Automatic Generation Control
Automatic Generation Control
Automatic Generation Control
2.1 Introduction
The main objective of power system operation and control is to maintain continuous
supply of power with an acceptable quality, to all the consumers in the system. The
system will be in equilibrium, when there is a balance between the power demand and the
power generated. As the power in AC form has real and reactive components: the real
power balance; as well as the reactive power balance is to be achieved.
There are two basic control mechanisms used to achieve reactive power balance
(acceptable voltage profile) and real power balance (acceptable frequency values). The
former is called the automatic voltage regulator (AVR) and the latter is called the
automatic load frequency control (ALFC) or automatic generation control (AGC).
The stabilizing compensator shown in the diagram is used to improve the dynamic
response of the exciter. The input to this block is the exciter voltage and the output is a
stabilizing feedback signal to reduce the excessive overshoot.
The performance of the AVR loop is measured by its ability to regulate the terminal
voltage of the generator within prescribed static accuracy limit with an acceptable speed
of response. Suppose the static accuracy limit is denoted by Ac in percentage with
reference to the nominal value. The error voltage is to be less than (Ac/100)|V|ref.
From the block diagram, for a steady state error voltage e;
e = |V|ref - |V|t < |V|ref
G( s)
e = |V|ref - |V|t = |V|ref - |V|ref
1 + G( s)
G( s)
= {1- }|V|ref
1 + G( s)
For constant input condition, (s0)
G( s) G ( 0)
e = {1- }|V|ref = {1 - }|V|ref
1 + G( s) 1 + G ( 0)
1 1
= |V|ref = |V|ref
1 + G ( 0) 1+ K
where, K= G(0) is the open loop gain of the AVR. Hence,
1 Ac 100
|V|ref < |V|ref or K>{ - 1}
1+ K 100 Ac
Example1: Find the open loop gain of an AVR loop if the static accuracy required is 3%.
100 100
Solution: Given Ac = 3%. K > { - 1}= K > { - 1} = 32.33. Thus, if the
Ac 3
open loop gain of the AVR loop is greater than 32.33, then the terminal voltage will be
within 3% of the base voltage.
The turbine can be modeled as a first order lag as shown in the Fig2.6
Pm (s) K
Gt (s) = = t
PV (s) 1+ sTt
Gt(s) is the TF of the turbine; PV(s) is the change in valve output (due to action).
Pm(s) is the change in the turbine output
Fig2.6. The turbine model.
The governor can similarly modeled as shown in Fig2.7. The output of the governor is by
Pg = Pref where Pref is the reference set power, and /R is the power given
by governor speed characteristic. The hydraulic amplifier transforms this signal Pg into
valve/gate position corresponding to a power PV. Thus PV(s) = ( Kg/(1+sTg))Pg(s).
In the steady state, the ALFC is in open state, and the output is obtained by substituting
s0 in the TF.
With s0, Gg(s) and Gt(s) become unity, then, (note that Pm =PT = PG = Pe = PD ;
That is turbine output = generator/electrical output = load demand)
Pm = Pref (1/R) or Pm = Pref (1/R)f
When the generator is connected to infinite bus (f = 0, and V = 0), then Pm = Pref .
If the network is finite, for a fixed speed changer setting (Pref = 0), then
Pm = (1/R)f or f = -R Pm.
If the frequency dependent load is present, then
Pm = Pref (1/R +D)f or f =
D + 1/ R
If there are more than one generator present in the system, then
Pm. eq = Pref.eq (D + 1/Req)f
where, Pm. eq = Pm1 + Pm2 + Pm.3 +.
Pref. eq = Pref1 + Pref2 + Pref3 +..
1/Req = (1/R1 +1/R2 +1/R2 +.)
The quantity = (D + 1/Req) is called the area frequency (bias) characteristic (response)
or simply the stiffness of the system.
PD1 2
and P12 =
1 + 2
where, 1 and 2 are the composite frequency response characteristic of Area1 and Area 2
respectively. An increase of load in area1 by PD1 results in a frequency reduction in both
areas and a tie-line flow of P12. A positive P12 is indicative of flow from Area1 to Area
2 while a negative P12 means flow from Area 2 to Area1. Similarly, for a change in Area
PD 2
2 load by PD2, we have f =
1 + 2
PD 2 1
and P12 = P21 =
1 + 2
Frequency bias tie line control
The tie line deviation reflects the contribution of regulation characteristic of one area to
another. The basic objective of supplementary control is to restore balance between each
area load generation. This objective is met when the control action maintains
Frequency at the scheduled value
Net interchange power (tie line flow) with neighboring areas at the scheduled
The supplementary control should ideally correct only for changes in that area. In other
words, if there is a change in Area1 load, there should be supplementary control only in
Area1 and not in Area 2. For this purpose the area control error (ACE) is used (Fig2.9).
The ACE of the two areas are given by
For area 1: ACE1 = P12 + 1f
The regulation constant R is negative of the slope of the f verses pm curve of
the turbine-governor control. The unit of R is Hz/MW when f is in Hz and pm is
in MW. When f and pm are in per-unit, R is also in per-unit.
The area frequency characteristic is defined as = {1/(D+1/R)}, where D is the
frequency damping factor of the load. The unit of is MW/Hz when f is in Hz
and pm is in MW. If f and pm are in per unit, then is also in per unit.
Ex 1. A 500 MVA, 50 Hz, generating unit has a regulation constant R of 0.05 p.u. on its
own rating. If the frequency of the system increases by 0.01 Hz in the steady state, what
is the decrease in the turbine output? Assume fixed reference power setting.
Solution: In p.u. f = 0.01/50 = 0.0002 p.u.
With pref = 0, pm = -1/R(f) = - 0.004 p.u.
Hence, pm = -0.004 Sbase = - 2 MW.
Ex. 2. An interconnected 60 Hz power system consists of one area with three generating
units rated 500, 750, and 1000 MVA respectively. The regulation constant of each unit is
R= 0.05 per unit on its own rating. Each unit is initially operating at one half of its rating,
when the system load suddenly increases by 200MW. Determine (i) the area frequency
response characteristic on a 1000 MVA system base, (ii) the steady state frequency
deviation of the area, and (iii) the increase in turbine power output.
Regulation constants on common system base are (Rpu new = R pu old ( Sbase new/Sbase old):
R1 = 0.1; R2 = 0.0667; and R3 = 0.05.
Hence = (1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3) = 45 per unit.
Neglecting losses and frequency dependence of the load, the steady state frequency
deviation is f = (-1/)pm = -4.444 x10 -3 per unit = (-4.444 x10 -3 )60 = - 0.2667 Hz.
Ex.3. A 60 Hz, interconnected power system has two areas. Area1 has 2000 MW
generation and area frequency response of 700 MW/Hz. Area 2 has 4000 MW generation
and area frequency response of 1400 MW/Hz. Each area is initially generating half of its
rated generation, and the tie-line deviation is zero at 60 Hz when load in Area1 is
suddenly increases by 100 MW. Find the steady state frequency error and tie line error of
the two areas. What is the effect of using AGC in this system?
In the steady state, f = (-1/) pm = {pm / -(1 + 2)} = ( -100/2100) = - 0.0476 Hz.
Assuming pref = 0,
pm1 = -1 f = 33.33 MW; and pm2 = -2 f = 66.67 MW.
Thus in response to 100 MW change in Area1, both areas will change their generation.
The increase in Area 2 generation will now flow through tie line to Area1.