Theories of International Regimes - Stephan Haggard and Beth A. Simmons

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Theories of international regimes

Stephan Haggard and Beth A. Simmons

Last 10 years > international regimes as a major focus of empirical research and theoretical
debate within international relations pushed by the dissatisfaction with dominant conceptions of
international order, authority, and organization. The sharp contrast between the competitive, zero-
sum anarchy of interstate relations and the authority of domestic politics seemed overdrawn in
explaining corporative behavior among the advanced industrial states. New forms of coordination
and organization that fit uneasily in a realist framework.
Regime analysts assumed that patterns of state action are influenced y norms, but that such norm-
governed behavior was wholly consistent with the pursuit of national interests the regimes
literature can be viewed as an experiment in reconciling the idealist and realist traditions.
Do regimes have independent influence on state behavior and, if so, how? We ask how and
whether regimes matter

1. Regimes: Definitions
Donald Puchala and Raymond Hopkins argue that a regime exists in every substantive issue-area
in international relations() wherever there is regularity in behavior, some kinds of principles
norms or rules must exist to account for it. Deducing regimes from patterned behavior makes it
difficult to decide how they mediate, constrain, or influence behavior.
The term regime is sometimes used in a purely descriptive way to group a range of state
behaviors in a particular issue-area, but since the potential for tautology is high, this approach has
largely been abandoned.
Stephen Krasner
Regime as implicit or explicit principles, norms, rules and decision-making procedures around
which actorss expectations coverage in a given area of international relations. The complex
hierarchy of components is defined principles shade off into norms, standards of behavior defined
in terms of rights and obligations. Norms, in turn, are difficult to distinguish from rules, specific
prescriptions or proscriptions for actions.

Second definition- Rovert Keohane/lipson

Most regimes are likely to have at least some minimal administrative apparatus for the
purpose of dispute settlement, the collection and sharing of information or surveillance.
Lipsons argument: national policies towards foreign investment are nearly explained in
terms of the investing countries relative power and the hosts regulatory capabilities. Oil
regime (1945-1970)> market activities of oligopolistically interdependent firms, the
national rules of producers, followed certain rules concerning production, exploration and
marketing. Behavior: supply conditions, particular market structure and national regulatory
environments. Less constrained by international rules.

Third definition
Treats regimes as multilateral agreements among states which aim to regulate national actions
within an issue-area. Regimes define the range of permissible state action by outlining explicit
injunctions. Regimes often contain rules which govern or specify their own transformation, but to
explain regime change per se is to explain why states would agree to modify the confided rights
and rules that regulate their behavior. This approach risks the charge of formalism a charge
which has plagued the study of international law. Focuses attention on the evolution of the texts
constituting international agreements, clearly separates normative consensus from the definition of
regimes, treating it rather as a causal or constitutive variable that may be useful in explaining
Regimes are examples of cooperative behavior and facilitate cooperation, but cooperation can take
place in the absence of established regimes. Regimes must also be distinguished from the broader
concept of institutions, the essential feature of which is the conjunction of convergent expectations
and patters of behavior or practice. They aid the institutionalization of portions of international life
by regularizing expectations, but some international institutions such as the balance of power are
not bound to explicit rights and rules convergent expectations may or may not be tied to explicit
argument, they might arise in a milieu characterized by substantial conflict.

2. Regimes: Dimensions of variance and change

Measured by the degree of compliance with regime injunctions, particularly in instances where
short-term or myopic self-interests collide with regime rules.

Organizational form
- Some issues are conductive to decentralized regulation: regime injunctions may only seek help
on states to share information or to choose not to from certain actions (polluting, over-fishing)
- Fixed-exchange-rate regimes demand positive interventions by states, but remain largely
- Most regimes are likely to have at least some minimal administrative apparatus for the purpose
of dispute settlement, the collection and haring of information or surveillance.Complex
cooperative tasks require more elaborate and potentially autonomous, organizational structures.
If cooperation is already highly institutionalized theories resting on assumptions of anarchy are
highly misleading: black-boxing organizational structure and processes will lead to simplistic
- The principles governing representation are another dimension of organizational variance.
Important distributional consequences since they affect international agendas and organizational
resource allocation.
- Most universalist regimes are structured either on the one nation, one vote principle
- Or on weighted voting (IMF,WB)
Based on discrimination:
- Along functional or sectoral lines (Tokyo Round codes).

- Regional ones (Caribbean Basin Initiative).

Scope (refers to he range of issues the regime covers)
The failure to comply with certain GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) provisions
signaled a weakening of the trade regime in the 1970s. Same the regimes scope expanded
through the negotiation of the Tokyo Round codes.
- Jurisdictional raises administrative costs and complexity but overly narrow agreements may
allow little room for bargaining and issue-linkage.
Important cause of regime changeexternalities associated with inadequate scope. 1950-60s
GATT negotiations virtually eliminated tariff barriers as an important impediment to trade.
Result: expose and even encourage non-tariff barriers. These externalities drove the reform efforts
which culminated in the Tokyo Round.

Allocational mode
Regimes- different social mechanisms for resource allocation.
- Market-oriented regimes supports the private allocation of resources, discourages national
controls, guarantees property rights and facilitates private contracting.
- Authoritative allocation involves the direct control of resources by regime authorities and will
demand more extensive and potentially autonomous organizational structures. E.g.: IMFs role in
the balance-of-payments financing regime.
Nature of the issue-area and the extent of cooperation will partly determine the preference for
market-oriented versus authoritative modes of allocation. Many issue-areas could be organized
either way, however, will sharply different distributional consequences
e.g. Group oof 77s proposal for a New International Economic Order.

3. Theoretical approaches to regime change and variance

Structuralism: The theory of hegemonic stability (Keohane, Nye)
Show how international conditions define the possibilities for cooperation. We cannot infer national
policies from intentions because structures tend to mold state behavior toward a common quality
of outcomes even through the efforts and aims of agents and agencies vary.
Theory of hegemonic stability > links regime creation and maintenance to a dominant powers
existence and the weakening of regimes to a waning hegemony.
Power and Interdependence, Keohane and Nye
Linked regime dynamics to waxing and waning state power, since power is not wholly fungible
(intercambiable) under conditions of complex interdependence, linkage across issue-areas is not
likely to be effective.
Proposed model: stronger states in the issue system will dominate the weaker ones and determine
the rules of the game. Challenges:
- Hazards of power analysis > inferring interests from capabilities implies that there is some
unambiguous way to asses the distribution of capabilities. Flows greatly restricted set of possible
international outcomes. The delineation of the relevant structure, is bound to be arbitrary.
David Lake > measures that seek to explain both the capacity to underwrite or support
free trade and the willingness to do so.
- Since structure alone is a poor predicator of regime characteristics and national policies,
structural theories must continually revert in an ad hoc way to domestic political variables.
Krasner structure predicted the openness of the trading system in only half the cases he
examined, with domestic institutional lags introduced to explain the rest. If such slippage
is common or if similarly situated states tend to respond differently to international
constraints, than the primacy of structural theory is called into question.
- Malign view (Gilpin) sees the hegemon providing coercive leadership. He enforces regime rules
with positive and negative sanctions, it even extracts payment from smaller states to maintain
the regime. Casts under the assumption that regimes are cooperative institutions, even though
benefits might accrue to the coerced actors.
- Benign > because they benefit greatly from a well-ordered system, hegemons are willing to
provide international public goods. He constitutes a privileged group, for which the cost of
supplying the public good is less than the benefit. But since the hegemon has an independent
interest in supplying public goods regardless of the contributions of others, beneficiaries of the
system will have an incentive to free-ride. Its the weak who exploits the strong.
1) most regimes do not provide pure public goods, which are characterized not only by jointness
of supply but by non-excludability. Most regimes have developed mechanisms that enhance
compliance through exclusion trade reciprocity, reciprocal rights of innocent passage.
Nothing in the theory of collective action suggests that a single hegemon is required to provide
public goods. If a privileged subgroup exist such that each member benefits from providing the
good even without cooperation from other members, the public good will be provided.
Individual incentives not to contribute will increase as the size of the privileged subgroup
increases, but certain characteristics of the regimes, such as those which increase the
transparency of state action, may mitigate this effect.
2) The relevant structure is usually defined as the distribution of power within the international
capitalist system rather than within the world political system as a whole; regimes are seen
primarily as the responses to the problems of collective action among the advanced capitalist
countries rather than as an integral part of high politics and alliance solidarity. Despite all the
attention lavished on international structure as an explanation of regime creation and
maintenance, bipolarity has been all but overlooked. By ignoring grand strategy, hegemonic
interpretations may have missed this centurys most important structural cause of cooperation
among the advanced industrial states.

Strategic and game- theoric approaches

Incorporate exogenously determined preference orderings into the analysis include all domestic
factors that may impinge on a states overall preferences. Actors are primarily constrained by the
structure of the interstate game. To explain how cooperation can envolve anarchic conditions which
lack supranational authority to enforce compliance and to explain the conditions under which
regimes might arise as an instance of cooperative behavior and it can also suggest the conditions
conductive to stable compliance.
The 2x2 game radically simplifies the choice set into unambiguous categories cooperate and
defect though choices in most areas (e.g. microeconomic coordination) are continuous.
Frequently depicted in their normal rather than extensive form, through game theorists have shown
that this can lead one to overlook how the dynamics of bargaining and sequencing of moves can
determine outcomes. The game may change in the course of negotiations, indeed bargaining is
precisely an effort to restructure preference orderings. Greatest difficulty > specifying
preferences at the outset this effort must consider all relevant factors of the game environment:
economic and technological conditions, domestic politics, transnational relations, and the rules
under which the game is played. Deciding what game is may be as difficult as solving it. Games
may be graduated by introducing sub-games, extended out into meta or super-games, linked to
games in other issue-areas or modeled in an evolutionary fashion. The result, is to detract from the
selling point, parsimony, and to question how the theory actually explains particular cases.
Prisoners Dilemma (PD)
It can produce cooperative behavior under realist conditions. If play is repeated, the costs of
defecting on any single move must be calculated not only with reference to the immediate payoff,
but with reference to the opportunity costs associated with future interactions. Yet under
assumptions of complex interdependence, the dilemma of PD diminishes. The existence of a
network of regimes and transnational relations among the advanced industrial states:
- facilitates communication
- enhances the importance of reputation
- lengthens the shadow of the future
PD indicates why these institutions deter suboptimal outcomes; more compelling theories of how
these institutions actually evolve are still in their infancy.
Game theory applied to the study of international cooperation assumption unified state actors
and the dominance of the international game. (strongly challenged) one must analyze the
tradeoffs a state, a particular political leadership, is willing and able to make between domestic and
foreign games.
Game-theoretic approaches are strongest when they reveal the conditions which enable
cooperation and stability; they say far less about whether regimes will actually arise, how they will
be institutionalized and, above all, the rules and norms which will comprise them. Functionalist
logic provides a useful supplement .

Functional theories
Assume rational actors, but introduce market imperfections, transactions and information costats
and uncertainty. Explains behaviors or institutions in terms of their effects.
If regimes serve to reduce information and transaction costs among their adherents, for example,
the rewards of compliance will reinforce the regime. Therefore, anticipated consequences explain
the persistence of the regime and compliance with its injunctions. The modification of regimes or
their weakening is likely to occur when they become dysfunctional. Functional theories explain
regime strength, particularly the puzzle of why compliance with regimes tends to persist even when
the structural conditions that initially gave rise to them changes.
- Not causal> better at specifying when regimes will be demanded rather than suggesting how
or when they will be supplied.
- Regimes and cooperation in one issue-area may arise as an unintended consequence of
cooperation in some other area. Collective action may not occur because of the free-rider
problem or if the need goes unperceived.
The regimes benefits are simply that it provides incentives to certain forms of cooperative action.
Regimes may be supplied when there is sufficient demand for the functions they perform, but the
market analogy has obvious limitations.
The specific functions that regimes perform naturally vary from issue-area to issue-area. > most
functionalist theorizing suggest that some generalized functions are under-provided, given
conditions of anarchy or market failure. Regime analysts working in this vein have drawn heavily
from the economic literature on transaction costs. > organizations or hierarchies evolve as
solutions to the opportunism, uncertainty, information costs, measurement problems and difficulties
of contract enforcement which plague arms-length market transactions. Drawing an analogy
between the market and the uncoordinated actions of states (Keohane, Oye, Aggarwal) have
shown that regimes reduce transactions costs and facilitate decentralized rule-making.
- Aggarwal: construction of a multilateral mechanism is organizationally less expensive than is the
development of many bilateral contracts.
- Keohane: marginal cost of dealing with an additional issue will be lower with a regime, an insight
that casts light on the important question of why regimes often expand in scope.
Once the functions are enumerated, the remaining positive research program which follows is
unclear. Crude functionalism has been criticized for simply noting that some behavior or institution
(this case, a regime) does perform an anticipated function. Even if we knew that every regime
performed some specified set of functions, this knowledge would not explain why regimes emerge
in some issue-areas and not in others. Nor would it explain why some regimes develop impressive
formal organizations while others do not.
In general, new functionalism does not distinguish clearly between institutions and organizations,
nor indicate the conditions that lead to the international development of the latter. The proper test
of a functional theory is the demonstration that actors behavior was motivated by benefits provided
uniquely, (at least more efficiently) through the regime or by reputational concerns connected to the
existence of rules.
- Keohane cooperation isnt a good, emphasizement of the functions which enhance the global
welfare or at least the collective welfare of the regimes adherents. The institutions that emerge
in world politics are certainly more likely to reflect the interests of the powerful than the interests
of the weal, a complaint repeatedly raised by commodity producers against the operation of the
- Aggarwal: regimes control large states behavior toward the small by reducing the need to
exercise power directly. Regimes have occasionally kept domestic protectionist interests from
achieving their preferred solutions. Most of the functions which regimes perform can be used to
control states when the initial discrepancies of power are large and that stronger players
frequently ignore the restraints placed on them. The regime changed when it could not
adequately serve the interests of the developed country importers.

One cannot have the productivity of an industrial society with political anarchy. But while . . . a state
is a necessary condition for realizing the gains from trade, it obviously is not sufficient. A state
becomes the inevitable source of struggle to take control of it in the interests of one of the parties.
The state then becomes the vehicle by which the costs of transacting are raised to capture the
gains that will accrue to any interested party that can control the specification and enforcement of
property rights. Douglass North

Functional theories emphasize how the facilitating role of regimes helps them realize common
interests. But regimes are also areas for conflict and the exercise of power. Because functional
theories assume highly convergent interests and downplay divergent ones, they do not explore
how regimes may institutionalize inequalities.
Cognitive theories: Knowledge, ideology, and regimes
Focus on the intersubjective meaning structures that bind actors together, they necessarily see a
looser fit between structural constraints, interests and choices. See the regimes as conditioned by
ideology and consensual knowledge and evolving as actors learn. Theres no fixed national
interest, no optimal regime.
The core cognitive insight is that cooperation cannot be completely explained without reference to
ideology, the values of actors, the beliefs they hold about the interdependence of issues, an the
knowledge available to them about how they can realize specific goals. Cognitive approach are
particularly important in explaining the substantive content of regime rules and why they evolve. By
elevating the importance of actor learning, cognitive theories have a dynamic other theoretical
approaches lack. Ends, or purposes, of action are not self-evidently derivable from the scientific
understanding of relationships among variables. The generation of new knowledge just as easily
might render a game less cooperative by exposing new incentives to defect. Nor can cognitive
approaches argue that a particular regime is uniquely suited to realize some common values.
Ruggie, criticizing the hegemonic stability theory, argues that regimes reflect not only a
configuration of power, but also a configuration of dominant social purpose. Ruggies concept of
embedded liberalism tries to describe the common social purpose that arose after the Great
Depression across the advanced capitalist states the need to reconcile the advantages of
liberalism and the costs of an unfettered market system this purpose is elastic enough to
subsume a fairly wide range of norm-governed changesincluding the move from fixed to flexible
exchange rates and the rise of the new protectionism during the 1970s it cannot fully explain
these changes.
Learning and and ideology affect international rules and cooperation by showing the merit of
certain lines of action. Knowledge and ideology, including the knowledge provided by regimes, can
alter actor interests. Even this causal language knowledge affects interests is inappropriate
since the dichotomy between ideology and knowledge on the one hand, and interests on the other,
is wholly artificial and misleading. Interests only emerge within particular normative and argue that
the assumption of rational utility maximization, for example, is too spare to be of explanatory value
since it ignores the way that historically situated actors interpret their constraints. Nor is the
problem solved simply by showing that rationality is bounded in various ways.
The predictive value of cognitive theories is problematic, particularly when they emphasize the
importance of consensual knowledge. Since future knowledge is impossible to foresee, prediction
about the substantive content of cooperation is ruled out.
Methodological biases according Ernst Haas:
The type of systems theory I find useful features the inductive method in the construction of reality
and uses the perceptions and actions of concrete human beings in grappling with reality as its
main data. Such systems are assumed "open" in the sense that they do not tend, by definition,
toward a given state, such as equilibrium. They are "constructed" in the sense that the theorist
considers them as heuristic approximations rather than networks of determinative "laws"
constraining choice.
Can interests in an issue area be unambiguously deduced from power and situational constraints?
Without shifts in power position, interests change as a result of learning, persuasion, and divine
revelation. Knowledge and ideology may then become an important explanation of regime change,
but when posed in this fashion, the question is an empirical as much as a theoretical one.

4. Conclusion: Recapturing politics

- Domestic political process has been ignored from current theories of international regimes
because of the lure of parsimonious systemic theory.
- Issue of how regimes actually influence national policy choices ( related to issue of compliance
and regime strength).
- The neglect of the domestic political and economic realm has had deeper costs, including a
neglect of the substantive issues over which states are likely to seek cooperation and the basic
forces leading to regime change.
- Solution: suggestion of research program that views international cooperation as the outcome of
relations among states and the interaction between domestic and international games and
coalitions that span national boundaries.
Do regimes matter?
Regimes affect state behavior in two ways:
1) Regimes have altered the situation or setting in which states interact so that cooperation is
more likely. (functionalist, game-theoric approaches)
2) Regimes reduce the transactions costs associated with bilateral contracting (functionalist).
Regimes can alter actors interests or preferences, which are generally held constant in functional
and game-theoric formulations. Cognitivists claim that regimes may change basic definitions of
A fit between regime rules and national behavior may not occur for:
1) Norms characterizing the regime may not be formulated to be authoritatively binding. Some
regimes allow self-selected national exemptions or represent only broad collective aspirations;
they are, in effect born weak.
2) Opportunism for disjuncture between regime norms and stat behavior. States may negotiate
regimes with the intention of breaking them or knowingly exploit others compliance in order to
extract higher payoffs.
3) Involuntary defection (Robert Putnam) happens when a party reaching or supporting an
international agreement is unable to sustain commitments because of domestic political
constraints. Examples:
1) Rise of the new protectionism in the advanced industrial states > orderly marketing
agreements and voluntary report restraints, violate GATT norms, especially non-
discrimination norm.
2) Great Britains strong commitment to maintaining the gold standard during the 1920s
stimulated strong industrial opposition to the Bank of Englands policies, contributing to
the final decision to go off gold in 1931.
Defection as the outcome of domestic political conflicts which no single actor can control.

Towards a new theory of international cooperation

Growing interdependence means the erasure of the boundaries separating international and
domestic politics. Domestic political issues spill over into international politics and foreign policy
has domestic roots and consequences. Governments (when making choices about regime creation
and compliance) try to preserve the benefits of cooperation while minimizing the costs that may fall
on politically important groups. Approaches:
Start with the domestic-level game> consider the conditions favorable to cooperation. Assumes
that a states decision to enter into and abide by international rules can be treated in the same way
as any other public choice.
- Institutionalist approach: would suggest that the area in which decisions are made conditions the
ability of state elites to sustain commitments. Decisions made in insulated areas may not be
pulled as much by uncooperative forces. The decentralization of certain policies may inhibit the
formation of international regimes.
- Coalitional approach > emphasize the constellation of domestic actors standing to benefit
from cooperation.
Unit level: interactive effects of international structures, bargaining, and rules on domestic politics
can get lost. Peter Katenzstein: the position of small states in the international system influences
the development of domestic institutions in predictable ways: these institutions, in turn, affect these
states ability to adjust to the dictates of a liberal international and regional order.
The next stop is to develop interactive models that link domestic and international politics more
closely. Robert Putnam > episodes of international cooperation -> two-level games:
1) Representatives of different countries seek to reach or sustain international agreements.
2) Those same representatives must build the political support required to sustain commitments
and establish credibility. Often occur simultaneously and expectations about the likelihood of
gaining acceptance in one area influence the bargaining process in the other.
Growing interdependence means that groups at the domestic level increasingly have regime
interests. Welfare is tied not only to particular policy decisions, but to:
- other states compliance with regime norms
- the way in which international cooperation is institutionalized,
- the access regimes provide for private actors.
Structural theory alerted us to the myopia of the second image. It would be a misfortune if the
quest for parsimonious systemic theory displaced other research and theoretical traditions that
study domestic histories and, above all, politics.

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