Torok," trans. Barbara Johnson, Georgia Review Troy might provide occasion for a comparable feminist excursus.
XXXI:1 (1977). La Vita nuova may be considered Dante's act of mourning for
Beatrice, incorporating her as a facet of his own ego-identification as poet. In 18 It seems pertinent to mention the completion of one such project since this
that case, the mirror-image of Beatrice performing precisely that gesture of essay was written: a long article entitled "Displacement and the Discourse of
mourning for Dante's loss is a pertinent fantasy. Women," in Mark Krupnick, ed., Displacement: Derrida and After (Bloomington:
Indiana Univ. Press, 1983).
13 Melanie Klein developed the argument that the part-object, rather than
necessarily an entire person, may be the object of affects. "My main conclusions 19 Michel Foucault, "History of Systems of Thought," in Language, Counter-
on this theme: the primal internalized objects form the basis of complex pro- Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews, trans. Donald F. Bouchard and
cesses of identification.... The inner world consists of objects, first of all the Sherry Simon (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1977), p. 199.
mother, internalized in various aspects and emotional situations .... In my
20 Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology, trans. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (Bal-
view, the processes which Freud describes imply that this loved object is felt to
contain the split-off, loved, and valued part of the self, which in this way con- timore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976), p. 24.
tinues its existence inside the object. It thereby becomes an extension of the 21 Ellman, Yeats, p. 197.
self" ("On Identification," New Directions in Psycho-analysis: the Significance of
274 Notes to Pages 30-47 Notes to Pages 47-51 275
3. Unmaklng and Making in to the Lighthouse the latter, "although inexhaustibly voluble when she pours out her heart, ...
seems to be devoid of intellectual curiosity" (Emile Legouis, William Wordsworth
1 Virginia Wool, To the Lighthouse (New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company, and Annette Vallon [London: J. M. Dent, 1922], pp. 68, 33). Critical consensus
1927), p. 310. Subsequent page references are included in my text. has taken Wordsworth's increasingly brutal evaluation of the Annette affair at
face value: "In retrospect [his passion for Annette] seemed to him to have been
2Quentin Bell, Virginia Woolf: A Biography (New York: Harcourt Brace Jova-
transient rather than permanent in its effects upon him, and perhaps to have
novich, 1972), p. 65. arrested rather than developed the natural growth of his poetic mind. . . . Con-
3 Virginia Wool, The Letters of Virginia Woolf, ed. Nigel Nicholson, vol. ll: sequently, however vital a part of his biography as a man, it seemed less vital
1912-1922 (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976), p. 462. Subs~uent in the history of his mind" (The Prelude, or Growth of A Poet's Mind, ed. Ernest
references to the Letters are given in the text. Volumes I and ll are indic~ed all de Selincourt [Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1926], p. 573; this is the edition of The
L I and L ll respectively. Prelude that I have used. References to book and line numbers in the 1805 version
are included in my text.) Female critics have not necessarily questioned this
4 Virginia Wool, Moments of Being: unpublished autobiographical writings,
evaluation: "What sort of girl was Annette Vallon that she could arouse such a
ed. Jeanne Schulkind (Sussex: Sussex University Press, 1976), p. 124. storm of passion in William Wordsworth?" (Mary Moorman, William Wordsworth:
5 Virginia Wool, A Room of One's Own, Harbinger Books edition (New York: A Biography [Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957] p. 178.) More surprisingly, "it
Harcourt, Brace and World, 1929), p. 108. would not be possible to read The Prelude without wondering why on earth
Vaudracour and Julia suddenly crop up in it, or why Wordsworth does not make
6 Stephen Heath, "Difference," Screen 19.3. (Autumn 1978): pp. 56-57. any more direct mention of Annette Vallon. Nevertheless, although one cannot
7 Jacques Derrida, Glas (Paris: Galilee, 1974), p. 290b. help wondering about these things, they are not really what the poem is about"
(Margaret Drabble, Wordsworth [London: Evans Brothers, 1966], p. 79). Herbert
8 Luce Irigaray, "La tache aveugle d'un vieux reve de symetrie," Speculum: Read did in fact put a great deal of emphasis on Annette's role in the production
de l'autre femme (Seuil, Paris, 1974). Subsequent references to this essay are in- of Wordsworth' s poetry (Wordsworth, The Clark Lectures, 1929-30 [London: Jon-
rduci~d}!t!Il.Y. t~2'J.::' For critique of Irigaray's position: read ~onique Pl~~:
mPhallomorphic Power' and the Psychology of 'Woman: a Patriarchal Cham,
athan Cape, 1930]). His thoroughly sentimental view of the relationship between
men and women-"the torn and anguished heart [Wordsworth] brought back
(. Ideology and Consciousness 4 (1978): 5-36. to England at the end of this year 1792"-and his discounting of politics-"he
9 Sigmund Freud, "Femininity," The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund
was transferring to this symbol France the effects of his cooling affection for
Freud, ed. James Strachey (London: The Hogarth Press, 1961), XXII, p. 132. Annette" -make it difficult for me to endorse his reading entirely (pp. 102, 134).
3 Read, pp. 205-06. "It is impossible to date Vaudracour and Julia accurately;
10 Ibid., p. 114.
we know of no earlier version than that in MS. 'A' of the Prelude, but it is possible
11 Interview with Michel Foucault, Politique-Hebdo, no. 247 (Nov. 29-Dec. 6,
that the episode was written some time before 1804" (F. M. Todd, "Wordsworth,
1976), p. 33. Trans. by Colin Cordon, "The Political Function of the Intellectual," Helen Maria Williams, and France," Modern Language Review, 43 [1948], p. 462).
Radical Philosophy, no. 17 (Summer 1977).
4 Richard J. Onorato, The Character of the Poet: Wordsworth in the Prelude
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971), p. 409.
4. Sex and History In The Prelude (1805): Books Nine to Thirteen 5 I refer the reader to my essay, partially on a passage from The Prelude,
6 Sophocles I, ed. David Grene (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1954), Europe" can be used in the service of ethnocentric anthropology, it is certainly
p. 42. a less insulated world view than Wordsworth's. It is in this spirit that, at the
7 For the sort of practical but unacknowledged use that Wordsworth made
end of Emile, the hero is encouraged to travel in order to choose that system of
government under which he would find greatest fulfillment. He does of course
of Dorothy, see Drabble, pp. 111 and passim. The most profoundly sympathetic
come back to woman and mother country.
account of the relationship between William and Dorothy is to be found in F.
W. Bateson, Wordsworth: A Re-interpretation, second ed. (London: Longmans, 17 See "The Origin of the Work of Art," in Poetry, Language, Thought, trans.
Green, 1954). Albert Hofstadter (New York: Harper & Row, 1971), pp. 44ff.
8 "Femininity," in The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of 18 "From the context, Wordsworth clearly means 'statist' not only in the sense
Sigmund Freud, trans. James Strachey (London: Hogarth Press, 1964), vot:' XXll. of 'a politician, statesman' (OED 1, which cites as example a Wordsworthian
usage from 1799) but also in the sense of a political economist (which might
9 Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia,
include OED 2, 'one who deals with statistics,' the earliest usage of which is
trans. Mark Seem, et al. (New York: Viking Press, 1977), p. 161. given as 1803)" (Heinzelman, p. 305, n. 18).
10 A sense of the field may be gleaned from A. V. Dicey, The Statesmanship 19 Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations,
of Wordsworth: An Essay (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1917); Crane Brinton, The ed. Edwin Cannan (New York: Modern Library, 1937), p. 30.
Political Ideas of the English Romanticists (New York: Russell & Russell, 1926); Ken-
neth MacLean, Agrarian Age: A Background for Wordsworth (New Haven: Yale
20 Ibid., p. 14.
University Press, 1950); E. P. Thompson, "Disenchantment or Default? A Lay 21 Karl Marx, Capital, trans. Ben Fowkes (New York: Vintage Books, 1977),
Sermon," in Power and Consciousness, ed. Conor Cruise O'Brien and William Dean I, p. 300.
Vanech (London: University of London Press, 1969); George Watson, "The Rev-
22 "Wordsworth as a social poet would seem to have preferred to be faithful
olutionary Youth of Wordsworth and Coleridge," John Beer, "The 'Revolution-
ary Youth' of Wordsworth and Coleridge: Another View," David Ellis, "Words- to the experience of his own northern counties rather than to the greater ex-
worth's Revolutionary Youth: How We Read The Prelude," in Critical Quarterly, perience of England, which he certainly knew about" (MacLean, p. 95).
18, 19, Nos. 3, 2, 4 (1976, 1977; I am grateful to Sandra Shattuck for drawing 23 Marx, German Ideology, p. 39; italics mine.
my attention to this exchange); and Kurt Heinzelman, The Economics of the Imag-
ination (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1980).
24 MacLean, p. 89.
25 "Feeling as imagination he reserved for himself and the child, our 'best
11 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The German Ideology, in Collected Works, ed.
philosopher'; feeling as affection he conferred, with just a slight air of conde-
Jack Cohen, et al. (New York: International Publishers, 1976) V, pp. 39-40. I do
scension and shame, upon the peasant world" (MacLean, p. 96). "He obviously
not say Marx and Engels here because the passage is from Part I of The German
no longer believed [in Michel Beaupuy's philosophy], and he perhaps had con-
Ideology. "It gives every appearance of being the work for which the 'Theses on
vinced himself that there was a difference between English and French beggary,
Feuerbach' served as an outline; hence we may infer that it was written by Marx"
but this does not justify him in rationalizing beggary, no matter how eloquently,
(The Marx-Engels Reader, ed. Robert C. Tucker [New York: Norton, 1972], p. 110).
as a fundamental good" (Edward E. Bostetter, The Romantic Ventriloquists: Words-
12 Karl Marx, "The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte," in Surveys from worth, Coleridge, Keats, Shelley, Byron [Seattle: University of Washington Press,
Exile, ed. David Fernbach (New York: Vintage Books, 1974), pp. 146-47. 1963], p. 56).
13 E. P. Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class (New York: Vintage 26 Karl Marx, Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy, trans.
Books, 1966), p. 105. Martin Nicolaus (New York: Vintage Books, 1973), p. 273.
27 Northrop Frye, Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays (Princeton: Princeton Uni-
14 Ibid., p. 107.
versity Press, 1957), p. 348.
15 Ibid., p. 79; only first ellipsis mine.
16 A contrast is to be encountered in Rousseau. "A man is not planted, in
5. Feminism and Critical Theory
one place like a tree, to stay there the rest of his life" (Emile, trans. Barbara
Foxley [London: Modern Library, 1911], p. 20). Although Derrida (Of Gram- 1 For an explanation of this aspect of deconstruction, see Gayatri Chakravorty
matology, trans. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak [Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univer- Spivak, "Translator's Preface" to Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology (Baltimore:
sity Press, 1976], pp. 222-23) shows us how even "this criticism of the empirical Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976).
278 Notes to Pages 79-80 Notes to Pages 81-84 279
2It seems appropriate to note, by using a masculine pronoun, that Marx' s 12 One way to develop notions of womb-envy would be in speculation about
standard worker is male. a female fetish. If, by way of rather obvious historico-sexual determinations, the
3 I am not suggesting this by way of what Harry Braverman describes as "that typical male fetish can be said to be the phallus, given to and taken away from
favorite hobby horse of recent years which has been taken from Marx without the mother (Freud, "Fetishism," Standard Edition, trans. James Strachey, et al.,
the least understanding of its significance" in Labor and Monopoly Capital: the vol. 21), then, the female imagination in search of a name from a revered sector
Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century (New York and London: Monthly of masculist culture might well fabricate a fetish that would operate the giving
Review Press, 1974, pp. 27, 28). Simply put, alienation in Hegel is that structural and taking away of a womb to a father. I have read Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
emergence of negation which allows a thing to sublate itself. The worker's al- in this way. The play between such a gesture and the Kantian socio-ethical
ienation from the product of his labor under capitalism is a particular ~se ~ framework of the novel makes it exemplary of the ideology of moral and practical
alienation. Marx does not question its specifically philosophical justice. The rev- imagination in the Western European literature of the nineteenth century. See
olutionary upheaval of this philosophical or morphological justice is, strictly Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, "Three Women's Texts and a Critique of Imperi-
speaking, also a harnessing of the principle of alienation, the negation of a alism," Critical Inquiry 12, no. 1 (Autumn 1985).
negation. It is a mark of the individualistic ideology of liberalism that it under- 13 As I have repeatedly insisted, the limits of hegemonic ideology are larger
stands alienation as only the pathetic predicament of the oppressed worker.
than so-called individual consciousness and personal goodwill. See "The Politics
4 In this connection, we should note the metaphors of sexuality in Capital. of Interpretations," pp. 118-33 above; and "A Response to Annette Kolodny,"
5 I remember with pleasure my encounter, at the initial presentation of this
widely publicized but not yet published.
paper, with Mary O'Brien, who said she was working on precisely this issue, 14 This critique should be distinguished from that of Gilles Deleuze and Felix
and who later produced the excellent book The Politics of Reproduction (London: Guattari, Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, trans. Robert Hurley, et al.
Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981). I should mention here that the suggestion (New York: Viking Press, 1977), with which I am in general agreement. Its au-
that mother and daughter have "the same body" and therefore the female child thors insist that the family-romance should be seen as inscribed within politico-
experiences what amounts to an unalienated pre-Oedipality argues from an in- economic domination and exploitation. My argument is that the family romance-
dividualist-pathetic view of alienation and locates as discovery the essentialist effect should be situated within a larger familial formation.
presuppositions about the sexed body's identity. This reversal of Freud remains
15 ''French Feminism in an International Frame," pp. 134-53 above.
also a legitimation.
6 See Jack Goody, Production and Reproduction: A Comparative Study of the Do- 16 Pat Rezabek, unpublished letter.
mestic Domain (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976), and Maurice Go- 17 What in man exceeds the closed circle of coupling in sexual reproduction
delier, "The Origins of Male Domination," New Left Review 127 (May!June 1981): is the entire "public domain."
pp. 3-17.
18 I understand Lise Vogel is currently developing this analysis. One could
7Collected in Karl Marx on Education, Women, and Children (New York: Viking
analogize directly, for example, with a passage such as Karl Marx, Grundrisse:
Press, 1977).
Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy, trans. Martin Nicolaus (New York:
8 No feminist reading of this text is now complete without Jacques Derrida's Vintage Books, 1973), p. 710.
"Speculer-sur Freud," La Carte postale: de Socrate a Freud et au-dela (Paris: Aubier- 19 Antonio Negri, Marx Beyond Marx, trans. Harry Oeaver, et al. (New York:
Flammarion, 1980).
J. F. Bergen, 1984). For another perspective on a similar argument, see Jacques
9 The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, trans. Donzelot, "Pleasure in Work," I & C 9 (Winter 1981-82).
James Strachey et al. (London: Hogarth Press, 1964), vol. 22. 20 An excellent elucidation of this mechanism is to be found in James 0'-
10Luce Irigaray, "La tache aveugle d'un vieux r~ve de symmetrie," in Spe- Connor, "The Meaning of Crisis," International Journal of Urban and Regional Re-
culum de l'autre femme (Paris: Minuit, 1974). search 5, no. 3 (1981): pp. 317-29.
11 I have moved, as I explain later, from womb-envy, still bound to the closed 21 Jean-Fran~ois Lyotard, Instructions parens (Paris: Union generale d'editions,
circle of coupling, to the suppression of the clitoris. The mediating moment 1978). Tony Bennett, Formalism and Marxism (London: Methuen, 1979), pp. 145
would be the appropriation of the vagina, as in Derrida (see Gayatri Chakravorty and passim. Marx, Grundrisse, p. 326. The self-citation is from "Woman in Der-
Spivak, "Displacement and the Discourse of Women," in Mark Krupnick, ed., rida," unpublished lecture, School of Criticism and Theory, Northwestern Uni-
Displacement: Derrida, and After (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1983). versity, July 6, 1982.
280 Notes to Pages 84-91 Notes to Pages 98-102 281
22 See Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, "Love Me, Love My Ombre, Elle," Dia- 6. Reading the World: Literary Studies in the Eighties
critics (Winter 1984), pp. 19-36.
1 I apologize for this awkward sentence. The production of language is our
23Michael Ryan, Marxism and Deconstruction: A Critical Articulation (Baltimore:
practice. The received dogma asks that our language be pleasant and easy, that
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982), p. xiv.
it slip effortlessly into things as they are. Our point of view is that it should be
24 Margaret Drabble, The Waterfall (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971). Sub- careful, and not take the current dogmatic standard of pleasure and ease as
sequent references are included in the text. Part of this reading has appeared natural norms. As for Bacon, I am rueful that, given his spotty record, that is
in a slightly different form in Union Seminary Quarterly Review 35 (Fall-Winter the best one can do for the American literary-critical sensibility. As Stuart Hall
1979-80): 15-34. has argued, "The concept of 'ideology' has never been fully absorbed into Anglo-
Saxon social theory .... An interesting essay could be written on what concepts
25 As in Paul de Man's analysis of Proust in Allegories of Reading: Figural Lan-
did duty, in American social theory, for the absent concept of 'ideology': for
guage in Rousseau, Nietzsche, Rilke, and Proust (New Haven: Yale University Press, example, the notion of norms in structural functionalism, and of 'values' and
1979), p. 18. the 'central value system' in Parsons" ("The Hinterland of Science: Ideology and
26 For definitions of "overdetermination," see Freud, Standard Edition, trans.
the 'Sociology of Knowledge,"' Working Papers in Cultural Studies, 10 [1977], p.
9). As for the "New Philosophy," I hastily disclaim any connection with the
James Strachey, et al., vol. 4, pp. 279-304; Louis Althusser, For Marx, trans. Ben
Brewster (New York: Vintage Books, 1970), pp. 89-128. young philosophical aesthetes in Paris whose passionate effusions are some-
times known by that name. It is "active" that I want to stress, and "science"
27 See Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, response, "Independent India: Women's in the sense of "state or fact of knowing" (OED).
India," forthcoming in a collection edited by Dilip Basu. 2 Because the essay was too long, those pages outlining the argument were
28"Was Headquarters Responsible? Women Beat Up at Control Data, Korea," edited out. That decision in itself might provide food for thought on the norms
Multinational Monitor 3, no. 10 (September 1982): 16. of pertinence for scholarly journals. I hope to include the argument in my forth-
coming book on theory and practice in the humanities.
29 Perry Anderson, Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism (London: Verso Edi-
3 I understand and sympathize with that part of the impulse behind New
tions, 1978), pp. 24-25.
Criticism which wanted to focus attention upon deciphering the text in its con-
30 Ibid., pp. 39-40. text. My point is that, as with my Plan II students, the dominant ideology,
31 Spivak, "Love Me, Love My Ombre, Elle." slipping in through the back door, has a lot to do with determining a seemingly
"free choice"; and that a degree of freedom of choice can be achieved if that
32 I have already made the point that "clitoris" here is not meant in a phys- determination is recognized.
iological sense alone. I had initially proposed it as the reinscription of a certain
4 The effort is minor also because, since we are gathered here together to
physiological emphasis on the clitoris in some varieties of French feminism. I
use it as a name (close to a metonym) for women in excess of coupling-moth- discuss the problems for our profession, questions of race, sex, and class-the
ering. When this excess is in competition in the public domain, it is suppressed common threads of the social fabric-have had to be laid aside. I am reminded
in one way or another. I can do no better than refer to the very end of my earlier of a two-and-a-half hour-long conversation I had with a group of feminist women
essay, where I devise a list that makes the scope of the metonym explicit. "French and some men on the West Coast earlier this year. Many of them were students
Feminism," p. 184. of English or French literature. They spoke to me emphatically of an issue of
faculty development. Our most prestigious professors, they said, will have noth-
33 Ms. 10, no. H (May 1982):30. In this connection, it is interesting to note ing to do with so "localized" an issue as "feminism," at least not in the matter
how so gifted an educator as Jane Addams misjudged nascent socialized capital. of reading the canon. Since we must try to pass our examinations, get recom-
She was wrong, of course, about the impartiality of commerce: "In a certain mendation letters, and to get jobs in this impossible market, we write our papers
sense commercialism itself, at least in its larger aspect, tends to educate the with our feminist consciousness and conscience strangulated, with a deliberate
working man better than organized education does. Its interests are certainly and self-contemptuous cynicism. If an advanced degree in literary studies re-
world-wide and democratic, while it is absolutely undiscriminating as to country quires and trains in such divisive compromise, its "humanistic" value comes to
and creed, coming into contact with all climes and races. If this aspect of com- very little. Even this is a restricted example. The larger questions-Who can
mercialism were utilized, it would in a measure counterbalance the tendency make use of a method such as I outline? Where?-must always loom as im-
which results from the subdivision of labor" (Democracy and Social Ethics, Cam- mediate correctives for the delusion that "to defend the autonomy of culture
bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1964), p. 216. [provisionally defined as the total body of imaginative hypothesis in a society
282 Notes to Pages 102-107 Notes to Pages 107-110 283
and its tradition] seems to me the social task of the 'intellectual' in the ~ode.rn twentieth century saw the outlines of the future political economy with amazing
world" (Northrop Frye, Anatomy of Criticism [Princeton: Princeton Umvers1ty clarity. But the 'immensely enriched and broadened life within reach of all,'
Press, 1957], p. 127). which Harlow Person predicted, remains a dream that technology and engi-
5 If I admit that the simple expression "break down" is doing duty for the
neering rationality seem incapable of fulfilling." William F. Akin, Technocracy
and the American Dream: The Technocrat Movement, 1900-1941 (Berkeley and Los
often trivialized word "deconstruct," the possibility of reading my speech as
Angeles: University of California Press, 1977), pp. xi, xiii, 170. My essay spec-
being about deconstructive practice in the academy may be entertained.
ulates in a very minor way about the theoretical humanists' unselfconscious role
in sustaining this inevitable sellout. For preliminary information on some of the
major actors in this drama, see Ronald Radosh and Murray N. Rothbard, eds.,
1. Explanation and Culture: Marginalla A New History of Leviathan: Essays on the Rise of the American Corporate State (New
York, 1972).
1 Stirrings of such a point of view can be seen in Mary Wollstonecraft, Vin-
dication of the Rights of Woman (1972), by way of the apparently converse argu~~nt I am simply referring as "masculism" to old-fashioned humanism, which
that reason, the animating principle of civil society, must become the guiding considers the study of woman to be a special interest and defines woman in-
principle of domestic society as well. variably in terms of man. Among the many studies of the relationship between
capitalism and masculism, I cite two here: Feminism and Materialism: Women
2Paul Ricoeur, Freud and Philosophy: An Essay on Interpretation, trans. Denis and Modes of Production, ed. Annette Kuhn and AnnMarie Wolpe (London: Rou-
Savage (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1970), pp. 32-36. tledge & Kegan Paul, 1978); and Capitalist Patriarchy and the Case for Socialist
3 Edmund Husserl, Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology, trans. W. Feminism, ed. Zillah R. Eisenstein (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1979).
R. Boyce Gibson (New York: Collier Books, 1962), p. 12. 10
A simple test case of how politics-economics-technology (i.e., technocracy)
4 As I argue elsewhere, Derrida's "playfuln~ss". is in f~ct a "serious" a~d becomes a collective determinant where "the last instance" can only be situated
practical critique of pure seriousness. Here suffice 1t to po~t out that the .dis- provisionally, temporarily, and in a slippery way, is the revisions of Edison's
ciplinary unease that is the straight reactio~ to the .later Demda can be descnbed technological systems as recorded in the publications of the Edison Electric In-
in the following way: "Here [is] a new object, callin? for new conceptual tools, stitute. A humanist analysis of technology, choosing to ignore this transfor-
and for fresh theoretical foundations .... [Here] IS a true monster ... [not mation in the definition of technology, situates techne as the dynamic and un-
someone who is] committing no more than a disciplined error:" (Itali~s mine.) decidable middle term of the triad theoria-techne-praxis. The loci classici are, say,
Michel Foucault, The Archaeology of Knowledge, trans. A. M. Shendan Sm1th (Lon- Aristotle's Metaphysics (1.1 and 2) and Nicomachean Ethics (6). For extensive doc-
don: Tavistock, 1972), p. 224. umentation, Nikolaus Lobkowicz, Theory and Practice: History of a Concept from
Aristotle to Marx (Notre Dame: University Press of America, 1967), is useful.
5 Speech and Phenomena: And Other Essays on Husserl's Theory of Signs, trans. Heidegger's "The Question Concerning Technology," in The Question Concerning
David B. Allison (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1973), p. 102. Technology and Other Essays, trans. William Lovitt (New York, 1977) may be cited
6 Sigmund Freud, The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of
as a case of a modern humanist study of the question. I am suggesting, of course,
that such a text as the last can be made to produce a reading "against itself" if
Sigmund Freud, trans. James Strachey (London: Hogarth Press, 1964), XXII; pp.
technology is understood as the disruptive middle term between politics and
economics, or between science and society, making arguments from binary op-
7 Ms. 8 (September 1979): p. 43. positions or "the last instance" productively undecidable.
8 By "technocracy" I am not referring to the "technocracy ~oveme~t [which] 11
I am leaving out of the argument the fact that this very "scholarly life" is
was a short-lived episode of the thirties" and "was rooted m t~e nmeteenth- sustained by bands of workers-secretarial and janitorial staff-who inhabit
century strand of thought that identified technology as the dommant force .ca- another world of pay scale and benefits and whose existence as labor is often,
pable of fulfilling the American dream.:: I am referring. r~~her to the practical as at my own university, denied by statute.
sellout of this dream which is a condition of the possibility of the theory of 12 I have so internalized the power of this phrase that I had forgotten in the
technocracy: "The modern postindustrial state-with its centra~zation,. its e~
first draft that Professor Norman Rudich had said with great passion at the
phasis on replacing politics with administrative d.e<;isions, and 1ts mentocratic
Marxist Literary Group Summer Institute (1979): "They are trashing the
elite of specially trained experts-bears a more striking resemblance to the pro- humanities .... "
gressive formulation, which was the ~tarting point ~or ~~e technocrats. The pro-
gressive intellectuals, progressive engtneers, and scientific managers of the early 13
The last suggestion was offered by the executive secretary of the Modern
284 Notes to Pages 110-111 Notes to Pages 112-116
Language Association at an unpublished lecture at the University of Texas-Aus- Monthly Review Press, 1969) and the Paul K. Feyerabend of Against Method:
tin in October, 1979. Outline of An Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge (London: New Left Books, 1975).
14 That the poststructuralists have developed a vocabulary that is on principle 18
Such a generalization would be able to include the Pierre Bourdieu of Out-
somewhat fluid has offended three groups who have no interest in studying line of A Theory of Pract~e, trans. Richard Nice (Cambridge: Cambridge University
them carefully. One group (represented by E. P. Thompson, E. J. Hobsbawm, Press, 1977) and the Jurgen Habermas of Theory and Practice, trans. John Viertel
as well as, curiously enough, Terry Eagleton) would seek to establish the dis- (Boston, 1973), and Knowledge and Human Interests, trans. Jeremy J. Shapiro (Bos-
ciplinary privilege of history over philosophy, or of an ultimately isomorphic ton: Beacon Press, 1971).
theory of material and literary form over a theory that questions the convenience
of isomorphism. "If we deny the determinate properties of the object, then n:o
Jacques Derrida, "Signature Event Context," Glyph 1 (1977): p. 179. In thi~>
discipline remains." Thompson, The Poverty of Theory and Other Essays (New York: passage J?errida is ~uestioning a naive critique of ideology that assumes an
Monthly Review Press, 1978), p. 41. This book, containing some astute criticism Isomorphic and continuous relationship between things of the mind and things
of Althusser, seems finally to claim-as Althusser claims that Marx had not ?,f ~h~ world.,~ should add that I am indebted to this and its companion essay.
developed an adequate (philosophical) theory-that Marx had not developed Limited Inc, Glyph 2 (1977) for much of my understanding of deconstructive
an adequate (historical) theory. The real issue seems to be to keep the disciplines
going so that theory can endorse "enlightened practice." For a lexical analysis I refer t~e reader to the play of disciplinary allegiances broadly outlined
of Thompson's text, see Sande Cohen, Historical Culture (Berkeley: University m note 14. Michel Foucault's work on the genealogy of disciplines is of interest
of California Press, 1986), pp. 185-229. As that thinker of a rather different here. I have already cited ''The Discourse on Language" (see note 4). Pertinent
persuasion, Barrington Moore, Jr., wrote in 1965: "Objective here means simply also ~re The ~irth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception, trans. A. M.
that correct and unambiguous answers, independent of individual whims and S~endan Srm~h (New York: Pantheon Books, 1973) and Discipline and Punish: the
preferences,. are in principle possible." A Critique of Pure Tolerance, ed. Robert Btrth of the Pnson, trans. Alan Sheridan (New York: Random House, 1977). One
Paul Wolf, et al. (Boston: Beacon Press, 1965), p. 70. The second group is made co~ld do worse than cite the young Marx and Engels: "The occupation assumes
up of conservative acadetnic humanists like Gerald Graff (Literature Against Itself: an mdependent existence owing to division of labour. Everyone believes his craft to
Literary Ideas in Modern Society, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979) or be the true one. Illusions regarding the connection between craft and reality are
Peter Shaw ("Degenerate Criticism," Harper's, October 1979). These literary dis- the more likely to be cherished by them because of the very nature of the craft."
ciplinarians refuse to recognize that the poststructuralist vocabulary emerges in Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Collected Works (New York: International Pub-
response to the problem of practice in the discourse of the human sciences. The lishers, 1976), vol. 5, p. 92.
fault is not altogether theirs for, given the ideology of American literary criticism
(hinted at cryptically by way of Wallace Stevens in my final section), American One could ponder, for example, the splintering of Students for A Demo-
deconstructivism seems repeatedly to demonstrate that theory as such is defunct cratic Society: Progressive Labor, the New American Movement, Democratic
and there make an end. A Derrida or a Foucault would and do ask, if theory S~cialist Organizing Comtnittee. Each splinter has taken on certain idioms per-
as such is defunct, what are the conditions of possibility of a practice that is not rmtted by American sociopolitical discourse as it has moved from a politics of
merely practice as such? The acadetnic conservatives would rather argue, if a personal freedom (even in a collective guise) to a politics of social justice.
deconstructive view of things threatens business as usual, no one should be 22
Herbert Marcuse, "Repressive Tolerance," in Critique of Pure Tolerance, p.
allowed to think deconstructive thoughts. In Thompson's words, the situation 82 .
can be represented as a refusal to "argue with inconvenient evidence" (Poverf)f!_,,
23 Wallace Stevens, "The Idea of Order at Key West," in The Collected Poems
p. 43). The third group is the resolutely anti-intellectual communalist political /
activists whose slogan seems to be "if you think too much about words, youJ of Wallace Stevens (New York: Knopf, 1954), p. 130.
will do no deeds."
~ Rosalind Coward and John Ellis, Language and Materialism: Developments in
15All the quotations in this section, unless otherwise indicated, are from the Semwlogy and the Theory of the Subject (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977),
p. 23.
typed material by all the participants circulated among us before the symposium.
25 Wordsworth, Coleridge, T. S. Eliot, and Matthew Arnold, of course.
16Karl Marx, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, trans. Ben Fowkes (New
York: Vintage Books, 1977), I: pp. 89-90. 26
Such a "making use" Foucault would call "the task [of] beco[ming] a cu-
rative science" based on a "historical sense" linked to Nietzsche's "active for-
17 As representative figures of the two sides of this exceedingly complex de-
getfulness," which must make a "cut" in knowledge in order to act. "Nietzsche,
bate, let us choose the Althusser of For Marx, trans. Ben Brewster (London: Genealogy, History," in Language, Counter-Memory, Practice, trans. Donald F.
Notes to Pages 117-122 Notes to Pages 123-131 287
7 For an articulation of deconstruction as syntactic or micrological resistance
Bouchard and Sherry Simon (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1977), pp. 156,
against the hegemony of semantics or macrology, see Derrida, "White My-
154. Defeminates is used as emasculates.
th~logy: Metaphor in the Text of Philosophy," in Alan Bass, trans. Margins of
27 The New Science of Giambattista Vico, trans. Thomas Goddard Bergin and Phzlosophy (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983), pp. 270-71.
Max Harold Fisch (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1948), pp. 100, 109-110, 107, 8 Derrida, "Signature Event Context," trans. Jeffrey Mehlman and Samuel
106, 105, 155, 85. I am grateful to Professors Sidney Monas and James Schmidt
Weber, Glyph 1 (1977): 179, 177.
for invoking these problematic passages.
9 Macherey, Theory of Literary Production, p. 86.
28 Jean Bethke Elshtain, "The Social Relation of the Classroom: A Moral and
Political Perspective," in Studies in Socialist Pedagogy, ed. T. M. Norton and ~rtell 10See Michael Harrington, "Getting Restless Again," New Republic, 1 and 8
Oilman (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1978). I am grateful to Professoi' Sept. 1979, and David B. Richardson, ''Marxism in U.S. Classrooms," U.S. News
Michael Ryan for calling my attention to this essay. and World Report, 25 January 1982.
11 "On/Against Mass Culture Ill: Opening Up the Debate," Tabloid 5 (Winter
1982): 1.
8. The Politics of Interpretations
12 A: ~imilar problem is encountered with White's offer of a running narrative
1 Stuart Hall, "The Hinterland of Science: Ideology and the 'Sociology of as a cntique of the narrativization of the discipline of history.
Knowledge,"' On Ideology, Working Papers in Cultural Studies, no. 10 (Bir- 13 See my "ll faut s'y prendre en se prenant a elle," in Les Fins de l'homme
mingham, 1977), p. 9. See also Douglas Kellner, "A Bibliographical Note on ed. Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe and Jean-Luc Nancy (Paris, 1981). '
Ideology and Cultural Studies," Praxis 5 (1981): 84-88, and John B. Thompson,
ed. Studies in Theory of Ideology (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of Cali- 14 See, e.g., Joel Feinberg, ed., The Problem of Abortion (Belmont, Calif., 1973),
fornia Press, 1985). and Marshall Cohen et al., eds., Rights and Wrongs of Abortion (Princeton: Prince-
ton University Press, 1974).
2 See Newton Garver, introduction to Jacques Derrida, "Speech and Phenom-
ena" and Other Essays on Husserl's Theory of Signs, trans. David B. Allison (Ev- 15 I have analyzed this in my "Explanation and Culture: Marginalia," pp.
anston: Northwestern University Press, 1973), for a summary of the opposition 103-17 above.
between logic and rhetoric in the disciplinary ideology of philosophy. Not only 16 Giovanni Battista Vico, The New Science, trans. Thomas Goddard Bergin
does Garver parallel Toulmin but he also describes Derrida's work as seeking
and M~ Ha~old Fisch (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1968), p. 175. Said refers
to undo that opposition. Whatever the validity of Garver's broader analysis, it
to the V1coman passage on the origin of the patricians without any reference to
is interesting to speculate what Toulmin would make of such a suggestion of
its sex-fix ("Opponents, Audiences, Constituencies, and Community," pp. 10-
propinquity. I should perhaps add here that Derrida is suspicious of the concept
of ideology because, in his view, it honors too obstinate a binary opposition
between mind and matter. 17 I will give Davie a start. See Elaine Marks and Isabelle de Courtivron, eds.,
New French Feminisms: An Anthology (Amherst: University of Massachusetts
3Karl Marx, "The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte," Karl Marx, Fred-
Press, 1980); Signs 3 (Autumn 1977), special issue on Women and National De-
e1'ick Engels: Collected Works, trans. Richard Dixon et al., fifteen vols. (New York: velopment; Julia Kristeva, About Chinese Women, trans. Anita Barrows (New York,
International Publishers, 1975-), 2:103; all translated material has been modified
1977); Nawal El Saadawi, The Hidden Face of Eve: Women in the Arab World, trans.
when necessary. and ed. Sherif Hetata (London: Zed Press, 1980); Lesley Caldwell, "Church,
Armand Hammer, "A Primerfor Doing Business in China," New York Times,
4 State, and Family: The Women's Movement in Italy," in Feminism and Materi-
11 April 1982. alism: Women and Modes of Production, ed. Annette Kuhn and AnnMarie Wolpe
(London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978); Gail Omvedt, We Will Smash This
5 Pierre Macherey, A Theory of Literary Production, trans. Geoffrey Wall (Lon- Prison! Indian Women in Struggle (London: Zed Press, 1980); Cherrie Moraga and
don: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978), p. 60; italics mine. Gloria Anzaldua, eds., This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of
6 See Cavell, "Politics as Opposed to What?" (p. 173). For a discussion of
Calor (Watertown, Mass., 1981); and Spivak, "Three Feminist Readings: Me-
Cullers, Drabble, Habermas," Union Seminary Quarterly Review 35 (Fall-Winter
this difference, see my review of Jacques Derrida, Memoires: For Paul de Man in
1979-80): 15-34, "French Feminism in an International Frame," Yale French Stud-
boundary 2 (forthcoming). See also my "Revolutions That as Yet Have no Model:
ies 62 (1981): 154-84, and '"Draupadi' by Mahasweta Devi," Critical Inquiry 8
Derrida's Limited Inc," Diacritics 10 (Winter 1980): 47-48.
288 Notes to Pages 131-138 Notes to Pages 139-144 289
(Winter 1981): 381-402. Since the first publication of this essay a great deal of in Taoism, as expressed in The Grand Titration: Science and Society in East and West
additional material has appeared in the area. [For the last two see pp. 134-53 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969) are altogether tentative.
and 179-96 below.]
8 Stanford University Press, 1970. 'See Chinese Women, p. 98n, p. 145n.
18 And to verify the extension of that turf, Davie might consult an essay by
a respected male anthropologist who is not necessarily a feminist, Maurice Go-
9For a somewhat dated and dogmatic view of this movement, see Michael
defier, "The Origins of Male Domination," New Left Review 127 (May-June 1981): Ryan and Spivak, "Anarchism Revisited: A New Philosophy?" Diacritics 8, no.
3-17. A similar objection could be brought to Davie's insistence that there was 2, Summer 1978.
nothing of the colonizer in the behavior of the British officer. Situationally and 10 The Standard Edition of the Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (London:
personally, perhaps not. But it is not without significance that it was the British Hogarth Press, 1964) vol. 23; Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Anti-Oedipus:
rather than the Palestinian who had the power to decide. Capitalism and Schizophrenia, vol. 1, trans. Robert Hurley, et al. (New York: Viking
19 Terry Eagleton, Waiter Benjamin; or, Towards a Revolutionary Criticism (Lon- Press, 1972).
don: New Left Books, 1981), p. 98. 11 Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1980. In this part of my essay,
20 It is a place-the end of the line of the evolution of Marxist criticism- I have quoted liberally from New French Feminisms, giving the name of the author
previously named with his own patronymic: "Let us review some of the names of the particular piece and the page number.
of the major Marxist aestheticians of the century to date: Lukacs, Goldmann, 12 I hope to present a discussion of such an appropriation in a forthcoming
Sartre, Caudwell, Adomo, Marcuse, Della Volpe, Macherey, Jameson, Eagle- book on deconstruction, feminism, and Marxism.
ton" (Eagleton, ibid., p. 96). It should be mentioned that Eagleton surrounds
13 Irigaray, This Sex Which Is Not One, trans. Catherine Porter (Ithaca: Comell
the implicit evolutionism of his argument with many apologies to the contrary.
Univ. Press, 1985); Cixous, Preparatifs de noces au delt:l de l'abfme (Paris: des
21 Ken Wissoker, "The Politics of Interpretation," Chicago Grey City Journal,
femmes, 1978); Wittig, Lesbian Body, trans. David Le Vay (New York: William
24 November 1981. Morrow, 1975).
14 (London: New Left Books, 1973.)
15 Cf. Emst Bloch, et al., Aesthetics and Politics, trans. Ronald Taylor (London:
9. French Feminism In an International Frame New Left Books, 1977).
16 Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory (Boston: Beacon
1 Bert F. Hoselitz, "Development and the Theory of Social Systems," in M.
Stanley, ed., Social Development (New York: Basic Books, 1972), pp. 45 and pas- Press, 1960), p. x.
sim. I am grateful to Professor Michael Ryan for drawing my attention to this 17 Tr. Edouard Morot-Sir, et al., Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 30,
article. no. 1, September, 1969.
2 Nawal El Saadawi, The Hidden Face of Eve: Women in the Arab World (London: 18 In For Marx, trans. Ben Brewster (New York: Vintage, 1970).
Zed Press, 1980), p. 5.
19 Trans. Colin Gordon, Feminist Studies 6, no. 2, Summer, 1980.
Julia Kristeva, About Chinese Women, trans. Anita Barrows (London: Marion
Boyars, 1977).
20 (Paris: Minuit), 1974, p. 10.
21 For a discussion of the lack of specificity in the privileged metaphorics of
As is indicated by Philippe Sollers, "On n'a encore rien vu," Tel Quel 85,
Autumn 1980, this interest has now been superseded. political economy, especially in some texts of Derrida, see Spivak, "Il faut s'y
prendre en s'en prenant a elles," in Les fins de l'homme (Paris: Galilee, 1981).
5 For an astute summary and analysis of this problem in terms of electoral
6 For Kristeva' s argument that the literary intellectual is the fulcrum of dissent is not necessarily "outside the text." I have discussed the question in greater de-
see "Un nouveau type d'intellectuel: le dissident," Tel Quel74, Winter 1977. tail in "Finding Feminist Readings: Dante-Yeats" [see pp. 15-29 above] and ''Dis-
placement and the Discourse of Woman" in Mark Krupnick, ed., Displacement:
7 Joseph Needham's attitudes toward the curious fact of feminine symbolism Derrida and After (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1983), pp. 169-95.
290 Notes to Pages 144-147 Notes to Pages 147-153 291
24 Derrida, Of Grammatology, trans. Spivak (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Uni- 36 I attempt to discuss this question in detail in "Displacement and the Dis-
Revolution du langage poetique (Paris: Seuil, 1974); "Motherhood According to Bel- and AnnMarie Wolpe (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978), pp. 49, 51.
lini," Desire in Language: A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art, trans. Thomas For an eloquent reverie on the ethic of penetration as it denies the clitoris see
Gora, et al. (New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1980); "Herethique de l'amour," Irigaray, New French Feminisms, p. 100. In "Displacement," I suggest that such
Tel Quel74, Winter, 1977. And passim. a gesture of penetrative appropriation is not absent from Derrida's reach for the
"name of woman."
35 Cf. La jeune nee, p. 160. "Femininity," Standard Edition, vol. 22, pp. 116-
117. 49 Sherfey, The Nature and Evolution of Female Sexuality (New York: Vintage,
292 Notes to Pages 154-157 Notes to Pages 158-162 293
1973); Our Bodies, Ourselves: A Book by and for Women (New York: Simon and by spinning it out [filer] as a convenient metaphor even as he establishes Marx's
Schuster, second edition, 1971). claim to be a scientist rather than merely a philosopher of history: "When I say
that Marx organized a theoretical system of scientific concepts in the domain
previously monopolized by philosophies of history, I am spinning out [filons] a
10. Scattered Speculations on the Question of Value metaphor which is no more than a metaphor." This allows him to chart out the
two great continents of science: physics (nature) and mathematics (idea). Marx
1 I am deeply grateful to Professor John Fekete for a thorough criticism of inaugurates a science of history (humankind) because he proposes rules by
which the metaleptic semiosis of history as account might be deciphered. It is
this piece.
not seen by Althusser as an authoritative inductive leap: "Obviously this epis-
2 Any serious consideration of this question must take into account Ceorg temological break is not exactly locatable [ponctuel] ... [it] inaugurates a history
Simmel's monumental Philosophy of Money (trans. Tom Bottomore and David that will never come to an end." According to Althusser, Lenin consolidates
Frisby, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978). My differences with Simmel this into a clear-cut program: "Lenin thus defines the ultimate essence of phil-
are considerable. He writes in a brilliantly analogical vein that cannot acknowl- osophical practice as an intervention in the theoretical domain. This intervention
edge the discontinuity between "idealist" and "materialist" predications. Al- takes a double form: it is theoretical in its formulation of definite categories; and
though he is technically aware of the argument from surplus-value, he is bas- practical in the function of these categories." This is a "wild practice" ([pratique
ically interested in value-in-exchange. His anti-socialism is thus directed against sauvage] on the analogy of "la psychanalyse sauvage" or pop psych). Althusser
a pre-Marxian socialism. His few references to Marx, as the translators note in "generalizes this" into a (new) practice of philosophy, which recognizes that
their admirable introduction, do not betray knowledge of the Marxian text. Yet traditional philosophy is the arena of a denegation and a game played for the
I have also been deeply influenced by his meditations upon the relationship high stakes of scientificity. In this context, the terms "ideology" and "science,"
between money and individualism and upon the beginnings of what Volosinov far from being a frozen and loaded binary opposition, are terms that must be
later called "behavioral ideology"; in a certain way even by his cogitation upon thought over again and again (Lenin and Philosophy, trans. Ben Brewster [New
woman as commodity. In these respects, he should be distinguished from both York: Monthly Review Press, 1971], pp. 38-40, 61, 66). The relationship between
the Engels of the Origin of the Family and the Weber of The Protestant Ethic and the theory of subject-formation in Lacanian psychoanalysis and the Althusserian
the Spirit of Capitalism. critique of ideology, or between Freudian notions of overdetermination and Al-
thusser's emendation of the theory of contradictions, is established by way of
3 I am obliged here to admit that the "answer" that follows in this essay can
a developed argument, not, as in Goux, by an isomorphic analogy.
in no way be considered definitive. This is my third attempt at working over
these questions. The first, "Marx after Derrida," is to be found in William E. 6 Textual criticism of this sort assumes, a) in the narrow sense, that even
Cain, ed., Philosophical Approaches to Literature: New Essays on Nineteenth- and "theoretical" texts are produced in language, and, b) that "reality" is a fabri-
Twentieth-Century Texts (Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 1984). The sec- cation out of discontinuities and constitutive differences with "origins" and
ond, an extended version of "the same piece," is forthcoming in Derek Attridge, "ends" that are provisional and shifting. "One no longer has a tripartition be-
et al., eds., Post-Structuralism and the Question of History (Cambridge: Cambridge tween a field of reality, the world, a field of representation, the book, and a
University Press). field of subjectivity, the author. But an arrangement [agencement] puts in con-
nection certain multiplicities drawn in each of these orders, so much that a book
4 If we think of Marx, Freud, Nietzsche (Derrida includes Heidegger) as the
does not have its continuation in the following book nor its object in the world,
crucial Western thinkers of discontinuity, betrayed or obliged by their method nor yet its subject in one or more authors" [Deleuze and Guattari, Mille plateaux,
to unbridgeable gaps and shifts in planes, a deconstructivist reading shows their Paris: 1980, p. 34; translation mine].
texts to be a battleground between the intimations of discontinuity and the
strong pull toward constructing a continuous argument with a secure beginning 7 I refer to this critique at greater length below. Here a brief checklist will
(arche), middle (historical enjambement), and end (telos). By and large, schol- suffice: Piero Sraffa, Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities (Cam-
arship attempts to establish the continuity of the argument. It is therefore the bridge: Cambridge University Press, 1960); Samir Amin, The Law of Value and
continuist versions that are generally offered as the real Marx, the real Freud, Historical Materialism (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1978); Diane Elson, ed.,
the real Nietzsche. Value: The Representation of Labor in Capitalism (Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Human-
ities Press, 1979); Ian Steedman, Marx After Sraffa (London: Verso Edition, 1981);
5 One of the chief complaints against Althusser is his privileging of "science"
!an Steedman, et al., The Value Controversy (London: Verso Edition, 1981).
over "ideology," and his cutting up Marx into an earlier ideological and a later
scientific thinker. I would submit that, in the spirit of a critique of positivism, 8 For excellent elaborations of this theory, see the "Introduction" -s and in-
Althusser bricole-s or tinkers with the name of science itself, re-constellates it deed the entire issues of Zerowork: Political Materials 1 & 2 (December 1975 and
294 Notes to Pages 163-169 Notes to Page 171 295
Fall1977). One of the most revolutionary suggestions of this thought is that the as well as patriarchal social relations faithfully: "The Customer'' (who is male)
working class includes the unwaged as well as the waged. I am suggesting that does not know what he wants; "Managers [should not be] confidently wedded
the unwaged under socialized capital has a different status and definition from to a distorted version of the marketing concept according to which you give the
the unwaged in the peripheral capitalisms. customer what he says he wants." But, since the item under discussion here is
9 One striking exception is Diane Elson, "The Value Theory of Labour," in
an automatic washer, the actual target is, of course, "the homemaker" (who is
female): "Hoover's media message should have been: This is the machine that
Elson, ed. Value. I propose something similar in "Feminism and Critical Theory,"
you, the homemaker, deserve to have to reduce the repetitive heavy daily house-
pp. 77-92 above. hold burdens, so that you may have more constructive time to spend with your
10 Hazel Carby, et al., eds., The Empire Strikes Back: Race and Racism in 70s children and your husband. The promotion should also have targeted the hus-
Britain (London: Hutchinson, 1982) is a significant exception. Not only are the band to give him, preferably in the presence of his wife, a sense of obligation
authors aware of the connection between racism in Britain and the international to provide an automatic washer for her even before he bought an automobile
division of labor; they are also aware that a study of race relations in Britain for himself. An aggressively low price, combined with heavy promotion of this
cannot pretend to be a general study of the Third World. kind, would have overcome previously expressed preferences for particular fea-
tures" [98]. There is something like a relation between this ideological repro-
11 There is a steadily growing body of work dealing with this phenomenon,
duction and reinforcement of the international division of labor in the discourse
a glimpse of which may be found in journals such as NACLA, The Bulletin of of patriarchal relations in consumerism, and the reproduction and reinforcement
Concerned Asian Scholars, and Economic and Political Weekly. A bibliographical start- of the international division of labor in the discourse of feminist individualism
ing point would be Kathleen Gough and Hari P. Sharma, eds., Imperalism an_d within socialized capital. Examine, for instance, the following convincingly in-
Revolution in South Asia (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1973), Part I; Sanur nocent and unproblematic evaluation of telecommunication in Ms in light of the
Amin, Unequal Development: An Essay on the Social Formations of Peripheral Capi- axiology suggested by considerations of the "materialist" predication of the sub-
talism, trans. Brian Pearce (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1976); and Cheryl ject, which the readers of Ms cannot be expected to know since that magazine
Payer, The Debt Trap: The IMF and the Third World (New York: Monthly Review too is an ideological apparatus within the social arena under consideration. (In-
Press, 1974) and The World Bank: A Critical Analysis (New York: Monthly Review cidentally, it is interesting to see how the time-problematic is reversed within
Press, 1982). a "narrative" context, how the language of narrative-production in telecom-
12 See Deborah Fahy Bryceson, "Use Value, The Law of Value and the An- munication seeks to recapture a naive "reality." This is a much longer argument
alysis of Non-Capitalist Production," Capital & Class 20 (Summer 1983). (I have which I hope to develop elsewhere.) "Roberta Williams didn't know what she
differences of theoretical detail with Bryceson which are immaterial to my ar- wanted to do with her life until she designed her first microcomputer adventure
gument here.) My account of the "Third World" here is of the predominant game three years ago. Today, she is one of the leading designers of home com-
"peripheral capitalist model of development," which works through "an alliance puter games and part owner ... of a $20 million business.... There is some-
of imperialism with the local exploiting classes" (Samir Amin, The Future of thing exciting about the continuous motion in arcade games and to use 'real
Maoism, trans. Norman Finkelstein [New York: Monthly Review Press, 1982], time' (industry lingo for the continuous action that is programmed into the game)
9-10). within adventure games." Later in the same issue, speaking of "the search busi-
ness" for women executives, the magazine uses some symptomatic metaphors.
13 In spite of necessary qualifications, this argument underlies much of the
"The process is essentially matchmaking.... You don't have to have that Dolly
criticism relating to the U.S. nineteenth century and a certain twentieth century. [Hello Dolly!] Levi commonsense instinct [read ideology at its strongest] of who-
A general line may be traced from F. 0. Matthiessen, American Renaissance: Art goes-with-whom, and also the diplomacy of Kissinger'' [Ms 12:2 (August 1983):
and Expression in The Age of Emerson and Whitman (London: Oxford University 20, 73]. The relationship between feminist individualism and the military-in-
Press, 1941), through R. W. B. Lewis, The American Adam: Innocence, Tragedy and dustrial complex on the one hand, and the problem of anti-sexism within the
Tradition in the 19th Century (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1955), to, capitalist enclosure being understood as feminism on the other, is too overde-
say, Sherman Paul's The Lost America of Love (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Uni- termined for me to deal with it in more than a footnote. The emergence of an
versity Press, 1981). unexamined genitalist axiology of women's suffering and universal sisterhood
14 Theodore Levitt, "The Globalization of Markets," Harvard Business Review is also at issue here. What complicates the situation is the overarching presence
61:3 (May-June, 1983), 95. I am indebted to Dennis Dworkin for bringing this of hegemonic masculism.
piece to my attention. 16 I am grateful to Todd Snyder for suggesting this line of thought to me.
Ibid., 101. In terms of the ideological interpellation of the subject as con-
15 17 A representative essay would be Fredric Jameson, "Postmodernism and
sumer, it is worth remarking that the semiotic field here reproduces capitalist Consumer Society," Hal Foster, ed., The Anti-Aesthetic. As is demonstrated in
296 Notes to Pages 172-173 Notes to Pages 175-181 297
the revised version of this essay, to be found in New Left Review as "Postmod- 21 "On An Apocalyptic Tone Recently Adopted in Philosophy," trans. John
ernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism," Jameson is ambivalent about P. Leavey, Jr., Semeia 23 (1982). I believe it is possible to read in this obscure
these possibilities. text a practical politics of the open end. I hope to write in detail of it in my
18 The Marx that is useful here is not the philosopher of history, but rather forthcoming book on Derrida. I will content myself with quoting a relatively less
the theoretician of crisis. It is in the sketched theory of crisis that Marx most aphoristic sentence: "To raise or set the tone higher ... is to ... make the inner
anticipates the international division of labor, least imposing the normative n~r voice delirious, the inner voice that is the voice of the other in us" [71].
rative of modes of production in the world outside Western Europe. Conose
accounts of crisis theory, and crisis theory and contemporary imperialism, ar~
to be found in Robert I. Rhodes, ed., Imperialism and Underdevelopment: A Reader 11. "Draupadi" by Mahasweta Devi
(New York: Monthly Review Press, 1970). A systematic development of Marx's
theory of production, distribution, and circulation into the regulation of crises 1 For elaborations upon such a suggestion, see Jean-Fran~ois Lyotard, La Con-
is to be found in Michel Aglietta, A Theory of Capitalist Regulation. Peter F. Bell dition post-moderne: Rapport sur le savoir (Paris, 1979).
and Harry Cleaver give an account of the development of Marx's own theory
of crisis in "Marx's Crisis Theory as a Theory of Class Struggle," Research in See my "Three Feminist Readings: McCullers, Drabble, Habermas," Union
Political Economy 5 (1982). Seminary Quarterly Review 1-2 (Fall-Winter 1979-80), and "French Feminism in
an International Frame" [see above pp. 134-53].
19 "Marx's Transformation Problem," p. 576. This, incidentally, also reveals
3 I develop this argument in my review of Jacques Derrida' s Memoires in bound-
the mistake of the layperson who "refutes" the labor theory of value because
"you cannot deduce prices from it." Marx' s theory is one where politics, eco- ary 2 forthcoming.
nomics, and ideology are relatively autonomous in the determination of class 4 This list represents a distillation of suggestions to be found in the work of
relations in the broadest sense. The point, therefore, is not to reduce value to
Jacques Derrida: see, e.g., "The Exorbitant. Question of Method," Of Gram-
a calculus of price, especially within models of general equilibrium. Wolff, et
al. do produce equations that take this into account. They are, however, aware
matology, trans. Spivak (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976); "Lim-
ited Inc," trans. Samuel Weber, Glyph 2 (1977); "Ou commence et comment finit
that the more important issue is that the practical moment in Marx questions
un corps enseignant," in Politiques de la philosophie, ed. Dominique Grisoni (Paris:
abstract economic rigor; even as I argue in the body of this essay that the ax-
B. Grasset, 1976); and my "Revolutions That as Yet Have No Model: Derrida's
iological moment in Marx questions mere philosophical justice.
'Limited Inc,"' Diacritics 10 (Dec. 1980), and "Sex and History in Wordsworth's
20 The most powerful development of this conception is the mysterious Spurs: The Prelude (1805) IX-XIII" [see pp. 46-76 above].
Nietzsche's Styles, trans. Barbara Harlow (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 5 It is a sign of E. M. Forster' s acute perception of India that A Passage to India
1978). Part of the mystery lies, I think, in that Derrida is here trying to make
contains a glimpse of such an ex-orbitant tribal in the figure of the punkha puller
"woman his subject" (his "interest"?) and hint enigmatically at "affirmative in the courtroom.
deconstruction." As I will soon explain, my notion of interest must take the risk
of being related to the deliberative consciousness. Over a year after the writing 6 Mahasweta, Agnigarbha (Calcutta, 1978), p. 8.
of this essay, at the point of implementing the final editorial suggestions, I begin
7 For a discussion of the relationship between academic degrees in English
to realize how astutely Paul de Man had predicted this move from "false" met-
aphor to "literalization" in the field of political practi~e. It wou_ld take a c~reful and the production of revolutionary literature, see my "A Vulgar Inquiry into
elaboration of de Man's entire complex argument m Allegones of Readmg to the Relationship between Academic Criticism and Literary Production in West
establish the parallel between my move here and grammar and "figure" in the Bengal" (paper delivered at the Annual Convention of the Modem Language
following definition of textuality: "We call text any entity that can be considered Association, Houston, 1980).
from ... a double perspective: as a generative, open-ended, non-referential 8
grammatical system and as a figural system closed o~ by a transcende~tal s~g These figures are an average of the 1971 census in West Bengal and the
projected figure for the 1974 census in Bangladesh.
nification that subverts the grammatical code to which the text owes Its eXIs-
tence" [Paul de Man, Allegories of Reading 270; italics mine]. Suffice it here to 9See Dinesh Chandra Sen, History of Bengali Language and Literature (Calcutta,
consolidate the parallel by pointing out that, towards the bottom of the same 1911). A sense of Bengali literary nationalism can be gained from the (doubtless
page, de Man aphoristically describes the necessity of this subversion, this clos- apocryphal) report that, upon returning from his first investigative tour of India,
ing off, in the following way: " ... and if a text does not act, it cannot state Macaulay remarked: "The British Crown presides over two great literatures: the
what it knows" (italics mine). English and the Bengali."
298 Notes to Pages 181-187 Notes to Pages 197-204 299
10 See Gautam Chattopadhyay, Communism and the Freedom Movement in Ben- 12. Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing Historiography
gal (New Delhi, 1970).
1 Ranajit Guha, ed., Subaltern Studies III: Writings on South Asian History and
11Marcus F. Franda, Radical Politics in West Bengal (Cambridge: MIT Press,
1971), p. 153. I am grateful to Michael Ryan for having located this accessible
Society (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1984), p. 351. The three volumes of
account of the Naxalbari movement. There now exists an excellent study by
Subaltern Studies are hereafter cited in my text as 1, 2, and 3, with page references
Sumanta Banerjee, India's Simmering Revolution: The Naxalite Uprising (London:
Zed Press, 1984). 2 Paul de Man, Blindness and Insight: Essays in the Rhetoric of Contemporary Criti-
12 See Samar Sen, et al., eds., Naxalbari and After: A Frontier Anthology, 2 vols.
cism (Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1983), p. 8.
(Calcutta, 1978). 3 Jacques Derrida, Writing and Difference, trans. Alan Bass (Chicago: University
16 For my understanding of this aspect of the Mahabharata, I am indebted to University Press, 1983), pp. 170-2 for a discussion of "elaboration" in Gramsci.
Romila Thapar of Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. 6 Friedrich Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo, trans. Waiter
class opposition, functioning heterogeneously in terms of the social hierarchy. process in Freud. The Complete Psychological Works, trans. James Strachey et al.
19 If indeed the model for this character is Ranjit Gupta, the notorious in-
(London: Hogarth Press, 1961), vol. 5, p. 598.
spector general of police of West Bengal, the delicate textuality, in the interest 9 For an excellent discussion of this, see Judith Butler, "Geist ist Zeit: French
of a political position, of Senanayak' s delineation in the story takes us far beyond Interpretations of Hegel's Absolute," Berkshire Review (Summer, 1985;
the limits of a reference aclef. I am grateful to Michael Ryan for suggesting the forthcoming).
possibility of such a reference.
10 Antonio Gramsci, cited in EAP 28.
20The relationship between phallocentrism, the patriarchy, and clean binary 11 Derrida, Of Grammatology, trans. Spivak (Baltimore: the Johns Hopkins Uni-
oppositions is a pervasive theme in Derrida's critique of the metaphysics of
presence. See my "Unmaking and Making in To the Lighthouse" [see pp. 30- versity Press, 1976), p. 24.
45 above]. 12 Since the historian is gender-specific in the work of the collective (see pp.
21 "My dearest Sati, through the walls and the miles that separate us I can
33-43), I have consistently used "he."
hear you saying, 'In Sawan it will be two years since Comrade left us.' The other 13 The most important example of this is Dominick LaCapra, Rethinking In-
women will nod. It is you who have taught them the meaning of Comrade" tellectual History (lthaca: Cornell University Press, 1983), and History and Criticism
(Mary Tyler, "Letter to a Former Cell-Mate," in Naxalbari and After, 1:307; see (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1984).
also Tyler, My Years in an Indian Prison [Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977]).
14 Derrida, Of Grammatology, p. 93. Since my intention here is simply to offer
22I am grateful to Soumya Chakravarti for his help in solving occasional a moment of transcoding, I have not undertaken to "explain" the Derridean
problems of English synonyms and archival research. passage.
300 Notes to Pages 204-212 Notes to Pages 213-242 301
15 Spivak, "Can the Subaltern Speak?" in Larry Grossberg and Cary Nelson, 31 Derrida, "Signature Event Context," in Margins of Philosophy, trans. Alan
eds., Marxist Interpretations of Literature and Culture: Limits, Frontiers, Boundaries Bass (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982), pp. 318-18.
(Urbana: University of Illinois Press, forthcoming).
32 For another contemporary transformation of this notion see Antonio Negri,
16The most, perhaps too, spectacular deployment of the argument is in Gilles Marx Beyond Marx: Lessons on the Grundrisse, trans. Harry Oeaver, et al. (South
Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, trims. Rob- Hadley: Begin and Garvey, 1984), pp. 41-58.
ert Hurley, et al. (New York: Viking Press, 1977).
33 Derrida, "Plato's Pharmacy," in Dissemination, trans. Barbara Johnson (Chi-
17Gramsci, Prison Notebooks, trans. Quintin Hoare and Geoffrey Nowell- cago: University of Chicago Press, 1981), p. 146.
Smith (New York: International Publishers, 1971), p. 421.
34 Hobbes' s discussion of authority in the Leviathan and Kant' s discussion of
18 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, "The Manifesto of the Communist Party," the genius in The Critique of Judgment are two of the many loci classici. There are
in Selected Works (Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1951), p. 51. lengthy discussions of this thematic,-as found in the Platonic Socrates, in Rous-
19 Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel, The Science of Logic, trans. A. V. Miller
seau~, a~d in J. L. Austin,-in Derrida's "Plato's Pharmacy," Of Grammatology,
and Stgnature Event Context," respectively.
(New York: Humanities Press, 1976), p. 107.
Terry Eagleton, Waiter Benjamin: or Towards A Revolutionary Criticism (Lon-
20 This concept-metaphor of "interest" is orchestrated by Derrida in Spurs, don: Verso Press, 1981), p. 140.
trans. Barbara Harlow (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978) with notions
of "affirmative deconstructions," which would acknowledge that no example See Hardiman, "Adivasi Assertion in South Gujarat: the Devi Movement
of deconstruction can match its discourse. of 1922-3," in 3.
21 Michel Foucault, Language, Counter-Memory, Practice, trans. Donald F. Sou- 37 June Nash and Maria Patricia Femandez Kelley, eds., Women, Men, and the
chard and Sherry Simon (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1977), pp. 156, 154. International Division of Labor (Albany: SUNY Press, 1983), p. viii.
22 Louis Althusser, Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays, trans. Ben Fowkes 38 I discuss this issue in "The Politics of 'Feminist Culture,"' in progress.
(New York: Monthly Review Press, 1971), p. 68. 39Claude Levi-Strauss, Structural Anthropology, trans. Claire Jacobson and
23I discuss the mechanics of Thompson' s critique briefly in "Explanation and Brooke Grundfest Schoepf (Garden City: Anchor Books, 1967), p. 60.
Culture: Marginalia" [see pp. 103-17 above]. 40 Derrida, Spurs, pp. 109-11.
24 An exemplary statement is to be found in "Intellectuals and Power," in
Language, Counter-Memory, Practice.
25 Jean Baudrillard, In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities or the End of the Social 14. A Literary Representation of the Subaltern: A Woman's Text from the
Third World
and Other Essays, trans. Paul Foss, et al. (New York: Semiotext(e), 1983), p. 26;
and Deleuze and Guattari, On the Line, trans. John Johnston (New York: Se-
1 I am grateful to Jill Matthews for a critical reading of this paper.
rniotext(e), 1983), p. 1.
26 Spivak, "Can the Subaltern Speak?" Mahasweta Devi, "Stanadayini," Ekshan (Autumn, Bengali year 1384). My
translation, "Breast-Giver," appears as Chapter Thirteen of this volume. Page
27 Althusser, "Sur le rapport de Marx a Hegel," in Hegel et la pensee moderne,
references to it are parenthetically included in my text.
ed. Jacques d'Hondt (Paris: Presses universitaires, 1970), pp. 108-9.
~rnesto Lacla~ an~ ~hantal Mouffe, Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards
28 Karl Marx, "The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte," in Surveys from a Radzcal Democratzc Polztzcs, trans. Winston Moore and Paul Cammack (London:
Exile, ed. David Fernbach (New York: Vintage Books, 1974), p. 147. Verso, 1985), p. 108.
29 For historical work that would relate to the contemporary struggle, see 4
The two are nicely if somewhat metaphysically combined in Ilya Prigogine
John Womack, Zapata and the Mexican Revolution (New York: Knopf, 1969). and Isabelle Stengers, Order Out of Chaos: Man's New Dialogue with Nature (Boul-
der: Shambhala Publishers, 1984).
30 Steven Ungar, Roland Barthes: the Professor of Desire (Lincoln: The University
of Nebraska Press, 1983). 5 Michel Foucault, The Archaeology of Knowledge and the Discourse on Language,
Notes to Pages 246-247 303
302 Notes to Pages 242-245
19 Hardiman, "'Subaltern Studies' at Crossroads," Economic and Political
trans. A. M. Sheridan Smith (London: Tavistock, 1972), p. 86. Translations from Weekly (Feb 15, 1986).
all texts modified wherever necessary.
20 Mutatis mutandis. Louis Althusser, "Ideology and Ideological State Ap-
6 Foucault, Archaeology, pp. 95-96. Emphasis mine. paratuses (Notes Towards An Investigation)," Lenin and Philosophy and Other
7 Foucault, "Discursive Formations," Archaeology, pp. 31-39. Essays, trans. Ben Brewster (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1971), still seems
the most authoritative account of this phenomenon. Disciplinary productions
8 See especially Foucault, "The Confession of the Flesh," Power/Knowledge: such as historiography and literary pedagogy would probably fall between "the
Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977, trans. Colin Cordon, et. al. (New educational" and "the cultural ISA"-s (p. 143). '
York: Pantheon, 1980), pp. 196-198. 21 See Terry Eagleton, "The Rise of English," Literary Theory: An Introduction
9 Jacques Derrida, "Limited Inc," Glyph 2 (1977), especially p. 239. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1983).
22 The most spirited discussion of the historicity of affects is to be found in
10Roland Barthes, "The Reality-Effect," in The Rustle of Language, trans. Ri-
chard Howard (New York: Hill and Wang, 1984). the debate on pornography in the United States. For a discussion of the phe-
nomenality of affects see Robert C. Solomon, The Passions (Notre Dame: Uni-
11 The relationship between the two words that relate through this approx- versity of Notre Dame Press, 1976). For a provocative suggestion about Freud's
imate differential is, of course, not "the same" in all languages. There is, how- contribution to the latter issue, see Derrida, Of Grammatology, trans. Spivak (Bal-
ever, always a differential. In modern French and German, for example, the timore, 1976). p. 88.
words for "history" and "story" being roughly the same, the maneuverings
23 I am, of course, describing deconstructive literary criticism when I cite these
would be somewhat different from what we, writing in English, would argue.
Ultimately the distinction is between the true and the sanctioned non-true. special themes. I take this position in spite of Derrida's cautionary words re-
garding the too positivistic use of "themes" in an assessment of his own work
12 Samik Bandyopadhyay, "Introduction," in Mahasweta Devi, Five Plays: ("The Double Session," Dissemination, trans. Barbara Johnson [Chicago: Uni-
Mother of 1084/Aajir/Bayen/Urvashi and Johnny!Water (Calcutta: Seagull Press, versity of Chicago Press, 1981], p. 245). In fact, in "Varieties of Deconstructive
1986), p. xi. Practice," a widely publicized paper which will eventually be forthcoming, I
have distinguished Derrida's reading of literature from his reading of philo-
13 Unpublished intervention, Subaltern Studies Conference, Calcutta, Janu-
sophical texts in terms of the issue of "themes." I mention this because that
ary 9, 1986. argument is also an issue of disciplinary production: of philosophy and litera-
14 "The tenor is the gist of the thought concerning the subject [here India as ture, as here of history and literary pedagogy. For one of the most astute for-
Slave/Mother] ... and the vehicle is that which embodies the tenor-the anal- mulaic reductions of deconstruction to thematic reading, see Barbara Johnson,
ogy [here the specificity of Jashoda as subalte~] ... by whi~h the t.enor i.s "Teaching Deconstructively," in G. Douglas Atkins and Michael L. Johnson,
conveyed" (Sylvan Barnet, et al., A Dictionary of Lzterary, Dramatzc, and Cmematzc eds., Writing and Reading Differently: Deconstruction and the Teaching of Composition
Terms (second edition, Boston: Little, Brown, 1971), p. 51. and Literature (Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1985). For an example of
my own excursion into thematizing "affirmative deconstruction," see note 81
15 This is the implicit grounding presupposition of Benedict Anderson, Imag-
of this essay.
ined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (London: New
24 Quoted in Abiola Irele, The African Experience in Literature and Ideology (Lon-
Left Books, 1983). For a review expressing the criticism that I here echo, see
Ranajit Guha, "Nationalism Reduced to 'Official Nationalism'," ASAA Review don: Heinemann, 1981), p. 1.
9, 1 Ouly 1985). 25 In the U.S., anti-economistic "cultural" Marxism, feminist or androcentric,
16 See Edward W. Said, "Culture and Imperialism" (the Clark Lectures, Uni-
faults Althusser' s work because it apparently underplays the class struggle by
structuralizing the mode of production narrative. In Britain, the general impact
versity of Kent, December 1985: forthcoming).
of E. P. Thompson's critique, as reflected in The Poverty of Theory and Other Essays
17 See Partha Chatterjee, Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World: A Derivative (London: Merlin, 1978) diagnosed Althusser as using Hegel as a code word for
Discourse (London: Zed Press, 1986). Uday Mehta, Assistant Professor of Gov- Stalin and betraying the spirit of Marxism by structuralizing the mode of pro-
ernment at Cornell University, is engaged in similar work on Lockean liberalism. duction of narrative. On and around the issue of essentialism, a certain alliance
between British post-Althusserianism and British Marxist feminism may be
18 David Hardiman has examined some of the received wisdom on this issue
found. The work of Toril Moi in Sexual/Textual Politics: Feminist Literary Theory
in "Bureaucratic Recruitment and Subordination in Colonial India: The Madras (New York: Methuen, 1985) would be a good example.
Constabulary, 1859-1947," Subaltern Studies, vol. 4.
Notes to Pages 247-249 Notes to Pages 249-253 305
36 For a discussion of feminist knowledge within existing paradigms, I have
26Lise Vogel, Marxism and the Oppression of Women: Toward a Unitary Theory
profited from listening to Susan Magarey, "Transgressing Barriers, Centralising
(New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1983), p. 147. Margins, and Transcending Boundaries: Feminism as Politicised Knowledge,"
27 Perry Anderson, Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism (London: New Left unpublished paper, conference on "Feminist Enquiry As A Transdisciplinary
Books, 1974), pp. 24-25. Enterprise," University of Adelaide, August 21, 1986.
37 Here I am invoking one of the earliest deconstructive positions: that re-
28 Some well-known examples among many would be Mary O'Brien, The
Politics of Reproduction (Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981), Annette Kuhn versals of positions legitimize each other and therefore a persistent effort at
and AnnMarie Wolpe, "Feminism and Materialism," in Kuhn and Wolpe, eds., displacement is in order. For the later suggestion of a distancing from the project
Feminism and Materialism: Women and Modes of Production (London, 1978)~, and of reason, see Derrida, "The Principle of Reason: the University in the Eyes of
Rosalind Coward, Patriarchal Precedents: Sexuality and Social Relations (London: its Pupils," Diacritics 13, 3 (Fall1983).
Methuen, 1983). See also Lydia Sargent, ed., Women and Revolution (Boston: 38 Ferguson, "Conceiving Motherhood," p. 176.
South End Press, 1981).
39 In fact, Ferguson sees foster-mothering as one among many types of "social
29 Vogel, Marxism and the Oppression of Women, pp. 141-142. For a sound mothering (adoptive mothers, step and foster mothers, older sisters, other
critique of the Engelsian-feminist position, see Coward, "The Concept of the mother surrogates) [which] involves a second or different kind of mother-daugh-
Family in Marxist Theory," Patriarchal Precedents. It seems to me unfortunate that ter bond" (p. 177). I discuss "Stanadayini'"s treatment of varieties of mother-
Coward's critique should be used to lead us back into Freud. child relationships later in the essay.
30 Karl Marx, Capital, trans. David Fernbach (New York: Vintage Books, 1978), 40 Ferguson, "Conceiving Motherhood," p. 156.
vol. 2, pp. 469-471. 41 This is to be distinguished from uninformed anti-Marxist positions. I have
31 Marx, Capital, vol. 2, pp. 180 and 180f. in general. in mind generalizations in such powerful essays as Catharine A. McKinnon,
"Feminism, Marxism, Method, and the State: An Agenda for Theory," in Nan-
32 (Paris, 1980.) nerl 0. Keohane, ed., Feminist Theory: A Critique of Ideology (Chicago: University
33 V. N. Volosinov, Marxism and the Philosophy of Language, trans. Ladislav
of Chicago Press, 1982), Luce Irigaray, "The Power of Discourse" and "Com-
modities Among Themselves," This Sex Which Is Not One, trans. Catherine Porter
Matejka and I. R. Titunik (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1973), p. 68.
(Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1985), pp. 82-85, 192-197, and Rosalind Cow-
34 I am not arguing here for individual differences. On the social character ard, "The Concept of the Family in Marxist Theory," Patriarchal Precedents. It
of "solitary self-experience," see Volosinov, Marxism and the Philosophy of Lan- should be mentioned here that, in spite of her over-simplification of Marx's
guage, pp. 89-94. In a more essentialist form, assuming that there is such a thing positions on value and ideology, Ferguson is generally politically astute in her
as "life in its immediacy," one might say, with Adorno: "He [sic] who wishes assessment of the relationships between various domination systems in
to know the truth about life in its immediacy must scrutinise its estranged form, Euramerica.
the objective powers that determine individual existence even in its most hidden 42 Ferguson, "Conceiving Motherhood," p. 155.
recesses" (Theodor Adorno, Minima Moralia: Reflections from a Damaged Life, trans.
E. F. N. Jephcott, London: New Left Books, 1974, p. 15). Institutional subject- 43Hannelore Mabry, "The Feminist Theory of Surplus Value," in Edith Hosh-
positions are social vacancies that are of course not filled in the same way by ino Altbach et al. eds., German Feminism: Readings in Politics and Literature (Al-
different individuals. All generalizations made from subject-positions are bany: State University of New York Press, 1986), tries interestingly to bridge
untotalizable. the two spheres.
35 See note 28 and, for the best-known examples, see Ann Oakley, The So- 44 Anna Davin, "Imperialism and Motherhood," History Workshop 5 (1978).
ciology of Housework (New York: Pantheon, 1975), and the excellent documen- 45 See Jennifer Sharpe, "The Double Discourse of Colonialism and Nation-
tation in Anne Ferguson, "On Conceiving Motherhood and Sexuality: A Fem- alism: the Production of A Colonial Subject in British India," Dissertation Abstracts
inist Materialist Approach," in Joyce Trebilcot, ed., Mothering: Essays in Feminist (University of Texas-Austin, forthcoming).
Theory (Totowa: Rowman & Allenheld, 1984), an essay I discuss below. Extended
considerations might take their lead from the papers of the International Wages 46 Ferguson, "Conceiving Motherhood," p. 175.
for Housework Campaign and check such sources as Gary S. Becker, Human 47 See Chandra Talpade Mohanty, "Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholar-
Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Education (Chi-
ship and Colonial Discourses," boundary 212,3/13,1 (Spring-Fall1984) and "Fern-
cago: University of Chicago Press, 1983).
306 Notes to Pages 253-258 Notes to Pages 258-262
inist Theory and the Production of Universal Sisterhood," unpublished paper,
tio~al Pram~." I have not yet seen no. 26 of Les Cahiers du grif (Paris/Brussels)
conference on "Race, Culture, Class: Challenges to Feminism," Hampshire Col- entitled foUJr. '
lege, December 1985, and Spivak, "Imperialism and Sexual Difference," Oxford
Literary Review 8, 1-2, 1986. In Feminine Sexuality: Jacques Lacan and the ecole freudienne, trans. Juliet Mitch-
ell and Jacqueline Rose (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982).
48 The discontinuities between the three domination systems are quietly re-
as in Catherine A. McKinnon, Sexual Harassment of Working Women: A Case of Sex 69 "GUI'd'mg Remark s Or
" A Congress," in Feminine Sexuality, p. 89.
Discrimination (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979). 7
For discu~sions of giving a face to the wholly other, see Derrida, "Violence .
57 See Mahmoud Mamdani, The Myth of Population Control: Family, Caste and and ~etaphysics: An Essay on the !~'ought of Emmanuel Levinas," in Writing;
Class in An Indian Village (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1973). For an un- and Difference, trans. Al,~n Bass (C~cago, 1978~, .and Paul de Man, "Autobiog-'
fortunate articulation of this contradiction, see Germaine Greer, Sex and Destiny: rap~y As De-facement, The Rhetor1c of Romanticism (New York: Columbia Uni-
the Politics of Human Fertility (New York: Harper & Row, 1984). versity Press, 1984).
58For a use of the phrase in a single-issue class-context see "Right to Life, Subhas Bhattacharya, Adhunik Banglar Prayog Abhidhan (Calcutta: D.M. Li-
but ... " Economic and Political Weekly 20.29 Ouly 20, 1985), editorial. brary, 1984), p. 222.
59 This is a general feeling that is too pervasive to document satisfactorily. Susan Sontag, Illness As Metaphor (New York: Random House, 1979).
But notice the interesting undertone emerging in "French Texts/American Con- 73 Sontag, Illness, p. 43.
texts," Yale French Studies 62 (1981).
74 Lacan, "Love Letter," p. 159.
60For representative pieces see lrigaray, "When Our Lips Speak Together,"
75 In "Can the Subaltern Speak? Speculations on Widow-Sacrifice " Wedge 71
This Sex, Monique Wittig, The Lesbian Body, trans. David Le Vay (New York:
Avon, 1975), Alice Schwarzer, "The Function of Sexuality in the Oppression of 8 (Winter/Spring 1985). '
Women," in German Feminism, and Spivak, "French Feminism in An Interna- 76
Franz Fanon's comments on "Colonial War and Mental Disorders" are par-
308 Notes to Pages 262-264 Notes to Pages 264-268
ticularly pertinent here (The Wretched of the Earth, tr. Constance Farrington, New ch~sis," thi~ celebr~ted ,;ss_ay is ~' ~aean to motherhood sustained by thinly
York: Grove Press, 1963). ve~ed autobiographical evtdence m the left-hand column and sweeping his-
77 Lacan, "Love Letter," p. 160. tonco-psychoanalytic conclusions in the right about the "virgin maternal" as
coping with female paranoia" (pp. 116, 117, 114). With reference to Anne Fer-
78 Spivak, "Can the Subaltern," p. 123. guson's excellent essay, I had mentioned the sudden appearance of a "cross-
79 "For the wish to sleep is the indeterminably significative tendency that is cultural referent'' (see pages 16-17). These quick and often misleading definitive
marking or repetition, and also the wish to forget about it, and to go on with ~oment~ invoking an imaginary "Third World" influence feminist thinking. In
the hypothesis that one is perceiving a meaningful form," Cynthia Chase, ''The Etsenstem for e~ample, the description of "pre-capitalist society" where "men,
Witty Butcher's Wife: Freud, Lacan, and the Conversion of Resistance tO'":rhe-, women, and children worked together in the home, the farm, or on the land
ory," revised version, unpublished paper, conference on "Psychoanalysis and to pro~uce the goods necessary for their lives," [and] women were procreators
Feminism," State University of lllinois, May 1-4, 1986. and child-rearers, but the organization of work limited the impact of this sexual
role distinction" (Capitalist Patriarchy, p. 30), would be instantly corrected by the
80 Suggestion made at Subaltern Studies Conference, Calcutta, January, 1986.
~ccount of. g~~dering_ within the heteroge~ei~ of decolonized space offered by
I believe it is a comparable impulse that prompts Derrida to place, in the right Stanadaymt. In Kristeva, the Blessed Vrrgm appropriates reincarnation in a
hand column of Glas, the torrential production of an unsystematizable slang in flash: "Mary does not die but rather-echoing Taoist and other oriental beliefs
Jean Genet over against the definitive establishment of philosophical vocabulary in which human bodies pass from one place to another in a never-ending flow
in Hegel's work, treated in the left-hand column of the book. See also my treat- [flux] which is in itself an imprint [calque] of the maternal receptacle [receptacle
ment of "rumor'' in "Subaltern Studies." maternal)-she passes over [transite]" (Suleiman, Female Body, p. 105).
81 Most rhetorical questions, such as the cook's ''What's there to tell?" imply 86
The question of the gaze has been most fully discussed in film theory. See
a negative answer: "Nothing." Jashoda's story tells itself by (mis)understanding for example, Laura Mulvey, ''Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema," Screen
the question as literal and answering: "this." Such would be the morphology 16.3 (1975), E. Ann Kaplan, Women and Film: Both Sides of the Camera (London:
of "affirmative deconstruction," which says "yes" to everything, not as a proper Methuen, 1983), Teresa de Lauretis, Alice Doesn't: Feminism, Semiotics, Cinema
negation which leads to a strategically exclusive synthesis, but by way of an (Bloo~n~on: India~a University Press, 1984). See also Norman Bryson, Vision
irreducible and originary "mistake" that will not allow it to totalize its practice. and Pamtmg: the Logzc of the Gaze (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983). I am
This affirmation is not the "yes" of pluralism or repressive tolerance, which is grateful to Frances Bartkowski for suggesting this book to me.
given from a position of power. "Stanadayini" as enonciation might thus be an 87
example of an ever-compromised affirmative deconstruction. See Spivak, "Displacement and the Discourse of Woman."
In this connection, see Temma Kaplan's interesting notion of "female con-
82 Kristeva, "Ne dis rien," Tel Quel90 (1981). I am grateful to Cynthia Chase
for having brought this essay to my attention. sciousness" in "Female Consciousness, and Collective Action: the Case of Bar-
celona, 1910-1918," in Keohane ed., Feminist Theory.
83 Incidentally, her method here is conservative, in that she annuls what was
most radical in Freud's hypothesis, namely infantile sexuality. ("In the hands For two ~xamples among many, consider Rabindranath Tagore, Bhanu-
of post-Freudians, helped no doubt by hesitations in Freud's own account, or- sm?her Pa~balt (1291, Bengali year) and Bankimchandra Chattyopadhyaya,
Knshnachantra (1886).
thodox assumptions reasserted themselves," Jeffrey Weeks, ''Masculinity and
the Science of Desire," Oxford Literary Review 8.1-2 (1986), p. 32.) She positivizes 90
I am grateful to Sudipto Kaviraj for having suggested to me that English
and naturalizes into a psychic scenario the pre-originary space that is no more is a medium of defilement in "Stanadayini."
than an unavoidable methodological presupposition.
It is immaterial to my point that there is an actual place by this name in
84Kristeva is openly anti-Marxist. By aligning her work with Althusser's- Bengal.
"interpellation" is his notion of the subject's being "hailed" in ideology ("Ide-
ology and the State," Lenin and Philosophy. pp. 170-77)-I am giving her the i 92 Hardiman, "Subaltern Studies," p. 290.
benefit of the doubt. 93 Spivak, "Subaltern Studies," pp. 356-363.
85 See Kristeva, "Stabat mater," in Susan Rubin Suleiman, ed., The Female
Body in Western Culture: Contemporary Perspectives (Cambridge: Harvard Univer-
sity Press, 1986). Generalizing about femininity on the avowed basis of mon-
otheism, and dismissing "progressive activism" as versions of "feminine psy- I IST. UNIV. ORIENTALE
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