LTE KPI Analysis
LTE KPI Analysis
LTE KPI Analysis
Accessibility KPI
Are used to measure properly of whether services requested by users can be accessed in given
condition, also refers to the quality of being available when users needed. eg. user request to access
the network, access the voice call, data call, ......
Retainability KPI
Are used to measure how the network keep user's possession or able to hold and provide the
services for the users
Mobility KPI
Are used to measure the performance of network which can handle the movement of users and still
retain the service for the user, such as handover,...
Integrity KPI
Are used to measure the character or honesty of network to its user, such as what is the throughput,
latency which users were served.
Availability KPI
Are used to measure the availability of network, suitable or ready for users to use services.
Utilization KPI
Are used to measure the utilization of network, whether the network capacity is reached its resource.
Are used to measure the character or honesty of network to its user, such as
what is the throughput, latency which users were served.
E-UTRAN Cell Availability
Partial cell availability (node restarts excluded)
KPI Are used to measure how the network keep user's possession or able to hold
and provide the services for the users
Mean Active Dedicated EPS Bearer Utilization
KPI Are used to measure the utilization of network, whether the network capacity is
reached its resource.
Call Drop
VoIP call drop arise when VoIP ERAB release is not normal. Each ERAB associated with QoS
information. Here's an illustration of two procedures being done to release ERAB namely: ERAB
release indication and the UE context release request:
Handover attempt occurs at point B, when the source ENodeB (S-eNodeB) sends RRC connection
reconfiguration message to the UE. He decided to conduct inter ENodeB HO. in this KPI, the source
and the target cell work on the same frequency. The number of the attempt HO calculated at the
source cell. The number of successful HO occurs at point C. During HO, HO amount which success
is measured in the cell souce. This measurement appears typing S-eNodeB received a UE context
release message from the target eNode B (T-eNodeB), or the UE context release command from the
MME, which shows that the UE-eNodeB T has successfully attach at the T-eNodeB.
The following scenarios illustrate intra frequency B HO - inter ENodeB:
Following the definition of Intra Frequency Out Handover Success Rate KPI:
E-UTRAN IP Throughput
A KPI that shows how E-UTRAN impacts the service quality provided to an end-user.
Payload data volume on IP level per elapsed time unit on the Uu interface. IP Throughput for a
single QCI:
To achieve a throughput measurement that is independent of bursty traffic pattern, it is important to
make sure that idle gaps between incoming data is not included in the measurements. That shall be
done as considering each burst of data as one sample. ThpVolDl is the volume on IP level and the
ThpTimeDl is the time elapsed on Uu for transmission of the volume included in ThpVolDl.
E-UTRAN IP Latency
A measurement that shows how E-UTRAN impacts on the delay experienced by an end-user.
Time from reception of IP packet to transmission of first packet over the Uu.
To achieve a delay measurement that is independent of IP data block size only the first packet sent
to Uu is measured.
To find the delay for a certain packet size the IP Throughput measure can be used together with IP
Latency (after the first block on the Uu, the remaining time of the packet can be calculated with the
IP Throughput measure).
T_Lat is defined as the time between receiption of IP packet and the time when the eNodeB
transmits the first block to Uu.
Since services can be mapped towards different kind of E-RABs, the Latency measure shall be
available per QoS group.
As for defining the cell as available, it shall be considered available when the eNodeB can provide E-
RAB service in the cell.