Computer-Aided Design and Applications
Computer-Aided Design and Applications
Computer-Aided Design and Applications
To cite this article: Z. Fabio A. Bernal, Rojo V. Alejandro & Tornero M. Josep (2012) Application of NX Knowledge Fusion
module for the Design Automation of an Automotive Painting Defects Inspection Tunnel, Computer-Aided Design and
Applications, 9:5, 655-664
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This article shows the application of Knowledge Based Engineering (KBE) methodology
for the design automation of the structure of an automotive painting defects
inspection tunnel. A previous work reached the design automation through the data
transfering from Spreadsheets to Siemens NX CAD software using applications
programmed with Visual Basic. With the application of KBE, it was possible to control
the geometrical features of every part in the tunnel, to properly manage the
component addition to the assembly and to reach a direct interaction between the
designer and the CAD tunnel model in a new and more insightful manner. The
presented work was developed through Knowledge Fusion (KF), a Siemens NX module
which is based in Knowledge Based Engineering (KBE).
representation (classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, etc.). Because KBE systems are closely
linked to the functionality of CAD packages, such knowledge may be interpreted by the system to
generate product information and 3D models, drawings and others [2].
The necessary knowledge for the design process of a product can be found in several forms such as
spreadsheets, books, engineering formulas, drawings, documents or rules of thumb based on the
opinion of the Engineer. A KBE system is capable of creating and referencing that knowledge and
makes it available as an aid to the engineering process through software tools. Adding this knowledge
to the CAD modeling of a product as a result gives us a virtual prototype, which has all the geometric
characteristics or attributes of the product as well as non-geometric attributes such as materials,
mass properties, stress and deflection characteristics, etc. Once the prototype is created, it can be
used by designers to assess the success of the design and modify settings if necessary. The product
model represents the engineering intent behind the geometric design. The information contained in
this includes physical attributes such as geometry, material and functional restrictions [1].
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With the implementation of KBE systems it is possible to reduce the time spent in the design stage of a
part. Examples of this are the application developed to reduce time of silencers design made by the
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Manitoba, Canada,
where they can reduce design time from one day to few minutes [3] and the work done in the design of
a jet engine to Purdue University in conjunction with Rolls-Royce where reduction obtained in time is
88% [4]. Reduction on time in the design stage occurs through automation of routine processes. These
processes are tasks whose content can be rules that represent the range of application of the task.
Rules can be divided into four categories [1]: a) The heuristics, which include experimental rules of
thumb and best practices. These rules are of type if (true condition) then (recommended action) which
means that if the rule is accomplished by changing the initial data, the input data for the model will be
changed. b) The empirical, based on experimentally obtained curves c) The legislative constrains,
which are covered by laws or standards of engineering and d) The physics, based on numerical models
which are usually solved in spreadsheets.
KBE answers questions that traditional CAD systems to date have not been able to address, such as
knowing the rationale behind the design, identify whether they have violated design constraint,
determine the cost of the product, analyze the possibility of manufacturing a part, knowing whether a
particular piece to meet expectations of performance or if a design is optimal or there are other
alternatives [5],[6]. The gradual introduction of KBE technology from environments such as aerospace
and automotive industry to other sectors of smaller volume has led to recognition of KBE systems as
an emerging technology with the capacity to provide competitive advantages for the manufacturing
industry [7].
KF is usable from NX and allows rules creation for catch the design intentions that can be used in
order to control the product design. The KF applications are designed with the intention to reduce the
time and make a standardization of the design process, allowing the definition of a specific form to
analyze or build and giving the opportunity to improve the work continuously.
KF has the control capability of the micro level of product development by using the obtained entries
and handle it at macro level. This is possible by the combination of the generative modeling
technology and a powerful system of knowledge bases.
Generative modeling creates geometries using a series of equations and defined geometric operations.
Therefore, a sequence of process steps is used to define the geometry. Basic geometric forms and its
operators can be combined between them or with other one with the intention to create a huge variety
of complex forms and operations. Those can be used also as entries for forms and operations even
more complex. On the KBE context, these steps can be considered as rules that are used to create
geometries and also for carry out operations on the geometry.
The capability of generative modeling for manipulate geometric entities at micro level (lowest level of
component design including primitive geometries) and the potential of the systems based on
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knowledge of implement automation on the products development using entries of macro level (user
entries like final user requirements) can be combined to develop powerful tools that have the qualities
of an ideal KBE application.
KF allows the creation of rules that carry out several operations. For example, the rules can be: Create
geometries, carry out operations, handle expressions, connect to a database and generate designs
based on this information, handle User Defined Features, create assemblies, generate structural or
movement analysis on automatic way, generate personalized reports on different formats and upload
it to internet and automatically generate CAM operations.
KF programmers can create their own classes (user classes) using the system classes and can bring to
a high grade the product development automation. KF language has three characteristics that define
its performance and are explained below [5]:
Declarative and Demand Driven: The Knowledge Fusion language is declarative, rather than
procedural, which means that the rules can be written without regard for order. The Knowledge Fusion
system determines the correct rule firing sequence driven by the dependencies between the rules. Like
a spreadsheet, formulas do not have to be written in any particular order. If another formula is
referenced (demanded), the system automatically finds and executes it.
Object Oriented: Like modern computing languages, such as C++, the Knowledge Fusion language is
object oriented. There are classes and objects (instances), and there are multiple inheritances. A class
is the abstraction of objects that have the same characteristics. For example, a block is a class of
geometries that are commonly in cubic shape, and have length, width and height attributes. An object
is a specific instance of a class. e.g., when you create a block object, you specify the values of its
length, width and height to instantiate a specific instance of the block class. You can create as many
block objects (instances) as you want, like block1, block2, block3, etc. They can have different
dimensions but they all belong to the same block class. The process of creating object from a class is
called instantiation.
Hierarchical: In much the same way engineers think about designing products, in Knowledge Fusion.
Components are built into sub-assemblies and sub-assemblies are combined to become assemblies
and here is consistent treatment at all levels.
The development of 2D and 3D CAD modeling tools has been focused to support the engineering
design, however, its essence is based on geometry and have evolved into design automation
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(Parametric Design). In the conventional CAD software includes basic options that are close to this
philosophy, which are just values that can be referenced by its name, so that they can relate, operate
numerically and logically, etc. The potential of design rules that can be implemented using KBE
methodology is far superior to working with Parametric Design. With the new KBE modules included in
the CAD tools, it does have control of that is called non-geometric knowledge of product design. This
analysis aspect of the design process has been commonly managed using procedural languages like
FORTRAN, Pascal or C. Procedural languages are powerful tools for engineering analysis applications,
but have no inherent geometry [1],[8].
1.4.3 Structure
To support all the systems mentioned, the tunnel has a structure made of Aluminum. The structure
has a fixed part where is mounted the images acquisition system and a mobile part where is mounted
the illumination system.
1.5 Justification
The dimension of the tunnel structure and the position of its components are determined by the body
that is going to be inspected. Each body has different dimensions and different forms of the metal
sheet. The purpose of the cameras is to take images of light reflection on the body, process it, and
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detect the variations on the reflection form which means that there is a painting defect. Taking in
account this situation, the lights and cameras position is going to be different with each body
inspected because the cameras have to be positioned in a correct way to take a proper image to the
light reflection on the body.
When a new inspection tunnel is going to be developed, the first issue that has to be solved is the
cameras and lights position which are based on the bodys geometry. The cameras position is going to
define the external structure position and its dimensions and the lights position is going to define the
internal structure position and its dimensions (Figure 1). The issue is that the lights and cameras
position is not so easy to determine because there are three variables that have to be combined: the
body types that are going to be inspected in the tunnel, the camera focal angle and the light reflection.
In order to avoid the try and error procedure, is necessary to run CAE simulations of different
configurations of the three variables. Every change is a different tunnel configuration and is necessary
to run a lot of simulations in order to found the best cameras position and tunnel configuration.
The inspection tunnel design that is already installed in Almussaffes was performed using Excel
spreadsheets where are made the math calculations of a geometrical parameterization of the internal
structure and were developed Visual Basic applications to transfer this data from the Excel files to NX6
and thereby generate the tunnel CAD model. With the CAD data, other Visual Basic applications are
run to simulate the tunnel operation and obtain the images of the light reflections on the body. This
procedure has to be repeated until find the better lights and cameras position. For every configuration,
the designer has to modify the input parameters on the Excel spreadsheets and run the Visual Basic
The Visual Basic applications were developed for NX6.0 and have to be modified if wants to use it in
NX7.0 or NX7.5
With the intention to update the developments to NX7.5 avoiding the use of additional software such
as Excel and Visual Basic, have a more direct interaction between the designer and the tunnel CAD
model and knowing that it is a project that contains the ideal characteristics to break into the KBE
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application development, arises from the IDF and the CIMA the KBE application development using NX
KF module through which the structure of a new inspection tunnel could be designed, replacing the
Visual Basic application programmed and maintaining the current working conditions.
To develop the KF application, the work already done by the IDF was taken as a reference and from the
KF module all the modeling of the parts that make up the tunnel and its assembly was performed
The work developed was just the initial part of a bigger project which wants to automate the tunnel
design beginning just with the body geometry as an input parameter. This project is focused on the
design automation of the internal structure of the inspection tunnel taking as an input parameter the
lights and cameras position.
The first action to develop the KF application was to redefine the geometric parameterization which
was previously defined based on the dimensions from the geometric center, assuming the vertical and
horizontal symmetry, the verticality of tubes number 1 and 5 and horizontality of tubes number 3 and
7 (Figure 2).
The new parameterization was defined with the Y and Z axis position of the initial point of the light
tube and its inclination angle permitting a higher versatility of the lights positioning (Figure 3).
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The Knowledge Fusion application development process was divided into 3 stages:
The first stage was the Modeling where with the use of the KF module tools were developed just nine
User Classes to define each of the 31 pieces that make up the tunnel structure. Its performance shows
the software capability to recycling design. The User Classes are a Group of System Classes and/or User
Classes that are controlled by input parameters in form of Attributes. In this case, the input
parameters are the geometric dimensions and physical properties of every part of the tunnel structure.
The second stage was the Assembly. In a NX file, Attributes were declared containing some of the
mathematical calculations that before were made by the Excel spreadsheets. This information is
transferred as a value to the Attributes of the User Classes that defines each piece of the tunnel
structure and that were developed in the previous stage. This transfering is reached through a Child
Rule called ug_child_in_part. A Child Rule is a special Attribute which instantiate a User/System Class
and generates a CAD data of the part which dimensions depends on the value of its Attributes. In this
manner, the parts geometry of the tunnel structure is controlled by the mathematical calculations
made by the software. In the same way, through the Child Rule called ug_component, the addition of
assembly components was controlled.
The last stage was the Interface. In this stage, a User Interface was developed using the NX software
tool UIS (User Interface Styler). This tool allows designing a dialog box where the tunnel designer
enters the initial parameters that for this work are the lights and cameras positions. The Interface
designed was performed with the intention that the designer have in one place access to all options to
make changes on the CAD model of the internal structure tunnel (Figure 4).
In the developed Interface, further than the designer can define a new inspection tunnel through the
lights and cameras positioning, also can modify the cross section and the material of the internal
structure elements, select from a catalogue the type of light tube that want to use, define the arcs
quantity that want to model and controlling the visibility of every light tube in order to allow a partial
simulation for example just for laterals or the roof.
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The design scheme that was followed for the KF implementation in this work is shown in Figure 5.
There is observed that the communication way between the designer and the software Interface was
developed using the UIS tool. All information entered in the Interface is translated into a User Class
called "tunnel" and stored in its Attributes. The "tunnel" Class is instantiated into a NX file in which the
CAD model of the internal structure tunnel is generated. In this Class, there are other Attributes that
contain the other part of the mathematical calculations of the parameterization and the design rules
of the tunnel.
2.1 Results
Once the KF application was developed, it was implemented and it is currently being used by the IDF
to do the modeling and simulation of inspection tunnels that are planned to implement in different
automobiles production plants.
For CIMA, the knowledge gained can expand work opportunities within the design and manufacturing
of components research line.
The implementation of the KF application allowed to automate the design of the moving structure of
the defects inspection tunnel and therefore provides a direct communication interface between the
designer and the tunnel CAD model by reducing the time spent in the design process.
With this development it was possible to migrate to NX the work that had been done in Excel and
eliminate the need to develop Visual Basic applications. Having the information and calculations of the
tunnel structure stored within NX ensures that at least as long as no radical changes in the functioning
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of the Software, the work done can be used and complemented in later versions of NX. The early
development of the application was made in NX7 and completed in NX7.5 and found no problem
whatsoever with the software versions change.
Although during the application development there were some problems with KF module operation,
especially with the development of User Classes, at the end of the application it was possible to obtain
100% module usage. With KBE methodologies implementation in the tunnel structure design, now it is
possible to obtain information from non-geometric parameters of the tunnel such as the total weight
of the structure. This information for the previous development was unknown to the designer.
During the KF application development it was experienced that using the module is not as intuitive
and friendly as other NX modules, it is essential to know at least the bases of object-oriented
programming to be followed for applications development. Operations such as Blends or extrusions in
KF require more time than is used in the CAD module for the same operations.
As new versions of NX are developed, more operations are integrated to KF module, to date, NX7.5
version still fails KF full integration with other software modules. Because of this, when developing
applications, you may find some limitations. An example is the creation of Sketches. KF does not have
a specific class to control the elements found in a sketch and it is necessary to resort to the
Expressions for its control.
Despite the limitations that may have the module, KF allows us to reach levels that with CAD module
is not possible to achieve. The additional time spent on the KF application development is offset by
the reduction in time achieved with design reuse.
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