The Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation, popularly called Radio Pakistan came into being as Pakistan Broadcasting
Service on 14 August 1947 when Pakistan emerged on the world map as a new country. The independence of
Pakistan was announced through Radio Pakistan on Aug 13, 1947 at 11:59 pm in Urdu, followed by a similar
announcement in English. Mustafa Ali Hamdani (19091980) made the Urdu announcement in the following words:
Pakistan Broadcasting Service. We are speaking from Lahore. The night between the thirteen and fourteen
of August, year forty seven. It is twelve o'clock. Dawn of Freedom. This announcement is aired by Pakistan
Television Network (A state run TV network PTV) every year during the special Independence Day transmissions.
Abdullah Jan Maghmoom (19282013) made the announcement for Radio Pakistan, Peshawar on 13th Aug 1947 in
At independence Pakistan possessed three radio stations at Dhaka (established in 1939), Lahore (1937)
and Peshawar (1936). A major program of expansion saw new stations opened at Karachi and Rawalpindi in 1948,
and a new broadcasting house at Karachi in 1950. This was followed by new stations
at Hyderabad (1951), Quetta (1956), a second station at Rawalpindi (1960) and a Receiving Centre at Peshawar
In 1970, training facilities were opened in Islamabad and a station opened at Multan. A major step was the
establishment of the Radio Pakistan World Service on 21 April 1973 for overseas Pakistanis followed by new
The main broadcasting unit of PBC at Islamabad moved to the new National Broadcasting House in 1977 and the
service reached the remotest parts of Pakistan with stations at Gilgit (1977) and Skardu (1977) in the far north
and Turbat (1981) in the far southwest. From 1981 to 1982 stations and transmitters were also established at Dera
Radio Pakistan opened a new broadcasting house in Khairpur on 7 May 1986, followed by relay stations in 1989
at Sibi and Abbottabad. The remoter parts of the country began to receive coverage with new stations opened in the
1990s at Chitral, Loralai and Zhob. In 1997, the Federal Minister of Information inaugurated the computerization of
the PBC news processing system and availability of the news bulletins on the Internet in text and audio form.FM 101
Channel of PBC was launched on 1st oct 1998 having stations at islamabad,lahore and karachi and now this
channel have nine stations throughout Pakistan and is the biggest FM Radio network of Pakistan.
In October 1998, Radio Pakistan started FM transmission and over the period 20022005, new FM stations were
opened at Islamabad, Gwadar, Mianwali, Sargodha, Kohat,Bannu and Mithi. In last two and a half years three new
networks have been launched by PBC. On August 28, 2008 PBC launched National Broadcasting Service (NBS) the
first dedicated Current Affairs Channel. It is a combination of 5 (100 KW) AM transmitters permanently linked
together to broadcast a single national program beamed across Pakistan. Islamabad, Peshawar, Lahore, Quetta
and Karachi are the main stations generating the national programming. It is a 17 hours programming on major
national and international issues, target audience and literary and cultural programs. PBC launched a new
Community FM channel after February 2009 Station Director Conference. The network is called FM-93 Network with
22 stations across Pakistan. Gilgit, Muzaffarabad, Mirpur, Abbottabad, Chitral, Bannu, Kohat, Dera Ismail Khan,
Sargodha, Mianwali, Faislabad, Lahore, Multan, Larkana, Khairpur,Bhit Shah, Hyderabad, Mithi, Karachi and
Gwadar transmit the FM 93 network. On November 14 PBC launched its first English Music Channel in Islamabad
called Planet 94. The network operates on FM 94. The second and third stations of the English channel are soon to
Primary Objective:
The PBC should work upon the strategy to capture more small Pakistani cities where other FM Radio
Secondary Objective:
To prepare and bring new programs and segments for listeners like youth, female oriented programs and
educational public awareness related programs. To make the corporation more effective the Radio Pakistan has
designed Marketing plan for all the channels. The PBC has targeted the market in such a way that will increase
the sales. They have different target markets such as the Advertisement market, which is divided among the
children, youngsters, young adults, and even aged people like to listen their choice of music and different
programs. All of these are taken care very well and represents high potential for future market growth. The
target customer profile is also a strategy being used by the Radio Pakistan to make the organization work
effectively. Radio Pakistan targeting the market using the following factors such as lifestyles, attitudes and
Radio is the source of entertainment for every individual of any age group whether it is children, youngsters,
housewives or aged people. Radio satisfies different needs of the people such as entertainment, recipe of
different types of food, child care tips, career guidance etc. Radio Pakistan segmented their customer and
targeted them in such a way that no other FM Station could change the bit of positioning done by it.
News services
It aim at keeping the people informed of important developments taking place at national levels with focus
During the last two years, several tangible steps were taken despite manager resources to make the news
PBC provides prompt, fair, accurate, comprehensive and balanced coverage of all events of national,
PBC puts on air 145 news bulletins totaling 704 minutes in 24 languages daily. (National, provincial, local
and foreign).
News Bulletins
National 21
Provincial/ Regional 23
External 11
District News 01
FM Bulletins/ News 21
Total 145
Sometimes on the contents of the BOD the DG also performs the functions of BOD.
The job of BODs id to formulate and implement all programs and policies of the corporation.
The BODs have to prepare the annual revenue budget and the expenditure.
The BODs have t also make the plans for infrastructural and technological development within the
There are total five directors, including the Director of Administration, Engineering, Programs, news
and Finance. The job of each director is to look after their departments.
The hierarchy of Radio Pakistan is vertical; in the top is the minister of information from Federal Government
then after the Director General. Under the DG the Directors of 5 departments are working. In addition there are
controllers in each department which further lead deputy controller of all the departments.
Radio Pakistan is facing difficulties due to the rapid change in technology and life lane changings.
Radio Pakistan has also entered into the digital era and its programs are now available for peoples
through different sources. Apart from traditional radio receiver the Radio Pakistan has introduced the
technology that people can listen through mobile phones and live streaming through internet.
The Radio Pakistan is the only government organization that has a bilingual website and its programs
The information technology wing of Radio Pakistan is entrusted with the responsibility of digitalization
and modernization.
Organization Rely On
The Radio Pakistan relies on the ministry of information and broadcasting. The Federal Government
may make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act. The Federal Government provides funds to
Radio Pakistan. As the Radio Pakistan is a spokesman to the government of Pakistan. The sources of
income to the corporation and the Radio Pakistan rely on the Following:
(a) Grants-in-aid made by the Federal Government for approved projects of the corporations.
(b) Moneys paid by the Federal Government for the expenditure incurred by the Radio Pakistan on the
external services and other services performed at the same instance and on the behalf of Government.
Reward System
According to the director of administration the reward system has been eradicated. In the past the reward system
was available.
Team Work
There exists Team work in Radio Pakistan. The teamwork is in the form of like: The news department
collaborates with the engineering department, where the engineering department deals with technical tasks like
installation of transmitters at different places. All the departments in the PBC are interlinked and work as one.
Conflict resolution strategies are used in Radio Pakistan. According to the questionnaire filled by the director of
administration, it results that mostly the accommodating strategies and collaborative strategies of conflict
resolution are used within the organization. According to him they avoid the dominating strategy; if the conflict
World service daily broadcasts Urdu programs of 8 hours and 30 minutes duration.
Objective of these programs is to keep Pakistanis living abroad updated with the latest developments in
Focus of Urdu programs is also on apprising the overseas Pakistanis about economic activities in the
country and encourages them to play their role in development and progress of their homeland.
Production units produce music, dramas, features, documentaries, and programs for social occasion.
Major task of central production units is to preserve recordings of historical values comprising speeches,
interviews of father of the nation, heroes of freedom movement and other prominent personalities,
drama, folk, classical and semi classical music and other important programs.
CPU has over 3.5 million minutes recording in its archives which are being digitized.
Radio Pakistan Staff Training Centre (STC) formally came into being in 1949.
After the establishment of PBC the two institutions were merged into one institution Staff Training
School (STS) in 1973 to ensure better coordination of the PBC training programs. It was renamed as
Engineering Wing
The engineering wing is entrusted with the responsibility of providing technical support for transmission
services of PBC. The wing has to manage operation and maintenance of all the medium wave, shortwave, FM
transmitters and studio equipment installed at stations all over the country. It has to provide program production
facilities at the broadcasting houses and ensure smooth and uninterrupted transmissions. Its area of
responsibilities also includes introduction of new technology, provision of modern equipment and planning and
The IT wing is entrusted with the responsibility of digitization and modernization in PBC. The wing has to look
after all the network, infrastructure of LAN/WAN, management and development of official website, ensure
live streaming of different channels on web from all over Pakistan, interconnection of PBC stations through
audio streaming, development of different automations software for PBC, digital auto solution for all studios,
automated news gathering system, development and management of FTP, proxy services and digital audio
The responsibilities of IT wing further extend to introduce the up to date technology to meet the challenges of
modern era like audio/video streaming application development for mobile users.
Launching of National Broadcasting Services (NBS), a dedicated current affairs channel on August 28,
Policy introduced for balanced and objective coverage in news and current affairs programs
Weekly live one hour program with Minister for information and broadcasting.
Partnership with private FM networks carries PBC programs live: President, Prime Minister Speeches
First state of the art - digital, music recording studio plus production house at a minimum cost by PBC
PBC played an anti-terrorism role by mobilizing people of all walks of life and arranged cultural
PBC launched fund raising movement for IDPs and collected Rs. 6.5 million.
PBC worked 24/7 to help flood victims of 2014 and contributed over Rs. 4.5 million to PMs flood relief
An FM station was established at Hunza in May 2014 for coverage of Attabad lack crisis.
24 hours special transmission for rain/flood affected areas of Sindh from NBS and regional stations.
PBC persuaded USAID and Japan Governments to install and commission 500 KW MW transmitters in
PBC persuaded USAID to establish 100 KW MW in D.I Khan and 400 KW MW Transmitters in
Launched South Asia Broadcasting Service adding three new international languages (Tamil, Sinhali,
A number of training courses were arranged with collaboration of international organizations such as
Launching of bilingual website of PBC with special feature of live streaming of programs by various
The company is equipped to handle multiple deadlines using its operations in human resource
management, supervision, planning and operations management and deliver on-time quality programs.
Decisions to support legislative initiatives are frequently influenced by the media campaigns.
Advocacy partnership, with civil society organizations, plays a central role in power99 policy guidelines
for educating the public, swaying public opinion and influencing policy makers.