Partisan Politics and Public Finance: Changes in Public Spending in The Industrialized Democracies, 1955-1989
Partisan Politics and Public Finance: Changes in Public Spending in The Industrialized Democracies, 1955-1989
Partisan Politics and Public Finance: Changes in Public Spending in The Industrialized Democracies, 1955-1989
c 1997 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Research Unit on Economic Change and Employment, Research Unit on Institutions and
Social Change, Science Center Berlin (WZB), D-10785 Berlin, Germany
Abstract. This paper evaluates the role that partisan politics plays in altering public spending
levels. The analysis covers over three decades of data on the development of the public sectors in
16 OECD countries. The results of the analysis lend firm support to the partisan politics model.
Of special note is the distinction between the electorates and the governments ideological
preferences and the dominant role that the former plays. The results also suggest, contrary
to conventional wisdom, that partisan political influences have not been eliminated with the
tightening of linkages to the international economy.
1. Introduction
work. The central notion here is that politicians are revenue maximizers
or rent seekers (cf. Levi, 1988). Given this motivation, institutional frame-
works and broader environments that facilitate access to societal resources
translate into larger governments. In other words, government spending is
supply driven.6
In the basic partisan politics model of public policy outcomes, the ideo-
logical preferences of the governing parties are central in determining such
things as the levels of government spending (see, e.g., Tufte, 1978; Hibbs,
1987a, b). Parties of the left, favoring redistribution, provide greater govern-
ment spending while parties of the right, favoring the untrammelled working
of the market system, reduce government spending.7 A more refined version
of the partican politics approach to public policy holds that a combination of
the preferences of voters and political parties shape such policy outputs as
public spending (Wittman, 1983; Keech, 1995). The preferences of voters are
based on objective differences across groups within the electorate, differences
that reflect the economic well-being of the individuals within these groups
(Hibbs, 1987a, b).
The problem for political parties is that while they and their activists may
have clear preferences in the policy sphere, they also face a critical trade-
off in pursuing these preferences. This tradeoff involves the loss of electoral
support involved in favoring one side of the spectrum along which the elec-
torate is arrayed. Policies designed to achieve partisan preferences in their
fullest run the risk of undermining the level of support for the governing
parties implementing them. On the other hand, policies designed to attract the
greatest electoral support risk losing support from ones core constituencies.
Ultimately, governing parties seeking to implement policies based on partisan
preferences may see a need to develop a strategy that balances these concerns.
Regardless of which one of the variants of the partisan politics model one
might favor, it is clear that they are all the objects of similar criticisms. Two
debates have arisen around the question of partisan politics influence on
public policy, particularly in the area of budgeting. On the one hand, there
are those who deny that partisan politics can ever matter in such an area
(Jackman, 1986). On the other hand, there are those who argue that under
special circumstances especially relatively high national autonomy vis-a-vis
the international economic system such a linkage can hold but that these
conditions effectively have disappeared over the last two decades (see, e.g.,
Scharpf, 1991; Kurzer, 1993).
The first debate has seen two related challenges to the partisan politics
argument. One is theoretical and the other is empirical. On the theoretical
side the challenge presented is that the logic of party competition inside the
institutional structures of modern democratic systems negates the potential
for the ideological preferences of parties to come to the fore in the shaping
of policy outputs. The institutional structures of these systems minimize the
possibility of implementing policy positions that are other than those that
might draw upon at least a minimal consensus. This restricts the possibility
of a government with partisan preferences from imposing policies that accord
with its position on the left-right scale and forces it to accept policies distant
from that position and more acceptable to those parties not in the government.
Likewise, the idea that parties act responsibly, i.e., that parties are unified,
disciplined and collectively responsible to their voters for keeping policy
promises, is seen as unrealistic. This critique focuses on the putatively central
and overriding objective of parties and politicians, namely, electoral success.
From this perspective, parties will be vote or office motivated but are immune
to the idea that policy is an overriding goal. Policy promises in electoral
campaigns may differ, but actual policy outputs will be convergent.8
Taken together all of this suggests that existing democratic institutions
diminish opportunity to impose the majoritys (or governing partys) will.
Political survival and electoral success constrain rational actors from pursuing
ideological objectives in the form of substantive policy.
On the empirical side, the conclusions different scholars have drawn from
studies of the impact of partisan politics on public spending are quite diver-
gent. Citation of a number of studies suffice to illustrate the divergence: at
one extreme Rose (1984) completely dismisses the notion that policy outputs
are dependent on the ideological position of the governing party[ies]; Von
Beyme (1985) and Blais et al. (1993) suggest that there may be an impact but
it is at best modest and not consistent; Comisky (1993), DeHaan and Sturm
(1994), and Roubini and Sachs (1989b) conclude that the impacts are strong
and consistent with theoretical expectations.
In sum, the partisan politics approach to public policy stands not only
in competition with other approaches, it has also come under attack for
theoretical and empirical reasons. Nevertheless, this critique has not gone
unchallenged and there has been evidence to suggest that there is a measure
of validity to the approach. That aside, though, there is still the question of
the continuing vitality of partisan politics in the shaping of public policy.
Have the parameters defining the latitude with which governments can set
fiscal policy changed so much as to greatly reduce or completely eliminate
the effects of partisan politics?
Operating under few or no external constraints, a nations government has
a range of options available to it in terms of the fiscal and monetary policies it
can choose to pursue. In such a context, the putative effects of partisan politics
in such areas as government expenditure and taxation policies can come to
the fore. Absent this latitude, the room for partisanship in policy making is
greatly reduced if not completely eliminated.
The last two decades supposedly have seen a great shrinkage in the lat-
itude afforded national governments by the international economic system.
This has come about through the tremendous growth in international financial
integration (IMF, 1991; Simmonds, 1995). As the discussion centering around
Keynesian policy recommendations emphasized, the inability to prevent or
restrict capital movements entails a grave loss in the ability to steer monetary
and fiscal policies (Helleiner, 1994). For many analysts, autonomous poli-
cies shaped by domestic political preferences have been removed from the
repertoire of states (Sharpf, 1991; Streeck and Schmitter, 1991; Kurzer, 1993;
Hall, 1994). As a consequence, the partisan preferences of both voters and
governing parties can be said to have been deleted from the vector of forces
shaping taxation and spending policies.9
In sum, the idea that partisan politics play a role in shaping the size of the
public household has been challenged on a variety of grounds. And while
some scholars are willing to concede that perhaps under certain conditions
partisan effects may be present, the conventional wisdom has become that the
conditions required for their presence have disappeared. The effort described
in the following pages is intended to explore the validity of these contentions.
G = + X + 1 P1 + 2 (P1 E)
P1 is the governing partys (coalitions) position on a left-right scale;
E is the electorates position on the same left-right scale.
If the scale portraying the left-right positioning of the parties goes from a low
score representing an extreme left position to a high score representing an
extreme right position, the traditional class-based partisan politics hypothesis
would predict that
1 would be negative.
To the extent that governing parties compromise their ideological stance to
take into account the potential electoral losses that could flow from ignoring
the electorates preferences by implementing an ideologically based policy not
in accordance with the latters interests, then
2 would be positive. Note that
an implicit and not unreasonable assumption here is that governing coalitions
composed of parties near one or another end of the ideological spectrum
are further from the center than the electorate. Thus, if a leftist coalition
constitutes the government, it is can be taken for granted that the electorates
revealed preferences aggregate both rightist and leftist votes and that the
electorate itself is therefore closer to the center of the ideological spectrum.
2 would taken on a value close to zero when governing parties strongly
discount electoral concerns. On the other hand,
2 would take on a value close
1 when governing parties are driven solely by electoral considerations
and are willing to discount their own ideologically based policy preferences.
This condition does not undermine the idea that policy outcomes are driven
by ideological preferences; rather it suggests that the ideological preferences
that matter in policy-making are not those of the policy-makers but those of
the electorate.10
All this can be seen more clearly in Figure 2. Here the positions of the
electorate and two hypothetical parties are arranged on a left-right scale at the
bottom. Preferences with respect to changes in public spending are portrayed
on the vertical axis. If the null hypothesis that partisan politics does not
influence public spending decisions is correct then the line B can be seen as
representing the absence of any political impact in this arena. Line A depicts a
hypothetical function that maps ideology on public spending decisions in the
situation where partisan politics matters and embodies the traditional image
of the left as favoring government expansion and the right as opposed.
The illustrative governing partys position here is to the left of the electorate
and so its ideological preference for public spending changes intersects line
A at point I which translates into a spending change of S1. This is a larger
spending change than that desired by the electorate, which favors a smaller
increase than that which the governing party desires to implement. If the
governing party were solely concerned with the goal of holding office it
would move from point I to point V on A and thereby deliver exactly what
the electorate would prefer, i.e., S3. An example of a mixed outcome, where
the governing party preserves a measure of ideological commitment while
simultaneously improving its electoral chances over position I would be the
case of point M, where it supplies less (S2) than what it would prefer but
more than what the electorate favors.
For this study two indices with a similar structure are employed to represent
governments and the electorates positions on a left-right scale. Both embody
what Gross and Sigelman (1984) describe as a skyline view of party systems.
On the vertical dimension the relative strength of, for example, a party within
a coalition government is portrayed while on the horizontal dimension the
ideological-programmatic position of that party is captured. The general
formula for this measure of the political center of gravity takes the following
CG = Ti Ci
i 1
where Ti is party is decimal share of seats, or votes, and Ci refers to party is
position on a left-right continuum (Gross and Sigelman, 1984). In the case
of the electorates political center of gravity (EPCG), each partys share of
the vote is captured by the T-term and its left-right position by the C-term. In
the case of the governments political center of gravity (GPCG), the T-term
measures the relative share of the cabinet seats within the government held
by party i (which, of course, equals 0 if the party is in opposition).
To operationalize parties positions of the left-right continuum the Castles
and Mair (1984) codings of partys placement on a left-right scale have been
employed. The Castles-Mair scale is based on experts codings and ranges from
a low of 1 (extreme left) to a high of 5 (extreme right). Unfortunately, the score
given to any party with this measure does not change over time; obviously a
problem if one assumes that parties are regularly moving about and adjusted
their ideological stance. On the other hand, if one is willing to assume that
parties must pay a cost for any radical change in ideological commitments, this
assumed constancy may not be terribly misleading. Certainly, the assumption
of constancy in this term poses a harder test of the fundamental hypothesis
that ideological positions matter in the shaping of public policy.
Some descriptive information based on these scaling procedures is provided
in Table 1. There, for each of the 16 countries included in this study, decade
averages for the governmental and electoral political centers of gravity are
shown. In addition, a measure of the differences (in absolute value terms)
between the government and electorate during the periods is also given.
Let us now turn to the specification of a model that will allow us to test
whether partisan politics has an influence on public spending. In addition to
the partisan politics terms a number of other variables have been entered into
the model in order to control for additional influences that can be expected to
help shape governmental budgetary policy. Three of these capture elements
of budgeting within an industrialized democracy that can be expected to
influence the outcome of that process. A fourth introduces a factor that should
capture the effects of unanticipated economic conditions on the public sectors
share of societal resources the dimensions of which are ultimately set on
the basis of expectations about the economy that may or may not be realized.
A fifth term is entered to assess the putative restrictive impact of increasing
international financial integration. Finally, two other political terms, meant
to capture the institutional and societal impacts of divisiveness on coherent
public spending policies, have been included within the equation.
Three terms capturing elements of the budgetary process are included.
Two of these additional terms are meant to capture the effects of inertia and
previous commitments in major areas of the public household. In effect, they
capture short term and largely non-discretionary aspects of budget-making.
Table 1. Electoral and governmental political centers of gravity: Period aver-
ages, 19501991
Australia Italy
195059 2.97 4.00 1.03 195059 2.84 3.05 0.20
196069 2.98 4.00 1.02 196069 2.75 2.88 0.11
197079 3.00 3.40 0.95 197079 2.68 2.92 0.21
198091 2.99 2.50 0.99 198091 2.64 2.76 0.12
Austria Japan
195059 2.58 2.53 0.05 195059 3.20 3.97 0.76
196069 2.58 2.66 0.24 196069 3.09 4.00 0.90
197079 2.53 2.00 0.53 197079 2.98 4.00 1.01
198091 2.59 2.37 0.20 198091 3.05 4.00 0.94
Belgium Norway
195059 2.74 2.78 0.28 195059 2.60 2.00 0.61
196069 2.89 2.76 0.31 196069 2.63 2.77 0.64
197079 3.01 3.00 0.25 197079 2.73 2.24 0.68
198091 3.10 3.16 0.29 198091 2.91 2.63 0.72
Denmark Sweden
195059 2.93 2.62 0.76 195059 2.61 2.16 0.44
196069 2.93 2.46 0.75 196069 2.58 2.00 0.58
197079 2.86 2.63 0.80 197079 2.61 2.51 0.60
198091 2.94 3.40 0.79 198091 2.66 2.22 0.60
Finland Switzerland
195059 2.67 2.67 0.25 195059 3.28 3.89 0.60
196069 2.66 2.63 0.32 196069 3.30 3.43 0.13
197079 2.79 2.47 0.36 197079 3.36 3.43 0.06
198091 2.80 2.68 0.26 198091 3.34 3.43 0.11
TCt =
RPCt 1
where TC represents the transfer costs within the total governmental budget,
RPC is the consumer price index over the GDP price index, DB is the sum of
the retired and unemployed expressed as a percentage of the total population.
The second non-discretionary term deals with another relatively large ele-
ment of governmental budgets, viz., spending on civilian goods and services
civilian government consumption. Again, the idea here is that there is a
significant amount of inertia involved in spending on this major category.
Other things being equal, goverments with attempt to provide the same lev-
el of goods and services as in the previous year. Since, however, the costs
of these provisions, given their service-intensive character, are likely to be
changing (and in an unfavorable direction), the previous years outlays (again,
as a percentage of GDP) will need to be adjusted to take into account relative
price changes.
GCt =
RPGt 1
GCt 1 GCt 1
where RPG is the ratio of the government price index to the overall GDP
price index and GC is government outlays on goods and services.
A third budget specific term has been introduced to capture the effects
of competition between different policy objectives. The dependent variable
in the model is current non-military outlays as a percentage of GDP. The
exclusion of military spending from the dependent variable allows the model
to incorporate the potential trade-offs that follow from the competition for
scarce resources between military and civilian purposes. As has been shown
elsewhere (see, e.g., Russett, 1970; Cusack, 1988), there are strong grounds for
expecting that a rise in defense outlays will squeeze the amount of resources
available for civilian purposes and thereby lead to a decrease in such spending.
Likewise, a cutback in military outlays frees resources for civilian objectives
and one would expect that a cut in military spending will be accompanied by
an increase in civilian spending. The expectation here, then, is that a tradeoff
holds between military and civilian spending and that it is symmetric; thus,
the coefficient on this term should be negative. It is not at all clear, however,
whether one should expect the tradeoff to be one-to-one. Certainly a change
in one of these broad categories can be covered in part by either changing
budget balances or altering taxes.
Ultimately, government budgets are contingency plans. Spending decisions
are made for a future period for which expectations are presently held with
respect to a variety of economic conditions, including the overall level of
economic activity. Therefore, if governments expectations about where the
economy will be at t + 1 are wrong, then any previously set level of expendi-
tures will reflect a relative weight in the economy different from that planned.
In order to capture this obvious but nonetheless important consideration in
government spending dynamics, a term is introduced into a model that reflects
discrepancies between plausible expectations about economic activity and the
reality of the situation. The variable meant to capture this phenomenon, UG,
is simply a function of recent growth rate performance relative to the actual
growth rate in the economy; specifically it is operationalized as the average
growth rate for the three previous years minus the current growth rate. A
positive (negative) score indicates that growth was lower (higher) than might
have been expected based on recent trends. With lower than anticipated growth
(UG > 0), planned outlays will necessarily be a higher share of actual GDP
than had been anticipated, and vice versa. Therefore, the expectation is that
the sign on the parameter for UG should be positive.
A further term is included that is meant to help assess a minimalist view
of the impact of the growth in international financial integration on govern-
mental budgetary policy. The idea here is that regardless of ideological or
partisan considerations, the shift in the international economic environment
toward the free flow of capital has had a depressing effect on government
spending. Liberalized access to international capital markets reduce the dis-
cretion available to government to maintain or expand high levels of public
spending often, though not always, associated with financing difficulties, i.e.,
deficits. The expectation here is that higher levels of international financial
integration pressure governments to cutback on the size of the public sector,
that is, that the parameter on this term should take on a negative sign.11
Two terms have been introduced to capture the effects of divisiveness
on shaping budgetary outcomes. Both reflect the impact of log-rolling on
spending decisions. The first deals directly with the institutional side of this
problem and the second deals with societal conditions that might exacerabte
the problem. The first is a measure of the lack of governmental cohesion (cf.
Roubini and Sachs, 1989a, b).12 The motivation for including this term is to
be found in the argument that divided and weak government (for example,
in presidential systems where the legislature and the executive are held by
different parties, or in parliamentary systems where multi-party coalitions
hold a minority status), are less effective than more cohesive governments
in developing coherent and responsible budgetary policies. The absence of
such coherence and responsibility can be expected to introduce distortions
in spending decisions with phenomena such a log-rolling among the various
constituencies within the government occurring. The upshot is the tendency to
not only fail to maintain economically warranted balances between spending
and revenues but also to be prone to greater spending levels.13
On the societal side a simple dichotomous variable reflecting whether or not
there is a high degree of ethnic/linguistic diversity within society has been
introduced.14 Some writers (Mueller and Murrell, 1986; McCarty, 1993)
in the field of public choice hypothesize that high diversity is conducive
to lower public spending levels. The conclusion is based on a transaction
costs argument and implies that such diversity is correlated with widely
divergent tastes which ultimately make it difficult to reach collective decisions
and thereby will lower government spending. The evidence that has been
gathered for this argument is at best mixed. Furthermore, there are ample
theoretical reasons to expect the opposite effect. Differences in taste combined
with the need to arrive at decisions could foster a tendency to engage in
log-rolling and greater spending. Likewise, societal splits created by ethnic
and linguistic differences would make it difficult to develop encompassing
coalitions that would not engage in rent seeking (Olson, 1982). This spending
growth enhancement effect of societal divisions seems more plausible.
Combining all of these elements along with the two partisan political terms
into an equation meant to capture changes in government spending as a share
of GDP, produces the following specification:
Git =
i + 1 TCit + 2 GCit + 3 MLXit + 4 UGit + 5 IFIt 1
+6 COHit 1 + 7 ELFi +
1 GPCGit 1 +
2 (GPCG EPCG)it "
1 + it
first difference
G government spending as a percentage share of GDP
TC transfer costs (function of previous generosity level,
change in demographic burden and change in relative
prices), as a share of GDP
GC civilian government consumption costs (function of previ-
ous level of civilian government consumption outlays and
relative price changes) as a percentage share of GDP
MLX military expenditures as a percentage share of GDP
UG unanticipated economic growth performance
IFI proxy for international financial integration
COH ordinal index of governmental cohesion (low: cohesion;
high: lack of cohesion)
ELF dummy variable for countries with high degree of eth-
nic/linguistic fractionalization
GPCG index of governments political center of gravity
EPCG index of electorates political center of gravity (in last
and the following expectations hold:
1 1; 2 1; 3 < 0;
4 > 0; 5 < 0; 6 > 0;
7 > 0;
1 < 0; if parties are policy seekers;
2 > 0; if parties are office seekers; and
1 =
2 ; if both conditions immediately above hold; and this holds;
then parties are pure office maximisers:
4. Analysis
Using the basic equation outlined above, two sets of analyses have been
undertaken. In both sets, as a pooled cross-section time-series design was
employed. In the first set pooled analyses for the period from 19551989 for
15 countries have been carried out. This is the lengthiest time frame that could
be used given the data available but it also required dropping one country,
Australia, because of the absence of some required data prior to 1960 for
this country. The second set includes all 16 countries for the more limited
period of 1961 through 1989. In both sets of analyses, the model as specified
above was estimated. This permits one to evaluate the general argument that
partisan politics have played a role in shaping the size of the public sector.
In addition, a second equation was estimated where, instead of assuming
the constancy of partisan politics effects throughout the estimation period,
partisan effects were allowed to vary across three periods (1955/611973,
19741979, 19801989). This latter specification permits one to evaluate
the argument that partisan politics effects in shaping the size of the public
sector have diminished, if not disappeared, over the last two decades. Each
pooled regression was carried out using a cross-sectionally heteroskedastic
and timewise autoregressive technique (Kmenta, 1986: 618622).
Table 2a presents the results from the first set of analyses with the longer
estimation period but using only 15 of the 16 countries. Table 2b provides
the results from the shorter time frame with all 16 countries. Since the results
across the two sets of estimates are quite close to each other, discussion
will focus exclusively on the first set. The first column of estimates in Table
2a provides information on the specification where the effects of partisan
politics are held constant and the second where these effects are allowed to
vary across the three periods. As can be seen at the bottom of the table the
overall fits between the models and the data are quite good. Indeed, one might
also note that they are nearly indistinguishable. In terms of the non-partisan
variables, expectations outlined earlier have been born out. Inertia in both
transfer and civilian consumption programs seems to have been at work.
Additionally, the posited tradeoff between military and civilian spending
appears to have been in effect. Unanticipated economic performance also
played the role expected. International financial integration would appear to
have had the dampening effect posited (here one might note that this is the
one non-partisan politics term with a substantially different impact across the
two specifications). Finally, the expectation that diversity in both institutional
and societal contexts tends to push up spending receives support. Lack of
governmental cohesion promoted spending, as did ethnic/linguistic diversity
within society.
Parameter Parameter
(t-stat) (t-stat)
Parameter Parameter
(t-stat) (t-stat)
5. Conclusion
1. The Party Manifestos Project (Budge et al., 1987) has sytematically examined the platforms
of the major parties in advanced industrialized democracies for the period after World
War II. A number of very clear patterns have emerged. First, in nearly all countries the
dominant axis of competition for parties in the programmatic statements is a left-right
scale that reflects a concern for economic policy conflicts. It emphasizes the degree of
government regulation of the economy. Second, party positions are distinguishable and
social democratic parties are consistently to the left of conservative parties.
Nevertheless, some argue that parties have lost their willingness and capacity to differ-
entiate themselves along the traditional left-right dimension. On the other hand, others
suggest that no such convergence has occurred and that sharp differences in this regard
continue to exist. While the studies in the Budge, Robertson and Hearl volume suggest
that there was a strong movement to convergence in the 1970s, earlier movements were
in the opposite direction. They conclude that the observed movements have no uniform
pattern and that convergence is neither a preordained or irreversible process. Further-
more, Andrea Volkens (1994) extensive comparative work on party system polarization on
socio-economic issues in the post-World War II period demonstrates that (a) polarization
has not been minimal and that (b) there has been no consistent and widespread movement
toward convergence. Evidence along similar lines is provided by Budge (1994).
2. The empirical analyses presented in this paper is based on data from the last decades
and cover 16 industrialized democracies, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden,
Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
3. Data for this figure as well as the government spending variable (and GDP) used in the
analyses later in this paper are drawn mainly from OECD sources and are presented in
Cusack (1991). The variable employed is general government civilian current disburse-
ments expressed as a percentage share of GDP. The government spending measure includes
civilian government consumption, transfers, subsidies, and interest payments. It excludes
military spending and capital outlays. Note that because of missing data problems for Aus-
tralia in the 1950s, it has been excluding from the calculation of the averages presented in
the figure.
4. For an extensive review of earlier literature on this theme, see Larkey et al. (1981); a wide
ranging set of national and cross-national studies on this theme is presented in Lybeck and
Henrekson (1988).
5. Leading illustrations of this approach include Wagners Law, and such work as that of
Wilensky (1976) and Baumol (1967).
6. Leading illustrations of this approach work by Kau and Rubin (1981) Marlow (1988),
Oates (1985), Peacock (1979), Peacock and Wiseman (1962), and Wagner (1976).
7. A refinement of this model suggests that it is the combination of both government party
partisan preferences and the strength of organized labor that determines policy outputs
and economic outcomes (see, e.g., Alverez, Garrett, and Lange, 1993; Garrett and Lange,
1991; Cusack and Garrett, 1993). This social democratic corporatism version of the
partisan politics school argues that concordance between the governing strength of the left
and power of organized labor allow governments to pursue expansionary fiscal policies,
which are also accompanied by beneficial economic outcomes. A strong right in combi-
nation with weak labor promotes reductions in government while also allowing positive
macroeconomic performance.
8. Klingeman et al.s (1994) examination of this question comes to conclusions contrary to this
critique. They found evidence to suggest that governing parties appear to set their spending
priorities in line with the policies they have emphasized in their electoral campaigns.
9. This view has not gone unchallenged. As Garrett and Lange (1991) and Cusack and Garrett
(1993) have shown, there still seems to be some room for partisan preferences to work
their effects on fiscal policy.
10. An equivalent way of expressing the partisan theory component of policy output (ignoring
the constant, , and the effects of X, i.e., G =
1 P1 +
2 (P1 E)) is as follows: G =
1 +
2 )P1
2 E. The expectation regarding
2 described in the body of the text is premised
on the notion that any positive value suggests governments move towards the electorates
preferences. In the case where governing parties are responsive, i.e.,
2 > 0, then those
to the left of the central tendency of the electorate will supply less government spending
then they would prefer given their own ideological position, and those to the right of the
electorate will supply more.
11. The international financial integration measure is the annual average across the countries in
our study of the absolute value of 1 minus the ratio of private investment to private savings.
The notion here is that any imbalance between these two terms reflects the realized flow
of capital across national borders and captures to some extent the level of international
financial integration (see Byoumi, 1990; and Feldstein and Horioka, 1980).
12. Note that Roubini and Sachs ordinal index has been employed here. It ranges from 0 to
3, with the following codes:
0 = in parliamentary systems a one party majority government; in presidential systems,
both executive and legislative branches dominated by the same majority party.
1 = in parliamentary systems a majority government with two to three coalition partners;
in presidential systems the executive dominated by one party and the parliament by
2 = parliamentary system with a majority government controlled by a coalition of four or
more parties.
3 = parliamentary system with a minority government
Roubini and Sachs (1989a) have data for 13 of the 16 countries included in this study.
Their series runs from 1960 through 1985. For this study the series has been extended
back into the 1950s and up until 1988. Data were also assembled for the three countries
(Australia, Canada and Switzerland) not in the Roubini and Sachs study. In addition, the
US series was modified to take into account the mis-classification of some presidential
election years found in the Roubini and Sachs codings.
13. Roubini and Sachs (1989a, b) as do Blais et al. (1993), find strong support for this argument.
However, in a more limited study of the EC countries during the 1980s, De Haan and Sturm
(1995) fail to find support for it.
14. The data used to construct this measure ELFi have been drawn from Taylor and Hudson
(1972) and are based on Atlas Narodov Mira. Countries with a score of .50 or above on the
ethno-linguistic fractionalization measure have been coded as 1 (this includes the United
States, Canada, Belgium, and Switzerland) and those with a score of less than .5 have been
given a zero.
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