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Capps E Page E T and Rouse D H W Thucydides History of The Peloponnesian War Book I and II

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|T. E. PAGE, C.H., LITT.D.

CAPPS, ph.d., ll.d. tW. H. D. ROUSE, litt.d.

POST, m.a. E. H. WARMINGTON, m.a., f.r.hist.soc.





First printed 1919
Revised and Reprinted 1928
Reprinted 1935, 1951, 1956


Prinied in Great Britain








Three ancient biographies 1 of Thucydides have
come down to us, but they are of little value. They
are derived from ancient commentaries, and the bio-
graphical details which they contain, wherever they
do not upon inference from the text of the
history are often confused and contradictory.

These are supplemented by scattered statements of

several ancient writers Dionysius of Halicarnassus,
who wrote two on Thucydides (Z)< Thucy-
didis historia indicium and the Second Letter to Am-
maeus), Plutarch (Cimon iv), and Pausanias (i. xxxii.).
The-only authentic facts about the life of Thucy-
dides are gathered from casual mention in the History.
He was the son of Olorus (iv. civ. 4) commenced

the compilation of materials for writing the History

at the outset of the Peloponnesian War (i. i. 1);
and lived through the whole war, ripe in years and
One of these, compiled in three distinct portions u from
the commentaries," passed under the name of Marcellinm,
who is probably to be identified with the author of Scholia
on Hermogenes wep\ araotwr, who seems to have lived in the
fifth century A.D. another was by an anonymous gram-

marian ; and the third is a short notice in* Suidas, a.v.

A2 vii
judgment, following it with close attention, that he
might acquire accurate information (v. xxvi. 5). He
suffered from the plague of 429 b.c. (ii. xlviii. 3), of
which he wrote his famous account (ii. xlvii-liv).
Elected one of the ten generals in 424 b.c, he was
sent to the coast of Thrace (where he enjoyed the
right of working certain gold mines) to operate
against Brasidas. Failing to relieve Amphipolis, he
was exiled in 424 b.c, and remained in banishment
for twenty years, and thus was able to become ac-
quainted with affairs on both sides (v. xxvi. 5).
For other facts we are dependent largely upon
inference some are reasonably certain, others less

so. The nameof his father was identical with that

of the Thracian prince Olorus, whose daughter He-
gesipyle was married to Miltiades, and his tomb,
having the inscription ovkvSiS^s 'OAopov 'AkifxovaLos,
was in the suburb of Athens known as K01A.17 MeAe-
TtScs, adjoining those of Cimon and Miltiades (Plut.

Cim. iv). We may therefore assume that Olorus,

the father of Thucydides, was a near kinsman of the
Thracian prince Olorus. If, as Marcellinus says ( 2),
Thucydides' mother was named Hegesipyle, like
Cimon's mother, that would be confirmation of the
relationship but Plutarch makes no mention of this.

It seems likely, then, that Thucydides was of near

kin to Cimon, younger perhaps by one generation.
His father Olorus was probably a full citizen of
Athens, as is indicated by the fact that, mentioning

himself as o-rpaTrjyos (iv. civ. 4), he writes ovKv&fir)v
rbv 'OAdpov for only as an Athenian citizen could

be mentioned in this official style.

his father
As to the date of Thucydides' birth, the only
ancient statement that seems worthy of credence
was made by Pamphila, a woman writer who in the
time of Nero made a great compilation of the results
of learning. Aulus Gellius (N.A. xv. 23) quotes
from Pamphila that, at the beginning of the Pelo-
ponnesian War, Hellanicus was sixty-five years of
age, Herodotus fifty-three, Thucydides forty. Pam-
phila's dates were probably taken from the chrono-
logical handbook of Apollodorus (second century B.C.),
which was generally accepted among the Greeks and
Romans. The term forty years used by Pamphila
doubtless meant the d/c/x^ or prime of Thucydides,
and may have been fixed on the basis of his own
assertion that he began to collect material at the
opening of the war (i. i. 1) and was then in full
maturity of mind (v. xxvi. 5). At any rate his own
statement, taken with Pamphila's date, has led to
the general assumption that the historian was born
somewhere about 472 b.c
It is indicated by Marcellinus ( 46), and is prob-

able in itself, that the decree for Thucydides' ban-

ishment was adopted on the motion of Cleon, who

was then at the height of his power and it is;

probable that the charge brought against him was

treachery (Ttpo&ocria), as stated by Marcellinus ( 55)


and the anonymous biographer ( 2), and apparently
implied by Aristophanes (Vesp. 288). His own words,
wefir) fjLOL favyeiv, admit of this interpretation and ;

the statement of Pausanias (i. xxiii. 9) that he was

later recalled from exile on the motion of Oenobius
is best understood on this basis. If he had been
banished by a simple decree of the people, the
general amnesty that followed the capture of Athens
by Lysander would have been sufficient for him as
for other exiles ;the sentence was more severe,

a special decree would be necessary. But it is

possible, of course, that the motion of Oenobius
antedated the amnesty of Lysander's peace by a
few months. ^
As to Thucydides' death, therewas a persistent
tradition thatjie was assassinated, and the fact that
the History breaks off suddenly in the midst of ex-
citing events of the Decelean War seems to support
the tradition. Plutarch (Cim. iv. 3) says that it was
commonly reported that he died a violent death at
Scapte Hyle Pausanias (i. xxiii. 9), that he was

murdered on his journey home from exile Marcel- ;

linus ( 10), that after his return from exile he died

and was buried in Athens. But whether he died in
The name, which is a rare one in the fifth century, is
found as that of a general commanding in the neighbourhood
of Thasos in 410-9 b.o. and we hear somewhat later of one
Eucles, son of Oenobius hence it has been conjectured that

the father of Oenobius was Eucles, who was Thucydidea'

colleague in Thrace in 424 b.o. (lv. civ).

Thrace or in Athens, it seems clear from his own
words that he outlived the term of his banishment
(v. xxvi. 5, vvitirj fxot <f>evyeiv rrjv ifxavrov errj iko<ti)
and that he returned to Athens, since his description
of the wall of Themistocles, whose remains "may
still be seen at the Peiraeus " (i. xciii. 5), shows that

he was there after the destruction of the walls by

Lysander. If he had lived to see the restoration of
the walls by Conon in 395 B.C., it seems he would
certainly have mentioned it. There is another reason,
too, for supposing that he did not live to this year
in in. cxvi. 2 he says that the eruption of Aetna,
which occurred in the spring of 425 b.c, was the
third on record hence the one mentioned by Dio-

dorus (xiv. lix.396 b.c. could not have been

3) for
known to him. seems reasonable, then, to assume
that he was not alive in 396 I3.c.
There is a pretty and oft-repeated story J that
Thucydides, as a boy, heard Herodotus recite a
portion of his History at Olympia and was moved
thereby to tears, whereupon Herodotus said, " Olo-
rus, your son's spirit is aflame with a passion for
learning." But Lucian, when telling of the powerful
effect of Herodotus' recitation at Olympia, 2 would
surely have mentioned this circumstance had he
known of it ; besides, chronology is in the way, if

Suidas s.v. opyav and oui/5/5rjj ; Photius, Bibl. 60;
Marcellinua, 54.
" Htrod. i.
we hold to Pamphila's testimony. But if he did
not as a boy hear Herodotus recite at Olympia, he
must have known him later as a man at Athens.
The period of his youth and early manhood fell in
the time when Athens was most prolific in great
men. It is clear that he had heard and admired Pe-
ricles, and he must have seen Aeschylus and known

Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Anaxagoras, So-

crates, Gorgias, Antiphon, Pheidias, Polygnotus,
Mnesicles, Ictinus, Callicrates, and Hippocrates.
Association with such men and the atmosphere of
Athens at such a time best explain the development
of his genius ; but the limits of his subject, as he
conceived it, precluded any mention of any of these
except Pericles, so that for any personal influence ot

theirs upon him we are left to inference. The first

seven years of the war, before his banishment, were

doubtless spent in large part at Athens, where he
must have heard the speeches of Pericles, the dis-
cussions about Mytilene and about Pylos, as well as
about other matters of which we have accounts in
this History. But the twenty years of his exile he
probably passed largely on his properties in Thrace, 1

engaged in the task of compiling materials for his

work about the war, as indeed we are told that he
It was his family connection with Thrace which led to
his acquiring the right of working gold mines in that region
(iv. cv. 1), which is all that he himself says, though his
biographers state that he was the owner of gold mines at
Scapte Hyle.

did by Plutarch (De Exil. xiv.) and Marcellinus ( 25
and 47).
From Thucydides' opening statement, that he
began the composition of his History at the out-
break of the war, expecting it to be a great one
and more noteworthy than any that had gone before,
we should naturally infer that he continued the
compilation and composition throughout the war,
and in fact as it is clearly unfinished until his
death. was never completed, so it was
Again, as it

never completely revised, and it is natural that one

can find traces of the different dates at which the
several portions were composed. Evidence of this
kind has been brought forward in support of differ-
ent hypotheses as to the composition of the work.
The most famous of these was that put forth by
F. W. Ullrich in his Beitr'dge zur Erklarung des Thu-
kydides, Hamburg, 1845, in which it is maintained
that Books I-V. xxvi, which contain the history of
the Archidamian War (432-421 b.c), formed a sepa-
composed between the Peace of Nicias
rate treatise
and the Sicilian Expedition, and that the phrase
"this war" in the earlier books refers to the Ten
Years' War only.
In v. xxvi Thucydides does make a fresh start with
the words, " The same Thucydides recorded the
events in order, reckoning by summers and winters, 1
His division of the year corresponds to the actual con-
ditions of the carrying on of war in ancient times summer :

until the fall But he adds, "The
of Athens."
war lasted twenty -seven years, and anyone
who declines to count the interval of truce as war
is mistaken " which sounds very much like the
opening of a second volume of a work that falls
into natural divisions. It is quite likely, as Ullrich
maintains, that the account of the Archidamian War
(i.-v. was composed mainly
xxvi.) in the interval
between 421 and 416 b.c. but that ; it received im-
portant additions after the fall of Athens seems
certain, e.g. 11. lxv. on the career of Pericles. So
much may well be admitted for Ullrich's hypothesis,
but it is not necessary to admit more. Even the
story of the Sicilian expedition, the finest part of
the whole work, need not be considered to have
been originally a separate treatise, but only to have
received especial care. As for the rest, a paragraph
from Classen's introduction to Book V outlines a
probable order for the growth of the history which
seems reasonable "Though I am convinced thai

the whole work was written in the shape in which

we have it after the conclusion of the Peloponnesian
War, and that Thucydides was called away from life
when engaged in the last revision and combination
of the portions which he had noted down and
sketched in outline from the beginning of the war,

the larger half, including both spring and autumn cover-

ing the time approximately from March to October, winter
from November to February.


yet I do not believe that all parts of the work re-
ceived an equally thorough review. I think that the
masterly introduction, which makes our First Book,
was completed with the full knowledge of the disas-
trous result of the twenty-seven years' war; that
then the history of the ten years' war and the Si-
cilian Expedition, for which it is likely that the
results of laborious inquiry were already at hand
more or perfectly worked out, received their
final touchesand that after this, before the thread

of the narrative was taken up again with the Ionic-

Decelean War, the intervening period of the elprjvrj
vttovXos was described."
The most interesting testimony as to the recog-
nition of the power of Thucydides in ancient times
is Lucian's statement (adv. Indoct. 102) that Demo-

sthenes copied out the history eight times. Dio

Cassius constantly imitated and borrowed from him,
and among others of the later historians who emu-
lated him were Philistus, Arrian, and Procopius.
There is internal evidence that Tacitus was influ-
enced by him, and Sallust often imitated him. Quin-
tilian's oft-quoted characterization, Densus et brevis el
semper instans sibi Thucydides, shows his appreciation.
In modern timeshis greatest panegyrist is Macaulay
" There no prose composition, not even the De

Corona, which I place so high as the Seventh Book

of Thucydides. It is the ne plus ultra of human
art"; again, "The retreat from Syracuse Is it or

not the finest thing you ever read in your life?"
is it ;

and still again, "He is the greatest historian that

ever lived." John Stuart Mill said, "The most
powerful and affecting piece of narrative perhaps
in all literature is the account of the Sicilian cata-
strophe in his Seventh Book." The Earl of Chatham,
on sending his son William Pitt to Cambridge, "left
to professional teachers the legitimate routine in the
classic authors, but made it his particular desire that
Thucydides, the eternal manual of statesmen, should
be the first Greek which his son read after coming
to college." And the Earl of Chatham's estimate is
well supported by Sir G. Cornwall Lewis " For :

close, cogent,and appropriate reasoning on political

questions, the speeches of Thucydides have never
been surpassed and indeed they may be considered

as having reached the highest excellence of which

the human mind is capable in that department."
In the ordinary narration of events the style of
Thucydides is clear, direct, graphic. In strong con-
trast with this generally simple and lucid form of

statement is his style in describing battles and other

critical events, in generalizations, and especially in
the speeches ; here the statement is often so concise
and condensed as to become very difficult. Thucy-
dides was not the first to use speeches as a means
of vivid presentation of important crises and the
actors in them for that he had the precedent of

Homer and the Attic drama. But he used this


means with such impressive effect and success as to
induce frequent imitation in later historical writing
in ancient times. He does not pretend to give the
exact words of the speakers, but says frankly in the
Introduction (i. xxii. 1): "As to the speeches that
were made by different men, either when they were
about to begin the war or when they were already
engaged therein, it has been difficult to recall with
strict accuracy the words actually spoken, both for

me as regards that which I myself heard, and for

those who from various other sources have brought
me reports. Therefore the speeches are given in the
language in which, as it seemed to me, the several

speakers would express, on the subjects under con-

most befitting the occasion,
sideration, the sentiments
though at the same time have adhered as closely as

possible to the general sense of what was actually

said." As a natural result the language of the
speeches has a uniform character, both in the struc-
ture of the sentences and in particular expressions
in other words it is that of Thucydides himself; but
at the same time the character and mode of thought
of the assumed speaker are clearly manifest in each
speech. In the hands of Thucydides such a means
of presenting to us a critical situation is extraordin-
arily effective ; here, as in his most striking narra-
tions, his readers become spectators, as Plutarch
expressed it. Or as Classen said, " Without our own
choice we find ourselves involved in the conflict of

interests, and are put in the position to form judg-
ment for ourselvesfrom the situation and the feeling
of parties. Very seldom does the historian himself
add a word of comment."
We are accustomed to admire among Thucydides'
great qualities as historian, his impartiality, his
trustworthiness, vivid description, sense of contrast,
conciseness, epigrammatic sententiousness, reserve,
pathos. Wecome to approve heartily his way of
leaving facts clearly stated and skilfully grouped to
carry their own judgments. He is never a partisan,
and the unsophisticated reader might at times wonder
what his nationality was did he not frequently sub-
scribe himself "Thucydides the Athenian." Histo-
rians sometimes criticise his attitude, but they all
accept his statements of fact. His descriptions of
battles read as if he himself had been present. He
dramatises history by placing events in such juxta-
position that a world of moral is conveyed without
a word of comment for example, when the funeral

oration with its splendid eulogy of Athens is followed

by the description of the plague, the disgraceful
Melian episode is succeeded by the Sicilian disaster,
the holiday-like departure from Athens is set over
against the distressful flight from Syracuse. He
packs his language so full of meaning that at times
a sentence does duty for a paragraph, a word for a
sentence. "Of all manifestations of power, restraint
impresses men most," and however much we regret
his reserve, since for much that he might have told
us we have no other witnesses, we come more and
more to regard this as great art. As for pathos,no
historian ever excelled such passages as those where
the utter defeat of a hitherto invincible navy is por-
trayed (vn. lxxi), or the misery and dejection of the
departing Athenian host is described (vn. lxxv), or
where the final catastrophe in the river Assinarus
seems to occur before our eyes, preparing us for the
final sentence " Fleet and army perished from the

face of the earth, nothing was saved, and of the

many who went forth few returned home."



Of Thucydidean manuscripts the following are, according

to Hade, the most important :

A Cisalpinus sive Italus, now in Paris (suppl. Gr. 255),

parchment, 11th or 12th century.
B Vaticanus, Vatican Library at Rome (126), parchment,
11th century.
C Laurentianus, Laurentian Library at Florence (69, 2),
parchment, 11th century.
E Palalinus, Library at Heidelberg (252), parchment, 11th
F Augustanus, Library at Munich (430), parchment, 11th
G Monacensis, Library at Munich (228), paper, 13th century.
M Britannicus, British Museum (11727), parchment, 11th

No one of these manuscripts is of such age or excellence as

to deserve preference before all others ; but of the two
families which may be distinguished, Laurentianus leads the
one, namely, C and G, Vaticanus the other, namely, ABEF.
Britannicus holds a sort of middle ground between the two.
Hude's preference is for Laurentianus; Classen's, following
Bekker, for Vaticanus. From vi. xciv on Vaticanus has a
special value as coming perhaps from a different copy.

Complete Editions
Aldus Editio Princeps, Venice, 1502, folio scholia 1503.

Stephanus Paris, 1564, folio with scholia and Valla's Latin


version made in 1452. The second edition (1688) is the

source of the Vulgate.
I. Bekker: Oxford, 1821, 4 vols., with scholia and Uuker's
Latin version. Also Ed. ster. altera, Berlin, 1832
('46, '68).

Poppo : Leipzig, 1821-40, 11 vols, (prolegomena, commen-
tary, etc.).
Poppo Minor edition, Leipzig, 1843-51, 4 vols. ; revised

1875-85 by Stahl.
Goeller Leipzig, 1826 and 1836, 2 vols., annotated.

Arnold London and Oxford. 1830-39, 3 vols., annotated.


Didot Paris, 1840, text with Latin version by Haase.


Bloomfield London, 1842-43, 2 vols., annotated.


Kriiger Berlin, 1846-7 and 1858-61, 2 vols., annotated.


Boehme Leipzig, 1856 and 1871-75, annotated new edition

: ;

revised by Widmann.
Classen Berlin, 1862-76 and 1875-85, 8 vols., annotated

revised by Steup.
Stahl: Editio ster. Leipzig, 1873-74, 2 vols., introduction,
text and adnotatio critica.
Van Herwerden Utrecht, 1877-82, 5 vols., text with critical

Jones : Oxford, 1898, 2 vols., text.
Hude : Leipzig, 1898-1901, text with critical notes.

Editions of Single Books

Shilleto Books I and II, London, 1872-3, with

: critical
and explanatory notes.
Schoene Books I and II, Berlin, 1874, text and
: critical
Croiset Books I and II, Paris, 1886, annotated.

Rutherford Book IV, London, 1889. :

American " College Series," Boston, based on Classen-Steup :

Morris, Book I, 1887 Fowler, V, 1888 Smith, III,

; ;

1894; VI, 1913; VII, 1886.

Lamberton Books VI and VII, New York, 1886
: II and ;

III, 1905.
Holden Book VII, Cambridge, 1891.

Ooodhart Book VIII. London, 1893. :

Marchant Book II, London, 1893 VI, 1905

: VII, ; ; 1910.
Spratt: Book III, Cambridge, 1896; IV, 1912; VI, 1905.
Fox: Book IH, Oxford, 1901.
Tucker: Book VIII, London, 1908.
Mills Book II, Oxford, 1913.


I. Sov/cvBiBr]? 'Adrjvaio? gvveypa-yfre rbv iro-

Xepiov twv Yie\oirovvriai(ov /ecu *K6r)vaiwv a>?

eiroXepbrjaav aWrfkovs, dpfjdpievos evOvs


KaOtarapevov kcu eXiriaas peyav re eaeaOca /cat

dgioXoycorarov rwv irpoyeyevqpievcov, re/cpaipo-
fievos on a/cp,dovT<; re ycrav e? avrbv dpu^orepoi
TTapacrKevf) rfj iraey teal to aXXo 'EXXtjvlkov
opejv %vvi(TTap,evov 777)09 efcarepov?, to pep ev6v<;,
2 to Be teal Biavoovpuevov. kivt)cti^ yap avrrj Br)

/xeyio-TT} Tot? "JLXXrjcriv eyevero teal pepei nvl rcov

j3ap/3dpcov, ox? Be elirelv /cal eVl nXelarov dvOpco-
ttcov. ra yap irpb ra en TraXalrepa
avr&v teal

aacfiojs /JL6V evpelv Bed y^pbvov irXr)9o<; dBvvarov

r)v, e/e Be Te/ep,r}pia)v wv errl pa/cporarov aKOirovvrl

poi TTiaTevcrai v/j,j3aivei, ov pueydXa vopi'C.w

yevkaOai ovre Kara tou? iroXep^ov^ ovre e? ra

II. Qaivejai yap r) vvv 'EXXa? KaXovpuemj ov
irdXat j3e/3aL(os ol/covp,evr), dXXa peravaardae^
re ovcrai ra irporepa /cal paBlox; e/cao~roi rr)v
The Greek text used for this translation of Thucydides
is that of Hude. Variations from his text are indicated in

I. Thucydides, an Athenian, wrote the history

of the war waged by the Peloponnesians and the
Athenians against one another. He began the task
at the very outset of the war, in the belief that
it would be great and noteworthy above all the

wars that had gone before, inferring this from the

fact that both powers were then at their best in
preparedness for war in every way, and seeing the
rest of the Hellenic race taking sides with one state
or the other, some at once, others planning to do so.
For this was the greatest movement that had ever
stirred the Hellenes, extending also to some of the
Barbarians, one might say even to a very large part
of mankind. Indeed, as to the events of the period
just preceding this, and those of a still earlier date,
it was impossible to get clear information on account
of lapse of time but from evidence which, on pushing

my inquiries to the furthest point, I find that I can

trust, I think that they were not really great either as
regards the wars then waged or in other particulars.
II. For it is plain that what is now called Hellas
was not of old settled with fixed habitations, but
that migrations were frequent in former times, each
tribe readily leaving its own land whenever they were
eavrwv aTToke'nrovTes, j3ia%6fjLvoi vw6 Tivmv alel
2 rrXeiovcov. tt)? ydp ifjuropla? ovk ovarf? ovB'
7rifjLiyvvvT<; dBea? dXXrjXot,? ovre Kara yfjv ovre
Bid daXaaaris, vepLo/jLevol re ra eavr&v eKacrroi
oaov airo^rjv Kal rrepiovaiav %p7]fj,drcov ovk e^ovres
ovBe yr\v (frvrevovres, dBrfkov bv oirore ri$ eireX-
Ocov, Kal dreiyicrrwv dfia ovrcov, dXXo<; d(f>aipi]-

cerai, T779 Te KaO* rjfiepav dvayKaiov rpo<f)r)s

iravraypv dv 7jy ov/ievoi, eiriKparelv ov ^aXeiTa)?

diravicrravro, Kal Bl avrb ovre fieyeOei iroXetov
3 layyov ovre rfj aXXy irapaaKevfj. fidXiara Be
rjqs yr)<; rj dplarrj alel Ta? /jbera/3oXa<; rcov oIktj-
ropo)i> elyev, rj re vvv SeaaaXla KaXov pLevri Kal
Boirorla TleXoTrovvrjcrov re ra iroXXa irXrjv 'Ap-
4 KaBlas tt}? re aXXr)*; oaa r)v Kpdrtara. Sea yap
dperrjv yr/s at re Bwdpueis rccrl /xet^bf? eyyiyvo-
fievat ardo-eis iveirolovv e'f a>v efydeipovro, Kal
5 dfia V7T0 dXXocftvXcov pdXXov iireftovXevovro. rr)v

yovv 'ArriKijv ck rov eVt irXelo-rov Bid ro Xeirro-

yeoiv daraalacrrov ovcrav dvQpwnoi (pKovv ol
6 ovrol alel. Kal irapdheiyfia roBe rov Xoyov ovk
eXu^iarov eari Bid rd<; /xeroLKjjaeL^ra aXXa fit)

OfAolcos av^T)0t]var K yap tT/9 aXXr/s 'EXXdBo? ol


7roXe/JL(p rj ardaei eKirlirrovre^ reap 'Adrjvalov?

ol Bvvarcorarot a>9 (3e(3aiov bv dveyyapovv, Kal
nroXlrau ytyvo/xevoi evOvs dirb iraXaiov fxei^w en
So Ullrich : fieroiKias is Mn.
BOOK I. ii. 1-6

forced to do so by any people that was more numer-

ous. For there was no mercantile traffic and the
people did not mingle with one another without fear,
either on land or by sea, and they each tilled their
own land only enough to obtain a livelihood from it,
having no surplus of wealth and not planting orchards,
since it was uncertain, especially as they were yet
without walls, when some invader might come and
despoil them. And thinking that they could ob-
tain anywhere the sustenance required for their daily
needs, they found it easy to change their abodes, and
for this reason were not strong as regards either the
size of their cities or their resources in general. And
it was always the best of the land that was most
subject to these changes of inhabitants
the districts
now called Thessaly and Boeotia, most of the Pelo-
ponnesus except Arcadia, and the most fertile regions
in the rest of Hellas. For the greater power that
accrued to some communities on account of the
fertility of their land occasioned internal quarrels
whereby they were ruined, and at the same time
these were more exposed to plots from outside tribes.
Attica, at any rate, was free from internal quarrels
from the earliest times by reason of the thinness of
its soil, and therefore was inhabited by the same
people always. And here is an excellent illustration
of the truth of my statement that it was owing to
these migrations that the other parts of Hellas did
not increase in the same way as Attica for the most

influential men of the other parts of Hellas, when

they were driven out of their own countries by war
or sedition, resorted to Athens as being a firmly
settled community, and, becoming citizens, from the
very earliest times made the city still greater in the
iiroirjcrav irXr)Oei, avO pdyrrwv ryv ttoXlv, ware
teal e? 'Icoviav vcrrepov &)? ow% iKavrj? overt]? rr)?
Am kt)? aiTOi/ctas i^eirefMyjrav.

III. AtjXol Be yLtoi zeal rode rwv rraXaiwv da9e-

vetav ovx rjKLcrra' irpb yap rcov TpooiKwv ovBev
<f>aiverai rrporepov tcoLvfj epyacrafievrj r) EWa?*
2 BoKel Be pot, ovBe rovvo/jua rovro ^v/Jbiraaa 7Tft>

eZ%ei>, <*XXa rd p,ev Trpo EXXr)vo? rod AevKaXico-

vo? real irdw ovBe elvat, r) eTTLKXrjai? avrrj, Kara
eOvy] Be aXXa re teal rb TleXacryiKOV irrl irXelarov
a$) eavrwv rr)v eiroovvfiiav rrape^o'OaL, "EXXtjvo?
Be teal rcov iraiBwv avrov ev rrj <t>dtooriBc io~yy-

advrwv, Kal eirayofievwv avrov? eir oocpeXia, e?

ra? aXXa? iroXei?, teat? ifedarovs fiev i]Brj rfj
opaXia puaXXov KaXelaOai "EXXrjva?, ov fievroi
7roXXov ye %p6vov eBvvaro teal airacnv etcPLtefjcrai.
3 retcfirjpiol Be fidXccrra "Ofirjpo?. ttoXXo) yap
varepov en teal rcov Tpcoirecov yevofievo? ovBafiov
ovrco x
roi)? ^vpuiravra? wvofiaaev ovB* aXXov?
r)rov? fierd 'A^iWea? etc rrj? <>0icor{,Bo?, oXirep

Kal irpcoroi "EXXrjve? r/aav, Aavaov? Be ev rol?

eirecn teal
Apyeuov? teal 'A^atou? dvateaXel. ov
/jbrjv ovBe ftapfidpov? eiprjtce Bid ro /xr)Be "EX-
Xtivd? 7ra), &)? e/jLol Botcel, dvrirraXov e? ev 6vop.a
4 aTroteeKpicrOai^ oi B' ovv ft)? eteaaroi "EXXrjve?
Kara iroXeL? re oaoi dXXrfXwv %vvieo~av Kal %v/jl-

iravre? varepov fc\rjdevT$ ovBev irpb rdv TpcoL-

kcov Bi dadeveiav Kal d/ieiljlav dXXrjXoov dOpoot,
Added by Reiske,
BOOK I. ii. 6-m. 4

number of its inhabitants so that Attica proved too


small to hold them, and therefore the Athenians

eventually sent out colonies even to Ionia.
III. The weakness of the olden times is further
proved to me chiefly by this circumstance, that before
the Trojan war, Hellas, as it appears, engaged in no
enterprise in common. Indeed, it seems to me that
as a whole it did not yet have this name, either, but
that before the time of Hellen, son of Deucalion,
this title did not even exist, and that the several
tribes, the Pelasgian most extensively, gave their
own names to the several districts but when Hellen

and his sons became strong in Phthiotis and were

called in to the aid of the other cities, the clans
thenceforth came more and more, by reason of this
intercourse, to be called Hellenes, though it was a
long time before the name could prevail among them
all. The best evidence of this is given by Homer;
for, though his time was much later even than the
Trojan war, he nowhere uses this name of all, or
indeed of any of them except the followers of
Achilles of Phthiotis, who were in fact the first
Hellenes, but designates them in his poems as
Danaans and Argives and Achaeans. And he has
not used the term Barbarians, either, for the reason,
as it seems to me, that the Hellenes on their part
had not yet been separated off so as to acquire one
common name by way of contrast. However this
may be, those who then received the name of
Hellenes, whether severally and in succession, city
by city, according as they understood one another's
speech, or in a body at a later time, engaged
together in no enterprise before the Trojan war,
on account of weakness and lack of intercourse
errpa^av. dXXa Kal ravrrjv rrjv arpareiav 9 a-
\d(j(jrj rjhr) rrXeico ^pcofievoi %vvrj\6ov.
IV. Mlvcos yap iraXairaro^ cov ciKofj tcr/xev

vavriKov KT7](raT0 Kal tt)<s vvv 'EWrjvLfcr)*; 9a-

Xdao-rjs eirl irXelarov ifcpdrrjcre Kal rcov Kv/c\d-
Bcov vijacov r)p%e re teal oiKiari)*; irpcoros rcov
irXeiarcov eyevero, YLdpas efeXacra? Kal rovs
eavrov iralBas rjye/iovas eyKaraarrjcras' ro re
XrjcrriKov, a>9 et/co?, KaOrjpei i/c rr}$ 9aXdao~7]<; ('

octov iBvvaro, rov rds irpocrohovs fxdXXov Ikvai

V. 01 yap "KXXrjves rb irdXat, Kal rcov ftap-
(Bdpcov oi re ev rfj rjirelpco irapaOaXdaaioi, Kal
oaoi v^aovs el^ov, eireiBr) rjp^avro fidXXov ire-
paiovaQai vavalv eV dXXi'iXovs, erpdirovro rrpb^
Xrjareiav, ^yovfievcov dvBpcov ov rcov dBvvarcord-
rcov KepBovs rod o~cf>erepov avrcov eveKa Kal Tot?
dadevecri rpocpijs, Kal Trpoairiirrovre^ iroXecnv
dreLylaroi^ Kal Kara Kcopua^ oiKovfievais rjpira^ov
Kal rov uXelarov rov (Biov evrevOev eiroiovvro,
ovk %ovr6<; rrco alcr^vvtiv rovrov rod epyov,
2 cfrepovros Be re Kal B6%r)<; fiaXXov BrjXovai Be rcov
re r)ireipcorcov rives en Kal vvv, oU k6o~/ao<; KaXcos
rovro Bpdv, Kal oi iraXaiol rcov Troiijrcov rac
TTvareL? rcov KarairXeovrcov iravraypv 6/j.olcos

epcorcovres el XyaraL eicriv, a>? ovre cov irvvOdvov-

rac diratJLovvrcov to epyov, oi? re tTU/xeXe? eirj

BOOK I. m. 4-v. 2

with one another. And they united even for this

expedition only when they were now making con-
siderable use of the sea.
IV. Minos is the earliest of all those known to us
by tradition who acquired a navy. He made himself
master of a very great part of what is now called
the Hellenic Sea, and became lord of the Cyclades
islands and first colonizer of most of them, driving
out the Carians and establishing his own sons in
them as governors. Piracy, too, he naturally tried
to clear from the sea, as far as he could, desiring
that his revenues should come to him more readily.
V. It should be explained that in early times both
the Hellenes and the Barbarians who dwell on the
mainland near the sea, 1 as well as those on the islands,
when once they began more frequently to cross over
in ships to one another, turned to piracy, under the
lead of their most powerful men, whose motive was
their own private gain and the support of their
weaker followers, and falling upon cities that were
unprovided with walls and consisted of groups of
villages, they pillaged them and got most of their
living from that source. For this occupation did not
as yet involve disgrace, but rather conferred some-
thing even of glory. This is shown by the practice,
even at the present day, of some of the peoples on
the mainland, who still hold it an honour to be suc-
cessful in this business, as well as by the words of
the early poets, who invariably ask the question of
all who put in to shore, whether they are pirates, 2
the inference being that neither those whom they
ask ever disavow that occupation, nor those ever
e.g. Phoenicians, Carians, and probably Epirots.
* cf. Homer, y 73 ; 252.

VOL. I. t, 9
3 elhevcu ovk ovelBi^ovtcov. eXrj^ovro Be kcu kclt
rjireipov dX\ijXov$. Kal p-eypL rov ^ e iroWa tt??

'EWaSo? rco TraXaico rpoircp vefxerat irepi re

AoKpovs tou? Oo\a? ical AltcoXovs Kal 'A/cap-
vdvas kcu rrjv ravrrj i)ireipov to re aihipofyopel-
adai tovtols roU rjireLpunai? cltto t?}? TraXaids
XrjCFTeias ifi/j,e/iV7]Kev.
VI. TIacra yap rj 'EAAa? icri8i]po(f)6pei, Bid ra?

dcfydp/cTOvs re ol/ajaeis Kal ovk dacpaXeU Trap

aXXyXovs icpoBovs, kcu ^vv^Orj rr/v Biatrav fieO'
2 oirXcov 67TOit]aavro cocnrep ol ftdpftapoi. arj/jbelov

8' iarl\ravrctr\rj(; 'EWaSo? en ovrtei vefiofieva

3 rcov wore kcu e? irdvra^ 6/jlolcov BiaiTrj/jLarcov. iv

rot? irpcoroi Be W.9 rjvalot top re alBrjpov Kare-

devro kcu dveifxevr) rfj Siclltt} e? to rpvcpepcorepov
fxereart-jaav. kcu ol irpea^vTepoi avrols rcov ev-
haifJLovwv Bid to dftpoBLanov ov ttoXik; xpovos
eTretBrj yiTtovds re Xirov<; eiravaavro cfiopovvres
Kal ypvacov rerTLycov evepaei Kpco/SvXov dvaBov-
fievoi rcov iv rf) KecpaXfj rpiycov d<> ov Kal
'lcovcov tou? 7rpea/3vrepov<; Kara to fjvyyeve? iirl

4 ttoXv avTT] 7] cTKevrj Karevyev. fierpla S' av

iadrjrc Kal e? rov vvv rpowov irpcoroi AaKeBat-
/iovlol e\py]aavro Kal e? rd aX\a irpbs tov$ ttoX-
Xou? ol rd pel^co KeKTrj/xevoi laoBiairou /idXicrra
5 KaTeaT7)aav. iyv/xvcodt]adv re irpcoroi Kal e? to

BOOK I. v. 2-vi. 5

censure it who are concerned to have the informa-

tion. On the mainland also men plundered one
another and even to-day in many parts of Hellas

life goes on under the old conditions, as in the region

of the Ozolian Locrians, Aetolians, Acarnanians, and
the mainland thereabout. And these mainlanders'
habit of carrying arms is a survival of their old
freebooting life.
VI. Indeed, all the Hellenes used to carry arms
because the places where they dwelt were unpro-
tected, and intercourse with each other was unsafe ;

and in their everyday life they regularly went armed

just as the Barbarians did. And the fact that these
districts of Hellas still retain this custom is an evi-
dence that at one time similar modes of life pre-
vailed everywhere. But the Athenians were among
the very first to lay aside their arms and, adopting an
easier mode of life, to change to more luxurious
ways. And indeed, owing to this fastidiousness, it
was only recently that their older men of the wealthier
class gave up wearing tunics of linen and fastening
up their hair in a knot held by a golden grasshopper
as a brooch l and this same dress obtained for a

long time among the elderly men of the Ionians

also, owing to their kinship with the Athenians.
An unpretentious costume after the present fashion
was first adopted by the Lacedaemonians, and in
general their wealthier men took up a style of living
that brought them as far as possible into equality
with the masses. And they were the first to bare
their bodies and, after stripping openly, to anoint
The mode of wearing the hair in a knot on the top of
the head with the insertion of a pin in the form of a cicada
seems to have persisted long at Athens, a mark of antiquated
manners as characteristic as the queue or pig-tail with us.
<f>avepbv aTroBvvres Xiira fiera rov yv\xvd^ecrOai
rjXei^ravTO. to Be irdXai Kal ev to> 'OXv/ittlkw
dycovi Bia^cofiara e*%ovre<; ire pi ra alBola ol dOXrj-

ral rjycovl^ovro, Kal ov iroXXa tt) eTreiBrj ireTravv-

rar en Be real ev roh ftapftdpoi? eariv oh vvv,

teal p,d\i(TTa rot? 'Aaiavois, Trvyfirjs kclI irdXrjs
6 dOXa rlOerai, teal Bie^cofievoc rovro Bpwaiv. iroXXa
B* dv kclI aXXa ti$ aTroBeitjeie to TraXaibv 'E\-
\t)vlkov ofioiOTpoira ra> vvv fiapfiapitca) Biairon-

VII. Twv Be TToXecov ocrai fiev vecorara (pKiadrj-
crav Kal tfBrj TrXcoificorepcov ovrcov Trepiovcrias p,dX-

Xov eyovaai ^prj/idrcov, eV avrols rols alyiaXols

e/cTL&vTO Kal relyecri tou? la6p,ov<; aTreXdfi/Savov
ifjLTropias re evefca Kal r*)? irpb<i tou? irpoaoiKov^
eKaaroi tcr^uo?* at Be iraXaial Bid rrjv Xrjareiav
eirl iroXi) dvrla^ovaav dirb daXdcrarj^ fidXXov
coKtadrjaav, a'i re ev rats vrjcroi<; Kal ev rats
rjirelpois (efapov yap dXXrjXovs re Kal rcov aXXcov
ocroi ovres ov daXdacnoi Karco ojkovv), Kal ^%pi
rovBe en dv(pKLa/j.evoi elaiv.
VIII. Kal ovx rjo-aov Xyaral rjaav ol vrjcricorai,
Kape? re ovres Kal <$>oiviKe<;. ovroi yap Br] tc?
irXeiara^ rcov vijacov (pKtjcrav. fiaprvpiov Be'

At'jXov yap Ka0aipop.evr)<; vtto AOrjvaLcov ev ra>Be

TO) TroXe/jLO) Kal twv $i]kcov dvaipeOeiacov, ocrai
r/crav ra)V T0ved)TU)v ev rfj vijaw, virep r\pnav

BOOK I. vi. 5-vm. i

themselves with when they engaged in athletic

exercise ; early times, even in the Olympic
for in
games, the athletes wore girdles about their loins in
the contests, and it is not many years since the
practice has ceased. Indeed, even now among some
of the Barbarians, especially those of Asia, where
prizes for wrestling and boxing are offered, the con-
testants wear loin-cloths. And one could show that
the early Hellenes had many other customs similar
to those of the Barbarians of the present day.
VII. However, the cities which were founded in
more recent times, when navigation had at length
become safer, and were consequently beginning to
have surplus resources, were built right on the sea-
shore, and the isthmuses 1 were occupied and walled
off with a view to commerce and to the protection of
the several peoples against their neighbours. But
the older cities, both on the islands and on the main-
land, were built more at a distance from the sea on
account of the piracy that long prevailed for the
pirates were wont to plunder not only one another,
but also any others who dwelt on the coast but were

not sea-faring folk and even to the present day
they lie inland.
VIII. Still more addicted to piracy were the
islanders. These included Carians as well as Phoe-
nicians, for Carians inhabited most of the islands, as
may be inferred from the fact that, when Delos was
purified by the Athenians in this war - and the graves
of all who had ever died on the island were re-
moved, over half were discovered to be Carians,
i.e. fortified cities were established on peninsulas, con-
nected with the mainland by an isthmus, which was then
walled off as Epidamnus(ch. xxvi. 5) and Potidaea (iv. cxx. 3).
In the sixth year of the war, 426 B.C. cf. in. civ.
Ka/)69 i(j)dvr]aav, yvcoafievTes rfj re o-fcevf) tcov

07r\(0V ^VVT0a/l/jLVr] Kdl Tft) TpOTTCp CO VVV TL

2 KaracrTdpTOS Se tov Mlvco vclvtikov TrXcoifico-

repa iyevero Trap aKXr)Xov<s {pi yap i/c tcov vrjacov

rccLKOvpyoL dvecrrrjaav vtt avrov, oreirep Kal ra?

3 ttoWcls avTcov KaTcoKi^e), Kal oi irapd OdXaaaav
avOpcDiroi fiaXXov r/Sr} rrjv KTrjaiv tcov XP rl^ TCOV

TrepiefiaWovTO * a>? irXovcncoTepoi, eavTCOv yiyvo-

fievor ecpiefievoi yap tcov KepBcov oi re r?<7o-ou?

vTrifievov tcov Kpeiaaovcov hovXeiav, oX re Bvva-

rd)TpoL irepiovGia<; e'vo^T69 TrpoaeirocovvTO viri]-
koovs iXdaaov<; 7ro\ei?. fcal iv tovtco tw

fiaXXov rj&r] ovres varepov XP V(P ^
Tpoiav earpdievaav.
IX. 'At a \xkpuvcov re /jloi $okl tcov tots Buvdfiei
KaT6i\7][i[ievov<; tou? 'EXevrj^ fivTjarripa^ dycov tov
2 cttoXov dyelpat. Xeyovai he teal oi tcl aacpecrTaTa
HeKoTTOVVi-iaicov ^v^firj irapd tcov irpoTepov Se-
Seyfiivo'i TleXoird t irpcoTOV 7r~\ij6ei xPV^ TCOl '> a
rjkdev iic tt}? 'Acrta? ex^v e? dvOpcoirovs dizopovs,

hvvap.iv irepLTTOiricrdpLevov ttjv iircovvfiiav rf}<; %co-

pas 7T7]\vv ovTa o/jlcos <rx*w> Kal vcrTepov Toh
1 Hude reads irepte/3aA.ovTo with C r

1 According to the post-Homeric legend, all who paid

their court to Helen engaged to defend the man of her


BOOK I. vm. i-ix. 2

being recognized by the fashion of the armour found

buried with them, and by the mode of burial, which
is that still in use among them.

But when the navy of Minos had been established,

navigation between various peoples became safer
for the evil-doers on the islands were expelled by him,
and then he proceeded to colonize most of them
and the dwellers on the sea-coast now began to
acquire property more than before and to become
more settled in their homes, and some, seeing that
they were growing richer than before, began also
to put walls around their cities. Their more settled
life was due to their desire for gain actuated by ;

this, the weaker citizens were willing to submit to

dependence on the stronger, and the more powerful
men, with their enlarged resources, were able to
make the lesser cities their subjects. And later on,
when they had at length more completely reached
this condition of affairs, they made the expedition
against Troy.
IX. And it was, as I think, because Agamemnon
surpassed in power the princes of his time that he
was able to assemble his fleet, and not so much
because Helen's suitors, whom he led, were bound
by oath to Tyndareus. 1 It is said, furthermore, by
those of the Peloponnesians who have received the
clearest traditional accounts from men of former
times, that it was by means of the great wealth
which he brought with him from Asia into the midst
of a poor people that Pelops first acquired power,
and, consequently, stranger though he was, gave his
name to the country, and that yet greater things
choice against all wrong, cf. Isoc. x. 40 ; Paus. in. xx. 9 ;

Apollod. in. x. 9.

eKyovois en fJLL%(o ^vveve\6r}vai, JLvpvaOecos /nev
ev rfj 'ArriKrj virb 'HpaKXechoov arc oQ avow os,
'Arpecos he fjur/Tphs dheX(f)ov ovros avra> Kal ern-
rpeyfravro? EvpuaOecos, 6V iarpdreve, Mv/crfva?
re teal tt]v ap^v Kara rb oIkclov 'Arpel {jv^ya-
veiv he avrbv <f>evyovra rbv irarepa hid rbv
XpvaLTnrov Odvarov), Kal o>? ov/ceri dveyd)pr\aev
JLvpvadevs, {3ovXop,ev(ov /cal roiv MvKrjvalayv (pofia)

rwv 'HpaKXeihwv teal dfia hvvarbv hoKovvra elvat

Kal rb TrXrjOos reOepairevKora ra>v M.VK7]val(ov re
/cal oawv QvpvaOevs ypx rrjv ^aaiXeuav Wrpea
irapaXafielv teal rebv Ylepaeihcov tou? UeXoTrihas
3 fjiL^ov<; KaraaTrjvai. d pot So/cel '
A7 a pue p,vcov
irapaXa/3a)v Kal vavriKw he dpa errl rrXeov rwv
dXXcov la^vo-as arpareiav ov ydpiri to rrXeov

^vvayaycbv iroirjcraaOai. tyaiverai yap
vavai re irXeicrrais avrb<; dcfyiKopuevos Kal ApKaai
TTpOGirapao-ydyv, a>? "Ofirjpos rovro hehijXcoKev, el
4 Tco l/cavo? reK/irjpicoo-aL. Kal ev rod GKrjirrpov
ap,a rfj Trapahbaei eipr)Kev avrbv " 7roXXfjaL vq-
aoiGi Kal "Apyei iravrl dvdaaeiv ovk dv ovv
vr)o~wv e^co ru>v TrepioiKiheov (avrai he ovk dv
iroXXal elev) lyTreipoorr)? cov eKpdrei, el fir} ri Kal

5 vavriKov elyev. eiKa^eiv he ^PV KaL ravT V T fl

irparela ola r)v rd irpb avrr)<;.

Chrysippus, his half-brother, son of Pelops and Axioche,


was killed by Atreus and Thyestes at the instance of their

mother Hippodameia.
BOOK I. ix. 2-5

fell to the lot of his descendants. For when Eu-

rystheus set out on the expedition that resulted in
his death in Attica at the hands of the Heracleidae,
Atreus, his mother's brother, who chanced to have
been banished by his father for the death of Chry-
sippus, 1 was intrusted by Eurystheus witli Mycenae
and the sovereignty because he was a kinsman and ;

when Eurystheus did not return, Atreus, in accord-

ance with the wish of the Mycenaeans, who feared
the Heracleidae, and because he seemed to be a
man of power and had won the favour of the mul-
titude, received the sovereignty over the Mycenaeans
and all who were under the sway of Eurystheus. And
so the house of Pelops became greater than the house
of Perseus. And it was, I think, because Agamemnon
had inherited all this, and at the same time had be-
come strong in naval power beyond the rest, that he
was able to collect his armament, not so much by
favour as by fear, and so to make the expedition.
For it is clear that he himself brought the greatest
number of ships, and that he had others with which
to supply the Arcadians, 2 as Homer testifies, if he is
sufficient witness for anyone. And he says, in the
account of the delivery of the sceptre, 3 that Aga-
memnon "ruled over many islands and all Argos."
Now, if he had not had something of a fleet, he
could not, as he lived on the mainland, have been
lord of any islands except those on the coast, and
these would not be "many." And it is from this
expedition that we must judge by conjecture what
the situation was before that time.

cf. Homer, B 576 and 612.
3 cf. Homor, B 101-109.

X. Kal on fiev MvKTJvai paKpbv r/v, r/ et ri rcov

Tore iroXiafia vvv fit] d^ibxpewv BoKel eivai, ovk

aKpifiei av Tt? a^fieiw XP (*) fjLV0 ^ aTriaroirj fir)
yeveaOai rbv aroXov rocrovrov oaov ol re iroirjrai
2 elprjKacn Kal 6 A.070? KaTeyei. AaKeBaifiovicov

yap el 77 7roXi? eprjpLwO eiT], \ei(f)6elr) Be rd
re lepa Kal tt}? KaraaKevi)^ ra iSdcpr], nroWrjv av
olfiai diTLGTLav t% Bvvd/jLecos 7rpot\06vTO<; iroWov
ypbvov rot? eirena Ttpbs to /e\eo9 avrwv etvat,

(icaiToi He\o7rovv7]aov tcov irevre ra<; Bvo fioipas

vefiovrat, t?}? re ^vfnrdo"rj^ yyovvrai Kal twv e%(o

gvfjLfidxcov ttoWcov o/xft>? Be, ovre %vvoiKio-6eiar)<$

7roXe&)? ovre iepols Kal KaraaKevah ttoXv-

reXeai xprfaa/xeviis, Kara Koifias he. t&> nraXaiw

rrj?'EXXaSos Tpoirw olKiaOeiar)*;, fyaivon av vtto-

Beecnepa), 'Adrjvaieov he rb avrb rovro iraOovrcov

SnrXao-iav av Tt)v Bvvafiiv eUd^eaOac dirb tt;?

3 (bavepcis cn^ea>? t?)? 7ro\ea)? tj eariv. ovkovv aiti-

arelv et/co? ovBe ras 6\jrei<; rcov iroXecov fiaXXov

(TKOirelv rj Ta9 BvvdfieiS, vofii^eiv Be rrjv crrparelav

eKeivifv p.eyiarr]v fiev yeveaOat, twv irpb avrrj?,

\i7ro[iV7]v Be twv vvv, ttj 'Ofitjpov av iroujaei el

tl yp-q KavraiiOa inaTeveiv, rjv etVo? eVt to fiel^ov

aev ttol^ttjv ovra KO<jfir\(jai, Oficos Be tyalverai
4 Kal outo)? ivBeecrrepa. ireTroifiKe yap %4?uW Kal

BiaKoaiuv vecov ra? fiev Bolcotcov e?Koai Kal

eKarbv dvBpcov, ra<; Be <PiXoKTrjrov irevrrjKOVTa,
1 Added by Hude. f Added by Stephanus.
BOOK I. x. 1-4

X. And because Mycenae was only a small place,

or if any particular town of that time seems now to
be insignificant, it would not be right for me to treat
this as an exact piece of evidence and refuse to
believe that the expedition against Troy was as great
as the poets have asserted and as tradition still main-
tains. For if the city of the Lacedaemonians should
be deserted, and nothing should be left of it but its
temples and the foundations of its other buildings,
posterity would, I think, after a long lapse of time,
be very loath to believe that their power was as great
as their renown. (And yet they occupy two-fifths
of the Peloponnesus and have the hegemony of the
whole, as well as of their many allies outside but

still, as Sparta is not compactly built as a city and

has not provided itself with costly temples and other

edifices, but is inhabited village-fashion in the old
Hellenic style, its power would appear less than it
is.) Whereas, if Athens should suffer the same fate,
its power would, I think, from what appeared of the
city's ruins, be conjectured double what it is. The
reasonable course, therefore, is not to be incredulous
or to regard the appearance of cities rather than
their power, but to believe that expedition to have
been greater than any that preceded it, though
falling below those of the present time, if here
again one may put any trust in the poetry of Homer;
for though it is natural to suppose that he as a poet
adorned and magnified the expedition, still even on
his showing it was evidently comparatively small.
For in the fleet of twelve hundred vessels he has
represented the ships of the Boeotians as having
one hundred and twenty men each, and those of

By]Xa)v, o)? ifiol Bokgl, rd? peyiara^ kcu e\a')(L-

<TTa<$' aXXoov yovv peyeOow; irepi iv vecov fcara-

Xoyco ovk i/nvijcrOr). avreperai Be ore rjaav /cal

p,dyj-P>oi irdvres, iv rals ^lXokttJtov vaval BeBrf-

Xwtcev to^otcls yap irdvra^ ireTroir^Ke tou? Trpoa-

kw-ttovS' TrepLvecos Be ovk etVo? ttoXXovs ^vpurXelv
etjeo twv /3aaiXea)v ko\ roov pdXtara ev reXei,
aXXco? re kol peXXovras ireXayos TrepaLooaeaOai
perd (TKevoov rroXepLiKcov ovB* av rd irXola Kard-
<fiapKTa e^ovra^, dXXd rw iraXatco rpoirw Xyjcftl-
Ta? peyiaia^ 6"
5 KOurepov irapecFKevaapeva. 7r/?o?

ovv kcu e'Xa^iCTTa? vavs to pbeaov gkottovvti ov

ttoXXoI (paLvovTai eXOovres, &)? dmo irdarj^ rrj<;

'EWaSo? Koivfj irepuropevot.

XL Altlov 5' f)v

ovx V oXiyavOpanua toctovtov
ocrov rj dxprjparia. ttjs yap rpo(pr)<; diropia top

re crrparbv iXdaaco ifyayov Kal oaov ifXiri^ov

avrodev iroXepovvra fiiOTevceiv, iireiBr) Be dc/u-

Kop-evoi fiaxy cKpaTrjaav (BrjXov Be' to yap epvpta

to) arparoTreBu) ovk av iretx^avro), (paivovraL B'

ovB' evravOa irdarr) rfj Suvdfiei xprjcrdfievoi, dXXd

7T/70? yecopyiav tt}? ^epo~cvi]o~ov rparropievoL koX
Xyarelav tP/s rpo<f>r}<; diropia. fj
Kal paXXov oi

Tpcoe? avrcov Bieairappevwv rd BeKa err) dvrelyov

f3ia, toZ? alel viroXeiTropevois avrliraXoL 6We?.
2 Trepiovalav Be el yXOov fyovTe? Tpo<j>y<i Kal ovres

BOOK I. x. 4-X1. 2

Philoctetes as having fifty, 1 indicating, it seems to

me, the largest and the smallest ships at any rate, ;

no mention as to the size of any others is made in

the Catalogue of Ships. But that all on board were
at once rowers and fighting men he has shown in
the case of the ships of Philoctetes for he repre- ;

sents all the oarsmen as archers. And it is not likely

that many supernumeraries sailed with the expedi-
tion, apart from the kings and those highest in office,
especially as they were to cross the open sea with all
the equipment of war, and, furthermore, had boats
which were not provided with decks, but were built
after the early style, more like pirate-boats. In any
event, if one takes the mean between the largest
ships and the smallest, it is clear that not a large
number of men went on the expedition, considering
that they were sent out from all Hellas in common. 2
XI. The cause was not so much lack of men as
lack of money. For it was a want of supplies that
caused them to take out a comparatively small
force, only so large as could be expected to live on
the country while at war. And when they arrived

and had prevailed in battle as evidently they did,
for otherwise they could not have built the defence

around their camp even then they seem not to
have used their whole force, but to have resorted to
farming in the Chersonese and to pillaging, through
lack of supplies. Wherefore, since they were scat-
tered, the Trojans found it easier to hold the field
against them during those ten years, being a match
for those who from time to time were left in camp.
But if they had taken with them an abundant
Horn. B 510, 710.
- The number would be 102,000, i.e. 1,200 ships at 85 men
dOpooi dvev XyaTeLas real yecopylas Ijvvexcos top
iroXe/Jiov Siecpepov, pahlccs av p-dxj) ^pciTovvre^
elXov, oIl ye teal ov% adpool, dXXa fie pel tw alel

irapovri avrel^ov, rroXioptela 5' av irpocr/eaOe^o-

fievoi ev eXaaerovi re XP V(P Kai dirovcorepov tt)v
Tpoiav etXov. dXXa oV d^py fiariav (rd re irpb
tovtcov daOevr) rjv teal avrd ye St) Tavra, ovofia-
o-rorara tcov irplv yevo/ieva, SrfXovTai rot? epyois
v7ToSeearepa ovra tt)? (p7]/jLr)<; teal rov vvv ire pi

avrcov Sid tovs TroiTjra*; Xoyov /caTeo-xrjteoTO^

XII. 'E7rel teal pierd ra Tpcoitca r) 'EXXd? en

fieraviaTaro re teal tear cote i^ero, ware fir) r)av)(d-

2 eraaa av^)]di)vai. r) re yap avayu>pt]o~iS tcov 'EX-

Xiivcov if; 'IXiov xP ovla ysvofievr) jroXXa eVeo^-

ficoae, koX aTaaeis ev Tafc iroXeaiv a>? eVt to
ttoXv eyiyvovro, deft* cov eteiTiiTTOVTe<; Ta? TroXeis
3 etcTL^ov. Botwrot re yap 01 vvv e^rjKoaTco erei
fieTa 'IXlov dXcoaiv e'f "Apvr]$ dvao~TavT<; vtto
QeaaaXcov tt)v vvv fiev HoicoTiav, irpoTepov 8e
K.aS/irjiSa y yrjv teaXovfievrfv cp/ei-jcrav (r)v Se avTcov
teal aTTohaafio^ ev rrj yfj TavTy irporepov, deft cov

teal e? "iXtov earpaTevaav), Acopirjs Te 6y8o7]/eoo~Tcp

4 erei %vv 'YipateXeLhais UeXoTrovvrjaov eayov. fio-

Xt? T ev TToXXcp xpovco r)av%do~aaa r) 'E\\a?

Beftaicos teal ovteeri dviarafievi) diroitelas efe-


BOOK I. xi. 2-xn. 4

supply of food, and, in a body, without resorting to

foraging and agriculture, had carried on the war
continuously, they would easily have prevailed in
battle and taken the city, since even with their
forces not united, but with only such part as was
from time to time on the spot, they yet held out
whereas, if they could have sat down and laid siege
to Troy, they would have taken it in less time and
with less trouble. But because of lack of money not
only were the undertakings before the Trojan war
insignificant, but even this expedition itself, though
far more noteworthy than any before, is shown by
the facts to have been inferior to its fame and to the
tradition about it that now, through the influence
of the poets, obtains.
XII. Indeed, even after the Trojan war Hellas
was still subject to migrations _and in process of
settlement, and hence did not get rest and wax
stronger. For not only did the return of the Hel-
lenes from Ilium, occurring as it did after a long
time, cause many changes ; but factions also began
to spring up very generally in the cities, and, in con-
sequence of these, men were driven into exile and
founded new cities. The present Boeotians, for
example, were driven from Arne by the Thessalians
in the sixtieth year after the capture of Ilium and
settled in the district now called Boeotia, but formerly
Cadmeis only a portion of these had been in that

land before, and it was some of these who took part in

the expedition against Ilium. The Dorians, too, in the
eightieth year after the war, together with the Hera-
cleidae occupied the Peloponnesus. And so when
painfully and after a long course of time Hellas
became permanently tranquil and its population was
no longer subject to expulsion from their homes, it
7re/x7re, real *Icova<; puev 'AOtivclloi kcu vrjcncoroov
tovs ttoXXovs cpKLcrav, 'lTa\ta? he teal Zi/ceXias
rb irXeov YieXoirovvrjaiOL tt}<? re aWrjs 'EXXdhos
eariv a ywp'ia. irdvra he ravra varepov roov
Tpwitccov eKTiaOr).
XIII. Avvarcorepas he yiyvofievr]*; rr}$ 'EXXdhos
teal roov Xprj/jLarcov rrjv ktyjctlv en
fidXXov rj rrpo-
repov 7roiovp,evr)<$ rd rroXXa rvpavvihes ev rah
iroXecTi KaOiaravro, roov irpoaohoov fiei^ovoov yi-

yvofievoov (rrporepov he r)aav eirl prjrols yepaai

Trarpi/cal ftaaiXelaL), vavri/cd re efyprvero r)

'EXXa9 teal OaXaaaris fiaXXov dvreixovro.

2 rrpooroi he KopivOcot Xeyovrai eyyvrara rov vvv
rpoTrov p,e7ayeipi(jai rd irepl Ta? vavs koX rpir)-
peis rrpoorov ev KopivOoo T?)? 'EXXdhos evvavirr)-
3 yr)6r}vai. fyaiverai he ical Xafiioi<; 'A/iewo/cXr}*;
KopLv0LO<? vavirrjybs vavs Troir)o-a<; reaaapas' err)

h" earl pbdXiara rpiaKoaia e\ rrjv reXevrrjv rovhe

rov TroXepLOv, ore 'A/iewo/cXr)? %a/AioL<; r)X9ev.
4 vavp,ayia re iraXairdrr] oov l<t/jlv yiyverai Ko-
pivdioov 7ryoo? KepKvpaiovs' err) he fidXiara zeal
ravrrj e^rjKovra teal hiaicbaid eari p-eypi rov
5 avrov ypbvov. olteovvres yap ttjv ttoXlv oi Ko-
pivQioi eirl rov laO/iov at el hrj irore epLirbpiov

elyov, roov 'EXXijvoov rb rrdXai Kara yrjv rd irXeioo

i) Kara OdXaaaav, roov re eWo? UeXo7rovvrjaov
/cal roov e^oo, hid tt)? i/ceivcov rrap dXXrjXovs
eTrifiiayovrcov, xptjfiaaL re hvvarol r)aav, co? kcu

BOOK I. xii. 4-xm. 5

began to send out colonies. ^The Athenians colonized

Ionia and most 5f ~the""fslands the Peloponnesians,

the greater part of Italy and Sicily and some portions

of the rest of Hellas. And all these colonies were
planted after the Trojan war.
XIII. As Hellas grew more powerful and con-
tinued to acquire still more wealth than before,
along with the increase of their revenue tyrannies
began to be established in most of the cities, whereas
before that there had been hereditary kingships
based on fixed prerogatives. The Hellenes began to
fit out navies, too, and to apply themselves more to

the sea. And the Corinthians are said to have been

the first of all to adopt what was very nearly the
modern plan as regards ships and shipping, 1 and
Corinth was the first place in all Hellas, we are told,
where triremes were built. And it appears that
Ameinocles, a Corinthian shipwright, built four ships
for the Samians, also and it was about three hundred

years before the end of the Peloponnesian war that

Ameinocles came to the Samians. 2 The earliest sea-
fight, too, of which we know, was fought by the
Corinthians against the Corcyraeans 3 and this was

two hundred and sixty years before the same date.

For as the Corinthians had their city on the Isthmus,
from the very earliest times they maintained there
a market for the exchange of goods, because the
Hellenes within and without the Peloponnesus, in
olden times communicating with one another more by
land than by sea, had to pass through their terri-
tory; and so they were powerful and rich, as has
The reference seems to be to the construction of har-
bours and docks as well as to the structure of the ships,
e.g. providing them with decks (ch. x. 4).
8 s
704 b.o. 664 B.C.
roU iraXaiols jroiTirals SeSrjXcorar d(pvei6v yap
eircovopacfav to ywplov. iireiSy] re ol 'EXXrjves
paXXov errXw^ov, rd<; vavs Krrjcrdpevoi ro Xrjart-
kov Kadypovv, /cal ipLiroptov irapkyovre^ dpcfeorepa
hvvar^v ecrypv yprjpLarcov irpoaohw riiv ttoXlv.
6 real "lwaiv varepov ttoXv ylyverai vavri/cbv eirl

Kvpov TLepacov irpcarov ftaoriXevovros /cal Kap-

fivaov rod f/eo? avrov, rP)<; re /caO* iavrovs
daXdaa^s Kvp(p iroXepovvres i/epdrrjadv rtva
ypovov. /cal TloXv/cpdrys, ^dpuov rvpavvodv eirl
Kapj3vcrov, vavrucch iayywv aXXas re rojv vijaayv
vtdikoovs erroiiiaaro /cal *i)veLav eXcov dveOifKe
ra> * A7r6XXa>v i tw A^Xtft). <I>a)/ca% re ^laacraXiav
oLKi^ovres KapX7]BoviOv<; ivi/ccov vavpayovvre^.
XIV. Avvaroorara yap ravra rwv vavri/cwv
7}v. (tbaiverai 5e /cal ravra, iroXXaU yeveals
varepa yevopueva rcov Tpaiifccov, rpu'ipeai pev oXi-
<yat? ypcopeva, Trevrrj/covrepois 8' en /cal ttXoLols

2 pa/cpols efyiprvpeva toenrep e/celva. oXiyov re irpo

rdv WLtjSlkcop teal rov Aapeiov Oavdrov, o? p,erd
Kapftvarjv Uepacov l(3aaiXevcre, rpn'-jpe^; irepi re
^i/ceXiav rot? rvpdvvoLs e? ttXtjOos eyevovro /cal
Keo/cupatoi?' ravra yap reXevrala rrpo rrjq .ep-
ov crrpareias vavri/ch d^ioXoya ev rrj 'EXXdSi
3 Karearr). Alyivrjrai yap teal WOiivaloi, /cal

cf. Horn. B 570 Pind. 01. xiii.
; 4.
* 559-529 B.C. 532-522 B.C. * cf. in. civ.
Marseilles, founded 600 B.C.

BOOK I. xiii. 5-xiv. 3

been shown even by the early poets, who called the

place " Wealthy Corinth." l And when navigation
grew more prevalent among the Hellenes, the
Corinthians acquired ships and swept the sea of
piracy, and offering a market by sea as well as by
land, raised their city to great power by means of
their revenues. The Ionians, too, acquired a power-
ful navy later, in the time of Cyrus, the first king of
the Persians, and of Cambyses his son and waging ;

war with Cyrus they maintained control of the sea

about their own coasts for some time. Poly crates,
also, who was tyrant of Samos in the time of Cam-
byses, 3 was strong in sea-power and subdued a num-
ber of the islands, Rhenea among them, which he
captured and consecrated to the Delian Apollo. 4
Finally the Phocaeans, when they were colonizing
Massalia, 5 conquered the Carthaginians in a sea-fight.
XIV. These were the most powerful of the fleets ;

and even these, we learn, though they were formed

many generations later than the Trojan war, were
provided with only a few triremes, but were still
fitted out with fifty-oared galleys and the ordinary
long boats, 6 like the navies of that earlier time. In-
deed, it was only a little before the Persian war and
the death of Darius, 7 who became king of the Per-
sians after Cambyses, that triremes were acquired in
large numbers, namely by the tyrants in various parts
of Sicily and by the Corcyraeans and these were the

last navies worthy of note that were established in

Hellas before the expedition of Xerxes. As for the
Athenians and Aeginetans and any other maritime
irAoTa, usually contrasted with war-ships {rpi^ptis), but
here marked as ships of war by the epithet paxpa., though
probahlv differing little except in size from trading- vessels.
^ 485Vo,

o'lTives aXXot, fipayka e/ee/cTrjvTo ical rovrcov ra
iroXXa TrevTij/covTepovs- d\jre re d<' ov 'AOyvalovs
fALaTOfc\rj<i eireiaev AlyivrjraLs TroXefiovvTa^^
KCLL afJLCL T0V j3dp/3dpOV TT pOcBoKL/JLOV 6Wo?, TCL%

vav<; TroojcracrOai, alarrep teal evav}iayr\<jav' kcli

avrai ovttco elyov Bia 7rdar)<; fcaracrrpco/jLaTa.

XV. Ta fxev ovv vclwtikcl twv 'JLXXrjvcop tol-

clvtcl rjv, rd re iraXaia teal ra varepov yevofieva.
Icr^vv Be 7rpL7ron]aavTo ofuos ovtc eXa^iar-qv ol
7rpoaGx6vTe<; avroU xprj/jbdrcov re irpoaoBco teal
aXXcov dpyji' eTrnrXeovres jap ra? vrjaovs tcare-
<Trpe(f)0VT0, teal fidXiara oaoi fx^ Biaptcfj eiyov
2 xcopav. Kara yrjv Be iroXe/JLOS, odev ? tcav Bvva-
fjLis irepieyevero, ovBsls fjvvecTTT)' irdvre^ Be rjaav,
oaot teal eyevovro, irpbs ofiopovs tovs a^erepov^
e/cdaToi ;, teal
k$i]/jLov<; arparela^ 7roXv\i7rb rrjs

eavrcov eir aXXcov Karaarpo(f)7J ovtc i^fjaav ol

"EXXy]VS. ov yap %vveicrTj']fcecrav irpbs tcls fieyi-

crra? 7roXei? vtti^kool, ovB' av avrol drrb rrj<; lo-7]<;

tcowds arpaiela^ Iitoiovvto, tear dXXi'fXovs Be

fiaXXov co? etcaaroi ol dcrrvyeiroves eiroXe fxovv
3 fidXiara Be e? rbv irdXai irore yevo/ievov TroXe/nov
^iaXtciBecov teal 'Eperpiwv teal rb ciXXo 'EXX^vlkop
e? ^vpL/jLa)(iav etcarepwv Biearr).

Referring to Xerxes' invasion. This Aeginetan war is
referred to in ch. xli. 2.

BOOK I. xiv. 3-xv. 3

powers, the fleets they had acquired were incon-

siderable, consisting mostly of fifty-oared galleys ;

and was only quite recently that the Athenians,


when they were at war with the Aeginetans and

were also expecting the Barbarians, 1 built their fleet,
at the instance of Themistocles the very ships
with which they fought at Salamis. And these
vessels were still without decks throughout their
XV. Such were the navies of the Hellenes, both
those of early and those of later times nevertheless ;

those who gave attention to such matters acquired

not a little strength by reason both of revenue of
money and of sway over others. For they and
especially the peoples whose own territory was insuffi-
made expeditions against the islands and sub-
jugated them. But by land no wars arose from which
any considerable accession of power resulted on the ;

contrary, all that did occur were border wars with

their several neighbours, and foreign expeditions far
from their own country for the subjugation of others
were not undertaken by the Hellenes. For they
had not yet been brought into union as subjects of
the most powerful states, nor, on the other hand,
did they of their own accord make expeditions in
common as equal allies it was rather against one

another that the neighbouring peoples severally

made war. But it was chiefly in the war that arose
a long time ago between the Chalcidians and the
Eretrians, 2 that all the rest of Hellas took sides in
alliance with the one side or the other.

The war
for the Lelantine Plain [tf. Hdt. v. xcix. Btrabo, ;

x. usually placed in the seventh century, but by

i. 11) ;

Curtius in the eighth (see Herme-t, x. pp. 220 ff.).

XVI. 'Eireyevero Be aXXot<; re aXXoOi kcoXv-
fjtara fiyj av^rjOrjvai, real "\wcri fTpoywpi^advTaiv
eVl fiiya rcov Trpayfidrcov KOpo? /cal r) Uepai/cr)
e^ovaia Kpolaov fcaQeXovcra real oaa eWo?'AA.uo?

TTora/iov 7T/?09 6dXao~o~av, iirearpdrevo-e koX t<z?

Iv rfj rjireipw iroXeLS eBovXwae, Aapelos re varepov
tc5 QoLvlfcoov vauTLfCw Kparoiv real Ta? mjaovs.
XVII. Tvpavvoi re ogoi r)aav iv rah 'EXXrjvi-

*at? TroXecri, to (/>' eavrcov povov irpoopcofievoi e?

re to acofxa koli e? to tov lBiov oIkov av^etv oY
da^aXeia^ ocrov iBvvavro /idXiara Ta? 7roA,et?

ojkovv, 7rpdx&V T ovBev an avrdv epyov dgio-

Xoyov, el fir) eX tl 717)0? Trepioiicov<; toi>? avrcov
ovrco iravrayoOev r) 'EWa? eVl iroXiiv
%povov Kcne'iyero firjre Kotvy cfravepbv firjBev Kar-
epyd^eoOcu, Kara TroXeis re droXfiorepa elvai.
XVIII. 'EireiBr) Be oX re 'AOrjvaicov rvpavvoi
real oi i/c t?}? aXXrjs 'EXXdBos eirl iroXv /ecu irplv

TvpavvevOeiar]^ oi irXelcnoL teal reXevraloi irXr)v

rci)v iv XifceXla viro AaKeBaifiovicov KareXvOrjaav^
r) yap AafceBaificov [fierd ry)v ktiglv \jrtbv vvv
ivoiKovvrcov avTTjv Acopicov eVt TrXelarov a>v

Xapev yjpovov araaidaaaa o,aa>? etc TraXairdrov

teal ijvvopLijdr/ koX alel drvpdvvevTOS r)v err) yap
After end(TTois theMSS. have oi -yap iv 'S.iKeXia lirl irXe'io'Tov

ix^P r (Tav Swd/xcws, for those in Sicily advanced to a very


great degree of power, which Wex deletes, followed by most

Hude omits with E.
BOOK I. xvi.-xviii. i

XVI. But different Hellenic peoples in different

localities met with obstacles to their continuous
growth ;for example, after the Ionians had attained
great prosperity, Cyrus and the Persian empire, after
subduing Croesus l and all the territory between the
river Halys and the sea, made war against them and
enslaved the cities on the mainland, and later on
Darius, strong in the possession of the Phoenician
fleet, enslaved the islands also. 2
XVII. The tyrants, moreover whenever there
were tyrants in the Hellenic cities since they had
regard for their own interests only, both as to the safety
of their own persons and as to the aggrandizement
of their own families, in the administration of their
cities made security, so far as they possibly could,
their chief aim,and so no achievement worthy ot
mention was accomplished by them, except per-
chance by individuals in conflict with their own
neighbours. So on all sides Hellas was for a long
time kept from carrying out in common any notable
undertaking, and also its several states from being
more enterprising.
XVIII. But finally the tyrants, not only of Athens
but also of the rest of Hellas (which, for a long time
before Athens, had been dominated by tyrants) at
least most of them and the last that ever ruled,
if we except those in Sicily
were put down by the
Lacedaemonians. For although Lacedaemon, after
the settlement there of the Dorians who now inhabit
it, was, for the longest period of all the places of

which we know, in a state of sedition, still it obtained

good laws at an earlier time than any other land,
and has always been free from tyrants for the ;

546 b.g. 493 b.c.

<TTL fjL(i\l(TTa TTpafCO(Tia Kal oXiyW TrXeiO) 6? TT)V

reXevrrjv rovBe rov iroXe/iov, ov Aa/ce&ai- a<'

fiovioi rfj avrfj iroXireia xpoivrai' Kal Si avro

Svvdfievoi Kal ra ev rat? aXXais TroXeau KaOiara-
aav. fierd Be rr)v rcov rvpdvvcov KardXvacv K
tt)? 'EWaSo? ov ttoXXois ereatv varepov Kal /; ev
MapaOcovL p-d^rj MrfScov 7T/30? 'AOrjvaLov*; iyevero.
2 Sefcdra) Be erei puer avrrjv avdts 6 fidpftapos tw
fieydXco crroXw eirl rrjv 'EXXdSa BovXwaop,evo^
rjXdev. teal peydXov klvSvvov eTriKpepxtaOevros
oi re Aa/cehaifiovioi rwv ^vpuroXepL^aavrcov 'KX-
Xijvcov rjyyjcravTO Svvdfiei Trpov^ovre^, Kal oi Wdrj-
valoi eiriovrcov rcov MtjScov Siavo^Qevres e/cXiirelv
rrjv ttoXlv Kal dvaaKevaadjievoL e? rds vavs
ecrftavres vavriKol eyevovro. kolvj} re dircoad-
fjuevot rov fidpftapov varepov ov iroXXw SieKpidr)-
aav irpos re *Adr]vaLovs /ecu ActfceBatfiovLovs oX re
d7roo-Tdvre<?>/3aaiXeco<; "RXXyves Kal oi ^vpurroXe-
pnf)aaire<;' Svvdfiei yap ravra fieyiara Biecpdvry
3 \cf\vov yap oi p-ev Kara yrjv, oi he vavaiv. koX
oXiyov fiev \povov %vve/j,eivev rj 6pLaL\p.ia, erreira
Bieve~)(6evTe<s oi AaKeSai/iovioi Kal oi Wdrjvaloi
erroXepurjaav puerd rcov ^vp,p.d^(ov Trpbs dXXi')Xov<;,
Kal rcov akXcov 'JLXXrjvcov el nves irov Biaaralev,
7rpo? rovrov<; jjBrj excopovv. &are*airo rcov M?/6V
kcov e? rovBe aiel rov TroXepuov ra puev airevBofjievoi,

The legislation of Lycurgus, thus placed by Thucydides
at four hundred years or more before 404 B.C., would be about
804 B.C. (Eratosthenes gives 884).

BOOK I. xviti. 1-3

period during which the Lacedaemonians have been

enjoying the same constitution J covers about four
hundred years or a little more down to the end of
the Peloponnesian war. And it is for this reason
that they became powerful and regulated the affairs
of other states as well. Not many years after the
overthrow of the tyrants in Hellas by the Lace-
daemonians the battle of Marathon 2 was fought
between the Athenians and the Persians; and ten
years after that the Barbarian came again with his
great host against Hellas to enslave it. In the face
of the great danger that threatened, the Lacedae-
monians, because they were the most powerful,
assumed the leadership of the Hellenes that joined
in the war ; and the Athenians, when the Persians
came on, resolved to abandon their city, and pack-
ing up their goods embarked on their ships, and
so became sailors. By a common effort the Bar-
barian was repelled but not long afterwards the

other Hellenes, both those who had revolted from

the King and those who had joined the first con-
federacy against him, parted company and aligned
themselves with either the Athenians or the Lace-
daemonians for these states had shown themselves

the most powerful, the one strong by land and the

other on the sea. The defensive alliance lasted only
a little while then the Lacedaemonians and the

Athenians quarrelled and, with their respective

allies, made war upon one another, and any of the rest
of the Hellenes, if they chanced to be at variance,
from now on resorted to one or the other. So that
from the Persian invasion continually, to this present
war, making peace at one time, at another time
8 490 b.o.

ra Be TroXepLovvres r) dXXyjXoLS r) rois eavrtoi
gv/jL/jidxoLS a^fcrTa/xeVot? ev irapea Kevdaavro ra
iroXepua /cal epLTreiporepoi eyevovro fiera kivBvvwv
ra9 fMeXera^ 7roiovp,evoi.
XIX. Kat ol /jlcv Aa/ceSai/jLovLoi ov% vrroreXeU
e)(OVT<i <j)6pov tovs ^v/i/jLa^ov; rjyovvro, /car oXi-
yapyiav Be afyiaiv avrols fiovov eTnrrjBelco^ ottcos
iroXirevaovcn Oepairevovre^ 'AOqvaZoi Be vavs T
tcov iroXewv tw XP V(P TrapaXajSovTes, irXrjV Xlcov

Kal Aeafilwv, Kal xpjjfiara Tot? Tract, rdf;avT<;

(f>epeiv. Kal eyevero auTocs e? rovBe rbv TroXe/xov

7] IB'ia Trapaa/ceuT] puei^oov r) &)<? ra Kpariard ttotg

fierd dfcpaMpvovs Ttjs fuyii/za^a? rjv0T]crav.

XX. Ta fiev ovv TraXaid rocavra ijvpov, ^aXeird
ovra iravTi er}? TeKpaipicp TTLarevaai. ol yap
avOpwirov rds aKods tcov Trpoyeyevt]pLevoov, Kal r)v
enriyoipia aQbicnv fj,
op.oioo<; dftacravLGTCos Trap'

2 dXXrjXoov Be^ovTaL. '

Adrjvaloov youv to ttXtjOo^
''Xirirapypv otovrai ixfi '
App.oBLov Kal 'Apiaroyel-
tovos Tvpavvov ovra diroOavelv Kal ovk laacriv
OTL 'l7T7Tta5 flkv 7T^Cr/9uTaTO? OOV r)p\ e T ^ v HeHTL-
arpdrov vleaov,' I tt Trapes Be Kal (deao-aXbs dBeX-

<f)ol rjaav avrov, v7roT07rrjaavre<; Be tl eKeivrj rfj

rjfiepa Kal irapa^pripLa 'Ap/LLoBios Kal 'Apiaroyei-

toov K tcov tjuvecBoTcov a(f)L(TlP '\lTlTLa /jLp,7]VV<J0ai,

1 lxxxv. 2
cf. vi. ; VII. lvii. 4.
* Lost its independence after the revolt of 427 B.C.
cf. in. L * i.e. as if they took place in some distant land.


BOOK I. xviii. 3-xx. 2

fighting with each other or with their own revolted

allies,these two states prepared themselves well in
matters of war, and became more experienced,
taking their training amid actual dangers.
XIX. The Lacedaemonians maintained their hege-
mony without keeping their allies tributary to them,
but took care that these should have an oligarchical
form of government conformably to the sole interest
of Sparta the Athenians, on the other hand, main-

tained theirs by taking over in course of time the

ships of the allied cities, with the exception of
Chios l and Lesbos, 2 and by imposing on them all a
tax of money. And so the individual resources of
the vVtheniansjivailable for this war became greater
than those of themselves and their allies when that
alliance was still unimpaired and strongest.
XX. Now the state of affairs in early times I

have found to have been such as I have described,

although it is difficult in such matters to credit
any and every piece of testimony. For men accept
from one another hearsay reports of former events,
neglecting to test them just the same, 3 even though
these events belong to the history of their own
country. Take the Athenians, for example most of ;

them think that Hipparchus was tyrant when he

was slain by Harmodius and Aristogeiton. 4 They
do not know that it was Hippias, as the eldest of
the sons of Peisistratus, who was ruler, and that
Hipparchus and Thessalus were merely his brothers;
further, that Harmodius and Aristogeiton, suspect-
ing, on that very day and at the very moment of
executing their plan, that information had been con-
veyed to Hippias by one of their fellow-conspirators,
51-4 B.C. On this digression, cf. Hdt. v. lv. ; vi. cxxiii.
Ariat. *A0. Uo\. 17 .
tov /jlv dixeaypvTO &>? TrpoeiSoros, ftovXo/xevoi Be
irplv vWr)<f)0f}vai BpdaavTes tl Kal KtvBvvevaai,
tw l7T7rdp)^(p TrpcTV%6vT<; irapa to AecoKopeiov
tcaXov/jLevov t/;i> YlavaOr/vaiKr^v iro/jL7rr)v BiaKo-
3 a/iovvTi direKTeivav. 7roXXd Be Kal dXXa en koX
vvv ovra Kal ov \povw dfivqaTovfieva Kal ol

aXXoi " EAA,?;^? ovk 6p9w<; olovrcu, axrirep tou?

T Aa/ce&cu/jLOvicov fiaaiXeas p,r) yua tyr)<f)(p irpoa-
TiOeaOca e/cdrepov, dXXa Bvolv, Kal tov HiTavaTrjv
Xo^ov avTols elvai, 09 ovB' eyeveTo irdnroTe. ovtcds
aTaXaiirwpos T<n? ttoXXols tj f^T^tn? tt)? dXrj-

Oeias Kal eirl to, eTol/xa /naXXov TpeirovTai.

XXI. 'E/c Be twv elprjpevcov TK/j.^picov Oyaax?

TOiavTa dv Tt? vop-L^cov p.dXio~Ta a BirjXOov ov%

dpLapTavoi, Kal ovt a>? iroiy]Tal vfxvrjKao-L irepi

avTwv iirl to fiel^ov tcoo~p,ovvT<; /xaXXov TiaTevwv,

ovt a>9 Xoyoypd<f>oc gvveOeaav eirl to irpoaayw-
yoTepov Tr) dfepodaei rj aXijOecrTepov, ovtcl dve^e-
XeyfCTa Kal to. iroXXa vito ^povov avT(ov dirio-Tco^

iirl to pvOwBes eKvevcKrjKOTa, rjupijadai Be rjyrjad-

pevos eK tcov eirKpaveaTaTcov crrj/jLelcov eo? iraXaid
2 elvai diro^poovTw^. Kal 6 iroXefio^ ovtos, Kaiirep

In the inner Ceramicus near the temple of Apollo
Herodotus doubtless one of the Hellenes here
is criti-
cised, cf. VI. referring to the two votes; ix.
lvii., liii.,
where he seems to have applied a term belonging to a deme
(cf. Hdt. in. lv. ) to a division of the army.

BOOK I. xx. 2-xxi. 2

held off from him as forewarned, but wishing to do

something before they were seized and then take
their chances, fell in with Hipparchus, who was mar-
shalling the Panathenaic procession near the sanc-
tuary called Leocorium, 1 and killed him. There
are many other matters, too, belonging to the
present and not forgotten through lapse of time,
regarding which the other Hellenes 2 as well hold
mistaken opinions, for example, that at Lacedaemon
the kings cast not one but two votes each, and that
the Lacedaemonians have the " Pitana company " in
their army, which never at any time existed. So
averse to taking pains are most men in the search
for the truth, and so prone are they to turn to what
lies ready at hand.
XXI. Still, from the evidence that has been given,
any one would not err who should hold the view
that the state of affairs in antiquity was pretty
nearly such as I have described it, not giving greater
credence to the accounts, on the one hand, which
the poets have put into song, adorning and amplify-
ing their theme, and, on the other, which the
chroniclers have composed with a view rather of
pleasing the ear 3 than of telling the truth, since
their stories cannot be tested and most of them
have from lapse of time won their way into the
region of the fabulous so as to be incredible. He
should regard the facts as having been made out
with sufficient accuracy, on the basis of the clearest
indications, considering that they have to do with
early times. And so, even though men are always
Public recitation was the ordinary mode of getting
the works of the poets and early logographers before the


alel jieyiGTov KptvovTcov, iravaap,evcov he ra ap-

X a ^a ficiWov Oavpa^ovTcov, air* avTcov tcov ep-

ycov gkottovgi hrjXcoaeL o/aco? jiel^cov yeyev^/xevo^


XXII. Kal oaa fiev Xoyco elirov efcacrroi r) fieX-

X0VT<? 7ro\{jL7]<JLV Yj 6V CLVTQ) Tjhl] 6Wc?, ^akeiTOV

rr)v a/cpi/3eiav avTr\v tcov Xcx^^vtcov Sta/xvy]fxovev-
crai r)v ifioi re cov auTO? r)KOvaa Kal tch? aXXoOev
iroOev epol dirayyeXXovaiv' <i? 8' av ehoKOvv /xoi

KCKttol irepl tcov alel irapovTcov tcl Seovra pbaXiar

elirelvy eyopbevw ore iyyvrara rf/? ^vfiTrdarjs yvoo-

2 p.rj<; tcov a\7]6cj<; Xe)(,6evTcov, outgo? etpTjrar ra

h' epya tcov irpaxdevTcov ev tco 7roXep,'o ov/c etc

tov irapaTvyovTO? irvvOavopLevos rjfJLcooa ypafyeiv

ovh' a)? epol ehoKei, dXX ol? re avTOS iraprjv Kal

irapd tcov aXXcov oaov hvvaTov iLKpifieia irepl

3 K(iaT0v eire^eXdoov. einirovco^ he r^vpicrKeTo, hiorc

ol TrapovTes tcu? epyois e/facrTOi? ov TavTa irepl

tcov avTcov eXeyov, dXX &>? eKaTepcov tis evvoias

4 rj pvrjfJLrj^ ){0i. Kal e? fiev ciKpoaaiv tocos to

fill pv6cohe<; avTcov aTepireaTepov cfcavelTai' oaoi

BOOK I. xxi. 2-xxn. 4

inclined, while they are engaged in a war, to judge

the present one the greatest, but when it is over
to regard ancient events with greater wonder, yet
this war will prove, for men who judge from the
actual facts, to have been more important than any
that went before. . ,

XXII. As to the speeches that were made by

different men, either when thev were about to begin
the war or when they were already engaged therein,
it has been difficult to recall with strict accuracy
the words actually spoken, both for me as regards
that which I myself heard, and for those who
from various other sources have brought me re-
ports. Therefore the speeches are given in the
language in which, as it seemed to me, the several
speakers would express, on the subjects under con-
sideration, the sentiments most befitting the occa-
sion, though at the same time I have adhered as
closely as possible to the general sense of what
was actually said. But as to the facts of the X
occurrences of the war, I have thought it my duty
to give them, not as ascertained from any chance
informant nor as seemed to me probable, but only
after investigating with the greatest possible ac-
curacy each detail, in the case both of the events in
which I myself participated and of those regarding
which I got my information from others. And the en-
deavour to ascertain these facts was a laborious task,
because those who were eye-witnesses of the several
events did not give the same reports about the same
things, but reports varying according to their cham-
pionship of one side or the other, or according to
their recollection. And it may well be that the
absence of the fabulous from my narrative will seem

& (3ovkr]<TOVTCU T03V T yeVOfjLeVWV TO (Ta(f)<;

aKOiretv Kal rcov /xeXXovrcov irore av0i<; Kara rb

dvOpcoirivov roiovrcov teal TrapaTrXrjo-Lcov ecreaOat,
axf)e\i/J.a Kpiveiv avrd apKOvvrcos e^ei. KTrj/id

re 65 alel /xaXXov rj dyayvta/jia e? to TTapa^prfpLa

dfcoveiv vytcLTai.
XXTII. Toiv he irporepov epycov fieyiarov eirpd-
yQr) 10 ^ItjSikov, teal rovro 6fiw<s hvolv vav pbayjiaiv
Kal ire^opaylaiv rayelav rrjv Kplaiv eayev. i ov-
rou Be rod TroXe/xov /atjkos re peya irpovftr),

TraOrj/xard re ^vviivkyQi) yeveaOai ev avrw rfj

2 'fLXXdhc oca ou^ erepa ev Xcrw ^popo). ovre yap

iroXeis roaaiBe Xrj^detcraL rjprjLiQyOijaav, al Liev

V7TO jSapfidpoiv, al 8' viro acpcov avrcov dvwroXe-

llovvtcdv (elal 6" at Kal oLKyropas LLereftaXov
aXLaKo/ievat), ovre (f)vyal roaalBe avOpcorrcov Kal
(povos, 6 fxev Kar avrbv rbv rroXeLiov, 6 Be Bed rb
3 o-raaid^eiv. rd re Trporepov aKofj yiev Xeyofieva,
epy<p Be airavioarepov /3e/3aLovp,eva ovk drncrra
Kariarrj, aeio~Lia)v re wepi, ol eirl rrXelarov dp,a
fiepo? 7?)? Kal la^yporaroi ol avrol eirea^ov,
rjXlov re eVXen/ra?, at irvKvorepat rrapd rd eK rov
irplv xpovov fxvr}/jiovev6/jLeva jjvve/3r]o~ai', av^fioi re
earl nrap ol? LieydXoi Kal drr avrcov Kal XllloI

Artemisium and Salamia.
* Thermopylae and Plataca.
* As Colophon (in. xxxiv.), Mycaleasua (vn. xxix.).


BOOK I. xxn. 4-xxm. 3

less pleasing to the ear but whoever shall wish to


have a clear view both of the events which have

happened and of those which will some day, in all
human probability, happen again in the same or a
similar way
for these to adjudge my history profit-
able will be enough for me. And, indeed, it has
been composed, not as a prize-essay to be heard for
the moment, but as a possession for all time.
XXIII. The greatest achievement of former times
was the Persian war, and yet this was quickly
decided in two sea-fights 1 and two land-battles. 2
But the Peloponnesian war was protracted to a
great length, and in the course of it disasters be-
fell Hellas the like of which had never occurred
in any equal space of time. Never had so many
cities been taken and left desolate, some by the
Barbarians, 3 and others by Hellenes 4 themselves
warring against one another while several, after

their capture,underwent a change of inhabitants. 5

Never had so many human beings been exiled, or
so much human blood been shed, whether in the
course of the war itself or as the result of civil
dissensions. And
so the stories of former times,
handed down by
oral tradition, but very rarely
confirmed by fact, ceased to be incredible about :

earthquakes, for instance, for they prevailed over a

very large part of the earth and were likewise of
the greatest violence eclipses of the sun, which

occurred at more frequent intervals than we find

recorded of all former times great droughts also in

some quarters with resultant famines and lastly ;

* e.g. Plataea (in. lxviii. 3), Thyrea (iv. Ivii.).

* e.ff. Sollium (n. xxx.), Potidaea (n. Ixx.), Anactorium
(iv. xlix.), Scione (v. xxxii.), Melos (v. cxvi.).

OL. I. 41
Kal r) ov% tffcicrTa (3Xdyfrao~a Kal pApo? ri (fiOeipaaa
rj XotpLcoBrjs voaos' ravra yap iravra fiera rovBe
4 tov iroXepuov afxa ^vveireOeTO. i)p%avTO Be avrov
'AOrjvaLOi Kal YieXoTrovvrjcrioi Xvaavres ra<; rpia-
kovtovti<; cnroi'Bds at avrols iyevovro fiera Ev-
5 ftoias aXcocriv. oV 6 ti 8' eXvaav, ra? atria?
Trpovypayjra irptorov Kal ra<? Biatpopds, tov fiyj
Tiva ^rjTTjcraL irore e otov togovtos 7r6Xep,o<; Tot?
6 "EXXrjai Kareo-Ti], t^v fiev yap dXrjdeaTaTrjv
7rp6(f)acrLV, d<f)avGTaTr)V Be Xoyco tou? 'Adrjvacovs
rjyovfiai (xeyaXovs yiyvop,evovs Kal cfio/Sov irape-
yovras toZ? AaKeSatfiovLois avayKaaai 9 to tto-
Xefxeiv al ' e? to cpavepbv Xeybfievai atrial aXK
rjaav eKarepcov, d(f) tov Xvcravres rds cnrovBd? e?
rov irbXepuov Karecrrrjaav.
XXIV. 'EiriBafivbs eari ttoXis iv 8e%ia iarrXe-
ovri rov 'loviov koXttov irpoaoiKovai 8* avT^v
2 TavXdvTioi ftdpjSapoL, 'IXXvpiKOv eOvos. ravTrjv
dirwKiaav fxev KepKvpaioi, ot/acrTr/? 8' iyevero
(fraXios 'EparoKXeiBov, KopivOios yevos, tcov deft
^paKXeovs, Kara Brj tov iraXatov vo/aov ck t?}?
fjbrjTpoTroXecos ^wcpKiaav Be Kal
Kopivdicov TLve<? Kal rod aXXov AcoptKOv yevovs.
3 irpoeXOovTO? Be tov y^povov iyevero i) tcov 'Etti-
Bafivicov Bvva/ALS fieyaXif Kal iroXvdvOpcoiros.
4 GTaaidaavTes Be iv iroXXd, a>?
dXXijXois errj

Xeyerai, dirb iroXepuov twos tcov rrpoaoiKcov /3ap-

ftdpcov icpddp^aav Kal ttj? Bwdfieco? ttjs ttoXXtjs
5 eaTeprjdrjo-av. rd Be reXevrala irpb rovBe tov
TToXefiov 6 Br/fios avrcov i^ebico^e tovs Bwarovs,
oi Be iireXOovres fierd tcov fiapfidpcov iXrj^ovTO

To face page 43

Wm. Heinemann, Ltd. Jidward Stanford Ltd. London

BOOK I. xxm. 3-xxiv. 5

the disaster which wrought most harm to Hellas and

destroyed a considerable part of the people the
noisome pestilence. For all these disasters fell upon
them simultaneously with this war. And the war
began when the Athenians and Peloponnesians broke
the thirty years' truce, 1 concluded between them
after the capture of Euboea.' The reasons why they
broke it and the grounds of their quarrel I have first
set forth, that no one may ever have to inquire for
what cause the Hellenes became involved in so great
a war. The truest explanation, although it has been
the least often advanced, I believe to have been
the growth of the Athenians to greatness, which
brought fear to the Lacedaemonians and forced
them to war. But the reasons publicly alleged on
either side which led them to break the truce and
involved them in the war were as follows.
XXIV. There is a city called Epidamnus on the
right hand as one sails into the Ionian gulf, and its
next-door neighbours are a barbarian tribe, the Tau-
lantians, of Illyrian race. The city was colonized
by the Corcyraeans, and its founder was Phalius, son
of Eratocleides, of Corinthian stock and a descendant
of Heracles, who was invited from the mother-city
according to the ancient custom but some Corinth-

ians and other Dorians joined the Corcyraeans in

establishing the colony. As time passed the city of
the Epidamnians became great and populous but

civil wars ensued, lasting, it is said, for many years,

and in consequence of a war with the neighbouring
barbarians they were crippled and stripped of most
of their power. Finally, just before the Peloponne-
sian war, the populace expelled the aristocrats, and
they, making common cause with the barbarians and
445 B.C.; cf. ch. cxv. 1.
roix; iv rfj iroXei Kara re yr)v Kal Kara QdXaa-
6 crav. oi Be iv rfj TroXei 6We? ^EmodpLVLOL
7T(Ej) ime^ovro, 7r e flit ov<o iv e? rrjv KepKvpav
7rpea/3ei$ &)? prjr port oXiv ovaav, te6[xevoi /xrj <r<a?
rrepiopdv (pOeipopLevovs, dXXa rov$ re cftevyovras
ZvvaXXdtai crcfiicri Kal rov row {3ap/3dpcov rrb-
7 Xep.ov fcaraXvaai. ravra Be iKerac KaOe^ofievoi
69 rb ''Hpaiov iceovro. oi Be KepKvpaloi rrjv l/ee-
reiav ovk iBe^avro, aXX' dirpaKrovs direrrefi^av.
XXV. Tvovres Be oi ^mcdp.vioi oltepLiav
acbiaiv dirb YLepKvpas ripcopiav ovaav ev diropw
el^ovro OeaOau rb rrapbv, Kal rre^avre^ e?
AeXcpovs rov Oeov hnjpatranf rrapaholev Kopiv- el
6101$ rrjv rroXiv <i? oUiaraU
Kal rtficopiav riva
rreipwvr aw avrcov iroielaOai. 6 6' auTOt?
dveTXe napaBovvai Kal rjyepbbvas iroielaOai.
2 iXOovres he oi 'Ettlccl/avlol es rrjv KopivOov Kara
rb jxavrelov irapecoaav rrjv diroLKiav, rov re
oiKiarrjv diroteiKvyvres acpojv Ik KopivOov ovra
Kal rb yjirjarrjpiov BrjXovvres, iBeovrb re prj
acfcd? irepLopdv (fiOecpopLevovs, a\V iirapLVvai.
3 KopivOioi Be Kara re rb BiKaiov virece^avro rrjv
ripoipiav, vop.i'Covre^ ovy^ rjaaov eavrojv elvai
rrjv diroiKiav fj KepKvpaicov, apxi Be Kal fiiaei
roiv KepKvpaicov, on avrcov rraprjp,eXovv 6vre<;
4 ciTTOiKOi, ovre yap iv rravrjyvpeci raU KoivaU
Biibvres yepa ra vopLiop,eva ovre KopivOico dvhpl

The Koiva\ iravn;vpeis are the four great games, here
doubtless referring especially to the Isthmian Games held at
Corinth. The "privileges" would be places of honour
{xpofSplmi), animals for sacrifice presented by the colonies of

BOOK I. xxiv. 5-xxv. 4

attacking Epidamnus, plundered those who were in the

city both by land and sea. These, when they were
being hard pressed, sent envoys to Corcyra, as being
their mother-city, begging them not to look on and
see them destroyed, but to reconcile them with
the exiles and to put a stop to the war with the
barbarians. This petition they made, sitting as
suppliants in the temple of Hera. But the Corcy-
raeans denied their supplication, and sent them
back unsuccessful.
XXV. The Epidamnians, recognizing that no aid
was to be had from Corcyra, were at a loss how to
settle their present difficulty so they sent to Delphi

and asked the god whether they should deliver up

their city to the Corinthians as founders and try to
procure some aid from them. The god answered that
they should deliver it up to them and make them
leaders. So the Epidamnians went to Corinth and 435 b.c
delivered up the city as a Corinthian colony, in
accordance with the oracle, showing that their founder
was from Corinth and stating the response of the
oracle and they begged the Corinthians not to look

on and see them utterly destroyed, but to come to

their rescue. The Corinthians undertook the task,
partly on the ground of right, because they con-
sidered that the colony belonged to them quite as
much as to the Corcyraeans, partly also through hatred
of the Corcyraeans, for the reason that these, though
Corinthian colonists, neglected the mother-city. For
neither at their common festival gatherings x would
they concede the customary privileges to Corinthians,
nor would they begin with a representative of

the mother-city, sending of delegates (dfwpol) to Corinthian

festivals, etc.

7rporcaTapxo/J VOL T v izp&v, warrep at aXXai

diroitciai, Trepufrpovovvres Be avrovs kclv xprjfid-

6We? tear' etcelvov rov xpovov ofiola
tcov Bvvdfiei

row K\Xy]va)V TrXovauoTarois teal rfj t? iroXefiov

irapaateevfj Bvvarcorepoi, vclvtucw Be teal iroXv
irpovyeiv eariv ore erraipojxevoi teal Kara rr)v

(fraidfccov TTpoevoL/ctjaLv rrjs Kep/cvpas kXcos e^oy-

rcov rd irepl Ta? vavs" fj
teal /jl&XXov e^rjprvovro
to vavTiicov /cal r/crav ov/c dBvvaror rpirjpet,^ yap
eUocrL koX e/carbv virr]pyov avroU ore rjpxovro
XXVI. Hdvrcov ovv rovrcov eyKXrjfiara e%oy-
T? ol KopivOlOl eire/JLTTOV 69 TTjV 'ETTLBa/JLVOV
da^ievoi r-qv oocpeXiav, ol/cijropd re rov ftovXo-
fievov levat rceXevovres real 'AfiirpaKtoyrcov teal
2 AevfcaBLcov teal eavrwv (ppovpovs. eiropevQ-qaav
AiroXXcoviav KopivOicov ovaav dircu-

Be ire^f) e?
tciav, Beet rcov Keptcvpaicov fir] KcoXvcovrai, wrr

3 avrwv Kara OdXaaaav irepai^jfievoi. Keptcvpaioi

Be eVetSr/ ijaOovro 7W9 re oltcrjTopas teal (fipov-

povs rjtcovras e'9 rrjv 'EiriBajivov rijv re dnroiKiav

KopivdLois BeBo/jLevrjv, eyaXeTraivov teal irXev-
aavres evOvs irevre teal eltcocri vaval teal varepov
erepa) crroXw tou9 t (pevyovra? etceXevov tear
eirrjpeiav Se^eo-tfat avrov? {rjXOov yap e'9 rrjv

Keptcupav ol roiv 'ETriBafivicov (fivydBes rd<pov<; re

drroBeiKvvvres teal tjvyyeveiav, r)v irpolaxo^voi
eBeovro crcfids tcardyeiv) tol>9 re cfipovpovs 0U9

1 According to the custom obtaining in Hellenic cities,

whereby a stranger could offer sacrifice only through a
citizen who acted for h'on. irpoKa.TapxoiJ.evoi, as the Schol.

explains, hihovrts trporepov (sc. % roti a\\oh) ras Karaix**, *

giving the hair cut from the victim's forehead to a repre-

BOOK I. xxv, 4-xxvi. 3

Corinth the initial rites at sacrifices/ as the rest of

the colonies did, but they treated them with contempt.
For at that time they were in point of wealth equal
to the richest of the Hellenes, and in preparation
for war even stronger, while in sea-power they some-
times boasted that they were greatly superior, just
because of the former occupation of the island by
the Phaeacians, 2 whose glory was in their ships. It
was for this reason that they kept on developing
their navy, and they were in fact powerful for they ;

had on hand one hundred and twenty triremes when

the war began.
XXVI. So the Corinthians, having all these grounds
of complaint, gladly sent the desired aid to Epidam-
nus, inviting whoever wished to go along as settlers
and despatching as a garrison some Ambraciots and
Leucadians and a detachment of themselves. They
proceeded to Apollonia, a colony of the Corinthians,
going by land through fear of the Corcyraeans, lest
they might be prevented by them if they should at-
tempt to cross the sea. But when the Corcyraeans
perceived that the settlers and the garrison had
arrived at Epidamnus, and that their colony had been
given up to the Corinthians, they we re ind l^^nt. So
they sailed immediately with twenty-five ships, and
later with a second fleet, and insolently bade the Epi-
damnians dismiss the garrison sent by the Corinthians
and the settlers, and also receive back their exiles; for
the exiled Epidamnians had gone to Corcyra, and
pointing to the sepulchres of common ancestors and

sentative of Corinth, that he might throw it on the fire

a where a sacred precinct of Alcinous in Corcyra
cf. in. lxx.,
is mentioned. The ancient balief that Corcyra was the
Homeric Scheria has no support in the Odymey.

Y^opivQ 101 eTTe/nyjrav /ecu tou? oiKr\ropa^ airoirefi-

4 iretv. ol Be 'E7riBdfivL0i ovBev avrcov virij/covaav,

dXXa aipa-revovaiv eV avrovs ol Kep/cvpaloi
reaaapaKOvra vaval p.erd rcov cpvydBcov cos

Kard^ovT<;, Kal tovs 'IXXvpiovs TTpoaXajSovres.

5 TrpoaKaOe^ofievot Be ttjv ttoXiv irpoelirov 'Rttl-

Bafivicov re top fiovXo/Jievov kcu toi>? i;evov<; dira-

Qel<$ dirikvat,' el Be firj, go? iroXefiLois y^pijaeaQai.
o)? S' ovk eireiOovTO, ol fiev KepKvpaloi (eari &
la6 p,o<z to ywpiov) eiroXiopKovv ttjv ttoXlv.

XXVII. Y^oplvOioi B\ a>9 avTols Ik t?)? ^Etti,-

Bdfivov rjXOov dyyeXoi on TroXiopKovvjcu, irape-

o/cevd^oi'TO arparelav, kcu d/ia diroiKiav e? tt)v
'FiTrlSafjLVOV K7]pvacrov eVl rfj iarj kcu ofiola tov
ftovXo/jievov levar el Be ris to irapavriKa fiev
/xr) iOeXec ^vparXelv, iiereyeiv Be fiovXercu t%
diroiKia^, TrevTrjKovTa Bpa^fxas Karadevra Kopiv-
6ia<> fxeveiv. r)aav Be kcll ol irXeovres iroXXol
2 kcu rdpyvpiov Karaj3dXXovTe<;. eBer]6i]aav Be

kcu rcov "Meyapecov vaval acf)ci<; %v jjlit poire ntyai,

el dpa kcoXvoivto itiro KepKvpalcov irXelv ol Be

TrapecrKevd^ovTO avroZs oktco vaval gv/xirXelv,

Kal UaXi}? KecpaXXrjvcov reaaapaiv. Kal 'Ett^-
Bavpicov eBei]6r)aav, ot irapeayov irevre, Ep/j,iovr)<;

Be filav Kal Tpoifyjvioi, Bvo, AevKaBtoi Be BeKa Kal

'A/jLTTpaKuoTai oktco. Sr)/3aiov<; Be xpij/iara fjrr}-

aav Kal QXecaaiovs, 'HXelovs Be vavs re Keva?

BOOK I. xxvi. 3-xxvii. 2

invoking the tie of kinship had begged the Corcy-

raeans to restore them. As the Epidamnians paid no
heed to them the Corcyraeans proceeded against them
with forty ships, accompanied by the exiles whom
they intended to restore, and taking along the Il-
ly rians also. And sitting down before the city they
proclaimed that the foreigners and any Epidamnians
who wished might go away in safety otherwise they

would treat them as enemies. But when the Epidam-

nians would not comply, the Corcyraeans laid siege to
the city, which is connected with the shore by an
XXV 1 1. But the Corinthians, when messengers
came from Epidamnus announcing the siege, pre-
pared an expedition and proclaimed at the same
time a colony to Epidamnus, saying that any who
wished might go there on a basis of equal rights for
all, and that if anyone was not inclined to sail at

once, j^ut wished to have part in the colony, he

might make a deposit of fifty Corinthian drachmae l
and remain at home. The number that sailed was
large, as also of those who deposited the money.
Request was also made of the Megarians to convoy
them with ships, in case an attempt should be made
by the Corcyraeans to prevent their sailing; and
these were preparing to accompany them with eight
ships, and the Paleans, from Cephallenia, with four.
The Epidaurians, of whom a like request was made,
furnished five ships, the Hermionians one, the Troe-
zenians two, the Leucadians ten, and the Ambraciots
eight. Upon the Thebans and the Phliasians a
demand was made for money, and upon the Eleans
The Corinthian drachma was about equivalent to 6d.,
but of course had greater purchasing power. The Attic
drachma = 9ii.
Kal xptj/jLara. avrcov Be KopivOlcov vrje<; irapt-
<T/cevdovTO Tpidtcovra Kal rpLaj^LXiOc ottXltcli,.
XXVIII. ~E7reiBr) Be iirvdovro oi Kep/cvpaloi
rrjv irapaaxVi]V, iXdovres e? KopLvOov /lerd
AafceBaijjLOVLcov Kal ^ikvcovlcdv irpeajSewv, ou?
TTape\a(3ov, iKeXevov KopivOlov? toix; iv 'EiriBd-
jjbvw <ppovpov<; re Kal oiKijropas dirdyeiv, o>? ov
w 2 fierbv avrols 'EiriBdfivov. el Be tl avTiiroiovvTai,
BiKas rjOeXov Bovvai iv TLeXoTrovv^aoj irapa tto-
Xecriv al? av dfifyorepoi, tjvp,/3(ocnv OTrorepcov B'
dv BiKaaOfj elvai rrjv diroiKiav, tovtovs Kparecv
qdeXov Be Kal tw iv AeXcpols fiavrelcp eiriTpfyai.
3 TroXepov Be ovk etwv iroielv el Be fir), Kal avrol
dvayKacr6?]crecr0ai ecfraaav, JKeivwv fiia^opevcov,
(piXovs TTOLeladai ov<; ov /3ovXovTat, erepovs rcov
4 vvv ovtwv fiaXXov, uxpeXla^ eveKa. ol Be Kopiv-
Oioi direKpivavTO avrols, tjv rd<; re vavs Kal tovs
fiapfidpovs cltto ^TTiBdfjLVov dirjaydycocn, ftovXev-
aeadar irporepov S' ov tfa\<w? ^X eLV T0V< ^ ev *

5 TToXiopKelcrdai, eavrov<; Be BiKaea9ai. KepKv-

paloi Be dvreXeyov, rjv Kal iKetvoc toi>? iv 'ETriBd-
pLV(p ditaydywcri, Troirjaeiv ravra' erolpboi Be
elvau Kal coare d/Mporepovs fieveiv Kara yj&pav
GTTovBds Be 1
TToitjaaaOat ecu? av rj Blkt] yevrjrai.
Hude deletes 8e, after Poppo.

A threat of an alliance with the Athenians, ruv vvv
tvTwv referring to the Lacedaemonians and other Pelopon-
nesians, not to the Illyrians (cf. ch. xxvi. 7), as Poppo

BOOK I. xxvii. 2-xxviii. 5

for unma nned sh ips as well as for money. And the

Corinthians themselves, for their part, made ready
thirty ships and three thousand hoplites.
XXVIII. When the Corcyraeans learned of these
preparations they went to Corinth, with Lacedae-
monian and Sicyonian envoys whom they took with
them, and bade the Corinthians withdraw the gar-
rison and settlers at Epidamnus, on the ground that
they had no part in Epidamnus. But if they made any
claim to it they were willing, they said, to submit the
matter for arbitration to any states in the Pelopon-
nesus that both should agree upon, and to whichever
party the colony should be adjudged to belong, these
should have it and they were willing also to submit

the matter to the oracle at Delphi. War, however,

they warned them not to bring on but if it must be,

they too would be compelled, if the Corinthians forced

the issue, to make friends with those for whom they
had no wish, others beyond their present ones, in order
to secure assistance. 1 The Corinthians answered that
if the Corcyraeans would withdraw their ships and
the barbarians from Epidamnus they would consider
the matter, but that meanwhile it was not proper
for them 2 to be discussing arbitration while the
Epidamnians were undergoing siege. Whereupon
the Corcyraeans replied that they would do this if
the Corinthians on their part would withdraw their
forces at Epidamnus but they were also ready to

arbitrate on condition that both parties should re-

main where they were and that they should make a
truce until the decision should be given. 8
8 i.e.the envoys and the Corinthians.
Or, omitting 5e, "that they were also ready to make a
truce until the decision should be given, on condition that
both parties should remain where they were."
XXIX. KoplvOioi Be ovBev rovrcov vtttJkovov,
aX)C 7ri&r] rrXrj^et^ avrols rjaav al vi)es Kal ol
^v\Hxayoi rrap^aav, 7rp07re/iyjravre<; K^pvKa irpo-
repov 7r6\e/iov irpoepovvra KepKvpalois, apavres
6i3Sofii]KOvra vaval teal rrevre Blct^lXlol^ re ottXl-
tcu? eirXeov eirl ri]V 'EttlScl/jlvov, KepKvpaiOLS
2 evavrla iroXefirjaovre^' ear par i)yei Be rtov fiev
vetov 'Apcarev^ 6 UeXXlxov Kal KaXXi/c parr) 9
KaXXlov Kal Tifidvcop 6 Ti/idv6ov<;, rov Be ire^ov
'A/j^eri/io? re 6 EvpvTifAOv Kal 'laapxlBas 6
3 ^Gapyov. eweiS!] B' eyevovro ev 'Aktlw t?)?

AvaKTopLas 7779, ov ro lepov rov AiroXXcovos


eariv, eirl rco arofiarc rov 'AfiTrpaxiKov ko^ttov,

ol KepKvpaloc KijpvKa re rrpovire\x^fav avrols ev
ciKaricp direpovvra /jlt) irXelv eirl cr<av, /ecu t<z?
vavs dfia errXrjpovv, feufaz^Te? re ra? TraXaias
ojare irX tolji ovs elvai Kal t? aXXa<; eirio~Keya-
4 aavre^. go? Be 6 Krjpvt; re dir^yyetXev ovBev
elp-qvalov rrapa rcov Kopiv0icov Kal al vf/es avrols
e7re7rXi]po)i'TO ovaai 6yBor)Kovra (reaaapaKovra
yap 'EiriSa/jLvov iiroXiopKOw), avravayayo/xevoL
5 Kal Trapara^a/ievoi ivav/id^rjo-ap' Kal eviKtjaav
ol KepKvpalou irapa ttoXv Kal vav<; rrevre Kal
BeKa BtecpOetpav rcov Kopcvdlcov. rfj Se avrrj
i)/xepa aurot? ^vvefiii Kal roix; ri)v ''KiriBafivov
TToXiopKOvvTas irapaarrjcraaOaL 6/JioXoyia coo-re
rov<; fxev eiTrjXvhas diroBooOai, Kopivdiovs Be
Brjaavra^ eyeiv eco? av aXXo ri Bo^rj.
XXX. Me-ra Be rijv vavp.ayiav ol KepKVpaloi
rpoiralov o-ri')aavre<; eirl rfj AevKLfxvy rr)$ Kep-
Kvpaias aKpcorrjpLco rov? fxev aXXov? ovs ekaftov

BOOK I. xxix. i-xxx. i

XXIX. The Corinthians, however, would not listen

to any of these proposals, but, as soon as their ships
were manned and their allies were at hand, they
sent a herald in advance to declare war against the 434 b.o

Corcyraeans then, setting off with seventy-five ships


and two thousand hoplites, they sailed for Epidamnus

to give battle to the Corcyraeans. Their ships were
under the command of Aristeus son of Pellichus,
Callicrates son of Callias, and Timanor son of Ti-
manthes the infantry under that of Archetimus

son of Eurytimus and Isarchidas son of Isarchus.

But when they reached Actium in the territory of
Anactorium, where is the sanctuary of Apollo at the
mouth of the Ambracian gulf, the Corcyraeans sent
out a herald in a small boat to forbid their advance,
and at the same time proceeded to man their ships,
having previously strengthened the old vessels with
cross-beams so as to make them seaworthy, and
having put the rest in repair. When *tKeir herald
brought back no message of peace from the Corin-
thians and their ships were now fully manned, being
eighty in number (for forty were besieging Epidam-
nus), they sailed out against the enemy and, dra win g
up in line, engaged in battle and they won a

complete" victory and destroyed fifteen ships of the

Corinthians. On the same day it happened that
their troops which were engaged in the siege of
Epidamnus forced it to a capitulation, on condition
that the other immigrants 1 should be sold into
slavery but the Corinthians kept in bonds until
something else should be agreed upon.
XXX. After the sea-fight the Corcyraeans set up
a trophy of their victory at Leucimne, a promontory
in the territory of Corcyra, and put to death the
i.e. the Ambraciots and Leucadians ; cf. ch. xxvi. 1.

al\i.ta\corov^ direfcreLvav, Kopivdiovs Be Brjcravre^
2 el^ov. varepov Be, 7TlBt] ol Koplvdioi Kal ol

^vfjLfxa^OL rjaarj/xevoL raU vavalv dve^coprjaav eir

oI'kov, Qa\daar\<; drrdar]^ ifcpdrovv tt}? Kar

tt}? K

i/ceiva rd ywpla } ol K.epKvpaioi, teal TrXevaavres

e? AevKaBa rrjv Kopivdlcov drroiKiav rr}<; 7779 ere-
fiovKal KvXkrfvrjv to 'HXelcov eitlveiov eveirprjaav,
3 on vavs Kal ^prj/jbara rrapeayov KopivOlois. rod
re yjibvov rbv nXelarov fxerd rr\v vavpaylav
eiretcpdrovv ttjs BaXdaarjs kcu tovs tcov Kopiv-
OiCOV ^Vfl/ld^OV^ e7wr\eovre<; (j)0LpOVj/JL6Xpt, ov
Kopivdiot, irepiovrt tw d epei irefi'^ravre<; vavs teal
arpandv, eirel acpcov ol ^ufifia^oL eirovpvv, earpa-
roireBevovTo eVl 'Aktico Kal irepl to Xeifiepcov
rf)<; eairpcorlBo^, cpv\aKr)<; eveica tt}? re AevKaBos
koX rcov dWcov rroXecov oaai acf>lai <f)LXiai rjaav.
A dvrearparoireBevovro Be kcu ol KepKvpalot eVt
rfj AevKL/jLi>T) vaval re kcu ire^co. eireiTXeov re
ov&erepoi dXXijXois, d\Xa rb Oepos rovro avri-
KaOe^o/ievoL ^eipicbvo^ rjBrj dveyjjdpr\aav en oikou
XXXI. Tbv Be evtavrbv irdvra rbv p,erd rr)v
vavjia^iav Kal rbv varepov ol Y^oplvdioi opyy
cpepovres rbv irpbs KepKvpaiovs rroXe/xov evawiTT)-
yovvro Kal it apecr Kevd^ovro rd Kpdriara vecov
aroXov, K re avrr}<; TleXoirovvrjaov dyeipovres
Kal t?}? dXXrjs 'EWuSo? eperas /jLiaOw ireiOovres.
2 TTVvdavopevot, Be ol KepKvpaiot. rrjv irapaaKevrjv
avrcov e<f)o/3ovvro, Kal (rjaav yap ovBevb? 'EXXrj-

BOOK I. xxx. i-xxxi. 2

prisoners they had taken, with the exception of the

Corinthians, whom they kept in fetters. But after-
wards, when the Corinthians and their allies had
gone back home with their ships after their defeat,
the Corcyraeans were masters of the whole seajji
that quarter, and sailing to Leucas, the colony of the
Corinthians, they ravaged the country and burned
Cyllene, the naval arsenal of the Eleans, because they
had furnished ships and money to the Corinthians.
And so for most of the time after the sea-fight they
had control over the sea and sailing against the

allies of the Corinthians they kept harrying them,

until the Corinthians, as the summer was drawing
to an end, 1 seeing that their allies were suffering,
sent ships and an army and encamped at Actium
and near the promontory of Cheinierium in Thes-
protis, as a protection for Leucas and the other
cities that were friendly to themselves. And the
Corcyraeans encamped on the opposite coast at Leu-
cimne with both ships and infantry. Neither side
sailed against the other, but they faced each other
for the rest of this summer
was not until winter
; it

had come that they each went back home.

XXXI. During the whole year after the sea-fight
and the next year the Corinthians, being angrily in-
dignant about their war with the Corcyraeans, kept
building ships and preparing a naval armament with
all their might, and collected oarsmen from both
the Peloponnesus and the rest of Hellas by the in-
ducement of pay. The Corcyraeans, on the other
hand, were alarmed when they learned of their pre-
parations, and since they were without an ally among
ireptSvTi (as the MSS. read) = TVpu6vri. But Ullrich
{Beitr. z. Kr. iii. p. 5) explains = lv r<$ irepi6vTi rov Bipovs,
"in what remained of the summer." So Boehme.
vcov evarrovhot ovhe ecreypd^avro eavrov<; ovre e?
Ta? AQ^vaLcov cnrovhds ovre e? Ta? Aateehat-

/jlovlcov) eho^ev avrols eXOovcriv &>? rov$ AOrjvai-

ou? ^v/j,/ud^ov<; yevecQai teal chcpeXlav rivd rreipd-

3 aOai an' avrcov evptatceaOaL. oi he Kopivdioi
TTv66p,evoi ravra rjX6ov teal avrol e'9 Ta? 'AOrjvas
irpeafievGOfxevoi, oVa)? /irj acj>icn irpos rco Ke/9-
Kvpaicov vavriteco teal rb avrcov rrpocryevbpevov
yevnrai OeaOai rbv iroXepov y ftov-

4 Xovrai. Karaardarj^ he eteteXrjcria*; e? avriXoyiav

r/XOov. teal oi puev Keptevpaloi e\e%av roidheJ

XXXII. " Aiteaiov, ai 'Adrjvaloi, tou? fitjre

evepyeaia<; fieydXr}^ [n']Te ^vfifMa^ia^ 7rpovcpeiXo-
ixevrj^ jjtcovras irapd rovs ireXas emteovpia*;, cocr-
rrep teal rjfiels vvv, her)crop.evov<; dvahihd^ai irpco-
tov, pdXiara fiev &)? teal vp,cf)opa heovrai, el he

fjL7], oil ye ovte enri^pua, erreira he ax? teal rrjv

\dpiv fieftaiov e^ovaiv el he rovrcov p,7jhev cratch
2 tear acm] a overt, fjut} opyi^ecrOaL rjv aTvywcnv. Kep-
Kvpaloi he fxerd rrjs %viipayia<; rr)<; alrrjcrecos teal

ravra marevovre^ exvpd vpZv Trapeeo~6ai dire-

3 aretXav 77/xa?. reri>xv Ke & T0 avrb iircrijhev/Ma
7rpo? re vfi&s 69 ttjv XP eiav W*^' dXoyov teal e\
rd ijperepa avrcov ev rco rr-apovri d^vp,cj)opov.

4 fu/x/za^ot re yap ovhevos irco ev rco rrpb rov

eteovcrioi yevojxevoi vvv aXXcov rovro herjo~6p,evoi

yjteo/jLev, teal dfia e? rbv rrapovra iroXe/iov Koptv-

Olcov eprjfiot hi avrb KaOe.o-rap.ev. teal rrepie-

arrjKev 1) hoteovaa tj/jlcov rrpbrepov acoeppocrvvrj, to

BOOK I. xxxi. 2-xxxn. 4

the Hellenes and had not enrolled themselves in

the alliance either of the Athenians or of the Lace-
daemonians, they decided to go to the Athenians,
become their allies, and try to procure some aid
from them. But the Corinthians also, hearing of
this, themselves sent envoys to Athens to prevent
the accession of the Athenian fleet to that of the
Corcyraeans, as this would hamper them in settling
the war as they wished. And when an assembly 8ar
was held opposing speeches were made, and the
Corcyraeans spoke as follows :

XXXII. "It is but fair, citizens of Athens, that

those who, without any previous claim on the score
of important service rendered or of an existing al-
liance, come to their neighbours to ask aid, as we
do now, should show in the first place, if possible,
that what they ask is advantageous, or at least that
it is not hurtful, and, in the second place, that their

gratitude can be depended on; but in case they

establish neither of these things clearly, they should
not be angry if unsuccessful. Now the Corcyraeans
have sent us to ask for an alliance, and in full con-
fidence that they will be able to give you guarantees
on just these points. But it so happens tHaVour
policy has been at one and the same time incon-
sistent, as it must seem to you, with our petition,
and is also disadvantageous under present circum-
stances to ourselves; for although heretofore we
have freely chosen to be allies of no one, we have
now come to ask others for an alliance, and at the
same time, in the face of the present war with the
Corinthians, we are, because of this very policy,
isolated. And so what was formerly fondly imagined
to be wise discretion on our part to enter into no

fjL-q ev aXXorpla %vppayia rfj rov ireXas yvoo/ir]

^vytewBvveveiv, vvv aftovXia teal dadeveia <bai-

5 vopevrj. t^ pev ovv yevopuevrjv vavp,a%lav avrol

teard povas aureus a aped a KopivOiov;' eireiBri Be
puei^ovi irapaateevfj airo YleXoTcovvrjcrov teal tt)?
aXXrj<; 'EWaSo? e^' T^aa? wpprjvrai teal rjpels

ahvvcLTOL opwpev ovre? ry oiiceLa povov Bvvdpuei

irepLyeveaOai, teal dpa peya<; telvBvvos, l eo~6-
pCeOa V7T avrois, dvdyterj teal vp,wv teal aXXov
iravTO? eiriKOVpias BelaOai, teal %vyyvd)p,r), el prj

perd tea/etas, So 779 Be pdXXov dfiapria rfj rrpo-

repov airpaypLoavvr] evavrla roXpcopiev.
XXXIII. " TevTJaerai Be vplv TTeiBopuevoi^
KaXr) 7] ^WTV^la Kara rroXXa tt}<? r)perepa<;
^peia^;, irpwrov p,ev on dBiteovpevoi<; teal ov%
erepovs fiXdirrovat, rrjv eiriteovpiav TroirjaeaOe,
eireLTa irepl rosv peylarcov teLvBvvevovras Be%d-
pevoi a)? av pdXiara per aleipvqaTov puaprvpiov
T7)v \dpiv KaraOrjaeade, vavriteov re teetcrr/petta

2 ttXtjv rov Trap vplv irXelarov. teal aiee-^raade

Tt? evirpa^ia airavLcorepa 17 Tt? Tot? TroXepioL?
Xvirriporepa, el rjv vpeU av irpb ttoXXcjv ^prjpd-
rtov teal %dpiTO<; erip^aaade Bvvapiv vplv irpocr-

yevecrOai, avrrj irdpeariv avTeTrdyyeXros, dvev

teivBuvcov teal BaTrdvr)? BcBovaa eavrrjv teal irpoa--

TL (pepovaa e'9 pev tou? ttoXXovs dperr/v, oh Be

eirapwelre ydpiv, vplv V auTot? layyv a iv t&J

BOOK I. xxxii. 4-xxxiii. 2

foreign alliance, with the possibility of having to

take our share of the danger of our neighbour's
policy has now, in the event, proved want of
wisdom and a source of weakness. It is true that,
in the sea-fight we have had, we repulsed the Co-
rinthians single-handed but now that they have set

out to attack us with a greater force, drawn from the

Peloponnesus and the rest of Hellas, and we see
that we are unable to prevail with our own strength
alone, and since, further, our peril will be serious if
we come into their power, we are constrained to ask
help of you and of everyone else and it is pardon-

able if we now, actuated by no baseness, but rather

acknowledging an error of judgment, venture upon
a course that runs counter to our former policy of
avoiding foreign entanglements.
XXXIII. " For yourselves, if you concede what we
ask, by a happy concurrence of events Athens can
get both honour and advantage in many ways first, :

you will be giving your aid to those who are wronged

and not to those who injure others next, by taking

into alliance men whose most vital interests are at

stake, you will lay up for yourselves a claim for grati-
tude with a record which will abide in our memories
for ever ;and, lastly, we have a navy greater than any
but your own. Think of it now, what good fortune
could be rarer, more vexatious to your foes, than
this that the power which you would have ac-
counted it worth much money and gratitude to
acquire should become yours unbidden, offering itselt
to you without danger or expense, and bringing you,
besides, a good name before the world, gratitude
from those avIio are to receive your help, and en-
hanced strength for yourselves? To few in all

iravrl ypovco oXiyois Brj dfia irdvra vi>e/3r}, Kal

oXiyoL ^vpLfiayia^ BeofievoL ol? eTUKakovvraL

dcrcbdXeiav Kal koo-/xov ovy r aaov hihovres r) t

\7]\jr6fiVOL irapayiyvovrai.
3 "Tov 8e TToXefiov, Sl ovirep y^prjaifJiOL av eljiev,
/at) ol'erai ecrecrOai, yvcoprj^ dpaprdvei
el tis bjxoiv
Kal ovk aio-Odvercu tou? AaKeZaLpovLovs <$>6(B<o
t<m vperepw TroXepLrjcreiovTas Kal tou? Kopiv-
OLovs, 8vvajjLvov<; Trap' avrois Kal vplv e^Opoi)^
ovras, 1 7rpoKaTa\a/j,/3dvovTa<? 77/xa? vvv e? ttjv
vjjLerepav eirLyeip^cnv, 'Iva fir) tw kolvw e^Oec
Kar avrov<z fier dXXrjXcov arwp.ev fir)Se Svolv
(f)0dcraL d/jLaprcocTLV, r) KaKwaat i)fxa<$ rj a(pd<; av-
4 tovs /3e/3aid)(racrdai. rj/xerepov Be y av epyov
irporeprjaai, twv fiev SiSovtcov, v/jlcov Se Sefa/^e-
vcov rrjv %v ^aylav ; Kal TrpoeinfiovXeveiv avrols
/xaXXov r) dvTeTTtfiovXeveLv
XXXIV. "*Hi> Se Xeywaiv co? ov BiKaiov rovs

cr<f)Tepovs aTTOLKOvs u/xd? SeyeaOat, fiaOovrcov

co? irdaa diroiKia ev puev irda^ovaa rifia rrjv
fir)Tpo7ro\ip, dhiKOvpevr) he dXXorpiovrar ov yap
eirl ru> SovXoi, a\V eirl rw 6/jloIol to<? Xear pie-
2 vols elvai eKirepirovTai. a>? he t/Slkovv cra^e?
eo~TLV TrpoKkrjOevTes yap irepl ^TTihdpvov e?
Kp'iGiv 7ro\e/j,(p r) tw iaa) e/3ov^ rjdrjaav tcl
3 eyKXrjpara pLereXOelv. Kal vplv earto ti reKixr)-
Kai, before irpoKaTaXafx^avovTas in the MSS., deleted by

This allegation is denied in the speech of the Corinthians,
ch. xli. 1.
Or, retaining Kai before irpoKaTaKa/uL&avovTax, "and fails
to perceive that the Lacedaemonians, through fear of you,

BOOK I. xxxm. 2-xxxiv. 3

history have such opportunities fallen all at the

same time, and few are they who, when they beg for
an alliance, come offering to those to whom they
make their appeal as large a degree of security and
honour they expect to receive.
" Now war which would give us occasion
as to the
to be of service, if anyone of you thinks it will not
occur he errs in judgment, and fails to perceive that
the Lacedaemonians, through fear of you, are eager
for war, and that the Corinthians, who have great
influence with them and are enemies of yours, 1 are
making a beginning with us now 2 with a view to a
subsequent attack upon you, in order that we may
not be led by our common hatred to take our stand
together against them, and that they may not fail,
before we unite, to attain their two objects to
harm us and to strengthen themselves. It is our
business, on the other hand, to get the start of

them m& offering and your accepting the alliance
and to forestall their schemes rather than to
counteract them.
XXXIV. " But if they say that it is not right for
you to receive their colonists, let them know that
while every colony honours the mother-city so long
as it is well treated, yet that if wronged it becomes
alienated for colonists are not sent out to be slaves

to those who are left behind, but to be their equals.

And that they were in the wrong is manifest for ;

when challenged to arbitrate the case of Epidamnus

they preferred to prosecute their charges by war
rather than by equity. And let their present treat-
are eager for war, and that the Corinthians have great in-
fluence with them and are enemies of yours, and are making
a beginning with us with a view to a subsequent attack upon
you ..."
piov a 7T/00? r)fia<; rovs fjvyyevels Bpcoeiv, ghtt

aTTary re fir) irapdyeadai vir avrcov Beofievois re

ete rod ev6eo<; fir) virovpyelv 6 yap eXaxlcnas Ta?

fierafieXeias ete rod yapi^eaQai roU evavriois

Xafifidvwv da(f)a\e(TTaTO<; av BiareXoLr).
XXXV. " Avaere Be ovBe rd<; AateeBaifiovLoov
airovBds Bexofievoi r)fia<; /irjBerepcov ovras gvfifid-
2 %ou9. etprjrai yap iv avrals, tcov 'FiXXrjviBoov
iroXecov tJtls fx-qBafiov ^vfifiayel, igeivai Trap*
3 OTToripovs av dpeate^rat, eXOelv. teal Beivbv el
rolaBe {lev airo re reov evcnrovBwv carat irXrjpovv
ra? vav<i teal irpoaeri teal ite tt)<; aXXr)? 'EAAaSo?
teal ov% rjfCKTTa airo rcov vfierepcov virrj/eocov, r)fias
Be airo t% irpoKeifievr)^ re %VfifiayLa<$ etpgovcrt,
teal airo tt}9 aXXodev iroQev axfieXias, elra
dBiterjfiarL 6i]<jovrai ireiaOevTwv vficov a BeofieOa^
4 ttoXv Be iv irXeiovi alria rjfiels fir) ireiaavre^
bfids e^ofiev yap teivBvvevovras teal ovte
r)iid<; fikv
e^Opovs 6Wa? dircoaeaOe, rcovBe Be ov% oirax;
tecoXvral i^Opwv ovrcov teal iiriovrcov yevrfcreaOe,
dXXa real airo rrj<; vfierepas cip^r)^ Bvvafiiv irpoa-

Xaftelv 7repio^ea0e' y)v ov Bitcaiov, dXX r) tedteei-

vcov tewXveiv tou? ere rrj<; vfierepas fiicrdo(f)6pov^ rj

zeal r)iuv irefiireiv teaO' 6 re av 7reLcr0r)re axfreXiav

fidXtara Be airo rod irpotyavovs Be^afievov; j3orj-
5 6elv. iroXXa Be, wairep iv dp\fj vireiirofiev, ra
%vti(f)povTa aTToBeiKvufiev, teal fieyiarov on oi re

With the MSS. ; Kruger conjectures eJf re, followed by
BOOK I. xxxiv. 3-xxxv. 5

ment of us, who are their kinsmen, be a warning to

you, that you be not misled by their deceit, or, if
they seek aid from you directly, that you may refuse
it. For whoever finds fewest occasions to regret
doing favours to his opponents will ever remain
most secure.
XXXV. " Neither will you be breaking your treaty
with the Lacedaemonians by receiving us, who are
allies of neither party. For in this treaty it is stipu-
lated that if any of the Hellenic cities is a member
of no alliance, it is at liberty to join whichever side it
pleases. And it is monstrous if they are to be al-
lowed to recruit their navy, not only from their own
allies, but also from the rest of Hellas besides, and
particularly from your subjects, but are to debar us
from the alliance that should naturally be open to us
as well as from aid from any other quarter, and then
shall count it a crime if you are persuaded to con-
cede what we ask. Far more shall we hold you at
fault if we fail to win your consent for you will be

repulsing us who are in peril and are not your enemies,

while as regards these men, who are enemies and ag-
gressors, you will not only not be thwarting them,
but will even be allowing them to get fresh forces
from your own dominions. To that they have no
right but it is right that you should either prevent

them from raising mercenaries in places under your

control, or else send aid to us also, on whatever
terms you may be induced to make but it would be

best of all for you openly to receive and help us.

And many, as we suggested at the outset, 1 are the
advantages which we can show you, and the most
important of all is this, that the enemies of both of
Ch. xixiii. X.

avTol TroXe/jLioL rj/itv rjaav (oirep cra^eardrrj
tticttis) Kal ovtol ovk dadevels, dXX Itcavol tovs
fieraardvra^ fiXdyjrai. Kal vavTi/crjs real ovk
rjiretpcoTiBos tt}? ^vpujiaylas BcBo/jLem^ ovx ofioia

7) dWorpLcoais, dXXa /idXiaTa fiev, el BvvaaOe,

lATjheva aXXov eav KeKTijaOaL ray?, el Be firj,

ogtis i)(vpa)TaTO<;, tovtov (fiuXov eyeiv.

XXXVI. " Kal otw rdhe ^v/xepepovra fiev BoKel

XeyecrOai, <po/3elrai Be /jltj Bi avrd ireiOofievos tcls

airovBds Xvarj, yvooTco to fiev BeBihs avrov Icr^vv

eyov tovs evavTiovs fidXXov o$r\Gov y to Be 6ap-
aovv pL7) Be^afievov daOeves ov irpos la^vovTas
tou? i%0povs dBeeaTepov eaofievov, Kal djia ov
Trepl T7J9 KepKvpas vvv to irXeov rj Kal tcov 'AOrj-
vtov fiovXevofievos, Kal ov tcl KpaTiaTa avTais
irpovocov, oTav e? tov fieXXovTa Kal oaov ov
irapovTa iroXe/jLOV to avTiKa irepiaKOTrcov iv-

Bo'.d^rj yuiplov irpocrXaBelv o /xeTa /jbeylaTcov

2 Kaiptov olfceiovTal Te Kal iroXe/jiovTai^ tt)<; re

yap 'iTaXta? Kal ^iKeXias KaXcos irapdirXov
KCLTai, coaTe firjTe eKeWev vavTiKov edaai IleXo-
nowr) viols eireXdelv to T evTevdev irpos tukcl
irapaTrejji^raii Kal e? TaXXa ^vficpopcoTaTov eaTiv.

So ^oav seems to mean here, where elai was to be ex-
pected ; cf. ch. xxxiii. 3.
2 h(1 or Zu/Atiepei seems to be implied.
* The thirty-years' truce with Sparta ; cf. oh. xxiii. 4.

BOOK I. xxxv. 5xxxvi. 2

us are, as we see, 1 the same

which is the surest
guarantee of fidelity and these are not weak, but
able to injure those who withdraw from them. And
furthermore, when the alliance that is offered is with
a maritime and not with a continental power, the
alienation of such an ally is not a matter of indif-

ference on the contrary, you should by all means,


if no one else to possess ships but

possible, permit ;

if that impossible, you should have as your friend


him who is strongest therein.

XXXVI. " If anyone thinks that this course is in-
deed expedient, but fears that if he yields to this con-
sideration he will be breaking off the truce, he should
understand that his fear, if backed by strength, will
make his enemies more afraid whereas, if he re-

ject our alliance, his confidence be unsupported will
by might and will therefore be less formidable against
enemies that are strong. He should understand,
furthermore, that he is deliberating upon the in-
terests, not so much of Corcyra, as of Athens, and
that he is not making the best provision for her
when, in the face of the war that is impending and
all but present, he hesitates, through cautious con-
sideration of the immediate chances, to attach to
himself a country which is not made a friend or a
foe except with the most momentous consequences.
For Corcyra is favourably situated for a coasting
voyage either to Italy or Sicily, 6 so that you could
prevent a fleet from coming thence to join the Pelo-
ponnesians, or could convoy thither a fleet from here;
and in other respects it is a most advantageous
* i.e. themselves breaking the truce.
in the security of the truce.
6 Ancient mariners preferred to hug the coast rather than
sail through the open sea.

3 ftpa^vTCLTM 8' av KefyaXa'up, to? re ^vpuraat teal

fcaO' e/cao-Tov, two" av /xr; TrpoeaOai 77/xa? /jbdOoire'


rpla /lev ovra Xoyov d^ia tch? 'EXXr)cri vavritcd,

to Trap* v/ilv Ka\ to rj/jbirepov Kal to Kopivdlcov
rovrcov Be ra Bvo e? ravrbv eXOelv
el irepioyjreaOe
real KoplvOtoc rj/JLa? irpoKaTaX^ovTaL, Kep/cv-
paiois re Kal UeXoTTovvyjcrLois a/ia vavfia^aere'
Be^dpLevot, Be ?^aa? egere 77750? avrovs TrXeiocri
vaval Tat? rj/Aerepai? dycDvi^ecrOai"
4 Tolclvtcl /xev 01 Kep/cvpaloi elirov ol Be Kopiv-
Olol /jl6t avTovs roidBe.
XXXVII. " 'Avayfcalov Kep/cvpaicov rcbvBe ov
fjbovov nrepl rov Be^aaOai crca? rov Xoyov Troirjcra-

fievcov, aU' go? koI r)fii<; re dBiKov p^ev Kal avrol

OVK 6tVoT&)? TToXe/ULOVVTdL, iivrjo-Oevras TTpOdTOV Kal
77/ia? rrepl d/Kporepcov ovrco Kal eirl rov aXXov
Xoyov levai, Xva rrjv d(j) rjpucov re dfjiGOcriv dacf>a-
Xearepov TrpoetBrjre Kal rrjv rcovBe ^peiav fit)

aXoyLcrroos dircoarjaOe.
2 " ^>acrt Be ^vp/jLa^lav Blcl to aa)(ppov ovBevos
7Tco Be^aadar to B" eirl KaKOvpyla Kal ovk apery
eTrerrjBevo-av, ^yppuayov T ovBeva /3ovX6fievoL
7roo? rdBcKijpara oure /xaprupa k\eiv ovBe irapa-
3 KaXovvres aivxyvecdai, Kal rj ttoXls avrcov djia
avrdpKrj Oecriv Ketfxevrj Trapeyei, avrovs BiKaaras
oiv fiXdiTTOval riva fiaXXov rj Kara %vvdr)Ka<;

For ovSe of the MSS., Dobree's conjecture. Hude reads
oi'Se . . . ovb.

BOOK I. xxxvi. 3-xxxvn. 3

place. And by one briefest concluding word, which

embraces both the whole issue and all separate facts,
you will be convinced that you should not abandon
us: The Hellenes have only three fleets that are
worthy of mention, yours, ours, and that of the
Corinthians ;if, now, the Corinthians shall seize us

first and you thus let two of these fleets become

united, you will have to fight on the sea against
both Corcyraeans and Peloponnesians at once but ;

if you accept us, you will be able to contend

against them with your navy augmented by our
Thus spoke the Corcyraeans, and after them the
Corinthians as follows :

XXXVII. "Since these Corcyraeans have not con- J.,

fined themselves to the question of their admission

into your alliance, but have gone further and urged
that we are the wrong-doers and they are unfairly
attacked, we too must of necessity touch upon both
these points before we proceed to our general argu-
ment, in order that you may be more definitely
forewarned of the nature of the demand we have
to make, and may have good grounds for rejecting
their petition.
"They say that 'a. wise discretion* has hitherto
kept them from accepting an alliance with anyone ;

but the fact is that they adopted this policy with a

view to villainy and not from virtuous motives, and
because they wished in their misdeeds not to have
any ally as witness, or to be put to shame if they
invited his presence. Moreover, the insular and in-
dependent position of this state causes them to be
arbitrary judges of the injuries they do to others
instead of being judges appointed by mutual agree-

yiyveaOai, Bid rb rj/ciara eirl tou? ireXa? e/crrXe-

ovras fMciXiara tovs aXXov? dvdyfcrj Karaipovra*;

4 Behead a i.\ tcai rovro to ev<tt penes dairovBov ov\
Xva fir) ^vvaBucwaiv erepots Trpo^e^X^vrac, ak\
07T&)? Kara fiovas dBiKwav kclI oVa)? ev <w fiev av
tcparcocn (Bid^wvraL, ov S' av XdOwai irXeov e^a)-
aiv, rjv Be ttov tl TrpoXdfiwcriv dvaca^vvTwaiv
5 KaiTOi el r/aav avBpes, coarrep cfjaaiv, dyaOol, Saw
akrjTTTorepoL r/o~av to?? irekas, roaqy Be (fiavepw-

repav etjrjv avrois rr)v dperrjv Bi&ovcri koX Beyp-

fievois rd BUaia Beucvvvai.

XXXVIII. " 'A\V ovre iTpb<; tou? aXXov? ovre
e? r)fia<$ roiolBe elaiv, clttoikol 6" ovres dcpeardal
re Sid rravrbs Koi vvv iroXefiova l, Xeyovre? tt)?

2 ovk eirl rq> fca/ccos irdayeiv etcnejx^Oelev. rjfiels

Be ovB' avroi (fia/mev eVt tw .vtto rovrcov vftpl^e-

gOcll KaroLKucraL, a\V eirl tw rjye/uLoves re elvat,

3 koX rd el/cora 6avfid^ea6at. al yovv aXXai

divoiKiai TLfjiwcriv r)/ids fcal fidXiara virb uttolkcov

4 arepyofieOa' real BrjXov on, el to?? irXeocnv dpe-

a/covTes iafiev, Tolao* av fiovois ovk opdax; dirape-

o-fcoi/jiev, ovB emar par evo fiev efcrrpeircos fir) real

D BiacpepovTco? ri dBiKovfievoi. KaXbv $ r)v, el teal

rjfiaprdvofiev, roicr&e fiev el%at rfj r)fierepa opyrj,

r)filv Be alo~xpbv /3t,do~ao-6ai rr)v rovrcov fierpi-


BOOK I. xxxvii. 3-xxxvm. 5

ment; owing
to the fact that they resort very
little ports of their neighbours, but to a
to the
very large extent receive into their ports others
who are compelled to put in there. And mean-
while they have used as a cloak their specious policy
of avoiding alliances, adopted not in order to avoid
joining others in wrong-doing, but that they may do
wrong all alone that wherever they have power

they may use violence, and wherever they can escape

detection they may overreach someone ; and if, per-
chance, they can steal a march on anyone, that they
may brazen it out. And yet, if they were really honest
men, they pretend to be, the less liable they were
to attack by their neighbours the more clearly they
might have demonstrated their virtuous motives by
offering and accepting proposals of arbitration.
XXXVIII. "But neither toward others nor to-
ward us have they shown themselves honest men on ;

the contrary, although they are colonists of ours, they

have constantly stood aloof from us, and now they
are at war with us, claiming that they were not sent
out to be ill treated. But neither did we colonize
them to be insulted by them, but to be their leaders
and to receive from them all due reverence. The
rest of our colonies, at any rate, honour us, and
by our colonists we are beloved more than is any
other mother-city. And it is clear that, if we are
acceptable to the majority, it cannot be on good
grounds that we are unacceptable to these alone
nor are we making war upon them in a way so
unusual without being also signally wronged. And
even if we were at fault, the honourable course for
them would have been to make allowance for our
temper, in which case it would have been shameful

6 0T?/Ta* v{3pei Be Kal i^ovaia TrXovrov iroXXa e?
fj/ias dXXa re rj/jLapTrjfcaai Kal ^rrLBafxvov rj/xere-

pav ovaav KaKOv\xkvr\v fiev ov irpoaeiroiovvTO,

eXOovrcov Be r]fJLO)v eirl rLjJLwpia eXovres ftia
XXXIX. " Kal cfracrl Bt) Blktj irpbrepov ide-
Xrjaac KpiveaOai, ye ov rbv irpov^ovra Kai fC

rod acr(f)a\ov<; irpoKaXovfievov Xeyeiv ri Bokciv

Bel, dXXa rbv e? icrov rd re epya ofioLcos Kal tou?
2 Xoyovs irp\v Btaycovi^eaOai KaOiardvra. ovroi
Be ov irplv iroXiopfcelv rb yoaplov, aA,V eireiBr) rjyrj-

aavro ^yua? ov Trepio^jreo-dai, rore Kal rb evirpeTres

r% BiKrjs rrapecryovr 0' Kal Bevpo tfKovcriv, ov
raKel fiovov avrol dfiaprovres, dXXa Kal uyLta?
vvv d^iovvre^ ov ^v/x/ia)^eLV, dXXa ^vvaBiKeiv Kal
3 Biacpopow; ovras 7]/jllv Bexeadat er(/>a?- ou? yjpr\v t

ore dacpaXecrraroL rjcrav, rore irpocrievaL, Kal fir]

ev (h libels fiev rjBiKij/jieda, ovroi Be KivBvvevovai,

firjB' ev w vfiels tj}<? re Bvvd/iecos avroiv rore ov
/AeraXaj36vre<; rr}? ax^eXia? vvv /xeraBcoaere Kal
ra)v dfiaprri/ndrcov diro yevo/xevoi t?;? a<' rjfiwv

alrLas rb Xaov e^ere, rrdXai Be Koivayaavras rr]v

Bvvap.iv KOivd Kal rd diro(3aivovra e^e^.
XL. " f2? fxev ovv avrol re fierd TTpocrrjKovrayv
eyKXrj/jidrcov ep^b/xeOa Kal o'iBe fiiaioi Kal irXeo-

iyK\T)ixa.T<jov 8e /xovcov cl/j.t6xovs ovtws rS>v fitra ras Trpd^ets
tovtwv /x^i Koivuvelv, "As, however, you have had no share in
the accusations, you should not share in the consequences."
This clause is omitted by all good MSS. except G, and by all
recent editors except Bloomfield.


BOOK I. xxxviii. 5-xi,. 1

for us to outrage their moderation but in the


insolence and arrogance of wealth they have wronged

us in many other ways, and particularly in the case
of Epidamnus, our colony, which they made no claim
to when it was in distress, but seized by force the
moment we came to its relief, and continue to hold.
XXXIX. " They pretend, forsooth, that they were
the first to agree to an arbitration of the issue
but surely it is not the proposals of the one who has
the advantage, and occupies a safe position when he
invites arbitration, that ought to have weight, but
rather those of the one who has made his actions tally
with his professions before appealing to arms. These
men, however, bring forward their specious offer of a
court of arbitration, not before laying siege to the
place, but only after they had concluded that we
would not permit it. And now, not satisfied with the
blunders they have committed themselves at Epi-
damnus, they have come here demanding that you
too at this juncture, shall be, not their allies, but
their accomplices in crime, and that you shall receive
them, now that they are at variance with us. But
they ought to have come to you when they were
in no peril at all, and not at a time when we are
victims of their injustice and they are consequently
in danger, nor when you, without having had the
benefit of their power before, will now have to give
them a share of your aid, and, though you had nothing
to do with their blunders, will have to bear an equal
part of the blame we shall bestow. For only if you
from the had shared their power ought you to
share the consequences also now of their acts.
XL. " Now it has been clearly shown that we have
come with proper grounds of complaint against
veKTcci elal BeBrjXcorar co? Be ovk av BiKaiws
2 clvtovs Be-^oiade fiaOelv XP 1!' 6L 7<*p etprjTai ev
tcu? cnrovBals, ifjeivai- irap birorepov^ rt? (3ov-
Xerai rtov dypdcftoov iroXewv eXOelv, ov Tot? eirl

/S\a/3?7 erepcov lovaiv r) %vvdr)icq eariv, dX\!

oaris firj a\Xov eavjov airocnepoiv dcrtpaXela^
Becrac Kal octtls firj toIs Se^afievois, el aaxfipo-
vovcri, rroXefiov avr elp>jvi]<; iroitjaef b vvv vfieis
3 fir) ireiObfxevoi riplv irdOoire av. ov yap rolaBe
fiovov eiriKovpoi av yevoiaBe, dXXa teal i)fiiv clvt\

evcnrovBcov TToXepbioi. avdy/ci] yap, el tre fier

4 avrcov, Kal d/ivveaOai /x/; avev bfiow tovtovs. icai-

tol BiKaiOL y eo~re fxaXiG-ra fiev IkitoBcov arrival

dlMporepois, el Be fir], rovvavrlov eirl tovtovs fieO'

r)/jLcov levai (yLopivdiois fiev ye evairovBoi iare,

KepKvpaioi<; Be ovBe Bl avoKQ)%i}<; ttuhtot* eye-
veade), Kal top vbfiov fir) KaOiardvai ware toi)?

5 erepwv d^iarafiivov; Be^ecrdaL. ovBe yap r)fiels

?Lafii(DV d-TToaravTcov y]rrj(f)ov irpoaeOefieOa evav-

riav vfiiv, rtov aXXcov HeXo7rovvrjaiO)V Bi^a eyjrrj-

(pLG-fiei'WV el xpr) auTot? dfivveiv, (f>avepco<; Be

dvreiirofiev tou? TrpoatjicovTas lt;vfifidypv<$ avrov
6 riva KoXd^etv. el yap tol>? Katcbv tl Bpcovras
Bexb/ievoi TLficoprjaere, fyavel-rai Kal a twv vfiere-

i.e. "who will permit peace to be
maintained by their
new friends they exercise ordinary discretion." No new

allies should be received who will render ordinary discretion


BOOK I. xl. 1-6

them and that they and overreaching

are violent
but you have you haye no right to
still to learn that
receive them into your alliance. For even though it
is stipulated in the treaty that any unenrolled city
may join whichever party it pleases, the provision is
not intended for those who apply to one side for
admission with a view to the injury of the other,
but for any one who, without defrauding another
state of his services, asks for protection, and any
one who to those who received him will not if

they are prudent bring war instead of peace. 1
But this is precisely what will be your fate if you
do not listen to us. For you will not merely be-
come allies to them, but also enemies to us instead
of being at truce with us. For it will be necessary
for us, if you go with them, to include you when we
proceed to take vengeance upon them. And yet the
right course for you would be, preferably, to stand
aloof from us both,
or else to go with us against
them, remembering that you are under treaty with
the Corinthians, but have never had with the
Corcyraeans even an arrangement to refrain from
hostilities for a time,
and not to establish the
precedent of admitting into your alliance those who
revolt from the other side. Why, when the Samians 2
revolted from you, and the other Peloponnesians were
divided in their votes on the question of aiding them,
we on our part did not vote against you on the ;

contrary, we openly maintained that each one should

discipline his own allies without interference. If you
receive and assist evil-doers, you will surely find that

unavailing to prevent war, as the Corcyraeans are sure

to do.
440 B.C. c/. ch. cxv.

VOL. I. i)
pwv ovk eXaaaw i)plv irpoaetcn, kcu tov vofiov e<'

v/jllv avTois fiaXkov r) (/>' rj/xlv Quaere.

XLI. " kifccuaificLTa fiev ovv rdBe 77736? vfia$
eyop-ev, iKava Kara tou? 'RXXrfvcov vofiovs, rrapal-
veaiv Be teal d^Lcoatv xapiros roidvBe, r)v ovk
i^Opol 6We? coare /SXdirTeiv ovB' av (fiiXoc ojctt'

e-TTi-^prjaOaL, dvriBoOqvai r)fjblv iv to> irapovri

2 cfiafiev xprjvcu. vewv yap fiatpoov airavlaavre^;
iroXefiov irapa K.opiv6l(ov e'lKoai vavs iXdj3ere'
Koi t) evepyeaia avrrj re koX t) e? Xafilovs, to
oV 77/xasr YleXoirovvrjaiovs avTols fii] fiorjOrfo-ai,

irapea^ev vfilv AlyivrjTcov fiev 7riKpdTr)o~iv, 2a-

/jllwv Be KoXaaiv, kcu, iv Ktupols toiovtols eyevero,
0I5 fiaXiara av6 pMiroi eV e)(Q povs rov<; crcpere-

povs lovres rcov aTrdvrwv direpioirroi elen irapa,

3 to vlkclv fylXov re yap i)yovvrat rbv virovpyovvra,
YjV KOI 7TpOTpOV 6^^/009 f),

crrdvra, r)v kcu tv^JJ (piXos cov, iirel koi tci oUela
*%eLpov TiOevrcu (fuXoviKias eveKa tj)s avrUa.
XLII. "*lv evOvfirjOevres kcll vetorepos rt?

irapa irpeo-/3vTpov avid fiaOoav d^tovTto Tot?

Ofioiois rjfids dfivveaOai, kcl\ fir) vofilo~y BUaia

fiev rdBe XeyeaOai, %vfi<f)opa Be, el iroXefitjaei,

2 aXXa eivai. to re yap i;Vfi<pepov iv g5 av tj?

virep t a M7j3iKa Kriiger deletes, followed by Hade.


BOOK I. xl. 6-xui. 2

full as many of your allies will come over to us, and

the precedent you establish will be against yourselves
rather than against us.
XLI. " These, then, are the considerations of right

which we urge upon you and they are adequate ac-
cording to the institutions of the Hellenes but we ;

have also to remind you of a favour and to urge a

claim based upon it ; and since we are not your
enemies so as to want to injure you, nor yet your
friends so that we could make use of you, we think
this favour should be repaid us at the present time.
It is this :when once, before the Persian war, you
were deficient in battle-ships for the war you were
waging with the Aeginetans, you borrowed twenty
from the Corinthians. And this service and that we
rendered in connection with the Samians our pre-
venting the Peloponnesians from aiding them
enabled you to prevail over the Aeginetans and to
chastise the Samians. Both incidents happened, too,
at a critical time, when men, engaged in assailing
their enemies, are most indifferent to every con-
sideration except victory, regarding any one who
assists them as a friend, even if he was an enemy be-
fore, and any one who stands in their way as an
enemy, even if he happen to be a friend for thev ;

even mismanage their Qwnmterests in the eager

rivalry of the moment. r ^rwtfn n
XLII. "Bearing these favours in mind let everv
young man here be told of them by one who is
do you consider it your duty to requite us
with the like. And do not think that this course
is indeed equitable to urge in a speech, but that
another course is advantageous if you come to war.
For advantage is most likely to result when one

iXd^Lara djiapTavr) idXio~Ta eirerat, /cat ro

fiiWov rou TToXe/iov oj (froftovvres u/za? Kep/cv-

paloi KeXevovaiv doiKelv ev dcfravel eri Kelrat^ icai

ovk a%iov e-TTapOevTCLs avTw (pavepdv e\dpav rjBr]

teal ov fieXXovaav Trpbs Kopivdiovs KTrjaaaOai,

tt)? Be vTTapxovarjs irporepov Bid Meyapeas viro-
3 -vja'a? aco(f)pov vcpeXeiv puaXXov (r) yap TeXevraia
yapis Kaipov c^ovcra, tcav eXdaacov rj, BvvaTai
4 p,elov eytcXTjfia Xvaai), /jajB' ort vavri/cov %v/j,-

fiayiav /j.eydXr}v BiBoaai, tovto) efyeXfcecrOai' to

yap fir) dBiKeiv rou? ofiolovs ixvp^Tepa Bvvafiis r)

tco avTLKa (pavepco eirapOevTas Sid kivBtjvwv to

TrXeov exeiv.
XLIII. " 'HfieU Be it pLTreir too /cores oh ev rfj

Aa/ceBaifiovi aurol irpoeiirofiev, tovs acperepov^

gv/JLfjidxovs avjov riva KoXd^eiv, vvv irap vfitov

to avTO d^iovfiev KOfii^eaOai, Kal fir) tt} rjfieTepa

tt) vfieTepa
yfrifyq* dxpeXrjOevTa? fiXdyfrai.

2 to Be taov dvTairoBoTe, yvovres tovtov eicelvov

elvau tov Kaipov, ev co 6 re vTrovpycov <t\o? fia-

3 XiaTa ical 6 dvTiards e%#/30?. /cal Keprcvpaiovs

ye TouaBe firjTe ^vfifidxovs Bex^crOe fiLa yfiuv

4 fiijre dfivvere avrols dBitcovaiv. teal TaBe ttoi-

ovvTes Ta TTpoo-yjfcovTd re Bpdaere Kal ra dpiara

/3ovXevo-ea0e vfilv auroZ?."
XLTV. ToiavTa Be Kal ol Kopivdioi elirov.

'A0y]vaioi Be aKovaavTes d/KpoTepcov, yevofievrjs


errs least, and the contingency of the war, with which

the Corcyraeans would frighten you into wrong-
doing, is still uncertain and it is not worth while

for you to be so carried away by it as to acquire

an enmity with the Corinthians that will be from
that moment on a manifest fact and no longer a
contingency. It would be, rather, the prudent course
to remove something of the suspicion which has
heretofore existed on account of the Megarians l ;

for the favour which comes last, if conferred at the

right moment, even though a small one, can cancel a
greater offence. Nor ought you to be tempted by
their offer of a great naval alliance for to refrain

from wronging equals is a surer strength than to be

carried away by present appearances and seek an
advantage by incurring dangers.
XLIII. "But we, since events have brought us
under the rule which we ourselves proclaimed at
Sparta, that each should discipline his own allies, now
claim from you in return the same treatment that
you who were then aided by our vote should not in-
jure us by yours. Pay back like with like, determining
that this is the supreme moment when assistance is

the truest friendship opposition the worst hostility.
We beg you neither to accept the Corcyraeans as
your allies in despite of us, nor to aid them in their
wrong-doing. And if you do this, you will not only be
taking the fitting course, but will also be consulting
your own best interests."
XLIV. Thus spoke the Corinthians. And the
Athenians, having heard both sides, held a second
Referring apparently to the exclusion of the Megarians
from all harbours within the Athenian dominion and from
the market at Athens, ch. lxvii. i.

/cal SU e/c/cXrjaLas, rfj fiev irporepq, ou% r)craov
rcov KoptvOiwv direhe^avTo tol>9 Xoyou?, ev he rfj
varepaia fiereyvcoaav Kep/cvpaiois ^Vfifiayiav fiev
fir) irotijaaaOat ware toi>? avrovs i^0pov<; /cal
(f)i\ov<> vojJLi^eiv (el yap eVl KopivQov e/ceXevov
acfriaiv oi Kep/cvpaloi ^vfiirXelv, eXvovr dv avrols
ai Trpbs Ue\o7rovvr)(TLOv<; cnrovhai), errifiayiav he
eironjaavro rfj dXXrjXcov ftorjOelv, edv ris errl

Kep/cvpav ltj 77 Adrjvas r) tovs rovrcov ^vfifidyov^.

2 ihoxet, yap 6 rrpos YieXoTrovvrjaiov^ iroXefios fcal
&>9 eaeaOat avrols, /cal rr)v Kep/cvpav i/3ovXovro
fir) irpoecrOai roh Kopiv6loi<; vavn/cbv e\ovaav
roaovrov, ^vy/cpoveiv he on fidXiara avrous
dXXrjXois, I'va acOevearepoL^ ovatv, r\v ri her],
Kopivdlois re /cal Tot? aXXois rocs vavri/cbv
3 eyovGiv e? rroXefiov /caOiarayvraL. dfia he rr)<s re
'IraXias /cal Hi/ceXias /caXws icfraivero avrot<; r)

vr/aos ev TrapdrrXw /celaQai.

XLV. Toiavry fiev yvcofirj oi 'AOrjvaloi tol?

Kep/cvpaLovs irpoaehe^avro, /cal rcov KopivOicov

aireXdbvrwv ov ttoXv varepov hetca vavs avrols
2 direaretXav /3or)6ovs' earparrjyeL he avrwv Aa/ce-
hai/iovios re 6 Klfiwvos /cal Aiori/io<; 6 iLrpoji-

3 /3i%ov K(* L n/3WTea? 6 'Eiu/cXeovs. irpoelirov he

avrols fir) vavfiayelv KopLvOLois, r/v fir) eVt
Kep/cvpav rrXewat /cal fteXX(oaiv dirofiaiveiv r) e?
rwv e/ceivwv ri ywpiwv ovrco he /ccoXveiv /card
hvvafiiv. TTpoelirov he ravra rod fir) Xveiv eve/ca
rh airovBd*. t
Added by Bekker .


BOOK I. xi. iv. i-xlv. 3

session of the Ecclesia and although at the earlier


one they were rather inclined to agree with the words

of the Corinthians, on the second day they changed
their minds in favour of the Corcyraeans, and decided,
not, indeed, to make an offensive and defensive
alliance with them, for in that case, if the Corcyraeans
then asked them to join in an expedition against
Corinth, they would have to break, on their own re-
sponsibility, the treaty with the Lacedaemonians
but they made a defensive alliance, namely to aid
one another in case anyone should attack Corey ra or
Athens or the allies of either. For they believed that . *

in any event the war with the Peloponnesians would

have to be faced, and they did not wish to give up
Corcyra, which had so large a fleet, to the Corinthians,
but hoped to wear them out upon one another as
much as possible, in order that the Corinthians as
well as other naval powers x might be found weaker
in case they had to go to war with them. Besides,
the island seemed to them admirably situated for a
coasting voyage to Italy and Sicily. 2
XLV. With these motives the Athenians received
the Corcyraeans into alliance and sent to their
aid, soon after the departure of the Corinthians, ten
ships commanded by Lacedaemonius son of Cimon,
Diotimus son of Strombichus, and Proteas son of
Epicles. Orders were given to these not to engage
with the Corinthians, unless they should sail against
Corcyra and attempt to land there, or to some place
belonging to the Corcyraeans but in that case they

were to thwart them if possible. The object of these

orders was to avoid breaking the treaty.
Referring especially to those mentioned ch. xxvii. 2.
2 xxxvi. 2.
cf. ch.

XLVL At nev Br) vt)e<; dfyiKVOvvrai ? rrjv
Keprcvpav. ol Be Kopivdioi, eiretBrj avrols irape-

aKevaaro, eirXeov eirl rrjv Kep/cvpav vaval Trevrrj-

Kovra Kal efcarov. r)<rav Be 'HXelcov /iev BeKa,
Meyapecov Be BcoBeKa Kal AevKaBLwv BeKa, 'Ajjl-
irpaicLWTwv he eirrd real eiKoai Kal AvaKTopiwv
2 fiLd, avjoiv Be KopLvOUov evevrjKOVTa,' arpari]yol
Be tovtcov r)aav fiev Kal Kara iroXei*; etcaarcov,
Kopivdlwv Be EvdvKXeovs irepurTO^
B.evoK\eiBrj<; 6
3 <zvto?. eireiBr] Be irpoaepei^av rfj Kara KepKvpav
rjireipw dirb Aeu/caSo? irXeovres, opfiL&vrat, e?

4 i^eifiepiov tt}? (deairpwTiBos 77}?. earl Be Xip.r)v,

Kal 7roXi? iiirep avrov Kelrai cltto 0aXdaar)<; ev
rfj 'RXaidriBi rrjs QecnrpwriBos 'Ecfrvprj.
iljirjai Be

irap avrr)v 'A^epoutu'a Xifivrj e? OdXaaaav Bid

Be t^? tyeairpwTLBos 'Ax^pcov irorapib^ pecov
ea/3dXXei e? avrrjv, d(j> ov Kal rrjv eirwvvpiiav
e%6t, pel Be Kal (dva/Ms TrorapLos bpi^wv rrjv
(deair pcorlBa Kal Kearptv^v, a)v evrbs r) aKpa
5 dvex i r0 Xei/xepiov. ol piev ovv KoplvOioi tt}?
r)ireipov evravOa bppi^ovial re Kal arparoireBov
XLVII. Ot Be KepKVpaloi rjaOovro avrovs

irpoo-rrXeovTa^, TrX^pcocravTes Kal eKarbv

vavs, wv r)pX e Mz/ctaS^? Kal AlaifiiSr)*; Kal Evpv-
/3aTO?, ecTTparoireBevcravTo ev pua ra)v vrjacov a'l
KaXovvrai ^vftora, Kal al 'Attlko-1 BeKa iraprjaav.
2 eirl Be Tfj AevKipLvrj avrols t&> aKpu>Ti}pi(p 7reo?
tjv Kal ZaKuvdlwv x^
L0L birXlrai ^e/3or]0i]K6re(:.

3 rjaav Be Kal rot? KopivOiocs ev rfj rjirdpa iroXXol

rebv f3ap/3dpo)v TTapafteftorjOrjKOTes' ol yap ravrrj
rjireipwrai alei irore $1X01 avroU ecacv.

BOOK I. xLvi. i-xlvii. 3

XLVI. These ships arrived at Corey ra, and the

Corinthians, when their preparations had been made,
sailed against Corey ra with one hundred and fifty
ships. Of these ten belonged to the Eleans, twelve
to the Megarians, ten to the Leucadians, sgranfteten
to the Ambraciots, one to the Anactorians, and ninety
to the Corinthians themselves. The several cities
had each its own general, but Xenocleides son of
Euthycles and four others commanded the Corin-
thians. They sailed from Leucas, and when they drew
near the mainland over against Corcyra, anchored at
Cheimerium in the territory of Thesprotia. It is a
harbour, and above it lies a city away from the sea in
the Eleatic district of Thesprotia, Ephyra by name.
Near it is the outlet into the sea of the Acherusian
lake and the river Acheron runs through Thesprotia

and empties into the lake, to which it gives its name.

There is also the river Thyamis, which separates
Thesprotia and Cestrine, and between these rivers
rises the promontory of Cheimerium. It was at this
point of the mainland then that the Corinthians cast
anchor and made a camp.
XLVI I. The Corcyraeans, when they became
aware of their approach, manned a hundred and ten
ships under the command of Miciades, Aesimides,
and Eurybatus, and encamped on one of the islands
which are called Sybota, the ten Attic ships being
also present. Their land-forces were at the promon-
tory of Leucimne, and also a thousand hoplites of
the Zacynthians who had come to aid the Corcy-
raeans. The Corinthians, also, had the aid of many
barbarians who had assembled on the mainland ad-
jacent ;for the dwellers on the mainland in that
region have always been friendly to them.

XLVIII. 'Eitti8>j he irapeaKevaaro rols Kopiv-
Oiois, Xafibvres rptwv ^fiepcov airia dviqyovro
2 &)? eVl vavpLa^ia drrb rov- Xeifiepiov vv zeros, Kal
afia eco rrXeovres Kadopcocri ra<? rtov KepKupaicov
3 vavs p,erecopov<; re Kal errl crcpd<; TrXeovcra^. fc>9
he Karelhov dXXrjXovs, avrtiraperdcraovro, errl
fiev rb he^ibv /cepas KepKvpaicov ai 'Am/cal
vrjes, rb he. ciXXo avrol errelyov rpia reXrj iroir)-

aavres rtov vecov, cov ?]px Tpicov arpar^ycov

eKciarov el?, ovtco pev Kep/cvpatoL ird^avro.
4 KopivOiois Be rb p.ev he^ibv /cepa<; ai Meyapihes
vrjes elyov Kal ai 'ApLTrpa/acorihes, Kara he to
pLeaov oi aXXot ^vpLfia^oi a>? e/caaroi, evcovvfiov
he. Kepa<$ avrol oi KoplvOioi Tea? dptara rcov vecov
rrXeovaaLS Kara tou? '
A0i]vaiov<; Kal rb he^cbv
rcov KepKvpaicov ely^ov.
XLIX. B.vppei^avre<; he, eTrechr) ra aijpeta
eKarepois ^pOrj, evavjidyovv, rroXXovs pev OTrXiras
e%ovre<> dp^cporepot eVl rcov Karaarpco/xdrcov, rroX-
Xovs he TofoTa? re Kal aKovricrrds, tw rraXaitp
2 rponrco drreipbrepov en rrapeGKevao-jxevoi. r)v re
t) vavpa\ia Kaprepd, rfj fiev re^vy ov% opoicos,
3 rretopia\ia he rb rrXeov irpoac^epi^ ovtra. eireLhr)

yap rrpocr/3dXoiev dXXjjXois, ov /3oc7a>? direXvovro

vrrb re rod ttXi]6ovs Kal o^Xov rcov vecov Kal p,dX-
Xov ri irio-revovres rots eirl rod Karaarpcop,aro<;
oirXirais e'? rtjv vlktjv, ol Karaardvre<; ep.dyovro
rjav^a^ovacov rcov vecov hieKirXoi he ovk rjaav,
dXXd Ov/jLco Kal pco/irj rb 7rXeov evavpdyovv r\

BOOK I. xlviii. i-xlix. 3

XLVIII. When their preparations had been made,

the Corinthians, taking provisions for three days,
put off by night from Cheimerium with the intention
of giving battle, and at daybreak as they sailed along
they descried the ships of the Corcyraeans out at sea
and sailing to meet them. And as soon as they saw
one another, they drew up in opposing battle lines,
the Attic ships on the right wing of the Corcyraeans,
who themselves held the rest of the line forming
three divisions, each under the command of one of
the three generals. So the Corcyraeans arrayed them-
selves but the right wing of the Corinthian fleet

was held by the Megarian ships and the Ambracian,

in the centre were the other allies with their several
contingents, while the left was held by the Corinth-
ians themselves with their best sailing ships, opposed
to the Athenians and the right wing of the Corcy-
XLIX. When the standards were raised on either
side they joined battle and fought, both having many
hoplites on the decks as well as many archers and
javelin-men, for they were still equipped rather
rudely in the ancient fashion. And so the sea-fight was
hotly contested, not so much by reason of the skill
displayed as because it was more like a battle on land.
For when they dashed against one another they could
not easily get clear, partly by reason of the number
and throng of the ships, still more because they
trusted for victory to the hoplites on the decks,
who stood and fought while the ships remained
motionless and there was no cutting of the line, 1 but

they fought with fury and brute strength rather than

SitxirAovs was a breaking of the line so as to ram the
enemy's ship in the flank or astern.
4 en car r] fir), iravraxfj fiev ovv ttoXvs OopvjSos
/ecu rapax^V^ V v V vavpiayla' ev f) al 'AttucciI
vr)e<; irapayiyvofievat to?? Kepfcvpalois, el tttj
TTie^oivro, (po/3ov p.ev irapelyov to? evavjiois,
puiyris Be. ov/c r\pyov BeBiore^ ol crrpar^yol rr)v
5 Trpopprjaiv tcov AO^vaicov. pbaXicrTa Be to Betjibv

Kepas tcov KopivOucov eirovei. ol yap Kep/cvpaloi

eUoai vavalv avrovs Tpetydfievoi ical KaraBico-
^avre<; airopaBas e? ttjv ijireipov /cal ps-XP 1 T0 ^
arparoTreSov irXevaavTes avTcov zeal e7reKJ3dvT6<;
eveTrprjadv re t<x? o-/cr}vd<; eprjfJLovs /cal tcl xP 1
a Ta

6 hiripiraaav. ravrt) fiev ovv ol Y^opivdioi /cal ol

^vfifxaxoi rjarcrwvTo re ical ol Kep/cvpaloL eVe-
Kpdrovv f) Be ai/Tol rjcrav ol KoplvOiOL, eirl rq>
ei/cocri vecov dirb iXdaaovos TrXrjOovs i/c tt}? Bico-

7 few? ov irapovacov. ol Be 'Adrivaloi 6pcovTe<; tovs

Kep/cvpaiovs Tue^ofAevovs fxaXXov rjBrj dirpocpa-
ctlcttcos errefcovpovv, to fiev irpcoTOV drrexop-evoL
COO~T /AT) iflftdWeLV TLv'f 7TlBt] Be JJ TpOTTT)
iyiyvero XapLirpcos /cal ive/ceiVTO ol KoplvOcoi, rore
Br) epyov 7ra? elx eT0 V&V Kai Biexe/cpiTO ovBev
en, dXXa ^vveireaev e? tovto dvdy/ct)^ ware
iTrixeip^aaL dXXtfXoL? tou? KopivOiovs /cal 'Adrj-
L. Tt}? KopivOtot tcl
Be t/)07tt}9 yevopLev>i<s ol
o~/cd(f)7] dvaBov/ievoL tcov vecov a?
fxev oi>x elXtcov
KdTaBvaetav, Trpbs Be tovs dvQpcoirov^ erpdirovro
(poveveiv Bie/cirXeovTes fiaXXov t) ^coypelv, rov<i re
avTcov (piXov;, ov/c rjaOrfpLevoi on yacnjvro ol eirl
2 tco Be^ico icepa, dyvoovvre<i e/cretvov. ttoXXcov yap

BOOK I. xlix. 3-l. 2

with skill. Accordingly there was everywhere much

tumult and confusion in the sea-fight. The Attic
ships, if they saw the Corcyraeans pressed at any
point, came up and kept the enemy in awe ; but
their generals would not begin fighting, fearing to
disobey the instructions of the Athenians. The right
wing of the Corinthians suffered most ; for the
Corcyraeans with twenty ships routed them and pur-
sued them in disorder to the mainland, and then,
sailing right up to their camp and disembarking,
burned the deserted tents and plundered their
property. In that quarter, then, the Corinthians and
their allies were worsted, and the Corcyraeans pre-
vailed; but on the left wing where the Corinthians
themselves were, they were decidedly superior, for
the Corcyraeans, whose numbers were fewer to begin
with, had the twenty ships away in the pursuit. But
the moment the Athenians saw that the Corcyraeans
were being hard pressed, they began to help them
more unreservedly, and though they at first refrained
from actually attacking an enemy ship, yet when it
was conspicuously clear that they were being put to
flight and the Corinthians were close in pursuit, then
at length every man put his hand to work, and fine
distinctions were no longer made matters had come

to such a pass that Corinthians and Athenians of

necessity had to attack one another.
L. After the rout of the Corcyraeans the Corinth-
ians did not take in tow and haul off the hulls of the
ships which had been disabled, but turned their
attention to the men, cruising up and down and
killing them in preference to taking them alive and

they unwittingly slew their own friends, not being

aware that their right wing had been worsted. For

vecov ovacov dficporepcov koX eirl ttoXv rrjs 6 a-
Xdacrrjs eire^ovacov, eireiBr) ^vve/nei^av dXXrjXois,
ov paBico<; rrjv Bidyvcotriv iiroiovvro ottolol etcpd-
tovv rj ifcparovvro' vavfia-)(ia yap avrrj 'EXXi]CTL
7T/90? "RWijvas vecov TrXtjOei fieylarr) Br) tcov irpb
3 auT/}? yeyevrjrai. erreiBr) Be KareBlco^av tovs
YLeptcvpalovs ol KoplvOioi e? rrjv yf]v> 7rpo? rd
vavdyia xal toi>? vetcpovs tovs a<f)erepov<; irpd-
ttovto, teal tcov irXeiaTcov eKpdrrjaav coare
TTpoafcofiicraL 73736? rd Xv/3oTa ov }[
clvtols 6 Kara
yr)v o-Tparb? tcov ftapftdpcov it poaefleftorjO rjicer

ean Be rd ^Zvftora rrjs eo~7rpcoriBo<; Xijjliiv

eprjfios. tovto Be Troiijaavres av6i<> dOpoiaBevres

4 eireirXeov rois Kep/cvpalois. ol Be rats irXcoifiOL^
real oaai rjcrav Xoiiral p,erd tcov 'Attikcov vecov
real avrol avTeireirXeov, Beiaavje^ fir) e? rijv yqv
5 acfrcov rreipcoaiv diroj3aiveLV. rjBr) Be r)v oyjre ical

eireTratdvLCTTO avrols &>? e? eiriirXovv, real ol

KopLvOiOL e^airiv^ Trpv/jLvav KpovovTo,tcaTiB6vTe<;
eiKoari vavs Adr/vaicov irpoaTrXeovaa^, a? varepov

tcov Be/ca (3oi~i9ov<; e^eirepi^rav ol AOijvalot, Bei-

crames, oirep eyevero, fir) vlk^6coctlv ol Kep/cvpaiot
real at acperepau Be/to, vfjes oXuycu dfivveiv cocriv)

LI. Taura? ovv irrolB6vTe<; ol KopivOtOi real

v7roT07n]cravTe<; air' 'A6}jvcov elvai, ov^ Boas
2 ecopcov dXXd 7rXeLov<;, viraveydipovv. rots Be Kep-
fevpaiois (eireirXeov yap fxdWov etc tou dfiavovs)

Thncydides makes allowance for Salamis, for example,
where Greeks had fought against Persians.
BOOK I. L. 2-I.I. 2

since the ships or the two fleets were many and

covered a great stretch of sea, it was not easy, when
they joined in combat, for the Corinthians to
determine just who were conquering and who were
being conquered for this sea-fight was in number of

ships engaged greater than any that Hellenes had

ever before fought against Hellenes. 1 But as soon
as the Corinthians had chased the Corcyraeans to the
shore, they turned to the wrecks and their own dead, 2
and they were able to recover most of them and to
fetch them to Sybota, an unused harbour of Thes-
protia, whither the land forces of the barbarians had
come to their aid. When they had accomplished
this, they got their forces together and sailed once
more against the Corcyraeans. And they, with such
of their vessels as were seaworthy and all the rest that
had not been engaged, together with the Attic ships,
on their part also sailed to meet them, fearing that
they would attempt to disembark on their territory.
It was now late and the paean had been sounded for
the onset, when the Corinthians suddenly began to
back water for they sighted twenty Attic ships

approaching, which the Athenians had sent out after

the ten as a reinforcement, fearing just what
happened, namely that the Corcyraeans would be de-
feated and their own ten ships would be too few to
help them. LI. So when the Corinthians sighted
these ships before the Corcyraeans did, suspecting that
they were from Athens and that there were more of
them than they saw, they began to withdraw. For the
Corcyraeans, however, the Athenian ships were sailing
up more out of view and could not be seen by them,
d which were on the disabled
The bodies of the dead
ovx ecopcovro, teal i0avp,aov tovs KopivOiovs
irpvavav /cpovouevovs, irplv rives IBovres elirov
on vries eiceivcu eir irrXeov a iv Tore or) Kai avroi

aveyodpovv (PvveaKora^e yap ij&y), teal ol KoplvOioi

3 dirorpairo/ievoi rrjv BidXvaiv eiroirjcravro. ovrco
fiev i) diraXXayr] eyevero dXXtjXajv, Kal r) vavfiaxla
4 ereXevra e? vvktci. toIs Be KepKvpalois arparo-
TreBevofievois eirl rfj AevKipvr) a I et/coat, vr)e<$ at
etc T(bv 'AOiivcov avrai, a)v r/px TXavKwv re 6
Aedypov Kal 'AvBoklBtjs 6 Aecoyopov, Bid rcov
veKptov Kal vavaylwv irpoaKopnaOelaai KareirXeov
to arparoireBov ov iroXXcp varepov r\ axpOrjaav.
5 olbe Keptcvpaioi (rjv yap vvg) i(po^r]0i]aav firj
iroXefiiai waiv, eireira Be eyvcoaav fcal d>pfiiaavro.
LII. Tfj Be varepaia dvayayo/nevai a'i re 'Atti-
fcal rpid/covra vr)e<$ Kal rcov KepKvpaiwv ocrai
7rXd)ifioi rjaav eireirXevaav eirl rbv ev rois Sf/3o-
rois Xifieva, ev cJ ol Koplvdioi cbpuovv, fiovXo-
2 pLevoi elBevai el vav/iax^crovaiv. ol Be Ta? fiev
vavs dpavre? dirb rf)<; 7779 Kal irapara^dfievoi
fiereojpovs rjo-vxa^ov, vavpiayias ov Biavoovfievoi
dpxeiv exovres, opoovres irpoayeyevrifievas re vavs
K to)v A0r]V(x)v aKpaiobveis Kal acf)iai jroXXa ra

airopa gvfifieprjKOTa, alxf^aXcorcov re irepl (j>vXa-

Krjs, ou? ev rals vavalv etyov, Kal eirio-Kevriv ovk

3 ouaav rcov vecov ev yw?'1 *? ^P'lW T0 ^ oiKaBe ^

ttXov fidXXov BieaKOTrovv oitij KOfiiadijo-ovrai, Be-
BioTes fiii ol Wdrjvaloi vo filer avres XeXvaOai Ta?
airovBas, Bioti e? ^etpa9 r)X0ov, ovk eoyai crc/ja?
LIII. "EBogev ovv avroh avBpas e? KeXrjriov

and so they wondered that the Corinthians were

backing water, until some of them caught sight of the
ships and said, ri
Yonder are ships sailing up." Then
they too retreated for it was already getting dark ;

whereupon the Corinthians put their ships about and

broke off the action. Thus they separated, the sea-fight
ending at nightfall. And while the Corcyraeans were
encamping at Leucimne, the twenty ships from
Athens, under the command of Glaucon son of
Leagrus and Andocides son of Leogoras, having made
their way through the corpses and the wrecks, sailed
down to the camp not long after they were sighted.

And the Corcyraeans for it was night were afraid
they were enemies; but afterwards they recognized
them and the ships came to anchor.
LI I. On the next day the thirty Attic ships and
as many of the Corcyraean as were seaworthy put
to sea and advanced against the harbour at Sybota,
where the Corinthians lay at anchor, wishing to see
whether they would fight. But the Corinthians,
although they put out from shore and drew up in
line in the open sea, kept quiet for they had no

thought of beginning a fight if they could avoid it,

as they saw that fresh ships had arrived from
Athens and that they themselves were involved
in many perplexities, both as regards guarding the
captives whom they had in their ships and the im-
possibility of refitting their ships in a desert place.
What they were more concerned about was the
voyage home, how they should get back, for they
were afraid that the Athenians would consider that
the treaty had^een broken, since they had come to
blows, and would not let them sail away.
LIII. Accordingly they determined to put some


/jL/3i/3daavTa<; dvev /crjpv/celov rrpoGTrep^rai rol<;
2 'AOtjvcllols /cal irelpav iroL^aacrOai. irepL-tyavres
re eXeyov rocdBe' " ABi/celre,'
co avSpes 'AOrjvaloi,
rroXepiov dpyovre^ /cal cnrovBds Xvovres' rjp.lv yap
iroXepiiovs rov<; rjfieripovs npLcopovpLevois epLiroBcov
'iarauQe oirXa dvraLpop.evoi. el ' vp.lv yvcbp.i]
earl /ccoXveiv re r)p,d<; e7rl KepKvpav r) dXXoae el
Try fiovXopieOa irXelv teal Ta? airovBds Xvere,
fjpLcisrovaBe irpcorovs Xa/36vre<; y^pr\aaaQe &)9
3 7roXe/xtoi9." ol p,ev Brj roiavra elirov rcov Be
Kep/cvpalcov to p,ev arparoneBov oaov eirrj/covaev
dveftorjaev evOvs Xafielv re avrovs /cal diro/crelvai,
4 ol Be AOrjvaloi roidBe dire/cplvavro' "Ovre ap-

X/ TroXepov, co dvBpes YieXo7rovvi)cnot, ovre


rds airovBds Xvoimev, Kep/cvpaiois Be rolaBe %vp,-

pdyois ovai fiorjOol 7]Xdop,ev. el p.ev ovv dXXoae
ttoi ftovXeaOe irXelv, ov KcoXvop,ev el Be eirl
Kep/cvpav rrXevaelaOe r) e? rcov e/ceivcov ri ^coplcov,
ov Trepcoyp-o/ieOa /card rb Bvvarov."
LIV. Toiavra rcov Adr/valcov d7ro/cpivap,evcov
ol pAv K.opLvdioi rov re rr~Sovv rbv eir 01/cov irape-
a/cevd^ovro /cal rpoiralov earrjaav iv roc? ev rfj
r)irelpco Si'/3oto6?" ol Be Kep/cvpalot, rd re vavdyia
koX ve/cpovs dveiXovro rd Kara acpas, e^eveyfi ev
rcov virb re rov pov /cat dvep,ov, 09 yevop,evo<; rr}<;
vv/crbs Bcea/ceBaaev avrd iravra^fj, /cal rpoiralov
dvrear^aav ev rols ev rj} vi]acp 2l/Soto9 &>9
2 veviK7)/core<$. yvcofirj Be rotaBe e/cdrepoL rrjv vi/crjv

irpoaeiroDJaavro' Y^opLvQioi pev /cpar)jaavre<; rfj

To bear a herald's wand would have been a recognition
of a state of war, whereas the Corinthians were anxious not
to be regarded as enemies by the Athenians.


men, without a herald's wand, 1 into a boat and send

them to the Athenians, to test their intentions.
And these men bore the following message " You :

do wrong, men of Athens, to begin war and break a

treaty for by taking up arms against us you inter-

fere with us when we are but punishing our enemies.

But if it is your intention to hinder us from sailing
against Corcyra or anywhere else we may wish, and
you thus break the treaty, first take us who are here
and treat us as enemies." Thus they spoke and ;

all the host of the Corey raeans that was within

hearing shouted " Take them and kill them " But
: !

the Athenians made answer as follows " We are not


beginning war, men of the Peloponnesus, nor are we

breaking the treaty, but we have come to aid the
Corcyraeans here, who are our allies. If, then, you

wish to sail anywhere else, we do not hinder you ;

but if you ever sail against Corcyra or any place of

theirs, we shall not permit it, if we are able to
prevent it."
LIV. When the Athenians had given this answer,
the Corinthians began preparations for the voyage
homeward and set up a trophy at Sybota on the
mainland and the Corcyraeans took up the wrecks

and dead bodies 2 that had been carried in their

direction by the current and by the wind, which had
arisen in the night and scattered them in every
direction, and set up, as being the victors, a rival
trophy at Sybota on the island. Each side claimed
the victory on the following grounds The Corinth-

fans "set up a trophy because they had prevailed in

Taking up the dead bodies without asking permission of
the enemy indicated that the held was maintained, and was
therefore a claim of victory.
vavfxa-^ia jiky^pi vvktos, ware Kal vavdyia TrXeicrra
teal veicpovs TrpoaKopilaaaOai, Kal avBpas e%ovTe<;
al-^fia\(i)Tov^ ovrc eXdaaovs ^i\iwv vavs re Kara-
Bvaavres rcepl e/3Bo/i7]KOvra karrjerav rpoiralov l
Kep/cvpaloi Be rpiaKovra vavs fidXiara 8ia<fi0el-
pavres, teal eireiBrj A0r\valoi r]X0ov, dveXopievoi

ra Kara crcbas avrovs vavdyia Kal ve/cpovs, koX

otl avrois rfi re irporepala irpvfivav Kpovo/xevoi
vire-^dipriaav ol KopivOioi iBovres rds 'Arr^a?
vavs, Kal eireihr) rjXOov ol A0ip>aloi, ovtc avreire-

nXeov i/c rcov %v/36tg)i>, Sea raura rpoiralov earrj-

crav. ovtco fxev e/cdrepoi vikciv rj^lovvj
LV. Oi eV oikov
Be K.opn0toi diroirXeovTes
Avarcropiov, b eanv eirl ra> arofiarL rov 'Ayu.-
irpaKiKov koXitov, elXov dirdrrj (rjv Be koivov
Kepfcvpaicov /cal eKeivcov), /cal Karacrrrjaavres
ev avrco KopivOiovs ol/cijropas dveyd>pi)aav err
oikov Kai rcov K.epKvpalcov oKTaKocrLovs /iev oi
rjaav BovXoi drreBovro, rrevrijKovra Be Kai Bia-
Koaiovs Brjcravres ecpvXao-aov Kal ev 0eparrela
e\\ov TroXXfj, 07r&>9 avrois rrjv KepKvpav dva-
X(op)jcravTe<; rrpoo-7roi7]aeiav ervy\avov Be [Kal
Bvvdfiei avrcov ol rrXelov? ovres r?i^
2 rroXeco*;. rj piev ovv YLepKvpa ovtco Trepiyiyverai
rco TToXe/xw rcov Kopiv0lcov, Kal al vijes rCOV
'AOrjvalcov dvexd>prjcrav e'f avrrj<;. atria Be avrt]
rrpcorr) eyevero rov rroXefiov rols KopivOlois e\
tou? Wdrjvaiov;, on acplaiv ev airovBals fierd
KepKvpalcov evavfid^ovv.
LVL Mfira ravra 8* ev0u<; Kal rdBe gvveftr)

earriaav rooiralov bracketed by Hude, following Kriiger.



the sea-fight up to nightfall, and had thus been able

to carry off a greater number of wrecks and dead
bodies, and because they held as prisoners not less
than a thousand men and had disabled about seventy
ships and the Corcyraeans, because they had de-

stroyed about thirty ships, and, after the Athenians

came, had taken up the wrecks that came their way
and the dead bodies, whereas the Corinthians on the
day before had backed water and retreated at sight
of the Attic ships, and after the Athenians came
would not sail out from Sybota and give battle
for these reasons set up a trophy. So each side t

claimed the victory.

LV. The Corinthians, as they sailed homeward,
took by stratagem Anactorium, which is at the mouth
of the Ambracian Gulf, a place held by the Corcy-
raeans and themselves in common, and establishing
there some Corinthian colonists returned home. Of
their Corcyraean prisoners they sold eight hundred
who were slaves, but two hundred and fifty they
kept in custody and treated them with much con-
sideration, their motive being that when they re-
turned to Corcyra they might win it over to their
side l and it so happened that most of these were

among the most influential men of the city. In this

way, then, Corcyra had the advantage in the war
with the Corinthians, and the ships of the Athenians
withdrew from it. And this was the first groun
which the Corinthians had for the war against the'
Athenians, because they had fought with the Corcy-
raeans against them in time of truce.
LVI. Immediately after this the following events

cf. in. lxx. 1, where the carrying out of this plan of the

Corinthians leads to the bloody feud at Corcyra.

yeieaOai TOi? 'AOrjvaiois /cal UeXoTrovvrfaloi^
2 hidepopa e? to rroXe/ielv. rwv yap KopivOloov
irpaaaovrwv oVo)? TifiwprjcrovTai civtoik;, vrroro-
irrjaavres rrjv eyQpav avrow ol 'AOrjvalot Uorei-
Sedras, ot oikovgiv liri ra> laOfiq) tt)? II a\\ 771/779,
KopivOloov diroLKov^, eavrcov he ^v/jL/id^ov<; cf)6pov
viroreXeU, e/ceXevov to e? HaXXijvrjv rel^o? Kade-
\elv /cal ofjirfpovs Bovvai, T01J9 re 7uhr]p,iovpyov<;
i/cTTjjL7reiv /cal to Xolttov fia) hex^o-Oac 0D9 Kara

T09 K(lO~TOV Y^OpivQlOl 67T fJLIT OV heiGaVTeS /AT)


dirodTOiaiv vtto re Ylephl/CKOV ireiOofxevoi real

K.opiv@La>v, tou? re aXXovs tov? eirl Spa/crj*;
%vvaTTO(TTi'-)<JO)ai ^v/jL/jid^ov<;.
LVII. Tavra he Trepl rovs UorecSedra^ ol
'AOrjvaloL irpoTrapeafcevd^ovTO evdix; /jbera rrjv ev
2 Kep/cvpa vavjia^iav' o'l re yap YLopivOioi (fiavepws
rjhrj hidcpopoi rjcrav, Tlephl/c/cas re 6 '
Maxehovayv ftaaiXevs, eTreiroXeficoTO ^v/ifia^o<;
3 rrporepov /cal (f)iXo<> a>v. eiroXefioiOri he, on
*\>iX'nnr(> ra> eavrov koX Aepha, koivt}
7T/0O? avTov evavTiovfievois ol AOrjvaloi ^Vjijiayiav
4 eiroirjaavTO. hehuos re eirpaaaev e? re tt)v Aa/ce-
haifMova irepnrwv ottcos 7r6Xe/j.o<; yevrjraL avTois
UeXoTTOvv^a tot/9 /cal toi/9 KopivOloix; irpoa-
77/369 ,

eiroLelro ttj<; HoreiSalas eveica diroardaecof;'

5 Trpoaefyepe he Xoyovs /cal tols eirl o 0^779 \aXtcc-
hevac ko\ BoTT/atoi? %vvairoGTr)vai, vojxi^wv, el
^\jp,\iaya Tavra e^ot, Sfiopa ovra, ra ywp'ia,

Son of Alexander, who had been a friend of the Hellenes


in the Persian war. Perdiccaa, who originally possessed

only Lower Macedonia, had deprived his brother Philip of

BOOK I. lvi. i-lvii. 5

also occurred, which caused differences between the

Athenians and the Peloponnesians and led to the
war. While the Corinthians were devising how they
should take vengeance on the Athenians, the latter,
suspecting their enmity, required of the Potidaeans
(who dwell on the isthmus of Pallene and are
colonists of the Corinthians but tributary allies of the
Athenians), to pull down their wall on the side of
Pallene and give hostages, and, furthermore, to send
away and not receive in the future the magistrates
whom the Corinthians were accustomed to send
every year. For they were afraid that the Poti-
daeans, persuaded by Perdiccas 1 and the Corinthians,
would revolt and cause the rest of the allies in
Thrace to revolt with them.
LVII. These precautions the Athenians took with
regard to the Potidaeans immediately after the sea-
fight at Corcyra for the Corinthians were now openly

at variance with them, and Perdiccas son of Alexander,

king of the Macedonians, who had before been an
ally and friend, had now become hostile. And he
had become hostile because the Athenians had made
an alliance with his brother Philip and with Derdas,
who were making common cause against himself.
Alarmed at this he kept sending envoys to Lace-
daemon, trying to bring about a war between Athens
and the Peloponnesians. He sought also to win
over the Corinthians, with a view to the revolt of
Potidaea and, furthermore, he made overtures to

the Chalcidians of Thrace and the Bottiaeans to join

in the revolt, thinking that if he had as allies these
countries, which bordered on his own, it would be

Upper Macedonia, and now was king of all Macedonia.

See, further, n. xcix. ff.

6 pdov av rov iroXefiov per a^rcov nroielaOai. u>v

ol 'KdrjvaioL alaOojievoi real tfovXofievoi irpofcara-

Xa/x/3dveiv rcov iroXecov t<z? aTroardaeis (erv^ov
yap rpidtcovra vavs dirocrreXXovre^ teal ){iXlov<;

oirXiras avrov Appear pdrov rov

eirl rrjv <yr)v

AvKOfiij&ovs fier dXXcov recrcrdpeov arparrjyovv-

ros), eTncrreXXovaL rol$ dpyovai rcov vecov Tiorei-
Searcbv re ofirjpov^ Xaftelv kclI to rel^o? /caOeXelv,
rcov re ttX^ctlov iroXecov cpvXa/cijv eyeiv oVco? jxtj

LYIII. Uoreihedrai he irefx^avre? fiev kclI
1 '

Trap '

AOrivaLovs 7rpo~/3eis, el 7rcos rreiaeiav fir/

crepcov rrepi vecorepi^eiv purjhev, iXOovres he /cal

e? rr/v AarcehalpLova per a ^KoptvOicov, 1 07Tft>?

eroifidaaivro rificopiav, r\v hey, eireihr) etc re

'AOrjvcov etc ttoXXov Trpdaaovre? ovhev rjvpovro
erririjheiov, a\\' al vrjes at eirl ^laKehoviav koi
eiTi <7<a? 6/jLolcos eirXeov icai rd reXrj rcov Aa/ce-
haLfxovicov virecryero avrols, tjv iirl Uorethaiav

lcoctlv ' AOrjvcuoi, e\ ri]V 'Am/cr/v eo-jSaXetv, rore

hr\ Kara rov icaipov rovrov dc\>iaravrai fierd
XaX/cihecov icai Borriaccov rcoivf} ^vvo/xoaavre^.
2 Ka\ TlephiKKas ireLQei Xa\/a8ea? ra? eir\ OaXdaarj
7roXei? eKXiTTovras real /cara/3aXovra<; dvoifci-

aaaOac e? "OXvvOov p.lav reiroXiv ravryv lo~xypdv

7TOL?]aaa0ar rol<; r efcXnrovcn rovrov; rr/s eavrov
<yf/9 tt}? MirySo^ta? irepl T)yi> TSoXftrjv Xl/avtjv
ehcorce ve/iecrOai, eco? av 6 irpbs 'AOrjvaLovs iroXe-
Znpaacrov, before oirccs in all MSS., deleted by Poppo.

BOOK I. lvii. 5-LV111. 2

easier, in conjunction with them, to carry on the

war. But the Athenians became aware of these
designs, and wishing to forestall the revolt of the
cities, ordered the commanders of their fleet (since
they happened to be sending against the country oi
Perdiccas thirty ships and a thousand hoplites under
the command of Archestratus son of Lycomedes
and four others) to take hostages of the Potidaeans
and pull down their wall, and also to keep a watch
upon the neighbouring towns and prevent them
from revolting.
LVII I. The Potidaeans, on the other hand, sent
envoys to Athens, to see if they could persuade
them not to take any harsh measures with reference to
themselves but envoys of theirs went also to Lace-

daemon in the company of the Corinthians, with

the object of having assistance ready to hand in
case of need. From the Athenians, with whom they
carried on protracted negotiation, they obtained no
satisfactory result, but on the contrary the ships
destined to attack Macedonia proceeded to sail
against themselves as well, whereas the magis-
trates of the Lacedaemonians promised them to
invade Attica if the Athenians went against Poti-
daea so they seized this opportunity and revolted,

entering into a formal alliance with the Chalcidians
and Bottiaeans. Perdiccas at the same time per
suaded the Chalcidians to abandon and pull down
their cities on the sea-coast and settle inland at
Olynthus, making there a single strong city and ;

he gave them, when they abandoned their cities, a

part of his own territory of Mygdonia around Lake
Bolbe to cultivate as long as they should be at war
i.e. the Chalcidians of Thrace.

/xo? 77.Ka\ oi pev avcpKi^ovTo re /ca0aipovvT<s
to? 7roXei?Kal e'9 7r6Xep,ov irapeaKevd^ovro'
LIX. ai he rpid/covra vf}<; tcop ^AOrjvalcov d(pi-
Kvovvrai e'9 rd eirl SpaKrjs Kal KaraXapL^dvovai
2 rrjv re Uoreihaiav teal rdXXa d^earrjKoTa. vopi-
aavres he oi o~rpaTrjyol dhvvara eivai irpos re
Uep&Lfctcav iroXepelv rfj irapovcrr) hwdptei Kal rd
^vva^earcbra ywpia, rpeirovTcu eirl ttjv Maxe-

hoviav, i(f> birep Kal to irpwrov e^eirepbirovTo, teal

KaTao~TdvT6<; eiroXepovv fierd QiXiirirov Kal rcov
Aephov dheX(f)(ov avwOev arpana iafiefiXriKOTCov.
LX. Kal ev tovtw 01 KoplvOioi, T779 Horethaias
d<f)aTT)KVLa<; teal rwv 'Attikcov vecov irepl Mo*e-

hoviav ovacov, hehiores irepl ra> ywp'up Kal oIksIov

rbv Kivhvvov rjyovfxevoi ire par over lv eavrcov re
eQeXovrds Kal twv aXXcov UeXoTrowtjaLcov ptaOw
ireLcravTes e^aKoaiovs Kal \i\iovs tou? iravras
2 birXira^ Kal -tyCXovs rerpaKoaiov^. ear parity ei
Be ai)TO)V 'Apia-revs 6 Aheipbdvrov, Kara $>i\Lav

re avrov ov^ rjKiara oi TrXelaroc e.K KopivOov

o-TpaTioorai eOeXovral ^vvearrovro' rjv yap rol<;
3 IToTetSeaTat? ale'i 7roTe7rLT?j&io<>. Kal dcpi/cvovv-
rai recraapaKoarfj rjpepa varepov eirl paKT)<$ rj
TLorelhaia direarrj,
LXT. *H\de Be Kal Tot? AO-qvalois eu0i><; r\
dyyeXia rwv iroXecov ore d(peaTacri, Kal irep-
irovcnv, &)? rjaOovro Kal rovs fieid Apia-Tews
e-rrnrapiovTas, hio-yCkiovs eavrayv o-rrXira^ Kal
recraapaKOVTa pads Trpb* ra d(f)eaTcora, Kal KaX-
Xiav rov KaXXidhov irepLirrov avrbv arpaT^yov'
2 dl a<f)LKopevoL e'9 MaKehoviav irpcorov KaraXapL^d-

BOOK I. lviii. 2-lxi. 2

with the Athenians. And so they proceeded to

move inland, and prepare for
dismantle their cities,
war. LIX. But when the thirty ships of the
Athenians reached the coast of Thrace, they found
Potidaea and the other places already in revolt.
Whereupon the generals, thinking it impossible with
their present force to wage war with both Perdiccas
and the places which had revolted, turned their
attention to Macedonia, which was their destination
at the start, and when they had got a foothold
carried on war in concert with Philip and the
brothers of Derdas, who had already invaded Mace-
donia from the interior with an army.
LX. Thereupon the Corinthians, seeing that
Potidaea had revolted and the Attic ships were in
the neighbourhood of Macedonia, were alarmed
about the place and thinking that the danger came
home to them, dispatched volunteers of their own
and such other Peloponnesians as they induced
by pay, in all sixteen hundred hoplites and four
hundred light-armed troops. The general in com-
mand was Aristeus son of Adimantus and it was ;

chiefly because of friendship for him that most of the

soldiers from Corinth went along as volunteers for;

he had always been on friendly terms with the Poti-

daeans. And they arrived on the coast of Thrace
on the fortieth day after the revolt of Potidaea.
LXI. The news of the revolt of the cities quickly
reached the Athenians also and when they learned

that troops under Aristeus were also on the way to

support the rebels, they sent against the places in
revolt two thousand of their own hoplites and forty
ships, under Callias son of Calliades with four other
generals. These first came to Macedonia and found

vovai tov? TTporepovs xiXiovs (depfnjv dpri rjpy-
3 Kora<; zeal TlvBvav TroXiopKovvras, irpoaKade-
^ofievoi Be koI avrol rrjv TlvBvav iTroXiop/CTjcrav
fxev, eireira Be %v{i/3acriv iroi^crdfxevoL teal %v/jl-
p.ayLav dvaytcaiav irpbs rbv UepBifctcav, &>9 avrov?
KarrjTTeiyev r) UoreiBaia teal 6 'Apto-Teu? irape\rj-
4 XvOcos, ci7ravi<JTavTcu etc rr}<; ^laKeBovias, teal
Bepoiav fcdtceWev eirl Xrpeyjrav 1 teal
d(\)LK6p.evoL ?
ireipdaavre^ rrpwrov rov ^copiov teal ov% eXovres
iiropevovro Kara yi)v irpos rrjv TloTeiBcuav
TpLa^ikioL^ /lev ottXltclis eavrcov, %&)/?i? Be ra>v
^VjJLfid-^aiv ttoXXoIs, lirirevcri Be e!;a/cocriOL<; Ma/ce-
Bovcov Tot? fjuerd <>iXlttttov teal Tiavaaviov dpa
5 Be vr/e? irapeirXeov e/3Bo/jLi]fcovra. tear bXlyov Be
Trpoibvres rpiraloi dcpLKOvro e? Tlycovov tcai
LXII. UoreiBearaL Be icai ol fiera 'Apio-reco?
HeXoTTovvijaiov AOiivaiovs
irpoaBe-^ofievoL tou? '

iarparoTreBevovro irpbs 'OXvvQov rw IcrOfAw iv

2 teal dyopdv e%w rr}s TToXew; eireirolrivTO. arpa-
rrjybv [lev ovv rov rre^ov ttclvtos ol ^vppayoi

yprjVTO Apiarea, rrjs Be lttttov UepBiK/cav aTrearr)


yap evOvs irdXiv raiv AOrjvaicov /cal ^vvepudyei

Tot? UoreiBedraLS ^loXaov dvO' avrov Karaarijaa^
3 dp\ovra. r)v Be r) yvco/irj rov 'Aptcrrea)?, to fiev
fied' eavrov arparoTreBov eyovri iv ra> laO/xu)

eTTiTTjpelv rov$ AOrjraiovs, r)v iTTLcocn, Xa\/aea?


Be teal tou? efa) laOfiov ^v^fid^ov^ teal rrjv irapa

HepBiKfcov BicLKoaiav 'lttttov iv 'OXvvOa) fieveLV,

M Sxpevfov, Pluygers' certain emendation for iiriaTpe-
ipavrcs of the MSS.
Madvig deletes, followed by Hude.
BOOK I. lxi. 2-lxii. 3

that the former thousand had just taken Therme

and were besieging Pydna so they also took part

in the siege of Pydna. But afterwards they con-

cluded an agreement and an alliance with Per-
diccas, being forced thereto by the situation of
Potidaea and the arrival of Aristeus, which compelled
them to hasten, and then they withdrew from Mace-
donia. On their way they came to Beroea and
thence to Strepsa, 1 and after an unsuccessful at-
tempt upon this place proceeded overland to Poti-
daea with three thousand hoplites of their own and
with many of their allies besides, and with six
hundred Macedonian cavalry, who were under the
command of Philip and Pausanias and at the same

time their ships, seventy in number, sailed along the

coast. And marching leisurely they arrived on the
third day at Gigonus, and went into camp.
LXII. The Potidaeans and the Peloponnesians
under Aristeus were awaiting the Athenians, en-
camped on the Olynthian side of the isthmus and ;

they had established a market outside of the city.

The allies had chosen Aristeus general of all the
infantry, and Perdiccas of the cavalry for Perdiccas

had immediately deserted the Athenians again 2 and

was now in alliance with the Potidaeans, having
appointed Iolaus as his administrator at home. The
plan of Aristeus was as follows he was to hold his

own army on the isthmus and watch for the approach

of the Athenians, while the Chalcidians and the
other allies from outside of the isthmus 3 and the
two hundred horse furnished by Perdiccas were to
In Mygrlonia, north of Therme.
2 For his first desertion of the Athenians, see ch. lvii.
i.e. the Bottiaeans, who, like the Chalcidians, lived out-
side the icthmus.
/cal orav 'Adijvaloi eirl o-(pa<; yjuspfacri, Kara vgotov
j3or)dovvras ev fxeaw iroielv avrcov rovs iroXefxiov?.
4 KaXXta? B av 6 tcov AOtjvcucov gt parrjyo^ /cal oi

vvdpxovT<; rovf fiev ^.lafceSovas 'nnreas real tcov

v iijxaywv oXiyovs iirl ^OXvvOov diro'rrep.'Trovrnv,

6V&J9 etpycoai tovs i/celOev 7ri/3or}0eiv, avrol Be

ava<jTr)<ravT6<; to crTpaToireBov e^copovv iirl ttjv
5 UoTeiBaiav. /cal tTretBi] Trpos tw laO/ico eyevovTo
ical elBov tou? evavTiovs 7rapaa/cevaop,evov<; a>?

6? fld^-qV, dvTLKCL0L(TTaVTO /cal aVTOL, KCU OV TToXv

6 vaTepov ^vvep-iayov. /cal clvto puev to tov 'Api-
crrea)9 /cepas /cal ocronrepi e/ceivov rjaav KopivOicov
T teal tcov aXXcov Xoyd8e<; eTpe\jrav to /ca6
eavTOvs /cal eire^rfxO ov Bico/covre*; eVl iroXv- to
Be dXXo crTpaToireSov UoTetBeaTcov ical IIeX,o-
7roi>v?]cri(i)v rjTcraTO virb tcov AOrjvaicov /cal e? to
Telxos KaTecpvyev.
LXIII. 'E7r avayu) pcov Be 6
'ApiaTevs diro ttjs
Bico^ecos, co? opa to dXXo crTpaTev/ia i]<jo-j]/j,vov,
rj7ropi]ae fiev 6-7roTepwo~e BiaKivBvvevarj ^copi]aa^,

r) eVl t^5 'OXvvOov rj 69 tijv UoTeiBatav eBoge

c7 ovv^vvayayovTi tovs fieB* eavTov &>? t'9

iXd)(io-TOV ywpiov Bp6\xco /3ido~ao-0ai e? tijv

WoTeiBaiav, /cal irap?)X9e irapd tvjv X 7f^h v &la
tt}? OaXdacrr}^ fiaXXo/ievos Te /cal -%aXirco<;, 0X1-

yovs /sev Tiva<s diro/BaXcov, toik; Be TrXelovs crcocra?.

2 oi o diro t/)? 'QXvvdov tois YloTeiBedrais (3or)6oL

BOOK I. lxii. 3-LX111. 2

remain at Olynthus ;then when the Athenians

should move against the forces of Aristeus, the
others were to come up and attack them in the rear,
and thus place the enemy between their two divi-
sions. But Callias, the commander of the Athenians,
and his colleagues sent the Macedonian cavalry and
a few of the allies toward Olynthus, to shut off aid
from that quarter, while they themselves broke
camp and advanced against Potidaea. And when
they arrived at the isthmus and saw the enemy pre-
paring for battle, they took up their position facing
them and soon the two sides joined battle. And

the wing led by Aristeus himself, which included

the picked Corinthian and other troops, routed the
forces opposed to them and pressed on a long dis-
tance in pursuit but the rest of the army of the

Potidaeans and the Peloponnesians was worsted by

the Athenians and took refuge within the walls of
LXIII. When Aristeus returned from the pursuit
and saw that the rest of the army was defeated, he
was at a loss whether he should try to fight his way
through towards Olynthus or into Potidaea. He
determined, however, to bring his own troops to-
gether into as compact a body as possible and to force
his way into Potidaea on a run. And he succeeded
in getting in by way of the breakwater through the
sea, with difficulty, indeed, and harassed by missiles ;

but though he lost a few men, he saved the greater

number of them. Now when the battle began and
the standards had been raised, 1 the auxiliaries of
These signals were not for battle, but for the Olynthian
auxiliaries to come, and as soon as it became clear, through
the speedy success of the Athenians, that their object could
not be accomplished, they were lowered.
{aireyei hk e^rjieovra fiakiara arahlov^ zeal can
/ear agaves), &>9 r) fid^l eylypero icai ra aij/iela
rjpOrj, /3pa^v fiev rv irporfkdov a>? fiorjQrja-ovTes,
zeal ol Ma/ceSoVe? liriTr}*; avTiiraperd^avTO a>?
KcoX.vaovre's' eTreihrj he hta rd)(ov<; rj vlzer) roov
*A6-r)vaicov eylyveio /ecu ra arj/ieta Kareairdadrj,
irdXiv eiraveyd>povv e? to Tet^o? zeal ol Mazeehove<;
irapa tou? A0-r}vaiov<;' limrj^ &' ovherepois rrape-

3 ykvovio. fiera he rr)v \idyr\v rpoiralov earrjaav

ol 'AO^vaioL /eat toi>? vezepovs vTrocnTOvhovs dire-
hoaav tol<; HoTeihedrais' dirWavov he UoTeihea-

T<hv /iev zeal rtov \;vp,pidywv 6\iy(p eXdaaou^

TpiaKoaiwv, 'AOijvcllcov he avrcov irevTrjKovra zeal
ezearbv zeal KaXAia? 6 aTparyiyo^.
LXIV. To he eze rod lo~0/iov Tet^o? 1 evOus ol
'AOiiraioi diroreiXLO avres i(f>povpovv to S' e? rr)v
J\a\\i)v7]v aTeixiaTov fpr ov yap Izeavol ivbpu^ov
eivai ev T t<w IctO/mm (f)povpelv zeal e? rr)V TlaX-
\i]vi]v hia(3dv76<; reiyl'C.uv, hehioTes /jltj a(j)laLv ol
UoTeihearac zeal ol fu/zyiia%ot yevopevois hl^a
2 eiriOoyvrai. zeal irvvOavopiei ot ol iv rfj iro\ei
'Adt]pacoi T7]v TIaWijvrjv dreL)(iaTOv ovo-av,xpoi'q)
hcrrepov ire par ova lv e^azeoalovf; zeal %i\lov<;
oirX'iras eavTMv zeal <Popp.Lcova rbv 'Agcdttlov
arTpary-jyov o? ac/u/co/xe^o? e? rrjv UaWijvijv zeal ef

'AipvTios 6pfid>fJLevo<; irpocnqyaye rfj lioreihaia top

Classen deletes, followed by Hude.

1 Onthe Athenian side were 600 Macedonian cavalry

on the Potidaean side 200 Macedonian cavalry
(ch. lxi. 4),
under Perdiccas (ch. lxii. 3).
Thucydides omits the loss of the allies of the Athenians.
The wall on the isthmus side of the Potidaeans is the

BOOK I. lxiii. 2-lxiv. a

the Potidaeans in Olynthus

which is only about
sixty stadia distant and can be seen from Potidaea
advanced a short distance to give aid, and the Mace-
donian cavalry drew up in line against them to
prevent it. But since the Athenians were soon
proving the victors and the standards were pulled
down, the auxiliaries retired again within the walls
of Olynthus and the Macedonians rejoined the
Athenians. And so no cavalry got into action
on either side. 1 After the battle the Athenians set
up a trophy and gave up their dead under a truce to
the Potidaeans. There were slain, of the Potidaeans
and their allies a little less than three hundred, and
of the Athenians alone 2 about a hundred and fifty,
and also their general Callias.
LXIV. The city wall on the isthmus side 3 the
Athenians immediately cut off by a transverse wall
and set a guard there, but the wall toward Pallene
was not shut off. 4 For they thought their numbers
were insufficient to maintain a garrison on the isthmus
and also to cross over to Pallene and build a wall
there too, fearing that, if they divided their forces,
the Potidaeans and their allies would attack them.
Afterwards, when the Athenians at home learned
that Pallene was not blockaded, they sent sixteen
hundred of their own hoplites under the command
of Phormio son of Asopius and he, when he arrived

at Pallene, making Aphytis his base, brought his

army to Potidaea, marching leisurely and ravaging
Tetx os f c hlxii. 6;the wall to Pallene is that mentioned
in ch. lvi. 2 as rb h Ua\\i\vnv reixos.
* The investment of Potidaea was effected by walling off

first the northern and then also the southern city wall by a
blockading wall on the west and east, where the city ex-

tended to the sea, the blockade was made with ships.

arparov, Kara fipa^v irpoiaiv /cal /ceipwv apa tt)i

3 yrjv co? he ovBels eire^rjei e? pdyrjv, dnreTeiyi(i>

to 6K t?)? UaXXijvrjs Tet^o?* teal o{/to>? rjSi] Kan
tcpaTOS UoTeiSaia dp(f)orep(o0ev iiroXLopKetT

koX etc OaXaacrr]^ vavalv dpa icfroppovaais.

LXV. 'ApuTTevs he dTroreiytGdeiay}*; avrfj? kc\
eXiriha ovhepiav eywv acoT7)p[a<;, rjv pur) ri am
YleXoirovvijcrov rj aXXo irapa Xoyov yiyvrjra
gvveftovXeve p,ev irXriv irevraKoaiwv avep,ov r.

prjaaat, to? aXkois eKirXevaai, otto)? eVl 7r\e

6 (jZtos avrio-^rj, fcal avrbs f)0eXe rwv pevovrtl
elvar &><? 8' ovk eirei6e ftovXopevos ra iirl tovti

irapacTKeva^eiv real 07tg)? ra etjwOev e%ei oj? apiai

/C7tXovv TTOLelrai XaOow rr)V cj)vXaKr)v rwv 'A
2 valcov tcaX irapapievcov ev XaX/ctSevcri rd re aXl
%vveiroXepei real *epp,vXi(ov Xo%^o*a9 Trpbs I .

TToXei TTOXXOVS 8l(f)0ipP, I? T Tt)v HeXOTTOV (

3 crop eirpaaaev oirrj to(f)Xia Tt<? yevrjaerai. /xp
$e TTJ? Yloreihaias rr)v aTrorei^o'iv Qoppiwv p
eywv rovs eijateoaLOV ; ical xiXlovs ttjv
XoXkl&i p
teal ^ottlkiiv iSrjov koX eariv a /cal iroXiafiw

Tot? 8' 'AOrjvalois /cal HeXoTrovvrjow
alriav pev avrai irpoayeyevr^vro 1 e? dXXrjXk :

rot? /xei> KopivOLois

on ri]p UoreiSaiau eaitn I

ovaav dwouciav real dvSpas KopivOLwv re k

Hiule reads irpovy^yivt^vro, with BCE.
Hade inserts, after Kopivdiois, the words ^$ tovs 'AdTjf^s
following Reiske


the country at the same time. And as no one came

out against him to give battle he built a wall to
blockade the Pallene wall. And so Potidaea was at
length in a state of siege, which was prosecuted
vigorously on both sides of it as well as by sea,
where a fleet blockaded it.

LXV. As for Aristeus,now that Potidaea was cut

off by the blockade and he had no hope of saving it
unless help should come from the Peloponnesus or
something else should happen beyond his expecta-
tion, he advised all the garrison except five hundred
men to wait for a wind and sail out of the harbour,
that the food might hold out longer, and he himself
was ready to be one of those who should remain. But
since he could not gain their consent, wishing to do
the next best thing and to provide that their affairs
outside should be put into the best possible con-
dition, he sailed out, unobserved by the Athenian
guard. He then remained among the Chalcidians,
whom he assisted generally in carrying on the war,
and especially by destroying a large force of Ser-
mylians, whom he ambushed near their city and

meanwhile he kept up negotiations with the Pelo-

ponnesians to see if some aid could not be obtained.
Phormio, however, after the investment of Potidaea
was complete, took his sixteen hundred troops and
ravaged Chalcidice and Bottice and he also cap-

tured some towns.

LXVI. As between the Athenians and the Pelo-
ponnesians, then, these additional grounds of com-
plaint had arisen on either side, the Corinthians
being aggrieved because the Athenians were besieg-
ing Potidaea, a colony of theirs with men in it from

HeXoTrovvrjaicov iv avrfj ovras eiroXiopKOW, tol<;

Be A6r]vaioL<i e? tovs UeXoTrovvrjo-iovs ore eavrcov

re ttoXlv %vpp,ayiBa ical cpopov vTroreXrj dire-
<TTT)(Tav ical iXOovres acf)L(TLV dirb rod 7rpo<fcavov<;
ifjbd^ovTO fierd YloreiBearcov. ov fievroi 6 ye
TToXe/jios irco gvveppcoyet, dXX*
dvo/ccoxv V v en '

IBia yap ravra ol Y^oplvQioi eirpa^av.

LXVII. TloXLopicovpLev7)<$ Be t?)? TloTeiSaias
ovx r)crvx a %0v > dvBpcov re crfylaiv ivovrcov ical
apLa irepl Tftj ^copto) SeSioTes. IT ape/cdXovv re
evOvs e? ttjv Aa/ceSal/Jiova toi)? i//^u,a%ou? teal

eXOovres tcov AOrjvaicov on airovhd<;


re XeXvicores elev ical dBueolev rrjv UeXoTrovvrjaov.
2 Alyivr)Tai re cfiavepcos p,ev ov irpea^evopevot,
BeBwre^ tou? ^AO^vaiov^, tepvepa Si, ovx rjtciara
per avrcov ivrjyov rbv iroXepov, Xiyovre? ovk
3 elvac avrovofMoc Kara Ta? cnrovSds. oi Be AaKe-

Baipovioi TrpoairapaKaXecravTes tcov %vp,pdxo)v

/cal el rts re ciXXos ecprf i]BiKr\aQai virb AOrjvaicov,
gvXXoyov acpcov avrcov iroL^aavre^ rbv elcoOora
4 Xiyeiv e/ceXevov. teal aXXoi re irapiovres eyfeXy-
para irroiovvro /cal Meyaprjs, Brj-
a>9 fcao~Toi
XovvTes nal erepa ovk oklya Sidcpopa, pdXiara
Be Xip,ivcov re eipyeaQai tcov iv rfj 'AOrjvaicov
dpxfj ko\ tt}<? 'Atti/c/j? dyopd<; irapa rds crirovBd^.
5 irapeXdovTes Be reXevraloi, KopuvOiOL ical tovs
dXXov<; idcravTe? nrpcorov irapo^vvai tovs Aaice-
Saipiovlovs eirelirov roidSe.
LXVIII. " To TTtarbv vpid^, co AaKeSatp,ovLoi,
tt}? /caO' vp,ds auTou? TroXireias teal opuXias

1 Hude reads re ical with C and some inferior MSS.


BOOK I. lxvi. i-lxviii. i

Corinth and the Peloponnesus, the Athenians, because

the Peloponnesians had brought about the revolt of
a city that was an ally and tributary of theirs, and
then had come and openly fought with the Potidaeans
against themselves. As yet, however, the war had
not openly broken out, but there was still a truce
for in these things the Corinthians had acted only on
their own authority.
LXVI I. But when siege was laid to Potidaea they
did not take it quietly, not only because Corinthians
were in the town, but also because they were in fear
about the place and they immediately summoned

the allies to Lacedaemon and, once there, they pro-

ceeded to inveigh against the Athenians on the
ground that they had broken the treaty and were
wronging the Peloponnesus. The Aeginetans also

sent delegates not openly, to be sure, for they

feared the Athenians, but secretly and, acting with
the Corinthians, took a leading part in fomenting
the war, saying that they were not autonomous as
stipulated in the treaty. Then the Lacedaemonians
sent out a summons to all the other allies who
claimed to have suffered any wrong at the hands ot
the Athenians, and calling their own customary
assembly bade them speak. Others came forward
and stated their several complaints, and particularly
the Megarians, who presented a great many other
grievances, and chiefly this, that they were ex-
cluded from the harbours throughout the Athenian
dominions and from the Athenian market, contrary
to the treaty. Lastly the Corinthians, after they
had first allowed the others to exasperate the Lace-
daemonians, spoke as follows :

LXVI1I. "That spirit of trust which marks your

domestic policy, O Lacedaemonians, and your relations
a7ri<TTOTpov<; t e? toi><? aXXov? J
r\v ri Xeyoo/iev,

fcaOLarriGiv' zeal air avrov craxfipoavvrjv /iev

e^ere, afiaOia Be irXeovi 73730? ra k^co irpdyfiara

2 xprjaOe. 7ToXXd/ci<z yap TTpoayopevbvrwv rj/xcov

a ifieXXofiev inrb *A0i)val&v ftXdirTeaOai, ov irepl

a)v eBiBdaKOfiev eKaarore ttjv fidOrjaiv eiroielade,
dXXa tcop Xeyovrcov jiaXXov virevoelre <w? evexa
TOiv aurot? IBla Bcacbopcov Xeyovcnv teal oY avrb
... *

ov irpiv irdo-%eiv, dXX' eireiB-r) ev ra> epyw ea/iev,

tol? ^v[i[xd)^ov<; rovaBe irapeKaXeaare, ev ol?
TrpoarjKei 77/xa? ov'^rjKio'TaelTrelv ocro) teal fieyiara
iyfcXrfaaTa exo/jiev, vtto p.ev 'Adrjvaioov vftpt,%6-

3 fjLevoi, V7rb Be vjJLcov d/ieXovfievoi. teal el jxev

depaveis ttov oWe? f)Bltcovv Trjv 'KXXdBa, BiBaatca-

Xta? av *o? ovtc elBocn TrpoaeBer vvv Be ri Bel
ILCLKprjyopelv, wv tou? fiev BeBovXco/ievovs opdre,
to? B' eirif3ovXevovTa<; avrov?, teal ov% ijtciara

rot? jjjLLeTepocs ^u/i/xd^oL^, teal etc ttoXXov irpo-

4 irapea tcevaa fievovs, eX irore TroXepLrjaovrai,; ov yap
av Keptcvpdv re vTroXajSovres $La fjfiwv elyov /cal

UoreiBaiav eTroXioptcovv <ov rb fiev eirLtcaipbraTov

yjuapiov Trpb? rd eVl patc7)? aTro^pfjaOai, rj Be

vavritcbv av /xeyiarov irapea^e rot? TLeXoirovvr]'
LXIX. " Kat rcovBe bfxel? alrioi, to re irpoyrov
idaavre? avrov? ri)v ttoXlv fierd rd MrjBitcd


BOOK I. lxviii. i-lxix. i

with one another, renders you more mistrustful

if we bring any charge against others, and thus
while this quality gives you sobriety, yet because
of it you betray a want of understanding in dealing
with affairs abroad. For example, although we
warned you time and again of the injury the
Athenians were intending to do us, you refused to
accept the information we kept giving you, but pre-
ferred to direct your suspicions against the speakers,
feeling that they were actuated by their own private
interests. And this is the reason why you did not act
before we got into trouble, but it is only when we
are in the midst of it that you have summoned these
allies, among whom it is especially fitting that we
should speak, inasmuch as we have the gravest accu-
sations to bring, insulted as we have long been by the
Athenians and neglected by you. And if they were
wronging Hellas in some underhand way, you might
have needed additional information on the ground
of your ignorance but as the case stands, what need

is there of a long harangue, when you see that they

have enslaved some of us \ and are plotting against

others, notably against your own allies, and that
they have long been making their preparations with
a view to the contingency of war ? For otherwise
they would not have purloined Corcyra, which they
still hold in despite of us, and would not be besieg-

ing Potidaea one of these being a most strategic
point for operations on the Thracian coast, while the
other would have furnished a very large fleet to the
LXIX. " And the blame for all this belongs to
you, for you permitted them in the first instance to
1 Referring especially to the Aeginetans, in the other
cases to the Megarians and Potidaeana.
tcparvvat teal varepov ra pa/cpd gti)o~cu retx 7]* &
roBe re alel airoarepovvre^ ov povov toi>? vir
i/celvcov SeSov\(op,evovs i\ev0epias, dWd real rovs
vpLerepovs rjSr) ^vfifMa^ov^ ov yap 6 BovXwad-
pevos, aKX* 6 Bvvdp,evo<; p.ev iravaat, irepiopcov Be
d\r)de<JTpov avrb Spa, elirep /cal tyjv d^uoGLV rfj<$

2 aperr)*; co? eXevOepcJv ttjv 'JLWdSa (freperai. p,6\i<;

Be vvv ye %vvr)\6op.ev Ka\ ovBe vvv eiil (pavepois.

XPV V J^p ovk el d8ifcovp,0a en o~KOirelv, dXka

tcaO' o tl dpvvovpLeOa' oi jap 1 Bpcovres f3e/3ov\ev-
pevoi 7T/0O? ov BieyvcoKoras ijSrj teal ov p,e\\ovT<;
3 eirepyovrai. real eirLo-rdpieOa o'ia cBw oi 'AOtj-

valoi fcal 07i tear 6\iyov ywpovcriv eVl rov<;

7reX<z?. real Xavddveiv pev olbpuevoi Bid to

dvala07]TOV v/xaiv rjaaov Oapaovau, yvovres Be
4 elBora*; Trepiopav la)(vpco<; eyKeiaovrai. rjav^d-
%ere yap puovoc 'EWrjvcov, a) AaKeSaip,6viOL, ov rfj
Bvvdp,ei nvd, dWd rrj p,eX\j]crei dpuvvopLevoc, real
pLovoi ovk dpyop,evr)v ttjv av^rjaiv ra>v e-^OpoJv,
5 BnrXacr iov p,kvi]v Be /caraXvovres. tcairoi eXeyeaOe
dacjiaXeZs elvai, a>v cipa 6 \6yo$ rov epyov etcpdrei.

tov T yap ^IrjSov avrol ia/iev eic rrepdrcov 77)9

irpo-repov eirl ttjv YleXoirovvrjaov eXOovra r\ ra
oi yap, so MSS. : Hude reads oi 7? after Classen.

1 a See ch. cvii. 1.

See ch. xc. ff.
3 Referring to the recent increase of the Athenian navy by
the accession of the Corcyraean fleet.

BOOK I. lxix. 1-5

strengthen their city after the Persian war, 1 and

afterwards to build their Long Walls/2 while up to
this very hour you are perpetually defrauding of their
freedom not only those who have been enslaved by
them, but now even your own allies also. For the
state which has reduced others to slavery does not
in a more real fashion enslave them than the state
which has power to prevent it, and yet looks care-
lessly on, although claiming as its preeminent dis-
tinction that it is the liberator of Hellas. And now
at last we have with difficulty managed to come
together, though even now without a clearly defined
purpose. For we ought no longer to be considering
whether we are wronged, but how we are to avenge
our wrongs. For where men are men of action, it is
with resolved plans against those who have come to no
decision, it is at once and without waiting, that they
advance. We know too by what method the Athen-
ians move against their neighbours
that it is here
a little and there a little. And as long as they think
that, owing to your want of perception, they are
undetected, they are less bold but once let them

learn that you are aware but complaisant, and they

will press on with vigour. For indeed, O Lacedae-
monians, you alone of the Hellenes pursue a passive
policy, defending yourselves against aggression, not
by the use of your power, but by your intention to
use it ; and you alone propose to destroy your
enemies' power, not at its inception, but when it is
doubling itself. 3 And yet you had the reputation of
running no risks but with you, it would seem, repute

goes beyond reality. For example, the Persian, as

we ourselves know, came from the ends of the earth
as far as the Peloponnesus before your forces went

irap vfiwv d^icos irpoarravrrjaai, koI vvv rovs
'A.dr]vaiov<; ov-% eicds, coenrep eicelvov, dU' 6771)9
6Wa? rrepiopdre, ical dvr\ rov iireXOeiv avrol
d/ivveaOai fiovXeaOe puaXXov eiriovras /cal e?

Tir^a? 7ryoo? ttoXXw Svvarcorepovs dywvi^opevot,

Karaarr/vai, eTriard/xevoi Kal rbv fidpftapov avrbv
irepl avrw rd TrXeico crfyaXevra /cal irpbs avrovs

tou? 'AOrjvaiovs 7roXXa r)p,a<; ijSrj to?? dfiaprrj-

fiacnv avTOiv pidXXov rj rfj d<f) v/jLcop ripicopia

irepiyeyevrjpevovs' eirel ai ye vfierepai eKiri&es

i]8r) rivds ttov Kal dirapaaKevovs hid rb iriarev-
6 aai e(j)@Lpav. Kal pbrjSeh v/icov eV eyOpa, to
rrXeov r) atria, vop.iarj rdBe XeyeaOar aWia \iev

yap <f>iX(ov dvSpcov eariv d/iapravovrcov, Karrj-

yopia Be eyQposv dSiKr/cravroov.

LXX. "Kal dfia, elirep rives Kal aXXoi, vofii-

fyfjiev agwi elvai roi? rreXas \froyov eireveyKelv,

aX\a>? re Kal jieydXwv rwv Sia(pep6vrcov KaOearco-

twv, irepl ayv ovk alaOdveaOai rjpuv ye SoKeire ovb*
KXoyicraa0ai irdnrore irpbs olovs vpuv 'A0i]vaiov<;
ovras Kal oaov v/xcov koi a>? rrdv hiafyepovras 6

2 dycov earai. 01 fiev ye vecoreporroiol Kal eiri-

vorjaai Orel's Kal eirireXeaai epyw a av yvwaiv,

v/iels Be rd virdpyovrd re au>^eiv /cal eiriyvcovai

fitj&ev Kal epy<p ovBe rdvayKala iiKea@ai.


forth to withstand him in a manner worthy of your

power and now you regard with indifference the

Athenians who are not afar off, as the Persian was, but
near at hand, and instead of attacking them your-
selves, you prefer to ward them off when they
attack, and incur hazard by joining in a struggle
with opponents who have become far more powerful.
Yet you know that the Barbarian failed mostly by
his own fault, and that in our struggles with the
Athenians themselves we have so far often owed
our successes rather to their own errors than to any
aid received from you indeed, it is the hopes they

have placed in you that have already ruined more

than one state 1 that was unprepared just because
of trust in you. And let no one of you think that
these things are said more out of hostile feeling
than by way of complaint for complaint is against

friends that err, but accusation against enemies that

have inflicted an injury.
LXX. " And besides, we have the right, we think,
if any men have, to find fault with our neighbours,
especially since the interests at stake for us are im-
portant. To these interests it seems to us at least
that you are insensible, and that you have never even
fully considered what sort of men the Athenians are
with whom you have to fight, and how very, how
utterly, differentthey are from you. For they are
given to innovation and quick to form plans and to
put their decisions into execution, whereas you are
disposed merely to keep what you have, to devise
nothing new, and, when you do take action, not to
carry to completion even what is indispensable.
Alluding perhaps to the Thasiana (ch. ci.) and the
Euboeans (ch. cxiv.).

3 avOis Be ol piev /cal irapd Bvvafiiv toX/jltjtclI teal

irapd yvco/i^v /civBvvevral icai ev Tot? Beivols

eueArrtSe?* to Be v/iirepov r/j? re Bvvdp,eo)<; ivSed

irpd^ai t?}? re yvGQfirjs /xrjBe roU f3e/3ai,oi<; TuaTev-
acu tcov re Becvcov jjL7]BeiTore oietrQai airokvdrj-
4 aeaOac. /cal firjv /cal clokvoi 777)09 u/^a? yaeW^Ta?
/cal aTroBt] yu]7 al 7roo? ivBrj/jLordrovs' olovraiyap
ol fiev rfj airovala av tl KraaOac, vfiels Be tco

5 e%e\6elv /cal ra eroipa av fiXdyjrai. Kparovvrh

re rcov exOpcbv eirl 7r\elcTT0V e^ep-^ovrai /cal

6 viKcojxevQi iir ekd^iGTOv dvairiTnovcrLV. ere Be

Tot? pev cToo/jLacnv dWorpicordroi ; 1

virep tt}<?

7roXea)5 xpcovrai, rfj Be jvcojjltj ol/ceioTarrj e? to

7 irpdaaeiv ri imep avTTjV icai a fiev av eirivorj-

travTes /nrj eire^ekOcoo-iv, ol/celcov cnepeaOai rjyovv-

rai, a B' av eireXOovres /crrjcrctiVTai, oklya irpbs
ra jxeWovTa Tu%etj> Trpdgavres, rjv B' dpa rov /cal

irelpa crcfraXtoo-LV, dvre\TTiaavre<; dWa eirX^pcocrav

ttjv xpeiav jjlovol yap e^oval re 6/jLolcos /cal
eKizi^ovGiv a av iirivoyjacoai Bid to ra^elav ttjv
8 eTTi\elpi)Giv iroielaOai tov av yvcocriv. /cal ravra

p,erd ttovcov irdvra /cal /ctvBvvcov Bi o\ov rov

alcbvo? fjbox^ovai, /cal diroXavovaiv eXd^o-ra rcov

V7rapxovrcov Bid to alel KrdaOac /cal pLijre eoprrjv

aWo tl rjyelaOai r) to ra Beovra irpd^ai %vp.-

<popdv re oi>x fjao-ov fjo-vxiav dirpdy/jiova rj


BOOK I. lxx. 3-8

Again, they are bold beyond their strength, venture-

some beyond their better judgment, and sanguine in
the face of dangers while your way is to do less

than your strength warrants, to distrust even what

your judgment is sure of, and when dangers come
to despair of deliverance. Nay more, they are
prompt in decision, while you are dilatory ; they
stir abroad, while you are perfect stay-at-homes
for they expect by absence from home to gain
something, while you are afraid that, if you go out
after something, you may imperil even what you have.
If victorious over their enemies, they pursue their
advantage to the utmost if beaten, they fall back

as little as possible. Moreover, they use their bodies

in the service of their country as though they were
the bodies of quite other men, but their minds as
though they were wholly their own, so as to accom-
plish anything on her behalf. And whenever they
have conceived a plan but fail to carry it to fulfil-
ment, they think themselves robbed of a possession
of their own and whenever they go after a thing

and obtain it, they consider that they have accom-

plished but little in comparison with what the future
has in store for them but if it so happens that they

try a thing and fail, they form new hopes instead and
thus make up the loss. For with them alone is it
the same thing to hope for and to attain when once
they conceive a plan, for the reason that they swiftly
undertake whatever they determine upon. In this
way they toil, with hardships and dangers, all their
life long; and least of all men they enjoy what they
have because they are always seeking more, because
they think their only holiday is to do their duty,
and because they regard untroubled peace as a far
9 dayoXiav iirlirovov ware el tj? avrovs %vveXwv
(pair) irefyvicevai eirl tw fJLrjre avrovs eyeiv i)~ v X iav
fAijre tovs aXXovs dvdpdnrov^ eav, opOcos av

LXXI. "TavTrjs fievroL roiavrr)^ dvrtKadearTj-

kvlcl<;7ro\ea)?, w AafceBaifiovioi, BiafieXXere real
olecOe tt]v r)Gvyiav ov tovtols toiv dv0pco7rcov eVi
irXelaTOv dpKelv, ol av rrj fiev irapaaKevfj Bl/caia
TrpdacraxTL, ttj Be yvcofirj, rjv dBitccovTai, Bi]Xoi
wgl /jlt) 67rLrpiyjrovT<;, dXX' eirl t&> fir) Xvirelv re
tovs dXXovs kcu avrol dpjvvo\xevoi /xr) ^Xdirreo~6ai
2 to "gov vifiere. fioXis S' av iroXei 6/jloIcl irapoi-
kovvt<; ervyxdvere rovrov vvv B\ oirep koX dpTi
ehrfKooaafxev, dpyaiorpoira v/iwv ra eircTr)Bev/iara
3 irpbs avrovs <ttiv. dvdyKr] Be wairep Te^i/779
alel rd eiriyiyvofieva /cparelv koX riGvy^a^ovar}
fiev iroXei, rd aKLvrjra vofiifia apiara, 777)0?
iroXXa Be dvayfca%op,evoi<; levai iroXXrjs koX
tt}? eiriTe'xyrjaewf; Bel. 6Y oirep teal rd tcov
Adr\vaiwv dirb tt}? iroXvireipias eirl irXeov vfiwv
4 " We\pi puev ovv rovBe ayplaOco vficov rj ftpaBv-
ttJ?" vvv Be UoreiBedra^, toairep
toU re aXXois fcal

vireBe^aaOe, /SoyOijaare Kara raxos ecrfiaXovTes

e? rr)v 'AttlkjJv, ha firj dv&pas re $t\ou? teal
vyyevei<; toc? e%#tcrTO? irporjade xal rjfids roue.
aXXovs ddvfiia 7rpo? erepav rwd tjvp,/jLa%Lav

i.e. you attempt to be fair on the principle that it is wise


not to offend others and so run the risk of injury which may
BOOK I. lxx. 8-lxxi. 4

greater calamity than laborious activity. Therefore

if a man should sum up and say that they were born
neither to have peace themselves nor to let other
men have it, he would simply speak the truth.
LXXI. " And yet, although you have such a state
ranged against you, O Lacedaemonians, you go on
delaying and forget that a peaceful policy suffices
long only for those who, while they employ their
military strength only for just ends, yet by their
spirit show plainly that they will not put up with
it if they are treated with injustice ; whereas you
practise fair dealing on the principle of neither giving
offence to others nor exposing yourselves to injury '

in self-defence. 1 But would be difficult to carry


out such a policy successfully if you had as neighbour

a state just like yourselves; whereas now, as we have
just shown, your practices are old-fashioned as com-
pared with theirs. But in politics, as in the arts, the
new must always prevail over the old. It is true

that when a state is at peace the established practices

are best left unmodified, but when men are compelled
to enter into many undertakings there is need of
much improvement in method. It is for this reason
that the government of the Athenians, because they
have undertaken many things, has undergone greater
change than yours.
" Here, then, let your dilatoriness end at this

moment succour both the Potidaeans and the rest

of your allies, as you promised to do, by invading
Attica without delay, that you may not betray your
friends and kinsmen to their bitterest enemies, and
drive the rest of us in despair to seek some other
arise in defending yourselves against the attacks you have
Il 9
5 Tpiyjrrjre. Bpco/iev B* av aBiKov ovBev ovre 717)0?

Oecov rcov bpKicov ovre 7roo? avOpcoircov rcov alcrOa-

vo/ievcov Xvovai yap cmovBa<; ov% ol cV eprjfiiav

aXXoi<i Trpoaiovres, a\V ol /xr/ (Sor)6ovvres ol? av

6 ^VVOflOaCOCTlV. /3ov\OfjLV(DV 8k VpLCOV TTpoOvflCOV
elvai /jLvov/jlv ovre yap oaia av Troiolfiev fiera-

ftaXXo/nevoi ovre gwrjOecrrepov? av aXXovs evpoi-

7 fiev. 77730? rdBe (SovXeveo~6e ev /cal rr)v IleXo-
TTovvrjaov rreipaaOe fir) eXdaaco e%r)yelo~6at rj ol

rrarepes vp.lv irapeBoaav"

LXXIL Toiavra fiev ol KopuvOioL elirov. rcov

Be 'Adrjvalcov erv^e yap irpea^eia rrpbrepov ev

rfj AafceBai/jLOVi irepl dXXcov irapovaa, ica\ &)9

yn-QovTO rcov Xoycov, eBo^ev avroU Trapirrjrea e?

toi>? AafceBai/iovLovs elvat, rcov fiev eyKXrjfidrcov

irepi firjBev diroXoy^aofievov^, cov al iroXeis eVe-

tcaXovv, BrjXcoaat Be irepl rod iravrbs a>? ov Ta^ew?
avrols fiovXevreov elr), a\V ev irXeovi aKerrreov.
Kal cifia rr)v crc\>erepav ttoXiv i/3ovXovro arjfifjvai
oat] etr) Bvva/iiv, Kal virofivqcnv Trocrjcracrdai Tot?
re rrpeo-^vrepoL^ cov rjBeaav Kal Tot? vecorepoi?
irjyr)o~iv cov aireipoi r)o~av, vofil^ovre^ fiaXXov av
avrovs eK rcov Xoycov 777)0? to i)av^d^et,v rparre-
2 adai rj 7r^o? to iroXe/ielv. irpoaeXOovre^ ovv roU
AaKeBaipiovioLS ecpaaav /SovXeaOai Kal avrol e?
to ttXtjOos avrcov elirelv, el ri fir) clttokcoXvol. ol

Be eKeXevov re irapievai, Kal irapeXOovre? ol

'Adrjvaloi eXeyov roidBe.

alliance. If we took such a course we should be

committing no wrong either in the sight of the gods
we have sworn by or of men of understanding for ;

treaties are broken not by those who when left un-

supported join others, but by those who fail to
succour allies they have sworn to aid. But if you
mean to be zealous allies we will stay for in that

case we should be guilty of impiety if we changed

our friends, nor should we find others more congenial.
In view of these things, be well advised, and make
it your endeavour that the Peloponnesian league shall

be no weaker under your leadership than when you

inherited it from your fathers." /

LXXII. Thus spoke the Corinthians. But there

happened to be present at Lacedaemon an embassy
of the Athenians that had come on other business,
and when they heard the various speeches they
deemed it advisable to appear before the Lacedae-
monians, not indeed to make any defence on the
charges brought by the cities, but to make clear with
regard to the whole question at issue that the Lace-
daemonians should not decide it hastily but should
take more time to consider it. At the same time
they wished to show how great was the power of
their own city, reminding the older men of what
they already knew, and recounting to the younger
things of which they were ignorant, in the belief
that under the influence of their arguments the
Lacedaemonians would be inclined to peace rather
than war. Accordingly they approached the Lace-
daemonians and said that they also wished, if there
was nothing to hinder, to address their assembly. The
Lacedaemonians invited them to present themselves,
and the Athenians came forward and spoke as follows :
LXXIIT. " 'H fiev it pea /Sevens tj/jlcov ovk e?

dvriXoyiav rols vfierepois ^vixpudyoi^ eyevero,

dXXa irepl o)v 7) ttoXls eirefx^rev alaOavofievoc Be

Kara/3or)v ovk oXljtjv ovaav r)p,a)v TTapi'fKOofJLev,

ov rot? iyKXrj/iaat, rcov rroXewv dvrepovvres (ov

yap irapd hiKaarais vp.lv ovre tj/jlwv ovre rovrcov
01 Xoyoi dv ylyvoivro), dXX' oVw? fir) paZUos irepl

fieydXwv irpayfidrwv tols %vp.fidyoi$ ireiQofievoi

X^pov /3ovXevar)ade, Kal dfia /3ovXo/ievoL irepl

rov iravros Xoyov rov e? r) fids Ka6eara)ros hrjXco-

aai co? ovre direiKorays eyo/iev a KeKri')peQa, r) re

iroXts t)/jlu)v a%ia Xoyov early.
2 " Kal ra fiev irdvv iraXaid ri Set Xeyeiv, ayv
d/coal fiaXXov Xoycov fidprvpes rj 6-^ris rcov d/cov-

aofievcov; ra he. ^AtjSlko, Kal oaa avrol ^vvtare,

el Kal hi o)(Xov fiaXXov earai alel irpo/3aXXo-
/jLevois, dvdyKTj Xeyeiv. Kal yap ore ehpcopev, eir*

tocfreXLq eKLvSvvevero, 77? rov fiev epyov fiepos

fierea^ere, rov he Xoyov firj iravros, el n wcfieXel, 1

3 arepiaKco/ieda. pr)9i)aerai he ov rrapairtjaecos

fidXXov ei'Ka r) paprvplov Kal hifXaoaeoos irpos

oiav vplv iroXiv fir) ev fiovXevofievois 6 dyaiv

4 " Qapev yap MapaOcovl re fibvoi irpoKtvhv-
vevaai ra> jBapfBapU) Kal ore ro varepov rjXdev,
w(pt\u E.
BOOK I. lxxiii. 1-4

LXXIII. "Our embassy did not come here to

enter into a dispute with your allies, but on the
business for which our city sent us. Perceiving,
however, that no small outcry is being made against
us, we have come forward, not to answer the charges
of the cities (for it can hardlybe that either they or
we are addressing you as judges), but in order that
you may not, yielding to the persuasion of your
allies, lightly make a wrong decision about matters
of great importance. And at the same time we wish,
as regards the whole outcry that has been raised
against us, to show that we are rightfully in posses-
sion of what we have acquired, and that our city is
not to be despised.
" Now, what need is there to speak about matters

quite remote, 1 whose only witnesses are the stories

men hear rather than the eyes of those who
will hear them told? But concerning the Persian
War and all the other events of which you have
personal knowledge, we needs must speak, even
though it will be rather irksome to mention them,
since they are always being paraded. For when we
were performing those deeds the risk was taken for
a common benefit, and since you got a share of the
actual results of that benefit, we should not be wholly
deprived of the credit, if there is any benefit in that.
And our aim in the recital of the facts will be, not
so much to deprecate censure, as to show by evidence
with what sort of city you will be involved in war
if you are not well advised.
" For we affirm that at Marathon we alone bore
the first brunt of the Barbarian's attack, and that
The Schol. remarks ra Kara 'Ajm^ovar xal QpqKas *al
'HpaKAei'Saj, favourite themes in eulogies, panegyric speeches,

oi>x licavoX ovres Kara yr}v dfivvecrOai, iafidvres
65 Ta? z;av? TravBrjfiel iv XaXafilvi gvvvav fiaxr/'
aai, oirep ecr^e fir] Kara 7roXei<; avrbv iir LirXeovr
tt)v YlekoTTOvvrjcrov rropOelv, dBvvdrcov dv ovrcov
5 rrpb<;vav$ 7ro\Xa? dXXijXois iirLporjdelv. reKfi-q-
pLOV Be pueyiarov avrbs iiroCrjaev pi/crjdel? yap
rail vavcriv ax? ovKeri avrco o/jlolcls 01/0*779 tt)<?
Bvvdfiecos /card Tayos tw irXeovi rov arparov
LXXIV. " Tolovtov fievTOi rovrov %vp,$dvro$
Ka\ <ja$m SrjXcodivTO? ore iv rah vaval rcov
'EXXyjvcov ra irpdjfiara iyevero, rpia ra cocpeXi-
fitorara e? avro irapeaxb^eOa, dpiO/xov re vecov
irXelarov zeal dvBpa arparrjybv ^vvercorarov tcai
irpoOvfiiav doKvordrrjv vavs pev ye e? ra9
rerpaKoaias oXiyw iXaacrovs rcov Bvo fioipcov,
Oe/iiaroKXea Be apxovra, 6? alricoraro^ iv rco
arevco vavfiaxficai iyevero, oirep aacpearara
eacocre ra irpdyp^ara, /cal avrbv Bid rovro v/xeU
eriprjaare pudXiara Brj dvBpa %evov rcov a>9 v/ids
2 iXObvrcov irpoOvpiav Be /cal ttoXv roXpirjpordr-qv
ibei^apbev, oi ye, iireiBr) rj/ilv Kara yrjv ovBeU
iporjOei, row aXXcov rjBrj p<expi rjp-wv BovXevbv-
rcov, yj^icoaa/iev iKXtrrovres rrjv ttoXiv Kal ra ol-
Kela BiafyOelpavres /a>?S' a>? to rcov rrepiXolircov
gvfifidxw kolvov irpoXiTTelv fxrjBe o-KeBacr6evr<;
dxpeloc avrols yeveaOai, dXX' icrftdvres e? ras
vavs KivBvvevaai Kal firj bpytcrOrjvaL on r\plv oh

Probably a round number for 378 given by Hdt. viii.
xiviii., ofwhich the Athenian contingent (200, i.e. 180 + 20
lent to the Chalcidians, Hdt. vm. i.) could be spoken of as

BOOK I. lxxiii. 4-Lxxiv. 2

when he came again, not being able to defend our-

selves by land, we embarked in a body on our ships
and joined in the sea-fight at Salamis. This prevented
his sailing against you city by city and ravaging the
Peloponnesus, for you would have been unable to
aid one another against a fleet so numerous. And
the weightiest testimony to the truth of what we
say was afforded by the enemy himself; for when
his fleet was defeated, as if aware that his power
was no longer a match for that of the Hellenes, he
hastily withdrew with the greater part of his army.
LXXIV. "Such, then, was the issue of that battle,
and clear proof was given thereby that the salvation
of the Hellenes depended upon their ships. To that
issue we contributed the three most serviceable ele-
ments, namely, the largest number of ships, the
shrewdest general, and the most unfaltering zeal.
Of the four hundred l ships our quota was a little
less than two-thirds. The commander was Themis-
tocles, who more than any other was responsible for
our fighting the battle in the strait, which most
surely was our salvation and on this account you

yourselves honoured him above any stranger who

ever visited you. 2 And the zeal we displayed was
that of utmost daring, for* when there was no one to
help us on land, since all the rest up to our very
borders were already slaves, we resolved to abandon
our city and sacrifice all our possessions yet not even

in that extremity to desert the common cause of the

allies who remained, by dispersing to render our-
selves useless to them, but to embark on our ships
and fight, an d not to be a fl flry be cause you failed to
icXeiovs twc T)/j.i<reu>v or with slight exaggeration as 6\iycf
4\dcraovs twv 5vo fxoipwv.
See Hdt. vin. cxxiv.; Plut. Them. xvii. 3.
3 irpovTifiwp^aaTe. ware <p>ap,ev ovx rjaaov avroi
d)(f)6\f)crai, upas rj rvx^lv tovtov. vfiels p,ev yap

diro re oiKovp,ev<ov twv ttoXccov kcli eiri tw to

Xolttov vepeadaiy eirecBr] eBeiaare virep vficov koX
ovx ripuv to ir\eov, i/3oy]0ijaare (ore yovv r/p,ev
en aw, ov irapeyeveaOe), rjfieU Be drro re tt?? ovk
01/0-77? en 6ppd)p,evoi kcli virep t?}? ev fipaxeia

cXttlBi ovo-rj? KLvhwevovres ^vveadiaapev u/za? re

4 to pepos fcal rjpas avrovs. el Be 7rpoaexo)pi]o~apev

irporepov rw M.rjBa) Beuaavre^, cbairep kcu aWoi,

rrepl rfj %oSpa, r) firj ero\p.rjo-apLev varepov ea/3r)vai
e? ra<; vavs &>? Bie<$>6appievoi, ovBev av eBei en
e\ovra^ vavs iKavds vavp.axeiv, dXkd

kcl6' -qavx^av av aura) 7rpovx^p rJ' Ta irpdypara

LXXV. "'A/?' a^toi ecrpbev, co AaKeBaipuovioi,
teal irpoQvpLas eveica t?}? totc koX yvu)p,r)<; %vve-

dpxv? 7 6 fa ^X^ ev tow "EWi/fft p>r) ovrcos


2 dyav imcpdovcDS SiatceZ<rdai; teal yap avrr)V ryjvBe

iXdftopLev ov fiiaadpevoi, d\\* vpLCov puev ovk
eQe\r\advT(x)v irapapelvav 7roo? ra viroXoiira rod
fiapfidpov, rjpLLV Be irpoae\66vrcov revv gvppidxov
3 Kal avrcov Berjdevrcov yyepovas Karaarr}vai. ef
avroi) Be rov epyov KarrjvayKaadrjfiev to rrpcorov
{/pas : Hude inserts irpbs before vpas.

cf. the taunt of Adimantns (Hdt.

1 vin. lvii. 7), -rrepl ovSe-
pais tri TrarplSos vavpaxfaeis, " You will fight for a country
that is no more," and the famous answer of Themistoclea


help us earlier. We therefore maintain that we on

our part conferred upon you a benefit at least as
great as w e received for whereas the population o f

the cities from which you brought aid was still un-
disturbed and you could hope to possess them in the
future, and your motive was fgajr fo_r_ yourselves rather
t han for us at any rate you did not come near so
long as we were still unharmed we on our part,
setting forth from a city that was no more/ and
risking our lives in behalf of one whose future hung
upon but a slender hope, bore our part in saving
both you and ourselves. But if we had acted as
others did, and through fear of losing our territory
had gone over to the Persians earlier in the war, or
afterwards ha d lacked the courag e to embark on
our ships, in the conviction that we were already
ruined, would from that moment have been use-

less for you, with your inadequate fleet, to fight at

sea, but the Persian's plans would have moved on
quietly just as he wished.
LXXV. " Considering, then, Lacedaemonians, the
zeal and sagacity of j udgmen t which we displayed
at that time, do we deserve to be regarded with this
exc essive jealousy by the Hellenes just on account
of "the empire we possess ? And indeed we did not
acquire this empire by force, but only after you had
refused to continue to op pose what was left of the
barbarian for ces, and the allies came to us and of
their own accord a sked us to assume the leadership.
It was under the compulsion ~ol circumstances that

(Hdt. VIII. lxi. 8), is tfv kcl\ tt6Kls Ka\ 77? /xe(u>v fjirep tcelpotcri
ear' kv 8n)K6(Tiat vees <r<pi
" We have a city
tvMTi iren\r}pu)utvai,
and a country greater than yours as long as we have two
hundred ships fully manned."
irpoayayelv avTrjv e? ToSe, fiaXicrra fiev vtto
Biovs, eireLTa Kai n/j,*]?, varepov /ecu ox/>e\ta?,
4 zeal ovk dacpaXes en iSotcei elvai,, roc? 7ro\\o2<;
aTni^O r] fjbivov^ Kai tlvwv zeal rjSr) airoaTavTWV
Karearpa/xfjiivcov, v/jlcov re r)pXv ovKeri oyLtota)?

(j)l\C0V, a\V VTTOTTTWV KoX 8ld(f)6pC0V OVTCQV, dvkv-

Ta? KivBvveveiv (/cal yap av at airoaTaaei^ 777309

5 v/jlcis iylyvovTo)' iroLcri Be. dveiri^dovov ra ^v/i-

(fripovTCt twv pueyiarcov irepl klvBvvcov ev tl-

LXXYI. " f T/xet9 yovv, a> AaKeBaifiovioi, ra?
ev rfj Ue\o7rovv7]<rq) iroXeis eVl to v/jllv w^ekifjuov
Karao-rrjadfievoi igrjyeicrOe' Kai el rore viro-
fjLeLvavres Bia, 7raz/T0? dir^Oeade ev rf} r)yefiovia,

wcrirep rjfiels, ev tafiev fir) av rjaaov v/j,a<; Xvtttj-

poi><; yevo/ievovs rot? fL'/z/xa^oi? Kai dvayxaadev-
ras -av r) apyeiv eytcpaT&s r) avroix; KivBvveveiv.
2 ovtcos ovK rjfjLecs Oav/iaarbv ovBev ireTTOirjKafiev
ouS' diro rov dvdpcoireiov rpoirov, el apx^v T
BiBofievrjv eSetjdfieOa Kai ravrrjv /jlt) dvelfiev
vtto rcov fieyiaroov viKrjOevres, TLfirj^ Kai Beov<;

Kai axe\/a?, ovB av irpCaTOi rov roiovrov vrrdp-

%avre$, a\\' alel KaOearcoros rov rjaaco vtto rov
Bvvarcorepov KaretpyeaOai, a%ioi re dfjua vo/il-

%ovt$ elvai Kai vpXv BoKovvres, ^X? 1 v Tc*

%vfjL(f)epovTa Xoyi^ofxevoL tw BtKalco \6ya> vvv
Hude inserts rpiStv before ruv fj.eyicTu>v t with van
Herwerden and Weil.
BOOK I. lxxv. 3-Lxxvi. 2

we were driven at first to advance our empire to its

present state, influenced chiefly by,.fear, then by
honour also, and lastly by self-intere st as well ; and
after we had once incurred the hatred of most of
our allies, and several of them had already revolted
and been reduced to subjection, and when you were I
no longer friendly as before but suspicious and at
variance with us, it no longer seemed safe to risk
relaxing our hold. For all seceders would have gone
over to you. And no man is to be blamed for making
the most of his advantages when it is a question of
the gravest dangers.
LXXVI. " At any rate you, Lacedaemonians, in
the exercise of your leadership over the Pelopon-
nesian states regulate their polities x according to
your own advantage and if in the Persian war

you had held out to the end in the hegemony

and had become unpopular in its exercise, as we
did,you would certainly have become not less ob-
noxious to the allies than we are, and would have
been compelled either to rule them with a stron g
hand or_ JPjy;s^lyjis__to_risk losing the hegemony.
Thus there is nothing remarkable or inconsistent with
human nature in what we also have done, just because
we accepted an empire when it was offered us, and
then, yielding to the
strongest motives honour,
fear, and Aelf-interest declined to
give it up. Nor,
again, are we the first who have entered upon such a
course, but it has ever been an established rule that
the weake r is kept dow n by the stronger And at .

the same time we thought we were worthy to rule,

and used to be so regarded by you also, until you fell
to calculating what your interests were and resorted,
i.e. by setting up oligarchies in them, cf. ch. xix.

XpyjaOe, ov ouSet? iron rraparvybv iayyi ri Krr]~

aaaOai irpoOeU rov firj irXeov e^eiv direrpdirero.

3 eiraivelaQal re agioi, o'irive% XPV cr ^/JLev0i rV
dvOpwireia (frvaei ware erepcov dpyeiv hucaio-

repot r) Kara rrjv virdpyovaav Svva/uv yevwvrai.

4 aWovs y av ovv ol6/j,e@a ra rj/xirepa Xaftovras
Bel^ai av /idXiara et ri jierpid^ofiev, r)filv Se Kal

etc rov iwieiKovs dSoijia rb rrXeov r) eiraivos ovk

eiKorcos irepiearr].
LXXVII. " Kal eXaaaovpuevoi yap iv raU
^vfAftoXaiais 717509 rovs %vn\xdyov<; hifcai<; Kal
rrap' rjficv avrols iv rols bfioiois vbfiois rvoiijaavre^
2 rd<; Kpiaeis <f)iXo&iKiv SoKov/iev. Kal ov&eU
aKorrel avrcov, roU Kal aXXoOi itov eypvaiv dpyr)v
Kal rjaaov tj/jlcov Trpbs row vtttjkoovs fierpiois
ovai hi 6 ri rovro ovk oveihi^erar (3id^ea6ai
yap oh av i^fj, BiKa^eaOai ovhev rrpoaBeovrai.
3 01 he eW 1a fievoi TTpbs r)/j,a<; dirb rov taov o/iiXeiv,
yjv ri rrapa rb oXeaOai XP*l vaL V l V(^^ r) V

hvvdfxei rfj Bid rrjv dp^-qv Kal birwaovv eXaaaw-

Ocoaiv, ov rov TrXeovos firj arepiaKo/ievoi ydpiv
eyovaiv, dXXd rod ivheovs xaXeirdirepov cfrepovaiv
r) el dirb irpwrtj^ diroOefxevoi rbv vbfiov (fiavepcbs

These seem to have been disputes in matters of trade
tried before federal courts elsewhere than in Athens ; whereas
tcls Kpio-tis refers to compulsory jurisdiction which Athens
enforced upon her allies in her own courts.


as you do now, to the plea of justice which no one,

when opportunity something by
offered of securing
main strength, ever yet put before force and ab-
stained from taking advantage. And they are to be
commended who, yielding to the instinct of human
nature to rule over others, have been more observant
of justice than they might have been, considering
their power. At least, if others should seize our
power, they would, we think, exhibit the best proof
that we show some moderation but in our case the

result of our very reasonableness is, perversely enough,

obloquy rather than commendation.
LXXVII. " For although we are at a disadvantage
in suits 1 with our allies arising out of commercial
agreements, and although in our own courts in
Athens, where we have established tribunals, the
same laws ap ply to us as to them, we are thought
to insist too much upon our legal rights. And
none of our allies observes why it is that those
who hold dominion elsewhere, and are less mode-
rate than we are toward their subjects, are not
reproached on this account. It is because those
who may use might have no need to appeal to right.
But if ever our allies, accustomed as they are to
associate with us on the basis of equality, come off
second best in any matter, however trivial, contrary
to their own notion that it ought to be otherwise,
whether their discomfiture is due to a legal decision
or to the exercise of our imperial power, instead of
being grateful that they have not been deprived of
what is of greater moment, 2 they are more deeply
offended because of their trifling inequality than if
we had from the first put aside all legal restraints
8 Namely, their equality before the law.
eirXeoveKrov/iev. ifcelvox; Be ovB' av avrol dvre-

XP ^ V T v V
~~ 0)
Xeyov ft)? ov T$ Kpaiovvri
4 viroywpelv. dBifcov/ievoi re, go? eoi/cev, oi dvOpw-
ttoi fidXXov opyi^ovrai t) f3ia%6{ievor to /lev yap
airo rov caov Bo/cel irXeoveKrelaOai, to P drrb

5 rod Kpeiacrovos /caravayKa^ecrOai. virb yovv rov

"MtjBov Betvorepa tovtcov irda^ovre^ ^vei^ovro,
7] Be rj/xerepa dp^rj ^aXeirrj Boxet elvcu, etVoTft)?*
6 to irapbv yap alel ftapv roh v7tt)k6oi<;. vfieh 7'
av ovv el KadeXbvres rj/jtas dp^acre, rd^* av tt)v

evvoiav r\v Bid. to yfieTepov Seo? elXifyare \ieia-

fiaXoire, elirep ola koI tots 777)0? rov MrjBov Bi
oXiyov T)y7}<jd\evoi vireBei^are, ofiota teal vvv
yvooaeaOe. a/juet/cra yap id re /caO* vfias avrovs
vofiifia roh aXXois e%T6 /cal Trpocren eh e/ca<TTO<;

i^icbv ovre tovtois ^prjraL oi>6* oh rj dXXrj 'EAAa?


LXXVIII. " BovXeveaOe ovv /3paBea)<; a>? ov

nrepl ftpaykwv, KaX fjurj dXXorpiais yvuofiais ko\
ey/cXy/iao-i ireLo-Oevres ol/ceiov ttovov irpoaOrfo-Oe.

rov Be TroXe/jLOV rov irapdXoyov 6V0? ecni, irplv

2 ev avrw yeveaOai 7rpoBidyva)T' /jLrjfcvvofAevos yap
cfuXel e? TU%a? rd iroXXd irepLiGTaaOai, wv caov
re aTre^ofiev /cal oirorepax; earat ev dBrjXw klv-

3 Bweverai. Zovres re oi avdpomoi e? tovs iroXe-

/jlovs Tcov epycov irporepov eyp vTCLl > a XPW varepov

BOOK I. lxxvii. 3-Lxxvm. 3

and had openly sought our own advantage. In that

case even they would not be setting up the claim
that the weaker should not have to yield to the
stronger. Men, it seems, are more resentful of in-
justice than of violence ; for the former, they feel, is
overreaching by an equal, whereas the latter is
coercion by a superior. At any rate, they submitted
to more grievous wrongs than these at the hands of
the Persians, while our rule is hard to bear, as they
think and no wonder, for the present yoke is always

heavy to subjects. Certainly you, should you over-

throw us and obtain supremacy, would soon tase the
good will which you have gained through fear of us
if indeed you mean again to show such temper as you
gave a glimpse of at that time when for a little while
you had the hegemony against the Persian. 1 For the
institutions that prevail among you at home are in-
compatible with those of other peoples, and, besides,
each one of you when he goes abroad uses neither
these nor those which the rest of Greece is accustomed
LXXVIII. "Be slow, then, in your deliberations,
for no slight matters are at stake and do not,

influenced by the opinions and accusations of others,

burden yourselves needlessly with trouble of your
own. Realise before you get into it how great are
the chances of miscalculation in war. For when it
is long drawn out, it is wont generally to resolve it-

self into a mere matter of chance and over chance


both sides equally have no control, and what the

outcome will be is unknown and precarious. Most
men rush into war and proceed to blows first,
although that ought to be the last resort, and then,

Bpav, fcafcoTraOovvres Be rjBr) rcov Xoyoiv awTovrai.
4 /;/x6t? Be iv ovBepua itw roiavTrj dp,apjia 6We<?
ovt avrol ov6* vfia<; opwvres Xeyo/nev v/mv, e<y?

en avOaiperos afA(f)OTpoi<; i) evftovXla, airovBds

firj Xvecv /jirjSe irapafiaiveiv rovs op/covs, ra Be
5 Bid(f)opa Slkt) XvecrOai Kara- ttjv ^vv07]Krjv, rj

deovs tov<? op/CLOvs fidprvpas iroiovfievoi iretpaao-

fieda dfxvveaOai, iroXefiov dpyovra^ ravrrj fj

LXXIX. Toiavra Be ol 'AOrfvaloi elirov. iirei-

Br) Be twv Te ^vixpud^wv rjKovaav ol AaKeBaipboviot

tA ey/cXy/JUtTa ra e'9 tov<; ^AOrjvaiovs /ecu rcov
AOrjvaiwv a eXe^av, fieraarrjad/jLevoi irdvras
eftovXevovro Kara cr(a? avrovs irepl rcov irapbv-
2 t(dv. koX tcov fiev irXeovwv eirl to avrb al yvcofiat

(f>epop, dBifcelv re tou? A6r)vaLov<$ rjBrj zeal iroXe-

firjTea elvai iv rd%er TrapeXOoov Be A/r^aSa/xo? 6

ftaaiXevs avrcbv, dvrjp teal gvverbs Bokcov elvai

Kal aaxppcov, eXetje roidBe.
LXXX. " Kal avrbs iroXXcbv ijB>] TroXefiwv
e/jLTreipos el/ju, &> Aa/ceBaifiovioi, Kal vp,cbv tou? iv

rfj avrfj rjXiKia 6pw axrre

t fJ<i]T direipia 7ri0v/j,ri-

aai Tiva rod epyov, oirep av ol iroXXol irdOotev,

2 /nj]T dyadbv Kal dacpaXes vofiiaavra. evpoire B'
av rovBe irepl ov vvv /SoiAeyecr^e ovk av iXd-
yjLGTOv yevofievov, el aaxfrpovw; rt? aurbv eKXoyi-

3 olto. 7rpo? fiev yap UeXo7rovvrjalov<i Kal tovs

BOOK I. lxxviii. 3-Lxxx. 3

when they are in distress, at length have recourse to

words. But since we ourselves are not as yet involved *

in any such error and see that you are not, we urge
you, while wise counsels are still a matter of free
choice to both of us, not to violate the treaty or
transgress yonr-oaths,, but to let our differences be
settled by arbitration according to the agreement.
But if you refuse, we shall invoke as witnesses the
gods by whom our oaths were sworn, and shall en-
deavour to make reprisals on those who begin the war,
following that path in which you have led the way."
LXXIX. Thus the Athenians spoke. And when
the Lacedaemonians had heard the charges brought
by the allies against the Athenians, and what the
latter said in reply, they caused all others to with-
draw and deliberated by themselves on the situation
before them. And the opinions of the majority
tended to the same conclusion, namely, that the
Athenians were already guilty of injustice, and that
they must go to war without delay. But Archidamns"*
their king, a man reputed to be both sagacious and
prudent, came forward and spoke as follows:
LXXX. w I have both myself, Lacedaemonians, had
experience in my day of many wars, and I see men "

among you who are as old as I am no one of them,


therefore, is eager for war through lack of experience,

as would be the case with most men, nor because
he thinks it a good or a safe thing. And you
would find that this war about which you are now
deliberating is likely to prove no trifling matter, if

one should reflect upon it soberly. Foi 4
a contest
with the Peloponnesians or the neighbouring states l
By the Peloponnesians Thucyriitles means the Spartan
alliance the neighbouring states would then be the Pelo-

ponnesian states not in the alliance, e.g. Argos.


acTTvyeLTOvas irapofJioios ijfiwv r) aXicrj, leal Bid
rayewv olov re ecf) e/caara eXOelv irpos Be dvBpas
ot yr/v re e/ea? e^ovcri /cal irpoaen OaXdacnjs
i/jLTreiporaroL elau kclI tol$ aWocs airaaiv dpicrra
i^VpTVvrai, irkovjrp re IBico Kal Brj/u,oal(a Kal
vaval Kal Tttitois fcctl 07t\ol<; Kal o)(\q) oaos ovk
ev aWep kv'i ye ^copiw 'YjW^vlkw earip, en Be real
%vp,p,dyov<i 7roX\ov<> cj)6pov viroreXels eyovai, 7rw?
%pr) 7T/30? tovtovs pqBlcos iroXefiop dpaaOai Kal
t'lvl iricrrevaapra<; aTrapaatcevovs eireiyOr)vai
4 irorepov raU vavaiv; dX\! rjo-aovs ea/xev el Be
/jLeXeTijo-ofiev teal avrLTrapacrKevaao/xeOa, xpovo?
evearcu. aXKa w
rols ^pr] p.aa ; d\\d toXXw
irXeov en rovrco iWelirofiev Kal ovre ev kolvw
eyopuev ovre eroi/ncos etc rcov IBiwv cpepofiev.
LXXXI. " Ta^' dv ri? Oapaoir) ore rot? oit-

\ois avrwv koX tw ware

irXrjOei vrrepcfyepo/iep,

2 tt]P yr)v Byovp iirL(j)OLra)vre^. to? Be aWrj yrj

earc 7ro\\r] 979 dpyovai, Kal etc 6a\daai]<; wp
3 Beovrat errd^oprai. el o av to?)? %v}iidyov<i

d(f)tardpai iretpaaopieOa, Beijaei Kal tovtois vaval

1 ftorjOeLP rb irXeop oval prjatcorai^. Tt? ovp earai
r/ficop 6 irokefio^; el fir] yap i) paval Kparyjao/iep
r) Ta? irpoaoBov; d(f)aipi']aofiep defy' d)p rb vavriKOP
5 rpecfrovcri, /3\ayfro fieO'a rd irXeiw. /cap rovra)
ovBe fcaraXvecrOai en /ca\6p, aXXco? re /cal el

i.e. it is military rather than naval similar, too, in the


matter of wealth, equipment, absence of foreign resources,

tributary allies, etc.

BOOK I. lxxx. 3-Lxxxi. 5

our power is of the same type with theirs l and we can

be upon them quickly at every point but when op-

posed to men whose territory is far away, who besides

are beyond all others experienced in seamanship and
are best equipped in all other respects, with wealth
both private and public, ships, horses, arms and a
larger population than is to be found in any other single
district in Hellas, who have, moreover, numerous
allies subject to tribute against such men why should
we lightly take up arms ? In what do we place our
trust that we should attack them unprepared ? In
our ships ? But there we are inferior and if we

train and make ourselves ready to encounter them,

that will take time. In our wealth then ? But in
that respect we are still more deficient, neither having
money in the treasury of the state nor rinding it easy
to raise money from our private resources by
taxation. 2
LXXXI. " Perhaps some of us are emboldened by
our superiority in arms and numbers, which enables
us freely to invade and lay waste their territory.
But there is other territory in plenty over which
they hold sway, and they will import by sea what- _^-
ever they need. And if, on the other hand, we try ~^V
to induce their allies to revolt, we shall have in
addition to protect them with a fleet, since they are
chiefly islanders. What then will be the character
of the war we shall be waging? Unless we can-
either win the mastery on the sea or cut off the
revenues by which they support their navy, we shall
get the worst of it. And, if it comes to that, we
can no longer even conclude an honourable peace,
The poverty of the Peloponnesians is referred to bv
Pericles in ch. cxli. 3. The statement is true especially of
the Spartans, but also of all the rest except the Corinthians.

6 Bb^opev ap^cu pdXXov rr)<; Biacf)opa<;. fir) yap Br)

etceivr) ye rfj eXirihi erraipcopeOa &>? ra^v TravcrOr)-

aerat 6 iroXepbos, r)v ttjv yrjv avrcov T6/icop,v.

BeBoitca Be p,aXXov prj teal Tot? iraialv avrbv viro-


Xiirwpev ovtcos el/cbs


AOrjvaiovs (fipovjjpLari pLrjre

TV 7$ BovXevaai pbrjre axrirep direlpovs tcara-

irXayrjvai rw iroXepw.
LXXXII. " Ov fi?]v ouBe avaiaBy'jTcos avrovs
tceXevco tou? re %v\ip.aypv<$ r)pba)v eav ftXaTrreiv
teal eiriftovXevovTas /jltj Karacfxopdv, dXXa oirXa
fxev fjurjircd tcivelv, irepureiv Be teal alrLaaOai fir/re

TToXe/jiov ayav Br/Xovvra^ pi]6" ox? eiriTpe^ropev,

tcdv tovtw teal rd r)perep avrwv e^aprveaOai
gvpLpLd^cov re irpoaaycoyfj, teal 'EXXrfvcov real

fiapftdpwv&el iroOev nva r) vavri/cov r) ^pr/pdrcov

Bvvapuv irpoaX7]yjr6fie0a (dveiri<$>6ovov Be, oaoi

(oairep teal rjpeh vir ' Aj&rjvaiayp eiTij3ovXev6p,eda,


pr) 'EXXrjva^ piovov, dXXd teal fiapfidpovs irpoaXa-

ftovras Bia(T(t>6r)vai), teal rd avTcov dfia etciropi-
2 ^(jL>[xe6a. teal r)v fiev ecra/couaxJL rt 7rpea(3evojjLevwv

r)io)V, ravra apicrra' r)v Be par], BceXOovrcov er&v

Bvo teal rpicov dpueivov yjBrj, i]v Botcf}, ire<$>payp,evoi

3 Lfiev iir avTovs. teal I'crcos opcovre^ f/fiajv rjBrj rfjv

re Trapaateevrjv teal tovs Xoyovs avrrj opoia viro-

(Trj/ialvovTas p,ciXXov av el'tcocev, teal yr)v en arpLTj-

tov cypres teal irepl irapovrcov dyaOuov teal ovirw


BOOK I. lxxxi. 5-Lxxxii. 3

especially if it is believed that we rather than they

began the quarrel. For we assuredly must not be
buoyed up by any such hope as that the war will
soon be over if we but ravage their territory. I fear
rather that we shall even bequeath it to our children,
so improbable it is that the Athenians, high spirited
as they are, will either make themselves vassals to
their land, or, like novices, become panic-stricken at
the war.
LXXXII. " Yet assuredly I do not advise you
that you should blindly suffer them to injure our
allies and allow their plotting to go undetected, but
rather that you should adopt the following course
Do not take up arms yet, but 'send envoys to them
and make complaints, without indicating too clearly
whether we shall go to war or put up with their
conduct also in the meantime, let us proceed with

our own preparations, in the first place by winning

allies to our side, Barbarians as well as Hellenes, in
the hope of obtaining from some quarter or other
additional resources in ships or money (for those who,
like ourselves, are plotted against by the Athenians
are not to be blamed if they procure their salvation
by gaining the aid, not of Hellenes only, but even of
Barbarians) and let us at the same time be developing

our resources at home. And if they give any heed

to our envoys, there could be nothing better but if ;

not, then, after the lapse of two or three years, we

shall at length be better equipped to go against
them, if we decide to do so. Or perhaps when they
see our preparatiorisTancT that our words correspond
thereto, they will be more inclined to yield, for they
will both have their land still unravaged and their
deliberations will concern goods that are still theirs

4 efyOapfievwv flovXevofievoi. fir) yap aXXo ri
V0/1L<T7]T6 TTjV yr)V CLVTtoV T) OflTJpOV %IV Kal 0V%
r)acrov oaco afieivov i^elpyaarar rjs (frei&eaOai
%pr) co? eirl ifKelcrrov, teal fir) e? dirovoiav /cara-
5 cTTrjaavTas uvtov? dXrjTTTOTepovs eyeiv. el yap
dirapdaKevoi to?? twv %vfifidyu>v iy/c\7]fiacTt,v

eiret)^devTe<; Tepodfiev avrrjv, opdre 6Va)? fii)

alayjiov zeal diropcorepov rfj YleXoTTOvvr)a(p irpd^o-

6 fiev. iy/cky'i/iara
fiev yap teal TroXecov Kal
KaraXvcrac woXefiov Be ^vfiirav-
ISicorcov olov re

Ta? dpafievovs eveica rcov IBlcov, ov ov^ virdpyei

elBevai fcaO' 6 ri ywp^aei, ov paBiov evirpeiroy^
Bead at.
LXXXIII. "Kal dvavBpia firfhevl ttoXXovs fiia
2 iroXei fir) Ta^u eireXOelv BoKeiTQ) elvai. elo~l yap
teal etceivois ov/c eXdaaov<; xprjfiara (frepovres
^vfifiayoi, teal eanv 6 iroXefios ov) ottXcov to
nrXeov, dXXa Bairavr)?, 6Y r)v ra oirXa Q)(f)eXel,

3 aUw? T teal rjireipcoTais irpbs OaXaacriovs. tto-

piadifieOa ovv irpwTov avrrjv, teal fir) toZs tcop

%vfifid~)(u>v Xoyois irpoiepov eiratpcopeOa, o'lrrep he

teal twv cnroftaivovTwv to irXeov eir dfKporepa

t/}? atria? e^o/nev, ovroi teal tead* rjav^Lav ri
avrcov irpotBcofiev.
LXXXIV. " Kal to fipaBi; teal fieXXw, o fiefi-

(f)OVTat fidXcara r)fia)v, fir) ala^vveaOe. airev-

Sovres re yap axoXacrepov av iravaaiade Bia to
dirapdcneevot, ey^eipelv, Kal dfia eXevQepav Kal

BOOK I. lxxxii. 3-Lxxxiv. 1

and as yet not ruined. For do not regard their land

as anything but a hostage for us to hold, and a better
hostage the better it is cultivated. You should there-
fore spare it as long as possible, instead of making them

desperate and thus having a more intractable foe to

deal with. For if, without adequate preparation,
egged on by the complaints of our allies, we shall
ravage their territory, beware lest we adopt a course
which might rather 1 result in disgrace and diffi-
culties for the Peloponnesus. For complaints, in-
deed, whether brought by states, or by individuals,
may possibly be adjusted but when a whole con-

federacy, for the sake of individual interests, under-

takes a war of which no man can foresee the issue,
it is not easy to end it with honour.

LXXXII1. "And let no man think it pusillanimous

that many states should hesitate to attack a single
city. For they also have allies not less numerous
than ours who pay tribute and war is a matter not

so much of arms as of money, for it is money alone

that makes arms serviceable, especially when an- inland
opposes a maritime power. Let us therefore provide
ourselves with money first, instead of being carried
away prematurely by the eloquence of our allies
and, just as it is we who shall bear the greater part
of the responsibility for the consequences, whether
for good or evil, so let it be our task also calmly to
get some forecast of them.
LXXXIV. "And so be not ashamed of the slow-
ness and dilatoriness for which they censure us most
for speed in beginning may mean delay in ending,
because you went into the war without preparation,
and, moreover, in consequence of our policy we have
i.e. than the opposite course.

evBo^OTarrjv ttoXlv Blo, Travrbs ve/io/xeda^ /cat

Bvvarai jxaXicrra aaxppocrvvr) e/Mppcov rovr elvar

2 jjlovoi yap Bl avrb evirpayiai^ re ovk ij;v/3pio/jLv

teal v/j.(f)opai<; rjcraov erepcov elKojiev, rcov re %vv

eiraivw e^orpwovrcov r/yita? eirl ra Betva irapa to
Bokovv rj/julv ovk e-naipbyueQa rjBovfj, /cal rjv tj?

apa %vv KarrjyopLa Trapo^vvrj, ovhev Br) fiaXXov

3 a^#ecr#eWe? dveTreio-Qi~\\ev. TroXefiLKol re teal

ev/3ovXot Sea rb vkoo-/jlov yiyvofieOa, to fiev on

at'Sa>? auxppoavvr)^ irXelarov fierex 61 ' alo"xyvrj<i Be

evyjrvxia, evftovXoi Be afiaOearepov rwv vbpiwv

t?}? virepoy\ria<; TraiBevofievoL real %bv ^aXeiroT^TL
acoeppovearepov r) ware avrow avrjteovcnelv, teal

/jLi) ra d^pela tjvverol ayav ovres, Ta? toji> iroXe-

fiicov Trapao-fcevas Xoyw /eaA,aj? p,e/jL(f)6/jLevoi dvo-

fjLoLws epyw eire^ievat, vofxl^eiv Be Ta? re BiavoLas

rcov 7re\a? 7rapa7rX?;crtou? elvai teal Ta? irpoo~iTL-

4 7TTOtVa? Tu%a? ov Xoycp Bcacperd^. alel Be a>? 77730?

ev (3ovXevopLevovs tovs evavj'iovs epyw irapaaiceva-

^6/xeOa' nal ovk e% etceivoov &)? dfiapryaofxevwv
eyeiv Bel Ta? eXiTiBas, a\V a>? i)fjLU>v avrwv dacpa-
Xco? irpovoovpLevcov, iroXv re Biacpepeiv ov Bel

The speaker uses tvKoa^xou, ratherthan QpaSv employed
by the critics of Sparta, to suggest the contrast with im-
pulsiveness or undue haste.

BOOK I. lxxxiv. 1-4

ever inhabited a city at once free and of fairest

fame. And, after all, this trait in us may well be in
the truest sense intelligent self-control, for by
reason of it we alone do not become insolent in
prosperity or succumb to adversity as much as others
do and when men try to goad us by praise into

dangerous enterprises against our better judgment,

we are not carried away by their flattery, or, if any-
one goes so far as to attempt to provoke us to action
by invective, we are none the more moved to com-
pliance through vexation. Indeed, it is because of
our orderly temper l that we are brave in war and

wise in counsel brave in war, because self-control is
the chief element in self-respect, and respect of self,
in turn, is the chief element in courage and wise in

counsel, because we are educated too rudely to

despise the laws and with too much severity of
discipline to disobey them, and not to be so ultra-
clever in useless accomplishments 2 as to disparage
our enemy's military preparations in brave words
and then fail to go through with the business with
corresponding deeds, but rather to consider that the
designs of our neighbours are very much like our own
and that what may befall from fortune 3 cannot be
determined by speeches. But it is our way always
to make our preparations by deeds, on the presump-
tion that we go against opponents who are wise in
counsel and we ought never to build our hopes on

the chance that they are going to make mistakes,

but on the belief that we ourselves are taking safe
precautions. And we must not believe that man
With a glance at the Athenians' attention to culture,
especially the art of elegant speech.
' cf. the Corinthians' charge, c h, lxn^Ji,
ch. 1 that the Spartans
trusted to chance.

vofii^euv avOpwTTOv avOpaoirov, Kpanarov Be elvai
0(ttl<; ev rot? dvayfcaioTaTOis iraiBeverat.
LXXXV. " TauYa? ovv a? ol irarepe^ re rjfAtv

irapeBoaav {leXera? Kal avrol Bed iravrbs ux^eXov-

fievoi eyop,ev p>r) irapoypuev, pirjBe eVer^eyTe? ev
(Bpaxel piopiw 77/z.epa? irepi 7roXXcov acopdrcov Kal
Xprj/judrcov Kal iroXecov teal Sof?;? ftovXevacopLev,
d\Xa icaO' -qav^lav. e^eari 6 rjpuv pudXXov ere-
2 pcov hid la^vv. Kal 73730? toi)? ^A9rjvaLov<s Trep,-

7TTe puev irepl r% TloTeiBaLas, ireparere Be Trepl

<x)v ol ^vpupuayoi (fyaatv dBiKelaOai, aXXcos re /cal
erolpLcov ovtcov avrcbv BiKas Bovvar eirl Be rbv
BcBovra ov irpbrepov vop.ip.ov go? eV dBiKovvra
levac. irapacTKevd^eaOe Be rbv iroXepov apia.
ravra yap ical Kparicrra ftovXevaeaOe teal rols
evavriois (poftepajrara"
3 Kal 6 piev Wpx^Bap^o^ roiavra elirev irapeX-
Oa)V Be *0eveXaBa<; reXevracos, eh rwv ecj)6pcov
rore &v, eXe^ev tols AaKeBacpLOVLois a>Be.

LXXXVI. "Tou? puev Xoyovs robs ttoXXovs tcov

'AdrjvaicDV ov ytyvooaKco' eiraweaavre^ yap iroXXa
eavrovs ovBap,ov avrelirov go? ovk dBifcovai rov<;

fjperepov; ^v/upbd^ov^ Kal rrjv JJeXo7r6vvrjaov

Ka'noi el 777:0? tou? MijBovs eyevovTO dyaOol rore,
7T/30? 6 77/xa? KaKol vvv, BinrXaaia^ tyipiLas d^tol

2 eicriv, on dvr dyaOcov icaicol yeyevrjvrai. r)p,els

Be opLoloi Kal rore Kal vvv eapev, Kal tou? gvpLpid-

Hiule deletes with Kriiger.

BOOK I. lxxxiv. 4-Lxxxvi. 2

differs much from man, 1 but that he is best who is

trained in the severest discipline.
LXXXV. "These are the practices which our
fathers bequeathed to us and we ourselves have
maintained from the beginning to our profit ; let us
not abandon them, nor allow ourselves in a small
portion of one day to be hurried into a decision which
involves many lives, much money, many cities and a
good name but let us deliberate at our leisure. And

this course is permitted to us more than to the sup-

porters of the other view because of our strength. And
send envoys to the Athenians to take up the question
of Potidaea, and also to take up the matters wherein
our allies claim that they are wronged. The chief
reason for this is that they are ready 2 to submit to
arbitration, and it is not lawful to proceed forthwith
against one who offers arbitration as though against a
wrong-doer. But all the while prepare yourselves
for the war. This decision will be best for yourselves
and will inspire most fear a your foes."
Thus spoke Archidamu. r and finally Sthenelaidas,
one of the ephors at that time, came forward and
addressed the Lacedaemonians as follows :

LXXXVI. "The long speeches of the Athenians

I cannot understand for though they indulged in

much praise of themselves, they nowhere denied that

they are wronging our allies and the Peloponnesus.
And yet, if they conducted themselves well against
the Persians in former times but are now conducting
themselves ill toward us, they deserve two-fold
punishment, because they used to be good and have
become bad. But we are the same now as we were
cf. the Corinthians' praise of Athenian superiority, ch. Ixx.
* q/". ch. lxxviii. 4.


X 0V S> V v w(ppova)/jLev, ov 7repLO\jr6pLe0a dhiKov-

fievovs ovhe fxeW^aofxev Ti/JLwpelv oi ' ovKeri
3 fieXXovai KaKws nraayeiv. aXXois fiev yap xprj-
jxaTa i<TTL Kal vrjes Kal Xititol, rj/xlv he gv/i/iaxoi
ayaOoly ovs ov irapahorea tois 'AOrjvaiois eariv,
ovhe Sitcdcs Kal Xoyois hiaKpcrea fit] Xoyw Kal
avrovs /3\a7TTO/jLvov<;, dXXa rc/jLcoprjrea ev rd-yei

4 Kal iravrl aOevei. Kal co? ?7/ua? irpeirei fiovXev-

ecrOai dhiKov/xevovs /irjheU hihao-Kerw, dXXa toi/?

/leXXovra^ dhiKelv jiaXXov irpeirei itoXxjv xpbvov

5 ftovXeveaOai. yjrr](f)L^eade o?n>, w AaKehat/xovioi,
ai(i)<; t?}? ^7rdpTr]<; rbv rroXefiov Kal fitfre tou?
'Adrjvalovs idre fie'i^ovs yiyveaOac, /JLrjre tou?
^vfJL/Jid'Xpy^ KaTa7rpoSiBo)fiV, dXXa %i)V Tot? 6eoU
eTriwfxev eirl tou? dhiKOvvTas"
LXXXVII. Toiavra Xe'fa? eTreyjrrjcpL^ev avrbs
ecfropos cov e? rrjv 6KK\r)o~iav twv AaKehaifiovicov.
2 6 he (Kpivovci yap ftor) Kal ov -v/r/j^eo) ovk e<?;

hiayiyvcoaKeiv rrjv ftorjv Trorepa fiei^cov, dXXa

fiovXofxevos avrov? (jjavepax; diroheLKW/xevov^ rrjv
yvcofir/v e? to iroXepLelv fiaXXov opfirjaai eXefeir
""Otw fxev v/jLcov, a) AaKehaip,bvLoi, Sokovcti Xe-
XvaOau at airovhal Kal oi 'AOrjvalou dhiKelv,
" hel^a? TL
dvCL(TT1)Ta> 69 6KIV0 TO X w P lOV ywplOV
avrols, "pTffl he p,7] hoKovcnv, e? rd eirl Bdrepa^
3 dvao~rdvTe<; he hiearrjaav, Kal ttoXXw irXeiovs
I eyevovro oi? ehoKOW at airovhal XeXvaOai. irpoa-
Hude deletes, after Fr. Muller.


then, and if we are in our right minds, we shall not

permit our allies to be wronged or even put off
avenging their wrongs, since they cannot longer put
off suffering them. Others, indeed, may have money
in abundance and ships and horses, 1 but we have
brave allies, and they must not be delivered over to
the Athenians ; nor must we seek redress by means
of legal processes and words when it is not in word
only that we ourselves are being injured, but we
must avenge them speedily and with all our might.
And let no man tell us that it befits us to deliberate
when a wrong is being done us nay, it befits rather

those who intend to do us a wrong to deliberate a

long time. Vote, therefore, Lacedaemonians, for the
war as beseems the dignity of Sparta, and do not
permit the Athenians to become too great; and let
us not prove false to our allies, but let us with the
favour of the gods go against the wrong-doer."
LXXXVII. When Sthenelaidas had thus spoken,
he himself, since he was an ephor, put the vote to
the assembly of the Lacedaemonians. Now in their
voting they usually decide by shout and not by
ballot, but Sthenelaidas said that he could not distin-
guish which shout was the louder, and wishing to
make the assembly more eager for war by a clear
demonstration of their sentiment, he said " Who- :

ever of you, Lacedaemonians, thinks that the treaty

has been broken and the Athenians are doing wrong,
let him rise and go to yonder spot (pointing to a
certain spot), and whoever thinks otherwise, to the
other side." Then they rose and divided, and those
who thought the treaty had been broken were found
to be in a large majority. Then they called in the
cf. oh. lxxx. 3.

tcaXeaavres re rovs ^vpLpidyov^ elirov on atyiai

fiev ho/colev aSt/ceiv ol * AQrjvaloi, ftovXeadai he

teal tou? TTcivTas ^vpL^dyovs irapaKaXeaavre^
^rj(j)ov iirayayelv, O7ro><? fcoivfj ftovXevcrdfievoL rbv
5 iroXefiov Troicovrai, tjv ho/cy. kcl\ ol fiev direy^-
pyaav eV olkov hiairpa^dfievoL ravra, kcli ol

'AOrfvalcov 7rpea/3ei<; varepov e'(/>' direp rfKOov XP1~

6 H he SuxyvGOfir} avrrj tt)<; itcKXijcrLas rov ra<;
o"TTOvhds \e\vo~0CLL iyevero iv rerdprco kol he-
Kara) erei robv r pia/covTOVTihwv airovhcbv irpo-
Keyu)p7)KViu>v, at iyevovro /xerd rd Eu/3ota.
LXXXVIII. e^lrrjcpLcravTO he ol AaxehaLpLOVLOi
Ta? cnrovhds XeXvaOai zeal iroXepLrjrea elvcu, ov
Toaovrov twv ^vpLfidx^v ireiaOevTes tols Xoyois
oaov (fiofiovfievoi tov<z AO-rjvalovs firj eirl jiel^ov

hvv7]6(bo~iv, opebvjes ainols rd 7roXXa t>}? EtXXd-

809 viroyelpici vhv ovra.
LXXXIX. Ol yap 'AOrjvaloL rpoircp roiwhe
2 rfkOov itri rd Trpdy/xara iv oU rjvgiftrjaav. iireihr}

'M.tjSoi dve)(Gopy]o~av etc Trj? EvpcoTrr}<; vucrjOevTes

koX vaval teal 7ree5 virb JLXX?]V(ov teal ol /cara-
(pvyovres avTwv Tat? vavcrlv e\ ^S\vfcdXr)v hcecf)dd-
pyjaav, AecoTVXihrjs piev 6 fiacriXevs tojv AatcehaL-
fiovlcov, barrep yyelro rebv iv Mv/cdXy 'EXXyjvcov,
drrexcoprio-ev in oI'kov eywv rov<i airb YieXorrov-

vtjgov %vp,p,dxous' ol he AOrjvaLOL teal ol airb

tov ras a-novVas \e\6a-eat, omitted by Hude, following
van Herwerden.
BOOK I. lxxxvii. 4-lxxxix. 2

alliesand told them that, in their opinion, the Athe-

nians were doing wrong, but that they wished to
summon the whole body of the allies l and put the
vote to them, in order that they might all deliberate
together and together undertake the war, if it should
be so decided. And so the allies who were there
went back home, having brought these matters to a
settlement, and so did the Athenian envoys later,
after they had finished the business on which they
had come.
This decision of the assembly, that the treaty had
been broken, was made in the fourteenth year 2 from
the beginning of the thirty years' truce, which was
made after the Euboean war. 3 LXXXVIII. And
the vote of the Lacedaemonians that the treaty had
been broken and that they must go to war was
determined, not so much by the influence of the
speeches of their allies, as by fear of the Athenians,
lest they become too powerful, seeing that the greater
part of Hellas was already subject to them.
LXXXIX. For it was in the following manner that
the Athenians found themselves face to face with
those circumstances in dealing with which they rose
to greatness. When the Persians had retreated from
Europe, defeated on both sea and land by the Hel-
lenes, 4 and those of them who with their ships had
taken refuge at Mycale had perished there, Leoty-
chides, king of the Lacedaemonians, who was com-
mander of the Hellenes at Mycale, went home with
the allies from the Peloponnesus. But the Athe-
nians, together with the allies from Ionia and the
A general convocation of the allies ; at this time only
part of them had been invited, according to ch. lxvii. See
ch. cxix., where the plan is carried out. 445 n.c.
8 * At Salamis, Plataea, Mycale.
cf. ch. cxiv.


'I&Wa? zeal EWrja7r6vrov ^vyujiayoi, r)Br\ acfyearrj-

fcores diro ftaaiXeo)*?, viropuelvavTe^ ^ijcttov eiro-

Xcopieovv IsfojBwv e^ovTwv, zeal iinyeiyLa<javTe<i
elXov avTJ]V ezeXtirovTwv tcjv fiapftdpeov, zeal fiera

tovto diren-Xevaav e'f 'EXXtjo-ttovtov &>? e/caaroc

3 /cara iroXeis. WQ-qvaiwv Be to zeoivov, eireiBr\

avroU oi ftdpflapoi, e/e r?}? %oopa<; dirrjXOov, Biezeo-

fii^ovTO evOvs oQev vire<~e6evTO iralBas zeal yvval-

zeas zeal tyjv irepiovaav Kcnacneevrjv, /edi ttjv ttoXlv
dvoizcoBofielv irapeazeevd^ovTO zeal ra Te'i^y tov
re yap irepifBokov ftpayea icrT?]fcei /ecu ol/eLcu al
fiev TroXXal iireTrrco/eeaav, oXtyau Be irepir)crav, ev

ah avrol io-/ei]V(0(Tav ol Bvvarol rcov Ylepacov.

XC. Aa/eeSaifjiovLOi Be alaOofxevoL to fieXXov rjX-
Bov irpeo-fteiav, ra fiev zeal avrol ijBiov dv opoovTes
fArjr etceivov? \i)T aXXov p,i]Beva Telyos eyovra,
to Be nXeov toov ^v/iudycov e^oTpvvovTwv /eat

(f)OJ3ovfjLev(i>v tov T vavTizeov avTCov to ttXyjOos, o

irpiv ovx v7r ?IPX > Kai Tri v e? T0V IMyBizcbv iroXe-
2 /jlov ToXfiav yevofievrjv. r]%lovv tg avToij? jjlt]

t eiyl^ew , dXXd zeal tgov etjco YieXoirovv^aov jjlclX-

Xov oaoL<; elaTijzeei gvy/caOeXeiv fiera acfiwv roi>?

irepifioXovs, to pev ftovXop,evov zeal vttotttov Trjs

yvco/jL>]<; ov Bt]XovvT<i e? tou? *A.6rjvaLov<;, a>? Be
tov fiapfidpov, el av0i$ eireXOoi, ovze dv eyovTo?

The contingents from the islands and the coast of Asia
Minor, who, in consequence of the battle at Mycale and the

Hellespont, 1 who were already in revolt from the

King, remained at their task and besieged Sestos,
which was held by the Persians and passing the

winter there they took it, as it had been deserted by

the Barbarians and after that the contingents of

the several cities sailed away from the Hellespont.

But the Athenian people, when the Barbarians had
departed from their territory, straightway began to
fetch back their wives and their children and the
remnant of their household goods from where they
had placed them for safety, 2 and to rebuild the city
and the walls for of the encircling wall only small

portions were left standing, and most of the houses

were in ruins, only a few remaining in which the
chief men of the Persians had themselves taken
XC. But the Lacedaemonians, perceiving what
was in prospect, came on an embassy, partly because
they themselves would have preferred to see neither
the Athenians nor anyone else have a wall, but more
because their allies urged them on through appre-
hension, not only of the size of the Athenian navy,
which had hitherto not been large, but also of the
daring they had shown in the Persian war. So they
requested them not to rebuild their walls, but rather
to join with them in razing the walls of whatsoever
towns outside the Peloponnesus had them standing,
giving no indication of their real purpose or of their
suspicion with regard to the Athenians, but repre-
senting that the Barbarian, if he should attack them
again, would not have any stronghold to make his

advance of the victors to Abydos, had been received into the

Hellenic alliance.
Salamis, Aegina, and Troezen ; cf. Hdt. vni. xli.

dirbi^ypov iroOev, oiairep vvv etc rcbv ^r]Ba)v,
opfxaadaL, tt]V re HeXoirovvrjaov irdaiv e(f>aaav
3 avaywpi)(Jiv re koX d^>oppir\v ifcavrjv elvai. oi 8'

AO^valoi 6/xicrTO/cXeoL'? yvcofij] tou? fiev Aa/ce-

Baifiovlovs ravr eiTrovras, diroKpivdp,evoi ore Treft-
yjrovacv co? clvtovs TTpeafieis irepl &v Xeyovaiv,
> evOvs aiTifWa^av eavrbv B' i/ceXevev diroareX-
Xeiv &)? Tayicna 6 (depuo-rofcXfjs e? ttjv AaiceBai-
fiova, Trpbs eavrch eXopevov? 7rpecrf3ei<;
aXXovs Be
firjevOvs iKirepireiv, dXX iizlayeiv ^XP L T oaov-
tov e&>? dv to rectos i/cavbv apwaiv ware diropd-
yeaQai e/c tov avay/caiOTarov vyjrovs' Teixl^eiv Be
TrdvTCLS it avBr) pel tou? iv rfj iroXei, /cal avrov?
/cal yvvalfcas ical TralBas, (f>eiBop.evovs p*r)Te IBlov
/uLi']T Bypoaiov olKoBopi)paro<s bOev rt? oofyeXia
earai e? rb epyov, dXXa KaQaipovvras rravra.
5 avrbs rd/iL nrpd^oi, dyero. AaKeBal-
fcal e? rrjv

p,ova iXOcov ov irpocryeL irpb$ rds dpy^d^ dXXa }

Birjye real Trpov^aai^ero. kcll 07roT6~~~T9 avrbv

epoLTO rcov iv re\et ovtcov b ov/c inep^e-icu iirln

to kolvov, tou? ^upLirpea/3ei<; dvapeveiv, dayp-

Xia<$ Be tivo<; ovar)<; avrovs V7roXeL(f)0r)vai, irpoa-

BeyeadaL p,evroL iv tdyei tf^eLV /cal Qavpd^eiv go?
ovrrco irdpuciv.
XCI. 0/ Be d/covovres tw p,ev Sep,LaroKXel
eirelOovTo Bid cfriXlav, tcov ~ Be dXXcov dcfriKvov-
uevcov teal acuf)(bs Karrjyopovvroyv oil Teiyl^eral

robs eV tt) ir6\i, Kriiger brackets, followed by Hude.
koI avrovs . . . irarSas also bracketed by Hude, as not read by
Hude adopts Shilleto's conjecture abro-nrwy.


BOOK I. xc. 2-xci. i

base of operations, as lately he had made Thebes

the Peloponnesus, they added, was large enough for
all, both as a retreat and as a base of operations. To
these proposals of the Lacedaemonians, the Athe-
nians, by the advice of Themistocles, replied that
they would send ambassadors to Sparta to discuss
these matters, and so got rid of them without delay.
Themistocles then proposed that they should send
himself as speedily as possible to Lacedaemon that;

they should then choose other ambassadors in addi-

tion, but, instead of sending them immediately,
should wait until they should have raised the wall to
such a height as was absolutely necessary for defence ;

and that the whole population of the city, men,

women, and children, should take part in the wall-
building, sparing neither private nor public edifice
that would in any way help to further the work, but
demolishing them all. After he had given these
instructions, and an intimation that, for the rest, he
would himself look after matters at Sparta, he
departed. And when he came to Lacedaemon he
did not present himself to the magistrates, but kept
putting it off and making excuses and whenever

any one of those in authority asked why he did not

come before the people, he said that he was waiting
for his colleagues, who had stayed behind on account
of some urgent business he expected them however

to come soon, and wondered that they were not

already there.
XCI. And the Lacedaemonian magistrates were
disposed to be content with this reply by reason
of their friendship for Themistocles but when every-

body who came from Athens declared quite positively

T /cat 77S77 vyjros Xapbffdvei, ovk et%oi> ottcds XPV
2 aiTi(jTi)(jaL. yvovs 8e eicelvos KeXevei avrovs fir)

Xoyois jjlclWov irapdyeaOai f) irep^rai acfiwv av-

twv avhpas oltivc? xprjarol fcal 7r/(TTW9 dvayye-
3 Xovai (TKeyjfdfievoL. diroareXXovaiv ovv, ical irepl

avjoiv 6 eyLticrTO/cA.% to? ^

A6r)vaioi<$ /cpvcjia

ire/jareL /ceXevcov
o>? tffciara eVt0a^w? Karaey/iv
real pur) dfyelvai irplv dv avrol irdXiv fcopLLaOwaiv
(77877 yap teal r)rcov avru> oi %v pur pea (3 e is, 'Aftpa>-
vl^o? re Avai/cXeov<; teal 'Apiare'iBr)*; Avcri-

pudxov, dyyeXXovres eyeiv i/cavco<; to rel^o?)-

i<f)o/36LTO yap pbr) oi AaKehaipbOViou cr(/>a?, onore

4 aa&cos dicovaeiav, ovtceri dfyoicnv. oi re ovv
WOrjvacoL rov<; it pea /Set? ,w aire p eTTeardXr) % Karel-
yov, teal 6 <depno~TOK,Xr)$ eireXOaiv to?? Aa/ceBai-
poviois evravOa Sr) (fiavepm elirev on r) p,ev ttoXis

a$u>v Tereixio-Tai 77877 (oare i/cavr) elvai acp^eiv

tou? evoLKovvras, el Se rt (BovXovrai Aa/ce$ai-

pLovioi 77 01 ^vpupayoi irpeafieveaOai irapd a<f>d<;

a>? 7rpo? hiayiyvGoa/covras to Xolttov levai ra re

5 afyiaiv avroU %vpi(popa fcal ra KOivd. tttjv re yap

ttoXlv ore eBoKet eicXnreZv dpeivov elvai teal e? Ta?

vavs eaftr/vai, dvev eiceivwv e(j>aaav yvovre? roX-
pbr/aai, real oaa av pier e/ceivutv (3ovXeveadai,
6 ovhevb? vaiepoi yvcopir) (f>avfjvai. hoicelv ovv acpiai
teal vvv apieivov elvai rrjv eavrcov irokiv Tet^o?

Hude omits with Lex. Vindob.
2 Deleted by Kruger, followed by Hude.

BOOK I. xci. 1-6

that the wall was going up and was already attaining

height, they did not know how to discredit it.
Themistocles, however, when he perceived this bade
them not to be misled by reports, but rather to send
some trustworthy men of their own number who
would see for themselves and bring back a faithful
report. They did so, and Themistocles sent word
secretly to the Athenians to detain the envoys as
covertly as possible and not to let them go until they

themselves returned for by this time his colleagues,
Habronichus son of Lysicles and Aristides son of
Lysimachus, had joined him, with the news that the
wall was high enough the reason for his precaution
being that he was afraid the Lacedaemonians, when
they heard the truth, would then refuse to let them
go. Accordingly the Athenians detained the envoys
as they were directed, and Themistocles, appearing
before the Lacedaemonians, at length told them
frankly that the city was now walled and therefore
in a position to protect its inhabitants, and that if
the Lacedaemonians or their allies cared to negotiate
any matter with them they must hereafter come to
them with the understanding that they were dealing
with men who were fully aware of what was for
their own and the general interest. For when they
thought it best to abandon their city and embark on
their ships, they had resolved, said the ambassadors,
upon this bold step without the advice of the Lace-
daemonians, and again in all matters in which the
Athenans took counsel with the Lacedaemonians
they had shown themselves inferior to none in
judgment. Accordingly in the present instance also
it seemed to them best that their city should have

a wall, and that this course would be of great

eyeiv, K-cX Ihla roU TToXirai? ical 9 tou? iravra^
7 ijvfi/iid)ov<; w(f)\ifjL(iOTepov eaeaOar ov yap olov r
elvai fir) airo avniraXov Trapacrtcevr)*; 6/iolov n r)

'(gov e? to kolvov fiovXeveGQcu. rj irdvras ovv

aTi%LGTOV<; (f)7}
%pf}vcu %v p. iiayeiv r) teal rdSe
vofil^eiv opOoos zyeiv.
XCII. O/ Be Aa/ceSai/uLOVLOL aKOVGavres opyrjv
fiev (pavepav ovk Iitoiovvto tois WOrjvaLOis (ovBe
yap eir\ kooXv/at), dXXa yvd)fjL7]$ irapaiveGei Br)dev
tc5 KOLvco 7rpG/3VGavT0, dfia Be fcal TrpoGcfriXels

OVT6S iv TU) TOTE Sid T7)V <? TOV ^lljBoV IT pO0 U fliaV
rd /idXiGTa avroU eTvyyavov), tj}? [xevToi ftov-
XijGeoos d/jLaprdvovres aSr/Xa)? i]y0ovTO. 01 re
irpeGfieis e/carepcov dirrjXOov eir ol'/cov dveiriKXr]-

XCIII. ToVTOi T(p rpOTTCp Ot * KQl]valoi T7JV 7TO-

2 Xlv ejeiyiGav iv oXiyo) ypovw, teal BtjXt] r) olkoBo-
fiia en /cal vvv Igtiv on Kara gttovBtjv eyivero.
ol yap Oe/JbeXioi iravroioiv XlOcov viroiceivTai teal
ov ^vveipyaG /xevcov eGiiv fj,
aXX* w? efcaGroc 1

TTOTe 7TpOG(f)pOV, TToXXaL T GTpjXai aWO G7]fld-

rcov Kal XlOoi elpyaG fievoL ey/careXeyrjGav. /xei-

cov yap 6 irepiftoXos iravra-yfi e^yfyOr) rrj<; tto-

Hude reads tKaorov with C.

The remains of the walls now seen around the Peiraous
are not those of the Themistoclean walls, which were de-
stroyed at the end of the Peloponn<-sian War, hut of the
walls built by Conon in 393. A
small part of these remains,

BOOK I. xci. 6-xcin. 2

advantage both to themselves in particular, and to

the whole body of the allies for it was impossible

for them, he added, to have equal or similar weight

in the general councils of the alliance except on the
basis of a military strength that was a match for
theirs. Therefore, he concluded, the members of
the alliance should either dispense with their walls
one and all, or regard this act of the Athenians as
XCII. On hearing this, the Lacedaemonians did not
openly show any resentment against the Athenians ;

for they had sent their embassy to Athens, not to

stop the work, but to offer, as they professed, a sugges-
tion in the common interest, and besides, they enter-
tained at that time the most friendly feelings for the
Athenians on account of their zeal in opposing the
Persians since, however, they had failed in their

purpose, they were secretly vexed. So the envoys

on either side returned home without making any
formal complaint.
XCI1I. It was in this manner that the Athenians
got their wall built in so short a time, and even
to-day the structure shows that it was put together
in haste. 1 For the lower courses consist of all sorts
of stones, in some cases not even hewn to fit but just
as they were when the several workers brought
them, and many columns from grave monuments
and stones wrought for other purposes were built in.
For the circuit-wall of the city was extended in
on the flat ground north of the Peiraeua toward the main-
land, answers exactly to Thucydides' description being of
solid stone and over 25 feet thick
but most of the remains
are of two outer
faces of stone, the intermediate spaces rilled
in with rubble and earth. On Munychia there is no trace
anywhere of a solid wall of the age of Themistocles.

Xews, /cal Bid rovro irdvra 6/jlolcos icivovvres
3 i)ireiyovro. eizeiae Be /cal rod TLeipcuoix; rd Xonrd
6 efiiaTOfc\r)<; oi/coBofielv (vTrrjpfcro 6' avrov

TTpOTSpOV 7TL T?}? 6K6LVOV apXV? V? /caT ' CViaUTOV

'A6r)vaioi<; VP% 6 )> vo/jll^cov to re %wpLov /caXov
elvai Xi/JLevas eypv rpels avro(f>vei<;, /cal avrovs
vavTL/covs <yyev7] fievovs fieya 7rpocpepeiv e? to
4 /crrjaaaOai Bvvapuiv (tt)? yap Br) 6akdaar]<; irpo)-
tos eroX/xriaev elrrelv oj? dvOe/crea earl), /cal rr)v
5 dp^iiv evOvs ^vy/carea/ceva^ev. /cal (p/coBopaicrav

rfj i/celvov yvco/nrj ro 7m^o? toO re^ov? brrep vvv

en BfjXov eart irepl rbv TleLpatd' Bvo yap d/xa^ai
evavriai dXXrjXaiS rov<i XiOovs iirrjyov, euros Be
ovre %/Vi^ out TrrjXbs tjv, dXXd ^vvwKoBopaip,e-
vol fieydXoi XlOol ical evropif) iyycovioi, atBrjpa)

7too? dXXrjXov? ra e^coOev /cal /aoXv/3Bq) BeBepAvoi.

to Be vijros tffAicrv pudXiara ereXeaOii ov Buevoelro.
6 eftovXero yap rep ixeyeQei /cal rw rrd^ei d$io~rdvai
Ta? rebv TToXefilcov 7ri/3ovXd<;, dvOpcowcov re evo-

fiL^ev oXiyoav /cal rwv d^peLordrcov dp/cecreiv rr)v

<pvXa/ojv, tou? S' dXXovs e? rds vavs eafiyjaeaOai.
7 rals yap vaval fidXiara irpoaeKeiro, IBcov, &>?

[aoI Bo/cet, Trj? /SacrtXeo)? arparcas rr)v /card

OdXaaaav e(j)oBov eviropcorepav t?}? /card yiiv

ovaav rbv re Heipaia axpeXi/iwrepov evbpn^e t/}?

dvco iroXecos, /cal iroXXd/cis Tot? WOrjvaLOis iraprj-

The Peiraeus, here in widest sense, is the peninsula, the
heart of which is the steep height of Munychia, from which

BOOK I. xcm. 2-7

every direction, and on this account they laid hands

upon everything alike in their haste. Themistocles,
moreover, persuaded them also to finish the walls of
the Peiraeus, a beginning of which had been made
during the year in which he was archon of the Athe-
nians for he considered that the Peiraeus with its

three natural harbours l was a fine site to develop and

that to have become a nation of seamen would be a
great advantage to the Athenians themselves, with a

view to their acquisition of power indeed it was he
who first dared declare that they must apply them-
selves to the sea
and so he immediately took the
first steps in this undertaking. 2 And following his
advice they built the wall round the Peiraeus of the
thickness that may still be observed ; for two wagons
carrying the stones could meet and pass each other.
Inside, moreover, there was neither rubble nor
mortar, but stones of large size hewn square were
closely laid together, bound to one another on the
outside with iron clamps and lead. But the wall
was completed to only about half of the height he
originally intended, for what he wished was to be
able to repel the assaults of the enemy by the very
height and thickness of the wall, and he thought
that a few men, and these the least effective, would
suffice to guard it, while all the rest might man the
ships. For Themistocles devoted himself particularly
to the navy, because, as it seems to me, he had
observed that the approach of the King's forces was
easier by sea than by land and he thought that the

Peiraeus would prove more serviceable than the upper

city, and often advised the Athenians, if ever they

itstretches into the sea like an indented leaf, forming three

natural basins the Peiraeus, Zea, Munychia.
Others render immediately began to help them to lay

the foundation of their empire.

vei, rjv dpa irore Kara yrjv ftiaaQwcn, Kara/Sdvra ; 1

e\ avrov Tat? vavcrl 7T/30? arravra^ avdicrraaOai.


8 ' AOrjvaloi fiev ovv ovrcos erei^laOrjaav real raXXa

/career /cevd^ovro evOvs /xera rr)v MijBcoy avayw>-

XCIV. Uavaavta<; oe 6 K\eo/j,/3porov Ik Aa/ce-

Baifiovos crrparijyb? row 'EXX/jvcov e^eTrefupOi]
/xera eiicoai vecov cltto UeXoirovvSjcrov ^vveirXeov
Be teal 'AOrjvaloi rpidfcovra vavcrl ical rcov aXXcov
2 %vp,p.dyu>v irXrjdo^. teal earpdrevaav e? KvTrpov

teal avrrjf; rd troXXa tearearpeyjravro, teal vcrrepov

e? JSvfyivriov Mi']Bcov eyovrcov teal e^eiroXibp-
/crjcrav ev rfjhe rfj rjye/iovia,.
XCV. *HBrj he (iiaiov ovros avrov o'L re aXXoi
EXX^e? rj^Oovro kox ovy^ r\teicrra ol "Icoves
teal ocroi dirb fiaaiXecos vecocrrl rfXevOepcovro'

cpotrcovre^ re irpbs tou? ABrjvaLovs r)%Lovv av-


rov<; r)yefiova<; crcfrcov yiyveaOat Kara to f~vy-

yeves Kal Haver avia firj emrperreiv, ij'v rcov
2 ftiatyirai. ol Be 'AOjjvaloi eBe^avro re rovs
Xoyovs Kal rcpoGelypv rrjv yvcofirjv a>? ov rrepi-

o^rofievoL raXXd re Karaar^erofievoL r) c\>alvoiro

3 dpicrra auTOt?. ev rovrco Be ol AaKeBaL/xbinoi

fiereirefjirrovro Ylavcraviav dvaKptvovvres cov irepi

eirvvOdvovro' Kal yap dBiKia iroXXrj Kanjyopelro

avrov virb rcov 'EXX-ijvcov rcov d<f)LKVOv/j,evcov,

Kal rvpavvlBos fidXXov ecpaivero /jLi/xiicris r)

Hude transfers, with Kriiger, iv TjjSe ttj rj-yf/xovia. to
ch. xcv., deleting fit after ^877.

BOOK I. xciii. 7-xcv. 3

were hard pressed on land, to go down to the'Pei-

raeus, and resist all their opponents with their fleet.
It was in this way, then, that the Athenians got
their walls built, and came to be engaged upon their
other fortifications, immediately after the withdrawal
of the Persians.
XCIV. Meanwhile Pausanias son of Cleombrotus
was sent out from Lacedaemon in command of the
Hellenes with twenty ships from Peloponnesus,
accompanied by thirty Athenian ships and a multi-
tude of other allies. They made also an expedition
against Cyprus, subduing most of it, and afterwards,
at the time of Pausanias' leadership, besieged By-
zantium, which the Persians then held, and took it.
XCV. But, since he had already become head-
strong, 1 the rest of the Hellenes became disaffected,
especially the Ionians and all who had been recently
emancipated from the King. So they waited upon
the Athenians and begged them in the name of
their kinship 2 to become their leaders, and to resist
Pausanias if he should attempt to coerce them. 3 The
Athenians accepted their proposals and gave full
attention to the matter with the determination to
endure Pausanias' conduct no longer and to settle
all other matters as should seem best to them-
selves. Meanwhile the Lacedaemonians recalled
Pausanias in order to interrogate him about re-
ports they were hearing, for much wrongdoing was
charged against him by the Hellenes who came to
Sparta, and his behaviour seemed an aping of des-
potic power rather than the conduct of a general

cf. ch. cxxx. 2.
* As the mother city ; cf ch. ii. (end).
478 B.C.

4 (jTpaTr)yla. %vve/37i re avrw /ca\elo~9ai re a/ia

/ecu tovs !jv p /jid)(ov<; rw e/celvov e\Qei Trap 'A#>7-

vaiovs fxerard^aaOai ttX^v roov dirb UeXoTrop-

5 vqaov arparicoTcov. eXOcop Be e? Aa/ceBalpLOPa

twv pep IBla, irpos tivcl dBi/c7]p,aT0)p TjvOvvdrj, ra

Be /jLeyHTTa ajrokverai fit] dBi/celp' /caTtiyopetTO

Be avrov ov% rjKLara p,r]Bicrp,b<; /cal eho/cei aafye-

6 gtcltov elvai. /cal eicelvov fxev ovk4ti i/cTrepTrov-
aiv apxovTa, Aop/ctp Be /cal ciXXovs riva? fier
avrov enpariav e^ovTas ov ttoXXijp' ot? ov/ceri

7 e<f)Leo~av ol %vixp,ayoi tt)p rjyepuopLap^ ol Be al-

o~66p,epoi airrfkOov, /cal aXXovs ov/eeri varepov

if;e7rfAilrav ol AafceBatfioviOL, <po/3ovp,epoi p,r)

o~(f)LO-iv ol el;i6vT<; xeipovs ylyvwvrai, orrep /cal

ev tw Uavcravia evelBov, cnraXka^elovTes Be ical

iov MtjBlkov iroXepov /cal tovs 'AOrjvaLOvs vofil-

%ovt<; l/cavovs e^ijyelaOac /cal a(f)Lcrip iv Top Tore

irapovTi eirLT7]Beiov^.
XCVI. Uapa\a/36vTe<; Be ol 'AOtjvaloL rr)p

7]yefiovlav tovtw tg> rpoirw e/eovrcov tcop fjv/j,/id-

yjudv Bid to Uavaaviov plaos, era^av a? re eBei
irapeyeiv rcov TroXewv %pi]p,aTa rrpbs top fidp-
ftapop /cal as pads' irp6a)(iifia yap r)P d/uvveaOai
2 cop erraOop Byovpras tiip fiao-iXews %copap. ical
KX\r]V0Tap,Lai Tore irpwrop ^AOrjPaioiS /carearTj

apx>j, ol iBexoPTO top (fiopop* ovtco yap oopo/jLacrdrj

BOOK I. xcv. 3-xcvi. 2

And it so happened that he was cited before the

court at the very time that the allies in vexation at
him had gone over to the side of the Athenians, all
except the soldiers from the Peloponnesus. And
although, on his return to Lacedaemon, Pausanias
was held to account for any personal wrongs he had
committed against individuals, yet on the principal
charges he was acquitted of misconduct for he was

accused most of all of treasonable relations with the

Persians, and it seemed to be a very clear case. And
they did not again send him out as commander, but
Dorcis, together with some others, with an incon-
siderable force but the allies did not entrust these

with the chief command. And they, being now

aware of the situation, went back home and the

Lacedaemonians sent out no other commanders

thereafter, fearing that any who went out might be
corrupted, as they saw had happened in the case of
Pausanias ; they also wanted to be rid of the Persian
war, and thought that the Athenians were com-
petent to take the leadership and were friendly to
themselves at the time.
XCVI. After the Athenians had succeeded in this
way to the leadership over the allies, who freely
chose them on account of their hatred of Pausanias,
they assessed the amount of their contributions, both
for the states which were to furnish money for the
war against the Barbarians and for those which were
to furnish ships, the avowed object being to avenge
themselves for what they had suffered by ravaging
the King's territory. And it was then * that the
Athenians first established the office of Hellenic
treasurers, who received the tribute for so the

476 b.o.

rcov xprj/xdrcov r) fyopa. r)v S* o Trpwros <f>6po<;

Ta%#el? Terpafcocna rdXavra Kal egiJKOvra, ra-

fiteiov re A?)\o? r)v auroU Kal ai %vvohoi, e? to

lepov iyuyvovro.
XCVII. 'Hyov/xevoi he avrovoficov to irpcorov

ovrtov roadhe iirrjXOov iroXe/jLtp re Kal Biaxeipiaei

Trpayfidrcov fiera^v rovhe rov iroXe/nov kcli rov
MrjhiKov, a iyevero 7roo? tc rov (3dpftapov avroU
teal 7T/DO? Tou? <r<f)Tepov<; gvfjLfidxovs vecorepi-

frvras Kal He\o7rovvrjaicov toi/? alel it poarvyyd-

2 vovra<; iv e/cd(TT(p. eypa-yjra he avid Kal rrjv

ifcfioXrjv rod \6yov irr oilier dpur\v hid rohe, ore rocs
irpo i/jbov dirao-tv iicK.i,ire<; rovro f)v to ywpiov /cat
rj rd Fpb rcov MrjhiKCov 'EWrjviKa ^vveriOeaav rj
avrahd MrjhiKa' rovrcov he oairep Kal rjyjraro
iv rfj 'ArriKrj ^.vyypacjyfj 'EWdvircos, /9/oa^ea)? re
Kal rot? xpovois ovk aKpiftcos iirepLvqaOrj' dpua he
Kal rr)s ap%^? dirohei^iv e^ei t>)9 rcov 'AOrjvaicov
iv ouo rpoirco Karecrrrj.
XCVIII. Upcorov fiev 'Hiova r^v iirl ^rpv/movi
'Mtfhcov iyovTwv TrdkiopKia elXov Kal r)vhpaTTO-
hiaav KipLwvos rov MiXridhov ar partly ovvros,
2 erreira %/cvpov rrjv iv rep Alyalcp vfjaov, r)v cokovv
3 Ao\o7T6?, r)vhpaT7oBiaav Kal cpKiaav avrol. 7r/)o?

he Kapvariovs avrols dvev rcov dWcov TLvftoecov

7roXeyu.o? iyevero, Kal XP^ V(P fjvvifirjaav Kad*

Deleted by Hude, after Cobet.
BOOK I. xcvi. 2-xcviii. 3

contribution of money was termed. The amount

of the tribute first assessed was four hundred and
sixty talents, and the treasury of the allies was
Delos, where the meetings were held in the temple.
XCVII. Exercising then what was at first a leader-
ship over allies who were autonomous and took part
in the deliberations of common assemblies, the
Athenians, in the interval between this war and the
Persian, undertook, both in war and in the adminis-
tration of public affairs, the enterprises now to be
related, which were directed against the Barbarian,
against their own allies when they attempted revolu-
tion, and against such of the Peloponnesians as from
time to time came into conflict with them in the
course of each attempt. And I have made a
digression to write of these matters for the reason
that this period has been omitted by all my pre-
decessors, who have confined their narratives either
to Hellenic affairs before the Persian War or to the
Persian War itself; and Hellanicus, the only one of
these who has ever touched upon this period, has in
his Attic History treated of it briefly, and with
inaccuracy as regards his chronology. And at the
same time the narrative of these events serves to
explain how the empire of Athens was established.
XCVI1I. First, then, under the leadership of
Cimon son of Miltiades, they took by siege Eion
on the Strymon, which the Persians held, and en-
slaved its inhabitants l then they enslaved Scyros,

the island in the Aegean inhabited by Dolopians,

and colonised it themselves. And a war arose
between them and the Carystians, the other Eu-
boeans taking no part in it, and after a time terms
476 b.o.

4 opLoXoylav. Natoj? Be diroaracTi fiera ravra
irroXepLrjaav teal rroXioptela rrapea-rrjaavro. npcorrj
re avrrj ttoXls ^vfi/iaxU rrapd rb tca9ecTrr]fcb<;

eBovXcoOrj, erreira Be teal rcov aXXcov ax? e/edarr)


XCIX. Atrial Be aXXai re r)o~av rcov diroard-

aecov teal fieyiarai at rcov cpopcov teal vecov K&eiai
teal Xiiroarpdrtov et rep eyevero' ol yap 'Adrjvaloi
dtcpiftco? enpacrcTov teal Xvirrjpol rjaav ovte elcoOo-

aiv ovBe /3ovXofjLevoi<; raXanrcopelv irpoadyovres

2 rds dvdy/cas. rjaav Be 7r&>9 teal aXXcos ol 'AOtj-

valoi ovieeri bp,oico<$ ev jjBovt} apxovres, teal ovre

^vvecrrpdrevov dirb rod taov paBtov re irpoad-
yeaOai rjv avroU tou? dfyiarapuevovs' cov aviol
3 alrioi eyevovro ol vjj,p,axor Bid yap rrjv drrb-
kvy]ctiv ravrrjv rcov arpareicov ol 7rXetou? avrcov,
Xva fir) air olkov cocti, y^pi')jxara erd^avro dvrl
rcov vecov rb iKvou/ievov dvdXcofia cpepeiv, teal rols
fiev 'Adtjvalois rjvgero rb vavritebv dirb Trp Banrd-
vr]? rjv e/eelvoi ^vficpepotev, avrol Be, oirore drro-

aralev, drrapdcTfcevoi teal direipoi e? rov iroXe/jiov

C 'Ryevero Be fiera ravra teal rj eV Kvpv/jie-

Bovn 7rora/jLco ev UapcpvXla 2 rre^opiayla teal vav-

\xayla 'A07}valcov teal ra)v vpi/LLdxcov 7T/30? MijBovs,
teal evltccov rij avrfj i]/J>epa dptcporepa ' AOrjvaloi

Deleted by Hude as probably not read by Schol.
2 iv na(x<pv\ia f omitted by Hude and Stahl, with Codex M.

BOOK I. xcviii. 3-c. i

of capitulation were agreed upon. After this they

waged war upon the Naxians, 1 who had revolted,
and reduced them by siege. And this was the first
allied city to be enslaved in violation of the estab-
lished rule but afterwards the others also were

enslaved as it happened in each case.

XCIX. Now while there were other causes of
revolts, the principal ones were the failures in bring-
ing in the tribute or their quota of ships and, in
some cases, refusal of military service for the ;

Athenians exacted the tribute strictly and gave

offence by applying coercive measures to any who
were unaccustomed or unwilling to bear the hard-
ships of service. And in some other respects, too,
the Athenians were no longer equally agreeable as
leaders they would not take part in expeditions on

terms of equality, and they found it easy to reduce

those who revolted. For all this the allies them-
selves were responsible for most of them, on account

of their aversion to military service, in order to

avoid being away from home got themselves rated
in sums of money instead of ships, which they should
pay in as their proportionate contribution, and con-
sequently the fleet of the Athenians was increased
by the funds which they contributed, while they
themselves, whenever they revolted, entered on the
war without preparation and without experience.
C. After this occurred at the river Eurymedon in
Pamphylia the land-battle and sea-fight of the
Athenians 2 and their allies against the Persians;
and the Athenians were victorious in both on the
-4C3 b.c.
For this glorious victory of Cimon's, whose date (466 B.C. ?)
is not certain, cf. Diod. xi. 60 ; Plut. Cim. xiL

l6 7
Ki/jLcovo? rod MiXridBov (TTpaTrjyovvTOS, teal el\ov
rptrjpei^ Qoivifcwv teal Bi,e(f)9ipav t<x? iracras e\
2 BiaKoaias. XP V(P ^ vcrepov %vveftr) acrtou?
avTcov aTTOcrTrjvaL Btevex^eira^ irepi "rSiv ev rf}

dvrnrepas Spa/crj epuropicov ical rod fieruXXov,

a eve/iovTO. /cal vavcrl fiev inrl daov irXev-
cravres ol *A6r)vaioi vavjxayia e/epdrrjerav /cal eV
3 rr]V yyv direftrjaav eirl Be Hrpvfiova Tre/Ayfravres
pLvpiovs ol/ajropas aurcov teal rebv H;vp,pudywv vrro
tou? avrovs xpovov?, a>? ol/ciovvTe? ra<; tots
tcaXov/neva^ 'Evvea 6Bov<t, vvv Be A/jl^litoXlv, ^
fiev 'Evvea oBcjv avrol etepdrrjaav, a? el%ov 'HS&)-
vol, irpoeXOovre^ Be rrj<; (&pa/cr)$ e? fMeaoyeiav
Bte^Odprjaav ev Apa/3r]o-tc(0 rfj 'HBcovitcr) vtto twv
Spa/coov v juLir dvr o)v ols TToX-ep-LOv rjv to yjo P l0V
CI. SdatoL Be viK7]9evre% ^"X/7 KaL iroXiopteov-
fievoi AafceBaL/jLOVLOvs eiretcaXovvTO teal eirajivveiv
2 etceXevov iaftaXovras e? ttjv 'AttikiJv. ol Be
virea^ovTO fiev tepveba t6)v 'AOrjvalwv teal efieXXov,
Bie/ccoXvdrjaav Be vtto rod yevofiivov creicr/iovy ev a>

teal ol EiXeore? avroU teal tcov Trepioltcwv (dovpia-

rai re teal Aldaifj? e? 'Idcofirjv direar^aav. irXel-
at 'Evpea 680I, in the MSS. after x a3 pL v > rejected by

465 B.C.
8 a gold mine at Skapte Hyle en the
The Thasians had
Thraeian coast, from which they drew rich revenues ; cf.
Hdt. vi. xlvi. f.
BOOK I. c. i-ci. 2

same day under the command of Cimon son of

Miltiades, and they took and destroyed triremes of
the Phoenicians to the number of two hundred all
told. And some time afterwards it came to pass
that the Thasians revolted from them, 1 a quarrel
having arisen about the trading posts and the
mine 2 on the opposite coast of Thrace, of which
the Thasians enjoyed the profits. Thereupon the
Athenians sailed with their fleet against Thasos,
and, after winning a battle at sea, disembarked on
the island. About the same time they sent to the
river Strymon ten thousand colonists, consisting of
Athenians and their allies, with a view to colonising
the place, then called Nine Ways, but now Am-
phipolis and though these colonists gained posses-

sion of Nine Ways, which was inhabited by Edoni,

yet when they advanced into the interior of Thrace
they were destroyed at Drabescus in Edonia by the
united forces of the Thracians, to whom the settle-
ment of the place was a menace.
CI. As for the Thasians, who had been defeated
in battle and were now besieged, they appealed to
the Lacedaemonians and urged them to come to
their aid by invading Attica. This, unknown to the
Athenians, they promised to do, and intended to
keep their promise, but were prevented by the
earthquake 3 which occurred at the time 4 when both
their Helots and the Perioeci of Thuria and Aethaea
revolted and went to Ithome. 5 Most of the Helots
Called "the great earthquake" in ch. cxxviii. 1.
464 b.c.
The Perioeci were the old inhabitants of the country,
chiefly of Achaean stock, reduced to a condition of depen-
dence, i.e. were not citizens, though not state-slaves as the
Helots were.

vol. I. 169
(Ttol Be ro)V TLiXcotcov eyevovro ol tcov iraXaiwv
^Aecrarjvlayv Tore SovXcodevrcov diroyovor rj teal

3 Wecra/jviot e/eXijOrjaav ol irdvie^. irpbs fiev ovv

tou? ev 'lOcofirj 7t6\/jlo<; /eadeicmj/eet, AateeSai-
fiovLow Sdcriot, Be rpLTQ) erei TroXioptcovpLevoi

w/xoXoyrjaav ^ A6t)vaioL<; Tt%o? T fcaOeXovre^ teal

vavs TrapaBovres, xpyj/iard re oaa eBet, diro-

Bovvai avTLtca rai;dfjLevoi teal to Xolttov <j>epetv,

rrjv re r]ireipov teal to pueraXXov d^evres.

CII. AateeBaipibvioi Be, a>? auroU 7rpo<? tou? ev
'lOcofir) ifjLi]fcvveTO 6 iroXefios, aXXovs re eireKaXe-
cravro %v p,\xdyov<$ teal ' Adrjvaiovs' ol 8' r)X6ov
2 K.l{jLG)VOS arparr/yovvro^ irXr]6ei ovte oXiyw. fxd-

Xiara 8' clvtov? eireKaXeaavro, on TeL^o/jLa^elv

iBoteovv Bvvarol elvai, tt}$ Be iroXt,opteLa<; fiatepd^

KaQecrT7)tcvla<; rovrov evBed efyaivero' ft la, yap
3 av elXov rb yjaplov. /cal Biacpopd etc ravTrjs tt}<?

crTparelas irpwrov Aa/eeBaipLOVLOi? teal '

<f)avepa iyevero. ol yap AateeBaifiovioi, e7reiBr} rb
ywplov ftla ov-% rfkiateero, Beio-avres rcov 'AOrj-

valwv to ToX/jbi]pbv teal rrjv vewTepoirodav, teal

dXXocf)vXov<; dfia rjyrjcrdfjLevoi, fir) n, r\v irapa-

/xeivwaLv, virb rcov ev 'IOco/jltj 7reio~0evT<; vecorepl-

crcoai, fiovov? rwv I;v [Xfid^ov dTreTre/jLyfrav, rrjv fiev

vTToyjrlav ov BrjXovvres, elirovres Be on ovBev

4 irpocrBeovrai avrcov en. ol 8' ^AOyjvaloi eyvcoaav
Kriiger deletes, followed by Hude.

BOOK I. ci. 2-cn. 4

were the descendants of the early Messenians who

had been enslaved of old, 1 and hence were all called
Messenians. The Lacedaemonians, then, were in-
volved in war with the rebels on Ithome and so the

Thasians, who were in the third year of the siege,

came to terms with the Athenians, pulling down
their walls and delivering over their ships, agreeing
to pay forthwith whatever sum of money should be
required of them and to render tribute in future, and,
finally, giving up both the mainland and the mine.
CI I. The Lacedaemonians, on the other hand,
when their war with the rebels on Ithome proved a
long affair, appealed to their allies in general and
especially to the Athenians, who came with a con-
siderable force under the command of Cimon. The
principal reason why an appeal was made to them
was that they were reputed to be skilful in siege
operations, whereas the long continuance of the siege
showed their own deficiency in this respect; for other-
wise they would have taken the place by assault. And
it was in consequence of this expedition that a lack of

harmony in the relations of the Lacedaemonians and

the Athenians first became manifest. For the Lace-
daemonians, when they failed to take the place by
storm, fearing the audacity and the fickleness of
the Athenians, whom they regarded, besides, as men
of another race, thought that, if they remained, they
might be persuaded by the rebels on Ithome to
change sides they therefore dismissed them, alone

of the allies, without giving any indication of their

suspicion, but merely saying that they had no further
need of them. The Athenians, however, recognized
Referring to the mythical time of the first Messenian

ovk eVt rat fteXriovL Xoyqy diroTreiMirofievoi, dXXd
koX ovk dgiGoaavres viro Aa/ceSai/JLovicov rovro
iraOelv, ei/Ovs eVeiS?) dve^dyprjaav, acpevres rijv
yevofievrjv iirl rat M^Sco ^Vfjufia^iav 7rpb<; avrovs
'Apyeiois rol<; etceivwv iroXefiiois gvpfiaxoi eye-
VOVTO, teal 7T/50? CTCraXoVS a/JLd d/JL(pOTpOL<; 01

avrol opKoi /cat ijv/ifMiXLci Karearr).

CIII. Ot 6" iv 'lOcofjLj) Setcdra) eret, a>? ovtceri

eBvvavro dvrkxe.iv, %vve(3r]<jav irpbs tou? Aa/ee-

Sac/JLOVLOVS icf) co i^iaaiv k YleXoTrovvrjaov vrro-
cnrovSoi Kal fxrjBeirore liri^i]Govrai avrrjs' r\v Be

2 Tt? dXiaKTjraL, rov Xafiovros elvai BovXov. tjv Be

ri teal xprjarrjpiov Tot? AaKeBaifiovioLS UvOikov

rrpb rov, rov iKerr]v rov Afo? rov 'Wco/jurfra dcpie-

3 vat. e%ij\6ov Be avrol Kal iralBe? Kal yvvalKes, Kal

aurou? ol 'AOrjvaloi Be^dfievoL Kara e^c^o? 77877 to

AaKehaifiovicov e? NaviraKrov KarwKiaav, rjv

erv\ov r/prjKores vecoarl AoKpwv rwv 'O&Xtov


f ixovrcov. irpoaex^pio-av Be Kal Meyaprj? A0t]-

vaiois 6? jjvfifiaxiav AaKeBai/novLoov drroardvres;,
on aurou? KoplvdcoL irepl 7^9 opcov iroXefio)

Karelx ov ' Kai ^X ov 'AOrjvaLoi Meyapa Kal TI77-

yds, Kal rd fiaKpd reixV (pKoBofirjaav Meyapevai

455 b.o.

BOOK I. en. 4-ciii. 4

that they were not being sent away on the more

creditable ground, but because some suspicion had
arisen ; so because they felt indignant and con-
sidered that they had not deserved such treatment
at the hands of the Lacedaemonians, the instant
they returned home they gave up the alliance which
they had made with the Lacedaemonians against the
Persians and became allies of their enemies, the
Argives. And an alliance at the same time, on the
same terms and confirmed by the same oaths, was
concluded by both the Athenians and the Argives
with the Thessalians.
CIII. In the tenth year 1 the rebels on Ithome
found that they could hold out no longer and surren-
dered to the Lacedaemonians on condition that they
should leave the Peloponnesus under a truce and
should never set foot in it again and if any of them

should be caught there, he was to be a slave of his

captor. Moreover, before this time the Lacedae-
monians also received a Pythian oracle, which bade
them let go the suppliant of Ithomean Zeus. So
the Messenians left the Peloponnesus, themselves
and their children and wives and the Athenians

received them, in consequence of the enmity to the

Lacedaemonians already existing, and settled them
at Naupactus, which they happened to have lately
taken from its possessors, the Ozolian Locrians. And
the Megarians also entered into alliance with the
Athenians, revolting from the Lacedaemonians be-
cause the Corinthians were pressing them hard in
a war about boundaries and thus the Athenians

secured Megara and Pegae, 2 and they built for the

Megarians the long walls which run from the city to
' Pegae was the Megarian harbour on the Corinthian gulf :

Niaaea, a nearer one, on the Saronic gulf.

ra airo tt}? 7roAe&)9 69 NLaaiav teal i(f>povpovp
avroL. real Kopivdiois fiev ov-% rjKiara cltto rovBe
to afyoBpov /xicro? rjp^aro irpcorov e'9 'AOrjvaLowi
CIV. 'lvdpcos Be 6 "tyafifjirjTLXov, Ai/3f9, fiaai-
XeU9 AlftvCOV TWV 7T/309 AlyVTTTQ), 6pfJL(O/lV0$ K
Mapeias t?J9 virep <Pdpov TroXews direGr^aev
AIjvtttov rd TrXeiw cltto /3ao~i\ecc><; 'Aprafjep^ov,
teal auT09 apywv yevofievos 'Adrjvalovs einqyd-
2 yero. ol Be (eTv%ov yap e'9 K.V7rpov arparevo-
fjbevoi vaval BtaKoalai^ avTOiV re /cal rcov %v/a-

ixd^wv) rjXOov airoXiTCOVTes rrjv Kvirpov, teal

avairXevo-avTes cltto 6aXdaarj<; e'9 top NelXov rod
re TTora/jLOV Kparovvres Kal rr)s MifjL<f)LBo<; rcov
Bvo fxepoyv 7rpo9 to rpurov /Aepo9 o KaXelrai
Aev/chv Tet^09 eiroXefiovp' evrjaav Be avrodu Ylep-
acov Kal MtjBcov ol Karafyvyovres /cal AlyvTrjitov
ol fir] tjvvaTroo-rdvTes.
CV. 'A0rjvaioi<; Be vavalv diroftao-iv e'9 'AXia?
7T/009 KopivOiov? Kal 'ETTiBavplovs p>dyr) eyivero,
Kal eviKwv K.opLvOioi. Kal vo-repov 'AQ-qvaloi
evavpudyr]aav eirl YLeKpvfyaXeiq TleXoTrovvrjaiwv
2 vaval, Kal eviKwv *A6rjvaioi. TroXe/jLov Be Kara-

ardvTO<; 717)09 Alyivrjra*; 'Adrjvaioi? fiera ravra

vav^ayla ylyverai eV

Alylvrj pueydXr) AOrjvaicov

Kal AlyivrjTtov {Kal ol ^vfipLa^oL eKarepOLS Traprj-
o~av), Kal eviKcov A6)]vaL0i, Kal vavs e/3Bop,rJKOVTa
Xa/36vre<; avTcov 69 rr)v yrjv direftrjaav Kal eVo-
XiopKovv AecoKpdrovs tov XrpoLfiov arpaTrjyovv-

BOOK I. cm. 4-cv. 2

Nisaea and held with a garrison of their own


troops. And it was

chiefly because of this act that
the vehement hatred of the Corinthians for the
Athenians first arose.
CIV. Meanwhile Inaros, son of Psammetichus, a
Libyan and king of the Libyans who are adjacent to
Egypt, setting out from Mareia, the city just north
of Pharos, caused the greater part of Egypt to revolt
from King Artaxerxes, 1 and then, when he had
made himself ruler, he called in the Athenians.
And they left Cyprus, 2 where they happened to be
on an expedition with two hundred ships of their
own and of their allies, and went to Egypt, and
when they had sailed up the Nile from the sea,
finding themselves masters of the river and of two-
thirds of Memphis, they proceeded to attack the
third part, which is called the White Fortress. And
in this fortress were some Persians and Medes who
had taken refuge there, and such Egyptians as had
not joined in the revolt.
CV. The Athenians also made a descent with a
fleet upon Halieis, where they had a battle with
some Corinthians and Epidaurians, in which the
Corinthians won. And afterwards the Athenians
fought a sea-fight at Cecryphaleia with a Pelopon-
nesian fleet, in which the Athenians won. After
this war broke out between the Athenians and the
Aeginetans, and a great sea-fight occurred between
the Athenians and the Aeginetans off Aegina, in
which the allies of both sides were present. This the
Athenians won and having taken seventy Aeginetan
ships they descended upon their territory and
laid siege to the city, Leocrates son of Stroebus,
im b.o. * cf. ch. xciv. 2.

+lfl 175
3 to?. eirena YleXoirovvi^aioi afivveiv fiovXofievoi,
AlyLvrjTdLS e? p,ev rrjv AXyivav t piaKoaiovs
6ir\ira<s, irporepov KopivOlcov Kal 'RTrtSavpiwv
eiriKovpovs, BLe/3l/3ao-av, ra Be a/cpa Tepavelas

KareXaftov Kal e? rrjv MeyaplBa Kare/3yaav

Y^oplvQioi fxera rcov v puidyj^v , :

vo/Ai^ovTes dBv-
vdrovs ecreaOcu 'AOrjvalovs fforjOelv rots Meya-
pevatv ev re Alylvrj dirovarjs arpanct? ttoWtj^
teal ev Alyimrw' tjv Be /ecu /SotjOohtiv, an Alylvrj<;
4 avcMJTi'jcrecrOaL avrovs. ol Be ^
AQr)vaZoi to fiev
irpos Alylvrj crrpdrev/ia ovk eKivqaav, rcov B* Ik
lips 7roXea)9 vttoXoL'kwv o'i re Trpea/Suraroi Kal ol
vecoraroi dcfyiKvovvrat e? ra ^leyapa ^IvpcovlBov
5 crrparrjyovvTO^. Kal ^a%^? yevofievrjs laoppoirov
7T/oo?YLopivdiovs BieKpiQr)crav air* aWrfkcov, Kal
evopuaav avrol eKarepoi ovk eXaacrov e%etv ev ra>
6 epyw. Kal ol fiev 'AOrjvaloi (e/epdrrjerav yap
o/xft)? fiaXXov) drreXOovrcov rcov KopivOlcov rpo-
rralov earrjerav ol Be Y^opivQioi KaKi^ofievoi vrro
rcov ev rfj iroXei irpecr^vrepcov /cal rrapaaKevaad-
fjuevoi, rj/jiepacs varepov BcoBerca fidXiara eX66vre<$
avdlaraaav rpoiralov teal avrol o>? viKT]aavre<;.

Kal ol 'A0r]valoi eic(3or]6r)aavTe<$ i/c rcov Meydpcov

tovs re to rpoiralov Icrrdvras BiacpOeipovai Kal
toI<$ dXXois %vfi[SaX6vres eKpdrrjcrav. CVI. ol
Be viKco/ievoi vrre^copovv, Kal ri avrcov fiepos ovk
oXiyov TTpoaftiacrOev Kal Bia/xaprov rf}<; 6Bov
ecreireaev e? toi> %coplov IBicorov, co erw%ev

BOOK I. cv. 2-cvi. i

being in command. Thereupon the Peloponnesians,

wishing to aid the Aeginetans, sent into Aegina
three hundred hoplites, who had previously been
assisting the Corinthians and Epidaurians. More-
over, the Corinthians occupied the heights of Gera-
neia, and made a descent upon the territory of
Megara in conjunction with their allies, thinking
that the Athenians would be unable to aid the
Megarians, since many of their troops were away in
Aegina and in Egypt, or if they should attempt it
that they would have to withdraw from Aegina.
The Athenians, however, did not disturb the army
besieging Aegina, but with such forces as were left
in the city, consisting of the oldest and the youngest 1
men, marched into Megara, the general in command
being Myronides. An indecisive battle was fought
with the Corinthians, whereupon they separated, each
side thinking they had not got the worst of it in the
action. And the Athenians, who had in fact got
rather the better of it, when the Corinthians with-
drew, set up a trophy ;but the Corinthians, being
reproached by the older men in their city, made
their preparations and about twelve days later came
back and set up for themselves a rival trophy, as
though they had won. Hereupon the Athenians
made a sally from Megara, slew those who were
setting up the trophy, and joining battle with the
rest defeated them. CVI. The vanquished party
now retreated, and a not inconsiderable portion
of them, being hard pressed, missed their way
and rushed into a piece of land belonging to
These performed military service only in extraordinary
cases the former were between fifty and sixty, the latter

under twenty years of age.

2 opvy/ia fiiya irepielpyov Kal ovk rjv eifoBos. ol

Be * AOrjvaiot, yvovre? Kara irpoawirov re eipyov

Tot? 07t)utgu? kcli irepLarrjaavre^ kvkXw tou?
yp-iXov^ KareXevaav irdvTas toi>? icreXOovras, real
iraQos iieya rovro Kopivdioi? iyevero. to Be
7r\r)0os aiX<*) PV aV avTOt? r% arpcLTias eV
CVII. "WptavTO he Kara tovs XP vov s tovtovs
kclI tcl relxv 'Adr/valoL e? OdXaaaav
to T <>aXr]p6vBe Kal to e'<? Ueipaia.
2 Kal QooKecov arparevadvrwv e? Acopias rrjv AaKe-

'Rpiveov, Kal eXovrcov ev twv iroXLcrfidTwv tovtcov

ol AaKe&ai/jLOVLOl NiKOfirjBoVS TOV KXeOfjiflpOTOV
virep TlXeio~TodvaKTO<5 rov Tlavcravlov fiaaiXecos,
veov 6Vto? en, fjyovfievov e^orjd^crav tols l\co-
pievaiv eavrcov re irevTaKoaiois Kal ^iXtoi? ottXl-
tgu9 Kal twv ^vLLLidywv liv plots, Kal toj)? Ow/ee'a?
ofioXoyia dvayKaaavres diroBovvac rrjv ttoXiv
3 cLTreytopovv irdXiv. Kal Kara OdXaaaav Liev
avTOu?, Bta rod Y^piaalov koXttov el (SovXoivro
7repaLOva0ai, 'AOrjvaloL vaval TrepLTrXevaavres
e/ieXXov KcoXvaeiv Bta. Be rrj$ Tepaveias ovk
do-tyaXes avrols ecfcalveTo 'AOrjvalcov eyovrotv
Meyapa Kal Urjycis TropevecrOar 1 BvcroBos re yap
rj Yepdveta Kal efypovpelro alel biro 'AOrjvalwv,
Kal rore rjaOdvovro avrovs fieXXovTa? Kal Tavry
4 KwXvaeiv. eBo%e Be avrols ev Bot&JTOt? irepLfiel-
vaai aKetyaadai otw rpoirw dcrfyaXeo-Tara Bta-
Tropevaovrai. to Be ti Kal avBpe? eirrjyov avTovs

iroptveo-6ai deleted by Hude as not read by SchoL
l 7 8
BOOK I. cvi. i-cvii. 4

some private person, which was enclosed by a great

ditch and had no exit. And when the Athenians
perceived this, they shut them in by barring the
entrance with hoplites, and stationing light-armed
troops all round stoned all who had entered. And
this was a great calamity to the Corinthians the

main body of their army, however, returned home.

CVI I. About this period 1 the Athenians began to
build their long walls to the sea, one to Phalerum,
the other to the Peiraeus. And the Phocians made
an expedition against the land of the Dorians, the
mother-country of the Lacedaemonians, namely the
towns of Boeum, Citinium, and Erineum, one of
which they captured ; whereupon the Lacedae-
monians, under the lead of Nicomedes son of Cleom-
brotus, acting for King Pleistoanax son of Pausanias,
who was still a minor, sent to the aid of the Dorians
a force of fifteen hundred hoplites of their own and
ten thousand of their allies, and after they had forced
the Phocians to make terms and restore the city
they began their return homeward. Now if they
wished to take the sea-route and make their passage
by way of the Crisaean Gulf, the Athenians were
sure to take their fleet round the Peloponnesus and
block their way and to march over the Geranaean

pass appeared to them hazardous, since the Athenians

held Megara and Pegae. Besides, the Geranaean
pass was not easy to traverse and was at all times
guarded by the Athenians, and at this present time,
as the Lacedaemonians perceived, they intended
to block their way. So they decided to wait in
Boeotia and consider how they might most safely
cross over to the Peloponnesus. To this course they
were partly influenced by some Athenians, who were
457 b.o.
tcov 'AOijvaicov Kpvcpa, iXiriaavTes Brjpcov re /cara-
nravcreiv teal ra {Maze pa ret^V ol/coBofiovfieva,
5 e/3oi']6rj(jav Be eV auTOu? ol *
AOrjvaloi TravBt] p,el
Kal 'Apyelcov ^iXioi Kal tcov aXXcov ^vfifid^cov
go? efcacTTOf %vpiiTavT6$ Be eyevovTO TeTpaKiayl-
6 Xioi Kal puvpioi. vofiiaavres Be diropetv oirrj

BteXdcocriv, eireaTpdrevaav auTcn?, Kal tl Kal tou

7 Sijfiov fcaraXv a etas viro^rla. rjXOov Be /ecu Setr-

craXcov i7T7r^9 to?s 'AdrjvaCoi? Kara to %vp,p,ayji-

kov, ol /iere(TT7)aav iv ra> epyco irapa tou?
CVIII. Tevofjuivi]*} Be t?}? //a;^? iv Tavdypa
rfj<; Boiama? eviKcov Aa/ceBcufiovLoi Kal ol %v/j,-

2 ixayoi, fcal cpovos iyevero dpucpoTepcov 7ro\u?. teal

AaKeBaifjiovioL pev e? ttjv MeyapiBa e\66vre<i ical

Bei'BpoTOfirfcravTes irdXiv dirrjXdov eir oi/cov Bid
Tepavelas iea\ laO/iov' *A9r)vaioi Be Bevrepa teal
eljrj/eoo-TJj V^pa fierd rrjv fidxrjv iarpdrevaav e?
3 Boicotovs MvpcovlBov arpaTiiyovvTos, /calp-axy
ev Olvo(f)VTOi<; Bomotovs vucrjaavTes rfj? re ^copa?
i/epdrrjaav t?)? Boicorla? Kal <&g)kl8o<; zeal Tava-
ypaicov to Tet^o? AoKpcov tcov
ireptelXov Kal
'Ottovvtlcov eKaTOV dvBpa<; opajpov; tou? itXov-
cucoTaTou? eXaftov, t<x tc Tei)(V cclvtcov tcl fxaKpd
4 direTeXecrav. copboXoy^crav Be Kal ol AlyivrjTai,
peTa TavTa Tot? 'Adrjvalois, Tel^V T6 irepieXovres
Kal vavs 7rapaB6vTe$ cfiopov T ra^dfievot e? t6v
5 eireiTa ^povov. Kal UeXoTrovvrjcrov irepieirXevaav
'AOtjvaloi ToX/jllBov tou ToX/xaiov o-TpaTrjyovvTos,

i So
BOOK I. cvn. 4-CV111. 5

secretly invitingthem into their country, in the hope

of putting an end to the democracy and to the build-
ing of the long walls. But the Athenians went out
against the Lacedaemonians with their whole force
and with one thousand Argives and contingents of
the several allies, the whole body amounting to
fourteen thousand men. And they undertook the
expedition against them because they believed that
they were at a loss how to get through, and partly
too on a suspicion of a plot to overthrow the
democracy. The forces of the Athenians were
strengthened by some Thessalian cavalry, who came
in accordance with the terms of the alliance, but
they deserted to the Lacedaemonians in the course
of the action.
CVIII. The battle took place 1 at Tanagra in
Boeotia, and in it the Lacedaemonians and their
allies were victorious, and there was much slaughter
on both sides. The Lacedaemonians then entered
the Megaiian territory, cut down the trees, and went
back home by way of Geraneia and the Isthmus.
But on the sixty-second day after the battle, the
Athenians, having made an expedition into Boeotia
under Myronides, defeated the Boeotians at Oeno-
phyta, got control of Boeotia and Phocis, pulled
down the walls of Tanagra, and took one hundred
of the wealthiest men of the Opuntian Locrians as
hostages. Meanwhile they completed their own long
walls. After this the Aeginetans also capitulated to
the Athenians, pulling down their walls, delivering
up their ships, and agreeing to pay tribute in future. 2
And the Athenians, under the command of Tolmides
son of Tolmaeus, sailed round the Peloponnesus,
456 b.o. 455 b.o.

koX to vecopiov twv AaKeBaLfjboviwv iverrprjaav
Kal XaXxiBa KopivOlcov elXov real Xikvmvlovs iv
aTToftao-ei r?)? 77)9 paxV ifepdrrjaav.
CIX. Ol 8' iv rfi Al<yinTT(p WOrjvacot /ecu ol
Ifv/jL/jLa'xoi eire/jLevov, Kal avrois iroXXal IBeai
2 TroXefMcov Karea-Trjaav. to fiev yap irpwrov i/epd-

tovv t?}? AlyvTTTov ol 'AOtjvcllol, Kal $ao~LXev<$

7rifi7TL AaKeBaifiova Meydj3aov dvBpa Hep-
o-j)v xpyjficiTa e^ovra, 6Va)9 es tt)V 'Attlktiv
iafiaXelv ireiaOevrcov t&v HeXoTTovv^alwv air
3 AIjiitttov diraydyoL 'AOrfvatovs. 009 Be avra> ov
irpovydtpei real tcl ^prjixara aXXcos dvrfXovro, 6
/xev Meyd/3a%o<; kcll tcl Xolttcl tcov xpiifidrcov

TrdXiv 9 tt)v Aglclv dvKO/jLLo-07], Meydftv^ov Be

TOP ZtGOTTVpOV 7TefjL7TL CtvBpa UiparjV fJLTCL 0~T pCL-

4 T*a9 iroXXrjs' 09 d^Lfcofievo^ Kara yr\v tou9 Te

Aiyv7TTL0v<; real' rovs %vp,}xdyov<; p>dxj) iKpdrrjo-e
Kal ck tt}9 Me/j,(f)i$os e^rjXacre tov? "RXXrjvas Kal
Te\o9 9 Upoo-coTTLTtBa rrjv viigov KareKXrjaev
Kal 7roXi6pKL iv avTjj iviavTOV Kal % firjvas,
lie\pi ov ^rjpdvas tt\v BLcopvxa Kal 7raparpeyjra<i
aXXy to vBcop ra9 Te rat>9 eirl tov gijpov iiroLrjcre
Kal ttj<; vrjaov tcl ttoXXcl r/Treipov, Kal Biaftds
elXe tt)v vrjaov Tre^fj.

CX. Ovrco fiev tcl to)v 'EXXrjvcov nrpdyjiara

<f)0dpr) e eTt) woXefMrjaavTa' Kal bXiyoi diro
ttoXXo)v iropevofievoL Bid t?;9 Al/Svtjs e'9 Kvpywjv
2 eacodrjaav, ol Be irXelaTOL dircoXovTO. AtyviTTOS
Be irdXiv virb /3acrLXea eyeveTo ttXtjv 'AfivpTaLov

BOOK 1. cviii. 5-cx. 2

burned the dock-yard 1

of the Lacedaemonians, took
and making a de-
Chalcis, a city of the Corinthians,
scent upon the territory of the Sicyonians defeated
them in battle.
CIX. Meanwhile the Athenians and their allies
stayed on in Egypt and the war took on many forms.
At first the Athenians had the mastery in Egypt, and
the King sent to Lacedaemon Megabazus a Persian
with a supply of money, in order that the Lacedae-
monians might be induced to invade Attica and the
Athenians thus be drawn away from Egypt. But
when he found that matters did not advance and the
money was being spent in vain, Megabazus betook
himself back to Asia with the money that was left,
and Megabyzus son of Zopyrus, 2 a Persian, was des-
patched with a large army. 3 He marched thither by
land, and defeated the Egyptians and their allies in
battle, drove the Hellenes out of Memphis, and fin-
ally shut them up in the island of Prosopitis, where
he besieged them for a year and six months, then
finally, by diverting the water into another course,
drained the canal and left the ships high and dry,
converting the greater part of the island into main-
land then he crossed over dry-shod and took the

CX. Thus this undertaking of the Hellenes came
to naught after a war of six years 4 and but few out ;

of many, making their way through Libya into

Cyrene, escaped with their lives the most of them ;

perished. And all Egypt again came under the

King's dominion, except Amyrtaeus, the king of the
Gytheum, on the Laconian gulf.
1 Hero of the capture of Babylon, Hdt. in. clx.
Diodorus gives him with Artabazus 300,000 men (xi. 75)
and 300 ships (xi. 77). * 454 B.C.

rov iv Tot? eXeai fiacnXew rovrov Be Bia
/j,eye66<; re rov eXou? ovk iBvvavro eXelv Kal apua

3 fiavi/jLcoraroL elcri rcov Alyvirrlcov ol eXecoi. \va-

pcos Be 6 Aifivcov j3aaiXev<;, o? ra irdvra eirpa^e
irepl ri}<; Alyvirrov, irpoBoala XycpOeU dvearav-
4 pcoOrj. ^
K Be rcov 'AOrjvcov Kal tt)$ aXXr]<; %ufi-
fia-)(ioo<; rrevrrjKovra rpirjpei? BidBoxoi TrXeovaat

e? Alyvirrov eaypv Kara to MevBrjaiov Kepas,

ovk elBores rcov yeyovorcov ovBev Kal avrocs K
re yrj? iirnreaovres nre^ol Kal eK OaXdaar)? <>oi-
v'ikcov vavriKov BiecfrOetpav ra<; iroXXds rcov vecov,

5 al 8' iXaacrovs Biecpvyov rrdXtv. ra jxev Kara


ri-jv peydXrjv crrpareiav AOifvaicov Kal rcov ^vfx-

/id^cov 65 Alyvirrov ovrux; ireXevrrjcrev.
CXI. eo-o-aXtaf *0/a^o-T?7? 6 'Ex^Kparl-
'E/c Be

Bov v to? rov SecraaXcov flao-iXecos cpevycov erreiaev

'Ad-qvalovs eavrov Kardyeiv Kal irapaXaftovres
~Boicorov<; Kal 3>a>tfea? 6Wa? ff/x/xa^ou? ol 'AOrj-
valou ecrrpdrevaav tj}? eo-cra\ia? eirl QdpaaXov.
Kal rrjs fiev yr}<; eKpdrovv ocra irpoi6vrei\oXv

eK rcov orrXcov (ol yap limi)? rcov SeaaaXcov

elpyov), rrjv Be ttoXlv ovx el\ov, ovB' aXXo irpov-
ycopet avrot<; ovBev cov eveKa icrrpdrevaav, dXX
direx^pyaav irdXiv 'Opearrjv exovres dirpaKroi.
2 MeTa Be ravra ov ttoXXco varepov ^tAiOt
'Adrjvaicov iirl Ta? vavs Ta? iv II?/yat9 e-mftdvres
{elx ov ^ avrol ra? IT^ya?) irapeirXevcrav ?
"EiKVcova UepiKXeovs rov "B^avOlirirov arparr}-
yovvros, Kal drrofidvre*; ^ikvcovIcov toi>? irpoafj^l-

BOOK I. ex. 2-cxi. 2

marshes l for the Persians were unable to capture


him, both on account of the extent of the marsh and

because the marsh people are the best fighters
among the Egyptians. Inaros, however, the king of
the Libyans, who had been the originator of the
whole movement in Egypt, was taken by treachery
and impaled. And when fifty triremes, which sailed
to Egypt from Athens and the rest of the con-
federacy to relieve the fleet there, put in at the
Mendesian mouth of the Nile, quite unaware of what
had happened, the infantry fell upon them from the
shore and a Phoenician fleet from the sea and de-
stroyed most of the ships, a small number only
escaping. So ended the great expedition against
Egypt of the Athenians and their allies.
CXI. And now Orestes son of Echecratidas, king
of the Thessalians, who was exiled from Thessaly,
persuaded the Athenians to restore him. And they,
taking along some Boeotians and Phocians who were
allies, made an expedition against Pharsalus in
Thessaly. And though they made themselves masters
of the land, so far as this was possible without going far

from their camp for the Thessalian cavalry hemmed

them in they failed to capture the city and indeed
none of the other objects of their expedition was
attained, so they went back home again unsuccessful,
having Orestes with them.
Not long after this 2 one thousand Athenians, em-
barking on the ships at Pegae, which was now in
their possession, 3 sailed along the coast to Sicyon
under the command of Pericles son of Xanthippus,
and disembarking defeated in battle the Sicyonians

cf. Hilt. ii. oxl.; in. xv.

454 B.C. ' cf. ch. ciii. 4.

3 ]~avTa<; pa-XV i^pdrrjaav. Kai evOvs rrapaXa-
(Sovres 'Ay^atov^ Kai BiairXevaavres rrepav, tt??

AKapvavias e? OlvidBas iarpdrevaav teal eiro-

XiopKovv, ov fievjoi elXov ye, dXX drreyoipr^aav
eV oI'kov.
CXII. "Tarepov Be BiaXiirovrcov ircov rpicov

arrovBal yiyvovrai YleXoirovvriaioLS teal AOrjvaiOLS

2 irevrereis. Kai 'RXXtjvlkov fiev iroXe/xov eaypv ol
'AOrjvaloi, e? Be Kv7rpov iarparevovro vaval
BiaKoaiais avrcov re real rcov %v/jl fiasco v Kl/acovos

3 arparr]yovvro<;. teal e^rjtcovTa fiev vrjes e? At-

yvirrov air avrcov enXevaav *Ap,vpraLov /xera-
7T/jl7tovto<; rod iv Tot? eXeai, j3aat,Xeco<;, ai Be
4 aXXai Kiriov iiroXioptcovv. Kip.covos Be diro-
Oavovros real Xl/jlov yevofiivov d.Tteyd>pY}aav arch
K.ITLOV irXevaavres iirrep 'ZaXapuvos tt}? iv
Ku77/o&) QolvL^i teal KvTrpLots teal KiXigiv ivav-
\idyr]aav Kai i^c^opLay^rjaav dfjia, teal viKrjcavres
dpicporepa drreycjop^aav eV oiteov Kai ai e At-
5 yvirrov vrjes irdXiv^oCveXOovaai p,er avrcov. Aatee-
Baifiovioi Be fierd ravra rbv lepov KaXovpuevov
iroXepLov iaTpdrevaav, Kai KpaTijaavres rov iv
AeX^ot? lepov irapeBoaav AeXcfxH?* teal avOis

varepov Adrjvalot, div oyco pr\a dvr cov avrcov arpa-

revaavres Kai Kparr)aavre<$ irapeBoaav QcoKevaiv.
CXIII. Kai xpovov iyyevofievov fierd ravra
'AOrjvaloi, Jioicojcov rcov cpevyovrcov iyovrcov 'O/o-
yjofievbv Kai XaipcoveLav Kai aXX' drra ycopla rr}<;
Botam'a?, iarpdrevaav eavrcov fiev ^tXtot? ottXl-
tcu?, rcov Be ^vfifidycov &>? eKaaroi^ irrl ra ywpia
ravra iroXepua ovra, ToX/jlBov rod ToXfiaiov
arparrjyovvro*;. Kai Xaipcoveiav eXovres Kai
BOOK I. cxi. 2-cxiii. i

who came out against them. Immediately thereafter,

taking along some Achaeans and sailing across the
gulf, they made an expedition against Oeniadae in
Acarnania and laid siege to it but failing to take it

they went back home.

CXII. Three years afterwards 1 a truce was made
between the Peloponnesians and Athenians, to last
five years. And the Athenians did abstain from war-
fare against Hellenes, but they made an expedition
against Cyprus with two hundred ships of their own
and of their allies, under the command of Cimon.
Sixty of these ships sailed to Egypt on the summons
of Amyrtaeus, the king in the marshes, while the
others laid siege to Citium. But Cimon died and a
famine arose, and so they withdrew from Citium 2 ;

and on their way home, when off Salamis in Cyprus,

they fought the Phoenicians, Cyprians and Cilicians
by sea and on land. Gaining the victory in both
battles they went back home, and with them returned
the ships that had been in Egypt. After this the
Lacedaemonians undertook the so-called sacred war,
and getting possession of the temple at Delphi, de-
livered it to the Delphians and afterwards, when

they had withdrawn, the Athenians made an expedi-

tion, got possession of it, and delivered it again to
the Phocians.
CXIII. Some time after this 3 the Athenians under
the command of Tolmides son of Tolmaeus, with one
thousand hoplites of their own and the respective
quotas of their allies, made an expedition against
Orchomenus and Chaeroneia and some other places
in Boeotia, which were in the possession of the Boeo-
tian exiles and therefore hostile. And after taking
451 b.c. 449 b.c, 447 b.c

8 7
avhpairohiaavTes aireyoopovv <f>vXaKjjv KaTaarr)-
2 cravres. iropevofjievois 6" clvtols ev Kopoorcla
eTUTiOevTCU ol re i/c t?)? 'Op^o/xevov (pvydBe?
(pvydBes teal ocroi t?)? auT?]? yvd)/jL7}<; r)aav Kal
fiaXV KpaTijaavres toi/? ptev BiecpOeipav twp W6r)-
3 valoav, tou? Be ^ayvra^ eXaj3ov. Kal rrjv Boiwriav
eeXnrov 'AOjjvacoL irdaav, <nrovBds TrocrjcrdpLevoi
4 e</>' cJ rou? avBpas kojiiovvtcli. Kal ol (pevyovres
Bolcotgov KareXOovres teal ol aXXot, irdvre^ avro-
vollol irdXiv iyevovro.
CXIV. MeTa Be ov noWa* varepov
Rv/3olci dirkair) diro AOrjvalwv.
Kal e? avrrjv
8ia^^7]KOTO<; ijBrj UepLfcXeovs a-rparia ''AOrjvaiwv
i)yyi\0rj avrw otl Meyapa d<pearr]Ke Kal IleXo-
TTOwqaLoi fieXXovaiv ea/3dXXetv e? rrjv 'Attiktjv

Kal ol (ppovpol 'A0i]vaLcov BiefyOapfievoi elalv V7r6

Meyapecov, irXrjV oaoi e? Niaaiav drreepvyov eira-
yayoiievoi Be KopivOlovs Kal Xlkvcoviovs Kal 'Etu-
Bavplov? direarriaav ol Meyaprjs. 6 Be UepiKXrjs
nrdXtv Kara idyo^ eKo/xi^e rrjv arpanav Ik t?}?
2 Ei)/3ota?. Kal fierd rovro ol YleXoirovvi'jo'LOt tj}?
'Attiktj*; e? ^EXevatva Kal (dpeco^e eVySaAoz/re?
eBywaav YlXeiarodvaKTOS rod Uavaavlou fiacri-
\e&)? AaKeBaipioviwv r^yovpievov, Kal to irXeov
3 ovKeri irpoeX66vTe<; direx^pyo-av eV olkou. Kal
WOrjvaloi TrdXiv e? JLvfiotav Biafidvres Uepi-
tfXe'ou? GTparijyovvTos KareaTpeyfravTo iraaav,
Kal Tr/v fxev aXXrjv o/xoXoyla KarearijaavTO,
'EcrTfaia? Be e^oiKLaavie^ avrol rrjv yrjv evyov.


1 88

BOOK I. cxiii. i-cxiv. 3

Chaeroneia and selling its inhabitants into slavery,

they placed a garrison in it and departed. But
while they were on the march they were attacked at
Coronea by the Boeotian exiles from Orchomenus, to-
gether with some Locrians and Euboean exiles and
others who held the same political views, and were de-
feated, some of the Athenians being slain and others
taken alive. Accordingly the Athenians evacuated the
whole of Boeotia, making a treaty upon the stipula-
tion that they should receive back their prisoners.
And so the Boeotian exiles were restored, and they
as well as all the rest of the Boeotians again became
CXIV. Not long after this 1 Euboea revolted from
Athens; and Pericles had just crossed over to the
island with an Athenian army when word was brought
to him that Megara had revolted, that the Peloponne-
sians were about to invade Attica, and that all the
Athenian garrison had been destroyed by the Mega-
rians except such as had escaped to Nisaea. The
Megarians had effected this revolt by bringing Corin-
thians, Sicyonians and Epidaurians to their aid. So
Pericles in haste brought his army back again from
Euboea. After this the Peloponnesians, under the
command of Pleistoanax son of Pausanias, king of the
Lacedaemonians, advanced into Attica as far as Eleusis
and Thria, ravaging the country but without going

further they returned home. Thereupon the Athen-

ians again crossed over into Euboea under the com-
mand of Pericles and subdued the whole of it
the rest of the island they settled 2 by agreement,
but expelled the Hestiaeans from their homes and
themselves occupied their territory.
Setting up democracies, etc. cf. G.I. A. iv. 27 a.

is 9
CXV. ^Ava-^wp-qaavre^ Be air Eu^Sota? ov
7ro\\w varepov o~irovBas eiroLrjcravro 7rpo? Aclkc-
SaifiovLOVs kcu tou? v/jL/ndyov<; TpiaKovrovreis,
dirohovres Ntera/ay Kal Urjyas Kal Tpoi%rjva Kal

Ayauav ravra yap elyov 'AOijvatOL TleXoirov-
2 "Ea:t&> he erei ^ajjilois /cal MiXtjctlols iroXe/jLOs
eyevero ire pi Tlpir)vr)$ m
Kal ol ^.liXrjcnoi eXaa-
aovfievoi tw 7roXefiw trap *
AOrjvaiovs eXdovre?
Karefiowv rcov Ta/jLLcov. %vve7reXdf3ovTO he /cal cf
avrr)<; Tr}? avhpes IhccoTai, vecorepiaai
3 fSovXop.evoL T7]v iroXneiav} TrXevcravres ovv
'AOrjvaioi 9 *2d/ov vaval reaaapd/covra hr]/j,o-
/cpariav Karearrjaav Kal ofiripovs eXa[3ov rcov
Sa/jLicov TTevrijKOvra fiev iraiSas, "govs he dvhpas,
Kal KareOevro e? Arj/ivov Kal (ppovpdv ey/cara-
4 Xiirovres dveywp^aav. rcov he Xa/iLcov rjaav yap
rives ot oi>x vTre/iecvav, dXX' ecf>vyoy e? rr)v rjirei-
pov, %uv0/jLvol rSiV ev rrj iroXei to?? hwarco-
TaroL<; Kal YliaaovOvrj ra> 'TardaTroiT^vixiJLayiav,
6? e2^ Xdphei? Tore, eiriKovpovs re IfvXXegavres
e\ eTrraKoaiovs hieftrjaav \jito vvKra e? rr)v %d/j,ov.
5 Kal izpoiTOV /iev ra> hij/xw eiraveo-rrjcrav Kal eKpd-
rrjaav rwv irXeiarcov, eireira tou? 6fii)pov<; eV-
KXtyavres Ik AiJ/jlvov tow? avr<ov^ air ear rjaav,
Kal tou? (f>povpov<; rovs ^AOrjvaiwv Kal rovs
apyovras o'l r)aav irapa afyiaiv e^ehoaav Uicr-
aovdvr/, eirl re MlXtjtov evOvs irapeaKevd^ovro
arparevecv. ^vvaTrearrjaav 8' avroU Kal Bu-
tV woXiTtlav seems not to have been read by the Schol.,
and so is deleted by van Herwerden and Hude.


BOOK I. cxv. 1-5

CXV. Withdrawing their troops from Euboea not

made a
long afterwards they truce with the Lacedae-
monians and their allies which was to last for thirty
years, restoring Nisaea, Pegae, Troezen, and Achaea ;

for these were the places belonging to the Peloponne-

sians which the Athenians then held.
Six years later l a war arose between the Samians
and the Milesians about the possession of Priene,
and the Milesians, who were being worsted in the
war, went to Athens and cried out against the Samians.
They were seconded in their complaint by some
private citizens from Samos itself who wished to
revolutionize the government. So the Athenians
sailed to Samos with forty ships and set up a de-
mocracy, taking as hostages of the Samians fifty boys
and as many men, whom they deposited in Lemnos
then they withdrew from Samos, leaving a garrison
behind. Some of the Samians, however, did not
stay, but fled to the mainland, first making an alliance
with the most influential men who remained in the
city and with Pissuthnes son of Hystaspes, then
satrap of Sardis and collecting mercenary troops to

the number of seven hundred they crossed over by

night to Samos. First they attacked the popular
party and got most of them into their power then ;

they secretly got their hostages out of Lemnos and

revolted from Athens, handing over to Pissuthnes
the Athenian officers and garrison that were on the
island, and at once set about preparing an expedition
against Miletus. And the Byzantines also joined in
their revolt.
440 b.o.
CX"VI. *AOqvaloi he o>? rjaOovro, irXeva avres
vavalv k^KOVTa eirl Id/iov tclIs pkv eKKalheKa
rcov vechv ovk ixpjjcravTO (ervxov yap ai jiev
eirl Kaplan e? irpoaKOTrrjv rcbv Qoiviaacov vecbv
olyopuevaiy at he eirl Xlov Kal Aeaftov irepiayyeX-
Xovaai /3oi]0elv), reaaapaKOvra he vaval tca\ rea-
aapai HepucXeovs Se/cdrov avTod a t parity ovvtos
ivavfid-X^crcLV Trpbs Tpayia rfj vt'-jaw ^a/ilcov
vavalv efBhofii'pcovTa, o)v rjaav ai eiKoai arpancti-
Ti8e? (ervxov he ai iraaai diro ^IiXtJtov irXe-
2 ovaai), Kal ivUcov 'A0r)vdioi. varepov he avrols

ejBorfi^aav etc rcbv AOrjvcov vijes reaaapaKovra

koX XtW Kal AeafiLoov irevre teal e'iKoal, koX
diro^avre^ Kal Kparovvres rw 7re&> eiroXtopKovv
rpial Tet^ecri rrjv ttoXiv Kal Ik 6aXdaai)<$ dfia.
3 tlepiKXrjS he Xaftcov e^rjKovra vavs diro rcov
i^op/iovacov <pX T0 KaTa t^X 0? ^ 7rL Kavvov Kal
Kapias, iaayyeXdevrcov on Qoiviaaai vi)e<$ eir
avTovs irXeovaiv (*>X eT0 V^P KaL * K T ^d/iov W
Trevre vaval %rr)aayopas Kal aXXoi eirl ras
CXVII. *Ei> toutco he ol Td/iioi igairivaiax;
eKirXovv TroiTjadpLevoi dcpdpKTcp rq> arpajoTrehw
eTnirecrovTes Ta? re irpofyvXaKihas vavs hie^Oeipav
Kal vavfiaxovvres Ta? dvravayopevas eviKijaav,
Kal t% daXdaarjs T/79 Ka6" eavrovs eKpdrrjaav
rjfiepas irepl reaaapas Kal heKa Kal eaeKopiaavro
2 Kal e^eKoplaavTO a efiovXovro. eXOovro? he
YlepiKXeovs ttuXlv rats vaval KareKXyadrjaav.
Kal Ik tcjv 'AOtjvcov varepov TrpoaeftoijOrjaav

BOOK I. cxvi. i-cxvn. 2

CXVL But when the Athenians heard of this they

sailed for Samos with sixty ships. Sixteen of these,
however, they did not make use of on this enterprise,
for these had already gone, some toward Caria to keep
watch upon the Phoenician ships, others towards Chios
and Lesbos to summon aid but with forty-four ships,

under the command of Pericles and nine others, 1

they fought a sea-fight at the island of Tragia against
seventy ships of the Samians, of which twenty were
transport-ships, the whole fleet being on the way
back from Miletus and the Athenians were vic-

torious. Later, having received a reinforcement

from Athens of forty ships and from the Chians and
Lesbians of twenty-five, they disembarked, and being
superior to the Samians with their infantry proceeded
to invest the city with three walls, at the same
time blockading it by sea as well. But Pericles took
sixty ships away from the blockading fleet and de-
parted in haste towards Caunus in Caria, a report
having come that a Phoenician fleet was sailing
against his forces ; for Stesagoras and others had
gone from Samos with five vessels to fetch the
Phoenician ships.
CXVI I. Meanwhile the Samians suddenly made a
sally and fell upon the Athenian naval station, which
was unprotected by a stockade, destroying the guard-
ships and defeating in a sea-fight the ships that
put out against them. And for about fourteen days
they were masters of the sea off their coast, bringing
in and carrying out whatever they wished but when ;

Pericles came they were again blockaded by sea.

And afterwards a reinforcement came from Athens
Sophocles was on the fleet, as one of the ten generals of
the year.
reaaapaKovra fiev at flerd (dovKV&lBov koX "Ay-
vcovos KaX Qop/iicovos vr)e<;, eiKoo~i Be al fxerd
T\r)7ro\e{jLOV KaX 'AvTircXeovs, itc Be Xtou /cal
3 Aeaftov rpiaKovra. KaX vav/uLa^lav p,ev riva
ftpayeiav ejroirjcravro ol ^d/xioi, dBvvaroi Be
ovres avTiayeiv e^eiroXiopKiffd^aav evdrw firjvl
KaX Trpoae^coprjaau ofioXoyla, ret^o? re Kade-
\0VT6S KaX 6/jL7]pOV<; S6vT$ KaX VCLVS 7Tapa86vTS
teal xprj/xara rd dvaXcdOevra ra^d/ievoi Kara
Xpovovs drroBovvai. %vve/3r)aav Be KaX "Bv^dvrcoi
loairep KaX irporepov vtttjkooi elvai.
CXVIII. Merd ravra Be tjBtj ylyverai ov
7roXXol<; ereaiv varepov rd irpoeLprjpLeva, rd re
K.ep/cvpal/cd KaX rd TLorecBeariKa KaX 6o~a irpo-
2 <a<x*? rovBe rov iroXefxov Karearrj. ravra Be
Ijv/jLTravra oaa eirpa^av ol "EXXrjves 7rpo<? re
d\Xt)Xov$ KaX rov fidpftapov eyevero ev ereai
irevrrjKOvra fidXiara fiera^v ttj? re B,ep^ov dva-
Xcoprjaecos KaX tj}? dpyr}<$ rovBe rov rroXejiov ev
ol<; ol A6r)valoi rrjv re dpyr)v eyKparecrrepav

Karearrjcravro KaX avroX irrX fieya eyd>pr)<jav

Bvvdfieax;. ol Be AaKeBatfioviot, alaOofievot ovre
iKcoXvov el fir) eirl ftpaxv, r)avxa6v r T0 7r ^ eoz/
rov xpovov, ovres fiev KaX irpb rov fir) Ta^et?
levat e? tou? TToXepuovs, r)v fir) dvayKafovrac, to
Be nl
KaX iroXefiois ol Keloid etjetpyo/uevoi, rrpXv Br)
r) Bvvafiis rcov 'AOrpaicov aacficbs fjpero KaX rr)<;
rb 8e ti, so MSS.: tots 5' fr is read by Hude, after
Reiske (Dion. H. t6t Se rt).

Possibly the historian, as some have thought others ;

explain as the son of Melesias and opponent of Pericles ;

still others as the poet from the derae of Acherdus.


of forty ships under the coriimand of Thucydides, 1

Hagnon and Phormio, twenty under Tlepolemus and
Anticles, and thirty from Chios and Lesbos. Now
the Samians did indeed put up a sea-fight for a
short time, but they were unable to hold out, and in
the ninth month 2 were reduced by siege and agreed
to a capitulation, pulling down their walls, giving
hostages, delivering over their ships, and consenting
to pay back by instalments the money spent upon
the siege. The Byzantines too came to terms,
agreeing to be subjects as before.
CXVIII. It was not many years 3 after this that
the events already narrated occurred, namely the
Corcyraean affair, 4 the Potidaean, 5 and all the other
incidents 6 that furnished an occasion for this war.
And all these operations of the Hellenes, against one
another and against the Barbarian, took place in the
interval of about fifty years between the retreat of
Xerxes and the beginning of this war. 7 It was in
this period that the Athenians established their rule
more firmly and themselves advanced to great power.
And the Lacedaemonians, though aware of their
growing power, made no attempt to check it, except
to a trifling extent, remaining indifferent the greater
part of the time, since they had never been quick to
go to war except under compulsion, and in this case
were in some degree precluded from interference by
wars of their own. 8 But at last the power of the
Athenians began clearly to exalt itself and they were
439 b.c.
Hardly four years, since the naval battle between the
Corcyraeans and Corinthians seems to have occurred 435 b.o.
4 6
Chs. xxiv-lv. Chs. liv-lxvi.
The transactions in the Spartan assembly, chs. lxvii-
lxxxviii. 479-432 B.C.
The Helot rebellion, ch. ci. et sea.
1 ,
%v/jL/jLa)ia<; avrwv tjittovto. rore Be ov/eeri ava-
a^erbv iiroLovvro, d\V eiuyeip^Tea eBo/cet, elvai
irdcrrj TTpoOvfila real Kadatperea ?; tcr^u9, rjv Bv-

vcdvtcu, apcLfjievoLS Brj rovBe rbv iroXe/jiov.

3 Auto?? fiev ovv tch? AafceBaifiovioi? Bieyvcocrro


XeXuadac re t? o-ttovBcl? real tovs '

aSi/ceLV, 7T/jLifravTs Be e? Ae\(/>oi>? eTrrjpcorcov ibv
debv el TroXefAOVcrLV afieivov earai. 6 Be dvelXev
avroh, &)? Xeyerai, Kara fepdros 7To\/j,ov<tl vikt\v
eaecrOai, real avrbs ecpyj gvXXjfaeaOat, /cat irapa-
fcaXovfievos teal a/cX^TO?. CXIX. &v6ls Be toi>?
^u/ifid^ov^ Trapa/caXicravTes yjrrjcfrov e/BovXovro
eirayayelv el X,? 7) ^oXefielv. kolI cXOovtcov rcov
irpeafiewv dirb Tr}$ ^vyniaxia^ /cal gvvoBov yevo-
[xevrjs ol T aXXoi elirov a e/3ovXovro, Karriyo-
povvres ol irXeiovs rwv 'AOrjvaicov koli tov iroXefiov
d^iovvre^ ylyveaOai, /ecu ol Y^opivQioi Ber)6evTe<$
fiev kcl\ Kara iroXei^i irpoTepov e/cdarcov IBla
ware ^rj^laaaOai rbv TToXep.ov BeBiores irepl rfj }

TLoreiBala fit] 7TpoBia(f)0apfj, irapovres Be recti Tore

kcli reXevraloc eireXOovTes eXeyov roidBe.
CXX. " Toi? fiev Aa/ceBaifioviovs, a> avBpes
tyfifiayoi, ovk av, irt alriaaaifieO a ]

&>? ov real

avrol iyjrrjcpLcr/jLevoi tov iroXefiov elcn real rjfias 1$

tovto vvv ^vvrjyayov. xpr) yap tou? fjyefiova?

ra iBia cf Xaov vefiovras ra kolvcl Trpoo-KOirelv,
QiGirep /cal ev aXXoL? ere iravTcov irpOTtficovrai.


BOOK I. cxviii. 2-cxx. i

laying hands upon their allies. Then the Lacedae-

monians could bear it no longer, but determined
that they must attack the Athenian power with all
zeal and overthrow it, if they could, by undertaking /
this war.
The Lacedaemonians themselves, then, 1 had de-
cided that the treaty had been broken and that the
Athenians were in the wrong, and sending to Delphi
they asked the god if it would be advisable for
them to go to war. The god answered them, as it is
said, that if they warred with all their might, victory
would be theirs, and said that he himself would help
them, whether invoked or uninvoked. CXIX. But
they wished to summon their allies again and put 2 b.

to them the question whether they should go to

war. And when the envoys from the allies had
come and an assembly was held, the others said
what they wished, most of them complaining of the
Athenians and demanding that the war should be
entered upon, and especially the Corinthians. They
had already, before the meeting, privately begged
the allies city by city to vote for the war, fearing lest
Potidaea would be destroyed before help came, and
now, being also present at this meeting, they came
forward last of all and spoke as follows
CXX. " Men of the allies, we can no longer com-
plain of the Lacedaemonians that they have not both
themselves voted for the war and also brought us to-
gether for this object. And that is right for it is

the duty of leaders, while equitably considering

their particular interests, to have special regard for
the general weal, just as in other matters they are
Resuming the narrative interrupted at the end of ch.

2 tj/jlcov Be oaoi fxev '
kd rival o is r)Brj gvvrjXXdyrjaav
ovxl StoVj^f)? Beovrai ware <f)vXdaa6aL avrovr
tou? Be rr)v fieaoyecav fidXXov teal fir) ev iropcp
fcaT(pfC7]jjLevov<; elBevai %pr) on, roU fedrco riv fir)

dfivvcocri, ^akeiTWTepav e^ovai rr)v KaraKOfiiBr)v

ru>v GDpaiwv teal irdXiv dvTiXrjyjnv S)V r) OdXaaaa

rjirelpu) BLBwcri, kol rcov vvv Xeyopevwv firj
/ca/covs tcpLTas cb? fir) 7rpoo-r)fc6vTCDV eivai, irpoaBi-

yeo-Qai Be irore, el ra ko,tw irpooivro, kclv fi^XP 1

cr(f)(ov to Beivbv irpoeXOelv, teal irep\ avrwv ovx

3 t]goov vvv (BovXeveaOat. 6Y oirep koi fir) oKvelv

Bel avrovs rbv iroXefxov avr elpr\V7}<; fieraXafifta-

veiv. dvBpwv yap awfypovwv fiev eariv, et firj

clBikolvto, ijo-vxd&iv, dyaOojv Be dBucovfievovs etc

fiev elpijvrj? iroXefietv, ev Be irapaaxpv eV iroXe-

pov irdXtv ^vfiftr/vat, real fitjre rfj Kara TroXefiov
evTvyia eira'ipeadai fiijre tw r)avx^ t?}? elprjvrjt;
4 r)B6fievov dBiKelaOai' 6 re yap Bid, rrjv r)Bovr)v

okvcov rdx'O'T av d<paipe0ei7j rr)<; paardovr)? ro

repirvbv Bi oirep brcvel, el rjav^d^ot, 1 6 re ev

TroXe/JLW evrv^lci irXeovd^cov ov/c evreOvfirfrai

5 Opdcrei aTriarw eiraLpofievos. TroXXa yap tca/cox;

yvwaOevra dftovXorepcov t&v ivavrlcov rvj^ovra

KarcDpOwOrj, teal en irXelco /caXws Bo/covvra
fiovXeuOrjvai e? rovvavrlov ala\pw<; TrepiecrTry

u riavx*Lot deleted by Hude, after Lehner.

BOOK 1. cxx. 2-5

honoured above all. Now those of us who have

had dealings with the Athenians in the past do not
need to be taught to be on our guard against them.
But those who dwell more injthe interior and away
from any trade-route should be warned that, if they
do not aid those who are on the seaboard, they will
find it more difficult to bring the products of the
land down to the sea and to get in return what the
sea gives to the mainland ; and that they should not
be careless judges of what is said here, as though it
were no concern of theirs, but should expect that, if
they abandon the seacoast to its fate, the danger
may possibly some day reach them, and that they
are\ deliberating upon their own interests no less
than upon ours. They ought not, therefore, to
hesitate a moment to adopt war in place of peace.
For though it is the part of men of discretion to
remain tranquil should they not be wronged, it
behooves brave men, when wronged, to go from
peace to war, but when a favourable opportunity offers
to abandon war and resume peace again, allowing
themselves neither to be elated by success in war nor
to be so enamoured of the quiet of peace as to sub-
mit to wrong. For he who for the sake of his comfort
shrinks from war is likely, should he remain tranquil,
very speedily to forfeit the delights of ease which
caused him to shrink and he who presumes upon his

success in war has failed to reflect how treacherous is

the confidence which elates him. For many enter-
prises which were ill-planned have succeeded because
the adversary has proved to be still worse advised,
and yet more, which to all appearances were well
advised, have turned out the opposite way and
brought disgrace. For no one ever carries out a

evOvpelrai yap ovhels 6/jlolcl
rfj iriarei teal epyw
irre^ep^erat, aXka /xer acr^aXeta? fiev ho^d^ofiev,

lTa Seovs Se ev tgj epyco i\\eL7rop,ev.

CXXI. " 'Hftet? he vvv /cal dhucovLievoi top
TroXefiov eyetpofxev /cal i/cavci e~ovre<; eyfcXij/iara,
teal orav dfivvcofieda W0T)vaiov<;, KaraOy]o-6/jLe6a
2 avrbv ev Kaipw. Kara iroWa he r)fjLa<; el/cbs

eTTifcparrjcrai, irpcorov fiev ir\rj6ei irpovyovras real

i/nreipia TroXepLLfcf], eireira 6{lolco<; TTavras e? ra

3 irapayyeWofieva lovras, vavracov re, a> fV%u-
ovaiv, cltto tt)? virapxovcrrjs re etao-rots ovaias
e^aprvaofieda koX airo t&v ev Ae\(/>ot? Ka\
'OXvLiiTia -^p-q/JLCLTCov hdveta/jLa yap iroLriadfievoL

virokafielv olol T eap.lv pna6u) fiei^ovi tou? fe-

vovs avrcov vavfSdras. wvtjtt) yap r) 'AdrjvaLWV

hvvafiis puaWov r) oiKela- t) he ij/xerepa rjaaov av
tovto TrddoL, toi? ad>pxKTL to irXeov layyovaa 7)
4 rot? xp?]p.acriv. p,ia re vlkt) vavp,ayias Kara to

etVo? d\Lo-tcovTar el h' avricrypiev, fieXerijaofiev

teal r)fiei<; ev irXeovv XP V(P Ta vavjiKa, /cai orav

rr)v eTTio-Ti)pLr}v e? rb ccrov Karaarrjcrco^ev, rrj ye
evyjrvxia h/jirov irepieaopLeda' o yap ?; /u-et? eyppev
(pvaeL dyadov, ifcecvoi? ou/c av yevoiro SiSa^r}, o
Reiske's correction for o/xoia of the MSS.

cf. ii. xiii. 4, where Pericles suggests a similar resource.
The Delphic oracle favoured the Peloponnesians, according
to ch. cxviii. 3.


BOOK I. cxx. 5-cxxi. 4

plan with the same confidence with which he con-

ceives it on the contrary we form our fond schemes

with a feeling of security, but when it comes to their

execution, we are possessed by fear and fall short of
CXXI. " And so now in our own case, it is because
we are suffering wrongs and have ample grounds for
complaint that we are stirring up this war, and as
soon as we have avenged our wrongs upon the
Athenians we will bring the war to an end when
occasion offers. And for many reasons we are likely I

to prevail : because ^we^-are-superior in point of


numbers and in military experience secondly, because


we all with one accord obey the word of command

and, thirdly, on the sea, where their strength lies, we
shall be able to equip a fleet, not only with the
means which we severally possess, but also with the
funds stored up at Delphi and Olympia. 1 For by
contracting a loan we can use the inducement of
higher pay to entice away from them their mercenary
sailors; for the forces of the Athenians are made up
of hirelings rather than of their own citizens, where-
as ours, whose strength lies more in the quality of
the men than in the pay they get, would be less
subject to such defection. And so, if we win a single
victory at sea, in all probability they are defeated. 2
If, however, they should still hold out, we on our

part shall have more time for pra ctice in seaman-

ship, and as soon~as we have brought our skill to a
parity with theirs, in courage, assuredly, we shall be
superior. For the excellence that nature has given
us Cannot become theirs through instruction, whereas

* Through the mercenary sailors flocking to the Polopon-

nesian side for higher pay.

6" e/celvoi eiriarrjiir) Y
TTpovyov(Ji> /caOaiperbv rjfuv
5 iari peXerr). xpij/iara Be ware eyeiv e? avrd,
oXaofxev rj Seivbv av el'rj el oi fiev e/celvcov fu/z-
ixayoi errl BovXela rfj avrcov (frepovres ov/c drre-
povaiv, ?//xet? S' ^eirl tw ri/jLwpov/ievoi rovs e^-
Opovs /cal avrol dfia &w^eadai ov/c apa Barravr)-
aopuev /cal irrl tw jjlt] vrr e/ceivcov avrd difiaipe-
Oivre? avTOLS tovtois /ca/ccos rrdayeiv^
CXXII. "^rrdpyovai Be /cal aXXai bSol rod
iroXepov rjfMV, ^v/jL/jLci^cov re dirbaraai^, pudXiara
irapaipeais ovaa rcov irpoaoBcov ah layyovai, ical
emreiyia p.b<$ rfj %d>pa, ciXXa re 6a a ou/c av ri<;
vvv rrpotSoi. rj/ciara yap 7roXe/j,os eirl prjrols
ywpel, avrbs Se a</>' avrov ra ttoXXcl reyydrai
rrpbs to rraparvy^dvov ev cp o fiev evopyrjro}^
clvto) Trpoao/jLiXtfcras fiefiaiorepos, 6 6' opytadeU
irepl avrbv ov/c eXdaaco irraiec.
2 "'JLvdvp-cofieOa Se /cat on, el p,ev rjfioiv rjaav
e/cdarot^ 7rpo? avraraXov^ irepl y?/<; opcov at Sia-
<f)opai, olarbv av r\v vvv Se 7rpo? %vfiiravrd<$ re

?}^a? AOrjvaloL l/cavol /cal

' Kara iroXiv en Bvva-
rcorepor (bare, el jjlt) koX cidpooi ical /card eOvt]
ical e/caarov darv pad yvcofirj d/juvvovfieOa avrovs,
Sfya ye ovra<; ijfias dnovco^ yeipooaovrai. ical

rrjv rjaaav, el /cal Secvov rep d/covaai, tarco ov/c

KaQatperov, which Hude adopts from C and G (ex corr.),
against KaQouptTtov of the other MSS., is confirmed by the
echo in Dio C. xliii. 11, rb n<v yap Krrfrbv Sta. dpaxeos rots rbv
vovv ai'Tfd irpo<Ttx ov<Tl KaL xaOatpfTov fjieXtTT) eli'ai.
Dobree's correction for aurbv of nearly all MSS.
BOOK I. cxxi. 4-cxxii. 2

the advantage they have in skill can be acquired by us

through practice. And as to the money we need to
accomplish all this, we shall provide it by contributions;
or strange were it, if their allies should never fail to
pay tribute to ensure their own slavery, but we, to
secure at once vengeance upon our enemies and safety
for ourselves, shall prove unwilling to spend money,
aye, and that we may not be robbed of that very
wealth and withal have it used to our destruction.
CXXII. " But we have other ways also of waging

war inducing their .allies to revolt^ which is the
best niean"s-"of depriving them of the revenues in
which their strength consists, the planting of forts in
their territory, and all the other measures which one
cannot now foresee. For war least of all conforms
to fixed rules, but itself in most cases has to form
its plans to suit the occasion as its own resources
allow when, therefore, a man keeps his temper

cool while dealing with war, he is more likely to be

safe, while he who loses his temper over it 1 makes
more blunders.
" And let us reflect also that, if we individually
were involved in a dispute about mere boundary-lines
with an enemy who was no more than our equal,
that might be borne but as the case stands, the

Athenians are quite a match for us all together, and

still more powerful against us city by city. Hence,
unless all of us together, every nation and town, with
one accord resist them, they will easily overpower
us because we shall be divided. And as to de-
feateven though this is terrible to hear, let it

Or, reading <xvt6v with the MSS., "makes blunders


through his own fault as much as anything," i e. "the man

who loses his head has only himself to blame for his disasters."
3 aXXo ri (frepovcrav rj avri/cpv? hovXelav b ical

Xoyw evhoiaaOrpai ala^pbv rfj TleXoirovvrjacp

/cal 7roXet5 roadahe virb /ua? icaicoiraOeiv. iv u>
rj hi/caLcos hoKolfxev av irdayeiv rj hid heiXiav dve-
yeaQai /cal rcov irarepwv %Lpov<; (fiaiveaOai, 01
rrjv 'EXXdha rfKevOepcocrav r)/xel<; he ovo* tj/jllv

aurot? /3ej3aiov/jLv avro, rvpavvov he icbptev ey-

KaOeardvai ttoXiv, rovs S' iv [xia fiovdp^ov<;
4 dfjiov/iev /caraXveiv. rdhe
/cal ov/c ta/iev 6V&)?
rpiwv rcov fjueyiarcov ^vp^cpopcjv dTrrfXXa/CTai,
d^vveala^ rj fiaXa/cias f) d/ieXelas. ov yap hrj
irefyevyores avrd iirl rr)v irXeiajov^ hi) /3Xdyp*acrav
fcaTa<pp6i>7)(TLi> /ce^wpij/care, fj i/c rod ttoXXovs
acjidXXeiv rb ivavTLov ovofia d(f>poavvrj p,ercov6-
CXXIII. "Ta puev ovv 7rpoyeyevrjfjLva ri hel
p.a*porepov rj e? ocrov rots vvv tjvp,(pepei alria-
ffOat; nrepl he roiv eireira pieXXovrcov rots rrapov-
gi fior/Oovvras xph i^iraXaiirwpelv (irdrpiov yap
fjfilv i/c rcov ttovcov Ta? dperas KraaOau), /cai fir)
puerafiaXXeiv rb e6o<$, el cipa irXovrw re vvv /cal
e^ovaia oXiyov rrpocpepere (ov yap hl/cacov a rfj

drropia i/crrjO)) rfj rrepiovaia diroXeaOai), dXXd

dapcrovvras levac Kara iroXXa e? rov jroXe/iov,
rod re 6eov %pr)cravro<> /cal avrov vtt oa^o/ievov
1 With C, the other MSS. have vpiv.

1 Kara<t>p6vr]CTis is that proud and haughty spirit which pre-

cedes and invites a falL It seems impossible to reproduce ic

BOOK I. cxxii. 2-cxxiii. i

be well understood that it brings nothing else than

downright slavery. That such an outcome should
even be spoken of # as a possibility, or that so many
cities might suffer ill at the hands of one, is a
disgrace to the Peloponnesus. In such a case men
would say of us, either that vie deserved our fate, or
that through cowardice we submitted to it, and that
we were clearly degenerate sons of our fathers, who
liberated Hellas, whereas we, so far from making
this liberty secure, should be allowing a city to be
established as a tyrant in our midst, though we claim
the reputation of deposing the monarchs in single
states. We know not how such a course can be ac-
quitted of one of the three gravest errors, stupidity
or cowardice, or carelessness. For I cannot suppose
that, escaping those errors, you have reached that
most fatal spirit of proud disdain l which has ruined
so many men that it has taken on a new name,
that of despicable folly.
CXXIII. " With regard, however, to what is past
and done, what need is there to find fault at
length, except in so far as that is profitable for what
is present? But with a view to what shall be
hereafter, we should devote every effort to the task
in hand for to win virtue 2 by toils is our heritage
and make no change of custom because you
now have a slight superiority in wealth and power ;

for it is not right that attributes which have

been won through poverty should be lost through
prosperity. Nay, you should go into the war with
confidence, and for many reasons the god has

spoken through his oracle and promised that he

English the assonance of the words Ka.Ta<pp6pT)(ris a<ppoavvT}.
Thucydides was fond of paronomasia cf. ch. xxxiii. 4.

* Or, "the rewards of virtue"

honour, renown.
^vXX^^reaOaL, real tt}? dXXrjs E\XaSo? dirdar^
%vvaycovLOVfievr}<; f ra p.ev cf)6{3(p, ra Be ax^eXta.
2 airovBas re ov Xvaere irporepot, a? ye kcli 6 Oebs

tceXevcov iroXep^elv vojxi^u 7rapaf3e/3dcr0ai, r)Bi-

K7]/jLvcil<; Be fidXXov j3orj6i)<J6T6' Xvovctl yap ovx

oi d/jLvi>6{ievoL, dXX' ot irporepoi eiuovTes.
CXXIV. ""Hare iravTa^oOev /caXws virdpxov
vfjbiv iroXep^elv real r)pLcov KOivfj rdSe irapatvovvrwv,
eXirep /3e^ai6rarov to ravrd 1
vp.(pipovTa real

TroXeaL icai IBtwTais elvai, /nij /xeXXere YLotci-

Searcus T 7roiLG0ai Tip-wpiav overt, AcopcevaL
/cat vito ld)vcov TroXiop/covpLeuoiq, ov Trporepov
rjv Tovvavrlov, teal tcov aXXcov pereXOelv Tr\v

eXevOepiav, a>? ov/cirt ivBi^eraL irepipkvovra^

tovs pev i]Br] ftXairreaOai, rot/? B\ el yvcoaOijao-
pieOa %vveX66vT<; p,ev, afivvectOat Be aToXpwvres,
2 p,7) ttoXv varepov to avTO Ttda^eiv dXXa vopl-
crazTe? e? dpdy/crjv dfylyQai, a> avBpes T^vppayoi,
teal dpa TuBe apioTa XeyeaOai, ^jrrjcpLaacrde tov
iroXepiov /z>; fyofirjQevres to avritca Beivov, tt}? B
air avTov Bid TrXeiovos eiprjvrjs ein6vpi)o-avTe<;'
etc iroXep,ov p,ev yap elprjvr] fiaXXov /3e/3aiovTai }

defi 7}Gvyia<$ Be yu,?) iroXepLrjaai ovx 6p,ol(o<; atclv-

3 Bvvov. Ka\ Ti]v KaQeGT7)Kvlav ev rjj 'EXXdBi

ttoXiv Tvpavvov Tjyrjadpuevoi eVt iraaiv opoio><;

KaOeaTavai, coaTe twv p,ev ?/?; dpxeiv, to)v Be

So Hude, after Reiske {ravra F, ravrd yp.a^) ; ravra
BOOK I. cxxiii. i-cxxiv. 3
himself will help you all the rest of Hellas will join

you in the struggle, partly through fear and partly

through self-interest; and, finally, you will not be
the ones to break the treaty, inasmuch as the god, in
bidding you go to war, cpnsiders it to have been
transgressed already, but you will be going to the
defence of a treaty that has been violated. For it
is not those who fight in self-defence that break a

treaty, but those who attack others unprovoked.

CXXIV. "So then, since from every quarter a
favourable opportunity offers itself to you to go to
war, and since we recommend this course in the
common interest if it be true that identity of
interest 1 is the surest policy for states and individuals
to follow make haste to succour the Potidaeans, who
are Dorians and besieged by Ionians
the reverse of

what used to be and to recover the liberty of the
rest since it will no longer do for us to wait, when

some are already being injured, and others, if it shall

become known that we have had a meeting and
dare not defend ourselves, will soon suffer the same
fate. On
the contrary, men of the allies, recognize
that we
are now facing the inevitable, and at the
same time that this proposal is for the best and ;

vote for the war, not fearing the immediate danger,

but coveting the more enduring peace which will
result from the war. For peace is more firmly
established when it follows war, but to refuse to
go to war from a desire for tranquillity is by no means
so free from danger. And so, in the conviction that
the state which has set itself up as a tyrant in Hellas
is a menace to all alike, ruling over some already and

Or, reading raCra, " if it be most certain that this course


declaration of war) is advantageous for states as well as

BiavoetaOai, Trapaarrjacofieda eireXOovTes, fcal
avroL re ukivBvvws to Xolttov OiKwaev teal tovs
vvv BeBovXco/ievovs "EXXrjvas eXevO epdoa a> /xcza"

CXXV. Totavra fiev oi KopivOiot, elirov. oi

Be Aa/cehaifioviOL eireiBr) a<fi dirdvTwv rjKOvaav
<yvco/jL7]v, ^T](j)ov eirr^yayov rots ^vpfjbd^0L<; diracnv

ogol iraprjqav ef }$ fcal fiei^ovu teal eXdaaovi iro-

2 Xer teal to irXrfio^ eyjnjcpiaavTO iroXepLelv. BeBoy-

fxevov Be avTol<z evOvs fiev dBvvaTa tjv eiri^eipelv

dirapaaKevoi<s ovaiv, eKiropi^eadai Be. iBoKei e/cd-
cttols a 7rpoa(f)opa rjv Kai fjurj elvai pLeXXrjaiv.
o/xo)? Be Ka6i<TTaievoi<; wv eBei eviavTos p,ev ov
BieTpiftr), eXaaaov Be, irplv ea/3aXetv e? tt)v
'Attiktjv Kai top iroXep-ov apaaOai (pavepcos.
tovtw Be eirpeo-ftevovTO tw %P^ V(P
77-00? tou? AOrjvaiov? eyrcXijfiaTa Tcoiovpuevoi,
otto) ; a(f)to~iv
otl /jLeylaTrj irpoc^aai^ eh] tov rroXe-
2 fielv, r)v fii] ti iaafcovcocriv. Kai irpaiTov fiev
Trpecrfieis irepb^ravTe^ oi AaKeBaifiovioi eKeXevov
3 TOik 'AOrjvaiovs to dyo<; iXavveiv tt}<; Oeov. to
Be ayos r)v TOiovBe. KvXcov rjv 'AOrjvatos dvrjp
'OXv/ittiovUi]*; twv irdXai evyevi]^ Te Kai BvvaTor
eyeyap,7]Ki Be duyaTepa eayerof? Mey apias
dvBpos, o? KaT eKelvov tov xpbvov eTVpdvvei
4 Meydpcov. ^pcofievcp Be t&> JsLvXcdvl ev AeXcpol?
dvelXev 6 6eb<; ev tov Ao<? ttj fieyiaTrj eopTrj

5 KaTa\a/3elv ttjv AOrjvalwv clkpottoXlv. 6 Be irapd

Te tov eayevovs Bvvap.iv Xaftoov Kai tov<; <f)iXov<;
dva7reiaa<i, eireiBr) eirr}X6ev ^OXvparia tcl ev
UeXo7rovv/]o-(p, KareXafte ttjv aKpoiroXcv a>? eirl
TvpavvLBi, vou'iaa? eopTr]v tc tov to? jieyio-TTjV A

BOOK I. cxxiv. 3-cxxvi. 5

designing to rule over others, let us attack and reduce

it, and henceforth dwell in security ourselves and set

free those Hellenes who are already enslaved."

CXXV. Thus spoke the Corinthians. And the
Lacedaemonians when they had heard the opinions
of all, put the vote in succession to all the allied
states which were present, both, great and small;
and the majority voted for war. But though the
decision was made it was impossible for them to
take up arms at once, as they were unprepared it ;

was determined, however, that the several states

should make the fitting preparations and that there
should be no delay. Nevertheless, in providing them-
selves with what was needed there was spent, not
indeed a full year, but somewhat less, before they
invaded Attica and took up the war openly.
CXXVI. During this interval they kept sending
embassies to the Athenians and making complaints,
that they might have as good a pretext as possible
for making war, in case the Athenians should refuse
to consider them. And first the Lacedaemonian
envoys bade the Athenians drive out the " curse of
the goddess." The curse was as follows: There
was an Athenian in days of old named/ Cylon, a
victor at Olympia, of noble birth and powerful ; and
he had married a daughter of Theagenes, a Megarian,
who was at that time tyrant of Megara. Now Cylon
consulted the oracle at Delphi, and the god in
answer told him to seize the Acropolis of Athens
"at the greatest festival of Zeus." So he obtained a
force from Theagenes and, persuading his friends to
help, when t he Olympic festival jn jjie Peloponnesus
came on he: seized the Acropolis with a view to
making himself tyrant; for he thought that the
elvai koX eavrw ri 7rpoai)iceiv 'OXvpnua vevL/crj-

6 icon, el Be iv rfj 'Arrifcf} y) aXXoOi irov i) /xeyiarr)

eoprrj eiprjro, oure i/ceivos en Karevorjae to re

fiavretov yap koX 'A6r)vaiois
ov/c iBrjXov (Jean
kidcria, a KaXelrai, Ato? eoprrj MeiXtxiov /ze-
yiaTr], ea) rr)<; 7roXeco<;, iv fj
iravBijpiel Ovovai,
ttoXXoI 1
ov^ lepela dXXa dvpiara iTrc^oypia),

Bokcov Be 6pdcx)s yiyvcoaKeiv eVe^e^/cre t&j epyw.

7 ol he 'AdrjvaioL alaOopLevoi iftoijOrjadv re rrav-
hr/fjieX K rwv dypcov eV avrovs /ecu irpoaicaOe-

8 ^ofievoi eiToXtopKovv. ^povov Be iyyvyvofievov ol

^A6r)valoi Tpvyop.evoi rfj irpoaeBpia dirrfkOov ol

ttoXXol, iirirpe^ravres roU ivvki dp^ovai rrjv

(fyvXaKijiAje kcu to rrav avroKpdropai BiaOelvai

y av dpiara BiayiyvdoaKwaLV Tore Be rd iroXXa
rcov iroXiTLKOiv ol ivvea dp^ovres eirpacraov.
9 ol Be fiera rod KuXoovos iroXiopKovpievoi (f>Xavpo)$
10 elyov airov re kclI vBaros diropia. 6 /.tev ovv
KvXwv teal 6 dBe\(f)b<; i/cBiBpaa/covaiv' ol 8' dXXoi
ci)9 iirie^ovro kclL rives teal direOvyo-fcov virb rov
Xi/iov, KaO'i^ovaiv iirl rov ficofibv l/cerut rov iv rfj

iroXKol Hude adopts C. F.
: Hermann's conjecture no\\d,
and, after Madvig, inserts 07*0 before dv/j-ara.

On this first attempt to establish a tyranny in Athens,
see also Hdt. v. lxxi ; Plut. Solon, xii. It was not a rising
of the people against the nobles, but the attempt of an am-
bitious man who aspired to royal power, supported only by a
few friends an4 % body of Megarian soldiers. To the mass
BOOK I. cxxvi. 5-10

Olympic was not only the greatest festival

of Zeus, but also in a manner was connected with
him as having won an Olympic victory. 1 But
whether the oracle meant the greatest festival in
Attica or somewhere else he did not go on to con-
sider, and the oracle did not make it clear. For, in
fact, the Athenians also have a festival in honour of
Zeus Meilichius, the Diasia, as it is called, a very
great festival celebrated outside the city, whereat
all the people offer sacrifices, many making offer-
ings 2
peculiar to the country instead of victims.
But Cylon, thinking that he was right in his opinion,
made his attempt. And the Athenians, when they
were aware of it, came in a body from the fields
against them and sitting down before the Acropolis
laid siege to it. But as time passed the Athenians
grew weary of the siege and most of them went
away, committing the task of guarding to the nine
Archons, to whom they also gave full power to settle
the whole matter as they might determine to be
best for at that time 3 the nine Archons transacted

most of the public business. But Cylon and those

who were being besieged with him were in hard
straits through lack of food and water. So Cylon
and his brother escaped but the rest, when they

were in great distress and some of them were even

dying of hunger, sat down as suppliants at the

of the people it seemed to portend subjection to Megara, so

they flocked in to crush the movement, not, as Cylon hoped,
to support it.
A scholiast suggests cakes {iti^ara) made in the forms
of animals.
* before the legislation of Solon
i.e. ;from that time the
power of the Archons decreased, and was restricted chiefly
to judicial functions.

11 aKpoiroXei. ava<TT7JaavT<; Be avrovs ol rcov 'Adrj-
vaiwv iiriTeTpaiifievoi tt)v <f>v\aK)]v, go? ewpcov
airoOvrjafcovTas iv t<5 lepco, i<$> w /x /Bev kclkov

iroirjcrovGiv, airayayovTes aireKTeivav KaOeto/ae-

pov? Be Tivas icaX eVl tcov aepuvoyv Oewv tois
/3co/jlol<; iv rfj rrapoBw aire^prjaavro. kcu airo
tovtov ivayels /cat aXirrfptoL r?}? Oeov ecelvol re
12 eKoXovvro teal to yevo? to air i/ceivcov. tfXacrav
[lev ovv zeal ol 'AOqvaloi tovs ivayecs toutovs,
rfkaae Be real KXeofievr]^ 6 AatceBaL/jLovLOs vo~Tepov

fieTCL 'AOrjvalcov aTaaia^ovTcov, tov<z Te ^a>VTa<;

iXavvovTes koX tcov TeOvecoTcov tcl ogtcl ave\ovTe$

i^e(3aXov KaTrjXOov /xevTOi vaTepov, kcu to yevos
avTcov eTi eGTiv iv tt) iroXec.

CXXVII. Tovto Br) to ayo? ol AateeBaipovioi

CKeXevov ekavveiv BrjOev toU Oeols irpcoTov ti/hco-

povvTes, elBoTes Be UepifcXea tov EavdiTrirov

irpoae^ofievov avrcp kcltcl tt)v fii]Tepa kcu vi/jli-
%ovTes ifcrreaovTos clvtov paov av crtyicn irpo-

2 ^copelv to airo tcov ^AOrjvalcov. ov /jlVtol^tocto^-

tov tfXrri^ov iraOelv av avTov tovto oao-frBiafioXrjV
otaeiv avTco irpbs t>]v ttoXiv, &)? kcu Bia ttjv

3 iKelvou ^vficpopav to fiepos eo~Tai 6 iroXe/xos. U)v

Added by Stahl.

1 Of Athena Polias.
The sanctuary of the Eumenides, which lay between the
AcropolU and the Areopagus.
BOOK I. cxxvi. io-cxxvii. 3

on the Acropolis. And the Athenians who
had been charged with guarding them, when they
saw them dying in the temple, caused them to arise
on promise of doing them no harm, and leading
them away put them to death and some who in

passing by took refuge at the altar of the Awful

Goddesses 2 they dispatched even there. For this
act both they and their descendants 3 were called
accursed and sinners against the Goddess. Accord-
ingly the accursed persons were driven out not only
by the Athenians but also at a later time by Cleo-
menes the Lacedaemonian, with the help of a
faction of the Athenians, during a civil strife, when
they drove out the living and disinterred and cast
out the bones of the dead. Afterwards, however,
they were restored, and their descendants are still
in the city.
CXXVII. It was this "curse" that the Lacedae-
monians now bade the Athenians drive out, prin-
cipally, as they pretended, to avenge the honour of
the gods, but in fact because they knew that Pericles
son of Xanthippus was implicated in the curse on
his mother's side, 4 and thinking that, if he were
banished, they would rind it easier to get from the
Athenians the concessions they hoped for. They
did not, however, so much expect that he would
suffer banishment, as that they would discredit him
with his fellow-citizens, who would feel that to some
extent his misfortune 5 would be the cause of the
* Chiefly the Alcmaeonidae, whose head was Megacles,

Archon at the time of Cylon's attempt.

* Pericles was a descendant in the sixth generation from

Megacles, his mother Agariste being niece of the Alcmaeonid

Cleisthenes (Hdt vi. cxxxi.).
6 As belonging to the accursed family.

yap Bvvarcoraro<; reov teaO* eavrbv teal aywv rr)v

irokiTeiav tjvcivtlovto irdvra Tot? Aa/eeBaifioviois,

teal ovte eta vireiteeLV, aXX! e? rbv iro^e/iov oopfia

tovs 'AOrjvaLOVS.
CXXVIII. 'Avre/eeXevov Be teal ol 'Adrjvalot,

roix; AateeBat/iovLovs to curb Taivdpov ayo? eXav-

veiv. ol yap AateeBaipbovioi avao-Trjaavris irore
etc rod lepov rod UocreiBojvos dirb Tacvdpov
tcov JLiXcoTeov Iteeras dirayayovres Bce<bOeLpav Si*

o Brj teal erfyiGiv avrols vojjli^ovq-i top fieyav

2 aeia/ibv yevecrOai ev ^irdpTr). e/eeXevov Be teal to
t?)? XaX/eioi/eov ayo? eXavveiv avrovs' eyevero Be
3 roiovBe. eireiBrj UavaavLas 6 AateeBaLfiovLO? to
TTpcorov fiera7rp,(f)0el<; vtto ^irapriarcov dirb tt}?

u-PXW T VS p EiX\r)o~7r6vT(p teal teptOe\<; vtt aurcbv

dtreXvOrj fir) dBi/eelv, Bij/moala /iev ovteeTt e^eirepL-

(f)0rj, IBia Be avrbs rpiyjpr) Xafteov 'EppuoviBa

avev Aa/eeSatfiovLcov dcpL/evelrat, e? EXX?]o-7tovtov,
Tft) JJLV \6y<p 7rl TOV M *)oIm-01' TToXepLOV, TO) Be

epyqy ra Trpbs ftacriXea Trpdypbara irpdccretv,

cbairep teal to irpcbrov ejrex^prjaev, iepiepLevo? rrjs
4 'EWrjvifer/s ap%?}?. evepyeaiav Be dirb rovBe
TTpwrov e? (BacnXea KareOero teal rod Travrbs
6 7rpdy/jLaro<; dpxh v eTTOLijaaro. JSv^avriov yap
Van Herwerden deletes, followed by Hude.

cf. ch. ci. 2.

BOOK I. cxxvn. 3-cxxviii. 5

war. For being the most powerful man of his time

and the leader of the state, he was opposed to the
Lacedaemonians in all things, and would not let
the Athenians make concessions, but kept urging
them on to the war.
CXXVIII. The Athenians answered with the
demand that the Lacedaemonians should drive out
the curse of Taenarus. For the Lacedaemonians had
on one occasion caused some suppliant Helots to leave
their refuge in the temple of Poseidon at Taenarus,
then had led them off and put them to death and ;

the Lacedaemonians believe that it was because

of this sacrilege that the great earthquake befell
them at Sparta. And the Athenians also bade them
drive out the curse of Athena of the Brazen House.
And this is the way it was incurred. After Pau-
sanias the Lacedaemonian had been recalled by the
Spartans, on the first occasion, 3 from his command
on the Hellespont, and on trial had been acquitted
of wrong doing, he was never again sent out in a
public capacity, but privately and on his own account
he took a trireme of Hermione without authority of
the Lacedaemonians and came to the Hellespont,
to take part, as he pretended, in the Persian war, but
in reality to carry on an intrigue with the Great King
an enterprise to which he had set his hand in the
first instance also, his aim being to become master
of all Hellas. He had namely first laid up for him-
self with the King a store of gratitude in the follow-
ing circumstances, and thus had begun the whole
affair. When he was in that quarter before, after
3So called from her temple or shrine in the citadel at
Sparta. Pausanias says (m. xvii. 2) both temple and statue
were of bronze. 477 B.C. cf. ch. xcv. 3.
eXcjv ry rrporepa irapovGia fiera. rr)v etc Ku7roou
ava^copTjcnv (et%o^ Be Mr/Boi avrb /cat fiacriXecDS
TTpocnqKovres rives koX ^vyyevels, o'l edXwGav ev
avrw rore) rovrovs ovs eXa/3ev airoirefxirei ftaai-
Xcl KpV(f)a TOiV ClXXcDV ^UfJLfld^COV, tw Be Xoycp
6 direSpaaav avrov. eirpaaae Be ravra fiera Toy-
yvXov rov 'Eperpiws, wirep eirerpe^re ro re Bi/fay-
nov teal rov<; al^fiaXcorovs eVe/i^e Be teal .

7 i7TL<TTo\j]v rbv YoyyvXov (f>epovra avrw. eve-

yeyparrro Be rdBe ev avrfj, oj? varepov dvrjvpedrj'
" Tlavaavias 6 rjyeficov tt}? %7rdprr)<; rovaBe re
goi yapi^eaQcu f3ov\6/juevo<; diroTrepLTrei Bopl eXoov,
teal yv(>pLr\v iroiovfiai, el teal gol Botcec, Ovyarepa
re rrjv arjv yrjfiav kclL gov ^rrdprrfv re teal rr)v
aXXrjv 'EXXdBa viroye'^P^ov iroLrjaai. Bwarbs Be
Bokg) elvai ravra irpa^ai fiera gov {3ovXev6p,evo<$.
el ovv Tt Ge rovrcov dpeG/cet, irkfiire dvBpa iriarbv
erfl OdXaGGav Bt ov rb Xotirbv rov? Xoyov<; ttoiy)-

Go/ieOa." roGavra fiev r) ypacfrr) eBijXov.

CXXIX. He/?f>7? Be tjgOtj re rfj eiriGroXfj real
diroGreXXeu Aprd/3a^ov rbv <f>apvdtcov eVl Od-
XaGGav /ceXevet avrov rrjv re AaG/cvXlnv

Garpairelav irapaXafielv Meyafidrrjv diraXXd-

avra, o? irpbrepov ypx e KaL trapa Tlavaavlav >

e? l$vdvriov erriGroXr)v dvreireridei avrcp co?

rd^LGra BiaTrefityai /cal rrjv G(j)payiBa diroBel^ai,

Kal r)v ri avrco IlavGavias irapayyeXXrj irepl rebv
eavrov irpayfidrwv, irpaGGeiv a>? dpiGra Ka\
2 iTLGrorara. 6 Be d(f>L/c6pivos rd re aXXa eiroiijGev
BOOK I. cxxvm. 5-cxxix. 2

the return of the Hellenic fleet from Cyprus, 1 he

had taken Byzantium, then in the possession of the
Persians, and certain connections and kinsmen of
the King were captured in the place when the city
fell. These prisoners he sent back to the King
without the knowledge of the allies in general, whom
he gave to understand that they had escaped from
him. And he was carrying on this intrigue in con-
cert with Gongylus the Eretrian, the very man whom
he had placed in charge of Byzantium and the
captives. And he also sent a letter by Gongylus
to the King, in which the following was written,
as was afterwards discovered :

u Pausanias, the Spartan commander, wishing to

do you a favour, sends you back these men whom
he took with the spear. And I make the proposal,
seems good to you also, to marry your daughter
if it
and to make Sparta and the rest of Hellas subject to
you. And I am able, I think, to accomplish these
things with the help of your counsel. If any ot
these things pleases you, send a trusty man to the
sea, and through him we shall in future confer."
So much the letter disclosed.
CXXIX. Xerxes was pleased with the letter, and
sent Artabazus son of Pharnaces to the sea, com-
manding him to take over the satrapy of Dascvlium,
superseding Megabates, who was governor before ;

and he charged him with a letter in reply to

Pausanias, bidding him transmit it to him in By-
zantium as quickly as possible and to show him
the seal, and if Pausanias should give him any
direction about the King's affairs, to execute it with
all care and fidelity. And he on his arrival did
cf. ch. xciv. 2.

wcnrep etprjro koX rrjv iiricnokrjv BieTre/jLyfrev.
avreveyeypairro Be rdBe'
3N *fl8e \eyei fiaaiXevs 'Eep^rj^ UavaavLa' kcu
to)v dv8p6)v~ov<$ fJLOt rrepav daXdaar]^ e/c ^v^avrlov
eawaak Keiaeial aoi evepyeala ev rw rj/xerepq)
oi/CG) e? alel dvdypairro^, kcu rols Xoyois rots dirb

crov apecr/cofiai. kcli <re firjre vv% jMrjO* rjfiepa

eTTKT^erco ware dvelvat trpdacreiv tl wv e/xol

xnria'xyei, /Jbr)8e %pvaov kcli dpyvpov Bairdvy

K6Kco\v(jo /jbrjSe arpancts TrX-qQei, el itoi Bel

TrapaylyveaOai, dXXa per Apra/3dov dvBpbs

dyaOov, ov aot eirefi^ra, irpdcrae Oapawv kol ra
ifid kcli rd ad ottyj KaXXiara kcll dpiara e^ei
CXXX. Tavra Xaficov 6 Havaavuas rd ypdfx-
fiara, cbv koX irporepov ev fieydX<p d^id>fiaTi virb
T03V 'EWijvwv Bid rrjv HXaraidaiv i)ye(JLoviav,
ttoXXu) Tore fiaXXou rjpro kcli ov/ceri eBvvaro ev
to) KaOearoiTt rpoirco (Sioreveiv, cncevd*; re dWa
M^Ka? evBvo/ieros e/c rod J$vcivtlov efrja teal
Bod tT;? SpdfCTjf; Tropevo/xevov avrbv MfjBoi kol
AlyvTTTioi eBopvcjiopovv, rpdire^dv re HepaiKrjv
iraperiOero real Karex eLV T V V Bidvoiav ovk eBv-
varo, dXX epyoi? ftpayeai irpovhrfkov a rrj yvcofirj
2 fiei^6v(c<; e? eiretra e/ieXXe irpd^eiv. BvarrpbaoBbv
re avrbv irapel-y^e opyfj ovrco ^aXeTrj}
kol rfj

XP?}to e? rravra? ofioicos ware fiijBeva BvvaaOai


Trpoateiar Be oirep zeal Trpbs tou? AOrjvaiovs ov^

yKiara rj fu/x^a^ta /xerearrj.
CXXXI. Ot Be AafceBai/jLovioL aicrOofievoi ro
T rrproTov Bl avrd ravra uveKaXeaav avrbv, koX


BOOK I. cxxix. 2-cxxxi. 1

other things as he was told and transmitted the

letter. And this reply of the King ran as follows
" Thus saith King Xerxes to Pausanias As touch-

ing the men whom thou didst save for me out of

Byzantium beyond the sea, a store of gratitude is
laid up for thee, of record, in our house forever, and
with thy words also I am pleased. And let neither
night nor day stay thee to make thee remiss in
performing aught of what thou dost promise me ;
and let nothing hinder thee, either expense of gold
and silver or number of troops., if there be need of
their presence anywhere ; but with Artabazus, a
good man, whom I have sent to thee, transact with
confidence my business and thine as shall be most
honourable and best for both of us."
CXXX. When Pausanias received this letter,
although even before this he had been held in high
consideration by the Hellenes because he had led
them at Plataea, he was then far more elated and
could no longer bring himself to live in the usual
manner of his people, but clad himself in Persian
apparel whenever he went forth from Byzantium,
and when he travelled through Thrace a body-guard
of Medes and Egyptians attended him; he had his
table served in Persian style, and indeed could not
conceal his real purpose, but by such trifling acts
showed plainly what greater designs he purposed in
his heart to accomplish thereafter. And so he made
himself difficult of access, and indulged in such a
violent temper towards everybody that no one could
come near him and this was one of the chief

reasons why the allies went over to the Athenians.

CXXXI. Now it was just this conduct that had
caused the Lacedaemonians in the first instance to

eVetS?; rjj 'KpfitoviBi vrjl rb Bevrepov eKirXevcras
ov tceXevcrdvrwv aurcbv rotavra icpalvero rroioiv,


OpKTjOeU ? flV T7]V %TT(ipTT)V OVK ilT CLV'e^Ci) pl, 6<?
Be K.oXcova<; ra<; TpcpdBas IBpvOels irpdcracov re
ecrrjyyeXXero avrols e? tou? ftapftdpovs real ovk
eV dyadqy rr)v p,ovr)v rroLOvp,vo$, ovrco Br) ovtceri

eirkcrypv, dXXa ire/i^ravre^ tcrjpv/ca ol ecfiopoi zeal

a/cvrdXrjv elrrov rod fcrjpvtcos fir) XeiireaOai, el Be
firj, iroXe/jiov avrCo ^irapndras irpoayopeveiv.j
2 6 Be (SovXbfievos ax? rjKiara vttotttos elvai real

iriarevcov XP )
l/jLacrL BiaXvaeiv rr)v BiaftoXrjv dve-

"X&pei rb Bevrepov 9 ^rrdprr\v. Kal e? jxev rr)v

elpfCTrjv eaiilirrei to irpayrov vtto rebv e<popcov
(e^earc Be Tot? ecf)6poi<; rbv (BaaiXea Bpacrai rovro),
eireira Bicltt pa^dfievo? varepov e^fjXOe Kal kclQi-

arrjenv eavrbv e? Kplaiv rots /3ovXo/jLevoi<; irepl

avrCov eXey^eiv.
CXXXII. Kal (fravepbv pev efyov ovBev ol

%7rapriarai arf/xelov, ovre ol e^Opol ovre r) iraaa

7roXt9, otgi) av inarevaavre^ /3e/3ai<w? irificopovvro

dvBpa yevovs re rod ftao-iXeiov ovra teal ev ra>

nxapovri rtfir)v exoira% (YlXelarap^ov yap rbv
AewviBov ovra ftaaiXea Kal veov en dveyjribs cov

2 eirerpoTrevev), viro-^rLas Be 7ro\\a? trapeZ^e rfj re

The <TKvraXt) was a staff used for writing dispatches.
The Lacedaemonians had two round staves of one size, the
one kept at Sparta, the other in possession of commanders
BOOK I. cxxxi. i-cxxxii. 2

recall Pausanias, when they learned of it and when ;

this second time, on his sailing away in the ship of

Hermione without their authority, it was evident
that he was acting in the very same manner when,
after being forcibly dislodged from Byzantium by
the Athenians, instead of returning to Sparta, he
settled at Colonae in the Troad and was reported to
the ephors to be intriguing with the Barbarians and
tarrying there for no good purpose
then at length
they held back no longer, but sent a herald with a
skytale-dispatch, 1 in which they told him not to lag
behind the herald, or the Spartans w ould declarer

war upon him. And he, wishing to avoid suspicion

as far as possible, and confident that he coulcj'
dispose of the charge by the use of money, returned
the second time to Sparta. And at first he was
thrown into prison by the ephors, who have the
power to do this in the case of the king himself;
then, having contrived after a time to get out, he
offered himself for trial to any who might wish to
examine into his case.
CXXXI I. There was, indeed, no clear proof in
the possession of the Spartans, either his personal
enemies or the state at large, on the strength of
which they could with entire confidence proceed to
punish a man who was of the royal family and held

high office for the time being for as cousin of
Pleistarchus son of Leonidas, who was king and
still a minor, he was acting as regent for him but ;

he, by his disregard of propriety, and particularly by

abroad. A strip of paper was rolled slantwise round the staff

and the dispatch written lengthwise on it when unrolled

the dispatch was unintelligible, but rolled slantwise round

the commander's skytale it could be read.
'/rapavofiia Kal ^rjXooaei row ftapfldpcov /jltj tcxo?

$ov\e(jQai elvai rols 7rapovcri, real

ra re aXXa
avrov aveGKoirovv el ri rrov e^eSeSirjrrjro rcov

KaOearcorcov vopijacov teal ore eirl rbv rplrrood

wore rbv iv AeX(pol<; } ov aveOeaav oi "JLXXrjves

dirb rcov M?;S&>z> aKpoOiviov, rj^tcoaev emypd-

^aaOav avrbs Ihiq rb iXeyelov tooV

'EXXijvcov apxvy$ e' 77 ^ o-rparbv coXeae MtjScov,

Tlavaavias Qoiftto jivrjfi dveOrjfce robe.

3 to fiev ovv iXeyelov ol AaKeSai/iovLOi i^e/coXayjrav

evOvs rore dirb rov t/hVoSo? rovro koX iireypayjrav
ovojackttI t<z? 7roXe? oaai ^vyKaOeXovaat rbv

fidpfiapov eari]aav rb dvd6vp.a' rod fievroi

Tlavaaiiov ahiK^fia fcal ror iSotcei elvat,Kal iirei

ye 8?) iv rovrcp Ka0Lo~n']/cei, ttoXXco fiaXXov

nrapopoiov irpayOr]vai ic^aivero rjj Trapovarj 8ia-

4 voia. iirvvOdvovro Be ical e? rov? ElXcoras

irpdao-eiv ri avrov, teal r)v Se ovrco^' iXevOepcoaiv

re yap vrno-^yelro avrois real rroXireiav y

, fjv

^vveiravaarooai. teal rb rrav ^vyKarepydcrwvrai.

5 d\X' (qv$ o)<? ,ov8e rcov JLtXcorcov fnjvvrais riat
TTLarevaavres rj^icoaav vecorepbv ri iroielv e?
Added by Ullrich.

1 golden tripod set upon a three-headed bronze serpent

(Hdt. The gold tripod was carried off by the
IX. lxxxi.).
Phbcians in the Sacred" War (Pans, x. xiii. 5), but the
bronze pillar, eighteen feet high, of three intertwined snakes,
was removed by the Emperor Constantine to Constantinople

BOOK I. cxxxn. 2-5

his aping of the Barbarians, gave them much ground

for suspecting that he did not want to remain an
equal in the present order of things at Sparta. And
they went back into his past and scrutinized all his
other acts, to see if perchance he had in his mode
of life departed from established customs, and they
recalled especially that he had once presumed, on
his own authority, to have inscribed on the tripod
at Delphi, 1 which the Hellenes dedicated as first
fruits of the spoils they had won from the Persians,
the following elegiac couplet
"When as captain of the Hellenes he had
destroyed the Persian host, Pausanias dedicated
this memorial to Phoebus."
Now the Lacedaemonians had immediately chiselled
off these verses and inscribed on the tripod by
name all the cities which had had a part in over-
throwing the Barbarians and had together set up
this offering. The act of Pausanias, however, was
felt atthe time to have been a transgression, and
now that he had got into this further trouble, it
stood out more clearly than ever as having been
but a prelude to his present designs. They were
informed also that he was intriguing with the
Helots; and it was even so, for he was promising
them freedom and citizenship if they would join
him in a revolt and help him accomplish his whole
plan. But not even then, nor relying on certain
Helots who had turned informers, did they think it
best to take harsh measures against him they ;

and placed in the hippodrome, the modern Atmeidan, where

it still is. It contains the names of thirty-one Greek states
which took part in the Persian War.
The distich was composed by Simonides.
avrov, XpcofievoL rw rpoirw tpirep elooOacnv e?

erects avrovs, fii] ravels elvai irepl dvhpbs Xirap-

ridrov avev dvafKpiafiijryjrcov reK/xrjpLwv /3ov-
Xevaal tl dvrjKearov, avroU, o>? irpiv ye hrj

Xeyerac, 6 fxeXXwv rds reXevraia^ (BacnXeZ

e7riaro\a<z Trpbs *Aprdj3a^ov KOfitecv, dvljp 'Ap-
ifceiva), fi7]vvrr)<; ylyverai, helaas Kara ev8vp,r)(jiv

riva otl ov8eL<z ttco rcov irpb eavrov dyyeXwv

rrdXiv a(pLfceTO, ical 7rapa<jr}/jL7ivdfievos, "va, r)v

yfrevaOfj rrjs 86<;r]<; rj nal IkeIvos ri fieraypd-^rai

alrrjcrj, firj emyvfh, Xvei rd<; eiricrroXd^, iv al<z

vTTOvorjcras ri toiovtov irpoaeireGraXQai /cal av-

rov rjvpev iyyeypapLfievov /creiveiv.

CXXXIII. Tore hrj ol eipopoi, cel^avros avrov

ra ypd/i/JLara fiaXXov fiev iTrlcrrevaav] avrijfcooi
he fiovXrjOevres ert yeveaOai avrov Tiavaaviov ru
Xeyovros, drrb Trapao-Ksvrjs rov dvdpcoTrov iirl

Taivapov l/cerov olyop,evov teal a/c^vwaafxevov

hirrXyjv Sia<f)puy/iart, /caXvfirjv, e? rjv rcov
icpopcov ivros rivas e/cpvyjre, /cal Tiavaaviov a>?

avrov i\6bvro<$ /cal ipcorayvros rrjv irpb^aaiv T/79

1/cereias fjaOovro it dm a crac^w?, alricofievov rov

dvOpooirov rd re irepl avrov ypa(pevra ical rcOOC

dirocfraivovTOS /ca0 e/caarov, a)? ovSev irooirore

avrov iv rat? rrpbs ftaaiXea hia/coviais TrapafSd-

Xoiro, irporLfirjOeLTj Be iv tcra* rots 7roXXo? rcov
1 t<Ji/ re 4<p6pwv in the MSS. ; Toppo deletes t.

BOOK I. cxxxn. 5-cxxxiii.

adhered to their usual method in dealing with men

of their own class not to be hasty, in the case of a
Spartan, in adopting an irrevocable decision unless
chey had indisputable proofs. But at last, as it is
said, the man who was to take to Artabazus
Pausanias' last letter to the King, a man of Argilus
who had once been a favourite of his and had
hitherto been most loyal to him, turned informer.
For he took fright when he called to mind that no
previous messenger had ever come back again and ;

so, having made a counterfeit seal, in order that his

act might not be discovered, in case he should be
wrong in his suspicion or in case Pausanias should
ask to make some alteration in the letter, he opened
the letter and in fact found written therein, as he
suspected he should find something of the sort to
have been directed, an order for his own death.
CXXXI1I. At this point the ephors, when the
man showed them the letter, were at last more
nearly convinced, but they wished besides to hear
with their own ears some word from Pausanias' own
lips; so in accordance with a prearranged plan the
man went as a suppliant to Taenarus and put up
there a hut divided by a partition. In the inner
room of the hut he concealed some of the ephors,
and when Pausanias visited him and asked the
reason of his taking the position of a suppliant, they
heard clearly everything that was said they heard

the man accuse Pausanias of having written the

order about himself, reveal the other items of the
plot in detail, and protest that, though he had never
yet compromised Pausanias in his errands to the
King, the special honour awarded him was no better
than that which the common run of his servants

Siarcovcov airoQavelv, kclklvov avra re tclvtcl

gvvofioXoyovvTO? kcu irepl tov irapovTos ovk

eo)vro<i opyl^eaOcu, dXXd ttigtiv Ik tov lepov
hihovTO? rr)<; dvaaTaaew<; kcl\ af-iovvTO? co? rd-
yiGTd iropeveaOai kcu /jlt) tcl irpaaaofieva hiaKw-

' AicovaavTes he dfcpiftcos Tore fiev

dirrjXOov ol efyopoi, /3e/3ata>? he ifhrj eiSores ev rfj

XeyeTCU '
TroXet rt]v gvWrjyjnv eiroiovvTO. clvtov

fieXXovTct %vXXi]$6r}o-ea9cu ev rfj 6ha>, eVo? fiev

tcov efyopoov to irpoo-coiTov irpocriovTO^ co? elhe,
yvtovcu e\p' g5 e^wpei, aXXov he vevfiam dcpavel
Xprfaafievov kcli hrfXajaavTos evvola, rrpo^ to lepov
tt}? XoXklolkov ywpr}aai hpofiw koli TrpoKCLTatyv-
yelv r)v o iyyvs to Te/ievos. koX e? oiKrj/ia ov
fieya o tov lepov iaeXdcov, Xva fir) viraWpio^
&"e T0 TrapavTi/ca fiev
2 TakaiTrcopolr), r}0~ vya^ev 0i ,

vaTeprjcrav Ty hico^ei, fieTti he tovto tov tc ol/crj-

/mitos tov opocpov dcpecXov teal tcis Ovpas evhov
aTrcDKohofirjaav. upoo-KaOe^ofievoi ts e^eiroXtop-
3 KTjerav Xifiw. /cat fieXXovTOS avTOV airoy\rv-)(LV

uiarrep ely^ev ev tco OLKtffiaTi, alaOofievot e%d-

yovaiv Ik tov lepov eTi efiirvovv ovtcl, koli e^a\-
4 (9a? aireOave 7rapaxPVP<4. kcl\ clvtov e/ieXXifaav
fiev 69 tov KaidBav, ovrrep tou? Kaxovpyov^, ea-
in rod Upov deleted by Hude, after Krtiger.

The temple would have been polluted if he had been
allowed to die there.
BOOK I. cxxxiii.-cxxxiv. 4

received to be put to death ; and they heard
Pausanias acknowledge these same things, urge the
man not to be angry with him this time, offer him
a guarantee that he might leave the temple in
safety, and finally request him to go on his way
with all speed and not frustrate the negotiations.
CXXX1V. When the ephors had heard all the
details they went back home for the present, but
inasmuch as they now had certain knowledge, they
were planning to make the arrest in the city. And
the story goes that when Pausanias was about to be
arrested in the street, he saw the face of one of the
ephors as he was approaching and realised for what
purpose he was coming, and that another ephor out
of friendship warned him by giving a covert nod,
whereupon he set off on a run for the temple of
Athena of the Brazen House, and reached the refuge
first, as the sacred precinct was near by. Entering
then into a building of no great size belonging to
the temple, that he might not suffer from exposure
under the open sky, he kept quiet. For the
moment then the ephors were distanced in their pur-
suit, but afterwards they took the roof off the build-
ing and, watching until he was inside and shutting off
his retreat, walled up the doors then they invested

the place and starved him to death. And when he

was about to expire, imprisoned as he was in the
building, 1 they perceived his condition and brought
him out of the temple still breathing; but when he
was brought out he died immediately. It was their
first intention to cast him into the Caeadas, 2 where
2 A mountains not far from the city, probahly
cleft in the
near the modern Mistra, into which in early times prisoners,
in later, corpses of criminals, were thrown; cf. Strabo, vni.
v. 7 ; Paus. iv. xviii. 3.

ftdXXetv eireiTa eBo^e rrXr^aiov irov Karopv^au.
6 Be Oebs 6 ev Ae\(f)ol$ tov t rd^ov varepov
e^p^ae rots AafceBai/jLovlois fierevey/ceZv ovrrep
direOave (real vvv xelTai ev tco 7rpoT/jLevicr{iaTi, o

ypacfyf) aT?)Xai B)]Xovai), zeal go? ayos avrols bv to

Treirpaypievov Bvo aciifiara dv9* eVo? rrj XaAyaot/e&)
diroBovvai. ol Be 7roir]o~dp.evoi- %aXfcov<; dvBpidv-
Ta9 Bvo go? dvri Ylavcraviov dveOecrav.
CXXXV. Ol Be 'AOrjvaioi, ft>? /ecu tov 6eov
ayos tcplvavTos, avreTrera^av rot? hcucehcufioviois
eXavveiv avro.
2 Tov Be [xrihiapbov tov Tiavaavlov ol Aa/ceBai-

fiovioi rrpeafieis 7Te/jb\jravTes irapd toi>? AOrjvaiovs

^vveirrjTicovTo /cat tov ^epaaTO/cXea, go? rjvpiafcov
etc Tiavaavlov eXey^wv, tj^lovv T toIs avTols
3 KoXdteaOai avTov. ol Be ireia0evT6<; (erf^e yap

waTpaKia/xevos koX e\(ov BlaiTav fiev ev "Apyei,

eTTKpoiTcbv Be zeal e? ttjv aXXrjv TieXoirovvrjaov)
TTefiTTovai fieTa twv AaKeBai/j,ovl(ov eTol/xcov ovtcov
vvBmokLV avBpa<; oh ecpijTo dyeiv ottov av
Be Se/McrTOfcXrjs Trpoacadofievos
(Pevyet etc TieXoirovvy]aov e? K.ep/cvpav, cov avTcov
evepyeTT)?. BeBievai Be cfraa/c ovtcov Kep/cvpalcov

cf. ch. exxviii. 1.
a title of honour bestowed upon
2 eif6p76T7js, benefactor,

him, either because he took the part of the Corcyraeans in a

dispute with Corinth (Plut. Them, xxiv), or because he had

BOOK I. cxxxiv. 4-cxxxvi. 1

they throw malefactors but afterwards they decided


to bury him somewhere near the city. But the god

at Delphi afterwards warned the Lacedaemonians by
oracle to transfer him to the place where he died
(and he now lies in the entrance to the precinct,
as an inscription on some columns testifies), and that
they should recompense Athena of the Brazen House
with two bodies in place of one, since their act
had brought a curse upon them. So they had two
bronze statues made and dedicated them to Athena
to be a substitute for Pausanias.
CXXXV. Thus it was that the Athenians, 1 in re-
sponse to the demand of the Lacedaemonians,
ordered them to drive out the curse of Taenarus,
seeing that the god also declared it to be a curse.
But when Pausanias was thus convicted of treason-
able dealings with Persia, the Lacedaemonians sent
envoys to the Athenians and accused Themistocles
also of complicity in the plot, in accordance with
discoveries they had made in connection with their
investigation about Pausanias and they demanded

that he be punished in the same way. The Athenians

agreed, but as he happened to have been ostracised,
and, though living in Argos, frequently visited other
parts of the Peloponnesus also, they sent some men,
accompanied by the Lacedaemonians (who were
quite ready to join in the pursuit), with instructions
to arrest him wherever they chanced to find him.
CXXXVI. But Themistocles, forewarned, fled
from the Peloponnesus to Corcyra, since he was a
benefactor 2 of the Corcyraeans. As they, however,
alleged that they were afraid to keep him and thus
excused their absence (Schol.) in the Persian war (Hdt. vn.
cxv). Thi'mistocles relied upon the right of asylum, which
had doubtless been decreed him as tbepytrris.
eyew avrov coare AafceSaifioviois Kal A07]vaiOt<;
direyQeaOai, hiaKO puller ai utt' avrcov e? ttjv
2 r)ireipov rr)V KaravriKpv. Kal hicoKO/ievo^ viro
rcov irpoareray puevcov Kara ttvgtlv fj yjopolrj,
av ay ledger a i Kara ri airopov irapa "Alp^rov rov
MoXocracbv /3aai\ea ovra avrw ov <f>i\ov /cara-
3 \vaac. Kal 6 puev ovk erv^ev eiriSripLcov, 6 8e tt}?
yvvat,Ko<; iKerr)<; yevopuevos SiBdaKerai vw avTrjs
rov iralBa a(pa)v \a/3(bv tcaOe^eaOai eirl rrjv
4 eariav. Kal i\6ovro$ ov ttoXv varepov rov
'A&fnJTOV SrjXoc re o? ean Kal ovk afjiol, el tl
apa avrbs dvreirrev avrtp 'AOrjvaicov 8eop,ev(p,
(pevyovra ripcopeladaL. Kal yap av bit* eKeivov
rroXXw daOevearepov 1 ev r&> rrapovri Ara/cw? ird-
vyeiv, yevvalov 8e elvat toi>? opoiovs dirb tov
laov Ti/Mopelo~0ai. Kal apa avrbs pev eKeivu
^peia? rivbs Kal ovk e? to aoypba acp^eaOaL evav-
ricoOfjvac, eKeivov S' av, el K8oir) avrov (etTTCOP
b<$> aiv Kal e'(' <*> SicoKerai,), crwrrjpia^ av T179
^ v XV^ diroareprjcrat.
CXXXVII. 'O 8e uKovcra^ dvlan^ai re avrov
p,era rod eavrov vleos {uairep Kal e^cov avrbv 2
eKaOe^ero, Kal p.eytarov tjv iKerevp,a rovro) Kal
varepov ov 7ro\\(p TOt? re AaKeSaipoviOLS Kal

AOrpaiOLs eXOovac Kal ttoWcl er/rovaiv ovk

k818co<tiv, dX)C diroareWei /3ov\6pevov a;? ftaai-
\ea Tropevdrjvai eirl rijv erepav OdXaaaav ire^jj
2 e? TlvBvav rrjv A\e%dv8pov.\ ev fj 6\Kd8os tv^gov

The reading of nearly all the better MSS. Hude and ;

man}' other recent editors adopt the correction of Graevianua

Hude deletes, as not read by the Scholiast.


BOOK I. cxxxvi. i-cxxxvii. 2

incur the enmity of the Lacedaemonians and

Athenians, he was conveyed by them across to the
mainland opposite. And being pursued by those
who had been appointed to the task, according as
they could learn the course he was taking, he was
forced in some strait to take lodging with Admetus,
king of the Molossians, who was not friendly to him.
Admetus happened not to be at home, but Themis-
tocles approached his wife as a suppliant and was
instructed by her to take their child and seat
himself on the hearth. And when Admetus re-
turned after a short time, Themistocles declared
who he was and urged that, if he had ever opposed
any request Admetus had made to the Athenians,
he ought not to take vengeance on him when a
fugitive; for in his present plight he might come to
harm at the hands of a far weaker man than
Admetus, whereas the noble thing to do was to
take vengeance on fair terms upon equals. Besides,
he added, he had opposed Admetus merely in the
matter of a petition and not of his personal safety
whereas Admetus, if he gave him up to his pursuers
(telling who these were and what the charge against
him), would deprive him of the salvation of his life.
CXXXVI I. Admetus, hearing this, raised him up,
together with his own son, even as he still sat
holding him, this being the most potent form of
supplication. And when, not long afterwards, the
Athenians and Lacedaemonians came and made
urgent demands for him, Admetus would not give
him up, but, since he wished to go to the King, gave
him an escort overland to Pydna on the other 1
sea, the capital of Alexander. 2 There lie found a
The Aegean. a King of Macedonia.
dvayofih'Tj? eV 'IoWa? /cal imfta? /carafe per a*
^ei/icovi e? to 'Adrjvaicov arparoireBov o eiroXi-
6p/ceL Nd^ov. /cal (rjv yap dyvQ)<; rots ev rfj vrji)

Belaas (fipd^ei rw vav/cXijpqy oar is earl /cal BS a

<f>evyei. /cal el /nrj acoaei avrov, e<f)7) epetv 6ri
^prjfiaai TreiaOels avrov ayer rrjv Be da^dXetav
elvai puqBeva i/c/3f}vai, etc rrjs veco^ fie^pt, 7rXov<;

yevrjTai' TreiOofievM 8' avrcp y/ipiv aTro/JLvqaeaOai

/car d^Lav. 6 Be vav/cXrjpos iroLel re ravra /cal

diroaaXevaas i)pepav /cal vv/cra virep rod arparo-

3 tt<eBov varepov dfyucveljai e? "E^eco^ ical 6
Se/iiaro/cXrj<; e/celvbv re eOepdirevae y^prnidriov
Bbaei (rjXOe yap avrw varepov e/c re 'AOrjvoov
irapa rebv (piXcov /cal e'f "Apyovs a vTre^e/ceiro),

fcal fierd rcov /carta Tlepawv rivos iropevOels avco

ecnrepuirei ypdfifiara rrpb<; ftaaiXea 'Apra%ep%r)v
4 top ziiepj;ov vecoarl /3aaiXevovra. eBrjXov Be rj

ypacf))) on " ep,iaro/cXr)<; w/ca) it a pa ae, 09 /ca/cd

fjiev irXelara JLXXip'cov e'lpyaa/xat^'rov v/xerepov
ol/cov, b'aov xpovov rbv abv irarepa ernbvra i/xol

dvdyfcrj rjfivvo/njv, 7roXij B' ere rrXeico^"'dy aOd,

iireLBt] ev rep dafyaXel fiev ifioi, e/celv<p Be ev

eiriKLvBvvcp nrdXiv rj drro/copLiBr] eyiyvero. icai /10c

evepyeaia o^eiXerai (ypdijfas r/]vre e/c SaXafiivos

irpodyyeXatv t>}? dvayu>pr)ae(><$ /cal rrjv roiv
yedj)vpa)v, r)v -^revBa)^ rrpoae7roi7]aaro, rore oY


BOOK I. cxxxvn. 2-4

merchant vessel putting off for Ionia, and going on

board was driven by a storm to the station of the
Athenian fleet which was blockading Naxos. Themis-
tocles became afraid and told the captain who he
was (for he was unknown to those on board) and
why he was in flight, adding that if he did not
save him he would tell the Athenians that he
had been bribed to give him passage their only ;

chance for safety, he explained, was that no one

be allowed to leave the ship until the voyage
could be resumed, and he promised that if he com-
plied with his request he would make a fitting
return for the favour. The captain did as he was
bidden, and after riding out the gale for a day and
a night just outside the Athenian station, duly
arrived at Ephesus. And Themistocles rewarded
him handsomely with a gift of money (for he soon
received from his friends in Athens and from Argos
the funds which he had deposited for safekeeping)
then proceeding into the interior with one of the
Persians who dwelt on the coast, he sent on a letter
to King Artaxerxes son of Xerxes, who had lately
come to the throne. And the letter ran as follows
u Themistocles, am come to you, who of all Hel-

lenes did your house most harm so long as your

father assailed me and I was constrained to defend
myself, but still greater good by far when, his
retreat being in progress, I was in security and he
in dire peril. And there is a kindness due to me
(here he related the timely warning to retreat given
at Salamis, and the failure of the Hellenic fleet to
destroy the bridges at that time, 1 which he falsely
For Themistocles' advice given to Xerxes to retreat before
itwas too late and his claim about the non-destruction of
the bridges, cf. Hdt. viii. cviii-cx.

avrov ov hidXvcriv), tea l vvv eywv a f^jdXa
dyaOd hpaaat rrdpeipa hico/co/jLevos vrrb rcov EA,X?j-
vcov hid tt)v ai-jv cpiXiav. fiovXopai h eviavrhv
eTria^cbp clvtos ctoi irepl cov ij/cco hrjXoocrai."

CXXXVIII. ftacriXev*; he, a)? Xeyerai, eOav-

fiaae re avrov r-tjv hidvoiav real eiceXeve irotelv

ovroo. 6 8*tw xpovop bv erreo-ye tt}? re Uep-


(Xt'So? yXcocrcrr)s baa ihvvaro Karevorjcre /ecu rcov

2 eirirrjhevfidrcov rf)<; %cbpa<;' dcfit/co/jLevo? he fiera

rbv eviavrhv yiyverai Trap avrco fieyas real 6cros

ov&L<; rrco 'KXXijvcov hid re rr)v rr povrrdpyovcrav

d^Lcocnv /cal rod 'EXXtjvlkov eXrrlha ijv vrreriOet

avrco hovXcbaeiv, fidXiara Be drrb rov irelpav

3 hihovs %vvero<; cpaiveaOai. rjv yap 6 Se/xiaroKXi)^,

fteftaibrara hrj cpvaecos layyv hrjXcbaas, /cal hia-

cpepovrcos re e? avrb fiaXXov erepov dtjios Oav-

fido-ar ol/ceia yap ^vvecret /cal ovre rrpopaOcov e?

avrrjv ovhev ovr eTrtfiaOcov, rcov re ivapaxpr]jxa

hi eXayiarr)*; /3ovXr $ t
jc par terror yvebpeov /cal rcov

jieXXovrcov eirl rrXecarov rov yevi]<rop.evov apiaro ; 1

kcu a pev per a yelpa<i %oi, koX
e^rjyrjaaaOai olo<; re, wv & drreipo<; etrj, icplvai

i/cavcos ov/c drn'fXXaKro, rb re d/xeivov rj yelpov ev

Or, as some take it, " character." cf. Pint. Them, xxviij
rb <pp6vy\ixa koX tt)v roKfxav avrov, the boldness of his spirit.

BOOK I. cxxxvn. 4-cxxxvm. 3

claimed to have been due to his own efforts), and

now I am here, having it in my power to do you
great good, being pursued by the Hellenes on
account of my friendship to you and my desire is

to wait a year and then in person explain to you

that for which I am come."
CXXXVIII. The King, it is said, marvelled at
his purpose l and bade him do as he desired. And
Themistocles, in the interval of his waiting, made
himself acquainted, as far as he could, with the
Persian language and with the customs of the
country ; but when the year was ended he came to
the King and became more influential with him
than any of the Hellenes ever had been before, both
because of the reputation he already enjoyed and
of the hope which he kept suggesting to him that
he would make all Hellas subject to him, but
most of all in consequence of the insight he mani-
fested, of which he gave repeated proofs. For
indeed Themistocles was a man who had most con-
vincingly demonstrated the strength of his natural
sagacity, and was in the very highest degree worthy
of admiration in that respect. For by native in-
sight, not reinforced by earlier or later study, 2 he
was beyond other men, with the briefest delibera-
tion, both a shrewd judge of the immediate present
and wise in forecasting what would happen in the
most distant future. Moreover, he had the ability
to expound to others the enterprises he had in
hand, and on those which he had not yet essayed
he could yet without fail pass competent judgment;
and he could most clearly foresee the issue for better
i.e. without knowledge acquired either before or after

the occasion for action had arisen.


tw dfyavel ere irpoedopa fidXio~Ta. teal to ^vpurav
elirelv fyvaews fiev Bvvdfiei, /xeXerr]^ Be /3pa-%vT7)Tt,

/cpdricrTos Brj ovto<; avToayeBid^eiv tcl Beovra

4 Noo-^cra? Be reXevra top j3iov Xeyovat Be
rives kol eKOvatov (^apfiaKw dirodavelv avrov,
dBvvarov vofiiaavra elvai eiTLTeXeaai (BaaiXel a
5 virecrx eT0 livrjiielov fiev ovv avrov ev yiayvrjaia


earl rfi Aatavfj ev rfj dyopa- Tavrr]<; yap rjpx e

T?j? ^wpa?, hovTOS (3aaiXeto<; avrw "MayvrjaCav
fiev aprov, r) irpoae^epe irevrtf/covra raXavra rov
eviavrov, Adfiyfra/cov Be olvov (iBo/cec yap iroXv-
oivbrarov rcov rore elvai), ^<lvovvra Be 6-^rov.

6 rd Be ocrra (f>ao~i KOfiiaOrjvai avrov ol rrpoaif-

tcovres OL/caBe fceXevaavros eicelvov koX reOijvai

/cpv(f)a 'Adrjvaiwv ev rfj ^ArriKj}' ov yap e^i)v

Odrrreiv l
a>? eVl irpoBoala (pevyovros. rd fiev

Kara Tiavaavlav rov AatceBaifioviov /cal Sefii-

crro/cXea rov 'AfirjvaZov XafiTrpordrov^ yevofievovs

rwv rcaO* eavTOvs KXXtjvcov outo)? ereXevrrjaev.

CXXXIX. AaiceBaifiovioi Be iirl fiev tt)? Trpco-
tt;9 TrpeajBeias roiavra eirera^dv re teal avre-
tceXevo-Orjcrav irepl rcov ivaywv tj}? iXdcrew
varepov Be cpoiroovres irapa 'AOrjvaiov? YloreiBaias
re diraviaraaOai enekevov ical Alyivav avrovofiov
d(j)ievai, koX fidXiard ye irdvrwv koX ivBrjXorara

irpovXeyov ro rrepl ^leyapecov yjrtfcfrio- fia fcadeXovai

Hude deletes, after Cobet.

BOOK I. cxxxviii. 3-cxxxix. 1

or worse that lay in the still, dim future. To sum

up all in a word, by force of native sagacity and
because of the brief preparation he required, he
proved himself the ablest of all men instantly to
hit upon the right expedient.
He died a natural death, an illness taking him off,
though some say that he put an end to his own life
by poison 1 when he realised it to be impossible to
fulfil his promises to the King. There is a monu-
ment to him at Magnesia in Asia, in the market-
place; for he was governor of this country, the
King having given him, for bread, Magnesia, which
brought in a revenue of fifty talents a year, for wine,
Lampsacus, reputed to be the best wine country of
all places at that time and Myus for meat. But

his bones, his relations say, were fetched home by

his own command and buried in Attica unknown to
the Athenians ; for it was not lawful to bury him
there, as he had been banished for treason. Such
was the end of Pausanias the Lacedaemonian and of
Themistocles the Athenian, the most distinguished
of the Hellenes of their time.
CXXXIX. The Lacedaemonians 2 then had on
the occasion of their first embassy directed the
Athenians, and received a counter demand from them,
to take such measures about the expulsion of the
accursed. Later, however, they frequently repaired
to Athens and bade them withdraw from Potidaea,
and give Aegina its independence, and above all
they declared in the plainest terms that they could
avoid war only by rescinding the decree about the

For the various accounts, see Cic. Brut. xi. 43 ; Plut.
Them, xxxi.; Diod. xi. 58 Ar. Eq. 83.

Taking up the narrative from ch. cxxvi.

firj dv yiyveaOai 7r6Xep,ov, ev w etprjTO avrovs pur)

%pr)a6ai to? Xifiecn to is ev rf} 'AOrjvaicov dpyrj

2 p,y]Be rf) Wrri/cfj dyopa. ol 8' 'A6r)valoi ovre
TaXXa virrjKovov ovre to yjn](f>ca/ia KaOrjpovv
eiTucaXovvTes eirepyaaiav Meyapevai ttjs yr)s tt)?
iepas Kal tt}? aopiaTOV Kal dvBpairoScov uiroSoyrjv
3 twv d<ptaTa/uL6va)v. reXo? Se dcfriKopevcov tcov
TekevTaiwv irpeajBecov i/c AaKehaipovos, 'Pap,(f)lov

T Kal WeXriaiirirov Kal Ayr/advSpov, Kal Xeyov-

tcov aXXo fiev ovSev cjv irporepov elcodeaav, 1 clvtcl
he Tahe otl "AafceSai/jLovioi $ov\ovtcll tt)V elprjvrjv
etvat, elrj 8' dv, el tou? ''"EXXyvas avTOvopiovs
a</>etTe," 7rocrjaavT<; eKKXrjaiav ol AOrjvaioi yvco-
fias atyiaiv avTois irpovTiOeaav, teal e&otcei aira^
irepl diravTCdv /SovXevaapievovs diroKpivaaOai.
4 fcai mapibvTes aXXoi Te 7roXXol eXeyov, eir dp,-
(jyoTepa yiyvopievoi Tat? yvcopiais teal a)? ypr)
nroXepielv Kal &>? pur) epLirohiov elvai to tyrjfaapa
elprjvr)?, dXXa tcaOeXelv, Kal irapeXOtov TLepitcXf)?
6 B,av0L7nrov i dvr)p kclt etcelvov tov ypovov Trpco-
tos 'AO^vaicov, Xeyeiv re Kal irpdaaeiv BvvaTco-
TaTO?, iraprjvei ToidSe.
CXL. " Tr}<; p,ev yvcopirjs, a> 'AOrjvaiot, at el tt}<;
avTTjs eyppiai pir) etKeiv !JeXo7rovvrjaiot<;, Kalirep
elScostou? dvOpooiTovs ov Tjj avTrj opyfj dvaireiOo-
pievovs T iroXepielv Kal ev tw epyw irpdaaovTas,
irpos Be ra? gvpLcfropds Kal Ta? yv(op,a$ Tpeiropie-
dwBeaav deleted by Hude.

See ch. lxvii. 4, and the references in Ar. Acharn. 520-3
and 533 f. The date of the decree must have been near the
outbreak of the war (432).

BOOK I. cxxxix. i-cxl. i

Megarians, 1 in which they were forbidden to use any

of the ports in the Athenian empire or even the
Athenian market. But the Athenians would pay no
heed to their other demands and declined to rescind
the decree, charging the Megarians with encroach-
ment upon the sacred land and the border-land not
marked by boundaries, 2 and also with harbouring
runaway slaves. But at last a final embassy came
from Lacedaemon, consisting of Ramphias, Mele-
sippus, and Agesander, who said nothing of the
demands they had hitherto been wont to make,
but only this " The Lacedaemonians desire peace,

and there will be peace if you give the Hellenes

their independence." Whereupon the Athenians
called an assembly and gave their citizens an oppor-
tunity to express their opinions and it was resolved

to consider the whole question and then give their

answer once for all. And many others came forward
and spoke, in support of both sides of the question,
some urging that war was necessary, others that the
decree should not stand in the wayof peace, but
should be rescinded and finally Pericles son of
; /

Xanthippus, the foremost man of the Athenians at

that time, wielding greatest influence both in speech
and in action, came forward and advised them as
follows :

CXL. "I hold, men of Athens, to the same judg-

ment as always, that we must not yield to the Pelo-
ponnesians, although I know that men are not as a
rule moved by the same spirit when they are actually
engaged in war as when they are being persuaded
to undertake it, but change their judgments in
a The
reference is, first, to the tillage of land dedicated to
the Eleusinian goddesses second, to land still in dispute

between Athens and Megara, and therefore unmarked.

vow;, opco Be real vvv 6/jloicl koX irapaTrXrjaia
gv/jL/SovXevrea p,oi ovra, real tou? dvairei6op.evov<i
V/JLCOV &LKCU(0 TOt? KOLvfj Bo^aCTlV, TjV CLpa TL Kd\

<r(j>a\X(i)/jL0a, fiorjOelv, r) fir/Be KaTOp9ovvra$ t?}?

%vveae(D<$ /jLeraTroieiaOai. ivSe^erai, yap ra<;

tjvf/xpopas tgl)v irpaypLarcov ov% r)<rcrov d/iaOcos

XcoprjcciL fj real t9 Siai'OLas tov avOpcoirow 6V
oirep fcal rrjv Tu^r, oaa av irapa Xoyov ^vfiftf],

elooda/jLev auTLaaOai.
2 " AafceSaifiovioL Be irporepov T BrjXoc rjaav
7ri/3ovXevovTe<; r)plv /ecu vvv oi>x rjfCLara. elprj-

fjuevov yap Si/cas fiev rcov Biafyopcov dXXrjXot,*;

BiBovai /cal Se^eaOai, e^eiv he e/carepovs a e^o/iev,

ovre avrol St/ca? ttco rjrrjcrav ovre tj/acov BiBovtcov
Be^ovTai, ftovXovrai Be iroXififp fiaXXov rj Xoyois
ra ey/cXrj/jLara BiaXveaOai, real eTrirdcrcrovTes tfBrj

3 koX ovKeri alrioo/jLevoi irdpeiaiv. UoTeiBaias re

yap uTTavLaracrOai teeXevovcn koX AXyivav avro-
vo/jlov deptevat teal to ^leyapecov yfrrj^icr/ia /eaOai-

pelv ol Be TeXevraiot otBe rj/covres teal tou?

^EXXrjvas irpoayopevovaiv avrov6/iov<; dcftievai.

4 iificov Be /j,r)BeU voplo-jj irepl yS/ja^eo? av iroXefielv,

el to Meyapecov yjn](f)io-/jLa /irj KaOeXot/iev, oirep
fidXiara irpovyovrai el fcadaipeOeir) /irj av yi-
yveadai tov iroXefxov, firfBe iv v/ilv avroh alrlav
5 vTroXiTrrjade go? Bed puKpov eTzoXepLrjcrare. to yap
ftpaxv Ti tovto irdaav vp,(ov ex L ttjv Beftaicoo-iv
BOOK I. cxl. 1-5

accordance with events. And now also I see that

I must give you the same or nearly the same advice
as in the past, and I demand that those of you who
are persuaded by what I shall say shall support
the common decisions, even if we should in any way
fail, or else, in case of success, claim no share
in the good judgment shown. For it is just as
possible for the course of events to move perversely
as for the plans of men ; and it is for that very
reason that we commonly lay upon fortune the blame
for whatever turns out contrary to our calculations.
" As for the Lacedaemonians, it was perfectly
clear before that they were plotting against us, and
it is now clearer than ever. For whereas it was
expressly stipulated that we should submit our
differences to arbitration, each side meanwhile
keeping what it had, they have never yet asked for
arbitration themselves nor do they accept it now
when we make the offer. What they want is to

redress their grievances by war rather than by

discussion/and they are here dictating already and
no longer expostulating. For they order us to raise
the siege of Potidaea, restore the independence of
Aegina, and rescind the Megarian decree and these

men that are just come boldly proclaim that we must

give all theHellenes also their independence. But
let no one of you think that we shall be going to
war for a trifling matter, if we should refuse to
rescind the Megarian decree
the thing they espe-
cially insist upon, saying that there will be no war
if it is rescinded and do not let there remain
in your minds any self-reproach that it was a
small matter for which you went to war. For
this trifling thing involves nothing less than the

/cal irelpav tt)? jvcd/it]?, oh el %vyywpr}oere, /cat

aXXo ri fieltov evOvs eirirax^ Rereads


&)? cfioftqy

/cal rovro v7ra/covaavre<;'\ airway pio~a\xevoi oe

crac^e? av /car aarrjer aire avrols airo rod laov
vplv fidXXov irpoa^epeaOai. CXLI. avroOev hrj

Eiavoiftrjre r) vitclkovuv TTpLV ri /3Xa/3r)vai, rj el

nTo\fjLi]crop.ev, coairep e/juocye dfieivov hotcei eivai,

Ka\ eirl fieydXy real iirl /9pa^eta 6/iolco<; irpo^daei

fxrj e^ovres firjhe %vv (fcoftw eovre$ a /ce/crrijjieOa.

rrjv yap avrrjv hvvarai SovXcoaiv r) re fieylarrj

/cal r) eka^iaTT] hiicaLwcns cltto rwv o/jloicov rrpo

hl/crfs to 4? 7reXa? e7nraaaofievrj.

2 " Ta Se rod iroXe/xov /cal rwv e/carepoL? vrrap-

j(pVT(ov a)? ov/c dadevearepa e^ofxev yvcore /caO'

3 e/caaTOV a/covovres. avrovpyoi re yap elcri IleXo-
irovvr]GioL KoCi ovre ISi'a ovr ev koivw xpi')pard

eariv, eirecra %povlcov iroXeficov /cal hiarrovricdv

arreipoi Sid to ySpa^eco? avrol eV' d\\i]\ov$ vtto

4 rrevias iiricfyepetv. /cal ol roiovroc ovre vavs irXrj-
povv ovre 7rea? arparids TroXXd/cis e/cnepureLV
Bvvavfai, diro rwv IBlcov re d/ia dirovres /cal dirb

rwv avrwv hairavwvres ical irpoaeri /cal OaXdaarj^

5 elpyofievot' al he irepiovcriai toi>? TroXefiows
fxdXXov rj al /3iaLOi eacfiopal dveyovaiv. aco/xaai
re eTOLfiorepoL ol avrovpyoi rwv dvOpdmwv t)

i.e. by the superior navy of the Athenians.

BOOK I. cxl. 5-cxLi. 5

vindication and proof of your political conviction.

If you yield this point to them you will imme-
diately be ordered to yield another and greater
one, as having conceded this first point through
fear ; whereas by a downright refusal you will give
them clearly to understand that they must be more
disposed to deal with you on terms of equality.
CXLI. So make up your minds, here and now,
either to take their orders before any damag e is
done you, or, if we mean to go to war, as to me
at least seems best do so with the determination
not to yield on any pretext, great or small, and not
to hold our possessions in fear. For it means en-
slavement just the same when either the greatest or
the leajat^clarm is imposed by equals upon their
neighbours, not by an appeal to justice but by
" But as regards the war and the resources of
each side, make up your minds, as you hear the
particulars from-me, that our position will be fully
as powerful as theirs. For the Peloponnesians till
their *kH*ds--u4%fr^ieir own hands
they have no

wealth, either private or public besides, they have


had no experience in protracted or transmarine wars,

because, owing to their poverty, they only wage brief
campaigns separately against one another. Now
people so poor cannot be manning ships or frequently
sending out expeditions by land, since they would
thus have to be away from their properties and at
the same time would be drawing upon their own
resources for their expenses, and, besides, are barred
from the sea as well. 1 Again, it is accumulated
wealth, and not taxes levied under stress, that
sustains wars. Men, too, who till their own lands

/ 243
Xprjuaai iroXefielv, to fiev irio-rbv %ovt6<; etc t(ov

tcivhvvwv kclv irepiyevecrOai, to he ov fieftaiov fir)

ov irpoavaXwaeiv, aXXcos re kclv irapa ho^av,

6 oirep eltcos, 6 7roXe/xo? avrols fir)/cvvr)Tai. p-a%V

fiev yap fiia 7rpo? airavras "EUr]i;a? hvvarol
UeXoTTOWijo-Lot teal ol %vfi\iayoi avTia^eiv, iroXe-

fielv he fir) 7r/)o? ofiolav dvTLirapaateevrjV dhvvaroi,

orav firjre fiovXevrrfp'up evl ^paifievoi irapaxpij/id

Ti ofea)? eirireXcocri, iravres re la6^rr}<f>oi ovres

teal ov% 6fio<j)vXoi to i(j) eavrbv etcaaTos enrevhrj,

7 e'f wv $iXel firjhev eViTeXe? ylyveaBai. teal yap

ol fiev a)? fidXtara rificopyjcraaOai riva /3ovXovTai,
ol he oj? rjtciara ra ol/cela <f)0elpai. xpovcol re
^vviovres ev (Bpa^el fiev fioplw gkoitovgi ti tcov

koivgjv, t<S he irXeovv ra ol/cela Trpdaaovai, teal

eAracrro? ov irapa rrjv eavTov dfieXeiav oterai

fiXd-^reiv, fieXeiv he tlvl teal aXXa) virep eavrov


ho^da/iari Xavddvetv to tcoivbv dOpoov efrdeipo-

fievov. CXLII. fieyicnov he, rfj rcov xprffidrwv

airdvei tccoXvaovTai, orav a^oXij avTairopi^bfievoi

hia/ieXXcoatv rod he iroXefiov ol teaipol ov fie-

2 " Kal /irjv ovh fj iirnel-xiGis ovhe to vavTiKov

BOOK I. cxu. 5-cxlii. 2

are more ready to risk their lives in war than *

their property; for they have confident hope of

surviving the perils, but no assurance that they will
not use up their funds before the war ends, espe-
cially if, as may well happen, the war is protracted
beyond expectation. Indeed, although in a single
battle the Peloponnesians and their allies are strong
enough to withstand all the Hellenes, yet they are
not strong enough to maintain a war against a
military organisation which is so different from
theirs, seeing that they have no single general
assembty, and therefore cannot promptly put into
effect any emergency measure ; and as they all
have an equal vote and are of different races they
each strive to advance their own interests. In suclr
circumstances it usually happens tliat nothing is
accomplished. And indeed it could scarcely be
otherwise, for what some of them want is the
greatest possible vengeance upon a particular enemy,
others the least possible damage to their own pro-
perty. And when after many delays they do meet,
they give but a scant portion of their time to the
consideration of any matter of common concern, but
the larger portion to their own individual interests.
And each one thinks no harm will come from his
own negligence, but that it is the business of some-
body else to be provident on his behalf; and so,
through all separately cherishing the same fancy,
universal ruin comes unperceived upon the whole
body. CXLII. And what is most important, they
will be hampered by scarcity of money, seeing that
providing it slowly they are subject to delays but

the opportunities of war wait for no man.

" Moreover, neither the planting of forts in our

3 avrcov a^tov (j)0^7]drjvat. rrjv fiev yap ^aXeirbv
teal ev elprjvfi itoXiv avriiraXov KaracrKevdaaaOai,
rj itov Brj ev irokefiia re zeal ovx r^aaov etcec'voLS

4 rj/ioov avTeTriTereLXLO-fievcov' fypovpiov 8' el iroir\-

aovrai, rr}<$ fiev 777? /3Xa7rrotev av tl fiepos /cara-

Spofiais /cal avro/jLoXicus, ov fievroi ikclvov ye

earau eiriTei'xL^eiv re tccoXveiv ?5/xa? irXevcravTas
ev rfj i/celvcov /cat, fjirep Icr^vo/iev, rat? vavaiv
5 djxvveaQai. irXeov yap o/jlcos rjpels eyppuev rod
Kara yrjv etc rod vavri/cov e/jLireipia^ rj \elvoi
6 e/c rod tear rjireipov. e? ra vavri/cd. rb Be rrj<;

OaXaaayjs i7rio-Ti]fjLOva<; yeveaOai ov pa&Lcos avrols

7 irpoayevrjaerai. ovBe yap v/jiels, pLeXercovre^ avro
ev0v<z dirb rwv ~Mr)BLK(ov, e^eipyaaOe 7rco' 7rco? Btj

avSpes yecopyol fca\ ov daXaaaiot, real irpoaeTi

ovBe fieXerfjo-ai eaabpuevoi Sea to vfi rj/xcov ttoX-
Xals vavaiv alel icj)op/xe?a@ac, cl^lov av re Bpwev;
8 7T/50? fjuev yap oXtya? ecpop/xovaas kolv Bia/civ-
Bvvevaeiav irXrjOei rr)v dpaOlav Opaavvovres,
iroXXals Be elpyofievoi rjav^daovai, /cal ev ra>

/jur) fieXeTwvTi d^vvercorepoi eaovrai teal Be avro

9 fcal OKvrjporepoi. rb Be vavrtKov re^vr]? earlv,
toairep teal aXXo ri, fcal ov/c evBe^erai, orav rv^rj,
eic ivapepyov peXeraaOai, dXXa puaXXov firjBev

etceivco irdpepyov ciXXo yiyveaOai.

cf. ch. exxii. 1.

BOOK I. cxlii. 2-9

territory 1
need cause us to be afraid, nor yet their
navy. For as regards the first, it is a difficult matter
even in time of peace to construct here a city that
will be a match for ours, to say nothing of doing
this in a hostile country and at a time when we
have fortifications quite as strong to oppose them.
But suppose they do establish a fort although they

might injure a part of our territory by making raids

and receiving our deserters, yet that will not be
sufficient to prevent us from sailing to their land and
building forts there, or making reprisals with our
fleet, wherejn__our strength lies. For we have gained
more experience of operations on land from our
career on the sea than they of naval operations
from their career on land. As for their acquiring
the art of seamanship, that is an advantage they
will not easily secure for even you, who began
; .

practising it immediately after the Persian war,

have not yet brought it to perfection. How
then could men do anything worth mention who
are tillers of the soil and not seamen, especially
since they will not even be permitted to practise,
because we shall always be lying in wait for them
with a large fleet? For if they had to cope with
only a small fleet lying in wait, they might perhaps-
risk an engagement, in their ig norarrc e getting
courage from their mere numbers"TT>ut if their way
is blocked by a large fleet, they will remain inactive,

their skill will deteriorate through lack of practice,

and that in itself* will make them more timid.
Seamanship, like any other skill, is a matter of art,
and practice in it may not be left to odd times, as
a by-work on the contrary, no other pursuit may

be carried on as a by-work to it.

CXLIII. " Et re Kal Kivrjaavres rcov 'OXvp-
Triaaivrj Ae\$ot? xprj/jbdrcov paadw fiel^ovL 7rL-
pwvro rjficov vTTokajSelv rovs ferou? rwv vavrwv,
fir) ovrwv fiev rjficov avri7rd\cov. icrftavrcov avrcov
re Kal rcov fieroUcov Betvbv av r)v vvv Be roBe re
b-ndpyei kcli, oirep Kpdnarov, Kvftepvrjras e^PfiOf
ttoXltcls Kal rrjv aXkrjV virrjpealav ifKelovs Kal
2 a/ieivovs diraaa r) aWrj 'EX\a?.
r) Kal iirl rw
kivBvvw ovBels av Be^atro rcov %evcov rrjv re avrov
cpevyeiv Kal /jLerdrfjs r)acrovo<; afiaiXirlBos okiycov
rjixepcov eveKa fieydXov fiitrOov Boaecos Klvol<;

3 " Kal rd puev TieXoirovvrialcov e\ioiye roiavra
Kal irapairkricria Bokcl elvai, rd Be rjfierepa
tovtcov re covirep eKelvois eiLeyu>ifdp,7)v dirriXXaxOai
4 Kal aXka ovk diro rod taov fieyaXa e\eLv. r\v re
7rl rrjv ywpav rjficov ire^fj icoaiv, rj/xel^ eirt rrjv

eKeivcov irXevaovfieOa, Kal ovKertK rov ofioiov

earai HeXoirovvrjcrov re fiepo? ri r/irjOrjvat Kai
rrjv ArriKr)v diraaav oi /lev yap ov% e^ovcnv
aXXrjv dvrtXa/3etv afia^ei, rjjslv 8' ecrrt yrj iroXXr)
Kal iv vijltois Kal Kar rjrreipov fieya yap rb rrjs
5 OaXdaarjs Kpdros. aKe^jraaOe Be- el yap rj/iev

vrjaicorai, rives av dXrjTrrorepoi rjcrav; Kal vvv

Xprj on eyyvrara rovrov BiavorjOevras rrjv fxev

yr)v Kal ot/aa? dcpelvai, rrjs Be daXdaarrjs Kal

The mercenaries drawn from the states of the Athenian
confederacy no one of those who had taken part with the

Peloponnesians would be allowed to return to his native city.


BOOK I. cxliii. 1-5

CXLIII. "Then again, if they should lay hands

upon the money at Olympia or Delphi and try to
entice away the mercenaries among our sailors by the
inducement of higher pay, that indeed might be a
dangerous matter if we were not a match for them,
assuming that both citizens and our resident aliens
have manned our ships. But as a matter of fact we
are a match for them, and, what is of the highest
importance, we have citizens for pilots, and our
crews in general are more numerous and better than
those of all the rest of Hellas. And no one of our
mercenaries, 1 when it came to facing the risk, would
elect to be exiled from his own land and, with a
lesser hope of victory at the same time, fight on
their side because of the offer of a few days' high

" Such, as it seems to me at least, or approxi-

mately such, is the situation as far as the Pelopon-
nesians are concerned as regards our own, I believe

we are free from the defects I have remarked upon

in them, and that we have in other respects advan-
tages which more than counterbalance theirs. If
they march against our territory, we shall sail
against theirs and the devastation of a part of the

Peloponnesus will be quite a different thing from

that of the whole of Attica. For they will be
unable to get other territory in its place without
fighting, while we have an abundance of territory
both in the islands and on the mainland. A great
thing, in truth, is the control of the sea. Just
consider if we were islanders, who would be more

unassailable ? So, even now, we must, as near as may

be, imagine ourselves such and relinquish our land and
houses, but keep watch over the sea and the city

lr6Xeco<; cpvXa/crjv e%eiv, real TleXo7rovv)]crloi<; virep

avrcov opyiaOevras iroXXw irXeocri /jltj hiapbdyeaQai

(KpaTijaavris re yap av6i<;\ovtc eXdaaoaT^/JLa-^ov-
fieOa /cal rjv acpaXco/aev, tcl rcov ^vp,pid^cov, o6ev

1(T)(vo/jlV, it poaairoWvTai' ov yap ijavyjiaovai

fxr] l/cavcov r)ficov ovrcov eir auTOu? arparevetv),
rrjv re 6\6(f)vpcnv /H7] ol/cicov teal 7^9 iroLelaOai,
dXXd rcov cw/Jbdrcov ov yap rdSe rov$ civ8pa<;,
dXX' ol dvSpes ravra /crcovrai. /cal el cpfirjv

rreiaetv v/JLas, avrovs dv e^eXOovras i/ceXevov avrd

Srjcoaai teal hel^ai TleXoirovvrjcrLOLS on r ovrcov ye
eve/ca ovx viraKOvaeaOe.
CXLIV. " IToXXa he fcal aXXa e%co e? eXiriSa

rov TrepceaeaOac, r)v edeXrjre dp)(r]v re /jlt) eiri-

KjdaOaL dfia 7roXe/u,ovvre<; ical Kivhvvovs avdai-

perovs fit] 7rpocrTL0ea6ar paXXov yap TTecpo/Sij/xaL

rds ol/ceLa$ rj/xcov d/iaprla^ rj ras rcov evavrlcov

2 havolas. a\V e/cetva fxev ical ev aXXcp Xoyco d/ia
Tot? epyois SrjXco0r]CT6Tar vvv Se tovtols drro-
Kpivdfievoi dTTOTre/nyfrco/iev, Xleyapeas fiev on edao-
fiev dyopa kol Xifiecn ^prjcrOac, rjv fcal AafceSaLfio-
VLot %evr)Xao~ia<; fii) iroicoau ^)re yficov jir\re rcov

rj/ierepcov ^v/uL/jbd^cov (ovre yap e/ceivo KcoXveu ev l

rat? cnrovhals ovre roBe), Ta? e 7roXe? ore avro-

vo/jlovs dcpijao/nev, el kol avrovo/iovs e^ovres
ecTTreicrdfieOa fcal brav /cdtceivoi rals eavrcov
eV deleted by Hude, after Diou. H.

BOOK I. cxliii. 5-cxLiv. 2

and we must not give way to resentment against the

Peloponnesians on account of our losses and risk a
decisive battle with them, far superior in numbers
as they are. If we win we shall have to fight them
again in undiminished number, and if we fail, our
allies,the source of our strength, are lost to us as
well ;for they will not keep quiet when we are no
longer able to proceed in arms against them. And
we must not make lament for the loss of houses and
land, but for men; for these things-donot procure ^
us men, but men these. Indeed, SScT I tnoiigftff ^
that I #Ould persuade you, I Si/ould ttaae urgedf
you to go forth and lay them waste yourselves, and
thus show the Peloponnesians that you will not, for
the sake of such things, yield them obedience.
CXLIV. " Many other considerations also lead me
to hope that we shall prove superior, if you will
consent not to attempt to extend your empire while
you are at war and not to burden yourselves need-
lessly with dangers of your own choosing for I am ;

more afraid of our own mistakes than of the enemy's

plans. But these matters will be explained to you
on some later occasion x when we are actually at
war; at the present time let us send the envoys
back with this answer As to the Megarians, that

we will permit them to use our markets and

harbours, if the Lacedaemonians on tfeelr part will
cease^passmg laws for the expulsion of aliens so far
as concerns us or our allies (fornothing in the treaty
forbids either our action or theirs) as to the states

in our confederacy, that we will" give them their

independence if they were independent when we
made the treaty, and as soon as they on their part
cf. 11. xiii.

airoScoGi iroXeat fir) atf-caiv tols AaKeBaifioviois
eir irrfB eiws avrovofielaOai, dXTC avrol<; e/cdcrTOis

&)? /3ovXovrar BUas re on eOeXo/iev Bovvai Kara

Tfl? vi>07]Ka<;, rroXefiov Be ovk ap^ofiev, dp-^o-
fjLevovs Be dfivvovfieOa. ravra yap BUaia kcli

irpeirovTa dfia rfjBe rf) iroXet, diroKpivaadai.

3 elBevai Be ^pr) ori dvdyKTf iroXefielv (t)v Be etcov-

(tlol fidXXov Be^cofieda, rjaaov eyKeicrofievov? rovs

evavTLOvs e^ofiev), ex re ra>v fieytcrrcov klvBvvcdv
on real iroXet Kal IBiddrrj peyiarat rifial irepi-

4 yiyvovrai. oi yovv irarepes rjficov vTroardvTes

MtfBovs fcal ovk airo roawvBe opficofievoL, dXXd
teal ra vTrdpyovra eKXiirovres, yvcofiy re TrXeovi

V T ^XV Kai T oXp,r) fiei^ovi rj Bvvdfiei rov re /3dp-

fiapov direcocravTO /cal e? rdBe irporjyayov avrd'

uv ov XPV XeiireadaL, dWa rovs re e^Opov^

iravrl rpoirco dfivveaOai /cal tols eiriyiyvofievoLs
ireipaoQai avrd fir) eXaaaco irapaBovvai"
CXLV. O fiev Hepifc\rj<; roiavra elirev. oi Be

'AOrjvaloi vofiiaavTes dpiara afyiai irapaivelv

avjov e^ni^iaairo a etcekeve, /cal Tot? AaKeBatfio-
vlols uire/cpLvavTO rfj e/celvov yvd>fir], KaO* e/caard
re o>9 e(ppa<re /cal rb v/nrav, ovBev KeXevofievoi

Troiiicreiv, BL/cr) Be Kara Ta? %vv0)]K.a<; erolfioi eivai

BiaXveadai irepl rwv eyKXrjfidrcov eVl tar] Kal
Deleted by Hude, following Schol.


grant the states in their alliance the right to exercise

independence in a manner that conforms, not to the
interest of the Lacedaemonians, but to the wishes of
the individual states and as to arbitration, that we

are willing to submit to it in accordance with the

treaty, and will not begin war, but will defend our-
selves against those who do. This answer is just
and at the same time consistent with the dignity of
the city. But we must realise that war is inevitable,
and that the more willing we show ourselves to
accept it, the less eager will our enemies be to
attack us, and also that it is from the greatest
dangers that the greatest honours accrue to a state
as well as to an individual. Our fathers, at any rate,
withstood the Persians, although they had no such
resources as ours, and abandoned even those which
they possessed, and by their resolution more than by
good fortune and with a courage greater than their
strength beat back the Barbarian and advanced our
fortunes to their present state. And we must not
fall short of their example, but must defend our-
selves against our enemies in every way, and must
endeavour to hand down our empire undiminished
to posterity." h-
CXLV. Such were the words of Pericles and the j

Athenians, thinking that he was advising them for

the best, voted as he directed, and answered the
Lacedaemonians according to his bidding, both as
regards the particulars as he set them forth and on
the whole question, to the effect that they would do
nothing upon dictation, but were ready in accord-
ance with the treaty to have all complaints adjusted
by arbitration on a fair and equal basis. So the

6/xoia. /cai ol /nev aiTex^pv (Tav &* oi/cov icai

ovk6ti varepov eirpea^evovjo.

CXLVI. KWiai he avrcu /cal htafyopal eyevovro

a/jL(poT6pois iTpb rod 7ro\e[iov, ap^dfievat evdvs

airo roiv ev 'EirihdfAvq) teal Kep/cvpa. eirefiiyvvvro

he opus ev avTacs /cal Trap' aWijXovs ecpoircov

a/cr}pvfCT(0<; \xev, avviroTrrco^ he ov' airovhwv yap

gvyXvcTLS ra <yiyv6/xeva tjv /cal irpo^acn^ rov



Lacedaemonian envoys went back home and there-

after came on no further missions.
CXLVI. These were the grounds of complaint
and the causes of disagreement on both sides before
the war, and they began to appear immediately
after the affair of Epidamnus and Corcyra. Never-
theless the two parties continued to have intercourse
with one another during these recriminations and
visited each other without heralds,
though not
without suspicion for the
; events which were taking
place constituted an actual annulment of the treaty
and furnished an occasion for war.
i.e. without the formalities which are indispensable after
war is declared.


I. "Ap^eraL Be 6 7ro\e/xo? evOevBe i]Br)


A6v vaiwv

kcu Yie\oiTovvi]aicov real rwv e/carepois ^v/jifid^cov,

ev a> ovre eirepiiyvvvro en dfcrjpv/crl nap dXXr}-
A-ou? Karao-TavTe? re %vvexu>$ eiroXepiovv, tcai

yeypairrai ef?}? &>? e/cacrra eyiyvero Kara depos

KOI J(6L[10}Va.
II. Teaaapa real Be/ca fiev errj evejieivav at
TpiatcovTOVTei<; airovBal at eyevovro pber Ev/3olcl<;

uXcOCTLV' TW Be TTefXlTTCp KoX B&KaT(p 6T6i, llTl

XpiWSo? ev "Apyet, Tore irevrrjKOvra Bvolv Beovra

err) lepwixivrj^ tcai Alvrjalov ecfropov ev %irdprr)
teal HvOoBoopov ere Teaaapas firjvas apyovros
*A6r)vaLoL<;, fiera rr)V ev TioreiBaia, fidy^v firjvl

e/crcp tcai Be/cdrw, d/ia * rjpu dpyofievca (drjfta'uov

avBpe? oXlyw 7rXeiov<; rpLafcoaicov (y)yovvro Be
avrcbv {3oiCD-ap)(ovvTe<; UvOdyyeXos re 6 <$>v\eLBov
teal kiepbiropos 6 ^OvrjTopiBov) earjXOov irepl nrpco-
rov vttvov vv ottXol? e? IlXdraiav tP)<; Boicorta?
Hude's correction for ektw koI a/ia of the MSS. Lipsius
suggested sure? < ical Senary > KCtl.

The mode
of reckoning customary in the time of Thucy-
dides,and continued long afterwards. In such a scheme
the summer included the spring and the winter the autumn :

2 58


T. At this point in my narrative begins the

account of the actual warfare between the Athenians
and the Peloponnesians and their respective allies.
While it continued they ceased having communi-
cation with one another except through heralds, and
when once they were at war they waged it without
intermission. The events of the war have been
recorded in the order of their occurrence, summer
by summer and winter by winter. 1
II, For fourteen years the thirty years' tl Ul e
y '

which had been j^rr 111 ^^^ after the capture of /

Euboea remained unbroken'; but in the fifteenth-
year, when Chrysis was in the forty-eighth year
of her priesthood 2 at Argos, and Aenesias was ephor
at Sparta, and Pythodorus had still four months to
serve as archon at Athens, in the sixteenth month
after the battle of Potidaea, at the opening of 431 b.

spring, some Thebans, a little more than three

hundred in number, under the command of the
Boeotarchs Pythangelus son of Phyleidas and Diem-
porus son of Onetoridas, about the first Match
of the night entered under arms into Plataea, a

the summer period was equal to about eight months, the

winter to about four.
The commencement of the war is fixed according to the
forms of reckoning customary in the three most important
Hellenic states.

2 ovaav ' AQj)vaiwv ^v/ifiax^Ba. eirriydyovro Be
/cal dvew^av ras irvXas YiXaraiOiv avBpes, Nau-

icXeLB))? re /cal oi per avrov, fiovXofievoi IBia?

eve/ca Bvvdfieox; dvBpas re rcov ttoXlt&v tou?

afyiaiv vTrevavTiowi BiaxfrOelpai /cal rrjv ttoXlv

3 7}j3aiois 7Tpo(nroi.7](Tcu. eirpa^av Be ravra Bl

^Evpy/id^ov rod AeovridBov, dvBpos (dr)ftai(Dv

Bwarcordrov. TrpoiBovTes yap oi (drjfiaLOL on

eaoiro 6 TroXe/bLos, ifSovXovro rrjv UXdraiav alel

a(j)L(TL Bidcf>opov ovaav er i iv elptjvrj re /cal rod

iroXep-ov /xtjttco <f>avepov /caOearwros irpoKara-

Xaj3elv. y /cal paov eXaOov iaeXOovres, (j>vXa/cri<;

4 ou Trpo/caOeo-Tii/cvlas. Oepbevoi Be e? rrjv dyopdv

rd oirXa rot? fiev iirayayo/jLevoLS ov/c iireiOovTO

ware evdv<; epyov eyeaQai /cal ievai iirl Ta? oltcia?

rwv e\6pa)V, yvco/xrjv 8' eTroiovvro /crjpvy/jLaai re

Xpijaao-dai iiriTrjBdoi? /cal e? gvfipaaiv /xdXXov

/cal <f)iXiav rrjv ttoXiv dyayelv (/cal avelnev 6
icr)pv%, L tis (BovXerai Kara rd irdrpia rcov rrdv-

tcdv Bolcotcov %v pup,ay/iv , avrovs

riOeaQai irap
rd oirXa), vofii&vres afylai paBico^ tovtw tw
Tp6iT(p irpoGywpr](jeiv rrjv ttoXlv.
III. Oi Be TlXarair}? a>? yaOovro evBov re ovras
rov<; QrjfSaLovs /cal i^arrivaiws /careiXrj/ifievrjv

rr)v ttoXlv, /car aBeiaav re<; /cal vo/x[aavre<; iroXXa)

7rXeiov<; iaeXijXvOevai, (ou yap ecopcov iv rfj vv/crl)

nrpos j-vfiflaaiv eyjAp^aav /cal rovs Xoyovs Be%d-

BOOK II. ii. i-m. i

town of Boeotia which was in alliance with Athens.

They had been invited over by some Plataeans,
Naucleides and his partisans, who opened the gates
for them, intending, with a view to getting power
into their hands, to destroy the citizens who were
of the opposite party and make over the city to the

^ Thebans.' And they had conducted their intrigue

through Eurymachus son of Leontiades, a man of
great influence at Thebes. For, as Plataea w as
always at variance with them, the Thebans, fore-
seeing that the war 1 was coming, wished to get\/
possession of it while there was still peace and
v_ before the war had yet been openly declared. And
so they found it easier to make their entry unob-
served, because no watch had been set to guard the
city. And when they had grounded their arms in
the market-place, instead of following the advice of
those who had invited them over, namely to set to
work at once and enter the houses of their enemies,
they determined rather to try conciliatory proclama-
tions and to bring the city to an amicable agreement.
The proclamation made by herald was that, if anyone
wished to be an ally according to the hereditary
usages of the whole body of the Boeotians, he
should take his weapons and join them. For they
thought that in this way the city would easily be
induced to come over to their side.
III. And the Plataeans, when they became aware
that the ThebanT were inside, and that the city
had been taken by surprise, took fright, and,
as it was night and they could not see, thinking
that a far greater number had come in, they con-
cluded to make terms, and, accepting the proposals
i.e. the war between Athens and Sparta.

fievoi i)(j\)")(atov', aW&)? re koX eireiSr) e? ovheva
2 ovSev evecorepi^ov. irpdaaovre^ Se 7r&)? ravra
fcarevoyaav ov ttoXXovs tou? 0^/3atou? 6Wa? /tat

evbpicrav 7tiOi/jlvol pq8lco<; /cparijcreiv' tw 7a/?

rrXi)9ei rcov TiXaratcov ov ftovXofievci) r)v rcov
3 WOrjvaicov dcpuaraaOai. iSo/cei, ovv emyeiprjrka
elvai real ^vveXeyovro Biopvao-ovres tou? kolvovs
tol)(ov<; irap dXXijXovs, oVa)? pur) hid rcov ohoov
cpavepol coaiv lovres, dp,d^a^ re dvev rcov viro-
vyi(DV e? ra? bhovs KaOiaraaav, Iva dvrl Tefyovs
r}, kclI raXXa e^jprvov fj
e/cacrrov iifxtivero rrpb<;

4 rd irapbvra fjvfufcopov eaeaOai. eirel he co? etc

rcov hvvaroov eroliia rjv, cpvXdtjavres en VVKTa

teal avrb rb rrepiopO pov e^oopovv e/c rcov olxloov

eV avrovs, ottcos fir} /card (>? OapcraXecorepois

ovai 7Tpocr(fcepoivTO real acpiatv ire rod Xgov yi-
oWe? ijaaovs
yvcovrai, dX)C ev vv/crl cpo/3epoorepoL
wo- TTJ? ac^erepa^ epareipia^ tt}? Kara rrjv 7ToXlv.

TrpoG-efiaXov re ev0v<; teal e? ^etpa? fjaav Kara

IV. 01 8* 009 eyvcoaav e^rjirarrffievoi, ^vvearpe-
ebovrb re ev crc^icriv avrols kcl\ to.? irpoafioXds
2 fj
ir po a it Lit to lev direeoOovvro. real St? p,ev rj rpU
drreKpovaavro, eiretra iroXXw 6opvj3co avrcov re
rrpoa j3aX6vroov /cat rcov yvvaiKcov teal rcov oiKercov
dpia dirb rcov olkicov Kpavyy re teal oXoXvyfj
XpcopLevwv A.t'#ot? re ical Kepdfiro fiaXXbvrcov, koX
verov dp,a hid Wfcrbs ttoXXov ernyevofievov, ecpo-

BOOK II. in. i-iv. 2

made to them, raised no disturbance, especially as

the Thebans did no violence to anyone. But, as it
happened, while they were negotiating the terms
they perceived that the Thebans were few in
number, and thought that by an attack they might
,easily overpower them; for it was not the wish of
the majority of the Plataeans to withdraw from the
Athenian alliance. So it was determined to make
the attempt, and they began to collect together,
reaching each other's houses by digging through the
party-walls that they might not be seen going
through the streets, and they placed wagons
without the draught-animals in the streets to serve
as a barricade, and took other measures as each /
appeared likely to be advantageous in the present
emergency. And when all was ready as far as they /
could make it so, waiting for the time of night just
before dawn, they sallied from their houses against
the Thebans, not wishing to attack them by day
when they might be more courageous and would be
on equal terms with them, but at night when they
would be more timid and at a disadvantage, in com-
parison with their own familiarity with the town.
And so they fell upon them at once, and speedily
came to close quarters.
IV. The Thebans, when they found they had
been deceived, drew themselves up in close ranks
and sought to repel the assaults of the enemy
wherever they fell upon them. And twice or three
times they repulsed them then when the Plataeans

charged upon them with a great uproar, and at the

same time the women and slaves on the house-tops,
uttering screams and yells, kept pelting them with

stones and tiles a heavy rain too had come on

/3ij9r)o~av Kal rpa rr6fievoi e<f>evyov Bia
rr)<; 7r6\eo)?,

d-rreipoi /iev ovres ol rrXeiovs ev gkotw Kal irrfXw

rwv BioBcov f) %p7] o~w6r)vai (Kal yap reXevrwvros
rov /j.7]vos ra yiyvbfieva r)v), epiTreipovs Be e^ovres
robs BicoKovras rov fir) i/ccfcevyetv, tocrre BiecpBei-

3 povro iroXXoi. rcbv Be UXaraiwv ns ra? rrvXas

17 earjXOov real aXirep rjaav fiovai dvewypuevai,
eKXrjae GTvpafcifj) clkovtlov dvrl jBaXdvov xprjad-
/xevos e? rbv fio^Xov, coare fir/Be ravrrj e^oBov en
4 eivai. BiwKOfievoi Be Kara rr)v iroXiv ol fiev rives

avrcbv eirl rb Tt^09 dvaftdvres eppiyfrav e? to ef co

V(/)a? avrovs Kal 8ie<fi6dpr)o~av ol rrXeiovSy ol Be

Kara irvXas eprj/xovs yvvaiKos Bovaijs ireXeKW

Xa06vres BiaKo^fravres rbv fioxkbv e%i)X6ov
ov ttoXXol (aio-Orjais yap ra\ela eireyevero),
aXXoi Be aXXrj rr)s nroXecos arropdBes dircoXXwro.
5 rb Be irXelarov Kal oaov fidXiara r)v ^vvearpa/jb-
fievov earrlirrovGiv e? OLKr)p,a fieya, b r)v rov
T6t%ou? Kal at Ovpai dveqiyfievai erv^ov avrov,
olofxevoi rrvXas ra? Ovpas rov oiKrj/j,aro$ eivai
6 Kal avriKpvs BioBov e? rb efw. bpwvres Be av-
tou? ol TlXarairjs dTreiX^pL/aevov; e/3ovXevovro
e"re KaraKavacoaiv wairep e^ovaiv, ifjarp^aavres
7 to o'lKfjiia, ellre ri aXXo y^p^awvrai. reXos Be

rov ^ iic(pevyciv Hade deletes, after van Herwerden.
Kal of MSS. after \a06vrcs deleted by van Herwerden.
So Hude with CG ot irXrjariov dvpai
; ABEFm^
L>idot and
ITaase would transpose thus : rod reixovs *\i)o~lov Kal at dvpat.


BOOK II. iv. 2-7

during the night they became panic-stricken and
turned and fled through the city and since most

of them were unfamiliar with the thoroughfares by

which they must save themselves amid the darkness

and mud for these things happened at the end of
the month 1
, whereas their pursuers knew full well

how to prevent their escape, many of them conse-

quently perished. One of the Plataeans, moreover,
had closed the gates by which they had entered
the only gates which had been opened
using the
spike of a javelin instead of a pin to fasten the bar,
so that there was no longer a way out in that direc-
tion either. And being pursued up and down the
city, some of them mounted the wall and threw
themselves over, most of these perishing others ;

succeeded in getting out by an unguarded gate

without being observed, cutting through the bar
with an axe which a woman gave them but not
many, for they were soon discovered and others ;

got isolated in various parts of the city and were put

to death. But the greater number, those who had
kept more together than the others, rushed into a
large building abutting upon 2 the wall whose doors
happened to be open, thinking that the doors of the
building were city-gates and that there was a pas-
sage right through to the outside. And the
Plataeans, seeing that they were cut off, began to
deliberate whether they should set fire to the
building and burn them up without more ado or
what other disposition they should make of them.
When tli ere would be no moon.
Or, as most MSS. read, " a large building .
. . whose
doors near by happened to he open "; with Didot and Haase,
" a Large building near the wall whose doors . . ."

ovroi re zeal ocroi aXXoi rcbv rij3aLcov irepcr/aav
Kara rrjv ttoKlv irXavcb/ievoL, %vve/3r}crav Tot?
HXaratevcri rrapaBovvai acfids re avrovs /cal ra
oirXa xpyjcraaOcu 6 ri av ftovXcovrai.
V. Ol fiev Br) ev rfj TiXaraia, ovrcos e-Kerrpdye-
aav. ol B* aXXoi 0-rj/3aloi ou? eBet en rr)s vv/crbs
irapayeveaBai rravcrrparia, el ri apa /jltj rrpo-
ywpoir\ rot? eaeXifXvOoai, t>}? dyyeXias dp.a /ca@*
6Bbv clvtoIs py]06Lcn]<; rrepl rcbv yeyevi]pLevcov iire-
2 /3o)]6ovv. drre^ei Be r) TiXaraia rcbv Srj/3cbv
araBlovs to vBcop rb yevbfievov
e{3Bop,r)/covra, /cal
rr)<$ vv/crbs eiroliiae /3paBvrepov avrov? eXOelv
6 yap 'AacoTrbs iTO-a/ios eppvr) fieyas teal ov
3 pqhiw<$ Sm/3aTO? r)v. 7ropevo/xevol re ev verco /cal
rbv irorapbv fioXis Bi.af3dvre<; varepov irape-
yevovro, ?;S>; rcbv dvBpcbv rcbv fiev Btecpdap/jLevcov,
4 rcbv Be ^covrcov eypixkvwv. a)? 6 jjadovro ol &r)-

ftaloi, to yey evrifxevov, eirefiovXevov tols eco rr)<$

7roXeco<> rcbv UXaratcbv (jjgclv yap teal dvOpcoiroi
Kara rovs dypoix; /cal /caraa/cevi), ola dirpocrBo-
ktjtov rod /ca/cov ev yevopivov)' e/3ov-

Xovro yap crcf)Lcnv, el riva Xdfioiev, virdpyeiv

civrl rcbv evBov, r)v cipa tv%coctl rives i^coyptipievoi.
5 /cal ol fiev ravra Btevoovvro' ol Be UXaraiijs ere
BiafiovXevo/jLevcov avrcbv viroroirtjaavres rotovrbv
ri eaeaOai Belaavres rrepl rots e%w /c)]pv/ca
rrapa rovs Srj/3aLou<;, Xeyovres ore
ovre ra TreTroirj/jLeva bena Bpdaeiav ev cnrovSais
acf>cbv ireLpdcravres fcaraXaj3elv rr\v rroXiv, ra re
e^co eXeyov avrocs fii) dBi/celv el Be puii, /cal avrol
ecpacrav avrcbv rovs dvBpas diro/crevelv ov? e^ovau
Added by Bredow and Baumeister.
BOOK II. iv. 7-v. 5

But finally these and the other Thebans who sur-

vived and were wandering up and down the city
came to an agreement with the Plataeans to
surrender themselves and their arms, to be dealt
with in any way the Plataeans wished.
V. The Thebans in Plataea had fared thus ;but
the main body of the Thebans, who were to have
come in full force while it was still night, on the
chance that things might not go well with those
who had entered the city, received while on the way
news of what had happened and were now hastening
to the rescue. Now Plataea is about seventy stadia
distant from Thebes, and the rain that had come
on during the night delayed their coming ; for
the river Asopus was running high and was not easy
to cross. And so, marching in the rain and crossing
the river with difficulty, they arrived too late, some
of their men having already been slain and others
taken captive alive. And when the Thebans learned
what had happened, they began to plot against the

Plataeans who were outside the city there were, of
course, men in the fields and household property, as
the trouble had come unexpectedly in time of

peace for they desired to have such men as they
could lay hands on as hostages for those within, in
case any of them had chanced to be taken captive.
Such then were their plans but the Plataeans,

while the Thebans were still deliberating, suspected

that something of the sort would be done, and
fearing for those outside sent out a herald to the
Thebans, saying that they had done an impious
thing in trying to seize their city in time of peace,
and they bade them do no injury outside the walls;
if they did, they on their part would put to death

a)VTd<;' avaxtepyvavrwv Be irdXiv e/c r?)? 77}?
6 airohdiaeiv avTois rovs avBpas. Srjftaloi fiev

ravra Xeyovai /cal iiro/jLoaaL tyaalv avrovs'

U\aTair)s >' ov% opLoXoyovcri tou? dvBpas evBvs
vircHjykGQai aTro&Gocreiv, dXXa Xoycov irpoiiov
yevofievcov r\v ri ^v/i/3aivco(Ti, /cal iiroyioaai ov
7 (paaiv. i/c ' ovv rf)<; 7/79 dvexcopV crav i ?7/3#h
ovBev ahi/cijcravTes' oi Be TiXarairj*; irretBr] rd i/c

tt}? ^copa? Kara Ta^o? iaeKOfiiaavro, dire/CTeivav

toi>? avBpas evOvs. -qaav Be oyBoyj/covra /cat

e/carbv oi Xt](f)flevT<;, /cal Evpvp.axo<; avrcov tjv,

777)09 bv eirpa^av oi irpoBiBovre^.

VI. Tovro Be iroLijo-avres e? re rd? 'Adijvas
dyyeXov eirepLirov /cal tou? ve/cpovs vttoo-ttovBovs
drreBoaav tols rd re iv rfj iroXet,
/ca6io~TavTO rd irapovra y iBo/cei avrols-

2 TOt9 S' 'A#?7zWo9 rjyyeXOi] evOvs rd Trepl rwv

HXaraiwv yeyevr/fieva, /cal J$o ia>j(by re irapa-

Xp?)/j,a ^vveXaftov oaoi rjaav iv rfj ^Arri/cfj ical

e? ttjv TLXdraiav e-Trefi-^rav /c/jpv/ca, /ceXevovres

elirelv /xTjBev vecorepov irocelv Trepl rebv dvBpwv ov$
exovai Qiiffalcov, rrplv dv tl ical avrol fiovXev-
3 awcri Trepl avrwv ov yap rjyyeXOrj avrol<; on
reOvrj/cores elev. dpua yap iaoBa yiyvofievy

twv &>i{3aiG)V 7T/3WTO? ayyeXos ifjrjei, 6 Be Bev-

repos dpn vevL/crjfjLevwv re /cal ^vi'eLXrj/u/iei'cov, /cal

rcov varepov ovBev vBeaav. ovrco Brj ov/c elBores


oi AOtjvaioL iTreareXXov 6 Be /cijpvg d<pi/c6/jLvo<;

BOOK II. v. 5-V1. 3

the men whom they held captive, but if the Thebans

withdrew from their territory they would restore
the men to them. Now this is the account which
the Thebans give, and they allege that the Plataeans
confirmed their promise with an oath the Plataeans

do not admit that they promised to restore the men

at once, but only that they would do so in case-
they should come to an agreement after preliminary
negotiations, and they deny that they swore to it.
At any rate, the Thebans withdrew from their terri-
tory without doing any injury; but the Plataeans,
as soon as they had hastily fetched in their property
from the country, straightway slew the men." And
those who had been taken captive were one hundred
and eighty in number, one of them being Eury-
machus, with whom the traitors had negotiated.
VI. When they had done this, they sent a mes-
senger to Athens, gave back the dead under a
truce to the Thebans, and settled the affairs of the
city as seemed best to them in the emergency.
The report of what had been done in Plataea was
made to the Athenians promptly and they instantly

apprehended all the Thebans who were in Attica

and sent a herald to Plataea, bidding him tell
them to take no extreme measures regarding the
Thebans whom they held captive until they them-
selves should have taken counsel about them ; for
the news had not arrived that the men had been
put to death. For the first messenger had set out at
the time the Thebans were entering the city, the
second immediately after their defeat and capture,
and the Athenians knew nothing of later events.
Consequently the Athenians sent their orders
without knowing the facts and the herald on his


4 rivpe tou9 avhpas Biecf)6ap/j,evovs. /cal fiera ravra
ol 'AOt-jvaloi arparevaavre<; e? TlXdratav alrov
re io-jp/ayov /cal (ppovpovs ey/careXnrov, rwv re
avOpaoiTwv tol/? d^piziordrovs %iiv yvvculjl /cal

rraialv i^e/eopuaav.
VII. Teyevrjfxevov he rov ev TLXaraiai? epyov
/cal XeXvpuevcov Xajxirpw^ rcov cnrovBoov ol 'A^>;-
vaioi irapea/cevd'Covro a>? rroXepLijcrovres, rrape-
encevd^ovro Be teal Aa/cehaifiovLOi teal ol ^v^iiayoi,
Trpecr/Selas re /leXXovres nre^ireiv rrapd fiaaiXea
teal aXXoae irpos rovs ftapftdpovs, el iroOev riva
axfieXiav tjXitl^ov etc are pot rrpoaX^y\rea6aL f 7roXei<;

re ^vpLjjLa-^i8a<; rroiovp-evoi oaai j)aap e/cro? t>}?

2 eavrcov hvvdfieco^. teal Aa/ceSai/xovlois /xev Trpbs

rat? avrov virapyovcrai^ eg 'IraXta? teal 'EtteeXla<;

roZ? rdteelvcov eXofievoi^ vav<; errerdydi^aav rroi-

elaOcu Kara fxeyeOo^ rcov iroXetov, a)? es rov

rrdvra dpiO/nbv rrevrateocricov vecov ecropievcov, /cal

dpyvpiov p-rjTov eroifid^eiv, rd re aXXa rjcrv^d-

%ovras /cal Adi]vatov<; he"%opLevov$ pud vi)l eco?

3 dv ravra Trapaa/cevacrOr). W&r/vaioi, Be rrjv re

virdpyovaav ^vpbjiaylav e^qra^ov /cal e? rd irepl
TleXoirovvrjcrov fiaXXov ywpla iirpeafievovro, Ke/3-

Kvpav teal Keep aXXrjv lav /cal Atcapvdvas /cal

Zd/cvvOov, optovres, el acplat (f)lXia ravr el'rj

fV erax^J? Stanoalas Hude, with Herbst (eVe-rax^ cr').

cf. ch. Ixxviii. 3.
Referring, in the one case, to the unsuccessful embassy
of the Lacedaemonians to the King mentioned in ch. lxvii.

BOOK II. vi. 3-V11. 3

arrival found the men slain. After this the Athe-

nians, marching to Plataea, brought in food and left
a garrison, 1 taking away the least efficient of the
men along with the women and children.
VII. Now that the affair at Plataea had occurred
and the treaty had been glaringly violated, the
Athenians began preparing for war, and the Lace-
daemonians and their allies also began; both sides
were making ready to send embassies to the King
and to the barbarians of any other land, 2 where
either of them hoped to secure aid, and they were
negotiating alliances with such cities as were outside
of their own sphere of influence. The Lacedae-
monians, on their part, gave orders to those in Italy
and Sicily who had chosen their side 3 to build, in
proportion to the size of their cities, other ships, in
addition to those which were already in Pelopon-
nesian ports, their hope being that their fleet would
reach a grand total of five hundred ships, and to
provide a stated sum of money but as to other

matters, they were instructed to remain inactive and

to refuse their ports to Athenians if they came with
more than a single ship, until these preparations
had been completed. The Athenians, on the other
hand, began to examine their existing list of allies
and also sent embassies more particularly to the
countries lying about the Peloponnesus
Cephallenia, Acarnania, and Zacynthus
that if they were sure of the friendship of these

in the other, to the connection of the Athenians with the

Odrysian court mentioned in chs. xxix. and lxvii.
Referring to the Dorian colonies in Italy and Sicily (cf.

in. lxxxvi. 2), which, however, contributed no ships till

412 B.C. (cf viii. xxvi. 1).

/3e/3auw?, irepi% rr\v UeXoirovvrjaov KarairoXepLr}-
VIII. 'OXiyov re eirevoovv ovBev d/xcporepot,
dXX' eppcovro e? rbv rr6Xep.ov ovk airetKOTW
dpyopuevoi 'yap rrdvre^. o^vrepov avrtXafi^dvovrai,
rore Be Kal veorrjs 7roXXy fxev ovaa ev rfj IleXo-
7rovv7]o~G),7roWr] 8' ev Tat? 'A#?/z/a? ovk a/covaiw<;
virb aireipias rjirrero rod iroXepiov. r\ re aXXrj
'EXXa? drraaa /jLerecopos r)v ^vvtovatov rcov irpco-

2 tcov iroXetov. Kal iroXXd fiev Xoyca eXtyero,

iroXXd he j(pT)apioX6yoi yBov ev re roh fieXXovai
3 7roXe/u,i]creiv real ev rals aXXai? iroXeatv. en Be

AfjXos eKivijOr) oXiyov irpo rovrcov, irporepov

oviTco aeiaOeicra defy' ou EXXrjves /le/jLVTjvrai.

iXeyero Be Kal iBoKec eVl rots [xeXXovcn yevij-

aeaOai aTjfirjvai' el re re aXXo rotovrbrpoirov
vve/3ii yeveoQai, irdvra dve^relro.
H Be evvoia irapa iroXv eiroiei tcov dvOpcorrcov
fiaXXov e? rovs AaKeBai/xoviovs, aXXcos re Kal
rrpoeiirovrccv on ttjv 'EAAaSa eXevOepovaiv.
eppcoro re 7ra? Kal IBhott)*; Kal ttoXls el ri Bvvairo
Kal Xoyco Kal epyco %vverriXa}$dveiv avrol^' ev

rovrco re KeKcoXvaOai eBoKei eKciarco ra rrpdy-

5 fiara co firf Tt? avrbs irapearai. ovrcos ev opyf)
el%ov ol irXeiovs rovs \\.07]vaiov<;, oi fxev t%
dpxvs drroXvOrjvai /3ovXop.evoi, ol Be jjltj dp^Otocri
Added by Stephanua.
BOOK II. vii. 3-V111. 5

places they would be able to encircle the Pelo-

ponnesus and subdue it.
VIII. There was nothing paltry in the designs of
either side ;but both put their whole strength into
the war, and not without reason, for men always
lay hold with more spirit at the beginning, and at
this time, in addition, the young men, who were
numerous both in the Peloponnesus and in Athens,
were unfamiliar enough with war to welcome it.
All the rest of Hellas was in anxious suspense as its'
foremost cities came into conflict with each other.
And many were the prophecies recited and many
those which oracle-mongers chanted, both among
the peoples who were about to go to war and in the
Hellenic cities at large. Moreover, only a short
time before this, Delos had been shaken, although it
had not before been visited by an earthquake within
the memory of the Hellenes. 1 This was said and
believed to be ominous of coming events, and indeed
every other incident of the sort which chanced to
occur was carefully looked into.
The general good-will, however, inclined decidedly
to the side of the Lacedaemonians, especially since
they proclaimed that they were liberating Hellas.
Every person and every state was strongly purposed
to assist them in every possible way, whether by
word or by deed, and each man thought that
wherever he could not himself be present, there the
cause had suffered a check. To such an extent were
the majority of the Hellenes enraged against the
Athenians, some wishing to be delivered from their
sway, others fearful of falling under it.
Probably an intentional contradiction of Hlt. vi. xcviii.,
where it is stated that an earthquake occurred shortly before
the buttle of Marathon, but none later.
IX. YlapacrKevfi /xev ovv /cal yvcofirj toiclvttj

wpfirjvro. 7ro\ei? Be e/cdrepoi rdaSe e^ovTes gv/n-

2 /xa^ou9 e? tov nroXepLOv tcadicTTavTO. Aa/ceBaipLO-

ricov puev ol'ce ^vfi/xa^ot' YleXoTrowijcrioi puev 01
eWo9 ladfxov rrdvTes ttXtjv *Apyelcov /cal ^ kyaiwv
{tovtois Be e? dpcpOTepov? cjuXia rjv UeXXjjvrjS Be
'A^cuto^ [iovol ^vveiroXepiOvv to irpcoTov, eireira
Be vcrrepov /cal airavTes), e%co Be UeXoirovvrjcrov
^leyaprjs, V>oicotoi, Ao/cpoi, Qco/cr)?, 'A/xirpafacoTac,
3 AevKuBioiy 'AvarcTopioi. tovtcov vavTi/cbv irapel-
%ov70 Kooli'dioi, ^leyaprjs, Xlkvcdvioi, UeXXT]vr)s,
'HXetot, ' ApLTrpaKLcoraL, Aeu/cdBtoi, iirireas Be
TSoiCDTOL, <&WKT)S, AoKpOl, at ' dXXai IToXet^

4 metpv irapel^ov. 1 avrr) pcev AaiceBaipLOVicov


%v pLfxayLa' AOrjvalcov Be Xioj, Aeo~/3ioi, U\a-

tclli)<;, Meo-crtjvioi, ol ev NavTrd/cTcp, 'A/capvdvcov
ol 7T/\,e/ou9, KepKvpaloi, Za/cvvdiot,, /cal ciXXai
TroXeis at vTTOTeXels ovaai ev eOvecri roaolaBe,
Kapia rj eirl OaXdaar), AcoptfjS Kapal irpoaoiKOi,
'Icovla, 'EXXijcnrovros,rd errl Spd/cr)<;, vr\aoi oaai
cvtos HeXoTTOwrjaov /cal Kp7]rr}<; 777309 ijXiov
5 dvLcrxoi'Ta 7tXt]V MtjXov kclI %r)pa$. tovtcov
vavTiKOv iTapei\ovTO Xtoj, Aeafttoi, Kep/cvpaloi,
6 ol 8' d\Xoi ire^bv ical xprjpaTa. %vpLp,axla p,ev
clvtt) e/cciTepcov /cal irapaaKevr) 9 tov iroXepiov rjv.

X. Ol Be AafceBcupLOVLOi pueTa Ta ev TlXaTaLals

ev6v<; 7TpL?jyyeXXov icaTa t^v HeXo7r6vvr]aov kcu
Herbst deletes, followed by Hude.
3 Before tt\t)v C gives at KvK\dSes, the other MSS.

Taaai at &k\at KvkKclScs. Deleted by Dobree.


BOOK II. ix. i-x. i

IX. Such were the preparations and such the

feelings with which the Hellenes went into the
conflict. And the states which each side had as its
allies when it entered the war were as follows.
These were the allies of the Lacedaemonians all :

the Peloponnesians south of the Isthmus with the

exception of the Argives and Achaeans (these latter
had friendly relations with both sides, and the
Pellenians were the only Achaeans who at first took
part in the war with the Lacedaemonians, though
eventually all of them did), and outside of the Pelo-
ponnesus the Megarians, Boeotians, Locrians, Pho-
cians, Ambraciots, Leucadians, and Anactorians.
Of these, the Corinthians, Megarians, Sicyonians,
Pellenians, Eleans, Ambraciots, and Leucadians
furnished ships, while cavalry was contributed by
the Boeotians, Phocians, and Locrians, and infantry
by the other states."" These were the allies of the
Lacedaemonians. Those of the Athenians were
the Chians, Lesbians, Plataeans, the Messenians of
Naupactus, most of the Acarnanians, the Cor-
cyraeans, the Zacynthians, and in addition the cities
which were tributary in the following countries
the seaboard of Caria, the Dorians adjacent to the
Carians, Ionia, the Hellespont, the districts on the
coast of Thrace, and the islands which lie between
the Peloponnesus and Crete toward the east, with
the exception of Melos and Thera. Of these, the
Chians, Lesbians, and Corcyraeans furnished ships,
the rest infantry and money. Such were the allies
of each side and the preparations they made for
the war.
X. Immediately after the affair at Plataea the
Lacedaemonians sent word around to the various

rrjv efft) Ev/jL/jLaxlSa arparidv irapacncevd^eaOai
ra?? irokeai rd re eiriT^heia ola elzcbs eirl e^oSov
eKhrjfjLov e^eiv, a>9 icrfiakovvTes e? ttjv 'Am/cr/v.
2 776lStj Se efcdcrrois eroipua yiyvotTO, zeard top
%p6vov top ^vvfjaav rd Svo fieprj dirb
3 7roXea)? e/eacrT^? 69 rbv laO/iov. zeal eVeiS^ irav

to arpdrev/ia tjvveiXeyp,evov rjv, 'A/r^'Sa/zo9 o

/BaatXevs tcov Aazce&at'/jlovlcov oairep i)yelro rrjs ,

e^oBov ravT7]<;, %vyzcaXeaa<$ tou? aTparrjyovs tcov

iroXewv Tracrcov zeal tou? /idXiara ev reXet zeal

d^ioXoywrdrovs irapijvei roidBe. 1

XI. " "AvSpes TleXoTTOvvtjaiOL zeal ^vpLfxa^oi,
zeal ol iraTepes rjfiwv 7roXXa? arparela^; /ecu ev
avrfj rfj UeXoTTOWijcrfp /cal e^co iiroirfaavTO, /ecu
r)/j.(x)v aurcov ol irpeaftvTepoi ovzc dneipoi iroXefiwv
elaiv o/xo)? he rrjcrSe ovttco /nel^ova Trapaazeevrjv
e%o^T9 e^Xdofiev, dXXd zeal eirl ttoXlv Bwcitoo-
Tarrjv vvv epxbpLeOa, /ecu avrol irXelaroi zeal

2 dpiGToi (TrparevovTes. hitcaiov ovv r)jnd^ fiijre

rwv TTcnepwv yeipovs fyaiveadai fiyjre i)ficdv avrwv

rr/s 3of/?9 evheea-epovs. ?) yap 'EXXas irdaa
ry&e ttj oppufj eirr)pTai zeal irpoaey^et, rrjv yvco/njv,

evvoiav eyovaa hid to 'A0y]vaicov e'%^09 irpd^ai

3 rjpLcis a eirivoovpiev.. ovzcovv %p>;', % tg> zeal

hozeovpiev irXr/Oei eirievai zeal dacfidXeia ttoXXtj

elvai /jlt] civ iXOelv T01/9 evavriovs i)puv Sid pidx !^, 1

tovtoov eve/ea dfieXearepov n Trapecrzcevaa/jLevovs

Xcopelv, dXXa zeal TroXea)? ezedarr]^ ?)ye/j,6va zeal

GTpartdiTi]v to zea0^ aurbv alel TrpoahexarrOai e'9

Sintenis' correction for irapelvai roiiV Afv of the MSS.
BOOK II. x. i-xi. 3

states in the Peloponnesus and their confederacy

outside the Peloponnesus to make ready such troops
and supplies as it was appropriate they should have
for a foreign expedition, their intention being to
invade Attica. When everything was ready in the
several states, two-thirds of the contingent of each
state assembled at the appointed time at the
/Isthmus. And when the whole army was assembled,
Archidamus, the king of the Lacedaemonians, who
was to be the leader of this expedition, called
together the generals of all the states as well as the
chief officials and the most notable men, and
exhorted them as follows :

XI. " Peloponnesians and allies, o ur fath ers made

many campaigns both in the Peloponnesus and
beyond it, and the elder men also amongst us do
not lack experience in warfare, yet never before
have we taken the field with a greater armament
than this but though we were never more numerous

and puissant, it is also a very powerful state we

now go against. It is but right, therefore, that we
neither should show ourselv es worse men than ou r
fathers nor wanting to our own fame. For all
Hellas is stirred by this enterprise of ours, and
fixes her gaze upon it, and being friendly to us on
account of their hatred of the Athenians hopes
that we shall succeed in carrying out our designs.
Therefore, even if some of us may think that we
are going against them with superior numbers and
that in all likelihood the enemy will not risk a
pitched battle with us, we must not on that account
be a whit less carefully prepared when we advance,
but rather must officer and soldier of every state for
his own part b e always expecting to eru-mmte r

4 klvSvvov rwa r)%eiv. dBrjXa yap ra rcov rroXefxcov,
Kal oXiyov rd 7roXXd Kal 6V opyfjs al iiri-

XeipijaeLS ylyvovrav iroXXaKis re ro eXacraov

TrXrjOos hehibs d\ieivov rjfivvaro tou? rrXeova<; Sid
5 to Karacppovovvras cnrapacncevovs yeveaOai. ^ph
he alel iv rrj iroXejiua rfj fiev yvwfiy OapcraXeovs
arpareveiv, rco o epyco SeSioras irapeaKevdaOai.
ovrco yap rrpos re to iirikvai rocs ivavrioL<i
ev^rv^oraroi av elev, irpos re to eiriyeipeloQai
6 " 'H/net? Be OU& iirl dSvvarov dpuvveaOai ovrco 1
iroXiv ipy^ofieda, dXXa rols Trdaiv dpiara rrape-
aKevaap-evrjv, coare ^pr) Kal irdvv iXirl^eiv hid
fjLd%r)<; levai avrovs, el p,>]Kal vvv copfiijvrai iv
co Trdpecr/nev,^ dXX brav iv rfj yfj opcoaiv
7 Syovvrds re Kal raKelvcov cp0elpovra<;. rrdcri

yap iv TOi? o/n/jLacn Kal iv rco rrapavriKa opciv

irdaypvrd^ ri a?;#e? opyrj rrpocrrriTrrei, Kal oi
Xoyicr/AcpiXd^tara ^pco/ievot dvfxco irXelara e?

8 epyov KaOlaravrai. AOrjvaiovs he. Kal irXeov ri


rcov dXXcov et/co? rovro Spdaai, oc dpyeiv re rcov

aXXcov dgiovcri Kal iiriovres rrjv rcov rreXas Srjovv
9 fidXXov rj rrjv avrcov opciv. w? ovv iirl roaavrqv
ttoXlv arparevovres Kal fieyicrrrjv So^av olcrofievoi
Tot? re rrpoyovoL? Kal vpZv avrol^ iiv d/icporepa
iK rcov drro^aivovrcov, eireaOe oirrj av T? i)yijrai,

KOGfiov Kal cfivXaKrjv irepl rravrbs Troiovfievoi Kal

ra irapayyeXXofieva ofew? Sexofievoc KaXXcarov
ourw deleted by Hude, after Madvig.


BOOK II. xi. 3-9

some danger. For the events of war c annot be

foreseen, and attacks are generally sudden and
furious ; and oftentimes a smaller force, made
cautious by fear, overmatches a larger number that
is caught unprepared because it despises the foe.

One should, however, when campaigning in___an

erremyV-t^cwrntry always be bold in spirit but in,

action cautious and therefore prepared. For thus

men will be most valorous in attacking their oppo-
nents and most secure against assault.
" And we are going against a city which is not
so powerless to defend itself as some may think,
but is perfectly prepar ed i n all respects we have
therefore every reason to expect them to risk a
battle, if they have not already set out before we
are yet there, at any rate when they see us in
their territory laying it waste and destroying their
property. For with all men, when they sulf'er an
unwonted calamity, it is the sight set then and
there before their eyes w hich makes them angry,
and when they are angry they do not pause to think
but rush into action. And the Athenians are even
more likely than most men to act in this way, since
they are more disposed to claim the right to rule
over others and to attack and ravage their neigh -
hours* land than to see their own ravaged. Real-
ising, then, how powerful is the city against which
you are taking the field, and how great is the fame,
for better or for worse, which you are about to win
for your ancestors and for yourselves from the out-
come, follow wherever your officers lead you,
regarding good order and vigilance as all-important,
and sharply giving heed to the word of command ;

for this is the fairest as well as the safest thing for


yap Tohe teal aacjyaXeararov ttoXXovs ovtcls evl

XII. Tocravra eliraiv teal hiaXvcras tov f vXXo-

yov 6 'ApxiSa/jLos yieXrjcriTTTrov irptorov air o a TeXXec

e? ras 'A0tjva$ tov AiatepiTov, dvhpa ^Traprid-

ri]i', dpa fiaXkov evholev ol AOrjvaloi opejv-
el tl

2 re? o~(f>a<; 7]drj ev ohw ovra<$. ol he ov Trpoaehe-

%avro avrov e$ ttjv ttoXlv ov& iirl to tcoivov fjv

yap TLepiKA.tov$ yvcofirj irporepov vevLKVjKvla tay

pvfca teal irpeo-fieiav pu) he^ecrOai AatcehatfiovCcov
i^earpaT6vp,vwv. ciiroTrepirovaiv ovv avrov irpiv

dtcovaai /cat eteeXevov cVto? opcov elvat avOii p.epov

to T6 Xoiirov avax^pv <TavTa<i ^7r * Ta c^^Tepa
a\JTon>, i)V tl j3ov\wi>Tai, irpecrfievecrOaL. %vp,-

Trepirovai T tgG ^Sl eX7ia lit it (p dyeoyovs, oVo)?

3 /jLiyBevl vyyevr)Tai. 6 8' iireiBrt i-ni tols opioid
iyevero teal epieXXe hLaXvaecrOaL, Toaovhe slttcdv
eiropevero otl ""Hhe 7) 7)pepa toi? "EXX^o-t peyd-
4 Xwv teatecov dp^ei" oj? he dcf>iteeTO e'9 to o~TpaTo-

irehov teal eyveo 6 'Ao%tSa/zo? ol 'AOrjvaioi

ovhev ttco evScoaovo-LV, ovrw hi] a pas tw aTparco
5 7rpovxa)p6i e'9 tiiv yrjv avTwv. Bo^cotoI he p,epo$
pev to a(peTepov teal toik; lirireas irapelxpvTo
UeXoTrovi'Tjaiois ^vaTpareveiv, to?? he Xenro f.ievoi<;
9 TlXuTaiav eXOovTes tt)v yrjv ehtjovv.

XIII. "Et* he TOiv YleXoTTOvv7iaioiv %vXXe'/op.e-

BOOK II. xi. 9-xm. i

a great, host, to show itself subject to a single d is

c^ line."
XII. With these words Archidamus dismissed ~tn"e
assembly. He then first sent Melesippus son of
Diocritus, a Spartan, to Athens, in the hope that
the Athenians, when they saw that the Lace-
daemonians were already on the march, might be
somewhat more inclined to yield. But they did not
allow him to enter the city, much less to appear
before the assembly for a motion of Pericles had

already been carried not to admit herald or embassy

after the Lacedaemonians had once taken the field.
They accordingly dismissed him without hearing
him, and ordered him to be beyond their borders
that same day and in future, they added, the Lace-

daemonians must first withdraw to their own terri-

tory before sending an embassy, if they had any
communication to make. They also sent an escort
along with Melesippus, in order to prevent his
having communication with anyone. And when he
arrived at the frontier and was about to leave his
escort, he uttered these words before he went his
way, "This day will be the beginning of great evils
for the Hellenes." When he came to the army,
and Archidamus had learned that the Athenians
would not as yet make any concession, then at
length they broke camp and advanced into Athenian
And the Boeotians not
territory. only supplied
their contingent and the cavalry to serve with the

Peloponnesians, but also went to Plataea with their

remaining troops and proceeded to ravage the
XIII. While the Peloponnesian forces were still
i.e. two-thirds of their full appointment ; cf. ch. x. 2.

vcov re e? rbv laOfiov /cal ev 6Bo) ovrcov, irplv

iaffaXelv e? rrjv 'Am/ajv, Uepi/cXrjs 6 'B.avOiir-

itov, crrparTjybs top 'AOtjvcllcdv Be/caro<; avrcs, a>?

eyvco rrjv ea/3oXijV eaop^ev^v, viroroTrrjo-a^, on

ApyiBapuOt avrcp f evos wv ervyyave, pur) iroXXd-
tcis tj auro? IBia j3ov\6fievo<; yapi^eaQai tovs
dypov? avrov irapaXiTTr) /cal pur] Brjdocrr}, tj /cal

AafceSaifiovLcov /ceXevadvrcov iirl BiaftoXf) rfj

eavrov yevrjrat rovro, coairep /cal rd dyr\ eXavveiv

Trpoelirov eve/ca i/cetvov,, rrporjybpeve to<? 'AOrjval-

Oi? iv rfj eK/cXr/aia, on 'A/r^iSa/zo? fiev oi feVo?

lt], ov puevroi iirl kcucCo ye t?}? 7roXe&)? yevotro,
T01/9 Be aypovs tou? eavrov /cal oltcia? f)v apa purj

Bycocrcocriv ol iroXefiioi tooirep koX ra rQ>v aXXcovj

afyirjo-iv avra BrjpLOcria elvai, ko\ pLrjBe/ulav oi
2 viro^fiav Kara ravra yiyveaOai. irapyvei Be real
irepl royv irapovrwv direp koX irpbrepov, irapa-
cncevd^eaOaL re e? rbv TroXepiov /cal ra e/c roiv
dypwv io-fco/jLL^ecrOai, e? t ^d^W p<r) eire^Levai,
dXXa rrjv ttoXlv eaeXOovras cfrvXdcraeiv, /cal to
vavrtKov, fjrrep layyovaiv, e^aprveadai, rd re rwv
%v p.pbdywv Bid yeipb^ e^etv, Xeycov rrjv la^vv
avrols drrb rovrcov elvai rwv y^pr\ixdr(jdv r?)?

irpoGoBov} rd Be 7roXXd rov 7ro\e/.iov yvcopurj /cal

3 xpi]p,drci)v irepiovGia KparelaOai. Oapaelv re

raJy xp-qixaToov tj}s -npoaoSuv deleted by Hade, after van
BOOK II. xm. 1-3

collecting at the Isthmus and while they were on the

march but had not yet invaded AtticajPericles son
of Xanthippus, who was one of the ten"" AtKenian
generals, when he realised that the invasion would be
made, conceived a suspicion that perhaps Archi-
damus, who happened to be a guest-friend of his,
might pass by his fields and not lay them waste, doing
this either on his own initiative, in the desire to do
him a personal favour, or at the bidding of the Lace-
daemonians with a view to creating a prejudice
against him, just as it was on his account that they
had called upon the Athenians to drive out the
pollution. 1 So he announced to .the Athenians in
their assembly that while Archidamus was indeed a
guest-friend of his, this relationship had certainly
not been entered upon for the detriment of the
state ; and that in case the enemy might not lay
/ waste his fields and houses like the rest, he now gave
them up to be public property, and asked that no
suspicion should arise against himself on that account.
And he gave them the same advice as before 2 about
the present situation that they should prepare for

the war, should bring in their property from the

fields, and should not go out to meet the enemy in
battle, but should come into the city and there act
on the defensive that they should equip their fleet,

in which their strength lay, and keep a firm hand

upon their allies, explaining that the Athenian power
depended on revenue of money received from the
allies, and that, as a general rule, victories in war
were won by abundance of money as well as by wise
policy. And he bade them be of good courage, as on

cf. i. cxxvii. 1.
cf. I. cxliii.

e/ceXeve irpocnovTWv fiev e^aKoaiwv raXdvrcov &)?

eVl TO TToXv (j)6pOV KCLT iviCLVTOV CL1TO TOOV tjUfl/jLCl-

ywv rfj iroXei dvev tt?9 dXXr]<; irpocrohov, virap-

yovrcov Be ev rfj aKpoiroXei en Tore apyvpiov
7Tia?]/j,ov e^aKia^iXicov raXdvrcov (ra yap 7rXei-
ara r piaKOGixav diroSeovra fxvpia eyevero, dcj)'

cov e? re rd irpoirvXaia tt}? dfcporroXetos teal raX-

Xa ol/coBop.r/fiara teal e? II orelocuav aTravrjXcoOr]),
4 yaypis Be y^pvoiov darjfiov tc%\ apyvpiov ev re
dvaOrjfiaaip I&lols kclL Btjiaoctiols xal ocra lepd
afceui) irepi re Tfl? Troyurra? /cal tou? dycovas real

a/evXa XbjBi/cd real el re rotovrorpoirov, ovk

5 eXdaaovos 1 r) irevraKoaicov TaXdvrcov. en Be
teal rd etc rcov aXXoov leptov irpoaeriOei ^pi]p.ara

ovk oXiya, 0Z9 -^p^aeaOai avrov<;, K.a\ rjp irdvu

e^elpytovrai rrdvrcov, real avrrjs tt}? Oeov toZs
Trepi/ceipevois xpvaiois' eyov to
drrecpaive B'

dyaXpua reaaapaKOvra rdXavra araO/ibv XP V ~

aiov direfyOov teal rrepiaiperov elvai dirav. XP 7 1~

aa/A6i>ov<; re eirl aconjpLa efa] \pr]vai fiif eXdcraco

v of the MSS., after i\da<rovos, deleted by Abresch.

About 120,000, or 583,200. The original amount at
the institution of the Confederacy of Delos was 460 talents
(1. xevi. 2). The figure here given is an average amount,
because the assessment was revised every four years at the
These figures, and all other equivalents of Greek financial
statements, are purely conventional, inasmuch as the purchas-
ing power of money was then very much greater than now.
- The ordinary revenue, apart from the tribute, consisted

of customs duties, tax on sales, poll tax on resident aliens,

BOOK II. xni. 3-5

an average six hundred talents l of tribute were

coming yearly from the allies to the city, not
counting the other sources 2 of revenue, and there
were at this time still on hand in the Acropolis six
thousand talents 3 of coined silver (the maximum
amount had been nine thousand seven hundred
talents, from which expenditures had been made for
the construction of the Propylaea 4 of the Acropolis
and other buildings, 5 as well as for the operations at
Potidaea). Besides, there was uncoined gold and
silver in public and private dedications, and all the
sacred vessels used in the processions and games, and
the Persian spoils and other treasures of like nature,
worth not less than five hundred talents. 6 And he
estimated, besides, the large amount of treasure to
be found in the other temples. All this would
be available for their use, and, if they should be
absolutely cut off from all other resources, they
might use even the gold plates with which the
statue of the goddess herself was overlaid. 7 The
statue, as he pointed out to them, contained forty
talents' weight of pure gold, and it was all re-
movable. 8 This treasure they might use for self-
preservation, but they must replace as much as they

rents of state property, especially the silver mines, court

fees and tines.
About 1,940,000, or $9,4'2S,400.
Completed about 432 B.C.
Such as the Parthenon, the Odeum, and the Telesterion
at Eleusis (see Plut. Per. xiii.).
About 100,000, or $486,000.
The,chryselep]nncine statue of Athena by Phidias in the
According to Plut. Per. xxxi., Phidias, by the advice of
Pericles, laid on the gold in such a way that it could all be
removed and weighed.
28 5
6 avriK(na<J7r)GCLi irdXiv. ^p-qpaat pev ovv ovrco
iOdpavvev avrovs' birXira^ Be rpLa^iXiov^ /cal
fivpiovs elvai dvev rcov iv to?? cppovpuois teal rcov
7 irap eiraXfyv e^aKicrxcXLcov real fivpicov. rocrov-

roi yap icfrvXaacrov rb irpcorov oirore 01 iroXepLioi

icrftaXocev, drrb re rcov it pea fivrdr cov teal rcov

vecordrcov teal pieroifccov octol birXlrav rjaav. rov

T6 yap QaXrjpifcov Tet^ou? ardBtot rjcrav irevre
tealTpLciKOvra irpbs rbv kvkXov rov aarecos /cal
avrov rod kvkXov to (pvXacraofievov rpels zeal
recrcrapaKOvra {ean Be avrov o /cat dcj)vXaKrov
to pera^v rov re p,cucpov zeal rov QaXrjpucov),

rd Be fia/cpa reixv TTpb<; rov Yleipaid reacrapd-

Kovra araBicov, cov rb e^coOev errjpelro, teal rov
Ueipaico<; %vv Mow^a e%>]fcovra fiev araBlcov 6

aTTas irepifioXos, rb 5' ev cf>vXa/cf} bv i)piav rov-

8 rov. iTTTreas Be direfyaive BiaKoaiov? /cal %iXlov<;

%vv LTTiroro^brais, e^aKocTLOvs Be teal xiXiovs

TofoVa?, teal Tpujpsi? ra? TrXcolpiovs rpiaKoaias.
9 ravra yap virrjp^ev ^K6r)vaioi<; /cal ovk eXdaaco
e/caara rovrcov, ore rj eVySoX?; to irpcorov epueXXe
YleXoiTOvvrjcTLCov eaeaOai ko\ c? rbv rroXefiov KaOi-
aravro. e'Aeye Be xal dXXa oldirep elcoOet Tiepi-

kXi)s e? diroBet^LV rov irepiecreadat, rco vroXepco.

XIV. Oi Be A6rjvaloi dfcovaavres dveirelOovrb
re /cal eaeKopi^ovro Ik rcov dypcov iralBa<; Kal
7uraZ/ca? Kal rr)V dXXrjv fcaraaxevijv y tear ol/cov

BOOK II. xm. 5-xiv. i

took. As money, then, he thus

to their resources in
sought to encourage them and as to heavv-armed

infantry, lie told them that there were thirteen

thousand, not counting the sixteen thousand men
who garrisoned the forts and manned the city walls.
For this was the number engaged in garrison duty at
first, when the enemy were invading Attica, and they

were composed of the oldest and the youngest 1

citizens and of such metics as were heavily armed.
For the length of the Phalerian wall was thirty-five
stadia to the circuit-wall of the city, and the portion
of the circuit- wall itself which was guarded was forty-
three stadia (a portion being left unguarded, that be-
tween the Long Wall and the Phalerian) and the ;

Long Walls to the Peiraeus were forty stadia in extent,

of which only the outside one was guarded and the

whole circuit of the Peiraeus including Munichia

was sixty stadia, half of it being under guard. The
cavalry, Pericles pointed out, numbered twelve
hundred, including mounted archers, the bow-men.
sixteen hundred, and the triremes that were sea-
worthy three hundred. For these were the forces,
and not less than these in each branch, which the
Athenians had on hand when the first invasion of the
Peloponnesians was impending and they found them-
selves involved in the war. And Pericles used still
other arguments, as was his wont, to prove that they
would be victorious in the war.
XIV. After the Athenians had heard his words
they were won to his view, and they began to brin"-
in from the fields their children and wives, and also
The age limits were eighteen to sixty, those from
eighteen to twent}' (ireplnobm) being called on only for gar-
rison duty within the bounds of Attica. The age of full
citizenship was twenty.
evpwvTO, Kal aurwv rcov olklcjv KaOaipovvres rrjv

gitXaxjiv 7rp6,Sara Be Kal viro^vyta e? rrjv Eu-

fioLav Bieirepi-^ravTO Kal Ta? vr)aov<$ ra$ eiriKei-

2 ftevas. ^aX-7rco5 Be avTols Bed rb alei elwQevai

tou? iroWovs iv rots a7/)ot? BiairdcrOai ?; dvd-
GjacrLS eyiyvero. XV. %vve@e/3?]Kei Be curb rov
irdvv apya'iov erepcov fiaWov Ad^vaiois tovto. '

eVl yap Kerpo7ro9 Kal rcov Trpcorcov ffaaiXeoov rj

'Attikt) 6? Srjaea alei Kara 7roXet? wKelro irpv-
raveld re i^ovcra^ Kal dpyovra^, Kal oirbre fitj
tl Beiaeiav, ov ^vvfjcrav /3ov\evcr6/j.evoi a>? rov
/3aai\ea, a\V avrol eKaaroi eiroXirevov Kal
ifiovXevovro' Kal TLves Kal eiroXepiTiGdv irore au-
Ttov, cocrirep Kal 'EXevcrtvioi fier Evpbb\irov irpbs
2 'Epex^ea. Be @/?creu? efiaaiXevae, yevo-

fievos fiera rov j-vverov Kal Bvvarbs rd re d\Xa

SieKoo-fMrjae rrjvyozpav Kal KaraXvaa<; rcov dX-
Xwv iroXewv rd re ftovXevri'ipia Kal ra<; p%a? e?
rrjv vvv itoXiv ovaav, ev (3ovXevr)]piov diroBei^as
Kal TTpvraveiov, ^vvwKiae irdvra^, Kal vepLopevovs
-rd avroiv eKaarovs direp Kal -rrpb rov SjvdyKaae

pad iroXei ravrrj xPW@ aL V dirdvTwv rjBr) %uv-


reXovvrcov e? avTrjv /xeydXt] yevopievr] TrapeBoOr]

virb @?7crea><? toZ? erreLra' Kal ^vvoiKia e eKeivov
'Ad7]i>aloL en, Kal vvv rfj 6ew eopn)v BrjporeXi]
3 To Be irpb rod i) aKpoiroXis t) vvv ovaa 7ro)u<>

Others render : "since all were now counted as belonging
to it."

BOOK II. xiv. i-xv. 3

their household furniture, pulling down even the

woodwork of the houses themselves but sheep

and draught-animals they sent over to Euboea and

the adjacent islands. And the removal was a hard
thing for them to accept, because most of them
had always been used to live in the country.
XV. And this kind of life had been the character-
istic of the Athenians, more than of any other Hel-
lenes, from the very earliest times. For in the time
of Cecrops and the earliest kings down to Theseus,
Attica had been divided into separate towns, each
with its town hall and magistrates, and so long as
they had nothing to fear they did not come together
to consult with the king, but separately administered s
their own affairs and took counsel for themselves.
Sometimes they even made war upon the king, as,
for example, the Eleusinians with Eumolpus did upon
Erechtheus. But when Theseus became king and
proved himself a powerful as well as a prudent ruler,
lie not only re-organized the country in other respects,

but abolished the councils and magistracies of the.

minor towns and brought all their inhabitants into /
union with what is now the city, establishing a single
council and town hall, and compelled them, while con-
tinuing to occupy each his own lands as before, to use
Athens as the sole capital. This became a great city,
since all were now paying their taxes to it^and was
such when Theseus handed it down to his successors.
And from his time even to this day the Athenians
have celebrated at the public expense a festival
called the Synoecia, 2 in honour of the goddess.
Before this 3 what is now the Acropolis was the
"Feast of the Union," celebrated on the sixteenth of the
month Hecatombaeon.
8 i.e. before the Synoecismus, or union of Attica under
rjv, teal rb vtt avrr)v 727)09 vorov pbakiara rerpafi-
4 fievov. ra yap lepa iv avrfj rfj
reKpijpiov he-

a/cpoiroXei Kal aXKcov decov ian, real ra efo>

777)0? rovro rb fjuepos rrj<; iroXecos fxaWov ISpvrai,


rb t?)? r?)? teal to toO * eV Aifivai? Atovvaov, (p
ra apyaiorepa Aiovvaia rfj hcoheKarrj iroielrat

iv pLrjvl ' AvdeaTT] picbvL, axnrep Kal oi air *


vaicov "Ia)i>e? ert Kal vvv vop,iovaiv. 'ihpvrai he

5 Kal aWa lepa ravrrj apxaia. Kal rfj Kprjvrj rfj

vvv fiev rcov rvpdvvtov ovrcos crKevaadvrcov Ey-

veaKpovvw Ka\ovjievrj, to Be irakau cpaveptov rcov
rrrjycov ovacov KaWipporj covofiaajievrj eKelvoi Te

iyyvs ovarj ra irXeicrrov a%ia expwvro, Kal vvv

en airo rov apxaiov irpo re yapiKcov Kal e? aWa
6 rcov iepcov vopi^erai tw vhan XP^1 (J ^ aL ' Kakelrai
he hia rrjv iraXaiav ravrrj KaroUrjaLV Kal r) ciKpo-

T0V & ^Tl *

AQrjvaicov 7ro)U?.
7roXi? ^XP l V7r *

XVI. T77 o ovv iirl iro\v Kara rrjv %<pav

avrovojicp oik/jcto, oi 'AOrjvatoi, Kal iireihrj

^vvcpKio-Orjaav, hia rb e#o? iv to?? aypols o/xa)?

oi rrXeiovs rcov re apxaucov Kal rcov varepov

Added by
* T?7 5w5e/caT7? deleted by Hude, after Torstrick.
fxiTf?xov, in the MSS. before oi "hd-qvaloi, deleted by

It is taken for granted that these temples were ancient

BOOK II. xv. 3-xvi. i

city, together with the region at the foot of the

Acropolis toward the south. And the proof of
this is as follows On the Acropolis itself are the

sanctuaries 1 of the other gods as well as of Athena, 2

and the sanctuaries which are outside the Acro-
polis are situated more in that quarter of the city,
namely those of Olympian Zeus, of Pythian Apollo,
of Earth, and of Dionysus in Limnae, in whose
honour are celebrated the more ancient Dionysia 3
the twelfth of the month Anthesterion, just as the
Ionian descendants of the Athenians also are wont
even now to celebrate it. In that quarter are also
situated still other ancient sanctuaries. And the
fountain now called Enneacrunus, 4 from the fashion
given it by the tyrants, but which anciently, when
the springs were uncovered, was named Callirrhoe, was
used by people of those days, because it was close by,
for the most important ceremonials and even now, ;

in accordance with the ancient practice, it is still

customary to use its waters in the rites preliminary
to marriages and other sacred ceremonies. And,
finally, the Acropolis, because the Athenians had
there in early times a place of habitation, is still to
thisday called by them Polis or city.
XVI. Because, then, of their long-continued life of
independence in the country districts, most of the
Athenians of early times and of their descendants
down to the time of this war, from force of habit,
even after their political union with the city, continued
A lacuna in the text
generally assumed; Classen would
supply Kal to. ttjs 'A6r]i'aseV-ri, and I translate this.
after dewv
" The Anthesteria, contrasted with the Lenaea,
which was
also an ancient festival, hut of less anticpiiity. The city
Dionysia was of comparatively recent origin.
Enneacrunus, Nine Conduits ; Callirrhoe, Fair Stream.

(lexpi* TovSe rod iroXe/JLOV iravoitcrjaia yevofievoi

re teal olfajaavres, ov paBloo? ras dvaardcreis

7tolovvto, aXXcos re kcl\ dpri dveiXijcpores ra<;

2 fcaracrfcevds fierd rd Mrjhued* e/3apvvoi'To Se real

XaXeircbs e$epov olklck; re KciTaXe'nrovTes /cal

tepd a Sid iravrbs rjv avroh Ik ttJ? Kara to

dpxaiov 7ro\tTta? iraTpta, hiatrdv re /jLeXXovre?
/jLera/3dXXetv real ovoev dXXo r) ttoXlv rrjv avrou
dTroXeiTrcov etcacnos.
XVII. 'E-JTeiSr] Se depiKovro is to darv, oXiyois
ixkv tig iv V7rrjpx v oltcrjaeis koli irapa cf^Xcov tlvcls

i) olfcelcov Karac^vyy], ol he ttoXXoI ra re iprjfia

t>}? 7roXea>? Q)Kr]crav real rd tepd /ecura rjpwa
iravjci irXriv t?}? aKpoiroXecos kclL tov 'EXevaiviov
teal el re dXko (3e/3aL(o<; fcXycrrbv r)v to re
YleXapyifcbv KaXovfievov to v-tto rr)v d/cpoTroXcv,

o Kai eirdparov re rjv p,r) ol/celv teal tl kcu Uv6i-

kov fiavTeiov d/cporeXevriov roiov&e SieKojXve,

Xeyov a)? " To UeXapyi/cbv dpybv d/ieivov" opws

2 vtto Tr)s Trapaxprjfia avdy/cr}? e^cpKi)0rj. tcca fioi

hotel to fiavreiov rovvavrlov jjufjL@fjvai rj irpoae-

ex ovTO v y^P > ^ T *) v rjTa

P (lvo \xov ivolfcrjaiv at

j~v/jL<j)opal yeveaOai rfj TroXei, dXXa Bid rbv iroXe-

iravoiK-nala. placed by Hude, following Lipsius, after

2 With C and a popular decree found in 18S0 (C.I.A., iv.

27 b) ; the other MSS. Ilc\a<rytK6v.


BOOK II. xvi. i-xvii. 2

to reside, with their households, in the country where

they had been born and so they did not find it easy

to move away, especially since they had only recently

finished restoring their establishments after the
Persian war. They were dejected and aggrieved at
having to leave their homes and the temples which

had always been theirs, relics, inherited from their
fathers, of their original form of government and at
the prospect of changing their mode of life, and
facing what was nothing less for each of them than
forsaking his own town.
XVII. And when they came to the capital, only a
few of them were provided with dwellings or places
of refuge with friends or relatives, and most of them
took up their abode in the vacant places of the city
and the sanctuaries and the shrines of heroes, all
except the Acropolis and the Eleusinium and any
other precinct that could be securely closed. And
the Pelargicum, 1 as it was called, at the foot of the
Acropolis, although it was under a curse that forbade
its use for residence, and this was also prohibited by
a verse-end of a Pythian oracle to the following
"The Pelargicum unoccupied is better,"
nevertheless under s'ress of the emergency was com-
pletely filled with buildings. Anct the oracle, as it
seems to me, came true, but in a s ense quite the

opposite of what was expected for it was Hot on


account of the unlawful occupation of the place that

the city was visited by the calamities, but it was on
fortification built by the " Pelasgians " on the west
side of the Acropolis, the only side accessible to an enemy.
It was to the space below and above this fortification that
the curse attached.

2 93
fiov rj avdyter) ttJ? ol/cyjaecos, ov ov/c ovofid&v rb
pavrelov TrporjBei /Mr) eir dyad(o iroie avro kcltol-

3 KMT0r)cr6/j.evov. KaTea/cevdaavro Be teal ev rols

irvpyois tcov rei^cov itoWoX koX &)? e/caaros: irov

iBvvaro' ov yap eydip^ae ^vve\66vra<; avrov? ?/

7roXi?, aXX' varepov Br) rd re fia/cpa reixv

aj/crjcrav Karavei/jLa/ievot kcli tov Tletpaioos rd
4 TToWd. dpa Be /ecu rebv 77/30? tov iroXe/JLOv

TJ7TT0VT0, ^Vpbpbd^OV^ TG dyelpOVTe? KOLl TYj IleXo-

5 Trovvr]<T(p ifcarbv vecov iiriTrXovv i^aprvovres ical

01 fiev ev tovtg) Trapaa/cevrjs ycrav.

O Be aTparbs tcjv YleXoirovvrjaicov
irpolaov d(j)LKero rf)<; 'Att^?]? e? Olvorjv 7rpcorov,

fjirep efieWov eaftaXeiv. teal G09 e/caOe^ovTO,

TTpocr{3o\ds jrapeo'/ceud^ovro tw reiyei Tronjao-
2 fievoi pur)yaval^ re /cal aXXco rpbirw' r) yap Olvorj
ovaa ev peOopiois t?}? *Att*^9 teal Boicorlas
eTereixLo-TO teal avrQ> cppovplro ol 'A0)]va?.ot

)(pcovro 07T0T6 iroXefio^ icaTaXdftoi. ra? re ovv

TrpoafioXas ^vrpeiri^ovTO teal aXXa>9 evBierpi\jsav
3 xpbvov irepl avrijv. alrlav Be ov/c ika"XpJTqv
Wp)(iBapo<; eXaftev air avrov, Bo/ccov teal ev rfj

fjvvaywyfj tov 7roXep,ov p,aXa/cb<> elvai teal tols

'AOrjvaiois e7U7}]Beio<;, ov napaivoiv irpoOvymys
iroXefielv eireiB)) re ^vveXeyero 6 arparo^, ?; re
ev ray laO/xy lirium>r\ yevopevrj teal /card ttjv

cf. 1. lxxx.-lxxxv.

BOOK II. xvii. 2-xvm. 3

account of the war that there was the necessity of its

occupation, and the oracle, although it did not men-
tion the war, yet foresaw that the place would never
be occupied for any good. Many also established
"lemselves in the towers of the city walls, and where-
ever each one could find a place for the city did

not have room for them when they were all there
together. But afterwards they distributed into lots
and occupied the space between the Long- Walls and
the greater part of the Peiraeus. And while all
this was going on, the Athenians applied themselves
; to the war, bringing together allies and fitting out
an expedition of one hundred ships against the
Peloponnesus. The Athenians then, were in this
stage of their preparations.
XVIII. Meanwhile the army of the Peloponnesians
was ady^ ncing^ and the first point it reached in Attica
was Oenoe, where they intended to begin the
invasion." And while they were establishing their
camp there, they prepared to assault the wall with
engines and otherwise for Oenoe, which was on the

border between Attica and Boeotia, was a walled

town, and was used as a fortress by the Athenians
whenever war broke out. So the Lacedaemonians
went on with their preparations to assault the place,
and in this and other ways wasted time. And it was for
his conduct here that Archidamus was most severely
censured, though it was thought that in the levying
of the war, too, he had been slack and had played
into the hands of the Athenians when he did not
advise the Peloponnesians to make war with vigour. 1
Again, when the army was being collected, he was
criticized for the delay which occurred at the
Isthmus, and afterwards for the leisurely way in

aXXrjv iropeiav rj a^oXaiorr)^ htefiaXev avrov,
4 ixaktara he // ev rf} Olvor] eVtV^eo-^. oi yap
AOyvalot icrexo/jLi^ovTO ev tw xpoixp tovtoj, real
ehoKOW oi UeXoTrovvijcrioL eireXObvTe? dv hid rd-
%ou9 ^rdvia ri <;(D KaraXa(3elv, el /at) hid rr)v
5 i/cetvov p.eXXrjaiv. ev roiavrrj p,ev opyfj 6 arparb<;
top ^ApxiSctfiov ev rf) fcaOeSpa el^ev. 6 he, irpoa-
8e-%6pevo<;, co? Xeyerai, rovs WOrjvalovs rrj<; yr)<;

en a/cepalov ovarjs evhcocreiv ri teal KaroKV7]creiv

irepuhelv avrrjv TfjaiOelaav, avelyev.
XIX. 'JLireihr] ixevroi TrpoaftaXovTes rfj Olvor]
Kal iraaav Iheav Treipdaavre^ ovtc ehvvavro eXeiv,
o'i re 'AOrjvaloi ovhev eirefcripvKevovTO, ovtco hrj
6pfJLr]aavre<; air avrrj<; ixera, ra ev TlXaraia
yevbpueva i)p.epa byhorjKoaif] fidXiara, 6epovs Kal
rod ctltov aKjJLci^ovTOs, eaefiaXov e'9 ttjv 'Attiktjv
iiyelro he \\pxlhap,o<; 6 Zevgihapiov, AaKehai-
2 /jlovlcov /3ao-iXevs. /cal KaOetopbevoi erep,vov irpo)-
7ov fiev 'EXevaiva Kal to Sptdaiov irehiov teal

rpoTnjv riva rebv 'AOrjvaicov iirirecov irepl robs

'FeLTOhS KaXov/ievov? irroiyjcravTO' eireira irpov-
yjjapovv ev he^ia exovres rb AlydXecov 0/009 Sid
Kpft)7Tia9 &)9 depLKOvro 69 'A^a/3^a9, xooplov 1 ^'

yiaiov t?)9 At i ik )}s rebv hijpicov KaXovpuevcov, Kal

KaOe^opuevot e'9 avrbv arparoTTehov re eironiaavTO

Xpbvov re iroXvv epLfieivavre^ erepivov.

XX. Tvaof-irj he roiahe Xeyerai rbv ^Apx^hapLOv
Tie e<re\8ovTu>v <dr\$aloov , ill the MSS. after U\aTai<f,
deleted by Classen.

BOOK II. xviii. 3-xx. i

which the march was made, but most of all for the
halt at Oenoe. For in the interval the Athenians
continued to bring their property into the city and
the Peloponnesians believed that but for his pro-
crastination they could have advanced quickly and
found everything still outside. Such was the re-
sentment felt by the army toward Archidamus while
they were sitting still. But the reason, it is said,
why he kept holding back was that he expected the
Athenians would make some concession while their
territory was still unravaged and would be loath to
see it laid waste.
XIX. When, however, after assaulting Oenoe
and trying in every way to take it they were not able
to do so, the Athenians meanwhile making no over-
tures, then at length they set off from there, about
eighty days after the events at Plataea, when it was
midsummer 1 and the corn was ripe, and invaded
Attica, under the command of Archidamus son of
Zeuxidamus, king of the Lacedaemonians. Making
a halt they proceeded to ravage, first of all, the
territory of Eleusis and the Thriasian plain, and
they routed the Athenian cavalry near the streams
called Rheiti then they advanced, keeping Mount

Aegaleos on their right through Cropia,- until they

came to Acharnae, the largest of the denies of Attica,
as they are called. Halting in the town they made
a camp, where they remained for a long time ravaging
the country.
XX. And it is said that the motive of Archidamus
The reference is to the Attic summer, which included
spring. The date was about the end of May, the average
time for cutting grain in Attica.
A deme between Aegaleos and Parnea.

rrepl re ra<; A^apva^ a>9 e? fid^iv ra^d/ievov
fietvat Kal e'9 to TreSlov etce'ivy rfj eafioXf) ov kcltci-

2 (Brjvar tou? yap Adyjvalov^ ifXin^ev, dfCfjLd^ovrd<;

re veorijTL ttoXXjj xa\ irapea Kevacrpievov^ e'9 7roXe-
^oz; gj9 ovttm rrporepov, uro)9 av eTreJ-eXOelv Kal
3 t?)z> 77}^ ovk ai> irepuSelv TfirjOrjvai. iireiSi] ovv
avrw 9 ^EXevalva Kal to &pidcnov irehlov ovk
dir^vrrjaav, irelpav iiroLetro irepl rd<; ^A^apva^
4 Ka8)]fivo<; el eir^laaiv ci/xa fiev yap avrw 6
%6joo9 eTTLTi'iheios ecpauvero evo~TpaToirehevaai, d/ia
Se teal ol'A^apv^s pt,eya fiepos ovres ttjs iroXews
(rpio-%L\ioi yap oirXlrai eyevovTo) ov ireptoy^reaOat
e&ofcovv rd ac^erepa StacfrOapevra, dXX' oppuy^creiv
Kal tou9 iravTas e'9 fxd^v. el re real firj eVef-
eXOotev etceivr) rfj eaftoXfi ol 'AOrjvaloi, dSe-
earepov ijSrj 9 to varepov to Te irehlov repbelv
Kal 9 avTr/v ttjv iroXiv x a) eo~@ ar toi>9 yapPW
A^a pveas eo-Teprj/Aevovs tcov afyeTepwv ov^ olio'uos

TrpoOvfiovs eaeo-Qai iiirep T779 tcov aXXcov klvBv-

5 veveiv, a-Tacnv 6 evecreaOai tt} yvcofirj. TOiavTy
fiev Siavola 6 'Apxltafios irepl t<Z9 A^apvds rjv. '

XXI. AOrjvalot Be fie^pt fiev ov irepl 'EXevaiva


Kal to Qpidaiov irehiov 6 o"t/?oto9 yv Kal Tiva

eXirlha elyov e'9 to eyyvTCpm avrov<; fir) irpo'ievai,

fiefivrffievoi Kal TlXetaTodvaKra top Ylavaavlov

AaKehaifioviwv f3ao-i\ea, oVe eafiaXcov tj/9 'AfrTi-
r)9 9 'EXevaiva Kal Spicb^e aTpaTto UeXoirov-

vrjalcov irpb TovSe tov iroXefiov TeacrapaL Kal SeKa

ereaiv dveydiprjae irdXiv e'9 to irXeov ovkItl
BOOK II. xx. i-xxi. i

in waiting about Acharnae with his troops ready for

battle, instead of descending into the plain during
this invasion, was as follows: He cherished the
hope that the Athenians, who were at their very best
as regards the multitude of their youth and prepared
for war as never before, would perhaps come out
against him and not look on and see their land
ravaged. So when they did not come to meet him
at Eleusis and in the Thriasian plain, he settled
down in the neighbourhood of Acharnae, to make a
test whether they would come out for not only did

that seem to him a suitable place for his camp, but

also the Acharnians were an important part of the
state, their hoplites numbering three thousand, and
he thought that they w ould not look on and see their

fields ravaged, but would urge the whole people

also to fight. And even if the Athenians should not
come out against him during this invasion, he would
thenceforward proceed with less apprehension to
ravage the plain and even advance to the very walls
of the city ; for the Acharnians, once stripped of
their own possessions, would not be as eager to incur
danger as before in behalf of the lands of the rest,
and so a division would arise in the counsels of the
Athenians. It was with this design that Archidamus
stayed at Acharnae.
XXI. Now so long as the Peloponnesian army
remained in the neighbourhood of Eleusis and the
Thriasian plain, the Athenians retained hope that they
would not advance nearer; for they remembered that
Pleistoanax son of Pausanias, king of the Lacedae-
monians, when fourteen years before this war he had
invaded Attica with an army of Peloponnesians and
proceeded as far as Eleusis and Thria, had advanced

7rpoe\6a)V (6Y b Bjj /cal r) (f)vyrj avra> eyevero i/c

^irdprr]^ Bb^avrt ^pi'i/iaac TreiaOrjvai rrjv dvayu>-


2 pr\crivy eireiBi) Be nrepl A^apva<; elBov rbv arparbv

ei]/covra araBlov^ rfj<; 7roAe&)? dire)(Ovra, ovtceri
avaayeiov errotovvro, a\X clvtols, go? el/cos, 77)9

repbvofxevr]^ ev ru> ifupavel, ovttco eopd/cecrav ol

ye vecorepot, ovB' ol rrpeaftvrepoi tt\ i]v rd Mrj-
hixa, Beivbv e^auvero kcli eBo/cec rois re a,\\oi?
/cal fiaXiara rfj veorrjri eire^ievai /cal jjlt) irepi-

3 opdv. /card %vo~rdo~ei<; re yiyvofievoi ev iroWfj

epiBc Tfaav, ol jiev /ceXevovres eire^ievai, ol Be nves
ov/c euivres. ^pijo-fxoXuyoi re fjBov ^prjafiov^
iravroiov^, Oiv d/cpodadai &)? e/cacrros cop/xyro. 1

o'i re *
\yapvr)<s olbjxevoi irapa afyiGLV avrols ov/c
e\ax^rr]v fiolpav elvai \\6rivaLwv, a>? avrcov r)

yr) erefiverOy ivrjyov rr)v e^oBov fidXtara. rravrl

re rpoirw dvrjpiOiaro r) ttoXls /cal rbv Uepc/cXea

ev bpyfj elyov, /cal wv irapyveae irpbrepov ip,e-

/xv7]vro ovBev, aXV e/cd/ciov on o~rpari]ybs wv ov/c

erre^dyoi, aXribv re acjylaiv evbya^ov irdvrcov o)v

XXII. Uepi/cXr}$ Be bposv /iev avrovs TTpbs

to irapbv xaXe7raLV0vra<; /cal ov ra dpiara (f)po-

vovvras, iriarevcov Be 6p0co<; yiyvoocr/ceiv irepl rod

jjlt] iire^Levai, e/c/cX^alav re ov/c eirolei avrcov ovBe

^vXXoyov ovBeva, rod fir) opyf} re fidXXov r) yvcofiy

jjvveXdovras e^a/iapretv, n)v re ttoXiv icpvXacrae

ft*ith CEG ; & prn ro ABM.

BOOK II. xxi. i-xxii. i

no farther but had gone back again. (And indeed this

was the cause of his banishment from Sparta, since
he was thought to have been bribed to retreat.) But
when they saw the army in the neighbourhood of
Acharnae, only sixty stadia from the city, they thought
the situation no longer tolerable on the contrary, it

naturally appeared to them a terrible thing when their

land was being ravaged before their eyes, a sight
which the younger men had never seen, or even the
older men except in the Persian war and the general

opinion, especially on the part of the younger men,

was that they ought to go forth and put a stop to it.
They gathered in knots and engaged in hot disputes,
some urging that they should go out, others opposing
this course. Oracle-mongers were chanting oracles
of every import, according as each man was disposed
to hear them. And the Acharnians, thinking that
no insignificant portion of the Athenian people lived
at Acharnae, insisted most of all upon going out, as
it was their land that was being devastated. Thus
in every way the city w as in a state of irritation
; and
they were indignant against Pericles, and remember-
ing none of his earlier warnings they abused him
because, though their general, he would not lead
them out, and considered him responsible for all
their sufferings.
XXII. Pericles, however, seeing them exasperated
at the present moment and that their iatentions
were not for the best, and convinced that his
judgment was right about refusing to go out, would
not convoke a meeting of the assembly or any
gathering whatever, for fear that if they got to-
gether there would be an outbreak of passion
without judgment that would end in some serious

/cal hi rjavxias oaov ihvvaro efyev.
2 linrias fiivroi e^iireijorev alel rod firj TTpohpopuovs
Tou? iyyi><; tt}? iroXecos /ca/covpyelv /cal Itttto-

pLdylcL ns iyivero (Spa-%ela iv <&puyloi<; rcov re

Adi^valcov re\ei evl tcov lirrricov /cal ecrcra/Voi?
p.er avrcov rrpos tovs TSoicorcov iirTreas, iv y,
ovk ekacraov eayov ol 'Adrjvaioi kcli ecra-aXot
p-iXP 1 v 7r P oa ftorjd )]advrwv rots Bota)TOt? rcov
oitXitcov rpojrr) iyivero avrcov zeal diriOavov rcov
eaaaXcov teal AOqvaicov ov 7ToXXol, dveiXovro

/xevTOi avrovs avOrj/nepov dairovhovs. /cal ol

UeXoTTOWijcrioi Tpoiralov rjj varrepaLa earrjaav.

3 rj he florjOeLa avry tcov SecrcraSXcov Kara to
iraXaiov ^v/x/iaxiKOV iyivero Tot? 'Adrjvalois, teal
dcj>LKOvro irap avrovs Aapiaaloi, QapcrdXiot,, 1
KpavvcovtOL, livpdaiot, TvprcovtOL, Qepaloi.
rjyovvro he avrcov etc fiev Aaptcrrjs TloXv [irjhri^
/cat WpLcrrovovs, diro t>}? ardaeco<; ercdrepos, ire

he <>apadXov Mivcov r)aav he Kal rcov ciXXcov

Kara iroXeis ap^ovres.
XXIII. Oi he TleXoTT ovinia lo i, iirethrj ovk

eire^fjaav avrol? ol AOrjvaloi e? jid^v dpavres ,

iic rcov 'A^a/waw ihyovv tcov hi'i/Jicov nva<; aXXov<;

rcov /xera^v Tldpvr)6o<$ /cal JSpiXrjcrcTov opovs.

2 ovrcov he avrcov iv ry yfj ol Adrjvaloc aTzeareiXav
to.? e/carbv vavs rrepl TleXoirovv^aov dairep
Trapea/cevd^ovro /cal ^tXtov? 07r\i/ra? eV avrcov
napacrtoi, in MSS. after $apad\ioi, deleted by Heringa.
BOOK II. xxii. i-xxiii. 2

mistake moreover he guarded the city, and as far


as he could kept it free from disturbances. He

did, however, constantly send out detachments of
cavalry to prevent flying parties from the main army
from raiding the fields near the city and ravaging
them and there was a cavalry skirmish at Phrygia

between a company of Athenian horsemen, assisted

by some Thessalians, and the Boeotian cavalry, in
which the Athenians and Thessalians fully held their
own, until their heavy infantry came to the support
of the Boeotians, when they were routed. A few of
the Thessalians and the Athenians were killed, but
their bodies were recovered the same day without a
truce and on the next day the Peloponnesians set up

a trophy. This auxiliary force of the Thessalians was

sent to the Athenians in accordance with an ancient
alliance, 1 and those who came were Larisaeans,
Pharsalians, Crannonians, Pyrasians, Gyrtonians, and
Pheraeans. And their leaders were, from Larissa,
Polymedes and Aristonous, each representing his own
faction, and from Pharsalus Menon and the others ;

had their own commander city by city.

XXIII. The Peloponesians, on the other hand,
when the Athenians did not come out to do battle
with them broke up their camp at Acharnae and
ravaged some of the demes which lie between Mt.
Parnes and Mt. Brilessus.'- But while they were
still in their territory the Athenians sent out on

an expedition round the Peloponnesus the hundred

ships 3 which they had been equipping, and on

cf. i. cii. 4.
More generally known as
Pentelicus, so called from the
deme Pentele on its southern slope.
cf ch. xvii. 4.

Kal rotjoras rerpaKoatov^- iarparrjyet Be Kap-
Ktl'OS T 6 "BeVOTipOU Kal HpCDTeaS E7T/cXeOL'9

3 Kal S(OKpdTr)<; 6 'Avrtyevovs. /cat oi ptev apavres

tt) irapaaKevf} ravrrj irepteTrXeov, oi Be IleXo-
irovvrjatot y^povov eptptetvavres iv rrj 'Attikt) oaov
6lx ov Ta iTTtrrf&eia aveyu>pr)Gav Bid Botcortuv, ovy
yirep iaeftaXov iraptovTes Be 'Clpwirbv rr)v <yr)v

rr)v YpatKTjV fcaXov/jtevrjv, r)v veptovrat ^Clpwirtot

'AOrjvaicov viri]Koot, eBrjwaav. a^LKopuevot Be e'<?

UeXoTTovvrjcrov BteXvdr^aav /caret iroXets eKaarot.

XXIV. 'AvaxtepyGavTwv Be avrcov oi WOrj-
valot (pv\a/ca<; Karearrjcravro Kara yrjv Kal Kara
6dXao~o~av, axnrep Br) e/xeXXov Bid iravTos rod
TToXe/jiov (j)v\d^etv Kal ytXta rdXavra diro tcov
iv rfj d/cpoiroXet yprjixdrcov eBol~ev avrots igatpera
7TOtr)aa/jtevot<; %&>/?? OeaOat Kal ptr) dvaXovv, aXX
airb rcov aXXwv TToXeptelv r)v Be T? eXirrj r) eirt-

yp-Tjcfriar) Ktvelv ra xptj/jtara ravra e? aXXo rt,

r)v ptr) oi iroXe/jtiot vrjiry arparcp iTrtirXewai rfj

TroXet Kal Bey dixvvaaOai, Odvarov fy/xiav iire-

2 Oevro. TptJjpets re fier avrcov e^atperovs eirotr)-

aavro Kara top ivtavrbv eKarov ra? /3eXj terras

Kal rptiipdpypvs avrats, wv ptr) -)(^pr]aOat pti]Be/ita

e'9 aXXo rt r) iiera rcov yjn]paTwv irepl rou avrov

KtvBvvov, r)v Bey.

1 Named after the ancient town of Tpala (Horn. B 498).


BOOK II. xxm. 2-xxiv. 2

them a thousand hoplites and four hundred archers

and the generals in command were Carcinus son of
Xenotimus, Proteas son of Epicles, and Socrates son
of Antigenes. So they set sail with this force and
began their cruise the Peloponnesians, on the other

hand, remained in Attica for as long a time as they

were provisioned and then withdrew through Boeotia,
taking a different route from that by which they had
entered Attica. They passed by Oropus and laid
waste the district called Graice, 1 which the Oropians
occupy as subjects of the Athenians. 2 Then on their
return to the Peloponnesus they were dismissed to
their several cities.
XXIV. After the retreat of the Lacedaemonians,
the Athenians set guards to keep watch both by land
and sea, their purpose being to maintain a like guard
throughout the war. They decided also to set apart
one thousand talents 3 of the money stored on the
Acropolis as a special reserve fund, and not to
spend it, but to use the rest to carry on the war ;

and if anyone should make or put to vote a pro-

posal to touch this money except in the one case
that the enemy should attack the city with a fleet
and they should have to defend it, death was to be
the penalty. And along with this sum of money
they set apart for special service each year one
hundred of the very best triremes, appointing
trierarchs to command them, and no one of these
ships was to be used in any other way than in connec-
tion with this particular fund in dealing with the
same danger should the emergency arise.
This was written before 412/11, when Oropus was cap-
tured by the Boeotians.
3 About 200,000, or $972,000. This was part of the
6,000 taleuts stored on the Acropolis (ch. xiii. 3).
XXV. 01 8' ev rals e/carbv vavcri irepl IleXo-
TTOvvtjGov 'A6)]valoi /cal Kep/cvpalot /ner avrcov
7TVT7]/covTa vavcri TTpoo-ftei3or)6r)ic6T6<; /cal aXkoi
rives rcjv i/cel %vp/xd%ojv aXka re i/cd/covv irepi-
rrXeovres /cal e? We6d>vr)v ts Aa/ccovi/crj<; airo-
ftdvres tw reiyei 7rpocrif3a\ov, ovri daOevel /cal
2 dvOpdiirwv ov/c ivovrcov. eVin^e 8e irepl rovs
Xojpovs tovtovs Bpacrtoa? o Te\\t8o9, dviip
^TTapTLarrjs, (f>povpdv eywv, /cal aio~66p,evo<; eftorj-
Qei rot? ev r<p ^copuo p,erd ottXltcjv e/carov.
SiaSpaficbv Be to tcov 'Adrjvalcov arparoTrehov,
ea/ceSaapevov Kara rrjv yozpav /cal 7T/0O? to rel^o^
rerpapLpievov, eairiirjeb e? rrjv 7tyle0(ov7]v /cal oXl-
yovs Tivas ev rfj eo~6pop,f) diroXeaa^ rcov p,e6*
rod To\pii]paTO<; 7rpcorou rcov Kara, rbv irbXepov

3 eirrjveOri ev ^irdprri. ol he 'A07]valoL dpavre?

irapeirXeov, /cal a^ovres tt}<; 'HXeias ? <>eiav
ehrjovv rr)v yrjv eirl hvo rjpLepas /cal Trpocr/3or)0?]-
aavras rcov etc t?}? kolXtjs "H?uSo? rpia/coaiovs
Xoyd&as /cal row avrodev e/c tt)? TrepiOL/clSos
4 'klXelcov p,d-)(r) dvepov Be Kariovros
pueydXov yeipa^bpievoi ev dXcfxevw yo&pup, ol pXv
ttoXXoI eire^ijaav eirl Ta? vav<; /cal TrepieirXeov
rbv ''XyOvv /caXovp,evov ri]v atcpav e? rbv ev rfj
<>eia Xipeva, ol Se Meao-rfvioi ev rovrcp /cal aXXoi
rives, ol ov hvvdpevob eTTi^?]vai, Kara yr)v %/};;-
5 aavres riiv Qeidv alpovaiv. /cal varepov aX re
vrjes TrepiTrXeuaaaac dvaXapi(Sdvovaiv avrov? /cal
e^avdyovrai e/cXelirovres tpetdv, ical rcov 'HAetW
7) 7roWi] )]Bt] crrparid irpoael3e/3oi]6i]KeL irapa- t

BOOK II. xxv. 1-5

XXV. Meanwhile the Athenians who had been

despatched in the hundred ships around the Pelopon-
nesus, together with the Corey raeans, who had rein-
forced them with fifty ships, and some of their other
allies in that quarter, were pillaging various places as
they cruised about, and in particular disembarked at
Methone in JLaconia and assaulted its walls, which /
were weak, and without adequate defenders. But/
Brasidas, son of Tellis, a Spartan, happened to be in
that neighbourhood with a guarding party, and
seeing the situation he set out with one hundred hop-/
lites to relieve the garrison. Dashing through the
army of the Athenians, which was scattered over the
country and was occupied solely with the fortress, he
threw his force into Methone, losing a few of his men
in the rush, and thus saved the city. '"This daring
exploit, the first of the kind in the war, was acknow-
ledged at Sparta by a vote of thanks. The Athenians
then weighed anchor and continued their cruise along
the coast, and putting in at Pheia in Elis ravaged the
land for two days, defeating in battle a rescue-party
of three hundred picked men gathered from the low-
lands of Elis and from the immediate neighbourhood
of Pheia. But a heavy gale of wind arose, and since
they were exposed to the storm in a harbourless
region, most of them embarked on their ships and
sailed round the promontory called Ichthys into the
harbour at Pheia. Meanwhile the Messenians and
some others, who could not get on board, marched
overland and took Pheia. Afterwards, when the
fleet had rounded the promontory, it took up thesrf
men, abandoned Pheia, and put out to sea, for mean-
while the main body of the Eleans had come to the
rescue. The Athenians now resumed their voyage
7r\evaavT<; Be ol 'AOijvaioi eVt aXXa ywpia
XXVI. Ttto Be rov avrbv y^povov tovtov

'A6y]valoL rpid/eovra e^eirefx^rav irepl ry)v

AoicpiBa teal Eu/3ota? tifia cfrvXa/ajv earpaTijyet
Be avrcov KXeo7royLt7ro? 6 KXewLOv. teal airo-
fidcreis TTOir)aa\evo<$ t?)? re irapaOaXacraiov eariv
a ihrjwae teal Spoviov elXev, 6fJbi]pov$ re eXaftev
avrcov, teal ev ^AXoirrj rovs j3or]0)]o-avTa<i Ao/epcov
fJ-dxy e/epdrrjaev.
XXVII. 'Avecrrrjaav Be teal AlyivtJTas tQ> avrw
depei Tovrcp e AlyLvr)*; AOrjvaioi, avrovs re teal
7ralBa<; teal yvvai/eas, eirLfeaXeaavre^ ovy^ rjKLara
rod iroXefiov acjiiacv alrlovf elvar teal rrjv Alyi-
vav dcr(f)aXeo~Tepov e^alvero rfj WeXoTTovvrjaw
en iKenxkvr)v avrwv Tre/juyjravras 7tolkov<; e^eiv.
kcCi e^eirepsifav varepov ov 7roXXw e? avrrjv toi>9

OLKijropas. eKireaovat Be to?? Alyivrjrais ol

AaKeBaifiovLOi eBoaav Qvpeav ol/eeiv feal tj)v yrjv

ve/jLo-0aL, Kara re to WOrjvatcov Bid(popoi> teal

ore a(f)(x)i> evepyerau rjcrav biro top creiafAov teal

to)V JLlXcorcov rr)V e7r av'do'i ao iv '. t) Be Qvpearis

yrj fieOopia rfjs 'Aoyeta? teal AafecoviKrjs eartv,
7rl OdXaaaav teaOij/covcra. teal ol fiev avrcjv
evravOa oj ter)o-av, ol Be io-irdprjaav Kara ttjv
aXXrjv IhXXdBa.
XXVIII. ToO ' aurov Oepovs vovfirjvla teard
o-eXi]V7)v, coairep teal jiovov Bo/eel eivai ylyveaOai
1 Kar read by Hude, after Madvig.

BOOK II. xxv. 5-xxvm.

along the coast, and visiting other plncx 4i


XXVI. About this same time the Athenians sent
out thirty ships to operate around Locris and at the
same time to serve as a guard for Euboea. These
were under the command of Cleopompus son of
Clinias, who made descents upon various places along
the seaboard and ravaged them, captured Thronium,
some of whose inhabitants he took as hostages,
and at Alope defeated in battle the Locrians who
came to the defence of the town.
XXVII. In the course of this summer the Athen-
ians also expelled the Aeginetans from Aegina, to-
gether with their wives and children, making it their
main charge against them that they were responsible
for the war in which they were involved besides ;

Aegina lay close to the Peloponnesus, and it was

clearly a safer policy to send colonists of their own
to occupy it. And indeed they soon afterwards sent
thither the settlers. As for the Aeginetan refugees7
the Lacedaemonians gave them Thyrea to dwell in
and its territory to cultivate, moved to do this not
only by the hostility of the Aeginetans towards the
Athenians but also because the Aeginetans had done
them a service at the time of the earthquake and
the revolt of the Helots. 1 Now the district of Thyrea
is the border country between Argolis and Laconia,

extending down to the sea. There some of the

Aeginetans settled, while some were scattered over
the rest of Hellas.
XXVIII. During the same summer at the beffinniiljr
of a lunar month 2 (the only time, it seems, when

^> a
cf. i. ci.

August 3rd, 431


hvvdTOV, 6 tfXios efe'Xi7re fiera i~iear)pif3piav Kal
rrdXiv dveirX^pcoOT}, yevofievos fJLrjvoeihr)? /cat aa-
Tepcov tivcov eKcpavevrcov.
XXIX. Kal ev rep avTco Oepei 'Nv/icpoScopov rbv
YlvOeco, dvhpa "'AfB&rjpiT'qv, ov el^e rifv d&eXcfirjv
^iTaXrcrjs, Swdpuevov Trap avrco fieya ol 'AOrjvaloi
irporepov rroXepLLOv vo/AL^ovTes irpo^evov eirotrj-

aavro teal [xeTeTrepi^ravTO, (Sov\op.evoi ^iraX/cr/v

cr<pL(Ti rbv Tijpeco, SpqKcov ftaaiXia, ^upL/ia^ov
2 yeveaOai. 6 Be TrjprjS ovtos 6 rod ^ltoXkov
ttcltijp 7T/3WTO? 'Odpvcrais ttjv p,eydXv,v (BaaiXeLav
irrl irXeov t?)? aXXrjs (dpafcr)$ irrolrjo-ev rroXv
3 yap fiepos Kal ai/Tovofiov iart SpqKOJv. Trjpel Se
no IlpoKvrjv rr)v TlavBiovos air Wdrjvcov Gyovri
yvvalKa Trpocnj/cet 6 T^'/Q?;? olto? ovSev, ovhe
t/}? avr?79 &pdfcr)<; eyevovTO, a,\\' 6 fxev ev AavXiq
rip <>cdfci8os vvv KaXov fievris 77)? T^peu? co/cei,

rore virb SpqKcov oiKOVfievris, Kal to epyov to

rrepl rbv "Itvv at yvvalKes ev ttj
yfj Tavrrj
eirpa^av (iroXXols he. Kal tcov ttol^tcov ev a^cwo?
fivij/jLr] AavXcas 7] opi'i c iircovofiao-Tai), eiKos Te
Kal to Krj&o? UavBlova ^vvd^aaQai tt)<; OvyaTpbs
Bid toctovtov far cocpeXCq ttj 7T/do? aXXijXovs
fiaXXov TJ Bid ttoXXcov yfiepcov es 'OBpvaas 6Bov,
Ti)pT]<; Be ovBe to avTo ovopa e%a>*> (SatnXevs
Deleted by Hude, after van Herwerden, as not read by
the Scholiast.
* re, in the MSS. after Rcur^evs, deleted by Classen.

i.e.their representative to look after Athenian interests
in the country of Sitalces and Tereus. The latter had violated
BOOK II. xxviii.-xxix. 3

such an occurrence is possible) the sun was eclipsed

after midday it assumed the shape of a crescent and


became full again, and during the eclipse some stars

became visible.
XXIX. In this summer, too, Nvmphodorus son of
Pythes, a man of Abdera, whose sister Sitalces had
to wife, and possessing great influence with Sitalces,
the Athenians made their proxenus l with that king,
although they had hitherto regarded him as an
enemy and they summoned him to Athens, wishing

to gain Sitalces, son of Teres and king of the

Thracians, as their ally. Now this Teres, the father
of Sitalces, was the first to found the great kingdom
of the Odrysians, which extended over the larger
part of Thrace for a considerable portion of the

Thracians are independent. This Teres is not in

any way con nected with Tereus who took from Athens
t o be h is wife Procne the daughter of Pandion, nor
indeed did they come from the same Thrace. Tereus
dwelt at Daulia in the land now called Phocis, which
was then occupied by Thracians, and it was in that
land that the women 2 perpetrated their deed upon
Itys. In fact many of the poets, when they refer to
the nightingale, call it the bird of Daulia. Besides .
it was natural for Pandion to contract the marriage
alliance for his daughter at so short a distance as
Daulia with a view to mutual protection, rather than
among the Odrysians, who are many days' journey
distant. Teres, however, whose name was not the
same as the other's, was the first king to attain
Philomela, sister of Procne, and cnt out her tongue to prevent
her telling of it but she revealed it by weaving the story

into a piece of tapestry.

2 The women, i.e. Procne and Philomela, who murdered
Itys, son of Procne.

4 TrpMTos ev Kparet 'OSpvcrwv iyevero. ov Srj ovra
rov 2t7 d\fcr)i> oi 'AOrjvaioi, ^vfipba^ov inoiovvro,
fiovXofievoi a(f)L(TL rd iirl 0/j^/c?;? ywpia Kal
5 Hep&iKfcav i^vve^eXelv avrov. iXOcov re e? ra?
'A#?;Va? 6 Nv/.t(p68(opo<; rrjv rov XiraXKov
^vfifia^tav eiroirjae Kal XdSoKov rov viov avrov
WOrjvaiov, rov re iirl Spaicr)? iroXefiov v7reSi^ero
KaraXvceiv ireiGeiv yap ZirdX/erjv rrepLireiv arpa-

ridv %paKiav 'A07]vaioL<; lirirewv re real ireX-

6 rao-rwv. ^vve/3i/3aae Be /cal rov TlephiKtcav roU
'AOrjvaLOis Kal Sepfirjv avrut eireiaev dirohovvar
^vvear par ever e re evdvs TlephiKKas iirl Xa\/aSea9
7 per a ^AO^vaioov Kal QopfAicovos. ovrco fiev lirdX-
Kr}s re 6 Typeco, Spafcwv fiacnXevs, ^vpLfia^o^
iyevero 'Adqvauois Kal UepSiKKas 6 *AXei;dv8pov,
~hlaK$6vcov (3aaiXev<;.
XXX. 0/ cj ev rals eKarov

vavalv A6i]valoi

en ovres irepl TleXoirovvrjcrov 'EoXXiov re K.opiv-

Oioov iroXiapLa alpovcri Kal irapahihoaai UaXac-
pevcuv AKapvdvo)V p,6voi$ rrjv yr\v Kal iroXiv
vepbeadar Kal 'AcrraKov, ^? Euap^o? ervpdvvet,
Xaftovres Kara Kpdro^ Kal i^eXdcravre^ avrov to
2 ywplov e? r-qv ^vp.fia^lav rrpocrenroaqGavro. eirl
re KecpaXXyviav rrjv vrjerov TrpoarrXevcravre^
TTpocniydyovro dvev p,d\r\^' Kelrai he ?) KecfraX-
Xt]vlaKara WKapvaviav Kal AevKciSa rerpdiroXi^
3 ovaa, TlaXfjs, Kpdvioi, *2ap,aioi, Upcovvoi. vare-
pov 8' ov ttoXXw dve^copijaav at j/fjes e? ra?


BOOK II. xxix. 3-xxx. 3

great power amongthe Odrysians. And it was his

son, Sitalces, whom the Athenians wanted to make
their ally, wishing him to help in subduing the
places on the coast of Thrace and Perdiccas. So
Nymphodorus came to Athens, brought about the
alliance with Sitalces, and got Sadocus son of Sitalces
made an Athenian citizen and he promised also

to bring the warThrace to an end, saying that he

would persuade Sitalces to send the Athenians a
Thracian force of cavalry and targeteers. Moreover,
he brought about a reconciliation between Perdiccas
and the Athenians, whom he persuaded to restore
Therme 1 to him. Perdiccas immediately joined
forces with the Athenians under Phormio 2 and took
It was in this way

the field against the Chalcidians .

that Sitalces son of Teres, king of the Thracians,

became an ally of the Athenians, and also Perdiccas
son of Alexander, king of the Macedonians.
XXX. Meanwhile the Athenians in the hundred
ships, who were still ope?ating"on the Peloponnesian
coast, took So llium, a town belonging to the Corin-
thians, wliich they" then handed over, the territory
as well as the city, to the people of Palaerus in
Acarnania, for their exclusive occupation. They also
stormed Astacus, which Euarchus ruled as tyrant,
drove hint" otif^' and incorporated the place in their
confederacy. Sailing then to the island of Cephal-
lenia, they brought it over to their side without a
battle.* Now Cephallenia lies over against Acar-
nania and Leucas and is a union of four communities,
the Palians, Cranians, Samaeans, and Pronnians.
And not long afterwards the ships withdrew to
* cf. 1. lxi. 2. cf. 1. lxiv. 2 ; lxv. 3.

XXXI. Hepl Be rb ^>Qivorrwpov rov 6epov<;
rovrov WOrjva'iOL iravSqixei, avrol /cat ol /ler-
olkoi, ecrefiaXov e? tijv ^SleyaplSa UepiKXeov? rov
'B-avOimrov arparrjyovvro^. Kal ol rrepl ITeXo-
irovvrjGov *
K&i\vaZoi ev rah etcarov vavaiv
(erv^ov yap rt Sr] ev Alyivr) 6We? eir olkov dva-
/co/jLi^o/ievoi) &)? rjadovro tou? ifc tt}? 7ro\e&)?
rravcrrparia ev ^leydpois ovras, eirXevcrav Trap
2 avrovs real ^vvepLeix^^o-av. arparoireSov re
fieyio-TOV Sy rovro dOpoov 'Adrjvalcov eyevero,
aKfia^ovo-ty; en t?}? TroXeco? teal ovirco vevocrrjKvias-
fjLVpLtoV yap oirXtrwv ovk eXdao~ov<; rjaav avrol
ol W0r]valoL (^copU S' avrol? ol ev YloreiSala,
rpirry/iKLOi rjcrav), jieroiKoi Be ^vveaeftaXov ovk
eXdcraov? rpia^t-Xtcov oirXirwv, %ft>p*? he 6 aXXos
3 b/niXo? ^\rtX(hv ovk oXlyos. Srjcoaavre ; Se ra 1

7roXXa t?}? yrjs dveyodpr\o~av. eyevovro Se koX

aXXai varepov ev rat TroXe/iw Kara eVo? eKaarov
eaftoXai 'A6)]valcov e? rr)v MeyapiSa Kal lirrrecDV
Kal rravarparia, p-^XP 1 ^ NtVata edXco U7r'
XXXII. ^ILreiyLo-Qy} Se Kal 'AraXdvrrj vtto
'AOrjvaicov <f>povpiov rov depovs rovrov reXevrcov*-
to?, r; eVt AoKpots to?? 'O-rrovvriois vrjeros, ipi] fir)
rrporepov ovaa, rod fir] Xr/crras eKirXeovra? ei;
Oirovvros Kal rrj? aXXrj? AoKpiSos KaKOvpyelv
r^v Rvftocav. ravra fiev ev rep Oepei rovrq) puera
rijv TleXorr ovvrjalcov Ik tt}? ArrLKr)? dvaxd>pr)cnv

XXXIII. Tov 8* iircyLyvo/jievov %e/i.coi>o? ~Ev-
apx<>S o 'AKapvdv, /3ovX6/ievo<; e? rr)v 'AaraKov

BOOK II. xxxi. i-xxxin.

XXX I. Towarc^he
wardUto autumn of this year the Athe-
nians with all their military forces, drawn both from
the citizens and the resident aliens, invaded Megaris
under the command of Pericles son of Xanthippus,
who was general. 1 The Athenians of the fleet of
one hundred ships operating around Peloponnesus,
who happened to be at Aegina on their way home,
when they heard that the whole military force of the
city was at Megara, sailed over and joined them.
This was the largest army of Athenians that had
ever been assembled in one body, for the city was
still at the height of its strength and not as yet

stricken by the plague the Athenians themselves


numbered not less than ten thousand heavy in-

fantry, not including the three thousand at Potidaea, 2
and there were three thousand heavy-armed aliens
who took part in the invasion, and, besides, a con-
siderable body of light-armed troops. After they
had ravaged most of the Megarian country they
retired. Later on in the course of the war still
other invasions were made by the Athenians into
Megaris every year, both with the cavalry and with
the whole army, until Nisaea was captured. 3_ \ ^/
XXXII. Towards the end of this summer the 431 B -

Athenians also fortified and garrisoned AtalanteJthe

island which lies off Opuntian Locris andliaThlth'erto
been unoccupied. Their object was to prevent
pirates sailing from Opus and the other ports of
Locris and ravaging Euboea. These were the events
which took place during this summer after the
withdrawal of theifeloponnesians from Attica. _____
"" j
XXXIII. But i j the ensuing wi nter) Euarchus the
Acarnanian, wishinlfTo*rffflffl"RWfc5fe*{:us, persuaded i

i.e. one of the ten generals elected annually.
9 3
cf. i. Ixi. 4. iv. lxvi.-lxix.
fcareXOelv, ireiOei KopivOLovs reaaapaKovra vavcrl
teal TrevTafcoaLois Kal %t\tot? oirXirai*; eavrbv
Kardyetv irXevaavra^, teal avros eTriKOvpovs Tivas
TTpocrefjuaOcoo-aro' vpx ov &* T71^ (nptnia? Eu-
<j)a/jLL$a<; re 6 'ApiaTcovvfiov real TV/zofe^o? 6

2 Tif.LOfcpdTOv<; Eutta^o? o XpvaiBos.

teal Kal
irXevaavTes Kariqyayov Kal tt}? aXXri<; 'A/cap-
vavias tt}? irepl OdXaacrav ecrriv a ywpla /3ov\6-
[xevoi TrpoaTTOirjaaadai Kal ireipaQevTes, a>? ov/c

3 eBvvavro, air eirXeov eV olkov. a^ovTes 8' eV t<w

irapdirXw e'9 Keep aXXriv Lav Kal aTro/Saaiv 11011)-

(jdfxevoL e? t^ Kpaviwv yi)v, dirarrjOevTe^ vtt*

avioiv ef 6 fjLokoyias rivbs avBpas re diro^aXXovac

crcf)(ov avrcov, eirtOejievwv ciTrpoaBoKrjrco^ rcov
Kpavicov, Kal fiiaiorepov dvayayofievoi eKo/xlaOi)-
aav eV oikov.
XXXIY. 'Ev Be tg) avrw yei\xo$vi 'Adrjvaloi
too Trarpiw v6fi(p y^pwfievoi BrjfMocria rafyds eiroLij-

aavro rebv iv rooBe tw TroXe/iw TrpcoTcov diroQavov-

2 tcdv rpoirw rocwBe. ra fiev 6o~ra irporidevTai
toov diroyevojievcDV irpoTpira aKi]v?)v Troufoavres,
Kal 7TL(f)6p6LTw avrov eKaaros rjv ri /3ovXr)Tar
3 eireiBdv Be eK(j)opd y, XdpvaKas KVirapicnjivas

dyovcriv dfia^ai} (fivXy]<; e:a<7T>7? fiiav evean Be

rd oara 779 e/cacrTo? iiv cpvXij^. /xla Be kXlvtj
Kevri (peperat io-rpw/ievrj rwv dcjxivcov, 01 dv p,i)

4 evpeOoiaiv e? dvatpeacv. ^vveK^epec Be 6 (SovXo-

fievos Kal darayp Kal ^evcov, Kal yvvaiKe? Trdpeicnv
al irpo<j)')KovaaL eirl top rdfyov oXofyvpofievai.
Hude inserts Hxa, following Gertz.
BOOK II. xxxiii. i-xxxiv. 4

the Corinthians to sail with forty ships and fifteen

hundred heavy infantry and restore him to power,
and for this purpose he himself hired some mer-
cenaries. The commanders of the expedition were
Euphamidas son of Aristonymus, Timoxenus son of
Timocrates, and Eumachus son of Chrysis. They
did in fact sail over and restore him and wishing

to acquire some other places along the seaboard of

Acarnania they made the attempt but failed, and
thereupon sailed for home. As they skirted the
coast they touched at Cephallenia, where they
made a descent upon the territory of the Cranians ;

here deceived by the inhabitants through some sort

of agreement they lost a few of their men by an un-
expected attack of the Cranians, and finally, after
they had got out to sea with considerable difficulty,
managed to get back home. ^ .

XXXIV. In the course of/fthe same winter /the

Athenians, following the custom of their fathers,
celebrated at the public expense the funeral rites bf
the first who had fallen in this war. The ceremony
is as follows. The bones of the departed lie in state
for the space of three days in a tent erected for that
purpose, and each one brings to his own dead any
offering he desires. On the day of the funeral
coffins of cypress wood are borne on wagons, one
for each tribe, and the bones of each are in the
coffin of his tribe. One empty bier, covered with a
pall, is carried in the procession for the missing
whose bodies could not be found for burial. Any
one who wishes, whether citizen or stranger, may
take part in the funeral procession, and the women
who are related to the deceased are present at the

5 TiOeacriv ovv e? to Btj/aoo-iov arjfia, o icrriv eVl
tov tcaXXuaTOV TTpoao-relov tt}<; 7roXeco<; teal alel

iv CLVTO) OaTTTOVGL TOU5 6K T(OV TroXificovtt\i'-)v J

tovs "hlapaO&vr etceivcov Be StairpeTrr] tt)v

aperrjv tcpivavTes avrov teal tov rdfyov e7rou]aav.
6 eireiBdv Be tepvyjrcoac yfj, dvrjp ypripbevos xjito t???
7roA.60)? o? av yvco/jLT) re Botefj /jlt) a^vveros elvai
teal a^iwcrei, Trporjier), Xeyei eV avrols eiraivov
7 tov TrpeirovTCL' /jbera Be tovto airep^ovrai. wBe
fiev dciTTTOvaiv teal Bed iravTos rod iroXe/iov,
8 07TOT6 %V/jL/3cdr) CLVTOZS, i%p(x)VTO T(p VOflfp. eVI
5' ovv rot? TrpCDTOi? TolaBe TLepiteXrjs 6 "EZavOiinrov

r/peOr} Xeyetv. teal eTreiBr) teaipbs iXdfiftave,

irpoeXOcbv airb tov o-i}\iaT0<$ irrl f3r}/ia vtyriXbv
7re7roLi]/jLevor, ottcl><; dteovoLjo &)? eiri TrXelarov tov
6/j.lXov, eXeye ToidBe.
XXXV. " 0/ p<ev ovv ttoXXoI twv evOdBe tfBi]

elprj/coTcov Ittclivovgi tov rrpoaOevTa tg> vo/kd tov

Xoyov TovBe, oj? teaXbv iirl Tot? ite tcov TroXificov
OaTTTOfiivois dyopeveaOai clvtov. ifiol Be dpteovv
av eBoteei elvai dvBpwv dyaOcov epyw yevofievcov
epytp teal BrjXovo-Oat Ta? ola teal vvv irepl

tov Tacf)0V TovBe irapaGteevaodevTa


0/3O.T6, teal fir) iv evl dvBpl iroXXwv aperd? teivBv-

veveadac ev re teal yelpov elirovTi irKrrevOrjvai.
2 ^aXenbv yap to peTpiux; elirelv ev u> fioXis teal rj

The Outer Cerameicus, just outside the Dipylon gate
This street was to Athens what the Appian Way was to t<

BOOK II. xxxiv. 5-xxxv. 2

burial and make lamentation. The coffins are laid

in the public sepulchre, which is situated in the most
beautiful suburb 1 of the city; there they always bury
those fallen in war, except indeed those who fell at
Marathon; for their valour the Athenians judged to
be preeminent and they buried them on the spot
where they fell. But when the remains have been
laid away in the earth, a man chosen by the state,
who is regarded as best endowed with wisdom and is
foremost in public esteem, delivers over them an
appropriate eulogy. After this the people depart. In
this manner they bury and throughout the war,

whenever occasion arose, they observed this custom.

Now over these, the first victims of the war, Pericles
son of Xanthippus was chosen to speak. And wTien
the proper time came, he advanced from the sepulchre
and took his stand upon a platform which had been
built high in order that his voice might reach as far
as possible in the throng, and spoke as follows :

XXXV. "Most of those who have spoken here in

the past have commended the law-giver who added
this oration to our ceremony, feeling that it is meet
and right that it should be spoken at their burial
over those who have fallen in war. To me, however,
it would have seemed sufficient, when men have
proved themselves brave by valiant acts, by act
only to make manifest the honours we render them
such honours as to-day you have witnessed in
connection with these funeral ceremonies solemnized

by the state and not that the valour of many men
should be hazarded on one man to be believed or not
according as he spoke well or ill. For it is a hard
matter to speak in just measure on an occasion
where it is with difficulty that belief in the speaker's

hotcqaus Tr)? dXrjOeia^ /3e/3aL0i>TCu. 6 re yap
^vvetBoos Kal vvov<; afcpocnr)? rd% dv ti evBe-
earepco<; 7rpo? a ftovXeral re Kal eTriararai vo/il-
creue B>]Xovcr0ai, o re aireipos eariv a Kal
rrXeovd^eaOat, Bid (f>66vov, et ri virep ttjv avrov
(f>uacv clkovol. /jiexpL yap rovBe avetcToi ol eiraivol
elai rrepl erepcov Xeyofievoi, e? oaov dv real avrbs
eKaaros otrjrac l/cavos elvai Bpdaai tl a)v i]Kovaev
Tft) Be vTrepfidWovTL avrcov (f)0ovovvTes rjB?] Kal

3 aTTLGTOvcriv. eireiBr] Be toIs ird\ai ovtms eBo-

KipidcrOr) ravra AraXw? eyeiv, XPV Kai eV^ evro/ievov

to) v6fi(p ireipdcrdai v/xwv tt}? e/edcrrov /5ouXr;creco?
re rvyelv &)? eirl irXelarov.
fcai B6t;t]$

XXXVI. " "Ap^o/iat Be dirb rcov irpoyovcov

irpcjrov' BUaiov yap avrols Kal irpeirov Be dfia
ev to) roiQiBe rr)v Ti\xr]V ravrrjv tt)? pjvr)p,r\^

BiBoaQai. rr)v yap yjjopav ol avrol alel ol/covvres

BiaBoy^fi roiv e7riyiyvo/j,evcov p-^xpi TovBe eXev-
2 Oepav Bt dperrjv irapeBocrav. Kal eKelvoi re afyoi
eiraivov Kal en fidXXov ol irarepes rjjitov Krrjad-
fievoi yap 7rpb<; oh iBi^avro oarjv eyop,ev dp-yi^v
3 ovk dirovo}*;, f)plv tck? vvv TrpoaKareXLTTOv. ra
Be 7rXel(o avrf)<; avrol t) fie is olBe ol vvv en ovres
pdXiara ev ry KaOearrjKvia rjXiKia, eirj]v^)Gap.ev,
Kal rr)v itoXlv rots iraa TrapeaKevdaapLev Kal e?
4 TroXefiov Kal e? elprjvyjv avTapKeardrrjv. wv eytb

Those enumerated by Pericles in ch. xii . money, army
and navy.


BOOK II. xxxv. 2-xxxvi. 4

accuracy is established. For the hearer who is

cogn izant of the facts and partial to the dead will
pertlaps think that scant justice has been done

in comparison (with his own wishes )and his own

knowledge^whiTe he who is not so informed, when-
ever he hears of an exploit which goes beyond^
his own capacity, will be led by envy to think
there is some exaggeration. And indeed eulogies
of other men are tolerable only in so far as each
hearer thinks that he too has the ability to perforni>
any of the exploits of which he hears but whatever ;

goes beyond that at once excites envy and unbelief.

However, since our forefathers approved of this-
practice as right and proper, I also, rendering obedi-
ence to the law, must endeavour to the best of my
ability to satisfy the wishes and beliefs of each of
XXXVI. " I shall speak first of our ancestors, for
it is right and same time fitting, on an occasion
at the
like this, to give them this place of honour in re-
calling what they did. For this land of ours, in
which the same people have never ceased to dwell in
an unbroken line of successive generations, they by
their valour transmitted to our times a free state.
And not only are they worthy of our praise, but our
fathers still more for they, adding to the inheritance

which they received, acquired the empire we now

possess and bequeathed it, not without toil, to us who
are alive to-day. And we ourselves here assembled,
who are now for the most part still in the prime of
life, have further strengthened the empire in most
respects, and have provided our city with all re-
sources, 1 so that it is sufficient for itself both in
peace and in war. The military exploits whereby
ra fxev Kara 7roXefiov<; epya, oh e/caara eKTrjOrj,

r) el ti avTol r) ol Trarepes r)pcov fidpfiapov rj

"EXXrjva TroXefiov 1 Ittiovtcl 7rpoOv/j,(D<; rj/xwdpeOa,

fiafcpjjyopelv ev elBocnv ov /3ovXop,evo<;, id&co-
airb Be ota? Te iiriT>i$vcreco<; yXOofiev eir avra
Kal fxeO* oia? iroXiTeias Kal Tpbirwv e' o'lcov

fieydXa iyevero, tclvtcl Br)\(tio~a<; irpoyrov el/xi Kal

eirl tov TwvBe eiratvov, vo/jll^gov iirl re too irapovri

ovk av carpeir?! XexOfjvai avra Kal tov irdvra

o/jllXov Kal darcov Kal evcov %v/jL(f)opov elvai
eTraKOvcrai avTchv.
XXXVII. " Xpco/meOa yap Trokireiq ov ^rjXov-
(ttj tou? tgov 7re\<x? vofiovs, irapdBecyfia Be fiaXXov
avrol ovTes ricrlv r) fiifiovfievoi erepovs. Kal
ovofia fiev Blcl to fir) e? oXuyovs dXX* e? irXeiovas
OLKelv BrjfMOKpaTia KetcXr)Tai, fierecTTL Be Kara fiev

tovs vbfiovs 7T/90? tcl IBia Bidcfropa iraai to taov,

KaTa Be ttjv aglcocriv, &>? eKaaTos ev to? evBoKi/xel,

ovk airb fiepov? to irXeov e? tcl kolvcl r) dii

dpeTr)^ irpoTtparai, ovB* av KaTa ireviav, eywv Be

ti dyaObv Bpaaai tijv ttoXlv, duop,aTO<; dcpaveua

2 KeK(i>\vTai._, eXevOepws Be ra Te 777)0? to kolvov
TToXiTevofiev Kal e? ttjv 777)09 dXXijXovs twv Ka9"
7]\xepav e7TLT7]Bev/j,dT(ov viroy\riav, ov Bl bpyrjs tov
TreXas, el KaO' rjBovrjv ti Bpa, e^ozrre?, ovBe drj-
ir6\e/jLov, Hude adopts Haase's conjecture iro\4fxtov.

1 Alluding to the Spartans, whose institutions were said

to have been borrowed from Crete in fact, throughout the ;

whole speech the contrast is with Spartan conditions.

BOOK II. xxxvi. 4-xxxvii. 2

our several possessions were acquired, whether

in any case it were we ourselves or our fathers
that valiantly repelled the onset of war, Bar-
barian or Hellenic, I will not recall, for I have no
desire to speak at length among those who know.
But I shall first set forth by what sort of training we
have come to our present position, and with what
political institutions and as the result of what mariner
of life our empire became great, and afterwards pro-
ceed to the praise of these men; for I think that on
the present occasion such a recital will be not in-
appropriate and that the whole throng, both of citizens
and of strangers, may with advantage listen to it.
XXXVII. " We live under a form of government
which does not emulate the institutions of our neigh-
bours 1 on the contrary, we are ourselves a model

which some 2 follow, rather than the imitators of

other peoples. It is true that our government is
called a democracy, because its administration is in the
hands, not of the few, but of the many yet while ;

as regards the law all men are on an equality for

the settlement of their private disputes, as regards
the value set on them it is as each man is in any way
distinguished that he is preferred to public honours,
not because he belongs to a particular class, but be-
cause of personal merits nor, again, on the ground of

poverty is a man barred from a public career by

obscurity of rank if he but h as it in him to do the
state a sen ice. And not only in ourp'uBlTcriife are
we JiI)craT,""I)ut also as regards our freedom from
suspicion of one another in the pursuits of every-day
life for we do not feel resentment at our neighbour

Possible allusion to the embassy sent from Rome in
454 B.C. to examine the laws of Solon (Livv, iii. 31).

liiov^ fiev, \v7rr]pa<z Be rfj dyfrei d^6i]B6va^ TrpoaTi-
3 Oe/ievoi. dveirayOcos Be rd iBia TrpoaofAiXovvTes
tcl SrjjuLoata Bid Seo? /nakicrra ov nrapavoixovpLev,
tcov re alel ev apXV ovtcov aKpodaei Kal tcov
vo/xcov, koX /idXicrra avTcov octoi re err co<f)eXia

tcov dBi/cov/ievcov tcelvTcu Kal octoi dypac\>oi ovres

alo~)(vvqv 6fio\oyov/jLvrjv cpepovcriv.
XXXVIII. "Kal firjv Kal tcov ttovcov 7r\eicrra^
dvairavXas rfj yvcofir) eiropiadpieOa, dycom piev

ye Kal Overlaid BieTrjaiois vopi&VTes, IBiais Be

tcaTaafcevais evirpeiTeo-iv,cov /ca0' 7]/jiepav r) repyfris

2 to XvTTijpbv eKTrXijaaeL. eirecrepxeTai Be Bid

fj,eye0o<; t% iroXecos etc 7rdcrr]<; yr)<> ra irdvra, Kal
j~vp,/3aivei rjfiiv fxrjBev oiKeiorepa tyj diro\avcrei
ra avrov dyaOd yiyvo/xeva Kapirovadai r) Kal rd
tcov aXXcov dvOptOlTCOV.
XXXIX. " Aiacpepo/iev Be Kav Tais tcov iroXe-

/ukcov fieXerais tcov evavTicov ToicrBe. tt)v re yap

ttoXiv Koivyjv irapeyopuev Kal ovk eariv ore %evr)-
\acriais aTreipyo/xev Ttva rj fiaOijfiaros i) Oedfia-
to?, o fir) Kpv$6ev dv Tt? tcov iroXepblcov IBcov

cocpeXrjOelii,) iriarevovTe<; ov Tat? TrapaaKevaU to

Referring especially to the contests at the chief festivals,
like the Panathenaea and Dionysia, which by their artistic
setting and performance were recreations of mind and spirit
quite as much as physical exercises.
2 Thucydides refers to the spiritual no less than to the

physical products which the greatness of Athens attracts to

her, to the poetry, music, and urt which find there & con-

BOOK II. xxxvii. 2-xxxix. i

if he does as he likes, nor yet do we put on sour

looks which, though harmless, are painful to behold.
But while we thus avoid giving offence in our private
intercourse, in our public life we are restrained from
lawlessness chiefly through reverent fear, for we
render obedience to those in authority and to the
laws, and especially to those laws which are ordained
for the succour of the oppressed and those which,
though unwritten, bring upon the transgressor a
disgrace which all men recognize.
XXXVIII. "Moreover, we have provided for the
spirit many relaxations from toil we have games l

and sacrifices regularly throughout the year and

homes fitted out with good taste and elegance and ;

the delight we each day find in these things drives

away sadness. And our city is so great that all the
products of all the earth flow in upon us, and ours is
the happy lot to gather in the good fruits of our
own soil with no more home-felt security of enjoy-
ment than we do those of other lands. 2
XXXIX. "We are also superior to our opponents
in our system of training for warfare, and this in the
following respects. In the first place, we throw pur
city open to all the world and we never by exclusion
acts debar any one from learning or seeing anything
which an enemy might profit by observing if it were
not kept from his sight for we place^enr depend-

ence, not so much upon prearranged devices to

genial home as well as to articles of commerce. On these

latter compare a passage in the pseudo-Xenophontic Con-
stitution of Athens (ii. 7), written somewhat earlier than this
portion of Thucyo" ides' history " Whatever desirable thing

is found in Sicily, Italy, Cyprus, Egypt, Lydia, the Pontus, the

Peloponnesus, or anywhere else, all these things are brought
together at Athens on account of her mastery of the sea."

irXeov Kal aTTinais rj ra> deft rjpiojv avrcov 9 ra
epya ey^u^co' Kal iv rat? 7rai&eLai<; ol /jev iirv-

irbvto daKi](Ti evOvs veoi ovres to dvSpecov

{lerepxovTai, i)fiel^ Be dveifiivco^ hiaiTOifJuevot ov&ev
rjcraov iirl tou? laoTraXels kivSuvovs ywpovp,ev.
2 Tex/jLijpiov 8 ovre yap AaKeSaipLOVtoc Ka6' eav-
tovs, yu,e#' dirdvrwv he e? rtjv yrjv rjpcov arparev-
ovcri, ttjv re twv 7re\a? aVTol iTTe\66vTS ov
^aXe7rco? iv 777 dWorpla rovs irepl tu>v olfceicov

d/.wvo/jLevov<s fia^opievoi tcl irXelw Kparovuev'

3 ciOpoa re rfj Bvudpiei y/i(ov ovSeis irco TroXepuos
everv^e hid tt/v tov vavrircov re apua iiripieXeiav
Kal ttjv iv tt}
yfj iirl
iroXXa r^pboiv avrwv iiri-
irefi'yjnv rjv Be irov piopiw rivl irpoapiei^waL,
KpaTijo-avres re rivas i)ijlwv Trdvras av^ovenv
direuHjOai Kal viKrjOevres vcj> diravrcov rjcraijaOaL.
4 KaiTOi el paOvpula p,dXXov ?} irovwv fieXerr) Kal pur)

piera vopucov to irXeov ?) Tpoirwv dvhpeias iOeXopiev

Ktv&vveveiv, irepiylyveTai r)puv Tot? Te pueXXovaiv
dXyeiVols pur) irpoKapiveiv, Kal e? av~a iXOovcn
p,i] aToXpLOTepov<; T(bv alei pLoyQovvTuiv <j>aL-cr0ai,
Kal ev Te tovtols ttjv ttoXlv d^iav elvai 6avp,d-
^eo-Qai Kal eri iv dXXois.
XL. " QiXoKaXovpev Te yap jier evreXeia? Kal
(f)iXoo-o(j)ovp.ev clvev /za\a/aa<r ttXovtw re epyov
fiaXXov Kaipco tj Xoyov Kop,ir(p xpdypieOa, Kal to

1 Pericles here hints at his policy, outlined in ch. xiii. 2,

of always acting on the defensive when the enemy forces are

distinctly superior.

BOOK II. xxxix. i-xl. i

deceive, as upon the courage which springs from our

own souls when w e are called to action. And again,

in the matter of education, whereas they from early

childhood by a laborious discipline make pursuit of
manly courage, we with our unrestricted mode of life
are none the less ready to meet any equality of
hazard. 1 And here is the proof;/ When the Lace-
daemonians invade our territory they do not come
alone but bring all their confederates with them,
whereas we, going by ourselves against our neigh-
bours' territory, generally have no difficulty, though
fio-htinir on foreign soil against men who are defend-
ing their own homes, in overcoming them in battle.
And in fact our united forces no enemy has ever yet
met, not only because we are constantly attending to
the needs of our navy, but also because on land we
send our troops on many enterprises but if they by ;

chance engage with a division of our forces and defeat

a few of us, they boast that they have repulsed us all,
and if the victory is ours, they claim that they have
been beaten by us all. If, then, by taking our ease
rather than by laborious training and depending on a
courage which springs more from manner of life than
compulsion of laws, we are ready to meet dangers, the
gain is all ours, in that we do not borrow trouble by
anticipating miseries which are not yet at hand, and
when we come to the test we show ourselves fully
as hr av^ as those
are always toiling; and so our
city is worthy of admiration in these respects, as well
as in others.
XL. " For we are lovers of beauty yet with no
extravagance and lovers of wisdom yet wiiliout
weakness. Wealth we employ rather as an oppor-
tunity ""for action than as a subject for boasting;

ireveaOai ovx 6/ioXoyelv rivi alo~xp6v, dXXa fir)

2 Biacfrevyeiv epyfp ata^iov. evi re to?9 avrols

olfceicov afia Kal ttoXitlkojv eTrifieXeia real erepois 1

777)09 epya Terpafjufxevoi^ ra ttoXituccl fxr) evBecos

yvcbvar p,ovoi yap iov re [irfBev rcovBe fierey^ovra

ovk airpdyfiova, d\7C a^pelov vofiL^opLev, teal

avroi 2
rjroc Kplvopev ye i) evOvpLovpeOa 6p0cos ra
7rpdypara, ov tou? Xoyov? rots epyots f$Xdftv)v
rjyov/JLevoc, dXXa pur) TrpoBLBay^drjvai puaXXov Xoycp

3 irporepov i) eVl a Bel epyw eXOelv^j SiacfrepovTcos

yap Br) Kal roBe eyop,ev ware roX/xdv re 01 avroi

/idXicrra /cal irepl u>v eiriyeipiqo'opiev i/cXoyi^eaOar

o rots aXXois afxadua p,ev Opdaos, Xoyiapios he

okvov (frepec. Kpdriaroi 8* av ^v)(ri v BiKaicos
KpiQelev ol rd re Beiva Kal rjBea aax^ecrrara
yiyvdxTKOVTes Kal Bid ravra p,r\ dirorpeiTopievoL

4 etc rwv kivBvvwv. Kal rd e\ aperr^v ivyjvricofieOa

rol<; rroXXols- ov yap irdaxovre^ ev, dXXd Bpcovres

KToofieOa toi>9 (j)iXov<;. /3e/3ai,6repo<; Be 6 Bpdaas

rr)v ydpiv ware oycbecXo/JLevrjv Bl evvoias &> BeBcoKe

aro^etv 6 Be dvro^eiXwv dfi/3Xvrepo<;, elBcos ovk


e'9 ydpiv, dXX o>9 6(pelX7j/jLa rt)v dperrjv drroBco-

crepois < Tfpa> , Hude. 2
Hnde reads ol avroi.

As contrasted with the Spartans, whose officials made the
most important decisions.

BOOK II. xl. 1-4

and with us it is not a shame for a man to ac-

knowledge poverty, but the greater shame is for
him not to do his best to avoid it. And you .

will find united in the same persons an interest at

once in private and in public affairs, and in others
of us who give attention chiefly to business, you
will find no lack of insight into political matters.
For we alone regard the man who takes no part in
public affairs, not as one who minds his own business,
but as ffood for nothing and we Athenians decide

public questions for ourselves 1 or at least endeavour

to arrive at a sound understanding of them, in the
belief that it is not debate that is a hindrance to action,
but rather not to be instructed by debate before the
time comes for action. For in truth we have this point
also of superiority over other men, to be most daring
in action and yet at the same time most given to re-
flection upon the ventures we mean to undertake ;
with other men, on the contrary, boldness means
ignorance and reflection brings hesitation. And they
would rightly be adjudged most courageous who,
realizing most clearly the pains no less than the
pleasures involved, do not on that account turn away
from danger. Again, in nobility of spirit, we stand
in sharp contrast to most men for it is not by

receiving kindness, but by conferring it, that we

acquire our friends. Now he who confers the
favouFls a firmer friend, in that he is disposed,
by continued goodwill toward the recipient, to
keep the feeling of obligation alive in him 2 but ;

he who owes it is more listless in his friendship,

knowing that when he repays the kindness it will
count, not as a favour bestowed, but as a debt
This must be the meaning of the Stare clause, but some-
thing is perhaps wrong with the text.

vol. i. M *
5 acov. real /ulovoi ov tov ^vpcfcepovTO? fiaXkov
XoyLGfAcp rj t?}? eXevOepias tco Tnarw aSew? riva
XLI. " pivveXcov re Xeyco tt)v re iraaav ttoXiv
T779 'EAAaSc? iraiBevcriv elvai /cal /caO' e/cacrTov
Bo/cecv av fioi tov avTOv dvBpa Trap rjjicov eVl
TrXetcn' av elBrj ical fiera yapiTcov fiaXiar av
2 evr pair ekco<; to acopua avTap/ces TvapeyecrQai. /cal

oo? ov Xoycov ev tco irapovTL /copLiro? TaBe /idXXov

rj epycov ecrTiv aXrjOeia, avTrj r) Bvvap.L<; tt)<$

7roXeft)9, i)v cltto TcovBe tcov Tpoircov i/CTrjcrdpLeOa,

3 arjpatvei. fiovr) yap tcov vvv d/corj? /cpeiacrcov

e? irelpav epx eTal > /cal pLovrj ovts tco TroXepLico

eireXdovTi dyavd/CTrjatv eyei vcf olcov /ca/coTraOel,

ovTe tco /caTafie/jLyfriv co? ov% vtto d^icov

4 apyeTai. peTa fieydXcov Be arjpLeicov /cal ov Brj

tol dpdpTvpov ye tt)v Bvvap.Lv irapaoyopLevoi
Tot? re vvv koX tois eireira Oavp,acr0i'icr6p,e6a, 1
ovBev nrpoaBeopLevov ovTe Opijpov eiraiveTOv ovTe
octtis eirecTL puev to avTi/ca Tep-frei, tcov 8' epycov
tt]v virovoiav rj dXr]6eia /3Xdy]rei, dXXci irdcrav
pbv BdXaaaav ical yrjv iaftaTov ttj iip.eTe.pa ToXpuy
/caTavay/cdaavTes yeveaOai, iravTaypv Be pLvi]p,eia

5 /ca/ccov T /cdyaOcov diBia gvy/caTOt/clcravTes. irepl

T0iai>T7)<; ovv rrroXecos oi'Be Te yevvaico<; Bi/caiovvTe<;

Ka\, before ovbev in the MSS., deleted by Kriiger.

The reference is to Athenian colonies and cleruchies,


which, according to the bearing of the natives, had been

BOOK II. xl. 4-xli. 5

repaid. And, finally, we alone confer our benefits

without fear of consequences, not upon a calculation
of the advantage we shall gain, but with confidence
in the spirit of liberality which actuates us.
XLI. " In a word, then, I say that our city as a
whole is the school of Hellas, and that, as it seems to
me, each individual amongst us could in his own per-
son, with the utmost grace and versatility, prove
himself self-sufficient in the most varied forms of
activity. And that this is no mere boast inspired by
the occasion, but actual truth, is attested by the very
power of our city, a power which we have acquired in
consequence of these qualities. For Athens alone
among her contemporaries, when put to the test, is
superior to the report of her, and she alone neither
affords to the enemy who comes against her cause
for irritation at the character of the foe by whom
he is defeated, nor to her subject cause for com-
plaint that his masters are unworthy. Many are
the proofs which we have given of our power and
assuredly it does not lack witnesses, and there-
fore we shall be the wonder not only of the
men of to-day but of after times we shall need

no Homer to sing our praise nor any other poet

whose verses may perhaps delight for the moment
but whose presentation of the facts will be dis-
credited by the truth. Nay, we have compelled
every sea and every land to grant access~~tcT~our
daring, and have everywhere planted 1 everlasting
memorials both of evil to foes and of good to friends^
Such, then, is the city for which these men nobly
fought and died, deeming it their duty not to let her

attended with ill consequences for these {e.g. Oreos, and later
Aegina) or good (e.g. on the Thracian coast).

/at) afyaipeOrjvai avrrjv pbayopbevoi ireXevTijaavt
Kal rcov XeciTOfievcov irdvra nvd el/cbs edekeiv
V7T6p aVTrjS KCLflveLV.

XLII. " Al b 8rj real ifi?]Kvva ra irepl rf}<; 7ro-

Xe&)?, BiBaaKaXiav re iroiov[ievo<; p.r\ irepl icrov rjfilv

elvai rbv dywva /cat ol? rcovBe fi-qBlv virdpyei

6/jlolcds, KalevXoyiav a/ia eft oh vvv Xeyco

2 (pavepav arjfieuois KaOiord^. Kal el'pijrat avr?]?

rd /jLeytara' a yap rrjv itoXlv vfivrjaa, al rcbvBe

/cal rcov roioovBe dperal eKoa/iijcrav, Kal ovk av

ttoXXol? rcov 'KWrjvcov laoppoTTO? coairep rwvde
6 Xoyos ro)v epywv (paveiy. BoKel Be fioi BijXovv
dvBpbs dperrjv Trpcorr] re fjLTjvvovcra koX reXevrala
3 /3e/3aiovcra rj vvv rcovBe Karaarpocf)^. Kal yap
Tot? raXXa -)(eipoai BiKaiov rrjv e? tovs iroXe/jLovs
inrep rrj<; irarpiho^ dvhpayaOiav irpoTiQeaBai'
dyadw yap KaKov davicravTe<$ koivo)<; /j,a\Xov

4 d)(f>Xi](rav rj etc rcov IBlcov efiXayfrav. rcovBe Be

oure ttXovtov 779 r>]v en cnroXavaiv TrportpL^aa^

{iaXaKL(T07] ovre irev'ia^ eXiriBi, go? kolv en Bia-
cf)vycov avrrjv TrXovTrjaeiev, dvaftoXrjv rod Beivov

eiron]craTO' rrjv Be rcov evavrlcov ri/Moplav iroQei-

vorepav avrwv Xa/36vre<; Kal KtvBvvcov ap,a rovBe

kuWigtov vofiiaavres e(3ovXi]0riaav jier avrov

BOOK II. xli. 5-xlii. 4

be taken from them ;and it is fitting that every man

who is left behind should suffer willingly for her
XLII. " It is for this reason that I have dwelt
upon the greatness of our city for I have desired to

show you that we are contending for a higher prize

than those who do not enjoy such privileges in like
degree, and at the same time to let the praise of these
men in whose honour I am now speaking be made
manifest by proofs. Indeed, the greatest part of
their praise has' already been spoken for when I ;

lauded the city, that was but the praise wherewith

the brave deeds of these men and men like them
have already adorned her and there are not many

Hellenes whose fame would be found, like theirs,

evenly balanced with their deeds. And it seems to
me that such a death as these men died gives proof
enough of manly courage, whether as first revealing
it or as affording its final confirmation. Aye, even in
the case of those who in other ways fell short of
goodness, it is but right that the valour with which
they fought for their country should be set before all
else for they have blotted out evil with good and

have bestowed "a greater benefit Uy their service to

the state than they have done harm by their private
lives. And no one of these men either so set his
heart upon the continued enjoyment of wealth as to
become a coward, or put off the dreadful day, yield-
ing to the hope which poverty inspires, that if he
could but escape it he might yet become rich but, ;

deeming the punishment of the foe to be more de-

sirable than these things, and at the same time
regarding such a hazard as the most glorious of all,
they chose, accepting the hazard, to be avenged

tovs fiev Ti}JLwpel(j9ai, TOdV 8e d(piecrOai, \7tl8l
p,ev to agaves rod KaropOcoaeiv eTriTpe^avTes,
epyq* 8e irepl rod 7]8rj opcofievov crfyicriv civtols
d%iovvTe<; ireiroiOevai' koX ev avrw to 1 dfiv-
2 3 4
veaOat /cat iraOelv kolXXlov rjyrjcrdpLevoL r) to
ivSovres aro^eaOai, fiev ala^pbv rod Xoyov
(f>vyov, to 8' epyov tw (tgo/jlclti vire fie ivav, kclI 6V
ekayio'TOV Kcupov Tvj(r}S dfia dfCfifj tt}9 86%r)s
fidXXov tov 8eov$ aTrijXXdyrjaav.

XLTIT. " Kal oi'Se fiev irpoa-qKoi'Tw^ tyj iroXet

TOioiSe eyevovTO' toj)? 8e XoiTrovs ^prj dcrcfra-

XeGTepav fiev evyecdai, aToXfioTepav he fii]8ev

d^tovv ttjv e'9 tol/9 7roXe/j.Lovs hiavoiav e)(eiv,

gkoitovvtcl*; fir) Xoyw [lova) ttjv dx^eXlav, r)v dv

T9 7rpo9 ov8ev yelpov clvtovs vficis elloTas firj-

kvvol, Xeycov oca ev tw toi>9 iroXefiiovz; dfivveaOai

dyadd eveo~Tiv, dXXa fidXXov t>)i> tt)? iroXecos
8vvap.iv Ka6 r)fiepav epyco Oewfievovs /cal epao~Ta<;

y ly vofievov^ avTr}<;, /cal OTav vpuv fieydXrj 86%rj

elvai v evOupLov/jbevov? 6tl toX/jlcqvt<; /cal yiyvd>-

crfcovTes Ta heovTa /cal ev toI$ epyots alayyvofievoi
dvSpes avTa e/CTr)aavTO, /cal oiroTe /cal ireipa tov
acftaXelev, ovk ovv /cal ttjv iroXtv ye ty)<; acfreTepas
dpeTrjs d!;iovvTe<; GTeplcr/ceiv, /cdXXiaTov 8e epavov
So most MSS. Hude reads r<f with CG.
xa\ : Hude
Dobree's correction for /j.a\\m- of the MSS. Hude inserts
5e<V and retains /xaWov. Deleted by Hude.
vfxas Hude brackets.

BOOK II. xlii. 4-xliii. i

upon the enemy and to relinquish these other things,

trusting to hope the still obscure possibilities of
success, but in action, as to the issue that was before
their eyes, confidently relying upon themselves. And
then when the moment of combat came, thinking it
better to defend themselves and suffer death rather
than to yield and save their lives, they fled, indeed,
from the shameful word of dishonour, but with life
and limb stood stoutly to their task, and in the brief
instant ordained by fate, at the crowning moment
not of fear but of glory, they passed away.
XLIII. " And so these men then bore themselves
after a manner that befits our city but you who

survive, though you may pray that it be with less

hazard, should resolve that you will have a spirit to
meet the foe which is no whit less courageous and ;

you must esti mate the advantage of such a spirit j ot

alone by a speaker's words, for he could make a
long story in telling you
what you yourselves know
as well as he all the advantages that are to be gained
by warding off the foe. Nay rather you must daily
fix your gaze upon the power of Athens and become
lovers of her, and when the vision of her greatness
has inspired you, reflect that all this lias been ac-
quired by men of courage who knew their duty and
in the hour of conflict were moved by a high sense
of honour, who, if ever they failed in any enter-
prise, were resolved that at least their country
should not find herself deserted by their valour, but
freely sacrificed to her the fairest offering 1 it was in
ipavos, a joint contribution, the regular term for a con-
tribution made for mutual benefit, e <j. to a common meal,
to a benevolent society, etc. Demosthenes (cont. Mid. 27)
represents the state as a sort of benefit society to which
every citizen owes a contribution.

2 avrfj Trpo'ie/ievoc. KOivfj yap ra aco/jbara Si&ovres
IBia tov ciyijpcov eiraivov iXdp,/3avov teal tov
rd(f)ov eiTLariiioraTOVy ovte w /celvrai fiaXXov,
dXX* iv co r) So^a avrcjv irapa tw ivTvyovTi alel
teal Xoyov teal kpyov Kcupto aleifivrjO'TO^ fcara-
3 \eliT6Tai. dvSpcov yap iiri<\>av(hv irdaa yr) Tacpos,

koX ov (TrrfKwv /jlovov iv rrj olteelct o-ij/iaivei iiri-

ypa<f)7], dXXa ical iv rf) /jltj Trpoarjteovar) dypa(f)0<>

fiv^prj irap etedaTW jjloXXov r) tov
rrj<; yvco/jii]^

4 epyov iv&iaLTarai. oD? vvv v/xeh fyXaxravTes

teal to evSat/jLov to iXevOepov, to S' iXevOepov to
ev^rv^ov tepivavTes, /jlt] irepiopdaQe tov<; TroXe/M-
5 teous teivSvvovs. ov yap ol teateoTrpayovvTes hiteaio-

Tepov d^etSolev av tov fSiov, oh iXrrh ov/c eGTiv

dyaOov, dXX* oh rj ivavTta peTa/3oXrj iv tgo r}v

6tl KLvSvveveTai /cal iv oh fxdXtaTa pueydXa tcl

6 Siacf)povTa, r\v tl TTTaiawcnv. aXyeivoTepa yap

dvSpi ye <j)p6vrj/j,a exovTi rj fxeTa tov fiaXa-
KiGOryvai tedtewais rj 6 pLTa pcofirjs teal teoivrj*;

iXirihos cifxa yiyvopLevos dvaiaOrjTos OdvaTos.

XLTV. " Al oirep teal tol'9 T&vhe vvv TOteeas,
oaot irdpeaTE, ov : oXo^vpofiat fiaXXov r) jrapa-
fiv9rjaop.ai. iv TroXvTpoTrois yap %vfi(p opals iiri-
crTavTai TpacpevTes' to c7 evTv%e<;, o'l av tt}?

evirpeireaTaTrj^ Xdywaiv, coo-irep oiSe fiev vvv,

TeXevTrjs, vfiels Se Xvrnis, teal oh ivevSai/iovfjaai
T 6 ySto? 6/jLOico<; teal ivTeXevTr)crat ^vve/uieTptjOi].

iv t<,some MSS.
iii before, in others after, /tei-a tov,
deleted by Bredow.
Hude reads To5e euTux eJ following Abresch.

BOOK II. xliii. i-xliv. i

their power to give. For they gave their lives for

the common weal, and in so doing won for themselves
the praise which grows not old and the most dis-

tinguished of all sepulchres not that in which they
lie buried, but that in which their glory survives in
everlasting remembrance, celebrated on every occa-
sion which gives rise to word of eulogy or deed of
emulation. For the whole world is the sepulchre of
famous men, and it is not the epitaph upon monuments
set up in their own land that alone commemorates
them, but also in lands not their own there abides in
each breast an unwritten memorial of them, planted
in the heart rather than graven on stone. Do you ,,

therefore, now make these men your examples , and

judging freedom to be happiness and cou rage to be
freedom, be not too anxious about the dangers of
war. For it is not those that are in evil plight who
have the best excuse for being unsparing of their
lives, for they have no hope of better days, but
rather those who run the risk, if they continue to
live, of the opposite reversal of fortune, and those to
whom it makes the greatest difference if they suffer
a disaster. For to a manly spirit more bitter is
humiliation associated with cowardice than death
when it comes unperceived in close company with
stalwart deeds and public hopes.
XLIV. " Wherefore, I do not commiserate the
parents of these men, as many of you as are present
here, but will rather try to comfort them. For they
know that their lives have been passed amid manifold
vicissitudes; and it is to be accounted good fortune
when men win, even as these now, a most glorious

death and you a like grief and when life has been
meted out to them to be happy in no less than to

2 ^aXeirbv /xev ovv olBa irdOeiv ov, o)v teal TroXXdtcis

efere virofivTjfiara iv aXXwv evrv^iat^, aU rrore

teal avrol rjydXXecrde' teal Xvttt) ov% oiv civ t<? /zt)

Treipaadfievos dyaOcov arepiatajrac, aA.V ov av

3 iOd<; yevo/jLCvos d(f>aipe0fj. Kaprepelv Be XPV Kai
aXXcov rraiBcDv eXiriBi oi? en rfXitcia retcveocnv
rroielaOat' IBia re yap rcov ovk ovrcov XyjOt) oi

eiriyiyvoyievol ricriv ecrovrai, teal rfj rroXet Bi^oOev,

K re rod /jLtj ipr^fiovaOai teal da-fyaXelq, %vvoicrei'
ov yap olov re i'crov re rj BUaiov ftovXeveaOai oi

av pLT] teal rralBas etc rod opboiov Trapa/SaXXo/ievoL

4 tavSvvevG)o-iv. oaoi 8' av iraprj^rjicare, rbv re
rrXeova tcepSos ov r/vrv%elre (Slov rjyelaOe teal

rovBe fipa^vv eaeaOai, teal rfj roiivBe evicXeia

tcov(f)i%o~de. rb yap ^iXonfiov dyijpcov fiovov,
teal ovk iv t<w d\pei(p rrj$ rjXiKLas rb tcepSalveiv,
oiairep rcves (paai, /idXXov repirei, dXXd rb
XLV. " Tlaicrl S' av ocroi rwvBe rrdpeare rj

d$eX(p0L<; 6pa> peyav rbv dywva (rbv yap ovk

ovra diras etwOev iiraivelv), teal dv tca@'

vTrepftoXrjv dperrjs ov^ o/jLoIol, a\V oXiyw ^eipovs

No one could be a member of the Boule or Senate till he
was thirty, when he was almost certain to be married ; and,
according to Deinarchus ( 71), no man was allowed to speak in
the Assembly until he had legitimate male issue (Zimmern).
e.g !Simonide3. cf. Plut. Moral. 786 b: 2tuwui5r)s e\eye
irphs tovs iyK<x\ovvras avTcp tyiXapyvpiav, Zti twv 6.Wu>v a7re-


die in. It will be difficult, I know, to persuade

you of the truth of this, when you will constantly be
reminded of your loss by seeing others in the enjoy-
ment of blessings in which you too once took de-
light ;and grief, I know, is felt, not for the want of
the good things which a man has never known, but
for what is taken away from him after he has once
become accustomed to it. But those of you who are
still of an age to have offspring should bear up in

the hope of other children for not only to many o


you individually will the children that are born here-

who are gone,
after be a cause of forgetfulness of those
but the state also will reap a double advantage it
will not be left desolate and it will be secure. For
they cannot possibly offer fair and impartial counsel
who, having no children to hazard, 1 do not have an
equal part in the risk. But as for you who have
passed your prime, count as gain the greater portion
of your life during which you were fortunate and re-
member that the remainder will be short and be ;

comforted by the fair fame of these your sons. For

the love of honour alone is untouched by age, and
when one comes to the ineffectual period of life it is
not 'gain' as some say,'J that gives the greater
satisfaction, but honour.
XLV. " But for such of you here present as are
sons and brothers of these men, I see the greatness of
the conflict that awaits you
for the dead are always
and even were you to attain to surpassing
virtue, hardly would you be judged, I will not say

rh y?ipas tjSovwv virb /j.t<is T yrjpodoffKe^Tai, rrjs

(TTepTj/xeVos Sta
airb tov KtpSalveiv, Simonide* replied to those tvho charged him
with lore of money, that, deprived by old age of other pleasures,
he is still comforted by one, that of gain.

tcpiOelre. <f)96vo<; yap to? ^coctl 7T/30? to dvrl-
7ra\ov, 1 to Se fir) epurohcov dvavraycovLarw evvoia

2 " Et 8i fjL Set Kal yvvaiKeias ti aperr)?, oaai

vvv ev yr\peia eaovrai, fivqad-rjvai, ftpayeia
irapaiveaei dirav ar)fava). tt)? re yap virap^ov-
0-77? fyvcrecDS /at) yelpoai yeveaOai v/jllv fjLeyaXrj 77

86i;a Kal av eir eXdyioTOV dperf)<; irepi fj


-^royov ev Tot? dpaeai KXeos 77.

XL VI. " FjiptjTaL Kal efiol Xoyw Kara rov
vofiov oaa el^ov irpoafyopa, Kal epyqy ol Oairro-
fievoi ra fiev iforj lee/eoo-firjVTai, ra 8e avrwv tou?
7rat5a? to curb rovSe Srj/jLoo-la 77 ttoXis P^XP 1 V&V?
Opetyet,, a)(f)e\i/JLOV crrecpavov rolaBe re Kal Tot?
XenrofAevois rcov roiwvhe ayoovcov irpoTiOelaa'
a6Xa yap oh Kelrai dperr)^ fieyiara, roh he Kal
2 av$pe<> apiaroi iroXirevovGiv. vvv Se airoXo-
(pvpd/jievoi ov TTpoaijKei eKaarro airtre^
XLVII. Toioa&e fiev 6 rd(f)o<; eyevero ev tw
yeificovi tovtm' Kal hieXOovros avrov Trpcorov
2 eVo? rov TToXefiov tovtov ereXevra. rod Se 6e-
pov<$ evQbs dpyopbkvov YleXoirovvrjaLOi Kal ol %vfi-

\Layoi Tfl 8vo jxkpr\ wairep Kal rb irpwrov ecre-


fiaXov e? tt)v *At7 1 kt]V (Jiyelro Se Wpxl8ap,o<; 6

ZevfjiSd/jLov, AaKehaifiovLwv /3aaiXev<;), Kal Ka6e-

3 ^bfievoL ehrjovv rrjv yi)v. Kal bvrcov avrcov ov

irphs rb avTiiraXov, the reading of ABFM[G] ; rhv avrl-
ira\ov CE. Hude reads twv avmrdKaiv, after Croiset.

BOOK II. xlv. i-xlvii. 3

their equals, but even a little inferior. For there is

envy of the living on account of rivalry, but that
which has been removed from our path is honoured
with a good-will that knows no antagonism.
" If I am to speak also of womanly virtues, re-
ferring to those of you who will henceforth be in
widowhood, I will sum up all in a brief admonition
Great is your glory if you fall not below the standard
which nature has set for your sex, and great also is
hers of whom there is least talk among men whether
in praise or in blame.
XLVI. " have now spoken, in obedience to the
law, such words as I had that were fitting, and those
whom we are burying have already in part also
received their tribute in our deeds l besides, the
state will henceforth maintain their children at the
public expense until they grow to manhood, thus
offering both to the dead and to their survivors a
crown of substantial worth as their prize in such con-
tests. For where the prizes offered for virtue are
B there are found the best citizens. And
now, when you have made due lament, each for his
own dead, depart." "_ J n

XLVII. Such were the funeral ceremonies that took

place during this winter, the close of which brought
the first year of this war to an end. At the very ^
beginning of summer the Peloponnesians and their 430 b.o

allies, with two-thirds of their forces as before, 2 in-

vaded Attica, under the command of Archidamus, son
of Zeuxidamus, king of the Lacedaemonians, and
establishing themselves proceedecTTo ravage the
country. And before they had been many days in
i.e. the honours shown them throughout the rest of the

ceremony, descrihed in ch. xxxiv, as contrasted with the

words of the eulogist. cf. ch. x. 2.
iroXXds irco rj/iepas iv rr} 'Attikt} r/ voaos irpoirov

ijp^aro yeveaOai to?? 'Adrjvaiois, Xeyo/mevov p.ev

teal TTporepov iroXXaxbcre iycaracrKijyjrai teal irepl
ye ovBe <f)dopa ovtcd? dvOpcoircov ovBa/iov
4 ifjuvrj/xoveveTO yeveaOai. ovre yap larpol tfp/covv
rb irpoiTOV OepairevovTes dyvolq, avrol fid- aW
Xiara kOvrjatcov oaw teal /jbdXiara Trpocrfjcrav,
ovre aXXr/ dv6 panrela Tkyyi) ovBepuLa' oaa re
7rpo? iepols ttcerevcrav rj fiavreloi^ teal to?? tolov-
to*.? e^prjaavro, iravra dva>(f)eXi} rjv, TeXevTcovres
re avrcov direaTTjaav vtto rov tcatcov viKcofxevoi.
XLYIII. "Hpfaro Be rb fiev irpodrov, <w? Xe-
yerai, i AWioiTLa^ tt)? virep Alyvirrov, eireiTa
Be teal e? Aly vtttov teal Ai$w\v tcare^Tj teal iq
2 tt]v /3aoriXea)<; yijv ttjv iroXXrjv. e? Be tyjv 'AOtj-
vaiwv itoKlv e^airivaicds iveireae, teal rb Trpco-
rov iv Tft) Tleipatel rjyjraro rcov dv0pco7rcov, coare
tcai iXi^Orj vtt avrcov &)? ol UeXorrovvijcnoi
(j>dp/iafca iafteftXyj/coiev e? rd cppeara' fcprjvai
yap ovtto) rjaav avrbOt. varepov Be /cal e?
rr)v avco ttoXlv dfyifcero teal eOvrjatcov ttoXXw
3 fidXXov rjBrj. Xeyerw
ovv irepl fiev avrov &)?
e/cao-TO? yiyi>(D(TKL larpbs teal IBuorrjs dfi
orov et/co? rjv l yeveoQai avrb, ical Ta? air las
aariva? vo/nL^ec roaavrrfs pLerafSoXi)*; itcavds
elvar 2 eyco Be olov re iyiyvero Xe^co ical d<p
0)V dv T? CTKOTTCJV, L 7T0T6 KoX ai)6 1<$ ilTilTeaOL,

i\vHude deletes.

hvvaniv is rb ixeTacrrriffat (TX^v, in the MSS. after elvai,
deleted by Gesner Hude deletes inavas
; thai and is rb
neraaTTiaai, with F. Mueller.


BOOK II. xlvii. 1-xlviii. t

1 began
Attica, the plague for the first time to show
itselfamong the Athenians. It is said, indeed, to
have broken out before in many places, both in Lemnos
and elsewhere, though no pestilence of such extent
nor any scourge so destructive of human lives is on
record anywhere. For neither were physicians able
to cope with the disease, since they at first had to treat
itwithout knowing its nature, the mortality among
them being greatest because they were most exposed
to it, nor did any other human art avail. And
the supplications made at sanctuaries, or appeals to
oracles and the like, were all futile, and at last men
desisted from them, overcome by the calamity.
XLVIII. The disease began, it is said, in Ethiopia
beyond Egypt, arid then descended into Egypt and
Libya and spread over the greater part of the
King's territory. Then it suddenly fell upon the
city of Athens, and attacked first the inhabitants ot
the Peiraeus, so that the people there even said that
the Peloponnesians had put poison in their cisterns
for there were as yet no public fountains there. But
afterwards it reached the upper city also, and from
that time the mortality became much greater. Now
any one, whether physician or layman, may, each
according to his personal opinion, speak about its
probable origin and state the causes which, in his
view, were sufficient to have produced so great a
departure from normal conditions but I shall de-

scribe its actual course, explaining the symptoms,

from the study of which a person should be best able,

It is perhaps impossible to identify the plague of Athens
with any known disease, (irote describes it as an eruptive
typhoid fever. It has perhaps more symptoms in common
with typhus than with any other disease.

fid\i<TT dv eypi rt irpoeiBco^ fir) dyvoeiv, ravra
Kal avrbs IBcov aXXovs
BrfKcoaco civtos re voo~i]cra<;
XLIX. To p,ev yap eVo?, oo? cofioXoyecro i/e

irdvrcov, {idXiara Br) i/celvo dvoaov e? ras dXXas

dadeveias ervyyavev ov el Be ris /ecu irpovKafive
2 ti, e? rovro rrdvra direKpiOr), tou? Be aXXovs arc
ovhejJLLas TTpofydaetos, dXX' e^aL(j)V7]<; vyiels 6Wa?
rrpcorov pukv rrj? fce<pa\r}$ Oep/nat la^vpal real rcov
6<f>0a\fi<0V epvOrjjjLCLTa Kal cpXoycoaLS iXd/jifiave,
Kal rd ivros, r) re cpdpv^ teal rj yXcoaaa, evOix;
alfiarcoBrj rjv Kal irvevfia droirov Kal BvcrcoBes
3 rjepiet'eireira ef avrcov irrapfibs real fipdyxos
erreylyvero, kclI ev ov itoXXw ^pbvco Kareflaivev e?
rd arrjOij 6 ttovos fierd /3?;^o? layvpoir zeal birore
e? rrjv KapBlav o~ry]piJ;eiev, dvearpecpe re avrr)v.
Kal diroKaOdpcreis %o\t}? irdaai ocrac virb larpcov
4 covopaapuevai elalv iirrjcrav, Kal aural puera raXat-
TTtopLas /AeydXrjs, Xvyg
re roi? irXeloaiv eveirirrre
K6V7) airacr/ibv ivBtBovaa
Itr'xypov, to?? fiev fierd
ravra Xcocf)i]cravra, Tot? Be Kal 7ro\A.w varepov.
5 Kal rep fiev e^coOev dirrofievw rb acopta ovr
dyav Oepfibv r)v ovre ^Xcopov, dXX' vrrepvOpov,
ireXurvov, tpXvKraivais /xiKpais Kal eXKetriv etjrjv-

Otjkos' rd Be evrbs ovrcos eKaiero ware p.r\re rcov

rrdvv Xeirrcov Ip-arLcov Kal acvBovcov rd<; eV^/SoXa?


firjB aXXo ri r\ yvpbvol dvkyecrQai, i)Biard re dv e?

vBcop -^rv)(pbv a<f>as avrovs pnrreiv (koI 7roXXol
rovro rcov r)pLeXy]p,evcov dvdpcorrcov Kal eBpaaav e?
eppeara) rfj Biyfrr) diravarco %vveyop.evoi' Kal ev rep
bfioLfp KaOeLcrrrjKeL ro re irXeov Kal eXaaaov iro-
Added by Hude.
BOOK II. xlviii. 3-xlix. 5

having knowledge of it beforehand, to recognize it

if it should ever break out again. For I had the
disease myself and saw others sick of it.
XLIX. That year, as was agreed by all, happened
to be unusually free from disease so far as regards the
other maladies but if anyone was already ill of any

disease all terminated in this. In other cases from

no obvious cause, but suddenly and while in good
health, men were seized first with intense heat of the
head, and redness and inflammation of the eyes, and
the parts inside the mouth, both the throat and the
tongue, immediately became blood-red and exhaled
an unnatural and fetid breath. In the next stage
sneezing and hoarseness came on, and in a short
time the disorder descended to the chest, attended
by severe coughing. And when it settled in the
stomach, that was upset, and vomits of bile of every
kind named by physicians ensued, these also attended
by great distress ; and in most cases ineffectual
retching followed producing violent convulsions,
which sometimes abated directly, sometimes not
until long afterwards. Externally, the body was not
so very warm to the touch it was not pale, but

reddish, livid, and breaking out in small blisters and

ulcers. But internally it was consumed by such a
heat that the patients could not bear to have on
them the lightest coverings or linen sheets, but
wanted to be quite uncovered and would have liked
best to throw themselves into cold water
many of those who were not looked after did throw

themselves into cisterns so tormented were they
by thirst which could not be quenched and it was;

all the same whether they drank much or little.

6 tov. /cal r) diropia tov fir] rjavxafeiv teal r) dypv-
TTvia eireKeLTo hid ttclvtos. Kal to aco/ia, ocrovirep
ypovov /cal r) vocros aK/id^oiy ovk e/iapaivero, aXX
dvTelye irapa 86^av rrj TaXanrojpia, xocrre rj Sie-

chdeipovTO ol irXelaTOL ivaraloL Kal e/38ofiaioi)u7rb

rod eVro? tcav/jLCLTOSjeTi exovris ti Suvd/iem, rj el

Biacpvyoiev, eiriKaTiovTOs tov voarjfiaTOS e? Trjv

KOiXiav kcu 6\kooo-(q<; tc avTrj la"xypa$ eyyiyvo-

fjLevrjs koI hiappoias djia d/cpaTOV eiri7ri7TT0vari<$

ol iroXXol vGTepov Sid Trjv daOeveiav 8ie(f)6eipovTo.

7 Bie^rjei yap Sid ttclvtos tov adtfiaTO^ dvcoOev dpd-
fievov to iv tt) KecpaXfj irpcoTov ISpvOev kclkov, teal
eo T? etc tcov fieyiaTcov irepiyevocTO, tcov ye d/epco-

8 Trjpiwv dvTiXrjyjn^ clvtov iireai]fiaivev' KaTeaKi]iTTe

yap koX e? alBola teal e? d/cpa? ^etyoa? teal 7roSa?,

teal iroXXol aTepLo-KOfievoL tovtcov Siecpevyov, el at

6" o'l /cal tow 6<p0aXficov. tov<; Be Kal XrjOrj eXa/3e

to irapavTiKa dvacrTavTas irdvTcov 6fioico$ Kal

r)yv6r)crav creeds Te avTovs Kal tov? i7riT7]8eiov<;.

L. Tevofievov yap Kpelacrov Xoyov to eZSo? tt}?

voctov t<x T6 dXXa %a\e7ra)T/3co9 rj KaTa Trjv dv-

Opcoireiav cpvaiv TrpoakiriTTTev eKaaTco Kal iv TcoBe

iBrjXcoae pdXicrTa aXXo ti ov rj tcov gvvTpocpcov tl'

Ta yap opvea Kal TeTpdiroha oaa dv6 pcoircov dizTe-

Tai 7roXXa)i> uTacpcov yevo/ievcov i) ov irpocrrjei r)

2 yevadfxeva BiefyOeLpeTO. TeKfirjpiov Be* tcov pev

BOOK II. xlix. 5-l. 2

They were also beset by restlessness and sleeplessness

which never abated. And the body was not wasted
while the disease was at its height, but resisted sur-
prisingly the ravages of the disease, so that when the
patients died, as most of them did on the seventh or
ninth day from the internal heat, they still had some
strength left; or, if they passed the crisis, the
disease went down into the bowels, producing there
a violent ulceration, and at the same time an acute
diarrhoea set in, so that in this later stage most of
them perished through weakness caused by it. For
the malady, starting from the head where it was first
seated, passed down until it spread through the
whole body, and if one got over the worst, it seized
upon the extremities at least and left its marks
there for it attacked the privates and fingers and

toes, and many escaped with the loss of these, though

some lost their eyes also. 1 In some cases the sufferer
was attacked immediately after recovery by loss of
memory, which extended to every object alike, so
that they failed to recognize either themselves or
their friends.
L. Indeed the character of the disease proved such
that it baffles description, the violence of the attack
being in each case too great for human nature to
endure, while in one way in particular it showed
plainly that it was different from any of the familiar
diseases the birds, namely, and the fourfooted

animals, which usually feed upon human bodies,

either would not now come near them, though many
lay unburied, or died if they tasted of them. The
evidence for this is that birds of this kind became
Evidently as the result of gangrene, due to stoppage of
circulation This after-effect of typhus was of common oc-
currence in the outbreak in the Balkans in 1915.
roiovrwv opvidcov errLXeLyfns crafy-qs eyevero, rcai


ol Be /cvves /xaXXov aiaOi^aiv irapelx ov rod airo-
(Baivovros Bid rb ^vvBiairdaQai.
LI. To fxev ovv v6o~>ifia, 7roXXa teal aXXa irapa-

\lttqvtl aTO-nias, go? eKaarw ervyx av ^ ti Biafye-

pbvrcos erepco irpbs erepov yiyvopievov, roiovrov rjv

errl irav rrjv IBeav. koi dXXo irapeXvirei fear

rbv XP V0V vBev rdv elcoOorcov o Be koX

2 yevoiTo, e? rodro ereXevra. edvycncov Be ol fiev

dfieXeia, ol Be /cal irdvv Qepairevbpbevoi. ev re

ovBev KarecTTT] ia/ma co? eliretv 6 ri XPV v Trpoacpe-

povras axfceXecv (to yap rw gvvevey/cbv dXXov
3 rodro efSXairre), acb/jid re avrap/ces ov ovBev Bie-
(f)dvr) avrb lo~xvos Ttepi rj do~0eveLa$, dXXa

irdvra ^vvrjpei ical rd irdarj Biairr] Oepairevop^evaj

4 Betvorarov Be iravrbs r)v rod fca/cod rj re dOv/xLa,

oirore Tt? aicrOoiro /cd/jivcov (777)09 yap ib dveX-
Tncrrov evOvs rpairb\ievoi rfj yvcopbrj ttoXXw fidX-
Xov TTpoievro o-cpds avrovs /cal ov/c dvTelx ov )> Kai
on erepov dcfi erepov Oepaireia avairnirrXdixevoi
tbo-irep rd 7rp6j3ara eOvycr/cop' /cal rbv irXelarov
5 (f)06pov rodro evenoUi. etre yap firj ''deXoiev Be-

Stores a\\?jXo9 irpocnevai, dirooXXvvro iprjfMOi,

teal oifclai iroXXal etcevooOqaav diropia rod Oepa-

irevaovro^' elre rrpoaioiev, Bie^Oeipovro, Kal /id-


BOOK II. l. 2-li. 5

noticeably scarce, and they were no longer to be

seen either about the bodies or anywhere else
while the dogs gave a still better opportunity to
observe what happened, because they live with
LI. Such, then, was the general nature of the
disease ; for I pass over many of the unusual symp-
toms, since it chanced to affect one man differently as
compared with another. And while the plague lasted
there were none of the usual complaints, though if
any did occur it ended in this. Sometimes death
was due to neglect, but sometimes it occurred in spite
of careful nursing. And no one remedy was found,
I may say, which was sure to bring relief to those

applying it
for what helped one man hurt another
and no constitution, as it proved, was of itself
sufficient against it, whether as regards physical
strength or weakness, 1 but it carried off all without
distinction, even those tended with all medical
care. And the most dreadful thing about the
whole malady was not only the despondency of
the victims, when they once became aware that
they were sick, for their minds straightway yielded
to despair and they gave themselves up for lost
instead of resisting, but also the fact that they
became infected by nursing one another and died
like sheep. And this caused the heaviest mor-
tality for if, on the one hand, they were restrained

by fear from visiting one another, the sick perished

uncared for, so that many houses were left empty
through lack of anyone to do the nursing or if, on ;

the other hand, they visited the sick, they perished,

i.e. "no constitution was of itself strong enough to
resist or weak enough to escape the attacks" (Jowett).

Xiara oi dperrjs ri fierajroLOVfievor alayyvrj yap
r)(f)iBovv acfrcov avrdv iaiovre^ rrapd tou? <t\ou?,

iirel teal rds b\o<\>vpcrei<$ rcpv aTroycyvo/ievcov re-

Xevrcovres teal oi olfceloi i^eteafivov vtto rov 7ro\\ov

eVl ifkeov ' o/ao)? oi hiarre-
6 kclkov viKoofievot.
(fievyore? rov re Ovyo-Kovra teal rbv irovov/xevov
(oktL&vto hia to irpoeihevai re teal avrol 77877 iv
ra> dapcraXio) elvar SU yap rbv avrov, ware ical
tereiveiv, ovte i7re\dfi/3avev. teal i/jLateapL&vro re

vtto rCov aXkvv teal avrol t&> 7rapaxpv/ia trepi-

%aofc Kal
e? T0V 'TreLTa
XP V0V ^7rt'8o? n elxov
KOU(f)r]<; iir)K av vrr dXkov voatjfLaros rrore en
III. 'Eirieae 8' avrovs fiaXXov irpbs rw vrrdp-
yovri TTOV(p teal f) !;vytcofii8?i etc rcjv dypcov e? to

2 aarv, teal ovx rjaaov tou? iireXOovra^. ouciwv

yap ovx v7rapxovaa)V, aX)C iv teaXvfiais Trviyrjpah

wpa 6TOU5 hiairwfievcdv 6 (f>06pos iyiyvero ovhevl

KoafMp, dWa teal vetcpol eV aWrjXois dirodvrj-

cr/eovres etceivro teal iv rat? 6Soh iteaXivhovvro teal

-rrepl Ta? tcpr)va<$ aTrdaas f)fu0vf}re<; rov vBaros

3 iiriOvfiLa. rd re iepd iv oh ia/eyjvrjvro vetepwv
irXea avrov
rjv, ivairodvrjafcovrcov virepfiia'C.o-

fievov yap rov teaKov oi avdpwnoi, ovte expvres

tl yevwvrai, e? oXiywpiav irpdirovro teal iepwv

4 Aral baioov opLOicos. vbfioi re irdvres ^vverapd-

y6i)aav oh ixp&vro rrpbiepov rrepl Ta? racpds,

BOOK II. li. 5-lii. 4

especially those who made any pretensions to good-

ness. For these made it a point of honour to visit
their friends without sparing themselves at a time
when the very relatives of the dying, overwhelmed
by the magnitude of the calamity, were growing
weary even of making their lamentations. But still
it was more often those who had recovered who had
pity for the dying and the sick, because they had
learnt what it meant and were themselves by this
time confident of immunity for the disease never

attacked the same man a second time, at least not

with fatal results. And they were not only con-
gratulated by everybody else, but themselves, in the
excess of their joy at the moment, cherished also a
fond fancy with regard to the rest of their lives that
they would never be carried off by any other disease.
LII. But in addition to the trouble under which
they already laboured, the Athenians suffered further
hardship owing to the crowding into the city of the
people from the country districts and this affected

the new arrivals especially. For since no houses

were available for them and they had to live in huts
that were stifling in the hot season, they perished in
wild disorder. Bodies of dying men lay one upon
another, and half-dead people rolled about in the
streets and, in their longing for water, near all the
fountains. The temples, too, in which they had
quartered fliemselves were full of the corpses of those
who had died in them for the calamity which

weighed upon them was so overpowering that men,

not knowing what was to become of them, became
careless of all law, sacred as well as profane. And
the customs which they had hitherto observed re-
garding burial were all thrown into confusion, and

Wcltttov Be a)? e/eaaro^ eBvvaro. /eal 7roXXol e?
avaiayyvTOvs 6r]Km irpdirovro airdvec roiv eiri-
rrjBeiwv Bca to avxyovs rjBrj irpoTeOvdvai acjiLcnv
eirl 7rvpa<; yap aXXorpias (frOdaavTes tou? vrjaav-
Ta? ol puev iiriOevTes rov eavrcov ve/epbv vefrrjirrov,

oi Be Kaiofievou aXXov eTrtftaXovTes aveoOev ov

cf>epoiev dirfjaav.

LIII. Tlpcorov re rjp^e teal e? raXXa rfj iroXev

eirl irXeov dvopLias rb voarjfxa. paov yap eroXfia
Tf? a irpbrepov direiepviTTeTO pb-q /ea9' rjBovrjv
iroielv, dy)(io~7po$ov ttjv p,era/3oXr]v opcovres rcov
re evBaipbbvwv /eal alfyviBLws Ovtjgkovtwv /eal rcov
ovBev irporepov /ee/err]/jLevcov, evdvs Be rdfeeLvcov
2 exoPTcov. ware Ta^eta? Ta? eirav peered /eat 77730?

to repirvov tj^lovv iroielaOai, e(j>7]p,epa rd re cgo-

3 /iara iea\ ra xpV/jLara o/jlolws rjyovfievoi. real rb
fiev TrporaXanrcopeiv 1 ra> Bo^avri /eaXw ovBeh irpo-
0v/j,o<; r)V y aBrjXov vofxi^wv el irplv eii ainb eXdelv
8ia<f)6aprjo-eTai, 6 rt Be r]Brj re rjBv iravTayoQev re
e? avrb /eepBaXeov, rovro /eal /eaXbv /eal

%P 1

4 KareaTT], Oecov Be <p>6f3o<; rj dvOpaoircov vofios ov-

Bels direcpye, rb p-ev /epivovres ev 6p,oiu> /eal aefteiv
/eal /irj e/e rov irdvTas opav ev law diroXXv puevovs ,

roiv Be dp,apT7]pLdrwv ovBels eXirl^wv p^e\pi rov

With CE, the Other MSS. irpo(XTa\anrwpuv.

i.e. they concealed the fact that they were acting after
their own pleasure (the ^
being induced by the negative
idea in airfKpvwTtTo).

BOOK II. lii. 4-liii. 4

they buried their dead each one as he could. And

many resorted to shameless modes of burial because
so many members of their households had already
died that they lacked the proper funeral materials.
Resorting to other people's pyres, some, anticipating
those who had raised them, would put on their own
dead and kindle the fire others would throw the

body they were carrying upon one which was already

burning and go away.
LI 1 1. In other respects also the plague first in-
troduced into the city a greater lawlessness. For
where men hitherto practised concealment, that
they were not acting purely after their pleasure, 1
they now showed a more careless daring. They
saw how sudden was the change of fortune in the
case both of those who were prosperous and sud-
denly died, and of those who before had nothing
but in a moment were in possession of the pro-
perty of the others. And so they resolved to get
out of life the pleasures which could be had
speedily and would satisfy their lusts, regarding their
bodies and their wealth alike as transitory. And
no one was eager to practise self-denial in prospect
of what w as esteemed honour, 2 because everyone

thought that it was doubtful whether he would live

to attain it, but the pleasure of the moment and
whatever was in any way conducive to it came to be
regarded as at once honourable and expedient. No
fear of gods or law of men restrained for, on the ;

one hand, seeing that all men were perishing alike,

they judged that piety and impiety came to the same
thing, and, on the other, no one expected that he
Or, reading TrpoaTaXanruptly, "to take trouble about what
was esteemed honour."

Blkt/v yeveaOai fiiovs av rrjv ri/iwplav dvriBovvai,
ttoXv Se fjuei^co rr/v 7]8rj Kare^fr/fyicr /levr/v afycov
eTTLKpe/xao-Qr/vai, r)v irplv e/xireaelv el/cos elvai rov
(3iov to drroXavaai.
LIV. Toiovrw fiev Tradei ol 'KOr/valoi irepLire-

aovres eirce^ovro, dvOpcorrcov t evSov dvr.aKovrcov

2 Kal yr)<$ %(o Sr)0VfjL6P7}<;. ev Se ra> kcucu> ola el/cbs
dve/ivr/aOr/aav Kal rovhe rov eirovs, (fydaKOvres ol
" f/
nrpeafivrepoi irdXai aZeaOai Hf ei Acopia/cbs rro-
3 Xe/xo? Kal Xot/ibs d/x aura)." iyevero fxev ovv ept?
Tot? avOpcoTTOLS /xr) Xoi/xbv wvo/xdadai ev tc5 eirei
vtto rcov rraXaitov, dXXa Xi/xbv, iviKr/ae Se iirl rov
irapovros lkotco<; Xoc/xbv elprjo~0ar ol yap avflpco-
iroi 7T/30? a eiraayov rr/v /xvq/xr/v eirotovvro. rjv

Se ye ol/xau irore a\Xo<; ir6\e/xo<z KaraXd/3r) Aoy-

piKO? rovhe varepos Kal %v/x/3rj yeveaOai Xi/xov,
4 Kara to lko<; oi/to)? acrovrai. fivr]fnj he iyevero
Kal rov AaKehac/xovlcov ^ptjcrrrjplov rots elSocriv,

ore eTTepoor&cnv avrols rov Oebv el %pr] iroXe/xelv

avelXe Kara Kpdro<; iroXe/xovcn vlktjv eaecrOai, Kal
5 avrbs %vXXi]y\rea6ai.
e<pr} ire pi /xev ovv rov
arr/piov ra yiy vb/xeva f/Ka^ov 6/xola elvar icrfte-
f3Xr)/corcov he rwv HeXoTrovvrjaucov r) voao<; i'/p^aro

eudv<;. Kal e? /xev YleXorrbvvi/aov ovk iar/XOev, o

ri Kal d^tov elirelv, iTrevei/xaro he 'A#/;Va? /xev

cf. I. cxviii. 3.

BOOK II. liii. 4-liv. 5

would live to be called to account and pay the penalty

of his misdeeds. On the contrary, they believed that
the penalty already decreed against them, and now
hanging over their heads, was a far heavier one, and
that before this fell it was only reasonable to get
some enjoyment out of life.
LIV. Such then was the calamity that had befallen
them by which the Athenians were sore pressed,
their people dying within the walls and their land
being ravaged without. And in their distress they
recalled, as was natural, the following verse which
their older men said had long ago been uttered :

"A Dorian war shall come and pestilence with it."

A dispute arose, however, among the people, some
contending that the word used in the verse by the
ancients was not Xot/xo?, " pestilence," but At/td?,
"famine," and the view prevailed at the time that
" pestilence " was the original word and quite

naturally, for men's recollections conformed to their

sufferings. But if ever another Dorian war should
visit them after the present war and a famine
happen to come with it, they would probably, I fancy,
recite the verse in that way. Those, too, who were
familiar with it, recalled that other oracle given to the
Lacedaemonians, when, in answer to their inquiry
whether they should go to war, the god responded
that if they "warred with all their might victory
would be theirs," adding that he himself would
assist them. 1 Now so far as the oracle is concerned,
they surmised that what was then happening was
its fulfilment, for the plague broke out immediately
after the Peloponnesians had invaded Attica and ;

though it did not enter the Peloponnesus to any

extent, it devastated Athens most of all, and next
pdXicrra, erreira Be Kal rcov aXXcov ^copicov ra
iroXvavOpcorrorara. ravra pukv ra Kara rrjv voctov
LV. Ol Be TleXoirovvrjaioi, iTreiBrj erepLov rb
irehioVyiraprfkOov e? rrjvTldpaXov yrjv KaXovpevrjv
l^expi Aavpeiov, ov ra dpyvpeia pueraXXd eanv
'AOrjvaiois. real irptorov p,ev erepiov ravrrjv y
7T/30? YieXoTTOVVTjaOV Opa, 7TlTa Be TTjV 7TyOO?
2 TLvfioidv re fcal "AvBpov rer pa p,pukvyv. UepifcXrjs
Be o~rparr)yb<; cov ical Tore irepl piev rod pur) eire^L-
evai rovs AQr\vaiov<$ rrjv avrrjv yvcopur/v el%ev
coairep /cat ev rfj irporepa, eo-ftoXy.
LYI. "Etj 5' avrcov ev tw ireBico ovrcov, irplv
e? rrjv rrapaXiav eXOelv, ifcarbv vecov eirLirXovv
rfj YieXoirovvrjcrcp Trapecr/ceud^ero, /cal eirei^r}
2 erolpua yv, dvrjyero. rjye 8' errl rcov vecov oirXiras
AOr^vaicov rerpaKia-^iXiov^
Kal iirireas rpiaico-
vavalv iTnraycoyols rrpcorov rbre Ik rcov
ctlovs ev
rraXaicov vecov rroiyOelaai^' gvvear parevovro Be
3 Kal Xtcn Kal Aeafiioi irevrrjKOvra vavalv. ore Be
dvrjyero rj arparid avrrj 'Adtjvalcov, UeXo7rov-
vrjalov^ KareXtiTov rr)<; 'ArriKr)<; ovras ev rfj
4 irapaXia. dcpiKopevoi Be e? ^KiriBavpov rr)<; IIeX.o-
irovvijaov erepuov rfj<; 7779 rrjv iroXXrjv, Kal 77-/30?

rrjv itoXiv irpoaftaXovreseXirlBa puev rjXOov


5 rod eXeiv, ov puevroi irpovyooprjae ye. dvayayo-

puevot Be eK rrjs 'ETriBavpov erepov rrjv re Tpotyj-
vlBa yrjv Kal 'AXidBa Kal 'Fjpp.iovlBa' can Be
ravra irdvra emQaXdaaia t>}? YleXorrovvi'jaov.
6 apavres Be dir avrcov dcpLKOvro ? Upaacds, rrjs

BOOK II. liv. s-lvi. 6

toAthens the places which had the densest popula-

tion. So much for the history of the plague.
LV. The.Peloponnesians, after ravaging the pla"ifl7
advanced into the district called Paralus 1 as far as
Laurium, where are the silver mines of the Athe-
nians. And first they ravaged that part of this
districtwhich looked towards the Peloponnesus, and
afterwards the part facing Euboea and Andros. But
Pericles, who was general, still held to the same
policy as during the earlier invasion, insisting that
the Athenians should not take the field against
LVI. But before they had left the plain and entered
the Paralus, Pericles had begun to equip a fleet of a
hundred ships to sail against the Peloponnesus, and
when all was ready he put to sea. He took with
him on the ships four thousand Athenian hoplites
and three hundred cavalry in horse-transports, then
employed for the first time, which had been made
out of the old galleys. The Chians and Lesbians
also took part in the expedition with fifty ships.
And when this armament of the Athenians put to
sea, the Peloponnesians whom they left in Attica
were already in the Paralian district. On reaching
I^pidaurus in the Peloponnesus the Athenians ra-
vaged most of that land they also attacked the city,

but, though they at first had hopes of taking it, they

did not succeed. Then, leaving Epidaurus, they went
to sea again, and ravaged the territory of Troezen >
Halieis, and Hermione, which are all on the Pelo-
ponnesian coast. Sailing next from this region they
The plain referred to was that about Athens, while the
Paralian district was the sea-coast, or south-eastern part,
terminating in the promontory of Sunium,

AaKCDvi/cr)<; iroXtapa imQaXdaaiov, teal rrj? T
7/79 ereyuov fcal avro rb rroXiapia elXov teal irrop-
Orjcrav. ravra he rronqcravre^ eV olkov dveyd>-
prjaav. tou? he HeXoTrovvqcriovs ouKert KareXaftov
iv rfj 'ArTLfcf} ovras, a\)C dvaKeywpy)Kora^.
LVII. "Oaov he y^povov oi re UeXoirovvrjcnoi

fjcrav iv rfj yfj rfj 'Adrjvaicov teal oi *A07jvaioi

iarpdrevov iirl roiv vecov, r) voo~o<; ev re rfj ar pa-

ria tovs 'Adrjvaiovs eepOetpe teal iv rfj iroXei, tocrre

Kal i\e)(6r) 7-01)9 YieXoirovvrjalov^ heieravras rb
voa7]fjLa, &>? iirvvOdvovro roiv avropoXeov on iv

rfj TroXet eirj Kal Odirrovra^ ci/xa jjerOdvovro,

2 daaaov i/c t^9 yffc i^eXOelv. rfj he ierfioXfj ravrrj
irXelerrov re j^povov ive\xeivav Kal rrjv yijv iraerav
ere/iov i)iepa<; yap reaaapaKovra fidXiara iv rfj
yfj rfj 'Arrucf} iyevovro.
LVIII. Tov h* avrov Oepovs " Ayvcov 6 Niklov
Kal K\eo7ro/z7ro? Y^Xeiviov, ^varpdrrjyoi ovres
TlepiKXeov?, \af36vres rrjv errpanav fj7rep iKeivos
i^pjjeraro icrrpdrevcrav evOvs eVl Xc/X:i8ea? toi)<>'
iirl SpaKr]<; Kal Tlorelhaiav en iroXiopKov/jievyjv,
dcpLKo/ievoi he firj^avd^ re rfj Tloreihaia, Trpocre-
2 epepov Kal iravrl rpoireo iiTeipCdVTO eXelv. irpov-
X^pet, he avrols ovre rj a [peGi<; rrjs 7ro\ea)9 ovre
raXXa rtj<; TrapadKevr)^ afta)?' i-TTLyevofxev^ yap

77 vocros ivravOa hrj irdvv iirieae tou? A6r}-

vaious, <p6eipovera rrjv err par Lav, eoerre Kal rovs
irporepovs arpartcora^ voaijaat raiv 'AOrjvaleov
curb tj/9 %vv " Ayvcov 1 errpana<; iv rep rrpb rod

On the expedition against the Peloponnesian coasts, cj.
3 lxiv.
ch. lvi. cf. 1.


BOOK II. lvi. 6-lviii. 2

came to Prasiae, ,a town on the coast of Laconia,

where they not only ravaged parts of the country,
but also captured the town itself and pillaged it.
After they had completed these operations they went
back home, where they found that the Peloponne-
sians were no longer in Attica but had retired.
LVII. During this entire period, while the Pelo-
ponnesians were in Attica and the fleet of the Athe-
nians was on the expedition, the plague was making
havoc among the Athenians, both in their fleet and
in the city. The statement was therefore made that
the Peloponnesians left Attica in haste because they
were afraid of the disease, since they not only heard
from deserters that it was in the city, but also could
see them burning their dead. In this invasion, how-
ever, they remained in Attica longer than at any
other time, and also ravaged the entire country
indeed they were in Attica almost forty days.
LVI II. In the same summer Hagnon son ot
Nicias and Cleopompus son of Clinias, colleagues
of Pericles, taking the armament which he had
employed, 1 at once set out on an expedition
against the Chalcidians in Thrace and against Poti-
daea,' which was still under siege, 2 and on their
arrival they brought siege -engines to bear upon
Potidaea, and tried in every way to take it. But no
success commensurate with the appointments of the
expedition attended their efforts, either in their at-
tempt to capture the city or otherwise for the ;

plague broke out and sorely distressed the Athenians

there, playing such havoc in the army that even the
Athenian soldiers of the first expedition, 3 who had
hitherto been in good health, caught the infection
The 3,000 soldiers of the first expedition ; cf. ch. xxxi. 2
and i. lxi. 4.

y^povw vyiaivovra?. Qoppiwv he Kal oi e^aKoaioi
3 koX yiXioi ovk6tc rjoav irepl XaXfftSea?. 6 p,ev

ovv " Ayvcov dve^cop7](T rals vavalv e? ras *K6r)-

vas, diro TT pa/CMTXiXicov oirXirwv %Aiou? teal

7TVT7]Kovra rfj vocra) airoXecras ev TeacrapaKovra

fidXiara rjfiipaw oi Be irporepoi aTpartcorai,
Kara yoapav pevovres irroXiopKovv ttjv Uorei-
LIX. Mera Be ttjv Bevrepav eo~{3oXr)v tcov

TIeXoTrovvrjcriGdV ol AQ-qvaloi, a)? rj T yrj clvtcov

ererp,r]TO to Bevrepov Kal r) v6o~o<; eVe/cetTO dp, a
2 Kal 6 TroXepos, rjXXoiwvTO Ta? yvcop,a<;, Kal tov
p,ev HepifcXea ev alrta elypv go? ireiaavTa a<f)d$
7ro\e/ue?v Kal Bl etcelvov rah i;vp.(f)opai<; irepi-

7r67rTco/toT9, 7T/00? Be tov? Aa/ce&aip,ovlov<; wp-

p,rjvTO ^vy^wpelv Kal 7rpeo-/3ei<; Tivas irep,ylravTe<;

a)? avTovs dirpaKTOi eyevovro. iravrayodev re

TV yvcopur] diropoL Ka6eaTy]KOTe<; eveKeivTo rq>

3 UepiKXet. 6 Be opcov avrovs 7rpo? rd irapovra

yjaXeiraivovTas Kal irdvra 7rotovvra<; direp avrb?
rfkin^e, gvXXoyov iroirjaa^ (eVi 8' earpar^yei)
eftovXero Oapavvai re Kal array ay oav to opyi^o-
p,ei>ov t^? yvdipLrjs 737)09 to rjiricorepov Kal dBe-
earepov KaTaarrjaar rrapeXOcov Be eXe^e rotdBe.
LX. " Kal TrpocrBexop>ev(p p,oi ra tT;? opyP/s
vp,0)V e? pL yeyevrjrai (alaOdvopai yap ras atria*;)

Kal eKKXtjalav tovtov eveKa %vvi]yayov, oVa)?

vTTopvi]G(jd Kal fiep^cDpai el ti p.)] opOoos rj ifiol


from Hagnon's troops. Phormio, however, and his

sixteen hundred men, were no longer in Chalcidice. 1
Accordingly Hagnon took his fleet back to Athens,
having lost by the plague in about forty days one
thousand and fifty out of a total of four thousand
hoplites but the soldiers of the former expedition

remained where they were and continued the siege

of Potidaea.
LIX. After the second invasion of the Peloponne-
sians the Athenians underwent, a change of feeling,
now that their land had been ravaged a second time
while the plague and the war combined lay heavily
upon them. They blamed Pericles for having per-
suaded them to go to war and held him responsible
for the misfortunes which had befallen them, and
were eager to come to an agreement with the Lace-
daemonians. They even sent envoys to them, but
accomplished nothing. And now, being altogether
at their wits' end, they assailed Pericles. And when
he saw that they were exasperated by the present
situation and were acting exactly as he had himself
expected, he called a meeting of the assembly for

he was still general wishing to reassure them, and
by ridding their minds of resentment to bring them
to a milder and less timorous mood. So he came
forward and spoke as follows :

LX. " I have been expecting these manifestations

of your wrath against me, knowing as I do the causes
of your anger, and my purpose in calling an assembly
was that I might address to you certain reminders,
and remonstrate if in any case you are either angry
cf. i. lxiv. 2. Phormio's departure must have occurred
before the events described in ch. xxxi. 2, but is nowhere

VOL. I. 361
2 ^aXeiraivere r) rah ^Vficpopal? elfcere. iya) yap
r)yovfiai TTokiv TrXeiw ^vfiiraaav opdovfievrjv axfre-

\eiv tovs IBuoTas r) kclO' eKacrrov rcov ttoKltwv

3 evirpayovaav, dOpoav Be a<^aWofievr)v. kclXcos

fiev yap (f>ep6fievo<; dvr)p to /cad* eavrbv Bia^>6eipo-

fievrjs rrjs TrarpLBos ovBev r)acrov ^vvairoWvrai,

KCLKOTvy^oiv Be ev evTvyovarf noWa) fiaXXov
4 Biaaco^eTai. oTrore ovv ttoXis fiev ra$ IBLas

%up,(f)apas oia re (frepeiv, el? Be eKaaros rd^ e/ceLvr}?

dBvvaros, 7TW5 ov ^pr) ttclvtcls dfivveiv avrfj, teal

fir) o vvv vfiels Bpare, ral$ tear ol/cov icaico-

Trpayiais e kit eirXriyfiev ot rod kolvov tt}? awTrjpias

a$>ieo~6e, Kal ifie re rov irapatveaavTa iroXefielv

Kal vfias avrovs ol ^vveyvcore Bl alria? ^ere.

5 Kairot ifiol tolovtw dvBpl opyi^eade 09 ovBevbs
Tjcrcrcov oXofiau elvai yvoovai re ra Beovra Kal
ep/irjvevo-ai, ravra, <j)iX67roXi<; re Kal xpr}fid rTwv

6 Kpelaacov. 6 re yap yvovs Kal fir) o~a(f>cb<; BiBdgas

ev t(T(p Kal el fir) eve6vfii]0r}' 6 re e\wv dfKporepa,
rfi Be iroXei Bvavovs, ovk av 6fioico<; ri oIklo)<;

<f>pdor irpoaovTos Be Kal rovBe, yjufffiaai Be

viKWfievov, ra ^vfiiravra rovrov evo<; av 7tcoXoito.

7 coar et fiov Kal fieaa><; rjyovfievoi fidXXov erepcov

irpoaelvai avrd iroXefielv eTreicrOrjTe, ovk av
etVoTQ)? vvv rov ye dBiKLV alriav <f)epolfir)v.

BOOK II. lx. 1-7

with me or are giving way to your misfortunes with-

out reason. For in my j ud gment a state confers a
greater benefit upon its private citizens when as
a whole commonwealth it is successful, than when
it prospers as regards the individual but fails as a

community. For even though a man flourishes in

his own private affairs, yet if his country goes to
ruin he perishes with her all the same but if he is

in evil fortune and his country in good fortune, he is

far more likely to come through safely. Since, then,
the state may bear the misfortunes of her private
citizens but the individual cannot bear hers, surely
all men ought to defend her, and not to do as you

are now doing proposing to sacrifice the safety of

the commonwealth because you are dismayed by the
hardships you suffer at home, and are blaming both
me who advised you to make war and yourselves who
voted with me for it. And yet I, with whom you
are angry, am as competent as any man, I think,
both to determine upon the right measures and to
expound them, and as good a patriot and superior to
the influence of money. For he who determines
upon a policy, and fails to lay it clearly before others,
is in the same case as if he never had a conception

of it and he who has both gifts, but is disloyal to


his country, cannot speak with the same unselfish

devotion and if he have loyalty also, but a loyalty

that cannot resist money, then for that alone every-

thing will be on sale. If, therefore, when you al-

lowed me to persuade you to go to war, you believed

that I possessed these qualities even in a moderate
degree more than other men, it is unreasonable that
I should now bear the blame, at any rate, of wrong-


LXI. " Kal yap oU p-ev appeal? yeyevijTai
raXXa ev-rvyovat, 7roXXrj avoid iroXe/irjaar ei 6"
avayxalov yjv rj el^avras evOv<; Tot? ireXas vira-
Kovaai i) KivSwevaavra*; irepiyeveaQai, 6 (frvycov


iya) /xev 6 avros elpa Kal ovk i%iaTap.ar vp,eU Se
/lera/SaXXere, iTrecSt] vvi/3r) vpiv ireiaOi^vai \xkv

cucepaiois, fierafieXeiv he KaKovp,ivoi<>, Kal tov

6/jLov Xoyov iv tu> vfjuerepw daOevel t/}? yva)p,T]S purj

bpOov (paiveo~6ai, hioTi to fiev Xvirovv eye 1 77877

ri]V a'taOyjaiv /cdarqj, t?}? Se oj^eXta? direaTiv

en, f) SijXcocris aTraat,, Kal p,eTa/3oXri<; jxeydXr]^,

Kal TavTT]? e'l oXiyov, i/jLireaovar]<; Taireivr) v/jlcdv

3 1) hidvoia eyxaprepelv a eyvcore. SovXoi yap

(frpovrjfia to alipvtBiov Kal airpoaBoKTjTov Kal to
7rXeLo~T(p TrapaXoyco ^vfifialvov i)puv irpos to?

aXXois ov% r\KLGTa Kal Kara rrjv voaov yeyevijTac.

A o/jLcds Be ttoXlv p,eydXyv oiKOvvras Kal iv i]0eaiv
avTiiraXois avrfj reOpap/ievov<; XP e ^ v KCLl ? u u'"

<f)opals rals peyiarat^ iOeXeiv vcf)LcrTacr0ai Kal

TrjV dtJLcocriv fir) d(pavL^iv (iv law yap 01 dvOpwiroi
BiKaiovcrL Trj? T virap-yovcri)^ 86^rj<; alriacrOai
ocrTf? paXaKia iXXeirrei Kal rrfi fir] irpoar)KOvar)^
fiiaelv rbv Opaavrrjri 6peyop,evoi>), diraXyrja avTas

Described by Pericles in the Funeral Oration, chs.

BOOK II. lxi. 1-4

LXI. u For though I admit that going to war is

always sheer folly for men who are free to choose,
and in general are enjoying good fortune, yet if the
necessary choice was either to yield and forthwith
submit to their neighbours' dictation, or by accepting
the hazard of war to preserve their independence,
then those who shrink from the hazard are more
blameworthy than those who face it. For my part,
I stand where I stood before, and do not recede from

my position but it is you who have changed. For


it has happened, now that you are suffering, that you

repent of the consent you gave me when you were
still unscathed, and in your infirmity of purpose my
advice now appears to you wrong. The reason is
that each one of you is already sensible of his
hardships, whereas the proof of the advantages is
still lacking to all, and now that a great reverse has

come upon you without any warning, you are too

dejected in mind to persevere in your former re-
solutions. For the spirit is cowed by that which
is sudden and unexpected and happens contrary
to all calculation; and this is precisely the experi-
ence you have had, not only in other matters, but
especially as regards the plague. Nevertheless, see-
ing that you are citizens of a great city and have
been reared amid customs which correspond to her
greatness, 1 you should willingly endure even the
greatest calamities and not mar your good fame.
For as all men claim the right to detest him who
through presumption tries to grasp a reputation to
which he has no title, so they equally claim a right
to censure him who through faintheartedness fails to
live up to the reputation he already enjoys. You
should, rather, put away your grief for private ills

Be ra 'IBia rod kolvov rf}<; acorripias dvTiXap,/3d-
LXII. "Tov Be TTOvov tov Kara tov Tr6Xep.ov,
fir] yev?]rai re ttoXv? Kal ovBev pLaXXov irepiyevoa-
fieda, dpKeiTco jxev vplv Kal eiceiva ev oh aXXore
TroWd/ci? ye Br) direBeL^a ovk opOS)? avrbv vtto-
nnevofievov, BrjX(oo-(o Be Kal r68e, 6 fioi Bo/celre
ovr avTol 7ra)7rore evdvp,7]0r}vai virdpyov vplv
pueyeOovs irepi e? ttjv dpyiiv vt ^jcd ev rot? irplv
Xoyow ovB* av vvv e^prjadpirjv KoparwBearepav
e^ovTL ttjv irpocnroirjcjLv, el per) KaTaTreTTXrjypLevovs
2 vpa$ irapa to etVo? ecopcov. oleoQe p\v yap tcov
v pp,dyaiv pLovcov ap%eiv, 70) Be dirofyaLva) Bvo
fiepcov T(hv e? ^prjaiv (f>avepcbvj yf)$ teal OaXdaar)^,
tov erepov vp,as iravrbs Kvpiwrdrovs ovras, ecj)'

oaov re vvv vefieade teal rjv eVt irXeov ftovXrjOrjTe'

teal ovk ear iv Saris rfj virap^ovar) irapaaKevf)

tov vavTitcov TrXeovras u/xa? ovre ftacriXevs ovre

aXXo ovBev e6vo$ twv ev tS> irapovrc KQ)Xvcret>*
3 ware ov Kara tt)v twv ol/cioov Kal tt)<; yfjs %peiaVj)
<bv fjieydXcov vopLL^eTe io-repr/adai, avrrj i) Bvvapus
(fraLverar ovB etVo? ^aXeiroi^ cfrepeiv avrcov fiaX-
Xov i) ov ktjttlov Kal eyKaXXcoTuapLa ttXovtov
7r/)0? ravrrjv vopLaavra? oXiyooprjaai, Kal yvwvai
eXevOeplav p,ev, rjv avTiXapufiavopuevoi avrr)<; Bia-
acoacopev, paBlcos Tavra dvaXrjy^opievrjv, dXXcov Be

cf. ch. xiii and L cxl-cxliv.
BOOK II. lxi. 4-lxii. 3

and devote yourselves to the safety of the common-

LXII. "As to the hardships involved in this war,
and your misgivings lest they prove very great and
we succumb after all, let those arguments suffice
which T have advanced on many other occasions x in
order to convince you that your fears are groundless.
But there is one point I propose to lay before you
on which, 1 think, you have never yourselves as yet
reflected, in spite of the advantage it gives you as
regards your empire and its greatness, and which I
have never previously dealt with in my speeches,

and should not have done so now for it makes a

somewhat boastful claim had I not seen that you
are unreasonably dejected. You think that it is only
over your allies that your empire extends, but I
declare that of two divisions of the world which lie
open to man's use, the land and the sea, you hold
the absolute mastery over the whole of one, not
only to the extent to which you now exercise it,
but also to whatever fuller extent you may choose;
and there is no one, either the Great King or
any nation of those now on the earth, who will
block your path as you sail the seas with such a
naval armament as you now possess. This power,
therefore, is clearly not to be compared with the
mere use of your houses and fields, things which you
value highly because you have been dispossessed of
them nor is it reasonable that you should fret about

them, but you should make light of them, regarding

them in comparison with this power as a mere flower-
garden or ornament of a wealthy estate, and should
recognize that freedom, if we hold fast to it and
preserve it, will easily restore these losses, but let

V7rafcovcra<Ti /cal rd Trpo/ce/crrjfieva 1 (faXelv ekaa-
(TovaOac, Toyv re Trarepwv fir) j(eipovs kclt dfi(f)6-

repa (fiavPjvcu, ol fierd ttovcov kcu ou ^ap' akkcov

Be^dfievoi Karea\ov re /cal irpoairL Siaaaoaavres
irapeBocrav vficv avrd {alayj,ov Be ey^ovra^ dai-
pedrivai r) fcroofievovs drvyniaai), levai Be rols
e)(dpoZ<; ofioae fir/ (ppovi]fiaTi fiovov, dXkd /cal
4 /caTCUppovrj/jLciTij avyr\fia fiev yap /ecu duo dfia-
6ias evTV^ovs kcu Seiko* tlvl eyyiyverai, /cara-
$p6vr)(ji<z Be o? dv /cal yvoofirj TTiarevr) tcov ivavrlcov
5 Trepie}>ew> o rjfilv virdpyei.^ /cat rr)v rokfiav dirb
ti}? ofioias tu^?7? r) tjvveo-is e/c rod vireptypovos
i^ypcoTepav irapeyeiai, ekTTiBi re rjacrov irurrevei,
77? ev tQ> diropw 7) lady's, yvcofiy Be dirb rebv virap-

^ovrcov, 77? {SeftaLOTepa r) irpbvoia,

LXIII. " T779 re 7r6kea)s v/ia<z et/eo? tw rifiw-

fievo) dirb rov dpyeiv, wirep diravre^ dydXkeade,

fiorjOelv, /cal fir) fyevyeiv tou? itovovs rj fiJiBe rd?
Tifids Sico/ceiv fir/Be vofiiaai irepl evbs fiovov, Bov-

Aeta? dvr eXevOepias, dyu>vl%ea6ai, dXkd /cal

dpx~)S o-Tepyjaecos /cal klvBvvov d)v ev rfj dpyjr) dirr)-

2 ^OeaOe. 97? ovB* e/co~Tr)vai ert i/fitv eariv, eX tls

/cal roSe ev T(p irapovn SeBiaos dirpayfiocrvvr)

1 So most editors with Gmc 2 ; all other MSS. irpoveKTr)-

/u.4va except M irpoaKeKTH]uiva.

BOOK II. lxii. 3-LX111. 2

men once submit to others and even what has been

won in the past * has a way of being lessened.
You must therefore show yourselves not inferior
in either of these two respects to your fathers, who
by their own labours, and not by inheritance, not
only acquired but also preserved this empire and
bequeathed it to you (and it is a greater disgrace
to let a possession you have be taken away than
it is to attempt to gain one and fail) and you ;

must go to meet your enemies not only with con-

fidence in yourselves, but with contempt for them.
For even a coward, if his folly is attended with good
luck, may boast, but contempt belongs only to the
man who is convinced by his reason that he is superior
to his opponents, as is the case with us. And, wher e
fortune is impartial, the result of this feeling of con-
tempt is~t(T~render courage more effective through
intelligence, that puts its trust not so much in
hope, which is strongest in perplexity, as in reason
supporter! by the facts, which gives a surer insight
into the future.
LXIII. " You may reasonably be expected, more-
over, to support the dignity which the state has at-

tained through empire a dignity in which you all

take pride and not to avoid its burdens, unless you
resign its honours also. Nor must you think that
you are fighting for the simple issue of slavery or
freedom on the contrary, loss of empire is also in-

volved jjijjuI danger from the hatred incurred in your

sway. iFrom this empire, however, it is too late for
you even to withdraw, if any one at the present crisis,
through fear and shrinking from action does indeed
Or, reading to npo(reKTi]fj.iva t "freedom and all that
freedom gives" (= irpbs rp 4\fvdfpla KewTij/xtVa, as Poppo
dvBpayaOi^erar a>? rvpavviBa yap i)Brj e^ere
avrrrv, fjv XajSelv fiev oEikov Bokel rival, dcpelvai
3 Be iirLKLvSwov. rdyiar dv re iroXiv ol roiovroi

erepou? re irelaavre<; diroXecreiav teal eX rrov iirl

(T<f)(iov avrSiv avrovofioi ol/cr>o-etav' rb yap airpay-

jjlov ov aco^erac fir) fierd rod Bpaarrjpiov reray-
fievov, ovBe iv apyovar) iroXei gv/yupepei, dXX iv
V7rr)fc6(p, dcrcfraXws BoyXeveiy.
LXIV. " 'Tfiels Be fir]re biro rcov roiawBe ttoXi-
rebv irapdyeaOe firjre ifie Bi' 6pyr)<; e^ere, a> teal

avrol ^vvBUyvcore iroXefielv, el teal iireXOovres ol

ivavrioi eBpacrav direp et/co? rjv fir) iOeXrjadvrwv
vficov viraKOvetv, iinyeyevrirai re irepa wv irpocr-

eBeyofieQa r) vocros rjBe, irpayfia fibvov Br) rebv

irdvrwv iX7TLBo<; tcpelaaov yey evrjfievov. koX Bi
avrrjv olB* on fiepos ri fiaXXov en fiiaovfiat, ol

Bitcaucos, el fir) teal orav irapa Xoyov ri ev irpd^ijre

2 e\iol dvaOijaere. (f>epeiv Be %pr) rd re Baifiovia

dvayicaiws rd re dirb ru>v iroXefiicov dvBpeiw
ravra yap iv edei rf)Be rfj iroXec irpbrepov re rjv

3 vvv re fii] iv vp.iv Ku>Xv6fj. yvcore Be ovo/ia fieyc-

arov avrrjv eyovaav iv diraaiv dvOpdnrot^ Bid rb
Tat? %vp<f)opai<; fir) eiiceiv, irXelara Be aoofiara fcal

irbvovs dvrjXwfcevai iroXifiw, ical Bvvafiiv fieyiarrjv

Br) fieXP L fovBe fce/crrifievijv, i;? e? dlBiov rot? iiri-

1 Dobree deletes, followed by Hude.


BOOK II. lxiii. 2-lxiv. 3

seek thus to play the honest man for by this time


the empire you hold is a tyranny, which it may seem

wrong to have assumed, but which certainly it is
dangerous to let g o. \M en like these would soon
ruin a state, either here, if they should win others to
their views, or if they should settle in some other
land and have an independent state all to themselves
for men of peace are not safe unless flanked by men
of action ; nor is it expedient in an imperial state,
but only in a vassal state, to seek safety by
submission. - v4'**>
LXIV. " Do not be led astray by such citizens as
these, nor persist in your anger with me,
for you
yourselves voted for the war the same as I just be-
cause the enemy has come and done exactly what he

w as certain to do the moment you refused to hearken

to his demands, even though, beyond all our expec-

tations, this plague has fallen upon us
the only thing
which has happened that has transcended our fore-
sight. I am well aware that your displeasure with
me has been aggravated by the plague but there ;

is no justice in that, unless you mean to give me also

the credit whenever any unexpected good fortune

falls to your lot. But the right course is to bear with
resignation the afflictions sent hy^ heaven and with
fortitude the hardships that come from the enemy;
for such has been the practice of this city in the past,
and no impediment in yourselves. And
let it find
realize that Athens has a mighty name among all
mankind because she has never yielded to mis-
fortunes, but more freely than any other city has
lavished lives and labours upon war, and that she
possesses to-day a power which is the greatest that
ever existed down to our time. The memory of

yiyvofievois, rjv /cal vvv vTrevBojfiev nrore (iravra
yap rre(pvKe real ekaacroixjOai), fivrj/irj KaraXeXei-
yjrerai, 'FjXXtJvcdp re on "EAA^e? irXeiaTwv Br)

iip^afiev /cal iroXefioi^ feyio~TOL<; avTeayojiev 777)09

re ^vfnravras /cal /caO' etedcrTovs, ttoXlv re Tot?
4 iraaiv evTropcoTdrrjv /cal peyicrrr)v oj/cyjaafiev. tcai-

toi ravra 6 /xev dirpdyjicov fie/xyfrair av, 6 Be Bpdv

ri feal auTO? ftovXofievos ^jXcoaec el Be tj? /xr)

5 /ceKTrjrai, $>6ovr)creL. to Be jJuaelcrOaL /cal Xwrrr)-

pou? elvai ev ra> irapbvri ttcktl fiev virrjptje Br)

octoi erepou erepcov r)%iwo~av dpyeiv oaris Be eirl

lieyicrTois rb eirl^Bovov Xafi/3dvet, opOcos (3ov-
Xeverat. fucros fjuev yap ou/c eirl iroXv avre-^ei, r)

Be irapavTLfca re Xafjuirpbrr)^ koX e? to eireira B6%a

6 alei/jLvr)o-ro<; /caraXeLTreraL. vfxels Be e'9 re to fieX-
Xov /eaXbv TTpoyvovTes e? re rb avri/ca fir) alo-^pbv
ra> t)Bt) TTpoOv/jLG) d/xeporepa /crrjcraaOe, teal Aa/ce-
Bai/AovLOis /jLrjre eTTi/crjpv/ceveaOe /i7)~e evBrjXoi eare
Tot? irapovGi irbvois ftapvvbfievoL, a><? o'trives Trpbs

Ta? %vficf)opas yvco/JLr) fiev rjKLara Xvirovvrai, epyw

Be fidXiara dvreyovaiv, ovroi /cal iroXewv /cal

IBiootoov /cpdrcaroi elatv.

LXV. Toiavra 6 Hepc/cXr}? Xeycop erreipdro
tou? A6r)vaLOV<; t?}$ re es avrbv 6py>)<; irapaXveiv
teal drrb tgov Trapovrcov Beivcov drrdyeiv rr)v yvd)-
2 p,r)v. 01 Be Bi)fjLoaia fiev Tot? Xoyou? dveirelQovro
/cal ovre 7rpo? rovs Aa/ceBaifJiovlovs ere eirefxirov

? re rbv iroXefiov fiaXXov a>pfir)vro f IBia Be

BOOK II. LXIV. 3-Lxv. 2

this greatness, even should we now at last give

way a little for it is the nature of all things to

decay as well as to grow will be left to posterity
forever, how that we of all Hellenes held sway over
the greatest number of Hellenes, in the greatest
wars held out against our foes whether united or
single, and inhabited a city that was the richest
in all things and the greatest. These things the
man who shrinks from action may indeed dis-
parage, but he who, like ourselves, wishes to accom-
plish something will make them the goal of his
endeavour, while every man who does not possess
them will be envious. To be hated and obnoxious for
the moment has always been the lot of those who
have aspired to rule over others but he who, aim-

ing at the highest ends, accepts the odium, is well

advised. For hatred does not last long, but the
splendour of the moment and the after-glory are
left in everlasting remembrance. Do you, then,
providently resolving that yours shall be honour in
ages to come and no dishonour in the present,
achieve both by prompt and zealous effort. Make
no overtures to the Lacedaemonians and do not let
them know that you are burdened by your present
; for those who in the face of calamities
show least distress of spirit and in action make most
vigorous resistance, these are the strongest, whether
they be states or individuals."
LXV. By such words Pericles endeavoured to cure
the Athenians of their anger toward him, and to di-
vert their minds from their present ills. And as
regards public affairs they were won over by his
arguments, sending no further envoys to the Lace-
daemonians, and were more zealous for the war but

to?? TraOrjixacTLv iXvwovvTo, 6 p,ev Br}fio<; on air
iXacraovcov op/ico/ievo? eareprjro ical rovrcov, ol
Be Buvarol icaXa KT^fiara Kara ttjv yoapav 1
olfcoSo/jLLais re ical iroXvreXeac fcaraaicevals diro-

\co\6kot6s, to Be fieycarov, iroXe/xov dvr elprjvr)*;

3 e%ovre<;. ov fievroi irporepov ye ol tjvfnravres
eiravaavTO ev opyfj %ovTe<; avrbv irplv efrifilcocrav
4 xpr]fia,o~iv. varepov B* av6i<; ov iroXXop, oirep (pi-
\el ojullXos iroieiv, arparrjybv eiXovro teal irdvra
rd irpdyfiara eirerpeijrav, cov fiev irepl ra ol/cela
e/caaro^ rjXyet d/i^Xvrepoi i]Brj 6We<?, gov Be r\

gv/JLTTacra iroXi? irpoaeBelro irXeiarov d^iov vop,L-

5 ^ovre^ elvai. oaov re yap ^pbvov irpovarrj t?}?

iroXeco*; ev rfj elprjvy, fierplw^ e^rjyelro real ao~(f)a-

\<w? BiecfivXa^ev avrrjv, ical eyevero eV ifceivov

fieyiaTTj, eireiBi] re 6 iroXefios icarearr], 6 Be (fiai-
verai teal ev tovto) wpoyvovs rrjv Bvva/iiv.
6 'E7re/3ter> Be Bvo err] /cal ef firjva^' ical eireiBr}
direOavev, eirl irXeov en iyvcoadrj rj irpovoia avrov
7 v) 9 rbv TroXe/iov. 6 fiev yap ^Gvya^ovrd^ re
ical to vavntcbv Oepairevovras /cal apyjqv firj

iiri/CTco/Aevovs ev ra> iroXefxw /irjBe rrj iroXei klvBv-

vevovras e(f>rj irepcecreaOar ol Be ravrd re irdvra
e? rovvavriov eirpa^av ical aXXa etjco rov iroXe/xov
BoKOVvra elvai Kara ra? IBlas (fyiXoTL/jiias ical
tBia KepBrj ica/cco? e? re a<f>a<; avrovs ical toi>?
Hude inserts eV with Madvig.

Eighty talents, according to Diod. xn. xlv. ; but accord-
ing to Plut. Per. xxxv. estimates varied from fifteen to ritty

BOOK II. lxv. 2-7

in private they were distressed by their sufferings;

for the commons, having less to start with, had been
deprived even of this, while the upper classes had
lost their beautiful estates in the country, both
buildings and costly furniture, and above all they
had war instead of peace. Indeed one and all they
did not g^ve over their resentment against him until
they had imposed a fine l upon him. But not long
afterwards, as is the way with the multitude, they
chose him again as general and entrusted him with
the whole conduct of affairs for they were now be-

coming individually less keenly sensible of their

private griefs, and as to the needs of the state as a
whole they esteemed him invaluable. For so long
as he presided over the affairs of the state in time of
peace he pursued a moderate policy and kept the
city in safety, and it was under him that Athens
reached the height of her greatness and, after the;

war began, here too he appears to have made a far-

sighted estimate of her strength.
Pericles lived two years and six months beyond the
beginning of the war; and after his death his fore-
sight as to the war was still more fully recognized.
For he had told the Athenians that if they would
maintain a defensive policy, attend to their navy, and
not seek to extend their sway during the war, or do
anything to imperil the existence of the state, they
would prove superior. But they not only acted con-
trary to his advice in all these things, but also in
matters that apparently had no connection with the
war they were led by private ambition and private
greed to adopt policies which proved injurious both
talents. The charge was embezzlement, according to Plato,
Oorg. 576 a.

gvfi/jLdxovs eTroXiTevaav, a KaTOpQovpeva pev tois
IBicoTats Tip}] Kal axfrekia pdXXov r)V, acpaXivra
Be rff Trokei e? tov 7roXep,ov /3Xd/3r} KaOiaraTO.
8 aiTiov 5' rjv oti ifcelvos pev Svvaros cl)v t<o re
d^icopaTi teal ry yvcopy ^prjixdrwv re Biafyavws
dBcoporaro^ yevop,evo<; teareixe to ttXtjOo^ eXevOe-
/DO)?, Kal OVK 7]yTO pdXXoV V7T CIVTOV Yj avTo<;

9776, Bid to fir) fcrcofievos i ov TrpoarjKovTcov ttjv

Bvvap.iv 7rpo? rjBovrjV ti Xeyeiv, dX~)C ^X wv **

9 d^icoaei Kal 7roo? opyrjv ti dvTenrelv. ottotc yovv
aiaOoiro ti auTOU? vrapd Kaipov vftpei dapaovv-
ras, Xeycov KareTrXrjaaev iirl to (j)o/3eia6ai, Kal
BeBcoras av dXoyco? dvTifca0io~Tr) irdXiv enrl to
Oapaelv. iyiyvero re Xoy(p p,ev Byj/xo/cparua,

10 epya) Be xjito tov Trpcorou dvBpbs apx^h ol Be

varepov lo~oi pdXXov avTol 7roo? dXXrjXow; 6Vt6?

Kal opeyopevot tov 7rpcoT09 eKao~TO<; yiyveaOai

eTpdirovTO Ka6* rjBovds tu> B-qpw Kal Ta irpdypaTa
11 evBiBovai. e% o)v aXXa T 7ro\\a, co? ev p^eydXy

TroXel Kal dpxh v ^X^ a V' Vfia P T V^ rJ Kai e?

^iKeXlav irXovs, 0? ov too-ovtov yvcoprjs dp,dp-

Trjpa tjv 7rpo? 01)? eirfjaav, oaov ol eKirepLy^ravTes

ov Ta 7rpocr(popa toU olxopevois 7riyiyvojaK0VT<;,

dXXd KaTa Ta? I8la$ BiafioXas irepl tt?9 tov

1 The reference is especially to the Sicilian expedition


the pernicious results were seen in the Decelean war.

1 !

BOOK II. lxv. 7-1

as to themselves and their allies ; for these policies, so

long as they were successful, merely brought honour
or profit to individual citizens, but when they failed
proved detrimental to the state in the conduct of
the war. 1 And the reason for this was that Pericles,
who owed his influence to Lis recognized standing and
ability, and had proved himself clearly incorruptible
in the highest degree, restrained the multitude while
respecting their liberties, and led them rather than
was led by themj because he did not resort to flattery,
seeking power by dishonest means, but was able
on the strength of his high reputation to oppose
them and even provoke their wrath. At any rate,
whenever he saw them unwarrantably confident and
arrogant, his words would cow them into fear and, ;

on the other hand, when he saw them unreasonably

afraid, he, would restore them to confidence again.
And so \Athens, though in name a democracy,
gradually became in fact a government ruled by its
foremost citizen. But the successors of Pericles,

being more on an equality with one another and yet

striving each to be first, were ready to surrender
to the people even the conduct of public affairs
to suit their whims. And from this, since it hap-
pened in a great and imperial state, there resulted
many blunders, especially the Sicilian expedition, 2
which was not so much an error of judgment, when
we consider the enemy they went against, as of
management for those who were responsible for it,

instead of taking additional measures for the proper

support of the first troops which were sent out, gave
themselves over to personal intrigues for the sake of

1 Books vi and vu.

For the history of this expedition, see

Bl)/J.OV TTpOfTTCKTiaS T(l T V TCO GTpai OTTeBw dfl-
fiXvTepa iiroiovv Kal ra irepl ttjv ttoXlv irpwrov
12 iv aXXr/XoL? eTapd^Orjaav. crcpaXevres Be iv
SifC\la aXXrj re irapaaicevfi Kal tov vclvtikov tg>
irXeovi p,opi(p Kal Kara ttjv ttoK.lv 778*7 iv ardaei
ovres 0/10)9 BeKa l fiev errj avTelyov tol<; re irpo-
repov inrdpyovGi iroXeyiloi^ Kal Tot? curb XlkeXlck;
fxer avjwv Kal tcov %v\x\JLdywv en Tot? nXeoo-Lv
acfreo-TrjKocTL, K.vpq> re varepov ySacrtXea)? irathX
7rpocryevofiev(p, 09 irapelye ^p7]/iara UeXoirov-
vqcrloLS e9 to vclvtikov, Kal ov irporepov iveBoaav
7) avrol iv Gcbiaiv avTols Kara rd<; IBia? Bia-
13 4>opa<;TrepLTreo-ovres io-(pdXr)crav. togovtov tc5
UepiKXel iirepiacrevae rore ac/>' wv avrb<; irpoeyvw
Kal irdvv dv paBico? irepLjeveaOaL ttjv ttoXlv
UeXoTTOvvrjo-Lcov avrwv ra> iroXefiw.
LXVL O/ Be AaKeBaL/aovLoi Kal oi ^vfi/ia^oL
rod avrov depovs iarpdrevcrav vavalv eKarbv e'9
ZaKvvOov r-qv vrjaov, rj KelraL dvrnrepa^ "HX,f8o9*
elal Be 'A%aicov rwv eV HeXoTrovvijaov diroiKOL

2 Kal AQr\vaiOL<s ^vvefxayovv. iireirXeov Be AaKe-

Bat/novioyv ^lXlol onrXlraL Kal Kvyjfios ^TrapridrT}^
vavapyo<$. diro(SdvTe<; Be e'9 t//i> yf]V eBr/cocrav rd
TroXXd. Kal eVetSr) ov T^vveydypovv, direTrXevaav
LXVII. Kal tov avTov Oepov? reXevT(ovTO<;
'ApicTTevs Kopivdtos Kal AaKeBaLfxovlwv 7rpecr/3et9
'AvrjpiaTos Kal NiKoXaos Kal UpaTo8a/jLO<; Kal

MSS. read rpla, but Hude follows Haacke in reading
5fVa. So also van H., CI., Stahl, F. Mueller, Croiset,
Marchant. oktw is preferred by Shilleto, Aem. Mueller.
* Deleted by van Herwerden, followed by Hude.

BOOK II. lxv. ii-lxvii. i

gaining the popular leadership and consequently not

only conducted the military operations with less
rigour, but also brought about, for the first time, civil
discord at home. And yet, after they had met with :
disaster in Sicily, where they lost not only their army
but also the greater part of their fleet, and by this
time had come to be in a state of sedition at home,
they neverthless held out ten years not only against
the enemies they had before, but also against the
Sicilians, who were now combined with them, and,
besides, against most of their allies, who were now
in revolt, and later on, against Cyrus son of the
King, who joined the Peloponnesians and furnished
them with money for their fleet and they did not

finally succumb until they had in their private

quarrels fallen upon one another and been brought
to ruin. Such abundant grounds had Pericles at that
time for his own forecast that Athens might quite
easily have triumphed in this war over the Pelopon-
nesians alone.
LXVI. During the same summer the Lacedae-
monians and their allies made an expedition with a
hundred ships to the island of Zacynthus, which lies
over against Elis. The Zacynthians are colonists
of the Achaeans in the Peloponnesus and were in
alliance with the Athenians. On board the ships
were one thousand Lacedaemonian hoplites, and
Cnemus a Spartan was admiral. And making a
descent upon the land they ravaged most of it but ;

as the inhabitants would not come to terms they

sailed back home.
LXVI I. And at the end of the same summer
Aristeus a Corinthian, ttaae Lacedaemonian envoys,
Aneristus, Nicolaus, and Pratodamus, also Timagoras

teyedrri<; Ti/xayopas zeal 'Apyetos iSla lIoXXis,

TTopev6}xevoi e? rrjv Aalav w? ftacnXea, el 7ra>9

rreiaeiav avrbv ^prjp-ard re rrapao"^elv Kal ^v/i-
TToXefielv, cufiiKvovvrai &)9 ^irdXKt)v rrpoyrov rov
Tijpeco e'9 Spatcijv, /3ov\6/jlvol rrelaai re avrbv, el
hvvaivro, fieraardvra rrjs WOrjvalcov %v p,\ayia<;
arparevaai iirl rrjv HoreiEaiav, ov rjv arpdrevpa
irepav rov 'QXXrjcnrbvrov a>9
ifceivov iropevOrjvai
Qapvd/crjv rbv <>apva(Sd%ov t 09 avrovs efieXXev
2 w? ftacnXea dvairepb-^reiv. iraparv^ovres he
'A07)vaL(Di> Aeap^os K.aXXipd^ov Kal
K/xeLVidhrj^ QiXSjfAovos irapd tw XcrdXKrj irei-
Qovai rbv %dhoKov rbv yeyevrj/xevov \\0}]vatov,
^irdX/cov vlbv, toi>9 avSpas ey^eipicrai acpLcnv,
07TO)9 fir) hia/3dvre<; &>9 (3aatXea n)v eiceivov iroXiv
3 to /xe/?09 /3Xd\jro)(Tiv. 6 he ireicrOels iropevofxevov^
avrovs hia rr}<; OpaKTjs iirl to irXolov g5 efieXXov
rbv 'EXXrjo-TTOvrov irepaiooaeiv, irp\v ea/3aiveiv
^uXXa/j,/3dvi, aXXovs hrj ^v/jL7re/xyfra<; fierd rov

Aedp)(ov Kal Afieividhov, Kal e/ceXevcrev e/celvoLS

irapahovvai' Xafiovres eKO/xicrav e'9 Ta9
ol he
4 'AOtjvas. Be aurcov helcravres ol
A07]va,Lot, rov 'Apiarea pbrj ai/Ois <r<f>a<; en irXeiw
Kcucovpyf) hia^vyaiv, on Kal irpb rovrcov ra rrjs
Uoreihalas Kal rwv iirl SpaK^s rrdvra e^aivero
7rpd]~as, aKpirovs Kal (BovXofievovs ecrriv a elirelv
avOrj/jiepbv direKreivav rrdvra^ Kal 69 (pdpayya

Because Argos was a neutral state cf. ch. ; ix. 2.
Then satrapof Dascylium ; cf. 1. exxix. 1.
cf. ch. xxix. 5.

BOOK II. lxvii. 1-4

of Tegea and Pollis of Argos, the last acting in a

private capacity, 1 set out for Asia to the King's court
to see if they might persuade him to furnish money
and join in the Mar. On their way they came first
to Sitalces son of Teres in Thrace, their desire being
to persuade him, if possible, to forsake the Athenian
alliance and send a force to relieve Potidaea, where
an Athenian army was conducting the siege and ;

also, in pursuance of their object, with his help to

cross the Hellespont to Pharnaces 2 son of Pharna-
bazus, who was to escort them up the country to the
King. But two Athenian envoys, Learchus son of
Callimachus and Ameiniades son of Philemon, who
chanced to be visiting Sitalces, urged Sadocus son of
Sitalces, who had been made an Athenian citizen, 3
to deliver the men into their hands, that they might
not cross over to the King and do such injury as
might be to his adopted city. 4 To this Sadocus
agreed, and sending some troops to accompany
Learchus and Ameiniades, seized them as they
journeyed through Thrace before they embarked on
the boat by which they were to cross the Hellespont.
They were then, in accordance with his orders,
delivered to the Athenian envoys, who took them
and brought them to Athens. When they arrived,
the Athenians, in fear that Aristeus might escape
and do them still more harm, because he had evi-
dently been the prime mover in all the earlier
intrigues at Potidaea and along the coast of
Thrace, put them all to death on that very day
without a trial, though they wished to say something
in their own defence, and threw their bodies into a

Possibly rr)v intivov *6\iv rb pepos means "a city in a
measure his own,"

iaefiaXov, Bi/caiovvres to?9 clvtols afjivveadai
oiairep kcu oi AarceSai/iovioi, vTrrjp^av, tou? ifi-

iropovs oi><; eXaftov 'AQrjvaLow kcu rcov fv jJLfid^cov

iv oXtcdai irepl TleXoirowqcrov '/rXiovras diroKrei-
vavres real e? (f)dpayya<; iafiaXovres. Trdvras
yap Br) dpX a< T v iroXepov
kclt > Aa/ceBai/AOVioi
oaovs Xd/3oiev iv ttj OaXdaay &>? 7ro\ep,LOV<; Bie-

cpOeipov, zeal rovs fiera 'AOrjvaicov tjv/jL7roXe/jLOvvTa<;

/cal toi>? p,7jBe fieO* erepwv.
LXVIII. KaTa Be tov<z avrovs XP V0V<>> rov

Oepovs T\evTO)VTO<;, koi ' AyuirpaKiwiai avrou T

koI lav j3ap/3dpcDV ttoXXovs dvaar^aavre^ iarpd-
revaav iir "A07O? to ^A/jl^lXox^ov icai rrjv
2 aXXrjv 'AjLL(f)i\oxLav. ex^pa Be 7T/30? tou? 'Ao-
yeiov<z diro rovSe clvtoIs rjpgaTO irponov yeveadai.

3 "Apyos to 'Afi<f)iXoxi>cbv kol Afi^Ckoxiav rrjv

aXXrjv e/cTLcre fiev fiera ret, Tpcoi/cd otfcaBe ava-

X(opy']cra<; ko\ ouk dpeafcoftevos rfj iv "Apyei /cara-

ard(TL 'A/x(/)t\o%o9 6 'AfMpidpeoo iv ra> 'Afnrpa-
4 ovofidaas (/cat r)v r) ttoXls avrrj fMeylcrrr} t?}<?

'AfupiXoxLas fcal toi)? SwaTcoraTOvs eZ%e^ ol/crj-

5 ropas), vtto l^vficfropcov Be iroWals yeveals varepov

7rie^6p.evoL ^AinrpciKKJdTCis ofiopov? ovras rfj 'Ap.-

(friXoxiKJ) %vvolk:ov<; iir^ydyovro, kol i)XXr)via6r)-


1 Alcmaeon, the elder brother of Amphilochus, had slain

their mother Eriphyle (c/. ch. cii. 5). The foundation of
BOOK II. lxvii. 4-Lxviii.

pit, thinking it justifiable to employ for their own

protection the same measures as had in the first
instance been used by the Lacedaemonians when
they killed and cast into pits the traders of the
Athenians and their allies whom they caught on
board merchantmen on the coast of the Pelopon-
nesus. For at the beginning of the war all persons
whom the Lacedaemonians captured at sea they
destroyed as enemies, whether they were fighting
on the side of the Athenians or not even taking
part on either side. y
LXVIII. About the same time, as the summer ?'
was ending, the Ambraciots themselves, with many
of the barbarians whom they had summoned to their
standard, made an expedition against the Amphi-
lochian Argos and the rest of Amphilochia. And
enmity between them and the Argives first began
from the following circumstance. Amphilochus son
of Amphiaraus, when he returned home after the
Trojan war, was dissatisfied with the state of affairs
at Argos, 1 and therefore founded Amphilochian
Argos on the Ambracian gulf, and occupied the
country of Amphilochia, calling the town Argos
after the name of his own fatherland. And this
city was the largest Amphilochia and had the
wealthiest inhabitants. But many generations later
the Amphilochians, under the stress of misfor-
tunes, invited in the Ambraciots, who bordered
on Amphilochia, to share the place with them,
and these first became Hellenes and adopted their
present dialect in consequence of their union with

Amphilochian Argos is ascribed by other authors (Strabo,

vii. 326 c ; Apollod. in. 7) to Alcmaeon or to his son

Kicorcov ^vvoLKTjadvrcov ol Be aXXoi ApcjaXo^oi
6 /3dp/3apol da iv. eteftaXXovaiv ovv tou? 'Apyelov?
ol 'ApLTTparciwrai XP V(P KCLi avT l "<rX 0V<Tl r ty
7 rroXiv. ol o 'ApfaXoxoi yevopuevov rovrov BlBo-
acnv eavrov? 'Atcapvaai, teal Trpoo-TrapateaXeaav-
re? dpcporepoi 'AdrjvaLOVS, ol avrols QoppLwvd
Te arpar^yov etre^av teal vavs rpid/eovra,
d(pLKO/jLVOV Br) rov <>opp,LQ)vo<; alpovai Kara tepd-
to? "Ap7o? teal tou? 'ApuTrpateicora^ rjvBpairoBicrav,
KOivfj re (pteiaav avrb 'A/z<f t\o%oi teal 'Ateapvaves.
8 perd Be tovto i) ^vp.pxnyia irp&rov iyevero 'AOrj-
9 vatois teal 'Ateapvdaiv. ol Be ^ Apnrpateiiorai rrjv
p,ev exOpav e? T vs 'Apyeuovs dirb rov dvBpa-
iroBiafxov acjycov avrcov rrpcorov iiroirjaavrOy vcrre-
pov Be iv rep rroXepLW rrjvoe rrjv errpareiav
TToiovvrai eavrcov re teal Xaovcov teal aXXeov
rivtov rcov Tr\r)crLox(*>pQ)V ftapftdpcov iX66vre<; Be
7r/)05 to "A/oyo? rr)? fiev a ^ e/epdrovv, rrjv Be
ttoXiv cl)9 ov/e iBvvavro eXelv irpoerfSaXovres,

direxd>pW av ^ olteov teal BieXvOrjcrav Kara eOvrj.

roaavra p,ev iv rep Qepei iyevero.

LXIX. Tov B' irtiyiyvopukvov %*/xo)i>o? 'AOr}-
valoi vavs eerreCXav etteoo-L pev rrepl UeXoTrovvrjcrov

/calQopplcova arparrjyov, o? oppicopevos etc Nau-

Trdfcrov cf)v\aKr]v eZ%e pLr]r iteirXelv ite KoplvOov
real rov Kpicraiov koXttov purfBeva pbrjr ierirXelv,

erepa<; Be e% itrlKaplan teal Avrelas teal MeXrj-

aavBpov errparrjyov, oVw? ravrd re dpyvpoXoytocn
teal to XrjcrriKov rcov YleXoirovvrjo-icov pr) icocriv
avroOev oppLcopLevov ffXairreiv rov rrXovv rcov
oXtedBcov rcov d-rro QaarjXiBos teal <&olvUt)<; teal


BOOK II. lxviii. 5-Lxix. 1

the Ambraciots but the rest of the Amphilochians


are still barbarians.Now in course of time the

Ambraciots expelled the ArgiveV and themselves
seized the city. But the Amphilochians, when this
happened, placed themselves under the protection of
the Acarnanians, and together they called in the
Athenians, who sent to them Phormio as general
with thirty ships. On the arrival of Phormio they
took Argos by storm and reduced the Ambraciots to
slavery, and Amphilochians and Acarnanians settled
there together. It was after this that the alliance
between the Athenians and the Acarnanians was
first established. The Ambraciots first conceived
their enmity toward the Argives from this enslave-
ment of their own countrymen and afterwards in

the course of the war they made this expedition,

which consisted, besides themselves, of Chaonians
and some of the other barbarian tribes of the neigh-
bourhood. And when they came to Argos, although
they dominated the country, they were unable to
take the city by assault they therefore went home

and the several tribes disbanded. Such were the

events of the summer.
LXIX. During the ensuing winter the Athenians
sent twenty ships round the Peloponnesus under the
command of Phormio, who, making Naupactus his
base, kept watch there, so that no one might sail
either out of Corinth and the Crisaean Gulf or in
and six other ships were sent to Caria and Lycia,
under Melesander as general, to collect arrears of
tribute in these places and to prevent the Pelopon-
nesian privateers from establishing a base in these
regions and molesting the merchantmen sailing from
Phaselis and Phoenicia and the mainland in that

2 ttJ? e/ceWev rjireipov. avafta? Be Arpanet, 'AOrj-
valwv re rcov airb rcov vecov koX rcov ^vfjLfid^cdv e?
rijv Av/ciav 6 MeXtfcravBpos diroOvrjaKei /cal t?}?

<TTparia<; p-ipos n Bie'(j)0eipe vifcrjOel? p-uXV-

LXX. Tov >' avrov ^e^wz/o? ol UoreiBedrac
iireL&r} ov/cerc iBvvavro iroXtopKOvpLevou dvre^iv,
aX)C a'L re ecrftoXal e? rrjv 'Arn/crjv UeXorrovvT)-
alcov ovBev pbdWov drravlcrraaav tov? 'AOrjvai-
ovs, 6 re aero? irreXeXoLirec, ical a\Xa re iroXkd
eireyeyevr^TO avroQi tjBtj /3pcoaeco<; rrepl dvay/calas
/cat, rives /cal dXkifkcov iyeyevvro, ovrco Br) \6yovs
7rpocr(f)pov(Ti irepl %vpi[3acreco<; rot? err parr)yol<$

rcov 'AOrjvabcov rol<$ eirl crcpLcrt, reraypuevois,

Cevocpcovrl re rco ^vpariBov /cal 'ILerrioBcopco rco
'Apicrro/ckeLBov /cal Qavop^aya T<p KaWifidxov.
2 ol he irpocrehe^avro, opcovre? fiev rrjs arpands
rr)v rakairrwp'iav ev %coplcp %eipLepiV(p, dvrfkeo-
/cvias Be 7]8r) tt}? 7ro\eco<; Bio~xi\ia rdXavra es rr)v
3 TrdXtopfciav. eirl rolaBe ovv %vve/3r)crav, e%e\6elv
avrovs /cal iralBas kclL yvvai/cas /cal tou? eiri/cov-
povs %vv evl IpLariw, yvvaltcas Be %vv Bvolv, /cal

4 cipyvpiov ri pvrbv e%ovra$ icpoBcov. teal ol fiev

virocnrovBoi i%r)\6ov e? re rr)v Xa\/ciBt/cr)v /cal tj


efcacrro? eBvvaro' *
AQr\valoi Be rovs re errparr)-
yovs eTrrjTtdaavro on dvev avrcov %vve/3r]o~av
(ivopLL^ov yap av /cparrjaai ri)<; 7ro\6co? 77 ejSov-
Xovro), koX varepov eiroifcovs errepuyfrav eavrcov e?
5 rrjv UoreiBaiav /cal /carco/cicrav. ravra fiev ev rco

BOOK II. lxix. i-lxx. 5

quarter. But Melesander, going inland into Lycia

with a force of Athenians from the ships and of
allied troops, was defeated in battle and slain, losing
a number of his troops.
LXX. During the same winter the Potidaeans
found themselves no longer able to endure the
siege and the raids which the Peloponnesians made

into Attica did not cause the Athenians to raise the

siege any more than before. 1 Their grain had given
out, and in addition to many other things which by
this time had befallen them in their efforts to
get bare subsistence some had even eaten their
fellows. In this extremity they made proposals for a
capitulation to the Athenian generals who were in
charge of the operations against them, namely
Xenophon son of Euripides, Hestiodorus son of Aris-
tocleides, and Phanomachus son of Callimachus. And
the generals accepted their proposals, seeing the
distress which the army was suffering in an exposed
place, and taking into consideration that Athens had
already spent two thousand talents 2 on the siege.
So a capitulation was made on the following terms,
that the Potidaeans, with their children and wives
and the mercenary troops, 3 were to leave the city
with one garment apiece the women, however, with

two retaining a fixed sum of money for the journey.
So they left Potidaea under a truce and went into
Chalcidice or wherever each was able to go. The
Athenians, however, blamed the generals for granting
terms without consulting them for they thought
they could have become masters of the place on their
own terms and afterwards sent settlers of their

own into Potidaea and colonized it. These things

cf. i. lviii. 1. * 400,000, $1,9-4-4,000. c/. I. lx. 1.

yeiyboivi iyevero, teal Bevrepov * eVo? rco iroXepLO)
ereXevra rcoBe bv (-)ov/cvBbBr)$ ^vveypa\jrev.
LXXI. ToO S' emybyvojievov 6epov$ ol ITeXo-
irovvrjGLOi teal ol ^viifjua^oi e? /xev rrjv 'ArTb/cr/v
oxjk etreBaXov, icrrpdrevaav Be irrl TlXdracav
ip/elro Be WpxtSctfios 6 Zev^iBd/xov, AatceBai-
fxuvLwv fiacriXevs' teal tcaObcras rbv arparbv epbeXXe
Bycoaeiv rrjv yrjv ol Be. HXarabrj<; evOvs TrpeajBeis
Tre/jbyfravres i:ap avrbv eXeyov roidBe'
2 "'ApxlBajie teal AafceBaifiovioL, ov Biicaia
7roLelre oi)8' d%ia ovre vpcov ovre rrarepcov cbv

iare, 9 yrjv rrjv TlXarabcov crrparevovre^. Uav-

aavias yap 6 l&Xeo p,(3porov , AatceBaipbSvios, iXev-
Oeptoaas ryv 'EXXdBa dirb rcov MrjBcov puerd
'EiXXrjvcov rcov ideXyadvrcov ^vvdpacrOai tov tclv-
Bvvov rrjs pdyr)^ ?) Trap rjpblv iyevero, dvcras iv
rfj TlXaraicov dyopa lepd Ad iXevOeplco teal
^vy/caXeaas rrdvras rov<; ^viipbd^ov^ direBLBov
YlXaracevaL yrjv teal iroXtv riiv acperepav k)(Ovra<;
avTOvofiovs ol/celv, arparevcrab re fir/Beva 7rore
dBbtccos 7r* avrov? pbrjb^ iirl BovXelq,' el Be pur],
djivveiv rovs rrapovras ^vpbpbdxov? tcard Bvvap.iv.
3 rciBe pbev r)puv irarepes ol v/ierepot eBoaav dperrjs
eveica koX irpo6vp.las T/79 iv itcebvois t<h9 tcivBv-
vobs yevopbevi]^, vp.el<; Be rdvavrla Bpdre' p,erd
yap (drjftabcov tcov r\plv e^dlarcov eVl BovXeia rfj
4 rj/ierepa, ijfcere. iidprvpas Be 6eoi><; tou? re
optclovs Tore yevofievovs iroiovpievob teal tou9 vfie-
repov? Trarpcoovs teal r)perepov<; iy^copbov^, Xe-
yopbev vfilv yrjv rr)v TiXaradha fir) dBbfcelv firjBe

rb 8cvrepov in the MSS.; rb deleted by Poppo.


BOOK II. lxx. 5-lxxi. 4

happened in the winter, and so ended the second

year of this war of which Thucydides wrote the
LXXI. In the ensuing summer the Peloponnesians
and their allies did not invade Attica, but made an
expedition against Plataea. Their leader was Archi-
damus son of Zeuxidamus, king of the Lacedae-
monians, and when he had encamped his army he
was about to ravage the land but the Plataeans ;

straightway sent envoys to him, who spoke as

"Archidamus and Lacedaemonians, you are acting
unjustly, and in a manner unworthy either of your-
selves or of the fathers from whom you are sprung,
when you invade the territory of the Plataeans.
For Pausanias son of Cleombrotus, the Lacedae-
'monian, when he had freed Hellas from the Persians,
together with such of the Hellenes as chose to share
the danger of the battle 1 that took place in our
territory, offered sacrifice in the market-place of the
Plataeans to Zeus Eleutherius, and calling together
all the restored to the Plataeans their land and
city to hold and inhabit in independence, and no
one was ever to march against them unjustly or for
their enslavement; but in that case the allies then
present were to defend them with all their might.
These privileges your fathers granted to us on
account of the valour and zeal we displayed amid
those dangers, but you do the very contrary for ;

with the Thebans, our bitterest enemies, you are

come to enslave us. But calling to witness the gods
in whose names we then swore and the gods of your
fathers and of our country, we say to you, wrong not
the land of Plataea nor violate your oaths, but suffer
The battle of Plataea, 479 B.C.
rrapa/3aiViv tov? op/covs, eav Be ol/celv avrovo-
fjiovsrcaOdirep Ylavcravia? eBi/caicocrev"
LXXIL Toaavra elirovroov to)v YiXaraLwv
ApxlSa/jLos v7To\a/3(ov elirev
" Ai/caca Xeyere, a) avBpes HXarair)*;, rjv iroir)re

6/JLoca KaOdirep yap Uavcravias v/xlv

rot? Xoyois.
TrapeBco/cev, avroi re avrovojielaOe teal tou? aX-
Xov$ ^vveXevOepovre oaoi fjLeraa-^ovre^ twv rore
kiv&vvcov v/jlIv re ^vvciifioaav /cal elcrl vvv vtt
*A6tivaioi<;, Trapaa/cevr) Be roarjBe /cal iroXe/MO^
yeyevrjrai avrcov eve/ca teal t&v aXXcov iXevdepco-
o-eco?. ?7? /idXtara /xev fieraa^ovre^ ical avrol
ififieivare Tot? op/cow el Be fir], dizep /cal irpo-
repov rjBrj irpov/caXeo-dfieOa, r)avylav dyere vefio-
fjuevoi v/xerepa avroiv, /cal
tcl ecrre firjBe fie8'
erepwv, Beyeade Be dfifyorepovs cfriXovs, eVl iroXe-
fiw Be fJLTjBeTepovs. /cal rdBe r)fjuv dp/cecrei,"

2 'O fiev ApxiSafios roaavra elirev ol Be

UXaraicov 7rpeo-j3ei<; d/covcravTes ravra ecrrjXQov
e? rrjv ttoXlv, /cal rq> irXrjdei rd pt]9evra /cowd)-
cravres dire/cpLvavro avTw l
on dBvvara crfyiaiv
elrj iroielv a irpo/caXelrat dvev AOrjvalcov *
yap o~(f)d)v /cal yvval/ces irap e/celvois elev), BeBievai

Be /cal irepl rfj irdar] iroXei fir) iceivcov diroyoipr}-

advTcov 'AOrji'aloi eXOovres o~<f>Laiv ov/c eirLrpe-
Trcoaiv, rj %rjftaloi, &>? evop/coi ovres /card to
d/i(f)orepov<; Bex^o-dat, avOcs atycov rr)v ttoXlv
3 Treipdacocri /caraXaftelv. 6 Be Oapavvwv avrovs
7T/DO? TauTa e<pr)'

"'T/jLets Be ttoXlv fiev /cal Oi/a'a? r)fiiv TrapdBore

Omitted by Hade, with Lex. Vindob.

BOOK II. lxxi. 4-lxxii. 3

us to live independent, according as Pausanias granted

that to us as our right."
LXX1I. When the Plataeans had so spoken, Archi-
damus answered and said :

" What you say is just, men of Plataea, if what

you do is consistent with your words. For according
as Pausanias bestowed that privilege upon you, so
do you assert your own independence and help us to
set free the others also who, having shared in the
dangers of that time, swore the same oaths with you,
and are now in subjection to the Athenians for it is ;

to recover their freedom and that of the rest that

these great preparations for war have been made.
Therein you should take part, if possible, and your-
selves abide by the oaths otherwise keep quiet, as

we have already proposed, continuing to enjoy your

own possessions take part with neither side, receive

both sides as friends but for hostile purposes neither.

And this will be satisfactory to us."
Thus spoke Archidamus and the Plataean envoys,

on hearing him, went into the city, and after reporting

to the people what had been said, answered him, that
it was impossible for them to do what he proposed

without the consent of the Athenians for their

children and wives were in Athens 1
adding that
they feared for the very existence of the state ; for
after the departure of the Lacedaemonians the
Athenians would come and veto the plan, or else
the Thebans, claiming that they were included in
the stipulations about receiving both sides, would try
again to seize their city. But he, endeavouring to
reassure them with regard to these matters, said :

" You need only consign the city and your houses
1 ch. vi. 4.

39 *
Tot? AaKeBaipoviois Kal 7779 opovs airohel^are
Kal BevBpa api6[i(p ra v/ierepa Kal dXXo el 77
Bvvarbv e? dpidfibv eXOeiv avrol Be ixeiayodpr)-
aare 01:01 ftovXeade, ecos av 6 TroXe/jLOs r)' eireiBdv
Be irapekOr), aTroBcoaofiev vfilv a av irapaXd-
ftco/jLCV. P>XP l ^ T vBe e^op,ev irapaKaTaOi'iK^v,
epya&fievoi Kal (tbopciv <f)ipovre<; fj dv vplv fieXXj)
iKavi] eo-eaOat."
LXXIII. 01 B* aKovaavre^ eo~r\\6ov avOts e?
rr)v ttoKlv, Kal {3ov\evo~d/j.evoL fiera rod 7rXij6ov<;

eXefjav on f3ovXovrat, a irpoKaXelrai AOrjvalois

Koivcocrai irptoTOV fcai s r)v ireiQwaiv avrovs, iroielv
ravra' pey^pi Be tovtov aireiaacrOai acplaiv eVe-
Xevov Kal ri]v yr)v fir) Brjovv. 6 Be rjfiepas re

ianeio-aro ev ah elfcb<; rjv KopLiaOiivai Kal rr)v yrjv

ouk ere/ivev. eXOovres Be ol UXaTatrjs TrpeafteLS
co? tou? 'AOrjvaiov? Kal ^ovXevad/nevot fier av-

ra)v irdXiv r)X0ov dirayyeXXovTes tols ev rfj irbXei

ToidBe' " Out' ev t<u irpb rod %p6vw, co dvBpe<;
UXaratrjs, defy ov ^vfifxaxoi eyevbfieOa, 'AOrjvaloi
(fyacrtv ev ovBevl vfid<$ irpoeaQai dBiKov/ievovs ovre
vvv irepib^reaQai, f&or\dr\Geiv Be Kara Bvvafiiv.
eirio-Ki'-jirTOval re v/mv 7rpo9 tcov opKcov 01)9 ol

irarepes cofioaav fitjBev vecorepl^eiv irepl rr)v

LXXIV. Toiavra rcov irpea^ewv dirayyeiXdv-
tcov olUXarairjs eflovXevaavTO *A0t]valov$ fir)
irpoBtBovat, dXX! dvexevQai Kal yr)v re/xvofievyv,
el Bel, opcovras Kal aXXo Trdaxovras o tl av


BOOK II. lxxii. 3-lxxiv. i

to us, the Lacedaemonians, pointing out to us the

boundaries of your land and telling us the number
of your trees and whatever else can be numbered
then as for yourselves migrate to whatever place you
please, remaining there while the war lasts but as ;

soon as the war is over we will give back to you

whatever we have received until then we will hold

it all in trust, working the land and paying you

whatever rent will satisfy you."

LXXII I. With this answer the Plataean envoys
went again into the city, and after they had conferred
with the people replied that they wished first to
communicate his proposals to the Athenians, and if
they could gain their consent would do what he
proposed but meanwhile they requested him to

grant them a truce and not to ravage the land. And

so he made a truce for the number of days within
which their representatives could be expected to go
and return, and did not lay waste their land. But
the Plataean envoys went to the Athenians and after
consulting with them returned with the following
message to the people at home " The Athenians as-

sure you, Plataeans, that as in times past, since you

became their allies, 1 they have never on any occasion
deserted you when you were being wronged, so now
they will not suffer you to be wronged, but will assist
you with all their might. They therefore adjure
you, by the oaths which your fathers swore, not to
break off the alliance."
LXXIV. When the envoys reported this answer,
the Plataeans determined not to betray the Athenians,
but to endure even to see their lands laid waste, if
need be, and to suffer whatever else might happen ;

1 About 520 B.C. cf. in. lxviii. 5.

vol. I. n 393
^vfJLpaivr]' e^eXOelv re fir)Beva en, dXX* airo rov
Tet^ou? airoKpLvacrdcu otl dBvvara crfyiai iroielv

2 ea-riv a AaKeBai/jLovioi TrpofcaXovvrcu. &)9 Be

aireKpivavTo, evrevOev Brj irpSirov /iev e<? iKi/iap-
Tvplav k<xi Oeoov real r/pcocov twv eyywpimv 'Ap^t-
3 Bafios 6 ffacnXevs Karecrrr] Xeycov wBej " 0eol
ocroi yrjv ttjv HXaraitSa ey^ere teal rjooje?, %vv-
LcTTOph eare on ovre rrjv dpyr}v dBiicws, etcXLirov-

tcov Be TCJvSe Trporepcov rb Ijvvgo/jLOtov, eVl yrjv

rrjvBe rjXOofiev, ev fj
oi Trcnepes 7]fxo3V ev^dfievoi
v/jlIv ^IijBcov i/epdrTjerav ical irapeayeTe avrrjv
ev/ievi] evaywviaacrOai Tot? "RXXrjaiv, ovre vvv,
7]v ti ttol&iasv, dBiicr]o-o}ev TrpofcaXecrdfievoL yap
7roXXa teal el/cora ov jvyydvojiev. %vyyv cofioves
Be eare tt}? fiep dBiKLa^ tcoXa^eaOai Tot? virdp-
yovcri Trporipois, ttjs Be TipLwpias rvyydveiv rot?
7n(j)epovai voiilijlws"
LXXY. Toaavra eirL6eidaa<; KaOiarrj e? 7ro\e-

fiov rov arparov. teal irpajrov /nev Trepiearavpco-

crav avrovs tol<; BevBpeaiv a e/coyfrav, rov firjoeva

enetjievai, eireiTa %coyu<x eyovv 777)0? ttjv ttoXlv,

eXirl^ovTes rayiaT^v rrjv aipeaiv eaeadai av-
2 tcov (TTpaTevpLaTos roaovrov epya^o/ievov. tjvXa
fiev ovv re/jLVovres etc tov KiOaipcovo? irapfpKoBo-
fiovv e/carepcoOev, <f}opfir)Bbv dvrl roiycov TiOevre^,
07TO)? fit] Bcax^oLTO eirl ttoXv to %ft>/ta. e(popovp
Added by Classen.


further, that no one should thereafter leave the city,

but that the answer should be given from the walls
that they found it impossible to do what the Lace-
daemonians proposed. And when they had made
answer, thereupon king Archidamus first stood forth
calling the gods and heroes of the country to witness
in the following words " Ye gods and heroes who

protect the land of Plataea, be our witnesses that

we did no wrong in the beginning, but only after the
Plataeans first abandoned the oath we all swore did
we come against this land, where our fathers, in-
voking you in their prayers, conquered the Persians,
and which you made auspicious for the Hellenes
to fight in, and that now also, if we take any
measures, we shall be guilty of no wrong for though

we have made them many reasonable proposals we

have failed. Grant therefore your consent, that
those be punished for the wrong who first began it,
and that those obtain their revenue who are seeking
to exact it lawfully."
LXXV. After this appeal to the gods he began
hostilities. In the first place the Lacedaemonians,
using the trees which they had cut down, built a
stockade round Plataea, that in future no one might
leave the place then they began raising a mound

against the town, hoping that with so large an army

at work this would be the speediest way of taking it.
So they cut timber on Cithaeron and built a structure
alongside the mound on either side of it, laying the
logs like lattice-work l to form a sort of wall, that
the mound might not spread too much. Then they

A frame was made like lattice-work or mat-work, the
timbers crossing each other at right angles (4).

Be vXrjv e? avro teal Xl0ov<; icai yrjv koI el ri ctXXo

3 avvreiv pueXXoi e7rt/3a\X6fievov. r)pLepa<; Be exovv

efiSo/Arj/covTa teal vvktcl? fwe^co?, Siyprj/ievoi
/car dvairavXas, ware tou? fiev cfrepeiv, tou? Be
vttvov re teal ctItov alpelaOai' Aa/ceBaipLovlcov
re ol Ijevayol Kdart]<; TroXeco? ^vvecpecrTcoTes
4 rjvdy/cafrv e? to epyov. ol Be HXarair)? opebvres
to %o)/ia alpofievov, ^vXivov relyos %vv9evre<; kcl\

7rio-T7]cravT<; ra> eavrcov Telyei f]

eao)KoB6/novv e? avrb irXivdovs etc rcov iyyvs ol-
5 Kioiv KaOaipovvre?. rjv avrois ra
%vvBeo~pLO<; B"

%vXa, tov fir] v^ijXbv yiyvofievov daOevh elvai to

OLKoSofirj/jLa, teal TrpoKaXv/i/jbara elye Bepcreis real
BccpOepas, ware tov? epya^opevovs /cal tcl i;vXa
firjre 7rvpcf)6poi<; fiaXXeadai ev dafyaXeia

6 re elvai. fjpero Be to in/ro? toO Tez/^of? fieya, /cal

to X^p-d ov ayoXairepov dvTavrjet, avrw. /cal ol

HXarcur}? TotovBe tl eirivoovcnv' BieXbvres tov

Tet^ov? fj irpoo-eiTLTTTe to %co/za icrecfropovv tt)v

LXXVI. Ol Be YleXoirovvrjaioi alaObpevoi ev


Tapcrols KaXdpbov TrriXbv eviXXovTes iaeftaXXov t9

to BirjprjpLevov, 07TO)9 fir) Biax^bpievov cbairep r) yi)

2 cj)opoLTO. ol Be TavTrj diroKX^bp.evoi tovto fiev

iireaxov, virovopbov Be e/c tt)? TroXecos 6pv%avTe<;

/cal %WTe/c/j,tipd{ievoL virb to x^ >
jLCL vfyelkicov ai>0is

irapd o~(pa<; tov x^ v ' KaL iXdvOavov eirl iroXv

With ABEFM and Suid. Hude reads, with CG, oi

Zevayol Kal eK-iar-qs iroAcws <o/> i<pcaTWTes.


brought and threw into the space wood and stones

and earth and anything else which when thrown on
would serve to build up the mound. And for seventy
days and nights continuously they kept on raising
the mound, divided into relays, so that while some
were carrying others might take sleep and food and

the Lacedaemonian commanders of auxiliaries to-

gether with the officers in charge of the contingents
from the several cities kept them at their task. But
the Plataeans, seeing the mound rising, put together
a framework of wood which they set on top of their
own wall at the point' where the mound was being
constructed, and inside this frame they put bricks
which they took from the neighbouring houses. The
timbers served to hold the bricks together, pre-
venting the structure from becoming weak as it
attained height, and they were protected by coverings
of skins and hides, so that the workmen and wood-
work might be safe and shielded from incendiary
arrows. The wall was mounting to a great height,
and the opposing mound was rising with equal speed,
when the Plataeans thought of a new expedient.
They made an opening in that part of the city wall
where the mound came into contact with it, and
began to draw the earth in.
LXXVI. But the Peloponnesians became aware of
this, and threw into the breach clay packed in reed-
mats that it might not filter through like the loose
earth and be carried away. But the besieged,
thwarted in this direction, gave up that plan and
dug a mine from the town, and, guessing when they
had got beneath the mound, once more began to
draw away the earth to their side, this time from
underneath ; and for a long time they worked

toia eijco, ware eTCi(BaWovTa<; rjacrov avvreiv vira-

yop,evov avroLS /cdrcoOev tov ^co/iaTCx; Kal l^dvov-

3 tos alel eVl to Kevovfxevov. BeBioTe? Be fir) ovS*
ovtco Bvvwvrai bXiyoi 7T/30? 7roXXov<; awkyeiv,
irpoaeire^vpov ToBe* to fiev /jbiya OLKoBopLrj/jia

enraiHTavTO epya^ofievov to kcltcl to %w/ta, evOev

Be Kal evQev avTod dp^d/ievoi dirb tov ftpaxeo?
Ti%of5 k tov evTO$ fj,7]voeiBe<; e? ttjv ttoXlv ecrw-
koBo/xovv, 07T&)?, el to fiiya ret^o? o\\igkoito,
tovt dvTeyoi, teal Beoi tov? evavTiovs av0t<; 777509
avTo X ovv KaL ^pox w P OVVTa ^ ^aco BcirXdaiov re

irovov exeiv teal ev d/j,(f)L/36X(p fidXXov ytyveadai.

4 dfia Be T7) ^aSo-et Kal fii]x ava<> Trpoarp/ov ol IleXo-
irovvr)Gioi Ty iroXei, puiav fiev rj tov p,eydXov ol/co-

BofjLijfiaTOS KCLTci to %co/*a TTpoaaxOelaa eirl fieya

Te KaTeaeiae /cal tov<; IlXarata? efyoftrjaev, aXXas
Be aXXy tov Tet^ou?, a? /3poxov<; Te TrepiftdXXov-
re? dvi/cXcov ol IlXaTcurjs, /cal Bo/cov<; fieydXas
dpTfjo-avTes dXvaeai fia/cpal? criBypah dirb 7-779

Top,rj$ e/caTepcoOev dirb icepaitov Bvo eir iKeKXipukvwv

Kal virepTeivovGOiv virep tov Tet^ou? dveXKvaav-

re? iy/capala^y oiroTe irpoaireaelo-Qal Try fieXXot, rj

fjL7]Xav7], dfyieaav Tyv Bokov %aA,a/oai9 tou9 dXv-

aeai Kal ov Bid X ei P 0<* X 0VTe<i V Se pvpy ifiirl- >

TTTOvaa dire/cavXi^e to irpovxov t>}? fjb/3oXrj<;.

LXXVII. MeTa Be tovto ol UeXo7rovv7J<jiot,,
a>? a'L Te p,T)yaval ohBev w<f>eXovv Kal tco x */jLaTt


unnoticed by those outside, so that in spite of what

they heaped on these made less progress, because
their mound, as it was sapped from below, constantly
kept settling down into the hollow space. But fear-
ing that even so they would not be able to hold out,
few as they were against a multitude, they devised
this further expedient they stopped working on the

high structure opposite the mound, and starting at

the low part of the wall on either side of it they
began building a crescent-shaped rampart on the
inward or city side of it, in order that, if the high
wall should be taken, this might offer resistance the ;

enemy would thus have to raise a second mound to

oppose the new rampart, and as they advanced and
came inside the crescent they would not only have
their labour twice over, but would also be more
exposed to attack on both sides. But the Pelopon-
nesians, while going on with their mound, also brought
up engines against the city one was moved forward

over the mound, and shook down a great part of

the high structure, terrifying the Plataeans, while
others were brought to bear at different parts of
the wall. But the Plataeans threw nooses over these
and pulled them up. They also suspended great
beams by long iron chains attached at either end to
two poles which rested on the wall and extended
over it; then they hauled up the beams at right
angles l to the battering-ram and when it was about
to strike anywhere let go the beam by allowing the
chains to run slack and not keeping hold of them ;

whereupon the beam would fall with a rush and

break off the head of the battering-ram.
LXXVI I. After this, the Peloponnesians, seeing
that their engines were doing no good and that the
i.e. parallel to the walL
to avTiTeiyjLcryua eyiyveTO, vofiiaavTes airopov el-

vat, diro roiv irapovTcov Beivcov eXelv rrjv ttoXlv

2 irpo<$ TTjv irepiTeiyiGiv irapea/cevd^ovro. irpoTe-

pov Be TTvpl eBo^ev avrois ireipaaai el BvvaivTO

TrvevfiaTO^ yevofjuevov eirifyXe^ai ttjv ttoXlv ovaav
ou fjLejdXrjv iraaav yap Br] IBeav eirevoovv, el 7ra)?

g<\>igiv avev Bairdvr)<$ /cal 7roXiop/cia<; Trpoaa^Oelrj.

3 (popovvres Be vXr]<; tyatceXovs irapefiaXov diro

tov ^w/zaTo? e? to fiera^v irpwrov tov Tet%oi>?

teal rr)<; it poayw crews, ra%v Se irXi'ipovs yevopuevov

Bia iroXv-^etpiav eiTLirapevrjaav ical tt)? aXXr)? tto-

Xecos oaov eBvvavTO diro tov fierecopov irXelcrTov
iirMTxetv, ififiaXovTes Se irvp vv Oeico koX TTio-arj

4 rjyjrav ttjv vXtiv. /cal eyevero <fiXb rocravrr) oariv

ovBel<; 7ra) e? 76 e/celvov tov y^pbvov yeipoiroii)Tov
elBev iiBr) yap iv opecriv vXtf TpL^Oelaa vir ave-
pcov Trpbs avTrjv a.7r6 TavTOfiaTov irvp real <f)Xoya

5 air avTOV dvfj/cev. tovto Be fieya t tjv koX tov<;

TlXaTaias TaXXa BiafyvyovTas eXa^icrTov eBerjcre

Bia<pOelpac eWo9 yap ttoXXov ywpiov tt)? iroXeoa^

oufc tjv ireXdaai, irvevfid Te el eireyeveTo avrfj

7TL(f)opov, oirep teal rfXin^ov oi evavTLoi, ov/c av

6 Bi6(pvyov. vuv Be teal ToBe XeyeTai v/if3rjvai,

v&wp iroXv teal ftpovras yevo/ievas o-(3ecrai ttjv

<f)Xoya teal ovtcos 7rava0f]vac tov klvBvvov.

BOOK II. lxxvii. 1-6

counter-wall was keeping pace with the mound,

and concluding that it was impracticable without
more formidable means of attack to take the city,
began to make preparations for throwing a wall
about it. But before doing that they decided to
try fire, in the hope that, if a wind should spring
up, they might be able to set the city on fire, as
it was not large indeed, there was no expedient

they did not consider, that they might if possible

reduce the city without the expense of a siege.
Accordingly they brought faggots of brushwood and
threw them down from the mound, first into the
space between the wall and the mound and then, ;

since the space was soon filled up by the multi-

tude of workers, they heaped faggots also as far
into the city as they could reach from the height,
<md finally threw fire together with sulphur and
pitch upon the wood and set it afire. And a
conflagration arose greater than any one had ever
seen up to that time, kindled, I mean, by the
hand of man for in times past in the moun-

tains when dry branches have been rubbed against

each other a forest has caught fire spontaneously
therefrom and produced a conflagration. And this
fire was not only a great one, but also very nearly
destroyed the Plataeans after they had escaped all
earlier perils ;for in a large part of the city it was
not possible to get near the fire, and if on top of
that a breeze had sprung up blowing toward the city,
which was precisely what the enemy were hoping
for, the Plataeans would not have escaped. But as
it was, this also is said to have happened a heavy
thunder-shower came on and quenched the flames,
-ind so the danger was checked.

LXXVIII. 0/ Be He\oiTovvr}(TLOL CTretBi) real

rovrov Suj/jLaprov, fiepos fiev re reaTaXiTrovrfs rod

arparou, to Be irXeov depevres Trepierei^L^ov rriv
ttoXlv rcvreXcp BieXofxevot reara TroXets to ywplow
rdeppos Be ivros re tjv real encoder ef 97? eirXivdev-
2 cravTO. real iireiBrj irav e^elpyaaro irepl dprerov-
pov eViroXa?, KaraXiirovTe? cpvXareds rod r)/ALcreo<;

rel\ov<; (to Be rjpaau BolcotoI eejyvXacraov) dvey^co-

prjaav rco crrparcp real BieXvOrjaav Kara TroXeis.
3 nXarat?}? Be iralBas fiev teal yvvatrcas teal tov$
irpeaj3vTdrov<i re real ttXtjOo? to a^pelov tcov
avOpcoircov irporepov irereereofiio-fAevoi rjaav es ra?
A07]va<;, avrol Be eiroXLopreovvro iytearaXeXeifU,-
fievoL Terparcoo-Loi, 'AOijvaLcov Be 6yBoj]reovra, yv-
4 valrees Be Betea real etcarbv gitottoioL roaovroi
r)<rav 01 ^vfnravTes ore e? rrjv iroXioprelav rcadi-
aravro, real aXXos ovBels r)v ev rco rei\ei oure
BovXos ovr eXevflepos. TOiavrr) p,ev 7) YlXaraccbv
TToXioprcia rcaTecrrceudaOr).
LXXIX. Tov 5' avrov Oepov? real apa rfj

tcov UXaraccbv eir car par eta, 'AOijvaloi Bia^tXioL?

OTrXirais eaurtov teal lirirevcn BiarcocrLois eTrearpd-
revaav eVl XaXrccBeas rovs iirl Sparer)? real

BoTT^atOf? arcfid^ovTos tov ctltov iarparrj-yei Be

2 lEievocpcov 6 EvpnriBov Tpiros avTo?. eXOovre? Be
viro ^irdprcoXov Tr/v T$ottikt)v top ctItov Biecpdec-
pav. eBoreet Be teal irpoa^coprjcreLV rj itoXis xjtto


LXXVIII. When the Peloponnesians had failed in

this attempt they dismissed the larger part of
their army, leaving only a portion of it, and proceeded
to throw a wall around the city, apportioning the
space to the several cities and there were ditches

both inside and outside the wall, out of which they

had taken the clay for the bricks. And when the
wall was entirely finished about the time of the
rising of Arcturus, 1 they left a guard to watch one
half of the wall (the Thebans guarded the other
half), and withdrew the main army, the troops dis-
persing to their several cities. But the Plataeans
had previously had their children and wives, as well
as the oldest men and the unserviceable part of the
population, removed to Athens, and the men left be-
hind to undergo the siege were only four hundred of
their own number and eighty Athenians, besides one
hundred and ten women to prepare the food. This
was the number all told when the siege began, and
there was no one else within the walls, slave or free-
man. Such were the conditions under which the
siege of the Plataeans was established.
LXXIX. During the same summer, when the corn
was in full ear, 2 while the expedition against Plataea
was in progress, the Athenians with two thousand
hoplites of their own and two hundred cavalry
marched against the Chalcidians in Thrace and the
Bottiaeans, under the command of Xenophon son of
Euripides and two others. And coming to Spartolus
in Bottice they destroyed the grain. It was be-
lieved, moreover, that the city would be delivered
over to them by a party inside the town which was

About the middle of September.

In the month of May.

Tivcov evBoOev irpaaaovTcov it poire fi^rdvTcov Be e?
"OXvvdov tcov ov ravra /3ovXofievcov oirXlrai re
rjXOov /cal o-rpcvTia e? c\>vXa/cr)V f)$ eire^eXO ovo"q<;
i/c tt}? ^irapTcoXov e? yud^v KaOiaravraL ol 'A6rj-

3 valoi vtt aurfj rjj 7r6Xei, /cal ol fiev ottXitcu tcov

XaX/ciBecov /cal eiri/covpoi, rives fier avTcov vi/ccov-
rai viro tcov 'AOrjvalcov /cal dva^copovcriv e? ttjv
XirdprcoXov, ol Be Itttttj^ tcov XaX/cihecov koX ^Ckol

vi/ccoai tou? tcov AQ-qvaicov i7T7rea? /cal yjriXovs.

4 elxpv Be Tivas ov ttoXXov? 7re\rao-rd<; i/c t?)?

KpovaiBos 7% /caXov/ievrj^. dpri Be tt}<? /ia%^79

yeyevrffievr)? eTTijBo^Oovaiv aXXoi TreXraaral etc

5 tt)? 'OXvvOov. /cal ol i/c rfjs %irapTcoXov yfnXol

a)? elBov, Oapcnjo-avres rots re Trpoo-ycyvo/jLevois
/cat on irporepov ov% rjaarjvTO, iiriTiQevTai avOts
fjbera tcov XaXtaBecov lirirecov /cal tcov Trpocr/3o7]-

6r)crdvTcov Tot? AOrjvaLow /cal ava^copovai 777)05

Ta? Buo Ta^ei^ a? /caTeXnrov irapd Tot? cr/cevo-

6 cfiopoLS. /cal oirore fiev iirloiev ol 'AOijvalot,, ive-

BLBocrav, dva^copovat Be ive/ceivTO /cal earj/covTi^ov.
01 T iTTTrrjs tcov X.aXtaSecov irpocwrTrevovTes fj

doKolrj iaefiaXXov, /cal ov% rj/ciaTa cpo/3i]cravTe<;

eTpeijrav tou? 'A07)i>aiov<; /cal erreBico^av iirl ttoXv.

7 /cal ol fiev AOrjvaloi e? ttjv UoTelBaiav /caTacpev-
yoven, /cal vaTepov tovs ve/cpov$ viroairovBovs

k fiia dfiev 01 e? Ta? A6r)va<; dvaywpovcri tg3 irepi-

ovti tov cTTpaTov' direOavov Be ai/Tcov rpid/covra

BOOK II. lxxix. 2-7

negotiating with them ; but the opposite faction

forestalled thisby sending word to Olynthus, and
some hoplites and other troops arrived to garrison the
place. Now when these made a sally from Spartolus,
the Athenians were drawn into a battle with them
under the very walls of the city, and although the
hoplites of the Chalcidians and some mercenaries
with them were defeated by the Athenians and re-
treated into Spartolus, the cavalry of the Chalcidians
and the light-armed troops defeated the Athenian
cavalry and light-troops; for the Athenians had a few
targeteers from the land called Crousis, 1 and just after
the battle was over another force of targeteers came
from Olynthus to the help of the garrison. And when
the light-armed troops in Spartolus saw them, em-
boldened by these accessions and because they had
not been worsted before, they again, assisted by the
Chalcidian cavalry and those who had newly come to
their support, attacked the Athenians, who now fell
back upon the two companies which they had left
with their baggage. And whenever the Athenians
advanced, they gave way, but when the Athenians
retreated they kept close at their heels, hurling
javelins at them. Then the Chalcidian cavalry, riding
up, kept charging the Athenians wherever opportu-
nity offered, and throwing them into utter panic
routed them and pursued them to a great distance.
The Athenians took refuge in Potidaea, and after-
wards, having recovered their dead under a truce,
returned to Athens with what remained of their
army and they had lost three hundred and thirty

This evidently a remark in explanation of the presence
of light-troopswith the Athenians, for there had come from
Athens only heavy-armed infantry and cavalry cf. 1 above.

Kal TerpcLKoaioi Kal ol arparrjyol iravre^. ol Be
XaX/^tS/}"?Kal BoTTiatot rpoiralov re ecrrrjaav Kal
tow? veKpovs tou9 clvtqiv dpeXojjLevoi BieXvOrjaav
Kara 7roXet?.
LXXX. Tov B* avrov Oepovs, ov ttoXXw vo~re-

pov tovtcdv, ApbirpaKLOirat Kal Xaoi^e?, fiovXo-

fjuevoi ^AfcapvavLav ttjv iracrav KaraaTpe^aaOai
Kal 'Adrjvalcov aTTOCTTrjcrai, ireiOovai, AaKeBat-
fjLoviovs vavTiKov T irapaa Kevdaai K T% %V/jL-

yLta^tSo? Kal oirXira^ %lXlov<; irkji^ai eV AKap-


vaviav, Xeyovre? on, rjV vaval Kal ire^w d/ia

fierd crcjxuv eXOwcnv, dBvvdrcov ovrcov ^vfi^oi-jOelv

t6)V airo OaXdaarj^ 'Atcapvavoov paBiws Aicap- *

vavlav ayovres Kal t?}? ZatcvvOou Kal Kecf>aX-

Xrjvias Kparj'jcrovori, Kal o irepiirXovs ovketl

eaoiro * AOrjvaloL? o/iolco? irepl lieXoirowTjcrov'

2 eXiriBa^ S' elvai Kal NaviraKrov Xaftelv. ol Be
AaKeSuL/iovioi TreiaOevres Kvrj/iov fxev vavapypv
en ovra Kal tovs onrXiras eirl vavalv bXiyais
evOus irifjLTrovcTL, tw Be vavrtKu> irepiijyyeiXav
irapaa Kevaaafxevcc &)? rd^iara irXelv e? AevKaBa.
3 rjcrav Be Kopivdtot %v /jot po6v pbov /xevoi fidXtara

roU WfiTrpaKicoTais diroiKoi^ ovcriv. Kal to fxev

vavriKov eK re KoplvOov Kal ^ckvoovos Kal rcov
ravrr]ywpiwv ev irapaaKevfi rjv, to 5' ck AeuKa-
Bos Kal WvaKTopuov Kal A/ait paKia? irporepov '

4 dcpLKO/nevov AevKaBt Trepte/xevev. Kvfj/xos Be

Kal ol /jlt avrov ylXioi oirXlrai eireiBy-) eirepaLco-

Orjcrav XaOovres Qopn'iwva, 09 VPX e T & v cikocti

BOOK II. lxxix. 7-Lxxx. 4

men and all their generals. The Chalcidians and

Bottiaeans set up a trophy, and then, after they had
taken up their own dead, dispersed to their several
LXXX. During the same summer, not long after
these events, the Ambraciots and Chaonians, wishing
to subdue the whole of Acarnania and detach it
from Athens, persuaded the Lacedaemonians to fit
out a fleet from the countries of the Doric alliance
and to send a thousand hoplites against Acarnania,
saying that, if they joined forces with them, bringing
ships and infantry, it would be an easy matter first
to occupy Acarnania since the Acarnanians on 1 the
seacoast would be unable to aid those inland, and
then to make themselves masters of Zacynthus and
Cephallenia also after that the Athenians would no

longer be able to sail round the Peloponnesus in the

same way as before and there was a chance of taking

Naupactus also. The Lacedaemonians agreed and at

once despatched Cnemus, who was still admiral, 2 and
the hoplites on a few ships, and sent round orders to
the allied fleet to make their preparations and sail as
soon as possible to Leucas. And the Corinthians were
especially eager to support the enterprise of the
Ambraciots, who were colonists of theirs. The con-
tingent of the fleet to come from Corinth and Sic von
and the places in that quarter was still under pre-
paration, but that from Leucas and Anactorium and
Ambracia, arriving first, waited at Leucas. As for
Cnemus and the thousand hoplites, as soon as they
had succeeded in crossing over without being de-
tected by Phormio, who was in command of the

i.e. because of the presence of the Peloponnesian

along their coast. cf. ch. lxvi. 2.

vecov roov *
Attikwv at
Trepi Nclvttclktov i(f>pov-
povv, 7TapecrKvd^ovTO rrjv Kara, yrjv
5 arpareiav. fcal avru* iraprjaav ^XXrjvwv fiev

'AfjUTrpaKiwrai, real Avcucropioi kcu AevKaStoi


koX 01)? avTO<; e%cov rjXde yiXtoL TLeXoirovvijcricov,

fidpftapoi, Be Xaoves %tXiot afiaaiXevToi, <av
rjjovvro eTreTTjaiw irpoGTareiq i/c rov dpyiKov
yevov? koX NtKavwp.
<J>o)To? ^vvearparevovTo
Be fierdXaovcov kcu QeairpcoTol dftaauXevTot.
6 Mo\ocr<xoi>? Be rjye kcu Arivrdva<; XafivXivOos
6TTiTpoiTO<; oiv %dpviro<$ tov /3aa"A,eo)? en 7Tue$o?
ovtos, kcu Uapavcdovs "OpoiBos /SaaiXevoov.
*0 pea-rat, Be %iXioi, wv eftaalXevev 'Aj/t/o^o?,
fiera Hapavaucov ^vvearparevovro 'OpoiBco Av- '

7 r n
rio )(ov eTrLTpe-^ravTOS. erre/A^e Be kcu, UepBiKKas
Kpvcfra T(bv AOrjvaiwv ^tXlov^ M.aKeB6vcov, ol
8 varepov rjXOov. tovtw ra> arparw eiropeveTO
Kvtj/jlos ov TTepipLeiva? rb airb KopuvOov vclvtikov,
kclI Bid t??? 'Apyeta? toure? AtpLvalav, kco/jltjv
dTel%iGTOV, eiropdrjaav. dcpLKvovvrat re eVl

Xrpdrov, ttoXiv pLeyiGTqv rr}<; 'AKapvavias, vo-

/jLifrvTes, el ravrrjv 7rpd)T7]v Xdftoiev, paBucos
<T(picn raXXa Trpoa^wprjaeLv.

' AKapvaves Be alaOo/xevoi Kara re

yr/v iroXXi-jv arpanav ea/3e/3X7]Kv2av
e/c re
6aXdcrcrr}<; vavcrlv d/xa tou? irapeao-
fievov?, ovre gvvefioijOovv icpuXaaaov re rd avrcov
eKCKJTOt, irapd re <>opfiwva eire/JLirov KeXevovres
d/jLvveiv 6 Be dBvvaros e(j>rj elvai vclvtikov Ik
KopivOov /jLeXXovros eKirXelv NavrraKrov epij/jL7)v

2 diroXLiTelv. ol Be TLeXoTropvtjaLoi koX ol %vfifxa-

BOOK II. lxxx. 4-Lxxxi. 2

twenty Athenian ships that were on guard off Nau-

pactus, 1 they began at once to prepare for the ex-
pedition by land. He had with him, of Hellenic
troops, some Ambraciots, Anactorians and Leuca-
dians, and the thousand Peloponnesians whom he
himself brought of barbarians, a thousand Chao-

nians, who, having no king, were led by Photius and

Nicanor of the ruling clan who had the annual presi-
dency. With the Chaonian contingent were also some
Thesprotians, who likewise have no king. A force
of Molossians and Atintanians were led by Saby-
linthus, the guardian of king Tharyps, who was still
a boy, and of Paravaeans by their king, Oroedus.
With the Paravaeans were a thousand Orestians
whose king, Antiochus, had entrusted them to
Oroedus. And Perdiccas also sent, without the
knowledge of the Athenians, a thousand Macedo-
nians, who arrived too late. With this army Cnemus
set out, not waiting for the fleet from Corinth and ;

as they passed through the territory of Argos 2 they

sacked Limnaea, an unwalled village. Finally they
arrived at Stratus, the largest city of Acarnania,
thinking that if they could take this first, the other
places would readily come over to them.
LXXX I. Now when the Acarnanians perceived
that a large army had invaded them by land and
that the enemy would soon be at hand with a fleet
by sea as well, they did not attempt combined re-
sistance, but guarding severally their own possessions
they sent to Phormio urging him to aid them. But
he said that he could not leave Naupactus unpro-
tected, as a hostile fleet was about to sail from
Corinth. Meanwhile the Peloponnesians and their
1 a
cf. ch. Lxix. 1. Amphilochian Argos; cf. ch. lxviii. 1.

yoi rpia reXrj irot^cravTe^ acpcov avrcov eyjiipovv
irpos ri]v rcov ^rpaTLGov ttoXiv, 07T&)? iyyvs arpa-
TOTTehevo-afxevoL, el pr\ \6ycp ireidoiev, epyco irei-
3 pcovro Kal to fxeaov fiev e^ovre^
rod Tet^of?.
irpocrfiaav Kal oi aWoi ftdpftapoi, eV

Sefta? 5* avrcov AevKaBioc Kal 'Avarcropioi /ecu

ol fiera tovtcov, ev dpcarepa Be Kyrj/xo? KaX oi

Ile\o7rovv7]arLOL /cal '

A/jLirpaKicorai' Biel^ov Be
7TO\v dlT d\\j]\cOV KCLl 6CTTLV OT OvBe kcopCOVTO.
4 Kal oi fAP JLWr]V<i reray/mevoL re irpoafjcrav /ecu
Sid (fiv\afcf)<; exovres, ew? iaTparoireBevcravTO ev
iimiiheiw' oi Be Xaoves acpicrt, re avrois irLcrrev-
ovres Kal d^iov/ievot iiiro rcov eKeivrj rjireipcoTcov
ILayjuiorrcvToi e\vai ovre eireayov rod arparoireBov
KaraXaffelv, ywpi]aavTk^ re pvpur) fierd rcov a\-
Xcov fiapftdp'ov evo/uuerav avro/3oel av ttjv irokiv
5 ekelv /cal avrcov to epyov yeveaOat.^ yvovre<; t
avTous oi ^rpdnoL eri irpoGiovra^ Kal rjyrjcrd-

fjuevoi, fiefjiovco/jjvcov el /cparrfaeiav, ov/c av en

acpLCTL toi/? ''EXXrjvas ofioicos TrpoaeXdelv, irpoXo-
yi^ovai Br) rd irepl rrjv ttoXlv eveBpais, /cal eireiBr)

iyyvs rjcrav, e/c re t}s 7roA,ea)? o/ioae y^copi]aavTe<;

6 Kal i/c rcov iveBpcov irpocnriirrovcTLv. /cal e?

cpoftov /caraardvrcov BiacpOetpovrai re noWol rcov

Xaovcov, /cal oi aWoi ftdpftapoi, ft>? elBov avrovs
iv$6vra<z, ovKeri virepbeivav, aAA,' ? <f>vyr)v Kare-
7 orrjaav. rcov Be 'EWrjviKcov arparoireBcov ovBe-
repov fjaOero rrjs yua^?, Bid to 7roXu irpoeXOelv
avrovs Kal arparoireBov olrjdfjrai KaraXrjyjro/jLe-
BOOK II. lxxxi. 2-7

allies, dividing their troops into three divisions,

advanced towards the city of the Stratians, their
purpose being to encamp near by, and then, if they
could not prevail upon them by parleying, to assault
the wall. As they advanced, the centre was held by
the Chaonians and the other barbarians, while on
their right were the Leucadians and Anactorians
and those who accompanied them, and on the left
Cnemus with his Peloponnesians and the Ambraciots ;

and the divisions were far apart from each other,

sometimes, not even in sight. And the Hellenic
troops as they advanced maintained their ranks and
were on their guard until they encamped in a suit-
able place but the Chaonians, who were not only

confident of themselves but were also recognised as

very excellent fighting men by the inhabitants of
that part of the mainland, did not halt to make
camp, but advanced with a rush along with the other
barbarians, thinking that they could take the town
at the first assault, and thus gain the glory for them-
selves. But the Stratians noticed that they were
still advancing, and thinking that, if they could

overcome them while isolated, the Hellenes would

no longer be as ready to attack them, set ambushes
in the outskirts of the town, and as soon as the
barbarians were close at hand, closed in upon them
from the city and from the ambushes and fell upon
them. Thrown into a panic, many of the Chaonians
were slain, and the other barbarians, seeing them
give way, no longer held their ground, but took to
flight. But neither of the Hellenic divisions was
aware of the battle, because their allies had gone far
ahead of them, and they thought that they were

8 vovs irreiyeaOat. iirel 6" ive/ceivro cfrevyovre? ol
/3dp/3apoL, dveXapuftavov re avrovs /cal gvvaya-
ybvre? rd arparbweSa rjav^a^ov avrov rriv r)p,e-
pav, 6? ^elpa? /iev ov/c lovrcov acpicTL twv Srparlcov
Std to fL?]7rcD tou? aXXov? 'A/capvavas %vpLJ3eftor)-
Orj/cevaiJ drrcoOev Be acpevSovcovrcov /ecu e? dnroplav
/caOiardvrcov ov <ydp r)v dvev ottXcov /civr)0r)vai.
So/covcri Be ol A/capvave? /cpdriGroi elvai rovro

ttoi,6lv. LXXXII. iireihr) Be vv iyevero, dva-

ywp^aa? o Kvrjfjios rfj arparia Kara rdyo? iirl
top "Avarrov irorapibv, o? drreyei crraBiov? bySorj-
Kovra Xrpdrov, rov? re ve/cpov? KOfxi^erai rfj
varepaia viroairovhov? koX OlviaBcov ^vpLirapa-
yevopevcov Kara fyiXiav dva^copel Trap avrov?
irplv rr)v %vpL(3or)6eiav iXOelv. rcdiceWev irr'
oikov aTT7J\6ov /caaTOL. ol he ^Tpdrioc rpoiralov
earrjerav rr)? y^a%^5 rr)? rrpb? rov? ftapj3dpov<;.
LXXXIII. To o etc rrj? Koplvdov teal rcov
aXXcov tjufifidxcov rcov i/c rod Kpicra[ov koXttov
vavrtKoVy b ehec irapayevecrdai rco Kvyj/xco, oirco?
fir) i;v/i/3oi]6coo-iv ol dirb OaXdaarj? dvco ^Aicapvd-

ve?, ov irapayiyverai, dXX* r/vay/cdaOiicrav rrepl

rd? auras rjfiepa? rfj iv Hrpdrco fid^r) vavpa^r)-
crat rrpb? Qopfiicova Kal rd? elfcoai, vav? rcov
2 'AOrjvaicov at icppovpovv iv NavTrd/crcp. 6 yap
Qoppicov irapanrXeovra? avrov? e^co rod koXttov
T)]pei, /3ovXbfievo? iv rfj evpvywpia iiriOkaQai.
3 ol he Y^opivQioi fcal ol ^vpfiayoi etrXeov fiev oi>x
a)? irri vavfia^ta, dXXd ar paricoriKcorepov irape-
aKevaafievoi i? rrjv W/capvavlav /cal ovk dv olb-
fievot irpb? eirrd /cal reaaapd/covra vav? rd?
crcperepa? roXfirjaac rov? AOrjvai'ov? eiKOcri rat?

4 I2
BOOK II. lxxxi. 7-LXXX111. 3

pressing on in order to find a camp. But when the

barbarians in their flight broke in upon them, they
took them in and uniting their two divisions kept
quiet there during the day, the Stratians not coming
to close quarters with them, because the rest of the
Acarnanians had not yet come to their support, but
using their slings against them from a distance and
distressing them ; for it was not possible for them to
stir without armour ; and indeed the Acarnanians are
famous for their excellence in the use of the sling.
LXXXI I. But when night came on, Cnemus hastily
retreated with his army to the river Anapus, which
is eighty stadia distant from Stratus, and on the

following day took up his dead under a truce and ;

since the Oeniadae had joined his expedition in token

of their friendly feelings, he withdrew to their
country before the combined forces of the Acar-
nanians had arrived, and from there they returned
severally to their homes. As for the Stratians, they
set up a trophy of their battle with the barbarians.
LXXXI 1 1. Meanwhile the fleet from Corinth and
from the other allies on the Crisaean Gulf, which
was to have joined Cnemus in order to prevent the
Acarnanians on the sea-coast from aiding those in the
interior, did not arrive, but was obliged, about the
day of the battle at Stratus, to fight with Phormio
and the twenty Athenian ships which were on guard
at Naupactus. For Phormio was watching them as
they sailed along the coast out of the gulf, pre-
ferring to attack them in the open water. Now the
Corinthians and their allies on their way to Acarnania
were not equipped for fighting at sea, but rather for
operations on land, and they had no idea that the
Athenians with their twenty ships would dare to

eavrojv vavpayiav irot^cracrOaL' CTreiBr) /xevroi
avTLirapaiTXeovTds re iwpcov au-rou?, irapd yrjv

a(f)(OV ko/ju%o/avoov, /cal itc TLarpcou t?}? 'A^aia?

7T/30? rr)v avTiirepas rjireipov BtaftaXXovres eV
A/capvavlas fcarelBov rov? 'AOjjvcllow; cltto rrj<i

Xa\/a'8o9 real rod Evijvov irorapLOV 7rpocr7rXeovTa<;

aerial teal ovk eXaOov vvktos d^oppnadpevoi}
ovtco Br) dvayfcd^ovTCU vavp,ayeiv /card /xeaov rov
4 iropOpLov. arpar^yoX Be fjcrav fiev kclL Kara
iroXet^ eicdaTcov ot irapeaKevd^ovro, KopivOicov

Be Ma^acoy koX 'laoKpdrr)^ kclX 'AyaOap-^lBa^.

5 teal oi piev UeXoTrovvrjaioi erd^avro kvkXov raiv
vecbv a>? /jljl(ttov oloL t rjaav pr) BlB6vt<; Bietc-

ttXovv, Ta? irpwpas piev eco, eaw Be ras rrpv-

fivas, /cal rd re Xeirra irXola a ^vveirXei eWo?
ttolovvtcu koX irevre vavs ra9 dpLcrra irXeovaas,
07T&)? e/cTrXeoiev Bid /3pa)(eo<; irapayiyvopevai,, el
7T7j irpoairiTTTQiev oi evavrioi.
LXXXIV. Ot B' *A6r)valoi Kara piav vavv
Terayp.kvoi irepikirXeov avrovs kvkXw /cal %vvr)-
yov e? oXiyov, ev XPV a ^ ei v*"*1 pMrh-zovTes Kal
BotcrjGiv irape\ovTe^ avriKa ep,(3aXelv Trpoeip-qro
S' aurot? virb <>oppicDvos prj eiTL^eipelv irplv av
2 auTo? ar\pn)vr). rfXin^e yap avrcov ov fieielv tt)v

1 Bloomfield's correction for {xpopfiiaafievoi of the MSS.

Or, retaining ixpop/xiaduevoi, "they had tried to anchor
under cover of night, but had been detected."

BOOK II. lxxxiii. 3 LXXXIV. 2

bring on an engagement with their own forty-seven.

When, however, they saw that the Athenians kept
sailing along the opposite coast as long as they them-
selves continued to skirt the southern shore, and
when, as they attempted to cross from Patrae in
Achaia to the mainland opposite, making for Acar-
nania, they observed that the Athenians were bearing
down upon them from Chalcis and the river Evenus,
and finally when, during the night, they had tried to
slip their moorings l and get away but had been
detected, under these circumstances they were forced
to fight in the middle of the channel. 2 Their fleet
was commanded by generals from the several states
which contributed contingents, the Corinthian squad-
ron by Machaon, Isocrates, and Agatharchidas. The
Peloponnesians drew up their ships in as large a
circle as they could without allowing the enemy an
opportunity to break through, 3 prows outward, sterns
inward and inside the circle they placed the light

boats which accompanied them, and also five of their

swiftest ships, in order that they might have only a
short distance to sail out and bring support at any
point where the enemy attacked.
LXXXIV. As for the Athenians, drawn up in
single column they kept sailing round the Pelopon-
nesian fleet in a circle, hemming it into a narrower
and narrower space, always just grazing by and
giving the impression that they would charge at any
moment. But orders had been given by Phormio
not to attack until he should give the signal for he ;

hoped that the enemy's ships would not k'eep in line,

i.e. in the open water between Patrae and the mouth of

the Evenus, as opposed to the regions along the shore of the

Gulf, where their fleet might run into a harbour.
See note on 1. xlix. 3.

tcl^iv, cocrirep ev yfj iref'rjv, dXXa, ^VfJureaeloQai
777)09 dXXi]Xa<; to.? vavs Kal ra irXola Tapaxv v
irapk^eiv, ei r eKirvevaecev Ik tov koXttov to
irvevfia, oirep avafievcov re rrrepieirXei /cal elcodei
yiyveaOai eirl tt)v eon, ovBeva y^pbvov riavyaaeiv
auTOU?* Kal tt)v liriyelp^Giv e<$ avTw re evopu&v
elvai, oirorav $ovXr\Tai, tcov vecov apueivov irXeov-
3 acov, teal tot KaXXiGTrjv yiyveaOai. to? Be to Te
TTvevfia tcarrjei Kal at vrjes ev oXiyqp rjBr] ovaai
vir a/JL(f)OTep(ov, tov tc dvepuov tcov re irXoicov,
ap,a irpoaKeipievcov eTapdaaovTO, /ecu vavs re vrfl

TTpOdeTTlTTTe KOI T069 KOVTOl? BiewOoVVTO, f3oj] T6

^pcop,evoi Kal 7:7209 dXXijXovs dvTKpvXaKTJ tc Kal

XoiBopia ovBev KdTrjtcovov ovt tcov irapayyeXXo-

fievoov ovTe tcov KeXevaTcov, Kal ra? Kcoiras dBvva-
tol 6Vt69 ev kXvBcovl dvacpepeiv avOpcoiroi aireipoi
Tot? KvftepviJTais direiOeaTepa^ ra9 vavs irapel-
ypv, tots Br) kcltcX tov KCLipov tovtov arjpLalvei,

Kal ol Adrjraioi TrpoGirecrovTes irpooTov piev kcitci-

Bvovai tcov ot paT7]ylBwv vecov piav, errre.IT a Be Kal

ra9 oWo? 77 ywp^aeiav Bte(f)6eipov, Kal KaTecrTrj-
aav 69 clXk7]v p.ev firjBeva TpeireaOai avTCov virb
ttjs rapax^f (pevyetv Be 9 IlaT/oa? teal Avfirjv
4 ttjs 'A%aia9. ol Be 'Adrjvaioi KaTaBioo^avTes Kal
vavs BooBeKa Xa/36vT<; tovs tc avBpas e% avTcov
tou9 TrXeicrTOVs dveXopievoi es MoXvKpeiov dire-
irXeov, Kal Tpoiralov aTrjcravTes irrrl tw 'Pico Kal

vavv dvaOevTes tg> UoaeiBcovi dvex^P r a av e ?


5 y^ainraKTcv. TrapeirXevaav Be Kal ol YleXoirov-

BOOK II. lxxxiv. 2-5

like infantry on land, but would fall foul of one

another, and also be thrown into confusion by the
small boats, and then if the breeze for which he was
waiting while he sailed round, which usually blew
from the gulf towards dawn, should spring up, they
would not remain steady for any length of time. As
for the attack, he thought that was in his power
whenever he chose, since his ships were better
sailers, and that then was the most favourable
moment for it. So when the wind began to come
up, and the ships, already hemmed in a narrow
space, were being thrown into confusion both by the
violence of the wind and the pressure of the small
boats, when ship was dashing against ship and the
crews were trying to push them apart with poles, all
the while keeping up such shouts and warning
cries and abuse of one another that they could not
hear either the word of command or the coxswains'
calls, and, finally, when the inexperienced rowers,
unable to get their oars clear of the water in a heavy
sea, were rendering the ships less obedient to the
helmsmen, then at this critical moment Phormio
gave the signal. Thereupon the Athenians fell upon
them; first they sank one of the admirals' ships,
and then destroyed the rest as well wherever they
came upon them, reducing them to such straits that
in their confusion no one turned for defence, but
all fled to Patrae and Dyme in Achaia. But the
Athenians gave chase, and after they had captured
twelve ships and had taken on board most of their
crews sailed away to Molycreum then they set up a

trophy on Rhium, dedicated a ship to Poseidon, and

returned to Naupactus. The Peloponnesians also

vnGLOi evdiis rat? irepiko'nroLS rcov vewv etc tt)?

Av/j.r)$ /cal Tlarpoiv e? K.v\\i]vr}v to 'RXclwv eVt-

veiov teal airo AevK(i8o<; KvPffAO? /cal al e/ceivwv
vijes, a9 e&et, ravrais tjvfi/jLei^at,, a$iKvovvrai jiera
rrjv ev ^-pdrcp p>d%r]v e? rrjv K.vXXiiviiv .

LXXXV. HepLirovai Be /cal ol Aa/ceSaiuovioi

tw KvijfMp ^uyu,/3ouXou? eirl Ta? vavs TipLO/cpaTT)
/cal BpacrL&av /cal Avfco<f)pova, /ceXevovTes aXXrjv
vavpuayiav fieXnov Trapacncevd^eaQai /cal /jlt) vir'

2 oXtycovvewv elpyeaOai rrjs 6aXdaarj<;. iSo/cec yap

avrols aXXcos re koX irpcorov vavpiayjas ireipacra-
fievois ttoXvs o irapaXoyos elvai teal ov toctovtco
wovto dfycov to vavTiKov XeiireaOai, yeyevfjaOai
Be Ttva fiaXa/clap, ov/c dvTiTiQkvTes ti)V 'AO-rjvaicov
etc iroXXov epureipiav t?}? cr^ereyoa? Bi oXiyov
3 fieXeTTjs. opyfj ovv aireo~TeWov. ol Be d<$>uc6-

fievoi /iTa tov Kvrj/jLov vavs re Trpocnvepi^yyeCkav

Kara iroXeis /cal tcls irpovTrapyovaas e^-qprvovTo
4 &)? eVt vaup,a^Lav. ireparei Be /cal 6 QoppLLoov e?
Tas 'AOrjvas ti']v T irapacFKeviiv avTcov dyyeXovv-
Ta? zeal irepl tt)s vavpiayias r)v ivi/ajaav (fcpdcrov-
Ta? /cal /ceXevcov avTu> vav<; oti irXeiaTas Bed
ra^ou? aTTocTTeiXai, a>? /caO^ rjpepav e/cdo~Tr)v iX-
5 7rt'So? ovarii alel vavpba^i'iaeLV. ol Be diroTrepL-
ttovglv eX/coai vavs avTco, T<p Be ko/jll^ovtl avTas
TrpocreireaTeiXav ? Kp/)Tr)v 7rpcoTov d<f>i/ce'a0cu.

Nt/a'a? yap Kp;;? TopruvLos irpo^evos wv ireiOei

BOOK II. lxxxiv. 5lxxxv. 5

sailed away immediately with the ships that were

left,proceeding from Dyme and Patrae along the
coast to Cyllene, the shipyard of the Eleans and ;

Cnemus likewise, coming from Leucas together with

the ships from that quarter 1 which were to have
joined the Corinthian fleet, came to Cyllene after the
battle at Stratus.
LXXXV. The Lacedaemonians now sent to the
fleet Timocrates, Brasidas, and Lycophron as ad-
visers to Cnemus, directing them to make better
preparation for another sea-fight, and not to be
driven off the sea by a few ships. For the issue of
the recent battle seemed to them utterly incompre-
hensible, especially since this was their first attempt
at a sea-fight, and they could not believe that their
fleet was so greatly inferior, but thought that there
had been cowardice somewhere, failing to take into
account the long experience of the Athenians as
compared with their own brief practice. In a rage,
then, they dispatched the advisers. And these on
their arrival, acting in conjunction with Cnemus,
sent round a call to the allied cities for additional
ships, and set about equipping those already at hand,
with a view to a sea-fight. And Phormio on his
part sent messengers to Athens to give information
of the enemy's preparations and to tell about the
battle which they had won, urging them also to send
to him speedily as many ships as possible, since
there was always a prospect that a battle might be
fought any day. So they sent him twenty ships,
but gave the commander in charge of them special
orders to sail first to Crete. For Nicias, a Cretan of
Gortys, who was a proxenus 2 of theirs, persuaded
The contingents from Leuoas, Anactorium, and Am-
bracia, eh. lxxx. 2, 3. See ch. xxix. 1, note.
avrovs iirl KvBcovlav irXevaai, cf)da/ccov irpoa-
TroiTjaeiv clvttjv ovaav irokefilav eTrfjye Be TLo-
Xi'XyiTaL^ %api%6fivo<; Ofiopocs tcov KvBcoviaTwv.
6 /cal 6 pev Xaftoov to.? vav$ a>x T0 e ? KpV T V v *a*
/xera tcov IT oXi^ytrcov iBrjov ttjv yrjv tmv K.vBco-
viaicov, /cal vir dvepuwv /cal dirXoias evhierpi^rev
ovk 6\iyov xpovov.
LXXXVI. Ol S' iv rfj K.vXXr/vr} YleXoirovv^a 101

iv tovtw, iv KOrjveuoL irepl Kprjrrjv /carei-

a* ol '

Xovro, Trapecrfcevacr/jLevoL a>? iirl vavp^ayiav irape-

irXevaav e? Udvopfiov tov 'A^al/cov, ovirep avrols
6 /card yr)v arparo^ roiv TleXoirovvrjaicov irpoa-
2 e/3ef3o7]6rjfCi.irapeirXevae Be /cal 6 Qoppccov iirl

to Plov to MoXv/cpi/cov real copfxlaaro e^co aurov

3 vavalv el/coai, alairep /cal ivavpidx^aev. rjv Be
TOVTO {lev TO *l()V (friXlOV TOl$ 'AtfllVCtLOl?, TO '
erepov 'Viov earlv avTiirepa^ to iv Tjj TieXoirov-
vrjacp' 8ie)eT0v Be aTr dXXtfXcDV aTaBlov? pudXiaTa
67TTa Trjs OaXaaarjs, tov Be Kpiaalov koXttov
4 GTOfia tovto io~Tiv. iirl ovv tg> Pt&) tw 'A^at/ea)
ol TleXoTTovvyjcrtoL direxovTi ov iroXv tov TLavop-
/jlov, iv w avTols o 7reo? rjv, ooppiiaavTO /cal clvtoX

vavalv eiTTa teal eftBopLij/covTa, 1 iireiBr) /cal tovs

5 'AOrjvaiovs elBov. teal iirl p,ev ef r) eirTa r)jiepa<;
dvOooppLOvv dXXifkoLs fieXerGovTes t teal irapa-
a/eeva%6p,evoi ttjv vavpa^iav, yvcofirjv k'xovTes ol
pev pui] i/cirXelv eco tcov 'Picov e? ttjv eispv^coplav,
<f)o/3ovp,evoi to irpoTepov irdQo<$, ol Be p,r) iairXelv
e? Ta o~Tevd, vop,iovT6$ Trphs i/celvcov elvai ttjv iv
6 oXiyw vavp,a)(Lav. eiretTa 6 Kvfjp,o<; /cal 6 J$paal-
Sa? aXXoi twv UeXo7rovvr}aicov aTpaTrfyol,
/cal ol
/3ovXopievoi iv Ta^et ttjv vavpuayiav iroir)aai irpiv

42 * Hude reads 7Tvt^kovto, with 0.

BOOK II. lxxxv. 5-Lxxxvi. 6

them to sail against Cydonia, a hostile town, promis-

ing to bring it over to the Athenians ; but he was
really asking them to intervene to gratify the people
of Polichne, who are neighbours of the Cydonians.
So the officer in charge took the ships, went to
Crete, and helped the Polichnitans to ravage the
lands of the Cydonians, and by reason of winds and
stress of weather wasted not a little time.
LXXXVI. Meantime, while the Athenians were
detained in Crete, the Peloponnesians at Cyllene,
equipped and ready for a battle, sailed along the
coast to Panormus in Achaia, where the land-forces
of the Peloponnesians had come to their support.
And Phormio also sailed along the coast to the
Molycrian Rhium and anchored outside with the
twenty ships with which he had fought before.
This Rhium was friendly to the Athenians, and
opposite is the other Rhium, that in the Pelopon-
nesus ; and the distance between them is about
seven stadia by sea, constituting the mouth of the
Crisaean Gulf. Accordingly the Peloponnesians,
when they saw the Athenians come to anchor, like-
wise anchored with seventy-seven ships at the Achaian
Rhium, which is not far from Panormus, where their
land-forces were. And for six or seven days they
lay at anchor opposite one another, practising and
preparing for battle, the one side resolved not to
sail outside the two Rhia into the open water, fear-
ing a recurrence of their disaster, the other not to
sail into the straits, thinking that fighting in a
narrow space was in the enemy's favour. At last
Cnemus and Brasidas and the other Peloponnesian
commanders, wishing to bring on the engagement

ri teal arro rcov 'Adrjvacoov eirifSor)Qr)crai, i;Wrcd-
Xecrav tou<? arparioora^ Trpcorov, /cat opwvres
avrcov rovs iroXXovs hid rr)v irporepav fjaaav
(froflovfievovs teal ov irpoOvfiovs ovras irapefceXev-
(jclvto kclL eXe^av roidhe.
H fiev yevopuevrj vavpLa-^La, go

avhpe<; HeXoTTovvrjaioi, eX Tt? dpa hi avrrjv vpifov

(fyoftelrai rrjv pueXXovaav, ov)(l hiicaiav eyei re/e-

2 pLapaiv to K(j)o/3r}o-ai. rfj re yap Trapaa/cevfj

evher)<; iyevero, toairep care, zeal ov)(\ e? vavpua-

yiav fioXXov rj eirl arpareiav eirXeopbev %vvet3r)

he ical ra drro rr)<; tu^>/9 ovk bXiya evavricoOrjvai,
tcai ttov re real r) direipia rrpwrov vavp^ayovvras

3 ecr(py]Xev. ware ov Kara rr)v rj/jLerepav natc'iav rb

rjaadadai irpoaeyevero, ovhe hUaiov ti}s yvcoprjs
rb fir] Kara fepdros viK7]6ev, fyov he rtva ev avrw
dvriXoyiav, tt}? ye %vp.$opd<; tgo airofiavn dfi-

(BXvveadai, vopulaai he rah fiev rvy^ais evhexeaOai

ccfxiXXeaOat, toi>? dvOpcoTrovs, rah he yvoo/jLaiS

tol>? avrovs alel 6pda)<; 1 avhpeiovs elvai, zeal firj

airetpiav rod dvhpeiov irapbvros it poftaXXopevovs
4 ei/coTft)? dv ev nvi KaKovs yeveaOai. vficov he ovh'

i) direipia rocrovrov Xeiirerai oaov rdXpbr) irpov-

rcovhe he pidXiara
X T ' r) eiriari'ipir], iiv <f>o-

ftelcrOe, dvhpeiav piev eyovua real pivyjpirjv e%ei ev

too heivu* eirneXelv a epiaOev, avev he evyjrvxia?

ovhepiia re^y 7 irpos
) toi/? Kivhvvovs iV^uet. (\>6fSo<;

yap p.V7]pL7)v eKirXrjaaei, re^y?) he avev dX/c^s ov-

Hude writes opdovs and deletes avtpelovs (with Badham).

BOOK II. lxxxvi. 6-Lxxwn. 4

soon, before reinforcements came from Athens, first

called their soldiers together, and seeing that most
of them were frightened on account of their previous
defeat and not eager for battle, encouraged them
and spoke as follows :

LXXXVII. "The recent sea-fight, Peloponne-

sians, possibly it has caused any man among
you to be afraid of the one before us, affords no
just grounds for your alarm. For our preparation
was deficient, as you know, and the object of our
voyage was not so much to fight at sea as operations
on land and it happened, furthermore, that not a

few of the chances of war were against us, and

doubtless also our inexperience had something to do
with our failure in the first sea-fight. It was not
then our cowardice that brought about defeat, nor
is it right that the spirit, which force cannot con-

quer, but which has in it something defiant, should

be dulled and blunted by the outcome of mere
chance rather you ought to reflect that although

men may suffer reverse in their fortunes, yet in

their spirit brave men are rightly considered always
brave, and when courage is present no inexperience
can properly be urged as an excuse for being cowards
under any circumstances. And, after all, your inex-
perience is more than counterbalanced by your
superiority in daring and though the enemy's skill,

which you particularly dread, will indeed, so long as

bravery goes with it, have the presence of mind in
the moment of danger to put into effect the lessons
it has learned, yet without valour no amount of
proficiency avails against such dangers. For fear
drives presence of mind away, and skill without

5 Bev cocpeXel. irpbs puev ovv to epuireipbiepov avrcov
to roXp,r)p6repov dvrird^aaOe, irpb? Se to Bid
tt)v rjaaav BeSievac to dirapdaKevoi rbre Tvyetv.
6 irepiyiyveiai Be ?)fjL?v irXrjObs re veojv teal 77-/50? rfj

yfj olteela ovarj birXiichv irapovrcov vavpayelv rd

Be iroXXa rcov irXeovcov teal afxetvov irapeateevacr-
7 fievcov to tepdios iarlv. coare ovBe KatT ev evpi-
o-KOfiev et/coTO)? dv ?5/xa? o-^aXXofxevov^' teal ocra
r)/jidpTo/j,V irpbiepov, vvv avrd ravia irpocryevb-
8 (leva BiBaateaXiav irape^ei. Oapaovvies ovv teal

KvftepvrjTai teal vavrac to tcaO' eavrbv teao~TO<;

eirecrOe, ywpav /xtj irpoXeiirovres fj
dv Tt? irpoa-
9 ra^dfj. rcov Be irpbiepov rjyefjLovcov ov yelpov rrjv
eiri^eip^atv r)/jLL<; irapacrteevdo-ofxev teal ovte ivCco-
aofiev 7rp6cf)ao~iv ovBevl teateco yeveaOav rjv Be tj?
dpa teal /3ov\7]0jj, teoXacrOijaerai rfj irpeirovcrr)
&]/JLia, ol Be dyaOol TifiijcrovTai tois irpocr?]/eovcriv
a9Xoi$ rr/s aperr}?"
LXX XVIII. Toiavra /iev to?9 UeXoirovvr)crioi<;

ol dp^ovre<; irapeKeXevaavro. 6 Be Qopp-icov

BeBtcos teal avibs tj)i> tgjz; arpaTicoTcov bppcoBc'av
teal alaOofMevos on to irXf)6o<; rcov vecov teard
avrovs ^vviardfjuevoi icfioftovvTO, eftovXero

gvyteaXecras Oapavvai re teal irapalveaiv ev rco

2 irapbvri irotrjcraaOaL. irporepov fiev yap alel
avTots eXeye teal irpoirapeateeva^e Ta? yvcbfias &>?
ovSev aviois irXrjOos vecov toctovtov, r\v eir mXey ,

o n ov-% virofxevereov icrrL, teal ol arpancoiai ete

iroXXov ev acplacv avrol? i?jv dtjicoaiv ravirjv

BOOK II. lxxxvii. 4-Lxxxvm. 2

intrepidity is of no avail. Therefore, against their

greater experience set your greater daring, and
against the fear caused by your defeat set the
accident of your being at the moment unprepared.
You have the advantage, both in number of ships
and in fighting close to the land, which is friendly
to us, and you are supported by hoplites and victory

is generally on the side of those who are the more

numerous and better prepared. There is accordingly

not a single reason that we can find why we should
; and as to our earlier mistakes, the very fact
that they were made will teach us a lesson. Be of
good courage, then, and let each man, both helms-
man and sailor, follow our lead as best he can, not
leaving the post to which he may be assigned. We
shall prepare for the attack at least as well as your
former commanders, and shall give no one an excuse
to act like a coward but if anyone should be in-

clined that way, he shall be punished with the pen-

alty he deserves, while the brave shall be honoured
with rewards such as befit their valour."
LXXXVIJI. With such words the Peloponnesian
commanders encouraged their men. But Phormio,
being himself also uneasy about the apprehension
felt by his troops, and observing that they were
gathering in knots amongst themselves in alarm at
the superior number of the enemy's ships, wished
to call thein together in order to hearten them and
make an exhortation to suit the present emergency.
For in the past he had always told them, by way of
bracing their minds, that there was no number of
ships, however great, whose attack men such as they
could not withstand and his sailors had long since

held among themselves the conviction that they,

vol. 1. p 4-5
etXrjcpeaav firjBeva o%\ov *A6rjvaloL ovres TleXo-
3 7rovv7]alcov veoov vrro^oopelv rore Be 77730? rrjv

irapovaav oyjriv opcov avrov<i dOv/JLovvra? iftov-

Xero VTTOfAvrjcriv iroirjaaaOai rov Oapaelv, teal

^vyKaXeaas tovs 'AOrjvaiovs eXeye rotdBe.

LXXXIX. M 'Opcov vp,as, co avBpe? crpariwrai,
7T(j)o/37]fi6Vov<; to 7rXfjdo<; rcov ivavricov %vvefca-

Xeora, ovk dgicov rd /lit) Beivd iv oppcoBla eyeiv.

2 ovtol yap irpcorov fiev Bid to TrpovevLtcrjcrOai /cal

fjLr)& avrol oteadac o/jlolol r)\xlv elvai to ttXtjOo?

twv vecov koX ovk airb rod icov irapeaKevdaavro'

eiretra co pLaXiara iriarevovres 7rpoaepxovrai, a>?

rrpoo~r\KOv <j$L<jiv dvBpeiois elvai, ov oY aXXo tl

Qapcrovcnv rj Bid ttjv iv ra> 7rea5 ifXTreipiav rd
irXeico fcaropOovvres iea\ oXovrai a<fil<ri teal iv tw
3 vavriKco TroiTjcreiv to atTo. to ' ite rov Bitcaiov
rjfitv fiaXXov vvv rrepiearai, elirep teal tovtol? iv

etceivw, inel ev^jrv^ia ye ovBev jrpocpipovai, rep Be

e/edrepoi, ri elvai ifnreiporepoi dpaavrepol icr/iev.

4 KaKeBai/iovLoi re rjyovfievoi avrcov Bid rrjv o~<f>e-

repav Bo^av dteovras irpoadyovai row ttoXXov*;

9 rov klvBvvov, eVel ovk civ irore ive^iprjcrav

5 7]aar]6evre^ rrapd ttoXv avdis vavpuayelv. p,rj Btj

avrcov rrjv roX/iav Beiarjre. 7roXv Be v/jlL<; e/cel-

vois irXeico cj)6/3ov rrape^ere ical marorepov Kara


BOOK II. lxxxviii. 2-lxxxix. 5

being Athenians, must never give ground before any

number of Peloponnesian ships. But at this time,
seeing that they were dispirited by what they saw
before their eyes, and wishing to remind them of
their old-time confidence, he called them together
and spoke as follows :

LXXXIX. "Observing that you have become

alarmed, soldiers, at the numbers of the enemy, I
have called you together, because I do not want you
to be in dread of imaginary dangers. For, in the
first place, it is just because these men have been
beaten before, and do not even themselves believe
that they are a match for us, that they have provided
themselves with this large and disproportionate num-
ber of ships then, too, as regards their courage,

the thing on which they chiefly rely when they

come against us, as if it were their peculiar pro-

vince to be brave, the only reasonable ground
they have for confidence is that their experience in
fighting on land has generally brought them success,
and so they think this will achieve the same result
for them at sea as well. But in all reason the ad-
vantage to-day will rather be ours, if they on their
side have it on land for in valour assuredly they

are nowise superior, but we are both more confident

just as in any way we have more experience.
Besides, since the Lacedaemonians lead their allies
for their own glory, the majority of them have to
be dragged into battle against their will, for other-
wise they would never, after their decisive defeat,
have attempted to fight a second time at sea.
Hence you need not fear their daring. On the
contrary, you inspire in them a dread far greater
and better justified, both because you have already

re rb 7rpovVifcr)Kvai feat cm ovk av rjyovvrai /xrj

fieXXovrds ri cl^lov rov irapd ttoXv rrpd^eiv avui-

6 araadai v/JLas. dvriiraXoi /xev yap oi irXeiow;,

wcnrep ovroi, rfj Bwdfieu rb nrXeov ttIctvvol rj rfj

yvco/irj errepx^vrai' 6l Be i/c rroXXa) viroBeecrepoav

/cal d/na ovk dvayKa^opbevoi, p,eya ri t% Biavoias

to fieftaiov e%oi/T9 dvriroXp,wcriv. a Xoyu^opevot

ovtoi tw ovk lk6tl TrXeov Tre$b$r)vrai rjpas r) rf)

7 Kara Xoyov irapaaKevfj. rroXXa Be koX arparo-

ireBa IjBt} eirecrev vir eXacraovcav rfj aireipla, eari

Be a koI rfj aroX/jLLa' &v ovBerepov r)fiels vvv

8 pLTe^o/jLV. rbv Be dycova ovk iv tco koXttg) ckgov

elvai Trocyaofiac ov8* iairXevaofiaL e? avrov> op<a

yap on 7T/30? 7ro\Xa? vavs dveiricrri) floras oXtyai?

vavalv epireipois koX apueivov TrXeovaai? r) crrevo-

ywpla ov jjv/Licfrepei. ovre yap av iTwrXevaeie

Tf? co? 9 ipfioXrjv pur) ex^v t*1 v Trpoao-^nv
rcov iroXepiwv eK iroXXov, ovr av aTroxcoprjcreiev

iv Beovri Tne^opevos' BieKirXoi re ovk elalv ovB*

avaarpofyai, airep vecov ap.eivov rrXeovG&v epya

earlv, dXXa dvdyKt) av ecrj rrjv vavpaxiav 7re?o-

pax}av Kadlo-raaOai, koX iv rovrcp al irXeiovs

9 vfj<; Kpeiaaovs yiyvovrai. rovrwv puev ovv iyco
Hude adopts Madvig's conjecture ij for oU

BOOK II. lxxxix. 5-9

defeated them and because they think that you

would not be facing them at all unless you ex-
pected to achieve a result commensurate with the
very great odds. For most men, when, like our
present opponents, they are equal to their foes, rely
more upon their strength when they advance to the
attack than upon their resolution whereas those

who dare oppose them with greatly inferior num-

bers, and at the same time without being compelled
to do so, must possess in a high degree the quality
of unwavering resolution. Taking all these things
into consideration, our enemies have come to fear
us more on account of what is amazing in our con-
duct than they would if our preparations were less
out of proportion to their own. Furthermore many
an army has before now been overthrown by smaller
numbers through its own want of experience, and
some too through a deficiency of daring, and at this
moment we can be charged with neither. As for
the contest, I will not risk it in the gulf if I can
help it, nor will I sail into the gulf. For I am
aware that a confined space is not an advantage to a
fleet of a few ships which are better sailers and
have experienced crews, when it is opposed to a
large number of ships which are badly managed.
For one cannot charge properly upon an enemy ship
to ram her side, through not having a clear view of
her a long way off, nor can one retire at need when
hard pressed ; and there is no chance for such
manoeuvres as breaking through the line or whirl-
ing around to ram, though these are precisely the
proper tactics of fast sailing ships, but the sea-fight
would have to be turned into a land-battle, and in
that case it is the larger fleet that wins. For these

evTdKTOL rrapa rah vaval /jLevovres rd re irapay-
yeXXofieva of ew? Be-^ecrOe, aXXco<; re teal Bi oXlyov
t?}? e$opp,i]o~eco<; ovarjs, ica\ ev rep epyco koo-jjlov
teal aiyrjv irepl irXeicrTOV rjyeicrde, b e? Te ret,
ttoXXcl rcov TroXe/AifCMv ^vfji(f)ep6C tcav vavfia)(la
oi>x rjfcio'Ta, a/xvveade re rovaBe af;Lco<; rcov irpo-
10 eipyaafjbevwv. 6 Be ay gov fieyas vfuv, r\ KaraXv-
aai UeXonovvrjalcov rrjv i\,7rlBa tov vclvtlkov t)
iyyvrepco KaTaarijaai A.6r]vaLoi<s tov cpoftov

11 irepl rrj<s OaXdcro-rjs. dvafJUL/JLvrja-Kco ' av v/aci?

on vevLKrjKare avTtov tovs ttoXXov^' rjaarj/nevcov

Be dvBpcov ovk iOeXovcnv al yvco/j,ai 7T/509 tou?
civtovs klvBvvovs ofiolai, elvai"
XC. Toiavra Be kol 6 ^opfxlcov irapeKeXevaaTO.
ol Be UeXoTTOVvijaiot, eTreiBrj auTOt? ol 'AOrjvaioi
ovk eireirXeov e? tov koXttov kol tcl arevd, fiovXo-
fievoi a/copra? eaco irpoayayelv avTOvs, dvayayo-
fievoi a/ia ecp eirXeov, eirl Teaadpcov ra^dfievoi
2 3
ra<; mu?, irapa rrjv eavTcov yi)v eaco eirl tov
koXttov Bejjicp tcepa rjyov/ievcp, coairep kcu, copfiovv
2 eirl 8' avrcp eXKoai era^av ra? apiara TrXeovaa,*;,
07r&)9, el dpa vo/jLLcras eirl ttjv Navirafcrov avrovs
irXelv 6 tpopfiicov /cal avrbs eiri$oT)Qcov ravrrj
Hude reads iro\efila>v, with C.
2 With CG the other MSS. and
; the Schol. iwi.
8 Hude deletes iiri, after Kriiger.
In the first sea-fight the Peloponnesians had forty-
seven ships (ch. lxxxiii. 3) against Phormio's twenty (ch.
lxxxiii. 1) in the second battle the Peloponnesians had

seventy-seven ships (ch. lxxxvi. 4). Since the Pelopon-

nesians lost twelve ships in the first battle (ch. lxxxiv. 4),
the expression " most of them " is not quite exact here.

BOOK II. lxxxix. 9-xc. 2

matters, however, I shall make provision to the best

of my ability. As for you, keep good order, stay
near your ships, give heed sharply to the word of
command, especially since the two fleets are at
watch so near one another ; and when it comes to
action, regard discipline and silence, which are
generally advantageous in warfare, but especially
so at sea, as all important, and ward off the enemy
yonder in a manner worthy of your past exploits.
The contest is a momentous one for you whether
you are to shatter the hopes which the Peloponnesians
have in their fleet, or to bring closer home to the
Athenians their fear about the sea. Once more I
remind you that you have beaten most of them 1
already and when men have once suffered defeat,

their spirit is never the same as before if they are

called upon to face the same dangers."
XC. Such were the words with which Phormio
also encouraged his men. And the Peloponnesians,
when the Athenians did not sail into the gulf and
the narrows to meet them, wished to draw them
in against their will so they put out to sea at

dawn, and, after lining up their ships four deep, 2

sailed along their own shore towards the inner part
of the gulf, in the same order as they had lain at
anchor, 3 their right wing leading the way. 4 Upon
their right wing they had placed their twenty
best sailing ships, in order that, if Phormio got
the impression that their objective was Naupactus
some take it, n in a column four abreast."
Or, as
Only now the four ships which had lain at anchor one
behind the other sailed, after the turn to the right, abreast.
Or, retaining ln\ instead of irapck, "after lining up their
ships four deep against their own shore {i.e. with it at their
backs), sailed toward the inner part of the gulf . ."

TrapairXeoi, fj,r) Biacfrvyoiev irXeovres rov 7TL7rXovv
a<f)cov ol ^AOrjvaloi e^co rov eavrcov tcep(o<;, dXX*
3 avrai al vrjes TrepLfcXrjo-eiav. 6 Be, oirep eicelvoi
TTpoaeSixovro, <o/3>?#e!? irepl ra> ywpiw eprjfMp
ovtl, go? ed>pa avayofievovs avrov<;, a/ccov teal Kara
airovhrjv ifi/3L^daa<; eirXei irapd rr)v yrjv real 6
4 7reo? a/jLa rwv Neo~ar)viwv 7rape/3o7]0ei. IBovre?
Be ol TleXoirovv^cnoL Kara piav ewl /eepoos irapa-
TrXeovras teal rjhri ovras eWo? rov koXttov re
teal 7T/DO? rf) yfj, birep e/3ovXovro fidXiara, diro
arjiieiov eVo? acfrvco eiriarpeyjravre^ Ta? vavs per-
(i)7T7]8bv eirXeov co? et^e Ta^oy? eteao~To$ eirl tou?

AOrjvaLOvs, teal i)Xttl^ov irdcras Ta? vavs diroXij-

5 ^reaOaL. rcov Be evBerea fiev rives aiirep r^yovvro
VTre/ccpevyovcn to teepa? rcov TieXoirovvrjaicov teal
rrjv einarpocprjv e? rrjv evpvywpiav ra? 8' ciXXas
eirLfearaXa/36vrs etjecoadv re irpb? rrjv yfjv viro-
cpevyovcras teal BiecpOeipav, avBpa? re rcov *A6i]-
6 vaicov diretereivav ocroi p,rj e^evevaav avrcov. teal

rcov vecov riva<; dvaBovfievoc elX/cov teevds (filav

Be clvtols dvBpdaiv eiyov tfBr)), Ta? Be rivas ol
ISleaarjVLOL irapafforjOtfaavres teal eirecr(3aivovTe<;
Ijvv tch? oirXois e? rrjv OdXacraav teal eiri/3dvT<;
diro rcov Karaarpay/idrcov pba^opLevoi dcpeiXovro
eXteopiivas rjBr).

XCI. Tavrrj fiev ovv ol UeXoirovvijcrioi etepd-

tovv re teal Bie<f>6eipav Ta? 'Att^atA? vav<f al Be
el/coai vrjes avrcov al diro rov Beijiov teepco<; iSl-
coteov Ta? evBetea vav$ rcov 'AO-qvalcov aiirep

BOOK II. xc. 2-xci. i

and should, following the coast, sail in that direc-

tion to its aid, the Athenians might not be able
to escape their attack by sailing outside their wing,
but might be enveloped by these ships. Now he
did just what they expected him to do; when he
saw them put to sea, fearing for the safety of the
place, which was unprotected, he reluctantly and
in haste embarked his crews and sailed along the
coast, the Messenian army moving along the shore
to support him. And when the Peloponnesians
saw that they were skirting the coast in single
file and were already inside the gulf and clost; to

shore, which was just what they most desired, at

one signal they suddenly veered about, bore down
with ships in line as fast as each could upon the
Athenians, hoping to cut off all their ships. But
eleven of these, which were in the lead, got past the
Peloponnesian wing, as it swung round, and escaped
into the open water but the rest were overtaken,

driven ashore as they attempted to escape, and dis-

abled, and all the Athenians on them who did not
succeed in swimming ashore were slain. Some of
the ships they made fast to their own and proceeded to

tow away empty though they had already captured

one with its crew but some others, which were
already in tow, were taken from them by the Mes-
senians, who came to the rescue, rushed armed as
they were into the sea, boarded the ships, and fought
from their decks.
XCI. In this quarter, then, the Peloponnesians
were victorious and had disabled the Athenian ships ;

but the twenty ships covering their right wing were

pursuing the eleven Athenian ships which had got

vire%e$vyov tt]V liricrpo^v e? rrjv evpvx^p^av.
teal cf)0dvovcnv avrovs 7rXr]V pud? veax; irpoKara-
(bvyovaai 77730? ttjv NaviraKTOV, kcu g^ovgcu
avriirpwpoL Kara rb '
Air oXXcoviov irapecKevd-
fyvTO d/uLvvovfievoi, rjv e? rrjv yrjv eirl a<pa<;

2 irXecoaiv. oi Be irapayevopbevoi varepov eiraid-

vi^ov re dfia TrXeovres cb? vevircr) /cores, /ecu ttjv

llLclv vavv rcov 'AdrjvaLcov rr)v vttoXolttov eBlcoice

3 AevKaBia vavs fiia iroXv irpb rcov dXXoov. tu%

Be oX/cds oppbovaa fjLerecopos, irepl fjv r) 'ArTi/cr)

vavs (f)0d(raaa teal TrepnrXevcraaa rfj Aev/caBla

4 BiwKOvarj ififtdXkeL fiearj ical KaraBvec. toU fiev

ovv He\oTTOWiiaLois yevopuevov tovtov dirpoaBo-

kyjtov re icai irapd Xoyov (f)6{3os epLTTiinei, /cat,
dfia aTa/CTft)? BtcoKovres Bid rb Kparelv ai pbev
rives to)V vedv tcaOelaai rds Kcorras eirecrrrjaav
rov ttXov, d^vfM(j)opov Bpcovres rrpbs rrjv ef oXiyov
dvre^oppurjaiv, fiovXopievoi rds irXelovs Trepifielvai,
ai Be real is /3/oa%ea direipla ywplwv &fceikav.
XCII. Tou? 5' 'AOrjvaiovs IBovras ravra yiyvo-
ueva Odpaos re eXafte real curb evbs /ceXevcrp^aros
avrovs copfirjaav. oi Be Bid rd
ififiotfaavres eir
'jirdpxovTa djiaprrjpara teal rrjv rrapovaav ara-
erreira Bk
%Lav oXiyov fiev XP V0V v-n-epeivav,

erpdrrovro is top Udvop/iov, oOevrrep dvrjydyovro.

2 iiriBuo/covres Be oi *A6r)valoi ra? re 771;? ovaas
fidXio~ra vavs eXafiov ef kcu Ta? eavrwv d(f)ei-
Xovro as ifcelvoi irpbs rrj yrj Biacpdeipavres to


BOOK II. xcr. i-xcii. 2

past them as they swung round and had escaped

into the open water. And all the eleven except one
reached Naupactus ahead of them, and riding at
anchor off the Temple of Apollo, prows outward,
made ready to defend themselves if the enemy put
in toward the shore to attack them. When the
Peloponnesians came up they were singing the paean
as they rowed as if they were victorious already, and
one Leucadian ship, far ahead of the rest, was chasing
the single Athenian ship which lagged behind. But,
as it chanced, a merchantman was lying at anchor in
deep water and this the Athenian ship succeeded in
reaching first and, sailing round it, rammed the
pursuing Leucadian vessel amidships and sank her.
At this unexpected and amazing feat consternation
fell upon the Peloponnesians, who were, moreover,
pursuing in disorder because they had the upper
hand on some of their ships the rowers sank their

oars into the water and checked the headway of

their vessels, intending to await the main body of
their fleet a serious mistake to make in the face of
an enemy lying near and ready for the charge
while others, unfamiliar with the waters there, ran
aground in the shallows.
XCII. As for the Athenians, when they saw what
was happening, they took courage, and at a single
word of command gave a shout and dashed at them.
But the Peloponnesians had made so many mistakes
and were at present in such disorder, that, although
they resisted a little while, they soon turned and
fled to Panormus, whence they had put to sea. The
Athenians gave chase, and not only captured the six
ships that were nearest, but also recovered their own
ships which the enemy had disabled in the beginning

irpodTOV dveSrjaavro' avBpa<; re tov? fiev aireicT6L-
3 vav, Tivas Be teal ifayprjerav. iitl Be Trj? Aevfca-

Blas veox;, r) irepl rrjv oKfcdBa tcarehv, TifiOKparr]^

6 AaKeBaifiovio? irXecov, &>9 rj vav<; Bce(j)0eipTo,

e<T(f)af;V eavTOV, Kal e^eireaev e? tov NaviraKTLcov

4 Xijxeva. avaxcopi](TavT<; Be ol 'AOiivacoc Tpoiralov
earrjaav oOev dvayaybpuevoi eKparrjaav, Kal tovs
veicpovs Kal ra vavdyia oaa 777)09 rj) eavTcov r\v

dveiXovio, Kal Tot? ivavrlois ra i/ceivcov viro-

5 airovBa direBoaav. earrjerav Be Kal UeXoirov-

vrjaioi Tpoiralov &>? vevifcrj/coTes fffc rpoirijs, a?
7T/0O9 t?7 yfj Bt,e(f)6eipav vav$' Kal r\virep eXafiov

vavv, dveOeaav eirl to 'Viov to A^aiKov irapa to

6 Tpoiralov. /jlctcl Be TavTa fyoftovfievoi ttjv dirb
tcjv 'AOrjvaicov fio/jdeiav virb vvKTa eaeirXevaav
9 tov koXitov tov Kpiaalov /cal KoptvOov airavTes
7 irXrjv AevicaBiwv. Kal ol etc 7-779 K.piJTTjs 'AOrj-
valov Tat9 eZ/coo-i vavaiv, ah eBei irpb tt)? vav-

fjiaxlas tu> <f?opfALcovi irapayeveadai, ov iroXXa>

vaTepov t?)? avaywpr)aew<$ twv veoiv afyucvovvTai
e? ty]V Navna/cTov. Kal to Oepos eTeXevTa.
XCIII. Uplv Be BiaXvaai to e? K.6piv06v tc
Kal tov Kpio-alov koXitov avaywp^vav vavTi/cov,
6 Ki>t}/zo9 Kal 6 BpaalBas Kal ol aXXoL ap^ovTes

iBovXovTO BiBa^dvTcov tcov

diroirei- Meyapecov

paaai tov Ueipaiws tov Xi/xevo^ twv AOrjvaLcov

r\v Be d(f>vXaKTO$ Kal aKXrjaTO^ eiKOTO)? Bid to

43 6
BOOK II. xcn. 2-xcm. i

of the fight near the shore and taken in tow and ;

of the men they killed some and took others alive.

But Timocrates the Lacedaemonian, who was on
board the Leucadian ship which was sunk near the
merchantmen, slew himself when he saw that his
ship was lost, and his body was washed up in the
harbour of Naupactus. The Athenians now withdrew
and set up a trophy at the place 1 from which they
had set out and won the victory and they took up;

their dead and such of the wrecked ships as were

close to their own shore, giving back to the enemy
under a truce those which belonged to them. But
the Peloponnesians also set up, in token of victory, a
trophy for the defeat of the ships which had been
disabled near the shore. And the ships which they
had taken they dedicated on the Achaean Rhium by
the side of the trophy. And after this, fearing the
reinforcements expected from Athens, 2 they sailed
under cover of night into the Crisaean Gulf and
to Corinth, all except the Leucadians. And not long
after their retreat the twenty Athenian ships from
Crete/ which were to have joined Phormio in time
for the battle, arrived at Naupactus. And so the
summer ended.
XC1II. However, before dispersing the fleet which
had retired to Corinth and the Crisaean Gulf, at the
beginning of the winter Cnemus and Brasidas and
the other Peloponnesian commanders, instigated by
the Megarians, wished to make an attempt upon the
Peiraeus, the port of Athens for it was unguarded

and unclosed, and quite naturally, since the Athen-

The point is not certain ;either near the Molycrian
Rhium (ch. lxxxvi. 2), or olf the Apollonium (ch. xci. 1).
cf. ch. lxxxvi. 6. *
cf. ch. lxxxv. 5.

3 7riKparLV 7roXv too vavrt/cq*. Xaftovra
iBo/cei 8e
t&v vavrwv /caarov Kal to virrjpeaiov
rrjv kojtttjv
Kal TOV TpOTrQ)T7}pa TTS^fj Uvai K KopLV0OV 7rl
ttjv irpb? 'AOrjvas OdXaacrav, /ecu dfyiKOfievovs
Kara rayps e'9 Miyapa KaOeXfevaavras i/c Ni-
aalas tov vecopiov avrcov recraapaKovra vavs, at
ervyov avroOc ovaai, irXevaai evQvs iirl tov Ucl-
3 paid' ovre yap vavri/cbv r)v irpocfrvXdo-o-ov iv
avrcp ovSev ovre irpocrhoKia ovSe/xia jjlt) dv irore
ol iroXepuoL i^airivalw^ ovtcos iirnrXevaeLav, iirel
out' dirb tov 7rpo<f)avov<; ToX/jbrjaai av, /ca0 t]gv-
%iav S' 1 el SiavooLPTO, fir) ovk av irpoaiadkcrOai.
4 d)? he eho^ev avrols, Kal iycopovv evOv?' Kal d(f)i-
KOfievot vvktos Kal KadeXKvaavres eK rrjs Nicralas
Ta? vavs eirXeov iirl fiev tov Ueipaid ovkti,
toairep BievoovvTO, KaTaheLcravres tov Kivhvvov
(Kal Tt? Kal ave/ios avrovs Xeyerai KcoXvcrat), iirl
Be tt}? ^aXafilvo? to aKpwr^pLOv to irpbs Meyapa
opcov Kal <f>povpiov 2 in avrov r)v Kal vecbv
rpiwv (frvXaKr) tov fir) icnrXecv Wleyapevai fir)he
eKirXelv firjhev. too re <$povpl(p TrpocrefiaXov Kal
Ta? rpirjpei? d^elXKvaav Kevd<$, rrjv re dXXrjv
Z^aXapuva diTpoahoKr)TOL<s eTnirecrovTes iiropOovv.
XCIV. 'E? he Ta? 'AOrjvas (ppvKTol re rjpovro
iroXe/JLLOi Kal eKTrXrjgi? iyevero ovSe/iid? tcov Kara
rbv TroXe/jLov iXdaacov. ol fiev yap iv ra> do-ret
9 tov Ueipaid ojovto tol9 iroXefiiov^ iaireTrXev-
Kevai r]8r], ol h* iv rep Tietpaiel rrjv re "SaXa/icva
r}pr)o~dai Kal irapd o~(f)d<; oaov ovk icnrXelv avrov<;'
So Hude, adopting Madvig's conjecture 5' (for ovS') and
punctuating after roXfxriaai &i>.
2 Hude
inserts yap after <ppovpiov, with van Herwerden,
and includes in parentheses <poovoiov /ttTjSeV.
. . .

BOOK II. xcm. i-xciv. i

ians were decidedly superior at sea. And it was

determined that each sailor, taking his oar and
cushion and oar-loop, should go on foot from Corinth
to the sea on the Athenian side and hastening to
Megara should launch from the docks at Nisaea forty
ships of theirs which chanced to be there, and then
sail straight for the Peiraeus. For there was no
fleet on guard in the harbour, nor was there any ex-
pectation that the enemy would ever suddenly attack
it in this way, since they would not dare such a
thing openly, and if they should plan it secretly
they would not fail to be detected in time. But
once they had determined upon the scheme they set
to work immediately. Reaching Nisaea at night
they launched the ships and sailed, not now to the
Peiraeus as they had intended, since they were ap-
palled by the risk
and a wind, too, is said to have

prevented them but to the promontory of Salamis
that looks towards Megara. There was a fort here
and a guard of three ships to prevent anything from
entering or leaving the harbour of the Megarians.
This fort they assaulted, towed away the triremes
without their crews, and ravaged the rest of Salamis,
falling on the inhabitants unawares.
XCIV. Meanwhile fire-signals indicating a hostile
attack were flashed to Athens, where a panic was
caused as great as any in this war. 1 For the
inhabitants of the city thought that the enemy
had already entered the Peiraeus, and those of
the Peiraeus that they had taken Salamis and
were all but sailing into their own harbour as
This must refer to the so-called Decelean War (or last ten
years of the reloponnesian War), for in vni. xcvi. 1 we
read that a panic occurred greater than any before (roh
. .(kttXtj^is jx^ylfm] 5?) tuv -np\v napearr]).

oirep av, el iftovXrjOrjcrav p,i] /caro/cur/crai, paSto)?

2 iyevero' /cal ov/c av avepos e/ccoXvaev. j3or)07]-

o~avre<; Be dp rjpepa, 7ravBi]p,el ol K6r)valoi ? rbv
Ueipata vavs re /caOelX/cov /cal ea/3dvT<; Kara

airovBrjv /cal ttoXXu* Oopv^w Tat? p,ev vavalv eirl

tt)v HaXapuva eirXeov, tw 7refo5 Be (f>vXa/cd<; rov
3 Tleipaicos kclO'uttclvto. ol Be TleXoTrovvrjo-ioi a>?
ycrOdvovTO rrjv fioijOeiav, /caraBpapovre? tt)? 2a-
Xa/jLivo? ra woXXd /cal dvOpGDirov? real Xelav
Xaftovres /cal Ta? rpeis vavs i/c rov TSovBopov rov
(f>povpiov /cara, rdyos *7 T *7*> Ntcrata? aireirXeov
eaTi yap 6 tl /cal aiavrovs Blo, ypovov

/cadeX/cvaOelo-ai /cal cneyovaai effioftovv.

afyi/cofievoL Be e? Meya/)a irdXiv eirl rf)<; KoplvOov
4 awe)(cbpr)crav Tre^f}' ol 8' 'AOrjvaloi ov/ceri rcara-

Xa/36vre<; 7r/?o? rrj ^aXaplvi direTrXevcrav /cal

avroL' /cal fjiera tovto cj>vXafcr]V 77877 rod UeipaLcos

jiaXXov to Xolttov eirotovvTO Xcpevcov re /cXyaei
Kal rfj aXXrj einixeXeia.
XCV. T7to Be toi>? avrovs xpovov?, rov ye i ~
pLOivo? tovtov dp^ppuevov, %LTdX/cr)<; 6 Ttfpea)
*OBpvo~r)<;,%paK(bv ftacriXevs, earpdrevo-ev eirl
UepBi/c/cav rbv 'AXe^dvBpov, Ma/ceBovla? (Saci-
Xea, /cal inl Xa\/a8ea? tou? eni <dpdtcr)<;, Bvo
u7roo"%ecre? ttjv p,ev /3ovXop,evo<; dvairpa^ai, ttjv
2 Be auTO? airoBovvai. 6 re yap HepBl/c/cas avrw
viToaxopevos, el ^Adrjvaiois re BiaXXd^eiev eavrbv
/car dpxas T<p iroXepw irie%6p,evov /cal QIXittttov

BOOK II. xciv. i-xcv. 2

indeed might easily have happened if the enemy

had resolved that there should be no flinching;
and no mere wind would have prevented them.
But at dawn the Athenians hastened down to
the Peiraeus with all their forces, launched ships,
and embarking in haste and with much confusion
sailed with the fleet to Salamis, setting their land-
forces to guard the Peiraeus. The Peloponnesians
had already overrun most of Salamis and had taken
prisoners and booty and the three ships at the fort
of Budorum, when they saw the relief expedition
coming, whereupon they sailed in haste toward
Nisaea to some extent too there was apprehension

about their own ships, which had not been drawn

down into the sea for a long time and were anything
but water-tight. On reaching Megara they with-
drew on foot to Corinth, and the Athenians, finding
them no longer at Salamis, likewise sailed back.
After this they kept stricter guard over the Peiraeus,
closing up the harbour 1 as well as taking other
XCV. About the same time, at the beginning of
this winter, Sitalces the Odrysian, a son of Teres, king
of theThracians, made an expedition against Perdiccas
son of Alexander, king of Macedonia, and against the
Chalcidians of Thrace, wishing to exact fulfilment of
one promise and to make good another. For when
Perdiccas was being hard pressed at the beginning
of the war he had made Sitalces a promise on condition
that he should reconcile him to the Athenians and
should not bring back his brother Philip, who was

i.e. by prolonging the walla at the entrance so as to leave


only a narrow passage in the centre, which could be closed

by a chain.

vol. I.
rbv a&e\(f)bv avrov iroXejivov ovra fir) tearaydyoc
eirl (Saaikeiq, a vireSe^aro ovtc eTrereXer to!? re

AOrjvaioL^ avTO<; cb/ioXoyrj/eei ore ttjv ^v/jL/ia^Lav

eTToielro rbv errl pdier)<$ XaX/eiSitebv iroXefiov

3 tearaXvo-eiv. dficporepcov ovv eve/ea rrjv ecpoSov

eiroielro teal rov re ^lXlttttov vlbv Afivvrav go?

eVl fiaaiXela rcov Matee&ovcov rjye teal rcov ^

vaicov irpetrfieLS, oc erv%ov irapbvre^ rovrcov evetea,

teal fjye/jLova " Ay vcov a- eBei yap teal tou? 'AOrj-

vaiovs vavai re teal arparia go? TrXelarrj eVt tou?
XaX/aSea? rrapayevecrOai.
XC\7 I. 'AvLarrjcriv ovv ete rcov 'OBpvacov op/ico-


teal tt)<z PoSo7T?;9 patea<; ocrcov rjpx e ^XP L @a~
Xdaar]^ e? rbv JLv^eivov re irovrov teal rbv
Vera? teal oaa dXXa p,epr) ivrb? rov "\o~rpov ito-

rafjiov 7rpo? ddXacrcrav [aciXXov rrjv rov Euf eivov

irovrov tearcptet]ro' elal S' ol Yerai teal ol ravrrj
o/iopoL re rot? ^tevQais teal ofiocrteevoL, irdvres
2 liriroro^brat. irapeKaXeL Be teal rcov bpetvcov
(dpatecov ttoXXovs rcov avrovo/xcov teal ixayaipo-
<j>6pcov, ol Atot teaXovvrai, rr)v 'PoBoTrrjv ol irXel-

cttoi oltcovvres' teal rov? fiev fiicrOcp eireiQev, ol B*

3 edeXovral ijvvrjteoXovOovv. dviarrj Be teal 'Aypia-

is'EWyairovTov deleted by Hude and others as not
. . .

read by the Schol. (fxexpi 6a\dff(TT)t, fws rov Ev^ivov wSvrov

icdl rov 'EW-no-trSvrov). Classen understands the Schol. to
support the text reading.


BOOK II. xcv. 2-xcvi. 3

hostile, to make him king

but Perdiccas would not

fulfil his promise. On

the other hand, Sitalces had
made an agreement with the Athenians, 1 at the
time he entered into the alliance with them, to bring
to an end their war with the Chalcidians in Thrace.
For both these reasons, then, he now began the in-
vasion, and he took with him Philip's son, Amyntas, 2
with a view to making him king of the Macedonians,
as well as some Athenian envoys who had come to
see him on this business, and Hagnon as com-
mander 3 for the Athenians were to furnish a fleet

and as large an army as possible 4 for the war against

the Chalcidians.
XCVI. Sitalces, accordingly, beginning with the
Odrysians, summoned to his standard, first the
Thracians under his sway between the mountains
Haemus 5 and Rhodope 6 and the sea, as far as
the shores of the Euxine and the Hellespont,
then, beyond Haemus, the Getae, and all the other
tribes that are settled south of the river Ister 7
in the general direction of the seaboard of the
Euxine sea and the Getae and the people of

that region are not only neighbours of the Scythians

but are also equipped like them, all of them
being mounted archers. And he summoned also
many of the mountain Thracians who are independ-
ent and wear short swords, who are called Dii, most
of them inhabiting Rhodope and some of these

were won to his service by pay, while others came

along as volunteers. He called out, further, the
1 2 Philip died meanwhile.
cf. ch. xxix. 4.
As commander of expected Athenian troops, which
however failed to come (ch. ci. 1)
* cf. ch. ci. 1. The modern Balkans.
Now Despotodagh. ' Danube.

vas teal teal aXXa oaa Wvt) UaioviKa,
cov Ka l evX aT0L T ^ 9 upX !* ovtol rjaav
rjpx 6 ' 1

fJ^XP 1 y^P kaial&v Uaiovcov teal rov Xt/OU/xoVo?

iroTcifiov, 09 etc rod %te6fi/3pov opovs Bl 'Aypid-
vwv teal Aaiaicov pel, 1 dipL^ero rj apxh tcl irpos
4 Uaiovas avTovofiov? 77S77. tcl Be 7rpb<; Tpif3a\-
X,ou?, teal tovtovs avrovofiov^, Tpr/pes copL^ov
teal TtXaralor olteovaL 8' ovtol 7t/jo? fiopkav rov
%tc6/ji/3pov opovs teal Tcapr)Kovai 777)0? rjXiov Bvaw
p&XP 1 T v 'Oavaou irorafiov.tov pel 6" ovtos i/e

opov? odevirep teal Neoro? teal 6 "EyS/jo?* earv Be

eprjfxov to opos teal fieya, exo^evov t^9 'PoSo-my;.
XCVII. 'E7e^eTO Be rj dpxv V ^OBpvawv fie-
yeOos eVl puev OdXaaaav KaOiqteovaa dirb 'A/3-
Brjpcov 7roX.ect)9 e? rov Ev^eivov ttovtov ^XP l
"larpov TTorafiov' avrrj irepiirXov<; iarlv rj jfj
tcl tjvvTOficoTara, rjv alel Kara irpv/xvav larrjraL
to Trvevfia, arpoyyvXrj reaadpeov rj/xepcov teal

tacov vvfcrcov 6B5> Be tcl ^vvro/xcorara ef 'A/3-

Bi]pwv 6? "Icrrpov avrjp ev^covo^ evBe/earalo^ reXel.
2 rd fjiev 777)0? OdXaaaav roaavrrj rjv, e? rjireLpov
Be airo T$vavTLov e?
eirl Aaialovs
tov teal
"Erpv/iova (ravrrj yap
irXelarov airo Oa-
Xdaaijs dvco eyiyvero) rjfiepcov dvBpl ev^covto rpLwv
3 teal Be/ea dvvaaL. <j)6po$ re etc irdaris tt?? fiap-
(3dpov teal tcov 'EXXrjvlBcov iroXewv oawvirep

ov, in the MSS. before wpi&To, deleted by Arnold.

Paeonian tribes that dwelt in the mountain regions
bordering on Macedonia, watered by the Upper Strymon
and the Axius ; most of them were afterwards subject to

BOOK II. xcvi. 3-xcvn. 3

Agrianians and Laeaeans, and the other Paeonian

tribes which were under his sway. 1
These peoples
were at the outer limits of his empire for the bounds

of his empire extended, on the side towards the

Paeonians, who are independent, as far as the
Laeaean Paeonians and the river Strymon, 2 which
flows from mount Scombrus through the country of
the Agrianians and the Laeaeans. On the side to-
ward the Triballi, who also are independent, the
boundary is formed by the Treres and Tilataeans ;

and these dwell to the north of Mount Scombrus and

extend toward the west as far as the river Oscius. 3
This river has its source in the same mountains as

the Nestus 4 and the Hebrus 5 a mountain range of
great extent and uninhabited that is adjacent to
XCVII. Now the empire of the Odrysians 6 in
respect to its size extended along the sea-coast from
the city of Abdera to the Euxine Sea as far as the
river Ister. This stretch of coast constitutes a
voyage for a merchant-vessel, if the shortest course
is taken and the wind keeps steady astern, of four

days and as many nights but the journey by land


from Abdera to the Ister can be accomplished by an

active man, taking the shortest route, in eleven
days. Such was its extent on its seaboard but ;

inland the distance from Byzantium to the Laeaeans

and the river Strymon for this was its inland point
farthest distant from the sea
it is possible for an
active man to cover in thirteen days. As for the
tribute which came in from the barbarian territory
and from all the Hellenic cities over which the
Now Struma. 8
Now Isker.
Now Masta. * Now Maritza.
Coinciding in the main with modern Bulgaria.
r)pav eirl XevOov, 09 varepov HirdXKOV /Scujl-

Xevaas ifkelarov Br) errolrjcre, rerpaKoaicov ra-

Xdvrcov dpyvpiov fidXiara Bvva/nis, a %pvcr6<z
Kai apyvpos fjer Kai Bcopa ovk eXdaaco rovrcov
Xpvaov re teai dpyvpov irpoae^epero, %g>/h? Be
oaa vcpavrd re Kai Xela Kai rj aXXr) Karaatcevr),
teal ov ijlovov avrw, dXXd Kai rol<; rrapaBvva-
4 arevovcrl re Kai yevvaiois 'OBpvacov. Karearrj-
aavro yap rovvavrlov Uepacov fiaaiXeias

rbv vofjiov ovra /lev Kai rois aXXoi? pal

Xafiftdveiv fidXXov rj BtBovai (Kai aXayiov rjv
alrrjOevra fir) Bovvav rj alrrjcravra fir) rv^elv),
o/jLcds Kara rb Bvvaadat eirl irXeov avrw ixP ]-
Be 7

aavro' ov yap r)v irpd^au ovBev fir) BiBovra Bcopa.

5 ware cttI fieya r) (SaaiXeia rjXOev la^yo?. rwv
yap ev rfj ^vpaoirrj oaai fiera^v rod 'Iovlov
koXttov Kai rod EufaVou irovrov fieyiarrj eyevero
Xprjfidrcov irpocroBw Kai rfj aXXrj evBai \10vla,
iayyi Be fid^r)^ Kai err par ov nXyjOei ttoXv Bevrepa
6 fierd rrjv ^kvOcov. ravrrj Be dBvvara e%iaova6at,

ov% ore rd ev rfj Kvpcoirrj, dXX ou8' ev rfj 'Acr/a

Wvos ev 7T/30? ev ovk eariv 6 ri Bvvarbv *%Kv6ai<;

opoyvco/iovovai iracnv avricrrrjvai. ov firjv ovB'

Nephew and successor of Sitalces ; cf. ch. ci. 5, 6 lv. ci. 5. ;

81,000, $388,800.
3 Among the Persians the monarch gave rather than re-
ceived presents cf. Xen. Cyrop. Vlll. ii. 7, Sic^ueVei %ti Kai vvv

toIs &aari\ev<riv 77 no\v5j.pia.


BOOK II. xcvn. 3-6

Odrysians acquired sway in the time of Seuthes *

who, succeeding Sitalces on the throne, brought
the revenues to their maximum its value was about
four hundred talents 2 in coin, and was paid in gold
and silver and gifts equal in value to the tribute,

not only of gold and silver, but besides these all

manner of stuffs, both embroidered and plain, and
other articles for household use, were brought as
offerings to the king, and not for him only, but also
for the subordinate princes and nobles of the Odry-
sians. For these kings had established a custom
which was just the opposite of that prevailing in the
kingdom of the Persians, 3 namely, to take rather
than to give indeed it was more disgraceful for a

man not to give when asked than to ask and be

refused. This custom was observed among the
other Thracians also but the Odrysian kings, as

they were more powerful, followed it more exten-

sively ; indeed it was not possible to accomplish
anything without giving gifts. Consequently the
kingdom attained to a great degree of power. For
of all the kingdoms in Europe between the Ionian
Gulf and the Euxine Sea it was the greatest in
revenue of money and in general prosperity but ;

as regards the strength and size of its army, it was

distinctly inferior to the Scythian kingdom. 4 With
that not only are the nations of Europe unable to
compete, but even in Asia, nation against nation,
there is none which can make a stand against the
Scythians if they all act in concert. However, with

* Contradicting Hdt. v. hi.: &r>r)li<wv 8e tQvos ixiyiarSv iart

fifTa ye 'i^Soi/i itolvtcov avdpunrusv et 8f un' evhs &p\oiTO f) (ppovtoi
Kara tu>vt6, 6,/j.axov T* av dr) na\ iroKAy Kpanarov ko.vtu.v
IQviwv Karh. yv(jj\xt\v r)]V 4/j.i)y.

e<? ttjv aXXrjv evffovXiav /ecu tjvvecriv irp\ ra)v
rrrapovTcov e? rbv {3iov aXXocs o/xoLovvrai.
XCVIII. StraX/c?;? fiev ovv yd>pa$ rocravTTjs
ftaaiXevwv nr a pea Kevd^ero rbv arparov. Kai
eireiBr) avra> irotfia rjv, apa? iiropevero eVi ttjv
MaKeBovLav irpcorov fiev Bia tt/9 avrov o^^?,
eireira Bia Kep/ciVTjs ipi]/jLov opovs, o icrri fiedo-
ptov Xcvtcov teal Uaiovcov. iiropevero Be 6Y
avrov rrj 6Ba> r/v irporepov auTO? erronqcraro
re/Awv Tr)V vXrjv, ore 7rl Tiaiovas ecrrpdrevaev.
2 to Be opos ef 'OBpvcrcov Buovres iv Be^id fiev
el^ov Tlalovas, iv dpcarepa Be I^ivtovs teal

Mat,Bov<;. BieXOovres Be avrb d<j>iKovro e? Ao-

3 firjpov ttjv TiaiovLK-qv. 7ropevop,evo) Be avrw dire-
ylyvero puev ovBev rod crrparov el pur) re voo~(p,

rrpoaeyiyvero Be. iroXXol yap ra>v avTOvofiwv

Spa/ccov dirapd/cXTjroL eft dpiray^v tjkoXovOovv,
ware to izav ttXtjOos Xeyerai ovk eXaaaov irevre
4 ical Be/ca fivpcdBcov yevecrOar /cal rovrov to fiev

TrXeov ire^bv rjv, rpcrrjfiopLov Be fidXiara Iitttlkov.

irapeiypvTO koX fier avrovs Ferae, rod Be ire^oii

ol fiay^aipofyopoi fiayifioararoi fiev rjaav ol etc rr}%

'PoBottt]^ abrbvofioi Karaftdvres, o Be aXXo<; opu-

Xo? %vpLp,LKTo<; TvXrjOeL (poflepooraro*; rjtcoXovdei.

XCIX. 'EvvrjOpoi^ovTO ovv iv rrj Aofiijpa) real

irapeo-fcevd^ovro ottcd<; Kara Kopvcf^rjv eaftaXovcnv
9 rrjv Karco MaKeBoviav, ^9 TlepBiKKa? rfp^ev.
BOOK II. xcvii. 6-xcix. i

reference to wise counsel and intelligence about the

things that belong to the enrichment of life the
Scythians are not to be compared with other nations.
XCVIII. Such then was the extent of the country
over which Sitalces ruled at the time when he was
preparing his army. But when everything was
ready, he set out for Macedonia, proceeding first
through his own territory, then through the deso-
late range of Cercine, which lies between the Sinti
and Paeonians. And he passed over this mountain
by the road which he himself had constructed before,
when he made an expedition against the Paeonians,
cutting a path through the forest. As his army
crossed the mountain, leaving the country of the
Odrysians, they had the Paeonians on the right
and on the left the Sinti and Maedi and when ;

they came out on the other side they arrived at

Doberus in Paeonia. On the march his army
suffered no loss, except from sickness, but rather
was augmented ; for many of the independent
Thracians joined the expedition unsummoned, in
the hope of plunder, so that the whole number is
said to have been not less than a hundred and fifty
thousand, the greater part being infantry, about one-
third cavalry. Of the cavalry the Odrysians them-
selves furnished the largest contingent, and next to
them the Getae while of the infantry the sword-

wearers, independent tribes that came down from

Mount Rhodope, were the best fighters, the rest ol
the army that followed, a miscellaneous horde, being
formidable chiefly on account of its numbers.
XCIX. So Sitalces' army was being mustered at
Doberus and preparing to pass over the mountain
crest and descend upon lower Macedonia, of which

2 tojv yap Ma/ceBovcov elcrl /cal Avy/crjaral /cal

'EXi/jucorai teal aXXa edvrj eirdvcoOev, a %vpp,aya

fjLev iarc tovtols koX viri'i/coa, (BaaiXeLas S' e^ei
3 /caO' avrd. rriv Be irapa OdXaaaav vvv Ma/ce-
Bovc'av '
AXe^avBpos 6 UepBL/c/cov irarr^p /cal ol

irpoyovoi avrov Trj/xeviSai, rb apyalov 6We? ef

"A/ryof? TrpcjTOi KTi](TavTO /cal e/3aalXevaav
dvaarrjaavre^ /M*>XV 6K lJLev Hiepia? ULepas, ol
varepov virb rb Yldyyaiov rrepav ^rpvpiovos
w/ciiaav Qdyprjra /cal aXXa ^copla (/cal en real

vvv Uiepifcbs koXitos /caXelrat, t) vrrb tm Yiayyaiw

7rpo? OdXaaaav yrjj), etc Be ttj? BorTia? /caXov/ne-

vtjs BoTTtatou?, ol vvv ofiopoL XaX/ciBecov ol/cov-

4 aiv tt}? Be Tlatovias irapa rbv "A^lov irorap^bv
arevjjv riva tcaOtjKOvaav dvcoOev p.e\pi TUXXrjs
/cal OaXdaarjS e/crrjaavro, /cal rrepav 'A^tof pe\pi
'Erpv/iovos rrjv Mvy&oviav /caXov/ievrjv 'H Scorn?
5 e%eXdaavre$ vefiovrai. dvearr]aav Be /cal e/c rrj<;

vvv 'Eo^Sta? KaXovfievijs 'Eo^Sou?, a>v ol p,ev

rroXXol e<f>0dp7]o~av, /3pa%v Be ri avrcov rrepl

<>vatcav /caTcp/crjTai, /cal ef AXp,<oirias" AXpLtorras.


6 i/epdrrjaav Be /cal rcov aXXcov eOvcov ol Ma/ceBoves

ovtol a /cal vvv en e^ovai, rbv re 'AvOe/jtovvra
/cal Tprjarcoviav /cal HiaaXrlav ical Ala/ceBovcov
avrcov iroXXrjv. to Be ^vp/nav ^la/ceBovla /caXel-
rai /cal UepBi/c/cas 'AXe^dvBpov /SaaiXevs avrcov
yjv ore XiTdXfcrjs dirgei.


BOOK II. xcix. 2-6

Perdiccas was ruler. For the Macedonian race

includes also the Lyncestians, Elimiotes, and other
tribes of the upper country, which, though in alli-
ance with the nearer Macedonians and subject to
them, have kings of their own but the country by

the sea which is now called Macedonia, was first

acquired and made their kingdom by Alexander, the
father of Perdiccas, and his forefathers, who were
originally Temenidae from Argos. They defeated
and expelled from Pieria the Pierians, who after-
wards took up their abode in Phagres and other
places at the foot of Mount Pangaeus beyond the
Strymon (and even to this day the district at the
foot of Mount Pangaeus toward the sea is called
the Pierian Valley), and also, from the country
called Bottia, the Bottiaeans, who now dwell on the
borders of the Chalcidians they acquired, further,

a narrow strip of Paeonia extending along the

river Axius 1 from the interior to Pella and the sea
and beyond the Axius they possess the district as
far as the Strymon which is called Mygdonia,
having driven out the Edonians. Moreover, they
expelled from the district now called Eordia the
Eordians, most of whom were destroyed, but a small
portion is settled in the neighbourhood of Physca
and also from Almopia the Almopians. These
Macedonians also made themselves masters ot
certain places, which they still hold, belonging to
the other tribes, namely, of Anthemus, Grestonia,
Bisaltia, as well as of a large part of Macedonia
proper. But the whole is now called Macedonia,
and Perdiccas son of Alexander was king when
Sitalces made his invasion.
1 Now Vardar.

45 1
C. Kal ol fiev Ma/eeSoye? ovtol emovros ttoX-
Xov arparov dBvvarot, ovres dfxvveaOai e? re ra
tcapTepa Kal rd tclxv oaa rjv iv rfj xcopa iaeKO-
2 /jil<T07)o-av' rjv Be ov 7roXkd, dXXd varepov 'A/r^e-

Xao? 6 YiepBtKKOV wo? ftacriXevs <yev6fJLevo<$ rd

vvv ovra iv tt} X^P? (pKoBofirjcre Kal oBovs
evOeias ere/xe Kal rdXXa BieKoafirjae rd Kara tov
iroXe/iov 'ittttols Kal ottXols Kal rfj dXXrj irapa-
(TKevfi KpeiGdovi tj ^vLnravres ol aXkoi /3ao-i\r)s
3 oktco ol irpb avrov yevbiievoi. 6 Be aTparbs tcov
(dpaKcov Ik t>}? &o(3r)pov iaeftaXe rrpcoiov /lev es
rrjv QiXlttttov irporepov ovaav dpxi'jv, Kal elXev
WiBoLievr)V fxev Kara Kpdros, Toprvviav Be Kal
AraXdvTTjv Kal aXXa arra ywpia 6/j.oXoyia Bia
Tijv 'Afivvrov cpiXiav 7rpoo-X(opovvTa, tov <t>i\iir-

ttov vleos, irapovios' Rvpoorrbv Be iiroXiopK^aav

4 p.ev, eXeiv Be oxjk iBvvavro. eireiia Be Kal e? rrjv
aXXrjv MaKeBoviav irpovx^p^ rrjv iv dpLarepa
UeXXr)? Kal Kvppov. eaco Be tovtcov e? rrjv
Horriaiav Kal Uiepiav ovk d(f)Uovro, dXXa ri]v
re ^.IvyBovlav Kal Tp^arcovbav Kal 'Avde/iovvra
5 iBrjovv. ol Be MaKeBoves 7rea> /xev ovBe Bcevoovv-

to dp^vvecrOai, Xttttovs Be it poa LieTaireLi-^dpbevoi

dirb tcov dvco ^vfifidxcov, otttj Bokolt], oXiyoi irp6<;

iroXXovs iaeftaXXov e? to crrpdrevLLa tcov Spa-

8 kcov. Kal fi fjbev rrpoaireaoLev, ovBel<s virefievev
avBpas lirirea^ re dyadovs Kal TeOcopaKia/jLevovs,
vtto Be 7rXr)6ov<; irepLKXrjofJLevoi avTOV<; iroXXa-
t, in the MSS. after ret, deleted by Haacke.

BOOK II c. 1-6

C. The Macedonians of this region, unable to

defend themselves against so great an invading
army, betook themselves to the strong places and
fortresses that were
in the country. These were
not many ; but
subsequently Archelaus son of
Perdiccas, when he became king, 1 built those that
are now in the country, and cut straight roads, and
in general organized his country for war by provid-
ing cavalry, arms and other equipment beyond any-
thing achieved by all the eight kings who preceded
him. But the Thracian army, advancing from
Doberus, invaded first the province which before
had belonged to Philip, and took Idomene by storm ;

but Gortynia, Atalanta, and some other places

capitulated voluntarily out of friendship for Amyntas
son of Philip, who accompanied Sitalces moreover ;

they laid siege to Europus, but were unable to take

it. Next they advanced into the other part of
Macedonia, which is to the west of Pella and Cyr-
rhus. Beyond these places, however, into Bottiaea
and Pieria, they did not penetrate, but ravaged
Mygdonia, Grestonia, and Anthemus. The Mace-
donians, on the other hand, did not even think of
defending themselves with infantry, but calling upon
their allies in the interior for additional cavalry,
though few against many, they dashed in among
the Thracian army wherever they chose. And
wherever they charged no one could withstand
them, for they were good horsemen and protected
by cuirasses but since they were constantly being

hemmed in by superior numbers and found themselves

1 413-399 B.C. He was as famous for the splendour and
success of his reign as for the crime* by which he obtained
the throne.

irXaaiw tw 6/jLlXq) e? kivBvvov Kadiaraaav ware
TeXo? rjavxiav rjyov, ov vo/j,lovt<; l/cavol elvat
7T/90? to irXeov KivBvveveiv.
CI. 'O Be %iTd\/cr)<; irpos re rbv UepSiKtcav
\6yovs e7roi6iTO &v hvefca ecrrpdrevae, Kal eneiBr]

oi 'AOrjvaloi ov TTapr\aav rats vavalv diriGTOvvTe?

avrbv firj tj^slv (Bwpa Be Kal irpea(3eL<; eirefju^rav
clvtw), e? re rovs Xa\/aBea<; Kal BoTTtatou?
fiepos ti tov arparov ire/arei, /ecu rei^rjpei^ iroirj-

2 act? iBrjov rrjv yr}v. Kadrj/ievov S' avrov irepl


SeaaaXol Kal May^re? Kal 01 aXXot virrjKOOL
SeaaaXcbv Kal oi ^XP L pfi07rv\&v "EXX^e?
e$o$r]6i]Gav /at) Kal eirl cr</>a9 arparov ^coprjarj,

3 Kal ev Trapaaicevf) rjcrav. i(j)of3i]0r)o~av Be Kal oi

Tvepav ^Tpvjxbvos 7rpo? fiopeav pdfce<; ocroi rreBia
eiyov, TLavuloi Kal 'OB6p.avroL Kal Apwot, kcu
1 Aepaalor civtovojjlol 8' elal Trdvres. irapeaye Be
Xoyov KaX eirl tou? tg5i> W.07jvaicov iroXefiiov^
EXXTjvas pr) vtt avrcbv ayofievoi Kara rb %vjjl-

5 fiaxiKov Kal tVl a(pa<; ^coprjacvaiv. 6 Be rrjV re

XaXKiBiKrjv Kal ^ottlktjv Kal MaKebovlav a/xa

eVe^a)^ ecpOeipe, Kal e7reiBr) avrw ovBev eTrpdcr-

aero osv eveKa eaeftaXe, Kal arparia alrbv re


ovk elxev avrw Kal inrb %e^uoyo9 eraXatTTaopec,

avaireideTai vnb %ev0ov rod SirapaBoKov, dBeX-


BOOK II. c. 6-ci. 5

imperilled by the horde that was many times

their own number, they finally desisted, thinking
that they were not strong enough to fight with the
larger force.
CI. Sitalces now began to hold parleys with
Perdiccas about the matters for which he had under-
taken the expedition ; and since the Athenians
(who did not believe that Sitalces would come,
though they sent gifts and envoys to him) had not
arrived with their promised fleet, he despatched
part of his army into the territory of the Chalcidians
and Bottiaeans, and shutting them up within their
walls ravaged their lands. But while he was staying
in the neighbourhood of these places, the peoples

which dwell to the south the Thessalians, the
Magnesians and other subjects of the Thessalians,
and the Hellenes as far south as Thermopylae
became frightened lest the host should come against
them also, and so were making preparations. The
same alarm was felt also by the Thracians who
inhabit the plain beyond the Strymon to the north,
that is, the Panaeans, Odomantians, Droans, and
Dersaeans, independent tribes. He gave occasion
also to a rumour which spread even to the Hellenes
hostile to Athens, that the Thracians might be led
on by the Athenians in accordance with the terms
of their alliance and come against them too. But
meanwhile Sitalces kept on ravaging at one and the
same time Chalcidice, Bottice, and xMacedonia and

then, since none of the original objects of his in-

vasion was being accomplished, and his army was
without food and was suffering from the winter, he
was persuaded by Seuthes son of Sparadocus, a

cj)iBov 6Vto? Kal fJLeyiaTov /jbetT eavTov Bvvap,evov,
coctt iv Tayei direXOelv. tov Be Xevdrjv Kpvcpa
TlepBiKKas viroo-xo/JLevos dBeXcprjv kavrov Bwcreiv
6 fcal j^prjfiara far avTrj irpoairoLelrai. Kal 6 puev

Treicruels teal fieLva*; rpiaKOvra tcl<; Trdaas r)p,epa<z,

tovtcov Be oktco iv ~Ka\/aSevcriv, avexcoprjae tcc

a-rparq) Kara, Tayps eir olkov UepBiKKa? Be
varepov ^rparoviKr)v tt)V eavrov dBeXcjirjv BiBcoai
XevOy, coairep vireayeTO. ra fiev ovv Kara ttjv
%ird\fcov arpareiav ovtcos iyevero.
CII. Ot Be iv Navirafercd 'AOtjvclloi tov avrov
%eip<covo<;, iirecBr) to tcov TieXoirovvrjaicov vav-
tlkov BieXvdrj, <&opfiicovo<; rjyov/ievov io-rpdrevcrav,
irapaTrXevcravTes eV 'Kgtclkov Kal airo[3dvTe<;

6*5 ttjv fieaoyeiav Trj<;

AKapvavias TeTpaKocriois
fiev ottXLtclis 'AOrjvaicov tcov cltto tcov vecov, re-
etc re Xrpdrov Kal
TpafcoaloLS Be Mecrcrrjvicov, teal
Kopovrcov Kal aXXcov ycopicov dvBpa<; ov Botcovvra?
f3e/3aiov<; e\vai i%7]Xao~av, Kal Kvvyra rbv eo-
Xvrov 6? Kopovra Karayay6vre<; dveycop^crav
2 irdXiv iirl Ta? vavs. e? yap OivtdBas alei irore
7roXefjiLov<; ovra? /xovovs 'AKapvdvcov ovk eBoKei
Bvvarbv elvai yeip,covo<$ ovtos cTTpareveiv 6 yap
WyeXcoos irorafib^ pecov i/c UlvBov opov? Bed

AoX,07rta? Kal 'Aypaicov Kal AficpLXoycov Kal Bed

tov AKapvaviKov ireBiov, dvcoOev puev irapd Xrpd-
tov ttoXiv, 6? OdXacraav 5' iiel<; Trap' QlvidBas
Kal TrjV ttoXiv avroh TrepiXipivd^cov, airopov iroiei


BOOK II. ci. 5-cn. 2

nephew and next to him in power, 1 to go back home

at once. NowSeuthes had been secretly won over
by Perdiccas, who had promised to give him his
sister in marriage and a dowry with her. So
Sitalces yielded, and after a stay of only thirty days
in all, eight of which had been spent among the
Chalcidians, returned home with his army with all
speed. And Perdiccas afterwards gave his sister
Stratonice to Seuthes as he had promised. Such,
then, is the history of the expedition of Sitalces.
CII. During the same winter the Athenians in
Naupactus, after the Peloponnesian fleet had been
disbanded, made an expedition under the command
of Phormio. They first skirted the coast in the
direction of Astacus, and then, disembarking, in-
vaded the interior of Acarnania with four hundred
Athenian hoplites from the ships and four hundred
Messenian. And after they had expelled from
Stratus, Coronta, and other places such men as were
regarded as disloyal, and had restored Cynes son of
Theolytus to Coronta, they returned again to their
ships. For it seemed impracticable in winter to
make a campaign against Oeniadae, whose inhabi-
tants alone of the Acarnanians were always hostile
for the river Achelous, which rises in Mount Pindus
and flows through the country of the Dolopians,
Agraeans, and Amphilochians and then through the
Acarnanian plain, passes by the city of Stratus high
up the stream, but by Oeniadae empties into the
sea, where it surrounds the city with marshes, thus
rendering military operations there impossible in
Sadocus, Sitalces' own son, who had been received into
Athenian citizenship (ch. xxix. 5 ; lxvii. 2), must have died
before this time. The nephew Seuthes succeeded to the
throne in 424 b.o. (iv. ci. 4).

3 virb tov v&aro<; ev ^eifxcovi arparevetv. Kelvrai
Be teal tcov vr/crcov tcov 'Fi%ivdBcov ai ttoWclI
tcaravTifepv OlviaBcov tov 'A^eXcoov tcov Ik^oXcov
obBev direyovcrai, ware fieyas cov 6 ttotcl/jlos

irpocryol alel teal elal tcov vrjacov at r)ireipcovTai,

eXirl^ Be teal irdaas ovk ev 7roXXco tivi av %p6vcp
4 tovto iradetv to re yap pedfid iarc fieya teal

ttoXv Kal OoXepov, ai re vrjaoi irvKval, teal dXXrj-

Xat? t?)? irpoa^coaeco^ to /irj aKeBdvvvaOai 1 ^vv-

Beafioi yiyvovraiy irapaXXa^ Kal ov Kara aTolyov
Keijxevai, ov% eyovaai ev6eia<$ BioBovs tov vSaros
5 e? to ireXayos. eprj/ioi 8' elal Kal ov fieydXat.
Xeyerai Be Kal 'AXk/jlcovi, tco 'ApLcpidpeco, ore Brj

dXaaQai avrbv /lera tov cpovov t?}? firjTpo^, tov

'AttoXXco TavTTjv tt]v yrjv y^p^aai oiKelv, virei-

TrovTa ovk elvai Xvaiv tcov Bei/xaTcov rrplv av

evpcov ev Tavrrj ttj %w/3a KaTOiKLarjTat, tjtis ore
eKTeive ttjv firjrepa imtjitco vtto rjXiov ecoparo jJLrjBe

6 yr) r)v, a)<? ttj? 76 a\\r)<; aitTCp pLepuao fievr)<; . 6 '

diropcov, go? cpaai, /jloXl<; Karevoijae ttjv Trpbay^co-

glv TavTrjv tov ^A^eXcoov, Kal iBoKei avrco LKavrj
av KeyjoaOai BLaiTa tco acop,aTi d</>' ovirep KTeLvas
ttjv fjurjTepa ovk bXiyov \pbvov eirXavuTO. Ka\
KaTOLKiaOeU e? tow? irepl OividBa? tottovs eBvvd-
arevae Te Kal ciirb \\Kapvavo? iraiBbs eavTOv Ttjs

%a>/oa9 T^t> eTTcovv/ibav eyKaT&Xnrev. tcl /jlcv ovv

Trepl 'AXK/iecova Toiavra Xeyo/xeva TrapeXaftofiev.
Hude brackets rh /*$) <TKe8a.yvve9ai, following Stahl.
BOOK II. on. 2-6

winter by reason of the water. Besides, most of the

Echinades islands lie opposite to Oeniadae at no great
distance from the mouths of the Achelous, so that
the river, which is large, keeps making fresh deposits
of silt, and some of the islands have already become
part of the mainland, and probably this will happen
to all of them in no great while. For the stream is
wide and deep and turbid, and the islands are close
together and serve to bind to one another the bars
as they are formed, preventing them from being
broken up, since the islands lie, not in line, but
irregularly, and do not allow straight channels for
the water into the open sea. These islands are
uninhabited and not large. There is a story that
when Alcmaeon son of Amphiaraus was a wanderer
after the murder of his mother, 1 Apollo directed him
by oracle to inhabit this land, intimating that he
would have no release from his fears until he should
find and settle in a country which at the time he
killed his mother had not yet been seen by the
sun, and was not even land then, for rA\ the rest
of the earth had been polluted by him. And he,
in his perplexity, at last, as the story goes, ob-
served this sand-bar formed by the Achelous, and
he surmised that during the long time he had been
wandering since he had slain his mother enough
land would have been silted up to support life in.
So he settled there in the region of Oeniadae,
founded a principality, and left to the country its
name Acarnania, after that of his son Acarnan.
Such is the tradition which we have received
concerning Alcmaeon.

1 Eriphyle.


CIII. 01 Se A07]vatoL ical 6 Qopplwv apavre*;

k T?)? 'AfcapvavLas tcaX afyiicofievoL e? rrjv Nav-
ttcl/ctov afia rjpi KareirXevaav e? Ta? 'AOrjvas,
tovs re i\ev6epov<s rcov al^fiaXaorcov etc twv
vav^ayj-wv ayovres, o'l dvijp avr avhpos i\v-
2 Oriaav, ical Ta? rat)? a? el\ov. /cal 6 'xeifMcov
ireXevra outo?, /cal rpirov Ito? ra> iroke^KD
ireXevra TcoSe bv ov/cvBlStjs ijvviypaijrev.

BOOK II. cm. 1-2

CIII. The Athenians and Phormio set out from

Acarnania and arrived at Naupactus, and later, at
the beginning of spring, sailed back to Athens,
bringing with them the captured ships and also the
prisoners of free birth whom they had taken in the
sea-fights. These were exchanged man for man.
And this winter ended, concluding the third year of
this war of which Thucydides wrote the history.

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