Intramuscular Injection

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Giving Medicine By

Intramuscular Injection

Name of medicine: __________________________________________________

Dose of medicine: __________________________________
Time of medicine: __________________________________
Special instructions: ________________________________________________

C Medicine
C Syringe and needle
C Alcohol pad
C Heavy plastic empty container with a wide mouth and secure cap. Used to put
syringe and needle into after the injection is given.
Getting Ready:
1. Wash your hands with soap and water. Clean thoroughly between
your fingers and under your nails. Dry your hands.
2. Gather the needed supplies.
Drawing Up The Medicine Into The Syringe:
1. Check the label on the medicine bottle to make sure the right
medicine is used. Check the expiration date on the bottle. Do not
use expired medicine. Inspect medication for any
discoloration. Do not use if discolored.

2. Remove the cap from the medicine bottle, if it is a new

bottle. Clean the top of the bottle each time with an
alcohol pad. Do not touch the top of the bottle after it is
cleaned with the alcohol.

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3. Attach and / or tighten the needle onto the


4. Take the needle cap off the needle and place

the cap on the table.

5. Pull back on the end of the

plunger. Draw air into the
syringe equal to the amount of
medicine ( _____ cc / ml) to be
drawn up. Do not touch the
plunger or the needle.

6. Insert the needle into the rubber stopper on top of

the bottle.

7. Push down on the plunger to push the air into the

bottle. Leave the syringe in the bottle.

8. Invert the bottle and syringe so the bottle is on top

and the syringe below. Be sure to support the
syringe and the bottle so the needle is not bent.

9. Pull down on the plunger allowing the medicine to

fill the syringe. Stop at the amount ordered.
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10. Check for bubbles in the syringe. If air bubbles are present:
C Tap the barrel of the syringe with your finger to move any
bubbles to the top of the syringe.

C Push the plunger slightly up to move any air bubbles out of

the syringe

C Pull down on the plunger again and fill the syringe with the
correct amount of medicine.
C Check again for air bubbles and if present, repeat the steps
11. Remove the needle from the bottle.
12. Carefully replace the needle cap.

Selecting The Site For Injection:

C Carefully select the site for injection so major blood vessels and nerves are
C Use different sites to prevent repeated injections in the same area. Change sites
with each injection.
C Do not use areas that are bruised, tender, scarred from surgeries or injury, or
C Your nurse can help you choose the site that is best for you. (See site p.)

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9 Buttock (Gluteus Medius) Site For IM Injection

1. Find the trochanter. It

is the knobby top portion
of the long bone in your
upper leg (femur). It is
the size of a golf ball.

2. Find the posterior iliac

crest. Many people
have "dimples "over this
bone. The nurse will
help you find the bone

3. Draw an imaginary line

between the two bones.

4. After locating the center

of the imaginary line,
find a point one inch
toward your head. This
is where (X) you will put
the needle in.

5. Stretch the skin tight.

6. Hold the syringe like a pencil or dart. Insert the needle at a right angle to your
skin (90 degrees).

7. You may give up to 3 ml. (cc) of fluid in this site.

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9 Hip (Ventrogluteal) Site For IM Injection

1. Find the trochanter. It is the knobby top

portion of the long bone in your upper
leg (femur). It is about the size of a golf

2. Find the anterior iliac crest. The nurse

will help you find the bone landmarks.

3. Place the palm of your hand over the

trochanter. Point the first or index finger
toward the anterior iliac crest.
Spread the second or middle
finger toward the back, making a
'V'. The thumb should always be pointed
toward the front of the leg. Always use the
index finger and middle finger to make the 'V'.

4. Give the injection between the knuckles on your index and middle fingers.

5. Stretch the skin tight.

6. Hold the syringe like a pencil or dart. Insert the needle at a right angle to the skin (90

7. You may give up to 3 ml. (cc) of fluid in this site.

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9 Leg (Vastus Lateralis) Site For IM Injection

1. To find the thigh injection site, you will be

making an imaginary box on your upper leg.
Find the groin. One hand's width below the
groin becomes the upper border of the box.

2. Find the top of knee. One hand's width above

the top of the knee becomes the lower border
of the box.

3. The center of the top to your leg becomes the

left border of the box.

4. The center of the side of your leg becomes the

right border of the box. The nurse will help
you find the landmarks.

5. The best areas to use for injection is in the

middle of this imaginary box. The sites are
marked with X's.

6. Stretch the skin to make it tight.

7. Insert the needle at a right angle to the skin (90 degrees) straight in.

8. You may give up to 2 ml. (cc) of fluid into the site.

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9 Arm (Deltoid) Site For IM Injection

1. To find this site you will form an

imaginary box on the upper arm.

2. Find the knobby top of the arm

(acromion process).

3. The top border of the box is two finger

widths down from the acromion process.

4. The bottom border is an imaginary line

running from the crease of the armpit,
from front to back.

5. To make the two side borders, divide

the arm into three equal sections, from
front to back. The site is in the center
of the middle third.

6. Stretch the skin and then bunch up the muscle.

7. Insert the needle at a right angle to your skin (90 degrees). The nurse will show you

8. Caution: This is a small site. Give only 1 ml. (cc) or less of fluid in this site. Use
only if other sites are not available.

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Giving The IM Injection

1. Choose the site you will use for the injection.

2. Clean your skin with an alcohol pad in a circular motion. Let the
alcohol dry.

3. Pull the needle cap straight off the needle (do not twist). Set the
cap aside.

4. Hold the syringe like a dart or pencil. Stretch the skin at the
injection site. If you are thin, you may need to pinch the tissue
using your thumb and index finger. Be careful not to touch the
injection site itself.

5. Insert the needle at a 90 degree angle into the

prepared injection site. Use a quick dart-like
motion. The quicker you insert the needle, the
less discomfort.

6. Release the skin. Hold onto the syringe

so that it will not move. Pull back on the
plunger to check for blood in the syringe.
Remove the needle if you see blood in the
syringe. You will need to discard this
syringe and start over again if blood is in
the syringe.
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7. Inject the medicine by pushing down on the plunger at

a moderate rate. Be sure to inject all the medicine in
the syringe.

8. Hold the alcohol wipe near the injection site. Remove the
needle and quickly press the alcohol pad onto the site.
Hold the pad tightly for a minute or rub the skin in a gentle
circular motion. Check the area for any redness, bleeding
or bruising. If bleeding occurs, wipe it off. It may be
necessary to apply a bandage to the site.

Clean Up The Supplies:

1. Put the used syringe and needle into a heavy puncture-resistant plastic container
and secure the cap. Do not recap the needle. Dispose of all other supplies in the

2. Wash your hands again after disposing of all materials.

3. Record the date, time and site of injection on the attached record sheet.
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IM Injection Medication Record Sheet

Patient's Name ____________________________ Phone Number_____________

Doctor _________________________ Name of Medicine ____________________

Sites: H = Hip B = Buttocks T = Thigh A = Arm

Date Dose Site Comments

© Copyright, (99) N
General Clinical Research Center
The Ohio State University Medical Center

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