Sudarsana Churna For Fever 1

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Sudarsana churna for fever 1 -2 grams BD

1. For irregular digestive fire (visamagni): Trikaturasayana vati, 2 pills twice daily
2. For overactive digestive fire (tiksnagni): Avipattikara churna, 1-2 grams twice daily
3. For sluggish digestive fire (mandagni): Pippalyadi churna, 1-2 grams twice daily

Ajirnam (Indigestion)
Dhanyapanchakam, 1-2 grams given with warm water twice daily.

Hingwastak churnam taken in doses of 1-2 grams twice daily can also help to resolve amaja

Pippalyadi churna, taken in doses of 1-2 grams twice daily with food.

Some specific compounds against hepatitis are:

1. Mandura vati, 2-3 pills twice daily

2. Kamalakilyana, 1000 mg twice daily
After initial treatment of hepatitis (removing jaundice and liver blockage), liver restoratives are added,
such as the standard compound Shilajita Rasayana, given in doses of 2 pills twice dail

Kumbhakamala (Chronic Hepatitis)

1. Chandraprabha vati, 2-3 pills twice daily
2. Shilajita Rasayana, 2 pills twice daily

Yakridvriddhi (Enlarged liver)

1. Shatpala ghrita, 1-2 grams twice daily
2. Shukti Bhasma (oyster shell ash /Ostrea gigas), 500 mg given with warm water, twice daily.

Kasa (Cough / Bronchitis)

1. Chaturdasanga churna, 2 grams taken with honey if the cough is with mucus or salty
water if the cough is dry. In serious cases this remedy is combined with the Rasasindura (red crystal
of mercury sulphide).
2. Sringarabhraka compound, 500 mg taken with honey or meat soup.
3. To stop irritation in the throat, the patient is given Sambhukadi vati as a lozenge.
Swasa (Asthma)
1. Bibhitaki fruit (Terminalia belerica), 1000 mg with honey.
2. Apamarga alkali (Achyranthes aspera), 500 mg with honey
3. Two parts of the standard compound Chaturdasanga churna with one part Vasaka
leaf (Malabar nut / Adhatoda vasica), 1000 mg with honey.

Diseases of the Urinary Bladder

1. Gokshuradi guggulu, 2 pills twice daily
2. Shitarasa vati, 2 pills twice daily
3. Chandraprabha vati, 2 pills twice daily

Ayurvedic Cure for Typhoid Fever

Week of Typhoid
Ayurvedic Preparation to Use Quantity
Mrigshringa Bhasma, Muktashukti
First 125 mg each
First Khub Kalana 12 g
Kasturi Bhairavi Rasa Muktashukti
Second 120 mg 10 mg
120 mg, 240
Second Saubhagya Vati, Jwararyabhra


Tab Tribhuvan Kirti Ras BD for URTI

Tab Mahasudarshan vati BD for Fever

Tab Guduchi BD for fever

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