T&P Magazine May 2017

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May 2017

Extract from the article by Avv. Salvatore Trifir published

in AIDP's online magazine
By Salvatore Trifir

In the last ten years, there had been numerous reforms

described as revolutionary. The D.lgs n. 276/2003 (also
known as legge Biagi) might have been the first reform
which consciously introduced the equation between
flexibility and employment incentives. It did so, by either
regulating ex novo or renewing preexisting law
institutions. The reason behind this reform lies on the
assumption that with less strict rules for employers and
with less protection for the worker, the employment rate
would increase. The underlying assumption is that unemployment is largely linked to the over-protection of
workers, both during the work relationship management and at its termination. Another alleged reason is
that permanent subordinate employment is unable to fulfill the need for elasticity requested in modern
business organizations.

Biagis Reform had been followed by others which have always maintained this guiding principle to
intervene on special and atypical models of employment relationships and, at the same time, to introduce
hiring incentives.

In 2010, it was the turn of "Collegato Lavoro" (Linked Work) (L. November 4, 2010, No. 183) which introduced
ex art. 32 the dual burden of appealing and of lodging the application within a time limit for both layoffs
and transfers. Then, the idea bloomed with Forneros Law (L. June 28, 2012, No. 92) and, subsequently, with
Jobs Act (L. December 10, 2014, No. 183).

Thus, the legislator overcame the taboo present in art. 18, by eliminating the right to reintegration into the
workplace, except for cases of unlawful layoffs or of absence of the disputed fact. By now, reintegration can
be said to be virtual, given that reintegrated workers opt for the monetary solution in the 99% of the cases.

Even though these reforms have partially brought a positive result, they are developed on a fideistic view of
the labor market. View according to which to reverse the negative trend of employment, it is sufficient to
reduce employers risks related to layoffs.

However, companies hire when the demand for their products and services increases. If there is not demand,
easing layoffs and the possibility of using precarious contractual forms cannot reverse a trend that depends
on different factors, but contributes to create precariousness and demotivation. To increase employment,
demand in the internal market must increase.
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To achieve this goal, flexibility (sometimes used as synonym of precariousness) is not the right tool. Domestic
demand is fostered by reducing labor costs. And labor costs must not be reduced by dropping workers' wages,
but by cutting the tax wedge. All this, through granting benefits to both companies and workers.

This strategy increases the circulation of money and thus launches a virtuous circle which can give new start
to the economy and to consumption. With this in mind, even self-employed work now demonized could
turn out to be a useful tool towards development and flexibility. Tool much more valuable than many atypical
work contracts in use nowadays. In fact, self-employed work both allows workers to better coordinate their
professional duties and their life needs and, usually, it provides higher earnings than the common employee-
based work relationship.

At the end, we still witness the presence of an unsustainable tax wedge and a vast and inefficient public
spending. Without structural spending review in this sphere, any intervention on labor law cannot effectively
support economical resumption.

Privacy: at the one-year point 2018, the new EU rules

entered into force
Pending the entry into force in all EU countries
of the new European Personal Data Protection
Regulations, the Guarantor continues his
consultative work in the field of employment

In fact, privacy legislation often intersects the

rules governing the employment relationship:
for example, the application of a disciplinary
measure presupposes the processing of the personal data of employees. Even workers behaviour outside the
scope of their job may involve the handling of sensitive personal data (breach of trust).

In the event of a disciplinary complaint against the employee on the basis of reports from company suppliers,
the Guarantor, pursuant to Art 7 Privacy Code, has recognized the right of the worker to know the identity
of third party signalers". Again, the Guarantor of 22 December 2016 on the Employer's intrusion into the
former employee's email account stated that it was not in accordance with the principles of necessity,
pertinence and surplus, the ten-year retention on corporate employees of the former employee's personal
data. Not only that: the legislature, meanwhile, with the Jobs Act has modified Art. 4 of the Workers Statute
of Rights by allowing the employer to measure and evaluate employee performance (always respecting
privacy) acquired via Smartphone.

By 25 May 2018, the current Privacy Code will be replaced by the European Regulations (otherwise,
regulatory coordination will be required) and in any case we believe that all companies with head offices in
the EU will have to adapt their policies on Privacy and related IT systems to the new EU legislation, staff
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directors, internal business lawmakers and lawyers will be involved in this issue. Public administrations will
have to comply with many of these requirements, including non-compliance with sanctions, applicable to
private individuals. Regulations in their best deal with astonishing figures: 20 million euros or 4% of total

Other important changes introduced by the new legislation will be the identification of the "supervisor and/or
data controller", better known as the Data Protection Officer (DPS). The DPA may be an employee or
collaborator of the company and will have precise tasks such as informing employees about rights and
obligations of the Privacy Act, verifying the implementation of laws, supervising employees and acting as a
contact point with the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.

From 2018, maybe, we will feel more European?

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