Selective Video Coding Based On Bezier Curves: Srividya B V Dr. Akhila S
Selective Video Coding Based On Bezier Curves: Srividya B V Dr. Akhila S
Selective Video Coding Based On Bezier Curves: Srividya B V Dr. Akhila S
Abstract: In this paper the problem of reconstruction of video frames is addressed, when there are missing pixels in each video frame or is
corrupted with noise and also the locations of corrupted pixels are not known. The modified data can be corrected using Forward Error
Correcting Codes. Forward Error correcting codes detect and correct errors with the help of complex decoders. This work proposes a new
approach called Selective encoding for reconstruction of Video Frames from Error. This algorithm combines the Bezier curves over Galois Field
GF (p^m) and the Low Density Parity Check Codes for performing encoding and decoding. The proposed decoder is capable of detecting and
correcting errors in each video frame, where only selected pixel values are encoded and decoded. This reduces the decoding time significantly.
Further, when binary representation of the Galois Field is used, the speed of the decoder is enhanced as there is no carry generation and carry
propagation when any modular arithmetic operation is carried out. Further time complexity is improvised by using parallel processing. The
coding of the algorithm is carried out using MATLAB.
Keyword: Selective Encoding, Error Recovery, LDPC codes, Bezier curve, Galois field.
IJRITCC | February 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 2 133 143
The first and the last points are on the curve, while the is equal to 1, the field is just the integers mod p. In coding
middle two points are not on the curve. The change in the theory, and in cryptography, normal practice is to almost
control points, changes the shape of the curve. Connecting always take the value of p to be 2, which is called as binary
the control points by the line segments form a control extension and represented as GF (2m). Let GF (2m) be the
polygon. The curve is tangent to the control polygon. root of a primitive polynomial of degree m over GF (p). The
elements of GF (2m) are {0, 1, 2, 3 m-2}. Each
element in GF (2m) can be represented using m-bits.
Arithmetic operations can be performed for the elements of
GF (2m), which is useful in coding theory.
The following section shows the arithmetic operations
performed on GF (2m)
S1 (RI107- RI256)
S8 (RI100-RI249)
S16 (RI92-RI241)
S32 (RI76-RI225)
S128 (RI1-RI129) &(RI236-RI256) The figure 7 shows the pseudo code for correcting errors in
M video frames when any of the Syndrome digits between
S255 (RI1-RI2)&(RI109-RI256) S4 to S106=0
parfor ie=1:M /* using parallel for loop for M video frames
Table 4: Syndrome values for i=1:103-ki+k2
tempz2(i+1)= atable(tempz2(i)+1,tempz1(i)+1);
. end
These erroneous digits can be corrected by determining the if((s(inew,3+ki)==0)&(tempz2(104-
first zero syndrome digit. The checksum corresponding to ki+k2))~=cv{ie}(inew,3+ki-k2))
the identified zero syndrome digit is used to correct errors. for i=1:103-ki+k2
After correcting the errors, the consecutive zeros will be tempz4(i+1)=atable(tempz4(i)+1,tempz3(i)+1);
replaced by the right most non zero pixel value. The end
following example illustrates the removal of consecutive tempz5=atable(tempz4(104-ki+k2)+1,r(inew,3+ki-k2)+1);
zeros after the error correction is performed by the decoder. tempz6=1;
If the corrected vector Vc is obtained as tempz7=1;
[200,0,0,0,0,201,205,206,208,209,0,0,0,210,211,215] , then while(tempz7~=0)
by replacing all zeros with the right most non zero value the tempz8=ptable(255,tempz6);
final decoded vector V would be, V=[200, 201, 201, 201, tempz7=atable(tempz5+1,tempz8+1);
201, 201, 205, 206, 208, 209, 210, 210, 210, 210, 211, 215]. tempz6=tempz6+1;
Mean Square Error can be calculated between the Data D if(tempz6==256)
that was encoded selectively before transmission and the tempz6=1;
decoded data V at the receiver, to check for equality. break;
The speed of error correction is increased, as the repeating else
consecutive pixel values are replaced by zero. continue;
IJRITCC | February 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 2 133 143
IJRITCC | February 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 2 133 143
from S108 to S168 and S228 to S240 and has been
eliminated using the decoding algorithm. 48,132, missing
pixel values are corrected using the proposed algorithm.
Figure 10a: 8th video frame; Figure 10b Encoded 8th Video
Figure 11a, shows the 141st video frame. Figure 11b shows
the selectively encoded Video Frame. Figure 11c, shows the
141st video frame that is received and has 49,500 missing
pixel values and has been corrected using the decoding
algorithm. This reconstructed 141st Video Frame is shown in
Figure 11d.
IJRITCC | February 2017, Available @