Development Plan Chapter 20-24

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Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Development Vision 219

Town and Country Planning Department, Government of Kerala

Development Vision
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Town and Country Planning Department, Government of Kerala

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20.1 Development Vision

Kozhikode in her glorious past had been
an important trade centre, port, cultural centre,
and administrative headquarters of an erstwhile
kingdom, known for its honesty (thus the nick
Negative population growth in
name city of Truth) in short, a vibrant city with city core
a human face. Increasing dependence on
With the gradual shift in the transport personal transport due to
modes and marketing options, the economic base inefficiency of public transport as
well as life style changes
of the city grew weaker. This has resulted in
Congested city centre
physical decay as well, as evidenced by various
Low pedestrian friendliness and
derelict edifices in the old city core. In the recent
past, the city has lost some of its industrial
Inadequate solid waste, drainage
production units also. However, the city has and sewerage management
been trying to catch up with the new economic Irreversible Loss of agricultural
system with modest attempts in ITES and other land and resulting economic as
new generation service industries. The well as drainage problems
environmental decay and apathy crept in during Absence of identified suitable
the downslide needs to be checked. The city lands for large scale industrial
needs to reverse the adverse impacts in this investment and unavailability of
transition and build upon the various inherent infrastructure for industrial
strength and potentials in order to regain the lost development at reasonable rates
glory. So, this master plan is more about a turn Rocketing land values and
unavailability of land for public
around and further going forward. Considering
purposes and services provision
this reality, the development vision of the city is
Unplanned development of urban
defined as: -
fringe areas
Sprawling residential
A sustainable and liveable Regional Incomplete / lagging
Capital, with state of the art facilities ensuring implementation of plan proposals
quality of life for people at all levels, drawing Inadequate disaster
economic momentum from new generation preparedness, no evacuation
industries, trade and tourism, with thrust on routes
traditional livelihood while conserving the Absence of regulations/provisions
culture and heritage of Malabar, retaining the for housing of the immigrant
title The City of Truth. unskilled labourers

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20.2 Development Goals

The following development goals are formulated for developing Kozhikode into a
vital city in the social, economic and administrative scenario of the state, anchoring on its
strengths and utilizing the opportunities to the maximum, while strengthening the weak
sides and preventing the threats, for the comprehensive development of the planning area.
Development Goals

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To strengthen the economic base of the city as multifunctional which promotes

development in productive and service sectors (especially trade and commerce,
tourism, health and education with special emphasis on new age industries).
To promote sustainable green urban development along with conserving the resources
for future generations.
To preserve environmentally sensitive areas and heritage structures.
To make the city as a transit camp
To make the city as a service provider for nearby local self-government institutions.
To ensure equitable distribution of basic facilities to all sections of people.

20.3 Development Objectives

To achieve the above stated development goals, the following objectives are framed.

To strengthen the economic base of the city as multifunctional which promotes

development in productive and service sectors (especially trade and commerce, tourism,
health and education with special emphasis on new age industries).
Reinforce the role as commercial capital of Northern Kerala
Facilitate development of the city as a Health, Education and Tourism hub
Attract investments by demarcating Special Investment Zones, planning tools and
Ensure superior quality infrastructure to support large scale developments like Beypore
Port, IT parks, Knowledge Park, Marine Park, NIRDESH, etc.

To promote sustainable green urban development along with conserving the resources for
future generations.
Conserve existing greens and promote new greens
Prepare and implement a comprehensive Solid Waste, Sewerage and Drainage Plan
Regulate noise levels by silence zones
Improve urban aesthetics
Implement Urban forestry /Social Forestry and promote bio-diversity conservation
Promote homestead agriculture, green manures and organic farming
Introduce mass rapid transit systems
Create green walkways, pedestrian friendly streets, cycle tracks

To preserve environmentally sensitive areas and heritage structures.

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Protect Kottuli wetlands, Kadalundi mangrove reserves, other mangroves, other

wetlands and paddy fields, sacred groves, ponds, and rivers
Protect built heritage like Thali temple, MishkalPalli, Muchundipalli, Tippu fort, Mother
of God church, V K Krishnamenon Museum, etc.

To make the city as a transit camp

Build a Mobility hub with facilities for interchange of all modes of transport (Road, Rail,
Water way and Airway).
Introduce mono rail, loop bus services, dedicated high speed bus routes and water
Enhance efficiency of the grid iron pattern of transportation network with good
connectivity to nearby local governments and districts
To make the city as a service provider for nearby local self-government institutions
Enhance educational, health and trade and commerce sector.
Efficient circulation network for intra zonal and inter zonal movements.
Introduce higher order facilities like stadium, convention centre, etc.
To ensure equitable distribution of basic facilities to all sections of people.
Implement housing schemes for urban poor, slum improvement programmes and
enhance fisheries sector with model fishermen village.
Promote disabled friendliness.

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Development Concepts
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21.1 Projected Population and Settlement Pattern

21.1.1 Population Projections

The population of the planning area at the end of the plan period is estimated
considering four factors; the natural growth of population, the in-migration to the city
owing to the employment opportunities, the population that can be contained by the city as
well as the population needed to prevent the decay of the urban core. The details are
provided in Annex 13.
The natural growth in population is calculated employing Decreasing Rate and
Apportionment methods. The average of the projected values in the above methods, i.e,
8,53,971 and 8,78,266, are concluded to be the population in the planning area in the years
2021 and 2031 respectively, considering the natural growth of population alone.
The Masterplan envisages to strengthen the commercial and industrial base of the
planning area, which will create more job opportunities and thus attract migration into the
planning area and check the decay of urban core. The new employment opportunities and
the associated population immigration are calculated assuming that the additional industrial
and commercial areas required in the LSGIs in the planning area, to meet the suggested
share of these land uses as per UDPFI Guidelines, will be provided. The occupant loads
prescribed by National Building Code, 2005 is taken as a proxy indicator for the employment
generated by this additional commercial and industrial uses of land. The approximate
figures of employment generated, is arrived as 1,47,000 persons in Industrial and 3,15,000
persons in Commercial. Of this, it is assumed that 70% of the industrial employment and
80% of the commercial employment will be from the local population as well as from the
nearby LSGIs, adding to the floating population in the planning area. Thus, only 30% of the
industrial employment and 20% of the commercial employment is expected to migrate to
the city along with their families and become permanent residents in the planning area,
which means, the total workforce expected to reside in the planning area works out to be
10,7100. Assuming a family size of four, the total additional population to be considered for
planning purposes is, thus, 4,28,400. Thus the population including natural growth and
migration for employment is arrived as approximately 13 Lakhs.

21.1.2 Settlement Pattern

Low rise, high coverage residential developments, characteristic of the city, is
already swallowing a large chunk of the productive urban as well as agricultural land of the
planning area, leaving practically no space for development projects and green pockets. The
proposed residential area for large towns as per UDPFI Guidelines is 35-40% of the
developed area. The existing residential area is 76% of the developable area, which verifies
that there is no demand for more residential area. Suggested developed area density as per
UDPFI Guidelines is 100- 150 persons per hectare, whereas the existing developed area
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density is 49 persons / hectare and existing residential area density is 64 persons / hectare.
This suggests the ample scope for densification of the developable areas, especially
residential areas, of the planning area. Besides, the census results indicate that the
Corporation is being de-densified, posing an imminent threat of degradation of the urban
core coupled with lose of fertile lands in the fringe areas.
On the other hand, the developments envisaged in industrial and commercial sector,
especially the developments in IT sector, is expected to create a significant number of job
opportunities and an associated in migration of aspirants is foreseen. It is expected that
while majority of them will be floating population, a share of them along with their families
deriving a compact urban settlement pattern is a vital need of the hour, equally significant
to protect the urban core from deterioration, to
improve work-home relationship as well as to
conserve at best the existing likelihood for food
security in the region.
The study area can be divided into five
based on the existing densities, as presented in
Figure 21-1;theCore settlement of average
density of 11000PpHa, the adjacent settlements
of 7000PpHa and 6000PpHa,extended city of
5000PpHa and Suburbs of 3000PpHa. To derive a
compact urban form, it is planned that the Core
settlement shall continue with the same density,
the adjacent settlements of 7000 PpHa should be
densified as the Future city with 11000PpHa. The
settlements of 6000PpHashould develop as High
Figure 21-1: Development Concept - Settlement
Density Residential developments of
Pattern 15000PpHa,except at beach front area. High
density residential development at beach area may cause following problems. A)
Degradation of fragile beach environment. B) Reduce the economic value of beach front
residential land, since the open-up of land for high density residential might have resulted in
unplanned low quality residential developments at this area. C) Create more traffic
congestion, since the residential concentration is at the west side of CBD and all commercial
and institutional opportunities are at the east side of CBD. This will increase east - west
movements and thus congestion in city roads. Due to chances for these three problems,
high density residential development at beach front area may be restricted. Those areas,
where present density is 5000 PpHa should form the City Extension of 7500PpHa and the
Suburbs of 3000PpHa should densify to have 5000PpHa.

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21.1.3 Projected Population

As detailed in section 21.1.1 the population including migration is derived as 13
lakhs. The population that can be accommodated by the planning area considering
proposed densities as per UDPFI Guidelines is 19.4 Lakhs. However, the development
pattern and physiography of the cities of Kerala is far different from the other major cities of
the country. The State Urbanization Report observes that maximum density that is achieved
by Kerala Cities is 6000 - 7500 ppsqkm, beyond which the city core shows a decreasing
density and the fringes show increasing density. Considering this, the population that can be
accommodated by the planning area, in the existing scenario of the state, is 12 Lakhs.
Nonetheless, Masterplan takes measures to check the decay of the urban core with better
infrastructure and amenities and proposes a compact settlement pattern as discussed
in the preceding section, according to which a population of 12.86 Lakhs will be
accommodated by the planning area. Hence, a population of
approximately 13 Lakhs, is expected in the planning area, at the
end of the plan period.
Thus, the total projected population of the planning area at
the horizon of the Masterplan taken as 13 lakhs for calculation

21.2 Industrial Development

Kozhikode was once famous for its medium and small
scale industries in wood furniture, textiles, tiles, soap
manufacturing etc.. But all these industries have either
died out or declined and now the district has no
commendable presence in the industrial scenario of the state.
The negative population growth in the corporation also urges the

Figure 21-2: Development Concept - Industrial

policy makers to strengthen the industrial base of Kozhikode
and make it attractive as a job provider. The recent developments in IT sector gives hope for
the district, in specific the planning area. Then again, Trivandrum and Cochin, the other
major cities of the state have already established themselves as IT hot spots in the state.
Therefore, it is imperative for Kozhikode to develop its own IT sector in a unique manner,
strong enough to stand amongst its established counterparts, to ensure growth, success and
stability. The environmental and social sensitiveness, as well as the unavailability of suitable
large extents of land, diminish the prospect for large scale and polluting industries in the
planning area. However, the road, rail, airways and port based connectivity of the planning
area will surely make it a centre of transaction of industrial goods, both raw materials and
products, between the hinterland and the outside world. The recent activities related to
Beypore Port development brings in the opportunity for port based industries. The

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establishment of the National Institute for Research and Development in Defence

Shipbuilding (NIRDESH) at Chaliyam will pave the way for the growth of ancillary industrial
Hence, the development concept for industrial sector in planning area is Allocation
of suitable land for industrial development and expansion of existing projects, along with
policy and project measures for development of common infrastructure for production and
marketing, establishment of ancillary and value-addition industries in manufacturing sector,
promotion of product based industries in IT sector, revitalization of the traditional industries
of wood , textile, clay and bronze based products, and thus creation of a strong industrial
base for the city. Feroke is envisaged to be an industrial friendly panchayat to promote
medium and small scale industries, a clay and bronze industrial area is conceived for the
traditional workers in this sector in Olavanna, a hazardous storage and industrial zone is
earmarked in Pantheerankavu, Heavy Industries zone is allocated in the existing industrial
belt in Cheruvannur-Nallalam, land allocation for expansion of IT industries and Knowledge
Park is made in Olavanna and Ramanattukara and the Kallai wood industries zone is
proposed to be revitalised.
According to, the Kerala Perspective Plan 2030 (Vision Kerala2030) Kerala has to be
established as one of the most attractive location for business investments in Asia. Kerala
will develop its industrial sector that is: dominated by high value added activities, innovation
driven and socially and environmentally sustainable. While formulating the sectoral
proposals, along with development concept, consideration shall be given to this vision
statement too.

21.3 Commercial Centres

Kozhikode is, historically, a city which flourished with
trade and commerce since 12th century. Kozhikode was a chosen
destination for trade by Arabs, Chinese, and later on Portuguese,
Dutch and British, being one of the safest and trustworthy trading
centres for foreigners, with ample availability of spices and facilities
for storing and distribution. Even today, the city is honoured for its
high entrepreneurial spirits and trustworthy trade practices, and acts as
the regional commercial centre for whole of Malabar.
However, the commercial sector of the city is now troubled by
infrastructure deficiencies. The old commercial core is choked with
unavailability of organised parking places and streets of inadequate width
and has started decaying with collapsing old buildings. The commercial areas
have spread along all roads, resembling ribbon development, some of which
like the Mavoor Road has become one of the most happening places in the city.

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Figure 21-3: Development Concept - Commercial
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The commercial culture has started changing from the chain of retail shops to hi-tech malls
and super-hyper markets. Moreover, the overwhelming growth of commercial activities in
all urban centres of North Kerala has reduced the prominence of the city in the commerce
of the region. The new age developments brought about in the city like IT industries are
expected to boost the demand for high quality commercial and recreation centres as well as
office spaces, restaurants, lodging facilities etc.. Improving the commercial base is also
imperative to make the city attractive as a job provider and to retain the required
population in the urban area, in the context of the negative population growth in the
corporation in the last decade.
Hence, the development concept in commercial sector is Restoration ofthe
prominence of Kozhikode as the prime trade centre of North Kerala utilising the
opportunities for whole sale trade provided by Beypore Port for import and export,
earmarking land for hierarchical development of commercial centres including high end
commercial areas, promoting focused investments in commercial sector to address all
sections of the society, while strictly enforcing the parking standards and implementing
pedestrianisation for creation of walkable commercial streets and superior quality
commercial plazas.
While the Big Bazar, Palayam and Mavoor Road area will act as the CBD for the
whole district, a new commercial mix use zone is envisaged to develop between the NH 66
By-pass and Mini By-pass between Malaparamba, Arayidathupalam, Eranhipalam and
Thondayad. This area is envisaged to house the high end commercial, business, office
spaces, and food and accommodation facilities demanded by the New Age industries. A
second hierarchy of commercial nodes of specific nature are envisaged at major nodes like
Thadambattuthazham where the wholesale trade of vegetables as well as dairy and poultry
products will take place, the zone from Nadakkavu to Pavangad where automobile trade will
concentrate, etc. Lower order commercial centres to cater to the daily needs of provisions,
stationaries etc. are planned at every major node, throughout the planning area.

21.4 High Density Residential

In lines with the proposed settlement pattern (Refer
facilities should come up in the town area itself, to prevent the
urban sprawl. Thus, high rise, low coverage residential promotion
zone is identified at Thondayad to Eranhipalam area. Besides,
dedicated zones are to be earmarked for high density residential
mix development, in the vicinity of the proposed work centres, to
reduce the foot print of residential sector as well as work-home
distances. Two such zones are identified, in Palazhi and Iringallur.
Moreover, such high density developments are proposed in the

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Figure 21-4: Development Concept High Density

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important nodes in constituent panchayats of the planning area as well, aiming at retaining
the green areas and urban land for more productive uses.

21.5 Heritage and Environmental

Kozhikode is famous as the City of Truth, and
known world over from ancient times for its export of
high quality spices, trading vessels named Beypore
Uru and indigenous textiles named Calico. Its natural
port facilities and flourishing trade links attracted
people from various ethnicities and cultures to the city,
who later became residents of this charming city and
enriched the physical and cultural heritage which the
city inherits today. Moreover, the city has a good
literary heritage from many literature giants and has
traditions of conducting festive assemblies of scholars
and eminent personalities in literature, like the Revathi
pattathanam which has a history dating back to ancient
Besides, the city is naturally blessed by its
beautiful beaches, serene water bodies, wetlands and
rich estuarine ecology. Additionally, the planning area
inherits a large number of ponds and Sacred Groves.
The development concept for Heritage and
Figure 21-5 : Development Concept Environment and

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Environmental Conservation is protection of the cultural ethos, conservation of the natural,

built and cultural heritage, and preservation of the ecology, and utilisation of these as
resources for the development of tourism sector in a responsible way.
The Masterplan identifies the important built heritage, wetlands, estuarine
ecologies, ponds and sacred groves and prescribes policy, spatial, design and project
measures to protect, preserve and conserve the literature and cultural, ecological, natural
and built heritage. Conservation of Kottuli Wetlands/Sarovaram Bio-Park, Kadalundi bird
sanctuary and mangrove ecosystem, Beach and river fronts are taken up as priority projects
by the plan. The plan also envisages improving the environmental quality by conservation
of existing greens and promotion of new greens, a comprehensive solid waste, sewerage
and drainage plan, regulation of noise levels by noise zones, implementation of urban
forestry /social forestry and promotion of green manures and organic farming,
and improvement of urban aesthetics.

21.6 Tourism
Kozhikode is a major node connecting the national and
international tourists to the evergreen Wayanad forests of the
Western Ghats, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Besides,
Kozhikodes endearing hospitality, cultural harmony and its
exotic Malabari cuisine attracts many tourists, national and
international. Malabar enjoyed the religious brotherhood and
secularism from ancient past and the Jewish Christian-
Islamic -Hindu relationship were founded on peaceful trade.
The planning area has a long and beautiful coastline,
abundance of inland water bodies, multitude of built heritage

Figure 21-6 : Development Concept - Tourismof religious, cultural and administrative nature, and its own
footprint in the international trade and cultural exchange from the times of King Solomon of
Israel. However, the tourism potential of the planning area is not yet explored the way it
deserves. In addition, being a fast growing trade centre and flanked by premier educational,
scientific research and health institutes, the planning area attracts a lot of educational,
business and health tourism.
Achieve sustained and sustainable tourism is the mission statement of tourism
sector of Vision 2030 programme. This means
Achieving economic prosperity through increasing tourism circulation,
innovative products and services, and long term competitive and prosperous
tourism businesses;

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Facilitating social equity and cohesion through community involvement

in tourism planning and management;
Promoting safe, satisfying and fulfilling visitor experiences;
Ensuring environmental and cultural protection through upgradation of the
global and local environment, and strengthening of biodiversity in tourism;
Maintaining the unique and diverse culture by looking after the natural
and cultural heritage; and
Providing quality employment opportunities; and fair pay and conditions
for all employees.
The tourism sector vision To develop Kerala, into an up-market tourist destination
with a high quality, thriving, competitive and sustainable tourism industry, which
generates stable wealth, promotes environmental quality, enriches the local
communities, and brings enjoyment to visitors without harming local culture and
heritage of Vision2030is considered along with the mission objectives while formulating
the development concept as well as the sectoral proposals of tourism sector.
The development concept for tourism sector is Establish World class tourism
infrastructure in the planning area, to support the national and international tourists to
Malabar region and develop the tourism within the planning area as a main economic
sector, using the natural and physical resources in the sector optimally, with an integrated

21.7 Connectivity Network

Kozhikode Planning area is blessed with a good transportation network in grid iron
pattern, thanks to the previous planning interventions. The city has three major North South
road linkages, NH 66, NH 66 By-pass and the Beach road and five major East-West roads
namely the Puthiyangadi-Kakkodi Road, NH 766, Mavoor Road, Francis Road and
Kadalundi-Feroke Road, in regular intervals of about 2 Km. Besides, the city
has an existing double line broad gauge rail network along the coast
and a feasible water way network traversing through its centre.
The traffic congestion existing in the city is due to
insufficient road widths, poor road geometrics, poor segregation of
through and intra-city traffic, mixed vehicular traffic and
encroachment on road sides for parking and other activities.
Besides, the dependence on personal transport is increasing due
to the inefficient and poor quality public transport as well as life
style changes. Hence the development concept in traffic and
transportation sector is A strengthened public transportation
network achieved by improving the existing road network with

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Figure 21-7: Existing Road Network
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design and management interventions and organised parking facilities; supported by a

strong waterway network, excellent connectivity of the port with the hinterland and
reinforced by the introduction of supreme quality state-of-the-art mass transit measures to
overcome the congestion.
The identified growth centres in the planning area are Transport hub and
surroundings, Medical College and environs, IT park and contiguous areas, Ramanattukara
knowledge park and
industries and Beypore
port Nirdesh Area, as
shown in the figure 21-
8. The suggested
direction of growth is
towards the east and
towards the south east.
When the
regional connectivity is
considered, it can be
seen from figure 21-9
that the Second and
third order nodes are
scattered, but well Figure 21-8 : Growth Centres and Direction of growth
connected. CBD and other city nodes are also well connected.
Two major mass transit proposals are in the pipeline for the city, the monorail
corridor and the high speed rail corridor. Of these, the mono-rail corridor, being a high
quality public transit option, is expected to bring down the number of private vehicles plying
in the route, and thus ease the city traffic congestion to a great extent.
Beypore Port and the associated road traffic is another subject addressed by the
Masterplan. Beach road is envisaged to cater to the North South traffic generated or
attracted by the port. Beypore
Cheruvannur Road is extended to
NH By-pass, with dedicated truck
lane in a total width of 24m,to
cater to the East-West traffic,
bypassing the city core, and this
traffic is intended to be diverted
outside the planning area from the
Truck terminal planned at
Kolathara to Kunnamangalam on
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Figure 21-9: Connectivity of Nodes

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NH766 and Mavoor Road. The suggested conceptual connectivity pattern

overlaid on the proposed activity centres is presented in figure 21-10.
A two tier road is envisaged along the NH By-pass from
Thondayad to Vengeri, which will carry the through-traffic, while
the existing by-pass will function as a city road. The
water way network through EK Canal and BK Canal is
proposed with water taxi circuit, which will also act as an
emergency transit way from Malappuram district, Kadalundi
area and Koyilandi to the city core. A mobility hub is envisaged
at Malaparamba, which will act as an interchange hub
connecting mono rail, water way and road transport and
terminal for inter district buses. This will also help
preventing the congestion at the city centre.
Dedicated High Speed Bus Routes are planned
from the Hub connecting Airport and Railway
Station, to Medical College, and to
Kunnamangalam in the city periphery. Circular low
floor AC bus routes are also planned from the hub in all
directions. The Moffusil bus stand will function as the
intra-city bus terminal. Seven bus terminals are also
planned along the periphery of the city. Six parking plazas
Figure 21-10: Development Concept Suggested along with commercial complexes and Five Flyovers are also
connectivity pattern and proposed activity centres
planned at various locations in the city core, to ease
congestion. It is envisaged that all nodes are well connected with arterial roads and the
major activity centres have road, mono rail and waterway connectivity.

21.8 Primary Sector Development

Fisheries, the most important primary sector activity in the planning area, is planned
to be enriched with fisheries oriented
industrial zones for subsidiary, value
addition and by-product processing
industries along the cost and
provision of physical and social
infrastructure for the fishermen
community. The upcoming Kinfra

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Marine Park in Beypore, once fully functional, is going to be a big boost to the fisheries
sector, with facilities for seafood pre-processing units, value added marine products
production, fishing boat repairs and service, data and communication centre, training centre
etc. Three major fishing harbours in the planning area, Vellayil, Beypore and Puthiyappaare
envisaged to be developed with quality Infrastructure. Aquaculture, especially Cage culture,
is also proposed to be promoted using the ponds and streams in planning area.
Agriculture sector is proposed to be revived utilising the recent developments in
urban agriculture, by promoting homestead cultivation, terrace farming, organic agriculture,
horticulture and floriculture projects, agro-based value addition industries, and the
KadalundiJaivaGramam a village devoted for organic agricultural practices and products.

21.9 Waste Management

The plan proposes to promote reduce-reuse-recycle strategy as well as tocreate
awareness, promote and enforce mandatory decentralised solid waste management while
developing the Njeliyan Paramba Waste treatment plant to its full potential using latest
technologies. The plan also locates a sewerage treatment plant and proposes speedy
implementation of the KSUDP Comprehensive Sewerage and Drainage Master Plans.

21.10 Green and Sustainable Development

Driving the planning area towards sustainability is a major concern addressed by this
Masterplan. The plan focuses on measures to reduce pollution, cut down fuel and energy
consumption, check conversion of productive land, promotion of non-conventional energy
sources, increase green cover etc. The mixed use developments proposed will house public
transportation, commercial, schools, offices, and entertainment in walkable distance,
reducing the trip distances to work, education, shopping etc. and thus the fuel consumption.
Promotion of high density developments with low coverage will reduce the productive land
covered under concrete, diminishing the average shelter footprint multi-fold, when
compared to low rise independent or group housing units accommodating similar numbers
of population. Besides, such development reduces per capita land and infrastructure
development cost reducing the per capita energy use exponentially with population density.
The waste management concept centred on reduce-reuse recycle principle, decentralised
waste management, and the proposals for producing electricity and manure from the waste
will reduce the waste footprint of the planning area.
The promotion of public transport and state of the art mass transit systems will cut
down the carbon emissions from personal transport modes. Water way transport, when
compared to other modes of transport is less polluting and energy consuming, which is
promoted in the Masterplan. The development of walkable streets and promotion of
pedestrianisation, designated cycle tracks and public transit corridors etc. also contribute
significantly to lowering the foot print of urban transport. The proposed multilevel parking
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facilities will reduce the congestion on roads, again contributing towards reduction of air
and noise pollution. The plan also envisages using the existing ROW to maximum potential
and proposes no much of new roads or widening, reducing the tarred surface, a major
contributor to formation of urban heat islands.
The plan also comes up with strict measures for environment conservation and
increasing green cover and proposes conservation of wetlands, mangroves, sacred grooves
and ponds along with river banks, beaches and other water fronts. The plan envisages
promotion of urban agriculture, aquaculture etc and specifically organic agriculture, another
step towards a sustainable future.

21.11 Development Concept of the Planning Area

The development concept for the planning area is derived by combining the sectoral
concepts presented above. Thus the planning area is envisioned as the commercial capital
and regional transport hub of Northern Kerala with a strong industrial base of high tech
industries as well as traditional and small scale initiatives, a city which respects its heritage
and environment and offers ample spaces for leisure and entertainments, an education and
research hub in science and technology, literature and arts, health care, management as
well as agriculture, and a tourism hub which promotes beach and eco-tourism, heritage and
cultural tourism, health tourism, sports tourism as well as business tourism and offers high
quality of living to its residents.

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Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Development Concepts 239

The development concept thus encompasses a strong

transportation network of integrated rail-road-water modes
favouring public transport, supported by parking plazas, truck
and bus terminals and the mobility hub; exclusive soft core
and hard-core industrial zones for creating a

base for the city;
a well laid out
development; high
development promotion
areas of mixed use; low
density developments in
environmental and heritage
hot spots interwoven with
eco-tourism activities;
earmarked residential and
commercial rehabilitation areas;
comprehensive and customized
projects for primary sector
development in urban contexts;
specific land allocation for housing the
marginalised; and incentive based
policies to pool land for public purposes.

Figure 21-11: Development Concept for the Planning Area

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Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 PART III: LAND USE AND

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Land Use Plan
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22.1 Proposed Land Use Pattern

Along the lines of the development concept, the general policy observed while
designing the proposed land use is to prevent the decay of urban core by making the city
more liveable as well as an attractive employment generator, while enhancing its services as
the district headquarters , commercial capital and transit hub to remote areas of North
Kerala. Accordingly, the following zones are proposed for the planning area.
Residential Zone (Residential Zone I)
High Density Residential Zone (Residential Zone II)
Low Density Residential Zone (Residential Zone III)
Multi-Functional Zone
Commercial Zone
Mixed Zone (Residential/Commercial)
Public and Semi Public Zone
Tourism Promotion Zone
Small Industrial Zone
Industrial Promotion Zone
Dry Agricultural Zone
Recreational Zone
Water Body
Transport Zone
Park and Open Space
Wet Agricultural Zone
Cyber Park
Environmentally Sensitive Area
Green Belt
Defence Land
Port and Allied Developments
Heritage Zone

The following special zones are also proposed, to attend to the specific needs of the
planning area.
Mobility Hub
Stadium Complex
Parking Plaza
Educational Complex
Knowledge Park
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Garbage Treatment Plant

Slaughter House
Marine Park
Convention Centre
Truck terminal
Water Theme Park

22.1.1 Residential Zones

The existing residential land use in the planning area is about 68%, and is sprawling
around, swallowing the productive urban as well as rural land. Hence in lines with the
concept of a compact settlement pattern, it is proposed that the residential area should be
reduced in the planning area and high density low coverage residential growth should be
promoted. Besides, encroachment of wetlands and agricultural areas resulting from the
ever-growing demand for land in housing sector needs to be checked. Thus, three categories
of residential uses are demarcated in the proposed land use for planning area as described
below. Residential Zone I

This zone allows for the normal residential developments as permissible by the
KMBR/KPBR. The zone covers most of the planning area,, about 40% of the
planning area. Residential Zone II

Density is a key factor in
both the growth of cities, the happiness
The high density residential zones are of cities, and the wealth of nations.
demarcated in such areas where there is good And cities and regions where density
accessibility, existing major land use is residential is more concentrated near their urban
and there is high economic potential for land, but cores appear to gain the biggest
is underutilised. It is also taken care that high economic advantage.
Richard Florida
density residential is proposed along the future (
work centres like IT parks, so as to promote better and-economy/2012/11/cities-denser-cores-
work home relationships. Four major areas, one do-better/3911/)
between Eranhipalam and Arayidathupalam
enclosed by the NH 66, NH 766 and Mavoor Road, another at Govindapuram between the
Canoli Canal and NH 66 by-pass, the next in Pantheerankavuand the last in Ramanattukara
are identified and demarcated. The total area under this zone comes to, which is
4.46% of the planning area.

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Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Land Use Plan 247 Residential Zone III

Low density residential developments are envisaged near paddy and agriculture
stretches, to ensure low disturbance to the sensitive land use and also along the periphery
of the planning area to create a virtual zone of transition from the urban to the rural as well
as to ensure land availability for the middle and low income groups at a reasonable cost
within the planning area. This, around 6.5% of the planning area. The
height of buildings in this zone is envisaged to be regulated to 10m
Thus the pucca residential land use allocation in the planning area is reduced to
about 50% from the 68% in existing land use. It is taken care that the disturbances due to
other uses such as industrial and commercial is minimised in residential zones.

22.1.2 Commercial Zone

Being a commercial centre of regional importance, and commercial being one of the most
productive land uses in the planning area, the concept in commercial development is to
increase the land under commercial activities in a hierarchical commercial development
pattern. Proposed share of commercial area in large towns as per URDPFI Guidelines is 4-5%
of developed area. The existing commercial area is 2.11 % of developed area which results
in a requirement of additional 4.6 Sq.kmof commercial area to be met by 2035.

Hence the CBD being the major node and subsidiary nodes along the important
junctions are to be retained as commercial, while trying to allocate more land in this use.
The pucca commercial zone includes the CBD area as well as developed commercial centres
around important nodes in the planning area. This constitutes, around 3% of the
planning area.

22.1.3 Mixed Zone (Residential/Commercial)

Mixed use zones of commercial and residential is proposed adjacent to the pucca
commercial use and at subsidiary nodes of lower hierarchy, which accounts to,
around 6.8% of the planning area. These zones are proposed with the intention to explore
maximum prospective of the land in areas of good connectivity and potential by promoting
utilization of otherwise residential areas for non-nuisance commercial enterprises,
professional establishments, banking and financial institutions, necessary social
infrastructure etc, besides reducing the trip distances for such purposes in the locality.

22.1.4 Multi-Functional Zone

Real estate sector in the planning area has witnessed high activity due to increased
demand in hospitality, residential, retail and office space, in the past decade. In future, the
growth of IT/ITES sector, Port, health and business tourism, and other development projects
are expected to add impetus to the demand for business hotels, in additional to the

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increased demand from tourists to Wayanad and northern Kerala. The demand for office
and commercial space in Kozhikode is also expected to grow at a fast pace owing to
proposed IT initiatives, various state-of-the-art infrastructure projects, general business
investments coming from the NRI groupsetc. To address this need for built space,
Multifunctional zones are envisaged as high density development zones, and demarcated in
areas of good accessibility and high economic potential for land. High end Residential,
Commercial, Industries of non-nuisance nature, PublicandSemi-public and Recreational uses
are anticipated to be housed in this zone. The major areas identified and demarcated for
this zone are the stretch betweenArayidathupalam andThondayad till Chevarambalam as
well asPalazhi and Pantheerankavu, to tap the demand for commercial spaces arising due to
developments in IT sector and Port. A few more pockets are identified at Beypore, near
Kinfra Marine Park, Ramanattukara, Idimoozhikkal, Chaliyam, and Kadalundi. The area under
this zone is, about5% of the planning area.

22.1.5 Public and Semi Public Zone

The study of existing land use reveals that the Public and Semi Public Uses in the
planning area dont sum up to even half of the requirement as per standards. Being the
District and Taluk Headquarters and the most important service centre of North Kerala, it is
imperative to save the existing land as well as to pool more land under this use to meet the
future needs. Hence, the Public and Semi Public Zone is proposed so as to retain the existing
public and semi-public uses, including religious uses. Only incidental uses to the main use
are proposed to be additionally permitted in this zone except for construction in lands
owned by public agencies. This zone constitutes, around 4.7% of the planning

22.1.6 Industrial Zones Industrial Promotion Zone

To strengthen the industrial base of the planning area, major industrial zones are
proposed in Cheruvannur Nallalam and Feroke, contiguous to the existing industrial
developments and a new industrial area is marked in Olavanna, to house the storage,
godowns and ancillary industrial uses arising by the development of port. All these areas are
accessible either by rail or major roads or both, and water sources are available within
reach, making them suitable for industrial purposes. The industrial promotion zone
contributes to, around 2.6% of the planning area. Small Industrial Zone

Small industrial zone is proposed as a contiguous belt in Cheruvannur Nallalam,
Beypore, Ramanattukara and Feroke, extending the areas which already have industrial
developments, spreading over 6, around 3.5% of the planning area. This zone is
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dedicated for non-polluting medium and small scale enterprises. These areas are also
accessible by rail and road and bordered by the river, suggesting its potential for industrial

22.1.7 Transport Zone

The land under various transport terminals like the railway station, bus terminals,
truck terminals, lorry stands, parking etc and the land under ownership of railways are
zoned as the transport zone. This contributes to about 1.7, around 1% of the planning
area. Only incidental uses to the proposed transportation use is proposed in this zone.

22.1.8 Recreational Land uses

The existing land use analysis reveals that the recreational uses in the planning area
falls gravely short of the requirement. The required recreational open spaces prescribed as
per UDPFI guidelines for large cities is 1.2 to 1.4 Ha/1000 persons, which converts to 21.13 in the planning area for the year 2031. The currently available parks and open spaces
accounts to only 0.32 which leaves an unmet demand for 20.81 of
recreational open spaces for 2031. However, in the context of the planning area, reserving
such an amount of land exclusively as open spaces is not feasible. Hence, recreational uses
are zoned under three heads, as detailed below, to segregate buildable recreational zones
from parks and open spaces. Recreational Zone

The land between the NH 66 by-pass and Dream City is demarcated as recreational
zone to facilitate recreational facilities such as fair grounds, open air theatres, exhibition
centres and art galleries. Height of buildings is restricted to 10m in this zone.This accounts
to 0.24, 0.14% of the planning area. Tourism Promotion Zone

The part of Elathur rich in backwaters, areas adjacent to Dream City, a stretch of land
along Chaliyar river in Olavanna and Ramanattukara panchayats and the areas adjacent to
Kadalundi Kadavu near the mangroves reserve and bird sanctuary are envisaged as tourism
promotion zone. Activities like industrial and commercial having polluting nature are not
promoted in this zone. This zone contributes to 2.6% of the planning area, spreading over Parks and Open Spaces

Existing Parks and Open Spaces are retained and new areas for parks are reserved in
Beach, Arayidathupalam, Jawaharlal Nehru Housing Colony, Medical College, Beypore and
Kadalundi. Many neighbourhood level parks are also proposed in the planning area. Besides,
an International Stadium Complex near Malikkadavu (see section and a Mini
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Stadium in Ramanattukara are proposed. This land use constitutes 1.16Sqkm, 0.65% of the
planning area. Only incidental uses to parks are proposed in this area.
These recreational uses together constitute around 6, about 3.4% of the
planning area.

22.1.9 Agriculture zone Dry Agricultural Zone

The dry agriculture areas, mainly coconut farms, in those localities of the planning
area where environmental conservation is of importance, are proposed to be retained.
Lower order residential, commercial, industrial, and public and semi-public uses are also
proposed in this zone. The zone contributes to around quarter a percentage of the planning
area. Wet Agricultural Zone

The paddy fields in the planning area are proposed to be preserved as wet
agricultural zone. No construction or land development activities are permitted in this zone.
Around 2.0% of the planning area falls in this zone.

22.1.10 Water Body

Water bodies in the planning area are preserved under this zone. Fisheries and water
sports related infrastructure as well as aquaculture activities are permitted in this zone,
which covers approximately 7% of the planning area.

22.1.11 Cyber Park

Cyber Park, zone for the existing IT parks and future investments in IT sector is
demarcated along the NH 66 by-pass in Palazhi.

22.1.12 Port and Allied Developments

It is identified that Beypore Port has the necessary potential to be developed into a
full-fledged Cargo as well as Passenger handling port, and this would add tremendous
impetus to the regional economic growth. Hence,around 0.7 of land is identified for
development of Beypore port and allied activities. Light and service industries, godowns,
ware houses, and residential uses incidental to the port are proposed to be housed in this
zone additionally.

22.1.13 Heritage Zone

For conserving the heritage areas/Structures identified in the plan area, heritage
zones are proposed in Area around Mananchira Square, SM Street, Tali, Thiruvannur,

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Bilathikulam, Varakkal Temples, Kuttichira, Fort of Tippusulthan. The developmental

activities in this zone shall be approved beforehand by the Art and Heritage Commission.

22.1.14 Environmentally Sensitive Area

Mangroves, waterlogged areas, riverfront, beach, islands, wetlands and paddy fields
are demarcated as environmentally sensitive areas and assigned special developmental
controls, in view of protecting the bio-diversity, natural drainage, and encroachment of river
banks, beach and water bodies. Developmental and construction activities are not
envisaged in this area other than those structures required for water supply and irrigation,
embankment protection, activities for biodiversity and environment conservation,
agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, fisheries related infrastructure like Fish landing
centres and boat jetties. These areas are also expected to serve as a recreational open space
for the locality.
River banks having severe erosion problems shall be protected by constructing
embankments. Stretches of Edakkandi Parambu, Chelappuram, Chittarikandiand
Moozhikkal to kakkodi of Poonur Puzhaand Ferok, BC road and Mullasseri of Chaliyar need
urgent attention. Shore protection of Kallai River and Mampuzha shall be done throughout
the length.

22.1.15 Green Strip

Other than CRZ regulations, no other regulations prevent the building constructions
besides the river shores. Most of the major rivers will cover under the CRZ provisions, but
some stretches are excluded from it. Hence a green strip of no construction zone is provided
with a width of 10m for all major rivers in this plan area except for Poonur River. For Poonur
River, this width is limited to 5m since the width of the river is less compared to the other
major rivers.

22.1.16 Special Zones Mobility Hub

A special zone for the mobility hub is demarcated at Malaparamba, which is
envisaged as the regional transit centre where all modal interchanges can happen. 0.09, around 0.05% of the planning area is set aside for the mobility hub. Incidental uses of
the transit terminals of all modes as well as parking plazas are envisaged to be housed in
this special zone.

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Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Land Use Plan 252 Marine Park

Marine Park, a special zone for fisheries related industries is earmarked, near the
existing Kinfra Marine Park in Beypore. An area of 9 Ha, additional to the Kinfrapark of 0.4
Ha, is set aside for industrial ventures like Fish Waste based Manure Plants, modern Fish
Processing and Marketing Facilities, Fishing boat workshops, Net Repairing, Net Colouring
Facilities, Net Factoryetc. Nirdesh
The National Institute for Research and Development in Defence Shipbuilding
(NIRDESH) at Chaliyam is marked as a special zone with a total of 18.79 Ha of land for the
purpose including an additional 2.37 Ha zoned for the expansion of the project. Knowledge Park

An area of 32 Ha is zoned for the proposed Knowledge Park at Ramanattukara. All
incidental uses to the Knowledge Park are also proposed to be housed in this zone. Educational Complex

Two pockets are demarcated for Educational purposes under the zone Education
Complex, one at Pantheerankavu and the other at Chevarambalam. The education complex
earmarked at Pantheerankavu, having an extent of 37 Ha, is envisaged to meet the
infrastructural and quality enhancement needs and aspirations of the education sector in
planning area, as represented during stakeholder workshops and sector analyses, like, an
Institute for Teachers Training Courses and In-service Training Programs in lines of the
Indian Institute of Management, new SchoolsforManagement and Economics, a B.Ed.
College, relocation and expansion of various offices of Education Department, Text book
depot, and a Center for Integrated Development of Schooling Age Children having Study
Centres on Folklore, Environment and Agriculture, Fine Arts and Performing Arts , a Sports
Academy and a Guidance centre for advanced studies. The Educational Complex at
Chevarambalam, spreading over 10 Ha, is envisaged to house a proposed distance learning
centre of various state, national and international universities, Sub centres/Guidance
centres of major education offices at other districts, a new Folk and Fine Arts University
which caters to the whole of North Kerala, and Higher education institutions, including
relocation of the Govt. Engineering College at West Hill. Stadium Complex

A zone for the proposed international stadium complex is delineated at Malikkadavu,
spreading over 14Ha. Indoor and outdoor stadiums, parking plaza and incidental commercial
as well as public and semi-public uses are proposed in this zone.

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Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Land Use Plan 253 Parking Plaza

A Parking Plaza is identified at existing Bus Stand area at Palayam, having an extent
of 2 Ha. 20% of the built-up area in this zone is proposed to be utilised for commercial
purposes. Besides parking plazas are identified as component projects in various proposals,
like, Multi-tier parking at Moffusil Bus Stand, existing DD office complex, Mobility Hub,
SarovaramBiopark and in Beypore port allied developments zone. Slaughter House

Provision of modern slaughter houses has been an unmet demand for long time, in
the planning area. Therefore, three areas are demarcated for Slaughter houses, a major
facility at Kothi, and minor facilities at Olavanna and Ramanattukara are proposed,
amounting to a total area of 0.01 Ha set aside for this purpose. Garbage Treatment Plant

11 Ha of land is set aside for the development of Solid Waste Treatment plant at
Njeliyanparamba, and another Garbage treatment plant is proposed at Ramanattukara. Only
buildings for incidental uses are proposed in this zone.
A buffer area of 14 Ha surrounding the Solid Waste Treatment Plant at
Njeliyanparamba is proposed, included in the garbage treatment zone, to reduce further
introduction of human interferences and activities in this area. Only maintenance of existing
buildings is proposed to be permitted in this zone. Convention centre

Land zoned for a proposed convention centre in Elathur area. Truck Terminal

Area zoned for truck terminal and related activities. Water theme park

Existing two un used waterbodies were zoned as water theme parks.

22.2 Proposed Land Use Map

The proposed Land Use in the planning area is presented in figure 22-1 and table 22-
Table 22-1: Proposed Land Use
Proposed Land Use Area in Percentage of Total Planning Area
CYBER PARK 0.01 0.01

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Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Land Use Plan 254

DEFENCE LAND 0.19 0.11

CYBER PARK 0.29 0.16
ROAD 8.05 4.52
GREEN BELT 0.75 0.42
MOBILITY HUB 0.09 0.05
NIRDESH 0.19 0.11
RAILWAY 0.00 0.00
WATER BODY 12.05 6.76
Grand Total 178.21 100.00
* Total Planning Area as per census is 177.09 The total area including un-surveyed lands along
the coast is estimated as 178.21 from the land use map.

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Figure 22-1 : Proposed Land Use

When the proposed
Town land uses
and Country are classified
Planning Department,along with the most
Government resembling land uses, the
of Kerala
Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Land Use Plan 256

category wise split-up as presented in table 22-2 is obtained. It can be seen that Residential
useconstitute about 50% of the proposed land uses for the planning area. Pucca Commercial
land use constitutes about 3% and more commercial is envisaged under mixed use and
multifunctional zones. Industrial uses constitute 7%, public semi-public 5% and
transportation around 8% of the planning area. Around 7% is water bodies, suggesting the
possibilities for waterfront development, water based recreation , tourism and water ways

Table 22-2: Proposed Land Use Categorised

Proposed Land Use Category Area in Percentage of Total Planning Area
Residential 92.37 51.83
Commercial 5.09 2.85
Mixed Zone (Residential/Commercial) 12.17 6.83
Multifunctional Zone 8.37 4.70
Tourism Promotion Zone 4.65 2.61
Industrial 11.05 6.20
Hazardous 0.26 0.15
Public and Semipublic 8.43 4.73
Transportation 9.83 5.51
Port and Allied Developments 0.66 0.37
Recreation, Stadium and Parks and Open 1.79 1.00
Dry Agriculture 0.94 0.53
Wet Agriculture 3.55 1.99
Environmentally Sensitive Areas 5.34 3.00
Water body 12.05 6.76
Others 1.67 0.94
Total 178.21 100

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Proposed Land Use

Environmentally Water body
Sensitive Areas 6.76%
3.00% Residential
Wet Agriculture 51.83%
Dry Agriculture
Recreation, Stadium and
Parks and Open Spaces
Port and Allied 5.51% Industrial
Developments 6.20%
Public and
Semipublic Hazardous
4.73% 0.15% Commercial
Tourism Promotion Zone Mixed Zone 2.85%
Multifunctional Zone (Residential/Commercial
4.70% )
Figure 22-2: Proposed Land Use categories

Combining the envisaged commercial development in multifunctional zone and

mixed use zone, the total share of land in planning area put to commercial uses is expected
to be around 11Sqkm, about 7% of the developed area. Similarly the land expected to be
under industrial uses , together in Multifunctional Zone , Industrial, Small industrial and Port
and Allied Developments is around 14, around 9% of the developed area. In the
same way, the land envisaged to be put to residential uses is, i.e., 61% of the
developed area. This is expected to result in a densification of the residential areas to
135persons/Ha from the existing 64 persons/Ha, by 2031.Likewise, besides the allocated
land under Recreation, Stadium and Parks and Open Spaces, the environmentally sensitive
areas and water bodies are envisaged to be used for eco-friendly recreational purposes. The
tourism promotion area is also expected to cater to the recreational needs of the public.
Thus the total land use expected to be used for recreational purposes account to 26,
constituting 17% of the developed area. Public and semi-publiclanduses are expected to the
extent of 11, around 7% of the developed area. The share under transportation uses
is around 9%, combining the port, railways and the road. Thus, the total developable area
proposed is 157, which would result in an increased developed area density of 83
persons/Ha compared to the existing 49 persons/Ha.

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Traffic and Transportation Plan
Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Traffic and Transportation Plan 260

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Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Traffic and Transportation Plan 261

It is identified from the study and analysis of existing transportation infrastructure

that Kozhikode Study area has a very good circulation network, but with over utilised links,
which connects almost all the major activity centers in the area. Masterplan area is blessed
with main roads in both N-S and E-W direction at regular interval of about 2Km. Other than
road, study area has railway stations and proximity of International airport. The un-utilised
waterway network can be used as a major transit mode in near future. Air, water, rail and
road mode of transport options are presently available in the study area, road network
being the most preferred mode by users. The main problem in road connectivity is its
insufficient links, with low carrying capacity and poor geometry.
Hence, the connectivity concept for Kozhikode urban area is Strengthen the arterial
and sub arterial roads in the plan area for efficient inter-zonal connectivity, improve the
local and collector roads and construct missing links for intra-zonal accessibility, along with
improved facilities in other modes of transport with state of the art technologies in
connectivity sector. The strategies proposed to be adopted include strengthening of the
existing North South, East West linkages by maximum use of existing right of way and
without significant widening; promoting public transport and providing access to public
transportation corridor within walking distance; segregating intra-city traffic way from the
city core by establishing a full-fledged multi- modal mobility hub along NH 66 by-pass near
Malaparamba with Loop bus services connecting Airport, Railway Station,Inter City and Intra
City Bus Terminals; enhancing organized parking facilities in urban core by constructing
parking plazas; implementing Monorail/ elevated road corridors in already congested
corridors; providing Bus lanes/ cycle tracks/traffic segregation in accident prone areas;
employing traffic management measures like Junction improvements, signage and signals;
and development into a walkable and inclusive city with pedestrian friendly streets,
physically challenged and elderly - friendly bus stops and streets, low floor buses, ladies
only trips in all surface transport modes and the like. It is proposed that all the areas shall be
ensured access to public transport either by a road having width 7m or above serving every
2km2areas or providing access to a road of minimum 7m width within walking distance (800
m) or establishing bus routes and bus stops having service area of 800 m.
The road network for Masterplan area is planned by sticking to these aspects. The
main proposals in this plan are summarised below.

23.1 Road Widening, Traffic Segregation and Geometric Improvements

The immediate measure for reducing the congestion in study area is the widening of
roads and geometric improvements. Most of the important roads in the plan area are
proposed for widening. The important widening proposals, the proposed widths and the
major nodes in the stretch are given in the table 23.1. Out of this, almost 75% of widening
proposals are the un-implemented proposals in the existing Masterplan. As development

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controls are being implemented in these areas, the required land for widening is still

Table 23-1: ProposedRoad Details

Right of
N Road Name Major Nodes
Way (m)
Ramanattukara - Pantheerankavu - Palazhi -
1 N H 66 By-pass 45 Thondayadu - Malaparamba - Vengeri -
2 Mavoor Road 30 Arayidathupalam - medical college - Mavoor
3 Wayanad Road 30 Nadakkavu - Civil station - Moozhikal -
Beypore - Cheruvannur - Kolathara - NH 66 By-
4 Beypore - Arappuzha 30
5 N H 66 30 Ramanattukara - Feroke - Meenchanda.
Meenchanda - Kallai - Mananchira - Nadakkavu -
6 N H 66 24
Pavangadu - Elathur
7 Kuttiadi Road 30 Pooladikunnu - Purakkattiri
8 Kuttiadi Road 24 Pavangadu - Eranjikkal -Pooladikunnu.
Kadalundi kadavu - Madathil padam -
9 Coastal Road 24
Panniyankara beach - Calicut Beach - Vengali
10 Beypore Beach Road 24 Beypore - Naduvattom Beach
Francis Road- Methottu
11 24 Mooriad Bridge Methottu Thazham
Kadalundi - Prabodhini - Mannur - Perumugam -
12 Kadalundi - Ramanattukara 24
Medical College - Karanthoor Medical College - Mundikkal Thazham -
13 24
Road Karanthur
14 Balusseri Road 24 Vengeri - Kakkodi
15 Balusseri Road 18 Karaparambu - Vengeri
16 Mini By-pass 20 Mankavu - Meenchanda
Westhill - Eranjipalam - Arayidathupalam -
17 Mini By-pass 18
18 Palazhi - Mathara Road 18 Palazhi - Iringallur - Mathara
19 Old Beypore Road 18 Beypore - Marad - Panniyankara
Christian College -
20 18 Christian College - Karimbana Palam
Karimbanapalam Road
21 Palazhi - Perumanna Road 15 Palazhi - Perumanna.
Mooriad Bridge -
22 15 Mooriad Bridge - Kunnathupalam
Puthiyangadi - Kunduparamba -
23 Puthiyangadi - Kakkodi Road 15
Thanneerpanthal - Kakkodi.
Francis Road- Methottu 15 Francis Road - Pushpa Junction Mooriad
24 Thazham Bridge

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Length of roads of different carriage way widths proposed in this Masterplan along
with approximate project cost for construction including land acquisition and road furniture
is given inTable 23-2 below.
Table 23-2: Approximate Project Costs for Road Infrastructure Development
Proposed Road Width (m) Type Length (Km) Cost (in Crores)
Proposed New road 6.96
12 275.00
Widening of Existing road 138.34
Proposed New road 2.32
15 70.00
Widening of Existing road 50.68
Proposed New road 1.94
16 34.00
Widening of Existing road 19.75
Proposed New road 1.77
18 140.00
Widening of Existing road 64.46
Proposed New road 0.00
20 5.00
Widening of Existing road 2.57
Proposed New road 21.16
24 275.00
Widening of Existing road 50.87
Proposed New road 3.25
30 175.00
Widening of Existing road 40.76
Proposed New road 0.93
45 120.00
Widening of Existing road 20.98
Grand Total 1094.00

For segregating pedestrian and Vehicles, continuous unobstructed footpath of

minimum 2m width shall be provided on either side of all streets with right of way 12m or
more. Similarly, dedicated and physically segregated bicycle tracks with a width of 2.5m, one
in each direction shall be provided on street with right of way 24m or more.
Cycle tracks and pedestrian routes shall be identified. The micro level detailing of
these shall done as a separate study.

23.2 Mobility Hub with Road, Rail, Water and Air connectivity at
Widening of existing roads and introduction of few missing links will relieve the
traffic problems inside the city to a great extent. But if the existing bus terminals (Palayam
and Mofussil) continue to function as the mobility centres, all inter and intra zonal traffic
will still get attracted to city core and would not help reduce congestion. Hence, anew
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transportation terminal, which would also act as a state-of-the-art interchange hub - a

Mobility Hub -, is proposed at Malaparamba along the NH 66 By-pass, an area where all the
vehicles from North, East and South can easily approach without traversing the commercial
core. The existing Moffusil bus stand is proposed to be reserved for city services.
The mobility hub is deemed as a transit centre of the city where all modal
interchanges can happen. Besides the bus terminal for all intercity and long route buses it is
proposed to house, a good connectivity to the proposed monorail station and water way
connectivity to EK canal is also proposed from hub, so that once the proposed inland water
transport through EK and BK canals start, the Hub can act as the city terminal for the same.
Loop bus services are planned to operate from hub to connect the major activity centres in
the urban area, namely railway station, Moffusil bus stand, medical collegeetc.Connectivity
to monorail station at Malaparamba is planned with a dedicated connection through NH 66
by-pass. A helipad may alsobe provided at the hub, to improve airways linkage. These
facilitate road, rail, air and waterway connectivity at Hub. Different modes of transport will
be operated from different levels at hub. Besides, a parking plaza shall be provided at hub.
Grade separated interchanges with minimum conflict points from NH by-pass shall be
provided to the hub for reducing the mobility problems caused by the vehicles from and to
the hub at NH By-pass.
Waterlogged area in the hub can be changed as water bodies and waterfront allied
commercial developments shall bemade available here. Besides, hotel, lodging, office and
commercial spaces and tourist facilitation centres will be provided inside the hub, which
would improve the work-home relationship, tourism infrastructure as well as economic
viability of the project. Artist's impression of the Proposed Mobility Hub is given in figure
23.1.The estimated project cost for the implementation of Mobility Hub is and the proposed
implementation time frame is approximately Rs. 400 Crores and the suggested
implementation time frame is 2015-2025.

23.3 Loop Bus Services and Dedicated Bus Corridors for Public Transport
It is inferred from the mode split analysis that the share of public transport is about
75%. When compared to national average, it is very high. But in the case of Kozhikode, citys
public transport sector still needs improvement. Congestion in buses at peak hour is very
high. Average occupancy of buses at peak hour is about 100 persons. For making public
transport more attractive, some dedicated bus lanes and circular bus routes are proposed in
this Masterplan. These routes are shown in figure 23-2.

The proposed dedicated bus routes are

1. Hub Malaparamba Moozhikkal - Kunnamangalam
2. Hub Thondayad Medical College.
3. Hub Thondayad - Ramanattukara Airport.
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4. Hub Malaparamba Eranhipalam Nadakkavu Palayam Railway Station.

5. Railway Station Cherooty Road Gandhi Road Nadakkavu Hub.
A typical cross section for 30m wide dedicated bus route is given in figure 23-4. In
the case of Hub to railway station route, 30m wide road is not available for the whole
length. Hence one directional dedicated route is planned here.

Figure 23-1: Loop Bus Services and Dedicated Bus Corridors

Three loop bus service routes are

envisaged in this plan. Those are,
1. Hub Malaparamba Malikkadavu
Puthiyangadi Elathur Terminal -
Puthiyangadi Nadakkavu Kallai
Meenchanda Ramanattukara Terminal
Pantheerankavu Thondayad Hub.
2. Hub Malaparamba Moozhikkal
Kunnamangalam - Medical College -
Thondayad Hub.
Figure 23-2: Shoulder Lane dedicated route
3. Hub Malaparamba Eranhipalam
Nadakkavu IG road Thondayad Hub.
Low floor energy efficient buses or electric green buses can be used as circular
buses. At some links, this route ties with dedicated routes. At this links, dedicated route can
be used for plying of circular buses. At other links, a dedicated route may be provided for
buses at shoulder lane as shown in figure 23-3.

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Figure 23-3: AnofArtist's

Town and Country Planning Department, Government Kerala impression of the Proposed Mobility Hub
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The estimated project cost is approximately Rs. 40 Crores and the proposed
implementation time frame is 2015-2020.

Figure 23-4: Dedicated Route

23.4 Inland Waterway

Network with
Connectivity to Hub
National Waterway No 3 is
located in Kerala, and runs from
Kollam to Kottapuram and was
declared a National Waterway in 1993.
Since Kerala have lots of inland water
bodies and hence chances of extension
of this national waterway is very high.
A waterway, which runs for the entire
length of planning area, can be
constructed by developing EK and BK
canals. The proposed waterway is
shown in the figure 23-5. This can be
easily connected to hub by developing
a canal from Sarovaram area to hub
through existing water logged area.
This canal can also be used as a water
ambulance route in the case of
emergency. Minimum width of this
Figure 23-5: Waterway Network

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canal shall be kept as 15m.

Few focus points of proposed waterway are,
Cargo movement: Cheapest mode of transport through the city to suburbs with added
scope due to port development and Vadakara Mahe Canal in implementation
Passenger traffic: Speedy passenger movement from Malappuram, Vadakara, Koyilandy
to mobility hub and to Medical College. Passenger boats can ply economically from
Feroke to Elathur.
Flood Control: The waterway will act as a major drainage channel
Tourism Circuit: Continuous water based network connecting Focal Points - Elathur
water front development dream city Beypore Kadalundi bird sanctuary

Besides, the feasibility of a by-pass for this inland waterway may be studied and
steps taken accordingly, if developing the stretch passing through the city core to the
required standards of the national waterway is not feasible. In this case, the waterway
network passing through the city core can be used for exclusively for the citys needs and
tourism circuits.
The estimated project cost is approximately Rs. 200 Crores and the proposed
implementation time frame is 2015-2025.

23.5 Mass Transit Options:Light MetroRail

The ambitious venture of Kozhikode, the Light
Metroproject is at the anvil. Another major mass
transit proposal is the high speed rail corridor. Of
these, the first phase of light metro-rail corridor, from
Medical College to Meenchantha, which connects
existing bus terminals and railway station, being a high
quality public transit option, is expected to bring down
the traffic congestion at the city core to a great extent.
In second phase, it is proposed to be extended to
Airport and Civil Station. But this phase will only start
after considering implementation as well as financial
success of first phase. Proposed alignment for light
metrois shown in figure 23-6.The estimated project
cost is approximately Rs. 100 Crores for two phases
and the proposed implementation time frame is 2015-
High-speed rail may not reduce the congestion
in the city and it will attract a marginal percentage of
Figure 23-6: Mono Rail Network

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rail and long route bus passengers to it. The High speed rail project is in its planning stage
and the station is planned at Malaparamba opposite to proposed Mobility Hub.

23.6 Two Tier Road for by-passing New City Core

Higher order
development and IT
industries besides NH
by-pass between
Malaparamba and
Thondayad will
increase the traffic
volume in this portion
of NH. Moreover the
newly proposed
mobility hub will have
its influence on this
road to a higher extent. Hence introduction of an elevated road by-passing this new city
area is planned for catering the requirements of through traffic. This will reduce the
accident rates as well as congestion in this future business corridor. This elevated road shall
start prior to Thondayad junction and end after Vengeri Junction. This will help the through
traffic to by-pass three major roads, Mavoor Road, Wayanad Road and Balusseri Road and 5
minor roads along the 3.5 Km stretch on NH By-pass. The elevated road is deemed as four
lanes above the six lane divided carriage way of NH 66 By-pass. The estimated project cost is
approximately Rs. 60 Crores and the proposed implementation time frame is 2018-2024.
Like Thondayad Malaparambu another major traffic corridor of Kozhikode city is
Kallai Nadakkavu stretch of existing NH66. This is one of the most congested link in the
Kozhikode Corporation. An elevated road is also proposed in
this stretch. The elevated road shall start prior to
Meenchantha Junction and end after Westhill Junction.

23.7 Seven Bus Terminals at Periphery and Bus

Now all the city buses (City service buses, plying inside city
and its periphery) halts at Mananchira and surroundings. This makes
large interruption in the flow of other vehicles at city core. Hence in
this plan, few bus terminals are proposed at peripheral area of city, from
where all city buses should start and end their service. No city buses have
halts at city core. This will remove the congestion problems created by
long time halting of city buses in city core. Bus terminals are proposed at

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Figure 23-7: Peripheral Bus Terminals
Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Traffic and Transportation Plan 270

Elathur, Medical College, Meenchantha, Feroke, Pantheerankavu, Ramanattukara and

Kadalundi. The estimated project cost is approximately Rs. 400 Crores and the proposed
implementation time frame is 2015-2020.

23.8 Parking Plazas at Major Nodes

Parking is one of the main problems faced by
city in present days. The vehicle growth is very high
in past decades, but the areas reserved for parking
is very less. The identified parking plaza locations
(Figure 23-8) are
1. Palayam Bus Stand and Vegetable Market area.
2. DD office complex area.
3. Multi-tier parking at Moffusil Bus Stand
4. Near Mobility Hub
5. Near Sarovaram Biopark
6. Near Beypore port
The estimated project cost is approximately
Rs.200 Crores and the proposed implementation
time frame is 2015-2020.
Figure 23-8: Parking Plazas

23.9 Truck Terminals and DedicatedTruck Lanes in N-S and E-W

Intense port activities demands
for a container/Truck terminal. A truck
terminal is proposed at Kolathara. Once
this terminal is established, Trucks to
Wayanad side is to be diverted to
Kunnamangalam without disrupting city
traffic through Port - BC Road - NH By-
Trucks to N-S direction can ply through
proposed coastal highway. The proposed
truck lane is shown in the figure 23-9.
Other than this main terminal, two more
terminals/standsare proposed at Vengeri
besides NH By-pass and Vengali near
Railway Over Bridge. This terminal at
vengeri is mainly meant for trucks
coming to existing agricultural market at

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Figure 23-9: Proposed Truck Terminals
Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Traffic and Transportation Plan 271

Thadambattuthazham and towards the north east side of Kozhikode Corporation. The
terminal at Vengali is proposed at the area comprising of the unused road up to railway line
and the lower side of existing Railway Overbridge, and this area can be used by the trucks
operating at Puthiyappa Harbour. The estimated project cost is approximately Rs.340 Crores
and the proposed implementation time frame is 2020-2025.

23.10 Evacuation Route

Presently Calicut city lacks an evacuation route. The old city area situates between
Calicut beach and railway line. Existing city core situates between railway line and Canoli
canal. The barriers, Railway line and Canoli canal causes interruption to the traffic from city
towards east side, especially to medical college. Similarly, these barriers cause problems in
traffic when large passenger movements come to city core and beach at the time of
exhibitions and conferences. Now roads are available in this direction but all are major city
arteries. Hence these cannot be taken as a fixed evacuation route. In this plan an evacuation
route is proposed in E-W direction from beach to medical college. This route will start from
beach through existing Gandhi road. Then an elevated road shall be constructed from
existing ROB in front of Providence School to Sarovaram area. This elevated road will bypass
Kannur road at Christian College junction and its mini by-passatSarovaram. After Sarovaram
the road will continue on Panathuthazham Mundikalthazham Road till Kalandithazham
junction at grade. From Kalandithazhamthis road will turn South and enter the Medical
College Campus. The elevated road is shown (in orange dotted lines) in figure 23-10. The
estimated project cost is approximately Rs.35 Crores and the proposed implementation
time frame is 2015-2020.

Figure 23-10: Evacuation Route

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23.11 Proposed Rail Extension

The proposed development of Beypore Port is anticipated to create huge cargo
movements in the planning area. Rail connectivity to the port will be mandatory in such
case, to help the to and fro movement of goods related to the port and to reduce the cargo
movements on road to manage-able limits. Hence, a rail extension of approximately 3.66 km
is poposed at Feroke towards Beypore Port with the intention to facilitate goods traffic to
and from the port, as shown in figure 23-11. The estimated cost for the project is Rs.55
crores and the proposed implementation time frame is 2018-2025.

Figure 23-11: Proposed Rail Extension

23.12 Flyovers
The following flyovers are proposed at the following junctions, as they are necessary
for reducing the congestion and accidents at junction and for improving the net speed of
Puthiyara- Stadium Junction
Railway Station road to Oyitty Road
The estimated project cost is approximately Rs.150 Crores and the proposed
implementation time frame is 2015-2025.

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23.13 Rail Over Bridges

To increase the accessibility to western areas of Masterplan area, the following
railway over bridges are proposed
Westhill Chungam,
P T Usha road
Parappuram (Ward 51)
Feroke near IOC
Kadalundi near Panchayat Office
Kadalundi Near Bus stand
The estimated project cost is approximately Rs.105 Crores and the proposed
implementation time frame is 2015-2025.

23.14 Junction Improvement Plans.

The intersections are the areas where pedestrians, bicyclists and motor vehicles
conflicts together. The intersections include not only the pavement area, but typically the
adjacent sidewalks. Hence designed intersections are necessary to reduce the accidents to a
great extent.
Major junctions in study area which require improvement measures are:
Bank Road Junction, Cheruvannur Junction, Chevayur Junction, Eranhipalam
Junction, Feroke Town Junction, Karapparamba Junction, Malaparamba Junction, Mankavu
Junction, MCC Junction, Medical College Junction, Meenchantha Junction, Palayam Junction,
Pantheerankavu Junction, Pavangad Junction, Poonthanam Junction, Pottammal Junction,
Pushpa Junction, Rajaji Junction, Ramanattukara, Rly Stn-Link road Junction, Thondayad
Junction, Vattakinar Junctionand Westhill Junction
Various measures can be adopted for the improvements of the junction are listed
Reduction in the frequency of intersection conflicts can be achieved by
separating through and turning movements.
Restrict or eliminate some turns during peak period, or totally.
Install pavement markings.
Provide lane assignment signing or marking.
Improve visibility of intersections by providing enhanced signing and
Provide continuous sidewalks, pedestrian signs, signals and markings for the
protection of pedestrian traffic.

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Visibility at intersections is one of the major factors in safety at

intersections.According to IRC 66-1976 there are two specific intersection conditions viz:
Uncontrolled intersections where the intersecting roads are of more or less
equal importance and there is no established priority.
Priority intersections like minor road intersections where one road takes
virtual precedence over the other. Traffic on minor road may be controlled by
Stop or Give way signs / Road markings.
For priority intersections, IRC SP 41, Guidelines for the Design of At-grade
Intersections in Rural and Urban Areas, recommends a minimum visibility of 15m along the
minor road while for the major road; sight distance equal to 8 seconds travel at design
speed is recommended. For a design speed of 50Kmph, the distance should be 110m.
Adapting these values might have resulted in prohibition of construction at about 20 cents
of land adjacent to intersection and the same might have create problems for commercial
and residential developers in towns in Kerala, where mainly ribbon development and high
road density is seen.Hence values slightly less than those recommended by IRC is adopted in
this plan and the recommended distances to be kept free of construction is given in section
25.1 Zoning regulations.
The estimated project cost is approximately Rs.100 Crores and the proposed
implementation time frame is 2015-2025.

23.15 Auto and Taxi Stands

Auto Rickshaws popularly known as Autos and
taxi cars are an integral part of the urban and rural
transportation system in the state. Autos are widely
being used as a transit agent for relatively shorter
distances, especially by the common public in order to
transfer from one transit mode/ location to another,
also to reach to specified destination from primary
transit modes such as bus terminals, railway stations,
airports and sea ports. Taxis are deployed when the
distance to be travelled is relatively larger, and when it
is required to save time. Autos and taxis act as feeder
agents to the main public transport means by
transporting passengers from distant areas to the
public transport network.
Auto and Taxi stands are generally referred to
be a queue area, where autos and taxis line up to wait
for the passengers. Auto/ taxi stands are usually
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Figure 23-12: Major nodes of Plan area
Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Traffic and Transportation Plan 275

located along the side of the main road, mainly on public land. Presently the queue extends
up to the main roads, thereby causing in convenience to the free flow of other traffic.
Presently the public transit nodes of the town can be classified in different types of
nodes with respect to their volume of passengers being handled can be classified as given in
fig 23.12. The Railway Station, Mofusil bus stand, palayam bus stand and the Medical
College junction receives maximum number of commuters for auto and taxi usages hence
fall in to 1st order nodes. Hence at these locations taxis and auto stations need to come up
with keeping state of the art facilities. These to include various facilities like, digital prepaid
booking kiosks, digital queue management systems, comfort stations, rest areas for the
drivers, information centers, convenience shops and so on. The 2 nd and third order nodes
receives commuters less than that of the first order and at these places dedicated bays and
facilities need to be provided, which allows the comfortable and safe commuting of
passengers, keeping the main traffic flow hurdle free.

23.16 Bus Bays

Bus bays in general can be referred to be a space on the side of the main carriage
way where in buses can be pulled over from the main route so that the passengers can get
in and off the buses without hindering the flow of traffic behind. Bus bays can be attached
with bus waiting shelters, but not necessarily. The main function of the bus bays are to
ensure that no traffic in the route is affected while buses are stopped on their course of

Figure 23.13: Typical layout of a bus bay (For illustrative purpose)

Currently, the buses stop right over the carriage way blocking one entire lane. This
prompts the long trail of traffic behind to fall in queue behind the buses and the entire
traffic movements in the lane are stopped until the buses start to move further. The
scenario gets repeated at each and every bus stop, resulting in considerable delays and
traffic deadlocks. When the scenario develops vehicles from behind tends to overtake the
bus ahead, mostly in a desperate manner. This can result in fatal accidents and other
unpleasant circumstances critically endangering the safety of the other road users. Also, the

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bus operators get hardly enough time to stay at the bus stops for the passengers to safely
board and de-board the buses.
Presently the city had limited number of stops where in designated bus bays are
functioning, whereas have much scope for improvements making use of the available
infrastructure. Location specific designs need to be adopted considering various aspects.
Based on the availability of land the existing bus stops can be categorized to the following
three types.
a) Type A Carriage way is wide enough that, land under public ownership is
available by the side of the carriage way, for the construction of a detailed,
designed bus bay. Typical layout of the type A bus bay is given in Fig23.14

Figure 23.14: Typical layout of type A Bus Bay

b) Type B Carriage way is wide enough that, the land is available for the
construction of an improvised bus bay, and the typical layout of the type B bus
bay is given in Fig23.15

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Figure23.15: Typical layout of a type B bus bay.

c) Type C In this type of bus stops, the land available are not enough to provide
any further improvements. Land to be arranged for in order to construct the bus
stops by different means.

Figure 23.16:Typical layout of a type C bus bay.

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The spatial distributions of the different types of bus stops in and around the
planning area are shown in the figure 23.17.

Fig-23.17: Spatial distribution of

different types of bus bays on major bus
routes originating from the Kozhikode

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Study on availability of land on eight major routes as shown in figure 23.17 reveals
that, either designated well designed bus bays, or improvised bus bays (type A or B) can be
provided at almost 80% of the locations, making use of the characteristics of existing right of
ways, without going for additional and acquisitions. Wherever land is not available at
present, (Type C locations) land need to be acquired by various means, including
a) Providing development right incentives.
b) Association with commercial centers nearby and providing bus bays within their
shopping precincts.
c) Sponsorship through providing advertisement rights on the bus shelters at major
centers, and
d) Through traditional land acquisition processes.

23.17 Green Corridors and Heritage walk

Green corridors orGreenWalk Ways, connecting the green areas and water bodies in
the city, are proposed to enhance the Green Blue Network in the planning area, the pilot
stretch from Sarovaram to Beach and further in all possible stretches, with the purpose of
increasing cycle and pedestrian friendliness of the urban centre and to promote health and
environment friendly habits among its residents.
The project intends to make the city more pedestrian and cyclist friendly, attractive
for tourists as well as to create a stress buster for the residents of the city core. The first
phase of the proposed walk way is planned to connect Sarovaram Bio Park to Kozhikode
Beach through Mananchira, connecting as many green patches and water bodies as
possible. Building this walk way employing various resorts of landscaping will leave no space
for monotony and will make the walk way more attractive. Even the neglected backyards of
various buildings can be interlinked and landscaped to achieve continuity through heavily
built areas. This will also help better utilisation of the otherwise neglected urban spaces and
will ensure technical feasibility of the project.
Walkways besides Kallai River from Kothi Bridge to Kallai Railway Station and from
Ferok to Arappuzha Bypass Junction are another two green blue walk ways to be

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Figure 23-18: Green Walk ways

Various methods to implement this walk way, even through heavily built areas and
different terrains, is represented in figure 23-18 (Picture Courtesy: Public Domain). To
enhance the economic feasibility, the project can be implemented with private participation
in building the network as well as lifelong maintenance, linking it with the CSR activities of
various establishments in the city. Another walk way in Kadalundi is proposed, connecting
bird watching centres and mangrove parks. Cycle tracks are proposed to be developed
along with these walk ways in all feasible stretches. Considering the Sarovaram Beach
walk way as the pilot stretch, such walk ways can be extended to all parts of the planning
area in later stages. The estimated project cost is approximately Rs.10 Crores and the
proposed implementation time frame is 2015-2020.
Similar to this green walkway, Heritage walk corridors connecting heritage areas in
the District are also proposed in this Plan. A heritage walk stretch can be developed
between Varakkal Beach and Canoli Canal, connecting heritage places of Varakkal vavu bali
tharppana(a ritual for the departed souls)beach, Varakkal Temple,Barracks Church,
Freemason Building,V K Krishnamenon Museum and Canoli Canal.

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Figure 23-19: Proposed Heritage Walk

Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Traffic and Transportation Plan 281

23.18 Development of a Walkable Community3

Walking, the most primitive and basic transportation mode, have given way to
automobile-oriented transportation, in the last few decades. This has already revealed its
negative impacts and is increasingly affecting the public health, transportation
infrastructure, economic development, and social equality. The Kozhikode City Police, with
the help of schools in the planning area, is putting in laudable efforts in creating traffic
awareness and pedestrian friendliness in the planning area.
The Masterplan sets the basic policy frame work to promote walkability through
mixed use and multi-functional zones, and allocation of high-density development areas
near major transit centres. Besides, a comprehensive project is proposed herewith, to build
communities in the planning area where people are not only given the opportunity to reach
their destinations on foot safely, but also ensured a quality time spent on walking.Since the
hindrances to pedestrian movement are of variety, the measures to overcome them should
also be multi-dimensional. The project also intends to promote cycling, being a non-
polluting, green and healthy mode of commuting, like walking. Walking and cycling can help
reverse poor health trend, and is particularly important for the elderly, disabled, and lower-
income people who have fewer opportunities to participate in sports or formal exercise
programs, and cannot afford to drive owing to health/financial reasons. It is hoped that, if
the trips about a kilometre in length equivalent to less than 20 minute walk - can be
reduced from the total traffic volume, the congestion problems can be reduced to a
significant extent in the peak time. Improvement in walkability will benefit the elderly in
specific, as they are mostly confined to the houses due to the absence of safely walkable
premises, besides strengthening the social fabric, by creating ample opportunities for social
interaction. The project components include
Immediate traffic control measures including
Construction of raised, offset and high-visibility pedestrian crossings (zebra lines, as
referred locally) and Pedestrian Islands at the existing crossings and other required
places. The raised pedestrian crossing is a higher section of pavement with a
pedestrian crossing (zebra line) marked on it, having sloped ramps for the driver
leading and following the flat raised-crossing section. They should be raised to the
standard height of a pedestrian foot path, or of the existing footpath, if any. They
force the drivers to slow down, and chance of an accident and fatality decreases with
decreasing speed. Such crossings thus ensure a safer crossing for the pedestrians,

Source of images and concepts used in this section is Steps to a Walkable Community - A Guide for
Citizens, Planners, and Engineers by Sam Schwartz Engineering and America Walks Making America a Great
Place to Walk. The images are used purely for representation purposes.

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besides making it easy for the elderly and physically challenged, when integrated with
a network of pedestrian foot paths, guaranteeing a walk at the same level.

Figure 23-20: Examples of Raised Pedestrian Crossing

Figure 23-12: Example of an Offset Crosswalk and Pedestrian Island

An offset crosswalk is one with a center median that acts as

both a pedestrian safety island and means of directing
pedestrians to look toward oncoming traffic before crossing
the second half of the street.
Design and planning interventions to reclaim flood prone
sidewalks which are not accessible/ safe during monsoons.
Creation of Safe Routes to Schools/educational institutes
create a pedestrian sidewalk network towards educational
institutes from important transit points, residential localities
etc.., prioritized based on the accident-proneness of the area,
age group of the students of the institution etc..
Installation of redlight cameras and speed cameras
Installation of signalised intersections with leading pedestrain
interval/split phasing to accommodate conflict free Figure 23-22: An Accessible
Pedestrian Signal
pedestrian crossing phases, pedestrian exclusive
crossingphasesand turning/ pedestrian friendly modificationsto exisiting signalsystems
/ pedestrain detecting signals
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Installation of accessible pedestrain signals to accommodate the needs of challenged /

impaired pedestrians which provide audible signals and vibrating surfaces etc. to
indicate the appropriate time for pedestrians crossing.
Preparation and strict implementation of a Pedestrian Master plan which provides a
comprehensive outline of the walking transportation network and identifies projects
that will enhance and encourage walking throughout the community. The master plan
Prepare a street user hierarchy framework for the planning area . A street user
hierarchy definestheorder of priority of
various street usersin a particular street,
from a designand implementation
perspective, and urges each user to do
justice towardsthe more vulnerable
street users. A street hierarchy that
prioritizes pedestrians would rank street
users in the following order: pedestrians,
Figure 23-23: A Traffic Zone Specifying the Speed
cyclists, transit users, freight
transporters, taxi drivers, and private-vehicle drivers.
Delineate Traffic Zones- Traffic zones specify and standardize expected travel
behavior by clearly identified zones, such as 40 kmph, 30 kmph, and 20 kmph zones,
pedestrian-priority zones with continuous and clear route for pedestrians with
reduced mobility and dedicated pedestrian-only areas.
Build a
dewalk Network
with Safe Routes
to transit
hospitals, public
places etc.., and
targeting special
sections of
population like
the elderly,
women etc..

Redesign Figure 23-24: An Ideal Residential Street

important roads
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to include Motorised Vehicles, Walking, and Bicycle lanes by adapting roadway

geometry (including reducing or narrowing travel lanes), traffic-signal plans, and
adjacent land uses.
Locate parking lots/plazas in such a way to encourage walking
Identification and temporary conversion of unused public/private land to organised
parking lots.
Build Pedestrian and Cyclist Bridges
Create a Pedestrian Way-finding System signages and way finding maps/digital
installations at all required places to facilitate seamless flow of pedestrians between
various destinations.

Figure 23-25: A Pedestrian and Cyclist Over Bridge

Formulate legal provisions ensuring higher penalties for drivers who harm more
vulnerable roadway users, such as pedestrians and cyclists.
Suggest and implement urban design and street improvement measures to transform
walking to a pleasant experience.

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Figure 23-26: Cross Section of a 'Complete Street'

Facilitate Phase wise transition of the streets in planning area to Complete Streets
where the rights-of-way are designed for safe access for everyone on the street,
regardless of age, ability, or mode of transportation. Such streets shall be designed to
accommodate hawkers, pedestrians, street furniture and greens, parking, utilities,
segregated lanes for cycles, motor cycles, public transit, personal vehicles etc.., an
example for which is presented in figure 23-26.
The estimated project cost is approximately Rs.5 Crores and the proposed
implementation time frame is 2015-2031.

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Sectoral Proposals
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24.1 Economy
The study and analyses reveal that the planning area needs to strengthen its
economic sector so as to create its own identity in the economic scenario of the state. The
city is blessed with a highly enterprising business community, the potential of which is yet to
be tapped optimally. The bloom of IT industries provides a new hope for the industrial
sector of the planning area. Besides, the city has high potential in fisheries sector, which can
be enhanced with proper infrastructure for harvest as well as export oriented processing.
The promising potential in water based, health, educational and business and eco- tourism
is untapped thus far. Hence, the general policy towards economy of the planning area is to
Provide a focus for the economic initiatives in the planning area, and create a vital position
for the city in the economic scenario of the state.

24.1.1 Industries
The policy in industrial sector is to Attract focused investments in industrial sector through
provision of land and infrastructure. A two-pronged strategy of attracting New Age
industries while supporting the traditional economy by infrastructure provisions has to be
implemented. It is proposed that IT sector shall focus on product oriented initiatives, to
create its unique position in the states IT initiatives. Besides, suitable land for large scale
private sector/public sector/PPP mode MSME industrial estates has to be earmarked, to
overcome the hurdle of unavailability of suitable industrial land. Simplifying rules and
regulations pertaining to MSME sector and streamlining functions of Single Window
Clearance Board is essential to promote the MSME sector. Also, common infrastructure like
testing laboratories, marketing outlets, facility centre etc. has to be established through
cluster initiatives to make this sector more cost effective. In this context, it is envisaged to
develop Feroke as Industry Friendly Panchayat with such common infrastructure.
Strengthening of technical institutions like ITI, Polytechnic etc. is necessary to create more
employable man power. Specific interventions for women oriented industries and increase
in female work participation shall be in focus. Specific proposals in industrial sector are
detailed below. Proposal for Expansion of IT sector

Location: Kozhikode Municipal Corporation and Olavanna Grama Panchayat, near
Palazhicontiguous to existing IT parks).
Project Rationale:IT sector in the study region is in infancy, but has good prospects,
Kozhikode being a dream destination for high quality work and life, thanks to the serene
environment and high quality life offered by the city. The low manpower costs bundled with
high literacy and abundant talent pool, moderate real estate costs, reasonable cost of living
etcare expected to make the planning area a preferred destination for IT companies and
other knowledge based industries in the coming decades. The region is also strategically
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placed with good accessibility to Bangalore, the most important IT destination of the
country as well as other major IT hubs like Mangalore, Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram. The
region also has many prestigious schools in the field of science, technology and
management which ensure the availability of highly skilled human resources required for IT
sector, as well as training personnel and aids. The existing IT initiatives in the city are
product development oriented, which enhances the potential for Kozhikode in the IT map of
Kerala, as a unique IT destination of the State with focus on Product Development, against
the services-focused IT initiatives of Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram. Hence, it is proposed
that the IT sector in the planning area may be enhanced and more land may be delineated
and allocated for this purpose.
The proposed location for expansion of IT sector initiatives is at 15-minute drive
from the city centre and railway station and 20-minute from the Karipur International
Airport contiguous to the existing Uralungal and Government Cyber Parks, which already
have SEZ status. Locating the future industries next to the existing ones will not only reduce
the associated infrastructure costs, but also result in better sustainability by sharing of
existing infrastructure and resources and lifetime reduction in operating cost and wastage of
resources. Hence the expansion of IT sector is proposed at land contiguous to the existing
Cyber Parks.
Implementation Time Frame 2015-2031 Proposal for Knowledge Park at Ramanattukara

Location : Ramanattukara Gramapanchayat, Resurvey No.s 201p, 202p of KarinkallaiDesam,
229p, 235p, 236p, 237p, 240p, 241, 242p, 243p, 244p, 247, 248p, 251p, 252, 253p of
Project Rationale:The proposed
Advanced Technology Park in
Ramanattukarais a joint venture
between Kerala Industrial
Infrastructure Development
Corporation (KINFRA) and INKEL
Ltd.TheRs.9,000 croreproject is
projected to generate 25,000 direct
employment opportunities and
30,000 indirect jobs. The foundation
stone for the project is already laid
Figure 24-1: Proposed Knowledge Park, Ramanattukara
and the acquisition of land for the 80-
acre park is over and the project is expected to be completed in five years.
The park will have centres for industrial production and research oriented activities

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in electronics, microelectronics, avionics, biotechnology, nanotechnology and

pharmaceutical research and development, a field where Kerala lags behind. The proposal is
to construct Knowledge Park with Financial Services, BPO, KPO, LPO, etc..,
Accommodationfacilities, Open Air Auditorium , Multi Products and Services Park, Health
and Wellness Zone, Green Zone With Water Body , Convention and Exhibition Centre.
The Masterplan delineates the area acquired for the Knowledge Park and facilitates
its development.
Project Cost Rs. 500 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2019 Proposal for Bronze and Clay Cottage Industrial Cluster

Location:Resurvey No. 25p of Olavanna
Desam, Olavanna Panchayat
Project Rationale:Olavanna Panchayath is a
hub of artisans who craft clay and bronze
products. It is important to recognise their
traditional knowledge and skills and assure
their progress and welfare, amidst the rush
behind new age industries. To facilitate
their development, an area of 0.3 Ha,
currently under the stagnant Bell Industries,
is delineated as a Bronze and Clay cottage

industrial cluster. The land is owned by Figure 24-2: Bronze and Clay industrial cluster

Olavanna Gramapanchayat. This project was proposed by the Gramapanchayat, during the
Peoples aspirations studies.
The roads adjacent to the proposed
industrial cluster in N-S and E-W
directions are proposed to be widened
to 12m, to enhance the accessibility to
the area. It is proposed that the
industrial clusters focus should be on
the production of value added products
like the earthen pots for composting bio-
degradable wastes, besides the
traditional products.
Project CostRs.0.5 Crores
Figure 24-3: Value added products suggested for production in
Implementation Time Frame2015-2017 the cluster
* Images from public domain used for representative purposes

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Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Sectoral Proposals 292 Proposal for Womens Industrial Clusters

1. Resurvey No.s 223p, 250p, 251, 252, 270p, 286p in Puttekkat, NalloorDesam, Feroke
2. Abandoned clay mining areas in Resurvey No.s 170p, 171p, 173p, 174p, 175p, 180p,
182p, 183p of NalloorDesam, Feroke Gramapanchayat and Resurvey No.s 42p, 43p, 44p,
46p, 47p, 56p, 57p, 58p, 59, 60, 61p, 62, 63, 85p, 175p, 176p, 177p, 178, 179p, 180p of
Cheruvannur Desam, Kozhikode Corporation
3. Kadalundi Gramapanchayat, resurvey nos. 145p, 146p, 147p, 149p, 150p of
Project Rationale:The planning area lags behind in Female Work Participation. Hence,
women oriented industrial clusters and skill development centres are promoted in the
planning area.
In Re Sy.No 250/4
and nearby plots in
Puttekkat, Millath
Colony, Feroke
Panchayat, a Centre
to Promote Women
Entrepreneurship and
Figure 24-4: Centre to Promote Women Skills Development to
Figure 24-5: Womens Industrial
Entrepreneurship and Skills Development in
Cluster, Kadalundi
impart training to
Feroke Panchayath
women in IT,
Management of Xerox, Lamination, Internet Caf centres etc.., Beauty Parlour and
Cosmetology, Catering, Hospitality, Cookery and Food Products, fisheries products, Coir
Products, Home nursing, Agriculture Nurseries, Textile Technology, Driving, Automobile
Workshops, Medical technicians etc is proposed.
Women-oriented industrial projects are proposed in the abandoned clay mining
areas in Feroke and Cheruvannur Nallalam, as well as Church Compound in Kadalundi
Panchayat. These units are proposed to house women only units for tailoring/garment
manufacturing, jewellery manufacturing, copra manufacturing, chapathi making, fish and
sea food processing, cateringand food processing, soda manufacturing, dairy/poultry farms
and products, fully mechanized laundry, commercial production of sanitary napkins, hollow
brick production, etc..It is proposed that widows, women who are sole breadwinners of
their families, SC/ST women and women from BPL families must be given reservation in the
skill development programmes as well as job opportunities in these initiatives.
Project Cost Rs.20 crores Implementation Time Frame2015-2020

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Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Sectoral Proposals 293 Proposal for Beypore Port Ancillary Industries

Location: Resurvey no.s 2, 3p, 4p, 6p, 7p, 8p, 10p, 11p, 12p, 13p, 14p, 15p, 24p, 25p, 26 of
Kadalundi desam of Kadalundi Gramapanchayat, resurvey nos. 33p, 34p, 35, 36p, 53p, 54,
55p, 58p, 59p, 61p, 62p, 63p, 64p, 84p, 85p, 86p, 87p, 88p, 89p, 92p, 94p of Beypore Desam
of Kozhikode Corporation
Project Rationale: The natural Port of
Beypore, a prominent port of past and a
major fishing harbour, has a history, dating
back to many centuries of trade relations
with the Arabs, the Chinese and the
Europeans. Today, its a minor port, but
handles around 95% of the cargo dealt by
the minor ports of Kerala. The proposed
improvements at the Beypore port to
develop the port to international
standards, and to make it a major
container terminal after Vizhinjam and
Vallarpadam as well as an international
passenger terminal with facilities for crew Figure 24-4: Beypore Port Ancillary Industries

change and supply of fuel, lubricants, food, water and provisions for carriers plying in the
Singapore-Fujairah shipping route, will certainly make it the focus of the regional economic
These proposed developments brings forth immense opportunities for export
oriented food processing industries, ship breaking units, material handling equipments
renting and maintenance services, bunkering, lubricants, food, water and provisions supply
chain link services, manufacturing units for fenders, marine equipment and channel marker
buoys, net manufacturing units, container manufacturing units, engineering industries,
service stations etc.. Hence an area of 66 Ha adjacent to the port, along Chaliyar River, is set
aside for promoting such developments, along with other residential developments,
maritime schools and offices associated with the port. The area is also proposed to have rail
and road connectivity.
Project Cost Rs. 800 crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015 - 2031 Proposal for Uru making Cluster

Location InPort and Allied Developments Zone
Project Rationale The ship building yards of Beypore is
famous for the traditional Beypore Uruor Dhow, the Figure 24-5: Proposed Uru Making

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Arabian trading vessel. Besides, huge vessels called Pathemari were also constructed in the
yards here. This industry is nearly 1500 years old and the craftsmanship of the workers,
called Khalasis, is exceptional. A couple of boat-building yards can still be found near the
Beypore port.These traditional boats are having much demand eventoday, and Urus are
being manufactured and exported to Arab nations from Beypore, though the number has
reduced. As part of the efforts to revive and restore the traditional Uru making industry to
its past glory, an Uru making cluster is proposed in Beypore, in the Port and Allied
Developments Zone. Urus can also be used to promote sea cruise tourism in the area.
A dry dock (a narrow basin that can be flooded to allow a load to be floated in, then
drained to allow that load to come to rest on adry platform) for repair and maintenance of
Urus shall be constructed at suitable locations. Dry docks are used for the construction,
maintenance, and repair of ships, boats, and other water craft.
Project Cost Rs.30 crores
Implementation Time Frame2015 - 2019 Proposal for Boat Making Cluster

Location Resurvey 250p , NalloorDesom , Feroke
Project Rationale:An industrial cluster of boat making
industries is proposed in 1.5 acres in resurvey no.
250p of NalloorDesom, Feroke panchayat. This
project was proposed by the panchayat during
peoples aspiration studies.
Project CostRs.20 crores

Figure 24-6: Boat Making Industries Proposal in

Feroke Panchayath
Implementation Time Frame2015 - 2018 Proposal for Revitalisation of

Kallai Industrial Area
Location: Kozhikode Corporation
Project Rationale: The wood industry of
Kallai has a glorious past and played a
pivotal role in defining the commercial
nature of Kozhikode. In late 19th and
early 20th centuries, Kallai was a world
famous centre of timber trade. Till the
1970s, around 300 wood-based

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Figure 24-7: Revitalisation of Kallayi Industrial Area
Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Sectoral Proposals 295

industrial units operated on the Kallai banks, employing more than 20,000 workers in
various capacities, and worked three-shift a day. Afterwards, the industry faced shortage of
raw materials as tree felling was strictly discouraged to check deforestation and many
industries have closed down. Besides, the demand for solid wood products also declined,
owing to the replacement of wood furniture by artificial wood and metals.
However, a few timber mills still function in Kallai. But, the area is now characterised by
abandoned industrial areas and paints a gloomy picture and the industrial potential of this
area, having water resources aplenty and being accessible by rail, road and water, is
underutilised. Besides, unscientific industrial development, encroachment of the river and
the debris and pollution created by these industries is endangering the Kallai River.
However, the proposed development of the Beypore port is expected to provide a fresh
breath of life to this declining trade. The renovation of the port to meet international
standards, which can accommodate larger imports of timber, will divert shipments from
other major ports to Kallai. Hence the revitalisation of this industrial area, with unaltered
focus on wood industry, with scientific land use allocation and infrastructure development
including those to sufficiently abate the pollution, is proposed. The Project Components
include Identification and elimination of encroached lands, Area Masterplan, Land Pooling
and acquisition, if required, Development of Basic Infrastructure, approval of SEZ status and
reallocation to owners and interested industrial entrepreneurs. Programmes for marketing
and brand building of timber products, especially furniture shall be introduced.
Project CostRs.1.00 crore
Implementation Time Frame2015-2019 Proposal for Medium and Small Scale Industrial Clusters
Location Resurvey no.s 2p, 3p, 4p, 5p, 6p, 7p, 8p, 9p, 10p, 11p, 12p, 13p, 16p, 20p, 21p, 22p,
23p, 24p, 25p, 26p, 27p, 28p, 30p, 31p, 32p, 33p, 34p,
35p, 36p, 38p, 40p, 41p, 42p, 43p, 44p, 45p, 46p, 47p,
48p, 49p, 50p, 51p, 52p, 53p, 54p, 55p, 56p, 57p, 58p,
59p, 60p, 61p, 62, 63p, 64p, 65p, 66p, 67p, 68p, 69p,
70p, 71, 77p, 78p, 79p, 81p, 82p, 83p, 84p, 85p, 86p, 87p,
88p, 89p, 90p, 91, 92p, 93p, 94p, 95p, 96p, 97p, 98p, 99p,
101p, 103p, 105p, 106p, 107p, 108, 109p, 110p, 111p,
112p, 113p, 114, 115p , 116p, 117p, 118p, 119p, 120p,
121p, 122p, 123p, 124p, 125p, 126p, 130p, 131p , 132,
133p, 134, 135p, 139p, 140p, 141p, 142pof
NallurDesaminFeroke Gramapanchayat, Small Industrial
Zones in Ramanattukara Gramapanchayat and
Cheruvannur- Nallalam area of Kozhikode Corporation
Figure 24-8: Feroke Industrial Village

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Project Rationale:Unavailability of earmarked

lands and infrastructure at reasonable rates is a
major hurdle faced by the Medium and Small
scale industries sector. Besides, absence of
wholesale market for input resources, poor
marketing and standardisation infrastructure,
poor exposure to latest technology and lack of
technical consultants have a high negative
impact on the growth of MSMEs in the planning
region. Hence, it is proposed that MSME
clusters may be initiated at the
Figure 24-9: Medium and Small Scale Industrial Zone in earmarked lands at
Cheruvannur Nallalam Cheruvannur Nallalam,
Ramanattukara and Feroke in Private sector, PPP mode or in Government
Besides Feroke is proposed to be developed as an Industrial village
with the required infrastructure for MSME clusters like testing laboratories
and other standardisation infrastructure, common marketing outlets,
common facility centre for Clusters etc.. Figure 24-10: Medium and Small Scale
Industrial Zone in Ramanattukara
Project CostRs.0.5 crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2020 Proposal for Industrial Estates

Location Resurvey no. 236p, 237p, 238p, 229p of VelipramDesam, near knowledge park, in
Ramanattukara gramapanchayat
Resurvey no. 445p, 289p of VelipramDesam in Ramanattukara Gramapanchayat
Resurvey no.s 56/2, 57/2, in Nellikode Desam, Kozhikode Corporation
Project Rationale:Industrial estates are proposed, near knowledge park in Resurvey no.
236p, 237p, 238p, 229p and Resurvey no. 445p, 289p ofVelipramDesam in Ramanattukara
gramapanchayat as well as resurvey no.s 56/2, 57/2, in Nellikode Desam, Kozhikode
Corporation for small and medium scale industries.

Figure 24-11: Industrial Estate Near Knowledge Park, Ramanattukara Figure 24-12: Industrial Estate , Ramanattukara
Project Cost Rs.200 crores
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Implementation Time Frame 2015 - 2020

24.1.2 Trade and Commerce

The policy in trade and commerce sector is to Streamline the investment potential
in commercial sector through hierarchical, organised and more attractive commercial
development and opening up of old commercial core. The proposed strategies include
delineation of Special Development Zones (ex: High end commercial development along NH
by-pass), decentralisation of commercialactivities by development of new commercial nodes
at important junctions and decongestion the crowded commercial core, revitalisation of Big
Bazar area with better infrastructure and development of existing commercial areas with
Walkable commercial streets, Parking plazas, etc..Compact commercial developments shall
be promoted to ensure maximum open spaces in the city. Proposal for Revitalisation of Big Basar area

Project Rationale: The Valiyangadior Big Basarof Kozhikode has a very vibrant history
of trade links with all over the world and has been referred to in the chronicles of travellers
since 13th century. However, the centre of whole sale trade is now underutilised, owing to
the narrow streets and dilapidating buildings. The Masterplan proposes to revitalise this
area with due importance to its heritage value. A Land Pooling Scheme/ DTP scheme with
special controls to retain the heritage value of the area, but to utilise the potential of this
prime commercial locality of Kozhikode is proposed to be drawn up.
About 90 cents of land owned by Kozhikode Corporation is available at the Big Bazar
area (Resurvey number 55, 56 and 57), where initially Passport Office was functioned. Now
commercial buildings and few offices are functioning at this area, but the land is very much
underutilized. A commercial complex can be constructed here, which, in future will become
the major revenue generator of Corporation.
Project Cost Rs. 50 Crore
Implementation Time Frame2015-2017 Proposal for Walkable Commercial Streets

Project Rationale:For a commercial area to be attractive, it should be safe for the customers.
The current shift in the nature of shopping in the planning area, from small retail shops to
shopping malls, plazas and promenades, reflect the change in taste and choice of the local
customers and the demand for more safe and cosy shopping environments. However, many
of the commercial areas in the planning area are often unattractive and unsafe for the
general public, due to the congestion, created by vehicles passing criss-cross through the
streets. Hence it is proposed that measures like exclusive pedestrianisation, scheduled
pedestrianisation, curtailing the street space allocated for vehicles etcshould be employed
in the most congested commercial areas. Parking requirements of the individual buildings

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could be waived off in the case of a designated pedestrian corridor. Parking Plazas/ Shared
parking spaces can be provided at various corners of the commercial area, to facilitate
Exclusive pedestrianisation
It is proposed that SM Street, the most important retail hub in the planning area
shall be pedestrianized. Similarly Customs Road, Mele Palayam Road and Palayam Thali
Road shall also be pedestrianized. Since Customs road is mainly occupied by the people
who visit beach at evenings, the restriction shall be limited for evening time only. Street
vendors shall be permitted at evening time. Parking Plazas proposed at the existing DD
Office Complex and Palayamshall cater to the parking requirements of the area. Customs
road is the road
connecting Beach "The creation of safe and attractive walking and cycling
environments in towns and cities is a necessary condition for success and is
Road and P T Usha central to improving them for shoppers, visitors, workers, and residents
Road. When this road alike. In other words, quite apart from pro-walking and pro-cycling
is exclusively arguments based on sustainability, the environment, health, community
cohesion, or social inclusion, there is a strong business case for improving
pedestrianised, Red walking and cycling conditions."
Cross Road can be Dr. Rodney Tolley, Conference Director of Walk21
used as an alternate
road for this. Similarly, Link Road can be used instead of Mele Palayam road.
Mavoor Road is another bustling commercial centre. Once the proposal for mobility hub
is materialised, and the Moffusil Bus Stand will beconverted to the intra-city bus
terminal, the number of vehicles plying in this road section from Arayidathupalam
towards West will decrease. Hence it is proposed that space allotted to motor vehicles
in the stretch of Mavoor Road up toArayidathupalam shall be reduced and 3-m wide
pedestrian sidewalks shall be provided on either sides of the road.
Project Cost Rs. 1.5 crore
Implementation Time Frame2015-2020 Developing Geographical Indications for Indigenous Products

Project Rationale:Geographical Indication (GI) is a name or sign used on certain products
which corresponds to a specific geographical location or origin, in the member countries of
World Trade Organization (WTO).India enacted the Geographical Indications of Goods
(Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 which has come into force with effect from 15
September 2003 and since then many indigenous products have achieved a GI tag.Under
the Act, agricultural, natural or manufactured goods originating or manufactured in the
territory of a country, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality,
reputation or other characteristic of such goods is essentially attributable to its geographical
origin and in cases where such goods are manufactured goods, one of the activities of either
production or of processing or preparation of the goods concerned takes place in such
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territory, region or locality, can be registered as Geographical Indications.The GI tag ensures

that none other than those registered as authorised users (or at least those residing inside
the geographic territory) are allowed to use the popular product name and is a very
effective value addition and marketing tool. GI tagged products of Kerala include Aranmula
Kannadi, Kuthampully Saree, Alleppey Coir, Navara rice, Palakkadan Matta Rice, Malabar
Pepper, Pokkali Rice, Payyannur Pavithra Ringetc.
The planning area and the district has an array of products such as the Beypore Uru,
specialised Feroke roofing, ornamental and flooring tiles, Kallai furniture, Kozhikodan Halwa,
Banana Chips, Kozhikodan Biriyani, Kallummekkaya (Mussels) and various associated edible
products, many special cuisines especially the Mappila Cuisinesetc, which have markets
beyond the State and Nation. Unfortunately none of them are GI tagged yet. It is proposed
that Geographic Indications shall be obtained for these products at the earliest, along with
strict quality control and standardization infrastructure and intensive market promotion
activities, to increase the economic returns to the producers as well as to boost the overall
economy of the planning area.
Project CostRs. 0.1 crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2019 Proposal for Hawkers Zones

Project Rationale : The national policy on urban street vendors 2009 observes that Street
vending is not only a source of self-employment to the poor in cities and towns but also a
means to provide affordable as well as convenient services to a majority of the urban
population. To ensure free flow of traffic,smooth movement of pedestrians and
maintenance of cleanliness and public hygiene whilefacilitating vendors/hawkers to sell
goods/services at convenient locations frequented by thepublic, the policy also recognizes
the need for regulation of street vending by way of designatedRestriction-free Vending,
'Restricted Vending' and No Vending zones based on certainobjective
principles.Accordingly, the Masterplan proposes to delineate Hawkers Zones in Nadakkavu,
Meenchantha, Malaparamba, Medical College and Mananchira - SM street areas. It is
proposed that the delineation of these zones may be taken up immediately, as part of
preparation/revision of DTP schemes in the area.
Project Cost Rs. 0.5 crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2020 Proposal for Indore market at Palayam

Main agricultural market of Kozhikode Corporation is Palayam market, where
wholesale as well as retail agricultural sails are taking place. A state of the art Indore fruit
and vegetable market is proposed at this area along with commercial complex and Parking
plaza.The land of existing Palayam market, existing Bus Stand and land owned by

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Corporation besides the Bus Stand can be utilised for this project. Proper drainage
arrangements and waste management arrangements shall be done.
Project Cost of Market Rs. 25 crores
Implementation Time Frame 2018-2020

24.1.3 Tourism
The policy intourism sector is to create and implement tailor made tourism circuits
catering to a variety of tourists with efficient supporting infrastructure, to utilize the tourism
potential of the city to the maximum. The strategies include development of special
recreational zones in Elathur and Kadalundi, developing dream city are as a high tech
recreation area, development of Canoli Canal into a full-fledged water based tourism circuit
connecting the major tourist hot spots and a main tourism attraction , efficient use of the
other water resources in planning area for water based tourism, creation and operation of
theme based tourism circuits with efficient supporting infrastructure to promote cultural,
ecological, educational, health tourism especially the traditional health care systems like
kalari and marma, business and sports tourism, development ofwell-
connectedpedestrian/cyclist friendly green blue networks in the city, development of
Kadalundi as a Tourism Cluster,promotion of home stays and other tourism infrastructure,
training for women in the area in running home stays andprojects for conservation of built
Heritage, including those under private ownership Tourism Master Plan

With the recent stress on dispersing tourism to North Kerala and in the backdrop of
the Rs.250-crore central grant for integrated tourism development programme for five
northern districts, the Northern Tourism Circuit, the preparation of a Tourism Master Plan
for the planning area becomes mandatory. The planning area, being the principal
transportation hub to the region, shall not only house the world class infrastructure for the
tourists, but also tap its own tourism potential in various segments like back water tourism,
beach tourism, eco-tourism, culinary tourism, health tourism including traditional systems
like kalari and marma treatments, religious and cultural tourism, educational tourism,
business tourism, water sports etc..
However, the tourism sector in the planning area is in a nascent stage; currently the
hotspots are not well-documented, and the tourism activities are unorganised. Hence, the
first and foremost need of this sector is a Tourism Master Plan which identifies and
documents the tourism hotspots, assess the infrastructural needs and shortcomings and
identify linkages and supporting infrastructure that have to be created. Tourism circuits,
optimally linking these hot spots, and organised tour operations have to be proposed.
Besides, the tourism development in the area shall be tailored to ensure economic benefits

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Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Sectoral Proposals 301

to the local people. Rigorous marketing activities also have to be taken up along with the
infrastructural development to tap the tourism potential in an optimal way.
Project Cost Rs. 0.1 crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2017 Proposal for Integrated Water Taxi Tourism Circuit

The proposed Inland Waterway network from Elathur to Kadalundi can be efficiently
utilised to improve inland water tourism. Water way network is proposed to connect
tourism hot spots like Elathur tourism promotion zone, Sarovaram Biopark, Kadalundi bird
sanctuary and Beypore port and is envisaged to be connected to the proposed mobility hub,
which will help the tourists to connect other places of tourist interest. Hence, a water taxi
tourism network having facilities in various affordability ranges, from common water taxis
to cruise ships is proposed along this Inland water way network.
Project Cost Rs. 1 crore
Implementation Time Frame2025-2030 Proposal for Elathur Back Water Tourism Zone

The back water tourism hot spots of Alappuzha - Ernakulum area are crowded and
the state government has decided to decongest these hot spots, by way of attracting
tourists to the unexplored back waters of North Kerala. The Elathur Back water is
unexplored, serene back water, which has high potential for tourism activities. To utilise this
potential, it is proposed that this area may be developed as a high end tourism zone with
luxury house boats and other water based tourism activities. A tourism promotion zone is
also demarcated around this back water, to facilitate low density and eco-friendly
development in the vicinity.
Project Cost Rs. 1 crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2019 Proposal for Tourist Facilitation Centres

Location Resurvey no.s 41p, 42pof KarinkallaiDesam of Ramanattukara
Gramapanchayat,resurveyno.s 137p, 140p, 141p 142p of MannurDesam of Kadalundi
Gramapanchayat, Within proposed Mobility Hub

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Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Sectoral Proposals 302

Project Rationale:The planning area lacks quality tourist infrastructure. Hence, in view of the
proposed tourism developments in the planning area, international quality tourist
facilitation centres are proposed in the planning area, at Kunnumalthadayi Amminjathin
Ramanattukara Gramapanchayat, along the banks of Chaliyar River and in Kadalundi
Panchayat, near Prabodhini Junction.Besides, a tourist facilitation centre is proposed to be
accommodated in the proposed mobility hub.

Figure 24-14: Tourist Facilitation Centre - Figure 24-13: Tourist Facilitation Centre -
Kadalundi Ramanattukara
Project Cost Rs. 1 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2017 Proposal for Hydrofoil Passenger Service from Beypore

Project Rationale: The developments proposed at Beypore Port brighten the prospects of
improved connectivity between Kozhikode and Lakshadweep. Being the nearest sea port in
Kerala, Beypore can be the prime link in trade, tourism and transportation between the
mainland and the Lakshadweep islands.
To promote tourism in the planning area as well as North Kerala and to create a
more attractive and diversified tourist circuit, Hydrofoil services connecting Lakshadweep to
Kozhikode are proposed from Beypore port. The hydrofoils are
seaborne vessels that lift itself on its wings or foils when moving
athigh speeds. These crafts are means of fast premium travel
over short distances. The cost of travel being
higher than normal ships and lesser than flights,
and the travel comfort higher than normal ships,
the hydrofoil services are expected to attract economy class flight passengers as well, on
regular basis. Services between tourist destinations like Kochi, Maldives etccan also be
developed in later stages.
Project Cost Rs. 25 Crores.
Implementation Time Frame2015-2017

Town and Country Planning Department, Government of Kerala

Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Sectoral Proposals 303 Proposal for Water Sports

Location:Kozhikode Beach, Konnad Beach, Chaliyar River, Elathur Back Waters, Neelithodu
(Ramanattukara Gramapanchayat South Boundary)

Figure 24-15: Proposed Water Sports in planning area

Project Rationale: Setting up aqua sporting facilities is an attractive economic opportunity in
the planning area, having a very long coastline, abundant back waters and rivers, and
witnessing an ever increasing flow of local, regional, national and international tourists. Jet
Skis, Banana boating, Ski Tube, Parasailing, Water Skis, Sea Cruise etc..are proposed to be
promoted in the planning area. Identification of beach, river and back water segments
suitable for water sports, with the help of scientific studies has to be undertaken as the first
Project Cost 1.5 crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2020 Proposal for House Boatsand Boating services

Location Feroke gramapanchayat
Project Rationale:It is identified that House boats trips and boating services can be
conducted from Feroke to Vazhakkad along Chaliyar river. The project was proposed by the
LSGI during Peoples Aspiration studies.

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Project Cost Rs.0.5 Crores

Implementation Time Frame2015-2020 Proposal for Development of Sarovaram Park and Kottuli Wetland Area
The Sarovaram BioPark and Dream City Area is proposed to be developed as a high
end recreational area and a prime tourist destination with pollution free amusement parks,
mangrove parks, jogging tracks and nature trailsetc. The deepening and clearing of
Nagarachira is proposed to be taken up as a part of this project.
Project Cost Rs.1 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2017 Proposal for Island Tourism Project

Location: Island in Chaliyar River, Olavanna
Project Rationale:The island in Chaliyar river is a suitable
location for ecotourism projects as it is easy to access and
adjacent to existing and proposed tourism projects. The
project was proposed by the LSGI during Peoples Figure 24-16: Island Tourism Project
Aspiration studies.
Implementation Time Frame2015-2025 Proposal for Water Theme Park

Location 170p, 171p, 173p, 174p, 175p, 180p, 182p, 183p of
NalloorDesam, Feroke Gramapanchayat
Project Rationale: The planning area and the region as such, lack a
water theme park. Hence, a water theme park is proposed in Feroke,
utilising the abandoned clay mines, which are rich in water even in Figure 24-17: Proposed
peak summer. Thiscanattract local tourists as well as tourists from the Water Theme Park at
nearby districts of Wayanad and Malappuram, besides enhancing the
tourism package presented by the planning area.
Project Cost Rs.1.5 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2017 Proposal for Development of Beaches

Location Unsurveyed lands in Kadalundi Gramapanchayat near NIRDESH Project, Resurvey
no.s16p,17p ,434p,435p, 436p, 437 p, 438 p, 439 p, 440 p, 441 p, 442 p, 443 p , 444 p, 445
p, 446 p of Ward 12, Resurvey no.s 1p, 2 p, 3 p , 4 p, 5 p, 6 p, 7 p, 8p, 47p, 48p, 49, 51p, 53
p, 55 p, 56 p, 211 p, 212 p, 213 p, 215 p, 216 p, 237 p, 238 p, 283 p, 285 p, 286 p, 288 p of
Ward 15, Resurvey no.s 90 p of Ward 8 in Kozhikode Corporation

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Project Rationale:Developmentof Beach with quality recreation infrastructure is proposed at

two stretches in the planning area, one in the unsurveyed lands near Nirdesh Project in
Chaliyam, Kadalundi and the other, extension to Kozhikode Beach towards south till Kallai
River.Jogging/cycle tracks are also proposed to be developed in these beaches.
Project Cost Rs.1 Crore
Implementation Time Frame2015-2020 Proposal for Convention Centre

To promote business and educational tourism in
the planning area, a convention centre shall be
materialised in planning area. This may be located at
northern side of Kozhikode corporationat Elathur in Re
Survey Number 53,55,82,83 and 85.
Implementation Time Frame 2015 - 2022 Promoting the Indigenous Cuisine

Kozhikode is famous for its indigenous Cuisines and Culinary. The Mappila Cuisines,
Kozhikodan Halwa, Banana Chips etcare some of them.Besides, there are various food
preparations associated with the Ayurveda, Kalari- Marma Health Care Traditions. It is high
time that measures for authentication, promotion and value addition of indigenous cuisines
be adopted so that the regional edge of these products are ascertained and used for the
benefit of the local economy. It is proposed that Geographical Indications (refer be
developed for these products and measures to ensure only authentic products are served in
the planning area, specifically in the tourist hot spots. Food festivals can be organised, in
various seasons to promote seasonal indigenous dishes, and as part of various tourism,
trade, investment promotional activities. Besides, export oriented production of these
indigenous food products are proposed to be enhanced with strict quality control and
marketing measures.
Project Cost Rs.0.5 Crores/year
Implementation Time Frame 2025 - 2030 Proposal for Kadalundi Eco Tourism Cluster

Project Rationale: Kadalundi
gramapanchayat, surrounded by water
on four sides, still preserves its
environmental quality and serenity, away
from the haste of urban Kozhikode. The
famous estuarine wetlands of Kadalundi
Panchayathouse a wide variety of
Town and Country Planning Department, Government of Kerala

Figure 24-18: Kadalundi Eco Tourism Cluster

Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Sectoral Proposals 306

mangroves and their faunal associatesand is a declared bio-reserve, housing a Bird

Sanctuary. There are three bird watching centres in the panchayat which also famous for a
wide variety of fish, mussels and crabs. These points towards the potential of Kadalundi to
be developed as eco-friendly tourism cluster.
Hence it is proposed that Kadalundi may be declared as a Jaiva Gramam (Refer 24.5.1)
where only eco-friendly agricultural pursuits are promoted, to prevent any danger to the
migratory birds. The infrastructure at the birds sanctuary and bird watching centres and
facilities for boating through the river needs to be raised to international standards. Home
stays should be promoted in Kadalundi, which would benefit the local economy to a great
extent. Women in the area are proposed to be trained in hospitality and running of home
stays. Tourism oriented initiatives in Ayurveda and Kalari / Marma systems of health care
are also proposed to add to the tourism value of the area. Besides, local cuisine and sea
food delicacies along with organic agricultural products should be marketed in the area.
Establishment of and cycle rent shops targeting the tourists and creation of a
pedestrianpathway cum cycling lane network for this area shall be taken up immediately.
Promotion of environment friendly vehicle fuels like CNG, and phase wise transition to
achieve full conversion to use of such fuels, is also aimed in this eco-tourism cluster.
Project Cost Rs. 1 crore/year
Implementation Time Frame2015-2031

24.1.4 Fisheries
Not only the economics, but also the people associated with the fisheries sector
demands special attention, the former owing to its significant contribution towards the
regional economy and the latter being socially and economically marginalised. The policy
adopted for fisheries is to Explore the potential in fisheries sector optimally, with better
infrastructure, ancillary industries and community development measures. The proposed
strategies include development of fisheries oriented industrial zones incoastal area,
infrastructure support to fisheries sector and fishermen community, increase in coastal
security and surveillance facilities, and strengthening of coastal transportation. Marine Park

Marine Park, for fisheries related industries is proposed adjacent to the existing
Kinfra Marine Park in Beypore. An area of 9 Ha, additional to the Kinfra Park of 0.4 Ha, is set
aside for industrial ventures like Fish Waste based Manure Plants, modern Fish
Processingand Marketing Facilities, Fishing boat workshops, Net Repairing, Net Colouring
Facilities, and Net Factoryetc.
Project Cost Rs. 55 crore
Implementation Time Frame2015-2020

Town and Country Planning Department, Government of Kerala

Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Sectoral Proposals 307 Proposal for Malsya Gramam Model Fishermen Village

Refer Section Proposal for Comprehensive Development of Fisheries sector

The following projects are proposed to ensure comprehensive development of
fisheries sector.
Developmentof Mini Harbour at Vellayil - The Fishing Harbour is proposed as a
second stage development of the existing fish Landing centre at Vellayil and is
situated in Kozhikode Corporation. All statutory clearances like PCB consent, CRZ
clearances etcare obtained for the project. The estimated project cost is Rs 3930.20
Lakhs, with 75% Central aid. The harbor is envisaged to handle 8980 tonnes of fish
in European Union standards and is expected to provide 2275 jobs in fishing sector.
Project completion period is 4 years. It will benefit the local fishermen in the
location, by way of increase in fishing days, quality improvement of fish catch, and
it also act as harbour of refuge in case of emergency. Major Project components
are two Breakwaters, Quay, and Auction Hall.
Development of Fish landing centres
o Construction of fish landing centres near Azheekkal in Elathur, Koya Road,
Mukhadar, Marad North
o In Kadalundi near existing auditorium, adjacent to Chaliyam fish landing centre
Development of Puthiyappa Harbour with
o Renovation of buildings
o Construction of an infrastructure complex for fishermen, especially migrants,
with stay, refreshment, entertainment facilities
o Extension of jetty at south of Puthiyappa Fishing Harbour to facilitate country
o Boat jetty
o Bus terminal
o Breakwater near Pamban Kallu at Edakkal to prevent sedimentation at harbour
Boat repairing workshops with Rail facilities for inland repairing of ice plant cold
storage boat in the coastal area
Net repairing workshops and net coloring facilities at all beaches and fish landing
Ice plant/Cold Storage Facilities in all Fish landing Centres
Sea wall along the coast with fishing gaps
Modern facilities for Fish processing and marketing near Vellayil, Beypore,
Permanent facility for dredging at all breakwaters

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State-of-the-art Coastal Surveillance Hub at Beypore with exclusive boat jetty and
modern boats
Hybrid Solar and wind energy harvest at all harbours
Installation of signal lights at Vellayil, Beach and Koya Road to benefit fishermen
Sanitation infrastructure development at all fish landing centres
Construction of breakwater at Butt road beach, Chakkumkadavu- Mukhadar
Fisheries based industrial clusters at Beypore, Westhill
Road improvement and provision of organized parking along the coast
Extension of Beypore wharf
Fisheries Information Centres in all fishing villages
Enhance inland fishing
Training Institute for fishermen population to provide training in modern
technologies, competitive examinations, entrepreneurship Beypore Port
Emergency/ Disaster Rehabilitation Centres in Bhatt road (Dhobighana), Mukhadar
and Beypore Port
Project Cost Rs. 200 crore
Implementation Time Frame2015-2035 Proposal for Fresh Water Aquaculture farms

1. Resurvey 75p, 76p, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87p, 104p, 107p, 109p, 112p, of KodalDesam,
2. Resurvey No.s 42p, 43p, 44p, 46p, 47p, 56p, 57p, 58p, 59, 60, 61p, 62, 63, 85p, 175p,
176p, 177p, 178, 179p, 180p of Cheruvannur Desam, Kozhikode Corporation
Project Rationale: Fresh water aquaculture used to contribute significantly to the economy
of local governments like Olavanna in the past. With its abundant inland water resources,
the planning area still has good scope for aquaculture, which needs to be potentially utilized
with modern techniques like cage culture, export quality shrimp/prawn/ornamental fish
hatcheries etc.. The planning area is famous for Mussel and Oyster farming using traditional
techniques as well as indigenous dishes made of them, which can be enhanced with modern
techniques for better produce and economic returns.

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Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Sectoral Proposals 309

Figure 24-19: Aquaculture proposal in Olavanna Figure 24-20: Aquaculture Proposal in Cheruvannur Nallalam
It is proposed that aquaculture may be revived in Olavanna, and started in Cheruvannur
Nallalam using the abandoned clay mining areas. Aquaculture may be promoted in other
unused tanks, ponds, water logged areas in the planning area as well.Project Cost Rs. 2
Implementation Time Frame2015-2017

24.1.5 Agriculture
The policy in agriculture sector is to Promote urban agriculture and enhance the
opportunities for agriculturalists and agricultural labourers with infrastructure and value
addition initiatives. The strategies include promoting home stead cultivation, mixed
cropping, green manures and organic farming, agricultural cooperatives, coconut
development societies, industries for agro based value added productsetc, and
development of Kadalundi as a Jaiva Gramam . Utilising manpower of Kudumbasree,
NREGSetc, horticulture projects are proposed to be initiated in vacant/uncultivated
agricultural lands and puramboke lands. It is proposed that weekly markets are to be held at
ward levelso as to provide better benefits to the farmers in the region and hinterland, for
which temporary arrangements shall be made at the nodes, utilising vacant lands,
uncultivated land, open spaces, play grounds etc.. Proposal to Vitalise Thadambattuthazham Urban Agricultural Wholesale Market

Though the infrastructure and facilities at Urban Agricultural wholesale market at
Thadambattuthazham has been constructed, it has not utilized fully. It is proposed that the
vegetable market at Palayam may be shifted to this market at the earliest, making use of the
existing infrastructure potential, and creating additional infrastructure, if required.
Project Cost Rs.0.5 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2017

Town and Country Planning Department, Government of Kerala



















0.4 5 1 2 0.72 2 0.08 1 0.5 1.6 13 2012
0.44 5.5 1.11 2.2 0.79 2.2 0.09 1.11 0.55 1.76 14.3 2013
0.48 6.05 1.2 2.22 0.87 2.22 0.22 1.2 0.61 1.95 15.73 2014
0.53 6.66 1.33 15 15 2.24 0.96 2.24 0.24 1.33 0.67 2.13 17.3 2015


0.59 7.3 1.46 16.5 16.5 2.47 1.05 2.47 0.26 1.46 0.73 2.35 19 2016
0.64 8 1.61 18.15 18.15 2.72 1.16 2.72 0.29 1.61 0.81 2.58 20.9 2017
0.71 8.8 1.77 20 20 2.99 1.28 2.99 0.32 1.77 0.89 2.84 23 2018
Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035

0.78 9.7 1.95 22 22 3.24 1.4 3.29 0.35 1.95 0.98 3.12 25.3 2019
0.86 10.7 2.14 24.2 24.2 3.62 1.54 3.62 0.38 2.14 1.14 3.43 27.8 2020
0.94 11.8 2.36 26.6 26.6 3.98 1.7 3.98 0.44 2.36 1.18 3.78 30.61 2021
1.04 13 2.54 29.3 29.3 4.38 1.87 4.38 0.46 2.59 1.3 4.15 33.61 2022
1.14 14.2 2.85 31.6 31.6 4.82 2.05 4.82 0.51 2.85 1.43 4.57 37 2023

Town and Country Planning Department, Government of Kerala

COST (In Rs. Lakhs)

1.26 15.7 3.14 34.35 34.75 5.3 2.26 5.3 0.56 3.14 1.57 5.03 40.7 2024
1.38 17.2 3.45 38.2 38.2 5.83 2.49 5.83 0.62 3.45 1.73 5.53 44.7 2025
1.52 19 3.8 42 42 6.41 2.73 6.41 0.68 3.8 1.9 6.08 49 2026
1.67 20.9 4.18 46.2 46.2 7.05 3 7.05 0.75 4.18 2.1 6.69 54 2027
1.84 23 4.59 50.9 50.9 7.76 3.3 7.76 0.82 4.59 2.3 7.36 59 2028
2.02 25.2 5.05 56 56 8.52 3.63 8.52 0.9 5.05 2.5 8.1 65 2029 Proposal for a Comprehensive Programme for Development of Agricultural Sector

2.22 27.8 5.56 61.6 61.6 9.39 3.99 9.39 1 5.56 2.9 8.9 71.5 2030
Sectoral Proposals

2.45 30.5 6.1 67.7 67.7 10.3 4.39 10.3 1.08 6.1 3.1 9.8 79 2031
Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Sectoral Proposals 311



































2 GODOWN Proposal for Cold StorageandGodown

A cold storage and godown for agricultural produces is proposed at
Thadambattuthazham Urban Agricultural Wholesale Market compound.
Project Cost Rs.16 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2019 Proposal for Floriculture Projects (Lotus Farms) at Olavanna, Cheruvannur Nallalam
1. Resurvey 75p, 76p, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87p, 104p, 107p, 109p, 112p, of KodalDesam,
2. Resurvey No.s 42p, 43p, 44p, 46p, 47p, 56p, 57p, 58p, 59, 60, 61p, 62, 63, 85p, 175p,
176p, 177p, 178, 179p, 180p of Cheruvannur Desam, Kozhikode Corporation
Project Rationale: With its abundant inland water resources, the planning area still has good
scope for lotus/water lily farms. It is proposed that lotus farms may be promoted in
Olavanna, Cheruvannur Nallalam (in the abandoned clay mining areas) and in tanks, ponds,
water logged areas etcin the planning area

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Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Sectoral Proposals 312

Figure 24-22: Lotus Farms proposal in Olavanna Figure 24-21: Lotus Farms proposal in Cheruvannur Nallalam
Project Cost Rs. 1 Crore
Implementation Time Frame2015-2016 Ground Water Recharge and Management

As most of the planning area falls in Over Exploited / Critical Categories of ground
water exploitation, a proper ground water management strategy need to be implemented
in the planning area. The Ground Water Information Booklet of Kozhikode District, Kerala
State prepared and published by the Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water
Resources, 2009 states that Kozhikode block is notified by CGWA/SGWA, as the block is over
exploited, and the further development of the ground water should be restricted. The study
identifies that the artificial recharge structures suitable for Kozhikode district are
percolation tanks, gully plug, check dams, sub-surface dykes and roof top rainwater
harvesting. Percolation tanks will be suitable for most of the planning area, as they fit areas
with valley fill, colluviums and highly weathered rocks. Check dams can be constructed
across small streams with gentle slope with permeable beds. Sub-surface dyke along gently
sloping wide valleys with narrow outlet can be effective groundwater conservation
structures in some parts of the planning area. Dug well recharge can be practiced in most of
the planning area. The existing dug-wells, ponds, tanks and streams should be cleaned,
protected and conserved. Desiltation of tanks / ponds can augment the groundwater
recharge to a great extent. Besides, in order to have a proper assessment of the
groundwater resources at micro level, studies may be undertaken for the planning area
which falls in the over-exploited and critical blocks. Groundwater development should be
limited with conjunctive use of rainwater and surface water. More stress should be given for
watershed development for better water management. The importance of conservation of
water resources, rainwater harvesting and other water conservation and recharge
structures can be popularised through mass awareness programmes and training

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Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Sectoral Proposals 313

Project Cost Rs.0.5 Crore/Year

Implementation Time Frame2015-2019 High tech precision farm

High-tech farming is an alternative to derive high incomes from small sized
holdings due to the attractive crop productivity they offer. These practices involve
farming under controlled conditions such as greenhouses, shade net houses, and
plant protection nets. This can be promoted in city areas, where the land availability for
conventional farming is less. Method such as Tunnel technology, Hydroponics Farming and
Vertical farming shall be introduced and free training and subsidised supply of materials can
be provided.
Project Cost Rs.0.5 Crore/Year
Implementation Time Frame 2015-2025

24.1.6 Animal Husbandry

The plot sizes in most of the planning area cannot support dairy and poultry activities
in a profitable way. Hence, the planning area has to depend on the hinterland for dairy and
poultry products. Therefore, the policy for this sector is to Create better infrastructure and
promote planning area as the district centre for value addition and marketing of dairy and
poultry products while improving the citys potential to meet its own demand. The
proposed strategies include introduction of high tech abattoirs and meat processing, cold
storage and marketing facilities, equipping veterinary hospitals with modern facilities and
manpower, and promote diary development as part of Kadalundi Jaivagramam.It is
proposed that LSGIs in the periphery shall explore this opportunity, benefit from the funds
of planning area in this sector and supply dairy and poultry products for the planning area. Proposal for Scientific Slaughter Houses and Meat

Processing, Cold Storage and Marketing Facilities
Location Resurvey No. 282p of Ward 15 at Kothi of
Kozhikode Corporation,Resurvey no. 445p of
VelipramDesam, Ramanattukara Gramapanchayat, Figure 24-23: Proposed Hi-tech Abattoir
Resurvey no. 19p 20p of Kodal Desam, Olavanna
Project Rationale: Lack of modern infrastructure for
production and marketing of hygienic meat and value
added products is a major concern in the planning area.
Another concern for small and medium sized slaughter
houses is the waste generated during slaughter
operations. In the absence of proper infrastructure, the
Town and Country Planning Department, Government 24-24: Proposed Scientific Slaughter
of Kerala
House at Kothi
Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Sectoral Proposals 314

slaughter house wastes are increasingly dumped in a haphazard manner, enormously

polluting our drinking water sources, the rivers
andwetlands. It is high time that modern slaughter
houses are established in the planning area, for clean
and hygienic meat production. Scientific organization of
these activities will generate more employment, both in
animal husbandry as well as allied
Figure 24-25: Proposed Scientific Slaughter industriesforprocessingof slaughter house by-products,
House at Olavanna and will ensure environment friendly disposal of the
slaughter waste.
Hence, a hi-tech abattoirs/ modern slaughter houses are proposed at Kothi,
Ramanattukara and Olavanna. Full-fledged infrastructure for Meat Processing, Cold Storage
and Marketing Facilitiesshall be provided here.Besides,
a plant for processing the slaughter waste is also
proposed along with these slaughter houses. The plant
may utilise a combination of bio-methanation,
rendering and composting technologies for the
treatment of the slaughter waste, and incineration for
disposal of the residue. The by-products from the plant
like tallow, grease and MBM (meat and bone meals) can

be marketed profitably. The bio-gas produced from the Figure 24-26: Proposed Scientific Slaughter
House at Ramanattukara
plant can be used as fuel for production of by-products
and value added products, while the compost can be marketed.
Project Cost Rs.60 crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2020 Proposal for Development of District Veterinary Hospital

The district veterinary hospital faces infrastructural as well as personnel shortage.
Being the most important centre for veterinary facilities in the district and the region, the
hospital demands better infrastructure and sufficient number of personnel , actions for
which has to be taken on immediate basis.
Project Cost Rs.1 crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2019

24.2 Physical and Social Infrastructure

The planning policy adopted in the infrastructure sector is To equip the city with
superior quality infrastructure that would promote the city for investments in industrial,
commercial and tourism sectors and enhance the quality of life of its residents. The plan
focuses on ensuring safe drinking water, sanitation, electricity, education, health and access
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to road, for all. The focus in education and health services shall be on quality and
infrastructure improvement. Besides, the plan proposes to put in place an efficient disaster
management infrastructure.

24.2.1 Water Supply

The total water demand in 2031 is estimated at 243 MLD (@ Per capita requirement for
domestic purposes = 135 lpcd; Requirement for Public purposes = 35 lpcd, Requirement for
fire fighting =1% of total demand. Ref: UDPFI Guidelines). The current quantity of supply is
147 MLD which results in an additional requirement of 96 MLD by 2031. The current
capacity of water treatment plants is 157 MLD, which indicates a requirement of capacity
enhancement / new water treatment plant of 86 MLD.
To meet the additional demand, the proposed strategies include protection of
potential water sources like tanks/ponds and conception of water supply projects using
them, ground water recharge measures, promoting rainwater harvesting projects and strict
enforcement of mandatory rainwater harvesting requirements in large projects etc. A legal
regulatory framework shall be established to ascertain availability of safe drinking water
from public/private water supply system before granting building permits for large scale
developments as huge water extraction using dug/bore wells by such projects are
apparently resulting in regional water shortages. The specific proposals are listed below. Extension of JICA assisted Water Supply Project

As a long term solution for drinking water supply in the planning area, the JICA
project shall be extended to source water from Ponoor Puzha, Chaliyar, MampuzhaRivers.
Project Cost Rs.200 crores
Implementation Time Frame2020-2031 Identification and Implementation of Small Scale Water Supply Projects

The Ground Water Information Booklet of Kozhikode District, Kerala State prepared
and published by the Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources, 2009
observes that the springs in Kozhikode district, which area perennial sources for drinking
water, are not effectively utilised for drinking water supply and proposes that attention
should be given for the proper rejuvenation of these springs, anda large number of springs
(46 numbers) in the district can be for developed for drinking water supply.
Olavanna Gramapanchayat provides good practice examples for the planning area in
mini-water supply projects. It is proposed that mini water supply schemes, utilising
springs/streams/tanks/ponds/wells and using rain water harvesting technologies, shall be
identified and implemented by the LSGIs. Such water supply schemes may be utilised for
ensuring cent per cent household water supply connection in salinity affected areas.
Rainwater harvesting using storage tanks shall be compulsorily implemented in all buildings
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including residences. Rainwater harvesting for groundwater recharge as well as for drinking
water purposes shall be promoted by popularizing the techniques on water harvesting.
Project Cost Rs.150 crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2025

24.2.2 Waste Management and Pollution Abatement

The estimated solid waste generation in 2035 @ 500g per capita (Ref: UDPFI
Guidelines) is 650 t/day. The quantity of solid waste currently collected is 150 t/day, which
points out requirement for enhancement of collection and treatment infrastructure for
around 500 t/day by 2031. The policy adopted in this sector is to promote decentralized
SWM and reduce-reuse-recycle strategy which will help reduce the quantity to be treated at
the centralized facility and thus the burden on city managers.
Hospital waste disposal is a burning issue in the planning area. It is proposed that the
private and public hospitals operational in the planning area should install their own solid
and liquid waste treatment and disposal plants, and this shall strictly be enforced by the
concerned LSGIs. The specific projects are detailed below. Decentralised Solid Waste Management

Decentralised Solid Waste Management, the disposal of waste at the point of
generation itself, needs to be highly promoted in the planning area. A requirement analysis
(ward wise) and technology feasibility study along with a comprehensive implementation
plan need to be charted out for the planning area and funds need to be earmarked to
popularize bio-gas plants/ pipe composting/vermi composting and to provide subsidy to set
up the units. Individual pipe/vermi composting or biogas plants has to be mandated in
residential areas as well as hotels/restaurants etc.., whereas collective plants of similar
nature can be mandated ward-wise as well as for plotted developments, residential
colonies, villa projects etc.., as a criteria for their permit. Disincentives, in the form of heavy
user charges, may be employed in cases where the party still depends on the centralised
system even though a decentralised plant is feasible. Awareness programs for the waste
generators are to be taken up to reduce the quantity of solid waste, segregation, self-help
methods for disposal of bio degradable solid waste at source etc, through social workers,
media etc. Decentralised solid waste disposal would not only help to bring down the volume
of waste dumped/treated at Njeliyanparamba, but also increase the environment
friendliness, besides complimenting the proposal to promote homestead cultivation in the
planning area.
Project Cost Rs.0.1 crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2025

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Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Sectoral Proposals 317 Proposal for Hi-tech Solid Waste Treatment Plant and Production and Marketing of
Bio-fertilisers at Njeliyanparamba
Location Resurvey no.s of 7p, 8p, 9p, 12p, 13p, Cheruvannur Desam, Kozhikode Corporation
Buffer area: Resurvey no.s of 5p, 6p, 7p, 8p, 9p, 10p, 11p, 12p, 13p, 14p, 36p, 38p, 39p, 40p,
Cheruvannur Desam, Kozhikode Corporation
Project Rationale:Though the decentralisation of solid waste disposal shall be of highest
priority, a centralised facility at regional level is also a necessity, taking into consideration
the enormous quantity of waste generated in crowded commercial centres and urban
The existing Solid Waste Treatment plant at Njeliyanparamba serves the whole of
Kozhikode District, but has the capacity to treat only 60-65 tonnes of waste per day. Hence,
a solid waste treatment plant with state-of-the-art facilities for composting, biogas
generation, and incineration/gasification of rejects, and a scientific land fill is proposed to be
built at the Njeliyanparamba yard. The proposed facilities are envisaged to handle around
200 tonnes of solid waste per day in the initial phase and the capacity shall be developed to
600 tonnes in two subsequent phases, within the plan period. A project for generation of
electricity should also be taken up with the incineration/gasification component, the
produce of which can in turn be used for the running of the plant. Also, the bio-fertilisers
manufactured by the compost plant should be marketed, especially in areas like Kadalundi
where a Jaivagramam is proposed. Besides, the project necessarily requires comprehensive
solid waste management planand implementation strategies, detailing the collection,
segregation and transportation plan, fleet requirements and specifications, treatment
methods and technologies, as well as disposal procedures, for its successful
Besides, it is proposed that plastic waste recycling units, e-waste processing units, as
well as industries manufacturing products from recycled materials, be established in the
buffer area of the Njeliyanparamba yard.
Project Cost Rs.70 crore
Implementation Time Frame 2015-2030 Proposal for Full-fledged Service Centre for Sanitation Vehicles at Njeliyanparamba
Location NjeliyanParamba
Project Rationale: The proposed solid waste treatment facility at Njeliyanparamba would
require a massive fleet of vehicles for transportation of waste from various locations to the
plant. Cleaning and maintenance of these vehicles is practically impossible at the general
service stations, due to the highly unsafe and unpleasant waste handled by them. Hence a
full-fledged service station for such vehicles is proposed along with the proposed plant,
which may function as a component project, in PPP mode.
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Project Cost Rs.0.5 crores

Implementation Time Frame2015-2019 Garbage Treatment Plant

Location Resurvey No. 235p, 314p of VelipramDesamin RamanattukaraGramapanchayat,
Project Rationale A Garbage Treatment Plant is proposed In Ramanattukara Panchayat for
treatment of organic wastes. Biogas generation and Vermi-composting plants shall be
installed for processing the solid wastes and the bio-fertilizers produced shall be marketed.
Besides, facilities for recycling plastic waste and e-waste may also be provided in this unit.
Project Cost Rs.28 crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2019 Improvised KSUDP Drainage and Sewerage Plan

The drainage and sewerage master plan prepared and implemented by KSUDP
addresses the requirements in old Kozhikode corporation area, which can rightly be
incorporated into the Masterplan. Mitigation measures for the remaining planning area
need to be dealt with as further phases of this project a comprehensive system for the
planning area developed by the end of 2020.
Besides, recycling and reusing of waste water for secondary uses like
gardening/irrigation/use in flushing cisterns etc.., need to be mandatorily imposed in the
proposed large scale constructions in the planning area. The good quality effluents from the
proposed STPs as per KSUDP plan can also be used to replenish the water bodies where
water sports are proposed, sold for construction purposes etc.. A reclaimed-water supply
system with pumping main and reservoirs can be constructed for distributing this water for
the secondary purposes, for the water scarce areas in the planning area, the feasibility of
which need to be studied in detail. Slaughter Waste Treatment Facility
Refer24.1.6.1 Proposal for Fish Waste Fertilizer Plants
To attend to the fish waste generated at the fishing harbours, fish landing centres
and fish markets in the planning area, fish waste processing facilities and fertilizer
production plants along with marketing facilities are proposed at Beypore Port and
Puthiyappa Harbour.
Project Cost Rs. 0.5 crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2019 e-wasteManagement Facility

Processing of e-waste is a major concern of the present, in an increasingly IT inclined
society. An e-waste processing unit is proposed in the Beypore Port Allied Industrial Zone, to

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accommodate recycling, reuse and disposal facilities of e-waste, taking into consideration
the proposed IT sector investments in the planning area as well.
Project Cost Rs. 0.5 crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2019 Expansion of Plastic Waste Recycling Plant at West Hill

The existing Plastic Waste Recycling Unit at Westhill Industrial estate has the
capacity to recycle 800 to 1000 kilos of plastic per day, at present. The expansion of this unit
to cater to the whole of planning area, along with power production at the plant, is
Project Cost Rs. 1 crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2019 Delineation of SilenceZones and Noise Pollution Management Plan

It is proposed that Silence Zones are to be delineated and Noise Population
Management Plans are to be prepared for the planning area, as part of preparing detailed
town planning schemes.
Implementation Time Frame 2015-2017

24.2.3 Health
The requirements in health infrastructure estimated for the year 2031 is presented
in table 24-1, which has to be met by private and public sector together.
Table 24-1 : Health - Requirement 2031
Sl. Category of facility Require Existing Gap
No ment in
a General Hospital of 500 beds, for 2.5 lakh 3250 2810 440 beds (1 General
beds Hospital)
b Intermediate hospital of 200 beds, for 1 3250 2360 890 beds (4 intermediate
lakh beds hospitals of 200 beds)
c Intermediate hospital of 80 beds, for 1 lakh 1300 595 805 beds (10 intermediate
beds hospitals of 80 beds)
d Polyclinic with observation beds , for 1 lakh 16 9 7 polyclinics
e Nursing Home, child welfare and maternity 1083 1050 66 beds (2 nursing homes)
centre of 30 beds 1 for 0.45 lakh beds
f Dispensary, for 0.15 lakh population 108 55 53 dispensaries
(Ref: UDPFI Guidelines) International Centre of Excellence in Health at Kozhikode Medical College

Project Rationale Kozhikode Medical College Hospital is a premier centre of medical
education in the state and serves as a referral centre to
more than five districts of the state, which account to
about 40% of the States population, and mainly caters
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to the economically weaker sections who cannot afford the highly charged services at
private hospitals. The Masterplan proposes the development of KMCH as a Centre of
Excellence, which is a long-time need of the region.
Though many development activities are being undertaken, the infrastructure at the
institute meets neither the demand not the expected quality at present. Currently, the
commissioned number of total beds does not meet the patient load, and it is a common
scene that the floors and corridors being occupied by patients. Other than the medical
infrastructure including state of the art building complexes, advanced laboratories and
equipment, the centre also needs quality residential infrastructure for the faculty and
Besides, a Research Institute on Life Style Diseases and a Cancer Research Centre is
proposed at the medical college campus. Also, more courses on para-medical sciences are
proposed to be established at the KMCH. The development of the Institute of Palliative
Medicine and extension of the services of the pain and palliative care unit is also proposed
during the plan period.
Project Cost Rs. 350 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2025 Regional Institute for Research and Services in Geriatric Care

Location Resurvey No.s 322p, 324p, 325p of Ward 33 (Chevayur), Govt. Leprosy Hospital
Compound, Kozhikode Corporation.
Project Rationale:Specialised services and research in Geriatric care is identified as a need of
the time in the planning area, as the elderly population is high and expected to rise further
in the planning area, as well as the region, during the plan period. A specialised regional
centre for the same is proposed in the existing campus of the Govt. Leprosy Hospital at
Project Cost Rs.5 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2020 Establishment of an Ayurveda Medical College in Govt. Sector

Keeping in mind the increasing prominence of Ayurveda in the medical and tourism
scenario of the state, establishment of an Ayurveda Medical College in Govt. Sector, in the
planning area or adjacent panchayats is proposed.
Project Cost Rs.100 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2020-2025 Development of Homeo Medical College, Kozhikode

The Govt. Homeo Medical College and its campus are proposed to be developed
with state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities.
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Project Cost Rs.50 Crores

Implementation Time Frame2015-2020 Raising BeachHospitaland Kottaparamba Hospitalto extension centres of Medical
The govt. medical college, Kozhikode faces infrastructural and man power
shortcomings as it serves population beyond its capacity, which in turn results in its
inefficient functioning as a referral centre as well as higher education and research centre in
medicine. It is proposed that General Hospital andGovt Women and Children Hospital
Kottaparamba shall be developed with sufficient infrastructure to serve as satellite centres
of Medical College and functions other than referral, education and research may be
handled by these centres.
Project Cost Rs.50 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2025 Relocation, Standardisation and Improvement of Public Health Laboratory

It is proposed to relocate the Regional Public Health Laboratory to the Regional
Analytical Lab Compound, Malaparamba and develop world class laboratory and research
infrastructure at this centre. A disease surveillance monitoring station is also proposed to be
established here.
Project Cost Rs.10 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2019 Development of a Research Centre and Better Infrastructure for Leprosy Hospital
The Govt. Leprosy Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre at Chevayur is functioning in
age old buildings and facilities. It is proposed that better treatment and rehabilitation
facilities shall be developed at this centre with facilities for recreation, livelihood etcfor the
rehabilitated persons. It is also proposed that the whole campus needs to be re-planned in a
compact manner to efficiently utilise the available land to other health sector projects
proposed in this campus.
Project Cost Rs.10 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2025 Proposals for Public Health Sector Enhancement

The following projects are proposed to enhance the public health sector in the
planning area.
Upgradation of Olavanna Govt. Health Centre to CHC and expansion/upgradation of
facilities with new block, lab facilities, 25 beds and 24 hrs service.
New PHC at Chevayur (at Existing TB hospital), and at Florican Hills (Near Providence

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Infrastructural improvements at Homeo , Allopathic and Ayurveda health centres in

the planning area
Infrastructure and Facilities development at ESI hospital, Government Ayurveda
hospital at Pantheeramkavu, District Ayurveda Hospital at Westhill and the Homeo
Geriatric care wards to be established in all govt. and private sector hospitals.
Centre for Contagious Disease monitoring and prevention
Establishment of a chest specialty clinic in coastal area
Establishment of a new health centre in Payyanakkal area
Inpatient wing to be started in Marad Health Centre
Project Cost Rs. 200 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2030 Make Kozhikode as a global health city

As envisaged in vision 2030, Kozhikodecan be developed as a medical citiy of
excellence with international- class facilities in education, training, health care services,
support infrastructure, and encourage trade in services by promoting:
Cross-Kerala border trade in medical services through the use of IT,
Medical tourism,
Inflows and outflows of foreign direct investment in this sector,
generating new knowledge through R&D, training, and interactions,
promoting the quality of health care by attracting international medical
professionals and multinational companies, and
Training and retaining skilled workers.

24.2.4 Education Educational Infrastructure Improvement

The requirement of educational infrastructure at the end of plan period as per
standards is given in table 24-2. However, since the gap up to Higher Secondary School is
found taking into account the govt. schools only, this has to be updated with the
information on private schools, and the infrastructure has to be enhanced accordingly.

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Table 24-2 : Education - Requirement in 2031

Category Standards Existing No .of Requirement Gap
institutions 2031
Govt/Aided Unaided
Pre primary 1/2500 population 44 NA 650 606
LP School 1/2500 population NA 650
247 620
UP School 1/7500 population NA 217
High School 1/13000 population 61 NA 125 64
Higher Secondary 1/13000 population 52 NA 125 73
Arts and Science 1/80,000 population 6 7 20 7
Polytechnic 1/36,000 population 4 1 45 40
I.T.C/I.T.I 1/35,000 population 8 18 46 20
T.T.I 1/1,20,000 population 2 5 14 7
Professional College 1/2,50,000 population 9 7 7 Nil
(Ref: Greater Kollam Development Plan, UDPFI Guidelines)

Besides, it is identified that the physical infrastructure like playground, toilets,

especially girl friendly toilets, computer and internet facilities etcat many schools is below
the expected standards. It is proposed that comprehensive infrastructure improvement
measures are to be taken up at all govt. and aided schools, especially in the fisheries schools
and those in the coastal belt. Educational Complex at Olavanna

Location Resurvey No.s23p, 24p, 25p, 28p, 29p, of KodalDesam, 50p, 65p,66p, of
KailamattamDesam, 234p, 236p, 237p of Olavanna Desamin Olavanna GramaPanchayath
Project Rationale:The offices of the department of
education face space and infrastructural shortcomings,
which needs to be addressed by scientific planning and
design interventions in the available land or relocating them
to a more suitable location. An educational complex is
identified in Olavanna, to house the offices of the
Department of Education. Offices of Education Additional
Director, DEO, City AEO, SSA District Office, URC, and Text
book depot, a School of Management, aSchool of Economics Figure 24-27: Educational Complex -
and a B.Ed. College are proposed to be housed in this
educational complex. To increase the attractiveness of the city for highly educated
workforce required by the IT sector and premier institutes like IIM and NIT, the education
sector need to be enhanced to international standards. As part of this quality enhancement
measures, an Institute for Teachers Training Courses and In-service Training Programs, in
the model of IIM,is also proposed in this educational complex.
Project Cost Rs. 300 Crores
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Implementation Time Frame2015-2020 University Centre and Collegiate Education Centre

Location 251p, 254, 255p, 256p, 259p, 260p, 261p, 262p of Ward 33 (Chevayur) of
Kozhikode Corporation
Project Rationale A centre for housing sub-centres of the state, national and international
universities is proposed to be located in the Education Complex proposed at Chevayur. This
aims to promote distance learning possibilities as well as establishing authentic centres of
native and foreign universities to facilitate information and easy access to quality higher
studies options.
Project Cost Rs. 13 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015-2025 Relocation of Govt. Engineering College, Kozhikode

Location 251p, 254, 255p, 256p, 259p, 260p, 261p, 262p of Ward 33 (Chevayur) of
Kozhikode Corporation
Project Rationale:The government engineering college, Kozhikode, now functions in the
Govt. Polytechnic Compound, West Hill. The college is cramped due to space and
infrastructure shortage. Hence it is proposed to be relocated to the Education Complex
proposed at Chevayur.
Project Cost Rs. 200 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2019 Universityfor Folkand Fine Arts, Literature and Cultural Studies

Location 251p, 254, 255p, 256p, 259p, 260p, 261p, 262p of Ward 33 (Chevayur) of
Kozhikode Corporation
Project Rationale:Though Malabar region is famous for many
literary efforts, folk arts and the general enthusiasm of its folks
towards literature and arts, it lacks an educational and training
institute in this field. Hence, a university of international standards
for Folk and Fine Arts, Literature and Cultural Studies is deemed
essential for the region and is proposed to be located in the
Education Complex proposed at Chevayur.
Project CostRs. 2 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2025 Figure 24-28: Educational
Complex, Chevayur Centre for Integrated Development of Schooling Age Children

Location Resurvey no. 156p of Ward 33 (Chevayur) of Kozhikode Corporation

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Project Rationale:To ensure the comprehensive development of school children, a Center

for Integrated Development of Schooling Age Children is proposed at the Juvenile Home
Compound, Vellimadukunnu. Studies and Research Centers on Folklore, Environment and
Agriculture, Fine Arts and Performing Arts (in lines of Kalamandalam), a Sports Academy,
Guidance centre for advanced studies, Student and Parent Counseling facilities,De-addiction
and monitoring centresetcare proposed in this centre.
Project Cost Rs. 5 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2021 Centre for Integrated Development of Differently-abled Children

Refer 24.3.4

24.2.5 Energy
Though the planning area is fully electrified, many of the areas face low voltage
issues. The power requirement as per UDPFI standards is2KW/household including
domestic, commercial, industrial and other requirements. Projected Electricity Consumption
@ 2KW/HH assuming a HH size of 4 is 650 MW for the planning area in 2031. The
requirement of 11 KV Substations is one per 15000 population (Ref: UDPFI Guidelines),
which indicates a requirement of 87 numbers of 11KV substations in the planning area till
2031. The priority of energy sector shall be on identifying of local projects for addressing the
power shortage utilizing the potential in non-conventional energy sector, and increasing the
efficiency of existing network with smart grids and better infrastructure. Extensive advocacy
for green buildings which reduce power consumption for lighting and ventilation shall be
undertaken and policies/regulations shall be framed for the areas and type of construction
where green building measures can be mandated. The specific proposals are listed below. Electricity Substations

22 KV Substations are proposed in Dream city Mobility Hub, Cyber Park area and
Nallur Feroke area as well as capacity enhancement of Puthiyara, Chevayur and
Kuttikkattur substations to 66 KV is proposed.
Project Cost Rs. 450 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2025 Energy Harvest from Renewable Energy Sources

The planning area has already started witnessing private initiatives in renewable
energy harvest from hybrid power projects (Ref: wind-solar hybrid power project at St
Joseph's Anglo-Indian Girls' Higher Secondary School, Kozhikode).The Masterplan proposes
to study in detail, on urgent basis, the potential of power generation from renewable energy
sources like wind, solar, biomass etc, in the planning area and the feasibility of various
technologies. The study shall also focus on high potential areas where such systems can be
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mandated, promoted etc. Hybrid power generation apparently has good scope along the
long coastline of planning area and projects can be conceived in this field by the LSGIs, and
developed with the help of individuals, company, partnership firm, or a joint venture on a
build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) basis. Besides, harnessing solar energy shall be
mandated in medium and large scale projects, including residential projects, in the planning
area, the potential, feasibility and implementation tools for which need to be detailed by
the proposed study.
Project Cost Rs. 0.05 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2019 Smart Grids

It is proposed that the power distribution network in the planning area may be
converted to Smart Grids, which would increase the efficiency of both the delivery of
services as well as the collection of service charges. GIS mapping of the power utility has to
be taken up on emergency basis and SCADA based management has to be employed.
Project Cost Rs. 100 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2030

24.2.6 Housing
The basic policy in housing is to promote compact residential developments by
careful review of prevailing FAR. Besides, measures to ensure inclusive development in
housing sector are to be studied in detail and implemented. It is suggested that high end
private housing projects must reserve and dispose at least 20-25 per cent of developed land
for EWS housing in cross subsidization system. Housing for Working Women
The housing for migrant working women in the planning area is catered mainly by
the hostels run by private sector and to a small extent, by the working womens hostel run
by government. It is proposed that the existing working womens hostel at Vellimadukunnu
shall be renovated to a high rise building with boarding, recreation and fitness facilities as
well as day care centres for children, such that they are affordable for working women from
all classes and shall admit working women from government as well as private firms. Special
facilities for physically challenged working women shall be ensured. Besides the proposal for
a new hostel in Kovoor-Iringadanpally road shall be implemented in a fast pace. Besides
Housing Board compound can be utilised for provision of accommodation for working
women. Moreover, quality control measures shall be strictly enforced in all government
and private hostels to ensure safe and comfortable stay for the working women.
Project Cost Rs. 2 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2025

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Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Sectoral Proposals 327 Slum Improvement Projects

Urban poor are one of the important stakeholders of any urban plan. It is proposed
that the LSGIs in the planning area shall ensure improvement of slums as well as sub-
standard housing areas under various on-going projects for the same like RAY, IHSDP,and
KSUDP CIF etc, in a phased manner. Along with the construction of houses and provision of
other infrastructures in slum areas, following programmes shall also be implemented.
i) Development of data base on the Urban Poor in the entire masterplan area.
ii) Development of an employment plan including training.
iii) Study centres/library/Adult learning centres in slum and urban poor colonies.
Project Cost Rs. 2.5 lakhs/house
Implementation Time Frame2015-2025 Rehabilitation of Dilapidated Colonies

For thousand s of people in the developing world, the urban area were always been
means for improving their quality of living, and environment besides getting better jobs and
incomes. People find some sort of livelihood in the premises of the cities, and are forced to
find accommodation nearby usually on illegally occupied lands. The case of Kozhikode city
also traces a similar pattern although not extremely severe. Colonies were being developed
without legal claims to the land and without permissions from the authorities to build.
Because of their illegal or semi legal nature, the infrastructure facilities wont be adequate
enough to cater the needs. People, who were traditionally engaged in ill treated status jobs
like that of scavenging, were settled in mainly three colonies.
1) Kaluthan Kadavu Colony
2) Colony near Nadakkavu Cross road
3) Colony near Stadium junction.


The colony belonging to Ward 60 of the Kozhikode Corporation spreads over an area
of 1.5 acres accommodating over 300 families on the banks of the canal in extremely sub
standard conditions. Its first settlement is dated back to around 45 years ago, before which
it was an abandoned burial ground.Rainy season is a nightmare for the residents. Not a
single household possesses individual toilets. During the heavy rains that lash Kerala in the
monsoon, the canal water rises blocking the public toilets in the area and water from both
flows into the colony. The filthy water enters even the houses and makes life even more
difficult for the people who already live in cramped conditions.No single person owned a
government job and houses lacked a steady income. Men are usually engaged in casual jobs,
such as painting, cleaning etc. and women goes out to houses as maids or take up jobs such
as garbage collection.

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The rehabilitation project needs to aim in supplying standard housing conditions to

around 300 families living in the colony. As the colony is spread over a considerable land
extending up to 1.50 acres, good enough for the purpose. Considering an allowable FAR of
2.50, around 15,000 square meter of floor area can be constructed on the plot. Vertical
development method can be adopted with lower floors allocated for commercial purpose
and the higher ones for rehabilitation of the existing residents of the Colony.
This colony is existing by the side of Nadakkavu cross road which connect East
Nadakavu and west Nadakkavu areas, by connecting Kannur road and the Wayanadu roads.
The over all developmet of the Nadakkavu area is hindered due to the presence of this
colony, which currently accommodates nearly 40 households, at crucial area of Nadakkavu.
The area of this settlement spread across 1.7 0 acres. Most of the residents in the colony are
the sanitation workers employed by the Kozhikode corporation. The all 40 households share
the existing five bath rooms and four latrines. An anganwadi within this area employs two
instructors who take care of five kids. It is housed in a cramped room with just enough space
for seven of them to sit.

The Colony and the area as a whole is having immense potential for further
improvements. Being located in the heart of commercial area of the Town, sufficient area
can be allocated to rehabilitate all the households once properly developed. The area can be
developed on BOT basis to a commercial center, with upper floors to be allocated for the
residences of the existing dwellers.


This informal settlement is located towards the eastern side of the stadium junction,
and is spread across an area of 40 cents. It accommodates around 17 families and is in a
dilapidated condition with no proper sanitation, water supply facilities available. People live
in temporary type of shelters which often fails during heavy monsoon rains. The area is
located right with in the central business district of the town. The colony can be developed
with commercial areas on the lower floors, and reserving the upper floor for residential
units, to be allocated for the existing dwellers. BOT system of implementation shall be
proposed, as the commercial value of the location is considerably high, and this aspect
makes the project financially viable. SC Housing Schemes

There are around 70 SC housing colonies (with more than 10 SC families) in the
planning area. It is proposed that to meet the housing demand, multi-storeyed housing
projects has to be undertaken. An SC housing project is proposed in 73/1A1
and another in resurvey no.250/4 in Puttekat, Feroke. Basic infrastructure facilities of
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adequate standard, like H/H water supply connections, overhead water tanks for each
colony, sanitation, power connections, street lights, solid waste treatment facility etc..has to
be ensured in these colonies. Livelihood opportunities shall be ensured for at least one
member of these families.
Project Cost Rs. 40 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2025 Model Fishermen Village MalsyaGramam

Model fishermen villagesare proposed in the Elathur, Mukhadar, Puthiyappa and
Chaliyam. The model fishermen village is envisaged to have good quality housing,
electrification, water supply and sanitation, disaster information and rescue centres,
hospitals, skill development, education and technical training facilities for fishermen
population especially the women, anganwadis, elderly and palliative care centres, fish
processing centre, fisheries related industries etc.., in the delineated area.
The 13th Finance Commission has recommended Rs. 200 crores as grant in aid to the
state for development of the Fisheries sector for the period 2011-15. The grant is meant for
Construction of Model Fishing villages which include construction of houses, provision of
drinking water, sanitation, provision for health facilities, setting up of fish marketing centers,
construction of fisheries schools etc..The project is proposed to be implemented under the
"Model Fishing Village" scheme under the 13th Finance Commission Award Projects.
Project Cost Rs.10 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2017

24.2.7 Sportsand Recreation

The recreational land uses fall short gravely of requirements, as the study reveals.
Hence the strategy is to create new open spaces/ parks/ stadiums/ play grounds and to
develop the existing ones to the required standards. Besides, it is proposed that the
waterfront areas and puramboke lands shall be developed to serve as neighbourhood parks.
Kozhikode is home to many eminent personalities in sports, honoured in
international and national levels, and dubbed as Footballers Mecca for its famous love for
the game of Football. However, the region lacks quality sports infrastructure and training
facilities. Hence the policy in sports sector is to create international quality infrastructure
and training facilities, as well as to promote sports tourism in the area. International Stadium and Sports Complex

The existing stadium in the planning area is at the centre of the core business area
which creates havoc at the conduct of any event and lacks sufficient space for events of
national/international scale. Hence, a New International Sports Complex cum Commercial
Complex is proposed in 10 hectares on the eastern side of NH By-pass, within the
corporation area, utilizing the commercial potential as well. The Complex is proposed to
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house a Cricket Stadium, Foot Ball Stadium, an Indoor Stadium, Parking Plaza, Commercial
and Office Complex and residential and training facilities for sports persons. The existing
stadium is proposed to be retained as an open space or a venue for conduct of regional
Project Cost Rs.500 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2030 Park and Recreational Complex- at Paroppadi

The project is envisaged on an area extending to 70 acres, at Paroppadi, near
Malapparamba area, easily accessible form NH 766, (wayanad road). The land is being kept
vacant without any agricultural activities for the past 15 years. The plot is a watershed area
with availability of water throughput the year. It is a low lying area surrounded by
residential buildings, and the site is comprised of survey numbers including
9,10,23,25,26,65,66,67,103 and 104 and portion of few other survey numbers. At the
eastern side of the site, police head quarters are located and the Kanadikkal river flow on
the western side at distance of 1 km and the site. The site is connected with the river
through a canal. General location details are given in Fig24.31.

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Figure 24.31: Location details

The development pressure and the demand on residential units of Kozhikode city
have started threatening the surveillance of this water body, as developers have already
started illegal filling up of the area. The land has got an exclusive potential to be developed
as an urban square while conserving the serine nature of the site and preserving the existing
water body. As the Kozhikode city tends to grow outwards towards NH 17 byepass, urban
square near to it makes the site more feasible due to the nearness towards the National
Highways. The existing cross sectional details of the site are given in Figure24.32.

Fig 24.32:. Cross sectional details of the site.

The objective of the project is to protect the serene environment of the area by
protecting the natural water body in the form of a fresh water pond, at the same time to
provide the facilities for income generation to the owners, by suitably developing the area
in to a recreational space in a sustainable manner. The various facilities to include fresh
water pond, childrens park, community park, meeting area, open air theatre, arts and crafts
shop, curios shops, food courts, aquaculture, and allied amenities. A schematic site plan for
the development is given in figure 24.34. The proposed cross section of the development is
given in figure 24.33

Fig 24.33: Proposed cross section of the development.

The project can be implemented making use of various best aspects of Land Pooling
and Public Private Partnership methods in general. Special purpose vehicle may be coined
out for the implementation of the project. Land from various owners need to be combined
and developed as per the requirements and guidelines of the project, and a specified
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developed portion of the land need to be handed over back to the original owners in
proportion to the land they actually were in possession before.

Fig 24.34: Schematic site plan for the development.

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A sports complex is proposed near Payyanakkal GHSS, which would facilitate the
sports related activities of schools in the region. This project was proposed by the working
group of JTPC as part of Peoples Aspiration Study.
Project Cost Rs.0.5 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2030 Indoor Stadium

New Indoor Stadium is proposed in Leprosy Hospital Compound, Chevayur.
Project Cost Rs.25 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2019 Swimming and Football Schools

Swimming is a lifesaving talent, which needs training at a young age. Swimming
Schools is proposed at Kadalundi in the 82 cents of land in Resurvey No. 175p of
MannurDesam, utilising the existing pond(This project was proposed by Kadalundi LSGI as
part of Peoples Aspiration Study)and near Nadakkavu, in ward 3, T Sy.No 681 of Kozhikode
Corporation. Related Infrastructure like access road, dressing room, landscaping, trainers
room also proposed to be built as part of the project.Mokavoor - Eranjikkal area of
Kozhikode Corporation is an area with abundant water bodies. A swimming pool can be
developed at this area, utilising existing ponds or water bodies. Besides, region-wise football
schools are proposed to be conducted in all playgrounds and stadiums.
Project Cost Rs.1 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2020 New Parks, Play Grounds and Mini Stadiums and hierarchical development of open
The following recreation facilities are proposed in the planning area. It is proposed that
facilities for skill development in children shall be installed in all parks.
Mini Stadium at Karinkaipadam, Ramanattukara resurvey no. 31p, 32, 33p, 34p, 39p ,
45p, KarinkallaiDesam
Play Ground near Knowledge Park, Ramanattukara - resurvey no. 236p, VelipramDesam(
Land owned by LSGI)
Play ground at Puthiyappa Beach.
Childrens Park, Ramanattukara resurvey no. 278p, VelipramDesam
Park near Velliparamba, Medical College resurvey no. 56p, 58p of Ward 30 (Kovoor) of
Kozhikode Corporation
Park at resurvey number 11p, Olavanna Desam, Olavanna Gramapanchayat.
Park in front of Jayanthi Nagar Colony, along the road.

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Park to the north of Santhi Nagar Colony, West hill in the vacant beach.
Other than these proposals, it is proposed to develop open spaces in a hierarchical
manner throughout the planning area. A detailed study conducted for this purpose and the
outcomes of the study are attached as Annex XIV of this report.
Project Cost Rs. 425 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015-2020 Development of ExistingParks/ Recreational Facilities
Development of open air stage at Beach to national standards
Development of VK Krishnamenon museum to national standards
Development of Oceanarium and establishment of Centre for Training in Ornamental
Fish Culture at KonnadBeach
Renovation and revitalisation of Lions park aquarium
Development of Butt road beach playground with better facilities
Development of Play ground near Odumbra Bridge (resurvey numbers 732p, 734p Ward
24 , Kozhikode Corporation)
Construction of mini stadiums at existing playgrounds at MukachiMaidanam and
Development of existing mini stadium at Beypore
Development of Gotheeswaram childrens park
Project Cost Rs. 3 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015-2020

24.2.8 Other Civic Amenities

The requirement of socio-cultural facilities, distribution services and other facilities

in the planning area is given in tables 24-3, 24-4 and 24-5. As the use of internet facility
through mobile phone is increasing like anything and e-governance promotion activities are
taking place in a wider perspective, provision for 100% wi-fi connectivity in the masterplan
area shall be introduced.
Table 24-3 : Socio-cultural facilities - requirement 2031
Sl. Category and Standards Requirement Existing Gap
No 2031
a Community Room - one for 5,000 population 325 59 266
b Community Hall and library - one for 15,000 population 108 61 47
c Recreational Club - one for 1 lakh population 16 121 0
d Music Dance and Drama centre - one for 1 lakh population 16 24 0
e Meditation and spiritual centre- one for 1 lakh population 16 0 16
f Socio-cultural centre - one for 10 lakh population 2 0 2
(Ref: UDPFI Guidelines)

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Table 24-4 : Distribution Services Requirement 2031

Sl. Category and Standards Requirement Existing Gap
No 2031
a Petrol pump
One for 150Ha of gross residential areas in residential use
One for 40Ha of gross industrial area 30
Two petrol pumps in each freight complex 18 24 106
Two petrol pumps in each district centre 3
One petrol pump in each community centre 16
b Milk Distribution
One milk booth for 5000 population 325 17 308
c LPG godowns
one gas godown for 50000 population 33 14 19
(Ref: UDPFI Guidelines)
Table 24-5 : Other facilities - requirement 2031
Sl. Category and Standards Requirement Existing Gap
No 2031
a Police Station , 1 for 90000 population 18 15 3
b Police Post , 1 for 50000 population 33 1 32
c District Office and Battalion, 1 for 10 lakh population 2 1 1
d Police line, 1 for 20 lakh population 1 1 0
e District Jail , 1 for 10 lakh population 2 1 1
f Civil Defense and home guards, 1 for 10 lakh population 2 0 2
1 fire station or sub-fire station within 1 to 3 km for 2 lakh 8 3 5
(Ref: UDPFI Guidelines) Fire Stations

The absence of adequate number of fire stations and their rational distribution is a
major lacunain the planning area from risk mitigation and management point of view. It is
proposed that more fire stations have to be established in the planning area at the following
Mobility Hub Sarovaram area
Beypore Port

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Project Cost Rs. 4 Crores

Implementation Time Frame 2015-2030 New Crematoria and Modernisation of Existing Crematoriums

A New Crematorium is proposed at Resurvey No.s 242p, 243p, VelipramDesam
ofRamanattukara Gramapanchayat. Modernisation and infrastructure improvements are
proposed at Kannamparambu, Gotheeswaram beach, Mathottam crematoriums. Besides,
modernisation of all crematoriums with state of the art technologies and adoption of less
land intensive ways shall be taken up in a phased manner.Mobile crematoriums are
proposed to be acquired and promoted by the LSGIs.
Project Cost Rs. 26 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015 -2020 Community Halls

The following community facilities are proposed at various parts of the planning
Community hall at Ramanattukara, to the North of existing busstand, in Resurvey Nos.
297p, 296p of VelipramDesam.
Community Hall near Koya Road in Re.Sy No.98/7 part.
A cultural centre at Marad
Project Cost Rs. 18 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015 -2020 Government Offices Complex

It is proposed that the District Jail,Puthiyara, Kozhikode may be relocated outside the
planning area, and a Government Offices Complex may be established in this compound, to
house the government offices which are presently accommodated in rented facilities.
Project Cost Rs. 20 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2020 -2030 Night Shelter

A night shelter is proposed at the vacant land behind Apsara Theatre. This location is
at walkable distance from Kozhikode Railway Station and is well connected with city bus as
well as para transit services.

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24.2.9 Disaster Management Disaster Preparedness and Management Plan

As part of disaster preparedness, the Masterplan identifies and provides for
evacuation routes from all directions to the main medical centre of the region, the
Kozhikode Medical College. It also proposes new fire stations at four locations. However,
preparation of a full-fledged disaster management plan is necessary which should identify
all risk areas like hazardous industries, petrol pumpsetc, prepare a risk mitigation plan,
identify and demarcate zones which are vulnerable to various kinds of disasters, propose
prevention and mitigation measures, identify rescue centres , create necessary physical
infrastructure and trained human resources for prevention of disasters as well as warning,
mitigation and rescue during disasters. Student members of various social service initiatives
in educational institutions shall be given compulsory training in providing first aid,
lifesaving skills, risk and disaster mitigation, etc. whose services will surely benefit the
society in exigencies.
Project Cost Rs. 0.1 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015 -2020

24.3 Social Welfare and Empowerment

The policy in this sector is toFacilitate empowerment of vulnerable sections (socially and
economically backward, physically/mentally challenged, women, senior citizens) through
planning and policy measures.Make the city safe for the most vulnerable; they will be safe
for everyone. The strategies include inclusive planning and design of streets, parks, public
places, civic facilities, sanitation infrastructure and transport modes, starting women
centered industrial projects,promoting women entrepreneurship and impart skills
development training, creation of geriatric/specially skilled/physically challenged care
infrastructure in govt.sector, and preferential housing of the marginalized.

24.3.1 Womens Industrial Cluster


24.3.2 Womens Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Centre


24.3.3 Friendly transportation and amenities for Women, Elderly and Differently-
It is proposed that ladies only bus services may be conducted in the planning area,
during odd hours and peak hours, to ensure safety and comfort of women. Besides, all

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transport terminals shall have friendly infrastructure and amenities to ensure comfort and
security for the elderly, women, feeding mothers, specially-skilled and the differently-abled.
Besides, women friendly toilets, like the electronic toilets installed recently, are
proposed to be installed in sufficient numbers in all schools, work centres, hospitals, office
complexes etc.
Parks are proposed to be specially designed to suit the requirements of the elderly,
specially-skilled and the differently-abled.
Project Cost Rs. 10 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015 -2030

24.3.4 Development of IMHANS Centre of Excellence

Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (IMHANS), recently conferred centre-
of-excellence' status by the central government, addresses the mental-health requirements
of the northern districts of Kerala, and is developing community mental health programs for
the region, aiming at treatment and rehabilitation of the psychologically ill within the
community itself. It is proposed that this centre shall be developed with the necessary
manpower and state-of-the-art infrastructure for mental health education, research and
community services including treatment and rehabilitation.
Project Cost Rs. 100 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015 -2025

24.3.5 Centre for Integrated Development of Differently-abled Children

It is proposed that a Centre for Integrated Development of Differently-abled
Children, to extent developmental care and support to the differently-abled and specially-
skilled, right from their birth, as well as children with learning disabilities and psychological
issues, be established in the Juvenile Home Compound.
Project Cost Rs. 5 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015 -2020

24.3.6 Special Schools in Government/aided Sector

Almost all Special Schools, attending to the educational needs of one of the most
vulnerable sections of the society, are run by charitable organisations and religious
initiatives. It is proposed that all suchprivate initiatives may be given due recognition and
support through govt.aids, to ensure better infrastructure and facilities as well as better
remuneration for the staff. Besides, the adequacy and accessibility of these institutions
needs to be studied in detail. It is also proposed that the state govt. shall start Special
Schools, to meet the gap, if any. Infrastructure of uneconomical schools can be utilised for

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new special schools. The education complex in Olavanna may also be considered for locating
a new special school.
Project Cost Rs. 50 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015 -2022

24.3.7 PakalVeedu
It is proposed that PakalVeedu or day care homes for the elderly may be started
along with the Anganwadis. It is anticipated that this will have mutually beneficial effects on
both the elderly as well as the children.
Project Cost Rs. 10 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015 -2022

24.3.8 Homes for Elderly in Government Sector

To meet the demand, it is proposed that two more homes for elderly shall be started
in Govt Sector additional to the existing old age home, to ensure the welfare of the senior
citizens. An old age home is proposed in Joseph Road in T.Sy no. 292p, ward no.4,(the
corporation land opposite to Janayugam press)and another in Social Welfare Complex,
Vellimadukunnu. Besides, it is proposed that holistic medical care facilities, legal assistance,
recreation and exercise facilities, etc. shall be provided at these old age homes. Senior
citizens willing to deliver services in their fields of experience and knowledge shall be given
the opportunity for the same, which would help them to lead a more healthy and dignified
life, and the monetary returns from this can be used to meet their expenses.
Project Cost Rs. 1.0 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015 -2020

24.3.9 Pain and Palliative, Geriatric Care Centres

It is proposed that a comprehensive study may be undertaken on the
district/block/LSGI/ward level requirement of local/regional centres for palliative and
geriatric care, as well as home care services in the planning area as well as region, and
services may be extended as per the findings of the study. Student members of various
social service initiatives in educational institutions shall be given compulsory training in
geriatric and pain and palliative care, whose services can be utilised in emergency situations,
besides creating better understanding and awareness in the citizens at a very young age.
Project Cost Rs. 0.5 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015 -2020

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24.4 Culture andHeritage

The policy in culture and heritage sector is to conserve the built and natural heritage,
preserve and show case the rich cultural heritage, and optimally utilise this potential to
enhance the vibrancy and tourism potential of the area. The specific proposals are detailed

24.4.1 Cultural Square at Mananchira

The existing DD Office Complex Compound is proposed to be developed as a cultural
hub of the region, considering the importance of Mananchira and surroundings in the
heritage and culture of the region.A centre of national standards to promote theatre and
drama is proposed in this compound. Auditoriums of international standards for performing
arts, facilities for rehearsing and staging dramas and plays and a theatre complex for
exhibition of world cinemas is proposed as part of this centre. Along with this, a museum
showcasing the works of eminent writers of the region like Vaikom Muhammed Basheer,
M.T. Vasudevan Nair, S.K.Pottekkat, Sanjayan, Thikkodiyan, Sukumar Azheekode, etc. is also
proposed. Besides a cultural square to honour and reminisce cultural and social leaders is
also proposed as part ofthis cultural hub.
Project Cost Rs. 30 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015 -2020

24.4.2 International Cultural Centre

The Kozhikode city had trade relations with number of countries in the Middle East
and Europe due to being in the silk route and known for the honesty of its tradesmen. So it
is proposed to set up an International Cultural Centre with the active participation of these
countries in the city for promoting cultural exchange and showcasing the citys glorious past.
The centre will have display on the trading history of the city in terms of photographs, relics
and other exhibits. The centre will also have facilities for performing arts, conventions and
exhibitions. The land lying vacant in Gandhi Road (former Kerala Soaps & Oils factory
compound) is earmarked for the purpose.
Project Cost Rs. 10Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015 -2020

24.4.3 Conservation of Tippus Fort

Location Resurvey no 166p of Nalloor desam, Feroke Gramapanchayat
It is proposed that landscaping and tourist facilities may be provided at the site, to
attract tourists and researchers to the fort.
Project Cost Rs. 55 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2017

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24.4.4 Establishment of an Archives of International Standards

The regional archives of Kozhikode, which houses over five lakh records, currently
functions in the district collectorate premises and is constrained by the lack of space. It is
proposed that a dedicated building to house archives of international standards be
established in the existing Old Taluk Office and Jail Compound, having facilities for proper
display and scientific conservation of documents.
Project Cost Rs. 1 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2016 -2020

24.4.5 Conservation of Old Sea Bridges of Kozhikode

The two historic sea bridges of the erstwhile glorious
Port City of Kozhikode were constructed in 1880 by the British
and were in use up to the late 1960s. Only a few vertical
members of the concrete framework of these one-time
bridges, which were used for import/export of goods as well
as for domestic services, are remaining today. The remnants
of these bridges, reminiscent of the citys glorious past, are of
high heritage value and are proposed to be conserved using
state-of the-art technologies. A watch tower and
refreshment facilities to attract tourists along with beach beautification programmes is also
proposed which can be operated on BOT format, to make the whole project economically
feasible. The responsible agencies include DTPC, Art and Heritage Commission, and
Kozhikode Corporation.
Project Cost Rs. 0.5 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015 -2020

24.4.6 SM Street Heritage Project

The conservation of SM Street as a heritage is a long cherished dream of the city, the
efforts for which did not materialise due to non-consensus among the various stakeholders.
It is proposed that this centuries old commercial hub of Kozhikode shall be conserved
without altering its traditional ambience and architecture. However, facilities like parking
plazas, drainage network, street lighting etcare required to ensure the healthy survival of
this retail hub of common man. Hence, a comprehensive project for the conservation of the
street as a heritage, while ensuring its functioning as the buzzing retail trade centre of
Kozhikode, is proposed.
Project Cost Rs. 10 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2017

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24.4.7 Revathi Pattathanam

Revathi Pattathanam, an annual assembly of scholars and competitions for the
Bhattasthana (the seat of a bhatta), held for seven days from the 'Revathy' day of the month
of 'Thulam' (October November), since 14th century and hosted by the Samuthiri ruler and
held at Tali Mahadeva Temple, was a major event for the scholars in south India during the
medieval period. The assembly aimed at social-cultural enrichment and competitions were
conducted in four fields of knowledge- Tarka, Vyakarana, Mimamsa and Vedanta. More
subjects were added at later stages. Now-a -days, the festival is conducted for a single
day.Scholars are felicitated, "Murajapa" recitation of three Vedas, and cultural seminars
areheld, and awards for the best poet and temple artist are distributed as part of this
cultural festival. It is proposed that the festival be revived to its glory and grandeur with
government support, as an attempt to conserve the culture, traditions, ancient knowledge
and arts.
Project Cost Rs. 0.5 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2017

24.5 Environment
The policy in environment sector is to Designate zones for conservation,
preservation and protection and utilize the potential for responsible tourism . The
strategies include ddeclaration of Kadalundi as a Bio reserve, development of Community
Mangroves Reserve in various locations in the planning area like that in Kadalundi, a
comprehensive incentive based plan to conserve ponds and sacred groves, ban on plastic,
afforestation programme, implementation of wetlands management plan, conservation of
the natural and man-made heritage,promotion of low ecological foot print buildings and
pollution-free fuels, enhancing urban green cover etc.. It is proposed that the planning area
shall gradually achieve conversion to environmental friendly fuels like CNG for
transportation.To counter the effects of climate change and urban heat islands, it is
proposed that green cover in the urban area shall be enhanced by mandating minimum tree
cover in large projects, increasing road side vegetation cover, etcwith the help of Urban
Forestry/ Social Forestry programmes. The specific projects are listed below.

24.5.1 KadalundiJaivagramam
Project Rationale KadalundiGramapanchayatinvites special attention among the LSGIs of the
planning area, as it is an island, surrounded by rivers on three sides and the ocean on the
fourth. The LSGIs famous for its birds sanctuary and mangrove reserves.To conserve the
rich biodiversity of this island, the development of this LSGI shall be regulated in such a way
to guard against anything that can deteriorate the environmental quality. In such a fragile
ecosystem, even human activities of rural nature like agriculture, if using pesticides, can
deteriorate the air, water and soil environments and can endanger the migratory birds.

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Hence, Kadalundi is proposed to be developed as a Jaivagramam a village which promotes

organic practices. The development into a full-fledged organic village will need many policy
and project initiatives to be implemented on urgent basis, which are listed below.
Ban on use of pesticides and chemical fertilisers in the LSGI and promotion of organic
Treatment of 100% organic wastes produced in the LSGI at source using vermin
composting, pipe composting, biogas plants etc.., with the help of Jilla Panchayath,
Gramapanchayat and State Government funds through various agencies/missions.
Promotion of Organic Farming, Export oriented production of organic agricultural
produce, Branding/Certification and Marketing with the help of State and Central
Government funds.
Promotion of Organic Farming on roof tops, homesteads, public use compounds,
uncultivated agricultural lands and cultivable vacant lands with the help of Jilla
Panchayat, Gramapanchayat funds.
Export oriented production of Sea food and aquaculture products.
Promotion of renewable energy harvesting, mainly wind and solar energy with the help
of Jilla Panchayat, Gramapanchayat, State and Central Government funds.
Ensure proper sanitation facilities in all buildings using prefabricated septic tanks /
sewerage network and sewage treatment plant and thus prevent water pollution
Ban on use of Non-recyclable Plastic in the LSGI, promote reuse and recycle and
establish recycling units
Promotion of Animal Husbandry with the help of State and Central Government funds.
Promotion of traditional industries and environment friendly practices in traditional
industries (de-fibering machines instead of retting, artificial seasoning of wood etc)
Restriction of high rise / high density development and polluting industries.
Promotion of pedestrianisation and cycling - Establishment of and cycle rent shops
targeting the tourists, creation of a pedestrianpathway cum cycling lane network for the
whole panchayat.
Promotion of environment friendly vehicle fuels like CNG, and phase wise transition to
achieve conversion to use of such fuels.
Project Cost Rs. 15 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015 -2020

24.5.2 Comprehensive Plan for Development and Management of Community

Mangroves Reserve at Kadalundi
Project Rationale:The first community reserve of India, the Kadalundi Vallikkunnu
community reserve, is under threat due to indiscriminate sand mining and dumping of
waste in the river. Though declared as a community reserve in 2007, the efforts for
comprehensive development of the reserve has not fully materialised yet. Hence a
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comprehensive development and management plan is proposed to be made for developing

Kadalundi as a mangroves hotspot and a major bird watching spot in the country. Projects
for setting up a mangrove nursery, a research centre, bird watching towers, Butterfly Park,
boat jetty, fishing points, stroll/jogging tracks, tourist facilities centre, tour packages,
construction of seawalls and river embankments as well as development of the locality are
to be addressed by the management plan. Policies for use of eco-friendly materials for
construction, decentralised waste treatment, low density development etcare also to be
Project Cost Rs. 1 crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2019

24.5.3 Conservation of Ponds and Sacred Groves

Project Rationale Kavu- the sacred groves and ponds are the habitat ofindigenous flora and
fauna and the preservation of Kavus and ponds is an immediate need of society. Majority
of the Kavus and ponds in the planning area are under private ownership. It is proposed that
a comprehensive incentive based plan to conserve ponds and sacred groves in the planning
area, regardless of the type of ownership, shall be conceived and implemented at the
earliest. In case of Kavus and ponds under private ownership, conservation could be done
either by the owner, with or without aids from the local government; or the corresponding
land could be surrendered to the respective local governments for conservation, in which
case, the owner could utilize equivalent construction rights for the surrendered land,
elsewhere in the planning area. Suitable Policy and legal environment and fund allocations
shall be ensured by the respective local governments. The list of major Kavus along with
their extent is appended in annexe XV. No construction activities other than those required
for the protection of the structure / area shall be permitted in this areas.
Project Cost Rs.180 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015 -2025

24.5.4 Development of Botanical Garden

Location Resurvey No. 119p, Ward 26 (Kommeri) of Kozhikode Corporation, Resurvey No.
8p, 9p, 10p, 96p, 101p, 102p, 103p of Iringallur Desam of Olavanna Gramapanchayat
Project Rationale: The Calicut University Botanical Garden (CUBG) is the largest and most
diverse botanical gardens in varsities across the country. The garden society has proposed
to develop an aquatic bio park on 15 acres of paddy land, aimed at creating a national-level
conservatory of aquatic plants and eco education, targeting tourists as well as students. It
will be a wetland in its pristine form and one of the biggest collections of aquatic plants. The
project involves the development of a 5.6 acre artificial lake with pockets of aquatic plants
along the periphery, a mangrove zone, marshy land, landscaped grounds with expansive
lawns and tree plantations and a demonstration area for exhibition of freshwater and saline
algae. The aquatic bio park would also house model interpretation centres to educate
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visitors on the importance of the wetland ecosystem, a tissue culture facility, a museum
complex, medicinal plant garden and collection of terrestrial plants. Another proposed
project is an arboretum (tree garden) in 20 acres to conserve around 200 most threatened
tree species from the Western Ghats, a listed UNESCO World Heritage.
Besides establishment of a zoo in the botanical garden compound is also proposed
by the Masterplan.
Project Cost 50 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2020-2025

24.5.5 Development of Hortus Malabaricus SasyaS arvaswam

The Itty Achuthan Memorial Hortus Malabaricus Sasya Sarvaswam', a park that
attempts to preserve all herbs and plants that find a mention in the historic work
HortusMalabaricus' by Hendrik Van Rheede, the Dutch Governor of Kochi during 1667-77,
is an ambitious project conceived by the State Forest and Wildlife Department at Chaliyam.
The project aims to rejuvenate the 742 plants listed in HortusMalabaricus. It is proposed
that the park may further be developed as a centre for research on flora and fauna of the
region, with facilities of international quality to attract tourists and scholars world over.
Project Cost Rs. 0.8 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015 -2017

24.5.6 Kottuli Wetlands Management Plan

Wet lands are invaluable components of the environment ecology and bio diversity.
Wetlands are transitional zones that occupy and intermediate position between dry land
and open water. Wetland ecosystems are dominated by the influence of water; they
possess characteristics of both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem and properties that are
uniquely of their own. Kottuli wet land is listed as wet land of National. The wetland, as it is
located adjacent major transportation links and development zone, is under threat.
Preservation is planned to be achieved in such a way that the private land included would
be fully surrendered by the owner to the corporation and will be given equivalent benefit to
build elsewhere. The following are proposed as policy measures to preserve the wetland.
The wet land is to be kept as pollution free and no waste outlets are allowed to be
Sediment trap or silt trap has to be installed at the point of treated effluent water
entering the canal
Ensuring full functions of sewage treatment plants located on the banks.
Ensuring stringent action to those who discharge untreated water to wet land
No constructions are permitted
Exploring the possibility of converting Kottuli wet land as a Bio park without losing
character and without compromising on ecological importance.
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Besides, an area Masterplan incorporating the management plan prepared by

CWRDM is proposed to be drawn up to facilitate specific spatial controls for the area.
Project Cost Rs. 220 Crores
Implementation Time Frame2015-2020

24.5.7 Revitalisation of Streams andWater bodies

The following water bodies in the area are proposed to be revitalised.
The abandoned clay mine to north of Chungam junction, Ramanattukara
Kundamkulam KuniyilThodu
Aaviyilthodu , Thoppayil beach
Stream from Varakkal Temple to Kampuram Beach
V.K. Canal and MaruthamoliThodu
Kallai River
Besides, a comprehensive project to identify and develop the missing links of
streams and to re-establish the connections with the river / ocean is proposed.
Project Cost Rs. 1.1 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015 -2022

24.5.8 Integrated CRZ Implementation Planfor Kozhikode Urban Area

The CRZ regulations form a basic framework for both environmental conservation as
well as development control along the coast. In a major portion of the planning area, the
development is governed by the regulations prescribed by Coastal Zone Management Plan
of Kerala, 1996. Three recently merged gramapanchayatsof Elathur, Beypore and
Cheruvannur-Nallalam still falls in CRZ III, rest of the corporation areas fall under CRZ II and
the other panchayats of the planning area falls in CRZ III. However, ambiguity and
discrepancies still exist in implementation of the CZMP.The CZMP map prepared at 1:12,500
scalecan be used effectively for guidance,but not for implementing and monitoring the
compliance to the CRZ provisions in the field.The regulation of dense development along the
coast in the planning area needs cadastral level maps with survey plot level information,
preferably in 1:1000 scale.The vagueness in CZMP at implementation level has resulted in
wrong interpretations of the CRZ zones. Resolving these ambiguities is important from the
perspectives of environmental conservation as well as optimal utilisation of the high
potential urban land.Hence it is proposed that an Integrated CRZ Implementation Plan shall
be prepared on urgent basis, with 1: 1000 scale cadastral level mapping of the CRZ zones,
for the whole of the planning area. Besides, aplot level information system,to

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helptransparent and simple decision making on development permits in CRZ areas, shall be
developed and implemented.
Project Cost Rs. 0.2 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015 -2017

24.6 Governance
The policy in governance is to Facilitate a well-coordinated and efficient city
management using state-of-art tools and technologies. The strategies include introduction
of e-payment of taxes and fees, online public service delivery and awareness creation
among general public, unifying governance practices in all LSGIs in master plan area,
improving internal coordination between different sections, implementation of GIS based
property tax management for increased efficiency of tax assessment and collection, revision
of tax assessment to create slabs based on nearness to transit corridors , coverage of the
building etc.., promote new formats and tools of land development and project
implementation like PPP, land pooling, TDR, betterment levies etc. The specific projects are
detailed below.

24.6.1 Comprehensive Improvement in Governance

The following measures are proposed to ensure good governance in the planning
Vigilance and Monitoring Cell to enforce waste management, especially by the hospitals,
slaughter houses and fish/meat market, hotels and other commercial centres. The cell
will meet and report in every 3 months. All govt bodies like health, PCB, town planning
etc shall be members of this cell.
Standardise the service delivery to ensure consistency in quality and promptness across
the various LSGIs in the planning area
Ensure better co-ordination and communication between various sections of the LSGIs
Implement SUGAMA for project implementation
Implement e-governance and online public services delivery
Implement facilities for online remittal of taxes, fees etc.. for whole of planning area
Creation of a comprehensive database and GIS Mapping of utility networks,
Implementation of GIS and SCADA based utility management and online complaint
redressal systems with the help of 24*7 consumers care/ call centres.
Incentivise initiatives by households for waste disposal within their premises
Project Cost Rs. 25 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015 -2030

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24.6.2 e - Governance
It is proposed to develop utility maps and plot level GIS for the entire
planning area. By the introduction of Management Information system (MIS) and Web GIS
various departments can deliver their services at the locations convenient to the public. It
also aims to share data between departments and coordination of their strategy plans so as
to avoid conflicting decisions. Each department spatially analyse the data within their
jurisdiction and area of interest. With the help of plot level GIS and Utility maps Local bodies
process building application, issue completion certificate, assess property tax etc without
field visit, and other services using Web GIS and MIS. It is also to be used by other
departments for providing various facilities like monitoring, metering and controlling of
drinking water supply, metering and controlling of power of individual users etc. Also double
entry accounting and online public service delivery system shall be introduced.

24.6.3 Urban Planning and Design Detailed Alignments of Roads and Junction Improvement Plans

Project Rationale: The Masterplan identifies many roads, a few of which are new
alignments, and many involve widening. The implementation of these proposals needs
detailed alignment plans, which are proposed to be taken up immediately after the
sanctioning of the master plan. It is proposed that the pedestrian/cyclist friendliness as
discussed in sections 24.3.3and incorporated while preparing the detailed
alignment. Junction Improvement Plans are also to be prepared along with/independent of
these detailed alignments for the various junctions in the planning area.
Implementation Time Frame 2015-2017 Detailed Town Planning Schemes

Project Rationale: The Masterplan is a general land use plan that set the broad policy
framework for guiding development decisions in the planning area. Detailed Town Planning
Schemes for specific areas of coherent nature and purpose detailing land-use and zoning
regulations, as well as urban design, transportation, and open-space guidelines for each
area, need to be prepared and implemented for effective control of the micro level land
uses, which is proposed to be taken up as the next phase of this Masterplan. The Detailed
Town Planning Schemes should address the concerns highlighted in sections,,, and The proposed areas include
Kottaparamba - Palayam Area
Railway Station Area
Eranjipalam Arayidathupalam Area
Arayidathupalam Thondayad Area
Beach Area

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Big Basar Area

Civil Station Area
Malaparamba Area
Cheruvannur Industrial Belt
Medical College Area
West Hill Area
Vellayil Area
Chalappuram Area
Implementation Time Frame2015-2017 Urban Renewal

Project Rationale An ancient city like Kozhikode will have number of pockets of
decay with shift in economic activities. For example, the Big Bazar area once the centre of
activity of the town lost its sheen with the shift in the economy and trade. Such pockets are
in a dilapidated condition due to lack of maintenance and absence of economic impetus.
These pockets contribute towards unhealthy conditions and squalor in the city. So,
redeveloping such areas in an appropriate manner is in the interest of the city corporation
as a whole. These redevelopments are proposed to be taken up using techniques like land
pooling. Area specific DTP Schemes shall be prepared for these urban renewal projects with
the active participation of the residents, land owners and other stake holders in these areas.
Some of the areas identified for such urban renewal packages and their major thrust of
development are as follows:-
Big bazaar area (Commercial development retaining the past glory as a trade centre
for plantation crops and spices).
Kuttichira area (Residential development intended to up scale the housing conditions
of the joint families still occupying dilapidated structures).
SM Street (A commercial street of heritage value).
Kottuli wetland and its environs (Intended to eke out land for the development of a
new township while ensuring conservation of Kottuli wetland in all aspects and
utilizing the environmental serenity of the area).
Melepalayam (A commercial precinct).
Palayam market area (Trade and commerce).
Any other area proposed by the residents / ward councilors subject to
environmental sustainability and financial viability.
Implementation Time Frame2015-2020

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Master Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area - 2035 Sectoral Proposals 350 Masterplans for Nearby Local Governments

For the successful implementation of the Masterplan for Kozhikode Urban Area and
to establish fruitful give and take relationships with the LSGIs outside the planning area, it is
imperative that at least the immediate neighbouring LSGIs shall have Masterplans. Many of
the proposed projects like the dedicated truck lane to Kunnamangalam and further east, the
Inland Water Way Network, Back Water Tourism at Elathur, Boating through Chaliyar etc
require the cooperation of the neighbouring LSGIs for implementation. Besides, these can
also boost the economy of these panchayats. Many projects, linked with the proposed
projects in the planning area, can be conceived by these LSGIs, thus helping the wholesome
economic development of the region. Hence it is proposed that Masterplans shall be
prepared for these LSGIs. As pilot initiatives, Kunnamangalam and Kakkodi Panchayats are
proposed to be taken up.
Implementation Time Frame2015-2020 Heritage Zone and Buildings Management Plan

Project Rationale: A few heritage zones and buildings are identified in the Masterplan.
Besides, a heritage listing is also done by the Department of Town and Country Planning,
which identifies many a buildings/sites of heritage value. However, there can be
buildings/sites in the planning area, under private ownership, which have heritage value,
but are unidentified yet. Timely intervention is necessary for their identification, as well as
for framing heritage control guidelines and measures. For protecting the monuments under
private ownership, novel methods having a participatory nature are to be identified. Hence,
a comprehensive project for identification and conservation of heritage, inclusive of the
preparation of heritage area development control regulations, may be taken up on
immediate basis, on sanction of this Masterplan. For identified heritage areas/structures,
zoning regulations are provided in section 25.1 of this document.
Implementation Time Frame 2015 -2018 Planned Public Spaces and Streets

Project Rationale: Planned public spaces, street furniture etcenhance social interaction and
improve liveliness of the city. Hence, a review of the city from an urban design perspective
and an urban design guidelines is proposed be wrapped up for the city, which lists the
locations which need urban design interventions and the projects to be implemented on
short and long term basis.
Project Cost Rs. 0.25 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015-2024

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24.6.4 Development Assistance Utility

To guide and facilitate a fast, fair and transparent dealing of developmental queries
as well as complaints regarding service delivery, an online utility is proposed to be built for
the planning area. Theenvisaged utility should have a comprehensive plot level/ building
level database and shall be able to address the following.
List out the development permits/ NOCs/ clearances required at a specific plot or for a
specific construction like the clearances from railways, airport authority, KCZMA,
Military, National Highways, KSEB, Pollution Control Board,Town and Country Planning
Department, Local Body etc..
Assess the outstanding taxes/fees to be paid for a property and facilitate online payment
of the same
Online registration and tracking of files submitted in various government offices
Online complaint registration and tracking.
Project Cost Rs. 1 Crores
Implementation Time Frame 2015-2030

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24.7 Towards Being Smart

As economics move from agrarian to industrial and service the pace of urbanization
accelerates. With steady increase in global population migration to cities also increases. The
worlds urban population is expected to double by 2050 And 90% of this growth will take
place in developing countries, with India taking a significant share of that. In India, the
share of GDP from urban areas is much more than rural areas, and is expected to reach 75%
by 2031. The global experience is that a countrys urbanization is relatively slow up to a level
of 30% and it speed up thereafter until it reaches 60-65%. With an urban population of 31%,
India is at a point of transition where the pace of urbanization will speed up. It is the right
time to plan a proper urbanization strategy by exploiting the advancements in technology so
as to improve the quality of life.
The smart city movement tries to address the issues of this faster urbanization
without compromising environmental sustainability, financial viability and maintaining a
reasonable level of quality of life.
In Kerala there exists a rural-urban continuum. 47.72% of the total population of
Kerala is urban. From 2001 to 2011 huge growth in urban population has occurred (92.72%)
This could be attributed squarely to the manifold increase in the number of towns in the
state between 2001 &2011 from 159 to 520. Hence, in order to reduce the ill effects of
urbanization and to curtail urban sprawl so as to improve quality of life, our cities need to
become SMART.
There are large numbers of definitions for a smart city. According to the Draft
Concept Note on Smart Cities published by the Ministry of Urban Development,
Government of India, smart cities are those which have smart (intelligent) physical, social
institutional and economic infrastructure.
A smart city is expected to create ample employment opportunities/ livelihood
options for its entire people regardless of social status, age, income levels, gender etc. The
three pillars on which a city rests are its institutional infrastructure (including speedy and
ICT enabled service delivery, enforcement, security, taxation, institutional finance/ banking,
transparency and accountability, skill development, environmental sustainability , peoples
participation in decision making, citizen advisory committee), physical infrastructure
(power, water supply, solid waste management, sewerage, connectivity multimodal
transport, cyber connection, housing, disaster management) and social infrastructure
(Education, health care, entertainment, inclusive planning) The instruments that facilitate
the development of a smart city are use of clean technologies, use of ICT, Participation of
the private sector, citizen participation and smart governance.
Kozhikode is a regional node catering to almost half of the state. The city has state of
the art facilities in health, education, water supply and many other sectors which makes it
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comparable to other bigger cities in the country. However, like Thiruvananthapuram and
Kochi, Kozhikode also is an improperly developed city. The city core is saturated and
presently the peri-urban areas are growing up taking momentum from the various
institutions and IT sector developments coming up there. In order to keep up the level of
service solutions are imminent. To ensure transparent governance and inclusiveness ICT
enabled service delivery system in necessary.
The draft concept note on smart cities by the Government of India lays down certain
bench marks for smart cities. Considering these benchmarks as a reference the attempt to
transform Kozhikode into a smart city through this master plan is examined as follows:-

24.7.1 Transport
The traffic network is designed to minimize the travel time to any where in the
planning area to be not more than 30 minutes.
Continuous unobstructed footpath of minimum 2m width is proposed to be provided
on either side of all streets with right of way 12m or more.
Dedicated and physically segregated bicycle tracks with a width of 2m, one in each
direction are proposed to be provided on street with RoW 24m or more.
Access to para-transit ensured within 300m walking distance.

24.7.2 Spatial planning

The land use zoning is done in such a way that 95% of the residences have daily
needs and retail shops available within 400m walking distance.
95% of residences to have access to employment and public institutional services by
public transport or bicycle or walk

24.7.3 Water supply

100% households to have direct water supply connections with the completion of
JICA project and other mini water supply schemes proposed in the master plan
135 liters of per capita per day supply of water
GIS based utility mapping and management to enable 100% metering of water
connections and 100% efficiency in collection of water related charges.

24.7.4 Solid Waste Management

To fill in the gap in centralized SWM system by promoting decentralized SWM
system and reduce reuse recycle strategy.

24.7.5 Storm water Drainage

100% coverage of road network with storm water drainage network is proposed in
the master plan
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Rain water harvesting made mandatory to most of the occupancy classes depending
on the area of the building.
Development of comprehensive data base on GIS platform on urgent basis

24.7.6 Electricity
100% households already have electricity connection
24x7 supply already achieved
100% metering of supply already achieved
GIS mapping of power utility proposed to ensure 100% recovery of cost and tariff
slabs that work towards minimizing waste

24.7.7 Telephone connection

Tele-density in the city is greater than 90% Expected to reach 100%

24.7.8 Wi-Fi connectivity

100% Wi-Fi connectivity proposed

24.7.9 Health care facilities

Bench marks regarding availability of health care facilities already achieved.

24.7.10 Education
Bench marks regarding availability of Educational facilities already achieved.

24.7.11 Fire fighting

In addition to the existing four fire stations four more stations are proposed so that
fire fighting facility is available within every 5-7km redius.

24.7.12 Others:
The master plan propose to study in detail on urgent basis, the potential of power
generation from renewable energy sources like wind, solar, biogass etc. and the
feasibility of various technologies.
Roof top solar panels on all Medical, Assembly and Residential buildings beyond a
certain size is already made mandatory. Besides a detailed study is proposed to
explore the possibility of extending this further.
Proposal for developing green building norms included in the master plan
Implementation of e-governance, double entry accounting and online public service
delivery system proposed

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Creation of a comprehensive data base and GIS mapping of utility networks,

Implementation of GIS & SCADA based utility management and on line complaint
redressal system proposed.

24.8 Phasing and Costing.

In this section, the approximate expenditure for implementation of development

proposals, the time period required for implementation and responsible agencies for
implementation are detailed.

Sl. Total in Implementation Responsible

No Crores Framework Agencies
Road widening and geometric
1 1094.00 2015-35 LSGI, PWD, NH
2 Segregation of traffic 100.00 2015-35
Mobility (transit) hub along
3 400.00 2015-25 LSGI
Designated lanes for Public
Transport (Buses) with low
4 40.00 2015-20 LSGI, PWD, NH
floor and Green Buses and
circular buses
Inland Waterway network in N-
5 S direction with connectivity to 200.00 2015-25
6 Light Metro 100.00 2015-25
7 Elevated Highways 180.00 2015-26 LSGI, PWD, NH
Seven bus terminals at
8 35.00 2015-20 LSGI, PWD
periphery and bus routing
9 Parking Plazas 55.00 2015-20 LSGI, PWD
10 Truck terminals 340.00 2020-25 LSGI, PWD

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11 Evacuation Route 35.00 2015-20 LSGI, PWD

12 Rail Extension 55.00 2018-25 STATE
13 Flyovers 150.00 2015-25 LSGI, PWD, NH
14 Railway overbridges 105.00 2015-25 STATE
15 Junction Improvement 100.00 2015-25 LSGI, PWD, NH
16 Auto Taxi Stand 1.50 2015-18 LSGI, PWD, NH
17 Bus Bay 35.00 2015-20 LSGI, PWD, NH
18 Green Walkway 15.00 2015-20 LSGI, NGO
19 Walkable commercial streets 5.00 2015-31 LSGI, NGO
20 Expansion of IT sector 500.00 2015-31
21 Knowledge Park 500.00 2015-19
Bronze and Clay Cottage LSGI,
22 0.50 2015-17
Industrial Cluster INDUSTRIES
Womens industrial cluster &
Centre to Promote Women LSGI,
23 20.00 2015-20
Entrepreneurship and Skills INDUSTRIES
24 Beypore Port development 800.00 2015-31
25 Uru making cluster 30.00 2015-19
26 Boat Making Cluster 20.00 2015-18
Revitalisation of Kallayi LSGI,
27 1.00 2015-19
Industrial Area INDUSTRIES

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Medium and Small Scale LSGI,

28 0.50 2015-20
Industrial Clusters INDUSTRIES
29 Industrial Estates 200.00 2015-20
30 Revitalisation of Big Basar area 50.00 2015-17 INDUSTRIES,
31 Walkable commercial streets 1.50 2015-20
Developing Geographical
32 Indications for Indigenous 0.10 2015-19 LSGI, NGO
33 Hawkers Zones 0.50 2015-20 LSGI, NGO
34 Indore Market 25.00 2018-20 LSGI, CDA
35 Tourism Master Plan 0.05 2015-17
Integrated Water taxi tourism DEPARTMENT,
36 1.00 2025-30
Elathur Backwater Tourism DEPARTMENT,
37 1.00 2015-19
38 Tourist Facilitation Centres 1.00 2015-17
Hydrofoil passenger service DEPARTMENT,
39 25.00 2015-17
from Beypore IRRIGATION

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40 Water Sports 1.50 2015-20
41 House Boats & Boating services 0.50 2015-20
Development of Sarovaram
42 BioPark & Kotooli Wetlands 1.00 2015-17
43 Island Tourism Project 1.00 2015-25
44 Water Theme Park 1.50 2015-17
45 Beach Development 1.00 2015-20
International Convention LSGI, TOURISM
46 100.00 2015-22
47 indigenous cuisine promotion 0.50 2025-30
48 Kadalundi Eco-tourism Cluster 1.00 2015-31
49 Marine Park 55.00 2015-20
50 Model Fishermen Village 10.00 2015-17

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Comprehensive Development PORT AND
51 200.00 2015-35
of Fisheries sector HARBOUR,
52 Fresh water Aquaculture farms 2.00 2015-17
Vitalise Thadambattuthazham LSGI,
53 urban agricultural wholesale 0.50 2015-17 AGRICULTURE
A comprehensive programme LSGI,
54 for strengthening the 30.00 2015-35 AGRICULTURE
agricultural sector DEPARTMENT
55 Godown (Cold Storage) 16.00 2015-19 AGRICULTURE
56 Floriculture Projects 1.00 2015-16 AGRICULTURE
Ground Water Recharge &
57 0.50 2015-19 AGRICULTURE
58 Hightech Farm 0.50 2015-25 AGRICULTURE
Animal Husbandry
Scientific Slaughter Houses and LSGI, ANIMAL
59 Meat Processing, Cold Storage 60.00 2015-20 HUSBANDRY
and Marketing Facilities DEPARTMENT
Development of District LSGI, ANIMAL
60 1.00 2015-19
Veterinary Hospital HUSBANDRY
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Water supply
JICA Water Supply Project
61 200.00 2020-31 AUTHORITY,
Identification and LSGI, WATER
62 Implementation of Small Scale 150.00 2015-25 AUTHORITY,
Water Supply Projects IRRIGATION
Waste /Pollution Management
Decentralised Solid Waste
63 0.10 2015-25 LSGI, NGO
Hi tech solid waste treatment
64 70.00 2015-30 LSGI, NGO
Full fedged service centre for
65 0.50 2015-19 LSGI, NGO
sanitation vehicles
66 Garbage Treatment Plant 28.00 2015-19 LSGI, NGO
67 Fish waste fertilzer plants 0.50 2015-19 LSGI, NGO
68 e-waste management facility 0.50 2015-19 LSGI, NGO
Plastic Waste Recycling Plant at
69 1.00 2015-19 LSGI, NGO
70 Scilence zone 1.00 2015-17
International Centre of DEPARTMENT,
71 350.00 2015-25
Excellence in Health STATE
Regional Institute for Research DEPARTMENT,
72 5.00 2015-20
and Services in Geriatric Care STATE

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Establishment of an Ayurveda DEPARTMENT,
73 100.00 2020-25
Medical College in Govt Sector STATE
Development of Govt Homeo DEPARTMENT,
74 50.00 2015-20
Medical College, Kozhikode STATE
Raising Beach Hospital & LSGI, HEALTH
Kottaparamaba Hospital to DEPARTMENT,
75 50.00 2015-25
satellite centres of Medical STATE
Relocation, Standardisation
76 and Improvement of Public 10.00 2015-19
Health Laboratory
Development of a research
77 centre and better infra for 10.00 2015-25
leprosy hospital
Public Health sector DEPARTMENT,
78 200.00 2015-2030
enhancement STATE
79 Global Health City 10.00 2015-30
80 Infrastructure Improvement 100.00 2015-25 DEPARTMENT,

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81 Educational Complex 300.00 2015-20 DEPARTMENT,
University Centre & Collegiate
82 13.00 2015-20 DEPARTMENT,
Education Centre
Relocation of Govt.
83 200.00 2015-19 DEPARTMENT,
Engineering College, Kozhikode
University for Folk & Fine Arts,
84 2.00 2015-25 DEPARTMENT,
Literature and Cultural Studies
Centre for integrated EDUCATION
85 development of Schooling Age 5.00 2015-21 DEPARTMENT,
Children STATE
86 Electricity Substations 450.00 2015-25 LSGI, KSEB
Energy Harvest from
87 0.05 2015-19 STATE
Renewable Energy Sources
88 Smart Grids 100.00 2015-30 LSGI, KSEB
89 Housing for Working Women 2.00 2015-25

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Slum Improvement Projects & LSGI, CDA,

90 250.00 2015-25
Rehabilitation of colonies KURDFC
91 SC Housing schemes 40.00 2015-25
92 International Sports Complex 500.00 2015-30
93 Recreation Complex Paroppadi 100.00 2015-30
94 Sports Complex 0.50 2015-30
95 Indoor stadium 25.00 2015-19
96 Swimming & Football Schools 1.00 2015-20
97 New parks/Recreation Facilities 425.00 2015-20
Development of Existing Parks DEPARTMENT,
98 3.00 2015-20
/ Recreation facilities STATE
Other Civic Amenities

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99 Fire Stations 4.00 2015-30 RESCUE
New Crematoriums and
100 Modernisation of Existing 26.00 2015-20 LSGI
101 Community Halls 18.00 2015-20 LSGI
102 Government Offices Complex 20.00 2020-30 LSGI, PWD
103 Night Shelter 5.00 2015-19 LSGI, PWD
104 Disaster management plan 0.10 2015-20 LSGI, PWD
Empowerment of Women and Socially Marginalised
Friendly transportation &
105 amenities for Women, Elderly 10.00 2015-30 LSGI, PWD
and Differently-abled
Development of IMHANS - DEPARTMENT,
106 100.00 2015-25
Centre of Excellence STATE
Centre for integrated
107 development for differently 5.00 2015-20
abled children.
Special Schools in Government
108 50.00 2015-22 DEPARTMENT,
Day care homes for elderly -
109 'Pakal Veedu' along with 10.00 2015-22

Homes for Elderly in Govt LSGI, HEALTH

110 1.00 2015-20 DEPARTMENT,

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Pain & Palliative, Geriatric Care DEPARTMENT,
111 0.50 2015-20
centres STATE
Culture & Heritage
112 Cultural Square at Mananchira 30.00 2015-20 LSGI
113 International Cultural centre 10.00 2015-20 LSGI, NGO
114 Conservation of Tippus Fort 55.00 2015-17 ARCHAEOLOGY
Archives of International LSGI, ARCHIEVES
115 1.00 2016-20
Conservation of Old Sea
116 0.50 2015-20 ARCHAEOLOGY
Bridges of Kozhikode
117 SM Street heritage project 10.00 2015-17 ARCHAEOLOGY
118 Revival of Revathi Pattathanam 0.50 2015-17 ARCHAEOLOGY
Environment & biodiversity conservation
119 Kadalundy Jaiva Gramam 15.00 2015-20 AGRICULTURE
Development and
Management of Community
120 1.00 2015-19 DEPARTMENT,
Mangroves Reserve at

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Pondu and Sacred groves
121 180.00 2015-25 DEPARTMENT,
Development of Botanical
122 50.00 2020-25 DEPARTMENT,
Development of Hortus
123 0.80 2015-17 DEPARTMENT,
Malabaricus Sasya Sarvaswam
Kottooli Wetlands
124 220.00 2015-20 DEPARTMENT,
Management Plan
Revitalisation of Streams &
125 1.10 2015-22 DEPARTMENT,
Integrated CRZ Implementation
126 0.20 2015-17 DEPARTMENT,
Plan for Kozhikode Urban Area
Comprehensive Improvement
127 25.00 2015-30 LSGI
in Governance
128 e-Governance 0.50 2015-25 LSGI
Urban Planning & Design

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129 Detailed Alignment of Roads 0.80 2015-17
130 Area Development Plans 1.30 2015-20
131 Urban Renewal 6.00 2015-20
Area development plans for PLANNING
132 0.20 2015-20
nearby development centres DEPARTMENT,
Heritage Zone and Building DEPARTMENT,
133 0.10 2015-18
Management Plan CDA, LSGI,
Planned public spaces and PLANNING
134 0.25 2015-24
street furniture DEPARTMENT,
135 Development Assistance Utility 1.00 2015-30
Total 10320.15

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Town and Country Planning Department, Government of Kerala

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